The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 23, 1848, Image 1
L , •,* a if li-,n ;ai,p . et , . J_ -3 sei i ESTABLISHED IX 1786. BUSINESS CARDS: — fit WU, JUL & COMMIAIOII , ..d For. A. ~14 4 metenams, .haw lirtonxed .W their old .wig,' 19surr and Peat streets, PiUsb • .h. , acal - . FIiMEM. IMAM, 6802011 inn. IaBAUN & 11,21TE11,: Wholesale one Retail Drag earner of Merry ..134 St. Clair streets, Pitt'- ', . bri ~ R. .. : , , . amyl' triestantrsos, seas ainvert. I) nowN CULBEECTSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Conundesion Merchants, No. lob, Liberty et.; Pittsburgh. P. R"' ItitHNESTOCK Co ., Wholesale awl Ile ;rell Druggists, corner Wood tad dth sta. Jr BAGALEY & warn, 'Wholesale Grocers, IS and fib Woodatreet Pittsburgh. ." , hia,e,RITETY & Co n Forwarding and Cam. ;tin Macho-ma, canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa_ • • ' meta 'EWALT & GEBRAHT, Winder G ro cers, deal .Elers in Produce and Pittsburgh, lasnittuires, cor ner of Lilian and Hand sta., Piusbzrgh. Pa- tebl7 AIL I. =OLDEN AMU J. ENZIRtaTi. NQLISI:I LaIIEY:FEIT, (lard Gallagher 4_c c a wb o u i gle Grams, Comansaion and For warding Merchants, and dealers ttt Pyodaee and Pitt. !mail Idannfaerarea, Nit.l7 Woad at, between rd and >b atreata nett iiiietre, ago. tEXT ZA3O3 moon. NRIEND, RHEY it Co, Wholegala Grocers and Contridertcm Merchants, and t‘tretue kw Brighton craw:a.m., ilog. IV Witter, and lati FroptPater. basich,Ta. , V • febe OMER, LONG & MILLER, 1341 and Drew 1/winderi•andirleu Fitter; WO Front, between and Bgqb4eldioreets, Piosbergb, . urg u i , trke given for old CopperVind&r, 1 . . - EORGR , cs eelnadnd..Comadsciors add Phrleatdissc .Pdistehath Nt RV'Mr. oo d street- Pinchtrgh. — tc9l7 LAttirtmuitcriOniti Ini Red Lead Abuts ftelnier,Ptint Om thi triereldirt, center of Lib et .and Ostficit rt. Pitched's:tr. }eta MEM W. DaSCA.N. • Loos rollant, _ _ 14-"Y."o"nctfrit. Analiblerchents, m lILLIr Dicier & Do...Wholesnlo t3rocors, Com =loam Monahan% and dealers In Produce, Noo.nn Water. and In 7 Front meets. Pitistrurgil. nave TOlipilL RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at L. (I aid Counnissioner fon the &ate ej.Pennsylvroun Bt. Lend (late el Pittsburgh.) llsaisstrens—Pittsburgh: Hon W Forward, Lroop ton & td'Clare, John E Parke, Bisset& &-S Muter, rople, liajord& King. jel&ty sjOHN SCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Porws,d. Mg and Commission 'Merchants, Dealers in Pro ace and Plusbiugh hlanafaciares, No, 7 Commercial Ross, Überty scree], new the Canal, Plusburglx, Po - ay&ly in:MES fl MeOUIRE, Otte of the am of Alpo and MeGalre.,) Merchant 7nilor, St. Charles Iltaldlagr, atree near W• • • Pittsbn h. TAVES A. HUTCHISON, & CO.—Successor. to et Latta klutr.hison & Co, Caramtadon Aterchama, Aaenti of tho Loads Steam Soar Solari. N lama am 102 frontareat. Pinabargh. t!ant T BLACK, litereliant Tailor, Exchange Hail e • din Si Clair at, Pinattaratt. • lalOtt ;tMN' S. DlLWORTll—Wholaila °racer, PM. doe', a t mat, Cotangsalcul Nerrebnat No. V, Wood at, abor e TIMM -D. MORDAN, Wholesale smoist, and deal t) -et irt,Dystßatfa,Paints,.oila, Varni&es, tr..c.„ N 0.93 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alloy„ • . - jtml TAMES BEEF; Jr Co. (=memo , ' to Joseph G. V Davi%) Ship Caullon, 36 Water street. 0c.31 totIN IL Itri.r.()ll, Wholesale And lictail dealer ET 6i Music and !finical Instrann_nts, School Dam, 1 1 1==::n .8 1 4 1y, } 11;b1V I, l oC:d P X,WirUb e = "a Ea uo:srld or taken intrude. tipls t3CIIOONMAKE6 - to Co Whokoala Druggists, 0.'N0:14 Wood arced," DUX duniononi, tomer gatt and Wood SU*SfliUanait' *CV3 tilesTortWarrocirroN, Booksellen, Pruunre l Paper blubilabtaxen„ No. 4i Iblarkat at, Ma tra b. je6 01111 GRIM, Wholiails Grocer, dealer in Pro gy dree, Pittsburgh hbtufseutras, Tut Plates, ere. tic. ire No. irts Liberty s_Pittsi- ___ Jsibi _ 7oBA morn, ii. l=LUID co J. G ic t iL ,,e !' n4 /.o v lLD. o.l (laia Lar . ty i Fl t rlco .4p5 DALZELL, VV.!leeala Grocer, 1",•1 7 .;, idarebanr, and deal. In Fuxin. rind Pralabarik... Matunizeuirea No. 04 Water a., traubrargh. Auld Iva a /ONES, Forwazding and Coseetiasion awns, Dealers in ?reduce andPiOatrauglf mann. [...rated aruelea Canal Basin, negrllh at 421 Vesuvius Iron Works. 1../WSU r e, ffer and Co, mannf N i els orletti nality.T Warehouse, 54 water anty.CtS frantat *US. ir WATERMAN, yiritolesala Grocer, Fanned , W.: . l=pitasal_ r t i reluktlylleder_All *llFrassur.: LiMiELEig.k; ALIIIVO.N, Wholesale GI ="' 4 1= t rI tuo . Connaission Merchants, dealer. in woa a. ntowrgh. hanuNet.., Nos. L 3 and 135 (tarn •-• • LX, &13.01:11}.1fIS & Co., Cocondesion ei '.eh.mojhdedephla, for the We of produce pea unlit; Liberal advances made ou enesigruneuts„. KAPfLiLts ROE, Wholesale Oroccra and Camtaw ldirtelaanta, No. lig Liberty it, Pittabergh. /.1./SII, AL= ISILICL, MIL L. 11111aCi. ALLEN & Co, Commission and -Fonnitdins Marengo:us, aser and Front au, between oaQ and Market Judi was. c W. SlClrirrsos. 44,L=C . ,..BICRETSON, Wholesale Grocers and Corriatiationiterchants, No.l7ll,Libe rip st., Pius- Er ' jin 1.4 li k plalkOLMES & SON, No. en Market st, second 11 a - doer (tom tomer of Fourth, dealer. In Foreign and DomeattODUls of Exchange, Certificates of Depos it, Dit&Nistini and Specie- IQ.' Dalmltons p mad n all die, principal cities thronationt the Unit ed Sta a tes. iIjitUSOLT IdOWLE, Wholesale Glum Escaping ...101, Disalleri dealer in Produce, Piuslaurih Manufse tatts,..andsll kinds .of Foreign and Dalmatia Wines eadEtrimna, No.ll Liberty. street. On hand a vets large sunk of superior old blonimgahala whiskey, wheels Will be sold low for cask. apply r kWuttbr T.'S-HS:sat, Jr . , importer and Dealer in '' ',alto and Demeade 8.... ry Hardware and TrraisClninnungs, of all descriptions, No. I.Q Wood Ili, Pittsburgh. , - arD If,II2IIAIID HARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Leather, Mdroceo, Shoemakers , Toots and Find ings,' Tanners' sad Cutlers , Tools, arittTiumers , .oll, Nalett Wood It, Pittsburgh. ZOILIXSO3, 61.1C/Z1 X081030:11. 110.11/11SON a Co, Wholesale Grocers, Produce Commis'lon bferehants, a M Dealers in Pins & 01 .111inerseraies, No. L Liberty eh, Pittsburgh. pato k. Pltlab , -r • " DA.L.ZELL 1 Co, Wholesale Grocers, 921:66d114109 and Forwarding Nerd:Lama dealers Fiadoca mil. Pittsburgh Zdanutioai ezy ldi.lda( my la r ' trr. A- CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Goalet In Produce and Plnsbergh MonoGensres, o. 144 e n • 12 ~is Ec rNnDm& USE, Fonan . d sn I - 2 _ on kranto L• l 2er r d°4 ° , Piublugh Mama: m cc cec aZ 1 .12 , h,.. n t"Pl r eNit e•th Pad' neat tines for coon d jaal NUS • Whol a •ealeritt dry goods, Os. groceries_ , boots, shady Pittsburgh manufactured 'ankles, tan, No 22g Libe sum pins—. ; , & JOHNSON,InoIauI• and Rend Deal e rs fain. Millinery Load; lac., &angry -end Maley Articlehi No. 46 Market string., ad door above Thing .1., Pingo • : k. np2l 11111ALIEZZLT, =OIL ,011ACKLETT & WHITE, Illholcula Dealer. to up It i er aod•Dortteodo Dry Good. No. HIWood L • &bra runame.... ft pir., pgftlalMlGH t Wool Merchunts; De • • IA Flour and Produce generallg, and Foromding GNI allgeoiadsilou Aleretocrou No: 63 Water.m., Pius. OMB, LIAGALEY & On.; Wholesale Grocers and V Radar. dealers, No. 223 Market street, between 511 vaseleili. North side. Pai/edeiPhie- . • novek itatano moronism • roan 11112I0Le; insirsan. 0107 VR9 A 1.11C0L.,9, Produce and Cameral Coo 1,7 Onion Merchants, No. 17 liberty at, Pittsburgh. Spann, Linseed and Lard OM ,dat:LYON BONpIIIOIIIM, k Co, Wholesale Oro ' eem Perwarding and Conosiolon Merchants, Phsaborgh Manufactures lod Menem Pm &Sao remora us their new wasehouse, ( old nand) PM censer or Prom at. and Chancery Lane. Laiker, - Wizolsoido Grocers and Commis sion .11terchanin, and dealers In Produce. No. 35 bed it, rinelnuni. pan ILS IttirlUtt, /Wet tor , leiteart tatters end • _Peoeuting peteetans, at the ofhee of Wm. balhgs, elb st,Ttuttoorgh. My eon 7 hrel t en . digezett We i ro o rllfend to o • • maA4dl➢ ' • „ wits • ircmonan. - faiowtdedi to L. & .1. D. Vitok.).Wbgrenale Grown% Forwarding and uommunon Morehams, dealers In 17011, Nails, Glow, ,!,anew Tama, and Pinalmorgh Meacham .genera/IP, wow. , at Wood and Wner .tront94 Pirebnrab BIT BOW k2"l-Ceeten.fon and - Forwaring 'Merchant, No. 90 F'ront st between Wood and Mat streets. febel dlr. WALLACE , Mill www and Mill Format 'Log nit9999l99nent, Nix 944 Wetly to., no the inaV2S - swr JK, 6ARReRD, Dealer In Fancy and Staple jr ;e 4: 3l° ' 79 / 4 4rk ",Fittgrtugh. UT W WILSON,DeaIrr In WOejeo. hood " IT , Sli m Warei . ,xfamr7 toot* 0,0, N s. 67 m f n l! , tat ot. .s 1 TVR. MlJlLPHYL*bolootooorrooToin . pomign and Posaude Dry Goods, awth ern r CO* of Abate% and Fou rt h no; el l wit TOMO, lico. - 1 - 1. li . Ciar.. tux YOUNG a. Co.—Dealer kiloton Woo a.. f . .”. , 1431.1besti IL : AAA( 1 11,„ )L MlTCHELTRlal2iidel"Grt,`,el„,, eLt i r ig ab iu lm i pt i terf l A V A i ranallett 4 3; PAildresacurtou Mem stAiStaburgt, 1.5117 =MI L-JONIS Clara mica : int:l st fr. Co., wboiatio. Gomur .. t. 2:i - V" , ' , 1 11 0i 1, 4 Beal Store, and Pittsbure .. 0,... 4nl-4'14% ha """' hlind aylls, 41%ter n trt. t patrol atealtmeen °foods in . . nor 110,131 inly Ape", Putsbargh. - KETCFLELTREE, •Wtrolassis • r I/reelfrying Dtari kn, and Wine .nd Liquor ,• axiom Also, lAssolten of Sods Ash and Bleaeh •-a PhWhili- No. toollbany stssehTutsbusyh t Pa 6;' , ' • a- • ,".•r;.`er.'„4,17:7"...''''''''',71..1TC.,;Ti.:•411°H.C.3M17337-7.777-7,.... ' .. ..,. • • • ..... ..... _ 1 :',. . • / • .1 .., .4101t7t.P.,7 , ..1330733.1 ~....__ —__ __ , _,... i ,.... 4... .H... • 3 xsra , ~,i, ~;., q• ',II^. , .. ,• 1 tsC, • •' ,76 " . ..3' 777 33 . 17 . ' t' 37 5 ;•. - ...1 1 • fa i .is.', i'lltirr iIA *, .'-'. 7 . ..',' " 41 .1.7 .4 42'' : u „ '"'‘.) : 1 '';'l 'ST ; ...: 47, 173 7.% I ' . I r. t. l ,PYSTlSA ' 7 ''' fi; ;'. 111 - ri . ' , • • - - .• ..,..,... pi ,, , T -.T. , •,,,h, ~_,.... an __. ..._ .-..p..• : • r.„.... ! • , - 6.11, --- 1,;; ;:i 17:7 --- -... 1 7 4 .. . p .. t , . . •.. - .. . „'; . : .! ~. .., •. - . .. . CI .1. . •,* -tM ..a 11. - , ~ ...I 73 n .1.1 ILI .2; , , • .1, - - ,s, a ,:. ' ~. :: • .. . ... , •, • .: ; 1 - • - ',':;'., ~ • •-•••• •,• • ~ . . . . . - • ~ • ~ • - t", 1 • • .• • .0:1 7 ~• . . . . • • - . 17.731 7 ;.3 13 3 - :773, 7 7 t..,..7^1 . . -7,-73319 7 . ~ • , . _ 7 •7,,- --- CARDS. TOM bL TOWNSERD, Druggim •id Apotbec.3,- - t 1 Nolldarket et ., three doors above Third a. burgh,.A have constantly on hand a well selected as• sort:merit of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the mast reasonable terms Ptilkiciues sending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied With articles they may Tali opqnu p.a. , oat Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and the ay ...111 Prep are nigh t.d front the best materials, at any hour of or Also for sale, a lugs stock of fresh and good Perth- Ant Ntalsongmheln. 1.11.17 5t1.b 1456 ROBERT ki. PATTBRSON has opened IS the large stable on First as., running through aPA to Steond is. between Wood end Smithfield sus., In the rear of We Monongahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Cartingea of We hem quality and latest styles. /forms kept at live ry in the best manner. Jytaty )HARDLY WORRS ON — WOOD ST, PPITSBUIisiII. E. SVILHIHe r CONTINUES to manuiacture Nieman:lents. Burial Vault., Tomb., Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tope of foreign and domestic marble, at a regulnt and fair price. N. a Drawings for monuments, vaults, to. furnish ed, oC any description. He solicits a Mare or public patronage twol-dtf 4VVI/...1..LA3F5M1T11, Manufacturer of Cotton and colored Linen, Fringes for Crews, fir, sewing Silk and colored Conon Fringes for silk and giughwn Parasols. Gimp. Mohair. and Silk Bullion Fringes, made to order on the thertest notice. . . . . • • . Bronx, corner of Malden Lane and Willi am, entrance No Sli 'William street. third floor, over Abner & Ely. , store, No OS &lnden Lan New , ork JED X.ISTILFIV .W.LITII, /On. C. MCC.: S.A. 57.4... tat., Jr. IAO3II DOCED., VII= 500, JAMES M. LE.A.1.6, . .- .. . . , MECHANICS , GLASS WORKS. S111IPZ•lON, LEAKF.,—BTANGEB & mtnininoio. ran of Vials, Bottles, and Window Blass. keep constantly on hand a general assortmela of the above articles. Also, make to order a stspenor artiele of Mineral orgoda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No. 18 Wood st. Pinshunth. Pa. 00.31.001 RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., I .II4IITICK AND IN Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Doss, Deer Dedr, Varnish,•ewe. be n - iY No. Cr..l Woo° ST. Prnsounon TEA STORE.—No. 79 Fourth - ' 7 P st E . ear Wood—All qattatiue, of Green ItT! - Block Toms, door op i%y u or c t, bu r •L n„ j E 61 , ...puck.g„,-,,,", , ,,,,f0r Pekin T . oo r t - o .5%. ryl A. JA NF_. Agt. ___ —......._ Dtique•sae Spring s Aisle s Steel Emil Iron —Werke. /101.P.M.A.N, MAILMAN fr. Co, manufacturers of k../ Coach and Enpue Springs, Hammered Axles, Spring and Plough Steel. Iron, he. W , arrhouse on Water and From streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers in. Coach Trimmings and Castings.octl2 • NDUCRALASTER, abibromart— office, Fourth M., . thirddoor above Smithfield, math ado. Conveyancing of all kinds Com with the creates! care and legal accuracy. 'Titles to Real Estate examined, do INSURANCE, - - DELAWARE MIITO/I,L INSURANCE CO. j OILS FINZIEV, Jr., Agent al Pi...harsh for the Del aware Memel Safety Inwrante Company of Philo /W.4h', Flee Risks upon buildings and merchamlize 01 every description, and Morino Risks upon bulks or Cargoes of vessels, taken upon the mon favorable ID- Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro., No. 1 {Voter. near Markel street, Pitt,bergh. N.B.—The meccas of this Company mice the comb- Itshmera of the Agency in this city, mitt. the prompt end laterality with which every elnun upon them for loss has been adjusted, folly warrant the agent in g terin the confidence and pottentme of his (stout:A and the community at largethe Deluwere M. S. Insu rance Oompcmy, while it has the oilditiottel advantages es anti:isthmian among the most filterishnts.ln Philarrel phia--us having ertainplepeid-in capital, which by the operation of its chaser u constantly increasing, us yielding to each person winged has doe ahem 01 the profits of 'the company, with Out involving /ion in any responsibilny wleasgetesr„and.. there Are es, possessing the Mutual princtple divested of every on:noxious ma ture, and 113 1121 moat 1111311.011 re . (Oral flood ' PIRE AND DIARIPiE INSURANCE. THE Insurance Conroy of North Amenca, unotigh its MAT anthorim Agent, the robserilmr, oilers to make permanent and limited insurance on property, to this city and its trinity, and on shipments by the Ca, nal and Rivers. DIRECTORS. Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jacob Nl.Themais John R. Neff. Richtini U. Wood, Wm. Welsh. Frames Hoskins, S. Aussie AiManic., ART/4ft u. COFFLN, Preto. Herat D. Sukersuren, Sec'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. ha charter perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience. ezzip/e Ma., and avoiding al. risks of an extra haz ardous character, it may be conskicred as offering am ple ...ray to the pu.bitc. W. P. JONES. At the Counting Room of Atisorisl, lours tr. Co., Wa ter and Frain. arcela rzt.burgh. mays Art6mr . l3 CalSu, John A. Brown, John White, Thomas P. Cp, Mussel F. Smith, Samuel W.., FRANKLIN Ina* irisonAscic co. THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company. of Philadel phia, will make Irma ranee, permanent anc, ay every description or properly, in Pittsburgh andme surroundlyg Conan'', on favorable tem.. 'Chi. com pany has a perpetual charter. Capital, 8400,0 00 paid in. Contingent, Fond, efinnuuo Othcc camera( Thnd and Market stream. Pittsburgh. spIIPU WARRICK 3IAR FIN; Agent. insurance • fi‘JUE node rammed, duty 11111.nned Age!. of ille•Amer man aro InkMEILLICC Company oi Pranulemion mailmen to errant insurance Noun. lota or Manage against fire, on budding., mercrrauthsa, Omutare and property, not extra haxartlona, to this city ODd artl4 CISUI In lett tt V.-n.wN..t .; rtele. B o L ge C t l n ß u=c t"" e CoM7al7 P oT ' ; ' :o ' r d tr - .To " e t „ p e r a o and wdltpae ?ode.. and attend to the other busmene (the ./t . cuey, at the warehouse of t,a004, Jon,,. Co dpld WNI 1 ,, 1:5..en,et .t FORWARDING & COMALISSIu.N. C. a. usnestrow catexuazsit. DASESHOWEIL a CO. • TuIiACCU Culloll3,loh 11EtiCILL1111, No. SD South Mane. • i No. 117 South Water at • Pul l r. DEGS to inform the r,m, thud dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they z [nude such strong, Mettle with Lite, Virginia mancilciorers and the blowers of the We/; 'West Inthel. 61,./reher places; as will insure a large cod 000soant gurp, V of thr lolluvrtug downy floral l'ithaeco, wide], wit, be sold upon ILI ISCCoIn. Intidatillirltrihs as may owe, house in this city via where, and alfloods ordered front bent will be war. rented equal to representation: Havana; St. Domingo; Conn.; Yam; Porto Rico; Penn's; 194.1 Leaf Cuba . Igutrdi & Month.; • bacco; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Arortoolc Slag Caven• dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands, and qualities al pounds, Ss, es, 12s, ids and Le., Loath; ss, 0, n arin d Ws Floc Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twat. Ae. sweet and plant, in whole aid half from, wood ape u,4 together with every variety of article belong. lug ID the'•inde. • jelddly ilenaßlT & GidILUETSON, Fl.olja FACTORS, Produce, 001313Tii281011 and Forwarding No. MI Naas Wu....arce, a,o 129 Wsc - oc Sr., PHILADELPHIA. Run ro—lottn IL Brown & Co. Robert Steen & C.W. hiledelphin. Darcrortikteaver & Co. Bagley & Co. - All & Paxson, New, York. Walters a Jimmy, Daltuaore. Bagaley h Emit, Barbridge,Wilsoli &Co ri-. ll 0 rgh. Dailey, Drown & Co. Kier & Jooes, ID i r Liberal cash advances oncorisig=tl i t; our a c. MUM= ILCIT. YOB, WATILIN. ELLMAKER, -ECKY & PLODS FACTORS, And amoral COnnaindion Arerohnnts, N 0.13 BOSTIC WATlM thaw PHILADELPHIA. REPERMCES—Henry Graf & Co, Pittsburgh. Rodgers 8. Sherlock, . S. Schooley & Son, A. AL January, Mayas ie. CURB. Basin., Jr., Loaissilla Muth, Humphreys & Co. ) Mercer, Bro. & Co. Reed & Brother, apt idly Duulh kCouftinery, New nrk. _ lA.. 0. mom, - ' criatias N. alcusaana. LEH ME'R & ANDERSON, FORWARDING A. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS AND AGENTS FOR THE SALEOF NAILS A.ND W. GLASS, 1011.7 &II non ST /MOVIE BILD.DIVALY, CLECIThrI, 0010. -6121 : 41E 1 4 - CPCHB.AN.' Oomatilarden and Noasharding Merrihamtw so. 2O wain rn-nurnaou, nOVIINUES to trautact a general Commiasioa buc k/ neap, especially in the purchase and sale ofArneri ens Manufactures and Produce, sind in receiving and forwarding Goads eunalaned to his care.Aa Agent for the lifanutactures, he will he consawnly supplied with iho principal .sticks of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale rakes. Order. and consignments are respectfull_Lleiliciteil. G.EORGE - A. BERRY WHOLESALE onockms' FORIVIIDIAti OD LOILSISSION AND-DEALER IN Iron, Nana, Cotton Tarns & Plttaborgh Manufacture, generally, ao. 10 WOOD STRUT, ' , manual, PA_ WDI. It. CLARK. __ Forcgartilag Merchant, Brownsville, PO Attends particularly to the Forwarding of Produce &e. &e. Fur en)' Informedlon, apply to FORSYTH & CL:N CAN, Voter ISAAC CRUSE GENERAL COMMISSION ALERCLIANT, FOR THE SALE OF.PftODUCE le PRO Vittluas, Nos. LOS and lin Sam , . Wasak BALTIMORE, MD. Ranancos—alerchants of Pittsburgh. Whechagle=E Cretin, a Co ttler29-111 , h, TO llWit'PEttal• E have taken en Mice immediately stppasite to oar burnt warehouse, for We present, where we ILS usual wall a new house c•n be erected, WhallgeMPSlL having already been COY thalp1100•0. &MIS will always m readiness. our wharf to • receive freight. C A APANULTY lc Co, apt Canal Basin. Liberty CI WOOL. LYMAN, REED ea CO., aideces.ors to Si b .urd C 0.,) GENERAL COMMI 111EliCLIASTS, BOSTON. Sarttetdot aeration paid to the ante of %V.!, and Ober al advance. made on eonatentnenta. MOW/MOT • • r 1468-ICS bia 6-10,1-12 and 11144 Nalndow 1.411 .104reai 04 Mantel AtrovAine, and for sak by FORSYTH & DUNCAN LAW OFFICES. TIMIfI MBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bader, Pa viLL also intend to collections and all other bust , r teas entrusted tohim to Fitstlos s and hemstroag counties Pa. Refer to • J. & FL Fioyd(LiherlY al 1 W. W. Wallace, -do— 'James Alarsltall do j•Pittshisrigt, thy KayA Co,' Wood st. — J .. ,"•/:' , ejan7 1 - B. ERVIN TZF3iLl'Artordey at Saar, cafe 3d at; , opposite Pt. Charles Flo el, Pittsburgh; will also attend prompUy to Collections, in Waithington, Fayette! and Green counties, Pa. LUIZZE3 Blaeltatock. Bell & Church k Carothers, I.Ptusturgh. • - D T. Nlonran. Neodir -L. 1. HENRI% Attorney and Connttellorftl Law Cincinnati Ohio. Collections iii soothern ohm, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, preasiptlrand care fully attended to. Commissioner forthe sautterot.rtnn sylvan., for taking DerioatiknW-11.etk r 10.10. Rcr ER To—lion. Wm. Bell & Son ' Cdrtis:Clinrch & Carothers. Vt'm. Hays. Esq.. Wsllock& Davis. H. W. WILLIAM, WM. X 8111. XX. lA7ILLJA.IrB & SHINN, imoeoesisora to Lowrie and V e &name,' and Counsellors at Law. °Moo sorth aide of Fourth atreet, above Smitbfi. Id. febl7df_c2.Ax_ JAMES F. KF:RA, r Anon. y ea Law, Bakewell`a BuHding. Gram mree.,• measly oppoatte the Court tioute . m AM. 00 LIP, I. 1u...e0 66,V1C1.L. DCN LOP & SEWELL. attoteey at Law, Offices on Smithfield, hetween 3d and 4th sm. FORWARD k SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys s i f Law. have removed their tame to the South side a Fourth st., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, h. ro- TV moved his °Mee to the Buildings, St. Clair at., next door to Alderman Johns. apl7ly - A.NIVEL. W. BLACK, Attorney at Law. Office on 1.„3 Fourth rm., twos Grant, Pittahargti cietll3-dtm BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchant.. ALARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station ary, Au., suitable for country sales; among which are Wrung Papers, of fine, medium and common qu'it's Leon Paper de do do do Note Pnper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; slates_ Pencil, N arers, gotlls and Steel Poo.; Windom. Paper (yard wide j plain .d punted; Bonnet Board, of different qualities; Blank Books, in great variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles: Crow. medium, and double crown wrapping paper. Methane's Eclectic Spellers and Readers, Ray's Eclectic Arithmetic"; Cobb's Primers, Spellers and genders Sanders' do do do • . . rkrithmettcs, by Adams, Dee iaColbarn, Smith, Stock ton. Emerson., and others. • lieu hies, by Kinn hell, Olney, Smith, Mortic,(loml rich, Parley. and other.. Grammar, by Sault, Kirkham. Bullion; Weld, and other. For sale at low penes. by • • el wood in. 5 doors above 4th. The highest market pence pond for good armed rags, in cash aptc PLANTITARY -4TELLAR Mit4I.I.I)S.L•A popu lar exposition of the great discoveries and theo ries of modern astronomy; by 0 Al Mitchell, a a, Di re of the Cincinnati Observatory. Hendley's Italy. Alps and Rhine —Letter from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine, by J I' Headley, author of N•- poleott end his Meridians., Waslunghin and his Genet New and revised edition. Statistics of Coal.-rile Geographical and Geologi cal dminctious of Mineral Conibunubles or fossil fuel, including also. notiges and localities of the various mineral bituininioue.subntances employed to aro and manufacture., illustrated by Map. and Diagrams; ac companied by nearly OR ataliaticel tables, and [Milan ylies of muneral combustibles, &c; prepared by Rieb. and Creating Taylor. Just received a few copies of caulk of dm above work+ —for sale by JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON. JYB Beokaellera cor market & 3d stn. XTERRLY READY FOR PUBLZOATION 11 by J. A. 2t. U. P. JA.AIk, Cincinnati, be following new and valuable Works—' Dontithan'a lakteditiota—Cantallunk a sketch a llsc hie t o Cal. A. IN. Dompham eobduest of Naw for mat Gag. Kearney's Overland Ripedmon Cal/- format DoniphaWs Campaign against the Navdcw, am, his unparalleled March upon Chi and Ramapo and the Operatoms of Gen. Pnce at Santa Fe, with, a Map and Engravatka by John T Hughes. A the Ist Regiment of Allrman Cavalry History of i(rduciry —lt* Antiqunien and Natura Corn:tames; Geognipbmal Slat/need and Geologic.: deisenpuous, with anecdotes of Pioneers L,ia, and more man one hundred iiingrapnleal Sketches of distinguish. ed Pioneers, Soldiers, Statesmen, Junin*, Lawyer., Di, rine., tee.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis Collnint vol. octavo. Too Twelve Months' Volunteer. or loomed of Pri vate in the Tenoesaee Regiment or •valry, in the Campabyn of Mexico, during loriti-47,c,0 aiding ILla ac count ot the blotch of the Regiment to Vera Crux, a description of the Country poised over; manner; eu•• toms, B.e. of the people, Skeitches of Camp I. ire; or CO LIMA Of oil the amoral of other. Volunteer' Rev canto, end a fall !hooey of the 31clican War Last of led mid Wounded, &c, illustrated by • forge number of correct atoms and plans; by (Leo. C. Fortier, I volume octave. deed New Pi ., term Book Estabilehoent, 76 WOO • D arro n w. Perna moo troth A loe ux, outgo °roe, Vrte ,271.,.°,`..% ed u.d plain wh ahsod itc.and Woe Walla,. and Letter Paper, coin. torte/el and pocket post Fiat Cup, demy and medium r ing papers, lor weak books; medium and royal co lored Pruning Papers: modaaa, demy LOA cap Day Rooks and Lodgers, supenor paper and best hi:astern buithogi School kooks of all keels, cendard arks In Throiogy end Ficteaces, Qua/n, gold end steel Pens. Wafer*, Wok, Bill Files, /to tee. - - • •- . Blank Boot. of Cletus ruled to pattern, atul bohn.l in the most so tstattuar manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pre cr. for rush.r rags at cash price.. .1011 PHLNTlNti.—Having • Job office In cOnnectuto with our eavablishment, we ore prepared to execute a order, for plaits and fancy Prumug— bona,, pamphlet . circulars, busmen card, bills Cl lading, /km, with de.- patch rid at low prices. ELLeurr ENC./stall, miit in wood at, between ith and Glom:mid alley lei kAV WriftiC.S.-Vanity fair, a novel taiout a Hero: by William blakepeace Thackery—with ticastrauctua by the author The Tenant of Wlldmil Hall: by Actin Bell, author of .11'uthenng Height." The Young Schoolvnietress: by Joseph Alden, D. D Part G, of Harpers' Illustrated ediuou of the Arabtan Nights' Entertainments. New tranalation,arranged for (manly readmg, with explanatory /totes by Lane. Esq. Lapin& Loganthen•--Tables of Loganthms Cl num bers and ingot. and 'l'angcuks for every ten seconds of me. Quadrant, with other useful tables try Ellaa Loom., Prue Mametuauca and Natuhilosophn dm University of New 1 ork, author ofral P n ''reetaae y i on Algebra." he. to. hi,. above works received this day and for Rale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellers, cor market and 3d sea EIMM2= 11 . ISTORY OF CONORESS, thograpliteal and Pell- Heal, conapromg memoirs of the Members of the ...egress of the U.S.: By II (.5 Wheeler. Illustrated by todatroas inset poorest., he. to. VoL I, octavo. The %Volta.. of-C hi. , laciudiujg speeche asal addresses, arab steel poorest.: Edited try H s 1 vOl, 0 v 0 what I Saw in California: By Edann pry Barnes' Notes, Vol. lu, on James, Beier, John and Luke. Charms nod Counter-Charms: By Miss Mintosh, ati lt:or of "To 11C0121 and to be," "Conquest," tce. he. Mary Grover, a Domestic Temperance Tate: By C. Burdett. Kings and 4ueems, or Life m We Palace; consisting of tersorleal sketches of Ina and reigning sovereigns: By J. B. C. Abbott. • A PHst Book in Spanish, ors practical Introduction to. the study of the Spanish Landon:yet Hy J Salkeld. The Dying Hobo. sad other Wes: Fly Rev. Dr. Alden Jun recd by R. HOPKINS, • A patio Buildings,. dtk, oogl tSueeessor to J. L. Head.) . EW HOOKS—Life of Cromwell, by J T needle); 11 Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Nipnng, D. D. Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew, with nazinouy; Lectures on Shakspenre, volt' Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortality; Footsteps of rile“iiiti; Hie Convent; by author_ot School Glrl In France, Now and Then, by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables and Miracles; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Heaven upon Earth, Ilawkaton, a tale eland (Or England: 2 vols. For sole by ELLIUTT & ENGLISH. 79 wood and 50 market ma NEW BOOKS—Just received from ,e publisher, die and for sale at the iNiothodist Book Store, 4th st, near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philos. iphy, in three styles °thinning; a beautiful book (or a p resent. Preparation tor the Pulpit Sketchea of Sermons on the Parables rod Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedm--900 sketches, &r. The English Pulpit; collection of sec. mon, by the most eminent living divines or England. Mcnamuss Vocs.—Doing Good, Chrstien Love, La, est thou me. Sacred Alediumona . eny2l r 111; It ltcliglon of t . d.: . 1 , 1 , 1 1c f . 1. d A , U...; t r . ti c i , c . lini o n the acath of Isaac: Deduced from thci writliwa of Mose., and other inspired authors; and Illinitrated by Copious reference. to the a- meat record., tra-didons, and my thology of the Heathen World—by Cie° bmtto, F. B. A. iol. ; octavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Mien sPlnloalt. A. first: supply of this very pogular little work. Unapt. of dm American Revolution, by E. L. Ma goon, with Portrait,. t not, U too. Parley's Uabinet Library, for families or schools, volumes, 12 mo, with engraVings. This la a new work. For sale by If FPOPKINS, sequin Apollo Buildinn . i, 4th st BOTANY—Botany of the United State. north of Virginia; comprising deecriptione of the ttosserg and fern-like plants hitherto found in thine Stair.; •rtnnged ecconling to the natural system With a synopsis of the Genera ...ding to the Lin mean system; welch of the rudiment. of Leash and n glossary o f terms: by Lewis C. Beek, AL D., Prof. Chemistry and Nature History in Rigger's College, New Jersey, Ac. Ac. Second ethuoti, revised and en larged. Poe sale by seattl- JOHNSTON & STOCKTON •—••- - - - f AIIARTINF2S GIRONDISTS—theory of the Revolt' ersonal Men:lows of the Patriots of We Frenchion—from unpublished snorter by A I phonse de Launtrune. Lompleto in three volumes: Rydes weenie:lon A fresh supply of Uns poPeur work received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, soot° Booksellers, cor marketanS3d at. - r OITERINGS IN EUROPE:; or sketches of travel L In France, Belles., Austen, Switeirland, Prussia, Ireland and Great Breen: with an appendix. containing observations 013 Eur opean medical mstruce . ns o: by John W. elate% M. D. A tow copies for.sul by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Market street, No 66, between .401. ad and 4th, may at all times be found a large btook of Theolovcal and Miscellaneous Books. New ooks received I. soon as published, and sold at low est prices. The pablications of the American Sunday School Union and hiaammliosetla b ath Scheel So ciety, always on hand. Catalogue. friesished on ap plieatma & ENGLISH, &lig dldduket bervireea 3cl and l m PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1848. COPARTNERSHIPS, T OGAN A. KENNEDY have this day associated with them in the Hardware business, Philip %Vll sari and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logo Wilson fr. Co. This arrangement rea ders It desirable n to close the old business as scum as possible. All persons whine liabilities have motored, are especially requested to make immediate payment Pfttsborsti, Jan 1,1e48. lOOAN, WILSON d• CO:---tmporters and NV:salmisle Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, hr.. 129. Wood street, Pitts burghgare now nilly prepared with • recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. to offer very great inducements to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic rittien Al so on Mind au catensvire auormsent of Ettmburgh Hard ware, vizi Shovels, Spades. Fort Hoe., Vices, c.. all of which will be sold at the lowest mannfacturers pewee, lull ~ ..t.. THE subwr bora having recently entered Into partnerabip under the name o( Gal agher, long, & Miller. for the purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brae. Founding and Gut Fitting businessin oil in branches, have taken the stand loan, Of occu• pied by H. Gallagher, No 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield ors., where they ere prepared to ekeetne all orders tor Bella, Braes Castings, of every des notion, and On F tongs with neatness and dew patch Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG, P. H. MI , LEE- N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is melted to our anu.nuraction metal, (or • reduced price, which hu been pronounced superior to Habtlit'a by numbers who have used both. Steamboat buildere and Um public, generally, are el o requested to call and ex amine our supenor double betion Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic no, THH parmeratup so to emsung under the firm ,cd M'Cord Ct. King. was by mutual consent dissolved on 11w let inst. The Mildness will be closed at the old stand 1 either of no, using the nestle of the firm fu• that purpose tieing desirous to have ,tir business closed with as little delay as pus•thle We would tn. 4pectfully request those indebted to cab and settle their accounts. JOHN D. M'COR.H. Co-Partner•lllp. TWIN D hFCAMID havuur associated watt him Ma Irg brother James httord, ander the style of M'Cord .4 Ca. will cantina, the Nat. Cap and Fur basinau is all it. various bran hen, wholeaele and retna, al the old ntuod, corner or ‘VOCIi surd sth street., where they %etcti a continuauon of the patronage so liberally be "owed on the old fin. JOHN SIVOHD JAMES S. Arcoßti j'N retiring from the old add well known firm of ..‘. fiCeord fi. King, I most respectilly recommend to the potrorlage of the public my successors, Messrs. We ,rd kCo is* , H. .13 lUNU. Co-Partne rehlp Gottae. -- FW STEPHENS ot - Wheeitng, F Shrenberger . °Tit:Mat. and A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have Ons day • entered inter no-parinenhip under style and lirm of dte,obena, Itoenberger k Co., at the Anchor trimworks, %Vheeh V.., !or the purpose of manu facturing trot , and male °revery description. w. Kr/MUM. I. 7. eIIoVOLETWED. 7. 1. STOCKTON. t/TEPUTP.IIII, IHOENBERGIEU & 00. A.NCIRJR IRON WORKS. Wheding, ICCEMIE3 filenufactute all kind of bona, sheet. bar iron and nal:, A Memel chyme springs anal axles Retti• con nected with nhoentierf era old Jusneta works, we can ode, on arocie of Jlllll.. mon (branded Shoenberger) equal to any toads in theoonntry All of which will sold at the Ptusborgh IVarehouse of the works corner of Monroe end Witter sts my I I DlSSOLUTlON— .. Tb nd e b itztin o erWr o l , t . n.hzto b. ef 3 l:tr . Dal sell, la this day Mar...lord by mutual rotownt, John Dal ma having N The business of the late brat will settled by IC Wightzum.. who to authoosed to use the name of the lam firm for that purpose WIGITTMAN sprnikliw holy 1371 J DALZKLI, THI: *obunber to now preparrd to monenomm all lamb/ of Cotton utd Woodut Maehtnerr, at the shortest uolica. Order* led at R Wkeitznan's F-nune Kapp, cop. net Liberty ;poi Water stomeS. will inert withporapt saention H. WIGHT.II/01, EMMii;EIMMI ,t YU...PART ERSHIP—XV na. Youngh &ling tilts day associated with hi 111. joint R. Strune, the lea ther business nil hereafter he conducted under the 6nn to' Wm. Young A. Co W1t. YOUNG, MEDICAL It) YR. WES, ,, RS AN KNI ItERS Of." 1 E MEDICAL SOCIETIES, 111 fliotlier, Wire and D•ttglatee STATEret. tally ga , ll your anenonn to Dr kiaaatrrt's lit •a -n sn, ..ental) , intended for preservatom of the neaith o bothsexes—whether It noses from lumplent Paihisia or t arly consumpbon. Detnlity of the Long a nniehial All eetion. Anthony. !nelson) . Deranged and tbsorsie red stale of the Laver. Spleen. or Kidneys. Dta ,aed Spine, Cholic. Dyartenala Poleitabon of the Heart. Lou of:ti nuttier or Nerve., Power. kr. do. DR. C. D. ISAR:111 - T'S 11 DIAN comes to the Immediate retie( of Females , suffering from Irredollart. be, and all other liminess du:hem/tees and daseasea - Ineb dr oral to woman.whether occasioned cold wet Icel. or any expoaurc, and all this o 'thou, the use of medzeJne: as the roost de/trate and sensitive lady ran at any moment apply n to Person ithout the Isemobility at inoturiug any risk or danger, or any unpleasant resat:. anoinct from n, and watt the certainty of °Wanner Immediate relief . Dr Barrettle Guardian is no catch.i.enny, or owe of the many boorrour. of the day. but it is an nuirrument . tde upon stnetly scientific pt aecordance wash the leant of Kier [view: and Galvanism; and for ,mesa, durability and edmin v. intlintriy surpasses eternising of the kind ever brat., offered to the fr.. by refit, of Mores. and. in the :alum., of one of th • moot roltrrbtenerl men 01 Its., orr, i• proeounced - the Mate. di/woven) Lit ane A period ottm. less than Mar t lava occupied bv Dr. Barren to bringing the Guardian to ats present st. at pertection—danng vthien half 0 1,1 1..er0 11 , 'h.. hands of rome of lily mO.l ern..., pity.. cis, 0 , • North rand Soarah.... ar. .he - of rti••ratia 00.1.., ha,. usrEl a: 'or the shoo c m.rposes, with Me most perfect c , as. rand who hone -finerfally given men unmet het approbation or edicacy and value, no ran be seen by referring to the llama! of Mut 13.10110 arcuate. yin?, IL Dr C B. Mitten's tsunrdinsi issecured from annoy.. Una by a Innen, (met the United Stows Potent (Office. and oe had' et with or without h,. fileshro.Electro Galvanometer. lie Medico-Dee - no Galvanometer, an pent, of bea ry wort manahip. durability and pow .t be. missed or even equaned and the wh.enber mats that he Ittuards nothing inn.> user - non that it wall be found to posses* more power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by Galvanism and FJectrici y. thui any other instrument, either in the United Staten or Europa The filedico-Electro Galvanometer nwarranted in every respect, and with common urdi ary care will last • life-time, and it by far the cheap est, becanu the best, nutriment ever offered to the pantie. A manual accompanies them, giving the Most ample in...retinal., of practical expel . ..racer, so that at a• readily inulltgible to the mood of every one, while Me. •v • •ay of arrangement Is such Mat a child may' with IL Any intornidion gratuitously given, and all roue mu niratimischnerluily answered per mall. either in rtla tie n to the Eleatro-Galvaimmeter or Guardian. Medmal men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar rett's (thereto, and tent it. For sale by H. RICHARDSON. tole Agent, 71 Mar• set at, Pittsburgh. a sEtild 41'ONDF:R}T 1. CUBS: O F CONS though Dr. Taylor Balsam et !dyers or has found hundreds of advocates, and son produced a terse number of lestimunnial• to its favor, I cannot wleh bold Ivry email meed of praise. Being predinposed to con sult:tenon. both from peculiar formation, and hereditary transmission. I tried every Mama to cheek this dor ease, and strengthen • naturally weak aeapitslalmn, sr pat two years at Ptao, one at Rome, two in Florence, and another in the South of France, seeking, moan tin le, the advice of the best parsteuths. 'two years sir ce I returned to this country, In about the tame Ot os too a, when I lett It. I had non in the reading rooms in Pampa much stud in favor of Dr Taylor'. Bs learn of Liverwort, and ea soon as I amend to aloe est r , I toed it. and in three months I was so well I con cluded I could safely pass the winter here, and did no. lhave used occasionally a bottle now and than daring thin linta but am now to as good health as as possible; Fly cough has wholly Ceased, and my lungs have eves ry feeling of health. DT G South. and Dr. Pont, of this coy, were my physicians, and now any they believed me incurable. JAMl'ci HILL Western Hotel. Courtiont at, N. Y. I.lVeTalaTI, even in the common way of pre poetics • is known as the best article for disease. I the Lunge ever discovered; and it is obvious that • concentraird preparation, securing the whole virtue of taut ittestrumble lierb, must be Invaluithle. Moreover, this medicine commas the medical proper ties of many root. and he ba. Such has been the sue net. of this Balom, that it is warranted a. being Ines. polite of producing, in any instance, injurious effects. `n thin the last few years the calls for this noverete comedy have been immense, beyond precedent end as reputation Sustained Irma Maine to Mobile; taus pro , ring the confidence bestowed upon a ample medical .nreparation, purely vegetable, and the unusual aaloo- t %bin.; effect attending. use. Pitysteninn too. (MD a Cinkvietaart of its mildness, safety and success, employ u their practice, recommend It to their patents, and dam this medicine mile and invo.lualile; particularly as it does not Interfere with any other medicine patients any be te/riug at the same time, nor restrict them to any peculiarity of diet, confinement, to., tiro enalihng versos to receive the full benefit of this ntecheme, and Pfflove at the same time, if they wish, the advice of th sir physieian. . told to Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, SI Weed at; 1 Tot ' , wend, IS Market .t; II Stoner, cur Market and 3d a t a; Itendevion it Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced to SI. IS pee bottle. toil() lIIIINCIETANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Ba hose's Celebrated Remedies. riFt. 1.1.C08 ROBE, the diocoverer and role pro -11 print or of ear moot popular and beneficial med. imnes t and &so th the inventor of the celebrated inotru int iitt for In dating the Langs. In CireCtillc •C UM of Chronic Mutes..., orris a student of that eminent physi cian,Doctor Physic. and Is a graduate of the Umversr ty oPennsyl vaum, and for thirty years since has been C 11,1111.104 in the investigation of dlseasa, and the appli. canon of reme.hea thereto. J ~~=_ • • • • Through the use of his Inflating tube, in connection with his Propliy !moo Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gained f an unparnlelled eminence in miring those dreadful and fatal maladieig Toherettlar Con. gumption. Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism. Asthma, Fever and Aga, revers of all kinds, Chrome Eryalp. las, and all those obstinate M...peculiar to tamale s. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the ase of hi. remedies, to which humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only, the that i• incompannie with Physiological Law, bat by She tiae of his rem. Meg, adapted to anti prescribed fur each peculiar form °lthaca.. Dr. Rose's Tonle Alterative PUB, when used are in. vareably acknowledged to be superior to .11 other, as a tive or liver ;a 11, inasmuch as they lamthe bowelspurga perfectly free from Coettv.eaai an als o his Golden Ma Is admitted by the (wally to possesspectit bar properties adopted to bumble diseases, hat being satisfied that a bare trial is surteient to establish what has been said in the minds of the most skeptical. 'The afflictedage itimmd to cal) upon the agent. and procure hgratlsP6nc of the Doctor's ttenephlci, giving a detailed account of each remed y and its application. For solo by the forowing agents, as well les by most Druggist* throughout the country: I SchoonmAker A Co, tl4 Wood •treett Pittsburgh; J 61Townwntl, druggist, 46 Market st Lea A Lleesham, - near the P. O. Allegheny ctlyi Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa Jm6 kfiltott, Lunen Valley, " tt T Adam., Rearm, naval-01y O . ALLAOIiiIt, LONG, ,k MILLER. Dissolution IMMEMII ===l HOTELS POtriMAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALT !MORE - - - /000 suo illritinOrl, PitOriltEroaa 9 establishmmt long and widely known as being one Of the mallit commodion. in the rug of Baltimore, bas recently undergone very exten sive aherations and improvements. An entire new ing ties been added, containing b athing us and airy 4 .9ing apertments, and extensive b rooms The Ladies' department has also been completely reorganised and hoed up in a mow unique and be style. In fart the whole arrangement of the !loose ban been remodeled, with a single eye on the parrot the proprietors. inwards the comfort and pleasure of their Guest., and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Theis table will always he supplied with every sub amnial and luxury which the market affords, served aP in a euether etyle; .1111 e in the way of Wines, &a, they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will he left undone on their part, and on the pail of their .tuntislants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued pecronagc of their friends and the pub generally. The priers for board have also hero lic reduced to the following retels: Ladies' Ordinary, an,75 per day. Gentlemen's - 1,50 N. 11—The Baggage Wagon of the Home will al• way. be teens at the Car and theamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charge. markt( EXCHANGE HOTEL, DONNED PENN AND ID. CLAM MS, PDSTA•011011, PA. The subscriber besotsassumed the manage ment of this long eatabluthed ass and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will he at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated HoteL The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels an the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits • continuance of the very liberal patronage the House ha. heretofore reoeived. THOMAS OWSTON, rebOdif Propretor tAIifKRTINE 1301181 E, cullnart or roassn AND 011a3T cremate, rtrralsonon. zitTHE subscriber respectfully announces that he has new opened him new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of tiavelers, hoarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture art entirelynew. and no peins or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable •nd pleasant . Hotels in the COY The sUlincriber is determined to demrve, mud there fore soltette, a abaft of public patronage. octl4-ttly JACttli HOUf in. Proprietor - - TIMOCISCMORToN , ECOALT LAICLIVII.L., t. ARTS TIIROC.KMOIrI'ON begs to acquaint his friends that be Is again lessee of the SALT HOES Louisville, Ry., where he hopes to meet all his old friends. ..scaringthem and the pubbc, that no effort shall be spared to make MI comfortable who favor blot walls thew plinronage. sanl Idly_ - tP.D efTPAIX tireeritt;, CIIICSNOT . 6I. Is RUM. Form Ain, YURI RD. . . . PPOSITE lute Bauk of the UllllGli States, Phila. O delpitte. M. PDPF. mrrcurLr., ranee Yropnetor. MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Cocoa, Sc. W. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Puma, Brom., Cocoa Shells,ao. To merchants land consumers, who would purchase I thy best pooch:ClA of Cocoa, free from adulteration, Moto nutritious than tea or code, and to quality unsur passemanufactured d. the subscriber recommen nd ds the a wi bove articles, by hint elf. a stamped th his name. Ills Bruton and Cocoa Pasta. at delicate, palatable, and salutary ditnks for invalids, convalescents. and when, are pronounced by the mom eminent physicians ouperior to any other propormOoloa lits manufactures are always on sale, in any yonnttly, by the most re spectable roe., rn the eastern mum and by then stew, lbawes,lirmy Amu., of Boston. JOE., M Bunce A CO, ilatrilool Coon, Fills.) . A Murray, New Nosh; Urant & Stone. Philadelphia: Toomes V EITUTtOISC, Sal timme; and Kellogg A. Berme., Cmcinnaii, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by aug3l BAGALEV A SMITH, A. .15181 V COAC/1 FACTORY, MOOR'S & ai.. would respectfully in- Wform the poloist that they hare erected a shop on I.acthek. between Federal and riandasky streets. They are now making and are prepared to retrelye orders the every de:em t' otion of vehicle& Coaches. Chartos, Lth roaches. Haggles Pthetons..kc kr , which from their long expectance ;n the manor . ..toren( the above work, and the Arrantes they hare. they reel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with . • those wanting *theirs in their line. Piping pnetinular 1.1.1110.11 to the SG:GCII011 of mate rials, and h•ride none but voineteut ernrirmen. they hove no liesi=lion werrantnig their work. 11: e therefore 00 Lilt attention of the pistil. to ibis matter. N B Repairing done .n the bet, mariner. and on the mint reasonable terms. rea:ll Wronght,and Ca.t. Iron Rat/Ing. I‘HE subscriber. lieg oisee to 10forrn the ;itibTri. mat I.Sity have obort.e.l 'lour the /.:ast all the lair and fashionable. tor Iron Habit,. both for and earveiarie. Peruin. 0,•1010, 10 procure hand- Jame pattern. soil! silease arnlerarninei nod lialre for t ha ma ..,... Henan roll l.r furiumied at the Own. eat notice, 1011110 the CO..G Inannrr 111 the corner of Craig and Rebecca street., Aiirehcoy— city, A LamoNT t KN,,x. nnapratt 6 Seinti , Patent Soda it•la: , T , HE suliweriners inform i11...r en.tomera and deniers a generally. shot Met! 0111 viliprnrul lot till ini. 10- ,13:m14o! dni.bore Eibrie. ha. 111:er1 at Philadelphia per altip•Pritiata. tlimoi.-11 . an Ina omsturnotorere Liverpool. and wdl Ito acre U. oma say. They hare revere! Oihrl or, the way —taro of whiett, •tx . per *hip. \ ere ...Iv Joe— Wey thereiore prrpared to Islet re. order. Besides lhe.nrge .; uantinei they have earning to 4.11 eaailern etdw. Ito torvittileil nett t,y oanidl they will receive dunng the winter add eprine. regular auppliet via Neer ()roma IV & 11ITC/IIFa.TREE. sept L•echitaff, Cupping and Bleeding. V a NditalS, !Successor to M. K. Delany No An Fifth awe., between Wood and Smith field. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all boars. Reference. the physicians of Pittsburgh. Alle gheny and Birminghinu. I most ehmoluily macaw:am:el to the physamans, fam lies mid all my former inetuls and patrons, Mt. B Soros at tieing thoroughly acquainted with the bun. and worthy of patronage mu MI:- Ij_ R. OF Man ufact ured Tobacco. R. DEI.ANT . . . f Q BXSOentr) k Roymer's soperlor awrel 5 Ips, 25 do Al A Butler'• 10 hi do erten k Ilarwood's do do de .Gr do do Pearl k Harwood II do .1 Ftobnuon 17 hr do • do d 9 do do Wo Datarxtn IS do 7 , r'nght's ..T7 do U Anderson Y is L T Dade'. 5 do llldacon's 0 do listen! Just landing roma steamer and rackets, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNUR tr. Co, at north water .t and 111 north wharves, ir.2l Philadelphia g ANL FA - CTURI.:I/laalli,CCO-24/ 7i bf 1 siner, £ fc ittria's superior sweet lb lumps 73 half bus Webster Old superior sweet 5. lumps 36 '• Lawrence bother S. Lk'ntry & floys'er •• as & iSs 20 Dupont ',de la Eurci •• IS McLeod tr .• I,•wrsnee Loftier '' 5. &es plug trout steamer, and for aide by II EA LS). Ilt:C NOR A Co. 41 N water st and lON wh Philadelphia: E Blade rs. F. .71= • 'LT cw°2,e,r. rc prepared to do any work in our line with des. teh. We attend loo laf work per.onefly, and kaoo. in, no will be given ru regard to L. neat/wee and du mb •Itly Thank Books ruled to any pattern and bound anti s ...aneutliy. Books in 111.1161 . 1 . 11 Or oh! Lumks Care• fu II yor repaired. Name* put on Loake in gilt letters. Tioae that hare work in our line are iiivited to call. Pr.Acce low. my - Aktf iTNTEILWRIP. - M. B. BCAIFE and Cam JAMES ATKINSON havect.tered into e arutership, under the firm of scAITE d ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron NV are manufactory. - . Blackarmstung to all its branches ai aka old stand of Wm B. Sasile. First street. near Wood ParneWar attossuran flreU 10 steamboat work. i li I "111.P.4._ Rto t . `ofG. - . -- ifb - baa. - 14.7faaii - CotTee : SO 111/ ito Eq. Do= ago do; 4.1 bi• c. lb gilt., WS do 111-10 do, 3.5 do 74 di , , il3 do /0-14 do i 33 hhd. N.O. waxer, Al bbl. No. 3 re tetanal t 1001,0, room Arian No. L l r."",„::odz:P:inar g ndekt::.l s o fendo a sa,..etW . ,:b7:: B mo H : G d H do , •cpl 4 ' , LUST RI 7 ,CEIVEI)—A la. k sin: •pleuribtl assortment 41 of Clotba, Caartsneres % estnto, Cravats, Arc., and for .ale by L NV lIIIA MS. Iller..aant TaiL3r, rnys under blonongahe la Holm, . k. . ~Ith,field al Tikkl-: PiNglHAtiitit .' 5161 Threefiielrunght ITomefora - t 1 " . ---- ' !or d r ying, ilg : hva weu.thGeoito & co, .! canal Daunt, liberty et (TALI' Sfi u . , lN . B.--.10 . ; , J e er. fr,zni9OiWna Fremit - Tri b f: d k . ite, • Slime, from the manufactory of 11 Al Crawforrul which the attention of boot makers in invited. Just mt.cived and for sale by W YOUNG tk. Co, e' 4 .. 143 liberty at T N'. M. Ar'CLINTOCIFS, No. 75 Fourth Vireei, can be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Val vrt and Tapeatry Carpets, Wrest styles. Also, llms sok, 3 plys and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup styles and qualities; and in connection coo always be found Table Lam., Crsabss, tampers, Damasks, Mo. recur, Oil Cloths, tsc. do, w all of which we cell tho aoendon of the public. aug2.l _ nrisricu. AWING sold our enact stork to C A. Curt, with ti view to dialing our old buxinese, we hereby so he. for hint the patrouago of all our frlenda said cus tomers. RU. W POINDEXTER, THE POINDEIXTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 9th,184.1. C. IL GRANT, Molex&le Grocer, Cotaxtu r It saio . n u rd ardnill=tut Nor it a o te ., I S ' factures •M t l er In a lla re o d ( 4 l e tt l i l ag i'' s - d "r . (.7 nod-man anam Water, have adweys on hand rou lo ght Iron Wel ded Pipe for stenos, gas, and water, from t in. to in diameter. Brass Castings made to order. Also, a large assortment ot Bells sod finished brass P, ore to which the attention of Plumbers and Engine Builders is particularly dtrected. Gs. Fittings pat up promptly and on reasonable teems sep2DUllim GILIEBZUW OOD ocottiTg.iti: —`- VI:4ITEIt3 Ti) 'FIBS ItbrFIIBAY cun be Airmailed teeth a Lunch so all hones of the day; also, lee Crean., Fruit Confectionary, etc. Tbd IktrAlincf Green wood makes her regular trips as Lived, leaving her Pin street landing at el A. AI., and at halt pan each hour lefieePt 11/ WWI P. AL—leaving the. Uanlen at to Al. for her last try to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden is IndesertbabLe to its beauty. iIY 16 ITTSBURGIi, OCTOBER 23, 1641.—We are ncrw Y hi receipt of several bales first raw 11344 Western New Verb and Musaactametts Prime HOPS, and are always nscoving regular supplies. We are prepared to sell at lowest rates. Office, Pitt street. Allegheny neer. oenta ONO. IV SMITH A Co. OLENIAN, RA ILMAN & Co., here removed to the C Warehouse, 3 doors west of the Monongahela House on Water and Pm streets. FOIL RENT—The Warehouse No. CI Wood at. want Post Copy, DACUDI—A lot prune tAd — 17 noel td , OILL al. ROE CELLANEOUS usk EZPP.ericoTT & MULE. • ILate J 9 Stnekler & Co.) M ANUPACT UREBB Of Stimuli fire proof .des, south side, second street between' Wood end Southfield Pittsburgh J 8 &tickler having deCettaed and the urtriving partner 'Mr. Jos Lippenecitt having samoeisted himself with Mt. Win C Baty the hofilltella will hereafter be conducted antler the style of LIPPeI." eon & Dam Trial of a safe in Cincinnati O.LWe, the andersign ed were present at the orating of one of J lifEturicklez & Co's improved Phonic fine-proof safe. The safe was piecedfurnace on the public landing, and subjected to th e intense hem of a Atone coal fire for more than three hours. in one boor and a half the safe came to • bright thd herb the door of the &mania was then closed, which caused as Increased and steady heat the the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted off lbe Menace was then thrown down and the safe eoolerd and *net!. The money, paper, and books which it contained were as perfect ae when [Placed there, the binding only of the book* being in tired by the water inoohng the safe. We have no hesitation recommen ding it to the public as a safe gaperior to any we have eve? seen tested. and believe that it will stand any heat ,which might be produced. Inept a heat watch would melt it to a solid mast. Springer & Whitman, L Wotthington, Kellogg & Kennett, Benj. Urnex, \V O P Breese Mums Smith, •r & Mfirfing ik , Co, Wm Manse, Mead do Winston, We, the brideraigned. selected the ode spoken of above. from a lot to the atom of Trober & toiling, the Agents C G SPRINGER, 8 J KELLOG. Refer to Cook A Hartii, Brokers, Pittsburgh: Hassey Hanna Co,do do fre3diturlyB /el LIIPINCerrr. maw Wins. L. 1101040. LIPPE:COTT & CO. its . ANurac 11TRERS orliconnered and Cast Steel 111 Shovel. and Spades. Ain. gad Hatchets, Mill, 04 Cat, Circular and Gut thova, Hay and Mamas Forks, Non, Mattocks, Picks, having completed all their arrangements m the constraction of new machinery, sand in securing best workmen from the most cele brated establishment. of the Diet are nem, manneactur- Mg and will ker, consthedy on hand and for sale all the above arm- baring availed themselves of the latest impmvete. ms, and Me determined that in work manship and material they - will not be excelled. They promise toy roduce erlie•ef equal, if not superior, la auy that en. he had in the Eon. They brim the anco lion or dealer. to an examination of their stock before pi...hosing elsewhere. or they or convinced that they will be able to El ail orders in their line to the entire satisfaction of purehosem Warehouse. Water street, 4 door* West Nlonon,theln Holue. Pittsburgh, Pit N. a—Penton,. having business n th Wm Lippen con A Son wit pleaxe cell on Lippenrotl tz Co . . WooDWELL Pittsburgh Forniture Were Rooms, 53. noise eraser. A large and splendid astortment of Fenn. lure, suitable for Steamboats, Hotel. and pri vate dwelling, constantly on hand and made to order. The present nook on band cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the Western country. Person. wishing to porckare would do well to give me a mill, 55 I inn determined my prices shall plea.. Part of the stock canasta in— foU sofas with Plush and 11th-cloth covers; 1 dos Mahogany Nurse Choirs; 14 pair Dianna; 12 dos bile mahogany Chairs; 12 mancgrany Work Stands; 3 dos mahogany Rocking Chinn; 14 marble top Dreming Bureaus; 6 pair Ottomans; P awed.: top Work Pumas; IS cherry Work Stands; Mahogany. Maple. Cherry. and Poplar Etedeleads ot all descrtptions. and a large tm-on mem of common furniture and chairs, too 111/.13.,01111 to mouton martni LADIES ARE CA rricrsED AGAINST USINI.. COMMON PREPARED CHALK. TnEv are not aware Lowfritchtfullytmunou• It is m the .tin— now eon rse, hovss mu att. how sallow, yer. low sls .1 ' •• 1 appear', atter alting ptar. pared chade It .• t...untrar,rontnitsag Marge qui:krill al lee,.. \veash,h %V t• per tee lid ttinocent, nmne tme•Csal sat all deletertour qualme.; and itttnparts -cit. a natural. healthy alaboater. elan. llVrat white, at the •arae same •eult• as a ounctie on the akin. =skint, it mil and smooth. Dr e James Anderson. Pramtles: Chemist of Masss• chased, h ays,s "Alter Brialreln4 I one: Spanish I.IIV White. I 1 Thlriie••rs Ihr morl ortitiliAll and nail, ral. and at the •atne lithoeent white I ever saw I certainly Cali co.uteirtillotrdly recommend LII cto /111 whose skin require. beentitying " Pnre. "w a kent , a box. Sold by WM. JAC ON. ml Liberty at_ marts Pitt Machine Wotk+ vna P:TTSIPPILati. PA. JJOHNNVEIGHT & Co.. sre prepared to build Conon and Woolen Maclonery of ever. descrtptia such ILA Carding Machisies. Spina:nu Frame, Spee rt, der. Thaernic Frames. Itallorriv Honda Warpers. Soapier,. Isressuig.Frames. Loofas. lard lir //Ideas, Sc. Wrought Iron '41411111g turned n. int , . MT.., Iron. Pul,,e siva Hearers of the Impel patterns. elude and band Lathe.. and mots of ad t, 'd. Castuags at curry descrdnuin furn.stied on short notice. Patterns made to ord.. , for IH,II licannir. Iron Stearn Pipe for-heat. wig Factories. Cast Iron I%'indove Sash and :nary Coo lPng. ee de, S. rie Lur fly Order. lentl the Warehouse of J. u Co., herty street. tll Move prompt atten tion, Refer to Blaetatock. Roll & Co, J. K. filoorehend & Co., Li. E. warner. John Irwin & Sons, P.usnurah , O. C. &J. H. wanner. Steubenville. poll) Nog Ilards:Sare Floane. JUSI:PIi WOODWEL.L. corner of tfiei,it.-.1.1 ~, ..., Wood and &lerr., Ptnehursh. lltt, "..t . e.`' • -,, ' top withdrawn from the firm at Vs . er oat %To...feel:. oa ine lio of January. lal7, I take pleasure in announcing to my !Heade in Or city J d country. that I have opened nty new atom at the a ve earned plare Having purchased taego. for c sh, and made arnstieemotits with mimuturers in t 's co .ntry and in Europe to he constantly supplied, I • fully prepared to form. Hardware of al/ kinds. goad tenas and es low RA Soy noose East or Vest Nterce.its ant. tgr.alg are respeeliaiy incited to call and cilium, in.l siodx. before purchasing el*, where The follawa.: e , a part of hi. *trek, Steamboat and itain . .ery hardware, gun trimmings. file, Naylora steel, cutlery. edge tools, needs, vices. locks, latches, seyu,c, lin. hinges, screws, Union I- an allc saws inkhogany boards and veneers. and other .rte e. v• creel with the hardvrare in.- ge•A mchtlV C . lty Dagu.rtl•n Gatleer. rnnn STMT. POST I!YrIC. Itricnlxo. . . . nag Room* laLe,y L) , Mr. Porter The pub urr- ic Are assured that all the ',a, Improvements ore seren red, and orill he hroucht tnin operation by h i, tin t er. who has been a eon•tanCopenttor Since the art war first discovered. Enure saustacuon ts guaranteed to all who may become to. patrons. Mr H. will refer with p.eacure to Mr Porter, in whose establishment he ha. operated for the last twelve months Far:). Poe. trona; EnEralon Il gs, a n therovoypes, neeuratel) copied latenessos taken in any weather, arid set lockets. breast pins, eases and frames Instructions given in ever) branch of the rmit art, end ap pe. fu -- Pelt Mach.. Shop. WlCHlTMAN—Manufacturer of all kinds of cot ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa The above works being now in lull and SUCCeaSilli op. motion, I am prepared to execute order. with dieptilfil for all kinds of machinery in my tine. such as willows. pickers, *premien, cards, grinding machine., drawing frame, speeders, throssils, looms, women cards, double or single, tor merchant or country work, mulea,raclik&c4 Mule unl hunt lathes and tool* in gen eral. All kinds of shafting Made to order, or plans giv en for gearing fnetonei or mils at reammalde charge. R.. lo—Kennedy, & Co., litackstock, bell h . King. Pennock h in. A Gray BELL AND DRAB FOUNDWr. - - jiiiA FUI.TON. Bell and Brad. Founder. has re bullt mid COMMCLICtIi bunlneds 111 tllll old stand where he Win Le pleased to see has old custom era and friend, Church, Steamboat. and Bells of every use, horn 10 to 10.10/ pounds. cast from patterns of We most appros• C4l models, and warranted us be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Bailing, abc... toge taer. with every var cry °llium Castings. if required. toped nod fuddled in the neatest manner F . the able proprietor of Basin's AterbArrut- TM, Alm,, so nouty celebrated for mm reduction of 111000 V In rafteltillrry The Hale. and Colapouuon cun bad 01 Min. all Urrlct. al 11 Ploughs, Pion's; Mores, Ito. HOIiFIFIT HALL- of the old firm of IL ee S. HaILLs manufac turag large qua nil ties of Ploughs, Plough Casting', Wag on lazes, U., %rah the improvements of the Leaver Peacock, Illinois. and other Plough., of the latest and Lest patterns now In use. Warehouse, led Liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite the Hay Beale; Factory, th Allegtmay city, near the Cotton Factory of :steam. illackstoch, Bel, lc Co. rift - ho co b l a ';' „ - e n n ers tu h t ir d ' B b a * us ' ul ' 1 0 ig e htn is tut dn , a der name ofJohn Ferree It Co., is this day deealved by mu tual eanaraL of the late brie will be set tled byjohn Fuson at the warehouse of the Boatmen's Lute. JOHN FAIIREN SAMUEL WIGHTMAN The business tithe Boatmen's Line will hereafter be conducted by Farren. Lowry, at the lame piece Thankail for post favors, we robin a continuance of the same, JOHN FARREN &EAU' L L I,4)Sif RV - VIRE PIIOOF MINERAL PAlNT—Received. per steamer Michigan, 0 Vile hlineral Paint. The or al, ~worthy of the conaiderauon of all palates.. for i t is o f a mono color, cad can be added with any other so l os <hanging the shade materially. It is a great we rin s e. and Vel en uppl rd to wood it will turn the p.„„ ea p c , feet atone surface in the course of some 4 04 m ss k a A No, it te a complete lase proof—the at- U r ic h os be en 11.1) . Meted for au ye oy the proprie tom before ehey ould offer it lot .010. A n y. per .,„ purcha ... g rot lie ffeeetved Iho l Wilt:110. A larg e „ y w ill b e kept orr baud at all nears, al the Robber so d Ott lam Depot. J & PHILA./PS, obil4 A Bt' for die company, No 5 wood et -- _ _ -- 1 jOLISSELL'v, FI6.F. PERFC.6IE.SI"—Just received .1.1.. and (or sale, tell olevale or retail ; Amanddie Soap. Hazel cut nod Soap; Phillicome; A itnbiade Oil a sues; Coinp'd On Marrow; I "'oat Malls, Itransparent) Almond Shams Cream, Door. 03; Sean Uremia; . rains Omnibus Soap; Taylor's Perfume; Col asite, 3 sizes; bonny hind Pomade; Amandine. cwol4 RR liLLEIRS,No 67 wood et. , T. _ 11. T. Roberts. M. D.; PTIIALNI :Wilt: FAN, toot attend to the treat ment of J./locums of Lhe E E; B . tom bee. engaged ,u brunch or the medi cal profession for etztecn yeee, and bas conducted an eataldishment for the treatment of dlanascaof the eye atone for several can. • • °runt and retudenco, to rn , 0 C Saantaabr it and Strawberry alley. Alleyway cow, ectl.l • Dr. Ateliana In Tennee . eeo , si of ih 1 1 1 1 8 c ?IN tw ' r e tcolith 465 ' 'pee to son of nuns, some Seven ) rapt . teens:one hill, and although the amount may appear *La% yes / have Ito doubt but there was upwasty of rwo Mons. won= passed from him" mx.i.x ,, ig Tom axe quarter of an Inch to two inches long. W IIOLLIDA Y. Rose's Cloak, Corral en. Tenn , Dee 47, fart TOWNSEND'S SARNAPARILLA--30 bin of this great span; and SUMO!, medicine, hls day tr... , d tad R.I . Sale wholesale and recall, by R ESKI.L.EiLS N..D —As R. A B.n. Dr, Townsend's only agent for Putsburfh, the genuine ankle may always be hod at No 57 W ood street. eILOTHrt iN.I) CASSINIF.R.F- 4 -Suoth Johnston, N„..r 48 "Market street. would owns the sttenuon or buyers to their stock or French Clutha and CIMMICrea; ataa, rarnara , • fancy Om...mares, Marmara, Tweed, Bann and Ali Veaungs, Two. , Trususungs,4, Gotta DRY & VARIETY GOODS. ESTI FALL GOOD/ CHBAPFST YET! TVST being received and nowaparturg at ALEXA_V vg DER & DAY'S, No 75,1llerker street, northureat tomer of the Brimmed, a very largo and splepdid *utak of hall and wrote, Dry Goods, to which they would re spectfully invite the attention of the publie. It he well known to almost every one that the present mion is one distinhished for its lour prices of Dry Goods , and it affords us great pleasure in being able to slate that crwmg to our great facilities for that purpose. (000 of the firm roarding in Philadelphial we have been ena bled to purchase oar present stock at a considerable reduction from the usual market rates, cheap as they are, and we are therefore enabled to sell at corretpau dingly lower than the usual prices- We would there fore invite all cash Muera by wholesale or retail, to give Am a call, and lay out the ir money to the treat ad v..t.g.• The Ladies should eall and examine our stook of Prima, Gingham, de raises. Cashmeres, Alpacas, Merinos, Silks, Bombaxines, Plaid*, and canons other styles of fashionable Dress Goods, of which ws have a eery fine assortment, Including every description of those goods in the market. , CLOTH SAND CASSIMEREN—To the gentlemen we would recommend our stock of super french Clothe and Earghsh. French and American Casstmerta OCR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, =bra / ring almost every variety of style and quality. SATTIN • .FTSI--(/f which we have an excellent as. sorunenx and of all qualities. FLANNELS--Red, white and yellow Flannels °fall qualities and prices. TTCKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment of Ticking -a of all grades, and Shining CM:chain great varim. BLE ty ACHED AND BROWN MUSLlMS—Barbra eta; almost every dame notion of the above goods, in riudinl Sheeting, of all widths. Alreo—A. Ewe stock of Satin Vestings, Silk and Cot ' ton Velvets. birth plain mad figured, Keatocby Jeans, plod Limeys, plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and cloak Lounge, bleached and ruble/mired Table DraYmt, both !urea an d cotton. bleached and unbleached Table cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Flannels, col'd dodo, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and colld nib cravats. Ladies Scarfs and acetate, Gloves and Bonen , of all trade, east:renders. Irish Linens, Linen Lawns, LIIICO lidkfis, Bilk do bik Lace Vella, Love do and Batas, Oil Chintzes, Etu , ssia and Scotch Draper, crash, Linen, plain striped and barred laconeta, Cam brie and Swim Nadir., Victoria Lawns, Green Bare ges, &e. hierchants vtsflu this city for the purpose of laying to their •upplies, should riot fail to give us a call, as they will find our goods and p such as cannot fail to su.t their purpose ALlMArices NDER & DAY, sepiN 75 market at, N W coo Diamond The Beer Golden Bee Hive Again. NO'lll Fall and Winter Thy Goods. TUFT received and now opening, at the sign of the eP Elio Bea Mrs. on Market grunt, between Third and Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheaput.nud beat itesorted stalks of Fall and %Plater Dry Creeds ever of fered to Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our nu mero customers and the public generally, is respect folly netted, as the subsenber Is confident dm he can offer such b”gains in Dry Goodeal cannot be cur passed by any other house mtile city. As these goods have been purchased at prices far below those of any former season, they will be sold at greatly reduced rates. AlllO/1, this itne 111 . td splendid sack will he (hood oany chain. and desuable goods at extremely low nce.. • LADIES' DRESS Goons. Very rich and most fuhlonable dress Milne plaid and striped black satin; striped and plaid silks; plain blank very glossy pro de Shine; plait. black rich luaus ; lug- Ping. silk tor erreuea, manuilas and capes at very low prices; newest designs and latest styles cashmeres; plate and anon striped cashmere, very cheap; French merino all colors; de laines. plain and Spored and saun striped. at great redncoon on former prices; gale Cal itbrain and cashmere plaids; mohair and Monterey plaids. el quahnes. aipaccas, all qoalmes and color., mom to 75 mar per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Pine crebrnere. terkerie and broehe shawls Black embroidered cashmere and do lama shawls; Fine 7Ybhel and de lane do Nine toack and colored eio do - - nne qual.ry long, very cheap do I'bun ',lack and pliod adk. very cheap do A lan, lot plaid blanket shawl.: from 73 cents to.S3, a:. wool UOODS, .1l1L:B11 BELOW FORMBE PRICES. Good dark calico from 3 to 6 me yer yard; Best quality dark calico from 6 to 10 cents; Yard wide purple do, elk; Goat yard wide WO/tiled muslin 4 to di; Lied nek inc. and checks, all pncee; /Pattie's, from coarse in bear quality, very cheap; ' A full aiisormient of red, wane arid yellow dannals; Salute.. Kentucky Jeans, Keraeys, Unsay., me, rte. cli'. ail of which will be sold at reduced rate., at No 02 Market at. atim.62 WNL L RUSSELL. FALL GOODS . . fali nest of CARPI• ,rewceivivl,igs one 01 largest aisorunents ever brought to the mar- Crt have hero purchased direct from the Im parter. and Manufacturers of the latest and newest 1. 11 les, and icits,r in price than eVrr °tiered in this city, hi which lie in ths attention of those wishing to furnish or hoows, before purchasing else where l'he stock eonststs in part of the following variety, rts• Ittett dtzmuust Carpets; °mutat Tapeatry Oil Cloth do Vcivet do nun colored do do l'epestry do 11 feet bride do BraIIMIS do N. 74,3.4, 4-4 tr. II otl cloth i VIII •uper 3 ply do Stale Roth Surr in,.. do do 12-4,1 , 4 and 2.4 pronett do Slur Lorene tl ide do do Rosewood Chi Cloth common do do crumb cloth. 4.r. 3-1 tr) Damask Xxoborsed Piano covors Venni. do do Table do 0-I, 3.4 3 isel•d do do Figured Table Oil cloths plum do do Torbay And Todeneci 4-.1. i. I. I rt 2-1 cot do Adelard Mats . - • .. - 0•4 pruned cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do Es.ira sup Chenille Rugs; Jute do do do Tufted do alteant do • Fine do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins Crimson lied Nosh; diaper Towelling Ilan do Crash Drab M Cloth e-0 .d 6-4 Table Lute. Rine do. for coach trolls Transport 'Window Shades Carpet Dunbar Kura French do do WO.l d cords Rich Satin de !nines for do Tassels window curtains earlet, blue,crimson, Week and drab Damank4 ft4ured rainbow Damasks - worsted and linen Table covers, blue. cumson, scarlet, peen, drab and blue* Moreens; conon Plashes of all colors, tr.e. rec. tic. o.eburg• end Dulling, for steamboat dect, sod all other unmoungs necessary tor oolfat for boats our line, to tvloch the especial attention of owners ts invited. W M'Ct.INTOCK'S Carpet Warecooott, one door from Wood, on Foonh st. .Fe.S NEW AND SEABONABLE GOODS. LEXANDLR & DAY have Just received a fine / V uiort nien I of the following description of Deal oil stile goods, the greater portion of which have heett bought at Auction. and will be sold at great bargain,. FLANNELS—Red. white and yellow - Flannels, r.• target and complete asaortment, and very cheek sATTINETSLA very large lot of blue,. block, b ma, grey and goia aux &wan..., at very - low price,. ALPACAS—PIant blk Alpacas, platd and striped dO, teary plaid and striped do. cheaper than aver. FANCY sILKS—A. splendid assortment of riot changeable Silks, both piato and bird, of almoat eve? , shade SHAWLS—A very superior assortment of imptar Broche. Paris prtnted, Terkert, and Cashmere Shavelh, at prices fu below the ordinary rates. Alt., large assortment of English Merinos, Cant- Meer, and (loin Plaids, blue, blk and grey Pilot Clotho, lov overcoats; blk Casaimeres, cotton Damask. Luton do, Kent tick y Jeans, kr etc, to all of which we toy? the attention of the public. ALEXANDER k DAY, 75 market at, octos N W cur of the diamond tit REMOVAL. • . . 1,1 11. EATON & Co. haring removed from Mark:6i street to their new Store, No 62 Fourth streehha o. Wood and Markel, are now opening their Fall stork of Trimmings and Variety Goods. among whiah are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kinds; Embroidery litnips and Velvets; Emhrotdery and Needle Work; Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes; Steel Hags and Purses. Steel Trimming.; ladies Merino and Silk Vests, and Hosiery; , Obildrens' Count Batter, !thus, Gloves and Homely; Gent. Shirts, Undershirt., Drawers, Dressing Goveds ; &s. Wool and Cotton Yarn; Children.' Dream, of latest patterns, which they of fer at low both wholesale and retail. Deli F. 11. Eaton. W. P. AIi.EXUALL. CARPETING, oir. CLOTHS, dte. W M'CLINTOCK'S CARPET IaTOR, No. 76 Foram Spoon. ONE of the largest and the most choice atock !of CARPETING m the market. embracing all tkto usual qualities from the most approvedmanufactories, Mat have been tested for durability m fabric mad co lor* Tapestry Velvet Cerpeung do Brussel, do Prattled* sorption F:xtre sup 3 ply do *up Ingrain do Ftne do do Common do do Manufactured to order in new patterns; adapne4 to pallor., beset:acme nod chambers. aura tetenglo Rugs; Tufted do Wilton do Brussels do Painted Oil Clothe, for dining roomy entries, vesti kyle., kitchens. ke. Straw Nahum, Shur Rods, Window Shades and FIZLIMS. Cotton and Woollen Bocking, from one third to three yards wide. Door Mats. &e. dm., to which the atten tion of porchimers at wholesale and retail is respect fully invited. Wareroem, one door from Wood st. soma W M'CLINTOCK p)LAbk: ALPACAS--W FL Murphy writes me par- Ocular attention of buyers to bts aissortllleet of above Goode, having selected them with great cars, in reference to their glossy finish and good body far win ter one Also, fine O qu H a A I..R. ,L in U c S l T udßEugS , a c f o e m w m pi ec es l e e d t ü b a ld afint da d su tP pr4- for mourutog purposes. Also, FAAILW ALPACAS AND LtifitTßEA, to great ea. riety of ratio stripe., plaids, nod brocades. PME of mach are very superior. A• these goods havetbeen bought directly from Importers, they eon Ix sold at the lowest possible paces. T. be had also by the piece, in Wholesale Roo ( os up states, at a very small culvance on cyst. ocul . _ Ua/3.1-ISB (30011e3--We hove received a fall mock LI of Dress Goods., wootig which may be found— P1.; , 1 black and figured A1p....; Colored Sad tancy plaid do Oregon, Caltforroa, Queen, OIiGSIII Lombonlme Plants; noon, colored sod figartd Cashmeres, de Lame; silk, Tartan and pinidcashmere.; together with a large ansottmeto or other dreas goods, all of which will lie gold low by the piece or package. oc 19 SHIA CKLET? & IVIOTR. 99 wood in 'CEINTOCK'S Ctrl,et Ware- )ECEIVED - etT hou3e,lB Fnurth.treet -Bpe ft-4 roe.' wood col)! Table Ou Cloths; The above are of superior miaLty, elasdeity of fin. Loh. of most beaunful rotor. .red obedtng. Intended (or furtuture, matter and table covering octil yARGE SUPPLY OF NEW GOODS. —)P. ft j Blocnoe a now operung ht. SECOND BUNPLA N Inter Goads, aneluthue a vartety of abodes of "D, "" "'""`' "n'h h colored " er Mermona dd Murata. ETTA/. of game calory, Alpaca., &e., Also, Pea.- amtrable («WA that ant very aCarge, 0 0,„ „Id v ery cheap, at 000th et oar sly of erbtob in be ee, fief 0(4113 and fifttrket . ND ,, acum CA - Aill IL). Johnson 40 Market street, '„,,,, e ' l l f ce ta .... k .. f rEtl 4 :: - . 1 4 non of detden and other. to tam, Cambric Men, all Ime rom diets .Ctu: ding every Vorwly of ta peruirdereS, b e ,„ "tar...Menet., clear lawn, with deep corded borders, Re. bye embroi dered and colored bordered. • Trv - tieriNE=4o bbljapta Turdenunn, der, reecl,"/ and for Ictle .I.BCIIOOIIIKitICCR Si Co I'a Q17./:' I 3 3333 • 3 . •33 •,3 MISCEILANEOM - 00/11.1EPO Patent Graduated Galiviiiq • Battery , 5 ".( 1 rarsdatei .Prieefoe Nolioalaxsiceur rp WS la Me only InstraMeso ofthe kind that at own, 1. base prematedin this amour, Or Europe Gunnell,. teal put - pokes, and is the only one ever known to MSS: -. manich the gWvattie fluid can be conveyed to the Me eye. the eat, the brain, or to any Immo' . the B IY either ertentelly or internally, m r definite- gen eer strewn, enaboutelmeles or fl--asith perfect of mid arid oftenant the battenofeet. try ma This ny importanof the t amameatnitas is now hiy. approved of eminent phyttleMris of Min emmt try end • Europe, to whom the Meted and others whore it may concern can Pe Warred. Reference will Vito Ua gire a to many highly mmeetablecithen a , who have been 'cored by means og %lime" l welnetfie ipparstoll of some or the moat invetemasoarvata disorders which could not ImAstnered:by fitrltnowei monns. Among various others, it ha, been proved 0 be ter} for the care 'of the fehowing dlseasea, sun ;memos headache and othrirdimme• otitis brato.,, It is with tins apparatus alone that the operator can convey the magnetic Sai d with elms eye, to and eafery dm. restore sight, or mare annutrosaa; PO the ear to reetro449Prfelb T V ONC I i I, *Ad nv s aJ ,uens„te store speech; and to tee evlolls parts ct tee Doty, Gar Ga the rare of chronic rheumatism, mho., neuralgia, or Ito thaloomat, peraleWs, Or r i.,, gents .harss, os-sSt. Vita's donee, epilepsy, we& nen fro m tpeains, solar dimmer, peculiar to kmalcs, contraction of the limbs loaktaW, eta. eta. Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pi., I=l privileges, with the instrument, may be purchased ra nd also tested (ernhe cure of disewe. Fan instruetions will be given forlhe'harioui chisel=' oak to be sued far rations, and the bast man.. net for operating for the carom( those diatoms will al. PO be folly explained to the purchaser, and • pamphlet pat into his hands; expresaly for thempurpmes, fully prepared by Me patentee. , Enquire of . c.cti&dly WILLLAALS;Vme et, Pomander: ' NEW EtriIICIAL TASTlltrElteillY c mnatriscarammaJMlalatoa. J OHN H. MELLOR, No ill Wood enact, 13 the role wee for Carberry Prayed Melodeon, a new end ttletrailleat, exceedingly well adapted for churches or family worship. Pot the benefit' of those residing at a distance:tour ,cootequently unablewiturpeel the ..ilelodcon before, purchnsing, the following demription la given: The WOW are made or rosewood, and are Ile hand somely finished aa a Plano Forte. The key,board is precisely the time as the piano or organ, and the tone, ; which is very beattnful,) closely res embles that of the lime stop of an organ. The townsmen' cant. nolatie. diately made' stable without detaching any part, the bellows, receding into the body of the instrument, acid the legs fold.A. under, leaving the whole in a comment form. Each instrument has • peeking ease, width vol e whale when packed weighs onl 45 pound:: Tim whale of tone is equal to that of n small organ, and by means of the swell may be Increased or diminished et pleasu well c re; ia aleulausd (a cs mdicilp load for small churches, Lod parlor ipst ritroarit. Just received, a hugely of the Move piles, with use and Inetructioo BOok, 550. Deus Etervvistble Pllterlng Cook, • NilliFerrePtSelinFtnYTl Or "ll74 Fa . cr y et . removing all substances nae?:outeiel'in ▪ s 'inh'fiugL The e Tt a gr ".'' u e Y7!' wheat It panda an hoar tbratititis ‘ altering cock, s hows • largo pmut impure substances, worma, cc Thie Is the ease more or less 1.101 all hyMent armee. The Reversible Flamm is neat ant/durable, and ts not attended with the inconverdeace Incident to other Filterers,m It la cleansed anthems lama detached from the water pipe, by merely , turning the key or handle from one side to the other. By this easy process, the course of water m changentrand all accumulations of impure 'Maw:ices are thrum off almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also Do sue the d,,Lofuo bolog, o stop cock, end a. seek In MM . c * tis es will he very mum:deal and eeerionsical. It ran be attached where there Is ai t y pressure hsgl i or low to a cask, tank, tab, ao with ease. To be hen of the solo Agent, IV, W. WILSON, octr caner of Fourth and Market sfa --- Diaphragms _, • istphrssipot Filter, for Hydrant- Water. 4e... THIS is to certify that I haveop r painted Livingaton,. Roggon 4 :Go. *Ede Agents for the ants ofJenningle Patent thap u irrit Filter, for the el . titnt of Pittsbo and A ll egheny. JO GIBSON., Agent, re, Walter Id Gibson, 341/Reverlolert N. T 4 , 0.. to, ims. iii,7 We have been usingooe °feta slave ariteles et the odice of the Novelty Ware.* for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly aenahed that ii to a useful invenuon, end we take pleasure in recommending them aa. Use ful article to allteho Lavorture water. Orders will be literal - ally =Geared and promptly executed- , ben LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN tr. Co ---- - - ------ - PITTSBITRGH FEMALE IMIIITITI7 s T HIS Institution, under the care of Mr. and re. tiosoloas, will re-open for the reception of p pas. iii the same buildings, No. MI Liberty street, on Lt Monday of 'September . • Arraagements base been made by which duty will be ebbs. to furnish youog ladies f d'ties equal to tury 4 in the Weal, for ob ing a thorough Enghsh, Classi cal, edit Ornamental ducation. A full cmind of Phi • lisophlnal and (The eal Lectures will be delivered duringthi sinter, • in stated by appmatus. The de penitents el-Vocal d instrumental Mime, Modern Languages, DM ' and Panning, willeach Le under the care oftt cou pe ra t Professor. 111 close attention to the moral had in Ilectual improvement of their pu pils, the /hind/pals ope to merit- a continuation of tha liberal paste/nage ey have hitherto enjoyed. Far lerms, see circular or apply to the Principals. TO Itiet.NIIPACTII.H.ELLS, I MANE asite orblzh.cannot be anapassed, foe the on . tablithment of manntutortes of Wool, tknton, Iron, Class, or any other held/le. Ten Wring . coal. ft is ad. mining my . •Llllthlern,tt ern the Ilmronarattetwrioe r Th i ere n elected on the lot st.thrge Bedding, in Which as erected a meant engme 0t . 13 inch cylinder, three. boilers the., a saw mill, and a small pair of mill atones The railway from My coal mine pours within a few yards. i invite persons wishing to engage in MIMI, faCt.ll4. to visit the plaza and examine its advents. sea. will sell It at a low Mtn; Or al anitsbie partners would after, would be willing to put the property in as stock in some Joint concern. If further Information is dewed by any one, it may be had by applying to my ron, Tb H. Baild, Jr. at Harlem, to J. N. Patterson, Wood meek, Pansbnlgh, or to myself, in the lark, one's building called "Yhe Hound Corner," Waslone - ton, Pa. nova-42.lcarit TH. BAIRD. USX it wEsTmart S A NI . cla?gt.ull in ge t".lntiTmlat, or mfointing Ins friends nod be publicgeneral that he !Mc the largest stock of the following named a cies °Chia own mannfactura to this city—Saddles, Har nt - ness. -Thinks and WLops. all of which be will warrant to be made of the best muerte' and by the best oweb aniCSlll Allegheny county. Being delarrunted to tell his mannfactures something lower than has bred hero- tofore sold by any atmllar establishment in the city , ho would turtle persons in need of the above named article, to his watch...v.4 , 10. 244 Liberty street. oppo site SaVetlth- Also, bmds made to order or machine. oct3o-ly 0. KERBY. ----- Cooper Duple% and Lover Watch's. •, z -c - JUST reached and for. sale et greatly minced ernes, five game ine T. F. Cooper, 0 Celthorpe stet, G's In Rand Lodon," plea and and Patent Le er y Watches, cased i n 18 karat sold, and full Jewelled, with Chronometer balances. These arc now a cc ura c ywatches matita being super.- or In apish and te the AL J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson, or any other make. Those In want ora very fine ararch ate invitedto call and examine this Jut tsts, a large assortment of Gold and :Liver Watches, Citains,,Seals, Kays, ao. ID- Fine Watches repaired in the best manner. 0m.24 W. W. WILSON, corner 4th and Market stn NTHON'S XENOPHON'S SIiaIORABILL. 21. Xenophou's klemorabilia of Socrates,with Ell lish nowt. cnucal and explanatory, the prolegortith• 01 gutumer, \Wager's Lilo of Socrates, etc: by Marie, A nthon, L L Li.. Profte.or oldie Greek and Lanulao. cleft. In Columbia College, Now York, and Rector of tho Urammar School. Just reu'd ilad . U2! _calebp JOHNSTON & Bookseller.. for 3d and Market go Dir 4$T BCFiO 130 1 0 , X K.F.X.PING, PENMANSHIP, PHONOGRA. Sebttonn Y bie Wnt, COlllei h o74t: P an e' r Fe o rry M ots h' o uy o entrenOe on Poorly where he will be happy . to Impart Instruction in the puck( Reading, Petuneashlp, Arlin nteue, Hook tee. cwo-4,r0 S TEAM BOAT CL.ooKS—Having concluded to sell °Tour entire stock of Kirkels Karim Tlmepiches, wo how offer a n y 111012 at lower prices than the c be bought at n lipase in Pittsburgh or elsewh y ere . . cost ar west. Being the rudly established arrentll here for these clocks, we he the slargest and Anew 'tarn ment in the city. Call av and see.. Remember, we me not to twandoesold. BLAKE& CO, fdarketsuect, - oct.lo entrance on northaide alba Themond IjtATENT SOLAR LARD LAMPS—An extensive U anronment of Cornell. & CV* nelebuwal-taano tuTges,"s4te'r= i gel i Cui * e "' " dwellings, pub lie end Private bulls, and to all GI./ .0/ where anima:Neste and brilliant light is desirable. Alna,Girondoles, Hall Lanternsfir.delabnis,Mnbes. Shades, Wicks, Chimuies, C.; Thermersite.. Also, Gas Chandeliers, from one to four lights. ° et a) ^WW WILSISS, 4Smazket st Kinialoit,'Oook nay Stove., Crete. , Khe• MARSHALL, WALLACE & CO., Round Church, earner Liberty and Ilfood streets, manufacture and oiler for sale Platform, Floor and Commecißeales, of the Most improved quality; Cooking illoiel,for wow! and coot; Egg Stoves of canons alms, 'RICH& and common Grates, Hollow Ware, &o. &e. They also manufacture the 'Kitchen Range. which has glVin such general ramfaction to those having tt to all of wArch they would respectfully invite the attention of the cltmens and the public genendly. Octill-dtf Watches, Jewelry, to. obiorta Or Mater Len Venal% Matte; Prrnseniati riptir.subscritmt tuk. returned from Om Eash and is 1, now opening a large and carefully selected stock 01 1 300 , i. h, his Ime Grateml for past littoral patron age, be hope. to iriont a contmuance thereof, by &li ge., In lumina., and keeping the seat assortment, and at the most reasonable prices. Friends, eastern ers and the public g ene rally — partletnarly Knntrnere instnnir the city from a distance, are invited to tall and exannno my large mock of goods. ocal W. W WILSON 011DAILFUL, ARID VAL.—DA Towttaavo.. V sAvAada.A.-4,E00 hottles of dot great fan and wiltml , .. ll gaind, recelved and far Bala by, R. 41iLLEfi$, Sole Agent for PluattArgh, of 1 , 101.9111 the g emu!. article can belutd. ' -* we f LM ELASTIC cLoTHING—L2 dot Garettwine OvereosEw 19 do J &cite AL ado pun P.dol do doLagyuga of 4 different elude, 10 do storm paw 2 do Capes, with and without ideate.; East tiered by Express end for sale wholesale and retail, at the East. ersEpnees. We with it 10 be understood thasporebes. arm ere baying from first bands, that buy 'at the Mate Robbbr Depot, Nod Wood street • - oeMS J & H PHILLIPS . 1k LOOK+ FOR PARENTS, 'YOUNG P.142/130 :6; =AND INVALIDS.— Dr. Bantam ' 's 'Common 6" on Dellth, Plryincal Edocatloh antrlinina . Vane, us. based upon the mechanical plulapoPh, o f suun's physical constauhousteing the subcance or hie lectures on the abate vutuects recently delivered in tlus.citP, For tale by octl9 Apollo A ßaildfilt 4th as W.A.NTSJI), A PERSON ail a mall capital, mid itetitainted Aal., watt the busieesa, to. take au Aeleraid. h o ” Yp.adg, to_be located op do panne ,Railtosol Ap- NY mule OEtlea of F ri end Rho,' & Co.' • GurroN yAgs,ax.-40,000 lb. Cotton Yam, .o wned °umbers - 1.50 bales Batting; lak do Candle Wier. for' aale tairea tilaraptlas, Co