The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1848, Image 1

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Art% lOU, JUNES a Co.. Caul:tussle', MHO Yor
warding Merchant', have returned to thou old
gas Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ocen
.7.0101.1Cfr 214V1., ONO.I .111131.
13afrUN fr. REITER, Wholesale and Retail Mag
i) co mer of Liberty and 8L Our Bruce., Pau,
burgh, Pa. .. mayl4
C01.1121=150 • • • .
RatEIOWN ¢ CULBERTSIA, Wholesale Grocers,
and Commission Merchants, N. 145, Liberty sr.,
I) PAHNESTOCK ft. Co., Wholesale and
Draggists, cornet Wood and ath jyt_
DAtiALEY & SMITki, Wholesale Grocers, 18 and
p au Wood meet Plusbargh
CA. McANULTY & Co., Forwarding and Com
. mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
VW ALT tit GEBHART, Wholesale Grocers. dea1.124.
.124. era in Produce and Plusbesgh blauufacture. ewe
dr of Liberty sud Hand ru t Piusbsegin. P. tebl7
IVY a 3.1101.11111, . X. 1351 I. 11=41711 . .
KENNEIT, (late English, Gallagher
E'.. • Co.) Wholesale (Sneers, Communion and For.
warding Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pier
burgh Alsoursetutes, No. 37 Wood st.. between d end
Id streets. octl
i. a. slam, Girl MR, LUDIC. WOOD.
LIRIEND > RIMY fr. Co., Wholemde Grocers and
u. Commission Merchants, and Agents for Brighton
Cotten.Salas, Nos. 37 Water, and loe Front ea., Pnts.
barek, Pa. . fee,?
,ii . d.T.LACIREIL LONG & MILLER. Bell and R.
Found., and G. Futon, 1 Pront, between
trod and Rodthfield suety., Pittabatat, Pa.
[MlRetest poke given Co. old Copper and Bran
GEORGE COCHRAN, Commission sad Pomading
Merchant, No. Ph Wood amt. Pittsburgh. myl
rgILARY ROWNOT, Whin .4 Red Lead Mann
j I faettirm, Point and Oil Memharit, comer of Lib
soy and O'Hara au, }lnaba . • jell
11.001 001 000, R - 10010 W. DTA..
IU , ORSVTH & DUNCAN, ForsrardiAg and CommA
1.10. Merchant; No. 37 First street, Pittsburgh.
ISAIAH =VET, aunt man, 714
TSAI.AE DICKEY k Co., Wholesale Chaerts. Cara
mission Merchant:, and dealers in Produce, Non. 6a
Water. and 107 Fmnt imam Pittsburgh. nove
J(HIN H. RANKIN, Mammy and Counsellor w Law
sod Commissioner for the Butte of Pennsylvania
Bt. Louis, Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.)
Passisscsa—Pinaborght Hon w Formant, Hamp
ton & Millet, Weal:diets & (Mum, John E Parke,
Busells & Semple, APeord & King. jeldtly
:lous ganTk Cc, Wbolawila Orocera, Forward
mg and Commission Mercian:as, Dealer. P .
ca and Pittaborgh Manufactures, No, 7 Commerma
mercy atreal, near la Canal, Pinabargn, P.
AlflF3 9 MeGUIRE.AIate of the firm of Ala d
1J mctinire,) Merchant Tailor, 8t Charles Buddlngs.
od greet. near Wood, rinsborgh.
J&MIA A. HUTCILISON, Co.--Suseessors
Lewis Ilnichison Zs Co t Commission Merchants.
and Atoms of the St. Loom Swum Sugar Rau. ry
N. IS ornter and 99 front ammo, Pittsburgh.
TORN B. DlLWORTH—Wholesale Grocer, rm.
duce and Commission hiehant, No. 27, Wood at.,
tsburOtt. ,tan 4
T 013 N NIORGAN, Wholeeule Druggist, and deal
t) er in Dye Stuffs, Purros, , Oile., Vernighem Ac, No. Kt
Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pills.
burgh. Ant
TAXES KERR, Jr., tc Co., (ttoceessor Jossists 0.
I.rasi) Slop Chandlers,36 Water greet. 0r.31
JOIIN R. MELLOR, Wholesale sad Retail dealer
to Mace and Nuoteal Iniornms.nts, School Boons,
Parer, Slates, Steel Peua r _toilla, Printers' Cards, and
Shawano - gonerally,No. el Wood at-, Picesborgh,
ED" Rags bought or taken iu trade. sepia
7 eZtiootismasi t Co., Wholesale Drumm,
No. 24 Wood street, Potshot*,
1 011 N D. DA VIS, Auctioneer, comer MA end Wood
ON acme.._ icsijomh. octe
1 UUNS'FON A. STOCK ON Bookseller., Primers
1,1 add raper Manufacturers, No 44 Market ec, Pins
bu rgh. jed
I WIN ug.1.12,K, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pro•
s) dime, PittsberTh hleautaaares, Tin Plaas, kc. kc.
&a.. No.
_' Liberty su, Plaalus Jana_
J& R. FLOYD, (Inte J. Floyd C 0.,) Who
. liners, No. Litany „eatsera
JAMM DALZELL, Wholesso GrOcer, Commission
L/ Merchant, and dealer in Poduee and Pittsburgh
hlarmfactores. N 0.14 Waxer st. Pittsburgh. jaul6
LLER& JONES, Forwarding ind Commission Mot
chain rs o. s, Beateßroduneand Phut's:riga IMMO
d .rucle., Canal Braun, nor 7th et 541
Vesuvius Iron Work..
ENVLS, BAI.ZKLI. & Co, uumnicturers of all m
i., ;es Bar, sheet, Boner Iron and Nails of tha best
quality. Warehouse, 54 water ud 105 front at.
T s WATERMAN, Wanleale Groner, Forward
• mg and Cormatmon Merean Dealer in Pin.
burgh Inanoraeturas and Prod., him al Water rt.,
end ad Front 1,, Flr
FM. LAMM; XIS. 11:1971 . 0.1.
-LAIWERT & 311.1PTON, W4lesole Grocers, For
wording sad Commimon NCenuas, dealers in
IS , ii - ocd pittsbuigh Mniifsent-s, Nos. 13 and 13$
%'ood it., Piushorgh. (ebil{ ,
__ - _
M1.1171;l11', WILSON & (laislonse, Murphy &
Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Di Goods, So. ad
Wood Insect, Youburgh. nos - 2.1
MURPHY & LEZ, Waikalent ind Commission
Merchants, fon the sale of Aierican Wooden
./rood., Liberty street, opposite Fthh. nest iy
11,1 InRCER, BROTHERS & Co., Ciroann. Men.
YUchants,' Plinsdcipliia, for the so of produce ge,
ornallx. Liberal advances made on elaignmenta.
!OE-en •
la.S. D. WOO,— C. BM.
COLLi...". ROE, Wbolesale Groom and Commas
won Merchants, No. Wd Liberty Pittsburgh
NALLEN & Co., Commi•Won ann Forwarimg
, Merchants, Water and Front a., between
od and Mailer sus • Anti
PY MULL.O, e.W mein.,
LLLk.l5' & RICIMTSON, Wholesale mews stud
171 Comma/nu Merchants, N 0.170, Libevxt, Purr
ttargh, Ph
HOLMES & SON, No. 53 Market j e04,1
g door from canter of Font* dealers
awl Lowest. Bills of Exchange, Ceruhcarraf Depo.
it, Bank Notts and Specie.
CD. Collectlota mad on all the princkl chies
throughout the United State. decl7
1,54.18ERT MAME, Wholesale Grocer,
j.k.. Dublin., dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh u,,,,,dju.
tures, and all Surds 01 Foreign mud DoroestWirtes
5 . 5 Latinos, No. L 1 labeny street. On bank mop
large stock of superutr old Monongahela sulky,
watch will be sold low for casts !fay
fi r altlJ 1.}.4.01, Jr, Importer and
o forrogo nrui Lioroostie od4 ry klardomk and
'mire Trusuzungs, of all desorption, No. lakood
ItICHARD BAUD, Wholesale and Retell Des Ti n.
Lambe; Morocco, Shoemakers' Toms And m i.
togs, Tanners' and Cutlers' Tools, and Tannersx,
No. DM Wood st, Putstnugh.
OMNLION & Wholesale Urocers, Pra te
anal Cootaussiou Merchants, end Dealers in Ps:
burgh alstttattnunts, No. DO Labeny et, Plashes.
Pa autl.
EEr DALZELL & Co. Wholesale Croce
Comnstroon and Forwarding Merchants dealt
in Produce and Plushargh Slantrfartnres, Laberry •
l'ittaburgty Pa. fetal
OIST. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Omen
Dealer in Prodoce sad Piusburgh Manufssoare.
FFF 144,LWerty
L. 0. 1.0.01011, L. M..
en in tirocence, Produce, Pittsburgh Manonourre
and Chlonde of Lune.
.1 raga .
he WO :
co esi m pra a
, tll . l
~ , paid at all times for tom-
Irwin sta. jaMIZI
SS. 111.:SHFIELD--Wludeule dealer to dry goods,
. groceries, boots, alines, Pittsburgh manufactured
crocks, rbc., No mdi Liberry street, Moberg), &le_
SRUTH & JOHNSON, Witolpa!e and Retail Dealers
in Id/Winery muds, Lacers,. Hosiery o4 hum ,
ArliCiell, No. 46 Market street, 2d door above Third st,
QRSC/F.I.SIT . t. WHITE, Wholesale Deaden Ins
1511 Forman and Dominus Dry Goods. No. 99 Wood
Putsburga. febtht •
kW. lIARBAUGH, Wool Iderehaikts,
o Floor and PP.CIUCA generally, and Forerardint
and Commis.= Merchants, No. 53 Water st., Pats.
LIMITYL 11AGALEV tr. Co. %lotto.lo Grocers nod
U Produce deniers, No. tkl Market aired, between nth
•od am. North side, Philadelphia. nem!. •
I. , :.amr=sre Hrirri — iTarraaa. — .mirk - iiiel7o - 1& -r x — i -- ait... '
(a ELLERB & NICOL 4, Produce and Central Co rn .
I.J mission Merchant., No. 17 Liberty si n Pituburgli.
Sinn& Lto•ceri •nd Lard Olbt
F. VON BONNIIORST, Jr. Co, Wholesale OraS
a cars, Forwarding and Commisaion Merchants,
pealen in Flushorgh Manufactures and Western l'rev
!ace have removed to their now warehense,(old nand)
He. dcomer of Front st and Chancery Lane.
O i raidriEV w
itk, Wh01f41.147, Grocers arid Conrad.
%ion Merchants , and dealer. in Produce. No.
Viand at— Pitualurati. Pay
wht. B. ivsre.R., Agent for Maclean .!Glen and
procurtng pensions, at the offic• of Wm. E. Acne
bark's buildings, 4th at, Pittsburgh. My um
to the general land office at Waidungton, will attend to
an tautness there free of expence to applicants.
M'CANDLEBB, (successors to L. k. 3.11.
yy Wiek4 Wholesale Grocers, ForoartliOs am/
Comuusooo hierchams, dealers m Iron, Nails, Glass,
Lsaous Yams, atul Ploshargh Manufactures seuersliri
nINV4.I aro W 5..., 1r.... Pulsbureh
vT ErOWErosolon load I , br - Wirri
hlerehJaa No to) Front t between Wood and
Market aroma rob 2 4
W. WALLACE,IdiII cone and Mill Furnish:
ing embhahruent, No. 444 ',Liberty at., near the
eanaL mane
W — Al. GARRA/07iak — leTin Fancy and &aisle
. Dry bloods, No. n Market latter, Pittsburgh.
_Dealer in Wattles, Jewelry,
! Silvar Ware, Military Goods, he., No. 67 Mar
ker e 4 _ not?
6. hIIURI4I I , Wholesale and Rata' dealer fa
y Foreign and Domesue Dry Goods, nosy east
cornet of Market end Fourth sts.;
Wlll.- TOVSII MO. IL beCilAr..
Air M. YOIJN9 & 05.—Dealers in lathes hid., a...
TV 143,Lib0t7 st.
,^)l7te M. MITCIIELTHEE—WhoIesaIs Grocers,
Rectifying Distillets, and Wine and
~.1 . 4 115p
re _
buits, alw, importers of Soda Ash lad 131
rowd.,, !\o.loo liberty st. Plosborgh, Ant.iir
"Prr'IILaCKBUIA.N k Co., Wholassie' a.
er• and
dealers in Oils,Boat Store,and Pelitsburgh Men.
wed articles, hire on Winn, at sbits • Asti and
general iursortment gdods in thou line, Water sweet,
car Chem Allay. Pittsburgh, sow:
- 117 t pis fiIITCAPIATEE, Wtiolegate Groiets
VT Rectifying Distillers, end Wine sad • 1.100,
Mord • .= ' Alsoiletproters of Seth Ash Stid Meta%
rag Powd" . Na.looLibarry street, Pitteirturiti,
„. , .• -,,,. .
Iv •.;:. o .'!'• - --.- "' - ''''., --, ...._._....__4111 •
-.. ' •• . , ' - 1 . .
. ~..A. r V ilk 0 A+. . -
' '''''' -'' - . 44 . , l''” o.,•,bbt. ..
. .
. .
TN ,
4......,... ,
JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aid Apothecary.
No. 43 Market at., three doors above Third M. Pitts
burgh. will hays , eonsturnly on hand a well selected
went of the best and freshest Methmnes. which he
will sell on the most reasonable term. Payee... ,
sending order.. will be promptly a: ended to. nod sup
plied wall arheles they may rely upon as grouter
ID- Phyalcians Prescriptions will be acre taw!) . nod .
neatly prepared from the best materials,, at any hear 41
the Aso nyor
Al for sale, a largo stock of fresh and good Pert..
Monongainebis Livery Stable.
asRthsERT H. P.I'ITEN...ON h. opened
the large cab.. on First st, rumen` through
to Second .t. between Wood and Smilltheld
ins. in the rear of the Monongahela Eloriam
with an entirely now *tack of Horse. and La' stamp. of
the best quality and latest styles Homes kept at live
ry in the best manner 3N-hi; y
CONTIMIES to manufacture Monuments, Bohol
Vaults, Tomb.. Head stones, blame! Iheers. Cen
tre and Pier Tops of forego and domestic marble, at
a regular and fair price.
I\ Deashitirs for monomer.. vaults. !in forms!,
ed, of any description He saloons a snore of pubhe
patronage nognillf
IArILLIAM SMITH, Itlnnnfortorer of Cotton and
colored Lillr, Fring , oot tor Lhoto.oft,Stc.; Sowing
RH and rotored Cotton Frotttott for gill, nod vngtotan
Parasols. Gann, Itlottotr. and Snk. Bullion Fringes.
made to order on the shortest notice.
Srovx.eorner of Nbudon Lane and Wallam.entrnnee
No eJS alto,. tlord door. over Abner tr. Ely‘', No 65 Malden New nrk o
aurrurtv r0w.... 10a C Tor.. Tlio.t. jr.
html./.. roc.. lILLIS 608. :•XFS Y. 1-EtaJtY,
. .
Q IMSS.ON, I.F.AKK STA r.,(wtt & manantette.
0 Ten of Vial.. Ponies. and Windom. blast, keep
constantly on hand general ussortniet of th e above
•rtielea. Alsd, make to order n superior article of
Mineral or Soda-Vt. once bottles, of colored glass No
16 Wood st. Ptusburrh, Pa. ang3l.6n7
•ND 151141... IN ,
6addicrs' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
Trimmings, •
Moss, Deer Data., Varnish, &e.
iYII N0.133 WMt, Sr. Prrearn anti.
LillPEKllif TEA STORE.—So. '.' Fourth
N . It., near Wood—All quounhes to Green and
Black Teas, done up in quarter, lin;q and
L:se. -- ;y , ;"k p'..r.;,:g Afro .;. 5 1,e:,' irr (round
gt. or e in en Co.
Duquesne Sprang, Axle, Steel aired Iron
COL.EhIAN, HAILMAN tc Co, manufnetnrars of
Coach told Encore Springs. Hammered ASIVn,
Spring and Plough Merl. Iron, he. Hi arehouse no
Water and From streets, Pot.burgis
Also, dealers at Conon Trtmrnings and Malleable
_. octltl
NBUCKNI ASTER. A 1.0 LbDIA N-01Lce, Fourth at.,
. third door ohm, Sninnhe d, south side
Conveyanctiot ni 1,1 • .n 413 0011 C nu nn tar greatest
care and legal aceurock.
Toles to RCM lAtaie essumisied he. octal-1y
JOH FINIVE`e . Jr. Agent Pittsburgh tor me Del•
aware Alumni safely litsur •lice Conipany of Ftu Lo.
arlelphia. Fire Ryaa upon builangs and me andite
o every deseriptioth and Manor R.ssr upon reu htilla or
of vessels, taken upon the mom favorable
Office in the Warehouse of 'N B, Houston & Bro.
N 0.37 Water. near Market GISCOn PLLISt•arXh.
V. 13.—The success of :hi, Corupaz.y since the estab
lishment of the Agency in Una city, with the prompt
ness and Ishemitty \VIM which every cimin upon them
for loss has Leen adjusted, lady s arrant the aueut in
luvlttlig the confidence and patronage of Las mends and
the coiruntosity at large to the Deis, are M Insu
rance Cob:many, white it hos the additional advantages
as au /110111.11.1011 among the moat Iloonsnang tit Philadel
phia—as having sat ample
is copttal. which by the
operauoti of its charter constuutiy Increasing, as
yielding to each person Insured Ins dor snare at me
profits ot the company. without tnvolvtim rum in
rrsponsibility whatever, and therefore as nossesslng
the Alutstal principle divested of ever) obnoxious ica.
'Mrs, and is its most an:sense form nued
T h it F ; turn.Kotrt*zent.trs"Vtt.' Nunn
s h ut:ra n :a ... B . . r ' s ' t h o
make permanent and 'armlet! Inturanee on property .
tan, city and Its vtettuty. and tat aratpmenta by the Ca
na: and Errata
Charles Taylor.
&morose White,
&Colt N. 1.310121.,
John R Ntd,
Ittcherd I.) Wood,
Wm. %%lad,
Frames Hoke [l.l,
S. A usttn
ARTHUR tt COFFIN, ?reel.
HaeraT D. Sum... Seely.
This ts the oldest Insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered at I:. It. charter is
perpetual, and from its !ugh statulme. long expermnee.
ample means, awl avommg a rt. of extra haz
ard°aa Character, it may be toloodered a.°tiering am
ple heathy to the pap.. W.. II JONES.
At the Counuog Room of Atwood, Jones & Co.. Wa
ter trai Front :treed, Fit:sour. maya
Anhur a Cahn,
Sans . ' W. Jones,
Fowled South
John A. Brown,
John Whim,
Masa:L.l' Cope,
Samuel F. Sleuth,
Samuel Brook',
q , Hl. Franklin tiro loanrance eotapao), of Ptioadel
j. plus, uitll mate luau ranee, permanent and Imuted
on every deocnpuou of property, Futsnasla and we
pntionositni, country, en invaratne terms l'lus com
y has a pe_rpottiai corm,
Capital, . .141.10.1100 pant in.
Conuntient, Fund 861/11.0UU
Other corner of Ttu , sl and Market otreet,
apil9tl IV &Hai eti µl IN. Ar.-nt
THE andersgued, ditty authorised Agent of the Ame Amer.
Fire Insurniace Goluparty of
Ponhaues to elect Insurance Nysdhst was or
and e.gattist lire, on building. tue re ustitee, turrinure and
property. not es,sa adastrclous, in this city anu uty
I .11k. St. btelilLik..ti Leek appointed Anent pro
j tem. Or the Lowrance Company of North Amertro,
11...1 mill I...sueutletl to the other ...nes.
Ont. Agchey. thewurcho.e of A: , ,s °Q... J 0.... h.
No. 59 South What9oo.
ELEGS to mho= the r••••,. and dealer. generally. of
Pittsburgh, that they ito•• < made .cll arrant! m• ow
the Virginia manutac.urer. and the Growers of
the West, West Indies, an.. whet glares, as will
a large and COMIWIL sappy Of al 113 , 101•111 g descrip-
Owns of Tobacco, which vet, be .old upon as accom
modaung terms as any other house in this my or else-
Where, and all goods ordered trona there mill be war
ranted equal to representauthr.
Havana; }
Vara; Porto Rico, Penna.; Sued Leaf to.
Cabo; Igui4 tc Fonda; iacco;
ALSO—Branch's celebrated AlorrIIIM! Stag Caven
dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands,
and qualmes at pounds, ha en, tits, the and ..ets. Lump,
he, 6, so and Ihs Plug; Ladies"rwist. Virginia Twist,
e., sweet and plain, In whole and half Loxes, wood
dad us, toge th er with every variety of lintel., belong
ing to the .tade. pilddly
t. 10 T. NEADIr. Q. 0LL.0.8711031.
Produce, Commission and Forwarding
No. 6Y Noitril WeLtEvls. ASTI 1%9 W/rea
Rama co—John H. Brown & Co.
Robert Steno & Co.
Barcroft, Beaver k Co
Magna. liagaluy k Co.
Arco k P.lOl, New York.
Walters b. Harvey, Ba tumors.
Bstraley & Snuth.
B.uridge,Wdson & Co
Barley, Brow. & Co.
Bier & Jones,
Liberal rash advances on conlogrunernd no our
are**. roanandly
.111111LWIL CH113.1 =III. ROUT. W• 1•1131.
1,01731 FACTOUS,
Al General OWILM/111.10Z11 Mrchants,
aEIREINCES--Ilenry (.e 4, Co, Pittsburgh.
Rod f' ,U4l4 " k, Criminate&
S. Schooley &son . , >
A. M. JanaryglTaNe.
Charles linaharia, Jr., olsollle.
Hunaphreya & .
Mercer, Bro. &00. , FhlladOt
optx Reed & Brother,
Louth & Couninery, Nosy York.
CIIA SLIA3 w. 000617.600.
7 &
tom ar, COicz.NA.l.!, OHIO.
iTE -61 RON:cociaaAN.
CoMmkon and Forwarding Merchant.
no. 2 woon Si , nrfOenun,
0W:717Z to int:drool a general Conn:armors busi•
flan• 6 .retally in the purchase and wale of Amen
flhoitdures and Praluce, and In receiving and
fortvlodingrods corrupted to hvi care. As Agtill for
the Mfollmares. tic war he constantly supplied wilt
the yr...Dome:ea of Fittsliorgh Manufactirra nt the
lowest oate plot,. Ender, sad consigrim•mts rc.2e_c . tr. sr:dentin&
G 6fiG E A. 8 EFt Fty
WDL ICSALAC, 0 11.00iella"
lyon, Nallitotion Yarns & Pitteburgh
lilauraat nre• generally,
10 coo sl"././..7, 1ans11:141/1,
11. CL AU IL;
Porevardissiereitnets,throwneville.P at .
Attends peruntni to the Nom ,Irshng of Prvtluce.,
&c. 3c.•
For =I utfonimt, apply m FORSYTh CUN
CANV•ter st. °cog
. 1 SA9. CRUSE
N0,.1 d IU7 Astrrni
R..."....—M.1t0r• of Pittsburgh.
Wheela4. „ F ie & Co. martl7.lorn
bare taken unolechately eryp
eo bums r.matse, for Loa present, where we
Ytransart bustnegtru,.Luntil a new bouts run
be erected, ovvvlLletruh tinvtiu already been made
for that purpose. Bolnisill elsays be to reautness
our wharf to receive fAi st .
C A avaitusy A Co,
apt Cuss] Basin. Liberty at
1141‘. Co,)
nosoN. •
hal:kg:UT =union paid bye sale cw.), grad idoe r
_ advances MOD, .:;rtufluper,..
q.:138-433 bys 840, Lo . /.. ) d 1. ...)d0w 10 2 "
acLONI6I4/ totoWll.ll for Fats by
Male, Pa
nLL.a,lnontrua.a,exidtotohaliaencicci:dana,lll nAtm,herstl.;:s.4
counties. Pa, Refer to
R no)* Ltherty st
W. W. Walloce, do
James Marshall do 4 Plttshurgh.
dly Kay to Co.. Wood at I tan;
J, olippoSr[t3t. C Z ' harl A eo "' l r i n o7l. a llitm L Z w ura . c' h ts , c :l d a!so "
attend promptly to Collecuomt, W.cdorton. Farm.
and (imam counties, Ps
13inck•tork. Bell & Co.,
Church it Carothers. }Pittsburgh.
T Morgan.
f"), J. HENRY. Attorney and Councillor at law
RD. Cincinnati Ohio. Collection, in Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care
fully attended to. Cammusioner for the Stare of Penn
tylcania. for taking Deposition., acknowledgments,
RSV ro--lion. Wm. Sell k Son. CUM, Church fr.
Curothcryt ‘Vm. thy. E.K., k Dnvis. turr
W . S4 •ttll.l.
H. L.
SHINN (suecorao to Lowrie and
%V il ‘ ' Vt/J A : 'l. k B4 Atiorue.. r. d
and CoOnuoSorl at Low.
Otfir.- • orth ride of Fourth street. al,ove Sorrthh Id.
JAMES KERR, Attorney at Law, Bakewelßs
S) Building. Grant Street nearly colleen° the Court
Boone. Rugg en
lardm DCTL,O, 1 HARRISON nr,vn...
r 1 1. , : n 1 ;,9 F !,. ..E , WELL. aver ryat Law, Other, on
hJ. ha t etween !Id and Ith sts
17 4 , 0RWARD W
SARTZWFILDER. Attorneys a t
hove removed their office to the South side o
Fourth et, between Cherry Alley and Grant street
W. o ßi Ze td 4 t . he A E o r Cl e an g o e r Baildtnpo. St.
Clair et next door to Alderman Johns
ANIFEL W. BLACK, Attorney at Law. Office on
0 F.•u'tn eireet. near Grnnt, Pittsburgh.
ocuttai in
To Country Merchants.
A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station
ary, &e., tunable for country liana; among whiett
W rtung Paper., of fine. medium and common qu'ltti
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Patter do do do do
Note and Letter Envelopes
Slates, Pencils, n afen , quills and Steel Pens;
trfndow Paper ;yard wide, plain and printed;
Bonnet Hoards, of different qualmea
Blank Book. In peat variety;
Family. School and Pocket Bibles;
. - ,
Crown. rnedtum. and double crownwrapping paper;
AlM:trifle'. Eclectic Speller. and Readersi
Ray. Eclectic Antboretica,
Cobb's Enure rm. Speller. and Reader.;
Sander.' do do do
A nthinencs, by Adams, Dama.Colburta Smith, Stock.
ion Ea:lemon and others.
lieokrpnlea. by hluchall,Olney, Elml4l, hiprec,Good
rie b. Pa rley, .d omen.
Grammars, by 'S.M. Kirkham, 13uIkon, Weld, and
others. For sale al len- prices. by
M wood 31.3 dcurn above
The market price paid for goad mixed rafs
tn eat!: nplb
1. lot expoamon of the real diuoveries and Rico
ou of modem utronomy, by U Mitchell, •M. Do
recor of the Cbocionau Ulm. notary.
licat'leyN Italy. Alp. and Rhina.—Leitera free holy
the :UP. r..d um Rhine....) 1 r Haadiu. author to Na
poleon nod err auhau. Waslimorton and (Jena,-
New ami rermed
Staninien of Con: —I'M: Geographical and Geologi
cal distinctions of liknerid Coml....Wile. or rood fuel,
including C.o. notice. and localities of the van°.
auLitancei employed In arts and
manufacture, Illuitraied by Map. and Diagrams; se•
comparneu by nearly Kai mativlcal table., and I Itai an
alyses of rumern, combuatibica, &c, prepared by Rich
urd Cbonntmg Taylor
Juin received a tew copies of each or We above work*
—mr sage by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON.
Bent co r market .k ani
L' JA. & P. JAMES, Cincinnati. the fonowing
new and ralual.,
Dontphan Expethoon--Contatnot; a .itch of tbr
of Col A Dontphart. the Conquest of
Melte°, (lest. Kearney, frvethand F:zpodthon to C/141
101 . 11111- bontpitan's Campaign meatus( the Nortfos, uati
unprattr,e4 March upon Chihuahua and Durance.
and the Operattona of Gehl l'ehre at Santa Fr, anth a
Map ;And lingratn, John T linen,. A It f•• the
I xt Reetrartit of Nitrwart (lava: Ty
of Ert.tuclo—l:. Antiquitieo Natars,
Curio.it4es, Unograpitical SULusuced tind
dew ripuous. .m0.1°10.101 Ploneer• We. and more
111. one hundred lilograprocal Sketches of &et/again,
ed Pioneers, :Seidler.. `ttalcsructt. Junsts, Lawyers, DE•
,kc., Illustrated with forty eograviuvr, by Leans
Coll., 1 vol. octavo
The Torepre Months' Volunteer. or of a Pr,
vaae to the Tchno.ace R/1/1211,11 CY avalry. In the
C. 24.141101 durtug le4h—ra.ceva wrung an c
count ot the Moron 41 the Itegament to Von Crua,
deaenpturn of the Country phased over, m.oners, ans.
0 , the peOr.C. 1et1.1.1 01 Came t itelae
, eon. of Sal the azuena of other Vooanievr Rev vent.,
slid a•full armory of the Nloxicun War, Lard ..e Kil•
lad and Wounded. &r, thustrathd by a lurge slumber of
correct vie. , and phut, by Cato. C. Farber, I volume
114,1,0 deer
Near Paper and Book Batibliabanrent,
V. uOl, ST, •Inwase Fount s. u DIT.110:10 ALLIT
subscribers have Just opened, at the above
I stand. a large stock of different qu•Pucs ruled and
plum a a..l' mate . and Letler rupee corn
tucre,at arol packet post F iat Cap. de m, and
writing papers, for t./ank ten4S, mcdp.ut unl raps/ co
:ored Printing Paper.. tnedtunt, Oerny and cap boy
floois and Ledgers, supcnor paper and bet, kLastern
untriptg, School Kooks of all kinds, sasndard a arks 1.1
* l'heoioeyand Science.. gold and suet Pens.
lVaters, 801 l sic ex
NJoirebauui .upp.iiid at wholcaLle yr,
ee• :or 2/.4., or rag. a: vai•h prices
.1012 plit:CrlNU.—Moving • Job other in eon nert.on
order.u ridaud.raitent. w, aro priiparell tu rteiiure
o for plain 1.14 1./t
la —boot, pa22i.isleui
circulars, bulueses. ot Usug, swim tirr
patch and at low price.. ELLIArn
in} t 7- wood a:. heiwreti tW anti illainund
*'ts} WlJlthrk—Vatuty Fla.,. novel watout •
Hero: by ‘Vultara Atakepe-aer Tbackery--with
iliusirauona by the eilinor.
s rlie Truant of Wildtelt HA& by Acton lieu, author
of - uthrring Height'
The h °nog Senoinnusiress. by Joseph Alden. D
Pan b. of Harpers' Ithistraten edition of the Arai fan
Nigh. Entenaunnients. New translation, arranged
tor family reading, with explanatory notes: by K
Lane. Esq.
IxtOtnit . Logarithrna—Tabiee of Logarithmg of nom.
her. end ergo. and I angents tor every ten .ce•wda of
the quadrant, with other ute63l tattler hy Kim a Loon.,
A M., ?rot Matnetstaues and Natural Phil lonian, In
the UM,...) 01 New 1 ork, author of a ttsrivalutte on
Alttettra, ' at.c. ke
ihe above works received tliis day and tar iota by
Jult:seTub. b. S I oC h TON,
Bockwilrrs, cor market Rll4/ :id
- • •• .
.11.1.4T0EY OE CuWK 5, thogruphical and Poli
tical, comprana memoirs oi the members of the
Lougress 01 the L. By II %Vilecler. Illustrated
n)numerous steel portreics, heVol 1, octavo.
The 11 nongs of C M. Clay, including speeches and
addresses, with steel per - Blots. Edited by II timely. i
VOI, vo
Wltust i Saw on C:ultfornia By Edwin Bryant.
Barnes' Notes, Vol. 10. O.J James, Pater, John .sod
Charms end Counter-02,ms: By M..
thor at .. To seem nod To - Comoma," he he.
.Nlary ()rover, a Domemic Temperance Tale: fly C.
Kings and queens, or Lk 111 the Pala.; consisting
of htstortcal paste., of late and feigning wave/egos:
uy J. h Atinott.
A First Book 111 Spanish, Or a prnetteal introduction
sa the study of the Spanish Language: Ity 1 taalkeld.
Thn Dying floats and wee: Mina by Bob. Dr. Alden
Just reed Ly R. 111/PAINS.
Apollo kluddlog
augl :Successor to J. L. Brady
azriz - s=t - ie of Cromwell, by I T Ilendley
Power of tba Pulpit, by Gaedincr Spring, a D.
Bethel Flag, du do
Jacobus on Gospols, Pilanbew, with Hamm ty;
Lectures on Shakspeare, 9 veto '
Path of tale, or Sketches of the Way to Giddy and
Footsteps of Messiabi
The Ckfinvent, by author of School Girl to Rance:
Now and thee, by Warten,
ketettes of Lemons, on Parable. and Mime /Ws;
Ireland a Welcome to the Stranger,
Hee • en upon Earth,
Hawk ton, a tale of and for England: 0 vole.
For sale by ELLiorrr tc'ENCiI.II3H,
.lelo 70 wood and 56 snorkel eta
(11W HULKS—Just rece,ved from the publaber
and for sale 2A the e.etbudist Hook Store, lth et.
near Wood. Tuppern Proverbial Philosophy, in three
styles of bindinr,a beautiful book Mr • present.
Preparation tar die Pulpit.
Sketches of Sermon. on the Parables and Mirarlei
of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopcdia--6ou
sketches, &n. The English Pulpit; collection of ser•
mons by the moot eroincnt living divines or England.
lillmarting Volt—Doing &sod, Chretiaa Love, Lov•
er thou roc, Sacred NlEditau on, mye4
FitHE PATRIARCHAL A.tjk or the History and
Religion of Mankind Itom the Creation to the
death of leaner Deduced trots the writings of M 0..,
and other Inspired author% and illustrated by eoptous
references to the a• e,ent micron't traditions, and my
thology ofthe Ileathen World--by Geo Smith. F. S. A.
I vol., octavo.
Charms and Counter-Charms, by Mum IliPintosh. A
fresh supply of this very/ pogular little work.
Utrators of the American Revolution, by 1.1 L. Ma
goon, ',cub Portrait.. 1 , 01, 12 tun.
Parley's cabinet Library, for
T h i s or schools, Mt
volume.- IC tno, with engravings. This ton new work.
For sale by If HOPKINS,
_ Apollo tfutldtngo, 4th st
LiEsICS lErjANY—llaitany of the United Stems
I) north of Moms, comprisnig desertion.. of the
ag and fern-like plums hitherto found in those
States; arranged s •eeording to the natural system.
With synopof the Genera accoiding to the. Lin
illlaL/1 system a sketch of the rudiments of botabe t and
isglosaary orients. , by Lawns C. Reek, M. D., Prof.
Chemistry and Natural History in Rutgers College,
New /crite), r. k.c. Second edluon, revised and en
larged. For sale by
I AMARTINE'S (HRONDISTS--Iltatory or the Gi
1, modiste; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of
the French Rsvolunort—from unpuldrobed secrets: by
Alphorrie de larnarnue. Complete to three volunteer
Hydr'• traustatrou A fresh supply of rine PoPlilt ,
work received thus day and for sale by
se pie Book•ellers, ear market and 3d at.
OITERINGS IN EUROPE; or sketch. of Ravel
in France, Salvoes, ARstria, Swett:errand, Italy,
nasal., Ireland and Groat Britarn; with an •ppendit
conrouung observation. on European chorines and
medical Instruction.; by John lAr. Carson, M. D. A
fear coots foron/e by
A T OUR STORE on Market soya, No b 6, between
A . , 3d and Ch t may at all Units be found a large
btook of Theological and hltseelltineo. Books. New
ooks reeet*ed so soon as published, you sold nt low
est price. The publications of tha Autenean Sunday
School Union and MassinehusaUs Sabbath School So.
always on band. Catalogue* fantukted en ap
plinaue, ELLIOTT &
ns7V 00 market st, bet...lien 3d and 4th
T OGAN tr KENNEDY hove this day associated
La swath them in the Hardve.e bnsiner.. Philip Wit-
WTI and Edward Gregg. The style of farm will here
dafter he !oven, Wilinin Co This arrangement ren
ers at dmeable to close the old busmen irs soon to
possible. All Remits whose liabilities have matured,
ore especially requested to make Immediate payment.
ritranurah, Jan 1, IVO.
T OGAN s WILSON & 00.—Importers and
I a OV.,oleaale Dealers an Foreign nod I/omega:lc Hard
ware, Cutlery. Saddlery, he . 119. Wood street, Pio.-
burgh.far, nova fully pre_persd
Ash,with a recently impor
ted 51.1,C k of Hardware. Cotiery. lO oder very greet
induce:den. to western buyers, being determined * to
compete m remes with any of the Atlantic erne. Al
so on hand an extensive as.ortmeruof Pittabulh Hard
ware, vie: Shovels. Spades. Parks, Hoer, Vanes. tre.,
all of womb will be sold at the lowest manufacturers
praves janl
THE subset ben haring recently entered into
'r'h' g ' r cth°''' T ofG 7: n l hsr t
n M d iller. frePu ocarrylgntlet
thaw Founding and lias Fluting burineu in
all its hrunilres. have taken the stand formerly occu
pied by 11 Gallagher, No 109 Front street, between
Wood and Smithfield stir, where they are prepared to
er eclat, all order, tor Bells, brass Cw.ungs, of every
des ription, and Ea. F sings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat rothrng-promptly attended to.
N S.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
invited to our %nu-attraction metal Ibr a reduced pries.
winch has beep pronoximal super., to Rabbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, generally, are al o requested to call and ex
amine our
superior double button Porno Pumps for
steamboat and domestic u e
THE partnendop .o long existin.g under the firm of
hl'Cord & huts, was by
will he
on the Ist inst. The bumness will he closed at the old
stand hi , either of no.U'lit4 the name of the fit= fo•
that purpose. Being desirous to have vor Wawau
closed wall so hole delay as possible we would re
spectfelly request those indebted to Mt and settle
their &ecotone. JOHN D. It'CORD.
JOPS D hDCORD having associated with him h.
brother James :IPCord, ender Om style of bisected
St Co, wul coltuou the Hat, Cap and Fur bultmoss in
ell Os various trranches, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, corner of NVontl and sth mreeta. miter. May
nth.: • commit/loon of the patronage so liberally be
wowed on the old firm. JOHN D rd'CORD.
IN retiring from dos old and well known firth of
& Eton, 1 most reepectilly recommend to
the putronsge of the pun!c my successors. Messrs.
& Co. lowH. D. SENO.
Co.Partne rehlp Blotto*.
EW- of Wheclusg, E. P &embargo's
of Juniata, and I A. Stockton of Pittabtinch, have
this day entered woe co-parthersthp under style and
Om of Stephens, Shoenberser & Co., at the Anchor
iron storks. Wheeling, Va., (or the purpose of manse
filletUrlM non and nails Of +ell desonpuon.
IL W. 11 - 6,111.7.3. ■ Y. •110.11MIZIL I •. STORM..
Wierling, Vet
Maanchamore all kind of baler, ahem., bar Iron and
axis,M steel elip d
to springs an axles Beal con
nected with blhoenberg-erb, old Juniata work. we ran
tier an watch. of inmate iron (branded ShoonborlCCr)
r quid to soy made tn thecountry All of which will
be, sold at she Pittelmort price. Werehotwe of Mr
tiro rk•oorner of Monroe and Water etc myth
/SOOL UTION—The pano.rattip (hitteftCo cabal
tit bailer the sty le and firm of Mittman fr. Dal.
cell, is tho day dueolved by marital ecmsenl. John Dal
cell having eceposed of hit enure mOwest to H Wight.
man The hu.‘tneas id the law Firm tall be Nettled by
ti. Wiglamatt.e. he le autttonrod to sae the name of the
,ate tuna for that u Tom WIGHTMAN.
apclkl2er bray IV( J DAL2F.LL.
TIIE Fabscribet t . n, , a , prepared to manatactura di
kind. or rottrin and %Took, Marhinery, at the shortest
nouce. Ordc rs tell at R_ I,Vlghustan's Engine Stop,cor
ner Lthcrty , und Water streets, mill meet with prompt
!.carol ft between Federal and Sandusky sm.,
sot-011y Allegheny coy
PART(IO= NE RS I P —Wm Young bavlbg this
day assoclated .nth Aim. John It .WCane, the lea•
cher bu,nes. Natl. Aercaller be conducted under the
Earn of Wei You'll. A. CA , WILLIAM Y 01740,
Other, Wire •nd Daughter
T 111: trr.o STA Mr , subscriber mpect-
I tally calls your attennon to Dr Bass'e's Übe/t
-at/INxpeety intended for the preaervation of the
bean h o of l at h aexes--arhether it arioes from Incipient
e.m a , s os, or oarty eornounpason„ Delnlity of the Lanana
lirone h ial Affections, asthma. Pleunsy. Deranged and
Ihttorde ved stare of the Liver. Spleen. or h'ddrreys. Dis
eaaed Some. 1.:holle, Drepepata. i`alpdai onof the
sear; ,as of Muscular or Nervone Pownr, he. de.
Da. C. It DA RRErs IiVAFIDIAN comes to the
immediate 'chef of Fernsies roderrog hood irregulan.
hes. and other Uterine dtlfteultres and diseases loci
dental to or omen. whether a-rationed by told. wet
feet, or any a inn . .ar itouthelona expo..., and all 111,0
without the u to of med,Enne. a• the Metal delicate and
.ten.ittve lady ran al ally 01001001 apply It to hersoll
'without the poleut.tht) of locurnog any rut or danger.
or any duple., an re•talte en.log from it. and teal the
certatbry of Otani tune trona/the. rebel
Dr lierrett • f har.htin ateh-penny, or one of
thnany hothhe, or the day bet it is ea twarbetent
made upon strictly at.ehtthr. In accordance
with the , awr of Fleet tiror and tisk nni•M. end kw
nes.tesa durstaltty Roe meat y, inhaltely cat - pasae•
everythina of the kind everbensre °tiered to the public.
for .e relief of diseow and II
the liutenare Or ond of
the Moat en.ightenetl et,o oflee day. I. pruroutteee le
ettthe Freateat 1./Waver) of the age'
A_pertod of no lea, than four years has beg, oerupted
by Dr. Barrett In Le inguat the (tea/titan to iu present
.hur of perfeenon--during winch Lurie 11 Bata Arco in
.110 hatala 1•01110 of •
the Most relie/0 physirisn• Of
the North and South. as well a* toe dweinne• of nu
merous...lice. woo have t... 4 st ro. kho•c
ioirposes, with the moat perfeet earereas and • no here
eneerfuny oven thene unqual.tieci approbation Of
ertleary and value se can be seen by referring to the
Manual of titatrections accompanytng it.
Dr. C ti. Barrett, bunnhan i• secured linen u,OOO.-
unn. by a co,ncon from ale United SLates Pment (Alice.
•nd be bud enber with •r without his Mettiro.Eleetro
The M- -
edico-Electro Galvanometer. in point of beau
ty, work manshm, durabOdy and power. cannot be
reed or even equalled, and the subsenher Wets that
se htuard• nothing in the assernon that at will be found
to wages.
more power and efficacy to the treatment
and removal of Macaw, by Cialvansern and Electric,
-7. than any other instrument, either in the batted
•statas or Europe. The Medico-Electro Galvanometer
warrantcd in every respect, and with common anti
nary care rvtil low a ute-tone, and is by far the cheap
because the hest. instrument ever offered to the
public. g ma noel accompanies them, giving the most
stnple instruct, one, of prachcal experience, so that it
readily . inteUt tble to the mind of every while
ihit •w • • ity ot arrangement ta such that a chi one,
ld may
with st.
Any inform-non gvamnounly rven, and all enmenu
-.talon. cheer./ ly •nswered per man. either in roll
.n to the Electro-palvanotngter or Guards..
Mcdreal men are Invited to can and examine Dr Dar
6n0(01•11. and trot as etliSeaey.
For sale by 11. itICIIARIiSON, oole Agent, 71 31ar ,
cet st, Pittsburgh. at,M,dtf
ai' though Dr 'Taylor`, Balsam or Liverwort boo
found hundreds of Advocates, and has produced a large
number of testimont ale in its favor, I cannot withhold
my small cued of prmie. Being predisposed to eon.
gumption. both (rota peculiar rormation, and hereditary
trausantesion, I toed every 1111CII. to check this du*
rue, and strengthen A naturally weak constounott, I
spent two years at Pisa. one or Rome, two in Florence
and another In the South of France, seeking, mean'
time, the advice of the hest physicians Two years
store 1 returned to this country, In about the same sit.
nation as when I loft tL I had seen to the reading
regime tn Europe muchsold in favor of Dr Taylor's
itaisain of Liverwort, and al soon WS t arrived in dos
city, I need it, and in three mouths I was a* well I con
cluded I could safely par* the winter here, and did so.
I have need oecuionally a bottle now and then doling
this time. but am now in as good health as is possible,
My rough has wholly ceaaed, and my lungs hove eve
ry feeling of health. Dr U. Smith. and Dr Post, of this
city, were my phystmans, and now say they behoved
me incurable. JAMES HILL.
IVestern Hotel, Courtland% la, N.s'
Liverwort, even in the common way of preyoartuer
univeraall y known as the beat article for disease o
the Lungs ever discovered, and it is obvious that I.
nighty concentrate d preparation, securing 41 whole
virtue of this inesumabie herb, must be invainaidet.
Moreover, this medicine contains the medical proper
's,. of many roots and he Gs. Such has been the we
e twof this Balsam, that it is warranted as being inn.
n o aloof produoing, in any instance, nouriou. edema
W. thin the last few years the calls for this sovereign
rem edy have been unmenao beyond precedmi; and Ita
repro anon sustained from Maine to Mobile; thus pro
ring , he confidence bestowed upon a simple medical
poems 'alma, purely vegetable, nnd the unusual Won
, effect attending its use. Physicians too, tram a
ro„„r o , .on of Its smithies, witty tend success, employ
in the, r practice, rocommend ti to their panents, and
d e em dn. medic.e safe and invaluablc,• particularly .
d ove .nn interfere with any other
may he take ng at the same tune, nor restrict diem to
tity paCLIII,CI Of diet, eonfinetnent, he , thus enabling
per..ons to re ccive the full benefit of this medicine, nnd
follow at the wme time, if they wtsh, the advice of
their physician.
1(01.1 in Pittsburgh by J 13 Morgan, 53 Wood at; J
Townsend, 46 ,Ma-kat at; /I Slily Per, roe Market and
ad eta; Henderson Jc Co, 6 Liberty st. Price reduced
to Sidi° yo:; 119
Dr. hose's Celebrated hemedles.
DR. JACOB n Rug;, the discoverer and sole pro
;olar o f th e .," most popular and beneficial med
icines, and also the kern Or of the celebrated lama
meet for inflating the L1112 ‘ 7, to edocung a care of
Chronic diseases, was a stun ant of that eminent
cian, 'Donor Physic. and Ise b-raduetc of the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, and for Um tY Years since his been
engaged its die inveaugauon of disease, and the appll
cspa;,of remcdtes thereto.
ugh the use of his "Mating tube, m connection
th his Prophylactic Syrup and other of his remedies,
he has gained anunpandellod eminence in curing
these dreadful and fatal maladies, Tuimrcular Cor,
set:option, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma,
Fever and Ague, Fevers of all hinds, Chrome ErrsiPe•
lay, and all thou, obstinate diseases peculiar to females.
Deed every farm of disease vanishes ender the am
nibsremedies, to which humanity is beir—not by the
um of one compound only, for that is incompatible
with PhysieJogieal Law. but by the use of hie tams.
ramt, adapted "nod prescribed tor each peculter them
of discus.
Dr. Ruse's Tank Alterative Pills, when mad are te•
vattably acknowledged to rat rapraior to all other, as
a purgative or liver pill usameach as th ey leave the
belwels petfectly free Irma costiveness; va also his
Golden Ms is admitted by the (malty to possess pee.
liarproperies adapted to female disuses ; hat being
sausfied that a hare trial is sufficierit to establish what
his been said in the minds of the most skeptical.
The afflicted are Invited to call upon the agent, and
PiO.ure. Walls) one of the Doctor's pamphlet , 11 1, itlif
detailed account of e.h remedy and Its application.
For sale by the fol , owtng agents, es well as by most
Druggists thronghont the country:
J Schoomnaker & Co, 24 Wood street, Fratsburlifhl
gd . pownsead, draggist, 45 Market st
Lac A Beckham near the I'. 0. AlleghanY city;
Jos Barkley, Dailiovon, Beaver county, Pa.
Jno Ellis(, Valley, , u ,
T Ada.
oat= or num Am cunt ma, rtrrastramt.
2 The subscriber having assumed the otannv
.menn of this long estabbahed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Publie generally. that be will he at MI finees prepared
to ateommodate them In all dune desirable to a well
regulated Howl. The Homo, ts now Ming thoroughly
reputed throughout and new Furniture added, and no
pants will be spared to make the Exchange one or the
very best Hotels in the country.
Tha undersigned respectlblly solicits a continuance
of tae Very liberal patronage the Home has heretofore
received- THOMAS OWST(JN,
.}.XII 07 Poona •00 aunt mitts., rtmsansou
subscriber respectfully announces that
bas no. opened bit new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the publm generally. The house and furniture
are entirely nem and no pains OT expense have boon
spared to r e nder .
itone of
t the most comfortable d
Hotels t h e
The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of putdie patronagn.
oolltvlty JACug HOCtiH Pro • meter
ARTS THROCKMORTON begs to aequabn his
Mende that he is again leaser, of the OALT
MOUS, Louisville, Ky., when he tropes to meet
all Us old friends, Quorum them and the public, that
no elfact shall be spared to make all comfortable who
fr2l;si a tth4heir patronage.
cinsxrr rr., trrants. norm Atm nnn rrs.
OPPOSITE late Bank of the United States, Philw
Chocolate, Cotton s
W Baker., American an d French Chocolate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, thorns, Oxon Shells. kr
pc, merchants and consumers, who wouldparttime
1 the best products of Cocoa., free from adulteration,
more nutritious than tea or coffee, and rnteloy ensue
passed, the subsenber recommends the shore modes,
manufactured by himself and !tamped with his name.
Ike aroma end Cocos Plum. as delicate. palatable,
aed ...hoary dank. for Invalids, convalescents, and
others, an prenouneed by the most eminent phpairians
laperior in sap. other prepushons Hia manufactures
ore always oa Bale, in any quitauty, by the most re
ip,Xers in the eastarn awl by Hien
agent*, Hawes, Gray & co , of Boston; James M Banes
& co, Hartford, Conn: Hassel. & Murray, New Tort:
Liraut& Stone. Philadelphia; Tnonsas V Brom:lige, Sal
t:oars; and Kellogg & &mica, aricusaast, Oka,
WALTER BARER, Dorchester Maas.
For sale by aug3l BAGALEY & SMITH, Asps
WiIITE. BROOKS & CO. would respertfally in.
t= thn public. that they have ereeted skop on
Itheetek, between Federal and Sandusky street. (bey
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
every dearrthoon of vehseles, Coaehea, ghanot's, Be -
worth... Boggles, Pl:manna. 8.c., be , whreh trona their
lon{ experience an the It:tenon:wrote of the above work,
and the faelltues they have, they feel epondent they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
those wanong arucles or their Imo
. - -
Payingposrocular atieution to the selection of mate
rials, and ha vin wo
g Ilene but competent rkirien, they
have no hesitation In wartantrags their wort We
therefore ash the altration of that paha° to this matter.
N. B. Repairing done to the best manner, and on the
most reassinabie terms- seltf
Wronsikt and Caat Iron
FIE ulnas-ober. b, e to inform the public that
I they have obtained born Mr Fast all the late nod
fashionable des-ges Ito Iron Robing. twirl for houses
and eatnetenes Persons wishing to proeurs hand.
sonsepatosms will please c• , l and examine. and lodge
for lite 113.1•14- Railing will be ,"urtitstied at the short
est notice, 14-1"11 tl,s best manner. at the earner of
Crust and fletieer • streets, !Oleg lien) cit)
etag2l . 4-atf A L A NIONT Pc KNOX
- .
D/1611,b0/ICFIKI•criAN H mu. respectful
, bets.aznoun rttitens l ' ttlytom4ti and
•teinity, that . ronamen,mlgm instruettoo oh
the Piano. HU torabod o! t0mr.0.,t4 t. very ea•y,
and adapt,/ to s v•r) Mort lane
be strie , otttention to lo• LI•1111,, to.d to rr. ...
to mem •her• or the 1 , 1,d.. pßironsgr luose
wishing to near Non pt.). um tit,,ted in leave them
carat., With the tune LeM ..o ,led to them, at the M..
"gores of Mellor ex Mr. Blume.
_ - -
Rayanascia—../ U Alelwr. Esu , Frederick Blume,
Victor Scribe, Bookseller. noell-dlnt•
Leeching, Cupping and Bleeding.
KU NORRIS, (Saccesisor to M. R. Be
. No 65 nab . treet. between Wood and Sands
Geld. Freon leeches recersed =annoy—attendance MI
hour.. Reference, the phyucians of Plusburgh, Alle
gheny and Ihrnungham.
I most cheerfully recommend to the physicians. tom
tit. and all my former Blends and patron*, MT h B.
Norm as betag thoroughly amituunlekl with de bus,
nes. and worthy of patronage.
• mar.M.-IyR
Manufactured Tebution.
• -
t y ,i 4 o L : 7 l ll A tn ii -
u k. o. l , i;?:•te ra superior •weet 5 Ivo.
21 do do do
'EI do do Pearl k Harwood " SA lb
14 do J HolAnson
57 Aida do
31 do do Wm Dawson
33 do T Wnghts " " 6 "
37 do G Anderson
9 do L T Dadels
6 do R Alacon's
9 do Hwang
Jam landing front newer and rackets, and for sale
41 north water slmad 111 north wharvea,
ie6 Philadelphia
11friSUFACITREbtO11ACCO—.313 iar hi sJone•
LLL & Son, eopenor sweet lb lamps.
75 half his Webster Old supenor sweet& lump.
Lawrence Lower " 6s "
" rienury kr Barrer •' 3. &6s "
40 " Dupont Ide la Sure) " 3d "
Ri •• Lawrence touter 6.16. plug
Just landing from ateamer, and for Kale by
41N water at and 16 N wharves,
myffl Pbiladelphi•
lII' F. are soli engaged In the above tro•Lne., corner
ot Wood and Th ni street., Pituborgh, whr re
we are prepared to do any work in nor h. with Jct.
poteb We attend to our work perwmally, and eau,
(action will be given to regard to It. neat.aa and du
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound oub•
suanualiy Books to numbers or old books bound care
fully Or repaired. Names put on book. in gilt letters
Thos that have work In our hue are loaned to call
Price. low mgigtif
bare entered into frannershiii, under the firm of
BE tr. ATKINSON. and wIL carry on the Tut,
Copper, and Sheet Iron allele ry
Also, Itiaeksmittung in branches, at the old
stand of Wm B ewalle, First street, near Wood.
Parnoalar attention given to steamboat work.
oetti •
466 1 rugltio ;66
do St. Domingo do; 423 boo 8.10 glees; Inn do
10.12 do , Z.; do 7-0 do , do 10 , 14 do; 35 bbd. N. O.
Sugar; YO bbl. No. 3 mackerel ; 100 boa main long No.
1 ; he do dipped eandles ; Ike do Cumumatineould do,
received on consignment and for sale by
. .
neol4 8 & W HARE/111611
UST - Ht6F:IV - EI=AHW - 1 and sWeiaiihaasoritnent
gt of Cloths, Cuturimarea, Routings Cravats, &e., and
(or male by L WILLIAMS, /Aeroflot Tailor,
myo under Monongahela Hoare, autithAuld at
,„ Three is
Draught Horses tor sale, • WI.
• ble for draping B.e. tioire
aLlik tv.thusroan rc
canal basin, hberty st
- IALI SKINS—dU dos genuine FrenobUalf Skin., a
very fine article. A few dozens PhlladeJphist
Skins, from the manufactory of H At Crawfind to
which the attention of boot makers 1. invited. Just
received and for ale by W YOUNG. Co.
i er
. 143 liberty s A t
AT W. Iti'CLINTOCK'd, No. 73 Fourth sun.,
e. be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel.
vet •int Tapestry Carpels, latest styles. Also, Brus
sels, 3 ply, and sup and filth ingrain Carpets, of .p
it) let and qualities; and in connection can always be
round Table Linens, Crashes, Diapeni,Dathasks, No
teens, Oil Cloths, Ac. Ac., to all 01 which we call the
attention of the public. .1022
_ _
Ly APING sold our endre stock to C H.Ouvr, anti
Li a mew to closing oar old business, Wa hereby so
ne. for him the pinto:ago of all rue friends sad cus
tomers. R 9 .. W. P.2.InEY.T.R.R,
Pltuburgh, Aug. 1th,18.4.3.
IL GRANT, Wllole.maleGrocer. Commission and
Forwarduag Merchant, No. 41 We.ter 111
OS. 93 and 94 Front street, Bolt Founder. sod man
ufacturar. of WI hinds of Fittings ter beet the.t.
sou Water, have always 011 hand Wrought Iron Wel
ded Pipe for steam, gas, and water, from 9 in. to I in.
m diameter. Brass Casting.' made to order. Also, a
large inisortment et Bells and finished Braze Work in
which the attention of Plumbers and hligthe Builders
is parucularly threeted.
bus Pintails put up promptly and on reasonable
011.231taiitreitrib GAILMY:I7rI4.
ViB funusbed
witt:a Luneb ltS TO T ar li lll Joara . ofth c .7la) '"' :• olio, lee
Cream., PTnit to• The suisimetti then.
wood makes her regular wino. usual, leaving her Pitt
street landing at 01 A. 31., and al half past each hoar
(except lit until Inl P. M.—leaving the - Gardeo at lb
P. M. for her tut tripto the elty.
A moonlight view of the o.inienie Indescribable to
It. beauty, 1713
DITTSBURGR, OCTOBER 85, 18413.—We ate .0.,
in receipt of several bales Ann rue lel9 Wektern
Now York .nd Maanachturetts Prime klOPtili•rknd ere
aloroyo toceiviog reptiar empties. We iveßroP , md
to tett ot lowest - mica. Office, Pitt .neat, Atleghooy
nom oet26 OEO. W tr. Co.
cOLENLAN, MAILMAN Is Co., hoot aroma oh the
Warehouse, 3 door. west of the Monneguhela
lose, on Wow and Front 'stem.
FOR RENT—Thu Warehouse No. 43 Wood at
solid Post espy.
nowl WOILL a. ROE
7000 O. 787177Z0tt, 77071717.0.
THIS estahlithmenriong and widely known so
being one of the most commodious to the city of
Be'Limon; Nu recently undergone very exten
sive valentine.; and improvements. An mire new
wing has been added, contenting numerous and airy
sleeping . tthnrtments, and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
leilHPoUsed and timid up in a mews unique and berm
tut style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has bfien remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietor , towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently lumen will
challenge couthmison enth nay Hotel in the Uninn.
Theur table will tawny. be supplied with every sub
manial and luxury which th e market aTords, served
OP In •euPertor style; while in the way of Wines, ie.,
the will not be surpassed.
the propnetors beg to say, Hutt nothing
be left undonc on their part, sod on the part of their
amirtants to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The pie. for board have also been reduced to the
follermg . ratee:
151,75 per day.
Omni etnen's " 1,50
N. EL—The Baggage Wagon of Use Haase will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
winch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of eh , a
febfklhf _
Prim eLor.
19 la do Pnee & Ilarrrood'•
riaPPEarcovr & HARR, C
Mate J Strickler & C&)
ANUFACrIIRERS of Munn:ix Are proof sake,
south SiAid, necond Meet. between Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 9 Strickler having deceased
and the surviving partner Mr. Jos Lippencett, haul-OS
macerated bhaself with Mr. Win C Barr, the brighten
will hereafter be conducted under the style of 'APP ..
colt & Ban.
Trial of a. safe in Cincirtoati, o.—We, the onric.ilGl
ed were present at the terung of one of J 9 Strickler &
Co's Improved Flfttlenik fire-proof safes The safe was
placed in a forna,..e an the public landing, and subjected
to the intense heat of a atone Coal fire for more than
three hours, In one hour and a half the safe came to
a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then
closed, which caused In Increased nod steady beat for
the balance of the Sena. until the east Iron wheels were
partially melted off; the furnace was then thrown down
and the wife cooled and opened. The money, papers
and book• which it contained were as perfect as when
placed there, the binding only of the books being in-
Aired by the water In cooling the safe. We have no
hatitation in recommending it to the public at • safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe
that it will stand any heat which might be proueed,
Inept a heat which would melt it to a solid man.
Springer Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg &
Bennett,Ben a l L i ner, tV G P Breese, Mums Smith, T
S Dungan & Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Hansa,
?dead & Witiotor.
We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of
above, from • lot In the gore of Truber & kubery,the
Agemrts C G
Refer to Cook & Harris, Brokers, Pi.leansh;
- .
Hussey Hanna &Do, do do Ife3dikarlyB
rs..irik - ittcrn-r. ions D. tom.. k. a 160.041. a.
MAtitTFAC • URERS of Hammered and Cast Steel
Shovels and Spade', Axes and Ifatehelk Mill,
Cot Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Manure Ports.
Hoes. ktattmlee, Picks, See., hating completed all Mete
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
and ut securing the best workmen from the most cele
brated camblishments ofthe East are now noannfactnr
ing and will keep constantly an band and for wle all
the above article., having availed theinselve• of the
latest improvement., and are determined that in work
manship and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce. antic to equal, if not superior, to
any that can be hod In the Ear. They invite the men
tion of dealers to an examination ef their stock before
surehuing elsewhere, aa they are motioned that they
will be able to fill all orders in then line to the enure
satiafaction of parches... VV•rebiatiae, Water street,
4 doors Wes Nfoliongahela House, Pittsburgh, Ph
N. EL—Persons having budne. with 'Wm. Upper
coat& Beo wt please esll on Uppeneott k Co.
_ _
JAMES W. woorrwmt. -
Pittsburgh Furniture Were Rooms,
83, sumo mars.
A large and splendid asurtrunt of Muni
tore, mutable for Steamboats, Hot:la and pri
vate dwellings, constantly on hind am/
made to order.
The present stook on band eannot be exceeded by
any mumfactuy in the western golliktry. Persons
wishing to porchase world do well to give me a call,
ns lam determined my prices gull plena. Part of
the mock emettiosin— •
50 sofas with Flub and Rah-cloth wears;
• do: Mahogany Nurse Chairs;
14 pair Div - ansi
15 do: Gne mahogany Chair;
L 2 mahogany Work Stands:
3 dos mahogany Rocking Chant
Mt marble top Dreaming Bureau;
8 peon Qum:Sans;
4 marble tap Work Sumas;
10 cherry Work Stands:
Mahogany. Mani, Cherry, an d Poplar Bedsteads of
11l de•cnpuonn and • large asurtment of common
forature and chain, too numerous to mention.
T H the...hi— EY, how coars hwohr how Rightfully
hoty injurious it is le
e, sough, yel.
low and unlicaitay the Ain how appears Idler using prep".
pared chalk. Resides kis iniutmas containing a large
tpaanuty of iced!
We have prepared a heautilul vegetable article,
which we call fON'ES' SPANISH LUX WHITE. It
is perfectly amors.w. bemg purified of Al demon°us
qualities: and a imparts ko the "du a natural, healthy.
Wabash". clew, Loin,' wallet st the same ume acting
as a cosmetic as Me skin, making it and smooth.
Dr lames Anderson Practical (lemon of Massa.
chaser's. saym . ..After Lalyzing Jones' Spanish Lily
Whim, I find tt posseeses the most beautiful and natu
ral. and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I
tenantry can omiscienteausly recommend its use to all
whose skin requires beaunfpng " Price, CS Cent, a
box. Sold by WM JACKSON. ..3 Liberty st. mar. 4
Pitt Manhine — Ureiks and Fain.
PrTllll.lOll PA
TORN WRIGHT& Co.. ore prepared tobuild Canon
0 and Wooten Machinery of ever. description, mien
• Carding !tlariattes, Spinning Frames, Speeders
Drawing Frames. Bellamy Heads. Warner., Spoolrrs.
Dreutng Pram., LOOT 4, Card Grinder. Le Wrought
Iron Shannag,turated, all sues of Gast Iron, Pulite, and
Hangers of du !atettt pattrro. clad.. and hand lathe.,
and tuola dad kind. Waiting, of every deft-option
Cumulated on short notice. Paderns made to order for
Mill Gaarang, iron nallarts_&.c. Steam Pipe for beat.
ang Farm:trim C.:astir. Window Saab and Caney Cu.
tangs generally Orton lot at the Warehmure of i.
Palmer 6. Co, LihetM , street, will hare prompt Orion
Refer to Black:Noe& Bell& Co., J. K. -Moorehead &
Co., 6. E. Warn., John lrwtn & done. P.tubargh, O.
C. & J ll:Warner, Steubenville. AMP
JOSEPH %VOODWF,L,L. corner a
Wood and SJ sts.. Pinabargh. Hay
tag srschdrawn from the firm of
Mahar au• Vaudsrel I, on Mu Ist of Jumary, 1647, I
lake pleasure on annnulwing to my friends In the may
and country. that I have opened my new stom at the
above named plane lismns porchlmod my good. for
cash, and made arrangements with manulacturem to
thts country and is Eumme to be constantly supplied,
I am fully prepared to funnel: Hardwme of all Irusda,
on as good terms and as low as any house East or
MV Merelmots and others are respectfully minted
to all and examine my stock. before purchalung else
where. The following comprises a pan of ht. stock:
Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun trummnga,
(Jan, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge molt, a ells, vices,
locks, latches. w pies, butt lunges. screws, Umon Vac.
tory planes. saws Mahogany boards and veneers, and
all other ankles e beeted well the hardware bust.
nc merlin!
_ .
City Daguerrlsts fiCwllary.
THIRD oachT, roarnettl
rm e. cti.Dtho.
SIIOS,E Legs leave to Info the mu... of Pitt,
• burgh and ocunty. that he ha• taken We Duce,
nen Rooms ;may occupied by Mr. Porter. .The pub
,. d :net all die late cameo...a:tents are secu
red, r and snit be brought ono operetton by Mr Hoge.
who ha been • constant operator since the art wi n
firm discovered. Pollee satisfaction is guaranteed to
all who may become his patrons. Mr H. moll refer
veldt pleasure to Ale. Porter, in whose establishment be
has operated for the lut twelve months Family Por
trait, Engravings, Daguerreotype, &a, accurately
copied Likenesses mamma any weather, and set ta
lockets, bream pine rases and frames
Instrucoons given to ever) bran., of the art, and aP
paret. furnished tel-tf
Penn Ibtahlithii Shop.
HWIG HTNIAN-blanufaet ure r orall kinds of rot.
. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa
The .hoc sod
being now in full and successful op.
entice, I am prepared to execute orders won dispatch
(or all kinds of mactunery in my hue, such ea willow,
pickers, spreaders, cards, an:Misty :neckties, ran way.,
drawing frames, speeders, throssits, looms, woolen
cords, double or single, for Inetchent or country Work,
mules, picks, fee. ands and hand lathes and tools in gen
eral MI kind. of Mooting made to order, or plans gre
en for gearing factories or mdls at reasonable charge.
Rll9ll TO—Kennedy, Ch il d.. k Co., 131Belthlock, Bell
,k Co.. King, Pennock &Co ,11. A Gray
. /BELL - AKTD IntAilfiro ilit Y.
A FULTON, Bell and Bre. Pounder, h. re.
bolt and commeneed business at his old nand,
4 01 ,
where he will tot pleased to see has old custom
ers and frwods
Church,Swambout, acid Bells of every sire, from 10
to IUO alO pound., east from patterns or the most appro,
ed model., and wntranted to he of the best maternal.
Mineral Water Fimps.Couuters. Rolling, 5c... toge
ther with tottery car sty of Brims Castings. if ragweed,
turned and hushed In the mown manner.
Al F is the sole proprietor of Claserr's AATI-ATTII-
Tno. Murat, so /only celebrated for the reduction of
&tenon in machinery.. The Bogee and Competition
ran be had of him trail times ally
Ploughs. Plough Chaiiiaglirilro{Ttiun
Bozos, to.
HOBERT /FALL, of the old
firm of FL 39. Hall, is =muffl
wring Ivr qua n t ties of
Ploughs, Plough Clamp, Wag
on boxes, ke n math the improvement. of the Leaver.
Peacock, Illinois, sod other Ploughs, of the latest sod
hest patterns DOW 1111160.
Warehouse, I.oo'Llberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite
the Hay Seale; Factory, b Allegheny city, new the
Colton Factory of Messrs. illeeketook, Bel, &
rrii i i3 cam eciartn n etstu . s
. heretorof;t , , extsunnt
name of Jobn Parma & Co., 4 thi amvel s
day dewhed by mu
tual consent. The business or the late brm will be so t
iled by. John Parma at the warehouse of the Boatmen's
- - - - -
The business basules‘ of the flootown'b Line will bareallor be
boodueted by Farrrn S Lowry. at Ike same placc.—
Thankful for past faverbs, we soLleit a of
• • •
1!1!7,1? -w'
steamer Michigan, 5 bele Mineral Pan. The ar
ticle to worthy of the considenitiou of all patine., for
it is of a stone color, ar.if run be added with any other
color without changing the shade materially. It is •
great wiring. and Ivies app! ed to wood it will tura the
paint to a perfect .tune surface in the course of some
, I or 5 weeks Alto, it is a complete fire proof—the ar
ticle has been fulls mated for sir years by the people
tom before they would offer It for tale Auy person
purchasing mil not be deceived in the article. A large
quantity will kept on hand nt all times, at the Duna
Rubber and 0,1 cloth Depot, J& II PHILLIPS,
Della Agra fonds company, No 5 wood at
and for side, wholesale or retail
A mandtne Soup: I Hazel out Oil Soap;
Phillmotne; I Alelbiade Oil 2 sizes,
edlr.T.'d Oz Marrow; I Bollo,(transpirodd)
Almond : 4 1onvIng Cream; 15.1111 01t
Beam tirenso; I l'alom Omnibus BONN
Cologne, 3 sizes;
Taylor i Perfume;
Jewry Lind Ponimie:
E ELLERS,.3:o 37 wood st.
M. D.,
FrHAI.]IIc SCIIGEON mill attend to the treat
ment of axes of the Ey e.
Qh. Ihm
h. 11. has been engaged m is branch of the medi
cal proresaton for stamen year; and has conducted an
establishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye
alone tor several years.
. _
Orrice and residence, Corner of Sand:HlT It end
Sumwbetry alleydillogneny city. actl3
. .
Dr. McLane la Tennessee.
THIS ts to certify that I purchased one vuel of Dr.
j Manned Nem lepecifw some rwo months ago
mid gave to awn 01 June, some seven years old, two
esaapoons fall, and although the amount may appeu
arge, est I have no doubt but there 1000 upwards of
two 111.' , 17.r0 Weems passed from him, Aseastinug
tom =a quarter of an mob to two Inches Mag.
Hoods Creek Carrot ea Tann Dec 27 , 1 8 47 . 1. 2 4
viIOWIISE4 , ID'd SARSAPARILLA—db a., of dun
A great :wring and summer medicine, MU day reed
sad for sale wholesale and mall, by
N. B tf.. E. S. Is Dr. Towne:sod'. only agent for
Putsborgh, the go:tun:mm . lWe may always be had ai
No 17 Wood 011004 coyly
etiAlrkl97t - il) CA--4;IIIERES—South a Johnston,
ki 46 ?docket street, would blow, the attenruon o f
buyess tothety mock of French Cloths and Cessonereto
Cs% Fitment's fancy Cesa.ttneres, Satinets, Tweeds,
II Win ilid Silt Vedic's, Tallon'ltimakings,
-- • .
TOOT being received and neWopenine at ALEXAN
DER & DAY'S, No 75 Market street, .rthwest
corner of the Diamond, • veil WT. and splendid *Wok
of fall and winter Dry Goods, to,witich they would ns
spectfully invite the attention ofrhe ;Whitt. It is well
known to almost every one thailhe present season is
one distinguished for its low pales Dir Goods, and
it affords us great plemare In tug Able to Mate that
owing to our great (aching. fok that !impose. (one of
the firm residing in Piiladelphstic)tave been ena
bled to petrel.. our present suck at a — considerable
reduction from the usual marke ranee. eheilip m they
are, and we are therefore enabled to tell tic correspon
dingly lower than the mind price. We. week ther e, fore invite all cash buyers by . WholeMla py reta,h,.Ao
give us a call, and lay cot their menu to the beead
The Lad ofiv ies h... shoul d d s cal udi. l and stock of
Merinos, &O. Berubasio and veno Caahioe ea,
us other
of fashionable Doses Goods, of Which we have
very fine userthient, Including °rely description of
those goods in the market.
we would recommend our stockof au r French Cloths
and English, Preach and Amen°. isaimeres.
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS Is very large, embra
cing minion every variety of styli) andpnality.
HATTENI7TS4--CH which we have In excellent to
aortment, and of allapparitien.
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannela of all
qualities and prices.
TICKLNGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment
of Tiokints of all grades, and Shirting Checks in greet
ololfalmo.t every demnpuon of the shave goods, in
' eluding Sheeiuge of all widths.
ALSO—A fine stork of Patin Vesungs, Silk and Cot.
ton Velvets, both plain and figured, Kentucky Jeans.
plaid Linseys, plaid and tette' , figured Clotting amf
cloak Linings, bleached EMI unbiesetteld Table Diaper,
both li nen and cotton, bleached Mal iniblemhol Table
cloths, bleached and unbleached Canten
cdrd dodo, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbonu, blk and eoPd
silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs and: emelt. Glue. and •
Hosiery of all kinds, Sespendere, huh Limn. Linen
Lewes, Linen Hdk(t, Silk do, tills Lacd Veils, Lore do
aid adkts, Oil Chintzes, Russia and 'Scotch Doper,
ensah, Linen, plain striped and barred Ymonets, Cam
bric and Series Mnttin. , Vieterial.awna, Green Bare
gee, Ike.
Inerrehmin rutting the city for the pantos. of laying
in their IlOpplies, should not fall to give use call, as
they will find our goods and poem such m cannot fail
to .vu t their purpose ALEXANDER & DAY,
sep*) 75 martin sy N W cos Diamond
The New Golden neWinv•
Neap Pall and Winter Dry
1111ifT received and now opening, al the alga of the
1) Bto Hoe Hwv, on hlarkekertiret, Letweer , rThlrd and
Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapest and beat
assorted stocks of Fall and Whatin Dry Goods ever of-
Erred in Pittsburgh, to whieh the attention of our nthi
morons customers and the ptiblingenerally, is respect
fully invited, as the subscnber ill confident that he can
, oder each bargainsin Dry Goods as cannot be sue
' passed by any other house mine eau.
As these goods have been purchased at prices far
below those of any former wawa, they will besoid at
greatly reduced rates.
Among this large and splendid stock wilt be found
many choice and desirable goods at extremely low
Very rich and most faahlonable dress silks plaid and
striped black wont; striped and plaid silks, plain black
very Blowy or. de Shine; Olin black rich home; Ins
tring, Olt for Wanes, manufts and capes at very low
prices newest designs and !abaci style" cashmeres;
plain and satin striped earthmen', very cheap, French
merino all colors de ,sine., plainendAgunidand satin
striped, at mat reduction on former pnces gala, Cal
ifintua and ewhmete plaids Mohair and Monterey
plaid., all qualities tapiocas, etudities and colors
from 114 to 75 cents per yerd.
Flne cashmere, berkerie and brcletwahawle
Slut embroidered cabmen aradde brine shawls.
Fine Tibbet and de Sue do
Fine black and colored cloth . do
. . • •• .
Fine quality Wag, very choap do
Phtio black and plaid silk, very' cheap do
A large lot plaid blanket shawls from 76 cent. to 13,
all vrool.
. -
Good dark calico from 3 to d eta Ter yaoli
Beat quality dark calico from 8 to 10 cents;
Yard wide purple do, 134 eta;
Good yard wide bleimbed muslin 4 to el;
Bed uskuip and cheeks, an prices;
Blankets, from costae to beat quality, very cheap;
A full assortment of red, wkum and yellow flannels;
Setinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Keneys. Linsey., etc,
etc, etc, •il of which will be sold at reduced rates, at
No Mr Market at. .v 4 wm RUSSELL •
FALL °dont.
•• - -
W. ? Li st rl otTk °C ob ' ell o l 7 E4Tr ' i,
one of the largest assortments ever brought to the m trey
Set watch bare been purchased -direct from the Ito
porter. and Manufacturers of the later and newest
styles. and lower in price thtm ever offered in this city,
to which he moues the attention of those svistiag to
furnish steamboats or houses before purchasing else
where. The stock consists ' ln part of the following
variety., vti
Rich A timnust Carpets; Chianti' Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plain co:gored do
do Tapestry do 24 (eat antic
do Brussels do 9-4, 7-1,6-4, 4-4 Zs oil oloth
Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rods
Super do do 12-4. P-4 and 9-4 Dragon%
do Ingrain do Stair linens
• •
wide do do Ros e wo od Oil Cloth
Common do do crumb Cloths
4 - 4, 3-4 /... 4 Damask Erabowiod Pisitto covens
Veltman do do Table do
4-4, 3-4 &4 t wild do do Figured Table Oil cloths
4-4,3-4 Al plain do do TurteS Red Toilenett
4-4, l. I, j re. 3-4 cot. do Adelaul Mat. e-4 printed coeton Carpets; Sheep skin do
Extra sup Chenille Russ; Jute ' do
do do Tufted do Alimum do
Fine do do Manilla Ramp
Wilton do do Bum+ &op Napkins
Crimson fig'd Ellieh, DeopeeTowelling
ram du Crash
Drab 61 Cloth F-4 and 6-4 Table Linens
Blue do, for coach tern's.. Trans Mt Window Stuoies
Carpet Bindings Extra French do do
Wost d cord. Mtn Einun de Lames for
do Tassels window curtains
Scarlet, blue, crimson, black and drab Damask.
figured rainbow Damask. worsted and linen Table
covers; blue. crimson, eeariet, green, drab and black
filament; cotton Flushes of all colors, ks . he. tr.e.
Also, Oseseburgs and Drellengs (or steamboat deck,
and all other trimmings necessary. for Oillfita for boats
en our line, to which the especial auenuon of owners
es invited W WCLINTOCK`B Carper Wareroom ,
one door from Waite. on Fourth 01 wip2l
4.LEXANDER & DAY have just received a line
usortment of the following dewermumi of tau on
•blei goods, the, greater portion Of which have been
Lought et Auction, and will he sold at great bargains.
FLANNELS—Red, whits and yellow Flannels, •
very large mid complete assortment- and very cheap.
SATTINFITS--A very large lino( blue, black, MY
mix, grey and goad into Satuilets, at very low prier,.
ALP ACAS— PI min blk Alpaca; plaid and striped do,
fanny plaid and striped do, cheaper than ever.
FANCY SILKS--A splendid astoruneut of rich
changeable Silks, both plain and Sg'd, of Almon every
SHAWLS—A very superior a...smear of super
Rroche. Pans printed, Tasked, and Cashmere Shawls,
at pnces far below the ordatery rates.
Also, n large aascrunent of English Merinos, Cub
and Gala Plaids blue, blk and grey Pilot Paths,
for overcoats: tub CIRMILMOIGN capon Damask, Lawn
do, Kentucky Jeans, act be, la all of which we invite
the attantloa or the public.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 market at,
N W enr of the diamond
FH. EATON & Co, having rentofed &vim ?darted
. Street to their new Store, No eI T elm.. be
tween Wood and Market, no otter Veramt their Fell
stmk of Trimmings and Variety GoWs, among which
ate—Cloak and Ores. Friiiket of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimp. and Velvets;
Embroidery and Needle Wort;
Zephyr and Tapestry wormed (Manilla Floes;
Steel klairtl and Parse., Steel Trimmings;
Lakes htenno and Silk Veins, end Mowery;
Children.' Coats, Gaiters, Mitt., Gloves an d Hosiery;
Gents Shirt., Endereitirts, Onvers, Weaning Gowns,
Wool and Cotton Yarn; •
Dreasca, of latest patterns, estitch Chop of
far at low prices both wholesale and eclat oot4
F. II Earon W P. dtaltrasu-
- -
CARPETING, 0/.11 . CLOTHS, &a.
No. 76 Foam, Scum.
ONE of the largest and the moat cholcre Cock of
CARPETING in the market, enabrecnos all the
usual qualittoa from the Basal approved inanolactories,
that have been tested for dosalltV la fabric and co-
Tat,escry valuer Ctrpelinc
do Brussels. do
Extra sdp 3 ply do Extra unerulle Rug%
Toned do
Sup Ingrain do Wilton do
Fite do do Bras's/. do
Common do do •
Mannfacweed a order to new patterns; adapted to
pa, lore, bwetoetta and eb.4bers.
Painted Oil cloths (or dialog room., engries., e c cd
hale., kitchens, &e.
Straw Matting , S tairi Rodi, Window. Shades and
COMM and Woollen Booking, from one third to three
yards wide. Door Mats, &o. ha., to which the atten
tion of purchasers at wholesale and retail is respect
fully invited. IVareroom, one door from Wood st.
113,1,,ACK ALBac Murphy 0e
upp imolai attention of buyers to his assorunent of
Above. Goods, having selected them with rest care, in
rc Terence to their glossy finish and good body for win
ter use. Also,
MOHAIR LUSTRES, common, medium and saPar
fine quaint., including a few pieces Jet bidet, adapted
for mourumg purposes. Also
riety ef satin stripes, plaids, and brocades. some of
which are very superior. As these goods have been
bought directly from Importers, ihey can be sold 11l the
lowest possible prices. ,
To ha had also by the ;dace, WhoLasnle Rooms up
stain, at • very /11.11 advance on cost Gels
DRESS GOODe—We h a v e received a bill stock
af Dress Goods, among which may be Imlnd--
Plain black and figured /Limas;
Colored sad fancy plaid do
Oregon, California, Qneen„Orleass a^d Lortibardine
Plaids; plate, colored and figured Clubrooms
" de Lathe;
Falk, Tartan and laid ealloneres; together mrith a
largo us.ortmern of other dress goods, all of which will
be cold low by be piece or package.
ItEC - O'llM AT W. AI'CLINTOCK'S Carper Ware.
hon., 73 Fourth stmt.—
p. 6-4 rosewood col'd Table O.i Cloth.;
3" 64 rich duk " • "
3 " 64 "
The above are a superior quality, elasticity of fin
ish, of moot beautiful rob's% and abetting, intended for
furniture, counter and table 'covering. non .
Airtime's now opening Ina REWND SUPPLY'
of Winter Goode, including a variety of shadeo of
Drab French Merinos, •
.. . .
Scarlet, cherry., and other high colored Merieocai
Maga:bre b oe dee brown do
Also, PARISE:WAR of came colors; Alpaccas, Ax.,
with many other deurablo roods thau am .art scarce,
01l of wiaolt and be so/d very e..p, ~ wni, ~,,„
oar of ash and Market au oohi)
Johnson en Market street, would Invite the env,
uon of &Winn and Whereto their choice abeekotLinen
Citalime Hdkfti W linen, from 0/ cta up to *0,46, tart,-
ding e•orp variety of tape hindered, hemmed, witehed,
clear lawn, with deep corded borders, Reuter, embroi
dered and colored bordered: oct2El
rriBirkEFITINF,;:4O bbti Seer Trtintine, in fine or-
I der. met received and for WM*
am. J 801100 Id4ACEIL I Co
VOL. XVI. NO. 96
_Potent Grad:Wei Galmmo S Ikattery and Pastas
In.lnfoteri Past for Maud and Maw pesepo... ,
THIS is the only in s trument of the kind th at has ever
been presemed to due country or Ramps forms&
I purpose, and it the only son ever known to num,
by which the galvanic acid mut be Conveyed to the has
mull eye. the eat, the brain, or loan) part of die body,
either externally or internally, it • definitegeode
strOOIII, without shocks or path—with perfect wifely—
and often volah th e happiest effects.
This imponantapparanta is now highly .proved of
by many of the 01041 omicron playtime. of thissotta.
try void &trope, to whonrthe afflicted Old others whom
irmay coerce MI CAT he referred; Reference win mile
be given to many highly respectable eiffeens, who bays.
~,,,,,,,q ueeq by mermen(' this most velnable appetites
of sawn of the mostinveieratenervomidisorderriehlek
could not be removed by any other known means,
Among various others, It ha s been proved to be ad-'
curably adapted for the cure of th e Wowing diseases,
vim nervous headache and other disease, of tile bract
It is with than apparatus ale. that the onerator can
convey the marmite Said with COM and safety as the
eye, to TOROOIO sight., or tare am/menses; to the ear to
restore heating: to the tongue and other organs, to re
store speech; and to 00 Iflflo. parts of the body, for
the rum of chronic rheomaffsta asthma, omtealp e , or
tic dol.:cum parattata, or palsy, gout, cholas, or 9t
Vi dance, epilepsy . , weakness from sprain, soma
diseases peculiar to temal,e, contraction of the Limb.,
lockjaw, me. eta.
Rights for surrounding cmontes of Wager.Pa, and
portiere, with the instrument may be purchased, and
also tested for the mire of disease,,
Flail inuritetion- will be given for the various cher*4
calm to he used for varietudiseases, and the hest man
ner for operating for the cure of those diseases will al
, so be folly expl tined to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into his hands expressly for these pu rposes, care
folly,,Tl',""d b yB th
WILLIAMS, Vit"sT, of
burgh. -
.1[10.11T'11f1111.10919 .11121.0DEXPAL
TOUR H. MELLOR. No at Wood street, is th e pie
vi agent for Carbon's Patent Melodeon, a new and
beautiful instrument, exceedingly well adapted the
small churches or family worship.
For the benefit of those residing at a distanc e, and
consequently amble to lIIVOCI the Ittelodcan• before
parcheatng, the following description is given
The eases are made of rosewood, end am as hand
somely flushed as • Piano Fans, The key -board Is
precisely the same as the piano or organ, and the tone,
hich Ls very beautiful,/ closely resembles that of the
date stop of . organ. The 10.41 . 11420111 e. be hams.
diately made portable wi th out detaching any pan, the
bellows receding into the body of the itutrunient, and
dm legs foldiug under, leaving the whole in a open
knot Each Intoroment has a packing ease, and the
whole when packed weirhs only egrpoonde. the vol
ume of tone le equal to that, of a email organ, and by
mean, of the swell may be incteaied or diminished at
plessure; it a sufficiently load forma. churches,- and
is well calculated fort parlor instrummit.
Jost received, a supply of the above: price, with
cam andlnstmation Book, S SD. bog
lble Filterlag Cook,
Which readers turbid water pure by
r.M.IIIK all mammon. not soluble tojo - r.r.o , toter. Thu melon seater in N. Foca,
r a :Pte * a ' g t
I t . ' pease. ' ew
she pore
r% e l y h N
N. IV iltering eoCk, shown a large depoult
Impure substancei, worms, Ike. Ws
'suite casemore or loss with all hydrant wager. •
The Resemble Piltorer is neat and durable, and se
not attended with the locorteanionee Incident to other
Filtarers, as it as cleansed without being detached from
the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handle
from one Ode to the other. By this easy process, Me
course or ‘oates Is oh. Nod, and all accumulations of
impure substances are dnven off almost instantly,.
without Unscrewing the Filter. It' also poetesses the.
ads tag of being a mop cock, and as sunk he many
cases will be very convenient and CCO.Miell.
It can be attached where then Is any pressure high
or lore to a cask, tank; sob, he. Witham. To be had
of the sole Agent, WOW. WILSON,
oca7 —
corner of Fourth and Market sts
Dllapturteigeee lifilltserr e Aar Hydrant Water.
THIS Is to certify that 1 hasp ap
. pointed Livingston, Roggen k Co,
Sole Agenta for the sale ofJenning's
Patent Diaper Filter, for the ei•
• ties of Pittebn and Allegheny.
for Walter Al Gibmon, 149 Broadway,
N. T.
Ont. 10,
We have been using one of the above article. at the
°Mee of the Novelty Work, for three 'ninths, on trial,
and feel perfectly wombed that lt.Ls a useful taverciton,
tad we take pleasure in recommending them as a 11110.
tut oracle to all who love pare orater. Orden will bo
dlankfally received and promptly executed.
________ .
_ .
..r.c.,l.lj"oa",f,':?l.l‘' re-o pen ' the
for the rec re o e t pt a ll of pu l lt/h e ,
1/I {ilk same tullthogs, No. Si Liberty terser, on the let
Nlotiday of September.
r a n geAment. hove been made by witch they be tarnish youog ladies 1.0. M. equal Many
no the West. for obtointug it thorough English, Cass.
cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Ml
limphleal and Chemical Lectercs will be %fellyneed
daring the winter. illustrated by apparatus. pull de.
pansunteta of Vocal end lestrammual Mona. .Modem.,
tultlypagea, Drawing and Punting, etmh be Mule,
the care oftteyinapeleat Professor. Ay close attention
to the mond and mellecesal Improvement of their pw
pile, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they have Millen° enjoyed. For
tett., soe cireWar or apply to the Pnecipals.
TO MA lE Re pqar
g HAVE as. which canoot be siu.passed, fo neon, tablishment o( martufactones of Wool,. o.n. Iron,
Wass, or any o th er business requiring coal It is ad.
pawing my tarok - Haricot," on the blonwigatteta
Mere is erected on the lot a large Building, in which
is erected a steam engine of IS Inch cylinder, three
boilers, &r., a saw mill, and a small pair of 0411 stones.
the ranks.). (thin my coal mine passes witßai a few
yards. I invite persons wishing to engage
aturing, to vont th e place and examine Its edmvitw.
ges. I will sell it at • low rate; or if suitable parts,"
sould offer, would be willing to put th e propeny bpim
ock to thine mint concern. If further information n
desired by thy one, d may be had b applying to my
ion. Tit. H. Baird, Jr. at Harlem, t o J. N. Patterson,
Wood Wert, Pittsburgh, Or 10 myself, in the large
"rick building called " rite Roand Corner," Wareing
os, Pa. bov2-ddikerlt TH li. LAIRD.
WEST - R — H
1 7 FAC1URY.—The subscriber !ekes thus mesh.'
of Informing has friends aud the public in general Mat
le has the. largest sto-k Of the followlng named ern
es. of hts own manufneture ta Mit city —Saddles. Bar
atta, Trunk• and Wave. all of whim he will warrant
to be made ante beet material and by the best ;mell
owest to Allegheny county. Being determined to sell
late masonic tures oom-tang lower then has beep here
tofore sold by any omit.' extahlishrnent in the eity,
he would seene persons to need of the above named
ertselea to his wareltowse, No. 044 Lsberty street, oppo
site Sewenth. Also bands mad.. to order for machine
omt.lo. y G. KERBY.
Cooper Duplex Arad Lever Watches,,
J CST resented and for axle at
greatly reduced pries., five genu
ine F Cooper, LUltheape urn, Gray's Inn, Road London," Di
tties and Patent Lever Watcher, eased in IS karat
told, and full Jewelled, with Chronometer balances.
these are now Mr finest
the C
be aspen
.in finish and accuraey to the AI. jays., Joseph
Johnson, or any other make. Those in wain of a very
tine watch are invited to call and examine Chia lot.
Also. a large unarm-tent of Gold and Silver Watches,
C' LltPF ' ite ah lk ge lllMl• k' repalred in the best manner.
0.24 corner 4th and Market at.
/I. Xenophon's Menten - abilia Of Socraum,with Eng•
hen floret, critical andidarglantoory, the pro le omens
of Kunner, neyeel Lire - Of Secrete., etc: by Charles
Author', L L 1.1.. ?natanty of the °reek and Latin !an
tonym In Column/4 College, Now York, and. Rooter of
the iinuomax School. Jusl reed and for sale by
0ci.20 Bookse H llers. cot k &
il and Market sis
PHY, Sc. WirdAspoi has opened a Sighs
Sabool in h is sehoolloom, corned 014th and Perry sts ,
entrance on Fourth, Where he will he barmy to !moan
instruction to the arksof Reading,. Peroaanelnp, Anth
intim, Rook Keepirrg, Phonography, Ice. oeo-dtzet
QTEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Hernia , concluded to sell
k] oil' our entire stock erfOrke's Shrine Timepieces,
we now oiler to sell thereat lower prices that; they can
be bought at any house in Piusburga or gl o werhere,
east or went Being the only established agents here
foe them clocks, we are the /sieges& and bawl amort•
went in the city. Call and we.
Remember, we are not to be imderedial
tn•Kea CP4Mithph ntroni,
entrince on north glattrof theDiannond
MASOITOSOIIt Of Cornelius}. Co's celebrated manu
facture, and superior to all others/. use, adapted to
churches, stearaboatc factories, dwellings, pub!c and
private halls, and to nil other =es where a cheap, safe
and bed:Lent light Is desirable.
Also,Oinendoles, H.ll Lantetns, Candelabrae,Globes,
Shudes, Wiens, Chitanieu Cana, Trimmers, &o. Alms
Gas Chmdeheta, tram one to four lights.
°can CV IV %%OLSON, 43 market st
Scales, Cooking Stotts's, aaaaa &a.
ARSRA-LL, WALLACE tr, CO, Round Chards,
in corner Liberty and Wood street', Rom
and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Scales,
alio most improved quality; Cookingkoses, for wood
and coal; Egg Stoves of various steer, Plor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware , he. &o. T ae y also
manufacture the Kitchen Range. srtuchAsa &mg %%KA
general tatilisetton to those haring ii in use, Wall of
whtch they would respectfully invite, dub agtaratlon. of
the cuasetts um:11141102 generally. uggp„,gy
Watches, Jewelry, Le. --
COILS. or lifastrrT aNtto POttOrtlOrllCL-ri, Prrrstranir.
rplt.. 51.11OKaltto , has returned from the Fist, and is
now opentng a large and carefully selected stock
of Good. to ht, nue Oimenf for past liberal patron
age. he hopes to merit a eontinunnee thereof, by illti
geeee to bastusta, and keeping the seas &sacrament,
stud •1 the most reasonable prices. Friend., custom,
ars, arid the pewter geacrelly—isartleolerly sojourners
ristung the COY from. distance, s:0 invacd to call and
examine my largo stoelt of goods.
oath W. W wnsoN.
lA, °NISI-At/. UL AR ILI VAL.—Da. Towstatsfo 7 . Sas-
If V sasaaita.a.-1.600 bottles of this great fell and
winter IIIedICLUO, rev:lived sod (or sale by R. S.
SELLERS, Agent for Pittsburgh, of wham the
. anoint, ankle can be had eadda
UM ELASTIC CLUTHINU-111 dor Ourn Ifiade
1,3 Overcoats le do Jackets, Edo pars Yaws, 6do
do Leggings, of 4 dafereut kinds, IU do storm Hat., g
do Capes, MW and welieurt Wawa: inst Re fi tted by
en LIIIITaa and for slide whole•ate and retail, at the
Klee. We unsh n m Li• understood dm, h
firs are buying from first hands, that buy at the
Robber 6 Wood sweet
Amy INVALIDS.— Dr. Sannines u runnsoon
Sense" on Health, Physical Mutation, and Human
voice, as based upon the mechanical phnosophy of
murexishrsteal cons:
moon, being the substaAce of Mg
lectures en the above sobleco recently delleeml is
tins city. For sale by R HOPKINA,
oello . Apolle Holldiag , 4111
APPIEION with a small capital,, p 414 gpiwy mcd .
ant the basin's, to tar en Mares; 1 . 1 , , A, h AA
llsonehl, wbe located on til Portage' 811 11SOM1.2: ,
ply al the ollmaolFnacal boy d..Csa ~ ji „ , ;4l6 : iii i_ , .
.1 of
_. .".
COTTOINI YAELY, lc--10,000 lbs CALL A A --.. .
sorted np.bers; OD balm Banta* 100dd Cltl kwAl
Wm/. &a aisle salaams auLtitei 110411. .
oottl Mier t hi - ".'