The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1848, Image 4

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    •• .• ,
'l7/Eritriklll.S DXSco'VERTI
coNstorrn-Es, BB ON YOUR GU . ARYkr
• IR_
• ,HE GIMP! 11111...110.
Ida Asthma, Bronchitis, Lie
er Qls.Q:nii •n• • b." • Casn ' nn i"'"' at Colds.
Dtlhcolry of Breath-
Pain 01 the :tide and /ream,
.t Itieuenut. Croup, Broken Con
. "' sou 'throat. Nervous Debili
o( the Throat.
tne c an „, c y_
ct . end spredy core
ever igAlowla tor any of
ine above diseas
es, is
• ' li B. :N.A Y 1 F.. S
cmnpeu ,, b d syrup of Wild Cherry!
Thik intott,n• I. Lo It.iter among those of
utility, It hot paused nony from the thousands dolly
launched Upon lire 11.1 e of r rpenment. and now stands
hlglitOrY,littlahrtn, it liecoming more extensive
, nth,. prrpuration of medicine Ere!
product., tor 1.1 of suffeittig
I, has very generally through the
United ot, ••••• nod •Forope, and their are few towns of
latrine/la c IT Alllll content tome remarkable evi
dunce a to , cool' ts. Nor proof of the foregoing
and of the value and efficacy or this °tail
coat.. MO (ono , tor .rtil insert a few of the many thou
sand whir It have been presented to him
men on tic. tiro who have Idea,
view. o nista, Tr onitud Inlay and sonce. than ID err
lit) to boo.. ii 1.1.1111,6.1 it Hill do =other a favor. and
theinurteci n rya-tier. Such testimony con
ty that ,t+ surprtutno excetlence established
by Inv i•ornior tl..rit/k, and the unquesuonable author,
ty of pulow olon The instantaneous rebel' it af
ford.. and the /unto, influence dtilused through tlw
whole 1-onc t. It., cuc. renders tl a most agreeable
remedy for tn.. offictetl.
, wh e o m. , ntg front tonomentroos narol•ca
voluntarft, hear I...lawny to the troth of a thing, o
parneoln r far t. -nett ...nanny. being contrary to the/.
wor ldly tt tad ourprnct. COirces COrlf 10.100 0
Ito Irma, and commend. naelf in • t.
univenni V r,:f•ne , llospn'o , Moral Mekann•
Ft EA Pt i 110 hi CEZTIFICA'rFS.
AlNtirlAge t'n ov Pthat t L.NIIINAUT COMIMIT.S:
Tle re. neer, wo• nt rented, has been ag successful
na tle.nergt, Connoontption. OA Dr. Swayne's
Compound :tyrap \% stn Cherry. strengthens the
y•nern. and nnpon n org no beg; the oneers the lung,
ergenung new and nen aloud; power pog.ussennt by no
other ntethrine
flit-Nitta CO- Apr
. -
Dr. Suntyne—Dear Su: I verily nelleve your Coat
' pound Syrup to . Witt Cheer) has been the(nett. 01
saveta tn . . life I nought o severe cold, which grodu•
. ally go.w worse ottetuted wall a severe cough. that
f rests: , a': the renonte• smelt I had recourse to, null
the renstns o out Fay case exhibited all the aympmms of
Puintoners ronsumpitott Every thing l tried seemed
to lin ve no rite'". and my complaint increased reuni
fy met tri,.ds a• well as myselt, gave up all hopes of
my recovcry Al tint time I ants recommended to try
your Invo.uotile medicine - I did BO with the most hap
coughre•tt Its 'lle It rst Inone had the effect to lateen the
. enuoine nth to expectorate needy; and by the
time I hod area 00 bottle. I wee courtly well. end am
hearty n Icon as eve, Was my hfe, and
• would be peppy to give any tuformanon respecting my
cow. that other suffethr• stout . derive the behofit for
wlttch lam so grawfut. For the truth of the above
sykkaakept. I refer You to Peter Grocer, West
Chest! , Pe., of whom I purchased the medicine.
Iteepeetfully youtt Jots. Mokaros.
f.,Wantletfu l Cure of a Afetkodua
Dr, Se - none—Dear Sir. I feel a debt of gratitude doe
to yod--nrid a duty to the afflicted generally, to offer
Riphumble testunony in fever of your Compound Sy
Rip Of Wild Cherry Some three years niece i wee
vtotentty snacked With cold rod inflammation of the
Lungs. which wits accompanted with a distressing
cough, pain in the breast and head, e very considers.
We eltsvettitrge of offensive mucus from the lungs, espe
cially upon change of weather, however slight. At
first I fell (to alarm about condiuon. bat was pretty
soon clor:reed ttht I wow rapidly going into consump
tion. 1 attn.—daily weaken and at length was @cart,
iy atte t walk llenut, or speak above a whiaper, such
ants the c oca...tin: weak nese of my lungs. Du rtug thin
lune 111:14 tried curious prep.. .one and pre ription.
nr , und ell the time worm Jost
here I was edv:sed and persuaded by a dear (send in
ma t te trod of your Syrup of Wild Cher
'', I nt, cativess that previously I had been preth
diced aretee, patent medicines. and I ant stiff attitlnst
Move eolueng Out pe et, bonds of et:teeters, but under ,etur e•vllnt ta the prolession and practice of
metttrits and Caving implict, faith in the staying of my
frit. ie. torthw.lit rureelis, , l ol Dr. Shaw. one °frer
ueeerit•. a few teeettlr• and commenced Its Use. My die. .
CuAt . was at that urn- of tht or Railhead.' standing. con•
scutoonly it not. de-ply 'tented I found. however,
coeltede rule , tenet" Iron the use of the first four or five
rtes Bid tr n penile speaker. I frequently et
tempted In preteeeli etli my increasing' strength. and
tneretty rupttiree vevsels 0.1 nod elthady begun
to head te tins dourtien. to) ellie was grealey
reethretrd I reenseeepeeree of acting the. tmeon d,,,,l,
I nod at twelve or tt:teeee bottles before I was per.
miser c
I to., e;.•ceetioee. it much smaller
nustther ot mid have totals. me settled, bat for
WeCtee ti tertttlle'le
The Syrup altered the fever
td. If. Lbws...sing cough. put a stop
to me ot tanner from the lunge. and gave
111,11 no ol con, •yeeteirt good tienitb * I
hove defer
red offering Ints rernhcate win: now. for Me panto..
neLag p e rft.ettl, satutfird with the Ir ma y'niche
cure. and now that I eel perfceVy we.l I offer it with
ptcsniire lice I I' Joens.s.
ittiteliee conte.... t.
i I,,ta I•t ratalon—Resod' Read!
,•e repo ration of Wild Cherry,
Ir. •-xv At. p`,.. the ant ever offered to the
.41(1 largely throughout the
ref Europe.d .1 pre
,. :one. of NVIIaI Cherry have
rovrr of .orme deerrpt,e
•( 1 , , ,1 1 , ...armory thett sales.
- rent, need mutate the
oule hi ttre genuine Is .
re etteravarg. yeah the
-r.....,crenn, a..., Dr. troarayne
. •••I eerutuy. the portrait of Dr.
.„. atured hereafter. ow a. to dtsunguisb
.t. ur rrom n.I .r...en. Now If was
v not for
tr rer nod totter, el of Dr.
ny trap lid Cherry, pets°,
t 10 tl l, e. eurreecy theft
....ealrug the name of Wild
Cnerry. .terth-h rr. •1 , 111 1 mind the name
of 1/r Aar.: , not deceived_
(ttEr , . eon.— . I.lghth and Race etheeta,
and 1 a
parn pu non
By r e 1
t INtlt I
❑r 1 t....
h r
:1,1 retail t.: OGDEN &SNOW
. 13 A FAH TOCli tr.
...I 1311 and Wood %VM
S 'NJ:S. Intl Lawny gn: lAtl
13,13 littl rom 31.:11 JOHN MITCH
, ,•, v re.orectuble de ler+ol
AsdEll it II INT •i• 'llllO CITY. who had been ta
!heti, -sttr.tor four years- had taken
min..: eV et', tins ph7blC.l.ll cots•tantly atten
ded con. aod , expehd -al over two thousand dol
lars. He ever h.:iv-yea in advertised medicines, but
con-oh:re , ' mem ut humbugs. At last he tried Dr
Ta - , tor s Ito-um I 4Yerwort. from 73 Beekman street.
New :1114.1 111./ week , was courtly eared. hav
ing tol,C, .4411 titre. Potties. This is only one of many
ob,ections &patent medicine
bare prevented p e rsons from using this medicine. who
have expel:Lied ',Luis-ed. , of doltars to their p1ey1 , 1.32111
V RlFl—aml ot Ice cod owe their recovery to Me mfal
lible , la, (corny vegetable prepareinon.
There to o toot this medicine is super or to
any retor N It pr ,, ,,t1 ~ by medical advisers. This
medicine et, te.o.. Pt years to mature. and is the su
rest retnedv for ilisea,cs ever introduced to Me public.
Rnarhao IP it otos. Cocon. •;(7.16110.N.4 or Batumi
Cr - emit—Suffering Ihr a long time with these complains.
I nail eve n u aa hope of nett* cored. I had consult
ed we o and hotrimpathic doctors M'vain. I had
used many art.el.-, adverused, but found no relief. In
despair I :hid poem up the use o(all medicinea. Dear
ing of the great Vlllll/, a Dr. Taylok's Balsam of Liver. ,
wort, nod toe ere , . cures It had performed. Induced
meto try it. sod to my crest Joy and astonishment. I
was crier doily. I eonunised Its Use, also his Bogor.
Cowed Pitt,. until I ion entirely cored. Dr. Taylor's
. .
Balsam of Liverwort us the best medicine in the world
for these complaints, mid roll core every one afflicted.
Caplatn of the Nancy. of New York.
Artrioes Crash.— I have suffered from the Asthma a
very long tome. and nave used every medicine I could
ohmin for tot cure hi rum. gout I tried Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of I..iverwort. This medico's' has afforded me
most mantiest I.eitefi, and se. in my °potion. a cure for
this dorftssing disease. more especially. as I know of
ett•es MT foetid, where it bas been ingh•
ly successful. Ytt.olll, IT:w
tr rested are invited to call
at my restdenee for further informaon.
MILS S RPTON. 21, Laurens et.
Sold in Pittsburgh by 1 Ii Morgan 03 Wood so J
Townsend, 45 Market so II iernymr. cot Marker and
3d sic: Henderson A Co, S Liberty at Price reduced
to 111.50 per home teen
B. A. IF)...lxne•• ock'• Antl-11aims
1 1 =":::II 'r e ' ll F )c.; ° 1:r " y P‘ Tr ' I n l a c " ,:fve " git e .:.% of
purgative neut., and ouvrug a peculiar tendency to
the taller)
_organ, :et exticmci y valuable in this coon.
1 17, tVLIICh Mimestry, fevers and other complaints, et.
tended with cant:mato" of the liver, so much abound.—
They have now stood the test of 151 years, and experi
ence has proved them in be a safe and valuable remedy
in Inienuntent, Reouttent and Bilious Fevers; Jaun
dice: Britons Colic, Indigesonn, Dropsy ; Dysentery ;
Bilious Yocum., , Colds. and all complaints arm In.
flammatory character. The complete and norversal
tsarist . ..bon womb, hl Leen grven by these pills to all
who bare once used :hero, re - nders the publishing of
Me numerous ....robe ie.. heir favor unnecessary.
To prevent counterbi ding iney arc now put up sn •
red xylograrne wrap'.
Price Wt cents tog a ;ox - contenting Si pills.
Prepared arid soul
corner let and woodl and al, turner 'lth and wood
Mr. R. I: Se:iem -On. of our phpricianc., who •
praejee .yr ry toil me this inonsing of
ease in wtoch nite 010: ar y ntir Verndfuge brongh
aw • ann., worn, and gentleman In the neigh
borhoo4 said Mat bran hailarval canoed the din
charge of near mi large worm. from one of h. eh,
dren. Very molly of encii oudances might be slated.
It la well kno Wl3 oboe , ncre and almost all prefer It to
any other Mend me II! dozen and IMO,.
Your, 1 NI. Wlld+ON.
Parenis who do tot wi b in trifle with their children,
ahnuid use Seller.' V,nollige.
P.Mnbed and mold t, R SELLERS, 57 Wood at.,
sold by Dr Compel Nth %Nardi D NI Curry. Allegheny.
ILTORGAP: ; Ct,L , trf SYRUP—It proved to be Inc
I.U. great Pummel,. re curing my child's distressing
- •
From the Yertopernroce 13anner, Nov 31837.
COL,. 1 4 1 . 11,.—‘‘ e lose not to the habit of puffing,
much less taking potent medicines. but we (eel lisslassed
to recommend ,11orgelo'rSyn.,' to those whip are afflict
ed with a rough a ft er having tried the usual MS.-
die. to remove a constant anal thstreasing tough, IMO
had for sever., duys arh,,,ted one at our children, with
out success. wewere .ndacse to try Alorgards cough
syrup, and by it AVn• 01, dinedtit few hours. It
proved to be We patoneen oi <Mad 01 ,eay.
Preparul wholesale and reiso toy the proprietor,
JOHN LiDrogyst.,
fieb7_ wood et, I door below diet:Mita alley.
A HTHONti EVI DE::, E. that Dr JA Y.NV.S EX.
F'E OR st.per tr, a other rinaethee for
povglu , osu u pt..% Br end other Pulmo
nary affeetiont,.• that the ~me persona who commenced the
we of II io the r •. ten ,e. r• ago Oil. prefer at to all
Other reinedtesnithe kted; awl where .y hare becalming:red
to try other they 1t... alasoet avariehly been
aiaappoinbed w re, eth, the benefit which reaeonthly
antic:paled from the h,gh brat
Fear the proprtelore,
and haw returned to :PLC of JILTIO.' lacrotterr as
a ransedy that ha• nee.: :.thrd renese then, end wl: t eh
probably ower had tts esio.l to arr..% pulmonary &se
Prtratred only by Dr I , Jayne l'hitadelpleby r,dd
',gran by ALEX. JA
tadkvell foural et
TIALLIKIPS PAIN EXTIIACEOR will , in five 11110-
j_,l utes from the time of lit apphenhon. remove; thel
pains from the severe, hemse. scalds or tourtata;
and will heal wound., ulcers wtd sores of any kind
without sear. Thin val uable Pain Extractor ean be
had of Jorrs D MOR4AN, Man,
No 931 Wooeau.,,,
CA RRIAUF: CLAY4II • luy reccived, 5 *ens /Della
Rubber carnagr CIuU, fv. 4 to 6 quarters wide,
perfectly word proof, a... 4 a vary durable azlielc. For
sale at I /Will 11::bber lkpol, NO S Wood
- _ _
1(IFF ES.-21:10 bttpßio to, snle
J ode 11 , 1111.1. & ROE
_ _ _
•lIJ RTIMSG NEW—lndia Rubber Drinking Cup.
.• rot eiied, 4 do: India Rubber Drinking Cups
-.tele for e India Rubber Depo
~ • 01.14,1 JiHPHILLOS
M.E.Dlei A la,
...,...._FL :::7;,..5_ :: . . .
1 .,-',1,.,-.ipl
, in/ tri
......_:AI . I
.4 i-'li-pAI
1 ~ t ti 1
rst i. - i 5 . - 5t . ".,-:....- 4 -,,
:, Lq1.14 I
....71.5.17:,..f,,5:,:'.. '''...
• -
Wearer sad Blearing e alge.
The man extraordinary Medians ha the World I
This Eririar is pia op in Quart Bottle, if fir
ONer cheaper, ptrastrattr, sat worriaded
paws to soy soLd. h mats riskina
os ris
The great beauty .od soperlority of Mk flarsapmflla
IV, all other medicines 4 Mut while II ormiiatea the die.
we, It lovigoraties the holy. It le one of the eery beet
Ever kne‘ye ; it me only poribee the whole spurt, nod
orrocthello the person, but It cream, Jam rme mud riot
tio.d • power postemetl by no other rued:atm Awl le
l the grand secret of Its weaderfal nieces. It has
performed within the last two years, more then 100,b00
.u‘e• of eevere eases of due m at lout 15,000 'ram
rualcrool locatable. It has saved the Lbree of more
a.vt 14.000 children during the two pan mem..
111,000 eases of General Debility and
eirameof Nervous Energy.
Toarmtena's Sarsaparilla Invigorates tho wbole
.p.tem permanently. To those who have lost their
narrator energy by the effects of medicine or Maier.
Lem committed In youth, or the clonal n hulahrence of
it. passions, and brought out genimal physical preemie
ton of the 10/7011/ tysterm lataitude, emit of ambition,
c.,mi e ,e neas tlen t s, premature decay and decline,hasten.
.or togamis that fatal diem" Consumption, can be ere
rah-teed by this plinurant remedy. This Sarse Is far superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
A. a renews and Invigorates the system.
to the limbs. and stmagth to the muscular MOM to •
5.,11 ...reordlnaty den-ree.
Etottstimplica Cnrc d.
Ult.. tat Strartke. Co.nnaptiou eas a east
Broahitit, Cannata*, Lives Ovadnia Cold.
Oaten,* Cough; Astitan, Sig ef
darearas m tho Oat; rha. FIW, irwh
&teak Difficalt Profat Zaato.
..:+.r. P.;. iS or
MS a., hat
•isa oaf an ha taa.
Ms lark, elprll le 1.
Da. Nerrezerp-1 betteee OatYee* 11
et tee
t:Ila he, bean the =sera through Prartd
111th I have fat mental years had a bed t
b.mento a tole tad 'mast At hat 1 Wald lam qvutt4
cat ofl fa et, had eight Strata mad ' panty
uted e" , l redneck and 114 vet evert to Bra J rear eareapatilla a slew' that there hat
read • aft done bees entrealtt la sac I aseettw able
well GI am the city. I raise es Mood, and oty
tl .aa
.elgkf,h h. left
then m me. Tea ema lategtes that Iwe
TOOT abadlest samal.
W. 111:1HattLL,13
Female Illedletes.
D. Tomarand'r Elsampoilla In somrslin tad trpoody
ed. Ibr Ine..lst a Cannot:Om, Darmanne. Protaxm
C.a. or I , of it. Womb. Costlrmart
orrintra. or tas, obstrootod Of Metal Ilennt..
tido. Ineancimma of Eirtan, ar lamdmimy dialyse
Coirocf, and for the jetioral pradarthrn of the sputa—
ntmter whether UM molt Mtaltmert MCSO 02 Mabel,
Nall:mod by brapdartly, Inman m ocetbiont Nothing
mars rarprinlar thsa tolmigorcang effects
or the faun. (Mate_ Parma all waltz.. and larst.
t frout takftm it. mom berms MKn gad toll of
.my ander it. ballmnan. II 1•1210221102111, 002022020022
norreimmeso at thy roman ha®, widat .1.66 um ,
2,r2/2 of Bormianena It will mot bo of u. in
...Ds of . &Man. a Imam ar
as paean:mad hot ww aaa want tho that
t Ups& of mow haws bus nipmetwi to na Ttmimiamda
et cum whore futile. have bus withant alaintia
Rani utmg a row bottiu of Ulm lava/wabla modielaw,
tare been hleoud with Liu healthy milinmaca
To floater. said slarsiod Ladies
Tbie Entrust of llanaparina has been exprosety pre
pared le reference to female complaint. No female.
tiro hes main to“pposo she is appease-Wag that
c. mind period . The twee of tifi.” should Neglect to
tale it, ea it oi • certain prevendes far eny of the
manors= and barriftle themes to which repulse are
Losbject et the. time of bre. This period miry as.
el J1 ► rr mrseral gears ti weal die madame. Nor
lea rehab,. fbn,thoe• who are approaching wo
manhood, se it Le al/Ratoi to amain ware, by quick.
ag the bkod and Izmir:wetter the eyetas. Indeed
medirine is Invaluable for .11 the delicate &sea
e• to which women are Subject
It hr.= the whole system. renews permanently th•
$ - ira: uarnie. by removing the ill:manure of the
oly. eel so far etimolatteg as to pridea subsmioeo.
reluation which is the are ef roost medicines taken fen
Bond. wealmeict and disease_ By ea* • fee hectic. m
chi, ..Belo. Stony severe and paim , U eurgital opera
noes may be prevented.
Great Blearing us 'Mothers and Children.
la is the carer and moat effectual medicine for panty.
inc the ry and rebeatna the nufferinsa attend..
alma child-b stetn.
irth ever duet.. crud. It wareauthon• both
the mother aod c.dd. preremu pun "
t.resuse and enriches the food. !hoer vibe have owed it
trick His andispermable It Is tacitly octal both before
end oiler rearmament u a pies.. due-sees attitude.
rhilellarth—.lo Costtveceet Plies. Cramps. Swell.
Of the F., fto-sputvieurv. ileartbur, Pbatting.
Pato at the Back and Fels< Puns. Hemet - I'll,n
but an 'asylum, the...erelong and equaltunx the CA,
01.31, it has no equal The cress beauty of this
melte., M. 0 0 always were, and the mass delicate use
a newt succeaefully. very few rases tenure any o th er
medicine, as was. a little Castor Oil, or Klurocaist, I.
Exercise on 03e open .0, and light food .ash
rusdione, will Welty. enenr• • safe and euy con
Beauty sawd Health
Cosmetic. chalk. and a rartety of preparsuom Re s
rally la woo, vim applied to the face, very woo sped it
of as beauty. They close the poegy of the Am aad
rd by &nue or powder, or the. akin indented by do.
allrabes used la soap, boasted. its own prodoetten la
• human fame °trine; as well as to the card.. rd
rich and delicately tinted and rarierated Bowen A
fro*, active and healthy arentlation of the doela. or the
- -
, eutuil3a et' Om pure, rich blood to tie extretettier,
that which paw's this comtenasea in the moat atqui.
Out beauty. It is that which imparts the Ludeocritebte
, .
.htules and flashes of loveliness that all admit, but
noes sae dmarlba This beauty is the offmaring of or
root ofporoder ore:tap. I( there I. not • fres end
healthy cithulation, there mno beeaty. If the lady I.
fair as driven snow, If she paint. and me commetten,
end the blood is thick, cold and :Impure, the is sot bean.
MM. If she be brawn or Sow, and there layure and
active blood, it eras • rich bloom to the cheeks, and .
brilliancy to their eye. that le Gmeinatinir.
This is why the muthern, and mpesially the Span
ii huSes, an we numb admired. Ladies ut the north
who take bet Scale exercise, or are confined 1. ekes
reems. or pave Toiled their complersioa by the appli
attan of &lemmas Tatham, If they with to re.
rate elastletry of TT buoy.. Twits. aparkiirot eyes
al .1 beautiful complerioas. they ehould um Dr. Town
',era Sarsaparilla Thounada who have tned st, are thee tubbed, are doh:Med. Indira of ever,
,i.oa crowd our offs. daffy
Merit. t the Lsdies,
T hem tam imitate Dr. Tmeasecul's Elaroparilla. ham
it..ariably called their Ma • great Remedy fir Fe
and have eepted ea) bills and timelir.
rl.= to the cosaphants of want= trot I (o. wore
—ether tire whop. up medlar, hare, lance be mot
iiniirs• of Dr. Tonnatatiparilla La cateptaloto
mn loot hni horde , nn =that= although pie
...oily they did not. • =mbar althea. Baxter= PNa
k•-.. are igioriov to female. sa they awe.= dustast,
tt .1 undermine th. co=titatio• Dr. Totririend't it the
or r and be. remedy hr then nserone female ono,
pheus—it rarely, if eves au. of effecting a permanent
rn.e. can be taken by be most delicate hentass
in cafe, or by titc. =pea se/ to become mothers, the grease. =ratan= as is preyarea
petrel. pa. or deny., and strengthens both
mether and child. Be =reha 'et the
eentheate emelnathely pram thee Mk gene,
r • 'Ma bar perfect pratroloear the mart obettaath die
• ••••• of the Bleed. Three pane= eared ca 0.. home
• ••.•preeraleareth
Three Obildeem..
a. Toureragern—Dear Sir I have the abalone to
~.i..rm you that three of my children have bees cured
of Scrofula by the use of your ercellent medicine.
1.. •y were afflicted very severely with bed Bores ; hare
ill,. only four botties ; it rook thaw away, for which
myself under treat obligati°.
19=11:46161, 106 Waoater-.t.
Oplslam of irkY.deaw-
'Chu to to certify that we, the siadenigned,
• IP. City of Albasky. have is nine re= camel prescrib.
.i Dr. Toirtmead'e Sareapvilla, and believe It to be
of the wort valuable preg,karetiong in the market
AlLany. April I, 1811. P. E. ELMENDOII7. M. D
ruing to the great =teems and mateme of Dr.
To a oseadS Samoa:Ill. a number ol men who wen
form.rly our Agent., hers commenced ranking thrown
mll.t Kalman., Eitsma, Bitten, Extracts of Yellow Dort,
They generally pot it up in the may shaped
awl some of them hare Mole and copied our adv.,
0.-mtota—they are only worthies. Imitation., and
•t., ml I be avoided.
ri,letyd OM. . 12G FULTON Street. Sun Baildiat
l' Redding & Co, 13 Wale street,l3ostee: Dyett &
la! North Second meet, Philadelphia: S. R.
Dru,rot. litilumore , P. U. Cohan. Charleston:
, t a Ca. 151 Chartres R . N 0 1115 Routh
•ntiees, , mud by all the principal Drus•
1.- 0...1 Merchant. generally throughout the Uutted
—Sint ladies wd the Canada..
N 11.—Persoru Inquirthg for Mts medteine, should
not he induced to take any other. Druggigts put up
Sarsapannas, and of course prefer ceiling their 0,1.
Do not be deeenved by am . —inqulre for Dr. 'f oorn.
send's and take no other. ( Er Remember the gent,
- Timennend's Sarsaparil a," sold by the sole agent..
SELLEIL.. General Wholesale & Retell Agent,
No. 57 Wood street. and D 31 CURRY, Allegheny
NaT IN Marra,
T `, ?: - cetfrt, '"' ... has e .':',lti,:e.nda`potn„sd'iwncteid,„°!..thoe,
Children and infants to ropercede Me use of all those
Pletilcialta which cantom opium, and ma. la .enath suc
ceeded in preparing and offering to the public a rued/. , - --
Una al ily alagarering every putpaae loialldtaeases ot We . 11l orionesah'ila: ilonse Tailoring Eetalw
bowels, without the ow ol that deleterious drug, or any , lishment.
other c_alculated to name n. the .east. The Infant Patti ' li SA AC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to In'
acea boa lawn fully tested eau vied. the hut twelve .3 loon the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he
nuoiths. by numerous remora, andiOnna to pat.. an , 1.1 now osmillag at his rooms on Smithfield Weal, an
the r yrannlinary vtrutes. and to produce all the arum- ; der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful assortment
Whine effect. as set Myth on the bill ot direction's Di- ;of Cloths, Cusimeres Satins, Silks, and other Vestings;
arshoot. Vonvong, Cholta,Oriping, Pains, Sickroom and ; together with such oilier articles as are required for
Insearra arising from Teeromg, acting Immediately; gentlemen'. wear. Hut goods have been carefully se
wdltont disturbing nay of the function. of the body, ' lected, and ore of the newest and most fashionable
artsducalg the happiest and most pleasant transition 1 style, as well as of superior quality. His customers
from violent pain to . tranquil and joyous mate of feel- may depend upon having their clothes meth ' u p ie e
tog to the rode suffers', l manner which cannot fad to gratify the taste of the
pre Le bad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. ; moat fasudiorm
..,, ..V 4. 17._
"HIN SARGA.NT, Droggbn and Apothecary: John iIIOIIACOO-16 boa Smirch tr. irVatkins' an.
Mitchell, F.Miod A Beddow:o,l.nd most other thvinflats ado do do extra poundal
".;_eqegloctly and Pittsburgh. 6,13 3do do de 12s and 114;
- nit. TowNeENtre SARSAPTRILLA.-50 dozen In Yelp No 1,6 twin;
_kJ rust received 01 Dr. Townsend 4 Sarsaparilla, the Lla do Pbg Cavendish;
moat extraordinary medicine in the World! This En- 5 do do Cavendish;
is put top in quart boules. It le mix tunes cheaper.
pleasanter, and warranted superior ta . any sold. It E do half Spanish do; for sale by
,keebreasi.idiac.garace.orithout veva trog . , purging, sickening or . e"" _._. - -•- - j D WILLIAMS
_ _
Laos ens roe =:', • MOKE HOUME—avuig taken Me large avd coma
I appaad ow l a b e . 1 .... r ., - "P , ..1rP1.d P..... have I§ modwas Smoke Noose and Bacon Storehouse ad.
°, •tht Pot up medim. ia the same I Mpg our Warehouseion th e (natal Basin, we ere pre
ntrelobir.p. tr 8 :,..,,,„. ° ti l„,".h 1...00. gas the "Due. .g . pared to smoke end store baton on reasonable term..
Tb il iniVrke l er ß rlll ' ,%. l)" l)._ .4D c1 ; ' , 4 ,,,, i '7W.x4 str''''' between . th `'..4 KIER A JONES,
Canal basin, near 7th pt.
arid rend, agent for Plitshargh, of ve 4 ltgm 'iY ro: l tt: , f,II.ILOGY CT/27101N QUINCY ADAlD3—Delitered
arvrm car, be biol. 5
.E, m a y lith, igen, at the &heel Haase of the girth
D. M-Le " .7 bee /thee woo . led th i a g es, f„, Ward, Pittsburgh: sl y H. M. Breokenndsa.
Allegheny city, of whom itos ' gentlin: rrujoi .— Pablidted by JOHNBXCI4 li itTOCiMON, and, !pi
":.. 6 e , sale b 7 slid. tookseDers in dia"eltY. ..
'.b llAPF ' . .ti— ' Rowse, Seeley, t and hawed ._ ___ ._ •. .
11 Tel... as, • good assortment ree'd by ikAIi.LEY MALT-eOO bomb now Ida/6. K be m bi
_Dr wailll BROWN a CU
cella BallaliLirET 6 WFUTZ
TARERS,enrper of Penn and PL Clan. wee.. --. 7 ,.... ie r-, 1848.
opposite the F.gchange Hotel, eellaeSe on Penn street. ....n,.. n
respectfully inform their friends and the public that ---
d "p " e FilF".d . formal. and luend ' toem drFdadlt. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND lute of undertakers- Always on band a large es- W. T. Manua, Pn.burgh; CLEVELAND.
tairUncut of ready made CoCruls, covered, lined and fin- r Ram, Peaks & Co. Beaver, }Peppy's.
oiled in the very best manner, all sorts and sizes reedy CLAWTOID & CltaareCti.. Cleveland
Made Shrouds of Ilauncl,Cambetck sad muslin , andel! TIRE above Line a now prepared to transport freight
sires leede In approved styles. We keep a large as 1 end passengers from Ptnaltoregh and Cleveland. or
vino:wet of oh] erred black, cotton.siik and kid Gloves. grr y p o w on the Canals and Lakes
5 .' 6 (oe per I bdined r'ii , '
and md d' , d, deePot caps , cat - One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily
let-I, and every thing gnecesstry for dressing the dead, mng in mote-coon with the steamboats Lake Erie and
on reasonable toms as we purchase all our good s ldichigan. between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a line
a the Eastern clues Also, silver plates for engraving pj first ebony inearnlion.. Prore tier a bnp elid seinen
the tome and age. We have a s p lendid new heave ,it l era on lutes Erie I baron nod Michtenn
horse, and ary number of the best carriages. Every Property forwarded to any part of the Union Penh
thing attended to promptly and pi:neurally oct&ly d.patch, by WM T hIATHER or
1./FEL:NSW ARE MAN UFACTURERS, 1 ear Water aod Smithfield so. Pittsburgh.
R G Parks b. Co. Youngstosen, 03
Glowslnychanet, (near Plataburighd Pa.
ll W Coles re Co, Woo er ,
AGENDA—Reed, Park. & Co, Heaver;
Ran/Lowe, Na. 137, Wood street, PiftefiGrel- D Bostwick & Co, Ilreulport;
WILL constantly keep on hand a goal went. A & N Clark Newton Falls;
mein of Wane, of our own manufacture, end F Lerivis. Newport.
supertorqualny. Wholesale and country Mer
chants are respectfully invited to call and en
J & 14 M Whittlesev, Campbeßspore
amine for themselves, as w_ are determined to tell iF
J 0 M'llride Ravenna:
cheaper than has ever before bees offered to the pub- Miller A l'uttle, Ou) short Fells;
Wheeler & CA, Akron;
1 r.. .- Order. sent by mall, accompanied by the cash or Barney. Lahns & Co, Sandusky,
coy reaprence. will be promptly encoded - PIS Watkins & &Role, 'Poledn,
I, WOltan. a Co. Detroo, Mteh.
&Velure & M alien., Milwaukie, W.;
11 J Winelow, Chicago, 111, apl4
aIfM2M 1848 . M 1634.
Jwatse F- Lariat
ULVANF ti.LESLlEtnnantantare and keep con
stant 4 on hand Cet, Moulded and Plain Fl.
Glassware, m all its varieties, at their Warehouse eon
frit of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
Our Works continue In toll operation, and we are
rottstan I y adding to our stack, which enables os to till
orders with promptness. Purehasers are respectfully
retried to call and examine prices end terms.
myl y
FROM the very liberal encourage
••• meet the subscriber hat received s mee
he bus located himself in Allegheny,
ilmilt.Z: bat educed him to take lease, for •
term of years, end. property he now
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
Freshmen. Mulch. the 1014 experience in the
above basin.. and • desire please, hopes to leer.
It and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on hand and faustung to order, Rockaway Bop
Stet, open and top Buggies, and every desenpuon of
uarnagea made to order, ham seam:icy-five dollars to
eight Minaret ;011N SOUTH
161 HEALD, BUCKNOR A. Co. 41 north water in, and
le N. wharves, Phil'a, offer for sale on accommodating
terms, NM pkg. Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of
pounds, half pounds, s's, o'.. lirs, 16's, 16'. and Ws,
lumps; Ss, e's and trs plug. and LT. Ladies' Twist, lit
ole nod halfboxes, orate following approved brands,
James if Grant. Osborn & Bragg/
Grant & Williams, A Cabaniss,
8 Jon. & Pon, M . Donald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas, Jr. A H Annistead,
1 Thom. & Son, Landhoru dr. Armistead,
1 P oates
nth, Jhi
ra.t."°,, ' tATII7I: •
Green Hall, Wm Dawson
Pearl & Norwood. J 8 Blackwor.d,
Nein Page, Keystone,
W H Vaughan. Edmond Henry,
Port.. Robinson, Russell & Robinson,'
Ruin. Robinson &Co Ss. Halsey,
II Metcalf. John bkider,
La wean. Lomer, J Robinson,
Erne A Gray. D B Turner,
R Jamieson, York Whim,
D M Bruch. —Al,BO—
Les.fTobaoco, wrappers sad fillers
Tars do do do
t - trurnegos do do do
v: lago de Cuba do do do
St Domingo do do do
Imo. A Guides do, put Inc, do,le do do do
Kentucky vutous grades do do
t, trg”,let Leaf. suitable for and export:
Span:. Seed Lear, Penn's. Connecticut and Ohio.
tr au... Scraps, sweet, German Pipes; Pipe heads;
Brotra Snot noose sad bladderui Mucouba Meal:
'Various Brans. Havana but, Ono Rose; Detour.%
Calairna Liquovier, Patent Cavendish Knives Spur*
i A 4 . !F. grea teal and best variety everoffered In tYs etty
Rore—made on the stoat appeared Kamera Wens—
., I sat fasknon able Eastern patterns and colors Also
or mane to order of all amen. and at ail proses
Country Merchants and others are wetted to call and
exasnane the above for tbelaselve.,as all In!! be sold
arbniesale or rem lb sod a liberal dedoction made to
vebniesalc porebarrs.
W. FIELD offers for sale al the .vresl
• hfarmfasturers' pnees, a very eitehs,ve
o , PAPER, elsenpruringr every P 1,11.4 k sanely,
ad- plerl the wants of consonsers all scr,os •r, tie
enc.t:i y. raper of all 'nods mark to or4er,horl
/f nook 13( PRINTING PAPER la maarrally large
• part of who. ti •ery superior orrahry.
vet) de«,r,proort, , inported and kept tonstaraily
Ow: • : FelLogs. Wre Qotlo, Fourgrssuer W,reo
Mooch:rig Powder. Moe I.:Lynam:ere, Tv too, se , eye
orrua, Rale Rope, Guy. Rope, Ragtag, et , •
purchased. for the ogbest prier ria Cash Ira! by
pool IrN New port, hey,ite4a.
- BRICK iron asks- -
14 tioderaigoed oders for we • sullen°, arcrelo
of br&clr .or Lorldmg.mode by 6rtertirato PTV.,
iml rased matione, for which he hat obtained • patent
and og,or io give purchasers a Norilterrgoaruktee Rau
thev are *tromp, and vril: re. " (mkt ibriorer wroth
cr moisture or dampness &stony oth
er Eymk po•sesung greaser body and superb:it Manua
ono much more Jumble in every respect, each brick
inung mumemed to a pressure of several lana, and pos.
se•sia handsome smooth surface and even edges,
the, make a front equal to the beat front hank
1 hey have given the greatest satiztartion to all who
ban a rairehalad. A kiln can be seen at my works, and
specimen at the Garet. office,
Those d
baring soppbed themselves or their butlatinga.
/Id Vlghiglg hansome front bra lc. or mpenor bard
•11.1 solid paving bail, can obtain them
Hamlngham. /one 12, 194,
TAKE:Stilts method co Inform Matt . ..oda
and the prublie at large that in. gacf or y .
now in full operation, on the. seem tide or
the Ihamoad. Allegheny, other. a
.rant supply supply of Banda, of van., color.
ald qualities. are constantly kept on hand;
so. at No s Wood at, Pin/Month, at I a
II Phillips' oil cloth wareroo.
tr roman Shot ter. made to order in the best style
Minds repfureal or the shortest natter
:ti ll —fl,. Blinds will be put op without any add/.
aonal expense., so that they can be removed in
na ii I .ri rase of fire or for washing, and without the aid
or a .crew driver. 111-dlytcwiacnlyS
12 I.F.GAN'T PERFL'AIER Y • On Hanel's Eon Urine
..L.r . de Venn, for rendering lire skin soil and beautiful.
Ilauer• cclebrsted ICyacatn Poop.
/freer. Indian Vegetable Haw O,L. for irradeally
daraentog the hate and prornoung tU growth.
L.tqlod /fur Dye. for ehanahnrr red or Bray
hour to a Le•tollal brown, tdaek or ermonto calor
Dauer. f xq bistro, Harr Pogrom:lce ; for producing
maurtant growth of hair
Ilnue, • Curling Mod. .
Hauer. Deprlatory Powder, (or rernonng
our hair.
ilamr• Rose Tooth Paste.
Chloe. or Peratan Totlot Powder.
Bailors Unnvalled Maiming Create.
Batters elegant ExtrllClP aver... fragrant flow
the handkerchief, together with a large amp
of fine Perfumery. mat meld and for tale by
el At eor let Atwood. al. nor OM& wood
East side club. Lhasnonsi, where Vettinnst
/thirds of all the thaereto sixes and colors
are kept on hand or made to order she
the latest and most approved kkasiersi Who
loth, al the simplest notice and on the mos
reasonable tonna
Aire, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Curtains of ell the different fires imd
patterns, en hand and for sale low for car& Old Vem•
nen III:nd. painted o•er and repaired or taken in pan
payment for ri2or R. 11 WEXPERVIKUP, Pro'pr.
N. It —All wort done with the beat material and
workmanahm, and crammed to please the most 11r
tidootts. anglo.dly
Allegheny tiny, Avg 10, 1013
xenon, re.
s. teted thcumeivee tclother under the style and - title
of Ss:holey, Ryan /c Co., for the manufacture Of Wood
Type. end as their type to altogether made by machi
nery. the Invention of Isaac Id. Binger, one of the firm,
they teal Confident that they offer a more perfect article
typet and at much love. rat. than any heretofore
uttered in the United Suttee, and are now ready to hit
ordcre for Monroe.
Ail orden addrimed to licholoy, Ryon it. Co.
their office an Diamond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, wall be punctually attended to.
11:f Proprietor, of newspapers, on copying than ad-
Vetllsentellt 3 months, and sending o. their paper, wall
be caulked to receive their pay in type, on purchasing
three times the amount of their ball for udverustag.
E Proprietor of this well knownplace of reaort boa
the Oeuvre of Informing the public that Lis cattalo
' loam/cut baring been thoroughly refitted and repaired,
and thr grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, is
/low Open for teen. accommodation, and he Batters him
sat that those who may flavor him with their patron
age will and all that they desire, provided in the best
elfin and on reanable terms. determined to
spore no expense in making his esrabllshment worthy
of ;auntie patronage. He has accommodation. for
boarding a rew families. lee Creams, and all refrosit
-111,1. suitable to the season, constantly on band
704 rturoscortrsrtun or waacastang;
firHE Proprietors of Wm old establishedand first
Portable Boat Line. having removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, to a. much larger Warehouse
on Market at., than they formerly occupied, and also re
ed their roam for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to offer much pewter hmillues to their friends
and patrons.
Goods corned by this line are not transtuppcd be
tween Pilmburgis and Pkuladelplow being carried ete
tirely In Portable Sechon 800.. To shippers of flour
and other goods requiring careful buidling, this is of
importance. No charge made for recervlng or .hipping
goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded
promptly, mat upon ca reasonable tems as by any oth
er larte.
Canal Basin. Penn •4, Pittsburgh.
febs4 277 Market & 54 Comineree at., Phila.
IiIeFADEN tr. Co., Forwarding and Comma
don Merchants, Canal Basin; Penn lit., Plusburge.
JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Penton and Cementa
tion Merchants, BD Market, and 54 Commerce it,
Philadelphia_ febni
dvances made b either of the above on Flour,
WOO. and other descripti o n of Merchandise consigned
to Menu. feb44
TITRICE—The subteribera have disposed of their in•
tercet in the PeID nn'a and Onto l i ne CLARKE &
W, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this
° ley will continue to Innate, litnriness for the Imo,
at their Warehouse on Broad street. vusual, and be
speak for it a contlnuanoo of the petronage of their
friends. JAMES STEEL & Co.
Pitiladelintia, March sth, le4th
Pasa.A. and Ohio Trams ortatlon Co.
Double Da4 Loa of
markup To mawrom eonns exorasa errrsersaa
,M no
CLARKE t THA DASD W, Can al Ha wn,
LEWIS k BUTLER, 219 Market rt., PhLadetphi&
JA& STEEL & CO, Ars, Broad meet.
COVVDILN,CLARKIE &Co . North at.. Oak
W PORFUCK, Ar., 12 Wr.t suer, Now York.
Ocoppetrtaoraltep r
Ttub...ober* have this day asaDousted thesaaelvee
I together ender the style of Stet. tr. Jones. for the
purpoee of csantiaatug Om bounces formerly oarrtad oo
y Samar' M. liner, and soben a conuatunxe of the lib.
esd patronage heretofore extended to the be...
S./aft:EL N. KIES,
Aldeburgh, March 1, ISIS.
Ma= Signiillia
reputed tri receive and forward freight to
lif the ;there and tote places with as moth
despatch, and al as low rates, an any nClaer reaponaibla
the attention °fah/pp.,. wiatong to .end Pork or
con to Baltimore in hu.k, 1. particular:) 'relocated, tn.
sumach a• our •rrangercrnts 'noble u• to carry souk
tiruele• through In boiler order tnun an, outer true.
KIER A. /ONF-A, Prop to
Canal Bauu , se.
Pmsburib. March 1.1E47
16 7 A.
irx a JON F.S.-.Comminuon and fororardmg Nter .,
JUL WLok.aftio Drsiers L. Iron. Blonamila
Salt. Produce, de
ra.h • $l, tate non eoa.4nmelL.
NE, ! ,
burg OR ay, N. O.
Pth. rtuatpaaa
To Philado pa a lama s more.
VIA ta..1.• Itimical.
HENRI" GRAFF h. Ca., canal Daaiu , Pittsbuqh.
DrFILH, HUMPH/W + a ( . .11, Na 14731asket .1, nit
C H Km earner North it Sonta l ta ma Bali.
Jon s F Clarke, No 13, Old Blip, Now lor.c,
XrOTICE—The Gth• at ow Anma will he known NMI
kna site, dila date, at Plttatnac as Henry G
k aadjat Philadelphia, Grim Humphreys& Oa
HENRY GRAFF, th:Ghararti. coarthf
eitt=l lB4B ./Mat
Fhs cks Trap -7.'1=8.a of Fresva *and films
BossIDON k C.aa. Yeslitilelpbon
T A Otowana Pittsburgh
lILy old eualalsatted Line nesn• now In lull open,
j non, the prorotetors ens, made ea artange•
In,. la fururiatd cocas and produce *rob despatch, •i,4
the most favorable terms They es:addend,- hope
aw well known promptnea. delt , eruig food
roust entet7 efu..le Of cariTtor.-04143(t0YA warennu..
of ...ell po produce—to sr commodattons skuppers
and wners algether wan Weir long erpe
riente and unman:T:l3r anennon Imsfues, Ilse
to mem • entionuanee of that Itberal patronage they
hereby reatelekh acknowledet.
Al sonstgrunenta 47 •nd for !hn line received. shit,
goo paid. and furve•nled any required •
dimenotia free
of h•vre for ,
directly eommtaton.
In advandi re
or storage
fhe Interne or reetly. m atrairitatats
All conmenntrattonaiimmpt/y attended to on appdea•
non to the follow - mg asvents
HORHIPSSE & CASH. a^! Market st. Philadelphia.
TA A Fri: OX711.7:1011.., Canal Hann. Pittsburgh.
OVONNILVELS & Co, North .t. Bantmore
Ivm U W1L.7074, en Cedar at, New York. ap3
1848 - ,AEitit,
Lake Fri. and Mteh gaa ;,`,l
Heaver, and !ratan% and paaaenger Canal Boats be
tween Beaver and Kn., and C H Reed, lute or brat
elms steamboat; propeller. and Taunt. on the Lakea.
taprepared to carry freight and passengers to all points
on the
Canal, and Labe. bine, Hueon and Mich.
Drew, every facility for conveying Oriels and p
' , engem limb promptness and dogtooth, the prop],
and ageing respectfully solicit trout their Mends ac •
Ilnutrice of their puma
C N R RETFPropnetor.
REED, PAR S k Co, Beaver. Anew.
.101114 A.CAUGIIEY, Agent,
_pig or Weser and Smithfield sts. Pittsburgh.
la 1848.
To and from the Mister', COI,. via Cumberland.
TIS propnerom of t h us popular hne, have'stnee that..
1,-4 " , P...* , 0 ,, largely increased their Gicalllee to
meet the wielies of trappers, and are how repared to
forward a p b
ester amouni y the FIVE DAY UNE,
as also by arldthoind regular wagons at low rata,
This Um will Dm throughout the year, delivering
goods throush th e agenta is Baltimore asid Pittsburgh
to embers axe consignees at specified rate. and tna.
Shipmeals from Philado/phia for the lino should be
marked 'Care, J II Robinson, Baltamore."
The only agents are,
MI 8 Charism al, Baltimore.
EDGERTON fr. Co, Cumbatiaud.
' CAA Brownsville.
feb4 .1 C BIDWIIF. L , Pittsburgh._
fi t : lie la
E CLI . 1; IG T t.r. 111.. 1!:P011 . 11T . f2 . 3l th LlM a t
Agency et Cumberland [roar " L 'i remee of MeHaig k hi.
gun ba that of Edgerton kCa.
Pond/wet nod n vtern oaelshento en notified that J Ilay•
ly Robszano. No PI Satoh Cherie, .1, linkman, ir the only
atahorteed meat of this LIN to the Eastern clam
The only %mote ars
1848 o,l l. Efarlililtd
Vu P.MsTLVANIA AND 01110 14n. ROAM.
AREP payed to transport goods and produce to and
from the aba re eines on favorable trans. Ad
dr.. or apply to
D. LEFCH &Co, Carml Basin, Pittaburgh
HARRIS & LEFA.III, Nos. &ID 301116 Third It, MI.
J. TA YLOR A BON, Agtv, No 14, Howard at, Balt,
A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 Rest street, New York.
P lOl6l BO, klareh Nth, 1546. mara)
Ea= 1848.
OODS eontortned to our care will be forwarded
kj.arahout delay at the lowest current mite.
C A bIeANULTY & Co.,
-7P.1 and 364 Market .1, Patp a ,
few` Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
MUM 1848 . mAtita
aircLusllll.7 Foams T.X.0.11.T10N Ua 'stair Fl ys=
rIETWF.EIII Pittsburgh, Blairsville:Johnstown, ilol 7
Ildayabusge,Water strum, (Huntingdon Co)and Pe.
This Line was formed oschutmly for the specie n.
commodalion of the way Wittiness. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very liberal patronage they has e
deismd dosing the last two vita, would respeetlety in
fer. their Igen& and the public that they are tww shill
better prepared to deliver goods at any point on the
Canal and Ball Roads, with promptness and dlgraush.
. .
Pie/swarth & Woodr,Johnstowa
JohAbliller. HotSdnilbn
C A 111 1 Asnalty & Co r e PLoslmsb..
Raorrusoco—LPillibmils—Hrttlth & Sinobar4.73 & J,
MoDevin;l7.o HSlLoantemor, R Robinson & Co; R '
ms Raly &
be Smith; John Parker, Wm Lehiass &
Co, Di ftosarges.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
" OCEAN, Capt. Walters.
ONE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day,
(Sunday. eirepted) and mt.° it mornAng al
M wren, where they connect with the Mad Stag. for
Akron and Clevelaud, arrering each thexe place•
before night. One of the Neketsliwve Warren daily,
•t 5 P. M., and arrive at Beaver in Wee to take the
mooing wewalarrat for Pittsburgh.
CVT k:23AYLO LEFFINOWELL, Warert, p romer. ..
B R,
111212110 n TO Tn. take In Irony noon
Canal Packet—Passsrhvasts, Capt. Jeffnea;
" ", •' Pollock,
" "... Ls. Ewa, " Truby;
" PlTranu, " Brown;
Fs L.CinoS. " Sayer.
The above new and splendid Pusenger Packet titre
coenced running between BEAVER AND, ' E,
and will run regularly during the season—one at
leaving Erie every morning at it o'clock, and one leav
ing Beaver every evening, Ilomecluttol y after the am.
sal of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
The !thaw are new and comfortably fun:lmbed,
n g]
will ran through in forty hours. Passengers to 9r
point on th e Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this
route the most comfortable and expeditions. Tlelreta
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured spy
applying to the proprietors.
II MD, PARKS & Co, Beaver
JOHN A. CAEGIIEY, Agl Pluabargh,
HarmonVann. and Smna&old nal
AGENTS:—Joa C , Buffalo, N y.
C M Reed, Eine, Pa.
0 C Wirt, Greenville Pa;
limarland and King, Big Rend. Pa; !
IlazaA. plumb, Rhaee- , -
~t.,.. .
J C BID W ELL, PillAbti
O W CASS. Brovroindke, -
J B ROBINSON, Bahama,.
-toyo PharTwbursh,-PIN
W Malan.Shartm, Pa;
D C Mathewl,Pulask Pa;
W Cunningham. New Casty.,Pa-
Eienn•ylvailla Canil & Itoadlres.
proms.rwst PaLc/keg Line,
1848 •11kna
(Exclusively ng)
11 , 111-: public •re f ul ly respect informed that this Line
4 11. will commence running on the VII Mil, and con
untoo throughout the treason.
The boats are new, and of a superior class, with eh
'urged embinl, which will love greeter comfort. The
can. ore the latest construction
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re.
quested to nail and examine thern before engaging
7:4 " o only nine dollar. through.) Our ofthe boon, of
duo Line still Irene the lauding )opposite U. & Hotel,
corner of Penn street end Canal, every alght at mne &-
clock Thne 3+ days. For Information, apply at the
Office, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH A. Co
jeglt (anal Basle.
Pulsator and Remittance Odle..
AteHANRDEN & CO. conunue to bring persona
om any part of England, lrload . lgeollmd of
Vales, upon the most liberal mime, with their
swami penetualrty and attention to the wants and tom.
fort ol etomigranu We do not allow OUT passengers to
be robbed by the swicdl44l emarpa that infest the sea.
ports, ae we take charge of them the moment they TIF
port themselves, and see to their well being, and de.
watch them withoet any . detentian by the drat daps—
We any this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pusen.
aeon to show that they were detained 40 hour, by no In
Liverpool, whilst thousanda of when were demoted
emitee, until they could be sent to some old eran, la •
I eh; p rote, Melee too freqUeelly penned Metz cote,,.
We intend to perform our contracts honorably, COO
what it tuay, anti not Oct as was the ease lost season,
with ether either performed not all, as
when It suited their convenience.
Drafts drama at Pnbrintrgh Cat any sox from SI to
£lOOO, payaida at any oldie provincial Banks In Irce
land, Entlead, Modena and Waite
Ratopean ant! Remind Amp;
• Athl • mu toreaLaweadiant hittoweWnodl,
'Lr'tBTAD—i bbl 'mad Mustard for saha by
noill JOIEN Dmoaderr
o _ _ _
.11900, MUSIC, ke.
Valcciabrie and Attrietlve sow Beoks.
T A.ALILILTINES History of the Girondists, 3 vole, 12
_Li aro •
blurritife of Chevalier Bayard; 12 roc.
O. P. James' Late of Henry Me Pour* of France,
Szcith Conlor ClOl.l of Cham 12 mo.
Ncender's lai sc e of ienotlA Chain; r Yet, mu'l‘ds
Harrell Frr`tt ir'santriereor a new Sheaf from the
old fields of t '4lllllllOOOll Europe.
Copt. Henry's Sketcher. of the filenuun Wax: 12 too.
Glead'i scrri 01 111- Hanle of Waterloo; 12 ma.
A Suinmer in Saoilsnd. by Jacob Abbott; 11 ma
Sismondr's late: stare of the South of Rope: 2 role
19 rrio.
Husmn't Adventures .a Mexico and the Rocky
Alountetne, it: on muslin
Posthumous 11'tires of Her Thos. Chalmers, D. D..
L. L. D.
The Prartteal Astronomer, by Thor. Dick, L. L
Irk of Jeremy Belknap, Historian of New
Luther and :he Re•orrtmoon, by John Scott, 1i A.,
The 31 , ddh. K.lll;rdnal, Pith n new map of the Eknpire;
by 8. IV Wi!lLtuna. Y vow, 12 MO
The Paver erthr Piny, by linrihner Spring, D. D.,
19 ma.
The Itethel rlay. Gardater Rpm!, D. D. lig mo.
Teaching a SCICIII.C 4 the Teacher an.Aritst by Rev.
H.R. Hall.
The Czar. hi. COll, and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Shuktpeant, by H. N. Hudson.
The Anis. of A Incrwa—lllustrated with nine cmgra
rings Oli steer.. a v•I containing thatches of the lire. of
A 11•1011, 1111:U311. W.-w., Sloan, Trumbull, De Vet us
lientbrandt Peale nil Tiros. Crawford; 1 v 01,13 vo.
The Or - 1110 r. of Prarce; centairung sketches of the
lives of lama:rum. 'Mier.. Napoleon, Dorton, Mira
beau, Gr.rsor and or he, with rilortittilii of each.
Heads} ; Napoimin end Marshals: 2 vols. PI too.
Headley'. ‘Vaseington and has Generals; 2 yobs Illor
Headlcy'.4aerr..l 11ounrains
The above. iogrither with a large collection of Stand
ard Works. Chas-real anal School Hooke, (or sale by
; es corner market and 34 its
- .
wrEW AND A rfltAr `ITVF. BOOKS--Chalmers So
leci wriest. cola
Chrrlmer.• , d)) ;-; •rtpture Beading;
Memoir of the Loo of 111ra. Ply, std col;
The Convenr,by ;he author of 'Schoolgirl to France
Lady Mary, or No; of the World, by Rev C B Tay
lor. Al. A.
Margaret. or the Pearl. do
!Sark Craton, or ;ha hlercharit'a Clerk I.ife of Polmk, author of '`Course of Thee;"
The Listener. by Caroline Fry;
Lectures on Shekspeare, by 14 N Hudson;
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by. J T He
Napoleon and lot Marshals do
Wardungron and hi. Generals, do
Power of the Purim., by Gardiner Sprmg, D D
Bethel Flag, do do
Religi 'leaching by Example;
Pulpit Orator, of Prance, by Turnbull;
Genius of Semi/ord. do
Life of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vole
Grarors of France, Now and Then; Bethune's Primmer'
Margaret Mercer.
Jacobs. on Ala tmew, adapted to Union Cluesoona,•
Arthur's Popular Toros-"Riches in the World,"
“Making Haste to I.e Bich," .I:Lobes have
"Kerma op Appearances," “Dribior and Creditor."
For sale by ELLIOTT rt. ENGLISH,
012 :Ssocod and 56 market at
- -
A SPLENDID aissortment of Alabo
g. y and Rosewood Pianos, lush an
whed. These we:mahouts are made of
the latest pattern and best taatenals
and will he sold low for cash by
F. BLIJAIE, IDS Wood street,
LAI door above FRIA
N. II —Thos who are in wont of a good Instrument.
are resner Ifolly to rttsd to examine, these helots our
chew, r I.ewhere. us they cannot be excelled by any
In the country, and will be sold lower than any brought
from the Fast Alsorurt rreetred, two piano. of Horn.
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever sold In Lbw country oedill
ItU EC V ED and tor u•le, • lot of r hoice with
and vriinout Coieman'• ..iioltac. Attachment. by
Manna ik Clark. One of :gonna &Cleric - hi Piano..
w h the Adachowat, evor taken to England by Mr
Coleman. and among many other teatimonird• of ad
miration or this elegant specimen al Ante nemi skill
sod ingenuity, eneded the following remarks from
9. Trmlberg. Me greaten Pianist living
Jan 1,.
My Deer encl.:ming •icmar to my frmod, Mr
flratal P. i I MII. reit.m from
a t exprosatng
to you uuw touch watch 1
pletmml watt year “..F...Maa
Attacnawnt. watch Icc alder as • great maraca' tm
)ou that ott my par: I shalt
arab trrrat pleasure tie my utmost to make po
o r: 1
11011 ktmertt. For tat.e I.y II XL UEB.,
At Woodmen*. fornature rooma.,ldat
I\ - LM LIOOKS.—LOOrt Li,. to: Europe. or Skrtches
oiTta••l to Fraitro. tarlatan, ,Ywnzerland. Italy.
n oaten. I'ru••:a. (heat Britain and Ireland, lonia or.
p, , eodis. ronta,rung oasenrationa on Foropean char-i
-nt, and :Meal ntoitlauot:a Hy Joan W Carson. M Ix
.kogrhs. ao , • , Hy On, author of "Fottlaa Wynd
bun. .Two utd Mtn'. Tales.. etc
Sott-Controt. a novel ity Mary &anion, author of
V. , DI I ) u , !Y , ours' R.-adtngs. fly the late
Thomas tha:incra. 1, D. I. D
Part 4. rh,. One Niigata Harpers' B
la•trated rdo .o.
WtOtarn tbr triotacer. s boot for etuldren fly the
•- ear or /Is ,, tert.' Or
'll, at.", e wortn rr.e.,t4 this day and for sale by
' :Iv 13.1YUS--
KMenutt-ta.. of the Introduetton of
!11c1b..1,•n t tz,o toe Kustortt corn , pt 3 tz o t,
t tirapincht name,. it• ci.u.uxt.
- • . ,ttu Si 4, L' '" A.
... _ . ... ... .
- nom hi, thank• to big inrnd• and the public
-The Un P a rc'slett ,, l ...rem , wile , he. for it.- extensive pa min.* he hos reeeteed, and of In-
Memoir of Ree Davol Atieel. D. D . , late hlissionary
to h. LA Itept.ert . Rey r. It Ns .:itameott
e 0( !tae formuti went Utat he ha* lately erected a large ono
GINSE'iI., PANACEA ‘ ,., ; , ...l.aructed lititldmu for the exclusrve purposes
ii ' e b"' M Vi '' .. "' sir'''''. i . i '''" .. . 3 R . 1.... "1. •. "I'. t 4l li , e vonoo, 0 ..r00 , rroao.o of the long. us- of in. WATF.R CT RE E..... , TABLISItAIE.NT, at , h old
''.'"'"" '" '"' " t """" ' ••".'"`"•°' ' '""'" '"'" roma.. au Induced the prnpr:e•.or again to call atmn- lora Om.,
• al Phllliptburgh. Pa., on the Ohio river °ppm
1..,:e. 1..,i). Mary. - hlarsaret, or the Pear:." it ite ttott to t , ,, , ,
site the steamboat landing at Reairer.oettere he teready
1 1 , • , • ,,, •• -,,,, a •arc , 0k . 0r0k.. , of new b 00k . ... i WONDERFIR. PREPARATION ito reoolve patients as uoardem, and that them on Hy
b's'44nol d j''''
" ''
k F :rrj -NCi r:2: l ,!:, "" r ~ The ehm nrabla ,,, ' , retch ...Ad mill fall nod l dropallitc principle. In addition to his long e :Der
_ . awret month, 1,1 always a fruitful soarer of , mice and the great soccer. which has heretofore r
301.19 II 110011.5 --History of One tireelt Re .. . COLDS AND COUG,HS. ' tended his treatment of patients committed la his co
gli elution. aod or the wars •nd campaigns arising These, tf neglected, ate but the precursors of that fell' Or h. now the additional facilities afforded by an
from th. ...Vete. co tbe tireek Pair.. in Entanespa. , destroyer,
ter.itivetio=ile . rected . expressly for the t p¢rpo•e,
—.-....—.—. tae r entllV, Frt.:. the Turbab Vot e —in two wed-
Lerpre rvyvo pf Witham 111 , from
6,t• rm o V vols.
svopanv , ,, Holy Serlytores
Harry Molvora , Istv roasnore, eagrf
• “4.•
041 AL., 110 Land, Frroch Ataffe, and Sketches
.lu , s Just reed aLd (AY •Alr Ay
Atrlic,NALD a Eit:L.4ori
AsArArt street
V W Nt)VFJ.S-- A Walla. and ronsequences
J. to ti I . It. ;ant b es. Es,
ens.l 001, n. ....1•0.t • th-m. by Wftliam
t pear. I r , ac art tuatrateona
/co. ard kern., My Cousin Story E V Cluldt
stor) of the Pt•koutu•ar ktar• by lienera: Charlet
Va..r. Nter,u,. of C B. U.
C II Ctoonet o(5 ke xd Itergl LAO , tittards
"The .bore wort. :et.. :red al. day and tor sale by
Al' OF PI—NNSYLVANIA—COPStrtirted from the
La I County Sur , ey• authorized by the State, and oth
er C0 . 1..1.11. doeutra-tata Ktal•ed sinproved under
the open .•,n I. Wm F: Mtn L: Endmeer. upon
dm a pr0,,,,,ed I/I each county under author., of the
I",tstatute r A few copses of this large and splendid
3tap reeetsed tn. day end lot .ate by
Boot setter. r market end Matt
The 33tgitahut r a
lT I,reek Coneordance of the New Testament btog
.111,11kII I •verbal ..onntr.tton I.etween the lsreek
and the kalattah 'Fe att—tneluding a eoneordattee to the
Proper Names. with Indexes. Grew I, Engloth, and limp
Ilan-Creek Joat rerei•ed and fps sale by
llookiellert. dor Martel and 3d it.
!iotalle Prami Plaso
• .
A SPLENDID aaworrnent of Rose
-1,111149 wood and Mahogany grand &coon Pr.
Ono., jual &lotted and lor tale.
Alec, two oplendul kosewoodrlanos.
enth Coleman, celebrated Soli. stiachmenl.Ordstled
In the most modern style, and for sale al
. -
To Pr oprietors have spent mach Owe
in bringing this preparatlim of SAas AAAAA
to is present state of perfection: and the experience
of fourteen year, has furnithedtham the mom ample 09-
per - tunny to study, in their various romaine riltranasea for wltAdtig
Is recommended, and to adapt it exactly jo their relief ahal mire. 'Pa
tients who with arsatr, ouch ltediane are invited to girt, Its trW, sad satisfy
themselves of its superionty, end the inarguable-property It ponesso of welting
and cueing dasease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, sad io Ito
present improved form may safely claim to be the man and mum...? Medicine of
the age. Its progress to the fame it has attained may be tamed by s loos tie of Wm
and cures, that stand as land:nal-4 and beacons for the invalid, laohealog the raap to
the haven of health.
Mesas. A. B. k D. SAN. Yew, York Jemmy 7, 1848.
GiNTLIMMITM.-1 - 161171g Itred, and mane.xd the effects of lour nacelleat ilreparantnn
of Sarnapartlla on different persona to various parts of tha Southern country, no..
Yaguna, Lounnana, Tema and Revco, I feel much pleasure in stating the high
ilitTe n tll 4 . re.ntedoviong great
the e ' nerratTl ' sth e tel'ofmtie° wn earn
system, lld ‘cU'd tuag nTh ra .t n
the roast agreeable manner. a tonic and
Your Sarsaparilla is }malty improved and extensively used by the 17. States army
In Atha. and my countn, GEli. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the past dee year.
been In the habit of t
it, and recommends the same he and myself adopted the
article at the same time, and at is now considered an almost indlasensable regulate
In the army. In concluston I would sny, that the better it known th e more highly
It will ho pared, and I treat that an healthrestoting matte will snake it generally
known th roughout the length and breedth of our irately-extended country,
Your, very reSpecthily, S. G. TAYLOR,
IL S. Consul to New Granada.
Messrs. ask. ,--Gentlemen—Sympadry for dis adhaW4 3""" indttows . C.....
ree l ta ru t
of the remarkable ouzo effected by your Sarsaparilla In the case of my wife. he
was seserely afflicted with the Scrohda ilUitlferent pane of the body; glands of
the neck were greatly enlarged, and her lima mask Mellen: Altar over a
msr, and finding no relief
the reratiteraed, the disease idtackeidirg, and
below the knee eupporated. Her physician inlell atiouldial la h ldzwhiolo ems
done, hat without any permanent benefit hi this dionikra we o and were
induced to use dawns' Unaparilla. The lid bade produced • dal favor.
. able erect, reboring her more than up etartiptbau ape kid ever taken; •ad before
she had used sir bottles, to the astonlidment did delight of her frlmds, she toned her
health QUitB restored. Is pi new Over 1 feat WIPP the area war liead, and her
health magus good, showing the thews wu thoroceldy eradiated from the users
Our afaibehre
rile all knowing to these facts, 04 awl guar 3
n ara r Ma p a n tra
Wawa to the . Yantartih aqua.
Extract from • letter reoeived from Hr. N. W. Herds, a gentleman weft known to
Louisa ocearty, T. :—" I have cured • negro bey of Mine with your MulaparilL,
who was attacked with harofula, and of teasel:dm Madly. Tours tnd
" Enelseicks ihuz, To., lids 11, Ma." • N. W.
The following testimony from Rev. John , late Radar of the Obarch of the
Cruchlxion In this city, commends Itself to the of afflicted Numerous
eattgashse of cures of various diseases cleated by this medicine are almost daily
Hewn Sum ,--A member of my Wady bee tabs }em nimble Ilan omarilhi far
• severe scroildons affection, ec. with the mod effect Mating from Me
nee. It give,' me very great pleasure to remit my led/mcmy to behalf often virtue
mot efficacy, hapmg that others may be ingested to maks a VIM of It.
New Yeri, Jim 10, 1846. JOHN GRIGG.
Masan A. B. b. D. Sasso . Nerotat, N. T., Oct. 6, 1647.
OZWll..l2ll—Fealbap of grantude induce Me Le=lie actinowlediettent
of the benefit I bare derived from the We of yeetr I hays for arena
year. been afhtcted smh actofulosts swellings to ay bald, Isaiah a clam would
gather and discharge at my throat, nose, and Minh and et osier. would break out to
diearramt part. of my face and bawl Time Cent/toted mall my throat, face, sod
head were almost one complete sore, and for a long time we... Roane that It no
with the utmost deliculty that I could Tu . .boa.. whisper. Daring this time !had
several at of pleuroy and other
toad vanotta remees. but received no !smelt =lll I commencied using your Sorsa
panne_ lam cow well the sores are all healed, and I att ri but• m. result =Well
to me effects of your valuable medictue.
Yours, with respect and gratitude, PUEDE CABOON.
maul acquainted with the person stairs named, I believe her statement
JA.kLES 11. D. CARR, Justice of the Peace.
WO FrLros•sr.. cosort or WILLIAM, Nit Veto.
Sold all° by Drugglsta generally throughout Lbe Unveil Stales anal Canada.
?nee $1 per /kale , sta Bottles for $5
to Pittsburg, wholeaair •nd Tamil, by H A FA Htil..laTOC & CO, corner of Wood and Front
er of . Myth and Wood •t by I. WIIA7OX, Jr, eorner of Smithfield and Fourth •t•. and Rho
et •t and the Diamond. ale°. by EDWARD FENDERICH.. on Monongal• House.. no: 3m
tn nded We eve
The paestion, then. how shad w. utp the destroyer in
the bud? bow shad we act clear o( our coughs and
ouls! 0 of mai trepohance to the NW,
0,11 he found to the Ginseng Panacea_ In proorof this
we have host time to time published the eernficates
!mares of our Win known eineena who have erperi.
eneed its runtime powers These. with a Inas. of tee
Prom all parts of the counory.—fronn
Ntnisters of the Gospet,'iler, together with copious nos
toes from the
re hove embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had
oatui of any o( our Lgent. throughout the country.
kayo been used in this cue
them/ghoul the Lasted State. and caniiiln, a ud ere clta
•enge any Man in point nut a
ortueh. *ten taken according in directions, and he.
Fire the lunge bad become fatally dieorgarimed, It has
tailed to
Why, then, need the afflicted hr water \t by maost
tan sa,,able nostrums. gotten up by out own inffliriff-
U in th e assumed name o(some ea .fasted phy.
siclan, and puffed into notonety by cantles:Coe r. per ,
sons equally unknown' Whilst a medicine of
Is to be had, whose vouehen are at homer-oar neagb
hors,--tratny of whom n has
In order that MIA mvoluable medicine may Pc placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rieb, hare
pat We prireot
Non ' One half the usual cost of cough medicines. tt IS
kW SAW by one .rents in nearly wary town and •nllego
doe, the west, who are pre pd to p full ani'orina.
n relative. to T. S ATE, re
Broadway. Cincinnati. Okuo
°glee 'itt th• Exchange, Baltimore. ,
D WAXED RA T E EN-The charges have been redo - 1 QIUROFIJI.s% AND SCROFULOUS SWELL
it. eed en on Mntave te or front Stsluntetv. rt..- 13 IfilLS.-Serolola to all it. multiplied foram
burgho or %Vheeling. and a corresponding reduction whether in that of K i mg'. Sivi, enlargements n the
.""'" ." '' . l.4" h " . d "P''''' .(° "'"' d ' a (" n '"" lands or boned, poem, Whitt, Swellings, Corona
titoone West of naburgh. Pa.
Harms-The charge lot • teleFraph despatch to or 1 ftheumatism, Canter, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
from Lialtarions. Pithsburgh and 44 heeling, ts 45 cents I 0 1 0 1 PnlMen 3 l7 COoeuthOttho, emanate from one
li e hest ten words, and 3 cents for each addsuoual 1 sad the tame manse, which is a poisonous poncipie
wo. •
E' Nu charge is made for the addrose and more or less inherent in the bum. system. There.
nom. stgua- 1 fore, anion this principle can be destroyed, no rash
cal care can be °dented, but if the principle upon
Until Me complehoo of the South Weatern Line of ,
which the disease depends, it removed, a cure
Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to Now ()means, des-'
p ate s,. can he forwarded i n hi eme y ne by iiy, i son ,,, an d moot 0/ necessity MI 10w,,p0 matter under what norm
mailed for New 0ri0n,,., le It . the disease should manliest itself. This, therefor,
A Chall•wer• to ilia World. - i is the reason sihy JAY. ea ALTartATIV Y. Is .0 um
ry.VENTI•FI VE DuLLARS real he paid to any one rerstlly succetalul in removing so many malignant
J who will produce "pot of paint, green or dry, that; diseases. It destroys th e T IM. or principle from
Cannel be attracted with Iteit's Improved Ct.:meal I whine those din,,., have their origin, by entenng
Soap. I have the snimaelton of saying to the people e. into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
allt place, that this ame le, by my own envoy ement on to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
t, now made annvalled in this country for a x inchingl disease from the eyntem. Prepared and sold at No.
grease, tat, pitch, oil, paint. Oi any other gr....iy NM- S ou th •
8 Thud Street, Philadelphia.
name, from all kinds or gentlemenbi or ladies' clothing, '
carpets, table cloth, inerino shawls., ladioe' bomen, i Sold at the Pekin 'I ea Store, No. 72 Foe nth siren
~ without injuring anything that pure water will tie ...q. v . mcb.3l
injure. More than one thousand person a in different - -
par. of the country have told me they would not he r A.DIE.• Who Use Common Prepared Walk, use
shoot u; If a mat one dollar per cake. In tr rum this II ddes not swore how frafttallY ItUnriott. t Is to
Soap on more than 300 articles of light Mks, satins, al. ' the skin! how name, how rough, how tallow, y ellow
pace., and calicoes, I hare only toned three pieces or , and unhealthy dm lain appears after using prepared
ulk, two of aliases, and foar of calico, on which it i Matti Besides, it is injurious, containing &hurt-man
ehang. the colon therefore before putting it on a light My of lead. We bardorepared a ...end vegetable
areas try • sample of the dress Anti. I sate tau because article, which we calf JONES'S SPANISH LILI
, lam determined not to recommend n coy in mentor than I , V Hli E! It is perfectly innocent, beingparlfied.of al
I know to be strictly true. Al 11.11101 r. deleterious du-Nines, and it imparts in the - skin a nerd
Pnee, hil eta per cake. Sold, wholesale and retail rat healthy, alabtismr, near, hying white, at then.=
dII E SELLMIS , time acting as s ...inlet, on the skid,skid, mating nneoee* 57 wood et land satooth.
Th• Allwiliesky Olseetery: - - Dr Jame. Anderson, Practical Chemin. of Mama
A T the annual meet.% of the Corporate,, held on chose. says, "After analyaih i g Janet's Spanish Lilly
the 3th mar-, the following persons sere utast. I White, I End it pones.. the roost belatifal and mutt
~...i y ~,,,,,,,o t, ,y Ah me ,,„ , b , the re,,„,„, your ; rat, at the same ulna lemma. white I ever anw. 1
THIJILAS M. HOWE, President I ecmainly 0 ... o .nwientiontlY recommend its nag mall
JOHN BISSELL, whose akin requires beaatifying, o
pv•so/DrPrld''til'y ' W e' III " .J . A bo CILISON, at his Eau
WILSON M'CANDLESS, Meitha o r. 1 Sto.,` berry Meet. head of Wood, at the sign or
it 9
J AMES R. SPEER, Ladies, ladles, Pet astonished,
J Poetry, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. When you know that yea are promised
The annual statement presented t h e affairs of the I A riewriti, [Netlike, snowy white,
Company in • very prosperous condition. 'their office That you will tun use common chalk,
in the nip Is N 0.37 'greet. ~,,,,, And look • deathly yellow fright,
Cy A RLE 1 H OALIIN Kt Llliltit LL 1 , For bet:ions sod l if The theme of laughter and of talk.
j Farailies.-This work consists of twenty volumes, I you wand nae • box of JON E'S Lally.white, it
wintlid,ewoontat.;,..untlyv‘engh.tindire, d .. d . ilf . o:e „ t u ti m su ly in o e; i ts g; Lllus . tr r atgl .7delsoitt4T2.ollraaktlni.reiter.h.a.nstod ri,ut,ovn:tattniszrtne.,
recently written and completed by S 0 tloottrih a. "" a-o, inn Llberry at. mice :scents per box.
thee of Peter Parley's Sele ct and is designed to ext. says
bit, in a popular ‘Ollll, Select IllOgraphies, ailment end -- - ----- -
modern; the wonder, and curionues of History, Na
ture, An , Science, and Phil.ophy, unite the practical
done* of lire.
'I he price per Vol. is 73 cents, each contain:lg about
370 pesos, limo; or 810 per et. For s a le by
Dem IL HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th at
lieerdorar•-•:(Easper tElark Evert
LORAN, WILSON & CO., Importers and Wholesale
Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No
INV Wood street, above Fifth, have now in store a very I
cheap mid well .elected stock of Hardware, imported
since the decline or prices in Europe, and which they I
are determined 10.511 cOrreapondingly low. Merehantel
Ito have been In the habit of going East, are particu
larly requested to call and look thrnsgh one stook, us .
• • conhdently believe they will save their eapeitees.
"VIPFIREENCROIudres, on a Wel of one and a half
Xr millions, since 184& pronounce this article rinser
passed for durability in Me construction of all kinds. of
Fnenaeea Price C. 31,75 cash for loads o(10 M, gone.
anteed tuna months use. Orders ferta&second quality
Boltvar Brialrawill be cleaned MIMI per Al, if so de.
sired, without guarantee. A stook of the first quality
is now for sale at the warehouse 'Sloanls Wharf; Cm.
cal Bruin, by J SHAW ALACLAREN. I
event Bensinglem Iroo Work.
MEND( FINE BRICKS—The subscribers baying
been appointed sole Agents by the manufacture let
for sale of the celebrated “Phosnia Bricks." are
now prepared to fill order for any quantity, at 1 3 4 ,
cash, per leXl. Foe the construcuoa of furnaces of
ail kinds, se bricks have been proitowteed by com-
Petenr/uOra at being supenor to all other bee bricks
now in use. OA AVANULTY & Co, Canal Basin.
ill GattrAixdatte &eta, jun teed •nd for so/. at the
India Rubber Depot, No • Wood stases
oer/i 3 a B ranJui's
g ia from Col, S. G Taylor, • gentleman of Ugh standing and ertenstre
to the Southern states, 'and lately appointed Consul to New °nomads:
mintng colon, .1401111 tart/ rootriu and need up with
every nece.ary apparatus for bathing, and Mimi..
onng the to the utmost benefit and comfort
f the patient. Pltilfipaburgh It a 1:110.11 delightful and
healthy village, easy taccess by meantime.. and af
ford. fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
inner acted persons wbomay place them.lves un
der nos care, dint every artenuon shall be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance °fate substanual benefits
be deemed,' he 1 1 0113...i1b confidence to the boo.
tired* who have been permanently cured at his estab
nil:anent Thu Water Cure leave. no injurious effect.
tiehind, as is too often the case with those who Lave
been treated on the old system. it removes the dis
ease, invigoratet the system, protects from the dangers
incident to changes of die weather, creates a natural
and active tippet., and imparts vigor to themestive
powers Terms of unto:tient and boarding teable.
For further particulars inotture at the establishment, or
address the proprietor at Phillipstmugh.
a ug-Aki
We have been informed by Mrs Base of tease per
formed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alterative, which
proves as superrority over every other remedy of tht
kind She has-been afflicted for the last sixteen yearn
utoeratton• and enfollation of venous bonen do
ring which time many pieces have been dtscharged from
the 'moral %ode of the cranium, (mot both her arms
orrisu and hands, and from both legs, lad from the lett
lea oral bone, and from the right knee, besides patnlni
ulcers on other pans of her person, which have bathed
the skill of a number of the most eminent physicians o'
oar mt.—dorms most of the time her sufferings bier
been excnnatng and deplorable. About three month,
since she was induced to try Dr. Jaytto's Alterative
which has hod an astonishingly happy effect noon her,
by reuto•lng all pain non swellums, and calming the
noel , to bent While at the same time her general health
has become completely restored, SO that she now weight
15 it,. more that( she did before she commenced the one
of att. truly valitgada prop ion.—{ear doe. Post.
For runner information, Inquire of Mrs. Rose, No. Et
Fitben at, Phliadelp% n.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE
Foorth st near Wood. 3
air D. MORGAN,
NM 2 4 Wood avec; one d./r south or Diamond
alley, Pittsburgh, Pia, offers for sale a huge lot of
1.02141, Aledleuma j lAls. Yantis, Varmanes, Dyestuffs
a .. 31 ktoreign and Domestic, to which he
s the 2 vxotion of drupga.M, phylueions and roe,
L" . "" ally, as he m determined to sell al
lowery Mom. and give.gautral must/moon. Goods
- rarranted and cheap. Yakutat/ No. I and 2, N. York
mannineture; RIM 'Jan. add Illael Leather Varniah
es, of eopenor quality. Alma %%thus and Bed Lead at
priers lower thin heretofore offered. J. D. M. alm
Ottaitufactores Morgait's celebrated Cough Synip,vrhich
given general .attatartton to all in the cunu g of
°oaks, colds, heameness, atrium:2a, whboptric cough,
Croup. ete; pore 22 cents per bottle. Also, Ninon , .
Indian Liver Pids, a rattan . ; eat. (or liver complaint,
sick headache, and all hide= complains Price 15 eta
per box. iep2l2
Dr. W. P..talsadls Premium Plaster
Ti H. IV. P. INLA2 D, a/ Me btettual College he' Phil
jJ ade/ptua, eDw offers o the publie h. lispben Veg.
°table Pisa:awn Plasutr, the quinces of ishich, aner
tong •nd tiled experience, he s been iienefeetordy es
tabliahed. To AL lemma who may be milieus! with
Yroapsus Utena or Finnan Womb, he meournairods his
I plasm', guar teems a .in son speedy cure in Me
„pp., spa yp of Man two to the* weeks, if applied with
tare and resi--discarduag all the countless instruments
*sal expensive bandages w long in Me. Tine he Hale
o ne to t stating inasmuch es he has not failed
in one case ou of three handfed and fitly-throe pa
Al. for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bank, at
tended with roun, Were is nothing to tizad this Pluto,
iu affording renefor effendi:Li • ear, For sale by
LW Um comer of Diamond and Market tt
Braun b. Reiter, " Liberty and St: Clair atm
Dr J Sargent " Federal et and Diamond, an
gheny city
Jaw:lam - a Da, • Duman and Diamond Arn o ,
A oRi,„Ar cmit. terrdreiedli di• Of I ellk! and may bale
nk,p 4 l gamins Liver Pill, prepared that told a Z SZL.
MOW,' F•CIVIT. Westmoreland Co.. P..
Jut) Rah, I ttEt.
M. A E. Sellers :—• sense of duty to )oti and the Obey
indthes me to mid my humthe !mummy 0 tanar of yourmstly
celebrated Lim Pills I hest deterred door, .o for yea r ,
adhering to Dar Crockett's matins, "be sure you are red,
rhea go .land. '" Most of tbe manypreparations °rampart.
thd packs, lauded to th y skies, bray earth mut atilmostsrom
yens Liver Pr I. 11. T. b... offered to the pub I, and. umleth a
I believe they will "survive 111[0 &IL" at they are jusl wk.l
I ' oe repnuest them to be / ham, been certh Laver
Compiaint (tom my youth, have suffered much, employed
mast, eusument phyateuthe, to whom I p i jJ much money; hare
loot much b bens vomited and ithysicked &Immo to elthda,
sal rataal sor 6 h 0.., 4.1114 6rallygtven up as nevi ably. In
1,436-7 I was traduced to try parr Ls., Pine, 6111./ 800 N OUT W ELL. One boa at *lad, L1...1.<W 10 keep omelette
of porn in the side and all the other symptoms fret !east
I months Your Pitts assets° the besthethartre I ever used;
ac ' t7,laut g - t ' ve oo ertl r m ' ach g re or li g e7l have kept 1.17 test :7mlllity atom.
d or . 6 or a stun, sold hundreds o( buses and hate thee,
'card • stag c comphdrat uttered by thy the who has used
them. Thr, hare superman& anther thery other pall in dm
neighborhood, and in a short tiros rill bthith 111.%
earnestly recommend thorn to rano. needing pbyrie,
abetter Bur Liner Coenphunt or Billiton Affections I ea.-
oder them hr superior to Calomel or the Blue ESL Req..-
J biome
6d II I AtIT7ON—As there are other Pills taint the Embtie
cab. 3 Liver Pills persons who want the UliYNClEEthould
ask for and take rsoother throe prepared and add by R
E SELLERS, No 57 Weed, betereet, Third and Fourth
Sold by Dr. Cum., li/th Tript, D
edty. eo-3
To the Medical Profession
JECKEEL'h EtsitlNA, now to use at the M. 0.!.
LL Asylums, cud other puling ettlutinthments, and
recommended by same of the whet dwungulahed pn)
slcians, and chemists, as au article of diet for children
and invalids, much supcnor ni arrow rook sago, etc.,
tar more strengthening. pleasant to the taste. and easy
of digestion. Put up an 24 lb boxes of half It, papers,
each accompanied with pruned direr:ions for cooking,
Ing, in his Agntunural ChemLary, p. 48, PluLed
"Children fed upon arrow.root, salep, or indeed any
trod or amylalaccous reod. which dries contain Ingre
dients fitted for the formabon of bones add muscies,
become fat. and acquire much satauscoir, their limbs
appear Ruh but they do not acquire strength, nor are
Weir organs properly developed."
In the analysis of die Forma made by Prof. Reid oC
New York. among other reted:tient, he rives 1b per
cent of glisten and alliumeic and remsras that the
claims of the Farina upon the Medical rrofeuion and
the nubile will rest upon rta.coutunitur in the glopen
and albumen, vegetable Illinue and oilier intros . ..used
bodies not found in arrow root or similar substances,
and which modern chemistry has pointed out as tremor
neeevsary to the formauen of bum hose, and by
means of which maws makes up for the eonstant
route that takes place in the human body. For sale
wholesale or retail, by R ri SELLERS,
. _ 57 wood in
Geo.t English Remedy. -
VOR Coughs, Colds.„Aatina and Consumpuon! The
r GREAT' AND ONLY REMEDY for rho cure of the
Wove diseases, A the HUNGARIAN BALSA:II OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at
London, England, and introduced into the UnitedStistee
under the mama-Maw eopertutendence of the inventor p
The emminhuary succest of thus medicine, in Us
cure of Pnlnienary diseases, warrants the Amerman
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst potable ea
ses that can be found in the community —cases than teak
rellefsin vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, end have been. given up by the most distinguish./
pliyalmairts n confirmed and incurable The Hunginis
an Balsam has cured, and mill cure, the most desperate
of cases. It is no quack nostrum, inn • standard Eng
medlczne of known and established
Every family in the United States should be supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Ltfo, not only m
coimternot the ommamptive of the clamste,
but to be used so a preventive medicine an all eases of
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the ado end
chest. irritation sod soreness of the lungs, I:machine,
didiculty of breaung hecuc Aver. nista sweats, ems.-
anon imdleneral debibty, maime influenza, whooping
"' Slid l=iles, at 81 per math full dime
-11.6 for the inn:Harlon of heath.
Pamphlets, coutanung a seises of Log(Ugh and Moen
can con:if:cotes, and other evidence, showing the un
equallesl menu of this gloat Cogfish Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agen,ratonotssly.
For sale by B A BINKBTOCK k Co., corner of
nand Wood and Wo odand 6th en. mere
JA ti CA.1.3/1:/NA VE BALSA EL
I ROM the Rev AS° eill.t N,a bre.lieuvra and pup
alar Cleric man tribe ProtestantCletliuditt Church
The undersigned basing nee° afflicted daring the past
winter with a disease or the sternest. somellines pre.
damns gresapain Ia the toommilifor tenor twelve tours
wake. anent:Latin°, and alter 11 arna, inect Viiredue
remedies with tale Creel, was furnished with a nettle
of Dr Diane's Carillidattet Liart.ent. This he used ae•
eording to the direetiolle. ertri redo , / in 'trine ly that this
medicine caused the pain in midi^ la tarot or (our mut
ates, and in Inman or twenty minutes every gainsay
sensation was entirel;t Quieted. Ito cm:Meiiu we. as' , .
terwardsuced erkeerver indicator, et the approach of
pare were perceived, and the pair. wet thereby prevent
ed /in continued to use the rapine°, every evening
and sometimes in the morning. and to a law weeks
acalth was so far tent Ura side rer wins relic,
ed ikons a large 611100. cf Mill CI
periCIICC, therefore, he cau clad rcroreree d D
l•ynela Carminative Dalaute as itsalutary medic: i n
Nr atm.. °fate attemacit and Do - wets. . rtiliNND
Allen beef) - coy . iyal
For sale la Fittabrugh at the PEKIN TEA "TOR
T 2 Fourth street, near Wood, and altto at theDvug
st ave or 14 ii Vitt VII•IiTZ Federal street A iicommy
Purley Yosnx Blood.
A fFL 0. E. SlBLEY—bear Sir 1.41•11 Sprung, and du-
At ring the previous wham'. I mos severely ailluned
with a scrofulous complaint in my legs, and and been
for some months under the care of phycletans They
mud my case was clinical tocuralds .11 they could do
: but lade for eta. I VMS neatly helpless, but with the
aid of crutches could with diteulty get abuts. In Slay
' last, I purchased of you, and coutuanneed using lima.
1111.11 5.4.151•1,81124. After the use of Iwo butt.., the
sores commenced he and and I laud aside my amok,
es, wing only n Calla. divensed with my ea., and
at lm mud of the fourth, was so well MA to ssist all day
tn stimulate alleep. ln all, I used five home.. The
scrofula .d sorts have all healedp, and suice lasi
summer I have sera no appearance the discass, but
have continued, and sot now. in t. m t perfect health)
I At]. with confidence, hoping shut o eta may be Len
eflimd in the some way, thiu the Sar.part/lo sold by
you, has been the Means and the only menus of edam..
ng the core. coaNa Per saTh wholesale and retall, by .I U 9 J. ELSE.
ear. from P wood au, & alao.rner wood Ir.
Amanda Amore' for sialvlnt;
Crown a In Roan, tor allaying;
croon, do;
Saptrfuld !Loop, on Potacthro ame.thr,
Elegant agent bags, waned wet, Lavender, Angle
a MI6,
841411.1101 powder pun, of all patterns;
Embeathed toilet boles, cothagoing migrant extracts
for She hrusittsoghteli a scent beg, had tmici soap., son
ar:de (or presents.
Pnrgiian, or Quaver Pnwricti
Mohan vegetable has
!karts oi4 m fancy or common wrappers, (rose scent
lopes' Soap; Nymph Soap; Rae (...p salve;
Shell soap; Soda soap, together Ralt a great variety
of Ene perfamery: just iceemed, Car sale by
__cur nth & wood ats
Pulmonary Dalnianm
MESSRS. REEL) & CLTLER—I teel It a duty I
owe to ely allow creatures, to state something
more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Belau.
&n ee I first used the Balsam, about eleven years ego,
We lumpy edect of which I then gore an amount Br,
had several severe complains and attacks at my
ango, one • few days aince, nod In every iustatice I
have used the Balsam about with complete aid perfect
success_ It has effected relief and cure in a very few
days_ It is certainly a sale medicine. I do not know
that it mil cure a (UM consumption, but I believe It
will be in many cases a preventive, and prevention t.
better than cure; (do therefore, for the love of ay fel
low rum, cravenly recommend the as. of this Balsam.
in all pulmonary eomplatots. I ate confident that it
has been the means of presorrog nay life to thin day.
Boston Jura la, '46. BENJAMIN PARSONS.,/
For sale by B A Falowstock, & Co, corner first end
aural and also eonsar wood and ea, jal9
power to care! Prersnome. Feb. 14. 1547.
R. E. Siu...n...gdy wife has for years been sobram
a a dmtresstng cough, accompanied with asthma, for
the cure of which she used theorem cough remedies,
awl had the alnico of the most amotent phystetaim
England, bot all was ucumatilag. By chain I heard
or your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was Induced to buy
bottle for total, although I had Ito trellef; that aoything
mold remove her complaint. To my great surprise,
two doses gave her immediate mar She mat tonal
troubled with a cough, but two teragaonalul of Syrup
always stops it lam satisfied, after a Mal of th ree or
aur years, Wet Seller's Cough Syrup ta the best cough •
amlicine I have aver tiled miter 111 the Old sr New
World %VAL RantasnallZ,
Seventh Ward, cal of Pitth.
The above certificate slrould induce all whorea
enabled will cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a trl
- It may be bad for 23 cents bottle, at the drat
Walt 0( R ESELI.ERS, 17 wood at ßold by Dr Cassel, sth ward, and D H Corry, Alle
gheny city.
• - -
Patimat. Block ISprlar i f Trains,
EWLYINVENTED-_F d ,th e lir( and i'erm.Mia
LI Can, of URANIA or filirl'UßE. (elicited to ad
the saperior clatnaailf this. Trims fO/111/103 me Co1O
nuatl•O olaa With wind; d may he worm rbe pad./
adod beitlj ovally halnncul oa sprangc, yinide to prafh
more on any part of it, and dimiumbly adapts imeit 10
naovenyent made by LOC tocart.t 1: caul 4c woad
without in ermmema , 004100 Oro Is olives, rue tob•
mt.hera have Mode arrangements forme niumi.anuirs
blest otiotb:e o 'opera), dorm, Pni
Icipola and have corm now (or sme 41 toe.. othro, fro.
R, calorie Id sa. near SEIM, ralstirgh.
GEL. %Art,
1030 la W. K /141.101.
SELLER S . VERMIFTCIE—"Superior to any I has,
ever used."
Litimrsi Tr., Payette county, P. March 4,15.
Mr. R. he reby cerufy I have used
your Vernur ge in my lamely, In.leve it equal, if
not superior 1 041071 have ever a•ml: I gave bone Of
my children oe dose, which expeiled about sar
Es.: Eve's -sort
Prepared mid sold by R 11 SELLERS, 57 Wo o d o r
Sold by Dr Caine!, Sid Want, t.urry, Mieghehy;
W J Smith, Temps...sessile, Otto P Drava Lae,
my I
SYRINGES—Ao esxortmrnt joott end for sal
by goy J KIDD SI. Co
1101.1 SHED DAILY-, /1 1 .1-WEElil.l" .1c 'A' EEKLI
Al uto Onssue Bull/rues, 34u-, neto..As Pan Qtytwo
One insertion of 12 Imes, ur 1en5,.... .... SO 50
'two insertions wahoutallentions 0 '76
• ' 1 50
One West • ...... 1 00
two Weeks
Three " • •
One Month, •' 3 u 0
Two " 600
three "
...... .. 750
gr? Longer advertinemente tv same proport,on.
Ono squaxe,6 menthe, wit'anot alien:lon, 111 00
Each addillonas/ square for 6 inonins. 5 00
'•10 00
Ones onare,6 'months, renew - obi. It yleamure, 15 00
12 iA 00
Each salditionso witioru lor 1: n.notb. 10 00
Iwo s uares,6 months, rs'w'mlrat pleaam r .30 00
Each additional equ.ra , 6 .ontha, 000
Ono square. 3 ILIZOtIiO., 35 00 •
" " each aridrtional
stetson canoe.
Five lines or less; ene year, 6 00
" " six months 500
0 " one year, daily 6, weekly, 10 CO
o em months •• " 00
For 00 line., er ken, One insertion, ...... ••80 CO
Two., 0 73
" 1 00
o Three months, 3030
Six " ••••••••••• 640
" Twig's