The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 20, 1848, Image 2

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    WRITE i CO
Pluoi.umLpiaLliowriff Aitzwaiug.
eU'luM''ll3l'.m''ltaUsnUed Ind,t° en=
—Umaleddaw.elakop;c?ErA. be
AM .
• ; :Nzwirons
, 'lda medal' sad
aV , lhaomMo aadasam7taam fag ''2lM'muh ad-
Itrreasts DAM GlirMllltashid
,M,Wee)drOttlaWeekl.—The, Daily is Bevels
DAM ammili - Ageriti:Weelill is Pima Dollars pc,
=sir, shrt Weekly is Two Dollars per alums, stricar
ito Mow& -
jp"Airerairokra ara earnestly reclaimed 11) hand la
thaw firma, Were 5 ~,
and as earlyhrthe day is
e t tleable4=nal inserted =net.
he aiiia Motor Telegrapble Iffsar•
. . - -
The • Pest o f . Thursday has a duracteziatie arti.
de' int' the . "Ftiends! It says this ninety-nine
itantitedths' voted with the "Federal partf—that
Wiede r Idiot fieptiblieariecpuility' which rang-
Wept- :rhlbt of Mellow laborer to exert as
gra4,4o4Ter at; the!lielbu.''*, as the :wealthy
• oadfitroul incapable - of suatingf—that your strue
griiikteirr sere Whig Federalist Aristorina, or
Arl :Witt r else may- be in opposition so the tor.
&dime of , DeLDSCIIKM" IMO ClOnierlatilie—
rescheating, all change bus the change that makes
' up the alhoowerfol
These; iirbrief, sill the clauses of the Post,
aiptiost tbe Friends. Wbether they willow/a
titre those sgainstiaboos thsyaremade, or he who
make) Aetna, esninn be 84;194 otmpch doutl.—
The position of the Friends istall !Rood words and
crotha,-.4a.diaanitallug Pea . huve .. fairly
earned 6r themorieOrittat many prejudices,
thum respect et all good men, of itudacr rank or
othddien. It is true tharthay am commence:—
they do not wish to break: iceara every tie which
hinds aocicty, and renders life endurable here, or
of promise Meaner. The Priced has respect to
the taropnrty and goad trams of his neighbor. to his
.az, and his ate, and all that is kia" he lays po
ethos. And, so kis, as the "turbulence' of what
the Post calls ntentootway," (but which is really
•Jacabiai®°) lessens the security of these, 'the
Friends are opposed to-it. But whoovith troth,
dan say that the Friends were ever conservative
of June Who, with more constancy diem they,
have ever misted _oppression; injutio, infringe-
meats of rigbe And as to .Democracy," abo
Width the Post amen so mach and knows so
ihs, foam the earliest period of their history,
tbe Qualms have sneered creel imprisonments
tunaherivas,fineswithont end, astatenedy af every
eon, front all Essople, for standing, almost
elone,ha tho assertive' that '4ll men are equal." And
they, eterrathan any other,bave practically lived ap
to their anotrtion. As *laxly, they Irero the very
tlta to &ay the 'divine right of kings; sad at a time
when such Ntendaet was °passing strange," they
Wined to treat kings or lords of any kind in any
different manner than they did tha pootest thei
eitbana The Friends hams also been th
ewe conapictunta permeating and efficient acto
ie. the war ligeictst that catnip upon real Deem
may—Slavery. In all oldeets of beneveleace,
they have been conapicurom; the names of their
eminently phaanthroplo and dawned men, will be
ever mentioned with honor; but were their, alba
so many is then virtue*, the remembrance of what
they have recently done br the Welshing people
of Ireland, arould, we think, have restrained the
vrbolesaie and seamless abuse of the Irishman
of the Pea' He is a disgrace alike to the land
dins birth, and that *lbis adoption.
safe abuse of so blameless a people as the Friends,
init *confirms tit in the opinion we had previously
entertained cdhis aril& lewd, bad beat, and worse
Oindipte This* is Wrens* . IspEcutge than we
morally allow ourselyesfonse, but the insane ma.
litnity of the editor, looked for, if not edtensable
fora the election, becomes intolerable after.
Primula or max Comrimr.—The Washington
earrespondent of the New York Express tarnishes
the klkorring statement orate fueumes of the comp
ty from 30th June, 1849, to July, 1, 1849:
Total amourd cddiabroaensents,por published awe.
ineut otthe Clark of the House of. 4depreentst
Add br Mex. indemnity and othesiterns, 6,000,000
Add for 11. 8. Treszaty motes outstanding
Nov. 1, 1848.
2, to mu
Poe the u.s.Lout— • • 41000,000
For dudes on imparts and
tabs of lands—
To supply this, Congress will authorise the Sec.
weary of the Treasury to borrow the sum after the
la of Jan= y ; 1849. Orlin old loan. $1,000.000
is yet unpaid by thecontractors, and they will have
a chance of becoming 'successful bidders' far the
oew loan of 319,000,000.
In addition to the 313,000,000 of Tore/cry notes
sow oinnauding the Secretary of the Treasury
his authority up to 30th Nov. 1%8, to reissue the
additional Sum of $3,000,000.
TO this the Tribune replies that all the estimates
of Government expenditures that it has seen con
tain the mint of supposing that the ontstauchng
Treasury notes must be provided fin when due.—
They are fundable by law into a twenty year 6 per
cent. stock, and as such stock is at a premium, of
coarse the will be so funded, and no provision
abed be nude for them. This uses up nearly all
dosdetey - figared oat in the shove btaletemeaL
"WO harp, s day*, moor no, “eonfidentially,"
that :the Mar eats Gssette would be applicant
bribe Pod Office, bat paid no attention to it at the
Mae =incest:ekedby the Chronicle has mash
er's:err ears in dffiertatit shapes, we take this oppor.
tunity of saying that we are not an applicant for
any office under Gem. Taylor; though if we had
any ambit= that way, it 'would give ns great
plasmas to serve under the independent Old Sol
dier, who would respect that independence in oth
ers Which he claimsfx himself. If we ever should
held once, which is riot likely, and which we do
• not desire:ol must hill upon us unsought far. We
hastiltffie as high an opinion of the ritaponsibilis
ties Led importance of our presint position, as oar
intlghbor . of she lomat, and have no wish to
.idouvoOt for another, as we certainly could not
kr e-monthonorable sphere.
Yee:oday, we inferred to the votes of some of
mar chief cities, ati_nnulo some comparisons.—
Since ., thea,, we have examined the votes of Cinei
esti and St. Loads, which are, in the aggregate, in
eleding sulente, as Mears:
Dirarenep in favor of Cilllgllll6.o 7,449
Piusbargh is 798 votes ahead of Bt. Louis, and
Ciin , inexii is 6681 votes ahead 01'W:tabu/I*
Applying the sago of 66 which is generally wur
coded, es about correct, the population of these
Shrew Watson cities would stead as Mows:
Cincinnati and =barbs 101,214
illtattutcli and subtitle • • • • 60,918
Loma szut =butte. 55,196
We think aisle/11 be band not far born the ac•
tag population.
The AlexandriiVaiette sap—The vote u Vir
gils aMorciadra mad/dams the leaden of the party
maw about to go out of power. Their lowest cal
ealmicuaMs7e the State to Cam by 5 or 7000 ma ,
jolty. Now, see how the friends of Taylor and
Fillmore run them to the girth—Loaning it to this
Maur met amain that they have the State at all !
Had tcomplete system of orgsnization been adopt
ed throughout the Commonwealth, end the Whig'
been *Waded to believe that Madly was within
ems saseh, se it was, we dimly Wiese that Vir
ginia would be enrolled among /be Sates which
WO ranged themselves on the aide of Zachary
Taylor and therecntstitatton.
Tex RCMP Panama Buono te Dwane—Den
inithe dying ITIOCIenta of Governor McNutt, the
NeerOtiessi nun 'am& person entered the
room with stult , twee in bin hand. It was ahout
the thne when the election retains" wan coming
111 If= 2•11.12130111tdal The eye of the dying poll
than =geed s is•tmendarybeilytinsens,a, his fee.
MO v ee latadiqed
i t . 4 l tinisy, 'What's thesenee
Ininsi'sizsisytvaad' the answer could be
sinus, the guatid,ws• • corpse, end the spirit of
the gni. Ihtieseelt had left shn masa of Atonal
.45 - Prrawr Xinu&-Trus Cleadend Pleindeakw
witilithetCdr."Eipharj Ford, the Governor WWI
LyrOhicswindir;orpwrh thal%&: hpAitartere
'atbsi wry on the ititb, In which he arpleinsthe
Pliny which . had kepi hint Wiens daring the ram ,
• paiipi with raped loth , Pareideatial gramme:
*Plied ixTeglor
and niaidad a kb Aragon.
. ...„4dri
_thiVegifige, WU'S ta PrOmftdatinen World
'.reiglgldeeeeltgi' a . 44,..1196.64216 .. f - 5 Ti.lll ausr nr—Tiais astriravo)u.
rii piper, now beknitim.pablishied is lie ' I'v ellaluili item alma
_a_ , ,_.
e.anekosewillted '0 likerdirsliseti' ' ft alma You may see unite f if the best society in New' ,
that Ile *raj se Mbitenta which 46 milled an York:en the tolf Oren Distributing Be ends' any
t adi d itoied are felt and boldly e di r el. i . e 11, ;,. Bra.
or these fine November mamma' There wen two i
three canine. in waithig, and half a dozen sem
:alert Empire, and
coat soon the accursed slave. atorial.htokieamethen, teuksixierchddien, pacing
=will have emptation to pursue their the
II traffic. the Parapet, as we basked there the other
. ady i s
nshine—cow watching the pickerelditt glide
along the !acid edges of the blackpool within, and
Capture of Attleans.
now looking of upon the scene of rich and wood_
The promise of the
roes variety that spreads along the two riven on take measures to either ai d e.
pry/Rd-Vie introduction of Afxicana, introduced .7 1 " eeie talk of Alo e , ae d ret h. etin „
to spite of - nterality, of law lard the obligadoes of m ete d ati ti lim g sophomore, who A had b aa„ uild his
treaties, halfwit been redeemed- Honor to the way thither during recitation brims, "but the Cro-
Ministry and honer to the Visa:mat de Barbecena, ton in pausing over an arm of the sea at Spuyten.
(the PO:side/a of the Province of Rio Janeiro) for dnyvil, and bursting to light again in this truncat•
taking such iamb:rat meanies to accomplish the e d py rami d, heats it ell hollow. By George, too,
end. The smugglers begin to feel that the period th e her-smear looka,rts blue as ever the .rEgean
of termination for their infamous commerce has s ea tri t ffrotes eye, gitabig from the Acropolts ,--
arrived, not because men wish it, bat because the But the4Pidated be a ms on those ems t—the
finger of Providence has marked the moment Greeks orpriXtlave dreamed of such a vegetable
when Brazil mud march forward to the glorious phenomena in the midst of their grayish olive
future, to which she is destined as the fifth Em- groveS, or they never would have supplied the
It is impossidile
want of it in their landscape by embroidering their
for man to oppose effectual bar-
mien to privets. These who, carried awe by a m
pi arble temples with gay cobra. Dui you see that
ke break, Sir
vile interest, think to Africamse America, to y
work 'I did not." r
her nun are mistaken. The Brazilians already "Eerie& . his silver fin flashed upon the black
know Weir Interests and
demora are decided to opposo Acheron, like a restless soul that hoped yet to mount
themselves strongly to the demoralizing and an& k ite t h e pee r
Widow Principle which is so contrary to her fa. The place seemsanggestive of fancies to you r
tore hope and happiness. we obaerved, in reply to the ratileyaste
Although this smugglers distort the acts that in "It us indeed, fin I have done up a good dol of
°PPosotion to their vile interests, the delegates most anxious thinking within a circle of a few yards,
devoted to the Government ans performing, they where that fish broke Just now."
"A aineu — lar plains kir meditation . the middle of
will not be able to make anymipression on the sea.
the reservoir!"
arble pan of the nation. Their miserable sophisms
are slowly falling before the logic of truth and ins. "Yon look incredulous, sir, but its a fact. A fel.
tics. The Government is taking energetic Men' low can never tell maul he is tried in what wea
l:yes to save us, and treats with contempt the traf non his most earnest meditations may be COLICOO.
tickers in human flesh. The tears of the slave tasted. l aie been oust, though 7 ,,
neutralize the fertility of the soil and his s,„lvhs "Not at all. But you seem so familiar with the
mount to fileaveu and cry for vengeance . Let the spot, I-wish you could tell me why that ladder lead-
Government pursue the glorious career cemmeno- tea d ew . tei the water is bashed against the aone
ed,and it will be blessed by all honorable men. work in yonder corner "
The mown" where these victim. °I . Pliwite "That ladder," said the young urea, brightening
mimes: are crowded together, are not hidden.— at thequation •"why the pxottion, perhapz the very
Liberate them, and thee give We
. 0 lie to the nations existence of thet ladder, revolted from my medal'
of Europe, who charge us as wesalionea, end men tions In the reservoir, at which you smiled just now.
der eatisr..r nn to the laws, trampled underfoot by Shall I tell you all about them r
these ittidackrus smugglers who In open day, in p taa . de .
glee of the Palace *four !donor-band, with shame ,shr e k y na , h aat , seen the
.mice g ta htdd tea any
we eq . ,
...its with the wanxiwann• perhaps of eee. eof dne to fish in the reservoir. Now, when I read
the suouluuss, d a z e to earn' on such a crim i nal that waning the spun of the thing struck me at
Gent'eaten of the Government the toed is n glo•
noun one, in spite of the dilleultles it is necessary
to keep on. Rely upon the sensible part of the
nation, upon the blessings of the unfortunate, and
upon the smiles of Heaven; and ; to crown an, rely
upon the hatred of the wicked.
Alcamo:Trues or rrot Brittneros or ran &errs.
moan Ire4irum—A letter to the New York Com
mercial, from Washington, says:
The Smithsonian Institute buildings are in good
and regular progress. The click of the frequent
hammer may be heard as one passes near the
premises, every patient stroke advancing the work
a little, and telling on the ultimate whole, as each
humble vote has contributed to the magnificent
result betore Us. Who materials of which the edifice
le constructed is, if I may so call it, of a red brown
cob', it is called Seneca atone, from the name of
the place on the Potomac whence it is obtained,
not &r above here. There is a peculiar his and
vivacity in the color, which is a beautiful one for
church buildings. The aspect of the edifice thus
tar is quite chaotic, all sorts of shapes and propor
tions presenting themselves to the bewildered vi.
elms, but before we pronounce sentence of disap.
probatioas on any great plan, either in architec
ture or morals we must see it completed. Between
the two extremities of the structure there is no
correspondence of resenhieries whatever. The
Western wing might be taken 63r an old fashioned
church of a very high proportions and homely
steeple; the eastern for an Italian monastery.
The S5O feet between is filling op with mine
rhing--the centre, I take it far granted, will be lof
tier than either wing. Whatever of Composite,
Arabesque, Romanesque, or Lombardo Norman
there may be in it, there is much of the reversion,
and I think any one who has an imagination, to
say nothing oftaste, must be naptivited with its
beauties. The novelty and strangeness of its ar
chitecture will the a time offend the eyes of the
American eovereigmt, so accustomed to plain rec.
tangles, but the more they are accustomed to
these firms the more will they admire them.
Sownos or A GLUT Gsocasmincst. ratinurit.—
Soon after the discovery of America adventurous
navigators were employed to seek for it passage,
by water, from the Atlantic to the Pecific Oceans,
along the Northern coast of this continent. As
early as the reign of Elizabeth it wan ascertained;
that if there were any suck passage its perpetual
obstruction by ice would make it useless fur navi
gation. the geographical question continued
and the ecientifie world was concerned to know
whether the continent of America extended to - Os
north pole. or whether short of that extent, its
northern limit was bounded by a continuous reach
of Mime frozen seas, straits and channels, parts of
which had been frequently visited. 'Explorations,
both by land and water, were made at different
times, until finally the discoveries of Messrs
Irinhison and Dead, pidieers of the lindion's Bay
Company, in 1839 and '39, left yea to be surveyed
only a section of the coast, extending westward
from Parry's straits of the Fury and Heels, and
including the large extent of land called Boothe
Felix, generally represented on maps as an island.
In 1846 the Hudson's Bay Company sent ant John
Rae, Esq, to survey this unexplored portion. He
accomplished the task, and on the 10th of Sept,
last made his report to the Governor of the Com
pany. The principal act which he ascertained is
that Boothe Feeliz is a part of North America—e
peninsula, as Capt. Roes supposed it to be. Hie
explorations, taken in connexion with those that
preceded, settled a long mooted question, and
show that. , —Witti the exception of Boothe Felix,
which stretches as far northward as 71 degrees of
latitude—the northern coast of America extends
from the Atlantic to the Pacific in a hue varying
little from the 70th degree of north latitude. —'- Ctrs.
$l9 431,81 S
Faiirocim.—Doctor Franklin and I
(and Jefferson) were some time together in Paris,
and we dined one day in a mixed company of dis
tinguished French and American characters. The
Abbe Raynal and Fraaglin hail mach conversation;
amongst other thing', the French philosopher ob
served that in America all things degenerated, and
be made - many learned and profound observations
to show this effect of the climate on people, al
though recently from an European stock. Frank
tin listened with his usual patience and attention,
and, after the Abbe had finished, pleasantly remark
ed, that where a difference of opinion existed it
was the custom of deliberating nasemblies to di.
vide the house; he therefore proposed that the
Europeans should go to one aide of the room; and
the Americana to the ether, that this question might
he fairly taken. It so happened that the Americans
present were smut men, full of life, health and vig.
or, while the Europeans were small, meagre and
dwarfish. The Doctor, w - a smile, cast his eye
along the lines, and Raynal candidly acknowledg
ed the refutation of his theory.
Ow—Prot Beck says the oaks orthekireat are
®owe with tolerable certainty, to attain the age of
SEW or 000 years, and are tho most aged trees that
we possess. Pines are stated by Dr. Williams, in
his history of Vermont to live from 350 to 400
years. Of the oaks comprised under the Linnwan
genus onerous, botanists are anpainted with more
than 440 species, of which upwards of one hall
belong to America. In this State there are fifteen
various species, as follow:—Mosey cup, post white,
swamp white ,swamp chastity., yellow rock ches
nut, dwarf pine and red oak. The white oak is the
most valuable of all, being extensively employed
in ship building. In England, in 100 year. time
the price of ship building advanced 100 per cent.—
Sinclair, In his Code of agriculture, stated that o 70
gun ship esquires 3000 loads of wood, the produce
of CIO acres each tree standing 33 feet apart.—
Hence the importance of cultivating the oak and
where the young trees are rased the ground Mould
be cultivated for 20 years at least.
EZTRAOILDINAZY Cyst—There kit under our
observation yesterday. says the fringe= (Ulster
Co.) Tooreal, the most aingolar case of discus., we
ever witnessed. The subject is a man named
Snyder, aged 35 years, residing in the town of
Wawaraing in this county. Pour months ago he
had an attack of sickness, but recovered and wan
to all appearance entirely healed. About a Pin.
night after his recovery he was seized with draw.
sinew, and for some time oiler slept nearly two.
thirds af the day. The disease continued to in
crease, until he would sleep two or three days
without walking. When we sew him yesterday
he was continuing an uninterrupted sleep of five
days. His pulse is regular, though not very full ;
?expiration is easy and natural and his skin
moist and cool. If food or drink he placed in his
mouth be swallows It, and he walks when led by
the band and slightly supported. On Thursday
last be awoke from a 'limp of two days, spoke a
Law ward; weak a lady who was in the room
violently with a chair, and almost immediately ef.
lanyard amok into his present slumber. He is on
his way to the New York Hospital
CO3OIZILCILL DIZOL/TlO/1 rs CAJW) ,- - - Ilus New
York Sun, ma the authority of an intelligent Amer.'
lean merchant in Montreal, sayer
"Within a year past, over five thousand persons,
mostly enterprising men , formerly doing respect.
ble business in Montreal, have peen obliged to aban
don the city or suffer complete bankruptcy. Over
five thousand tenements, stores, shops and dwell
ings are without tenant, nor can they be rented
at any price. The most business streets are com
paratively deserted by trade, and it is no fiction
that grass grows upon the solitary pavements
- "Since the irrreued facilities given to trade be
tween this city and the Canada merchants, espe
cially of Canada West, there is scarcely a trader
who marts to Montreal Le goods."
Hon Autumn= iismerr,—This gaineatn, the
Chairman - of me State Committee dazing the Go-
Immaterial mod Presidential canvass, is entitled to
the srartemst thanks of every Mend of TAMA,
RUM= end Jonnrnmt. His energy, devotion,
Ind dilatant personal service* tn, completing •
thorough orgsnizance throughout the Suite, have
made theme:bet idt in the glorious trout (ft°
'haVe ministeted to a political triumpb„tutprece•
- dented in the' history of our Stith, and to have res
rued bulk the State end nation from the poly .hekl
together or b ) th e cohesive power of public plait
dor, CSII pe . ausle the Chairman ,r f his time
and lovable, to more than overpaid, without the
enpresskso of Indebtedness which his political
friar& owe to Wm.—North Awe.
once, as inferring 'nothing more Itinn that one
should not sully the temperance potations of oar
citizens by Peeping bait no it, of any kind; but
yon probably know the common way of takihg
pike with a slip noose of delicate wire. I was de
termined to have a touch at the fellows with this
kind of tackle. I choose a moonlight night, and
an hour before the edifice was closed to visitors, I
secreted myself within the walls, determined to
peas the night on the top. All went an I could
wish it. The night proved cloudy, but it was only
a variable drill of broken cloud. which obscured
the moon. I had a walking cane rod with me
which would reach to the margin of the water,
and several feet beyond, if necessary. To this
was attached the wire, about fifteen inches la
length. I prowled along the parapet for a consid
erable time, but not a single fish could I see. The
clouds made a flickering light and shade that what.
ly foiled my steadiest gam 1 was convinced that
should they come up thicker my whole night's ad
venture would be thrown away. 'Why should I
not descend the sloping wall and get nearer on a
level with the fish, for thins alone can I hope to see
one* The question had hardly shaped itself in
my mind before I had one leg over the iron rafting.
If you look around, you will see how that there
are some half dozen weeds growing here and
there amid the fissures of the solid masonry. In
one of the fissures whence these sprung I planted
a foot, nod began my descent. The reservoir was
fuller than it is now, and a few strides would have
carried me to the margin of the water. Holding
on to the cleft above, I felt round with one foot the
a place to plant it below me. In that moment the
flap of a pound pike"made me look around, and
the roots of the weed upon which I partially de
pended gave way, as I was to the not of turning.
Sir, one's senses are sharpened in deadly peril;—
as I live now, I distinctly heard the hells of Trim.
ty chiming midnight as I rose to the surface the
next instant, immersed in the stone cauldron, to
' which I most swim fiar my life—Heaven only could
tell how long! I am a capital swimmer and this,
naturally, gave me a degree of self powessiort
Falling as I had, I of course had pitched out some
distance from the sloping parapet. A few strokes
brought me to the edge. I really au not yet ceas.
twin but that I could clamber up the face of the
wall any where. I hoped that I could. I felt cer
tain at least there was some spot where I might
get hold with my hands, even if I did not ultimate- I
ly ascend it. I tried the nearest spot. The inch.
demo of the wall was so vertical, that it did pot
even rest me to lean against. I felt with my hands
and my feet. Surely, 1 thought, there must be
some Hoare like those in which that dl omeoed
weed had found a place fur its root' There was
none. My fingers became sore ia busying them
selves with the harsh and intthispitatile stones. My
feet slipped from the smooth and slimy masonry
beneath the water, and several times my face miles)
in rude contact with the wall, when my foothold
gave way on the instant that I seemed to have
found some diminutive rocky elect upon which I
could stay myself. Sir, did you ever see a rat
drowned in a half filled hogshead/ how he swims
round and mond and round; and after vainly try.
ing the sides again and again with his paws, fixes
Ms eyes upon the upper rn, as if he would lank
Aim mlf out of his watery prison. I thought of the
miserable vermin, thought of him as I hod often
watched than his dying agonies, when a creel ur.
chin of eight or ten. Boys are horribly cruel, air
boys, women, and savages. All child like thief.
ere cruel: cruel from want of thought, and from
perverse ingenuity, altogether by instinct each of
these is so tender. Yon may not have obeeried
hat a savage is as tender to its own young as a
boy is to a favorite puppy—the same boy that will
torture a kitten out of existence. I thought then.
I say, of the rat dmermeg in a half filled cask of
water, and lifting his gam out of the vessel as he
grew more and more desperate, and I Hung myself 1 ,
on my hack, and floating thus, fined my eyes upon
the face of the moon.
"The moon is well enough in her way, however'
you may look at her; but her appearance is to say
the least of it, peculate to a man Heating on his
back in the centre of a atone tank, with a dead
wall of some fifteen or twenty feet rising - squarely
On every side of him. (The young man smiled
latterly as he said this, and shuddered once or
twice before he went on, musingly.) The last time
I had noted the planet leith any emotion she was
on the wane. Mary was with me • I had brought
her out here one morning to-look at the top of the
Reservoir. She said ionic of the scene, but as we
talked of our old and childish loves I saw that its
fresh &snares were incorporating themselves with
tender memories of the past, and I was content.—
There was a rich golden haze upon the landscape.
and as my own spirits rose amid the voluptuous
atmosphere, she pointed to the evening planet, dis
cernible like a feint gosh in the welkin, and won.
dered how long it would be before the leaves
would fall ! Strange girl ! did sire mean to rebuke
my Joyous mood, as if we had no right to be happy
while Nature, withering in her pomp, and the sick
ly moon wasting In the blaze of noontide, were
there to remind us of the gone forever? 'They
will all renew themselves, dear Mary '
„. said I en
couragingly; 'and there is one th at arill” ever keep 1
tryste attire with thee and Nature through all seas
ons, if thou wilt but be true to one of us, and re.
main es now a child of Nature.' A tear sprang to
her eye and then searching her pocket for her card
case, she remembered an engagement to be pres
ent at Miss Lawson's opening of Fall bonnets, at
two o'clock' And yet, dear,:wild wayward Mary,
I thought of her now '
You have probably outlived this sort of thing, sir,
but I, looking at the moon, as I floated upturned
to her yellow light, thought of the lovely being
whose tears I knew would flow when she heard
of my singular fate, at Ogee so grotesque, yet mel.
tmeholy to awfulness And how Mien we have
talked, too, of that Garen shepherd who spent
his damp !ugh*, upon the hills, gazing, as I do, on
the lustrous planet) Who will revel with her
amid those old supenditionsl Who from our own
unlegended woods will evoke their yet undeteo.
led, haunting spirits I Who peer with her in pry
ing scruhny into Nature's laws, and challenge the
whispers of Poetry from the voiceless throat of
Matter! Who laugh merrily over the stupid guess
work of pedant., that never mingled with the info.
itude of Nature, through love exhaustless and all
embracing as we have! Poor girl, she will be
companlonless' Alas! companionless forever—
save in the exciting stages of some brisk flirtation.
She will live hereafter by feeding other hearts
with love's lore 'she has learned from me, and then,
Pygmalion like, growing food of the images she
has herself endowed with semblance of divinity,
until they them to breathe bank the mystery the
soul me imly catch from only one.
"How anxious she will be lest the Coroner
shallleve discovered any of her notes In my pock.
"I felt chilly as the last reflection missed my
mind, partly at thought of the Coroner, partly at the
idea of Mary being unwillingly compelled to wear
mourning On ma, in case of a disclosure of our en.
gagement. It is a provoking thing for • girl of
nineteen to have to go into mourning for a deceits.
sad lover at the beginning of her second winter
in the Metropolis.
"The water, though, with Inv motionless foal
lion, must have had something to do with my chil.
lines,. I see, sir, you think that I tall my story
with great levity; but indeed, indeed I should
grow delirious did I venture to hold gaudily to the
awfulness of my feelings the greater part of night.
I think indeed I must have been most of the time
hysterical with horror, for the vibrating emotions
I have recapitulated did pass through my brain
even as I have detailed them. But I now be
came calmn in thought, I summoned up again
some resolution of action. I will begin at that on ,
vier (said I,) swim slowly, and Gael the aides of the
tank with my feet. VI die most, let me perish
at least from well directed though exhausting effort,
not gnat from mere bootless weariness in sustain•
hag myself till the morning, shall bring relief The
sides of the place seemed to grow higher as I now
kept my watery worse between them. It was not
altogether a dead pull. I had some variety of
— emotion in making my circuit When I swam in
the shadow, it looked to me more cheerful beyond
in the moonlight. When I swam is the moonlight,
I had the hope of making some discovery when I
should again reach the shadow. I tamed several
times os my back to rest Just whine those wavy
lines would meet. The stars looked viciously
bright to me from the bottom data well; there was
such a company of them; they were weed In th e i r
lustrious revelm end bad such space to move in
I was alone, sad to despair, in a drugs element,
a primes:l, and solitary gazer upon their tnecdring
chorus. And yet there was nothing else with
which I could hold communion! I woad upon my
breast and struck oat almost ikanacally, once more.
The: atm were forgotten, the Itiooft,the very
weed cf which I as yet formed a .put...cay pqm
Mary herself - woo invitee. I tbitaighs only of the
ouung man there pertshing; of me my tasty meet*
hood, in the sharp Vt.rovoi" daylfraZ Prime,
with faeraties'illimitable, with mural all ert, bat
tliagitictre with physical °finales which men like
myself had brought together'. my undoing. The
Eternal could never have willed this thing! I
could not and !would not perish thus, and I grew
strong in insolence of self trust. I laughed aloud
as I dashed the sluggish water front side to side.--
Then came an emotion of pity far myself--wild,
wild regret; al sorrow, ott, infinite. for a fate so des.
elate a doom so dreary, so bean sickening. You
may laugh at the contradiction if you will, air, but
I felt that I could sacrifice my own life on the in s
slant to redeem another follow creature from such
a place of horror, from an end so piteous. My soul
and my vital spirit seemed in that desperate mo.
ment to be separating; while one, inputting pier.
ed over the deplorable fate of the other.
"And then I prayed!
r 1 prayed—why or wherefore I know not. It
was not from fear—tt could not have been in hope.
The days of miracles are past, and there was no
natural law by whdse Providential interposition I
could be saved. I did not pray: it prayed of ling
my soul within me.
' Was the calmness that I now felt torpidityl--
the torpidity that precedes dissolution to the strong
swimmer, who, sinking from exhaustion, most odd
• bobble to the wave as he suffocates beneath the
element which now denied his mastery! If it
were so, how fortunate was it that my floating rod
at that moment attrActed ray attention, as it dashed
through the water by me. I saw on the instant
that a fish had entangled himself in the wire noose
The rod quivered, plunged, came again to the am.
face, nod rippled the water as it shot in arrowy
flight front side to aide of the teak. At Ines, driven
towards the south east corner of the reservoir, the
small end seemed to have got foul some where.—
The brazen butt, which, every time the fish sound.
ed, was thrown up to the moon, now sank by its
own weight, showing that the other end must be
teat' But the cornered fish, evidently anchored
some where by that short wire, floundered sever.
al times to the surface before I thought of striking
oat to the spot
"The water is low now and tolerably clear.—
You may see the very ledge there, air, in yonder
corner. on which the small end of mg rod rested
wheal secured that pike with my hands. I did
not take km Goon the Wirnoose 4owaver ; bat
standing upon the ledge, handled the AA la a work. moaner, as I flung that pound pickerel
over the iron railing upon toe top of the parapet.
The rod, as I have told you, barely reached from
the railing to the water. It was a heavy, strong
bass rod, 'which I had borrowed in the Spirit <pile
Tim+ office ,• and when I discovered that the fish
at the end of the wire made a strong enough knot
to prevent me from drawing_ my tackle away
from the ailing around arbl4it twined itself as
I threw, why, as yout . :6 „ .e., bad eel
little difficulty to ma t t ' . up the face of
the wall with such assist ladder which
attracted your notice is, 0.64* see, lashed to the
iron railing in the identiosaspot where I thus
made my escape ; and, Mr. - fear. of similar anal
dews, they have placed another one in the corm*.
po 'Ming corner of the other . ecin compartment of the lank
ever since my remarkable night's adventure in the
We give the above singular relation verbatim as
heard imm the lips of our chance acquaintance ;
and although strongly tempted to Work it up" eller
the fantastic style of a famous German name sake,
prefer that the reader should have it in its Ameri
can simplicity.
It is mid, we know not how truly, Matmanimie
is a lottery where a person draws ■ prize or •
blank, Just as it happens. If this be so there must
be a wonderful lOU of time, and agreat amount of
unnecessary trouble in this getting married. Of
what use is it to bother one's head about it? Why
all this "going to see"—this sitting op at night—this
writing letters—thew fallingouts and malting-ups ,
Why not go along about our bounces, and when
the time comesmst go to those who attend to such
mauers and take "for beuer or for worse" the one
dssigned us. Them ere in every community sum.
ding committees who, out of pure charily are wit
ling to attend gratuitously to this duty It is a great
comfort to know that our cases will be looked after
and that too without say trouble on our part.
Below we give the result of a aocuewhat new
experiment in this hoe. We publi.h it for the
benefit of all committees, old maids and enlaces
mothers who have taken the subject of matrimo..
al alliances under their specialeare. It worked so
well in the ease referred to, that it may not be
amiss to try it again.
The Moraviaus are accustomed to retain to the
lot, for the settlement of certain difficult questions
which sometimes occur among them. It no ahways
done however, in a solemn manner, andwilli pray.
er. The Hee. Mr. who was kr many
more the highly esteemed pastor of the Moravian
Church in :sew York city, when a young man was
stationed among one of the tribetiof Indians at the
far West es • missionary. Mier laboring there for
several years in a state of 'single biaseedness,. he,
like other missionaries, desired a companion. list
he weit 4tlikr.Wed tg jlme,andmilotaxjii•smicti
upon no one, to We bra . tiefteitiali" — StiCionsione
he must have, kr be experienced a painful mows
of loneliness, pointed as be was (mm a civil some.
ty. He therekwe left, kr akw weeks, his rude
untamed charge, and went on a journey in search
of • wtki.
He directed his course in young ministers do at
the present day when engaged iv Use seine pun,
anti, to a female missionary. He went to Bethle
hem in Peti.ylvanit. where was a female acade
my, under Use direction of his own denomination—
It is frequently, though improperly, termed the
Moray= nunnery. He here made known his
errand to those who hod the oversight of the mast.
tuuon—to those who were the proper oues to ad
dress upon the subject They informed him that
there were in the seminary several young ladies
of suitable age, character, literary and rehtuous at.
tau:imams, to be the companion of a missionary.—
But he knew them not, Ile was attached to none
of them, and he had no particular choice. What
was to be done , It was certainly a very peculiar .
case. It was proposed. therefore, that the interest.
mg though difficult question be settled acoording
to their custom 'in like eases made and provided,'
by lot. Accordingly the names of all the fair can,
dtdates for the contemplated honor and happiness
were placed in 110[110 appropriate vessel, and then
with great gravity one was drawn out The name
written upon the successful ticket was Bethtab
The young missionary was satisfied. But will
the young lady consent. Aye, "that's the question."
When Rettuan was informed of the liberty which
had been taken with her name, and the result, atm
was up to her elbows in suds--a pretty plight Zr a
young lady to be in, to receive a matrimonial offer'
However, she got through her washing, consider.
ed the question, gave an affirmative answer, was
married, and returned with him to his rustic house
among the untutored Indians of the West. The
match proved eminently happy.
Rethiah was a very tall girl. When Jesting with
her companions, she had frequently said that she
would uover marry a man who was not as tall as
herself Afler her engagement the girls were so.
licitous to know whether she was about to adhere
to ber resolution. They were both accordingly
measured, and he was found to be a few inches
the tallest. In the course of a few years an inter.
eating young family was seen in that rustic home,
than whom very few have risen higher on the
The above facts were received from an aged
member dthe Moravian Church, who was ino
mutely acquainted with the couple, and had re.
peatedly heard them relate the circumstance of
their marriage with great good humor.—Rvyketo,
and Trotr.4wors
There are many residents of New York who
will not be at a loss to till the blank after the letter
M. In the commencement of the above article, and
there are many who remember the amiable couple
alluded to.—Nrin Yori Cousmercial.
For the Futsburgh Gazette.
EnrrolL—l am sorry to see that the Jour.
nal takes so seriously what was meant as a harm.
lessjoke--thougli possibly it may have had a sharp•
er point than was intended. The writer of it bee
no unfriendly feelings to the editor of the Journal,
and would rejoice as much as any one at a `good
thing floating his way." Not to increase bitterness
where there should be none, this is all the defence
he deems necessary on that head.
It te hardly necessary to say that by the amnia*.
tan of ut nd Whitey," no disrespect was intended
either to Gen. Taylor or Major Bliss. Theauthor of
the coMmecicaLion in question labored and Toted
(or the former, and be bolds the latter to be a meld
accomplished gentleman who would adorn any
station This explanation will be sufficient for
three, and we think it will to the editor of the lours
nal. "Mn B."
- -
Non UT TII6 EDITOIL—We cannot see how
nay one could have supposed that our correspon
dent meant any disrespect to General Taylor or
Major Bliss, in what we inferred he intended as a
good natured joke, and we think he treats the
matter more seriously than necessary. As far as
we are concerned, the idea is so perfeinly ridic
ulous, that we could design or think of any sneer
at one we have supported so untirmgiy and zeal
ously, and who holds a most sacred position In
our eyes as the President elect, sod the snixessful
leader of the Whig party, that we went it with per.
feat contempt.
Dirtractsen.—Hard is his late on whom the public
gue :
blazed forever to detract or praise;
Repose denies her requiem to his name,
And Rill) , loves the martyrdom °frame.
The envious, who bat Ilve in others' pals—
Behold the host, delighting to deprave,
Wbo track the steps of glory to the grave;
Seise on each fault that daring genius owes
Halt to the ardor which its birth bestows;
Distort the truth, =mut:lobate the he,
And pile the pyramid of calumny!
Monson—The steamer Grand Turk, on her
lan trip from New Orleans, brought up 22.5 English
emi g rants, who profess the Mormon nith, and ans
destined for Salt Lake. It is saki that between 300
and 400 more are on their way from ',lselin:ll
having taken passenger in the ship John PrIZICO,
which sailed about the Ist ofOnober.—St. Loan
The Ails&lphla laq utter taro—Jrh e Milky
friends of Blahop Doane will lawn with plearom
that he was so much better yesterday morns that
ha physicians prozwunoed him out of clangor.
Is Tin Durriten Cam, On Saturday 0"116.1r>
a verdict of MO damages was rendered by the
jury, In the great slander suit of Bake/vs. Wagner.
Mr. Baker is ate of the chief men is the Economy
Society, of Beaver county. 'Wavier now resides
in Philipsburg, Beaver county 4 -was formerly cun.
tented with the Economy Society—but seceded
with "Count Leon," no he 'we, called—the eels..
bested leader of that portion of the "Ecosonaites"
who withdrew in 183 :t. The Count (so styled) was
a man of considerable address, and reputed to psi..
seas talents, and fine accomplishments. He enter
ed hither Hopp'. Society, se alleged by bis oppo•
suits, the the purpose of producing a schism, rrhich
he effected. and having succeeded in gaining an
influence over a portion of the members, withdrew
with them, purchased Philipsburg, opposite the
mouth of Big Beaver, on the Ohio, then a place
chiffly concerned in boat building, and settled
there-rlidessra. Philips and Graham transferring
their boot yard to the opposite side of the river, to
what Snow called "Freedom" Count Leon's set
tlement did not prosper, and he now left for some
part of the Southern country, where (we believe)
he died. The Society, or a portion of it, held to..
gether for ■ short time, but gradually scattered—
some settling at Freedom and elsewhere—a rem.
turn remaining at Philipsbumit.
The seceding members of the society have their
own Verllloo of the causes or separation, but the
enmity is not obliterated, though. soma fifteen or
sixteen years have elapsed. It appears. that a
considerable sum of money hod been bequeathed
by a relative in Germany, lately deceased, to Wag.
ner and several of his sisters, who have continued
with the Economy Society. The brother went
over to Germany, and received the money, and
alleged on his return that the dying injunction of
their relative was that the money bequeathed to
the sisters should go into the Economy Society.—
The sisters insisted on granting their funds to the
society, and gave Mr. Baker authority to receive
the amount. Mr. Wagner came on to this city in
1847, for the purpose of making some arrangement
with Mr. Baker, and while here was arrested on
affidavit, and imprisoned. In a conversation at a
tavern in_the city, he subsequently charged Mr.
Baker with perjury. For this charge a suit for
damages was broUght by Mr. Baker, in the District
Court alibis county. Wagner was in the city on
business, at the time of his arrest. We under rtand
that the sail was brought here in iconsequen. Of
the prejudice against the society in Beaver coun
ty. Messrs. Forward and M'Candleas were coun
sel for plaintitt—Messrs. Dunlop,Shaler and Bitch
ie for defendant. Mr. Wegner is a man of wealth
and influence.
urday morning, and after dating nothing for a abort
lime, adjourned until Monday morning at 10 o'-
Ronnotr.--Samuel Williams wu brought before
the Mayor, on ~attirday looming, charged with
stealing about WO from Levi* Baker, on Friday
nighL The robbery was committed at the tavern
of V. Stork. Water Street. Baker is a stranger in
the city, horn Ohio. He and Williams occupied
the same mom, and, during the early part of the
night, the same bed; bat Mr. B. having left his mo
ney in his pantaloon's pocket, Williams was tempt
ed to take it out, end also took another bed. Mort
ing his money in the morning, Baker suspected his
bed fellow, end search being made, the paper in
which part of the money had been wrapped, was
found in the bed to which 'Williams had transfer
red himself, but he had, on the alarm being given
deposited part of the money to Baker's bed. Wil
helms coafeseed the robbery, and gave op 5241-
5130 in gold. The remainder he had given to two
accomplice", who have not been (mind. Williams
was committed to jail.
Masts A Porn.—A woman was brought to the
Loathe on Fnday morning, and confined there In
recover—or die as it might be—of mama a pots—
' She had been placed on a steam boat, we under
stood, by sonata of her relatives, .160 wished her to
go to another city, where her conduct might not
he a reproach to them. Alter taking passage. she
become intoxicated, crazy, and at length fell into
the neer, whence she was rescued, and placed to
the Mayor's cells. We saw Ler on Saturday morn.
mg. She bad become somewhat calm, but was
still partially deranged. She appeared under the
impression thsd she had Mat something, for which
she welched every pert of her celi—mooping down
and brushing the door with a piece of cloth—then
examining carefully for the lost srticlo--again and
again sweeping, and again and again examining
the door--but finding nothing. We left her thus
engaged. Officer Barr informed us that she was
Co be removed to the Mercy Hospital. She has an
interest in a small property left by.ber husband
Tex MULDER Cam—The reported murderer an
old colored man in Rosa township, turns out to be
an eraggerorson. Oar mead the Coroner propos
ed holding an inquest, but the old man, on I.:giber
second thought,' did of die—at least the ciictun
sunhat evidence is pretty conclusive on that point
—as he came to Allegheny city, we are informed,
on Friday afternoon, to make oath against those
who were reported to have caused his death, on
that same morning. Several people were hoaxed
with that story.
TIILTILII.—Mr. and Mn. E S Conner tak -
benefit to night. Mr. Conner appears as R o nbli
in Bnlwer'a celebrated play of that name. Thi
o chancier which Mr. C. acts with peculiar pow
and in which he has few equals and no wperior.
Mrs. Conner takes the part of Julie de Mortim
and Onley that of Do %Sequel.
TIIB Jute Cass—The jury in this case having
agreed on their verdict, on Saturday afternoon, the
Court assembled to receive it. The jury baund the
prisoner not guilty.
The New York Commercial Advertiser Ilk an;
nounces the death of the Boa Constrictor which
was lately purchased for the Museum in that city,
Dear, Or a war-twisicacca FLIMIDICIT.—We regret
to announce the death of one who, though but
comparatively a short time resident in thl. coy,
had made many acqUainUncea,and was verg gene
rally known. Since he first came among us he has
resolutely refused all kind, although no expense
has been spared by his friends to procure for him
ouch seasonable dainties as might posanny tempt
hi. appetite. He has resolutely fasted now for
several months. Exhausted nature could holdout
no longer, and on Saturday Mr. Banium's boa con
strictor died, al its headquarters, the American
Museum. It is said to have cost 51,500,
Nonni Bii.s.aca Ca:tel.—The Wilkesbarre Ad.
vacate Bays of this work, if the next Legishiture
caa devise mean. by which the State may finish
the North Branch Canal, no time should be lost in
accomplishing it. It is an important link in the
chain of State improvments. Finished, it would
yield more revenue than any other section of Canal
in the State of the same extent."
To/camp:lwo in Delaware, on Thursday next
the same day appointed for thin State. Eight
States will have their thankagivingon that day, VIZ:
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland,Kentocky and Ohio. The other States
have it either earlier or later. Twelve State. have
appointed no day at all.
LEGISLATIrg StIZIZINGI —The Savannah Repubh.
can of the Etth mat., perpetrate. the kellowmg joke.
It will be teen by refereece to our telegraphic
head that Mr. Calhoun took snuff yesterday, about
2 o'clock P. M. whereupon 129 members of the
South Carohrta Legislature nasal,
irr Jul Tn. Paoli. Nunn—lf you wish to be sue
pessful an any undertaking, you must always 'use the
aroper meant.' Therefore, if you have a cough, use
Isynal Extractroutrr and be cured, for it is the proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to ewe you is to use
Jayne , . Expectorant, which will immediately irferefil.
the spa® which co:dream the diameter of the Whet,
and loosens and brings up the mucus which clogs them
and thus remove. every obstruction top free respi
ration, while at the same ume all inflammdtion is sub
dued, and a con hi certain to be effected. Have you
Bronchitis, Stinting of Blood, Pleurisy, or In fact uty
Pulmonary Affection, then use Jayue , s Expiecto m m
and relief is Certain, and you will find that you have
" Por th =ol l t= n urg ' it itt the Pekin Tea Store, n ith
street near Wood, 1•3117
JAM'. lissmorounr.—We would can attention to
thie excellent remedy for Coughs, Colda, Consumption,
Asthma, and all adecnone of the Throat and Longs.
Having several times within • few years past had occa
sion to use a medicine of dos kind,we hamby expert
•ltele tasted its excellent (inalitiln t SIM are prepared to
recommend it to others. Ildinismre or other , public
speakers aliened with bronchial affections will find
great benefit from its use. It is prepared by a scienti
fic phyan, and all clasecs will tlrel it • safe and ell&
caihour medicine la Me disease* for which it is re.
commended.—(Columbus (Ohio) Clogs and
For subset the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7V Fourth street.
Mayon UP ALLUMEXT Crry.--hlr. Editor, You wall
please, snuouocc diainsane of ‘VhL BOYD, ad Ward.
Allegheny, as candidate for todice of Mayor. Mr.
Boyd, if sleeted, would make active sod e ffi cient
officer, sod is well qualified to harp the duties of
that post. novni.dlsow MLny Qrtuza
Help Wasted.
WANTED—A Girl to ito*ottse•rork, 0•• ' r h o
demands her busibMe, and au come null re
commanded, eau bear of • pleasant seoseou, at rood
wipe, by Ittgilling at this DSc..
CAMPHOR - 1 bbl oz Camphor, just reedreed and fix
aeare by rep 27 WICK & WCANDL}X9
- T.ll%mormumm ram, or Niro Narore,Skrat.
=et& lehhth This orrottrablit Mode* Its become
_eta totmt, C 0110017103 0000100001 km op.
rat the re or Os real value. It bsso4l7 Mabee
000 0101 10 establith ravioli. to the tide of the only
medical+, for the mire of Liver Complaint Thefollow
tog Inter from • druggist to New York, shows the
manner in what these pal, are regarded iniket sec
tion of the country.
alltane— Dear Rir—l have sold out all your
Liver Pills, acd ow noxious to have another lot unturie•
thate/y. These Pills seem to take most wonderfully.
I could have sold o much larger goentity, if I had been
provided with them The iihabitants are sending to
Rochester for them, but whether Mom ore ally Mere
or not. Ido not know. Please mod me another supply
F. Sam., Dreptut.
Hemlock Lake, Livingston co, N.Y. Mar. v, 47."
A goon.. ar ti cle of the above valuable medicine
can be had at the Drug Store of
nlrtv 2, J KIDD & Co, GO wood st
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dositirt,
Omer •nd residence on Fourth street, appoints the
Pittsburgh Bank. Office boars from 9 o'clock to 19 A
1.1... d from 9 o'clock toy P. Bd. sepl4-ly
- -•
INVITE Country Alerchants and others to an exami
1. nationof their stock, which is one of the largest
to be found in any establishment in the country, and
consists of very dewrable and seasonable goals, en..
pressly ttd•pled (a 4 to sim and quality) to Western
sales. t ricer will compare favorably with those °film
East. Terms liberal. no:Cr-dim
Dr 0. 0. Stearns, Drat ——
rIFFICE at Miss lielick's, on Fourth street, a few
kJ doors above Wood stieet, until the completion of
the house nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with arts
fieMl gum., after the manner now universally preffir
red at the east, mauufactured to stilt each particular
case. Teeth, from a foil set down to a single one, in
serted on a suction plate, thus avoiding Injury to the
natural teeth. ttipecimens of block. oflacuna plate
may be examined at the office.
All operations incident to the profession performed
with cam sad failbtulness. aurliktin
"Be not the fins by whom the new are idea,
Nor yet
o at :CITY the old
following advantages:—The oven is comßantly
wapplied with pure hot an, tendering the operation of
belong o perfect ea when done to • brink oven.
. . .
It has a Chamber exclusively for Roasting meats
with a spit thus doing away with all the roasting at
tachment. in the shape of Win kitchens."
It has large cooking capacity, with an unobstruct
ed flrface on the top, which all housekeepers can
!lean be set up without mason work, in any ordina
ry fire-place, or to the room as a stove; enabling those
who occupy hired houses to have the advantage of a
range at the cost of a stove. And lastly,
It borne leas coal than any other cooking apparatus,
not excepting the &awe Cooking Stove, which is also
for sale at wholesale or retail, at
• GILBERTO Empire Ewe Depot.,
Mk Market meet, Girard Row,
Extract from a recommendation from Henry Boeh
m., E.q , :elk Market ittreeti---Yon ran an no terms
in recommendation of it, which I will not endorse if
referred to .^
iNtrigA TO •00 TOONE
Pill&burgh mad PAHEIStibikSIII,
TIM E FIVE DAVIT-171 3" wifilf Ts, Tv 114 . D NIGHT.
THWEilr,,'.",ncT.errPrt`nr2; t."l,°l7 l 7th'hitt". l '.."°,
will lease Pluladelptua dairy wuh the !Hail Tram to
Chllothnnbellli nod from Memo by Wagon, with a
rangy of horsed, running day imd ntght. Wa moll be
prepared to forward WOO lbw. freight daily. Apply to
D LEECH & Ca m
S bbl,, in prime order, just
reed and for sale by
novsl cor 1 i and wood eta
SAL CODA-15 casks English, met reed and for sale
by oyl9 It A FAHNESTOCK & Co
DRI XISTONtrIu bbls just reed and for vale by
EAD—bOU pigs Galena Lead, landing and to arrive;
1 4 for sale by noollo JAM A HUTCHISON &
EARL ASH-17 each, reed this day , and for gala Yby novre JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo
. _
ESIP-45 bales dew ratted Hemp, landing from
steamer Danube and for sale by
- DEFINED SUGARS-21 bbls board sugar; 30 do
Al, crushed do; al do clanked do; landing from 15140 t
Danube and for sale by
GOLDEN SYRUP—LS bbls, 20 hf bble, 30 10 gallons
Imp, just reo'd per summer Danube and tor sale
"V 0 SUGAR-17 bode N 0 Sager, just landing and
. for sale by con& W BOWEN. 90 front et
V1311E1113 THEELMOMKTERS--2 dos j gat re'd alut
and for sale by nor2o KIDD &
DF.Cti A X ARTISTS' COLORS. in Tubes, ass'il
ISO dos just received and ior sale by
ncirA J KIDD & Co
. .
A , R 7, 1 142; 3U. and 43 Web-130
and (or 411 e by
rtor.3i J KIDD 3r. Co
A RTISTS' MATERIALS I/1 general—A harp q
/'1 tity lost received and for •a:e by
11 and Orris Tomb Poorder--e0 doz Ns, matt and
for pale by at JKIDD3 Co
Market strpet, !write the allenuou of porchuers
to their large stock of Lineu Hdkfs, embracing wine
bundred dozen, at prices ranging from 61 to one dol
lar. novld
cereal and for sale cheap by
novlo A A MASON b. Co, 60 market at
Dal". PEACHES-40 ayes Dned Peaches, mat
'recraved astd Colgate by C /I GRANT,
novIS (I water n
C "1 r,0:16 653—" I t "
11 °N .: 1- 4 ""k
'll.l la d tr. ro h r l'tt 'l .ZlS k g• sd
RY APPLES—it sacks Dry Apply, (or gale by
1 . ,1 eerie WICK b. tiCCANDLESS
DDRYPEACIII-17 bog, for we b 1
novlB WICK & 11 . CANDLEW
WlLEATiviit sacs• for snle by
novlln WICK & WOAD: DU:SS
L , ASIILY FLOUR-44 bids, Hillert Armstrong'
I, ^l.aiiimt received and lot sale by
D ACON-30 Ohs'. Shoulder. lust recetved; PO do
1..) Hants, Ito store and for sale by
COPPERAS -20 bbl. Wells's, to rood order, for sale
6:2 PA DES. SHOVELS, he —.50 do. Spades and Sher
-1.3 vela; ludo Manure Forks; PU do Grain Shovels; 5u
de Socket do; Axes, }barbell, ;Mattocks and Picks,
Bellows, Vices, lcc.. for sale at manufacturers prices,
by novl. OEO COCHRAN, Yd wood so
DONIEWrIC WOOLL,RNS Blanket.. !gannets.
Tweeds, Quaint:us, I-1 Cloth and Cassimete, by
the picee or package, very low, for sale by
L AID-21d. landing free. • NewEgndL dron. :;! by.oBi,s lt
GAR-10 beds prime N 0 Sugar, for We by
front at, neat Woe
DLANKETS—Just reeet•ed. a large lot or Mankato,
k) of different quaint., ineludlng some very fine.—
Also, at extra fine nruele of Blue Blankets, tellable
fo• costs 1.0.1 / ALEXANDER re DAY
DLACK FRENCH CLOTHS—We have rust rec
red a lot aline French Clothe, which we are se
hug much lower than we have ever sold the sr,.
gutting heretofore. novl7 ALEXANDER /c DAY
SUNDRIES -20 OW, Green Apple.;
30 do Wilma Bouts; 1 do Flaxseed;
I do Roll Butter; 3 bags Ginseng;
1 bog Snake Root; V do Feathers;
bustt Chconuts; 30 do Peach.;
novl7 d D WILLIAMS
For rale by
RO ,, L L y lIIITtEH—Frefh, ma. day rea'd and for val
novl7 WICK 4k. M'CANDLE-'43
L ARD -21 kegs : 1 10 Ifor call, by
MACKEREL—Nes 1,2 and 3, for sale by
BACON -11,000 lb. Rayon Sides, smoke
and for We by novl7 WICK k lIPCANDLESB
- •
D YE—II Ingo Rye, pm reed and for sale by
HICKORY NUTS-12 bosh for sale by
ELAZIL SUI;AR-25 bag. 'ob.., for sole by
ao•17 J D WILLIAMS, HO wood et
FISHFbbls No 1 Salmon; 1 cask Codfisti; 1 do
What, Rub; 1 du smoked Halllbuti No I. tl and 3
Mackerel, for sale by novl7 J D WILLIAMS
D ROOMS-40.1 dos Brooms, tom reed and for sale
114 Itbeny 01
rj:EA-4 half chests H Tea, on consignment and
for We try 00017 ROST A CUNNINGHAM
g'• REIN APPLES-140 bids Green Apples, oncoo
ky alignment and for sale by
VLAXSEED AND GINSENG--3 seeks Flutsued; 13
.k.` do Ginsen recd per suns Mt Vernon and for sue by noeli g., C
11 GRANT, 4t water st
TEAS -10 kf chests l l ogrebong TeN In coddles eery
fine Young Hyson T 0.., for sale by
novl7 C /1 GRANT
EAD-60 pigs lialena Lead, reed Pier - str Shemin
dosth and for sale by novl7 C H GRANT
TTOBACCO-2b bags No 1, B twist Tobacco, landing
from situ Comet and for sale by
nowl7 J AMES DALZI LL, 21 waterer
NO do do Ap-
SUNHRIES—ntat bits], dried Peach*
plea; just received and for We by
novl7 JIHIN 8 811,WORTH, 07 wood at
M°LASSES-60 bbls Plantanon !dolman., landing
and fin wile by novl7 JOHN S DILWORTH
FLOUR—Ioo bbl. extra Family Ron ,L por
villa, Mr Bale by novl7 JOHN 9 DLLWORTH
MOLASSES—SO bbl. new crop Mohomy, Just reed
and for sale by
novIU UURBRIDOE, WILSON h Co, crater sr
A mall lot for sale cheap t . L .
[7 00016 j i ! r t
(1011C11 VARNlEl—Warramorl rood, algray. "
hr.W.d for rola by novlo T Jr
LEATHER VARINISII—AIarays on hand and for
rale by nor Id R T LEECH, Jr
AMASK—A large lot, Jost recd and for sale by
noviel R T LEECH, Jr
CODER VINEGAR—go bbl. Crneinnan, just mold
Vand sole bycr
DEA N UTS—.lb Hs prime fresh Fea
RrAfor sale by
NFtovIBROWN & tsuLBERTsox .
M A4 s 'i al l e i t=ctu ° rers . n e o s il. p 4 e . 11 i'ob ' for
mode FR IEN D, & Co
LErrDlilt/ piglsfralena Leath siooo doi Bar Lead.
law sale by 00010 FRIEND, RHEF atA
UGAll—Nlblids fair New Orleans, reed this flay per
Matti!! Telegepph,lSPd fur .ale by
100 decona at
L. , 1176. TURPENTINE-23 bbl spt Torpemme, in
0 prime order, mast ree'd and for sale by
APPLES—I4O Ws landing Dom steamer Consul,
and (or sale low to close eonsignment, yr_
CHEEDE-100 Crea7m Cheese, superior mtiehh
for sahkhj norld JAMES nAl2w.4,
TAlit AND OIL-60 bets Sum, Oil; Mdo North Car
-1 oils,* Tar, roar:ovine par canal and for
nova JAMES
Dr JoDa D. Davis.. AtLaDDliter.
adersoritrt's Sale of 28 Aaif d,* .21a3.
WW 6e added to the .ale of Oratories, to, au Moo
day allernoon at 3e'eleek. at Davia Commercial Sid":
Rooms, corner of Wood and Flab tweets-17 hi chews
imparter Young Hyaena Tea; 3 dodo extra flue Gun
powder des 4 do do =parlor Inaperiat do; 2 do do fine
Oolong, Yowehoug, Diana do
norld JOHN D DA CIS, Aunt.
Stack e ow Exteasi. Rama troy Goads Stop.
On Monday morning, Nov. tgi, at 10 &clock, at the
Contmercial Sales Room, carnage! Wood and Fulth
streets, arol be sold, for cask airetiCy
So elm-naive assortMent of ample and fancy Dry
Goods, Moat which are superfine cloths, casaimeres,
salaam, jeans, tweeds, pitot ninths and coating, flan
nels, blankets, bleached and brown mustiits, damask
Noon table glottis, shawls and hdkik, in great variety,
super prints, de loins, alpaca., bombazine, cashmeres,
pladds, silks, satin, react , CClPOV,llolitry gloves, le w
ing silk, woollen comforts, hats, maps, bonnets,
buds, to
At 4 o'clock.
Grocerica, Quernavrare, Furniturs,
At 6 o'clock.
Variety goods, books, fr.e
Richelieu ' Mr Canna,
Dc Idanprat Mr. Oxley.
Handy Mr. Prior.
Juhe Moe. Connor
•Ml.• Wlten• ,
. . . . .
Ftecitation—Smuns Bore Duzaia—Mr. Connor.
To conclude with
The Captive Mrs. E. S. Connor.
Maniac Mr. Connor.
ID , T. lIICIROW bi r. and Mrl. Collllor will appear.
L EDGE 11K.1C1H11(...-.Christisn Consolation in the
death of Relatives sad Friends, by the Bev. Hugh
Mute, M. A. 22uto GM. 20 cut U.
Address to young persons on Coofirmatioo, by the
same author. g.trno: Gilt Rat cents.
The Curate of Linwood, on the real strength of the
Christian Ministry. lemo. 31 news.
Selections from the Homilies of the Protestant Eels
copal Church, with a Preface by ttio Bt. He.. William
Meade, DD. IDrua. 20 cents. '
The Infant's Progress ham the Valley of Destrneuen
to Everlastrug Glory, by him. fiborwcoll. 181 no: 371
The Christian Visitor, or select portions of the Font
Gospel.. with Expentlons aud harem, desighed fo
agaist the fnerds of the luck and s acred: by the Roy.
%Fusin...mut, M. A. 43 cents.
--• • . .
The Chnsuon \'tutor, or mice( portion* hero the
AcIA oi ihe Apostles, and the Epistles; by the name au
thor. 45 cents.
The Liturgy Explained and Dol . ol3ded: Trust
Address to Voting Persons alter the Confirmation, by
Rev. Charles Bridges, M. A. A Tract.
Tim above works may all be othained at the Socie
ty's Philadelphia prices, or
tiovir ELLICMT & ENOLISH, Ili wood .t
Jaynes' Exp.:statute.
Sexism, Colombians co, D., Apr. M, tall.
"nit D. JAYNES: Da. Stu—l kel bound to you
J and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op
portunit4giving publicity to th e Marmon:finery effects
of your • moraut on myeelf. Haniieen afflicted
for save peon with a *even, ro ugh, hectic fever
and its Concomitant disease., and see linty doomed
to linger out a short bat miserahle existence, oath the
fall of link when, being more *merely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre.
scripttons of two of the moot respectable physicians to
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation arm:riving bun a few day, or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me year Expectorent—
and blessed by that Being who doe& all things in the
use of the means—and contrary to the expectuions of
m physicians and friend I urns In,a few days raised
from my bed, and was en a bled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying sine, better health than
I had for ten years previous.
Reapeetfully yours, &c., Jss. W. Exeun.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. mar,S
ElitMa 1848. gala
IL) , Time, 5 days. XII
Merchandise transported at Omni rates.
Water cram, Pinsbargh.
novl7 47 lien street. Ralumore
D RUFFS(JR CHRISTIAN ACID moat reapeetfol.
ty announce. to the etutens of Pittsburgh and
inity, that he has commenced giving instruction on
the Piano. His method ca instructing Is very easy,
and adapted to I am in • very short time. He hopo
by miles attention to his business, and by reasonable
pnces, no merit a share of the public patronage. Those
wishing no hear him play, are invited no leave their
rants, with the tune best sunned to them, at the Music
Suites of Mr. Mellor or Mr. Blume.
- . . ..
Rvn•aca—J. H. Mello+, Esq , Fredenek
Esq., Vretor Scribe, Bookseller. null-dlm•
----• • • • • •
P. hEILLNIT, Draper and "Fano, from Bustot•,
. has established himself in tail city in the man.
fac ure of Soya , Clothing.
For the present, he has taken part of the wareroom
No. CO Fourth at, now occupied by D. F. Sterrett as
furnishtug store, whore he will be happy to wan on
any who may favor bun with a call. He Is supplied
0,1111 the nctscst styles of French gaeks, Roundabouts,
k aad will meets° regularly from Paris, fashions kot
all articles in his line.
Refer to F Eaton k. Co. novl7-1w
_ _
1, RERS.—The eabmribers, being the exclusive im
porters of James Iduspratt lb Sons' Soda Ash for this
marinctode now and will murrains to ho *lorry sap
plied with this celebrated brand, which they will sell
at the lowest market price for cash or approved bills.
They refer to the glass and wrap matrumeturers of
taw city generally respecting the qoallry
novl_ _ 100 liberty sr
Bleaching Powder, (Chloride or Lime.)
1. RERS.—The subscribers have on hand and will
constantly be sapplred with Jan. hlumiratt A Sons , cel
ebrated !Useable; Powder, which they wows..
equal if nor super - air to any imported in the U. States,
mid which they are prepared to sell at. the low - cm mar
km prm i for earth or approved bills.
noel W k M MITCRELTREE, 160 liberty at
_ _
dlskspratt & Sons' Sods Ash.
THF. sauserthera Iltra now receiving their Fall Hoek
of the above article, three vessels, via: the Mumma,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Lou., shortly expected; they ere, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will esceive during the min and spriog rainier supplies via Nei , Orleans.
00,13 IV as N MITC;
C _
HAMLINa CLOTHS-We have Jon opened nle of handsome black, blue and olive Cloths, of
light fabric and fine finiali, made expreasly for cloak •
Ladies wishing a good cloth cloak should give vs
call. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 market at,
novl7 N W comer of. diamond
M ANUFACTURED to outer and famished at eho
kht. n
ce ,
C w o i tt h o n the
dn Husk fk au saosses m ech 1n
in th.
best meaner, for a very low price by I. HERSEY,
novll3.dt y Warehouse,29 Water at.
MILLINERY GOODS—Jam received by Express
a few pieces of cherry colored silk Illusion Netts
and Crapes. Alen, a lot of HOMMit Silk., Satins, Vel.
rats and Ribbons. SMITH &JOHNSON,
novlo 46 et saw at
CitsRPETS! CARPETS!!—llwringfort reed from the
manufacturer direct, splendid skixminister Car
pet, of atom beautiful colon and atulaing, and any one
fun:slung parlors would do well by ezamhaing our
stock, as we are sellingvery low.
novl• W 75 Fourth et
u A fac C tuter of Heavy
Shining., Checks. &n., Rebecca street, city of
Allegheny. novls.dly•
[)EARL ASH-18 casks, pure article, In more and
I for tale o oo•a TASSr:Y
TIMM:. APPLD3 ANlTPriCiliblisb Doled
1.1 Peaches; leO do do apples; reed and for We by
1 EAD—I2IIO pig, Galena Lead, (o etmr Roscoe,
I_4 for csis, by nov7 PRIEM), RHEY 0. Co
FEATHERS -23 bap, per Yankee, for lode by
00,7 FRIEND, MIRY & Co
ry4ED42O bush Dried Footles; Xo
Dried Apples, now olop r lwnling and for sole by
noel 111.0 IL L i ROE, liberty et
large lot of nob changeable Deena Plaids,
splendid article, bciug a handsome imitation of silk.
selling at very low pubes.
VANCY SILAWLS—A .1/lentil/ assortstient of all
wool fall and winter 'Azar* itut teemed and
selling at the very lowest.
lot of handsome sum striped Alpacas, both black
and colored. nov 4 ALEXANDF:Rk. DAY
E IRENCI4-7i4 gßiN 6l4= i .4— ithh&.li.i&Z . n - siTg i ii; t
U sireet, hare received another let of tome cheap
French Nennos Also, a lot of plain doable width
Cashmeres, emaprialog the most choice colOto. nail
( - 11,11 PS AND FRIPiG ,liihoson,Gl3lar-
U - ket it, have reemved • ohouto lot of Gimps and
Frolge4; Mao, a lot of Veleta Riblsons mad tIIGIt Cord.
OPS—a 7 bales prime Eastern ORO Hails, just re.
Il seised and for sale by
oorla bROWN • CULEIER".
riSAN? ERS' bbl. &rah. —6 7 9 4 N
or . 3 . by .
jm Mzhd
y y EDGEWOOD MORTARB—t cask, containing 77
mortar. of asaorted sizes, warranted acid proof, just recd and for sale by E SELLERS,
37 wood sr
BATH SRICK—I case psi reed and for wile b 7
/OLDS D 111(1110AN
Q . ' , AL
vI3SODA, Engliab—l cask 677 sale by no
COPAL VARNLSI6;3 bbls ren'd and for sale by
LARD ort.-12 bash IVinier Lard DLL just we'd and
for sale by BUSBRIDGE, WI L SON A Co,
_ r St
D R, ED PEAmiEs-w WAY iou reo'd Gad for sale
to Forge Metal, locale by
ooeli_ KIER Sr. JONII
JUST DECED VED, ?urge moll el Linen and Cot
toil Diaper. .0111 A A MASON& Co
- -
XTRACT LOU WORD—ao eases ree'd AAA roe
sale by oarlo3 13 A FAIINESTOCX &Co
- • .
COPAL VARNISH-30 bbl. tio I awl 71, pail ree'Ll
and for sale by B A PAIINEVOCrok Co
MA DDE R— eaabstnst reed and for sate by
ju CL , "at ., broded
io]p ad mi l a re ,
th... - Peh
o r he en ap
cue price store, No b 0 Market street
A I—sAD kcp N.ll. as.,l as trA, for We J o ,. by
, JAAILI3 DALZELL, tl ••• iqar at
trig EgiE HANK—The highest price paid for the
paper of des Beek, h 7
Exchange Broken.
VKATHERS-42001ba prime Ky Feathers, itist
rate 6y 00 . 0 JAS A 1711/4411relot"
0 in
order, IN
silt3Q tds, of a large 44' and
prima for by
BRAIN ic Retrial
OACII VARNISH-0( • maparini qtality,
on 6=1..1 for mkt by
°`•uBRAUN # Hang
rinds veil known Ilee of splendkl passenger Stelae.
era is now ioang.olict of the !pleat s Swiaelllt boo hnisited and fanciatted, and most maternal bow on As
waters of the West. Every accommodation and eon
fort Maim:may can procures hiss LeettProrkiedicw SW
sengers. The Lme has Leen to operation for five Tears
—has carried a million of people without the /can Wes
ry to that,. persons The boars will be at the foot of
Wood street the day prevents to starting, for Me meg.
non of height and the entry of passengers. On the rev.
ter. In all eaves the passage money mint ha paid IL•
The ISAAC NEWTON, A. G. Mu" ilia
leave Putaburgh every Sunday morning al 10a0t10104
IVlteeling every Suuday eveniag at 10 r.
May ZA, 147.
MONONGAHELA, Capt. 9m.'tywio Have Pia.
burgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock; lirbselieg
every bluntbry everting *t IV T. N.
bu IA No. 2,
Caps J.
HumorAm; Will
rgh every Tuextay morning u IU *Wool;
W 17.0.1114 every 'Alexlay evetuag at 10 P. X
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. R. DL will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday tr a t at 10
o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening ar. Mr.*.
4 -----
The BRILLIANT, Capt. GIUCE., Will leave Pitts.
burgh every Thursday morning allOo'cloek; Wheelies
every Thursday evetuarat 10 P. S.
The CLIPPER Nag, Cent. Canoes, will leave Pita.
burgh every Friday
at o'r_backi Wheellvig
every Friday evening at 11l 1,./e.
The MESSENGER, Oit. 8. lirro, will leave Pitts.
burgh every Baterday morning. et 10 o'clock Incas&
every Saturday evening 10 v
(vm atasoow,) •
Leave. Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, d M., and ar.
rives at Olasgow, (mouth of th e Sandy and Beaver Can
na)„) at $ o'clock, and New Lisbon at U, same night.
Leaves New Lisbon at o'clock, P. by, or,oura,
trip canal to the river during the night,) and
at 9 o'clock, A. M., and arrives at Thltel fsbaa i niir.
M.—Nos making a continuous hoe fir etarryiagyer. •
mowers and freight between New Lisboa and - Phes.
burgh, in shorter rime and at less rows than by any
other roam.
The proprietors of tile
have the pleasure .- en..
forming the public Boa they have Hued tm two first clam
Cinal Boats, for the accommodation of pessengem and
freight, to run In connection with the Welt known
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAN}!, and coneect- i
ing, at Clasgovr,with the Pittsburgh and Mader
can and other dady lines of steamers down the Ohio
and tdisaissippi rivers. The proprietors pledge there.
selves to spare no eepense or trouble b ihdary, cam
fort, safety and dtapedoh, and ask of the public • ahem
of their patronage.
S. &W. RAILHALTOO, # F 4 rtsb.rgh.
toyllaf J. ILLIUJAUVII & Co. Lab"'
NOTICE—The steamer HEAVER, C. E. Clarke, yak*.
ter, will leave after this notice, for Wellsville yron_ehas
ally, as 9 e'ehi4_,YiteLE.r.!_429.:______--..Prir
- 7111 7 11
Daily Packet Llama
'fhe following new beau campkne
tee lino for the pre.= slawsAT,
LANTIC, Capt. James Par,
ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacob.; and Lf.l
hPLANE, Cam E Bennett The bolus am entire/3r
new, and are fined op without regard to expense. Be
ery comfort that money Cull procure has been prey - WM. 4
The Boom will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat at
the foot of Rout et. Peenengere will be panctualim
board.. the boats will certainly leave at the Ming,
used hoar.,
.8 A. M. and 4 P, Itl
The swill steamer
Webber master, ardl icave revisit
• • • or Whi-eling, every Monday, We
Lumley and Friday, at 117 o'clock precisely.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thtuaday and B.
torday, at 7 o'clock
Sand isely.
The Consul will t ailthe intannedlude porta—.
Every accented/aloe that can be procured Gar the com
fort and safety of passengers has been provided. me
boat to WO proyided a self-acting safety guard is
board or to DAVlDerEvarop
feb4 - earner of Ist wad Smithfield eta
The. now and fest arum= ,
Barnes, master, will !care for above
d all Intermediate ports on Wetnea
days and Bowdon of each week. For freight er pay '
rage apply on board or to
no a pply
s afi a.
The fine new light draught gamer,
un agi 2 g L eff i rilla r. rro_ w e ll i l liat ' te r Un' on
day Ifith inst, at 4 o'clock, P. Ai, poxigoii.
For freight or passage apply ia,,:,:. 1
~,,,q7 tika., H hOLTEN GEM Agt • '
......., The new and roe
ger packet
EGELAP No. 2, ,- i
Muoutosaaer. will atm An tholid.'
mai and Landisville ou Monday, the Wilt 1011., a: 10
o'clock, A. M. For freight or pa applyon Wolk
AI BIDGB. WILSON lc Ca, or ,
pier El omer ri Paytona will leave Lootavift e fe,,Dle w
Ore -
god ar Nal ofTelegraph Dlo 2. ragaeoleta
can go d ct, and can have berths hare sf da
. ,
l is ia.
mi, The new ands lenuid steamer ,
E ' D P KinneymuterTa a a rer
tar cket between Pittsbargh may .
Wheeling, leaving th u s city every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and IVbeeding
ry esp-
Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clir, A. M.
For ire tcht or pmsage, haring superior amcomismilm
bona, apply on board or to
JA3TES SIAlr, Agent.
The St Anthon 111 boat, and speed and
acoonssuodtwous c annot bonew
surpassedby my bow ca
the river.
The neat • end mbstandaf Mama"
7,l*.ttilis. Andre.. Poe, master, itMll perform
- •er regular trips between Pittsburg/i t •
and Bridgeport She lath, leave Pittsburgh on Mote
d.y. and Thondays.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
Wa.noiS, Agi •
The eptendal and fast runalag
J &PChlre, manor,, VFW leave for
• -- • the above and mtermeMede Forts em
to-morrow tSandanmomanff at ID o'clock.
For Innen or passage apply on board.
r The splendiat vA ra ag aftlisakri
.i.• Wilkins, master, will leave for the
above and Inten¢cdiate ports this slay .
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board. no• 20
AND GEORGETOWN, and all intermediate land_
Inge Oa the tdiasissippi and Pearl Rivers.
The new light dratight and subman
-11.1 steamer FLORA, -
_ t24,13,1,:` Jenkins, master, will leave es above.
on ThersdnlC N o lath In, aka° A. AL
For freight or palmitin app ly
boud„ or to
novlo GEO B MIL BERGER, Afrapt.
Folcst7T.Ouffi: • • •,,
The splendid fast running ste r Sins . rs -
milainC. S. Kendrick, roaster /cave fog
the above sod intenaidiata.• ports on
Tuesday, the Mat Inst., st 10 o'clock, A M.
For freight or pusage apply on boon% or to
The fine steamer
Parkinson, rsasterorrill lease for Orl
• bawl luta lutetmedfiun ports thia day
For frolglls_riase, apply on tented.
thiiii.... The fine steamer
Cock, a.srllle . nefeiko Om*.d inter m ediateponhrasr.
Foe freight Of passage apply oo boned. ,voe9o
The light drauallt acme.
POWVialk manor, will keine for the •-
•-- hove arid intermediate ports von*
For frmght or DRS.., apply oe board
The One new and sti'datitatial steam ,
.k er MT. VVANmsO:4
H. Luta., ruts. n leave Ale
thet day, at iu u cl
hock, e above nod ir.terreedtate porn oe
A M.
For freight or passage appliimhcard
bThe spleacid steamer
r . ,.......qtet51 Cam, Master rill: fear a for aboie
to o'clo
• A
•• and miennedlato ports this day. atck
' neve
D In/818 ellaCo,Blll/ _
MBE Proprieton of thl Una have put on &Oa,
and are prepared to forward paeklgt, of 'all 'de
imptions dady, at the loosest rates,
Water street, Pitbekoret
h Sout
h ChAtio. Ulthilbore.:
&e. 1848. Mal.
SlieloPorinues oat ' darl.y. Pettute'r me'"
reecipted for by FIVE BAY' LINE and MIN. "'at'
one, at an , rates and specified 0010.
C., BIDWELL. Putsberstu •
asesl4 ROEINSON_A BOEIISI. Baltimore-
Expraaa Peeket Line to Phliadelphlii,
The last hum of Ohio Late for Pais
..7...55.a.411=41.) sea.... will leave on
• 0tg,a 1 .,1 , 144 ., 70a ,at 9 o'clock. ;Foe
pn gell; "91'
or L) Is.2:2l.o4at!tt.a"l°rlraln..
. _
E TI . CNI7 & 07.,
.1.4.1'11A/11 TGRI
uOAT Au E o• rte,a
aniguir OMR ASON't Aitineixo,
oct3l. No. tl Water agftet
CARPETS! CARPETS! : —Constantay.reoehri4 t
Vt. 11PClintock*T5 Fourth stree; eve:7l/44
re/meet; west/tee in part of thalami:tn., tonics
beauthal pattertne Velvets, latest patterns tmeoi.u.,c
verich; t a pestry,'Bratutty,o ply, stap, and vu teutta
all f which we will sell aa low as they can' be a,:
cbared In this marle,t. Importing and purem.4, l a...
the reanoraetwers,- enebles elm eotaperta,opease
euterkl Market, • .
ititta .
ritteak—P9 nese,
kr beta- •Parr.n____Aim cit
Fo h tizza t y m ti g ii7 f .A . 1..-102:011171:paandt.,, i.,
Pa., far .. la by nave 62;11. &JONECCL ITTIP 1.