The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 29, 1848, Image 1

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AAT 00 r
warding Merchant; have returned to their old
stand, \Valor roma Front stseoLs, Pittsburgh. °n2l
11011.071 & AMER, Wholesale and Elittuil Drug
.l.) guts, corner of Liberty and St. Chair smuts, Pitts
burgh, Pa. omyll
It6N - Vit 'CVLBERTSON, Wholesale °MCC'S,
I) and Commission Merchants, No. 10 1 Liberty st.,
Pataloargh Pa
&co, Wltolerale oxrd - .114 ,
.1 Wood and &h aa, •
D AUALEY .fr. SMITH, Wholesale Croce* 18 . and
,L) 110 Wood street Pittsburgh.
a. ItIcANULTY la Co., ForwardingC
• taiuion Marehanta Canal Ruin, Pittsburgh Pa.
It ALT is GEBHART, Wholesale Grocers, deal
in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, ear
k. of Liberty end RAO sta., Putsbargb, Pa_ tabl7
Val. B. =MAMA Shuts s. .cerfwvir.
UNGLISII & BENTHETT, (late English, Gallo her
t Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission sod For
warding Altschul" and dealers in Produce and Pins
burgh iilansifsetures, No. 37 Wood et., between id and
3d stream. oett
r. a. 7[1.1.3Z, GU. 11111, 1/I.ll= WOOD.
ERIENI RIMY fr. Co., Wholesale Grocer. and_
Contnuaston Alerchanti, and Agents for Brighton
too 'Yams, Nor. 07 Water, and 103 Front as., Pius.
bUf /I,T. feb9
gr&LLAGHER, LONG & MILLER, Bell mud Brass
Founders and Gas Inners, 109 Front, between
eed and Breithbektaareeta Pittsburgh, Pa.
0. Highest price given rot old Copper and Brass.
- -
EOIIGE COCHRAN, Commiadon and Forwarding
lderetdin No. 10 Wood meet Pitablugh.
lIiLARY-MUNDT Whim and Red Load Maim
-1-1 factures, Mat and Oil Morahan, comer of Lib
and O'Hara Pinalmmh. P-16
1.08 POILIMM /02131 W. D
FORSYTH k/DUNCAN, Forwarding and Cautrans
sion blerobtats, No. 37 First street, Pittsburgh.
oar/ ,
=CUM, lIIt,
minion Zderchante, and dealers in Produce, N 0,513
am, an • 1117 Front (tree% PiUsburgh. nov9
j ° ? 4 UV 1 :4 A frarn i ATat C. :1 1 7:24 . 1=
Bt. Lot No. (Isla, of Piatebursh4 ,
EsterameAm,-41Asimmela Hon W Forward Romp
-1011 Miller; APCsadima & El..Clerre, Jobe. E
!Amalie & ple4dVord & ring. jettlT
11:414 - 13001Tte Co, Wholeanle Grocers, Forward
• log andtCermaission Merchant. Dealers in
does and and Pittsb. Manufacture. No, T Commercial
atom, Libel near the Canal, Roxburgh, P.
firm of iLlgeo and
McGalisr4 Merchant .Ealir, Su Chutes Building.,
TLudidreet, lieu Wood, Pittsburgh.
4) Lewis Ilutebison & Co., Commlselot fderchnut.,
end Agents of ilie Si. Lag. Swam Sugar auftuun , .
bin Lt waxer and 9111nrut Wentz, Plusburgh.
O - OHN Dimoiren—Moimge Grocer, Pre.
duce and Commiation Merchant., No. 17, Wood ex.,
naba .11.. land
JOUN D. atoltoe.N_ , angutomafa.i
er Dye Smds,PaintarOila Varnishes, &a., N 0.93
Wood street, ooe door Hoak of Diamond alley, Plus
h. h. jaat
eMF3IKE.R4r., & Co.,' *teenier td
Devis,)Rhlp t.lhandlen,_2s Wakes street
0 - RN Ii.rNINA.LOp.., Wholesale and Retail dealer
in Nene and hlusseal instruments, School Boos
Apes, Slates, Steel Pens, Quill s,
s, Printers' Cards, and
Stationery geiterulty,No. Ell Wood .t., Pitubargh.
AZ Rags bodght or taken in trade. .p 1.5
SCHOONALASER & Co., Wholesale Draggists,
. No. 22 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
TOHN a DAVIS,' Auctioneer, corner oth and Wood
t streetsJittsbuffh.
TOHNSTON k ESTOCKTON,Booksellern, Printers
tf rio. 44 Iklurtet a., Picts
botch. Jes
JOtili GRIER, Wholesale lirxec, dealer in Pro
duce, Pduburitt Manefeemzes, Tlia Plates, iee.
Labeny 3.16
n/3111, EC.= tort
& EL FLOYD, (late J. Floyd C 0.,) Whol esal e
. Grocers, N 0.192 Liberty auto. epS
JTiaIMS DALZELL, Whoseal. Grocer,Cennuisstou
Merchant, and dealer in Produce ad Pittsburgh
hisunitectures. No.tM Water et, Pinsburgtt jes.l6
'KIER & JO NES, Forwarding and Commission Mar
chents,Deulers in Produce and Pittsburgh morn
L.cturcd studies, Canal Basin, near ?th st.
Vesuvius; Iron Works.
q, DALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all o•
L Bar, Sheat, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best
quatiry. Warahousa, 54 water cud 105 from v.
WAT Pair( a. .
ink and COMlSlillaitti Mem-ban; Deals.; to Pius
urge Manufactures and Prod.o. Nos. 31 Water .1.,
Rad tin From C- rtr
EMIT Laatesaz, ..• ,:•• •
AMBLIIT SlllPTOgi,lenale Grocers, Fou
_LA warding and C0=1.01.111 Mercbants, dealers in
Prodtre and piusluttgh Manufactures, Noe. t 3 and 133
• _ •'• febl3
fur the sale of Ametiesn Woollen
Goods, Lamm street, opposito Fifth- =yr...1.1y
lh„f EACE.IOFROTHEERS h. Co., Conomustoo Met.
J 5,1, chants, Phtladelphis, for the see of produce go,
penal". Liberal stimmees made on eoroognments.
cGILL tr. ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commas
on Pierr-bants, No. OR Liberty •L, Pituburgt,
AMYL MAIM, WY. Z. amain.
ALIEN fr. Co., Commiallon and Forwarding
Merellunts, IValer and Front us., between
boo and Market es. inn 6
[LEER k RICIETSON; Wholesale Grocers and
Commission Merchant, No. CM, Liberrygst..., Pau
ts,Pa. /Vg4
• •-
HOLMES & SON, Nn. 65 Market m., second
door from corner of Fourth, dealers co Farman
and Domestic Bills of;Ekchsage, Certificates of Depose
n„ Bank Notes and Spent..
iLI Collections mad on all the principal miles
throughout the United
States. throughout
11013EBT MOONY, Wholesale Grocer Beemfying
Distiller, deal. in Produce, Pittsbur gh kLasafac..
tares, and allkinds of Foreign and Domestic Wm.
and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street CM hand • very
large stock of superior old Monongahelawhiskey,
ar Melt will be sold law far cash. apt&ly
AliTrlA.liD -T rL l , Jr., koponer gad Dealer
forelgn and Domestic SadMuy Hardware and
urge Trinutungs, of all descriptions, No. L 33 Wood
Ju n Pittsburgh. mr.r,
th !CHRDRetad Dealer
„LA, Le A ather, Morocco, Shoemsters , Too and Fuld
tngs, Tannin' and Coders' Tools, and Tamers' Oil,
No. L Wood st., Photo:ugh- scold
1,03 W COVI.Vion, SAXVICL. L•
ROBINSON & Co., Wlsolesale Grocers, Produce
and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pius
rgt Manufactures, No. Dm Lastly a-, Pinstmaiels.
it. • DALZELL & Co., Wholesale Grocer
Gosruaisaion end FOTIIIISMiIn Merchants, dealer
tit Prodawe sod Pinsburgh Mannfaeurres, Libeny et
Plumber • Po. febal
#ol3r. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Omen
Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture
'o. 144 Liberty 4. Iyl2
VINOLDS ISHEF, Forwardistig a Commissio
jt, Merchants, for the Allegheny Biv or
Trade, dos
era in GtOCGTIeI, Produce, Pilleburgh lidanufacm •
and Chloride 'of Limn
The highest prim, in matt, pale se all tia. for
try rag. Corner of Penn and Irwin ad lard
kUSIIFIELD—WtiasaIe &do in dry • 6roceriey i l " t Pi b
iU, ry stetPuubsrgh.
OMIT?? jOßlSsol4;Wholesals and Retail Dealers
1,7 La tSilliary gioods, Lassa, Hosiery wad Fancy
a. 40 liarkat crest, ad door abase Third at,
Pittsburgh. 4d 151
alts=rrlij 7/.01. warm
QUACELETT t WRITE, WholdiZ Dealers In
Foreign sad Demesne Dry Goode. N 0.66 Wood .tpataburg (<6M!
.h W. nesaAvoH, wool Aterehltons De4de
Flora and Produce generally, and Forward
end iloauniselon Merchants, No. 63 Water tn., Pius.
0, ----------- 112ITA adOALEY tr, Co, Wbilesale Grocers cmd
L 3 Produce dealers, Nrs ISEI Markel street, between Mb
sod ea. North side, Philadelphia. nest
i1,.-7-3rricitiliiiii---Fruirr tricnota, Kama:tn.
NICOLA Produce and General Crea
k) at
Minion Morchaula, No. l Liberty at, Pitubutet
Sperm, Linseed and Lead Oita
litt . F. VON BONNIIOII.I3T, & Co.,Wholesale Gm. '
IlUa .Re ls, Forwarding and. Oommingon Merchants.,
Pal/ * Pittaborigh Manantetuna and Western rro
lialhaye removed to their near warehotise,told stand)
No. Corner of Front st. and Chancery Lane.
. ,
ri,&, -„ .& iltM.Whotesalo GM.. and Commis , .
ginwhirrehants, and dealers In Produce . No.. 3i
. 33 lth, rittsbargh. pall
----lAIEIL, Agent for Mexican calmer. end
proratrina penconsost the office erWat. E. Atia•
, Butts buildings, 4th et, Pitteterratt. My son
la the puma land orrice at WasMesso , ill anal* to
ol'Y imhtheas the* free of expecte to op:lrma.
"" DAM Wcaardina
& inTANDLINS, (successors to L. d:1. D•
flint,)) Witolosalo Proms, Forwarding .114
C05...1011 Merchants, Ortolan in Iron, Nails, Gloss,
Lenora Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures genorullY,
refl.. , of Wood and Wm., , arrets, Pittsburgh.
80 SY. —Communion and ' on• •Iri!
I.WALLACE, 4121 sum, and MW•
ins cemblidment, No. 276 Libeny st., near .
panel. marlNS
- Ir.alta3,lsekdat In Fancy anTiirail
W Dry Goodo, No. NI Market strov,Pittkborgh.
_Resler an - Wooohoo, Jem<lry ,
Vy , Silvet Won, rthuury Goods, key No. 67 Mar
ket st. awl
Nict - - ft - Mt godc' ,- -.
i< o.'lV--*M--w-Z`IV-l ui ~
. Fansign o EktMealC Dry Good., lamb out
comer of blotto mot Fourth sug. _
Ini. lowa, . •••.
WM. YOUNG a Co.—Dealen la leather Ilidrs, er,
I 1 1 1431.1berty lA. Ans-ly
yvik...M. )1 -- LTRE.E — Wbolesalis °Totem
. [
a a, and Wino and Um.
archasaa, also, Imponara of doda Mk and Idaaefiffia
Pointer, No. iso tawny a, Pnubtdibt P. ianfally
cum arA,czegrAii i & Whnlirsitaril,,
waituot°,:alid.,,,s • !all ',A
• =ales, Wan on hand, .
ral alsoriment aro& In raw
llna a
Tr/ CharsT A11nY0 1140. 9 04 •
• asentytni Distitters„ and Wine and. S idquo,
nuts. Importera of Boda anooneda -
INI Pawnor, No ,t5O ÜbeiV stref, Pinsbitry4, Ps. • ,
- -
... ..
-, ~ • -
... ,
- ,
. 1 -3 ,- 1 4 '• 4 lq - , • - , .. t : • : 2 -..,,,
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-. 1 J t". ..... , ' • t .tt.LC. Pk. , I AI: 1 t :4 .., .". :, tt.t :
. . . . -.. :: tl. ~• i . :iq f ., -
• t : - , -
, I ...
t '
: .
..,,, .....,..
• 1 ,
9• , 1
- " • Gult '
• .;
. --
, •
C AR+ S. •
JOHN PI. TOWNSEID; Druggist tad Apothecary. 2l No. 43 Market rt., three doors above Third at. Pitts
burgh, will - Eros eonsunllp on hand • well selected 2.-
m:win:lent of the hest end freshest Medicines, whir , he
will tell on the most reasonable Term•. Physician'
sending order., wilt be promptly iwended to, and sup
plied with arbeles p ty u#rely upon
Er . PhYmonms• ' naval be seenraisly and,
neat d y prepared from the est material, an)" h*"
the Also " for " ra h ; - a largo stock of fresh and good Perla.
• • Monaimakela Livery
ROBERT H. pArrEaSON ePourd
_Twik , the large cabman Firtl . as runn!hs , lhnt
■FA to &cam] W. between Wood end
u, in the rear of the klonongnhe , a Hous,
with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of
the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept 111
epic the best manner. whilv
Rita - LS ON WOOD ST_, 1 3 117SELlittski.
riONTINUk:S to 111.0131.4C1L1M Atonements, Bun.
V.aults, Tomb, Head Stone•, Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Mee Tops of foreign .d domestic marble, ar
& regular undfrur rice.
N. D.— Dramas , for monuments, vault, Ire- furnish
ed, of any desenpuon. He 101104 U a uharr of public
patronage augb-dtf
wrujAm small. Manufacturer of Cotton and
colored Lanett, Pongee for Drosses, ke.; Sevong
Salk and colored Cotton Fringe. for silk and glngham
Parasols. , Gimp. Mohair, and Silk Belton Fringe.,
made to cider on the aherteat notice.
. . .
Elnan, darner of al eider. Lune and Ih' Minn, entrance
No SAWdliarn surer, third door, over Abner & Ely.'
rum, NO CZ Malden Lan:_Nyve York min
MIST= w 101.17..p5, Jos. C. roc., 1005. nra NOSS,I r.
.70,011 TOMS, MLLE SOB, :JIM I. LI11(4.,
11104 SIMPSON.
0 rem of Vial. Boula., and Window Glass, keep
aonsuantly on band • general assortment of sbe above
rticles. Also, make to order a superior article of
Mineral ca Soda-Waxer Bottles, of colored glass. No.
If Woad St. Pittsburgh, Pm atralll-CM
mreatrza ~ n 1 DULLS. 1,1
addleet' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
Mossy Dserflay, Varnish, 40. &0.,
; L, near Wood—All gunnuti, of Green and
lack Teas, done up in quarter, half, and
one pout, packages, ranging (foal 5P cis. per pound
8450. )31 A. JAYNE:IA, Act. for Pekin Tea Cu
Duqqe Ise Spring, Axle, Steel and Iron
COLE4AN, HAILMAN & Co. manufacturer. o(
Corea and I.llpOo. Smug., Hammered Arlen,
Spring abd Plough Steel. Iron, &e. Warehouse on
W afar and Front laractig, Pittsburgh.
Alp, dealers IA; Conch Trimmings and Malleable
Castings. 0m.12
Mod door above Smithfield, south side.
Conveyancing of all colds done with the greaten
eareand frgal neatUlLty.
Titles to Real touts exmoned, Soo oet3o4y
URN FINNEY, 2r., Agent at Pitmburgb for the LS-I-
D /want Mutual-Safety Insetrance Company of Pro to.
adellible. Fire Risks upon buildings :mcl merchandtm
of every description. and Marine Rinks upon boils or
cargoes of vessels., taken upon the most favorable
• ••• ,
Office hi the Warehouse of W S liolmes & tiro ,
rao. 37 Waiter, near Market street, rtusburgh.
B:—Tios /tunnels/ of this Company Sitle! the estab
lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt
ness and hatrality with which every claim upon them
for loss has boon adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the eouftdonne and patronage of his friend. and
the community ai large to the Delaware M. S. litsu
name Company, while it has the additional alvantaget
a, antristitunou among the most nourishing ot Philadel
phia—as having an ample paid-in capital.which by the
operonon of its chance is consuunly me reaaitic, as
yielding to oath - ileum moored de. share oi the
profits of 'the company, without involving him In any
responsibility whatever, - and therefore ass passmasing
the Mutual prinexple divested of every obnoxecrus ma
tins, and in its own attractive Conn. novi
FIREAND 3.1.1111.18/F., INSUB.A.NCK.
rivHF. Insurance Company of North Antenna. mroogh
1 as duly authorised Agent, the subscriber. odors to
make permanent and binned irkurunee on property, t
thin city and to eank ny, and on atuptuents by (he Ca
nal and moors.
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose White,
Jacob M. Thomas,
John IL Neil;
Richard D Wald,
Wm Welsh.
Fratucs iloskens,
S Aaiun
Hama D. Stmantaah, Seel.
Thu is the onksHinsurance Company the United
States, having bean ehartereda 1794. Its Mutter is
parpetnal, and foam LIS high mambos, long tipenenee,
ample meansomd avoiding alt nits el an extra has
ardous charaCter, it may be considered as offering am
ple security to she pulihe W. P. JONES..
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones a Co, Wa
ter Dad Float !averts POtabargh. mays
1881.1 -
THti Franklin /Ire Insarance Conspany. of Phinidel-
Idads. will make Insurance, permanent and limited
cm every description of-property, au hasher-an and the
antroundtgr . cannery, en favoraole terms. Tins eons
'dapiti4 we , p.m-1=
Conungeit, Fund 59CU,000
Office cornet of Thiid and Market streets, Pittsburgh.
aplibtf WARRICK MARTEN. agent
Antra G.CoLtn,
Smog W..Jonca,
Edward: Amid,
John A. Brown,
John White,
• •••
Thar.. P Copa,
Samael r. P =Loh,
Samuel 'books,
fiThr e nedetaigned,dury antbormed Agent oft!. Amer.
I. rear, Fire Insurance Company of
' Phue:ph.
continue. to effect ni I tt•uraakce mai:mit or a:l
egauhrt Fire, on bnuogs, merehandEa 4141
e, :urn:lure
property, not e tru hen: wino: thii city am: Imosity
1:14: Crellir 11 AN. woo.:
Sl..:U.SeliiirEk/ 003 demi appoulted Agent pro
14.. of Eae Inauranec Company of North America,
and will borne Policies mad anend to the other tenanesa
1 tim.A.jebel, at thew arehouse or Atwood : Jo:4e. b.
Co. aplit P ei..
No. 00 Bann& Wharves, t No. 117 Owl. Water et.
IaiPERRI to inform the end dealers generally, of
.LIP-Pittengh, Wel they sieve mule such awn.- m ints
with the , Virginia mmatecturen and the Growers of
the Wed, West Indies., smoother places, as mull insure
• 1"1ge h m d .eona lmmt aa p ply of the following deter* ,
none of obacco, winch win be sold upon Si ecoorti.
=dal% terms Its any other house in tins city or else
where, d_gagooda ordereo lrom them will be war
rented etptiora representation:
Herons Si.l Romans°, Conn.; )
Yarn, Pono Rico, Pena.; ';iiheed Leaf to-
Cuba; & Florida. ) baeco;
ALSO—rah • celebrated Aroma. Slag Coven
*nth a large easorneent of ether piapular brand,
and quabbea a pounds, eit. oa, LA, Ris and XL, Lump,
Sa. O. Ss mud 10s Plug, Ladle& Two. Virginia twin[,
in., •wa. 'and plain, in whole nod nail bonus, wood
end on, together wt. orrery variety of woele belong
lag tO the irate.
A. 31.1312. ..nserso
Produce, Co
11 mmission and Forwarding
E 11 A Pi T 8
N. 62 Nor= Wruarrs, Am, I WA,. ST
Pk V
Rfril To--John ii. Botoarn & Co.
Hobert Steen b. Co ,„
It/unroll, Hoover k Co
Smith, LingAley b. Co.
Allen & Paxton, Nevr York
Walters b. Harvey, lialuntore.
Bagaley &Sundt,
Borbridge,Wilton & Co
Bailey, Brown & Co. ' "" "" h..
frICT & Jones,
16 Liberal cash advance* on coostittanents di to on.
=a. Ither. wawa
And fJeiscral . Corair v issla i n rehantas
r t
REFERENCES—Hem, Grad & Co, Pateburga
Rodgers b. Sherlock, 1
S. Schooley A. Sou
A. M. January, laysvllle.
Charles Benham, Jr, Louisville.
• Deana Humphreys & Co. 1 .
Mercer, Bro. & Co. PhilasFa
Reed & Brother,
' apl4y DAUM & Corainery, New
rutsq. Lawny irTuirressoa.
*". 7 88 L...? Li, commasn, &no.
L itax - cocatten.
COMIALSSIOU apd Forwarding illorehanis
60.16 WOOD re., rtrreaciaori,
top:Timms to vvauet a gmcrd Comuummoo boat.
nets, especially the purchase and ode of Anted
a,oll4l.tfnetures and Produce, and In reeeiring and
forwardin anu g Goods eorwlgned to ht. care As Agent for
the Allactures, he will be constantly supplied with
the principal articles of "Inshore, Ma g nf e gb,,, at the
lowest wholesale pries.. Orders and consiginnents
are respectfully solicited. IP7
wuoi.lassa.m. Gammas;
s rc , j4 Nags, Cotr i o g na:r ig n . s .. ac r. Pd y ttsbecratt
Net 10 woo rtsarr, rn - nuicacui,
Woratarding Merchant, Drove sville, Pa.
Attends particularly lc the Font-m . olog of
For inforreetian, apply to FORtiHiTlf CUN•
CAB, Voter at
lifPll4l.L C 0112121811103
N0a.1115 and IU7 21.1arnes WHAILF,
Rairllaaness—Hetelasnnts Pilaboralt. _
SI have taken an.offiee nossodiately opposite to
bar bolas wafehonse,, for the present, P ere
Amßleast basin.. es weal ; mud a new hous male
be eteeted. anangeseents !mows already beep
10? tbel Wpeer• Pants will lawnys be on module..
our Odarfia receive freight.
- C A itI'ANULTY k Co,
spa Calla' Bast. Warn, et
• - -
(Suceessots to Reed, Hurd tr. Co-,1
Pazilealay, Autwym odd to the sate of Wool, and libel ,
...4 . J.,dirOsLe. made on Callcsgruneuls.
CLYl* . di - v4y
,S --`p9 brr 840,1041 and 1044 window/ gine.
.1.% des ineatasz Jana ail and lot safe by
• 1145 1 a. DUNC 44
Buller, Pa
viriLnoLoa.l.totoltizidurhtlt:Tlinizien,ridaill ether
ü bu o n n4 l.
counties, pa. Refer is
I. & R. Floyd, Liberty st
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall do Pittsburgh.
Key k Co., Wood es J jan7
ir 13. IiIIWEPPZER, Attorney at LOW, office 3d
opporite St, Climilet. Hotel, POtaburith, arta also
attend promptly to Collections, in Wuhington, Fayette
and Greet) counties, Pa.
Blaekstoek, gen & Co.,
Chorob & Carothers, llttrutbetrada
D T teeladly
EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at. Law,
. Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. 'in Panthern Ohio,
and in Indtane, and 'll,lj...tacky, prompdy wad care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn
.ylvanin, for talang Deposition., aeknowto4onettut.
. - .
Rstra to—Hon. Wm. Bell k Bon, Cc:ate, Church &
Cart/them Wm. flays, Flq„Dock & Davot.'
. .
WILLIAMS Ze SIIIFIN, leneceesore to Lowrie and
V Y {Vilna...) Attorney.. and Counsefiore at Law
Office North aide of Fourth etre., above Smithfield.
JAME 3 F KERR, Attorney at Law. Bakewell'
Building, Grunt street, nearly °prase. the Court
House. aog9-3a.
U •
LOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices on
Sratlifi'eld. between Id and Oh .to
FORW NVY2,I) Attorneys a t ;
h it ao n e & B o W ce i t ' t their °throw the South stile o'
Fourth sr., between Cherry Alley and Grant street
TITU. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at;A.., hes re
. 1110.4 oftee to the arobange liteddroae,SL
Clot, at., neat door to Alderman Johnapttly
AMU RI, W. BLACK, Attorney at Law' Olßoe ."
1.3 Fourth street, near Lirent. Pittaborglt.
To Country Merchants.
A LARGE STOCK of School Book., Paper, Station
ary, err-, mutable for country *aim among which
Writing Papers, of fine, medium and COMM. gull's
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do du do do
-Note nod Loner E.1.1010fleg:
_.Slstea, Pe, c as. W niers. kitul Is and Steal Pens;
'Window Paper k yard aide) plain and printed;
Bonnet Hoards, of different qualinesi
Rank Hook•, in great vanetr,
Family. School and Pocketlea;
Crown. medium. and double orowut wrapping papas
l'ilcauSe's Eclectic Spellers and Readers;
Ray's }'cloche Arithmetic.
Cobb's Primer., Spellers and Raeder.
Sander: do do do
- •
Anthaterica, by Adams, Ettorla,eolbtant, Smith, Sink•
ton, Emerson., and other.
Ocograpoiea, by Mitchell, Olney, Bomb, Morse,Goad
rtch, Parley. and others •
Gram:tan, by neruth. Markham, Pathan', Weld. and
others. For sale at low pores, by
SI wood st. 6 doors abase ada
The highest market peace paid for good united raga,
au cash. nett ,
DI...i.NT3rARY WORLLM.—A 1.0,-
tar expose.. of the great discoveries and Oco
nee of modern astrounaurChy 0 61 Mitchell. a a, Di
rector of the Onemman Oboe memory.
lienetlery - s Italy, Alps and Rhane.—letters from Italy.
the talps and the Rhine; by 3 T Headley. author ed Na
poleon said has Pdanahalls, Wasfungton .44 Ws timner•
lir. Re_ New and revved eddion
Statistics of t'oal —Tbe Gamy-ardor/0 and firedog,
cal dirdncuow of Almond c o mpireasiipsi or foot,
tnetudinit alai, notices and localities o f
s the various
mineral iiimottmous sateidadeas employed m ana and
malistfamore, illustrated by Maps and Diagram., • 0 -
cornpanied by tie arty 41.11) statistical tablca, and MO an
alyses of mineral cornbustbles, fro; prepared by Hitch
sincl Crow hog MY lor.
Jurt received a fro- cornea °reach of the above works
—fur sale by JOHNSTON & STOOKTON,
Ihmkaollers. cot market fr. 3d HA
- .
by J. A. k U. P. JANIM, Cincinnati. the following
new and calmed:de Works—: t
Dottipbant IlrEtedAloo—Contitining etetrh of the
Ate of CoL A. %y. Dortipkin, tnaattc/11%11ell Of New,
Mexico; Geo. liearney's Overland Expeettion A Cali ,
fornoN lOotaphasn'e CluriptugnatiFtwnei tlto N.A... and
hi. otspozzliel. Mot. open Ototturatua amid Ilittougo.
.41 the Oporatioite of Gen Price to Santa Fe, with tt
Ma p and Fltoentwoi.. by John T Atte:ea. A It o• the
lot Regiment of Ilwooon Cavalry •
Hitory of Kenn:lel - 7-1U Antiqinies sad Noturt:
(rtogrup.scal Stutumrtal and rroorovca:
desenpbons, wan anecdotes of Pioneers Lur, unal more
thun one bemired Plographroal gluon-boo of ttrustomrtam
al P.:moony burnMers. Statesmen, Jurist., I—myers.,
Armes, de, Illustrated with forty orairtuutugr, by Lewth
Collias, I TOL oeta•o.
The Twelve Nfonthe VoiMwer, or Jonmal of' a Pro
vane to the Tennessee Regimens or Cavalry, to -the
Campargn of N.loxaco, donna leol-47, coo inning an ac
eoont he March of th e Hegtotent ter Vrit ern t.
desenpuos or the Country passed over; mariner*, eow
mow, Ad of the people, Soeietres of Camp We, ttc
cocotte of all the aenons of other Volunteer Begs ern to
and atoll anton ot We Jingle.* War, Lon of kitG
led and 1% °nulled, Joe, illustrated by a large number
correct views nod pleat{ by Geo. o Furtser,l rotator
TeTvorm - Nr , •erargia - Fotertr} lardineiro
914111. submnber. have Just opened, at the arroyo
I Hand, a large stock of Oar rent qua:rues ruled and
pints white. and blue Writtng and Lemer-Paper,root
mermal and pacact pool Flat Cap, decoy and medium
, sc or n:Ttf , p . are „,
i f? „, r , to r a s ok . boo ,. /;:,. m d e , d , gto s a n n a d
royal e
Books and Ledgers. topeinor pa per
paper and best &Astern
binding. scboot Book. of all d.. abaUdard woo as
Theology and tie,encea, Qmila. gold nod steel Pens.
Wafer., Waz, llnt Flies, &G A,
Blank (took. of a.l mares ruled to pattern, and bound
In the mod substautial manner
Countr) Hereon,. supplied at Lowest wbonesar• pn
ens for cost, or rags at cash prices
JOB PRINTING —Having a Job other in connect..
with our estabbnalbent, we are prepared of caeCute •
orders to - plain and fancy Prolong—books, pamphlet , ,
etren4rs, bownew earths, bills of lading. , with dew
patch - end at o, pro es. Li...LIOTIth ENLLISII,
rnyl 7 , wood .t. between 4th and diamond obey
Nl4%ti WORK 4 -Nanny tidvel wiWolit
Berm by %Vow= Slalepeace. Tbsockary—sndi
dlustratious b) the author
The Tenant of Wlldfcti Hali by Acton Bell, author
of NY utbenng height."
Tho Young Schoolmistresr by Joseph Alden, D. D
Part I. or Haman* Illustrated edition of the Arabtan
Ntgbta' Entenamments New translatton, arranged.
for Maul) reading. woo explanatory note• by F.
Loom Esq.
Loomis Logantherw—Tattles of Logarithm* of moo.
bees and signs and Tangents for every ten second. of
me goad mot, with other wenn tables: by Elias Loom ts,
A. N., Prot Malberusucs and Natural Philosophy .to
the Vorventry of Sew York, author of a "Treatise on
Algettra. '!t. &e.
The above work• received this day and for sale by
JOHNSTON & wrocwroN,
imp; Bookseitera, cor market and &I eta
Penn Publications.
Itr ai l , ll" kl g
autumn en toir e aphiezt , an . d o P , otblie
liougirew of the L. S By H Li Wheeler. lilurrio ed
by austere. Heel cordons, &e &e. Vol. I. nanny., .
The Waage of C. M. Clay; =lading apeccbes mud
addresw a, with steel portraus: Edned by II Ureely 1
vol. 800
What 1 Saw in Caldera.: By Edwin Bryant.
lamas' Notes. VOI VI. on James Peter, John and
Charnis.ut Counter-Chan:nu By Mies Arltuosh, au
thor of ^To seem and to be,"-Coligiteat.” ho. &e.
'doll Urourr, a Domestic Temperance Tale: By C
Snags and queeta, or Life in the Palace; consliminG
of tuatorual sketches of late and ragituag suvoreagnalp
By J. S. C. Abbott_
A First Book rat Spanish, or a practical Introduction
to the study ol the apanalt Language: By J. Seibold.
The Dying Robot and other tales: By Be, Dr, Aide.
Just reed by IPKIN 8,
Apollo Ilndeldngs, ilk sl,
augl ISuccessoe to .1 L. Road.>
' eronsvedr, by .1T Beadle 7
'Power of the Pulpit, by Gordan, Senna. D. D.
Bethel tlsg, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, Manhaw, with Harmer,
Lactates on Stuaspeare, vo le;
Pah of LID, or Sketch.. of the ,Val to Glory and
Footstep. of Messiah;
The Convent, by author of School Girl In Francs;
Now sod The. by. Warren;
Sk.tches of 1,610114%, Olt Parables and Miracles,
Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger,
!leaven upon Earth;
Haprksba, a talc of and for England: 2 yols.
For sole by ELLIOTT tr. ENGLISH,
fell) 70 wood and 156 aurt{et so
A L T.EW , I3OOK3-3.1. en ad from toe publisher,
1.11 and for we at the Methodist Book Store, Ith
near, Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy. in three
styli's of banding, • beautiful book for a present.
Preparauon for the Pulpit.
Skew hes of Sermons on the Parables and hliraclos
of Cliri.t, by the author of the Pulptt Cyr. lopedm—Lad
sketches, he. Th. English Pulpit; collection of acr•
Mons by the most eminent hying divine. of libeglad.
Mpricaas You—Duilig hood, Cashew. Loon, Loo
est thou me. altered Meditations. my 24
nithe lard
J IL Religion of
Deduce klatiad
from the nd tram the Creation
of to dm
0 , iiiiatee. wriungs Moms,
and ones espi e d authors; and il/ustrated by contorts
references to the a• tentrecord.. treditions, and my
theibtry ohne Heathen World—by Geo Swath, F. N. A.
1 V 01.•
Chan. and Counter-Charm., by Miss hli'lltiosh. A
fh supply of Was very pogolsr little SVflet.
Ollx4Dr. of the Amerman Revolution, b y E. L. M.-
goon, with Portraits. 1 vol, 11 too.
Parley's lAbtnet Library, for faradic" or schools, 20
vonimes, 12 mo, with engraving*. This 'is • new work.
Pee sale lel It I IOPKINS,
A g • 40 at
BC/fithiT—Botany hd
the 'abet shire;
teeth of Vagina; comprising deacuptions of the
dowedug and torn-lika plant. hi e . found In shove
Suttee; arranged according to the. natural system.
With a samosa or the (donate acnortnag to Line
main system, a sketch of the radmients of botar.y, and
a gloseary of terms, by Lewis C. Deck, M. 1/., Prof.
Chemistry and Natural History in lintgaris College,
New Jersey, hr. ho. Second edition, revised and en
'aged Pot sales by
L"ondlA Ft.:l,2Norlpeft Id
rig Patriots
G o i
thn French Revolutlon—from unpublished enlaces! by
Alphonse de LAAMTUIIIe. ComPlaln in three veleelee:
Ityda's wartairman A fresh supply of this popular
work reciiived this dsy and forsae by '
6.'1 , 1 6 Boot eellers co r market and 3/1 ate
OITEDINitS IN BUROPV, or sketobel of travel
France, Belgium, Aust , ,ia, Savitteriend,
Ir-j to
easta, liaised god Orem Braun; with an appontS•
cmotmans observations on European chariots , and
roetmol Instructions, by Jrthn W. Carson M. D.. A
few copies for'aisle by
AT ou a STORK on Nsarket Street, No 56, between
gd and 4th l may at at loom be fauna • Ittkr.
of Theoloineal mut 51incellasernm Books. 2"jow
boats received soon ea published, and sold at love
eirfprices. -The pablieationur ofitre - kmerieus BetpaY
School UnicatlM hlareash•setla Utibtith
oreh al•iyi,on hulk Cat•In••• furnished 'ow bp
" 114419 / Oh %NOMA P4P4 4, 0 .•
Q T OGAN KENNEDY ve this day associated
Li with them in the Har d re business, Philip Wil
son arid Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here
after be Logan, Wilson Co. This arrangement ma.
der. it dlitsbuole to clogs the old blame. es soon isa
posnible. All persons whose liabilities have matured,
ate especially requested 1D make immediate payment
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, 1048.
TOGAR, wiLsoN & CO.—lmporters and
j Wholesale Dealers ta Foreign end Domestic Hard
" Wei Callery, Saddlery. &c., 1919. Wood street. Pina
burgh4are nowt fully premd with 41 recently impor
ted steel of Hardware. Cutlery, e.c., to offer very great
inducements to western buyers, being determined to
compete to prletes eintti any et the Ailment One. Al.
so on bend as eeleastac eintortment Putsburgh Hard.
were, nor Shovels, Spades, Forte, Hoes, Vines,
all of which will be sold at the lowest menufectitrerai
prices jant
.411„TETE suliseribees having rebeetly milliped Into
partnership under the mime of. Gal &ghat, king,
et Miller, for the purpose of carrying on Me Bel l
.4 Bruit Touhdillg .4 . oaa Fitting bniinesaan
its branohes,Lhaao maim the stand formerly mmil
pied by,IL Gallagher, No. lea rnsnt street, between
Wood mid Smithfield its:,-whore they are prepared to
'execute all ord.. for Bells, Brass Outings, of every
doscripcon, and Ga. Fittings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to.
B. A. LONG,'
N. 11--The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
lormieLM our ami-aoractionmetal, for a reduced priest.
which Las been pronounced superior to Bobbies by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and
tic public, generally, are al.o imputed to eall and cm
amine our superior double ben. Force Pumps for
steamboat sod domestic me.
w under n the gem of
on the Ist inst. The business will be closed at the old
stand to.either of a, using the name of the firm for
that purpose. Being deamous to have our Mumma
loved with as little delay as possible. we would to
!h eir n
pectfully request those indebted to nall and settle
eeouout JOILY hDCORD.
naltdH. D KIND.
TOHN D. 31'CORD Laving associated 'nth him has
brother Jamas 31130tt1, under the style of lit'Core
& C.IMISLIC the lint s Cap and Fur business in
ail as various branches., wholesale and retail, at tie
old stand, sooner of Wood and Erth greetl4 whore they
solicit a minunostuou of tho patronage so liborilly be
stoatod on the old hen. JOHN 13 31'CDP:a
3.1.24D8 & 1111X/ILD.
N retiring from the old .41 well aroma 6rto of
M'Con.l k 1414,1 most rospehtfiLy recommend
tits patronage of the puhlic my successors, Hess..
Co pi.lB H. A 61NO.
00-Paruas rildp Notion.
ENV, STEFH&NS of Wheehng, Is F. Skil:mhos - get
J. of Juniata, and J A. 910Cklarl of Pittsborgh, tome
this day entotod lame co-partnership miler styli and
hem of stepbetm, am:Merger fr. Co" at the Anchor
won works, Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of mane
factor tug s e a and nails of essay desonphon.
IW. 1111/11110s, ar. snowarentaaa, I.A. STOCKTON.
mailing, Va.
blandfactoro •11 kind of Waltzer .Iyea bar iron anti
nails. A 11. steel <Uric springs and aales. Being con
nected owl oldlailtista sorbs. ore eau
offer an 002077 of Joanna con Coraiideal liboinbergeo
Nana! to any ramie .n the Glow r) 11l of .Mich
bo aold at the Pinsbeirgh Worehoavo of the
work• earner of Monroe anal Wator sta. topU
UTRSIDLUTION,-The partroinitup inihoitioeglse
"Yang under the styli and firm of Mgt... & Dal
:ell, In this day dissolv. by innanal CMS... John pal
having disposed or his enure interest to H. Wight-
Musa. The litisotio• a the late firm will eettled by
H. Wig . who is authorised to .• the name of tire
late fir.. that parpooe. H. WiIeHTNIAN.
ApoOdi. pirlyl47l J DALLELL
THE Subscriber ts now prepared to otandserture all
lands of Oman and Woolen Steehine7. at the shortest
wens e. Orders 101 al a &bop, co,
nes !Awry .4 \Cater streets, ertil .! with prompt
attonnos tnWIGHTNIATC
Lcuscok 0., betwoort Faicral and Sandusky srs„
geeledly Allegheny ray_
( , 117.P.A TIIMIUMITIP—Wat Young having MI
tair ri7:l th ea b fie ' r . te * :o ß fi :la M en ' 7;27 k t:
firm MWe Young & Cr. WILLIAM YOINO,
.1&10 1L M'CVNE-
AND TO stoat
Wife •nd ll•ught•r
N TH (*NITERS - PATER —Tim int hoer alfr rerpent-
I bony halls your attention to Dr (Jammers 1./cha
rt:am. chrtreacl) one:idea fan the preaervauou or the
health or both whether lc slow from Inetptern
Phallists. or earlT eousumpuon, Deoutly of dui Lo
Brourthual Affeeuarta Arihm.. Platting,' . Deranged sod
Duordrred wars or the Laver. Apteen. or Kidnap., Ma
ras.] tune. Cholte. Dpipt7pria. Palpitatto, of the
Heart, Loan of Aluscular or Nereou• Power. Rom he.
DR. (1 EL BARRETTE( GUARDIAN homed to the
immediate relief of Fentaies tudr.rang front ltregulari.
.... -. . .. .. .. ,
ea, and all other l'tenne dttEcrohles end eante incl.
dental or woman. wtreiber occasioned by cold, vest
feet, or eny .1211141 f Iltio4A , lou. exposure, and all tam
entimiotche use or medicine, as the most delicate and
4a.......-as,sia, rriplT tt to smelt
;any unpleasant re s u l t =trtot it, cad with Sri
certaanty of °bussing maned.. ac
Dr tzar C . tioardinn . ao catch-penny, or One of
Um marl !Lumbar of roe day; bot It to an matron:mot
made upon .Melly micoor.fic prumrpies. accordance
sirolt ma laws of Lit clneity mld Galvanism, sod for
riejaMeall, dondnlity ard ell6c•ry, todninaly mrpaasts
eve rythitns of the Itiod aver bnfore offered to dm pub!.
for the ether ordosewe and. In the language of one 01
the most enhgamsed oreno(dte day, Is prom:amend to
. ( the greatest discovery of the age " •
A period nn less than four year. has been occupied
Dy Dr. Barrett to bringuig she ( 1...J.. 0 (0 0 .
state of periectinn—during which luxe tt Wr been to
ale hands of some ot thelMol , ll emineat physicians dr
North and nanatti, nil as Lathe dereitings of no
merous nanilrs, sYllo have ued it tor all of ihe &have
purpose , . with the lama perfect IMIC(11.11, and arha bait
rheerfulty grim thou ataittalditti •Pti , ohaittni
efficacy and value, a. ran I, seen 19 rm., th
%ianstal of inttraetan• neernatitanytng It
• • •
Dr. C. N. kLaris tsunrdian is secured funsi innova.
'sons by• puient from the Untied Susie* Patent Ogee,
and be bad ealhel r lb •r wntborrt his bded4eo-9eatro
Medico-FDertro Cutlr.oineter, in point of beau•
. .
ty, waltmaxistop, durability and power, eannit he tar
pureed orevex equalled, and the subscriber fee./.0 that
he hazards nothing to the assertiOn that it will be found
path es more power and efficacy in the 'reams-en
rsol rer:oval of dtheaths, by Gathatitsze •nd
than any other increment, either In the United
States or Europe The Medico-Electra
to warranted in every respect, end with common anti
nary care will last a tife-ume, and Is by far the cheap
ert, because the treat, toolnlalent ever offered to tho
public. A mattral accomparnes them, gtetog the moat
ample meth...bons, ef praetleal experience, to that it
• readily tatelligthle ba th e mind of every one, while
the • w • -try of errangement is such that a rthid may
e -ipessie teeth it
Any inforth.thast gratanonaly given, and all comma
, nieabbons cheerfully answered per mad, either tn rela.
nee to the Fleeces..o4l venom:eel or intordtan
Medical men are wetted to call and elnanne Dr Dar
rel'. Guardian, and teat KA eilitacy .
For safe by 11. 11.1CDAILIMOrsi, tole Agent. 71 Mac
cat at, Pausburgh. areS-Altf
VP though Dr Taylor's Iliosern of Liverwort lies
faked hundreds of atrocities, and he. produced • lame
number of team:tome I . In its favor, 1 cannot witboold
my small weed of praise. Being predisposed to eon
eumption, both from peasber formation, and herednim7
trmsmissioa, I tried every mama to Meek this dis
ease, and strengthen a naturally weak entisutution, I
spent two yearn at Pm., Ono at Rome, two a Florence,
and another in the South of France, seeking, mean
berm, the advice of the ban physicians. Two yeah
stoat I retaread m this combo, to about the same sit
uation as when 1 left it. I had seen in the reading
sap= I n Europe much said ui favor of Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort, and so soon a. I arrival to tide
city, I used it, and In three months I wan an well I con
nindest I could =fel) pass the winter bare, and did so.
I have peed mcmionally a bottle now and Not dunes
*Ow inwe, but are now in a. good health as is possible;
My codger has wholly cemed, end my tangs have eves
ry feeling of health. Dr. U Smith, and Dr. Post, of this
city, weremy physicians, and now say they believed
me incurable. J AMEN. RILL,
Western hotel, Cournundt .t, N. V.
Ltherwort, even in the common way of pre parmics
a universally known as the best article for &mama o
the Lungs' aver dtheovered, and it is obvious that •
highly concentrated preparation. securing the wlkple
ode of this inestimable herb, most be invalu
Moreover, this medicine contains the medical proper
nes of many root/ and he be Such has been Me suc
cess of thus Balsam, that it is warranted as being tam
eable of proalucing. in any Instance, injurious effects.
WWithin the last few yeses the calls for this aommign
vemedy have been immense, beyond precedent. and Se
reputimon sustained lrom Maine to Mobile; thus_pro
ring the confidence bestowal upon a simple medical
prenateUon, purely Vegelable., and the unusual estate
convictionct atbsnalng lu sa
fet yu hysicians too, Mom •
co of Bs mildness, and theetha, employ
it in their practice, recommend it hi their patients, and.
deem this medicine safe end to valuahlei particularly
as it dues not interfere with any other thethelne patientS
may be taking at the same time, nor restnet them to
any pecullailty of diet, confinement, to. , [bus enabling
• red ritolth 10 receive the full benefit of this medicine, and
Joßave actins same time, if they wish, the advice of
Mete physician.
sold m Pjusbusgb by J D Morgan, 93 Wood st ; J
Towcmend, 45 Market a, II Smyser, roc Market and
3d Ms; Henderson I Co, 5 I.Merty at. Price reduced
per bottle.
. sls o per tx.—._.
Tis 'THE it.crlacTut).
Dr. Basel Celebrated KOMEdiEL
- nit JACOB it ROSE, the dimoverer and ,ole pre
-1./ primer of these most popular and beneficial med.
tellies, and also the ISlVellinf of the celebrated instru
ment Cur inflating the Lung, In effecting a CUM of
,Ihromesheeases, was a etudent of that einutent phyla
elAO, Doctor Physic, and is aareduate of the Mum.. •
ty o f Pennsylvania, end for thirty years since has been
envexed in the invesureutin of awns*, and Use appli
cation of remedial theft..
Through • the use of his inflating tube, in connection
with Ms Pr ophyleetts Syrup and other of Ms rumedle.,
he has gait `td an unpandelled eminence in elltlng
those dreadpil and fatal maladies, Tubercular Chin.
sampans, Cu leers. Befaltill, Rheummuun, Asthma
Fever and Ago e, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ery.tpe
lan , end tillthos , 1 ob sonata dimues peculiar td fectuslea
Indeed every fu On of disease vanishes under the ase
of his remedies, t, s which humardty le heir—not by the
nee of one compotund only, (or
that is incompatible
with Physiological, but by Me use of his roma
die., adapted to and {eraser:bed for each peed.. loon
of disease. .
Dr. Rose'. Tuttle Pills, when used are in•
variably .knowledoect to be superior to all other, as
a porgative or liver toll, titutriach as they leas'. ins
bowels perfectly free. trout euetiveneas, or also hi .
blolden Yule is ednunell by the faculty try poems. pen.
liar properties adapted to female 0ne..., but being
satielled that a bare trial . sufficient to establish what
has been satelin die mluda call molitslopticaL
The afflicted are Invited to upon the agent, and
picture (grade) one of the Dtietor's eatapidess,. glint"
• . .ited account of each remedy, ILltii Ith application.
Fur eels by the following agents, as went , by most
Druggiehittuoinrhoot the country: : ,_.
1 ric two mak Co, 24 Wood street, Pkltsh 2 flriti
J3l To wt. send , draggist, 4$ Armletrid, it “
' Ile Allticathron. . smeller
P.O. ARelpittfl2 ally .
.1 .4.41
J. 13sAleffs_DarlipElint,Bearp! vilT 1 1, :-
J Elliot = YILI.Y. '
..-.07 , 1 7
WOLENLeN o LLAILNUN Co., have removed to the
W . smthonse, 3 doors west of the uopgegaheL
oate,onWatar and Pro streets.
POR RENT—The Warehonse No. 13 Wees3.l.
flf4ll:4l7lAlNfilligs7 .;
We110k64 01, 1
411 •
- - -
- -
go= see nuracron, morammat
aTHIS establishment long and widely Inietarri as
being one of the mom ceadarodiorts in the city of
Baltimore, be, recently =demo= vecy Wee
alteration. and haproventettiti. A. entire new
Wing . has been added, containing =moves and airy
eleepingapauments, imdrexteruive bathing Menne, ,
The Ladies ,- department has altar beet, 'eemplettly
Yeorganiud and fitted op in arose( unique , eml, On"'
Cot style, In fact the whole arrangement of t he House
:las been remodeled, with • angle eye on the part of
41 . Mullane. teergrds, the canton and pleasure of
their Grunts, and which they confident% await will
challenge commute= with Hotel In e Union.
Their table will always= =mph= with every sat.
Xe..i. l tied luxury 'which the market efrOrde, served
up in a superior etyletsettlle In the way of Wines, he,
:they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietors begin My, that nothing
will be ton Chair paw of Their
melstanut, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends end the public generally.
The pride. for board have also boon reduced to the
following rate.:
Lades' Ordinary, 1it,75 per day.
t Gentlemen's " 1,60
N. a—The Bagage Wagon of the Hon= will al
weys be bond al - the Oar and Steamboat Landings,
whirl will convey hymen to and from the Head. free
T. subscriber haring seaweed the manesc
amel of this long erialthshed and poplar Hotel,
- respectfully announces to-Travellers and the
Pabllo vira ll y, that he will log* all times prepared
to encase me them to all Mirrors desirable in • well
*related otel. The 1401116 is now beingrboroughlY
repaired throughout, and near Furruture added, tam lte
pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The andersigned rerptetfally solleita • ermdnuaneo
of the very !literati, the Haase has heretofore
received— THOMAS OWSTON,
,febildtf Proprtetor.
COl3lll VOOIIIII AND Ofla= arum, rrrnausotr.
RR subscriber respectfully announces that
now opened hls new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of traveler. bonnier.
anti A. ['ohne generally. The house and Inman.
ale mti red y new, rad no pains or expense have been
spared to. render It one of the most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels In the city.
The subscriber as determined to deserve, and there
fore aoliclus • share of public patronage.
ocalllvity JACOB HOUGH. Propnetor.
r,untratazi/SATilioirtNALT uousg,
' .
, TfIROCEMON Imp to acquaint b.
!nen& that he is again leases of the GALT
HOUSH. Louisville. Ky, where he hopes ta meet
all fats 014 friends, amusing them and the public, Ow
o Orbit shall hespanid to make all oossfortable wbo
favor trim , inth thov . Estro.. }entity
muter rr, A :Twiner Toe= elm neva ..
(- i mam e
d Iphia. s tete Bank
M of
POPE MITCHELL, tha Ueited Males, MI.
kj . . • Pte • now.
Chocolate, Coookay . Sigt
W. Baker's American and French CbOcolate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pasta, Brom., Cocoa Shells, Ref
T o
merchants and consumers, who would ptnrebstha
the best products of Coces free (roes adulteration,
Moro riattlttnua th an team cone, m aud qoalay gunge
pasted, the oubseriber recommends the above articles,
macularthred by himself. and stamped
his name.
Ills Brom. and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drtnha for invalids, eativalorminta , and
others, are pennottnued b 7 the most eminent playacts..
enamor to any other preparentans. Res matththeturee
are always on sale. in any quantity, by thit most rat
ryecubld yreteerl m the eastern tines, and by !bell
agents, !Ulm, Orgy ten, of Boston; Jam. M Ban.
& en, Hartford, Count Busse=tr, New YorL
Grant Stone, Philadalpbtai Rrundaru, /Ul
na:oral and Kelton & Denneu,Cmcirmati, Ghia.
• WALTER RAKER, Dorebestar Masa
For ..1.5 by .01 RAGALEY & SMITH, Ara
al 520111.1.
W- •- - • -
HITE. BROOKS Ca. 'would respectfully M
y T fatter the pabbe drat they have ereeted • on
Isaeock, between Federal mad Bandmky stream. They
me now making and are prepared to receive orders bar
every detteriptron of vehicles, Creoles, Chanore 8.-
Toggles, Marton. le., foe., ohleh from their
long experieyace in the emortfaCUtre of the above work,
and the Breams. they have they feel coolldern they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
Mew wading Wield, Le their hoe.
Payingmaticolar attention to the selection of crime
nal., and having noehdhet competent workmen, they
have no, hoenauon ut strarranung Mom work- We
marefordnak dre...anon f the peddle to thin matter.
Nll.Val...ring done 14 the hest meaner, and an the
man reasonable terms. learlf
Virjraiiifii Ciit. Iran nailing.
TUB *absent.. beg leave to Inform the pubbe that
they , ism. estairted from the Fart MI the late and
faatocate stestrne ice hen Railum, both for houses .
and ea stents Peron. sesselnug prorate baud
some pains.. pleas, call and amacrute. iodde
for thematelve. turruehed at thershory
en amide. and sa the beat manner. st the earner of
Craig Mid Rabeeea streets. Allegheny city.
asmalaseld A. LAMONT & KNO
!Stilt AL LED Vial TIM la In ENT.
13601.E350R CHRISTIAN NOVO most reepectfial-
II *annum , to me Ca12.1311/of Pittsburgh and
vismatty,lMatlue has Dioramas:iced giving Insuachos. au
the Kean )lot Earthed of la.tracttsta it •efy easy,
and eilaing d'e6 'r dun i n a very .hart nem He bope
fir g thhattailmatiems to Rio bum..., and ay remermalsias
calt"krVirlOrte 1 . 0V416.1 o 1 e.cetbur
t e r
1 11 , 4 ,, z Mein, at the ?loot
slas—J Menu, Fly, Predenek Blume,
Lou., V a' wll-111.111.
LOthipiNCupplag and Blee d ing.
NOV , " aftemmeor to DI R. Dena,. )—e
so a vmb meet oetvreen Woof and Stint/D
-el s Flesh lecemes received monthly --um:alma/a all
boars Reference, the physician. of Pittsburgh. Alle
gheny add Birmingham
I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians. Min
gle, wadi all my former fuends and patron, Mr. K. EL
Nome as baum thoroughly &cumulated mth the bast
and worthy ors. of /Wattage.
aminbly . M. it DECANT
liana lecol
48 I B lRl G Arnlu k tle fi g "e" "P'..." o "7•re1113
hf do Price k Harwood'.
21 do do do
13 do do Pearl kr Ilarvrood
II do 1 Robinson
57 ado do
t 1 do do Wen Dawson
XI do T Wnghta
37 do II Andaman
9 do L T lasitels
9 do R hiacan's
0 do Radcliff
Jost landing from weather and packets, and for sale
by 11X61,11:61UCICI4OR & Co,
11 north water stand 16 north wharves,
lei{ Philadelphia
MitY4l.l ,— A - t7T1,71171/ fOTIACCOL-215 ba s ou.
Ithris supenor sweet th larva
75 hail bin Webster Old superior sweet 56 lumpy
ID' Dupe , id la Lore'
10 M - Lend
1C I aw l 0 e 6. A 0. plug
Jos, a d ng (rum.teenier • d for PS b)
41 7 1 and I 0 N wharves
myol Pholadelptua
MI , f .1 iikLICKW 800 -!ochre
W T F . 4" Vot l d and ''4 T . l! .treat. , e e . tab a b ove
t h Xbro rl7l‘ cornerw ie re
e are prepared o do any work in our lin e th der.
pp eh. We attend to OCT work personally and san.
Mat on w II be give n raga d to m neatness and do.
Shook !looks ruled to any pa I ern and toned sub
au molly Books ie numbers or old hooks bound care
(oily or armored Name. pot on books In gilt an
Those Soot have work 1. C. 17 hoe aver invited to call .
Prior. hoer.roy2o tf
00.Pka Tlia/11P
yv Move eutery.d into paru mato coder the firm of
&advt. AM! NE4O and will carry on the T n
Co olit r, old
tuna W U Balme r Fug street, near Wood .
Formula, aueution eve. to steamboat work .
. 01
4(1(1 RI2B R Liiiiree - 60 6ag - i - rirlorsiTroiroo 313
1_24./ do Pt Domingo 47.1 boa 5 10 37 eats Lid do
ID IV Op 25 do 74 do tio 10 54 de hloda N 0
Sugar 20bbls No 3 soackarel 100 has roan amp No .
1. KO do dipped emales till do Cinomnato mould do,
recere& l an coon/maw and foe sale by
%eq.! S A HAMM:tell
• I V ge and spier usorunet t
of Cloths Casslmetes Fasting. Cravats &a and
for sale by L WILLI/12114 Marmon Tailor ,'
my rope Mont= Htr o sz er an n ll o ttld
Tares boa Draught Horses for ale, suit.
CPA& ble for draytng le Enquiry of
canal basht, I berry el
AAA ' stivs—k, din at nuineWeneh Celt Sitn• a
very fine ante a A few dote. Philade . ttaa
8 una from the mandfamory of II Craw* to
whiehl the atto.oloo 0( boot makers I. awned an
recelvgd and for tale by W YOUNG A CO
j e gy 143 Shorty at
T W M CI INT OCK 8 No 75 For rth street
can he roes to si lendldvanalY Of sup
no sod'tapestry Carpets latex style. A so Urus
sell 3 ply. nod sup and line Ingrain Carpet. of sup
styles luta qualm°. and is commetion can always be
Quad TaLle Lfne no Cruhes D apars Damasks
am thl Cloths he. de to all of winch we call the
Imola:on of the Public auryi
II AVM° sold our eaire stock to C H. Oasar, with
JOL e now to closing our old blueness, we hereby ece
lieu an him the patronage of all our (nand* and ena
Pittsburgh, Ang. 4th, 1848.
H. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commis,lon uld
Fortrardwa Nonagon, No. 4I Water rt. ante
NI OS. 93 end 64 Front street., Bell Founders and man
- ufaeturere of kinds of Fituags teeth.. norms
and Water, have always as hand r •rotsglit In=
lo t h el.
ded Pipe for loam, gas, and wate, from to
in diameter. liras. Castings made to order. Also, a
Inge usoftment of Reit. soli finished Hens. Work. to
winch the attention of Plumbers and Engine !Headers
is particularly defeated.
Us. Fittings pot up promptly and on rs t asortable
cra1115.117661 5 outbids s.
risinsas TO THIS RETREAT can be famished
V With a Lunch at all boon of the day; also., in
Cream*, Fruit Confectionary, As. The steamer Often
wood makes her regular trips es mut, leaving/ter Pitt
street landingat et A. Id., and at half past each hour
tearopt 11 1 until 101 P ht.—leaving the Ganteht et ill
Coshes last tap to the ally.
Alooonlight view of the Garden t. indeeeribalile
its keenly, 106
id4 TO
ITTBDURGH, BEE( iill,lste.—ve. ens vow
la Timeline( is tat bales JIM Ma
Err Yetk 4.4 - haunts Prima HOPI% .4 ..
t gala, ssoplles. We aro
. eteparild
to sell al lowest MOIL MCC, Pill .trret,44 l e6betT
riven eel% ow. W. II MTH 4% Co.
;Lam J 88trio kler & Co)
JSI A3rCFACTU RMS ti or Ph fiso proof ooroo,
south side, second meet, between Wood anti
Smithfield Pittsburgh. I S Strickler having deceased
and the stirvistrig . parmer Mr. Jos I.Appermottc havint
associated himself wish Mr. W m C Bars, ,the bow:Less
will hereafter be conducted ander the Milo of LIM . '
ton &Barr.
. • .
Trial of a safe lb Cineimmti. O,—W e, the undersign
ed wore present at the testing of one of .1 PI Btricklen . Jr.
Ws improved Phalanx fire-proof safe. The ado was
placed m • foreue en the public landing, and sultittetwi
to the intense heat pf mane coal Pre for mote than
throe hours In one hoer and a half the safe came In
a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then
closed, welch caused, an increased and steady hest for
the; bitten., d ihne,"until the cast isms wheels wern
partledly melted off; the furnace ems thou thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money papers
and baths which it contained were as perfmt so when
laced there, the binding only of the hooks beim
ured by the water in making the oaf. We have uo
mitation in recommending it to the public as a safe
superior to any we have-ever seen tested, and believe
that h will stand any heat which might be pcedueed,
inept sheet whteh would melt it to a solid mess.
Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg &
Emmett, Bind. Cum, W P Breese, Mums T
8 Dungan & Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wl3l Manse,
Mead & oto
• • ,
We, the undersigned, steeled the cafeq.t. of
above, from a lot In the mom of Trnber & Anbery L the
Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, f r attburgb;
Honey Hanna .A Co o do do Hefidtrarlyli
to tarrencorr. iTercracian.
kNITFACTVRERB of Hammer ed end Cam Stem MShovels nod Spades, Axes seed liatehms, ?dill, Si
Cut, Cinder and Gth Sawn, Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Mattocks, Pinks, Ac., hay* completed 411 their
armpit.. .nu in the constraction of new machinery,
and in scenting the best wolitmen from the mom cede
brated establisthmentsolthrrEast am now marnithens.ll
ing and will keep constantly on hood and 1 .4 0 . 14
the above articles, having availed themselves of the
latest improvements, and are determined that wo r k.
manshlp and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to mvalnee articles Noel, if not ouporlar, to
any that can he had in the El.l. They thane the att.-
Lion of des's. w. en examination of their stock before
purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they
will be able to fill all orders in their line to the entire
satisfaction of purchesers. Warehouse, Water street,
4 doors West Monongahela HIM., Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. 11.—Parsons, hall business with W. Lippert
Sea te
eau A Sell please cal on Lippentwtt & Co.
Pittsburgh Fnrnitnre W..ra Room*,
114111 STIFUS.
A large and apiendui assortment of rand
cunt, suitable tbr Steamboats, Hotels sad pri
vate dwellings, coustandy on hand and
mode LO order,
The presmut cook on (hand cannot be exceeded by
any oransfactory in the western country. Persons
wishing to purchase wohld do wen to give me a call,
utl am detterturted my prices shall please. Pars of
the stock consists in—
sofas with Mall and Heir-cloth cover.;
11 dos Mahogany Norse Chairs;
14 pair Magna fr
12 dos fine otehoggaini;
12 mahogany Woe Standt
3 dos mahogany gwum
16 marble top Bros ' Baroaas;
8 pwrOttomans;
I. orMrbls top Wort Stands;
19 cherry Work Stands;
Mahogany, Maple, Quarry, and Poplar Bedsteads of
all dosealmsons, and a largo assortment of common
Otruttare sad chairs, too numerous to mention
MITES are not ;aware bow frightfully hilarious tt tato
Med/be—hem coarse, bow , magh, bow sallow, yel.
low and Wealthy the stirs appear. altar salad proper.
pared chant! Besides it telsouncis, earnallung • barge
cpuloilty of lead!
We haveprepamd • beat/drill vegetable article,
which we call IONEW SPANISH LILY WHITE. 1,
is perfectly innocent, being mottled of all deleterious
onalidea and/1 taper,/ to de stop a natural, healthy.
alabaster, clear, living white:at the same time acting
as a =Mello on the skin , making it soft and smooth.
Dr. ;same Anaemia, Practical Cbcmtst of Mama/
ehmens. anyof I •Alter analysing Jones , Spanish Lily
White, l fond nprdna Me MOM bemultal and nat.
rat, sad at the suns now innoceat white Lever saw. I
certainly can cortscienuously recommend its on In all
whose skin regrures beautifying .” Price, IM cents a
box. Sold by WM.JADESON.POLIberry st. mar 49
TOIIN WRIGHT & CO, are prepared to baild Cotton
0 gpd Worsen an Amery of evert de.nption, such
as Cardurg Alaelunas, Frames, SrelloM
Magma Frames, Rad" y II Warpera, t poolem,
Dresung Frames; LooMle Card ()amders, &c. Wrought
Iron Shafung turned; all elves of Cast lvon,Palltes and
Hangers of rho Latest patterns, slide and hand lathes,
and tool. of all kande eastimrs of every de.riptton
forouthel on short notice. Patterns made to order for
hfill Creanng, Iron R1R.111116 he. Steam Hpe for heat
ing Factories, Caul Iron Windom , Sash and fancy eas
t/ors generally. Orders nu% as the Warehotota ofJ.
Palmer ft Co., Lawny street, will have prompt amen.
Refer ta Blackslock, Bell
ti Co, H. Moorehead &
Sorer, l'atatargh ; G.
• - New limmavrarearouse.
• •
it%MPH hVOODWELL, earner of
Wawa and MI sta., Ihnkburgh- Hav
ing withdrawn Mum the finn of
.IT/weII, on the Inc or ti .Z:urg it Lei4;7 6 ;
above named plate. Having purilirased my goad; for
rash. and made .ratigements with manufacturers in
Mus cosinry and in klurope to be con...fitly supplied,
I am frail - jrcuz . d to Manisa FLarthrare of all hada,
Weer. Merchants and otAcrs invited
to call nod els:rum my stock, before punclumlng else
where. The following comprises a part of his stock.
Sown:host and saddlery hardware, gun trimmings,
hies, Naylor steel. cutlery. edge tools, anvils. vices ,
locks, latches. scymma, bon lunges, renews, Union Fiw•
tory Planes, saws wan d boards surd veneers, and
all other arslitles peered with Me hardware [mar
ries* menllif
ally Dagoerrian Ginfielry
BOND 3411 PT, POST OFFICE Brlllll3o.
SROUE begs kart to Inform the citmem of Pins
a burgh and vicimity. !het he has taken the Miguel ,
man Rooms lately dosaipted by Mr Porter. The pub
lic are &seared that all the late improvements are scou
red, and will be brought into operatiou by Mr. Deg,
who hat, been a roustaut operator Mace the WI was
first discovered Entire sadslietton fr guaranteed to
all who may become tos patrons. Mr. D. will refer
with pletwire to Mr. Porter. in whose ettablithaterit he
has °permed for the last twelve months. Family Por
Engr tin ernigt, Daguerreotypes, he, accurately
epees t itk d n
e eni ., Le . ally er, and set In
Is en. given wevery branch of the art, tad ta
perers. furnished. tettif
Penn lblaohlsoieffhops
vtgarrmAN—AlanufacUmer or all kinds of twt
.Ula ton and woollen mochinory, Allegheny city, Pa.
The above work. being now in MU mud successful op
eration. I am prepared to execute order. with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my lure, such as willows,
pickers, spreader, cards, gnutling macime,
drawing Games, speeder, throutis, loom, woolen
cards, double orsingle, for merchant or country work,
mule,iacks, &c...lide and hand lathes and tools In gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan. gre
en for gearing factors. or mills at mason able charge.—iientredy, Childs & Co, Illackstocki 801 l
& Co, King, Pennock & C0.,1u. A. Gray.
-34. k. is
- ligs.L ANtillakkirrOlJNlSlllr. ---
AA FULTON, Bell and Brasil Foamier, km ro
built and commenced business at his old need,
where he will be pleased to see his old comm•
ors and friend.
Chureb,Steamb•s.,aod Bells of every .den, from 10
to BLAU() pound•. eniit from patterns of the most epproy
ed models, and wuerentell t• be of the beet material..
Mineral NV stet Pumps. Comment, Belling dc. , togv
Cher wag every variety of Brass Gating*, If required,
turned and h itisbril in the neatest manner.
• • • -
A. F ix the mole proprietor or LisAwes Astxt-Arrei
nosi Alintax, so inetly celebrated for the teduetion of
friction in machinery. The Boxes end Composition
can be had of tam at all time.. al:tr
Ylaughs, - Plonth - Ciiiffi — kgs, Wagon
Itoze•, Se.
HALL, of
• firm M . R. & aa the ttf o ac id •
turtng large q a a o lilies or
Ploughs, Plough Camings \Veg.
On bones, he., with the traprovensents of the beaver.
Peacock, 111lhola and other Ploughs, of the latest and
best patterns now in use.
Warehouse, Ma Liberty was, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hay Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city near the
Cotton Factory of ?deists. !Mutsu:mit, Bel; & Co.
Frill:co-partnership here-toloin—eiiniTCCbiliTairei
j_ John Farren ant Samuel Wighanso, under the
name of John Ferree to Co., is this bay devolved by mu
tual consent. The business of the law firm will be se t
tiwity;John Fallen at the warehouse of the Boatmen's
The business of the Boatmen's Line will hereafbsr be
conducted by Ferrer, & Lowry, at the .UM.
Thsnkful for past rayon, we solicit conUovanee of
the mute. JOHN FARRF:N
sepig I. t.. LOWRY
Crean. Michigan, 5 bbls Mineral Pew. The as.
nett t. worthy of the consideration of all pauttera, for
It Is of • stone color, and nen be added with say other
color without changing the shade maternity. It to a
,greet owing. and wheat appin4 to wood it will tuns the
pitlnt to perfect stone surface le the Collett, tif some
4 sirll3 weeks. Also, It is a complete Ere m eal —the ar.
note hes been tally tested for ld.t 700 n dtolnotwid•
toes b h f u ye they would offer It for vale. AM , perecnt
purchasing will toot duceivediu the article. A huge
quantity will be kept ou hand at all tiara . al the India
Rentnr and Oil cloth Depot. J& H
oett4 Apt for the company, No ft wood at
-ao iiiii.E.LCe FiiirriiiiuiiEii;T.ima
It and for sale, wholesale or retail
Arnandine Soap. Mani cut Oil Soap;
Phstheome; A lelblade 011,5 sites;
Compll Os Marrow, I Wash Bails, (tranaparentl
Almond-Short:lg Cream; Bs.. Olii
Sears Ureue; Pairs °combos Soap;
Taylor', Perfume, Cologne, 3 uses;
/alloy LJnd Pomade; Atnitudine. '
._____ _ -RS V' r" S, No 57 wood st.
- U. T.Roberts, 1111. D.,
9 ,
PTHALMIC 8 VAC:EON will wand to the treat
neent of Diseasee of the h. '
II ho. been ertifasesd , tn ' branch of the toed,.
e asta=n ' t re the tros Y terT " en . l n of dlsetua Sod has c a
of u tt ed ere
alone foe SaVILISI TOM.
OTVICZ and residence comer of Spada/a-1' at and
Btomboery sllcy,lallegt:eny , city. ' scrip
Dr. McLane an Tenuous...
qr me is to• certify that 1 puninoted one vial of Dr.
I. 14 A.anairW onu Specific, umc two mouths ago
and gan to quoit of mine. some moon yens old, two
Osage... fall, and although the amount may appear
largo, 7.1 I buvu no doubt but them wan upwanls of
TWO WYO.:TYPO WOILIO pel gad tram Wei t. ciewantyr
hoc* one quarter of an inch to Iwo men. .
alinek,Currol co Tenn., Dr 17. 1t347.
rgIOWNSEND'S SARSAPAIIILLA--. 10 bx• of this
greqt spring and summer udeglelne, this day You'd
'ad for see wholesale and retail, by
k s
a,44, it 8.8. is Dr. Townsend'. OOP agent for'
Pa N ttstnet, the 'ermine allele may , sits ars bb hit . litt
q 67 Wood Wed. ont3 •
eI . AND earaEfTE . S - —Smith It Johnston,Joh nston, d rr llteikla' tweet, would Melte the lawmen et
Wyen w their nook of Ranh Clothe and theallweree;
alas, tanksuPs :Lucy Cww=a Plitti.mtoe
Side asti OWL V. Tak.o "nik la.
DRY - &
FST being reee ß e E d A a P rd E w t ' o N p t eh
mg at ALEX Mg-
DEN • DANed, NO 73 3i RAM Pzein, uortavreet
corner of the Diamond, • very large and splendid amok
of Mauna winter Dry Goods, td whidh they unsold re
spectfully invite the miodatattimpuilli. It is welt
known to simnel every one that the present season
one distinguished for its prfeeaer DrrGoods, end
it ago,* us great pleasnre in being able to state that
owing to ear great facilities for that purpose, (ette of
the firm residing in Philadelphia,) we awe-been ena
bled to purchase our prostate. stock no a. cantairlerable
reduction from the usual market rates,: chiMP they
are, and we .in therefore enabled to sell ateorreepoo
diney tower than the ustal jprives. We would there
fore orate all rash buyers by wholes:alp retail, to
give us a call, and lay Out their meney so the bean ad
vannogeq •
The Ladies aiml4 call sod examine nor mock of
Prints, Gingham. de Leine*, Cashmeres, Afpacas,
Merinos, Sulks, Borribarines, Plaids, and various other
styles of fashionable Leiria Goods, of 'Adak we have a
tvery fine awornnent, including evert description of
hose goods in the market.
we wield recommend our stock armee French Cloths
mid English, French and AMenieen Cimireterea.
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, embra.
ung almost every variety at wyle and Quedill-
SATTINETS—Of which we have an excellent as
"Fl.l7AH7'lll::4ll.a ottr and yellow Flannels of all
qualities and prices.
=KINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment
of Ticking - get taped* and ShritingCheck. in greet
clog altookt every description of the there goods, in
eludingSheetings of all widths.
ALSO—A fine stock of Satin
pl VestingaSills and Coo
ton Velvet., both plain and figured, Kentockl
plod Limeys, aid end fanny fi g red Goalring and
cloak [doings, bleached end, nobleschedTable shaper,
both Baca and cotton, bleached and unblathed Table
cbths, bleached and noblesebed Canna. Flannels,.
col'd do do, BOlllidla and Bonnet Ribbons, hlk arid cad
silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs and angels, Gloves and
Hooters, of all kinds, Suspenders, Irish Linens, Linen
Lawns, Linen }Mkt'., Silk do, bib Lace Veils, Love do
and Had', Oil Chintzes, amain and Scotch Asper,
mesh, Linen, plain striped and barred laconcia, Cam
bric and Swiss Muslim, Victoria Lawn., Green Base
r - - -
erehanta visiting the city for the purpoie alloying
In Bld , StMPliee, 40.1 a not fad to give ns a call, as
they will End our goods:and pile.. P .J:l4h ay capmn fall
to writ their mimesis . =.A.PER is
seMO 70 Market at, N •W oar Aamood
The New Golden Bee Wye Again..
N. 7 1, Fell wed: Wintsr Thy Garda -
TUST received and now opening, et the sign of the
el Bra flax Hros,on Market enecOmmuren Third and
Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapest and best
assorted mocks of Fain& Winter Dry Goods ever of
fered in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of OUT ea
reerous customs. era the public generally, in rompemt.
fully invited, as the subilbrir is confident that he cats
der sash batgaiw iin.,~y Goods. carrot be sue
palsied by any catterbouse MM. dirt.
As these goods have been purchased at priers far
below those °tiny Lowlier season, they will ha sold at
greatly reduced rates.
Amansolas large and splendid stook will be fouml
many chafe and d.. , warable goeuis at extremely low
- Very rich arid most Whim:table dresesllka plaid and
striped blank satin; striped and plaid silks; plaits black
very glossy gro de Strom ptdn !metre; lus
ting, silk for risen., matrons, and Capes at very low
prices; newest designs and latest styles cashmeres;
plain and satin striped cashmere, very•c, French
merino alt colors . de Mines, plain and figur d aniteatin
striped, al great colon;
on former pnces; gala, Cal
donde and cashmere plaids; mohair and Monterey
plaids, all qualities; alpaccas, allutialides and colors,
from In b r 6 emits per yard.
Flee cashmere, mrkerie end brach. shawl.
Blank embroidered ea nhs uooe and& Mine shawls;
Vine Tibbet and de Mine do
Floe black and colored cloth do -
Fine quality long, very cheap do
Plum black and plaid silk, , very cheap do
A. large lot plaid blanket shawls from 75 cent. to $3,
ell wool
Good dark ealico from 3 tog of. yer yard;
Boot quality dark calico from 6 to IC erotic
Yard wade purple do, 1.14 eta;
Good yard wide bleached ameba 4 to 6i;
Bed tiekings and cheeks, aU prices;
Blankets, from coarse to best quality, very cheap;
A hall awortment of rod, white and yellow flannels;
Bennetts, Kentucky, Kersey; Lroseys, etc.
e r t e. e 2 m sb a a lla , f be sold at rEchit t ega L es, at
eALt (10
aCCLINTOCK, is now cOnstently ects• his
. stock of CARYETIPiti, comprutlng
one of the largest assortments ever brought lathe mar
ket. which have been Pundumed duvet, from the Im
porters and Manufacturers. of the Intest load newest
styles. and lower in price than ever offered in this city,
to which he invites the attention of those wishlag to
furnish sreambosts or douses, hefore perehasing else
wherety. The stook consists in part of Me following
varie, roc
Melt Atranatst Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plain colored' do
• . . _ _
do Tapestry do 24 feet wide
do Brussels do 9.4, 7404, u is foil cloth
Extra super 3 ply do Stale Sods
do dO 12-4,54 mid 94
Wilal'lr do Stair Linens Droggatt
do , Rosewood Oil Cloth
Common do do erintib Cloth,
4-43-4 a 4 Basoi.k Embossed Plano wears do do Table do
44,3-4 tr. 4 teelld do Ms Figurmi Table Chl cloths
4-4,3-4 a. 9 plain do doTzae4Bod T0i1... 41
44, },4, I std cox do Mats
kii-r...p-aielltelicisi%tii-"" Mid
do do Tailed do aboard do
Fine do do histoills Hemp
Wilton do do Buis drop Napkins
Mum fig'd Plash: Diaper Towelling
crssti •
Drab Cloth 11,1104.1 Ma Linea.
Blue do. for coach mega; Transp'm Window Shad.
Carpet Btadows kiln French do do
N You'd cords • RiCh Rath, de Lain. f.
do Tusels window curtains
Scarlet, bine, evitomn, black and drab Damasks:
figured rainbow Dammks: vented and linen Table
covers; blue, carosOu, scarlet, green, drab and black
!doming cotton Plusher of all colors, &a.k.a. &O.
Also, Osneborgs and Drillings for steamboat deck.
and all other trimmings necessary for maim for boats
to our lane, to whteiribe especial attention of owners
I. incited. W. M'CLINTOCK'S Carpet WILIMrOOO2,
one Boot from Wood, on Fotinh sL scpcS
ALKIANDER & DAY have past received • fine
aesorunent of the followinirdcecnetion of season
ableFr.i. greeter portion which have been
boa at ileum!, and will be sold at great bargain..
NNELS—HeiI, whits and yellow Flannels •
d competes esvorunent, and very cheap.
ve gt h lYgit423--A easy large iot of blps, black,. WI
mix, goy and atu saunas, a vary low Dice..
ALPACAS—pIain blk Alpacas, plaid and sniped do,
fancy plaid sod sniped do, cheaper than ever.
FANCY SILICB—'4 sp lendid assortment of rich
changeable Silks, both plain and fted, of almost every
• • .
SHAWLS—A verysuperior assortment of super
Rreebe, Pans printed, Tarkerl, end Cashmere Shawls,
In prices far below the ordinal" rotes.
Also, a louggee assortment of Datgush Merinos, Cash
and o . lt Plaids, blue, bib sod pal - Pilot Cloths,
for overcoats; bib Cassmseres, anon Damask, Lome
do, Kea/Yak - 7 Jean*, de. Ikee m all of which we moue
attenuon of the public..
A.L.ANDESI &DAY, 75 market
rmt2s 51VP cot of the diamond
IL EATON k having removed from Harter
s street to their new Store,lko WlFourth street, be
tween Wood and Market, are now operung their Fall
stork of Trimnunge and.Varioty Goods, among which
are—Cloak and Timm Fr Uages of all Ueda;
Eta! rotdery Coops and Velvets;
Embroider) , and Needle Work;
Zephyr end Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes;
Steel Hags and Rases, Seri Tramming.;
Ladies Marino and Silk Vats, Sod ilbwetTi
Children& Coats, Gaiters., Mills, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gent] Shirts, lindarshins, Hume rs, Dressing Gowns,
Wool and Cottotr.Yarn;
'Cbildrens' Dtasste of latett pauents, which they of
for at low pima bit* tvitolmato and rctaiL oat(
F R.
. •
No.7fi Ferrara STMT.
ONti oC the larges In t and the' most choice stock or
CARPETING the erasion, embracing all the
usual qualities from the mot approved menet isrode..
that have been traind for durability in fabric and co.
Tapestry Ve!trot Carpeting;
do limas& do
Brussels carpeunc Matra t..nenille Raga
E.rtra sop 3 ply do Tallasl do
arm Ingram do Minn do
Floe do do Brussels do
Common do do
klanufactured to order in new parietal; adapted to
p al lor., basements and chambers.
Palmed Oil Cloths, for dining rooms, entries, vesti
bules, kitchens, &a. .
Straw dinning, Stair Hods, Window Shades and
Couon and Woollen Booking from one third to three
yards wide. Door Man, kn. kn. to which the anew
uou of purchaser* 111i110101fIlill a nd. retrial is respect
fully turned. Wareroom, one door from Wood sr.
- -•- -
51:Sakrifi7ipoy invites We par-
LS [Molar auenuon of buyers to his assortment at
above Gads, haVing selebtad them with great earn, in
to femme to their glossy finish and good body for win.
MOHAIR LUSTRE.% tommon, median and super
fine qualitimi,ineluding • few pieces jet black, adapted
for mourning puipotres. Also,
riety of satin Wines, plaids, and bravedos, some of
urtnett are very worm, As thew goods have been
bought directly from Importers, they can he sold at the
lowest possible prices.
To be bad also by the piece, in Wholesale Rooms up
Malts, at a very small advance on rest. ova
DRESS GO O DS--We have received a 101 l stock
of Dress Gouda among which may be found—
Plain black and figured Alpacas;
Colored .1 fancy plaid do
Oregon, California, Queen, Orleans asd Lombarthrie
Plaids; plain, colored and firmed Colimenes,
• de Leine;
Silk, Tartan and plaid cashmerme _together odd a
large assortment of albeit dress goods, all of winch will
be .old low by the piece or package.
rime SHACKLE TT to . NVIIrrE, Os) wood
Redl#lVßli AT H. 61'ClisINTOCETS-CinimrWere
house, 71 Fourth airma—
n p. 6-4 rosewood cold Table Oil Clothe;
stub dark " "
3 111 o 41 It fi.
The above am of superior quality, elasticity of fin
inh, of most beautiful eolme and sisselnag, intended for
(ensnare, counter and table covering. omit
ARGE - AttitfAir - WW GOtobit.
Moaravisoneroponing his BEO3ID BOP MN
of Winter Gesods, Including a •anery of shades of
Drab Preach Merinos;
Semler, cherry, and Other high colored. Merino.;
Magarnee bas do; brown /lb
Also, PARkIETrAiI bf sun colors; Alpatteas, &ay
with many ostler dokiraltda goods chit ega ' , err .546 , 614,
all of winch will be sold very cheap, at riorUi east elm
ner of Ith andllarletets, • •Iscrsl
aI&NDKEROII4I6B- 1 114.444
Johueou, 46 :Ylazket carcet, would Wit., the Wen.
mob of dealer. and °theft fo tbeit choice watt of Linen ,
wbno kWh 444 limn, frowolc pp to
ding even' veetet ts y
ortapd bordeted, beteixadd, clutched,
cleat taw; with deep corded hOldera, Remise, =bra.
detect tad eoiered bosdersd. • actie3
. _
IrtifiVE.TlN • • 'pn Tarp•atisa, m• • ..a
taat isesivad and for sal, by
VOL Nth),.n
Patent Graduated Galean. Battery and Patent
Insulated Polar for Medical and after pc 'pout.
PUTS Ls the only instrument of the kind That has ever
been preeented in this country or Europe for med
ical purpossea, and in the only one ever known to man,
by width the galcaum dyad can be smunreyedm the hos
man aye, the ear, the brain, or tutu! part orthe'body,
either menially or internally, in a delinits Kende
aete clocks or path—with perfect aaksty.-.:
and often be happiest edema
Thisimportam apparatus Is now highly approved of
by many of the most emloem I:Myth-tans of this coun
try and Europe, to whom the atliieted and others whom
It may concern can he referred. Reference will also
be given to many highly respettabtht chisens, who have
been cured by means of thi amost valuable apparatus
of meth of the mast Inveterate ner cons &settlers which
maid not be removed by any other known means.
• Among wiriaus other., it has been proved to be ad
mirably adapted for the rave of the following diremsos,
Mr nervous headache and other &mama of the beam.
It is with this apparatus alone that 'the operator can
convey the martmthe fluid with ems and sentry to the
eye, td restore sight„ or cure antaurosas; to the ear to
restore hearing; tO file tongue and other organs, to re.
store apeechr and tothe ranous parts of the body, for
the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, 'taut - alma, or
tic doloureux,paralysis, or palsy. gout, chorea or St.
Vlore dance, epslopry, oroaMmas from sprains, some
diwases pecehar to females, contraction of the limbs,
lonSpiar, eta. oth.
R ; rht .
ha, anti
gee, %Cid) th ' el di ns ` tfo ` mTur m ' all ' LL V''' pe ' rcha l sed, and
also tested for the cure of diseases.
Phll instrur.uons volt bo givan for the venous elle.-
eels to be used for various diseases, and the best man
aer.for operating for the care &those diseases will al
to hafolly expLained to thepurchaser. and a pamphlet
put into hia hands orpreuly fnr these purposes, care
fully prepared by the pateatee, firmatre
oell3-dly WILLIAMS, Vine sy rnalm,gh.,
TOnN H. hIELLOR, No St Wood street, a the sole
kkagent for Ciallllltl Patent Melodeon,' a nes.. and
beautiful lustroment, exceedingly well adapted mr
small churches or family worship.
For the benefit of those residing at a distance. and
consequently linable to inspect the Melodeon before
puretuaing, Me followtog description is given:
T. cues are made of rosewood. and are as hand.
solu!ty flinched as a Pia. Porte. 'The key-board is
Mccumly the oar. tha piano or organ, and ale lane,
tWilleh is very beanitfult) closely resembles that of tha n
Este stop Of an orgaa The instrument earl be mem
diamlY made portable without detachmg any part, the
bellows receding into the body of the instrument, and
the loge folding under, leaving the whole in a compact
form Each lIIVIIIMEtit has a packing case,and the
whole when packed weighs only 45 pounds. The vol
ume of moo ia equal to that of •small organ, and by
means of the swell may be increased ar dim:milted at
pleasure; it h radSeientlytood for small'ehurchas, and
e well calat for a parlor instramerd.
Jut received, a Inlpply . it the above: price, with
ease sod Instruct'. Book, WO. am
,gierersible Filtering Clock ---
Which renders turbid water pure by
removing all substances not soluble to
rid • water. The eroum water N. York,
k r clear and pore the eye, yet
w en t pinion en hour tbraugh thls
7 .. .,!7d/r . /i filming cock,,attowe a large dip .tt
impure substances, worms, Re. This
is the cage more or leis with all hydrant water.
The Resemble Pilferer is neat and dnrable, and is
not attended with the Inconvenience incident to oilicr
Flitarersoisik is cleenied witborn being detobbed from
the waled pipe, by merely turning the key or handle
front one cede to the other By this easy process, the.
coarse of/water is changed, and all nocumulations of
tmpoeesabetances are driven of almost instantly,
without mscrevring the Piller. lt also noose/nes the
edvent-20 of being a stop cock, and as mob in many
eases-wig be very. convenient and economical.
Moan be ameba! where there is any pressure high
or low tea rank, tank, tab, kn. syntidner... To be had
the solo Agent, W, W. WILSON,
°eta? corner of Fourth and Market ma
,Dlaphgaggen Filter, for Hydrant 'Witter.
to THIS le to certify' that I have ap
- C i l ' e Agents i .
(gra ' sale ' e l f, ' ten 4. ni n C g .? .;
Patent Diapnahrai A ll , for the el
. nes of Pittsburgh arid Allegheny.
for Welter hd Gibson, SO Bmadwar,
_ O PDT:
,„,.."-- Oct 10, IBIS.
We hake been clang one of the above article, at the
ofteaof the Novelty Wks for three months, on trial,
and feel perfectly satmEed that It in II Illetli Invention,
and we Ike pleasure in or
recommending them as a um
fel a rt lele to alkwho love pore water. Orders will be
thankfully received and promptly
rats .1144001.4 under the care of M. mid Mn,.
.1. - Goo i
Dem, will re-open for the reception of pupil,
in the se r Melding, NO. 54 liberty street, on the Ist
Jlonday f September.
Arran ements have been made by which they will
be etle furniskyoung ladies facflittes equal to any
in the tt stifo i absulnikg trdifireugh Pagibrit . Classi
cal...cid rnamemal education. .1i full course, of Phi
heap/tie and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during e wihter, lanstiated by apparatn, The de
penmen J 1 ofTocil and Instromenml Menlo, ?diadem
Langnagea Drawing and Painting, will each be under
Oxcart `trepornEsetam Professor. 137 abate auenuon
to the metal and Intellectual improvement of their on
pils, the Principals hope, to merit 4 COaII2IIIIIIIOIIOI the
liberal gatronage they furry hitherto enjoy/a. For
te f m n =renlar or apply." the Ponclpal,
NA V 4. Cole trine ,
I.tabli meet -
a site which cannot be surpassed, for the en
ammsd Malfra/C1011.4 of WOOI. COLIOp, irun,
any ease, business reputing, mild.._,. -- 411;
n width
Id • steam engine alb cylin der. ' three
aegis mill, and a small parr of mill slOike..
way from my coal mine passes wane a (a a.
invite persons wishing to engage in mann
., to visit the place and examine tot advents
.al sell it at a low Mel. or if sortable panne , .
would Se willing letput the property in an
took In time jolnvoonearn. if further Information is
brick by
Ain, Pa,
0 UFACTORY.—The subscriber take, thin method
ofinfo 'nil his friends and the pnlil it it gene in: that
he has e Largest stock of the following named stn.
cies of a own inumfacturelu thsseny--Saddles. liar
ness, nks and Witurs, all of winch he strlll u arrant
to be e of the best maternal and by the belt mech.
3 ,
aisles • Allegheny . county. Being determined to sett
hi. man factures something lower than has been here
morons Id by any similar establishment in the city.
he wo invite persons 111 need or the above named
article. his warehouse. N 0.214 Liberty street. oppo.
site , nth. Also, bands mode to order far maehine
my. oci3o-12._ G. KERRY
r any one, it may be . ticaL4 applytng In my
H. Ward, Sr. at •Hatietn. - la J N Isatrrreon,
ent. l'lttatturg ,, or to ta'ystalr, to the ;arc,
•Idtng called a Wand Corn,,." Waafante
110V2.42ikirl{ TAI. IL BAIRD
Cooper Duplex and LoverVisat.chaa.
JUST received arid fur sale at
greatly 'reduced prices, five
Cooper, Calthorpe suk,
Gray's Inn, Road London ' Du.
tileX Patent Lever Watehea cased in 181..301
gold, arid 101 l rairelled, with Chronometer butane..
These sin now the finest watches made being super].
Jr in Brush and aseuraey to the hf. J. Tolima Joseph
ohnsoa, or any other make. Those taxwanrof • very
fine watch are invited to cull and examine this lot.
isUoi a 'large assortment of Gold and Silver' Watches,
ChsartsySeals, Keys, h.c..
Mr' line %V etches repaired in the best manner.
corner 4th and Market its.
Xenophon'. alegabmbaha or keeennes, end Eng.
lab notes, animal and explanatory, the prolegomena
of Enhaer, Wi_gger's nie of Socrates, me: by Charing
harbou r L. L. L., Prolegaor of tho Oreakand Latin lan
gWgeg Fn College, New York. and Rector of
aka liennengaz School. Jun ree'd nod for gale by
• oct2n Booksellers, cor 3d And Natant sts
GI • T SC • 00L.
Wt :Axe has opened a Night
..Stittool he his school roone,Sortior adth and Ferry sts.,
ernismo n on Fourth, where ha will be happy to impart
instrustion in the unapt Ilesulin,g. Penmanship, Ara&
Keepiah Phonogriy , kc. octS-dlnn
STEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to sell
off 'oar entire stock of feirke's Marine Timepieces,
we boar offer to sell these. lower prises than they eon
be bought at any house in Pines:aro or elsewhere,
east or. west. Being the only established giants here
(or theist clocks, we have the largearand finest assort
ment iu the dry. Calf and see.
- - -
Be eq.., are are not to he we:Leonid.
IILABE* CO, Market street.
Oct entraned on north side oldie Dimond
Wortmentof .Corueltos ts Co'a celebrate ,slais.
feature, and saperiof to all others'in use; slap ed to
churches, atrAmboalsa factories, dwellings pabbe and
private balls, and to all other. uses where a cheap, sale
and brilliant 1161 Is destrable.
Also Gisondolea, Hall Lemma, Candelabras,t/ la be,
ShAdeS, Nieka, ClidomlesCans,.Thouners, Ac. Also,
Gas Ci.dellers 'from doe to four tights
ocK3O W W WHAHrig, 4° market at
xfltil'Afr\trlnn.'!'o`;_t"..*.; doe.
yj 110MGr Ltbeny and Wind streets., manollsontre
and offer for sale Platform, Floornnd Counter Scow,
°Miss Most Improved quality; Cooking Stove., for wood
emu, Egg groves of Cartons sues, Parlor and
Common Grates, Bolter iVnm, de. fro. Tney also
manufacture dm hatched Range, which Mu men moth
general satisfention to done having it in use, to all of
which they would respeetfolly invite the attemion of
the mineas and this peblio
_ .
Watehas, JeweirYt 6a -
C01.31:1 or Msaasr F ocrrx PrILKIET.,
MIAS subsertbet hes returned from the East, and is
nom opening a large and carefully aciacted stock
t Goods in his hoe Orsichal for past liberal patron
age, he hopes to ment a cortuottuncer thereof. by dili
gence Iv bonne, and keeping ate Jett assortment,
and at the most reaannablc Imam Friends, custom
ers, nod the pabde generally—partlcidarly sojourners
ennung the any from. distuaca,are Invited to call and
esamtne my large stock of goods.
oath , W W. WILSON.
_ -
lA/ ONDb:EFIII. ARRI A .—Lka, TowoaoD i
aif•MMBOO balle• of lki• great fall and
minter medicine, lust received •nd for mile sty It E.
SELEERS, Bole Agent for Nntatough, of whom the
genuine article ono be bid. ocrAl
1.7 M ELASTIC CLOTHING-10 dos Gum Elasur
Cl evelteatio sdo Jackets; ddo pairs' Pan* 6do
do Logging. of I dab:seal beds, 10 do warm Mats;
do Capes, with and without sleeves; just received Cry
Elpresi Ind lb' mile wholesale and retail, at the Earl
am priced. We wish it to be undimmed that perdue•
eel are buying from hest hands,shat buy at the India
lipber Depot. No 5 Wood street '
DASD INV ALMS. Dr Banning's "common
Sense" On Pbralcal Eder-awn, and klutnan
Voice, es based upon the mechanical Oulosoithy of
raeoll phyclealbonstiertlenbeing the sabotance of has
leevotes on the ahavetealVests rectally &layered ut
this city. For sale by R
petit? Apaßo trading, 4th
A' PERSON' will a ®all eapdhl. hod arqdainted
A x ,
No /145130..... to late au 3100..11 to to Iroo
Vittiontargarh4P7Mo Railroad. Ap.
• seiti
orroN ymtS, ...--40.4103.14 Cott. VOist,
nwra b„.; too bales itatiirtg; 100 do C.
se. for sale at lowest otarltiamt . • • .
- 7 ••s
E cl