ItIEDICAL. Yr ALV C ONSI7IItP TOWN; BE ON YOUR O ;YARD , • DB- EIWA.VIS. ES COMPOUND tillUP OF WILD CDREDY: WOO Coughs, Colds, asdars„ Bronchitis, lay ,. complaint, Spattng Blood, Ihfficuity of Breath. ruin to the Side and Wean, Palpitatton of ihe !knit, Intluensa, Croup.:Broken Con stamina. Sore Throat, Nervous Debit!- t y, and all Diseases of the throet. Breast and Lungs; the most ef fectual end speedy cars Meyer Irnovra for any of the above disc..- ; as es, is DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry! This medicine ism among those of doubtful utility. It has noosed au , o6f from the thousands daily lanuichedapon the tide of it . gperiment, and acne glands higher to reputation, and if becoming more extensive 'yawed dam any other preparation of medicine ever produced tot the rend Of suffering Men. It has been introduced very generally through the United State. in‘i Europe, and there see few towns of importance but what contain some remarkable evi dence of as good effects. For proof of the foregoing ointments and of the value and efficacy of thu melte cure, the proprietor will insert a few of the many thou sand testimonials which have been presented to him by men of the first respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility and justice. then to tee tify to farts, because it will do another a faver, end themselves no iotoftlee Such testimony prove• eOn• elusively. that as surprising excellence is. established by its intrinsic mettle. and the unquestionable authori ty of potato °lranian. The instantaneous relief it forda and the teething inflnenct shiTused through the whole frame by as use, renders it a most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. BF:MEMBER! ...Whet' mem acting from eon•elenuous impulses voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of • thing, or parnrular fact. •uch testimony. being contrary to their worldly interest• and purposes. coerces ennvlction of its truth. and commends itself in a special manner to universal creibince - -O 'Hogan'. Mond Ntaxims. H I' T 111: HOME CERTIFICATF:s.. :tll LL ANOIIII. C. or l'et.movut Consent-rum:— There never woo n reutedy that Dr has beau an succensithl in drop*, Cam , of Consumption, as Sway nes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthen. the system. andappears to heal the ulcers on the lungs. rooting new and nch power posaesaed uv tto other medic... Cuanza Co., April t2th. 1070. Dr. Own yar -Dear Sir: I verily believe your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry boo been the tneans ot saving my Ilfe I caught • severe cold-which gradu ally pew won , . attended WWI a ...Were Cough. not remsted an the remedtee which I had recourse to, suit ereaslng anti. my ' ease exhlluted all the symptoms co Pulmonary' ConsomPoon. Every thing I toed scented to have no erect. and my complaint increased so rapid ly Mat friends as well as yself, gave up all hopes of nay recovery At this ume I was recommended to try your invaluable medicine: dal so with the most hap- pv results Flte first bottle had tke effect to loosen Ito. eettge. causing me to egpectorate freely; and by the nor I had used six bottles, I was enurely well. and am now hearty a than •• I ever was in my Life, and would Ise hwn) to give any information reepecting my case, that other sufferers may dense tke benefit for which I ism so grateful For the troth of the above statement, I refer you to Peter Knob, Greece, West Chester, Pa., of whom I purchased the medicine. Z. Respectfully }once, Jsr.os hiooaaa. • ;yroutlerful Cure ol i t!idetkodia lifinsstsr. Dr. Swayne-.Dear Sir. Tree! a debt of gratitude duo to you--aail u duty to the tdfiteted generally, to oder my humble lesumeny m favor of your Compound Sy rup of Wild -Cherry. Some three years pace I era. violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the Lilltga, which was accompanied with • distressulg cougb, pram in the breast and bead, a very considera ble discharge of offeasive mucus from the lunge. espe- Melly upon change of weather, however slight. At first I fen r o 'alarm about toy COndition, but woo pretty •0011 covirced that I was rapidly going into eonsump. uon. I t grow dm' weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above owhisper, such t h e egee eding weakness of my loop. Dormg this ume I had tried venous preparations and presenptrons, but found no relief -growing all the none worse Just here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in • tlielligtort to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry Ito confess t but previously and I Thada been prem. diced agent. paten mediones. against those Namur out of the hands of emperies m . but under em taboo our cleans to the profestuoit and prance of mcdiClnc, and having implimt faith it the saying of my fnendsrl forthwah purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your spell.. a hew loattcs. and commenced Its use. hIl ihe ease vmsthat Ors, of . ..1J , 07 •25 months' standing, CO., sequently It was deeply seated. I fototd. however. conelderable relief from the use of the find four or hoe herpes hum 1.0.4 a public speaker. I frequently at tempted to prdtmb with my Increasing strength. and the that had already Degtin to heal. In this me,. doubtlesa my cure was greatly retarded In consequence of acting that imprudently. I hod to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per fectly restored I have no queetton. • much smaller number o: bottles would have made me sound. but for the above ind.creuon. The Syrup allayed the fever ish hobit. took early the distreseing cough, put • stop to the dlscharge of matter (rem the things, and them and tim enure system good health. I have defer red odenng this certificate unnl now. for the punseas of being perfectly satisfied until the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer o wsth Piet Dubitit county. N. C. Rev P Solute:, Important Cautam— Read' Read' There ts nut one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that I. DV Swaseas, the fast ever offered to the pub. wince, has been sold largely throughout the Ettited Siam, and some parts of Europe. and ail pre paration,. ea b> name of 'Wild Cherry hare been put uut soicc yudkr cover of Fume derepove cue...tam:es , nt order to give currency to there sale , . By a ant, obwr , anon, nu person heed m,stake the genenne f rom Inc in lw Each bottle of tit- genuine t . enveloped wOll au euttufal steel engraving. worth the o likeness f Wl:oatit Penn thereat, also. Dr. Sway., sinature and as tanker securtty, the portr. a Dr. r. will he :added hereafter. to as to diettngulah preparation trot all others. Now, if a was not for the great eurauve propernes and known rinse. orDr. citron no , Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, per., would Mil e ndeavortog to glee currency to their •tko.truots - by stealing the name of W,ld Cherry. Remember. always bear to mind the name of Dr. Swayne. and be not ~cared. Pron mal tlthet. canter of Eighth and Race emeets, Phdudelphra For tale wholesnle and retail by OGDEN dr. SNOW DEN, cur 2d and Wood 'ste, 0 A FALINESTOCK Co, coo let and Wood, and Oth and Wood .0 W5l THORN. 5.1 Market sr. S JONES. 120 Liberty at: JAS A JUNE. nor Hood aad Peon .; JOHN 'HITCH ELI.. Alloglooty city. and by all respectable dealers to medic,,,,octl2 - A MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been al 11. filmed writ the asthma for tone years. had taken almost every torte His physicians constantly alien ded him. nrol he uod exnded over two thous/mil dol lars. He orrel believed pe in advertised medietnes, but considered them all humbug. At Mat he tried Dr. Taylors LtMsam of Liverwort. from Ta Beekman street, New York. end i coin weeks was entirely s n ored, hav ing token only three bottles. This is only oe of many cases where imagtnary obiections to a patent medicine have prevented persons Mini mina' this medmin. who have expended nundyads of dollars to their pnysimans in vain—and in the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy of this purelyvegetable preparation. There is no mistake, that this medicine is superior to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicine On, taken ...11 years to =awe, and ts the su rest remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public. Rnaciasni:P/LLIRI. StitilaNZZA or Bakalrei Crazo!—Sudering . (or a long tune with these complain. I had given up MI hope of being mired l Sad consult ed the botanic and hoincepathic doctors m vanin. I had used many articles advertised, bat found no relict hi despair I had given up the use of all medicines. Hear ing of the great vtnues of Dr. Taylor's Halmos of Live r• wort, and the great cures it had pesfOrmed. induced me to try it, and to my great my and astonishment. arm better doily. I conUnned its we, also his Sugar- Coated Pills, until lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of liverwort is the best medicine in the world for these complaints. and will S cure every one afflicted. ETH LAWRENCE, Captain oldie Nancy, of New York Arram. Cotten.— I have suffered from the Asthma a very long ante, and have used every medicine 1 could obtain (or its cure in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort This medicine has afforded me MOO manifest benefit, and is. to my optaion. a more for this distressing disease; more especially. as I know of many cases among my Mends, where ti hos been high ly successful. Persons interested are invited to call at my residence for furthev Information. MRS. S. RUTON, 4111 Laurens st Sold in Pltmbargh by I 13 Nieman 93 Wood st, Townsend, 45 Market at, H Sumter. coy Market end 3d sr. Henderson ff. Co, 5 Liberty re Price reduced to 61,50 per bottle lei B. A. Fahnestask i • And-Billow Pills. ru trilz Cathartic compound cambiaco sinallnesv of - I- bulk with edicient y and comparative mldne•• of purgtwee action. and havtim a peculiar tendency n, the biltary organs, m cmdemely valuable in mut cuun. try, in which Mims. fevers and other complaint. at tended with congestion of the lieu,. SS mach abound ThitT have now stood the test of 20 years, and caper: core ha.aproved them ra be a safe and valuable remedy in /riternittient, Remittent and Bilious Fevers Jami• dire rßilious Cube; indigestion' Dropsy , Drsentary , Bilious Vonmungs , Colds. end all complain. of an In flammatory character The complete and universal aatisfacuon which nits been wen by these pills to who have once used them - renders the publishing or the numerous certificates in them favor unrieces•my. To prevent counterfiemng they are now put up is a red gylograpie wrapper. Price en for a hos containing 30 pills Prepared and sold by B A PAIINE3TOCK & Co corner let and wood. and able corner 6th and wood sepL2 SETLER. , VERMIFFOE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS:- Mr. R. E. Sellers—One of our phyaicians, whose practice is very er tenon', told me this morning of a ease in which one vial of your Vernufuge brought away above en worms; and gentleman in the neigh. borhoud said that less than hull a vial caused the dis charge of near 60 large worms from one or his chill dren. Very many of such instances might be stated It is well known about here. and almost all prefer it to any other. Send me 12 dozen and oblige Yours, J. M. WILSON Parents who do not wt. h to infle with their children, should use Sellers' Ver try ERS. mtfuge. Prep by ared andlu sold R E SRLL 57 Woad st sold Dr Csel, sth Ward; I/ M Carry, Allegheny. nowt vi ORGANS COUGH SYRUP—It provul to be Mc Al great Panacea in curing my child's datressing sough. Prom the Temperance Bonner, Nov 3 1847. Cavort 8711111,—We arc not in the habit of peeing, much leas taking patent medicines, but we feel disposed to recommend Morgan's Syrup to those echo are afflict ed with a cough. After having tried the usual rem.- dies to remove a constant and distreming cough, that had for several days afflicted one of out children, with nut anceesa, we were Induced to try Merman's cough syrup, and by it relief was obtained to a few boar. It proved ID be the panacea in Mir case at least. Prepared wholemlc and retail by the proprtetor, JOHN D MORGAN, Draw., &hi wood st, 1 door below diamond alley. ASTRONG EVIDENCE tit Dr JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT superior to all caber remedies tor Oottgbetrantreption, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Potato effeetionsos that the same perms* who cognac:wed the MO o(it in Men Eremites ten years ego Will prefer S ) alt A men re-medics of the kind; and where any hve bern induced to try other preparations they have stoma invariably been disappointed m receiving he benefit which was memorably M/acted from the high moss bestowed by the proprietors, mad bar* returned to the use of J /Taal' EZPLLVOILAST, • remedy that has never ruled to reline them. and witch probably ocrer Ind S. eq....1 to unarm( pulOwirtary disown Popnnut may by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and sold cm ig roareeti ALEX. JAN' NES 75 Fourth et DLLEYR PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five =n vies from the ume of its application, remove the pains from the severest burns, scalds or Mite r., , and will heal wounds, ulcers and sores of any kind without scar. This valuable Pain Extractor can be had of JOHN I) ?HO No 13 1 RGA, Druggist, Woodstreet, cote 1 gent for Western Penna. CLOTH—bat reeetvedi 6 pieces ladle C ARRIAGB Bobber Carnage Cloth, from 4 to 6 quarters amide, perfectly' water proof, and • very durable anieth. For sae at the India Rubber Depot, No.l 5 k PHILLIPSL /0/FFFS•4OO bap RioOottea, tor sale kg kj lON ',MILL ROE WIFTEIII4O DißW—Dirthi Rubber Drinking Cups sual nratoncl. u dos India Rnbbar Drinking Cana • niticia tor imie ni • India Its i ti=e o ota3l /till' MEDIGAL • • 7.1 - urt ; 1 ;1 - 11 - 11 111 141 =7..t DEL. TOWNNEND , I4 coavcwa LITZACT Or SARSAPARILLA Amass out Illessivr of the Age. The mart extraordieut Meltable to the World I This rltfaa 1/I put up is Quart Bugles it is s; times cheaper. pieeeenter, enal eharrmatagi to. . es/ sail It carte soitihna to/mil:km pearev, /lichee*, at labiltiatm,ll. Patina. The great beset) and allrielity . of this Sweeper;ll, .ver OttIIIT tat tir tide It ere.b the die Imo. it laid:orates the body. It fa meet the very beet SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known: it not ently pmtlim the whole mate.. and ...eenethees the permit. bat it eremite eta rum eed nob I toed : • power powsemed by no other medicine. And •.t., hes the grand meret of its wonderful success. It he. ,erformed sable the to two yea., mere Ulm 100001 •ares of severe eases of dierem . •t ISAX)O imurabla It has saved the byes of more man 10.000 childroa daring the two paid masons. 10,000 caeca of General Debility sod 'mane el Nerves. Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole •s , .trd, permanently. To thosie who t hat hou ,n.eularemogy by tee effects of medicine or indisore 'v.. unmanned in youth, or ale excessive indulgence of I h. passion, and brought one guevel physical proeurs. •lon of the nervous system. latude, want of mew., ~,,L i n earn aatt o na prettiatura decay end derchoe, beaten. towerds that feud &seam Coimumpeox cen be en urrly restored by dna. plea ant remedy. Ten Same panda is far superior to any Invigorating Cordial. Is a reuses and invigorates die system, goyes activity bil, sod strewth to the IMISCOWT1).1131. in a rs.raortlittery degree. tonseemption Curved. Oloalase soot Strsagthme. Commetptlas rot be nest Betreciitss. Contraption Deer Coooplaeol. Colds. ffetervh, Cougles, Lilac, Srittfag of GliOol glffittlelif the C/Asst, Hectic Tlese, lrytkt thileoots, Difficult or Profs. /erect.. ration P a ra to ths hife, hm, helm Nn end can ha rail. SPITTING BLOOD ffece York April 28. I Warunnto-1 holime that your bra sar.:ri ril ho , bn the menu *unit Providence, of ea /:.] LUD. luau fbr mural yours had a bad Cough. mum •ern ud worm Al lam I raised large unantl. Id, had might Swum. sad grotty <WM. :.‘utd xi I reduot mad did not upon to Ilve. I hem ugly ay your Sarsaparilla •en time, them has womb ;. th , chub. nought In cu. Icm now able • L waft ;it our the elks. I elm no blood, and my • ogh 1,0 laft m. To oaa but. that I ma fir Chime nub. • Tom °haiku sammil. WEL ILSCISSLI N ac Catherluat. Dr. Tasmeed`r flamapardllo los emeraira tad sprodr ma Comaptica Sommers, Prolapms tort or Falling of the Womb, Cardreersa Piles, Lou mem. or Wburs, abstracted at dlfamilt Scams. to. Imoodersos m m is., lamdratory dirshmo e t rect sled for dee iolai pradesti t nyallat abash,. ths matt efts/m os of the ai masa orur eters— mar s t reduced el, Inapdartty. Mum or evade= Nothing e to h mers tiosi =li nd efr . scx ids. from WW amu I .1 moo Isosisisse rein. off full 01 iorgy °odor hs lamas. It Isimmdlisiony soisourusis • so In frame. lottith is dm groat .3130 Barnisosm. It Will act be sispostod of us. is .sens of so &Amt. a sows, m üblblteertlneatso 01 e. perftembed but we au wenre the afflict.. that I eadroda cf earn Itste bees sported to az. Thousands uses where flastulles bete bete w wheat chibitew cr este, a lbw breathe e tevablabla mediates, re be. blessedwithUM. Itaallby ofrspneg. Ter Iflathers WWII Mawrled Ladles. This Zotrant of Ranaparalla has been oxprouly end In ft:erases 1/3•Caaaale complaints. No fameie ho has reason to mopes* ale la approaching Cost . -Weal pariah Tb. boot of life" .bootd ocean to Ars 14 it I. a certain pravantleo for any of tis r ameroas roe horribla diseases to which females us raieetat this time of bib. Thu paned moo 0. do. t rod ftre esveral yarn by anal, ibas ...twine. Nor • n Ism trainable for iboae wbo aro approaelimg so Atithood, as it la ulenlated to maim utama by quash mug lb. blood and bertgoranlog the oyster. Indeed_ medicinal la Invaluable for .11 the debut* diva to womb women are submet It bracts the whole symua realise permanently th• nti ro•rowe b.rentostno tb. =panties of the Lody, not ea Co. oumulator4 to to ;wade. .barqueor e•lstmanon. 'Welt u th• eau of room ateduriner talt•n fat wstaktoma and Manua. By am; • few bottln nina modicum, many se:--. and patatel sorwteal opera :war may be prevented Circa. Blooding to nothearsootti lbild.ra. It o m. teen sod most effectual mevbrane for punk tur lb. .71.11:211. and Marvin, the auffenmoi atteuil.a 1,09 child birth ever dieroroved It strneridieo. he, tbe mother soil ettald. pretests pona and dthett.e. to num. sad annchtsUre (met those tura a soak it tudtspeimoble. It is barb, u•etta both toifore iffraiter rimbnitnieut. u . prevent. &armors aticatav .• etuldbirtb—in Mount-tau, Piles. Crempa 0.. of the Pert.Pes,..mienc. Hem-Ahern. Vomi•inz. l'oso in the Back and Lotto. False Peis. lieneitritua ml m regalaung the secret., • and equalizing the me elation it has no *qui The great beauty of this medicine u. It Is always taro. sail the most delicate ass n most suceensllally. • •V'T few mum regain. uy other medicine. in mime • litho Caster Oil, or Magnesia useful Eziocise in the open alq and light fuel with ..ine medicine, will .lair same • ado wad ay not Cittunont =CM= Cosmetics, Chalk. and • twisty of preparations rune rally la um, whet applied to the facia very soon apod it ~r its beauty. This,' sham the pores of the eltia and heck the circulation. which, when nature o not thwart d by dimes. or powder. or the thin talamal by the • Relies used In soaps, hematitic. its own production to batman face es well as in the garden ol r,rb and delicately tinted andvariegated !lowan, A attire and heal th y circulation of the !hada Or the ,tartung of the pore, nab blood a the extrecnitiea t• which paint, th e countenance a the mom saga. beauty It ta that which imparts the Indescribable thdee and dashes of lovelier. that all odour, but ' , ono the describe. This beauty a the °Serino; of se. iura—not °removals+ or soap. If there anot a free and healthy Circuital°, them lass beauty. If the lady is rdr as driven anew. if the pout and a.. cosmetica ad the blood I. thick, mild Lod impure aba is rat beets I fa. If she be brown or yellow, and then is pare and ....ties blood, it Ono a rich bloom to tbe enemas. and • .-Ilhancy to their oyes that le !osculating. This I. shy the tkerq and expectally th. Span ..11 ladies, are oo mach admired. Lmites to the north who take bat hale exorcise or are o.fined a cloth or have spcdled their complexion by tith apph. ration of dolMerion. mixtures. si they wish to re rain elastkrty of stop bnoyant amnia. stimkling eye. • nal &matins] complanooa they should nee Dr Town ...rd's Sarsaparilla. Thousand. who hare tried IL. than ...Led. are delighted lad , . of eve,v ••stion. criierd our office daily Notice to the Ladies. Those inat Imitate Dr. TOIBILIKIIar. Sarespanils, o.variably called their stuff • Rows!, J. Ye des., and haaa copied our bills and <units, .Inch relates to th• COM 0..141 of sromaa *or I for am, otlior Inez who put up medicine, hare, since i.iceess of Dr. Townsand's Sarsaparilla to cumplatot• “.cideut m fetualmi, niesaintanded that, althoti„,b pr. ously tbei did nat. • notobar of ammo Illiatorea, Ni.. c„ are zujurioas to Dostalak dm,aggravate d... 00. .$.l oodertalga Lim an:Natalia. Dr. Tovroavall . . ss • y and brat remedy for the esseasous female nom sines.—tt rarely. if ever We of effactina • permaneot It can be taken by the moo delicate feres/rs my cue, or by those nape stn( to become soother. +.16 tbs green. •dvantarea. as it prepares the system al prevents pain or danger. and strenytlcon let:. ether sod child. Be easeful to get the palm,. Tide certificate conclusively proves that that Seree rills hat perfect control over the meet obsunate Jr. •u• of the Blood. Three paracess cored to own hectee II uprecertented. Oa. Tows...ero—Dear Sir: I have the pleasure w you that three of my childrea have been cure.: • •Scrofula by the USA of your excellent medicine I.y were afflicted very .evenly with bad Sores . have ooly four bottle, it took them ewer, for which I 11,1 myself to:dermal oblbrattea Y.., respectfully. ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster. Opinions of Physicians. o. Townsend is almost daily raceiving order, kola I . ,) siva. itt different parts at the Union. This ts in <artily that .e, the ntidersigued. Physicians the Cm , of Albany. been au numerous eases progenb. en Dr. Town•und . • liermparillt and behave it to I. orate mom vahaable prepanations to tk• market H. P PULING, M. D. . - J. WILSON, M D. •R B. BRIGGS, b. D A,batry, •priLL 1641. P. E. ELMENDORP, tl. D Cardil (twin, to the great sucowe utd Immense Of Dr T•crioirest's Sarsaparilla.• • somber or men wbo were •rw.erls our Assiut, have commenced ambit. Bacups ri Is Extracts Elixirs. Hamm Extriscts of Yello , w Dora. t • Thry 'summit, put tt up tv the tams shaped b... 1. • and some at them here stole and copal our admit ti mtsi--they are only worthless 11121.0011, sod rm Ise avoided w,liry.loMre. P.M FULTON Street, Buz Pk°ltho[. 1 and r iorg &C. 8 Mtatm .tryst. Boston. nyou & rrr IT/ Norsh biecopel yurryL Pta)&delpbry 8. fi Droglrtyt. firrlomorn. P Cobs& Ch.rlyston tt r Ie Co.. 111 Chartres litte.t.Pi 0 .1.5 Mouth • ,•rry.e. Album. and by .11 Me yrrnripal Orgy Orr, ...rm. ;enerally th...vybour 11. I bprod N. R.—Person inquiring for [hog znediethe. .hound nor he Induced to take any other. Druggist put up Snt•aparillaa, and of eouree prefer selling their own Do not he deeetred byanpnquire for Dr Town send' e, and take no other Remember the grnu e - Towngend'a Harttapgril Aoki by the .ole agent. :YELLERS. Generni Wholesale /t Hetet, Agent, No. .57 Wood rtreet, and D. If CURRY, Allegheny elec. ROSEDALE. 0 AJLDE ES, MANCHENTEa. Z , liE Proprietor ofthm well known place of resort has Me pleasure of Informing die piddle that Ms e.t.d. tiotntent having been thoroughly refined and repaired. InAlii the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated. w _ . now open for tonic accommodation, and h• darters rn, ho- PEACE! PEACE!! I sell that Mime who may favor him with their patron fa amen, age will find all that they desire, provided in the best :MT Bin' IN EVERY MOTHERS HOMESTEA D '' .l '` an d ''' ..''''''''''',,' term.., Hat7,,`:,''nnth determined to rr ill: and has long been rouvtimed of the ' L l'''''',",. .""'''' '' ""',",'",":,: g e. ',.." ''''' w orthy I ` .' I stecesoti for mine medicine adapted to the use of o f p''' c P . "'"'C',,l e It - , r e ergth'-g,,,"“Z"g all eft. Children end Infanta to aupercede :he eat of ail Mom '''"' d ."ff . f `' . i '"'" ' ' medicate s to ur , of airs op m, andnog g ,,,,,,,, g , ~,,,,,. roma. stumble to the mason, consiantlyon hand ceetted in prepanng and offering in the public a molt- ''''''" LEVI LIIMCIIFIELD. eim. fully anawe ring every purpose lor ail diseases ol Me NI - onowirah - ela 'House TAlloriA; Estab. bowels, without the use of that deleternius drug. or an; lishment, other calculated to Lignite 0. the cut. The Infant Pan 3 fSA AC ittta.t.i A.NIS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in IL., Mtn been hilly mated anu tied. the last twelve I Mon the clusens of Pittsburgh and others, that he mord., by numeroun pet: and and lound to ,po ..... all is novr omening at his rooms; on Smithfield street, tell the extruardinari vittuea and to produce all Inc anion- der the shove Hotel, a large and beataftd latmarnnent ishoug effects as net l oin on the trill or drreetiom Di- of Clint.. Pessimere,. Satiate. Pill., and other Vesting,. arrtrea. Vomiting, Clsolie,firlping, Pains, Sicknras arid together with such other articles es are required tar Diseases arising from Teething actor, Immediately gentlemen's wear His goods have been carefully se warmer disturbing any of the function§ of the body, lerted, and are of the netwaat and moat faillhiouable producing the happiest and most Mermen, transition 'r us well as of supenor quality. His customera front violent pato to a tranquil and Joyous - state of feel- may depend upon having their clothes made up in a HI, 111 the little anderer. manner which cannot fail to gratify the tuts of the Co be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr at fastidirm• _ 4 4 9 1 JOHN SARGANT. Druggist and Apothecary ;John ; ohn TOBACCO—iO Las Branch & Wailditi , fa. . Mitch., Elliott & Beckham, end Most other Dense.. 2do do do extra pounds; o Allegheny and Pittaburgh. deeld 3do do de Ilita and Min rkft. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPA lIILLA---50 dozen 10 kegs Not, 0 Mutt ..g../ jut received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsapanna the Llt do Pgh CaYendish; most eitraordinstry medicine in the world' This Et. 3 do do Plug; b act is put up in quart bottles. It is ax woes cheaper, tin Al do Seganq . pleasanter, and warvantud superior to toy sold li ID do half Spamsh do; for sale by cures disease without vomiting. molting, mckening or .r. J D WILLIAMS • debilitating the patient CO MICE HOID4E—sf wring taken the large mid C0M 1L.°1_,......."3h.TA,... ‘ 3o26 . — U.P.ateirka P . .. ° _,. t. ha n e i.. 7 minima smote iluum, sad Bacon Storehouse ad. . 0 , P.% OW . 0 . 2 4 and pot .tp mult.itu ........ .outukt; our W.ebouse,on the Canal Buie, wean pre. shaped War , see that each Imttle hos the wHnoa mg . wed to smoke snit stone bacon on reasonable tams. art.. of B. P. Townsend. BIER & JONES, R. E. BELLERE, Druggist 07 Wood moon, between m o rd Canal basin, near 7th at Third and Feurth, ts Dr. Twarnsendfs only wholemue --iiiosrfoifir,4-4011IdirrjrAKETZD.u4.,g and retail agent for rittsbrgh, of whom the genuine E article e. Le had May nth, 1848, at the School Ili me of the Sizth D. M. Curry kw been amotnted the wile meet for Ward, Pinatoughi By EL M. Butaktuutke, _ Allegheny city , al whom - th g mo th., gAigig can , g ,, Published by JOHNIMIN k srocwroN, ....4 r,,, had. not sale by all the Bookseller, in the. city. )7 3 -- • •- • -. _ - lAIA PERS—Russia, Begnehi Damask and figuredßAßLEY HALT-000 bush new Mel fo r W I/ Takla, do, a good saaortairmi nre'd by wen% °mail_ BROWN & C SS lIHAOLLECT & . ii - ANUFACIORIES. — VVICTiIIeir..X . /01fElielt -& -- til IR 157 /C OFVIN MA KERS ACM) TURN! Sli INO UNDER- THE UNION Leill TAKERS, trimmer or Peon and Si. Clair streets, --. .. ~......,, 1848 . *apostle the Exchange How entrance Hotel, caan ot Penn niter, . ::::., I ::, respectfully tuforro !Ilea friends and We public. that Wry are Pro'', a - cd in famish tad hhe" . "" ,, Y ,,, nt :" BETWFMk PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. the line of Undertakers. Always on hand a farm. as- W. T. Ildrators& Pittsburgh. sorment it ready made cotan, covered, lined and fin- Rcco. Pagan rk Co. Beaver, IPropet. rural n the vcrts - hitio manner. •11 some and sm es retry IaanTORI.I 4 1 / 4 . ClIAN1111.1.1•. CirCtilind insite Slime rts.;! to Imo i. Camel, le and gnu +nu, and ail VrlSEtabove Lt m now PreParen in iranspoer e rei ,thr s , sr e wide re. approve: styles We keep a larg, , 1 gaol pa simmers from Pibrgh end Cleveeed. or ..or tad IV yi 1, .4.1 in•uk.c.,...,.0cu.4 kid 81ea,,, e , rer , e „, „ the ce,thi, „,) L e e,, 'or par/ bearer. and mourners, crape, rape, eo- I One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run mm, and every thrria neemsr. , l for ffMse , he the end..e. rdng ru conneetton with the ' , mambo:its Luke Erre and .10 On reasonable terms. et` we peerhase ill .., p.a. hliehmart. between Pat:burgh and Deaver. and a line to I t Ewer, ern, Also. shiver prem • for engraving of first dime sreamboars. propellers, brigs and setimin the ame and ae. We have a splendid new heame...l ars on lake• Erie. Ilitro j,No ti .Ni a li n N. d .r . , :f l e :A h A r t p u m uorH,..Rino.,:i..r....„ now,. and any number of the beet carriages Ili property forwarded In any parr of th e 1:,.„ 0e ~,,,r, mine mended to promptly and Panemad V neth.lY drape:eh, by ._ BENNETT 6. BROTHER ) co, \Vats, and Smlthfield sta, Pittsburgh. if FEENS‘VARE. Al AN I:FACTURE:HS AGENTS:—Reed . Parl• & Co. Denver-, Dlrminigbialu, [near Pittablargh,[i'a. R 0 Parks It Co. Youngstown, Or Wareitinale, Mi. 137, Wood street, Pitt.burg D Bostwick & Co. lirtadomhA. E W Cotes & Co, Wa r y sth WILL 60II.SMIlli y keep on hand a good ass°, A It N Clark. Newton Fallsg ip men: of Ware, of our own manufacture, aad sapermirqualny. . Wholesale and country kleii chants arc respectfully invited to en:land el emu. for Mematives, as we are determined to sell 1' Lemma, Newport; l fr. E hi Whittlesey, Campbellaporh i 1.3 Sl'linde, Ravenna; cheaper them has ever before beet offered to the pub- hl ft C H Kent. Franktin; Miller It Tuttle, k rail. Coyahoga Palle; tu - Orden sent by mail, accom parr imi by the tali or t. Vheeler k Uo, A l3aniey. Otlitis & Co. Smrdusky; city rerercncr. er,ll be promptly encode.. tn. 101,2 C, 'Watkins & Eagle, Toledo, to Wihranas A. Co. Detroit. Mich, hr Clore It W , Marns. Milwrickm, Wit; 111 Winalow. Chicago. 111. apll l' Lva Jan. E. I.ltato FLINT GLASS SCSTABLISHDIENT. AlL,.L'''',N•tb L an:l L a i. t, ' n' To ' :d ac ec i l and P i ln ' i . n P lTn; Glaaerrair, in n al: .ta varonea,•l their Waal:ma Cor ner GI Marko, and Water strata, Vittabutr.h. Our N‘ orio contanue in lull operant,. and We are j adding to our stank. whack enable, an In 511 arder, or::llproruptne. l'orat.O. Ire reepeello) , •o cal awl clamorprlce. and terms. Ina ;Wry - -- COACH MAKING. FROM the very ',beret encourage • • ' - meal the subscriber has received Ay, • he has locreed himmr in Allegheny. : has induced him to take loner, for a term of years, on the property he now oecupie it Beaver street. warned. ter: . beside the Presbyte s, rianClurch From the long es perm nee In the •bove business and a donee is please, he hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug gies. open end top Buggies. and every description of earnests/made to Doled, from seventy-five dollars to ex:it henoren leop3-eltfl JOIIN SOUTH MISCELLANEOUS. A f ANUFACTURIID AND LEAF TOBACCO.— , 5 1.1„ 14EA I.D, BUCKNOR A Co. 11 north water st, and In N. wharves. Phtl'a, offer for sale on itccorumodaung term, BOW pkg., Manufactured Tobaeco, coustsung of pounds. half pounds. s's. Ts. I.2's, Ilgs, Id's and Tts, lumps; sb, It's and es plug, and 13'. Ladies' Twist, in whole and half boxes, of the following approved bran., • James II (Hun', ()shorn A Braggj (tr.,. & Wi.lrant, A Cabamss, S Jon, & Son, hl'Donald, Webster 1 hd. I Thomson, Jam, Thomas. Jr. A H Armlstead, J Thom. & Son. Loodhorn A Arm/Head, I P Coates, J h 1 Cobb., Gentry A Royster, J A Clay. M A Butler, C A Hall. Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl & Norwood, J S Blackwood, Nath Page, Keystone, N' 11 Vaughan. Edmund Hann', Port.. Robinson. Russell & Rol/1.0,1A rem, Robinson ACo .9,k IlaJsey, R &Jewell John Ender, 1.404,040 Lower, J Holonn. Gra) A Gray, D 11 Turn . er, 11 Jamieson. York White, D Yl Branat Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers sod finer. Y.ra do do do C.mmegoe do do do s' J aro de Cuba do 40 do C. 1)001114(0 do do do kur a & t•unlea do. part finc, do N.., - do do do henturly various grades do do V,rxtria Leaf. .0 tame for mandfactunng and export seed 1..e0r Penn's. Conneetreut and Ohio: rrlltra Se eps, tererct, German Prper, Prpe heads. ore h PPurt Iloore. and bladder,' hisecouba Meal, 1 oniol• Iteuns. Havana brae. I run Rose. Llerpanlot Uquorree, Patent eavencirsh F ntve.. rpunk Ar. R PHILADELPHIA, nrylA vs/iv...114+N uLiaips. •i-iiE greatest arid bon variety osor °Bond t ly 1 before—made on the on, approYed Eastern in nos most fashionable Easton patterns and colon Al. THE CHEAP ROLL, or nosruN BLIND. on hand or made in order of all sloes. and at all prices tlountry !tier-chant% and other, are to•aeol to call and elauonr the above for themaolves,n• a l . will be sold woote.a, er r-ta.l. and a Ilbera 1 dol.,nn made io er,oterca, ptavnascrs. A r‘ F.:sr yELT PAPER WAREHOUSE NO. V WALLING SLIP. NEW YORK. I off,. fur axle :ovr , st • Manufarturcr•' p.c... • •ery eatcn,re •••01. tr of PAPER. enrurr every yo.a,ox vane,. as the want. rP,oll,ll7at r• .n•.! {.l,e ,•• ,nt: Pan, al a . mane in orner •I•ur, 1 stock of HUNTING PAPER s ace., y :1:e• • • r. or wt, this of very soperwr gem .L 1 PAPER BIAMICWS !MATERIALS o' every dewrptwn,.rtipotted and kept, tels • ••:: Pelt.ngs. W,re Cloth. W rcs B Powder, Bine U,trxceenne, Twice, ao ,A.c RAOSI Cot:vase Bale Rope, Gra. Rope, Bagung, c , c . ru.rehaA.c.l, for winch the !vibe. pane n !, p.. , 1 Jr 237 New York, lal. J 1,4/1 BRICK FOR BALE. anderin n cled oder% for wale a topanot arise i 1 of hrtt I o buttdttte. made by ant Swann }'re.., ,n proved martnne. for whieh he has °blamed • patent.. anh4gree• g.oe purcnamero • a rtnen guarantee that they patent .:re stronger. tad w.:. retat•t fro..t and wet wrath •and trtAnhele•e ma usture or Mo - mess than any en, , (TEC., 1)00 and supenur texture ntwart. more dorat every resr erapect. each bat I h u •a,erted to • pressre of pet ton, and a handsome smooth .usface and wren edge. It"' & "‘ 1 L ', ... " . ' :o n etTe .' r t r o na th te e tt " s a a t tt ' s7a n o t ts b o n n c t k o a„ who have purea•xed A [•.11 wen at nay sorts. and •nectinen at the 'stet, office Moor ha suppl.trd thernselee• for their bmidtntt.,Mmg hand•ome (roar bark. or 4mpenor bard ni dsoltd pima; to,clt. can obtaun them Ilirmlnf h., luny 12. 14 ALLELHENY VENMAN BLIND FACTORY JOHN A. BROWN, - . . . ....... TAKE du. method to inform his fr,nds and the public at large Mar hts Factor) w now in rah opera on the west gh.le ot the DIMINIIIii. A llegheny, egheny, where • con. andsupply of Hlaida. o( ‘arrous cwor s and q oa.sties. are constantl) Ise,. outland. also. at No 0 Wood in. Plttaborgh, •t J I H Plutiips' oh cloth wreroom Vertinan Shill tens made to order in the heat style /inn& repel red at the Shortrel notree. N . Li _ii" kr,,,d s ; he put up W without l.) .4411- 1..0..1 riven.. .43 tha t the) the) con he removed in • mo n. ht in c as,. of fire or for warhinir and wtthout the sod h• ~ .c rew driver ;)I.4.llylwintrlir+ PERFUMERS dr . Eau [her.. de Vern,. for rerideraig toe •kirt .on and beautiful If•tiel, rel.-batted N pap. Soup. Haut, Indl.t. Veget•ale Hair tai, for rradstarry dlrlrentn, the hare and proration, growth ll•trelts Liquid Hair Dye air ebaoging red or gray rata to a beautiful brow:, trines or ehestratt carat. Haut, • Eau. Ituatrar Harr Restorative for praluring ugurunt ,roweß burr Hauer. Curbs, Flar4 Depilatory ?warder for remov.n, superthr ta, nnu ilauers Rood Tooth Paste. }faders Clone, or rerstan Tottet Powder 8.f.:, Lolly... Bed Shaving Cream. 11/suet's elegant Ex trarta of •arious fragrant flow< re. I,tnehandkerrhtei, together arab a large aa aortment i hac Perfumer), Jura rec d and for saley B A FA HNF.STOCX tr. Co. ror la, A wood. also eor nth & mood sta THE STAR OF THE WEST IfVENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTOR Fiat aide of the INamond. where Vetottan Blot& of ati the tisfferero macs and eolora are kept on hand or made to order ark the latoto and moat approved Eaatern ‘aallw tont, at the shortest notice and on the mos r a.on.le terms me r heap Boston roll or spht Bllnd Transom y and Paper Cortatna of all the daferent 1... CS and p.merna, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old V.I. nun Blued. punned over and repured, or taken in part puyment for new R Al WESTERVELT, Propr 11—Ail rusk door wol the best material and % - orkrnartolhlp, and warranted to please the Alper fat uo,ous amglo-dly Allegheny roy. Aug 10, 1519. WOOD TYPE. WILLIAM SCREY, 11. IL RYAN, ISAAC 14 SINGL:R. JOHN it MORRISON, having as we them,olves together under the style and idle ot hole). Ryan A. Co . for the Manummurn of Wood pe, and as their type is a.mgether made by machl• 1 , ry. we nll , tll.ll of limn, Singer, one of the firm. ii,ey (eel confident that they otter a morn perfect •rtic lc on type, and at much lower rates than any hereinfore uttered in the United States, and are now ready to hli orders for the Caine. An orders addressed to Scholey. Ryan A. Co, intent office in lhantoud alley, between Wood and Smithfield strew., will be punctually attended to. ILI — Proprietors of newspapers. on copying this ad• vertmninent .1 months, and sending us their paper, will be sainted toreceive their pay in type, ou purchasing three 11.11101111 t of their bill for advert/sing. I TRANSPORTATION LINES. RELIANCE. PORTABLE BOAT LINE, akt;ija 1(5 OP. T.I.I,I,IISTATIoN OT MMII.CIIIVULZY )IETWEEN AND I'HIVADELPRI. T H i ti ort PL , or e rte u mt r . t m t ,: to, ,n o v u . l n ct.t m al m tli:l , er , l l I:td r fiLt . t pot in Phtladelpbta. to a toneft targer'iVaroethouse Ott Market st., than they formerly °reamed, and a lao creased their room tor sioraae at Ptttsburgh, are now prepared to otter Much Creator racilitlen to torte friends and patrons. lioodr camed by this liu. arc not tranehippod be tween Potaborgb and t'lulaoripin, being corned en tirely In Portable Sectlon Hoot. To Wonders of flour and other gowd. motoring carrfu: nandhog. lbw id of Importance No charge.made for receiving or .hipping goods, or advancing cbarges. All goods forwarded p^ornpily, nod upon as reasonable terms aa by any oth er hoe. JOHN NeFADEN & Co., Canal Hunt. Penn Hasborgh. JA111124 IJAVIS & Co., fcbil 217 Mork et 24 34 Commerce et. Phan_ - - - - JOHN bIeFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Comm. a:on Merchants, Canal BIZII., A., Pittsburgh. JAMES NI DAVIS& Co, Floor Factors and Commis sion Merehmas, Market, and St Commutes st, Philadelshia feb24 Ale. A d v o a t n h c or e. d ru rs s e d r7plYo r7s l th o ' M o e f re h n e ar a i b d o ik v e e c o o n ns n tg o n " 4 to them. (Olt: NOTICE—The subserderp have dognwed of their 11. terem to the Penne nod tnno to CLARICE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JIISEPII $ LEWIS, of this oity. They will mann, to , ranskri lestassa for the line, at the NVirreboone on Broad Arc, es usual. and be speak for it a rorminusare of he patronage of their frmods M Let STEEL & Co. Philadelpma, Marrs sth. 1-4 S. P•aa , r amid Ohio Tran• ortaUloss Co. Daub& pally Lloo of I'IRST CLASS NEW rio Ars .1 ND CARS, TO ro,arrool orrovr. nrcseczart 3 LLICT MI or,lo CLARKE TILAW. canal 1.1a.n. Pinot:purer LEWIS A 8UT1.ER.219 Moth. ot-Philotlotpto. IAS STEEL A CO. Av.., Brood torteL COWDEN. CLARkE A (' .7- North at, Dalt. W PURRICK. Agt 12 We. *treat. Nov York. marl& Ge-partn•rattlp. Tk w lE g : th o t se r ve tuts cloy . ...anted thenamelvr. un Jar Ilte. *lsle of liter & loner. for the porpooe of cOnLinaing the 1:4.I iorcnrrly carried on by Samuei M Kirr. and *on, o a ron.ittemee of the hi. oral petronaKe hemtororc extrude.' to the house .SAMUEL SI KIER, 11 F JONES 31.reb I. I KIKEL.B POILTABLI6 BOAT LINE, COMPOSED I:Y[111E1.1 FIRST FOUR SEAT lON 110 A TS, FOR PIIII„11/K1.1411A AND DAI.TIMoRE VIA CANALY. RAII./it .A DS WE are prepared to Mee& eLnd lorward IreLalvi the *Lot tutd oitr roictitate p•acra wuti as much deapateh, aA4 . e.alw rates, ma ah) other tespormble Lao Tho anonuou orshlppers . ...lung to •end Park or Bs eon to Ila.nrnore 1,U.1 at plutacu.usly requested. in. smooch go our arraugrusgois coat., u. to carry suck &rude, through 111 heticr l/11. air other rue KIER d Est. Yropv. c.oa. twar 7. et- • . Patstraxgti, Munn I. 1,17 RAWL 1 LIMP. .a_iF.R. a JON 1t1...--Cortono.on •tol forwarritng Mor hanur. and Wisulesa:e Donlon nt Iron. ilioomr. Snit. Produce kr I.lnorn. r 1.. a poly ancor on consignmon. marlil •••,/,L a SI7I/1.11, al6 ar nr h aartlaf Potaurg6. Phsintletim,. UNION LINZ. AIESMA To r p tr=l.a C.-T.A , A 4./) 1411.1a1131, H,LICRIF GRAFT & Co., t'o nal Hama. Piosbargfi, DVTILH, HI. M REYS Co. N 0.147 Mart o Phsi C H Koos*, run,: North & Saratoga sts Ba%. Jona F Clara, No IA u.d N. , P. New XTLTICA.-orrh myleaf mar firms Inn Lo know, from and allot tom date. at PotsbuHrh. as Henry Ural Co, andlat Phdanomilia, as D.; Humphrey. Co 111.:NH GRAVY" ND , UND O DUTILH, CHAS HUMPHREYS. /I ~ RA l'stel.orrtt suarLAl PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE aaagMli AIM Far A. Trasuparutturn n 1 1-"•,rva lo and pate FTITSBUIGOL PSI I 1/1-1 I . IIIA ItALTI3IOHE N °UK. H+ \ Itoatocoa d t AA, Phtlatletphta 'IAA,' a 11Coo %am. httatturatti PHIS old eataalt 1..n0 Pootg now :a tort °porta l nos, toe proproottr• nave made ea rraoga• meat. to torso ard (or.. • •ad pr 041., d•opatott atol 011 the most favorao, term• They cootrdetatv uope Utt;,,st woo Illlowl,n.inp.n.•• tit deo ..rang tow.--pe cut.•r &ate, to a“.., tt• • att •, -aapartotts warahou at ear pont alloptt m mmlmodmmtia at:ippon. uott °woe r• potato-et- ;woo,' wt. tort, Onto expo twat...l.lld ,,, , ta`tttr••• t s • , tet'.. , " to Ate a root...a:too ot taxi -Poo. pataunage tor, A rons.‘nme.L. b, !Inc rerelved, chat. ger •nd fora nred at a retits/reJ , hirrtlotbs Irm ore,bar, rcmtrtbssmb ,y•nt nt monk:, inter,,, Auer, or ,n steamboats A rnmtnnzueipnot,prompt!‘ a•,,,ded tu apibir a tmn to the followut, ag•nt• 11./FIFIIDGF: & V' Mart., .t. Philadelphia_ TA AFTE & 111 ONNOR. I'ltt.Aurgh frCONNORS & WNI II W11...11.4 .41 er4lnr •t Nrw fort aFS LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. I : .o l . a b a u n r aa ,h 6o . ::: , kla•reatad Imola! and pa...riaaar 110010 ivoran lieovar and J., 1.41 ' 1.41 Itred • ot brat class stalnboato propellors and yeas,. an tar Lake, prepared to r erry fr,oht and pa 1 ,0111. 11 II tee EileCono,. ond Lax,. &h.. flurull and Mlrru. Clan luring every futility for eonve , :re:g hi and pas• with promptne•• and th•paieb the proprietor and agents respertfall> front their trlehd• • roil. L""'"'" v of their o!C :, , .r. Pr' RF:ED. PARK'S kt'e, IN:aver Agents. JOIIN A CAI'I,IIE) Age.. _p// nor Wan, ••tot .mithheld 18 - IS. ECLIPUR TIL•NSPOIILTATION LINE. To and from the F:asiern rote. teat Cuinkerlsiol. ri , llF: proprietors of popular tote. he ve • tinec their I. et ` target) ith res.,/ their /aril/ors to meet the wishes 01 stoppers, and are 110 W prepared lo forward • greater amount by the PIPE DA V LLNE, a• also oy adahtion•l regular wagon at low rams. This Ito- lent run throughout the' year. delivering Rood. ttiron•tt the agents to lia/ornore ar,d l'ittaborgh to owners and consignee. at Aperlhell roles and time. Shipman., from Philadelphia In, Ina line should be marked •Tate, B Rol/town, Lialtimore:' The only agents are, J 13 ROBINrtON. aJ 11 Char/es .t. Balttiaore EDGERTON teCo, Carribertuid. 0 f'. CABS, Brownrrilla rehl J C Pinsburgh. EOLIPSR TRANSPORTATION LINE— The Yroprnetora of a. popular Loos hay. ohanyst the Aircnoy n r untberl.d from the !mew of McSktg k Ma. rpm to that or Fdrerton k Pittsburgh and weemrn merchants are notked tha, J say. Ir Hoblueon IV Sooth ' , harks 0. klaittmore ts th e only authortzed agent or OE,. Lane :o the Enstamoitms. Th. only vents art J C BIDW ELL, PlDsburgh W CABS Drognomlly ED() A BTDN # Ca Culaberlabd J B ROBINSON, Baßtmore.. CIENNI n Transportation Company. - . 1 .77;:....1_ JIM jekta 1848 Oltirtfl ' fit t hta c tn.. 1848. TO PHILADFILPHIA. BALTIMORE & NEW YORK rta IMMISTLV•III.I ANL OHIO ILLII. WAD. ARl:prepared to transpor, good.. and prod IP •nd (101/1 d. .i.,C cll.. oil favorable terms. Ad s or apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Daman, Pannursh. DARIUS & LEFA.II, Nos. 13 & 15 South Third at, Phtl J. TAYLOR& BON, Arta, No 14, N'th Howard .t, Ilan. A AIIIIOTr,I4I.No 7 Hem Jure., NSW York Plttabursh, March 10th. 1,4 n. marten Merchants , Traneportati n Line. it: - ....- - ..=.: 1848 11103 4. . . 7L5 q.nOL /1.70 RAIL FOR PfULAtnr:LpHI A AND RA Lrimon F.. GOODS construed to our care he forwarded ,withoot delay at the lowest current rates. C A MeANULTY Canal Bamu. Penn st, Pittsburgh. NIERSEILLES A REYNOLDS, 4,02 and 365 Markt. st, ROSF, AIERRITT &Co, ter) Smith's wharf, Baltimore. MERCHANTS , WAY FILEIGIIT 1848 . Mita ILICLCIII7I:LT rot ?In 111...:131rortatIoN or WATrltilo . rt; EhETWEFASI Pntahurgh, Alaibville., 1101- E 1 lidayoborgh,Water street, Tfi untiugden Cm and Pe tersburga Tina Line was formed exclutively for the special ao cononodanon of the only business. The Propnetora thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re ceiveddunng Molest two years, would reopectfully in foni their friends and the public that they are new mill better prepared to deliver goods ar any point on the Canal and Bail Roads, with promptness and dispatch • - . . . PICK WORTH & WOODY, JA A LORE, GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLER k. CO. - • • AGENTS. Pitkwiorth & Woad., Johnstown. John Mar HoLlidaysborgh . C A hi'Anni ty & Co, canal lisiwn, Pittsburgh. Pinstrwriiit—Einilth & b. .1 1 hio=. I H filnionirorgor, R Robinson A Co, R Moons; Baty 3 Sooth, Joh. Puke', Win L.shmss k Coi Dr P Unimbosies. BOOKS, MUSIC, ice. Valuable and Attractive Semilloolti. T AhIARTINI7I4 Hiatt of the Girondists, 3 cola, /2 mo Simms' Lie of Chevalier Bayard; 14 mo P Life of Remy the Foarat, of France, vois-12 inn ',nab • Commis, Cite. of ChM. 12 mo. Nea.•der's /.11 , - 01 JesosChrtan 4 vo. musho Nlarvers Fresh t , Wainnirs, or a new Sheaf from the old field• n( t 'on tinental Europe. Capt Henry's Sketches of the Meehan war 1Y mo. New's Sion. acti- Hanle of Waterloo; 12 me A Summer in Scotland. by Jacob Abbots, 13 mo SonnotaM . . Lterature the South of EamPa: 2 yet. Ism Rustoit•ii Advirinures m slemoo and the Seery Mountains. 12 mo, muslin Ponhumona Work. dl Rev Thos. Chalmers, D. D, L. L. D The Precticel A.cronorner, by Thos Dick, L. L D. Life m Jeremy Belknap , D. D., Milani. of New / lamp.:,ire, Luther and the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A., I vols. The Nliddle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire, S William.. 2 vole, 12 mo. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.. Id ma. The Bethel Flee. by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 12 am. Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Artist by Rev. B. R_ The Cray. hi. Court and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lecture. on Shakspeare, by H. N. Hudson. The A rnsth of A tnenca—lllustnsted with nine eave s tags on steel. and containing sketches of the lives of lumen, We.;, Stuart, Trumbull, De Yet ex Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol, 8 vo. The Orators of Prance; containing sketches of the live. of Lunen:tie. Thters, Napoleon, Damon, Mire beau. ithtroi end others, with portraits °leech. Heiththy's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vol., 12mo. Ileadley's Washington and his Heneralai g vale, Urn Itlendlers Sacred klou owns The shove. together with a large colleetkin of Brend ard Works, Cleanest' and Sobool Book., for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellers, e. 5 earner market and 3d stts IV - EW AN 1) ATTRACTIVE /3001423--Chalmers' So tl lee, works, 4 vols. Chalmers' Deily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life ot Mr.. Fry, 2nd vol; The the euthor of ', o, hoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary. or Not of the World, by Rev C B Tay lor, AL A. Margaret. or the Pearl, do Mart Chilton, or the Merchant's Clerk, do Mlle of Pollok, author of "Course of Time:" The Listener. by Caroline Fry', Lettere. on Shelrepeare, by If N Hudecut Life of Olivier Cromwell by J T Headley; Napoleon and hi. !Hershel. do Waahuigton and hi. Genetale, do Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D Bethel Flax, do ILelwon Teaching by Kumamoto; Pulpit Orators of France, by TUrribull; Genius of Scotland, do Life of Rowland 11111; Free Church Pulpit., 3 vole ( /ralons of France, Now and Then, Bethanota Poems: Merger. Merger; Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Upon questions; Arthur's Popular Talcs- - Riches In the World," "Making Haste to he Rich," "Roche. have Wings," "Keeping up Appearances." -Debut' and Cretbtor." For sale by ' ELLIOTT tc ENGLISH, tell 7S wood and PG market In PIANOS. A SPLENDID assortment of Maim gany and Rosewood Piano, just flu tithed. These nistrument• ate made of the latest pattern and best seausnal. and will be sold low for crush by F 81,U5f E. 119 Wood street, 11:1 door above Fullt. N B —rho, who arc in want of • good usstrumout. are mayeetrully invit-d to examine these before per. cm...ins err'., here, as they cannot be ageollod by any 111 me country, and will i.e .old lower lilt] any brought frau, the h:a•t Also to reeeived, two pianos of H ant tissgb ma tin. warruned to be superior to any r :et sold in is country oetZl F II - • RIiCEIVED and Mr sale, a lot •i clam. • sane and artthout Coleman's .Eoltan Attachment. by Kumla & Clark. ?I 1 . One of Nunn. & Clark's Pianos, %at the Allactsternt. was taken to England hi hlr Golemaq. and einn.ig many other testunionials o( ad seiranoti Jar lets elegant .penmen of Amcocan skill .c 1 enu,y. eli. - ned the in;lowing remarks from it Thal.erg the greatest P.m.,. living /.ono.. las .IS, 1. , 10. Mv enclosing letter to my Irtend. Mr Frond. Paris. I cannot retrain from .gun expreasing (110 now t2.urn I was ',eased sane your - -fioltan A tat hment. I consider a. a great musical lot n•ovemeni. I enn assure you lam on my past I shall lalth great p.msaure do ru) utmost to Make year inven t], known For •n.e by H KLEBF.R. Al Woo.lwell's furratore rooms. 3.1 at HOOK! , —Lottertnirl lu Flarope. or Sketrhes / 44 Travel m France. lielgium, Swit/erlaud, rru.u.. Great Britain .nd Irel.d, with an •••peadox. containing obaervuuons on European char, and medics- iss•tautinua By Joan W Carson, N 11) A agrla. a noon ,•t' Hy the author of 'Emilia Irynd -1.1n.. -. Two Old NI en'a Tale," etc Scli-Canien a ..ovel. By Mary Brunton, author of • Ihsetpune ESIM=I MEMES= t ara t uttager n book for ehlinmn By the author cm Wrbart. - dr, The &ow, M 0711.11 ticeireJ awl day and toy Ilia by ,e,14 Joio...croN a. STOCKTON EW orate Mao:monols of Me introducuon of Meth.+l.•to .4 to the Eastarn Swot,. ronoproantr tottorapatra. nottrot, nf ot. ealtr prom< be,. sit eto hes of Ft, t r tot, tor •. tool tent istioteoces . early •trug• by A tvcott. A. M. 1 u• 1 Al.uwrr u: Rry I.vid At.cel, I) D, late Alluarruary R. w I; R Wt.lianiwon %1., NI Mrrrh•st: •• t) Rev Charle• Al A . tualor co , "Records Ai • (woowl Al. Marr. •. Marrarrt. 'ae. Pr•ri Ae Aa , gun • earn a•sortment of neve newt, on j..• 1 rweraving P:I—LIWYIT •p:11 36 varlet al • _ _ 1501.1111; BOOKS—ll.rtoty of the tinsel Rev. et•et.., •nd or thew an •nd rontapatots art•lng s•rugg ire or the Greek httrtm• Entanetpa. ate, roant-t !runt lutltath fete —ta two vol. a .. —tteptendld copy with nomentto• mar. Rut! enc., • :.11"• 1 Phvade ptk a Letterc . ! of lac reign of Waits= 111 , (corn IMA b IM.s.—er,th fine per num. In 8 MI. .11001044., 011 to me .150 of Me Holy Scrmt I . lmry Ntoet,nt,, romance, eetth SO veers • co. et, .4 :he lin I . Land Freeett Stage, and Ittkelebes • Just •,..t1 slut fur sale by Me DONALD R LIFFSON A/ market street \ OVELs— A II a.m. and As consequesices. : ‘ , ll I . IL /*rata. I.:sa Vara:, I 2 a.r, a nova, ontlaoat a flame by l%ai mm ~ .aepelser T I. a. ker.. arab 1 , ..0/tradon. /,Iv,• r.: NI) Couun s Stun E V Childs ,ior, of me Yeamatimr War. Ly Genera: Charles V.., m aor Ilar4u.s Loodonslert), G C ti t . /I!•. son of the ad Reg', I..fe littards Vac alm , , worts re ct .red mi. day and ior sale by JOHNSTON; & STOCKTON P \1 1 & 1 / 4 f ;... " 1 . .1.:A X , : A — b C y on , i t :t o ru s at , ed . fro d m m th b c . orig... documents Rer.ed and Inaproved under tr supers ra,am K Crol Entree', upon • pro., re.l cue h county. under authority of the I.:g.•tatur... A ,cer iarte and splenthd fa, reeelved 'Ls day and for sale by JUIINSTUN & STOCKTON. • Boot sellet• cot market •nd 3d eta r• ft V./-1g COVCI/RDANOK—Tbe Eniirsh7nanct tree. Concordance of the New Testament, leg a allele,. at ronnectron between the I..reek ~ d the Far,iren To a concordance to the p. o p er Name, erne Macau, esteak-Engiren, aruf Eng t.reet las rrcnv ed and for sale by .1111INST()N tWV/CETI/N. suc.b. Bookaeder, cur market and 3d ors =l=l=l A SPLENDID assortment of Rost 0199 snood and filahocany brand action Just fill 1•11.1 and for sale. Ain, two aplend4d Rosewood pianos. e;itt ('oletnan's celebrated artathownt, finished in the most modern n).e. and for sale at ritS V BLUME'S, 119 wood st TRANSPORTATION _ . REED, PARKS & Gds. PACKET LIME. IS4B. kiaatki BEA YL:R AND CLEVELAND LINE, vu. WARREN Cana. I've ket—SWALL,OW. Capt Ford. • oCEAN.Capt 'Natters a , t n e pt P , 7; k : n ta d lea .m ve v t , : e v . e:r m e o v r e r r , r n d g al i Warren, where they mono., with the Mail Stages fat AAaron anel Cleveland, tonving at e.h of these planes . for, night One orate Packets leave Warren illy, at sl' M.. and error at Beaver in time to tat the marning BECALM...LI for Pittabut COTES & LEFFINUWEL War r ropnyte. en. M B TAYLOR, BEAVER AND ERIE. PACKFP LINE. Tl - 11100•11 TO rum to roam mown. Canal Packet—Pannlytysnta, Cnit, Jeffrie s , Trikintaint, ' Politick; Lana Kant, Ttuby, .• Brown; FAIL - 1110N, " Sayer The above new and splendid Pll.4olllfOr Packets have r ennui-nerd running between BEAVER AND (ERIE. and will run regularly during the aeason--one boat leaving Kern every morning at S o'clock, and one leav ing Beaver every evening,immediately after the ten v. of the stoturiboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats ore lam and comfortably (unlashed, and run through in forty boars Passenger. to any pOllll on the Lakes. or to Niagara Fella, will had MB route the most comfortable and expeditious. lleket. through toed ports on the Lake anti be procured by applyuig to the propnemrs.. REED, PARKS Is Co, Reaves JOHN A. CAHEY, Ags Pittsburgh, cor. Water and SumMfield sta. AOSIN - 114.—Ja. C Hammon, Buffalo, N Y C 11 Rood, Poe, Pc C C Wick, Greenvdlo Pa, ADFarlmul and King. Rig Rend, Pa, Ha). Is Plumb, Sharp bar=b, Pa; W C hlalan,Sh•roi L Pa, D C Matturws. Pulask, PM R W Cutinsugham, Now Castle, Pa. jy Penneylvania Canal & Road Packet Line, IS4B. M ._ la FROM rrrrsHutiII.T.9..P . H . IpADELPHIA. a. HAL, TI MORE. IF . ..Naivety for Passengers ) WE public are respectfully tnfurined that this Lint lqwill coMIFICIICt running on the 2111 lust, and con ue throughout the Benson The Loa. are new. and of a superior eiriaa, with el. larked cabin.. which will give greater comfort. earl are am laical ronstruetion A boatadl edwayn Le to jeort, u. trove.. an . Quested to roll and elan:one theta before engairtng p nage elsewhere. Fore only nine doll•rs through) One of the boah of this Line will leave the landing topposite U 0. Hotel, corner of Penn street and Cute, every meow nine o'• clock Time )14 days. For Slttonnatum apply at the 011iro, Monongahela House, or to D I.}:FCH Co Jed-9 Canal Basin. /IARIiDEN & CO's Passenger and Remittance OBloe. isHANRDIAN & CO. Continue to bring porn.,,.from any pan of England, heland. tieodand or Wales, upon the roost liberal tonne, with their usual petrol:rarity and attention to the wants and ear.fort Murmur - thou %lie do not allow our pusengers he robbed by the swindling Scamp. that infest the porta,. we take charge of them the moment they M oon themßelves, and see to their well being, and de. &patch them without soy d oveetention by We Ent ships._ Vie say this fearleuly, s defy Ono: of our pasamt. Liverpool, to show that they were detained IA hours by us rn Liverpool, whilst thousands of other. were detained moutbe, until they could be sent in some old arab., at e eh e p ruin, which roe frequently proved their ebdins. to perform our contracts hanOrably, coat w h a , I , m.y, and not •ct lna ease tarn w i th ot h e r rdeera,—who either performed not all, Or when it muted their conventence. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from .L 1 to glow, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire land, England, fleotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General &gut, redi __Plith meet one deer balm Wend. MUILTe)-1 bbl Maudu j a c Z fAnclosiaLN ~~1 AND FOR THE 011J1.1. ATISU utCpl %tinnrng that preparation of S ..... .ILLA 1 / tO ITT present state of perfectron i and the experience (of fourteen year. has funuthed them the meet ample eilt , I. portneut reeommelito ,d mudy. erd to in ?Li p !' t ran n . oill ls3 yrMll.,. thttle dWaaes GirrilUilf Illhife' which curs. " P. Rents who with a lett,/ own Medicine are Invited to give it a trial, .44 satisfy Ii I Ithemensa of its supenonty, and the tort/whit property It penitents of arresting t. and cunng duets.. The bottle hat been enlarged to bold ONlit QUART, and In Its present Improved form may safely claim to be the •UT and cult-Tarr Medicine of the age. is progress to the lame tt has attained may be traced by • long line of f." 1" land cures, that stand at landmarks tnd beacons for the inva li d, poixding the •••7 to the haven of health. The following la from Cot S G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive Ilacquaudance to the Southern states. and lately appointed Consul to New Grenada i Mews. A. R. It. D. St,. • New Yyrk, /awry 7, IRS. Gesiettett,—Haring used. and wilneased the edicts of your excanent preparalibm of Sarsaparilla on thfferent person. In vanous pans of the Southern country, no, • Vlrgixda, Loultuna. Texas. and Menus, I feel much pleasure to Mathis the high entertained of as great medicinal value. In my OWZI Cl.lO It acted &IMPS =l7 charm. removing speedily the ulcerated mate of the system, and exciting, In the meet agreeable Mellott, • bete and Inelgorstuips influence. • • • I Your Sarsaparilla Is highly approved and extenstrely med by the U. States army in Me t re°, istft.ibom,ydemmt.„,,,4o,...o EN. , ZA O CH.4..RL TAYLOR, hat for:. r Ave ) ears article at the aloe same, and it tooow cenaidered an almost todispeut ne l r= • in the army. In =solution 1 would bay, that the better II ta known the It win be prised, and I trust that it. health-fns oring rustles will make II leneridlY ti, known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country ai 1 oa rs very respite - dully, S. 0. TAYLOR, U. S. Consul to New Osumi. aystispert, Omy, J Messrs. 1101rD. :—Gentlemen—Sympeety for the afflicted indsoes ma to thform rou of th e remarkable care effected by your Sarsaparilla In the case Orley wife. She wan severely afflicted wlth the Scroforla aa stillweat pry of the bail the glands of the neck were greatly Merged, en red her klethe tol lith moll., After refferlag am • Ma, sod finding no relief from the meOse th e dimes anacked one leg, end below the tree suppurated. Her O i rdain II thartildbe lalt . awWth was done, but without any eel bandL la 5010 Ithellten we t and were Induced to use geese' arsapardle. Th e Silt MOW peened end favor able affect: relieving her more than any de weir taken ; sad before she lad used els bottle*, to the astonlehmaal Wilt of ha due found her hsahh quite restored. It le now over yea the snot was , and her health regnittis goad, showing the diameters* MareW a ystil hem the menu. Our niegVhrs are all ILUDIFLaa Kthsse heal, MI6 SsesW it lanaVila p a r ir Mama; to the age. Teel With thaplPM, ZIMISCI from a letter received frt.. Mr. N. W. Nerds, a gentleman wall knave. hr Lotdsa county. Y. I have cured a taro bay of with Tow saislowilla., who we. attacked with Scrofula, and ofa soraftdare N. Yana Vol Fredricks HW . V., fel, 17, 11340.^ • N. W. The folloerrog testimony from R.o. Joha Orin, Imo Rector of the Chubs of the Crocidelob to thisofxy, commends toot! to atlemeles sf ths alloted teumeso. es of cone of mums dteettes deeded by Wm mdlairte Wangs daily Maw . r. Burns member of my fondly kw Ilikam.yonr raLaski lanapardbi for • ormaria sclonalona Wootton, ko. with I. mad bonafiedal afoot ranking from da tun -It amen ma Tary gnat ploaamr• ► to milord my tealliamay to Wulf of Its virtu. and Mot other, may in tad eel to ails idol of IL IfrIZT bopmg, 18411. JOHN (HUGO. Yuma. A. R. k D. Batten IfaZ kn g. Y., Ott. 11, 11147. Dogs of granted. = um du. to mak" Lic acowledgment of the bens& I ha .. dertved from the use ef yew Buss nue. for several years been adtheted with scrofulous earthlings In my head, which at timed would =and ducharge at my throat, nose, misers, and at others would break out In parte of my face and heath These condoned tuMLI my throat, It faim and head were almost one complete sore, sod fora bag time / watt so boar. that wse with the outmost thdiculty that I could speak above a wkdartr. During rya Moe I had Reread attacks of pLeurnry and other thecae.. I scantiest dimwit physicians, and tried remethes but recetved no beam& natll I corommused using your darn pardla. lam now well . the sores are all healed, and 1 Utast* the result entirely to the affects of your valuable methane. Tours, with respect and gratßude, PERRIS CAHOON. Heusi penonally acquainted emit the person above mama I believe her Matenuest to be correct. JAMES N L. CARE, Jostles of the Peace. POIPAAZD AND OLD, WHOLCLALZ AND 11TAI1, A. B. & D. SANDS. DRuootsra AND CEIIOIIErrEI, 100 FULTON-BT., cosalr or WILLIAM, Now l'paz . Sold ciao by Druggssts renerally throughoot the United Butes sod Cbasdett Pttoe $1 per Bottle sts Bottles foe $5 Pltraborga, wbolc.l, and rear/, by B. A FA HNF-art CX. s CO., corner of Wood and Froot of Meath and NVood by I. NVII,CO X. Jr.. corn, 01 Vainthrield and F 041141 att. and al.o st and the Diamond. a.., by EDWARD FEN DERICH, cor Illonongala Hon.. no:-3m =211123 EIALTICIVIS HTDROPATELIC XSTABLASHMENT, NSENG PANACEA! P11111,1111V.11. •.OLLY COL 1,. DR ELM' ARD ACEKR, takes this means of re. SUFFERING WITH DISEASED turning las 'dunks LO Mends end the public 'le unprecedented mere., which has for the ex le/ISJ Ve patronage be hat received, and am. me riente them that he has lately creeted • large and INSENG PAN WE... we.l roastructed buildaing, Mettle egytuelse porpous 'onus which treitatiou or the lungs u- of /lON WATER CURE IezrfAtILISHAIENT. at his old the P.Prtetst `Xs.. ctsi , ettert- 1...1:101, at Floiltpsburgb. .on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaver. where he is ready to receive panellises maniere, and treat them on Hy dropathic prtneiple• In addition to long expen and the great stirrers which has heretofore at ence. tended his treatment or patients committed ts itsrare, be has novr the additional faciMiee Afforded by an ex tensive hulloing erected expressly for the pupate, con taimng conantodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every necessary appestat for bathing, and &Imam* toting the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfiart of the patient. Dintlip•burch or a most delightful and healthyil easy of acoesa by smarnh.ts, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr:Acker, assure. , those afflicted persons who may place themulves tin der his care, that every !mention anal! be paid to thus comfort and u at uattrance oldie subltanital benefits to be dermed, he points wltit confidence to the hun dreds woo have been pertauently cured at his comb- Itshment. The Water Cure leays• no thiurious effems %Aloud, as ts too often the cue with those who have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease, invlgorates thdo system, protects (rem the dangers Incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural and active appetite, ud impute rigor to the digestive powers Teens of treatment and boarding reasonable. I , or farther paruettlars in at the estabhshment, or Mitre. the proprietor at Platliipaburgh. aug-Aid j'!1: ?1 .4 .ent etl the tt—•c All the var.. 1. gam.. has Ilidue Ur. La, th. IVONDER.FUI. ?REPARATION. Tne etkanirable weather ..bleb marks ear fall and vrtnter connthi, i. alwa) a fra/thal source of COLDS AND t3OUOHS. These. If neglected, are bat the precursors of that fell destroyer, COSL - .HPTION. The question, then. bow Mat: we nip the destroyer in the bud! how shall we getclear of our coughs and olds! uof vital importance to the public THE 118.1' AND ONLY REALF:DY wdl be foetal in the Ginseng Panacea. In pro.( thu ha•s from unie to nme publuthed the certifies. t of domes of our best known citizens. who have nop et, cored Its ettratree powers. Thew. with Mass ams tiroo.7 feem all parts of the count —from hihDICAL If&Y GP THE PI EST STANDING, misten of . the Gospel, &e.. together with comma itsvi lees hum the JOUR.NAL.s OF THE DAY, have embodied in pamphlet form. and may he bad (TIM, of ally of oar agents throughout tar country. HUNDREDA OF BOTTLE-1' hare been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we ch. ,robe any man tOpoint not a SINGLE INSTANCE n winch, when taken accorthitg to &rectums. and b e _ forethe lung. bad become fatally dtsorgantsett, it has aver fatted to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE . Why, then, need the Wanted hesitate? it , by re.ort to tin anwrable nostrums, gotten up by ant one tridivid• aalo o ter the .named name of some ce •I•setes phy sician, and puffed tom notoriety by cartiScate• c. per sons equally at known? Whilst a inculscs TIC of DIU PA RALLELED EFFICACY to be had. whose voucher. are at home, nor newly. bors,—¢tany of whom it hal SNATCHED FROM THE OR AVE- In order that this invaluable medicioe may be placed limb= the reach of the poor as well the net, we have pat the ONLY FIFTY CENTS, coat one half the usual rost of.coogh medicines. for is for sale by out agents in nearly' every town and ssllage over the west. who are prepared to gme full informa tion relative to IL T. KALTP:FI, Proprietor, Broasiray. Cincinnati. Ohio AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY • • LILLS.IOI.It, rrematmon AND Piql2Cl.ll4l.i. WESTERN LINE Ogßeeat LL. B.:edam/re. Baltimore. "D EDUCED Rd TlN.—he charges have been redo -11., cmd on all hlesuges to or from Balt:more Pm.- burgh Wheel R. Wheeg. and corretponding redocuoti ad e on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from Bal timore Went of Pnaborgh, Pa. Rams—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Balomore, F . ...burgh and Wheeling, o 45 teats ler the first ten worsk, and 2 cents for each additional word. MI - No charge IS made for the address and stgna tore. (2110FULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL ANGS.—Scrolnla in all its multiplted fore whether in that of King'. Led, enlargement o the gland. or hones, Goitre, White Swelling., Enron. Rheumatism, Loeser, disease. Of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cacao, welch is a poisonous principle more or lens inherent in the human system. There. ! fore, utiles++ tthe principle can be desthoyed, no radi cal cure can be elected, but ir the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure infest of necesaityrollow, no matter under what form -a disease should manifest Hsieh. 'Phis, therefore to the reason why J AL'exHAVIvIt is go mai A Ottalloates to Us* 'Worlds TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will he paid to any ane •'r "'l.l success l in removing .° many mahgcanf who prods t hat. o, p a . t, Free. or dry, Nat di te..ea. It doeteriy• the vim or prlnciple from cannot be extracted with Ifoit's Improved Chemical Whic,l those distention have their origm, by entering &ape I hnve the thollthetion of saYing, purple of into the circulation, and with the blood id conveyed hos plate, that this ante le, by my own improvement on; tr, the ...latest fibre, removing every particle of it, mw stands unrivalled to Ott country Mr extracting dist me from the system. Prepared and sold at No. Cream tar, Mich, ad, Palm. - T omen greasy I 8 Si tote Thud Street, Philadelphia. mance, from all kind. of gentlemen •or ladies' clothing, ,- carpets, table cloth; a,r,,,0 ladies' u,,,,, ert . , 1 hi he at the Nets. Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth straw, &a, without haluring anything Nat pure lamer will nor I Pots booth meh3l injure. More than nay thousand persons to different pan. of the comitry have told me they would net he wshoot if li east one dollar per cake. In trying Nos Soap on more than 300 articles of Iglu silks, sating, al pane., and calicoes, I have only found three piece. of silk, two of Comma and four of mate°. on which It changed the color, therefore before putt.' it on a light dm.. try a sample of the dress fintt. I nate this oectuse I am dethno wed not to recommend it any stronger Nan know to be smelly N II lion. Price, 1M cis per cake. Sold. wholesale tad retail by E FELLERS, dee24 57 wood at Tlso Alloihosay Cemetery. A T the annual meeting of the Corporator., held on A the sth oast., the following persona were noun,- tenthly re-elected Manager. ensuing year: THOMAS N. HOWL, Preeident. JOHN BISSELL, J} SE CA ROTHEILu, NATHANIEL HOLMES, WILSON M'CANDLESS, JOHN H. SHOE:NEMO:ER, JAMES R. SPEHR, J. F'innn, Jr , Secretary and Treasurer Theannual statement presentrd the a ff airs of the Company in • very promperou• condition. Ilea office in the city a No 37 NVisaer at rat tell A ELEV'S - CABINI•7I' L/BHARI, inr Nettool• tutu Y lanallica—This work consists sal twenty volurnta. and COMIIIII• five hundred different subjects, illustrated •with 500 engravangs. It is entirely original senes, recently written and completed by Sit Goodrich, au thor of Peter Parley'. Tales,and is designed to exhi bit. a popular form, Select Illographies, ancient and modern; the wonder. andcuriosities of history, Na ture, An, Science, and Philosophy, wsh hie practical dunes of life Until the complenon M the South Western Luse of Telegraph from Memstna Toms., to New ()emote, dew patches can be fomeardal to Mempbts by this route, and maned for New Orleans. sell The price per Vol. is 75 cents, each contalning about 3 . 10 pages, la• trio, or 010 per at. For sale by 0012 ft HI , PKINe , , Apollo bluildings,i4th •1 Hardware—et - tempos; than Even _ LOtSAN, WILSON & Importers and IVhole sale Dealers in Hardware, eutlery and Saddlery, No Itm Wood street. abut e Firth. Im.e now in wore a try cheap and well selected Rtock 01 Hardware, amported since the declute of prim. in Europe, and winch they ore determined its sell correspondingly low. haereha r w, who have been 111 the habit of going East, are particu larly reguested call and look through our stock, as we confidently believe they entre their exponces. ixt4 ORIGINAL sBOLIVAT/L BRIORSer Ex PERIENCY.D Judge a, Olt a trial of one sod a half millions, since 1043, pronounce thu article unser paased. for durability in the e olll lllletloll of all kinsis of Furnaces. Pnce 623,73 caah for loads of 10 hi, guar anteed lune months use. Orders for a second quality Bolivar Bricks will be executed at etol per AI, if go de - sired, without guarantee, A stock of the knit quality Is now for sale at the warehouse, 'slosi o f s wh ar f,' Ca nal Basin, by J SHAW MACLAREN, lupe:o Kensington Iron Works pIiCENI X FIRE BRICKS—The sabscrilurs having been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturers. fur the sale of the celebrated oPhrerux Snot.," tie now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at 521, aW per 1,000. For the construction of furnaces of all kinds, unite bncks have been pronounced by corn petall judges as being supenor to all other fire bricks now Use. C A AVANDLTY tr. Co, Canal Basin. ' - GUN ELASTIC BOOTS—I do pairs 111 Ointlemerts . Boot., last reed and for sale at the India Rubber Depot, No I Wood street. astolo J e II PHILLIPS MEDICAL Tx. Proprietor, hare spent much time REMARKABLE OURE OF 80ROPULA. Mnn=l=Ml . - - We have been informed by Mrs. Rose of a care per- Mooed on her by Pr. Jayne% Altaratlve, which provea its saperstrity over every other remedy of the kind. She has Lwen afflicted for the last sixteen years with NEOROS_E7iIor WHITE SWELLINUB, attended W: , 4 leerauonr endenfollauea of callous bones, do ring which nine tosiny,pieces have been discharged from the !rental bone of t he ertniOrli, from both her um, wrists and hands,Land from both legs, and from the left Ina:oral bone, and from the right knee, besides painfol ulcers on other puis of her pennon, 'shish have barged tlw skill of a number of the moat exturtept phy.icians ot oar cut —during most of the time her sugeriag. have beau exeramung end deplorable. Abogt three months sinee she was irithiced to try Dr. Jayne's AlteraiMe which has had aq ustonistungly basthy effect upon her, by re. 61,14 rill pan and swellings, and causing lie nieers or heal, while at the same grim hex general health has become completely restored, so that she now weighs 115 lbs more than the did before she commenced' the sae of Mi• truly •thuable. prepasion..—(not Eve. Post. For further won/kat/on, mature of Mrs. Rose, No. IYE Filbert it. Philadelphia. For sale 1/1 Pittsburgh, at the PERIN TEA STORE, pi Fourth st. near Wood. A Dugg lA'. UOC Ilse enteln Prepared 12mA, are L 0 ten not aware how frightfony njunona l Is to the ski r! how morse l how rough, how sallow, >Miror, and on hoslthy the skin &mars alter aim! prepared chalk! Besid it in is° arm., containing &largo mum thy of le. td. We ' bane prepared a he... vegetable 0 , 0 1 0 ' ,huh we call JOSLWB SPANISH LILY W twin It is perfectly ihoocent, being parifted. o ( sit del tenons onddities; and it imparts to the skin a nem b,,orthy , sl monster, altar, lining White, at the 'erne ume toting as a eeenlet.o on the skin, maims it set and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa. I chosen], says "After utalysing lones'S Spanish Lilly White, hod I t pcuntesses the most beautiful nod natu ral, at the to rue time innocent white I ever taw. 1 certainty E. ., sonwtionnatwlY recommend usa man w h o , e s k in cures beautify mg." . igPnee :15 cents a box. gold b r bd RI. JACKSON, at his Boot and Shot Store,B9 Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of the Big Boot. Laden la lwit,rm asountahed, Wyou knew that you ore promised A natural, life-liko s snowy white, That yen trill still use common chalk, And look • deathly yellow fright, ?hn theme use laughter and of talk. If you would a box of JONF,S Lilly.whoe, would inn your aim an alabaster yet ntural white auto at the same time clear and improv a e it. Sold at JACKSON'S, 8p Liberty st. Price 25 cams per box. asyB JOHN D. IDDRGAPii, - N'' Wood street, one dour south of Diamond Ptusborgh, pa, Oirelll for sale a large lot us Drug' Medicines. Oils. Palm.. Varnishes, Dyestolls ! eumry Foretell and Domestic, to which he calla the attenuon of druggists, pbysictans rod men chants visiting the city. as he I. determined to sell al very low pricer, and gr., general satisfaction. Good, warvantqlaud cheap. Varntah iNit. I and 2, N. York munulactlne, gist, Japiut and libteek Leather Y•rutshi es, superior quelny. Also, White and Heil Lead at prices lower than heretofore offeted. J, D. M. manufactures MorganN celebrated CoughElYeuthwhich has given general smistaction to all I the curing of roughs, colds, hoarseness, influenza, whooping cough, croup, etc, pnee rents per bottle. Also, Morgue , Indian Lzver Pitts, • certain cure for liver comphsiat, tif k headache, and all bolo.. Complaitna. Prier eta per box. aepial Dr. W. P. Itkiew.d.• Pr•salum Plasters W. P. EVLA,SID, of We Medicol College bf Phsl• adelphia, now effete in the public tuslndian Veg. eable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, .11., lone •nd tiled expel - Glace, has been sallsfaetonly es. „ th r,, h , l . To all women who may be lifilleted with Prolapses Uteri. or Fallen NVomb, he recedstimmda hu plaster, guaranteemg a sore and speedy et , * Ri the short space of from two to thee weal., J applied wllh care and rest—thscardwg all the cauttless Instruments and and banded...lo long use. Du. p a con.menuous inasmuch in hn. not Aw e d w one case out of three hundred and futy-tluse pa. heat. Also for !thalamus= and Weak Breast or Beek, at tended with pane, there is nothing to ezoel this Plaster An affording relief or as • Com. Fot sale by L Wilroi, corner of Diamond sod Market or Braun & Reiter, Liberty sad St Glatt or. Dr J Sargent " Federal st 4d Diamond, Alle gheny city l J.Loqua9 & buns& sod 131tmai ea& r , MEDICAL A 0117... AT CURE, polbrsod by arigimal — bad ably true a cad ipuunine Liver Pill. prepared wed add T. set, Llll5. Mortats' r•Crort. Wortlooretuud Jule 16th, 1,17. I r.R R. SsiZne - sense of duty to you., tloalatetool ittoluces me o m 7 bumble itsumr.y to furor of yourjustry coloboute.! L...0r eat, 1 have octet red doing m thryears, .dhermi ihr? C melte t 121111 E., mut you or.. not., Wee co uhrsd.• Mmt ot the mu] presser:nip= of crayons, and kusoix, hurled to the Am, balm soak kora otatrom gu. your La, Pt I. have beau offend to the yob. lc, and. mooed, Wane they will “surnm theta all," to they en jest cabal you reprenot them to he I hare s mth Lrrer Complaint from my youth, hoes Wi r edmuch, emplord many eminent physicians, to whom I paid much tosnyi ham lost much bloo roman.. told p un almoet to death; =heated sor 6 hum, and finally pun up as incurable. lo 1,3 G-7 1 ems jammed tty your es-Pilo, and SOON GOT %guy, (Me not wench 1. no. softmont to keeps:meteor of pain in die aide. and all the other symptoms; for at Imo ill motto Your rills aro =so the heal cedar* 1 erer tued; being mild, [to:griping or gislOg nosh mantes at an shun soh, but gins me much miler I hare kept them in my storm kir 6 or 7 sold burdnols of neves, and ham OM, ;card • Entre complamt 111.14,1 by any on who lUD mod mem. They halm sepereedril 1 11IIIIIBL1nger, other pill in th i. msgbborhood, and m m short tame lull bontalt them all earrresay recommend Onto th all ;emote needltig physic, ninth. Gar Lover OautpLso t t or Buboes Affections 1 con sider the= far superme to Calomel or th e Blue NI. Respect- NI oaors f'd&U'R ! L. t/Rl—.Ls there ere other Pills 4bra tk. yb le Atlao Liver ?sumo who want the IiF:NUIN sh 'u oolli ask for and dde no other than thme prepared and sold by R E 116LLXRS, No 57 hood-st brier. Third and loner% drat. Said try Dr.Cassieb, Fifth Ward, P M CCll2i. &nevi:Navy city. To's*. Prbtesston and Pubile. ECKEIVP FARINA. 0n0..n lore at itur Hooptala Asylums. and other potbiJe •:xt. , :igtonent., and reconuou.t.da by 143/Tle at it, th....tillKuisbed pan. & n mans v aud chemist, as an etude M diet for children ad inalids, much superior to arrowroot. sago, etc., Car more strenguienms. pleasant to ow t 11•10, and easy of dtgestion. Put up it 41 lb eerie, oi nail lb. papers, each rweonipmed with prieted direr bons fur cooking, &c. Lseing, in his Aglicuitural Chemistry. p 4a, Phil. ed , observes: "Children fed upon arms...root, salep, or indeed any kind of amylalaceous food, watch does contain ingre Mentz fitted for the formation or bones and n iuseres, , come fat, end acquire much 4-11,1•04Nr. their mb pear f all, but they do not *comic •treng di, nor li are tbetr organs properly dethoped." In the analysis of the Partite made by Prof. Reid or' New York, among other constituent, he pres IS per New of kulteu and albumen, and tcsm mg . that the claims Of the Farina upon the 51rd:cal Profession and Me public will rest uponit. containing tit the gloriesmid albumen, vegetable fibrins- and other tutrogenssied birdies not found in arrow root or similar stuntman., and seMsCh modern chemistry has penned out as being necessary to the formation of human 6010, and by means ot which notate make. op for the constant waste that take, place in me human body. For mip wholesale or triad, by It E SELLERS, seplB 5; weal at Great Eng/lish Remedy. - -- 17 OR Coughs, Colds, Astlorm end Consumpuoni The r Li HEAT AND ONLY RENIEDY for the cure of Me above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London. England, and introduced into the United States under the immediate supeninendcuce of the Inventor Igo The extraordinary success of this medicine, in cure of Intitnoury ditClAt., warrants din Atomic. Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea cs that Gan be Maud in the community —cams Mat seek hef in vain from any of the con - ninon remedies of the day, and have bean given up by the most distingtalshed phyeictans La conirmed and tucurable. Hungari an Balsam has cured, and it ill cure, the moat desperate of cues. It is no quack nostrum. but a standard &ig bah medicine. of known and esteblialied ellioney i Every family- to the United states should be supplied with Bueban's Hungarian Balsam of Life. not only to counteract the coneurnpure tendencies of the climate, but to be used es a pre enure inedmine m all cues o f colda coughs, spitting of blood, pain m the side and clink irritation and soreness of thin lungs, breichnus i th theulty of brewing. hectic miter. night sweam emaci ation and general debility, asthma influenari„ whooping cough and croup Sold to lazgo bottles, h: ft per [tonic, with full dirco Yong for the rent... Yon of lwrtalt. Pamphlets, containing a maas et Engloth and Amen.. elm certificates, and other evidence, showing thev equalled men. al' tots groat English Remedy, may en bc obtained of the Aden gratuitously. For sale by HA • 41111 0/I•Zilleg Co., corner of at and Wood and W and dm sta. mard • • - - - Dn. CiAlthllfi A VE. BALSAM L. , ROM the ken ASA Slil.• N, a weir Known and pop J.' Mar Ctercr 1//311 al! tie l'ro Lenten Aletliodt,t Church The undersigned having been adhered during t he put winter with • drecase of the stomach, sometimes pro. duCing great paiu ru the stomach fo tenor twelve hours with ont ond after having tried v aria. remedies with little effect, was furnished with n bottle etDr D Japer's Curninatrve Balsam. This ire used ac cording to the directions. and found invariably that this medicine caused the pout to abate in three ur tour nlin• area, and in fifteen or twenty ni pro:seven - uneasy seuation wu entirely quieted. The triedieme eve• .rwardsesert whenever drawer:one or the approach of painwere perceived, and the pa,' wa s Ur eretra prevent ed. lie umbrined muse We medicine every evening and so:nebulas in the inni.le ,11 few wracks health wow far restored, er shut the rriderer war retire ed from a large amount of oppre•ove pain. From ea perienee, therefore, he can r fib, i!y recornme..d D D Jaynes Carmoutive Belenni, selentry inedleln far diseases or thestomach ova bowes. A SHINN!, A . .eg n c y For ale in Pittsburgh at the I N he y 7 Ea :MOH 7a Fourth street, .teur Wow. awl 1,110 at thel.aug Store of it I , SCR W • ItTZ Yellers' •11,,, A I levies y Parity our MR.n"O dud wall • scroful the ous complentt in my legs, and had been for some months 4111:Wr the mare of ph) amens. They stud my case was almost mount., and they could do but little for me. I WY; nearly helpless, but with the ant of crutches rowel watt Mac u/ty get about_ lit May last, I purchased of you, and commenced using Eau. rota 5A1110,211./.4. After the use of two bottles, the sores commenced beating and I told aside my crutch es. the g only* cane. 'dispensed with my cane, and at the end of the fourth, was so well as to assist all day to shearing sheep. In all, I used five bottles. The scrofula and sores have all healed up, and since last summer I have seen no appearance or the disease, hat have continued, and am now, In the most perfect health,' I state with confidence, hoping that others may be ben ebbed in the BERM way, that the Parsaparill•sold by you, has been the men. and the only menus of effect. mg the care. CORNELIUS J. ROOF. Por sale wholesale and retell. by dtrw R A. FARIVESTOCK /r. Co =0::M5M:ill!I - - - - IBIG PICKFLUIIIGILY 1' Cream de A MAIMS. A mere, suet V inK. Cream a la flora, or shaving; Almonds Cream, do, Superfine Nouga t on Poreetato stand., I:1 1 scent Ltaga, patterned at. Lavender, AngLe terre tteautrful powder patio, of all pattern.. E 1101,063.1 toilet bolus, conta.,nitta ,ragrant exuateta tot the handkerchief; • scent bag. nod untlet roar., anti. W le for oresenta. I•nramt. or Cht nese poerdcr Luton wegersole hrk.r oil, , oil,beari in fancy or common scrapper, (rose aeon,. " Pones' Soap; Nymph Soap; &se 1 . , 11 seleei . hen map; Soda soap; together wnh a great variety of fine pee - emery: junt crew/NJ, for .31:C. 11 A FAIINF.STtI,4I fr, nirle cot moon it. Pulmonary Balsam. & cirruat—i feel it a duty I 1 owe to my fellow creatures, to stote something more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, Since I first used the Bs.lsitua aboat eleven 7 ears ego, the happy effect of which I then gave an account of, I bov• bad several severe complaints and attacks at my lungs, one a few days since, and its every instance have used Me Balsam alone with complete and perfect sus. )a ttees.. It has effected relief and cure in a very few d. It is certainly a sale medic:rm. I do not know Mat it will cure a fixed consumption. but I believe it ortll be in many coats a preventive, end preventton better Man Coro; I do therefore, for the love of my fel low menarnestly recommend the use of the Balsam, in all pulmonary complaints. I am confitleot that it baa been the means of preserving my life 10 Inns day. Poston June Ifs, BENJ.kNIIN PAN-SONS, Pot sale by B♦ F&IILIC•104.&, & corner bran and wood and also corner wood and Gth. SELLE.It'S IMPERIAL COUGH 5111 P —li has power to cure! Prresscatut. i • 17, It. E. Setaantst—My wife hes (or years bee. subject to a thstresung cough, acmpanted wall asthma, for the cure of which she fused daterc.,, cough remedies, and had die advice of most motile:it abysm's.. in England, bet all woo unavaithig. By clunee I heard of I our Imperial Cough Syrup, and was educed to buy • lodic tor trul, althottgn I had no belief that anything won! remove her compliant to y great surprise, Iwo doses gave her tinnicaliate relief She at er n troubled whb a cough, but two waripootutu i of Syrup always stops it. I ant sausfied. after a trial of three or tout years, that Seller's Cough Syrup to the best cough wmedicine I bare ever toed rather in the (Ed or New orld. Wis. Fatasocmcr, Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh The above ceruficate should haduce ail who are troubled with cough or lutitnia. togive the aq rep tri al It may be had for 25 CC/1. 601110, at the drug store of E SELLERS, 5; wood s. Sold ItY Dr Cassel, sth wusd, and Curry, Aile -o.nychy. tan, - - Patent Block Sprl.rg 'rro.•, EWLY INVENTED—For the re f. 4 refl./A/If Cunt of HERNIA or tf.lirTUIC: ts. :ed to a:. 1.4.51.) l'he superior clam:Lao( this Truss tne cum iatauve ensa with which it inay :m pad of or u sal being imaily balanced on iplino, s to Pre.- Sate on aay part of it, and thorinign , y adap.s haell 10 any movement mode by the we.,el. be worn without interm.sion, until a rue, • Secied The sub s' hors have mode arrangements 1, lugnota,tuTo Of .brae valuable Trusses,. is superm n Sept!.,. and hair- them now lur he.r i7dlce, No taistlifield si neer n.rtri, tistnirgn hU nrr, L. W KAUFFMAN ELLERL , VERMIELt,E-. - Supertor to an, btsve Llever toted" ( - Wm. Tr. Fvoette county. ea , 4, 'ld Mr. R. E. Sabl.a..--.llJere ,, y eerir, that I 1,)1,7 used your Vermbloge to toy Wavy. and lerileVe it equal, I: no, supertor have ever usedl quer to ono of ray children one dove, wtttrneu wort. bbviltautt. Prepared and sold by H E Sb:LLIIHrt. 5. Wool st Said by Dr Cava, itn tl'.tr.l D tut - ) .1.111.44cny, IV .1 ttrontb Tensperunc., die, and P Dr.bvo, rerteevlHe trry4 . _ s vi y .i.siGl.24-_ An ...... „ 71 . 1trut ,Ull PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, Pt OLISO DA 11. Y. rici-wEEk y L y ett Oa linnets. itutniany, Ua Yort ru,, RATES UP ADV/CaTISING. One insertion nt I.:linen, or ...... 80 50 Twot nee room. Onou l ..ltrratom. 015 Ouc ock rivet, .. one Month Two rtoms ......... 3.. j" Longer sd•erttseruonts In tame prop/rums. Ono square,6 months, with out 11) oh ~ Earn asiditionasl square fur 6 months, I" 5 (X, 10 00 One agnate, 6 menthe, rune nablr at plea.. e, 15 00 • .• :000 Each additional equate Io 12 men ter, 10 Ca.l Two agnates. o Mouths, re wabie A plewoo , 30 00 Each addaronal aqua a, 6 161.616 N, ..... • . •.. B pl One square. 3 In•ertiuu. each addthona I n rt. n a C•I eel. Carus. Fvre Imes ur cake yeal. '• mix months ono year, only 10 txi Six months 00 •PIZIATISZIESSIM l i iIRL•) %%%%% . For V/ lines, or lets, One insertion, s l y el, ea 44 e rbrinel 4, 44 'Three m0nth5,...... 3a60 " " 6 00 Twelve 9$ I 00 I 31.1 2 30 3 OU 4 00 6 00 50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers