REPORTED & TELEGRAPHED Ezeisuiviely Om the Pittsburgh Gaze PH ILADELPIiLk MARKET. • Putt.tsumniu, Nov. 2h, 1448. Fi cur — The Ruefgn news has produced no mark ed nitKe The market is nominal as before.— fides ISS 25 eta. The market at the close was dull. Cora Meal—Salea of 2,000 barrels at 2.2 871952 t' 94 eta per bbL Rye Flour—Sales 1,000 bids at $3 Ther.S3 43c iper barrel. Grain—Sales of prime White Wheat at II Sc,' and 1, red at 109 cis per bushel—market dull. Corn Salesof new white at 04c sod yellow at 56 cw--old yellow 646966 c per bailie! offered, bat as buyers at these prices. Cotton—Market firm, and up:Mations unchanged. Provimons—Salted mea/orsteady, with limited sales. Lard—Sales at 79 els per lb. Levd—Finis.• Batter and Cheese steady. Whokey—Sales at 24 cla per gal. Clover Seed—Bales a 6-64 per bushel. Flax Seed—Sl 25 to Si 30c. NEW YORK DIARRET. Nine Yogi, Nov, 28, 1848. Flour—There is no marked change from yester.. day, bat the market if any thing is more active.— Sales of 8,000 barrels state brands at 82 31t cm. per bbl. Grain—Tb;pashet Cot Wheat has a downward tendency. of 40,000 bushels of prime white Wheat at 127 c per bush. Corn—There b' steady demand, with unchau• gad pnces. Sale_s:d.Wwgy to 20,000 bu. white and yellow. Wbiakey—Sales ao 244a25 cis per gallon—n. mine. The other quotable markets are generally with out change, tuther as to pows or demand. LIALTUdoRE MARKET BALTIXORZ No►. 28, 1818. Floor—The market is steady, but not active.— Sales of 1,1300 barrels Howard Street at 65 181 c; and Coy Mild at Gis 12 to 65 18 per band. Corn Meal—,Bale, at $3353 184 c per bbl, Grain—Seles of 4,000 busbeli red and 'white Wheat at 11261115 for pure white, and 110 fur pore red pee bush. Corn—Sales of 13,000 bushel, at 58c for white and 60 cts for yellow per be. Oats-Sales at 265:020 en per bushel. Whiskey—Sales at 24f et. per gal Beef Cattle—Sales of 600 on hoof. 62,881. Hoge—Sales at 65 50. Provisiona—There is no activity in any article— enotaucns are as bean reported. Ala Relating to the decrier Ordinance - of the Mayor, and fur other porpmeo, Q EC. I. Bo it ordained and enacted by the ciduene 0 of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils as sembled, That tt ahall be the duty of the Mayor to. pro tr, d s:lt s 'a thet therein, elittyge's=teumtearththrnot= bee and amount of all warrants drawn by urn on the City Treuurer, under the heads of the respective ap. preen/dig:MS yearly made by Comet* so that the same may add to the settlement of the acumen, of the city, and which shall enable him to ascertain at all times um state of each and ever, approp riati on made by Coun cils. Sac. it ordained, &e., That it shall be the du ty of the -Mayor,whencear nay appropriauon is ex hausted, immadiawly to malty the chairmen of the committee having Chugs of inch appropriation that the wine is exhausted„ and then it shell be unlawful for the Mayor to draw a Warrant, on melt exhausted appropnauon, until he shall be duly notified, that Coun cils have autbonsed an additional amount to be added to sorb appropriation. gee tt ordained, tic., That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, all persons having run ning Reeosin with the city, shall be required to tar nish duplicate hills, one of which they shall deposit° with the Mayor of the city, whose doty it shall he to Me the same, and the other they shall hand to the com mittee to which the same may be referred forseule aunt. Sac. IV.—De it further ordai..ed and enacted by the i authority aforesaid, That it .hall be the doty of the t fdayor to procure .a satiable book in which he Mall t rammer all baud. or certificates of loan issued by him , in pursuance of any ordinance oldie Select and Com , mon Councils, which register shall cue the number of each bond or certificate of loan, the name or names of the persons to whom issued, the date or time ,when issued, the summit of each bond or certificate of loan, , the time when redeemable, and the account for which each bond or certificate cilium was isarthiL I Be it further ordained, &a., as athresaid, That its hall ho and is hereby made the duty of the Mayor to sub. mit to the Select and Counnan Councils, at their first i ineeung m every month, a statement of the bond. no ceruficates of loan issued by him as aforesaid, dimm ing the nine when homed, to whom payable, the amount of each bond or certificate - 7 . d loan, the, timo when redeemahle, and the account for which the said , bond. or certificates of loan seem issued. Sac. v.-13a it ordained, Sc, That the annual sala ry of the City Treasurer shallbe seven huhdrod dollars rota the first of Dann 1540 payable quarterly as other city officers am paid, and that th e Treastuerahatl receive an extra compensation Of WOO for the present year, Mr extra duties under the License Law. Sm. Vl—Be it attained, ire., That from and alter of this Ordnaanee, the City Tee shall :eve= it two or more sufficient securities, pay- able to the Mayor, Aldermen and el bea r of Pins. ' burgh. and their mccessors, in the nun of fifty thous and dollars, with condition. for the faithful perform ance of the doties of tbe office. Sac. Vll.—De it further ordained, tic., That an much of anivrairitint ordinance so is hereby altered or sup . plied, bean C d e same is hereby os repealed_ Oniameand enacted m a law in Commis, thin r. 47th day of November, A. D. 1848. t [Alleoll MORGAN ROBERTSON, Pres't C. C. o F. E. Vona, 1...1k. C. C., pro. tem. JOLLN SIIIPTON, Penal 3- C. p Jona, htelnit, Clk S. C.— ~` nod:o.g% . ___ -,-. --,....-. —___.. ' ' Itroafying tee grade of Fefth street, between G/3317.1 . end Eons streets. - SEC. I.—Be u ordained and enacted hy the citizens of Muhl:tug.. in Select sad Common Councils as.- semblei, that the grade of Filth street shall be estate -. fished as follows: Begituting at the grade of Grant I f.rejto4 rernw 6'' rsee 2 tio d n 't o s f 6 tlia m' n ' o o rtite r 3 rn e6- e li" urb k rule ' pot of 5th M 0 '„ street, with the southern curb line of Wylie street, (be -1 rog at the distance of 14.2.4 feet from the curb line of - 4 1 Grant street,) thence fall 571 minutes or 1.57 feet per 1 lOU feet to Ron. street. S.. 11.—Be it further enacted, Zr.e., That the grade of Wylie street shall descend by • uniform mite - zoom the point at the intersection of the curb lines B aforesaid to the grade of High street, and that Rasa ... . . .31 street, from its Intersection on1:11 sth street, shall have _II a uniform age.......1ng grade from 5. annet to Dia -g mond strew, and from 5. street to High street—and 'p ifurther, that so much of the Ordinance passed the 10th day of November, 1847, as is inconwstent with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the saute Is here by repealed. .4,, Ordained mad enacted into a law in Councils, this 1 27th day of November, A. D. 1840, lAitestl MORGAN ROBERTSON, ['real C. C. F. E Vora, Clk C. C - pro. tem. JOHN SHIPTON, ['real S. C. Clerk S. C. noir29-31 . BLOWERS • WINTR.B. SEASON. THE subscriber is pre pared to funtieb ouetwu ( or NVeddlulP, 80 8 n. and Pardee, composed of neh fragrant Flowers. Orders left with W. T. 8e...., Jr, St. Clair street, or through the Poet Office, will be de livered prumptly. DOLMA WARDROP, blanchester Nursery no•-23 dim. I - ... s : OYSTERS: OYSTRESSII ~.1 72RE9FI FROM THE SHELL-6y Burke & co_ 1 „L' Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To accornme date all lovers of this deSeious luxury, BURRS do Co. : have resolved to supply 'the people regularly through out the season, with the ehoicem Fresh Oysters in ' cans half cans and shell, at such reduced price. a - win enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at Mei 1 4 t; tables. 1 An Express load will be reeeived daily u the ware house of JNG C. BIDWEIJ.,, Water russet, between Smithfield and Grant, mid for sale thee, and at the fol lowing depots: Reis & Berger, corner Smithfield mid Ibisu; E Hesaleton, Diamond: A Roesler Penn Nu, sth Ward;ReeabeY, foot of Lawny su J cat.= Jr , Pemes Avenue; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city. • =AR PATENT SODA ASH, -- TMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE kIANUFACTII- 1. RERS.—The AbAribers being the exclusive int.. portent of James Musprau & Sons , Soda AA for this =AA am now aadwill continuo to be largely Ap plied with this celebrated brand, which they vcdl All at the lowest market price for cash or approved hilts. Tha t refer to the glAs and soap manufacturers of this city geArally respecting the quality W & M iMITCHEXTREE, novl ICO liberty at num. T. 611:01011- t. WEI= /MIN& GEORGE & J'ILSKINS, COMMISSION PROVISION MERCHANTS, „ No. 3 Concurs sruir, n ' ALrimoßE. Runtacu—Cburch, Carothers & Co., &lounger Laughlin, John Oyler. rIOATINGS TO ARRIVE-4 cane grey nosed brow ‘.../ I ease Lavender Blankets 1 bale Lavender Blanket costing; 2 do drab do 2 do blue do Consignment from Eastern nsatudicturers, and for sale at eastern pukes, carriage added. _nov?..t trIHRP/I Y ft LEE, liberty as foot sth - VE..g.THEREI.-.t9 sacks Feathers, just reed and fs, sale by novel WEST BOWEN Q VONR-0 birds N O Sugar, just reo'd and for sale by WEST BOWEN • 90 front to PIG AlgrAL-2LO tons ll.giog Hoek Metal, for gale by BULLBRIDGE, WILSON Is Co, nov29 waturat. IIME-10u bbl. Lauavillo WU. Juat reed mad - f; J aale by oointi BURIIEUDOE, WILSON &Co Prersamort, No., 2; W4b. LEAF TOBACCO--S Mole; 3 bxs, recd per steamer Nominee and for We by maser M ALLEN &Co ARD OIIrS bbls wwiter reed and for sole by no Ft E SELLERS, 57 wood in T UST RECEIVED-1 bale sale Coating, for le et t/ manufacturer. prices. MURPHY tr. LEE, nov'.l7 1...14erty st --- t 10ATING--1 bale P.m? Coating; Ido drnb do; for V sale akpianufaeturers phces. noviN MTJRPHY & LEE_ FOR SALE—A sound Baggy Horse, sold for want of. nov24 MURPHY & LEE • . nRAD CIDER — B) bbls superior Crab Cider, sari V reed and for we by GEO A BERRY, nor 19 wood at .• .• G • BEEN APPLEIS-600 bbls Green Apples, (soaps superior kindsl in store and for sale by CIEO A DERBY po METAL—tnoons, suitabla for foundry prow ars, in sum and for sale by v_29 GEO A GERRY pia atori-120 .0. Pig Iron, on baud and tor sale - tiost& JOHN WATT, Liberty .4 Q l . l .N p Dllll:B—.5O hbls white wheat Family Flour, 2 t-La➢=ha b il; Butte n r; „ l . ) both Chasunits, In •tore JOHN WATT TO I EC4C , ) AT A BO.GAIN-4d bid Poindortdei for Va ) pound Lumps l sound and good, ISALtII DICKEY tc Co, nov23 from at . em=b-c4=s .~. e~RF _ Pota ihithine—Filaty 20 pr. cent. 011 Pearls 51 1 06 Scorching. 5: 1 04 Palermo. .1 Soda Ash .42n} Ale—per 1•61. .1 pirioale•—thity spereetite Bating—p e r Figle • ----- POIII HT • • ...... Dom . 130101VI W V "' Common & gos'd os' 2pkw. Buckets—is dos Patent Beaver .Lg,/ • Hoemaymt bia Ye110w106 . 20 1 Bloorms—rp ton. Blooms. Boiler Lump. .. .eSoort— Broom •—p 211erchaotable. • . • 152101,2 a • Barks-4. cord.. Chemin 0ak •5•503600 Black Oak • • ...... . 40.4_50 Hemlock 35004,u0 A trrl; v ib e: r — s° ............... From seaport " Oak Cotton—D u , free. Team and ilahamo• • • .5 (15 Ch o ooliate---41 tb. Number 1 100111 Coemi, VPored • 90421 City dipped 0 ea—Dmy 2hpeo— hlopld 10 0101 Pi "obookt Bair • • .... tt ay, Clneirioak ..... dim Sperm, beet brand• • •00 Er..T3 Castings-5p lb Foundry bal. ware...led-83 Pumare• do• .2/ Tea kettles g. dog .• •. 45557 Wagon boXe.f. 15 1b..4P1:0. Counter weigh. p eel- • .46 Sod woke., Ibilett. • • .4{45 Cotton b Short reel— No. 5 to No 10 15 " II to 12 " 14' c, per lb wNo bt/ Long melt dor. No. 500 '7 4 ". 6CO 237 “ 7004 500. 101). tan 40 Coverlet Viini 0 lb• • .200 Carpet Chain 800 Cotten Twine Candle wi,k 015 COlSlse—Duty A per et. .iirvc Old white 1/614 Si Domingo- •• • ..... • 0 Lagtinym 8 Ro 7}o .7} Copper—any - 211pr et pig. her and old 3 ;met old fre Braziers 27434 Eiheitideg —4897 Old• • • • • • • ....... • • • - 18019 Cordage-Dory 20pr. eon. Manilla -0 13 White rope --0 11 Prmk'g yarn. fine• • • -48 9 common. -•• • -0 8 Hemp Bed Crds per dos- LYtm long 3,000a,50 -------- -02 , 77 Common .-0L64 late . L i i t z& cont.,_.m. l4l,oo 40 yd 6 thread ••• • • -03.A0 40 & 30 do • • • .• • • •1,7b02,191 do Plough line& 0 611 Dottleatlos-peryurd. Hawn awn • 306 do Penn Shegs. A No.l • - 0 7 Alleghczy -0 D Milk • • •--0 ly Oregon D Union Mill • •--0- Nonajook Penn Mill• • •-0 6/ ' Pinshumh do > Laurel D.-- • • • --• --07* garage--- • • • • -4971 Possitatan ••- • - -061 Harrison.- • • • -6! ..1-4 Merano cotton • --- • 9011 Morselled do. • • • • 409 do do---• • • ! 4-1 do do-- • • .7iag- Broom drills. • ---..710 Blerreped 6010 f e Trekings - • • • •6e € Hamilton - • Lotman.- • • • Brosan`i A. C. A. • • •-012 r, Mal:moos; ....... •• -0 14! No 1 supeSior • - • .-0161 Colored Cambric 44911 rs Fumy Prim,- Pall Riser Blue • -•-• •-0 Fall B. Blue k. Orange' 9010 e York "licks tot Drugni—pet Po Al Alms, I=MI =ZS AQM•fOrtl•- cODDIERCLAI RECORD. ___........, $o p bbl. Sales of herring et 5,75030 p bbl, and i seed at oo.aoso, and of mustard at $2,730.3.3 per H of rod at 4.00 p drum. of shad the market a hare, ' bushel and we hear of 00 sales SA LT --Sales from store at $1,30 p bbl. SOAP—Sales of Pittabonch moan at Ire p ID, ' FEATHERS--Large quentities contnue to it, ,! nos, and supplies are quite abundant. :tales frem and at variegated at , if -,,, lc p a store .n lots of 1000 to 2000 ma at 33334 en per , TAR—Regular sales of N C at $4614,25 per d poun . barrel. FEEL--The market is without any roatenal yi ,,,..,., R e —Regular sales of ode, at 9c per ' change. Sales of bran from store at ?al Or. and _ e _f '''''s of shorts according to quality at 1201nc. p lb. s. '"'" , . 1171x)L--No chugs tri prices. The following FREIGHTS--Owing to the abundance of ~ va ter in the river. and the great ecarcity of down 'C''''''4 ureabeet the rates paid by our boner: freights, the charges from this point weal are al- , Common Wool 20 -vow 'a together nominal. and cannot be correctly quoted, .. . 0.-. .......... .........- 23 _. te--............t.,,,.....- ... t.,-evb dc co'. five day. x- . --=,..----- Pre.. WaSon line, the charges are for heavy goods ' n l n d. d .. ° ' 27 REVIEW OF. TEE 91.25, and fin- light £1,50 p 100. Return charges; Pu ll ''''' 30 PI 4 , 2 „, , „„,, in A i t g sr, T, llby same line—heavy gOodS $2, light $250 p 100.1 WHISKEY—SaIes of recti fi ed al 20021 cents FOX lots lonia cumin Novena= 27. From this point to Raltiroore ter-tbe Eclipse five IP Sell day line, for heavy Foods 81.3 for tient et sir r. Cam .-.1 ---, ._. Business this week has been extremely light 100. R,1.,.. ~..t .. by ~,,,,., ~_, , , 1 ... .. ....wned in Me lira, see ,oX fur heavy IN'uetl , general table above. being interrupted in the early part by the recur. 191.371, kir light 91.50 p 100. recce of Thank/giving der but owing mainly to! The Relumore American furnisbee the following; Money, Stocks and Doisln•sx. the present ads-anted stage of the season, the , list of freights from that point west by tae differ ' The Philadelphia Commercial List of the 24th, near approach of winter, and the consequent do-' Sated lmes —O . the Emlimore and Ohm Rail inst , states that a very decided rise has taken place east.—' o from thus mtv to Comberlead as as follows, ling of our canal communication with the , H ata, H,,,,,,,,, , B onnet . and id etheniea, 3,5 e par 100. U.l I nited Stales Loma daring the week, and sale, The weather too has been for the most FXrt cold lb. Dry Goods. Groceries, Queen ware, Tobacco of the 5 p cents of 1655, have been made in this and storing, with a profusion of rain and snow, 2.5 c per 100 Qt.. Codee, Salt, and Fish, 20c per :city, as high ae Intl; thus reabzing an advance of rendering it exceedingly unpleasant for oat door /D° lb.. f full 3ip cent since the Ist lost Thin movement business', and preventing that activity which r ,,,,, F , lli l d bb ' N 'l b P3b. l b Ohr b. Lb l 7 Susquehanna has been attended with a similar ono in Penney] even at this advanced per i o d , m i g h t dan", eiae have D r y Goods, Han, Shoes and Bonne tie ts, Bab.: has r, p cent during the same period. prevailed. Domeaties, 75c. Leather, Groceries and Hard. Various Cannes have contributed to produce The general prtees of the market have under. were / 0 e each. geewes.'ere, a n d. those edema The Money market has beau a tnn t i c 2 kerel and Shad P.' bbl , 842'5, Hernu r s ' I b e easier, the demand for ki a investment has gone no Important variation. The commercial ad vices bniught by the steamer Cambria which a, 8.:0.0...e. Lane ,_ Thy Goods , ~,,,.., ~ , b ei Hard- been considerable , and the approaching closing of rived on . the 25th bad no material effect upon the ware and Grocenes, 821 m Queensware and Tobac- the Transfer Beek. at W ashington, has brought to eastern markets, and every thing to that quarter no, 60; Tin Plate and Copper, 45; Coffee, Tar, Fish. a clone numerous contracts Ear the delivery of remains at about what they were before the arrival &A 45- , Loan sold short within the kw sixty shwa. Freights by Elder, Gelston it Co'e Four dny line ' uenetagy ape„hi ng, th e Fancies' have net 00. of the steamer. 0 Wheeling slosl P2l p /00 lbs for ordinary The river continues in tine boating order , but t- ‘ ' proved; of of th em have receded. Guard is gomte. twenty five cents a sham higher than on the Ist owing to the great scarcity of freights, business in Freights by Frailey eo Harshaffs "Pioneer. five that quarter has become extremely light with little d a y Line to Pinata:ugh, Wheeoing and the West. inst. The operations in Schuylkill Navigation 6 prospect of a change for the better, during the pre. (via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad) SO to 90c p 100 sect Gill reason. , IN for ordinary goods p cents also hove been at better pricer. but we do I G te ß ,, O . not discover in the whole list any Improvement-- is remarkable, as Bills of Exchange on Eng. C 1 change market k in hioi the any undergone aso no . I Tb 4.. i,.limned ,, d sales this —The we a to the trade, we use the following , land and France are dull at quotations, whine pot figures.—N 0 sugar sasle, loaf auger Kil lc. N the export of Specie out of the quesuon. The ye 0 molasses 313 e, sugar house 40( 145a f 11. 11 . Rio •sce7, 71 cot ry best Bills on England ate offered at 109. 71(47{, as in quality. Rice x• m, For i the venous other articles under this head, see gee. eral table of quotations. GRAIN , —The market is generally very quiet, and not much is doing iii the way of sale. The following may be given as the present nominal rates—Wheat 75c, rye 43015, barley 470.4bc, corn 33a3.5c, and oats et 27030 e p Mt GLASS—The market remains very firm at our last quoted rates, see general table for the various sizes of Window Orme We give the following concise list of prices of Flint glass:— Plain Tumblers 1 pt,'frora stolo os each, p ' doz, net, 31032 Pressed do b and 1 pint, from 8 to 10 flute do do 6201,25 Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, glass stopper 1,77 do do heavy 2do cork 370 do do do plain do 255 do do do pillar do 9,55 Wine gleams, plain 50075 do do amused 1,70 Pitchers, qt, plant 18701,70 do do pillar and ribbed 7,55, do /qt or creams 951 Molasses Cana, pt plain 1,25 do do do ribbed 1,87, Plates, 0 in. preased and fig 751 Castor Bottles, fluted 631 Jars, 1 gal, Lingtered cover 2,:5.', do gal , do do 3,251 HEMP—With moderate supplies in .tore well may quote the article in the way of small sales at 1911501,20 fp ton. I HAY—Regular sales from wagon at pnces rang. log according to quality from 55 to s9',ho p ton HOPS—Small sales from store by the bale at 9 0100 r Ri HONEY—Sales in a small way at 181 e. p M.-1 Supple. light llifiN AND NAlLS—Arises of all lazes re. main lam at quotations; see table. LEATHER—We find no change in paces of the various articles under this head; sea general table. CM= YS Saturday, 12 26 Sunday, 1 :: 12 27 Monday, 7 13 28 Tuesday, 7 14 29 Wednesday 7 L 5 36 Tharadny, 7 15 1 Froloy 7 16 PITTSBIIR COMMIT) ell BOA al 'PE FOR N ASHES—The market has been quite dull, and prices show a slight decline since our last weekly exhibit. Receipts have been to a fair extent, and supplies are quite sufficient to the demand. We note sales of 15 casks pearlsat Si cash, par funds. Of other kinds, sales have been regularly etreeted, by limited lots at the following retest--saleratus 51, pots 41, scorching. 3114 c, and soda ash at about the same figures. ALE..—Sales of Pittsburgh manufactured at $7 os9, cask included. APPLES—Considerable quantities continue to arrive by river, and the market is abundantly sup. plied. Sales to s fair extent have been rented from store at 75, 87, and 51 p bbL BUTTER—The market is mahout change.— • Reeeipti by river have been guile fall, and not. wubstaading the large amounts shipped east, our market Is fairly supplied. Sales during the week have been fair, at forkeg filertl, and the good roll in obis at 91,a10c pi lb. BACON--Considerable dullness has prevailed, but quotations snow no Important change We note safes of 21 casks Western shoulders at 4c cash, with $1 Zr cask. Sales of sides at WWI, and of barns . at flieflic is it We notice some small rerelpta of bulk meat, but hear of no re portable !tales. BEESWAX—Th e market is without chaoge, with limited sales ouly at 1902' Oc BUCkET",—There is a fair demand for patent Beaver,. with regular sales to the trade at 52,25 pr dozen. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR—Sales regularly. from store at 51,70e51,7.1 per 100 N. Supplies are light. 12131=1 lIRIMS—SaIes of fire bricks. from store at $l5 yt M; paving from yard at . ..i,502/1,6; pressed, de livered at $l2, nod common Imm yard at 4,51)0 Sfi Di. BATTING--Regular sales at manufacturers prices, which range from 9 to 12 as in quality. BLOOMS AND BOILER LUMPS--we hear of no sales to any conattlerable amount sowtsio p Loa are about the ruling prices. C}IEESE—We notice no change in the market. With fair nupphea in store, we note regular “ales of good W It at 510:4, and of cream at Oh 61. and 7c y lb as in quality. CRACKERS—No change in prima; regular sales are effected at she lisllowing LltUal sates: Water Crackers Butter do Pitdt .Bread.... DYiPePtic Sugur & Sods Crackers DRIED FRUIT-Receipts of peaches have been imnamme, and the article has been attended by a gradual decline in prime, with moderate sales on. ly from Wiwi at $1,121 p bit. We And largo boon. bite■ held out of the market with a Niew of hese. er prices. Supplies of apples are also quite hbe. ral, with regular tales to, the lie 500 , 62je ha, a. in quality. DRIED BEEF—Sales toe fair extent at Sc per pound. FLOoll , by river have been light, and the market, daring the week has been dull, show. tog a further decline in prices. Present supplies seem about iseteient to the demand, amid we can report no heavy wiles either from bra hands or from store. Regular store eaten is limited low et 4,121. Sales at the river at 3,9033,95, and from wagon et about the same notes FISH—The market is rally supplied with al most every kiad. with regular win to the mil' tn. , . at the failawing miter-Sale= 313, macke rel No 1 $.12, No 2 1 0061110, and 24'.3 3 at 5,730 ITTSIIIIILG.TI. GIAZETT AND HATES OF MAILi t NE INSCRAN, •-• Borst, refined 2lt 0 25 ats 2. o Fretal-pr ton. 6 mos. Balaarn Peru 240 0326 Coin.•--1. .. .. 37 0 - All,heoly. do Copauja. • .30 0-37.1 Varsy ' &50 - No 1. l'oundry • - Brimstona.-5.0.•••• • • '-4' 0 .."5 ' M olt hartlrk..--. 100 05 - Force •Giuriptso4 refulid...-40 . 67 45 Glue - per 5 - Forge Bock C•filOridfilinfer cask ;80 7 . it Oltsb.' Canutban • ••It 0 13 No:1E0u rid ry --0- - Coebbae. •,, • ..... 121 02.00 I Floney-Dary 30 per cent. Porge• .. •_O. _ r. Tway • --• •26 ae , 4pg.. per gall- • . -St - Tnney,* ..... _ 0 _ PPRI 6 •• • ••• lif • 5 40 I 2 •.,1Y2.31•11 rola! p 21; .1b 0 :03 141,„„ t 0.,,,,,. 0/a-...• ..-.. .••• 1110 13 ' • Oluncitg-Doty 12 pr. et Fotuhlry Pig i,g -o , _._ ..G. t h, , r5..5. , 500 60 ' I L Ginseng- .. •• • • 35 026 Forg,.. . ....... _ 0 ~t,.....A.)4 , so o go glary-peg ton of 23 3 0_110 - Malioning Ciwaty, Oluo ' Coll6l •2I 050 : Timotbry.... , •• • 3.50 09.00 Rocualry Pi g . 49 _ th, ..31 0 371 , i l! o lle i tt-lhity Bp. clut 7 Foac .. do p... .___ 0 _ •• •- uf Tf3:: ' ....! . . ••isalo , xf . • -- . 0 1 1.1 stet purl 0- 'free ' mag. _631,a- .panisit'-' - . - 0 ' - Plater Paris.. • . .55 kr te2 irwc , 4„... ,_ . ~_ .... „, au.) iii....R.1./4.;:. .- 0 - Px-ovlaloraa- Jat, aP. PJ..5...d- 05 ely o2 Do. laPp*peralcin . 100 01,22 Bacon n a m e 61 07 i 1.000Ve• (40 e 4 1 Green• - - ..... - 0 4 " 81..11.100 ...... _ 4 044 .I.2olorice Root- ••• •• • 7 43. 5 Hemp-Dopy 25percent.- " Bides •• • • •• - 41041 1,, 00r 1 0r 13.11 ... s , le ai .23 Rumour. &' Kr ••• • si 0 L.W Rarrollzd. NI) d o - 041 I g. ,„. DT .,,, ;.,........25 ! Manilla 4 , lb 14)4 81 - Lord No do _et _ 1 ..11 e'" " G' i l '' ..-.2 : ' l ' : F H'P l .7 l l 6 °UrY °'''.! c d ' S 'd lo " •s• 'N'• Coi In k g : . - '"}.76 , M I'm ru• ••• I • O2 tip . . n 1.,... -0 _ , c ot: m o m ••-21 - . Indigo-Darr 10 per celt. " •41. in bi n .. _O2 I • Aly rria they 0050 1 Bengal. IL 1,,a) 01.0 flutter "I. in kg, 4 10 y 4 ( 4, ri, ro i ...... -• • 410 5 . Spanish 1,121 01.20 " ~ I, in roll .1010 1 1 1,65 01.35 Manilla 95 0120 Cheese, Vl' R. •• • • 510 5f 4 ••• Cassia nisi 03.0 Irous-1),,, 30 per rent 5 Goshen -6 _. •• Cloven • 2....50 0100 Bar, Juniata •••• •• 4 0 44 Crack's, Pausb Warr " Lemon :1,2:.. 03.5.0 - , Coratows • • .... 3a 31 pr. bbl,- •• .... -0' 4.00 I - Pep'nn 2.50 03.00 Ricci 540 71 Da. nuer ...... •• • .-0 4,75 Opium, Turkey_. •• • .4.15 0512 I Boller Plater 6 0 61 Pislatoea-per bush - 02,25 Nails 340 64 Common •••• -6 - ' ( d.l " /U r ZbYluor-•• ••• V. 0 50. Plough wino •••• • • • .440 5 ' Neshannoersp. bu 600 - Sullansamac••••, -,16 0, 20 .. . gn .,.. 4 0 al Soda • 1 41 66 5 Rouia Sheet 0 1 54 1 Country mixed ...... 30 34 14 07/ Leasd-Duty 20 per cent 11 . 3 ,,g00d . 50 ' .... • -.0 4 4 440 41 kllocePor 10 T S TlTillit Arid 40 050 Missouri Pig Vitriol. Bloc 1110 12 Bar 44 041 Rice 40 51 4 'Dye :Wood--Duty .5 p. et- NE sizes Pipe per 11 640 1.1/4 Seeda- dory' Li nwed 20p c. ,Carnorood 540 7 She t . 0 64 Clover 3,25032: For. 10 3 Loather--Duty ird pr. et. Ilatothy• •• ...... 1,750200 Logwo4l, eitiPPea • ' -'240 24 I Sole, Baltimore ••• . S a 22 Flaxseed 05 0 - Peathers-drny 25 per. et ' New York 14 0 77 Munard 2.50 ® y 12 ad val Damaged... ..... tg 014 filiploots--per Itt. I Kentucky 33 IZP 34 Slaughter... ...... la 020 Cloves 0 31 i O hio& Pen nsylvw •- 0 - Skirting 21 0 24 i Cassia in Mars.. •• 0 - 0 25 Frult- Almonds mbella Barnes, black 16 00 I Ginger 20 10 •.• .20 0 25 Sob 16 ols Bndles, black, pr. doe. 1 Nutmeg", • • 1.40 0 1.50 ride,......,.. 3D.00 036,1X1 ' P PF!'r - - 7 0 9 , Hard ..... .•-• • • ..... 0124 Russet, da ••• • • X 1•00 042,130 i Alspiee • .• RP 124 I Carnnts,'Braate• •• - 140 11 Upper finished• •21,00 02200 1 Sxuak.r.ya_i•,,,,, Th„ Fllbers t 9 0 Kips, finished • • , 31.00 036,1111 ; virgi.. --, 6 14 'BroundnutilCl .... 112 4 0 - Calf Skin do.• • • 1&00 020,00 I g oaaa ._ . ...... - a I Fes, Turkey?.: .. • • 4240 Lace Leather• .. 10.00 0 - Soap-Duty 30 per Cent. Malaga ' -0- ' N. England Seating, I Piu.sburgh No. l• •.•-0 41 Raisins, Muscat ; •••-0 - No 1 per d0.....45,00 0- , Cincinnati. • • -0 41, Bunch ,* "00 0 ' No. 2 Per dax - ••• • 3 •5 M Pe - 1 Stael-per lb. Foreign , Bloom, dal -0 - No. 3 per do. •• • 25,00 026 ' Casts Shear. ..... •160 17 , Cranberrfeie 85 ge - Sheepskins 240 5 I Do. single.-- .-••- 0 16 . Lemons, :Belly hi &MI 05.50 Lumber - dory =p.c• ad • Beat Gerausn Dl3 Oranges do - 0350 val. per M. " .ogle • - 0 II Peaches,. dry. ha • • 1.12 ert.2s pin, el . ', in. pr M. - 023,03 5 Nap L. • ...... 0 15 Apples, dry 5o 062 , Conanon " - o 'll.oo PaGbargh Manufacture. 75 C•ra ,e 11 "•- • • • - 0 2100 German Steal 0 A V i lest " llialV-pe l (t' r Id. Penh, ' Penh, 4 4 -- ..... - 0 1 6 .50 Enclishbli tar •--•• • 0 11 1• Bolivar. 025,00 Clear 2 " - 044,10 America ' blister. ••• 0 4 . Corarnors-• •-• -15 0- -c. Cone,' 2 . - 02220 I Boring 513 54 1 6 1422r-lhity SI r cent Yreka 0121 in do• - 02240 , spirje,,,,,„ r .-,a1 r ,,,,, 85 - tra brands,. -• • p ee rOO6l Gannon -0 - Br. : “..ty, g0rri•z..1,541 0 2,60 Sapeyfine•-• • - 390 04.00 00 do do - • Rne- -03,90 Pins sting's p 1000260013000 ltaln,./aleaCh p 1.1,50 020 Rye Flour 3,370- Loths.sawed. 225 OUP .N,. - . 60 020 , hlf. Dbl. •• •.- 0 - Live iltoek.-prloolb 4 nt. . Di; -• •• •400 60 1 Buokfrbtall; v* tb• ••• -0 2 fleeces azoo 4.Z, Bin, Rolland 1,25 0 1,75 ' ' 5 lilt. ttlils.• -••• • • • -none. Bogs •- ••• -- - 3 0 0 0 ' Rstz-,-Durr ao per ent. Feed-per bushel. I Caws & Calves. • 4112 019,01 r N. °ta t e ha.-- '5O 51 • • 14018 If °lnsilco-Duty...2022a Remit., whits' liFtah--du, -.WI 4. . ,a* on's._ .....go, wbrosi lb• .9 0 f 3 . Leather - - do go Sagar o . oo e• --' ••4 0 0 4, 1 razil . 11. 00 Lead, ' -030 1 pasvidiea, Philad ••• .0 121 Lard .d Lard Oil, do 40 N. Orleans Naval Stereo-Duty 90c ; Pork, do 60 Rano per bbl. •• • 30.00 4,00 ' fUlt-D.4.217 per e V," 1.23 T.r msg , b .a . a. ... g . l;ry - .:: 3.30 g 4430 / N0 u . , 1 1: i. afi05 . r ., .....- ..._0 1,30 I do 75 do 73 , rpe bbl do 0 Lso ,• N. at c„,,,,n,... 40 , 0 _ Table, doe. box -- --• 0 R.OO, per ICO ids 69 Turpentine. ga11... go 0 7 0 , Shot-Doty 20 par dent. Ropea and cordage, do 16) Verittlls. Copal -1.76 0 too i Per bog. 016,6 f 806°0 do 1:9 N.Lne.._]:,,,,, 30 p ,_, ] , g ,. I Per bug-- . —.. b 134 j.„..80001;13,,, do 70 and Buffalo, do 76 keg. 1001ba (casing nails I g_"" t il' et. " -- Pee 5 . .g., - ri ' b ., 1 rent advance per lb ] I 0 .....1. 1 0 • • 0 0 10 Tobace.4s Leaf , do 46 60 toevai Dmilna • - 00.0 3,75 w elb° ooo- 00 10 -0 0 Per , . 90 9d . 4 0 0 0 at off for cash for meowed , 0 hlannfactured, do 73 60 , ~ . 4500 ____ Tobacco.] Doty 4D pr. ea ; , 0.4 do 00 Se .... • • •4760 Clilso Loaf-- -• • • , t 0 0 I Wool, IMO 87 3lasknt 2__222 4d 61anufld do .4 07 r 000 7, per bbl 149 34 e 6,,,,,,0 LeelleeTwial—•lo/0 19 TO TIM UST 91.9 9109101.9 .9109.L9 0..5.c1 Rac Moo coon— --1 Flag in kegs ' 80 I V A.TYL SP.'le p .P 7,,g s dl: - ........ 646 a . Pftno.o.lo.---.14 0 17 i c],, g. 1._ 3.31 ,. , ~,,,,,,,,., T. or Slot per V- . - •14 i 00402 Rrrets •..-•• - 0 7 1 6 c . , ,,,, ,n t --- '''' 5 e 7 Bacon, Bauer, Lard, ala- I Oakum--per lb- 0 6 I Cheese, Pbrk, Tobac- Ilbtek Bottles l Pittsburgh _OB , 1 0 Lam 0 box ••-- 0 1 01 Ica Tallow, VV. Glue, 9taart pe r grog • s ' • --.- 09,00 ! 0 I],g_ pgr „ 3 1 . .as .. ---- 14 017 and Nithizky or 11671bs - Pt t, dO - 017,00 ;Linseed —.-- - - -03? ; 10 "--1.9 0 14 . Clus No 9 -HeMp, Fle a : 31ad'a artne,6,6lo gal- 09,1 X. I Lard, Clty - 0.5060 ! &atoll snuff.-- , 14 0 16 i to boles - _ U:row. •• - - 09,00 / Olive. -•••.- .• • 1,39 0 160 ! R.P . P" Window Glass, per bat- Sperm bleached 01 gs 13 ' Class No 0...-D,led Fruit - . Cu Cue& Dry Ilb Lap •• • 0 25 1,,g,,,], g , , Gig City brands. u nb igg g l gg -O IA ; T•eb-Driry YU per 019 fIL Stun, Seeds, Sft, - - 8210 net,• ' 84 , 00 " Fall —... -0 — ' 110 .9e 0 .0 1 .-- ------ 0 0 90 Clarui r 4 i. 4 , --Beeswea. 10111•-- - 04,30 1 wk,,,i g „ ___,.. 73 0 log Gunpowder--__. 4, 0 70 . Peathers,PuGtrun`g, 12x19. - 07 , 1 6) ' Tannentper bbl • 17.00.019,00 ' l ' ll. y H r .. ' -330 MI 110 Pa Mdse. lo on Mu -- - I Patent do.. 10114 to . Poor . i ••_.. •m , narhae Losauramoo. 16.r24 • • ..... - --•10 500 16 . Palate-per lb T l O.l 0 . 00 . - DarY 1 , Pe o 1 1 Rams of Insurance on arr as of Cournry brands. Pres. Rive 70 090 Banes k ..... ••• 0 . ste and keel came. ca'r 0 11 n rmPutebwr to Wheeling,Vo. 1 0 I 8 3 10.,,..., .. .... 3,15,3 3.3 0 Lampblack 40 7 i X 10112 30:096,73 Spa& Wlunrig•--- • 160 t Tallow-Duty 10 pr. Gunpowder. -Doti• ' Chrome Croon lu 0 50 Rendered— .•• • 7 near. . -- to Loutsville s ICy O 7 rent •• , - Yellow No. 1110 36 Rough --0 4 i. . . to Rt. Lout; }too 14 01r gOO,OO •• - No. V 0 0 Sol , p G O5 - 0 . • -•-• 30 34 -- to Boonyale,do ......... 10 V 0 . 3,0 i) Branrwick Green, -14 gl 07 v lOO .--fer 00; ' ... to Independenee. .• 1 041 07,01 ' White Lead, dry . 010 64 rioltd boxes 010••••le 0 al e nr4111.• Igola 414.0.1 - 00. pure keg • ISO 0 1,624 W 1 16nes-Doty 40 pr cent ' .. .. to blemphle Ten. ...... 10 i as.uo .. -NoI • • • • —ay 1.2.5 L P Madeira, •. • 11,01 0 3.00 --p 3 N odgegg .......... rah i 0 ,..,•,, Rig y,, g g .. ...... 6+o, NI 1. P Tanen& •• • • 1.00 0 1.50 ' Frorn N (Means to Pit.. .burgh lat i ..,,,,,. Vero.. ,Je hre •- • •Pgo 1.1 Ltrhou ...... •-• • • 75'b iO, ...; Lows• . . • l46] 750,0 V , . Rod 410 5 Dry Malaga. •-,-- 0, orn • ( y g , by ~,,,d F lO , e k .„. i .. 111,- -.-- VeTelrgrna. -30 0 3.4 . Se-eet 0 042 ' to Now Urleaus - • duty Oil toren. eon' Mackerel. 2o :S7 I 14,000 No.l, bb b.• •• —0 6 No. 4, ...... •• . 9,61.1 0 10 hlf. bbbg, • • • • 0 No. 3, Ohio 5,7536,00 Herrin!, No, 1.-- 6,75 06.60 Fo. Salmon, No. 1,01 d...-. 0 Nev 11.000 Cod *tars Rai - For, No. 1. y. " " a eei to 32 0 12 0 Z 0 12 0 agle. fif lbs.. Do doz I Do eardoo. FEN do Eagle do. In papers Rock powder • • - Grain—Duty Whew Rye 4 4 615 1 41 7 CI 1 4 - S 4 46 11 41 46 10 17 1 43 11 62 4 morn I,II MRETt--Clansiderable quantities have arri ved by the Allegheny, bat of dry lumber in yards supplies are a little short. We give correct quo. i tattoos in table. LARD—The market is quiet, and not much do. login the way of .1.. We may quote No I at 71ai710 thin keg. LEAD--Several mutidemble lots isf Missouri • lead have arrived thus week, and sales have been effected to a fair eztettrat, for pig; sales of bar at 41c p lb. LEAD PlPE—Sales of the various sizes at a range of 61 to 121 c ye foot. METAL--The knowing stales of Pig metal have transpired amen our latt —lOO tons II R hot blast 11l $29, and 35 tons same at 527, G mos, 257 tons facia c bat 1311, 6 mos, 225 Moe Caroline at 530 6 me., 140 tons Clinton at 830, 6 and b m05,..200 Allegheny at 526,50, 6 mos. The 'arrivals of Al letherty metal have been smell . Receipts of fiamtitig Rook ere fair. MEAL—Very little 'a doing in the market; mod erate sales from store at 45c p ha. MALT—Small sales are reported to us at Ka 95 for barley. Rye malt from store would not bring over 70c., OlLs—t3ales of linseed at 59e,, and of lard at 40a55 for Nos I and 2; Tanners' oil is quoted at 817016 p bbl. ROSLN—Salea of N C at . 3,30144 p bbl. SEERS—The market for timothy and clover is dull, with light sales of the former at 111,13,iT42, and of the Latter at 3,6260,75 p hu. Sides of Sax. $4,00 p bbl. . 4,75 • 3 , ,0 ' 4,00 70 p ID PRICES URRENT,. E, FREIGHTS, tc Marseille" 70 0 73 .......... .OO oCalabria 63 Wool per Rh—Doty 7 0 Per . 60, - Pnme 0 33 Fall blood 0 ( blood r I blood 11 and Cotenant ID 0 Z. 2 Tub washed 0 20 Whlakey—per gallon Rectified Rat' Monongahela Zino—per 2b Sheet Slab Prelthts—per 100 lba. To Cincinnati . Dry Goods Dry eav y Good. ........ • H. FromLonisville to th Dry Good. H 7olt. I tux Dry Good e'Hevy To Cleveland and &hie. Dry Goods Heavy To and from Brownrrille. Dry Good. (down) Produce, fen (up) To Nashville. D ....... To WD ling. ee He lb/a * n * ........ ..... . **** ........ LOT Good. ......... ....... HT aver. ................ Dry Goxls ....... ..... Heavy . . .......... Goods Glass, &e .................... ILA SSA Or ISSIOSS 0/11 TITO CIZOCATLVA CANAL Pe a rI,ILSOADS Arlene. Pot nod • 40 43 Miner and Bacon, 40 50 Beef salted. 45 50 Bala rope and Bening do 70 Be do 62 Done., es Broome do do Ito Cheese, 40 Corn. do 50 Cotton, do Chilled Rollers do 60 do Drugs and Medicines, do 1,00 Dry Goode do 1.00 Dried Fnut do 75 Flour, per bbl. 60 62 Furs and Felines, por 100 lb. 1,00 Feathers, do Furniture 1. , 0 do 67+ Glassware,do 62 Glass, 'Window, per be OD 0 Green and dry fruit per 100 Ms 75 Ginseng, per 100 IDs. Groceries, BO Hardware, do 00 do 73 Hops, — Hemp, do 70 ltd.., ire.' 750; dry OM) 4o - -- a E.;;itanipi Markets. Owing to the present general dullness in trade, tee have nothing new to notice, excepting that considerable tightness prevails na the Money mar ket The following are the rates of exchange , EXCHANGE. Selling rate. Buying rate. New York, i pm. Cincinnatl, I I dig Philadelphia, I " Louisville, Baltimore, I " St Louis, BANE NOTES. Buying rate,. Buying rates. Ohio, l the. Cede Cityordera I die Indiana, " " Relief Notes, " Kentucky, " " Pennsylvania Co. " " Virginia, " " New Yoeic, " " do Wheeling ' " Maryland, " . Tennessee, 5 . New °Henna, " " Cattle Market ALM/I/NY, NOV. 27, I b4b. BEEVES--No change of importance to notice in the market. Good cattle are scarce. Some 400 head were offered at the yard, the larger pox , 005 of which were sold at 3,50 to $ 1 W,25 to 100 Ms, net. HOGS—A bugled number Were sold at poces ranging from 2,75 to 3,53 sr 100 SHEEP ranged from 81 to 81,50 each PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, ----- Lnuis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie Sholes. :Beaver. Beaver, daili c y o rrungSinelet.S nis . Hudson; Poe, Bridgeport. Caroline, Label, Beaver. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Benver, Clark, Wellsville. Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Ctn. Columbian, --- CM. Skipper, Snoops, Hockingnort. Cumberland, Miller, Nashville.' Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. Arrowline Morris, Brownsville. CarolineXatibel, Beaver. At dusk last evening, the/swim 6feet 10 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling. BOATS LEAVING THI-s-D-AV. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M Brownsville Packets, BA. M., and P. M. Louisville Vermear r St Louis. Niagara. Bridgeport Hudson. Ciniannati Nominee. Hail Columbia American Star "That 'haat skin of hers, than snow. And Porn as monumental alabaster." All teatelee have din like the above, who use Janes Sparashl4llY White. Is =bait pare snowy, yet IMO ay rkatd. sold It te Marty stmt. ...§l',FO)4, 4 (tii, CINCINNATI 4, DAILy PACKET LINE. HIS wet/ known huh Otaldendal passenger situ. 'ers is bas water, nse ead4osed l the /argent, son dest, bas lshed o frushed, and most powerful Wilts on the of the Vest. Every powerful and com fort that money an procarc, has been provided for pus sengers. The Late has been hillppershon for lire peon —has carried a million of peopleotentiont the least inia• r 3. to their persons. The Bows will be at the foot or Woo( street the day previaas to starting, for the ree•p tionof . freight and the entry of passengers on the regis all eases the passage money must be paid tr sJuana. UHDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. G. &Lamm is, leave Ettirburgh every Snaday nutroing al 10 aelorr. Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 t. tdatO, WV. MONDAY PACKET. The 11,10:00NGAIIELA, Capt. Swots. sill leave Elite burgh.gery Slonday monung at 10 ole/oeic; Wheeling very o evenday evening at 10 e X. - 8- --0 r 50 0 - . TUESDAY PACKSGT. The 11111E.A.NIA N.. 2, Capt. J. Krornmssvint, vrd taste Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Wheeling every Mesita" evening at 10 y st. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 9, Caps. S. Duo, will leave Poubarsh every Wednesday morning at It ololoek; Wheehng every Wednesday evelutig at W THURSDAY PACKET. D. BRILLIANT. OE N. Ottaes, will leave Pitts • brßith every In...UT morniad sa t. lu 0:clock; Wheediat every Tiersday amine at 11) P. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. k Capt. Camas, wall leave Pate. burgh every Fnday mornin g at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Frtday arcking at 10 r. k. SATURDAY PACKET. The DESSENHER, Capt. S. Rrsu, will leave Plus. burgh •*l7 Saturday morning at to o'clock Whee li es every StAutdsty eyerling atlo r r. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE HP CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, mai 184 8. Elam Wu acmciow,) Leaves Pittsburgh daily, mit o'dock, 4.11., and a, rives at oh.rop.. Mouth ofthe Sandy and kaver Ca ual,) at 3 o'c loath, and New Lisbon at M, unite night Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. M., (mating do. trip canal to the river during the night,) sod Ginkgoes at 9 o'clock, .., M., and arrive. at Pittsburgh at 3 P. Al.—thus makillg a continuou s tote (or carrying pa. stinger. and freight between New. Lisb and burgh, in shorter owe and at less rateson Pitts. than by any other route. The proprietors of this Ltne have the plemure of in• forming the pttli li c that they have fitted up two firal class Canal Boats, (Br the accommodation of passengers and freight, to roil _in connection with the well known mailmen CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect U.S, at Glasgow,. with the Pittsburgh and Ctneth nail and othnatly lines of steamers down the Ohio and Mississtp elvers. The proprietor* pledge them selves to sp ex - pense or trouble to linture corn fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public a sham 01 then Pe"ethe'irri). IMBIBED AOF/ITR. 4( ma RARTGN, S. &W. HA RBA UGH, P"nbergh' R. HANNA. St Co. tayll:tf 1. R4l.B.RAL'iiii ik Co. i Nen Lisbon. f' NOTICE - laWaroar BEAVER, C. B. (Barka, maw ter, will leave fter,Alils notice, far Welirville pram- ally, at 9 lea lathe morning 44.6 1545. _ PITTSBURG/II *. BROWNSVILLE Daily Packet Lilac - • . FEBRUARY lot, 1840 FEBRUARY In, le t ______________ LEAVE RALLY AT bA. Al., AND 4P. M. I A The following new boat. complete ., tee hoe for the present season: AT. Lamle., Jamm Parknasore BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and L01;13 MWIE, pant E. Bennett Tim boat. am comely new, and are htied up ',tenet regard to expense. Ev. err comfort Ittatraoner nen procure hoe lawn provided The Boats *lll loam the Monongahela What( Boat a, the foot of Boss at. Paaseuger. will by punctual Or board, as the boats will certathly leave at the advan tiled hours, 8 A. M. and 4 P. fil Anal pirrssi R4ll WH1...F2./1•U PACKET The swat steamer CONSUL, nifiaLWebber, master, well leave rerularly for Wheeling, aver,. Mood"), Wed nesday arid Fliday, at lentlepekprecusety. Leave Wheellag elterrfteesisty, Thursday and fia at 7 weJocit. a us. Pl‘ , lee/Y The Consud eon laud at all the uttermeellate porta— Every seem oodanon that can be procured for the corn. fort and wee; of pasmenters has beau provided. The boat Is 111.0 provoled a sself-eetsog eafety guard b prevent agplnsorts. For freight or passage apply oe board or to DAVID C HERBST, fehe comer of let and Strothfield eta. Rai Via WHEELING PACKET . The new and splendid steamer NI 81 ANTHONY, D P Money, master, wnl ran as • reg. lar packet between Edinburgh and a";.lettugniairr7.lV.,%Tc:cf,'Y eery T ar u l e d ' ; ' Z ' Tlers7e rsd e vs. " ry Monday Wednesday and Friday •I o rig A M For freseh orpmsare hsv,ng •uper or areornettods nous, apply 011 board or .0 J AMR.. hi AV. Arent The Anthpn , J. a Z.' and lor apnea and acconamplationi • .• !.) haat on Inc river. nool6 11. IttrIlk.1141..ING - LVIT;C:4IkH nui nes .11.1 fa.l steamer ELLIELE, - alarms- rnmater. will ;cat, for .04.11 omersnedaate pot. on %Veda.. Sr. and •ia:urda.ya of each sac alt For Iraq tit or paa, oPPIT on o o.r. or Io elovlS I, Ear U RI ILTENI:4Kri F.R. wa er.rrsHuku•frAls t, L. ,r n 1 k ',nag the 0.7,1 mar:, ,•ve for Cen,n. non a.nd Lour•N 1e We tbli/ . lu orlocl 1, A_ NI For Imp tit co p.,.••ge app!) on boats, lo /31:I( Co, or OMNI I ',TEN a ERG ER. DOW 6 , ctaes reyurala leaveLorilsvalie for New 7a, on artrat cuixT',llll"..erbl4' P te A gT de . 42.1 .IE6CE - tit - Ltiftc4 .- i. Fie Kee" The aplonda new steamer Wen Haalen, " ro lt as i ro U N W T aI leave for the we anworm...hate port. to-any .-For t . . Ot la. , ani:age, •pply on toonni. north; PulL SAINT lA,Las DIRECI • , - ~_, '• The apleedtd steamer N L a iLli i CoIII Inasten i tr A ie . see for •have intermediate pons rma day, st 10 =MEI For freight or Moo apply oo board, or to newt- , GEO U MILTENBERGER. ay. . _ _ - PAN sT uALta .. - alite. The new /old Nat ronmng steamer NORTH RIVER. Cap tam Dram, voll leave for thOWII nd all miens:tett/am ports Wu day. at ... . . IM=el3 ICXPIIIGSS 112/ •ND IV. ffilfgLt 14 2 111.a•btligh anal Phil•delphla, Ina tatamatratamma ) FTVEDAYS—HL'INNING DAY AND NIGHT. s u , n o lia ara tpae.c re:% ? ettly InfojLueg h h , a n t e. tbd. A Ltne ear wtil le. ,e Pteaderbielfell ' f 1 4 4th the histfiNlen Chattnb animal. and 11,1111 ate., by Wagon, enth to relay 4.f rum day arns ni t ztin We ' , alit Itt, prikpamel d forward 000 u Ina fretiht daily Apply to uotot r) LEECH PIONICIPAL TUAISAPORTAT,ION LINE, daki IS4S• ANS rn - rettluktoti. 6.1.. -CH Metch. Ithse transported at canal rates. FOR.Bl"rli & DUNCaLN, Agents, Wat,r lama. Pittsburgh FRAILLY & MARSHALL Agvs., 17 Lech , *treat. lisitenera • VRKE & CO'S FAST EXPRESS ORM-44034. FOR CUMBARLANLy BALTIMORE, AND THE EASTERN CITIES. HE Proprietors of this Line have put ou New StAck, T d prep.. to forward packages of all ,4e mdput its duly, at the lowest rates. J. C. BIDWELL Agent, Water street, Piusburg h. ROBINSON A. BOEU3I, octal 61 South Charles st. Balumore. ECLIP w ait 1848. ‘.l. HIPPER S and other. ere turormell tam this 1411 c 1,7 continue .in run daily. Produce and merehandite reccipted ha by FIVE DAY LINE and regular wag e., at lo* I Ste• and rpendbed time. , .JR BID WELL, Pitiable* ... 00,14 t. -. — 0 1 :2ERAIttlumore. • . .- PETTIGREW & CO., ' 4-- 'STEAK! 110 AT AGENTS Danes snore M. &bun& Co, aci3l No. 42 Water street. .IQt:CI7-4-',5 lii--67.i.;,..i,:ipi;cti..i.,-ri..-.----olivel, J.. 9 Cromwel Ps Let.. and Speeches, including the supplement to the first edition: With elucidations By j a il Thomas Curly' e la :. 1 vole: 12mo. Clo h. Collins' Ken tit ky.—.9istorical Sketches 01 Ken• tacky, emblem sir its his.'orYt uolKlatiY, m , oolor° l ce riositt ea, grog. is phial , thence! and leological de , " scriptions; with Si tecilotea of Pim ''' . li ' 1 " more than one hundred biotempl uc4 o 'sketches o dlatinguist. ed pioneer., soldi era, and su ite , toe% Buff., lawyers, dimes ale.. 111 billeted br fo V enirr•ThiPi• BY Fioni Tel.. eai: Legends of man''. /4"°U.-s°l'c' U F eeourolit Inegl Sled. " told, 'tad tranalated. By C. B. B u r k hardt. The Aranmn N i,,Th„,„.. go g ~ id Ova Tit l9, l or, the Arabian Nights. Entenalnmeins. t.i.tb , SDU .1° s o u r, iolir. I ;l . 7 ,4 .T l lns—with erp l'e n t tio. iL n o= Uon• illustrated with ikf7 " :, th 7 5;,,,'°';,,,.' Lou. • arid Illuminated titles by Ow e, J„„,. 6,,,,, i ,k,.. 12 Peru. 1 1 •1 9 ' 1 ". or , vol., Chao Clothlt: The Mini , , km.. al recetved and lor Sate by JOHNSTON & Y , TOCKTON, Bookaellers, nov2s market, ear 311 at C_ • - . __.....--- _____--__________ Aire. 478111116% t 4,'' inot — fg " st ''. 11, 1 "''''Th e ' it ' y t of .....i.titrr rn pert of A " Ltmti= 7 , rlin e ct i Vl beautiful patiernsi Velveta, of pattern imported, very , i=hi - r.p...ry Brun•by, 3 ply, sup. and Ileneuan, all of whlch we it rail sr low re they c. be par chased In this mar L et. Importing and purcluning from the manufacture., enablen tut to compete with the eastern market. 00vi.5 -- ------ _ STEAM FERRI, BOATS FOR BALE--Tbe sub. scribers Per to sell one-fourth of the two ferry bow, O. aeon and Gen: Worth, new muting (rum the foot 1 PORTA T/TOOI 8,11 . 14' Milt Ron, sous to make it a midi able investment or capitalists, or soy who inayarblh,to annea l s i n thebust ss . pariatlllan. oi --er nt - AmtraN & co, wialifir MOAT AM/FACTORED to order and furnished ht shop k U h l t. notions, with the name of the boat in each blan- Also, Cotton and kiosk Mattresses mule In the best manner, for • very love price by L tfERSHY, novladly Warehouse, ea Water st GE 16 .lif:IIIIIITY1 i F 0. .- 011E.ESP0-75-------------------- TNFORAI then' friends and the pubhe that they have 1, 4 nor2l Cheese, for sole by I. no longer any co:mecum, wlth their late eatehltAh __ ____ J... 1) WILLZA.M2 merit In Penn street, known en the Pitnbergb Inewery, CS MIEN APPLE 9-97) bble Ru sset Apple 0 , -- .1 --- "; haying neanoyed then entire hi:miners to the POINT %A In' _ Itawlld J .1) WILLIAINIK,Ilb% ro l o l: /IREW_IIRY. In phd awl_ _ etYllhd y 8 pEARL Afiil-18 eaelahputo . aru - Je to store and I .7. """72'COCIIILLNE ..I. .7 . 130 S__ TAssipt & aEsr RI CHIE & COCHRANE, "rifilED APPLES AN : D PEACIIRS--91ii; - -. nd yoaviternmo & COMMIRSIO3 DIERCIIIIITI, I_,/ Peaniee; LSO do dq Apple.; ree'd and fin sale b NO. 09 TCHOI7PITOLTLAS STREET, nerve TASSET & MIT y wagll d&weloaeg YAW Orleans. 1011111 11. ALELVOL, N. a Woad figlifirif street, haa.Our receiied • Atligaamt went of Piano Fortes, selected from Um following manufactories iri Ban. and New York , to which the attention of parehaieraisi respect:3Al Invited. Thew from Mr. Clatekeviar, (for the sale of which he m role Agent m western Penn sylvania 4 have what is termed the New amnia/; being an Improvement recently made. and givuht them a decided advantagetn power and equality of tone over any others. The following are the partegns and sty les of Clue km ing's, No. I. Rosewood. 7 ocrves• brushed back le fr.:l4 840 u. of v richly carved ilf/40 3 . " 0 4 - 4100 " 1 .. 6f •• carved moulding, W ' OO 5. 64 " timahesi hack and fiunt, g 3.50 11350 7 1025 n fag -9. " 6 protecting from, gag '• 10. nrh:v carved, style of Lou. 14th. `• 11. " 6 hollow corners and hollow cor nered leer. second hand. cost ongmally 8425. and wlll be sold at • vrry reduced pnee. No. 12 Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin mbed. *275 No I). Rosewood, round corner, very el egantly finished. 8275.- 'The above are manufactured by H. Worcester, N. Y, well known as being connected formerly with Messrs Simard, Worcester & Danhassi, N. Y. No 13. Rosewood, 04 carved moaldmg, made by the Manhanan Company, N. Y 5475, No 14. Rosewood carved, r 3 octaves, Gale & Co g s, N. V. 5:50. No. 13 - plain 6 " .. .. taksa No tB. Rosewood Grand Piano, made by HCLIII !era. Par No I:. Illatiovany, li octaves, second band. pnce $75 old Pianos taken In part payment for ilew ones. JOHN H MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chickering's Orand and Square Piano Porte.. for Western Pennevlvanita octl7 1 SPLE NDY- JID LOT OF NEW PIANOS. Mmin NUNINS CLARK, New York: iff CHICKERING, Boston The sobscnber hu now open and for of most m lected by himself at the lot nu mafactoriespe . nor Pianos, se They couist of Rosewood and Mahogany Amos, of o(6, ai and 7 octaves, of varloas styles and prices, and embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Nunn• & Clark's, llor which celebrated firm he I. sou Anacen have an improved way of stringing possessed by no other; also. a superior plan of leathering Me bloomers, preventing these Pianos trom growing harsh and worry after POEM Ilan. The Pianos of Chmkering, of which he has a superi or lot, aim provided with the Circular Scale, and were selected for hoe with cab, by J. Chackartng, of Boston. The above will positively be sold at mmufacturers' price*, and on accommodmag terms. The rubsenber will inianably be found at J W Woodwell's, from II to to 12 A. 57 and from l to 5 P. M. Mr Woodwell will attend no be boon.. during' the balance of time. ' B. KLEBEK, cretly at J W Woodwall's. e 3 Third at 1-:IREAT NOVELTY—Theaubscriber has just recet•ed from Europe, and for sale, an entirely new invention of Plano Forte, called the CAB INET PIANOFORTE, which,possesaing titling power end sweetness than the squats PPtgrp r ocup/es - but ono fourth as much room, and a a much more showy and handsome picce;of furniture. It is particularly desira ble where the saving of spare is an obiect, being ex• a ceedmaly neat and compact. and occupying no more room than small side table. The subscriber has m band 1 1.441,1011161 of its superiority from thecelebra ted pianist, hloschelles, in hos own hand wrtung,which may bc insperted h LEBER. All W IWoalwells • - - VFW BOOKS;-1,,iont s Element/1M Trigonometry. .1.1 —Elements of plain and stlperficial Trifonome try, until their applications to nlensuratiori, Surveying and Navigation by Eha4 Loomis, A NI. A Pint Hook in Greek. containing a full view of the form of words, with vormbulanes and copious exer cises on the method of constant mutation and repel. Ito.. by John ArClintock, D. D, Professor of Laneua ges,ar4•Cieorge R. Croovis. A. M., Achanci Professor of I/Anglin:gel in Dickinson Clee Cpluitabi Lac of Madame Ca ol tha g rine Adorns. 3d edi tion. A new novel—The Dircipline of Life. Parts 9,10 and II of Harper tr. Brothers' splendid il lustrated edition of the .krabian Nightie Entertainments. The above works reckived this day by express and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. aovl3 eon 3d and market sts VATCH AND CLOCK REPA IRMO—Having in . ploy the hest workmen to be found, togetiser with a loge end complete steer of Otte tools and ins. ehinery adapted to complicated work. and making with accuracy and facility new pieces, customers may depend on satisfaction, 83,3 no about the saint prices they pay in many shops (or imperfect work, and in MS. ny eases (or positive injury done to their watches All our work is warranted to perform well. N 11 —llart..g reduced toy business to a cash sys tem. I am to sell as low as the lowest regu lar pr res . enit or west. and customers may be assured that the) esti make their porches. to this line as cheep um ro the ewer], cities, therebyeoeehS home Wide nod Loduhrey. W W WILSO N nosiZ -• • BERT. PIANOth, • Sot. An IN, rat Mass k Mates Cleratmaz Plums THE subscriber htsilupeteplaalatied frpizil Ms stook of Minas, lirt4kform al* and prices has never r, bee sur nYaed in this city Just re c eived and opened, Lhe following new Pianos. One 1 octave cabinet grand Piano. an enurely new One One Rase,axl ng. very elegant Nun. A Clark. One • v. - . 11, Coleman's celebrated .f..elxan A cement Tin% t• a very %opener Plano. O 8 • malloga,, plum. N. re C. novl3 H XI.F:HER Workleren's mrrs•errout AND DNALDIL IN ALL PD. 01 TOBACCn, XNEFFS, AND MUM T bug Old DLIUDI r Corner of Smithfield street sod m c no u iltsoss. Pittsburgh, Pis, ?mold rospeetful- en , . Barkeepe-ram a large and supenor asedYr meat of IMPOIiTED CI(sAIL-4,a.mong whtch will be .ound tee tonowtna brands. via: Eagle, Regalia, Cas• Principe, La Norma, Star Brand. Aluierra and Dollar Itass:.a. a.. or which will be maid as low as can be had at any caber house In lb., ray. Also; constani:r on hand and for sale, a large and well selected t V.v.. Allswori, and Fine Col Chewing Tobacco. Havana. Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constant.) on natl.' and for sale. nov3-.16m Office of American dr Foreign Patent*. AmEs ~111-11.NoL IA I, of tar late firm of Keller I Greeough, continues me business of Consulting Erigineer n and Pate, A norney, at hu office in the city of WASIIINGTGN 1k may be consulted andena plof ed in rest ing examinations to I/fla machinery in the Patent ()thee and elsewhere, in (shing drawings and Sp,' 1 fIC.M.OIIs Or MO, end all papers tient.. ry. transkr, em end. re issue Or extend letters patent in the Caned States or Europe. He can also he consuls. ed proiessionally on all quesnons of litigation arm ing under the relent Lew, and will argue quek lions before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom. (or which hi. long experience in the Patent Office and in his profession, hive peculiarly fitted hunt The pro fessional buuness of the lat e Dr T. P )innharin been placed in his hands, all leners in relation thereto Mould he addieued to him porn paid. augli-d2r.w6mB Rinoliiing.—Cel•areined Ma Plate.. 'THE Pllbstmere beg to call the attention of Budder, 1 Arch/teen, and to ot Ilutldings. to thy many advantages which these plates posses. over edl other metallic sobstatia, hitherto used (or roofing. he , as they posies. at the fightness of woo, without it. Italnltty to rust, having nor, been tested for several years tit ibis partteu,al both to lets country and in tin rope. 'They urr lers liable to expansion and contrae• non from •uddett chatter of Luc atmosphere. than com mon un Maws, iron. rine. or at!) other metal now used for roofing, and t ototrquently torm a mbeh better and ti ghter root requirrttg :or less trrquent repairs, whit the first most I. mit a mile more A full ouppl), of all sixes, from 10 to an W G , man• steady on hand and to sale by GIX) 11 MOREWOOD & CO, 14 and 10 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this ankle Intent, been teemed fistAilhe United States, all prunes Infringmg thereon, Anther by importation or otherwwe, will be prosecu• text. OehlOAl&vslyT •. NOTICE. TO CONTRCATORS. Nutivit xx AM, enstrrastooos It It Co. j Nashville, Tenn., Nov.o. lye, I PROPOSALS will he received at thta office on the 141.1 th December next for the Gnu/nation and sorry of forty miles of road. van 2t) roles next to Nash ville, ten ,Ins cro•sme the Darren fork of Wtelt r vet It Bedford roomy, Tennessee, and ten mutts on the NorTh West alit., of Tennessee mar, to /mei,. county, Alabama. Protlles and plata may be seen at this arta, after the 12th December ~.~~,-~ By order of the lloar.l— F ht GARNETT, Chief Engineer. rs.—Teventy-five nines ol road, tint,icing thr Tun nel,' six ifi,:e• beery mountain %nto are under ton rt. Seven hundred laborers ore wanted by the t l d conker. novil•_dlme ._ . • - , HUNT PROOF IRON. rrflß umtlersogned have erected works in the city of i New York, for the purpose of ltalvanistng all arti cles of Iron, which ii is deettreble to PROTErF FROM RUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Holm, Spike, Nails. Wire for Fence., and any other article which may he Mu, red. For Hoops for Ctwlte, as a substitute for hale Roped Mr Clothes Lines, lAghtning Rode, and a how oi other applicauona, o will be found cheap mid durable. They would parucularly calla ttention to the GiIiVIIII/ - tett Wire for fen., it requtre,. no pat and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bolt., the pre nt. servation of which to oleo mach importance, that it will commend tmelf to the notice of ail those otterested UM. ELMORE:WOOD& Crib, Patentees. ocelrbalg.wlyT 14 and 16 Dearer et, N. York. FRESH OYSTERS, -- DY , THE CAN, of superior quality, at low prices, JUCk 'sot up by the subscribers capresely for the use of !amines and parties, ran be procured at the Restau• rants in this and Allegheny ode, at the store of II Kiwi, 4th street, Pouhurgh, M. Jenkins' store, Alle gheny Oily, and at the Oyster Depot. SA. Charles Hotel, `Coalnovll.dlm HOLT tr. MALTBY . _ . NEW ARRANGEMENT. 1)ocron D. NIOHAIS hoeing recently purchas ed the Drug tore formerly owned by Hay. & orkway, No a Commercial Row, 'Abort, street, Ptitsburgli, takes this method a informing is friend. and the public in general, that his store t will as all times be supplied with na extemsive and jonoral assortment or Irreg . . Dye Stuart, Punts, Lids, Vitirdshes, Perfumery. Colognes, and indeed every or. ti, C t• eklied for madrug corn, winch will always he o . , ow as at any other house in the city. whole soi , re W. Hoping to merit a share of thepublic uor. n.lO, ab ssi.op shall he wanting to time enure slu r:Let len to nov7-upti h , DEta or - DOS: nE.NJA.I. W. ' °K "- 4 1 . " ceemmen „ t h e eAd PnPulor remedy railed Hydeoyathyy o. the tt'ater t. s asa. And tfdesired will treat ‘U.I.P./ Cues toil he at. diseases Allopa tended wrens: l Y rn . y ho . N 1111444 44 hoe Drug Store, N. Comakercurl Row. . 4 A"" -- l- diumg brgetheam boon, or at lute rrcaener. ti""- rieerr.PAPQ sdeet., 1 doors below Irwi n -, novlsts.pl4 DH, Dentrs; C D or . ne n r o L t h Four,. aad Decatur, betwee n Market and Ferry silents. 4444,41) La - rirgnEMO:il PLANO FORTES Irma. I.leis sassAIIIIER RAMS, BDANKER.S AND EXCBANGE BROKERS, dealers In Forms, and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Car. tificatee of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of 3d and Wood sienna, directly opposite St. Charles 80., ., B ILLIS OF EXOTIANOE_s,gb, obpskimar2S dly p -p New York, Philadelphia. and Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N HOLMES k SONS. sspl3 35 Market mi. GOLLECTIONS—Notea. 'Nst inrre7ctikiicot y paable in the Western sines, collect ed on the moat favorable terms by .opt, SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK for gale. ocl4 N Eo I SONS FASHIONABLE HATS. THE oubscriber, addiuort to his own it manufacturing of lice, has made arrenge• • menu with Means. Bybee & Cooba mpg fashionable hatters of the city ofNew , . orko foe reg alar supply of hie extra Gun Sets, and having lust received a low eases, gentlemen can be salted with a very neh and Leaman \ hat by calling at his new Hal and Cap Store, Satithield street, second door south of Fourth. where may be tumid &great variety of HMS and Cepa of his own manufaotnre, wholesale and re..' HILle made to order on short nonce. opted WILSON. /MORD & 4 CO., (Successors to IrC & king ng) Fashionable Hattelel4,llAh Oarner of Wood and Fiftk Shona PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail 'Bade. Gentlemen can rely upon gelling their Hata and Caps from our establishment of the era alleallal.• and woalitaxsuir, of the barvar nal" and at the Lawton- HMV. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale are respectfully invited to nail and examine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards ;MAUI, and raw. it will not suder in a communion with any houseln Philadelphia, febl7 AtHATS, CAPS AND MUFFS—Theft subsenber is now mutual; from the cay of Near York, • choice usonraent of Han, Caps and Mulls, latest fashions, in great vane• ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail. JAMES WILSON. Smithfield st, Ild door south of SIL 4 Pall Fashions for I SOS. dloC ORD & Co., W ILL Introduce on Someday, August PAM, We Fall style of Hata,luat received from New York. Those in want of a nem and bertunful hat,' too netted to call at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. augu4 _... . itDEALE S RS are TRA W GOODS. invited to examine R. H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the spring style, compowd in part of BONNETS—Florence Braid. Fofirlish Duo stable do; Amenean do do, China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French Lace, Fancy Gump. Ac. An II ATS—Lexhoni, Palm Loaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Wald, Rolland Braid, Pedal do. Amficial Mowers, Ribbons. &e. Straw Bon net Wareham, 95 market at. mor29 TO WHOLESALE GROCERS. THE understgned are prepared to fill orders for noT quantity o( Cypress Molasses Barrels. of a or quality, deliverable to order Many time, by vein, u• a few days Rout., at our Wbarf Boat We thine we eon make it the interest of More merchants who buy largely on the tout... they eau order Men. bar rels shipped to .ay plautettou they Inay deism.. which without be aneuded to lthoul Cate& chew.. WArret, GIVEN tr. Co Platte•h. Ky.. Oct. 2t. IS4B-31e. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. `AC ions, JOUR 7. game. a. JONES & Q, 17 / 04 51 • `UTACTITRIES of spring and blister Huh, MAN A areal, steel plough w.f., cos 4 and .lip.. Piona --succsred iron ..ries, end dealera La mei. s, .p.,..„ ea s r . 'ppm lamp, and coach Rimpilig leable. casting' , " 'Sou and Front co ach PRIM gerwsully, comer o. i ae Pa. . . - DLit NICE:TS! BLANK. '— Hauer, keepen, I) others wanting above 'rod", .111 bear 6, n a n d that a large aeseaUnenn boa mteiY bee. reeelved,,,(.„ll d t uleiuding some ye,' nu' v r otpenar the ty , toods boose of R MURPHY,' N E onto os HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &o, 265 Acres Coal Land lay Sale, SiTUATED on the Monongahela rivet, about 16ailles from Pittsburgh and 3 mile. above third Lock, in the immediate rietsiilartuaud of Messrs-Lyon .3. Stuart, and Mr. John Herron% purchase. Thli fine body a Coal will be paid at the low prim. of 533 per acre—ens third in hand, balance five equal annual payment., without interest_ Tide indisputable. Location eery good—cannot{ be taW.,, Fori further part/callus enquire of EL H.A.L.Oritts has. a draft of said pro- P.M'. Residence fiti at, bela*Perry,3l.r. Mama' Row.. N. H. There is another seam of .eonl on this tract, about 60 (net strove the loweriof ateellent gnarl% • jrnlillf _ re.....ntiff ie• onio. - - A TRACT of land, SO Urea, fn Hattiao4,Port Co JOIL on the Cotabova - riaer—abotit3o Wes n.n.l provetnent Moo s unimprored lea in the villotree of Wm..TT - umbel Co, ~80 &et b Alio, a lereof ground in the Con= of lifortfard, with a fine threlltna Timm of the beet stand, fora moreitail on th e Wealem - itenerver: Any or 10 - 1 shoe property roill be sold On very • ennammodating terms.deiC4l,, . I fold° Wool andnom ire. I Fr - AC TO/17Y FOR BALE, RE large and well !milt Peru:try, eretted orrße bee- Te ea sweet, Allegheny arty, by R. S. Cassatt,tklaci„. in ored for sale at a bargain, and on easy , tens. The lot on which the Fnetery te erected. front, ISO beer an Rebecca Street, and runs beet Ito feat to Park erect. The Milks butildnig is of brick, three stones yak, and 60 feet long by 7 feet wide. The &wine Noma large and commodious. withan engine, boiler, stack. kr. Irk complete order. The property m i ll be sold low, and on advantaireortaterms. For ;once, terms, tee., enquire at this eng24...lcf OR wo - . di i THE subsc F rltter of:t } arsi - or rk rent for the term of Aaone or more years, a. large convenient well fin ished two story Dwelling House, containing 9 rooter and Kitchen There ts a lot of ground Containing 11 are. of fine young fruit trees of every kind. stable, me., connected *nth the house. To any Perron wish g a delightful residence 'stain a few minutes ride of toga this will he a rare chance. Pot tem. which to be low to • good tenant, inqiure of, Mr. !no ' Wright, ned r the premise*, of John Watt, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, or of ot&l THEO. P. WRIGHT. Tract of Land goo Bale. Msabstriber will sell on accommodating mrms, • udge tract of unimproved land, sonata on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen rude. from Pilmburglis and abbot eight miles from the town of Freedom trtrthe Ohio 'Over. The tract con• tains iosi acres and 20 roerehea, Orin measure. The land is of an excellent qualtly, about 90 acres cleared, and well watered, and will be sold either In whole or in farms of conVenient aloe , to rot purchasers. For funkier particulars anquire of Whl. BOYD, Atey at Law, office on 4th st. above Smithneld, Pittsburgh. raTß344tunf T TEilooton m Land for Bale. EN ACRES OF Botto LAND. situated In Peebles town shm. on the Monongahela., three Miles from Pius. burgh—in lots to suit purchaser.. For further prate Wars apply to Henry Wood., ti .t, or to A. WASHINGTON, Ith. above Stnlthhet" . . Property ill AllegOtousy Clay for, Bale., MELE subscribers oder e• nuMber of elmie. Lou, satiate in ihe Second Ward, fronting on th • C 011219013 ICIMInd, easy terms. Inquire of W. lOW ROBINSON, Any at Law, Clair ac or of JAB ROBINSON. on the premises. myl7:4lklrif T VALFABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FORSALE—A Lot of Ground sttuate on Penn street, between Hay and Marbury streets, au:Utilising the house end lot now occup i ed by Richard Edwards, having a front of 25 feet, and In depth 120 feet, writ be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th st, neat:Wood. octal-du- 13:131! ..m m i TWO ROOhlt; formerly txcorned as a .Da =nerrrotype estabLishment, bog well adapted for that buttinesa. Tbe second story roost is a. Scat ogler, and the third story, • Long row., hglw Fstranee on Market at, between .1d and gtE. noettylas _ E. D GAZZAM. . aA THREE story Brick Dwelling House, on Water. above Grant street. Pothession given on the hot of January, ISO, or twiner if required. For terms, Inquire of nov7 0 BLACKBIJRN & Co, water at Valuable Reeldenee In Arlefikenytiti for Bale. CIONTEMPuATING a removal from Allegheny city, k_./ I °Ter my residence there for sale. The premises are to delightful order, and every way worthy the 'at tention of any person wthlantithelt PmPaTI.Y.• • OBS POIN,DIPMEM. Seal It sestet in Mercer donati. — A LOT, Store/ease' and Dwrelluig, situate. on the ja. Erie &weal. Canal. in th e vilthge of Wm Mid dlese. a deowabla loeauon for a merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling House well owed for a Tavern Stand, In the village of Orange•BlA on State hoe of Oitia Terms easy. DICKEY & Co. htblo Water and Flom an. ~. • - E Ga A.I. LAND FOR SJILE—Sevt acres coal land : r gale. wee. in bend oldie :luny-allele River, erns•i Brelle, Pe.. haring a foot vein of enal which will be sold in exchangeo geode. For portico. cooly ars co to [ova %VITA AII I 5 5 1114 !roved' et AW A REI-101:i , E FOR SALK-I-The subscriber offer. for sale the three nary brink Warehouse on Wood street. occupied by IL Tanner 5 Co ap l 7 • IVM. WILSON, Jr. To LOU .11 The subsetit , rl 'An rent part of the war, hotree twee otenpiett by them. Apply. to LEWIS. DALZE.I.I„ re Co, ranl9 54 water street. EXCHANGE BROKET4 BOMB, IC:change Broker•, •OD DLLS., Ix NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, SILVER .AND RANK NOTES. COLLP,CTIONE.—Draws, Notes and Acceptances PKY.bk to nor part of the Union, collected on the most ta moth, nem. EXCHANGE: on New Vora, Philadelphia and Bal timore also. Caneinauth Louisville, Saint Lou. niol Nese Orleans. constantly tor sale. BANK NOW" iv—son-ail solvent hanks In the United Slates discounted ai tha lowest rates. All klinl• of Foreign sod Atheneum tioid and Silver Coin trough: and sold Office No 35 Market street, between 3d end Oh . Patsborgh, Pa. 00125 sincry, PAINKERS EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in k , °reign and nOtnnntle Exchange, CorkiScatesof p... Bank Notes. and Specie; Fourth me.. near ly opposite the Bank et Putabarytt. Current money received on deporte—Csitrht Check* for sale, and cols oh.ol• on nearly all the principal pointa LW. Limos. The rughest plead= psld for Merano „ , EMI= Advances made on cornurnments of hodnen, ship ped Eaot, on liberal terms. mehls FOHLIGIGN EXCHANGE; BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotlantrbought any mount at the Current Rates of Elehange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Countnes, from Li to LINO, at the to 0(115 to the .£ Sterltno, without deducuon or duiconot. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON. European and Getters.' Arent, office sth st one door west of wood. wEeThriorrvisizi --- Beitana., Kaotacky, hfumutri, Bank Notes; ruchased at the !avec rates, by N. HOLIES & SONS, 35 Market meet -. pl 3 'Wm It. HILL. • HILL ti CURRY, IiDANKERS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers lo For elgo sod Domenic Ilme and Sight lklls of Ex change, Cr...Acta,' ot Deposne, Bank Notes and Coln; No CS Wood street, third door below Fourth, at stde. •11.71 0.0000. N 11OLNIFII & SONS HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, MEI DRY k VARIETY Gpp -- EIPLIGADED SPOOR Or PA.M.V ~_'----- lArhalesaale and Retails - s^OlifS, A. A. 111.4.80 N A CO.. PITTSBURCaii Bre-carted more than one tbottesind PaCtireelaat Foreign and Dontesuc Goody aat ing one of then:neat extensive isluanmelds in the - Z: ,try eratlancin the, liven, richest rid most iisluon e ty ergica irt Imparted and American fiends, purchased entiregpack ages from die Laporte". manning/ wars 004 /att egAti cnoi9snlel, teone of the 6nn residing in New Yent,latto constaaly aendinr as tire .tearest and girth .delirable goods in the Pastern markets, which will booffered u tar ns al any esnblialurient on tie unitedeates..snd lower than could poontily he offer = buy noose In the'West. e cameral° the fol ea— DOLI U ; I E.KS-6 enes nett changeable. stnped. Elaldandbrotade Geo de Attner6ro de Berlin, tiro de 6 . 1 d0e.010 de Algiers, Glacier. black tiro de Rhine, Taltata:ll. $OOO. Florence doll colors be Ite. Al sO,Bilbflrelvit rif'all colors, a very large stock. 75 CASES DRESS GOODI vit. rases extra net satin striped Cashmere, do dodo printed do do; no stria/I figured English de Larne; do Clenenee PWd., ste.pc!l Ouencals, be. Albs, Su eases Alpacca.s. 81 caeca ni .iiirkped.and plain Lyonase; 8-I Tan. Kea and Si. Taal; 8.4 cashmeres and Grandilla 'FRENCH 11E111140S—A fall ulsortment a. blacl nth • . . tote , *garter, Maroon, Naranne, blue, purple and oil rr co lor/, M the best mtuortherure. 2200 SRA WLS—Comprimur the moor evens/ye tu sort:vent ever offered In this eny. embrnung long an ageism Cashmere and . Tartan Platt Shawls, hlandt 8run...16r, ?inland, Jenny Lind, Lamartine, and od el EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, GLOVES, &c Lace caps, collar., cullfißstanding chenusei Alto, linen cambric and lawn Rafe, Laces and Edg ings, Belt Ribbons. Hosiery of all kinds, tiloves do GIIIFS, FRINGE:P h CORDS, BRAIDS, ac, —A tut usonment of the most fashionable styles. 1.1711:72 AND HOUSE KEF;PING GOODS—Caw o Irish Linen, beat manufacture, Linen Shechags on pillow case Linens, Table Damask and Diver. San Damask Table cloths and Napkin., finekaback sit, and Bird's Eye Diaper. Flatinele--over 11 . 1 P. 01 every variety Bleached and Brown Munn.- :nor than ps of all the 0011 known mates s --?lore than lain cartons etittrely new 10.1 and Winter Ribbon., very Cheney styles- French Clotho. Cum:acres and Doeskins, In great variety; Teenage Searle cravats and lidkis. Whitel :owls of every desenptione together with ev ery article usually found in a dry goods store_ The following aan mentor of ID case. good. just received, with the pores annexed: 10 bales of red and whim Flannels. all wool, for tin' 7 cues hate and orange Pont., 12 .. do Calicoes, 33 yard. for lOn 12 do fast colored Fnnts. 61 17 do Bleached hlushns, 44 4 do MO. de Lame, I'4 7 do rrqWJ Seinen Gingham, Also, 50 bola 4-1 Brown Muslin, All of w in connection with Mow ulei e man finned, will be °dere. at less poor, than con be niford• ed by any other e‘tahltahrnent thl• city The ONE PRICE S YSTEhI. Which insures 10.000 and falriteßt Wall. will be strictly obwrved. Any article porch.. Cal at th. ecablishearint fraud to be above th e general market puce, a eonsequeut reduction will must willing ly be wade , upon rheeiremnatances being made known to the Propeetorii! it being Metz duare that all goods shall no widen lair and honorable wrens All persona are respectfully arvuod aaanuoe our o,ollllleill without feeling thealeast obliiratß ia to purchase nail .11d - it:field at wSth, 1114fi. R. MURPHY, northeast corner 4th and Ilar s ket street, Pittsburgh. has now completed the opening nisi second large supply of Dry r.oods for the season, and can offer to buyers an assortment m from, rarely to be found at this advanced part of the noon. Particular attetibon ...Sad to file large cluck of BROADCLOTH:, French, linglish and Amerman, of nIl desirable co lors, imitable for dress coats and cloaks; alma C... - meres, a large assortment, including wool dy and French blank, Doeskin, dark mut ; Fancy do. fro e m the low price °f lips wool) up to the finest qualiticn and newest sf ea Hes:dean large stock a: Snunctt, Cannon and fine, Undershirts and Drawers, riser.-,, tee. • I.Ii.DIES DRESS GOODS, in nil their vtineit Country Merchants and Merchant Tether. ure ted to examine his stock, In tEhrilesnie aOOlll/1, second story. Fall Dry Goods. Shacklett & White. WOOO *imam% INVITESthe an 01 Western Merchants to their large aril freak stock of PAM, AND WINTER DRY Clittol.Yrt, which theyinne HOW receiving direct Irani 'he Eaatern Manufacturer, end Importers, and which they will sell at Eastern gibbing pncen. Raving every facility for the purchase of goods theibest advantage, and the lowest possible prices, they confidently invite Merchants to exanune the qualities and once. of their goods,feeling satisfied they ran cam pete favorably with any market either East or Wein. glThen stock will comprise a full assortment of all goods tonally kept in Dry Goods House., and will Le enoamntly I ecen tang additions of all the new and dem rattle atyles of goods of demean° or foreign mut:afar tore, and will only require an examination to be ap• prectated. stipl.l To Countorohants. 112TH & JOIINSON ry At , 4d klarket street, would he anon.° of Country Merchant. to their ••osk t§Yew Fait (Swale, purchased for ankh: of the New York importing and auction houses, hod wnl h. sold nt eastern Jobbing ponces. The stock co prima great variety of Drone Goal, ehanieletm and Work Silk, silk nod cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpaca l.u•trs., fancy chameleon and plaid do; satin s tutted titrlsninis; French and Enghsh Niertnoes, klousehit de Lain and C.hmere vquare and long anew;.. li!ord• nod Ho siery, Bonnet Ittnltons from 7.5 cents a pus, up: bonnet Silks, Artificial Flowtrs, Lino, ranihrtr lldkt.. 10 cartons Thread Laces and Edgings, IS vartuns cation do; Comity, Button, Thread, Need 'es. Pins. & re ever; ',sanely_ Who:came Rooms on Hoar aeothi • SF.ASI /NA Md.:LI/HY tifnae. Al W it NI RPIlk S —Uteen. 51usarht Blue. and Cheer, snk V.-,, do o do RF.I.TINGS. eOloss. twm[un .:n 'PRENC IIMERINOS--Scarlet. Cherry. Stre,,!.rrry and other color., PA RNllllTtke—Masar.lie blue. •:rieEit ts‘loli n net •sd ot er colors. CHAN( t:ABLE 51011 AIRS —walk Block Velset Ittbbonn. for trnattnues. And a very lama mock on other new ne ant des. goods Buyer. win please end n. n:.pnoe•. N E. eorner -Ikn alhl r/e; sin tlood losr at wholeAsle... up mans. WINTER GOODS AT EASTERN !TILTS. CIEO. R. WHITE, No. 51 MARk ler tends niaking in elnan i , his Ini.tuess on the 1.1 or January next. and will dispose or the tonowing styles of good at anginal cost. 'trochee Long und Square Shawls: French Tartan Long do 'Vrench Printed Cashmeres; English do do Idoushita de Lamer, 3-1 and 4-4 Gala Plaids; High cord Frenc hund tnh..y Bilks. Thom wanting barge. arc 1.., r.LL ,rtrssnirrlLl CIAIAPKTbs! CAR PETS - -Take 'moire. o I pervono wishing . to purchase Carpet, tiba Nt'CLIN TUCK, No .5 Fourth street. will .el: al reduced prfrea, before bringing on hot soma stuck. Now io the nm e to buy cheap carpets. eon. iof ink in part. ea: 4 pa sup Aixiinster, very beautiful. for pat.,,.. I2do Tapertry Ilrusaels, Imeot ov,e, do. se low ins 111 sup 3 ply, new style, do do Invon, double and twisted, very heart. Fine do do With alt rge aseortment of cheaper carpeting Per• sons desirous of furnothing parlor, would do weietof examining our stock. Cheap. is the motto boe, TRISH Li ii,N5 AND lIUIRTISU AIUSLINS R io My Imo recently recmved another suppfy of tbfi . so pee,or make of Irish Linen which has liermo fore giver so much satisfaction to buyers. Afso Long Cloth Shirting Vuelia.. of thc moot approved make Snerroiao and Pbm.ow Cue AlcamAa—coustanily on hand, at very low prices. 1011. USIILEACMED NICSIASS-4 101 mot reed at the w price of nk rio Also, a lot of gond if; rent Cab. coca, at the north mast comer ith and Market sts Goods at wholesale ap stairs. Fr ~ R ENCH BLACK CLOTHE FOR C LOA KS— R 42 Murphy, corner Ilk and Market street, bas reed c abother lot at those superior black Frene Cloths to lfrakei, at ihe same /me price of ,roan, Also, olive, olive green, olive and invisibi green French Cloths, for ladles cloaks. Reuvy Ruck Gloves--A are dozen, very received that moraine Sal atiCaniXi AAD vault qtantll at rid, da NE IA GOODS, AT RIGBY'S, ISIO Liberty etre., comp name Fresti . di Cloths, Cassinteres and Vectngs. or the newest and most t.luonable styles imponed. Al., a large quantity of Rough and Ready Slaiik et, and COatlngs, peculiarly adapted to the times and dm selaadit Ott band. the largest, best manufactured and mrilyost fashionable stock of ready made Clothing r this All orders in the 'Far lonng Ime executed to tfiwtrion fashionable and durable ma... novll £ Ma rke t 12 murpsy. at :\ corner Ith and Market streets, ha. lately received a supply of superior Meek French Crones for dress coats; do for cloaks; Pelisse Cloth., for Id.. cloaks, Olive and invisible green do; brown der blue Cloth !or boys wear. Also, fancy and black Cassizaterc. and Roeskins, a large asvortment; black Satin Vesting., • few patterns taper Velvet do. These ea., have been bought very - tow, .d will be sold at prices that annot bat plea.. tort; rIRM• ROODS--South & Johnson, <6 AI arket have received a CilOtte stock of Dees, Goods. con alining in pan of rich Chaenchou Six black do. 01111 n etriped Chialinuurell land Orieut/platn Chattivlcon And plant Alpaa, aatlq larilitdiAlo,- IL NVAtp Lad tral Ar • fer Lustre's Itnnted Itletsßri de -Lainc auptash rea, rench add English Menno4, real Scotch Bingham% roM i riileta up to the finest quality; Called !ruin I rt.% •I 0 ; rich Efolas-Jklltirliss Robes tor evening ~,,, .44, to which they would particularly inv Ile tip tion of , • - .Ci COTCI3 SLAM , AND TAYLOR CASSIMERF:it -0 W. ft. Murphy hnii now open • aupply 01 :tterte Mland {mites especially the attention of t on utry 6211.4., to the low price, at which the', and ali other kuula of wtuter woollens are now °Tried. kept{ New Fall EllbboiLa; §7111711 JOIINSON, 46.; Al•rket at., hare ust 10 reined hy expre • splendid a•aortruent to tui. Iniona, w teh they would parucular ,nsn the attention of porehaaerit. LONG AND SgUARE SHAWLS—A A Alas. Co, CO Market at, have just rec'd (latest lull,: rationa 60 doe Long end Square Shawls, I.3C'ud,nr. plaid Long Shawls. of the richest colors rind rhomest pattern*. Comfortable Wool Shawls of every non an at uniformly loos one,. envl4 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES: —meet/ a. Jona so., 46 Market sire, oder for sale at Vs per corn be/ow regular peiees, nee Ch•melemn M ant ,i, do, black mad many AlpocaA. ' , loom.' Lustre.. ~, to Cloths' French Merinos of the most shows Color, French (loth., and Caestme re. CARCE 000151 , . —Maaartne DWG Pitrltletto.l-- C r t R Murphy, north rut corn, din and Market s, in am assortment of these settee and desirable Rood, Ch err y crape and Crape I ...ose—Marartn, hone, paper a g o told Cambrt!_a,,k. INkrilistifngStree mod.. ZMITH .1011:65c)N, 46 Market t. hare 'act 1,7 teemvrtl a loaf itoek anions, drawer., r clockn, fancy rin6 black silk cram", r•eTt. y, twee hold gloves, tee. Gentlemen are ` 1 chaacan and eaaatme them, as they are supposed m toe p. sepl6 • ,_,FTMNO VELVETS AND ott A TINS=We ,117 t Jo received • splendid lot Of 11330.3ar” t scarlet Sonnet Velvet*, Wllmagartne Wisc. c hew y *n.l drab Bonnet Stuns M., 73 cherry coiored And blue re Flonce. ALEXANDE R & DAY, Meta ket novl4 N IV eon nf the duuntind BEAPIIESS--A A Mason & Co, GO Market street - , ha•e received, Jenny Lind Fringe. rich Clinnte• lusa do, heavy black do, Jenny Llud Buttons, Dewy and Gamy, together with ninny curettes Fancy Tam nurip not to be found elsewhere. uovl4 YEISEN EMBROIDERY, Received per EoPt•tr A A Mason h Co, GO Market at, have Embroider • Llgen Capes, t lllbreldraltlitanalan do, St don straight Collar; OGG do ...lot do, Gado crochet do, 5 do mourn ming dei. Also, broidered Muslin Cuffs, new pattern. net•l4 14 11L/NIElitY fitloiiS—Just retvcl by Express, few plots* of chew" co bred silk Netts an Crapes. Alp, a lot of Bonnet Silks. Satins, Yet. eels and Ribbons. SMITH & JOHNSON, .11 00•10_ _ Od mvket at LA.I.PR IRETALLIC FIRE PROOF' FAINT--Joat 8 reta • large supply alba law, emelt., for Roof ing wad Other pprpo.r.s. We con recommend the *barn • Fire Proof Plot, tot we have been toting it tor UMW, tone Jean, and know it to be _At good uncle. ' ocU3 J R H PHILLIPS; No birood'or; 1 ,