The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 18, 1848, Image 2

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,4,.,AgErILDAY MORNING, Nov. IS, 18d&
' I'
, Adverti+.,tm'g BtslDs Gum 4 fldkdelplda,
e,n and U ZZ d erra thiastko.
• - pawpaws: CIIRREIAT.
enineriptionr thls rateable paper will be received
We * will ' i lia " u t=r 4 L e cf "Pea" ' ma
' Amman Dabs Cisme= published
r4rll-VrediT. and Weekb.--Its Dom b Berm
vbabsperannampherrl-Weekly is Pere Bop's,
,1,1 I'm
Weeklq to !Pt° Dodos N I V u N ""/
dwr grAirezesiee axe
,finrerrbefee-62,1a, as t ti t..l 'l le to
m the da
7 y as
• eti:vd= =2.1
, - , Fos Lava CoreaereiallneaßgermommiN__ 2der
- . lye River Nem, Impons, Morus7 burteu l kv• ev •
See iteFe page tor Teleigrasible Sew.
, • 'VOTE OF 4 • - • Zhe- TOM in the city of Nevi York is as bl•
. -
f-Caee , .vs t r z .u.N... l r ri arm
6`d t84062 F
• Tailea':" . Cites. Van BUM.
,1(... . 3 1, 2 30 21,510. 817
Wholenumbolvates, numbs; oilmen, .13,627
. .
- •
The foi . eleetors .fin President in the
city of Boston, is as SAkrws:
W , 8427
Detre:mat lect ors ~j 2991
' . Free Sofl eyeteis. ' 1909
- • Scatuutog, 14
Whole number of votes, 19,547
The,nnicial vote in the city of Baltimore is as
.Van Bum,
Whole ntuabee of votes, 2 /, 811
The official dote of Pinsburgb, u u follows:
Taylor. Casa. Von Dunn.
5429 3117 525
Whole number of votes, 9372
[We have included in this vote, Ailegitany,Man*
,phestor, South Pfttsburgh; Birteinghiun, Lawrence•
mile and Pitt township, which are u mach a. part
ofritttantrey as far as busines is coneerned,!as one
or the Wards. We behave the aggregate of Phil.
includei ihe sitttie county.]
Now Jro some comparison: The Surma TWO
of-Philadelpixis city and county, and New York
city and is strthilows
New York,
Difrercute in Liver orPluladelphia 469
• The aggregate vete ead in Baltimore sad %atm
Is as Eakins
Bahrtn' our,
'' ' BOA 06.
Ditarence io favor of Baltimore, ----- 3,461
, The IWegllle, vote of Pittsburgh, is 9372, being
3275 stunt of Boston.
*jgdg*ixt pf Gera. Can on the conduct of
the Necticaurrnimpaigiaby Gun, Tailor has 'just
been itirieirtiGut ,people,VithihafolL3iving re•
aft, mo r tar OW ill 'yet ascertained :
Stales. ids4.s3r Taylor. EL &tate. Mat - for:Cass. Er
dtasiniehnsetut 25,W0 12' Inane ' i -:. 3,003 9
Ithato 1111u3C %ow 4 Tle. listapshirarl4,ooo 6
Coon - 3,000 0 vhg=oo a ' a) "
. VeunOnt " • 10,000 0 B. dins, ay s 111.1:01 9
New. Fmk , • 70,000 30 •Alabama 3.009 9
fievaJorkey , ' 3,Z10 7 Ohio 10,000 sci.
Pranntranin ..VAMO 00 Indium 3,600 10
Admire 500 3 6 1111140 s 44 1 X, 9
hlarlitadarolina 3„800 8 Mini Wisconlhngsu 3,050 5
No•t O,COO 4
GitOrpa , 8, 4,000 1=1 1No• 1,000 4
O*1;o6011uoi., say 1,600 0 Missouri 10,00, 7
*Florida, 500 3 *Arkansas 2,03) 3
Kentinkjr 12,000 1,9 4 11.44issippi 1,019 6
Terateane 60)0 13 *Texas 3,000 4
Total, nrarly 153,600 163 Total, nearly 71,000 127
Taliof'• PoPolia m,Jacity, 81,804% Da of Electors,
In thistable we have claimed for Gen. Taylor
nothing which la not now morally certain, while
we have *needed to Gen. GM majorities and
and Electors in Miisissippt, Alabama, and all the
States but Florida not decisively beard from. We
believe the maj.nity of Taylor over Cass to thin
State will exceed the above, and so of North Car
aim and several others, and that Gen. Taylor's
majoritireveao Ceara* the aggregate Popular 'Vote
wilt nearly or quite reach 100,000. Add to this the
vote for .11.i...Aran Bares a bout 200,000—aine
tenths oftteunhy men wtm Frahm Taylor to Casa,
'or at least cbtatemo the inatetof Gen. Cass ame
iyilbteduittiegubiatt WY the Toted the. lattor
. tOtenittielliCtoiteer is petty effectually exßug•
ed nicealky - of drawing black lines
MillatelifuotTet,pr imperfectlr heard from
Vmminzts--The New Orleans Picayune
has newa from Venezuela (teceived by way of
'.l6:liene, Jamaica') Mar ta Wendy battle bad been
• Sought iktvi , FA (Vennaziebt,)o[l. the 21w ofSep ,
tember,- tetween Gen. Poses farces, under OoL
Stphatle, and those ofPresident Manages, in which
Monzins'efimate were defeated with great Ices in
tilled and slimness. On the 2Sth the squadron
of Gen. Pam, consist:4ot twelveaail arid a steam
nrwasotildatacaibo. Gen.Paez seems to meet with
inmost in alibis battles. The city of Maracaibo
lad not bean smocked, in consequence of a threat
finin Monagas fiat be would put the inhabitants
Men, women, and c ttildren, lathe sword, if an as
sink Was Made. ge will be starved Le to n sup.
render, hgthetzheim were pinched for prinisions.
Them were mimosa at St. Thomas, on the 3lst
1 4 1 1 Mo, said to have come by Way of Trinidad and
Antigatiabit Pass had entered darracas at the
0f2,000 men, andjhat Mumps had fled.
Tex New You Joust-Vat or Oman= did not
semi to had out until lately, that Gen. Taylor wag'
ante enough elected. h a leading article '"A view
'at,tini,Poll 01111161 th it Wretches voter, as they
Scam Hire loon sicetah
o.B4.tieltitild these two gentlemen doused in
walking Am with great mildness, yet
fifth minaiaerable. spirit, and tie '1..11g each
.14 tam it tfbeittod diacharged a Mriutan duty.
' Thiry ateitiergymetr—em mauer of what denomi
ustion--fcir those of iniety elude of belief' went in
the pAibiTaylor as the sorest peace man to
latAmnd in the - ocmtury; beChns krventlyvnshed
that the tire& vision may never be mewed.—
Gougenialto these is another class of peace men,
' to which that gentleman belongs with the broad
brimmed bmand drab suit With much satiate...
don we saw venerable, tranquil, determined gnat:-
' en 100 rip end. vote 'the Taylor ticket as the beet of
the bunch: 'Find little .uteritable war" speech of
..0 uisi.has lost in many votes, while the noble
humanity of the real obi soldier amid the cruelties
of thebloody field has gained him multitudes."
SVe mddiabed some time ago, an account of a
• ...karate tragedy which took place at Yellville, in
Marina aninty, Ark., and In which three men were
—Wed and several severely wounded. A moo
• . named 3laclair, whO had made himself convict,-
4Otts in the affray, killed one Stinson Everret, and
4 4mapid,.. He was pursued, and the Batesville Ea.
.4;la of the 24th oh, gives the finale of that bloody
work as bUows:
• •eAgiarty were in pone:tit of him and came on
borne tied in the woods, and not far ob, is the
Sop of Ueo, he was sleeping: They aroused Wm,
10 tin, and was And upon, two bald titkingeMxt,
producing death. H 4 e is represented as being
'sidesperate man, and fond of violence.
. _
• The „ PoWcompiaitis that Gen. Taylor bat not al.
,i,ady itaigned him commission of Major General,
• ricanthst he is President elect. He may have, for
...whidtbe Past knows about it; bat we think a will
he enough when the fact of hie election is of
-9 communicated. Some of the Lecotocos
seem eery anxious to get him out of an office, in
which he has honored the American name and
.the American an=
AxxSasse.- . ..,Tbe Lecialantre at Arkansas wu
to assemble at Little Sock on the etb hula, and it
j'flaijrapottusbuidtmsto trauma- IT. S4Senators
SD till two =spited bums, and • U. a Senator to
. Choi March next, will hue to be
.. ,, isktetett,and theameadmentsto the cionstitationsiv.
theelection of Judge, Prosecuting
Attanki* ace-, will wine up for tanAcation or
The Van Baron Intention:mar is olopia
' inelbd the unendments will be rattled.
Vireßilitrim Rama Istnen.—The Providence
remarks, " the Van sumo pub of this
held scare meetings, hare Menalated
.. , ; ,. ..#o , dcrutt .- eins, hive spent mums =mend lOW
fideejaar, than. both tie 'otheriparties
, -jethee: meek eteiMeelehaneh more wish their
.", - .i.idarrats than with their mullions.
CrAiri74G, 'You r —au 3814 Poansylvania
outdo' volo — b3+ oottfortilit is di
• wbo betrayed brr. MO has draw bettor
00 time by otiv:tiog Fillmore with tt
font the casing vote to ant bet Worm heft
.10gt!•Y!•?1 • l':•. ' '`t - crtji
raank 013fiegitlitnailitbil` in.
ezeia4 Ottentintierhich fepaideinniiaie.".
Thilliipnessiei kiiprengeaiidecliun,
mtudvd.talesq., This impression
wholly incorrect. There is iu; ranch talent of
thm kind here a 3 in any other place. We have
te,lickers of the first order, and'their pepds make as
(7 41.r.013ii5!m thoie in our - engem cities But
Witte* title has been dime M callrfoeh this talent
trench- away as to make an impression on the
• Tetchers and pupils have bean content to play
and anti in privato,and the world hen known little
or nothing of their sksil and progresa.
This evil, however, is being cemented. Several
of the best performers in the two cities are in the
habit of meeting weekly, for practice, and occa
sionally they give a musical Soiree. It was the
pleasure of the writer to be present at one of these
lately. The pieces performed were altogether of
the Operatic style, and consisted of Solos, Duets. ,
Trios, and Choruses. We give the names of the
pieces, that the character of the music, and the
skill and talent requisite to its performance may be
understood 1. Duets, Tenor and Bass, de Bilis*.
no—Donixetti. 2. Trio—Opera of Attila, by Ver
di. 3. Grand Finale, from Norma—Solo and Cho
ma. 4. Solo—Lieda, (Soprano) Donijetti fr. Grand
Neu, from William Tell—Tenor and Bans by lips.
sini. 6. Comic Duott (Soprono and Balsa) Elixir
of Love. 7. Grand Duet; from Latvia de Lam
mermore, (Tenor and Bass.) DonijettL ft Grand
Sextets—Finale de Lucie—Donneni.
The various parts of these pieces were sustained
by well trained voices, and the effectwas exqui.
tritely fine. Some portions were equal to any thing
we harts ever heard. We do not feel at liberty to
go into particulars, but we cannot refrain from ex•
preemies the pleasure we experienced in listening
to the Trio—Opera Attila; the Grand Boon from
William Tell; the Comic Duett, and the Grand
Sextet The style of manic in these pieces is very
different, and of such a character as to call out the
talent and skill of the performers So far as we
email judge, there was nothing wanting. Not only
was the harmony preserved, but that which gives
- to music its true eloquence—the very thoughts
and ideas of the composers were developed. But
we wont stop. Our intention was not to write an
essay upon mimic, but to call attention to it. We
feel that it is a much neglected and a much abused
The performance to which we have referred was
under the direction of Mr. Ifenry Sieber, and we
feel that we are doing but a nipple act of justice
jo that gentleman, in saying that to no one in our
community are we more indebted for whatever of
musical taste and talent we have than to him. By long
and untiring perseverance he has placed himself
among the first musical performers of our country,
and is now devoting all his abilities to the promo
tion of this embrace among us. We rejoice that
his acute are beginning to be appreciated. lie
ought to be encouraged and sustained by our
citizens, and we believe he will be.
That the influence of the musical talent now
enlisted may be brought to bear upon the pub
lic mind, and :bat our citizens may have the
opportunity ofl knowing what can be done, we
would respectfully suggest to Mr. Kleber and
cabers the propnety of giving a Concert In one
of the public Halls of the city. Tickets ought be
issued, and the proceeds, after paying expenses
might be appropriated to the poor. This would
combine two good objecto--the cultivation of a
taste for music and the rebeviog of the needy.—
No lady or gentleman could feel any besitouon
in engaging in such an enterprise. We hope
they will be willing to make the attempt, and
we are sure if thy do, the result will be high.
ly gratifying to nemselves, and useful to the
A Darrasno's Sammanix.—vlt would be a com
b:amble thing if I knowed just where I was bound
Lip sovereign mixed with down street, and
theie's no mob thing micron street at all. The
moon's cross-eyed, and keeps winkin' and blinkin'
tallith" had her eyes full of Macaboy. Now, what
am Ito do' If I wand mill there's a very pleasant
chance of going to sleepwanding. 111 goes to sox,
hang me if I know which way I am travellin'.'
And sometimes he has other thoughts. Ins
her moment-he reflects upon his career and sees
where it must end. He thinks of the talents which
have loen prostituted—of the fortune which has
bean; squandered—of time that has been kisr—of
hopes that have been blighted. In the bitterness
of:his soul ha remembeti when the world was all
bright, when Sind parents, a devoted wife and af
fectionate children was ready to item and to bless
Win. But them prothOwrobjects ore all scattered•
Broken hearted with grief, they have gone to an
early grave, or driven by want they have become
wanderers in the world. He himself Is without a
home and without a friend. Wretched and uu,
done be wishes he had never been born! The
past can never be recalled—the present is full of
remorse, and the 'future is all dark withe storms
of coming wrath. Warida would he give if he
could but become what he once wim—but it is ton
late! A drunkard he is, and a drunkards doom
moat be his! ,
THY Warruca.—Winter is rapidly approach
ing, mad in the northern motions of the Union the
temperature has already been quite cold.
At sunrise on Saturday morning the thermometer
at Albany stood at. sixteen degrees above zero, a
very respectable indication for mid-winter.
At Willisurtabarg, L L on Saturday morning,
thermometer stood at 20.
The Mina Gazette mentions that on Friday morn
ing the thermometer at Deerfield indicated one de.
grog below zero at sunrise.
At Buffalo on Thursday snow feg to the depth of
nineteen inches. Most of the shipping and many
of the steamers were going Into winter quarters
In alluding to the snow storm the Buffalo Com.
menial says: ...There is a greater quantity fallen
than at nay one time dicing last winter."
On Wednesday the snow was two feet deep at
Frankville, Catteraugus couruy.
At Boston., on Friday, the thermometer, when
highest, indicated 3:3i; Saturday, at sunrise, 17.
Sine* the 1 Ith day of November, 11326 (22 years
ap) when the thermometer in that city stood at 16.
i 6n not fallen so low:as on Friday morning, w early
in the season. Last year the fast frost in Novem
ber occurred on the 23th.
The coldest mornings in November, in the law
22 years, were the 20th d 26th in 1839, and the
30th in 1617—0 n which mornings the thermometer
stood at 59, 9 and 10 degrees.
Tom Sattaxix—A Wastunpon cmerespoodent of
the Now York Commercial has the following °beer•
cations on thp political complexion of the United
Statex Senate:
"The prospect of a Whig majority in the Senate,
within the first two years of Gen. Taylor's admin.
igration, is not so good. Reckoning the changes
which are likely to be made in the Senatorial rep
resentation of States, this winter, and making the
addition of two from lowa, and classing Mr. Hale
an an independent, and Mr. Calhoun its' a demo.
teat, the Senate will stand, at the opening of the
next scum., Whip 27, Democrats 31, independent
1, and vacant sent I. In this calculation I have
not ventured to assume that the Ohio Legislature
will be able to elect a Senator, bat have supposed
that Mr. Allen's place will be left vacant. Wheth
er in such a case the Executive of the suite woeld
have the power to appoint n Senator I am not
informed. If that power belongs to him, then
Whig will of course be sppointeil, and in the
tits: session of the 31st Congress the Whip and
Menu. Hale and Calhoun will forma tie against
-the Democrats proper giving 012 important arca.
dons the casting vote to Me. Fillincire-.
The mode of electing the President and Vice
President of the United States is comprehend vely
waled in the Philadelphia Ledger. The electors
Who were chases on the 7th instant, assemble in the
capitals of their respective States, an the Snit Wed•
nesday in December, and vote for the candidates of
their choice. Having recorded their vote, copies
of it are made, and forwarded to Washington by
special messenger, before the Brat Wednesday in
January. The votes of all the States are opened
on the second Wednesday of February, in the pre
sence of both Homes of Congress, and the persons
having &majority of the whole number of electors
are declared to be the President and Vice Presi
dent elect.
Ancrusa Dom. m Paounerr.—Western politi.
clans poem generally to begone pugnacious. Maj.
Wm. FL Polk, the brother of the President, has
Mane into collision with a Mr. Burton, declaring
Woe a statement of the latter, redacting upon Maj.
R. B. Reynolds, in connection with a political
stump controversy between exiJovemor Jones end
A. V. Brown. The result so tor is, Maj. Polk des
clines "a war of words," (as only women fight
that way, he says,) and gives Mr. Burton the fol.
lowing significant piece of information:
"I will beat. Florence, Alabama, on Saturday, nes
tb ltunant. Respectfully, tto.°
San rat Brianzz.—The Brooklyn Y.) pt-
pas ray Gat Geller. Mr. Greene has commenced
a gatt Or 141 apt= Mr. ;twice Pieta?, the eleP
&her brae tate Mrs. Madlt, and that the damage'
are raid at EOOO. The cause of action ta Probably
the recentimblicatbrea in New 'York city, making
1011:=1:1 dunes agleam Mr. G., le commerion
iridi Mr. mate. maniage
kap MI Ada:tired thi4bigilltaii ata,
'-it. ll lazgualarlit loall;:4t• senti
Eu *Wareitli u Byron, war Asia
itidtkitiwkage of the wonderful4nd vetted .
Wcakingettniuntii nature so Shakespein, bit he.
to always sanest and life like. He can wear the
appearance enJ speak the language of a peasant.
or a clad, or be can assume the great cligriity of
the Chnstian and plulosopli . er. Every where he is
simple end true to his subject Below we give a
little piece containing some beautiful thoughts ex•
pressed in his own peculiarly happy language.
The Infant In Prayers
A child beside a mother kneels
With lips of holy love,
And fain would lisp the vow it feels,
To Him enthron'd above.
Tat stainless how,
Pe : exquisitely fair!
Who would not be an infant now,
To breathe an infant's prayer?
No crime !lath shaded its yontig heart,
The eye scarce knows ■ tear;
Tim bright enocigh from earth to part
And grace another sphere!
And I was once a happy thing,
Like that which now I see,
No May bird on eetano wing,
More beautifully free.
The cloud that bask'd in noontide glow
The dower that danced and shone,
All hues and sounds, above, below,
Were joys to feast upon!
Let wisdom amile—l oil forget
The colder hannui of men,
To hie where infant hearts are met,
And he a child again;
To look into the laughing eyes
And see the wild thoughts play, -
While o'er each cheek a thousand dyes
Of mirth and meaning stray.
°Manhood! could thy spirit kneel
Banda that ninny child,
Au fondly pray, as purely feel,
With soul as undefird.
That moment would encircle thee,
With light and love divinel
Thy gaze might dwell on Deity,
And heaven itself be thine!
PIMSYLVAXLL.—A letter from Washington, my.
of Pennsylvania:
The sound of victory comes thundering up Peso.
331.3 1 3.11141. Avenue, striking the walls of the White
House with terrific force. It is the death-knell of the
"powers that be." Pennsylvania! Nobly ban she a.,
ranged her wrongs. The "b li nd giant" has laid a
suing and suffocating grasp on their throats He 13
blind no more. Let Mr. Buchanan now retire, and
do humble penance for his sins against the Com
monwealth that has nurtured him. Let profligate
politicians no more dare to practise their frauds on
an honest and nnauspecting people. New York
too' What sound and summary retribution has
overtaken the intriguers there We must not tor.
getin this hour of triumph to give Mr. Polk has due.
We wish we could say we are much obliged to
him far providing so admirable a successor to him.
self, when his expensive and inglorious reign shall
come, but he has unwittingly done it. A vigilant
Providence, that brings good out of the worst evil,
must have the praise of thew beaeficient results.
It becomes the great Whig party to go on with the
reform they have commenced, in a spirit of sobriety
and stedfastness, suited to the character of this great
nation. It is beneath them to exult immoderately
over the fallen Ms The mortification of the leaders
is no great as to constitute an ample punishment,
needing no aggravation.
The terrible war which they have beetiearrying on
with a spirit relentless as thelgrave; the war on do.
[acidic improvements, against the rights and aspen.
tenons of the people ; the war on the principle of
economy, so essential to our government, for their
mismanagement has wet the nation $145 a minute;
above all on human life sacrificed abroad, and dc.-
mestic happiness minted et borne, all this voltms
eery evil, wrought by these "architects of ruin," is
now meeting its just retribution. Who can help
admiring the movement of the people, rising in their
majesty, and rebuking the authori of these calamiv
ties What food for reflection to Mr. Buchanan is
that 5000 majority Ls his own Lancaster ' Truly
"York and Lancaster" have united their forcer for
he great occasion. The dames of tio• peopi• an
to :those able and i'origabfs alum 'of As liaig
inito dare ts-iW so Alsgaritly and entirely in
Lit, hard field; also to those eloquent men who
have publicly met the foe, and done such capital
service with the hying bps. They have often been
obliged to encounter the office holders of the Gov.
eminent, who elm:Wooed their appropriate dime*
to engage in political campaigning. Such men are
unworthy to hold Mace, and should make ready to
UstruAat—.General James Taylor, one =all
remnant of the Pioneer F.dhers, and an active um ,
it of the West ui the days of its early settlement,
died in bin 80th year at Newport, Ky, an the 7th.
He ban left behind him a numerous circle of
relations and friends, children and grand oliCrect.
General Taylor born at Midway ,in the coon.
ty of •Caroline, Virgmin, on the 19th of April, 1769.
He emigrated to Kentucky in 1,92,:5tH id the
MAyear muted upon the spot where be died.
trait • ettantitinarner genrolibelreub
Army in the taut war with Great Britain, and is
noticed in histories referring to those times as `ac.'
the in the &charge of the important dirties which
devolved upon him." The same Martina relate,.
that when Gen. Hull surrendered Detroit to the
British, General James Taylor was one of the first
officers called upon to mein in drawing up the m
anes of capitulation; but be, with the others, indig
nantly refused an participation in an act so die.
graceful to the American /MIL The deceased
WAD a COll4ll of General Za4lsry Taylor and his
last public act, before leaving the works of Time
for the rewards of Eternity, was to give his vote
for the Taylor, and Farrar* Prendentral Electors in
Kentucky—which he did, being waited upon by
one of the judges of the election, about five hours
before his death, in this connection, it may be
apposite to mentron,--which we do on the author.
try of one of his old friends—that his fun public am
mu hearing to Richmond, Va., as a depfity Sbenli
under his tither, the vote of Caroline county at the
first election of George Washington.
Gen. Taylor hu been an invalid for a number of
years, during the last two or three of which he euf
kind mach from his bodily infirmities. He Meow
gene—one of the last Pioneers to leave the banks
of the beautiful Ohio, as be was one of the first to
"make his borne upon them, and adorn it first with
the, necessaries and comforts, than the refinements
and elegences of life.—Cin. Gen
was / 5 miles, by 9, .d
40 round, with walla 100 feet high, and thick
enough for 3 chariot. abreast.
Babylon was 60 miles within the walls, which
were 75 feet thick, and 300 feet high, with 100 bra
zen gates.
The temple of Diana at Ephesus, was 425 fee
high, tosupport the roof It lima 200 years in build
The largee of the Pyramids is 481 (het high, ■od
663 tee on the side; its haw coCare II acre& The
stones are about 30 Met to Length, and the layers
era 206. 360,000 men were employed in its erec
The labarynth of Egypt contains 3000 chamber*,
and 12 hallo.
Thebes ins Egypt presents ruins 21 mike' round
It had 100 gates.
Carthage was 25 miles round.
Athens wu 25 miles round, and contained 250,.
000 citizens, and 100,000 slaves.
The temple of Delphos wu 10 rich in donations,
that it wu once plundervi of 400,000 sterling;
and Nero carried from it 200 statue.
The walls of Rome were 13 miles.
Lieut. General Napier has made a bitter attaek
upon Sir James Hogg. the late chairman tithe East
India Company. It appears that Napier heard,
tome say, upon the authority of Sit James Hogg,
that be bad been amply remunerated fur his servi
ces at Scinde, having received, as prize money,
upwards of seventy thousand pounds. At this the
Lieut, General was astonished, and forthwith pens
a leuer to the Standard, daily denying the truth of
the statement, and applying to Slr James the epar
eta oPthe Hogg," "Hogg," "this man," atm It turns
out, that although the prize money bad not been
actually received, It was a matter perfectly undo•
stood and approved of by the East ladle Company,
and was only waiting for some formalities to be
disposed at—General Napier has been very rough.
ly handled for his ungentlemanly letter. Seventy
thousand pounds of prize money, as one'. share; Is
an immense sum, and no wonder !bat Sir Charles
Napier is a little sensitive about it. •
For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
,, dos. It Mean 1"--Pon.
Mr. Eduor —The Port of yesterday, Isms Is very
much ruysuded by my nomination of 'Old Whitey,'
and says he cannot but consider It as "a mean in:
cult offered to the President." The Post's solid..
rude Mr the "President elect," is duly appreciated,
but lest he should give himself unnecessary Ulm.
ble about the matter, I beg to ware him, that the
writer is a great admirer of "the President elect,"
and had no intention of insulting either hint or his
If the nomination is a mystery to the Post, it is per.
haps quite as well, that it should remain so. At all
events, I do not feel inclined to enlighten him on
the subject. Yours,
For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
atsyor.ity a AJLlegholay
Wurrs--Ali the time is fart approaching
when the Whip of Allegheny will be called upon
to place in nomixation a candidate for the Mayor-
alty, allow me to suggest the name of John Geb—
hiut, of the Second Ward, as a maxi in miry re.
gout qualified, and worthy to hold the eines,
Mr. O. nu 6r manyyears been a member of the
Select Council from the Second Ward, and has
tilled the station with honor and credit to his con.
fiats, and the people generally.
Mr. 0. has frequently bean proposed fix the of.
doe, but being in an active busman, he could eater
=Meet to become a candidate; but now, having
retired door badness, Ms Mends again w ita hi m to
take; the situation, Or he Is withoua doubt one of
the bent man In Allegheny Ent the Mica.
General Foote, Becalm of the United &atea, luta
returned to Weshington, via New °dean; Era,.,
ma and New Tait
7;;1120702161- 07 E n d. .o4 0 11takftila Ot&eneel illterading
't4Petit WDr• Haceeir, on: the motsthat result
featarniteidy tufting a few baps of alcohol with a
:find! psial oflauirel Oil.. To =lit this singular
ipbellinnebon;Which seems to bear Nome analogy
withthe motions of the pplanetary orbs, the drops of
elaobol should be introtl d
at to ne. differententervals
„goevolving mei/tuba motion. instantly
iminnreilaer in the oil, carrying the alcoholic glob
ules through a aeries of mutual annicticais and re,
pulsing, Which will last kir many days. The
round bodies, which seem to move with perfect
freedom through the fluid, turning in a small emi
centriocurve at each extremity of their course, pas
sing each other rapidly without touching. In the
coarse of his experiments, Dr. Hancock observed
particles of the fluid to separate In large globular
portions. these commence a similar revoluuon, and
the smaller ones quitted their course and revolved
about the larger, while the latter mill pursue their
gyrations after the maner of primary planets and
their secondaries.
Tux Ems Nas—A very interesting journey
says an English paper, has been undertaken by
Rev. Dr. Biallobotsky, tinder the joint manage.
meat of himself azio Dr. C. T. Hake. The object of
the journey is to uscryhe true sources hod
eh.. oldie River Nile, u 1 reference to which mien.
tifie gentlemen have differed as much. The map
of Ptolemy is said to vary greatly with the proper
bearings of the river. Another object is to &seer.
rain the stale of Slavery and the extent of that
trade on the African coast. The expense of this
expedition is defrayed by, subscriptions from the
scientific and other gentlemen interested; hut we
believe the list of subscribers are not numerous.—
.The East India Company have granted a free pan
sage in their steamer. The result of these reaserch.
chea, it is expected, will add much awful informs.
lion to the members of the Geographical Society
and others.
THE Anonotkints.—While conversing with 11
gentleman connected with the ofilca of Indian Af
fairs yesterday, we picked up the following items
of information, which will be new to our readers.—
The number of Indian trams whose existence and
claim ere recognised by the General Government
is sixty five, and this is exclusive of the tribes re
siding in the newly required territories of Califor
nia, Oreg.:,n and New Mexico. Of the many
L s oa in
e.,. whichtribesfour 4 th , e e se o. es , i hianage her of he divided, t he
Mountains, are known by the name of Algonquin,
Dacotah, Appalachian, and Shoshonees, (Shaw
The New Orleans Times of the 6th inst., has
Havana papers to the 27th ult, one of which fan
nishes the following paragraph:
- •
TM Gan' flunarcans—The NO de la Parr*
of Campeachy, says that a great hamcane bad cans
ed immense loses. A vessel had arrived from Ve
ra Cruz, having narrowly escaped shipwreck, after
being compelled to throw her cargo overboard.--
Two vessels from New Orleans, laden with floor,
had also suffered greatly.
Darn- mime FOR nut puce.—Samuel Bowley,
Esq., of Gloucester, is about to erect a number of
cottages, on a plan which must prove very advan
tageous to the workinur classes. To each cottage
• quarter den acre of groundwill be snitched, and
the tenant yell he expected to pay the interest of
the capital expended, and in addition perhaps 45
a year towards purchase money. The sum will
be annually placed to the account credit of the ten
ant, so that the interest will annua ll y dumpish--
Lam/au Paper
THZ PlazosiaL PIiorTATT or TILL car, J.
Aaron.—The personal goods lend chattela of the
late John Jacob Astor, have, at length, been ascer
tained to amount to the immense sum of Gorr mil.
lions and ninety five thousand dollars! Thia is ea
ch:hive of the houses, lands, &c., constituting his
real estate.—N. Y. Giebe.
Diocase ov Ngv Yoaa.—The Standing Com
mmee of the Proteatmat Episcopal Church in ths
diocese, have invited Bishops Doane and Whi
tingham to perform episcopal remees during th
year. They have accepted the duty.—Y. Y. Ca,
We learn from the Cincinnati Gazelle Ihat De
Waller, president of the Shelby College, in this
State, has ordered from Munich a refracting telex
cope for the ore of the ttunitnuon over which be
presides. In one and capacity, this I tugrament
will be the fourth in the United States.
Tar Baaasna Coerces. or Tog Umiov.—Lancas
ter County, Pa, gives Taylor and Fillmore • ma
jority of f0...135: This o • gain of 1.12 S over John
ston' Berk, County, the Gibraltar of Loco Foca.
gl yea Cass only 4,417 majority. Whenever
Lancaster beats Barks, the State is lobe.
Hon. Aanerw zsrawser.—The Westmoreland
[well:genes, warmly reromtnene lion. Anntlasr
ST/Yrstrr, of Prnatasylvstros. Wr the post of Lieers.
tory of the Treasury, m Gen. Taylor's Cabotet.
Krerccxy.--Filly 111120 cottaties give General
Taylor a majority of 13,920. The tony
to hear hurt are expected to raise the majority to
V. Bum
418 1133
Taylor. sna)onty lOU.
HAMILTON . LS the name of a new town, laid nil
On the Ohio river, Mn Virrl3/111, opposite Wellsville,
12PDITILD rot TBt ITI - 1T6131011 DAILY 0121711 L
COURT or QUART= — Yeaterthry morn
mg, a black man, named Sherry Devoe, was sw
anned of the charge of larceny-o( money, dec.•
the property of Mr. Collier , of Allegheny.
The case of Commonwealth vs. Matilda Burrell,
EL. Brown. and Benjamin M. Brackenridge,
was taken up. The parties were indicted bar con.
spouts to entice John Parsons, a young awl of Cam ,
teen, to a house of dl fame, called the 'the Ban-
Mee.' Mr. Wylie, for the defence, argued that the
indictment did not properly set forth the character
of the house--spotte of it merely as a common
house—did not show it to be a disorderly and di
reputable house. Mr. Darragh concurred, and ar
pled that the nature of the offence and the me
lives for its commission, ice.. were declared. The
Court mid they were not prepared to decide the
points, but would examine; and gave the counsel
the chow of going to tnal at once, or waiting tall
Monday for the Court`, oldnann. The trial won
on. Julia Parsons in her testimony before the pee
tit Jury, mutely exculpated Mr. Brackenridge, and
directly contradicted her testimony before the grand
jory. The testimony throughort . wan of such a
character as to afford pretty conclusive evidence
to the mind of every auditor, that no danger of
conviction menaced any of the accused parties.—
Mr. Bigham, the Prosecuting Attorney, having sir.
ted that hedid not feel desirous, or warranted by the
evidence to ask a conviction of .Let the accused
parties, the Jury retired but a few maseats, and re.
turned with a verdict of acquittal. bounty to pay
the costs. The whole proceeding in the case was
a perfect area, and the prosecnins deserved both
censure and punishment for her conduct.
It was regarded lun a delver joke, that no en•
dente was before the jury to chow 'the Banshee
to be ' e disorderly house.'
The next case wns that of Com. vit. Fredertck
(Frank) Bowen, charged with shooting John CattilL
The particular* of the trannaction were narrated
in our column. at the time of ita occurrence. The
arm count of the indictment charged young Bowen
with assault and hammy with intent to se.
fond with assault and battery merely. At theopen-
Mg of the case the defendant plead net guilty in
regard to both counts. After the witnesses had
been examined, Mr. Megrim for defendant, with.
drerar the plea of not guilty on the second count,
and plead guilty on that count. Mr. M'Clure, for
prosecution, said he was satisfied, and /would not
ask conviction on the first count. Some discus.
aloe ensued between the Court and the attorneys,
and it was auggeated as the Court's understanding
of the counsel's proposition that the case should be
withdrawn from the jury, end the matter settled on
the plea of guilty on the atoned count. The sue
was finally left in the jury, all the parties confident
that the jury would acquit the accused In thefind
covet. After retiring about helf en bouz,howeuer,
the jury brought in a verdict of guilty In the find
count--tasault and battery with intent to kill. Mr.
Megrim, counsel for the defendant, immediately
moved for a new trial, and stated that he should
file his reasons this morning. Court then adjourn'
Cass or Son.—The jury, in the clue of thin
yore man, accused of burning the stabl es , &0., i n
April last, had not agreed in their verdict yester-
day evening. At the previous trial, the jury were
to agree, after three days trial-11 being
for acquittal, 1 for conviction. The present jury
4ave now "hung^ kir a day and a balL Probably
Mare are eleven stubborn Inca this time,
Mary Donahue was informed against begins Al.
dermas steel, yesterday, by Catharine Medregs
or, fin striking the said Catharine about the eye,
with a plate.• Her (ass was badly cut. Both the
ladies us employee in the Sheritre house, as
maids dell work.
The Circuit Court ofthe U. S. commences its sit
ting on Monday. Among other important cases,
that cd‘onr friend James hiehfuters, darted with
the crime of feeding the lumpy, clock. ' th e "-
hod, end aiding the oppressed to pi free, (teckoi.
berbordi fugitive sloven) will be tried.
~`. `: i`
Noszansa 16, 18119.
Cannon 'melon apes* call—Prelent—Blesans
Il ae li dlialadt, C y t Coil% Denny, DTnm,
President Laytur,„ IkteGth, Sizapaan, Totten and 111.1Ptan,
The Preaident stated that the object of the meet.
leg 1011310 lict,oll t Resolntion sedative to the im
provements( 2rl et. , and giblet' WU adopted in C.
C. on the 18th tilt.
The resolution was taken up and adopted as &I-
Imre :
Remlad that the Street Commissioner of the 2d
District be and is hereby authorised and directed
forth with to place Second at in passable order
from Gas :street to the eastern line of the property
of James H. Hays is the Bth ward; provided the
expense does not exceed $2OO.
An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance modifying
Ice Grade of sth street between Roes end Grant
streets, which on the 16th of October was read
twice and laid over, was taken, up and passed.
A resolution rotative Co the oning of Small.
man at and appropriating $2O fee that purpose,
was adopted in c o on the 18th of October
was nonconcurred and resolution referred to Corn
on Streets.
The following resolution adopted in C C on the
18th of October with taken up, read three times
and adopted.
Reoolteci, That Messrs. Everson & Co have
permission to erect such a building, as is necessary
for the prosecution of their baldness, of frame in ac
cordance with the prayer as set &rib in their peti
tion, provided the said building be constructed
with a fire proof roof
Mr. Denny presented a
. petition f ro m W. M.
Darlington and others, pray ing Councils to grade
and pave First et; read and referred to corn. on
streets with Instructions to report probable cost.
Mr. Caskey offered the kilt:ming resolution.
Resolved, That the Trustee. of the Pittsburgh
Gas Work. be, and they are hereby aolboriftd and
instructed to have a public lamp erected at the
south east corner of Rosa and Second at, forthwith;
read three times and adopted.
Mr Laying offered a resolation directing and re
quiring the Sanitary Com, to Inquire into the es.
pedieucy of eetablishing a Board of Health, whose
duty it shall be to devise such measures, as may
conduce to the health of the City, and to guard a
gainst the spread of the Asiatic Cholera, should it
make its appearance amongst us; read twice and
referred to the Sanitary Corn.
Also, a resolution instructing the Street Com
missioners to have the Streets, Lanes, Alleys. and
Courts cleaned and kept clean; read twice and re.
[erred to St Committee.
MURDER- —An old barn:demi colored man named
Jackson was brutally assaulted and beaten, on
Thursday afternoon, at a German tavern in Rau
township, by come five or urn drunken young men
or boy. from Franklin township, in (Ede county, and
Cranberry township, Butler county. The old man
was so horribly abused that be died at three o'clock
on Friday morning. The names of four of the
young men ware given to us, yesterday by Coroner
A rumor was Carrera, 'maternity, that a host
meeting was likely to take place, between t •
young members of the Pittsburgh bar—originating
in some misunderstanding which has taken place
during a late criminal court case. It is hoped the
friends of the parties will edhr_t a reconciliation.
A Man whom Mr. J. Richardson, police office
attempted to arrest, yesterday, for rowdymg at
house on Marbury St, wa seen to be fumbling ■
open knife in his pocket, but on being informed th
he must gyre it up, he threw a away, and submit
ted to the arrest.
Taurus—nos evening siillbethe hust of th
engagement of Mr. and Mn. E. S. Connor. Each
and 111 will be played, in which Mr. C. will person
ate the character of Richard, Mrs. C. Queen Eliza
Beth, Mr. Oxley Richmond, and Mr. Prior Buck
Ingham. Mr. Dann is to play Poor Pellicoddy,
the piece of that name, and Miss Cruise the char
acter of Sarah Bloat.
Puna Hart—Kneass' Burlesque Opera Troupe
will close their engagement at Philo Hall this (Bat
urday) evening. Those, therefore, who have not
nestled themselves of the opportunity of Iseanng
this Welly galled troupe, will have an opportunay
of doing so.
hisses'. 47tor-11enry Brown was comma.
ted to prmon yesterday, for stealing nurneroos ar
ticks of clothing from Edward Stewart and John
Prater. The property eras stolen on Thursday
Tee Chit'ding Fever a not yet all abated in our
twin ea." by the cold weather. • An IMMCMIId
number of new houses are in progress, for all of
which, tenants will be found, before the plaster is
A datachonat of the California Regiment sr.
tired in this city on numbly, slid departed ye s .
terday morning, on the Mount Vernon, Mr St
sad diatingumbed Private Secretary, arrived In Me
city. yesterday morning, and departed, are under.
stand, during the afternoon.
R. R. Roberts, Esq. has been appointed Ckric •
the U. 8. rhstnct Court, is place of Thomas Lig
gel!, Esti, resigned.
Ranert.onso —Meseta Hariben ' acW allaee bar
nearly rebuilt then gtaas factory, in Manencate
which was destroyed by the late &e. Mr. Han
nun informs as that they were entirely tenured.
For taw Pgh rais.
M. Enrroa—As the report. that ittsbur
rd to several of the peen, of the proceedings m
th e ease of the Commonwealth vit. Mr. Bracken
ridge, have berm grossly inaccurate, and 113, 1 pre-
sume, the same inaccuracia will occur in the re
port of the proceedusgs on the trial, I deaire you
to publish the accompanying report-43r the aeon.
racy of which I vouch. The statements signed by
Julia Person. and Marta Parsons were taken at
the office of Mr. Bigham, upon a fall examination
by him of both the witnesses, In the presence of
three witnesses. Yonn,
CADE OP Eft. snAcitaluuDoz.
So soon as the Crietti. vs Simms bad been dir
posed of Mr. Knox ram and said ghat in the cased .
the econ'th vs. Morgan Brackenridge, upon consul
, mum with his client, he had determiaed to unth
draw the motion to quash the indictment, and for a
toile proseque—as both he and his Giber were
anxious now that a full idvestigation of the whole
affair should go to the public.
Judge Patton remarked that the motion might
be withdrawn. Mr. Knox said ha was ready on
the part tithe deft, and anxious to have the case
disposed or After some other business was trans
acted, the jury was empanuolled, and Mr. Wylie
moved to quash the indictment as it charged no
offence. Judge Brackenridge at this moment en
tered the Court, and left the manes is the hands of
the Court The Court and that although the ob
jection might be sufficient, they would reserve the
point, and the trial ought go on. The following
witnesses were called.
-• • .
Idea Paraorto-1 ma 14 next May. Matilda
Burrell met me, end told me she would show me a
nice house. I bad been sent by my mother to get
■ house She took me to a house on the 4th street
road. We then went to Eliza Brown's, on the
She locked me up and brought a Mr. Earl to me.
He had nothing to do with me. 1 1.11 mother's
shout It o'clock; about dark I returned.
Neal day, about 10 o'clock, E. Brown sent the
me, and I went. I did not see Mr. Bmckenridge
until the afternoon, about 3 o'clock, several geed,
mon and he come in. I went home in the even.
tog, and the next day but one, I went again, to help
to sew. Mr. Brackenridge was not there that day,
I saw a good many gentleman there on these days.
I went home about 5 o'clock. The tint time I
went, E. Brown said she would take me to Phila
delphia in two weeks. Mr. Brackenridge never
said any thing to me about taking me any where,
or bribing me by giving me money. About three
weeks ago, Mr. Brackenridge sow me at the Bap.
tilt Church, and looked as if he wanted to go home
with me, He did not go, and nothing of the kind
hu since occurred.
Maria Parson., score:
1 whipped Julia severely for going to the house.
Whim Mr. Boeitmaster came to take the deposi
tions, Julia as not in, and Mr. Knox did not wait,
but went away, and was not there when the depo
'ilium of Julia and myself were taken. Neitbei.
Mr. Brackenridge or Mr. Buakmaster, or any per
son else ever offered me, or Julia, any induce
ments to make the affidavits. When Mr. Knox
came there the first day, my son and eldest daugh
ter, end Julia and myself were all present at whet
The defendant offered no testimony. The At•
tome,. General mid he did not believe there was
testimony to warrant a conviction; and the jury,
after retiring a gm minutes, returned a verdict of
not guilty, and the county to pay the costs.
We 'severally mate, in presence of Mr. Bighorn,
W. 0. Leslie, Esq., and John Scott—that no offers
of money, or any other inducement, were ever
made to us, or either of us, to make the aradavits
or oath., taken by Alderman Buckmaster, either
by him of Mr. Brackenridge, or any other person,
at the time they were taken, or befilre that time, or
since. her
Nov. 16, 1848
The above statement W. drawn up and read to
Julia Parsons and ?dubs Panons in our presence,
and they were examined by Mr. Bigham, in our
presence, fully, with regard to the above statement,
and voluntarily signed the same In our presence,
and stated the facts therein were true.
Nov. 17,-41 t
Mayon.—We understand that. Mr. Woo Hen*
has after much solicitation, consanied to become
candidate*? that .mica. Mr. H. is an old citizen,
and is well.keown to our citizens Its a person well
qualified to Etl that asatica.
nteleal 1 120 4 40. 6 .14 1 S
AikaArAlOal We eTOPer *MM . '2lllll rrlob
reirursßbsriodusesir and bo coed, ffir diva=
means. Have yew Asthma or difficulty of b
t h" dIKLOIIIY efficient Ermine to me you Is to use
Jarsiebepeeoantieicheillimmedisdelyoverssthe=ahieh tetthedianeot rne!.b=opiliemucu:lcb th
up, and thin removes every obstruction to • free re. • -
"too, arhile at he same time all inflammation is sat.
.z.di sod • eon it certain to be effectaL [levet.
Bronclinis,Eptning or Blood, Pleurisy, or In
Pulmonary Affection, then use Jayne's Expectorant
and relief is certain, and you will
find that you base
used the proper means.
B For safe in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea fluffy, 77 Itlt
stns.:4 near %Wood. malt
JaiKa's. lixsacroassrm—We would eatl attention to
tkis eiteedent remedy for comphs, Colds, Consumption,
knktna, and ad affections of the Throat and Lung.
Naming several times within a few year* past had ones.
Sion to osi. • medicine of dim kind, we have,by aspens
enee tested its excellent qualities, and are prepared to
recommend it to others. Ministers or other piabilo
weaken inflicted with bronchial &feel...lslnd find
great benefit from It. use. It is prepared by a scienti
fic physician, and all will find it a safe and effi
cacious medicine in the disease. for which it is re
commended.--{Colombo. I (thio) Crum and Journsi
For sale at the Pekin Tea Mum, N 0.70 Fourth street.
Ayr:Ali von rut Jrws —The Rev. Mr. Bonhomie.. a
convened Israelite, and Agent of the “American Soci
ety for the Melioration of the Condition of the Jews,"
will preach in the Liberty Street M. E. Church, to
teonow (Sabbath) evening, at 7 o'clock, and present
the claims of the Satiety be serves. A collection will
be lifted.
The Israelites of the city and neighborhood are lig,
fectionately and respectfully invited to be present
Mayo. or Ammon., CITT.—Mt. Editor. You will
please announce the name of WM. BOYD, 3d Ward,
Allegheny. as a candidate for th e office of Mayor. Mr.
Floyd, if elected, would make an active and efficient
officer, and is Well qnalified to discharge the dunce of
that post. oortiidiw• Moxv Crursars.
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dontha,
Omcr and residence on Fourth street, opposite the
PitisbuiTh Bank. Office hours from 9 o'clock to t 2 A
and from 2 o'clock to 5 P. 51. septl•ly
INVITE: Country Merchants and others to 2/logna2-
nation of their stock, which is one of the largest
to be found in any establishment in the country, and
consists of very desirable and scannable goods. ex
pressly adapted las to size and guaittn to Western
sale. t rices will compare favorably with those of the
East. Terms liberal. not4v-dlm _
Dr 0. 0. Stearns, Dentist,
OFFICE: at Miss fleuck's. on Fourth street. a few
loon above Wood street, until the completion of
the house nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with ALlll
fieiel gums, after the manner now amverzelly prefer
red at the east, manufactured to slut each particular
Cd•C. Teeth, from a Mil set down to • nave one, in•
served on a otlelloll plate. that avoiding . imury to the
natural tee th Specimen.. of bloc' s o f suction plate
may he examined at the oilier..
All Oper.olll insistent to the profession performed
with rare end fehlOoloess. surA2-3ro
_ .
E 1133333
- .
Takeo up by the subscriber, living
i Plum township, Allegheny eounty, nea
halest-, Lagoa'. Ferry on theptb November. tw.
ome tlk~ue with while
on brownspots, a crop off the rig ear, end
half penny off the upper side of tht
he lek the other
block meetly row, wah a slit in the right ear, and •
swallow fork in the left. The owner is desired in corn
forward. prove property, pay eharires, and take the.
away novlP-strat•S BMIFH WKELVEY.
Help Wanted.
eonsunended. can hear of a pleasant situation, at good
wages, by inguning at this office nersiktf
L Market street, turtle the uttermost of purchasers
to thew large stook of Linen Mitts, etribract ng some
hundred closers, at puce./ rungusg from M to one dol
Q ST . R.IPES AND CHECKS-30 cases ro
cclved and for ..,o cheep by
novle A A MASON A. Co, ql market id
TAntra, PE:ACtik s
.4--1111 •ack• Dried Peaches, punt
j.l received and for sale by C II GIiANT,
noel, water H
C " 'n -S o —1; bosh
'/..(;‘CI for sale
AN n t .; .— vi cask Hems, refl i s l ir
... (cir i te l, b l L LEss
DRYnovAiPel.L"‘-4! sacks D yy Apple. , for We by
sac" (or sale by
L , A MIL 'I PLOCR-54 bbls. Mtller a Armstrong'•
brand, rust received ...rid tor sale by
BACON -50 lthd• Shoulders :eat rereerved: 20 do
Hama. :a store and for vale by
(102PERA21-2./ bb;. Wells's, an good order, for sale
A be noels GEO COCHRAN
- - -
PA DES, &HOVELS, Ate --On dos Spades and Rho
° vela; 10 do hlnure Fork, 20 do Grain Shove:l,su
do ;locket do; Ares, Balaban:, %moats surd Picks.
Hollow., Vices, Ae.. for rale itt manainenare rs prides,
by 11071 a GLIU COCHRAN. 20 wood in
Dnfk - S - rid - rk0(iff47,1 , 44--
Tweeds, Cassia:sus, 14 Cloth and Cusimere, by
We piece or package, very low, for sale by
LARD -51 bbla latalutg lrovo stnu New England
and for sale by nedlel Al ALLEN S Co
LOA3II—W hltda prune N 0 Ragas, LAo aale by.
dE a
ANKETS.—Just received. a large lot of Blank:eta,
of dlderent qualities, Inetoding some very fin—
,an eel. fine ankle of Blue Blankets, i nimble
for costa.
sorl i
BLACE FRENCH CLOTHS—We hare jam tenet
veal s lot of flue French Cloths, which we are .e.l
hog mach lower than we haveever sold the gam.
curl; qualm heretofore. ALEXANDER t DAY
SUNDRIFZ-20 bbl. Green Applels
YU do Width Beans; I do Flansend:
1 do Roil Boner, 3 tinge Ginseng;
I bag Snake Root; Lao Feathers,
e bosh Chethiths; 30 do Peaches,
For sale by 00.17 J D WILLL&SI
OLL BUT fEß—Fresh, this day seed and for • a
11, by nonl7 WICK is WCANDLFSS
kelp Not Leaf, for sale by
MACKEREL—Nos I, a and ; for We by
BACON—IS,OOO lb. Raton &des, m smoke boa
and for sale by noel? WICK & lI•CANDLESS
R YE—I l bal . Rye, lop `d for .ale 6
ICKORY NUTS-13 bush for sale b H y
DELAZIL SUGAR-25 L• white, for rode by
aort7 1 D WILLIAMS, 110 wood st
VISH-5 Ws No 1 Salmon; 1 east Codfish; 1 do
E White Fob Ido smoked LI/alibis; No 1, and 3
Mackerel, for .at by novi7 J D WILLIAMS
.BROOMS -30 4 dox Brooms, Jost nie'd end for sale
noel 144 !ebony st
rl'EA -4 half chests Y H TM, conatxrusent and
sale by novl7 ROUT A CUNNINGHAM
GRERN AtTLFS—ISO bbl, Grew Apple,, oncon
stgnment and for *ale by
I,3LAXSEEO AND GINSENG-3 wets Flaxseed; 10 11 do Grown/ we'd per sunr Mt Vernon and for sale
by novl7 C H GRANT, 41 water st
TTEAS-to hf cheats Pouch/sox Tea; JO coddles very
fine Youtqf Ilyson Tea; for sale by
novt7 C 11 GRANT
LEAN o 0 pip Galena Lead. reed per sts Shamans
rloah and for sale by 0,17 n CII GH_ANT
TOHACCO-23 bags No 1, a twist Tobacco landing
from elms Comet and (or sale by
novl7 JAMFM DALZELL, 21 water et
SUNDRIES -2tlo bash fined Peaches ; 100 do do Ap
pia/ put renewed and for sale by
no• 17 JOHN S DILWORTH, 177 wood st
MOLASSIZ-30 bbl . Plow.. 18olasrie5, landing
andfor dalo by novil JOHN 8 DILWORTH
FLOUR -100 bbls extra Sassily Floor, per Well.
sills, for sale by rovl7 JOHN 8 DILWORTH
M 0 L AS . S bbls new crop Molasses, lost cord
and for sale by
nos le BURBRIDGE, WILSON ft Co, qr.c,
3EIESWAX—A mall lot for sale cheap b
boy lb R T LEECH, Jr
riOACH VARNlEW—warramed good, alwor. o
hand and for W nov
eby 10 R T LRECIi, Jr
LBATHER VARNISH—AIways on lomd end for
sale by yowl° R T LUECH, Jr
TAAbfASlC—llsrite lot, just rcell and for role by
notrl6 It T LEECH, Jr
CIDER VINEGAR-20 bbl. CuteinnauJust ree'd
andeale by nort6 BROWN & COLII'F.RTSON
PLA N UTS—Jo eta prams fresh Pea Nots, just reed
and tor sale by
MANILLA CORDAGE-23 cod. f and If uach, for
sale at manufacturers lowest priers.
novl6 FRIEND, RHEY k Co
LEAD -1348 pig. Galena Lead; Mk do Bat Load,
for sale by novl6 FRIEND, RHEY &Co
Q hods fair Nets Orleans, reed this day per
0 steamer Telegraph, and for by
osta-10d IU9 Second m
QPN. TURPENTINE-45 Obis Spts Turpentine, in
0 prima order, JIM reed and for sale by
ottorltbier HENRI C KELLY
APPLES -14U bbl. landing from steamer Consul,
end (or solo low to close conswriment, by
novlo JAMES DAL Z F.LL •
11HEESE— ISO ban Crean] Cheese, superior article,
%_.r for sole by David JANIES DALZELL.,
MAR AND 011.--60 bbl. Strait - Oil, 2 do Nonh Can
1. Wino Tor, reeei•ing per canal and (or sale by
'-500 RA just recd and for sale by
nov le, corner let and wood it,
EXTRACT LOG WOOD-50 cases jot. reed and for
nolo by novos B A FAIINF.TOCK &Co
OPAL VARNIBII-30 bbl. No 1 and 0, jnoe reed
and for sole by nola B A PANNENTIOGK& Co
MADDER -2 cask. mat reed and for We by
noy4 9 E EIELI
FRENCH CLOAKS- .- R c -embroidered French
cloak., lust imported and for sale al the cheap
one price store, No 60 Market rimer
covlo A A MASON et Co
JAMES Dial t l roe . a w ble lbw b
NAMO emu Neu.,
intent prtee paid for the
1 paper of th 4 sank, Y
WU. A. HILL te Co,
Exchange Draken.
EAMIERS-4130h Ib, prime Ky Feathers, ituiref ,
.per steamers Neva land and ./ Crtnesdee; n 011.5 91. A 1317FCEI1ION aCo
F 713. TURPENTINE-3o bale, of a Inge urn, and
0 La prima ankt, Ibr sal, by
nont/ • BRAUN & REITF:B.
nOACH VARNISH-01a anparior nasa li ty, ainnys
ki on hand and thd We by
'P: I- 77AtTCTIONI.41&,':.'iT, :.:•I
Its John D. Davis, ALllDeitoot.
Moratoria', Sole of 26 14*iitests
Will he added to the rain of Grotedieh, &dna , ak i n'
day aiteenood at 3 o'eJoek. at lamb tkoaratareitl Safes
Room s , COIL= of ilicod and Fiat adteeta-17 hfeheats
Yodoa Hymen Tea; 3do do extra Sao OM ,
uo a. Po o;
erehong, Blac 4 do de teaperiork
do. Imperial do; 3 do do fine
oort9 JOHN D DAVIS, Sect.
arf Rztenzior Rdai/Dty Goat Store.
On Monday rooming, Nor. PO, at in o'clock, Cl the
Comenercial m Hoorn, corner of Wood and Ftfth
curet', mill he *Old, for cash conancy—
An extentote mummer:l of staple and fancy Dry
Goods, among "thick are superfine cloths, cassiments,
coonetts, jean", *trends, pilot cloths and coating,
nels, blantem, bleached and hroon mnslins, dannal
linen table cloths, skawis and bdils, grem variety,
per prints, de lain; alpacas,- bombazine, cashmere,
4111 ., rerun, fanny ve.ung, botiarT, gloves, sew
ing ettiCSOTIs, hats, capm bonneu,
bands, Ike. •
At 2 o'clock.
Gneffira, Qaternstrarc. Puanitunt,
At 6 o'clock,
Largo Salo of Boot..
Os Saturday evening, Nov. it 6 o'clock, at the
Commercial Oates Booms, corner of Woad and PH%
streets, snit be sold, a large collects:on of new Books,
embracing a general assortment in the w de•
departments df literature and science. Splendid an
nuals in rich - bmdings, family and pocket babies in
great variety, tl.k books, letter and cap writing pa
per of firm qualiry, steel pens, onflls,Ac. Also, 1 Large
magus lantern, with lOn,, SC... 40, completer; Imo.
hogany veneered book ease; 1 superior gold cylinder
escapement Watch, I Tobias' make heavy eases-
Whtch may be examined previews to the sale.
norl7 • JOHN A DAVP3, *act.
C. S. PORTER Meireamh
Smunht, Nomura. IS, will be presented
Richard Mr. E. S. Connor.
Richmond Mr. Oxley.
Ruckmichanit Mr Prior.
Queen h:lairbeth Mrs. E. S. Connor
Immediate) y after tbe play,
Madame de Virelay Mrs E. S. Connor.
Comic Pas depenh—Mim With... and Mr. Goodwin.
•ro conch. arah
Poor Pellicaddy Mr. J. Donn.
Svah 131 run Miss Crum.
ID Unanal—Benefit of blr. and ?dm E. S. Connor.
The O.iglm.t Sable Elarmonixteill
WWlLLexhibit at Patio Haw', EVERY EVENING
THIS WEEK, on which occasion w ll be produ
ced a senes of Entertunments hitherto unsurpassed or
equalled, for utlent, refinement, originality and excel
lence—emulating of selections from the most celebra
ted Operas or NORbIA, FRA DIA VOl.O, PI ERN.INI,
SONAMBU4A, he.; and an entire new .election of
Pieces Songs(Duens, Glees, Choruwes, and beautiful
Ethiopian Melodies—lntroducing the following emi
nent performers:
AL Founder, the great French Aecordenniet and
Kneass, the celebrated Composer and Pi
n. st, (Musical IhreeMr.)
Herr Ciesinno, the wonderful Tyrolean Warbler and
Doable Bass,
W. Roach, the unrivalled performer on the Bones;
P. H. Keenan, the extraordinary and unequalled
Mr. Farrell, the accomplished and healthful Violin.
Mr. T. Wadden, rematatted cc a Athena and Bus;
Mr. J. Waddlta, tL. bearnitul Tencir and Contraslto;
Mr. Campbell, celebrated as a Soprano and Buffo.
All of whom Zarin appear in We above Sail in a se.
'es of unequalled performance.
71.ckets of admissson, ft/ cent.
Door.°Oen at o'clock; commences at 74 p"'
Per particulars, see programmes of the day. nort4
_ URA E SQL:It:TY —Chnstian Consolation in the
death of Relatives and Friends, by the Rev. Hush
Whoa, it A. OHL TO eet ts.
Address to young persons on Confirmation, by the
same author. Unix Gib. 20 cents. h .
The Cassie of Linwood, on the real strength Witte
Chrimian Aliniiitry. limo.. 31 rents..
Selections from the Homilies of the.Protemnsit Epis
copal Church. /with s Preface by the Hs Hee. Matsui
Meade, D 11. 120,0. Weems.
• ,
. .. , - ... • . • •
The lama's Progreas (tom the Valley of Destruction
to Everlaminty•Gtory, by Um. Sherwood. team: 37f
The Christiml Visitor, or select portions of the Pow
Gospels. with T.spositions and Prayers, destited to
assist the (mewls of the smk and afflicted, by tits Rea.
Wm. Jaeoett, bt, A. IS cents.
-- . .
The Chrtauati Visitor,select portion. barn the
Acts of th e Apoinics, and l ke Epistles: by the same au
thor. 45 cent.
The Liturgy Explained and Defended: a Tract.
Address to Voting Persiow after the Confirmaucin, by
Rev. Charles Bridges, M A. A Tenet.
Tte stove wofk• may nil be obtaiutd ut the Some
t7.• Phil edelplua,prices of
novl7 ELLIO CT a I , SIGLIBIL Ye wood at
_ . _
Jairsaet Expectorant.
Sums, Colmnbiatis ro„o.,:Aar. 24, 1441.
1 - 111. D. JasiftE: Deal :tint-1 feel bound to you
JJ and the satiated public, to avail myself of this op
portunity. of grtnnyt publicity toll.. exatiordinary effects
of your b.pectonitit on thyself. Davit; been afflicted
for severed year+ with • severe coogh, hectic fever
and it. cOneoollll.l diseases, and seemed only doomed
imger out a sholn but miserable existence, until the
fall of PUS, whets; being more severely enacted, and
having resorted to 'MI my former muedies, and the pee
-1 "ern/bone of two of the Mint respeetable phynciam io
the nrighbothwol *ittrout derivoig my benefit, or the
consoration of surirlying but • few days or weeks ID
farthest-when tate. last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I had reeommended to me your Expectorant
and blessed by that .Nelog who does all thing. in the
me of the means—den contrary to Il!us eipe • •
myhysiciane and Pleads,' ores inn Teseth
iuy ~=r7:-
bede , lttui alab l Pf l 6 r th 'Mts -. 17r ealth than
WM tea Mr.
Resiwetfly your*, &e., Jul. W. Karat.
For sale ul
to Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Stern
Fourth street. morn
inal=„l B4B . MAR&
DT , 3 dttYt QUI
Merchandise wansported at Canal ratan
Water street, Pittsburgh.
uovl7 47 Lien street, Daltierwa.
PROFEW3UR CHRISTIAN IHY/11 most respecthil
1. ly announces uS the citizens of Pittsburgh and
vicinity, that he has kozosoeheed giving instruction on
Ws Plano. His melbod of instructincas very easy,
and adapted to I , ern vary short tope. He hopes
by sinet attention to his humane., and by reasonable
prices., to merit a share of the public patronage. Those
wishing to hear him ploy, ate invited to Italy; dm
cards, with the tore best sailed to them, at the Must
Stores of Mr. Stellar er Mr. Biome.
Rxrranctris—J. If, Mellor , Esq, Frederick Blom
Esq., Victor :[cribs, Bookseller. novltdlms
- it Murphy, N E
comer 4th and !dyke' streets, has littely received
. =imply of supertor; black Preach i s for dress
coats; do for cloaks; Pelisse Cloths, for Mks dolts;
Olive and it:ramble green do; browns do; Woe Cloth for
boys wear. Also, jitney and black Caisimerea and
'Sweatt:ls, a large assortment; blob Blau Vealikgs;
a few patterns super, Velvet do. Them, goods have
been bought very Mau., and will be sold at prime that
cannot bet please. novl7
INT P. miLLErri Draper and Tailor,Yroun Booms,
Y • has establlshid himself In this city in the man
ufacture of Boys' Clothing.
For the presets, he has taken part of the wareroont
No. Cd Fourth .1, now:occupied by 11. F. Sterrett no a
furnishing store, winds he will be happyyy, to wait on
any who may favor him with a call. He is supplied
with the newest styled of French Sacks, Honndanouts,
he., and will receive regularly from Parisi fashions for
all articles in hi. line:
Refer to P.N. F.a.trn? & Co. ,novl7-1.
nWAKING CLOTHS-IVo have jst ripened s lot
ki of handsome hltick, bl de na ry camp ohs. of
light fabric and Eno blush e for cloak.
LALdia. wiahlrig • good cloth cloak should give as a
call. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 market m.
novl7 N W corner of thi diamond
1 92%&21100AT BLANKETS,
'UANUFACTUReeD to order and furnished al short
JAL take '
with* the tuna of the boat blotch Han
kht. Also,
Corson Dusk
s hlattrasa pt de 111 the
annotator, for Iva, nee by I. /1913 Y,
novlG.dl iVarehotta, 2f/ Water St
ILLINERY GtX)ll23—Jmu reeeival by Express,
01 a few pieces of cherry colored silk illusion Netts
.1111 i Cranes. Also, t lot of Bonnet Silks, Satins. Vol
ets and Ribbons. & .101lN'SON,
nosh ittatitrket
CRPETS: CARPETs:!—li.lagJoirchld fro m the
=mu/Ammar direct, a aplendid Ai/minister C u . pet, of most bearnifill colon and shading; and any ono
fornhating parlors would do weft by him/an/in on
.tock, n ore are selling VD . low. ..
no vtd
11 , hII . cLIZITOCK, 7a fourth 81
armuso• Barre or Pn - mananu, r l
November ?On&
HIS Itau.k has this day declared a divtdencl of Oar
per erns. en it*Capnal Stock, out of the profile of
the last six monthat payable on or after the 17th inst.
novfleltd THOS. N. HOWE; Caahler.
rrifE Merchants' and Menufactmera' Haph is
day declared a dividend of Four per rem. on the
Capital Stock, out of the profile for the Mat Mo mouths.
core W. U. DEZINT, -Queer.
HAMILTON STEWART, manntattazer of Deasy
Shirting, Meeks, &e., Rebecca street, any Ot
A llrrbelly. toset&dly•
L)EARL c.klb pare article, in- store and
r for sale by tovd TASSEY &
IMIED AreLEs AND PEAC/iES—auba s h Dried
nos re.shes; 1.50 do do Apples; recd and for sale by
e ?ASSET 0. Barr
I EAD-1200 pig) Galena Lead, fro& suite Rose.,
Ls for sale by . bov? FRIEND, RHEY &Co
F E ATHERS -2i boo, per Yankee, for .tla try
tiov7 PRIEM% EMEY Jk Co
DSILD PRUITs42OMoth Dried P hes; its do
Dried Apples, how ctop, landing and ibr sale by
noel treGILL tr. ROE. liberty at
.141, largo bat of Hob changeableO ilcan c Plaids, •
splendid article, being a handsome inutadoh of .dk,
wiling at very low poems
LIANCY SHAWLS—A splendid aancronein of all
wool fan and winter Shavrls, just reetived and
wiling at Me very Rarest.
ATIN STRIPED ALPACAS-4.a ree* • lo n
Slot of handsome satin sloped_ Alpac., both blank
and colored. nov , 4 AIsKILANDEFLIt DAY
VRENICH MEMPHlS—SmithAJohnson. Market
street, have received another Lot of Rowe cheap
Vreeeh Mena. Alan, a lot of plain doodle width
Cashmeres, comprising the mom choice nolo* 0014
G. 3 1 VS AND FWNO&S—Rreith & Jottliso& 4d Mar
ket at, have received • choice lot of Gimps and
Yong. also, • lot Of Velvet Ribbons and Silk cools.
H o c i: . l.+— v,d i a tinzp. 4 r:r o o t. E...tens (14) Hop!, An
TANNERS' - 611..-407bbliiirsioN.
for ..le by
SirslN 011,Aum,
TirniGEWOOD MORTARS—I mu!, monathon g n
y T mortars of assdrind sizes, warranted add roof,
lost teed and for rani by R RREL
. __ B 7
. st
. _ .
BATH 01110 K-1 Srmt reed osst reed end . 6.1 sale 6y.
QM. RODA,Ermlisb-1 cask for sale ny •
/ 10PAIL VARNI2II-4 bbls med HogsLugar aa t
.4611, ...fill. Jai
THI9 nen titer, than, o { splendid passenger feenas
row *oinebeed It( the;ls } gesel smiles; tem and Arreishe& end most pow . ha= on the
Inners o( the West Every seeonunaiation and mar
tort that meneyeen procure; has (wen provided forese.
sengers. The Lane has been In operation Oar fire pan
—has meted • ralllion orneopha without the least Ledo.
Ty_ to their persons. The boats will DO of the foot of
Wood street the day previous to starting, for the ree9.
Lion of fre4ht sad the entry of pnerengers on the mu.
ter. in gll cues the passage money mast 601404/e
leave Pittsburgh every &relay =Mi n e 2=04
Wheeling every fteaday eventsta at 10 r.
May *t,1847.
The bIONONGAHELA Capt. Storm, win lat
v g . t
burgh every bieuttuy monung et lu u'elbek;
every Monday eventug Itt IU P. IL
le HIBERIA No. 2, Coo Runaini
i r k l
leave Pionborgh N every Tuesday l
maiming .1 10
Wheeling every Tuendaq evening allO
Tha NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Cap. S. Dean, anti
leave Pinabazak every Wednesday tooratai at IS
o'clock; Wheermg every Wednesday streak', al 1011 t. It,
-- - -
The BRILJAANT, Capt. Gum will leave piete.
burgh every Thunday morning at itlo'elcelt; Wheelie(
every Thursday evening at 10 r. a.
The CLIPPER No. V, Capt. Caoola, will leave Pins.
burgh every Priday morning at 10 o'clock; Ms.kali
every Friday evening at 10 v. R.
--..-- —.- -___
The bIESsENGE2a, Cur- S. Rest., will }nave Pim ,
burgh every Saturday morning •t 10 cid.* Who Was
every Saturday eveuiug at 10 p.m.
iniEit 184 8 .
(vis. stasoolv, l
Leaves Piustinneh daily, ate n'ekrek
ves at Glaagow, Imouth of the,Nandy andsaw
nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Urban u 11,114111. alight
Leaves New Whoa at 0 o'elott, Ali (ettalnng tha
trip caind to the river during gas nightland Utz
P o'clock, A. AL, and errata at Pinabtargh
111.-0111 making a continuous
aught -
gangers and (might between New. Lisbon-Mid
burgh, in shorter time and at !marines Miss by any
other route.
The proprietors of this Lure have theilealiritt
forming the public that they have fitted up two inn
Canal Bolus, for the accommodation of passamplosand
freight, to run in connection with the want
summers CALEB COPE and HEAVED, and cc
Glasgow, with the Pinsbargh and Clads.
nittl a
and other d aily hillt3 of maroon dawn the Ohio
and Mippi rivers. The pprietors *dire. thent
selves too p are no expense or ro trouble to inStllweSet
and dispatch , and nob of the public a Aera
f ert s 4,e s t p at ronage a r k" _
S. &W. HABBAUOII, Pinoialnet-
R. HANNA, & Co.
Naar Lams
myna( J. HABEIAIJOiI & Co.
NOTICE—The steamer BEAVEIt,C. Y. Clark/J.4m
ter, will luve after Ws notice, for Wenalra puma
ally, at 0 o'clock in the morning.
111411. 1841
PITTS/31/11011& BIZOWNWIn14071";
Daily Paoket
The following new boats odezplena
43°.- toe line for the present seasaelp...fri*AT-
Lo.NTIC, Ceps James
BALTIC, Capt. A. Jacob; - a . tel
bi'LANE, Caps Hearten. The boats pros =Wayoow, new, and aro fitted op without regard to
ry ma.
e comfort that money eon procarn hat been
The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf BOIn
the foot of Row at Passengers will be paneteal ow
beard, es the boats will eertzunty lease so tholabon ,
tined hours, 8 A. M, end 4 P. M Janall
• The swift steamer
_dt T.
Webber, master, snit leave regali
OT Wheeling, every ISlonday
nesday and Friday, et 10 o'clock precisely, '
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday oil Ea
=day, at 7 o'clock, • m, precisely. .
The Consul will land at tdl the Intermediate
Every ae.modation that can be procured Oti=...
fort and safety of passengers has been protruded. 71,11
boat u also prrovidedlrith a 1411f-aeting safety gated ter
prevent expiesions. For freight or PffII.I. E MVP en
board or to DAVID Cll __ ,
feb4 CORM( of Ist and EimllaseJd sts.
The new and fast steamer
Barnes, aiMeer will leave me Wave
all inwrincliliste_ports on Woidpa
days and Saturdays of each week. For freight br past
mire apply on board or to . .1
44 The fine new lin i tir T anirtil "fates
I - Car. Miller, arill tare 4-the above,
4,, all im.u.dinte ilsta . oa llama
day.ole :14 t . buy . ,... 44 . aeloel;P.lH., poslnvaly..., ..
i oo u vi r Mahnlg ir 7 T: lioAtai i: o n :
, i .... •. The now and 9 1 . 1 '14 14 f ik U P!P a ' -
~......„.417,er PIllfo:V -1 •
on, master, lOW leaver fdrethin
nati and Louiavitte e . was... met; irs
o'sjoek. ii.:-.M. For freight ar passage apply onboard,
Steamer Parana will leave Lonisvillee¢ Sera
Orkans„ on arrival of Tel eh No IL
art go dined, and can have secured lA=
. ..
The new and skleklit/ Emmen/
isataL) P Kinney, ail Is . g
ar packet between Pittsbragad
Wheeling, leaving dos city every Taesda , Thursday
and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and eve
ry Monday, Wednesday and Friday, aiSo'clk, it ufg.
For freight orpassagn, having naperior accomkkods
non., apply on hoard or to
JAWS MAY, Agsmt.
The St. Anthony is a new boat, 'mud .tos .peed and.
accommodations cannot be surpassed bratypat
the river.
matoThe nerd and substuißal veinier
Andrea. Poe, master, still' performs
sr regular trips betweuf Phlstbargh,
and Bridgeport She will leave PittalndOat Moo
days and Thursdays. , ~.
For freight or planar, apply on board, err Is • i
____________________,_- D WILIMENS,,Agi_
The splemisd and fart ranainestaa-
,rxiii,-;;;PC . A J la'Clore master, vriU Imre for
- the above arid s intermediate perm on
to-marrow (Sander) morning at 10 btkoek.
For fraWn or mersage apply on boadel.• novka
LY ....
splendiSllght &Might Steamer
mnme, will learn the.
above and intermediate twits thla day
at 10 o'clock,
Por 6.e !g!" .* rl . ?Mat aOill7 , :rn board. ' .Dints
- AND GEORGETOWN, and all intermediate , land
ings on the Mississippi and Pearl Rtvere.r
I The new light &might and IsAataa
: steamer FLORA,
master,`ri%f's Jenkins, .
ay tho 1 711 1 : lea 4 l: t ab i & viia
For Height or pawns apply an board, or tO l
novlo GEO H AULTENEterm.
The gee new light-dranght ati mar
Lucas, master, will, teave....tor the
ova and in teratediatoportathls day
For freight or passage, apply cos board. •itorld
The Eme warner •
B. Irwin, master, will lactre fin above
ports MEW diry.
For Ind .1 or amigo, apply on boara. rid
••• •
. FOR sr LOUIS.. „, r •
'P TAH% It ' ll;
- ••••••=7,1: ...... kruel • m.m.V.01 'eve Mr " - mune
For heißhroi ' 'd4'l%Vt:
• •
The Schtsdo larrN;-;
4;72..5:1;1C0vnun marnetyleilllestye tat ' lho a_
at ILI o'clock. - "te and inter mediate pork fog7Jar
For freight or paaaagc apply do board.
The Arm ..w m.r und .
• H. Roam:, master, wilt rigs fo r
.e a
bove and latermedleho porportthis day, at to o'c/ock, A. AL
For (MVO Or paaaaga apply on board. ,n o yiy
th. The splendid atersoc,t
Cove" master. veil'. Itarg .. fair above
and intermediate pona Ula Aay, al
10a:o'clock A. AL
BURKE c CO/S WAtdT gmfriguss
Wmai t idi
rpm Proprietors of thin Line have pecan New Stock,
scrip prepared to forward pack, ges of all de
tions daily, al WI/lowest 21
J. C. BIDWELL, Atent,
Watoretract, Pittabn_rgh.
ROM m:Im NSO N't Do.
VS South Chalice st, •Haltlatore.
Eciaper. TaAntsp7owyrwasKirporc
S HIPPER'S and others are inturrned teat this Line
continues to run delft , Praline./ eind u
reeenited for by FIVE ).AY awl re xitfor serabandl.
ons, 01 low rotes and npecilled thee. •
.1 C BIDWELL, Mb/burgh:
Ho/ANSON HOEHM Baqinsore.
ILsgign iliao -
The last lama thin LOP for Woo
• reason, will 'kayo on( Salt/Wag
nLi ight, 11th nut, at It'g, m
1 •114 1 . For
passage appirto W UTCII. A l 'o
oeseln or I. & Co. ~[a
I .
TM UPPS-11pa,
sohneriber t. now receiving Worn Acialt
, clip of New York, choice aworuntent
of lit4g, C9* and Huai, 1.0.1 fwd.", la OW earls.
ig andsiery cheap, wholesalo and retail_
JAHES waspN,
Emiduleld sr, Id door sem. -
-.. treor so=4th
PET'IRGIEVI Cib - 00, --
1:14.042.1 S
Orms at OAT Afit M. AILISts Co,
-ET-fir ata t— Elt:--carrmu m -- Irtit
W. MTS.:nook's, 75 Vottrah weer, every variety
eirpetr, construe to yin of. Aiuginagvot mon
*aural twlenw, Velroz4, *ten parom toPoned.
very richt ',WAVY ErattettYraPlY.flYreOrlakeettaA,
Ittl ,Of whieir "myrrh sell Pt IYM ap. si•eitiqb e ~,u _
Missed in thtoorl., Importing ea Veterf from
the maanfactorere, enables us U, c te limb th e
atilein muter.
tolling-ser i e eiiiitiiatitii.litz -17,-
‘,l oMEI
~ t , . ,I.L. .„...,