The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1848, Image 2

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P TTingulton.
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■ee next page for Telegraphic sews.
In another column we give the statement, read
by SOLOMON W. Roamers, Esq., at the Railroad
Meeting, on Friday evening, which contains, in a
condensed form, all the information which is pro.
bably necessary to enable our readers to make - op ,
their minds in relation to that route. We cont.
mend it to the careful attention of every one 'who
feels on interest in the future progress of PitUr
burgh to wealth and greatness
Out readers have learned from our yesterday's
paper, that the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad
Company, is now completely organized, by the
election of Wsi. Roeretos, Jr. Esq, as permanent
President of the Company, he having heretofore
held thin relation pro rem. From the well-known
energy, ability, and perseverance of GIL ROBERSON,
!! our citizens have a sure guaranty that nothing
will be left undone necessary to urge to a speedy
commencement and early completion, the great and
1 noble work he has undertaken. If any thing can
add to Col. Rohinson's high financial and business
character in this community, It will be assured on
the da7 he has the proud satisfaction of starting a
Locomotive from Pittsburgh, fur the immense mar
kets of the great and growing %eat and North
`Vest, which will then be opened up to us.
cOar readers have also learned, that the Board
lifre sanctioned the choice of route, by their
p - able Engineer, which we announced some weeks
w since, which leaves the Ohio river at Beaver, and
penetrates at once to the table lands of Ohio, near
Salem, and that they have resolved to locate and
prepare for contract, forty miles of the route imme.
diately. This shows that the Directors are in ear
nost—that depending on the hearty inNoperation of
the people of these cities, and of those who reside
near the route, they have resolved, like brave men.
to go to tnork,—and there is no reason to feat that
they will be fully sustained and entirely successful
in the undertaking.
The forty mites will overcome all the real dub
ceukies of the route. The remainder will be easy
and cheap; and it the people of Stark, Wayne and
Richland counties, subscnbe a liberal amount of
stock, the mote will be located and pat under.con
tract to Mansfield by the close of the next yeav
whicli, when completed, will give us a .Railroad
connection with the Lakes and with Cincinnati, and
will open up to ua a business and a market not ex•
ceeded by any Railroad in the whole Union.
• Truly, a hnght day of great prosperity, to dawn•
ink; upon Pittsburgh.
The Tribune says that this great work—gigantic
in its extent, and national in its character and re
sults, despite the Minoru insurmountable physical
objects which opposed it, will certainly unite the
Hudson with the valley of the Susquehanna!' on
the lit of Jan. 1049. The editor of that paperhas
been on a tour along the whole line of the read,
from near the summit of the ridge which divides
the waters of the Delaware from those of the Sus.-
quehannah, some 25 miles cast of BingLampton,
down to the eastern terminus on the Hudson, ut
Pierpout. From Bitighammon to Port Jarvis, a
distance origami 130 miles, the grading, bridging.
mason work. Sc, are all completed, except at
three nr four points, where some two or three
weeks farther tune is required to render the road
ready for the rails. These points, are, respectively,
at The Summit, Cars Rock. Bridge at thel.mouth
of the Lacka:.vuxen, and the Bridge crossing the
Delaware'at the head of the Glass House Works.
The work is finished at both the Bridges.—
The Umber attlie Lackawaxen is all on the ground
and the bridge can be completed in twenty days.
Napoleon, with his corps of Engineers, would not
have reqired uaorre than half that time. The bridge
across the Delaware is almost finished, and twee.
ty days is ample time with a proper force upon . it,
to complete all but the roof. Ninety nine miles
of the hundred and thirty are already laid with the
rail, and the iron fir the remainder, atithe •unfinish.
ed points, is an the ground.—Buralo Ceres
From. Ilingliampton to the Lase, the road has
some 270 miles further to go, over a very ditlicillt
country most of the way. It keeps along the val
leys of the head waters of the Susquehanna for a
great distance, when it aroraes over into the valley
of the Allegheny. and follows that stream to Lodian
village, aboat half way between Olean in New
York, and Warren in Pennsylvania. By Slack ,
water navigation of the Allegheny to Indian
lage re Olean, we should, when the Erie rail road
rea‘hei. the Allegheny valley, have a directe,
callent northern route to Itiew York. and Boston,
except in the winter season, when the river is
A Railroad, however, up the Allegheny over to
the nearest point of intersection with the Erie road,
Is the improvement which ought, and will finally
be made. The route to altogether feasible, and
would pay we!i, passing through a rapidly irapro
ving country. destitute Edell facilities except those
afforded by the over during the fall and spring
freshets. Such a maid would directly connect the
Ohio valley with Western New York, and all the
unpowernents in that region, extending to the
Eastern States.
Speaking. of the improvement of the Allegheny
nver, reminds as, that our representative, Mr.
lissr.rrtis, during (glow session of Congress, pro
cured the insertion, in the Internal Improvement
Bill before the House, of an appropriation for a
careful survey of the Allegheny river. That bill
failed through the opposition of Mr. Polk's admin.
istration, but that important appropriation for Pitts
burgh, will be attended to when the first Improve.
meat bill passes under Gen. Taylor's adminiatra.
Arronarracrr or Ann Tent GENEEL4I.—We pai n
from Harnsburg that the Governor has appomed
Capt. W. H. inure, of Mifflin County, Adjutant
General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—
The Commission of Geo. W. Bowman, the Late ins
cumbent, expired on the 3d of August last, by lon.
nation, although he lately pretended to resign the
office in a most insulting truer to the Governor,
which none but the lowest and most besotted dem.
astogue could have written.
. We learn from the Haniaburg Intelhgencer, that
Captain, now Gen 'ma Irwin, "commanded a com
pany of the 11th Regiment in the Mexican war.—
He was in the bottles of Contreras, Churahuseo ,
and Mohr. dcl Bey. In the last battle—the fier.
ecru, and bloodiest of the Mexican war—Gen. Ir.
win was wounded. When he returned from the
service of hie country, he possessed a • high rep•
tenon for gallantry, and good conduct, and enjoy
ed the esteem and admiration of all his fellow
In addition to his military fame, Gen. Irwin has
the character of a scholar, and a gentleman of In
tegrity and honor. He is a writer and an orator,
Slit taring the political coole s t, made some of the
Most eloquent and effective speeches that were
delivered in the course of the canvass. He is
equally ready with sword, tongue, or pen, and con
ducts a political with as much vigor and ability as
a military eampai,ga."
It is pleasing to observe, that all of Gov. John,
ston's appointments, so far, have been ;extremely
judicious, and have met with general approbation
H. 0% ANDES. , STPWARS.—Among the:papers on
our table which strongly support the fitness and.
claims of H.O. Andrew Stewart kit is acetyl Gen .
Taylor's cabinet, are the Raltnnore Clipper, Wash
ington Reporter, Erie Commercial, Westmoreland
Relligencer,.L'oiontown Democrat, &o.
&acres... Couxas.—Gov. Johnston, has is
sued his proclamation, directing the electors lately
chosen, to meet in Harrisburgb, on the first Wed
nesday ir. December, for the performance of their
important and agreeable dunes.
We learn from the Pittsburgh Cathohc, that St
Panle Congregation hen become so large, that it has
been found necessary to prepare a Chapel for the
tam of those who could not obtain pews in the Ca•
thedrnl. On Sabbath last, the new 'Chapel of St.
John the Baptist,' as it is called, wasoperied for the
PSCUIT/N411.• B-11/18.1.D. — The Philadelphia
Ledger, says :--The Idiocy of the Pennsylvania
Railroad has - shown more firmness since the pay.
meat of thelait ILIM;3/11 4Of the capital, though
the ptlce;:is still most diteiouragingly low. In joint
meeting of Councils, last evening, Mews. Georg
Elownll,. John Wiegand and Mores 1.. Hallowell
were 4.eteli pireetora alba Company on behalf
'oity. AU active, energetic men."
Address of Solomon W. Eloborto.
CULLY Swam= or me Onto MID Ps oUVILVAXIA
of the chi
tie rii4lll)eati gad Tissid,,triwe RAS;
thirignest of thei Directors pf the 'Ohk; and
Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, of which bons
pan.), 1 am the Chief Engineer, I have explained
our surrey's — With Ai; aid of maps end documents,
and now propose to conclude with the follow
ing address'
A charter of the most liberal character was ,
granted 'fast spring by the 'Legislatures ofOluo still
Pennsylvania, giving the company similar powers I
in both States, with the right to construct a rail
rothrfrom Pittsburgh westw e ard to Mansfield, a di..
lance of 151 miles, and with the option of extends
tag it farther, or ending it there.
The charter provides that each share of stock
shall have a vote, so that those who subscribe the
most will control the management of the road.—
The names of the States were given to the company
to mark the intention of making this the main con
necting link between these two great. free States,
which stand side by side, divided bus by an imagi.
nary tine, and although they now contain more than
km, millions of people, have as yet no rail road
How long lb. 'shall be the case depends very
much upon the course to be pursued by the gen
tlemen now present. The rood terminates at Pitts
burgh. When made, it will be to Pittsburgh what
the western rail road of Massachusetts now is to
Boston. And as Boston now ice , in the East, the
central star of a constellation of towns, connected
with it on every side by radiating bridges, and
contributing to swell its population, wealth, sad
prosperity; so will it be with Pittsburgh, in the
West, when your western rail road is finished.
Soon after the charter was obtained, the compa
ny was organized, and, on the 11th of July loot, the
surveys were begun under my direction. Since
then they have bean diligently prosecuted by two
surveying parties, in charge of Mr. Straughau and
Mr. Warner, who are trust.worthy,competent, and
experienced civil engineers I had the honor to
be selected by this Board as the Chief Engineer of
the Company, beeaaae they knew me to be free
from local interest or bias, and determined to re
commend the best route, without regard to the per.
sonel in fl uence or local interest of any one. By
pursuing this course, we hope to deserve and to
receive the public confidence, without which no
work in our country can ever be permanently pros
perousc sad, by adopting the best route, we shall
render successful rivalry impossible.
I was not restricted by the Board as to the metre
to be surveyed, but was requested to survey all
that I might think necessary to satisfy my own
mind as to which was the most desirable for Penn
sylvania capitahsta to adopt. tin no other terms
would I have accepted the appointment of Chiet
Engineer of the company; for, daring the twenty
years that I have been engaged in engineering, I
have uniformly labored to simplify and to improve
the public works leading to Philadelphia, which
has always been my home. And from the dine
which, in 1831, as Principal Assistant Engineer, I
commenced the location of the Portage Rail Road
over the Allegheny Mountain—rn what was then
a dark and dreary wilderness--1 have striven to
unite the commercial interests of Philadelphia and
The item. of James Watt adapted the steam
engine to manufacturing purposes, Oliver Evans
simplified it, and Fulton applied it to steam nevi.
gab°. The last two were fellow citizens of our
own State of Pennsylvania, the key stone of the
arch of our government, .d the central State of
the old thirteen that first formed the Federal Union.
Coal and iron are our great staples, and cheap coal
is the parent of cheap iron. Together they stand,
like the pillars of Fierce les,and on them rests the vast
fabric of modern physical civilization. This is en.
peeially true since the locomotive was started, by
George Stephenson, upon the two parallel piece.
of iron which constitute the modem railway, Ile
began life a poor-collier boy, of the lowest class, in
a coal mine in England; and he died n few weeks
ago, at the bead of the profession of civil engineer
mg, and honored by his whole country as one of
her most useful citizens.
Twenty years have not elapsed since the Liver
pool and Manchester railway was opened, and now
almost every manufacturing and commercial city
.n England and America has one or more rail roads.
Pittsburgh is an yet an exception, but I feel certain
!hat it will not long remain no.
It is for you to take advontage of the experience
of others, and to concentrate your energies upon ,
the best mute for one main feeatcril line. Satire it
not to - be - diverted from its true coarse by the in
terested earns of nye' towns or villages and then
those places that do not happee to be upon the
main ,trunk will soon make their own branch es.
which, running in like tnbutary stream. into n
mighty river, will add to the profits of your road.
nail pour their eceumulated treasures of trade and
travel into your city. •
Without going into a lengthened comparison at
Luis b ..e, of cartoon lines which have been urged
upon your attention by did
erect interests, lam now
prepared to say, that alter studying the subject for
some months with earnest attention, and with t,
n:d of extensive and ...mate instromental sur
reys, I am fully satisfied that the beet Western
Railroad mute for the interests of ?Mahwah and itt
the State of Pennsylvania, is that which passes
down the Ohio to the mouth of Big Beaver; and i
leaves the river at that point. Front there it risen'
to the level of the table Wads of Ohm, which must
be reached by an; such road; and. running near
to Salem, passes by Canton, and crosses the Ohio
canal at Masstllon, the great wheat mart of Ohio.
whieh is 101 miles from Pittsburgh.
From Massillon, the line runs westward to Wco►
ter and Nlanstield, and our surveys have been ez•
tended to Bucyrus. 24 miles further West
Thin line follows the north eastern bank of the
Ohio river trom Pittsburgh to Beaver, and me
genera! course of the stream being very straight
between these two points. the distance by railroad
is but '25 aides. There is On place between Pitts
burgh arid Beaver where the line can diverge from
the valley of the river, the mouth of the Big Beaver
being the bent practicable point of itiVergenee.
By leaving the over at that point, we thanes our
tee to the west several miles, and we have lower
commits to cross than by way of the hues which
are urged upon the public attention by local in
icretua, anxious to bead op totes lower down the
over, nod within the hounds of the State of
It is clearly the interest of Pittsburgh that the
Great Western Railroad should come to Pitts
burgh. and the interest of the State of Pennaylva•
nit is identical with that of your city.
A union orradroads is only desirable when it is
a union upon the nght route; otherwise—like
Limed marriage--it will end unhappily, and the
parties would have been better apart.
The three noble rivers that wash the shores of
your flourishing metropolis, give her. indeed, by
nature, a commanding position. But as the-in
vention of tire arms took away from natural
strength a great proportion of as unportance nn
die oroggles of war, so the invention of railroads
has taken from navigable communwanons s great
proportion of their importance in the struggles of
towns fur commercial superiority
A Railroad is a kind of artificial nver, the
branches of which are capable of indefinite ex.
tension, without regard to a supply. of water. Sup
pose, then, that by no artificial means, a new river
adapted to steam navigation, could be opened Iran
Cleveland, on Lake line, to a point on the Ohio.
:"o0 miles South of Pittsburgh, would not every co
!men of Pittsburgh be thunderstruck at the news
that his city bad practically ceased to be at the
head of the Ohio' Would not the men of Wheel.
mg rejoice beyond measure, and would not the
fortune of every• man be maths who owned real
estate near the mouth of the river thus supposed
to be opened' , This new point would then cease
to be a way port for steamboats merely to touch
at, and the forest of chimneys which now black
en the banks of the Monongahela, would no long
er annoy the visitorto Pittsburgh, for they would at
once be restored ton plane fifty miles off, and to
another State. What would be true of a nver, is
more or leas true of a railroad, and especially so in
respect to passengers'and the most valuable mer
chandise. The inference is too plaid to need ex
planation,. and although we Pennsylvanians may
not be as wise as the wise men of the east, we at
least have common sense enough to refrain from
committing commercial suicide .
I do not propose in this connexion, to discuss
the question of a line which natt been suggested, to
strike the Ohio from the West still further down,
and nearer to Wheeling than the mouth of Yellow
'Creek, and to come to Pittsburgh by bridging your
mighty none, and by crossing through the territory
of Virginia. Such a line would commit the inter
ests of Pennsylvania to the legislation of the State
of Virginia, which is now making great efforts to
become-the railroad thoroughfare of the W4st.
Maryland has no front upon the Ohio river. bat at
tar a Long negotlattoo, her great Railroad aempriny
has made an agreement with the city of Wheeling
to make that point its terminus, and Wheeling bile
agreed to furnish ground far a depot free of charge,
and no subscribe half, million to the railroad stock,
besides which the c tizens of Wheeling are now
actively engaged in bridging the Ohio. at an ex
pense of about a quarter of a million of dollars.
New York has her railroad from Albany to Hof.
filo, which you know very well has diverted a vas
amount of western travel (rain Pittsburgh, try
means of the railroad recently opened from the
oluo river at Cincinnati, northwest to Lake Ene.
Two other railroads are in progress in Ohio, to
connect the river with the Lake, and the New
York and Erie Railroad is to be finished to Dur,
kirk in 1550. Our State is also threatened with
the making of a railroad along the southern shore
of Lake Erie. the most dangerous rival to the pub.
tic works of Pennsylvania that can be constructed.
Will this great city of 70,000 people sit idly by
and see these vast iron arms extended around her,
to drain the produce and furnish the supplies of
that immense western region of which this is the
natural mart? It cannot be. The hour has come
for action, and for the most vigorous and determin.
ed action. Nothing else brill answer the purpose,
and every true Pittsburgher must see it. Whoev
er advocates delay is no true friend to the Western
Railroad. Let it be a universal popular movement,
like that which shook Philadelphia to its centre,
when the stock of the Pennsylvania RallrOaclwas '
taken;—that great road, the palladium of the mm.
monwenlth, which will soon baud Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh in bonds of brotherhood which will
ever be broken
Within three years, If the requisite means were
provided, tbeikcomotive engines from Philadelphia
and from Cincinnati might meet in Pittsburgh—the
half way house on their long journey; and that
event might then be hailed as the proudest era in
the annals of yoar iron city.
Now, the charter of the Ohio and Perinsyivazia
Rail Road CiriaPiury is the only on, in existence
under which any one in authorized to accomplish
this object. It wan passed by the Legislature of
Pennsylvania for this very purpose, and you can
coots ol it, if you dooms.
How can thin best be , accomplished? Certainly
Act by nunedy holding moeurigs and talking about
the moor--will lea by holding public and pwhav
angry discussions between the intama , W advt.-
mum of rival loans and 'Magee, wittiong to be
made potato upon the main line. Let them pre
oe_r the Board of Etheetummod' *Waking immediate inbatrip
°OW° the 01:1bWcompany--eondititheid rub
salidons if they aril, : They have alrosit be.a.
. 1 : 06 * To do WIN andsome have reapondiatto
When the i Pennaylvanis Batt Road unsa about
to be begun, the advocates of the circuitous route
by the way of the West - Branch of the Susquehan
na, held public meetings and conventions of their
own, and denounced the direct - route by the Janis.
to valley in every way in thekpower. Philadel
phia rang' with their assertiOna, and the newspas
pers were crammed with their . calculations. We
attended their meetings and' took notes;' nut we
never interrupted them. We answered them thro'
the press, and at meetings-of our own. Their op
position really aided no by drawing attention to the
subject. We carried public opinion with an like
an irresistible torrent. We appointed committees
and went round from house to boosei,.and front
store to store,and we asked every one . .sultscribe,
if there seemed to be the leant channe.of Ida doing
it. If he could not, or would not, do more, we ask
ed him to take one share for our city's sake. I
have gone into the shops of the poorest mechanics
and done this. We did it for the love of Phila.
delphia, and we are now beginning to reap our
reward in the rapid progress of her great enter.
prise. Astre did then, you moot do now—and as
a multitude of rain drops make the river, many
small sums will make your rail road.
The owners of lands and of town lots upon the
West Branch of the Susquehanna denounced us,
and refused to help us and tried to stop on. They
were determined that if the Company would not
adopt their line, they should not make any line; but
in thin they signally ailed. Their "dog in the man.
ger" policy amounted to nothing, and their opposi
non Ilea almost ceased to be remembered, except
as one of the lessons of the past.
I am anxious that Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
should obtain the best and shortest railroad line, not
only to Canton, Monition and the west, bet also to
the beautiful city of Cleveland on Lake Erie. By
adopting the route which I recommend that object
will be accomplished; and by intersecting the
Cleveland railroad near Mount Union, which we
are authorised by law to do, more than half the
distance between Pittsburgh and Cleveland will be
travelled upon the line of the Ohio and Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The distance between the two cities will be
about 135 miles, and the line will probably traverse
the great field of excellent cannel coal, near Dar
lington, in Beaver county, which now has no ave.
nee to market.
Rut important as the connection with Cleveland
is, it is less so than that with the counties traversed
by our main line; which are shown by official re
turns to be among the wealthiest counties of the
State of Ohio. We open up at once a populous
country, which has neither turnpike, canal, steam..
boat, nor railroad communications. A line down
the river must be crowded into a narrow spate,
between the river and the hills, and must run In
constant competition with the steamboats; and a
line following a canal route in open in some degree
to similar objections
The inland line, which we recommend panties
over the table lands of Ohio; our surveys show that
it can readily be constructed, it will command an
amount of way busies..., from both sides of it, which
will pay an ample taterest on its cost; and by
means of its connections, it will become, we be
hese. the great highway of a district of country,
which already contains seven millions of people
sod is improving timer than any other part of the
Gentlemen—The ;pint of view from which I
have viewed these questions is Pennsylvania. It
is as a Pennsylvanian, nations to advance the in
terests of his native state, that I have spoken to
you. my fellow citizens, and if I have said any
thing calculated in the least degree to promote that
object, I have not spoken in vain.
ha motion of Wilson M'Candless, Esq.
Reaolred, That the thanks of this meeting are
due and arc hereby tendered to Mr. Roberts, Chief
Engineer of the Railroad Company. for hie able and
satisfactory address.
Our Herpromantative
We hod the following complimentary notice of
our represemauve to Congress, Hon. Montt HAM ,
TON, in the correspondence of the North American.
We coo bear testimony, that after his return from
Wastungton to the close of the Presidential cam
paign, Mc. Hampton's labors were abut abundant
and effective. lie gave himself to the . work with
a hearty good will, end a perseyeing resolution,
which told upon the mosses of the people whtch be
addressed, in every section he visited. He has the
reward of his Lahore In thehrilliant rumens which
has attended, not only his exertions., but those Of
numerous other noble Whigs 121 thu county, who
entered the campaign with a sprit and zeal we
have never seen equalled.
Correspondence of tht North Amersehn L 7 S. Gazette
Whlatourrort, Nov. 72d, 1648.
.Ifersrs. Eduarf—lt bu afforded me rest plea..
sure to perceive that you have peen full credit.
editorially, to the Hon. Truman Smith. (or the con.
lipacuoue part he has taken in the. elecuon of Gen.
Taylor to the Presidency. He can not be praised
too much for his noble and ominous efforts.
Yon will allow me. however, to say a ward in
commendation of equally worthy and effective
charm-nons of the Whig cause. The honorable
Andrew Stewart and ?doses Hampton of Pennsyl
vania. and General Samuel Stokely of Ohio, were
engaged from the flea dawn of General Taylor's
prospects, in connection with the Presidency, anal
they new him triumphantly elected to that exalted
I have had the pleasure to WlLDeladlCar mealous
exertions in the good cause and tea lIMN] leer.
(sad l do so most earnestly,) that no impporten of
Gen. Taylor exhibited greater strength of exerhon
in Am behalf. by the display of his apogee history
and character, sod the reasons urged in favor of
the propriety of his election to the Presidency, than
did the gentlemen I have taken the liberty to pre
rent to your notice.
By giving this note . plane in your largely cirri.
Lied and influential journal. you will greatly oblige
your friend and obedient servant.
The Auesablag• of Coewese
The national Intelhgencer to noticing the near
approach of the assembling of Congress, anticipates
a quiet session, nod considers as not within the
-range of probabtlity that the Tariff, Protective, or
Internal Improvement questions, will be mutated
at the coming session . nor indeed any other clues..
use likely to Pee nse to much contention, unless
the President should in his annual Message spnng
upon Congress some new question which neither
we nor the public are now dreaming of.'
"There is one thought suggested to our mind by
the advent of this eession, which we will not with.
iold from our readers. It will be the second of the
Thirtieth Congress , and upon its termination, on
the 3d of March next, this Government will have
existed, unchanged in form, for a period of sixty
years ; the expinsuon of that term being signalized
by what has been happily termed a "Revolution of
Ten hours," the effect of which, when fully realized,
will have been to restore the Government to the
plain and obvious track loom which it ho bees In
practice, to many instances, departed from. HoW
it may stnke others, we know not ; but to our eyes
nothing can be more admirable—nothing more gip.
rasses--in view of the whole civilized world, ague:,
ed and convulsed before and around us, than this
expresmon—so mlll, so 1131116124.01111, SO Univers
sally acquiesced in—of the tkdlective will of time
millions of voters, What more singular, what morel
imposing civil spectacle could there be I
'•What exemplification more decisive of the
consummate wisdom of those happy imituutkins
which our great forefather bestowed upon us , —
They surely gave them, besides all their wisdom,
some hidden force of virtue which men must feel,
but cannot guess, breathed into them some
strange spint, some energy of good, which, hke
the unseen power of fermentation, worn sound
ness and sweetness out of seeming trouble.
`ln ouch a moment of public exultation as
should, we conceive, bail each recurring exhibition
of these admirable powers of our institutions, all
citizens should find high cause not merely for
admiration ate proves, so wonderful, but a cor
reeponding good will towards each other, that shall
herd all personal hurts as perfectly WI the inward
three we have mentioned cures the wounds of the
I Tan Gassy Restivr.—The Presidential Electo
rid Collage, as it o now ascertained, will stand as
arranged in the annexed tabhs. The only doubt is
in reference to Mississippi, where the vote has
been so very close as to render the result still on.
certain. Placing the vote of Mississippi In tha
Cass column, the aggregate vote will he as fol.
Maryland 8 New Hampshire, 6
Massachusetts, 12 Ohio, 23
Rhode Island, 4 Illinois, 9
Vermont, 6 Michigan, 5
De lawere, 3 South Carolina, 9
Connecticut, 6 Minoan, 7
New Jersey, 7 Virginia, 17
Pennaylvatua, 26 Maine, 9
New York, 38 Indiana, 12
Kentuclry, 12 Wisconsin, 4
Tennessee, 13 Alabama, 9
North Carolina, 11 lowa, 4
Georgia, 10 Mississippi, 6
Louisianna, 6 Texas, 4
Florida, 3 Arkansas, 3
163 127
Whole number of Electors, 290. Taylor's ma.
ority 35.
If it should turn out that Taylor has carried Mis.
.uouppi ; the aggregates will then stand—Taylor,
69; Cass, 121.
The result is the IMMO as wo stated it three days
after the election.
Tim Hon. FRANCIS Glutton, in a speech at the
Taylor celebration in New York coy on Tuesday
melt, mod, in allusion to the mention of his name
in connection with the new cabinet . “ Were inch
a nomination teedereil to him, it would be declined
;on sceocint of matters so entirely person a l ch at
they need wet be Icemen beyond his own firealde
When he withdrew hum the fanner Cabinet •he
breathed more freely: and now when he had yids
drawn from - a Cabinet is which he supposed he
ahould menthes° a place, he could spa*.morn
Correspondence of the iirtsbargh Gazette.
Nrw Nov. 28 1848.
- Agraz l 4,, , tarratuP.durY festival -yaik,..eiebnued
lathe 96:11:0 House,° by the Original 'Taylor meu
alley riiyiennd liii*ty Making It Wes indeed.
Stiflons titian but front the good feeling
shown among thegitegnr. The, dinner was graced
by the attendance of the Governor of the State,
theilon. John A. Collier, Francis Granger, J. P.
Phenix, Ogden Hoffman ands host Mother names,
whose sounds have been heard throughout the
Union. No section of the Whig party was there,
but the representatives of the undivided whole,
which swept the State ao clear on the 7th of No
Financially all has been quiet here the a day or
two, except itahe loan, of the Government, which
have been in universal demand at fall once. A
good deal has been taken on foreign account, but
besides this, there has been a good deal sold in a
speculative wit:yby the government broker and his.
friends, to put the price up so as to enable them to
gat out withoirVloas; an object which they have in
past accomplished The Erie rail road seven per
neat bonds, sold on the 20th for investment chiefly,
have been; resold at two per cent advance.—
Such a low price hoe not been accepted for an
equally valuable security to a long time, nor under
ordinary circumstances can it occur again.
It is now well ascertained that the great bulk of
orders that have been in Our market fur dour for
England have been withdrawn, or placed at a fig.
ore far below what receivers here will accept.—
Some shippers offer $.5,25 for good brands but this
is equal to retiring from the market.
Englishletten, to speaking of the future pros.
pacts of the trade, do not encourage shipments
from this side. Upon the Ist of February, the Corn
lawn of England, so long adhered to, expire, and
tree trade to bread will be maimed. The whole
complicated sliding scale of Sir Robert Peel goes
outof existence, leaving a nominal duty, barely
enough to keep a record of the imports of the
kingdom, for the are of statesmen in any farther
legislation upon corn.
It has become ,ertain that France, and those
parts of Northern Europe which bought of us so
freely in the two years past, will want no more:but
on the other hand have become able to compete
with us in supplying the deficiency ol Great Bei
tam, the only market that remains open to us. As
we have now competition in supplying her wanks,
which are moderate, it is natural to suppose that
our grain trade with her, will recede to its old lint.
The steamship America left at noon, with o large
number of passer.gera: but no specie. The amount
of sterling exchange ~id for thm mad was not
large, and the price ranged at 1080109 for best
natygg.a• The remittances of stocks continue to
have a favorable efrem upon the bill market, audio
keep prices down below the range where specie
can go profitably. The shipments made to the
continent are no teat of the course of exchange,
for there a for that quarter as steady and regular
demand for certain kinds of coin as for our cotton.
The lout Havre ship took out $50,001.1, which has
been more than replaced by the receipts from emi.
grants and other sources within a week.
In markets there is little that is new. Cotton
closes at Fit for fad uplands, a nate 'of k upon the
lowest point of the teuon. The stock on sale is
not 5000 bales. Flour is cheaper, good shipping
brands 53,371, but shippers will not give it. Prime
Genesee wheat 127. and t )61°1151. Corn to cheap
er, sales good western at 66/6135; and for February
delivery 67; Rye 61 1 .5055; Pork is selling at 50,25
for prime and 912.62 k for mesa and held higher—
Beef S 6 for prime and £lo 6r mess. Lard abun
dant at 7 lot new western via Potsbargh. To anon
row is Thanksgivtng day and will be a day lost for
The Preeideney 7 Lies. Taylor
Naw Oku-maaniNov.ll.
General Taylor was in Baton Rouge when be
heard the result of the election is Pennsylvania.
and enough from other States to determine, with
out doubt, the fact that he hod bees elected Presi
dent of the leited States. He took the fact of his
elevation to the highest office in the world with
perfect composure. exhibiting much coolness and
deliberation. He left Baton Rouge, soon after the
result was known, on board a steamboat for his
plantation in.Misussipm. On the passage he was
accosted by a stranger, n democrat, who prom-
Med bun to be merely a common passenger, and
the two commented talking politica. speculating
about the election, the inertia of the candidates, Le-
The stranger told him that old Zack was good
enough, but he did cot think him qualified for the
high office of President. He also asked the Gen
if lie was a Taylor man, to which toe General re
plied. 'Not much of a one' that he had not voted
for him, on account of his family, and mare espe
cially his old lady being somewhat opposed to Old
Zack' At this tuni.ture a gentleman stepped op.
accosted the General, and called him by name—
The stranger roon smelt a rat and, alteropenin
his eyes tolerably wide. walked alt' considerabl y
The Genenal to in good health, and looks un•
concerned as Inuit!, taking things cooky and de.
Presidential li/ection. •
Vtaanna.—The Richmond Times of ?rt.
day has returns runt all the coma ties to Virginia
except two. The majority for CaO,a so far, a 1297.
In the to, MI titles remaming the majority for Polk
was 24.
ALCl,ll.l.—lieturns from every county in the
State show a majority far Con el 199.
The Montgomery !Alabama; State (rosette, 0/
the I ":t5 mato states that returns have been recess.
ed from all Ind - Counties iu Alabama, which, hosed
up, gives Cass t32:i majority The Casette says
the realm* are nearly all otScinl . and with oise
exception. lOsfiee county which is set down at 33
majority in COSSJ may be relied on as Vo-01100L—
This *eta the question at rest as to the total result
in Alabama.
Ivotrta..—Yteturus irnm all the cow:ate. hot V/
give Craw 4117 map:atty.
tut friend of the Wheeling Time, doer as at all
like the prospect of a r•d road bung built to unite
Baltimore with the Central Road, in this State.—
However much it may ;neve hum, yet We mist
wure him, that the pothaltdatea are. that Pi.!l a.•
burgh will have complete rail road mmmanitg
hon• with the Nloeuinentio City yeses before
Wheeling will enjoy the wane privilege. lndard,
we 113C/100 to the opinion, that the best thing
Wheeling can do, IS to take measurer to secure a
rail road crthheettoo ',rub Siusburgh as noon aa
protailtle--say, by the way of Washington. She
would then have • eastern rail road, worth aa
much to her, probably, as the Baltunorc connection.
What say our Washington neortthora to thia , —The
valley of Charten would afford a good route, and
the local trade at coal. would pay s good dividend
For trio rittriburgh trot no
Tin early, and the sun Shines
With smiles on all below,
And round his Mee the do-soy Meade
Lie piled like rosy anew,
The Dog is on the hill Side,
And sparkles on the streams,
The dry brown grew upon the Heide
With diamond lustre gleams,
The hoary branches of the oak,
The green !pray of the dr,
The royal Rhododendron,
And the stately Juniper—
The wiry mountain heath shrub,
The trailing winter green,
Are radiant in their front ;obeli •
Of gold and elver sheen.
There', Dot a breath of air comae
To stir the twig. around.
Aid net a withered leach:l4
le wales to the ground.
The ;oaring of the distant dam
That breasts the river'. tide,
Swells louder in the stillness,
Than when we nets it ride.
The deep mouthed bay of distant dog
Comes homvely to the ear,
And the shrill clarion notes are heard
Of wino gay Chanticleer.
The 111130 W birds cinder gaily
In ilooka,the holm around, .
And nestle In the evergreens
That grow upon the mound;
And while they . chirp hod chatter
Beneath the window stand
To pick the crumbs of charity
Dud forth by pious hand.
I hear the frost's sharp click,'in
The Oak's deepyrren core,
I hear it in the thin crust
That blade the streamlet o'er.
I see de network where the ude
Runs heedlessly along,
Shooting their cryltals sharply barbed
With needles bright and strong,
I see its clear concentric rings
Edging the pools with lace.,
And bands alternate white and brown
Like an agates polished face.
The ice stalactites hang from
The gill, and mossy wall,
And Get the glittering roof, like
A dim caltiredmrs
And to its genial side, where
The creeper's tendrils cling,
The rainbow sends its colon
To deck tbo frozen spring.
And this is sad November,
The dullest of the year
I love to sift its frusta bash
Through forests lone and wm,
For though the summer woodJaad s
And fields is rich array,
Are glorious in their greenew,
Like &mem they soon decay:
And thee the hoary frost king
Will come with breath severe, t
And bring no and November,
The dullest of the year.
Puttburgh No v. 25th, 1948. CAtTIL
Mr Country arid cm , merchants would do well w
stop In as 63 Wood streak dos morning, ae W. A. Mc-
Clure. Aral sale of Dry Goods; Ike, ooa>dtooa at is
okloCk. &So adOtrisenkent
Local Matter.
CouFF or .tarawtspi.zsatorta.-,Yetleirday Ed,
° "" 1 4 - 4 10 'del 3 i au* applies . [too br tae dis•
ch luilalutalutula of Ttidis - _Love, one of the this.
implicated in the Factory Riots, on mama of se.
vere illness. Mr. &stated that there were little
prospect of this maa's surviving meaty days—that
he believed there was nostvidence agamst , huui and
OD he was very poor, he hoped the Court would
discharge him on tar own reciagnizatme. Discharg
ed—recognizance $lOO.
Ca. tof
. 7 .imaterlea--Conaelias Darragh, Esq.
made application to the Court ha a postponement
of this trial for a few days, onthe ground that there
was some evidence in process of developemeat
which could be produced in that time and which
would be very material on the trial. Some objec.
non being made to this °purse by the mantel on
the part of the Commonwealth, Judge Patton sag.
ggsted that affidavits should be made of this. It ap.
peered that the evidence in process of develope
meat was the inmurry of the prisoner. After some
further conversation the case was positively fixed
for Wednesday morning.
Mart.rforighter —Francis Monkey was arraign•
ed for the manslaughter of James White, in Aug..
ust last, on the Monongahela wharf, by shooting.—
Counsel for Prosecution, Messrs. Marshall, Bight=
and McCalmont. Meatus. Darragh and Irwin for
the defence. On the empannelling of the jury a
number of peremptory challenges weremade by
the counsel on behalf of the prisoner. Nfore the
case was opened, Mr. Irwin addressed the Court ,
with the view to have the counsel for the prosecu.
Loon make a selection of which of the three counts
is the indictment the prisoner would be called upon
to answer. He contended that the prisoner wan
Charged with two distinct crimes—one a felony
and the other a misdemeanor--in the same indict.
meat; and that this might be done, it was necessary
that the defendant should know what 'be had to
answer. In one count the defendant was charged
with killing a man by shooting—in another with
killing him by drowning, and in a third that there
was no voluntary killing at all, but that the deceits.
edcame to his death by an accident involuntarily
brought about by the defendant
The court wax of opinion that after the Jury had
been sworn, the commonweal'h were not bound to
make any election. They had been sworn to try
the moue as set forth in'the indictment and the
whole indictment must go the jury.
Mr. Marshall stated the case for the common
Our readers are already familiar with all the cir
curnstances of this ease and tt is therefore unne
cessary for us to repeat them here as dotailed by
the learned counsel
We detail the principal teal mony as riven by lb
The first wit seas called was Dr. Chas. L. Arm
strong . .—Had examined the body of the deceased
on the bank of the river on the 12th of August--
There was a wound on the nght cheek near the
mouth. A ball or slug had entered the cheek and
proceeded backward and upwards, had not made
a very m.uute examination of the wound as the
body was under a shed and the place was Nome
what dark, did not think the case one of such great
importance or he would have made • more minute
examination, thinks the immediate cause of death
was the submersion of the body in the water—or
in other words that the man was drowned, but if
he had been subjected to the same examination be
fire the coroner's jury, he would have stated that
he did not know the cause of desth, the face had
the appearance of that of a person drowned:lnger.
ted a probe two or three laches, there was a good
dente( blood about the fare, thinks there was not •
half pint or blood lost altogether, such a wound
would be likely to produce a great shock: but
might operate diderenny on different persons ac
cording to their sensibility.
Cron &moose., by Mr. Darragh—Deceased
was apparently a powerful, stout man, from the
examination I made I am not willing to give any
opason ae to the effect of the wound, not consist.
crag a or any ireivortance.
lames :seen engineer on the lower Mononga
hel• Ferry. sras next .worn. On the morning of th
12th of ♦ucaq . about:l put n o elock—on the firs
or second top—saw a body at the far end of the
boat—ho head was near the top of the water This
was about SO or ',Patrol from the shore, measured
the depth of the water, after the body was taken
oat. it war between tour and five ket deep. When
aromas find saw deceased, thought itwaa aepn¢tel
dog, but on closer exatrunat.ron fatted it was a man .
Took him out of the water in company with some
others, there was hot hue blood on the face--a spot
on the cheek and nether ea the nose; did not stay
to take much notes of the body.
Thu. rase trill probably occupy the Court dunng
Inc whore ul tn-day
i'lacrrt 'twit r or I . res.—r. S. at Am
rt,a, fi_pr henry Sproul rt. Wllltarn Rob/
Inn and Crernre A Bogard. rurinvurrr it. t' Boa
der d—Debt 520,1/00 on It.lnd—real debt at.
rare R.Ob
Rosier, leas appointed Marshal for
the Western !district of Pennsvlerumb and entered
.nto bond in tLe .cove turn.
This anion was Naught by platobtf against the
sureties of Roster. to recover the amount of bib of
said SpemL Clerk of thstnet Court of I: States
Sproul turn.hed iii. btU to the id•rsbal receipted,
Fir the purpose ot enabling the Marshal to have
ms account passed by the Treasury Department
the Marshal rece•red the amount, hut did not pay
~.p roul foe wtltcb he bong. snit as above. Dunlop
and Semen for plansild—ifampton and Robinson
for defendant. The case bad not closed last med.
Maros a (qt r — Yeileft.l•y • man named
John Clonally wan brought before du hoar charged
with creating a disturbance in ■ house on Fifin Sc
part of which be rented from the complainant.—
Alexander lease Comparator Marred that bon
ally should he bound over to keep the peace, he
haring threaieued his Idle it appeared however.
that the threat was merely a conditional one—l. a.
if tine complainant came again Into defendants
part of the homic. Both marten appeared to be of
ao citable disposition and declared that they had
110 i slept a a - ink since they had been together in
the house. Dismally agreed to leave the premises
that day, and on such agreement was discharged.
Asormot rurrot. AFFRAY.—A M. named Shaer•
fer was shot on Sunday last by a man named Dan
al Hondollar with a 'revolving pistol. We unde
stand that several of the ballets of the pistol mere
discharged one of the charges taking effect in the
left side, and a likely to result fatally. The poor
man lies in • perfectly hopeless condition. The
Mayor visited Mai yeaterday ftrr the purpose
taking Ma deposition but he was then unable to
speak The parties had been quarrelling at a tay.
era ou Fifth street—she cause of the quarrel we
understood being o woman of no very amiable
character. The' perpetrator of the deed has not
yin been arrested.
YorMI Iltntz Soms - rT.—The anniversary
meeting of this society was convened, last even
ing, nt the church of Bev. Dr. Herron, Wood &
President Sellers in the chair. There was a good
attendance of ladies and gentlemen. Mr. William
Getty, Secretary of the Somety, read the annual
report, from whisk it appeared that during the
year, 7,000 familicit had been visited, .d 1,500
bilks and testaments distributed and sold. Ad
dresses Were delivered by Rev. Mr. Preston, Dr.
Cooke, and Mr. Bonhomme the converted Jew.—
A collection was made, but the amount was not
ascertained during our reporter's stay.
SIMIOUS AYTHAT.—A man in Reserve township
had bug skull broken on Saturday lasi, while tight.
mg with another man in a Lavern, the onfintunate
man was stiffened to be a considerable time with.
o.lllStance being rendered and fears are enter.
tinned for his Lite.
Nicztor IClJlZED.—Yesterday a German named
Ernest Gooks wan committed to prison by Aid.
Steel on a charge of stealing a quantity of careen.
term tools, the property of Thos. Orr, J. lsiotiby and
Daniel Monger, aka Allegheny city. One of the
owners of these goods discovered them in an auc
tion room, )not as they were about to be offered far
wile, and the thief was apprehended while wniung
(or the proceeds.
In consequence of the unexpected detention of
the gleam boat, the funeral of Mrs. Matilda H.
Morgan has been postponed, and will take place
this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of
her brother, D. T. Morgan, Liberty Street.
On the 79th mit., by the Rev. Mr. Garland, Mr. L. H.
Owen, OW/MkMan Merchant of New Orleans, to
Miss Etna, daughter of Mr. James Nikon, of this city.
"The marriage row—'is a holy thing
A bend euslurins through long distant years—
When toy o'er thine abode to hovering,
Or When Mahe eye is wet with bitterest wars,
Recorded by an Angel's pen on high,
And MOM be questioned to &miry.
"The wartime vow—though the young and gay
Ace it u n4ag rood thee pow, with tones of north;
Let not the holy promise of to-day
Fads like the clouds that with the morn ham* birth;
But ever bright and sacred may it be
Stored in the treasurt.eati of memory *
Tanaretrain Trarrainn to the talus of Dr. hilLanehr
Terminate. Read, all that doubt
l•lt ferret, when placed at the entrance of • rat hole,
enters the apenure, travels along the passage, "."
Upon ale Motirterminatas bin e2IIIOOCe, =lams the
*Airmails defusescarcass to th e Light And Wm
nunner have I fonetDr. at'Lene% AR:One= Ya,all
fuss reoperate upon annals. those dreadful and dal,
prone tormentor of eitilthcin. This remedy, like the
tenet, eaten the aperture of the mouth. navel. down
the liollet,hant• round the stomach, lays hold of the
aroma shakes the lift, out of the reptiles, nreepreleatt
their lien. 013(1 earrics their carcasses &ear out of the
system. Millet least has been the effect of the VOI6II.
hire upon my children WM. ROCLATT.
Naples, Jan 147.
"This is to rertity that I have used Dr Nl*Lanc• Ter
mance. and have found 0 to operate in like manner
upon my children. JOHN ItHIGGS.
Naples. June, liE47 "
A ecotone "tide of the above valuable medicine can
be had at the drug snore of! Kidd k Co., No GU Wood
street. 103v27
Mr Use run Poem IS iststs.—lf you whirl to be sue
peasiul i •ny uudertusing. you must always hse the
crisper meant' Therefore, if you have • cough, use
Joertt'S Karst - roux" and be cured, br it is the proper
meant Have you Astlann or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to mire you is to use
Jayne's Expectotair.. which will immediately n•ercom•
the spasm which comrocts the driuticter of the tubes,
and MOsehs nut, !.r. ~or up the mucus which clogs them
up, tihd thus removes every ottstntctiort to a free respi-
Tenon, wink, at the same nine all inflammation is sub-
Bdeed, and a cure la rermin to be effected. Have you
rooches. P‘pittuty of 818, Heaney, or in fact any
Pulmonary Affecuoit. then tine Jay ne's Forpectorant
and relief is rertum. and you will find that you have
aced the proper niches.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 71 4th
street near Wood. lanl7
Mayoralty of Pittsburgh
MISSILS. hVetee kCo —Gents: Please to announce
the name of Mr. liarrai Witaisom, a* • suitable person
(or the office of Mayor of thus ruy
Mama* ITT—Mr Mum. Please announce that Ca.
B. SCCLLT, Fig. will be a rand date for nomination for
the office of Nlayor. nov2l-111 Seco:to Waao
Illnyornity of Allegheny City
31Avnaaury or At.t.zonmtry Cm —My Ettlmr. You
will please announce the name of Mr JONATHAN Ruin,
3d N't ard, Allegheny. for the office of Mayor, subioet to
the decision of the %Ving and Anuntasome Convention
ooet',•lw MAN, Vcrraas
MAT. or A L.I.IIIIY.NT CITT —Mr. Editor, You will
please announce the name of WM. BOY D, 3d Ward,
Allegheny, as a ranffdate for the office of Ma) or. Mr.
Boyd. II elected, would make an active and efficient
office), •nd is well qualified to discharge the duties of
that post. novin-dlw• Mom Croszfia.
W. M. Wright, N. D., Dentist,
Orr.a nod restdenee ou Fourth street, pposte the
Plustourgh Bunk. Oboe hour• from 9 o'clock to 12 A
M.. and from 2 o'clock to 5 P. M. •
NO 52 Wool./ t4T., 81-71*WFEN 21 AND Ith STN.
vrrE co”,ory m<rehali. and Whets to an exa
I ,
tna m, ion of their stock. which as one of the largest
to be found in any establtsinnent an thecountry, and
onstr.. 01 very desirable and seasonable goods. on.
premaly adapted (as to sue and gutalityl to Western
ones. a rtee. will compare favorably With those of the
Host. Tr rrns Itbrtnl roi4v-dlna
Exhibition of 311croscopic Objects.
II.L• week. Prof. Searoorws will glee exhibihons
with the Hay-Hydrogen Microscope and Magic Lan
tarn. In Moto Hatt.
Theinstruments ore of the first elm's, and • large
Insult, of e 1.,. hove been prepared for the Micros
cope. rnh r tog a stalely of insects and their organs,
the twsosnrulen.wisteh swarm to stagnant water, tn
tear and other liquids, the famthes of the snossez
and fern. still I.:ustratloll6 oh vegetable sum:lure, de
ronsposinon of worm crystalliennon of salts, fee
Ws 01 the Looter,, will Ire exhsluted a genes of thuol
vsng %%ewe. and the Chrontatrope ur arnfietal fire
The ellooloons wiil con/rococo at 71 o'clock, and
era, enrihnutti 11P. w,el/4
Ttekets r r be had at Mr. Richarchwtt'• Jewelry
Store. Market .trre . -25 cent, a iongl• ticket. or five
, or • dollar nov:Y. at
YET: , CARPETS' —Take nonce oil persona
ventilate to pul . eha.• Carpets. shot M'CLIN•
TOCK, No Fourth Cr , et, will sell at reduced Tutees,
,fore lir:or:it{ on hi. ',nog stork . Now ,y th e t i me
to buy cheap e•rpets. ron•asting in part. rtz:
;Tp . ; 1114nr . re , s u lr . : ;, 71 , M . :t
. u , Li v r , u , l for parlors.
do as tow as 81.12 Y,
•up ply. new styles.
do do Ingrain, douhle and twisted. very heavy.
Fine on do do do
P. a large assortment of et:raper earpenng Per
u)u dest rout ot furnishlng potion, would do well by
examitong our •toelr. Cheap. to the too o. rov - V
R hl arphy ban recently received another supply of
Inc superior make of Irish Linen whtrh his. hereto
fore ,ro .6 couch satisfaction to,bu, to. Also Lout
Cloth Slotting Muskat, of the most approved !hake
Snarl-Inas •ntl Pu.r.ow Casz Muut..Ya--cou.tanuy on
hand at price*.
116.8.” USW-X.4C.. 11 , 111.1,.—A lot loot recd at the
w pnce at eta At.,. • lot of roodcent Cal--
roe., •t th• nnrth east Por,. 4th and Slarkrl ata
(rood. at lit 1.0.C6i1, up ain. no...
•- • •
undersiauet: thanhis mend. and the habllc
I that he Intent, to remove abort/) WashDurtott
elle, where he v..: at end to the pre•ecuDon of costrus
n Congress. and the Departments, as a to the
teens :aw in eta hranches, so the .e, eras
Courts 01 l Maine, •
VEATIIE:RS—I; sat .• rrathrrt. pl•t ree'd cnd fot
Ly tiov.V" WEST nOW EN
I S ‘ a&r 4 0 . 8 5 tr. .,
1 ) I li.‘ r
OS,' St
f. Lown,lle 1.000. 'um reed .pal for
We by n0v2.... HURBRIINE, k
Prrrazo.o. Nor. 77. 1,11
C . C:) , 111110 1 kizs. ree'd per memo),
f D .4.14 "nate, suatned..uat ree'd anal .or
o.eFTit. , 24 R E SELLER,k, v 7 wood
JL' ST RECEI \ tnue 611, Coatlng. to at
naanufarturort price.. t. LEE.
Liberty at
- -
I All
i: .‘, l , 2 (. 7 ‘. .r ,u lla . r: pr eo ‘r, atJag. I do drab do. ior
1 , t.:7 ,; ,, ....5LE,—A 7: 0 14 , 1 . 1 . 1 Itavry
C\,l3d .ud for .air br 7,7„ ),. . A ra t ;oa d ß er l: a.
111 wood •t
LES—.II re 1. .
bb I • r
. :
, Af y p le, 0 0'
G R f: : :/:.N
° A , Pi,
..„ nrt d 0r
RER ivy
DU: NIETAL-I,v , 4311., suitable 'or foundry purp
L at, in store and lor a., by
nov2- fiD) A BKHRY
I)It: !HON - 1 . ....i10ns Yu, 1r0n... hand and for sale
^^' , ls JOIIN WATT. lAherty H
~.!I*NDRIF., - •:., Lb. white wheat Fundy Flour. 2
L do PritHe Ho , . Bunn, 10 Dual Cbeguiuto, lo Hort
and tor .ap_i.,
..m 2 " JOHN WATT
DIG MF.TAI,- , .. ,, ions liaortng Hoek Ptig Meta, Lot
L „ toil. Jur .41,,
'l4 it , 'ltlTA Lttl, A lN . —i t/sPollener'sl ihmor, ,. ,iuudiu..,.m,,a. : 4
for ....e al, INA lAll DICKF:V A. l'o,
now, front lit
hap cram. Cur talc by
(11LEESK— in *tore an.: for •ale by
Wile .tore and for sole by
DICKEY - & co
vi ANL FACTURE D TcPiAceo—aal ba, in • 10f •
'IL how est brands Ills. and :o lump.or le
~;;Li. : 0 A , F . t 4 ,.. .-- s lhlld I pr: N Suvr it(ni
for ri s: ,,,
1e1 . 4 .,
LNDRIES , -.Pai nosh dried Peaches. 2.5 bush dned
0 Apples, bgs Genseog: Ido Snakeroot, I• bo .mall
Waite Real., just reed per Clipper No 2. for sale by
poi?. R ROHISON b. Co
3/1111.S Fresh Roll Butter. 3 bbl. Beeswax, laps lb.
Rata received and for sate by
J4INBRED OIL—Ill bbl. Fewer & Hattulton's Lto
seed Oil In store sod for sate by R ROBISON b. Co
- -
&L.E.RATUS—,CO lboo reed and for by
norl, it ROBISON & Co
D 11l HEAT FLOC R--. 10 liar 1.6 hut d. .r .ale by
trvl. Pyo ON 7 , i HORST &
Mil' NEED —Au bosh (or sale by
1 norgi F VON HONNNORST te.. Co
01 ;„ 1 :,. 111:TrER t . b , i i s o f t 7 I,l4:irsb:silloßs.r k
. _
AppLEs-10 boil Wlni., Russetts , for aale by
neY. S Y VON tiONNHORSrt co
MOS: , —One b n ie A j l. t . sitt a r , s;l i and
novl- ro Ist and wood au.
IASSI A —AKI matt]. just recta and for sale by
nov, It A FAIINENTtIrk k Co
‘2 DRIFA4---4 bbl]. chestnuts, 4do Flaxseed;
0 I bbl Toothy 2.4oedi sdo Roll Butter.
4110 bush Peaches, 4 bbl. Ile•nai
bog herring; roe'd and for gale by
n 0,17 TASSEV & LIEZ3T
CHOCOLATE, COCOA, tke B aker . No I Cho..
rotate, Baker's Cocos Paste, No I Norfolk county
Chocolate, constantly on hand and for sale by
BA Li A I.E & 8311111,
novg7 A. for W Baker, Dorchester, Maas.
L , ANCY CABSIMERES—Just received by A A Ma
r aost & Co, 60 Markel st, a large motortment of the
shovenamed goods, which they oiler at F.'wstern
wholesa n le prices. neer
reeS and for .ale by
vov27 censer market and 3d ass
k) copies orate above work for sale try
Poet. Chronicle, Journal and American copy.
IV 0, MOLASSES-1S bble prime, to good order,
111 e Jug reed per ittsnr Columbian, and for sale by
%V A. 111 311 TC 111 , 11.TREN
no, 17 160 Ltherttot
SLifiAlt HOUSE MOLASSES-13 bide prime, and
in good order, for rale by
N. 0: v 1, 27 1AR-27 hAd ern !or yy
1;14F1ti n t , 2 , 7412 bbl., .mall
l' : l ll7Vatt ' Fr
111 ACKERHL—Ing blds large No 3 Mackerel, pun
ticoryg,d and for sale by
noy27 /AS A HUTCHISON & Co
1)10 COFFEE-300 saek• prime Ma Coffee, react
11 ving =Oka. nala by C H GRANT,
novV7 41 water at
COMIH-11 hhd. Cedtbal ii /212 . K1 f(4l47pHby
CORCHED SALTS-15 bblt !Andrew from 1,114111er
0 Vermont, and for sale by
NC. TAR—dSU bole N C Tar, in fine order. land
. Ind and for pala by ISAGALEY h SMITH
nn vl7
MHIKED HERRIN US-1110 bx. Digby Ile rrtng•
A 7 non re-calved and for rale by
PIO IRON-300 bins SUegliegy Pig Iron, on the
wharf cud for stile by J & FLOY D,
nar.o Round Crumb Buildin.
REM RIO COFFkt ' • • Rio
G Ceti**, landing .drZ, " ° P.)
By Jelin D. Davis. Ago tioneez.
Oo Tborsagiaorning; Nov. 314 so MO ,
Commercial Bales Room, corner of Wood and F7(ib
meet, IMO be sold , svitliout resereo, meet of GO
rife MI sums 0000 5101. (00 appicieed endorsed
'2.2 por't'ages Staple onei Farley Dry Goads.
Just received from Now York, conafillozz of
120 lbs v. lute and assofted enimed thread; 5010 do:
Boringtou's white and cordirrscal cotton; IsrJ M n dle ee.
d, 112 pm in 522 gross taut coat
and •est buttons; 20, 000.0 lasting buttons. 350 grou
pearl *has button, 410 dos strloeu tape. 9G doz vehtte
bran!: Val gross shoe sacisuga; 4U great gross born pan.
saloon buttons: 411 great gromapaits; 100 posa knit
ting puts.
HP cards sculsors. to cards pen knive s , a F ens. Bar
low d o , 10 pieces apt on elites.. :apes voghams,super
fine cloths, C.1.11M1,011, unetts,
pilot cloths, bleached and brown taus's. alpacas.
cashmeres, Irish Locos, damask linen table cloths,
woolen comforts, hoods, show is and billefs in great on.
At 2' &duck.
Grarries, Querniumrf, Furnitstro, te.
At 6 lo'c,ock,
A gummy of fine table and pocket cutlery, gold and
calve watches, tel clod nank books, letter and
cap wrung paper, vanety goods, lac ttnan fancy goods,
W. A. bI'CLURG wishing to close out the bel•nee
of hos stork, a total sale will he held at his store. No 64
Wood street, by the sobseriber, at 10 O'clock on Tues
d the ta-th roar, and continue nil all Is sold.
th ay,
estoek comprasea an assoiune , Of Cloths, Coss,-
metes, Cloakuuts. N'esungs, (linghaois, Prints. Cash
meres, Alpaecas, be. be.
. .
Also, a 'large lot o Lanes andi . liobinettr, also.
large lot of Cloaks of !very description. The goods
will he arranged on the day previous td sale, itt lots and
numbered, when they can be examined by all deatring
to p.ctowd. Tema, 9 miniths credit air all tams over
SPA , . for approved endoraed notes.
C S. PORTE& • •Maiseoica.
T, stns r, Novutaxa will be preiteuted
Virgimus Mr. Addams.
Imbus • • • Mr. Prior.
Poa . Mr. Rays.
Virginia..... ... • • •• • hit.. Porter.
SCIII Itlad(aon
if 1011LASti Fono • Mita 'Walters and Master Wood.
To conclude with )
Goloe bard iMr. J. Dann.
Mad. J. , ,locha rd ',Miss Cruise.
To-morrow, Mr Adams will aopear.
in- Mrs. LEWIS is engaged and will shortly appear
For the Recovery of Dorman and Ithproperly With
tlement and A rlotration of Commertial,Trading arid
other Debts; Securing Patents ter Intentions In Great
brim'. Ireland, and the Colonies fetid Dependencies
thermals, belonging, and Negotiating for the Pur
chase or Sale of the mine.
D EFERENCE may be rod on aripheation free of
charge, (provided the motive is dot that of mere
curiosity.) to a List comprising upwards of 1500
names in aqua onelatmed property A Mending.
Also, an latex to our 10,000 adveruementa which
have appeared for the past 50 year. various British
newspapers, addruud to Heim at 14w and out of
kin. Cominunicauons by letterareil requested to be
post-paid. ' BENTHAM FABIAN,
. gS Broadway, New York.
References are permitted !A lion.)Charles P. Daly,
Judge Court of Common Pleas, New York
Freeland. Stuart & Co,
Chas. Cartlsdge & Co.
W. & J. T Tapseott.
G. R. A. fbcketta, Esq.
Edward Schroder, East Ctacinnatie,Ohio.
A Puebla, Esq., Preiddent Patella Bank, Baffalci.
k' ket street, corner ofThird.
Vanity Fair; a novel without • Hero, by Ws. H.
Edward Vernon: My Cousin's Storyi i i , , y E. V. Childe.
Mary HowitP Translation s Tration of the ' mutant mod hi.
Capt Marryates Children of tbe Nays Forest.
The Beebe lor of the Albany.
Old Hmks the Guide, try Webber
Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wit& by Chu. Bar
' ‘ lsl ' eVe r n " aTit ' o t ; t tt" ' iii : lle b ri 2:ll'utt,)h•otliit'au"ttuonr "Jane Eyre."
The Image of hi. Father, Illutratedi by the Brothers
Slav hew
The Discipline of life. •
Three Sisters and Three Fortunes; cir Rose, Blanche,
and Yloletc by G. H. Levu.
Thirty }'ears Since' by G. P. R. James, Esq
, „ ai7r.7, l l.,:',°,;hhii.mbttfil'e'croli the I n g;
neat and wall dispose pf the following
styles of Foods OE onglnal cost:
ifrocnea Lone and Square Shawlik.
,1101 TariairLone do
Fennell Printed easeitherec
English do do
Nlossane de Lames,
3-4 •nd 6-4 Gals •
lion cord French gsanehams, gild fancy Dress
Silks Illose wanting barga.ns are ihvited to cell.
nos V.d l In
y "ST—Supposed to have been tite„ by mistake
trorti atentner Yankto, Nov. 6, I-to. a boo marked
Aaron hlnthews, Camden, Dresden county. care of J.
S Ear j. New London, New York—tvetght 0-0 Ms
Arty .nformation reapecring geld b.:mos-11l be thankful
ly received and blerally rewarded by
non 2S-Gt Monohmthela House
Seot.A Bottom Land fir Bole.
vrEN ACRES OE LAAD, situated ih Peebles town-
on Alanmptheta, three WI. from Pm.
bo rgh—in lot suput-chatters POI- rusher panic-
Mar. apply to Henry Wood.. 3d at. ortto
novVV.du 4th, abolle Smithfield et
111111.1.0 very scarce and exceedingly valuable
work. has mat been publothed by J L_Reatt in • bens.
Taut Mato vol nt .M 6 pages. It conbuno the recom
mend... ors veral cit./7m., of thla city. of Miler
ent denommue In one week 400 cbpies have been
drsolbuted to the coy or Pittsburgh and suburbs. It Is
• boot for mery body For sale by
noun R HI IP Apollo Ritildlnge tth at
- - '
of the Pa.burgh fial. Company Lave andionsed
an adthtsonal sate or toe Stock of stud Company. The
books are now open for the mle of • Waned amount of
geld Stock, at the Exchange adios of Hussey, Han.
tCo Fourth street. JOSIEL/A HANNA.
nov -lw
Murphy. corner 4ta and :Racket streets, has recd
another lot of those superior black French Cloths for
cloaks, at the same low price of the previous lot.
Aso. olive, nave green, olive Lrowd, and invisible
green French Cloths. for ladies <Jost.
lleavy Rock Gloves--A few dozen, very superior.
tree:yea tins morning nov2s
IC lINIOND TotlACt-V-4U9 p.kolsges best brand.
IL manufactured Tobacco cousssuugof pound lumps,
Ss. N.. le. .2d Isla, and compriung dl most favonte
brand. nosy sold, past recd and fur maidby
L , OR SALE—Ono put second handAlolta, m good
r 'coma, now running, 6otasinlng 21.2 .4)41111.0nel
(toe Cap Wtoder, cootaloing GO sptndlea, gultablo
woollen mazulacturerg.
Pot Cotton Mill, Nov 1(2,
I II.ANE Id bbla now landaus, for ude by
ky nov2ll ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
‘;.2 bbla Drylleaebes; 3 do Plarserd, 2
I.j Liu. Raga now lendmg from steamer Cumberland
for rale by nor f. 2 ISAIALI DICKEY & Co
131100MS-30 dor (Poland) Brooms, reed and 101
.ale by n 0 ,17 J & R FLOYD
rrl MOTH BKED-7 bble food Totedtby treed. rear
by rulal boat Ashland kortmee, and for sale b
now/7 I & R FLOYD
IA" HITE ItEANS-10 bbla small While Beans:,
store and for sale by noe27 J& R FLOYy
S. TURPENTINE-15 bbl, Jut'te'd wad t.
, saleby nov-11 KIDD & Co
•_ _ _
`AI. SODA-1300 lb. just recd and ter sale - by
0 .vIC; KIDD & C
I[, , LI . THANT OIL, iwuner/-3.1,.7J..,
„LA for 4e by novas J KIDD n CO
RF.F2 r. I4URA X —4O lbs . Just reed Nl= zdj
OIL--5 !est reed .nd fi KDa
I.I , EESWAX-1 cask now". I landing - (or sale by.
%Pet • prime Feather , JU. reed
consignmept and (or eille by
•'= l ATWOOD, JONES k C •
_ _
1 &RD bbls Couktinf's best wiener strata ,
Laza 011, Jac reeetved , in for sate by
DACON-7e peg Beene. lentltng from attar Iludse
1,) and for .ale by JAS DALE ELL,
unell • ._YI water st
LINDRIE4—nn bes Cbeeo, a bbl. holt Butte,
casks ?Dinah, landing fry Mtehign44 Linta end
sale by nov2l JAS, DALZ El. L
'ATHFILte—e •se
~ E .ATH F./O,—S sack • F•atharo, reesdn.qd for sale
otorAS ki ORAN,
A l:: . ..l 4 E i Tzz . fi t t ., , y le fine eating Apples„ Jet
,kovz 4l %rater
1, 0:4: . 11 , 1ti c ( , ; u ^5 .b ! ,1 I!Ci
. dit ,,,
snit by novzs VY LIAGAL & 1 4111 '
XSEED OIL-10 bble, Le prune order, Ato
eetrod and for sale by gSELLEII
n 0.25
57 veep..
prat. article, Just recateetl and fa} tale b
R t tHiLitS_
LATH 111211Cli-1000 just ' r — e;e'd and fat sale
DURLAPS-20 pa on nand .d for saFt 1)
nos-ZS dIURPHY-i".
rpouACCO— 14 hhdis Tobaccoonst reielvOn con
wgnment and for sale by
ROl4. BUTTER store and for sale to
110.23 RUHTpALZELL..2IY2
•uag and Or sale by
nov2s ROBT . 11-ZELL
S . ;
A LERATt . S--l 1 tons In owe and foS t bY
novall is ' HOIST: ' , ZELL
( . 10CFEES--lOn begajust reed and lor i. , 2)"
V now ,F VON BONN te2 . k. Co_
rr.F.As__7,, package. y o „„, H y .", GsOorder and
1 Iperial, for sale by
n o a'srd si F VON BONN:Ffirr& Co
_ _
G LASS -110 big b.llO, 40 do lazi,4 do. 104.4, ex
n'on.‘.A"" country,
`;`OPIt(ZPCT . trr I Ca.
riORN MEAL—L. 4 .aeks of 40 lb Me.l. to ,
.ftly by noyM 0 F vcri lioriloßr it et ,
illEENE—uu ba. 1V R, b
1.0,21 s F yoN awI:HMV it Co
to to „ 11 . .
py Elawf..4l HOß ; by
C , . P. LE:ft An. s—i. oulh !or
..o. ' VON 4.\ HORIST & Cp
SFIEET litON-10 to. Nos fund fa .14.414., f or
wee by ...a be VON #OIHOELST &to
(2. ?ERN OIL—I cs. Wint....4.M OR ;Omit reed
and or solo by nov2:l -R E SELLERS
'Ey, for We by no, R E
FRENCLI OCklit-1 task , r mkt by IV
nov29 aE eliwzits
°~ i~
Iknown hne of splendid passenger Swans
erg 'now comproseu or use tirgest, be..
shed and furnished, aro! most powerful trouts on the
waters of the Welk Fiery - accommcglation and earl
fort that money east procure. hrss been provided tor pa.
wakens The Line bias heel: ur operation for Ave years
—has earned a million or hoarse venomm the toast tajo.
ry to their persons. Tic trouts Nut.! he at the foot of
Wood sweet the day socrong. toe the revels.
non of !retell mid the entry of rems,ngen On ale reps
e, hi all
canes the passage money must be paid In
The ISAAC NEWIiaN, Coo A (I. ?dams, Via
le•re rittsl.yrgh every Sunday montane at 10 de/oet;
tVkleeol2; ewe, y Suull4y evr nwg el 10
May es, lc/7.
The 510\O\ t. A 11EI.A, Capl 'care Pitt.
burgh every Mond.a) morv.g at 10 o clock; Wharlin4
every Aloodor evenlng n: lb r
The HIBER.Ni...k No. 2, Capt. J. liluerprux., ve in
leave hashurgb <eery Tlic MOMINT .110 eicloeki
Mireltng every Tue.4lev evetang al 10 P.
NEV ENGL.-AND :so 2, Co{o. S. r...r4J.,
leave hseburgh every Wetlyetday morning at 10
0 . 0022 k; Wheeling every IVedneaday evening al 10 r.
. •
The BRILLIANT. Capt. Guacc will leave Pula.
burgh every Tharaday cnorumg ai It/o'clock; Vilma/lag
every Thursday everung cr IO r. ht.
The CLIPPER No. 2, Cam. Cicoogs, wtll leave Pm..
burgh every Friday toonung nt In o'clock; 'Wheelin g
every Friday evening at 10 P. N.
The IMTEISSENGER, Capi S. /tyro, will leave Nila
burgh every Saturday morning wt 10 o'cloet'Wbeeling
every Saturday evening at 10 P. a.
1 848. Mt!m
(vt• 0t.00w,)
Leaves Pittsburgh daily, et 5 o'efock, A. 31, stud ar
rives at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Beaver Ca
ttail at 3 o'clock, and New Llshon .111 same night
Leaves New Lisbon at d o'clock, P. ?1, (Making the.
In), caned to the over dunag the night.) and G
at Y o'clock, A. M.. and arm. at l'unbargh=.. '
M.—thus making a Oritllloo. line for earrykag pee.
sense. sad freight between New Lisbon and Plus
burgh, ID shorter time nod et leas nues than by
other Mil..
The propnetors of this Line hove the pleasure of is.
forming the public that they have hoed up two first clam
Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passengers and
freight, to ran in connection with the well known
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and connect
ing, at Ginagow, with the Pittsburgh and Cinch].
non and other daily lines of steams. down the Ohio
and Mississippi rivers. The proprretora pledge them
selves to spare no oxpense or trouble to insure cam
fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public a Wien
of thetr patronage
S. & W./LAI/BAUGH, P"'b"gh.
B- /IANNA, & Co.
mytitf I. HARRAUGH & Co. N " . L'ban•
NOTICE—The teamer BEA YEE C. K Clarke-, was
ter, ill eave after tars notice, tor Wellsv il le puxecto•
ally, at 9 o'cl.k In thetaornin,g.
. _ loll
Daily Paakot Line.
The following new boats-complete
I tne line for the present season: AT
LANTIC, r, pt. James Parkinsam
ALTIC, Capt. A. lacobst and LOMB
Copt Eh Sennett The boom are mainly
new, and are ffned up without regard to espense. Ev
ery comfort that money can Procure has been provided,
The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat at
the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be punctual on
board, as the tams will certainly leave at the advar•
hood hours, a A. M. and 4 P. M ion3l
mato The swill steamer ,
Webber, masterCONSUL, rod! testae mpg&
for Wheeling, every Monday, Wel:
nesday and 'day, at 10 o'clock preeise4.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and 8a triaday, at 7 o'clock, a imprecisely.
The Consul will land ai all We intermediate porta...
Every aecomoilation UM. can lir proonred for the corn
fort and safety or p.s,ngera bat been provided. ma
boat to taw provided with a be thileting safety guard to
prevent explosions. For &vigil. or paysage apply to
board or to 1./.lv 11.1 C HERBST,
fetid _ renter of Ist and Smithfield
mai The new sad splenold steamer
D lar p inne• mavier, ern t run as a reg
uacks! between Pittsburgh and
Wheehug, teamng this CIV every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, at to &clot/. A. NI , and Wheeling eve
, Monday, Wednesday nal Friday, at oglk, A. M.
For freight or passage, laving superior accommoda
tions, apply on board or to
JAMES MAY, Agent .
The Sr Anthony is n sew boat, and for peed and
accontmod•tions cannot k surpassed by any boss on
the river. novlB
The uewsnd ivas OlterllrT
Barnes, meter, will leave for above
dall untnnedinth ports on %Feeney,-
days and Sant/day" of enclathek. For freight es pond
sage apply on beard or to
The ark and gpleadni fast pauen
'"-- 'al ger pithet,
Mnsentrieeter well leave for Ctn.:r
oan and Loewy Ole oisatersday, the 16th !nal at 10
o'clock, A. M. For fight or On•rign ninny on howd .
to 111:11.1111X.E. t ILsON A Co, or
o z .l te n s o me .r r n l z tol .
. 7 t. t , l , l w le r. a se letnusrille for New
ph No / Passengers
can go three; nod cutinve berths secured here if do
_ novl6
REX: 1.1 L. AR 1.1 Cls VILLE ?ACK 1,.
ka -----
4......._ Tlsplendld neve szeluner
Welinelett.. teevier. Ned! leave for the
Ine and 1 aerrnediaLe porta to•day
Far freight or Nisg, apply on Lroard novIIS
.. at aplettdAta:laßrn;.r
master. sv/I: leave for above
unarmed/ate port' , Mai day, at 10
• •
or to
For freight
'II7,'°I3°A)III=RGER ogt
The new and Men tung steamer
-ngT,Pinn'ter''med7a'tlel.ptartsvethlday, above
t' ' _
n.. 445
_ .
oiroT,l7ran aNI) ROM IgtrAg.
Ussaarsrgh and Philadelphia,
HEpuldltre ve , Peerlully Informed that than Ldne
I,will ertmenee rumung on the VIII inst. A ear
wul bare uludelphta daily cairn the Mail 1 . 111111 10
Chatobervlg• and from thence by Wagon, Wail a
r e l a y o r pee, running day ad night. We Will be
prepared Airtvrod MOO lba. freight daily. APPIT
t to
ortg D LEECH A. Co
1 848.
tp - Tottn, day, MerAtuuse transponed at Camal Sates.
W Ler et P
t ittsburgh. .
AT Ott
noi 41 bight etreet. Ra moors
put Proprietors Minot Lane have put ou Nem Stock,
nd are prepared to forward packages of all de.
a otton a daity. at the lowest rates
Minter 'tree; Pittsburgh.
in South Chulea at, Baltimore,
trimmr‘ iptAtc ,
Mhia t
HIPPERS .ad olden tan lammed mat mu. LtnPPPP
I ennunues to run datty Prddittee and merenaudlr
elided for by FIVe. LtAY LINE and regular wa
la at low rate. and ' , pacified dine.
C BIDWELL. ritubtargh;
ROttrINIttON BOEIIST. Baltimore.
OlTlcHasona 14-x,
00131N0.12 %Voter street
E%%' speuelies„&c.-431ivar
11 Letters and apceehea, including the
supplement to the firm eihnoli: uith clucidattons. By
Thomas Carty le la evols: IYmO. Cla It.
Collins' geniusky —Histormul Slrembes of
c-ucrkny,n n a
hrei history,
e n O haer:u a n n it d y g . e a
o n l d n
o a s t i a d n
turphoaa; w it h aneedoen r of g Po a eer 111 e, a o
one hundred b/ographiral *ketches of disitinguis&.•
eiJ pioneer, wid ers. and rtatemnen, Jam.. lawyers,
Llminea to. illilihrated by 'foray engravings. By
Lem.; Co
Fairy T ales and I,egenil• of ninny Nistions--Selemi
ed. newly told, anti mine:wed. By C. IL Burkhardt.
Tby Thousand end One Nights
or, the Arabian Nis hrs' b.ntertaililllCl/114 translated and
arranged for family rending— explanatory notea,
by E. 1'. % Lane, Esq. 1- rm. the second London edi
tion, illustrated with blur wood cots by Finney, and
illummated utle. by Oar, Junes Complete I
part., paper; or 2 vole, Itfilo. Cloth—Gin: n 12
The above book spat receivedand for sate by
JOH:I2I'ON & STOCNTON, Heokenllers
market ear 3d'st
i , ARpr:rs: CA RPETb:'—Constantly reeePring at
V, W. hl'Cluilock a, I''Zi Fourth ...tees, every variety
of Carpets, con•uol.nsl Ilk part of' Aiscnitistort; of rust
beasiiis; p. 1,,,,,, Velvets. latest patterns imported,
Ter) . rich; 'I apestry, Brun stry3 ply, sup. and Venuats.
all or which we will sett as low as they ran be par
ehued In dits market_ Importing unit pLLIcILa slug fr a me
the 13.2111facturetn, elinble, las to carnpeae with the
eutern market.
o scriber Sc . offer to sell one-fourth of the two fen,'
bourn, Gen ott anti Geo IV ortb, n,u ening from
the foot Of POllll Street to Sow Mo. Rao w o
es to make
it o profitable invostraent for eupttoasw , or Etny who
may wish Lo engage to the byline.
For further patlieloor, mop.. of
nov22 tf 0 ftI.ICF I:1' RS .k Witter es
MANUPAUiIY.F . I too prop r opsol Loa roort e lt I t l „ bort
k ht• Also. Cotton andlt c rl "- TaTtrasse ' . In akade t;:e .
best manner, for a yer) low pro rio ooY L StY•
noyl6-nly bum., I.V Water at
_ •
111 EMT-741r. Cryan, Cheese, for br
LIREEN APPLE'S—nu IMIs Russet Apples, for sale
0 7 001 MS J D WILLIANIS, 110 wood .1
EARL ASH -11 costs, pure wick to core mad
Pfor sale oy norn
TIMED ASTLES AND PF.A.CriPS-360 bush Dried
P o s 4 h o si 18 040 4 0 Apples; reed end for sale, by
_- ~_~.