The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1848, Image 2

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EM1'"1"71i0ID -
FIUGAIDIMPULt trOTLITS J 1201121101111.,
edvertisembus dud Sabsaiptionsthallorgitusta
esti=di Staffs laszetre"lllAelPhia, recebved
comuszsotar. maw Asp PECILADEL:
PHIL PRICE Clllilitalfy..
Settacriptione unlJe enhable paw IeVU be maim%
Gad tonrardent from %Ws USIA.
w. orill Metro find tonne! the of expamos, ad
• And okbOariPthum Mt PaPer-
DEVPerrousaw PAW lam= Is published
-Weetly, sod Weekly.—The Dal is Boren
Daiwa per aflame; the Tri-Weekly is Pore Wars Paw
Canna the Weekly is Two Dollars pat MON iatata
117Airriallsims are eeritestly requesuMici band In
urea favors before 6 a a., and as early llithedity u
promicuble. Atimuttsemems not inserted for :al
lied tints inmoisitty charged moil ords out.
Fan war Ccoomorelsl inielligertos,Domeslic, Mar
lons, River News, imports, Money Resists, to. see
gird page.
'lei mast pair. Mar Telegraphle sews•
For Local Ratters see lent page.
We expected, when we undertook to re
smite the Message by telegraph, to lay it be
fore our readers yesterday meriting, in our re
gular edition, at the usual time ; but such was
the great length of the document and the state
of the atmosphere, that, although not a mo
ment was lost from two o'clock, Taeaday,
*hed it commenced to arrive, up to the
close of its reception, we did not receive it
all until two O'clock yesterday. As we had
made no preparations to publish a paper ir
respective of the message, our readers most
excuse the late bow of our issue, as it was
-governed by circumstances beyond oar con
1;:r We must ask the indulgence of our
readers for the lack of the usual variety and
quantity of matter in our columns to-day.
After all the hands connected with the es
tablishment had been kept on their feet and
busily employed for nearly thirty hours con
secutively, in getting out the Message, we
could not ark them for further exertion. To
morrow we shall be all right again'
Tux formation of a "Taylor flepublican
Association," u has been recommended and
attempted by some of our Whig friends in
Philadelphia. seems increasingly objectiona
ble the more we reflect upon it. Although,
as we said before, we do not understand the
exact design of this movement, and have
not been made acquainted with the motives
which have originated it, yet we must enter
*or protest against any measure which ap
pears to be calculated in its nature to weak
en the influence and efficiency, if rot destroy
altogether, the glorious Whig party with
which it has been our pride and pleasure to
be associated for so many years.
Any movement designed to cage the
name, or any of .the great and leading prin
ciples of the Whig party, to be successful,
must disband the present effective organic' a
don, and scatter its elements to the winda—,
thus wantonly throwing away the herculean
labor of years, and ruthlessly destroying as'
fair a political fabric as has ever been reared I
in the country.
The Whig party, as now sorunimted, num
bers in it's tanks the true republican and con
servative feeling of t? country. It in the
bulwark of our institunona, protecting them
from the dangers of concentration, through
ignorant and blind devotion to party and
person, on the one hand, and a destructive
and levelling spirit on the other. Divide up
and amalgamate pasties as you will, which
seems to be one object of the Philadelphia
movement, the members composing them
will in time seek their natural and educa
tional abut . ' ies,..aed two parties will always
exist, of characteristics similar to the present
Whig and tooofoco organizations.
Why, then, disturb the harmony of exist-
log relations—especially just as the public
mind has become acquainted with Whig' .
principles, and has been disabused of long
and embittered prejudices What good can
it do—what object of general welfare will he
effected by it I Will it not throw us back for
years, and compel us to commence the work
of building up a national conservative party,
favorable to safe social progress, over again!
HA MM AND MATTI= AI WASlLlBiarolc—hal ef
.effort is to be made to settle the question of shivery
in the new territories, daring this session. A letter
says that the tree milers are;determined to main
mitt tbe freedom of the soil fitim slavery in Cali
kiroill; but wield. perhaps, Lewis New blesico to
the disposithm ofTexas, whose eltdros to that ter
ritory may receive a failirble consideration. If
the Southern democracy'ailpept these terms, It is
mid the free sailers will be initialled—and the two
wings' dthe pony may again harmonise. On these
carms,! and on these only it is said will the free
Goiters of New York ever consent to fight side by
ode with the Hookers.
It le rammed then Henry Clay is to return to the
U. Sates Senate. Mr. Clay has himself said that
he will be a candidate for the sent made vacant by
the resignation of Mr. Crittenden. and filled tempo
rarily - by the Governor , s appointment of Mr. Met.
ealf. Every ;one will rejoice to see him back in
the place to which he has formerly gives so much
vace, dignity and Interest.
It Li pot down es certain thw. Mr. Cass is to come
back to the seal he no eagerly resigned with the
fall ettpectnlion of taking up his residence in the
White House. If be comes back a lea embalms,
he %%ebb a better and more useful man..
The Postasuter General it is repotted will rec.
ommend in hie report, ■ uniform Postage of 5'
The Pennsylvanian publishes a letter from "F.
I. Claiborne," dated Natchez, November 15th, and
sseetting that since the fact of his election is certain,
"General Taylor has thrown of all disguise,"--and
S. S. Boyd whom con knows to radical pa the
slavery question, and who often says that Stapheer
,dyeis absurd, called Bingham and myself one
aide yeaerday, and told d that "be bad that day
spent same boars with General Tayloeand that he
was right on all the points, and, without speaking
dike territories, the old gentleman distinctly and
eanzestly declared that when the North attempt to
interfere with the sieve question, he was for draw.
ing tkr, sawed and throwing army the seecbterrei."
We hams not the slightest dada that this to an
entire fabrication. NO man who knouts any thing
of General Taylor can sap Pose .that be would a
shes Proclaim tenements now which he has conceal
ed hitherto, or indulge in such inconsiderate and
intemperate brogue= important public mat-
Jas, at is bare *tip him. The story bears
upon its face the stamp of falsehood.
H.A.II.I.I.SCRG AND Purism' Itattuult.—We
andkliss followinaribuement in the lam number of
the Harrisburg Keystramii—The Pennsylvania
nil road, new in curse' of cuustotiMil, from
ilthishelg to Pittsburgh, at the head of the Ohio
elver, will be 251 miles In length, making the whole
41i1CIDCO Ptidadelphia to Pittsburgh 259 miles.
This line masses the Allegheny mountains at So
w Huta flap; and from Harrisburg to the balm of
the motuttalns, a distance of 133 miles, the line
'fiAloWa the volley of the Juniata river, and hes no
Rode greater than 21 (mt. partmie. The curve.
gores AllllO Cagy and- the rasa adapted to high valoni.
tins The mountain's mended on the entre aide
by 13 WO miles of it highlrade OPP feet per sage
--similar to that of the Watson itedtbad of blius
suchusstts. The naiads 'of the mountain is then
IMP() by a tunnel 700 yard, 104. and the hne
frats the summit to Pittabergit is 06 Milim long,
i Malign= grade ofo2 feet ger 1114114
oulissid distal= hem gimlet: et to 01:04
=esti will be ;ISt/miles by the way of Blassillon,
Wooster,and.Ccdambos, while.l.l4 distance by th
OirOkitier is 495 miles, or otur half longer than the
named, sad the railroad may be travinsed in atom,
anedsarth the time :isolated by steamboats on the
gives The railroad in Ohio km the grates put of
. • ' .tb will traverse thetable4anda oftbst Stine,
very Insurable foirsit4 nad cosspostica.
~:..r .1 ..,,; ~Q ~ F.
r a
AteiLind in t64lfeeKYa
te'irsati knettfroick
viiictudis moat Oran
, coo! which .
the prem and people hare Wen Innuit
regard to bis age nand ' ' Taylor Is me ahoy
two or slaty frur es his beau SO frequently stated
ilcinhen..4ftLettotorad ie therefore kart yearn
rtniuttmrjhati geniralltriiipaind eed., IrCOZP ,
00:101 1 1aLtraelletiill Utah of his WI. 4 As a Is
,thez arid shmitatid he isitineircepbonsbte. Hu db.
pigtkois geeedlntlyirmad wit*, yet calm
cool and firm . ife .le`to be carried amity
by the emotions of the-moment; but thinks twice
before he *peeks' once, and. thermbre rosin her
amore to w ta l i at he may tame said or don&
worthy consonos Just such a
women e - rat:is a man—plain and unassuming in
her Manners, courteous and kind to her servants
and dependants, and affeericemte and confuting to
her friends. . .
They have two daughters and s .,] believe one
son living. One of his daughters was marr i ed to
Cal: Jefferson Davie. She married against the
consent of her menus, and for a number of years
the old General never exchanged • word with her
husband. At the ciege of Monterey, however,
chance pieced them cl ose ly together, and the cp.
partnnity was Mixed by Col. Davis to restore
goodtbelinp whirl Grimmer e.sisted between them.
Satisfactory eipbsuations were made, both shook
hands, by gams were ktrgotten, and the two are
now happily reunited in the hoods of friendship.—
Mrs. Davis died some years since, much regret
ted by all who knew her.
His other daughter, well known as "Miss Betty,"
end wbo, it is presumed, will be the presiding gen
ius of the White lionise, is n beautiful girl. It is
generally 'supposed that she will become the better
half ofgalhou Colonel Bliss, and that they are en
gaged to be married, and have been so for some
time. Col. Bliss is perfectly at home in the old
General's Imam he eats there, and is always treat
ed by him as a son, and he looks op to General
Taylor as a father. The second daughter living,
is married to Dr. Wood, of the United States Army.
residing In Baltimore,
A abort time after the Genetsl wee nominated by
the whig convention in Philadelphia, he received
comber &letters from distinguished
urging him to travel to the North, In order to pro
mote the chances of his success; but he turned a
deaf ear to all ef them. One day he was asked
why he would not do so, when it was evident that
it would help him in being elected. To this he
made a characteristic reply. "Sir," said ha,
would not solar degrade myself as to go as far as
that ferry, (pointing to e ferry close by,) to influence
the public choice, or to secure my election. I have
never solicited the nomination, and oever aspired
to the Presidency. lithe people elect me of their
own free choice. ray humble services will be at
their disposal. If they elect some other candidate.
shall not be in the aligtuast degree mortified."
It is supposed, by those who are competent to
form an opinion on the subject, that Gen. Taylor
will select Mr. Crittenden, of Kentacky, as Beene.
tart , of. State or Attorney General. He has been
heard, on many occasions, to express himself in the
highest terms of commendation of that grualemsn's
talent and ability, and it is believed that several
letters have passed between them within a short
ImMat from Now liorkm.
►ROat Tex mac= sxruturcair or norrourna23.
We have received the Santa Fe Repuiheart of
the 1804 of October, from which we are able to
condense a good many instils of interest:
A aerially of New Mexico has been taken, Goat
which it appears that the population of the Tent
tory—rwt including the county of Valencia—is
32,228; of which 2S, 151 are classed as whites, and
4,057 ea Indians•
The Seputilican contains the proceedings of a
Convention of delegates of the people of New Mex•
leo, "to form a coristitallon and apply to Congress
for a Stem or Territorial Govertimem, and to do
mich other Irma as to them may seem for the inter
est of the people." A majority of the Convention
were Mexicaas. ANTONIO Jose MANTIN, of Taos,
was elected President, and J. hi': Ginumos Seca,
Lary, and the business of the corivenuon was trans.
acted mainly through an interpreter.
The only offieiel set of this body was the adop•
lion °fa petition, on behalf of the people of New
Mexico, to the Congress of the United States, in
which they ask Go the speedy organisation of a
Territotial r *.ivil Government, for New Mexico.
They repellent that the organic and astute laws,
promulgated by authority ofthe United States Sept.
tember, 22.1.1849, with some tew alteratious, would
be desirable to them. That they desire the appoint
ment of a Governor,Secretary of the Territory,
United States Mars hal, District Attorney and Jail.
ges, and ell the usual rights of appeal from the Ter
, ntorial courts to tlat Supreme Court of the Untied
' State, They "reapedfultv but thinly protest against
the diamembermeht of our (their) Territory In (river
Of - Tains, or tor any cause: They fortherniore
tVe do vat desire to Aram dormetc slawry wale
os our borders, and until the time shall arrive for
oar ado:Melon Into the Unto° son derivate le rose
ad by Congress guise cane ouraductimi anent/sr
no." A local legislature is gaffed for, and that
their interests may be represented by a delegate in
On motion of Mr. gutier, it was]
-lßereford, That the petition ofthe people of New
Mexico in Convemicin assembled to the Congress
of um United States, be &marled - 10 HomsTtursits
EL More= and the Him. Joint M. CLarrsts, and
that they he requested to represent the interests of
this Territory in the Senate of the United States:
It appear. from a statement in the ReptishWieen
that two of the Delegates refused to take the oath
. .
of allegiance to the Vaned Staten.
Thin Convention was held in pursuance of R pro.
clamatiqu issued by the acting Governor of the
Terriwry, lkelainal.
Ilelhanders in Michigan
The Gland Rapids (Mich.) Eagle contains the
sobjoined particulars of the interesting Dutch cola
ny on the shores of Lake Michigan, to which wi
esteesive an emigration has recently been made
by those persecuted ;Hollanders who have been
obliged to leave their naive coantry for the advo•
cact of liberal opinions in religian. and polmcs—
Wecindersuted that it is the design of these colon..
Lts to commence the padlication of a newspaper
in their own language, shortly, to be edited by en
:nn of their Domirries, (who are the bould
ers of their colonies ;and act as their Magistrates
ad leaders.) The Eagle sayer
Mr J. Walker, an Ameriean. residing in the Co.
loop, in engaged in teaching school among these
Hollanders, we believe in the village of Zeand.—
This village was founded under the superinten.
entice of Rev. A.C.Van Raalte. The school house is
of logs ; some 25 by 35 feet, and is used as a place of
worship, Mr. Walker's pupils are manly adults.,
learning the English language. There is also a
school there where the Hollanders are educated in
their own tope. The village of Zealand yet in
embryo,containing from 75 to 100 houses, and bide
fair to become a large and flourishing city. The
country, which-but a year and a half wince, was a
dense, unbroken wilderness, the abode only of the
Indian banter and wild beast; where the white man
never 'ventured, except cawasionelly; a daring and
adventurous trapper, ts fast becoming a garden of
tke <koncert kind. Truly the wilderness is made
to blossom like the rose, by these industrioas, pen
severing and intelligent Hollanders; every man
owning and eigtivating his own land and living in
his own house,snlyect to no rent or church tithes.
They are a very devout people, and seem happy in
their choice of home in such a land, under our free
and happy fortii of Government_ Their mode of
farming is not now exactly after the improved
Yankee style, hot this they will soon acquire.—
Theyrore_xery generally a reading and writing
people, considerably wedded to a set custom, but
they desire in a measure lo change their customs,
and adopt those of our own people, The mechan
ics huddle together, and lay ont a village for the
convenience of the settlement around it, and each
one cram sit acre, tills it as a garden, and work.
at his trade. 'Thin village is laid out in one acre
lota, and sold in; seven dollen each; and five of the
seven is appropriated to Making of streets in the
village. The State land is under the operinten
denee.of Key. Mr. Ypma, also of the Reformed
ed ouch religion.
The City of Holland, id Allegan county, is the
residence abler. A. C. Van Rallis and the
ole Balks, five miles from Zealand. When these
people arrive, the Arta thing donelis to buy a piece
of ian_,d; the second is to nimmence chapping; end
the.tMid is to plant and make fence, and Judy build
• house. There err several Holland mereltants
among them, but none very largely engaged in bus
sinew Hodenbnyl is about establishing a city site
at Steels Landing, on Grand River, in Ottawa
, twenty.
DAMS or Got.. WM. Pots—Sbave Relethon.— ,
The Memphis Appeal, of the 234 db.., states that
Colonel William Polk, reeding at Walnut Bend,
Arkansas, died on the previous day, ;and that hi,
slaves, 300 in number, were in open rebellion. Af
ter his death they binge into the storehouse, sod
1 , 1124 , hnlped themselves to its contents—consatin
of clothing and groceries of various kinds. Some
crofts were made by the few white persons abodt
the premises m restrat,a them, but these were of no
avaiL The negroea allege that their late mute/
promised them if they served bun faithfully during
his life time, they ahould be free at his death, and
express a determination to free themselves. There
was not saffinient wh des Within many miles oldie
place to ptithem down, and much trouble wu an.
Ksorrocrr.—Ofterde—The Frankfort Common.
wealth, mph that the ,flowing is the result in Ken
Taylor wad Fillmore,
Cess ant) Sneer,
Majority to Taylor sad Fillmore MISS
This statement does not include the returns horn
the acendis or Penland Umber. They have Dot
yes Timbal the Elecemary's office, and will be sz•
eluded is the adie4eaunt. The vote is these
two counties bu beez, we suppose, very elate.
mond:papers, in Minch* the Cam, say ; "In this
,i3tnte, we believe, 'it is considered rutoonstitutinnal
to think God, and certainly 'not contemplated by
'the itiOntions of '9B and Vir"
4Fy -y
magi L
errlisnuag alarrOc l :
I ; 041nOt i t of Cloortor SoldllUsA
IPaimatlie.;7 ,
=ruts -z
Ctuzaz o Parozwr.--Saases M. 201,0 vu
Indic e d tawny. The &g ambit LI ASOUpir
AA= ci rather_ InteiuB eppeenukee—eol. more
then 16 pan olloP• --
Ccciasef thbfirineettliew—Mems. &Own
Led Snowden Fdr the defenee—Meesra Rita
I and blegehen.
Mr. Snowden in opening the cue to the jury
said be would produce a bill or receipt, purport/2g
to he from Mr. R. M. Riddle of the Comnierciel
Journal, which the prisoner had forged. He had
never been employed in Buy capacity in the Jour
nal office, but it appeared that be knew enough to
be able to make flirt a bill, and to get hold of the
money. There were Bye indictments against the
prisoner, all charging him with obtaining money by
presenting unauthorized bills, and giving kissed ie.
ceipts for the same. In August last, he weer
the steamer Skipper, and demanded payment for
advertising theiruips to Beaver. The clerk of the
boat went to the captain, and asked if the bill was
correct The captain said it was—knowing that
they had an account there for advertising, and di
rected the clerk to pay over the money, which he
did. He would show that the prisoner was the
same prison who presented this account and re.
ceived the money, and that said account and rest
rtipt were forgeries. He bad received three dol
lars at this boat. Another indictment charged him
with a similar offence, in obtaining 53 from the
captain of the steamer Iludatn—attother of $1 ffil
Won the captain of the steamer Geneses; another
of $3 from thei captain of the Highland Marge—
the bill or receipt purporting to be from the office
of the Pest, and the hut one charging him with re.
ceiving $3 from Messrs. McGill de Roe, of this
city, on a forged bill from the office of the Quetta.
-Some objections were mode to the first indict
ment, by. Mr. Black, but the court overruled them.
Mr. William Smith, clerk of the steamer Gene•
see, identified the bill produced, and proved that
the prisoner had presented it, and received the
William Evans—Was:the commercial clerk at
the office of the Commerical Journal. Had been
in the office Mace the commencement of the paper:
attended akelusively to the steam boat business,
which was kept separate, in a • separate book, of
which witness had the sole charge. Had never
authorized the prisoner to collect money for him.
Had not made out the bill presented, nor was the
signature his.
Here the case was at s perfect stand still—the
witnesses not being present. A dozen or two at
tachments were consequently issued, end officers
sent in every direction to bring up the delimiting
witnesses. The judge got a Mlle impatient at this
trilling with the time of the court and the jury.—
The audience pereeptshay declined.
Mr. Black niter consulting with the prisoner and
his friends, suggested that the plea of ' not guilty,'
should be withdrawn, in regard to two of the in
<liniment., on consideration of his being sent to
the homes of refuge in Philadelphia, rather than to
the Penitentiary.
The court, in addressing the jury, said it was
impossible for them to determine how long he
should remain in the house of refuge. The object
of this institution was to reform bad boys, and be.
ing under the direction of very intelligent persons,
it would be for them to say how long be should re.
maid there, or what inode of reformation should be
adopted. Some times boys were sent from this
institution to the South Seas—often ■ good mode
of reformation. The court were unwilling to send
one of ins years to the penitentiary, and they hop
ed the course suggested would be. productive of
good result.. The prisoner urns then sentenced.
Mama's Cotrar—Wednesday morning there were
three cases of disorderly conduct limited before
his honor The first, a man who said be was a
working jeweller, was fined a Jolley and emits,
and in default of payment was committed to jail
cur 48 howl. He had been m the city .bout nine
days, boarded, he said, at the Furry Hcriue, but had
probably 'run ashore' there, as he Wee found in the
street. and had no money. Another, the case of
hard working Sconchnen—who was in the balm
of indulging a little, and who hadoften been con
ducted home by the watchman, on fernier occa
sions. The watchman, however, gave hire a tol
erable good character, and he worked hard for
bnifamily, and when he did'or drink was • quiet
and peaceable neighbor. He was discharged on
paying the con, with a promise ot a -.shaft - rest.
deuce in the jail, if he gave any farther trouble.
The third, and Mu, was an inhabitant of a neigh
boring prloung orrini who insisted with pertinacious
tenacity on a supposed right to take op his lodgings
among the 'typus' willing or unwilling; and not
being exactly the min of company which they liked,
and the vagrant refusing to seek lodgings else-
where, they took companion on him and handed
him over to a watchman. In his defence he said
he will waiting for the president's message, aa he
had made arrangements to carry a large number
of copies into the country. His honor thought
the best place for him would be a abort stay in the
jug; be ctiol'ot think the public would auffer much
for the want ebb. services for • few days. The
prisoner averred, however, that be had quit drink•
ing, that oa the previous night be might bars had
as much as would make arere nun drunk, bat
that he did not drink a drop, and that if his horror
would let him go this time he would never drink
any more, as he had made a 'great resolution.'—
kill honor mid he would try him once more, and
he was accordingly discharged.
13oard of threctors cdthe above company met on
the Evening Mac 4th Imo. at thepiiica of the Com•
pony and organized by Electing—
WM. LARIMER jr.,—Prandwn
H. D. KlNG—Srarrary
On motion of Dr. E. D. Gaza= the following re•
&nation was passed unanimously.—
Resolved.—That the proposed alsekwater omega
non on the gonghinghany River u far up as Con•
nellsville is a work which the friends of the Pitts
burg and Connelsville Ruil Road company ought
to encourage and support.
A number of tippling house cases mere then
called on, bat the parties not sppeaying, and the
Court being detained tr a oonviderable Woo In
out any business, the recognizance" of the parties
mere declared forfeited, and processes directed
the judge to he pot into the hands of the sheriff
for the recovery thereof.
Tae FACTORY Riot Casa—Mr. S. FL . Geyer op
plied for the discharge from his recognizance of
Wm. Sprague, one of the parties who had been
bound w answer any indictment that might be pre.
forted against him, in connection with the above
named riots. Tame had been no bill found against
km; rue name bad indeed, been stricken from the
indictment, before it went to the grand Jury.
Mx. Callan opposed the application—bet the
court discharged the recognizance.
lltsatiottivr nouns.—Elise Bmwn was iocjicted
for keeping a disorderly house in Prospect street.
commonly known as the "Banshee House."
In aocordance with notice, given, the Commit..
nes of arrangement of Baldwin Township, and the
sth Ward, Pittsburgh, met at t he Merchant Hotel,
on Saturday, the 2,1 last, and organised bycalling,
?4r. R. Glass, of Baldwin, to the Chair, and appoint.
ing James Meicisivy, Secretnry.
On motion of Thos. Varner Rai., it was.
Resdcrid, That the Banner ogered by the
tens of Baldwin Township, to lite Ward of. the Qua th irwr bi n b6i imirto. _ .ooe
two Cities giving the largest increased majority J:ir bygthiert . in trregori,'Rev. J. IL Wilbur, gives
Gen. Taylor, over Our. Johnstoo's majority, and t h e following pacoonfiLio respecting
which kiss been awarded to the Fah Ward, Pitts- low laborers, in a letter in the last Christian
burgh, be presented to the Committee of sold Ward 4dvocale and 4onmal:--$' Bm. Roberta is
on Saturday, 16th not, at 11 o'clock. pt the house of quite popular tamoug the keopls . and is ki
lobit Conan, M Baldwin Township ))14441 f i e Pelitg 4bAltV to dp •
great and gog4 wy- wa fe r
On motion of Mr. Geo. Hamilloas
lissolout, That the sth Ward committee be ins my —4-5-8.) go d 11. •• •thit Tin well—•
good man ana a good preacher. Rte. Leslie
Waded to call a meeting of the citizens generally , ta at the Falls, or Oregon city, 00 miles be
at the American Hotel Penn. st. 2121 o'clock P. M low this place. Bro. Parish has been ream
the same day ,and to invite the Hon. W. Forward. men d e d by the Quarterly m ew i ng Confer
and other distinguished speaker' to deliver ad., once to the Genesee AnnualtoMmenoe as
dresses, and further that the citizens of Baldwin are a suitable person to travel; he is now travel
hereby respectfully invited to accompany the Ban. ling. We have three others, Helm, !Allia
nce from the place of presentation, to that meeting nay, and Raynor, who are devoted to the
Qu motion caned. work."
- :Pe
s.cou t Cfpits. 8. °wirer. , Wasurta'sFre—fard Brougham,
efas.lms.s. Fn a pont cuquiwatiatt with an linderican
traveller, remitted of this Work, Lae
The New York Tribune has a prong article come tR ho a 'noceaiity to every sainmdesi
'phut National Conventions for the nomination 9 1 MILO
Presidential candidate'. The 'edam:wow with
The Igyoy York Tribune say. ;bat Father M'
National party Conventions are very gnat, but II u m e. ; on t oo a no b the mated States
i n can ine to point out the evils than to snow a again omponed, brit that it ts Inns reverend ira"
remedy that will not involve equally if sot greater theinsn'a "poly° We:aloe" to corn* over vearty
Menhirs I hi the sprint.
t'n Vatorem—One of the Kith
sin s
wool p•_ l ll , PnbOlahh-Of cons respected
ynnainurao l . ronclisi4a *unsay General in
sgr:figgeig. lieruictyottneber — of flvm
046:00abitigrehmasibotheciellttes i
vanla aid OM) n latency General, and
Jhe Ws* certainly be a very good
Loden* amptired a 14'h ating ha
representative fet Otagpsaa; then as a member of
th e peonsylvmde ber attained a very high yoshion.
lu lISS4 6e wan selected fie Allegheny distries, and
by his varied knowledge and eloquence Will of
great service to the good carom. Doting the re.
cent canvass was eladient, as an elector, in attain.
lag the great end, so ardency desired by every
patriot, the election of Gen Taylor to this prest.
deacy, which was accomplished by the vote of
Pennsylvania. We believe Ins appointment as
Attorney General would give oniveteal satisfat,
Prrrsaulan Dec. S. 184&
Meow Wane & Co. One of the mmd hopeinl
signs of the time is, that man is demanding more
times for self improvement—mom leisure far so
cial' intercourse and the joys of home. We there.
fore notice with much planar*, that the Hardware
Merchants, have weed With one another to claw
their respective place of business at 6 o'clock from
Id December to the lat of March. The Dry Goods
and Commission Merchante—the GrOCZTI and shoe
dealers and indeed most other department■ of
trade close at Muir. The Mechanics with very
few exceptions, have insisted on, and saccesaftilly
carried into operation, the ten hour system. as it is
called. Year Idler year, stletepte have been made
by the youngmen engaged in the wholesale Drug
business to obtain the same bona tor chasing al
those conceded by the Hardware Merchants.—
Th., arms, have hitherto nailed, though the
persevering obatmeey of our at two individuals.—
The 1111111L1 reason for nothsal is that it the time was
gamma, it would only be consumed in dissipation.
A reason Of it should be dignified as a reason) as
insulting to those employed. as it is false. Why is
It, that in a business Ss Irksome and laborious as
any in the city and in which salaries are hot high.
fifteen at sixteen hours labor and attention should
be required. Erom 8 o'clock in the morning until
8,9, and sometimes 10 o'clock at night? Another
attempt is about being made: selfishnsa may hinder,
uit has hindered before, but it is ho d, that thous
who are willing to grant so le a demand,
wifi do so regardless of the unfeeling, resting as
sured, that a reasonable -regard to the comfort and
well being of theirs ..oulte will not beget Inat
tention. •annalonscr"
Tui Woltz cm Nrwcruca&—Nobody who haa
not been behind the scenes can know how much
labor goes to the making up of the newsmiper that
in served to you with your coffee at breakfast. It
is easy reading, and you never suspect that it was
hard work getting it all and putting lu together.
There is the latent intelligence from all parts of the
world; the doings of Gouge= of the day before
brought by lightning; the latest advice.* from
Mexico, by lightning and express the events
of the d ay before at Cincinnati. Si. Louis, Charles*
ton, Detroit, Boston and almost every w h ere else;
the contents of all the country newspapept, and the
doings in your city, workedovereondensed, boiled
' down and arranged for your pleasure and Monroe.
non. How many bands and kieads have expend.
ed themselvea In filling up the broad page over
which yew eye wanders ' From early morning
till long alter midnight, they toiled to prepare that
masa of editorials and acme; and while you were
sleeping soundest the presses wereraulhog, as, nu
de: the direction of workmen pale with nightly
vigils, they struck off the edition. The rehab, oper
ations of a daily paper include manylaborers—
printers, Dreamer, editors, reporters, c
Most of them workmen have a tolerable busy life
of it, beginning early and working fast and late.—
N. 1 Tribttna.
Hosicrorwram Commie —Thts institution, which
was chartered by our Legislative at its last sesslon,
is now in successful operation The building ocr
copied by the College a is the rear of N 0.229 Arch
street. The Regular coarse of instructions was
commenced on the 6th ininatil, and we noderoand
that the number of students In attendance Is already
large and increasiog. The organisation of the in.
emotion was effected some time since, mil the pm
sent government of it is as fallawa—Hol. A. V.
Parsons, President; James M. Broom, Ewa.; William
Grime, Esq., Jacob Snyder, Jr., Esq., and - the Hon.
Chas. Brown, Vice Presidents, Prawns Slats, M. D.,
sod Charles Neldhart, M. D., Sm.- resoles, sad the
following gentlemen Professors--Jatob Jesuit.. M.
D., Proteworof the Principles:and Preetioacildedi.
clue; Caleb B. Mathews, M. D., Professor cilifirtena
Media: Walter Wilhamson, M. D., Prcifessor of
Midwifery ad the Desmom of Women and chil
dren; Franca Sims. H. D., Profesior of Surgery,
Samuel Freedley, M. D., ProGroor of Botany; Mat
thew Sample, ht. D., Professor of Chemistry; Will.
lam A. Gardiner. M. D., Professor of Anatomy. The
Professors are all gentlemen of diatomic* in the
Medical world, and have all been educated In the
oid practice of medicine, at our Philadelphia Col-
That our mailers may know something of
the flummery and stall with which:Roman
Catholic newspapers entertain their tesulers,
we make the following extract hem the
"Life of St. Bridget, Virgin, the Thautnetarge
of Ireland," which we Ent in one* . those
papers. The extinct up give ilia eaterpieed
whit her hivaty reecede of itififielpegllant
We appose we may call it the Butter Mira
" But so it was that if she were meditating
while at this work, her meditation led her to
consider how infinitely greater the Lord of j .
the Aribstles was than the Apostles them- t irr.L.,fies who nse Jones Spanish Idly WM., h...
selvel ; and if she were in the set of &snit. ' slam, s • foie white transparent slur. car dos • ow wing to the poor, she saw e i wijyta b s ,, 7, ..1 Itl i sty soy one. :fold only in Ltnsburgh, at r e9
trams necessities. Aril so, whether bar -
charity was active or meditative, the end "That whner stet Sr Wars, than =ow,
was the same, that the greater part of the
All fe A utVeraZsitrake tlt ud e a '"b er e wL " w Jones
fruits of the dairy went to the poor. poor. Idly Whin, It motet pun .nowt', yet t.itt
These her good deeds caused her to be say watts won vs se tate., suvvt.
evil spoken of to the bard and to his wife—
to whom report was nude that this girl with
On Thursday s ii nt a- na l lf l or IP %
by the nee D. F
a thoughtless spirit end lavish hand was Darrell. Lona D enawilda to Miss BIWA C AXIMS, all
W pa arit the whole substance of the dairy in crtvetsse
' gifts. Now the bard had left her a'
;peatliberty of action on account of the rev•
snide he had for her, and also because, as
we have said before, he found by experi
ence that the substance of his house was
blessed and increased by her presence. Yet,
being in all things a prudent man, he thought
to try St. Bridget, and see how site could re
concile the largenetla of her charity with the
strict justice of honesty. He therefore one
day visited the cottage with lets wife, and
took along a large tub to be fi lled with bat
ter. He had so arranged his visit aa to take
her by surprise by coming just I litde while
before the eerier time for receiving the pro
duce of the airy.
When St. Bridget saw the large tub, and
heard the demand of filling it with butter,
the blushed exceedingly; which may have
came from embarrasioneart at being asked to
do what was impossible, or from humility
because the method of het repairing the
amount of her benefactions wait likely to be
found out. But, forthwith going aside, he
commended herself to God, and then broiled
out a little firkin, which at mas t contained
the °homing of onp day. And when the
bard exeloimed at flap little that woo there,
she declared that she had enough; and tram
this little firkin she forthwith, in their very
Kr,iisdsence,bioug filled np the great tub that they
Then the bard at the sight of so evident a
miracle, was filled with amazement, and
perceiving more clearly the character of L.
Bridget, he cried : Let this butter be your; to
give it to whom you please, and also the
twelve cows that you have milked, be they
yours forever."
ley's Miscellany says that Balwer worked
his way to eminence—worked if through
failure, through ridicule. His facility is only
the result of practice and study. He wrote
at first very slowly, and with great difficulty;
t)ut . he lertplved to master Ins trublidm in-
turrunent of thought, 4q4 milneTed it. He
pradticed writing its an art, and has re
written some of kis essays (unpublished)
nine or tep times. Another habit will show
the advantage of continuous applicatidu. He
only works about three hours a day—from
ten in the morning till one, seldom later.
The evenings, when alone, ars devoted to
reading, scarcely ever to writing. Yet whit
tt % se arn ho oun to H
t har e wtep vary
harddie ri bor has resulur y, from m
Felting 2IS pages a 4tly of novel print.
11111111thit autieitatioafy; wvi dim* if duo to tau
, l a aLem owiatuf John Madan a Go, Pt
Aades IL Dada Co , Made • to :Art
on the Polli ally we shipped al a optaatity
'of otatedouniEre. which watt onftortanately
I.M . iit the canal. Bar.h of as as prefened„
paid to elite tfa u value of Oaxaca* with
out awaiting the,, arrival or 'Alai Irma to &tali
late theta. Others whit preferred wmtteg the arrival
of their goodi, he hoe prosaptly paid the damages as.
seased—the agyregate sum bah* about Flia Mecum,'
Dollar.. Boma of sth have dealt with ads Una fox ten
e ueeenrre years, and always to our perfect satisfae-
Pittsburgh. November SS, DNS.
Isaac Harter.,
G. W. thekalbote, far
R. 11. &Mall, Canton, Ohm.
R. H. Myers,
J. B. Blimp,
?Whoosh b. Smith, Web
Strewn & Gray, Grave -
i 'vine, Ohio
Creek, %'a.
Th... NT To
mato. to the value of Dr 11 , Laue's
Vertrutuita Read, all that doubt
"A ferret, when placed at the entrance of a Mt bole,
enters the aperture, travels along the passage, seises
upon the rat, exterminate. his existence, and drags the
animal's defunct caress. to the light. And In like
manner have I found Dr. M'Lane's American Verml
figs to operate upon worms, those dreadful and dan
gerous tormentors of children. This remedy, like the
ferret, enters the aperture of the month, travels down
the gullet, hunts round the stomach, lays hold of the
worms, shakes the lit out of the reptiles, .weeps clean
their den, and carries their carcasses clear out of the
system. This at least has been the effect of the semi
fnlfo upon my children. ROULATT.
Naples, Jan. 1g47."
“This Is to certify that I have seed Dr. hiPLane'• ',m
ontage, and have round it to operate in like manner
upon nay children. JOHN BRIGGS.
Naples, June, 1114: "
A genuine article of the above valuable medicine can
be hod at the drug store of J. Kidd tr. Co., No. 60 Wood
street. urtv/T
Comm sao Com:A—The • frequent change. to the
weather et th. season of the year, invariably bring
along with them coughs and colds, which by timely
attention are early cured by simple remedies. SEL
LERS' IN PEMAL COUGh SYRUP has been in use
for the last 19 years, and has gained more reputation
for the cure of coughs (not requiring active medical
treatment) than any other preparation ever offered to
the °Manisa Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough
Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and, on this ac
count. is a peat favorite with children. The doses are
carefully graduamd, in the directions, to suit all age..
That this long tried and highly popular cough remedy
may be within the reach of .11, it in sold at the low
price of 93 cents per bottle.
Prepared and wild by B. E. PVT T.Firet 61 Wood at,
Pittsburgh, 11. hi. Crum Abegbeny, and druggists gen
erally in both cities. oed
Linn Pnas—No medicine ever earned for itself a
higher reputation in m then a time, as has tha Liver
Pill, diseovered and compounded by Dr. hl'Lane, of
Virginia. Although but a short time comparatively
before the public, a has already earned for itself a de
gree of popularity hitherto unsurpassed. The demand
for them has become immense. !(cram. Kidd & Co.
the proprietors of the medicine, who reside in Pitts
bent, corner of gth and Wood streets, are constantly
recving order. which they find it almost utterly 31M4
pos•ible to supply. The popularity either. Pills is VA
confined to any paniculas section of the country, the
demand being general, from the North, South, East
and West The truth is, no disease is more common
ho all quarters of the United States than that of the
Liver. And these Pill, are the best remedy ever yet
discovered for Hepatic derangement.
For sale at the drug store of J KIDD & Co, 00 Wood
et. deep
CT Us: von Puerta Massa.—lf you wish to be sue
pessnal In anyundertakmgyou most always 'use the
eroper means' Therefore, if you have a cough, on
Exrcrroaktrr and ,e cored, be it in the proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to cure you Is to use
Jayne'. Expectorant, which will Immediately overcome
the spasm which contracts the diameter of the tubes,
and loosens and brings up the mucus which clogs them
up, altd thou removes every obstruction to a free tenpi
n:thou, while at the same time alt inflammation is sub
dued, ado con is certain to be effected. Hare you
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pietinsy, or to fact any
Fargrollary Affection, then use Japie's Expectorant
and collet t. certain, and you will hod that you have
tilted the proper means.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, ' 2 e l C a i t
moot near Wood. anti
JAM'S licrscro...—We would call attention to
that excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, .d all affections of the Throat and Lungs
flaying .ereral ume. within a few years past had over
sion to no. • medicine of Mrs kind, we experi
ence tested its es cell.t qualities, and are crewed to
recommend it to others. Ministers or other pubue
speakers afflicted with bronchial alfecuons will find
great benefit from its see. It is prepared by • scienti
fic physician. and .11 etas.* will find it a safe sod el&
e.t.a medicine m the diseases for which it is re
commended.--(Colembos 06101 Cross and Journal.
For rale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7o Foorth street.
ar icITAPI.I,I• in the baneof many a matfs ramt•
rime No tongue can describe the sufferings caused
by this dmtremung disease It unfits map for h i
n o t to life, whale•lnt it may be, and mates him feel
s hough he would rather not exist than endure sorb
misery. Yet these sudertngs are produced. Me first
plaeWhy derangement of the stomach, and if this were
Inc by aging It A Fahnestock's Anu-Btltous rtil.,
the bowels would be cleansed, the accumulation of
talc r amed off, nod a speedy and sure mild obtain..
Prepared and sold by U. A.
OS & Co.
corner Ist and wood, also corner and mood n
.1 I
, :Th v,... 50A... r. h . rie sop:elision or some females la
le the repulsive, emir., muddy
yellow faces of riliera, etches di. —.hetame
male. Could verb people be induced to try a Bala 01
the true Josrs' Italian Chemical Soap, they would he
eel - wind with the change. They would have a dell
cute Clear, while akin. oriole every disfigurement or
eruption would be removed and cured_
?Airco ken Nunez. —Pe Mlle who have bought cheap
rounlerfeita sad =Stabil. of and have had no ei
lectrodneed, Int= lay thils, the igmal. Mind, oak
for RID.' Soap. For sale at Wie-.1.4=50,n1. 0* Libor.
ty steam. mar*
Irr Worms, by their trvininsto, atavism the secre
tion of mucus or slime to the arocoactL to which, al
y involve themselves; and 1; la raid they feed
‘2ll, and if deptived of it they die. The celeb ted
V'ertrilfogle prepared be IL re. PAM IC,
Putabargh, Pa, is admirably adapted in to ripe non;
fast, to rerun a the protecting exam, and .o=4 y, so
rzpet the wow. rendered helpless and tender b br
ing thus denuded Is as a remedy in which aver t' con
fidence can be pinned; and that it has answer the
purpose is manifest from the hundred. of scru b ales
',en in . favor
I)EACLIES, &0.-167 bap gentackT Peaehes; 6 bbls
While Beati IS do Itaxsaed„ landing Mum emir
Comet; for .1.4 dell wig' ALE? kfidliti_
)EACHES AND OtiESTNUTS-48 bap Sent.),
Peaches; 16 do C&Ornio6tri . lOodioLftaN2. l .3. , Q
Adams, for sale by dean B&OALo &
T AMP BLACK—Superior Star, in Mils end lthda,
assorted papers, far sale by
rivet A r AILNESTOCK & Cd
Sum-Ac--13wily, to oalP47ust read and for sale by
CURB. AMMONIA —6OO lb. in iara Pam reed and
‘,..) for sale by H A FAHNOCK & Co,
deel nor 1.1 and wood Its
MMES. WEITZ & Ca.—Gent. Plea. tonnO
the name of Mr. Moon .Wiltersoa, as a suitable person E P L OAI 63, S.A.L .I. TS- by 10 cuts Baltimore, insr received
for dm oCnce of Mayor of duo rity
l( ~ordt7 of Pittsburgh
hl•ros•r.rr —ll. C. SaWres, Esq. anti be supponed
in the Ceara:loon for the rautuuon of Mayor, for dm
long, fatrhful end retaken surge. u s Mai
deed-dm• Purrs Wan.
hteuntaLn—Mr. Editor: Please inane• 11111 Ca•s
11. SCVLI.T, Etot , WI I be • eanduttete for nosnmatiou for
the ome• of Mayor. ee•am Sonnet
Mayoralty of Allei/bony City
M•toau.rt et AatAtean. r City.—Ms. Editor. You
Well lease annetences the name of Mr. Joaarnaa Hunt,
3.1 Ward, Allegheny, for the oboe of Mayor, subject to
we decision o( the Whig sod Andeleasonic Convennon
nor- 0 1-lies Main Verroas.
W. M. Wright, D. D., M.MUS.,
Orrice and ntsiderme ott Founh street, opposite the
Pittsburgh Mani. (Mtee hour. from 9 o'eloe.l to l 9 A
kL end trom 9 o'clock to 5 P. M. sepD-ty
NVITE: Coontry Merchants and other. to an exam,
I nation of their stook, winch is one of the largest
to be round in any establishment In the enantry, and
consists of very desirable and seasonable good , ex
pressly adapted (a. to size Ind gnality) to NV tern
1 11. ml co4tvb reftwreletbut nonce i f the
Mitt. ?duns i lent. noPly lm
COMbIISSION hf ENCHANTS, No. &Market street,
Pittsburgh, P. will attend promptly to the sale of
every description of Western Produce, and other or
tieles entrusted to their CUD.
Hanna, Hussey & Co. Pittsburgh; Fianna, Graham
R Co. New Lisbon, O.; Mereh.ta generally, Wells
nide, O.; Rhodes &'shy, Hridgejiort, O.; O. Ruh
<d & Bee. 0110/1141•11i J. F. Howard, &
Dorwort, Louis H. Bo z ic., op
Kr GWIe in
dry In a flourishing town, with Patterns, Toole,
&e., all ready (or business, will be sold on accomne.
dn ' t gf. "oh r non' exch ang err ecellant ( or o Ir rtu on nt r y g toe . Young man
with small capital to commence the Iron Foundry ba
gmen. Enquire o(
deal. nit niece Wood street.
MATTILEW WILSON, Portrait and Miniature Paw.
ter. —Roorasl corner of Post OLISce Alley and
' , earth Erect, entrance an 4th near Market.
asitonment of Cornelius A Co's celebrated mean
3ciure, and superior to all others In use; adapted to
churches, steamboats, factories, dwelling s , public and
private balls, and to ill other use. where a cheap, safe
and brilliant light is dearable.
idso,Ginntloles, Hall Larnents,Candslabras,Olobes,
Shades, Wicks, Cluentues, Cans, Trimmers, de. Also,
Has Chandeliers, from one to tour lights,
deer' WW WI F N; 40 marksi
lACE CiCX,3S—Whits and bine* Lase Capes; emb`sl
i muslin do, white nod black lace Enda...breves; do
Lsce Berthas; black do Veils; plain French Work
(killers; manned and idurtna'd standing do; einbid cuts
to match; ladies linen cambric isdkh; gents do do do;
also, opera ties, head dresses, artificial Sowers, bonnet
tabs sad nothings; ;oh received and for sale whole
sale and retail, by F Fl EATON k Co,
deeS Si fourth in
C assorted cloakTasatdr; M 1 gmas figured tilt Rind
S do do mohair do, Y do do drab moat 400511pdrab
overcoat bouons; 40 do fine emit bottonVl2l lb. best
Italian be aldge, swab do patent Thread; podding, can•
rut and calk, Trt6loll6/11, for telofil usej'co'ostatolli
on hand. 4 10 fi , frATWI r 6 Ca
otooding collars; men., silk and wool Vest.; do
do do Drawers; silk, kid and wool Gloves; merine,
Pomo end wool I Ho.; Ink Indian crams; 6ne Ze
phyr Boort.. done F II EATON k Co
K ID GLOVES- 1 5 0 do
L oal
b anger Ld
white and l?‘ 1° : "'
5 muses eolornd do
deos F H Ho
IVICE Pli.pv,reeeetved da:f direct from Ee
rope, the rleheer.srfie Velvet rik Catlptt ever
Inputted tolhe United ittatee, to winch we Mello the
attention of perch:sera. Cell at W AUCLINTOCKI3
Cert.' Wereteern, No 75 Found st dees
AL &&N WANTED—In vritolezt=l
0 Dry Goods Stare. Ono who anderr
t ' 4 " . bt:lt a irj :41:111 44b '"o and r tf s srene% Jtoz
No. BOD Pi orsn ' Post OfEci. dec.
UNDRIES-300 bzs Raisins; 20 maul do qo boxes
0 shelled AJmorßin 60 do Malsza Pop; 2 {fie 4r11151
do; I ca
stay Ltonori; I bbl 'sores mocking,
istsi received aka for sale
4.°11. • ' B O WN CULBERTSON
pmsfirstflan bzw'sial )may
14* We'ill"."F`"gravitiv,.
my, W_ODfdasa, fa
"1T:1, gad for me D 7
d.t 4 &mod Church BatMins,
01.0 1 / ER SEED-10 Clover Seed, read this day
V by stair Dihgente, and for sale by
sized R FLOYD
-- --
lbs just reed and tor wale by
doe 4 I ODD tr. Co
CA LOMEL-151. !bap,at reel and for Bale by
deo4 J KIDD & Co
p vs
fn . c b O y 1,;(1 CAUI-1 0 S.
LIIjUGHIOE Sieley:4oo lb. just ree r 'd end
o fige
by de e 4
LIQUORICE, Calabria-200 lb. just reed and for
eel." by dace J ODD t Co
EDL,UId'S SPECIFIC-4 dos past need per steam
at I Newton, and for sale by
EFINEID SVC: A ILS-465 bblo small Loaf, dawned
nunabeng 170 do crushed; S 5 do powdered; 69 do
clarified; in store and for sale by
NEW MOLASSEte—So bbl. Plantation Molasses,
(new crop) this morning landing Sven steamer
Hibernia No it, and (or sale by
dee4 JAM'en A HUTCHISON e. Co
Tj EX P-43 bales Missouri and Konmeley Hemp, in
11 .tore and for Bak by
de c 4 JAS A I iIiTCHISON h Co
FEATHERS—IM lbs prime Kentucky ?eagle», to
sale by deal JAS A HUTCHISON k. CO
LEAD-1160 pigs Gale. Lead; 3000 lbs Bar doi
sale by dece JAS A HUTCHISON k. Co
GOf..Dri SYRUP—In bbl., and 10 gall • •
cle e e i r m"*"
71AS A we b y
H. MOLASSES-116 Dbl. St Laois Sugar H. •
O. Idota•taes, for tale by
TEW CROP RICE-20 tierces just roved 11.1%1 (CO
SHOAR -40 bar white Havana Sugar; 60 bags orbits
Havana do; received and for sale by
SSOAR td genuine Principe, 'Cros & Sonsi
do do do 'Jurr bans; 10 do Havana Regalia.; 0 do
do 'Frage/le-la reed and for tale by
dee4 MILLER & 141CKE7PON
OLASSES—Ia bbl. Sager House; 10 do now crop
PiSalltiati, ill.r reed end for uln by
OLIVE OIL, rrop of baskets superior Roe-
Beaux,, -llorund's;" 10 do do do, .Latottesi . 10 do
Marseilles; received and kir sale by
—TANNERS' 011.-60.bbis euran's OR, landing and
for dale by now JAS DALEELL
SUNDRIES -14 bbls batter, 4 kegs do 4 bbls Tim
othy Eked; 90 bush dried Peaches; Itt do chmuuts;
14 4113114 Potash, 34 las Honey, landing from Lake
Erie and hl'Lane, and for sale by
dem! JAMES DALZELL. 44 water Cl
111TANKE PS—To be found at the sutra of W
R Murphy. Also. a fall assortment of the differ
ent 41144 and qualities of Bed Blankets, Quilts and
Counterpanes. deal
Vk„7 is It: hI'LIUTCHEON, {illioluale Grocers, d
le s in Produce, Iton, Nada, Glass, and Pa
burgh M r general ly, Liberty at, Pi
burgh.dec . /
_ _
'eF.-- tbu bee prune W R Che ese, reed end
sale by W h R M'CUTCIiEON,
dee! 10 liberty s
CAR , . EN A PPLE6-7n bbl. (keen Apple*, me/ and
1..311 for ode by deed W& R
rile-35 betab Cheanms, reed and f r
Ly dent W & R M'CUTCHEON
UTTER-1V bola prime Roll Rutter. reed and for
13 .de by decl W t R
PEACIINS— ISO Mr. React..., prima quality reed
and Mr sale by W a R. M'CUTCULON
(III)KR VINEGAR-11 bibs pure Caber Vines.
iu MDR and for sale deed 1 DALEF:LL
I)EA NUTS—x, sack. Pea
al J Nuts in .to and fi
Clllll}l4E-150 Ln W R Cbct-se, to casks do, ins •
ll and for .alt Ll dero JAS DALZU.I
•- - • •
GTTON--V be,. for sale by
p/gs soil Galena Lew' , per Penngle
1.4 ma, for ..le by dec2 FRIEND, RHEY it. Co
CASTOR bras, per Pennsylvania, for sa
try dna FRIEND, RHEY tr. Co
ARU-1Y b 1.46 No I Leaf Lard; 21 kep do 4o do;
l c2
erPenary Iv•nia, for ule
IDEATHERS—sta sacks pnare Feathers, for Bale by
deea FRIEND, RHEV & Co
/COTTON YARN, ke lb Conon Yarn, ear.
pet chalet, C l.uttl Wick, and Celina Tletne. 1W
bale. &stung: for ..le by
deel FRIEN 0. RHEY I Co
U 4 AB--N hints common to prune N 0 *near, 7U
nbls Los( Sugar, Me min to close consignment, by
acne FillE,No, MIRY k Co
rI trself. and its
a i s h , e bi U . o r 3 e iti ti Te n. te t % 1 0 1: . /e r ti ,, es
uw•—etribtactef alto a re view of the late war; us
causes sad recall.. Just teemed by
decl R HOPIiaNS, 4th or
ILYITON-10 bale. Inferior Cocoa seriable (or
ll tine. in stone sad the verf low.
deel WESTON BOWFLI,I Wheat or
OPAL VARNISH-10 bhls PUrtlitlM 4hi do dell
ki 10 keg. do; 2 tibia was* ykf do do; 6 keg. all
m Elm rats =les awl superior quu4l6, Doer
Iron canal; for sale by ISALSH DicrEy &
deel from st
P i.AT 7 ER9-4' by
INSIZO-14 sacks In for sale 07
k 7 deal ISAIMI DICKEY &Co
ALERATUS-18 casks for sale by
deel 13 F VON BONN HORST k
_ . _ _ _
CLOVER SEED—RO bash Or sale by
LARD OIL -10 bbl, Winter Strained Lard Oil, for
landing from situ Orwsto,And Or rale by
deel p4acpstraN 4 Co
EwNOLA/38E8-101 bbla klantanan ?dolmas,
landing frog atm Telegraph Na 1; far sale
deal IiAGALEY g 8211TH, 18 and 20 wood atby
COATS' SPOOL COTTON-2000 dos Coals' best
whits Spool% HO do 200 yd do black dlr, SE) do SO
yd do eol'd do; rot-awed this day and for ..le by Sue
ease at eutero prices. F H EATON 100,
nosig (marsh
bbl. Lovering'. Double Reined Loaf, Crushed and
WI venled Sugars, Just nod and for Ws at the Pepin
Tea Blom It Fourth street, by
f'IIIOOOLATE, COCOA, ,ke.—W Baker's No t
colate, Baker's Cocoa Paste, No I Norfolk =tory
Chocolate, constantly on hand and for sale by
Agra for W itaker, Dorchester, Mass.
11TV BONDS—Wanted to web., a fear Thous
-1../ and Dollars of Pittsburgh eitg 6 tr ecru. Bonds.
nosed NllOl. ES ft BONS
DRIM FRUIT-1,40 bosh Dreed Peaches; IBS do do
APPiea toot rade/veil and for saltr i,n„.
34 water SIT4W . I:I al
SEEN 4rll4a4—ioa bbl. Green Apples, ram
sale by n
ba.. perdoka, o3o sandivers ant p i l 3 par=e and
LOU bbl. In awe and (be sale by
00.70 L S WATS:W.IAB
BEANS -2) bbla mall whirs Bawls, la WOWS minty
sale by nov3o I. 8 WATERMAN
SEDS-19 bbls prime clover Seed; ILO 0413
Seed, for sale by nov3o 1. 9 4
rOI HO EESE— bsy prim Fo.rc W. by
SSSALTS-11 4. ask. for Ws by
. tow= 8 F VON BONNHOBST &Co
FLAT BOATS-32 Flat Boats, from 100 to 132 feet
loos, for sale by J SCHOONIAARTA ACo
Nov3D 14 01x ..: 21t .
UNDRIMI--24 sacks Flaxseed; U
Oo . W, Yank 12Saks
Feathers; X do Glossae. 1,8 Wtton;to aeries;
for We by • cISSIAH DICKEY b. Co,
(tont at
—— _
LIBATHEILS-111 sacks to arrays, for Bala by
JC no• 30 ISAIAH DICKE" is Cs
to grovel fbr sate by
nov2o ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co
LAMP - 6 bbl* No I, in store nod for lode by
GREASE—I 6 bbls to Ronand for We by
- -
A LUM--60 bbl. Alum I.ding from Amerioau Sur,
for sale by BAGIALEN k sgrru, , •
novso • 19 und 9).P.00d
SA NUTS-41 begs Tennessee l'es NUM,A., flat
• n0i30... ••• e t ILETAIar( MUTH
0. bin ell
11 reed and for Bala I.y
SALERATUR—e was superior Saleroom, m bonds
sad boxes, just received sod for sale by
oav3o EIkOkLEY £ want
Johnson, ertderkti street, war Ite I -Tor itt d hal.
awe of the season at the origfoardOst,lbefxr s i
F .„" Aipsels,•roeftptilling every' variety , al*
striped plaids and thlintelebne. " VA
•- -
QUNDRIE . 4” o° 4 0 ° ,4 1. 140 . 0 6) P 001 h 0 M
Li t (.-..T . c.v5.0.440-4.4v,&4i..,
T. CHEM. POTASH—SOO lbs just reed Uzi for
D sale by nov3o N A PANNE:STOCK &Co
MUNE COFFEES—Ma:Aa r old Gov Java. ,
.r St Dosabsdo and /Ito Coders, Sunned and far sale
at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Smith 10, by
3aseS) A JAVid
SHEEP sians—no Mit. 8' reoid u.•
a. by !WON Co,
wow .1
LINSEED bbls superior Linseed 014 P. ,
received and for Ws bi
nave WICK k WCANDLE•tt
G RE M 9APP"—i! ' VidergaNDLAZ/ 3
QtireflAil-21 casks Cleveland Salerause; 14
be 7 b &do; fee ask by
BiaI,,BECT-44001:4167. o for
, k• ,1 14,.. bi. pritne w Vir c il namartuilial
fllGAßS—tojo) oast bow Yank lei x iMl
Lev oils law by birgp 1FN.Q.}41814
Hy Dallas D. DIMS. ADFDDasele.:,,
Th lZ:lagw±t
_ anualladio Dry tikeia; ,
oi D. 7,at 10 °Wooly al lb,
comae of Wood sod MIL
11 ba sold:
A large and general assanseent of Gam and style
dry goads, amassing dims silks, Win andinusaa
nbban4 blank actin and fanny wining., armed gad
plain smianonat, boot and =Olin MOWS'. et gd.Per
nob style prints, Fremh, tibiglish and Ai:mite= gng
ham, do pa..., ...he.", ndthU. S.
sheeting, Irish Imen., damask linen table ebbltte, linen
earebrie pocket hdkfs, shawls and hdkfs 'rations Mr
wriptions, glows, hosiery, ticking!, cheeks, cupertne
eletba inlet cloth., easmaerea manna; Mae, Mond.,
flannels, blankets, white end assorted colored thread,
sewing silk, pins, needles, buttons, tape, shoe lasing.
At a o'clock.
On:wrier, Qum:swam Furniture, Is.
Household fnmnure, table cutlery, &o.
Al o'clock,
A quantity of dry goods, ready made elottdng, bans.
am% flue hats, caps, shot guns, rides punole,gold end
salver wamlicus, Getman fancy go o d., b oo k,
lotto: and cap writing paper, trunks, s addle, wig'.
whips, dna pen IMITIM, R2o[l, scissors, n quantity of
hardware, ac. deed •
Splendid Nese , Furniture et Auction.
On Monday mornitql, Dec. 11, at 10 o'clock, at the
Cantinas wareroom of Messrs. R. a & W. M. Hanoi.
ford. in Fifth sane., next door to the Exchange Bank
of Pittsburgh, will be sold without comma, their entire
stock of new and fashionable household &mime,
which has been well made, sod finished In styto to
star eustomenr, among wtdch will be round the Wan-
k Splendid mahogany fru! spring eat NAN
. ~ divaos;
Dakotan °sots* tableF do and do; do sista do;
cherry, di and breakfast tables; do card do; high
and Isar polo s, work and wash staodA fancy
and GO=o3oo chairs, roishogaay dressing boo
am do, =barony book caws, &otco. Toms al ale.
deed JOHN D DAVID, AricL
Porns Sods of Damaged Thy Goat. .1
At the Canal Warehouse of Messrs. Joint ZdtPaden
& Co. Peon street, will be sold without resorve, by
order alba llndorenitoni, on Tactility monibmg, Dee.
LIM, at 10 &clock - , 43 packages seuonablo staple Dry
Goods, which kayo been ellghtly durtipd by the sink.
lag of a boat o tbt Pezatsylvattla canal, at:mita-10S of
unto cualrocrea, autocue, alpacas cam.
br calicoes, prialteginx•N delmals
et, k earth =mos, Irish hums, awls
card bdkfs of redoes desuiptiOnd, blotched nod brawn
raoslins, white, yellow and works flannels, Canton
flange a, cheeks, shirting., sheeting., drillings, glovers,
6.i...11, suspenders, sewing silk, threads, ikc.
Goods will be open for examination on the Iltb inst.
kale sodden, .and will be continued tea oil the
goods are sold.
Tenn, all aims ender 5100 cub cursocy, from $lO3
to $3OO, 60 day. credit, .d ou all lider IMO, •
credit o(90 days will be given for ap endorsed
notes. doe! JOHN DeDAVII3, Amer
Firwz pry- 9
: d
Man Arm.
Tunsano.r, Dscroiroa 7 will be pres,mtcd a Dra
ma of mach interem, eallod
Jack Bkoppard Mrs. Lamm
Blocakin Mr. J. Dunn
Jonathan Wild Mr. Prior.
Miss Walters and Blaster Wood .
To conclude with
Skunk ... Pones.
Narragnauxe ...... • •• • • • • • • • ......... Ws. Lewis.
EilirTo -morrow, MR. BOOTH will appear as BC
ard Mortimsr In tho play of the Iron Chest.
wltb the Oxy.Elparegaii al.
ings &this week, Prof. fermerxes will continua
ths ezhibluono with the Oxy-11ydronen Microscope
end Manic Lantern, in Philo Hall.
In addinon w • Large collection of - objects timidly
exhibited with this instrument, will be attoom the de
composition of water by the rjalvonie Bancry and
other mothals, the Magnetic curves, and the emeriti!.
moon of Baits. With the Lanterns will be shown en
Dissolving Views, Landscapes, disthyridshed edifices,
The exhibitions will commenne at Ti o'clock.
Tickets can be had at Mr. Richardson's Jewelry
Store, Market street-45 cents a single ticket, 'or Ave
tor a dollar. deet.ate
• -
SOH SALE 1W .1011/48TON a wrocrrom,
het meet, eons, of Thud
Vanity Fur; • mire! Without a More by Wm. IL
FAisrard Vernon; My Conalre• Story: by E. V. Childe.
Mary HowitOr Translation of the Peasui and 6la
Capt. Marryatre Children of the New Forest.
The Bohai., of the Albany.
Old Hicks the (laid.; by Webber.
Mary Grover; or, the Trusting Wife: by Chu. Bur
Weaning Heights: by the arbor of "Jane Eyre."
The Takata of Wildfell HO: by the who, of "Jane
heThe Image of ha Father, illestrated: by the Brothers
The Discipline of Life.
Three Sisters and Three Forstmer, or Rasa, Blanche.
and Violet: by G. H. Leases.
Thirty Years Since: by O. P. H. /luau, Eq.
PLENDID GIFT BOOKS—The Weasel of th e Bi
-0 Me; delineated m a aerie. of sketches of •Pcorsi.
nem Psalms mentioned in Holy Scripture—illustrated
1 •1 floe steelengravinga I yoL bas Turkey gilt
C — fiste=tk ild4land and Anteries., for One
centuries. Edited by Hof. N. GenurakL Illastratid
whit steel engraving. I voL Om Bilk gill edges.
The FC61.1.18 Poeta of Anseries, whit ponnita,
yew none's, and specimens of thcisamnagn
The Book of Pails a choice garland of prose, pan•
try and an, containing ID Inc atisai cziggasnigin I col_
6 T.
Tla• Hook of ebriartian BsHods
P For ads by a HOP
dee*, A1...11001114113,0,31/1
NancE n
+4O artee
esdas om(
projisions of tO Charter of of the
ratm of
e, the
1..1 ...dug of the eittolders of the Mortensidte•
a Navigation Cmparty will be held an Mondoy, the
first doty of Jaanat7,lB49, (being the first Moeda) of
ute month.) at the °Met of the said Company, In the
Odeon Building, Fourth street, Pinsberah, at 2 o'gteak
the adenines, for the ;ammeter eleetina oftners ko
the ensuing year. WK. BaILENVE,(4., &Key.
1/139E13 A 29 INBANTIP WEAR--.B d Finnan Jo
al Co, have Wed t. *air foram laminas a do
parinaeni mann thaw at Alm Bigelow of Haman fon
Inaba; ta anae; is latest stylain Infants' Wean, Flinn
8 .4., dent , . knO rinascul, Wiwi and, Ceau iniansing
Garments enabraidaragar o.anaPad fan Cabriailarri
knitlan, aattinj, knalket wort.hakaltatting and
ki•. 'neatly • tat 1,0•59
GEN 11 4 1 0:N1look ith U de entire sleek of edit'
Clo Bravers, tansy ine:lP, del dose ea
tra choice Cagoules and Silk Veallugs, mud posi
tively be dosed out by lot February.
Mr- All the fine end, super French bleak Cloths at
importers nos', don Nedra the store will be opened In
umber line. CLOTH STORE
deeaner Poet Buildup, ear db and wood ets
1048. TRANSPORTATION. ; 11418.
ADAMS I CO., Forwardlug ind Cotglatissioo,
Merchants, Zanesville and Dresdrist, Wt( Pcp
prieurr. of the summer Ohio; also of EL Adim7 # a
daily line of Canal Boats.
With our present facilities wQ zzgprpreill to ehip
property any rout erithoet
deksx. Obe
4 8-d9vo
F % H las,7 r ,:7ezto
0 door* fto,ut
Market Met.
TIT W. WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, wear Wa.z. , ,
. and Military Goode . 0 .444 i Alta" n tui dtb
meet, Pittsblirgh, P. 4
N. —Wisichei gooks
carefully mewed.
JE W PAINT MO, seat vuod (oh
clams, hey% pcneus, finis o tings, blest pins,
tole, Alt tinge,loraNe Welton:l, *es, slies, he
Al., silver eespbs, Bard cam, th+mble.,
shield% 01344 qpcl t lty, dicey wilt • red ear picks.
dent 67 soirket st, cOr 41.21
to 3 tons 1 cash currency, orapp ,, ed
tone or epere*,, 31 do pnr, nun do, tatms4
ded. Fos thosupertor quality of brand ;ate; to
the glass and wan manufacturing ot S4ota_Etnosal
deal W k Ma() jeTIASS.
• WI at,
.11AMILT0141 CANTON ed
W , r
phy has - nal ono esso of thole inaperior
ff Also, orarraatad not
to alma Isorr nor, =I a Pall stoat of red, 'opals,
and . srldtOWool Frannols, at loss prises for quality.
41016 Market later (or Salo t cpprooesil
below regislosprleesnno Cbsorhsto,
da black and limy Alpacas, ge, r , ct .
w Cloths' Fronch Redon thlr ehoipo cam,
ArICTORIWAI ibllk_l3o2.ll,FS KM LADw—pk to
V 4VV" i ' v e . ; with° =Pai .10 dft WO emhYd;
Swan Omen VieutaihelN to m a s ,
Bowes (Wire Neat Ties; 104. s 40‘ and woolen
Vests; Ilorun'e down 'Wri t
Jon reached MICA new Trimming Store, 132
Fourth 51. ooh • .
katatH 64_ H E•low h. Co. aro ecoso:d46l
Kindled with • largo and ellolco asawilripani of
Maws dlmps, b •46• et tibboas andi braids, la
oos, cdcmg. and sm . rotdedies, glox•• And Imam.
ma: sams,r4spenders 4usd odtdi pusdy r wrrats, &On
44 • 47 bE 4. 4. a.; : 11 • 11 7 4 4treto avber u' owost ••,41%
ausudo4n . t• 0t?52;24 thou rarf•ad con.
CiLRUTS'. CLOAK TASSLIM-31 dor mohair Ts;
00)0 1 1. 1.0011041; 3 Saila do do;'9 do do lino do; 1 0
dir LadleiTassol Worm% , do corM do do.
WOOLS 10 dos chibtroleo wools; eats;
6 44° 4 ° ' 4 ds 40 00 = 10 A: Odes Wooing; <OW
&La, am S do do with rails 00do lailia Cab,
roan Gloss; rued.
LEATHER BELTS-90 dos 01k Konrd.; !a Y: W
do do Morocco 4 3 do cond do;at
corn nEHLON iDemppe, 07 cpktkel ak
' - -
..f52 41 1
Fantaus, °ca. small I,r l d
anDIFVV;I4. kstait i = tori cej tmurl ,
egspet2haLT_ my*. sksLisz_
/WINSTON l I ITOCWFON, Beettollen,
consar spark!! a 0 3d, ou
Vagina oirsTaßgh •
TitY THEi b Ct i N, If i ttar= aVo . w . ptod: t
y p.;Eirs, eau bop tomil: II it:L.
farsts ads aud Al=s u i a 2l 4114 II mots of R.
Knox, Mk meat, PI 1, At UAW& more,
shorty eh], and at cav thrpok. CYailes
Wood al- goall.asa BOLT lc MALTBY
aBNARIRS- 100 bash dried Peaehesi Si bash daY
Apoek p bp Ginseng; 1 do Snakeroot; 18 bkeassill
ft/Beane, hut towel per Mo. No k fare We ty
noT•23 _ V..SVAA: qb l 4 ce ..
3MILS Reek 11411 Batte4 ebble Basilisks; SRO tb.
R.,,,, rectetved Lip.iado bl_ •
so•SEI . • II ROBISON & Co
I,YeP.ED OlL—lo bbl. k2isser Y Ihisslk‘ssos ir s „,
La mod Oil, in store .d for sots
:soviet 10011111EION &Co
FVLOOI3-40 bby wurdpElldiplkl Flautfor ale bi
nart9. wricick POCANDLSSES
pig 4 Jzi* rd.4tercc,
nitIED PP-AMES-61 wk. , aisOlks.nd tar sal.
by MEND. !WRY & co
.olcolaol roesiood mind for salstry
Giza 0-11 soaks vow
DDT'S mum], MUT & Co to.ou as,
''-';;',. i',.:;,! , :.:
.iii ii i
Swig. CO t• t. itti3_ll4l-ta-11.1
• _
edt 14,4 of *plendid 545040,1,94310-
eta is now composed °rine w5..0...tn0n,
w t mon possarnn tams* as visa
waters of the West. Elm). teroalresatarn lag ems
Am that money can procure, bas, bout provided Lor pas
sertge m The Line has been in operannn tor Teen
—hit carried . onDlion of people without the least tops.
ry to their mesons. Thu Mats will be at the loot or
Wood street the day presto. to mining, for the t;tht
non or weight and the miry of passengers en the
ter. In all roes the passage money nunit be in
The ISAAC NEwToN Cap, A. O. Ilaaas. mid
leave Yinabergh every feinelay morning at tp Wacky
Wlxeeling every Etuaday evening at tO r.. a. I
May 4i, LW. .
..._. —
The MONCINCe fi Ft. a, Capt. Sweat, seill leave Pitt.
burgh every Monday suonstog at 10 o'eloeM Wheeled!
every Monday evening at 10 P. Y.
Bui T E121) .N r „ R4 2,
leave Raabe every Tuesday Waning at ID etMook;
Wheeling eve Tuesday evenang at 10 P. U.
The NEW 'IMAM) NA I t • Caps a mu
leave Pirtab T
unsD eved7 A W ir edn pA tt: RE y me i.,
, at 10
o'clock; Whee every Wednesday ere at 10 r. at.
The B t Capt.. 011011, ' , lll ye 'Pltt.
burgh every Thersday ocarang ton otleek Wheelie;
every Thursday evening at 10 r. at. .•
-.. —... ......... .
The CLIPPER No. 2, Cal 4. Caen% Will ave.Pltts
burgh every Friday morning. et 10 ot mr,ene g
very Friday immune at 10 r.x. ~, ~
burgh every Serenity
every Elaterday evening
(vu aLssocova •
Leaves Pittatugh dally, at p o'clock, &-bt.., and ar.
rives at Glasgow, mouth of itm Sandy and Beaver Ca.
nala at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon rl plen.
Leaves New Lisbon at G o'clock, P. Di, (snakisay
trip canal to the river daring the uight,lat4ga
at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and Armen at - Mu ig
ht—the making a continnott• (02 eaMinirpz
senors and fined between New LLobon and.i
lugh, In shorter time and at lass rates than by any
other route.
The gtoprietom of this Line hate the gleams of la
fonetntotha pt o ttkl e tha . t they Gaye Gtlea
eommodarion z tlirlr n oti w
freight, ran In eparteetters Wi th th* U rell karma*
mamma CALEB COPE and lI.EAVL.II, and oaanect.
nai l at Glasgow, with the Pinstough , and tClneln.
and and other daily the Ottlit
and hrtraiszipyt river thcawe
selves to spare not I corn
(on, safety and dlapt Wu*
. 41
S. S W. IL
myll3f .1. NASD/
ter, will leave after
ally, at 9 oteloek
FtWILUARIT Ist, 184 b
The pine
AT ,
LANTIC, — pr r
LTIC, C'.p i A. Jaentig and LOlfl
M'LANE, Cain E , The bows are entirely
sew, and are Irma .P regard to expeasa Ev
ery N... thus motuo earl procure has been panided.
The Boats will lease
the foot of Row at. Palwenarra will be panental ea
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the tam ,
used boars, 8 A. K. and 4 P. Judi
The fast yonalntsuatoor
Cam R C Gray. will leave Cat above
- - all lotermodlate potu this day, at
0 A.. Ed.
For freight or pemage Ap
.ly on boud. Or to
o a k, The splendidlight EV draught Moamar
AVtikins, master, swill A,
leave ,for the
Mare and intermcdrate perms oh Sat.
orday, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or passage apply on board. i deel
- - PITTS - 131.11L0E lc WitEECiNG PACKET 7,-
00N1313L, .
Webber, mailer, will leaes re
or Wheeling, every i ttuteM- .•
nesday and Ihiday, at 1176'elock prec .. f
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, It ay laid Sa
tnniay, ea 7 o'clock, a iniprlhrlsely.
The Coaxal will haat at all Ike ln{er
. .
t. .
'a a
Every scadoodation th at can on prat forir eo.
fort .4
pr of pnannont h. been* Invrod. The brat ms al. provided with n eelf-eodatip l'ety Turd to
revert troll:Woos. For ftt i rot Ton %oo oo
hotrd ov to VlD' F
fot4 amt. Of 10 tad Satiddold as
Ilto new and splendid Manta,
, D PlOnney,marterowillrialtvnk a
•.- . packet between Photbnylb and
Dtbnellng, leaving Ono dry every Tnesft=sday
and glaturday at 10 o'clock, A- 11L, and
ry Men ,day IVednerday and Friday, ale o'ctik,, , „&. M.
For imam. Paowtgn, haling superior acentamoda
tiona,apray on board Or
JAM:Di MAY, Agent.
The S. Anthony is a new boot, wad form:ad and
accomrapdalloot, cannot be alnyassed by tiary boat on
the river. novl6
The new and Gun&tanner t
Banelnaslar,vil leave ,for
abovl.Mzd. e'l_
day. end sanadays of MO l r . Or reight
or past ,
sago apply on board Or let
The new road • splendid thaapossti,
ger packet,
TM-WRAP!' No. 2,.
nail and Louisville o N'lna:373 i te le g: a, at . 16
clock, A- AL For f;elight or passage op*, tat boad,
to BURBMR. WILSON in Co, co
E r. Steamer Payton. will /cage Louise - lU* Ise No .
0 ans, on arrival of Tyilegraph No 2. - ' rifseerge is
can go direct, and curhstve berths speared here it de
aired. noete
A i I. .•
im ag e.
?to apleadbl l N ig A
ht dramtlit aro mar
}krll. , water, will term for above
a altennothate port. on Ibie day at
14 a 6o do:4k. For [might or paisaga apply aa board.
The splendid new firearnor
Wm LTaalill.,mainerorill lotto for the
re and ititermediata Dora to-day
y".:lyeiotbt or passage, apply on board. : ...,, ig
Tot: aluNt LOill5TRItCr '
, The splendid steamer t
Cox master, will leave for above
nitarstiodiate parts shot day, at ID
. . . _ ....
L a v lLreight or passax .o
Lo a yon on TF bf v ard in4R , ov G t F o jt,
The nave and lam mnamg steamer
•tam Dean, will leave for above,
lu o'clock, A. M. erra43,
Matat, TO AND MY
Pittsburgh and Phlladalphla,
Ipl B f.
FIVEDA '—BUNNING DIY AND NM, ME. public are respect/ay &donna Built Wei.'
e r'-i- allea U' ve mnun Phtlactp e bie mn cray gr . w on ith ib tr b bloa rni; t
eboolbo.bots. sad Lem thence by Wapp,.. l -ib
relay f boron taamag - day and night. ' , eai be
Pre le ferziazd W
WOO lbs. freight dear. Artt.
z . _ s3O ' D LEED
21184. Mala
b . l
11:74""'FIMISM''n'llTa trr u— ma\* It" ritAt..1
uovl7 47 LittLloll4l.t.
rpHE Proprietors anal, Una hare pas =I.M - wt . :Rock,
and am prepared to forward psatage4 of all do--
satiation, du/ r, vdm lowest rates. . • 4
J. C. Bll)%vuti, Agent,
Z a i iN ect, Pittsb i zzla
22 Soath Omits : 1 1..ttinteak
- - -
g r adlPSlBl I . l3lithilt • OHYDA'l'Unkt
1846 Maikla t
L,HII'YEIV3 snit others aro informed tpnYthu Unss
conthsites to nu. duly. Pnidogo andsoerchandise
wc.ild.l for by FINK , DAY LINE ALTO pqr.b, - ens, at low ranes and sweilled3ime, •
J -
C llLDWELLVittibargl4,
nor 14 ROASINSON /aDOEhIAI t galesereo.
• ---
LA NOTlClils
THE owlet - signed in W
forms pis friends unVthe poetic
that he intends ttsres2oSe altonbt ser washieon
cur, where ho will attend to the preseetaidnof clai st ms
on Congress, and the Department; 'swell as to 0 1
business of the law In W ita briinbnn, in the lawn.
Courts o( Use District ANDEE WYLIE. Jr.
M.YETS: CARPITM.—Consue 11 Y ,-.1 .f 7461°11
lJ W. 11`Clieloel.•, - .. 1 FOSITOS wets , °""
of Cerpets, consietlAz pan cd AjxsainsaYr=t
beezitifel Imams: Vakress, We-et patters.
, erY Tapeetsy, Brozuthy,3 eop.sed iretutly
all of which we Will set) az low as they Caa Etrp
e nitailAtiaiharket. linponingstedAMP a rg a
the sthaufaeturere, enables us I.n MeV. h
easiaret market. navitS
z „.._
-GA. Rio cu,p,...,_i. b.iii ~"cr.,, L
Coll* landing and in..anic ply , i ,
..• 27 _
1 111 .6... 814 : CLe bi en VAVi e
e filtili t il: .:l ll7 7 : l. l . Db i
CAL% - i T iVii 111.. jast H re i td rA - and ia tor . &e i t ---,7 4
r y OßACtti7tit A lakiiiiN-41., r'ill' 4 ' GO
• Xs— roltulexter
(Rieluanisd, V./ P , iind 1 -...' Mind' ajgd
Wank, al Da. 'SAW' /
from Co.
. ,
1 . `....‘ 4 9
m r Seed; iS) do P. Tim. AV. B" I
.4 Garton,
sals br nolrl3 . . .
1.2. FL;r:D Lui
Tstalireireitif ,_ mm nn , cury
, IR .‘pr.l,oo do m Adis= A
_Lan" ed [a by - ur 2l . FRWM EY fr. Co.
~.. ....
CliP3Z—Nibis creme Cheese, fm salabi
0:115 J D Wa.U.A.,Vil=
N REM APP/ - 49 bbleitzesen 44. lOGT
VW" ;,1 D WILLIAM, wood' A