~,,,•''' THEURG GAZETTE HY worrs & co PITTIIIIIG, NOV. 30, IS RCIED THURSDAY MORNINO. TORTS ASITMICIA.T. Advatiseetettu sad Subscriations tetheNmth Amer- I ca d s awl United Suit. azette, Philadelphia, received Ibilvvera.d from this aim cositgainia. LIST AND PIIILADSIL. TIM PRIOR CIIIIRENT. &ascriptions to ads relatable paper will be received sad berterded from this office. SEW YOWL EXPILEII6. We will receive and forgrard tree of exp.., w rdeettmau end eah sorlptloes Wr Ibis paper. 10 -- Tne Prrrstqrstsu DLMT GiAzrrrs Is published Dilly, Tn-Weekty, and Weekly.—The Daily is Seven D o llar/per awtttc, the TIVWCIIeY Flue Dollars per annam; the Weekly t Two Dollars per ansmen, rounip ist edgenses. ADVSITZ.to are earnestly requested to hand in the.lr favors before b r. >ti and as early in the day us practicable Advertisements not insetted fora epee t ied time will invariably be charged until ordered out. I ua Fox Lenin Comitnereisl IntelligenetiMoineetle , E a u, Rim News, Impons, Money Marenea. kg• tied page. gee alert page for Telegraphic New For Local Matters see nest page. Hon. JOHN J. Carrrnmsa—The Waal:al:4[On correspondent of the Baltimore American, says Chit Mr. Cairnitroxit "will not accept the Premier islgp"-metualrig, we presume, the office of Secretary of State. What authority the writer has for the asser tban, we cannot say, but we do:know that almost the whole country, with remarkable unanimity, have aireigned Crinenden that place. It has been looked upon as a Mauer settled, and consid. Bred with universal Benefaction. The greet quat Wail, long experience, and pure character, of that gentleman, have pointed him out to the whole nation as a fit person for that responsible position, while his long attachment ID Whig principles, and his ardent seal and many sacrifices In the cause, have commended him to the party for the Chief place in the Cabinet. Our own opinion is, that Gen. Taylor will call him to it, and that he will not refuse. C-Irma" AND COLITILEUD Swum.D.—The of lowing notice of the commencement of operation upon this important line of communieishon is from the Cltvand Plaindealer : Cs sh e Tnia' The leeseasatree ti Coming.— It is already Imam that the Boston company which built the Great Western from 'Bow ton to Albany, through mountains, over rivers, and through the worst country in the world almost, have taken the convect to build the Cleveland'and Columbus railroad to two years. They have the experience, enterprise and ability to do it and it will be done. The whole route is now in the hands of subcontractors 38 miles we understand, lead.ng out from this city, let to Leander Ransom, and another of the old Ohio canal contractors, good men and true. The note of preparation is now sounding along the whole line, and the work-tea fairly begun. From Columbas to Xenia the work is already under contract and progressing. We learn that owing to, the difficulty of getting in and out of Sandusky harbor, boats most of the falllhaving to land their passengers on Kelley's le. hind, for want of water on the bar the directors of the Cincinnau and Sandusky railiVad have held • meeting and resolved forthwith to continue their road to chili place. So we shall won abound with traveling facilites. How is it about the Pittsburgh wad The Pittsburgh road is coming. Forty miles of K—or of a wad in that direction,. --will be located as soon as possible. lithe Cleveland and Wells ville company have their road fthialied from the point of imensection, beyond Salem, to Cleveland, by the time the Pennsylvania sad Ohio road reaches there, we shall then have • continuous Railroad connection with Cleveland. Will the Cleveland people see to thist erroxr. R om an,—Many inquiries are being ratan in relation to the completion of this road.— The following extract from report of Mr. ThOtap , son, the chief engineer, gives a succinct suite• meat in relation to . its progress and comple. lion : "The progress np to this time renders it certain that the road from Harrisburg to Lewistown will be ht active operation in May next, when you will begin to reap the fruits of your enterprise. In De cember following, it will be ready to Huntington, si which point is will take a large Otero of western trade and traveL In May billowing it will open to Hollidaysburg, and in connection with the Pottage, there will be a continuous line of Railway extend ing froth Philadelphia, two hundred Ma eighty. seven miles, out of three handfed - and fifty, tun— ing, in conjunction with the canal, the whole o your trade in summer, and affording the cheapeat winter conveyance between Philadelphia and Pats blush. Our Gook Treble. Fen's Islas, and Legends of many Nations- - B. Selected, newly told, and translated. By C. Burkhardt. illustrated G. W. Abner.'nd J. H Lafferty. New York. Baker te How the little e lks will be delighted with this beautiful and intresting book, with its fair print and pretty pictures! A more delight.l took (Or the Holliday, could hardly have heir desired— bosides it is calculated to convey useful illfOrrail. don in relation to the peculiar superstitions and customs of by gone days. • Wirsarus or Faiiccouter. a Gill for the Young.— By T. B. Arthur and F. C. Woodworth. New York. Baker Scribner.' This w another book for the young, and designed km a hollidny present. It is most exquisitely gotten up, in it. printing, binding, and embellishment. — Its matter is composed of moral Tales, in prose and poetry: illustrated by pretty picUtres, asd some music. The above works are for sale by Robt. Hopkiu A. •110 Buildings, Fourth Street Mictoscortc Exrunrrion.—We hope our rend. are will not forget that this evening the first exhi bition of Microscopic Objects will be given by Professor Svarmees, at Philo Hall. As this exhi. bition combines instruction with amusement, and is given by one of our own teachers of science, we hope the house be crowdedcan. Let us show that the elite= of Pittsburgh appreciate and delight in something beside Ethiopian caricaturists and traveling mountebanks. FYom the feeling manifested in Pittsburgh air. elm, at the unceremonious manner in which Penn ',lrani& is left out of the Cabinet, and indeed out d any other important position, by Washington cabinet makers, we littoral' infer that it would be very bad policy for the in coming administration al to treat her. Without Pennsylvania Gen. Tap. for could not have been elected, and having here . tolbre, but in one instance been on the opposition side, her services in this campaign aught not,. mast not go unackncrwledged. bisassotrucrrrs lwatuatrear.—The special bust new for which the session was called, was corn. leted on Friday, by the choice of the Whig elec • torsof President end Vice President. The whole cumber of votes in Joint ballot woo 299. The Whig electors had each 198 i the Dem. ocratie, Of C 6611 ticket, had ire the Van Bo= 31. and there was one scattering. The committee on elections reported vacant th. seat of Mr. Peck, who has removed to the Slue o Maine. duo Atussa—A.mong the pasecugers in the Cambria is Baron A. de Rothschild, of the fireral Easopean banking house of the Rothschild.. The Baron probably visita this country bar the pur. establishing a branch of his house in the pow of ates. M. Belmont, of New York, says United St as an agent for that the Herald, hat'aeted timely financial concerrn; but now that the upheavings or Europe are throwing fiveign capital into the Uni' led States, the Rothschild, probably deem it props to enlarge their house by the establishment of branch in America _ - It would appear that Mr. Morse and his associ. aie owners dale Magnetic Telegraph Patent am already deriving large returns from it. According to the New York Expreak the act came out in the Kentucky suit between Morse and O'Reilly, that Morse le Co. have already received 0400,000 in Puck on 20 . lines of telegraph now in operation, to say uotiaag of the Atlantic, Lake and Missisrap. pi lines. The hoes here enumerated divide from 6 to 10 per cent. per annum. Lonit Tux Moue Ann (Alma Csan—The Inas Conner, of Tuesday week, says. .The eon which has been ta Judge Warm . + funds fqf some time is about to come be Judge Casson, in Washington city. The Judge intends to boar the case during his attendance upon the S anod Deems Coen. The interests of the West South are so deeply involved la the qu ns that estio mane before Judge Caron, that the mint live ly interest Ls fedt In Pie judgment that will be rect. Am"- by thatgentleman." The Hon. Henry R. Sedan will appear before Judge Citron, for Mr. O'Reilly. Pastan'or Gzs.TaTum,--Wo have received Goothir..Joseph Idurptly, No. 88, Wood m. a wen , mamma bats poulit of the Preis dem, Oam.TuFlar,4l4fraved br Malmo, from Da. rim mama id Baum Bongo, July, 1848. ibe Tar& is oss4 n M',rod one, A no -Sim. Ole Ohio tigiOaro V IPPea".4 PIIRTHLER POREIGII ITS= Ne have gleaned from our eastern exchanges 1 110 .A 316 Wing aliditioneFinalittin dessileti. reFetwalligy fileanler ComMia.' Fran FnAce, Ptuardaj . and Spain, me find nothing Of. fallbei . interest':: -.; This country has now subsided into a state of ttreletory tranquility. Isolated outrages, as in the bestof tirnes, are perpetrated in many parts of the country, and the contest between the landlords andtheu starving tenantry is still waged with un. relenting bitterness, but upon th e general surface Of yolitics there is scarcely a npple discernable. • The discomfited confederates, who have been kept in prison during the last three or kour months, find themselves set at liberty, and scarcely any questions asked. The writ of error in the case of Mr. Smith O'Bri. en was to be argued last week before the Queen's Bench, Dublin. Mr. John Martin, proprietor of the I Irish Felon, was brought up to assign error, and the I argument was to be heard on Mondny of last week. ft subscription is lobe raised to enable O'Donohue o carry up his writ of error. Mr. Eugene O'Reilly, eon of a highly respectable solicitor in Liverpool, was liberated yesterday from Richmond Bridewell. Mr. John O'Connel has addressed through the Freeman, a long letter to the repealer. of Glasgow. It would appear that this body hod addressed to him a communicanon calling on him to renew or revive the Conciliation Hall. He slams his reasons for abstaining to comply with their request. First, because it would affect the fate of the unfortunate gentlemen now under the rod of the law; secondly, because it would e xasperate the English mind against Ireland; and thirdly, because the misery of the country, from which he-looks to English thewv rations for relict, would be in the midst of that ex. asperanon without solace or resource. Mr. Smith O'Brien, it is reported, is filling up his dreary leisure by framing articles of impeachment against his prosecutors„..mirusterial and judicial, which he expects to submit to the assembled Corn. mom of England before the next session to many week. old. Conciliation Hall, Dublin, :with the library, is ad vertised for sale in the middle of November. The debts are about £1,000; but the building may probe My realise .ElOO, and it has been examined to order to see if it would not answer as a Roman Catholic November 27,1646. Regular meeting—Present—Masai. Bakewel. Black, Cmkey, Denny, Drum, Hill, Kincald, Lorene, Murray, McGill, Simpson, Totten and Mr. Ship. ton, President. President in the chair. The minutes of the two last meetings were read and approved. Council then proceeded to elect • person to serve on the committee to auditithe city acociants--whou Mr Samuel C Hill was duly elected. Mr. Black presented a petition from George L Res praying that Niles af.. in the sixth ward may be vacated. Read and referred to the Com. on Sts. Sent to C C, and reference concurred in. Mr. Denny presented a petition from Coleman, Heilman & Co. praying councils to grant permiss sion to erect an addition to their Rolling Mill, to be constructed of frame for the use of a Tilt or a Forge Hammer Read. He al so presented a resolution authorizing them to erect such an addition, provided the roof was fire proof, which wee read—when Mr. Bakewell moved to amend by inserting provided said build ing is erected under the eupervision of the Com on Wooden Buildings, and,zteike out tire proof, and insert slate or metallic roof Amendment carried. The Resolution es emended was then reed twice and laid over. Mr. Murray presented the petition of sundry citizens, praying the erection of Gee Lamps on 6th street, which was read and referred to the Trustees of the Gas Works, with power to act Sent to C C and reference concurred in. He also presented the petition of M. & E D. Townsend, praying for permission to erect poem in the city for the Electric Magnetic Telegraph.— Which was reed and referred to the Committee on ets. with power to act. Sent to C C, and refer ence concerted Mr. Hill presented a petition from Henry Sum. ple and others, praying councils to appoint a corn • mum to view Forbes Si, Read and referred to Com. on St. Sent to CC, and reference concur red in. Mr. Lorene, Chairman of the Financial Com. to whom was referred the ordinance, entitled' An Or. dinance, relating to the duties of Mayor, and for other purpose. reported the ordinance without amendment It wit then taken up, read three times. and passed. Sent to C C and by them passed. Mr. Bakewell presented the following resole tion. ' Resolved, That the Water Corn. is hereby au• thorned to contract for 150 feet of 4 inch pipe, with the requisite branches and fire plugs and stop corks to be laid in Hancock Street from Penn St. to Du qumm Way.' Read three times and adopted.— Sent to C C, and by them sdepted. Mr. Loreai presented the following Resolved, That the sum of two thousand dol. lan be and is hereby appropnated--from the Scrip authorized by ordinance of June 15, IBlB—to pay for grading and paving Leon St.' Read twice end leidoirer. Mr. Black pre...Lard the report of the Street Coin reporting adverse to the petition of Messrs. How ard and Updegrall asking for some modification , of the grade of Fifth and Smithfield Sta. - 1 Report accepted—sent to CC, and accepted. For the Piustiverh Gasetlit Mr. Sampson presented the report of the Com. UNITED STATES SENATOR. , ; messioner on Claims and Accounts, also, a rcsete. The choice of Senator in Congress for this State tion authortmng the Mayor 035,ew his warra B nt in beginning, seriously eenvie ,„ e e in the West favor :(Otis Young. for /11 6 Cracraft iggs, foe Si, and for the Piusburgh Gas Works, for the as well as other poem. of the State. It seems to uerussm as . the w claim. Thud dame ennentiscrd generally aeemfrd the , the selection in to be adopt--sent to C. c., and 6y them adopted made trom among the distinguished Whig State.- Mr. Denny presented the report of the Court, on probably I Monongahela Vehart—aceepted—sent to C. C. and men of the East, and that the choice will accepted. fall on one of three who have been named—they lAlso, s „„ to j noee , sdtheg sup to .ppfopri,,,..) :d. I ere Cooper. Meredith and Stevens. Eat], !No 12, which was adopted - bent to C. C. and On the evening of the 29th, alter the return of !„ of these gentlemen would do honor the I adouto . i. the deputation, the aimunal Council assembled and . Mr. McGill presented a bill of Lorenz, Stem celled to tut deliberations the Gommandee in Chief Ito. would ably represent the wdetwah of war ! & Co.. for spikes furniehed Allegtimy we.e, and all the sub-commmders of the National Guard, State, and at the tame ume sustain in the Senate, eln,„., ent e nneing the psy , oset of the in order to. deliberate whether the city could he the Whig policy on great national questione But same, which was adopted. Seat to C. C. any longer defended, and whether, if it could hold as we cannot have them all , it becomes necessary Mr. Hall presented an Ordinance entitled An Ors out Meer, the capital would not thereby be es t.- as dinence supplementary to an Ordinance entitled sad to the most deplorable coneeq u ences. to choose between them. The voice of the W.t an i irdinance to extend the capitel and prolong the M. Memenhauser declared mat he wm quite 1 ought to be heard, and more especially es it will charter of the Pittsburgh Gas Works, pealed 28th ready to conume the defence if the Communal be disinterested. It appears to me that the subject of June, 1531. The Ordinence was read twine and Council would mimmand him to do so but teat the j has not as yet weakened the attention to which some amendment offeredorben Mr. Murray moved position the Imperial troops was such as to is entitled him importance. It la the duty of wishes of our give the city no possible chance of an effectual cur reprmentauves to consult the bee w lanyeneit on the able. Then yea. atasdoonoaoyassusharsoli defence. consuments, but this they cannot do, If there is no 0 o th_ table b,, The Council then proceeded to vote, and the re. public opinion expressed on the subject The ob. ',14.k;;e7 Casket' , Denny, L.. solution to submit unconditionally weararriel by ■ em of thin beef communication is merely to invite' tom Murray, McGill. Totten and President—e majority drum thirds ot the vote. On the same dimusaion. The subject is, which M the gentle. ! Sys—Miters. Black, Drum, Hill, Kincaid. evening a deputation repaired to the Prince to an. men named is peeee-eeeel at the greaten weight of s thneenn _j!, Mr. Bakewell presented the following resolu• form him of this resolution, and the proclamation teleete , the greatest amount of Pelincel exPerience. above quoted was immediately posted Mout the and which would be meet fell in that body, con- ! lion. streets taming the highest intellect in the Unions Pers , Resolved, glint the several Standing Commit • meal referenc es should be laid aside. Penney+. The deputation was to entreat the Prince to teas of Councils be imumeted to prepare and sub. command the Impend troops to lend a strong Mind minim and the Whig party should not be content , out w , at thew next „vb .. „owing „tr. 11. the comunal maturities effect the denummeet with bete g ahlA '“"' as the y eeatual Y I neat statements of the public work of vestries , nds of the city. would be by r. Meredith or Mr. Cooper, but , now contracted for by each of them, bat which is In consequenc.e of this declaration hortileme should choose their very beat and .bleu man—the , not completed, together with the probable expense ceased and on the 30th the troops occupied the man best suited for the exigency sad the time. It of furnishing the mime, the names of the contr.. Glum without encountering any resistance. On is long time Pennsylvan i a has been m P"' tore and the sums that may be owing to each of the same day the inhabitants in the envizoas had tented in the Senate of the United Shoes, by • the ; mid mntractors for work done, and that bit been already, in a peat measure, laid down their arm. highest order of intellect, and all must admit that ! already paid them on account of such contracte.— The Preassische Star. Anzeiger, contains the Thaddeus Stevens is one of them master spirits Read three times and adopted--sent to C. C., and following account, dated Vienna, the 26th ult.. who can hold no semnd rank in any assembly of i y o them adopted. The Cog Council of Vienna issued the fol- men , however high their col. , of intellect The„ en resente d th e wing resodutto n win fovnng proclamation . Whigs have shown their wisdom in the selection • Rowdy, t ,h_ n caissons '—The Commander m Chief of the Nm of their candidate Mr the office of President.— , tt , uusswou:d"to• p'4o.omthmu"r7qulntott(7,arret...P.:: times' Guard has communicated to the mumunal They have shown it ,o their almost spontaneous ' ! to authorise the salt of the p roperty non-occupied council the intelligence that the National Guard choice of Win. F. Johnston as their candidate fur , by tt. Gas and the Guard Mobile. as well m the Amdeinic Governor. Let them show equal disoreuon in • o „ . sutbouso i;holm'auso7oft"-'th:oei.tyeYtioen.;:rrseih. Legion, bave resolved to threw down their art. their selection of United States Senator, of whom the min of twenty-eight thousand dollars, to be and submit to the conditions imposed by Pence importance we are hardly sufficiently aware at this paid for in the mid lots, in perineum of the roe.- Windisgratz. A deputation, composed of the mein - moment, Thaddeus Steve. is bold and fearlemi d I ions of the Gas Ordinance oldie 25th of 546. bore of the Communal Coo and of the Nationel in his that hold."'” will he tempered i Read three times and adopted--eent to C. C., and Guard, has repaired to the Prince for the purpom of by eindenee , while bie ebilitim b e ett . ue l to b y t h e m a d now i . any occasion. He has been spoken of' mem , Denny . making this communicationto'te . Mr. D p semen the meowing "Vienna, Oct. 20, 151 e. ter of Gen. Taylor's cabinet , but in my opinion, • . Reeolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred dol. bodyis theproper field for the disp la y "The Commoal Council of the City of Vienna. - delthereuvel Inn be, and the same is hereby added, to ag Jnf pire. Accounts inlbe Breslauer Zeiturig, dated Brea of h. peculiar islet:Oa A• a debater and public seistio . 7—sad the sum use hu.d . lnu, the 31st ult., tams that the Hungarians, 16,000 e quate in this country. A. speaker, he has few eq P ars to appropriation No. S. Read three times and men strong, attacked the left wing of Windsgrait's adopted. Seri' to C. C. Adjourned. and the sight of Jellachmles army. Messenhamer made a sally from a gate in the vicinity of the Red Tower. The Hungarians, however, were corn krtely routed and driven into the Danube. Princece indiegratz, on the 30th, at 12 o'clock, following telegraphic despatch to Baron Wemem. berg, the Minister President:— "Vienna unconditionally submits this day: my soldiers will enter Vienna to day." It was reported that soon after the commence . mart of the battle great part of the Huneanm troops went over to the Austrian army, among oth ere the regiment Lichterietein. The same paper also contains the following note fication posted in the erects of Olniutz on the even tog of the 30th ult. "According to a telegmphio despatch from lus Serene Highness Prince Windiagratz, to the Min ister President. Baron Wessemberg, Vienna has ancondeonally surrendered and the Imperial troops occupy the city to day. "LEOPOLD, Count LAZ ANSK Y. "Vice President of the Government eOlmutz, Oct. 30." According to the telegraphic despatches meetv. M at OIMUss, the disarmament of the Viennese had begun on the Ist instant The image:me from Vienna of the 3d in in to the effect that that capital was In as quiet a suite as could be expected, after the late scenes witness ed there. The battle betwee in n the repulse and rians, which ended the of the former,Aust- is ;t ad to have been very sanguinary. It was my. sed that the Hungarian army had proceeded against General &mot:itch, who though once beaten, had reappeared with 10,000 Amens. in Hungim ry, coining from Galicia. Accounts from Presburg of the 3lst ult.state that active preparations were being made by the Hun , garians to defend that town. It is stated in an Olmuts correspondence of the Breslavet Zeitung that bin Majesty intends to re move to Peeve, were some of the royal egliipiii• gen have already arrived. The desertions fain the Hungarian troos in Austria still contme, the fugitives making their way towards ) t army of Kossuth. The Breslau Gazette, of the 4th meant, dates that perfect tranquility had been restored at Viers. ns in consequence , of the excellent disciline es , Mblished by Prince Witidiscbgrate who had order end that some soldiers should be shot kir having Otte inhabitants. It was reported that the tune had been fired at. It was likeemse said that a portion of the National Guards had refused to surrender their arms. Prince Windischgrem and Basso Jellachic.h had established their quarters in the Imperial Palace. The leader of the Academic Legion had been arrested, together with an aid. demea) of General Measenhauser. General Cordon bad been appointed Governor of the city. Lewes from Linz of the 2nd, published in the Augsburg Gazette of the 4th instant, confirm the news of the defeat of the Hungarian army, which command of 1 5,000 men for the most part irregular troops. The route was complete. The Hunga ans were scattered, and compelled to mom t he &Wier ln th euered, confusion. A traveller from Heteenderf, w ho at Linz on the let at noonday, heard on the toed a loud cannonade so that the enifermentt had eehletitly not terrain, chapel. The army in Ireland is still kept up to the num. ber of 38,000 The trial of Mr. Williams, part owner of the Irish Tribune, concluded in his acquital, as the jury could not be purauaded to convict on any but the third cotint--that is, guilty only so far ea being the publisher of the newspaper, without intent to dis pose or levy war, Sic. Mr. Williams was then dis charged from custody. Mr. Kevin °Puberty, his less fortunate partner, was sentenced to be trans• ported for ten years; and after an unsuccessful apt plication that an order should be made by the court to release Mr. Dully by proclamation, the corn. mission was adjourned to Tuesday, the 12th of De. cember. An Asicantsuos Husszn.—The correspondent ot the Daily News says— .. Dublin, Nov. 3.—We had a strange and indecorous indication here yesterday, of how much our petit., and our supposed mint, out persuasions are related to and bear upon each other. For several days it had been announced that the jubilee of the Church Missionary Society would be celebrated on that day at the Rotunda. At the appointed ume, a large concourse assembled and the Archbishop of Dublin was called upon to preside.—No sooner, however, did his grace appear, than he bad evidence from the body of the house that he would not have a comfortable position, and one of the speakers baying designated him as `yen' amble Prelate,' a alarm of groans and Muses arose, which proved most conclusively that some parties had come to the meeting moved by other influences than piety. Subsequently Dr. Whately's position became so disagreeable that he was compelled to leave the meeting at two o'clock, which he did, amidts shame. ful demourarauon of groans and cries of `Maynooth. Maynooth; assailing him until he had passed out of the room. The business of tbt Jubilee was then allowed to proceed." The manifestation of feeling toward the archbishop, and the discreditable pro ceedings by which it was accompanied, which ex cited strong and general disapprobation, appeared to arise from the part which he hod undertaken against the Rev. Mr. Gregg, for some persons at the door were heard saying,"His deserves it, for he drove Mr. Gregg from Dublin.' CAPITI.L.kTION OF:VIIINN A. The intelligence from Vienna is of the highest interest It appears from the German papers, and even front official documents, that the city had unconditionally surrendered on the 30th ult. Tne attack lasted from the ',.lth to the evening of the 29th ult., when a truce was agreed upon, which extended to the following day at noon. On the morning of the 29th a deputation of the Communal Conned repaired to the head quarters, to induce the General in Chief to desist fnim his resoluuon of continuing the city in a stale of seq., alter its capitulation. The Prince however, refu sed to entertain the proposal, and demanded an unconditional submission. Ho, nevertheless , prom ised that Ire wosld not tire n shot against the city throughout the whole of that morning, in order that the inhabitants might have that time tar reflection. At two o'cleck, and again at half past two in the afternoon. the commenced in several guar. -a of the cuy tiri, but ng this demonstration soon ceas. ted We nave since and intelligence from Vien na down to the 4th cast. The Besslaut Zeitung up— Virm, the ad instant. dint ims dissolved Morif, in on Moditay lad there were only sixty members present, Prince HON. AISDRICIAI NTICW ART. Wiadischein has his head quartet+ se Sehon. To the &IMPr of rho FittsbargA Goistts bruin, and Baron Jellachich in the palace of the 1 perceive (hi, Potoma c , um , w ashington nor.. Archduke Maximilian d'Este. The miser city, ks Well an'. tan _Of the suburbs, presents in wrote dent of Oh Bethel* Patriot, has been try. 4.1 , -.. r . a picture of destruction. Since yeateeda mg bighead el the trumillar g Cabinet for Gen' the communication by mail haarenumxtenoad, and Taylor There is onerialtitibtent feature, at least' it'" herd that the ante+ of the WIT will ewe b e in his article-1313 decidefdprefentece fin- theiSouth ePened, Nettling toen known of le nience* W eed. He is willing to,coacede one member from the Gee on those who took part in the late insurrectiort— Mom of the prisoners are in the barracks and at States, but not prepared to name Pennsylvania, or the head quarter. signify a desire that she to whom the gallant old From Friday's Timer—Second Edina.. I , Chief owes his election, should have a place in his AUSTRIA. Cabinet. The damage caused by the bombardment of Vienna has been greatly exaggerated. It is said I think it will be admitted by all unprejudiced that the troops have suffered severely, but orders minds, that the Key Stone State is entitled to a have been issued not to announce the number of representative in the Cabinet. With that admitr killed. The working chines had displayed a most Mon, allow me the liberty to suggest our client:- lendable activity in extingnishing the fires in the guished, able nod talented representative, the Hon. city. The palace of Count Kolowrath ha" suffered Andrew Stewart, of Fayette, in connection with considerably. The damage estimated at full 300, the Treasury Department 000 dorms (20,00011 Let me ink, who has done so mach, who has The Common Council issued a proclamation on labored so faithfully and effectually, to set forth the 4th. notifying the fact that Windischgrsta had the necessity of a Protective Tariff, to simplify it made the restoration ofthe free intercourse between in all its pheacs, and-exhibited the same know the city and the suburbs dependent on the apple- ledge of that 'Perplexing system in all its rarnifioa , hension of the following five proscribed individuals tions With that recommendation in his favor, he Prilsky. Bern, Memsenhauser, Fenneberg, nod Sohn- combines business talent. and indomitable persetin rte. The council accordingly enjoins those who ranee, with untiring industry. It is needle"" for may be harboring those persona to deliver them up me to remind any one how necessary a thorough within six hours, under pain ofbeing brought before acquaintance with the protective policy in to qua). a court martial. ify the incumbent of the Treasury Department for The accounts from Grata suite that General Dab• the discharge of the functions of that high and m ien occupied the Mur island, between the Drave aponsible pmt.. and Mur, with 16,000 men, and that he would pro- Wuh Mr. Stewart at the head of the Tretuary bably operate against Perth in conjunction with Department, Pennsylvania, as well as the country General Nugeut and las army, 8,000 strong. A at large, would be cared for and protected. space of 14 days has been granted to the Hunger. TARIFF. itua officers by Windisgrats for their return to the service of the Emperor—otherwise they will be , cashiered. From the Ttmeo of Friday—Second Edition. ITA.LY. We have received letters of the Ist inst. from 1 our correspondent at Naples. • Count Ludolff had aired from his extraordinary mission at London and Paris, it was said without having succeeded in his object. It was generally stated that the French Republic had sent in its ultimatum, de manding that though Sicily should still be united to the Neapolitan Crown, it should be governed by a separate constitution and administration, and have likewise its separate army. The King of Na ples has resolved, according to Court gossip, not to submit to the last condition, though he is will ing to grant free institution to the island. Rumors of expected disturbances were current, but Naples enjoyed tranquility. The Augsburg Gazette has letters from Triste of the 31st October, which admit, although very un willingly, that on the 27th the Austrian garrison at Mestra was attacked by a corps of from 6,000 to 8.000 Venetians, who favored by the cloudy weath er, succeeded in surprising the place. Alter a short sk =fah the Austrians were compelled to re tire, with the loss of three canons, and leaving many killed and wounded on the field of battle.— The Venetians pushed on their advanced post as far as Mogliano. At coon, on the mime day, how ever, the Austrian", having collected a body of 1,600 infantry, and 1,500 cavalry, arrived to at tack the Venetians, who fled to Mestra, and thence to their ships, without awaiting an attack. Mestn was plundered and almost destroyed by them din ring their brief tenure of the place. Ton CHOUILL.—The number of new cases of cholera on Saturday amounted in Edinburgh to 18, and the deathsLeith, new cases, and 3 deaths; mad in Newhaveu I death. On Saturday the new cases in Edinburgh amounted to 1% deaths 6, and recovery. In Ediuburgh on Monday the new cases, were 25, deaths 13; rerovenea 2. In Leith 24 new canes and 5 deaths Yesterday there were in Edinburgh 12 new cases and 8 deaths and in Leith 14 new cases and 5 deaths. The epi demo. has made Garful havoc at the small village of Loanheaa during the last few days where the casea reported amount to 23, of which number 17 proved fatal from Friday night. The victims were chiefly colliers, and they all lived within 400 yards of each other, There have also been 5 cares in the parish of Liberton since Friday, 6 of which have proved total, and one at Calcots Mosa, pansh of Newton. The cases retained from Leith were chiefly in the centre of the town. In Edinburgh a great proportion of the victims re sided in over crowded and filthy streets—Edits. Wo.aii. Only 16 cases of Cholera had occurred In Hain. burgh since first of the month, making the total number of cases 3,362, of which 1,671 have been fatal. A letter dated Danttic the 3d inst. mates that the cholera is raging in that city with intense violence. These were no fewer than 62 new cases in one day. 388 individuals had already been attacked, of whom 185 died, 34 had recovered, and 179 were under cure. • In On small town of Gertz, in the dmunct of Stettin, the cholera has earned off 162 persons out of a population of 700.—frierst For the Pittsburgh Galena HON. THADDEUS STEVENS. I Since the triumph or the Whig Party, m the election of General Taylor, has become known, the name of this distinguished statesman ham been promptly put fiwward, in different parts of the State, in connection with the responsible executive as. pointment of Post nester General. Mr. Stevens bore a conspicuous part In the labor of redeeming Pennsylvania, and those who are tarnahar with the sentiments of the people of this distnct. who contributed most to the victory, well know, that the suggestion of his name has met with unqualified approbation, and in behalf of many of his friends his claims will be strongly urged.— ' Allegheny the Star of the West'—so by right s since Westmoreland' hue culminated and net—w i ll Min with Lancaster and our eastern brethren in recom. mending him for that high and important Mike.— The great champion oh the Common School System is our people's choice. THE W EST. To the Editor of the Pituhursh Gazette. Among other gentlemen, I have understood that our worthy fellow citizen, P. A. Madeira, is an op. plicant for the appointment al Post Master of the City of Pittsburgh. It is but justice to say of Mr. Madeira, that his habits, obliging disposition, and gentlemanly de. pertinent, in addition to his faithful performance of the duties of no officer of the Orphans' Cane of Allegheny County, for the last six years, would be strong recommendation. It is rare that we meet with a public officer who km. acquitted himself with the same credit, and left his office with he hearty good wishes of his friend., and whose services have y,met the approbation of the citizens ge. ne rall. Mr. Madeira's have. In the appointment of Mr. Madeira, we would have a tried public officer and one whom all could approve and properly unite on. t. • MIL Wurre—Severn) articles in our daily tour nets advocate the names of certain Pennsylvania. for General Taylor's Cabinet. It is Singular that the memu of our own distinguished citizens should have been overshadowed and forgotten. Allegheny possesses men of talent equal to any in the Union, and as to majonties, we have made our record. Hon. A.. W. Looms to admirably qualified for the Attorney Generalahip. His great legal attainments —an eloquent advocate and elegant scholar—he would adorn the station, and his appointment would be hailed with delight by the people of the entire West. We ere now the Ketone of the Whig arch, and we desire that the lb ys hinet officer from Pennsylvania should be from our midat. GI:016 1 A, cefiejaL —Fall returnefrom Georgia have been received, and the vote by Congressional dhe trial is as follow= Taylor, 43,151:r, Cau, 40,0891 Taylor's ritsjerity, 3,061. Taylor has carried all the Caltentsintiel districts except the fifth and sixth Mons, Wed—The official returns, as given in the Augusta Age, alum a plurality Sot Cats 4,839 over Taylor. Vim Bores vote is 18,194. The majority against Cumin the State la 1,255. Proceeding. in Council sizscr COUNCIL. Prooodlngs In Common Connoll, Novranci VII, 1638. Stated meeting—Present, Mesas. artnutrong, Black. Coleman, Cunningham,Hadley , tirinCunngham, ton, McClelland, MoColluder, M'Ktright, Palmer, Wilson,, Scott, Stlambs, Stoner, Von Bons horn, Yost, end the President. President in the chair. On account of the absence of the regular Clerk. Mr. M'Knight was appointed Clerk pro tern. On motion of Mr. Yon 13annhorst, the regular proceedings were postponed in order to take 600113 action in relation to the Clerk. Mr. Livingstrn offered the following resolution, which was adopt. ed, vie Whereas, The Common Council has teen seri• crusty embarrassed by the want of the regular files of proceedings in consequence of the frequent absence of their Clerk—therefore , Resolved, That the office of Clerk of Cknnuarn Council be, and the same is hereby declared va. cant. On motion of Mr. Armatronty—Tbe Council then proceeded to the electron of a Clerk, which result ed us the chows, of Mr. Ferd. E. Vets, who renew ed a majority of the whole number of voters pal• Mr. Sinner presented a petition of the President and Secretary of the Trustees of the Methodist P. Church on Fifth St- in relation to the grade of Cher ry Alley, which was read and referred to the Com• on Sta. grading and paving, with power in act. Sent to the S C, and rpOrrence concrarred in. „.. Mr. Stoner presented a bill of Hay Scales, which wu read twice, and referred to the o.llll.ettClanus and Accounts to report upon the expediency of paving the same. Sent to SC, and reference con curred in. re Mr. ---- - psented a resolution author rising the Sanitary Corn. to employ one or more Physicians to vaccinate all persons who have cot been vaccinated, gratis, which was read twice and referred to Sanitary Committee, with power to act. Messrs. Stoner and McCollister were anycieted on behalf of this Canna to audit the City At. counts. The following Resolution, adapted in S Con this evening, was read twice and laid over. Resolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred &fi lers be and is hereby added to appropriation No. 7, and the sum of five hundred dollars to Immo pn anon No.B. The rest of the proceedings same es In Select CounciL Adjourned. For the Plastaugh Gazette. FOIWILIT in New You.—About sopoo of forged paper tuu recently been discovered among the bunks and brokers. The criminal is a young man named Duryea, who knell his father's en dor.emoot to his own Dome The forger has scandal, and eller 4kbagup one or two of the notes, the father retinae to go 1101 farther. Meassesrusarrs—vu, Congresnonsl District,- The Woman Spy :publishes the vote kw Mel ba of Congress in that District in all the emus bit throe. The result br Hudson, Whig, 4,148 Ds* Loco, 205; Alien, V. S. 8,478. The major* seirf Pulge Airs is 654. His ohmage she:sick is quits prubdae. For the Pittebnigh Gazette A 12AILKOTH ILADIIII • Frucassnms, Esq., President of the Yrusbetgfillortiro Rural Social y. Pant Sir :-,—l received this afternoon by hinds or Shober, a law ,copy of whlelt c um ands box with the specimens of lUinais or nee linte l which I take great pleasure is presenting , to your 60 MIT. Yours very truly, WILSON WCA N DLESS Nov. 27, 1849. Mr. Srmaxti4 ll L Nov. 12. Dear Colonel :—The bearer, Dr. J. S. Shaker will deliver yeti • box, containing specimens of the productions of this great agricultural State—a Radish 27 inches in length, circumference 26 inch• es, weight 171 pounds when pulled. The turnip is of fine size, but not near so large as some I have, and could have sent, if they had packed in the box with the radish. The radish was raised by Daniel Roberto, and the turnip by John Braunk, of this county, (Brown.) Do me the favor to pls., them where they can be seen by the citizens of your city or county. The radish wan pulled two weeks Mute and by the time it reaches you will have been over three weeks out of the ground. Invite the editors of your city to no the main. moth production. Mr. Editor:—The specimen referred to in the foregoing leuers, have been left at the seed store of Mr. S. N. Wickersham ' corner of Sixth and Wood Street., where the pubuo can have the opportuni ty of examining them. Yours &eventfully, B. A. PAHNESUOCK. Pres't. Pittsburgh Horti'ral Society. Pirrstonton, Nov. 2S, 1848. ADYIZTORMI OF a NYWISPAPCB--We recently saw a paragraph relating the adventures of alener containing drafts for 2.5000 sterling, which was mailed at London, intended for Boston in England, but in consequence of the omission of "Lincoln• shire, it was sent to Boston, MaseachuseUs, nod had to mamas the ocean before it reached its pro. per owner. A few weeks since, with other Lon don papers by one of the steamers, we received one dated Septernebr 11, which on examination we found was 1E47, and on it stamped .esis..ent to Sidney." Here was a paper that had traveled near to the other world. or at any rate to the other end of this, which has come back over 15,000 miles of ocean to England, and finally reached its true der tination at New Orleans, one of the extreme points of the United States. We wonder when, if ever, the mail service of this country will be rednoed to such a system of order and regularity, that it will give similar care and attention to a newspaper '— N. 0. Bulalin. IMPORTANT MOVEMI.Tr AMONG TILE C1111 , 1"8 , 4, IIPDLM. — The steamer Mondiana arrived yester day morning from the rpper Mississippi with a delegation of twelve liChippewa Indians, six of whom are chiefs, from the Lake Superior coon• WY. This delegation, under the care of Major B. Martell., of Sault Ste. Marie, are on their way to Washington, for the purpose of Interceding with the President for the purpose of securing, either by grant or purchase, a portion of the lands sold to the Government some time since, and thus to re tain possession of their villages. They desire to permanently settle, build houses, cultivate the and become settled, induarious citizens of the States, instead of roaming hunters of the forest & Lout. Bev. Nov. AE5A:131..)1.7 S. S./r . .. 1L - A telegraphic des patch from Memphis uys that Borland hu been elected to the U. S. Senate for Sevier's unexpired term, and Sebastian for Ashley's vacancy. It is thought that Sevier will be elected for six year's filer the 4th of March next. TlLL.LieeaPalzteraton has Just concluded a treaty of peace and alliance with the President of Libena, who is now in London. The sleety is on the footing of the most favored - - Taicarasx-r T 10111110” to the "Value of Dr Al'l.anes Vermtfuge. Read, all that doubt. “iit ferret, when placed at the entrance of • rat bole. enters the aperture, travels along the pasaage, seises upon the rat. extermtuates his eo.utenee, and drags the animal's defultet carcass to the light And in like manner have I found Dr. Amertcan Term, fuge to operate upon worths, those dreadful and dna gerone tormentors ot chtldren This remedy, like the ferret, enters Ole aperture of the month, travels down the gullet, hunts round the stomach, lays hold oi the worms, shake• the hie out of the reptiles, sweep. clean their den and came. their cart-6.meg clear out of the sy item This•t least has been the effect of the rerun. loge upon my children NVNI ROC LATT Naples. 1 , 47 - Mt, a to certify that I have used Dr ar Lane's Vet mange. .rd bare fowl II to operatehke manner upon my chtidten 1011 ti Ilitlti(aS Naples, June. te-r " A genuine .ruck of the above valuable medicate can lus bad at the drug .tore of J Fluid k Co • No ad WDOd 4-reel nov77 I:D^ Vex sits Panne plain—lf you wish to be enc. peastul to soy enderuking, you mu. always 'use the Groper =hen.' Therefore, ti you have • eoulti, its armr's 1L1.C.1 , 12.61rr and eured. kin it ts the proper means. Have you Asthma or ddloulty of breattung, then the only efhetent Me•n. to cur you is to tise J aytte's Expectorant. whisk will =mei:Lately overcome die rpm. which contracts the diameter of the tubes, and loosens and bungs up the woes. winch clop them op. Mod thua rerooves every of:un...on to a free mein rauon. while at the same time all inflammauon la au L due& and a eons is certain to be effected. Have you 8r00m... Spinum of Blond. Pleurtsy. or in fact any Pumonary Affection. then Line Expectorant and relief is ceroun. and you will hod that you have used the proper means. For sale in Ptusburgh at the Pekin Tea Store l.o 7l i ;lth street !mar Wood. Corona AND Cotos —The frequent changes In n „ e weather at this season of Me year, in•anably• g along with them roughs and tor, whtch by timely attention are eastly cured by st ple remedies. SKI., L.ER-s , IMPERIAL CM:IM SIRUP boo been in use for the Met 12 years. and has gained more reputation for the rare of coughs (not requaing settee medical treatment) than any other preparatmn ever of to the eines.. of Allegheny county The lmpertal Cough syrup is eery pleasatd to the taste. and, on this •e -count. is • peat favorite with children. The doses are That graduased. in the direcuons. son all urea 'That this long tried and highly popular rough remedy may be within the reach Of all, it m sold al the low price of 155 cents per bottle. Prepared and sold by R K SF.LLERS. 57 Wood at. Pitotburgh. D V. Curry. Al egheny, and druggists gen erally in both ClUes. oetl t. [l=f - The soft, Anima. expression of some female. grateful to •IC Pr. whtle the repulsive,coarse, muddy yellow fares of ethers, ewe. dmattst -- the same aria males Could such people ha unlaced to try • cake of the true /onus' Itol,ut Cheimeal Soap, they would be enraptured with the ehattKe They would have a deli. rate. ciear, where skin, while every dtshgurement or erupuon would La removed end cored. Pt STICT a NOM —Pe rsons who have bought cheap counterfeits and imitations of this, and have .had tin ef fect produced, roust try this, Me animal. Mind, ask for lopes' Soap. For sale at Ws. Jscasoa's. FS Utter ly street. resat Er Ladles who ow Jonea` Stillmanly tVhlte, !Lava always a fine white transparent shin. Of Susa trial wrll sausfy any one- Sold only to Pittsburgh. at a La.rt7 at awytOdwridort yr - - Ur' Don't haves Foul Breath—lf T have, us. tvilo ttalltna bottle of Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. To tatil make your breath metal, mhtten your teeth. ans. sold Cabana at tylthdavely Mayoralty of Pittsburgh. Mreetts. Warta d Co.--Gems: Please to armour he name of Mr Itztrav WiLautos, ea a nuitable pen or the office. of Mayor of this <ay novtr•ot !S. —M r Mao, Please announce that C B. Scut...ta, Efml , .111 be • eandsdato for normnatlon the offie. of Mayor nortl-tn Swam. Wm.. Mayoralty of Olaf/homy City. NIPPOILALLT OP ALLIMPENT Cirr.—Mr ElillOr, wil W l please announce the namelonarir 3d ard, Allegheny, for the office of Meyer, so ic ocri b ß e the decision of the Whig and Aran:masonic Cowman , noshl•lor Maim V. W. X. Wright, li. D., Driattst, the owes and re•ideoee on Fourth streall opposite th e A Pittsburgh Bank. (Arc hours from I o'clook toll M., and from 2 o'clock tel 2 P. M. sepl4-12 Suddenly, on Monday evening, 47th met,. Air. as Tema, aged 39 lean . On last evening, the 45W inst., Mr•. 8c...A Ann, John M. Peterson. The fnends of Me TamJy are respectfully requested to attend the funer.l this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late reatdence un Fourth 1111,001. near Ferry . Bo? AND NODE WAREIIIHRE, No 52 WOOD ST., BETWEEN 3d AND 4th STS. R. TANNER &. CO. T NV ITE Country Merchants and othem to so exam nanon of their swab. which is one of the largest to be found in any establishment to the country., and consists of very desirable and seasonable goods, sz• p re .l y .d.p.d. as to sized quality) to Western . ) .1..s Prices urn! compare favorably with those alba Bast. Terms liberal. nol4v-dtzu iiITTI.IOND9-.Wanted to purchase, a few Thous and Dollars of Pitwburgh city 6 per cent gond. noe2o N NOLMI.I3 ts SONS DRIED FRUIT-120 bush f.Nted P. 0.; 113 do d. Apples, just received and far sale by L S TV AMMAN, 31 water and 62 front st GREENAPPLES -18U bbl . Green Apple., nrns bona penieks, vunlivers and pippin., in store and for sale by nor3n L 8 WATF.RMAN FLOUR - 100 bbls in store and for sale by nov3o L. S WATERMAN 1010EANS-7 0 bbls mall whoa Beans, moons and for .1.1 Bohr by notao L. 8 WATERMAN e . E.EI)B-0 pnme Sped; 10 bail Timothy 1.7 Sird, for sslo noy3B L 8 WATEVAN ir-firEEBF,-100 bra prime W Roiterre, for mile by dovad F VON BONNHORRT & Co S. SALTS-11 tasks for We by no• 30 8 P VON BONNIIOI4ST k C. FLeT BOATS—AO Flat Boats, from 100 to 132 Ism& for ..to by J SCHOONMAKER acs32l UN/MIES-24 sacks Flaxseed; 221 Lard; 12 As SFe&elf" 2 do antsenx; 10 Wes Cotton, to arm.; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co, nov3o EATHLKS—eI sacks to arrive. for sale by oo ze ISAIAH DICKE\ a Co G IN --- EIENO-10 saeks to 001 . 1 , 10 i for sale by nrm.lo ISAIAII DICK EY is Co ' W R'o sNoI, to store and for sale by L nov3o REnBE-15 bbla m store and far ..I. by nov3o ISAIAII DICKEY & co _ G 4 Lt Nl--50 bbl. Mara landing from Andric. Stan /11. for rob e by LIALSALKS it SMITH, 1.00 lB and Inwood at Tesseo Pet Nrils, for tale - -nov4o. eno BAGMAN' & SMITH NO. t BOAP---K l O bs. Cincinnati No I Soap, loot reel and tor sale by BACIALEY A SMITH ' ' • , SALISHATUB-8 tone superior Warms, In barrel. and bases, mit received mud fat ode by :POD P40.44zY s 814/Th TO CONTILAOINCIIILS. SEALED PROPOSALS vinll tm received at the office of die County Commtiamontits ants' noon of Tear. , day,. Id4h day of December next, for th e following were, to be done on the public grounds at New Cored Roam en: 'Tatung the nuling and capping off the terrace wall. pe n ft h s.vela sad replacing the mine on new walla per yard lineal. Alao. taklng down and replacing fate. Taking down the present terrace well on Fifth street. and so much or walls on Grant and Ross streets as the I Commiestonem may direct_ Ercavating foundation three feet below the present grade. per cubic yard; foundauou of walls below the he pakeniont. per perch ni ruble feel: bur pavement to be cut work of the same •a prcsebt wall, per perch of 23 cubic ten—the walls to be three. Met. or of such thickness as the Commissioners may duvet. Additional steps of eat atone at gate ways, lame as the present, per rtnn,,ficLril foot. Any anderpmnulig that may be necessary to be done ender the direction of the CortunissiOner•. All material necessary for the shove specified work to be (crumbed by the contr. - tot, and to be approved by a competent person appoin tee by the Coinoillsioners, under whose seiwrinien dance the whole work Is be done. Itidders will al so state what sum they will allow for mammal in pee -1 sent walls. at The work to be commenced n el suin g spoof. 'nen tiale as the Commissioners may trunk prat , ta- hie. No bids will I e received for any portion other than the whole of the work so specified to be do.. JOSEPH T MARKS. PERKINS,TIIONAS Couantotoners. WS HENSON, Coststaato.a.' rte. November 30, 1.4 4 -dtd Journal, AllletlCB/1, Chronicle, Ihspatett and Pont sSTY. . . - ATHENEUM SALOON frHE .absent ts pleased to inform his friends and 1 - the public, that he has purchased that very extein• sive and elegantly furnished establishment. known •• the Atheneum Saloon, on Liberty street. between Smithfield and Wood, formerlt kept by Peek. lhomp. son k. Co., where he Intends keeptng a general RE-.?v, TAU RANT and BOARDING HOUSE, in • style 's cowl to none in the West For the •ccommodanon of both Ladies and Gentle men with fresh Oysters and other seasonable delica cies, no house in the country as better prepared than ' the Saloon. To gentlemen lodging themselves, regular boarding will be furnished on advantageous tenins, rid of the best quality. Regular boarding, per week Dining, alone, 6 days• • . • Single dinner Supper or Breakfast - • • .. 20 The Bathing Depsriment will be open and in good order, every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the winter season. unless specially ordered at other times. To Hydrop nine patients the sunset-11-er would spo cially recommend the superior conveniences of his es tablishment, being provided with the Douse Snake, (which encompasses the whole body and the Head and Neck Baths,•till in eseellent order. Society or Club Suppers and Dinners can be furnish ed at the shortest notice, and in true Epicurean style. novilo dtw ALEX. FERGUSON. Journal, Dispatch. Chronicle and Post copy • Illoriongithela Navigation Company. NOTICE 'PO sTticK HOLDKRS —ln pursuance of the 1/mammon of the Charter of Ineorporatton, the annual seeming of the Stec kliolders,of the Monongahe la N•vtgation Company wilt be held on Monday, the first day of JanunryB49, (befog the fire] blonday of the mouth.) • at the offset of the ...id Company, In th• Odeon Building, Fourth Street, Pathburgh, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of elecung officers tor the ensuing year. WM. BA/O.:WELL See - y. nov:1l Washington Reporter. Waynesburg Democrat, and Unsontoarn Democrat ropy till elecuon, and send pa per and Inn to Secretary. _ _ PAT/LNT SODA ASH. DRICERtIDUCED —The subscribers have and on hands, and wi Thoell receive dunng the winter and p 'fi h rseltipvgnr„t" c v k t; w ld ()"re mans wYll arrive there per ship W. V. Kent,.' the let me part of next month. They are now prepared to re ceive orders at the fo ll owing reduced prices I to 2 tons, 3;, cash, or 4e. 4 mos., approved bills. 2. 5 34 do, or 3j do do 5 . 10 21 4 mos, or 2 per cent off for cash, par; or JO Wa NI MITCHELTRM 160 Liberty at DISSOLUTerION the firm —1 he p of an Marsian nerstup d heretofore ease- wig un d M'Closkey, was by ratline. consent dissolved on the 14tn inst. R. S NIARSLAND. JAMES M'CLOSKEY. The clothitng Business wtlt be earned on by R. S. klarslans in nil its branches, at the old stand, 45 Übe, Breet. corner of yir . gin all nov:10-d3t• NY. nu to. Baltimore Not. Philada. D C JO. k. Tj I.D BUCKNOR. Tobacco Commission M. AUL cholas, 41 North Water ot. k 16 North Who, n0•3..t A LPACAS AT IMPORTERS PRICES—Smith AJohnson, 44 Matket st.reet, tell for the laal• *nee of the ocaAon •t the ongthal cost their slott Fancy Alpacas. cc:mar...mg avery vanoty noun striped plaids and chameleons o e3O • ---- 12= - . THE subscrtber ts prepared to furnish coal mut quant,ty, m Pittsburgh or Allegheny Orders lei at the store of Q. Haughey, foot of Liberty street. 0 , addressed to me through the Post office, grill be prompt I y attended to. A KIRK LENVIS Pyrrnont Worts, Nor dlesdstrtlerett - - - C2I.7NDRIES-71 sack. dried Peaches.. do Fcmiter 0 per steamer Cornet and for sale by acrt:M C RANT 41 water at Pl. CHRONI. pesli—Aro lb. ANN rec'd aud mas by noa ur M A FAIINIK. ACo API'I.ES-100 bble Bel'dowers and RO6llllte. We nor:!' 8 F VON kIONNI - 11 1 RST kC. -- - - VINE COFFFM—Motha. old Goy lova, Guava F gt Domino' and Rio Collet. Just rec'd nod for ea at We Pekto To. Store. To Fourth at, by .. • • A A. IIN FR3 WWI, St INSELT 011.—W bbl. supenor Liweed Ja L 4 received and for sale by nave, WICK k !d•CANDLES 't:EN APPLEII—I2O Mph. for sale by 'oorY9 WICK Cs M'CANDLESS - -- SAI.ERATI 44-40 cask. Cleveland Saleran..; 14 no b dodo, for sale by nov.Z9 WICK & NUCAN DI.F:Ass BACON SIDES-13,0W lb . city cured Bu On, for .ale by nos - 2Y) WICK a 31'CANDL1.14$ e W R Incest. for sale by "' "' WIK & WCANDLESS nosi`O F W .D C , R y9 -3° "'. """* Vln i FNITII;L:V.; GARRKTT'S SNUFF-3 WA. to more and for tale by nd,r29 WICK Cc h 1 CAN DLESS CHOCOLATE -43 his to more and forsuba by ov2t WICK lc NFCANDLESS CYTTI3N hIATTILASSI,N—A superior article of facculy and steamboat Manna.., manufactured from rood coup' well cleaned and carded, for .al. be I noet3 II4:BSEIC, warehouse 79 water .t lOTTON BATTINGS-30 0 bolos family Banlor. 200 do No I do, lOC do No 2 do, lot ' , ale by noeß I HbRSEY SIGHTIICHANGEON NE,,— eji ,fr .ale by ~A; ,Hl,l IONS S - (WIT KICHANGEON PHILADELPHIA. for sa by novAi N HOLM E 3 8. NONS C ITY v IVN D N S—Warned by HOLM kJ Ze. SONS ARD 01L-10 bbls Lest winter Warned Lard On Li Just recd per memo. Wyonnos; ...1) do fall wan ed, On do No Yin store and tor aale by norar SELLERS a NICOLS LINSEED OIL—I•! bbbt. pnane °nice to store an tnr sale by noval9 SELLERS & NICOL 'VINE FLOUR-50 bids bate Flour, in .tore .d ft rale by nor'N SF.LLLILS & NICOLS BLACK tVADDING--900 doa extra large and be ay, not reeetved and for sale by notta9 SHACKLE:TT & WHITE, 99 wood at CANTON FLANNEL—a--Three bales heavy turd unbleached Carden, just received by nee?) SHACKLETI . & WHITE - - - SILK FRINGES-5M do: black Bullion Fringe, 1 recd by noviN SIIACKLETT IwqtsE T INSEVS-900ti ea.* good bright colours. Jo opened by noel 9 SIIACCLETT K WIIrrE fIObIFORTH-3 00 doe boo bnght colors, ond amen ble styles, lust opened at reduced pewee , by novtN PHACKLErr a WHITE @ME CHEESE- LMO b. orcurm Cheese, just landtsug from s v 2 W Erie, .d for side by nov29 8 & W HARBAUGH --- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-1 0 bbls In sore and for sale by rj0 ,,,, 8 & W HARBAUCHI Por L.Tr sahrt — nbob".: BHIRATV(7II - - r) YE FLOUR-4I bbl. Rya Flour, Harbaugh LA" brand, in stole and for Gala by _ . CORN HUSKEL4n Stora and for sale by novt.V S h W HA KRA UGE 'DIU METAL-8 0 tons Hanging Rook Pig Metal, h. E tang, (or sah, by ,24 FORSYTH k DUNCAN S A L no T v P . r RE-30 bags enitifriisalpoi:7lcyEy.t. co C _ m storeand for sale by nov& ISAIAH DICKEY k Co • - . _ FIRE: AND WATER PROOF MINERAL PAINTS bbls in note and for sale hy kt IRAIALI DICKEY dr. Co nosi M.AotitCrictest brand., D 18 B a.la and .54 Inmp rot ..le by n0v2..4 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co UOAR4I tang prime N 0 gar, Su for sale by 17 nokIS It ROBISON kCo uNriam:4-dried Peaches; 'ZS bush dried 0 Apples; 2 bgs Liiriseng; I do Snakeroot, IS bu small While Briansoust reed pet Clipper No 2, for wale by nos Tr. R ROBISON b. Co 9 LIBLS Fre. RuII Butter; 3 bet. Deady., al Rags, received and for I novA -.tlr 4 R ROBISON' L' Cc INBIEED-10 bbla Enveer & Hattultou's IA teed 011, in atom and for male by ROBISON & Co novdd @ Q &LERATCS-5041/ lb. reed and far .10 by R ROBISON & Co 0 novai B UC n KVI O 'IIEKT Pflit;ll-114.a,cIra.hui'd. for .le by 13) NNHO _ . 4 Co - . frIALO . T . IIIe SEED— sa"FbV23I9I3IticNVORST & Co ROLL !FUTMR—II bbl. for sale by ~ ovA S F VON BONNHORST &Co p atat.. o. ASH—:s . n as o, k B l , 4 pure ;r4; , 1a1 . 2 . !T and DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES— boob Hued peaches, 00 do do Apple.; meld iwd for sale by novB . TAKBEY & BEST A,C,y,vtla.:l,--le and i t o cb . l. l t Irge No 3 Mackerel, Just , noyl7, JAS y A HUTCHISON &Co ItHACOLTdbi t :trks prime Itio li C t rfrie ic i•oce, no/ C 41 orator st BAGALEY 2,_/ rIODFISH-16 bhds Codfish, landlog and for s SM ITH ale by nov27 & CGHC E D SA LTS—I 3 bbl . Imding from .came 0 Vermont, and for sale by nor 27 BAGALEY d SMITH tar TAR .I " C Twla , fine order, load Di Inland for sale by BAOALEY ta SMITH novUr„. tI,MOR}-2F HERRINGS—M bee Rigby Hemet., 10 just revolved mtd for solo by nov27 BAGALEY A. SMITH --- IRON--. 7 11 tons Allecheoy Psa Iron, on the P lS wharf uul for soh, by J a a FLOYD, oovto Rouod Chureb thaldlna URN ii.iTiCng UF an F d k f—M2COt b b .. (new oropo 810 R FLOYD .1 k. rioeS 7 'visit MOSS —Gm bale justLlN roe'd and for sale by B A EAESTOCK A Go, nov24 eor Ist and wood Ta fABBIA-000 mans just reed anrgAr sr.nt lit ‘,./ WV* ' ' 9 • r•BriE•YRVIA.Er, C 9 .. Sy John D. •• /11letli7selt On Thursday morning, Nov. 3), at 10 oktlOcklltkir Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood sod Fink streets, will be sold, without restive., oo a eredit of GO days on all soma over SM. for approved endorsed notes -22 pada:ger Staple and Forney Dry Goods. Jost received from Now York, congas./ of 42t/ lb• white and assorted colored thread; 9t dot Ilitffingtoua white and cord .pool coot., 191 NI nee . dies assorts d;paek• plus, *a gross talk tanst moat and Test banana, WO are.. laaung batons, 3.4) gro•s pearl shin buttons; 41,0 dos sulpeo tape . 9 6 dor white braid; 102 gross shoe laelngs; 40 great gross horn pa taloon buttons; 40 great gross agatts; 100 gross knit- U.g vista 112 cards scissor., IS cards pen knives, I gross bar tat do, IS pieces avian chinas, tapes guthants.sup , fine cloths, CMJIMIC 511.1.1110U5, Saone . blanket., pilot cloths, bleached and brawn muslin., .1p.•4, cashmeres, Irish linens, damask linen table cloth.. woolen comforts, hoods, shawl. and hdkfs great ilia. Sc At 2 o'clock. Groom . • , (,hiernx.eare, Furniture, ge. At 6*clock, A quantity of fine table Slid pocket cutlery, gold ai.d Ether watches, mantel clod., blank hooka letter cod cap writing paper, variety goods, be roman fazenovw y paws, USEMENTS , THEATRE CS. PORTER . MAN•au. FOURTH NIGHT OF MR. A A. ADDAMS . SECOND NIGHT OF MRS. LEWIS Combination of Talent! T 110030,, Novexen 30, ottil It preunted a play in 5 acts, nailed BRUTES Brutus Mr. Addams. • M. Leis Sailors Hornpipe ?Haste r,Wood. To conclude with ' SKETCHES IN INDIA. Tom Tape MI. J. Donut. Sally • , . Mas Cmise_ Ijj- To-morrow, ND. Addams and Mrs. Lewis w' .PC. O . , -- . ___--- - - Exhibition of Microscopic Objects. ON thts week THURSDAY ?W. AND FRIDA Y EVENINGS of Ser II .ZiO. will giro exhibmons with the Oxy-llydrogen Microscope and Magic Len ten, to Phtle Hall. The ins...tents are of the first class, and a large number of objects have been prepared for the Micros cope., emit:raping a vanety of insects and their org+.o.l the ammuMte which usual to stagnant water, to vinegar and other 4114 the funnies of the moues and ferns, and dlostranou of vegetable atracnire, de compoonion of water, crystallisation of sake o With the Lantern will be exhibited a series of Duaol ring Views, and the Chroutatrope or artificial fire works. The exhllnuons will commence at o'clock, and will be continued next week. Tickets can be bad at Mr. Richardson's Jewelry Store, Market street—S rents a single ticket, or flee tor a dollat. DJ.% - EUROPEAN AGENCY, For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With held REAL AND PERSONAL EuTATE; the Set tlement and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading, and other Debts; Securing Patents for Invenuons in Great lintam, Ireland, and the Colonies and DependeaCies thereunto belonging, and Negotiating for the Put chase or Sale oldie same. EFERENCE may be had on application free of IX, charge, (provided the motive is not thatof mere curiosity,) to • Lut -compristng upwards of 15,000 names in which unclaimed property is standing. Also, an index to our 10,01/0 advertisements which have appeared for the past kJ years tn Canons British newspapers, addreased to Heirs at Law and necr, of kin. Communications by letter are requested to be post-paid. BENTHAM FABIAN, 38 Broadway, New York. References are permitted to HokCharles P. Daly, Judge Court of Common Pleas, New Yo C rk Freeland, Swore k Chas. Cartledge k Co. W. kJ. T l'agseau.. G. FL A. Ricketts, Esq. Edward Schroder, Esq,., Cincinnati, Ohio. A. ratChln, Esq., President Patel:on Bank, Buffalo. naval-dam POPULAR WORICAOF FICTION, FOR SALE HY JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Mar ket street, corner of Third. Vanity Fair; a novel without a Hero: by Wro.. Thlwkery. Edward Vernon; My Cousin's Story: by E. V. Ctulde Mary Hewitt'. Translation of the Peasant and hi. Landlord. Cap, Marryatt'a Children of the New Forest. The Bachelor of the Albany. Old Hick. the (ionic; fey Webber. Mary Grover; or, the Trusting ?Jae: by Chas. B. d. It. Wuthertng Heights: by the author of "June Ey The Tenant of Wl!drat' Hall: by the author of .1. the Th e Image of by Father, Illustrated: by the Broth. Nlayheve. The Ihsetpluse of Llfe. Three Stater, and Three Fortunes, or Rose, Blanch. and Violet, lby U. H. Lewes. Tturty Sears Since: by d. P. R. James. Esq noes -- • OVERIMPB DOUBLE REFINED SUGARS-20 Jj Loirering's Double Refined Loaf, Crathed an" Pulverized Sugars, pat reed and for aide at the Pek Tea Store, Mi. Fou street, by TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY AHD PA.NCY GOODS. F. EATON & CO, ve Demers tu Thiamine mad . tra berda ahery, ha removed from then old stand to NO. 61 FOCRTE STREET, 6 doors from Ma , km sanset. novE 1 OATS' .SPOOL CI:MON—MU dos Coats' best albite Appals; 3IX , do 41:0 yd do Mark de; MO do 20U yd do cord do, received this day sod for sale by the ease at eaiderit prim, F H EATON tc Co, ea fourth st ISSN AND INFANTS' WEAR—F H EATON & 111. Co, have added to their former business a de partment tinder charge of Mrs. Bigelow of Boston, for making to order in latest styles, Infants' Wear, Misses Sacks, clogks nod MOM., Ladies •nd Genta Dressing Citrus. . Garments embroidered or stamped for embroidery. kmumg, netting, crotchet larork,hemstanblatt and art , king neatly executed• norm _ VTICTORINES AND SCARFS FOR LADIES—FSttc Zepkyv Surfs, white and cold; do do do etrulied, Swan's down Vaetonnes; Elude ugh'', wristlets, Swans down Neck Ties, ladies silk and woolen Vests; Svian's down Trimmings. Just reserved at EATON'S new Trimming Store, di Fourth st. noicki VRE.I4 GOODR—F H Karim a Co are constantly ~‘[, supplied with • large and c boleti asaortment at silk fringd• and gimps, relitet ribbons and braid. la ces, editing* and embroideries, giaVell and !maim.", gents shirts, suapenders and under garment., Berlin Zephyr, woolen yams, needles, pin. buttons, tapes. bobbins, ; all of which they offer at the lowest caah pnces Inerchants and ether. at their new and cons. insidious warehouse, thl Fourth as, near market. noB) GENTS' CLOAK TASSELS-2 dos =hats Tan vela assorted, 3 do stlk dodo 2do do fine do; to do do Lallms Tassels, assorted, do cold do do. WOOLEN GOOD - 3—W do: children's woolen costs; 6 do do do Caps - 4 do do common; 10 dor. Woolen emu forts, untried; IS do doswith rings; 50 do ladies Cash mere Gloves ass , d. LEATHER BELTS-30 dos blk Molkakin Belts; YO do do Morocco do, 3 do cord do; at nrce22 ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 67 market st p ITTSBERGIICOMPANY.—The Trustee!. of die Pittsburgh Gas Company have authorised I, an additional tale 01 the Stock of said Company. The books ate now open for the mile of a limited amount mud Stock, at the Exchange offiee of Hussey, Ham k. Co , Pourth street. JOSHUA HANNA. noviA I er FOB fliALE—Oos pair second Band Ma e. in good rsparr, mot rairoluart, containing 31.0 Spindles...sari One Cap NVinder, contalronig BO spindles, suitable lb voolled martufactarers. BLACKSTOCY., BELL tc Co. Pot Cotton Mill. Nov. V, IMo-di. BACON—)9 pea Raton, landing front surd Muds uin for sale by AS DAZELL, nov2l 24 water s SUNDRIFB-20 Ins Cheese; 4 bbl. Roll Maier, casks Potash, landing front Michigan Line and sale by noval JAS DALZELI FEATHERS--6.eks Feathers, rise'd and for sale by nbv23 C H GRANT APYLEZ--I2 bble fine eating Apple., past received end for sale by C H GRANT. norts el ender et LOVERDIG'S SUOMLS—gaI bbls Lovering's ex Sugar, crashed and ginlvervied, landing and fo Bide by nov2s HAG/AIXI it SMITH ___ - - - _ FLAXSEED OLL—IO MAI., to prime order, just eelved and Ito sale by R E SELLERS, 57 wood st . • 11h4INERAL WATER CORKS—MI gross .hors, yu pnme arucle, pun reetwod and for rate by nov2S R E SELLERS BATH SRICE-10001dst reed aiatt for uric" by novihi B A FAHNESTOCIC & Co BCRLAP rY3 S-40 pe on hand wsd for sale low by no Mt/ RPHY k LEE TOBACCO bad. Tobooco, lna recd.ea on n. argnment and for rale by noviAtt GEO WEYSIAN r u. BUTTER—Ia store and for sale by H.OBT DALZELL, liberty - - yang and for sale n0v.15 - - - - ALKFLATUB--15 tons m sutra and for sale b noelb ROUT DALZELL COFFEE -130 bap Just re 'd UM for We by nosa3 8 Y VON BONNHORST k Co 'ilk:AS-4S package. Yontly Upon, Gunc/bleder au , Imperial, for sale by nov23 SF VQN ISONNHORST t C,o LASS-00 bzi 40 do 10x12, 40 do40:14, 0 T es OorM-"`""" for .ale byy 1 7 , k Co () ° . ft l ' eo by EA -44 12.2.13 - J 1! k'rog Va1411=7 1 6, 1 ° C E-60 bid I; -BO ..lo by n 0,23 NNNHORST t Co B uTrE 13.-4 bbls fr 00.70 t en , F4dg i ßatte r :i ii f l o i r o x i s t .l 4 e T bz co _ M.E.RATU*-10 casks for sale ► . 0,13 F VON 11014THORST /4 Co SREET IRON-10 tons Nas 24 and IS !anima. f ash, by nar23 8 Y VON BONNHORS r Co SPERM' OIL.-1 ease \Pieter Sperm 011 past reed and for Bald by nolla R E SELLERS TAMAIOA ARROW ROOT-1 case of supteriorquel itt jot sale•b• novß3 R E ShLLEILS cHVCOLAT COCOA, ke.—W Baker's No I rotate, liakees Cocoa A n a o :alerfolk eo oecdate, conattunly ott band for by tIAGALEY is SMITH, Asyta (or W Baker, Dorchester, N. FANCY CASSIMERES--J reeetved by AA M. sou & bo Market st, a lame assortment of the above owned goes* 'slosh they offer at Easiest wholesale pries. oast': HE LIESUCAN ALMANAC FOIL 1846—Jusi 1. read and Mr ogle by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, HOollanlinlla, nuel7 __coloo;aWkal and 3d am_ Q FIKEI.LOC%4CL—Nabove E fo le DIVIN PROVIDENCE—dr few 0 comes of work rsa oy nova 7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON POE, Cbromele, Journal and American .p•r. 0. MOLASSII9I-13 bbl. otiose, in toad - order, JOE recd per emu Columbian, and Om sale by & MITCHELTKKE, 130 Libeny on Q UUAR HOC 812; MOLASSM-- 11 bbl. prima, and 10 in good ardor. tor gala by W & M mrrcitEersiE NO. SUGAR-47 hhda . rwr47 L o b l ; F SU6 , t4-30 bblit ti, srA Ir a &s, (.4 TRRE we PREESE-75 . 4s Coutp. Checoo, for sale m4'4 DWU GBEEN /iPPLE3-60 bbls Basset apples, dza sale awfli P wELLIAIdts U 0 wend a MBOAT6. CINCINNATI-46 PITTSOUROH DAiLy PACKET LINE. Bill well known line spo-ndnl pay.enart Steam er* is now composed of the otraeat. sa Cleat, ho. shed and furnished. and moon ?Powerful boat* an t a. rs wate or Me INeat Ever) a rrommodanon and coma n fon that money can procure, has ecru provted tor pas sengers. Tbe Ulm 110 5 been ‘n operatma for five year* —has earned a nuthon ot people *about the l e for te. ry Meru person The boa • will he at th o o'f Wood 'Meet the lay rev wag in claming, lot Ihe tecep. , bon of (taught and me caul Cl pautenaters on the mat. ter In all ease.* thc footwear money must be plod m advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWIY , Pi. Capt. A la hiaaoa, wl.l leave rtttaburgh every Sunday inoraing at 10 o'elect; Wheeltstg ever) Sunday eveautg at 10 r 1. May , 1047 . . . • MONDAY PACKET. The NIONONt. A 11E101, Cape Fdroms., well leave Pena burgh every Monday neornenet at 10 o'cloek; NV - beetle:4 every Monday evening .10 n 0. LII I J The HIBERNIA No A Capt KAyerrearaa, wsll ave I...taborets every Tuesday toornsthe at Hs mama, 11=== WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No L Copt. S. lA, tell! ave. Potabor3h ever, Wedne.day rooming at 10 'clock; Wheel.opt every Wedneatt ay evenoT at 10 P - THURSDAY PACKET. • The BRILLIAN'f , Capt. l•ssc. ccul leave Pitts burgh every Thursday inornotg a% to o'clock; Wheekag every Thursday evening el . FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. Y, Copt CiutOrr, will leave Pau burgh every Friday morning of 10 o'clock, \Theehog every Friday evening at 10 r BATITHIIAY PACKET. The MESSENtirilt, earn S 00, will learn Pitts burgh every Saturday morning el 10 o'clogli Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 1 " 8* InaiMi . . Ivu aLsuow,) Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and ar• rives at Glasgow, lmouth of the Sandy and Beaver CA. rial,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at 11, same night. Leaves New Li 11,013 at 6 o'ckick, P. M., tinaklng the trip canal to the flye r during the nide4) end Glasgow at 9 o'clock, A. 91., and arnves nt Putsburgh at 9 P. ht--thou making a conunnous tine for carrying setygers and freight between New, Lisbon and - y s. burgh, shorter time and at lest rates than by any other route. The pimpriators of this Line have the pleasem of in forming the public that they have fitted up two Brat slam Canal Boats, for the acoommodation of passengers and relight, to run in connection tenth the well known meaner* CALEB COPE and BEAVER. and connect atn Glasgow , . with th e Pittsburgh and Cinem. can and other daily lines of steamers down the Ohio and Ithostssmpt riven. The proprietors pledge them selves to spare no expense or trouble to immure corn f o o f ri e s t a e fe p tL v an n d dlspateh, and ask of the public a sham riiTHORIZED O. M. HARTLiS, 8. HARBAGOIL Pa'burgh' IL HANNA. et co 1 Lisbon. J H.ARBAVGH &Co s NOTICE—The steamer 13F.AVF.11, C F.. Clarke, mu ter, will leave after due nonce, for Yellville pun3ctu ally, at 9 o'clock in the mormnk jel 1 8414. 104-As PITTSBURGH a, P•cke BROWNSVILLZ Daily t L ine. FEBRUARY 1.,1948 FEBRUARY ls, 184 - - LEAVE DAILY AT, A. M. AND 4 P. M. The following new boars complebs tee line for the present season: AT LANTIC, Capt. James Parklnsont ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and LOUD; ItPLANE, Cap t Bennett. The boats are entirely new, and are fitted up without regard to expert.. Ev ery comfort that money can procure hos been provided. The SOats lease Pas. Mnouei Wharf Boat at the foot of Ross st. nouer.gab will n be punctual on board, es the A. Certriloly leave at the adver• used boars, n A. M. and 4 P janfil .. . PITPSHURtiII h WHEELING PACKET., maliarThe swift steamer CONSUL, Webber, waster. ••lii mare regularly or Wheeling, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely. Leave Wheeling every 'faraday, Thursday and S. oredey, at 7 o'clock, a nk, precisely. The Consul will land at all the unennediate norm— Every accomodatton Mat can be procured for the com fort and safety of passengem has Le en provided. The twat to .1.0 provided With • .elf-acting safety guard to prevent egplowons. For Detect or painnage apply on board or to DAVID C HERIINT,, feb4 • corner of Ist and Smithfield ats. —REGULARkVIIYIELINCI PACKET. _ The new and splendid creamer ST. A N'PHON Y, D P Kinney, mower. will run as • reg ular packet between Pittatiargh and Wheeling, leaving tins coy every Tuewlay, Thursday and Saturday, at Ili o'clock, A. M.. and WI: tang eve ry Monday, Wednesday and Ferdey , at v &elk, A. M. For freight or pasaage, having serener accommoda tion., apply on hoard or to T!= /A MRS NI AY, Agent. The St Anthony Is • new boot, arid for wood and cononoodations cannot bo rutpassed by any boot an . Hoer. novle FOR W HEFLIN() AND SUNFISH. _ . The new and feat Craft. WELLSVILLE. Barnes, master, will leave fnr abort d all i4termedtate pores on Wednes days and Saturdays of tblh week. For frets ht or par ; sage apply on board or to novl6 Uhl/ E hIILTF.hUERGER, Ag PITTSECECII-A.ND LbEtSgICLE PAC'S:Et ITN P. The now and splendid fast passen• ger packet. I'ELIX:RAPII No. 2, Mason. waster , will leave for einem nati and Loam•ille on Thursday, the Ifith Inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or pasnage apply on board, to HU ILBRIDGE. WU-64 , N h Co, or Ukki UNIILTEYUF.RtIIiRL . . .E . Ste o r n e r r: v ez i to o n , nTll lamer 1 . .. , 0uri11e for New go . direci, and can have e tfa r ga ~..g ttired ? rere"Mars tired. norrl6 FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid Iglu dr.ogh steamer COMET, Tl ' d rd inte 'n on ' :l r l ' ate" ll l''" 6" .h*" 16 o'clock. Foe frenght or pasange r"s ap t p " l; '" orno . rot ' . " Oov3 o _ OMINME The vpleinhil new steamer VEFLNIONT, Wm kinslett.iniSCr, will leave tbr the ve and intermediate ports to-day Far freight or passage, apply on hoard. noetor FOR SAINT LOUIS DIRECT ~... The splendid steamer lAARA, Coo master. will leave for above nil intermediate polls this day, at 10 o'clock, A M. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to nov2q B The new and fat running steamer NORTH RIVER, C .. agtr .u trt m , ,d 7 . l , l . l p le o u r z d f , o ,s e d :l y to v a s t nvoith' =Ol arg- TO AND reox Pittsburgh and Philulelphia, (Vt• nuxasaiscen) . . TINE, FIVE DA VS—RUNN ICH; DAY AND NIGHT T HE ere mmenc re e ttp , z n t n tu .. ll ,, y T n to , zed ,, t h h , e n t . thle A L L.;:e , will lee.e Philadelphia dmly with the Mail Tram tut Chaattberattarg, and from thence he \Veen, with • relay of heroes, running day and ta r will be prepared ea forward 6000 Ma frelgta daily. Apply to novta D LEECH tr. Co - PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE, ; 74 &.•• 1848• BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. 1:1;X' Tittle, 5 days. , 4 01 Merchandise tratisposed al Canal Mel. FORSYTH & DUNCAN, Airs" Water street, Yinsbargh i FRAILEY & MARSHALL, Agents, novl7 47 Light strea, Itshonor. BUSKS & CO'S FAST EXPRESS FOR CENIHERL.AND, tsALTIMORE. AND THE THE Proprietors of this Luse have pot ou New Sowa, and are prepared to forward packages of all de scriptions daily, at the lowest rates. J. C. BLIAVI:L.I., Water suer% Piusburgli ROBINSON s BOEHM, IS4B. Maa I=l QUITTERS sod others ore manumit tam thro Line L. 3 conutioes to run duly. Produce end nierehandit e receipted tor by FIVE DAY LINE •Itli regales wag on*, at low rates and specified ume C himburgh; nov IA RObLNSON h BUEHAI, lialumare. I\I'ENV WORKS—Cromwell's Speeches, &et—Oliver 1.1 Cromwell's Letters and epeeches, ties, the supplement to tpc :mat edition: With eitteidanons By Thomas Carlyle. In 2 vol. 1.2m0. Cio h. Collins' Kentuelor.-11muidical Skitich. of lien. tneky, erabrecing ii history. antiouit). mid co tural CUI/0111110, geographical, statistical and geotogical de sengnons; wltti anecdotes of Timmer life, had more than one hundred biographical sketches ot dreiturgamh ed pioneers, soldiers, and statesmen; Mrtms, lawyer., divines,_ etc. Maturated by lorry mignivings. By Lewis Fury T totes and Legends of marry Notions--Select ed, newly mid, and translated. By C B. Burkhardt Bearinfuliy iliustrated. The Arabian Ntg ts—The Thotioatol and One Nights, or. the Arabian Nights' Entertait memo; translated and erlllV fox (many reading—with exp la na t ory note., by E. V. Lane. Esq. Prom the seentid London eds. non: illustrated with 64X$ wood cum by Harvey, and dluramated ones by Owen Jones. Complete Ili Itg parts, paper; or II vols., Igroo. Cloth—tilt: The above books rust received and for sale by JOHNSTON STOCKTCIN, lleokselleru nov - 26 market. ear Ltd it • LAW rdirficz. THE undersigned Iviorms has mend, and we pubsl4- th.l be intends to retoov..hon ," Wnshis.gton city, where he wtllatlositi to the proseeutton of claims on Convese, amt the Departments, h• zua toc baldness of-the law In all rts brmnrhes, 1.1,[11111 CourtaV ti be Distract. ANDREW WYLIE, J _ . OST—Supposed in have been taken by wouok s Li Sam steamer Yankee, Nov 6, It.te, a box marked Aaron Mathews, Camden, [holden coo ,q, cam of J. garly,Ness London, New ark—weight 2-0 lbs.— Any information respeatum told box, woM be thankful ly received and laterally rewutded J stwros JONES, Morton,. shela Howse - gIARPOPR CARPETS"—t.;,...toot! ) reccavlng 611 Nj W. IireIifILOCICI, 75 Fourth sneer, ..very raotery of cOO.,VjOg ip pun of Aani. mton r of most beautiful pattey.;; Velveti lete.t prom.. =potted, very rig 1 vestry, Inuony .; ply. sup sod Venetia., all of which we we ll sell as low a. they eau be pur chaeed in thismarket Importing and parehumg trot, the manufacturers, eoliths = to compete with the eastern market ovls QTR.!. FitaßV littAln FOR FALF.—the rub 0 scribers oar r to pen one-fourth GI the two ferr • boats Ora. Scott and Worth, now running fro.. the 1001 of Penn street to Saw 3lnl Ruo, so ft to mak It a prokliblo ineeeratent for caponl”lL or any wh may wish to engage 111, tie business. Forfar*es peLeulare, inquire of arreZi-If 0 BLACKBURN & Co,"Water st MEIIEIMIEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers