The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1848, Image 1

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    '?i a ~i ', s
„717 - 40 b, JUN V. •'” •r . `..
„&-wardiat Idereibm., have returned to their old
ma, Water and Prof meat, . mat
MIMI= =My OZOltaz
KLON .1. REITER, Wholesale sad Retail Drug.
guns,coraterrof Liberty ,sod St. Clair streets, Puts.
b,tra. mail{
W. S.
9 ROM .N, Wholesale Grocer.,
sod Coonalsaia Mor
n, No. 145, Liberry
usloarits.,P 9 - • deal Ir.
A. FAHNEBTOCK. & Ca, Wholesale and Re
tail Droggisto, norm Wood and 6111 na„ j
AGALEY t slum, WlLnlesale Owen, IS and
20 Wood greet Pittsburgh•
CMoANIII.TY & CA, 1 4 mmuthug, ..d C 0,,,
• ~union btmlulisu. Canal 8.11111, Pausburgh Pa
DWALT d GEBILMT, Wholesale Grocers, deal
atm in l'isalnels aid Plusbrugh hlanufactures, Cot.
aLibetiy and IllmintlAt., plasbuifh, Pa. mu;
• •
M:ILI/01 Bate Englier;, Gallagher
/11. Co._Wholesale Grocers, Communes and For
2d7iMerchants, and dealers .n Produce and Pins
ba,.h gg ggacracesgio. 3: Wood 51.. between WI end
. oetl
0, 0 , wholesale Groters and
far Briphwn
y Nee, SrWates, and I rro ,-•-
uzkigo a. MILLER, Bell and Elms
Fonadoere and Oa. Irinen, 100 Front, between
mid end Batirldiebi iereers, Piusbergh, Pa.
IMO/best price :given tot old Copper arid Bums.
SOWS COCHRAN, Commission arid Forwarding
Marchant, N0..30 9Vood street Pittsburgh. myl7
. . .
--nran-trest.o. ttaltisnore.
I. sonszios. nowslto
tlc-ilL.l.alltrti'lMAlA:Tobanco i
Commission Men
anit4,4l North Water st, North 'Mortal,
.YxWs. n0v90.41
I'WIIJAI , 7 kirlOT, White an 4 Red Lead Mara.
Pa - rts and OR Merchant, earner at Lib
ow and 0111. a-A et.., ritterttrAt. less
F ° ltion Merchant
1. 101111 W. DC WAX
DUNCAN, Forwarding arid Comm,.
'uts.,irio. 31 Flat street, Pittsburgh.
ISIAL.llsoma maim ll,
A.,, DICKEY h. Co., Wholesale Grocers. Com
mission hienhatits, and dealers in Produes, Nos. 58
afar, and 107 Fmnt streets, Piusbaigh. novd
TWIN M.IIAMUN, Atto rn ey and Counsellor nt Lavr
fj and Ctrounissioner for the Slate of Pennsylvania
Si. Leo* No., (late of Pinsburgh.)
Borpooonoca—Pittsburgh: fon W Foromrd, Hnmp..
ion & Min brCatulless to Wawa, John Parka.
Mosel& & !Semple, M'Cord & King. jatr:ly
iOEINSCOIT & Co., , Wholesaln Grocers, ForssaP •
tag toil Conruaisaion Merchants, Dealers to
ea and y 1 burgh Manufactures, No, 7 Como:wrote
Bow, idteriy =eel, near the Canal, Putsburgh, P.
IJ >, e r f t:i. 14r0 0 the • 1113 o AlKeo and
MoGuire,) Merchant Tailor, St Charles Buildings,
ad mm near W • , Pittsb •
TAMES A. HUPCIII.4IIN, & Co.—Succe&wrs
/// Lewis Mathison &Co y Corcunission Merchants,
and Agents of the• St. L. 09111 Steam Sugar Refinery.
No.ll.lwaer End DI froul streets, Pittsburgh.
lls TORN 8. DlLWORTH—Wholesale Grocar, Pro
ductrurgh.e and Comnosaion Merchant, No. 27, Wood at,
TOLIN D. MORGAN. Wholesale Drente', and deal
t) min Dye Smuts, Paints„.oile, Varnishes, /cc, No. ea
Wood street, one door So I 1 of Diamond Alley. Plus.
TAXES KERR, Jr., & Co, (successor lo Joseph C.
V Davi,) Ship Chmillers,4ll:Water street °c al
TOM 11.YdECLOR, Wholesale and Reta il dealer
lt/ in Music and &Puked instruments, School Boom,
PRAM, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Primers' Curds, end
Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood IL, Piusburgh.
Er Rags bones. or taken la trade. tepid
JSCROONDLARER & Co., Wbolossle Druggists,
. No. 44 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
011.11 D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner dth and Wood
streets, Pittsburgh. oath
and Paper Manufacturer; Pr 0..44 Market fl,
le (Omerdealer in Pro
faccosea, T iln Plates, &c./..e.
usbush. janS
. Floyd & Co.E4Vholesale
:rty street. , sel.s
irI3.4I.ZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cer ,,,, i•sion
Merchant, and dealer m Produce, ...d Pittsburgh
I:darn:ma. N. 9 4 Water at., Putaburgit. ianlit
&LERII, JONES, Forwarding and Conussinion Mer
chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mann
red ankles, Canal Basin, near Ilh at dal
. • _
Vesuvius Iron Weeks.
tu or.
/aril ) , Slam ' 1., Bolts Iron '"'" Naas of o lVi i r:.;
ordl y. Warahmuo, M orator and 165 from 61.
WATT:LIMAN, Wholesale Orocer, Forward
, lug end Commission Alerehanr, Dealer in Pius
oral Alsnnf- , lnses and Produce, Lade 41 Weoe,
104 ®tFront 127
1 .4 4 1 7=4111_ ,PTON Wholesale Gror rn' era Ar
srardm& and -Dismutission tteramens, neaten in
ontt Pittsburg& &Louts..., filas-13 sod l&S
Wool Pittsburgh. fetal
WOrdr, WASON CO, (tote Jana Murphy
Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry Goods, no. 48
Wood suet; Paisborgh. norn
=PRY inn e:oontrisa
Merebonts, for the sole of nateriton Woollen
Librrty nreet, opposite Mt. notr.ty
kacrraxas - & - c03 7 &ler
chums, PL. adelphk, for the' ale of pioduee ge,
unsay. Libor. xdvattens made an consigurnints.
lAA. P. WWII.. season C. DA.!O.
& YIS, Wll pitman Grocer. sod Corcunic-
Pacrel. , h Tea MA Liberty .1-, Putsbanh.
N.&W LIAM 'L' InLAL =lac.
ALLEN k w. t .....naussAn and Forwarding
ktaretionte, Water and From it.., between
and tad Mukat ns ' Pane
RICICEtSON, WltotZl . Ca re and
AU Bleictuktm, No. 170,,, Pius-
HOLMES & SON, 80. 53 Market .t., second
door from comer of Foust, desien in Foreign
and DOmeada IIT or Exchange, Pernficales of Depos
it, Bank Nowa and Spools.
117 Collections mad on all Um . grlncipal cities
throughout the United States. dear
130BEKT altaritE, Wholesale (ironer, Bocurymg
AL Distiller, dudar in Produce, Pnisbargh Manufac
tures,and atl kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No.ll LiGeny went. On band • very
large stock of 411Per,Or old Monongahela whiskey,
winch will be .mid la • • or mak._ - ..• apl&ly
Et'54..•.11.1) 'l. Imporuse and Dealer U,
eamAn md .I,.neeue Sada. ry Hardware and
late biamings, imeriptiona, No. 133 Wood
ILICkLAND UMW., Wholesale and Retail Defier in
Leather, Illorunces editiernakers , Toali and Find
ings, Tannera. and ,In.,ers , Tools, and Tanner. , Oil,
No. lte Wood et-, Pittsburgh. septa
wpm &mows, sArnori a sosCson.
ROMINSON & Co Wholesale Ciro° re, Produce
and COISIIIIiSIIIIIII .114erchauts, oxualZere to Pine-
Manufactures, No. W 3 Llberzy mt., Pateburgh.
Pa. ja.slo
1E? t '• V VALZELL 'is Coi 'Wholesile Grocers,
Comenisliou end. Forwanfing Merchant, dealers
Induce sad PiusOcirey BlannlsetFes, Li.b.t7 .1.
Eirtstrargts, Pic fad!
re.l4tir. A. CUNNINGHAM, iVtiolesele Ailmeer,
Denier in Prode. srutt Pinsbiinfsetares,
4-Liiserry at.
_j 7U
. i f' °,.., - - % IMAM
• •
J. L s
EYIVOLDS SHER Forwarding and Commission
jy Merchants, for the AlePhcoy hirer Trade, deal
ers In Groceries Product, h hhosufacture•
and Chloride of lame.
. .
The highest prices, io cub, paid at all tines far cones
pry nws. Corner or Penn awl Irwin nte. Aral
41c1 11 BUSHFIELD—WhoIessIe dealer Is
11g144. frounies, boor., hoes, Paunkg mbuo.
ankles, ice, 4.1•17 sumeai . c p . 2
issfisrmk JOHl4Boll,,VVlsolesale assUlnall Deskrs
,Builiwer takda Lack, lionsienakk ;Fancy
Arne's% No. 40 Market streetint 40or:abOta - And ss,
I. C. imextsa,l. wrtntt
rrri-I , Tl' & MUTE, WIZ= Dealer* ISt
s ~,.. Faletia and Domestic Dry Goods. No. in Wood st
: -
______......---------____--- . _
•'", o — lils W. ILARLIAUGH, wool AlerchEms,
. . , . II:11 be . = o. .o d
3 r i sa i g , Ifn i
0.0 VAGlatri• it-CW WlcolesaJe Grocers and
Psothaos denims, NO..43hinikit street, between nth
wad nth. Nowb tide, Philadelphia.
V A I tZ.S & NlCo l l4oducenttnenrC
`m omission blarelumeas, o. 17 Libany ma, POLborgh
• . VO BO N ORBT, & Co., Who!crab, Oro•
ear., Forty azduce and Corondaaion iderchants,
to Fittsburgh Manufactures and -Weatern Pro
, Most. • • to their new wirehouseJoid gond)
~, corner of Front ot. and Chancery Lane.
b —l. pGrote? Auld Comma
:lionatetnhanu, and dealer. In Produce. No. 35
• • • tatabanch.
e at s, rent for Maxim] soldier. and
grooming at th e ME. of Wm. E. Aar
airy Egg, Hut% eildinp,dtb st, Pittsbergh. My son
10 kerneral bond °Mee at 'Washington, will attend m
mulnes. there free or men. to applieants.
_ _ -
, 40101 a. wmy. Daumcs.tioissr
FlariCK a , SitoiNDLESS, (soceesurrs to L 8. J. D.
~ • .Widhd Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and.
.. Lyon Merchants, dealers us iron riuu, Ma.,
,: 1 loPtimi Walla sad Pittsburgh Manafaetn m generally,
41 , 05P0 , of Wood and Ws', •ircets. Pittaburta
.. kZT BOWEl,nurituuon opti — forwl
: : Merchant, N 0.9- Front at. between Wood and
kat weer,. . ' feb24
w. WALLACE. Mi. cmus and Mill Form&
bag ostabligooeta, N 0.144 Ilbony near tho
- et • Fuser sod StoPit
I xi Lawkm Pron., tubo hng.
• Dry Goods, No
novI3.GY _ _
w WiLSON, Dealer le Watebea, Jewelry,
, Silver Ware, Military Goods, ae, No. 57 Mae.
1s t esmoo
W — ' s37. 5731 Lr 551., wholesale sod Retail dealer In
•-• Foreign 0.5 Domenic Dry Geode, eanti, east
ibittio: of Market utelYeerth anal
L lT lVinvo a Co —Dealers In leather
Rectify gDi.dllan, awl Vilna •rod Liquor
hams, oleo, le.perters of Botts i►ah sad Slasamg
avow, N. UID Leven at. Pittsburgh, P. jarridly
I , ll:li..ACKßUfilsi a Co., VVlolesale•Grecese.and
,o, d ars in Oils, boat Store, surd Plusbrugh Mon
t. Articles, have ou hank,at all tireas, a Anil and
al assortment of goodele'lbals Waer Guam,
~ ,- , olCharry Allay, Piusbargia ear
• t - . • .
• ~7" 7.7 . •
•-t• , 4 t .
ri ‘ - f
tz. 7 • - • . • I -
r ,
, r 6 •••
yi • • • I I
;; 4
„„ ttr.4
~....___ _
. •
JOHN6I. TOWNSEND, Distalln sad Apothecurl.
No. 46 Market st, three doors above Thud ss.
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected aa
-601661611/ of the best and freshen Medicines, which he
will sell on the most reasonable tem.. Physicians
sending orders, will bulirmaptly at ended to. and sup
plied with articles they,insy rely upon as genume
[l:r Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and
netoly prepared from Me best materials, of any hour or
the day or n ight.
Also for safe, a lar g e stock of fresh and rod perfu•
Slobonsalnela Livers Stable.
RT H. PAERSON bas opened
jswip , the large stable on First ...roaming through
SP. Secaud st, between Wood and Smithfield
sts.,in the rear of the Monongahela House,
with 611 entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages el
the boat quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live.
IT In the best manner.
- - . -
CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments. Burial
Vaults, Tombs. Fiend Stoller, Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tops of ioreign and domestic infertile, at
a regular and fait price.
N B.— Drawings for monuments, vaults, &c. furnish
ed, of any description. lie solicits a shareof public
SMITH, ?Manufacturer of Cotton nod
Tv colored Lute'. Princes for Drew.; tcc.' Mewing
Sdk and colored Cotton Frlnge, Mr *nitand ignightun
Parosols. (Amp. Alohnir. and Silk Ito Most Frlntim,
made to order on the shorten notice.
Sao., corner of Maiden Lane and William. entrance
No TS William street. third floor, ovir Abner &
Ouzo, No 65 Maiden Lan- Neer ork JylO
KaITINCW =WARDS, tot C. 1000 E, 11105. 81,1.1.8. Ir.
races •uan, IBM POO, JAM.
MPsoN, LEAKE, STAnutat fr. co., ... l aw s -
Yen of Vli4 Bottles, and Window Glass, keep
constantly on band a general assormneut of the above
articles. Also, make to order a superior ankle of
Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No.
16 Wood st, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 2 -ha _
liaddiers' Ironmongery, Bantu and Coach
Doss, Dear /lair, Varnish, Le. Ley
-iyxV . hie..lZl WOOD 13T. -
PEKIN TEA. STO7IE-10. ;V Fourth
, sr, near Wood , —All garmuues of Green and
Blank Teas, drum up is quarter. half, and
o.•apound packarmt ranging from 50 cu. per pound
81*. at A. k ]
Agt. for Pektn fee Co.
Dlsquenne — Sprnagsi o - 13
CriOLE.MAN, HAILMAN A Co, manufattarers of
. Coach and Eliptio Springs, Hammered Arles,
'3prieg and Plough. Steel, Iron, Ao. Warehouse on
Water and Frout streets, Putsburan.
Also, dealers //3. Coach Trunnungs and Malleable
Castings. octl2
N . BliCKNA•Stiilf. Ahnautail—thEce, Fourth at.,
, thud door above Ectorthfie!d, south atda
Conveyancing. of all kinds done lank the greatest
ear., and legal accuracy.
'Thies to Real Karate enamored, An.oettrmly
_ . _
& M. MITCHELTREE, Wholesale Grocers
1y • Rectifying Distillen, and {Vine and Liao.,
adetetilltate Hama - urn of tale: Ash and
' I Powder, No. Itgi Liberty street, Pitieburgh. Pa.
011 N FINNEI, it.,.4,gent at Pittsburgh for the Del
a/ are Mutual Safety Insurance Cputpauy of Ph do
wielphia. Fire Fiske upon buililmgs end merchandme
every deb.-luting, and hlarine Rising upon bulls or
cargoes of vcsi.c.s, jakea upon the mric favorable
irj 09ice in tbr Warehouse of W. 11 Nola:tea S. tiro.,
No. r Water, near Market street, Dinsburgh
N. B.—The success of this Company stymie the estab
lishment of Die Agency, M dna bty, with the prompt
haus soul liberality stith which every Chill] I.ll,fl wren
for loss hal been adjusted, fully 11110111/11 the agent to
awning the confplenka and patronage of hie friends and
the community at large to the Delaware M. S Insu
rance Cornpany, while it has the additional advantages
e. ineutulloll =nobg the mart flourichlug to Philadel
phia—as having an amplepaid-u, capital, which by the
operation of Its charter to cons
t waly increasing, as
fielding to each pergon ensured his doe share ot the
profits of the company, without involving hint in auy
reaponsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual ptinetple divested of every obnoxtous fea
ture, and in as most aurneuve form novi
make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in
uus city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca
nal arid,fl.tvers.
Charles Tbylor,
Ambrose Whoe
Arthur G Coffin,
ttam'l W. Jones,
FAward Sandi Jacob kl.Thoanis,
John A. Derrven, John R. Neff
John Wren, &chard D. Wood,
Thom. P. Cope, Wm Welsh,
Samuel F. Ben W, Frames tioskens,
Samuel Brooks, 8. Arrann
Hum D. linisamman, &fey.
This is the onicia Innuance Company an We United
&area, twang been chartered in 1 - a4. Its charter is
perpetual, aM from ns lugh standing, long experience,
ample means, and avoiding al, risks or en extra har
anions character, a may be considered as offenng am
ple security to the pubne. W. P. JONI.B.
At the Cousin. Hoorn of Atwood, Jouen te Co, Wa
ter and Frost .accts Paranergh. mayb
FitAliriraani FIRE ISRIIR +[ BQE CO.
Flre h is= Coraparry,,cd,Phitladel
on every description orproperry, in Piltsbergb end the
eurrotording Country, SO favorable terms Thu eons.
prury hes a perpetual charier
Capital, SCAR* paid tn. .
Controgent, Fund ssofin
Moe corner otThUd and Market sneers, Patsbutsk.
aptidu• WARIUCK MARTIN, Agent.
THE, —l7.4,n...t.."l—alap...'4,AtT"Ftirdoli'mpher
continues to egret Insurance nrprinst loss or damage
Fire. on butngs, merenundtm, furniture end
property, not entre herartious, to this city sun •gt• nay.
spit • til,) Orgill srogg. , ,
ri:HE ht.:ll6Millie:lt WV. Leen appointed Agent pm
tem. or the iti.mmuce Cotnyaay of North America,
awl will mire Policies mad attend w the other Internees
of the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, /oar.
Ca. tight %Val P. hi MEN. a YU, XI
C. Z. ua n wwaa, SILLYU u.
No. Oh Booth Wharves,
13E69 to inform the -ewe' and de alert generally. of
Pittsbuigh, that they 03, made such arrant!, mews
with the Virginia manuotctorers and the Growers of
the West, Weer ladies. slut other !Inures, as will omen
a large and cotutant mighty of the following dew-no
none of Tobateo, which wits be sold upon as .com
modaung tern. as any other nouns m Una city or e/se
arbefe,and stil goods ordered from them will be war
rented equal Is topreeentatm:
Havana; 5l posningai eon.; 4
Tura; Porto Rico, Penn's.; }Seed Leaf tee
Cuba/ *aim, Florida; bocce;
.ALSO—Bnutch'• celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with • Large assortment of other popular brands,
and qualities of pounds, be, ha, Ws / los and Met, tamp;
he. 6, !Ls and Plagi Ladies ' Twat./ Virginia Torun,
Icr—, sweet and plant, to whole and half boles, wood
and in. together with every variety of stunts belong
tug to the trade. ic/Gdly
1. Wattri, A. HBSBII. t 6111.81r750N.
Produce, Cocoalloslon and Forwarding
Vo.l32Blausi WIL4TTIL A.= DS WATS" Si ,
Brum ro—Jobn H. Brown & Co. }
Robert Steen &On.
Bireroft, Beaver & Co. Philadelphia
*hid, Regale) , & Co
Allen & Parton, Near York.
\Velum& Harvey. Balumore.
Bagaley &
Burandge,lVilson &Co -
Bails &
y, Brown & Co. "
Kier Jones,
g:j Liberal cub advances ori consignments to our
address. marcrdly
P. G E1.1.111..8.1. C l / 1 112.11 COLT. fUai. WATI..
And General COLCIMiIIIiOD BIC rchant.,
No. 13 Song Werra Ineen..,
REFERENCES—IIenry Graff & Co, Psheburgh.
Rodgers & Sherlock,
A . Schooley & Son,
A. kleyonlle.
Charier. klarthae& Jr., Lootrville.
floWh, khonpbroys & Co.
Mercer, In. & Co. Phllod'a
Reed & Brother,
aptelly Multi & Cousidery, lierr ark
taste D. ;Mom, MUM= mr: r .a.lilson.
Cot T &$ fleece er, alimM IitioADWAT, Crrtairemi, OHIO.
Comnilaatola and Forwarding Merchant.
ea.:Marone sr., errnevann,
rIONTLNUES to transom a general Crammlasion
IL/ new, mpecrally to the purchase and ante of Amen.
can Mannfactoma and Produce, and In receiving and
forwarding Goads conaigned to Me ease. as Agent for
the,erorm, be will be consimoly supplied with
the principal articlea of Poulmoge Mentifacinre at the
lowest Wholesale prices. Orders end consignments
are respectialty_solanted
Iron, Nano, Cotton Yen. 6c PltleLnrQh
DlanalAoture. ganerAlly,
NO. 10 WOOD sraezz, nirsousau,
PorWardlngliterchant. Brow n
Attend. paruenwly to the ForwarOtog of Prudue;
For airytatonitixttort,"oPply to FORSYTH tr. cuN.
CAN, Water wt. • oella
- N 05.165 and 117 Shout .Wttotr,
Rzrzgracta—Mereluults of Pittsburgh.
Wheeling. Va..—lt Crimple k Col mare-ditin
211011.0K1 TO SIitiPPELLS.
mr . have takes an oilier immediately opposite to
our burnt warehouse, (or the present, where we
wit transact bestowsa at usual, until a new house nun
be erected, arrangements having already hero made
for that purpose. Boats will slwaysbe to rear:llllo.nm
our wharf to receive freight.
not Cann' Basia:Li b env at
Clifi;eeeasors to Reed, Hued Cit..)
Nutlet:lax =eats= paid to the salsolliTo9l, and Ober.
al. advances made on ocassightiants.
Butler, Pa
WILL al. attend to collections and all other
V nes* entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Rater to
I. & R. Floyd, Liberty st
W. W. Wallace, do
James Manhall do Pittsburgh.
dty Kay i c Co., Woods ) )am
Ja SWEITZER, Anomey at Law, othee ad at..
St, c , opposite :St Charles Pittsburgh, Will ols o
ntte nd promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
sod Green commies, P.
Blankstock, Bell &
Church & Carothers, ii.Patsbargh.
D T. Moripp, facially
El. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at Law,
e Cmcinnati Ohlo. Collections in Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of I'mm
sylvanta, for taking Depoeittons, acknowledginema,
ke. &e.
R 6761 m—Hon. Wm. Ball & Son, Coriln, Church &
Carothers. Nm. Bays, Fin.. Wllock tc Davin. n 23
IL W., arm. at mail.
IXTILLLAhIft te SHINN, (successors to Lcrwfie and
V V Wllhorns.) Anonteis and Counsellors at Law.
Office 'surds side of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law, Rakewell's
Building, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court
Hover. aug9-ant
lAN. neut.', 11•IMISOR /NULL.
DtiSLOP di SEWELL, attoreey at Law, Offices on
Smithfield, between 3d and dth cut
la w, have removed their office to the South side o
Fourth et, between Cherry Alley and Grant rowel.
TAT a H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hasre
. moved hia offide to the Ershange Buildingr, St.
OltigAb uszt door to Alderman /ohm. rPIRY
SANIEEL W. BLAC Attorney at Law. Wrote on
Fourth street, hoar Grant, Pittsburgh.
etitTHE subscriber, in madmen to his own
manufacturing of Hats, has made arrange•
mesas with :Heists Bebe° is Co., (the most
fashionable Ensue ni of the city of New Fork ) for ikketr
slat supply of Man.,. fine Silk Hats, andhaving put
received a few eases, gentlemen can be suited with a
very nob and beautifis \ hat by calling at his new Hat
anJ Cap Store, SmittiLeld street, second door south of
where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Calla of his own nmufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Hats made to order on than notice.
(Siteeemors m ftl'Cord & King)
Fashionable Hatter's,
Corner of Wood and Ftft& Streit
PARTICULAR attention pod our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen enn rely upon petting their Hats and
Caps from our es ablishmeni of the anr lansataul and
troasmaissmr, of the tsmar meta, and at the Lomat
Counttry lderchants, purchming by wholesale, are
respectfulty invited to tall and examine our Stock; m
we can aay with confidence that aa regard, irval.rri
and 1.111.13, it will not sutler in a c at
with any
notate Philadelphia.. febr
4 lIATS, CAPS AND MUFF:---The a .
satwerther is now receiving from the ... ..4„.11
city of New York. choice msrmment '
of Had, Cape and Mud's, latest meat vane
iy and very cheap, whotesale mid retail.
Smithfield m. 2d door tooth of 4th
Fall Faahlon• for 184*
aarc r woo & cao4
introduce an Saturday, August getth. the
VT si) le of Huts, lust received front Neer Vora.
Those itWWI! of o neat and beautiful hat, are invited
to call at their store, corner of and Wood streets.
DE.ALERS am invited to exasione R. H.
PALMER'S stock of Suave Doody, of the
spnng style. compowed in pore of
DONN ETS—Florenee Brad, Eisi'bah Do
sable do; A MGT C 2-11 do do. China Pearl do; Coburg do,
Rutland do, Preach Lore: Fancy (Dins. Av. fez
HATP--Leghorn. Palm I.caf. Panama Fancy Stralr.
do Braid. Rolland Braid. Pedal do.
Alm, Artificial Flowers, Ribbon., de. Straw Ilan
net Warchocw fas myrke; =Lei.
ToConntry !Mere hasats.
ALARGE STOCK of School Book, Paper, Sunni,
ary Ae., suitable for country sales; among whlch
1.12 .
Wnunk Papers, of hoe, medium and common qu'it's
Letter Paper de do do do
Nom Paper do do do do
Note and Letter Envelopes;
Kama, Pencils. Wafers. and Steel Pens;
%Window Paper (yard wide) plain aud prinmd,
Bonnet Boards, of different quaint.;
Blank Books, an past sanely;
Phonily, School and Pocket Bibles;
Crown, naediam, and double crown wrapping paper;
ItLeGlSSe's Eclectic Spellers and Readers;
Ray's Eclectic Antiunetics;
Cobb's Primer., spellers and Readers,
Sanders' do do do
Aflame... by Adams, Daria,Colbant,Srmatetork
toramon, and olden
Mea t by bluchall,olnry, Kamat,idormo,Good
nob, ey, and othen
Granunara, by South, Kirkham, Bala on, Wetd, and
man. For ale at low pneea, by
PI wood M & doors above 4M.
The highest market plea mud kw- good naked rap,
in cash, apt.,
T3LKIIIZCARY & V.'ORLI:ol.— A popu
lar of the great d I.ovenes and theo
ries of modem astronomy, by U hy Miteheil, • 31, Di
rector of the Cincinnati aory •
Headley's Italy, Alp. and Rh, ne —Letters from Italy
the Alp. and the Rhine; by J 7 Handley. author of !la.
perteonand hi . ftlarshalls, Ws shington and his tomer-
MA, &C. Neve and sensed es/ man_
Statistics of Coal —The U eagrapldeal and Ge 0 .. .,
cal &cinchona of Mineral ( ombnatlbles or fowl
including also, notices an. I loealkies• the vanots•
mineral biteentnions robots nceg employe ed d in an. and
tnaguketurek ithunrated ay Maps and Dlggruns. ae
compawed by neatly 4IX) tables, and I i •II•
Wyse* of tatneral combo subles, kg, prepared by Hub
aid Crawling Taylor
15... received a few eg mesa each atte above wocks
—for sale by .11 lIINSTX),4 d STVCICFON.
198 Dar ...sellers cot market 4e. ltd •.•
by J lc U. I". JAMIE'S, Comma. the to noosing
new and valuable V.Orks— r.•
Donlphan't Rt.the dttion—Contaming a skttnk of the
life of en!. .V. Dosuphen. the Gorwitteatoi Ww
hinmem Gen. Kearney's tivetland F.gpuon Ito Can
(onus, Dotttphan's Can - yawn men. Va. Pisv , •..
hu anparalleted March upon enthit.h. and Durango.
and the (Vern:tons of Licit Yrsce at ti.nrita Fe. with •
Map and Et.graeings, by John T /I.aithen. A U'
tat Regiment of Minoan Cavalry
11.1.0ry of Konark7-1. Antlq9 ales and Neural
Curfoaues, Cioapoph.c. Naos.... I and Geol./ aclO
dosenpuona with auvvodotes of Yu... !era Lare. n ore
than ooh hundred khograph‘cal can of divlago...O.
al Kowa., b01d..., &acme. Jo as., Lawyer., L U.
Sc,.. with forty eft paving; by Leen
Coin... I vol. octavo.
The Twelve Months. Volunteer, .or Joan./ of a In.
vale In the Tennemee Regimen/It ot I avalry. In the
Campaign of Mexico, during 1411 7, con atm.( an ao•
count 01 the March of the Rep me tit to Vora Cruz. a
devomPhon of the Country over manse..,
k.e. 01 the people, boot Ike. of ba.Me l :lc: an
count. of all the actions grab et V oluntrer Rev 1,111,
and a full lizatory of the blez• eau War . , Lir or Kil
led and Wounded, Cm; tied by • large number el
oortoot view. and Photo; by' Grara C. Farber, 1 volume
t evMTCper ..d
78 Woos Br_ summit E ortarn ago Maxon ALIAS
Z b ala r rg ib t " attick han o ' f Tua d' ltUM 'b eor e ulel ' a n d Iwt l'
plain white and blue Writi rag tut Letter Paper, com
mercial nod packet poet P la. Cap, demy and medium
wrtuog 101, blank book.; medium mid royal co
lored Priming ToPota, medium / demi/ mod cup Bay
Book. and Ledgers, SW,PeelOr pal wr and beat Lawern
binding tfchoo Hooky of all kin la; standard work•
Theology and ketone,; 40111s,(fold and steal Pena
Wafera, Wag, Bill F'aes, ke.
Blank Book. of air . alms ruled to pattern, and bound
in the moat atiltatarf ,ral manner.
Country March. nu supplied at lowest wholesale pro
eel Ger cult, or rrnys al cub price..
JOU PRINTIT Sta.—Hann &Job office in connection
with our estrrbr,ahancat, we are prepared to esteem.. all
orders for p.l al n and fancy Prlntlna—boots, p .rofilsiets•
circular., busineu cards, bills of lading,
_it, •etta de. -
Parch ass! at low once.. EILLILerf ENtiL
_piy:. l 7e wood it.. between 4th and dthmund alley.
f. Liantri—Cstior Crom.Soll, by J T Headiri
.11 Power of the Pulpit, by Coudiner Spring, D. 1)
f.lathel Flag, do do
Jacobus on Gonne., Matthew ; with Hannon:lr,
Lectures on tahaspeare. 2 vulxi
Path of We, or Sketches of the Way to ciincy sad
Footsteps of ftleaftlah,
The Convent; by author of hkhool Girl to Franst;
Now and Then, by ~Marren,
Sketches of L.emans, on Sarah!es and htsacle
Ireland a Welcome to the Stranger,
Heat en upon Earth;
HamkalcaL a tale orand for England: 9 vols.
For eaJo by Et.Llorr at. ENGLISH,
Solo 70 %rood and La mance, em
IC LIN HUlllitt—J urn rece, yea front 'the pnbinther,
and for rale at the that Book Store, 4th m,
near Wood. 'Popper's Prove rbial Philosophy, in three
style. of binding; a beautiful book fora present.
Preparation for the Pulpit.
Sketehen of Senn°ru on the Parables and !throe/es
of Chron, by the author or th b Pdipit lOPyclopetha.--00 .
eketehea, kr. The English Pulpit; coimenon of coo
mon• by the mom eminent 11. nog %brutes o 1 England.
AlintaTtas You—Eating I load. Chrstran Love, Cov
ert thou roe, Sorted Meditati one. rityl4
THE VATIIIkitCH/11. A lig; ti - tatory aad
Religion of Mankind I row the Cresai,u) to We
death of Isaac: Deduced iron the versings .erMosee.
.11 other inspired audiora; and ilk: sawed br copious
reference+ to the a•cient recaurds, 1 radttions, and my
thology of
kleuttwit Wet td—by, Geo Stank, S. A.
vol., ctavo.
- •
Charms and Counter-Mahan.. by• Idis. Winn nh. A
(resit supply of that very priests" 1. ale work.
Orators of the Amens. on Seto lotion. by K. •
goon, with Portrays. 1 Vol, 12 rai J.
Pwley's Cabinet Lfbre.ry, for fe &alias or schoo lot 93
volumes, 19 nw, with engravings.. This IS a newt yolk.
For ale ny K HOPKINS,
sopa; Ap ollo BollOings, 9th sr
1-1191. latTAlVl:lifolsTay Of the Untied Stalroi
north of V irgicriv comprai ng description. of 'Lo
mid fern-like plant. !ilifherto found in those
Stoic& arranged according to the natant .y.teart.
With a xynerois of the tient. rii• according to the Li
wean olden, S. sketch of the rudiments of botasy, sit
USTISIS: by Lew 9. 0. Hack ,
yd. Is. N. I t.
Chemistry and Natural Hist ory in Ruler's Colleg V.
New IleweY' Second cditton, revised and et w
lagged. For sale by
La.AALARTINE'S GIROYIDISTS--Hfatory of the G1,_r0nd,•,..2."
,_rond , • , ..2." rersoneJ Memel. of the Patriots of
""eh."'''. , utien — frorn wiped lobed source.: by
Alrboo+l,e Lamtrdee. Cater,!eta in three volumes:
Hyde's .trarislatlon. N fre.llsupply of due popttlat
wort received this day and for wile b y
scold Eleeksellera, cor say slat and 3d eta
LOOAN & KENNEDY have ads day associated
with them in the Hardware business, Philip M
ain Rad &board Ggegg. The ayle of firm will here.
after he Logan, Wilson & Co. Thu arrangement rah
deal it dennble to close the old business vs soon as
possible. All persons whose liabilities have motored,
are especially requested to mote immediate payment.
Patabure& Jan 1, 1519.
T OGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and
Wholeule Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &e., 129, Wood meet, Pita.
burghlare now fully prepared with a recently impor
ted stork of Hardware, Cutlery, du., to offer very great
indiscanuns to western buyers, being determined to
00111f.e in prices wnh any of the Atlantic title.. JO
AO on hand au extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Harfi.
ware, cm Shovels, Sdes, Fads, Hoe", Vices, 51.,
all of which will be sold pa at the lowest manufnetrire
pon :re :TT: 111
... ._.
THE subscr tiers having recently entered Into
partnership under the name of Gal artier, leo&
fr. Miller, for the purpow of carrying on the Bell
• and Wane Founding and Gee Fining businesa,ln
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu
pied by H. Gallegh,, No. 109 Front arteet, betwftln
Wood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepared to
eremite ell orders tor Hells, Brawl Casting% of every
de., riptio and G
as F tongs with neatness and di*.
patch. Steamboat
amboat 'ebbing prompdy attended to.
P. H. 8114 LER.
N. B.—The UWIIIIOII of Machtntsta and Engioeerkis
invited to our anti-attraction meta, for • reduced pnee,
lamb has been pronounced superior to Babbita by
numbers erbo have used both. Steamboat builders abd
the publl generally, ate el o oted to call and ex
amine ou e, r
supenor double brefl euon a Force Pumps for
steamboat and domestic tne.
rr i "TE M'Co P"i rd ne rr King, ean d seri. '" t h d e is l eol 7 Wil of
on the let nut. The brininess will be closed at the did
stand tw either of us, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Hung desirous to bone our busumw
closed with tts little delup w possible. we would te•
ir i e r tf4t . minest those tudeinZ it to N e p all id tt i ntle
icra It KINu.
OHN D. hICORD hermg associated arab tactics
brother James Itl'Cord, ander the style of hi`Cord
Co., witl contat- the Hat, Cap and Fur balances to
all to •nrious branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old Hand, earner of Wood and bth streets, ahem they
solicit a eonnnaation of the patronage so liberally b e
mowed on the old inn. JOHN D bI'CORD.
IN tiring Prom the old and well known firm or
1 ICCord & Kmg, I mom respootilly recommend
be patronage of the public ny mmemeors, Mesirrs.
Wooed &Co AIM 11. I KING.
Co-P. taa eship Hotlos.
EN NV STEPHENS of Wheeling, E F. Shcenbergar
of Juniata, and J. A. Stocln ui of Pmehorgh, have
Mrs day entered Mule co-partnyn 1.4 undo...gin and
dew of stapaa. 4 Shoenberger the Anohor
fairon worke, Wheeling, for lb.purnoso of manu
cturing iron and nal', of every description.
14 W. rrII,IICCE4 IL • Stiorntlitorl, sTOCIVON
Manufacture all kind of boiler, ahem, bar iron and
all Eck A. B. steel chink sprtngs and axles Being con
ectitd with t [me:Merger& old Juniata works, we to.
offer an article of Juniata iron (branded Shoetibergerl
coital to any made on the country. All of which will
he mid at the Ibitsburgh mum, Warehouse of the
works o( biome, and Water am. my II
ISSO L UTION—The partnership hitherto exlst-
IJlng under the rifle and firm th of Within:lan (t.
is day dissolved by mutual consent. John Dill
on' having disposed of his entire interest to IL Wight.
man. The imamso, of the late firm will be settled by
11. Wiiihunan. who is an/tonged to use the name orate
late firm for that purpose. U, W FITAIAN.
sfittlafter Duly I 47] J. DALZELL.
THE Subsenberu noes prepared to manufaemre all
bud, of Conon and Woolen Ittehmer7, at the shortest
loner tenfers left at H_ Wtehmtut's &t me Slt.P.,kt".
ner Ltte•rty and Water meets, lath meet yeah prompt
artenuon H. WIGHTNIAN.
loueol between Federal and Sandusky au,
speaki ly Allegheny city.
00.PARTNERBHIP—Wra. Young ha volg duo
1J day a...gated 'anti hn. John 11 Al'Cuan, the lea
rner booLnea•wtll nereaner conducted under the
firm of Wtn. Youuo h. Co W YOUNG.
tans IN" R
This article Is prepared according to a reeipc pro.
cd nom a very old moil eminent ph Tot .... who has
r a tiertettenced in hit preen., .he want et itremedy for
DISEASES tIF THE LUNGS, upon which reit.,
could be placed hl the putidc —which induced Oho,
after matured tens in numerous eases of Pulmonary
Complatnts. to offer this prepar,non It h.. been the
roughly tried by hurlteds, now to good betildi who
can say that they owe their pre.n anon from an early
grate. to the use of thls medicine.
Conareßrrum Azra L.rrn Coartstar —Fora long
I suffered with these diseases, and was the more elan..
ed . I had lost a mother, two brother., and two eta
tees, wills the consumptiott I had the best medical ad-
Gee In am, every remedy was tried alumni effect,
and I was almoot despair. I wee...nog away,
eery nervous, tied a had cough, iOllll of strength, and
D. fother dangerous symptoms Al length I tried
ay tor'. Balsam of Li•erwort, and ! most say this
medicine cured hie like • charm. It. great restore..e
powers should he Made known
V, 11OLDRIDGR. ST: Spring it.
OV nrOot , dt••••e Isasily rurral bf
Oxe proper methelne Mr. "i•whurY• e ß , ) n•ed
in twee blood ok large qu•n!.11•• both Vy de) •E,d
algid hes/des 0,, he nad • *err, rongh. and pa.. in
the brenc, yet alter every nth, tned/rine. at wu
by Dr Tat lot • 11•11•Arn of Ltver•rort. ThLanaan
L. a cartrna, utaer• vr callow afford ha
144 r bts %amp,. 14. y are •.r a. and uto the
Oiedonn , It ws:! rce.ore dheaaed Lung.. and Uvet
rl.Lort rime
To pc r.. , of a d.oordered nervour •yrtern. or Ittowr
who arr dna. , fret M.... n.gltt •thi• metitcrne at
ernphat,ml) . r.reonimendrti a. ton •oh.rrltrcr once c.txxortftnary vtrtur In z,• orl fachrly.
on., of the members h•vroq oeen •rtraear , l ••• a re
•er. coughtog ,roleut coal. arstltang tot
rt , Sht ewe., diotorired rest. /rem 11711,10. y.
li.. 141 , y of Ore...rung, he and •INL% cored loy One bottle
of thia Ital•acn
So , d Pausbargh by 1 U Nlorgan. UI Wood •t,
Townsend, .15 Market st, H car NI ILT and
3d s 4, Hendergon ACo. 5 (weenyPrlce reduced
Ito 51.50 per .lEIe. der I
Dr. Rozes Celebrated Itemediei
R 'AS - X.11.1S ROSE, the iltaroverer and •ble pro•
praetor of these most popular and benehetal med.
Wines, and also the inventor o( the celebrated instru
ment lb, inflating toe Lungs, in effectin; • cure or
Oceanic diseases, eras tudent of Mat eminent pity.,
emu. Doctor Ph) etc, a do. • tiradu rata DI the cover.
ty of Pc nosy Iv•ula. and for thlrty peers since him bf<l3
engaged in the itt•estut•tion of thee..., and the appla•
o( remedies thereto
Through the usenl hia inflating tutee , to conntetron
with his PrOphylache Syrup and other of In. remedace,
he has atoned an unparaletied e in curing
those dreadful and fatal maladies minence ,
Totxrcular Gnu.
aumplonn, Cancers, 6erofuln, Mamitnatism. Asthma,
Few er and Ague. Fever.ofall kinds. Chrome
la. and all thowe ohrtinate thseases Remitta, to females
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the 0.0
Of Ids retnedie• to which humanity in heir—not toy the
use or one 'compound nal..tor that is momptitmle
with Phi SICIJOgIC•I 1.4 W the use at e his reme
dm., adapted to and prrihrmed earn peculiar loon
Dr. Rose's Tome Alterative Pills. when ipeed .re to
Variably acknoadedged to be superior to all other,
a purget,e or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave the
bowels perfectly free [rem coatireoela,as also his
(oldest to admitted by the !unlit to pa . pecu
liar properties adapted to genial. di.estar•; but Pc',
11141%/1 Jul a bare irial w sufficient to establish what
has been said to the minds of the most skeptical
The afflicted ure wetted to call upon the agent, and
procure (grabs) one of the Doctor's pamphlet., giving
a detailed account of eaeh remedy rod Its spolieation.
For sale by the forewung agents, as well as by mast
Drugpsts throughout the country:
1 Scb.tunaker •4 Co, 21 %Wood w e e,' r hi .b urg ,
.1 hi Townsend. druggist, 46 Market et
1,. A Peet Mn, near the P 0 -beny mein
Jo* Barkley, Ditrangton, Beaver county Pa
Jato Fatima 'Palley, ••
T Adams. Beaver,
Jaynes' Expectorant.
iistav, Columbiana co., 0. Apr. 21, 1841
rlit D. JAI - N114: Bus Sta.-1 feel bound to you
_LY and the afflicted public, to avail myselrof this op
portunttq M ving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your ' oretti on myself listing been afflicted
for severe years W/lh a severe cough, heenc fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but miserable extrience, until the
Mil of 0r..19, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pte
ocripuozis of two of the most respectable physiemna to
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
nsolanon of surviving but a few days or weeks at
furthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vafish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does all things In the
use of themeand contrary to the sapeetattons of
my phyricuts sr friends I was in • few days raised
from my bed, told was enabled by the steel a bottle, to
attend to my business, emoymg unce better health than
hail for ten years prem..
Regime tfully your., he., Jsa. W. Errua.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea (store, 79
Fourth street _ . . . mar 29
. . .
— ffirdW sta.ILANCIEMENT•
VOCTOR R. W. NORMS having recently purchas
ed the Drug Store formerlyowned by Flays k
ick , No uCommercial Row, Ldecry street,
Pittsburgh, take. this method of Informing his
t, vends nod the public in general, that his store
a di at all lanes be supplied with an el trustee and
Ka ne,al assorts - sent of Maga Dye Stuffs, Palms, Otls,
Vs she . , Perfumery. Colognes, and indeed every an'
Set a railed for in a drug store, which will aTway" he
s o le as low as at any other louse m the city, wank.
sale or retail Hoping to merit a share of the pullet
nothing shall be wanuag tu give entire set
isfectdess to his customers. nov7.l.!iplr
or the W aloe Ditiei.
Poc.roa BENJAMIN W. MORRIS, still coounues
tog metier the safe and popular remedy called
vlropa:hy or the NVater Cum and If desired will treat
disease. Atloputhically. Mutilates; case. will be at
tended to promptly.
N..12.--Dr Morris may be consulted at his Drug
Store, No. 2 Commercial Row. Liberty street. dermg
business boon, or at hit residence, morning and even.
Mg, Penn sure, 7 doors below Itatin's
1:13Colie rt., - MT /5 -
PTHALMID SUID.SCON, teal attend to the treat.
L.,/ aunt of Dueases of the Id e.
Or. R. has been engaged in this branch or the rnedi•
cal professloo fur sixteen years, and has conducted ad
establishment tor tr.-14111.W ill•eases of the eye
alone toe several tear.
Drew" end f0.41.1C0, corner of Sandusky at and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. ectl3
i3i:ll.leLans In Tennessee.
Tins Is to <Truly that I purchased one vial of Dr.
11/oLans's WO(171 Specific, some two months art
Lod pee to awn of mine, some seven years old, twtt
leaalVdthe fall, and although the 61110110 t may appear
large, yet I have no doubt bat there was upward. .1
rwo 1111001UND passed from him, mammal
tern ace quarter of an inch to two inches long.
Roes. "vest. carrel en. Term , Dedy7l . lAL Jall .
ES EKV—Supenor /lunch, snorted aims IA k. 611
ittst resolved and for sale by
. - •
to. nrumnoe, raoran:r.s.• -
THIS establishment bang and widely known a.
being our of the moat commaiious in the city of
Balumore, loss recently undergone very eximo.
stet al enate. and improvements. An mom new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
Weeping apartments, end extensive beating rooms.
The Lake' department bait also been complet2
reorganised and lined up in a moot unions and be.
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the noose
has been remodeled, with a single ayeon the pan of
the proprietors. towards the comfoil and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they omMerttly anion will
challenge companion with any•flotelni the•Uolon.
stanr s o d luxury alwa ys
up in a superior style; white in the war of Vlrtnee, he.,
they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietors begin utluct nothing
will be 1..11 medal., on theiLibast, MAW. an of their
aseialasaa, to modes this Hotel worthy the continued '
patronage of their friends and thslitibilif generally.
The price. for board have also litieri reduced to the ,
(dimwit's rater
Ladies' Ordinary, 81,76 per day.
N. I.l.—The /3aggage Wagon of the House will al.
wsys be fond at the Car and Steamboat Landing;
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
e. mayisf
MILT= 07 ?MO AND IT. CLAM era, 71711121.08, PA.
2 The subseriber having assured the Martare•
went of tins long estabhshed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announce. to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The Halve Is now beingrlsoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Funnture added, and no
paws will he spared to woke the &change one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The_andersigned respectfully Wicks a oonthmence
of the very liberal patronage the House UNA ilellitarbre
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
— l.Abilaurinfze.TirmsTr.7
THE subscriber redpectfally annommelithat
he h. now opened hld nem end excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers., boarder.,
tied the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirety nave. and no paitmor ripener have been
spureo to render it one oi the most comfortable and
plens.t Hotels 111 the cny .
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronage.
0051441 y J ASA al HOULi#2l_o :221:Ler_
begs acquaint his
a friends that he ie again lessiee of the GALT
HOLlff ", Loni.ctlle,Ky., where he hope, to meet
all his old friends, tuteuring them and the public, that
an effort Mall be aintrosioo make all comfortable who
kayos hint wnh them Pat janlldlL
C11211.r1 Ft, aSlwaaa loctcrn .911:0
OPPOSITE late Book of the United Staled, Nola
detphiss M. POPE MITCHELL,
mina Propnetor.
Chocolate, Cocoa, /tor
W. Baker's Amerman
& and French Chocolate, Prepar
ed Coco Cocoa Paste. Brows. Cocos Shelia &c
PO merchants and e.0.m.... who would purehasts
the be.t products of Cocos, free from attulterauon,
more numinous titan tea or coder, and in quality unsur-
Mood, the subscrtber recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself and stamped with his name.
Hl limn. and Cocoa Paste. at delicate, palatable,
and salutary drink. for sun... tone...erns. and
ether.. are pronounced by the most cannons physicist.
cupenor am , other preparauon s. tity, by the manu fmost actures
are always dri - cale. in any quan re•
spectable grorer. in the eastern nine., and by taw
agents, Hasves, Cray & co. Boston. lame. it Ballet'
k en. Danford. Conn ; Hassey & Murray, New York,
Urant & Stone, Ptulade/phia Tnornas V Brdige. Bal
timore, and telloge & iknuett, Cincinnati, Ohio .
WALTER BA KF.R, Dorchester Ma.
For sale by augll BAOALEY & SMITH, Apt.
ItrinTE 6ROOKS & CO., would reepeetfully in
, I form the public that they hare erected a shop on
Lanett., between Federm end Sandusky streete They
are now making end are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicle.. Coaches- Chancres, 13a
rou Buggies, MUMMA. Ate, to . which front their
t ' lie 'P ra r'.. etilli:se th' y e bTv ' e n .trt; ' frel ' c r o th n6d abo ent y t e be w y o a r ne k,
enabled to det work on the moat reaeonable term. with
those ...Ikea articles in their line
Paying permute/ attention to the seleetton of mate
rials. and' having none but competent workmen, they
have no hesitation t^
warranons thetr work.
therefore me . the stlentme o , the public to Zhu , 010.11cr.
N. B. R . ng done IC the 1,-Yt 1213.1111 et, and on the
roost e 11,10, je-3:11
- Wi - Its and Cast Iron nailing.
7 , 111: sub bens Les tense to inform the paid.. that
j they harekahrsonei lion. the Feet ail the law end
thstuonable designs tor leo,. Resting. Wt.. for houses
And eemetenes Prro-oos reth,,,e to procure hentl•
Issue patterms wta p.cay.. ets!: u:.4 rlalltlitr. unit maie
for themselves Ra... 11; ,a - 19 be eurrusheal at the short.
est notice. and in lite hest manner. Ist the corner of
Czely , end Rel.., re streets. Allreheny rots.
sur-11-dtf A LA Niuvr & KNOX
rk Roe. ELS.S./kt CHILI 411 n \ t /111 must re•nix,
IT •tinounce>ln :ha ens's°. On' Poisinur to and
....i7,lllat be in c.noneocoal atviang insltarlinn
tl I..tano. Me meth.] ',lift:l4 .101 very easy.
and adaptell to I ama very short time Ile Lopes I
by strict attention to his I 41.111eD, wal Ly re•sonnuole
.Prma. I. merit a sbaro oi :be pot.ite insitO
tel l ntace Those,
natal:noir no hear him We) are in,.ned est- welt
profs, grlth the tang hest suLtoc tat them, at lb, Music
Allurretld lie, hnollor or Mt Rome
.• . .
Frederick liludne.
Hag V l etor I , c a, Haat...eller novll-dtro•
Lascbibig,.oopping Bleeding.
grid. Fresh Icgchc• received monthly—attendance all
koara. Ilefereoce, the gbymamans of Yillmourgh.
pony and Birmingham
1 moat o hrerfaily recommend to the physician.. faro
them and al: my former Irmo& and patrons, Mr K H
Norrta as twangln
morougy •cquainted with the
nem. and worthy of patronage
rrigu-ale NI K. DEL-AN
El•onbactored Tobacco.
4b. S LlX , r o ,7 4 o . t 4 ry la t ., Ra r t:stet Y. toper.. •o , r . ee . t t: S le,
IV 77 do litre A Harorocnl's " 5
do do do
tido du Poen b. Harwood " it lb .
11 do 1 Eto . .on.n
57 bf do do
23 do do WI. Dawson
21 do T Wrtght'•
T do G And.ran
0 do LT Dade'.
do El Nl.on'e
9 do Raton!!
Ilya landing Cram .learner and ?octets, and (or .ale
by E.AII), B L CICNOR dt Co,
Al north water ot and Id north wharena,
)e/1 rhllodelpbta
Ni l'AdTt 41ACCO—fit bo 'Jones
Ar. inona utp.nor lb lamp..
73 o , d .4wrior !...•‘ S. lamp.
15 "oantr7 .Ir. Ituvrer •• ask. 6. •
aU Dap.. IJe I. Eurol .• 5.
In Nlcl.nod
23 “ Loarrene, I.uinrt 5. /64 plug
J.% landing Imam smartie, a,id for aima
41 N water at and 16 N wharves,
.7 8 1 Pluladriphoa
J. GLENN, Book Binder.
ukr Eam shit engaged ui We .twee busitteg*, corner
ot Wood land ni rd wwwW, Ptnsburgls, where
wrare prrparrd to do any work u, our Una nun de..
patch. We aurnd to our work personally and zatta•
tun.un 'sitbe given in regard tun. genuine and du
thank Books ruled to pattern and bound wth•
amount/v. Books in 111.11.13i/Cl, or old hookah... 1 ran-.
ful.) or repaired. N•ntrs put on book. n rrln letter,
Most- that have work in our lose are tnvited to call.
Pnrea low mv2OFtr
co-CAST S inns; •
A‘r ----
have eered into ear...v*l3m, ender the firm of
AIFE & ATKINSON. and wilt carry on the Tn,
Copper, and Sheet Iron AVere manufactory
Also. Hlaekarnithtng in all tia branches, at the old
stand 01 Wro Scalia. Finn street, near Wood
Partin elan .enuon given to atonotborit work
400 likrintio - Co - free GO bilis - Limiara r'!efiree 50
do Eft. Domingo do '
, bas b.lO glass ; 12.3 do
1043 do 05 do 7.9 do • .4 do 10.14 do; 35 hhds N. 0
`Suffer. hbl• No 3 mac keret , 190 bog rosin soup No.
I , Ifn do dipped candle., 135 do Ctnetnnan mould do,
reeetved on consignment and Joe role by
ifepl4 S & W 1111111:613
cat Fittp.i iff—A• kik;
tt of Clots, easel mere., Vesttnns, Cravats. he , and
for sale by L WILLLANIS. Mercian! Tnrlor,
my, under bloomorehela House, smnhfield st
"lqq liffid , . - PIN - if - URACILIFF — tiOftBO4.-
Three fine Drought Horses for sale, sutra
Ifle for dray mg, he. Enquire of
soot7tu.m. lawny sr
Ili_LF dos genuine French Coil Skins, •
%._/ very fine amen,. A few dozens r'htladelphia
Sktos, from the manufactory of ti 2k! Crawfuni, to
winch the euennon or boot makers is invited. Just
rceei•ed nod for sale by W YOUNG
71 443 'Merry at
31'CLINTOCK`8, No. 75 Fourth forret,
can be aeon a splendid vonety of sup Royal Vel
vet and Tapeory Carpets, latest styles. Also, Deus
sels, 3 ply. and sup and fine ingrain Carpets, of sup
styles and qualtites; and in connection can always be
found 'Fable Linens, Crashes, Di•pers, Damasks, !No
reen*, Oft Cloths, &e. he., to all of which we call the
anennon of the publte. muchl
lIAVINO sold our come %took to C 11. (jury, wait
jj a slew to eloting our old business. we hereby so.
Itch Oa hint the patronage ttf al' our hands and Co..
touter•. lIC4. 14'. Pulp; DKVITS,
Pittsburgh, Aug 4th, 1b49
IL GRANT, Who'roale Grocer. Commo,mou and
Forornrding Derr Irani, No 41 Water .t aut.<
NUS. h 3 and Pit Front street, Hell Founders and mon•
of...teens of all kteola nr Young. for Gus, Steam
and Water, have al waya on hand« romght Imo Wel.
tied Pt fur steam, gan, and tenter, finrn fn. to tit.
in Brae* ea.unge made to order. Also,
large an.stmeni of lien. nod atiodicd brake Work iu
.'bosh the 11.11efli10/1 of Slumber. and F.ngine Boddero
in particularly dicortnd
Gee Fittings put up promptly and on reivonable
" •
Vism:Rs To TEI is TLETUEAT can he iu noshed
with e Lunch at EH hours of the tiny, also, lee
Cream., Fruit Confectionary. &e. The steatite r tireen
wood makes her reguinr tripe he tome!, leaving her Pitt
street landing en ui A. NI., and ei hall pu..t each hour
fezeopt It! ant. 1114 tog the garden at le
P. M. for her leer mu to the city
It moonlight view of the Leiden is Indeocribehle in
iU beauty. ly l 6
ITTRIRIROH, OCTOBER oi, 1/348.--We P are now
In reecto of sevens , hale , . heat rate I Oil Western
Nave York nod hiassachdtcua Priole HOPS, and ace
always receiving rear aunplies. We are and
to sell at lowest rates. Other, Pitt sweet, Allegheny
over. oethld UP.O. W ShilTii & Co.
60LEN1AN, HAILMA ! , l' a Co., have removed to the
IVarehottee, 3 doors weal of the Monongahela
Room, on Wee/ and Frout streets.
FOR RENT—The Warehouse No. 43 Wood .t.
Deng Yost copy. '
1316 - 27- X sarZnotprithe tMes: -
_up noel - - WOILL 6 ROE
_ . .
a Strickler & Co.)
ANITA CTURETIS of Pbccnix fire proof safes,
.LY.J.. month .ido, seetmel sawat. bele.. Wood sad
Striabfiald i'Maburgd. J B Strickler having deceased
and the .urriring p.rtner Sir. ;as tippeneott, burin(
associated himself with MT. Wro C Burr, lho business
will hereafter be conducted ender the style of LiPites
con & Bart.
Thal of a wife In Cincinnati, o,—We, the undersign
ed were present at the tunas of one of 9 Strickler &
Co's Improved !land/ fire.proof Wee. The safe was
placed so a &mace en the putalle landing, and suhieM'd
to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than
three hour.. In one hour and a half the safe came to
bright red hens the door of the furnace was then
e .sed, which ranted an increased and steady heat for
nee of 'the time. until the east iron wheels were
really melted otfi the furnace WWI then thrown deem
•d the safe cooled and opened The money, pope n
• • books which It contained were as perfect as when
ed there, the binding only of the books being W
ed by the water in cooling Meseta. We have no
canon inlecommanding it to the public as a safe
perior LO any we have evhs seen. tested, and believe
at ft will stand my heat which Might be produced,
lin a heal winch' would iialt it 1...;"; solid Masa
• . . . ... .. . ..
Springer, le Whitman, I, Worthington, Kellogg lb
,nnett, B enj. Urner, W 0 P Breese/ Moms Smith, T
.. = , ..Coa r Smimm., ithiyard & co, Wm Manse,
We, the oodefoigooo, ,elected the safe spot. of
,'. • ye, from a lot In the store of halter & 0
G SPRIN Aribery, the
t ; ats GER,
Hofer to Cook k Harris, Itrcrs Plusher/et;
Homey Halms so' do [ll,ldltyrl7l3
',. - Coet IiIMICtrOr.ORR D. WICK. 1. Z. 1110r....X.
sambered 119 • ast:usel
Shovels and Spades, Area and Hatchets, Mi.II, 04
.1, Circular and Gm Sawa, Ray and Manure Peeks,
• n Mattocks, Pick( ke., having completed all their
•• •gensents in the machinery,
a d in securing the best workmen from the don Cele•
b aced establishments °ram East ate now meal:llamas.
ing and will kern constantly on hand .4 for sale all
the above articles, having availed themselves of the
latest improvements. and nee determined that in work
manship and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce Wile.* equal, If not superior, to
any that can be had in th; Esat. T hey invite the OW.
lion of dealers to an examination o a t heir stock berota
parchumg elsewhere, ea they are CRlSsUleerl thubehey
will be able to fill all orders in their line to tha.thal
satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water raw,
4 doors Weal Monongahela Roe., Pittsburgh, Pg.
N. a—Persons having business with Wm. kipper
volt k Pon sell please call oa Lippeacat /r.
Pittsburgh Furnitt;re Wsr; Rooms,
Z._ .. s
. .. .
A lar4e and plendid assortment of Purrii
lti re, CU table for Steamboats, Hotels and pa
yam dwelimffs, constantly on hand and
made to order.
The present stack on hand cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory an the western country. Pocono
wasking to purchase vrould de , well to give Me a cell,
as lam determined my prices shall Oen.. Part of
the stock consists ta—
50 sofa• with Plush and Hair-cloth coven:
dor Mahogany Nurse Chants;
14 parr Divans;
12 dor fine mahogany Chairs;
12 mahogany Work Standm
3 in mahogany Racking Chain;
15 marble top Dressing Inareari;
pair Onennamu
5 marble top Work Stands;
cherry Work Stands;
_”Nrltholx , =.7• Ai.Pl=• Chart", and Poplar Bedsteads of
ue•enpuona, and a large asotrunent of common
furniture and rhain. too numeroun to mention.
LA war INC
THI/;Ys skin—bow not tto c0at.,, 40 w ho t w -ng ro h u tfu g i h j , Y h ' o w n sintw it , i y s el M ..
low and unhealthy the skin appears after using prep. ,
pared chalk . . Heald... it IF min riou, containing a large
quanta, ol .e ad .
We prepared a lienotiful vegetable article,
which we eon ES: SPANISH LILY WHITE. It
Periiollly punfird of all deleterious
qualm,: and imparts to the akin a natural. healthy.
alabaster, clear. nvia• white, at tlw same time acting
as a COl‘Mehr 0111 hr akin. ma
it sot and =Oath.
Dr James Andeoom. Practical Chem. of Massa
ohm..says, - After analyzing Jour.' Spanish Lily
White. I find it po sssss es the most beautiful and natu
ral, and at the same time innocent white I ever anw l
certainly lc can conscientiously recommend u use to all
who. ail requires beautifying " Price, 2 3 ern. •
boa. Sold - by JACKSON. eV Liberty*, marl)
Pitt Moe/tine Workand Foundry.
(CIN WRIDIIT I. Co., are prepared to build Cotton
,) and lVoolen Nlselanery o( ever
dear ription such
as Canting Machine, :intoning Fratne, Speeders
Drawing F`rames. Itallooar Fiends, Warners, Snoolers.
. Franne.. Loom, Card Grinders. &e. Wrought
Iron Shan/rigu rt,rd. td: size. of' rThst Iron. Pulite. and
/tearer, of the late. t pattern, sltde and nand Lathe,
and tool• of all kmd•. Casting. of ev•ty descr?ption
tarnished on Own none. , Patterns sonde to order for
Mill Gearing. Iron : -
team lips for beat
ing Fats. Cast Iron Wiraloterash and fancy C..-
. geneuorte, ,D y (trders lett at th e Warehoinsa of J.
Palmer de Co.. Liberty street. will have prompt atten
Refer u Blackstnok, Bell h lb., J. K. Moorehead &
Co., G. E. Warner. John Ir.on A. Vona, P;uaborgh ; G.
C d J H. Warner. Strabe.ivklle jonla
New tliriiiware Hintse.
.... ~. . jog:I:XIS tVOOL/IVELI., corner of
A., : tirft. , :• tCcant and :al •ts . Pittsburgh. Ilan.
gt-l - ts . 'kt", : at, •'" tog withdraw-It front the brill of
‘ etas •• oodwall, on rue Int of 111.13uary, 1.47. I
take pleasure in announcing to my friends In the city
and oountry. that I have opened my nem .10n at the
above named plaee. liantug pus hosed my goods for
cash, and made •rrancentents with manufacturers in
this toentry and to Europe to be constantly supplied,
I am billy prepared to furistan Itardwage anti hoed.,
on as good te
rm. an 4 as Jow as any holt. Fast or
\Vest. Merchantsar i . Mess are respectfully invited
to call and examme m i ouck. ociore purchasing elae
where The following comprises a part of nu stock.
Steamboat and saddler, hoot ware. gun manning..
fbea, Naylor'. steel, count), edge t 001.,, ansi't. viten.
1 .
lock , latches, scythes, butt hintitts. screws. loins Fac
tory i•lfilt..o . l. mahogany hoards mid veneers, and
sit Met acacias ... se bed with the hardware bust.
nes. Insulin
Cllyr'D.Qaarrl.a Gallery
HOOF. beg. leave to inform the ettisett• of Puts
-1.1. burgh and .Ictnity. that he ms. 110.1 the baguet-
Han Rec.. Intel) uedupico hit Porter The pub-
Itc are assured that ail the late improvements are secu
red, end will In brought into oper•hon by hlr Hoge.
who has been • constant operator since the an was
Srst discovered Knorr .tit faction ts guaranteed to
all who may become patty., 11r 11. will refer
arab pleasure to 111 r A...< establishment he
has operated for the lasi twelve months. Family For.
LIMA, Engraving.. Datuerreot.pc., 4,c , eras tel;.
copied. Likeness taken itt an) and set in
locket, breur pins. cases and frame..
lurnic.oons given iii ever) branch of the an, and ap
paratus fornoied. jeo.l(
— Penn 3lae Wine Shop.
WIGHTNIAN—AIan a tact over of all kinds of cots
ton and woollrn Illarh1110(3. Allegheny city, Pa
The aboveworks toeing now in full and Sllefe.lllli op
erauon. ant prepared to execute order. with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in to) as willow.,
pinker,. spreaders. earls. grinding machine, (1111/...95 . 4.
drawing Crimea, speeders, thrum, s, looms. woolen
nerds, double or mule .1 rchant or country work,
mules, ink.. and han me d lathes and tool. in gen
oral All kind. of shaming made to order, or plane gtv
en for georimr Inc Lorie. or ro.II• at unable charge.
Ragan ro—Kenited). &Co, ea Blackstock, Sell
& Co King. Pennock & C0...1u. A. ling.
jiA FULTt iN, lie!! and Bras. Founder. has re
halt and cononetmed business al h. old stand,
where he wit he pleased to wee hni old custom
ers and friends
l'hurvh.Stesitoboat, and Bells of every size. from 10
to ILIAC pounds, cast from patterns orthe Intuit •pp.rov.
ed male!, and warranted to lie of the hest motel - oak.
Nlinerul Water Pumps, tknontert, ftnihrog. Sc., toge
ther with every v•r etv of from Culdinus. if required.
turned sod finished no the neon-ILI manlier
A. F. to the .le proprrroor of B•aarr s ANThATTIII•
VOX hlit,L. or orstly celebrated for the reduction of
(notion to machLnery . The Boxes and 2omposuoin
can be had of him at ab tunes
Ploughs, PlOugh Castiasgo, Wagon
Hootits, to.
gitHIIRT HALL, of the old
farm of R k S. Mall, a ratutufac
turutF itsvire quantities of
Plougs. Plough Caatinge, Wag
on boxes, tee with the Improvements of the Leaver .
Peacoek, Illinois, and other Piougha r of the latest and
beat patterns now 111 tl.e
Warehouse, 108 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, apposite
the Hay Scale; Factory. in Allegheny city, near she
Coitus Factory of Parsers. Ifinckstock, Rel. k Co.
Orrice N Asa mist AND ell Arr,sooo• R. R. Co. /
Nashville, Tenn.. Nov 0. lAS
PROPOSALS will be received at thismitre on the
20th December next for the Gradunuon and Ma
sonry ot forty miles of road, Vt.: 20 mile. next
to Nashville. ten miles crossing the Barren fork of
Duet river, in Bedford county. Tennessee. and ton
miles on the North Weat sale of Tennesttee river, in
Jackson county, Alabama.
Profile, and plane may be seen at this office, after
the 12th December.
By order of the Board—
C F (JAWS Krr. Cluef F.iiginecr
N. B.—Twenty-five miles of road, Wlc ludlng the Tun
nel, and no miles heavy mountain wroko are under
contract. !Leven hundred laborers are wanted by the
contractors. nor:lt-dire
MBE underatalied are prepared to fill ordere for any
quantity of Cypreiiii Flolaseca Barrels. of • super,
or quality, deliverable to order at any u C. by giving
us It lew days notice. of our Wharf Amat. We thine
we can make a the interest of Mope merchants who
buy largely on the con., as they can order their her.
rely shipped to any plantation they may awe, veluco
id .11 he attended to without mitre charge
toaac ram, Joao T. galas.
Elinor d
tie spnagt hammered iron axies , and dealer. to mal
leable eastlngt. fire engine lamps, and coachtrmnruings
generally, corner of Rosa and Front ms, Pittsburgh,
Pa. upl6
T atotoS" -- T. YOSIGIIT
No. 3 Coutzzar• tritare.
Carothers A Co,
Alexander Laughlin.
John Grier. noel-dam*
13LANKETS! LILA NKRTIX:' —Rouse keepers and
other• wanting above good., will Iroar n mind
that a large .I.OTtIOISµI hat lately been received, in all
qualities, moluding tome. very large and superior. at
the dry good. house of t R MURPHY,
00.22 ' NE earlier 40u at.
IjAltillaoN,tvzovAlLT, manufacturer or Henry
11 Shirtings, Checks, fr.c . Rebecta street, erty of
Allegheny. novt6.4ty•
TEAM BOAT Atik.lN'rri
Oirtnello9l(l4. Aza.. Co,
*cal No. 19 Water street.
ANUSECrUREL) to order end furdwhed at Olen
notice, with the 111119 e of the boa, Irl C NCI Wan
Aleoi Cotton and Hoek Maumee. made in the
beettormaer.fer a.yary law Ere, by I. FIERSPX,
Duda-city Warehouse, VO Water .1
It It . 3? UV/ 0,06
eMbeing remis and haw operimg ALEXAN-
A DANS, ed
.No Market sweet,northwen
omeraf the Diamond, • cery large s . l4 P l4 Pditl SU'dk
f ran cod winter Dry Goods, tin +bleb they would re
spectfully invite the attention of the pOblic. 'lt is welt`
Mown to airman every one that the prosentl; season is
one diatinguished for Its low priees of Dry Goode, and
It alkyds os gnat pleasure in being Mitt 1 0 state that
owitig to our meat facilities for that puzpow, ‘Ong of
the firm residing in Philadelplnet we haverbeen
bled to purchase out present stock eta eciesiderth/e
redaction from the b..) mattes rateecheap as they
are, end we are therefore enabled to men en correspon
dingly lower than the usual prima We would Were
fore invite ad cash buyers by, wholesale ot , retail, to
give us a call, and lay out their money to the best ad
vmtage. .
The Ladies should call and mann= our Meek of
Prints, Gingham de Lennie Cashmere., Alpacas,
lderuisis, Silks, Bombazines, Plaids, and various ether
stylise tif fashionable Dress Coeds, of which CM have a
very fine assortment, Including every deieription of
those goods in the maftet.
we would recommend our Mocker super French Cloths
and 6sh, French and American Casairneres.
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS in 'err Itege, mob.'
I clog almost every variety of style and quality.
SATTINETS—Of which we have an exec/lent; a.
mennerd, and 01.11 qualltiaa
FLANNELS-.Bed, white and yellow Mamie OM
qualities and prices.
TICKINGS AND CEIECES—A aupectior essornimot
of Ticking" of all grades, and Starting Cheeksln great
elng alums every description of the above geode ? lri•
olu i th:nAS — hierapi of VI . 4 4th, s tl ui i ;
Bilk and Doi
ton Velvets both plein and egartl, eatt c = ir iltfant
plaid Limeys, plaid and fancy limed an
chose - Linings, bleached mid ttabbeached Table Draped
both linen and cotton., blea ched and unblesehedlle
'l"b- 2V ur ek e t ' A=lcodaolM...dlLTt
silt cravats, Ladles BC/lifl and cravats,.fillpves and
Hommy of all kinds, Suspenders, Irian Linarte,Linen
Learns, Limn Bala Silk do, blk Lace Veils Love do
end Mikis, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Sketch Diaper,
emelt; Lbien, plain striped and barredJaconists, Ca.
bric and Swim Wins, Victoria Lawns, Green ns
gee t fro.
hlerchanta 'lading the city for the purpose entwine'
in their.uPl44., should not fail to give es a eall, as
they witifindour goods and prices melt as cannot fail
to sot their purports ALEXANDER& DAY,'
sep.Xl 75 market m 1 N W ear DinniOnd
- -
The New Golden Bee Hlve4r :
Nero and Wirster Dry
rUS T received and now opening, at the.llo the
e/ Flaa RITZ, on Market snow., between and
Fourth streets, one of the largeat, cheapest; best
assorted steaks of Fall and Winter Dry Goode <Amide
fared ld hoshargh, to which the attention of oub no.
morons eustotitere and the public generally, Is reeperno
fully inatted,lm the subsoriber is confident that ho can
offer each bargains in Dry Goode ea eanuat be loc
oweed by arty other house no the city. • I
ha these goods have been purchased at prices far
belovrthose of any former sensory they willle ld at
greatly reduced rates.
Among this large and splendid stook will ;be onnd
many oholce and desirable goods at extreme' low
Very nch and most fashionable dress Baal' plaid and
striped black satin; striped and plaid silks; plsinblaoS
very glossy kro de Shine, plain black rich limn; Wa
ving, sdk for vizettes, manillas and capesat veliy LOW
priecc nearest des i g ns and latest stylea caztitatireay
plain and noun striped cashmere, very cheinik nob
merino all colors; de laines, plant arid figured an satin •
striped. at great reduction on former pnoesi gal Cal
fornia aud cashmere plaids; mohair and lloptarey
plaids, all qualitierk alpaceas, all goatlike and Colors ;
from 121 to 75 cents peryard.
Pine cashmere. mrkene end brooho shewhi
Black embroidered ouhrocre Judd. lune shUrrtsj,
Floc Tlbbet end de laine do
Fine black and colored cloth do
FSne quality long, very cheap do
Plain black and plaid tilk, very cheap do
A large lot plaid blanket shawls from 70 ceata:3,
all wooL
Good dark calico from 3 to B els ye r yard;
Beet quality dark calico from 6 to 10 cows;
Yard wide purple do, 124 eta;
Good yard wide bleached muslin 4 to 64; •
Boil tie tinge and check, all prices,
Blankets, from coarse to best quality, tarp thqap;
A full assortment of red. white Lod yellow flipanelsi
Sannens, Kentucky leans, Kersey*, Linsey'', etc,
ere, etc, of which will be sold rd reduced ratesont
No al Market or. .p2O WM. L. RUSSELL.
APCLINTOCK, la now constantly reeervirq his
stock of CARPETING, fee, cm epsilon
One of the largest assOrtMentli ere,. broagilt tat NO Mar•
krt. which have been purchnsed divert from 4he Int•
and klettufacturers. of the losers and neweal
nyles, and lower to once than ever offered m t has city,
to which be intent, the attention of those Wi , t14.4(14)
formal:l at hoot. or houses. before porehashr else
wnerc, lite stock consists In pan of th e foi owing
variety, mat
Rich Alrelinist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plant colored do
Jo Tapestry do 21 feet wide
Soper do do 1 . 14, 2-4 and 2-4 frensgron
do lousun do fitur Lmens
Wale do do Rosewood Oil Cloth
Common do do ersurakb cloths
4-4, 3-4 & I Damask Embossed Piano covers
Veranda do do Table do
4-4, 3-4 & wrlbl do de Figured Table Oil .10th.
4-4. 3-4 & plain do do Turkey Red Toilette°
4-4. ;. 4,* & b. 4 cos do Adebud &fats
b-4 pruned cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do
Extra imp Chenille Rams Jute do
do do Tolled do Abeam do
Ftne do do Manilla Hemp
Wilton do do Snow drop braapkum
Cmcwoo fkg'd Plush; Diaper Toravelllng
Plato do Crash
Drab M Cloth f-4 and *SI Table Liam.
Blue do. for coach tm'as; Transpht Window Shades
Carpet Bindings Extra French do • do
Wow.; cord. Rich Satin de Lainea foe
do Tassels window mutat. .
Scarlet, blue. cranach, black and d rab Dinudiksi
ured tambour Damasks: worsted and Linea Table
rein; blue, cnnoson, scarlet. Free; drab and black
Nloreeitacotton Plashes of all colors, ✓ tio.&c. 4M. ,
Also, Osnetrorps and Drdlutim for steamboat dank,
and all othertnntonegs necessary for outfits for Nana
in our line, to sehieh the especial attention of owner!
W ftITLINTOCICS Carpet %Veronica;
one door from Wood. on Fourth st. seal/8 •
4 LEXANDER te DAY have )Wt received a fine
assortment of the folloamta demnpuon saasOns
male roods, the greater portico of which have been
boitt ,: zt N AsclioneTC
w oll , l ite be a Zd ye at ilo g:eat b ar
FL gains
very large
complete assortment, and alloy cheap.
SATTNETS— very large lot of bias, blk
mix, grey and gold mti &owlets, at very loot prices.
ALPACAS—PIaan bib Alpacas-plaid and striped do,
fancy plaid and sloped do cheaper than ever.
FA.NCY etiLKS—A. aplenebd assortment of rick
changeable Silks, both plant and fig'd, of almost evert
SHAWLS—A very supenor usoriment of super!
Brocke. Pares printed. Terkeri, and Cashmere Whim's,
at Terme, hr below ha ordinary rates
Also, large assortment of Englna; Merino.. Cub
mere* and Gala rlaidk, blue. blk and grey Pilnt Cloth.;
for overcoats, blk Casslmares, cotton Damask. Lamm
do, Kentucky Jean., Or. &n; to all of which *a invite
the anenuon of thenublie.
ALEXANDER & DAY, n mar et at,
oetedei N W ref of he diam and
H. EATON & Co, having removed (rota Illarket
. meet tocheir new Story, No &I Fourth rtro at, be
tween Wood and Market, are now operung Omar Fall
stock of Trimmings and Variety Gemds, =mum which
are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimps and Velvets;
Embroidery and Needle Work;
Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes,
Steel Bags and Purses Steel Trimmings;
Ladles Merino and Silk Vests,and Hosretr,
Chtldrens• C'oats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves awd Hosiery;
Gents Shine. Undershirts, Drawers, Droassidg Gown.,
Wool and Cotton Tarn;
Idrens. Dresses, of latest patterns,wa h''b
fer at low tomes both wholesale sod retil!.
I" H. Extort. W. P. AleatiaaLL.
CARPETING, OIL CLOTH.S,T — & -- en. --
N 0.75 Poona Ernatr.
_ .
NF. of the largest and the most choice stock of
CARPETINGthe market, embraeirm all the
usual ounlitles from t he most approved martellsetoriet,
that have been wined foe durabtlity In fabric and os
Tapeen7 Velvet Carpeting
do Homanls do
Brumla carpeting-, Patna unatulle. Rugs;
Extra nip ply do Tarred do
Common do
Manufactured to order at new patterns adaittest
parlors, basements and chambers.
Painted Oil Cloths, for dining room, etari..l
butes, Sachems, rec.
_ .
Caton and Woollen Booking, from one third to three
r i rds wide. Door Mats. fee. A. to which the Mani
on of puhasers St wholesale and mail is respo O
ly invited. NVitreroom, one door from Wood st.
DLACK ALPACAS—W - It Murphy writes the par
ocular MeIMOD of buyersto his assormient
irlf 00.041•01elVing selected them with grew este, in
reference to their glossy finish and good body for Will,
rdr USG. Also,
MOHAIR LUSTRES. common, =odium and !super
fine quallues,in eluding a (eve pieces jet black, adapted
for mounting p urposes. Also,
nely of saun stripes. plaids, and brocades, some of
which are very superior. As these gouda have Nen
bought directly from Importer., they can be sold at she
lowest possible prises.
To be had also by the piece, in Wholeaaler.RAMllll9p
Mira at a very small advance on cast. , siot4
Nimps Goofis—mre have received a full stoat
V of Drew Goods, among which may be found—
Ham black and figured Alpacas;
Colored and fancy plaid do
Oregon, California, Q ueen , Orleans see ja,mbaplyae
Plaids.. plain, colored and figured Cashmeres;
do LaLne;
Silk, Tartan and plaid euhmeres; together with •
Lyre fissortramm of other dress goals, all of which will
be sold low by the. piece or e acka g e.
nett/ SGACKLE'I & WHITE., PO wood al
ECIE'IIYttIATITTiFbisINTOCK'S Carpeiriit ave
Rboil., 73 Fourth strew
-2 pr. 0-4 rosewood cord Table 011
3 64 nth dark e
The above are of superior quality, elatateity of dm
sh. of most beauttful rotor* and stmdtug, intended foe
furniture, counter and table covering. octS
1 AIMS'S SUPPLY OF NEW GiiisDrl".- - W.
Mcitvitt in now opening but SECONDtSGPPI.I"
of Winter Goods, inelndlng • variety of, abode* of
Orel, French Merinos;
Scarlet, sherry, and other high colored Aleorumiqi.
Nagar se b us do; brown do
Also, PAithlErres of same color *; 4 lpaeeu t grey
mad: many Other desirable goods that arty vert.gar fe .
In will-be sold very cheap, at north salt COT
ner of atti and Market slot. '-' • oetgl•
. . . .
cmtuato iiiisriKV.RCHlEFtittsatith
L Jobn.on. ta Market street, would idelyeAlle
nooofdealer.andutbersmtbMreliellee or
Cambria Wier., all 1 p cn, fro,fo eidlapiero, indlo—
their every •arlety of up e froideeed, fr
cl.eikr lawn, mud eep corded . ..bordere r Abel embleite
. .
.• Is pia .11pentt.,c ix! tp.e..o
ler. Inuit received tad for tale kr, • t. ,•.
stn.. _ .1 SCHOONMAJONII&I',Ia
Pote. GradtreisA: , :rr Getkiritie rairerg and Petal
/endured Pr& for
lti Modica' . lanctohlerrerpozw•
üb.,,niS le p tlte etas Or ta tlip o k t l n, ed ro th pe et la fo ur ,
. ev e3. er
FfilisurPoses, audit theCottlfdpetererknown to man,
ed. the gaiyanje con.yed tat. a
m. eye, the ear; the brain, or to any part Of the body,
either erternally or tntertia, to a definite rend.
ntaamshake or pthb—with pert9et safety—
rod oft. Übe hipptest sidects.
This hisperlant apparatus Is now highly outtr,m'd of
by man ottlie meat eminent physicians of thaw . ..-
try and Europe, to whom the afflicted and ethers salt,.
it may concern can be referred. Reference will also
be given to many highly rex - peel:able chimes. who hau.
been cured by means of this moat valuable apparatus
'awn. of the mast inveterate nervous disorders which
could not be removed by any Outer kooorn moans
Among vanou others, it has twee proved to he ad'
=drably adapted (br thefoliowmg disease..
rite nervous headache and other diseases of the brain
It is with thus !separates alone bit the operator ea.
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety in the
ereOP tuft. fitAkts or .are a.l.kuroiaa; in the eto
rdatore hoatipp 10 thO tong. and othet orns. t om e
wore 'skeet. and to the rations parts or the ga , body. rot
We cure of chronic Hammett., mama. neuralgoa. or
no dolour...paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or At
Vim's dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprain, so di aen me
Decoder to icatitiss, contraction of the Limos,
lockjaw, etc. ate:
Rigida for ...rounding counties of Western Pa, and
the inst
rite xtent. may be purchased : and
Full Instruction, will be given for de Vartiroal them,
calsto be used for varions ditenses, add the beokrnw,
nor for operating . for the erne of those diseases wilt al
rentb fully explained to the purchaser, and Ice , de
into his hands expresaly fin the. purposes care
fay prepared by ihe patentee. FAquire of
thett34ty 9 WILIAM'S, Vine et, Ptuebouh.
Ibllat's babeSOVSO IMM.Oneog
TORN H. MELLOR, No ad Woothstrem, in toe ale
lg t f oeCevh t n.'P CTf l°l° l'd ° l °° eui mer,exedfalytelaepl for
small Charches or famtly worship .
For the benefit of those rcsldina at a dimanee, and
co.eqiesntly unable to inspect tho Holahan before
purchasing, the following description is given
The eases are tn.. of nwerwood, and axe - amhand
t h e an a Piano Forte The key-board to
precisely the same in the piano or organ and the lone
(wadi Is very beautiful,) closely resembles that of the
date atop of . organ fhe Instrunlent can be liana
dimely made portable
t h e detaching any pan, the
belknrs receding into the body of the Instruroot, ant
the lop folding under, leaving the whole in Er compact
fortix rustrunsratit has a packing cue, and OM
140/0 When packed weighs only 45 pounds. The vo.
ume of tone Lingual to that of
• .mefl organ, arid by
means of dm swell nay he increased or thrusistred
tsofildienily loud for anialtmborelten, end
wall assimilated for a parlor merriment.
Just received, a supply of the above prlce, with
ease and lasunelioa Book, urn. 0,0
• Revertible Filtering Cook,
Which renders turbid water pure by
recanamt all suing:knees not satiable uk
jfi‹. _ The croon water in N. York,
e p t i err ,. pze ‘i to the eye. t v i r.
Vk,_ .. .,sse' . • filtrating cock. sh . 4" a lirlepos ' i7
• imtmre substantea, worm., kg. This
is the case more Or teem with all hydrant seater:
The Reversible Filmier Is beat and durable, and is
not attended with the inconvenience incident to oil,
Filterers, a. It is rleanaed without being detached hoe.
thewater pipe, by merely ittruing the boy or handle
from one aide to the other. By tuts easy proccas, the
alone atwitter is changed, and allaccumulations or
kmpure substances are driven off (most instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter. It also posaemes rho
advantage of being a stop cock, and as such In meat
eases will be very convenient and economiiral.
ItCl, be attached where there ka any prcesate bun,
sr low to a cask, tank, tab, &c. with ease To be tad
of %betide Agent, W. W. WILSON,
octl7 conker of Fourth and Markel eta
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
*mooTHIS Is to certify drat I have an
pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co
Sole Agency for the salon( lentung's
Patent Diapmhpn Fula:, for the cl
ues of Pittaluirgh and Allegheny.
for Walter &I Gibson, 349 Broadway.
N. T. — Ea
onlo, 19th.
We have been usinLe of the above articles at the. o
office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial,
and feel perfectly sanded that it is a useful invention,
end we take - pleasure in recommending themlas a use
fat article to all who Weil pure water Orders toll bit
thankfully receive& and promptly exemned. •
- --- -
IHIR lontitailon, under the rare of Mr. awl Nos
Gosnols, griltre-open for the reception of pupils
1.1 the Caine buildings, No. A 2 Liberty street, on the lii
Nlonday of September.
Arrangements have been made by . which they wilt able to furnich young ladies factltties equal in any
in the West; for obtahung • thorough EngVali, Cies •
cal. and Ornamental education. A full course of Pin
trzoptdeal and Chemical Lectures will , be dehvcrco
dung the Winter, illustrated by appaletae„ The de.
Lizszr4ts ,,,, of Vocal
In e s . tra n nzenr b
sili l e n ., erc b . b ni , l , e d r c r:
Vie care oft competent Professor. By close 'attention
to theArontl and intellectual improvement at their Pa
pist the
hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto ehloyed. For
ternra, see circu if lar or apply to the Principals..
UFACTORY.—IIie subscriber takes this med.oo
of info •g Ida Sim. and the public in general that
he, has the largest stock of the fallowingnamed aru
el. of his own reanalicture to this city—Saddles, No,
eras, Tanks and Whips, all of which he will warrant
to be made ofthe best materiel and by the bee mach•
anleaks Allegheny coon y- Eking detaantued to sell
his manufactures something lower than has been here
tofore sold by any similar establishment is the
he would invite pers.w in need of the above timed
articles to his ararehouse, N 0.244 Liberty sliest orpo
tits beneath. Also, bands atads to order for mac h.tts
oct3U-ly G. HET
Cooper Dupder and Lever We Ulises.
JUST retetve4 and ior vi
greatly reduced pores. five ict•
iniPT. R, Cooper, 6 Caltherpe snit.
tinny's. Inn, ndtt.
pier' and Lever Watches,c ue dn I- kn at
retd...• fall Jewelled, mint Chratunneter,balanco
: Dose are now the finest watches made, being super,
dein finiati and accuracy te tbs h 1.4. Team', Joseph
Johnsonor any other make. Thaw/II must 0(11 Yen)
Ear watch ark finned to call and examine nes mi
also, a /ergo assortment of Gold and Snver t , Yambes.
Chains,,Sealt, Hey.. ke.
Pine Walelee. repaired in the best manner
ixt24 corner Jth and Illairket sm.
Xr-nophouls fitemorabilm of Souates, lot, tei g
notes, onucal and explanalory, We prolegumens
of !Calmer, Wlgger's Life of Socrates, stet by einirim
Andsork L.Ls U., Professor of Me Greek sadist. Lin
images in Columbia College, New York, and Roelof of
Sickhannacr Reboot, Just reed and tarsals tiy
om:20 Booksellers. COT and ktsrk.• at.
ic.-11. Witzwas Inuiopened a Night
School his schoolroom, earner of mud Ferry
entrmco oy Fourth, where he will he happy to minert
instruction in the Iris of Reeding, Penmanship A ran
corho, Book Keeping, Phonography, &o. .oesayi em
lOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to and
off our enure stock of Kirke's Marine Tlmeptacea,
ae now offer to sell them el lower priests thou. they can
be bought at any house in Piataburgo or elsewhere
crud or west. Being the only established agents here
foe these clock., are have the largest and finest assort.
meat in the etty. Call and one.
- . .
Remember, we are not to be undereclil
BLAKE & CO., Marker .treat,
octal entrance on north side of the ;Diamond
Scales. Cooking Stoves, G, Go.
ARSHALL, WALLACE & CO., Refund Ch.rah,
cornerLiberry and Wood aroma, manufacture
and offer for ale PlattliT,l Floor and Counter Seale.,
of the most hoorayed quoi Cooking Stoves, for wood
and coat, Egg Stove. ofvarious we., Pastor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ike. &e. They .1.0
Manufacture the fillet= Range, ortnett has Won .uen
gOlniral ahli n factiou to those having it in use, in all of
which they ...odd respectfully invite the attention of
the eltizensand the mralicgeoerelly. nr14741,/
•Watshea s JaveaLry s *sus
oam. or MALL. Atm Poona sraeare. i . InsOPIOII
THEaabseriber has returned from the East, aid 3
now opening a large and carefully sclewed stock
of Goods In his Imo Grateful for past liateat patron.
age, he hopes to merit a conunnaneo tlioreol, by dili
gence in busrness, and keeping the met assortment,
and at the most reasonable prices. Fp - tends, custom.
ors, and tha public generally—particularly sojourner.
signing thacity from a distance, are Invited to earl said
examine toy large stock of goods.
xxi ONDERFUL ARIA VAL.—Da. Tovresssio'. ms
Inia•11/1.1...L.-1400 bottle. of duo gnuu fall and
whiter =dicta; rust received and hit Site by It E
SELLERS, Role Agent for Putsustish. of oboist the
genuine article can be had. :
G OAL EL AST I C CLOTiti .1:-401fine " Ginn tissue
Overcoats, Bdo isticeist odo pairs Pao., odo
do Legging, of 4 dater -rot ktuds, 10 do atom list,
do Oapeo, wth and c /1-sue sleeves; jinn.. received by
Exprou and foe side wholesale and retail, at the East
ern prices. We wish it to be understood that psychos
err are buying from first hands. dim tely a , the lions
Rubber Depot., No 0 Wood wreet.
AND INVALIDS.-- Dr. Bannhirs "Common.
Sense , ' co Health, Physical Prfocatiata. and Haman
Voice, as based upon the inechameal philosophy of
cigno's physical oonstitution, being the substance of his
lectures on the above tishjects reeentlY delivered m
this city. For sale by
until Apollo . 13oIldin; 411,1 et
tdo7' orith a ma ll capital, and acquainted
omit the business, to inko as interest to en from
Foundry. to be located on the Portage 'Railroad. Ap
pi) at the °Met of Pnend !they & Co.
ARRETS: CARETS:!—Havingpast reed !row the
Ai manufacturer disach splendid .Ainotniater C.T.
pet, almost bernauful COlO,ll and aLladicigi so
soy on.
fortustung parlors wo did do well by examining our
stock, sa we are selling very low.
novl6 W WCLINTOCE, 75 Fourth at
PADES,HHOVELS, dox flppdea and She'
vela; 40 do Manure Forks; SO do Orem Shovels. CO
do Socket do; Axel, Hatettets,•lllannels and Pieta,
Sallow., Vices, Az., for mile so Mlllll3filiCtilft ra palms,
by nosrld MX/ COCHRAN. ,$ wood ci
IXr 00I.! WOOL!!—Tat hignett Inirke. price In
yycaah be paid too diratent grade. of
Waal, by lid Pi MAIM/41:0H,
_OOOlO iiatiardidd 101 train id
. .
YYutPEsZ`R}lAdY'CHtSik.ZWittiv - h - Oxii - verr
.ape_rior Cm= Checsis,Just rmayed by
Pay 11.0 sd . w . H.A.R/JA Mfg
Apples, on ea
• 4 !"..0 2 ROBT A CUNMNGHA M
r F4l),—lt at pip (taken& Leal,
_hoot won Roar..
1,4 for sale by tiov7 PRIETiLIV Ills KV oro
- -
lags lot of rich. obaoroOLO.,griooo Putida,
egleitOid article, being a bat4lspote '
4putatiork of
aeltiog •t var y low poem
KANDy saAtVys- A spleOdid Amon:tent of no
wool fell nod Win*, Shawllepiith e i vc d 00 d
be lig at the wary lowebt , •-•. ,V.
4004 . . , , ERAA,RED DAV
• • .• • boa ,b,..,11.L.
~~,~~ y ~ 7