The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 20, 1848, Image 4

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ITALMAMIX 11l • vlbeal
nil cigar =Mut eta -
Comation, Coughs,'Coldi, Asthma, Einute.hilia,
er Compliant, Spitung Breast,ettr Bomb
log. Pain i the Bide and Palpitation of
the Heart, Inductile, Croup, Droken Con
stitution, Sore Throat, NeTTMIS Debili
ty. end all Diseases of the Throat,
BreastawlLlZlgM the most ef
actual • and speedy care
ever known for any of •
the above diseas
es, le •
T 4111:nVeit.rt 15 0 Mnrer Of ento W ernitu i re (=Mil
utility. It lion passed away from= the Mouse-Ms daily
launched upon the tide oftg-mem and now wands
higher tepatation„atid Ismotrdrig more extensive
ly used than any otpcepuretion of medicine ever
produced for the re lief'l of suffering men.
It ha. been , introduced very generally through the
United Soma and Fxrope, and there are few wend. of
hot what 'contain some remarkable ovi
deem of its good effects. For motor the foregoing
statements, end of the value and efficacof di,, medi
cine, the proprietor will insert a fur of them y thou
sand testimouial• which have been =muted tohimby
prien of the first resr lability—men who have higher
Views of moral nsibility and Justice; than to cer
tify uo Meta beemie it will do another a favor, and
themselves no injustice. Sorb testimony proves TOD
chnively4bat rorprising excellence n established
by Its intrinsic men., and the unquestionable authori
ty of public opinion. The irstantaneou relief it af
fords, and the seething influence diffused through the
whole frame by its use, renders its most agreeable
remedy for the afflicted.
"When men, acting front comeinithou impulses.
voluntarily bear testimony twthe truth of a thing or
=weenier fact, such test:crony, being cannery . to their
worldly interest. and purposes, coerce. connctioe
fu truth, and comenends itself in a special manner to
universal credencer—O`Hogene Moral Maxims.
STILL , Ararnum CUTS Ire Perterreatri Comarnom—
There never was a. remedy that has been us sucesaful
in desperate cant of Connimption, as Dr. tilemyruse
Compound Syrup a - Mild Cherry, lt strengthens the
system, and appears to heal the ulcers wilheleings,
creating new and rich blood; power posaused by no
other medicine.
Comae Co., April 25th, 1843.
Dr. Swum—DM-Sin I verily behave your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the moms of
saving my Me. I taught a revere cold, which grads
ally grew worse, attended with a severe eaust. that
resisted all the rest:Mlles widen had recourse to, eill
;Pulmonaryasi until my cue exhibited all the symptoms of
Cormunotion. Entry thing I tried seemed
to have no effect, and my complaint increased so rapid.
ty that friendsas well as myselfi gave up all hopes of
yourry At this time Irettomatended invy
inval o uabbt medicine: I did so with the most hap
py met a.. Th e first bottle had the of to lowan the
acsigh, causiog me to expectorate freely; and by.•the
time Chad aced boules, everte wellt_and
tuna an bean! IllFl OS I e TT. in my. me, ie j d;
would he happy to give any information maw. fi ns .,
au, that Other auuerers may derive the benefit f or
o stick la= Co grateful. For the truth of th e above
statement, I refer you to Peter Ruh, Grocer, West,
Chester, Pa., of whom I purchased the medicine. -
Respectfully yours, . Jesse Manisa
Wonderful Curs of fi nkfethodist Mincer.
Dr. Sorayne—Dear Tin I feel &debt of grantudo des
te you—and a duty. to the afflicted generally, N Weer
my humble testimony of your Compothul By
rap of Wild Cherry. Some three year* sinew I was
violently attacked with cold end inflammation of the
I,un;s, which
In enre t“ tris t P dt a tt=l, '4lh ve allu"sins
tia1i.1.3." o e fr.i. diem th7lai e Zei 'd e:pe- r'.
Wally upon change of weather, however slight. At
tint I feltro alum Mont my condition, but was pretty
aeon convinced theft was rapidly going into consuitop
don. I grow daily weaku, and at length was mane
ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, anti
• was theenceeding 'weakness of my Imge. During this
time Mind triedwiriona prepared°. and prase npu cos,
but found no site d
awl et the time warm. gut
here I witedsdched awl penneded by a deer friend in
Wilmington to =Acute of your Syrup of Wild Cher
- ry. I mast coofise that previously I had been preju
diced agaimit patent meilleines, and I aim still against
those coming out of the hands of ereperies, but under
standing year CIOIIII4 to theprofemen and practice of
medicine, and having implicit faith in the saying of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, a few bottles, and cOmmeneed it. one. My di.
eerie was &tits*: dine of 'Mlor 55 mottle:` standing, con
segue:illy it MU deeply seined. • I found, however,
considemblerelier froth the use
ony of tie first four or five
bottles. But being a Dahlia Speaker, I hegem =at
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and
thereby ruptured those vessels that bad already began
to h ea l, m this way. doubtless, my cure was.grewly
retarded to consequence of awing thus imprudently.
I had to use twelve or 'fifteen bootee before I was fier
hotly restored. Finn no question, a much mailer
number of bottles would have made me sound, butler
the above indiscreflan. The Syrup alloyed the fever
ish habit, took away the distressing cough, pet • stop
to the discharge al matter from the lunge; and gave
t h em and the e ntire system good health. I hue defer
red offering this certificate until now, for the pampas
of being perfectly satirfted with the permsnancy of the
cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer h with
pleasant. • Stsr. J. P. /omen.
Dublin county, N. C.
Important Caution—Read.' Seal
There is but one genuine preparation of Wild CherrY,
and that WV, % SWAYS. the first ever offered to the
pablic, which has been sold largely throughout the
United Stems and some parts of IXropei and an pre
parations elated by the name of Wild Cherry have
been put out =tee this, under cover of some decepuve
eirmunsumees, in order to give currency totheir sales.
By a little observation, m ofl need mistake the
genuine from the lelse. Each bottle of the germinal,
enveloped whit , a beantifn/ Wel engraving . , with the
likeness ofWillieni Penn thetconsd,'Dr.ihreyne • s
signeurna, and as further security, the portrait of Dr.
florayne will be added hereafter, so as to distimpdsh
his preparation from all others. Now, it'll we.o not for
the grim! eunuivezop;ries arr yi kr a rri ch virrues of Dr.
S are ' S ' no% be Com l eTtd rag to give carm e n ej tl r tit e e l u -t
.fictitions nostrums , ' by atosimp the name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the near
of Da Swept. and be out deceived.
Principal (Eke, corner of Eighth and knee sweets,
For sale wholesale end retail by 06DF2 , 01 fr. SNOW
DEN, eat 2,1 and Wood sts; B A PAHNESTOCK
Co. vat Ist and Wood, and nth end Wood sun WM
1110 EN, 53 Markel et; S JONES, 180 Liberty au JAS
A JONES , cur Hand nod Penn sta JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegheny city, and by ell respectable dealers in
HatCalkiNT OP THIS CITY, who had been al.
11. Sided with the asthma for four yonrs, had taken
almost every thing His physiciana constantly atten
ded him, and he had expeoiled overithro thousand dra
b= He neverbelieved in advertised medicates, ion
coneldered them ell humbugs. At bun he tried Dr.
Taylor's Baboon of Liverwent, from 73 Beekman street,
New York, and in ids weeks was entirely cured, hav
'lag taken and) bodes. This is only - Cole of marry
cases where try objections ICI a plum =dim.
have prevented persons front using thlsthedicino, who
have expended hundreds of dollars to their phi-stein=
Ib valti—arld In dui end owe their recovery to the lank
lible efficacy of this purely v.nytable pre/ennui=
Thar mar nustake, that this m edi cine is superior to
any prescribed. by al advisers This
Medleinelas taken Di pars to morons, and is the so
rest remedy fa: diseases ever introduced totheeriublic.
littommenc wa, Cocos, son SIWITSMiI Or Bess
Celmnl7-Sufering for a long time *with thse complait7
I hod given up o il hope ofbeing cond. 1 hod count L
ed the loot nie. and homeepsthic dotter* in vain. I had
used many artieles adveilsed, but found no relief 10
despair I had given up the ithe otallatedichics Hem ,
log of the gthatairtnes of Dr.Taylor* Balsam of Le:W
indt; andthe NMI COM it had perkrmied, Indoccd
as m etier ; and to my gicat joy
my b dolly. I eontimnd it. tuts, also his Sugar-
Coated Ellsjunta lam @dimly eared. Dr. TayEarce
/Ishoun of Lreerwort !Mc medicine in the world
costliest; cenuileints, and wUI cure every me afflicted.
Citintain of the Nanc AWN York.
damns Craw.-1 have ordered from the kith= It
very long time, cud have used every medicine I could
obtain for Its cure hi 'vain, tordl I tried Dr. Taylor's
Salsamof Llircrwon: This Medicine has afforded me
man muff.% benchrOutd is, in my opinion: enure for
_Ns &tr sloe disease; more *specie/Iy, es I know of
may gases among my friend:, where It has been high
ly successful. Persons interested ore loaned to call
atm residence for farther Information-
MIS. S. auras, 1181 aurens at.
Sold In Plltiborgh by .1 D Morgan 13 Wood ati
Tosztsend, 431darket st; H Smiler, car Markel and
3d sts; Henderson& Co, 5 Liberty st Prize reduced
to -sl, per bottle. leg •
B. A. Falisnestack,s Anath.BlllLana POL.
ina Cathartic compound combines suatiness e!
bulk with efficiency end compurutive mildness a
nrgaive action, {nal having peculiar tendency to
dm Wintry organs, is extremely veltable in this cone•
mimin teach baba*, lams and other compleinue
ed with canes= of the liven wench ebomai.
Thsy have new stood the test of 20y ears, and experi
ence bas proved than to ben wife and enable remedy
in Letameteot i Vievratenit sad Baas Fevent; Maus.
din; !Tana Cabe; Dabgettion; Dram Dysentery.
Mons Fenategs; GehMand easepbunts era in
ilmouniorl cherscier. The complete sad eniventa
atistaction adsorb kiss trattstrenby these pillito sit
who Mae ante wed then!, reedars the pablidupg of
the nnmenotts centicinne in their favor. Meinentar•
To prevent coomer2insir4 they are oar .pa sp i n a
rid aTiori* .Tl W .L.
Pnee Cent& Of I bOZ COZWELin
Prepared sad sold by
tenter In end wood, and also corner 6th and rood :
. .
rJ OFUERS , -.
Lexmozos. Va., Om. 12, PAS.
Mg R. E. Sol err—Orte of me ptlysielan whose
pmiesies is very extensive. told MO that mo m my or 0
ease In which one vial or your Vermifuge brought
sway above SO warms; and a . gentleman in th e align
behead said that lees than hall avid caused the dis
ehargerof noir SO large worms from' one of his chit
dun. Very many of Etch instances' might be mated.
It lava knovOn gent here, mid alintm ith prefer it in
any other : Send Moth dozgearul oblige
Votes,- .11.16. WILSON.
Parents who do not wirlt to, Ville with their children,
should ono tellers ,
'lmaged and sold by a s kazials, .57 Wood st.,
• Wild 2 4 Dr 011401, L4ll D hI Curry, Allegheny.
MOWS COUGH 4 34f117F-:-Il Farm , t. be dm
great Panacea to eatias oty dad , ' thereselng
rreta ateTernourenee Banner, Nays IM7.
Conaz Ihrzert.—We are•not is the bablt of pudinj i
isaeh lenrtiklnAst tactlielam but our feel dUpo
rile Syrup to those arboaroafttlet
..l" a camel- • r ha:Anil - deo tha annaltroutco
dieilo =Wee • entunant bad dletreulng entaSb, dm_
had Wr strreral Ikr • Ilinitted one of our ebildrerlOnnw
oat sitcom, yre were Indueedtio try Morilna l e emelt
oryrap, and by It Wier was obtained In a few hours. It
mead to be But pantroa In ddh ease at lean.
Prepared wholesale andretail by the tor,. .
JOHN D MOMS. Onstribo,
dfbT *load st, I doerbdow oteoond &ley
' PECPOEANTD superior to el sther rweediss Col
Osligildeaustaptiott, Drosehttisswstlassosstl mh.a.ty.,*
wry leow,to that the sou persatwetho thautimald
Ails brills their- Dallies top yam - ayo Will miry It to syl
Otherremetliw °Mu Ida: awl 'wbull hath bum isdotswi
upstream: propsystiests they haw athwart beseyithly u st s
llatowaintatia retstwistt 10. 10081 whirl was Sestaots
p.l.dDamthoelthpl ites bestowed
_tba proprwtor4
owl how lensed to the iloo Jams , WWTOILSOT, sa
to simady.that tm now WWI , . repersikria ardtirli,4
ordibry gessithattib rathagwlw4,owl
"maid asly , by Dr D. Ja y e
Phil e Iplths, sad wades
. Fourth 41
---""-"''"-----J'ilN,Esraecroa will, in tom mai
lust jon4b ,
imv ealeofrn,i . 1
mim e tbs.. ,
and.% tural:wouttda, Wars sa sores of any kW
"Wad wiz.
,Thirralasibre PelmExtrzetor es. be
101 . 01, , , - 1410J 2 RDIO RGAN Trim;
rtAIRRIAGECUM—Aut received,s,
Itabtai Cirtlege Cloth, from 4. to quarlors 1041,
peffeetir watetwooti gad a ari : durable snide. Far
rals . at its lath . Etabber Dsact, Na Woe st. •
rg , .4Vbsir -'—'-' ; "---- IIIti Colroi
/ITST , tor taby_AT
it: oiiimiio NEW—lndia Bobber Deoklog Cal3l
074 bat reeirod,sl dor indls Rubber Drinking Cups
• val Flo{ *Kish/dor sa!rs et the India RAVIDde a
ms's.,- ire•ll IL etiCr. Pea
. _ Pi a +
.14 Lq
. r , ;" ries 'Men%ere Magashkte.' •
SUICIStiet, Spond principle, of Banking, stan k and prht
ciptee of I.4lrtsurance and Savingt Hanle, Engitsh
and Aregictul,L.nw Ddelitioncin reference to the hem
nee• of Sante and Ennyeta, he. Edited by 1. Smith
Particular attention wilt be given as heretofore to oho
compilation at recent decisions respectini Banks. Boo
kers, Bills of "Exchange, Promissory Notes, Usury,
Bands. Notaries, Damages, /co., in the Bound of hiss
sachasetts. Connenucutittlt w York. Pennsylvania,
Maryland, Vinita 3, Sonth'esmolina, Ohio, Louisiana,
Tennestiee,,ind other States. This will be or, of tie
most important features of the work, and will in ns&if
claim the attention of Presidents, Cashion L Tellers,
Notaries and others. Among o th er details or import
ance to:bankers and others, the work will contain sta
tistics of the Banks in every Stale of the Union: Inn
graphical sketches of ronunent Bankers of Europe
and-Americm . Otheird !tides showier the debts, busi•
neon, expenditure', and financial condition of the sere
ral States of the Union,
. . .
Published monthly. 131 pages octavo, nt Tu r , t k o •
in pet
ELLIOTT h. ENGLSH, 78 Wood tn.
atte3 Agents tor Hankers' 'Magavne..
Baker & Scribner's Publications
Rl4 ',absently. havuts been appointed agents roe'
the sale of the publications or theal, woll
known publishing hoes, have a full mpply io of thite
book. on hand, which they can sell at the comer') pri
ces, wholesale end retail. Among the work. which
have been recently trued by them, which have beet,
h recommended us exceedingly interesting and
v i al b rlblemay be found—The Cgar,lus Court and Fed
plc; Ireland's Welcome to the Serengeti 13clhel Flag,
by Dr. Spring', Napoleon and his Marshals.
too and his Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators
or France; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist.
Charlotte lUisalicih's Uniform Works; T S. Arthur's
Making Haute to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping
up Appearances. Debtor and Creditor. /cc he.
Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the
character of whom nutdientions is well known. Tar
retine's Theology, in 4 volt; Haldane on Romans; Ale
cb,,ine's works; The Convent, by author orS4:kool Girl
1,, France, ha. he. New books received WI . ..II as
so published. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
myti 7k wood and 513 market eta
AMEW WORK BY DR. 3100 RE—Hot laud Ihn
motives, by Geo Moore, author of Body, attdAind,
Soul and Body, etc. Price 300.
Thankfulness, a narrative; comprising paasur es from
the Dairy of the Rev All. Termitic: by Rev Charles II
Tayler, kl. A. Me.
Chalmers' Posthumous \Yorks, Yoh 4. Sabbath
'&eripmre Readlot. New Team:tem, Vol.'. St.rat
Historical and Miscall.eous Question. by 11 hlang
nail. hkisbracing the Elements of Mythology, Astron
omy, Architecture, Heraldry, sic. etc. From the Pith
London edition. Adapted nu achools in the U. States,
by Mrs Data Lame-nem Rterovings. SLIM
Poems by "Ameba." Fifth edition, en.l.gcd. Extra
gill edge..
Plato Contra Atheoa.—Plato against the Atheists, or
the tenth hook of the dialogue . laws, at-r0mp...1
with critical notes, and Collownit by extensive dissor.
taboos, By Tayler Lewis. I. I. 1)
'D'Auldgne's History of the Reform.. New coi
tion. reamed, d Vols. Complete in one elegantoicmue
' The above, with a variety of new and volunbM
Works, just recd by R 110 , 1'KLNS;
s — tp2l3 Apcdio Buildings, dth st. near Wood
Ik,TEW ROOKS—History of Con,yresa--litogroplooal
IN had Political, compruing Memoirs of Members n I
t0r5 . 1 ...
ngress of the United States, drawn from aut.,-
tie racer embracing the prominent events of their
h. and their ...non 'nth the poliucul history of
the t by Henry G. Wheeler. Dlustruted toy un
it roes heel portraits and fan-simile autographs.
Kings and aeons; or, Lite in We Palace--co.isdng
of Historical ketches of Josephine and Maria Louise,
Louis Philippe, Fekdinand of Austna, Nicitoms, Isabel
la 11, Leopold, anorVictoriai by John S C Abbott.
Karnes Notes on James, Peter, John nod Jude.—
Notes, capitulatory and practical, on the general epis
tles of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Alen lame,
Mary Grover, or, the Meant Wlfe—a ComeMe
Temperance Tale: by Charles Broden, author of the
`Couvict's ac.
Harold, the Lost of Pm Saxon Rms. by Slir Edwsrd
13tilwer 14 non, Hart. Complete in two pans.
Part V. Hasy:ar's Illnstoued Ediuon of the Arabian
Nights' Entertainments.
'Else above Works received this day, and for sale by
lylo- Bookseller, nor lartet and als.
IV - E.W. BOOKS—The Women of the Antenewt Re,
11 °lotion: by Elizabeth F. filet—ill two voltunes•
with portraits.
Robert Burn., as a l'oet. and a, . Mae: L 1 Sumac;
T.cre.i4ftheOr,orzlantlEl.ol.L. Story:
How to be a Maws is book for boys, containing
fel hints on the formatuni of cbmosar-ltitflarvey
Ne wcomb.
Hoar to be a Lady; a book for girl, con:rt./me use•
(al hintsn the formaeon of character : by Nancy
Anecdote, for Itoy.—Einerount, narrative , and
anecdotes, lna•trauvo of pnnettnes and character, by
Harvey Newcomb.
Anecdote, for Girls.— Ent•rmitung narrattvei and
antedotes, illustrative of pnnetple. and eb,encii,
jail received andlor vale by
oett7 .1011NztTON k tiTocKToN
Now Moored Music Book.
TFIE:NATIONAL PSAI.MIST, an esretvove eollec•
1 don of Psalm mod Hymn Tones, Anthem. Chews,
athl set pieces, by-id:swell Mason and taco. Jag Matson.
'This new collection. opoo wince moth tame and 4.;
hoe has hero bestowed, emulous IbeddM sdarge pro
;onion of those old and standard tunes which have Inc
wath long contanued favor,: large sanely ot new PAPER WAREHOUSE•
original music. furnished lay disuagnoshed foreign snit
nature ouzo:inters. making the work one of the rnosl
yttu.l 11ELD ',lifers Mr sale the Mire,
complete co llection: o: ever Publoshed. /: .
COIIII4II. 040 matt) 01 the nowt popular Illuslok chums, • (..:„'"" "7.
m iv PAr comnsislng ever, f 10401.1,
and a nub onnety of an th ems shot choruses. adapt.,
" t iedl.l..p to the a eats o eons - morn an a
W to ono" precut. and church scooter.
Jar 3 copies of the above mlntic book received and Co. °l '"`" °"" ""'
rale at pub li shers prices, by JOH.1111.11Z1.1.011;1
.f Pamatiq jo A FER
is mvanaL'y lugs
all WOOwoada LI t
• a pone whack,. of vol . superforolllity.
kJEW BOORS—The Wrltougs of C.aastio Marcella* PAPUA RIARKKI RAVERIALB
.1.11 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Fibbed, of so ery destine:lo. :Imported sowl kept emotional) es
with apreface avid mecum. by Horace Creel). hale., 0.5 Felton,. Wire Cot. Fourdr.nter Wars
lke Vann Book in Spanish; or, a pr.:teal intruder- Bleach.; Powder, Blur I ltesinanne. the
von to the study of the Spanish Language: contour:v.; RAGSJ
full inatruchons in prm
nussoatoon. a grammar, eastri. , Canna,. Bale razz Rope, Bagging. e. e.,
es on the 011endord method of coustant imitation and • potrithamd, for nth, rt th e lagtoest n Cush w, l
repetition, reading lemons, mid o vocabulary. The ' pad j yin) New York, !girdled&
whole adapted for the use of private learners. or for I . . under an tooth:nolo. By Joseph Salk eld, A BRICK FOR SALE.
enthor of "A COmpendloun of Classical Sntiquo. andersigned offers for sale el:Tenor anicle
tea" etc. i 1 f tone k for buddin g, read, by has Sleaze Vrel4,
Brothers and SiSterll, a tale or domestic hfe; t y I improved machine. for which ee has obtained a patrol.
Trederitra Bremer. Translated front Mc orick,al a,. and agree. to gave purehasers •nosh guarantee that
published ZOlllltt3Clirl, by Mary Hownt. tory are stronger. and wilt team fro,: and wet we:ma-
The Dying Robin, and other tales. Al) Joseph Alden, er ins/stare or dampness than any oth.
D. D. Just recetred and for mle by brick, possessing greater body and supenor tenure
Iva' JOHNslimi drSTOC6TON an er d
math more datable sa every respect. each latch
being subjected to a pressrun of several inns, dad prise
sessmy a handsnme smooth carfare and even edges,
• M t A I " they make a front equal to the been front brink.
They have green the greatest mtislartion to all who
save purchased. A kiln can Lemon at my works, add
PE.k.CEI PEACE meetmen at the Gazette oilier
NM Cr Maven, Those Lavicur supplied them s elves for their buildings.
BUT IN EVERY marmarA HOMESTEAD as, wtshing E.t.d....r0e front block. or superior Lard
IIE undersigned has buy been convinced of the and solid paring brick, eau obtain them
neceptim for anew medicine adopted to the use of ! ISAAC GREGG.
Children and Infants to supercedu Stir see of all those tt
aleibeirim which contain opium, and has at ,ength suc
ceeded in preparing and oifering to the public a
cine fully answering every purpose for all diseases or the
lortoreLs, without the use oi that denstenous drag, or any
other uletdated to mime to the oast The Infant Earl
area hat been tally orated W.O med. me loot twelve
mouths, by nett/crow , perw-es, and mound to possess all
extraordinarymimes aria to produce all the &mon.
ishingaffeets as set tone on the odl at dtreetious. Dt•
arthrea, VomiUng, Chekie,Griping, Palm, Sickness and
Discasel . armor from Teethum, imam Munedimely
without disturbing any of the ihnetlOna of the body,
pralueing the happiest and most pleasant transition
from violent pam titt a tranquil and joyous state of (eel.
Inc in the little sufferer. .
To be had wholesale and retail. of the
J Proprietor Dr
JOHN SARGANT s Druggist and Apothecary. ohn
Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other Druggtsts
n Allegheny and Pithiburgb. der la
j.J mat perceived of Dr. Towntend's damaparilla, the
most extratmlinary medicine in the world! This Ex.
I• set is put up in cam bottl e.. It is six tunes cheaper.
pleuaanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It
earns disease without vomiting, purging. wekening or
1.0. OPT roe larrszums—Unprincipled persons have
copied oar labels, and pot up medicine in the same
Raped bottle. See that each bottle has the written sig
natory of S. P. Townsend.
11. R. FELLERS. Druggist, 57 Wood street, between
Third mad EOM& is Dr. TowneendS only wholesale
and retail agent Inc Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can by had.
D. M. Cony has beenappointed the role agent for
af whoa. the genuine article can be
B. A.Fauamoug. $ . A. IL 11 cu., N. 1* Coo
D. le rsitersoccs, trittsburgh.
rz. IV . Fsanealoc,,,
Whalers/re Drug Store In the MY of
Hear York.
tTIIE undersigned ern extensmely engaged in the
Wholemle Drug Mune. at No. SO John street, in
, city of Newt 'pork, and are prepared tompply
Druggists and country Iderchasas with Dregs, Patois
Oda, Dye-Mara, Fordgn and American Pei rummy,
Mender, W eaver & Mandegs Chemicals, (of their own
importation) and all other struck. in Mow hoe of Luc.
neat, of a superior quality as ban at they can *pur
chased in that or any eastern any.
New York, Eciil6 a A FAIINEETOCK & Co.
Marcher'. Chrome Green.
undersignedi Painters and S3lu,d Make., of the <it y
of New York, hue used and tested. and are now using
a new article of Chrome Green, tuannisetured by ()co
K Marcher, alibis city, and find it to work welt, pro
ducing a fur brilliant Pans Green appearance, wall a
very supenor body, and recosnmend n to oar brethren
in the trade an in every particidar Om best Chrome
Green we have ever used. New York, June I, 47.
b •24 sor p'eu LE
p ' .of the city of
New IrO i)
rk.. This usiequalted Chrome Green may be
kuul of .R. E. SELLERS, NO 57 Wood street, Who has
tho exclusive agency for it. sale In Pittsburgh. orl3
SELLERS' VEIIS7IPCIf/F.—" No family should be
without it :"
• '
L 0.., C. 11., Vu., Aug. 24, '44.
Alm R. E. Sammtuit I cheerfully certify that I burs
for some years past used your Verrnifugc in my family,
and uemarasll7 with nice.. I decidedly prefer a to
any other preparation.' have Used —ausupgst three maY
be named the celebrated medicine caWed Deadshot,
Fahnettock's Vert:Mope, and a preparation called
Worm 'e. In a recant ClLse a single dose brought
from ray Lade boy one hundred and eta large worth
No family certainly ought to be without It. Yours Ac
Prepared and sold by R E. :lellers, No 57 Wood . t
and sold by Drunrias generally in bolt, cities. rpi I
. • .
Ty CUM.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be
ing once or twice cleaned with Janet,' Amber tooth
Pace, have the appearance of Om most OCapiligll ivory,
:and at the same tune it is so perfectly innocent and.,
gaisitely due, that ns constant daily ace is highly ad
vantageous, oven to those teeth that see 10 a good can
dillourgiving them a beantifid polish, and presenting a
,preanuare decay. novo already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fasten. inch ea.. he-
Cony UN 10040, and by perseverance it will render the
fgulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de-
IlYtofisly sweet. Fold by W5l. JACK; UN, ho Liberty
mar. 4
PEW weeks since, one of toy childreti, aged about
A600 , 7e401, was unwell for several days, and the
Illnessutereued so alaroungly that I feared death
would kettle result. Having tienrdof the good effects
of Pabnestoek's Verrolfuge when admit:jell:red to the
ehildren of my neighbors, and thinking any child ought
bare lorortM,froM some of the symptoms, I gore It one ..
and a hail tempoorifuls of the Vormihme, and to my
great astonishment it anneal Iramediately discharged
between VP and No bugs worms. Its health aria soon
..„."Irtea, and Avi
id now remartnbly well. Preous to i
mg the Vernutuge,' the wooed would o:knotty
nse In its Mosul, and I often feared it would die from
strangulation.JAß. U. DAWSON.
. Ticomm Totuthe 'e t , Pa, A 31 TL,..._ 59.
bEIDYI3 CYJAIDRATED ITCH AND TRITER. 1 kamon uover*,-3..iNg.mken un, large and com-
DIS'IIIENT ts the Inall etketual remedy below, 1,7 modious Smoke Haase ami 8.011 Storehouse .4.
rabbe the the core of WaCT nth, day tout watery leito og oat Werebou.°l on the
n .... 1 Wi11i ''.° ate Po
pimples of the (ace, neck . d 'b o o. ~,e l y ore pu eee , pared in smoke end core baco on reasonable terms.
and all other dkenaea of .Use akin. , 'Thls
s afe , is i KIER A. JONES,
m a y foie from trencury, Is perfectly safe, end 1 wait Canal be marfth tt.
may be awl at all timeiand under all eiteumxteuees- i "IDOLOGY, ON 201:1Pi 411IN — Ctap --- aiti-- - /Mthreved
A fresh simply oflide valuable
received and i ICA Ma y lint, 1848, at the &hoot House of Ms Sixth
forealoby i
/3 A PAIRVEktI'OCX fa. Co. Ward, Pittsburgh: By 11. trL ktreekenri4e,
.. canner of Jet aid wood; also, comet of GM and wood Published by JOHNSTON k STOCOIir, and for
Meets. . .lei . , sale by all the Booksellers in the oily. 113 .
S—Rsta, Scotch, Damask and figured
Table, he; a gooJ assortment reel to, ! I) ARLEY MALT— eOO bush now Idatt, for sale by
DeistenAcnusrr 4 worm Izr Delhi HROWN is C t DIR.R=TSON
K - 11'1("1,c11111116:
/liirt - 191 - clirfitt. 41. 7 90 N St • I
TAMPA carper of Pohtrand Pt. Clan: Creels,.
ooposite the Exchange Motel, entrtmee Penn street,
respectfully inthrth leer friends and the pub., that
they see Pre_pared,th furnish cad attend to everythtngln
the hoe of undertakbrs. Always em hand a Idthe ex,
sonme nt of reedy ere de Colton, centered, Heed and fin
ished in the rel . ^ bent manner, all sort. and trues ready
made Shrouds of flatmel,Camhrick and mizahn, and all
limes land° to appeared styles. We keep II large an
Adelepeni of W
e and eek 04 . 1 k land kid Wares,
liable 107 pal I bearers and amaranth, crape, raps. col
lars, and every thing neeessr.ry tor dreesing the dead.
and on TE Wadable term. aa we purchase s h out goods
is the Eastern cruet Also, silver plates for engraving
the name and ave. We have a splendor new beam and
horse.. and any number et the beat carnage. Every
thing attended to promptly sod plthetnally. oeCily
Eti rmitt - lortan. law Pittsburgh., Pe.
.NNe'lnlrLogccxnvl.l.ll,tioyf k o eLp o o w n n hn .. ncl . tro .... 4 ea:Ln-
Warehouce, Nu. 137 , Wood street, Pittsburgh.
' • thponoquality. Wholesale and .antry Mer
chants n et respectfully Invited to nail and ex
Amine roe thetaccicca see are determined in sell
cheaper than h as
berate bees offered to the NIS
Order" sent by tatitl,Accoiopettied by the cub or
city reference. will be promptly attended tn. febti
al ULVANT. ---
• Jonio E. Lentil.
4ul.v A N LEDLIE manufacture and kurip con
-IYI neatly on hand Co, Moulded and Haut Flint
iassware, to all its earieurnt, at their Warehouse cori
ner al Merket end VOL%er weer, l'ittaburth.
Our Work, continue in lull operation. and we are
ear:man' ty ndihrin to our stock, welch en elites on In till
orders with promptness. art rosin... Why
rot:entre to cast and examine prices and tenon
FROM the very liberal encearsivs
• O . meot the 'absent', hes received ',lee
idr t ` . ?;..T 7 - he h. literati; bunAeif Allegheny.
•4Z_.•,/ h. induced Lim to tor a bare, fors
termed years, on the properly he now
dee.ptes, to Beaver Street. immediately betide the
Fresh rex.. Church. From the long expert< nee in the
above beadles and a desire t, please, be hopes to mer
it and receive a share of pub. patronage.
Now on hand and fininking so order,lLookavray. Dug
cc., open and top Baggier, arid Corry deserffittenikf
uarrtarr es made to order, from seventy-five dollen to
Vight honoured fserdtultin JOHti &urn'
~,..51. HEALD, DUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water at. and
In N. wharves, Phil'. offer far sale on accommodasug
terms, WW pkg. Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of
pounds. half pounds, s's, B`s , In'a, Ibli, IS* and Ws,
lumps; s's, ens and a's plug, and lals Ladies' Twist, in
whole and half boxes , of the following approved brands,
James If Grant, Osborn A Bragg
ts rant & Williams, A Can:aims,
S Janus A Son, APDonald,
IVebstsr Old, J Thomson,
James Thom., Jr. A II Armistead,
.1 Thomm & Sou, Landborn & Armistead,
J P Coates, J AI Cobb.,
Gelitry.& lloyster, I A Clay,
hl A Bailor, C A Hall,
tireen Itall, N Win Dawson.
Pearl A Norwood, J S Blackwood,
Islth Page, Keystone.
M II Vaughan. Edmund Henry.
Poruauz Robinson, Russell & Robinsortl
Kenn, Robinson &Co Bath Halsey,
II Metcalf, John filmier,
Lawrence Loftier, 1 Robinson,
Gray & Gray, D a Turner,
IlJimieson, York White, •
It SI Branch.
Havana Loaf Tobacco, wra do pe d prs and fillers,
Y.iis do o
Cis:Vargas do do do
St deco de Cuba do do do
St Dinnutgo tiO do do
Nod & Guides do, part fine. do
Ittnyaville do do do
Kentucky various grades do do
Virginia Leaf. suitable for rnainifaciiinng and export;
Spanish Seed Leaf. Penn's, Connecticut and Ohio:
V,rgtrau Sa'npa. sweet; Gertrinn Popes; Pipe beads;
Scotch tritilf iloose and bladderr,l Islatecroba Meal;
Tunqua Beans, Hawwia boas; Otto Rowe, Bet;
Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knicespi rgamo przik,
he Ac. PHILADELPHIA, my lb
•beat variety everobered m thu etty
'1 ..fore 7 m, ads on the most approved Easter, p 1..-
21. a COSI fithtonahle Ranieri:limiter, and eel... AIM
TIN.: CHEAP ROLL, br B 1 ri" BLIND. on bend
or mode to order of all .lees. .1) Mall prices.
Coo.). Aterehants and mberi tielira,tod to can end
ex eu..tte .Love for themselves, as all will be cold
wholesale or retail, and a liherral detl.tson roads Id
lel:ales:ale purchasers.
JOHN A. nnowls,
- TAlfrB this method to inform hit ft lends
and the public at law that Ms Factor,' l•
• lioUr .1 full operation, on the ote.l aide or
- the Diamond. Allegheny, where . eon.
.tam .apply ot earlou• calor.
and quaittles. ate constant/ y kept On hand,
also al No 3 Wood at. Pittsburgh, at 1 do
• --
II Phillip.' oil cloth avrerooin
Vranken Shutters mode to order In the best sty.,
Itltnds repaired at the shone. nouee.
—Ms Blind. will he put np without any wide
Lottal expense. AO that they can he removed in a too.
meat in ease of hitt or for washing. and without the aid
of a straw driver 1)I-dly&wtamlyti
`I.F.tiANT PERFUSIERY,t4c—HateI's Kam Drstne
J:s de Vertu, fits reudermg the skin soft and Imetmidl.
Dimes celebrated Nymplh Soap.
linues Indian Vegetable limr Oil, for graduely
Una hair, and promoungtta Fiovrth.
liastelki Liquid Heir Dye. for changing red or gray
linnr ton beautiful brout2, black or chestnut color
Heifers Flan, Loaned Halt RGSLOT.Ve, for producing
11:01.1r1111.1 growth .. of hair
I laucl's Curling Fluid.
Ilatml'e Depilatory Powder. for removing /1111,13(12,
Hatters Row Tooth Paste.
lintiors Chinese or Pernan Toilet Powder
I I nunrs l'artvalled %having Cream
I !nuel , elegant Extracts of v enema fragrant dower.
:he handkorrh.f; toPitter with a large asaortment
Of Lne Perfumery, rust recd and for sale by
O A FA 'Mk:MICK h., Co,
--p.m • ,or let h wood, also ear 6th h wood stn
East side or the Diamond, whoto Vetutnin
lllmds of all the do/Smut sires and color.
are - kept on hand or made to order site
the latest end most approved Eastern fads
ions, at the shortest nonce and on the mos
reasonable term.
. . .
Also. the ebrap Roston roll or. split mind Transpir
rimer and Paper Curtains of all the diffetent sizes and
pn,ern., ou band And for sale low for cash. Old Vent.
ills:. Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in pan
pp, meet for new. R hl WFSTERVELT, Prompt.
i B —All work done with the best 'Malarial and
workmanship, and warranted to please' the mr.ultrfria
Allegheny cny, Aug. 10, WIS.
emetated themselves together under the style and utle
nf Seholey. Ryan & Co, for the manufacture of Wood
Type, and sot then type to altogether made lay machs.
arty, the invention of Isaac M. Singer, one of the firm,
they feel confident that they offin a more perfect arlidle
of typo, and at math lower rates than any heretofore
offered In the United States, and am now ready to fill
olden for the mem.
All orders addressed to Seholey, Ryan & Co., stt
their office in Diamond alley, between Wood anti
Smithfield streets, will he punctually attended to.
fj:r Proprietors of near-simpers, on copying this nil-
Verasement 3 months, and sending us their paper, will
be totalled to receive their pay in type, on purchasing
three lime. the amount of their hill for advertising.
R'l Tatglir ENS'
TIF. Proprietor of this well known place of resort has
the pleapere of Informing the public that bin comb.
h Aliment having been thoroughly refined and repaired,
and the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, is
new open for only accommodation, am/ he flatters !lim
pet! that thew who may favor him with their ration.
age all that they desire, provided in the best
style mid 011 I,lll.olnabie Icel.!, lie l• determined to
.pare no expense in making his manta ithment worthy
of public patronage. lie has accominaladons for
boarding a few families. Ice Crem., and all refresh.
metals saitable to the Jamison, constantly on hand
Monongahela lionise Tailoring Batal.
ISA AC WILLIAMS, Dreyer and Tailor, begs to In
form the eirsens of Nitsburgh and others, that he
is new opening at his moms on Smithfield street, un
der the above Hotel, a torte and beautiful eses:mete
of Cloths, Cuslmeres, Satins, Silks, and other s vesting e;
together with such other Articles as are required for
gent/omen's wear. Ills goods hove been carefully se
lected, and are of the newest and most fashimutble
style, as well as of superior quality. His customers
may depend upon basing their clothes made op in •a
manner which cannot tail to gratify the taste of the
meet Saddlers , • ' • •, ; apfildly_
TOBACCO—IO bit Branch 2c Watkins' 6s.
do do do errs pouidgi
3do do do 12s and ter,
0 legs No I, assist;
1,10 do PO Caveltdish;
3 do do Plug-,
tIU AI do Begets;
2121 do half Spahish do ; for sale by
Tlt TUN I 0 N
' ' •
•;2•":,i'....:,==C"' 1848. 474
W. T. Manna, Fitudiurghl
Raab Pram & Co, Beaver;
CasWronDA-Gasmammus. Clovalmd
T 'i aLr b al ' te l' itget .ne rs ln fr n o ° 77P P UL P burg d h ' un ' 4l Cle P ve r l ' arTo h n
any point on the Coital* and Lakes.
-One boat leave , ' Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. tan
ning in connevuon with the ineamtmam Lako Erie and
Michigan, between Pitmburgit and Braver, and li ne
of first class alennthon.. propeller., brign and sehoon-
Ats on lake. Erie. Huron Mid Mithigan.
Property forwarded In nay pan of the Union anti(
IV3I. T mientEß. or
• JOHN A. OA LIG HEY, Agents,
nor Welter and Smlthfield stA, pitub urg h . •
AGENTR—Reed. Parks & Co. Beaver;
G Parks & Co. Youngstown. Sit;
E W Coter & - CablVarront
D Bostwick & Co- B rea
A k N Clark, Newton Falls;
F lerons. Newport •
J & E N Whittlesey, Campbeilsport
k ; •
G nlißrido, Raven a;
n Kont.. Frank.;
• & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls;
Virleeler & Akron:
Itarimy, & Co, Sandork-y;
'Walk tits & Eaolo, Toledo; •
1.; & Co, DGITOII. Mich;
hpoure &n Milwaukm,
II J %Vine:ow, Chn.,: , ,u. 111. stpl4
- - •
M-,......,au4aba1iA 1848. '7 4 ! z 161.
ri , HE Proprietor. of this old established oktd firm
1 Portable Bost Lune, having ramored their des
pot in Philadelphia, to n much larger Warehouse
on Market sb, then they formerly occupied, caddis° hat
creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to °E'er much greater facilities to then frierids
end patrons .
G D.d.11 carom' by thin line are, not trunthlpped be
tween Pittsburgh nod Phtladelplon. betng earned en
tirely In Portable Section Donut To pinups. of flour
and other goods requinug careful hatulltng, Ihi. is of
importancecharge made Mr rueeivlng or shipping
good., or advancing chargen. All good. forwarded
.promptly, and upon a. reasonahle Lerma tut by any oth
r him.
• .10FIN hIeFADEN & CO.,
Canal Hasoi, Prim st_. Pittsburgh.
~. JANIE: , M. DAVIS & Co.,
fatal 1 Market & :.l Commerce at, Phil.
JOHN hIeFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Comma
men Merchants, , Ransil- Bum; Penn at., Pittsburgh.
TAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commas
lion Alorchants, Alaska, and^44 Commerce IL,
Philadelphta. • fohn4
,E u f '. t ' 7 of ''er"on Ftous
;oter d se;o ;lorclifizocon
itt4to dens fel
NTOTICE—The subsentrors have dwpowd of their to
il tolest In the Penn`n and Ohio Line to CLARICE tr.
MAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPIi S LEWIS, of this
hey will continue to transact burinew (or the line,
at their Warehouse on Brood street, as usual, and
'posh for it a continuance, of thelditronage of their
fnestd, JAMES STEII, a Co.
Philadelphia, March Styr, te42.
Penn".. sad Ohio Trans ortallon Co.
Datihl, Dela lv Lora of
ratreA. TO coma errwiLll 1111.0.011
AND KAMM. e 31.4
CLARKE & TEA %V, Canal Beam, Pitttbetrch.
& BUTLER-2W Eltlerktplies..
JA 4 .
STEEL & Aets,'llreadetreet.
PO EM, CLARKE & 0e:72 Newt& at_ Bah.
Att.. 12 West street, Net York.
marl 3
Co-parts., in ILA p. _
pin: Rohl...Mars have dux day diva:mimed themselves
.1 together mulct the style of Kier h Jose, tor the
puryore of commons; the bumiess formerly esrried on
by Samuel M. Lies. and solicit a continaume of the lib
esti patronage heretofore emended to the house.
Pittsburgh, glutei I, 1.48.
7.".. .4.. -
. . .
. . . . . -
W } , : he ar: b i , , ,,‘„ rrpa n r: d d o l , a ,,,.. ..,ce
, r . e ,, an i : i l a r c a e rrn t, i h (r .. eiscll t t:
despatch, and a, as fo•.r me, as nay <abet Teapot:able
The attention nrshrrpers within; to send Park as Ra
t to Unitunora to nuit. It parneuharty mqueatet. in
usnuch as •ur eir - roa,gratrras en•hle us to earn' such
articles Waugh in boter onto, than any other hot.
KIER & /OMER Paopira
-Pmsborth. March I.IFI
saart. xlrma. 31 • 111,1311,
k E: , --Cocumiskon and fororardinc der
ehaina, and Wholesale Dealers in lron, Blooms.
Sun, Produce., he.
Litioral coati eileancee odeonatienracrita mar
31•3431 1311.4.713,.. Aa. 0C11341, 13•113,1113. 311
Pittsburgh. Philadelphia.
1/47:0 mud
To Phllulcip
coda. ASO Inallin4td
kuNay...6wv is Co, coati Rasi.X.:Pittebuzigh.
DUTII,I4.I4I(I2.IPHILYVY'S'ta - NiEle/Martri et, Phil.
C H. Xmas, tomer North d rfiorningir
JOHN F. Cleske, So la, Old SUP, Now
XNYTICE—Tbe stVo of our firms will be know•o hoot
1e and after all. dale, at Pill.durgi, ao Henry Graff
emtlet Philadelphia, u Duolh, Hampt%reys k Co
11}V. , i11.1 t'rl 4 FF.
CHAS. 11011.11R.10:8, Yhilade
HENRY GRAFF, Yomboril. morlsJ
"*. "w4 . 1 •Ige-de.,
Far du Vriumpartation Laf Fnaght LO 6114 from
1 . 0146, lIGMTON.
p 012111.0 k Ca..lailalphia
rums& trCoxana Pittsburgh.
rHIS of established Late teeing on In fah opera
bon. the propneture bate made even•kre •rrance..
roams m forward goods and product with despatch. and
an the most favorable terms. They confbletitiv hope
th.„:r well known promptness in delivering go.e.L.—f,
ritoar safety tamodeol earn big --capacious warehou
ses at each port. affording accommodation, to stoppers
and owners of produce—together wtth their long cap,.
nenee and Doren:truing attentionto busuiers, will secure
to them acontinuance of mu. bhcral patronage they
hereby gratrtfu.iy ark now Irdee.
All col...limes.* by and tar tb.. line received. char
ges para. mut forwarded to soy required directams free
of eltarse for ermuniss.on. inlvanctng or storage.
No inter.% directly or inthrectly. in miners .
All ermunanwattons promptly attended to on applma
ban to the fulkowtne agent.
ROKRIDGE tr. C-1,11. 1 , 7" hark. t •t. Pluladerphta.
TAAFFE A'C NOR, Co n& Boun. Ntrburgh.
irCONNrIRS tr. Go, North at. IltOomore.
WM. B. WILSON. cc 3 Cedar at, New Vora agS
184 s.
MFRS well known Ltne,ornroced of ratramboah.
Lake Eric and Nltchtgan, c Ihttrabargh and
lk•eer and freight nod ...enter Canal Doan. be
tween Beaver and Erie, and C M Reed'. Ikne fins
steamboa., propeller. and vessels an the Lah.,
is prepared to carry Im:tett and passengers to all peanut
oa the Canal, and Lat. Erse, Huron and !dicta-
Baying every facility for roars , mg freight entrpaw
wagers with promptness /Dal dispatch, the proprietor
and agents respectfully solicit front their friend. a con
tinuance of their patomage.
C M It REED Proprietor.
REED, PARES. h Co, Beaver, Agents.
41414 oar Water and Smithfield in, Pittsburgh.
Mia 1818.
Ta and itOM the Eastern cams. via Cumberland.
1 1 , 11 E proprietors of this popular linediavennee their
rnorguntrauun largely inconoteil their facilities to
meet the wishes of shippers, and sad
now prepared to
Rowan/ • greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE,
as also by addmatial regular wagons. at low rates.
mi. hoe will run throughout the year delivering
goods the spent. 111 Baltimore an d Pittsbargb
to owners and ratirtgnew at specified rates and time.
Shipriteubi from Phil/Wale/az for the line should be
marked Cars, - J /1 Robinson, Baltimore."
The only sgeuts are,
in tl Charles at, Baltimore.
EDGE RTON b. Co, Cumber/and.
6 %V CARA 11rowmaillo.
C Pittsburgh.
L` the Prermtore of LIB* popahr LIPS changed the
Arm" at Cumberland from Me how of IllaKaig h Ma
pure to that of Edgerton o Co.
Pitteburgh and western merchants ere notified Oat .1 Bel
ly Itolammon. Ao DS South Cheeks .t. Baltimore, te the unly
euthorrsed agent of this Lim. to the Emmen
The orly %ante are
J C F.LL, Pittsburgh,
0 W CAI S Brownerille,
EDGARTON 4. Co Cmultartimd,
tlemfiNf J Il ROBINSON, Baltimore.
W n Trommportation Company.
MMAla rt
184 S t 18 48 . ,
teta rannart.vstak AND OHIO NAIL nom.
ARE prepared to transport rood. and prtalueeto and
from the taw,' dues on favorable WNW Ad•
dress or apply to
1). LEECH &Co, Canal In, Pittsburgh.
HARRIS 1,1•711:41, Nos. 131 15 South Third at, Plul.
J. TANI.°Rh. SON, Ara, No 14, N'tb Howard at, Ilan.
A. AllllOT7', Am.. No 7 West street, New York.
Plltaborgli, March 19th. I NMM. markll
Illeisoheantal Transportation Lati ns
Jim= • 184.8
- • sgMLlAliatk
G U ar ti ithou DS c t o d n eTiT ' u 'd iih ' e lo n sr " eL'e r is * re w er ' i l t i be rnte:. '"kidcd
C A bicANULTY & Co.,
Canal Rama Perth Se, Pittsburgh.
and DM Marker la, Phil*.
Jet) Sahib.. wharf Baltimore
BlEnortervrs , WAY PREIGIIT LIX11:1.
attSM 1848,Alia
BITh Pittsburgh, Blairsmlle, Johnstown, Dol.
lidtlystoutgh,Waterattebt,fituniigdou C0101,41'6-
Thla Line was formed exclusively far the 'special ie.
commialauon of the way bnainess. Tbs Proprietors,
thankful far the very liberal patronage they h ave „.
celeeddaring the lam Iwo years, would respectfully in
form their attends and the public that they are nowooll
better preypred to delmer . goods at ally point on. the
Crum' and Roil Roads, stitth prorninness and di/pawn.
Pickwanh & Woods, Johnstow4.
John Miller. Holblayablugh. ,
C & Co, etw assin4-Plitiburgh.
• RiertiSMAP-Pitublargh—Smitlr ••• Slitelnlo i & J
McDevitt; O& J II flhoemberrer; R Robinson & Ca; R
Moore; Bagaley & Smith; Job,, Parka; Win Lakin. k
Co; Dt P Shaul:quiet. ARP
i'lriatualle and Attraicavo New 'look.
T ti&IARTIN'ES annory oltha GinmOta, 3 vole,
• 'Strentur' Life' of Chevalier Bayard; 19 mo.
G. P. R. James' Lap of Hztyy the Fourth, of Franco,:
vols-12 too -
Smith's Co:molar Cities of Chula; Elmo.
Nevtader'. Lite of Je.t.t Chnst; P vo.
hlarvel's Fresh (,ieunmg as. a stow Sheaf from the
old field. of.Vonttriesttol Europe.
Cap:. Henry's Sketches ofehe Mexican War 12 um.
Glerg'• Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo.
Scummer to St odour', by acob Abbott; 12 mo.
srhouth's I Ater ature of the J :South of
Europe; 2 vols
12 too.
Ruston'srAdventurez in Mexico and the Rocky
Mau ono int; I 9 too. mo.litt
Pordhumou. %Fork. of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D.,
L. L D
The A.tronnmer: by Thos. Dtek, 1... L. D.
Lae of Jeremy 13elkitop, D. D., Historian of Now
Luther and the Roformauon, by John Scott, M. A-,
t vol..
The Middle Kingdom, wail a new map of the Empire;
by S Vc vol. tem,
'le Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
12 too.
The Bethel Gardiner Spriog, I) D.; 19 ma
B. n
Te.l/eHell. ning u Science. the Teacher an Artist by Rev.
The Czar. hot Conn and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Shat spear, by H Ilud.on.
The Atli., of ..nerica—illustrated with nine engra
vings on Orel and containing sketches of the lives of
Allston, Inman, limit. Smart, Trumbull, De Vet no
Rembrandt Peal. and Thos. Crawford; l vol, h vo.
The Oran., at . Prance; containing eketches of the
live. of I.artianote. litter., Napoleon, Dorton. Mira
beau, 1; in rot end of her., with portrait. of each.
Heade> . 341,•;e0171 and Marshal.; It vols. 12 mo.
Headley IVa.ttingtoti and los Generals; volt, 1.2 m
/fondle y's Sae rcd Mountains
The above. together with a large colleetion of Stand
ard Work.. Elaosical and School Hooka for sale by
JOIINS'I'ON h. STOCKTON, Book.eller.,
jes cornier market and ad so.
IN le,r wart., 1 volt.
Chalmers' Dail.; Scripture Reading;
Mentoir of the Loe on Mr.. Fry, :hid volt
ate rouvettbby the author of •Schoolgtri in France.'
Lady Mary, or Not on the World, by Rey C R Tay-
for, M. A.
• 111argaret, or the Pearl. do
Mork CI Orlon. or ike Merchant's Clerk, do
Idle of Pollok. author of "Cnurso of Tune;"
The Id.te tier. by Caroline Fry;
Lecture. on Sid, spears., by 11 N Ihrdson;
Life of Olt, or Cromu ell, by J T Headley;
Napoleon and In. Marshals do
Washtngton and hi. Generale, do
Power nitro, Ponta, bl' (lardiaer Spnng, D D
Bethel Plug, do
Religion 'I earlitirg by Example;
ntlpti Wain!, of Prance, by Tomball;
Geom. of Scotland, do
Lik of Rowland Hill, Free Church Pulpit, 3 vole
Orators on Pruner, Now and 'rhea, 13ethune's Poems:
Margaret Nlererr,
,heol,un Matthew. adapted to Union .2uesdions,•
,Ardtur't Popular Tu.c.--lbehes in Inc World,"
, q11111,,g IlaaM to be hitch," "Riche. have Wings,"
uKceptng rap Appearance.," "Debtor and Creditor."
For seJo by ELL.TOTr & ENGI.II4II.
/aid 7ff wood and. II market at
A SPLENDID usortment of Maho
gany abd Rosewood HOD., lout fir •
10/(41. There tostrument• are made of
the lemur pattern and best materials
and will be sold low for rash by
F. IILeME.II2 Wood otreet,
;A dear above Filth.
N —The.e A . llO mc lit want of good to.troment.
ore respecru ay tit ristil to examine 'these before yor•
chasing c hew' hero, at they eandot, be exeelled by any
in the country, and will he sold louver than any brought
Iroulthe 'out A.sojust received, two plan?. H am
burgh tuanalacture, warranted to' Sc .uperior to any
ever said in this eutlatry. ocmLl F. 13
17 MI.:ICED and for sale, a lot oirtriusice Ptattna. with
Oh and without Coleman's Alolian Attachment. by
Noim• A C;ark. N l.e of Nouns &Clark's Planer.,
%Alai the Attachment, was taken to ktiaglmtd by Mr
Coieman. and among many other .stimmitals of ad.
miralson rot this elegant specimen of Amencan skill
and 111;r111.1,. ellellOd the following remark. from
h. Thalhern. the g ...meat Pianist Itring
banns, Jan. Ds. Is.its
My Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to nay friend, Mr
Ftrand. Pans. I cannot refrain from again expressing
to you hoc. much I wrm pleased with your ...Cohan
Allllo.lllent wan h I consider as a areal musical in..
provernent. I ran 'on that on my part I shall
wan i.leasdrado my utmost to make your
know.. For •ale Lr II u. reff At st'ocatwell's furniture moms, id at
t: V lit • Odo l..oneriogo in Europe: or Sketch..
o, Tray, in France Nelgitnn, certand. Ita/y.
Auonn. Prussia. i,reat Ilraain an d Ireland.
Ireland. with an
si.penit," 00111100 .g nhvervabons on European rhan•
soil aledien, ii..tnuttons By John W Carson, 111 14
Aloo , n. novel 134 the author of "Emilia Wyni.l.•
ham," 'Two lid elr•
Seil.Contro , s ndvr, lii Mary Brunton, author of
Vo: 111. ~ t,pturel Reading. By ilia late
Thom• I. I. I)
Part 4 The Thousand and One :Vogt... Harper.'
,ate it, Cottager a hook for ch.ldrea. By the
author of - 1'U..., Ilerbert." he
The oho, r 0,414• received this day and (or sale by
F:4V BOOK , — Nleroorta, of the Intralstetson of
Aletnod,,al into the Katiern State, coo:pm:gig
draphicab none,. n• 0.1,0 preacher., •keicnes of
to 01,1 rho,- he. 1, ,d renliotteenee. of 11. ey song.
4 , 00 04ct res.,- 1,4 Res A Steven, A- ari NI Jett
Merndtr of Rev David Aheel D yl late M,.. on o a ry
to Ch.... ...• nephew Iten ft «'I, ham•uo
MA.ra duo, the Merchant . Clerk by Itev Charter
II 'Nit or 0 A . author of - Records of • lioud Mao,
' Mary ' Morgan.", Or the Nevi.. he Be
The shove, with It large assortment of new book, on
kmodosnl mat reeeretril. ELLIOTT &
ardl eel mark. at
- • --
SOLISII 11(SOKS—Iticory of the Creel. He,
010..t0.t. and Cl the wart and campaign. ar,...15
Irmo the atrug.gic• of toreek Pau.ots to
OR eno.r, from l'ottioh 1 oeet—to two Vol.•—•plrndld ruff vv. latuortoos map* and enca
Lottery lati,,:ve of the reran n( n 111 , front
tg...6 171; fl por. ra.i.. In I vols.
Compaq .o '.OO .11.1 0( the Holy nerptores
Harry Mt:twists y, thr,lort romance, 'nth X negro
I nun .• the'o Land. Fr , och Stage, and Sketehos
.n;v. Err', and for sole by
n , rt yo otsrtet street
VT.W W tom. mud d• rovsequeners.
•.Nn, G P R Jamr..E•ti
Vans Pa., a,cl wnhout • Hero: by WHllam
3.‘•kepeater Thacker no ). arl,n tliu•Huno.
Etilv•rd Vernon. ;n* *Ior) by E V Child.
or) m ,e 1',11:••olar ‘Var by General Charle•
\ xne . Nlaryu of Loodooklerry, GC R.G
C H CoJonn: ed Negt I. Guards.
The acme ' o,k. recited I. day and for *ale by
A r PhIN NSVLVANlA—Conotrueteti from the
Cetunty Survey,. nuthortzed by the State, anti oth.
r r or,epla, dorelnew • Re Ttoed and unproved ender
1.. e • upr rv...tna Wm E Mortis, Cml En gamer
. upon
data procured tfl acnee ounty. under aullortty Me
Leel.lalur.. A mew ropor.• Olass large and aptendrd
Map rrreive‘l Ilk. day and for rale by
_ .
Heroic sellers cot market and 3J sts
_ .
I. C 1 'N O tRDA:siCE.—The Englwhmsn's
'oll4'o rtfivire of dm New Testament, b lug
all•invz LI • rlial conneelton between the eirrek
.41 toe Flnco-b remw—me.luding a concordance to the
t'ropc t Navas, n Indexes. Greek-English, and Eng
-11..1.f,rre1l Just reemved and for We by
Rou••ellr n, cur 10.111.lket - and .34 ;Ls
Metallic Fran. Pianos
A SPLENDID usortinenl of Rose
wood and Mahogany and acuou
just llooshed and for sale.
Alpo, two . o endid Rosewood Pumas,
wnhletnaeht erlelanted holian altnehment.fou.hed
In thr moat modem sty:, and for male al
ire.l FHLU 1 11:1 4 , 112 wood •
1848. jialik
Canal Poe kat— SW ALLOW, Capt. Font
(CRAM, Capt. Waster..
'?NE of the above Rackets leave BM V.T every day,
ISundayk excepted) arid arrive next morning at
arren, where they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. •rnving al each of these places
liefore night_ One of the 1 3 aeketri leave Warren daily,
at G P. AL, and arrive et Beaver in time to take the
moruing steamboat for Pittatiergh.
M 11l TAYLOR, Premiers.
111110D011 To Tilt t..a a 111 roan noun
banal Packet—Plumm.vsnis, Capt. definer;
" Txbrio.rn, " Pollock";
Luau Kam, " Truby;
" Perron, Brown;
Fatxmon, " Sayer.
The above new and splendid Iftweinger Packets have
commehced running between BEAVER AND, ERIB.
and will run regularly during the wne boat
leasing Erie every morning at 8 o'clock, slid one Way
ins Denver every evening. Immediately after the arri
val of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
'l'he boats are new and comfortably furnished, and
will run through in forty hours. Passenger. to tun'
paint on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falk, will find this
route the wont comfortable and expeditious. Tickets
thmexh to all port. On the Lake can be procured by
apply tog to tltc proprietor..
It KED, PARKS & Ca, Beaver.
JOIN A. CALA:BEY, figt. Pittsburgh,
tor, Water and Smithfield sm.
AGENTS , —Jan C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y.
C Id Reed, bine, Pa.
C C NVitik.lireenville Pa;
NPFarland and King, Mg Bend, Pa;
Hays & Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pm
W C Malan Sharon, Pa;
C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa;
R W Cutininglirun, New Caatle, Pa. jyt
Pennaylvattla Canal & Rail Road Ex
., preee.Past Packet Llae,
:b..-:7:4•_ 4 - 1 -5--'.° l • 1848.
a...elusively for Po..ongen.)
1111; public are respectfully informed that this Line
VIII commence running on the Yhl inlet, and con
anon thronghoui the Senson.
The Innate are new, cud of superior cliws, with 01,
inept! cabins, which will give greater comfort. Tic
ars the latest construction.
A beats/rill always he in port, 61111 travelers am te
que•ted to roll and °melee them before engaging pos.
sage elsewhere.
Ware only note dollar. through.) One of the boats of
thin Line will leave the lauding toppostte U. B. Hotel,
corner of Peen street and Canal, ovary night at tulle EP
611a 'fine :4 tiny.. For information,apply at 1116
Odle., Monongahela House, or to D LEECH &Co
Jet& Canal Hann.
rassonpior and Itemittanoo OPEsa.
iiitHANRDEN to CO. continuo to bring per m .
from nay part of Engiculd, Ir - tend. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal tense, with then
usualpunctuality end allergia° to the want. and com
fort ot emmlgrante We do not all., our passengers to
be robbed by the swiedhog scanty. that infest the sea
ports, as we tams charge of them Use Ferment they re
port thernsolves, and see to their well baths; ere ' e e ,
sestet] them without any detention by We first shlpo—
Wo toy this timelessly, as we defy ono of oar ousel,
Lirp to thew dint they were detained IS hours by as to
verpool, whilst thimaande of oUters wens detained
Melillo, Until they ruled be .curia some old craft, at a
eh^ p ram, which too Bogue.) , proved their coffin.,
intend to perform our contracts honorably, coat
what it may and nut set rts was the ease last season,
with e th er 0th0.r.,--whe either performed not all, or
when it suited Weir ofnoeniarna
Orate drown at finubergh for arty em from LI or
taxa, payable at any of the provincial Dank. m Ira
Mad, Es' Scotland and Wales.
European and General Ann;
• faith
UnTARD-1 bbl ground hl orient, for sale by
ti s ue .
ge T4
1 0 ' ‘3
6 ois?
Ter Proprietors hare spent much time
in bnaging this preparation of 8 AAAAAA atm,
to. Its present state of perfection; and the esperienee
of fourteen years has furnished them the moat =pig op
portunity to study, in their venous forms, the disease* for Mhteh it
is recommended, and to adapt it exactly to theft relief uld' mine. Pa
tients who wish • {LALLY ;moo lif,dicine are invited to give Iva tiiali and =tidy
thermelves of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possensea of arrestmg
and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, and in its
present improved form may .fely claim t.; be the nosy and cuss's*? Idedicine of
the age. Its progress to the fame it hs attatned may be traced by a long live of frets
and curer, that stand no landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the mop to
the haven of health.
The folloymng ts from Cot S. G. Taylor, a gentian= of high standing and eoteneh
acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada:
!dears. 1. B. & C. SArtos
G —Haring used, and witnessed the effecta of yoor excellent preparation'
of Sarsaparilla on different persons in vane , . parts of the Southern country, via .
Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mesa., I feel couch pleasure in stating the high
opmion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my own glue it acted alitaad
like a charm,•reutoving speedily the enervated [tee of the syatlrri, and exciting, in
the most agreeable manner, a loam end in sigonning influence.
Your Sarsaparilla is highly approded anal eglen*yely dud brthe IL.States army
In Mexico, and my ceusan, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOft,by got , theisast'llth years
been in the habit of using It, and recommends the same . he and ',myself adopted the,
article at the same time, and It is now considered an almost Indlsponsable.sequune
in the army. In conclumon 1 would say, that the better It Is know n the more blghlr
It will be pilled, and I trust that Its health•restonng mrtues make It generally
known throughout the length and breadth of arsdelpertend country.
Yours very respectfully, S. G. !TAYLOR,
U. S. Gonsulito New Granada
Snadport. Co.*. !mammy I, lota
Messrs. Scott :—Gentlemen-8 for the afflicted induces me to inform you
of the remarkable Cote effected by your Sarsaparilla in the OW amy wife. She
was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body the 'lambi of
the Peek were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After
on e over
year, arid finding no relief from the remedies sued, the diseue attacked one l eg, and
below the knee suppurated. Her phyMeilan
ode it should tie Lind which fru
done, but
treewthout, coy permanent bessollt It aituatlon and were
induced to Sarum' Sarsaparilla_ The first bottle produced dental and favor
able effect. relieving her more thus any preemption she had emir taken t and before
she had used
t he
b ob
to the astonishment end delight of her Mends, the found her
health quite tutored. It to now over •
year since tha cure mu effected. and her
health remains shovel
i n the disease westhoronehly endleated from the system.
Our neighbors an knowing to these facts, end think Sulu' Parsaparilla a greet
blessing to the age. Tours with respect, 111 lIID PULE.
Extract from a letter received from Idr. N. W. Harris, a santlermart wall known in
Louisa COctaty. 1 hare cured • [mare boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla,
who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a ammtulone family.. Yams truly,
" Hydride Hatt, Va., July 17, Mt . 4 , V. W. Halt/ US."
The following teatimanyfrom Rev. John Orme, late Rector of the Church of thb
Crum]Mum to this city, commends itself fo the attention of the Witted. Nomeroua
certificates of cores of various disguises affected by title modtdne are almost daily
Saxes .—• member of my family has taken your vali j able Sarsaparilla for
a severe ocrondotia affection, toe. with 0e raon beneacts] effect restilthig from Its
use. It pees me very great pleaatin to record my testimony M behalf of - its Arhus
and efficacy, booing that others may be Induced to make a trial of
N.. York, ]fay 10, 1848. JOHN 01(100.
Henn: A. B. k Ig.:Sesste Neregek,LN. y., Oct. I, 1047.
GiNTLVlNtl—Feclimrs of gratitude Induce me to make apuolic acknowledgment
of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsswlllet. I have for several
years been afflicted with scrofulous swelling s In toy head, which at times would
r i t r il%r . and discharge at my throat, nose. and e: , r and at ethers woold break out in
pans my face and bead. These c otted unial my thrust, fan, and
head were almost one complete sore, and fora long time f was so hoarse that P wu
with the utmost difficulty that I could speak atone a whisper. /luring this time I had
several snacks of pleurisy and other demises I mmsulted different physicians, and
tried slum. remedies. but receired no benefit until I commenced maim your Ram
pan!. lam con well the sores are MI healed, and 1 attlibcde the result entirely
to the effects of your valuable medicute.
Yoon, with respect and gratitude, OFIEBE CAHOON.
Being personally acquainted with the parson above named] I behove her statement
to be correct. JAMES M. D. CAlllt, Moue of the Peace.
A. B. & D. SANDS, Davocis-rs Asa dimmers
110 Putrox•llT.. CURIO, or WtLuum, Now Vorti.
sold also by Drugguits generally throughout the tinned &Altos and Cho.
?nee $1 per Bottle , Boyles for $3
to Pttt•l out 1.. wholesale and r etnd. by N. A FA iitiFtrrOClC, h CPI, cornet of 'Mood and Front
er of ttixta and Wood ..ts L WI Lt7r 17(..1r. corner of S`tnithfiehP and Fourth at, and also
et at and the Lharnood. by EDWARD FENDERI)'II. ror Moriongaln }loos,
aso. 1.0
-The unpreccdt.i.ted •u. cc.. "rll:ch Des
ero TIIO.F
1 I 1.. NG.
d the rt
4 all the •arrow terms who'll arntation of the I inwe as
*woo., Ass tneheeed the propnertor noun to earl alien
two to Oil.
The ehangabm oreaMer which mark• our ND and
elater monthly °. always a fruntal oaurce of
The question, then. how shall we 111,13 the tle-etroyer to
the bud , bow shall we get clear of our roughs and
0 , ./10 es of vital importance to the roh:te.
',ln be found In the Ginsenr, raneeen. in pro..fof this
.re have from um• to tone pubtabed t - c.. rt,firatrs of
dozen. of our t,ust know it •,n ,h 0 have rn2rn
~od ruralise powers These, vith 1.0 41 of It,
umnay from a:I parts or the rountry--from
\Jousters of tho Gospel, b.e., together ..:kW copious no:
stes (Torn the
ia..,11.13 OF THE DAP,
fore Imre rmbalfed m remphlot form, and map be had
of any of our swot. th , ov ghoul 141. rountry
burre been aced 111 Ulu etty
throughout tha tinned State• so”c1 Canada, and we c.f.
.cage tiny man to point out s. - I
which. when taken aerord.og to doe... DR. JAYNE'B ALTERATIVE.. and he- I
f .re the lungs had become f We have been in by Mrs. Rose of a cure per.
atally dtsorganmcd, it h. formed en her by pr . jy,..... Aii.,,,,,,,,,,e,.„,b.,,t,
tier failed to
EFFECT A PF.REF3 - P CURE. proves its supenenty over every other remedy of the
%V., then, need the miimied hesitate! us by twain , e , t kind. She.* been alllicted lot the last sixteen pure
„ ...„ ,„,,,-,,,,,-- I with :OF:Mt/ISM or WHITE SWELL/11VA attended
s a l t °''''bie '''''''''''''
gePee °P
b L e '',...., - ;,,-„,'",-,,',- 1 with ulceratten. and mifoliation of Tamils bones, du
n. (able
' o h° °°°°'°°°
'thme m of th ,
e t: e n - p„..,,,,, “ ---; r e ", - I rtn which time many pleecshave been disieharged from
s ' n e , ' ,: n .,,H ° Visl i ed g i , n O te tto r o noth iAlt n ie t,', ' , ‘ ",,, - , - t - e - i n - e - e q . ' ' '''. I thin g :rental boot of the cranium, from both her arms,
UNPARALLELED EFFICACY , arcs. and hands, and from both legs, mad front the MR
~,,, , fe.r oral bone,
r and s from the ngtit knee, besides painful
b1.,;,°,._,,,be had,
* o r b' s :Z.7i ' , )117 one
etheelt-P" weigh- i ulcers on othe sof her person, which have Maned
SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. , the skill or a autntier al the most eimnent phystetansoi
' or cat -daring 1120. Of the Ume bar sutrormos have
In order that this in•aluable medicine may be placed
, ° been exentintleg and deplorable About three months
putwithin a :, pave 7, c h of
f th e poor as e'en the nee, we" have t since she was induced to try Dr. layncts Alterative
ONLY FIFTY CENTS, , winch hats bad an astonishingly happy effect upon her,
o a. swellteg., and causing the
Imo one half the anal CO , " of cough medicines. 1115 Iby ' """n ' nil • a'n
, I,
iliCGrl to heal, wink at the same time her general ea
for sale by our
whoa in nearly every town and village b.. become completely restored,. that she now weighs
eye° th e we". re Pth r s th A y e t en,, L thethllthththlth " : 2.3 lbs more th an she did before she commenced the est
uon relative to sl..
B_— ----",,„„ ~,,,,,,P rop r ietor , , -,,,,„ of Lbw truly valenbie prepalrou.--(ent Eve. Pmt.
- -;.........-........"'''... FOr ifurther mforatabon, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No. It
Entreat st.lahlladelpima.
..1. , 111. r171118C.111 A.l. R 11.1.1... I For sale to PiOsbargli, at the PF.KIN TEA STORE,
WESTERN LINE I 7 . 1 Fourth st.. near Wood. 15 4
Odle., at the Exchange, Baltimore.l . -
D EDUCFJ) RATF-S.-The charges have been du- 1 St .
I.:t ced on all bless.. coot Itithirnore. Pins- INGS.-Scrolula in all its roultmlied fors.
burgh or Wheeling, mid a correspondlng reductton
~_, i whether Le that of tune. Eva, enlarge awnla n tbo
,T...,.:",:,.ti;elr,,,.Pt,Trgdi7PF?:7h'.':."va'd'd from °"`" . glands or Oen., Goitre, White Swelling.. Cnroo:t
1 ftheronatelen, Censer, disease. or the Skis or Spine,
R.00w1.-The charge for • tele6raph degi latch to or , .
~.., „.
c,..,..0 ,,.. , f . r..
front Baltimore. Pau:burgh and NN heeling. it 45 cents or of 101100. , t.: pu ,
(or the hr. tea word., end 3 cents for each addluonal , and the saute cause, which is a piton.. pnoelple
word. more or lens inherent to the human system. There.
ED - No chart. ~.". for the address cad algtl.' I fore, unless this pruselple Cu, be dentroyed, no radi.
Until the completiou of the South Western Line of
(11,. ',
MI Can C. be eflected, but if the principle upon
Telegraph from Memphis,, New Orleans, des-, which the disease depends, a removed, a cure
patches can be forwarded to Memphis by this route, and mint of necessity folletv, no matter under nbattorm
mailed for New Orleans, leis the disease should man:Mat itself. This, therefore
' is use moron why JoT LI if., At.e.tbroerrE to so net
vernally SISCCCSSitIi co removing so many maliguant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
whine those diseases have their engin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Strict, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Patin Tea Store, N0..72 Fourth .tree.
Pittaburgh mchSl
A 9 . 6 . a11 . 55ag0 to the World
rp W T -F1 V E will be paid to Any one
who will produce n spot of paint, grew: or dry, that
cannot be altramed with floa's Implored Chcintcal
Soap. I have the saUstaction of guying to use people of
thin place, that this amide, by my own improvement on
it, now stands unrivalled in this country for extracting
pease, tar, pitch, oil, paint, or tiny other greasy sab
stance, from all kinds of gentlemen's or ladies clothing,
carpets, Wile' cloths, merino shawls, ladles' bonnets,
an, without Injuring anything that pare waterwill not
injure. More than one Moneta.' persons in different
parts of ale country have told me they would not be
without if It WC one dollar per cake. In trying this
Soap on mum than 300 =hetes of light silks, satins, al.
paccaa, end calicoes, I have only fount: three pieces of
silk. two of aloud's, and four of calico. on *web it
changed the rotor; therefore before puttung it on a light
dress try a sample of the dotes brat I this incense
I am determined not to recommend It any stronger man
I know to b. sleety true. N II Nem
Noce, 12a cts per eatho Sold, woolreale nail moo!
TIM Alletithetti Cemetery.
AT she annual meeting of the Cs/roe/soars, held on
the Sth Mat., the Colloorins persons weft unani
mously re-elected Managers (or the ensosng year:
THOIO.St M. HOWIC, President.
J. Fisca - v, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer.
'lite annual statement presented the affalrs of lb<
Company at • very prosperous condition. Their other
in the city is Na. 37 Wain, sire rt. tetS
A RLfin`kb. HIN ht lan 1 , for ',oho°. alto
Farnthea—Thu work consists of twenty volumes.
and contain. five hundred dale rent *directs : illustrated
with NM engravings. It is on entirely original .ones,
recently written and compienul by S O Geoilt ich, au
thor of Peter Parley.. Talcs, lind to deigned to exhi
bit, in a popular bony, Select 13aograpInes,anatent and
modern; Ike wonders nod en of History, Na
ture, Art, Smenect, and Plidopoptiy noonc. ,
with lint aellorti
dolma of Ida
The price per Vol. h. coots, each co:slaloms About
aro pages, Pan" '
or 810 per Si. For role by
002 K HOPKINS. Apollo 1140100,g, st
' Hardware—Cheaper them Evert
LOGAN, WILSON Os. CO., Importer , . end Wholesale
Dealers in Han'were, Cutlery and Saddlery, Na
12t Wood street, above Fifth, have now to store a very
cheap nod well selected stock ot Hardware, imported
since the decline p IV,. to Europe, and which they
are determined to all correspondingly low. Merchants
who have been in the loath of going Fact, are particu
larly requested to roll ar.d look through oar stock, as
we confidently believe they will save their expenees.
PEHIMCED judges, on a trial of ono and a hal;
12A millions, since. 1,54 a, pronounce this ankle unsur
passed ler durability in the C0n8.11.1011 of all kinds of
rtamite. PuceAS.t.47J cool ins loads of 1.0 01, guar.
maned nine months um. Orders for a second quoin,
llolivar Bricks will be eiecated at WM per M, if so Lie
nsired, without guarantee. A stock or the firm <maid
now for sins at the warehonse,•Sloanlo Wharf,' Ca
al Basin. by , J SHAW MACLAILENI
mpauf. _ Xemanglon Hun Works
YiIIENIX ME BRICKS—The trubscrlbera havtag
been appninteri sole Agents by the manufacturers,
for the sale of the celebrated . k•hcenia itricka." are
now prepared to ha orders for arty quantity, an Sal,
cash, per 1,000. For the constructton of (unmet , of
all /cads, these brie e• have been pronounced by eon,
pelent Judges as bet og superior to all other hit bmeks
now in use. C A fd'ANULTY a. Co, Caurd Llatsba
_ m -- -
111 44 . 4 ."..... 0 LBortsy In a reed and for de at as
Reba Robber Deem, I o I Wood street
j Yrto rark., .I: , ensaftry T, 1 848.
atinalesergon, a lea van co ,
TAR. EnwARD ACKER. takes this means of re
/ tarmac. It, thank t tat friends land the public
tor the examinee pstrenage tie received, and of Int
them dant he hav lately erected n large aid
well constructed budding., for tb«selusve purposes
of his WATER Cr RE PIiCCALILISHSIENT, at hts old
law:lt/no, at Phil i arab o rah. l'a,ion the Olito over, rapp
rs litg steamboat landing at ffenver, where bets ready
to might. patients as reorder., and treat them on Hy
atropaduc prznetplcs. In addition to his long experi
ence, and the great Gunners which' has heretofore at
ended hts tanlaintelsted patients committed te his care,
be has now the additional (acad.:es afforded by on ex
tensive built:Ling erected expressly/or the purpose, enn
aadatag commodious and airy rooms and fitted op with
every earvessary apparatus for bathing, and ddraints
teriug me treatment to the utmost licne6l and comfort
of the Gatient. Ptitllipshurgh is a most dcbghtful and
healthy enlarge, easy of access try stenntooats, and af
fords tine and wholesome water. Dr Acker assures
those afflicted persons who may place themselves un
der his care, that every anention shall be paid to their
comfort and or an assurance o(the sultstanual benefits
to derived. he points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured at his este!.
ashment. The Water Cure leave. no, ultino. effects
unbind. as Is too often the case tenth those who have
nrented on the old system. It removes the dis
c, ietgorates the system, protects from the dangers
anden n t to abanges of the weather, creates a ruatural
d active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive
powers Termer:f treatment and boarding reasonable.
pat r further particulars inquire ti the establishment, or
address the propnetor at Phillipsburgh.
LAD] 08 Who Use Common Yrepared Chalk, are
often net aware how inghttally injarlOnS t Is to
the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, bellow,
and unhealthy the skus appears after assn( prepare
chalk! beanies, it is injursuits, eontaining alarge tom
thy of lead. We have prepared - a behtidthl vegetable
article, which we cell JON SPANIPII LILY
Wlt ITE! It it perfectly I utocent, tonp erthed•of all
deletermusqualtues; and Imparts to the skin a natn.
rat, healthy, alabaster, etc., living while, at the manse
time acung as • cow:rate on the akin, making it soft
and smooth.
.. -
Dr. James Am:tersest, Practical Chemist of Musa•
ies... says: -allet Jones's Spanish Lily
Wbac, I find it possesses the most beautiful and nat.
m „ . l, at toe same Alne innoceal white 1 overalaW.
conaualy can conscionuously recommend 41 au Wall
whore skin requires beautifying."
jrPrice 23 cent. 11 boa.
tioiu by W Al./ACM.OS, at his Boot and Shoe
,bll Liberty street, head of Wood, at the slim Of
the Big [loot
!adios, ladies, rha aatoniabed,
',When you know Mat you arc promised
A 11/3111¢1, {ATI" while,
that too will still use common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter and of talk
If you would use a boo of JUNE'S L.lly-white, it
weal.] give your skin as alabauter yet natural white,
and at the name: time clear and improve it. Sold at
JACKSON'S, Wt . :berry st. Prate 1:3 C.A. per on.
. •
.NOt'Oait Wtertd }Beet, onc door south of Dtameed
alley, Pittabirsh, Pa odes for ache a large lot 01
Drugs, Medicates, fhln. Paint, Vammthett, Dgestud.
and Perfumery, Porrign a n d Dom mutt, to which be
Cad , the attentiOn of druttgwd, physsciane and met - -
chg.... Mug the city, an he 14 i4.lllllllled t sell •
very low prtem, and give general ranainction. tiood•
warrantra and cheap. Vandsh Nu. I and 2, N. York
ruatmlacture; also Japan and Blank heather Varnish.
ea, elf auperior nuatity. Also, What and Bed Lend at
pared lower than heretofore roamed. J. D. 111. also
Manufactures Morgan's celebrated Cough Sy rup,which
has given general *mutat:bon to all tat the oaring of
concha, colds, baIIISCIOMS, lutluensaq:vnoolung cough,
ete, p.,c 0.5 Ceuta per bottle. Also, Morgan'. lacer thns, a Ccream cure Melten complaint.
sack headache, and ail bum. , COMPI.II. Pia. 23 011
per box. mte.X
Dr. W. P. lesisesidi; Premiums Plater.
xtt'. I'. INLAND, of the Medial College Id Phil
adelpinn. non , offers to the public Ws Indian Veg.
Pinion= newer, the quinines pi which, miler
tone sod ilia expertendei has hn.d satimieciorify es IX• ,womeno who may be laicise way
reetapeux L term Of Falloll Wanyb, he reaniumends his
/ace, gun...teeing • sure ad speedy 'cure In the
slat space of from two to thee weeks, if smiled with
ewe smt reel-iliseasillag .11 the counties:l instruments
nod expensive benditges so long In use. Thu , he kris
Coll.“entiOUS elatUlg, irLIBMZIOh 0.
.• he hm in tailed
m 000 case out 0( axe hundred d airy -three
. .
. .
Ala (or Rheutnattion and Weak &Min or Back, at
tended wtth pain, there ur iothing to oitkel lkla Fluter
tarorthret other or a - et:Ong a ear. Forsala by
L Wilcox. corner oiTod and Market ci
Ilreott & /letter," Li yard Clete sts
P r ti.rgeurt " F al at and,lliamonti, Alle
gheny city
largess & Orb • Dull= . 4 444=4 Alingzlg
hews jdq
PPrc_AL ,
XIMd gor7 C Lirer=eld su th ? "4" =sold 2 1 , ire" '" 4
• . Mows' nellidtt,WestradieLmid Cd.,;& t •
„ • et 1 ^ 3411 * h e n i l 4 e.
e md
4 4141 E. Selie - si—A otdoity.ko yowled_ a4p L .,,,d • a
•e fad
... g illfy Creators mulo,alre ran yotraterfor s y
;Ikea go !Mad. • Mom of Ite many piwyeratiorm ofamps,res
rod gust}, !lauded to the Aim, Lan sera into WM.:armee
her Pile hs. beau &Sand satin public sod, ladeed,
hews thwierill.pursire thila WV , . they a. Jong sktim
qtr.-end diets to be hr. be. altered with Liner
tom my path; has. meteor& Moth; emparyid
nmay eminent ph..., to whom I paad steel money; ha.
bolt used 1,1, hem mingled .4 Opt.. ydrasetto m I
al:ruled sor limn, sad Moßl7,gtraw,ep ite iocurable. fe
lels-7 ares Lod tared to to. your Lwer Pills, atid 800.61 GOT
WELL. Our boa of welch he inkleirattokrepamelmir
et parr M. lode. told all the other symptoms fat al Nast
2 Your ribs &metro thaboteathartiel ver, Wei
ild, not scipuss or
dekbeas at the
at ries me mush relief tom kept tha. boy's..
f or w 7 years; sold hand.. of bores, sod
haws nom .
easy. camptaiet uttoroi by snares itha, Na tool •
than. They hem ruperectici almost every ether pill in 110
oeighbarhood, ad in a short time will tosti h thus ply.
.reestly roromintod them to all persons swelling physic,
whether km Liver Complaint or Billies" /recto= I ems-
Oder thrsi raperior tO Wooer' or tha Blm PilL Pasyriet..
ftA77775 J L Moan.
N—Am then are other Pills babn this public,
CALLItIa Lircr person, who want thoOßNlllNlZalseali
ask for ood tab
. soother than those prrpmed sod ead by 11.
E SELLERS, No 57 irood-st been. Third and Pourer
&old by Dr. Csastr, IMMO !Vera, D 31 COM, Anothetet
city, •CS
To the 111171slieaFsote .toss mud
ILT -EL'KER'S' FARINA, nOw In use at tho Hospital.
R Asylums, and other public establithomuu, and
recommended by some of the most &wimp:tubed pay-
Memos and chemists, as an article of diet Pot children
and invalids, much supenor to arrow root, up, etc.,
tar more stroauthoutog, pleasant to We taste, mammy
of digestion. Pot up in 21 lh. boors of hair lb. pspsra,
gnat accompanied with printed directions for cooking,
trebly, in his Agricultural Chemistry, p. 4.9, PhD. ad,
.Children fed upon arrowroot, stdep, or indeed any
kind of ainylolacemio food, which does contain in
Blind for the formation:et bones and muscles,
become bat, and acquire °wilt a-Ana: Abair limbs.
peer full, but they do not acquire streu;sh, nor arti
orgasm properly dantriqped.'t
IA We analysis of the Farinannade by Prof: Held of
New York, among other consiimienls, he gives IS 'per
emit of gluiseu and albumens; =dam:meta that the
claim. at the Farina upon the Medmol Protosoims and
the public will rest upon ha containing in the gitaton
and albumen, vegetable fibriao and other nitrogoutsed
b o di es pat , MOJA Ili arrow TOM Or similar SIIIMMDCOIa
and which modern t heirdstry has pointed out as being
heeemary to the formation Of hatmu Hilo , and by
means of which notate makes up for the constant
waste that totes place In the human body. For sato
wboloodo or read, by FC E SELLEIRE,• •
ample 67 wood st
Great. EwgLah Itesmody.
.FOR Coughs. Colds, Asthmn and Consumption! The
GREAT A-ND ONLY REMEDY for the cursor the
aßuse disease., is the 111:1NOAHLUN 11A.L8A.116 OP
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated De. rAtettlA, of
London. England, and introduced into the United State'
under the immediate superintendence of the inytinuart.
The extraordinary success of this emedloiee; lit 117.. -
cure of Pulmonary diseases., warrants the Aeteleen
Agent in whetting for treatment the worst possible ta
ws Lbw can be found in the commututy—easest ebullient
relief tn vain from ony of the Caning= remedies of the
day, and have been given op by the most dialiugnished,
physicians as confirmed and Incurable. The Innitiri.'
an Balsam has cued, and willuure, the most tespexate
Itch of e of cases. It uno quack noswmtn,, trot n ' reen " . En
' Every femßy toteh United should bdo
!nub Bushon's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the unoromptive tendencies of the. e
ban lo be need as preventive rttedietne in ail ea=
colds, coughs, spi cing of blood, pain in the side and
chest, irritation and unreels of the lungs, brochlds,
dititeulty of brewing, hectic fever, nightClll: !Mr;
n on h td . F ,. e ro ueral debility, unarm, Dineen., hoo ,
Sold in largeules, et 81 per bottle, with Poll ans.
lions for the restoration of health.
Pang,lda., containing • mass of English and AIIIOI/. •
ean certificntes, and other evidence '
slmisving the un
equalled merits of Ida groat English Remedy, may be
obtained m the AgenAgramitemsly.
For anla by B A dkINESTOCK k Co., comer of
at and Wood knd W and 6th sta. ' mar 9
L , ROM the lies ASA dillN Pi, a well kuovsnandpop
ular ClergVman of the Protestant klerrilistghumh
ehe andermarted having been affLieted ming the past
winter with n disease or the roc:teen, sometimes pre ,
&ming great pain In the stomach for ten or twelve harm
without mitre:dation, and atter haring tried varioui
remedies with hide effect, was famished With a bottle
of Dr 1./ !smelt Carminative Salaam. Thuile and ac
cording to the directions, and found invariably that this
medicine mow:if - the pain wiabute in three or fear Mill
met, and in Sheen or twenty invutteseveflf wens)
sensation am entirely quieted. The Medicine was IS
ter onalsused whenever indientionsof the approach of
pain welefel Celled, width. pent was therohy prevent
ed Ile continued to rise the medieine every evening
and somentue• in the thornina, and in a few weeks
health no.. it, far restored i tnat the sufferer was relies
ed :eOl2l a large =DUOS of oppressive pain. From en
Uperience, therefore, he ears mnthdently. reccututmpd
fay nes Carminative balsam, as a, salutary medit
for diseases of thesternach and derreetv. A OHM D
Per sale in Pittsburgh at the P A A ' FilN i l i k:A CitY tifeß •
Fourth street, pear Wood, and able at thebror
Store of PSC W ARTY Federal meet. Allestway
Parity lams Blood.
M R- rll o lilG S p i re ßl v 4 t g':‘ on ' s — ll M e . r Sl Tani* severely Loot Bri
ta and d
woo a scrofula:. complaint to my lega, and had beet
for some months under the care of' physician. Met
ancl toy rase was almost wearable, and they,conkk do
but little forme. I woo nearly helpless, but with the
ud of crutches mould with difficulty get abont. lit May
lac:, I parchased of you and commenced aain4
Tura A lice the use of botffes, the
sorts commenced healing and I laid WM my clutch
es. using only a cane. I dispensed with my centersoad• •
at the end of the fourth, woo so well ea to astist a/I day
in sbreringehaep. mod flee boules. The
aeronde md sores have all healed up, and since laar
I have se. on appearance of the dlseasa,brit
have canumed,and am now, in the most perfecthmbigr
111.110 wohnoofidence, hopm,g that others may be ban
ached in the mum amp, that the Sarsaparilla sold by
you. has been the mean, and the only means ofaffeels
me the cure. CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
(or see wholesale and retell, by
ar. fm P woad ass, tc also cornor wood &nth..
-r Cream :lc' Amanda Amerc% for sheet:iv
Cream u le Rose, for shaving;
A Imaaaa Cream, do:
Superfine llauge,on Porcelain standm
Kieran: scent bags, perfumed with Lavender, Angles
lane hliel;
::.suuful powder pas, of all patterns:
Um:eased toilet bone. courattung fragrant tZtraCta
for the bond kerchief; I scent beg, and toilet soap. BUlt.
able for prevent.
reftt... or Cruncec Powder.
la-tun vegetable hair oil,
Bear's oil, in fancy or common wrappers, (rose scent.
'' Yonca' Soep s .Nyeaph Soap: Roe. Lip aalve:
Shed soap. Soda scam, together t o a great convoy
of fide Perfume ry : Inc recs.:red; for tale by
0:1I1 cor oth h. wood sta
Pulmonary Belnane.
LU T w s . a t s.. fti
toyVi C
ren,:. real .
. e=
more respeeting your Vegetable Pulmonar ole y
:bore I fist usedMe-Balsam, about eleven years ago,
the sappy effect of which I then gave an account of, I
have bud several Seven cornplainta and attacks at My
lungs, one a kw day. since, and in every instance II
have used the Balsam alone wi th complete and perfer...
success. It has effected relief and Core in a very' few
days. It Is certainly a see medicine. I do not *war
that it wilt ewe a died cormumptian, but I buffalo It
Will be ht many rues a pnrventive, mad prevention Is
bettor than caret I do therefore, for theiovo of ray fel.
low men, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,
fo ad pulmonary complaint.' I am confident that It
has beets the means of preseremg my life to this day.
Boston Juno lb, '416. BENJAMIN rAft...odvs.,
for sale by B A Pahnestock, d. Co, corner fret an
"wood and also corner wood and &h.
1:3 power to curet Firrsaczon, Feb. 14, RSV,
Setamix-14Y wife Las for years bedb subjeet
to a distressil cough, aceompantell with asthma," kw
We m
t.O of which She used diderent cough re
sod had the vice of the most eminent physic's:ft .
klug:and, bat all woe unavailing. By, chance.l heard„
al your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was inddeedtaltat'
• bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anythlmy:".
Could remove her C 0
i mm 11,01.110. To my great porpoise,
two doses gave her ediate rebel libe is at times
troubled with a cough. bat two unitspOetudid Syrep
aiway• stops It. I ant satisfied, eller& trialotth r eetost,
tour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best sough
mediehm I have aver tried either istlitte - Old or New •
World. WlLFalehowag:ls
Seventh WhiceitY df
The above eetuficate should- indite.- ill who an
troubled with cough or asthma, to give. the Syrup 104-
al. It may be had for 25 cents a' Istiule, at the drag
porn of
Sold by Dr Cassel, 4th ward, and D Li Corry,
puny city. land
Patent lillook Sprlag TOOM ,
,Vh:WLY INVENTED—For 0. eetiefaeareeensaent
Cart of HERNIA br RUnURE. (gulled TA an
superior thorns of dos Tress consist in the iota
daratfve ease. with which it fatty be wont. 'rtre'pad of
wax! Lclng neatly ba/anced on springs, yields mpresr
Isire On ally pan of it, and thorongbly adapts null to
any movement made by toe slnrarlir. Ir can be
situ internausion. instils cure u effected. The sub
set. Oen hare made arrangements for ina cianulactur•
31 these 'turnable Trusses, to a supener style, la Pady
kipaia, and hese them now or sale al Weir Orbee,24ll.
/7, C.4:field et. near Sion', PreatotrFh.
lea) D. W. KAUFFMAN.
Q FILLERS' VERAllltitig- - Supenor u 5 any I tiara
Fayeue county, Pa.., March 4, 4h. Mr. R.
Y. as
Sztv.arta-1 hereby certify that !hada sued
your Veruntuge 111 lay family, and Vellava 111:Vaal, rf
not aupenur to any 1 have ever rued. I gave to pupal
my ow, aux, whlth cipnltc4 atrour WV:Ma.
E 4,1 eNll:l2o.t.'
Prepared and •ottl by R 1: SELLERS, V? Weisti'st.
Sold by Dr ea..,..1..011 11 , ant, Dat Curry, ,allegbutuyi
W J Smith, TeouparanuevAle, and P Dvavo, Idlur
roneevttle '.PTA
VIZINGI.--A.. aolorment pm he'd m1.3'1'0161
IJ try mYI J
riz i:T L I isfi LS D B A U IL R Y, G riu M .wz G E A KI .Z .;. ITE
w L IL,
dr as tiosoto Buildings, 3d .o near tit.rost (UNA
tt.A 'V KO OP AD 1/16/3.:W11111.41.0.
(L. , r „ ,„,,,,,,, of 11 !tam, or lee . .10.50
Two lasertiona nation t alterations . UIS
l'hreo • ''
1 0U
One Week " "..... .... ... 1 30
Two IVorks ' • ..... . ,'S CO
Three ' '• " . . ... . 4 - .. 3Co
One Month, "
Two ~ "Lf CO
.... ... . .
Three ~. '''' ......'.'.".g . 16U
07 Longer advertisements in vane oreipor o " l ...,
Une"lnarn, 6, without altention,.... f?'.',.,,
.. .. 12 , a . C. .. .••• t. ‘...
4:2C. additionaat *quart, for 6 menthe, ...... - 4 00
tine aoluareti nooGeno rouovva 2
blo at OsESIOS, it 00
Each addit lanai 9o:1m tot it rti0ntna........... ,10 10
l'wo ulna: es ,6 months, rewabin at pleasorO, U 0 00
4'.nch additionalaminare, 6 worths, . ..... ...i.. il 00
Ono aseinare. 3 ittaertions, . ......„.•.:.••••1 1 40
'' ” each additional insertson,........ 31
Five lines or leer, one year...endoinesAS ou
m0nth.,....".;•.4. 6 00
o oso year, daily wankinilo,oo
~ months ". •- " -...„ , 00
For ?Alines, nr lose , One inertias, .......40 160
„ Tw o , 44.6
.. 6. 4 , Th ree, - 00
• " Three menials,
" " •-t! 6. OA„.
, •rweire 7 ••••••••JM V/