, -114 EIMBI ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS Merchants. aye tmrned rt their old stand. %Coat and Puna stream, _rg ROM 01:01A11 =MIL 13R/0 .7i a REITER, Wltaleuthe 4.4 Drug ms, .ffir. of Liberty and tlt Cll. upsets, Atu. argi, Pt. mayl4 X. B. BIOVI3I. !rows 4. CULBERTSON, Wholesale Oroeen,, and Cornolssioa Merchants, No. 145, Liberty st., Mahon/h. ,„. 1, A. FekINES .L). lALlDnanims '-- AGALEY fr. ShliTLI, Wlnslesale Grocers" Is and Ito Wood street Pinstargh. il A. McANIJIsTP St Co., Porwarrhng and C0m e%..l intraida Merchants, Canal Basta, Vinsburgh ] Pm. mein n. 111.11.. T. ... /MO 013.1111.113 i. ktwALT a, GELMART, Wholnardc tlnscers. deal r. e la Produce and Pittabarch blanufactures, tor _ of rabeny ..d Hanoi sta. Mistargh. Pa. tent] W 7. IL =OM, -. MY. I. BICUMT. ENOLIf 11 & BENNETT. (lets Eng Wt. Gallagher t Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Coomormun and For. larding Merehang and dealers la Produce and Pau burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood it.. her:seen od nod sueems. Minn, 0.10. =WY, Win WOOD. I,IRIEND, RILEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers and .. Commission Merchants, sad Agents (or Brighson Cow = Yarns, Nos. 67 Warm, snd lOn Front nor, Plus. Pa (ch.. LONG dr. MILLER, Bell cud Bmss F.uadars and GU Fitters, 1W From, bemeen ood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Er itiokau P a. given for old Copper and Bra m_ dclb ROUE COCHRAN, Commission ihdrororoAling jJerekant, No. %) Wood ttlanL Pitt.burgh. my 17 ma. flaW, Baltimore. 7.1CC11501, MOVVAII 01110. phib u ly. D. C. arcsaamoa lona a. arearnalt, lit - -BALD & BU dKNOR, Tobacco Commission Ider ..LL charm, 41 North Water Cl, A 16 North Wharves, nos 60-tf RARY BRU . NOT, 'White awl Red Lead Mann. factorer, Punt and Oil Merahant, comer of La, any and„O'Llars Pinshargh„ jel6 LIMOS 703.1.4 a' P." w. occur VORSYTH & DUNCAN, Fonrordiog .. 1 Comm. .I.' don Idembants, No. ,%' Elm street. Pmsborgh. oed AI! SLL • • C., • ••• •• • • lecale Groterc Com - poission Merchants, and dealers in Psodure, No'. 58 ate; and 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. novB 011.11 H. RANKLY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law e,l and Commissioner for the Stela of Pennsylvatua SLUMS., fdo., flaw of Pitudiuses.) Illanlansera—Plusburgrn Hon NV Forward, Hamp ton WCandleas & &Velure, John L. Parke, 13Iseells & Sample, &Mord& Ling. TORNSCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, For...d id lag and Commission 2derchants,Dealers m Pro.. dace and Pittsburgh Mannimmures, No, 7 Commercial Row, Liberty area, hear the Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa. . nyatty id.h1125 , 8 MeGUISE, (late of the fiiin of Alpo anti McGaircjiderehaat Tailor, Si. Charles Buildtngs, nal street, am Wood, Piurba h. 1 AMES A. HUTCUISON, & C.c..-B.tessors Lewis iturchison la Co, Ccurucdraion rde re hut u. and Agents of Sur St Lours Steam Sugar UoLoory. No. 46 water and 91 from storm, Pituburgiu. :ant iORN 8. DILWORTH—WhoIe-tale Grocer, 11.• duce and Comadmion Merchant, N. M, Wood st. tubartb. )m,4 OWN D. 2dORGArI, Wholassie Druggist, and dent in Dye Stuffs, Paints,Ctils„ Vvnishes, &a., No.l/3 iood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts burg& _ V Tetar,l3 KFXB, Jr., Co, (one ctwar to Joseph Da`) Ship Chandlers, S Water street oc3l _ _ la Ana tit Mist d tal % Pastmosents, Sehnol Itettli tot ie s r ., Paper, Wolfs., Sue] Pens, Quills, Prinse:s , Cards, and 4taganary generatly,No. 81 Wood no, Pittsburgh. 1 1 7 Sims bought dr taken ist trade. wpIS .BCIIOONMAYER & Co-, Wholesale Druggists, No. 24 Wood Wee, Piusbusgb. bOHN D. DAVIS, Attetkotoor, conker WI And Wood P meets, Pittsburgh. - - IOHNSTON STOCZTON,Booksellers, Printers LI and raper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market at., Plas h° h. OHN MUER, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro t) dace, Pittsburgh Sdatinfestures, Plaiesate. de heLa talLibertuty Pittsbengh. 0.115 /WM 111.0711, 1/10.11 , I Loork. I R- FLOYD, (late J. Floyd aco Wholesale . Grocer., No. LIJI Liberty street. eePiS TAME. DALZELL, Wholesale dnaiei, CemenailiTin er Merchant, and dealer PTOthiCe end Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 1 . 4 Water et.i Pittsburgh. Ante lilEßLJONEel,Porwardingand Coraniuseion Ider. chards, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mane lemma &melee, Canal Beata, deer 7th Von:mina Iron Works. SwL% DAL'Aigi.t.& Co, manufacturers of all &tee t, Boiler boa mat Nails of We boo ;pulpy. WarelsonmS, 54 yam arid lUS Goat st. • • L 8 WA . 7 • AN, Witoki.l. Owner, Forma& logs/14CWmouton Merchant, Dealer in Pin.- burgh klaronf.etarna had - Prodneo, No.. 31 Nater at, and e! Front r- Pr, .....-"..____ ..,„......,..., . p .... 5.,./ - ON Wholesale Grocers, Fin , • r `hsl=and Corannissoan Merchants, dealers in Pittsbargli Manufactures, N. 12 and IX. Woof h, Pim...h. feb'a WCPHY, WILSON & CO, (late Jones, Marphy & o.) %Wholesale Dexter, In Dry Goods, No.. Wand streh, Piltshurgh. thrs- VIIIB:PAY & - 1..F1E, Wool Deldersann ALL. Merchants, for the sale of American Wooden Goods, Liberty street, opposhe Filth- nerhlly RIM-a-51[CiThERS & Co., Communes Mer ck..., pbo.asiphis., for the sale of profane ge. sen t liberal advances made on conagnntenia. - - - - IeGILi. cCaLL&ROE, Wholesale Geed...rand Ciiinru.- aioo Merahhots,•No. UM Lenny ..Piosborgh. • 141.11 A, 111 ALLLN & CO, C ton :11 'WC' MlSTChantii, Willer =lli FrOOL 51.1171,triugsweeu Ood isud Market sta. Jane C. M. 11.1=1.303. Tr. .trit, RICK 675014, Molecule Grocers and Goouniscion Merchants, No. M, Ltberty.st., Pitte ungh, Pa. nt4 IN. HOLMF23 k BON, No. 65 Market se., second *door from corner of Foarth,dealer• ill Foreign &ad Domaine Bins of Exchange, Certuficates &lashes- It, Bank Notes and Specie. [l:r Collections. mad on all the principal es throughout the United hkales. dee 17 - 13 OBEBIT 1600 Wholesale Grocer, Fectifyilig Beaune', dealer ID Produce, Pittaburth Manufac. WM, rod all beds of Foreign and DomestkPWines and Liquors, No. t 1 Liberty street. On hand a very lge awe& of superior old Monongahela whiskey, htch will be cold tow for each. apl&ly •o&BD • anci - Lelder --CTLD T. LEECH, Jr., importer -water /omega and Dornesde Sad&..ry Hardware and Trim:tangs, of an de.. .lotions, No. 133 Wood Pittsbernb. area jaCll.Ol.O DASD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in .LllO Leathers, lUotoeco, Shoemakers' Toots and find uasti Tanners' and Cutlers' Toals, and Tanners' Oa, 100 Wood st,rinstrurgh. aeplll_ lo p .. ELOl3= 17}1:10i & Co., Vaal. Orocersi Produe : and Commission Merchants, anelDealers it, Pan. . nigh Itta^cbu , urr . • bro. tit Liberty st, Pittsburgh. Pa. . bu rgh. . . . • FASISKT DALZELL & Co., Who'sults Grocers, Zugstgistuou wad Forurarthug Iderchan=le L n 'Pltsige-a and Pittsburgh Alunufseums, Vatsbargh,, P. , lebll 111,011 T . CUNNINGHAM., Wholesale Grocer, Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh binsurfacturre, 6.144 Liberty st hat C•aunieelo EYNOLDS trASIIEE, Forwarding and n .41• Merchant., tar the Allegheny River Trede, doel era in Groceries, Produce, .sburgh Manufactures sad Chloride dile.. Its highest esy ngs. Cor w e i r r e e s r , Pc u ag p a b ld o onni al a l ms ojancu 43. UUSLIE/ ' Whdloads deader to goods, groom:its, .boots, shout Pitutbaugh re s i rgatelos,ae, No. 42u, Libeni ttraschttsburglt. surrlg & JOHNSON, Nybaks.h. wth Ratan Desist" 4 , minium Goods, J Hosiery sad Fonry Ankles, No. 40 nuke' suaes,...ld door shore Third in„ Pittsburgh. p 2.1 rasa a .7.r1 -----, §LHACKLES Ss T WHITE, Wholesale Desle In k:'n sad Domestic Dry Goods. :ea. 09 Weal .t tlsbo. febi7tf --- _— _-- --_, 13 kW. ileetliteUGH, Wool Ectchants, Dealers s in Moog and.PrOdOecitencelaltimel Foreesseheig sea Commissitin itlarchants No. 0.3 Water at, Pi tt.. IdITH, 13A0 ---- ALEY & Co., Wltolesalo Gowen ~,,,d oProduce dealers, N 0.923 Diorites street between bits and Mb. North side, Philadelphia nevi! 14 --- 11 . --- ;rimsmam SOHN SICUOIJI, I...LA.:Xi. 1 IS NICOL'S, Produce and Lloneral coot- SWalton Merchants, No. 17 Liberty st, Pittsburgh. 0 Linseed and Lard OIL. P. YO ' DIONNHORST, & Co., Wholesale Oro ems, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, inFitteisargh hionnfaentrea and Western Pro. ' l l 5 •IteelMOUltetgld to their new woehouse,fol4 stands aositiae44-Pront st and ChaneeryLane. ' all r, holesale Grocers and Cowards- Won Merchants, and dealers in Prodote. No. 3.5 ood at. Pittsburgh. NCI and 11. 11.,r0STER, Aseza lot Mexican sokben procuring papaws, el the old.. of Wm. E. Atm. tlp,FagNurY4 Dalldmd4 atit at, Pin-abate!. MY tau la We iptaeral haul atom u Washingtononll attend 19,1 Sty boaineaatiere fine of orpeace iOl3l D. . DAVID IrCILSIDLEO my wriNpcerimEts, (...... u, L li J. D. y., UWI4 Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Counnhoion Merchants, daalors m Iron, linDsTW ., Lists.% Yams, and Pittsburgh hlanniaetures salmi... ll Y. swims of Wool and W.., -maws. Pittabunrh. __ ligi tin bowisfi—c... - .04 .f..F-7"--"seir _ itinuat:ND. PO , Prom rt. between Weed am 'kW sueete. tett% W—iiii . . WiaLL&CE, ~ mane and MW Furnish in establishment, N 0.244 Liberty It., near ibe ellimal. inarlG WFS-GARRAII_DTBeaIar in Fancy and Staple ~ Dry Goods, No 79 ktarket meet, Fittshomb. 09113 - dIY --- - -- _ -iv" W WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, yy , Weer Ware, blifitary Goods, tie., No. sy, Mar ty st. nov7 VriCiati - Unir, whoteute .aditTQTiiiii.im i i „ and Domestic Dry Goods, north east corner of Market and Four th .114 Bark WilLBl,ol7ri,•-- Vl. swap, m. i Wctras '7 N. YOUNG tr, Co.—Dealers in leashes hidea, IC Liberty st. • E.,. & 31. MITCHELTRO-AVEnkcas Omen, . Rectifying Dilatant nth Wine said Liquor aiso, importers of Soda Ash and &teaching ewl" :to. litiq Liberty st. Phishargh, PA PrObalY 011112 OEOIOI I. 'macs • a g l , U R NACKB & CO, Wholcsal. Grocers and . dealers in Oils, Boot BLOM and Pittsburgh Mary artless, damson haa t u all Wads. a full and . ipagrA tOCEIMent of goods In their lins,Watal Oa .4 SOX Okezry Alin, Pttinbargh, ant: ..,„ .. .. _ ~.:z i ....i5,, : •i';..;:i. ~ ;, , .c. ,, .'%.. , . , r , •1Njt., . , •_,, , T. - 4.1,1•%•: , ;• 1- -,•-• , •1 - • 1. . ' .. .„. ...,-.., • , ','-• - • , ,.? 7 .' . := .,, , : '::"''' . ; . :* . . 4- I, ? ' '---- . • ••• -• . -- .--',,- IV' ',•• .T:P.:,:,•. , , - --,::::,;,".:,'; - : , ' ,-',...-, ....-,••••.„,,,-.,•,:,...• • ;,.-.:".- ..^•-•-....."-a - ,-.. , Fm•-• , ...1. ,,,,, a---- , --.-• ,,,- - - -- , •-•-'''''.r• - •r''' - ' , .......- . ..%- ,,,,,,,- - -, - ,, 5 , ............... ,,,,, ‘ , . - ..... ,,,, .., , ,,...,,,,,....x-....... --.-a.--- , . ---'-• --,•••••• • , ••••-n•- , --,-....,-•,-.%•••,--.,..",.--•1",....k`0'''...1-‘,..".-',.••••-•,,iir--"." ' "'-'---••••• •-- '....•••••.••••••••# =- , ---, - —•- -- •- -- •- r:. .; fh eAAt;I : { ,- .ktratil Gll'lo[l ...3"1/MEI', T r. 31! atrr altA;) ,- :Psl 1 . ,1. :,..U.rilit “...f. -alto': 'Jr ae ato,a'a i Aiiinta .I')ftl.ltiVivriti 3.1 T T _ ~, K . • •., ~.,•::,--...,,,,:. ft..: . . if „..,1,.,„...,...:.,,..... . ..,,..!_.... —1 1 , 4 • . , , Ay,. •,..'' ' ' ..... : ,,,:..,,..„,,,,.4.........„._,,,,...,•,_ ,le 4 1 7 ';': .•-• 1 , : .• ... - ..;..,r „ .:, ' -,...,= ...,.... f IA ' ) - -:•) ,r ~.. -. • . . _ ' . ...r: ._ . ,„......_ , . CARDS. JOHN M. TOWNSHNIX Drugstet std A.pritticenry. No. 4.5 Market st.., three deers above Third et. Pitts burgh. will have constantly on hand it well selected n•- vortment of the best sad freshest Medicines-which he will sell on the most rensousbin term, Pitltn'.." sendingorder.. sill! be prompily ended to. nod sdp• plied with mticles they may rely upon m carton' ID' Phys.:tans hriescripttons will be accurately sod leanly Prepared from the best materials, stony Mast Of the day Oi alg hi. • Also for sale, n largo stock of fresh and good , Pcrfu• MEI j. . I i DI clsigahela Livery Stable. kilEtrr H. PATTERSON has open e the arge *table on Fir et st, running through to Second et. between Wood and Smithfield ens, in' the rent of the Monongahela House, with an entirely flew stock Of 1-10rPe/i and Carriages of the best quality and lamet Myles Horner. kept at live ry iti the best manner Jythilly MITITILT: WORKS ON WOOO Sr., t•irrs.Buluiii. E. WILKINS, CIONTIIVCFS in manufactory . Monuments. Bunn' V, Vaults, Tomb.. }lead SIMMS. Mantel i . loren. Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign sod domestic. marble, am a regular mud fair price. N. B Drawings for 1110i1.1 , 1.t.... Vllllll4, be furnish. ed, of any description. Ile POiii.lls a share of public pturnnef! aos9-du —•- -VVILLIANt ShitTr!, hlgnolorturrr of Cotton and golored Llnen. Frtogee ftrr Dresses. kr.. Sesentg Silk ruld etsorelt•Cotion Vrtngee for silk nod gingham Faragolr. Gimp, Mohair and Silk klullioh Fringes. made order on the tat•rtnai nonce. Bugg% corner of litruden Irene and Willinns.entr.nee No 85 William atm . 4 third boor, over Abner es store, No G 5 hiorden I.otr New \ ork lytU laarrnaw LOW•11 , 1t, /0.. , 1001. 11100.1VrAringl,tr. lArOll nrta. 3 - 13.11/ eon, 1/1.36. IL lAA kV, TH 014. MECHANICS. 61.4kN8 WORKS. Q IMPSON, LPIAKE. KVAMMER & manufacto -0 rem of Vial., 13otties. and Window Was., keep constamly on band a general lISSODUDE,I of the above articles. Also, make to order n superior ante, of Mineral or Soda-Weer Bottle, of colored glow No. 16 Wood at. l'ittabargn, non3l.6in RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., imPoircaa AND ORAL. D. Saddlers' Ironmongery, liarncis and Cuath Trimmings, Mesa, Deer Duly, Vernleh, &c. &c., iyl.l. \o. 133 Croon Sc. Crrnail...u. ~..PEILdP TEA; STORE.--No 12 Fourdr st., near Wood—AU coastlines of Green sod Black 'Pea. dose up in quarter, has, and 0..0 pound package. ranteirt; from Cto 010. per pound MAO. lye A. JAYtih-S, Ast. for Pettus Pen t'o Duquesne Stprlng,Asle, Steel and Iron Works. (10U - MAN. II AI l.hl AN S. Co wino female us of lj Coach and Chun,. r•prittas, Ilmmuesed Axles, T r . i t n , g ,..n an a d F LlT:s ,„ h m s.: . te ts cl i.,, l , r , Lt. m ec h e . . %V are house on All., dealers in Coach Transoms. and Mattealde Casnnae octlX _ _ A 2.11-. K. A hozam•N-01fice, Fourth sr., • thud door u! , oye .uuth 411 it Conveyouruhg uh •oola done with the pettiest care and tern! acruracy. W. 4. M. MITCIIELTR.I.4_ NVholesalo 'Deers . Eiroulyiug Dist,Hors, Dud \\ Auld Logo°. Morobanu. Also, Iroponcrs of Soda Ash wol Blear d i -rg Powder, No. ISO horny street. Pa.oloolll. P. IisiSURANCE. DELAWARE MVTCAy IfleraAlcCE CO JOHN FINNE\ Ptheourglt or the Del aerate hlarahl Softy home ,ner Corepeny of Vb. ludelphin_ Fire Rinke upon hulPUnee soJ merehundiu izo every de•crepuon, end Mame Itiolt• upon hunt, or Carp. taken up., t, nloßt ID —•. Oillnt lit the Warehonee of W B. Hennes .t Btu., No. 37 Water. near Market etreet, l'itwourgh h. B.—Theeucce. of this Company once the cemb. m Ilehmo of the-4 tomer) . in this any, with the prompt- Ile. anti liberality Yeah which t vett claim upon teem for ioga has been adjusted. folly warrant the two,. in inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends alto the community at large to the Dc - no - are M S leen mnee Company. while it has the addition.: advent.... as an tneutution among the most Um:myth:fig in Plibenel. phia—as having an ample pouf-In capital. winch ty the operation of to chance isco...ently incretteing, . yielding to each pedant, tm.uren there of the profile (If the company, wmhout in•olving 111 any re oonethtitty whatever. and thermore as posse sing the Mutual pruifirde divested at ery oaniaLlous We tare, and in int molt ettractive form FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE Insurance Company of North Antenna, through I no duly authorised Agent the dubacrther, otlem to make permanent and W I limited nsurance on property. In tam city and its eternity, and on mipmenta by the Ca nal and Rivera. DIRECTOR/1. Charlet. Taylor, Azhroso What, Jacob 31.Thomat, John H. Ned, /Richard D. food. IVm. We4l, Ina Our kioakerra J. Ausun AUllane, ARTFICH t,. COFFLN, Fbrarrr D. Stcrusata, Seey Arius . 6 Coffin, Small Sc. Jones, Edward Smith John A. Brown, John Whim. Thom. P. Cope, Samuel F. Bowl, Samuel Brook., This is the oldest Insurance Company in the ratted States, having been chormred m i:94 ha charter la perpetual, and from t high %tending. lung expellee., ample mcamt, and neouling at risks ot anextra hal ardorm Character, it run, I.: eonoidered oderms we pt° i,earty mMr point , NV P. di 'NEN At the Counties ~otti Aternuil, Junco . awl Mot otteets Pittsburgh. _mays FRANKLIN FMB INSURANCE. CO. frtka; Franklin Piro Insurance Company. of Pattadel j phis, tont tango luau ranee, permanent and tutatted on every desenpuon of property, in Flasburgh and the marnantuitsvg country. an tavornblr tern.. 'Mt com pany has a perpet on gnat et Contuagent. Fund uu t/ther turucr T.,' M 3111.-. •:teet t`nt. uttu. so; Allktlt'l, MAN I Agrtit T HE an tlmixis e agfir . ll , ...d a u u l) , :at , to m rt p or .n d , Ag a :nt p o 4 t , to ,. : r . - eontannes to elect tusura.ntre •Lozon Li los. earner , &put. Fire. on n en•LciLm,44. , arollore LL,LLI property, not ell.. LL, ao,o vIL epl 4 _ .1 41. E; SL rias been appoolteo Agee: pro tern or Ctteelomernare Cosups.ro Ntorti. uW will 10/.0 POIACI•tat wad attend La ate oilier et el the Agent), at me warehotte, of Atwood .I,,te • lc Co. apIV t‘ M Y. Jo% I." oe, FORWMIDING 4 COMMISSIO. C. .211C1130M211, CHARLES 8. DA.NE.I4IIOWEII co. Tuß/VGII Con/IMO:I 3115,fit1113111., NO. 59 909th Munroe.. L I No 117 tbutil ‘Vaicr •L PfilLA• B EGS to inform the and dealer.. generally. el Pittsburgh. Mambos t•Ily, SPCIIRIRITIC.. Mt arthathe Virginia mantgac drer. and Me Irroarep. Ma, Wea1...10...e5) p.accs, Netli WSW , a hiripetind constazt ani th- falter:Sing des-rip bona of Tobacco, which fold upon at accom iodating torn. as any onc: hoar , in tuts rlr y OT where, and all goods ordered from them ue Wi r . rented err.? reprecentatton: Havana, ht. Ihoratitgo, Conn , Yam: Form hint., Penn a.. `[heed Leal to- Cuba; Igains Ir. Florida;) hare, celebrmed Amman,. 9mg Ca• e n - Slats with a large smsornamit of ether 1.14.11/11 brands, and quittit g... at poands he. rot. 12s. 16. ru& Lamm sa, G.l r re and Ins Plug; Ladies , Virsmin 'rve assert and plat', in whole and hall hose,. Wood and tin, together with every sanely of article belong ing to the iratte jetrntly t. 1.41.1127. 110001 A ARILS/NOM. BARNET, X REIBIT & GARR,ETSOL FLOUR FACTORS, Oommissloti Worn •rdbag IsICII I T 8 N 0.051 Noon W mazy., ..ru 1:5; W {h'a'ir, PHIL 1.1..PH1A Ran so—Joo h bert n St ßr een A. Co own A Co. R Bareroit, Beaver & Co , Bomb, Saguia) . &Co 1 Allen & Paxton. New York Walters & klarvey, Baltimore liegeley & smith, Barbridge.Wthon & Co Pittsburgh Bailey, Brown & Co Kier & Jones. Liberal cash advances on cousigrune , nts to our rourthunt . P. c.11.1.1).111 Mtn.... Zeit. rtclut st , Anti; ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., VLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, N 0.13 Sorrri %VAT. STICCT, PHILADRLPIII A REVERENCES—tIenry Graff & Co, Pittsburgh. Rodgers A Sherlock, cu .. 7 0.„ 9 Sch.:es' & Son, S A. hl January, May mile Chart. 1307.8007, Jr., Lows , / ale 11Uruphreys & CO. ) Mercer, Bro. & Co. 3•Phtlad'a Reed & Brother, 1)0018 Couhtnery, New ork. C11A..1 W. A:10.110,5. ===l LEHMER do ANDERSON, FoawnaDusci & COMM/SSION MERCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS, ANL) AUENT4 FOR ' THE EA LE OF NAILS ANL) W. CLASS, 11.?1. 7 AM 1/..” ST. SWIM [WIAOWi, C 15.11111.471,01 11 0. Gitortair COCFIIIAH. Contente*Soa and ' , brew -. larding Merchant se. WI weer° R. , erreseiriaiti i s IONTINUM transuit general Commission bus, ki on, especially in the porch.," and inle of Ameri can Manufaciure• sad Produce, and in reeeiving and forarasslcsir roam/tied b his care. As Agent tur the Manufactures, he wilt be constualy supplied with the principal snick. of Pawborgh hianufneinre al the lowest wholesale prices. Urders and consbcronents are respeoWolly sole-nod. - GEORGE A. EIERRY . ) . WHOLE E. GROCER% FORlNallifth AAU LeaimishlON Ihttell&NT, Iron, NaiManls, Cotton c. Warns & Pliteburgt alaot v. generally, , ornicrr. rrrissultani, Wu. IL CLANK, Forwarding Mere bent, Brownsville, Pa Attends yaroculetly to tie Forward 111 g of Prrnh,r. &cc ae. POT any information, apply to FORSYTH & (TN CAN, Watt r OVLIw SAAC CRUSE Guargimi COMIIISSLON DINROHANT, FOR THE SALE OF PRODUCE 6. PRO VISILINs Nos. IUS and 107 Sxririt's EALTISIORE. EaSIXIMI*---Aterchidts of Pittsburgh. Wheeling'. Vs--R Crenate 6 Co. criarte....sois TiC E have taken an otter unmediately oppoaite to NY our bond warehouse. for 01.• preload, where wil trausfet kitositie. as usual, idol • near bowie e be erected, anangemeato bacilli already been made far that purpoac. Bouts will always be co redline. at our irbarito receive freight. C A RI'ANULTY Con boas. Liberty at WOOL. LYMAN, REED & CO., !iced, klurd 6 C 0.,) • GEREKAL COMMIngION 111E1WilAtit8, BOSTON. n iu r moa yaid to the sale or Woolta.li N advances made on conelltttelaate. saylk.dtmly PITTSIitrRGH, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1848, LAW OFFICES. TIM BUN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huth, Pa WILL also attend m ml Ire 11./ 11.114 all ado, but., n ,„ rotro .totl to ititn in Butler and Armitrong eoun.r. Ya. Reece to J. tr. R. Floyd. I.Mocry M.l W. W Wallace. do Jame. Ma .hall do Pdtaburgh Kny it Co.. Wool' st T . It swErrzEß. Attorney at Law. office :141 , a oppoatte Charles Ho el, l'ituthurgh, wttl Moo attend promptly m Crolleeuuns., m W.longton,flyeiLe and lifeen cOUllllca. Pt. Blackmack, Bell /a Co., Church i aCur . othery. Pittsburgh. o T Morgan, loe tally 1, 1 J. 111.NRY, Attorney and Councellor at Law. Colvinonti inns Collections in Southern (Shia, 0.311 m Indimry aft.llll Kentucky. promptly and Care y attende,l to Cominiudoner for the State of Penn nViYanll. for Inking Deposmons. seknowledganents Se. Sc. . • . Itssfat NVIn. de!: a Sttn, Curtis, Church & enrothe, \Val. Hays. . 11lock & Davis. _ . - _ . !MINN IX7 iLiAANit 4 & SHINN, .1.0 ,,,, it . • Wtilturria.) Attorney',iftlC , t•tt..r. and Coanutellor. or La w. (Kee %omit aide of Fourth above Smithfield. felit;d&wly JAMES F KERR, Attorney In L. 810. u -tire Buildtng. Grant street, nearly opponsto the Coprt House. augit-a.,e -•— J. L1431815011ZW10.1- DUNI,OP & SEWELL. attoe , ey at Lase, Offices on *Southfield, hetaren awl Ath sts. FORWARD it SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys a t Lute. have removed then. office to the ;town sate o Fourth 41. between Cherry Alley and Grunt street .4>ffir - - , o. RUBINSON, Attorney at I,a7e, tuns re. T T . moved Ina eines to the Faehange Runtime.. :+t flair n. next dune tu Alderman Johns: Q A NIL.Et. BLACK, Attorney' an I. (nro, ou Fourth street, hear Grout. PotttArgb.. ortlttoilnl HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONABLE RATS. 4 THE aut ro 0., bot, to atitl 11 m 010 his own multutactortng of Hats, has mode w systige. 4 ll ciao with Nte.st s Hebee b. C0.. C0 . che moil fashionable batters of the city of New Yorkd fora reg ular supply °Chi. caw.] fine Silk Hata, and having Just received a tow eases, gentlemen can be suited with • eer) rich and lienutafuN hot by railing at his nrw hoot and ear Store, tilnuteLeld street. second door south of Fourth. where may be found a great variety of Bata and Caps of hos own manufacture, wholesale and re tail. lints made to order On short notice. .1 AMES WILSON 111. CORD & CO., Cancressors to Nl'Curd Kingl • ipt ik Fot•ltxtettrablo Ra Corner of ircorl and Frftio Streets. D ARTICII,AR attention paid to our Retrul Trade. liettootontt ran rely upon getting thew Hots and Caps morn our establishment of the rum r.u t ratuto and tornormastuatr. of Use 1.-CrEarr ITTLLn. and at the lawn? fitteliS Country Mer, bunts, purchnstna by wholesale, are respectfully Invited to sort and . ransom.. our Static; as ere ran say renh ronfidenee that as regards ',grunt and caws. it a not suffer In a roroponsott wrtb tuty rouse in Philati r1:1 etpma kW) - • 4 IIATI:, k:AI . :S ....1...NU N1CFP.... , --Thet t ia aubs,rttror Is now meaty Ina ,rom the el' , ~. New \ rrk. a choler em of lints. Caps and Muff, latest Rushton...in wrr4t vane. Ty end •rs - rhrap. wnoiesa:e and mutt! I ANI F.. , N. , : I LSON, or 1.1 Stn,thftrld rl, Id door south of filt 4 Foil Vaahlorta for 1645. ria BIeCOI,ID & o, • 4111411, . t..., rt. x . roan A 1.1,10,1 I\'''} . ... l. ,z.",7;v:rii,'„'.i.sz'u„',.d:'; . ,''togo'..", , Zor th i.2rr Moo.. in want of a neat and healthful hat, are env tted .0 cal az thrsr •torr, corner of Frith and Wood warts nu,V4 . STILAVIr GOODS• L o DEALERS arc tnetted r, exuatne R. If PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of thr daringty sle.ebmpaaed mpart of BONNETS —F.oroner araJd, I•lnitsh Don .100:e do. kutertean do do, Chan Roan do, labor( do, Rutland do. Freneb I.ae.e. Fancy Litmp..ke.tsr. li A IS.---l.ranorn. Palm Loaf. Panama. Fanny Rtraw. do Brold. Rutland Urool. Pedal do A , so. ArtAr.l4,. Fiowelo. 10hborts, Or Strom 1 , 0!-- nr, NA'arehnnar 95 ronstet .1 rnartri BOOK TRADE. To Country . Merchants. A I.A STch'l. of eehool toot.. Paper, Soo ey, , 4anable foe counter We., Meng wn teh are %Friona Piper, ot Onet, ma dlarn and common qultts Low, Vatter as do do do Noir Paper do do do ' .do Note and Leper Etterlotwa, Pf`13.1.14 V. a/ors, quills .13toot NW. ‘Vrodoar (yard widei p:alo and printed. Bonnet kkoarda. of dtetrreni ganlitraw. Blank kktolta. to mat n Fatroty. School and Pocket Idables, Crown. madam. and doable r town rappo P•iwt• Alert Oriel Ezlecor t+pr in. and Fatattnr., Kr) }'clothe Arttlatroosi Cobb'. Pram., Speners'and Reader., Sander.' do do Artrbmftlootry-Advete.lrtakeitare.,9rarig4f4oolt an, 1.:n.n.0. and other.. ' tvtor roprdeta. by ttlitche4Lllllle9. gland, Marla I .tod rick, Parley, Lod oat., Grammar.. I. ttmitth Kirkham. Buthorm Weld. and otacrs For sale at low . orrrea. =II ==ilM • DLANETARY t‘ Tf LLAR IVORLD: , —A ,optl. :¢r expocoon of tot pea.. alseoV , r. , 4 and 01•CO -0,011 of modern ..trouost), bf M MllOlB.l. •v. A rretor of tae Cluci.ouatt lfia.crvatory Llcadlef Itaiy Alp. A,sel Itn. , t , • t...eur.” from 1 , ••9 fa.- A;p• anti RAM, J 1 H••d11 , 1. •ALIVIII NMI. p.n4non anal N. arahalla; , Ve.4tingtoa, uati ho. o.t a., Ae New moo rrna...d edi two tu S:Lance of Coat —l:te G•eographtr 21' and torn , `[ o: than.: ttou• o' Mott-rat CombusAtte. or foe.. .leludolg alert, nonce. and :ocalotee of the,• ronteral tntutstaniort• sutterarle..4 employed ot 111, 11111nufketurev, tiluetrated Mope and Ilta.Grarrtt coutpauted marryMkt atZ.Unlat WA", 11,kal I i , I4P • , 1• a.)1.16 ot trorwralcootituattbies. dr, prepared h) Bri I, and irowlsog ToTio , Juol rr. rt vet., a few copies of eaelb of the above , taw., • --tor exit. bp /01174STON h sTOCFCTON Boot eollore. eor toorkot it 3d t.t. . _ . . EARLY READY POU PIJEILICA TION j by J. A. Et t Y. AAVI.S. Clilelllnata. the fed,m g neer and valuaLle %Vold"- 1. IDOn.phan'e ti-ipealt.ou--L'otatahung a sketch o! bfc of Col. A. W Dotslphaa tne Conquan Mexico. (Jed Kearney Ovenalat Flapechnon to I forum. botupham s Camp:act. agasnat the , Nara°, hl• u.tparaac,al Nlarcb upon Ctabaalun Mad Durango, and the Uperunons 6/ Gen Jul at to r , v.att Map and I.:aarartn‘a hn T we I to Reptiles - 11o( Igarboart Cavit:ry L. Ilialory of KentarkT—l. Antlquihei an‘l Nun,' Curia/any, fi.ocraptur Stn anntral and G.0t0,.n al door nohow., wan ant:ado/ea ot Pioneers Late, and ;nor.. than one hundred Lltualaptacal Skottba , of dvarlut.o. al Pioneers, Samara, Swaim. n, Janata, l g. acr. I.t. •toes, shaman...tea artth foray engrarta by Colla4•. I voi The Twelve Months' Volunte et, or Journal or • Prt vale nt the Tennessee Rerntent of Iseult), In he Ceintholgn of hlesteo, &ton con &hung ay. an count of the March of the et Intent to Vera Cruz. • description of the Country passed aver. atan..< ,o , nu* - tome, &t of the people; !Sketches of Camp t Jle sit Lawns ut ab the unbolts on Volunteer Haw yen's, Rini • Nil Hthlor y of the .llexican Wu; Lug of , r led crud We. 11.041, &r, Illucatated by • large raanib. r of correct viers and plants by lien. C. Furrier, I voiutne de, vetsvo. tie vi - ksper k — miiefiliotcnieht. Ti Weep Pr., arvutsw. Foram ,111, Lhastionn Amet tr11:- . : d ttb a se lar rthe ge nt s ha k e o Jr4r ,..t x, ra ci t n a o t . lti m e ,,, s i tert . e , main white and nine P lat and Letter Paper, rum. rriermal and packet post Plat Cap, demy awl methum Lensing papers, for Blank hook s, medium and rain , ored ensuing Patmoic medium, deny rod rap Day Books and L e supenor paper -and best hasten. Lenboat Books of all Studs, standard sorts in Theology and Pel l PriCellj Wills, gold and steel Pens, Wafer*, Wax, Bil Files,Litte• he Blank Books Le al/ sisal. ruled to pattern, and bound In UM =al subsuuskta/ manna r. Country Merchant. supplied at lowest wholesale pn ces for easty or rat, at club priftes JOB PaINTINLI.e-lirwing a Jou omen m ronnetmon with our establishment, we are prepared in execute ill urdeni lur plan) and tansy Pet hlng—Look a, pareses Ls circulars, business cards, Lula co lading. kn . win) des. patch soul at lee pores. BL.I .Ityl'rL ENUILIe 11. 7e wood at, between 4th and diamond alley, .W Math:l-I.m of t .romweil, by J IWILLIL;Y 11 Power of the Pulpit, Li) Gard/nor e pring, Bethel Plug, du do Jacobus on Gospels, Man hew. sent, It si nui,,,) , Lenore. on Shstspeare. vols. Patti of 1.1, or Stetrbra Of the Ws, Lo loory and menortaltry; Footstep. of Me.scish, The Convent, II) author Cl Sc hod tire. Lit Fran. Now and Then, by Wan en. Aketehee of Lamm., on .•arabier and MiradlnK, . - • Irelauci • Weicome ter we ritrarlger, Ilea en upon Barth. ilawkatun. a tn.', oi and ror Fogland 2 V0:14 For sale by I si,imjell)ooit-r& E 75,1.1.11411. in Wood and 36 lo•rurt Fo nd ttoOKty—ilust re re.eil front Use publisher, 11 for bald at the , 1r 1.1104.1/ , t hook oin near Pio. Tupper'l Pro rernial Pititosopoy, in taste styleirof Ittodiak, bestuultnl book ilia a present Prepattllon fot the Pulpit. Sketches or Sermons 011 the Petah'. and Miracles or Christliy the 'author or the Pnfpit tlyclopedio—o.soo sketeltes, ho. The Flnkli ill Pulpit; ro'lemlon of r• loons by the moot emu:snot it V' olg Moine. of England. sc hlinommo. Vut.s.—lloing I Siood, Chrsttair Los, I.oy• est 1110 U Ole. Homed Wedlnll.4 _ FITIIF..PATRIARCIIA I. A lily or the it Wary and Religion of Altultind :.rot Urn Crean on to the death of Isaac. Deduced fro rn the writings Sloses. and other inspired authors und Illustrated by cop/000 referencen the 11 - C/etn ret ord., traditiop, and my thology of the Heathen Won rd—by G. Soutar,l'. A ;Oi Utorrtu. mut Couukes•CW.4 W.. by Mb.. hil . "" b ' A frrah of kids veru.c.l Oar hub work. UraWr• of the Acorricnt Itroolution, by E. goon, with Portraits. l so! "m Parley'. Lab met I,ihrerg • for families or schoolai 20 voiantea,l2 no, total micro vines This is a new work. For sale tit It i(UPKLNPr 2!Ptn. Apollo Itnildiuga L 4tast %il••• Arii) wrty of the Lotted Shales 1 m V., gone, cotoprising demtipuoirs of be mot Icitt•ithe pitons hitherto found to ltiO , {e V . ,"". 1t .:°, (Cr! accenting to the natural crate.. " 'Yootesia of the Aretterti according to the Lem amen system,. a .1, clztt of the rudilnenta of borer.? and a glossary of tonne. by Low i• C. Beek, M. D.. Prof. cht'ronnti a`nd Natural Illgtory in Iltoger's College, Ncs " bu "/1 , he. he. Second ediuon, revised and en larged. Fu r sale by wolf' JOHNSTON & STOCKTON LAMA? .fitßoNltlSTS—History of the 61- road' eta; or. P !mol Memoirs of the PatrWits of the Pro , vh Itevolun on-- rta front uhreablorheri sources. try AllitiOrtg e de Lent. tine Complete in three voillMe•. airdo l a tea/relation a fn.!, ...apply of lb. work, ?yawned this Any and tor sale by 1011NliTON h STOCICTON. B sokeeitere, roe mark and 3d eta NW {MN; 11111gi CO—PARTITEBSHIP. T OGAN KENNF.DY have ihrs day ammorital with them in the /lardwargb' styled( firm PhilipWil and Fatw•rd Gregg,._ The style firm will here after be Losuit . Wilson k Co. This a .gement sea ders it desirable to close the old business es soon as possible. All persons who. 'labial. hove matured, are especially requested to make irroncillate payment. Pittsburah, Jan 1, 1349. LOGIAN, WILSON & CO.—Dapo,nars and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic /lard 's-are, Cutlery, Saddlery, Etc., 119. Wood street, Pins burgh.fani now dilly prepared with • recently impor ted stock of Hardware. Cutlery, &a., to offer very great inducements to western buyer!, being determined to compete in mica with any oldie Atlantic vines., Al so on hand an ertensive assortment of PiMiliargh hard ware, viz Shovels, Spades, Forks, Doe-, Vices, ke., all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacuircr's peter, . null 00.F.A.U.T/N . I.2SEILP. TIIR sewer bers having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gal .gh.r, lonf, b AUlier, for the mirpcoe of enrrylng on thrr Reit mid Reim Foundmi{ and Gas Fitting bootie.. all its branches. have taken the stand formerly oeetti rid by It. tie/lankier, No. tun Front sweet, between Rood und,Smithfiehl sta, where they are prepared to extreme ail orders tor Hells, Brass. Castings, of story desenplion,nnil Gm Fittings with nmuneas and dee patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. 11. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG. I'. U. MILLER. N..ll—The attention of Machu:cats and kkatneers la wrded to our anti-attrucuon aloud, for • reduced price. hich had been pronounced superior to Babbitts by numbers who bare used both. Steamboat builders and the publie. i .gesterally, are aL•o requested to call and el. amine our Ripen°, double notion Fume Pumpa for steamboat and domestic use. LIALLAGHER, LONG. & MULEL deal7dly riIHE partnnrship votteLth z. firl:: , Ireord R !Ong, on the Ist Inas. The ash. the old Juana hi , antler of uA of the arm for . va our buslOces t at rulrwttr cc hull& sible to would re. spectfully requtat those to all cud settla them accounts OHN D. bI'CORD, JrCH H. D KANO CO—Partnershlp. • JOHN D. SIICURD hsttng ass:tota led svall film lo brother Jsmcs S'Cord, ender the style of bl'Cord it Co, wsll ronunut the Hat Cap and Fur bseinces In all ni venous branches wholesnle sod mail, et the old stand. corner of \Veal odul tilt streets, loiter* they mhos acootostadon co the patronsge oo ho stowed on the old firm. JOHN 1) AIt3ORD. JAMES B. M'CO111). INtPUtlrlf from the old alio well known fi.o of 'Curd k King.l most relpectrily ..caro rea:amend ID the parroouge mthe pu4Ue. my.m Motors. M'eord Cu 3o.dr, I) KING o.e.psruse rship Notice. WrEpHEr of Wheeling, KF. Shcantferger JJ of Juniata. and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh, Intro tAjs day entered mum co-partnership order style aud firm of Stephens, ShoenherFer & Co., at the Anchor iron works. Wheettne, Vu. tor the purpose of mann. factor rag iron and nails of Corry description t 'SStTTIIIL T. I. r NOTNSISOLL • STOCKTON STEPHE'NEI, NUOENDEROZR i CO. ANCIIT)R IRON WORKS Manufacture •Il kind orb oner, sheet, bar iroriand htuts. A Li steel enpue wimp and axle.. Being eon heeled with Shoenberger's old Juroatsk work, vre : east Off, anarheie of /Lunette iron Ibranded Shoenbetgett equal to any made to the tuor) .1.1 of which totl/ be sold the Pittsburgh Warehouse date worts cony of Mann" , and Wolter as myll. 118110 L UTION —The panne...op Intheito et W- I /tug under he styte and inn of Wightmlua A Dins zell. thoi day ....red hy mutual consent, ham Bat ten !derma dasposed co his enure .mere., to Li Wlght. Mtn The benne. of the noe firm anti be settled by Il Wntatinaa, who us •uthortird to use Me tame of the late firm tor Mat purpose it WIGHTMAN vc31.12 .. .v Italy 1 '47) J. DAI.2FLL. THE So bnerlber n now prepared to mannfaeture all •,..1 Mai 1.41.- 7.. the shortest nett. trrdnrs Ven at IL Y. tenons n • Lngtne rthop,cor. ner Leherty and Wasnr ,treats., rdl Toed netth p”smpt attention H WIGHTNLAN, Leatenl st... between Frtlern: mad ttandualtr spedal.y Allegheny ell( (10—PARTNERSHIP -Wm Young laaTtnq thin d•} s_..ociated h.m. Jonn a ll'eutke. theln•- ,er o.ams P.rteaterr , owitacted under dm lam a; NVin t ILLIAM VOL /No 11 \I-t•I'SV. M EDICAL IR TA YLOR' , BALSAM .FP I.lYER , Vtniti - Thns aritn-le it onep•rell fteroratne m a reetimpro eueed from a tery ond am, rmasent ph, am. sm. who ham • Iper...forneml In on. precut , the want a:. 4 4 ,1 1 1 :45 ) : lot Inlet V...,51,4 itl' TII F 1.1 nnif:S. upon which ref tam, renstd Inc p.ared by the poblne—whfeh matured htnn, after m•nured neat. to numerous team. PultoonarY Comp:stn... 10 tract One prephretton It has been:tbre raugh , y huneßd.. now 10 teed betlut. who tan say Mot they owe 01:101r peelfervannon from an natty gray-, to Mr. ut , •ms tom:twine C.f.www•ino , • N1 , 1.r. to Covet, neer —Fora lor(u nt nne 1 and .d w.•nn tam , fluted.... tv riar rnora,caran- • tu . aa I bad lair • mother I.rwt,rs, ••tirsrd .1 FIF srsta the rontomptson I nut the It e•I raturd ad vice. tnTaint (ery remedy at tt. rrtell without adot.t, and I wax attnost Jeapast I was veasrlhg alray, very nerepas. had a had rough. basso, strength, and tairnyoStaltr dangerous symptom... as-length ithord Dr Tay tor's litaisarn of Ltt• 4 4 1. 4 011. 111411 must tar thss ntedietne 1 4 ur, a ttlte • r harm. It. groat restorative ;ttt•rets sattaltl he tattle t :town it.l)Ftlfg . ti Spring', RAI'S,. UT ih,r , 4.**3•• Is r ryhi by the rarer triecieln , Mr Neterhurv,,Vlltourety . mod ruhoe 4rib rhy dal und , he.. 1 1 ,• :I .• ne has • , r- ...ugh, and imp, :11 the hr.o, r Mtn/ ll.n1( r•••,. e.. 11 ,hr. it o 4 hv No ine. lint... 0. 1,e...0-nil m.at, • grminn e.' hro . somahe It , rrt..:e I •.. • uhl r /1=!I ro tornoont. n. a ,nnontorr.l nerve," nr tnatre at M. aro ur al., to rt.. wrt. at .I.gfirr • th.• Medicine l• rupt:Mt.. a . rroommotnir..l a• tn. Inaln•r - rtnor 0.. t. 1.4 t. 1.• 11,111,, rta • Inn, attar tot. a a .41: ros..s.•.Joastts , l le•t.scrs, ao• t.n.ty sal tus.atl”ag eras :stet! one !sa.,, • J Ir Nlorg.,, u I Wood. • Towyro.nd, 1i N.liadCri el, II n , %larket an 4 gft 14imIrnm.% SCo 6 td`,rrty 47 I,er adored lolll2b prg tow.. drel =EI Dr. Rots Celebrated hermetic'. DR JAC.OII RA ttre Stsrovr ref saw .04 pro prtetno o(inn most popular and benefitttat.puea and alen the in - tentt,r u( the restebtazed burro rot Intlatlng the Lan., effeetto4 • eh.. o, hroa.r daaes...“. ara • a Flatlet. of lhat eminent thy•t .tan. {wit. fla f oie and a ra.laate (4 the I nrvers.• ty of Penn•yrrans, •04 or ihlriv yearvoince has been enaaged 10 the turesugation nt Jamea.... and the'app . e•tion of recordtes theteto Through to use ot h:s tube. in cone:ern°. WI his Prom nreur at cup and other a his vet:gentle, a• glutted unpartnetlnJ cvune Corms •se dizradlut and tonal naratad•ra. rube nre reula C•nt wow ~,,,, Lanrers. Scrottats, Itheutnartant. Asthma. "aver and Agur revers or k chro4ue Fivsspe. and all no °lntimate dirt ~,,, per taltstr to letm•le• 'dr. , ever) ii1111101vn(11•11e• ands the une nr• of to watch Inasortnty ner—not I) the vv. of o npuend on:).tor met la •n. oroitatt,e IW l'hystutogre•l lan but by the nve et hia retne• .tev, adapted lu and per.erine. l for ran, per u.isir non disease hose'. Tonic A:1,11,r 1 . 1•.•, when used seer ..1 . • . . esuably . o to be suponog . odicr so a purgatt•e overpllila.rduch as - titcy ;ravel. bad., perfecuy free tram roeuvedesa, • also 11,. Golden Vtli• I. tat:rutted by the taco.; to vootoese per proverb , . adapted to icinala hal twtng sattoG• d that s hare trial to oulTteletit estahlttat what A been said In the minds of the moot •b•ptregg The attlieted are rued to ad upon the asght. sod procure tare:sot one at the Doetor, toarnphlet, a detatbd account of each remedy and Ito apparent.. For sale by the foPoering agests. no well an by me. Druggt sin throughout the country J Sehogailmalsor & Co. gt Wood street, Ptd.hhrgh. J M Townsend. druggist. lb Market at "* lea A Does han,^ hear the P 0 Allegheny etil Jo. Berkley, Darlington Heave, rountr. P. .1,10 Elliott. Eallah T Aden.. Deaver, novltt.dly Jaynes. litepeetor.tat , liaLare., Colunititena ,ti . Apt. 2 . t 1 %FL. D JAYNES: boon Siil4- I feel bout to yot Inai ,L.l and the flitted public. to semi myself Of t OP portunity °roving pubtirdy to the ea•nbordina!y effects I of your Exits/mots 031 m) . to /laving been afflicted for severs; yenrs with s revere cough, heckle fever and no coneomnant diseames. and seemetl onlythmtned to In out a short but miserable existence, anti! the (311 of letni, when, being more fy miacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre. sermbone of two of the most respectable phyancli.• in the netghborhood without deriving •ny benat, or the cola ion of survirmg but a few days or Weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope WO about to ash, I had reenmmended to me your Expectorant and blessed by that Being who does all thiMs to the use 0( the means—sad contrary to the •apedtations of niy phyrdetans and friends, I was in • few days tamed oot my bed. and sim• enabled by the use of a bottle, to ,attend to my husineti, misty sinoe brae r health than I had for ten years previous. Ile•pectfully youra ate , J/ill E5T11.1... For sale to Pittsbuigh, at the Pekm Tea Store, 71 Fourth street mar 29 ARRA - OCTON. B. by. NI ()BILIS haying recent] y'purc barb Ped the Drug Store formerly owned Icy flays 0 ckwat , Nu 2 Commercial flow, Liberl stnrel. Pittsburgh, takes this method f Informin h. ("ends and the public In general, ma hu g e tore will at obi mom be supplied with an extrusive tare general assortment or Drug., Dye Stuffs, Palo., this. Varinshes, Pertumery, Colognes, and iodeedesery or' stele ceded for in a drug Core. WhiCil WIII sold as low as at any other house tri th e y)ty, weole mly or retail Hoping in :trent • sh•re o the ;yobbo patronage, nothing shall by eventing to gme.ttie eat- Isfection to Ms u•trner• n0v7.1..5pi4 Hydropothy, or the Waiter e r ne's. - OCTUIS. IiENJANIIN W. MORRIS, still continues X.) prscure the mfr and popular remedy called lydropathy or the %Voter Cure. treat dtecases Allopathic ally. r mice wit he at. tended to promptly. N. 13.—De Morns may be consulted at his Drug Store, No. 2 Commercial Row. Liberty street, dunng bonnets hours, or at his residence, morning and even• log, Penn street, :3 doom n0v7.1014 - T. rtnberts, M. QI . TIIAI.NIIII Seim f F,t I`4. w r ill attend to the treat. Ment Dieetmee o the Eyr K has Leen engimed in this Manch of the medb cal prole...on lot eater, )Par, anti hoe cOnclucted eetntoltahment Mr the treatment of deice... 4 of . the eye alone for several ears Oran and rextdrace corner oi Sandusky at and Strawberrt alley, Allegheny etty . sena Dr. frioLanis In Tenn aaa lIM la to certify that I purchased one vial o two monthe ego f Dr. McLane" Worm Specific, Wine aud pee to a wn of mine, some seven yens old, two naspoont fall, and although the ansount may appear rove, yet 1 have uu doubt but there moo upwards of two n,• realm wours passed from hua, meastning 'nun cs • quarter of so 111(.11 to I , 7l3 ,, S ., lC l t i sLto a ft. icy. Reim • Creek. Carrel co. Tenn. .freis 27,18212 EALE.u. V—rolp,ll.l4. trench, &evoked •12191. in no, )ula reoelved and tor sale by deo I B A FAIINICSTOCK k Co HOTELS FOUNTALIN HOTEL . . . . ... . . _ _ ,ILIOHT STREET BALTIII.OIIE. roan non itiLISION, ZIKOM:a0l. o4l' THIS estublisi as onent long, and widely known being one of the most eon:CM:An. In the City of Delmore, it. recently undergone very tatto a alterations and improvements. An enure new Itg i lits .p be . been e ad m. de: , l , , lo . ntaini m 1 5 rentrons and airy TEenthing room.. talieS' dcparunent boo - also be. completely reargantred and hued up In a Most unique and beano fidetyle. In fact the whole arrangement of the Haas bost been remodeled, motha single eye on the part of the, propnetera tewsnia the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge tomperiwn with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will islorays be sopplied with every wh at:dal and I.urg which the market afford., served atim a superior style: while to the way of Wines, dt., tholy will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors begin say, that nothing will be tell undone on their part, Mid en the part of theor salaams, to render tha Hotel worthy the co..ed patronage of thew friends and the public generally. The prices for board h.o also been reduced to the following rates: • Ladles` Ordinary, 61,71 per day. Gentlemen's " 1,30 fit It —The Itaggage Wagon of the Fiona will nl way.. found at the Car aud Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of ebargL. stair/Of . —T......_7 EXCIUNGE .HOTEL. COILNIP or Pre , •07 01. m.. 1 IM, pailitiVt.ll, Pl. Tbr +uhgcriber hewn; ...limed the manage ment of this long estnbltshed and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Pkblio generally, that he will be al all times prepared to accommodate thorn in sit things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Honor is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added. and no paths Will be spared to make the Frehmige one of the very best Hotels Is the country. The ilitcrenuirped respectfully solicits eol2tllluenee orthe very liberal patronage the Sown hits heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, _ Propretoy. • I..kbfAltTittriTliffreir.; menu Of Toerni AND easier MM.*, rprreeinion. TH E aubserlber respectfully announces that he has now opened hie new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public 'generally. The bonne and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense hove been stared to render n one of the most comformble end pleasant Hotel. m the city The sub.riber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of roadie patronage. 0014-dly JA 41 If 0 (LH, P_r_oiri mot' m iv viutocknotttos GALT oveli. aA RIEPTIt ROCK:GORTON bop to iecusint his friends that he ur op!. lessee of the GALT SOUS Ky, where he hopes to meet alLkus old (mends, assuring them and the public. that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable Who favor him with their patronar. IMlVrgrl EIVAVE - 4 HOTEL, CONAN, ar . 'note. lOC/TN SOD INMAN. OPPOSITH bun Bank of th e Cotted States, Phila. dolphin.. M POPE iIITCIIF.LL, :panto Pro Selo, Al (SCELLANEOUS Chocolate, Cocoa, to. VV.•Bater'a Amencan ace l'renet, Chocolate, Nepal ed Cocoa, Cocoa Vas.. Brom. Cocoa tlllBill, jte. merchant. and conaumera who would pure h as the teat products of Cocoa free from adulteration, Mae nutottoio than tea ro code., and in quality mum, passed, the .Mloz - thee meommends the above amen.. rannutsetared by himself and stomped with h. name. 1110 Brom. and Cocos Paste,. debris.. palatable. and saltivoy d0n..., eouva.sannts, and other., are pronounced by Me what eminent physicians ruterior to any other preparations lit. manufactory.. ara always on mkt, In any ;moth., by Me moo re apectabte groren to the eastern clues, and by than agents, liarres.tirsy & eu , of Barbra dames 111 Banc. & en Hartfotd. Conn, liusacy A Murray, New York; Grant & vtone. Philadelphia; Thom. V Brundtge. lW umbra, and & Bennett Cinctnnati, Ohio VdrILLFER BAKER, Llorehester Maas. For sale by ang3l BAGALEY &I.MITH.Aats NNW COACH FACTORY, oaxamixr. HITF,BROOki.B (Z. , would respect/0y t n. Vform the publio that they have ereeted a atom On I.aroek,between 'Federal and Sandusky arreete They are... making and are prepared to receive order, for every deserrirtion et vehtclea. Coachea Chants, Ba rourttea, Hogems,rhwfurts, ate., /cc., which from their tong expertence m the manufacture of the shove work. aid the fac.inte• they ha•e, they feel ex.:Fide:a they are enabled tn do work on the most reavonahle term. with those wanting ante!. in their llas Plume partieu:ar at enuon id. ententian o( male. Bala, and having itnne but to:Pg.-lent o °ricrac, they bare no heloanonorearcustme their work We therefore aak the aturnuort of the public to Oho. matter M. B Repaint donein the be vt mom r. and on me moat trattonable terms fe3ll ' stahhenbers ,hetrr littoral tbr. public that I..tlte have h . huaukra tram the 1./le late Roil faahlov•lne de••ah• Iruh lia. t..nh Cut hour.* rro,tenee procure hand wale patterns a•Min•a.,- ,tan,,nr. and judge ford:mm.lyr.. li..hog lath Ibe ru,stuw at the •hort r,h,t4th;.n,7l,Ltrih.th.eue.h.hll.,l a ftl . 7 e cch ,, cr ,, a r t o t , he come of allaZi , thf A LA %lON i• A K\ , ,[ ?MUSICAL All VitILTLISEDILE.:NT. • OPF,SOR k (M 1../ lAN 7.ol'lluto.t aotm.,sure• .• Len.• I,l.burgh nod vienmrt thett .otrtutenced e•l.•:,nmrufMotron the Pim.. it,. ...ch., a , veryssuy, ami &dap,/ erl •hort ume lie o..pe* 19. lath , •ne,:t.g. :0 ~• •m! 1,1001.,kit MOM LL Illr , k • I•TMIMIT 11311 M. tml pl.y. seemmrouret Roe. tteetr .nth the•tt , .. m •1 the Mon. Store.* at Mr 5.,.0r or Mr It ~me MiiffIiSESEEM laeoching. Cupping liAlk4 Bleeding. 6 NOHRI , croa.,c H DeLsol '-- \eSS rath a: re, hrtureen Wockt and St ill 6,4 6,1..66 6r • rof• , ved monlb.r—anewlanee ‘ :ll boura liefrrener...n• rg.611 , 16 Aur- K ne, .co 1611111146.46+ I moat ....et,...) t,tttuturntl to tnr ptlywctatts, tun- Ikea and 10 my fora, (wend. and patron. M • A It or a. tottna tactrougtut w.quainted wan tua !tr.. .ado omit) of itatrvuagr atarlit atonal:act awed Tobacco. tre.,uy & ktoyater s supertor 'wee:l .16, 16 In M A Butler'• Iv ni do Pnee A Ilarsrood's %I do J. do le 3 do do Pearl 71 aro Nei 11 Jo 1 Rot.tnson las 67 al do do _ • 9 do dr. Wm rlaws.” Cl ng. • •• • 77 do 0 Anderson • do LT Dade.. o Jo It Mn.".n • do Rateliff Just ranch( trorn steamer anJ rooters. and for 04.1 • sty 71E.A1.1... Kt CKNOR & Co. 47 north water •t and Id north oh :e 24 YM'asdelphop. ,:rl'ltEL t ):111,11( i CCO-03 n,s af c 75 nail' I.ss IVet,ster Ol duly sweet Ss lumps Lawrence Lamer Os • " Itentty & •• 3.&M • to • r)uro‘,l tJe Kure, I..arrectee lower Sa h 6.1 plug Just :al,lLn6 from steamer, .1114 tar %ale 11F-41.D Nlt K\URrt l'a. 41 N %sater at and 10 !, wharves. W. et. J. GLie.NN, Book Binders. - W Y ., - ;, r .t.r.fr4, where re prepared to do any wort our line wttls dry p;rit W. attend mi...WA pt moan., •rtd amt.- ;• , tion ,K• rd to “a ttentorit• and do• rand:iv Marta !looks ruled to any pattern and hound sub .tanual,) !P.A. , npol.er• or o,d non. nountl car, :y Trpaired Names put on t,ook• In ~.t .ettert 1 . 00.1 that have Woll 10 our one are mstted to roll P”C r• ,Ow 11112011 .o-PArivinfreit:ititp. U.OSCAINF: and Cant JAfilk>. ATKINSON hart entered tuts ooluertlitp. under the firm Of AIFF: ft ATKINBOt,. Ind carry on Inn Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Wore manulactory. 1-Larksmithin, to all to branch..., at the old •iond of Wm U Souk, pintforcer,near NVoo-I P•rfientor at liven to stamnbOal work 0,2 • 1 . 34 - % Nio toltoe , ail begs I.o 4 uara 1 USee Lo YU do St 1/onngo do, 41.1 Or.. d.loq lass. Lia• do 16.12 do. 40 do 7-9 du, 'l5 do 10 1 1 .10 Kilda N 0 Sugar, vfllobls No. 3 mackars I . 100 09.00.01 soap No I . 1101 do dipped rand's. , 0.15 do Cmetnnan mould do, I received on constgnment and for sate by sepl 0 00 . 11 ARBIlU( i 11 BECK' WED- A larlio mid spiendlO assortment , 9)) of Cloth., Cazointere%, t r•univ. Cravats, Rr, and Tor .ale by 1. WILLIAAIS. :Were ant T.,..r, my. under 11 otomg•hela House, amultfield II PTSI - 1 intnecillT 11(,ttsp.s.- ! ( 4 . AeNTArre fine Draualtt Horse. for sale. sun. Ole for draying, Enquire of ‘VAI.I.INCIFORD & Co. augl7 canal burn, Itherty at g OALF Sh ENS- dlt du. 001 unto Franck tall very fine •ruele A Irvr dozen. Philad lyrists' Slobs, Iron the manufactory of H 01 Crawl° d, to 141 Ch Meattenion 01 boot makers ta invited Just r~i r elves! and tor t sale by 1% 1 11N( & I 143 l'har . ! 4 T W M. rIVOLINTOCK L No. 75 Fourth treet, c. Le seen a splendid glumly of sup Hoy I Vel vet and Tapestry Cbstlnns, lntosl slYles Also Bms sets, 11 ply. and sop and fine Ingrain Carpets, f sup .Iylo. and gambit., and in eonnecuott can atr. ys Le found Table Linens, t trashes ' Diapers. Damns s. No s, Oil Cloths, dm. ac., to all of which we all the aneutton of the puhlut 24 - 01TCW.. brit lii. Mtn the potronage nl all our friends if tomer , RC, W. NAN DEN lit N MIXT' Pittsburgh, Aug Ith.lslti (1 H. tiRA NT, Wholesale Grocer, Commis, V s i Foto-lading Merchant, No 41 Water in.l JOHN BUHR.' I, V & CO., 11C US. 1,r3 and .4 Front street, liell Founders • 11 ufaeturcis of all kind, of hittrogs tor flail andNN'ater. have laws ys on Mind Wrought fri ded Pipe for room, yes, and water, from 2 1 in diameter. Brass Owing. made to order. large easeful:tent or ISells and bIll•liell Utah which the ettention of Plumbers and Engine purticularlY drr ,3, "• Has Pintails put up promptly and on re terms. WOO catICP.IVNIVOOD titkittiiiims VISITEKS TIJ THIS HI T TREA een be furnished with a Lunch at all Moto in the day, also, to Creams, Fruit Conrectionat y,&e The roamer Green. wood maker her resider trips as wood. leaving her Piit I street tendrils at -4 A. &1., and et bait past eAch hour 1 tekeept letLunn lid P. 31.—leas 5,4 the harden lu ' P V. for lier lam tio to the en) A moonlight view of the Oa cries is indescribable in Its beauty. 10 15 rITTSBUR(iII, 0C12./HER 23, Ibla—We are now In receipt of several bales Pot rate 1844 Western es. York and Illusachusetts Prole HOPS, and are always receiving regular supplies. We art prepared to sell at lowest rates. Office, Fitt street, Allegheny UV.. 00123 G 440. W SMITH & Co. - - COLEMAN, HAILMAN a Co., hove removed to the Werebdose, 3 door, west of the Monongahela (base, on Water and Front •trectis FOR RENT—The Warehouse No. 43 Wood st. 00114 Post copy. BAC - 751 - -A lomT otptimi - grai: - novl MULL & NOR MISCELLANEOIIB EiIIPPENCOTT & HASID Mote 79 Strickler & co.) ANIII , A CCU MILS a Mena fins proof mks, muth side, second istnavi. hewn= W " 4 ' n e d Smithfield Pittsburgh_ I B Strickler having Seve , . r and the sarvimug partner Mr. Jos Lippm,con. ha ving associated himself with Mr. Wm C Bum the lirminess will beretiller be conducted under all, style of liPPe. - coil & Ban. - . Trial of • mile in Cincinnati, U.—We, the ni , tr . ad were present at the testing of one of J , &- Co's improved Phenix fire-proof safes. The wit+ placed Inn furnace en the public landing, and suldected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. In one hour and a bait the sale-came to a bright red heat; the door of the fa rmee eras then closed, which caused isn Lnereased and steady heat for the balance of the time ) until thetast Iron wheels were partially melted off) thelurnaceviras then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it militated were no perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in hured by the water in cooling the safe We have no esitation to recommending it to - the publicas safe superior to any we have even' seen tested, and belieen that it will stand any beat winch aright be produced, Inept ahem which would melt it to a solid Bprllnge I & Whitman. L WOrthi II clan, Kellogg tr. Kennett, Benj. timer. W P Breese. terns Smith, T S Dungan k. Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Manse. Mead k We, the undersigned, selected the safe alaoken of above, from a lot m the store of Truber & Anbery, the Agents C G SPRINGER, KEL LAN:I. Refer to Cook is Hams, Broken, Pitnberght Homey Hanna A Co, do do Ife3d&wlyS ureancorr. )011X IX WICK. L. X 00,100. X. LIPPUNCOTT £ CO. MANEFAC mimics of liarmtered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades. Axes and Hatchets. Hill, of Cm. Mauler and Gin Sawa Hay and Manure Forks. Hoes, Manocks, Pieta Ac.. having completed .11 their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and in securing t h e best workmen (roan the most cele brated establishments of the Fast are now manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above ardeles, having availed theremlves of the dun unproven:mut, and an determined Malin work manship and mannal they will not be excelled. They promise to produce animas equ_,al if not mperlot, a to ny that can be had In the . They Invite the atten tion of dealers to sal examination enheir stock before pciretining elsewhere. as they are menaced that they will be able to fill all orders in than Ma to the Calle satisfaction of purchaser.. Warehouse, Water stoner, 4 doors Wen lilonongahela House, Pittsburgh. Pa N. B —Persons having business with Wm. LB:men eon & Son sell pieMAGI can on Lippeneott & ottOdly _ !Arms w woODwv-1.1... Pllttsbargh Pawnliar* Ware Ilootrat .. .. .. . A lugs. and splendid assortment or Perin turn, suitable (or Steamboats, /roles tmdpri. Yam dwellings, constantly on hand . and made to °Het The present stock on hand cama bo exceeded 17 any manufactory in Me irestorn country. Persons wydung to purobaer. would do well to give rne e cell, al/ am determined my pnces shall please. Park of the stock <011.4 in— 60 sofa. with Ploch uld Hair-cloth covert; 8 dos Mahogany Norse Chun; 14 our Dram; 111 dos rpm mahogany Chaim; 12 mahogany Work stand.; 1 do. mahogany Rocking Chum 13 marble top Braman' Burman.; c pan Ottomans; tl marbla lop Work Sunda. le cherry Work Swtt; Mahogany, Staple, Merry, and Poplar Fledmeatle of all de .cripoone. and a large urorunent of common furniture and chairs, too numerous m mention. merle! 1.AD1E23 ARE CAUTIONED AOAINiT COMMON PREPA,RED CH.ILLH. HEY are oot aware how frightfully injurious a is to T We akin—how coarse, how rough, how saflow, yet• low and anhcaohy the Win appears after using pray., pared rh et k • lie side , a tofu ri.s. contatnutg a large quantity ot lead' iIVIVe prepared a beautifulvegetable n'hic4 eau JON Kt , LILY is perfect:) . innieete "rota to:rifted ot all deleterious qualtues am! it towsrts to the .kin • natural. healthy. alabaster. clear. bring who, at me stone wow wool a eottreette on the Wm. making it soli and ausioth. be. ;amen Anderso n . National Chemist of MUtiat chow., say , . - After anstlymng lone.' Spanish lrly V. I find It possesses the ronat beannful and mato. ral. and at the tame time innocent white I ever saw I eertaanly can eouscienuousty recommend to nor to all whose ottn require. heauttrytng," Pere, 3 rel. a boa. Sold by WSI. ACK.SON, 25 Liberty at. marts — Pitt 11...ebbse Works and Foundry. JOHN Co, are prepared to build Cotton and Wooden Metentivry of every dezengnion, such • Chiding Machines, ...Spiting's' Speeders lgraarang Frame., R..losay fiends, Warpers, .spoolers, themuirg Frame., Laranas, Card (hinders, do ‘Vrought Iron turned. a:; •irr• of Cast Iron. Pulite. and Fla in;•r , of the I t paney, slide and band I and took of ail limn. Cason. of every description lu maned on •nort natant. Pattern. made to onion for Md. Meanug. Iron }Willie. he. Steam .Pape for beat- Ing Psi:tonna, Ciim Iron , Viiiiluer Sash and fancy Can ting. generally girder. lett at the Warehouse of J. ?Miner h Co, Isberty street. o 111 Yarn prompt atten tion • Refer m BJectstock, BeL &Co, J K. hlooretwad & Co, Li. F. Warne:, John lxv.lnd, Son; P.ttabtargh . C. &J. IL Warner, Struttenvlllr. lanl9 Neva, hard use bowie. JOSE/ /I ‘VOCIDIV ELL, corner of ood a 12. thi Ha Plitebtiryth Ilse ortthdrasan from the Oral of IN • ar ant \Vet:setae:, on um Lc of /snooty, 1547. I late !desolate in announesng to tuy Melia,. ill the elry Lod couutry ‘ tltot ,iyit.vo opened 1111 now 1150741 al the strove tartlet! pleat nairTnil!llll , lll.l.4l my good 4 for cosh. and mad.erring...me:lle 001 aulnufacturers Lt. this country and us F:Orope to Ina constAntly supplied, I ant Polly prepare./ to tort:toot Hardware of kinds, el as good pre pared and ae low O. lioase 1:011 of %Veal Merchant, and oiler. are reapecoully nailed to ea.: and ann., my Meek, bt-fort porch...mg e 1 . ,. abort. The tollesteng ren,rises • part of Ills mock: Steamboat and .addlete Lar.tsesre, guntronnungs, I.es. Naylor , stee., OLL . <dr L.A.. an ed.. ytees. .ocks, Jambe, scythes, but: &now. •creurs Co.un tor) planes...twit ollthoitinv boar& and veneer, and •.! Oiler •• • ar . elf4l with the hardo - are host , unthlllf City Dagaerrlart Gallery. I=Ei Hite h; beds teat, m k worm the moven.* oi Tins. burgh and et ctatty. thet he hav taken the Darner. rLati Boom. late:y oesupled by Mr Porter. The pub he are ...tote,' that all the !ate improvements are Cora. red. and will be brunet. !t to oper.UOn by Vr B•ge. who boa beena con , tant operator wane the art was brat ds•eovered. Ettore eautedetton u guaranwvd a.l wbo may become his patrons. hit 11, win reier with pleasure to Mr Porter. in whose establ i shment he has operated foe the last te twelve months. Penni, Por rans, Entvraeings, Daguerreoty pe. Daguerreoty pe.e . aratel) copied Labtenwaaea Lai en toe nv v0ca1..., a nd let In locket,. bre.st into, cases acid trams.. Instruetions given to every branen of the art, and ap parants Turnwhett te9 ...ens Mach - foe Shop. HHWIGIrrmA N— anuinehor vl 'rinds of em. . ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny coy. Pa The above work 4 bring nos 11l Mil and succescul op ers.pon, an. prrpered to execute order. WWI dispatch tor 1e.4 kinds of machinery in my line. aura as willows, mc ken. epreaslera. cards, grinding machines. railways draartng frame.. ape...dere. *bream's. looms. woolen rands. double or alig, Inn lucerne. or country work. ennce,racka ;bode and hand lathe. and tonl• I gen al. Ni Kinds of shafting made su order, or p. inv.. eit for gearusg for tone. or mills at reasonable ia, charge. ro--kenne,:y. Childs A Co, illacketocs, hell A Co. King. Pennock A Co . Is. A Oran. ! . . DELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. LI H. EATON A Co, having removed from Market A Fl - 1.11 IN. bell and Brass Founder. has re- r . street to then new Store, No 14 Fourth Wt., be- A i bu ilt bu and tamale noed brume. • at his old stand. twecn Wood and Market, are now openntg , their Fall w dere or will be pleased to ace hie odd custom- cock of Trimmings and Variety Good., among which •d inentl•are--Cloak and Dress Fringes of allknubr i , , ClaiNch. Ste...boa, and Seas or every acre, front In Embroidery Gimps nd Velvets, ito Orrin pounds. ram iron, pattern. of the tno, appro , • Embroidery and Nee a dle Work; ed iraders. and warranted to he of the best malaria.. Le phy, and TapestrywodstitiCksindle Floe , Mineral Water Pump, Counter, among. do.. tone- Steel Bogs and Purses, Steel Truniningk; iber with even' vsr Tili AI liras, Crarags, a required. Imdie. Menno and Silk Vests, and Hominy. 1,,,,4,1 4A., 1,,,,,1,..1 ~, .., ~,•011, 1 Tenn, Children.' Coats, trailers, Mira, Gloves and Hosiery; A 1' is the sole porpcmor or Wm,/ 1 drercd . rter. heat. Shirts. Ladentorts, Drawera„ Dreasnag (towns, 7100 Mere,. ,uatly eelebrattil for tar reduetton of hr. It.otton to mat:emery Toe Boors and . .'oroposition Wool and Colton Yarn; s can be had or tom at si• um..al le Childrens . Dowses, of latest patterns, which they Of- Plloogt44, Plough Ciistings s 'llfrs`trits . - fer m loos erred. bath wholemle and retail. ocl4 UOIVS, 4.0. I F. IL Eared. W. P. liksionam.. ROBERT RAM, of the old - CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, &o. firm of R ft 14 Hall,. mantifec• • N\ - M`CLINTOCK'S CARPET:I*TO RE, tuned larLe iv •ntl ti e s o f No. 25 50 . 58 8 . 5 , 5. OA boxes. he, with trfeln " Pr b o L v i cthe ' ll ' is C :r . 1 " 11 g 1.0 . ‘ 11 V 1111 " ; O NF. of the h “g . " " the m oi st •"/°e stock of ICARIPETI. from irt the market, embraeing all the Peacock, Illinois, and other Plough.', of the latest and usua l qua Mee Nom t he most approved manufactories, lowt pattern. now in Us, 1041 have been tented for dosabillty in febrile and so- Warehouse. WI Lawny limo, Prnsherrgb, opposite tens the Hay Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the Tapestry Velv e t ~..,.0.th34, Conan Factory of Me. Is. 111raketack, Bel. A Co. do Ilrirsse Is do deiely • Brussel. carpeting - , NOTICE T CONTRCATORS. I Extra sup 1 ply do I °Tatra N4.1,11/I 401 , CH4114110004 R. RCo 1 . Sfl logrout Oa I Nashville, Tom , Nov it terse % Ewe do do IDROPOSALS will be received at Nis office on the Common do do I tech December nest for the Graduation rind M a -Manufactured toorder in new paneling adapted to sanry of font' int , . of road , vat tOl vale. neo I parlors. basement, and chambers to Nosh•Ille. ten miles crossing No {lateen fork of I Palmed (hi Cloths. for donna rooms, gamma, vent- Duck river. in lterPord coral), Tenue.see. and ten boles. kitchens, Ac. . ettlee.en t h e N or th tv,„,,g, 01 y,,, 00 „.„, e 5 y,, ~, . straw Starling, Stair Rods, Window Shades and leek eon counry. Alabama. Frxtdre• Profiles and piens nia% be seen et this orrice, alter Cotton and Woollen Rocking, from one third to three the 1 4 th December I mutt wide. Door Mate, ke. b.c.,to which the seen- By order of the Board-- non of purchasers at wholesale and retail is respect- CF Si t..tllNErr, ClAr I Elt,olict, tally invited_ Warermm, one door from Wood at. N B.- T4114111‘ .11, , , mile. of road, ior Indio, the Tun- •utDO, NV hFCLINTOCE net, and sin miles heavy mountain work.i are and, 13LACK ALPACAS—NV It Murphy,trwttes me pars conNact. Seven hundred laborers are wanted by rho I I j uvula attention of buyer. to lti. rassortnaent a C0331111r1014. novlll-dlyr• above Goods, having selected them with great rare, ire TO IVIIOLESALE GROCERS. re ferhner to their gloomy finish and good body for win- use. Alto, riiHE undersigned are prepared to fill orders for any ter use. LI:STRES, common', medium and Imper il. rmadtity or Cypmm Molasses Barrels, of . super' fine qualttrea,lllCluthog • few pledes jet black, adapted ar qUallly deli. 10 order at Roy time, by givlng roe mournin g o so. A 1.., u" • dew' n " su so ' sr "l'srt. Rs' Ws S '''''' FANCY I P .FACiki AND i_.USTRES,- in groat va c, elm entire it th ee, rnterest of those merchants who nety of sand snipes, prude, and broosuierk. some of buy Inmely on the n-011.11, am they can order thetr bar• 50 ... , , ~, any it,eett„Leet th ey thoy „ ie .,. 0 ., e , wench are very superior. As them goods heel. been WATTS, GIVEN at Co th o g b. 4 {LoActoal IA WllluAll cg Ire oharge I boa& directly from Importers, they can he told at the 1 k" To ' liie t P rod b al ' so P Tv7the piece, in -Whedelale Room. up Parlor eh. By . Or t `Lk IESS-3m• stairs, at a vary small advance on cost. - acid - DRES.S GOODS—We have received a full stock of Dress Goods, among which may be found— Platy Mack antiviral ttipmsts, Colored and fancy p 1..% do Oregon, California, Queen, Orleans and Lombardine l'ldola, plaiu, coloral and figured i'afihrneres, ' de Lane; Silk. Tanen and ?aidcashmeres; r together WWI a large eat of o th er drew goadscsdl or which hell! toe sold low by the VIM., Or parkolic. -- 000 l skInCKL.KI7 A IYllrrE.ll6 ,rood . _—__ - E) ECENED AT W. MiSIINTOCK'S Carpet %Vary lA, house, 75 Fourth street— :l p. 6-1 rosewood cord Table 011,Clorlra, 3 ' 13-•4 rich dirk v - " Tie abov• are of supertor quality, alasuctly of fin ish, of most bemttiful color. rind shading, Intended for furniture, counter and tattle cove:Timm °cm LARGE SePELY .OF NEW GOOD. m w. a - , SlertrwT Is now opening hr. SI.,COND tit PPLY o r Winter Goods, thetudiror , variety of shades o f Drab French Merano, scarlet, aherry, and other ugh culOred Mooney.; MagasNe bue do; brown - do Also, PARMETTAS of same color* Alplaccu, A. 0., yeah many other desirable KoOdlrthaittre eery aearee, all of which will be said vary elloap,itterslibeast edr ner of 4thand Market sue, , . noon i INIIIN --- A7 - SktilLlC liANDKEritcrt-;,lontirg 1.4 Johnson, 411.1larket strop!, Roll itfAtit 14e mitts , lion of dealers and other. to theft OM d Mod of Loon Cadtbrie Haiti's, all Linen, RIMY/left elpt d ls3,oo, ineld ding every varlet,' of ta=vdetedylhekented, stitched, clear lawn. WWI d.OP brißdets, Reeler, embroi dered and colored bordered. , r.. net. 43 Prrrsuu ituti S'CF.F.:L WORKS JOID SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. sun 10....1., 101:11f V. g 41.7106. JONES & Q VIGO, Ai Ap!;:olu' plough neat, .0J .4 !.;, , R , F; ; 1t 0 r Plough o 1 . ri gz n l. bi 1: ~..,,, d ..,, be sprang., hamm er ed roll axles, mad dealers in mal leable casting., ft engmo lamps. and coach aximßr generally, corner f Rose and From sts , Final, , Pa. se • --,—._ N.., r a- nenba a.. GEORGE * JEREIRB; ' COMMISSION PROVISION MERCHANTS Nu. 3 GUXXSICI IfIEXT, BALTINWRF. Rxreal.erirs—Church, Carothers & Co Alexander 14tughltn, John Liner. DL,ANICET:s . IILANKKM . —Ifoone keepers mod I others wanting above coed., will bear in mind that a large assatlmoat has lately beeu received. all gueithee, ineiudtuy; vet) large and superior. at the dry goods house of V: tovfl N F. corner Ith ate HOME LEAPITE FACTORY. HAMILION STEW ART, manufacturer of Heavy Shirting", Cheeks, Ac.. Rebecca street, cny of Allegheny. no•ltedly• PETTIGREW ar. CO., STEAM BOAT AG EN TS Omcs.ova M.A.u..a. Co, octal No. 42 Wale r avert. STEAM BOAT eLA.atizTs, ANUFACTURED to order and furnished at short with the tomtit of the boat in e•rh Man hist. t o Callon and Husk Manna's. mule in the bast manner, for • very low preen by 1. HHHHEY, norte-dly V anhousts, le Water so DRY & VARIETY GOODS FR.6811 F APFST •LL rg 009DS, CHF.r LTl7being received and nerwepeming et ALEXAN .I7,II, a. DAY'S, No 75 Market street, northwest corner of the Diamond, a very large and splendid•stock of fall and Motes Dry Goods, to Which they *timid re spectfully myna the attention of the Finlike. , h k , well known to almost every one that the present season iv one dmin,entsbed for its leer primes of Dry Gocala s and It affords us great pleasure in tieing able 42 #41112 01•11114 to our great facilitte• fo 'that pal - pose, tone of the firm residing in Phitadalphisawn have been ena bled to purchase our present itockccdttiiderribie redaction from the usual leaked rate.. cheap they m sell d f 7i rem' nod l inv ower all ,a are lethh";:usnit.a.l'"abgyriic:es aw mA or t o ' ff ie ni n* d .i th " i ere n to - . giro us • call, and lay out their tummy to the best ad vantage. The Ladies should call and examine our stock of Peil242, Oingharna. de Lamm, Cashmeres, Alpacas. Mean s, Silks, Bombminev, Plaids, and anons other styles of fashionable Drees Goods, of which enshave a very tine 212012111224 including every de•cription of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERF-S—To the gentlemen vre would recommend our stock of auper Freneh Cloth. and English, French and Ameriron Cusinteres. OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, embra cog almost every canary of style and quality. SATTIN H'l`St—Of which we have m excellent as sortment, and of all qualities. FLANNELS—Red. white and yellow Flannels of all Tpricqualities and es. TICKINGSAND superior alsortment of Tickmgs of all grades, and Shining Cheeks in great variety. BLEACHRD AND BROWN MUSLLNS—Embra. cing alamet every descriptlon of the above good., to eluding Sheetinp of all widths. ALSO—A fine stock of Satin Vetting', Silk and Cot ton Velvets, both plain and figured, Kenracky 'Jeans, plant Litocys, plant and fancy figured Cloaking and leek Linings, bleached and unbleached yank) Diap er. both linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table slaty., bleached and unbleached Canton Elaaneia, cord do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and col'd silk cravats, Ladies Scarf and cravat!, Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds Suspenders, Irish Linens, Linen Learns, Linen Hiikfs. Silk do, bit Lace Veils, Lore do And ildka, Oil Climaxes, Rapt& and Scotch 'Taper. reach, Linen, plain striped and barred !iconic, Cam bric and Swiss hlitslins, Victoria Lawns; Green Ram ps /re Plereliants visiting the city for the purpose of laying in their supplies, should not fail to give wits call, ns they will find oar goods and prices such as cannot fall to sat their purpose ALEXANDER& DAV, seine) 25 4.04.,, at, N W cor Diamond The New Golden Bee Hive _Altman. New Pad/ and Winter Dry Goods JUST received and now opening, at the sign or the Rio Bea Hive, on Market non, between' rd and Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapestand best asnined stocks of Fall •nd Winter Dry Goods ever of fend in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of one nu merous C. 10132011 and the public generally,isteraPenl fully Invited, as the subscriber is confident thit he can offer neh bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be inn pasnd by any other house mine city. As then goods have been purchased at prises far below those of any former season, they will be sold at greedy reduced rates. Among this large and splendid stock will be found many choice and desirable goods SI estretnely low times. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Very nch and most fashionable dress gilks7, plaid and striped black satin; sniped and plaid silks; plinin black •ery glossy gee de Shine; plain black rich Insists Ima ging, air for vireetea, mantillas and napes Meery low prizes; newest designs and latest styles cashmeres; plain and satin striped cashmere., very cheap; French merino ail colors; de tattles. plain and figuredand satin stnped, at great reduction on former prices, gobs Cal ifortn• and caehmere plaids mohair and Monterey plaids all quabnets; alpaccam, all qualities and colors, from WS to 75 neon per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS:' Fine cashmere, terkerie and brotbe shawls Black embroidered cashmere and de laineshawls; Fine TM bet and de lame ' do Fine black and colored cloth do Fine quality long. very cheap do Plain black and plaid silk, •erY uhouP do A large lot plaid blanket shawls from 75 cents to 43, all wool. DOMESTIC GOODS— MUCH BELOW FORMER - _ Good dark calico from 3 to 6 eta yet yard; Beat quality dart balm° from 6 to 10 cents; Yard wide purple do. 121 eta; flood yard code bleached moth o 4 co 61; tve autt c [Meta, ati ' , meat Btanketa, from coarse to beat q.O p very cl}oat, A full asaottatant of red, white and yellow flannels; . . Smot., Kentucky Jeans, Kenfert, Lineeyr, ore, etc, ell of will Ae fald at reduced raker. at No fk: klertet et_ seplit W5l. L. RUSSELL. FALL GOODS. • IT .11'CLIIITOCK, now constans.ly receiving his . fall stoci of CARPETING,, Re . Onnapristng one of the largest 11.011121 e nu ever brought to the mar- Set. .stitch bare been purchased direct from the lot• porter. sod Nlanufacturers, of the latest and newest styles. and lower in price than ever offered In mt. city, to whir., he "ISt.% the attention of those wtsttins to (111 . 1111. b ate aut.atuts or houses, belorn purchaang where 'rho stock consists in part of this fORONvIng nett', VI. Rich Arimuust Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plato colored do do Tapestry do 24 feet wale do Brussels do n-4, 7.4,2-4, 4.4 h 7 cut cloth Esdra super 3 ply do Sma Rods Ro do do 12-4,2-4 and 2-4 Druggett do " ltagratn do Blair Linens Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, 3-4 & 1 Damoak Ecnbosud Piano covers Vendtan do Table do 44. 34 & I rod do do Figured Table (hl cloths 4-4,3-4 & I plans do do Turkey Red Tthiellett 4-4, 4.4. 1 & 2-4 cot do Adelotd Mats a-4 padded cotton Carpels. sheep skin do Extra cup Chenille Ratalc boa do do do Tufted do Aboard do do Manilla Hemp do Snow drop Napiano [Taper Towelling M=== • Cra..ll .-4 mod 6-4 Txt, lAsken l'iau i Drab 31 Clow • •• Blue do, for coach trots, Trno,p'at WindOw Shade Carpet Handrog, Extra French JO do R'oa'd cord, /Leh Salto de •Laine, to cmcms=l Scanet. blue, crimson, black and drab Damasks; bested rainbow Damasks; worsted td linen Table Tues.'s; bloc. crtmson, scarlet, green, drab and black Mordent co on Flushes of all colons, &a. ten. Also, Llsnebares and Unltimp for steamboat dent. sad ad ottinr trannusgs necescary for outfits for boars ta oar liar, to whirl/ We especial attention el . owners ts invited. W NITI.I:siTOCK'S Cittpet 'Wareroom, one door from Wood, on Fourth st sepV NEW AND SEASONA_BLE 000i38. , A LEXANDER A. DAY have lust, received a fine la_ usortment of the following deeerMtlfifi of teat on able goods. the greater ' , content of which. have been bought at Atietton, and 'Anil be sold of great bargams. FLANNELS—Red. white and yellow Flannels, a very large and complete asaortment, and very cheap. SATTINETS—A very largo lot of blue;, block, bik m' A l LVl T ClVßl old tanT i b l ik B rl n pZ l' cia. ;1.17 ' Lir:Lig:l c e.. fanny NAM and limped dn, cheaper than Boot FANCY SILKS—A splendid asinkruaent -of nob changeable Saks, both plain and SO, of almost every had , SHAWLS—A very superofir asaortment of super I ‘ ,ll, Pflowd. Tcrken, and Caablunno Shawls, at prices far below the oriltattr): rate.. Also. • large aaaortment of fidtglial hlerinos, Cub ; mores and Gala Plaids, blur, blk and grey.Pilot Cloths, ier overcoats; bid Dustmen, comb Damask. Linen do. Kentucky Jean. to. e.c; to all of which we Invite , the attention of the public. • ALEXANDER & DAY, 'S marker at, 0ct2.1 N W C'lr of the diamond Eno} t. notate Rugs; Tolled do Nilson do Brussel. do Ew • • I , obola *cite: *salute, Iu .ne o der. lust received and for ale by DOS w J SCIIOONMAXER a Oa r Yoh:. *, NO. ,t 6 MISCELLANEOUS 1:10AD 9 1 Raw - Graddlittreef Goliame t te* rand 1?,,p1a Imulate4 Pides f .1 r ether t =3. — T" h 'h. Orlifirnallikoftho kind t ever hero preairtitedthtbli enemy or EttrOpe for the& .cal s, and u Meanly °mere, known to hien , by W himse I . :Jeanie amid can benormelmitothe bin emu eye, theism., th e brain, or Its any Perlefthe bedi , either etherneny or intemallys 'WWI , . 6° o ° Illarteks ay immi—erint perfect watery— aqZ7t7trilhat hepplest edems. Thttilibkanistet aye:targets is now highly/ appaned of by nutty of the Mass cement physicians of thin coon ire and Europe. to whom the afflicted and otheisarhom It may concein Gam twine/emit Reference will also be twee .markt,tuabil MlPeetftbiel eltelam t lailD have been cored by means of this nowt ,valua i r, spa:era.. of same' brine most Inch/ethic nekvbmitE Merl - which could not be removed bratty other known means •Antong venous others, it Tan been pinked hi be ad humbly adapted for the cora of the followoot disease.. viz! nervous headathe and other disease. &Nile Main leis whit don eeParenie alone that the chteretorre. cnvey the mak:tette timid with ease and sefety to the eye, to restore Inght, or core amauresaa; to the ear to restorkhcartag; to the tongue and other organs, to re store . pet h, and to the rations parts of the body, for the earcia chronic theme:snort asthma, net:mirth, or u c , doh:omits., paralysis, or palsy, out, chorea. or St Vita's donde, epilepsy, weakness from sprains, some diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the limb., lockjaw, etc. el., Rightl for anrrounding rounties of Western Pa. and pnvileger s with the inurnment,may be purchases:Led also tested for the cure of thscases. Fell instructions drill be given for the rat-ions charm eels to he used for •11.61>. diseases. sod the best man ner for operating for the cure of those diseases wiqat so be fully explained td the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into his hands expressly for th ,g ese . pares, Cam (ally prepared by P ih,e vri a lrvis. k•,'„, 4..„. 0 NOW MUSICAL INEITROMENT. emourre OliN IL MELLOR, No al Wood street Is the so. 0 agent for Carhartis Patent Melodeon, a new and beautiful instrument,xceedingly. ercil adapts-4 for small churches or family worship. For the benefit of thoee residing at a distance: and consequently unable to inspect the Melodeon before purchasing. the following description is given: The cases are recede oft wood, and are as band• sontely finished as a Plano Forte. The hey-hoard is preempt, the same as the piano or organ, and the tons (which is very beautiful.) closely resembles that of the date atop of an organ. The instrument ran be imme diately made portable without detuchnig any part, the bellow* receding into the body of the ins trument, and the legs folng under, leserhi g the whol in • ompaci form. Each di instrument has a packinge o case, istail whole when packed weighs only 45 poands. The col Lune of tone is equal to that of a entail organ, and by mean* of the swell may be increased or dicalintaind at pleasure; it is sufficiently loud for small etsuinhes, ruid 511 well calculated far a parlor las unmans. Just received, a sapply of the above price, with case win InsuttetiOn Book, !Si oats Reversible Filtering 1:100 FORPURI VVINO W A Which tandem turbid teat t pure by removing all mahout.. not table is nr ( e,.... , e7 ,. .1 1. water. I:it l e cre= water In' M. Yost, ', tis,;.; ., ,i,t' hen it passes .2 r rthlug 'Y li e' tit " te .‘; laboring cook, anows7 larg dapos ' i7 '''-- ' impure substances, won., . Thu is the case more or 10. With alt hydrant OM r. Thy Resemble Fritterer is neat and attrabl and is not attended with the inconvenience incident to other Fineness. as it is clean/tad without being detached from the water pipe, by merely loaning the key ea bandle from one ado to.the other. By tau easy process, the coarse of water is changed, and all aceamuladdtut of impute substances are driven off almost instantly, wshout unscrewing the Filter. It also posacimes the adtantage of being a atop cock, and as suck in ninny cases will be very convenient and economical It can be attached where there is any pressure lugai OT tow toe ea., lank, trkli, e.e. with one. To be had of the aide Agent, W, W. WILSON, only corner of Fourth and Market an - -- DlApheftgla Filter, Aar Ilyaramt Water. t o TIIIS Ls to certify that 1 have ap pointed Livingston, Roggrn & Co Sole &gems for thut mile of Jetteing's Patent Mayer Filter, for the m nes of Pinsbn end Allegherry JO k 113% GIBSONLAgeht. tor Walter LIS Gibson, 349 Broadway, trek 10, 184 e. We have been using one of the above •rucles at Me office of the Novelty Works for three months, on mat. and feel perfectly- satisfied that it is a useful oilman., and wr lake pleasure in recommending them as a uth fol article to all who lone puTewirter. Orden, will ho thankfully received and promptly esocuthd. octl9 LIIM9GSI'ON, ROGO I Ct & Co PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE • mins Instifinton, under the care of M. itnd' Isosrous, ware-or:I for the reception of .1, the same or, No. frOLlberty street, on the Ist Monday of septenther. Arrangnumm. have been made by which they will bo able to curni oh young ladies Moffitt. sows? to any to the West. ft, übtamlng a thorough English. Chum, . . and oruensittnal education A roll course of Phi Itsuplociti rind Chess:ties:it Lectures will tie delivered dune: the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de purtreecus of Vocal end letattoettratail MOllits. Modern Lanages. Drnirtng and Painting, will each be under the caref a competent Professor. By close !MOW,mn lo ties mora.l and uusllcental improvement of their pu ltla, the Principals hope to merit a coinutuailast in' the iberal parronage they hove hitherto enjOYed. For mans, ate curator or apply to the Praticapaln. augtrciittf GREAT WESTERN L. , ADDLE. HA FLNEAS. TRUNK AND WHIP MAN I'FACTORN,--The subsontier takes than method ot informs:lg has friends and the hubris. 1/I general that he has the largeat monk of the tedieurtust named tins eler of his own manufacture m this city—noddles, Har ess, Trunks and Wilma, all of which he will warrant to be made of thebest material and by the best mech anics an Allegheny county. Being detmined LO sell tun tit.ufacture hernething lower than has been here tn,ore told by any similar establishment in the city, he would locate persons in need of the above named articles to his warehouse,No.244 Wherry greet. oppo site Seventh. Also, bans made to order for machine ry. oct3u-ty G. KERB'. Cooper Duplex wad Lever Watches. JUDI' received and for sale at airr:greatly reduced prices, genu iue.T. F. Cooper, d Caltborpo strfi, (tray's Inn. Road London.," Du• pier and Patens Leger Watches, cased in IA karat gold, and fall ienvelled, with Chronometer balance. These are cow the finest watches mad, being gaper, or to finish and accuracy iro the M. J. Tobias, Joseph J uhason. or any other make. Those in want of a very fine watch are Invited to call and examiue this lot Also, a large assortment of Gold and Silver LVatcher, Chains,Veal, Keys, ix. LEP Fine ore in the bow manner W. W. WILLSON, octal corner ith and Market cu. A rirrioN , s XENOPHON'S ME-110fLatilLe - 11. Xenophon'. Memorabilia of Socrates, arab Eng nen notes, critical explanatory, die pfolegomen• of Stehner, IN - Ipp-re lac of - Socrates, etc: by Cherie% Ando.. I. L. D. Protemsor of the Greek tend Lane t•n. twee Ccbumota College, Nem York. and Rector of tho tirammar Sebool. Jastree'd and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 0.20 URT I L. L. [BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, rflobracatn- U) PRY, he.—H. Winmaws hu opened a Night Mead in his .bool room, corner of 4th and Petty , nuance on Fourth, where he will be happy to impart wruetionia ansof Reading, Penmanship, ante mete., Book Keeping, Phonogsuphy, ae. ondi-den TEAM. II(tAT CLOCKB--klasung cotmlucleito;ll 0 odour route stock of Kirke s %Janne Timepieces, we now offer to them at lower prices than they can oe bought at any house in Pittshurgo or elsewnere, or west. Being the only established agents here or these Mocks, we nave the largest and finest smolt meat in the eery. Call and me. Remember, we are not to be undersold. BLAZE k CO, Market street.oet.lo entrance on north side of the Diamond Scales, 000k111, Stoyea, GiTat,s, to. ARSHALL, WALLACE & CO., Room! Church, in corner Liberty and Wood streets, manofacuare and offer for sale rhufonn, Floor and Counter Scales, of the most improvedqualny; Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg Stoves of various sizes, Parlor and common °rites, Hollow Ware. Ac. &c. They also manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given men general sanafacuon those hiving It in lib, to all of tvlanth they would respectfully invite the allannon of the chumus and the pubho_v=ally. 00t.174rt Watches, Jewelry, Or.e. ^4.1007 MAIM DT AND F 017.11 51M1 . % en - Mr - ROI, THE auttacriber has returned from the lam, and now opening a large and carefully selected Dock on Good. in his hue Grateful for put liberal patron age, ha hopes to tuna a continuance thermal by thlt gence tn basalts, and keepta the seat amortment, and at the atom mum:table arm g ee. Friends, er., and the public generally--particularly artrourtters ranting the city from a distance, are invited to call and exananc my large stock of geode. mania AttEtIVAL.—Da Tow:earth' , caa• TT aaPaatti.a.-4..`,00 boil!es or this great fall and winter medicine, just received and for rale hy R. E SKLbERS, : 4 -ode Agent for Pthtsbacalt, of who the gebtanc article cau ne had. °cm% - - UM ELASTIC CLADT - MiNei—L2 doi (. n2!..0 . . ()yescoms; b doJae ket. 6do pans Yams, 6 do do Legging., of d daTereat kinds, 10 do storm Hat. I do ctuth,t, with hod wan.. Jug lettived by Erman& and for sale wholesale sad read, M the Fast enaprieec We wash it to Oa understood that purehm• emara baling from hrst hand. that bay Mate loth. tlultber Depot, No 5 Wood sure. oetZ J V.H.A.LIPS A BOOBFOR PARENTS, YOUNG , FERSONB 411. AND 1N VALID'S.—lit. Bansungie Otlootheou Sense" ou Health, Physical Educaitoo, itha,lisesast Voice, as based upon the mechanical pltilOtophy of man's physical constitution, being the sobitiate el his lactates on die obeye sstrjects recently dialveni4 in sy. this co. For sale be Et 110P1ILNS, ocjlll Apollo /3 gdiiinA, 'lib IV ANTED, PERSON with a *mail capital, and acquainted lA, with the tiusinew, to take an Interest hi an Iron Foundry, to be located on th e Porno RailrdsiL Ate ply at the office of Friend Rhey dee. rvP 2 t'IraILPEDO! CAlif.Fatlll—llsvingrusamedlrour the lJ nr.triacturor drawl, a splendid rkiimraigur Car pet. uf Most lrearutifuJ colors and shadiup a.rul any ono furnlatrlng park,rx would do well by aXlannarna our stock, as we are selling very low 0n , r16 W WeLINTOCK, 1.3 Faulk .t 8 as rad Sho• 8 P ‘ A. crar E. :o: l 3 V en F ure 4. F k o c ik s; Ill.f o iLl3 l'" ram ithawets, 60 do t doi Axe., Natcheta, toeS.u.sutt: lick., pricesßello , . r, Vices, .4c . for sale at m tura!? prices I'l nevlB ta , .. 0 COW N. 18rwood at_ . wI Au UL: NVOOLL . 1 —The tug markat cc 111 yy • cualt s ill be paid (or the diferetit grades 01 NVool, by 8 & W IntARBAIN: 11, not 10 63 water cud 101 Croat sl 11 o . t u Vt , RRApr Ctor e M C rvm cb4l.E.„Vite•—„A- fewrccei r y •Tx* e RL.W 14 UGH . - CA REtZli Ai I'LES—ta6 bbly Orem Appbts, oo roe rAgnmout and for We by novl7 ROM' A CUNNINGHAM LAD—talat toga (3.J .60.64, Lima sank Roscoe 40••••••,. uo•2 & _Co YrJai DSOM F.EI OLEAN PLAlDS—JuskpaFet•etl. • I_l_ largo lot Of, neh eimilgettble Ortettal l tatclz, • ndid article, ttot.• a handwme annatton of alba; at very lOW price. nor 14 ALEXANDER & DAY L , A.Ncv libtA trLe.—A agendu), J: wool full and Atizt add selling at the rely towers. Auria ; u: DA V novul 3d and Mi 1=1:1=1 OEO &HEY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers