ME#l,itit. . vikaiu mum nucovicnorr' COMUMPT/VEB; RS-010.VOURVIJARIY DR. SP7AVNES COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. ras WM= Tot Consumption, Courhs,Coldsi Antitrust Bronchitis, Li , - en Complaint, Spitung Bleed, Dilleolty of Breath- Uni, ruin itt the Side a Psipibttion of the Heart, Loftiness, CrocekokenCon stitution, Sore Throsisliervons Debili ty, and all Diseues of th,Throst, - Breast mid Longs; thorn ost ef fectual and sore , ever knownWany of the above dinar as 1 1 DR. SWATNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry' This medicine Is uo longer among those of doubtful . 1 :BHP. It her passed away from lin doe o f daily lannehed upon the tide of experirinint, and now stands higher in repullon, end ia head:tang mare extensive ly tine than an other prepare tion of mmilcine ever produced the the relief of saffenag men. It ban been introduced very generally through the United States and Europe, anti Were are fear towns of importance but what contain some remarkable evi dence of its good "Tema For proof of the foregoing statements, and of the value and efficacy of this med.- eine, the. proprietor will insert &few of the Ma/ thou sand tesiimeniels which have been presented to baby: Alen of the first respectability—men who have higher , views of moral responsibility and justice, than to ter.' tify to facts, because it will do another a favor, and; themselves no injustice. Stich tostnny proves con clusively. that Ile sorpnsing excellant io e is established . by its intrinsic Merits, and the unquestionable" suthori-. ty of online opinion. The instantaneous relief it af fords, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by ma renders it • most agreeable remedy for the slllicted. REMEMBES: nWhen men, ucting from conscientious impulses; voluntarily bear tesUmony to the troth of a thing, or particular fact, each testimony, being o f to their worldly interests sad porpoises, coerces coeriction of cial manner to Its truth, and commends itself in • ape universal eredencao—Crliogen's Moral Maxims READ THE HOME CERTIFICATIS. Simi Avernus Cue , or PetaIO3.4IICONSCIIPTIoni There never wee a remedy that btu hone as successful in desperate easel of Consumption, as Dr. go sa p, o ., Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the syste= newappea to heal the ulcers on th e hmgs, creating end rich blood; power possessed by no other medicine. Comma Co., April Dlii, ISIS. Dr. SWayne—Dear Sill I verily believe your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means or saving my life. I caught a severe sold, which gradu ally grew worse, attended with a severe cough,Ohat restated all the remedies which I had recourseloirtikill increasing omit my case exhibited all the symptoms of Pulmounry Consumption. Every thing I tried seemed to h ove no effect, and m ycomplatatinereased so rapid ly that friends Si myself, gave up all bop. o f my joc osery. At this Moe I was recommended to try your invaluable medicine: I did so with the Most hap py resnlts. The fast bottle had the effect to loosen the cough, causing me to eZpitteurrate freely, and by the time I bad used all bottles,' was entirely vrell,and not Pow as hearty e. man us I ever wok in my life and would be happy to free any Mr...Stn. respecting my caw, that other sufferers may derive the benefit for which 1 em so grateful. For the truth of the above Maternent. I refer you to Peter Rush, Groom, West Chester, Pri„of whom I purchued the medicine. Resynctfall urs, y yo isms Monett Wowierfhl Core of a Miterluxiist Minorter. e• Dr. Swayoe—Dear Sim I filet et debt of iMilimde due to you--and .a duty to this .Meted generally, to e y e , my humble testimony in favor of year OhlFigioarld Sy rap of Wild Cherry. Some throe years elate I 011. violently attacked with cold and Milammation of the Longs, strlacla was accompanied with a distressing eough, pain in the breast and head, a very eonaldera• bee diecherge of offensive mums from the larns, espe cially upon change of weather, however slight. At first felt Co alarm about my vindiuon, but was pretty soon convineed w ea ras rapidly going into tonerunp don. I grew dotty ker, and at length was seams ly tole walk about, or speak above &whisper, sach eee ., the ek ceeding oreakuessof ray lungh D er this time I had tried virinuipreps and erth s uetbathemoron, here I was advised and persuaded by a deer End in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I molt COlliG. that previously I had been against these sooting patent medicine, and I am still against those cooling out of the hands of manhood. as it I. calculated to maim nature, by quick. man the blood ond hioixorming the aystem. lead e.L tLis to Invaluable for all the delicate discs ere to which women are subject. It braces the whole rpm,. renal. permanently the trti enercim, by removing the impunties of the bedy, not so far schnoladeit ma to produce onimeioen. relaxation. which is the mho , ohmo.t nrelternas taken foe felnala areaknese sad disease. By alum a fee beat, of thee mailable, many Leven and painful survical opera bola may be prevented Great Blazing to Mother. and Children. It is the eafest and most effectual medicine for purify ing the aystern and relieving thestiffen., attendant upon child-birth ever discovered. strengthens both the .ether and child. prevents pain said disea.e, in• ere.. and enriches the food. three alio have need it thnik it is indispensable. It Is highlyuseful 6.411 befure and after confinement as it prover. diseses attendant upon childbirth—an Convicts-es, Piles, Cramps Snell lug of the Feet. Despondency, Heartburn. Vomittur. Pain in the Back and Loins, 1 - I!se PLO Heniorrhege end in resthlating the secretions and equalizing the coe tt has no equal The greet beauty of. obis medicine is. it is alreaye trek and the most delicaa use k most succeasfully, very fee eases require iirty other methane, fa some • little COMM Otl, a Herne. , aorta. Stomas* in the apes ate, and light feed wan this neelleine, •Iway• Immure • safe and easy eon. flarnient. Beauty and Coonthica Chalk, end • variety of preparations re ne rally Co nee, when applied to the face, very soon Aped It of to beauty. They cloth the pores of the skin and check the circulation, which, when nature to not thwart. 141 A, disease or powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkellee meal in scope, heathlike its own productton to the human het Mein," thwell i. in the garden of nett and &Mawr,' tithed and rthissathd flowers. A See, active nod healthy circulative of the fluids. or the courshq of the pare, rich blood to the extremities, i. lb.! Winch paints the countenance in the momthem , site beauty. It Is that which =paint the indeseribabie shades and Cubes of loveliness that all odour, hot none can describe. This heauvy is the offspring of as ha-re--not of pthethr or seep. If thaw Is nor free and healthy circulation there hs tio beauty. If the lady Cur es driven mow, if the paint, and on commtion arid the that is fascinating. bloadis thick, add and imp.* he is not been ttfol. If efts be brown or yellow, and there is pure and active blood. ti in the a rich bloom to the cheeks, and a brilliancy Co theeyes cinating. This is why the soubent end thlthethlif the Span ish ledlth ate so much admired. Lath. In the north who mks but titilo ththelth, or the emitted cleth rooms. et hare spoiled their camped.= by the twit. , cwt. of deleterious nsithunta, of they with to re gain elasticity of step, buoyant apirfu, sparkling eyes and thatnifei complex:Wm dayeltonld the Dr. Towo send's Sarsaparilla- Thothands who e have trid it, are thart satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of •vorry usu., crowd our office daily Those in. imitate Dr. Toeratrend's S.saparills, have vviablY .Thad their ruff. (Tea Rmarsty for Fe soles, he-. &e.,, sad have added our WM .4 circular. which relates to the complatata 0br0.61.13.001. I for Ivor, —other men oho p. up medicine, Lava ateco the mai of Dr. Torresetora Sarsaparilla la complaints ..Meat to Retake ncoatesended, Milmoth pre vroosly they did not. A umber of these Mixtures Pins As., are injurious to fund., . ther ajar.... a 1. ., and undermine the constitution. Dv. Toormtudh. I. the Duly end toss remedy for thenumerous female mon. plaints—it rarely, ever fails of reset* a permanent core. It can bo taken by Me mast deli.. females, In any use, or by Mo.e expecting se become mourn, with ths greatest advantaaart, as it prepares the system and prevents pals or dearer, and envoy.. both mother sad chiLL Be careful to gat the pewee. =am= Thu cortifieate conclusively pram that the! Pas., eardla kw rfect control over tha aunt obsuns. of 60 pe Masi. Three persons eared oo• house r. unprecedented. Three Children. . Towaronrco—Daar Sir I have Gas pleasure to Inform you Mal Gnaw ef my children have immcured of the Scrofula by Um use of year a:collets medwine l'hey were afflicted vary severely with bad Sores bare tua,:a eel? fear bade.: it took them away, for which I Del myself trader great obligation. roanil 1,13117 Vt 101 Woomera. Opinions ofPhyskinm. De. Townsend ts almost daily receivina ordain from Phylociatts to different pens of the Union Thu is to certify that we, the underAread. Phydsiana of the City of Albany, have la nomeroom eases preurltv mvi Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla and believe It to be one of the mom valuable prep bona la the market E. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, I t. D. IL IL BRIGGS, IL D. Allwny, April 1.1847. P. E. ELMENDOBV, tl. D CAUTION. Own,' to the mat success nod itmootmo sale of Dr. Townsead's Samaparilla. a number of moo who were formerly our Agnate, have commincod matted Barmpa• rill Extremes Elle/rs, Muer. Estrada of Yellow Dock, k r They gaterally pat it up to the same shaped bet. and sotmn of them ham, stole mad copied our ads'', to.ementa—ehey ant oda' wortblem imitations, and shoeld be avoided. Pnacipal Office, WS PTILTON Street, Suu Satlairce N V.; Redding & Co. 8 Stale street, Boston; [teeth k Soot, 132 North Second street, Philadalphie; B. B. Hance, Drusiod. Baltimore ; P. M. Co.han Charleston ; 1,V,111 k Co., 151 Chartres Street. N. 0 105 South 1...r1 Street, Albany and be th e principal Drur. tor. sod Ilerchouto generaliy throughout the Cooed Were Imhes *DJ the Canada.. N. 8.--Persons inquiring for this medicine, should not lie induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deeetyed byenv-inquire for Dr. 'Town send* and take no other. r Remember the gene. ine -- Townsend's Sarauparil a.e sold by the sole agents R. E SELLERS, General Wholesale 5. Retail Acesa. No. 57 Wood street., and D. M. CURRY, Allegheny city. ki,Vl PEACE I PEACE!! nor in x.llOO, BUT IN EVERY MOTIII-IFS /10317.STKAD. TUE undersigned has long been convllifed of the ff. nece.sity for some medicum adapted to the rase of Children and Infants to supereede ro ore atl nil those medicines which contain opium, and bas at .ength sec- Nicmomllfmlliteisi - Rowan Tailoring Eal.l. needed in preparing and offenng to the pert. • meth. Ilahraant. eine fully answering every pumime tor a li d r s ease . o f r a . TSA AC WILLIAhIS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in berm:lm without the um. of that deleterious drug, or any , 1 form the rider,,. of Pittsburgh and others, that he other calculated to utrote in the east The Infant Paul . ix now opining at hi. rooms on Smithfield street, un aces has been fully tested are tried. the last twelve I der the above Hotel. a large and beautiful assortment months, by numerougparsecs, and mina to possess all of Cloth, Carrslmerex, Satins. Silks, and other Vestings; the egu-sordinary virtues. and to mina all the amen- i writhe.' with such other articles es are required for idling effects as set loch on the hill of thermion'. B. g & ..(10.No• occur • Hi. good. hone been carefully se aminess, Vomiting, Cholut,Orlying, Pains, Sickness and rect. end ere of the newest and most ferlummble Diseases arising from Teething acting immediately , Mile, on well as of supenor quality. lit. monomers without disturbing any of the functions of the body, mut depend upon having their clothes made up to • producing the happiest and most pleasant transidon I manner which cannot fall to gratify the taste of the from violent pain to a tranquil and joyous state of feel- , most fastidious up24:lY mg In the little sufferer. I • TUE STAB. OF TUE WEPT To be kad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr. JOO N BAIWARIT, Druggist and Apothecary J ohn , ‘• ENITIAN BLIND ALAN UFACTORY Mitchell, Elliott k Beckham, and most other Druggists i boat side of the Diamond, where Venni. a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. .dee 13 ' Blinds of all the different sites and color. are kept on hand or made to order albs pll. - TOWNISEND'S SARSAPARILLA. -60 dozen the latest and most approved Eastern full. lust received of Dr. Townsend'. Sursapanlls, the ions, at the shortest notice nod on the num mon extractothistry medicine In the world: This Er-reasonable terms. tract in pat up In quart bottles. It hi air times cheaper, Alio. the cheap Boston roll or split Mind Tramp.. P 1 "... 1 ..., r and :Warranted soperior to any sold. It rime y and Paper Curtain. Mall the different sixes and . ' Ult. ...". 942=1 vomiting. purging, sickening or patterns, on hand and for sale low for cull. Old Veld. debilitating thelmtlent. halt Blinds Sainted once and repaired, ar taken in part Loom oda adalsteragurma—Unprincipled persons have payment for new. Rlll W4:BTER %V ELT, Fropr. ..... "P6 ' 4 .--• esr . h an. , 11 . 2 d - Ina op atedheim l 0,1 . b....." N. B —All work done with the best material and vs , vroa boUki Sea that each bottle has Me smitten erg- 'workmanship, and unstained to please the most his. nature of S. -Tovreacort. R. E. SRl—l:von admin.. angto-dly Th ,.„ .. I — F 74;Dru%st. 57 Wood street, betweed Allegheny city, Aug. 10, INS kr, is Dr. crartmendis only 'wholesale TEAM FERRY BOATS FOR filiLF;- - The itth erni mall agent for Frusbargh, of whom the genuine amnia eau be bad. , 0 scribers offer to sell one-fourth of the two' ferry boats, Gen Scott and Oen. Worth, nose miming from D. M. Oirri has been appointed the mile agent f Allegheny city, of where t i, ~,,,in e ~,,J e, ~..,.' r the foot of Perm street to Elm Mili Run, so as to make kad. -",;.„, ' it a profitable investnient for eapitallats, or arty who .- - ''''' * may wish to engage In the boainess. rklAPFJAS—Russia, Scotch, Damask and flannwa For further particular., inquire of .1./ T•bi., Oa: • good assortment matt by , nova tf - 0 RLAC,UURN k Co, Water M 003:13 lIIIACIELErp A warn ' • lIANUTACTORIES, • ALEL lANDER SONS. U riOFFIN RIMS AND FURNISHING NDER- Ia , TAKERS, comer of Penn and St. Cloth streets, r-posite the Exchange lintel, PIPIII.IIOO 011 Penn street, refir , RallY Inform their fnrnds and the public, that they are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in the line of Undertakers. Always on hand a lam me sorunent of ready made Corms, covered, lined and fin ished to the eery hest manner, all aorta and sizes rely 'nude Shreed. of Ha IMP Cambeck and ma'am, and Ai write in approved styles. We keep a large as 41 110,1,11 i of tam card black, cotton, ark and kid Gloves. .able Inc pall beaten and mourners, crape, caps, pl iant, and every thing necessr.ry for dressing the dead. and on rc pentible. terms. as we purchase all our goods le the Easter, eines. Also, nicer plates for engraving ,he name and sgr. We !nee a SpllooOld POW beanie and bone- And arty number of the beat carnage,. Every thmg attended to promptly and panotaally. catty . BENNETT 4 BROTHER, LIFEEN SW Aff hl AN U' FA CT 1.1 KERB, Birmingham, 'hear Pittsburgh,' Pa. Piarehotte, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. • of WILL coAuatly keep on hand a good assort- Ware, of our own manufacture, and auperioroplity. Wholpale and country Mer chants are respectfully invited to call and es for themeelvP. as we are determined to Sell cheaper than has ever before bees offered to the pub. RD- Orders sent by mail, aocompania by the cash or referenve.wlll be promptly acceded to. feb4 P. ~ILII.VANY. . JAX. E LzroLut FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHBIR.ST. NI L :L V e t A y N i o iLD uu lded cud r to gem. , Glassware in allits "'enemas, at their Warehouse =a , ner of Market and Water streets, Pilwburfth. Our W orbs continue in full operation. and we are eonstan ly editing to our flock. which enables as to fill alert with prompters. Purohafers are rerpeetfel y tr. net trd to call and examine prices and terms. rifled! y COACH MAKING FROM the very liberal encourage s =entitle subscriber has received since •Sit;Fil. he has located himself in Allegheny, ,svjgragiti has induced him to take a lease, for a term of years, on the property U: now °couples, in Beaver street, immediately beside the Pre/My - Ler= Church Prom the long sap is nee In the above bareness end a desire to please, he hoperixo mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on hand and finishing to oNcr,Rockawey Bug gies, open and top Buggies, and every description of Carriages made to order, from seventy-five dollars to eighteenmos (sepk-clul JOHN SOUTH id . ISCELLANEOU6. NA`lnuTadeDlFt rTOlACCO— l4,liu..,;4intwr.,..d to N. char,. Phl'a odor for sole on accommodating term, MOO pkg. Manufactured Tobiteco, consisting of pounds, half pounds, .s's, a - s, ld'a, DJ's, 18's and ml'., lumps; s's. al and B's plug. and Cl's Ladies' Twist, in whole and ball boxes, of the following approved brands, •id: 1 tzmerll Grant, Osborn A Brno,' Grunt A Williams, A Cabanas, S Jones A don, M'Douald, NA ebster Old, 1 Thomson, James Thom... Jr. A II Armistead, J 'Phonate A Son, Landhorn A AroustsaA, 1 F Cocoa, J NI Cobbs, Gentry A Royater, J A Clay, 61 A Bader,C A Hall, Green Hal, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood, J S Blackwood, Nml, Page, Keystone, tt II Vaughan, Edmund Henry, Porno. Robruson Russell A Robinson" K -.lri. Robinson ACe Seth liaise), B. Nlrt.rall, John Ender, Locrence Loner, J Robinson, ay k Gray, D B Turner, R Jameson, York White, II Id Branch. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, MTUrpers and fillers, Yard to do Co -.faecal do do do Si J ago de Cuba do do do St Dorarno du do do led:ii, A rruidea dn, part fine, do It ... YVI:i, do do do K, . ' , ark y various grades do do V ~.. 1.. c.!. nable for manufacturing and export; Sp•ndah Seed Leaf, Penn', Coimectieut and Ohio. N ,• ~f,ri S, mod •weer, German Pipes. Pioe bed,* Cs .• 011 Sliud (loose and bladders.) slacrouba Meal, T..., Ina Ileans. Havana boss, Otto Rose; Bergamot; i'd:abr, Locon. e, Patent C•vendtsh Knives, Spunk, J.- A c PHILADELPHIA, myls - - -- . TOILIITn, SNUFFS, AND CIGIES, VlTt"2:tr of g Pr ' iar th o fi ti e , i d d rt " :;e 6 c ' t7o n : t altll.o Or Country Merchant., 11 . 1011 Altd ,•,, ivertr, .0 tk large and impart*, a...M. tr. 4.1 nu) et 6 A HS, among v.bncla will hr t, brand, vtx Ftegalin, Co., ',runs. S., Brand Mt Ile,. and Bo or Regilo... 50! 01 WA/c• wall be sold as low an ran he had at any other house in the coy. conalantly ot, hand and for sale, • lyre a nd V, .Circled vork of VlFvrtia; Nl:moan. and Fine t tog Tobacco. A.., Bav•na, Cubo od C 61.000 Leaf Tobacco, c0..ta , ,,, on hood .d for nate, or:flea-darn PAPER WAREHOUSE NO. D .BURLING BLIP, NEW YORK. W FIELD ottcro for ule at the lower • hianast.-tnrers' pr.ces. a very extensive a.-crt Iv •t of PAPER. cornor:r.op every poschle vartrty, pted wants of tonsonocro in all seenons n t:y Paper of a:: kids made to order at .4nn not 1., cock of PRINTING PAPER is oat:Luta:lr lora, a par: o: "'Loh ,s of eery suporor PAPER MAKER'S MATERIALS of e%O ,:cker:pbou. ,mpol tod nod kept colonel:WI- o or r ono . : Poltava, W,re Cloth. Pourdrinier W:re, 81e0e1,..g Powder, Blue raroanne, Terme, no , no RAGS 4 Co none.. Bale Rope. Gress Rope, Degree, , c purrilocaed. (or which the highest price Cash er .11 be peal War New York, Jelyi 1640. at) , e, 1 before—made on the 001 U approved Eartern plans— ano. most Nithlollab lc EasternEtatterns and colors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL. ar DOS pm BLIND, on hand or made to order of all saes, and at all privet. Country Merehant• and others are inotted in call and esti-bine the above for themselves. as all will Le sold wbuierole or rein: and a liberal deduction made purrhu,c•s. A W R V ELT BRICK FOR SALE. TICE undersigned offers for •ale • superior smelt. of brtek Mr building. made by lire Stearn Press. improved machine, for which he has obtained • patent, agree c• To give purchasers • written guarantee that t.te . are .tronger. and will resist frost and wet weath er imbibe less moisture or dampness than arty Mb- er t•,lck. ormaeae.nlgre•ter Lott) and oopenor texture inurh more narable m every renpeet, each brick her auteerted to a pm-genre of acre's] terra, and pos.. ae•• mg a handsome smooth !nurse° and even edge., make a front ego.: to the heat front brick Ivy hnve can the create.t aattafarnon to all who bar e purchased. A tutu ran I.e seen at my work., and y urn at the Garotte Write. 'l . m se [toying supplied themselves for their loldings. orianing handsome front bock, or supenor Itycl •nd 'did paving brick, MU obtain them. ISAAC CREGG Ifirmingbam, June 111.51. tf 1.1.[L lIE.V VRNmAY DIAN FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN, - - - - - - - TA BIZ this method to inform ht. !Sends and the public at large that Ins Factory a now in full operation. on the went stde of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon. pun supply of Blinds, of various colors and qualities, are constantly kept on hand; •1., at No 5 Wood st. Pittsburgh. at J & II Phillips' oil cloth wsrertaani. Venn.. Shutters made to order in the beat style. Blindsrepaired at the shortest notice. 4N. li.--kits Blmds will be put up without any addi tional expen...that they can be removed in a mo m-lit tit case of fire OT for washink, and without the and of it .erew driver. al-dlyikvrtamlytt FLOWZRS WINTER SEASON HE sobsctitier is pro. pared to furnish Bouquets for Weddings, /tells end Parties, composed of rich fregrant Flowers. Orders leo with W. T. Bolan, Jr, Si. Clair Street, or ihrough the l'int Office, will he de l'J'Ak r ;i 4 l flrio7J3l)ROPio Manchester Nursery not'a dint. ROSEDALE GARDENS, M ANCIIEFTER. I IP Proprietor pith. welt known place of resort has it,. plea mac of utformnig the public that his estab irrhment itavoig been thoroughly refined and repaired. and the grounds elegantly laid out and decoramd, is Pow open for term accommodation, and he Batten him elf that itiOaa who may favor ham with their patron. are will Lod all that they desire, provided In the best and on reasonable tenns. He to determined to .pure tic expense making his estahlishmeat worthy 0. palate patronage He has accommodauona for boarding a few famdrea Ice Creams, and allrafrash menta mumble to the season, constantly Oil hand LEVI BURCHFIELD. ITANSfORTATION LINES. TUB UNION /LINN 1848 . RETWEMAI PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Monza. Pittsburgh, REMo r, Prope& Puts & CO. Beave Covernen & Coassatraun. Cleveland } H a l L po n Lin n grr 3 ' l nom o :vi prepare d ttsl g it 'aL a tZve r l t an fr d, o h ; any point on the Canals and Lakes. One boar leaves Pal a / a rch and Cleveland daily . , run ning in connection with the steamboats lake Erie and Michigan, between Pitudargh and Beaver, and a line of first ciao steamboats, propellers, brigs and schoon. gr. on Lake. Erie, Huron Lad Michigan_ Properry forwarded many past of the Union with dispatch, by WE. T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent& car Water and Smithfield stii, Pni g h cc o . AGENTS,—Recd, Parks & Co t Beaver; R G Parks & Co, loungatowm 0; E W Cotes & Co, Warren; D Bostwick & Co, Breadporg A& N Clark, Newton Falls; _ . F Leo,, Newport; J & E M Wluttlesey, Campbel!sport; J M'Untie, Ravenna; M k C H Kent. Frank.: Mier & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls 4 ‘Vbeeler k Co, Ak ton; Sarney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; " Watkins & Toledo; I: & Co, Detroit, 'Slick; Nprture & kVilltams, klihriukte, Wiz, H J Winslow, Chicago, In. apt! RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1848, la FOR TlLA.NerolrratlMl or limacli•NDlZi BETWEEN PITNI3I2 DII AND PHILADELPHIA. Proprnetor, of . this old established and first Portable Boat baying removed their de pot in Philadelphia. to much larger Warehouse on Market rt.. than they formerly occupied, arid al. tn creased their room (or storage at Pittsburgh, are nom prepared to oder much greater facilities to their friends Sild patron.. Goods carried by this Zinc are not transhipped be. tween Putsburgh and rh dvipin being earned en tirely In Portable kre“ion Boats. To shippers of door and other goods requiring careful handling, this fa of importance No charge made (or receiving or shipping goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by, any oth er line. JOHN MePADEN k CO, Canal Bain, Penn al., Putsborgh. JAMES. M. DAVIS & Co., 227 Mnrket &SI Conlatorco at., Phila. JOHN MeFADEN dc Co., Forovardnog and Comnin. &ion Merchant., Canal Dann; Penn n, Huabarga. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commis sion Merchants, tna7 Market, and 63 Commerce .t, Phil363lolm_ fcb24 gjAdynnees made by ei Merlhe above on Four, IA not and other dmmripttons of ehandt. constsned to them. &Ws{ xrcrrlCE—The subscriber, have deposed of their to il wrest in the Penn& and Ohio Lane CLARKR & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 8 LEWIS, orthts cur. The t , 1•111 continue to transacr butane. tor the line. at Wet, Warehouse on Broad street. as usual, and be. speak for n continuance of the patronage of thou Mande. J AMFIA STEEL h CO. Philadolpnia, March sth, 1,18. Ponaoa. Audi Ohio Trans ortotlon Co. 1/1111 Datt tin Daily Lane of FIRST cLAss NEW ROATS AND CARS. TO TILL:O,u at plan. BITWIX, AND LAM'S. mica. CLARKE Zs THAW. Canal Itasca, Pittsburgh LEWIS kr urri.En 219 Market at., Philadetphia JAS. eruu. . Agts, Broad street. CCIWDEIk, CLARKE A. Co . 7. North at., Balt. W ?ORRICK. Agt , 12 West street, New York. marl 3 o*.partn•rship. pICE aubaenbera have thta day ...elated th, hae la e . I together under th , Aiyir of liter k /ones. for the rpo account.), me [matra. formerly earned on by Burnett M. Kier, and aottett a ronttnattnee of the Ith• aryl patronage betetofere extended to the Noun, BBI JO ht BIF.h, B nttsborgh, Much I, 1t4.9 KIER'S PORTABLE DOAT LIRE, Cl/NIPOSED ENTIRELY UV FIRST cLASs FOUR. SECTION WATS, FUR PIIILADI.I.I . IIIA AND BALTINIWIE VIA CANAL.... RAILROADS, WE are prrparr,l. end ,r‘riard LrcLgtit io Re aliovr aria lizierthed,ute (nave, With a.l mutts devyateb, and at u low totes. it, any other respon.ible Isne Theanentlon of shippers oetstong to Fend Pork oi Ba con to /Iron:110re w hu!k. porLeularly requested. to, astnuch vour arrnogrmerts roat,e us to csr.) suet, aroeleg throutrhoin better order t!olo on) 0. her hoc. MLR h JONES, Prop's., tar 71n it. • HOohort a. arch 1.1417 . m.AVTS. 11•111 .4 JUNES-- and !Or Y Nlrr coon,. nod Wholesale Dea.ers Aron. 11:«nar 1 4 o1.1 . rodure Ar I aLe rnl 14•4 advaorea oo ed.] Alcnlnenut marts! TIVIRT onr-Lrt, cuvn I,lall. larwo Pl.intrgh. CP lON LIN To Philady pit a annAll 1, 7.•1, • 11_1 .• ,-" AtAltrtf i g,i'll 1 tker its ; ;43; --- N ... Al' ,D , •._._, - .... • - . 9 4 , CURE OF VmprimpopPlor Livca co up •'' MIIIIIIIIIO DRona,„,,"4' : .1 5, II!. 00 Nsu kp i . • ); di / 11 \ minx c o 10 - ith t4 '' voila 0P 44 . 0 4 1).. DEB 4, 4 4 . 11. 4 ---. to AND FOR THE 11 , 10-A i AM" Taa proprietors have spent much time Cringing Oust preparation of B.I4IMAILLA to its present state of perfection; and the exparlene4 of fourteen years has furnished them the most lilitlidoiciP - Mitionl to study, in their earfooa forms, the diseases for Which It i recommended, and to adapt it exactly to their relief, add cum Pa tient. who wash a ISALS, 000 n Methane are invited to give lta CM!, andladdaff themselves of its nnaenonty, and the invaluable property It poises= or onenta". and corm` dtsease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONEZULT, and In On present improved form may safely claim to be the cue Rol o UT Malebo of the age. Its program to the fame it has &owned may be mood by ii kin lite of fun; end cam, that stand IL landmark. and beanorn for the &mild, pointing the way to the haven of health. • The following!! from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing nnwcric.."ro acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada. Messrs. A. B. Ss D. banns Neis'Ywk, J....4;7, OWL GIUMMIro-1111•114 used, end witnessed the effects of year excellent preparation of Sarsaparilla on different persons In various parts of the southern coUntrY, rix , Virginia, Louisiana, Team, end Mexico, I feel much pleasure in stating the high pinto en t ertained its great the szl i ui . s t .. E ln o ;n t l e own iry. case , Lacg itirg alftwet . to the mast agreeable manner, a tome and invigorating influence. Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved end extensively used by the States army in Mexico, and my cousin, DER. ZACHARY TAYLOR, tent for the pseTSoe years been In the habit of using It, and recommends the came ; he and myself adopted the article at the same time, and It Is now mouldered an almost , indisperisable requisite In the army. In conclution I would my, that the better it is known the more highly It will be priced, and I tenet that its health -neared virtues will make Ikgemeralty known throughout the length and breadth of one widely-extended country. , Yours fiery reepectfully, 5..0. TAYLOt n.a.. . U. S. Consul to New Maras. damn :—Geratlernen-Bymmethy far the allicted "W"i tedn' C.... 'oes mt j'"' llet to rat il lon . of the remarkable cure effected by your barimmuille ha *onus et at nth, be was severely afflicted with the Scrot an &relent parts of the !tidy ; tine ghat& of the neck were greatly enlarged, sad her limbs muck nnalbm. Atter awe a year, and ending no relief from the remedies_ pad., Qs diet.* an d one eg, and below the lame suppurated. Her phyttedan eittßeol it alunabe Iss i tt i Marht& lOU done, but without any rmanent benefit. In thla ell i ell • .and want Induced to use hunt/ The belfl bottle h ' aad. fano , Ole effect relieving her mare than lily preacttption ID hid ever asthma t and hence she had used six Winn. to the astantshmard - gee cbellett of her binds, shar toting her health calla restored. It is now draw year V ore was ettectatk, and fiat_ health nmaios good, thawing the amass teas tllt3_ e abed front Ulu sista= Our rteightleZra am all knowing to theel f facts io it h el ,".4. l 8 jt ersmirt , a r atalt W e to Um age. Extract from a latter received twin Mr. N. W HUMS, a /Callao= wall Louisa county, R:—"I have mod I risare te ty with your idahlais, ro who waa snacked with Botola , and of a once tta IsMily. Yonn tral Poolonleto Sae, Va., ./sty 17, 1843.• • N. A. 4? Th. fallowing tattimony from Roy. John Mtn, bits IlsottPr of ths CD trey of the Crocarion to NIL city, commands ittsif to Ms attention of do N of cones of diseases greeted by this =aid= us alit= =Mtn M _ ews. Sayros mmabor of my family 111 taken valuabls flantajaul.lla for a army acrofoloaa affactlaa, *a. 1.1111 the =at tamahtal. afoot from Ito um. It Oven ma vary groat Mamma to nand my tatilmomy behalfonto •tytoa and that other. may b. tailor-ad to maka • trial o ft t N dtVIZ . M 111 , 172, tare. JOHN 6411130. MOMS. •B.k D. Sallee Y., Oa. Diet °Renews's—Feellnp of gratitude induce km to make a Ile aclmowledgMent , of the helmet 1 have derived from the nu of yOhr I hay* f l .natal years been afflicted with scrofulous "treillage to my head, which at times woad Sather and discharge at my throat, nowt, and eara and at 'Mem would break out in afferent patty of my fats and head. These contlaMid natli to throat, ryes, and head were almost one complete sore, and for a long {lmo I irate° house th at It wit with the utmost dataculty that I could ak above a whisper. Dazing We Who I had several Macke of pleurisy and other disuses . I consulted dearest phydclens, ekul tried venous remeMes. but received no benefit until I coomeeneed using your parilla lam low well the sores and all healed, and I attrflaite the result entirely to the effects of you valuable meacuse. Yours, with respect and gratitude, ?HAHN CAITON. keine personalty at:gnawed with the_ person shove named, I believe her etitemeal to ho correct- IMES M. D. CARP., Judea of Ito Peace. IMIPADED AND WIZ. MMOLIMA.LX ADD ItTLII . MT A. B. & D. SANDS, DRUCK/11M AND CILICKUM3, 100 Fm.roer-.r., court. or WILLIAM: N.'," Vots. Sold also , by Druggists generally throughout the Vatted aisles arid Cansaal. Pm< $1 per Bottle au Bottles for •S ErFor •al.. •ILO, COr., ei trboloorta:e and re•ool. by B. A FAHNEFTOCK. ft Co 0., GOTIIf rof Wood and Front Or und Wood .is, by L WILCOX, Jr corner of donothroold and Fourth eta mod shoo Pt 8111 i the Dturnond. &Aro. by EDWARD FF.NDERICIL .T Monougala Dons, not,Ral M=IEZi II YDROPATELIC ESTAJIMISIIMEINTr ,1114PskiC Sian, L. VEa C rt.; D R EDWARD ACEa:I2; takes M. sienna of re. the loa mange to his friens'• and the PubliS for the extemOve pane nap Ito hats rt delved, and orlo n:II-ming Mein that he has lately net , cted .a large and we, con.leiCted bad ding, for the el elusive purposes at In. WATER CURS; ESTABLISH/ IF:NT, at his old lodattoa, I . l.llspsbu relit, Pa., On the .Obto river, sapper site the steamboat lending at Reny...A - bete he is ready to receive pauerd• as hoarders. and Detail/tern on Up dropathicprtneiples. In addition to In'stilena' ester, and the great success which has heretofore at. tended his treatment of puients conmsittcd to his care, he has now the additional fealties alfortlit d by an eg• 1 tenatve built/t gcted expressly for the ptuulinuut, unitr COSUMPTION. outing eminmodtoua and wry rooms, and Wolf up with The question, then. how shad we mys the destroyer In every necessary %peanuts for bathing, and ddminin the bud! how shall we get clear ol one noughts and tering the treatment to the amasser tversefit and comfort old.' is of vital importance to the pointy. of the pattern. Plaintrowor g e w a mast sigllghtfal mad TILE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY I senility ealy of arenas by steamboats, and be foetid in the Ginseng l'aiihrea. In pram( of thts I ( o p& gn,c and whoksogs. wear,. Dr. poker Wuros we have from ums to unto pubusheel the cern/canesthose alliteled persons who may place thertuudves ere donee. of our best knownll/ xe., who have; iperi, der his care that every attention at tall be paid to their cored its curative powers. These. with a masof mg ; comfort; and as an aitsurance ofth e r obamottal benefits timoay from all parts of the countro.—from to be deemed, he pointS with mond donee pa the bun. MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, area. who have been permanently cured IR losiestatn /Insisters of the Ciospei, . together with copious no lishment. The Water Care learn no inlOgiOUS edema wee from the nehtad, a, t. no often the ease wi th thostilwhd have JOURNAIno OF THE DAY been treated On the old spare e- I t I,3lolrea the din we have embodied in pamphlet form. nod may he had, ease, invigorates m. system, protest ts frotretbe dangers grans of any of out Kea. throughout the country. incident to changes of the weather . eremite a natural HUNDREDS OF 130TFLLS and active anaemia and imparts at, gor to Mindigesuve have been used in to. city. power.. Terms of treatment and be 'larding inaaonable. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS For further perorate.. taquire al e establishment, or throughout the United States and Canada, and net chi address the proprietor at Phdlipalm rgh. ' lenge any Man 10 . p . C11 , nt out a augarid HALTER'S NSENG PANACEA! ,s-: SUFFERING WITH DISEASED t.—The unprecedented success witch hu use m the GINSENG PANACEA nous form. wt.-to :rrit nu= of th e lungs . - ..talonedd the proprietor again to call titan- I ' L T 4f.t4 L' tt ,Ind the II the an suu es has 4o 1 te, tills _ . able weather er Mob marl. our fall and the, le &holey,. n frodful eonree of COLDS AND COailfS. 1M;166=21=11 SINGLE INSTANCE. 1 , - ' We t,..neD2L...lAmiko'ZirmEZlS by Mr . 1 ATIVE.Io.. taro pet averwhich, when take., oeording to directions. and be. Ire the lungs had become fatally disorganized , it has 1 ( 0 ,,, w ,a 0 . 1 ,„ by Dr . j..‘yee.e. Al ~.,...e u ms . Ve h over felled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. proves its superiority over every w her remedy of tht kind She has been sffiteted for the Lot sigteen ,yearli Why s then. need the artheted hesitate! lb by resort to ik. with NECROSES of WHITE SWIi LLINHS, attended me...ruble nocrums, gotten up by an. o individ. wn do someowith ulcerations and enfohation of varlOtta besets do ails o le , the sssemed tams °,' '`eatc i Phi' . , notoriety „ ,,, , e,,,se,me many pieces have bit en diseharged (mai titan- and puffed into by eertificata • c. p e r - - ; the mental hone of the cranium, fa nil boat bee urns.sone moistly unknown' Whlist a medicine at EN PA RA LL ELED EFFICACY i wnsts end hands, and Irma both leap ,aadLrom the kill neigh. le.r.oral bone and from the right k• et, besides palatal b150%°,,,,,,...nbe bed, whose h a, ” are at '' ' ''' ' —°4r '''''.-- ulcers on other parts of hex person, • kWh hate horned SNATCHED FROM THE GB AVE. , the skill of a number of the moist a Mot physicia.nsol In order that this invaluable medicine may he plaited . ..__,._ r _ n _`:±2 . .,ing__ __ • ,.... i i_ o f,_?_,lLdni, .. her' L _.....,,frcaws_n n_n.7.e within the reach of the poor es well the etch, we have .7.,"`: h l` n w m a ` . . d it o r oc 7P‘ w %tmn try m pr irm y. l- . , , r11.7 . 1. , .... pot the pnee at ONLY FIFTY CENTS which has had an ammo Mutely hop. iy Onset Opou her, last one half the usual rest of cough medicine. li is ,by "'"'" all pain • ad n'g d I and nndn _n h 'i c e _.. lhe ., , ..Cl , llto hell, While at the lame MO moors.. mu. lor sOe by oar opens in nearly every town and villain' • has become comploten restored, so us ai she new ...tiled' over the west, who ore prvared to lave full and lbs more Man she dud before she o namotted Na orc don whaler to it. ~,„,..,,S n_ .L „ T nnk ,„P ' ,..d . dn , ,',,,o f ',„ of this truly valuable pr.poson.--ima t Eva, Po". ..., --....-*" --..'''-' —..... For fur th er Inform stkon, inquire of I Ira. Rose., Nd. ,- Im Filbert et, Phlindeir in a. • For sate h hits , .urgh, at the PIM. thi T EL STORE, 72 Fourth at near Wood. /id AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ear.tratorr. erraseruiii Are mmesuleo. tVIISTER:g LIRE OMe• et the Exchange. Baltimore. 'Elo EDI RATEIt.-11e charmss have been redo ced on all Messages to or from Bellmore. NI ts.. burgh or Wheeling. and a correspond.' redaction made on allielerrophic despatches forwarded from Bal timore Vest at Pittsburgh, WATIM.—The charge for o. telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore. Pdtsburgt and %If heeling, we 45 rents for the hrst ten words, and 3 cents for each addaloual word. 1 . 13 No charge La made for the address and ugna lure. Until the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph from Memphts. Tenn., to New Orleans, des. patches can he forwarded to Aleuts/Ms by this route, and mailed for New Orleans fell A Challenge to the World. riIWENTY•FIVE: DULL A Rci will be pod to any one A who will produce • spot of paint, greet: or dry, that cannot be soractml with Itoit's Improved Chemical Soap. I have the sauslaction of saying to toe people of this place, that skis article, by nay ownlmprovement on now stands unrivalled in ilid country for extracting grease, tat, pitch, oil, paint, or any other greney sub-; stance, front all kinds of gentlemen's or ladies. clothing, carpets, table cloths, merino shawls, ladles' bonnets, itc, without Winning anything that pure water will not. injure. More M. one thoosund persons in different paws of the country have told me they would not t az wohout It, if It cost one dollar pet rake. In trying thn lloap on more than WO anted, of light silks. sauna, A pnoeas, and calicoes, I have only found three pieces of silk, two or alpaca, and four of calico. 011 whirl, it changed the color; therefore before potting it nn a 1 t i dress try a sample of we dress first I lodic this into itu am determined not In recommend Wally wronger dr n I know to tie strictly true N II • - Price, 1n eta per cafe. Sold, wholesale and reti JI by 11 E BELLES 3, dealt 37 woad le _ Th•.!Lllegheny Com eeeee . AT the anneal rorrung or the Corporator*, held on the 3th inst. the following persons were alio ni• moody re - elected Manegers for the ensuing year: THOMAS M..114W E, Presiderd • JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CARcYrki ENS, NATHANIEL MIL:BPS, Nlanagers. WILSON APCANDLESS, JOHN H. SHOENBERGER, !AMP.? R. STEER, J. Finn, Jr, Secretary and Tretuurer. The annual statement presentee' the affairs of the Company in • very prosperous condition. Their • ace in the city u N 0.37 Cater meek • cot DAILLin I.:1' LIBRARY, for Sebum Fannlies.— cs.. of twenty to. unics. and emitanns five hundred diffe on rent sub,oeu, inns tutted with SW engravings. It isenti an rely original sertes, merrily written and completeil• by S li (Morin eh. au thor of Peter Parley's Talcs, and is designed ti 3 exhi bit, to a popular form, Select Biographic anon tilt and modern; the wonder. and ruriurs of ., Disbar y, Na. tare, Art, Science. and Philokophy, itie with the pi action! duties of life The pore pet Vol. is 70 cents, each contain.r g about 30V pages. 19 reoi or 61u p si. For sale by nevi It 1101•KIN6 er , Apollo Buildings. 9th Ilarghwgre—Cfmaper Chian Kyoga - 7 LOUAN, WILSON a CO Importers and W mlearde Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddl toy No 1.9 Wood street, above ritik, have noteto . tor Cu very cheap and well selected rota of Hardware, iauported since the decline of pores in Etoope, and wilsich t h ey arc detennined toren correspondingly low. b l ierchants who have been in the habit of going Fgort. Me partici, larly requested to tAll and look through our vtock, es we confidently believe they will save their c.w.0.. oct4 OBLIGINA.L , BOLIVAEL MUCKS., XI'h:II.IENCED judges, on * inn] of role and a half E milhous, *ince lo4i, pronounce thi• article mom, clawed for durubdity In the construction of all kinds of ?nee a52,,3 cash for loath. of Hi M. guar artreed mile mouthsuse. Orders fora second qual,ty B o livar Books will he executed at I'm par M, if so de. tired, without Kuaroolee. A stock of the brat qualityis .w lor sale at the wurehouw, •Slouna Wharf' Ca nal Liamn, by J SHAW ALACLAREN, stria-Al Kensington Iron Works I PICEN IX FIRE BRICKS—The suMerthera hemp Lee n appututed role Agents by the manufacturer. fur the sale of the eetehreted “Phrente links." are p ew prepared to fill orders for any quanuty, at SM. cash,per I,tan. For the cowmen°n of tomato. cm all lunds, these bneks have been prononneed by com petent judges as being supcnot to all other fire bock. tow m ow. C A fiCANI:Lrti et Co, Canal Bann. my7o . . IgETALIC GUM ELASTIC BOOTS-1 do pairs lientlemeas' Boots, just reed end for sale to the a Hobbes Depot, No 6 Wood street wasl63 J t LI PHILLIPS 7-, 5. : i".: MEDIC 4. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. QICROF U AM/ SCROFIJLOUS SWILL INGS.—.Sr rolula in all an multiplied forme whether in %hat of King's Evil, enlargements the glands or bone „ Goitre, White 'Swellings, Cornett Rheematisim, a ,enter, diseases of the Shur or Spiny, or of Pulmoni.ry Consumption, emanate from woe and the same cause, which hi a poissatitur principle more or less inherent in the human system. 7.`beres fore, unless tins principle con be desuoyed,oo mdl' cal cure can be edected, but if tho prodiple upon which the • disease depends, a removed, a curb muste.l necessity follow, no matter uhdeewbs t form the d iseme should manliest itsoll. This, the refer• is 11 s mason why JAYS ALTERATIYIS is no um Teri ally successlul in rolnDring , :so many cash pant die Jasea. It destroys the virus or principle from wl acts those diseases have their origin, by ant, 'ring in to the circulation, and with the blood is conweyed U I the minutest fibre, removing every .particle of i.trease from the system. Prepared and sold ra No. a South 'third Street, Philadelphia. I Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 71. Fourth, tree. !Pittsburgh met 131 LADIES Who Use Coalmen Prepared Chalk, are often not aware how frightfully Injurhete i• to the skin how coarse, how rough, how sallnw, tiel em and unhealthy the Ph 01 appear* alter oeng prepared chain [kande., it is jejune., connoning *large quart 'iv of lead. We have prepared benne:hi vegetable Wartcle, which we call JONLWiI srerilsit Lu..Y inTE . 2 le perfectly innocern,beitijpinfted•oi oil daleterious qua lit:esi and It ifh!Piell In the Ilklo natu ral, healthy, alabilisler, Clear , being white, 'alarm maw hale meting a. a ehalheLe 011 the ohm, caking neon and smooth. Dr. James A.nuerson Practical Chemist of ALISEI• chut. sas: . 'Aster ; Jones's Spanish LBO White, I hod it possesses the most beautiful and naua ral, at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly eau conretenuotoly reeenti trend its too owl whose .ktu require. beanufying." Arica Y 5 cents a box. old by W 31. JACKPOIY, at his Boot and Shoe ett r ,,, go Liberty street, head Of Weed r at the sign of the Itty Boat. PO3 Ladles. ladles, Pm astonished, When you knew that you areproott. mad A natural, life-like, snowy *hue, That you will still use eosnmon chalk; And look a deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. If yea would tise a box ofJONE'S l illy white, h wouli give your skin an ttlabetater yet n stars I white, and at the tame time clear and unprov s it. Sold at JACKSON'S, ED Liberty st. Poles 25 c.c.s per trop. 1275 JOHN . D. MORGAN. - - --- VII 931 Wood street, one door sofa of DiantOnd /1 alley, Pittsburgh, Pa , &Seth for sale • large lot at thugs, Medicine., Uils. Parntai Vends tea, Dyesnitta and Verntinery, Foreign and I.loines4c,, to which hk , call, the attention of drugglstiti pity atel Ina and mer chants slatting the city. as he it, datonni och to sell at very low pnces, and give general awatilnictiois. Otwail* warranted owl cheap. Varnish No . 1 and .3 N. Volt ninnatucture, also laptut and lilacs Leather-Varnish ea of superior y wain y Also, White and Rod dal prices lower titan heretofore altered J. lh M. also blorgon's celobratcd Coo& Syrup ,which ha. given general satisfaenon to all to the ea ring of coughs, colds,, influenast. whooping rough, croup. etc; price 23 cents per bottle. Also, Ato wal l a Indian Liver Pills, a coniun cure for liver coma MUM, sick headache, and all b 1.033111 e011317110.331..11, Priee 23 ell per box. serf Dr. W. P. Inlisuadra Premium Pies ts Ir. T It. W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College tifPhll- 41 ndelphla, now offer, to th e public his ad=. , e(. Duthie Premium Plaster, We outline. pC m hich, &ahoy lona and tried .sperteneo, has been mtima ClOrny tablooled. To all wool Nat, may laassi jai Proln pan. Utena or Fallen en Womb, he reton Immo& ,his planter, guarst.steeLag a aura and speedy spa In the abort .pane of ruin two to thee weeks, if applied with Cain. and r..•t—di•Ciartiing all are' eoaallella i aataaraOtil and elpeo•oie bandages long in use. 'This he feeh s l eollocsonitoub m alatal.g, inasmuch as be Das . not fades' in one case out of three hundred and Entyi.three' pa.. uetu Also for Rhonmansos Cad Weak Brawn oi • Bask, at toodett wah pain there is nothing to ravel e oil Piaster in sin'ordmg rebef or effecting • ears, Por t tale by Wilcox, corner of Diamond said Marks 1 at Braun & Reiter, " Liberty and 84 -.Ciair era Dr i Sargent 0 Federal 111 and DMA Pond, Allo , ebony city bant. • Jacque & Co, Dmman Doi Ditemetr: Mooing, • ' W 211! S Sal ti Splacyir s z tz, 71.2 GREA4T UCitlabre,tp ra&m4o n n e t n atlaa caadiz ~sse ia lan mok NT•Stf , edS r J.1,11.7 4 UN1 • Scam a-4 sum of duty yoth end the andiron ow to add oaf tiamble teakecellit give errhi,j.d. ethrbraid Lithe Pill.. I lath dam red doing mke yowl. circuity to Dewy Crock:Ws marina, eat you Ms eiglso, than go .had.. Most of the many prepanitione of thaw. .aid queclut s hided toMe laths, [sew made into ablistriumwe your Liver NM hare been offered to th e pebaciond, indeed. I believe duty will ',swath them ma they VW jail 640 you represent them ha be. / have birth afflicted with Liao Complaint from my youth; both suffered made estipkspid many thawed ptiyausews,th whom pail moth mown Maw Loot moch bloods berm riamited and la/waded almost to &saki caseated sar 6 tants, end finally gersnnapma inenzahlm la 1,360.7 I was induced to t 0 year Lirer PUS, and SOON GOT te ELL. twos hoe so wnich ianthretafehadtoierpowelses of pain us the ed., and all the other symptom, fa at lest s 2 month. Your Pam are elso thetteialsamici was um* b :dt f t s , w t d , i's,: " Tarel g t Verl :re leapt, esoatty= Mr 0 or 7 years; mkt huadreds of bum, end haws mem beard a Wo. complaint attend by may ow who he sad them. They have capers-cud almost every ostler in MS oeighborboad, and .0 short aerie will beads them all. mencetly escommend them to of pawns needing physic, whether Car Liver Complete' or Billions ArAteticas, I eon rider them far superior to Osicosel orthoßthafill. anpset.. .1 L fflolthis R Y AMN—Se there are other P o Was tun ppnnooLLee CALL.. Lithe Sill.s, persons who went the OENVINEabouIa ask for mid take mother than thwe prepared end sold by E SELLERS, No 57 Woods between Third and Pam& Meta Reid by Dr. Cum., YR% Ward, DM Crum, ADqholy To the Ll.Alcel Prolamines and P fi; HECKER'S FARINA, now in ow at Una liOspitahl Asylums, and other public establishmenu, End recommended by ammo of the moo distinguished,pay stelaas and chemists, as,ast emote of diet for children and invalids, much superior to arrow root, sago, en, far more strenvhetung, pleasant to the taste, and easy or digestion. Put up in 25 R. boxes of half lb. papers, each accompanied with printed directions forcooni, he. Wiling, in kas Agricultural Chemistry, p. 49, PWL ed. observes: -Children fed upon arrow -root, sslcp, or indeed say html of amylalaccous food, which does contain 4re dtents fitted for the formation of bones and titui , a, [mutate fat, and acquire much icesuhronir, their limbs appear full, but they do not acquire strength, nor see their organs properly developed.” In the analysis at the Facto, made by Prof. Reld of New York, among Other eortstilltelltr, he gives ia per ant ofOutten end albutueni and remarks that the awnsof the Farina upon the bledtcal Profession and the public will rest upon td contaitnng in the 'hub= slat albumen, vegetable fibrina and usher introgunisad bodies not found lb arrow root or sired. suostanceal, and wiucti modest, chemistry haa potated oat as hem( necessary to the formation or buman fibre, and by manna of which stature makes up for the constant note that takes place ins Wt. human body For wholesale or retail, by E SELLE RS, sepI6 67 wood ar Great. En;lleh Remedy FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cute of t h e Wove diseases, is dm HUNGARIAN SAI q• M OP UPC, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Dachau, of London, khalmid. and introduced mm the United Stelae under the immediate soperintendence of the inventoral The extraordinary success of this medicine, In tg. earn of Pulmonary diseases, , OITHMS the Amnia. Agent in soltentrig for treat:mem the worst possible ea. sea that can be found in the community-eases that soak relief in vain from any of she common remedies of the day, and nave been given up by the most diatingniahed physicians so confirmed and incurable. The Harimiri an Balsam has cured, and will n Ute, the most deverale of cans. It is no yank nostrum, but a standard Rog- Usti medicine, of known and ntablishedelikaey. Every family in die United States should be supplied with Dacha's 11.garian Balsam of Ltfe, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the eilmnn, but to ha and as a movemive medicine in all eases of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, irritation and soreness of the Image, brochitis, didionity of breatung, hectic fever, night swam, mad anon and general debility, asthma, ma n umit, whooping cough and croup. Sold in largo bottle., at II per bottle, with fell dime nous for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, Mowing the un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agey li naßously. For r ale by BA . tkktrOCE: Cu., earner of ci and Wood and and MI stir mitre DK. JA ir A K'S CA.B.ALINATI Via BALSA= L ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a %rents:man and pop aloe Cie-Romano! the Prommenthlediodist Church The undersigned having been adhe ted during thepast winter with a disease of th e stomach, sometimes pro ducing great pain in the stornett (*richer twelve hones without mtermission, and aster having tried cartons remedies with lade effect, was flarnished with a bottle of Dr D acmes Gatenactative Balsa. Matte used ac cording to therdireetions, and found invariably that this mediator caused the pain to abate in three or four ram ores, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation was entisely quieted. 't he medicine was vf terwardsused whenever indicant/use( the approach of pahmirete perceived, and the pain was triereby prevent ed• lie continued to use the medicine every heel aig and sometimes to the morning. end in a few weeks health was so far retuned, that the *utterer was relies ed from a large amount of oppreative puns. Frost as penitence, therefore. hit winfulently recomma.d D Jayne's laYrentnauve Balsam, tie a 'Watery medic in for it.aeases of the stornarai sad bona , . 1 hit N teg heaycoy ~ For rule in Ptusturgh at Um N TEA. STOtt 24 Emma street, near Wood, nod oleo at itteDrug Store of II I. W• 11 fZ. Federal ' , MU.. Manumit., Purl 7 iron! Blood. .Nr i ns o l,3 . l ; e7re n v i lo E us — tin D 7ie T r d r was se . verelg/te d te ' d a scrofulous cplaint in my leg. and had been for some month, or der the mire of physician. They said to cox was almost incurable, and they could do but little for me. I was nearly. helpless, her with the aid of crutches could nub difficulty get about. In Maylnn, hilt, I purchased of you, and commenced using Bets sores Ssamsrasinto. After the ase ewe bottles, the sores couonencert healing and I laid aside my crumb es, using only a cane. I dispensed watt my sane, and at the end of the fourth, armi so well as to assist all day attextring sheep. In all, I used fi ve bottles. The scrofula and sores have ail healed up, and since lest summer I have sees no appearance of the disease, but have uutinued, and am now in the most perfect health' I state with confidence, taming that others may be ben dined In the swag way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by you. has bean the means and the only means of effeet mg We cure. COILVELII7IS7. ROSE For sale wholesale and retail, by thkw B A. FA111.4.7/ts.7lC I Co our, front P wood es, & also comr wood tr. Gnuu VINE I.I.I.ILPOIIII4FLY V VCream de' Amanda Amete', for shaving; Cream a la Rase, tor shaving.; Almonds Cream, do; Superfine Rouge, on Porcelain stand.; I...ccant scent Dap, perfumed with La...der, Anglo term Alieli Beautiful powder pada, of all patterns; Embossed toilet boxes, containing, fragrant extracts far the handkcrelneft a scent bag. and toilet soaps, snit able for prevents. Parlntim, or Chinese powder: vingetante im.r oil, oil, to fancy or comma wrappers, (roan mem. e lones' Soap; Nymph tamp; Roes Lip salve; Shell war dada mtapi togetherMlA a great •artety ofhme perfumery: rust received; for sale by B AEA PI iC h. CO Dell cot 6.• Awool am Pulmonary Balmer. IUT FSSR.S. REED & CUTLER—I feu , it a duty 1 yyl. owe to my fellow eremitic., In two something more respecting your Vegetable PalMoaary Rothe I Ent sued the Holum, .0m eleven years ago, the y ho.ppy effect of which accusal then gave KOf, I ha • had several severe complesuts and aitaC Its at my thugs, one a few day. mince, and in every instance I have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect seeress. It ho. effected relief and cure to a very few days, It is certainly a sale medicine. I do not know that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I believe it will be in army eases • preverrove, and prevention is better than curt; I do therefore, for the love of my fel low melt, earnestly recommend the, use of this Balsam, nil indiounnry complaints. I am confideat that it has been the mecum of premertifig my life to this day. Boston Jane I4YO. IiENJ AFL IN PARSON 5.,1 For sale by B Fahoestock, & Cu, comer hat and wood and also corner wood and Gut thl9 SELLER'S IMPERIAL COUOH SYRUP-116u toyoter to cure! Prrnoczott, Feb 14, LOU. R. N. Settentx—My wife has for years beer. sulueet to a dram...tog cough, accompanied with asthma, for the core creel - rich ate used dularent cough remedies, and had the mince of the moat emictentpnystetans in Faightod, but all Was unavailing. lip chmce I heard at Yob , ImPv , m , ebbe , sad was taduced to buy bottle for trial, although I had an belief that imp - dung doold remove her complaint. To my great surprise, 'vim doses gave her ummediate relief. She is at uses roubled with • cough, but two waspoopalin of Syrup storeys stops a. lam satisfied, after a tnal of three or our years., that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough medium,' I have ever toted either in um Old er New World, Ww. F 4111.0.012, Seventh Ward, est) , of Pittsburgh. The above certificate should induce all who are troubled with rough or asthma, to give the Syrup • W. al. Itm R ay be had for 2b cents a bottle, at the drag stele of asmog Sold by Dr Cassel, othh wLd, and I) I Corry, sale. &any city. pia Patent. Moot epriag Tease, MEWL V VENTED—FO: th e rellefaud Yetnt.ent LI Caro of HERNIA or KUPTUKE. I/lotted to all moss) ita superior elanne of this Trost consist in the corn. oaratire can with which it may be worn. 'The pad of wood being neatly balanced on sunup, yields to pre.. sum on any pan of 11, and thoroughly adapts itself to 507 taiiireMerit mode by the Wearer., It eau t.e worn •IlboilllaterMbisloa, Mail* Cara is effeeted. The sob let. ben hare made erring an an the reanninctars 51 valuable 'Trusses, in a superior style, to Setputn, and Pave them now for sale at their °thee, No 77, etre:M:ld at. none aunt, Pittsburgh. GEO: WAIT, D. W. KAU FMAN. ELLER.S' VER34l}.lGlE—.Supenor lo any 1 have S ever used.. 6 Ti, Fayette eouuty, March 4, '4e Mr.l47l:!ements-1 nereby certify that I have wog your Verretfuge in my funny, mut believc it opal, If not lillpellOr to any I totve ever used. 1 gave to one of my centime tole dome, which ex - peke hbout to worms. - - Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood 31 Sold by Dr Cauel.6an Ward; D 111 Cary, Allegheny J nrona, l'emperaryeevalle; and I' bravo, Lev• reoceulle. SYnRIY NGIFS—An u . so y nneni jug: reojd )u a i t )113 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUBLISHED DAILY, nu-warattiv L WEEKLY As sAa Unzan li.ildwv, Jd ea, guar aka pm qui.. I .) ' ' . ro t 't , 1... A .2 "T r ta ' i 'l.7' of 7.L 6 - 2:barAa I't eDOr arVtsl '''''''o su 'lt, :I:. : ............ VI Three • ' " .... ...... 100 One Week .'4l • 1 50 Two Weeks •'" • 2 50 Three " " .t.... 3 0p One Month, ". 400 Two " •t..• 600 Three .. •.....„, 760 Oa' Longer advertisements In same pt o l l ° /0°1 ....' u o One sonare,6 month., without altetation.••"' - ' `"' ..1.15 00 Each additionaal agnate for 6 month., ...... 500 16 " ...... 10 00 One equate 6 months ' nine:rale at pleasure. 16 00 ‘. .. 6 .. Each additional square for 18 moathe.• ••—• • 10 00 Two squares, 6 month., ro'Dabia al pleasure, 30 00 Each additional eqe.e., 6 muoth., El 00 WEISEL! OR TRI-W ..... Is 6a11.7 SASSILS. Op@ square ...{ itutertsuca, St 60 " " est?, aticAtional tosortioa 37 a lIIIISSI CARDS. Fire sloes or laist,otto year. 6 00 "' " " it. months - 6 00 " " " one year, daily dr. weekly, 10 00 " " " ail months " . " 00 asirsrri tit wszicior SAJPII. AIDE RTI Ye/ 20 Imes, or les., OISOiRSCICIOD, •••• ....Sp 60 Tin!, . Tbree, _ • " Three mouths, • " 131 X • 4...4... 600 Twelve 4 .wwwwelle 841 COMM 0 70 ....... 100