ESTABLISHED IN 1756 BUSINESS CARDS - • Muarlr, Lunen & eorommatottand for- A. warding ItterehonU, ate* retartud titear old mod, Water wed Prom &meet, Pataburgh. mr.2l prRAN RRITER, Wholesale and Retail Druc. rhs, corner of Liberty and Sc, Clair streets, Pate. , Pa. mayl4 CC ...SOX. X- A. lIXOWX. D TiOW N CVLBERTSON, Molecule Grocers, uld Corriuthuitati hlorotunta, No. 144 Liberty cr. Pittsburgh. PL. de:111y. RA. FAHIck....TOCK & Co., Wholesale told Re tail Drogaista. comes Wood and 6th sts. BAGALEY a. SMITH. Who,Hroser., 18 and m 73 Wood 'et Pittsbargh. A. Meets ILTY & Co, Fitstrdimg and Com mission Morthants, Canal lin, Pittsburgh Pa. e. ILLS. loan animists, — kW 1 T & GEM/LET, Wholesale Grocers, deal ers in Produce and Pistsbnrgh Manufactares, cos. of Liberty and Hand acs., Pittsbergh, Pa. tebl7 wa. I. meta& rages J. serrrmi-r - ENGLISH & BENNETT, Bare English, Gallagher it Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For. warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood at., between td and 3d streets - • cool P. N. lEflo, 0171. =sr, - - ---- I;:iiiC7Cooi. AMEND, RUBY & Co., Wholesale Grocen and Comronstort Merchants, and Agenta for Brighton now-Yarns, Nos. 57 Water,.and 1W Front sta., Fitts blush, Fa. fete -___ PALLLOIIER, Lorqa MILLER. Bell std U. Founders and GOd Fitters, ICM From, between AW and Smithfield streets, Pittsthargh, ID - Highest price pace for WA Copper tad Ream dclel• CiEORGE COCHRAN t Commistdon and Forwarding 7 Merchant, No. 20 Wood street. Filename,. myl7 ILKBY Bll,UNOic:Vrhite and /Ltd Lead Mann ." theturer Fatal and Oil Merchant, comer of Lab- IC! and O'Hara ata., rumba h. jets 11013 MUM, M.. LOU!! W. DICATA WORSYTki.a. DUNCAN, Forwarding end Comma: slain Merehants, No. 37 Firsa street, Pittsburgh. ova =LAM man. lOU= Bloom, n, ISAIAH 1/1 IL Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com =Union Merchants, and dealers It Prodnee,Nos.GO Mr. and 107 Front streets. Pittsburgh. nosh T oHN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Low al and Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania Bt. Lou., Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.) RZIRMINCIIL —Pittsburgh: Hon W Forward, Hamp ton & Miller, ht •edless & Waive, John F. ?mac, Hissells & Semple, WCord & King. jeleily TORN SCOW is Csk., Wholesale Grocers, Forwmd. ins and Commission Merchants, Llealers in Pro duce and Pinsbargh Manufactures, No, 7 Commercial Row, Merry streel, near the Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa aptly TAMES B McGl:llt.E, use of the firm of Alpo and MeGalial Merchant Taßor, Bt. Charles Buildings. Thud stice near Wood, Pinobu h. JAllikM A. HIITCHLSON, & Co.—Successors to Lends litneltison & Co, Commission Alerchtuns. and Menu of the St. Loam Stearn Sugar Refinery. No. 41 mom and 99 from streets, Sinatra:et_ tool 011.8 8. DlLWORTH—Wholesale Omer, ore duce and Commlesion Merchant, ti0.27,1N00d 'f . OHN A MORGAN, Wholesale Awes", and deal er Dye Stuira,Pairns,•Oils,, Vaa - eithea, Az., Na. aa Mead creel, ca. door South of Diarnond Alley,lenPlus her*, t - JTAM M.R, Jr., & Co, (=mesas. rto Joseph O. Das - 1,0814 Chandlers, 36 Water stre-et. oat JOHN a MELLO*, Wholesale and R etail dealer to Mamie and Musical Instramencs, School Boom Paper, Mold, Steal Pens, Quill., Primers' Cards, and Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood st., Pittsbtugh. Itr Nags bought or taken in trade. sepia , SCHOONAL&KER et Co., Wholesale Drumm, e/ • No. Si Wood greet, Piusbargh. TORN D. DAVIS, AnCLIO/M lma t, Car &baud INrcod I=zeta Pitudush. oet.9 -- - - TOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers 11/ awl Paper Manufsetarent, No. 44 Market at, Pitt. .103 TOLIN CIEUEB, Wholesale Grocer, dealer is Pro- IN dace, Pittsburgh Pdatrfaturnsa, Tin Flakes, er.e. /Sc. ter, No. 41l Liberty at-, Pittsburgh. jauS JIM! tk, it FLOYD, (late J. Floyd k Co.,017 . 1;1 - ni4 Camera, No.lielLhezry street. - Ikea LAMES MIZELL, Wholuale Grocer, Ccuterdesion Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsbargh &fames. Na ti Water et-, Pittsburgh. janlT ELER & JONES, Perwarding and Coseiniasion tderr clunna Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mann ared articles, Canal Ruin, near 7th aL dtl Vesuvius Iron Works. LI E Ztar D , iSheet, r Iro E L L & Co., n and rair ofte 'L L 'i si ovular. Warehouse, 54 water and 105 from at. *ll9 WAT• • , Wholesale .Grater,Yersrard r, tag and Cornzainadon Merchant, Dealer in Pk.- ManaLlctruss and Produce, Arm 31 Waterat., Kadin Front MD= LUMPS lIIIPIKUI. L ANB E RT & ikiIPTON . , Wholesal MEN e Grocer* For warding and Coroutisston Merchants. den in • one Cud Pittsburgh Pdanufsetscres,PLas.l3 mad 115 Wood a., Piushorgh. • W i c rA , V 2 l:ll.Bo .2 a1h ,. 00 3. .,11ag .; 1 • 0ne5, 31 . :arith . y• , & Wead atm; Pitsburgh. n % S 1161 r urtzlive&LEF„ - Wool Dealers t Cooralai73a AU liierchasus, for the sale of American Woollen Hoods, /Zesty street, opposite Mb.stoe2a ly ____ l a ERCER, BROTHERS tr. Co., COMMISSUM : ?JAI r• a .114arThe rat Ild Pit for th e ' on ' eo of P et. " ' .. us. O. seems - - waxes aThos. - "IA &GILL & RO Wholesale Greeeza ea Commie at tine Merchants, Na IA Liberty aL, Pittsburgh. A.LL.1121, ALI= NIXIct, WM- IL ALCM ALLEN & Co Commiudon and Forwarding Idereiranta, Water and Front as, betwoon cod and Martel sta. Jaw mmuctsoa. , ILLER k RICKETBOTcRtmIing Grocers and Commission Manhunt, N0.1n3, Liberty. ' Pius , 3 HOLMES 8. SON, No. 65 Market sty second door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign sad Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cenificaus of Depos it, Baal Now and Spada Irr Collections mad on all the principal, cities throughout the United States. decd irkiEILT AIOOD.U, Wholesale Grocer, Bac:Wynn Danner, dealer in Produce, Pittaburgh hlannfae toms, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines ssid . Limnon, No. ti Mem streak On hand a very largo stock of raperlor old Illitiongaliela Whiskey, hich will be sold low for cash. apMly_ 4 ---. . CsidliD T. LLECiI, Jr, koportee and Denier m • Foreign and Domestic Daddi,ry Hardware and rage Th.:rump, of all deunptions, NO, Lot WOod 1 5.1 . anti. CHARD BARD, Wholesale and Antall Dealer in Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers' Toon mid Find- Logs, Tanners , and Ceders) Tools, and linnets' Oil, NO.lOO Wood st, Pinstiorg.h. =LW I.OI6KKUN, • taxon solamoy. Iti,}I.O.IIINBON Co, Wbolosate Grace., Piodsce sod Comotssion Moechoots, and Dealento Pins- Pon hlanotaomm, No. IMO Liberty st„ Pirtibor. •: DALZELL dr. Co, Wholesale Giroooro, Comadation aud Forwarding gorobasua dealers radon. and Pittsburgh Dlsonilleturea Libirty at kbgi • I l‘ .r.ll frirrn . Disiel a Produce and PiUsincrigh Idactufsitures, a. 144 Liberty SL jyl2 L. 0. EIIItOLDI, 1.. U . EMOLLIB 151U22, Forwarding and Cuminlasion Pderrharry, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal ers:ln Groceries, Produce, pindsorgh Mann/actor ea andChlorida of puke Thohighengnema, err and aid Ir w in whip,. fqt i coin er, raga 'Corner of Penn lrwin eta AM* _ • Duna ' ' • Mr'll dealer in drt good s, nideies,,. nli . nen,Pinstinia man . Minted_ Q MTH t JOHNSON, Wholesale ard Retail beaten la la klllllaary Dods, Laud, Hosiery aad Fasicy Wiles, N o. 46 Market street, 24 door &boy* Third•st, limb • h. • EA: g gLETr WILITE, 'Wholesale Dealers In Parer and Domestic Dry Geode. No. SO Wood st Celan( & W. HARDAUGH, Wool Brenham, Dealers g 1n Emir and Prodnco generally, and Forwarding sad Cogniebidon Merchants, No. d 3 WSICT . UMW, • • &LEY & Co, "• • • • Q n and IV Prod= &mien, No.223ldarkat sueol,betvreensth and la. North 1146, pplladelphla. nova • lanzana Mars an. 9PRN: CO IL • • nee and ene .• 'a Mission Mereiuuds, Ito. Oits. 17 Liberty et, Pinabergb. rm Linseed and Lard F. vo SONNHoB2T a Co.' Wholesale Oro . eon, Pomading and CommiWan Merchant., In Pluabusgh Monaural:mind Weszoin Fro. Liumareatoval to their mw WatehettseAold nand) roman of From at. and Chancery Lam Y LIESW Grocers holesale Groce sad Commis. 'don Merchants, , and dealers in Prodoce. No. 35 Wood st., Pittsburgh. E4 l , 11. B. POSTER, Agent for Alextean soldiers sold procuring pensions, or the Mikes of Wm. E. Aus.- --I *, Busk'. buildings, 4th sty Pittsburgh. My son than seminal land Mace at Washington, will wend to there free elexpence to applicants. notel4-41 MCI D. DAVID WC&NDLIaII• IVICM. D. VCANDLEBI3, (suteeasons to L. & •L D. 'Viatica 'Wholesale Ome, Forwarding and Commission Mernhants, dealer' In Iron, Nabs, al." , Utmost Yana, and Pittsburgh Manufacturer gowning, dairy of Wood and wail, trams. Pinsbaratt. . .-.",--,-."--- • -- t ' , ...".7.nrvmrt • * and 'orwarthog - et streets hlerchant, No. 90 Front sh between Wood and robl4 Vir W. WALLACE, Mill none and Mtn Punish . Ins establishment, No. 244 Liberty st., near the ennah mar 22 IL GAIIILOWDester In nosy andkisp e • TV Dryno•l34ry Goods, Na ti htstket street, Piusburgh. W • W WILSON, Dealer la Watches, Jewelry, tam Inner Wan, Military Goods, Se, No. 57 noel tykr R MURPHY Wholesale. end Retail"al e TV e Foreign aandDome-ode Th 7 Goode , earner at Market sad Fourth sze.4north .gaLta't Ws. yono_ v _ YOUNO keo.—Dralan nw ' 4'cvicir -143 Liberny In lea th er lildss, rans-17 & M. MITCHELTREP.—WhoIasikIe Groo, Bonilying Dinalan and Visa and liquoi • • also, Important of AA and Slasehng ; 141 Liberty rt. Trtubsrtn, Pa. no6dly =MI ISACIVITYLI4 " 4/1:011.02 & icmr:BURN & Wholealla Grocers 'and • &Cars in Oilis Boat Store, and Flll•barah Ma, ardries, amine on k*nd, a; all dtans • tall and federal4l.l6ll.l.lll ar m!. in their Mae, W ater we et., au Curry Inusburg h. • aul:" MITCIIELTREE, Whamle Gropers YT Neetifyiag Distißoos, and Wino2and Lilino, .Also, Importers of Soda doiroad Bleach, Pcnordsz, No. IGO Worty moot, PlitsbareO, P. NAL, T E N CARDS JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist alit Apothecary No. 4 Market st., three doors above Third st. Pitts burgh. will have coluttantly on hand ael: trlected a ortment of the tick and treaheiit Nl,ll ...11C11, o. W!Jich he wil .11 of the most re au terms rhysiriait srodtne orders, xv,ll be prompt.y at rudest t and sup plied with Miele, they may re,. upon . Fenn., ITT Phystrians Preacriptions will he accurats y and neatly prepared front the best materials., ahy hour to the s day or night Aigo for sale, ef large stock of fresh and good Perfu Monongahela Livery Stable. ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened X% Me large stable on Mr , . 51. main tig through PA, 10 Second st. between Wood and S'nulthfield at "'"ln the rear of the Monongah ela amtb an enurely new stock of horses and Camases of the bent quality and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry in the best manner 1Y hflt ikIARBEE - WOR - 10TOV - WOOD 1.1'111.31,11-11Vri. IM=Efl CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Hunai Vault, Tomb, tread Stones, Mantel Sieces. Cen tre and her Topa °l:foreign mid domestic marb:e. at a regular and hue price. B.— toovniorit for mrommenta. %lA, to. furnish ed. of any desertpuoti. Ile animas 11 .earn 01" puldm aegfi:olf patronage ILLIA.II SMITH, Mann fnetnrer of Cotton and colored Linen. Fringe, (r, . Sewing Sak en d colored COllOll Fringe. for silk and einghain Parasol.. (Arne. Mohan. and Silk Bullion Fringes, made to order on the shortest notice. 3ron. corner of Nl.den Line and \l'd!lwm, nntrance No 93 Wilhan3 my., Cord door, over Abner A Ely,' atom, No OS Molded I..nn Nr,r ork )ylO aamzw ZI.VARI, Jo, c roc. TN os rr • Nn EN. ;T. /ACV, FOC., TIMIS Co, /A.M.> LE.A.SZ, TNT. SIYPSON. MECHANICS' GLASS WORKS. SINIPUON, & t'o . ninon inerrt. retie of Vials, Bottles, nod Window tilas, keep constantly on hand o general astiortruei.t or lbe above arocles. Also. make to order a superior nrucle or Mineral or Soda-Waicr 'Joules, ot colored glass No. 16 Wood to. Pittsburgh. Pa. aue:ll Oro RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., utrearsca ♦ND LL4I..E/1 Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach • lrimmings, Doss, Deer Hair, Varnish, Jte. La., JYI.I No. 133 Woo ST. Pirrs.nuet tjao,' PEKIN TEA STORE—No 71.1 Fourth at. near \Vocal—All guanttues or Veer a and Black Term, dime Of In gunner. hell, and L e ,s4: ° ‘' d „i''' k Z3",l,-TET,g.,`.TZ,'"k',.„ Prr,:,,";::." Duquesne Spring. Azle, Steed and Iron IVorka. eIOLFAIAIS, lIAILMAN & Co, manufacturer• 'V Coach and Blip.. Xrpnngs, Hammered Axles, tr.,7, ,':i''Fro w nn.. h .s.l.."'i,,'.7...r. : tc.. — "hou"." Also, dealers in, Coach Trtmmrngs and kialleable Catarina. calla I\T BUCIOIASTER. A 1.1.8-V-01-otfic, Fourth et., II • third door above Saudxfield, wart aide. Conveyaneurg ofail Lind, done with me greatest and legal accuracy. r Titles le Real Earate examined. &c. oct3o-ly - -- INSURANCE - _ DEL AWARE /MUTUAL. INSURANCE CO. thiOILN FLNNEY. Jr. Agent at Pl...burgh for tba Del &wore !dorm.' resfery Insurance Compcmy of adelphia F:re Make upon building:a and mercnaediat oe every desortpuon, mud Manna Risks upon 11.1. or cargoes of vessel., taken upon the moat favorable term, Vr" Office m the Ws-rehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., too. p. 7 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh N. B.—The success of dos Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with he prompt ness and ht.-rainy watt which every claim upon th em for loss has been adjusted, ditty warrant the inviting the confidence and patronage Mho; intends and the comananity at large to the Delaware N. 0. Insu rance Company, while it has the addluonal advantages as an Medallion among the mow flounshing m Philadcl phia—as having an amplepaidtm capiod. esluch by the operation of its charier Ls- constantly increasing, a yielding to each person wasted his due share of the profits of the company, without nvolvlng Lam in any nthpoasibiLity whoever, and therefore us possessing the %Lorelei principle dtvpstedof every obnonons fea ture, and in As most attractive form nova FIRE AND kI&ILINJIC INSITHskjiCk.:. FHB Insurance Company of North Antenna. Lurough Its duly authorised Agent, the suhaeribec odors in make permanent and Inman Insurance ou prop,rty this city and its vtetaity, and on shipments the Ca nal and Elvers. DIRECTORS. Arthur G Cott., Charles Taylor. Sam'lAy,Jpnu, .I . inabro,se Wr Edward Smith - ' Jacob M Thom.. John A. Brown, John R. Ned, John White, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Copc, Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. Smith, Frames liotkeirs. Samuel Brooks, S. Austin Arobone, ARTHUR G. COFFIN. lire., t. Hans D. Swan, Secy. This is the oldest insurance Compnny na the United States, having beau chtunered m 179.1. Its chatter . perpetual, and from its herb standup;. long expenence, ample means, and avoiding all rinks of an extra a az ardour character, stmay by consuicted 1.11 olforsaum ple steamy to the public. W. P. J(tN . Al the Countios Boom of Animal, Jonas tr Cu,. Wa ter an Front =ems Pinabutst. tunya FRANR.I.I.N FIRE INSURANCE CO. PRE:Frank/in Fin Insurance Compao). or Pitiiadel j phia, will make lnattrimce, pvrinaneut andlnniten on eveiy description of proio, , Pittsburg. and the surrottuding eauntty. en favor..< terms. TM. com pany It. a perpetual charter.. Capital, 15.100,0b0 paid Conan:qui:it, Fund 8-50.1,111.1 Office corner of Third Ind Market street. Pittsburgh. apllßtf WAILEUCK MAK _ • 021:11113212 d T Are . In .0 tuner Company orlttt A . "; 14 ' continoes to ear, insurance against iO.lll Ouniuse against Fire, on ouilaings, merchandise , furniture end property, not extra hazardous, in triis ray avid viennt) siol4 IiSS ~. .1-1.1, 0 s te• ern , . •, ritHE tiljkhnCilltSEK oat trona appoomed Agent t,ro Sera. o(the hurt/ranee Company of North AnLern a, and wall use Poonten and attend In LI/cower nuoneta ofthe Ageacy, of we aareltoute of Mtvota:. Joie. Co. apl2 'A t) P _hen r FORWARDIG & COMMISSION C. L. SYSKNOUSIM.6. cHABLics R. DANENHOWER & CO. TIMM CuMiILASON MEICCILLICK, N 0.59 South NI-hone., MMMff=l BEGS w infortu the in .n and deal ers gene r ally. of Pittsburgh, that they s c made mach arrang menu wiry the Virginia Ellank..“,9rer• and die Growers of the West, Weal ladies, a. o. Ler places, iw will insure a Large and constant suppis of in. following descrip tions of Tobarco, which win be sold upon as accom modating terms as any ohm, house in into city or else where, and all goods ordered from them wid be war ranted equal to representallon. Havatai SL Domingo; Conn.; Yarn; Porto Elmo; Pena.; }Seed Leaf to- Cabsq . bigairn; I Florida; [mama; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven lab, with • !rage usoruaent of mbar popular brand', and qualities of ponrida b., es ; laic los and IP, Lump; On, 6, ca.aad lb. Plug; Ladies Twist ; Virginia Twat, Lee., sweet and plain, in whole and all bole.. wood arid An, .together with every vanity of oracle belong ing to the trade. Mr 31117. l GABIiPtSOII. BAIMET, ICESBIT & GAILIIETSON, FOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Forwarding ~ILBCIIANTA, No. MI Norm W mums, A.ND t , 9 Whom * . r., PHILA DEL PHU. Hamm To—John H. Brown & Co. Robert Stexo & Co. Philadelphia. Barcron, Beaver & Co. Smith., Beesley & Co. Allen & Patron, New York. Wolters &Harvey, Baltimore. Bagaley & Sm4h, BabridginWilum &Co Ptuaborgb. Bailey, Brown & Co. Kier &Jon., RLlberal advmes on eousirmu on, . zm y P. C. 51.1.MAIEL MULLIS WIT. IoIT WAT[III. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., pLorou. PACTORS Ad Gozieral COMIPI•411011 I , dorettisnea s No, IR &lent Welsh &rear PHILAbELPHIA. EPERENCEZ—Henry Gee & Co, Pittsburgh. Rodgers & Sherlock, S. Schooley & Son, A. M. January, Marie! le. Charies.Hatitten, Jr., Louisville. [Nulty Humphreys & Mercer, Bro. & Co. Phdad'a Reed & Brother, Dean & Coustnery, New. 'ore. JAY= 11. UMW., MULE. W. 1N11.1.500. LEH IN ER ANDERSON )) FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERGH.A.NM3, OCOTON FACTURP, AND AGENT'S FOR VIE SALEM' NADA AND W. GLA eat. 7th nom. n , £OOOO BIIOALWAT, EINCILNATI, 01.110. lagontaro COOLIUM.A.N• Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Di wove gr., rtrrszoiwo, fIONTINURS to transact a general Coruntission boob gj nen, especially in the purchase and sale of Amen. an Manufactures and Produce, and an receiving and forwarding Goods cautioned to Ws care. As Agent for the Manutactares,he will be co tangy supplied with the principal articles of Pittsborgh Mumfacinre at the lowest wholesale prices. Indere eand consignments . are respectfully solicited. 197 GEO FIG E A. BERFTLY, WHO ESALII GROCIORO FORWiDiItIi AM) 60121110.10t1 AND DEALER IN . _ Iron, Sails, Cotton Yarns & Pltitsbnrgh Manufaot urea ipinerally, No. 10 moo srnccr, mrremmun, Ps. - WM. IL CLARK, MormSkrdinig Merchant, Brownsville, Pa. Attends. portmalsrly to the Forwarding of Yrodoce, .ire. /re.. Pot any information, apply m FORSYTH k CUP:- CAN, Water st. pen* ISAAC CR USE ENERAL COMMISSON M PHo RCHANT, POE THENALE OF PRODUCE & VisioNs, • N 05.10,5 and /tri darruls Mutts, BALTIMORE, MD. itarzaincva—Merehants of Pittsburgh. Wheeling, Va.—ft Granule A Co. ntarZf.dtim NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. EE have taken an office Immediately opposite to ohr burnt warehouse, for the present, where we lnasact business as usual, until a net. house can be amoral, arrangements having already been nude (Or thatpurpose. bloats wall always Ike in re/Wowing at our wharf to receive freight. C A NANULTY & Co, Canal Banta, Liberty at • LYMAN, REED & CO., N Ts, MMEEMENII • 5.433 bib E 610,10•10 and 16-14 vAndow gisab • 10* reel oer •t 01.1310/ Arrowllm, and for safe by Pipit FORSYTH 6 DUNCAN WM. TIM BLIN, --- ATTORNEY AT i•AW, Blab Pa to to h oi . lteu t tn e a r . and , t i l Diner t l ron t uo i counttue.,Pa ou Beier to J. A R. Floyd, Ltberty et W W Wallace, do j Junes Marshall dolPillsborgh. dly Roy & Co.. Wood st 1 lan? . -- J. B uwurrzEu. Attorney at Law. office 3d st., , opposite .1 Charles Hwel. Ihitaborkh, will also tote. promptly to Collecuons, to Washington, Fayette and Green et/untie., Pa. REFER TO Blacketoek, Bell A Co., ) • Church & Carothers„•Piltsburgh. D T Mork.,Peel3dly v J. HEARN. Amarney and Counrellor at Law. Us. Citteinnati Ohio l'ollect ions in Southern Ohio, rt. in Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and rare. Mil). attended to. Comilusbioncr for the State of Penn sylvania for taking Dcposnclota, acknowledgment., Ac &r. Ram. no--lion Wm. Bell & Son, Cora.. Church A Carothers Wm. Hays Fati.. M than& & Darts. ,t It. w w il-I.IA WNl.e suns W 1!.I.I ANIS & SHINN. (mere... to Lawn. and Williams.) Attorneys and Counsellors al Law Oilice • orth side of Fourth street, above Smith. , Id. wiy K c;r a E , l2. , R ., , ,re A e Llor n n e r . ); l) .t l opposite the ul rt House. . Dr,(l.llP. J. .1.1111102 f TAU NIMP & SEWELL. attorney at Law, Offaces on lie Smithfield. between 3d .d 4th ant FORWARD A SW ARTZWELDER, Attorney,a', Law. have removed their office to the South ithic o Fourth at., between Sherry Alley and Grant street apFtf W it 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. ha. morel his offer to the Erchange Buildingit, Clair rt., mo neat door to Alderman John..apEly ANIUEL W. BLACK. Attorney at Law: . Offum oo 0 Fonita street. ticar.tirant, Pittsburgh. octill-dlm To Country Merchants. A LARCiE STOCK of School Book•, Paper, Station- AllaL !re., suitable for country sales; among *blob are Wrlttng Paper& of fine, medium and common qu'lt's Letter Paper de do do do Note Psper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slam., Pencils, lt okra, quills and Steel Pens; Wtndow Paper t yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different qoattbes; Blank Books, in great variety, rurally, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper, Ntelrottle's Eclectic 'Spellers and Readers; Rny's Eclectic Arithtnettc& Cobb'. Pnmers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithmetic& by Adams, Catvt&Colburn, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, and when. Geographie, byMitchell, Olney, Smith, Morsel:god rich, Parley, and others. Grammar, by Smith, Kakho.m. Dulimns, Webs and others For sale at low once, by nl wood st, 5 door. above ilth. The Inghest market price paid tor good rmacil tags, in rash. opt , PLANETARY & itoptb lar expostlson of the great discover.. and the, nee of modern astronomy, by 0 hi 111nebell, a 0. D.- rector of the Onetime. Observatory. Ileathey's Italy. Alp. and Rtune.—Letter• from Italy. the Alp. and the }thine: by J T Headley. author 01 Nit. token and has Meatball.. Washington and has Genre. ale. hr. New and revised rglition. . . . Stattanev or Ce , •l.—The GoorraphiceJ and Geolow, cal distmcnour of Mmaralllomboatible• or mood lue:. includingalma notices and locating, of the vitriou• mmeral hourruntoun sot. ..cos employed In arts and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Dragrarthn ar• communed by nearly SOU stanaucal tables, and lUM an. al yse* ni tamer.' comboatfloca. &e, prepared by Rath. ord Crowlnn; Tai Just received a tew copies to each of the above works —for *Me by JaussToN k STOCKTON, lye Book•cllera, cor market a. -Id or NEARLY READY FOR PUBLICATION by J. A. & P JAMM the folmwmg new and 1 , 11/111.10 Work.— Dosuphan's Experhuoo--...' nturunF a sketch of tete 4fe of Col A K. Dorophan, tae lout' eat of New Alexleo. r.ea Kearney's Overland Expeartion w CM:I• forroa Domphan's Carnparrn alarnst tne a n d and tus nparat.ered ?larch upon end Duronao. and the Operanou• of Gn. ?nee at Santa V. with • Slap ad Flngravings. by John Duane, A R •we tat Reannent Slasourt Cavaley illstory of KenteekT-1. Antiqurtes ooi Saturdl Cur.o•dles, Geograptucal Stial.leal rind tivologleal desenptions, of Nonce', Lrfe,•idl wore Ulu one hundred Siogrephteal Sketches of disuoimsie ed Ploueers, Soldiers. l3rulesmen. Jon... Lawyers, A. vines, Illustrated with forty env - del/p; by Lelets C01111..1 rot. oeuvo 111. The Twelve Months Volunteer. or Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment or r arsiry. to the Comtpalgu of ?toile°, dtottig 1:4647,e. ann.; an me count ot the ?larch of the Regiment to Vera itrua a .ireertpOou of the Couotry passed over manse estc loony ire. of the people, bfcetethes of ' Caw L , fee count, or all the actions °roarer Volunteer Rota pen.. arid a hit, Ft...Nu of the Ale-coon War, lint of led .4 Wounded, [cc; Illustrated by a large ourtuer or eortect views and plans, by Geo. C. Fur r, TOtliMe OCINOO. sleet Near Paper end Book getibilhmitta, to WOOD tit, 1.. W FtlU Ant AND DIAMOND /Lust C ..r ß ir E tond. a • To n r t re7toe ba k r o e f t rltr o e l' ot n g e rfnli a tte t s th ru e fed and pram white and :due Writing and honor Paper, ecor mere attd pocket poet Flat Cap , dent> old atedtran rortung papers, for murk books, tantrum and royal Co. tore° Printing Papers, unshorn descry and rap L.) Book• sod Lerdoe'r, superior paper and Lest Laster. hltolit'lar Seem. Pooks of all kinds, caution] o ores to rheotoo end t. , ctetteee. Cold and ceet Pens, Wafers, Wu., Hill Files, /re tr.e MMIIM= Country „Ilerchants .applied at lowest wholesale p 0 ces for cash, or rags at cash pneec .1011 PRINIINti.-14avulg a Job aloe In conneenon wuh our ees t ,opehroent, we are prepared to execute ab order. for plain sod fancy Prusung—boolta, panyptilotv, circulars. busiss cards, bills of la.ling, &c . with de.. palm end a; ow price.. ELLicrrr e• 7- wood between 4th and dlemonal ally) , k;M: tk °Rl:S.—Vanity Fatr, • navel vrtthotal • Hero. by 11 alum Makeyeace Tit/artery —with iliustrattona by the author. The Tenant of Wildiell Hall. by Acton Bell, author of - Wuthenng Height" The Young tichoolonatresc Ja.eph D Part 6, of Harpers' Illonrebed edition of the A rablen Melts' Entertansmenta. New treoelesson, errangsld for manly reading, with explanatory notes. by F. W Lane, Eel O. 117 sontit Muter s L Loomis' Logarithms—Tables of Logo..tams cf nwri• bare and soros and Tertian. for every ten iieiconde of toe quadrant, with Other usellel tablet by Elias Loomis, A. AL, Prof. Slatoeutaues and Natural PlutuatoNty 111 we eniversity of New York, author of • ..Treautie on above . w k" o ' rke received Ibis day and for sale by JOILNSTUN d littielcrtt.N. augla Bookseller., ear market and eta llew Pubiles•tions. - - - H • • •• • ISTORT OF CON(' Hti..l.t., thograptucal Red Pall. J. beet, eornpnyntg oxalatn of the menstre.ra of the Coupes, of the U S.: By Het Wheeler. 111p.traled by nUrneroas steel port's., &c. Ac Vol *clay° The Wettings of C. 11.1. Clay; Including at - kebab., end addresses, with steel portrat to: Edsted by It lirtely vol t a vo Yurua l e' S rate ' e, C ;i 's‘ orl r U, o ' n B 2u.u . end Luke. Charms and Counter-Norma: By Ml.. !IPlntrisk au f "To seem and to be - - Couquesx," kc lie * ry Grover, a Dome/tile Temperance To4n: By C. IL kings and Queens, or Lae in the Palace; consaung of humorist sketches of late iuld ruanisag sovereign.: By A. 8. C Abboil A First Book en Spanish, or a prat:nerd introducuon to the atudy of the Spanish Language: lay A Salkold. The Dye eg Robin and other mles. By Bev. Dr Alden Just reed by FL HOPKINS, .4pollo Butkintga, 4th st, aril tie to J. L. Ready • BOOKs—Ltte of Cromwell, by .1 T Headley N Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sprlng,L I) Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Markhew, with Harmony; Lectures on Shakspee re, 2 vo le; Path of I.lfe, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Dranortality; Footsteps of Messiah; The Convent; by author of SC/3001 Girl in France; Now and Then, by Warren; Ski:tame of Lemons, on Parables and ffimoles,, Ireland • Welcome to the Stranger, Heaven upon Earth, Hawkston, a tale of and for England: 2 vols. For sale by & IfNGI4SH, /elO 7' wood end Gil rostriet Er NEW BOOKS—Just recesved from the publisher, and for sale at the Methodist Book Store, 4th .1, near Wood. Tupper'. Proverbial Phtlostoph y, in three styles of binding; • heaulthil book (or is presmit. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches of Sermon. on the Piffable• and Miracle. of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-500 sketcheit ike. The Litglish Pulpit; collection of ser mon. by the most eminent living (Lyme/sof England. taxman/de Vets—Doing Geed, Ma.. Love, Loy. est thou nse. Stirred Meditations, niyi4 IIIHE PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the History and Religion of Mankind noun the Creation to the death of Isaac: Deduced from the smiling. of Moses, nod other invited authorsi and illustrated by copious reference* to the a• elan records, traditions, and my thology of the Heathen World—by Geo Pond+, F. S. A. I vol., POW.. Chums and Counter-Chan., by Miss &lomat/. A fresh supply of dus very pogularla work. Orators of the Amerman Revolution, by F.. L Ma. goon, witb Poßraita. 1 vol, 12 mo. Parley's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, 20 volumes, 12 nto, with migravinga. Thu is • now work. For male by . ft HOPKINS, sepal/ Apollo Butidiugs, dlk et _ DEOCTZ. , BOTANY—Botany of the Paned Slams LI north of Virginut conitinsing deimnpiions of the tlowaruig and feru-Ltka plants hitherto tumid in those Plaice, arranged according to the natural system. With a synopsis of the Genera accent:bag to the Lin eman %yawn. : a %Ketch of the rudiments of bothty,and glosaary 01 terms: by Lewis C. Deck, D., Prof. Chemistry and Natural History in Rutgers College, Now Jersey, &c. &c. Second edition, revlaed and en 'urged. For sale by septa JOHNSTON & STOCKTON r AMARTINES GIRONDISTS—HIstory of tbe GI LA ronthsts, or, Personal blemotra of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from unpublubod mournem by Alphonse de Lamarune. Complete in three volumes: Rydn's tranalation. A fresh aapply of Ma popular work received this day end (or sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, - - _.pl6 Booksellers ear roarkeratal ad sts LOITERINGS IN EUROPE; or sketchesof u'vei in Prance, Eklmant, Austria, Sactratland, Prussia, Ireland and Great Britain; with en bPP. 04, ..• eon-taming observations on European chest.s and medical instructions by John W. Carson, 7S D. A few copies for,sale by septa JOHNSTON & STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Market street, No 661, between A 34,1 and 4th may at all unses be found a large emelt cot:Theological and Miscellany.. Books. New boars received as soon as published, and wild at low est prices. The publications of the American Sunday School Union and Massachuseus Sabbath &..hao Se. eiety, always on band. Catalogues Strnielad an AD pUtattlia MLIOI7 & ENGLISH, my 2 66 market et, between 3dand 41k • . . . i. ;i.l . I, c , -.' ,,, ~ ttaltu aer ! -.. - . .• i. DAILY ,• • ::„ PITTSBURGH, AIONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1848 LAW OFFICES' BOOK TRADE. COPARTNERSHIPS. CO—PARTNERSIIIP. LEAN k KENNEDY have this day aasocated %cub them In the Hardware busuteas, Phtlip %,il. son and FAward Gregg. The style of arm 0111 here after be Logan, Wilson & Thus arrangement ren der. 0 damnable to close the old baldness as soon as posstble. All persona wivese liabilities bane matured, are !apemally requested to make nornedosto payment- Pittsbur,th, Jan T °GAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and J Wr.olesale alers m Fotgn and Domestic Hard- ware, Cutlery, Sad De dlery, lac, re 129, Wood street, Fins burglt,fare now fully prepared wrth a covertly impor ted stock or Hardware, Cutlery, kc . to offer very great toducenrents to western buyers, bemg determtned to compere in puce. onth any of the Atlantic mtles. Al un on band ea extenuee auortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, vie, Shovels, Spades. Forks, Hoc., Vt... Are., all or which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's prices purl ..... . THE subser hers ha row erred entered Into partnership under the name of Gal agher, long, & rthller.for the purpose of carrytng on the Bell and Brass Founding and G. Fltung busutestim all its branches, have taken the stood formerly ermu med by II Gallacher, No 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield tits.. where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Brass Ceram., of every des. ription, and rm. Fan.. with neatness and dew patch. Steamboat ,oblang promptly attended to. 11. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG I'. H. hilt LER. N A —The attenuon of Mach... and Engineers is Ine lted toou r anti-attraction metal for • reduced price, winch has been pronounced anpertor to Bialibit's by . number. who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, ge ne nll y, are al o requested to call and ed. amine our bl billion Force Pumps for steamboat anddomestico u ..o. Gal.LaGfiEß, LONG, a MILLER- . • • HE partnership so long . existing ander the firm of T NBCorit & King, wu by mutusl consent dissolved on the lit inst. The busters. will be closed at the old stand hp caber of us, using the name of the firm for that purpose. Being desirous to have our tautness closed with as hale delay as possible we would re• spectfully request those indebted to all and sold* thei r accounts. JOH N D. BTCORD, au% 11. D KING Coo Partnership. TOIIN D. M'CORD having associated with him he brother Jame. M'Cord, ander tae sryle of M'Cord & Co. will conunu the lint, Cap and Fnr buzinem in all its •eras branches, wholesale and retell , at the old mond, corner of Wood and sth streets, where they couuttuanon of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm . JOHN D M'COR D. JAMES S. M'CORD. N redinng from the old and wall known firm el I M'Cord & King, 1 malt revert/11y recommend is the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. M'cord & Co. ItoH H. D. ICINO. Co-Parana ritifilifialoes T W. STKPIik-'NS orWbeetlng, E F Shumberger ofJuntatu and 1 A Stockton of Pittsburgh, have this day entered mine co.partnarship under atylo and tiros of Stephens, Shoenberger & Co., aI the Anchor Von motto, Wheeling, Va., Mr the purpose of maims factoringman and nails of every desenpuon. Z. 77 searitome, IL 7 11 , 707..911:17, IL. 7700770Z1, DEIOBABORGER i CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. Irderling, Va. Manuk.ture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar trail and soots. A. 11. steel Mimic spytugsand amen ileum con nected with Shoebbeiger old /ultimo works, we ran oder an article of Jtudata lron branded Seoceitverger) Le o to sop made in Ma country All of which will be ao:d at the Pittsburgh prmaa Warebousa of dos works corner of Monroe and Water sts rayll TIISSOLOTION—The partnership hitherto emus _Ulna under the stye and firm of t% teatime A Eno- Ix this day dosmlerd by mutual rouse., John Dal sell enema disposed of his entire interest to H. Wight man The businea. nl the late firm w,ii be settled by It Wiehtman, who is authorised m sae the name of the Isle hnn for that purpose 11 WIGHTNIA.N. spraallor Imty I'1%) J DALZELL. TIIY. Subscriber is now prepared to mannfarMreall k in of Cotton and Wtswen Mac tanery, at Ito shortest nonce t tenors ;ell at R. Wtaburtank Ludine Siop,eos net Liberty and Water meet*, will meet with prompt attennon It. WIIIIMIAN. I.earek at,between Federal and Sandusky stn., aptSal:v Alleatte.ny etty. iIthePARTNERSHIP-IYin Young hsetee dos day heaoe,..l MIA hart. John R. MINA., the le. h er 'eu.ineet sect here•et be roedueted under the hnn co N% u< Young. h. Co 1 1'ILLIA.31 YOUNG, JFt 13 vrruNr_ MEDICAL. DO THE. PkorEESORA AND NO . ..Mums OF THE MEDICAL 110CLETIEA, /LSD TO diOth•r, Wife and Daughter 1 UNITED Fr.% TllS—The irbae ft her respect '. (WO, cells your .11.1.011 to Dr Haunt's Guars ot•a, expressly intended for the preservation of the health of troth *dee—whether it antes from Irtripreut Phu..., or early eonunnpuots Debility of the Bronchial Affef OCRS. Asti.. , Defht4 ordered state of the Lister, Spleen. or Kidn eys, -owed Spine. Choke. Dr/pep., Palpisattonof Dealt. Loss of Muscular or Nate°. Power, get DR. C. It HARRIETT'S GUARDIAN motes to trosnedtator retie( of Females sefferote from leregul ties, and all Other Uterine difEculud and diseases Wet dental to woman, arteether oreaooned by cold wet feet or any tan/liar insudirldts exposure, and ad tb,. wtthoutlb de of medtente. as the moot deism., and onlady ran at nal moment apply tt to herself without the postutilhty of tteurrtnx any rut or danger, or soy anpleasant &mutts •nung front it, and unlit the certainty of Mucous, Immedlata relief • • • Dr Barrett • tittardokri u eaten-penny, or one of the many humbug. of Mr day. nutu uutrument multi upon *trim! y seirenbfie pnnetpres, in accordance with the leen of Kettrutty and Gurvanirm: and for eeatness, duratri:t9r and elhcar v. infinitely samosa:es eerythmg of the ttnd ever before offered to the publu for the relief of iliwtatte anti in Mr .anturage of one or the most enlightened men of the day, is pronounced to be ',he tram... discover. of the age " A period of nib ices than (oar years hem bee• occupied by Dr !Wren 11l bringing the Gunnhan to na present state or periection--dering ertuch woe bats been in the hands of some of the moat eenineat physician* of Me North nod South, es well ea in d yellows of nu merous families, who have used it for all of th• move purpofies, with Me most perfect interest, and a be home Cheerfully given their unqual.fie& approbation of its eiteee, and vs.*, as ran be seen by retemog to the Man uel of Instructmor secompanyrng Dr. C IL Darren'. Cruse:llan or secured from lancer. none by apatent from the Untied Stares Patent Otte, ond be had ether with or withont his Medley-Klemm lvenometer• The Medmo-Fdectio Galvanometer, in point of beau workmananip,darabtlity and power, cannot lie sur passed or even equalled. twit the sutisenber will be f teals that ha hazards nothing In the assertion that n ound to posses. more power and ellSoary to the treatment and removal of Mimeses. by Galvanism and Eileen-Ici ly, than any other instrument, either m the United dames or Europe. The hledmo-Felectre Gidvationsetet is warranted in every respect, and with cowman ordi nary care will last a tifedtme, and it by far the cheap ea, because the beat, instrument ever farmed to the politic. A manual accompanies them, giving the mom ample mauve -Wm., of practical expenence, so that it is tenthly trimlllgibln tithe mind of every one, while thity ot arrangement ts snob that a Chilli may with IL Any inforn.ation gratuttnialy given, and as corm.. Steelton. cheerfully , answered per marl, either in relo son to the Electro-Gal vanometer or Guardian. Medical men are matted to call and examine Dr Ban ten.. Guardian, and watts efficacy. For male by H. RICHARDSON, sale Agent. ;I Moo. Set at, Pittsburgh. aplP:dff ONDERFCI. CI:B.. OF CONSUMpTloN.—Al though Dr. Taylor 's Balsam of LITC0•011 has bound hundred. of advocate., and has produced a large number of testimonials to tie favor. I cannot withhold my small mead of praise. Being predisposed to con sumption. both from peculiar kirsaauun, and hereditary tranvonsnott, I tried every means to check this di.. ease, and •trengthen it naturally weak egnstsution, ape la two years at Pisa, one at Rome, two In Florence, and another in the South of France, seeking, melll• lime. the advioe of the beat phyfictions. Two years since I returned to this country, in about the mama tut nation as when I left it. I had seen in the reading rooms in Europe much said in favor of Dr. Taylor's Balsam 01 lx•erwort, and aa soon •s I arrived in this rely, I used it, and in three month. I was so well I con eluded I could aefely paw the vaulter here, and did .o. I have used occasionally a bottle now and then during this time, but ant now in as good healtli as is possible. My cough has wholly ceased, and ray lungs have eves ry feeling of health. Dr. G Smith, and Dr. Post, of tide eity, were my phyateitina. and now say they bellevad me incurable. JAMhZ HILL, Western Hotel, Couttlandt ci, N. Y. Liverwort, even in the common way of pre panties untvervally ki10... al the best snide for diseues o the Lung. over discovered, and it is obvious that 1• highly concentrated preparation, securing the whole virtue of this inestimable herb, mast be invaluable. Moreover, this medicine contains the medical proper ties of fanny root. atul he tie. Such has been the sne ers:Ler thin balsam, that it is warranted as being lute pable of producing. in any 11111WICC, Injurious effects. Within the last few years the call. for this eovereign remedy have been Immense beyond precedent; and i ts reputation susunned from ;amine to Mobile, thus pro ring the confidence bestowed upon a simple medical preparation, purely vegetable, and the unusual anon taking effect attending its use. Physicians too, Rom a convtetton mildness, wifely and success, employ in their practice, recommend It to their patients, and deem dna medicine safe and invaluable, panteularly as it does not interfere with any other medicine patients may be inking at the same time, not restrict them to any peculiarity of diet,confinement, ke.,,iltos enabling persons to receive the full benefit of this Merlieme, and follow at the same time, d they wish, the advice of their physician. Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 93 Wood st ; Townsend, 46 Market at; If Smyser, ear Market and ad at.; Henderson k Co, 5 Libeny at, Price reduced to SUS per bottle IMPORTANT TO TUE A'VPLICTMD. Dr. aose'l Celebrated Itemedies. TAR. JACOB S ROSE, the dlscoverhr and sole pro prietor of thew moat popular and beneficial med icines and also the inventor of the celebrated Instru ment for inflaUng the Lungs. In electing a cures( Chronic diseases, was a student of that eminent physi cian, Doctor Physic, and is a raduaw of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and for Rusty years since has been engaged in the Invesugation of &sell.", sod the appli canon of remedies thereto. Through the use of Ins inflaung robe, in connection with his - Prophylaeue Syrup and other of his remedies, be has gamed an unparalelled eminence in curing those dreadful nod fatal maladies, Tubercular Con. minpurm, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of an kinds, Chronic Eryslpe• las and all those obstinate discasesueoulter to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of his remedies,to which humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is incompatible with Ybyindogibal Lab., but by the nee of his Terns• dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disc.., Dr. Knee's Tome Alterative Pill., when used are in• tenably acknowledged to he superior to all other, Is k purgative or liver pill, inasmuch a. they leave the bowels perfectly free from otieuveuess; a. alto his Golden pails is admitted by the faculty to possess peon her properties adapted to female diseues, bat befog satisfied that a bete trial to eofficient to establish what bee bean said in the minds of the moat elliptical. The afflicted are Invited to call upon the vent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor , . oanaphlets, eying .a detaUed account of each remedy and h. epplicetion. Put gale by the foPowing agents, no well MI by mast Druggists throughout the country: dehoonenaket Ir. Co, 24 Wood street, Puteburgbt J Townsend, druggist, 43 Merkel et a Lea A Beckham near the P.O Allegheny city-, Jos Barkley. Da;lington, Deaver county, P. Jog Mon, 'hanoa valley, a It to n t i d v attA ,De aver, HOTELS FOUNTAIN LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE _ . en ' 7l 7ii r l7y known as THIS Ina] on ' eof ' the m' m n itis t t on cif onions to the city of Baltimore, recently undergone very erten alterations and ImproveniCent. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sl.peing apartments, and extenove bathing routes Th Indies' department hu also been completely reorgallUed and heed up in a moss unique and bee., ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, upwards the comfort and pleasure of their [Mesta .t 1 which they coeftdently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the I.luten. Their table wal always be supphed with every very stamal and luxury which the market affords, served p in ° ° ° o °° o r style; while in the way of Wines, ice, they will not be surpassed. In concluston the prorietort beg to say, that nothing will be left undo. on their part. aad on the part of thor M. render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their (nenda and the public generally. The rat fol lovrprices (or board have also been reduced to the g Ladies' Onlinery, 11,75 per day . tlentlemen's " 1,50 N. B.—The Ilaggege Wagon of the House will al ways be found at Me Car and Steamboat Landing., ofwill convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of tiLAs marAf EXCHANGE HOTEL. CORM Mr 1 , 1, MrD R. CLAIR n., rtTbaPaatt , r•. Tha subscriber having assumed the manage , meat of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Traveller. and the Public geuerally, Mai he will be at all tunes prePared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The House is nOla , being thoroughly repaired throughout and new Furniture added, and no pules will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solICIL• a continuanms of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAP OWSTON, • Proprietor. A brAlit-111E-11—CPCIT3iti •••• • • • COMM 07 loinTif ann GIMANT 111 , M1114 THE subsenberspectfully announces that he has now opened re uew and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, hoarders, and the public generally The hou.e and furniture ere entirely new. and no pains or expense have bees spared to render It one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels to the city. The subscrlber Is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of publth patronage. octladly JACstft HOUGH, Proptetc .... m . _ Timootedistirifoiviciiiia. - T — EotreE, II tIVILLV r. MIL" THROCKMOR N bogs to acquaint his friends that he is again lessee of the OAI.T Louovdle, Ky., where he hope. to meet all his old friends, agtonng them and the public, that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with their patronage. • pothldly IT.AVIL% MOTEL, MICK.? ar, amnia 1 . 0171117] ILPTIS ara OPPOSITE Into Honk of the United Sums, Phil. delphia. M. POPE MITCHELL, marslif Proprietor, MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolte, Cocoa., o. W. Baker'. Amerman a and French Ch Ot ocolate. Prepar- Td Cocoa, Cocoa Pont., Bonus, Cocoa Shells, Ac . O merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best products of Cocos, free &pal-adulteration, more nutritious than tea or coffee. and in quality mum puud, the subscriber recommends the above uncles, manufactured by tumuli and stamped with Ms name. His Brom* and Cocoa Pute, as delmank palatable, and Watery Mints for invalids, convalescenta, and ethers, are prtinonneed by the moat eminent pkyidetans superior to any other preparauona Hu manufactures are always on sale, in any rpm:nay, by the most re spectable grocer, tat the eastern clues, and by Melt agents, Hawes, Gray A co., of Roston; James M Bunco & co, Harden!, Conn; Hovey & Murray. New York; Grant & Storm, Ptilladelphte; Thomas V idrundige, memo and Kellogg A Bennett,Cmclnrran, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mug For sale by artgal BAGALEY A SMITH, Acts HEW coireift•AcToat-, if4LF., th lit e ß p o2 . !ate that t h e y Lo v ul e d re , spee led lfuly t o n. Lector's between Federal and bandusky wee. Tim; are now =dung and are prepared to reserve orders sr every desenption of •enteles, Coaches, Chutotl, Ba. rouches, Boggles photon., ?se ,ae , setuch from their long r f:Tll n tfe ' S i t/ they hare, they ° Me m re= :c h nTitt ° they r k t; enabled w do walk on the most reuortante lefElf with these waning artteles ut thetr Paying parttcular anenuon to the selection of male. nals, and - having none but competent workmen, they have no hesrtsuon to warranting their work_ We therefore ask the aneutton of the public to thts mane, N B. Elepairumg done in the beet manner, and on the most reasonable terms. }e3ttf Wrought and Cast Iron natillug. put; subscribers beg lease to inform the public that they hare obtained from Me gnat all the late and faithionahlo dealna for Iron R.iltna. both for house. and camerae's, Prrsor.a 'manna to procure, hand some pangsna will please call and etanamn, .nd judge (or Mammas., klm.o.g turn/shed at the short est notice, and in alt beat manner, at the corner of Craig and Raiment. streets, Allegheny dry. atte2D-MI A LAmomr k KIGX_ • • RUPSICAIr ALIVEETISE9TC.3IT DROP/44SOR CHRISTIAN NOPI/ from hl - announces to the enirons of Pittribargh and Vi intt}, thathr has commenced giving Instruction on the Piano /Its ramrod ist rortrimung is very easy, and adapted to . aro ,it a eery short hem Ile hopes by strict attentimi to his business. and by reasonable price., In mem a shore of the public patronage Those sroming to hear rim plat. are Invited in Loner their cards, vim the to ne Sort suited to them, at the Mame Stores of ale %tailor or Mt. Manic - • . • • • Flasstmcgs—J 11. Mellor, Esq Fredortck 11Innio, Esq , Vxtor Scribe., Ilookeollor nusll-dlm* _ . Leeching, Cupping end Bleeding. 11 N0R111.4. 'Successor to 11 R. Del., ) No .5.5 FA creel, between Wood sod South cid Fresh leeches received monthly —attendance oil Mors. Reference, rho of Pittsburgh. Alle gheny and Ifirruntrohoon. I moat cheerfully recommend to the fam ilies and all my former friends and patrons. k Soma m hentg thoroughly sequsamed mut the busi ness and worthy of pauonage. suanASSY AL &DELANY. ItaranThicestred Tubas:leo. A SD HAY Gantry. A Reputes superior sweet 0 Ips, "1 - 1.3 23 do AI A Doller's 19 do Pnee A. Hareroars " " 3 21 do do do 23 do do Pearl & Harwood 3 & lb u 14 do / Robins. l b. • 37 hi' do do 23 do do Wm Dawson 21 do T Weigh,'. " 8 37 do ti Anderson do L T Dade.. 0 do R hlactonO I do ilateliff " lb " Just landing from steamer and packets, and for GA/13 by HEALD, !IL CKNOR & Co, 41 north water at and 10 north wharves, 1021 Philadelphia 8,( ANDPACTORED POBAIN.N.O--64.1 bo hi& arones in A &on% &upon., goner lb lamps. 73 half boo Webster Old supenor sweet 5s lumps " Lawrence Lerner " 5i •• 115 " Gentry & Flovs•er " b.& 44 Dupont ids la Ewe) " 10 " McLeod 05 Lawronce LOLL. " fos IMs plug Just landing from swam., and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co. 41 N war.. and 16 N wharves, roy3l PhAradelphra— SE/AWN;book Eiodara. rI.: are gull engaged in the above home., corner of Wood and TArrd streets, Pittsburgh, where we we prepared to do any work in out line with dew patch. We attend to our work personally, and Baur. Carrion will be given in regard to its neatness and du robritty Bionic Books ruled to row Pat.. , sod bound sob stautrally. /lookout numbers or old hooka bound care fully or repaired. Nara. put on books ingr it loners. Prices low Those that have work In our Ilce are invited to call. myldtti __ . . rvz. mint trn - • • • • • • - • B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON have entered into plartnershlp, ca under the hno of .31. IPE ATKINCH.Os. and will rry on the Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufamory. Also, Ellacksrunhing in all it. branches, •I tb• old stand of Wm B. Scalfe, First street, nett Wood. Particular attennon given to steamboat work. oetk 30 400 blti . baLs'arl A ; 135 do 10-12 do ; 25 do 7.2 do 25 do 10-14 do; s oi N. O. Sugar ; 20 bbls No. 3 mackerel ; 1110 boo rosin oap No. I 100 do dipped candltts I% do Cincinnati mould do, received 00 co/wpm:mut and for sale by 8 A W HABBHUGH 6n . TI.I3E.IVED—A large aa spTendlfusortinent of Cloths, Cassimerea, Vesting. Cray eta, 4v. , and for sale by L WILLIAMS, Marconi Tailor myti under Monongahela 1t0,.., ainithfielist VINE bkA COM - AClAsgs.: AEL2Three fine Draught BMWS for sale, suita ble for draymg, Ao. Enquire of wALLINGFoRD tr. Co, 00 17 canal basin, !thermal 1 ALP 841 , 78— . 30 dos genuine 1 ,--- tch - C 7 .11 - Skitis, a very aria 611.100. A few dozens Phdade t ria Skin, from the manufactory of 14 hi Crawl . ° , to whtch din attention of book makers is invited. Jtott received and for sale by W YOUNO Co, 1027 143 liberty et AT W. SL M'CLLNTOCK'B, No. 75 Fourth street , can be seen a splendid var iety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpet. latest styles. Also, Bens sets, 3 plys and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup styles and qualities; and in connection can always be Mond Table Linens, Crosbys, Diapers, Lkarnsaka, Mo. teens, Oil Cloths ; Sc. Sc., to all of which we call the attentwu of the public. — 3701102. HAVING sold oar emire stock to C H.Oaniw, with a view to ciontng our old hostile.. we hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends and cus tomer. RO. W. PoIN D1.7.7E17., TUE. POINDEXTER. Putsburgh, Aug. 4th, 18.83. CEL GRANT, VVbelenale Groner, Corarnisaion and Forwarding Alerahato, No. C. Water at milli JOlll4 SIIII.II4IIIFP 00., XTO3. 93 and 94 Front street, Bell Founders and man ii of all kinds of Fittings lot ()wt, Steam an Water, have elwos on hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe (or steam, gas, and water, from a In. to f lit. In diameter. Brass Castlngs made to order. Also, a bogs ”sortnient or Bells and fin i shed Brew Work to which the attention of Plumbers and Engine Builders Is ;lenient's/1y directed. Oat num!. put up promptly and on reuonahle term!. alp-dorn CIILIMANIATO6DCFAIttiIIEIIbf yI7IBITR La THIS BETA-EAT can be furnished with ach at all hours of th e day; alto, Ire Creams, Fruit Confectionary, be. The sunnier Green wood Wake. her regular trip, as taunt, leaving her Pot areal landing at of A. AL, and at b ul l past each hour inept rh . e _ 2i e tr ing the Garden at tu A moonlight view of the Garden is Indescribable In its beauty. I/V PITTSBUROH, OCTOBER td, 184.9.—We are now in receipt of several bales first rate ISIS Western ~ York and Masaricausetts Prime /30P9, and ore always receiving regular sonpltea We an prepared to NMI at lowest rates. Office, Flu susekAllegbeny non, moat OSO. W. SA./1& Co. COLEMAN, RAILMAN a Om, have ramort,d to the Warehouse, a doors wart of the Monongahela Roma, on Water and Front street. FOR RENT—Th. WartlOW N. 43 Wood st. °sag Post copy. • otlMl — roo fi r iaiS; WC/Mt. & ROE' MISCELLANEOUS. I MVPS Lemstercy. vya C sates LIPPENCOTT & BAILS, (Late J Strickler & Col ANL" A CTURERS of Phenix Ire es. JII„ moth side, second street. between W ood .nd Southfield Pittsburgh. J S Strickler having deeem" and the survivors partner Mr. Jos Lipponeolli "T in g atimetated himself with Mr. Wm C Barr, the business will hereafter be condoetml under the style of Lipp"- con & Barr. Trial of a safe in Cinehthati:o.—We, the undersign ed were prevent at the testing of one 0(1 S Strickler & Co's improved Phoints fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a fosnace an the public landing, and subjected to the intense beat of a stone coal fire for more than three hours. In one hone and a loaf the safe Caine to • bright red boat; the door of the furnace ono then closed. which caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the cast iron wheels were partially melted ot; the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. Tha =they, papers and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in jured by the wetter in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and behave that it will stand any beat which might be produced, Inept a heat which would melt It to a solid man. Sponger & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kenneth Benj. Elmer, W O P Breese, Murat, Smith, T 9 Dungan & •Co, Stedmm, filayard & Co, Wm Mans e, Mead & Wthstor. We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot in the store of Thaler & Aubery. the Agents C 0 SPRINGER, J KRLUX3. Refer to Cmok & Harris, Broker., Pitnigargh; Run O & ny Omuta d: do do Ve3d&srliS lAA ISITILWOTT 101121 D. WIC.. L. C. =l9,i LIPPENCOTT t CO. . . . ANUPAC !TYREE:4 of Hammered and Cast Steel 111. Shovel. and Spades, Axes and Hatchet,, Mill, 14 Cot Ciratthar said Gin bows, Hay and Manors Murk*, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, he.. having completed ell .their artuerements in the construction of new machinery, and in secnnng the hest workmen from the mostcele tinkled establishments of the East are now manufactst, leg and snit keep constantly on hand and for ante all the above erodes, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined thattn work mannhth and material they will not ba excelled. They promise to produce amens equal, if not superior, to any that can be had in the Duo They Invite - the atten tion of dealers to an examination et - their stock liefore purchming elsewhere, as they are convinced that they wall he able to fill all orders in their Line to the enure sausfacuon of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N H.—Persons having business with Wm. Lippert eott & Lcao wit please call on Lippencon & Co. octildly ' JAMT34 W WOODWELL Pittsburgh Furstltal..* Ware V. 0033.1, 01, Inlnn near. A large and splendid mono:tent of Furni ture, minable Mr Steamboat., Hotels sad pri made to or vate dwel de ling., °matronly on hand and r. The prissent stock on hand cannot be ezcoodad by any inane/emery in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give tat a call, as 1 aro determined my the stork consists in--. prices shall please. Part of 60 colas with Plush and Halr.elOth owerm S dos Mahogany Nurse Chabot Id pair Means; 111 dm fine mahogany Cha.irtS 19 mahogany Work Stands, 3 doe mahogany Rocking Clung 15 marble top Dressing Romans; ri pair Ottoman.; b marble top Work Stands; lo cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all de.enpoona and a large assortment of mammon Namara ma ch.., am muumuu. to mention. snaratf L4.13/351 ARE CA-1,7101'4ED AGAINST USING COBISIOIE PairtPALRED CIEULLSI TREY are not aware how frightfully Injurious it is to the skin—how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yet. low end unhealthy the skin mil...saner owing prepaw pared chalk! Besides nis innumus, containing R large gauntry at load! We herr prepared a beautiful vegetable article, wLich we cull JONES' SPANISH LILY MUTE. II Is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious quabfies; and it imparts to the shin • natant, littalthY• alabaster, clear, living white; at the mine .tisneiacting as a cosmetic on the .kin, waking it soft and Embotit. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Manna ehttasua, says: "Alter analysing Jones' Spanun Lily Whlte,l find n ;musette. the most betatifal and natu ral, and at the same taw innocent white lam taw. I certainly can cowctenoonely recommend ha ads to all whose skin retie/rot beautifying." Price, 23 Ginn • box. Sold by WM. JACIESOSi. S 9 Liberty st. turtfil Pitt Michas:le Works and Foundry. . TOUR WRIGHT Cit.,tire ... t prepared to build Cotton arellWoolen Machinery deaemption, such as Carding Marlloos, Spinning Frames, Speeder. Drawing Frames, Radway Meads, Warpera, Spoolers, Dreaming Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Re. Wrought Iron Shorting turned; all ores of Can Iron, Polite. and Hantr. of Mr latest potterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Comm.. of every desonption furnished on short nonce. Panama made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Itailtnx, &e. Steam Pipe for hear ing Fnetarie., Cut Iron Window Sash and tangy Cas ting yenentlly. Doter. left at the Warehouse ofl. Palmer k. Co., Liberty meet, will b.. 00 prompt mom- Hates to Blackatook, 801 l k. Co., J. Ti. Aloorobud Co., G. E. Warnet, John Irv. h. Bonn, l',Osbargh; G. C. 31. IL Viragnet, Steubenville. laniO 10REPH W00DW1.1..4 earner of Wood and Al eta, Pidaburgh. Has ,l,3 'tr . ! ' mg wandrawn from the Innof l es ant Voodwell, on the Iv' of January, 1847, 1 take pleamtre to announcing to my friends in the ally and century, that I hare opened my new store al tha above named place. Having wit h my goods for cash. and made arrangements with manufacturers in Uue emintry and no Lumpy to be constantly applied, o i n ern as n' atift ""4 :d a ' a n l E" ow a t ! any tr a ott o se f ‘ll kiudy East or West. Alerottanta and others are respectfully Invited to call and cram. soy .tank, before purchasing Mo wn.n. The follotsum compmea • part of Ms meek: Steamboatand esdillery hardware, gm trim:maga Elea, Naylor.. steel, cutlery, edge toots, vivlle, vim., locks, latches, scythe., bun bulge.. weber.. Union Fan tory plane, gam, mthogany boards and veneers, and all other armies a, netted with the hardware bum. Pell. mykaltf City Ddnatierel.xt Gi - irtilY. : TIMM Clam. roar of nce IMILDISQ. SHOGE beg. leave to Inform the citizens erf Pius . burgh and mituty. that be ha. taken :he Daguer elan Rooms tartly ocaufned by lir. Porter. The pub lic are usnred that all the tau IMmornMents AM secu red, and will be brought into vervain: by hll Huge, who has been a constant operator since the list wu but discovered. ranee sensfaction is gmuaineed to all who may become his patrons. Jar 11. will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter, us whom estabhahment he has operated for the hut twelve manilos. Faintly Por traits, Engraings, Dugurreotypc., c., minutely copied Likenesses taken in up weather, ang act m lockets, breast pins, cue, and frames. instractiou given In every branch orate an4and ap paratus furnished. jelinf tkiiiiii - ilachittit Shop. lig VVlGllTlLlLli—illautifschrter afal kin* of eats AA,. too and woollen maclunery, An.gheny city, Pa The above works being now in full and - anceetsfol op eration, I am prepared to meante orders with dispatch for all kmda of machinery in my line, such as willows, Waken, spreashint, ard or .e ndtug machines, flatways, Buenas frames, apeed throsal.s, looms, • woolen cards, double or angle, for merchut or tummy . work, mileajacks, be., alliie and hand lathes and email m gen ens!. Alt kinds of shafting made to onkr, or phi. en far gearing facurties or mills at reasonable , char Rama ro—Kertnedy, eau& A Co, Bluksrock, Bell E. Co., King. Pennock & Co, lu. A. Gray. i nEs.v.s:arwanA - ifs - vollanst - . - - A i A Pill.Tloll.i, Bell and Brass Founder, stand, where re built and cOmmenced business at hi. old std, here he will be pleased to or, hi. old'austom rt and friend.. ChnrchoSteunboat. and Bells of every sizej from 10 to 10,018 pounds, east from patterns of the moor approv ed models, and warranted ts be of the best malerula Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, frt., by. MET with every rarely of Brass Castings, a eacitured, MrTmd and finished in the neatest manner. . _ ........ . , A. F.. the sole Tropnetor of Raearr'e Am-Armo r". Marl, so Justly celebrated for the reduction of (notion to machinery. The Boxes and Corkpoaitioo can be had of him at all times. i aLly PlosafglisTPlissithOiritinsga s elgoia Oozes, az, ROBERT RAU, 01 the old firm of R. & B. Hall, e. Man "lN= tering large quarraltie • of Ploughs, Plough on boxes, At,, with the unprorements clad Zsi:: Peacock, Illinois, nod other Ploughs, of the lluast and best pattern. now In use. Warehouse, 106 Liberty meet, Pittsburgh,: opposite the 11 .• Y Reale; Factory, in All city , tear. the Cotton Factory of Mtwara Blackstock, Bel/ ,Co.u dettily Tno -pa hercunons =sung between John Ferree an Samuel Wlghtoran, under the name of /oho Fiume & Co., IN tlds day des:dyed by mu tual consent. The boldness of the late arm will be set tled byjohn Farrar at the warehoture alarm Bounce. Luse. . JOHN FAILRF.N SAMUEL wHarridazi Tho business Of the Boatmen's Line will hettaner be conducted by Farten & Lowry, at the same place.— Thankftd for past favor., we solicit a continuanto of the llama JOHN FARREN septfi L L LOWRY VIRE PROOF MINERAL PAlNT—Received, per .L steamer Michigan, 6 bbl. Mineral Paint. The or. aid le is worthy of the consideutton of athpa.inters, for it is of a stone ogler, and can be added with any other color without changum the shade m.terialty It le sr great saving , and wren applied to wood florin turn the paint to a perfect stone surface In the coarse of Male 4or 3 sweets Also, It Is • complete fire proef—the ar uchi has been fully tested for .in years by thk proprie tor. before they would offer it for sale. Any person purehuing will not be deceived in the article. A largo quantity will be kept on hand at ell dotes, at the Robber and Oil cloth Depot. J U PHILLIPS, until A. for the . 0 .0. Y, No 6 wood at ROUSSLI.J.,'S FINE PERFVISERY—J.t received and Mt sale, wholesale or retail : antandina Soap; illeael out Oil &Etta Phi!Hearne; Alelbiado Oil, 2 MAU; Corup'd Ox Marrow; Waalt Balls, ltramparent) Almond Shaving Cream; Beers 014 Bears Grease • Palm Omnibus Soar Taylor's Perfume; /army Lind Permute; C.kline, 3 &tuts; Amandlna. H. 'l l7 RoberesTSß:D.7 II 7--- 0 r‘PTALMIO SURGEON, will attend to the treat meat of Diseases of the Eye. Dr. R. has been engaged in this branch of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, and ham conducted an utablishment for the treatment of. diseases of the eye alone 10/ several years. Omen and residence, corner of Sandusky it and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. meth Dr. - - - -•-- Dr. McLain* In Tennessee. . . RIB is to certify that I purchased one awl of Dr. T Istolustrrs Worm tifmaufte, some two month. ago god 10 61311 of 011110, some seven years old, two tellopOons au, and alough the amount may appear large, yet 1 . harm no d oubt but there uvula apwsr of rum rooms. wow pound from him, measumm Imo ma quarter Of an inch to two mottos /mag. O W 11OLLIDAY. Ronal ercolt, Carrot co. Ten.rt i _bee rrOWNBI..tNIXB SARSAPARLLI4-30 boo of this .1. great .pnog mid CUrifrier Utediebia, this day ro o m axd for to wholesale Mad retail, by R ESE/AXES N. R—Aa R. F. 8. la Dr. Trotentoo4l4 only sow for Polaburgls, the genuine article may always be h o d at Nu 57 Wood stmt. 13 CLOTHS AND CASSIAIERFA--BmDA at Johnston, 46.d.larket .treat. would Wynn the anent= boyersio their stock o( French Clothk and emulator.; Meartlain's hoc) , 88/211111 fa, Toms., and Silk Vesting*, Toiima'' Tm t mmhga, gene DRY Sr VARIETY GOODS FRESH FALL 000118. CHEAPEST YETI TEST being received end now opening area...MAN. LP DER & DAY'S, No 75 Market street, northwest corner oldie Diamond, a very lop and splendid stock of fall and winter Dry Goods, to width they would re spectfully invite the amnion of the poldie. It to well known to almost every one that the present seawn is one dieting - tusked for its low Klee, of Dry Goods, and it affords no great pleasure in being able to state that. owing to oar peat faciltties for lltat purpose. lone of the firm residing in Philadelphia,) we have been ena bled to purchase one present stock at • eirosidenible redaction I rom the usual market rates, cheap as they dre, rod we are therefore enabled to sell at correspon ingly lower than the usual prices. We would there fore Invite all cash buyers bywholesale wholeeale or retail, to gyre us a call, and lay out their meney to the best ad aga. The Ladies should call and examme our stock of Print., Gingbams do Gaines, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Merinos, 85les, Bombazines, Plaids, and TIMMS other styles 0(1'8..61.101e Dress Goode, of which wa have a very Poe assortment, kteluning every deseriptioo of those goods In the market. wi EI.dMHS AND CASSIMERES—.To gentlem. • • . . Old recommend our stock ofesper Frmich Cloths ad English, French' and American Cauiatterea OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, embra- Mug almost every variety of stylaand SATTINETS—Of which we base an ercellent ar I.lmen " 1 1 1!ervr .li dt e e ' and yellow Flannels of all qualities and prices. TICEINOS AND CHECKS—A • superior assortment of Twinges of Wgrade., and Shirung Chants In great ' EitEACHED AND BROWN MCSLENS—Embrse eirg i almost every doscriptlon of the above goods, in- A ' LZ- 3b r i grat of ock n oTrat ' Ves - uga, Silk od4 Om too Velvets, both plain and 4pund, u suntrucky Jeans. plaid Linsey', plaid and hoop figured Cloaking and cloak Linina., bleached and unbleached Table thapor, both linen and cotton,bleselted and tmblasehod Table cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Fladnela ool'd do do, Breamsand Sonnet ittobors, blk and sol'd silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs and cravats, Moves and Hounr7 of all kinds, Suspenders, Nab Linens, Linen Lawns. Linen Hdkrs, Silk do, blk Lace Veila Love do and Hdkii,Oil Chimes, Rusin and Scotch Diaper, crash, Linen, plain tamped and barred Jaconcts, Cram bnc and Swiss Mullins, Victoria Lama, Green Hare ges„ rchants visiting the city (or the purpose of laying 1n their supplies, should not fall to give us a call, as [bey will linden( goods and prices such as cannot fall to and their purpose AL X.ANDER k. DAY, morn 76 market st, N W coo Diamond The New Golden Host Moe Again. Nee Asa nod Winter Dm Good,. TUST received and now opeoung, at the u bl the tt, BM Ina lints, coaldarket Ansa, Lowman and Fourth streets, one of the Largest, cheitt tot be. t assorted stocks of Pall nut Wintar , Dry Go ods afar of fend In Pittsburgh, to which the attention of odr nu merous customers and the public, garteraLly, le reenact. WIT Tented, as the eubsenloor Is confident that Be can offer such bargains In Dry Goods as cannot bt sur passed by sny other hone° In the eft,. As these fonds brie been purchased al prints fat belootboee of arty former season, Sher will be told at greatly sedated rates, Among ads larim end splendid meat will tem ;rowed many castes arid donnas recall at extremely Mar prices. LAMB' DRS GOODS. • . riefrind faahlonahledrem silks; pl load strlpM black swimscdpod and plaid slam. p/ai black v.ry glow aro de Shine; plain Wank rich los • la. Ming, milk for similes, manullaa and rapes at re lass prices; isevreat designs and latest 'aryles e rex; plant and sarin striped eaahmens, sampan° nch merino all colon; de Woes, plain andignred owl tre nun insiparlou great redaction an former prices; gni", Cal ifornia and eitshattent plaids; mohair and Idmiterey plaids, all qualities; alpaca's, qualhies and polar : hens MI to 76 cents per yard. SHAWLS: SHAWLS!! Vine eaabansm, tartaric and broebe shawl. Blank embroidered embalmm andde lain ah r la Fine Ttbbet and lis lame Fume black end "dated cloth ' . l o Plcc quality long, very cheap • Plain bleak and plakl silk, very . cheep 4: a a w lazfe lot plaid blanket sta . wilt 013 . 111 eS 00314 10 OA DOME-911C GOODS, MUCH BELOW roamEn • - m Good dark calico from 3 Sots yer yard; Best Yazd wide quality pu d ar rple do n , cao,f lico rom 0 to 10 alms cur, Good yard wide bleachetlmuslin 4 to 61; Bed ticklngs azid chocks, all prices; Blankets, from coarse to best quality, very chimp; A MI amortamm oiled, white and yellow flannels Batinens, Kentucky Jeans, iCessays, Linsey*, etc, etc, etc, all of wholl Will be sold at reduced rates, at No 62 Alazketst WOO W DB M. L R 000. RELIT WItt`CLUiTOCK, is now constantly nevi . op his . fall stock of CARPEFING, ke pinstag one of the largest assortments ever brought to e mar ket which have been purchased direct from e Im porters and Manufacumers, of the latest and estut styles, and lower m price than ever Offered in is city, to which he Mertes the attention of those within gto famish steamboat. or houses, before. prirchasing else where. The amok warsists to part of me following wnsay i Rich Our.mtol4/ Corpoui Oriental Tapestry CtClotir do Velvet do Plain colored do Tapestry do 24 feet wide do Brussels do 84, 7.4, 64, 44 & qil cloth Extra Supe r super 3 ply do Stair Rods "d d o ri Isl4' Sratz " Lin W eas " do l WideV w do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do' crumb cloths 4-4, 0-ga Damask . Embalmed Piano wrier, Venttian do do Table d 4-1, 14 & I told do do Figured Table Oil cloths 4-4, 3-4 Ai plain do do Turkey Red Tollenen 44, j. I, ►fc 24 cot_ do. Ade-lard Mats 0-4 pruned cotton Carpel Sheep .kin do Elva sup Chenille •N Jots do do do Tufted do Alioant Oa - Fine do do Manilla Fietop Wilton do do Snow drop issapkinl Crimson fled Plush; !Sept, Towel:hag • Pion do Crash Drab te Cloth 8,4 004.64 Trade Ltens Blue do, for coach meg.; Transp'nt Window Shad. Carpet Bindings Extriateoctt do do Wost'd cords Bleb Satin de se for do Teasels wireloir ea Seale, blue, crimson, black and drab Its; figured rainbow Damask= worsted and line Table covens, blob, crimson, scarlet, green. drab black More cotton Plashes of all color* Esc. dn. Also, Osneborgs mtd*Dnllinge for mambo and all other trimmings necessary fot outfits r boats In oar line, to which the . especial attention oflt r Tners hi is nted. W. M'OLDIITOCWS Carpet W room, one door from Wood, on Forirth at. senile NEW AND SEASONABLE el-thaw& LSOCANDSR dr. DAY have net received a fine assortment ofche following descmption of swim. " goo d . , potties of which have been box ict Ar l a ti ztd 7 . 4Lbe s lo d id y, =., neu, very large and atenpleto usortmentoutd ea SALT/NETS—A very large lot of blue, k i lti nua, grey and gold Sattinets, at eery lb . prises. ALPACAS—PIato blk Alpacas, plehl and ped deb, fancy_ plaid and striped. do cheaper than ever FANCY SILIES—A vt-ftdbl aseinsmant of rich ehangeable Bilks, both plain and fled, of t every hade. S HA WL S — A MT AuPtrior assoitment 40f super Boothe, Paris printed, Tette* and CastemeraSkiavrls, soLiers . fla beloiPthe ordin or azzs. m.i wares and= Plaid blk v ir reLP4 Cloths, lot overcoats; blk Ea:ai' mates, ton a. , Linen do, Kentucky Jeans, &á. /se; to all oforhich invite e an . ent' of tile th ALEX/OMER at DAY, 73 market st, oodl3 N W tor piths diAntond 11.10/10111A.L. FH. EATON t Ca, having removed froM Market . meet to their new Bong No MI Fourth Fr ,, tenon Wood and Market, era now opomFall mak of Trimmings and Variety amo g which axe—Cloak and Drese Primes or all kindg Embroidery Dimly. and Velvem; Embroidery and Needle Work; Zephyr end TamarrworstedCheaulle Florts; Steel Bags and Pane Steel Trimmings, Ladies Merino and Silk Vests, Gl oves ery; Childrene Coats, Gaiters., Mitts and Hosiery; Germ Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Dresainf Gowns, kn. Wool and Cotton Yarn; I Children.' Dresses, o( latest pauerni, witted they ob far at low mica both wholesale and retail. I oral F. H. Eason. W. P. fotolary CARPETING . , Otrs =ATVs, Ice. W. lia , cLlNTocicv CAIt•P ET sir o a E, No. 76 non= tinuram. ONE of the !urn , and the most• Maslen stook of CARPETING in the market, erebracirtf all the usual attendee from the meet approved man Imam, that have been tested ter dutolllry In fabri and to les.. • • Tap7at io ry Velret Bruaoeb?aring; mato carpeting; Extra tgtenille ~,,,,r • Ewa. lop 3 ply do Tufted Sap log - rata do Wilton do Finn do do • Brunel* do Common do do • hlanniantured to order in nets patiams; adnptnd to pasiors, basements &ad./chambers. Painted Oil Cloihs, for dining roods, entries, veld. boles, kitchens, &o. Str esaw Halting, Stair Rods, WindowWindow shades and Fixtur. Command Woollenßom one thud to atria Door Yana. wide. Ma ts., to whlchAthe muta tion of purchasers at wholesale and retail to respect fully Invited. Wareroont, onedoor from Wat or anger W aPCL )LACK ALPACAS.-W - It Murphy Mynas the `par. titular • attention of boy to his madatmantuf above Goods, having select them with gveht cork, in mferenee to their glossy finish and good body for win ter use. Also, MOHAIR LMEITRER, eommoN medium and super fine qualities, mcludinga few piece. jet black, adapted for =tunas pcUpolren Alla, FANCY .6.4PeceB AND LU137704 In great rimy of satin stripes, plaids, and btocades, some of which are very superior. A. these 'pods have been bought directly from Important, they eon be hold at the lowed possible prima To be had also by Umpteen, in Wholesslo Rooms up Mars, at s eery 01313141Mrla;e0 011 cost tea DRESB GOODS—We have received a fell alma of Dom Doods, among . ..which may be found-- Plain black and figured Algom do a; 'Colored and fanoy plaid Oregon, Callfornot, Queen, Orleans and Lambs:dint Plaids; plain, adored and flgarul Caelanores; No 67 wood oi. 811 k, Tartan and plaid cashmeres lordlier with a Wire assortment of - other du goods, or winch will be sold low by the pleee or p re adres& d e SRACSLETTE WHITEM Wm.' 0 R — ECI.III7I-D Ai r W.:SI'CLU 7I+ OCIII3 Carpet Ware , house, 75 Fauna street—. 2 ps 5-1 rosewood eoPd Tables Ott Cloths; DEISM The above ate of =Sem onallty,'efastioiry, of fluf.. ish, almost beasolfal relora and eluding, imeoded for fornicate, COildla} ae,l table covering. , ; ,_ boo ARGE - SUPPLI? — rok. - NRW -GOODS. 1 .4 ausyin opening tua sEcoNn surPLY or Water Otards; 'ffieladlng a 'varietyebader of Drab French Miarroorq _ . . Scarlet, !berry, and 'wiser high colored hietiaroera Magazine b ne dot broyra ..• At : YARIfLETrAtiI qf Woe._ Aolena . with awry other deairable /oboe 1121 Yv are-7411%W71-4 all of which ill be geld Yen , ' any', al sti4rheam ner of 411 and Harket4ol. •••• , ..-4 , I et V^ C. .YelitueriAltdazk - - don ardealnn --catilteedi • t had . Cambria /Ws all limy (ra a~M ho octlicas dog arm ranaly o/lape bordered, b clear lawn, wrlll deep corded borders, Reeler, dared and colored bordered. • • 00,2 ° Spa Throes 1¢.% rimaivws end for sale b _ / BORODId Ga VOL. XVI. NO. ''96: ZSCELLANEOII&: CO.ADril . t Patent. Graa.,,,ci Ga&mew Battery and. Rimer bumbled Poissior and other Ferrymen. Tit'44!g:.:',',;.:l7TP;.`e',"7[,,,theca'„l'Ait„e"eedr ral purposes, and bedroom) , one ever I, imam to maa. by ...bdob the go+ same dont cell ho convoyed. thc ba rman eye, to the brain, or to any part of tse.odr, tribe ( m alt yeat or ;ntornally-. in a clefinost'frernie stra.u,,wlgut ilittrnks Or pa.rn perfeclaldedl— and often GO happiest effects. . This important apparel. I. now highly. 'apecercal of try drni‘L of the most Anntlent physieratts OS thudiottni try and Europe. to *hem 124 tifiteted and otheri *Com rt May