ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS AAT 00 r warding Merchant; have returned to their old stand, \Valor roma Front stseoLs, Pittsburgh. °n2l 11011.071 & AMER, Wholesale and Elittuil Drug .l.) guts, corner of Liberty and St. Chair smuts, Pitts burgh, Pa. omyll It6N - Vit 'CVLBERTSON, Wholesale °MCC'S, I) and Commission Merchants, No. 10 1 Liberty st., daily Pataloargh Pa &co, Wltolerale oxrd - .114 , .1 Wood and &h aa, • M3Cl=l D AUALEY .fr. SMITH, Wholesale Croce* 18 . and ,L) 110 Wood street Pittsburgh. a. ItIcANULTY la Co., ForwardingC • taiuion Marehanta Canal Ruin, Pittsburgh Pa. racial It ALT is GEBHART, Wholesale Grocers, deal in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, ear k. of Liberty end RAO sta., Putsbargb, Pa_ tabl7 Val. B. =MAMA Shuts s. .cerfwvir. UNGLISII & BENTHETT, (late English, Gallo her t Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission sod For warding Altschul" and dealers in Produce and Pins burgh iilansifsetures, No. 37 Wood et., between id and 3d stream. oett r. a. 7[1.1.3Z, GU. 11111, 1/I.ll= WOOD. ERIENI RIMY fr. Co., Wholesale Grocer. and_ Contnuaston Alerchanti, and Agents for Brighton too 'Yams, Nor. 07 Water, and 103 Front as., Pius. bUf /I,T. feb9 gr&LLAGHER, LONG & MILLER, Bell mud Brass Founders and Gas Inners, 109 Front, between eed and Breithbektaareeta Pittsburgh, Pa. 0. Highest price given rot old Copper and Brass. det9 - - EOIIGE COCHRAN, Commiadon and Forwarding lderetdin No. 10 Wood meet Pitablugh. lIiLARY-MUNDT Whim and Red Load Maim -1-1 factures, Mat and Oil Morahan, comer of Lib and O'Hara Pinalmmh. P-16 1.08 POILIMM /02131 W. D FORSYTH k/DUNCAN, Forwarding and Cautrans sion blerobtats, No. 37 First street, Pittsburgh. oar/ , =CUM, lIIt, minion Zderchante, and dealers in Produce, N 0,513 am, an • 1117 Front (tree% PiUsburgh. nov9 j ° ? 4 UV 1 :4 A frarn i ATat C. :1 1 7:24 . 1= Bt. Lot No. (Isla, of Piatebursh4 , EsterameAm,-41Asimmela Hon W Forward Romp -1011 Miller; APCsadima & El..Clerre, Jobe. E !Amalie & ple4dVord & ring. jettlT 11:414 - 13001Tte Co, Wholeanle Grocers, Forward • log andtCermaission Merchant. Dealers in does and and Pittsb. Manufacture. No, T Commercial atom, Libel near the Canal, Roxburgh, P. firm of iLlgeo and McGalisr4 Merchant .Ealir, Su Chutes Building., TLudidreet, lieu Wood, Pittsburgh. TAMES A. ITUTCI4I2OI, & C0..--SUCCMI.OIII 4) Lewis Ilutebison & Co., Commlselot fderchnut., end Agents of ilie Si. Lag. Swam Sugar auftuun , . bin Lt waxer and 9111nrut Wentz, Plusburgh. ;ant O - OHN Dimoiren—Moimge Grocer, Pre. duce and Commiation Merchant., No. 17, Wood ex., naba .11.. land JOUN D. atoltoe.N_ , angutomafa.i er Dye Smds,PaintarOila Varnishes, &a., N 0.93 Wood street, ooe door Hoak of Diamond alley, Plus h. h. jaat eMF3IKE.R4r., & Co.,' *teenier td Devis,)Rhlp t.lhandlen,_2s Wakes street 0 - RN Ii.rNINA.LOp.., Wholesale and Retail dealer in Nene and hlusseal instruments, School Boos Apes, Slates, Steel Pens, Quill s, s, Printers' Cards, and Stationery geiterulty,No. Ell Wood .t., Pitubargh. AZ Rags bodght or taken in trade. .p 1.5 SCHOONALASER & Co., Wholesale Draggists, . No. 22 Wood street, Pittsburgh. TOHN a DAVIS,' Auctioneer, corner oth and Wood t streetsJittsbuffh. TOHNSTON k ESTOCKTON,Booksellern, Printers tf rio. 44 Iklurtet a., Picts botch. Jes JOtili GRIER, Wholesale lirxec, dealer in Pro duce, Pduburitt Manefeemzes, Tlia Plates, iee. Labeny 3.16 n/3111, EC.= tort & EL FLOYD, (late J. Floyd C 0.,) Whol esal e . Grocers, N 0.192 Liberty auto. epS JTiaIMS DALZELL, Whoseal. Grocer,Cennuisstou Merchant, and dealer in Produce ad Pittsburgh hisunitectures. No.tM Water et, Pinsburgtt jes.l6 'KIER & JO NES, Forwarding and Commission Mar chents,Deulers in Produce and Pittsburgh morn L.cturcd studies, Canal Basin, near ?th st. Vesuvius; Iron Works. q, DALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all o• L Bar, Sheat, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best quatiry. Warahousa, 54 water cud 105 from v. WAT Pair( a. . ink and COMlSlillaitti Mem-ban; Deals.; to Pius urge Manufactures and Prod.o. Nos. 31 Water .1., Rad tin From C- rtr EMIT Laatesaz, ..• ,:•• • AMBLIIT SlllPTOgi,lenale Grocers, Fou _LA warding and C0=1.01.111 Mercbants, dealers in Prodtre and piusluttgh Manufactures, Noe. t 3 and 133 • _ •'• febl3 Nra fur the sale of Ametiesn Woollen Goods, Lamm street, opposito Fifth- =yr...1.1y lh„f EACE.IOFROTHEERS h. Co., Conomustoo Met. J 5,1, chants, Phtladelphis, for the see of produce go, penal". Liberal stimmees made on eoroognments. feDIS-m )4. D. WOO. WAI.TI3I C. ILOD. cGILL tr. ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Commas on Pierr-bants, No. OR Liberty •L, Pituburgt, AMYL MAIM, WY. Z. amain. ALIEN fr. Co., Commiallon and Forwarding Merellunts, IValer and Front us., between boo and Market es. inn 6 liaLiSar, [LEER k RICIETSON; Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchant, No. CM, Liberrygst..., Pau ts,Pa. /Vg4 • •- HOLMES & SON, Nn. 65 Market m., second door from corner of Fourth, dealers co Farman and Domestic Bills of;Ekchsage, Certificates of Depose n„ Bank Notes and Spent.. iLI Collections mad on all the principal miles throughout the United States. throughout 11013EBT MOONY, Wholesale Grocer Beemfying Distiller, deal. in Produce, Pittsbur gh kLasafac.. tares, and allkinds of Foreign and Domestic Wm. and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street CM hand • very large stock of superior old Monongahelawhiskey, ar Melt will be sold law far cash. apt&ly AliTrlA.liD -T rL l , Jr., koponer gad Dealer forelgn and Domestic SadMuy Hardware and urge Trinutungs, of all descriptions, No. L 33 Wood Ju n Pittsburgh. mr.r, th !CHRDRetad Dealer „LA, Le A ather, Morocco, Shoemsters , Too and Fuld tngs, Tannin' and Coders' Tools, and Tamers' Oil, No. L Wood st., Photo:ugh- scold - 1,03 W COVI.Vion, SAXVICL. L• ROBINSON & Co., Wlsolesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pius rgt Manufactures, No. Dm Lastly a-, Pinstmaiels. Aalu it. • DALZELL & Co., Wholesale Grocer Gosruaisaion end FOTIIIISMiIn Merchants, dealer tit Prodawe sod Pinsburgh Mannfaeurres, Libeny et Plumber • Po. febal #ol3r. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Omen Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture 'o. 144 Liberty 4. Iyl2 VINOLDS ISHEF, Forwardistig a Commissio jt, Merchants, for the Allegheny Biv or Trade, dos era in GtOCGTIeI, Produce, Pilleburgh lidanufacm • and Chloride 'of Limn The highest prim, in matt, pale se all tia. for try rag. Corner of Penn and Irwin ad lard kUSIIFIELD—WtiasaIe &do in dry • 6roceriey i l " t Pi b iU, ry stetPuubsrgh. seo OMIT?? jOßlSsol4;Wholesals and Retail Dealers 1,7 La tSilliary gioods, Lassa, Hosiery wad Fancy a. 40 liarkat crest, ad door abase Third at, Pittsburgh. 4d 151 alts=rrlij 7/.01. warm QUACELETT t WRITE, WholdiZ Dealers In Foreign sad Demesne Dry Goode. N 0.66 Wood .tpataburg (<6M! .h W. nesaAvoH, wool Aterehltons De4de Flora and Produce generally, and Forward end iloauniselon Merchants, No. 63 Water tn., Pius. Lamb. 0, ----------- 112ITA adOALEY tr, Co, Wbilesale Grocers cmd L 3 Produce dealers, Nrs ISEI Markel street, between Mb sod ea. North side, Philadelphia. nest i1,.-7-3rricitiliiiii---Fruirr tricnota, Kama:tn. NICOLA Produce and General Crea k) at Minion Morchaula, No. l Liberty at, Pitubutet Sperm, Linseed and Lead Oita litt . F. VON BONNIIOII.I3T, & Co.,Wholesale Gm. ' IlUa .Re ls, Forwarding and. Oommingon Merchants., Pal/ * Pittaborigh Manantetuna and Western rro lialhaye removed to their near warehotise,told stand) No. Corner of Front st. and Chancery Lane. . , ri,&, -„ .& iltM.Whotesalo GM.. and Commis , . ginwhirrehants, and dealers In Produce . No.. 3i . 33 lth, rittsbargh. pall ----lAIEIL, Agent for Mexican calmer. end L proratrina penconsost the office erWat. E. Atia• , Butts buildings, 4th et, Pitteterratt. My son la the puma land orrice at WasMesso , ill anal* to ol'Y imhtheas the* free of expecte to op:lrma. marle.dly "" DAM Wcaardina & inTANDLINS, (successors to L. d:1. D• flint,)) Witolosalo Proms, Forwarding .114 C05...1011 Merchants, Ortolan in Iron, Nails, Gloss, Lenora Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures genorullY, refl.. , of Wood and Wm., , arrets, Pittsburgh. 80 SY. —Communion and ' on• •Iri! M 24 I.WALLACE, 4121 sum, and MW• ins cemblidment, No. 276 Libeny st., near . panel. marlNS - Ir.alta3,lsekdat In Fancy anTiirail W Dry Goodo, No. NI Market strov,Pittkborgh. novl34IT W IS , _ WILSON, _Resler an - Wooohoo, Jem< CO. TDOACUU CuliflidßOE AJBECILDITS, No. 00 Bann& Wharves, t No. 117 Owl. Water et. PHR-I.IaILPIIIA IaiPERRI to inform the end dealers generally, of .LIP-Pittengh, Wel they sieve mule such awn.- m ints with the , Virginia mmatecturen and the Growers of the Wed, West Indies., smoother places, as mull insure • 1"1ge h m d .eona lmmt aa p ply of the following deter* , none of obacco, winch win be sold upon Si ecoorti. =dal% terms Its any other house in tins city or else where, d_gagooda ordereo lrom them will be war rented etptiora representation: Herons Si.l Romans°, Conn.; ) Yarn, Pono Rico, Pena.; ';iiheed Leaf to- Cuba; & Florida. ) baeco; ALSO—rah • celebrated Aroma. Slag Coven *nth a large easorneent of ether piapular brand, and quabbea a pounds, eit. oa, LA, Ris and XL, Lump, Sa. O. Ss mud 10s Plug, Ladle& Two. Virginia twin[, in., •wa. 'and plain, in whole nod nail bonus, wood end on, together wt. orrery variety of woele belong lag tO the irate. A. 31.1312. ..nserso BABARNET, 2CFSBILT 0/0131.1KTS6N, m. • FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Co 11 mmission and Forwarding E 11 A Pi T 8 N. 62 Nor= Wruarrs, Am, I WA,. ST Pk V iILADELYiIIA. Rfril To--John ii. Botoarn & Co. Hobert Steen b. Co ,„ It/unroll, Hoover k Co Smith, LingAley b. Co. Allen & Paxton, Nevr York Walters b. Harvey, lialuntore. Bagaley &Sundt, Borbridge,Wilton & Co Bailey, Brown & Co. ' "" "" h.. frICT & Jones, 16 Liberal cash advance* on coostittanents di to on. =AM: =a. Ither. wawa ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And fJeiscral . Corair v issla i n rehantas r t Am PHILAbELPHIA. REFERENCES—Hem, Grad & Co, Pateburga Rodgers b. Sherlock, 1 S. Schooley A. Sou A. M. January, laysvllle. Charles Benham, Jr, Louisville. • Deana Humphreys & Co. 1 . Mercer, Bro. & Co. PhilasFa Reed & Brother, ' apl4y DAUM & Corainery, New rutsq. Lawny irTuirressoa. LEHMEII 4-ANDERSON, FORWARDING & COMAUSSION MERCHANTS, COYTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR wHE SALE OP NAILS AND W. GLASS, *". 7 88 L...? Li, commasn, &no. L itax - cocatten. COMIALSSIOU apd Forwarding illorehanis 60.16 WOOD re., rtrreaciaori, top:Timms to vvauet a gmcrd Comuummoo boat. nets, especially the purchase and ode of Anted a,oll4l.tfnetures and Produce, and In reeeiring and forwardin anu g Goods eorwlgned to ht. care As Agent for the Allactures, he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of "Inshore, Ma g nf e gb,,, at the lowest wholesale pries.. Orders and consiginnents are respectfully solicited. IP7 • GEORGE A. BERRY wuoi.lassa.m. Gammas; ,O}MRDINGAND D I,OSIIIISISION MACHIN? EALER IN s rc , j4 Nags, Cotr i o g na:r ig n . s .. ac r. Pd y ttsbecratt Net 10 woo rtsarr, rn - nuicacui, CLARK, Woratarding Merchant, Drove sville, Pa. Attends particularly lc the Font-m . olog of itre. For inforreetian, apply to FORtiHiTlf CUN• CAB, Voter at oars ISAAC CRUSE lifPll4l.L C 0112121811103 PORTHESALEOF PRODUCK& PROVISIONS, N0a.1115 and IU7 21.1arnes WHAILF, OdLTIMORE, MD. , Rairllaaness—Hetelasnnts Pilaboralt. _ Wbv SI have taken an.offiee nossodiately opposite to bar bolas wafehonse,, for the present, P ere wa Amßleast basin.. es weal ; mud a new hous male a be eteeted. anangeseents !mows already beep 10? tbel Wpeer• Pants will lawnys be on module.. our Odarfia receive freight. - C A itI'ANULTY k Co, spa Calla' Bast. Warn, et • - - WOOL. LYJMAN, REED & CO., (Suceessots to Reed, Hurd tr. Co-,1 !MEAL COMMISSION MEKCSANTS, BOSTON. Pazilealay, Autwym odd to the sate of Wool, and libel , ...4 . J.,dirOsLe. made on Callcsgruneuls. CLYl* . di - v4y ,S --`p9 brr 840,1041 and 1044 window/ gine. .1.% des ineatasz Jana ail and lot safe by • 1145 1 a. DUNC 44 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1848. LAW OFFICES. wM. TOMLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Buller, Pa viriLnoLoa.l.totoltizidurhtlt:Tlinizien,ridaill ether ü bu o n n4 l. counties, pa. Refer is I. & R. Floyd, Liberty st W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. Key k Co., Wood es J jan7 ir 13. IiIIWEPPZER, Attorney at LOW, office 3d opporite St, Climilet. Hotel, POtaburith, arta also attend promptly to Collections, in Wuhington, Fayette and Greet) counties, Pa. MT127321 Blaekstoek, gen & Co., Chorob & Carothers, llttrutbetrada D T teeladly EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at. Law, . Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. 'in Panthern Ohio, and in Indtane, and 'll,lj...tacky, prompdy wad care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn .ylvanin, for talang Deposition., aeknowto4onettut. . - . Rstra to—Hon. Wm. Bell k Bon, Cc:ate, Church & Cart/them Wm. flays, Flq„Dock & Davot.' . . WILLIAMS Ze SIIIFIN, leneceesore to Lowrie and V Y {Vilna...) Attorney.. and Counsefiore at Law Office North aide of Fourth etre., above Smithfield. JAME 3 F KERR, Attorney at Law. Bakewell' Building, Grunt street, nearly °prase. the Court House. aog9-3a. U • LOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices on Sratlifi'eld. between Id and Oh .to FORW NVY2,I) Attorneys a t ; h it ao n e & B o W ce i t ' t their °throw the South stile o' Fourth sr., between Cherry Alley and Grant street TITU. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at;A.., hes re . 1110.4 oftee to the arobange liteddroae,SL Clot, at., neat door to Alderman Johnapttly AMU RI, W. BLACK, Attorney at Law' Olßoe ." 1.3 Fourth street, near Lirent. Pittaborglt. oetttLdien BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of School Book., Paper, Station ary, err-, mutable for country *aim among which Writing Papers, of fine, medium and COMM. gull's Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do du do do -Note nod Loner E.1.1010fleg: _.Slstea, Pe, c as. W niers. kitul Is and Steal Pens; 'Window Paper k yard aide) plain and printed; Bonnet Hoards, of different qualinesi Rank Hook•, in great vanetr, Family. School and Pocketlea; Crown. medium. and double orowut wrapping papas l'ilcauSe's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's }'cloche Arithmetic. Cobb's Primer., Spellers and Raeder. Sander: do do do - • Anthaterica, by Adams, Ettorla,eolbtant, Smith, Sink• ton, Emerson., and other. Ocograpoiea, by Mitchell, Olney, Bomb, Morse,Goad rtch, Parley. and others • Gram:tan, by neruth. Markham, Pathan', Weld. and others. For sale at low pores, by VIELLOIL SI wood st. 6 doors abase ada The highest market peace paid for good united raga, au cash. nett , DI...i.NT3rARY WORLLM.—A 1.0,- tar expose.. of the great discoveries and Oco nee of modern astrounaurChy 0 61 Mitchell. a a, Di rector of the Onemman Oboe memory. lienetlery - s Italy, Alps and Rhane.—letters from Italy. the talps and the Rhine; by 3 T Headley. author ed Na poleon said has Pdanahalls, Wasfungton .44 Ws timner• lir. Re_ New and revved eddion Statistics of t'oal —Tbe Gamy-ardor/0 and firedog, cal dirdncuow of Almond c o mpireasiipsi or foot, tnetudinit alai, notices and localities o f s the various mineral iiimottmous sateidadeas employed m ana and malistfamore, illustrated by Maps and Diagram., • 0 - cornpanied by tie arty 41.11) statistical tablca, and MO an alyses of mineral cornbustbles, fro; prepared by Hitch sincl Crow hog MY lor. Jurt received a fro- cornea °reach of the above works —fur sale by JOHNSTON & STOOKTON, Ihmkaollers. cot market fr. 3d HA - . NICAILLT HEADY FOB PUBLICATION by J. A. k U. P. JANIM, Cincinnati. the following new and calmed:de Works—: t Dottipbant IlrEtedAloo—Contitining etetrh of the Ate of CoL A. %y. Dortipkin, tnaattc/11%11ell Of New, Mexico; Geo. liearney's Overland Expeettion A Cali , fornoN lOotaphasn'e CluriptugnatiFtwnei tlto N.A... and hi. otspozzliel. Mot. open Ototturatua amid Ilittougo. .41 the Oporatioite of Gen Price to Santa Fe, with tt Ma p and Fltoentwoi.. by John T Atte:ea. A It o• the lot Regiment of Ilwooon Cavalry • L. Hitory of Kenn:lel - 7-1U Antiqinies sad Noturt: (rtogrup.scal Stutumrtal and rroorovca: desenpbons, wan anecdotes of Pioneers Lur, unal more thun one bemired Plographroal gluon-boo of ttrustomrtam al P.:moony burnMers. Statesmen, Jurist., I—myers., Armes, de, Illustrated with forty orairtuutugr, by Lewth Collias, I TOL oeta•o. The Twelve Nfonthe VoiMwer, or Jonmal of' a Pro vane to the Tennessee Regimens or Cavalry, to -the Campargn of N.loxaco, donna leol-47, coo inning an ac eoont he March of th e Hegtotent ter Vrit ern t. desenpuos or the Country passed over; mariner*, eow mow, Ad of the people, Soeietres of Camp We, ttc cocotte of all the aenons of other Volunteer Begs ern to and atoll anton ot We Jingle.* War, Lon of kitG led and 1% °nulled, Joe, illustrated by a large number correct views nod pleat{ by Geo. o Furtser,l rotator octavo. TeTvorm - Nr , •erargia - Fotertr} lardineiro 914111. submnber. have Just opened, at the arroyo I Hand, a large stock of Oar rent qua:rues ruled and pints white. and blue Writtng and Lemer-Paper,root mermal and pacact pool Flat Cap, decoy and medium , sc or n:Ttf , p . are „, i f? „, r , to r a s ok . boo ,. /;:,. m d e , d , gto s a n n a d royal e Books and Ledgers. topeinor pa per paper and best &Astern binding. scboot Book. of all d.. abaUdard woo as Theology and tie,encea, Qmila. gold nod steel Pens. Wafer., Waz, llnt Flies, &G A, Blank (took. of a.l mares ruled to pattern, and bound In the mod substautial manner Countr) Hereon,. supplied at Lowest wbonesar• pn ens for cost, or rags at cash prices JOB PRINTING —Having a Job other in connect.. with our estabbnalbent, we are prepared of caeCute • orders to - plain and fancy Prolong—books, pamphlet , , etren4rs, bownew earths, bills of lading. , with dew patch - end at o, pro es. Li...LIOTIth ENLLISII, rnyl 7 , wood .t. between 4th and diamond obey Nl4%ti WORK 4 -Nanny tidvel wiWolit Berm by %Vow= Slalepeace. Tbsockary—sndi dlustratious b) the author The Tenant of Wlldfcti Hali by Acton Bell, author of NY utbenng height." Tho Young Schoolmistresr by Joseph Alden, D. D Part I. or Haman* Illustrated edition of the Arabtan Ntgbta' Entenamments New translatton, arranged. for Maul) reading. woo explanatory note• by F. Loom Esq. Loomis Logantherw—Tattles of Logarithm* of moo. bees and signs and Tangents for every ten second. of me goad mot, with other wenn tables: by Elias Loom ts, A. N., Prot Malberusucs and Natural Philosophy .to the Vorventry of Sew York, author of a "Treatise on Algettra. '!t. &e. The above work• received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & wrocwroN, imp; Bookseitera, cor market and &I eta Penn Publications. Itr ai l , ll" kl g autumn en toir e aphiezt , an . d o P , otblie liougirew of the L. S By H Li Wheeler. lilurrio ed by austere. Heel cordons, &e &e. Vol. I. nanny., . The Waage of C. M. Clay; =lading apeccbes mud addresw a, with steel portraus: Edned by II Ureely 1 vol. 800 What 1 Saw in Caldera.: By Edwin Bryant. lamas' Notes. VOI VI. on James Peter, John and Charnis.ut Counter-Chan:nu By Mies Arltuosh, au thor of ^To seem and to be,"-Coligiteat.” ho. &e. 'doll Urourr, a Domestic Temperance Tale: By C Burdett. Snags and queeta, or Life in the Palace; consliminG of tuatorual sketches of late and ragituag suvoreagnalp By J. S. C. Abbott_ A First Book rat Spanish, or a practical Introduction to the study ol the apanalt Language: By J. Seibold. The Dying Robot and other tales: By Be, Dr, Aide. Just reed by IPKIN 8, Apollo Ilndeldngs, ilk sl, augl ISuccessoe to .1 L. Road.> ' eronsvedr, by .1T Beadle 7 'Power of the Pulpit, by Gordan, Senna. D. D. Bethel tlsg, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Manhaw, with Harmer, Lactates on Stuaspeare, vo le; Pah of LID, or Sketch.. of the ,Val to Glory and Immortality; Footstep. of Messiah; The Convent, by author of School Girl In Francs; Now sod The. by. Warren; Sk.tches of 1,610114%, Olt Parables and Miracles, Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, !leaven upon Earth; Haprksba, a talc of and for England: 2 yols. For sole by ELLIOTT tr. ENGLISH, fell) 70 wood and 156 aurt{et so A L T.EW , I3OOK3-3.1. en ad from toe publisher, 1.11 and for we at the Methodist Book Store, Ith near, Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy. in three styli's of banding, • beautiful book for a present. Preparauon for the Pulpit. Skew hes of Sermons on the Parables and hliraclos of Cliri.t, by the author of the Pulptt Cyr. lopedm—Lad sketches, he. Th. English Pulpit; collection of acr• Mons by the most eminent hying divine. of libeglad. Mpricaas You—Duilig hood, Cashew. Loon, Loo est thou me. altered Meditations. my 24 nithe lard J IL Religion of Deduce klatiad from the nd tram the Creation of to dm 0 , iiiiatee. wriungs Moms, and ones espi e d authors; and il/ustrated by contorts references to the a• tentrecord.. treditions, and my theibtry ohne Heathen World—by Geo Swath, F. N. A. 1 V 01.• Chan. and Counter-Charm., by Miss hli'lltiosh. A fh supply of Was very pogolsr little SVflet. Ollx4Dr. of the Amerman Revolution, b y E. L. M.- goon, with Portraits. 1 vol, 11 too. Parley's lAbtnet Library, for faradic" or schools, 20 vonimes, 12 mo, with engraving*. This 'is • new work. Pee sale lel It I IOPKINS, A g • 40 at BC/fithiT—Botany hd kho the 'abet shire; teeth of Vagina; comprising deacuptions of the dowedug and torn-lika plant. hi e . found In shove Suttee; arranged according to the. natural system. With a samosa or the (donate acnortnag to Line main system, a sketch of the radmients of botar.y, and a gloseary of terms, by Lewis C. Deck, M. 1/., Prof. Chemistry and Natural History in lintgaris College, New Jersey, hr. ho. Second edition, revised and en 'aged Pot sales by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON L"ondlA Ft.:l,2Norlpeft Id rig Patriots G o i thn French Revolutlon—from unpublished enlaces! by Alphonse de LAAMTUIIIe. ComPlaln in three veleelee: Ityda's wartairman A fresh supply of this popular work reciiived this dsy and forsae by ' JOHNSTON. & STOCKTON, 6.'1 , 1 6 Boot eellers co r market and 3/1 ate OITEDINitS IN BUROPV, or sketobel of travel France, Belgium, Aust , ,ia, Savitteriend, Ir-j to easta, liaised god Orem Braun; with an appontS• cmotmans observations on European chariots , and roetmol Instructions, by Jrthn W. Carson M. D.. A few copies for'aisle by JOIINSTON a STOCKTON AT ou a STORK on Nsarket Street, No 56, between gd and 4th l may at at loom be fauna • Ittkr. oy of Theoloineal mut 51incellasernm Books. 2"jow boats received soon ea published, and sold at love eirfprices. -The pablieationur ofitre - kmerieus BetpaY School UnicatlM hlareash•setla Utibtith oreh al•iyi,on hulk Cat•In••• furnished 'ow bp plteadon.ELLlOTT SENOLISIV " 114419 / Oh %NOMA P4P4 4, 0 .• 1113ZINVIDIRIIIII;i4 CO- , PARTSDBJ3II.I..P. Q T OGAN KENNEDY ve this day associated Li with them in the Har d re business, Philip Wil son arid Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan, Wilson Co. This arrangement ma. der. it dlitsbuole to clogs the old blame. es soon isa posnible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, ate especially requested 1D make immediate payment Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, 1048. TOGAR, wiLsoN & CO.—lmporters and j Wholesale Dealers ta Foreign end Domestic Hard " Wei Callery, Saddlery. &c., 1919. Wood street. Pina burgh4are nowt fully premd with 41 recently impor ted steel of Hardware. Cutlery, e.c., to offer very great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete to prletes eintti any et the Ailment One. Al. so on bend as eeleastac eintortment Putsburgh Hard. were, nor Shovels, Spades, Forte, Hoes, Vines, all of which will be sold at the lowest menufectitrerai prices jant CO-PARTNERS • IP. • .411„TETE suliseribees having rebeetly milliped Into partnership under the mime of. Gal &ghat, king, et Miller, for the purpose of carrying on Me Bel l .4 Bruit Touhdillg .4 . oaa Fitting bniinesaan its branohes,Lhaao maim the stand formerly mmil pied by,IL Gallagher, No. lea rnsnt street, between Wood mid Smithfield its:,-whore they are prepared to 'execute all ord.. for Bells, Brass Outings, of every doscripcon, and Ga. Fittings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. B. GALLAG NEE, B. A. LONG,' P. K. MILLER. N. 11--The attention of Machinists and Engineers is lormieLM our ami-aoractionmetal, for a reduced priest. which Las been pronounced superior to Bobbies by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and tic public, generally, are al.o imputed to eall and cm amine our superior double ben. Force Pumps for steamboat sod domestic me. GALLAGHER, LONG, k MILLER. deel7dly Dissolution. IllitEr.ctanlestinogrv:ueetyemzi.stZ w under n the gem of eod on the Ist inst. The business will be closed at the old stand to.either of a, using the name of the firm for that purpose. Being deamous to have our Mumma loved with as little delay as possible. we would to !h eir n pectfully request those indebted to nall and settle eeouout JOILY hDCORD. naltdH. D KIND. Co.Partsaershipst TOHN D. 31'CORD Laving associated 'nth him has J brother Jamas 31130tt1, under the style of lit'Core & C.IMISLIC the lint s Cap and Fur business in ail as various branches., wholesale and retail, at tie old stand, sooner of Wood and Erth greetl4 whore they solicit a minunostuou of tho patronage so liborilly be stoatod on the old hen. JOHN 13 31'CDP:a 3.1.24D8 & 1111X/ILD. N retiring from the old .41 well aroma 6rto of M'Con.l k 1414,1 most rospehtfiLy recommend tits patronage of the puhlic my successors, Hess.. Co pi.lB H. A 61NO. 00-Paruas rildp Notion. ENV, STEFH&NS of Wheehng, Is F. Skil:mhos - get J. of Juniata, and J A. 910Cklarl of Pittsborgh, tome this day entotod lame co-partnership miler styli and hem of stepbetm, am:Merger fr. Co" at the Anchor won works, Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of mane factor tug s e a and nails of essay desonphon. IW. 1111/11110s, ar. snowarentaaa, I.A. STOCKTON. STEPHENS, DHOIZABSIWYGB. £CO. ANCHTIR IRON WORKS. mailing, Va. blandfactoro •11 kind of Waltzer .Iyea bar iron anti nails. A 11. steel