BY !MAGNETIC• TELEORAI'iI REPORTED f. TELEGRAPHED Exclusively for the Pittsburgh Gssatts HON. EDWARD EVERETT--STE AM ER ORE. GON -STILL LATER FROM EUROPE. New Yoga. Nov. 29, ISIS. The Hon, Edward Everett has resigned the Presidency of Bayard University, on account of inability from Wanes. The steamship Oregon left this morning for Coli• belie. She carried out soldiers and naval stores for the Government. a Letters published in late Engheat papers, from Warsaw, state that great consternation had been created there by an order promulgated by the Em peror, which directed the enk.rement of conacrip• was throughout Holland. Six thousand persons had fled from the enforced military service and cruel ;oddment. =M=! )4M.U)EisHIw, Nov. 29, 1848. The latest dates from Bermuda state that Mitch atl, the Irish martyr to freedom, was still sick, ow leg, it is said, to the impure atmosphere of hi. pria- PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PMILLDILPIII/., Nov. 29, I MS floar—The market to heavier than yesterday, and the brisineas done is at a small concession.— Sales at 65 95. The Grain market iu without change, end but little doing. Provisions—l hear of no article today worthy of report. Groceries-Sagan, not much landing. Solna moderate. Coffee and Molasses without change. -- NEW YORK MARKET. Nzw 'Voltz, Nov. 29, 113,18. Flour—Sales of 7,500 barrel. of Genesee and State brands at $5 3115555 50 per barreL Them are extreme prices—the market at the close Wall du U. Grain—There is a good demand for good sam ples of Wheat—but poor lots are dull. Sales of prime red at 1035116 cts per bushel, and in en tent to 25,000 bush. Cora—There is a seedy deemed for Corn.— Saks of prime white at 65c—mixed at 61e. and yellow. 111513 e. Provutione—There is lets movement in Pork— the market Is steady. Whiskey—Sales at 240 per gaL Leed—Selee et 41 et, Hoge—Sales of dressed at 66. per cwt. BALTIMORE MARKET. BALTIBIOIS, Nov. 29, 1548. Flour—The market is dull, and holders are tort The foreign new •hu produced no marked change. The madet is nominal as before. Sales of How. and Street at 11.5 ON, and City Mills at S 5 12} cts per barrel. Grain—Wheat--Sales of prime white at 1120 1111 e, and prime reds at 110 c per bu. Corn—Sales-of 12,000 bushels new white at Sic, and new yellow at Sic per bushel—no old in market. Oats-Balea of 3,000 bu. at 30 eta Rye at 61863 cis per bu, Prvivisions--The salmi of provisions are only to the regular trade demand. Whisker—Sales at 21e Cotton bas declined le. Stookmarket dull, with downward tendency. THE Pates liemrlL — Yesterday we bad the pleasure of examining a splendid banner, at it r Mayor's office, to be presented by the Whig. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny to Lower St. Clair tow„ - ship, for their great efforts id the Presidential Elec.. tion, It will be remembered that after the Geyer.- nor'. election, the Whigs of Pittsburgh and Alle— gheny promised a banner to that township that would increase its votes most at the Presidential Election on the Wuig side. This banner is the work of Mr. Coffin, of this city, and represents s fall length portrait of General Taylor, leaning ou 'Old Whitey.' It is painted on Bilk, and ornament ad with a splendid gold figure, with silk and gold tassels. The shell is surmounted with an eagle and globe io gilt. The banner cost about $lOO, an it is a trophy of which the citizens of St. Char Tow, I. ship may ha justly proud. Tax Common Council on Monday evening lab t elected Mr. Ferd. F. Voltz, clerk of Abet body. ==l Relating to the dutlea of tie Mayor, and for ath, QEC. I. Be it ordained aud enacted by the cataer of Pinaburxh in Select and Common Councils s• sembled, That a shell be the duty of the Mayor to pro vide, at the expense of the city, a book with prope blailth therein, in which book he shall enter the num• ber and amount of all warrants drawn by him on tint City Treasurer, under the heads of the respective ap propriations yearly made Councils,. that ate same may aid in the settlement of the accounti 'orate ray,' and which shall enable him to ascertain at all times th e gate Meech and every appropriation made by Colic- Ban. IL—Be it ordamed, &e, That it shall be the thi• sy of the Mayor, whenever any appropriation I. ex haunts:id, immediately to notify the 0/11.1(1:01.11 of the committee having charge of such appropsuion that the same is exhausted, and then it shall be unlawful for the Mayor to draw a warrant, on such exhausted appropnation. until he shall he duly notified, that Coun• cil. pave ilalthorlsed an additional nmoant to be added to with appropnation. Sac. 111. Be it ordained. ace, That from end after the pagan'," of this Ordinance, all persona having coo rung accounts with the city, shall lie required to fur utsh duplicate bills, one of which they shall dermalt anth the Mayor of the city, whose May n shall he to file the same, and the other they shall hand to the com• nutter to which the same may be referred for settle ment • Sac. IV.—Be it further ordained and enacted by the authority sloresmd, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor to procure a suitable book to which he shall register all bonds or certificates of loon issued by bins us pursuance of any ordinance of the Select and Com mon Canned*, which register shall state the number of each band or certificate of loan, the name or names Male persons to whom Issued, the date or time when issued, the amount of each bond or certificate of loan, the time when redeemable. and the account fax which each bond or certificate of loan was issued. Be it further ordained, &c., as aforesaid, Thus it shall be and is hereby made site duty of the Mayor to sub mit to the Select and Odmmon Councils, at their first meeting in every month, • statement of the bands or certificates of loan issued by him a. aforesaid, Mew ing the time when issued, to whom payable, the amount of each bond or certificate of loan, the time when redeemable, and the account for which the said bands or certificates oilcan were immed. Sm. V.—Se it ordained, &e., That the annual sala ry of the City Treasurer shall be seven hundred dollars from ere first of Jamicry- - M9„ payable quarterly art other city armers are paid, and that the Treasurer shall receive an extra compensation of WOO for the present year, for extra dutiei under the License Law. Sec. Vl.—Be it midamed, ice That from and after the puss( e of this Ordinance, Me City Treasurer stall give bonds, with two or more sufficient securities, pay able to the Mayor, Alderman and citizens of Pitts burgh, and their successors, in the sum of fifty thous end dollars, with conditions for the faithful perform ance of the duties of the office. Sir- VlL—Be it flintier ordained. &c., That so much of any existing ordinance es is hereby altered or sup plied, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted min a law in &mann* dos 11Th day of November, S. D. 1E49. [Arrest:] MOROAN ROBERTSON, Preel C. C. Ford. E. Vou, Clk. C. C., JOIN SEIPTON , Nett 3. C. Jona Hum., Clk S. C. n0r2941 - rIOATINOS TO ARRIVE-1 ease grey nuled brown Cassisaeres; 1 ease Lavender Blankets; I bale Lavender Blanket cowing-, * do drab do I do blue do Consignment from ' , Astern manufacturers, and for sale at eastern pneea with carnage added. n0v?..2 MURPHY &Et; liberty at, foot sth 10EATBEFO3- -13 sacks Feathers,mat tee'd land rot sale by novigt W HST BOW EN S UG no Alt-17 bad. In 0 B , l . l % faitt a re ui 'd an , d w fa i r m ste a by PTO mErAL-2 73 ' , Z, ' , H ra, " fvltsiiNlt: f or wee by nov2i male, .1 IM Locusolle Limo. pun reed lout ft, 1,4 sale by nov2B BURBRIDGE, WILSON &Co Prrrannenn, Nor. 27, LBAP TOBACCO-5 3 bee. reed per steame. Nominee and for sale by nor`l9 - LT ARD OIL-5 bbla Tamer stratned. tam reed and lot sale by nosc2B R E &ELLE rIS, 57 wood in JUST RECEIVED—I bale blue Coating, for sale at manufacturers pncea. MURPHY & LEE, nenr27 Lslbeny bale Pearl Coarzoiri Ido drab do, fo ‘J sale at marmfacturera aor2/3 MURPHY de. LEE FOR SALE—A sound Buggy Ilisl l sg,to , l y d lor LE w m an ohne. n 0•42.3 011.611 CIDER—LO bbl. superior Crab Cider, jus V reed and for sale by GEO A BERRY, __no•29 19 wood .1 GREEN APPLES-800 K. Green Apples, isorn • rapaliOT kmaM in wore and for sale by noW29 GEO A BERRY • --_____ DIG METAL—MO to., suitable for foundry pnrpo m, ses s in store and for sale by GEO A BERRY P_ IG IRON—M tons Pig Iron, on hand and for sal. by nom JOHN WATT, Liberty st CIINDRIES-30 B bbls white wbeat Family , Flour; doprirne Roll utter, lb bush C.a..%tor and (or sale by 1101'21 JOHN WATT -- - WRAPPING PAPER—DM rem Crown Wrappin, Paper, lOW do madman, do, Ana reed and fa lab by nowll FRIEND, RHEYA Co LRAD-6 0 page Lead, Ann reed and for sale by nonRI FRIEND, RIMY k Co DRIED sacks just reed anifor ovtI„ FRIEND, RILEY & Ca F . EATHERS--24 •seas mar eeee i3OO and for sale br x nor2l FRIENDIMEY &CO • CIINSENC I - 1 . 1 toots now lazdsol, for ..J by oov2l ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co front sr . _ E&THER9-78 tacks now landing; am by nova/ ISAIAH DICKEY & Co DRY PEACHES--I 2 racks now landing from stair Consul, and for =la by norigl ISAWI DICKEY b. C o 1 1 1DIAZARINE BLUE PARMEITOS—A farther sep al ply of above goods, of different opened Rust:note tng at the store of nom • W R MURPHY GOODS EXPECTED--W ft Murphy will receive iu a few day., superior gray Pelisse Cloth for ladies tad odes. saeka aoviti SQTRAW WRAPPING PAPER-4/WO mu for We by J SCLIOONMA KER tr. Co, Dc0,21 94 woods COMMERCIAt 'RMRD. IS4 NOVEMBER. 1M 6aturday, 7 12 'At Sunday, 7 12 27 Monday, 7 1:1 2- , Mental, 7 11 29 Wedteaday, 715 30 Thinday, 7 IS 1 Friday, 7 16 PITTiIIi.IIIG ---- H - 13104.57; OF TILADE COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER. OFFICE .PFITs81:111.61I GAZETTE. Thursday Morning, Npvernher 30,1848. The market yesterday was quiet, hat quotations generally showed no important yarmuon from pre' rious day's report FLOllt—Considerable quantifies arrived by ri ver, but the amgunt on sale from first hands wan small. A sale of 100 tibia on the wharf at 3,90, .d of several other smaller lots at 3.9003.9 5 10 bbl. Further sales from store by dray loads at 12184.19 as in quality. GRAlN—Snles of barley in small lota to the ci ty trade at 538435 c f bu, from store. Small sales of corn Irvin store at 33895 e pbu. Outs ts in fair demand with sales in lota of 100 to 200 bu at 2.5 a, 27e p bu. No sales of wheat or rye worth re porting. GROCERIES—Every thing la quiet under this head. Sales of 15 hbds NiJ mtgar in chfferent lots at 505 f eno in quality. N 0 molasses stand 111111 at 30e if> gall. Sales of Rio cotree of 7107!c of rice at 5c ta ID PROVISIONS—The market Is genemlly but quotations ore unchanged. Sales of 10 casks bacon shoulders, western eared at 4(d•{ lc. Sales 1,000 IDs steles nt Good hams are m stem. dy demand at 61081 e. CHEESE—SaIes of good common W R. at and of cream at 0101 c. SOAP—Sales of 50 boxes common dark qualia ty, Ciocomott rosin at 4r gr lb For good quality 41040 is readily obtained. GREEN APPLES—Receipts yesterday amount ed to some 600 bbla. Sales at the river to a mod. orate extent at 620 - 15 e, and front store at 57 to 51,10 accordmg to quahty. Cotion—The receipts are light and the stock small, particularly of the better qualities. There is a fair demand for small lots, and since our last some 400 bales have been !alien at quoted rater, the steamer's advice, giving more firmness to pri. Arrived since our lest From Mobile, bales, The total receipts of Cotton at the different ports of the country, tram Sept. 1, 1n46, to latest dates are bales. 329,755 Same time last year, 217.201 The exports have been— To Great Britain, France, Other foreign ports, Taal, Stocks on hand Fish—For Coolish we continue to notice a step dy demand at 52842.5 fur large, and $1,62411.7 for small, loose. Hake are in fair demand at 51.1 01,25 p qtl, loose. In Mackerel there is no van. uon to notice. They are selling pretty freely us, store at $7 for No I, $5 for No 2, and $3,25 for N. 3, and by the fare at $6.50, $.1.50 and 52,75 for th different sines. For other pickled Fish the marks is quiet. Exported since our last Codfish, drums 1,1 6 Codfish, boxes, 200 Codfish, Os *-1.)1 Mackerel. !Ads 1.505 Herring, boxes kping List. COTTON AND WOuL. The late European advises being favorable for Cotton, and the stock being light, there has been considerable buoyancy in the market. and prices have advanced fully 1-4 to 3—h cent her lb nave last meek. The sales corn pnee 7:41 bales. of which 350 bales were Upland at bi to 64e per lb, the bal. anon Nam Orleans and Mobile at fri to 7 cents for ordinary to fair quality, cash and ume. At the close wine holders ask a further advance. Total Exports from the Irined Stale, to Foreign Ports. Since le September Iwt , bales Same tame last year, Increase this year, / 41..546 The total receipts since 1 is bales 23, .784 Same-turerlarr year, 171;417 Increase this year, 60.679 Wool--Sapplmi eery fight and pnees firm with a moderate demand for the supply of manta - seta: rem. Sales of 55,000 lb. domestic Wool. princi pally pulled and low grades at quoted rates.— Among the sales were 10000 lbs I -2 and 3-4 blood at 30033 e it th, 6 mos.--[Com. List. Cotton—An improvement in the English market has imparted more firmness with holders here, and small sales of fine Upland have been made at 61 ots. Gulf and Texas, the supply of both very light are held above the present views of buyers. Wool—We have nothing new in reference to this article, except that it is held with firmness, and therefore no heavy transactions have taken place. We observe that sales of good qualities have been made to a considerable extent in East. ern markets at slightly improved prices. Tobacco—The market has been somewhat slack since our last report, although not entirely quiet.— The advice,. from the other side, so far as regards political concerns as affecting the German and Dutch markets, are very discouraging, and mate rially check animation among purchasers here tm. less they can operate on more favorable terms— hence in a great measure the apathy in the mar ket. Factors on the other hand, knowing the lim ited extent of the new crop which will be brought brward, are very firm in their prices for old, and this diversity of views keeps buyers and sellers widely apart—sales are therefore on a moderate scale. The inspections for the week have been as itidlowe. Maryland 496 hhd.s, and Ohio .360 do— t Mal Si lihda Exported within the name tune to breign ports 1773 Mid.. Tobacco, and 74 do Steins. - —of the Tobacco 1 739 Mt. (39 of which were Afirsprua) and the - Sterns were to Bremen—main°g t he amount of Maryland arid Ohio descriptions ex ported since Jan Ist to 23d m et, as follows' Tlus Week. This year. 1. 4 730 11,600 6.627 3.05r2 669 2997 1,23.', V. Bremen, lahtin Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Bordeaux. Harm Marseilles. England, 6 &coc c t m on j h o s u n r d., 23d mat, 25,0 hlads. __l FOREIGN MARKETS. 'Brown, Shipley oh Co.'. Circular linen the departure of the last steamer, we have experienced a steady demand the Cotton from the trade, with some inquiry from spectators.— Trade in Manchester continues to improve slowly and less disposition having been marderded by holders of Cotton to press their st.)cks on the mar ket, the quotations of our last cinmlar have been pretty steadily maintained. This, however, ap plies more esbecially to the ordinary and middling qualities, to which the inquiry is mainly confined, We have little or no change to no tics in our corn Market, which is very quiet in r oaaequeoce of the more favorable account. of the potatue crop in Ireland. Western Canal Flour is quoted at 29a 64,10305. Philadelphia and Bahia. ire 295, and sour 27. per bbl. Wheat 'Whirl tit per 70 lbs.— Indian Corn Meal in fair demand at 34035 s per qr for yellow, and 3:12.?3ta per qr far white. I, than Corn Meal 17s 611 per bbl, and I:or which there is only a retail demand. The July on wheat ha, now advanced to Oa per qr, and t hat on Flour to 3s 71d per bbl. I=ll •—— • /.Vat's EZegoVolutrs.—Wr. smut. I call attention to , F RENCH OCHRF.--4 rank for sale by this excellent remedy for C. 0., Cr Ads, Consumption,no,Xl R E SELLF:RS Asthma, and all affections of the ' Throat end 1.31/3p- . Having several times willstn are ..v y ear. pa, had ogee . , H gEgiv,_ ielLx e W R Cheese, landing and for sale J AMEN DA L7.F:LL mon to use a medic:lse of this kittd, we havc,by expert- by nmetTl enee tested its excellent qualtues, a cid are rered to . cz --- 6 - A ,_,,, b , p g i m 5,,,, ,u ding and for sale by recommend a to others, %mom .6 or othersonline J Mil 5...'4 IJAI.ZELL speakers afflicted Vent, bronchial ...rectum. will bud '...' " ° ' 23 reat benefit from 131 1111333. /1 ts pr epared hy a semi ,. , herhysician, and all c hisses Will It Ild It 31 safe told ed.- , 1 and for sale by novta JANIFS DA L1.F.1.1• MA NNEFLW 011.-20 bbls best Brown Oil, m :nose caoes rnedicom in dm dloseases fot which it Is ry. • eotrunanded.—(Columb as (Orval C. ose aud Jourii.4l Fad?' d i. casks Currants, landing and Mr male by Fort ale at the Fekui Tea Store, No ;0 Four. street.. --°, -- 1 FRUIT---800 toss Minch Raisins.; lOU hf do BALiALEY dr. small mr 26 nov'Li _ _ _ _ . . TIHY PEACHES-240 bags Kentucky Peaches, in [Cr DT.1112113/. Is the bane of inn ny a Inall's r aiAl • _lf prime order, lending aud for sale by mace. No tongue eim describe the sufferpnes caused ' noy2 - 1 BAUALEY & Winn' by this distreatung dosed. Is unfits maiPfor his ws j)-6U SANI) 10S3 0101 IJramie by . non In life, whams,' it may be, aid makes him fret . nocZt RF. SF.LLEfr as though he wool , ' rather not cost than endure such i.pry. yet them cu , ffertec• are produced In the iirst ; 1, , Xl. -Ci GENTIAN— lbs for sale by place by derangement of the stomach, and if this %erre l _Ca o ... it E SELLERS met by acing Pl. A. Fahnestockhr hit., c 1 LOVER AND TINIOTHY REED-8 bbla Ohio Clo the boatels wo old be elemsed, the accumulation of ver need, '2O do Ps Timothy tnned; its store and for brie earned ME and a speedy and sure relief obtainwi.. ...._ ~ ' no vdll .1 & R FLOYD Prepared and sold byHNESTOCK & Co. '''. " - . _ _ corner tat and wood, iLlso corner 6th and wood sm I,,,: s UCKS Atilt FLANNEL-50 dux aoper Woollen °en , LI Socks; Id yds bard Flannel, in store and for ode - by // 4,....?..1 1 & R FLOYIJ "Ante nu. Rosa Co Oar. Feb. lb, to-1,. °Messrs. J. Kidd & Co.. We swish to Inform you tiolt we have sold all of your Worm specific you le. `" , lh ue. We wish you to send us some mere as 5001. ss possible, as it has given general sansfac don hers. We have many calls for itsince we are oat of the article . It hail succeeded all other preparationa in this county, and for this reason we wish to keep a shpply on hand. & A_ PAY fERSON." - ••.. . - . The above is one oldie hundreds of grinder cacao, nleatious which the proprietors of this medicine aye daily receiving. Where it bas been ultroiluced It boa become the most i wpolar remedy In use . For sale at the c rug store of J KIDD /Y. Co, GO WcOd M. novla "That WI atter akin of hers, than snow, Aud pun 2 as toonturientel alahuter." All (Cole . ha ire . kin like la. above, who use Jon es Sputnik, Lily NV him. It reaketh pure snowy. yet no to BUT WWI.. Sti Id sake Liberty street PORT OF PIiIISRURG H. Moon's phases. 449 I 721 447 831 4 45 9 41 4 45 10 47 4 45 11 59 444 mom. 121=1 At dark last evening, there were ti feet 00 Inches ater m the channel. by pier mark, and falllng. BOATS LEAVING I- THIS DAY. Cincinnati Packets, It) A. M Brownsville Packets, 5 A. M., and 4 P. M Bri4eport Hudson. Cincinnati Nom Wee. Hail Columbia. Comet. rancsnaati—Per bxs meat, Clark & Thaw, 12 hhde do, Orum & McGrew; 9 bble molases. 10 bxs reams, S McClurkan & co; 100 bble potatoes, Cumming & Small; 5 bx. mdse. Braun & Keller; 20 eke chesnuts, Burbridge, Wll - k CO. Brurer--Per 13eaver-4 Eireued hogs, Arm strong & Crozer; 39 sks barley, S 6: W Harbaugh, 6 bbls whiskey, 3 M Harton; 2 bas mdse. 2 bbl. Lauer, 42 bxs cheese, 66 hve hogs, Webb. Inst./mg—Per Consul-3b bbls dour, 2 plough. I cultivator. owner aboard; h bbls vinegar. J Rica ard.n. 409 lads apples, °rum & McGrew; 100 do tbuir, i'doClurkan & 100 bgs bran and shorts, Donaldson, I box [odor, C Culbertson; 50 bbls apples, 0 sacks 2 Las mdse, Treadway; 23 sks wool W Harbnugb; 20 bbls dour, str CousuL Lues.t.--Per Wyoming-7 oaks lend pipe, 2 bee sheet lead, J W Butler dr brut 29 bx.s segars, S & W Harbaugh; 18 cake pork, IC Bidwell; 10 bbls lard oil, Sellers S. Nicole.; 17 oaks bacon, My ers &Hunter; 2 lus broken glom Bakewell, Pear" ac co; 1 box mdse. Clark do Thaw; 115 tons tug metal, M Allen & co. Boston, Nov. 22,1b45. Sunfish—Per Wellsville-20 bbla Hoar, W \V Wallace; 41 sks dry peaches, 2 bbls butter, 131 bbls dour, 55 sks short., .1 8 thlworth; 23 bbla dour Wick & McCandless; 20 do do, Shar_klett, 4 hhd. tob, 1 A Roo; 7 du do, I) Leech de on; 10 bbls flour WoodweII; T 2 bgs Arse, Geo A Berry; 1 hhds tob, J C Bidwell, I i 3 bbls apples, Von Bonnhorst; SS do do, 100 bbls dour. owner on board, 59 bbls apple., Smith & Siorlu r,'° kgs butter, L 8 Waterman, 22 sks barley, S Sr. W Harbaugh. 1548. 15.47, 148,364 76,483 31.94: , 48.149 30.941 22,3'27 UR 25 CENTS!—Ltymeant of the Pocket Famto r lapins, or every one hut m own Physician: twentieth edttion. with upwards of a hundred engravings, soon. tog private diseases in every shape and form. and mal formation of the generative system, by NV YOUNti, NI 1) The tame has now arrived, that persons suffer ing from secret disease, need no more become Me me mo 01 - quackery..., by the presenpuons contained in this book any one may rare himself, without huutrance to business, or the knowledge of the mast nutiniale mend, and with nine tenth the nasal expense In ad tmon to the general ronune of private disease, it fully depts.. the cause of manhood, early decline. woh ebtaervatiOn• on roarnace—betides many other de. °gingen:lents which it world Oct be proper to enumerate rn the public prints Any person rending YS cents enclosed in a letter, will reetive One copy of this honk, by mail, or five Co plra rut: he sent nor one dollar Address ' - DR hi' YOUNG. No 1.52 spruce street. Philadelpnia,* . ram. paid NV ANTED— Pro prlelors of ros or Gook stores, and pedlars, microm. town :n the United States, to art agents for the above work ocu-deWYn ai 2:1,253 143,959 213,690 20'7,753 Pladadelphai. Nov. 2:.), Iledhmore. Nov. 15, IS-38. Liverpool, Nov 10, 1640 Yours, respectfully Emma LouisMcLane, tSennetL Bros.:n*1111r. Allan. Parkinson. Brownsville.; Camden. Hendrickson. Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Ilea vet. Lake Erie, Sholes. Beaver. Beaver. Clark, Wellsville. 2arehaie, Lasbel, Beaver. Brilliant. Grace, Cm. Messenger, Brno, Cincinnati. Magnet. Caruthers, flangingßawl. Comet. Boyd, Cm. Oswego, Grace, Cincinnati. Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville. Wellsville, Barns, Can. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, 13rownsville Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver Michigan Not 2,- Gilson, Braver. Beaver, Clark, Wel!reale. Caroline,Lasbel, Beaver. Vermont, Hazlett, Louisville. New England. No 2, McClure. Cm Mager, Cot. St Lou.. IMPORTS BY RIVER DOCTOR YOURSELF: not the first by whom the new are tried. Nor yet the last to Is the old as THE. E. etrt RANL.E posses. , th thilowtrug advaritages.—The II son tans. supplied web pure hot arr. rendert oven of the operation • h•ting perect as when done to • brickoven It naa a Chambrr riclustvely for Roasting me-tt with a thu. doing away valth al: the roa.ting Lacdratcht..ll the shape of -ttn tttel,ea• It hats large cooktna eaparay, wltn tan unouotrur ed fiat surface. on the top. wh,et, o.'.housekeeper. c a;aOreelatte ,At tn. I.c: up untboul Inh•ou work th h.. ord, bre•place. or .r. the room ax a •tore en•n.,n• no OCC up) uobnl hon., to have .c odYantASe ~nce tbe ot • .1000 And laat'y. burr• on. than •oy other rooktug appaestu not e re pt. u 4 the 1:414,re Cook tni Stove. rnsch at for yan. a, whcbc•an. or retal', at F..mpaa V.tos Drpos, 412 Market .trees, t.trard Flow F.v.ract irk•rn areromendn.on from Ilcur) Bac ma... Martel atrcet.— . oo ran aor tcr rrcoanmcudataun o. it. ertach I not aours. QIIERIAWK ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE —Tril Interne v•iry bcr mid exceeding eek. ha.. Jeri iar• by I. Rend. in beet illtLl2sztu. go.. el :tie pagce It goillain. tar reeve endelion• et eeverel e!orgym en of tele oar of dap, erit denorninnen or In eve were 4101 ropie• have bei dpitritite4 in the t ity of l'inditrgh end eta.urbe II a look for eery) buoy For ee,e by 00025 ft HOPKINS. Apollo Heeding*. 4ei I . )ICH DFM.+S per ioreign eleasoC; Europe Li, —A A Mason & Co. No 00 Market street, en open 1.11, inortang, Barb DT... rio.als. conapneteg to following styles. vit. Seen plaid Morino, near art and the ricoest poufs =ported trite re•wit, n our Plinde. co.", &Ad o- Caxiiincres and elogiv ea Leanne, ene Coburg ore< Ciotti, of any dr.(' iambie .bade nod color. 6101 atoped Caer:nen,. ut groat variety at not, French Mertno French Merinos: 1A! lb MURPHY nit. Oretird wltp,n .fear Any. large a.veartment of ooperior French Monne compreeng iltflrret.t Maroon. bare, Sir... , E tvrry. t'borry. Drab. I..igta Bloc Drown. e. MaLartne Blue. alai, yellow. (Nit/111,10ft. P. , / , P.k F.:TM:. AND of all the lealling color. luciudinq a le* pie. sup or black BELTING!—N avanne Mar. Green. Brown. A r PLAIN GASkiNtEttEN—Alaroon. Garnet. tiro Drat,. Black de EMBROIDERED CASH NIEREL. , —PIain and pant Moun de nr Le , . prtnted Csabrnere,.l.ntnartine SHlpe new tolefor ladle% dre44e%. Slum .toped Alone. nevi VA' ATCHEif, of very fine quarry. and I.AILI{III.I patterns, selected expressly for retail .ar e . try Cimper, Tobin., Johnson, ',thermal, Davie. & Beeslny, and inner genuine and approved menu:sem K rem in :Mend F.ll,welled li carat cold Patent Lever Watches low as 6117. Oilier at various once., according to quality, weight, Jr.c., varying from 1140 to $1,50 Silver vs alettell in great variety, from Si to $.50 A:: over 810 warranted. Lever. a. low as Oh. JEWELRY, comma...fig of gold Klautd. vest 1..4k , i fah chain, Imp, Kcal, penctis, finger rings, tr-asl stad, ear num /merrier, locker, hackies, .lid... Ac silver iornhs. card cares, tract kni•es. ttomb , es. shields, pencils buckles. sltoes. tooth 1,11 ear picks. W W WILSON, market sr. rnr A•ECDOTE— , —C•sciopedia of hloral and Reilia.. Anecdote., a collection of re vere, thousand Fact.. Inc dents. Narratives, &temple and Tomilmonte, em• bracing the beat of Me kind in m oat ornate colleet.ona, and me hundrela addition. original and selected. the witu in la arranged and elimmlied on a new plan. with copious topical andscriptural indexes Hy Her FL Arvinc, A. :11 , Pastor ol the at Charon, New Yost. with so Introduction by Rev “eu , D. Caceres. Dmat published. The above, won a number of new and valuable pnb licatioria. for tale by EL1.1077 & b:NGLISH, no,al 78 wood at Blenohing Powder, (Chloride of Lime.) 111YORTEO inamcrr FROM THE NI AN I.; PAC L • BERN.—The subscribers have on hand and will constantly be supplied with Jaa hluspratt k Sons' cel ebrated Bleaching Powder, which they will warrant equal if not superior to any imported in the 1: States, and which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar• ket price for cash or approved GUIs. noel W k M MITCHELTREE, 160 liberty st --- Idasyratt 8 Sons' Soda Ash. THE subecrihers ve nre d now receiving their J anata, smelt of the abo &rue. three vegaels, m g: the Medallion and Lydia. having arrived at Philadeiphis and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, shortly expected, they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders, They will receive during the NMl ter and spring regular supplies via New Orleans. novia WkMMITCHELTREE SCU . I t e . A R e --te r ! , e i n c ei r e tau, Neve thiegu,ta, Jec'd this day per T 'fi.' h i;t7',1 1 1744 . 1 ., 1%. ) REPPERT. 1131 Second at D ICH NION TUB ACCG-409 packages hest brands JR, manufactured Tobacc. consisung of pound lups and Ins, and co ornproung the most favo m r,' brand., now told. Just reed and for sale hy novr,e, & SIIITH ELEASFI—III Lb,. now lanchng. 'or sale by novtr. ISAIAH DICKEY & nail 011,—In bbl. Conklnig's beat winter Weaned j j Lard 00,srat reeerved and for anla by noval SELLERS ra NW, ILS APPLES -60 Ulla In more and for sale by novD JOIN F 4 DILWORTH (lIIEESE-70 bx. r"beew-; 15 casks do; in *tore ato for sole by ENULASII & BENNETT% bo•B11 57 wood st LBBABB-10,000 memo; boat Vern Pnnoip• Co for solo low by tiovb3 ENBLISH & BENNETT PEA NUTS--300 bu•b reed and for sale by novo TAlilitlY, BET W IND(W GLASS-08 b. 7.; 200 do Sal do 10012; 3 3 do 10.4; on band and for eala by novID TASSEY t BEST . LEPLIANT OIL, (arinter)-3 euks jomrec'd and foFr oak j by norl7 Klp D a Co '0 Urn BORAX —%O lb. )o.' recta ould for sale by 1 - 1, nov27 .1 KIDD &co CABWOR 01L-3 Dbl. )att reed end for mkt by sto•77 J ILIDD It Co ILocal natt.6l . l. ItZPOITZD FOR TICI PITMUI6II DAILY GAZITTS- I:sr...nen Corning:m.o. or Grrnnn Untrxx —Yesterday, ■ man who gave WS name as Tho mas Harvey, was brought before his honor, chats , ed with being drunk on the previoun evening.— In a small pocket book was found a promisory noe, of which the following is a copy' Prrrantrecu. May 21, 1548. Four months after date. I promise to nay to the order of William H. Williams, three hundred and six dollars, without defalcation, for value received. MOSES COREY. The note was endorsed by the acceptor, and by Brown and Culbertson. On being asked to give an account of the man ner in which be came into posserscon of this note, he acid be had picked it up in Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and that as he Wended to come to Pittsburgh, he thought he might find some of the parties, and that it might be of use to them. lie had come into the city last Thursday, but hod not thought of the note till this tame. The cireumstsoe ces of the case being a little suspicious, the Mayor thought it his duty to make a rigid inquiry, and therefore bad the young man's baggage went lar. Ilis honor took upon himself the arduous task of crowing every article very carefully—cod a more perfect medley was perhaps, never packed in so small a compass - -such for example as pin cash. ions, pebbles, pen knives, pocket books, pad locks , buttons, books, bleeding stick, a bible, prayer book. and universalist hymn book, a pack of cards, frog• mend of history and dice, trunk handles and oyes ter pearls, thread and needles, tea spoons and knives and lurks, curry comb and tooth brush, horse brush and boot hooks, a daguerian likeness and a Philadelphia shin plester, a songster and powder flask, bullets and new shoes, gun nipples, and shaving apparatus with n variety of other articles "too numerous to mention" While his honor was handling every thing over —the dirty clothes included—we sould not help thinking of Sir John Falstaff, when the ' Merry Wives of Windsor' put him into the clothes bas ket It was, however, gratifying to observe the care which his honor exercised to protect the coin• munity from what he considered a very auspicious haracter, and on this score, and in this instance he community are certainly indebted to his honor for his vigilance. A number of keys, of various slue, were found in the man's trunk, also a skele ton key. On examining some of the articles, the name of 'Thomas Diamond' waa found written upon them. There were also several letters ad dressed to a person of that name. The pnsoaer said that was nis real name. That he had been a servant ioLendon—had been in Canada—had be. longed to a circus company—been a waiter in a hotel in Philadelphia—had made and sold ice cream, for which he used the tea spoons, and had followed sundry other occupations A gentleman of the name of John Briggs, stated that the prisoner had shown him the promisory note on Thursday lest. and from some other mum nes which were made, the story told by the prison. sr was made pretty clear Ile was therefore dis charged. In the Clecerr Corat of the Untied States, le he Western Dismal. Acton of Debt United States of America, for use of H. Sprou s. Wm. Robinson Jr and Geo. A Beyartl, sureue of IL C. Bonier. lo tins case the Planta offered to prove that the Defendants were the sureties of Rosier, by offenng a certtfied copy of the bond of H C Border, late Marshal of the Western Distnct of Pennsylvania- To this the counsel for the defendants objected, he. cause the bond had not been recorded by the Clerk of the Ctrcuit Court of the U. 3, as required by the net of Congcresa. The plattwas counsel then offered th • common law proofs. and tor that pur pose called a warless who proved that he copied the bond correctly, and that the late clerk of the Circutt Court of the certified the wane to be true and rsurcet copy 01 the ttond of H. C lkor ler, and iusin, more proved the loss nt the hood by the tire of the lush April, Is-C• It woe further more proved by T M Howe. I-sq that Colonel Robinson acknowledged that he was the surety of of Resler the dtpretton to the reeetvlng of the bond was very nbiy segued by Messrs Hampton and Robinson for the defence end by Me I , unlup fie. the plaintiff. His Honor Judge Irwin then debarred a very able opinion, and allowed the copy to go as eiris 'lace to the court. The tsind was then read to the Jury. and the plaintiff then gave In evidence a pa per signed by 11. C. Bosley, late, outing that he re cvi red from plaintiff remain hills against toe gov• etwutegl i which whoa placed to h. credit, he would pay over to the plantiff Plaintiff then gave .n ev• deuce the depocuon of the °direr of the govern. meat, who Retitled the account of Poster and prow• ed by that idliiwr that the amount 'tanned by plain tiff watt credited to H C Railer and here the plain. tiff rimed. The ease was argued to the jury by Mr 11..ohinsim for defendants and Mr 1 , 11111014 4 las ed the eve to the jury Hui Honor. Judge Irwin charged the jury, who in a tew in.nutew, returned, with a verdict of eight hundred and seven dollars and turfy seven rents This enda the j ury cases for this term. In= COMT or (.IIARTICR SCSEIMM—Tirc Yes Casa —The speeches tu e.turtrtel to this caw, the evidence of which we reported so fully yester day morning, occupied the Court the whole of yes_ terday Mr. McCalmont commenced on the part of the prosecution, and addressed the fury m o lucid and forcible manner. e shibib rig an extensive knowledge cit . the law as applicable to such cases. His speech attracted .considerable attention, both on Recount of his forcible argumentation. and the agreeable ness and chasteness of his diction. His address occupied most of the forenoon. The lion Wrn. Irwin followed on the part of the deience, sod although, as he said, he had not been at the bar for eight years, he oppearetl to have sow tamed no diminution in his clearness, force and Hon. Mr. Darragh followed also, oo the pert of he defence, and concluded with a torrent of roped and touching eloquence. Mr. Marshall was winding up the whole, when our reporter left the Court House. Judge Patton will charge the jury this morning, alter which the Zirnmeriee case will be taken RACTNIT lirW ARE—Yesterday a raflman, who had recently come down the river, was brought be fore the Mayor, charged with being drunk on the "alma evening. The man said he had no mon ey, had Just came down the river, and had got drunk from liquor which be earned in • bottle.— He was fined one dollar and costs, or in default of payment to be committed 24 hours. The poor fel low said he regretted being drunk, he regretted still more to have been in the watch house; •nd still mom to go to jail. He said he was perfectly willing to work, to pay the fine, at anything his honor would put him to; but ha did'ot like to go to jail. His honor said he had no work to put him to and he must either pay the fine or go to pad. Al. legheny boys' Look out' AassuLeiso a WATCllll,l. — yesterday a good looking young man, tolerably well dressed, with a "limning" head, who gave his name" Edmund Bar ry," was brought before the Mayor, charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with assaulting a watchman, who nrrested him. It appeared that this was the third time young Bnrry had been in the Watch house mice he came from the Emerald Isle to Pittsburgh, One dollar and twenty five cents were found upon;him; and in consideration of his immediately leaving the city, and paying over the dollar and a quarter, he was discharged, with the cheering promise of 30 day. confinement, if he appeared there again. Horns liaicsaixo.--On Tuesday night lac the dwelling of Mrs. Agnes Irwin, in the 7th ward, was entered by a thief or thieves, and some arti cles of silver plate stolen. The entrance was ef• tented by breaking a pane of glass from n side door; so as to enable the thief to introduce his arm and unlock the door—the key being left in the lock inside. EARLY Ctosiso or Suors.—The hardware more keepers of this city, we believe, have generally come to the determination to close their shops at six o'clock in the evening from the lst of Deem• ber to the I 4 of March next, in order to give the young men engaged in their establishments a little time Zr relaxation and improvement. Tux &rasa Hoar THlEF.—George Livingston. who was committed some days ego, on a charge of larceny on board the Zachary Taylor steam bent, was brought before Judge Hepburn, yesterday, on a habeas corps., and discharged, to consequence of informality in the commitment. He was, how. ever, immediately arrested on several other char ges, and again placed to safe custody, to await his trial at the ensuing session. A Ilona atom acrrumm—Lan night about 10 o'clock, the bells rang an alarm of are. We beard that there was • little smoke somewhere about Wylie Street, but certainly mina MISCELLANEOUS PIANO FORTES. JOHN It. NIELI,OR. No. 51 Wood street, has now reemved fullassort• mnt of Piano Fortes. selected from tbe e following manufactories in I3oston and New York, to which the attention of purchasers is respectfully invited Those (coin Mr. Chickering. (for the side o(which he is soie Agent iii Mr onion% Penn sylvania,) have what is termed the New Circular Seale. being an improvement recenuy made. and giving them a derided advantage power and equality of tone ver any others The iolinwing are the patterns and o f les of Clior bet ing's. No I Rosewood. 7 oceves. finished back de front. 641, 2. richly caned '• " •• 4. carved mouldings, lawn 5. '• 64 finished back and I wit. 8.150 6 45 1 1ju p • •• d projerli. front , g" , •• rn•nly carved. style of Louis 140, " 11. hollow corners and hollow cor nered Itga, second band. cost onginally 16125, and will be sold al a very reduced price No. 12. Roaewood, round corner, very elegantly In ched, 6275 No 13. Rosewood. round corner. very ei egantly finished, 5275. The above are inannfacturod by H. Worcester. N. . well known as being connected formerly midi slessrs Stomrd. Worcester h. Dunham, N No 13. Rosewood, 6i l carved It:molding, nestle by the Rlattlisitnn Company. N. V. BT.'S. No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octave, Gale & Co'.. N Y 'rtla, :'. FLs l e ' ve n oart n rand 6 Piano, ma " de to) : Henri Hera, Paris. No 17, Mahogany, G octaves. aecond hand. prier 873 Old Plano. mken In pan payment for oevr one, JOHN H MELLOR, Sole Agent for Mc ken vg's Grand and .S.Juare Piano Forma, for Western Penn. Iran(,. 43,07 SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS. ?MT NUNNS .4 CLARK, Neve York, eIIICKEHINIi, Boston, The sub...ether has now open and for sale, a lot of roost supertor Plano,. e lected by himself at the tnanufactones. • The consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Plano, of of 6, YR and 7 octaves. of various styles and prices, and embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Nunn. Clark's, ,ior which ,telehraird firm be IA ou Aosavl have an unproved way of stringing possessed by no other, also, superior plan 01 leathering the hammers. presenting these Pianos limn growing harsh and wirey atlas some use. The Piano. of chick slung. of which he has n .upon. or lot. are provided with the Circular Seale. and were selected for him with care by 1. Chickermr, of Boston The above will positively be .1d at manufacturers' pricea, and on arcommodating ters. The subsenber will invariably m lie found al 1 W WoodwelPs, fromll to to 19 A M , and trom 1 to 5 P. M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the buslness during the balance of u II KI.KIIER, octlO at 1 W Woodwell's. is 3 Third st GBEAT MUSICAL outoseriber has mat received from Europe, and for sale, on entirely new velitton of Piano Forte, called the LA B. IYEr PIANO P'ORTF. which more power and than the square Piano, occupies but one fourth us much room, and is • touch more showy and handsome pie ce:of furniture It is particularly destm• ble Whore the .aunty( of spa. ti an object, being ,• spar neat and voinpart, and oeeupving no more rm than a stn•ll aide table The sub . scrther has in hand a testtmonial of its superiortty from ;he relebra. tad ptanist.Mosehelles, in his own hand wnting.which may be I n.p<Cl.Cli H KLF.HP.R. 0ce,17 Al) W Woodwell• . _ EW BOOKS---Loom.' Demente of Trigonometry 1.11 —Elements of (lam and superficial Trigonotor. try, with their applications m Mensurauort, Surveyitia and N. - lagoon by Elias I.omms, A M A Firm Book in Greek, containing a full view of the form of words, math vocabularies and copious a...r -euses on the method of eoriamot imitation and repeti• lion: by John I'll'aintoek, D. D. Profeasor of Lamp.- ges, and George H. Cruovia, A NI , Adjunct Prole•sor of Languages of Dickinson College l.pham's isle of Madame Catharine Adorns. ld edi tion A near no, , —The Disetp:isw of I.ile Parts 9, ID anal II at Harper & Brothers' splendid ii lustratrd edition of the Arabian Night.' Enter.inments The :shove worts reeet•ed this day b) expires, and fora.le by JOHNSTON & STOCrfON. .0011 cot 3d and totiOirt ••• ATCH AND CLOCK V V emplo, the best wortmets to he sound, tngether wlth a .afft su,d emnp,ete stock al fine "col* and ma. ebiner>. adapted to rmp.wated wort. sod mating SS MI accuracy and s altlacto ew , Nero*. ett•tmorr• ma> depend on satt•factlon.•nd at about Me same price% they pay in many shop. .mperfect wort. •nd .o ma Ely rases (or posiUTC I n,r) done to that:. aratcar. A our wot I• •xorrated to perform 'art> 11 t -11a v.. n reduced tov bu,:nra. to a ra.h am determined to set: as low.. the lowest re,u• ar prlccaotast of west. and euatosner• may be s.sured that they on make In this line a. cheap as in the eastern enters, thereby encouraging home trade and industry \V ILSON no•I3 1:1=13=33 Sot.. Agnag, rot ?ON's* CLARK', Crt.nnul Pun... THE sut.enber laas lust mplenothed IM:9llhis .took or Plano, whteh for variety Ili cy,e astd priee• na• never lwrn •nr• pasitell 111 thr. eny Jo., reeetred and opene.l Nn fallowlng now Plano. One 7 oeuve raltnnet rr•nel Plano an etalrety nev. invention On.. Ro•ewood 6i vcr!.. ,legani Nunn. .\ L .art One ' 6 - eu.rtum.. • rolebtroni .c.olutu • .• a vets cup...not !nno toc...nrcoo Wu.... &.• H et J %V One tat buten l rh flue nor 1., AND TOBACCII, NNUYIS, AND CIGARS, T roe 01.1 Stand, corner of Smithfield street and 21. Dramoud alley. PittelborKb. Pa. woo respeetta ) call the atteto,on of Country Merchants, Hate ' . and Sreamtroat Hat keepers. to a ;Argo and superior a.aort. tot IM PORTED CD ARS, aims, whirl. w t.r and the lollowore brands, r kLI , e. Reg• Ca. 1.101, Prinotpe. la Norma, Star Brand nerra hlt Dollar Regal.s. ail of which Imo:, old a. low art can hr bad 11l any a 1 . ," hence 311 UM City ISO. r 011.1 1 ,1.) on hand uld tor .ale, a large arr.! •eireird %urea (11 Vaginta, Nituour. aod Fune Cut Chew-o. Tr:dote° r Vi•vana. Cabs and Common Lesk. eonalantl l' on hand and for .ale nova-16m An Ordinance, Arwikforog the g-revie of Feffh 6rt ;runt and Ros 4 Jr SD:. I —Be It untamed and enacted at the ii.hres.• of Pittsburg:, in Soiect and Common Counciti• •rintilerl, that the trade ol Ftttlitreet shalt be estab oohed as iiihows liednuting • the *rode ut ioran, tnenee 1 deg , G. Min 01" teat per tot. feet to the tnteracrtion of the northern curb hoe ol street. with the southern Curb anc at of by y street. ..e• lug at the dui at Mil feet fm rom the curb lane Grant street.j thence fan 571 minute. or I tit . feet per MO feet to Ross street Sae II —Be tt further enacted. ke . Thu! the grade of Wyhestreet %ha. deseeod a um grade from the p.m s , the Interseetton of the nnor curb hoer aforcsatd, to :h.. grade of High street, and that Rnss street. from I. interseetam with Sat street, shall burr • uniform desrendtag grade from ,th •ireet to It,. and street sod loon .ith street no Hiatt street—sod further. Mai so much ro the 1/rdmanee paseed the 11th day of November. Isti.meoamstent with the ros/mons of tins Ordontoce. he and the yame is here by repealed Ordained and enianted into a ., nw Cototrila. tni rib day of Niivnmtinri A it I'4 Attest t NIORCIA !•• HOIIERTSON rre., C t Ferri. Clt C. C., liniN Pr., S C Jo/IX MAJR, C.cti C e10VZ.,31 Roolng.—Galvnialsed Tin Plates 1E subscrmem bog to call the attent,mt or Howlers Architects mad owners of Buildings. to the Mall) advantage• which these plates pusser. over a I other metallic substarices hitherto used tor Meting, as they yiossess m once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, baringnow been tested for seversi years in this particular. both in Oils country and In Eu rope They are less liable to expansion and contra, tion from stiddeo Change obelte mmosphere. than corn mon tin plates, iron. line, or any other metal now used for r...mfing and consequently form • much better nod tighter roof; re-quirtng (Cr leas frequent repairs, whilst the Mat cost is but a Intie more • A lull .upply, of all axon, from GI to 30 W , con cantly on hand and for .ale by GEO El MOREWOOD A CO. 14 and II Beaver *weed, New York The patent nght for this article haelng been secured for the Untied dm., all parties tufringing thereon, either by onportauon or otherwise, will be prowco -1,1 oet3n.d&wlyT HE undersigned have erected W11(.11 in the city of tiew York, for the purpose w I.l6i:inuring all ani of Iron, which its desmshic is FRlyrEc r FROM RUST, such as Telegraph Wire. Bolt, Spikes, Nail.. Wire boy Fences and any other article which y ho required. For H oops for Casks, as a substitute for ma bale Rope, for Clothe. Lines, Lightning Rods. and o hest or other application., it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to he (Alvan, red Was Inc fences,t requires no paint, and tank noi Amt. Also to Spikes and Bolt., the pre.errmion which is of so mach importance, that it will commend itself to the nonce of all those interested. (JEO 13 MORF,WOOD A CO., P•tentees. otd3o-414tarlyT 14 and 16 Beaver York Omar o [ •m•rioan & Foreign Patents. JACiREENOUGH, of the late firm of Keller & T Greenough, continue. the Gumless of Consulung Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his °Mee In the city of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and en, p_loyed in making examinations m machinery in the ?went Office and elsewhere, to furnishing drawings and specignations of machines,and all papers neeessa. ry, transfer, amend, redasue of*xtend letters potent in the United States or Europe. He can also he coa sult. ed professionally on all questions of lingauon art.' mg under the Patent Low, and willargue lows. Pons before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom, for which his long experience in the Patent Othde and in his profession. have peculiarly fitted him. The pro. (comm.! business of the late Dr T. P Jones having been placed In lur hands, all letters in relation thereto should be addressed to him post paid nuirdibil&wthiaS °VOTERS! OYSTERS!! • URESIf FROM THE Burke & Co* 1: Fast 'Express, at redneed price's—To aermanio date .11 lover• of thin Aeltcioas luxury, BURKE &Vet have resolved to supply the people regularly through no the season, with ihe choicest Freya OyMers cans. half cans end shell. at such reduced prier. a will euriole every fatally to enjoy this delicacy at tact tables. • An Ezpreas loud will bereeelved doily at the ware house of JNO C BIDWELL, Water street, between Smithfield and Grant, sad for sole the e. end at the 101. lowing depots, Rena Jo Berger, corner Smithfield and `Ad so; F. Healleton, Diamond. A lloevler. Penn le, eth Ward; D Hanghey, foot of Liberty st. 1 Cohort. Jr, Penn'. Avenue; Mercer Jr Robinson. A,,gheny rely. novll . . I.IIY THE CAN, of supenor queitty, at love prices. .I.J put op by the subscribers egpresalY for the usti 01 families and part., ran he procured at the jtesi•u null in this and Allegheny ciues. at the store ot It Knox, 4th suet, Plusburgh, U. Jenkins' store, Alle- Shinny city, lad kJ the Oyster Depot. titt_ Charles hotel, Wod eh moll-dim HOLT & MALTBY PATEN'r SODA Mat. MPORTEO DIRECT FROM THE btraluencru i KERB.—The mbsanbers. being the omelet...lye im porters of James hlmpratt k Son,' Soda Ash Inc this Get, are now and will continue to he largely sup plied with this celebrated brand, which they will sell at the lowest market tines for cash or approved bills. They refer to the glass and soap mundactorers of this ear generally respecmig the quality NV tr. MITCHELTREE, noel IGO liberty si ITOBACCO AT • BARGAIN-40 bns Polndenef . , liflabunond, Va.) pound Lumps, sound Arid good, tabr at% ISAIAH DICKEY d. Co, do, front gt HOUSES, LOTS. FARMS, /co, • - 266 ACia Cis./ for Bale, ITV ATED on the Monongahela riser, about 16 mild U from Pittsburgh and 3 mtlea above third Lock, in n,immediate neighborhood or Messr. Lyon fr. Snort" , d ltl John Herron. pureh.e. This fine body of Ci t al v.. 111 be .1d at the low prme of tr 33 per sere--one Mad n hand. bnianew m five equal annual payment., .ntentt Tate indt.putable. Location very good --enttnot be aurpassed. For further parueulara couture et t: BAISLItIY ' who has draft of card pro. perty Reandence fid At. below Ferry. Mr. Adams , Row. NR There is another seam of coal on thia tract , about 60 'act above the lower, of ekeellent qualtly rytNt d‘r ft. Heal E . lil Ohio. ATRACT of land, 90 acres, in Harnson, Portage Co., Ott Mc Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres under im provemew.. Also, two unimproved lots in the village of \V erre n, Trumbull Co. 60 60 feet by 110. Also, a lot of ground la Mc house Of ilartfOrd. Trumbull Co., with a hue d well,ng and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Resene Any or all this property Will be ao.d on very accommodattng terms IrIAIAH DICKEY et Co, kW° Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR BALE • • • • THE large and well hut:t Factory erected on Rebec 1, ea street. Allegheny coy, by ft. S Casson. EAg, to olfred for sole at u bargtun. and oneasy terms. The lot on which the Factory to erected. fronts IN) feel on Rebecca sirret, and rusts back 110 feet to Park nee, The main handing ,• of bark. three atones high and 60 feet long by fent .ride The Fatinne House is large andli with an engme, boiler. stack, &c.. all to complete order. 'llse property will be sold low, and on advantageous terms 12MIMM TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE• Two !Art's on Beaver street. in the thy of Alleeheny. above the uprer Common, on 14 hleil 14 C14,14 . 1i n frame buildtme. two •lOTICS lugh. Auttable lor soma to teal The lots are each twenty eel in trout by one hundred feet deep. •nd run beck tun street forty feet wtde The budding. on the pre mise. %VIII pay it very handsome interest on the invest ment, sent the propert) will he •oid cheap tor cash Apply to 11 Sproul. Clerk'. other; 1 . rt or to nuvg.9 KAS k Co MEETS j.k Till , . subscriber offers for rent for the term of XL.: one or more years, a large convenient well fl/1 ished two story Dwellitig liou , e. containing rooms and Knehen Titer, is a lot of ground containing le ise ter of fine young (riot term. of every kind, staid, connected with the house. To may person wird, tog a delightful residence within a few minute. ride of the city, this will be rare chance. For terms, winch will be low to o good tenant, inquire of Mr Jno (Wright. near the preutises, of John Watt. corner of Hand and Liberty weera, or of oci2 , •-tf THEO. F WRIC THE subscriber will tell on atcommodaung terms, a vaivable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading front Brighton to Franklin. about eighteen miles front Pittsburgh, and about eight miles flora the town of Frcedont on the Ohio ri The tract con. tam. 4th acres and 20 perches, stri ver ct measure The land in of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared, mud well wateri.d. and will be mold either in whole or in fano• of convcitient vise, to suit purchasers. For further particular. .squire of WM BONI), Any at Law. other on itb mt, ahoy,. Smithaelit. Pittsburgh. r2gi-dh T Scotch Bottom Land for Sale. \ „11 " .. ' 3 ) 10 . „ I ct ‘ e 1 11 ' ;. IT " I ' l ' r ' e ' e " ol n Li t e :=l7d: burgh—in lota to stilt purchnsrr, For further p.m. war. app') Henry W At. or to A WA:MINI:TON, 4th. .bore Smothheld s 1 Property in Allegheny City for Sale. 'THE auberribtra oder or 'ale a number of choice I.ota. sauaic in the Secood Ward, fronung on the oulino•I ground, on easy terms Inoulre of =M;=M=t=l 1=111:121 A - ALL ABLE REAL. F:sTATE.,N PENN STREET FOR SALE —A Lotot t.round situate on Penn streeF. to,wren Hay and Harbury streets, ad.otnlng tue and lot now occupied by Richard hs7,ng o front of 23 fret.. and in depth Zrl Fret. lona be .1 , 1 on voret , ie t•rms Mu, unexceptionable. En t' I, LtnI)MIS. Ith .F. near Wood 1113:11 I, RIMINI, tornarrly oar ( a,. •Un go,rrrotHee. estaboahmen4 b<tn( . 3 •Pted tor that tm,t3te•ot h•, orrond atory room I• • othe. mo.l toe 1144r0 morv. a o.on, room. wilts Food hot Evraorc tot Nlarket t,:wrrn 3.1 and ith a/011,W. I-. 13 IoAZZA3I. 1=1:101 sal. A 1 , 1101-: •1 , .,, lincKu R liou on ES, %%A1,..... nut Klyc n ofJenunr. lOU. or woner tf myna', For tenno.lll,lll, 1,1 nor: I) lII..V•KIit'RN k Co. water Valia•ble kie•ldence to Allegheny' City for Sale. I PL.ATING rr moral from Litegheny cay offer my restdence tttnre for .te The prem.. am to dchghtfot order. and every way worthy the a, tent!on of any person wntraing ouch property W PUINISF.Y.TER Estate In Metter County. AlArr. Storehouse and rhvelltriF, natal< on the Erle Extetts Cana.. ..n the Tiling, of West Mlli dlcse.a. a dcstrabie iocanon fora merchant Also. a Lot so.lllwc.:in, House fluted fora Tavern stand..” the vt..yte of tna.revflie.on State line of Ohio Terms ca.). ISAIAH DICKEY d Co feblo Water and From sta. 1,11. 1..0.1 , 1 , /lt nA!.I.-7 , ven nary • voill !and Ine .11,,,,Kand:n 12,er. •••orn •.1 . “ !!!adotd n !!,,t vnin n! nna. rtato tor ;cool, Pnr totrttr t • It n , itlt it 1.11 :13 ntnort o l% \I WI 1.J , 0N. Jr To aIL 19 • r , ./11 pa,l n( the war, Ay ..uu• *Vett. Eli liANi;;; BDKERS, &c er. sore, Ilmokrr., at. lionge Broker•, 1 . 1 . A Nut.. , ,11,VER o,i, I , ,NK NOTI-'2 4 It \ Not Ittnl Arceplanroa ;..1)lat•o• pArt of •,11 on thv \... I' •r~l ltn~ BANK \UT-' - we• .11 ' enn bankt :151e.,! ,tete•,,ec /11.1,e1 The retee All 1,:w• o: Forei,” end Ante., 1•0 er l nln bought iNftec No 55 Merle, •.rettwo - ILAdINA C 1.%0•1 DANY t FIRS. 1 , 120kk.R.5. ruld dca.ers 13 111 i'orewn I.ltl ltot a 1-:zchanre. , ornfirates of 1.p0... }Salta N WV* 41J Four, ly oppoalte toe M. of 1 . .....urFn Curl, t mole, trce.ve4 ~ 0 ... tr- .Irle Chrcks for Bait, and col i,.cuonp made or. ncer y a./ the prlnelpal pout to the enl,d Staiee The tNetooo promsoen radd for Fore . gr.e.nd Amenc. Gold Ad•.ece made on conlognmen. of Yterdtioe, atop ped Rut. on Tiros. terms mehls FORICIUN ICACIIANGTC. 1)11.1.S on England. Ire•stA. land Scotland bought 1) any 4111011111 t Vurrent Rotes of Exchange A;.o. C/1.11101 pa, use in an) part of the Old Countros, witoan .41 to Iltaa, a, the rate of Ili to the 1 SterltnF. hout Ordorton: 01 ,scount. t.y A ROBIN. SON. European nod oeneral Agent., °tee stn at 011 e didof octleti WESTOWN FrNDS-- Oroo, Indtana. Kentucky, NlLseoun. Bonk Note, pa...teed at the lowe, rstua, Ly N dr. SONS. JS Nlarkei mrret HILL. & .13 A e.LI K ,, ' o " f v i7l: c .sos hanir side - _ 01,111( rt 1.111.1,14 LE [.W•IO SAHA KILADIER & RAHN, BANKERS AND EXCHANOF: BROKERS, dealer. Fornig, and Domestic Ittli of Exchange. Cc, tzficate. of Dt.potite. Bank Now. And Corn. corner of Id and Wood streeta, threctly opso.tte Charles mity:Ct , d 17 BILLS OF IL X.Oii ebtets on New York. i'to!adolpluat, and fialumore, Constantly for role try N 1101.AIKS tr SONS sept 3 Jr Market ( - 101.LE4 rION,--Nettm bran:. end .krcr.pms rx Pay en Wr•trrit coilected on ' the mast favorable terms by sepl9 HOI.NIrS h SONS SlG ,.. ir t r 4 CHECKS ON \6R' TURK for Ly!• , &. SON, Consulting Eng_lne•rs tr. Counsellors for Patentees: Office for procurnif and defending Patent, imparung inforrnallon on Nierhanics nod the applleation of Sci nce to the Art, end on Amenetut and Foreign oi PROF' WALTER R. JOH ON. NS late of Phtladel pion, and Z. C ROBBINS of Washolgton Ito he elded by Ha7ord Knowles, Eno , late Maelorte•l of the Untied Sllt/1,1 Vote,: Olhee., have asnoetated themselves together for the prosecution of the at , ove branch,. of profesnaonal honmens. either In their roftee. at the Patent Othee, or before the Cour.. and will de vote then' undtvltletl sttentloa to forwarding the titter. est of 11,01110, and others who map COTISOII thcm or place Imatnenn to their hands. Mr Knowles ha, for the past twelve (en, held the port of Nlnetunest the Coned State• PM/. ()thee. and restens that nunatton to take part in the present undertaktne HIP Mk,. and peeultar fitne•• the Important office so long fill ed by turn, have been lulls reeoatused by Inventors wherever the othee114e111• k/10.,11, The office of 31e..r. J & H iaon P street, oppcnote the Patent Miter. %Vast... Von. D. C . where mammon.- cano, mru paid. well be prompt.) attended to; exam ,,Ml,lll mode,drawing.. spec theations. and all requis tte paper.. prepared—and model. procured when desi red--on table term, Letter. of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examtnanous bad. must ac companied t.y n tee of five In the dune. ot their odice which pertain,. to the Pa tent Laws, Mr.., & a will be aum.ted by a Iran! of (hr tu,he.t prolevdonal character, and itnly conversant olth Aleehantes and other Setartinfie subject,. tnv . 2o - .d.11.wl vS [TEA IiCASOIIi. •aultsctiber It pra m formse Bouquets Veddlogs, Italia and !s, composed of rich till Flowers. Order• snit W. T. Down, Jr. lair street, or throuch 'oat °time. will be de 'id promptly 11124 WAN DROP. • muchnoter Nursery Alm. DR. D. UVNT, Witt Coo/11Pr of Fourth Dreatur, between .epe.nlun 0160. W. SMITH & CO, INFORM their hien& and the public Mat they hipt• no longer any connection with their lute estsibluilb went In Penn street, known as the Pittsburgh itriwery, having removed their enure business to th e POINT kItinVERY. in Put street. mylmil y 9 00110 tITCHEIL H. D. CO-001f1 RITCHIE 4 COCHRA FORWARDING it COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 93 TCHOUPITOVLAS STREET, austl.49valltn.B Haw Oeleews. Q UNDRIES-4 bbis Chestnuts. 4 do Flaxseed, I bbl Timothy Seeds 5 do Roll Rimer: 400 bush Peaches: 4 bbl. Wbita Beans; 4 keg Hertmr, reed sod for sale by nov27 TAMES t BERT DRY & VARIETY GOODS. - SPLZNDID STOOK OT PALL GOOD), Wholesale amid Rotall. A A. MA.t 4 ON & CO, PITTSBURGH, PA., -- - , Tj AVE received more than one thousand Casses . and jj. Packages of Foretgo sod DoniestieGosada mak mg one of the most extensive assonmentl in the coun try, embracing the latest, richest and molt fashioble styles all:smarted and Amenean Goad., pimeha. in enure packages from the unpOrters,Manufactureraltad large Auction sales, by one of the 6rto residing in New York, who consttualy sending us the Lowest and molt desirable goods in the F.astevn markets, which will be offered az low as at any eatabluttment in She United States. and lower than could postibly be offer ed by soy House to the Wen. We enumerate the fol lowing •rucles-- DRESS SILKS--41 cases rich changeable, striped staid and brocade Gro de Mille, Goode Berlin, Grp& Swiss, tiro de Algiers, Glacier, black Gro de Rhine. Taft.. fine Sau. Florence oral! colony he. fre. Al , so. Silk Velvet of all colors, a very large stock CASVA DRESS GOODS, viz: coos. extra rich sat tn stnped Cashmere; do dodo punted db do; do sma. figured E.titillsh de Lame, do Clmtenett Plugs, striped One orals, hr. A IsO, SU CS.. .osaccasi . bld <was no striped and plain Lyon... 6-1 TorlSll Plaid sod Si" Twill; na cashmeres and Grandilla FRENCH kIERINON—A full uactimtent of black. mode, scarlet, kloroon, Nauru., blue, POW. sod .°l - colors. of the beat manufacture. S-11AiliLd-t—Conoprism6 the •t emenalve sorunc offered ut Ova city. embreeing long and mins re cashmere and TartAn phut' ShaveLs, Bruns...wk. Finland, Jenny Llnd, I.u:onetime, and oth er - - - - EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS,. GLOVES, kn.— Lace caps, collar., cuffs, standing collari, chemaetts Alan. linen cambric and lawn lidkfs, Laces and Edg gs, Be ;111gs,d Ribbons, Hosiery of all kinds; Gloves do. in FIUNGES, CORDS, BRAIDS, h.e. —A ftl, assortment of the most fashionable styles, LINEN AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS—Case w 'nab Linen. best manufacture, Linen Sheeting. and pillow rate Linens, Table Damask and Diaper, Satin Damask Table cloths and Napkins, Hacimback. Roo and Bird's Eye Diaper Flannel.--over WOO pa of ever, ranety Bleached and Brown Muslin.—mornthan 15.00 b ps of all the well knot:lm makes. RIBBONS—More than llgt canons entirely new hi,. and wuner Riboons, very choice styles. French Cloths. Cassimeres and Doeskins, in great vanety; Teenage, Searle, cravats and Hdkfs. Whoe:Gcads of every descnpnons, together with ev ery article usually found in a dry good. store. 'Fbe hallowing is an Invoice of 67 eases goods just revelved. with the priers annexed: In bales of red and white Flannels. all wool, for Ike ease' blue end orange Prints, If do CRIICOCS, art yards for 100 IY do fast colored Pnn 17 do Meat-bed :Hushes, ts, 41 do Alour de Lathe.l2l • 7 do real Scotch Gingham, L2l - - Also, 00 bale. 4-4 Brown Muslin, AU of whten. connectun with those above men tioned. will be offered at less prices then pan be afford ed by any other establishment m the edit. The ONE PHICE SYSTEM, wtneti insures Justice and frornes• to all. will be smelly observed. Any article purchas ed •t this estabh•hment found to be .Lour the gene-ai Mark r onee. a consequent reduction will most willing ly be made. upon Me cireumstanees being made known IG the Proprietors. it bung their desire that all goods shall tie soid on fair Lad honorable terms: All person. are respectfully gutted to eglantine our assortment without feeling the least obligation to purchase. °eta CARD—November Bth, 1848. R NIU RP HV, northeast comer Ilth and Alar• ket nevem, Pittsburgh, bas now completed the openosg of a second large supply of Dry Goods tor the season, and c offer t this buyers anassortment to .elect •n from, rarely to be found at rs adv as anced part of the so asott Pante aloe attention is asked to his large stork of BROADCLOTHS. French. English ausl nommen, of all desirable cu rable ror dress coats and cloaks; also, Cum mere., sr large assomment.. including wool dye and French black. Doeskin, dark mixt; Panty do. from the low price of NI its tall wool) up to die finest qualines and newest s.yles Besides. a large stock of Bennetts. common arid tine. Undershirts and Drawers, Gloves. Sc LADIES DRFlstisr GOODS. to CI their variety. Country Merchants and Merchant Tatkirs are ins, led to examine hi. stock. iu Wholesale Flooma, second story novil Fail Dry Good,. !Mae&Jett & Whits Na WOOD Stint 1 N V ITES the wenn , . of Western Merchants to their era. and mesh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which to e) •re now receiving direct from the Eastern Nlanufacturer. and Importers, and which they will sell at Eastern robbing prices !Gonne every tuctlity for the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and the lowest possible prices., they confidently t in Merchants to examine the and prices ol their goods,feeling sausfied they cue com pete favorably with any Mantel ember East or We., s jibe. smelt will romprise a full assortment of a:I goods usuany kept in Dry Goods Houses nod will he constantly rec,ving additions of all ibe new and deem , mule sly le• of goods of domestic or foreign manufae tore, and win only require an 5154415140 n to be ap preciated. scpl4 To Country Blorohints. KITH & JOHNSON, 46 Market .}reef, would 10 the storntion of Country Merchants to their stoek of New Fall Good., parchased for tun, of the New foramporung and cordon houset, and will be acid at eutern jobbing poem , The stock eompries great varlet) of Drees Goods, chameleorhand black Silk., .iik and cotton warp !Operas. real Alpaca Luster., ti n' 'she chameleon and plaid do, saalrmed Oriente. v, French and English Merino,. Mou‘selin de Lein and Ca•nmerrs valour and long Shawl, Gloves and Ito• y. lion be: bboaa from 75 cent. a piece up: bonnet ,YJ•Aruficta. Flower, Linen can't/rte. IU ~ .on• Thread I.ace• and lilgingsl 15 cartons cotmn Cote.. flutTonv. Titre ad, Needle., Pint. ar, eve, e ne ere tVlinte.a'e Room. mitt door sere/i V.ASt \ \ Dill t;OOO'.ATW Ft Mt: Muzanne Blue, nod Cherry . Silk Vet.-, do do Cotton do 111.1LTINGS. al. ro,ort. F'RENCiI MERlNUS—scarlet, Cherry, Strawber.y and other ,olor• PAN U Krr"S—Matarine blue, drab. maroon. u • ti omen colors t:11ANI. !t1.1: ]lt MAlRS—woth nik strop< 11:ack Vriv, 12,Dbons, for trimmings. And a very ,aree once sal or new and deurab./ p.nds Fluyen. Nen., cal tne l and and pare.. at '4 E corner Arn anJ Nlartet *ls .owat wholesale. up suns. 'noel I %%INTER GOODS AT EAATELN MOIL HO. K. K111TE,..616. 61 616. - sr snuorr. U tend. rn•ktn, rt change' n ht• business on the 1.1 0: January next. and vettl dtaposo or the fallowing ttylra of ,043.1• at original coat Brorbra I.on, and Square Shawls, Frenen Tartan Long do Freueh Itrpnett Cathmert,, Egi.ii Jr do Nloualtne de I.unea 3-4 and 4--I tialn /latch, High cord French liinaltant, and fanny Dir.. sttt'i Thoee wanting bargatun are invited to on : nov27 dim IAR PETS' CARl'r.... , !—Take nonce. all permit woanna to purcaase Corp.,et that W WK. No 75 Fourth 'urea% will sell at reduced once, before trinKnor on Ina opranK atock. Now is the nine v. bto cheap carpet, conswung in part, v.: I p• Atroun•rer. very beauuM, for parlor 12 do Tapeglry Bruasels:Lateat arylel • du. asIOW as 81,.1.2j. F.‘ .up 3 pi). new otylea do th, 'para., double and twisted, very - hear) Flue do do do do d .urge axsortroent of cheaper cypettriir p•r . desurou. or furnr•tung priors, would do well by edaturnoni our stock Cheap. Is the motto. nor-, IRIS 11 LINENS AND SHIRTING lIIUSLINS tV R Mcrpbt has recently reeetved another supply of the .0 per mak, of lrtsh l-men vrtush has heretts. nor ell .4) much ssusfseuon to buyers. Also. Long Ciotn shtrung Must... of the most approved make Sttarrms. and Pzu..ow Casa Mrst.Hts--constanny on Land. at rep . low pHs.. if., slcatthat—A lot that reed at the low prtheor Oti cut Also, a lot of good cent Call roe, at the north env corner ith and Market err Goods at wholesale op statra. north' r EU.NCH BLACK CLOTHS FOR CLOAKS—M Nlurphy. corner 4t.k and llorket •treens, has rec'd another lot of dm., superior tilikek French Cloths tor cloaks. at the salt low price of the previous lot. Also. otivc, olive green. olive brown, and invisible creel, French Cloths. tor ladies cloak.. Heavy Huck Gloves—A tow dozen, very superutr, ',velved thia morning novM 'Ng srroND LIAO, •D rArtil BtrOMT Or NEW 000141, A T ;111"S. Laborty street,ttoropnalng French floh.. Cosalnierell and Vesttngs, of the Ilea,. and moat taahlon•ble style. tmported. Al., a largo quanuly of Hough and Ready Blankets and Coaungs. peculiarly adapted to the notes and the .4,1•011 tin hand, the largest, beat manufactured and tri. fastitonalde stock of ready made Clothing in dins city All orders in the Tailoring line executed In the mo. fasltionnale and durable manner novll LiRENCH BLACK CIZTHS—W - 11. - Atuiti, N E r corner and Market streets, has lately received • supply of superior black French Cloths. for dress coat, do for cleats; Pelisse Cloths, for ladles cloaks, calve vitid tattle green do, brown do, blue Cloth for boys wear Also, fancy and black Cassimeres aid Do.ltius, a large assortment, black Satin Vesting, a few patterns super Velvet do. These goods have treen bougbt very low - , and will be sold at pitc . that cannot but please. novl7 MEDICAL & SURGICAL orrice, No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a , , few doors below Wood street, to market. DR. BROWN, havtng been regularly educated to the med.& profession. and been for some tme ,- In general procure, now confine. attention to the treatment of • • A those private and delicate coin k plaints for which his opportunities enc., peculiarly qualify t • : bin. 11 ;ars usiduously devoted to sm. y & treatment of those compluntstdurtng which came he has had more procuce and his cured more pa tents than can aver fall to the lot of any prtvath Utionerl amply qualifies blot to offer asaurances of speedy, permanent, and malefactor, °are In all atihrted _ with delicate diseases, and all disease. arising therel New Pall Ribbons. from. SHITS & JOHNSON, 46; Market st, have jam re. Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with private retved by express, a splendid assortment of tall dtseases which have become chronic by tone or ag: rtbbons, to w ich they would paruculerly tarn • the graveled by the .e of any of the common nostrums of etteretee of Per , h%sees. ser.4 the day, That their complauts can be radically and thor - — oushly cored; he having given b s careful attention to ONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS-A A !lawn A th ;, tharmeth of sash epees and aucceeded in hundred. 1 . 4 Co, Ws, Market st, bare last reed per latest =pa. , in carnet% Perth.° f thilethth etthe te th e 60 dos Long and Square Shawls, melodies ' l% of the bladder. and kindred di... which often plaid Long Shawl. of the richest colors and rhotee.l t•e '' s ' ult from thole cues where others have conatiened putters. Comfortable Wool Shawls of every desert.- them hopeleas despair. He particularly by such lion Ye , 01 nooroll low Pelee. t'e'e as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others s" -- 1 REAT REDUCTION IN PRICPB!- , Sktrrn &lowse x consult when eve ry . usfaeuon `"" ha yea sea. Market street, offer for gale at 25 per cent them, and the. cases !n :' te-e- • -.woe and below regular peteee, nee Chameleon Montilla tetethgeth matter, Pe eta. T • lees expenence do, black and teary Alp... Mohair Lwtres, Pale e t. study, .d investigation, wh i ch ti Ills Impossible for moo, io Clothr French Merinos of the ,twat color. ettlfelc r d t : r r„, n a i c° of °°°°:'°°= '°" French Cloths and Costumer.. n „,,, T one m ID -Hernia or Rupturs.-Dr. Brown al. invites per: Q.CARCE I.IOODS--11Dthanne Blue Partnettoa- so. afflicted with Renate to call, as he his paid parte .) R Murphy, north east corner 41b and Market st, altar avenue. Le this &Sees.. his as assorlatent of there scarce anti desirable gcada. Skin diseases; &Bon I, Palsy, etc., speedily cared Cherry Crape and Crape Llse-Massrtna blue, paper Charges very muslin. high eol'd Cambric. Ae ” es 73 N. a-Patients of etth sex living at • Ms.. 's by Gentlemen,sPninliblize-koods. mauls their di..., in writing, mons ail the ayropi ShIITH , t ,d JO I HNSON, 46 Market man, !leve t :: r d tr r ;etth g eb i thil i t thete . thett 7° l "Yeti.. the ass, by M. D., post paid, and enclose stocks, fancy :n r l e black o f sca;fs, hosse- tug 1 1 theb ry, bnjou ktdd sieve*, /se. Gentlemen. aremrtted Mee No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the e overly to call and ea anune them, as they are supposed to be . Hen... • heap, sew{ I aßtiorsternos Drown's newly discovered reme dy for Riteomatsse is • speedy and cement remedy far that painful trouble It never fails. D nlway. ia- No 65 scarlet Bonnet Velvets, and M•11tIllie blue. cherry and oMce and Peyote Consulting Rooms. pi .„ thrirh, p. The Doer ... drab amulet Satins. Also, cherry colored and blue )7'01; d et-', Fiore.... ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 market st , ovl4 N W car of the diamond t sj, th re no pay _ _ / EXPRESS-A A Mason &e" 6p, street, 'rig A. FA H.NESTOCK'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS.- ' JJ have received. Jenny Lind Fringe. rich 'l , tame- Dr littus Catharte compound combine. smallness ot lion do, heavy black do, Jenny Ljud Buten. Dam bulk mth efficiency and comparative mildness Mum. and Glom, together with many varieties Fancy Trtm• saliva action, and hue tog • occulter tendency to ma mote not to Le found elsewhere. ao7l-4 Eatery or gen . , ex treourty rateebl< . en , ~00t , I nr• in which bathos fevers .d other complaints attended FRENCH EMBROIDERY, Reeeived par Express-- slid or the Lryer much , the .„ 4. They AA hlason & Co, 60 Market st, have notbrsithier. Y eth e° l . thod the test of reer . and ex , rnerthe a d Lace Capes, embroidered muslin do - 30 dos straight t :4° p °o ved them to be • oaf and valuable remedy tn Collars, 23 do muslin do, 30 do crochrt ' do, ft do mourn- IrterTitt o tt r ent, c Remittent and &hots Fever, Jaundice, tog do. Also, embroidered Muslin Duffs, new pattern. thithth , r",„ oyeentory, Bili ous novl4 Vomitus. colds, and all complaints of an tuilanomato. ILLINERY G..ofitle-ft-41%ta,ottame .15k d Silk a Lfro u l v re e s t; s ; w on etn7 ,, te...T b Le o c r om , l , leLe y %t , d .. olu . p v o ll-s% aH who and C l who rapes. Also, ti lot of Bonnet Silks, Balla. Yet.' ba. used there, renders the publtahing of tbe numer vets and Rath... SMITH &JOHNSON, ons certificates then favor unnecessary. To pa. or lo ___ 46 ma ken et re „, gosno thafeitirqj they are now put up in a red Ohs .Sic wrapper. mgrLAKE'S METALLIC FIRE PROOF' PAINT-Just g Pri ca g eeg th for a bog containing 30 eek/. •• large auppky of the atu7Setanicle, for Roof- PnPa+ sold by mg and other purposes.' We ran reeobstiateuilho oboes ~ B A FAHNESTOCifIeCo, Firs P ro of Palm, foe we lave Man mow It for near ! earrth , g , sod wood, ant also owns, ea .4.04 nor years, and Man it to boo good it Mena sepfa MD I ar, ar„..WLLIP% No wood e n 'REISS GOODS—Smith h Johnson, 16 Market st j_./ have recetved a choice stock of Dress Goods, con sing in part ot rich Chameleon Silks, black do, satin striped Cashmere* and Unentals, plain Chameleon and main Alpaca. mutt .toped do; silk Warp and real Al. pare Lustre*, Printed . filualin de Lame and Cashmeres, French and English Mermos, real Scotch Glogharti. trout IA rte up to the finest quality, Calico from 4 ma to 124. rich Emb. Muslin Robes for evening dresaes, hr. to ...loch they would particularly Invite the attem non to purchasers. nets PLAIDS ANDTAYLORCASSIMERE.S— Ct W. It Murphy has now open a supply of there good.. and invites especially the attention of Country hlrrehanw, to the love prices at which these and all other kinds of winter woollen. are now offered. lwpl4 LOWERS .6 Ti. MEDICAL.' • - li` S 17.7177 HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT IS THE ONLY REMEDY that can be relive on .r the permanent CCM, of Spasmodic Contractions. It • rusition of the Nerves, Nerroun or Sick Headache, Nervous Tremors, Neuralgic Affections, General Do: hility. Deficiency of Nerrous and Physical Erne o a l n a d ii ii d li .e Ne a r s vzu th s a lb , so e, r4e a rs. e i c ia t cl a u o clu h iLLe moat dreadful IMMMW Or F.lhng Sickness Hystenenl Fin, Convulsions. Spasms. Sr hart would impress it upon the minds of the afflicted that the Vegetable Extract a the only rem edy ever discovered that can be relied on for tbe prr manent cure of this most dreadful of all diseases. As its tendency a to insanity, madness and death, the most of SKILLFUL. PHYSICIANS ofl . :ungre, as well as those of our on country, bars Or°°°°°°°° F ell Met:rabic And It bass teen so considered by many, until this most important of all discovenes wt. made by DI S. Hart. nearly sixteen lents of since . dunng which time a has been performing worn< the maw. REMARKABLE CURL , upon record, and Inui acquired a reputation wherh nine alone can "lace. Physicians of undoubted skill and s . perience. monsters of various denotninationa, as as hundreds of our eminent c.rens. a.: unite in recommending the ure of this truly yaluahle medi cine to their patient., charge, and friend, who •re dieted, as We only remedy. WE QUOTE THE LANtil.r.“.l.: Deed by those who have been cured by th., "salable medicine: One says. - I hare suffered be' and my pow. " 0 , deacription. Out I now reiotee in being tolls re stored to health and happiness." Allolhtl *ay, -. 1 thank (hod I feel that lam a wed man. I also tee, my duty to proclaim it to the ends ofearth. her those similarly titillated rosy find re.," • hitcher lerho is an E.MINEN r LA WYE.R and web known in thtA no! says. -- My son has been affin-ed for vents with Eptlepsy. but is now emoylng coo•I health trom the Vegetable E.Zillfel. Its lame." arty. he. .tettnold and ought to be sounded to the ends of the earth An other says. - Language a entirely inadequate to softens toy gratitude to Ur Hart for haying been the meana under the blesetng of God, of reatormg me to the entoy mem M good health, after baring been stflirted with Kpllcroty to its wont forms for more than totem ) three years, and my morning and evening Oblqlloll Of bruise and thanksgiving ahall continue to ascend to that (lod who has Malaita but to make nor whole " Ain.!. Bradley, !IS Orchard street .\ V. stste. that she has been subject to fits for malty year, and has been restoredlo perfect health tatter eery other means had ialledl by the use of the Vegetable Ernst,. Dr Charles A. Brown, of Dover. Russed count) Ala who is Oil< 01 the best physicians to the ghat... that he hra been much benehted by the use of thy Me K..., and that be unhcaltatingi) pre-ersbes it In every ca. of Epilepsy whine roman under knowl age. kAirtur G. Mayberry. Flag formerly Postoonsier at Lime Mills, Crawford county, Pis . now ,si ing at Erie county, Pa.. states that for many year• pael he he. been sorely afflicted with fits, and be 14 onw happy to sate that • persevering use of Dr. Ilar. v Vegetable Extract. has restored tutu to sound health, being enh rr y treed from that worst of all disease. From the Committal Commercial . . . _ . The following certificate was siren to Messrs The. mas fr. Mims, Donor Hart'. age.ts fin the .ale of hi. Vegetable Extract, for the core of Epileptic Fit. or Falling Sieknew We are Induced to give It a place in out editorial columns from the fact that is the only known medicine that will cure Em/epay, at the same tame believing it to be one of the greateat diworeries mefhed science. Play...tam and men of science of all ages hare been try t ag to discover a remedy for than disease. but all his been vsm until the present die COVET!) . of DT. Hart, and we would note soy to Mow .11heted fits, despair no looser, for there hope' MESSRS. THOMAS frc MILEH,IO9 h 1 sin street. Ctn. muscat, Ohio, Agents tor Doctor Hart Vegmattle Extract for the cure of Epileptic Fits'. Gentlemen—lt w almost impoestble for Immune , to express with what hear felt .atiafactton I andres , it,se few hum, to you, for the purpoee of tilformine you of beneficial results that have been effected I,t the use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract. My um, aged twelve years. has keensere ni dte.d with Endepue Fite, and with ince severity that the opinion was, he could not be cred, In one altar paroxysms he fell u and broke his arm. I called in Dr. Mulford, a very excellent phystmen, who re-set it He informed me that my son's Nerve. System war very moon deranged, and that it woold be anpoitsible to cure him of Epilepsy, as Epileptic Floe were almost incurable, and employing physieten• Ie for ease would be only throwing money away I culled upon Dr. Puttee, he Informed methat the disease had assumed a chronic form, and it would take a long ume toeine hum jibe could be cured at ail He becme worse and worse, arid I began to think there wasnu cure for him. until I raw toe adverti•e meet of Dr Wart's Vegetable Extract in one of our city papers. with certificates from persons who bad been althrted for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and even form years. and restored to health by the use of the Extract. I called at your store, and after conversoig wuti Mr Thomas. I came to the conclusion to purchase a three dollar package. It done hole or no good I thought I would try another, from the sae of wtuch I perceived some Lane benefit I than came to the eonclu.ton to purchase • ten dol lar hog. I lound that it was of somuch servlce in hint I was Induced to purchase • second. And nm truly thankful that I done so, as by the use of the ten pack, ges he has been restored to perfect health. Should any person be desirous of seeing ha, aid as ternsuung further particulars, I should be plex.rd to crush them I.i their calling on me at my regidenre, outh west corner of Fourth and Park szrects. "-Lem n, Ohio ISAAC N PERKINS Calcinnati, August 26th. 1646. THH TIhITf IS NOr FAR DISTANT - - When thon•anda who are w trembllng miler ,n. hand .3: :his dreadful Mae., no and fearing char every ntack may grove fatal, will find per rel., Ind herw ;JO, by nAing thia celebralrd melt 1 . 111, one ltiou,and certificates ha, been re rd La tc.ttrnoily ui the beneficial re.ulta prn,iin•ed b) the age a Dr HarYs Vegetable Egtract.. Prepared by S. HART. M D New Sark Place, one parkarr< • "3 , r , do four packages 10,0 do right do 10.. 1 . II UNI At k NII LES. 199 Marla •Ireet onan, Ohio, lrencra! Agents for Unord St., Canada an..l War: Cache L WIIXON. Jr.. corner of Lnranond and Agent for Prnebuxgh, Pr. Fay tr. Ktilbourne. Columoue tuoo. Cleveland. rod for .ale by :nom or the pri ,, lra. Oros , gigto and tnerchantx throughout the fatted Mole nor( ad&W..3 MALLEY'S MAUICAL CAIN RITNALIOR: rpHE foLlowtne from (icorge E. Pomero). . the I well known proprwor of the Expre... .;ry k lor se!t of the imporunee of the Pam Extroctor ~ rrf pram_ • ExYarsaOretcl, A'hney Sept I Ma. Dst.i../1 My Dear Sir—With feelme• n 1 no or • hoary pleasure I addre.a you to 1T1.11 , 1110 the I have received from your invaluable fain Ex:rarlor Lately,my hole daughter. 6 years old had a I,.ir her of boiling venter tamed into her bosom. her •cr...tin. vrere dreadful, so that a crowd inialy ea.nered be. fore the house to team the cause o he tenth e tore her clothe. asunder, and soon spree,. on ) our salve, and she wise carried and laid upon a bed -n , . was soon relieved from her pains, and says'-Mo. I . rel as I could laugh." and was soon 111 sweet ..lrep She was scalded to • blister from the lop of her shoulder over more than half her chest, and round under the amis. On the shoulder and breast it was vet> deep, yet from the first boor. Moe omplained .1) WiS , ll It c. Oreased. The sore healed rapidly, and :here Is IIL• ntrachon of the muscles. w t ‘a many symbol, my dear str, for your 11.1,+S in Me sale of Na mtgaty article, I amt yours. small respect, GEO K POMEROY THE TEST am( NO lIIISTAKE'TIM . 'The Kensane Dailey. sell] ever prodnee the some In sten.neous relic( and soothour, cooling effect. In the severest eases of Burns. Scalds, Nes, Zse. • • The Counterfeits—nor atter under what names they may appear—always MIMIC, and antennae We p ain . _ TO THE PUBLIC. I. Edward P. HoLmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Columbia county. N. I*, have been etilimed with rheu matism in my breut, feet, and all over my body, for six years, so that I could not stand, and wit. rated by three applications of Dalley's Magical Pain Fatractor EDWARD P 111 tI.\I ES Mr Halley: Sir—l cut my finger wlth a copper nail, the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell ~o q ,aderatd-y, wttlt constant shooting pains tip to the shoulder A large swelling taking place at the arm pit, with increasing pun, I became tearful of the Lock. law. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try The consequence was that it afforded me almost instant relief, and in three days I was completely cu• red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York. corner Broome rmd Sullivan sus, Sept 9 le4O. NOTICE—H. DA-1.1.1y to the inventor of this invalu able remedy. and never has and never will comm cate to any living min the secret of its combination' All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up by boo, are base counterfeits. Paorun-rou's Duren-41A Broadway, :s;err York SW Chestnut street, Phna. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot Dr WM. THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. 1)43[147'1 Ansanal GdIXOSit Cute. humors, sparin, quitter, imam, poll-en', aorta gaßs, and braises. Pamphlets, contaming eer uficates of respectable parties, may be had on wok:a non to JOHN D MORGAN. Agent Pittsburgh norls dl)ts •:,2111kt .. I.i. ~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers