. • ,j . macovaall COMM cp.rrvEs, BE ON+ YOUII Gtr.D3pl DIL'SWASTMS COIIPOUID BUMP OF WILD TUERBT; TVZ 0111 l =XI= VOA COtlitasiplotri CouoS, Colds, A*thin., Bratt‘latht, Lit er Complaint, Spain •Bleed, =catty of Meath -4...tt1E, fain tu the Sten gad IttWOalpitation of the Heart, InactexiZav Croup, Milt. 4 0.1.• nutrition, Yore .Throstaitereaue Debi& • ty, anneal Diseases of eta Throat, • 13.utuutllaturr,•the =Kell , • fectnal and. speedy cure , • - LA Esau& kerma for any of the above Ulnae reL"n; • DE' • •••DR. SI A-YNE'S Ceinifoosmad Syrup of Wild Cherry!. This =tattled le no tom= among thoMof doubtful utility. It hue paned away from the theuisands dully launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stand higher in reoutarion, ataltebetunning more extensive{ ly used than any other reparation of medicine ever produced fort= relief of suffering man. It has been introdnced very generally through . thd United Stater and &tram and there ate fete towns,or importance bra what contain same rematkable, ovit dente of its - good affects. For proof oft= Atm surements, and of the value and eitican7 at fitil z4edlt tba . proprietor vial Insert& few of the many el nt and temonlals which have been presmated whim b men of the Stet respecuability— man who Lave big ht hews Dime= responsitilny anti instica r than to ter t tlfy to facts, because it will de an a 14w; and themselves oo injustice. Such testimony proves go. , titdvely4bu in =prising excellence, is cstabilehed by its Intro:talc merits, and the uttquesuonable =Mori. ty of yobbo opinion.• The instantaneous relief. .it wrte, and the soothing influence diffused through th e hole frame by its use, renders it a =out agreeable remedy for the afflicted. clurcallaCt. oWhen men, actitgfonCtnsoirstious onpultes, voluntarily bear testimony to the iamb ,of a dung, or particular Res, such testimony, being contrary , to their worldly interests and purposes, coerces conviction of Sts train, and commends itself Ina specieurannor =Wens! credenf.e.dr.o:Hogan:s. - • READ THE tIOPIE CESI ' IFICAi F 5. Bml. Ammizo•Cmce or Parson= COnammorm— There never was a remedy that Ims been als successful in desperate eases of Consumption, sabr. Swayee's CoMpotmd Syrup of Wild Cherry, It 411W113615. the apneas, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, arena,* new and rich bleed; power possessed by ao other medicine. Cameras Co., Apr 1125114 104$. Dr. Swayze—Dear Sin I verily th;your Com pound Elfin? of Wild Chem has been the means at !caving toy life. I caught a severe Midi which grade =warm, attended with, a severe coup that all the rehtedies which I had recourse to, mill inereasing until my ease exhibited all the symptoms of PulumnaryConannytion. livery. thing I pied reed to bees no effect, and my complaint increseed rapid ly that friends as well as myself, gave up all hopes4s my recovery. At this time I was recommended - t o your invaluable medicine' I did so with the moat hap py results. The first - bottle bed the effect to loosen cough, causing me to expectorant freely, and by the time Iliad used six bottle al was eatirelyare.ll, a nd am new as hearty a min a as I ever was in thy life mid waste be happy to give any information respecting my othersdasp, than g uLler 7.7 I,FluZthth.oti meat „ t ".. i t which , I refer you to Peter Rush, Grocer, Wein Cluster, Pa., of whom I pareluised the medicine. Yomo, J•auis r. 111141rontiesful Can ili F fira 2 XU o Altimeter: Dr. Bwuytie—Dear Sir I feel a debt of ouitude due to you—and a duty to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sk ew of Wild Merry. Some three years knee I was th cold and in tlemomation of tie violszuly whr 'd w s 'i accompanled with a rheum" Mpain in the breast and head, a verj cormide ‘ ra " . huge of offensive menu froth the labs, espe upon clomp of weather however slight. At f c g i t i f Rite o alarm abort my ccoldition, hit was pretty soda convinced that Ivrea rapidly going into emistunp. don. I grow daily weaker, and at length was, ammo ly able to walk about, repeal above a whisper, audit was th,,agcceding steamea of my longs.- Daring this time I had uird various preparations and preemptions, tog found m r ejd..gtosring all the time worm. Jut bore kwas advised and persuaded by a dear ftiend in Wilmington to make trial of your Ely.p of Wild Cher ry. I moat confess that previously I had b.n preju diced against patent reetlteinm,_ and I am still won't those Mining out of the hands of emperici, but under standing your claims to the profession and mactimof methane, and having implicit faith In the eaying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shave, one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced its use. My dis use was at that time of 20 or 25 months , standing, coo. - soquently it was deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the ese of the first lose or five bottles. But being a public speaker, I fiequently at tempted to preach with nty Increasing Strength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that had already begun to heal; to this way, doubtless, my cure wan great r etarded. In consequence of acdng thusimprodecaly. I had to me twelve or fifteen bottles berate 1 was per fectly metered. I have no question, a mach mallet heather of bottles would have made me signed, but for the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the ever ish habit, took away the distressing cough, put a m or , to the dischargiof Matter from the lungs, end gave them and the enure system good health: d e g„, red tasti p ng this certificate until now,' for the mow. of being erfeCtly sardefied with the permanency of the elm, and now th at I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. Rev. J.T. Joimax. Dublin county, N. C. Important Cantiorr—Road! Read! There te but one senator, preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swint" the first ever offered to the public, witicCtlas been sold largely throughout the veiled States some parts o and el pre- Ceen . p Q trt on c tt i l d ee b ans, under the ' eoler Wild or .b e e d n e T e deceptive ireunuitancea in order to give eurrency*their e soles. ve By a little observation, no person need Mamba the genuine from the Was. Each bottle of thegenuine is owseloped with a bountiful steel engraving, with the Likeness ofWillism Penn thereon; also, pe, aignatimet and as further security, the potash of Dr. lihnorne will he added hereafter, so as Ito thstiMpriah his preparatiortinam all others. Now, Lilt was Slat for the great curative properties and known limes of Dr. Swarm , . Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavoring to give currency to their Weas nosuums n by stealing the_ Mono of Wild Cheery. Remember, always bear in mind tbe name of Dr. Swayne, and be not deceived. Principal Office;berner efEtgbth andltace igeeets, Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by OCIDC.I &SNOW DEN, cur nod Wood sbq B A PAIINESTOCE & Co, nor Lt and Woad, and 6th ind Weed sue Wht 1111ORN, 5:1 Market .h S JONES, MI Liberty se JAS A /ONE% ear Hasid lad Pam staffs; JOHN /LITCH ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. ! ' °cal LfIiBIERCHANT OF THIS CITY, whir, bad beesbeesaf cted whh the asthma for four yeah, had taken every thing. His physicians constantly atten ded him, anethe bad expended over two Monsand dol. lan He never believed in advertised reedicous, but considered them all humbug.- tit Ma he wed Dr. Moines Halsettrof liverwort, Cram 73 Beekman street, New York, earn six weeks was entirely slued, hav ing taken' eel three both.- The is only ono amain eases where objections to patem medicine have prevented parse. from using this a vt seitlicina, who kave expended hundreds of dollars to their phonate= vain....and in the end owe their crummy to the infal lible eflcacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is mi mistake t that this medicine is . anperier to any remedy presenbed hy medical advuera medicine has taken 'O-years to mature, end is the su rest remedy for ertsev.cs ever introduced , to the public. Remreaxto Pena, Comm, sun fieuntra*or Daum Caxm,—Boffon a longjinte with them complains, I had OM FP all hope °Chong cured. I bad conault ed the botanic and hem:typeable doctors hit side- I had used articles advertised, but found Me relief. In despair I swat op the woof all retedicinci. 'Hear in of the sinus of Dr. Taylor's Salaam elUeo r aantt sod the great cures It had perfentaardOnelnced me to try it, wed to my great to and satomahutent, I was beam Way. I cendumed its nse, else his Sneer . Coated Filly amid I am entirely cond. ,Err. ' Balsam of Levenson L the bettenedichuxba the weigit i Pathan eamplaints, end Will ewe morylone SETH latriCE, Captain of the Nancy, of Near York. /manta& Ctraana—l have suffered from the Asthma a vary long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its cure in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor , . Bahonunflavereort. We medicine low affOrded mo Lux manifest benefit, tad is, in wry *lrma, a core for this distressing diseue; more comnaLy, as I know of 1 , " many cues =tonging friends, where has been tugh authresafal. Persons interested are invited to call as my residence for farther haferuundon. MRS. S. BETON, no PLUM.. et .Sold to Pilitstnargb by JD Morgan 93 Wood su J T01.1.4=445 HAMM rn H &Moen cor Huhu and ad to ay Steadman GCs, 81,Eberty PliCO minced 111,60 per bola jetid B. A. rabsuistodien AurAMlDAits Pllls. 4th'Carberie compound combines , lsmallnee. of balk b with efficiency snd eampueurc mildness of ative 'action, and taring a peddler ; tendency to the Wary organa, is exwanely valtuddeth !hi. eoun try, in whieb Warms fovea" and other Comidlinta, ai meded with congestion of the liver, so meth abound— Thsy have now mood the teat of 20 year* and espen . ca. hiss proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy in Intarrontenr. ROZWACTSI and Bilimis s avers ; /min i:Use; BUM= *the: BldillestiPuLDM DThegulT i Bilious Vamisings; Colds , and encamp Ts of . In. .111±Tmly e.haracten Tin complete .and adrenal which has been given by tibtsb tb , to all wtiThlair came land them, renders gterpub Mug of Um amorous certificates ill their favor Onnecersary. To sand coonterfiching they sm. Dent put up In l std xylem& wrapper. Prie• 25 tants for • box containing 3d Oa' Prepared and sold by B A FAIINBOTIPT_ , ' i. Co corm Id and wood.,iind also corner Viand wood alma ; 1 % • SELLERS VfililMWVoE PREFEEMMD TO ALL OT:— lainwron, Va., Oct. 14, 1848. Mr. B. E. Sallent • One of our phyrielaoy whose practice is very callre. told me this nth of • cue in which one nial of your Verwifage brought away above 80 worm; and a gentiernan in the neigh borhood said that !nu than half a vial caused the dis charge ofnear en large worms from one of his ohli .4ron. Very many of inch instances mien be stated. "MU well known about here, and almost all prefer it to any other. Send me 12 dozen and Wig! Wars, J. M. WILSON. Parente who& not with to trifle witti.heir children, use Sellers' Vennifuge Prepared and sold by II MIMMLERiII, 57 Wood sr., lag by Dr Cassel, 6th Ward; D Curry; Allegheny. tuna E:lBthiNo3 COUGH SYRUP—It pmreck to be the great Parmera is enzing my dutarenior Prom the Temperance Hatuter, Net 3 UNt Comm Ilmr.—We are art In dm habit of party, ' Minch lea 1.14 s patent 'Medicines, bet mead &cued to lootoolohd Moms - Syrup to those Who me afflict ed with • conk. Mu having tried that tuna tom' tam to ramore • eortstant and Ormolu etmgh, that had fat SOVCIIIi dam &Mimed one of our aildrenOollb• eat swum, we were induced to try hbagsa's tough = end by It relief wu obtained La a few hours. It to bar the P ooo takfn this use m ken. Prepared wham* ardt retail tt y the proprunor, JOHN D Mo ROA* Diegg a lm, wood et, I door below dram alley. EL fl lairlDtriCZ that Dr .1 sTNVS EL PECTOHANT 4 =parlor la all ails natalts for Cautbb Cressabadaailtroachltia,Sst/sts t ask, 7. ts that Cm sum pun. who assatoesl the at It is their Annilies tat yon ge. stilt pink ie w ether runnilso ado kind; sad slummy ban bum biased 1147 Slur prapuetirou tbty hoe alms tautrialsy bus =to reennag tba Imett which riar ?useably am the ILIA praise buttered by As ;styli u ot ., and Ma Waned to Inc ass of .inunit , linscratarr, sirowil7 tilt kw eau Wad la reline thert'aad iimistily MIR lad eitnal a h irediiir tr iad rat *mum . Pawed coil by' Dr D. Jaya. Pilad alphjaoan 11=31kinf ALEX. - JAYNES • 711 Fonritt it VITS PAIN ECCTRecroa wi ll , to Ave Nan. %ea from th e time of Its sopa:tha t Temoro Gm form - tho severest trarns; scalds tOr Warms, '''''-"- and will heal wounds, deers and mu of coy Ala ' IrtMons sear. Thia Table Feb Mammal. eon Do " 104 di JORND MORGAN, Grilmon, No IGCWoodirreal, - 5.7^ 5 gent rot Wawa PetatlL • BrilHE CLOTH.4on. loceingl; 6 gee.' bist Carriage Mali, frost 4to quasars vides pram* , Imam proo4and a TesTA J anbU Por st 116 ;Adis Rabbet DelaiTi Vremk, &Hraur.lPS Carns4oo begs lUD Conk:forW M= slairy kr BOB: tiggge • NEW—Lags gabber Drizikbar Cup seadvail,.2 dos lobe gabber Drifting Cap 4 :4 I b ta i t i e az • e jbaliraMe M=!, I ' Alffit.ift i : . li. Ail I - I'. i : ij OCCUMUI - - ' -;,..._.-1.,. .'- 'N . ,... .,, , -tl. • . --'n.-71-1v- - - if - - ~ .r-9 _ nit 4,141-.1.4Yr:&-ti- $ F :4l - -1973,4,.41-44,-- : ,fi ' . ' l'lM.itt- g,,.. !1 - :.,, •-';'. - " , rdii ' . ts:'.;. -....`1 • ,I 441-friY;;;,;? -ti:-. --e ' - ' l77l * . ' l lri7i±ii - c gel! •tlii_O-1171:17,-,;•-•.---1---:itAtt:.-,wa.",:,,,1-, TO•WNSEND'9 SARSAPARILLA. Maier cul BUss6g , tf sis Tye mod armardhuurliediaine to the World! 14.creet is put lip to gun AMU" U tigui'di."l 4 .....za; out earrantui lakier Co auvrold. • 11 taa sickswo ackesiog • •• Patna 'Thy eat beauty and inpaibrity ofthisfiersaperfile over OR otheratedirineeinstkatvidloit end... the di. " Invigorates. the bb4y. • his enact the my boa SPEARD AND SONlais. ILEDIC.LNFAI 'EVer Lamar it net only •pmifies the *whole system, end strenctScAsthe perediOradtt cream ampere mad rich ?Ida: a posrarpostesseAby no other And in triiilleithe'grand tent *fits wessderfW swore. It has perfivaretlirithin the last tyro yes" more than 100,000 ewe.. severe cases of disease; et least 13,000 sere . coaddered incatabbs h ha saved the Ilitescif more then WX* children daring the two p.a.... tO,OOO came of Genoral• Debility and want of Irervono Entray. Dr. T 0111.0111 1 .8 Sarcipuilla horigonteS th• whole y•torn permationtly. To thaws who bows lea their muscular enemy by th• crams of maid= or hansom. ono eourotiond in youth, or Ms immasiwo indulgence of. ,ho psaions, sad brought oria . rml phydad prilftl• 11011 of the nervous system, h owl. want ofmohition, Minting osmations,premmars decay mad tloclian hastom ing towards that fMal dims" Comomiltthom can ha en tirely moored by t or s pleassat nosi•dy. This Sm. parilla is Dr superior to any Invigornrin Cordial, A. it renews and tuvigormes the system, ern activity to the limbs, and wealth to tha muscular mum, in • most extraordinary degree. Coonsconptiou Cured. Omar and Serra:aim. Cloarraption too it eurini. Brow-Oak Cramp rioN /tow OmpLook Chlds. Oaten* Orme.; Arta, Spittisyr moot SIMILM th .II OWS, Mak Bigkl B DiAcsa or Profion & Sid Ale, i good* ratios, Nix to tio on ton sad coa is cora SPITTED; BLOOD. Ms lark April 93 1847. Da 111Y1ftrazan-4 away ballet", that year Salmi rllla hat beau the masa Omagh Paryidatma, of aa lay nava Art woad pan had a bad Cough. t bantLa o lta r i t gr alma At last I nand large a tad tea. groatly lt. Ih taxed all Woad, sad Aid to expect to Um I hay. mly =MI rtnallarapatiLla . Mat dam and than hat n trom4l4lll abatis Nauru:ea la nia. Icm non able to wall 41 5... the Ida. I eat= no blood, tad my rough Ihi loft tal. Yoh ma tall Imagine that I aa thaakftl At thssoarata. Your obedient Wit l!alln!IIII. CI Catheoinsti. _ . Tewnietere eem if. 4. eevera4P wdt Wire (tithe t Cenremetlery !ammo; ri m F ot the Womb, Coettwutese Nee st• corrh* or . ohntrueted ar Medi Ilsnatrui• Om. Ineandthiente of Mho, Or trialmetuy diadems" thereot and Meth* paerel peoettettee at %h. toluene? whether whether theftmh arbitrament amen or mum, t reduced by itreruhuity, Mew or ecolde Nothise MP be morn iww•Wm ,then ination nt effect. on the Intim beim Paw= er feint vm and Wel ode, trona teklng itow am beams Meant end (aft of energy cruder he brestenne. It immalletely counterects the sterveleemeee at the female [Gate, which le the greet enure at Berreenume. It will sot - be expected of as is ewes of so dame a Ware, to t art: Mesta of YYeaperthrmed but we to Amory the deleted, that =heels at mew here bees mania tea Thitumende of cmm where tunnies have twee without children, after using a Lbw butt!., of thte-inveluebLe 'te bane blessed with toe, hseltinr enTrprity. To II d IStarriod Tbl. Extract of Bate box Inen. Urea/7 Fo rmed „Ist ieferene.e to mule complabb. No too. . who hoe reason to rappowt Me 6 approaching that crifind pondod, tom of bib." ehould neglect to lake ft, as It b a certain preventive the 'say of $. 1311.1.1.0 and horrible dianams to which female. ate aubJect at this time of lila. This period-may U. 4.. luatfer mows! yam+ by iSialf tide maticiad Nte A it Ism valuable for them who are approachlog 'M amboed, as it Is calcalmod te mist enure, by quick. ening the blood and inrigonding lb. oyster. Indeed tad. ...thin. b laminable Co. all the delicate dim* tee to which wootan are enbUct. It Onmes tho viola q.too. mown permanently the ural energies, by removing the impurities .1 do body, not eo 6r Mond.* as to produce mbar:mete relaxation, which b the to.. .form amdlcirom taken to, female wealmese mad dimes. By tutu a kw =Ti mo ttles ot tide oveditioe, mute mut* and Pezibi °Vv.. time may be prevented Cruet Bleeeitogg furlTolbert, laud Children. It is the sailn and men effectual medicine for purify ing the system. and relluter the sufferbsp attendant upon chlld ; bigth ever &mound. It stretnethem both the umber and child. prevents _pain and ditto... W ere.wt and mulches the Med, those who have no.d It think It Is indixpensable. It is highly eseltil both before and after confmatment, as it parents dluasea attemiut won childbirth-4n Corthuntess. Piles, Cramps. Swell ag of the Feet, Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting, the Back and Loins, Ftini Pairs, Hemorrhage and in regulating the secretions and equalizing the cir lation it bas no oqind The great beauty of thin l it in steep NA and the meet delicate use X moat succerstally, urp Ow atlas require up *thee medicine, to wine a Buhr Cuter Oil, or 11 useful Exercise in the open air, and light . 1117 t 1 1: this euellebto, evil allure scum a ate and my eon lbsanont. _~~ Caminulth Cloak. and variety of prepustime gear rally in eau when applied to Us face, very won spoil It of he beauty. They due the parte of du. UM, end cheek the ehmilation, which. when smare is not thwart ed by disease. Feeder s or the ekin inflamed by the ;Laths wad in soaps, hessian its tun prodactien sn the bosun face Divineth eonto the garden of rich and delicately dated and verirl lovers. A fro; active cad hulthy circulation the Oath or the thursim atlas purls, rich blood to the extremities, I. thee eMeh palms the countenance tr. the mu ennui. this hammy. It Is that which thparm the indescribable shades gad flushes of invelinese that an .dial" but math ma describe. This balmy is the offspring of sere—not amender &ramp. If theth is not • fith and healthy circulation, there la no beauty. If the lady is Mir as driven ante; If she print, and the cosonstith end the blood is thick, cold and thyme she is tun bet. With if ghillie berth m yellow, and there is pere and smith blood, it gives • rich bloom to the cheek; thd • brilliancy to their ayes that la fascinating. Ms Le Irby the cons nee, end uperiany the emss rah ladle; the so moth admhed. Ladies in the north who elks but little exorcise, or are confined to den rooms, er here .pupal their complexion by the appli cation of deletthou ntheares, if they 'dab to ea Rabe elasticity of atop, bothant spirit; rparkanst eves mot beamithl complexion; they should the Dr. 1 . 0••13.• reed'. Sarsaparilla. Montana elm bare tried It, are 01010 1111/3 1121i211114 ere delighted. Lubin of every *sedan trued ear office daily. Nader es [he Ladle'. Those trod iodate Dr. Tenreorodbo Salaposille, bare farariahy .11.4 two: aer• for Fe Itc. 1.. and have copied am bills god drcdan ...high relate. ea the coosplabsta of worm. trer t for goer —other men who pot up sedichte, Item gince the mgtl wecess of Dr. Totromesere itt wmpWny ...ideas to fettoke , oo mad,' they did nod • umber attune Pill; &c., ere Work,u to thateled Y UHT agfrmt. and turierrotoe Cho coardostiod Dr.Tarosead's bp the only and boot remedy Ihr the immottoca female ea. plaintt rarely, if ever falls of croaks permanent rue. It cgo be Woo by dr moot del/meta thstudeg. in goy mem, or by thew expeditor CD booms mother., pith the greased adman.% es it pewee the eysocm •tol pr•TRALB pals ea duper, sad Or extrthcog both ~,othee god child Be attogthlto got the goggled nist:ailSou; lialltinslycly proves chat 'this Elans. kw perfect control over air mot obainate r urn M y rtle plaxL Throe pals= eared to,sce boa.. cturtradraxed. Towateno—Dersr Sire Vltava lb. Wmra to Lifprtri you that Sore of my children harobma cured eftbaStrofuLs by tie use of yam exiallaut medicine. Were telexed Tory severely with bad/ikon ; Lave tater, any four bade. i It took Moor *way. for athlete J feel myself .dsr great obligati°. BIdCW. Gant, 100 Woonnet. Opinions et Physicians. Dr. Sowassid L almost daily reastinis orders iron 11..seisa.I different parts of is Union This is to coati/ Wu .e. Iha sidintptel, Physician of do City of Albany, Wry is sitionnts cos. Ttnearib. ad Di Tosasend's Son aid bairns it to be o.lt of the son satiable pr. p lbws to tbs itarkst . H. P. PULING, 11. D. J. WILSON, H. D. IL FL BRIGOE _IL D. /Many, April 1,1017 . P. S. ELMENDOSI, IL D CAUTION . to great .e n soon and footloose .. le of Do. Tnsend'.raaparilla, lumber who were formerly nor Avon; hare cootonoteed =haw Sample it. Extract Mho, Baton, haunts of Teflon Dock lc. The, Morally pin It ay to the unto doped boa Jet, and some of Um= bare stole and .opted clam:Den , tettnentseyln only ,norChke. hattations, .ad thouldto evoltled.. Principal OfGee, 118 FULTON Suva; fitta BWdiat N. T.; Redding &Co, 8 State street, bad. $ Dy.n k Pont, PM North Second street, Philadelphia; D. IL Ranee, Drugat, Baltimore; P. N. Cohen, Chatiett.; t7right & IM Chertres Street, N. 0.; lOS Booth Street, Albany; and by .11 the principal Drom guts and Merchants generally throughout the United WrA IPIIPJ end the Canada. N. B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine, shotdd Sot be induced to take any other. Druggists put own. by of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by .E . inqnire for Dr. Town. rtendta, and take no other. Remember the gene ine . Dtrarosend's Elarsoparil sold by Om sole agents. R. R SELLERS General Wholesale & Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood it s eet, and D. II CURRY, Allegheny city. PEACE PliCACliZil MOTE 117ECION BUT IN EVERER'S HOMESTEa' J.:HE undersigned has long been coneinced of the necessity for gOOl5 medicine adapted to the use of Wren and Infants to supereede the use of oil those Medicines which contain opium, and has at Jength sue- Oinked in preparing and offering to the publie a meth- Ohm folly tthswering every minim for all diseases of toe without the axe of that &lemmas drug, or on ether Cant:hued to Mem mth e mast Tim lersat Peal aces has been lolly tested mto tried, the last twelve nths, by numerous parsers, and mend to possess all tha extraordinary stones, and to produce 111 the nom jabing effects as set lorth on the bill of threaten.. ni lnyybcm Vomiting, Cholla, Griping Pains, Sickness and Mammas arising from Teething, cting Immediately without disturbing any of the ftnetions of the body, Prot/acing tho happiest and most pleasant transition from Molex:Tin to a tranquil andJoyoas mate of feel in hi the li Buffeter. SdAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs le le, I. form Meth/sem of Pluaburgh and others, that he num ai lals rooms on Smithfield strew, lin g therm,Hotel, • large and heufel assortment of Cloths, Cal mt mer., Satins Silks, and other Yestings; ' together with wit other articles as am required for gentlemen's wear. His goods bare been carefully se lected, and are of the newest and most fashionable idyl; as well as of superior quality. His CintOrtleTs may depend upon bootng their clothes made op in a manorwhich cawei Mil te gratify the test. of the meat fastidious_ Litlit47, 111011ACCits' -10kie ii.nch & Weikint'l6 - . • Odo do do aim pounds; --. 3do do de HU and Ida; i IJ, .JWNSEND2I SARSAPAEfILL.O.-00 dozen ' IO kegs Ne 1, 0 twiiti lust needled of Dr. Toamsendta Sareeptaille, the 1,00 do Pah iullab; most extraordinary medicine in the world! This Ex- ' 0 do do Plug; 0 adt is put up ht quart bottles. It ls six timee cheaper, 20 M do Segars; Pieseett.tel, and watractrei imperil.? to any wld. It 30 do half Spanish do; for Wit mires Amman without vom i ting, gorging, sickening or elk JD WILLIAM.I is .deb iillaWad ma t g l a hs.E. X•CIOX MI va, -",,,ET.printe,,. have CM HOUSE - bating taken the large and cam. wilds a l 0. 7 hd a4 . aa,,, put . p .. tim i the .. =Mous Smoke Haase and Dawn Storehonee ad. oar Warehome,on the Canalßasinove an pre. ahaP " bml° ' ~,__ . B eethtl , each bOnJ. ho the : 4 ntenl RP pared to smoke snd store Won on remonsble tomes. !Unman( S. P. Townsend . • MIL SPOLLEII2,2„ Druggist, SI Wood itueli4 between ma,4 KIER-lt lONE% Citash baste, daulth u. Third andl.Franb„ 'is DETCrwimenes only *holoitale . • and =mil *gem for .14mi:flinty o f w h om a, , aaa i a . , 11LOGY ON - JOHN QUlPTCtiraoll2..Delivisrid milele eau "'Odin. ; May I'M, He a ld the Scheel 110 use or the sixth ~a,bl, Carni. has been 4,pooku,d ihs.sole ii„gsnt nor i ladi nalbdilib , Brit , M. areekenfigi*.!`' , 4 ' gheny city, orwbda theig,,,,,,th. wid, eon be Published by JOHNSTON &sr OCAPITOM and fat had a s sale by ail the Dooksellen in the city. /13 - - - 'o be had wboicaMo and retail, of the Pr:victor, Dr. JOHN SMIGANT, Drage.: and Apothocatzabo Alitehell, Mott Beckham, mad meet other Age ...._,L__;_lt,.....___,_:oryt,4l,lllStaltifh. 71Z4.5"/ Bl T A ab PEßS— hofrx Scomh, Damask and figamd . •Vmal amaitment met by IMO KILLIOLUaIt WM= • WM. &Liti.TANDE.S. & SOW etOFFIN II FURNISHINGUNDER_..." lAKERS, darner of Penn and. St. Mar %wee% Mann& the Esetrange Hotel, entrenee on Penn mime% reepceltany infamin their friend, and the pnbti that i h`T. ll e,ert•lithred to furnish and amend us in the tut% of undertakers. Always on haired a Won as =lnman% already mode Can,, err ered, linedand fin abed inthe very bee manner' all aortsand oboe reedy made Shrouds of flannel, Canibriek and sanklm, and ail eacmpgdens wroved arc, We. refl. la=ae so nlinentor aline and bine emote, milk turd kid ea, .satite for pal Inman= end monthera creme, caps, cot. 4.n4 , cry , Ibiza Twx.mts fgt . dmmog .+ll* dead and on reasonable terms, as we purchase a l oe goods m the Larocm ewe. Aim, silver plates thremimerms the mile and age. We base %splendid now hoarse ma horses, and any number of the beat carriages. Every thing attended so promptly and. pinernallY• onlfritY. . B EN N ETT dr. BROTHERi tiFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, ia Enringnatn, ( near PllttabarriOrm• thozho. use, No. 137, Wood /OW, rituzwg.4. IFWILL constnotty keep outman aped ans.* nienrot Ware; of our wont manarsenne, nod toperior guilty. Wholesale and coon hi blm. Manta are respectfully invited to call and can amine fin themachres, ns we are determined to sell cheaper Man bosom before been amain the pub- Q'! c. - Orden vent by Mail, accompanied by the cub or ontyreference, will be promptly encoded to. fetal filoLVanr. 1.1.1 d, F. Ulna. IFLINT• etkiEt, EsTauLiansiz ar. M taxtrtra'm LiE/14.L1E maw:damn= mad keep coo niantlY on band Cu ' Moulded and Plain Finn Glassware in itentaricuesi Warehouse "'- tier of Market and Water street% Pittsburth• Oar Works conlinee in fall operation, sod we ate conatmly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness.. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to ennead examine prices and terms. mylodly COACH MAKING. PROM the very liberal encostrags a Cantthe subscriber has received since he 'has lbcated himself in Allegheny, „ - has indeeed him to take a lease, foi. • term of years, on the property he noW oc=len, inOcaver street, immediately' beside the P ?tees!: March. Prom the long experience in the above business alad s desirensplesse, he hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Nowon hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Rug gles, open end top Buggies, and every description of Utrnages made lb order' f r om seventy-five do ll ars to alghthunanst (sep.l-dtil • JOON SOUTH. MISCELLANEOUS. ANUTACTURED AND LEAP TOBACCO.- HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water at, and terms,4les, PhiPa, offer far sale n accommodating 6OCO pkg. Manufactumd Tob o acco, consisting of pounds, half pounds, b's, IPs, LTs, lb's, LEM and &Xs, lumps; s, S's and tPs plug, and LT. Ladie.' Twist, in Whole and half boxes, of the following apprOved brands, I la James II Gram, Osborn & Braga Grant A Williams, A Cabanlo, 8 Jones A Bon, APDonald, Webstsr Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, J Thomas A Eton, Landborn & Armistead, .1 P Coates, J Al Cobb., teritr LPL°, y. tar, '.L A i ?I:4 Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl & Norwood, J 8 Ellaskwood, Nath Keystone, W H Vaugh an, Edmund Henry, Portiatizbinson, Russell & Robinson,' Eclai r Robinson & Co. s., Halsey, R Metcalf, John hider, Lawrence Lanier, I Robinson, Gray lk Gray, D It Tuhter, R Jainieloni, York White, D M Branch. —ALPO-. Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and Ellerin Tara do - do do Cienfuegos do do do iSt /ago de Cuba do do do St Domingo do do Nana a Guide. do, part Km, d o Maysville do do do Kentucky various grade. - do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for umnufaisturing and export; Spanish Seed Leg Penn's, Connecticut and Ohio; Virginia &raps, sweet; Germ. Pipes; IT he Scotch Snuff 'loose mid bladders;) Mateo a Meal; Togitst. rßige o . tuj i to i st n t i v ßerm! A. Ac . PLZDELPHIA, mytl T h---- O1 — before—made on the most approved Eastern plan s atul most fashionable Ensure macros and calor,. Also THE CHEAP now-, or DOBKIN BLIND, on hand or made to order of all sires, and at all prfeets Country hlerchania and others are wised to call and examine the above for themselveryna all will to sold wholesale er retail, and a liberal deduction sada to wholesale purchasers. coldly A WWPEHVELT PAPER WAREHiPA. ■O. WHEELING BLIP, NEW VU RE. iyftua W. FIELD offer. for solo at Me Worm / Manntoentrere prime, ■ very cite:man IMett m,st of PAPER. comprising every postible 'variety, adapted to the vermau of =imam m all sections/tram country. Paper of all kinds made to ord. at Mon. not its ewe t of PRINTING PAPER is anossslly parPA= of w P hich is of sa c ra ii c tura .„ RLSI of every description, Looped and kept emistazin, on viz: Pel Wire Cloth, Fonirdrivier Bleaching Powder, Blne Ultramarine, Twine, Mc., he Be Criernum,Bale Rope, Gnus Rope, Broing, • purchased, for which the highest price in Cad will be paid 1T 2 4 Neer York, Jaty,ite4d. MUCK FOR rPHE underaigned offers for sale a superior article of brick for budding, mate by lila Steam Press, unproved machine,tor which he hu obtained a want, and agrees gl purchasers a written guaranteethat they are stronger, and will resist bon and wet email. oth er and imbibe ins moisture 07 dustpans than any oth er brick, possessing greater body and superior term, and much more durable is every respect, each Mick being subjected to a pressure of several ban, and pow sesamg a handsome smooth surface and eves edges, they ha e v a e t gTe t n e Y 'd to 'le st esttiefact.b brick. to . all who have purchased. A kilo can be seen at my works, and specimen at the. Gazette office. 'rho.. baying aolied thenOiclaca for their !Kidding", and swishing itan6ome front brick, tianapr_rior bard unit solid paying brick, can obtain a., MM=Ell AT rortnaLNY VENMAN BLIND PACTORY. t JOUR A. BROWN. IRTAXES this method to Inform Ids Mends and the public at large that his Factory Is cozen, full operation on the west side of the Diamond, Allegheny, where • con stant supply of Blinds, of various color. mad onalitics, are cemented,. kept on hand; also, at No 5 Wood st, Pittsburgh, at J a H Philbps' oil cloth wanton,. Cnltlllll SlSSlttill trade to order in the best style.' Blinds repaired at the ,honest notice. N. B.—Wts Blinds will be put op without any addi tional expense, so that they can be removed to a coo meat in case of fire or for washing, and without the aid of a screw driver. tyl-dlytevetamlyit I, I LLGANE PERFUMERY /se —llanel's Eau Divine itsuelYsTtbro' the skin so ft told beautiful. rated Piymptit Soap. Hauel's Indian Vegetable Mot 011, for gradually darkening the liair, and promoting its growth. Ilsuers Liquid Hair Dye, (or ehanguor red or gray hair to a beautiful brown, black or chestnut color. Halters Eau, Lustre! Hair Restorative, for producing budriant growth of hair. HanePs Corliag Fluid. Hanel% Depilatory Powder, for removing in:perdu . u• hair. Hanoi's Rose Tooth Pasta. 11:=31=12= Hattel's Unrivalled Shaving Cream. liauel'a elegant Extracts of various fragrant flower", or the handkerchief; together with= assortment • f fun Perfumery, just reed and for sale B A PA.LIN & Co, sep2o cot In k wood, also eor oth & wood sta THE STAR OF THE WEST VENITL&N BLINDMANDPACTORY Egg ride of the Diamond, where Vetuti. Blinds of all the different afses and colon are kept on hand or made to order alto the latest and most approved Eastern tub. lona= the shortest notice and on the =a 'seasonable terms. Alm, the cheap Boston roll or .spllt Blind Transpa rency and Paper Carmine of all the diforont strata and patterns, an hand and for sale low totem& Old Tani uan Blinds painted aver and repaired, or taken itt part payment for new. ft al ET EBVELT; Pro'pr. N. B work done with the best maternal and workmanship, and warranted to please the most Ms whoa.. angladly gilegbeny any, Aug. IC, Me WOOD TYPIII TICE NONSLI. MEIMICA.II WOOD TITS racTort, at nrrs. SIMS, WA. WILLIAM 80/10LEY, H. H. RYAN ISAAC AL wciSINGER, JOHN H. bIORRISON, having as. ated themselves together under the aryl. and - titie of &holey, Ryan A. Co., for the manufacture of Wood Type, and no their type fs altogether made by machi nery, the inyention of Isaac, M. Singer, one of the firm, they feel confident that they offer • More perfect article of type, and et much Lower rates than any heretofore offered In the United Stator, and are now ready to fill orders for the same. . . .... All order. addressed to &hide'', Hyatt & Col,at their office in, Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets, will be punctually attended te. Proprictore of newspapers, on copying this sd. vertwernent 3 mamba, and sending as their paper, will be et:tined to reeelvo their pay In type, on purchasing throe times this unman of their bill (or advertising. jo74bu ,~ aa~n ae; YEi2lriWt - a==ll DE Proprietor ankle well known place ofresort has the pleasure of take/ming the public dos his emelt- Its meet having been thoroughly relined and repairod, and the grounds elegantly laid oat and decorated Is now open for th eir aceommodation, and he flatters him self that thetas who may favor him with their patron age will find an that they desire, provided in the best style and on reasonable terms. Ile is determined to fare no expense in making his establishment worthy public patronage. lie la. accomnatdations for boarding a few families. lee Creams,and all refresh ments suitable to theiscason, ponstanr.Stlhead. jetku LEVI B=CIIFIELD. =RZMAGUIM - ARLEY MALT-400 bolA Dam M r ek kg sale by ocl2l BROWN A. MON TRANSPORTATION UNE& TEE UNION LICISIZ 1848. BETWEEN prrrsstrami AND ctavELANn, W. T. Marna; Pittsburgh; • REIN Psalas& CO, Beaver; • CLAWTORD &luk C.trisz!tos, Clevelan d HEabove Line is new prepared Wh anspost h.„B, T and passengers from Pntshurgh and Cleveland, o any point on the Canals and Lakes. One bolitleaSislittibuigh and Cleveland duly, run rifri with t h e steamboats Lake Pak and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of firm class steamboat., propelling, brig. and gettoon era on lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. .Properti ry fonvardmi tan pool WM . T. hIATHER. e w ' or , i o n JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, • cos Water end Smithfield sui, Pinaborgh. AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Heaven H 0 Parka & Co, Youngstown, Cr, E W Cotes & Co, Wan em D Bostwick & Co, Bresultiom A & N , Clark, Newton Fallm P Lew* Nerarporit J & E M Whinlesey, Cartipbeilapmg J G Mtßrlde, Haymow & 0 HKent, Franklin. Miller & Trade, Cuyahoga Fails; Wheeler &Co, Akron; Harney r Gibbs &Co;Sanda s t o , Watkins & Eagle, Toledo; GWilliams & Co, Detroit, Mich; Velure & Williams, Milwankle, Win; H J Winslow, Chicago, HI. a 4 RELIANCE PORTABLE SCAT LINE, Mgm 1848. _fts3a. KM TAULIVIIPVITATION 07 11EICHASDmi_ 116IIVW11 PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. THE Proprietors of this old established and first Portable Boat Lino, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger wanshm.as on Market xr_, than they formerly °coupled, and abo to creased Metz room for swage at Pinalturgh, are now prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends and patrons. Goods carried by this line are not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being corned on bialy in Portable Pection Roma To shippers of dour and ether goods requinng careful handling, thi I. of importance. No charge made for receiving or eln ping streets, or advancing charge.. All goods tom d promptly, told upon as reasonable tam= ma by any oth er lino. JOHN MeFADEN lc Co Canal &via, Perm ,st Pisteb . JA.N., M. DAVIS d Co feb24 237 Market ic M Commerce ot, PhEs.. JOHN MoFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Ceram. lion Merchants, Canal Basin; Penn st., Pittsburgh. JAM M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Munoz, and Commis don Merehanto, W Market, and 54 Commerce 1, Philadelphia. febs4 _Or "Adlaneet made by either of the above on Flom, Wool and other duortptions of Aferehandice eonalgned to them feb24 NOTICE—The subscribers have disposed of their in terest in the Penn's and Ohio Lino to CLARKE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, wad JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this e They JOSEPH will continue to transact business for the line, at their Warehouse on Broad street, as canal, and be: speak for it a contlnnanee of t he patronage of their friends. tW. sTBEL & Co. Philadelphia, March sth, tam. Pan's. and Ohlo Trans rtiglen Go. atiaMi Double Daily Law of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, TIT2SAID TO TILLSOPOZT GOODS SOLTWITS IRTOLSIIIIGH .. . _ •- - CLARKE &THAW, Canal B uda, pima A. LEWIS k BETLINI,II 219 Markets. , JAS. STEEL & CO, Ara, Broad moot. COWD EN CLARKE & Co., 79 Nonh Bolt. W. PO R R i CK, Atm, L 9 Wen street, Now York. nand 00 7 : ---',ll rpm subscribe Whist, this day iated !hernial's, together mad.r the etyle of Kier fr. Jones, for the purpose of estotirming the berme. formany carried on by Boma M. Ales, and .ohm • earstutuanee of the Lib. end patronage heretofore extended to the hems. 9AS11;1.1. N. KIER, B. F. JONES. Pftsburgh, ?duel MM. ICIEWS PORTABLA BOAT LTBB, allaMigaigina COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE YLA. CANALS F RAILROADS. WE axe mowed to receive and forward freight to Me above and /wormed/ate plates wild u much deapatob, and at as low rates, as anp other tampons/We The atterwilon of shippers wishing to send Pork or 'Ba con to Baltimore in bulk, i. particularly requcated, in asmaeb as ear mangernerna enable WI to carry such articles through in bettor order than ouy oilier kn.. kak:la h JOKE& Prophra. Canal Beath, near 7th el. Pitiaburgh, March 1, TS47. 'AWL. se. edma EfEiTit. JONES—Commission and for•ra.rding Net t. chan, and WhoScaale Dealers so Post, Bfeassoaa Produce, ice. Liberal cub advances cuk tonsil ireLmeet. multi HMI 411/1.17, S. S. DITITLII, Al= =L. linaul. '1 Plasbargh. eJythia. Frciavi4l3iEr : •Te a p Asak %Amore, HMV GRAFF & Co., 'Gaul Resin, Pitubsegb. CMILK HUMPHREYS & 1.41 Market el, Plill. 1LRoo" earner Non! & obi Hall. l , Joisa P. NoLI, Old Stip, New Vcor, 5 cs—ne Hite emu fume .11.1, be kwon reap KTd after Ws dew, ef Piet boo s Huey Gni& Co.,C Lou PNlesktpbte, ea Rea Roimehrese & Co. HENRY GRAFF NDMUND. iarritn CHAS. HUMPllltbli Philadetphia. HENRY GRAFT, Pe aryl mallatt Viimmureau PORTABLE BOAT LINE aitiEa 1848. NM For do Trmaponatiws of Fre-teas to and fres% PITTSBURGH, PHILADRLPHIA. BALTIMORE, N. YORK. BOSTON, kr_ . Bozeman & Cam, Philadelphia. Tun. & Mons., Pittsburgh. Told established Line be ir now to htli opera ," non, the proprietors have made extensive arrange ments to forward goods and produce with despatch, and on the most 1 favorable ten. In Tl: i vonfrdesoly hope ' Afar safety to o nown l 'r e *m ole th'" arry ing— ' a= bou - - MI Or each port, affording socominodations to dampers and owners of pesslisce—together with Weir long cope d.. and unremitting attention Or business, Mat secure to them • continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All conslignments by and for this line received, char. gee pahl, and forwarded in my required directicais free of charge for commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, to steamboats. All encammiutionsprtauptly attended to on mph. non to the following agents: BORRIME A VS Market et, Philadelphia. TAAPFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Baum, Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & Co, North et, Baltiolore. WM. R. WILSON, 80 Cedar et, New York. _ _ . LAKE gaIaRIIICIIIOAIII LINE. f laiiiO3 1848. HIS well known Line,composed of steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pitssbargh and t'r l e . e ' n " Rert nr d r e ' r Lle7 d anTrieg fi Canal float. beiss class steal:Deem, propellers and vessels en the Lakes, is prepared to carry freight and passengers to all points on the Erie Canal, and Lake Erie, Baron and Michi gan. flaying every facility far conveying freight and pa sang.. with prompt.. and disiatee, the prop., and agents rospeathally solicit from their friends acs. &nuance of their patronage. C M REPProstelor. REED, PA RKS k Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHL , Agent, .Pl 4 roe VVVer and Bmith6elolats, Pitt" MAar. 1848. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. • To and from the Emirra rides, via Cumberland. rpm proprietors of this popular line, ha...ince their retorganization largely increased Men faeWdes to meet the wishes of shlppeni and are now prepared to forward a greater manner by the PIYE .DAY LINE, s also by additional regular wagons at low rates. This line will ran dim:ghoul the year, delivering goods thmosh the gents In Baltimore end Plusbutgh to owners and examinee. at specified rates and time. Shipments from Philadelphia for the lino should be marked "Cam, 1 B Robinson, Baltimore. , " The only agents are, J B ROBINSON, P 2 13 Charles n, Baltimore. EDOERTON & Co, RwboSaud. 0 W CABS, Ilmwsrunrilla. fet4 J 0 HUMERI., Pittsburgh. Nag- IMENtalat .EoLnosz..msha.pjlirtrate.LlNlohagd 47: low, et Cumberland fraso r 'ETiouns of MeLtir to Ma rna, IO that of Edgerton & Co. Pitlehtajh and mourn enerelarnts sr notified that B. # Robinson. No 92 South Clarks st, Bahamas,., 6 dt,, oety totbeirinsd agent of this Line in the Forlorn 010 es. Ths only area we J C BlDWELL,Plebbarsh, 0 W CASS, Brainard's, =GARTON + CoOnkberlaind, doelflti J B ROBINSON, Ultima. Western 'V !Matron . Corot pan . i6/51M 1843 ,'fiiil . EL.lll,lll:, °ea. 1848 TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE NEW YOR)Z VIA lIIIIVAITLVAIIIA ADD I=o 11. IMAM Afaim Pl = t ee o r' n fay . o% n tile mrm. , w Indd divas Rl apply to D. LEECH 6,C0 Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS &MM.. , 11, No. &14 South Tbliti rt, I: TAYLOR & SON, Agra_ No 14, Nob Howard 6, Halt , A. ABBOTT , Agt, No 7 W est street, New York. Pittsburgh, March 10th, 1848. mar2o 1848. VIA CANAL AND WI. WADS FOR PHILADELPIELA AND BALTIMORE. OODS consigned to our care will be, far,da ur,without delay at the lowest current rates. 0 A MaANDLTYA Co., Canal BAJDD. Penn at, Piitstmll. MERSEILLFS REYNO g 72 and gad Marked 04 Phil a. ROSE, MEBBITnA co, Jelig Smith's wharftintora ZIERCHANTS , WAY FUEIGHT 1848 . Malat aoaeuvarsoa 211317111MITATTON oversew-mom ETWEEN Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Hob. B lidayabmgh,Wategutrem, (Huntingdon** and Pe te raburgh. This Line was formed ezehisively for the epeeist az. tot=odation of the way badness. The Preprietow, hankful fm the very Liberal palmate they have re ceived during the hut two yean, would reesponfally Pow their Month; led the public that they an new mill better tortured to deliver good s at any petai on the canal and Rail Roads with promptness and dispatch. PICK WORTH & WOODS,. JAMMU LODR., GEORGE TRINRLE, Rap AULLER k ns. piaworth &Wood., zaor Jolnerwrt. Jam Mlllerafollitlayabm• • .- C.A.llPAnulty & Co, Natali arnimmes—Pittsbuegb—faxith & ai rs king& J MoDoviU 0&J El latooneerger, Robinson& ON a Moore; & amide Jo/. Puler; Wm Lamer & ON Dr P . 1619 Valuable and Attractive New Beane. kJ -r AidARTINE , -3 ifigory of the Girondilts, 3 vole, 19 tn. Slmmr' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 too. G. F. B. James' Life of Henry the Fourth, of Franca, 2 vole-12 mo. Sarah'. Consular Cities of China; 12 mo. Neander's Late Dries.muslin; blarrel's Fresh (Heartens; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europa. CAN_ Henry's Sketches of the Ideriewt War: 19 mo. Gleig's Story of the Bitola of 'Waterloo; 12 mo. A Summer In Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo. SiSII/0111ii.. Literature of the South of Europe; 2 rola 12 mo. Rratort's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains; 1i m.o. muslin. Postnumons Works of Ras. Thos. Chahnon, D. D., LLD. The Pranuca/ A.stronomer, by Thos. Dick, L. L. D. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D, Historian of Nets Hampshire. Luther and the Reformation, by John Scott, N. 2 vole. The Middle Mainline; evith a new map of the Empire; byvols, 12 mo. The Power William of the s, Pulpit, by Gardiner S 12 mo. itting, D. D., The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 19 met Teaehing a Science, the Teacher an Artist by Rev. 'll. R. Hall. The Czar, his Coon and People; by John S. HazwelL Lectures on Shakspeare, by H. N. Hudson. The Artists of America—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and comairdng sketched of the lives of Allston,lnman, 'West, Strum, Trumbull, De Vet= en Rebrruit Peelle and Thos. Crawford; I vol,B vo. The (haters, of Prance; ennuaning sketches of the lives of Lam mine, Thies, Napqleon, Herten, Hire bean, Geiser and others, with portraits of each. Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vela, 12 too. Headley's Washington and his Genera* 2 vole, LIECI Headley's Sacred The above, together with a large collection of Stand ard Work, Classical and School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, diet corner market and aa 167 -N AND ATTRACTIVE BOOXS—Chahnem' Se Cloot works, 4 villa. halmers' Daily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry, tad wok The Convenkby the author of 'Schoolgirl in France' Lady-Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C B Tay lor, M. A. t, or the PearL do g i l=iolort,.or the MeralituaVe Clerk, do Life of Pollak, author of "Course of Tune;" The Listener by Caroline Pry Lectures on Shakspeare, by If N Hudson; Life of Oliver Crcustwell s by .I T Headley; Napoleon and his hlushals Washingto n and his Generals, do Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D fkthel Fleg, do BalOon Teething by Example; Pulsot Orators of France, by Turnbull; Genius of Scotland, do Life of 'lowland MB; Free Church PulPtt,3•ols Orators of Prance; Now and Then; Bethaue's Pounk J= t M on 7120 w, adapted to Union Questions, Arthur'a Popular Telex—ußiches In tho World," "Making Haste to be rOm Rich,* "Riches have Win "Plof APPearences," "Debtor and Creditor. For trio by ELLIOTT I ENGLISH, join 78 wood and 60 market st - - DID INII,A SPLMI assonmeatt of Idaho gaily and Rosewood Pianoa, just ha tched. These leswitomuts am =deal . . the latest pattern and best materials and will be told low for oath by F. BLUME., 112 Wood street, tid door above FIXIA. Pb. B.—Those who are in wool of a good in strument, are respectfully invited to examine these before par. basing e Newham, as they cannot be excelled by any In the country, and will be geld lower than any brought from the &mt. Alsonun received, two plena or Ham burgh manufacture, %c.f.ied to be superior to any ever sold in Min country. ant) F. B. .... - -- I • . :A C .• 113 ECEIYED and for sale, • lot of ehoide Pianos, with J.:16 and without Coleman's Xollim Attachment, by Manus& Clark, N Y. One of Norms& Clark's Pianos, with ihe Attaiihment, was taken to England by Mr Coleman, and among many other testimonials of ad munition for this elognni specimen of American skill and ingenuity, abetted the following remark. from 9. Thalberg, the greatest Pianist living. IS,ammx, Jur 1843. My Dear Str—ln enclosing • L letter to my friend, Mr brand. Pans. I cannot refrain from again expressing to you hove much I was pleased with your "Roll. Attachment," which I consider as a great musical im provement. I can nature you that on my put I shall with great pleasure tlo my utmost to make your Inver,. min known. For sale by H KLEDER, At Woodwell's furninme morn. 311 at I%jEW 110(.1K8.—Loitemuya Enmpe . . liketc—hes— 11l of Travel in ?ranee, Belgium, Sannterhand, Italy, Austria. Prussia, Orem Britain and Ireland, with au appendix, containing observations on EAropean than des and medical insutadona By John W Carson, hen hl A &again, • novel. By the author of “Bnalla n," ''Tsso Old Men's T " etc. Kell-Control, a twee. I . 3 l 7ilary Brunton, anchor of "Discipline." Vol. 111, Dolly Senptural Readings. Ply ho late Thomas Chalmers. D. D.. L L. D. Part 4. The Thousand and One Nights. Harpers' It lustratmi edition. . . William the Cottager, a book for children. By the author of "Ellen Herber,” An. The above works received tins day and for tab. by sobl JOHNSTON &STOCKTON NNEW'BOOKS , --hlemonals of the Introdnedon of McMullan Into the Eastern States, comprising tt.ovraplateal notices of its early preachers, sketches of ,t• 'first churches, and remtniscences ofits early strug gles and successes; by Elev. A Stevens, A- M. Just published. Memoir of Rey. David Abtel,m D, law Misonar7 G to Clan. by Ids nephew Rev R Mark Mdron, the blerchant's Clerk: by Rev Owl. B Taylor, NI. A., author of "Records of • Good Han's Lifil.“ "Lady 'Wary." "Hanauer, or the Pearl," at. ac. The above, with a large assortment of neva books, on bond &riding receiving. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, _ 21 market at 1 i , 11113L1331 130013.13—Hmory of the Greek flee. olution, and of the ware and eackpaiess aelemor from the etmejles of the Greek Patrons in limontlpa. wog Melt country from the Turkish Yoke—in rem vol. oracs—splcunid copy with non:taroaa maps and cove y:opt. Letters' ilierstrabee of the reign of William 111 , from me In 1.71..5—..nti fina portraits tOl reds. Companionm the illadV of the Holy ntenyouree. Harry Alonbray, thrtilog romance, with 30 eagra- Tour to rte Holy Llnd. French .Stage, and Sketches (Sloe. Just reed and for sale dy Me DONALD & BEESON ?KT LIW NOVELS--.A Whim, and Ir. veLweviLleLlc,. .kg by G. P R. Janice, Esq. Vann,' Fair, • novel .11.60Eit a Hero: by akepewee Thackery. r,th illustrations. . Edward Vernon. My Cousin's Story: E V Childs. Story of the Peninsular War. by General Charles Wultana Vane, Mantels of Londonderry, Li C. LL, U. C Colonel °kite o Regh Life Guards_ The abore works received this day and for sale by augdb JOIINSTON & STOCKTON AP OF PE:NNSYLVANIA—Constructed from the M County Surveys authorised by the Smut, and oth er original documents. Revised and mirrored tinder the supervision of Win. E. Morris, Civil Engineer, upon dean procured in each county, under authority of the Legtetattire.p A fear copies of this large and splendid Nap received t h is day and for sale by JOHNSTON Jt STOCKTON, Booksellers nor market and 3d eta frt REEK CONCORDANCE—The Eognshri Ur Greek Concordance of the New Testament; b en unsnap, at • verbal commetion between Ma Greek end the English Terts—tneluding • eoncordmee to the Proper Names, wink Inderes, Oreek-Erhgtish, and Eng lish-Greek. Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON ASTOCITON, Booksellers, cur market and Id sts Bletalto D'esms• Pinisoo A SPLENDID &aeon:meat of Rose , wood and Mahogany grand wises Pi anos, Just finished and for We. with Coleman'. ce Al lebratedso, two .r splendid Rosewood Pianos, splendid attachment, le the most modern style, and for sale at finished letr, P 13L13 ttENS, 119 wood st TUNSPORTATION. • ' Co ' . : .P: igiaM 1848 . , BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, rut WARREN. Canal IPIoket—BWALLOW, Cent. Pond. " OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. IcINE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, (Etaida ye excepted) and arrive twit morning at eTTell, Where they connect with the hlail Bowes for Aaron and Clevelutd, arriving at each Of tkon. plates before night. Or. ord. Packets leave Warren daily, at 3 P. AL, and arrivo at Beaver in time to take the monAgir boat for P LEFPGVoittathwanen . DI B TAYLOR, Pr•priPra BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE, 1010040 TO 00* MU IP NUM noon, Canal Paeltet—Pserartkvarne, Capt. Jefrlea Taiunaarrt " Pollock; Lava FAQ: Troby; Perrone, " Bream; Talearon, . MEM The above new an splen didP monger rickets beet commencedninning between BEAVER AND ‘ ERIE, and will run regularly daring the season—one boat leaving Erie every morning at B o'clock, and one leav ing Beaver every evenntsimmedlately, after the arri ul the ste•mboat Michigan from Pinebersh. The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will ran through In forty boars. Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Fella will find this route the most comfortable and egpeditione, through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by applying to the proprietor. REED, PARKS*. Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAHOUET, Air. Pittsburgh, rm. Water and Smithfield sm. AGENTS:—gas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y. CReed, Die, Pa. C C Wick Greenville, Pa; M'Farlant and King, Mg Bend, Pm Bays Plumb, Sharpsbersh, Pa; W C Malan, Sharon, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; R W Cunningham, New Carle, Pa. lyl Permaylvarsla Carnal £ Rail goad lax preasysst Packet Glue, 184 S..ftft. FROM. ITITSBUGH P TO PIIIDADELPIRA & BAL MO (Rielasively for Passengen.) rjurr, public aro respectfully ßE; informed that thia Line will commence running on the Zid last, and con tinue. throughout the Beason. The boats are new, and of • superior class, with en larged cabins, wldett will give greater comfort The can aro its latest comment. A boat will always be in port, and travelern are 'e quated to call and examine them before engaging pas .l Loly dne dollars through.) One ofthe boats of this Line will leave the landing loppoalte U. 8. Hotel, earner ahem street and Canal - , every night at nine 0:0- lock Time 31 days. For information,apply at the Office, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH jag' Canal ELUITIDEN & CO,' Passenger and Semlttaaee Ofgoe. arkgANILDEN & CO. comma to bring perms gum any pan of England, 11.1=1 Bcoaand or Wales, , upon the Men liberal mane, with their amyl punctuality and attention to the wants and cote. fort of enunigmults We do not allow our pussamsers to be robbed try the awlrdllng scamps that infest the sea. ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port WemaelYes, and see to their well belig, and do. spats-big= without may detention bythe Ant ship.— We my this kratlessty, as we defy one of our panes. vrs w show that they were detained 48 Imam by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others went detained months, until they could be sent to scone old c= • eh p ram, which too frequently proved their We intend to perform ter commas honorably, coal what it may, and nut eel as was the case last semen, with ether * Scan, who either performed not all, or when it suited Moir mama:knee. Dralla drawn at Pittsburgh forsum from II te &dm payable ,at any of the prorin4 any al Banks in Ire. land, Englaue, thmtbuidand %Vales.— ' MPHL! - 2011INEICI8, . European and Generebilirem,. 401 Nd 6 @mat. one doer below Irons. itxturrAßD-1 OW ground Mustard, for ado by Jli, oovo JOHS D AIORGAN F=Ln kIINSENG PANACEA! po THOSE SUFFF.RERO WTril DISEASED LUNGS.—The mprecedented success which has made.] the ass or the GINSENG PANACEA n all the valioll6 Corms which Irritation of the lungs as mates, has loitered the proprietor again to call amen tion to this WONFUL The chassabla w DEß eather w FR hic EP L iar fall marks mar fidl and lamer mouths, Is always a fruitful source of COI9 AND COUGHS. er rums If sesta aie . tlia paeans?" arilud 114.1 !assay, The smarm, theni bow *hall ss, nlp the destroyer to the; bee hoar ghat we get clear of oar comps and olds! to of vital imperwhice to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REILEDY will be Gamut an the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this Ire have from am to tune published the certificates of dozens of oar best known citizens, who have erperi cooed Its mutative powers. These, %vita a mass of to tha I I' IiEDIVIL " 42I.I . O ' P ' TIIZ7I7,I7 .e.' 97;NDING, Ministers of the Gospel, &A„ together with copious noi nen from the BID [parte 1 sliest JOURNALS OP THE DAY, we haws embodied in pwaradet foram, and nuay be bad grail. of myHUNDREW of oar agents Ot o iWiTTLIZ ughout the country. knee been used in dua city. THOUSANDS AND THINS OP THOUSANDS throughout tits Motet) State* and Canada, and we obi lenge any man to pant out • RESOLE INSTANCE . . n which, when taken Lreording to dimerions, and b e . fore the bmgs had become family disorgaeued, a h u erer failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why, then, need the Meted hesitater st , by resort to the m.•nble nostrums, gotten up by nue own indivld• gals o ler the assumed name of some Ca • Inataa play sichmt, and puffed Into notorimy by cenifteate• r. per. sons equally unknoorn7 IVhilst a medicine 04 UNPARALLE,M) 'FYFICACT to to be had, whose vouchers are at hame,—ottr neigh bors,—many of whom it boa MATCHED FROM THE GRATE to order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have pat the price as ONLY FIFTY CENTS, Plat one half the modal cost of cough medicines. nto for wale by ear agents in nearly every tovni and village over the 1.1W4 who are prepared to rive NH Informs don relative to IL T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway. Cineirmad, Ohio lAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. fITSZBUIIOII a.OO VIRLICLUVO. WESTERN LINE Ofllea at the Elchange, Baltimore. REDUCED RATES.—The charges have been redo red on all ilumagos to or from Baltimore. Pitts burgh or I'o:testing, and a correspondiag redaction made on all telegraphic desatcheefortrariled from Bal timore Wear of Pittsburgh, Pa Rarer ;The charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, ro 45 cents (or the first ten words, and 2 cents for each additional , word. ET No chug!, is nude for the address and signa ler. Veld the completion of the Smith Western Line of pato TeleLrnt o ftr . t ro m rw .,:pz w Tm lp tei bi 7e b 7 Orle this rotta,d.es‘i mailed for New Orleans. A Oholdeags to Pisa World. TWENTY•FIVE Did...LARS will be paid to any one who Will produce a spot of palnl, green at dry, that cannot be eau - acted with Holt'. Improved Chemical Soap. I have the satisfaction of saying to me people 01 this plane, that this article, by ray 01•3 imprtmemalll 00 IL, now stands arolvalled in Mot cousdry for extracting pease, tar, puck, oil, oaten,p or uty other peway sub , monde, from all Ueda pullesueta or ladies , clothing, carped, tat b, OILMID Mewls, ladies' bonnets, fce, anthem Wng anything that pure water will not Miura More than one thorsand persons in thaerent parts of the country have told ma they wank! nil be without It; if It cost one dollar per cake. In trams Soup on more than 300 anted. of light silks, sat ins, al emcees, and ealitoes, / hay e only found three pieces ol silk, two of alpacca, so four of palm on which it changed Me eolon there! ore before putting it on a light dress try a sample of the screw hrst. I nate this becalms I I am determined not to recommend it any stronger than I know to be strictly true_ N Ham b' not, lea eta per cake Sold, wholesale trod retail by E SELLERS, deo2l 67 wood st Vtielarbiefierny cemetery; AT the annual mcedng of the Corporator+, held au the nth lost-oho following persons were urutni mouldy ro-elected Managers for the ensuing year: THOAL&S IL HOWP, President JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CABOTHEIL9 t, i . NATHANIEL HOLM WILSON APCANDLI.. JOHN H. SHOENBERGER, , JAMES R. SPEER, J. FiscriT, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual statement presented the affairs of the Company in a very prosperous condition. Their office to the city is No. ill IVater street XRlXTTCAlffififfitlitink If, 10i amours and Faudlies.—Thu work council of twenty volumes, and contains No handred different mbfecia, illustrated with POP engravings. Ii Is an entirely original series, recently vrntten and completed by S O G o odrich, au tbor of Peter Purley`, Taloa, end is designed to exhi bit, in a popular form, Select klioaraphtea, ancient and modem; the wonders and curio... of History, Na ture, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the pracucal dudes of life. The price per Vol. is 75 cents, each containing about 320 pages, MI mo . or SIO pet st. For sale by clout K HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, lth st Hardware—Cheaper. than Evert r WAN, WILSON & CO., Importers and,Wholesale 1.4 Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No UP Wood street, above Fifth nave now in stoma very cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, Imported sines the decline of prices In Europe, and which they are determined to sell correspondingly law. Merchants who have bean in the habu of going East, are pawky larly maenad to call and look through our stock, as we confidently believe they will saws their .e.tpetices. oast ORIGINAL *BOLIVAR BRIORII.* "EIK.PERIFNCEDjudges, on • trial of•one and • half Jej millions, sinca 1045, Pronounce this uncle mar owed for durability in the construction of all kinds of Papua Price 64,73 cash for loads of le it, gear mowed nine months ow. Orders fora second gummy ItoliVar Brielos will be assented at Iggl per hl, if so de. sired, without guarantee. A stock of the first ealttl Is man for sale at the warehouse,•Sloaut• Wharf* Ca nal Bain, by .t SHAW MACLAREN, sepanf Kensington Ern {Yorks_ reIICENIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscriber, onetng been appointed sole Agents by the trianufactorem km* sale of the celebrated “Pticenlx Bricks," are now prepared to fill cutters for any quad''', a 691, cab. per 1,0011 For the COAILIVELOII of ilarnaca of all Was, these Mica have been pronounced by don]. petentiudges aa being *unarm,. to all other fire bricks now.in use. 0 A AVANULTY & Co, Canal Basin. reno-avai murrumocris-li 40 irs DooNot mkt .O Or o pa de at A. olio Metro Depot, No 6 Wood streetoet2s7 t PHILLIPS ~.,•. ,:' : - 1, ; 111 :,1' -' 71, 11,`• : ' , * ' DTAITAR mil BOTT t t 6 aliir . • Ifl4 • j a . ..t s. , :. _.- .. . ~.- - r.._,: . - --. . • ,• 1 ~, ... - 0 vs, C ..........."; 711 10114,10 " i t CURE' OF 4 "(flirrtiiirP'' uvci r ,- 1 ' • "Pt : . Q SAIIIIIIIIIIO, , °Rola:ft' ' , ''' c, c01 7! ,,,, f , n0 p covs :' 4 )4 : \ ,• . 4Pp -4 I , irminur k 1 , , At• 0 1 , • • 4 . AND FOR THE '6 e " 0:: e5.6„e Tam Proprietors pyre glen:4 l 4AF= , m bringing this preparation a 5A....?" . "* SO its present EEO of perfection; arid thelerperbasiSs of fourteen years has furnished thera , tbe mtot =pa op- portandy to study. to itteu mimes forma, thp don.? fox.which.4 • to recommended, and to adapt It exactly to thelt..lelleftr. A- U . mas who Wi11111.1.-11, 0000 Medicine are ttivitgdtiqrlfe ,.xli t Ufal, end WWI them:male., of its sopenority, and the mrtloahlo tictitetty Vatietarmx at m . " 24 and curing disease. The bottle has been erdargerltoluald ONS QUART, and lit its present Improved form may safely claim to be We Ewe end kledlclas of the age. Its propsaa to the fame tt 'testa:mined maybe traeed ,by laaj of facts and asses, Wet newd as landmarks and beacons for the inselidoetotating the w•Yl° the harem of health. , Tbs following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extenoi , e , acqualatanee in the Southern states, and lately &Rotated Consul to New Granada: Meer. L B. & D. SA Kn. OLNTLElll..—Haring used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation oof Sarsaparilla on different perums various pans of Southern country, sin.. Tem, end AI erico, I feel much !demure to stating the high eennertairted of its great t he salmi.. In my own time it anted almost a chart.. rorruning speedily the enerrated onto of Ahe mien, and 42.3144 , fn the mast Agreeable manner, a tome and insmoratins Infittenee. Your Sarsaparilla is highly amused and essecurrely need by the U. States anal In Mexico, and my moan, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR., haa far the past ere years been in the habit of using it, and recenionends the came be and . nryself Asdopuxl the article at the same time, and it is now ceim4ened ea : almost tinhapensablis In the army. In conclusion I would asty, that the better it to known the mort " tt; It will be prised, =Ma us that ita health. ',intim will mate f generally known throughout the length and breadth of ma" Wended You yell respectfully, - 8. 0. v, 8. Consul to New Graucada REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. . patbsw, ems, limo, 1/143.. Hoorn Buns r—Gentlenten—Symparityfcrr the amlated Whites me to W lt orm you of the remarkable care effected by your MasawllM in the one of my wife. Mot was emermy Manned with the Scrofula ern different parts of the body; the gLands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and harlimba math iwellm &tar sulterinf l ancr • year, and finding no relief from th e remedies .4, the dimes eriacked one , end below the knee suppurated. Her phydelin misted it alunad lied;zwitl wag done, but without any permanent bezusit, kolldaniMetion o and were induced to use Buns' Ursawilth. The feel bottle produced a end favor able Mhos, relieving her more than say masarriptted she bad ever taken I end before she had used six bottles, to the astenithnord mad delight of bar friends, she fcrand her health quite restored. It now era a yeas abaft the Cm* was efflemsd, sad her health !mgtWa good, showing the atlases we. thoreMtbly indicated from the system. Our nedgh6ors are all knowing to these facts, and Mack flirre " r blaming to the age • . Tama with lupe; .11: h V i i ta leDir Exited hose a letter received from Hr. If. W. filer*a gentleman welt known in Lenin county, fa. :—"I have cured • negro boy of mine 'oath your Sanaparilla, who woe attacked with Serofula, and of a senrinbrits family. Totes trul • Fridaieb 'Miff, fa, My IT, INS." • If. W. Cn The following taminiony from her. John Grigg late Hector of the Cherch of the aity, commends trielf the sttentkm the Minted Name= earthicates of cum of mine. diseases e to ffectred : by this medicine are almost daily received : Maur. Saates member of my family bee Mien valuable Saniapartha for a moire scrofulous affection, Me. with the mod DeNfidal effect Iram use. It gives me very greet labium* to record my linthittmy In Itethaff its virtue and alllcacy, hoping that others may be induced to make e kWcd New Yak, If sy 10, 1St&• JOHN G)3106. Mews. A. B. kD. Sarnia • ~ _Norwich, N. T., oa. I, 1.12. G MIAMI X —Feelings of gratitude inches mate mains anknowtedsammt of the benefit I ham derived from the use of your have for emend years been titillated arab scrofulom Swellings in my head, which at llama would Wand disclunge at my throat, nose, and ears, and at others would brut out In ignit parts of my face and head. Them manned IWO my throat, inc., mid head were almost one man Jere sere, mid fora long lime I Was So hoarse that lt was with the =lost &faculty Mat Leonid croak nbars a Vhivrr. During Una thins had several attacks of pleurisy and other cavemen 1 eaualted &reran ptryoirdlua, and tried various remedies, but marred no benefit tam.' commenced man, lour Sena. I am now well; the sores are all healed, Mal 1 inuilnn• the result entirely the of your valuable medicine Yours, with respect mid grallnide, MOBS , BANDON. Being personally =manned with the pe _roan Marra named, Lanese tun ginintnant to be correct.JAMES M . D , CAB.% Jostle. of the Puce. 717./Ay/.1) AND OOLD, witaLitsail Lip ISTALL, BT A. B. & D. SANDS, DRUGGISTS AND DRESUBTS, 100 Fostos,ss., doss. 07 Wmisals, Nsw You. Sold also by Druggists messily thsonstout the Tatted States sad Canada. Prsse SI per Bottle; Betties for $5 • Piusbargh, wholesale sad retail, by B. A. FAIIINM4TOCK„ & CO.,'coreer of and Front of Sixth and Wood st& by L. WILCOX, Jr., corneral •Santb&eld and Fourth sts, and nor st and the Diamond; also, by FJ)WARD FENDERICII, cor Monongala Halm. tor.3m 1311Z=21 OCROFULA L AND SCROFULOUS SWELL LNGS.—•Stroittla in all its multiplied forms whether in that bf King's Writ, enlargements o the glands or bona, Goitre, White Swellings, Caroruc Ehohtnatischik:diser, desesiies of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary; Commniption, emanate front one and the hataneallaei which is a poisonous principle more or less inhtirent in the human system. There. fore, sinless tbis principle tan be deatroycd, no rattf cal cure can be elected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is miaowed, a cure must of necessity Pillow, no matter under whatform the disease should manifest itself. Thin, therefore in the reason why JAYS ell ALTZRATIVI i• 40 11111 venally suecessfat: in remitting so many malignant diseases It dmitroys the sires or principle from whit° those disis issa have theism:4pm, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest:4hr°, removing every particle of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street„ Philadelphia: Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,No.l3 Fourth wee. Pittsburgh nich3l r &DIES Who OroCommon Prepared Chalk, are often nett...are hoer foghtfully smuneas t fa to the skin! hoer comae, how rolgh, how sallow, >elloo, I sad unhealthy the sksn appears after song Prepared chalk! Bestdery is Injurloas, eonialmegalargequan tity of lead. %Vesture prepared • beablital vegetable article, which alt:e all JUNIUS'S ,14.p.Anzsii LILY %VIII= It Is perfectly innotent,beingpmilled.of all deletenoas qualities; and It imparts m the akin a man ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, Eying white, at Mamas tsma meting u • coamerm oxr Me skin, making tenon and enema, DT. James, Anderson, Practical Chemist of Muni chosen. says: "Atter analysing Joncs4Bsousiah Lilts White, I finalt potatoes the most beantifut and nate. ral, at We same time Innocent white I ever saw. certainly eanaenacientsonatr recommend its use to all whose skin requirek bentogying," Or ?nee Meatus a box. kd by WM. JACJ(BOJS, at his Boot and Shoe the Bi Store., 66 Liberty sweet. head 6 Wood, at the sips of g Boa. Jle Ladies, ladicaltm astonished, When YOU kneel that pop ire promised A mar% life-like, snowy white, That pot Will still use common chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright, The %arab or langhter and oftalk. If you would olio in box of JONE'S Lilly-whae, it weld rive your Om an alabuter yet natural white, and at the tame time clear and improve it. Sold at JAMSON% be Liberty at. Pnee a" , cents per box. erle 401= D. NORMAN, Ogg Wood street one door south of Diamond Al eller, Pittsburgh, Pa, offers for sale a large lotot Limp, Modinines, this. Bain Varnish., .tuffs and Perfumery, Foreign and Domestic, to which be calls the *Manion of drags - lat., physimana and men , chants visiting the City, as he is determined to sell at very low prines, and give general satlefaction. Goods warranted and cheep, Varnish Pio. 1 and 2, N. York numulimturei.also Japtut and Illanit Leather Varnish es, of euperiorquality. Also, Mute and Red Lead at prices lower than heretofore olfeLed. J. D. also manufactureellorgan's celebrated Cough filTrup,Which has given patrol satisfaction to In the Clan% of cottghs;eoldlOoarseness, influenza, whoppin g cough,. croup, etc; pnee so cents per beide. Also, Margate& /tidiest Liver Pttla a ted.ll cord for liver complaint, Mel headache, and all hints= complaints. ?nee Dots per boa. • sep2o - - Dr. W. Pi, Inland's Primaliana Plas tar. TIE_ W. P. I.l4Lexp, of thisatedwal College Of JJ adelpZa, now tiara to as pit.. hie In..' V.l. able Premium Plaster, she qualm. of which . , after tong arid tried. experience, has been' sansfaelonly es. =Wished. TO. 1.11 women who may be atilieted with erolapsus Melia or Fallen IVeinth, he reeoutomuls aia Suter, guaranteeing a sure add speedy eere be the shoo speed of from two . la thee weeks, if applied with ease and rraS--ClaWattdilr La the consul.. isistinmenta and oxpeusisq bandages.o long be use. Thai he feels 111 eoesiputious la stating, Inasnmeh as be has not failed 000 Out of hundred a= stry-th m pa. A i. OA. akenmaaata and Weak Breast or Dock, E. willed with acre is notbing.tn noel this in affording trlleforwars ran.- For We by L Driicor.eirractof an d and larrirerA Braun /*or, ; 81; Clair as Dr J tialge* reds* st Aultexui, Ala gh"Y 00 7 Jacques Si soo, 1. ninon= And Dimond ,Dianrie. tj ~~ ; HYDROPATHIC ir.sTaszassuLENT, entturanonott, INS.V.. to, F A . Plt. EDWARD ACKE R, takes this MINIM .Or re turning Itia.thanks Mende and the nubile am esteniive patronage be has reeeived, aIW of fanning Mont that Itts!has *trip. crested large and won constructed building, for the exclusivapurposes of bm wArva cumis.srAmustatariT, nt hat old location, of Phillipsborgh, Pa, on the Ohio tnrar; type. aim the stestraboit londum at :Beaver, where he 4r..tY to reoeive wimps as ersanlen. and [MIL 14114121.0,M Rl dropathie princtple. /n addition to hia longexperl core, and the great success which has heretofore at tended kin tr eatment of patients eammitted is his earls, he has Iflo.theadditionotriallitisidt ax . tenure bell..erected expreasly.for the paryase, cOro Ous tetts artti ear!. totntlalNU. 4 &= every necessary apparatne fa' b , and termg the treatment to. he inmost ben and comfort of the patient: Philllpslnugh hi • mostdelighthil and healthy village, easy Gramma erste:mhos:a, and af fords fine and wholasturte wder.. Dr. Acker asswas Worn afflicted paneta who may plaenthemselves un der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their contforr, and as sa awatrancoofthe sthstiatialbenefits to be derived, be points with confidence to. the hun dreds who halm been permanently cured at his iamb hshment. The Water - Care leaves= iinationtelfects behind, as is • tOCI often the case with fturanariM have been treated on the old aystem. It removei the dis• are ] invigorateithe 'yam"ro protects Rom the danger. incident to changes of -the weather,' creme a Marra and active uppeute, and imparts vigor to the digestive powers. Terms of treantient and boarding reasonable. For further particulars inquire at the utablishment, or address the proprietor at £itillipabergh. mold DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. We have beereinformed by MM. Re/seer Caere per formed on het by Dr. Jayne , * Alterative s which prove. Ito artherlonty over every other remedy of the kind She has heen afflicted for the .but allteett ye.U. with Nk=tlSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, wended with *credo:yrs and enfoliation or variotht bones, do nng orb ich time niany'pleces hare been dtaelduied from the annul Isoneot the cranium, from both .her arms, I wrists and hands, and from both legs, aed from the left farmed bone, end from the eight knee, bemdcapainfal ulcers Co other pans of her person, whxh,have baffled the skill of a number of the mostamment physlidans or oar 6u—deflect:awn of the time her aniremetris have been enematat4 and deplorable. .boot three months Bce she was induced to try Dr. Jaynes Alterative ich bas had an amematungly happy effeet apon he r, _ by removing •all pain anti mooning!, otol, noosing the ulcers to heal, while at the woo timeher genera/ health has become completely restored, so that use net. ooettlrh , 13 lb. more than she did timbre she commenced the Ow of this truly Valeableprepatord—tmat Eve. Post. For further Information, inquire of ert. Rose, No. lfb Filbert st, Phlladyipata For sale in ,Pittsburgh, at the PERIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth n nearWczaL /id iiiMEEI A OREASOURZ,parbariaid by Um ***Wand cab tnts anal gionirm,Ljrar 7% . l4pcoparoidand mkt by, a LISS. Maui.' Pacty t r , Wertootrolmel PL, 'AR114.9(5;11347,., Al , .Ser*V—A seam . of .Rity to you sad thaaillicmd , iii vitt my *outdo tedium, AS Snortlycatjosuy celebrated Liver Pill. I basedetetred doiae va for pm % •ObattnytaDoriEtwebneaanciia • "b. Me POI on NW., awn go Wand.. Mon albs amay proportion of maw. and Ammks,londed th e ales, have monk isba yoarLiver Elittlavo both Oemod a RN pat010..4 Victim tiny brill Nervivlt Mom oil," ao 1 1.1 art dui trW Ton reptawatlitia to ha I tuna hien LWOW ooli Liar umPlood Stam, Path; halo mated mach; employed 0 . 1 .7 to whom I paid mach ammoy; hava loot mach • vomited andphylached almost to death' saldriukCSot teddy tht Goaßyglm ap artaeoimtin. Is Itr-7 I InS foals:alio Vilma Lim PiLls • and SOON GOT WELL, Ora boo of welch ill:mum:s6W to kscp motto, Of flail hitha aid., and tithe otbei symplonaa, for at least 9 months. Year Pills are al. to besteathartio 1 in, tad; beintattlaj dot pAdair or Aitken toach'slantam at th• mom. sty but Fro ma much relief Ibona kept theta in my store fbr gx, • 7 rupootd beadrett of boon, and hate moor heard a mai • complaint uttered by any ono who has and Ana. , Thdyhadvdapenmeded eland env other IQ in this noigiitodrhood, and ia a short time or btinish them aIL earnenly reco mmend dm to all pervon merlin phydid. daudder. for Linz Comptdixd Of Billiou AlrettiOPL I eon sideilhoi Et, supdrior tdedlomal or theßfooPall. Rmipact %MtJ L Noma 11—,as Quin Art Mho. PM, Wu. thia pallid rata., Lima. Pills, perms. who Irani tha OENVINE &gold utter dadlaisadother tan throe yd.pand mad wild by R E. SELLERS, No 57 Wedd-dt between Third tut Fourth Bald by Dr. Orran., KU% Ward, D M Coar, Mkeirbasy B To The Bledleal Profession an,. a-wwaso. LIErCKER'S FABIN.A, now in o.e at the hioapitals lA. Asylums, and other public evabrighments, and recommended by each of he mon diatingulabed pay siciaaa and cherais4, as an article of diet (or children and invalids, much superior to arrow root, sago, ate., far more sumrentog, pleasant m the rase, Lad My of digestion. ut up is 91 lbp boors of bairn). paper., each accompanied with prir.lrd dorecnom for coohng, I .: l 4omilasApkduara/ChtmWml,44MW,.rd, Ommm - !Valerian fed uson arrow•root, mies, or indeed any .kuld,of emylalaceons food, which does contain intro dients' fined for the formation of bones and telltales, beacon, fat, and acquire much immonromr, their limbs appear Ant, but they do not acquire strength, nor am thelrottans property developed.'s _Jri the analysis of dun Farina node by Roo Reid of biew York, among other constituents, ha gives 1.3 per 'cent 'ofglotten and allmmem and reinarki that the claims of the Farina opera the Medical Profession and the public will mat upon no containing In the, glutton and albumen, vegetable fibrin's and otheY eltrOgamied bodies not found 4t WOW 113019 r atlatbyt suestances, and which modem chemistry himpouded out as being neCalt.rj to the formation- of 'hiimari sled by means of which notate makers ap for. the tOrlitallt amain that takes piece in Me human boa= Sale wholesale or mail, by E 913 sepld 67 mood • Great English Bernaffisr. 'DOR Con/It iv Colds,Astluna and Coliisimpttote The 1"' ORR& ONLY REXED'iddr the egad the above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bodice, of London, England, and introdwed into the United &saw ander Mir enteediate.superinteridence of the inssmtor The extraordinary wecess of this medicine, ist cues of Paimmuary dimwits*, mamma the American Agent in noncoms for treanuanolio mount panible to that can be bond In the community—came that soot rellefinwein than any of thdemnmon serandict of the day, and have bona given up by themes% duttli,m'stiitlmd physichnis u confirmed and tecurable. The . Hunted = Balsam has eared, and will sore, the most desperate of anon It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Res its!, medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United Stator ahould .soppllett with Buohan's Henson. Balsam of Life not only to counteract the emunntiptiVe tendenties of the -e bat to Im used eau prevemive mediate° in all eases of colds, coughs, moues of blood, th e I nky side and then, irritation and sonnies. of the broolthis, difficulty of Melons, heath, fever, night gamma emeol allon mad swami debility, maiden, influenza, whooping wash and croup. Sold in large bottles, at 51 per bottle, with full ditto dons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and *snarl. Goa. cortfficams, and other evidence, showing the an. °walled mor n , of this groat English Remedy, may be obtained of the Asenjothensly. For salts by B A RHYME Co., pouter of stood Wood and W and ath sus. seas 9 DIL.JAYIN/C'S CAILIMIATIVICIIALSARI r; ROM the Her a well known led pop • V ate, Clergsmentel YrountrattnimbodisiChuneb The undersigned having beertaitlietcd denies Mop est winter with n disease of the ntochael, sometimes pro. rincius great pale in the stomach fa r tenor tweivehenan anthem intermission, and 'Her bevies tried andoes remedies with link effecett,, was famished , with a bottle ofDr D Jaynes C ve Balsam. Teta he used *a conites to the directions, and fond /a, arlab ly that thin medieme caused the-pall to abate in three or tour =n otes, !ad in fulcra az %sway mimeos every unes semanon was entirely qukted. The medicine was aft terwardsused whiter/or irttlicationsof the approach of pitinwere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. Ha continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes incite =rating, and in a few weeks :health was solar matured, that ihe earrems was relies , ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. From es ccee,, therefore, j a l loonfidently mama:mild? for j drseases oft:at:ma% h and lio7ve n ts. 4 13,Hrtil For sal in Plusburgh at tho P ai RMITSA 6t .M I R 73 Fou:mem, nen, Wood, god of al IheDrog Stoinsof P SCHWARTZ. Veddral Weed. /Mega.. • 'our Mood. 0. E. BIBLES'"—Dear Sir. Last Spring, and du j_l the previous starter, I was severely afflicted .with a scsofulous coraplaint, in my legs, and had ham for some mouths under the care of physicians. They said my case Was almost locatable, and they could do but linlo far me. 1 was nearly hetptess, bur with the aid of ertuches could with difficulty get about. In May 1 last 2s lnchaaed ., of - you, and th. . need t=z u m .; sort. commenced beafmtr and I I solda my notch, o•, using only g CUM I &wooed wry CIAO, and ea*. sad Mita bash, was so well I.llfithl 411 day in she g sheep . In arl, I used five bottles. Thu and sores have all herded upouttridace laat umgm IbAvil aeon no 4 PK.,....0 of the disease, em have cat:'so, and ant now, in the 3:llo6l.pClthe.l health/ I SUM confidence, to:Toyota,. others may be ben dined ' the same way, Mat the Sarsaparilla sold by you, h been the mean and the Mar means cream, coq the are CORNEJAUS J. ROSE For e wholesale and retail, li dfc ' ' B. A. PRA - MOCK ft - Gs con from. P wood ■ta, Se aimed:inter wood 6 ed.. PEBBPDBLIMILY— r Cream de' Amanda Smuts', for ahavusr, Creersiu la Romoor shaving; • Alameda Crum, do Superfine Etooge, on Porcelain stande e Clews scent bap, perfumed with Lavender, Angle , mere Mid; =p owder paint, a ell . pattems; mtlet boxu, conta ining frugisat ertracts foe the handkerchieft Ascent bad and miles soaps, slut. able Mr presents. Perslanor Chinese ;murder, Indian-ensemble hair oil, Bemis oil, us fancy or cmmison Wrappers, (rose WM ed); /ems' Soap; Nymph Soap; Rose Lip salve; Shell map; Soda map; ether with a great variery of fine pert - emery: inst rec Used; for sale by B A FAUN ESTOC K A CO pie -korai] sts „ . Pulinowary Sabana. NMRS. REED fr. cuTLEA.--i feel !t duty . I 11. to my idiots creaming, to state Sintiething mom- r "P w ' .l B .ysour Yallutshlet PahmtuartErdsam. dome I first abstains Balsam, abase eleven, yam Rao, the happy effect of which I then pre an eceoum IA I have had *arena severe complaints and auacka et my lungs, one a kror days time, and to every instance I Lave need the &damn alone with complete and perfect andcesik It hula effected relief end cure In a very few day. his certainty aWe medicine. Ido not :know that it will cure a fired consumption, but believe it vrill be in many caeca a preventive, and pscriention is better than mum I do therefore, let the love of my fel low men, earnestly ire the-Omer this Balsam, in ail pulmonary complaima. l am confidant tkat it sou been thq means of preserving reptile to llus day. Boston June la, `4O. BENISAIIN ?ARSONS, For gale by B A Fatutestock, & Co, canter first en wood and also corner wood end 6th: ” 101 l 51. 11 . 1 .FE9 I.IIIFERIA.C. COUCNI 51EUP.....1t has power w eared Prrisermon,Feb..l4,l/317. Setaxac —My wife has for years been 'abject to & distressing rough, accompanied with asthrtte, for the care of which •he owe &Term morel Maladies, aivd had the advice of the most eminent*mittens in England, hat all was unavailing. By clunthe 1 heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and waainduced to boy • bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anything etnnd remove her complaint. To my great Minim, two doses. gave her immediate tenet Simla at time. troubled with a cough, but two umspoonslidol Drop always stops it. lem wished, an: a vial of three or tour yeara that Seller'. Cough Syrup I. the hest coma medicine I have ever cried either la th e ()Win New World. Will:Faniumws.ma Seventh Ward i ci Prizsbargh. The above .rtifical B e should ndu ty ce of all who are trembled with cortgbor asthma, fo give st , •!*.•••P • 'ri ll It may be bad for OS cents a bottl,g_ ,the td, dog „ n~ of , R E 81.14. ERA "- Sold by Dr Camel, alb wont; and D H Carty, dile. o=7 cloy. ions Patent Weent Sprimgr Trolll. INVIPtTP..II—Foi the reliefand Permanent VI Cure of HERNIA at OUPTllEUtlillaited to all Cho superior clan:user Wm Truss coastal In the cm. 'armies alma with which it may be wore.. The pad of wrod betas neatly hal/Laced on outings, yields Lure:- rare many part of It, and thoroughly adapts itself to any movement made by the wearer. It cart be worn anthout latennissiom wattle can tae rested. The sab icubere have made arranamneau.for the manufacture at thew valuable TrUBC-11,10 ilsaperior style, Pa.aay impala, and have them 12014, for isle at theft orrice, Nu 17, braidufield .t. near With, Plitstru GEO. WATT D. W. KAUFhlaly. SELLERS' VERSIIFIJUE— '• S upernor to any I have ever usuLn Game, Tr., Fayette county, Pc,Llssch I, '4B. Mr. R- E. daunts—l hereby certify I I hove used your VerillifUfie In mr family, and believe it equal, if our supenor TO any have over used. I gave to 0110 01 gay children one dose, which expelled about Kr worms. E Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57.W00d LlErsison. st. Sold by Dr Cassel, Stt, Ward; M L'utry, Alleny; W J Smith, Temperaneevllle; arid P Drove, Law renceville. nty4 S YRINI assorturorn .Iml, reed and tor sal Gar: POD fr. Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, p v 01 .0•14140 DAILY, l'fil.WEPsllt -rf. WEEKLY At WI C Irma= Buildings, 34u., nest Ow Pro Wks PLATES OF aDVIiiliTlBl22Ol. One insertion of /Vince . , or less, 80 50 Too inse rt ions without alterations,..... .". . ',,, .0 76 Three " ..... ..... 100 One Week " .. Two Weeke '' " Three " " One Month, ". :::::::::: 32 1 0 10 , 400 ..... ... i.. 7 " II ~ 6 00 Three ~. ' 5O CU' Longer . tdvertiseinents in mono proportion. One squam,6 moritlie, without alteration,... 10 00 . g a .... 15 eo Each additional equare for • 6 months, 5 00 . '• . . 11. " o• g . ' o •10 00 One square,6 months, renewable at pleasure, 15 00 ,• a 0 . 20 00 ' Erich additionthquare for 12 manila 10 00 Two aquares, i„„boutbs, re'vrable at pleoinre, 30 00 Each additional square, 6 months, - 2.. 8 00 MR - SILLY OR TIII• .. llf DAIL! repass, Oro: square. a insertions, . ..81 50 . •• each tilidißOAai illlo/ROR.•• • 4 ••• • • 37 II PURIM CARDS. ... . • Fife lines or leas, one year. 600 •• "in moOth" 6 00 066 yeir, weekly, 10 00 month"." 00 Anrzancrannit rayiii6tvi. far gA) artek, or t en, One 60 ".• !!! , . 076 ' cc , . Three, . 1 00 Three mamba; ........ MI•0 •• .. Biz 6-00 " " Twit =TM