The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1848, Image 3

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____---•---....._ - - -- - =,.
Exclusively for Om Pittsburgh, 4:5 • - I - 1849 ..,
Bun I SIMI Moon Mooa 7 s
Tn . ,i i.. , _ N NOVEMBER. rises. 1 acts. ri•e• Phases.
. Important Eurepossts ears.
- PRILLDELPIIIA, Nov. 27, 1848. g :+ . B n B rdaT, 712 4 .18 - 8 to
d. y, 712 448 7XI ..„,
The latest telegraphic European News la Caper. 27 Monday, 713 447 • 8 3.1
tam. The State Trials wen still progressiag at Dub. : L'lZt d ,:li.,, , 7 It
~ t 1: i g :t
lin end FA churl. 30 Thursday/ 7IS 445 1..1 :3
FRANCE. 1 Praday, 710 '4 44 morn
__ __.: ______,._,
P1TT816311.431fi 13 0 "
Great preparations are making to prevent diger
hances during the election kv President, which is
to take place in December.
Marshal Bergand has withdrawn from the can-
VIM, It was reported that an amnesty for politi
cal °fiances would be promulgated soon.
Liverpool and London Cotton and Grain markets
were unchanged at the close, on the 9th instant
Come was fictive, and Grain was dull.
Pait.t.Dasau, NOT. 27, 1M&
By an arrival at this port, we have intelligence
that P&C2 had taken the Castle of Metric:sib°, nod
that Monargas had retired to the interior. Paez
wu expecting reinforcements daily, when he would
take up his match in punkat of the retreating Mo•
Important Divorce Oaso
Pon.A.Dasona, Nov. 21, 1518.
Mrs. Fanny Kemble Butler's divorce case cow.
menced this morning, which caused the court
room to be filled by curious spectators. The peen"
liar circumstances connected first with the mar.
nage, then the parting, and now the divorcing of
Fanny are such, that the public will have a rich
treat in reading the evidence elicited in the trial
Piin..kommionn, Nov. 27, 1848
Flour—Salta of 1,000 barrels at $5 25. Rye
Flour at $3 50, and Corn Meal at $3 per '.barreL
Grain—Thera is a good inquiry for Wheat for
milling purposes. Sales of prune reds at 110 InS.
and prime white at 110 cts per buslteL
---- Corn—Sales of new whits at Me, and yellow at
57 as, and old Mil7Cic per boaheL
Pros - talons—There is no activity in any article
--quotations are weedy.
Whiskey--Saks at 26 me per gal.
Groceries—The market is quiet. and prices are
Cotton—Market firm and prices as lam quoted
Nzw You, Nov. 21, 1843
Floor—Tbe market is firm, +arab good Eastern
and Hama demand, and some shipping inquiry.—
Sales of 5,500 barrels Genesee at S 5 3i(iils 44 as
per barreL
Grata—Sales 0(4,000 bushels prime yellow Coin
at 723730, and large private sale. have also been
Wheat, via New Orleans—sales to amount of
3,000 bushels at 112 c per bushel.
Provisions--There is no activity in may artirJe—
quotations are steady.
Groceries—The market for Groceries remains
dull, and prices unchanged.
Whiskey—Sales at 240 c per gallon.
13.12.1 - motr., Nov. 27, 1818.
Flour There is no marked change from pester..
day, but the market is if any thing more active.—
Sales of lloWard Street at $5 121 per bbl.
Gnlin—Sales of prime white Wheat at 106 to
115, and prime reds at SI to SI 10c per busheL
Corn—Selma of prime white at 40 to 20r, and
prime yellow at 51,5254 e per bushel.
Oats--Sales at 28l 30 cis per bushel.
Provisions --Market unchanged.
Tun Triton Fssrrivaa in the city of New York
on Tuesday night was a splendid affair. It was
attended by about two hundred persons, and was
given at the Irving Hohse. Hon. Geo. Folsom
presided, with Governor Youngon his right baud
and Hon. Francis Granger - on bii left. Speeches
were made by both these gentlemen, as well as by
Hon. Geo. Wood, Hon. Philip Hone, Jan S. Thay
er. Mr. Barrett, of Indiana, Hon. John A. Collier,
IL J. Raymond, of the Courier and Enquirer, S.
Draper, Moses H. Grinnell, and Mr. Preston, of
VSlllllllid—North A:seri/inn.
Conan Ulna itnitneersda Commences for
Office for procuing and defending Patents, imparting
information on blachanics an dm application of Sm.
coca to the Ana, and on American and Foreign Laws
of Patent..
j phis, and Z. C. ROBBING of Washinvon city,
Ito be sided by Hamad Knowles, Esq., late Machinmt
of the United - States Patent Odice.,) haveassociated
themselves together for the prosecution of the above
branches of profemonal business, either in their office,
at the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de
vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors and others wild may consult thorn or
place business in their hmds. Mr. Knowles has for
the past twelve years held the post of Monhinest in the
Limed States Patent Office, and resigns that situation
to take pen in the present andintalung. His talents
and peculiar fitness WA' the important other an long fill
ed by hint, have been fully reeognised by Inventors
whenever the office itselFts known.
The office of Messrs. J. It IL is on F street, opposite
the Patent Office ~Washington, D. C. where LOMMII/11-
.110,11, post paid, will be promptly attended to; exam.
mallow. nude, thrariaga specifications, and all regd.
it., papers prepared—end models procured when
end--on reasonable terms. Leman of enquiry, expect
ed to be mastered after examinations bad, must be ac
companied by a fee office dollars.
In the duties of their odice ranch pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, Messrs. J. & IL will be assisted by a legal
gentleman of the highest professional chatacter,and
tally conversant with Mechanics end other Scientific
subteem. myinkdkarlyS
FOR A 8 CENTS!—By means of the Pocket Eacu
laptus, pr every one Ida own Physician! twentieth
edition, with upwards of • hundred engravings, show
ing ensue diseases in every shape and form, and mai
fon:melon of the generative system, by W. YOUNG,
N. D The time has now arrived. that persons slight
ing from secret disease, reed no more become the vie-
Inn of - quackery, as by the preseriptions contained to
Mu book any one may cure himself, without hindrance
to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate
trieod, and with one tenth the usual expo se. In ad-
Cities to the general mount of private disc e, it folly
.thlain. the cause of manhood's early decline, with
ebaervations on marriage—besides many other
oangemems which it would not be proper to enumerate
rn the pablic prints
Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a letter,
will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five co"
pies will be sent for one dollar Address -DR W.
YOUNG,-No 152 Spruce street, Philadelphia," post
WANTED—Proprietor. of drug or book stores, and
pedlars, in every town in the Mined Slaws. to act as
agents for the above work. oci7-deodslai
"Be not the first by whom the new are Me.
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside."
'following advantages—The eves Is COnatainly
supplied with pure hot are, rendering the operation of
baking.. perfect as when done In a brick even.
It has a Chamber exclusively for Roasting meats
with a spit ; thus doing away with all the resisting at
tachments in the shape of -tin kitchens!"
It has a large cooking capacity, with an
flat surface on the top, which all housekeepers can
It can be set up withal:mm..on work, in any online.
ry fireplace, nein the room as-a stove; enabling those
who occupy hired Martha to have the advantage of a
range at the nos of a stove. And Lastly,
It hues less coal than any other eosthing apparates
not excepung the Emma Cooklhg Stove, which is also
for sale as wholesale or fetal', at
GILBERT'S Empire Stove-Depot,
girt Market MOO; Girard Row,
Extract from a recommendation from Henry Bach
man, Esq., =I Market sireet—elisni Can Y. no to.xn•
al recommendation of it, which I will not endorse If
efeeeed to." norAideaMDecg.kbfoaw
RERS.—The subscribers, being the exclusive im
porter. of James Mospratt & Sons' Soda Ash tor this'
market,. are now and will-continue to he largely sup
plied with Ibis celebrated blend, which they will sell
at the lowest market price for cash or approved bill*.
They refer to the glass and soap 01.11113.21.3 of
Ibis city generally respecting the quality
novt InOilberty at
Hisaolalug Powder, t Cblorldle or Lime.)
itERS—The .bscribers have on hand and will
constantly be supplied with Jas. htnepnut a eons' cel
ebrated Bleaching Powder, which they w.ll warrant
Neal if not orparior to any betponed In the C. States
end whichthey are prepared to sell at the lowest mar
bet price for cash or approved bills.
boot W & Si 1111TCHELTREE, 160 liberty st
Enspratt & Bone Soda Ash.
TIM sabeenbers are now receiving their Fall stock
of the above article, three vessels, viz: the momata,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Italtunore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leila, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive daring the win
ter and spring regular supplies ma New Orleans.
YRICERI COUGH CANDY—A fresh supply just r •
Weed sad for tale by no•I3 IUDDA Co
LIVE 01L-250 Eau. just rood and for sale by
ooh J KIDD t Co
1 1 01%)liWuOTI- 7 15 ueliTest reed ...I for eale
1„/ ey norl7 J KIDD & Co
ow) LIVER OIL-40 galls just reed and for sale by
l_i 40v13 J KIDD & Co
k tga
sad for sale by notl3
MOULD T CANDLE.Obxn irritare and fat sale by
AR-31iitaiprban N cr-thar. for 'sole by
LOAF 9COAR-3 . 11166, "roan loaves, for imio 111
S A; r . .. , ir . - 11T b agL•33 , KaTistZleElid AH i tac4n . tej o e , and
novl3 . front n EES APPLE:2I.-+A Vas prime Green Apple.,
Gma received and for we by
aevl3 WICK & Id'OANDLL.,_4S
117001.,! WOOL:!—The highest market price in
TV cash wilt be paid for tba different trades c ,
Wool, by 8 & W HARBAUGH,
oar lb Si water sod 104 front et
- • •
JA.superior Cream Cheese, lust received by
bovlO - tit W HASJIAUGH
GREEN A PP1.13-130 bids Green Apple., on can
nircunern an d for sale by
1 1gUt 7 -8 . a tan extradivatilOkeese, 101;11:ri
itllgy & co
FADES., SHOVELS, ise..-- 5 0 drii Spades sad She
"l.; dO do Masora Forks; 20 do °Rik Showsls; SO
do Socket do; Axes, lintelsets, Mattocks and Fick..
Bellows, ' , Aces, itc, for sole at mannfacture rs omen,
YuovlS GEO COCUILAN, 20 ssorsl
LEAD -1200 pig Galena Lead, from stmr Roemm,
:RR We by nor? FRIEND, RJOEY &Co
CBAB CIDER-40 bbl, niporioi,jum landing and for
FLOOR -190 bbl., for sale 0 - p_
.4618 BpARD
Tuesday Morning, November 20, 1646. E
The markets yesterday were generally quiet,
with but little change in prices. The river contin
ries in tine boating order, but trade in that quarter
la quite limited.
FLOUR—The market is doll, with no material
change in quotations. Receipts were light, with
=all first hand sales at 4.90a4,95 go bbl. From
store in regular dray toed lots 4.121 is about the
ruling market price.
RYE FLOUR—With light supplies in market
we may quite nominally at 325 p bhL
GRAIN—The market is generally very quiet,
and very litile to doing in any kind. With limited
sales, from store we )Irmy use the following figures.
Wheat 7 5. rye 50Wa5, barley 570508. corn 35, and
oats 264227 e p bu.
GROCERra—The market is without any ma.
aerial change, with a fair amount doing in the way
of general sales at the following rater —N O sugar
sriisfc, loaf sugar nt a range of S to 11c as in qual
ity. N 0 molasses 30c p gall. Rio coffee 7071•
Rice 50510
ASHES--Sales of 15 casks pearls at Si, cash'
par funds. Sales of salami°. at .7,1 e, of pots nt 4t
et:, of scorelaings and soda ash at 31(d4c p tb,
BACON—Market dull. Sales of 21 casks should
ers at 4c cash. With small sales hams range from
81 to lc, and sides rule et tlic p tb, western cu•
red. The above quotations may be considered
the top of the market.
FISH—We have no heavy sales to report. The
market is abundantly supphed, with regular sales
to the trade at the following rates:—Salmon $l9,
mackerel No l 512, No 2 9.50Ca510, No 3 5 750
8, herring $5,756258 p bbl, and cod at $4,58 per
OILS--The market is quiet. with moderate sales
of linseed at 28e, lard at 6055 c for Nos 1 and 2,
for Tanners' oil 517a319 may be given as the rn
kng figures of the market.
FRUlT—Prices of green apples front store
range from Tfic to 81.12 p bbl. Best Russet may
range a little higher.. Of dried peaches the mar
ket is rather overstooL-ed, and $1,121 is about as
high as can be obtained from store. Sales of dned
apples at a range of from .50 to 62c p bu.
LEAD—Bales of Missouri pig at 41041, and of
bar at 41241 go lb.
WHITE LEAD—Sales of pure m oil at 61,600
1,62. dull.
ROSIN--Sales at 3,50014 fk 11131, as to quality.
FEATHERS—SaIes regularly at 33Crate per
SOAP--Sates of city manufactured rosin at 4
and of variegated at 101011 c. Cincinnati snap
sold at about the same rates.
CANDL—SaI. of city dipped at 90, co l
mould at 101, and of altar at 2161'42.
H0.....,—The following, says the Cincinnati Ga.
zeue, is the number of hogs slaughtered in thu
city 11113 et 1840:
95.000 1E4.1.
150.000 Isi
220.000 1046
250,000 Ib4;
Sarsitsrit—Among the exports of this city. by
the Miami Canal, a 144,568 lbs of Saleratus. This
IS quite an item among the small things. This ar
title is now extensively used in culinary• opera•
lions. It is manufactured in this city, and we pre
sume the amount exported was manufactured
here.—[Cin. Corn.
Tar Swnitsa Mrs.rrrrna—Nearly 30,000 swine
had arrived in the city up to - Saturday: out fur the
Last two days the number arnved from Kentucky
is very great; so that toe recap of this week will
be much larger than that of week.'
The market has been quiet mace our last, and we
have no imles to report; last sales at 105 e.
Whale—There is a fair demand at steady pnces
we notice sales since our !ant 01300 Lbls at 35c,
750 bbls at 351 c, and 000 Inds at 36c_ -
Whalebone—We have no change to notice in
the snorkel, which remains dull and without trans.
antions.—lN B Ship LiA.
Tag leg Takla. or ran Usirrao 3rartas--The A'
merican Almanac, JUST published. COOMILIS an in
teresting account. by N 3 Wyeth, Esq., of the Ice
Trade of the United States. It appears that the
shipment of ice from Boston coastwtse during the
year 1847 amounted to 51,887 tons, and to foreign
ports 22,591. The coastwise shipments were made
in 49 ships, 39 barques, 45 brigs, and 125 school:,
era, making in all 25. - S vessels For the foreign
shipmenta, 21 ships. 24 bermes 28 hogs. end 12
schooners were required, matting in all 95 vessels
Grand total of tons shipped from Boston during
the year .1547, 71,475. Grand total of vessels
freighted with the same, 353.
The freight paid on the above mention
-1.6 ed exports. calculated at 52,50 a ton,
which ID about correct. we preamne
would amount to
Cost of the lee when stowed on brard
Provisions, fruits and vegetables, ship
ped in ice to foreign parte, valued at,
Profits on the trade not lees than
The ice trade of 164.5-0 will doubtless show..
large increase on the above returns. The Gmeig,
trade is, we believe, principally confined to Bost°
though several shipments have been made fro"
New York.—[Nat. InL
Brighton, Nov. 23—At market, 600 beef cattle,
'9OO stores, 22 pain working oxen, 48 rows and
-naives, 12,000 sheep and lambs, 500 swine.
Prices—Beef Cattle—Extra $6, first quality 2,
'75, 2d 85.
Sionts-2 years old $l2 to $l6, 3 years old $l6
to 525.
Working Oxen--Sales at 567,151g7350, and
Cows and Calves—Sl9, 820, SW 527, and 535.
Sheep and Lambs--Sales at SI, 1,25.—ex
tra lot sold at 85 a piece.
Swine--4,50; retail 5 , Xi; still bogs 41e.
New York, Nov 20.—At Market—l,soo beef
battle, (SOO Southern, remainder Eastern and this
State) 50 cows and calves, and 4,000 sheep and
Beef Cattle—For fair retailing qualtuas there
has been a pretty brisk demand Minna the week.
Pnces remora firm at from S 5 to 7,50 f• cwt.—
From the appearance of the yard we should say
there were between 3 end 400 bead left over. A
lot of 40 shipped In Bermuda. The pales are
maialy to the city butchers, and there are but few
or no packers In market.
Cowsand calves ranged from $24 to $350152,
cash--all sold.
Sbeep--$1,2502,75 , 114,50. Lamb•—si@2,io—
Hay-421c for Lent ynalit•;. No straw at th.
acales—[Tribune. •
laßaltimore, Nov. 21.—Cagle—The prices or
ves this week show an average advance of
1210 over those last quoted. The offerings at the
scales on Monday amounted to 1400 heed, of
whirsh 1220 were purchased by city butchers end
packers; AOO were driven to Philadelphia, and 50
head were left oveenceold.
Prices ranged from $203,12i p 100 IDs on Ith
hoof, equal to MI s 6 net, and making en sverag
of $1,896
Hoge—Sales of live hop( nave been tondo at 8
405.25, and ebolee !ois have brought as lugh
1.6.1112'11 EIMCIVILIOI7.—we WOUld eel atteontoo
inks excellent remedy for Caughs, Colds, Cons. mptioar .
Asthma, and all attach.. of the Throat and Lungs
Havtag several umes wt.hh a fear years past had occa
sion to use a medicine or lb. kind, we have by ex pen
ence tested its excellent qualities, and are prepaPtd to
recommend it to others. Ministers or other puS.te
speakers afflicted with brancloal eTetetion• ardl hnd
great Itenefit from na are- It ts parepart aby ...las
he physician, and all classes will find it a safe and •Efl
manioc • merticote in the disease. for adoeh tt ts re
corrunteruied.--{Columh. lotto) Cross a q d
For vale at the Pekm Tea Store, Nu. 7U Fourth Street.
pj- DTinteileA ie the bane of many a mite's exist
ence No tongue cent describe the KU ffflnllgN missed.
by this distressing disema It unfits in w for his sta
tion in life, whatever ii may be, and i nukes him feel
as though he would rather not exist then endure such
misery. Yet then sufferings are prude ced in the first
place by derangement of the stunisee, u td if this were
met b 1 using B. A. Pabuestock's Anu Salo. Pills,
the bowels would be cleansed, then ce,unrnilialloll of
bile carried 011 and • speedy and Sure ref, ef obtained.
Prepared mid sold by B. A. FAHNEKIOCK Si Co,
corner lit and wood, nlllO corner oth and vet mid .is.
"AuxtSinißase Co. Omo, Feb. RI, le r.
"Messrs J. Kidd & Co, We wish to inform Toe that
we have sold all o( your Worm Specific you left with
us. We wish you to send as some snore as soon au
possible, as it has given gem. al Yensfisetion Ilt•rr. We
hove many calls for it sines we are out of the 61110 e
hue succeeded all other prepars nom in tha a coo nry,
end for this reason we wish to keeps supply on Mind.
IL tr. Al. e. PJFITES ISON "
. . _
The abo•e is one of the hundreds of similar comma •
emotions which the proprowors Mot medi eine ere
dally receiving. Where it has been introduc• td
become the most popular remedy in use.
For sale at the drug stone of I KIDD ar Co, 6 it Wood
no •vIOI
"That whiter skin of hers, than snow,
And pare
montintenntl alabenter -
Alhieratic, have skin like the above, who use Jeer,
Spanish Lily White. Ii inaketh pure showy, yet ham
oily white. gold at Ph Liberty street. lYhd
IV' Don't have yellow dark Teeth- -they can ba
made pearly white Ly one tune OW* t, box of Jenne
Amber Tooth Poste It hardens the get on, oweetene the
bAnath i ka. 'Bold et fin Liberty et ooveSdAnrl7
LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gibson, Beaver.
Lake Erie, Shrikes Beaver.
-Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Cm.
New England, No. 2 MaClare, Ciu.
Consul, Webber, Wheeling.
St. Anthony, Kinney, Wheeling.
Skipper, Stoops. Hocking pm.
American Star, Hanna, Cm.
Arrow, Gordon, Broarpsville,
Arrowline, Moms, Brownsville.
Louis McLane Bennett. Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Monongahela, Stone, Can.
North River, Dean. St. Louis.
Newark, Bishop, Zanesville.
Consul, Kinney, Wheeling.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
At dash last evening, there were 6 feet 10 ache
• ater in the channel, by pier mark, and rising.
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M
Brownsville Packets. S A. M., and 4 P. M
Nashville Cumberland.
Louisville Vermont.
St Louis. Niagara.
Hockingport Skipper.
H.kingport—Per Skipper-1 box mdse, 1 C
Bidwell; 22 bbls apples, 17 grind stones, owner
aboard; 10 bbls dour, I S Dilworth; 35 bbls dried
peaches, 35 do apples, 40 do potatoes, I 6 sks been.
143 sks oats. 11 do fruit, McKelly; 9 bbls beans, 7
do apples, 20 sks meal, S F Von Bonnhorst; 19
aka flaxseed, 10 do apples, Wick & McCandless;
bbls potatoes, Stevens; 37 bbls potato., Black
burn ilk: co. ' 50 bbls lard, Grum McGrew; 6 kegs
nada, Bailey, Brown & co; 17 bbl. beans, 5 slat
oat. J D Williams; 13 hbds lob, 1 bbl 20 kgs but.
ter, J A Roe; sks deed apples, 1 bbl dried pea.
ehes, 2 do flax seed, I do apples, 31 bbls flour, .1 k
R Floyd; 9 Linde toh, D Led -h co; 40 bbls flour,
1 bolting cloth, Burbridge. Wilson 3,7, oo; 5 chicken
coops, 2 kgs sanders, 3 bus butter, 2 a lso rags, Fe
Bfwmr—Per Lake Erie---4 sks millet, Bakewell,
Pears & co; 6 c peariash, Curling, Robertson &
co, 144 bu plaster, W W Wallace.
W7welisg—Per Conant-8 bbla eider vinegar
Dilworth, 20 tails paper, Johnston & Stockton; 32
Mils dour. Orom 6r. McGrew; 22 bells and 20 rolls
paper,l Kidd & co; 13 aka barley, Wood & liturtis
do wool, W Barker; 2 cake wore, Jno Gill; 1 do
do, Park & co; 63 Mils dole, owner, 262 do apples
owner aboard.
Per St. Anthony-3 hlt 3 bbls brandy, 3 do gin,
5 mks wine, 1 do gin. Wm Bingham; 21s bbls lard.
Geo Mlltengerger; 6 bids vinegar, 0 Blackburn &
co; 5 bbls 4 has butter, owner aboard; 107 bbls
dour, °ruin d: McGrew; 100 do do, S McClurkan
& co; 26 bbls dour, James McCully; 4 Si. deed
apples, 1 sk 2 bbls do, L S Waterman; 1 loj old
metal, owner; 32 sirs barley, S & W Harbargb; 9
bbls beet; Owens & Johnson.
&rumen Sines:ma Stns—We learn by the
Mountaineer that the "Learner &mance, from
Nashville for New Orleans, with a full cargo,
struck a rock on the Grand Chun, in the Ohio, on
Sunday night. wad sunk- No further particala
are given.—[Lou. Jour.
Srxsuaosx Exrxtxxiox—We learn by a tele
graphic dispatch from Memphis that the steamboat
Mooed° exploded on the Arkansas river on the
15th Ei miles below Little Hock. One deck band
was killed, and four or five deck hands were badly
scalded. The Captain and clerk escaped unhurt.
The cargo wan safe.—.[Lou. Jour
The steamer Susquehanna in descending the
Cumberland river on Saturday last, came in cons
tact with the steamer Clipper, lying aground on
Harpers shoals, and by the concussion had her
larboard guard, each house, ,tc, torn very badly.—
Another boat, the Palestine, but a few hours pre
vious, on her way down, struck the same boat,
(whose bow hes across the channel,) and bad a
large portion of her larboard guards torn away.—
The Cumberland is reported rising, there having
been heavy rains in that vicinity recently.—(St
Lou. Repub.
The steamer C E Watkins was sold at Paducah
on the 13th Inst for 519,000. The purchasers WPM.
Meson , . Lanntenti & Hutton, of thst pine,. mho
intend to nut her in the Nashville and New Or
leans trade. Cairt James Lee is to command her
--it:in Colo.
of a •ery fine gaalny, and bearothat
pa tern.. tteteeterl expreasty tor retail eater, made
by Cooper. Tonto*. Johnson. L t•er•nd. Do. te. & Cu.
Weak, and other genuine and approved manafaeta•
Fjevre.ed IS carat Gold Patent !.ter W•tehes.
low m• 53. Other* at varion• pr•rea. aceorcling
quality. weight_ In . vary in tram 1.10 to 8150 to
,I.ver wate...a greet sorry. from 94 to 550 All
ar, Stu wated Levers low as Silt
JIME en-sLR Y. coastul uo of gold guar I, vest mid fob
chains. try.. se•s. pear finger ntif, br act pins.
studs. tar rb‘da. bracelet, locket, b. sit, al de, hie
Also. silver comb, card ea., troll knrves, ihtmble•.
Oneida, pencils. buckle, a 1... tooth ud e•r pick..
57 market st. nor 4th
NECDOTES—Cselopedis Moral and Kalif..
Anecdotes. • collection of .eve rai thousand Facts.
Inc dent*. N.,rratis.e . . Trsumenie. em
bracing the I.e. rit Inc kind in moat 1., tiler collection.
an d . o nn e in addiuon. original and 4elected.
the wnolearranged anti eiaaufied on a new idan, with
coptou• mmen` .ertptura , indexes By Br, 11.
A nine. A M l'a•ior ot lba Pro, ,dence Chorea. New
York. with an Intto-duellOn b) Kew Geo. R. Chce , et,
D D Jett publi.hed.
The above. with anumber of uew and valuable pub.
iIC.IO/14. for sal.- El.Liorr h E.NGLIS/I,
no, - L3 7e wood at
'll.ll-: mosey deer to pre
pared to tun - ugh Bouquets
for Wehichags, Balls sp,,
Pante. romposed to nth
fragrant Flowers. Orders
lets moth W. T. Flown, Jr ,
Cnur street, or through
the Post Office, snit ho do
brered promptly
„Manchester Nursery.
Fast Express. at reduced prices—To accommo
date .11 lovcm of Mi. delirious luxury, BURKE & Co.
hare resolved to supply the people regularly through
out the se wish the choicest Fresh Oysters In
ran.. boll cans and shell, at such reduced prmen as
at euable every fahaly to euroy Nu delicacy at their
Ate Riper... bad will tht ceeetved det'y at the ware•
bot.e of Thu C BIU\% ELI, Water street. between
Brnithfteld and Grant, and for sale the e, and at the Ml
lowung denote: Reis k Berger, corner Annuthfield end
td ms, E liencleton, Diamond. A Hem vier, Peen .t, AM
Ward, D Haughey, foot of Liberty at, Cotten. Jr ,
Penn Avenue. Mercer k Robtsmt, Allegheny city.
'INFORMATION WANTED—Wax taken by matt
I mire from the landing, foot of Wood street, on last
Tbareday, With ult , I sank WOOL, marked ttteunilt k
Sinclair," Pet Any perbon by returning it, or infor
mation by which it may be flee:toed, will be liberally
rewarded by W HARIMUGH,
bomt Alvan, end 101 front .to
mu? T. 4164 , ...
tim 3 C....tact •rash,
HAL nmo RR
Rargashcga—Church, Carothers fr. Co,
A leLsoder Laughlin,
John (incr.
f ATINGS TO ARRIVE—I ease grey tmzed hrown
I rave Lavender Bithakets,
I bale Lavender Blanket comma;
I do drab do
I do bloc do
Consigurnent from EMlllenli manufacturers, ised for
tale at eastern prices, with carnage added.
nov2l 111CRPHY!‘ LEK, liberty a 4 foo4llth
DLANKETI , BLANKEITIV.—IIouse keeper. and
11 when wanting above goods, will bear in and
that a large assortment has lately been received, of all
qualities, Melo/I,llg snore very laze ß at h nil t
j a o ; l7,
r, Si
the dry good, bouae of
noMM N E comer 4th am
MILLINERY UOODS—Juat recetved by Ezre
a (w peace of cherry colored silk Wu won Nett
and Crepes. Also, a lot of iiOD3l6l Silts, Senn, Vel
yea and Ittblean• Shlllll b. J0HN60 , 6,
not lb 46 at trket et
I ARP EMS' CARPETS"—llsolngmitrea . d from the
.jmnoufneturer direct, s splendtdAlimlnister Car
pet. of most henouful colors and shading; and any ono
furrnsbolg parlors would do well by examining oaf
stock, as we are sellom yen, ;ow.
00010 kroLrwrocit • 75 Founi, st
IIANO:1 riTh.WARY, totoofecturef of Heavy
Shirting, (;heck., &A., atreat, ogy of
ilegbeny. noviAiy.
i r , :j: ,.. /. o l . l..lR , z u lo ol ) d r o irts,C ., ro t awu e N , V ., rire d pta
..le by FRIgIstD. !MEN' & Cu
LEAooD''69 rfl7ll!lyC
V l_ FRI . • •
DRIED PEACHF-R-4P sew Its jam reed•nd for male
by uortl FIRKIN D, RHEY & Co
FEATHERS --al wicks itistAcriGeg.aßn;U:o lit by
12EATIIERS-78 sacks now landing; for sale by
Collard, a A tt u o ck loar now landing froth sir
tor s
"Ur AZARINE 111 XE PARMETTOS—A fertile , Our
LT/ ply of above goodly, of ea& rent opened 'hie MOM-
Int{ at the ,taretiov'Zi W f MURPIIY
. ..
G°ups rIX.YECTED —IV IL Murphy mil receive fa
tt few day, iiiiicilor grey Peliiiee Cloth for ladles
anti missns garks. - aortl
- - -
WRAPPINU PA PEIL-2000 rm. for pole
1.0 by / SCLIOONNI AKER k Cor
nov2l SI wood at
T FATHER VARNISH—AIways o; bond and fon
Li sale 12y noll6 Il T LEECH, Jr
F,..--3 bbl. No 1 Nakao:2, I rusk Codfish; I do
White Fish; I do =oohed Hallibut; No 1.7 and 2
Marker el, for sale by novl7 J D WILLIAMS
dor Browns, lust we'd and for sale
novl7 144 liberty st
r lea --4 half chests V H Tea, on conskenman l and
for salalut novl7 PORT k CUNNINGHAM
v CAEL--Wihi;l;Ni:Tra , I ';aroll. Tar, 111 iam e ba - i
and good order, for 'ale by
rr,ASSE'Y 1 HEW offer for sale ar2.5 Wood street
PlttaboryKh, do iccommodatiug terms
100 poky V. R., Imp'l and Gun Powder Teueo
311014 s Rio Coffee ;
10 " Popper;
3 " A !tipoe ;
Itn boa lb I utnp, Se and 8. Tobacco ;
YOtee 0 twin;
ttO bid. N G Sugar
Ino bbl. Altd ;
74 No and 3 Mackerel;
VD hat( do do
ho N 03 TN,
•• Twirl, till ;
Yd b an 0W.601401,
03 White Pipes
IWO ")I'lltdore Ulnas Iron. 0-8 to %an ;
110 inks *oda Ault .
toW.I. rsait• I
0 velie Pearl Ask
IV " rtalotety
30 " tierottin Clq .
_ .
500 511. Ara'4l Dells, with * general amortninni of
all um. of Iron, Bad Piii.bur(h marmiactored monies
at law prin.. .oplS
s ; ;'! N has. therm Rio Corte*,
L) 55 limp fancy
15 do Laiguayra
10 do old I/or ler•
Ult half ekes.. Oman Tea..
'X do Chinon and tMlong
50 do catty Loam seed
50 bozo. Tobacco, assorted;
50 do Crompton tr. Co.' Palm Soap,
3U do Chillicothe
• do emote
In do Palm Lod Almond
71/ do Al R RA1.1111.;
5.01 do
PAW lb. Zoom entrusts;
30 Md. .mall Loaf Sugar;
3 ease. Wolatty D R
10 bbl. crushed and polmlnstral Posse;
S do N 0 Clarified
3 cue* &Memel of Lemou;
1 do Rose;
I do Vatulla;
S dor. fine Olive 011;
In - can. superior Mustard,
I " assorted Jellies;
I toe Jujube Paste;
I Liquorice;
SU do. Patent Zinc Wash Hoards;
150 do assorted Corn Brooms;
201.3 Ibs ouperior Saleroom
3u boo Steanne and Star Candle.; (or Bala by
oer2o J D WILLIASIS, corner wood and sth ma
GROCERM3--65 bluis prime N 0 Sugar
40 Ws Loaf Sugar, Nos 2, 0 and 7
53 " Prune N 0 Molaues
10 " Sugar House
IW bags prune RIO Coffee
hrchests Y H Tea
60 bxs 0 and 12 lb do and 6 1'
10 Virginia Tobacco, Is, Si and 1.8
00 Mils large No 3 Mackerel (1048)
100 liberty al
GROCER/ES—WO bbd. N 0 Sugar - ,
WO bbl. Moluses;
59 " S H do
00) bags prime Rio Coffee;
05 hf chests Y H and O P Teas
19 Posechong do
DM boo 5. and 1M Tobacco
10 bus Pepper
50 bbl. large No 3 Mackerel,
A general ass-moon% of Pittsburgh manufactured
fancies, all of which will be sold low by
octl6 JAMES DALZELL, 24 water .t
UNDRIPS—c I S begs Rio Coffee, a prime article;
0 100 pkgs Y lmpl, P and Slack Team
hls Tobacco, Cm n and E Plass
lb bags Pepper; 5 do Alepice;
150 bbl. Nos v and 3 Mackerel;
50 do Gibbed Harting; 10 do Salmon; •
lb drums Codfish; 1 cask Madder,
10 bbls chipped L.ogerood; 1 ceroon Indigo;
20 soaks Soda Ash; receiving and for sale by
oct3l la Liberty st
F R H TEAS—Ie tuff chesta,very superior grades
Young iiirsort,
Hyson Skin,
.od Black,
Now taunting and for sale by
.opts corner wood and water st
GROCERIP7S-. —2OO bag* Green Pao Coffee,
75 lithely.young Upson Ten;
10 do G P and 81k do
10 boxes Lump and Plug Tobacco;
kfl do Nectar Leaf do
73 do Saleratue; 15 Wogs Pepper: sdo Atoms;
50 bales Cotton Batting; 25 do Candlewick;
Walt • general assortment of Grocenes, removed
and for tale by R ROLGSON tk Co,
notrlS 191 Ltberty st
Pittsburgh, Nov. 8, I SOS.
/ API LNS-21 bbl. Rambo:
5 nbls F.II Plpptn, 5 do hollow cored
12 do (.olden do 3do Lougislicad do
4 do slowenburg. I do Mammoth do
Now landtrw from micas New Fingland and for ssle b
, .
ZE- 0 03---15D pee IL ages, rornprietug
Young Ilyeott Yeas, balf cher. and catty boeca;
Gunpowder do do do do
Intnerml do do do do
Souctiong •nn. I'uwrlmng, to half these. of •artons
ottalsucu laud ta.o import/slums, to store and for sale
IS and 2n ',rood et
- -
7 R ;, l , a a r . tce .. io r it i f
2.34, d
crashed do
tivO do poilitlered do
5n do ../iiified do
blotr wItI lot sa:e
*els, Agta lAnns Refinery
OILS—RDa. gals wtoter blearned Whale OD:
Intl do do du Sperm do
15 bbls do Raabe.' Whale do
5 doved Tangle, do
.1 do Sp pro at. Turper to store and
salaby Co
D KyiriED boa D R large Loaf; DM
I.lrta 1. 5, 6.7 and h small dm 230 do erualtert
do powdered, ut more and for sale by
.1y2.1 Agents of St. Loots Steam sugar Refinery
("IHEEISF.-152 has W ft Cheese, landtng and for sale
_ .
Pmlna Soap, banding and for .le by
k 7 ro• J DALZEI.I.
X NEES' Urooru (hl. ,J 1 mom.
laate b) mast) JAMES DAI.ZEI.I.,
12111:M1 1111:1T-40bt.t • lita;‘ , l) RPM., ilk
I: do do, 20 ra, , urram., !,..abng 4-nd for •ale
11AfiALEY & smrrii
,0 1C:t . nt9 L :k b y r Peactre. to
ra , • , 21 BAG nl-E1 k SMITII
- -
' ,l 9 s7a '"‘ lo r' r '
lot sr, by nostn HAI; A I Slll . lll .
11 11. , / ,, C01-TEE— .O, ll3 3 n . bags ri v A m JA H L.7: ;..2::.. , . ‘, f o jr r i o.
OIL bbl.. zd m a A r i
A sal:; o by
I ISECT: bbi• pure, tor sale by
S , I Z: e ß n a c l c And. a n ta i
p be u s r. t vo r r t , e , : i., ble i srlsed and 11-
,1..1 , 11 J (ICHIXINMAKEH A Co
. • -
S17,1.11:1tli:P;11-1NE—rNt'C'itilOgTIAlar CO"'
Ur 1 IMCII SAJAP--IA has Wlndser :so J. inal reed
and (or sale by R A FMCS ESTOOK A Co.
n0e . 2.1 earner lel and wressl ass
Q A RMA PA RILLA-10u lb. Honduras.
070 f sale by oowll K A FAILNESTO , :g ACo
DOW 'D CUBELIS—I case/col reed Bad for sale by
o , ZI Ll A FA FINE-STOCK. is Co_
WKITE LIKANS-6 bbls for sate by
FL.uAliftErFLe"Uy" b r b lo 6 :Tl '
pr me order s lu.( d
TANNER!. OlL—lb bhl•itut .nd (...6 by
QUNDRIE. barrel: Wry react., 70 dozen Corn
0 Brooms: 3 bbls [Veva 40 do Clover Seed,
4 bb/4 and 10 begs Hotter, 2 bh , v Roll Rutter, Rod reed
and for ale by F. 00.1.11511 a iikz:NErr
37 wood 0
I _lt - 61:515Ntrei val. now liodaci lOr sae by
nove.l ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. lard 0
L".=l bbli No I, now l ;l; , fin A A
R HD . SANDERS-3 bbls for sale bL
GENTIAN-451b•EXT ,;,,2, tor vale by .
•• •
•or Beat na de Pa. Timothy Seed. In store and for
tale by novi3 ' j t R FLOYD
SOCKS AND FLANNEL---W do, super Woollen
So , as, 17 yd . bard Flannel, an sum, 1.1111 for sale
by 3 k R FUDY D
CH F.ESF. —OO bass L:herec; Id casks do, an store and
for rain by ET.SGLISII Er RENNET I*,
na,4l n 1.0 ~
r. _ . . -
• -
(111 ARS--I0 atanm boat Tara Pnneopo Cara.,
'.J for gala low by noVIIII ENG
_L.10111& aENNKrr
D NUTS-300 bush reed and for urle by
WIN BOW GLASS--ed One 709; 000 do 6010, Td do
10010, 313 do 100141 on hand and for rale by
nova TAssEY k DEBT
- • -- • -
L. la No 1 Cm. Soon, reed andY
forEI sale b)
1.(. M-4 bbls reed and for ..10 by
2,041 TABSEY h 1318.8 T
FLOUR -200 bbls 8 P Pious for sale by
ovp• 1011 N 8 Dit,wowrii
Q` UN DILI FO4-31 bbl. Crob Cider, prime artiels, 60 do
I. green Apples, sambas, russets, tarpon, an; 1 00
Intel! dned Peachess hi:Mtge.' Ilut et, Just reed and
tor ~le by nov2l JOHN 8 MIL WORTH
1)10 METAL—HS/toes Middle.. Furnace Metal, tn
LL et re and for sulo by
nos 23 • /AMPS DALZELL
TI REEN APYVC•I43O bbis Greet Applett, landing
lT and tat sal° by nova JA.11&8 DALZELL
EXTRa. FAMILY PLOUR-00 bbl . Family blobs,
landing from Michigan No 2, and tor sale by
APPLES -330 bush drted Apples; IAI bids Freon do,
in store and for sale by .1 I it FLOYD,
bovitt Round Church Ruildin
'. oelP.) pure Potash; 3do Scorohinas, in store and
for sal! by no vz, J k R FL,OYD
BUTTP.3-45 bbl. leiederroni Roll Bolter; 30 keg.
pecked do, received nod for we by
oovit2 l& P. FLOYD
MA C KER.O4-41.1 bbis No 3 Mackerel; 6 do No 1
de; for mile by
nov23 8 P VON DONNNORST & Co_
1111PIRRING—.13 bbl. for sOe by
_ .
DUCE TO ABRIVII-65 bogs dried reachusi
P Si racks Flusseed; 4 sacks Feathers, hourly ex •
peeled and for sale by MURPHY, WILSON it Co,
torn IS 'mud
1", , 0R Eakin UOATS-5 eases 45 in bleseh'd Sheet.
ins.; S bales No 3 heavy Lowed Twill., for steam
boat decks, jolt reed and (or solo by
opened a Tot of eery superior all wool Plaid Lama
Shawls, of the most fashionable colors, to whiab we
Invite the attention of the ladies.
ALEXANDER fe. DAY, 75 market et,
N ear of the dtamond
F . . .•
RENCH MERlNOS—Jun received, super Mae
nine blue Maroon .d Scarlet French Merino
" rrerDE LAINR—Just opened, IL Food assort
I)arrant of plain blank Moulin& Woe*, of uL go al
- 400 bbl. Loulletili White Lime, fer sale by
beel3 BIIRSIIIDOE, WILSON tt waters
ffi4IIIIIIJOHN H. =AAR, N. 61 Wdod
atlem, has now received a full uson•
mencof Piano Porto., 1 . 161 . 4 in " m
theGillowing manufactori. in Boston
and Near York, to which the attention of purotruers ls
respectfnlly invited. Thom from Mr. seickerinal6rer,
the sale: of which be ts soil, Agent mWestern Penn
sy Ivania) have what is termed the New CiteLlitlgneJe;
being an improvement recently made, and giving them
a decidedarlventage in power an equaTuy of wine
over any then. The tollowtug are the patterns and
sLyles of.Chicketinyw
No. l. Rosewood, r ocrres, finished back a front, 8400
g " ei - richly carved - . s'4o
.3. " 6/ •• " . ' u 0400
'• 4. " se " carved mouldings, ' 8400
"&. '
( 64 " Entitled back and r :et,
.' $350
6 projecting front, "
" 65T25
nehly nerved, style of Loam 14th.
6 hollow corners and hollows nor-
. .
belegs, second hod, cost originally R. 133., and Ist l
be sold at a very reduced price.
No. It Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin
ished, 1{775 No 13. Rosewood, round corner, very el
scantly fin.hcal.
rhe above are manufactured by H. Worcester. N.
V., well knowna* being connected formerly with
hirsers Bustard, Worcester tr. Dunham, N. Y.
No. 13 Rosevrood, carted moulding, made by die
61•11hattan Company, N. V. t 275,
No 14, Rosewood tarred, 6 octaves, Gala & Co'., N.
V 143.4). No. 16 " plain 6 " " 5250
No l& Rosewood Grand Plasm, made by Henri
Ilera, Paris.
111 ' d 1 1 7
I2t= ran . ; Z:Zt h
rta 'u t p n nee
Solo Mont for Chlekonoga Wand and Square Pin=
Fades, for Western Penneylawn. Otll7
F R"
NUNNS & CLARK, New Toth:
The sub•crber has now open and for
sale, • lot of moot •upenor Pianos. se
llected by nuclei( at the rnanuf.tortes.
They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of
Of rt, 6i and 7 .taves, of various styles and pnees, and
.otbraoh all the latest improvements. Those of Nutt.
Clark's, (tor which celebrated firm he is sobs Aokicr)
have an improved way of stnnging possessed by no
other; al., • superior plan of leathering the hammers,
preventing then Pianos from growing harsh and wirey
after some Ole.
The Pianos of Chickering, of which be has a superi
or lot, are provided with the Circular Seale, and were
selected for him with care by 2. Chick•rnig. of Boston
The above will positively be sold at manufacturers'
prices, and on accommodating terms.
The subscriber will invariably be found at J W
Woodwell's, from It to to 12 A. M., and from I to 5 P.
M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business during
the balance of tame. H. KLBI3KEI,
tmttO at J W Woodwell's. E 7 Third st
.3 11EAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The subscriber
has just received lento Europe, and for sale, an
entirely nos Invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB
INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweemess than the square P1•1i0. occupies but one
fourth as much room, and m a much more showy and
handsome piece of furniture. It is particularly desira
ble where the saving of spore m an object, tieing ex
eardingly neat and compact, nod occupying no more
mom than a small side table. The subscriber has to
hand a tostimornal of ill superiority from the celebra
ted parusLMosehelles, io los own hand wnting j which
may be inspected 11 ELFIBER,
ocnl7 At .1 W Woodwell's
'EW BOOKS--Loom a' Elements° , Trigonometry.
—Element. of plain and superficial Trigonome
try, with their applicanons to Mensumuon, Surveying
and Navigation: by Elmo Loomis. A M.
A First Book in Greek, containing a full view of the
form of words, with vocabulanes and copious exer
cises on 11a method of constant immtuonnod repeti
gon: by John M'Clintock. Professor of Langua
es, and George IL Croons. A. AL, Adjunct Professor
of Languages in Ihektnson College
Upbam's Lilo of Madanie Colborne Adana- 3d edi
A new novrl—The Discipline of Life
Parts 9, 19 and II of Hamer Zs Brothers' splendid il
lswtrathe edition alio Arabian Nights' Entertainments.
The above works received In, day by express and
for sale by JOHNSTON tr. BTOCKTON,
aovlJ cos 3d and market sts
employ the beet workmen to be found. together
with a large and complete stack of Etna t.aols and ma.
rhtnery, adapted to complicated work. and making
with ace nritcy and facility new pieces, customers may
depend on sausfacnon. and at snout the nine prices
they pay in many shape for imperfem work. and In ma y
ny cases for positive injury done to their watches All
our work is o arranted to perform well
N. B reduced my buster. to a cosh syr
tem I am determined to sell ea low am the lowest regu
lar prices, cut or wen. and customer. OUT be assured
that they tan make their purchases in this line as
aheap aa In the eastern clues, thereby encenraglng
home trade and industry. W W WILSON
Sote Aoancv vol Nevi. • CI.4.ICZIXIMATLD PI Vt.
THE vithaenber has Ann replenished
his Hock or Piano, which for variety
or style and prices he never been sur.
paawd in Th. coy lust received and
opened, the followyng new P.atiov.
One 7 octave eabinet grand Piano. an entirely new
in venom,
On. Reaewood .err elegant Pinnru & Clark
One ant& Coleman's celebrated .filar A ,
raetrrnent 1. verk wpenor ?man
One naanorr•ll.. C
novl3 H KLEBEFt. J
YIkarrFACTVLEI .XD PLA1....1n £u. CMOS 01
Toglux°, N 113 1 ,3, AND CIGIDS,
4 T his Otd Stand, comer o( Smithfield street and
Jl. Demand Miry, Pittsburgh. Pa.. would respectful
•) call the motemollof Country Merchants, Hotel and
Steamboat Barkeeper. to a tug. sod superior lissom
nwnt ot INITORTED CIOAiIIS, among which P/1-11 be
rimed the follnanaK branc, air Errata. 'balsa. Cm.
tettos. I tetpe. La Norma. Star Brand. 111nema and
Dollar Regattas. all M which tordl he sold as low as can
be had at any other house to the coy
Also. constantly on hand and for side, a lams and
well .sleeted meet at Vtrgtou, Mtwourt. and Fine Cot
Cliewlng Tobacco.
Oakes of Am•rionia Foreign Patents.
AhIES G REENOUG of Me late firm of Keller
Greenough. cotiunun the busmen of Consulting
Engineer nod Patent Attorney, at his office in the city
of WASHINGTON He may be consulted and enc•
played in mating examirmuons in maclnnery tn die
Patent Office and elsewhere. m furnishing drawings
and specification. of machine, and all papers necessa
ry. transfer, amend, retinae or extend lotion patent io
the United States or Europe He can also be contralti
ed proftiodonally on all que.ons of litigation aris
ing under the Patent Lao, and millargue Tira
na. before the Patent Office or an appeal theretroni,
for which hut long expenenee the Patent Wire and
in his parresalon, nano pecoltarlr toed ban. The pro
tisasonal firmness of the late be T. P /ones haring
been placed to his bands. all letters In relation thereto
aboald be addressed to him peat paid. ang3o..dlirto_2l
linotlas.--Galvantsed Ttn Plates.
TuKsubecribere beg to call the attention of Uulldere,
Architect. and owners of Huddler,. to the many
advantages which thew plates posse. over all other
metallic substances hitherto need for roofing. he , a.
they pose.. at once the lightness of iron. without ite
Itabtl ay to reel, having now been tooted for wears]
years in Mrs p•rur elm. both in this country and to Eu
rope They are lees liable to cariannion arid crootrac.
don from sudden chance of the atmosphere. than com
mon no plated, iron, unc,Ur any other metal now used
forroofing. and consequently form a much better and
debtor root requiting lur leeshutment repairs, whilst
the first cost a but a trine more
A full sepply, of all arms. from 16 to Cl , con•
tinnily On hand iihd for sale by
14 and le 11 , aeor stmt, Naar '1 ore-
The patent nght lot this article having been secured
for It. United Staten. all pante* inftinglng thereon,
ahhot by Importabock of otherwise, will be route.
red. oci2o,LatirlyT
Cress Nasaimu. MUD CuArrArtooc. IL R. Co.
Nashville, 'rend, Nov. 9, I MS.
ROPOS ALS will be received at Mb Mike on the
K 90th December next for the Graduation and Ma
monr7 of lofty miles e( road, mar YO miles neit
to Nashville. Ace miles crossing the Barren fork of
Duck river, In Bedford county, Tenn...., and ten
miles on the North West side o( Tennessee river, In
JaCkron eounfy, !sleben..
Profile. and plan. may be been at Lida othoer after
the bah December.
By order of the Board—
C. F. M. GA RN VII% Chief reirineer.•
N. B.—Twenty-five nuts. of read, (Including the Tan
an six miles heavy MoUnt•in workj are under
eontraet. Haven hundred laborers are wanted by the
sontr•ctor, nomildlat•
HS andariugned have emoted worts In the ally of
Nue York, for the purr°. of lial•antung all arti
cles of Iron, which it is desirable to PROTECr FROM
RUT, melt u Telegraph Wins, Hotta, Spites, Nails,
Win for Fent" and any other kruclerwinaly may be
required For Hoops for Casks, as• subsutute for bale
Hope; for Clothe* Wink Lightniny Rods, and a host al
other applications, Swill be Mond cheap and durable.
They would particulirly °all attention to be Holum'.
md Wire for fences; it require* no paint, and will not
root. Also to Spike. and Holt., the preservanon of
which le of so Mach importance, that it will commend
Itself to the name 01411 those interested.
. .
GEO B I.,IOREWOOI a CO., Patentees,
0ct.30-diorly'T 14 and ICI Beaver at, N. York.
i)y . THE OAN, of supenor quality, st Icor pouts,
DI put up by the liable:Haters eitoussly for the use of
fantlires sad parties, ran be procured at the Ramat,
taut. in this and Allegheny cities at the store of H.
ituor, 4th street, Pittsburgh, AL Jenkins. store, Alie.
gheny city, and or the Oyster De t. St. Charles Hotel,
Wood at. noell,lim HOLT A. MALTBY
DOCTOR B. \V. 111011.11.1 S hosing recently porches
ed the Drug Store formerly sword by Hays &
Brockway, No 2 Commerctal Row, Lawn , assert,
Pitriburgh, takes robs nirtbod of informing his
friends and the public in general, that his .taro
will al all dines be supplied with as extensive aud
general sown:tem of Drug., Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oil.,
Varshea, Perfumery, Colognes, and Biased every ags,
lisle called tor us a drug store, whioh will always A'
sold a low as at any other house lit the city, whole
sale or retail. lisping to merit a share of the public
patronage, nothing shall be wanting to give entire sat
isfaction to his customers. nov7-tipt
nydialpinhy. Or Clio liAriitor Cure.
Aocrog LIEN/A3IIN \V. NORMS, emain..•
to practice • the safe and popular remedy railed
ropettly or the Water Ciro, and if deured will treat
diseases Allopethically. Obwitrieal cases tvtll be at
tended to promprip.
N. a—Lir Norris may be consulted at his Drug
Store, No. 2 Oommerebil Sow, I..tberty Street, during
business boon, or at hie residence, morning .11RTOrk•
101, Loon street, 2 doors below Irwin's alley.
Dentist. Comer of Fourth
and Decatur, between
Market arid Pinr—
TN - Klaid their friends and the public that they hay.
09 looker any connection with that lac establish
ment:in Penn onset, known as the Pittsburgkere e
thet: t. el . tlre bcirinn% y l itd POINT
scone antlita. n. 9. COCaleil
. • ..
.41141m9•1•8 New Wilma&
VALUABLE priormwry POLL /AIX..
4seL THAT property lately occupied by EL Nihon,
.1111LEsq.. on Craig street, near Robinson, Alegiteny
cuy, Will be sold on accommodating terms. The
lot is 33 feet 4 inches on Craig street, running through
to the Canal 150 feet. There en a good two story frame
dwelling house on the premises. lately built, and the lot
Is well improved, containing a variety of choice froit
rbrobbery, de. Thu property is conveni
ently satiated for persons doing business he either Pins
burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Tule
indwpotable. For terms apply to Vat BOYD, Auor
ney Law, °thee on Poore street, above Smithfield.
AOb Aere.. - Caqa -
ITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 miles
from Patsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, ill
the Immediate neighborhood of Must... Lyon & Shorb,
and Mr. John lierrou's purchase. This fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low pries of 633 per um—um
third in hand. balance ini bye equal annul payMents,
without interest. Title indisputable. Location vary
good—cannot besurpasaed. For further particulars
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a draft of raid pro-
perty. Residence 2tl st. below Ferry, Mr. Adams , Bow.
N. B. There to another at.m of coal on this tract,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
jytMidtf 13. H.
• -
HAal iCstste 1L Ohlo.
A TRACT of land, 00 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co,
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres order im
provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village
of Warren, Trumball Co., 00 feet by 00. Also, a lot of
grog in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a
fine dwelling house and store—one of the best stands
. - • • ... • • ...
for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all
this propetty will be soldon very accommodating
terms. ISAIAIi DICKEY A Co.,
(chin Water and Front aut.
- - - •
:SHR large and well built Factory, erected on Reheat
ca street, Allegheny city, by R. S. Casson, Esq., is
crod for sale at a bargain, and on easy terms. The
lot on which the Factory Is erected, fronts 100 feet on
Rebecca soviet, and runs back 110 feet to Park street.
The main building is of brick, three stories high and
60 feet long by feet wide. The Engine House is
large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, stack,
An.. all in complete order. The property will be sold
low, and on advantageous terms.
For prier, terms, to., enquire at this'office.
- -
jefi,THE *oboe Wier offers for rent for the term of
_Moue or, more years, a large convenient well fin-
tatted two story Dwelling Howe, containing .4 rooms '
and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground contempt; 14
acres of fine young fruit trees of every kind, stable,
Ste , connected with the house. To any person vrish
mg a delightful residence within a few minutes nde of
the city, this will be • rare chance. For terms, which
will be low to a good tenant, inquire of fid.r. Jno
Wright, near the pisunises, of John Watt, comer of
Hand and Libeny streets, or of
oceld-t( THEO. F. WEIGHT.
rrHE subscriber will sell on accommodating tents, a
1 valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the
road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen
miles.from Pittsburgh, and ahout eight miles from the
town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract eon-
. _
tams Chi acres and 20 perhhes, strict measure The
land is of an excellent quality, about BO acres cleared,
and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or
to farms of convenient um., to suit purchaser..
For further particulars amicure of WM. BOYD, Att'y
at Law, office on 4th Id, above Simthateld, Piusburgh.
ritythlidikartf T
Property In Allegheny City for gale.
THE subscribers oiler for sale a number of choice
Lots, situate in th e Second Ward, fronting on the
Common ground, on erbry terms. Inamre of
W ROBINSON, Atry at Law, St Clair st
or of J t ROBINSON, on the prem. *.
V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground 11.1M61.0 on Penn
street, between Hay and Marbury streets, admining
the house and lot now ooeopied by Richard Edwards,
having a front of tCt feet, and in depth LW feet, will be
sold on foeorabla terms. Tide nneteepuonshie. En
quire of C. U. LOOMIS, 4th st, near Wood.
- -
TWO ROOMS formerly txctipied as a Da
•IP guerreotype establishment, being well adapted
tor that bustness. The second story room is a
ncat odic, and the third awry, a long room, with good
light. 4:airliner on Market st, between 3d and 4th.
A THREE story Brick Uwe.lltng House, on
\lrate, :Wove Want street Possesston given au
the first of January, 1949, or sooner if required.
For terms. Inqutre of •
nov7 0 BLACKBURN tr. Co. wooer st
Valuable HeeMimes In Allegheny City
lONTEMPL.ATING a removal from Allegheny city,
4,.." I offer my residence there for sale. The premises
are in delightful order, and every way worthy the at
tension of any person waning such propetiy.
ff , Lt. W. POINDkaTIIEL
Real lastite In Hiroo. Conuatp.
LOT, &omits:Use and Dwelling, situate on the
SI. Eno Extend. Canal, In the 'Maga of Weal Mid
diesel. a &ramble beaten for is merchant Also. a
Lot and good Duelling Home well suited fora Tavern
Sand, in the village of Orangerflle, on State law of
(Slue. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
febte Water and Front an.
10A.L LAND FOR SALF.—Seven roams coal land
for .ale. altosse an bend of the Monongahela Raver,
above Brownsettle. P., hacmg • 7 foot vein of coal
arnica will be •old an exchange for gads. For particu
lar@ apply an IneZl N 2. W., HA RUA Dfili 21sond
WAItE;11 , 11:8E CALF:.—thesinorenber
offer,. for .ale the three story brick Warehouse
n I , weft. oceurned by A. Tanner A Co.
•pl 7 Wlll. WILSON, Jr.
Tbr gabserthare willrest part uf the wa
house now ocespled by theta Apply to
sal9 SI water street
Illanter•, Exchange Broter•,
AIM 0.0.1ele•
CeLLECTIONSDratta Note. and Acceptance.
payable to any part of the Union, collected on the mom.
..- . 1
le r einele tens . open Ms morleng. Rich Dress UGC.* colnpnsutg the
EXCHANGE on New' York, Philadelphia and Bah f 0 , 0 , , , ~,,,,, ,„ ~,., o.d. plaid h i,,,, noon.
tenon, also. Chneincath Louisville, Saint Louse Nand do, ..„. ,g o no g., goo d. , 0 . p0 ...., .. 0 . ..... od oil
New Orleans, constantly (oracle wool Plod., Leen color. and choice styles; till wool
BANK NOTES.—Nows on all solvent banks in the Cashmeres and .Sous de Lamas; fine Coburg and 14 it.
un.wd Smes duteocurned at the lowevt moo Alt kinds 0 .. r eidg., of ... 7 d ,,,,,,, ~,d e nod c . 1 0,. d 0,..
of Foreign and fintencan Gold and Silver corn bought . 0 .„,,,d c,...g 0 . 0 „..,„ g 0.., note_
sad rah]
Feeneh Illestasoal Frolach Blorlostial
(Mee No LS Market street, between 3d and litt,
1,%! R. MURPHY :110 , opened within a few days a
Pittsburgh. Pa. net:.:
- --- -- , . large assortment of sypenor French Merinos,
musszir, ttioina - ii - c CO berry.
&deftest charley of Ithiroon, Garnet, Straw.
s, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and d.Lis. berry. Scarlet. Cherry. Drab, Light Blew, Brown. and
In Foreign and DOMeake Kletuuse. Ceenficalea of h i n ",.., Bio „ . 1 ... ~,,,,ou qualifies or bi., k. 1 . 1 , 0.
Depart., Bank News, and Specie; Fourth street, near. PARMETTOS AND LYUNES. E CLOTHS,
ii *pro , h= LIIs Book of Psil 4 lll4h- Cs...ln ...V of ad the leading colors, ieclatring a few pieces of very
received on deponte--Sista Meeks for sale, and col- ..oeno. bract. ).,.....4. on nesrlY .el lan PH.c-IP.I Psi." I. II" , BriLTINGS--Slasarine Blue. Green, Brown. ire
United SM.. PLAIN CASlVllElt—llditroon, Clainet. Brown.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Annelle. from. °Took. On
Advances 'Made on consignments of Produmee,chttn7 Mous de Lams. pruned Cashmeres, Lamarthic Stnpes,
ped East on liberal terms.
13 1 1.1.8 on England, Ireland. and Scotland bought
any amount et the Current Rates of R e l=pt.
Alan. Drafts payable to any part of the Old thh
from El to Linda at the nun of SA to the Sterling,
without deduction or discount. by JOSIII2/1. ROHM
SON. European and General Agent, oaths. sth at one
door west of wood. octlYni
• Indiana
Bank Noma,
parehued at the lowest rues, by
ae 13 35 Market street.
-IPANICERS Ana I.:urban:a Broke., Dente:rain F?r
jUll elan and Do/ureic Ttmoand &girt Mite of h.a•
chauFe,erruficarer of Lk-porno_ Bank Notch .ad earn,
aS Wood rtroot, third door below Fourth, %rest
aide, roaral tf
in to,(I9WASD tan
in Foreign and Domesuc DOI& of Exchange, Cer
oboe.. of Depot., Bank Notes and Coto, comer of
id and Wood streets, directly opposite Si Charles Ho
wl roarAtc_l!y_
BELL s Walt - Zola API OK—tight Checks on
New York,
Philadolphla, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOL.AIk. it SONS.
septa 3.3 Martel
p0LL0..,-rioN,N.e., Draft and Accept - Knee's
lJ payable In the Wostern mons, collected on the
most favorable terms by
. _
THE subacriber, in addmon to his own AI
m ufa c Luring of lists, has made arrange
ments with hlessrs Se, e d Co, late moat
fashionable better. of the coy of New Vork,) fora reg
ular supply of hie extra tile fine Sail flats, and having not
received a few cases gentlemen can be rooted with a
very rich and bettuudi , hat by calling at hi. new Hat
and Cap Store, timithiwid .{rest, second door south of
Fourth, where may be found agreat venni) , of lists
and Caplet( his own manufacture, wholesale and re•
tail. lists made to order on short nonce.
apt.) —
(Stiecessors to lit`Cord King) ,
At Fashionable Ha •
Verner of Wood and Pith &oats
P.RTICITI.AR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hata and
Caps from one es.bllshment of the ant surt...La and
wont...env, of the Lass= msgx and at the LOVILST
Country Merchants, purchrulng by wholesale vrc
respectfully invited to aall and examine our Stock; 55
we can say with confidence that as regardsn
arid raceit will not suffer in a comparison with any
bowie in Philadelphia. fehl;
mbserther is now receiving from the
city M New York, a choler malomment
of Hata, Cap s and Muffs, lama ftwitiona, In great sane
ly and very cheap, wholesale anti retatl.
nor 13 Smithfield at, 241 door sown of 4th
4 --- ifitlil F W . 4 kilt;iis Ts4i3: — Ti
ILL 11
0 Olt D AL ooi . ,
-- ' "IL
rotl " s.l7nft ' k rll7, ' )!.tilgu
t allVy of ' flat., ' it .. .c u rvet received trom " Nror til iOrlt7
T ose t a want of o nent and liertuuful hat, are invited
to cull at their store, corner of Fifth snd Wood streets.
DEALERS are myna to examine R. H.
I. AL?dER , S stock of Straw Goods, of the
spring style, composed in part of
RONlyETS—Florence Braid; English Dun.
stable do; American do 4 China Pearl dm Coburg do;
Rutland do* French Loom Fancy Gimp, do. &o.
HArd— it tona, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw,
d o Dr u id, d &lid. Pedal do.
Also, Artifielal Flowers, Ribbons, &o. gnaw Bon
net Warehouse, SO market st- martin
• ---
T ll 9 E u. o . u 4 dera o l i gte y d are re Bredbit or ders for any
or quislity,7eliscrre ' l or " d a o ' rTt an7tim .' c O` l7y . g U i r' y e i
ne n I ra day. nonce, at ow Wharf Boat.' We - thin i
we ran make it Me interest of those merchants Who
bay largely on the coast, ns they can order their barb
real shipped to any plantation they may deal., which
shall be attended to without extra charge.
Paducah, Ky.. Ow. 4 18484 m.
ISAAC 10,03,
JONES & %Maas
4JI plough
of spnag said blister steel,
plough steal, sse and a t
ps: aad deals,. i!
danorahr, eornor dig., and Front its" PirrV,
PR se
Wholaud* And.B.etalL
Tar AVE received more than One thormand CAWS and
ALB Packages of Foreign anti Boritestie Goods, mak
ing one of the man extensive aisonmems to the coun
try, embracing the latest, richest and most fashionable
styles of Imported and American Goods, pp based In
enure packages from the tmnorlers,ManuMeturcrs and
large Auction sales, by one of the firm residing tr, Naw
York, who is constantly *coifing us the newest and
most desirable goods m the Eastern markets, which
will be offered as low en at any establishment in the
United States, and lower thanCOuld possibly be offer
ed by any Hons., in the West. We enumerate the fol
lowing articles—
DRESS SILKS-6 cases rieh changeable, sniped,
plaid and brocade Gm de Affrie, Grp de Berlin, Gro de
Swiss, Ciro de Algiers, Glacier, black Gm de Rhine,
Taffeta. fine Satin, Florence of all colors, de. dc. Al
so, Silk Velvet of all colors, every large stock.
33 CASES DRE S S GOODS,tn. 0666 . 5 el" " c '
satin stnped Caslunere; do do do printed dodo; dorms ,
figured English do Leine; do Clenence Plaids,. sloped
Onentals, dc. Also, 50 case, Alpaccar,2o eases Of 0
striped and plain Lyonese., 6-4 Tartan Plaid and Silk
Twill: 6-4 ouhmeres and Grandilla Plaids.
FRENCH MERINOS—A full assortment of black.
mode, scarlet, Moroon, Nanu blue, purple and oth
er colors, of the boot manufacture.
22tM SHAWLS--Comprising the most ertensive as
sortment ever offered In this city, embracing long and
square! Cashmere and Tartan plaid Shawls, Maude.
Brunswick, Finland, Jenny Land, Limuirtine, and oth
er Shawls.
Lace caps, collars, cuffs, standing collars, chernivetts.
Also, men cambric and lawn Hdkfa, Laces and Edg
ing. Belt Ribbons, Hosiery of ail kinds; (Moves do.
assthrunent of the most fashionable styles.
leash Linen, best manufacture, Linen Sheeting. and
psllow ease Linens, Table Damask and Diaper, Satin
muk Table cloths and Naplciess, Huckaback, Rue
sin, and Buirs Eye Diaper Flannels—over lOW Pa of
every variety. Bleached and Brown Alaaliria—MOre
than 13030 ps of MI the well 1030w3 makes.
RIBBONS--Store than 100 cartons entirely new fall
and winter Ribbons, very choice st)les.
French Cloths, Cassrmeres and Doeskins, in great
variety; Vesting., Scarf., cravats and Hdkfa.
White Good s of every descriptions, together with ev•
ery article usually found in a dry goods store.
The following 0 an invoice or 57 cases goods Mot
received, with the priers annexed:
10 bales of red and white Flannels, all wool, for 160
7 cases blue and orange Prints, 8
10 do Calicoes, 33 yards for
11 do fast colored Prints,
17 do Bleached Muslin.,
4 do Moue de Leine,
7 do real &mall Gingham, 12
Also, 60 bales 44-13roven baulk,
All of which, in connection with those above men.
- - _
boned, will be offered st less prices than can be afford
ed by any other establishment in this city. The ONE
PRICE SYSTEM, which insures justice end fairness
to all. will be strictly observed: Any ankle parch.-
ed at this establishment found to be above the general
market price, a consequent reduction will most willutg
ly be made, upon the circomsionees being made known
to the Proprietors. it being their desire that all goods
shall be sold on fair and honorable terms. MI persons
are respectfully owned to examine our assortroc-ns
without feeling the least obligation to purekane.
CARD 77 Novembisit fitly 1848
Trr• K. MURPHY, northeait corner 4th .d
. bet atreets, Pzimburgh,laa now completed the
opening of a second large Nuppfy of Dry Goods for the
mason, and can offer to buyers an assortment no selec t
from, nuely to be found at this adeanced part of the
Beason. Particular attention ia.kedbe his large stock
French, English and Rmendan, of all desirable eo•
lore, suitable for dress coats and cloaks, also, Cant
a large assormtent. acluding wool dye and
Fren re ch black; Doeskin, dark min; Fancy do, from the
low price of 62e cis (all wool) up to the finest gusliues
and newest s. ylesi Resides, a large stock of Satinetts,
conssnoh and fine, Undersluraand Drawers, Gloves,
LADIES DRESS GOODS. idyll their variety.
Country Merchants and Merifitant Tailors are invi
ted to examine Ids stock, in Wholesale Roams, second
MOTT. novB
.P.ll Dry Good.
haeklett & White
No. flt, WOOO &m r,
. •- • - ,
NVITES the atunuen of Westerns Merchants to thei
largo and fresh stook of •
' - - - - •
which they are now receivinedirect from the i'Astern
!danuMeturers and Importers, and which they will cell
at Eastern jobbing prince.
Having every facility for the porcbase of goods to
the best advantage, and the lowest pomible once., they
confidently invite Merchants TO examine the qualities
and prices of their goods,feeling satisfied they can com
pete favorably with any mead either East or West.
I Olsen stock will comprise a full assortment of all
goods u• shy kept to Dry Goods Houses, and will be
constantly teceming additions of all the new and desi
rable styles of goods of domestic or foreign manotac
tura, and will only require attexaminauon to be ap
preciated. sepia
To Country Merehants.
SITH & JOHNSON, 46 Market stns., would invite
the attention of Country barchants to their stock
of . New Fall Goods, purchased for cult, of the New
York Importing and aucuon bourses, and will be .old fit
eastern sobbing priers. 'rho stook competes a greut
• ancry of Dress Goods, chameleon and black Silks,
silk and cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpaca Lustre+.
fancy chameleon and plasd do, satin riped Orientals;
French and English Mormon,' Mouselin de Lain and
Cashmeres, square and long Shawls, 0100. and Ho
siery-, Bonnet Ribbons from 75 cent a piece up; bonnet
Saks. Artificial Flowers, Linen cambric Ildkfs; Bl
reran. Thread Laces and Edgings; 15 cartons rotten
do, Combs. Buttons, Thread, Needles, Paha kr
ever, variety Whole.le Rooms rid boor, senZ
• • -
—Green, Marano< Blue, and Cherry Silk Velvets;
do do Cotton do
BEI.TINGS, all colors.
FRENCH MERlNOS—Scarlet, Cherry, Strawberry
and other colors
PARMKTTOS—Alakarine blue, drab, maroon, gar.
net a d other colors.
CHANGEABLE MOH AlRS—with ilk stripe.
Black Velvet Ribbons, for trinsoungs.
And a very large •nock nf other new and desirable
goods. Boren nuncall and hear - prices, at N
E corner ith and Market sts.
Goods low at wholesale up stairs. noel
I) IC II DRESS GOODS, per foreign steamer Europa.
1:1., —A A SI ssox /a Co. No 60 Market street, will
A T DIGIBrz4.I3. Lamm: street. compels.' French
.tt Cloths, Custom. and Vestaogs, of she newest
sod most luhtonsbie style. tmponeol.
Also, a largo quanuty of Rough and Ready Blank...
and C0...g0, adapted to the time. and the
tat hand, the largest, best manufactured and most
fashionable stock of ready made Clothing in Om city.
All orderein the Tadoriog line executed in the amyl
fuhtonable and du/able marmot. novl4
LIRENCH BLACK CIA/Tile—NV R aiirphy, at N E
T corner 4th and Market streets, has lately received
a supply of superior black French Cloths. for dress
mat., do tor cloaks; Pelts. Clothe, for ladies cloaks;
Olive and unnstble green do; brown do; blue Cloth for
boys wear. Also. fancy and blank Catemeres and
Doeskins, a large aasonmeot; black Sane Velum's:
a few patterns super Velvet do. Theta , goods have
been bought very low, and will be sold it prices that
cannot but please. oovl7
T1R1.488 1100418—eanith k Joitoson, 48 Market of
If have received a ebotee mock of Mess Goode. con
lasting in part of nch Chamehon Silks, black do, satin
striped Cashmeres and Oriental., platti Chameleon and
plain Alpaca. unlit .toped do;odk Warp and real Al.
pse• Lustres, Printed kluslirt de Lame and Cashmeres,
French and ellighsh Merinos, real Scotch Gingham.
!rote P. 44 ma up to the finest quality; Caliqo from 4 cts
to tub; rob Limb Muslin Robes for evening dresses,
le. to which they would particularly invite the anen
t,on of purchuera
S — - -
W. R. Murphy has now open a supply of these
good., and invites especially the attention of Country
Merchants, to the low prices at which these and all
other kinds of winter ...fleas are now offered.
r§lam b. JOHNSON, ilk Markin rt. ; have last ',-
calved by express, a splendhl assortment of fall
lions, to w ich they would particularly luau the
attention of porehasers.
LACK AND FANCY SILWS—W a iiiikuphy haa
D on hand an assortment of super Watered and Do
niask figured black and Moe black Dress Silk., satin
soaped and plaid do; also, n great variety of changes.
Me, damask figured, and striped do—they will be .old
low. oct2A
• • •
1: 7 1O1110 1 4178t—Itiii sec - Mood, a. -
ladles gentlemons. and mines Rid Gloves, of Ha.
lou's supertor make. SMITH &JOHNSO
ocoM 45 mar st_
it MN C H ERINOES—Smith & Johnson, are Mar
ket et, would invite the intention Cakeyeell te their
choice attack of French Merinos, compttstng the best
shades on drab. saloons, purple, brown, scarlet, mas.
arms blue. and blacks . °cal a
R urp h y Ittu no w
pply" P
Black Saunsts, antic
strum do, eatitgarred do, plain blue dainvitible groan
do. eadet wised do, gold mixed do, Oxford moo ed do,
and cadet and gold nosed Jeans, at low prices, by the
piece or yard. Wholesale poems up slams. omit
1 1 0 MERCHANTS, NOV. 7, 1845.—W. R. hlcarrrt
invites merchants to look in at bias large stock o
IJOODS tat opencl, in Wholesale Rtiosis, gd story.
north east comer of Fourth and Market att. Priors
exceedingly low. nov7
CO, 00 Market .t, havejust reed ipso latest savor-
Sabana, 60 dot Long and. Shawls, including
plaid Long Shawls, of rho richest colon and choicest
pattern. Comfortable Wool Shawls of every descrip
tion and at uniformly low prices. nor 9
t!I REA? REDUCTION IN P RIC FestltSstrrn et loon
cr so. 40 Market street, offer for saJle at LH per cent
below regular lorscca, rsco Chemeleoti Man Ulla
do, black and fancy Alpacas '
Mohair laustres, Palo et
to Cloths' French Mennos.of the aloof! choice colors
French Clothe and Gammen-. nov7
CARCE GOODS—Maatirine Blue .Parmenos—W
R Murphy, north east corner 4th hod Market Ms,
has au aseortruent of these scarce andgestrable goods.
Cherry Crape and Crape Liec--Mazgaine blue, paper
muslin, high eol'd Cambric. tc. ovl3
Gentle ma n'•
S MITH t JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have taut
received a large stock of shirts, dtaesers, collars,
Hocks, fancy and black silk cravat. scarfs, hoste
-1 rjr, bailee kuld gloves, Sc. Gentlerimn arc loaned
to call and examine them, as they are . supposed to be
B . _ •
received lot of markup. , not and
scarlet Bonne t Velvets,
Velvets, and mains.. blur choir, and
drab Bonnet Sauna. Also. cherry Colored and blue
Florences. ALEIANIJER &DAS, As market at
110•14 N IV cos Of the diamond
V EaPilEsS=.l. & Mason & Co. 60 Market meet.
have received, lenity Lind Frusgils. rich Cinema
lion do, heavy black do, Jenny Lind: Buttons, Daisy
an d 6, n , pc together with irony varieties Fancy Trim
mtnga not lobe an
found cheavviterit. 1 itovl4
RENCH EMBROIDERY, Reeeivid per Karam—
": A A Munn & Co, 60 Market at, &aye Embroider
ed Lace Cape, embroidered nillalin ft,
aoDdem straight
Collar; 25 do unman do, /50 do crocb do, 6do onne
log d o Alga embrolderid Idnalln Ca i new pallsms.
novl4 ' I
_— •,,
reed, • largo =Atty.( the abowkanielk for Roof
ing and other PurPoitta. We can nteoitunewitbe above
Fun Proof Paint, for ore have been liming it for near
fimr yaws, atad know it lobe a pod artiela.
betl3 PHIWPIII, No e wood if
ITHE ONLY REMEDY thiamin be refic,i 00 (0 ,
the permanent cure of Spasmodic Corm - scum, i,„
maiden of the Nerve. Nervous or Sick Headache
Nervous Tremors, Neuralgic Affection. Gm , find De:
billty, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical
and all Nervous Disorders, mcluding the thomdveamm
Of all diseases thai ever affect the human nice—
or "imrt Smarm's, Hysteneal Fits, Convulsions,
opuses. ke. Hart would impress it upon the minds of
the altheted that the Vegetable Extract is the only rem
edy ever dt.cov e red that eau be relied on for the per
manent cure of tins most dreadful of all diseases. As
its tendency i. to Insanny, madness and death, the most
if Europe. as well ex Moan of our own country, have
pronounced Epilepsy incurable. And it be. been so
considered by may, unol this most important of all
Siliscoveries was made by Br. S. Hart, nearly baleen
yearn since. dnnng which tune it has been performing
mine of the mom
upon record, and has acquired • reputation which
dine alone can efface. Physicians of undoubted .kill
and experience. ministers of venous denorannations,
as wall a. hundred. of our eminent mumns, all urine
m recommending the use of thin truly ealimble
eine to the patients, charge, and friends, who arc sf
&am!, a. tt!! only.
and by those who have been cured by this valuable
medicine: One says, -I have suffered beyond my pow
or of description. but I now remit, in being fully re
stored to health and happuthal." Another any.,
thank Goal I feel that lam a well man. I alto feel it
my duty to proelams tt to the ends of the earth, that
those mmlarly allltcted may bud relief.' Another
(who in an EMINENT LAWYER and well known in
this city) says, -My lam has been alfileted fin year.
with Epilepay, but in now erithytng good health from
the Vegetable Faucet. Its tame. , ay. he, - should
and ought to be sounded to the ends or the earth," An
other says - Language o entirely Inadequate to exprem
my grautude to DT Hart for having been the means,
under the blessing of God, of restoring me to the ethoy•
0 , 0 . 0 ( K omi health, after having been afflicted with
Epilersy in its wont forma for more than twenty three
years, and my naorrang and evening oblauon ol praise
and thankagning shall continue to ascend to that God
who has anOinted but to make me whole. ,
Mrs. J. Bradley, 111 Orchard strem N , MC,. that
ahehas been subpact to fits for many yea and and has
bet n restored to perfect health (atter every other means
had felled) by the use of the Vegetable Extract
Dr. Charles A.Drowu, or Dover. Russell county. Ala.
who is one in the beat physicians in the :nate. an; a that
he has been much benefited by the use of the \ egets
ble Extract, and tout ho unhesitatingly prescribes 11 In
every case of Epilepsy which comas under his knowl.
t...trus D. Mayberry, Elm. formerly Postmaster at
Lone Mffls, Crawford county. Pa , now It vont m Este
county, Pa.. states that for many years past Inc ha.
been sorely affllcted tenth blos and he is now happy to
sum that a persevenng nos of Dr. Hart's Vegetable
Extract, his reotored Into to sound benhh,betng court .
ly freed (min that worst of all dueasos
From the Cincinnou Commercial.
- -
The followmg at was given to Metter.. Tho
mas & Mlles, Doctor Hunk Agents for the sale of Mn
Vegetable Extract, (or the cure of Einleptic Fits or
Falling Sickness We are induced to give it a place
in our editonal columns from the fart that is the only
known medicine that will core Epilepsy, at the same
time believing it to be one of the greatest discoveries
in medical science. Physietamt and men of %clew, or
all ages have been tr)ing to discover a remedy for this
disease, but all has been in caul until the present Ms
covery of Dr. Hart, mid we would now say to %boss
adhered with fits, despair no longer, for there is hope!
MESSRS. THOMAS & MILES, la) Main str t, Cm
ti, Ohio, Agents tor Doctor Hart's egetable
Entrant for the cure of Epileptic Fits
Gentlemen—lt is almost impossible fur language to
express with what heartfelt sausfistuon I address these
few hues to you. for the purpose of informing you of
the beneficial results that have been alected by the
use of Dr. uart's Vegetable Extrack
My son, aged twelve years, has been severely at
flicted with huilepue Fits, and with sure severity that
thenp wee, be could not be cur,l.
one alas paroxysms he fell nEd broke Inn arm.
I called in Dr. Mulford, avery excellent physician,who re-set it. lie Informed me that toy son's Noevoun
System was very much deranged, and that it would be
impossible to cure him of Epilepsy, as Eileptic Fits
were almost ti and employing physicians to
his core would be ally throwing money awe).
I called upon Dr. Pultee, he informed me that the
disease had assufated . a chrome form, Mild it would take
along tune to cultm if he could be cured at I.:
He became worse and worse, and I began to think
there was no cure for hint s until I saw thin advertise
ment Of Dr. Hart s Vegetable Extract in one of not ray
N aZe c te ' d ' 7 , :r th . c . 'r ez.r. ' ,.. f . r n o ry, P rrty n :a w n:r e b v u e d n ''' or ' r o lt
yeam, nod restored to health oy the use oldie Extract.
I called al your store, and after convents/1g won Mt
Thomas, I came to the conclusion I 0 purchase e three
dollar package. It done bale or no good. I thought I
would try another, from the use of which I perceived
some lune benefit_
I than came to the Conclusion to purchase a ten dal •
lac boo. I found that it vv. of so mach service. him
I was induced to purcha.c a second. And I 4110 :ruly
thankful that I done so. so by the use of the ten pack••
ges he has been restored to perfect health.
Should any person-be desirous of seeing hint. and as•
cc:laming farther perusal... I should be pleased to
gratify them by their calling on ine at my rcoldem e,
south west coroer of Fourth and Park street.. Cann ta
Clamant., August 26th I'vlst.
- - .
When thousands who are now trembllng under one
hand of this dreadful disease, and Unsnap that every
attack may prove fatal, will-find permanent tette/and
be restored to new lute. by using this veto trut , d rued,
gine. Ovei one thousand ceruficates hair been re.
reined in testimony of the benefietal results produced
by the not, of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extra,
Prepared by S. HART, M. D. New York
. .
Pnce, one package ......
do four packages .Ithoo
do eight do
THOMAS .4. ]TILES. VW Morn t'mt
Olno, General Agents for United States, 3.11 d
West India
1.. WILCOX. J r.. corner of Diamond nod Nturvet si,
Agwt for rittabstagh.
Flayllbourne. Columbus, I: lord,
Clevrland: and for sale by roost of the principal drug
gists and merchant+ throughout the L uuted Statr..
TNE following from Geom. E._ Yomarcy, F.a.q the
well known propnetor of theTa pre., apeak. for
It of the importance of the Pain Extractor to r vcry
Exratos Orrice, A:bany. Sept t
Mo. Dat.har : My Dear Sir-15'4h feelins• of boor
dinary pleasure I address you or re fai,on lo be.fetit
1 have received from yourinv•luabie Pain Kltrec. o r.
Lamly, my hole daughter, 6 years old had a pitcher
of bailing water turned tote her bosom, her sereurns
were dreadful. so that a crowd instantly Cattle red be
fore the house to learn the cause o: the tenin.r lie reams_
I tore bee clothes wonder, and enoti sp, cud on your
salve, and she won carried and latd u; on a bed Sae
was soon relieved from her pains, and says `NI. I feel
as 1(1 could laugh." and was soon In sweet nileop. Sine
win scalded to a blister from the lop nil her •houhler
over more than half her chest, and reund under the
arms On the shoulder and brenst It was very deep,
yet nom the first boor, ohs comp , sined on, v wIleU it
mr. dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and facie no
contruuon of the muscles.
%VIM many althea my dear str. for your aIIeCCSA
the sale of this notary erode,
I ens yours, watt respect,
The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the ,lime In
stantaneous relict and soothing, cooling effect. .n th_
severest eases of Buret, Scalds, Pilot, to.
The Counterfeits— no atter under what names the
may appear—always Irritate, and increase tic pain'
-•- •-
- - •
I. Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin tinder
Colombia county, N. , have her, GI/Haled with rhea
manna in my bream, feet, and all over my body. In
in years, so that I could tot stand, and was cored hi
three applicauous of Dailey , . m agica l P ain
Mr Dailey: Ste—l cot my finger with a copper nail
the poisonous nature of which toured my 0./(11 to suet
considerably, with c uaat lialsoaag paths up to th•
shoslder. A large swelling eking place at Sin arm
pit. with mcmastng pain. 1 bee.e tearful of the Lock
paw. In this extremity your Pam Extractor was re
commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon x
try. The consequence was that it atrorded me alum
Instant relief, and in three days I was completely cu
corner Broome and Sullivan am, Sept a. I 84,
NOTICR—H. DALLZT is the Inventor of this
able remedy, and never has and nrver will Comm •
cats to any living mm the secret aim combination!
All Extractors. therefore, not made and pal up b
him, are base counterfeits
Puorutzrou's Darors-415 Broadway, New Yor
935 Chestnut street. Phit.
JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot. Dr NV!,
THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh
Jkaley'+ Animal Galmarsm Cure-AE,
Cores humors, •sporin, qualm, grease. poll-sin
sores, and bruises. Pamphletsconimning ce
oficales of respectable portico, may be boil on oPPlie
nods di yis Agent. Pittsburgh
;.,,,- No. 03, DIAMOND ALLEY,
~.,.. .. few doors below Wood street,
......,, • Merkel.
DR. BROWN, having be
regularly educated to the medic
_, ~
.. profession. and been Or some u
.._ " I m general praetlee, now c Pahl
' ..., ~ . his attention to the Irtarm , nt
those private and de:irate co ,
. ..
. .. \ plaints for which his opportotult
, t _A : , and experience peculiarly neat
... • we. ,
him. it years desot
to study & treatment of those compltunt*.ldu ring wt.
time he ban had more Fame.; and has cured more p
(lent, than can ever fall to the lot of any prorate pra
Wiener) amply qualifies lairn to offer wuranC.
speedy, permanent. and .usfastory owe to g
a: , •t tl ict
with delicate disetwet, and oil %tsetfeec towing they
• ••
Dr. Brown would inform those &Aimed with pore.
disenaes which have become chronic by tnne or
l'Uvday,d by
ttilti the h use
etr co o m f pri7nts ofthe t c te o htdi o e n al ' r n 'u ntl n tlt . o
oughly cured; be having gege can
Riven his careful ottennon
the treatment of such epees, and succeeded in tundra.
of instances to corms persons ofinflammattoo
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases winch of
result from those eases where other• have consign ,
them to hopelessdespot, He particularly inv., en
an have been long and unsuccessfully treated by oth•
to consult him, when everounsfacuott will he gm
them and their cases treati4in a careful. thorough
intelligent manner, ponnoll' oat by a long expense
study, and Investigation , winch it is tmposmble forth
t ‘, l tiled
ase o! Ie
e n e wit prooLee of ordictpo to gtoo
Ruprure.—Dr. Brown al. Invites
son. adlieted with Henn a t o call, as he ha. paid pa
alas attention to dun disease.
Skin &wawa; also Pi' s, Palsy, etc., speedily en
Cb;f7l..—vilritYnelnts of mitt tax living at a distonon
W.a'dmoffidtresis7g:sa4:botT7.l6s,iiiniCT.tll.,:wid.:l.D., Bo st
p oet fee use,
ing foe.
aturewerwst.—Dr. Brown's newly discover.' rc
dy for libeinnatirm is a speedy and certain remedy
that painful tremble. It never fads.
Office and Private Con... Ring Rooms, No. 65
and alley, Pittsbargii, Pa. The Doctor is alwey
MT No suet no pay. dee
This Cathartic compound combine. 411.1.141 C
bulk with efficiency said comparative timidness of
gene° action, end having a peculiar berideimi to
binary organs, is extremely valuable in this
ti con
in which Minna. fevers and other nutupianns sue
with congestion of the Liver, so mucn anourni
have now stood the test of to years, and robdr ,
hue proved them to he a safe and valuable rented
Intermittent, Remment and flings Fever, maim
BUM. colic, Indigestion, Dropsy. Dysentery, 13:
Vomiting., colds, and all complaints „fan indent
ry character. The complete and universal mu
non which line been grven by them pills to all
have used there, renders the publishing of the n
ems certificates In their favor unnecessary. To
ventecuanterfeiting they are now put up in a red
'graphic wrapper.
Prins 21eents for a box containing 30 pills.
Prepared and sold by -
earner let and wood, and oleo cornet 6th and