Iciammaivo - rig PUBLISHED BY WHITE 6. CO ."PII'D4DSD.I3I 4 GLEI 4 .. - SATURDAY ritouruNd, DE9. 9, 1848. ILWILADELPHIA NOWI'll AMERICAS. Moo rtiommom ardUntmc nrdon to-tio, North Amer eon and United Stete• Galena, Thitndeliddi,reeetaesi and beemded from Misoffiee. —— _ CWILILERCIA L MST AND PHILADEIL. PIIIA PRICE 111713111EdNT. goimeriodous to Ibis valuable *pip mill be received imdformarded from this oNce. NEW YOBS Expanse. We will receive sad, forward fret of expense, ad wertiserneuessad subscriptions for rids paper. 'figt.PErllllll766l3 DAILT Gassrra I. published 13 -Weekly, end Weekly.—The Daily is Seven M anntoty the Tri-Weekty is Five Dollars per annesei the Weekly is Tani Draws per eninarb rtriesiy Esschresuat' ErrAtnnirnito ate earnestly requested to hand In tar &Feta before 3r. and as only in the dir araeticable. Advertisements a ge dted Cora ape.- lad thus Will Invariably bet ntil ordered out. flcia Lan= Commercial latelligerice,Dommac, Mar ket, River Neva, Imports, Money Mutsu, &c. nee gird page- . Nee malt page far Telegraphic Nears Tnx-lihrrum Dprount—We have given our readers the substance of the arguments, on both sides, in, this Interesting ease, which Is attracting wide agreed attention. Since the close of the ar. guments, the letters which peened between the parties daring several years of their estrangement and separation, have been published. This doe umentary evidence is voluminoga, end pre. meats a painful picture of h \wdehips, mental suffer big, and petty annoyance and tyranny. No one. we think, can read these letters, without being as favorably impressed with the fine power!, of mind, the intelligence, the warm, wifedike feelings of the lady, as disgusted with the heartless tyranny, and unfeeling frigidity of the husband. Miss ,Fanny Kimble, was thrown away upon such a Mtn as Pierce Butler, whose principal re commendation seem to be, that he Mrich. Their ilispiwitions, and habits of thought and sympathies are wholly dissimilar. She is the trusting, deeme ed, within hearted, intelligent wife, and fond mo ther. The letters exhibit him as cold, tyrannical. exacting, andigefeeling. The conditions he com pelled her to sign, after a long estrangement, be fore she could be permitted to return to his house, and enjoy the society of her children, were of the meet cruel character, and which nothing mold have induced any woman of spirit' to submit to, except a yearning for the society oilier. offspring. Mr. Butler founds hie plea for a divorce upon the voluntary. absence of his wife from his home for two yawl. Mrs. Butler admits the' absence, but denies-that it was voluntary, bat thh result of the cruel treatment of her 'pinhead, and the 'earth of his own wishes and procurement The judges have the cue under advisement, and it is not improbable It will, result in a jary trial. The case is ens of great moment, an vitally ef. tenting the marriage relations, and we trust it will be weighed with all the care its importance tattle well being of society demands. The Gauge arknowledres furnishing ens reentry paper with the message before famishing his subset, bets, and assign as a reason for re doing _that the country paper pail:lbl= for IL From this it may be in. ferredrhat ma city sabscnbens do not pay him. The Grime complains that ars takelus Telegraplie NOWS.RilitOtltClodiL If he will show ias any each, rive" right search matter he shrill have ereteriee ere& t for bra the same news appears in all the morning wipers, apparently from the same source, and all " ea. astvely for each poper..es if no other one got rt k might he thought a hide singular too, ten oar very grave neighbor should say this in a number el his pa per that rentable nearly a C0i1113,113 of original matter taken from the Ameriean of the day before, word' for erord s ttat widwat a word of credo. .But we never complain oleos by the G.ette.—dmerscon. 1. Iris untrue that we assigned as a reason (or supplying one country paper before delivering the 1, message to our subscriber., that we were pouf for I it. We assigned no sorb reason. 2. We can show that we hay/ "exclusive right to the telegraphic intelligence in our columns. lt is telegraphed and furnished for t his paper each,. I shell, and at our exclusive expense. 3. The .original matter" 'taken from the Amer icas's^ "without a word of credit," was the proceed fags of , Couneds, published by authority, and fur nished by the -", 01 Councils., The editor of. the American bat no more right to a credit for IL than be hasior an advertisement copied from his Columns. A paper has a right to cleansed and re weireattedit toe whatever original Rst.ter or neves is tarnished by its enterprise, its itidustry; or its expense, exclusively for its own use. When we Imps any thing which comes ender -toy of those, heads from the American, it al:imitative full credit. 3, The Legislature of North' Carolina met at &sleigh, N. C., on the 27th ult. Governor Gre.haen sent in his biennial menage, in which he slates that although the resources of the State hove been sufficient to uphold its credit, yet little or nothing has boon done towards extinguishing ttie permanent debt of the 03mmonweabh. The revenue for the present year amounts to 596,601 69, which if ran. od to itoo,ooo bekire its close, will leave a deftest 41140,000, to meet which he suggests additional tax to those already laid. Ho urges the adoption of now =IS More effective system of internal provemeisi, and especially advocatesthe construe• thin tailttnid from Raleigh to Charlene, a dm tancs 4160 miles, al a cost of 56,000,000. He gives notice 'that Mr. BAlGilell term as Senator will ex pirsron the dth of Margin next and that the Lego, lannelmast. choose a successor to him. A recom• menittifon is made for the institution of an eaten sive Geological survey of the State, and also a sur vey aad.lrataediate sale of the State lands. Caummein.—Tbe settlement of the slave question ' California will hardly need the interposition of eagteas• The discovery of the gold region will dank the question as rapidly as fleets laden with human beings can be wafted by propitious - mss to that negion of gold dust, and wild ad venture. In all aurae pans, companies are form. ing, and vessels fitting out (or that distant port of our dominions; and soon there will be enough of fine whites there to form two or three nams.— This buss settled the question of Slavery. There wilt be no more slavery them than in Massachu setts.. But a fewsews will pass away before Cal iforstis wlllibe a great commercial State and con tain a Imp popolationd T r uz lirrr .rat, Rem Boas.—Our readers will dnd the proceedings of a spirited rail read meet. Us, lately held in Salem, Ohio, to soother column. TBey soil sea that the people along the line ore taking hall of the work in good earnest. It in woalby of note, also, that the firer day of the wenn of Congress, =dice was given of ire verol btlisto great &mations &lead to roll roads in lad, nits and Pliriois; and, among others, to the Lome- Wilk and Allan route. We hope the friends of the Pittsburgh and Central Ohio route will not be ba llad in nip laudable endeavor to appropriate the petblic bud to * good pnrpoie. Let our route he ineorponsed in the bill, and then posh it through. W.pearestit bow mai:wail loads are made. The Ceitrn the boner. norlAttarton.—We were roue surposed yasksrday,in looking aver . Oor paper of Thursday, to And an **Le reflecting .anon the religious be lief of s large class d oar fellow citizens- Our fie&snimbaing short of matter, in making up his forma afer the severe labor Osw bends had been widened to In setting op the Message, had har ems& from a piper printed in the same building , aid being lead wary by the title of the artile—Nan elinste--vras as ignorant as oneself of tha contents. We waken a rule not to assail ttuimligion.s opine icon of any Chris:nut denomtnation—tt is not our plOTtare—xod we cannot but express regret at Sae OCCUrrenCsa _ _ Gar. Jamorron arm FAMILY, says the Kittanning Foss Piro, .Idl oar village last week, to take up their residence in flarrisburg.—However mach his qld segigbboes and friends here may mimeo at the, huge confensd upon their toworman by the people iof Piltalleylettall, yet there are bat very dew althea, irk) would net rather have wen him and hi. fern- OF ?amain to their midst. The feeling of personal "Mom and attachment, than manifested, epeaks iaLogaage Wronger than words can convey, the high esticaue in which they were hatl in this coin !Mae Tin Glevavurverr Eaviraan.—The progress .0( tkeGavemusent Expecte which run from the coy a Washington to New York on Tuesday with the WeideErt's Pdossoge, was very rapid It left liraakiagton at 12 o'clock, 11 mitottoo—ronottod Pidladelptdo bo'cicOt, 17 minoterand arrived is I4av► ,Yo,tit at /A i Da) before eight o'clocb— slots caking the =tins rtto between Washington isitd Kw York in 7 boars and 40 minutes. VALIVORtiIa GOLD. 039 9h,1048.. tddiiii;6itribli'VhOnagtoAt Uniop, 42tii nth goill,to the amount of S3OQO, hscteght from Crailieshi, W Lieut. Lower. Beeretery ?few Us reared Abe same for the purpose of bevies ceieolto he venial° the brave op. stuv94 4hellete*te, isgEW • VORIL COrretpoudttgoe of the Pittsburgh Gazette_ New Tote, Deo. 4, 1849. The city last Meld., was considerably excited by a rumor that the Asiatic Cholera had made its Op" petulance at Staten Island, on board an emigrant ship, from Hull, and that two canes out of seven had terminated fatally. The rumor. however proved groundless, to the relief of thousands who anticipate the return of this scourge with the most gkroroy feelnams. . Such anticipations are not to be wondered at, when tho fatality of its last visit is remembered, in connection with the fact tho we have still the same filthy city, and the sarampoor and degrwied population, to furnish food for a din• ease, against which cleanliness is the great !safer guard. Later advice, from Staten Island make itllk tremely probable, if not certain, that the Cholera is here. The ship New York, from Havre, when out fourteen days, was healthy, but in the next seven days, as many passengers died. She has been strictly guarantied, but four more deaths has e been reported, sad though the physicians do not my positively that the disease is cholera, there W Wile mistake ens existence. A fire broke out in the southern wing of the As tor House this morning, IC the very great damage of the interior dale building end the furniture. The firemen kept the flames within a moderat apace, but the alarm shown by the residents of "it ' master Hotel, was painful to witness. When a i remembered that the guente the re equal the whol. number of irThabitants of a respectable sized town 1 some Idea of the confusion cau,ed by a fire at th ' early hour of 4 o'clock, may be imagined. The California fever rages bete with undirni ished violence, and numerous companies forming to go in pursuit of the gold. Ships loading with quick dispatch with provisio which, after all, are the best investment Dow.— Thu last quotation we have of the California mar. ket is S2O per pound Sr Porh. and Flour $lOO a barrel, rates that will attract large supplies from thin quarter, at the present low price of provisions, and the cheapness of freights. A movement is on foot to unite Brooklyn, hew York. and Williumshurgh, under one municipality, epos a plan similar to that of London. In order to do away with the quarrels about ferries. New York now possesses all toe right to the water on the shores of Brooklyn. and conines all action when ferries aro wanted, using her power t the injury of Brooklyn. The proposed union would add 100,000 persons to Neur York, reducing the taxes to thorn we annex, and give them the benefit of grain water, lights,And polite men.— Brooklyn is the Allegheny city of New York, in ell respects, elegant citron both, and the residences at the& most enterprising merchants of their larger neighbors, yet unknown to the world generally. and when known, compr.sed in New York and Pittsburgh. The euggestion in relation to a railroad up the Allegheny, to connect the Erie road to Pittsburgh, is not a new one, but has long been kept in view tap the Erie Company. The delay in build ing a road from either of the great Southern ci ties, makes it very certain that a communteauon can be effected to the manner proposed, as soon as by the Southernroute. The \Veriern part of Pennsylvania and of New York, may oiler its many inducements to the traveller. as are now extended by the' present means et conveyance. Stooks open with much firmness. and the loan of lbfigi aella at 1061, equal to 1091 lag week, es it now aells d,vidend oil', end Treasury Note 10fil. All the fan.es are firm, with an advance in some sorts, but no appearance of speculation. though money is crowing gradually easier. end good names selling at seven per cent, and trot, that to nine and eleven per cent per 'tenon, The prolonged ole...enoe of the steamer due at Boston, keeps opitremins in Cetion and Bread .totts quiet. A fair business he. been Ones in Flour for export. at good article, whin to a decided fall, yet submitted to wMtng,:y.— Our State canal. are to be clroed on the Stn. but that date will one lie supptied with floor and grain enough to keep pit s front advaacing very much. The receivers we have taken 65 11l for some floor to-day, but keep the amounts quiet— Wheat has fallen; '4103 ho. good Illinois at lOts;er 1060, and good Genesee at 130 c for extra Corn is cheaper, say lor 2 unto per be. In Provisions no change, riOr, in fact, is Mere any change in any thing. Wm. C. Bryant. the eccommtehed od:tor of me - Evening Post, - is to nave senocialed with hen John Bigelow, a gen:knot:l of thin ei y, o ell known as awriter. It to hat fartine to say that the Post differs from its Denmeratic fellows, In rise fact that it in slows, courteous, and entirely free from that persona :ay triad marks you slingasnarn DeinOnraLte papers genernSiy. The la! Hunker' organ in this city exhausted ase•lsn latrmliupe to elect Mr. Cars. and will die nsyta, a MiCrilia, party. c. Hall Rana Meeting la Salem, Ohl.. At a very large meeting of the catlenS of :30- imu and ita victuity, convened, puraunnt to public nottee.in the town of Salem, Columbiana county, Ohio, onffednesday Dec. 6th.., 154 b; On motion of Jan. 1. Brooks Esq_ the nierong was organized by the api•matinent of the follow.og officers Alfred Wright. President, and Midi oeo• Elder and Benjamin Mad:born. Vire President.; aid E. W. Wob.ants and Fienjani n `ed. At the requeri oft', Preairleat, S , knrion \V Ito. harts, Chief Engineer of use 3,, a nd Pennark nia !tail final C,rnpany, addreaacil ion meeting at length an reference to the prirgica• of late aury the objects and advantzzra if the road, and ice prorparts and poi p Ire Company. On motren ot Jacob Heaton. &sq_ the hallowing preamble and resolutions were read. considered, and unanimously adopted. Whereas, The 'ninety. which ,have turn mode for the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road. ha or resulted in proving the fact, that the bee r.•ate Gtr the Great Western Rail Road troin Ptusburgb. by Canton and Massillon, to Wooster and Manstierd. diminges from the Ohm river at the mouth of Big Beaver and passes by the town of Stilent Whereas, The Direhaors of the (Than and Penns sylvitnta Rail Road Company boot resolved to :cr. o vate and prepare for wrotmet forty irides or the rend extending from Beaver to Bairns. Therefine. Rrsolred, Tont we view with feelings of pile and gratification the necumulaten hf public rent.. meat in favor of this great enterprise, whreh has for years commanded arid received our cordial vice port, through nil the phases re hope and fear a si,,j mg its origin and early progress. Resolved, That we highly approve of tle Pinot: Road proposed to be constructed by the r.l 6..4 - Ito b o 4.rvalio hY lb. Um. sv.iaogros , 44* o Airy: dejrialdroug, ti , lilt :nal., or Ti o'clock tn.byelaw ngirh: -Bingt. Tickets Ihicenta,luitzutring a ger:limpid and accompanying ladies. To .he bad_ •i the . prinerpal bookatorba and at the door Triearqiirri radius For Ws coarse, One Dollar—to he had .at the Library Room. deck-td JACOB WEAVER, Jr., Chid of Cool vo, te.itteetshilatitte- Ltne• on the Death of Jan* Plainer DryFst. The .S I. ha a mmly nun, ere the bantams p/ withered and died" A beautous bud with balmy breath Bloomed sweetly on its parent stem. But soon' too soon the hand of Death Huth robbed those parenu, of theirgem And bearing it above the skies. Bath planted tt m Paradise. Twos nurtured by the hand of love. And cherished with parental care,— And hole did their fond hearts dream That God had leer the bud an fair. For knowing that Vietea seat from Heaven They fondly hoped it had been given. They knew not that the immortal choir Had need of that sweet cherub's voice, To swell the anthems round the throne, Where saints and angels e'er rejoice, In yonder blissful world of light With harps of gold arid raiment white. Mourn not fond parents o'er your loss, Remember 'tie her priceless gain, And swell du. thought, she'll welcome you To rest on you cerulean plain, Among the throng at God's right hand, To join the angel harpers band. WILD Fuowca. Liven Pius—No medicine ever earned for itself a higher reputation in so short a time,. has the Liver discovered and compounded by Dr fil'Lane, of Virginia. Although but a short time amps Lively before the public, it has already earned for itself x de. gree of popularity hitherto unsurpiused. The demand ter them Las heroine immense. Messrs. Kidd & the proprietors of the medicine, who reside tn burgb,cor net of ith End Wood streets, are constantly r eceiving omit,. which they Emil i almost utterly possible to supply. The popularity of these Pills is net coufined to an, particular section of the country, the demand being pelletal. from the North, South, East and West. The is, no disease is more common is all quarters of the United States than that of the Liver. And these fills are the best rr medy ever yet discovered for Ilepatse derangemenb For sale at the drag store or,' KIDD& Co, Cd Wood et. dar.3 _ !Er Ust nix retort, hingtra—lf you with to tit sue- I possful sti any undertaking you most always `use the eloper meuits." therefore, I f you have a rough, net JavnagEzrscroWrr tnd bc cured, for it it the proper means. Hove you Asthma or difficulty breathing, then Lite fluty effnient means to cure you is to one Jaynes Is pectoral, which will immediately overcome the spasm which rontracts the diameter of the tubes, and loosenns and brutes up the mucus which clog, them np, and tl.errethir every obstruction to ti free reign ration, txtuhl nt t h e ` .nitte time hit indmumation sub dued. ani. u re, is certain. to he effected Have yen Brouchius, Spurting or Blood, Pleurisy. or in fart any Pulmonary Affertion. then tr, Jayne's Kapectorant tnd relief is rt rtnin. and you will find Mot you have used the proper meas. For sate in l'intbureh ti the rckin Tea Store, 72 4th strum near Wend itnl7 JAT,V• would rail &mention to thin tic, , ,.1 r-ot t t , tor Conchs. CoPa.. ,:onsuntptton, Mme. and a. ' nitro op the Throel end Lilly liev . og aevern, Omen wohot a few pear• pent hod ate, con 10 11,0 modarlre Of Ihiallnd. we havejty nape:t enet tented elGellont 41.1a!'nen, and ire prepared to recommend it to olhera. Nlonolor. or oilier pante 31 , 0ak or. a:ntrlrd wlth bronchial aline.. will fool Freon betel, from it• as, it is prepared by eae,r.no. fin pitystelnn. and all cleaner will toad n sate and of, rations mettle, e . he doweaes for which se re commended — , t'n'ornbutt lipoid Gross and Journ..l. F u raai, at the Pekin Tea :awn:, No u 7U Fourth .tree any.,+ Ut Worms, by their Irecatton, augment the !mere IIOC of M slime in the stOenseb, winch, .o. they I lv.. n t r hernaelyea end it is and they teed upon it..nd a dernved 01 a they the The celebrated ircrOtituire prepared I, U. A. FA HNE.sTueli Pm:atone, P•.. admirably adapted in operation heat, tp temove lb< protecting more., and secondly, expel the worn, rendered be.pseas and tender b) be nip thus dested , li.. • retried) in which .very con Adeueetan be ) , :acrd. and that it nos answered th purpnaei• mar-seat Irmo the hundreds of renascent. given fa tts EL,4I Mayoralty of Plttobm-gh MAloc.t.r. Nlesar.. Wtote a Co,—Geist. rtea• to altifoutore the name of Copt JOU, MUM". ail .oable partorf ,or th< off., of Mayor of tins elty Oft, 1,21 Firrg Wasp. -sleeentlitora• Please announce that Ur Roars, « ael n candolatc for me orifice o 1 111•)• Stsuot•r.t• —8 i S. •. Esq we , be suppetnod ko the Convention for no, nomtosiOon of Mayor. foi b u long faith its: ses.ous services as • %log klncO.eltn• • Finn Wsao. M.., mnf,a k rlrau. to 11111011 n, Inc nae 01 %It lirXer WlLazsioN. a. a otiltal,c pert. lot thenthee of Anyor of :tot city M•TorraLrr - Mr Ertoor Plea. annoonee ttrar CPAs It T. Yaq or • eandidare . uommatroa to the oricc ut Mayor novt.r.us ri...vau Mayoralty of Allegheny City. MAIONALS. •.7 ALt.z.n,oT , rtT —Mr Fella, o,OYU, nof Mr /0r."... Intr. a,ri A legne II tart IF. f rre a,. of Mayor, sul,ert to 1.. un it •r.I All/11131.011t COIIVISOLIOII W. D. Wright, M. D., Dentist. It/:'u e eo.t ruA. nr. nn Fourth street. opposute the I`,lt•t.u.:F Ilen. IHhee noon trout 0 o'rlork to 11 A nt....ml.roth o e.o,k .5 l' M .epl4-1y 111•11 R LED, lln TI svarl... , g the 7th Inst , by tbe Rev. D 11. K mate. L. D . 71: Ross:" It. +T vu :.11/1, it ur. me r June • %Wood. , DIED, h , l'aur.J., • v cntng. the 7th 11. , •1 the reshlenee moth, Po, Creel,. Wu-Aiwa Er..ls I,lu, in •Itth sear II 1.,• arc BOOT AND !MOE WAREHOUSE. No 3 %V ,IINT, EEN 34 AND lot sTI, R. TANNF.R & CO. INVITECounit, Merchant. and others to an exam. 1-al.Oll o. their stook. which is one of the larval a 413 (mind in any catnoluhamni in the country, and to no p'deetrabte and sca.ooodde goods. el ~,,, aniotrd n, to sire and quaifin to %Vostern soles. ore• yeti' compote favorably with tbostrofthe :.:1/11 Term. liberal stoolocilm H Alikil•ON Columin.o Hair Dyt dt, Indelible Ink, with or =MEI= I ~,,, • pup. rt., Bed lot. For sole to the hole it ore. tAlelL•er vrweer, by EI4ELLEIVe, r c AXMINSTEIt C RPEFS—We maid tovtio the uttention •.d . tho.e , eishinc to ftroleh hotter., to rail and r eertunc our Alrmn,r r Crarprts, ertlre err re, rice le mud colors. Waroroolu. No TS ItL Pot•lourett d.-g W Arel.INTO6: ,2 DAM Ask—V. !Welt:oo , 4.sll.—lilloblematu.'d an& foisala by 5A.1 1,.. .Fr u ht ... ... , N . s tA m NT o 9l:s— .... ln h : Lh d oles . .l . e d v a l:T4. ' Ft 1 , 1 SELLERS become, and Call give undoubted referencia ..1. .- . --e- drew, iminednetely, with real name and regrza=lso.t. OTONT PIPS--1190 kis Storm Pipes, hataludr . .ii No.WO Pibateargi, Post Mee 0 pacted.4tMineciaM and led isle by - - -- - ---- depg , C N GRAM% 41 le CrUNDRIFS-310 b-..% ;Om., Au di , d i , go b op ., .. Mee at 0 shelle , A' s pandA 'WI dal et tilo Flip. , I. WI/ diva do, 3 eitsee Sleiry I-aqui:mace, I bbl gluon • 911.07 Met Nobelvid alla bs• mia by decd .13ROWN a cuLePagsozi -- BLACK WADDING-2M3 doe outs large awl lum p vy, pat received7l.? vt r 4TE, 29..4 gi ; Tog iilid,C MeGILL & ROE AUCTION SALES:; By John D. Davii4, A Actio.e.r Large Stocl of Fertty altd Staple Dry Good. lo Mondry tnoreing. 7Per..11 et 10 titlark. at the Commerroo "We. Roans. rdrerr of Wood end emote; will be sold, woe,t re•erre, for cork comm. A Itfge sod general ••sortinent or seasonable Dr 7 Goods, rmbracine the stock of an extensive retail dry COO4l/ store, among which •rg cloth, cull . ' mares.rusttinehs. mans. urhitedycllow, brown and scar let flan , e s. blankets, pito, r loam. calicoe• prints, iif /al.s merinos, alparas, dregs silks. black slam mon• tua and nun nbbun, s, n sia bli n rind gingham.. Irish linens. Vrtirch linen earnbrie shawls and hdkfs in crest vatiety, damask linen table cloths. furleT ruhUng. t r io ss,, hosiery, tick inr.eheels. sheen g. .h ,ring, whits .04' assorted colored thread. *curing silk, pins, needles, to e , buttons, de. At 2 o'clock, G.nevuer., grliggiursds, prahrrcaa. de. IS highest , Ff tea, It /al finv quality V. Tobac co.