BY lUGNETIC.TBISGRAPII, ' 7 , ,-- surrommut. db-vgammuunurair liczovuurgi4r' "ID Pitta ntrib Ossitl4. AUMPTIONAIL , LOWCION 311811Nte BY THE ACADIA- Ilatoarteraura, Nov. 21, ISIS: 'The laterFargirs' h papers received by the Acadia, contain very important . intePigenee from all parts of Europe. martin= to send you the leading ex. In this es:Mary the British have received severe -and 'sans.' ine reverses, whlch are- supposed to IMO proceeded from a general movement thrtmeh* cot the .f . tritish ptemcssiotts. From th e brmidstde rshipeorthe opposition, it will require 50,000 trops to effectually stigma the Movement. mELAND. The prospect of the potato mop is brightening— le 1101.110 extensive as was generally belies 'ea, end the clops throngtionfide more flattering. 'ln Paris the, excitement is great, and deny in ereathr-collialons are continually taking place between* troop, of the line' and tho Guard Mo The dabs are: much excited upon the gees " thus of the Presidency; The Parisian Clubs ob : Pitli 4 0 II preponderates alto Departments in the election. They say that the city made revolution wawa the departments, and would maintain a conquest forcibly. - AUSTRIA. The likewise deny* had a Made with the ad. venom line of Jelhmhich's army, eight htesirmi Croatians Were captured, and aiz•hundred Bed: tiILSCELLANECWS. "The American -htinhair to Spain has nnt Lad ytiadiElealty with that Government settled, end it In billet edliefore any thing satiafaetory can be ef• Ibbizatit will requite gotmumenttal intertetencia "Thit Circassian:war ia ended. The Emperor of peace, with the intenthin of .iwittutraveing hii army, and of phones 390.00 0 tarn 'Arpod the Danube. • Denmark- , has pioolohnied • new Conetinakin. . SienT Ns been reatuutted to Naples. • Milan is zeponed in meek. They have also it iniatined to drive the Austrians out of Italy. Sabo* Taisigragn Naehina. nithicar, Nov. 21, 1818 . Thor Ceerutdision" • dr Patents has refused to peat to Akio' s ae hainter Of the English Telegraph Issuessersti Letters l'Austu. His is gill:tidied by the iocui dist, Pielfester. Mane is entitled to the In by Cauca: Oomml—Taytor'ComUsgEasu Locroramr, Nov. 21, 1818. Our Oki:glut ate making the most extensive ar• -lineaments for the reception of General Taylor, :tolusze crpected soon is our city. Whether be intend, to prolong his journey further east, 1 have iitlearned." DREADFUL SNOW STORM-DISASTER. AND LO:SS OF LIFE. //come, Nov. 21, 1848. Oui'eity and harbor were visioned with a or earmdaus maw and wind storm, last night. The almoner Olive was wrecked off Nantucket, and her crew perished.. The brig Anglo American got indeeettM a slooal,and was &Stied topleces by the maddened waves. It is feared her mow has also Met a watery gram., __PEIMiIDELPMA. MASEET. Pommesmann, Nov. 21, 181 S. Plitur—ittseelpti increasing. Sales at 53 3105 '371 per Md. Grithe-Wheat market quiet, and prices 11n el:tinged. Corn irides Yelkno at 6743 sae per bit. Cattorr--The market as bat quoted. Prarisiorta—Stock light, Bless Pork is held at 513 75. ' Orneenen. - .-Marlret dull, and prices unchanged. Whiskey—Sales at 2Sie per pl. Market ac tive. F:l.lhYlhji):i~ ~/.l:i:til~ Mill:CORI, Nov. 21,181& Thar-41ales 700 bbl s Howard street at SS. The Grain Market quiet, and prices unchanged. Provisions—Thera Is in activity in any article . , • Qua:dons are steady. Otneariee—the market is quiet, and prices as but quoted. whiskey—saki Zlic per gaL An advance, NEW YORK MARKET Nzw Yogi, Nov. 21,1819. floor—Wes of Geneseeat 55 anew 821— Then are extreme Fria& Godur-The mariner far Corn and Oats is dull -Them is a good inquiry Car geed samples of Wheat; but poor Imo am dull. "Pima red Wheat at 115 a per bushel. • Corn—Sales of prime white at 67c, and prima rellotuat 74 eta. Wkiskerv— barrels at 24 cents per:ent Provisions—Tame i► len movement in Pork— the market is steady. - Wm—Foreign nature made a fitters market annumEtat Engineers& Coultasliars for Matenisens Office for planning end —defendeng Patents, imparting informatues on Mechanics nod the application of Set. awe to the Arts, end enAnterican and Foreign Laws ef-Patiorta, 'PROF. WALTER B. JOHNSON, late of Phindel plus, and Z. C. ROBBINS ed Washington . city, tre - siby Berard Knowles, Esq., lan gachtnest of the United States Patent. °dicey) lave associated themselves logeruir for the pmsecadan of the &bow Wench& &Professional analneas, either in net:office, at the Patent Ocoee, or before the Court.% end will de vetrtheiratefivided attention to fortes:dud On inter ne of fawners end when who may consult them or place bezisees in their hands. Me Knowles! &a for the pest twelve years held the poet of Mariinit in the United Stales Patent Mess, and • that notation to take:ten in the .present . Hie taken andyeeallar &nese fur the import= eao long fill ed by ins, hard been Gills reecgired by Leventors wherever th itseUls The office e of Mice IKeurs.l; &IL is on P' street, lopponte the PoBl±C=Wandallent, ffi , where etrinimel eatileue, post will be prtly anendedur au& Illations nada, drawiagy . specffiadens,and aU ite poen prepued—sed models - preened wheareZt red—tte reasonable annul . Lettere of elairyi, expect ed se aced swami aftereccamlnations haA ma be an tiestganied by a fee old& dollen. • . I. the &nee °Mini ogle° wh e ich pertains to the Pa ten Laws, MOM. L Pc /lAMB be ainr u lta lezaj M u tativ=witT=des and . :other LanAloes the taken. by mi.: take *oaths boding. dart of Wood strait, 00 las ,lelb ult. 1 sack WOOL, marked "Sad* & Sinclair Pgh. Any gerson-by sassing ii, or Win. mat 1,, t , .Ir.b it coarbo reahred, :arid be li berally roan by - : •it .IrWWkilßsCrOß, seen - , - --- 153 mainsail 104 faint as am y. am, .... -, ~ ..1 . IV •011:11 uxau. .-- GT.ORGEria opmaassiora racentuommencliepas, No. 3 Comascr.otrozer, • BALTIMORE. Renzsitem—atanb, Gamier" it. Co, . Alexamier Langtain, John Oriel. n0r442m0 ILX rirItOCESIM;OS:I bogy Gram Ityoun Rio Coffee"; het ebasts You; Tes; do lAA 0 P sad nlk do 80 Dodds Lamp and Talmud 5) do Noma:Les 41s, 75 do salernto%ls bag Pe= 41041. Pi"; 60 bolos COUOII lisokkg do owl* With n mere sosonment of Groeorles,' neekred sad foli sale by 8011180Ndo Co, nov6 192 Liberty' si - ----- . ._• Pittabutgla. Nov. .PARZED2 APP LI D bbla Ur 6 WA/ Fall Pippin; 5 do hollow event Pip= _ . 16 do Golden do .2 do Longidaad - 4 ' —.. 4 do gipitsanbtai 1 do Einnnanek do • ...New Wading (tom assuttear 13-WA England and bomb) • oora L TERMAN AIVNEILEIT & BOWE BLEACHING POW DER— A mei*/ article always int hand sad fa: sale at aA Malw ADIFI3 ar /ow Pricer bliv M MftCHEidAEE ANACKEREL.--21 00la Isle No,I t 1(849) raced and .1.16. Tor sale by t MITIOLIELaIIEE, orrl9 l6O liberty In • 11171103—Pop,dadeitasnalwoct Mann, for oak by t ace bo cask, or in tinW & antitl eii MlTCHE MX to see purchasers, vW L: excite° BIS:ANDt-iotaid, Thpay &Co, su:!d ' j. Davey & Co,) tor W. in halfjo,orquaautie silt pa:chasers by W If MITCRELTREE 01 . E. it 7.1, and an armament of Dornesilo Liquors, for ale m quantities to ilia bitakaerra, - • arra.7 W MITCHELTILEE frAIR-11010 bbis Nardi Walks Tar, in lair, barrels -sodpod order, for gala by TAAFFE O'CONNOR . . Dormaire bates Sweet POtitObSj . 1 - • 2Xibbld P.:made-4 1 J= yeed In grand i.ardit bailor Ws by bdi IltiblEJl, • - • .baillAb• dames Saddlleld and Second ids • I 'A IKE—ux) bblilaulprille White lame; firriiiirCy • , WM it 3 BURBRIDGE. WILSON Co,wdtby st Wised COUGH CANDY—A fresh supply f nitre • , yeeived tad for site by tusal _J-MDD ACo Op WS 011,4130 pas Jun reed and far ode by . 11002 .1 KIDD & Co etr rioDu: WOO 75 oblsrart reed and far No 1.4913 J KIDD & Co 0)40-10 pile juet reo'd j en g d i by T., • WOOD, (thrtford.o—Nou Dm jun read • lied DWAIN by • luenrl3 J MOD &Co WILZFUZCOLb.):3-80 btu fu store and far mile by • port" - ammo+t NICOLB • AV & 0 altaiapriase N 0 OFou TANK oarsO4*-31bbls,Acroall lea ea,bay bee by nowly _ &NI MITCHELTREE math , Co, mewl crude Saltpetre Moore and frontst bblo prime Green Apples, motisad.and, far sate by_ bovl3 - • WICK & PIVIANDLESS --__ • yAou! anx,v2.4% e highest marked price In • (tub 1111 be .paid far ho different grades of N by • & W lidilßAUl3ll, , bra 53 water addle& hoot st ‘ROWE'S cituak:— , A fewboxes very evertor Cpude Cheeso,jest received by 13 & W UARakliats • - 8 ler sale by :Imp • CI . .._ v: J~l~~ .:~.fa lh~ I.:J ~ ~h ~ - J'.`.~..i ..t ~ er_.. ~ ;. • TILE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICER CEMENT, MID HATES OP NAMPO ENSPILA.NCE, Lahes.--Doty 20 pr. cern. Pots . • "ti Pearl!. • • N o t St =kings 404} Saferatas 5 Sod. Ash-. •411. 0 , Ale—peribl— ••• • 0117 Brig tlel—Dnty 6 pet cent. American • Borax, refined 22 0 25 Balsam Peru. • • 4,50:02,73 Bri 5 . -0 71r4ria • 10. 0 371 0 Camphor. refined• —4O 0 45 Chloride Time, cask 00 7 COekineal,. ..... •• 189 02,00 Orman Tem. 24 0 zs CoPP.r. 410 2 Glue 1110 13 0.113 600 13 !Gum Arabic 50 070 C0pa1.... ..... . 39 0 50 f" Trumicintb• •• 41 di 374 " Shellac 15 0 18 " ?deistic. _...01. 2 Ipeeae 80 01.00 .Isisp, pusrdered• • 55 : 1 , 00 Litkoie ... 61 Liquo r rice Root 70 0 Liquonee Ball 10 0 B:i Las Dye • ..B 0 29 Muenelia Club 23 .0 25 Madder Umbr0....13 0 14 !dodder,' Comm... • 0 Myrrh, Turkey %) 0 50 Oil ,Virrio! 440 5 " Castor 1,115 01.75 " Comm 3,00 03,50 " • Corn - Pig 82 etial-pr ten, 6 moo. !CPA - le e :2;l ' n.. • - - - Barley ..... - • • ] Malt barley . , Glue-per lb Hanging Rock. Pirudi Common• ••- 11 0 13 No. 1 Foundry • • Homey-Dory 30 per cent. " Forge 'Cuba per gall -di - Tennessee ' WeAlero comb p. DIP 020 Mercer County. Ginsen Ginseng-Duty/ 30 pr. ci Foundry n, Pig n b - 0 He -p g t 5 0 26 Fo ....... ~. _• erton of WOO its - Mitholung County, Ohio o— rflmothy 7,5000,00 Foundry. Pig- •—0 illacw-Duty 5 per cent- Fo ra e do a I Missouri . -0 , Et Planter Ports-shay free ISmuush -- 0 - Plaster Pant. ... 55 4. 1110 I Do. salted -0 - Provlston•- IDo kipps per skin..l,lN 01,62 Bacon Hems 63 07 Green - 0 4 •• Shoulders -043 M mp-Duty 25 per cen t.- •• Sides.- - ..... - -043 isso He uri &Ey- • • • 51150120 Hoground city c are -641 Manilla lb 1030 ,- • country do. -0 - , Hopsi-Dtrty NI peg cent. Lard No. 1 , in kls ••- 8 09 Firm old. '46. 80 10 " "2 In kqs••- •0 - bauligo-Doly 10 percent. " " 1,1,, bbl.. ---0 8 Bengal, lb LW 01.601 Butter "1, in kgs• 830 of Spanish 1,10 0150 " sI. In ru11.1630 11 Manilla 95 01,00 Cheese, W. R 530 53 Iron--Duty 30 per cent. " Goshen -0 Bar. Juniata 4 0 43 Crack's, Piusb. Wat'r. " Common 30 33 pr. bbl. 0 4,05 Sheet 530 eil Do. Butter -0 4,75 Boller Plates .. ..... a 0 63 P.e.toe•-p , * boob. Nada3lo 63 COMMOTA ••• • - - Plough wing . wga 430 5 Neshannockap be 550 - •' Slabs• • ...... 4 0 43 Riagya-Drity 5 per cent. Rinisia Sheet - 0 15 Country mimed 30 33 Lead-Duty 01 per cent. De_._good übile ••• • • • -0 4 1 Miss/nun Pig 40 41 013 . 00 P0r lb Bar 43 0 44 Bk. 510 ai Dtf. sires Pipe per fl 610 it Breda - dory Linseed gllp e. Sheet 6 0 Clover. 3.250237 Leather-Duty 20 pr. et T i mothy 1,730200 Sole, Baltimore ..• . N 0 M, Flaxseed P 2 0 - New York I 4 0 17 Mumard 2,60 0 3,03 lit 0 14 Sprees-perm. slaug% i rlB 020 Clove/I- 39 0 31 Skirting N 0 24 , , Casale in Ma 0.... - 0 % Harness, black 19 091 Ginger 9 0 10 1 0- Bridles, black, pr. dog , Nutmegs 1.40 0 1,3•1 1% a sides 30,00 03200 Pepper - 7 ] o I .03 or TIAMIIHT on TIM p.:0011.1, Rouen do 362 4 5 000 Alspice• •• - ....... • • 31 CAN. A. iterLlMlere. Upper finished• •21,00 015,00 Sneilkeroot-per D. i Ashes, Pot a.nd Purl, 40 45 Kips, finished. • .24110 036,00 1 Virginia - 0 14 Butter and Bacon, 45 50 Calf Skin do .. • 15261 020,00 1 Scorer. - beef. salted, 45 60 tare Leather-.. 13,111 0 - , Seep-Doty 30 per ung 1 Bale rope and Bagging do 70 N. England Seating, ' Pittsburgh No. 1..• • -II 43 Beeswax, do 62 No.l per doe-. -1.9/0 0 - 1 c,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,] -0 43 Bones, do 66 Mg 2 Per der . -0,00 0- ! Eltoel-per lb. Foreign Br.nia, do 1,60 No. 3 per dog •• • 332* 030 ; c os , & Beer 160 17 Cheese, do 40 Sheep skins ..... •• • • .130 5 1 Do. single 0 16 Corn, do 50 Lumber-dory Wi p. 0. Id ' Best Ge rman 0 13 Counq do 50 vid. per M. ' " Egle • 0 11 Chilled Rolle do - Pine, eV; in, pr M. - 051,00 , 0 Hoop L 011 , Drugs and Medicines, do LW , Common " - 0 / 1 / 03 : Pittsburgh Manufacture. ' Dry Goods, do 1,00 I Clear, 13 s• • o _ so l oo , Gennan Steel 0 611 Food F'ruit do 75 Com'n II " - .3 5 , 50 Englisb bhster 0 112 t Floor, per bbl. 60 63 Clear 2 " - 040 0 0 Amencu blister- • 0 I F ea t hero Pehries, per HO lb 10D Com'n 2 " - !MOO !Spring 510 64 I Feathers, do I . ' 0 Wr'kd bl 191 in do- - 01920 6lplelepp, gallon. i Furniture, do 671 1 ie. ereereee - 0— Broody, Bord'x• 440 0 2,3oGlasurare, do 55 Out do dee -••• • • - --• 015,00 Rochelle p 2,30 0 3,60 Glass, Window, per bs 55 0 Pie. 0 .0 1 p 002 / 7 3 0 3 , 00 Rom-lain'. 4th p 1.1 ,20 0 11,.,W 1 Green and dry fruit per 100 lb. 75 Laths,sawed, 3,35 0 2,50 u N.,.._.60 0 9(1 Ginseng, per 100 lbs. 60 Live Stoek.-pr 400 lb, 01. 0 N.,-- 40 0 60 Grocenes, do 00 Beeeee • 3,500 4 / 25 Gin, Holland• ... • • 1,25 0 1,75 ' Ilareenares do 75 Hogs. 3,0 0 313 Sugar-Dot -Doty 30 pet cent Hops, do - Cows & Calves • • &AP 018,00 pi, a D n.., bbd------ 50 63 I Hemp, do 70 Sheep 1.00 0 140 " fair, b b d. 0 Hides, (raw 73e; dry 2135) do Woloaaaa-Duty 30 pr. et um.., whitey lb• •19 0 a Leather, do WI • 40 0 45 Mull " lb. 90 1 Lead, do 40 Orleans - 0 Pulverised, Philad •.. -0 123 I Lord and Lard Oil, do 50 Nowila Stores-Duty We Belt -Dory „,,, I Oil, Castor, do 73 Rosin per bbl. •• • 3,010 3,= „,..'„ . - _...„, r7. "P" ''L L . ~,, I Lmseed Oil, do 72 leuch• 3,03 0 goo iso 1., ...ow, . r ....,..,. Pork, Per bbl do 0 160 Tar, Allegheny , - 0 l, In store • - —sir sew o- " N. Carolinn• •4•00 0— Ta_lie, dog bog. -.--0 Rape s-saw ...l ~.d.imp or 100 lb. 62 do IN 3 , 3 , 3 y, 3u n0e, t3 . 3 ,11... Go 0 +0 Shot-Doty 20 per ,eat , ..... 6 . do CO Varnish, C5ua..1,75 0 .1,00 Per keg. • 013,50 I 1., "" . 0 1,371 • S..* do 70 Nails-Dory 30 p. e.-pee P.1 .... be 1r . -•• • Si:thne.. ..and /3113i10, do 73 khg, 1 lb., icaling nulls I Illree 4 P•elne - 9 0 .. . r :b.... ... ! T u n a .„ , do 43 1 cent • a per lb 1 ' M r . '" ... .... 6 I Tobacco, Leaf, do so locum imuun ;per 3,761 0b...." - P. , ePer t . m i ,,,,, f 80 Sid " et. off for cash for manuf'd 0031 . 01 , do 73 Wheat, do 00 60 7d " 4100 _ 1 . Tobacco.] Duty 40 pr . et µ, e at' do 0 67 Se u 4..60 -..- (14". Leei••••-••••••••• ••• . 4 0 6 „Z I nl._ 4d /„.... . . 0 64:0 Muund do -4 • 7 .."....7, per bbl ND 3d u dm. Lulies' Tout —4030 10 ;TO ens sm. vv. mononogsm.• ages I Plug in kegs SO 9 , WARR 8P U k 7,, V 7',...,A r 5 7.7 1p Plug lu boxes •14 017 ; C 1.,., No. 1-Ashes, Balt PhR.N Y- Boiler - " • 63 OTortst• -- • --- •60 7 • Bacon, Boner, Lard, Boiler Rivets---- • - 0 Cavendlsh •- • • 0 6 I Cheese, Pork, Tabu- Oaksua-per lb- Pmsburgh •• • • ..... - 0 9 I 12 1 Lump le box...- 0 all co, Tallow, W Giaas, our-per gat " 31 " ". - _. •12 0 17 1 and Musky pr 10013 w - Unseal ..- - ..- -am 116. " . - -12 0 14 Class No 2-liemp. Flu Lard. City.—.... - 50060 I Scotch snuff.--•. 14 - Olive .35 • 1,50 .pro o la 'CIO. No 3-Dried Flan l ° I cut Dry 3 lb pape r •0 33 Lauber, Old Sperm bleached OLW .. ~_ „„ cent 5k,... Seed., 1t.:71, - Unbleached - 0 1,30 • . 61 . - , ' -ert y s" per - " Fall ••• - 0 Imperi al-.._. . ... '- - . . ...63 0 80 Clus No 4-Beeswax, Vsliale• --••—75 0 106 o(l °P.r.d.'• • 4 3 0 70 ' Feathers,FuniGinang, P.: Twitners per bbl. 17,00010,W Young 4 . .....:: 3 : 0 : 73 i HiTsirdee, th l . oo 3. . Flag - ..- - Palats-per lb. Tin ate-Dory 15 pr. et. ' Bales of Insurance no cargoes 0 Pros, Blue 70 0 90 , Banes oak 0 —ll.lll and keel boats 0 7 i X 0 10 75 Fro Pittsburgh to Wheelng,Vo 10 I kILII4btI 4 i ' t,,,,y. -..LW 3 Tallow-Darr 10 pr cer I. s- to and from Cuiciruilu.o 10 i . Chrome Green 33 0 65 , Zendered• 10 - .. to ialna•rine, Ky . •10 9 Yellow No. 155 0 35 Rongh• • • -------- . 0 43 " "to St. Lou,., Mo • .. 13013 4,75 0250 " " No. 115 0 gd I Soap Gress., 30 33 , “to •1 0 5 gegie.. 6+ lbs - 03,00 Brunswick Green .13 0 90 : Viosm-per box ss to Independence • It 091 Do. dog Ilb cum/W.-- 074 X) Vane Lead. dry • 610 63 Solid bores 0 16 s- to Galena. 11l ... 13031 EVEN do 04.80 s Oil. pore keg 1,60 0 1253 lan:kn.-Darr 40 pr cent s "to Memphis, Ten la 3 - 0 135 ,L P Nadeau • 2.00 05.00 • •• to N Orleans • • 13011 Eagle do in papen•- 0200 " No. I Rock powder 3,Z 03,60 Red Lead 610 0 L PTeunde .•UV 0 140 ' p,„. a , N ( - m esa ,. p,,,,,b„0 , 14 Grain-Doty VD per cent. Yellow Ochre 2115 3 Lisbon 73 0 1,50 ISt Louis .. ~ 0 11011 Wheat _ 750 3 5 Yea Red 430 6 Dry N.M. see 0 70 1 by good Flat Boats • • Rye WO- Yerdigrie• 30 0 38 I Sweat be 062 I to Ness Orleans NNM Hope Baas—per briche Small White Common h mlz'd _ . Thaelketa.—fr dot. Parent Beaver 2,25e__ neormax—Duty2D pr. et Yellow • ...... 190,39. Bloorna—, ton.. Blooms.-- ....... mow Boiler Lampe si6a— Brooms-1, doz. lßerehantable Shaker 1,751/12X: Barks—p cord. Chesnut Oak. , • 5500600 Sleek Oak 404.50 Hemlock 3.5004, 00 Coal—Doty 30 per et. At the river 3 05f From aragon• • • 051 OettoatDuty free. Tenn. and Alabama.— .5 0 0 Chocolate-1P lb• Number 1 10811 COCOA., prepared • •• --- 20=2 Candles—Duty 20 per et City dipped 93 Mould 10 0101 Pittsburgh Star 21 OM Cineinnau do 021 Sperm, best brands • • -30 03" Vastings—c Foundry lot. vane, nod--03 Parttime do Yl Tu kettles dos . SSW Wagon bor n 100 b•. Counter weights V' set, • • -40 Sad hone net 4-• • 4125 Cotton Yarns—P Short reel— No. 5 to No. 10 15 11 to 13 16 Pep`ra't 3,00 04,00 Opium, Turkey • • • .4;50 003,5.00 Quinine 25 Rhubarb, root 38 0 50 Sal Animate..... -• .16 0 20 Sid Soda 41 0 5 Sindia 18 0 65 Tartaric Acid 40 0 50 Vitriol, Blue 1110 12 Dye Wood—Dot y c . t. Cumvrood 40 3 Lowcrood, chipped • • •2143 21 Peathere-dilty Roper. et. ad val. Kentucky 33 0 34 Ohio & Penusylva. Fruit— Almonds sbelrd• . • .81 0 85 Soft 16 0 12 Bard 0124 Currants, Zante • --- 1040 11 Filberts 840 9 Gromidrints 1.12 0 Fsirt, Turkey Malaga 1240 Raisins, kluseat• • • • 0 Bunch 2,00 0 , Bloom, old . Cranberrie 820— I Lemons, Sieily bz 6,00 0550 Oranges do 05,50 Peaches, dry, bo • • 1,25 01,17 lApp i' es V , dry n l b I .50 0 ! — gtSiA;k TM 62 Bolivar 0.405 Common —l5 0— Flour—Duty 18) per rent Extra brands, 4,250 Superfine. •• • •• • • erceo Vine 04,10 Bye Floor ... 8,370 " 14 ....... • • • • • • ..... 17 km 7444104 1 et per lb to No 20 Long tool dot. No. 600 • 7471: " 700 00 ..,00„ 900, 1000 540 Coverlet Yarn 0 , ib• • • 4110 Carpet Chain• • • • ....... 0)02 Oman Torino ma C.llll. Wick •.• . .... -015 Coffee-Doty 20 per et. Java, Old white • • • • • • •11014 St. Domingo Etio 740 74 Copper -May2o pr at. pig b and old 5 t o4d3 . Aie . Brazirts m u Sheathing -OW old. • - • 18019 Cordage-Baty 23 pr. eat. --013Manilla White rope. -0 1 t Tarred • 10 Fook'g yam, Gne••• --0 9 • common-- •-0 8 Hemp Bed Col, per dor- Earn long--- •• • 1,6003,00 Common - -•-- --01,62 Plowtt Lines ...... • -Intripo M,oiUa Bed Cords-per dos. 40 yd. g thread. -• • -03,50 20 tlc 30 do 1,7502471 do Phiagh lines 0 074 Domaitatioa-per yard. Brown Cotton •—• 300 do 07 i'enn Biala AN. 0 7 Allegheny DI, -0 - Allen D Phi Mill- •• -0 74 Oregon D Union Mill • •-0- Barefoot Perm Mill• 64 Pittsburgh do 7 Laurel 11.— • 79 Sav a age -----• • • • -07 p..= A --•--O W} Hem.. ---• 6-4 brown canon--- 9011 Bleached do- —• • ..400 do do— •• • • 7 400 4-4 do do— "tau - Bryant drill. • • 740 Bleached-- 8010 e 75nkmgs • • • 4 401. I Hamilton— • • •-•-••--018 2 1 f1.4.1.115(11..-•-•- • • . I Brown , , A.C. A• • • -01 No 1 mperior • —• •-016 4 Colored Cambric, 440 8 Fang Prints —• • Nen ' Fall River Blue•—•--0 9 Merriam.. Fall 8.. Blue & Orange 90104 York Ticks 104 Dllll4l1 -per lb Agnes 14 0 17 Asafeetida ..... •18 Arrow Boot - 0 12 Aquafortia• •-_..... 0 " hlf. bbl. O Backarhent, CCr th• •• • —0 2 hlf. bbln. RODe. Feed—per bushel. Brim— P 0 10 Shorts• ---• 1410112 Ptah-dory on fore a caul 20 per cent. Mackerel, No. I 12,000 No.l bbla.• • • —0 6 No. 2, hIL ebla, • • • • 0 No. 2, ..... • • • • • 6,0006,25 No. I, kitta•--• • 0 Ilerria, No. I. •• • 6,;506,00 Salmon, No. I, old• 0 New 10,000 Shad• 7,660 8,00 Cod, per dram 05,60 Furs Red Fos., No. 1 0 el Muskrat • ..... 10 0 12 Raccoon 0 &S Deer Skin per lb. : -.11 0 15 Maar— Black Bottles Quart per groa • .-•— CVO Pint, do Cl,OO Mod'. eatae, s ,o ro gal— 89,00 Claretper gros. • • • Window tiles., per boo— City broads. 8010 net, 1.0r12.• Patent,do.,lMtl4 to IfllH 32242 240 101.12 35202,72 Glculpowder—Dory 20 p, COMMERCIAL RECORD. E=:rl ISQVE";lireit. fi - Suntrday, Sunday, S) !Sunday, 21 Tuesday, 21 Wednesday, 1 Thursday, 21 Friday, 5 51 7 7 4 7 14 4 51 P 151 7 10 4 7 11 4 40 PITTSBUILGH BOARD OF TRADES • COMLITTEZE 808. NOVEITZSIL REVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGH MARKET, TOE run vs= roma 71oviornsa 20. In reviewing the tosnscetiom, of the market for the week just closed, we And that co important I changes have taken place in any thing. A goner- Frvillbu to Ping":"Vb tq the Suvaueheaus Ba o - ! . I road and Pennsylvania Canal, are as Gallows, vim al quietness has prevailed, but in the ward! gen ; Dry Goods, Hata, Shoes and Bonnets, 85. , eral miles to the trade, a fair amount of butanes*, Domestics, 75c. Leather, Groceries and Hard- was done. ware 70c each. Queensware, 60e... Coffee. 50c. ! Mackerel and Shad per bbl, 81,20, and Herrings, The river has continued in nee order. and the receipts of the various productions of the west. 141,124. n By O'Connor's Lute, Diy Gtiods die, 7 t!" sc; Hard with the exception of Sour( have been 0 , . fm 4 ware and Groceries, 62sc;QUCCUSWIM Tobse while, owing to the saarcity of freight, parsing co, 60; Tin Plate and Copper, 45; Coffee, Tar, Fish. welt, burliness in the way of down freights has 82, c, 45. been very light. Freights by Elder, Gelston de Cos leer day line to Wheeling 816331,12 i fp 1 . 40 1115 s Lir ordinary ASHEZ—Tbe sales of the week have been good.- moderate, with no material change in prices.— Freights by Frailey & Harebell:a "Pioneer" live Pittsburgh, Wheeling a day Line to and the West, Re g ular limited miles hove been made m " . re g . (via Baltimore and Ohio' Itailmruij SO to 90e 41/ 100 ulaz table quotations. Sales of 20 tons soda nab to arrive at 31c cash , par funds. ALE—No change in the market. Our brewers are doing a fair business, with regular sales at 87 9329, cask included. APPLES—The receipts of green apples have been leas abundant, bat supplies are very fall, and the market inactive. We note regular sales from first hands at 75037, and from store at $105431, according to quality. BACON—The market is inactive but prices have remained unchanged. We note sales or western cured bacon in small lots by the hbd at the following usual Tama—Shoulders 41, sides 41 (3il, and hams at 61637 c pB. Of city cared ba con supplies are very light, and higher figures are obtained for prime quality. • Ullhß—The receipts have been quite full, but owing to the larger quantities passing east, supplies have not accumulated. Salo have been effected to a fair amount; of keg at 81381, and of good roll is bbls at 2 10 10 4 as to quality. BEESWAX—The market is dull, and not much is doing in the article; limited sales from store at 19(320o r B. BLOOMS AND BOILER LUMPS—No sales worthy of report; correct quotations in table. BUCKETS AND TUBS—Nothing new In the market. Receipts have been to a fair extent, and supplies are about equal to the demand, with reg. olio sales of the former at 2,25, and et the latter at $9619,50 p dor- BUCKWHEAT FLOUB.-Sappliea in store are light, with regular sales at $1,121 per sack of fin pounds. BROOMS—The market is without change.— With fair supplies in store we note regular sale. to the trade at prices ranging as in quality from 81 to 2,25 p doz. ~,BRICES—SaIes of fire bricks from store at $l5 le Id; paving from yard at 5,50056; pressed, de livered, at $l2, and common from yard at 4,5021 $5 p M. BA.TTING-14gular sale, at manufacturers prices, which range from 9 to 12 as in quality. ' COTTON, COTTON YARNS, AND SHEET INGS—No change has occurred in the market For correct quotation, of all articles under thin head, see general table. CHEESE—Receipts by river have not been so heavy, but the market is fairly supplied with a good article of W R. and we note regular sales of pod common at 5E251, and of cream at 64(32c es in quality. CRANBERRIES—With email surplice is store we can note limited sales only at tit p bu, aocording to quality. CRACKERS—No change in prices; regular .ales are effected at the following usual rates: Water Crackers $4,00 p bbl. Butter do 4 75 Pilot Bread 3 , 50 v Dyspeptic 4 00 Sugar &Soda Crackers 0c yr ta DRIED FRUlT—Within the past few days large quantities of poaches and apples have arri ved by river, and with fall supplies in More the market is dull. We note moderate sales of pea. ebbs at $1P.59381.31, and of apples at 5486 4 . cc.' cording to quality. DRIED BEEF—Sales to s fair extent at he pc , 1 pound. FLOUR—We have no important change to no tice in the matkef, unless ;t be that this article is duller, with a faitlier partial decline in pricei— Baceipti have been unusually light, and sates, .IKah from first hand, and from Wine, have beeli confined to small lots. We quote trans font band at Si, and from store in small lo th at 4,1001, 20 , whith are about the present ruling figures of the market. FISH—The present supplies are WA y adequate to the demand, and prices of all kit tds remain quite, rum as last quoted, which are e t folloanc— Salmon At slBxosl o , mackerel No I. 512, No 2 $lO, No 3 5,72158. We hear of no sales of shad the market being nearly bare; codfish 4,50 p drum, and boning at 5,7560 p bbl. FEATHERS—The receipts by Jiver have been heavy, and large quantities ore passing eastward. SOAP Sate of Piusburgh TOW. at 40 p ID, Regular sales m Malted quantities have been cf. I and of variegated at tOtol lc p 1.1 (email at 33&34e is fa. ; TAR—Regular sales of N C at 8.1611 AS per FEED—Of bran there are fair supplies in the lbameL market,tanth regular wiles from store at BalOc go ! 111001.—No chmge in price; The hallowing tea. Saran( shorts •I a range of 12 to lbc fp hats,' prices are about the rates paid by our houses as in quality. FREIGHTS--Owmg to the scarcity of freights 1 CO - Mooloo Wool— •••• • • • .............. • . 2 n from this point west, prices am maurely nominal,' I blood 22 and we find it difficult to give correct quoatilina— I do 21 The tame may be mid of the different hoes from i I do 27 this palm east- 1 Full do 30 - - - Moon's Dh• CIS 7 0 9 34 941 IS 47 II FP MORI The Baltimore American fomtabes the folloselog WHISKEY—Regular sales tit rectified at 4 , hat of frelgtaa from that point west to Pittsburgh ♦ gal and Wheeling: For all articles not rantained in this lien, - The etturges on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail gooera l table Road from Ibis cite to Cumberland are as kollosra Rats, Boots, Bonnet. and Medunnes, 3.:Je per 100 Ri...7, StOCk• and Doehasse. Iba Dry Good*, Groceries, Quemnsware. Tobacco New York, Nov. 16. 1b46. 2:5c per 100 Ihs. Coffee, Salt, and Fish, 200 per. The buoyancy of the Stock market contiaber. 100 lbs. _ and the demand (or 11,i:eminent stork is still good. The New Loan sold st 11l and Treasury Notes 31 The demand for these stocks a in advance of the supply. After the Board 510.000 of the Loan was sold at Ilk, which pays over 1 per cent profit on the price bid for it by the leading taker* The market for Sterling is quiet at tifeei9 for lending names. Some Bank bills are on the mar , ket at 9 per cent. CoMmental leis ens dull The market for Freights Is lesa active, and the rates haven downward tendency. About 10.000 bbls dour have been engaged (or Liverpool at 21 i lia., 3d, Grata is nominally '741, Cotton id, heavy freight" 23n ails. There mere several charters in I negotiation. The story in one of the morning papers that Mr. ICorcciran had sold two millions of Exchange to Messrs. Browns and Pickervgill, and that these gentlemen were to pay into the Sub-Treasury kior hundred thousand dollars per week, is with out kundatioct. Mr. Corcoran sold some time !since to Means. Brown's all the Exchange be I should draw in November, but they had nothing whatever to do with his payments to the Sub Treasury, and the entire sale, he has made of Ex ' change since he returned from London do not reach much more than one thud the amount na med above. Mr. Corcoran ins seller of Exchange On December now. There iastnme demand from abroad far our Rail Road stock, end we know of 400 shares Harlem transferred to day to a foreign capitalist.—(Tr.. I bone. IDs for ordinary goods. GRAIN—The market presents no material chaoge; receipts have been partial and simplies are limited. Regular limited sales are effected from gore at the following nominal rater—wheat 75850, rye 50, barley 55, corn 31, and oats 21825 e GROCERIES—The market is generally quiet and prices show no important change. Sales have been confined to moderate transactions at the fol lowing rotes:—N 0 sugar in bhds 5051. in this 51c p 11t4 N 0 molasses 30; sugar house do 40 , a 45c, loaf sugar Eau ; ia. • small way. Sale. of Rio coffee in limited lot. at 71071, rice in tierce 51e p Is. For other articles under this head, see regular quotations in table. GLASS—The market continues very firm as last quoted. Prices of the various rises of Win dew glass will be found in general table. The following to a condensed rot of prices of Flint glass: Plain Tumblers 1 pt, from 5 to 10 oz each, p dos, net, 310332 Pressed do 1 and 1 pint, from 6 to 10 dote do do 6201,25 Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, glass stopper 1 17 do do heavy 2do cork 3,70 do do do plain do 2.55 do do do pillar do 955 Wine glaase., plain 50075 do do pressed 170 Pitchers, qt, plain 1 $7031,70 do do pillar and ribbed 7,55 do Iqt or creams 95 Molasses Cans, pt plain 1,25 do do do ribbed 1,81 Plates, 6 in., pressed and dg 75 Castor &riles, fluted 63 Jars, i gal, Laquered rover 2,50 do gal do do 3,25 HOPS—The market is rather dull, with regular axles by the bale, at soloo p lb as in quality. HONEY—SmaII sales from store by the box it 18c p lb. HAY—Regular sales from store at 67,50089 p too. IRON AND NAlLS—Prices of all kinds re main steady as lout quoted, see table. LUMBER—Considerable quantities hove am red by the Allegheny since the rise, but receipts were not so large as anticipated. Fair quotation. will be found above. LEAD—During the past week, receipts have been write full, and supplies have increased.— , Regular sales of pig at 4041, and of bar al 410 din p Ib. LEAD PIPE—The various sizes are sold at prices ranging from 61 to 1210 p foot LEATHER—The market for all kinds remains hem, with regular sales at quotations. MEAL—Supplies of corn meal are very light, with regular limited sales at 45e50• p bu. MALT—Bales from store at 80 to 85 for barley and 700 Gar rye p ho. METAL—The arrivals tram Hanging Bock and from the Allegheny, have been to a fair extent, ' and sales have been effected as follows -Of Hang ing Bock, 400 tone cold in two sales at $3O, limos; 500 mos Etna at 530, 6 mos. Of Allegheny mets al, we hear of the following Balms-100 tons Web , star tit $2B, 6 and 6 mos, 02 tons same at 26,50,4 and 5 mos, 80 tons, mixed lot at 25.50, 6 moa n 100 '' tons Baker's at 327,4 mos, and 100 tons Indiana al to SJO ris, ,4 e. m .r os. he re Of ce tt et re oni sal ui es r a is l e ni i .i n 1 0.7 A n ia n gh a e " • ny permitted the arrival of only some 15 to 20 . boat., mostly lightly freighted. Had the rise been , more general, some 12,000 tons would probably , have been brought down. OILS—The market is quiet, with regular Bales of linseed at 82c. and of bud at 536390 sr gall.— 'Sales of Tanners' oil at 617631 9 p bbL PEANUTS—Receipts by river have been unt. usually large, principally from Tennessee Sales of 40 seeks on the wharf at $1 ip bu. Sales from store at' 81,12 yr be. SEEDS—Tbe market for timothy and clover is doll, with light sales of the former at 51,75512, and of the latter at 3,62213.75 ba. Sales of Bas. seed at 90095 c, and of mustard at $ 2 ,/ s rirS 3 Per bushel. • SALT—spas from one at $1,39 bbL Wool per 111—Tharp 30 par rent Prime 0 35 Full blood 0 03 blood 0 27 i blood 0 20 and Common 19 0 03 Tub warhed 0 03 _ 0 _ _ 0 - Whiskey—per gallon Rcai6ed• Raw Monongahela Zine—per ID Shoe, Slab Freights—por 100 lb .. To Cincinnati. Dry Goods 2s. To Dry Good: 370 Heavy 0— FromLonisbille to tit Dry Goods Heavy To St. Louis. Dry. Good. Heavy To and Erie . Dry Good's Heavy To mad from Broorchville. Dry Good. (down) 0 Pr.Mee, &c. (up) 0 To Nashville. Dry Goods Heavy To %VheellnEr. Dry Goods Heavy To Zanesville Dry Good. H 7 v ll.l•Cr Dry Good. Heavy To Ness (Mean.. Heavy Goods Glass, &a ====! The boll money Market presents little or n change; considerable scarcety prevail. The following are the rates of exchange. EXCHANGE. Selling rate. Buying rate. Nem York,, t pm. C incinnati, I r di Philadelphia, N , I " Lamfondle, Baltimore, I " St Louis, " BANK NOTES. Buying rate. Buying nuts di.lCo do City order" Notes, _ " ' Kentucky, " " Pennsylvania Co. Virginia, " New York, do Wheeling " " Maryland, Tennessee, 5 " New Orleans, I=l Ausaurrr, Nov. 20, 1548. BEEVES—Some 400 bead were offered at the yard on Mooting'. and were mostly taken at 3,3003 84 tr. 100 IN. Good cattle are scarce. SHEEP—A limited number were sold at 510 51,50 p bead. HOGS—Sales at 3,50 4 1 , 100 PORT OF PFI"I'SBURGIL A RFUVEL, LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Bholes. Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Brilliant, Grace, Cin. Pilot, No 2, -, Cin. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.] Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie.S holes, Beaver. Skipper, Stoops, Cm. Wellsville. Barns, Ctn. Cambria, Forsyth, St Louis. Telegraph. Mo I. Hallep, Louisville. Hlliernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville. At dusk last evening, there were 5 Wet 3 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packets, OA. M., and P. M. Nashvnle Fort Pitt. Cumberland. New Orleans De Wiu Clinton. Cincinnati Danube, Highlander. Ringgold. Consignee. OrlentaL .That whiter skin of hers, Man nem And pare as monumenUal alabaster.. All females have akin like the above, who use Janes SPllliith Lily Whlta. maksth punt snowy, 'mums Buy white. Sold at CO LlbenrirgracL - int I:7imutT7m Pl//110 PORTIA,. JOHN IL BIELL,OII, Nol3l Wood street, has now received a hill worri ment of Pisno Fortes, selected from the following manufactories In BOA= and New York, to which the attention of purchasers in respectfully invited. Those from Mr. Chlekeriog, (for the sale of which he is rote Agent in Western Penn sy I va nna) have what Is termed the New Clreolar Seale; being en improvement recently made, nod giving them a decided arlyantagein power and equality of tone over any others. The following are the patterns and styles H o se Cc soted. 7 ock. a: No. I. tes, finished back A front, 154130 "di " richly caned " 41400 4 1 8400 " 6 4 " carved moulding. " 15400 6 1 " 63116664 back and front, 143:2i " Uf - " , 8320 " - 15326 " 6 u " " 8:1Z " B projecting front, • 1530 D 7 nobly carved, sryle of Louts 14th. hollow corners and hollow eor- 70 0 73 IP 0 3,50 • 65 0 77 . . - • • • eyed legs, second hand. cost originally 6.123, and will he sold at a veryreduced price. No. 12. Rosewood, round comer, very elegantly fin ished, 6275 No 13 Rosewood, round comer, very el egantly Entailed, 6173, The above are manufactured by H. Worcester, N. well known as being connected formerly with Mess. Sward, Worcester & Dunham, N. T. No. 13. Rosewood, 6i, carved moulding, made by the hlanhatuuri Company, N. V. $275. No It, Rosewood curved, 6 octaves, Gals fs Co's. N. T, 8250. No. IS " plain 6 u " 6= 3 ) No 16, Rosewood Grand Piano, mode by lisnd Hera, Paris. NOl7, Blithogany, 6 octaves, second hand, price $75. Old Pianos taken to part payment for new ones. JOHN H 1116.1.1.0 R, Sole Assent for Chickering's Grand and Square Plano Forte. for Western Pennsvlvani. octl7 SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS flip!" MINNS I CLARK, New York; CI:IMRE:YUNG, Boston; The subscriber has now open and for sale, a lot of most superior PI6110•, se lected by himself at the manufactories. • •• • • .• They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of of 0, 6* and 7 octaves, of various styles and prices, and embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Nonn• & Clark's, (for which celebrated firm be is sot& Airmen) have an improved way of stringing poisoned by no other, also, a superior plan of leathering the hammers, preventing these Pianos from growing harsh and wirey after now .e. The Pi smos of Chickering, of which he has a superi or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and were mleeted for him with mere by J. Chiekering, of Boston. The above will punitively be mid at manufacturers' prices, arid on accommodating terms. The subscriber will invanably be found al I IV Woodvrell's, from II to to 12 A. M. and from to SP. M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business during the balance of tune. H. KLEBER, omit) at J W Woodwell's. e 3 Third et GRF.AT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The subscriber has just received from Europe, and for sale. an entirely new invention of hone Forte, rolled the CAB INET PIANO FORTE., which possessing more power and sweetness them the square Piano, occupies but one fourth as much room, and is a much more showy and handsome precept' furniture. it a parucularly desira ble whore the wring of spree is an object,--being ex ceedingly neat and cumpact, and occupying no more room than a small side table. The subscriber has in hand a nownontal of its supenonty from the celebra ted prafuse.Moschclics, in hie own band wnungoaluch may be inspected. H LEBER, oorz. At 1 W Woodwell's EW DOOKS—Looms' Elements Trigonometry. .1.1 —Elements of plain and superficial Trigonome try, yea their applications to Mensurution, Surveying and Navigation: by Etas Loomis, A M. A First Bonk in Creek; coneatrung s full view of the form of words, with sockbalaries and cantons exer cises on the method of constant imitation and repeti tion: b 7 John hPCliittock. b. D , Professor of Langua ges, sod George R. Cross's, A. hl , Adjunct Professor of Longnages in Dickinson College Upham's Life of Madame Cothanne Adorns, edi tion. A new novel—The threspline of Life. Parts 9,10 and 11 of Harper & Broths.' splendtd il lcutrated edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertainment. The above works received thi• day by express and for sal, by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, ro•la ear Id and market no - _ - W ATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING.—Having in employ the hest workmen to be found. together th a large and complete ataock of fine t.tol• and ma chatter), adapted to complicated work. and making with •ccuracy and facillty new pieces, customers may depend on cautdashon. anti at about the same price* they pay In many shops for trnitcrfact work, and in ma ny easing (or postn•e henry done in their watches All mar work a warranted to perform well. N B reduced or tantne. to • enith sy•- tem 1 1012 determined to .11. love. the lowest regit I====2lllo that they can make their purcbasee tn dds Intr. as cheap in the eastern clues, therenY unduomdma home made and tnduatry. W W WILSON n0v1.3 Ell= SOLI Seaac7 pus Nee. • rt. kes C.6I2IRATZD Ptexos TILE subse rt Nee has mot replentabed lippl: 1 911. stock or honns. which for ..nett or yie and prices b. ne - rer been sea paaaed is thto et.y Just received and opened, the follow - ma neve P 1•1104. One 7 °eta, cablarl grand Piano, att entirely new 1.01,11110t1 One Homewood W, vela eimenstt Non. • Clark (ins One •• with Coleman's celebrated ..Eoltan At. tachenent TD.. is • eery supenor Piano this. mottortant , plain, 7 , 1 A C novl3 11 K1.i.7.11ER., at J w Woodaretro AT his Old St /Led, corner of Stenhfieid street and Mama: a alley. Pill.burgh. Pa, would respectful. ly e.ll 1.5., attendee of Country AlerehanO, Hotel and L.ttesrabeat Barkeepers. to a large and serener miser, tarot of IMPORTED CIOAR., among which onll he found the follelong brands, eta' Roale, Regada, Car, tette., Principe. 1.. Nnrcrtna. :Aar Brand Mlnerta and Dollar Hersh.. all of which soil be told as 100 aa run be had at any other houoe an the roof Also, conmanity on hand and for sale, a largo mod well .alerted stoat of Virg - mu, Mlutoort. and Vtue Cat Chewmg Tot arao A 1.., Havana. Cons and Common Leal Tol,aceo, eonan&M/7 on hand and for role nov3-dten liereetketyg.--tealvoraised Tin Plates. I , llEmoerrmer. lag to chit the attention of Builders. Atehttecto end owners of Buildtnga, to the many advantages semen these planw pouewi over ail other metallic sabstances hitherto used tor roams. &c , as they pease.. at once the Itgbuteas of iron, wtthout its Rabb to rest, havtng nw been tested for rereral year. to tht. paroca/ar, bo th to this country and in Bac ova They ant less bab/e to expansion and sontrac tom Ban madden change of the ...sphere- than cunt mon do Fames, icon, sine, or any other metal now used for routing, and consequently form • much better and tighter roof,remstring far lees frequent repairs, wham the first cost is bill • Male more A full supply, of all such iron If to 30 W. ft, eon. .gout' on hand and for sa'e by GEt) B. MOREWOOD a, CO, 11 and Id Beaver street, New lork. The patent right for this article h•virt; been secured for the United Sweat ell parties Infringtng thereon, either by importawin or otherwise, will be proseou. ted. oet.lo-el& tor yT RUNT PROOF IRON 11 . 11.: undersigned have erected works in the city of Now York, for ibe purpose of Galvanizing rill ant of Iron, winch ais desirable to PROTEC FROM RUNT, auch as Telegraph Wire, Ilona, !spikes. Nub, Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be required For Hoops for Ca. as • sobs nine for bale Rope, for Clotbea Laghtiung Rod, and a host other epplicatione, it will be found cheap and durable. The woald particularly cad attention to he Galvani sed y Wire for fence, It requires no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Volta, the preservation co which Is of so roach linponanee, that it will commend itself to the nonce of all those interested. . . . UE:O B. 61011t.WOOD a Co., Patentees, ont3o-416.ortyT 14 end 16 Beaver et, N ork MUSICAL ADVEELTISENIENT • • Pfltigheit. , Uß CIHiIVTIAN brUtil most respectful ly announces to the coiserts of Putsburgh and vicinity, that he has commenced gtvlng instrucuon on the Piano. His method of Innructins is very easy, and adapted to I am in a very short time. He hopes by strict attention to his bourses, and by reasonable prices, to merit a share of the public patronage. Those wishing to hear him play, are invited to leave their with the tune best suited to them, at the Music gloms of Mr Mellor or Cl,. Blume. B?aaaaancas-1 11. Nlullor, Euq Fredonek Blum Victorl4.eriba, Bookseller. noel)-dim• FRESH OY BYERS, B Y THE CAN, of .rt peor /veiny, at lour prices, put op by the subscribers expressly for the use o families and pantos, ran be procured at the Remo runs la this and Allegheny cities, at the store of R Rrtox, 4th street, Pdtsborgh. U. Jenkins' store, All, heap city, and at the Oyster Depot St. Charles Hotel Weed at 1.0.1,11 m 1101. T & MALTBY Ofilo• of American fa Foreign rm Patents. Ti AMEII tiREEN O E O II, of the line fib of Keller • tif Ureenough, continues the business of Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his office in the city of WitIaIIINGTON. lie may he consulted and em ployed In making examinations in machinery in the Patent Office and elsewhere, in famishing drawings and specifications of machine., and all papers neeeasa ry, transfer, amend, re Issue or extend letters patent in the United gluten Of Europe. lie can also be consult ed professionally on all queations of litigation ana log under the Patent Law, and willargue ques tions before the Patent °Moo or an appealtherefrom, therefrom, for which his long experience In the Patent Office and In his profesalon, have peculiarly fined hon. The pro. fesslonnl busiacia of the are Ur. T. P. Jones having been placed In his hands, all letters In relation thereto should be addressed to him pop paid. aura/diktat:ull NEW ARRANGEMENT POCTOR B. W. NORRIS her log recently purchas ed the Drug Store formerly owned by Hays et ckway, No. a Commercial Row, Libert street, Dittsbergh, takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that his store will at all times be supplied with an extensive end general assortment of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Patois, nil., Varnishes, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every ar ticle railed tor to a drug store, vshlch will always he sold as low as at any other house to the city. swoole sale or retail. Eloping to merit a share of the publm patmortge, nothing shall be wanting to give entire rot. iefaction to his customers. weer-male gteilrogtiutl.Y; or ills - Witter ro BE W h 1 N/ AMIN V. ORRIS, still continues to practice the info and popular remedy railed Rdropath) or the Water Cum, and admired will meat dimes. Alinpathlenll7. Obstitrical eases will he et tended to promptly. N. Morris may be coneulted at his Drug Store, No. 1) Commercial Bow, Liberty street, during business limn, or at his residence, morning and even ing, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwin 's alley. oweg-tepl4 DR. D. 1117 N T ,, elliilll. Corner ofFourth uld Decatur, between Market and Fam!u.enia. neol.dlyin GEO. W. 8811TH & TNPOIthI their Mends and the public that they have no hunter any connection with their late establish ment to Penn street, known as the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their entire business to the POINT VREWERY, ID Pin street. nrylfed y 8 7010 imam D. D. D0CH14212 — "RITCHIE & nEBL FORWARDINo COMMISSION NO. 03 TCHOUFTTOULAI3 STREET', well.dgeweet•S New Orleans. (1161P13 AND PaINDES—Smlth ea Johnson, 46 Ma ket la, have received a choice lot of Gimps and Vrialrealat.o, • lot of Volvo Ribbons sad Silk Cords. catvl4 HOUSES; LOB, FARMS, Ito. VAISIMULIM PSOPIORTY POR 11/1.13. THAT property lately occupied by B. Nixon, Esq.,on Craig amen, near BObinsou, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is 33 loot 4 inch. on Craig sip naming through to the Canal 13tIfeet. Thera tea two story frame darellinglortae on the premiees, ately built, and the lot is well improved, containing a variety of choice troll tree., grape, shrubbery, /co Me property is convent. ently situated for persons doing basinms in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny,and Is a &Arable residence. Title indwpotable. For terms apply to W3l. BOYD, Attor ney at Law, Mace on Fourth street, above Smithfield apt-dif Sifitr&ortats 6osTrand for Sale, Q !MATED on the Monongahela river,about 16 miles 1,3 from Pittsburgh sad 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate netghborbood of Messrs. Lyon & Shorb, and Mr. John Berron's purchase. This (MO body of Coal will be sold at the low price of =per arm—one third to hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without Interest. Title indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular. enquire of & BALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro pony. Reaidence ltd st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams , Row. N. D. There Is another seam of coal on this tract, about GO feet above the lower, of excellent quality. jythltdtf S. IL lieeftlstate In Ohio. . ATRACT of land, no ac rea I n Harrison, POMP Co., on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres under im provement. Moo, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co., fu feet by 911. Also, a lot of ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a fins dwelling house and store--one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold on very accommodating terms. MAIM! DIC & [obi° Water and Front sm. Eit=M - - - • - - SIIE large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec ca str6et, Allegheny city, by R. 8. Carman, Eaq., is teed for sale at a bargain, and on easy teems. The lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts IVO feet on Rebecca street, and tuns back LIU feet to Park street. The main building is of brick, threestories high and GO feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine Hour+, is large and commodious, with an engine, In:tiler, stack, An., all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and en advantageous terms. For price, terms, Sc., enquire at this other. aurat-dlf FOR RENT. AA THE subscriber offers for rent for the term 'of Ala one or more years, a large convenient well fin ished two story Dwelling Hott•e, containing 6 rooms and Kitchen. There Is a lot of ground containing le acres of fine young fruit trees of every kmd, stable, Ire., connected with the house. To any person wish ing a delightful residence within a few mintutes ride of the city, this will be a rare chance. For terms, which will he low 10 a good tenant, inquire of Mr. /no. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, or of 0er2841 THEO. F. WRIGHT. THE subscriber will sell on accommodating ten., • valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the mad leading from Brighton to Fronk lin, atmm eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight mile. from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 4ilr/ acres and ilk perches, atrial measure The land is of so excellent quality, about DO acres cleared, and well watercil, and will be sold either in whole or in fartms of convenient axe, in suit purchaser.. For further partienlars enquire of WM. BOYD, Aryl at Law, office on 4th aL above Stodhneld, Pittsburgh. roykdrltcunf T — Property in Allegheny Cit y for Wale. THE sobscnben offer for sale a number of choice Lots, situate to the Second Ward, fronting on the Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of W. Crll. ROBINSON, Atty at Law, St Mlle st or of JAS ROBINSON, on theorem... mrl7td,kwtf T VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE —A Lot of Ground mutate on Penn - - . . . • . . .. street, between flay and Illarbory streets, adjoining the bons. and lot now occupied by Ate/lard Edwyda, baring a front of `..5 feet., and in depth 12U feet, snit be sold on favorable terms. Tule oneleepttonable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th sr, new Wood. ocMl-drf CC33:1:17 2. A THREE: story Brink Dolling House, on Water. •hove Grant street. Pouesslon given on the first of January, GAS., or sooner if molted_ • EIZZ=2=I n 0.7 0 BLACKBURN ar. Co, water sr Deetrablo Country Elostdono* tar 8010. 'WISHING to Marc to the city next Sputa. I itanll sell or exchange lordly property, my present rem ewe an Lawreneerdle. ft. property te beaus, Ity located on the Greensburg urnpike, about INJ mot. &Ire (tons the centre utile etty. ert.alts• NUHT. D. THOMPSON, 110 Market n Valuable Itestdeitee In Allegheny City IONTE3I I' .ATIN (i a removal from rkliegheay city, %._/ I *ler my residence Il r, (Or sale. The premises ore in deughuut order. and