PUBLISHED BY WM= & co PlETTssuact NOV. 29, 1848. . „ bADICEPHIA, NORTH AZEILICA.S. 74c 7 .4 Adysitisesmus Etstieliptioss was North Arsar c ea odd United ma ridisdel received If V 4 , PRICE WHIR > tIYT AND IVIT. r . s tDEIw z f =s e r to Ws valuable prtper . vnll_ rece ived ..,12 - Tal Faris' alas DLitt aorta is pibliabid Tim-Weekly, arld • Weekly.:-The Ditty f Besetl e,A Dollars per eassati the Tii•Weekly Is Five Dollois per annum; the Weekly Is Tiro Dollars pat lintstros, mashy Its samara. pOl ~LATZ/17 Commerelal Intellivines,Domptle, Mar. gr ap7 g 7.` Ne ' 4, imPono. Mccter Bkukan, o. gee jiae next page Dar Telegraphlo Xerillnk i Tux Curcurasix °Azar= speaks of the =nom fl *Led Pennsylvania and Ohio Rai/road, as'design. ed' to divert trade from the ' Queen City.' We do not think any such ' design' animates the breasts gi of any of as projectors andirianda. The object, q of course, is to open up a market for Pittsburgh in the fruitful northern end middle counties of Ohio, 'lnd to bring their product to this mart. Very lit. i t le of this trade, we presume, goes to Cincinnati— its natural tendency being the Lakes. One object of the road Is to open up ran road commtscations with Cincinnati,. by means of the various routes which are constructed or to be constructed, acme the State of Ohio, from the Lake to the River, in • which event the trade along the various MOWS will ... seek the best market, and thus excite • spirited ' competition between the two cities. We admit t h at the probability is, that thin road will be continued mute western border ofthe State, as the charter admits, and through Indiana and ll limes, to St. Louis--being Um - only and true great ventral rail row!, from Philadelphia to the Muir sippi. This will doubtless divert trade from Marin. nazi Cincinnati has long been aware that 'such a great 'central road will be corustructed, and that she has endeavored, and is endeavoring, to make her. self a point in that road, althohgb by so doing' the route is made to vary 6x fkun a direct line. tieihr• ful of this very enterprise, which Pittabtiggh has undertaken, site has striven with great zeal to do feet all rail road projects from St. Loniii and the Mississippi river. eastwardly, to that point, and knowing that It was too southwardly for a route through Pittebtugh, she has given every enema agement to the Baltimore and Wheeling, or Fish Creek, or Parkersburgh route, and has projected a rail road through Chillicothe, in the direction of Parkeraburgb. his evident to the mast casual observer, that a central riul road, designed to &lord facilities For communication fihr the great west, should take a central position between the Lakes and the River, forming a mighty trunk into whims various lateral roads should pour their business. Cincinnati bee ing on the river, taken the road too far from a di. rest line, and brings the fond also Into direct cow. petition with - steam boat narigation. Nature has pointed out Pittsburgh as the true point where this central road should -cross the Ohio. At any point above this, the drums:tons ere insurmountable, except along the Like shore, and any point Waco presents obstacles of a moat formidable character. The table lands of Ohio, sand of the great lama, come within fifty miles of the river at this point, and the sanuruls to be over come are extremely depressed. Every step you go south of this, incenses the distance to the table lands, and the difficulties to be overcome. From Cincinnati to Parietal:air& or Wheeling, and from thence to Columbus, taxes ■ road over the most di ificidt country imaginable, and if a road is ever built on that :route, it can never compete with the great central route, from Pittsburgh west. It is not surprising, then, that Cincinnati should look with noxious eyes upon the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railrond, gait will moat assuredly be the main central truck of a great system of rail roads which will connect the immense country lying between the Lakes and the Rivers with the Atlantic cities. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATIIRE• Homo or Coax 40211 12 o'clock M., A T.FIGN, Nov. 2U,1848. f The House Commons has just organized hrthe election of Robert B. Gilliam, (Whig,) as Speaker with a LocoMco as Chief Clerk. and a Whig as As here is, ut 130 organiz atio n of the Senate, there being a oe of the two pieties in the body.— SeveraLtneflectnal balkeinp have taken place in the Senate, and in the Howie ins al:dreaded owe Speaker on the 7th ballot. In the Bennis,ea have 25 Whigs and 25 Locos; rtitifitg amino N3%Win& 59 Leona, arm OFPICIAL Yarn or Norm/ Cuoutu.—The c 6. Mal remnant= all We ClozzlOoll to North Canal* have been riceived ai liid .FtCCttlT¢,Qiscgand the vote tunas thus °tapes , county exannstea, on anemia at some informality in the return ?, . Taylor ........ 43,519 Cass 34,869 Majority Add Taney, for Taylor Making Taylor's majority...B,6M Femora inn Sous:sr.—The following font the St. Louie Herald of Religions Liberty, will be teed with melancholy interest I:—..The hostile aniiude of CoL Fremont and Gen. Kearny was ever • source of regret to their mutual friends, and More so, because each was in a felon position. seeming to be what they were not When Fremont pass ed through St. Louis, on his way to California. and learned the low and precarious state of Gen. Kean riVa health, when on the 4 11fiasausi he lost . his youngest child, and was about parting with! his , wife, for the absence of many months, and i the perils of the mountains, ha sent by her a motile. story message to _Gen. Kearny, which was cem munimted to him, among the last things of Muth which had power to framed him. It is pleasant to know, than these brave and noble men, who. will meet no morn on earth, have no deferred warfare to be remembered here, or to be carried up to the tribunal above," Mtriume AND Raxacity.—Justits we were gluing to press, we received information that Major Snot sa, Paymaster of the 17. 8. Army, was murdered and robbed in Saha* county a few days since. Ha had m his possession $160,000, and was on his way to the upper Part of this State to pay the vol. unteers tbeir three month' extra pay. His wife nod sister-in-law were in company with him, who were also murdered- Uis supposed he was mar. dered by the soldiers who were acting as an es cort—St. ioarph's (Mn) Gazatto, of Nov. 10. Major Smarm, whose untimely end is recorded above, is a nepbeW of Geo. Singer, Esq, of this city, and kus mother and relatives reside in West . : moreland county. The Lancaster Union contradicts the statement that Mr Stevens 'is pledged to introduce a bill on the first day oldie 31st Ccegnisa, to abolish slavery in the district of Columbia.' The Union says that Mr. S goes to Congress as 'the Representative of the people in the district, unembarrassed by prem ises or pledges of any kind, and perfectly free to take such a Wand in reference to Slavery in the district of Columbia, and all the other leading ques tions of the day, as his own judgment may ap prove, and the interests of the whole country may seem to require.' Arreavonacate--Observaticin an the mum* of iderciary, made at I:hackman, on the 9th mt., by ItTeurs. Walker, Yarnell and Poortirles, have de termined that the planet left the sun's disc about three and a quarter minutes later than the time predicted for it by British end American astron omers• This result under the perfection presumed to be obtained in aetronoteical calculations, will excite alt c 'on in scientific cireke. No ratorwrions—The election or Gen. Taylor to the Presidency will not occasion a vacancy in the regular army; as the lam Which created the o 4 Ace of Major General, which he now holds, abolishes it in the event of death, resignation and dismissaL Maxim.—The New °deem Delta publishes a letter from Maxim giving& favorable account of the affairs of that country, and attributing the quietude and prosperous state of the Republic to the energy and talent ofGen. Arista. Mr. Elle; the engi neer who constmcted the Name Suspension &Am has proposed to She Mayor of - St. Louis to throw a similar structure amtass the Mississippi, from that city to the Illinois shore. He estimates the cow of the undertakingat $250000. Warreart Asir thricw.—The second annual dia• unbutton of prizes among the ten hundred and nine• ty subscriber, to this "Art Talon," took place at Cincinnati on the evening of the 19th inst. The number of pieces the:ninth:al was one hundred and kw, of which filtysfaur were paintings, (five pre. canted Pry artists] and fifty testa. Forty-vine wore purchased at a cost Of UAW. The avenge coat was s9ll2—The highest price paid fir na y ri C wp s2Bll—the bast $lO. ==l rifai Wsaatarron, Nov. 24, 1848, Rgli eWOMNlX,Firr iOnt. So olioilaib,l,,,viistde t about ipeurf -402.0 iiio?m''l**the*4l that I have deemed it important, to a proper under. sia ndir r iglttlMNwilleintslict,ltrprottnerform. in adeatme sethelr presentation to Congress, the o . Miimates," of the Secretary of the Tram ry; ettftheradditionalergtemeimimmeequlralinnhis service of the fismd yearmadinglatte 39, 049, and krthe fiscal ynat4dittOnne $0,1850.d I Wilk that some suppimitionsrefereinashas already homemade to them estimates, or to theia ) ,,pmhable character, to shew,the neoeoaity of fintherhans, but the pub. lication!of the official document will show the Tea malaise of the governmental finances, and pom vent specalaim by the :Am at the expense of the Tatum: DLEMITXI2I; N0v.16, 1818. Sir. Agreeably to the joint resolution ofCongress of the 7th January, 1.816, I have thnbonor to trann mit, for the information of the Nouse Represen tatives, printed mainuites of additional appromia. lions proposed to be made.for the service of the fir cal year ending the 30th of June, 1849, amounting to 113,144,903 69 All of which is on account of the civil list, foreign intercourse, and miscel- Inneous, including payment to be made to Mexico under the 12th aril. cle of Me treaty. To the estimates In added a states meat showing— The huleAnne appropnations for the service of the three last quarters of the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1E49, made by former lota of Coe. greet, of a permaaent chancier, a m0unting......................8,562,431 43 Civillit4 foreign inter course, and unwell& • neon, including pay` meats made of hqui. dated claims against Mezieq under the 13th Ankle of the. treaty... 19 84 Penzions........— .... . 213,000 00 interest, &c, public debt and treasury • n0te5....3,285,422 23 Beimbirrseinent of tree. stay notes issued un der the several acts Fier to the act of July 22 ' 1818 - ••••-• • • • • . 161,989 31 510,037,33512 I am eery reaper-day, your ohl eer'n, It J. Wats:a, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. Romr 0. Wurremor, Speaker of the Home of Represeutattetra Timms IN:rarratzarr. November 18 , MS& Sir Agreeable to the joint raiolution of Congress of the 7th of January, 1816, 1 have the honor to transmit, for the information of the House of Re presentatives, printed estimates of the appropria. moos proposed to be made forthe 6scal year ending Jane M*lBso, amounting t0.....524,113,102 92 • Viz avil he; foreign niter. course and m r iscellans. seas, including paym't to be made to Mexico under the lfit h article of the treaty,........57,786, 6e2 48 Army proper,— ...... 4,432,286 00 Military 'Academy,— J 70,142 61 Fortificallet ordinance, ..... 1,564,581 00 Surveys, ligtirltouses, dre, 15, 700 00 Indisa Department.... SW, 473 45 Permian, and arrearages, 467,400 00 Naval establiabment,... 8858657 38 To the estimates ate added state. merits showing: 1. The appropriations for the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1850, made by former 'acts of Congress of a permanent character, amounting to $5,297, 51252 gniil lift, foreign Haar: cause and anaoena. Aim and equipping militht , • • •••• •• • . 200,000 00 Cimlixation of Amami, 10,1200 00 Periainns, 419,000 00 Interest; fee., public debt andmessury notes,.... 3 1 799,102 38 2 The existing appropnaborm which will be require to be expended in the fiscal pear ending the 30th June. 1830, amounting to 2762,521 29 Viz: $889410 14 Civil list, foreign ham% course and miseelLa anowl,.... ....... $691,718 20 Army proper,!c.t . 1,300.000 00 Pensions 572,030 00 Indian Department, 238,541 00 Fortifications, tec... .... 362,278 00 Naval establishment,.... 500,000 00 33,213452 73 3. There is also added to the esti mates a statement of the several ap. propriatious which twill brambly be carried to the surplus fund,tosount legAct• $3,957,197 03 Accotopoutptig the estireatee ate sundry papers tutistaldlaatte !tad Na • De.- rt. &a, otr which the estimates - are exulded. I am,, very respectfully, your obedient semen, R. J. WILM, Stecnuant abbe Hon: Delbert 0,-urectecp evader recte re Tni t ot - Rerysestatives. I learn that Messrs. Wendell & Van Bentiosysen, printers to Congreas under the "cheap arrange ment," propose, at the next 111216i0A, to apply for an increase of remuneration for services performed. The printing of the last session is nowall complet ed, and much progans has also been made in the Executive documents for the next, several of which, to accompany the T . :tandem's msag ate already partly in type. The Patent Ms in full, someother domonents printed near the chase of the last emotion, aorot those now in hand.ounall cutout. ed in a sty le BO mach superior to those placed on the tables of members at the eommeneement of the thirtieth Congress that I think the Proposed appli cation of the public printers should be granted, es pecially when the fact shall have been taken into consideration that they have sustained considers ble Imam by their contract, though their obligations to Conyers and to The public have all been faith. fully, and at Gir as circumstances would permit, prampdy perisrmed. oCoorrespolideneo of the BahIZOOM Pause. Wszamowes, No v. '23, 1849. ads every body ismaking a Cabinet for Old Zack, allow 'Potomac" to try • hand et the business. -- Nobody knows who will be Gen. Taylor's Cabinet Ministers, but I hazard a guess that I can come as =sixth*, mark as any body, who, like myself, knows nothing about it I set downetrat and foremost, John M. Clayton, the Old Whet:Ll:ors, of Delaware, as Secretary of State—and no mistake. Abbott Lawrence, of Massachusetts, a good, great, and the right kind of a Taylor man, as See rein's, of the Treasury. Baile Peyton, of Louisiana, every inch a. Taylor Republican Whig, as Secretary of War. It may be that he will prekr to be United States District Attorney for Lonisiana. Biro, John Bell, or Mere. dub P.Gentry, of Tennessee, each every inch a man a Taylor Whig, and a pure Statesman, as Secretary of War. Thorned Butler King, of Georgia, the enlightened Chairman of the HOOle Committee on Naval Al. fain, tad a patriotic Taylor Whig, as Secretary o thelVavy. Edward Bates, of Difissolui, the President of the late Chicago Convention, the native Virginian* who was, with Taylor, a Jeffersoulan RepubLisan of - the old sehool,• who is, with Taylor, a Whig bat not an ultra Whig, and who, with Taylor, elicits and asks for no office, as Posunaater GeneraL John J. Crittenden, at Kentucky, who will not accept the Premiership, and who is beloved by all who know him, as AttorneyGeneraL Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, as Minister to England. William C. Rives, of Virginia, as Minister to France. He would, however, make an excellent Cabinet Minister. William C. Preston, of South Carolina, as Mins inter to Spain. George Evans, of Maine, as Minister to Russia. Brazil Valiam H. Seward, of New York, as Minister to PrussiHe a nry W. Hilliard, of Alabama , as Minister to In a former letter, I nominated the Hon. John C. °lark, of Western New York, as a suitable Clerk of the next House of Representatives. Many Whig friends suggest the nerve of the Hen. Alex. ander Ramsey, of Penosylialga, is a mot South. ern man than Mr. Clark; and some suggest, that, inasmuch as the Hon. Roben C. Winthrop, na da. sachuscus, will unquestionably be reelected Speak. er, it will be no more than fern and just, In the way of honorable compromise, that a more Southern or Western man than either Mr. Clarkor Mr. Ramsey, afiould be elected Clerk. *How this may be, I who have no sectional pars tialities, know not; I only know that the prospect of Mr. Thomas J. Campbell's reselection as Clerk is not supposed to be probable. In the above arrangement Pennsylvania is very unceremoniously lest out of the list. Being one of the largest and most important States, and having given the muting vote in favor of Gen. Taylor, and having noble and true man who have long been kept in the shade, both in the state and nation, she feels that she is at lent entitled to some considen. din, and we have no doubt Gen. Taylor will spa predate her claims, however some may wish to see her passed by. This work of cabinet making, we Maher think Gen. Taylor will do fcr himselg and midi is OUT confidence in his judgment that we believe he will do it beuer, and give more general satisfaction, than any one can for hint. The fol lowing roma*s of the Boston Journal, are to the pprpose, and sion tip in a strong light, if moststnit fug trait in Gen. Taylor's character Gee. O:enema to a jamt job seldom e rrs, and woaderfii l of nature. He has always evinced . 111 41* 11 7 ulectiegids agents k'r any .week—sod ALIO undoubtedly thermion why ammo him. always attendedida kips, to chitaidng his tools to wad, with, "fear, favor or affection' have no influence on his mind. If he finds the right man, he asks not if he mines from the North or the South—from the • Mamie States or the Western wilderness. Thia • seuin 4 t the im Aksta:azia'=',4thr'bfNy , , 1q1,0 4 he lefi the m cot 4Pr kio *MO to 2Pen bilneutuntieation /2141141,1 b4 11 .1 14 ft ingtViiiiek.arthe 4itt apemen gatiikoraiknajoe, korati oflirtirachusetts, an at first whited experidnina dicing*, skill and pro* dance, he knew he could repose full confidence.- - • .• • hewtehedtetrad,a•mesaeegerthrwgh the ranks of tbe enemy with important mitZgenee, the Texan Ranger, Walker, was selected ; this work was acmimpliskied. When he resolved to carry by atonii,tl w . beights , and-batterieantldcunerey. he .placed at the head of ttei4det column or nuatill, the iretranVorth, anotherillitiVercif Maisacturietts —who halides being a brave and able officer, had teatime sort to retrieve his reputation as well as to gale enduring fame. '• • - Gender' Taylor in these and itmumerable other balances, has +Mown that he possums" wonderful power of estimating the true character elan indi. lidera—end we think that he may be safely en. treated With the appointment of the Heads of De partments under his adirdidatration. He will no doubtedly select a good Cabinet--in doing which he will probably pay little regard to sectional eon , sideratione and may greatly disappoint thole many kind friends who are so eager to relieve hint riffle trouble and responatbaity of appointing his own Cabinet. FOREIGN ITEMS, BY THE CAMBRIA" AUSTRIA The siege and capitulation of Vienna, is the moat interesting news of this arrival There does not seem to have been any very revere fighting, except with the Hungarians out side the walla, and the city is 11113 greatly injured. Prince Win diagram appears to have firmly and steadily drawn his coils around the city, until it was pressed into a submission. The fighting was mostly with de tached parties of workmen and students, who Sought with great desperation and the loss of life is considerable. On entering the city the imperial general imposed upon the town several conditions, which were assented to by the council; First. A huge i m perial Austrian standard to be hoisted above ahem upon the lines. Second. All can non and other implements of war to be surrender ed. Third. All money, treasure, and account books to be given up. The council were given 0 . 11 8 p. m., of the 30th, to assent, on pain of the re neural of the bombardment. People, students, and Wait:KMl guards vied with each other in casting away their arms and in in flight, so that when the Croats stormed the Aida, where the last defence was made, in lieu of finding it gain.. soned by the students, they only encountered a hundred or more of armed populace, many of whom fighting desperately and refusing to surrender, were ant down or hung. The etreeta in the meantime were strewed with arms, and the most active leaders sought safety in all daemons. But many of them will probably be captured, as a severe search was ordered, and the gates, walls, and suburbs, are so strictly guar ded that no one can escape or even quit the place withott being examined. The most violent resis tance was made at the Sul es barracks, but nothing could resist the ardor of the troops, and be five night fall the imperial flag waved over every portion of the city. - FRANCE. - - A report that Messra Rothschild*, of Paris, Were about to liquidate their armlet, owing to the events of Vienna, and the threataing aspect of affairs in Par* bee doubtless contributed to an alarming de clue in the French fund. The three per cents have fallen since last week aa low as 40, and the fiva,per cents to 63,50. A considerable reaction in prices has since taken place, and the latest price on Wednesday of the three per cent. mils 12 frac.; the five per cent. General Cavawane this time has provided a suf fietent military force to pin down any attempt at disorderi but the red repahliean. socialists, and communists have collected all their fighting toes Caunsldiere is reported to he in Paris, and amidst the complete dislocation of all parties, with the ap parent certainty of Louis Napoleon'. triomplund election, a fearful juggle seems imminent Oa Thursday three per cents closed at 42,40. The five per cent. 64.90. The portentous fall in the French funds, says the Liverpool Times, will convey to our distant readers a more certain indi cation of the approaching convedaicom in France than even the admonition ague!! an event, which we have found ourselves compelled weekly to place upon record. The constitution of France bas now received the final sanction of the National Assembly. The En glish press proclaims its fears that the event bodes trodden evil consequences. Wilmer &Smith say. the accounts of the Bank of Paris only furnish con. tinned proofs of the deplorable diminution of trade. The aceonntof the government has (alien to the inconaderoble sum of £70,000 sterling, and the prices of the funds are lower then at any period since the revolution. The Presidential election will be a fierce con. test Every day brings fresh confirmation of the Won that the struggle will be between Gen. Cav simian and Prince Louis Bonaparte only. Catnap nac in wading his emissaries into all the depart. menus to intrigue for his election. The party 0f ,,, M. expense. open distrust = of bo th dal M. Thiers plainly says that the undecided policy orGaveigerac, which sets to be moderate whilst leading to red republicanism, spires 111) confidence. The majority are evidently wish Louis Napoleon at present He observes • discreet silence. No kwertbanlso,ooo troops and national guards were to an int at the proclamation of the don in Paris, the day (:Bowing our Luna advice., and the streets of the Capital nod environs were ur.014 enaisurkLAsa Ms country hasa;Wao bat ded into a state of ordinary tranquility. *dated outrages, as in the I Mltfy t t u rifftut g ni et itesitei l iegrille . Paricift and their starving tenantry C still waged with un relenting aitteniess, but upon the net! amigos of politico there is scarcely • ripple SPAIN. The remval of the report that negotiate:ins have been opened at Madrid for the °masa of the island of Cuba to the United States, has attracted the ati. tendon of the London loartrals. Wilmer & Smith doubts the truth of the reporta, and saps that if the people and government of the United State, be as urine as oundv. they will pause before they Mink of adding Cuba to their already out and motley unommied territories. We think says the Times, the evils resulting &Om the occupation of Cuba by the United States almost as pot of as those of holding Mexico itself. Northern Italy and the whole of Lombardy is plycarded with a proclamation of Mazino, which begins than •National bustrrectuni—Central horn was sounded to the name of God, and the people rise. Lombards, rise and advance. Let insurrection spread with the rapidity of thought.— Let the trkohwisd deg float from the summit of the Alps—from mountain to monntain—rmul one vie. tory shall be assured from one and of Italy to the other. God and the people War on Austria'— Long live Italy one and free!" The details axe all eat forth for prosecuting the Genoa was on the 29th inst. In full insurrection. The troops were called out and ready to act. The arrest of a poster of placards was the cause of the disturbance. The windows of the guard house were demolished with stones. The civil guard interfered and fired on the people. Rendezvous were fixed for the evening. Thin is an echo ofthe movement in Tuscany: SARDINIA. The Frenoh have granted • supply of 20,000 =aka, to the Sardinian government. DENMARK. The withdrawal of Count Moltke, as president, from the Schlceswig Holstein commission, would appear, as if Um Danes were desirous of conceding something for the sake of peace with Germany. Still they are assembling huge knees In Bohlen. wig, and making preparations, showing a detarmi• nation to abide by their claim to the Duchies. • Moe= Mawr, Lonnxut, Nov. 3.—The money , market is easy. In the British stock market there has been some fluctuation, tending immune On Thunder, November 9, there was not mach bald. peas transacted in the funds, but prices closed firm at an advance oil per cent., consols leaving off at Bfil for money and account. &ran or Tasns—Trade in the manunimming districts has been stead) during the week. At Manchester the demand for cotton goods is not extensive, but prices are well maintained. The stock of bullion in ill" Bank of England vaults, in ball department*, amounts to £J2,282,. 443, and has been slightly increased during the last week News from Santa F. Sr. Lome Nov. 24th. The steamer J. M. White, which arrived to day from the Missouri river, brings intelligence from Santa Fe up to the 18th ultimo. General Laneamd escort bad arrived, and would remain a few days before proceeding to Oregon. All well. The times were dull at Santa Fe, and goods sell. Mg at very low prima. Col Washington, the military commander, had arrived, and was well received. He was already making suitable disposition of his tomes. The people in convention adopted a petition to Coogrees asking for a speedy organization of a ter ritorial civil government, and firmly protesting against any dismemberment of their territory.— They do not desire domestic slavery ,within their rorders, and ask to be protected from its introdoc. lion among them. Kg Carlson was met on the 24th ult. at Whet. stone with an express for Oregon. The Indians along the mute are peaceable. Census of Cleveland Abstract of ala elatIMClllllOll of the residents of the City of Cleveland, taken October, DAS, by J. ft.,Cinnu.sannat and D. litarturc MAIJA. First Ward ----MS Second Ward 1793 Third Ward 1959 7076 6563 T0ta1........13,659 Teo awe lats... 575 Whole population '14,234 It appears by the New Orleans papers that Mr. aifibrd. Oar hilallll,llo Mexico, bas retureed borne fisr the parpow of Vatting his family, end mat e .. castes the duties of his station in the m city of Mexico hi at o, next. Mr. C. arrived in ..Waahington evecing. Mr. KeThilt, late =dog tW st Mexico, accompanied hi atilt Mediae minicar, Senor deli Ram, aid saitik(aavetnenainiiatoherjanivid to the KWh. ern boat hut evening at Washington, and leek zoo/neat Watud's Hotel—Bah. Pal PROM WM TOILIK. Correspondence of the Putsbarett casette Ytg!sNov. 11 -, elw Atfatenal f4I excfrK*TenutOr Aelnelktrann4 via*, of am* mpr.lfia leni9**d handlop444 l . Nefeirhave beentnaderitt 105 f, and ci-the fundeedebt, at 105 13108f,which is cot only • handsome advanee r but a price : that antddes •k.l 4 s•of the &a kaa to sell oat at profit., ta a steady , dement!! bar fo reign . . dove,or and holders of the loan are very clamorous in stating that fact, to induce i farther ladwume, for it is morally certain that a steady *mad for Eu rope will 110 t only advanre the price of the loan, but throw into the country an amount of capital that will advanceother stocks, regulate the rate of foreign bills, and give an Impulse to trade gene rally. Against thin foreign demand the only drawback is in the uncertainty that exists ne to the state of the Treasury, whether there is "surplus, as claimed by the Secretary, or whether the next Congress/ must not ask for a new loan. Bergamot Undoubt ed information and friends of the Secretary are fah' ly certain that all the official proclamations of a bidance mean nothing but an effort to help the oreditorm of the government to sell off their slock,, and that the extension of time given In which to pay th e iamalu te m s , wail a matter of neoemity tod the buyers of the loans, and not because the Tree. I Bury was full. The contents of the port folio of the retiring minister In looked for with much rote. , rest, for in his department is to be tband the mune of all the misfortunes that have fallen upon the trade of the catmint. The people east of the mountains em rife for a change in the tariff, and unless effectual reform is Introduced there, will feel that all our success at the ballot box late been for l i nought. The moat eminent merchant of N. York, Jona. than . Goodhue, died this morning of a disease of the heart. When it is said that he Is the mat em. inert merchant of all that this great city holds, we do not suppose by this that wealth alone is the test. His claim to this rank is bused upon a noble krun. donors—that of the most unimpeachable honor, ,nan d a pnvate character that has never been sallied by even the breath of suspicion. By common con sent his fellow merchants here long regarded his decisions as a law more binding, and more in ao cordance with the rule of life, than any opinion given by the members of the bar. Mr. Goodhue was a native of Salem, Massachusetts, and remise el his commercial education in the house of Wm. Gray, of Boston, than whom no American mer chant enjoyed a higher tame. The teaching, of en eminent is master were not lost upon the pupil, who, at his death stood at the head of his class is New York, in point of ability and honor, and with few superiors in point of wealth, the reward of a life of honest industry. The Clergymen yesterday preached a eerie" of Beeman . 00 ngrattihmiag the people upon the ter mutation of the Mexican War, and some of them upon the election of General Taylor to the Presi dency. It may be noticed that there was an au. suet heartiness in the whole celebration of the old tune honored festival, sod we may hope that the country is in prospective, if not at preaent, in • more desirable mate than last year. In connection with this, amay be noticed that a city paper men. tons the very successful first appearance of • young lady, not at the Italian Opera House, but at 'Gnu. Church'—the other ultra feehtenthte realm of the gay wand. Protein:anal Marrs now look to the church choirs far a pan of their Income with as mach coolness as they look upon the opera, and the Muter at the open can hear, next Sabbath, the same mice that delighted hum when in the glare and dress of an opera house. Such • coarse as this would shock the nice feelings of • community not hardened as are the people of a city like that; bat here the attendant, of many climax* would be shocked at the revere. They oast not only attend the house of prayer, in a coach with livened servants, bat they must hear the gamed teaching in a church dazzling with architectural embellish. manta, is company with others, whams only motive he attendance is kind in the tact, that all that eon. regattas ride to church, remilendant with the am of the milliner and jeweller. Weatey orlohn Knox might preach with all their power across the street, and never draw a single auditor from some of our churches, whose attendants would be shocked at hearing the plain truth, told in the straight Seward manner of the olden time. All market. close dull Ash-45 g7ita3e 121 c kr Pot. and Pearls Couon—Salm of 1500 bales, at fall rate. Four—Salsa of 15.000 blists at 11.5.311 for good brands for the assure trader choice Mi nas Wheat. 115 e; Genesee, IPA- Mixed Cora, 67c, and hem northern round. 721rttic Aye, Plc 852; Provisions—Prime Pork 50 l2fd&9 18, and 1112 56 for Mess Beef—Mess, 59 15610 12l cm; Prune, $5 73 30 Wads sugar cared Shoulders, Ste: 150 bbls new Lard, 2e. Butter and Cheese dull. Irtery of a Sailor. Four ears a, I left the port of Boston, tbe mas- ter of a h oe ship go bound fur I was worth ten thousand &Lima, and v. the husband of • young and handsome wife whom 1 Wid married lux month. bekne. When I left her, I Oomised return to her in los thin • twelvemonth-1 took all my money along with me, sere enough to sup. port my wife in my absence, for the purpose of Ord At= Vs i ' l sie7; acom Oti t ptarentrs IFtga m l Irm when in the Chins Ws • Lenible Sto•a• ••1.. upon ua, ao that in a abort tune I taw the yawl inner be be a k* lireareee dritUir w‘a_._l36 tunrowsr e amass man to prove. each dor himself, in the test possible manner, and forget the ship, as it wat an =possibility to save her. We meek--a tea threw ma upon. the lock senseless, and the next would have carried me back into • watery grave, had not one of Meowing 'lVme further up the rock. . were ,nly dour ores alive, and, when mornieg came, we found we were on a =all um intuablied Wend , with nothing to eat but the wild fruitcommon to that portion of the earth. I will not distress you by any aocOacit of oat aufferittga there su ffi ce to !Bay [hal tee remained sixty dap before we could make onrselves known to any ship. We were taken to Canton, and there I had to beg ; for my money was at the bottom afthe sea and I had not taken the precioniou m have it W anted. I was nearly a year before I !rood • chance to COMO borne, and then I. a capratn, was obliged to ship aa a common sailor' It was two year* from the tune that I lefl America that I lands 4 in Houton. I was walking in a hurried manner up one of its urgent, when I met my brothenin•law. He could not speak, nor move, but he groped my hand, and the tears gushed from his eyes. "Is my wife sliver I asked. He said nothing. Then I wished I had perched with my ship, for I thought my wile was dead ; but ha very won said:— .She in alive." Then it w. my Wm to cry for joy. He clung to me, and said 'Your funeral sermon has been preached, for we have thought you were deed for a long time." He raid my wife wan living in our cottage, In the Inferior of the State. It was then three o'clocit in the afternoon, and I took a train of can that would carry me within twenty-five miles of my wife. Leaving the cars, I hued a boy, though it was eight, to drive me home. It was shout two o'clock in the morning when that sweet little cottage of mine appeared in sight. It was swarm, moonlight night, and I remember how like a heaven it looked to me. I got out of the carriage and went to the window of the room where the servant girl slept, add gently knocked. Sheopened the window, and asked, "who wu there r "Sarah, do you know me r" said 1. She screamed with fright, (or she thought me a ghost, but 1 told her to unfasten the door and let me in, for I wished to see my wife. She let me in and r ave me a light, and I went up Italia to my wifes room. She lay iileepiegiraietly. Upon her bosom lay our child, whom I had never seen.—She was as beautiful as when I kilt her, but I could see a mournful expression upon her face.—Parhael 1 she was dreaming Gr. me. I gazed fore long time —I did not make any noise, kw I dared not towake her. At length I imprinted a soft kiss upon the cheek of my child. While doing it. a teardropped from my eye and fell upon her cheek. Her eyes opened as clearly as though she had not long been sleeping. I saw that she began to be frightened, and 1 laid "Mary, it la your husband!" And abe clasped me about my neck and fainted. Bet I cannot describe to you that scene. She is crow the happywife of a poor men. lam etudes', oring to accumulate a little property, and then !sin leave the sea forever. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR 18 DVS lb Ow Editors of the Pittaburgi Gasettec • The proposed tunnel through Boyd's Hill, In Stevenson street, should be credited to our 157.1:14. lent Regulator R. E. McGowan, and to our Second street Commissioner, Wm. ThothMiton, they having called the attention of your humble servant to it 1101111 e time since. It presented to my mind &vont ale impressions, and I have only seconded the mo tion to present the subject to the public at this time, and by the advice of several individuals in the neighborhood, have urged a survey, draft, and estimate to be made for inspection and (emaciate hon. Application will be made to Councils for the right of way to occupy one hallo( the aforesaid Stevenson street at the mouth of the tunnel, which will be neatly on a line with the Catholic p ave yard. Several thousand dollars of stock is already engaged to be taken as soon as the charter Is o b. tained. RespectAilly, L R LIVINGSTON Ton Missmo Gut. hLuurrrsSerra.—The New York Tribune nays a police Wee Mama) hoed_ redsin that city has been indefatigable for weeks in endeavoring to obtain same clue to the sodden, mid-day disappearance of this young lady, but to vain—not even a trace of her have they bloomer ed, not • suggestion are they able to offer to her unhappy parents, m aid abet recovery. It adds In the multitude of Woolens made akar Miss Smith, it has been ascertained that them are other families in the samo altuanon with hcr parents—ot. tarty onabletrotwoount km the sudden abstraction of • favorite child and altogether at a loss what to do to flnd her. The writer of this snick, omens ponied one of the tildermentu a pace daticq or hoed quarters, while in searchLoadisa Stalthi end, bean, drat time In his lifsaaw the book wherein in recorded the etatisticlitlieholm* of pntedinitidui'ied criminal amignation, yew quitters of th ins., reactants, dm. in the wait r'•M'rlTprr, 1. 11 70111713) ,FO/1 F. Mulkey Ati-**thgtiter• caithikamh Lewis A. obi*SlD keen= id.:the Coroner's Jury, who erstathst Lin tbe dawned; cils• served a woilainaxtbeeight °honk; Dr. Armstrong had is probe about font inches king, with which he praised the wound, it was a little mirved at one eno,.and the probes sraa knotted nearly the whole length; saw the deceased alter he was disinterred; at the time of the 'examination of Maakey before the Coroner's jury the pawner sand be was ;allow ing the man, who ran to the edge of the water and appeased to take up a stone, when he shot him. Outs Examined: Mulkey said the deceased bad assaulted him, and hocked him down once Or twice; that he had seen him peeping into a key bale, and that he went to him and asked him what he was doing there; that he ran away and prison. ar followed ham and shot him as already stated; that Maakey thought deceased was taking to the river to escape; said that this man took a stick from him. Re... Examined: Saw Mankey several times neat morning saw no wounds on him; he said they both had a scuffle and kit together. Daniel Mitchell, a watchman stated he had heard Markey silion the morning the affair hap wined, that he aaa another man bad bad • scuffle; that he had gone to arrest this man; that the man he attempted to arrest was either about to drink the milk, or was sneaking about the house; that Monkey asked the man what his business wits there; that the man replied "what was his bust. Imes" that Mangy told him he wan a watchman, and he must go to the watch house; that he caught him somewhere in Liberty st., and in the scuffle blanker knocked him down and best him could. wady and then ran away down Liberty street, to. wards the river; that he, Mulkey, nut after him and overtook him a second time; that after he got loose the first time, he fired at him; that he' over took him a second time and that the man knocked him down and White beat him again; that he got loose from him and run again towards the river, andhos abet at him a second time; the lag be saw of him he wan on the ferry boat; he said they had fumed in the river 6.1 r him and they could not find him (kg I understood several watchmen went) and W they saw of him wee his hat in the river; he said he thought the man might have been drown. ad; that be perhaps attempted te swim the river.— Said he gave him 'lone good load;" thought he had hurt bim the last time; that he had abet at hint be ' bre he got down to the river; Mulkey said be dld'nt know but what the man wanted to steal the milk; that he had had him in the watch house once before; witness hod seen the man Monkey des scribed, but did not know he was dead. James Woodburn deposed that be lived in the home at the point; on the morning spoken of heard some one cry out several times in German; his wife said he was crying be "help, be had ■ thief in the river;" beard a shot after the cries; has an indiatinet recollection of a shot before than got up and went down stairs, saw Messrs. Lee, Fitch. Foarkr and Others there; went on to an unfinished ferry boat, saw a hat in the river, a kW feet from the boat and shout two thirds of the length of the boat from the shore; Monkey was hunting for the man, seemingly much excited, and said he had either crossed is lone's twat or swum the river; they searched all along the him; some time after saw the body in the over a little below where the cap had been band. (Tiers the witness dinenbed the appearance of the body, the wounds, dc.c.) The countenance was blue, but won turned as in most caws of drowning Markey was angry because witness did not come before to mist him; dee.. ed had moved to the other side of the river a few weeks before; Mulkey appealed to regret that White had escaped, that he picked up the cap and said he had got that much at any rate; when wit. etas got there about fifteen minutes after the shot. it was grey daylight and Jones' boat bad nearly got across the liver. Nelson Jones, Ferryman, remembered the morn ing of the 12555 of August, heard dieturixece; thought somebody was stealing • yawl to come across, beard a pistol shot and beard somebody cry ` , l'm shot—l'm sitar" shortly after that, heard an other shot, somewhere ebout Penn st, the wes about 4 &cluck in the mortung, • very 6411 morn lag, wes on the other• side of the river, the time between the two shots was very short, not doe minutes. Mr. Woodburn was here recalled, end deposed that when deceased was brought Into his carpen ter's ahoy., he was Weeding at the right ear and Robe, and to not sure that he was not bleeding at both o. ruder—Lives in the tourth house form the poirdi runembers the meraingof she Ithb of Aug. ink hearda man malaria a emu hollowing--• diatleaning kind of hollow—opened the window, beard a man say "assistance—come down—help —a thief in the water' doestoot recollect whether the shot was fired before the man celled for usu . awe; but my impressum is that it we, before-- Heard bet one shot—hollowing continued both be fore and alter the shot; habeas...the firing the voice seemed to me to be either on, or at the end of the bury boat; put on pantans and boots and went down, and in company with-Mr. Lee went to the edge of the water asked him what was the mat ter, said • man was in the water, be was an old thief—he knew be was; be said the man knocked him down, and then he ishot and be "knock me down again, and I shoot again"—did not say where the matt was when he shot him—this wits before daylight in the morning, between three aad four o'. - • • • clock, Mackey said he knew be had given him one good load—he appeared to be much out of breath, as If he had been running. Robert Lee swore—Lives in the fah house from the point of the abort wits awakened by the crack of a pistoL Got op to the window. Heard a Ger. man voice. Could bear scuffling. German voice culled "murder: While putting on clothes, beard a second shot. When witness got 'dawn to the street, Mackey was at the edge of the water, and mid he bad ■ thief in the water. He said that White went into the over, declining down about ten feet below the ferry boat. After hunting it lit tle while,.eome one saw the cap. Witness said to Mackey that ha could not be a good shot, or he would have stopped him. ?donkey replied that "begot one load." He had arrested him because be looked Into ■ milk bucket; that White had "made him down twice." Mackey appeared es. cited, and talked about the scrape. Had seen White several times. Crew Etramined—lt wen not more then a minute between the flring of the two Mote—certainly not more than fire minutes. Wm. Nixon, of St. Clair township, crossed the ferry on the morning of the 12th Auguat. About halfway between Penn and Liberty streets, new two men corning down from Liberty sweet, One wan a watchman; ha had hold of the other men by the braes; mess not calling for assistance, just gets tins day 4:ht; shortly after beard that a man was shot. Owen Hannigan and William Lee were next called, but aid not teddy any thing in addition to the other witnessed Henry Beatty works on Jone'akrry. On the 12th Angus% eller coming back from the second trip, had conversation with Monkery. He asked us if we had seen a man in the river, we told him we had seen no man. He said there was a men run in the river; said he was coming down Liberty st.i and saw a man go up to a door and look into a milk bucket; went to him and asked him what he woe doing-, the man mid he was not doing any. thing-, watchman says you need'nt tell me no lies, far I seen you at the door; said I know you, and you must pi with me to the watch house; said be took hold of him, but he was too strong for him, and threw him down; when he run from him down towards the lower landing; says, "I gave him one barrel;" near the landing he caught him again. but he was too strong for him, and he threw him down • second time; that he broke away from him, and he shot the other barreL I understood Monkey to I say that the man run aboard the new ferry boat after the second shot had been fired; that the man ran to the caber end and jumped into the river.— He asked if we did'nt pick the man up. Saw White the evening before. Came on board our boat, but did'nt go over. James Riley—Saw Mr. White on the morning of ths 12th August, &lurid him with a string by the arm; he was floating in the water, I and another man pulled him out of the water on to a board.— Blood was flowing out of has mouth and from the aide of his Giza Charles Roberts, Capteth of the Watch—M, u t he 12th August, the coy watch were-discharged, r rather le their teats, about o'clock in the morning: Hawkey was flat at roll can that morn. imp did cot see him mad somewhere about Its Vela* the city does not furnish watchmen with fire mute, nor 'authorize them the use them. ).EdwardWhite,eon of the deeeesed-4tenth , the wonting of the 12th of August; Smut his flaw er an the bank orate river, with his feet in the wa. ex; went there atom tea o'clock in the keenocial al311•41:11ho tight cheek,and mother on the noiie, &min freely bete dui wounds. Father' ; had served same time the British Army, and was an excellent swimmer have known him to swim lin a considerable din mace with a man oo his back that could not swim - Had not been more than about time weeks in this part of the country; mother and the mat of the (am ity are in England, except one brother, whoa here with me, nod came to America with myself and father, came from Lndwith Colliery, about 8 miles from the city of Durham, in England; sailed from New Castle, upon Tyne, in April last. Craw Exarnseol--Father would occasionally lake a little drink, but not an much as to hurt him; 012 the Wednesday before his death, be bad been taking a little more then usual; have beard him say he was a Sergeant Major Ln the army; be , longed to the dab Drogoorm This closed the case km the Prosecution. Mr. Darragh addressed the jury in opening the defence, He 'particularly dimmed the attention of the jury to some facts which were admitted by the Com. monwealth, such as that the defendant was a pub lic officer, that he was in the discharge of his duty at the time, that the deceased was in the wrong throughout, that he had goody abased the officer, that the officer was a man of excellent chancier, been In the service some nine yearn without corns plaint, and had uniformly exhibited kindness of manner towards those whom it bad been his duty to arrest. The learned counsel then directed the jury to what he oarlaidered to be the law In the case, and proceeded with the tesomody for the de. holm. The first evidence was that of Dr. Samuel worth taken on deposition by consent. The sub. stanoe of it was ne fellows—Examined body of do- ceased as carefully . circumstances would per. mit; found two wounds, one on point of nose; fol. /owed it down to bone of upper jaw; considered it an unimportant injury; the other entering near the angle of the mouth, (not perforating the cheek,) ' and pursUing a course backward and downward I to the angle of the jaw externally, to the bone.— The last wound rough and jagged; appeared to have been made with a slog, and bled a email green tity, which was extmvasated blood. Had the slug tot stopped, it would have come out of the cheek at the angle of the jaw. Thinks this wound not inimical to life. Appearance of body that of • man drowned, or who had died from oppoplexy, owing to extravasated appearance of face, and neck and chest. The wounds of thenoelves could not have produced death. Dr. John S. Irwin stated that Dr. Dillworth call ed at his office on the allernoon of the 12th of Au. gust lasi, end risked him to examine a body lying in the shipyard of the Monongahela river. Found toe body lying on a board with a cloth round the head, with other wet cloths underneath, which were saturated with blond. On further examine. lion, two wounds, one on the nose, made by • small shot. to which there was a small amount oy extravesated thud blood.—The Doctor entered in to n very learned disquisition es to the remains why the deceased was neither killed by the shots nor by drowning. His opinion was that the deceased came to his death by appoplexy, caused by partial strangulation. It is out of our province to give this surgical Lecture, we have given above the main point of his testimony. Went with the view of making a careful exaininiumn, having heard that there was a different view taken of the cacae of death. An appoplectic condition would be apt to product bleeding at the mouth and ears. John CornellUs proved that in one instance un der Mayor Irwin's ednunistration, a man named !Erotica, to e.upe arrest, had entered the Alleghe ny nver at Piu street, sod swam over to Smoky Is. land, with a heavy overcoat on hint, In February or March. when the water was very cold and pretty high, and has escaped from three or four men who were in pursuit of him. He was a small delicate looking men. Wm. Fife proved another instance of a similar character in which a man was nearly drowned in swimming the Monongahela to escape arms', E. W. Cook proved that this practice had not been uncommon. Gabriel Adam., EM., Mayor of the city. knew the defendant. He had kumerly been a winch_ man On the morning of the 12th of August, the defendant came to his aloe. At the ume this event happened, burglaries were,very rife—indeed they were so during the rummer, and until latelY. On that nocannt I cautioned the police to be more vigilant During the time he was under my super. vision, I thought defendant faithful MM. Them na We:elution of duty that I know of Had leers of =WPM fkoeirOta r io ILFZurmiy"'" elks being a quiet, peaceable chisels. White had once been in the watch house--a abort time beim, this occurred. He was brought in for drunken. new. Quotes Roberts, Captain of the Watch, saw the body of deceased on the morning of the occurrence Had seen same person in the watch house et [chi or ten days hefom that. Was brought there by Mackey and two on three other orstchmen,aboot ten or eleven o'clock. Could not say the man was ve ry drunk, but he was under the influence of li quor. Has known Mackey on the watch near three year. As much as witness knows, he has been one of the most faithful in duty, and the most moderate in making arrests; never beard but one or two complaints of him—one was for being rather slack in his duty; sever beard any complaint for violence before this; gave him a good character otherwise. Mr. Irwin asked a number of questions of Mr. Robeor, relAtive to the comparative extent of the city sow and nine years ago; also so to the coud putative number of unoclunen now and then.— The city had been increased by four wards, there had only been one more watchman added. As sistance, for that reason, would be .low in getting to the bank of the river. Jun. Blakely, Esq., had known defendant some fifteen years; never beard anything against hie character u a citizen. With ,one exception of his getting into an affray, some seven or eight months ago; never heard anything splint him till thin affair. Lieut. CoL Whitney—Waa a member of the Council when defendant was placed on the watch; came with an excellent chancier. John Solon, Timothy McCarty, Modfee Voeght -11, Nicholas Zinsemastor, Morro M12.1t13, Aorast Haberly, Col Yost, B. &welch, and John Murphy, had known the defondimt for various periods of from five to twenty years, all of whom gave him an excellent character far industry, sobriety and peaceableness. This closed the case Mr the defence. Edward White, son of the cleansed, was Men recalled.— Stated that the blood coming from deceased's wounds was of the natural color. Had never known hts father to carry any weapon, or to be in any quarrel, unless he was put upon. There was no black blood, except a little on the cheek, the blood coming from the wound was unmixed with water, and was of its natural color. The counsel for the prosecution here °Tared to call Dr. Walters to rebut the testimony of Dr. le win, as to the probable cause of death. It was stated that Dr. Walters had made an examination of the body, and would be able to rebut the pre. sumption attempted to be created, of the deceased having come:to his death from appolexy. Dr Walters was accordingly sent for, but not being at home the testimony was considered closed, and the coon adjourned to this morning, for the pur pose of giving the counsel oa each side a fair op portunity of addressing the jury. Tacna.. Discumon.—The discussion on the expediency of invoking farther legislative aid in the suppression of intemperance, was held by adjournment in (the church of the Rev. N. West, last evening. The attendance was remarkably this-there being sot more than about eighty per. sons present. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dr. Herron. The speakers were the Rev. Messrs. Black and West, who maintained the affirmative at the question, and Rev. Dr. Riddle and Mr. Mc. Claren the negative. There was nothing of unm stud interest in the-discussion. 'Hs can mu. Alm suss of vx'—This in a raze faculty, hut we khow of no mortal who claims it, except it be our neighbor the Journal la the Mad column of the second page of his paper, yuteedat , he was kind enough to kill the poor fellow, John Shaffer. At the commencement of the fourth, he says he la 'still lingering.' and In the third line ot ter, he adds, by way of postscupt—' Since writing the above, we are sorry to bear that Shafer is dead of his wouide—Our reporter paid a visit to this poor haul last night, and fitutkl him ati l alive, and able to speak, and doing as well as could be expected under the circOnistaaces. Indeed. good hopes are entertained of his recovery. The per petrator of too shooting hu not been arrested.— Shafer artui doing *ell 12 ten o'clock lut night. •P'''.' . •',!i''.'' -. . , ,,." , .),.'_ , ..:...-1 , LIT Cam Paonm Massite.—if yea apish mote, sue peseta! is any andenaking,,yoa men always Sue thus eroper means.' Therefore, if you hare a cough, etwe jarmat Emma" ahtli klr Fa Li= 'Means. Mare yors Amhata or wiry b therithe cudy cadent Means to care yop la Os use by 'o Rapecusian4which will immediately orereeme the spasm which contrails the dmmemr of the mhos, had and bnnp ay the mucus which clomethem op, and thus removes every obstruction to a free rasp - Mon, while at the tame time all nitammation to sal &led, and a cent is certain to be effected. Have you Bronetutia, gpoung of Blood, , Pleurisy, or feet any Pulmonary Affection, then nee Jayne'. Expectorant and rebel I. COMM. yOU Will find that you hav• used the proper meant. For .ar s e Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea St. „ , „„ ==;==! Mwu wren k u.--Gebtm Pleue to announce the mum of Mr. lisraT Vi*“•nt, u . mailable person (or the ogre of Mayor of ±us ray. novl7-tu Fran W.D. M/11 cII,LIT—MU V.I. announce th at ci haa 0. Scruir, E.q , will be a cabibilobs for noimbratou for the office of Mayor. noedd-th Escosn Mayoralty Of Allot;batty City M•roaard, or 41.1.IMIZAT Ctn.—Ms. Elinor: You +lll 'please announce the name of Mr. Jortarnss Rcan, 3d Ward. Allegheny. for the other of Mayor, sablect the decision I , Yhig and AI/IIOIIIOIIIC Conyenuon nor27-lor Msalr Yorancs. Maio]. or ALLSOIMIT Crts.-11t. Editor: Yon will please aitootatee the name of Will BOYD, 34 Ward, allegbeay, as a candidate for the GlBce of Motor. Mr. Boyd, if elected, would make lut wive and elfieten o(Meer. and is well qualified to disah=the duties a that post. atiataidtara. Crrima. Tmti.vaz —A strong array of talent will be pro. vented this everung in the Tragedy:of Macbeth. Mr. Addams appears as Macbeth, Mrs. Lewis no Lady Macbeth, and Mr. Oxly as Mscduff: Mr. A's Vag:nine hmt evening mss ably sus. Mined, and elicited much applause from the large audience present BOOT AND OBOE WOKfiIIOUBB. NO. 5 WOOD ST., BETWEEN - 3d AND 4th STS. R. TANNER CO. TNvrrE Country Merchants and other. to an coarni -1 nation of their Wiwi, which is one.of the largest to be found in any establishment in the country, and coexists of very desirable and seasonable gos, ox. prosily adapted (as 141 sae and quality) to Western sabre. Prices will compare favorably with those of the East. Terms liberal. nol4v-dlat 111111 E. E undiNtsitn ed, A.gueoes in Hankreplay HT m Wadeplayof , will by virtue of an order Bout the District Coen or the Coned States. lo and for the Eas tern Distnet of Pennsyleante, expose to public. sale at the Coon Houtve in the city of Piusburgh, on Monday, the thld day of January, 1d49, at he hour of 10 o'clock or and day, the property of William Wade, a bank. rupt, consisong of an undivided Interest ere member of the late firm of kl'Clorg, Wado & Co., in the real estate and personal property of Lagrange Forages, in the comity of Lawrence, State of Ohm, held and ear ned on by the rant of Hurd, Firmestown & Co., m which the firm of !Welt:Ty & Co. are conveners, and which cost the 1.11 mentioned firm about twenty-two thousand dollars. In report, (vie.) of commissioners valued at MOO; The east half of the north west quar ter of seetton Three; the north west, moth west, and south east gunners, and the west half of the north east quarter of section Four the north 13181, south west, and south east quarters, and the east half or the north west quarter of section Pine; the east half of the smith ease quarters of section Seven; the whole' of section Eight; the whole of routine Nine, and the west half of the north east quarter of bOtlolll Twenty, all in Teravoship One Range The Two; half of the nosh east quarter of section Thiny-Two; the whole.of ecetipn Thirty-Three, and west half of the south west quarter of section Thirty- Four, all to Township Two, of Range Eighteet. Also, all the lowest Of sold BaAkmpt"ln said firm, In the personal property of said Furnace. Terms cash. GEORGE A. BAYARD, JOHN A BTU IiRS, 1 Attirintst • Pittsburgh, Nov. ZS, 184 S. novl9-wirT TWO HOEIBEB err- _ AND LOTS IVOR SALE. ,m, TWO LOTS on Deaver street, in the city of am Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on w hich is erected a frame building, two stories high, suitable ior two small tenements. The lota are each twenty feet to front by one hundred feet deep, and MD back to • street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre. MN. will pay • very handsome Interest on the invest ment, and the property will he sold cheap for cash. Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office; 9or to no KAY ICo NOTICE—The Stockholders in the Coal Hill and Upper St_Clan Turnpike Road, will take nonce that an elecuon will be held at the house of Thos. Al den., on the first Tuesday of January, le4o, between the hours 0(15 M. and 3 P hi, for the purpose of Gett ing a President, six Managers, and a Treasurer, to serve for one year J. M. LONG, Treas. nor - Ster3leT Wutungton Reporter will Insert Ike above 3 tnes, sad send Recount to thieoffiee. TBLINNOLNGS, HOISIDRY AND DANDY GOODS. H EATON & CO,, Dealers in Trimming. rind . H•berdashery, have removal from their old stand to NO. al FOURTH STREET, 6 doors from Slake, street. notea fIOATS' tiPIX)L COTTON-3000 dos Coats' best white Spools, la do2oo yd do black do; 216.160 200 yd do cold do; received Uns day sod for sale by the ease at eastern prices. Y H EATON & Co, noaa 6t lavrth .t ' t h e ridd Es v AN ti al w theirformerbusiness FiN 'R —PIEA M. pertinent under charge of hint Bigelow of Boinon, for madtmg to order in latest styles, Infants' Wear, Parks, cloaks nod Dresses, Ladles and Gents Dreaing Gown. Garment. embroidered or moved for embroidery, knitting, netting, crotchet work, hemstitching and ma king neatly executed sciaN I 'ICTOR I N ES AND SCARFS FOR LADIRS—Fine Zephyr Scarfs, white I.lld cord; do do do embed; Swain's down %%canoes; Elastic zephyr wirwtlets; Swain'• down Neck Tics; lathes silk and woolen Vesta; Swato's sawn Trimmings. Jun received at EATON'S new Trimming Store. CJ Fourth st. novld F — - - - • - - - FatedGOol:ll l —F 11 Earns I Co. are constantly supolted with a large and c hake asvonment of atilt flows g and imps. valves ohne. and braids. la ce; catnap and enabroldenes. 009.1 and homery, mom stun; suspenders and order garment; Ilerhn Zephyr, woolen yarns, needles, pm; holonts, tapes, hobbm; le., all at vvlnnh they odes A . l she loarest ieearmaa vrarakeaue,/ki *arab at, .41 market noßso G ENT'' CLOAK TAKSELS-2 mohair Tao do do Ladi eels, nes ..oned,assel, 3 do mik dodo ; 2do do fine do; 10 T msormtli do eol'd do do. WOOLEN GOODS-10 do: eldidron's woolen coots: 6 do do do Cops 4. do do common; 10 dm Woolen corn. form, assoneal; 18 do do with ringts SD do ladles Coon mere Glove. aso'd. LEATHER RELTS-30 doe blk Malkakia Balta. 9 do do Morocco do, a do col'd do; at nartM ZEBULON lELNSEY'S, 67 market et T 0 VERING'iI DOUBLE REFINED SUGAI7.B—B) bbl. LaYering's Doable Refined Loaf, Crushed and Pulverized Sugars, just ree'd and for sale at the Pekin Tea Bone. 70 Fourth street, by nor.D FINE COFFEEZ-111mha, old Gov Java, Lagnira, St Dorninvo and EbtoCoSeee„lrou reed and tor sal al the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth st, by novlo A JAYNES SWEEP SHINS—t4O Sheep Skins, just read anti fo rale by BUILEIRIDG F., WILSON Co reovlS water et INBRED OIL-20 bbls superior Linseed Oil, bus , received sod for rale by novlb WWI; & 11PCANDLESS LFS--I2D bbl. for 'ale by WICK tr.. M'CANDLESS LERATUS--23 casks Cleveland Kelowna .. 1.1 able dodo; for sale by n0v1.9 . WICK k. lI:MAN-DLO/SS BACON SIDES-15,000 lb. coy cored Bacon, y ~ale by n0v129 WICK it IWCANDLEBB CHEESE -141 tap prune W R Cicone, for sale by nns' 29 WICK k ACCANDLESS F LOURIO bbls super* Family Floor, for gala by 'AVICK k NICANDL&4B C ARRETT'st SNUFF-3 !ibis In store and for alde by nosrild WICK 2r.I'd'CANDLE3S - - CHOCOLATE -43 by. in store and for sale by norP9 WICK fr. ArCANDLEBB CIOTTON MATTRASH&I — A superior article of family and steamboat Alsttrassos, manufactured from good cotton, well cleaned and carded; for side bs noviN I HERSEY, warehouse 29 water st OITON BATTINGS-300 bales family Baninc C WO do No I do, 100 do Not do; far sale by • noses_ I HERSEY SIGHT EXCHANGE ONNEW YORK, ( or pale by ovIM N HOLMES fr, SONS SIG HT EXCHANGE ON PHILADELPHIA, for OA It by norms N HOLMES & SONS C IT L , T NIYS—W"" b Y N HOLM S 6 I SONS _ LARD OIL—I rdbbl "ruttier ned La Oi J junt read per 'te.nie r best strai 20 Wyouung; do fall on 4 10 do No 2 In more end to We b norms SRI LF.IIB &NICOLB -- • - -- INSEED OIL-12 tibia, in prima order in .an and Lfor rale by nov2O SELLERS & NICOLS FINE FLOUR-50 bale toe Flour, In store and co sale by novr,V SELL9.I3 r B & NICOLS BLACK WADDING—MO do t nava large and he• 'Y. just received and kir sale by noel SHACKLETT dr. WHITE, 99 wood at CANTON FLANNELS—Three bales heavy unbleached Carron, prat received by nov29 SHACKLE & WHITE SILK . grGnov.Nd Bullion;o LINBRSB—L 0o ea.c food bright 0010. jna opened A)• no.sD'lT& WHtrE riomFoRTE-300 dos int bZlc , 91011, and deals• bio atyle, Just opelardsrit„ ox fale ar r a ns novIN KLI4E-29)bxs oream_Cborma, inn landing ham . mr Lake Eno, and for axle by 00m29 8 & V FIA/LBA VG H BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-10 bbls in store and for .ale by n0e...0 & W HARtIAIRIR R OLL BUTTER-6 bbl. freab Roll Butter, just ...old and for said by tiov2it 9& W HARRABGH DYE I.IR-41 bbl. Rye Flour, liarbaugit's branAirLstore and for sale be C ORN HUSKS—In Stow wad for solo by rtor..V W HA RBA UGH P . • 10 ItIETAL—,O tons Hangias Rook Plir Metal, Ito blast, for sale by fun* FORSYTH lk DUNCAN eriado,T3r sale by novIN ISAIAH DICKEY & Co CIHRESE—IOObis to store and for sale by nOs2S ISAIAH DICKEY k Co FIRE AND WATER PROOF' MINERAL PAINTS —2O bblx in store and foi sale by ocnr4 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co 111ANUPACTUREDTOELACCO-300 bo In .tors of eboicon brands, IBS, Ss and is lump, for sale novlS ISAIAH DICKEY I Co CITUATh hKgprigin N O Sugar, fon sale by novis R ROBISON tr. Co SllFlbßito - Gtiih &Ind - Apples; to Ginseng; Ido Snakeroot; 49 bn mall White Beans,iMs roc NI per Clipper 06, (or sale by HGBISCIN & Co nore 9 MILS Fresh Roll Weer, 3 bOlo Elooreray;lTYJO Ro" reoolved and for ord. by noTts R ROBISON & Co LINSEED OlL—ill bbl. &owe. k Hamilton's Lin. rood Oil, in store and for ..le by R ROBISON & Co SALERATUS-5000 lb. 'or arul 'or MI. by R ROBISON ICa birreic w Mat PLOI: gooks bad; novIN P VON BONNNORST & Co udorta SEED-30 boob (or sale byy T -- novaVON BONNIIORST &Co .IZ O t!; , I"`ER -I P.bVirol,brirloa sr APPLY 2.--1 0 6bl. Wizonatzutect., &yule by omOte Br VON PONNIIORST Co 410 1 , 4111 AUCTION SALES. By JIIIDD.D. Davis, Auctioneer . Thinday - iii, Nov. 311, at 10 o'clock, lit the •••••LIVS.• Room. corner of Wand and Fifth Stntsts,Will Iw SOW, without reserve, on credo 0160 dq. email sittathrOvor 9100. for spore. ed endorsed 2trpackaguli - Staple ay.{ I).y Good, Just received (torn Now ,1 ork, coosuung of 49, lb. white and warted enclosed -shyest 4g;o dos Butfingbauk white and cord spool cotton, Bid M nee• tiles, assorted; ilk 9=lo pb.l% 4.-gross auk mull cow and rest buttons; 360 gross fastieg buttOrtsj 7SO pott pearl shirt buttons' 400 dot striper; rape; 06 doe white braid; SU gross shot iantug ltlfrre/111 grog& born pan great gross stone, 100 Von knit ting pins. 112 card• scissors, 1F cards pen knives. 8 gr.. bar low do, 12 pieces anion chects, 23 pea gtnghanisAnper fine cloths, eallunteres, satinetta flannels. blankets, pilot cloths, bleached and brawn amebas, alpacas, castuneres, Irish linens, damask hnen table sloths, wool.tiomforts, hoods, shawls and hdka in great vs. riety, At 2 o'clock. Groceries, Qtfesoulessre. Furniture, fr. EU= A quanuty oracle table and pocket cutlery, gold and silver warebea, mantel Clocks, blank book., letter and cap arrtung paper, variety good', Carman 6triey goods, he. noir& AM USEM ENT& IZIMZEI C. S. PORTER . IMAAAora. THIRD NIGHT OP MR. A A. ADDAMS FIRST NIGHT OF MRS. LEWIS. Combination of Talent! WILMOSPAT, Nomura al, mill he presented MACBETH! Macbeth--... AlacdtuS Banque Hecate Ist Witch 9 WS Witch Lady Macbeth Pu cat Dhoz • • • . Mr. Addams. • M r. Oxley. •Mr. Prow. •Mr. Atelier. •Mr. J. Dunn. • Miss Cruise. Mrs. Lewis. Miss Waller" nun Mr. Goodwsn. To conclude with PETER WHITE. Peter While Mr. T. Minn. Mrs. Peter ‘Vltne ..... •• • . •• • • Miss Cruise. QT To-morrow, Mr. Addams sad Mrs. Lewis onll Zolkibltioa of Microscopic Objects. 9N THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS of this week, Prof. Smarts will give ezhibiuona th the Oxy•lllydrogen Microscope and Magic Lan tern, in Philo Hall. The Instruments are of the first class, and a large number of objects have been prepared for the Blinn. • cope, embracing a variety of mambo and their organs., the animamlas which swarm In stagnant walar, in vinegar and other liquids; the families of the -mamas and fern, and illustrations of vegetableerne me., de eompouoon of water, nrystallisatimt With the Lantern will be ving Vicars, end the Chromatropc or artificial fire works. The exhibition. will commence at 11 o'clock, aid will be continued next week. Tickets cm be bad at Me. Richardson's Jewelry Slom, Market street—M cents n single ticket, or five for • dollar. oweSai at EVELOPEAN AGENCY, For the Recovery at Dorn .= ut d Impireperly Whit held REAL AND PERSONAL E5l ATE: the Bet stlement and Arbitration of Counitercial,Tnoling, and other Debts; Securing Patents for Inventions in Ore. Britain. Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependencies thereon. belonging, and Negetituing for the Pur hase or Belo of We Berne. fIEFEELENCE may be had on application free or charge, (provided the motive is not thatlof mere eurirmity,i to a LISA comprtsing upwards of 15.00) no in which unclaimed property to etanding. Also, an index to our MOM advertisements which have appeared for the post $ll JESTS in var.. B ri ti shoewapapers, addressed to Heirs at Law and intigo of kin. Communicator. by letterare requested to bo poet-paid .' BENTHAII FABIAN, way, New York. References are permitted Brown to Hon Charles P Daly, Judge Court of,Common Pleas, New York. Freeland, Smart It Co Cartlidgn k Co. W. t J. T Tapscon. O. F. A. Ricketts, Edward Schroder Eaq, Cinctnnan, Ohio. A. Patch., Esq., Patchin Bank, Baal& nest-dim POPULAIt - IiVORS.I9OE - FIGTION7 ..kOR CALF BY JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Mar ko( street, corner of Third. unity Fair; • novel without a HMV: by Wm. H. Thaekery. Edward Vernon; My Covein's Story, by E. V. Child". L an Mary dlord. Howitt's Translation of the Present and Ma Capt. Marryatt's Children of the New Forest. The Bachelor of the Albany. Old Hicks the Um.; by Webber. w ary Groves, or, the Trusting Wife, by Chas Dar- Writhering Heights: by the author of ''.l•ne Eyre.. Toe Tenant of Wildfen Halli by the author of "Jane EcTnyhelmr. ie - re age of his Father, Illastrsted. by the Brothers nu Discipline of Life. Three Sister. and Three Fortunes; or Rose, Blanche, and Vlolen: by G. IL Lowe.. Tinny Veen Pincer by G. P. R. /ernes, Eeii noel? LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned tniorms Ma friends and the pullho that he intemla to remove Mon., to Was/siege. city, where he will attend to the proaecnuon of elutes on Congruas, and •he Departmeeta, es well in to the haziness ai the law in all Its branches, in the several Courts of the Mullet ANDREW IVYLIE.I, nova.t.if - ______ L GaT—sappo.rd to here been ken M" ltuar Aaron Alathews, Camden. Dresden county, care oil S. Early, New London, New fork—weight MO lbs.— Any information respecung mod bilk; oat/ be thankful ly received and hberMly reworded by I NEWTON JONES, noytkl-Ca alonotteheta House ITTSSURGII GAS COMPANY.—The TIMM. P of the INUsbargh Gm Company have authorised so ltddittoul sale of the Stock of aW Compa books are now open for the 'ale ors Smiled antosart of said Stock, to the Exchange other of Hussey. Ilium. it Co., Fourth street JOSHUA HANNA. novvs-1 vraa. Imre repair, na L W naming. containing 312 .pindlei etch. One Cap Windex, eenteining dd gondJe r s, .nitable for woollen mumfaetarer.. Put CotIon:0111, Nov i tf.Vd " Z " ' 'LEL" Bta co d N ,o7. 7 ,o B:T, y Bacon, lanthng horn susir Hudson ... AS DA LZELL, !loyal 24 water It S U esuk a g i Po , iroc7;bi!ct2gilati Sower, D d ante by ( o r FEATHERS --8 sacks Feathers, reed and for sale by avArdd . C H APPLFI4-12 bbal fine eating Apples. pad received and for sal,. by C 11 (111.A.14T, Pcivd3 41 Water et b oyERIN c Gr'S VG . A . 11.1.; 1 7 . „ 211) . e !my . . t 6.7 :. , I dI l andin nava BAGALEY A Ahl ITU b b y lds. in pßriTsorderiliatve- Perived n0w2.5 57 wood it. ...._ kr IlikULti, WATER CORKS-600 groas.abor• • alLPrime•xdclo, Just received and for saki by niarZ R F: SELLFES . B AT/i BRICK—WOO Just reed and for aide by' WV= BA FAHNEn‘TOCK A. Co DURLAPS-20 peon band and for aide love by JUly novdd _ 311:12rflY & LEE - TOBACCO -14 Uwe Tobacco. Just received on eon sigennent and for sole by nov2s-6t OLL nuTrER—Ln store and for male by nolls ROBT DALZELL, le_terty st WFSTERN RESERVE CHEESE-4M lois aryl 'tag and for sale by norZ HOLIT fAALZELL O ALER-A. 1119-15 tot s to store and for sale by 0 novki ROM DA LL ELL eIOFFEE-150 bop Just reed AM for sale by noetlt 8 I' VON BONN HOR9T k. Co TEAS-70 packages Young Ilyson Gunpowder and 1 Imperial, for sale by nowla N P VON BONN/1011Sr rk. Co LABB-130 las S.lO, 40 do ISS 12, 4u do 10x.14, es c°66Uji' TrrOIS 1i1(34N !Rag'. a co bmy FreVo! it'A;llli4Ve:" C uh lZ2l 6° b." W s 11,4' Vt:6II6O°II6IIOREST & CO 8 1.17ER-41 bbls fresh Roll Butter, for sole by oov2l P VON BONN HORST' , Co ; , .t.LEFLATCS-10 crank s for role by norTl P VON IiONNIIORST & Co CI BELT IRON.-10 tons Noe tet and 00 Juniata, for sateny =men y F VON BONNIIORBt A_Oo S PEFLM OIL-1 ease Rinser S n perm Oil to reed and for sale by nowt? R LIBELLERS JMAICA ARROW ROOT -1 cs,,c , tni pesos s - try, for sale by norzl R E nF.LLERS C— - HOCOLATE, COCOA, ikel.—W Baker's No Coo taints, Baker* Cocoa Paine, No I Norfolk neural' Chocolate, constantly on band and (or .el. by SAGA LEY SMITH, now 27 Agu for IV Baker, Dore Loner, ItAr&a. FANCYCiTSSIMEKESi.—Just race ivcd by A A Ma- ; son & Co, &I Market at, a large aworunera. of the above named goods, which they °Orr at Eastern, wholesale prices. no HD THE AMERICAN ALMANAC FOR imsk.-4., reed and for kale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, BookaeUera, • nov27 corner market and 3d Ha S LIERLACK ON DIVINE PROVIDEN w" fe copies of the above work NSTON for rale now; JOH & STOCKTON Pout, Chronicle, Journal mud American eepy. in oder, TDSCAsTE--b • d r .ale by reed .c:tlll.l;;lntit..TaltEE, Lib.ny SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—LJ bate .ra in good order. for sale by org7 W A M NIITCHELTIIIaM T 0. SUGAR-0 hints print, for loele by nor 27 1V Oc M MITCHELTREE L 0.1.' SUGAR-30 bbis, email i 011,,, for Milo low by nov27 kiR 1101r0ELTREE ACKEREI,--10u bbfir large No 3 Ma.---kerel 1 17 ;ju re c c o et FF red ix_4.,,, and for .s:jekAsb:pArzß7oticoisoz,&:9l:: baya7 rang and for sale by C CiftklNVT, norg: Cr 1 0D11511-13 WI& Corfiat for lending Eiori fo novil7 HAGALTN tr. MIITH by . _ _ - ---- CORCHED SALTS-13 bbla Itn~n g ( Vermont, uni.for sale by ""4" rr norn EAGALE - ,- & SMITH C. TAIL -1'...11) landT N. and for by a saUTH nor 77 bisteceived and for sal. 1,1 ,s 9511TH lO IRON-300 taus Alloy o ny ,. i Oa. an We P 'min.( nod for !rale hy J FLOP M"r27 Bnund Cnnrch (LRZEN 840 COFFEY-4.1 bags tn. wcrop.) Abro norm, daildms l_A Co loading an& 'or eta/. by At ity_Loyo_ 81881 &Io . BS—Ctu re pod reed nnd Ibr vole by . 8 A FAHNFSIOCK & Co, nor 1.1 and wood .1a IASSIALMO routs Joe , reed kbd by H A PAIINESTue &Co Sbbls Cbettnote. 4 do Flamed, 1 bbl Timothy Sent 3 do Roll Roller; bashFY=r; 4 bbl 4 White Beene, 4 keg Ele , Teed and for .ate by 00h T.4.913EY & BEST y.k;.o 1 7EY ALAN