The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 27, 1848, Image 3

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' • •
Vienna Capitulated—Frightful Carnage:
Ronowal of War In Danish Blochlasi
Expected Hostilities id Paris,
Prowls Lona Generally Izaproving
Now Yvan, Nov. 25, ISt&
The Cambria arrived this morning, making the
trip In foulteen-days, having sailed on the 9th.—
The nears brought by her is of thrilling interesc--
The affairs el the Continent are still in a deplore-
Me condition. Commercial matters assume a more
favorable position, and money is more alnindatit.
The city of Vienna has capitulated after a fright-
ful bombardment on 28th October. Windishgras
carried the suburbs under a galling fire, with every
inch disputed. The Viennese hourly expected
the Hungarians to their relief. Jellacttieh bad
been detached to check them. The two armies
had had a battle, end the Hungarians were rooted
with prodigious slaughter. The city then offered
to capitulate. While the flag was being hoisted
the 'Vaginae traction:only fired upon them, which
• caused a general battle in the heart of the cityr-
Hreit and frightful carnage was the colusequence- ,
ilia Imperial palace was fired.
On the 2d of Nov. the Capital was in poasesaion
of the Imperial forces.
The Emperor, since the capitulation, pledged
himself noisto revoke the Constitution until March
Business is in a state of great disorder. A
new ministry has been formed, and all ranks of
nobility hors hem abolished.
An immense mob had attacked the Assembly,
and the excitement had run to such a height, that
m any of the malcontents carried cords in their
hands kir the purpose of summarily hanging ob..
noxious members, and it Is expected that frightful
carnage will speedily ensue.
espeated that war will be *nested in the
Danish Duchies as soon as the spring will per-
r7n - i
The Constitution has finally passed the Assam•
bly, and a great contest is going on between Louis
Napoleon Bonaparte and General Cav signer! for
the Presidency.
Alan:deg decline in French funds; 3 per cent.
as lots as 40, but closed at 42.
A large number of trove had been assembled
in the city, and appearances universally betokened
another Awful struggle, should Napolen be the
successful candidate.
From England the nears is unimportant, u•
cept that the Cholera is largely on the inemase;
most wealthy families leaving the cities in Mee dof
L the contagion.
Things here generally ant quiet. Wrim of spun
have not yet arrived in the cases of O'Brien and
his associates.
A large businesithee been done in Govern tent
Letxmort, Nov. 9th, 18481.
Since the sailing of-the Acadia, produce hat not
improved. Holders are willing, but buyers are
Mill cautious; the demand is air, and tendenc+ up
. ward. Corn trade is steady, but the supply being
. •
large, prices are generally nominal, with down
-on 4 tendency. The manufacturing aspects are
drisettled. Iron dull
.Clcrrroilj stiffer; in some instances a alight id.
vitiice has been *h. Salo of the week amtrunt
to 28,000 bales. 'Prices range for Orleans 9to 31c;
lipletid .34 to etc. Brokers' quotations for fair
. are, Made and Bowed 31c., Orleans 41c.
Clasna—lmports are increasing, and buyera pur
chase only for immediate wares. Wheat--1 Leda
72.104 to 7s. 11d; White In. 2d. to Bs. 84. ;ore,
33a sd.
Fume—Meal 17a 3d. to 17s 6d. Wheat Flour,
29, 6d. to 30s.
Pitowszcset—ldarkat ilna,al an advance of 2 to
3s per cwt. Shoulders 22 to 255; Canvassed
Hants 34 to 4205 Mesa Berl 40 to 460; Prime IS to
40s. Pork—Mess 475. to 54a; Prime 34 to 350..
Lace—Lard is active at 39 to 41.
Cana-- GTheese inactive at 30 to 325.
taxacco—Kentuclry Leaf 21 to 44; stemmed 3
to 51.
Wages ornanuracturtng Labor I Eng
Ms. Faros : towing the autumn of 1867, I visited
Burope;and while in great Britain, spent several
weeks in the manufacturing district. I was adirdt•
red with entire freedom to the Linen factories at
Belfast, Ireland; to the Machine Shops and Cotton
' Funnies at Greenock and Glasgow, in Scotland
to a large Woolen Factory at Leeds; to several of
the Machine Shops and Cotten Mills at Manohes
t et; to a Lace Factory at Derby, and to the Shops
at Sheffield and Birmingham. Allthe processes-In
the Several manufactures were shown to meld
all nip inquiries were answered without reserve,
and to my entire satisfaction. The rate of wages the operatives, and the cost of production,
were of coarse points which I could not overladll
I was uniformly attended by the proprietor or man
ager of the factory ; and the information received
was Immediately noted in my memorandom-book,
from which I take the following par Oculars regard.
lag Sieges :
The operative in all cases boards himself out of
the Linen
In the Mill at Belfast, wages from I ld, to
13d. per day ; average 6s. a week, equal to 81,
In the Cotton Mills which I visited at Greenock
and Glasgow, in Scotland, wages ranged from es.
to 64. 6d. sterling a week; average not over 7s. 6d,
egret to $lBO.
In the large Woollen Mills at Leeds, wages rang
ed from es. to I.os. Betting aareek; average not over
9s equal to $2 le,
Id the two beat Cotten Factorieil visited at MI n
chester, one of them spitting One Lace Thread from
No. 200 to No. 400, and the other spinning No. 40 '
Mule Twist, the average wages paid to men, wo
men and children, as given me by the proprietors,
was Ms a week, equal to 52 88. At the same time,
the proprietors informed me, that their rate of sta
ges was considerably above the general rate; and
in accordance with this statement, I found in these
two mills-much the best clothed andkiest Looking
sets of operatives I saw in any factories In Great
As another teat Mlle cost of labor, I ascertained
from the proprietors themselves, who, in some in..
stances, submitted to my inspection their private
weekly mantes aeon; that No. 40 Mule Twist was
produced and parked for markir,at • cost of 2d
per pound on labor. And this embraced me
chanics and all other labor employed about tiro es
Skilled labor is also much cheaper in Manches
ter than m Lowell. In one mill, much larger num
the may mill of the Merrimack Company, I was
informed that the bead overkoker. having a genend
superintendence of the whole mill, received $l5 a
Week, equal le $2 40 a day, mad the overseers of
rooms from 27s to 30s a week, eqimi
d 31 20 per day.
My general conclusion was, that labor in Cotton
manufacture in Manchester, was at least 33 per
cent and in the Woolens at Leeds at least 50 per
=la. thee , than alarm labor, atthe same time,
Very respecifrilly, JOHN AMEN.
CAND Y—A fresh supply susl re
P. eslYal sulA kraals by meta J KIDD &
/ALIVE 01L-250 galls Am reed assa for Wet by
V oo•L7 J RIDD kCo
OHS P'D • past andfor ode
noTI3 .1 KIDD tt. Co
CUD LIVER OIL-30 pale Jut reed and for salp:by
110•13 J KIDD to Co
Ell ,
f i g .: 4 w,
miNuEDiTANDLISO bzs and fez sale by
no , t 3 szrxerts a rqco L ts ugl u v
LOAF SUGAR. 32 bbls, small loaves, for sale by
Clan9el7ll—,KMThae s crude woe and
0 for sate by 18Akti1 DICKEY & Co,
novl3 front at
APPLES-28bblr mil,
Gl!I ll
reeeived and for IL 0 by
novla WICK &111 1 CANDLESS
WOOL! .—
WOOL!!—The highest market price in
4 eash b will be paid &sr the 'diferent rrades, of
13 & W ELARBAUI3I4, •
novl9 53 water and IDS Iron; st
ILOWE'S CREAM CiLEFSE=iiels , gem very
mtperiar Cream Cheese, Just received by
hcrelo 8 & W WS/WAUGH
.zb N, A.P.FLE:3-12:1 We Green Apples, on ebn
tignment and for sale by
b 0•17 now A cummirotiAm
sZtrot Cream C mina, f.
_t;Q_AjitIXRCIAI,,, &KORB.
1618 San
- 7
2G thmday, 7 12
27 Monday, 7 13
Tum 6 Y, . 714
Wed 4.5.47, 715
30 TburiGtlay, 7 15
1 Frid.7l - 7la
08110. W . 7 . TOTTEN.
_ .
• °Friar flrratureou Oszarrr,
Monday Morning, November, 27, 1848.
Saturday was a dal] day as usual, and very
tie was •done in ..the way of sales. The weather
was dark and stormy, and quite disagreeable for
out door business.
FLOUR--Sules Gout first hands were small, re
ceipts being light. Sales of 100 bids on the wharf
at 3,90 p bid, which is a fraction lower than kr
trier rates. Regular sides from store by dray load
lots at 4,121 p bbl.
GRAlN—Nothing was done worthy of report.
Prices wand about the same as at last quotations .
GROCERIES—The market is steady, but not
active. We note regular sales to the trade at the
following rabse—N 0 sugar 5i551 by bad, and 51
6451 by the bbl. Rio coffee 7167/c pi lb. N 0
molasses 30e sugar house 40154.5 c p gall. Loaf
sugar 843110 as in quality. Rice 51a5ic p In, i n
limited quantities.
PROVISIONS--Sales of good western cured
bacon lit moderate quantities at, for shoulders 46
di, odes 41041, and hams at 6107 c as in quality
Sales of lard at 75371, of butter, we note antes of
keg at 81091 c. --
CHEESE—Good W R is in fair request at 546
51, and cream at 6161 c p lb,
FRUIT—Sales of green apples from first hands
at 73687, and from store at 3101,08, all in quality.
Sales of dried apples at 55062,and of peaches at
51,2`tat,31 w bu.
STEAMBOAT A CCIDENT.--The steamers Empire
and Pontiac came in collision thirty miles below
Louisville on Friday night. No injury to the Em
pire and but slight injury to the Pontiac.
CANAL. CLosoco—The Illinois and Michigan cas
nal was closed by ice on the 10th inst. Near La
Salle oh the 1111 t, the ice mu from three to four
inches thick, and navigation was entirely sevens
ded.—[Lou. Jour.
QvArrirrr or Driwint.,r GRAINS PRCVWCED rn
TEEL trii. &Am—The following is the amount
of the different Linda of grain produced in the
United States in 1847, according to the estimate
contained in the table preceding the agricultural
repcirt of this office for the present year, viz:
Breadstuff. Bushels. Total Bash
Indian corn or maize, 539 350,000
Wheat, 114.245,500
Rye, 29,222,700
Buckniheat, 11,673,500
Grain not used Anbrendattat
Oran, 167,567,000
Barley, 5,649,950
Other articles of food
Potatoes, 100,950)00 bushels.
Beans and peas, 50,000,000
Rice, 103,640,530 pounds.
Estimated population, 20,746,400.
—[Patent Office Report for 1847.
Navistar Tuna—The New York Post remarks:
—One of the greatest drawbacks to the consump.
tion of our provisions abroad, and in the English
is, that good derwriptions have not taken that stand
as to packing, qdality, and good clear pickle ne
cessary for consumption, especially among a people
as the English, tied as they are to numerous con.
ventionalities and old usage. That this has been
detrimental to the above branch of our trade no
one wkquegion, yet, that an improvement is now
perceptible, has been universally conceded, but
not enough to meet or remove the objections per
sisted in on the other nide. Take, for instance,
the important article of our shipping hams, the
proper mode of curing which we extract from a
letter Of our Liverpool correspondent, now, and
for many years a large dealer in the above line.
' 'tem halm have not yet taken that stand in
the English market which they must ultimately
reach. Na article in the trade requires no much
care in the manufacture; the great desideratum us
mildness of core with mellowness of flavor. We
believe the former may be obtained by packing for
shipment (after eighteen to twenty-one days in the
usaatlmmess of cure) with mane Turks Ishmd
or St L`ber salt; this will ensure condition and art
act on the meal to the extent that ordinary salt
will We ; however, venture our opinion on this
point reservedly, but at the same time, when we
find Irish and English hams sell freely from 60. to
80s per owl, we think it is worth some attention m
the endeavor to elevate the" price of Americas."
In the article of good prime beef however, oar
curing has astonishingly improved, and we are
now able to enter the field successfully against
Irish curers, so much so that our packers of beef
by the previous showing of high prices mint have
been well remunerated. The sanirwriter on that
subject says,
'The quality of the best brands of American
beef are much approved of. The desirable points
being,to have the color a bright pink, the pickle
clear, with a good capping of Turks Island or oth
er coarse ssli; the coarse pieces, necks, shanks,
&c, as scarce, and the meat as fat as possible. In
addition to all these, -- the weight (marked on the
cask) correctly put lido every tierce."
The evil erects of careless or false economy in
this selection of quality and mode of packing, m
strikingly made apparent in the heavy stock of
park now on hand at Liverpool, chiefly of an in
ferior grade, and is thus represented—
'Tire high prices made in 1847 for prime mess
pork meeting a surplus production of 'bulk bacon'
at this chief packing points, seem to have induced
many packers simultaneously to commence ma.
king prime men pork oat of bulk bacon; the re
sult hair been, .that there is now in this market
8000 ba nets called 'prime mesa port,' but which
is unsal cable as such, and must be taken of slow.
ly for Jr eland to compete with 'coarse meat or
. A really good article of •prune mesa park'
cut into bar pound pieces from hogs not exceed
ing 180 !Lis to fs:10 IDs, cured only in pickle, to be
of a bright pini: color, packed with clean clear
pickle, and with a good capping of coarse snit,
will always find e ready sale, and such an article
will seldom, 17 °Tor, go ender 50a per barrel, and
will often touch 65, to 70.; at present the latter
price could be readily , hod.
Aptrit of the Domestic itiortet
Maysville, Nov. 21,1818.
Hemp—We quote hemp at wok?, with few
if any buyers above 5,25, to blab a prime article
commands. We noticed a shipment East yester
day of 100 balos—some 10 or 11: tone--solo at $5,
75, &livered at the river. A lot of 3 tons men.
chant/Ile sold on Thoriday at $5. Contracts for
the new crop are making quite froely at $5, and
buyers have more offers than they will take.
Wli eat-65c is the usual rate; 70e is offered at
the City Mills for prime.
Flom Ls without change.
New York, Nov. 20 —At market-1,800 beef
cattle ; (800 Southern, remainder Eaalern and thLs
Staley 50 colas and calves, and 4,000 sheep and
Beet Caule—Fur fair retailing qualities there
has been a pretty brisk demand during the week.
Prices remain firm et from Si to ST, / p cwt.—
Fromila e appearam a of the yard we should any
there m ere between 3 and 400 head left over. A
lot of 40 shipped to Bermuda. The sale are
mainly r.o the city butchers, and there are but few
or DO packers in market.
Cow. and Calves--Hanged from $24 to $350
05.0:ash—a sold.
Lambl , l-5102.,051.—.un501d 500.
Jam's Exerrou...—We would call attention to
this excellent :Moody for Coughs, Colds, Comm:rapttan,
!attne, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs.
fleeing several times within • few years put herd occa
sion to use a medicine of this kind, we have hy experi
ence tested its excellent qualities, and are Prepared to
recommend it to others. hiinisters or other public
speakers afflicted swab timnetnal affections will find
great benefit from its us ise. It prepared by a stienti
fic physician, and all Masses find it a safe and effi
cacious medicine in the diseases fur winch it is re
commendetL-4Colurabas (Ohnol Cruz and JOUTIMi.
Forealeat the Pekin Tea Store, Nu. 7D Fourth street.
ID' Di.PIPSLA iS the bane or many a man. oriel
once. No tongue can describe the sufferings caused
by this dills:sating &must It unfits mar for his sta
tion In life, whatever it may be, and makes him feel
as though he would rather hot exist than endure such
misery. Yet these sufferings are produced in the Ent
place by derangement of the stomach, and if this wens
mat by using ii. A. Pahnestock's Anti-I/dims., Pills,
the bowels would be cleansed, the accumulation of
tole carried off, and • speedy and sure relief obtatned.
Prepared and geld by L orne A. FAHNESTOCI3 a Co,
corner Ist and wood, also 6th and wood ..sts
" ADII,III. Rom Co. Onto, Feb. lb , 13. M.
"Meson. J. Kidd & Co.: We wish w Inform you that
we Else sold all of your Worm SPecifto you rein with
us. We wish you to send as some more as soon as
possible, as it has given goner& satisfaction b ere. We
have many calls for it slues we are oat of ttu t article.
It has succeeded all other preparations that county,
and far this reason we wish to keep a supply oil band.
FL & M. A. PATTER sori."
Green Applei,
. .
The above is one alba hundreds of similes commu
nications which the proprietors of this medi gibe are
daily reeehdne. Where it tuts been Introdoemd. It has
bemuse the mmt tomtit, remedy in .4.
For side at the drab store of J KIDD & Co, 60 Wood
' whiter skin of hers, th en snow,
And puns as mommsental al Winner."
All females have skin like the above, who a to /ones
Lily White. It maketh pare snowy, yet oats
Bold ai e 9 Libertyatinct„ 391 e
LouisMcLane Bennett, Brownsville
Adeline, Perk:neon, Brownsville ;
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
'Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Lake Erie,Shales. Beaver.
Beaver, ark, Wellsville.
m ooo ngabela, Stone, Cia.
Vermont, Hazlett, Louisville.
Heil Colorable, Green. Cia.
St. Anthony, Kinney, Wheeling.
Newark, Bishop, Zanesville.
Niagara, Cox, St Lome.
Consul, Kinney, Wheeling.
Colombian, Cia.
Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. Beaver.
4 4s Ts 15
4 43 721
447 834
44$ 941
4 45 10 47
4 45 11 59
4 44 mom.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.)
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville.
Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville.
Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati.
Pacific, Campbell, Louisville.
Amenca, Dc Camp, Cia.
Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport.
Wellsville, Barns, Cin.
Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellsville.
At dusk last evening, there were 6 feet 0 inches
ater in the channel, by pier mark, and rising.
Cincinnati Paugets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M.
Nashville Cumberland.
St Louis. North River.
Louisville Vermont.
Wheeling St. Anthony.
St Luisa—Per Vermont-9 kg. shot, R Dalzel!
& co; 7 hhds tob, Geo Weyman; 2 has tools, Whit
more & Wolff; 15 bbls scorching*, Brumley &
Smith; 25 his starch, W McCully; 7 has garden
seeds, L S Waterman.
Sunfish—Per Welbville 50 Ws apples, James
Hanna; 27 hhds tab, J C Bidwell; 8 kgs butter,
McGill & Roe; 13 bbd, lob, 1) Leech & co; GO bbls
dour, A G Ewing; 21 do do, J S Dilworth; 1 do
apples, Crum & McGrew; 37 eke wool, Win Bing.
ham; 13 eke barley, Wood dz Hughes; 81 pkgs sun
dries, B. Dulzell & co.
B ,
Y virtue of a precep under the hands of the Hon.
Donm Jr.,mtn Pat on, President of the Court of
Common Picea, in and for the Fifth Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer, and general Jail delivery, In and for said
District. and William Kerr, and Samuel Jones, Es
quires, Associate Judges of the same CoOrts, in and for
the county of Alleghendated the Met day of Septem
ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hue.
deed and forty eight, and to me directed, for holding a
Coon of Oyer anal Terminer and Gement Jail delive
ry, at the Court House hi the city of Pittsburgh. on the
eth Monday of December nor, at 10 o'cloc kA. M.
Public notice is hereby given to all Justices of the
Peace, Carom r and Constables of the county of Alle
gheny, that they be then and there in their proper per
sons with their rolls, records, inquisitions, alumna
dens, and other remembrances, to do those thing.
which to their respective offices in their behalf, appear
to be done—and also those that will prosecute the per
sons that now are, or may be In the jail of said cont.) ,
of Allegheny, to be then, and there to prosecute against
them as shall be Just
Given under my hand at Pittsburgh, this 21. st day of
November, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty eight, and of the Common
wealth the sixty ninth
toeM-ald.orttS JOHN FORSYTH, She riff.
ATCHES, of a very fine qua li ty, and beautiful
V pattera selemed expressly for retail miles, made
by Cooper, Tobias, Johnson, L thertand, Davie. k Co,
Beesley, and other genuine and approved manufamu
rers in Paglaad.
F. ll Jewelled 19 carat Gold Patent Lever Watches.
as low as 15:N. Others at varicose prices. according to
qoality, weight, &n., varying from *4O to SIN.
Silver watches in great variety, from SS to 530. All
over 810 warranted. Levers as low as $lB.
_ . . .
JEWELRY, consistmg of gold guard, vest and fob
chains, keys, seals, pencils, finger rings, bn est pins,
studs, ear rings, bracelets.lockets, buckles, slides, he.
Also. sliver combs. card cases, fruit knives, thuables,
shields, pencils. buckles, slice., toothd ear picks,
nov`n 57 market st, cot 4th
ANECDOTEX , --Cyclopedis of Moral and ReLipman
Anecdotes: a collection of several thousand Facto,
lnodents, Nurtures, Example and Testimonies, em
bracing tha best of the kind in most fanner colleenons,
and some hundreds in addition. anginal and selected,
the oriole arranged ana clasitified on a new plan, -inth
copious topical and scriptutal Outage. By Rev IL
Arabia, A M., Pastor oldie Providence Church, New
York: with an Introduction by Rev. Geo. D. Cheerer,
D.D. Just published.
The above, with a number of new and valuable pub
lications, for sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLIOH,
nov2ll Ni wood at
Foot Express,at reduced pried aeeondow
date a lovers of this delicious luxury, BURKE k Co.
have resolved to supply the people regularly through•
out the season, with We choicest Fmsh Oysters i
cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced prices
will enable every family to enjoy dos delicacy u thei
An Express load will he received daily at the ware
house of SNO C BIDWELL, Water street, between
Sirothfield and Grant, mid for sale the , e, and .t the
lowing depots: Reis A. klerger, corner eviiiihaelil and
ad six; E Heacietori, Diamond; A Ili.evlev. Peon at, sth
Ward; D Haughey, foot of Liberty st; J Cohan, Ir
Pennai Avenue; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny coy.
RERS.—The subscnbers, being th e exclusive im
porters of James Plasprau A. Sons' Soda Ash for this
market, are now and will connnue to ha largely sup
plied with this celebrated brand, which they will .11
at the lowest market price for cash or approved
They refer to the glass and soap mansuacturers of
this city generally respecting the quality
noel • IGO liberty ct
Bleaching Powder, (Chloride of Lime.)
RERS.—Tbe mbmribers have on hand and snit
constantly be supplied with. Jas. Mailman k Pons' cel
ebrated Blemhing Powder, which they. will warrant
equal Vont supenor to any imported itrthe States,
and which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar
ket pace for cash or approyrd
noel W A hi MITCRELTRF:E, IGO liberty at
Aluspratt A. Sons' Zeds Ash.
THE subscriber. ant now receiving thew Fall stock
ante above article, three veuels, mai the Juniata,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived as Pialadelphla
and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared
to motive orders. They will receive dunng the win
ter and spring regular auppltes rut New Orleans.
novl3 W & 11 MITCHELTREZ
I mu.
take from the landing, foot of Wood street, on last
Tursday, 2011 Wt., seek WOOL, marked "Stash &
Stnetalr," Pet. Any person by returning it, or Infor
mation by which it may be received grill liberldiy
rewarded by S W eIARBA UGH,
Etarusicas—atreh, Carothers & Co.,
Alexander Laughlin,
John Grier. nove-dam.
I cue Lavender Blankets;
I bale Lavender Blanket coating;
do drab do
2 do blue do
Consignment. from Eastern manufacturers, and for
sale at eastern prices with carriage added.
nov22 MURPHY & LEE,lllst, foot oth
DLANKETB! BLANAETB!!—IIoa.e keepers and
others wanting above goods, will bear In mind
that a large assortment has lately been received, of all
qualities, including some very
MURPHY, limes, and superior, at
the dry pods house of W It
noriti N E comer 4th ats
MILLINERY GOODS—Jost recetved by Expresa,
a tear pieces or cherry colored silk Winton Netts
and Creme. Also, a lot of Bonnet Silks, Satins, Vet.
vete and Rlbbocts. SMITH er. JOHNSON,
riARFETS: CARPElllit—Ravinlustree'd from the
manufncturer direct, a splendidCar
pa. of most beautiful colors and shading., and any one
furnishing parlors would do well by examining our
stock, as we are selbng veky
novl6 t hVOLINTOCK, 76 Fourth et
fIAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy
Starlings, Cheeks, Yee., %threes street, city of
Allegheny. novls-aly•
WRAPPING PAPHR—IOOO mu Crown Wrappidir
Pliper, 1000 do medium do, 'um rec'd and for
.ale by nom!! FRIIIIID, FtHF.V & Co
LEAD—es pigs Lead, just reed and for slide by
nov2l FRIEND, RUBY & Co
DRIED PEACHES — E 7 sacks past Teo d and for sale
by nitv2l FRIEND, RREY & Co
FEATHERS - 24 sacks jou received and for sale by
nor% FRIEND. R HEY & Co
CtINRENG-11 su ck.
1711 . I/Tat !o ff. .JO7l' bY
uovtl TOW II
F EATHERS---78 0 sacke nair s lAtinAlgii,if=ebzeo
DRY PEACHES-12 sac&a.w landing horn surd
. Consul, and (or solo by
Por.b.J . 19AIAL DICKEY & Co
ply of above goods, or different opened this morn•
ing at We gore of nov22 W R MURPHY
GOODS EXPECTED—W it Murphy will receive in
• few days, superior gray Pedals Cloth for Indies
and mimeo seek.. • eget
STRAW WRAPYINU PAPER-2000 milt for ule
by 0 SC1100:01 AKER & Co,
LEATHER VARl4lBll—ATorays on hand and for
gale Ly novin R T LEECH, Jr
FISH—e bbl. No 1 Salmon; 1 calk Codfish; 1 do
WOO. nth; 1 do smoked Hallibati No 1. 2 and a
Mackerel, for mac by n0,r17 .1 D WILLIAM
BBOOMB--122 dot Brodm , jest reed and far .ale
novl7 144 libotty
ball cheat. Y It Tea, on consignment mu!
for sale IP novl7 ROM' A CUNNINCIHAM
TAR -200 hbla North Citation Tar, in largo barrel.
and good order, for ale by
I(LIME -100 bbls Louisville White Lime, ter sale Ity3
aovlll HUBBRIDGE, WILSON & water a
THE al:Member is pre
pared to furnish Bouquets
10f Weddings, Balla and
Parries, composed of nee
fragrant Firmrera. Orders
leti with W. T. Boyer, Jr,
Pt Min street, or through
the Post Office, artll be de.
livered promptly
JA%li %VgidDROP.
Manche... Nursery.
aorta dim.
tn=VT 74 :f.n
\o. 3 Coxactu. Rain,
To Western Morehants.
T es . :. 4 EY k Pilaff *Ter for tale at 35 Wood street
1 1 1:Z: raebllM on 1 Inn' ten =Vs:d m e ' s Teas ;
1,42 Rio
10 Pepper
5 Alspice;
100 bog 1 lb Loop, 50 and fis Tobacco;
20 .211 :s SI mist;
bblN.l3 Sorer;
100 bbla M.Mus. ;
75 " No. o.
.d 3 Mackarel ;
20 b b do do •
bbls N. C. Tor:
10" Tamers ;
45 biz Cliocolate
50 " Raisin.;
23 " Whitt Pipe.;
IMO " A..d Window thaw from 533 it, 24,30;
20 ask. Soda Ash ;
30 bbl. S. Solis ;
10 cska Pearl Aah ;
14 " Salomon.;
" Gomm Clay;
WO kg* Axed nails, with • general assortment of
all sixes of iron, and Pittsburgh manufactured article.
atkry_prices. septs
TE subscribers are now receiving and offer for me
at low rates, as follow., sir
85 lif chests YH. Imperial, 60 bbl. No 3 Mackerel
0 P and blk as belt bbli do
80 bk. do do 7 1 bg. white Brazil Sugar
SOO hap Rio and Lardra 133 bra Herring, No 1
Coffee IS Ms Bordeaux Almonds
15 bgs Old Gov Java do 33 " E Wainuta
160 boo manufactured T. 35 " Filberts
bacon, ss, Ms, 10s, 321, 30 ." Brazil Nuts
Ilb and lb lump; las 30 " Tenn Grd Pinta
and bs Span do 200 bra W R Raisins
WO Inns Counts 20 one. 1 . 002.0.0 Catsup
I bbl Brumes. 60 drums Sign
25 bags Pepper 7 mats Dates
2 ceroons indigo IS cask. Zante Currants
"S' bags Pimento
20 bzs Shelled Almonds
5 eases Liquorice
ch Leawood 20 bx. Rock Candy
4, v d es;
2 casks . adder 70 bk. Sardines
20 bk. Not Chocolate 73 " Fire crackers
2 casks Epsom Salts 8 " spiced Chocolate
23 bbls Tanners' Oil 3 eases Prunes
5 casks Lamp Oil M bits Lemon Syrup
15 Isza Sperm Candles 1 ease prered Ginger
43 boa White Pipes 7 gross Slacking
5 casks Rice 1.0,0 W Principe, Regalia,
37 bag. Dairy Salt Cando, and Havana
33 bbis refuted Sugar Cigars
opposite St Cberle. Hotel
"1.3 g Wood st
C H. GRANT offers Co
tags Rio coffee,
00 do blk Pepper,
7..1 pkg. Y H, 0 P mid Im
perial Tem;
30 Mils crashed and pul
verised Suar.;
07 do No. 5,7 & Loran°.
2 casks Madder,
2 eeroom
10 bra ground Pepper
.r tale on aneoannodanng
al boo Hunt's Axe.;
3 do Holmes' do;
33 mama Tow Wrapping
150 do Mrs..' do do;
60 do: Hemp eordid
c iVa l' erto 'fi n 1 1; ' 11 7 ;
3,631 lb. No 1 & 2 13•;
63 big Rmin Soap;
10 do rare do;
39 bbl. Rosin;
20 cask. TennanPs double
5 balm Rare Ginger,
6 do Allspice,
50 mans cinnamon,
refined Soda Asti;
38 bas 10011101 am:
04 do Eat° do.
1109 do pint Pl ea
IS do 4 do do;
14 do quart Bottles,
130 bbl, Lime,
115 kr Beatty's Ride Pow
-1.011 Z r ao Rock do;
14 bdles No4l Sheet Iron;
ED Peacock and Patent
Lever Plan. ha. . • 1
10 b. la, sa, 8a and 15.
Tobago*, Tarim. brd
and quolalea;
10 kegs Carolina and V.
ream Tobacco
60 bbl. No 3 t.o meek
75 bbd. N 0 &to,
ssD km tprzlorditte k Le .
1,1221 ad
° lb. A 'Bandean
SUNDRIEZ-1.50 bags Green Rio Coffee;
35 bags fumy
15 do Laguayra
10 do old Gov Java
30 half chests Green Teas;
20 do Chulan and Oolong Teas;
50 do catty boxes us'd "
5U bases Tobacco, assorted;
50 do Crumpion & Co's Palm Soap;
30 do Chillicothe
I do Castile
10 do Palm and Almond
40 do 211 R Ralsirs;
SC do " " new crop;
1.263 lb. Zoete Currants;
90 bbl. small Loaf Sugar;
3 caws Wolsoy D a "
IU bbls crushed and pulverizsd Byer;
6 do N 0 Clarified
3 cases Extract of Lemon;
1 do " Roae;
1 do, " Vanilla;
dos fine Olive OR;
10" cans superior Mustard,
1 " assorted Jellies;
case Jujube Pasta;
1 " Liquorice;
50 dos Patent Zinc Wash Boards;
LSO do M.1120(70 , 1 Corn Brooms;
ROOD lb. ouperior Balerams;
30 has brood., and Star Candles; for sal* by
00320 J D IVILLLLOLS, corner wood and sth sis
GROCERIES -65 550. prime N 0 41tr
40 bbl. Loaf Sugar, Nos 2, 6
an Q 7
53 " Prin. NO Moluses
12 7 Sugar House
100 bags promo oa.lo Coffee
ff.. 55 chests Y 11 Tea
bss 6 nnd 12 lb do aodG P 3
69 ,rgutia Tobacco, la 54. and ler
20 bbl. large No 3 Mackerel 116441
Far sale 67 W & M MITCHUM/ME,
sepal 160 &berry at
Glibilatai44-146 Eh& N ()14-ugar, _
140 bbl. Molauss;
50 7 SH do
540 bags prima Hu Coffee;
65 Mebane Y H and G P Teas
Ib - Powettong do
P.M bcs 5. and 12r 'Tobacco
1 11/ ' bbl. * I P arlrYio 2 Mackerel:
A general usenment of Pittsburgh manufseurred
uticles, all ofarkieb mill be sold loar - by
aerla JAMES DALZEIJ, al rester at
QUNDRILN---4Zi bags Hto Coffee, • prime anicle;
ICO pkgs H, Imp'), P and Black Tess;
60 b as Tobacco, is. 6 and 6 Plug;
10 bags Pepper; 5 do Alsip.;
lUD bb(. Nos 1 and 3 Mackerel;
• 50 do Gibbad Ilsartar, 1O da Saloum
10 drams Codfish; 1 cask Madder,
10 MID chopped Logwood; 1 caroon Lodi&
1111 cask. Soda Ash; rec.:ring and for sale by
.4.71 144 Liberty st
FniffiH TEAS-29P hallenests,very superior grades
Young Hyena,
Gysou Strn,
Now landtng and (my sale by
aep2.l comer wood and water o
GROCERIES —MO baga Green Rl° Caren;
75 half enema Young Hyson Tea;
In do Imp!, O P and Ink do
90 boxes Leung and Plug Tobae.
- • -
75 do Sztleratav, 15 bag... Pepper, sdo Alspicv;
50 bales Cotton Ilittung, 25 do Candlewick;
With • general usoninent nt Orocenes, received
and for sale by R ROBISON & Co,
novo 102 Liberty it
Pittsburgh, Nov. 6, 11146.
REIGY APPLES—G bbl. Rambo;
%Jr 5 Ohl. Fall Pippin; 5 do hollow cored Pippm;
15 do Golden do 7do Lonnisland do
4 do Pp!Menhirs; I do 'Mammoth do
Now !muting from rpm New England and for sole by
MY • ' <0 k eornprooog
1 Young Ilyson Teas, half elm. end easy boxes;
Onnisurdor do do do do
Import.' do do do do
Sobehobrit and Posteekong, In bat( ehests, of various
qualities .14 Inns ll:gamut., InLE store and for sale
18 sustl2o wood st
REIFMaI SUGAIL-10 b. D. B. lame loaf sugar
NO bbill lull. E, 3,3, 7 mad 11l steal/ do
'XO do 4 rughtd do
BB do powdered do
60 do clanled do
and for sale by
NTS Aos S. Louie Refinery.
OILS _3,500 pd. winter bleached Whale 011;
100 do do do Sperm do
15 Ws do Raebed While do
do brown Tonne. do
sdo Spin Tornune; 'Acorn and
a 0551 0 BLAMURN tr. Co
MNED SUGARS-5 bait D R lam Loaf; 600
bbl. 4,5, 5,7 and 8 emailde; MO do embed; ISO
do powdered; in M. and for sale by
jy24 Agenta of St, Lords Steam Sugar Refinery'
RED SANDERS-3 bbl, for oak by
VIT. GENTIAN-13 Ms for math by
ref Seed; RI do Ps. Timothy Beed to nova and fo
Ws by noril J& R FLOYD
SOCKS AND FLANNEL-60 dos super Wean,
Soar; 300 yds bar'd Flannel, be store and for sale
noe23 1 ft R FLOYD
CESE -320 has Cheese; la casks do; in store and
for sale by EaNGLIBII fa BENNETT,
noeall 37 wood et
CIOARS-10.0uo Diem boat Yarn Principe Pgars,
for sale low by norta ENOLIeIi & BENNE=
PRA NUTS-303 bush reed end for sale by
lA7 INDOW GLASS-66 by. 3616 . , 200 do 8310; 38 do
10.612; 36 do 10x14; on band and for rale by
- -
SOAP -73 bx• No I Cin. Soop, reed and for sale by
0r0473 TASSEY 8 BEST
f 1.1.151- 6 bbl. reed and for sale by
nov23 TASSEV tc REST
FLOUR -200 bbl. S F Floor for sale by
QUNDRIES-31 bbls Crob Cider, prime ankle; 50 do
green Apples,rambos, raiment, pippins, tccii 1 50
bush dried Poaches; 6 bbl. Roil But er, just reed and
for Mil, by novt(l JOHN 5 DILWORTH
PIO METAL-100 mos Middlesex Foreate ?demi, in
sr .ro and for sale by
G REEN APPLES--130 bblibre c Apia's landing
mut forccic by 00•23 JAMS
EMOUR-410 bbls Pan o tly Floor
landing from by
ante vAmitA,
for .
litiomgan I , Afan
APPLE 3-300 bonli dried Apples; 20 bbla poen do
in store and for sale by I & R FLOYD,
nov22 Round Church Building
- -
non's) pun" Prim* 3 do Scorching., In more and
for nolo by nov22 J a. R. FLOYD
BUTTER -16 bbl. (Plains/Tool Roll Butter, 60 keg.
packed do, received sod for sale by
novrJ J & R FLOYD
MACKEREb-40 bbls No 3 Mackerel; 6 rNo I
do: for sale by
tusl.2 8 P YON BONNHOR_FIT & Co
_ .
DrERRINO-6 bbl. for sale by
PRODUCE TO ARRIVE - 66 bagsdried Peaches;
28 maks Flaxseed; 4 sack. Feathers, hourly no.
peered and for sale by MURPHY, WILSON & Co,
48 mod at
88TE1711fliOATS-6 cue. 45 In bleachM Sheet.
Inge; 6 bales No 3 heavy Lowell Twills, for steam
boat desks, just reel and for sale by
1 2.v;'7,14elovor.rabToP:aVercoo"1::: I to P IIIIrwl
invite the attention of the ladies.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 market
noviti N W mar of the diamond
ENRENCLI AtERJNOS—Just received, Inver Naas.
I: rine blue Alvoon and Scarlet French !derlcoa.
notrll ALEXANDER tr. DAY
lALACY DE WINS—Lau opened, a good asap&
.r .r aceat of plain black Mamba de talus, of all qaal
MP?,JOHN 11. hIELLOR, Nix 81 Wood
street, hat now received a Jell assort
ment of Piano Fortes, selected from
the following inansifamories in Boston
and New York, to which the attention 01' purchasers is
respectfully invited. Those from Mc Chickerine.
the sale of which he in wide Agent in Western Penn
sylvania.) have what is termed the New Circular Seale;
!miry an improvement recently made, and st . ..mph=
a decided advantage in power and th e o tone
over any others. 'The following are the patterns and
styles of Chickering's.
No. 1. ftoasonaod, 7 .I , ves, finished hack & front, NOD
" " 64 " richly carved " " Von
61 a t• a a SOD
"4. " Ay ocarved mouldings, " 8440
"A. " finished back and from, Raw
" 6. " 61 " • 11350
" 7. " 6a a "
a 8. " "
" 6 projecting front, 630L1
" 10 ' 7 richly carved, style of Louis 14th.
" tl. " 6 hollow corners and hollow car
ercd second hand, cost originally 5625, and will
Le sold at a very reduced price.
No. 12. Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly Cm
lottok Surn No 13. Rosewood, round comer , very el
egantly finished, $275.
webove are manofactured by H. Worcester, N.
Y well known • being connected, formerly with
Messrs /MUM, Worcester & Ihmhamr.N. Y.
No. 13. Rosewood, 66 carved molding, made by the
bluthattan Company, N. Y. 8276.
No 14, Rosewood estrved, 6 octaves, Gale & Co',, N.
V, O. plain 6260
N M o Hi, Rosewood Onind Piano, made by Henri
Hers, hats.
No 17, hlahogany i 5 octaves, second hand, price 875.
Old Pianos Laken m part payment for new ones.
Sole Agent for (7i:ticketing's Grand and Square Piano
Pones. for Westent Pennsylvania. • • . • mill
fif iß ivi
NUNNS & CLARK, New York;
The subscriber ho now open and for
sale, a lot of roost superior Pianos, se-
rooted by hiniself at the man fac tories.
They consist of Rosewood d Mahogany Pianos, of
Of 6, de and 7 octaves, of vari us styles and prices, sod
embrace all the latest impro manta Those of Nunns
& Clock's, (tor which celeb ed knot he is sots &oyes)
have an
improved way of ' ging possessed by no
other, also, a supenor plan of leathertng the hammers,
preventing these Pianos from growing harsh and wirey
after some use.
The Pianos of Metering, of which he has a superi
or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and were
selected for him with can by J. Chickenng, of Boston.
The above will positively be sold at manufacturers'
prices, and on ancommatating terms.
The subscriber will invariably be fcmod at J W
WoodsvelPs, from 11 to to 12 A. Al., and from Ito P.
M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business daring
the balance of time. 11. KLEBER,
00110 at J W WoodwelPs. 03 Third st
Cl MUSICAL NOVELTY—The subscriber
ha. mat received from Europe, and for sale, an
entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CA
INgT PIANO FORTE, which possessing more pow..
and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but
fourth as much room, and is a much more showy an
handsome piece:of furniture. It is particularly desire
hie where the saving of space is an °bine', being cx.
evadingly neat and compact, and occupying no more
room than a small side table. The subscnber has i
hand a testimonial of its superiority from the .lebral
teal manna, Moschella., ht. own hand writing,whie
may be Juvenal IL KI rum,
het.97 At W Woodwell's
N!'WBOOKS—Loomis' Elements of TrtgonomUtry.
—ltlestients of plain and superficial 'higenome
try, with their applications to fdensuratinn, Surveying
emi Navigation: by Ulu Loomis, A M.
A Pint Book in Greekj!coistaining a full slew of the
formof words, with vocabularies and copious exer
cises on the method of constant imitation and repeti
tion: by Jobb brClimack,-D. D. Professor
of~l,ahgnages In Dlek r insm Cone Janet Professor
Upham's Life of Madman Catharine Adoroa, 34 edi
A ever novel—The Discipline of Life.
Parts 0, 10 and II of Duper A. Brothers' splendid il
hutratettedition of the Arabian Night.' Entertainments.
The above works received this day by express and
Novl3tor 3d and market sts
employ the best workmen to be found, together
with • large and complete sleek of fine tools and
clattery, eilapmd m theopheated work, and making
with aecto.ey and facility new pieces, customers may
depend on tatisfaction, and at •hout the same prices
they pay in many shops far imperfect work, and In ma
n? eases for positive injury done to their watehe• All
our work is warranted to perform well.
N. B.:—.llavieg reduced my busmen to a cash ey
tem. I am determined to sell as low us the lowest
lar prices, cart or west. and customer. may be aasur cyl
that they oat make their it this line aah t F
cheap u in the castemeides, thereby encouragin
Paw trede Auldlndustry. W W WILSON
. . . .
Soh: Actor, rot Noma t Chatuel Cathutaaran Purim
THE subscriber has put replentaticui
his stock of Pianos, whieb for variety
of style and prices has never been sar
newthis city. JOE received and
opened, the following Pianos
One 7 weave cabinet grand Plano, an entirely new
DDa Illmemond 6i, very elegant Nunn. A Clark.
One u fi,
One " smth Coleman'. celebrated .£oban At
Mehment. nay tt a very supenot Plano.
One - reaborany.fileiva N. &C
novl3 : lELFUFR, at W Woody.,lr.
AT his Old Stand, corner of Santhheld Unser and
Diamond rule). Plitaburgh, Iscesld respectful-
I) the &Bannon of Country Mereharna, Hotel and
Steamboat Hat keepenk to a large and superior &than
ment of 151 PORTED CICSAILB, among schtch vrtll be
found the folloartng brands, alt: Eagle, Refrains, Ca..
Prtocipe, La Nuns., Star Brand. Minerva and
Dollar Regattas, all of which snit be sold as lola as can
be had at any other house on the city.
Also, constanuy on hand and for .ale, a large and
well selected aback of Virgin.; Mt mouth, and Fine Cut
Chewing Tobacco.
Also, Mamma. Cuba and Common "mat Tobacco,
eonstantly on hand and for sale. noira-diet
Offle• of Americas. & Foreign Patents.
I AMES ORE./NOLIOII, of the late Cum of Keller &
.3 Greenough, continues the businem of Comalmg
LVdet add Anorney, at his office in the city
of 'ASHINGTON. lie may be comulted and em
ployed in making examination. in machinery in the
Patent Oiler and elsewhere, in furnishing drawings
and specifications of machine., and all paper. necessa-
Y, transfer, amend, or extend letters patent in
e United Sum. or Hurope. He can also be consult
ingally on all question. of litigation arm
mder the Patent Lam, and argue gum
dons before the Patent Office or as appeal therefrom,
for which his long experience in the Patent Off. and
In his profession, he se peculiarly fitted him. The pro
kasional businesa of the late Dc. T. P. Jones having
boon placed en tus hand., all letters in relation thereto
should be addreased to him post paid. anglild&wentS
Itoallng.—.Galvasklsetl Tin Plates.
frliEsabwilbers bog to call the attention of Builder*,
Arthitect. and owners of Buildings, to the many
advantages which these plates posses. over all other
metallic sobsunices !wham used for roofing, &e m
they posse. at once the lightness of non, without na
liability to rust, having now wen tested for revere!
year. in this paruculax both in in. country and in Eta
rope. They are Ins liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sodden change of the atmosphere, than coin
mon tin plate., iron, rite, or any other metal now used
for roofing, and eonsaquently fortis a much boner and
nuttier roof requiring far less frequent regatta, whilst
the fins east is but a trifle more.
A full supply, of all sires, from 16 to 30 W. 0., con
stantly on hand wd for sale by
44131. B. MORKWOOD & CO.,
14 and 16 Beaver street, New York.
Tha potent nght for thin *rude basun; been secured
Ger the United dune., ell panic. Infringing thereon,
either by importance or otherwise,will ba prosecu
ted. oetdlCSdtherl yT
• - •-
Optics Nuntraza aan Casmsactoos FL FL Co. 2
Nashville, Term, Nov. 9,18111. f
PROPOSALS will tisrecetved at this ° Th ee on the
201 h December nen for the Oraduation and Ma.
sentry of forty miles of road, viz: 20 miles nest
to Nashville. ten notles crossing the Barren fork o
Duck river, in Bedford county, Tennessee, end Um
miles on the North West nude of Tennessee river, in
Footmen eoonty, Alabama.
Profiles and plans may be seen at this office, she
a 12th December.
Hy order of the Bonrd—
C. M. LiA RN ETT, Chief Engineer.
N. B,—Twenty-five adios of road, imeinding the Tun
net, and siz miles heavy mountain wort,) are node
contract. Seven huadred laborer. are wanted by th.
contractor.. nor A-dim•
. RUST, PROOF' 1.130 N.
IIIE utideraignedimats erected works in the city of
New York, for the purpose of Galvanising all ary
s of Iron, which il is desuable to PROTEGE' FROM
Wirtsuch its Telegraph article Spikes, Nails,
r Fences, and any otherwhich may be
required. For limps for Casks, as ■ substitute for bole
Rope; for Clothes Linea, Lightning Rods, and a host of
other applications, it will be found cheap and durable.
They would particularly call attention to the Germs,
zed Wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not
rash Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of
which is of so much importance, that it will commend
Itself to the notice of all those interested.
DEO. D. MOM.WOOD & CO., Patentee*,
oet2o.ridarlyr 14 and 14 Dewar st, N. York
DT THE CAN, of superior quality, at low prices,
.1) put op by the sobsonben expressly for the use of
families and ponies, can be procured at the Resin.
MU In this and Allegheny cities, st the store of R.
REKLI, Ith street, Pittsburgh, AL Joultins` store, Alle
gheny city, and at the Oyster Depot. St. Charles Hotel,
Wood st. novti-dim HOLT/E. MALTBY
DOCTOR D. W. MORRIS having recently perches-
J_/ ed the [Muir Blom formerly owned by Hays &
Brockway, No / Commercial Row, Libert • street,
Pittsburgh, takes this method of informlng his
friends and the public in general, that his store
will at all times be supplied with an extenstve and
Vneral assortment of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Punts, Oils,
arnishes, Perfume ry ., Colognes, and indeed every ar
ticle called tor in a drug store, which anti always be
sold as low as at any other house in the city, whole
sale or retail. Hoping 10 merit s share of the public
patronage, nothing shall be wanting to give entire sat
isfaction to his customers. nov7.lapi 4
Trtitir r agiisthi, or the Water - eure.
R BENJAMIN 11/. MORRIs, null eonunues
ILL tet prantiee the ante and popular remedy culled"
rieupulby or the Water Cure, mud if desired vettl trent
diseases dlloputhleallty. Oboutrte el caner .Ail be nt•
tended to promptly.
N. 11.—Dr Morris may be consulted al b. Drug
Busse, No . , 2 Commercial Row, Liberty street, during
busioese hours, or at his residence, morning and even
leg, Penn street, 3 doors
below 14vin's alley.
Dentist Corner ofFourth
and Decatur, between
Market and Ferry ett eels. sep24tyin
INFORM their friend. and the public that they days
no longer any connection with their Into manila,-
mew Pennetrern,known sa the Pittsburgh Brewery,
haying removed their entire business to the POINT
RMVERY, to Pitt meet etylßid yg
1301-491430111 Now Oslsaul.
A& THAT property lately occupied by 11.
- kall.Tlitch On Crag sweet, near Robinson, Allegheny
ettywill be sold on accommodating terms. The
lot is MI feet inches on Craig text,miming through
to the Canal 160 feet. There is a good two story game
dwelling home on the premises, Islay bullt,m6 the lot
is well improved, containing a variety of choice Iron
us, grape, shrubbery, &a. This properu conveni.
ently situated for persamdo baaineu n either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and is redence Title
indisputable. For rectos apply to WM- BOYD, Attor
ney at Law, office on Fourth street, above IfiuMl , o.ol
fiteirAciT . . -- 060 - LiiieUET3r Bale,
Q ITUATED M the Illonongahela river, about 16miles
kJ from Pittsburgh and 3 melee above third Lock, in
the Immediate neighborhood of Mount Lyon & Shorty
en 4
Me. John Herron'. purchase. This fine body of
Coal will be sold at the low price of 1633 per acre—one
third I. hand, balanee In five equal annual payment.,
without interen na. indiamitable. Location very
good—cannot be rpassed. For further puucalars
nquire of S. - fIe.LBLEY, who has a draft of said pro
perty. Residence DI st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row.
N. B. There is mother seam of coal on this tract,
Moira 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
He.l6atf S R.
ATRACT of land, 90 acres, le Harrison, Porno
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres under im
provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village
°Marren, Trumbnlt Co, 60 feet b 90. Also, a lot of
ground in the centre of He Tromboll Co., with a
fine dwelling house and store—one of the best stands
for a merchant on the Weetem Reserve. Any or all
this property will be sold on very accommodating
feblo Water and Front at..
THE large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec
ca street, Allegheny city, by IL S. Cessna, Esq., is
offered for sale at a bargain, and on easy terms. Tb.
lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet on
Rebecca street, and tons back 110 feet to Park street.
The main building is of brick, three stones high and
60 feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine House is
large and commodious. with an engine, - boiler, stack,
&c., all in complete order. The property will be sold
low, and on advantageous tams.
Fo . r= „ terms, &e.., one nice at this °face.
THE subscriber offers for rent for the 'term of
one or more years, a large convenient well fin
fahed story Dwelling House, containing 8 moms
and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground containing IS
acres of fine young fruitirees of every kind, stable,
dscy connected, with the use. To any person wish
ing a dolig_htfut, midst:me lthin a few minutes tide of
the city, this wit! be a rue chance. For terms, which
will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno.
Wright, new the premises, of John Watt, corner of
Hand and Liberty streets, or of
oct4B-if THEO. F. WRIGHT.
Trot of Laud for Bale.
THE subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, •
valuable inset of iroimproved land, situate on the
road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen
miles from Froilburgls, and about eight miles from the
town of Freedom On the Ohio river. The tract con
tains 409 sores and 20 perches, strict measure. The
land Is of en excellent quality, about 00 acres cleared,
ant: well watered, and will be sold either in whole or
In arms of code - ardent size, to suit purchasers.
For farther particulars enquire of WM. BOYD, Att'y
at Law, office cot 4th st, above Smithfield, Plosburgh.
my 4 2o:dimetf T
Propert.y Allegheny Olt) for Sale.
THE subscriber.oder for isle a number of choice
Lots, Anomie in the Second Ward, fronting on the
mm;t i znmili tc ,f i di n =erel e. In zllre of
Or of JAS ROBLNEiON 't . y on " rhe P rem ises ", St Clale "
myt7uldrortf T
y FOR SALE—A Lm of Ground aim= on Penn
street, between Hay uol Harlemstreets, adioining
the house and rOt now occupied by Richard Edwards,
havnig a front of 23 feet, and in depth 120 feet, setil be
sold on favorable tonna. Title unexceptionable. En
quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, ath st, neat Wood.
int TWO ROOMY formerly occupied as a Da
guerreotype establishment, being well ja adapted
for that business. The second story room .•
item mime, and the third story, a long ream, with good
Extrance on Market st, between 3d and 4th.
norMI-Ms E. D. (LaZZAM.
2 A THREE ablyßrick Rennin& House, on
Water, above Gram Street. Pout.= given on
the keel of January, 1.849, or manner if required.
For term., inquire of
130V7 0 BLACKBURN A Cu, orator at
Itialtielite; limafdatiiii iii liWeghesay City
far Sale.
ClOlVrat i 7 'AT i l d N e t r t7e m n7fo 'd r ( LIT. Al 'ge b p e re " nfls i 7;
an in delightful order, and every way worthy the at
tention of any person wishina such property
_AZS. W. pom)karea_
13,11iW.Witarkilrerner County.
g.r . , Storehouse.. and Dwelling, inmate .on the
Yule EXtension Canal, tn the viliage of West Mid
a desirable halation fat a merchant Also, a
Lot and good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern
Stand, In the village otOrangrvflle, on Stabs line of
Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
fe6lo Water and Front sts.
OAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coal land
for sale, stump to head of the Monongahela River,
above Brownsysfle, Pa, having a 7 foot vein of coal
winch will be sold to exchange for goods. For planen
ess imply to 10c.251 S & WIIT A RBA COFI =I wood at
otre w m A r al o, :ti a o ,, us th E c
th ft
bock ho ro . bseri . be ne r
.Ir.26 ein Wood •.ree4 oceupted by R. Tanner /s Co.
spit' Whl. WILSON. Jr.
kro Let.
The subisenhers wal rent part of the ware
house nolo occupied by them A.pply to
Anti) 64 'rater meet.
Hankers, Exchange Brokers,
aaD WALK. 11.
COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes md Acceratacca
payable in any pin of the L Mtn, collected on Inn most
ta vocable term.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphiaand B.J. timore, also, CPaciutrail, Suitt Louis mud
Nero (hinds, coastal:ay for sale.
BANK NUll,l3.—Notos ou all solvent banks to the
Gonad States dkscounted at Jur lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
Other. No. SS hlmket area; between 11 and eth,
Pittsburgh. Pa.occ2s
utreiszYliminse ag, Co
to dealers
Foreign and Dontesaits Exchange, Certificates or
Dpotiro, Bang Note., and Specie; Fourth street, near
ly oppoeite mo Rank of Pittsburgh. Current money
received on depoane—Sight Checks for sale,and col
lection. made on nearly all the principal poit. in the
United Stave.
G oaTag highest premium paid for Forsurn and American
Advance. made on emnignments of Produce, ship
ped Ear, on liberal terms. mehlS
FILLS E.Mgland, Ireland, and Seotbmd bought
any amount at Me Current ROBS of Exchange.
Drafts payable to any part of the Old Countries,
from II to 11000, at the ram of Id to the I Sterling,
without deihretiou or du,connt, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, office 6th at rine
door west of wood. °mire!
lir Errincar 17111111)11- - - -
Bank Notes;
parchasa at the lowest rates, by
35 Market meet.
BANKERS and Ezehertge Broken, Dealers in For
cairn and Domesdo Tune and Sight Bills of Ex
hanire, Certificates of Deposite. Hank hots and Coin;
No CS Wood street, third door below Fourth, west
side. mur2ltf
au.srs sasassia n l imme [lowan sans
to Foreign uid Domestic Rills at Einbange, Ger
awns of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coln, corner of
]d and Wood streets, directly opposite SL Charles Ho
tel- osaylSilly
1 , : 04 71 ,11108.-81 g ht Cheeks on
eal Ehlladelpdis i
Constantly for sale by N. 1101,1dR3 & SONS.
aept3 35 Market .t.
(TOLLEOTIONS—.Notea, Drafts u7Acceptance
i s ./ payable in the Weidena eines, collected on N.
most favorable terms by
oct4 N HOLMES & 50513
A THE. subscriber, In addition to his own
i st
manufacturing of lists., has made tyrant,.
mente with Messrs Liebe, ft Co, (the most
fashionable hatters of the city of Neva York,) for a reg
ular supply of Maestro fine huh Hats, and banal just
received a few cases, gentlemen can beauited swab •
very doh and beautifn‘hat by rolling at his new Hat
and Cap Store, Smithield street, second door south of
Fourth, where may be found • great variety of lists
and Caps of his earn manufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Hats made to order on short notice.
(Succeasorsto M'Cord & King) flik b
Faiblonable Hatteem,
Corner of Wood and PO& Shwas
ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.P
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Mu and
Cape from our establishment of the SCR )11.11111iita and
wommasioins, of the I.arnr arrus, and at the Lows=
County Merchants, purchaaing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to salt and examine our Stock; as
we can say with confidence that as huger& QtraLITT
and Fuca, it wall not indict In • comparison math any
hooey In Philadelphia. _
sabsoriber Is now receiving from the
city of New York, a choice assortment
of Hats, Caps and Muffs, latest fashions, lo great yam
ty and very cheap, wholesale and remit.
110•13 Smithfield st, lid,door swab Ith
Pall Rashlona fo r Tl/411.
m c.c &
(L rte Woo. & aniro,) 441
EILL introduce on Saturday, August 20th, the
Full lttYld or H.t., put received from New York.
e in want of a nem and beauttful bat, are invited
to call at their store, comp of Fifth and Wood streets.
itDEALERS are Waned to examine R. H.
PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the
sprinmaizt mAred c l a n trt si o d f i.
limbic da• American do do; China Pout do, burg do;
Rutland do; Preach liana; Fancy Gimp, he. the.
HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Franey Straw,
do Druid, Rotilmd Braid, Pedal - do.
Also, Artißcial Floarens, Ribbons, &c. Straw Bon
net Warehouse I,lllnarket st. Mann
TO WHOLESALE Glllloosll6.
TUE undersigned are prepared to fill orders for any
quantity of Cypriss Molasses Barrel', of a superi
or quality, deliverable to order at coy time, by giving
us a few days notice, al our Wharf Boat. We thins
we can mate It the i nterest of those merchants who
buy lugely on the coast, an they can order their bar
rels shipped to any plantation they may desire, which
shall he attended to without extra charge.
Paducah, Ky., 0ct..23,
JONES L qtrxao . . .
maitriPacrinuats of spring and blister soma,
LU. plongh stool plough anima, aoatb and c up
tin spatrp, hammered iron axles ' and dealer! in mal
leable outings, dre lamps and coach trtm
Reolorally, coma of Roos and Front as,, Fitior7,
Pa. re
AVE received more than one thomand Cases and'
p,,,k we of Foreign and Domestic Good; mak-,
tog one of the most exicertive usentmetua in the erten.
try, embracing the latest, richest audlncist fashio nable
styles of Imported and American Goods, purchased in
entire packages from: the Importers. manufimturtre and
large Ariake sales, by one of the finstresidingin New .
York, who is cmstantly seeding vs the newest and
most desirable goods in the Eastern market., which
will be offered as lose as at any estebbehMent in the
United States, and lower than could possibly be offer
sby any BOOM in the West. We enumerate the fol
lowing articles—
DRESS SILKS—G cases rich changeable, siriped,
plaid sod breeede Grade Affrie, Oro de Serbia, Ore de
Swies, Oro de Algiers, Glaalet, black Gm de Rhine,
Whits. fine Satin, Florence of all colors, to. ke.
so, Stet Velvet (Wall colors, every lance mock.
35 CASES DRESS GOODS, vim cases extra rich
satin striped Cashmere; do do dorminted do.; do entail
figured irktglrth de Laing do Chtnence Plaids, striped
Orientals, &e. Also, 60 eases Alpaccas42o . eases nett
wiped and plain Lyon cem 0-4 Tartan Plied and Silk
TwIll; 6-4 cashmeres and Grandilla
FRENCH MEINO9-4. fall assortment of black,
mode, scarlet, Monson, Nasarints, blue, purple am! oth
er colors of Me best marrefacture.
. .
Z SHAWLS—Comptieleg the meet aelemeiva as.
sortment ever offered In this any, =hewing ley . %
square Chmare sod Tartest_ plaid Shawls, limmariek, Jamay Load, Lamina, and oth.
er Shawls.
Lase caps, collars, coifs,standing cMlars, chemisetta
Also, linen cambric and law n n Mkfs, Lae. and Edg•
inuAßibbona Hrisiery of all kinds; Clio-nes do.
nah le
RDS, DRAMS, &o.—A fall
of the most faidtio soles.
Irish Lin., best Linen Shootings and
pillow east, Linens, Table Da mask and Duper, Sane
Damask Table cloth. and Napkins, klackaback, Ras.
sia, .d Bird'. Eye Diaper. Flannels—over 1000 po of
every variety. Bleached .d Brown Matins—more
=OO ps of all the well known makes.
NS—Moro than 100 cartons entirely new fall
.d winter Ribbons, very choice at
French Clutha Cassimeres and Do.kins, in great
variety; Vestinp, Scud', cravats and Mika.
Whim Goods of every description, together with ev
ery article usually found in a dry goods cora
The folloloos Is an invoice of 67 cases goods Jam
received, with the pricy amazed,
10 bales of red and white Flannels, all wool, for 16c
7 eases blue and orange Prints, 8
lo do Calicoes, 33 yards for W
12 do fast colored Pliots, •
17 do Bleached
4 do Mow de Janie,:
7 do real Somali Gingham,
Also, 50 bales 41-4 Brown Muslin,
All et which, in comettion with
_ —en, in commotion wi those above men
tioned, will be offered at less prices tit/mean be afford
ed by any other establishment in this city. The ONE
PRICE SYSTEM, which insure* justice and fairness
to all, will be strictly observed. • Any =lee perches
ed at this establishment found Mb* above the general
market price, a consequent reduction will most willing
ly be made, upon the eiremtnstences being made known
to the Proprietors, it being their desire that goods
shall be sold on ,fair and honorable terms. All persons
are respectfully Invited to exemine our assortment
without feeling the least obligation to purchase.
C'^^ Novemberllth, 1841.
UT A. MURPHY, mar:lmam comer 4th and har
py ket streets, Pattbargh, hasnour completed the
opening of • mc.o largo supply of Dry Goods for the
mason, mad can offer to buyers an women to select
from, rarely to be foam( it this advancedpart of the
season. Particular attention is tutted te• his lame stock
of BROADPistm..-.
French, English and American, of ttll desirable co
lors, suitable tor dress coats and cloaks; also, Cassi
mere., a large assorttnebt, inelading wool dye and
French black, Doeskin, dirk mixt; Fancy do, from the
low price af . 641 eta (ail wool) tip 'to the finest qualities
and newest styles. Beatles, • large meek of &Weems,
coma:ion and fine, Undershirts and Drawers, Gloves,
LADIES DRESS GOODS, in all their variety.
Country Merchants and Merchant Tailors are 'mei.
tad to examine his stock, in Wholesale Rooms, second
• nose
Fall Dry Good:.
Shacklett. Whlie.
No. 911 Woon Saar,
INVITO3 the attention of Western Merchants to their
large and fresh stork of
which they ere now reeelvir4; direct from the Eastern
Manufacturers and Imparters, and which they will sell
at Eastern robbing pneec
Having every facility for the purchase of . goods to
the best advantage, and the lowest possible p rices, they
confidently invite Merchants to exulting the qualities
and prices of their roods,feeling aatiefied they can com
peer favorably with any market either East or WINIL
ITheit stock will compitse a fidl assortment of all
goods tonally kept in Dry Hoods 110131“, and will be
constantly receiving addldens of all the new and desi
rable styles of go o d of domestic ay kireirl manure<
tare, and will only require an examination to be ap•
orientated septa
To Conakry Mergehatata.
KITH k JOHNSON, 40 Market street, would
the attention of Country Merchants to their stock
Nerw Pall Goods, purchased for cash, of the New
York importing and auction houses, and will he sold at
eutern jobbing once. The stock complies a great
variety of Dress Goods, chameleon and black Silks,
silk and cotton warp Alpacas, real 'Alpaca Lustres ;
fancy charwleon and plaid do; satin s nped Orientalk
French and English hleriturea, Mouselin de Lain and
Cashmeres, square and long Shawls, Gloves and Ho
siery, Bonnet Ribbons from 75 cents apiece op; bonnet
Silks, Artificial Flowers; Linea carnbric. Hdkfs; to
cartons Thread Laces and Edgings; 40 cartons cotton
do; Combs, Buttons Thread, Needles, Pins, &et, in
every variety. Wh olesa
l e Rooms Ed : floor. septa
—Green, Maryanne Blue, and Cherry Silk Velvets;
do do Cotton do
DELTINGS, al colors.
PALMETTOS-4,1..1ra. blue, drab, maroon, gar
net other colon.
CHANG EA BLE HOHAIRS—with gilt ape.
Black Velvet Ribbons,for trimming,.
And a very large stock of other new and desirable
Foods. Boyers will plow call and May prices, of N
E corner 4th and Market sta.
Goods low.. wholesale . , up stair. noel
ICH DRYS GOODS, per loretgrt steamer Euro
a —A A MASOX A Co, No 00 Market street,
open tho morning, Rich Dress Goods, comprising the
following styles. TM: Satin plaid Merinos, a new arti
cle, and the richest goods Imported this season; all
wool Plaids, high cobra and choice. styles; all wool
Cashmeres and Mons de Leiner fine Coburg and Lyo
nese Cloths, of any dewribable shads. and color. Bann
stnped Cashmeres, in greet varier,. nose
Preach Merinoill Brener! Merinos!
IV R. MURPHY hasapeued within a few days •
• , • large assortment of su=iP:rench Merinos,
comprising different dudes of Garnet, Straw
berry, Scarlet, Cherry, Drab, Light ire, Brawn, and
Difuarine Blue; also, cartoon qualities of black. Also,
of all the leading colors, includiog a firsvteces of very
superior black.
BELTlNGS—Maaarine Blue, Green, Brown, Sr.
PLAIN CASILMEREH—Maroon, Garnet, Brown,
Drab, Black, ke.
Motu de Lams, printed Cashmeres, Larmutine Stripes,
•nve article for ladles dresses, Satin striped Alpaca a.
AT DO Liberty street, comprising French
Cloths, Casumeres and Vesting", of the newest
and most fashionable atyles imported;
Also, • large quantity of Rough and Ready Blankets
and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the times and the
On hand, the largest, best manufactured and mom
fashionable stock of reagy made Clothing. in tlus city.
All orders in t h e Tattering line executed in the mom
fashionable and durable manner. no• 14
r comer lth and hlartet linnets, him lately received
a supply of superior blifek French Cloths, for dress
come; do for cloaks; Pelisse Cloths, for ladies cloaks;
Olive and invisible green do; brown do. blue Cloth
boys wear. Alto, fancy and black do;
Doeskum, a large assortment black Bruin Vestings;
• few patterns super Velvet do. There goods have
been bought very low, arid will be sold at prices that
cannot but please. novl7
DRESS GOODS—Smith & Johnson, 16 Market et
have received a choice stock of Dress Ganda, con
swing in part of rich Chimetion Silks, black do, satin
striped Cashmeres and Orientals, plain Chameleon and
plan Alpaca, satin striped do; salt Warp and real Al.
pea Lustres, Pruned Aladin de Laine and Cubs...,
Preach and English Merinos, real Scotch Gingham.
tram till ets up to the finest quality; Calico from 1 eta
to till; rich Emb. Muslin Robe. for evening dresses,
be, to which they would , particularly invite the atten
tion of purchasers. eery
W. R. Murphy hu now open ft supply of these
=and invites especially the attention of Count
nets, to the low prices at which these End all
other kinds of wiener woollens are now offered.
Hew - Fell Ribbons.
r§MITH & JOHNSON, te; Market's4_, have last ea
.:teed by expreu, a splendid asmortment of fall
bons, b y
leh theyornald pastleularty invit • the
attention of pnrehaaers: ettp(
Lk on band an asserultent of vapor Watercd and Da.
mask figured black black Dress Bilks, satin
mnped and plaid do; also, a great variety of changea
ble, dantask figured,and striped do—they will be sold
low. welt
011113DTVF-9—Just *recjired, a 'full assortment of
J3,_ ladies avetlemens, and misses Kid Gloves, of Da
mes superior make. SMITH d JOHNSON,
41 market at
FRENCHMERINOES—Smith &.".Johnson, 46 Mar-
ket at, would Invite the attention of buyers to their
choice stock of French Merinos, comprising the beat
shades co drab, maroone, purple, brown, scarlet, m a x.
mine blue, and blacks. °magi
SATINETS: AND JEANS—W It:Murphy has now
open a large supply of Plain Sleek Batinete, gado
stripe do, aeon burred do, plain blued°, invisible green
do, cadet mixed do, gold mixed do, Oxford mixed do;
and cadet and gold mixed Jeans, at low prices, by the
place or yard. Wholeside Rooms op stays. oath
TO MERCHANTS, NOV. 7, Is4s—W. R. Monet
invites merchants to look in at his large stock of
GOODS oat opened, in Wholesale 'Rooms, td story,
north east corner of Foarth and Market its. ?nese
exceedingly low. 0007
Co, BO Market in, have just mold per West Impor
tations, 00 day Long and Square Shawls, including
plaid Long Shawls, of ISo :idea cans and choieesi
paneras. Comfortable Wool Shindig( ovary descrip
tion and at uniform] loco prices. ; nov9
G -
sox, 46 Market atriet, oder 6ofstda KISS par oast
below regular prices, Mel Chameleon Silks, Mantilla
do, black and Canny *Matas, Mohair Ulnae% Palmet
to Cloth& French Merinos of the moat choicer colon
French Cloths and Casaltneres. n.w7
SCARCE GOODS—Masarine Blue Parmettos— V
R Murphy, north cam comer UL and Market sts,
has an usortment of these scarce and desirable gouda.
Cherry Crepe and Crabs Lise—hlizarine bhr paper
muslin, bleb cal'd Cambric; Ike. nor
rola emers , • " urn •
SUITH & JOHNSON, 46 Market Aran, have jest
received • large stdek of shirts, dratmck, collar,
stocks, Macy and black silk cravats, scarfs, bozo.
ry, bHou kidd gloves, Sm. Gentlemen are Invited
to call and examine Mica, as they are 'apposed to be
cheap. stele
received a splendid lot of laitiaTine slue and
scarlet Bonnet Velvet., and mazarine blue, cherry and
drab Bonnet banns. Also, cherry colored and blue
Florenees. ALEXAIILIBR a DAY, 73 market sr
a. 34 N W ear of the diamond
- -
CBOT, 6331iirlial stirrer,
AD have received, Jenny Lind Enngea, rich Charm ,
lion do, heavy black 4, Jenny Lind Borrow" ]boy
sad Gimp, together wit, many variedea Piney Trim
renanot to be found alsewhem.
FREECH EMBROIDERY, Iteeldred pay U w e._
ee Mason & Co, 60 Market
_in, litre nal:molder
ed Lace Capes, embroidered mod 3o.dat strai.ert
Collar.; 23 do muslin de, ID do croohet do, 3 do de
kt,r do. Also, embroidered Malin Cialis,nem pattern&
reed, a large suppb. °fibs above article, for Boot
leg and other parposea!:. Wo eau renommend the above
Fire Proof Paint, err we Mee be tudag It far near
four years, and knew tt.a. ba • artleGa
oatl9 J No 6 wood at
lola' ST• !17 al !!, I
MUMS. EGETAMIL.F.• liaximAcor
1111 THE ONLY REMEDY that ea t a ,p ae. for
1 the permanent care of Spasmodic De e t eac g ae ,
illation of the Nerves, Nervous or shit Headache,
Nervous Tremors, Neutsigie Affe.ioriti,Deaeng b e _
btUry, Deficiency of Nervous and Physk a i F aa ,
and all NervourDiaordera, including the mulailreadiid
of all diseases that ever affect the human rues—
or Felting Stekeeee,lfystitneal Fits, (Wattloom,
Aie Hart would impress 0 upon the mods of
the afflicted that the Vegetable Extract lathe only rem
edy ever discovered that too be retied on for the per.
marten' care of tote mom ;heedful of all diseases. A.
Its tendency is to insanity, and death, the most
of Europe, es well as those of our own country, hoc.
pootoonced FAutepsy incurable. And It Aas been so
considered by many, nnul this most impilittany of all
discoveries was made by Dr. S. Hart, nearly Sixteen
veers linen, during wtoeh time it has been performing
some of the most
upon record, and has namnrei a repatanon which
moo alone can efface. Phymeims of undoubted skill
and experience, mitumws of various denomination.,
as wall hood reds of our eminent entre., all Unite
to rtmontmending the use of this truly valuable toed,
eine to their patents, charge, and (maths, who are of.
Meted, as the only . remedy.
need by those who have been eared by this velttable
medicine: One says, .1 have wagered beyond my pow
er of description, but I now mince in hems fatly re
stored to health and happmeas." Another says,
thank God I feel that lam a well man. I also feel it
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that
them similarly afflicted may find whet' Another
(who is an EMINENT LAWYER and well known in
this city) says, "My son has been afflicted for years
with EPtielmY, fie , In cow enteYmn good health from
the Vegetable Extract Its &me,. says he, should
and ought to be sounded to the ends of the earth An
other gays.`Seanaga tit entirely inadequate to express
my gratitude to . Han for haring been the =eau,
under the blessing of God, of restonog ma to the enjoy
meat of good health, after having been walicted With
Emleray to Its worst forms for more than twenty three
years, and my moaning and evening oblation of praise
and thanksgiving Mail comma to ascend to that Gal
who has &Meted but to make me whole.*
Mr.. J. Bradley, 115 Orchard street. N. Y., stales that
she has been subject to fits for many years, and ho,
been restored to perfect health (after every other means
had failed) by the um of the Vegetable Extract-
Dr. Charles A. Brown, of Dover. Hassell county,Ala
who is one of the best phytomans to the State, says that
he has been much benefited by the use of the Vegeta
ble Extract, and that he arthesuanngly prescribe. n in
every ease of Epilepsy which roots under his knot, I-
Lump G. Mayberry, Esq. formerly Postmaster at
Lime Mina Crawford county, Fa.; now hying to Ene
county, Pa., 'rates that for many years past he has
been sorely afflicted with fits, and he is now happy to
state that a persevering use of Dr. Hurts Vegetable
Extract, has restored him to mond health, being entire
17 freed from that wont of all diseases.
From the Cincinnati Commercial.
The following certificate was given to Mews. Tho
mas & Mlles, Doctor Han's Agent. for the sale of his
N AT:Slett .-zi nes7. ' .. l ' ;o e e are til"clt3itiv7Un' Fit. or
a ponce
in our editorial columns from the face Mat is the only
known medicine that will core g rates at the acme
rime believing It to be one of the greatest discoveries
111 needles' DeWnee. Physictans and men Orme:lee of
an ages have been trying to discover remedy for this
disease, but all has been in Vtin until the premnt dis
covery of Dr. Han, and we would now my to theta
adheted with fits, deepen no longer, for there is hope'
ItIffiSEIS THOMAS& MILES, log(i Main street, n,.
<mum, Ohio, Agana fbr Doctor Hart's Vegetable
Extract for the cure o( Epileptic Fits.
Gentlemen—lt et almost imposuble for language .0
express with what heartfelt aaliafitction I address the-o
fees Imes triyion, for the purpose of informing yea .ff
the benefictal mulls that have been effected II ilei
use of Dr. Han'. Vegetable Extract.
My son, aged twelve years has been severely, at
Meted with kpileptin Fits, and with sure severity the:
thenpini was, he could not be cured.
one oral paroxysms he fell and broke hie ann.
I called Dr Mulford, a rmy excellent physician,
who to-set mformed me that Ley son't Nervous
System was very much deranged, and that tt would be
impostoble to cure him of d Epilep as Epileptie Fits
wens minima inconsble, en employing ptrysncims rat
his case would be only throwing money away.
I called upon Dr. Pelmet; he informed me that the
disease had Lammed a chronic form, and it would take
a long tone to cure km if he could be cared at all
He became worm and worse, and I began to think
Mete was no can for him, mul I saw the advertise
ment of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract in one of tem ear
aspen, with certificates from pattern; who had been
afilicted for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, nod even forty
puts, end restored to health by the use of the Fs - tract
1 called at your store, and Mier conversing with Mr.
Thomas, I came to the conchanon to porcine.e a three
dollar package. It done little or no good. !thought I
vroold try hum b menothe r,efit. from the use of which I perceived
than ea= to the couelusion to purchase a ten dol
lar box. I found that it was of so much smite to him
I was induced to purchase a second. And I em truly
thankful that I Hone so, as by the use of the ten packa
ges he has been restored to perfect health.
Shookl.y person he desirous of seeing him. and tm.
CC:Luning farther particodus, Id/1011W be pleated to
gratify them by their calling on me at my residence,
south vreatcollMr of Fourth and Park streets, Cincin
ru di. Ohio. ISAAC N. PERICINS.
Cincinnati August 53th, ISIS.
When thousands who are now trembling under the
hand of this dreadful disease, and fearing that every
attack may prove fatal, will find permanent relict sod
he restored to new life, by ustrig this celebrated meth
eine_ Over sue thousand certificates have been re
ceived in testimony of the bcnefitial results produced
by the use of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract
Prepared by &HART, M. D.. New York.
Prier, one package alto
do font packages 10.1 M
do eight do nAOU
THOMAS & MILES. 119 Alain street, Clueninati,
Ohio, General Agents for United limier, Canada, sad
West Indira.
L. WILCOX, Jr,. corner of Diamond and Market :re
Agent for Pinsbusgh, Pa.
'Fay & 6dl acne, Columbus, Ohio- Hfc F. Gaylord,
Cleveland: and for sale by most of the principardcsg
gists and Merchants thrOlaghoat the United Stine,
rcHE following from George E. Pomeroy ; Esq, the
well known proprietor of the Expreus, ovoids for
lmelfof the importance of the Painoft...tractor to every
Errams Oyster, Alba:Ty, Sept t.
1512.-Dagyaz 317 Dear)3lr—With feehngs of no or
dinary phirtsurp.l address you is relation to theteneto
I have rees*edfitate your drvalmble Pahl 'lnfector.
o L f ed=a7.l.ttile daughter, 8 years old , had a pitcher
anger turned into her bosom; her screams
were dreadful, so that. crowd instantly where , ' be
fore the house to learn the Cause Of the terrible Wreams.
I tale bar clothes asunder, and soon spread on your
salve, and she taws carried and lahl upon a bed. She
was acion.reliesed from her pains, nod says "y¢, I feel
as If I tonld taught" and was soon na sweet sleep. She
was scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder
over more than half her chest, and round undrr the
arms. 0o the ahonlder and breast it was very deep.
yet from the first hoar, she complained only when it
was dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no
contractimi of the muscle*.
With many wishes, my dear sir, for your niece>. In
the sale of thug mighty article,
I am yours, with respect,
The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the tame in.
atantansooa relief, and soothing, cooling effect, to the
severest cases of Bums, Scalds, Piles , An,
The Connterfeits—no r, liter under what names they
may appear—always irritate, and increase the pion!
1, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge,
Columbia comity, N. Y., have been cltlicted with rhen.
mail= in my breast, fent, and all over my body, for
ail years, so that I could not stand, and wins cored by
three applications of Dulley's Magical Pain Extractor.
Mr. Heller Sir-1 cot ray finger with a copper nail,
the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to well
considerably, with constant shooting Paine nr , i o the
shoed.. A large swelling taking place at the arm
pit, with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lock -
law. In this extremity your Pain listrector was re
eintarnended to MO,
which wee prevailed upon to
try. The consminence was that it afforded me almn.t
instant relief, and in three days I w. completely es
corner Broome and Sullivan it., Sept 8.184 e.
NOTICE—H. Ds.= is the inventor of this Invalu
able remedy, and never has and never will COMMUIII
- to any living man the secret of its cambinntion!
All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up by
him, are base counterfeits.
Plornmana's Duren-115 Broadway, New York
=Chest= street, Phila.
JOHN D. M OAN, General Depot; Dr. WM
RN, Agents for PinaboTh.
THORN,, Dathys Amnia. talcums CureAU,
Cures humors, spavin, quittor, grease, poll.ev,l
wren, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets, cocuirthrg eer
tßieares of respectable parties., may be had on &pence
novls dlyis Agent, Pittsburgh.
• :
.. • few doers below 'street to
• •77.- , market
DR. ORO hawing been
• - ..C. ,
' . -..
'4 " . - ./ . ' .. re p
re gt"r fewd l o Y n 'tn , an ' r i been t° l - Or th sc e. m m e ed ti l faa
, • • •0" In general practice, now confines
. . '. • , his attention to the treatment of
those pnvate and delicate cowl
. .
d plaints for which his opportonines
cape 'ence pecali niOdy
•' .•• ....w. ‘ !it. 11 years usiduotr Y sly d g oveted
Mandy • uvatment of those complaintslderhig which
time WI has had moro . practice and has cored snort pa
tients than can ever LW to the lot of any private pram.
titioncr) amply qualifies him to offer .suninces of
apeedy,.parmanatu, and satisfactory cure le tillistihrted
with delicate diseases, and all diseases among, Metal
Dr. Drown would inform those afflicted with private
diseases which have become chronic by time or asl
traveled by the ase of any of the common nostrums al
the day, that their complaints can be radically told
mighty cured; he having given his careful attention to
the mato:tem of such cases, and succeeded in hundreds
of Instances in outing persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result front those cases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particularly lonics ,ark
ait have been long tad unsucceasfully treated by others
consu l t ales, when every satisfaction will be given
them, and their Cases treated ill LbOrpllgh and
intelligeot manner, pointed oat by • long cSpenenee
=4, and investigation, which It la I.l9.#riplo, rot the.,
o n . gaslin a = practice of medtmeri to give an*
117 - Herrita or aoptoro,—Dr. Brown also !writ. per;
anention al:Meted with
to this Be &seam.mis to call, as ha has paid parer,
Shin diseaseg alsoPti s, Pahry, ato. , speedgy eared
CMvary lOW.
Panents of enh sex timing at a. distaime, by
eating their disease in writing, Ming all the
tem, ean obtain medicines with directions for ass, by
addressing T. MOWN, M. IX, postpaid, and each.,
qt;lr s e No. Diamond alloy, opposite the A sserlY
Ratax•rax—Dr. Brown , . cooly discovered reme
dy for Men=dun is a speedy and certain remedy for
thntpainfitl trouble. It never Wis.
Mee and Private Consultingll.ooma, No. 4!!Z Dia
mond alley, Plustnirgh, Pa. The Doctor ni always at
I' No moo no pay.
bulk This Cathartic compound combines surellaew of
with efficiency and comparative taildneki of par
e-alive action, and having peculiar tendency to the
i s r i t li Nc * hWas i L e v rn' ers lf ' t i l r ottfe l ir " C b o ie rnPfaintgrn i tai
withcongestlon of the Liver, no moth abound. They
have new stood the test a Mt yews, and. experience
has prayed dam to be a safe and valuable remedy in
Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Perin. laundke,
Indigestion, DroPsY, BlrectP,lts; Biliaos
Vomiting; colds, a nd tlon,
nil soroprerras of an mitammato
-7 character. The complete and universaramisfae
two which has been given by these pills to 'WI who
have used Mena, runners the poblothing of the owner
on, certificates in their favor mnecessasy. To m
iens counterfeiting tberam now put up bra red
grapitie wrapper. •
Price 43 etude fora bet mantaining39
Prepared sad sold .
CCM' Ist 11410101401141t0WT1114M%100