The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 17, 1848, Image 1

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    1. , t -
S. „
ATwouv, lb kZ It. Co- Communion and roe.
warding Iltrehnota, have reamed to their old
annl, Waxer and Rent streets, Pittsburgh. octal
pup. gruti; - • OltaitOt
it HEFTER; Watileulti:aad' Retail Drag
ti-jr gigul,notnerof Liberty and Si—Clair manta, Pitt.
burp, Pa. ' nuipla
CTLZ61132103, O. BIWWIt
EtOwN CUMIZIMON, Wbaletale Grocers,
. luad CATilmbraftur htenbanta, No. 143, Liberty-It,
biirgh. , dcally.
RA. FAJINIMTCCH & Co., Molecule and Re
. tail DmPARR earner Wood end Cat ea. jyt
13.60211X1'" 1i..‘5111711, Wholciale Orbearz, 18 and
' 'lBl%read Went Pinsburgh. :
- -
A. Mc.ANULTS h. Co, Fororarditig and Com.
uOmOoti bleralwas,Canal /*IN giicOorgh Pa.
• . meh2
EII.MITAI.T., • ' . 101 a 012811./.11 - .
WALT & EMHART, Wholesale Grocer., deal.
en in Produce and Pittsburgh Matioractunes, cor.
sles_rll LibcuLed Mud sta., InttslogAii, P. telii7
e'vnt.: , k asomaz, . ... a:lmi a. =arra.
EINCILISiI it BENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
ra 4. , Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission end Per.
in Iderclusgr..nd dealers Lrt' Produce and Piro.
Dug& tares, No. UT 'Wood st., between sil and
9dl4ftefil. - • : ' , Oen
POKER OLD. Mtn, 'nand WOOD.
‘ l l 4l F TWOYfitign o- 4 1 2 1 iti G lo " r ' irtl . ran d
qestns,;Nls.s7-Waser, ad 1 Front
ugh. Pa. -
.A.4utouaß,lcao MILLER. Bell acid Ens.
Fvuiders 'tad Gas ,Flners, tOtt Pram, betortel ,
W.od end Smithfield streets;Pittsburatt,
lartllighes , pride aisan tor pld copper ands
- - .
et_tX)ROE,OOOORAN. C.ounnission'indrnisidadintr
.141 - ,llershant t Plo. 4 2o Wood oreet..Piusburgb. td*o
fl ARV BRUNOT, White and . Rea Load:Want,
4stetttror, Paint and Oil Identhird, cornea of M
il .and O'Hara sts. Pittsburgh. . jets
ALMS_ • ant; 11. - JOON NC DIAL..
1; 0129 Ylll it:DUNCAN, Formurdiug and Commis
"slob' Mirehlits, No. al Firm mem, Pittsburgh,
111•1411 DICER, non= nu9txr, J. 14
• DICKEY & Co., Maintain Grocers. Com
midon livrokturunand dealers In Produce, 505.59
Water, and 1917 Erroll groom, Piusborgn. oov9
Oiitt 1-I..RANII.II,A*mey and ponneelliti ni Lew
111...and9aieuntaaioner lar.the litate of Pennayi amnia
lee..Letat, so., (We at Pittaburkh.)_
Itarsamicas..-Yinaburgin Roo W Vomited, Dun.
tan ta.tliller, .24 , Eanaless JtEClare, Jobn E' Parke,
BisedirtnEcaple, AEConl Et King.. jeftly
LOliN SCOTT & Co,W,boLesale Grocers, Forward
fog . d
...mission Alifilinnis, Dealers in Pro- •
ami Pittiburgh Manisfaceares, Igo, 7 Commercial
flow, Liberty , streei, the Ciin pittom ic h,
, .
T ANIS S AlefillTßE r ilato of Qui Armor Alpo nod
../Ipprothilroj lileitharerilorjSl:Charloo
AMF2e-A. HUTCHISON, Co.-Leaccessors to
~( V.Lowiillutehison&So, Co:minion blerduarin,
antAnditir tlielli , Lo , lo Steam Savir , Beancry.
snger,sixd Sq . • fidnt itiettimitiowo.
- 2(1. - ACK, Iderencht Talk% Exchange Ihe
din'l3xClalraL,Pinabeergh. nslou
Jog: AWAVORTil—Whotesals Glue= Pro
o. 1, Mid Cortupisalp Mercluuil,ltio,V
I '7" ,ian4
:rotor 11.1holulay„Wholoanle Dranisiz
t) a a deal-
Bre Stuffs, ratmseOils, Vanishes, Na
W - tiott 'tree, aue door South of Dinaxond Alley, Fitt.
4010 ; HERR, Jr, Co, Otacictoor t o Jcoerilt 0
•• • .to • • • • 30 Water otreeL oat
TWIN IL MELLOR,. Wholeealeand Retail dealer
in Masi° and Lacteal Inatrutuenty . School Boost,
ParyyreSlaws, Steel Yens, Quills, Printano Culla, and
- Scabouary.gertarally,lio. 81 Wood aL,Rltadnla
r,lial Rao bought ottaken iu trade. . sepl3
8001 4, 1111.a11ER Co., NVIdA ts
esale Druggas,
o.44.llrood.'streeL Pittsburgh'. • •
•7 01111 , 1VDAV119,`Aundooear, comer nth and Woad
nieatt, Pin...—. •, oats
ICOINSTON fr. STOCKTON, Book4ollers, Printers
4/ ittd.Paper Nanuforturers, No. 44 Market tr., Pius
lOHN 61111. T.. :Mr - bon:sale Groner, dealer in 'Pro
. dune, rituburgh Zl l / 1 111faesurei, Till rte.., tin.
No.= Liberty ar,Fividirsit. • Amen'
Ito? rur9k
1 77 1 i L FWYD, (hoe J. Floyd
V • Grocer., No. WO Liberty street. •
jcs7 - cr T., 'Whoe G
lesal rover, Commission
el- Memnon, and dealer in Produeo and Pinsbarati
bfaintrocuires. N 024 Water st., Pictsbargtr. Joniti
ICIER ts JONM Forwarding ind Commission aler
nts,Bealera in Produce imd Pinstangh maim-
Loafed - &ruck", Canal Basin, nem 711 i at. dal
- Vestrelus - lron WOrkz.
BbUrr ( t
n of ahe bet
quality - . 'l'o'mb:we, a 4 crater and 105 front at.
Nadir . •
L• __ _ .
H W . .A.TSRMA,N, WM:dictate Groner, Forward
. ing and Conunisaion Merchant, Denier in ,P44e
burgt Manufaeurea and Produco, Non. 31, Water at.,
and ad Front .r.. • L: i 27
• :S011:11 103971:124
), :i IIbIIWAT A. haIPTON, Wholesale Gloom, For
' • 7 aranduaa and in
talon ln o
anOrinstuagh hlanntsena.,NosElerclisans,ales rs
AIS iihd LIS
.Tirna st, PittOlnlak A . Wnl3
MkitGaM., aaOTHEM a-t CO Coanulsolon tiler
shoats, Plubolelphla for am 14011,01 produce gel
nel4 Liberal advances made an eansapunonts.
Us: as nem=
IiTB9I - C. lot
Wal ROE, Wholesale Gt.:woman,' Catamis
',Coo hleteltrans, Pio. 114 Liberty st., Pittzbarytt
£L•^, Liar- aurrar . ., mot.
AL.1.20.1.& Co., Commusion F
hierchonts, Wu. and Fria' .bard
Pod and Maxim out.
w).. , FrF 3,2, 1
B:77taiCt. tuciErrsoriionas7i.aca
Commission Idorehanvio:l7o," Lltartyjn, MB-
A. saal4
..., ~ • 2 s IMO x k •,"..„ .0, . . 71arlfranffig
.d iv=rom earner of poord=ers id Foreign
e ltills of Ezehanae, meteor Depos
n; Dank Nowa and Specie.. ,
licr Collections mad on - - all Ihn, principal cities
dome, • ••• t die United Staten" •• , r t. deel7
• • .
OISFAT 0011 E, Who .essle - Grocer, Readying
dealer in Pro dale, Pittelnuth Abitudiye
.tates,-and all kinds of Vol eve and Ddluestir Wilkes
and Litwin, NIX 11 Liberty street. On hand at tray
firese;sine.t al , superior .ind blininngeltela ..ertinkty,
baiiekl lane Ler ,
rrt..A:W., Jr., Importer and Dealer in
Toting* . and Dow.= Ile lieddlery - Ontderini and
tare Trimmings, °Call deserippansi No, 133 Wood
DlCH.RU.litgelitr l / 4 Wholesal. and Retail Dealada
JLte.Leitheriblon*to t Waleirakerni'ToOistsZd
mtcs,' Tinne
od fiVand Vtlen' TOols,A l
4 .Tl44..kytrs?
emast 205.15.0 a.
D )101,111ISON Co.,lVlnAnsale Omen, Prods.,
sod~iHConran's= Mesetnnts, dDesners run.
• - blnsetnsnq Din, no lib erty sty Pitt] bugh.
. 1 1 k Co., Whonnale Grocers,
lar Cosaiulvdon and Fortrastisng Mercbsuns, deniers
In Produce and • Pinnbusgh Alanufacusses, Labeny n.
Itoktr: A; Cl/PiNlNCiliatil, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer.firashleo listattsyst . s-Arssaafaeteres,
a l l sad Comm
j& Mac, hants,,for the alleytteny River Trade, deal
era in: Grocarlas, Pratte.% Plusbanth , 1432161.Ct54V11
Tisehigbestpriees, irt ew', paid st&llttr!t;italbr
try rai. Conan onkel& had hiriaate - • , -- JahP
balesee dada, Ilkdr=
groserte_t, boots, shoes, Ilusbaret mama
articles ? ?he n Pro . . alit,' Many meet, husburp. say&
bLITH & lODDNSON, ielesale still Wail Dealers
In illUaery.. aorta, Laws, Hosiery .asa Fancy
.Artl4oB4lo. 46 Market street, asicatc. abstaattird it;
e. nuncinsm Yam n• wenn.
HACi.L.WiT WHITE, , Wholoule Muller. to
Poand Dementia Du wood st.
P~u■bn i nfeblcsl
woolw. 7taitsevoli relniti;,Deelere
• In Flour and Produce genenlllZ and (+
Counulusinn Iderubaran, No. Oa Waxer Pins
MITH,ILLOALEY do Co., Witoletala Grocers and
Produce deafen* Na.E23l . d_arkatarAdn,beFwein 5:13
and ab, North.side; -Jura
- 1:
. 71;12311101.. /01321 EICIICLIA4,IIIASTAID.
L I a, 'NICOLA Produce and:General Com
- Anni.nlSlerChanra,ll.o. 17 Liberty it.,.Pinebare.
... ma, 1:., weed. ond Lard Oila. . ,
4 C... 310.1 BUNN/lOWA a. Co., ynuelesale Gro
ears,;'Fonrardiactand Cogmlmon iderchame,
inPinatugtr.a.nalaetareirand Woomera no-
Pam Icarereann tbeirrume 4 arsrellanso,(old mond)
K 6.: Socorakr Et !roam. -and Chancery Lone, • , .
Toiatpsy.„Y OE5'4 Wholesale OtOCell add coatioii
sioa Dierebahils, and &spent Prods!se. Pio. 35
odea.fictiltasch:* - • - Iss2l
- k Agent br • axle. soldiers tad
Pettratiagyartmona, at the *Mee of Wm. Au*.
.ht • Burs Mailbags, 4th at, Inttaburtitt. My boa
t t.s tbeleaachlihOotheat g,rl"4 to
hatthearthate`fria - rif experteeth SPPIMart.
...,...4.,...i.i.:. ... : . 9a to NVO/DINICF..
l " ralinfatßS, opiecescrol4 b. kr. D.
T r — ma , Vl , o)osale Groton,. FornoralOg ILod
. . _CotaZniosjon trams* dealers iii Imo, Mars. Gia" ,
• .."'"` 7 .. 18 m4004 PlAsboaghltanufactures IdnerollY.
orWood ond Wow mires& fuohonth• .
• „ , orw •
• idatitiVio.9ll Oval betwgen Woo
ar ket ryorw.- -
W GE,. owaoand • •
, • ing utabrubme•t, No. PH liberryet, ar
"Der Jr. . 4 3ARTIATLD, Maki- to 'Pent Staple
G*Odh Mr. Nark et afterainsburEk
W I L V=tT4I 2I :77 bt-ViaWl l:l , -J w 4 i7i
1k.04 b. ,
lir L MURPHYYboieIo37 Beni dTealer7a
"TT Fotelsis and D.menie D,y Forth east
`eurnerof Mutat and Fourth EL; •
AL YoilYo aCo Deal; L r .
Co.—Dealers ides, ht.
-.ay • 143 Libe:rtras •
•-• M. MITCLOZLTRES-4171101esat• m e m
- • Decillyi Distillr s
of and
. give.. tittLiquer.
boatisostso &Ida dll4sehing
MACE= x & Co.,atfbalisalttXttams and
dealer Oil; Bgattßatatand Plttirbacita Man.
eed anialatOutio on hand, at all -- . &lltt ind
&aural artonntaut ofactais tbats WOO' art. , '
"T Chan Aileis ?MINK& .. 4 as
ARCIMEInt= A4Lrlntid..l O.? d
Beatifying ; Ldsteters, and Wino. And Lnintd
Abu; irsants Or Syda AO And Brer..en•
'Powder, Noadd rty onyt.,Frtiburgir, Pa.
. SIC,. •
A ..•••dit
. I
1 ..
• ..
. . . .
- r - .
. t
. .
TOHN AL TOWNSEND, Dmggist asal Apothecary,
LI No. 4,5 Market st., three doors above Third et Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well seleeted as
sortment of the beet and freshest Medicines. which he
will sell on the most reasonable term.. Physicians
sending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup
plied with articles they mu). rely OPOII .
P P r ty p si zu la d osa ts 'rele c ricr ms w u ill ri t , , o c ., se a fur an n y te h Ltui r
o o f
the slty or night.
Also tor aale, a largo stock of fresh turd good Pe a-
ailllassongrßoskaahalaT Livery Stable. .
• H. PATTERSON has o
the lame. stable on First et, muting throu pengedh
' to Secondlt, betweeft Wood and Smithfield
sts., In the real of the Monongahela Honse,
with an entirety now Hoek of Horses and Carriages of
theibekt quality End hlteeratyles. - Monza kept at hen
ry in the best manner. , srallv
CONTINU to rimanfacturo Alonuments, lkinl
Vaults, Tombs, Head btones, Marne' Pteces,t-en.
He and Pier Tops of forel,g, nod domestic marble, at
a regular and fair price.
N. B.- Cronin, for monument, vaults, k.e. s t p,,i4,_
cll. of any description. lie solicits a snare of public
patronage aug9.t.ltf
W ll4. l l . Alll. red 1 1. , 111 . 7 1 1 1 ,, ,i, 1 4 1 a e n . cl k f , a r e i lre s : ,.. o n f ec Co ,... tten at n i g d
Silk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and 6ngintm
Panisol& Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made to order cot the shortest notice..
Setae, osier of/Heiden Lane .d William, entrance
N o 55 William street, third Boor, over Abner to Ely.'
store, No BS Malden Lan New vork j 'VLI
_ __ _ —._—_._
FOC., DD.. crAscars,Jr.
O.lhrSN; LEAK% STAAGE.Ita. Co, menutioctu
laiicer CI Vielkitt te r, :• , elckWicdc.w.. - 61101, keg ,
constantly on hand a - gruterAl assortment of the stare
anklet. Also, Make to order a superior article of
Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No.
10 Mod at. Pittsburgh. Pc. .!,!1:41-",
Saddles' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
ncoss,'Deer Heir, Varnish. eto. Le.,
"yll No. EH Woon Sr. Pm-Iverson.
MPEKIN TEA STOE-Er—No. 7:2 Fourth
near Wood—All qusunities of Green and
Black Tana, done up m guar:or, half, and
poohd packager, roofing Croat to eta. per pound
jyt A. JAYNLS, Agl. for Polon l'ca Co.
Thaquessze Spring . , Axle, Steel and Iron
C orks Co, rs OLENTAN, ' , AMMAN m a , mannfaesurc or
Coach and Eliptle Springs., Hammered Axles,
Spring and Plough Soul, Iron, stn. Warehouse on
Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealer, in, Coach Trimming. and Malleable
N III UCKNIASTEII, Axammax—Oirice, Poarth
' thud door above Smithfield, vaunt side.
Coneeyanearg of all Made done with the gooov
care and legal accuracy.
Titles to [teal Fatale examined. Ike
JOHN FINNEY, Jr, Agent ut Pittsburgh for the
amare Mutual Smety buturance Company of Philo
adelphi. Fite Risks upon buildings and merettruidis
oi every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls o
CUIVOCS of vessels, taken noon the most favoruld
/1,7* Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Rro,
To. u. AVruer, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. I.l,—Tho sorer!, of this Company stnee the estab
lishment of the Agency In this city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with - hicy every clam, upon them
for loss bus been adjusted, fully warrant the agent tu
invithigthe confidence and patronage °ibis (tends and
the community at large to the Delaware M. 9 Insu
rance Company, while it Ilse the additional advantages
'as WI ilistilyd= 1102011 g the most nourishing in Philadel
phia—es having an ample po,id-in capital, which by the
operation of its charter Is constantly increasing, as
yielding to each person ,insured Ira due shere of the
profits of the company, without involving him in uu
responsibility whatever, and therefore Lei poSselofing
the Mutual priumple divested of every obnoxious fea
ture, and In Its moat auractve form nor 4
quip. Ml Insinuate Company of North INSURANCE.
Amenca, untough
j taduly authorized Agviti, the subscnber, idlers to
snake permanent and limited Insonstre an properly. lu
this coy and Oa otentity, mad onshipments by the et.-
hal and Myers.
Arthur U Minn, Charles Taylor,
Rawl W. Jones, Ambrose White,
Edward Smith Jacob H. Thomas
John A. Brown, John R. Net;
John White,
ILlehard D. Wood,
Thomas P. Cope. Win Welsh,
Samuel P. Smith, • Frames Hoskeilii,
S.W.! !kooks, S. Austin Albino.,
thaw D. Samoans, Seely.
This is thaoldest Itmcionice Company in tho United
Statue, having been chartered 'in PALL Its charter is
perpental, and - fmro a. high standing, long experience,
ample means, and avoiding a!, risks of an exult haz
ardous character, it may be considered as offering am
ple security to the public.' W. P. JUNES.
At the Colmtiog Room of Atwood, Jones. & Co, Wa
ter and Front Art,. Pitalnagh. tilays
_Tkl i ll ,i Fzr i tliu Fi:e in lus su urant r. z p,, Coltipauz :t o . f pihtLutd
on every description of property, to .PituburFhand the.
surroundieg 000.61.ry, en favorahle term.. rhp, 0.:,-
51115 hild a perpetual Charter
caposi. SRAM* paid in.
Conungent, Fond LOLAUDiI
Mice comer of ThOd and Alarketstreets, Pntehurgh.
apl/VIS WARRICK IlLnEtall, Agent. •- - -
-- • • • • •
lIE tmdersigned, duly authorised Agent of the Amer
' Man Fire Insurance Company of l'biludelphta,
continue. to effect insurance against loss or datisag,e
against Fire, on buildings, merenuulme, larnioure and
property, tot extra hazardous, nu this city and meson).
'pH UFA, WllttA N. M;taa..l ,d
rt m lS o llifil e CLUlElL:r eo te p Lar o xpi=AgenLp:
and will tilue Policies and attend to the other busier.
of the Agency', of seureliouse of Atwood, Joao.
Co. opi'd WM. Ft J‘ltsiktS. vv-tvrr
No. 59 South Wharves, ~. I No. 117 South Water at.
BEGS to Inform the ,r, l e and dealers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that tbey ittCh
With the Virginia martn:neerecrs and the Growers of
the West; Westindies, end oboe places, es will insure
a large-and Constant safety of lite following dewlap
'tame of Tobleco, which arm be sold upon
imam as soy other honse io Mit city or else
where, and all spode ordere.d Iron them be over
heated equal to representation:
literati; 91. Domingo; Conn.;
Para; ' ''Pritur FeniPa.; }Seed Leaf M
& Florida; Mama;
ALSO—Dranch'ifFelebrated Aromatic' eg Caven
dish, with a large assorunent of ether mailer brands,
wad qualities of pounds, is, Os, 12s, Ms and Z . .* Lump;
45,„6, and 10e Plug; Ladies , Twist; Virginia Twit,
tee., sweet and plant, in whole and half bores, wood
and tin together wi th every variety of article belong
ing to the made.
Acaxgr, • A. :rum. 2.7iicsirsoar.
Product, Commission and. Pormarding
No. al Noirri WitAaras, .Az0129 WAn6l
r turzral.A..
Rama To—John Li. Brown & Co.. .......
•Bobett.thdert& (.1o; , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_
Bareroft, Belmar It Co. ' '"'
• Smith, Bagaley & Co.
Allan& Paxton, Now York.
Waken & Harvey, Baltimore.
. BagalatSmnik,
ikai listrb . ; Zi n lso a n&Co . I p in , b . g ,
Kier & Jonas,
ash admen. on com. ow
rulliL La.erfti . c • • , maratdly to
Y. e.vux.x.i - • C11421.1t1 I:CCI. ' IWINS. Wk.,.
And General COMM n morelunnts,
Ne.l3 Bourn Ma= Ssisarr `
#PERENCES—Henry Gnat & Co, Pousburgh.
Rodgers & Sherhsek,
. Schooley & Bon, ) -
A. AL Jamary,Alaynntle.
Clunks Unshum,. /Louisville.
AMR., Humphreys & Co.
ereer, Bro. Co.
Reed & Brother,
hathap..taatara, carman W. *NM.
cutosaal •
aiRrEfOX - COGlittAß.r .. •
Connnlaslonand Area - warding Merchant.
%LETT: Y i tCl a moral CORUDIRSIOO bun
can ;'.litnitcheiTureos Y and.goreo, b." . and w : d a "i te:e7v i tulou cri d "
-fterToodinfdatltT:i•li'll'eaweba 71' ts " ppl A r t ro'
the principal anielea DiratAir ManTaraCtn‘redonnlie
lowan wholesale - prices, Order* and ectnalglomenta
ant Imiectfulysalciten.
:" 131 R.G • E.IA . R Y
-WHOLE:SALE anoc ults ;
.FORWRDIIIe AM) to M 18,11014 lifsiltiitil,
!Irma, Sally, Cotton Yarns & Plttakurgb,
Atestu&notures generally,
. arm .10 Wan.
itt arairr,rarsationt,
W. It. CLARK, •
!Forwarding Marc hoot, itratrnaville,
Altewla paracularl,. W. We 101Wlirding of. Produce,
&a. An. . POT ny information, apply to Pat . tsvni 4 CI:N
o:SAN, Water in. • iDeliM
ausEruslr, CODUIIISDION mituaileisT,
' ' 'Nos-1111 end IAO tliarrol Wanitz„
. . BALTIbIO24 MD.
Ricnotgaince—lderelnints of Pitialiamil. ,
' . .
.: :Wheeling. Vs.—/L.Crangle k Co. • mae4darn
tiotiiela , to 11111PPRILk.
TE.:ltaire token an otlice immedintely op mite to
. .oer burnt warehociee, foi, the prevent, v. ere We
Ivi• iiiAsecthaelneas as ulna, until * new bo , i , ' 000
Lo erieted, orrangemeoli having 'already been mode
foe tbawirpove. lionis - villi elivoye be to readinesa at
" , ii wharf to receive freight.
. 0 A bPANULTY k
Canal Wain. ED
(a...p.p. to ami, Had &
as.gltguzilarkpaid to iht sate iitWl , l,'Asui llben
advaarea awls coaslgninc tiL
G - 140321-22 3 bzs 8-10, 10-12 and 10.14 aand+wr gßlsaa
Jukt lee 4 -022 01222102 Arrow 2114 1 . 0; by
$9113. , ~. Amuticeli
Beast, As
'TXTILI, also attend to collections and all other basi
l' no. entrusted to him in Under and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Reins In
J. & IL Floyd, Liberty it. •
W. %V. Wallace, do
James blarshall
dly Kay & Co., Wood do .
)Pittgb lan . 7
. _
JB. SNyTATZLII , Attorney at Law, dace 3d at.,
oppoute St. Charles ilo•el, Pittsburgh, will alsoattend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette.
and Green counties, Pa.
Blackstoek, Bell & Co.,
Church k Carothers, I.Pntsburgh.
D T. Moral:in. fecl3ll/1.
E. Attorney and Couiscellor e n LAW,
Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in &wham Ohio.
and in Indiana, end in Kentucky. promptly
and FFue
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of rani,
sylvanin, for taking. Depositions, aeknowlettgments,
de. de.
Runt to—Htm Wm. Bell eon, Curtis, Church
Carothers, Wm. flaps, Em., /c PLO. AZ
It. W. WILL.I.III, WI. K. maw.
IXTILLIAAIS At SHINN, (sneeessonto Lowrte and
Attomm s and Counsellors at Law.
Ofhen north aide of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
TAUF9 F. K}RR, Attorney at Law, BakerTwelic
OF Bidding. Grant street, nearly opposite the Court
1f0u a4.8 5 9m
Dom Lamar, I. HUMEOR atiitsu.
UNLOP it SEIVIML, attorney at Law, Offices on
Smithfield. between 3d and 4th
Law, hove removed their office to the South a y do
Fourth at., between Cherry Alley and Grant street
- uir O. B. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re
- moved his office to the Exchange flaildinga, St.
Clan at., 11.1 door to Alderman John. apply_
SMVEL W. BLACK, Attorney at Low. Office on
Fourth etree, near (ram, Pitaborgh.
To A
Coutr Blerokants.
A n
LARGE STOCK of S c hool Books a , Paper, Station
any, de., suitable for country sales; among witted
Writing Paper», of fin*, medium and common
Letter Pamper do do do do
Note Pap, do do
Note and Letter Envelopes; do do
Shims, PenciLs, It infers, Quills and Steel Pens;
Window Pope, (yard wide) plain and pruned;
Bonnet Bonita of different qua/Mes,
Blunt Books, ut great variety;
Family, School and Pocket Bibles)
Crown, medium, and double crown wrapping paper;
MeGufße's Eclectic Spellers and Renders,
Ray's Eclectic druhruction
Cobb'. Primers, Spellers and Readers;
Sanders' do do do
Arithmetic', by Adams, Dasta,Colburn, Smith, Stook
ton, Emerson, sod others.
by l , Olney, Smith,
Parley, and others.
Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham EMl!lions, Weld, mid
• then. For mle at low prices, by
awendst, d J
oors above Ulu •
The *hen market prime paid far good mmed rags,
In cash. apl6
I)LANtTATIVa: STELCAlnc r tikakiT—A - popu
rr lar exposition of the greet diseovetica and then
flee of modern astromanyi by 0 M Mitchell, a n, pi.
rector of the Cincinnati maim.
Headley's Italy, Alps and Rhsne.— Letter ,. from Italy,
the Alpsand the Mune, by J T Headley, nether of Na
poleon 411111 his Marshall., Waslnngtou and his Gerter•
ols,a.e. New and revised edittoo.
Stausties of Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi
cal di.tinetiona of IlLnentlCombuxtibles or fossil fuel;
melanin; also, nonce. and localines of the venous
unarm] biturninions subvtanee. employed in arni and
mumfactures; Illustrated by Map. and lhastama ac
eomptuued by nearly Sal slat:Antal tables, and ISO an-
Wpm. of mineral combustible., ho; prepared by Rich
ard Crow Ling Taylor.
Just received it fere copies of each of the above wants
—for sole by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON,
.IYe Soottellers, roe market & 3d WS.
&Cinetanau, the followang
new and valuable Worts--;
Unniphan's zernuou—Containtnyl • aketch or the
life of C.A. A G. Dournhan; Ora Conquest of New
Alexleof Geo. Kearney's Overland Expedition to 'dbl.-
fem., Dowithates Campaign Neatest the Navnes, suld
las unparalleled March opoo Chthualtua and Ihrnango,
and the Operatic/. of Gen Price at Santa Fe; %with a
Atop and Engravinr• by John T Gushes. A 'A A
tat Regunent of Missouri Cavalry
111.017 of Kentneky—lts Anniannies and Natural
CLUIL, GeOgraphICIIII SUILISIieIII and lleotomcal
descrtpuons; semi anecdotes of Pinneces far, and more
than ono hundred lbographical Sketches of dmungufsh
fo.l Pioneer. Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawler. Di
vines, ea.; thustrascd with font' engramaton by Loons
vol. OetaVlN
The Twelve Months' VoI D tuneer, or Journal of a Pri
vate in the Tennessee Regunent or t' &salty, in rho
Camputgn of Sitexteo, dorms 1.16-47, con aiming en me
rman, of . the Much of the Reglement to Vera Orel. ix
lleectnittlati of the Country passed over, etrhnere, cur
W a rne.lto. or the people;h 4 11 11011 e. of Ctlolq, UIOI
rot:M.o( all actious of other Volunteer Recutents,
code full linnory of the Alextean War, Lust of ...e BaF
led and Wounded, Al; Illustrated by a large number of
octavo. ,revs and plan,; by Geo. C. Fart., 1•0114140
--- Na — W -- ; Waver and Book Eistaldisitunants
rs wo.. Si,. scrwrict Pock's mDLLIIO4O
s d t:L . Sefelberargo : Mace lastast .. o4eue n t, r, at a d bo em t e i
porn whim and blue Writing and Letter ' goer, ' ewe ." -
mercial and packet pool Fist Cap, decoy add medium
writtng papers, for blank bookg medium and royal to.
lored Pnutogp Papers; mediae, dewy and cap Day
Hooks and Ledgers, aupenor paper and ben Lavern
binding; School Backs of kinds; ...Ward works to
Theology end Ekterme4 Quill., gold and steel Pei,
Wafers, Wan, Bill Files, Br. Be.
Wank Books of all mes ruled to pattern, and bond
to the most substantial o.lter.
Country filerehante supplied at lowest wholesale ma
ces for cash, or raga as cmhpnces.
JOB PRINTIN4.—Having a Job office in connection
WllllOlll establishment, are are prepared to e rerun. u,'
owlets for plain and fancy Prinung—lsmoks, pound: seta,
meclars, business cards, bills of lath og ho., weti dee
p:tea and at low once, taarcrri es ENGLISH,
mys 71, wood rat, between 4th ai id diamond alley.
EW • I VORKS.--Vinity Fair, a g wahout a
,01 Hero: by William -Slakepes re 'M me ockery—with
illustrateos by the author.
The Team' of Wildfell /Lath b . ./ Acton Hell, .1110,
of "Wm/tering Height"
The Young Schoohaistress: by Joseph Alden, D. D.
Part 0, of liwpene illustrated edltton of the Arabian
Nights' Entenamments. New wanidauon, arranged
for lankly reading, with explanatory notes: by E. W.
Lane, Esq.
Loomis Logarithms—Tables of I.ohirlthttle of 011 m•
ben and gigue and Tangents Co. every ten seconds of
tne adrant, with other meal tablet: by Elias LOOolle,
A. 01.. Prof. Slemetuattes and Natural Ptulosophy tri
we Unrieratty of New York, tether of a `Premise on
A I ft e nt br :Cel o. wtrks received rho day and fee sale by
singl Booksellers, eor market and ad .te
Near Public:al/Was.
11 lIISTORY OF CONGRESS, Ihographiesj and Poll,
teal, eolOptlaing MeinCilif 01 the members of the
Congres• of the U. S.: By H Wheeler. Illustrated
by numerous steel portraits. he. 4e. VoL I, Oeltielt.
• The Wriunge of C. M. Clay; inelnding speeches and
addresses, with steel ponraits: Edited by 11 Greely.
vol, d VD
What I Saw in California: By Edwin MIMI_
Burnes' Notes, Vol. 10, on James, Peter, John and
Charms and Conmer.Cbarnue ➢y Ulm ABlntolh, a •
thor of "To seem and to be e n .- Conquest,” ke. dna
lary Usurer, a Domestic Temperance Tale: lip C.
'Kings and Queens, or Life In the Palate; consisting
of lusioneal sketches of late and reigning aoyereignsi
Dy J. a. C. Abbott.
A Pim Book in Spanish, or • practical Introduction
urns° slimily of the Spanish Langoogo: By J
The Dying Robin and other Lanes: by Dee. Dr. Alden
Just reed by 8 . 110141.iNti,
olloP 4th in,
BO' oceetsor to .
BIN • r h..3—isfeoi Cromwell, by Vileaulley
P of the Pulpit, by Gardiner SpnJ./
ng,. U.
Bethel gag, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew with Harmony;
Lectures on Sbakspenn,• a voile
Path of Lite, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and
Footsteps of Messiah(
rho Convent; by author of School Girl in Prance;
Now and Then, by Warren.
fiketchm of Lemons, on Pa rables and Miracles;
. Ireland • Wolcome to-the Stranger;
Heaven upon Barth;
Ilawkston, a tale of and for Pneland: 2 vole.
Por rale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
"M wood and 66 russet an
BUOICI,4—Just received from thepublisher,
and for sale at the nethothst Book More, 4th at,
r Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Phdosaphy, In three
nylesof bthdingt beam/Jul hook for .prosent.
Preparation for the Pulpit.
Sketches of Sermons on the Parables endMiraele•
if Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Crelopedia--340
thatches, Sr. The English Pulpit, collection of seri
nobs by the moat eminent livutg divine. of England.
Vote—lkiing Oood , Chrvutin Love, Lon.
est thou ma Sacred hleditanons. • mr./4
u e gth of issue; ce
Dedud from the writings of Moses,
and other Inspired authors; cad illustrated' by copious
references to the a• clout records, traditions, end my
thology of the Heathen World—by Geo Phial, P. S. A
-1 vol.,octuvo.
Charms end Couuter-Charms, by Miss APlntosh. A.
fresh supply of this very popular little work.
Orators of the American Revelation, by. F.. L. Me
pooh, with Portrans. I vol, to mo.
Puler. Cabinet Library, for femilies or schools, the
volumes, 1.2 mo, with engravings . This is • hew work..
For mule by K HOPKINS,
Reps° Apollo Buildings,4th at
LADGIC's LtoTAA —litnany of the Celia Staten
1) north of Virginia; comprising descriptions of the .
Seeming and fern-like plaids hitherto (umd b those
States; arranged according to the natant) ityatem.
With a synoplagi of the (imam according to the Un
worn, system; a etch et the rudiments of botaoy, and
a glossary of terms: by . Lewis C. ProL
Chemistry and Neutral History in Stager's College.
NeerJetsey, &c. &e. Second edtuon, revised and eu- ,
lamed. For sale by
I &MARTINE'S GIRONDISTS—History of lbs .
rondisui; or, rj..11.1 Memoir, of the ratriols of
the Preset Revolution—trots unpublished soiree.: by
Alphonse de I.sruartiue. Complete In Muse volumes:
flyde's translation. A fresh supply of thisi PoFtilor
work received thl. dey and for sale bT
JONNt4CON A sTodicroN,
sepld Booksellers roe market stud ad its
bruOITERLNGS IN EUROPE; or sketches of insect
1 .? rai ne.aididicM, AU.tria, SlVlLLarland,
aaaauu,, Ireland and Great Britain. with aL appendla.
contng observation s on European charities and
medical instmctions: by John W. Caraort, M. D. A
feu Copies for:salo by
_ JOHNSTON dogrocracnv
A T OUR STORE on Market street, No ba t between
3d 'and - 4thl may at all times be Rand a lane
stock of Theological and Altuallaneoas Elobts. New
books received as somm pOlhac,d, Wi tt i n ,r at low
est prices. The publications bflho'idneti Sends,
School LUnion and Stareanhtteettagiablia 30-
,Ay,. always OA hand. Cwalootten ea'
011. tp.•
Tlie•110.11. 12 440/T 4 RIR/4n,
RI market ar x barammir as
T WAN- ft. KENNEDY have this day casociatal
with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil
aand Edward Gregg. The style offtnn will here
fter be Logan, Wilson ft Co. ,Thu artangement ren
ders,it desirable to close the old business es soon as
1: mailable: All' pernents whose liabilities have matured,
are especially requested to make immediate payment.
Pittabareq • Jari 1 l E. 49.
LOGAN. WII.IION dG CO.--Importers and
Wholesale Dealers in Foie4tt and Domestic Hard
ware, Catlery,l3dldlery, &c., 1.29, Wood moos Pius
burg-Num now fully, masted with a recently Impor
ted stock Cutlery: Am., to offer very great
imitmemems ,to western buyers, being determined to
eomPete in.prices sgith any of the Atlantic shies. Al
so on hand an extensfSe stsamment of Pittsburgh Hard
saws vim Shovels, Spades., Rolls, Hon., Vices, Ae.,
all oC which will be soli at the lowest miumfacturet's
elders. pint,
THE subset bers banpg recently entered into
partnership under thenaMe or Gal e,gber, long,
4 . lather, for the.purposeof carrying on the Bull
trild Maus Fedndt ng nod Gas Fining business tot
ail its brooches, have taken thil .taulJb nuerly nicest. ,
Pied by 11. Gallagher, No. 109 Fron treet, between
Wood and Smithfield .l 1; where )her are prepared toi
execute ell orders tor Bells, Brass tasting., of every I
description, and On. Fittings with matness and des-:
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly atjended to. 1
S. A. LONG '
I'. Bi na. LER.
N. 13.—Tbeattentioa of Machinists and Erigineera is
invited to our anu-antertionlneud, for a reduced price,
"Mob haa been pronounced superior to MOW. by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat bnilderrand
the public, generally, are 1 o requested to cell and ex
amine our superior double bet/on Force Pumps for
letearoboat end damming, use.
decOdly .
HE karinership so tong existing under the firm of
Jrt.ord & King, was by mutual consent dissolved
on the lot inst. The badness will be closed at the old
stand big either of us, using the mune of the Into lot
that purpose. Elting dextrous to have our businco
closed with as little delay as possible we would Ir.
opepuldly request those indebted to cell and settle
them accounts. JOHN
Inge H. 11 KING
TWIN D. AMORE/ having associated tenth Mai bin
brother Joules 111`Cord, under the style of fil'Cord
A Co, will cantina the Hat, Cap and Fur business In
and branches, wholosele nod retail, at the
old stand, corner or Wood and ath 1100013, where they
milieu a continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old been. JOHN D ICHCORiI
fat ../ANLE:3 8. fiI'CORD.
TN renring from the old sad
Moore firm ol
fir Cord Knig,l roast respect/11y recommend to
the patronage of the public my successor., Messes.
fircord di Co.
is S H. D. ONO.
. .
r . op!lyulerchip herenofore lal b
b cnbor., ..d or tho . . ovar,..
k t e 7 1:811, ibe
Lblabbeld k
ma day by limn...non. The busmen of
be aeBled by OPGill & Roe.
8 II 8118HFIELD,
The onderaseed will continue tho Wholesale Oro.
Roe, Cumansinon business, under th e firm of Bikini
nd of their old stand, No. ID.I Liberty moot.
JAnlatt D MYALL,
flatting sold my interest to the firm of hTOIII, Bush.
field & Roe td my former partners. &Whit & Hoe, I take
plr *sure In nnttnameridiug them tomy friends and the
put, tie . grll S.D. lIESIIFIELD.
Go-Vartate wanly --
E. W. STE-YIIENS of Wheeltug, E. F. Shatoberrer
ni Jammu., tun! J. A. Stockton of Itstsburist, have
Wt. day entered iota< eApsatnershiu under style and
firm of Stephens., Shocnberser & Co., at the Anchor
iron works. Wheeling, V.., tor the purpose. of mann,
lattuning trim and nails of e very descrtpton.
o- a-rat amts. A r. asoaallizad.a r.A sroccroa
IrJueohng, Va.
Manufacture. all kind abeam, .Leer, ha, man and
nAtle, A.steel eaptail apreoga mud &ale, licmg con
nected with bimetal:imam'. Jumata work, me eao
odor arßold of Junto. Iron 'branded Shoe'nbemer)
equal to any made n‘th.• count n. All of which snit
be sold at the Pittsburgh pace.. Warehouse of the
laorks cozner of Alooror and Water au. tofu
DISSOLICITIV .31— Teo portnembip hitherto ariay.
ing under Use sts le and irm of {ighonar 6 Dab
tett, la dim dor %Woolard by mutual consent, John Dal-
Mll laving dmpose,l of his !tam. J04.,...1 to 11. Wight
maxi businese of the late .to will be sentesi by
11. Wightman. veto I. ataboilzed toy. the name of the
late firre for that ourpoae. It WIGHT:RAN
—apcllatMa , Daly 1'471 J HALZ}:I.I—
Sainent., ix 00N preph-e..1 to utannthetare all
lurid* of Cotton and Woolen Machinery. at the shortest
noun. Orders ten at R. Wsghunan, hiegine Shop, eor.
are Libeny and Water MVOs., wan cleets.nth gran:o
Lrecok bennotta Federal ana Satulasky sta.,
speAldly Allegheny city.
CIO:PARTNUILSIFI t IP—Win. Yo.g harl•ig Rua
‘...1 Jay uouctated with at. John R. Art. one. the law
her btaimme wilt hew.. r be conducted under the
. Thu. It. ATCLUIE-
Co - oPiartageratakes Notice.
BUCK RJR x I..YA Lava aameatcd with
to Um/ Tobacco and Commission buinnewa,
kjJemwi firewidAbUace"."...l, uevid & Co, liaitilaor~i
Da rid C. McCue:onion. nod rola, A Wren., runts
8•1431. evit1110,11•11. co, Apr. 41, Uhl
TR. D. JAIITtIFS. Dens zrrs - -I teed bowed to you
11 and tie aftheird pubdc. to avant myself of this op.
poutiwy of giving pubtletty to the ea vaordthary eCeets
ut your Fix,wetorant ant:o)44i aaCN adttard
fere severm yenta with a sea ere re... 40. beetle (ever
.0 , 1 Us cone amitani daseases, and see: teal only doomed
to !zinger out a short boa m side ex istenee, until the
fail of IxIY. when, being more severely sambaed. and
acing resealed toil bay to Telaralell. and the pre
rchparcins of two of the moot '<spec table pl.). auto+. I/I
la< actghterarhood 'mahout der - saint- a tt.z •lit. or the
coh.olation orostirivnlf bat a few atets or weeas at
fonhest—alten the last Omuta of hope was mmut to
vanish, I had teGoolmenated to sae year — and Messed by that Botha rim done al things in the
use of the mean—asd contrary lel the axpertanon. Di
my (cond.. I woe in • (Co is s rinsed
(ran my bed, andlrma Ly start Mb. of a tamale, to
attend to my batistes. : et paling store letter health thus
I had for IRK yearnpre•bam.
itespecaolly } . aura, his., Jas. W. Farm,
For seta in Pillaborgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, DI
Fourthatr sm. mart,
rtA.. FAIatigEtiTOCKYI ANTI-1111 . .10Di+ arti.T.tat—
s That Catharbe compound amanita nes smallness of
bunt with edmtency and comparasave boldness of pur
gative Aaron, and harms peculiar I tandeney to the
Idiocy organ., ixaXtrernely valuable tar this comtUT:
to which b lions fevers and other complaint. ratendod
with eteage•tion of the Layer, so 0.11 abound. They
tape now Mood the teat of VD )ears, mid [Mace
hisproved them 'to be a safe and valeado fra yln
Intermittent, Re Mittent end Dilutor Fever; Jau odic,
Ildloas nolo, In autesison, Dropsy, Dr sentecy, b4h.os
Vanning., cold.; and all compliant. of ma ...dam, nal,
ry character. IThe °maple. sad mavens' aaatia.-
non width has I man mama by these pads to all who
hate used them, render. the publashaig of the tame,
oat cenatiattes In their favor tionecemerm. To pre.
Teal eesuaterfeitheg they are now pat up lat • red /yaw
gn kri bi rsl23ce7l7 . tfor a box containing .7/ milt.
Framed end sold by
Comer Ist and wood, and also corner Orb and wood
streets, mos 3
A. Fssintsiacif A. B. Hems, N. Y. Coy.
11 , ,L. Faanawrocs, Pittsburgh.
6, W. Tuts
Wholesale Drug Stare In the City of
New York.
lIE, undersigned are ertentively engaged in the
Wholesale Drug business at No. 49 John street, in
t a city of New . Cork and nre prepared to sago' Y
Druggists and cacti my Merchants with Drugs, runts.
this, Up staffs, Fd re go and Amencan Perfumery,
Mander,,Weevern idander's Chemicals, (of their own
imilormum6 and idf other Kriel. In their liner of boAi•
nen, of a swierior gc silty as low as they can be-put'
chased in Ihu or arty eastern city.
New Vert, Febyt H. A. PAIINWTOCK 6 Co.
Marcher's • rome Green.
inadenemted, Paitaan and Wind Makers, of th e city
of New York., have wed and tested, end are now using
• new . article of Chrome Green, maxitauctored by Geo.
K. /Karcher, of this city, and . find it to work well, pro
dosing • fine brilliant P aria Green appea ranee, with n
very armories body, and recommend It to one brethren
l the Undo as in ever y particulas the Imo Chtome
Omen we have ever med. Pier York, .lone 1,'77.
Signed byes firms of mrsenced pointers of the cay of
New York. Thu unequalled Chrome Or ten may be
Wolof R. E. SELLPR, , No 67 Wood site et, who tow
the exclusive agency foxits sale In Pittsbur,th. tossl3
VEItiIIIFUGE--Ciio (molly should tot
without it!"
Loess, C. IL, Vs., Au, t. 24, '49.
Mai Ft . - El: Seminal I cheer fatty dainty t het I bone
foesotau years put osod your %Nino:fare In by family,
and übivervally with meccas I decidedly prefer it to
any other preparation Ilieve use d—antamart t ttese may
be ininv-d Ma celebrated medic inn mulled liteadshot,
Fahnestoca'a Veratilpge and At preparatioil culled
WOrtit Tea. , 114 , d a'aiiigta dose brought
frara my Mlle beyond hundred mod sir large wenn*
Isclamtli, certainly aught 10,1. tinthout It. Yours ecc
Prepared and sold by R. EL Selle J rs, No. 37 Wood a t. t.
"14 cold by Druggists generally hi both eh ks. *roll
Wine Set of Teeth for /115 VE r.ta• /lITE TYY:111, FOUL DREIAT/1,
t 411448 I'ellow and unhealthy reel h, eller be
'ins once or twice cleaned with Jonee' A Taber Tooth
facie, have the appearance of the most mat Itsibl ivory,
and at the same tune fits so perfeelly kkilinel a and eI.
guisitely flue, that its constant dully use -is h lgalY ad
vantageous, erne WM°se teeth that are ht a g, 1011
dition, giving theta d beantlflil polish, and peon ening •
premature deeny. 'flaw already decayed it p. events
from becoming, grllo-41 also fastens curb as are be-
Corning loose. and by perarveranee It will rondo r he
foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de
liciously sweet. So'd by WM'. JACKSuN, en Lib. M . )*
,FEW,Nrceks eittce,nam Ginty children, aged ant an
...4hee yearn, Watt timer If for several days, d ue
htelf'ealted SO alarmingly that I feared des.%
yrettld.taalted.tsall. Illoringleard of the good effects
OrFalatedock's Vermitegrilen - tidrdittletered to the
children of my hoslghltore,and thinking my child aught
have Norms, ,tore IMMO of dm symptoms, I gni., It one
'tad aLmf tenipoOnfids of the Vermifoge, and to my
Feel tiltemishment it almost Immediately dtselouged
sthween k.. 10 and VP large worms. Its health VMS WWI
ratairjjand It new remarkably well. Prevismo
lekthir the Vero:Wage, the worms would- oceasiomdly
rim m .the Meant' NO Loden feared it would diatom
Erengulatio as , . JAB. 0. DAWSON.
Tiermsta, Vent 1.113, '4d. apl3
Onsa co, Pa. Ap
OINTMENT' li liminess efie,ctuaL remedy before
Um public tar the cam of tester, Itch, dry and watery
.pimplesof.the taco, sleek end bedy, scaly eruption.,
and all other disease. of the skie. This Ointment la
warranted free frognAnarowa, is perfectly Jude and
telly Wiese 41 at all time. and coder all ciresoutences.
A fresh supply of this valuable remedy - received mid
:fei Wacky, ii A•BAHNEBTOCK & Co,
corner orb/ and wood 4 else, eorneridosh and wool
/et ,
--- •
Gllhr 0:50t•L-41 taw isaptved and ILT - sal. by
REMO . •
_ .
react sen arena* reoremrinte.
Tillsestablishment long and widely known as
being one of the most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, tact recently undergone 'err 011011.
sive alterations and improvements An enure new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping atinments, and extensive bathing room..
The Ladies' depertment has elan been completely
reorgamired and hued ap in a MOM unique and bti
fril style. in fact the whole arrangement of the Haase
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pert of
dia proprietors, upwards the comfort end pleasure of
their Germ., and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be applied , with every sub.
menial and luxury which the market affords, served
up in • superior style; while in the way of Whies,fre-,
they will not be surpassed.
In henchman the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be led undone en their part, ad on the pat-tactile=
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
foi l l =r or te ,.. es for board have also been reduced to the
Ladies' Ordinary, 11,75 per day.
Getlemen's " I,so
N. H.—The Baggag e Wagon of the Howie will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
wind will convey baggage to and from the lintel, free
archer. .
MIMI or TENT AND fr. q,aut FM, errntstraan, PA. The subscriber having assumed the marmot
mom of this long estabhatted and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally. tbat he will be at all times prepared
to aecommodata them In all th ings desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The House it now being thoroughly
repaired throughout. sad new Pummare added, and no
paths will be spared to make the Exchange ono of the
very beat Hotels in the country.
The undersagned respectfully solicits a contbthrume
of the very liberal patronage the Houth . has heretofore
received. THOMAS OWSTON,
febedtf Propnetor.
colorn or lrourrn non 05ADIr rraNrla.
TUE subscriber respectfully announces that
he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers boarders,
and th e public generally. 'Chi, house and
cree d tily new. and no pains or expense have been
littere to render it one of the most
pthaaant Hotels in the city.
The et:Wenner a determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits a share of public patron
octl4.d ly JAI" fld age. Pmeietor.
ARlS•ifißoCM ' Aabege to acquaint his
friends that he is again canoe of Na OALT
riff HOUR Louthville, Ky. ' where be hopes to meet
all hie old friends, assuring them and the public, that
no effort shell be spared to make all comfortable who
favor him with their patrolman. jantldly_
tairt , rlr,n - s - I , Alif
OPPueITE tmte Bulk of the Uoitad States, Phil..
Pm rietor.
Cllooolata, Dooms, to.
W. Salter.. An.ncau and French Ch.olate, Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brut., Cocoa Shells, &c.
rl , O merchants and consumers, who' would purchase
the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration,
more nutritious 01. tea or code, and in quality snout.
passed, the sub-tether theithamends the above gruel.,
manufactured by hon.( and stamped with his name.
His Brorna end Cocoa Paste as delicate, palatable,
and aalutary drinks fur invalids, convalescents, and
others, are pronounced by the most eminent physician.
superior to any other preparations Hu manuthatures
are always on sale, in arty qualittly, byee most re
ePectable grocers in the eastern att., dby their
moats, Hawes, Gray h. ra„ of Boston; Dunes Id Bunco
& re, Hartford, Conn, Hussey & Heresy, New York;
Grant a Stone, Philadelphia; P.m. V Brandi., Hel
mut:ate; and Kelloga a Bennett, Cmcitanati, Ohio.
NVALTF.R BAKER, Dorchester Hasa
For sale by mug= BACIALEN a. SMITH, Ails
d.CO.would rerpectfully in.
forte the pnblie that they have erected a shop on
!Awash. between Federal and Sawlusky sweets. They
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
0r.7 dcsvfinomt of % , the.les, Coaches, Charted's, Eta
rowlma Buggies, Phrtont. h.e., fae, , which from their
tee lnng
and l 're h enee in the m s
t*ymfe"e ofe o t e f.l.! "' „, ° , e h they o a r r
enabled to do work on the moat reasonable terra. wi th
those wanting articles in their lute.
ru k si:, YU' att=i7; ‘ n r ot n ir " l"ti "' t Zm to ne th tert L' o ! o U r n k ' t ' n o e f a m t 't e e y .
bare no bean...lon id warranting their work. AVe
therefore ask the attention of the pablle to thts matter.
N H. Reputing done in the Lest manner, and ou the
newt reasonable ;emu. Jo-kir
reasht and Cant)ron Railing.
T„Ninitoscrtber. beg Ware tmforrn the public hat
they have otdat.ted in.. the East both late and
fashionahte &gen., for ton Itstling, for boners
anti cemetenes Pervun• wishing to Menlo hand
some pawnw will please roil and eaatrunt, and Judge
for themselves. Ballow rill be furnished et the short
est notice, and in the Lest moaner. at the comer of
Cray and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city.
aur.3l-de A. LAAIONT & KNOX
. . .
.Misiipirisit - 4: gal& Pitons( Soda .11.•11.
subseribers Inform their costumers and dealers
lgenerally. that their first shipment for te fan -
ies, of the above ameba btu armed at Phi h ladelphe be a
per ship Juniata direct from the reartuflentrers an
Liverpool, and will be here in a few days. They have
several other stnpments on the sray—tere of which,
per ones Medallion and Lydia, are nearly duo—
theyosre therefore prepared to receive orders.
Landes the large cuisinuitesihey here taming to the
easier:seines ILO be forwarded here by eanall they will
receive twirls the winter ands pring. reralar supplies
van Near (W s. ean W k hMI.IIIELTRI.E.
Leeching, Clapping and BlauulLugo
U. NORRIS. 19accessor m liL H. Delany
No LS FICh .trees, between Wood and Smut-
Md. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all
hours Reference, the phyluetarts of Picatrurgh,
gholly and Ulnoutgbam.
I moat cheerfully recommend/1m the phyoletans. faro-
Hies and all my former frienda and patron. Mr k LL
Norco as betug thoroughly acquainted rah the be.-
no. aad worthy of patronage.
mart.bly M. It DFLANY.
- •
Xl[want/toil:grid Tobseeo.
; IQ BXS Gentry & Reyrtere rupertor.evett 5 IN
`"/"U 111 A Batter. Ip
no hf do Price & Harwood'. " 5
21 do do do Ig
lido do Pearl t Harwood " " 5k lb
14 do J Robinson ld s
57 h( do do
3.3 do do Wut Deareon
13 do T Wright'.
37 do Si Anderson
do L T Dale's
5 do Et Macon'. "" 9 "
0 do Ratcliff " " Ib "
Jest landing from steamer nod packets, and for We
by HEALD, Ht./GENOA & Co,
41 north water st end Id north wharves,
1e24 Philadelphia
VI SSTPACWiIIa/ df Jonas
& Bon's superior sweet lb lumps.
73 half b. Webster Old superior sweetie lumps
39 " Lawrence Lower" Ba -
03 " livery k Rawer " 7516 s "
01 " Dupont Ide Rural " "
le " McLeod Bs "
gai " Lawrence Lather " 6516. plug
Just landing from a.m., and fur sale by
• 41 N water Ft and Id N wharves, !
°1,33 Philadolphm.
- 9 - - - WLII - WhiTt r l>olialisidelim.
VAr}: are sull angwd in taDe above beside., corner
of Wood aud Tb al Sußens, Pittsburgh, wbeve
we are prepared to do any work to our line with dee.
yalon. We attend to our work personally, and sans
location wall be peen on regard to its actuneea end du
Blank Books soled to any pattern and bound sub
stantially. Books m number. acrid books boned care
fully or repaired. Names put on books ha gob letters.
rhos- that have work on our hoc swe invited to call.
Prices low..
ym 2:ktf
TV dean entared into putuership, under the firm of
SCAIVE, fe. ATKINSON., and will carry an the Ito,
Copper, mul Sheet Iron W e manufutory.
Also, Illeeksitinhing in all its branches, at the old
stand of 'Win £3 Scum, First strect,neat Wood.
Psrlicaler attention given to steamboat work.
;frij'ilWi - ltro C.:Zee; dtTbags tyqadra Wee -7 / 3 0,
Lill Jo ht. Docithigo do, 431 bay Et 10 glass; Id do
1949 do; 33 do 7-0 do; 23 do 10-14 do; 33 laids N. 0.
Nagar ; 3o Mils No. i ulackarel ; 190 has rosin soap No.
; 199 do dipped candles; itt do Cincutnitii mould do,
remised on consigtortent and Mt solo by
4/9.7il4Nl,7ifirlfti--& larggee sod inienaiditiStrtuiteni
4.9 Cloths, Cersimmes, Vestings, Cearals,&e., and
for sedu by 1. WILLIAMS, Maraud Tallot,
lave mid, Monongahela Howie, araiddield or
•-__ • . , .
nail% ri.s.llia.iiitilft WA:4h%;
Throe fine Draught Hones for sale, suits.
ble for draying, &a. Enquire of
au= l 7 canal b_a_altliberty Pt
I iALF 811.016-40 do: genuine French Calf tHeina, - ,
ii_i very fine article. A few dozens Philadatna
gains, from the manufactory of HID CromeM to
eehmh the attention of boot maker. is invited. um
reeei red and for gale by %V lOU ND & Co,
- . .. 143 liberty in
. -
A T W. M. breLdbiTOClo6, No. 7a Fourth &treat,
con be teen o vial/did variety of AO }loyal Vel
vet mud Tapestry Carpet.. Lilian style.. Also, lire*.
eels, 3 Alp.. and amp and One Ingram Carpew, of sup
stylus arid qualities; and to connecuon coo always be
found Trade Linens, Craab•a, Diapers, fattoosia, Mo.
Oil Cloths, &e. Ace to all of which we call the
el l ention of ,the public. earn
11 .
AVINO ...Id our endro moot C Ll.Oass - r, IMO
• view to .loong our old borlttess we hereby w.
Lett for him the patronage or .11 our fritpcds and cus
tomers. RO. W. POINDEXTER,
Pituburgh, Aug. 1th.190.
GRANT, Whole.le Grocer, Commission and
• Parent.hog Mercbant, No. 41 Water st.
NO9. .03 and 04 Front aintet, Bell Founders and man
ofocturers of all kin& or Pitting, for Uas, Enema
nod Water, have always on hand %Vrought Iron Wel
it Id Pipe (or steam, gas, and minter, from 01n. to I 411.
an diameter. Brass Castlng• made to order. Also, •
larve assortment of Bells sod finished Wass Work to
whir b the attention of Plumbers and Engine Builders
is pa t tieolarly directed.
Use Pitung• put up promptly and on reasonable
if Mts. ilegl-dftm
- •
r 1817.1 Ki 3 'INS THIS ItiTrit.EAT eau be furnished
arid. A 6133.11 sli
boar. of Um day; also, lee
Creams, Frn nConfectionary, de iiissisisr Omen
s/mid makes 6 a regain,tripe usitulJenatnit het Pitt
atrcet iaunir 01 A. 4s., and ai halt past each hoar
lemeept to .(11tden la 10.
Y. N. for her lut t. •ip to tbn city.
its he
A moonli,vht elan , at an tanks is Ludasssibabla
O. w
• • 1710
TATIBnall, of. TrasEu tels.—w. t row
to receipt of save...rat baleifizat rate HO Waste=
am York and libress:t.hasetti.Prono .110219, and ate
aheity• recelviag tonal si null.. We am p apalltd
Lo salt at loarnat antra. Mee, Phi W. ALlAghear
siva/. cmt46 W , SMITH tr. Co.
00 LEMN, HMLfild .1 , 1•• ave rem:loved th
W l lehoneo, 3do way. Co., 'of the hlooongrha;
, 1 1 Allit i on Moor and Pont mama-'
'rho Wa caboose N 0.13 Wood rt.
P. tat way. •
itiii n ii=;ss, , ,, Qll l, 4 R og,
B. ta
Inman Llrit , movr. MrN. e 1311
risIIPPIENCOTT b u*.na.
(Late .1 8 Strickler & Co.)
M ANU ' AC TUREFLS of ptgenix, fire proof safes,
. 0 . 11, aide, second otrem, between Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. I S Strickler having deceased
and the surviving partner Mr. Jou Uppertrunt,
usociated himself vrith Mr. Wm C Barr. the business
sill hereafter be conducted miler the ogle of Lipp"'
conk Barr.
Tnal of a wife in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign.
ml were present at the testing of one isfJ 8 Strickler &
Co's iminoved Phtenix Are-proem/ha The sole watt
placed to a ftinutee en the public landing, and subjected
to th e intense beat of a stone coal fire for more than
three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to
closed, ri whicheat; the door of the (ornate was then
caused an Increased arid steady beat for
the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were
partially nutted olf; the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
tlaced there, the binding only of the books being in
umid by the water in rooting the safe. We have no
esitatten In recommending it to the public as a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe
that it will stand any hem. which might be produced,
inept a beat which would melt it to a solid mass.
Spo ng er. ts Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg &
KanniTc Beni. timer, W 0 P Breese, Mama Smith, T
S Dalian & Co, Stedman, Ittayard & Co, Wet Manse,
Mead & Winner.
• F
We, the andentigned, selected Abe se• spoken of
bove, from a lot in the note of Taber & bilberry, the
Refer to Cook & Harris, Broken., Pitt.buntb:
Hussey Hanna & Co, do do Ve3da„.
M • . . - •
ANITFAC I URERS of Hammered and Can Steel
Shovels and Spade., Axes and Hatchets, Kill. *4
en; Circular and Gm Sawn, Hay and Manure Forts,
Hoes, Mattock*, Picks, &0., having completed all their
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
and in .adaring the best workmen from the most cele
brated eneblithments of the East are now manafaetur
ing and will keep constantly on band and for sine all
alas above articles, having availed themsalves of the
latest improvements, and are determined that in work
manship and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce attic es egual, if not thperior, to
any that can be had in the Eat.. They invite th• Mien
tion of dewier. to an acanthi.on afthoir stock before
purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they
will ha able to fill all orders in their line to the entire
eatiafaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street,
4 dean West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N R—Persons having tinniness with W. Lippen
eott & Son erll please cell on Lippencon & Co.
Pittsburlgh Purseltems Wars Rooms,
85, 113. grazer.
ZiA largo and splendid assortment of Pam'.
lure, mutable for Steamboat., Hotels and pet
' vale dwellings, eminently on hand and
made to order.
The prerient stock on hand cannot by exceeded by
say manufactory in thewestern country. Persons
wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call,
as Inm determined my prices shall platten Part of
the stock consist, in—
CO sofa. with Plush and Hair-loth covers;
2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chaim;
14air Divans;
12 dos fine mahogany Chaim;
12 mahogany Work Stands;
3 dos mahogany Racking Chaim
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
8 pair Ottomons,•
8 marble top Work Stand.;
IS cherry Work Stands;
Mahogany, Maple. Cherry , And Poplar Bedsteads of
cll do.eriptions, and a large saiorunent of common
furniture and chain, too numerous to mention.
THEY are cot aware how frighttkilly injurious It Is to
the skln—how coarse, how lough, how sallow, ye/-
low ar.d unlicahli the skirt appsurssitss using P.D. ,
pared phalli: • e .• Illjurtous. commuing a large
quantity of lesd
W ch we ree alrrsesi .i."rd vegetable erne/.
is perfectlyperfectly mitovent... , i...: • ..66,1 of all deleterious
quahtimq and it impermq, f t. ► h e‘ nh y.
alatsaster. clear, bring Iv4i , c• at the sante dine acting
as a cosmetic on the skin. mstkingit left and smooth.
Dr. Jame. Anderson, Practice) Chemist of nulls
cbUsetta, says: ukticr analyzing Jones ,
.tlyrunish Lily
Ittlete. And po be mon besiondil and nat.
cal, and at the same tune innocent white I ever saw. I
:certainly can conscientionalkrecommend its use to all
whose •kni requires bemni trig." Price, 23 etas
boo. Sold by WhL JACKS N. wJ Liberty Ft markth
T WRJGHT (s Co., are prepared to basld Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of ever, desenpuon, .ch
as Carding Machine., Spiuttung Frames, Speeders.
Draanns Frames, listalway Ileasts, Wooers, imiroolera,
Dressing Fronts, Lixons, Card Grinder% Wrougbd
Iron Shafting tented, all CZ. of Cast Iron. Pultres and
Hang a n, of the latest patterns, .l,de and hand Lathes.
and tool, of ail kinds. Caatlllgs of every deteriptien
on short nonce. Patterns made 10 order for
pill (storms, Iron Railing. tre. Steam Pd. for heat
ing Factones, Clot Iron Window Pooh and fancy Cas
tings grnermlly Orders led at the Warehouse o(J.
Palmer tr. Co . Liberty street, wal have prompt =lett-
Refer to Blacketock, Bell A Co., J fie Moorehead A
Co, U. E. Warner, Jolla Irwin A- Sons, Pntaburgh ; G. C. A. J H Witmer, Steubenville. imal9
— Mess 1 1-Isila - Nware Mims*.
! ..i. ~... ~.... JOSEPH VrtAiDNV ELL. corner of
'1Ni.e..: 4, 4.-'!•-• - - 7 .1 Wood and lid exit_ Pittsburgh. Hav-
Sq. J 7 , -. PeNv^ in. withdrawn from the firm of
Wed or and Voodwell, ou the tat of January, IC-47, I
take pleasure in t,
to my friend. in the sty
, and country, that I have opened my new store al rho ' stove named place llama. purchased my goods for
cask. and od e
err:am:omens With nirmafaeturers in
this cothwy and to Europe to be constantly supplied,
I em fully prepared to /anima Hardware of all kinds,
. on as good terms and . love as any house East or
, West. Merchants and others tare respectfully molted
to call and examine my stork. before purchasing else
where The Miaowing comprises a part of Ow Dock,
Steamboat and ..I.l.ery hardware. gun trimmings,
ilea Naykirs stem, cutlery. edge tools, a- vile, vices,
mks, latches, septa, bun Mama. SCITIVs, linion
planes, Mi.. mahogany boards anal veneers, and
all amber armee. connected with the hardware busa
n... _ auchlitt
City Daiguerri•ss.Ciallisey,
MOM Radar, PM( 0FF1C.1.1.11130.
SHOGE begs leave to inforin the gauge. of Pitts
. burgh and vicinity. 'list he ha• taken the Dago.-
ran Rooms lately ocrepied by Nit Porter. The pub
lic are assured dint all the late improvements are secu
red, and will tee brought into uperumn by Mr Huge,
who haa been a constant operator once the sit W.
first discovered. EMU , 1 , 46.41c:1,m IS guaranteed to
all who may heroine hi. patrons. life hi wall refer
with pleasure to Mr. Porter, an u-noon establishment he
has operated lee the tee asa alive mon.. Family Ku
mar., Engravings, Daguerreotypes, Ac., accurately
mimed. lakeueues taken an any weather, and set ta
lockets, breast pins; cues sod frames.
tantrum.. peen in every branch ofthe an, and op- '
parer. (breathed. ma:if
Penn Machine Shop.
110111 WlGHTNlAN—hlaamfatitarer or all kinds of cot. I
KJ, too and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, P• I
The above works being now in full and - SUCCC.ItIi op-
oration, I run prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my line, suck,. willows,
pickers, spreaders, emits, grinding otachanea railway.,
drawing (mama speeders, thrown's, loom.. anailen
cards, double or single, for merahant or country work. .
mulcs,packs, dm, slide and baud lathes and tools an gat
oral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans gar-
enhifar gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Ram ro—fiennedy, Clds fr. Co., Blackmock, Bell
A Co. King Pennotk & Co, Jaa. A Cray.. 1
A ruuroN, 11l mid Braas Polluter, has re- '
buih anti commenced business s Ms old stand, I
where he will be pleued to see his old custom- ;
eta and Dienes.
chnuah,fiteasubom, and Bells of every sue, from 10 i
to 10,000 pounds. ..4i from patterns of the most approv
ed models, and warranted is be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Firma, Counter, Railing. he . tog,
Barr with every varety of Lhasa Castro" if required, I
turned sad finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the rote proprietor of Brown's Axel-Anal-
T. 33 Hint, m justly celebrated for the reduction of
(notion in machinery. The Boxer nod "..loropositlon
can he had of him at all titar. al:ly
Ploughs, Plimagh Cost ags, agon
Bozos, to.
ROBERT BALL, of the old
firm of R.& B. Hall, is mainline
taring !liege quantitie• of
Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wag
on boxes, de., with:the improvements f the Leaser.
Beam*, Hliooi., and other Ploughs, of the Idlest and
best patterns now in usa.
Warehouse, 106 Liberty alreet, Pittaboo gh , opposite
the Hay Poo l e ; Factory, In Allegheny city, near the
Cotton Factory of Memos. Blackstock, Belt k Co.
tllibi`eo.,partuerablp heretotore exuding between
John Fame sod Samuel Wightraan t under the
name of John Burma & Co., is this day desolved by mu
tual consent. The business of the late !Regain be set
tled by)oho Patten at the warehouse of the Boatmen's
The business of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter be
conducted by Barren A. Lowry, at the same place.—
Thankful for past femora, we solicit a continuance of
the mune. JOHN PAULEN
sepls L L LOWRY
steamer Ithehigtm, 3 bins 3lineral nr.
tools Is worthy yr rte consideration of all painter, for
ilia Of a stone color, and can be added with any other
color without changing the shade materially. It i
pieat savi. and ?It ell appl ell to wood it will turat h e
i ng
nt to perfect stone surfuee in the coW. Of some
lor 5 weeks. Also, tt is a complete fire proof—the sr.
title has been fullYdested for Hi years by the PrbPrie
ton bolore they would offer it for sale. Airy patron
purchasing will not be deceived In the article. A large
quantity will be kept on hood at all times, at the thank
Rubber and Oil cloth Depot. J& U PHILLIPS,
magi Astra for Ma company, No 3 wood st
t o and for saloorholeseds or retail
Ammtdiva Soap; . Bacot cut 00 Soap;
Plulllcomed Aleiniade Oil, a tares;
Comp'd Ox Marrow; Wash Balls, (wwwparent)
Almond onaring Cleo.; Bears Oil;
Bears Grease; Palm Omnibns %on •
Tay lor'l Perfume;
Jaunt I.lnd Pomade;
Cologne, Baiaeq
R I bELI.ER% No 57 wood
H. T. Roberto. di. D„
OrrtiALMIU SURGEON t will attend to the [Teet
meet of Duerwee or the Lye.
Dr. li. has been engaged in this brunch of the rnedb
cal profeesion for aixteee years, and ha. conducted an
estaolislunent for the treatment of <Wee.. of the eye
alone for several years. .
Orrtas and residence, corner of Sandoaky it and
Strawberry Allegheny thy,ectl3
.. •
Dr. DleLesse in Tennessee.
11118 is to eentry that I porolusual one vial of Dr.
1, • 11C1A.11.1.11/01111 BRecifte, Maino two natulth. ago
tad gave .10 .jou of Come, e core:, year* old, two
tallaptiOn• 44 some
1, acid although the amount may appear
'aka% yat 1 have no doubt but there sea* upwwda Cl
eta gunman WM.= passed Orma biro, oieuunng
neat On. quartet of an inch to two inches long.
..• itses's creek, corral co. Senn , Dec W, 1647, j. 24
.great spring and wunmer osedieute, 614 day reed
*id fqr sale wholesale and retell, by _ _
W.-4.1 B. g S. is Dr. Tosnaseusd's only agent for
PirtsbotTh., the Imola: article rosY,l4,sYs Dv bad et
No b 7 :Wood steer.{, sorra
EIS &ND „CASSI.MERI•StoiII3 fr.Jolusatqn,
0 1: Ziotket. swot, would luel the atlealtati of
boyensto their stow errerleh Clothe end Caul me;
en% Shrum's fancy Cossimeres, sotsin,,
Siao arid SU Vetting', Tailors' Trialop,
TUBT be remitted and now opening at ALEXAN
eI DER d. DAY'S, pio 75 Market Mallet, northwest
comer of the Diernond.a. very large and splendid stock
of Intl and wino, I)ry ftoods, to which they wand re
spectfully invite the attention oldie miblie. It Is well
known to almost every one that the prosent.,season is
one distinguished for its low prices of Dry Goods. mid
it affords na great pleasure. in being able ni.state that
owing to our greet &Milne. for that purpoOth (One of
the firm residtng to Philadelphia,) we have been ...-
bled to parches° our present mock m a copaideraole
reduction loom the usual market rates, cheap as they
are, mad we are therefore enabled to sell at cerrespon.
dingly lower than die usual prices. We woald there
fore invite all cash buyers by 'et:desalt, or:kernili to
give us a call, and lay our ther meney to the best ad
The Ladies should eall .and exam= oat' stock of
Prints, Glnghama Lens, Caahmeres,.:Alpaeas.
Merinos, Silks, Borabasine. Plaids, and various other
styles of fashionable press Duds. of which we have a
very fine usortment, hi:clueing every deutription of
those goods in the market.
. . • •• •
are would recommend our stock of super Frongh Cloths
and English, Fran. nod American Cassette..
OUR RTOCR OF SHAWLS Is very large, embra
cing almost every variety of style and finality
SATTINRTS—Of which Pre have an c.c./lam as
...meat, and °fallnatation/. •
FLANNEL.S—Red, While and yellow Flannels of all
qualities and prices.
TICILINOS AND CHECKS—A superior aisomment
of Tickings of all grades, and Skirting Checks in great
.64 almgt 5 v." 5 0401iptiOn of the above goods, in
eluding Sheeting* of ell teidthe.
ALSO—A fine nook of Satin V stings, Silk and Cot
ton Velvets, both plain Mid fignis 7 .l, Isuitucky Jeans.
p laid Unsays, plaid end fancy figured Cloaking and loak Latino, bleached and Unbleached Table Mapes,
both linen and cotton. bleached and unbleached Table
cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton '.Plamels,
col`d do do, Bonnets and Bormet Ribbons, bile and oond
silk cravats, Ladles Scarfs and cravats, Glitves and
Hosiery of all kinds, Suspenders, Irish Linen., Linen
Lawn*, Linen kldkfit, Silk do. bik Lace Veils, Love do
and Bifida Oil Chintzes., Ratline and Scoteb Diaper,
trash, Linen, plain striped and barred Jae:meta Cam
bric and Swiss Moths., Victoria Lawns, Gruen Bare
s., &o.
Merchants visiting the city for the purpose of laying
in their supplies, should pot fail to give ilia hying
they will find our goods and prices ench em cannot fail
to sal their purpose ALEXANDER & DAY,
saptrJ 75 market N W sot Diamond
The Brew Golden Bee Hive Again.
lrese Fdl mid Primer Dry Got*.
TEST received and now opening, at thefsign at the
Bro Bey HIV., on Martel mum, lictweee Third and
Fourth wee., one of the largest, cheapest and best
assorted stocks of Fall and NVinter Dry Goods ever of
(wed in Pittsburgh, to which Abe eneritiou tif our nu.
men* customers and the public generallyas respect-
fully invited, as the rubwriber Is confident lhaShe can
offer such bargains in Dry Goods es 02.131101 be stir
pasted by any other bowman the city.
A. these goods have been purchOed at - prices far
below Mose of toy former ie.., , they will be sold at
greatly redoced rues.
Among this largo and splendid .took will be found
a:Limy choice and desirable goculs at extremely low
h d tru,St - fashio - plaid and
striped rich an d
striped and plaid silkst'pinin black
very glaiq gro de Shine; plain bleek rtchlostra;
tiring. silk for viseties, naantillas and capes nt very low
prices; nearest designs and latest styles —cashmeres;
plain and satin striped cashmere, ',try ekes 'French
merino all colors; de tattles; plain and ApoW and satin
striped, at great redaction on ( armor pncesi grilri,
donna end :cataract'. pink* mohtur and Monterey
plaids_ all qualitins; alpaca., all ga *titles and ctslors,
from L 24 to 75 cents peryard.
SHAW) S! irlitA.WEiS!!
Fine etuithhere, terkeeie and broetee shawls
Black enthroidered coalmen:. and ele lain shale*
Floe Tibbet and de tattle
Fine black sad uttered cloth do
Fine quality long, very cheap de
Plain Inaek dad plaldailk, very rt. nap •• do
O large lot plaid blanket ehanlia roan 73 cents to 63,,
Good dark calico frotr.l to 0 eta yet yerd;'
Best quality dark collets forme to 10 cents;
Void wide purple do, Itti
Good yard wide bleach:bd. rumba 4 to Oii
lied tielougs and checks, all prices;
illankent, from coarse to best quality, very cheap;
A full smorunent of red, white and yellow flannels;
Satinens, Kentucky Jeans, Keranya, Limeys, etc,
em, etc. all of which will be sold at reduced rates,ht
N 0132 Market st. seich). WiiL L. RUSSELL.
FALL l:41001:4 - 84 .
I~r+ M ' CLINTUCK , is now
l hock of t y rtelvi p u r t , h . i;
one of the largest msortments ever brooginto the mar
bet, which have been purelinsed dines helm the Im
porter. and Manufacturers, of the Imola and n sweet
styles, sod lower in price than ever offered lit this city,
to which he tenses the.anention of those hvishibk
loutishsteamboats or hook'? before purchasing else
where The stock con•Wilfs in part of tho-loi/owing
variety, VIZ:
Rich Amminist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry OA Cloth
do Velvet do Plant colored do
do Tapestry do 24 feet wide
do Brussels do tl-4, 7-4,34, 44 Zs oil Moth
Scutt super 2 ply do Stair Rods
'l / 4 1ri 1 undo do 0-4. b-4 mad 2 , 4 Etnaggen
do Sour Linens
Wide do do Rosewood 00 Viotti
Common do do crumb cloths
4-4, 3-4 le I Damask bihrthossed Piano <lovers
Veivitinn do , do Table do
h tvelM do do Phnom' Tattle Oilr.cloths
44,3-4 04 4 plain do do Varkcy Red Toilcuctt
4-4, I, I , I h 24 cot. do Adelrud Mats
t-4 printed cotton Carpet.; Sheep skin do
Ira sup Chenille Rup; Jute do • •
do do Tufted do • skticant do•
Fine do do Minn's Remp
Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins
Crimson fighl flush; Diaper Towelling
Plain do trash
I/rob M Cloth Fel and 6-.1 Table Linens
Mite do, for ecnteh rm'gs; 'Fransp'nt Window &mote.
Carpet Bindings E.ntra French do do
Wotied cord. Rich Sarin de L;alnes for
do Teasel. window curtains
Scarlet, blue, crwitton, black and drab Damasks:
Scored rainbow Damask.' Worsted and linen 'Fable
covers; blue, errnwon, sends; green, drab and black
Monsen.; cotton Yltiahen of all colors ere. itc.
Also. Chile-burp and
and all other trimmings
in our line, to which the
it invited. Mr M'CLI;
one door from Wood. on
LKY A N DKR a, DA 1%
lassonment attic fol
bought at duet:on, and will be sold at rear birgai as.
ELA_NN ELS—Red, while and yellow Ilameele, e
very /urge and complete assortment, and very theta p.
sArriNET,l—, -A very large lot of blue, block, trik
mix, grey and gee mir Satitnate, n very low price..
ALPACAS—PIain bit Alps i erte,plard and striped do,
Cey ?laid and striped dn. cheaper than ever. -
FANCY tqIIKS—A splendid emmennent OF rich
ebatra-eable Bilks, both plarn and fled, of almost e•rery
SHAWLS--A very super* assortment or piper
!troche. Paris printed, Terk et, and Casinnere Shawls.
51 prices far below the ordinary totes,
Also, • large assotuovitt of English bresinos,:,Casb
wires and Gala Pleads. blue, bik and grey Pilot Cloths,
ior overcoats, bik Couto:telex, cotton LtsinsisD. Linen
do, Kentucky Jeans, Sic. itc; lit all of which mini
die antlitiou of the public.
ALEXANDER k DA': 77 market at,
set rt e ,
of the dbuziond
, - ,1 H. EATON & Co, having{ rim:toyed front Market
street to their new Sutes, nu Emme t street, be
tween Wood and Market, nut n (pa opening their Fall
stock or Trimmings and vOrivs Goods, among !Mich
ore—Cloak nod Gress Priners e! ail kinds;
Embroidery Gimps snd htly ers.;
Embroidery and Needle %Viol,
Zephyr and Tapestry wors•Atd Chenille Finest
Steel hugs and Purses ? et. Al Trmsttneg tt ;
Ladies Merino and bils V eels, and Hosiery
Children.' Conn, trait*. Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gents Shirts, Imdendurt Drawcts t Dressing Gowns,
Wool and Cotton Vara; •
Chilamas' Dressna, of latest pritems, which 'dry of
fer at lour prices both a iholeaala and retail. nel4
F. H. Eaton. Mansaaar
No. Foomii Stop o.
rIN7, of the lat. prat and the moot choice nook of
CARPETINC in the ladtkot., cpabmeinc all the
usual qudlide. fro to the most ntemdhctori es,
that hove bee. erred for duretri.tit7; in fabric nod co-
Tapestry Vol yor c dr p e sd nm
do Br JSACiS do
Brussels ou rperaig;
Fortsa sup ply do
ngrsd do
Fore do d o
common do do
aclt a cnetune Rugs 'Rated , do
Wilzorn do
try.ools • do
klanatuctured to order in now Linteknie adapted to
pat lore, liartineni• and chambers.
Painted Oil Cloths, far dining, rooms,ernries,
kitcheint, &n.
mes. Matting, Stair Rods, Wimiew *
Fa es and
Cotton and Woollen Rocking, twiny one third to three
yards wide. Door Mot, &c. M e., to which Abe atten
tion of purchasers at wholesalie and retail it respect
fully invited. Waroroom; one door from Wood at
w E:6l orphy Melia, die par
k) ocular intention of buyers to his aeuirtment of
above Goods, baying ad root &them with greit cage, in
reference to their glossy fin ..b and good body forerin
ter use. Also,
ldOlLk IR LUSTRILS., common, medium and super
fine qualities., including a ft -w pieces Jet black, adapted
for mourning purposes. A lab,
riety of satin slopes, and brocades. souke Cl'
which on very superior. As these goods have.hcen
Imught directly from Importers, they can be wild at the
lowest possible als prices. •
To be had oby the piece, in %Wholesale ;looms up
Gans, al • very small advance on omit. ost)
DMIS GOODS--We hake received a ILll mock
of Dress Goods, among which may be fitnind—
Plain black and figured Alpacas;
Colored and fancy plaid do
Oregon, Cablbrom QUEOSl,l2ttlellly and Lombardine
Plaids; wain, colored and figured Cashmeres;
" lie Larne;
Silk, Tanen and plaid ClLStaMre.; tefethi 7 w•-• •
large assortment ot oilier dress good. id of Which
be sold low by the piece or package.
twig SHACKIXIII & WHIT& 172 Wood it
ECF.lktiaasT"W. IirCIANTOCICS Carpet Ware-
IX hones, 7) Fourth street
-17 go rosewood cord Table 011 Cloths;
- rich dark " " "
3 " 3-4 " " r•
The obey., .o or superior quality, eiesticict orrfm
isii, of meat bennuful colors. and shaiiiiing, irusinder4 for
curuuuro, eouuter sod table coverutg. near
_ _
kr !Dracut in now oponiag big SECOND SUPPLY
or Winter Goods, ineluding a variety of etuulso or
Drab French Merinos;
Scarlet, eterry, and other high colored Meithoelii
Magazine b uc do; brown
Also, YAILMETTAR of golds; "lilpageektto,,
wile many other deorable goodi Par, are very gem,
all of which will be mud very eheoPc tiarthggp g o ,
nor of Oh arni.Plarkei sit
.l octlo
17;ei. ? c.""„1 „,
1.0.. r de'alenrsTiouteWtottlieir ribbile:stoer vite
Cambric tidtte,,tlrtmen, from Illecteapt o v:Ag0; . 441,
ding every variety of tape beagle:ea% beanzlede
Moor lawn„ with deep cordedJhordere, Keeler, embroi
dered cod COlorckbprdered. -acute.
rrIURPL,WINE-10 bids §PlitoTtra;c4i fine var.
„I, dm, Pat reCeived and fat sale - ,
I speoi) humnitii •
VOL. XVI. NO. 88
00AD.13 •
Pate's: G - IniteraL,d Gofemme Homey and Pam,
bitro.Laral Po lesfor Medical and die* purpciat:a.
T H he lS ro is p dt m.,.. eo n a t l m ytu ie stru thi to s e , n o t . o n f ,, the o k r i E nd .mp tha , t lrioars
mad ical.purposea, and is the only one ever known to man,
by which the galvanic fluid c an he conveyed so the he
man eye, the ear, t h e brain, err to any part of the body,
either externally or inbsm'auy, in • defiene Roar e,
mronm, wtiAtto *oaks or pain—with perfect safety—
and oflen lie happiest edema.
This important amiantus is now highly approved 01
by many of the most eutinem physicians of Min courr.
try and Ihtrope , to whom the omitted and other. whom
It may
to can hl referred. Neforiencia will also
be given to many highly neapeetable citizens, who have
been cored by Meann of this MOM valuable opporams
cou ld m of the most inveterate nervmmdisonlem tahjap
cou not be removed by any other known means
Among glorious When, it Into been proved be ads
adrably adapted for dart
cure of rho following dioceses
eta, nervous
and other 'Seamen of the brain.
ft is with thm apparatus &cum that the operator eta
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the
eye, to restdre sight., or once amanrosts; to the torte
restore hearing: to the tongue and other organs, to ree
starc spanCin and to the venous parts of the body, for
the cure or chronic' pa l s, neurate or
tie dolouraux, paralvtia or palsy, gout, chorea or de
VOL'. dance, epilepsy', weaancos from !Train I, actg e
o 1 4 o
to Ilimeloti, cOntrattion of the limb.,
lockjaw,eto. Mo.
Rights (or surrounding c . onoties of Western Pa, and
privileges, with the inattartrikotOrtay be purchased, and
also tested for the cement' dimmers
Full iustsuction will be given for the various them(-
' ems to Mused for owtionadibeasoo, and the, beams:o
wn for operaung for the ease of those ditteeseo will et
be tally eget ailed to the prirelinter, and • pante/am
pm into his hands expressly for them parposta, amt.
/ally prepared by the patentee. Enquire in
ocil3.dly S WILLIAM'S, Vine st. Pittobaigh.
_ .
- .7 -- -
Intranaltn lenLatthoi
TOHN H. MELI,,OR„No al Wood street, is the sole
ey agent for Carbon% Patent Melodeon, a nei. oho
beautiful instrument, aancedingl7 oredi adopted far
small churches or family aromlup.
Fbr the benefit of them `residing at • dlitanee, end
consequently unable to inspect the Melodeon befine
purchasing, the following description Is given:
The casmotre made of rosewood, and are as hand
somely finished as • FienroForte. The key-board to
plecisely the same aa the s lowly Or Organ, Ond the lone,
In"ldinacaloh voranl'O'rgan.tina')The enatrnrn t""M cnt bt c " an th he i of men th e e .
&Lately made portable without detaching any part.llie
bellow* reewling tato the body ef too hutment:nu, and
the legs folding under, leaving the whole in a compact
form. Each instrament he. • peeking ease, and the
whole when packed weigh. only Impounds The rot
ante of tone k. equal to that of a small organ, and by
moans of the swell may be Inereesed oedisnlolohed am
pleasure; this enfileiently load for churches, and
is well calculated fora parlor instrument.
Rut ritherreek a supply of the above: price, with
ease and Insane dorrßook, 893. oca
Reversible Pilfering FOR PURIFY PURIFYING WA
„,, Whi . ets renda .a rs turbid arbemasee zi solubleern ,b,K
ii„„ t although clee:imm7pwearrio'ilieNeyle,oicki
when it patses an hoar
-•?, Worm, cock, shows a Itini th 7gpo.ri
impure substances., worm., Sy s
L. the else mere or less setth all hydrant water,
The Reversible Filterer Is neat and durable, and is
not attended with the inconvenience Incidedto Other
Fihereni, as it is °leaned without being detached from
the water pipe, by merely tossing the key ar handle
from one wile to the other By t e l sow process, the
comae of warm Is changed, and ell accumul s of
impure substances are driven or almost instantly,
without unscrewing the Filter. It also poems m tp,,
advantage of being a atop click, and an suck in many
eases will be very convenient and economical.
Itcan be mmehed where them In any pressure high
or low to a cusk, tank, tab, Ike. with ease. To be had
of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON,
octl7 corner of Fourth and hlarkcsats
Diaphragms Pllt i r for Hydrant 'Waters
•to certify that / have ap.
pointed Livingston, Roggen fr. 80.
-• ' leAgents for - the sale of /Cinders
Patent Diaprabgm Filter for the ci
ties of Piuslitnia and Allegheny.
for Walter Id Gibson, 349 Broadway,
• Oct 10,194*.
We have been ustug otte he above articles at the
office of the Novelty Works for three months, otl trial,
and feel perfectly sane/led that it la it .eful unrention,
and we take pleasure in recommending them as a use
ful article to all who love pure water. 'Orders will be
thankfully received and pro m p t ly executed.
• •
r 11.11144 Institution, under the rare of Mr. Ind Mrs.
Goslings, will rer-on Sr the reception of - pupils,
to th e same buildings, No. 52 Liberty street, on the Ist
Monday of September.
Arrangements have been made by which Say will
he able to furnish young ladies facilities evial to any
in the West, for obtaining a thorough Englishi•Classi•
cal, and Ontautental edonotion.. A fall coque of Phi-
Itsophicid and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
donng The winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and lostrocueutal 51usic., .51odcni
Lang-oases, Branving and Painting, will each be under
the cart oft competent Professor. By close anention
to than:oral end intellectual improvement of their po.
liber it
the Principals hope to went a continuation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto emoyed. For
terms, see circular or apply to the Pnocipals..
T HAVE anti which cannot bT S.
eans - passed, (op the es.
mblishmerst of mannfactones of Wool, onou, I mr,
Ulan, of •117 whew business requiring coal Iv is ad.
monnif my (arm - Harlem." on the Monongahela river
(here w erected sirup, lot a large Budding, lh which
is enseted a stesM maids. °Tiff, pylusder. th 'en
boilers, fee., a sew mill, and ensigH paw of mill moues.
The railway from my coal mina passes within a few
yards. I invite persons wishing to engage in ma nn.
factoring. to visa the piano and emsnune It 3 ad Tanta.
.es. I will dell it at a low rate; or if suitable panne.
would offer, wornd be willing to put 'the property in 1.1
413Zek roman:Joint concern. If further usformation is
deured by any one, is may be had by 'applying' to my
71t. H. Baird. Jr. at Harlem, so J. N. Patterson,
Wood sweet,
c a lled Ynsburigh, or to myself, io the large
wick The Hound Cordi , Washing
on, EL rsewl-MOnell TH. H. BAIRD.
3 ADDLF,llii&R..lB.l*FitiililL AND WITIP MAN-
I'FACTORY.-11thth stibicriberrniket Out in.i.od
o iotoratin,q tat Wendt and amyl:Ostia in grillers! chat
, s has too larveot stook of the mllowiag hamml
el te or his own ammeter/ire in this elty—gam,.., li ar .
e vs, Trunks and sVbips. ail of 'chicly he 'ail/ ivarrthi
to h. made oldie best material and by the best mech
anic ain Anmrheary cocoly. Being deter - named to tail
h a MualißClams ima.thur.g lower than has been here
tofory told by any similar ernahlitbinera in , the city,
he womid invite peg.. in . 4 ,4 0 ( Ike above named
article •to his warehouse, bio.Vl Liberty $ el, Oppo
onte Se tenth. Also, bands mad. to orilorformachine
7. aalsyly G KERBY.
Cooper Duplex and Lever Watohat.
ig; J :7. 7 .y T F, rz i e li e c t p, v de ed ped for sale s
• Gray's Intl, Road Leduul" u
plex and Patent Lever Watchea, eased in Id beset
eld,and tall jewelled, with Chronomemr, balancer.
'fee. are maw the finest watches made, breed super,.
or ia RAM end accuracy lA. the M. 5 Minas, /eget.
John/miner anr,Othert tianke. 'nose InAcauff or. very
fine watch are Invited to call and examine this lot.
Alto, i large I.olll9elat of Gold and Sneer. Watches,
Chains, Peale. Keys, tee,
Five Watches repaired in the teat manner.
'W. W. W114 1 0:1,
corner Ith and. Market sir.
Xurophon's tdemorabills of Socrates, will, I.:ag
low notes, critical and explanatory, 'the' prolegomena
of Kuhser, Trigger's Life of Socrete4 etv: by Ovaries
[fathom, L. Protessorofthe Greek and Latin Inn.
gouges tit COIRMbill College, New York, and Rector of
tho Grammer School:. Jam reed and (or Bale by
ocNO Booksellers, eery &NMI Market ars
OlThr r• '
PHY, &a. —IL has opened a Night
School inlio school rem. corset. o(6W and Ferry
entrance on Fourth, whore l o will be happy to impart
loam:Lotion limbs arts of Reading Penintreship, Arith
tome, Book !Lei •in , y. OCI:nd1121
TEAM BOAT CLOCKS— nng 'esineluded to sell
kj off our enure sleek of Mriresalatine Timepieces,
we now offer to bell Wens atlower prices than they can
be bought at any hoosn in Pittsburgh us elsewhere.
east or west. Being the only enahtutbed agents bete
for these elooks, we base rho la . rgest and (neat assort
ment in city. Call and see.. •
Remember, we an not to betandersobL.
BLAKE & CO., Market meet..
°e • entrance on ninth side ngibb Diamond
assortment of Cornelius dc Colaelebroted menu-
Hestia, and suporior to all other. in uso; tolopani to
charters, siettoStouts: factories, &ceilings, public .ud
PS 4 'ate balls, and to oil other ones wberma cheap, sate
ead'hedtiara Lett Is clearable.
AlathWeadoles, Hall Lanterns, flindelabrat,Glolus,
S 'mice, Wicks, Cblmnies, Cana, Traumas, Ac. Ale°
Os v Chatibleljece, Dom one to lout lights.
o Sal NN SPICA'S '46 Market et
1,. • ',Rte., &C.
-..send4.lnrir Starea,Vrates,
@SHALL, WALIAACE tt. CO, flowsd buret',
'racy Lihorly and Wood strosti, manufacture
and off, t for sale FlatToar... Floor andOoonter
tho mo stiaxwooodquldiyi s Poo. ki 4 s, s ,e'r for " , e. ,
and coal; Egg Stoves O. Otta s ?as sang, Parlor un,l
lralegk, Hollow Vititalte- tr. Toes also
totanuraatur the tcbelltattatres,.,4_ , .. et von , ttett
groeral sans Osottou motto r.ovittir at. use, to al l a
which they t scald soopeoiMl,Flasqls,ttlat'utsontion
aro citizen,as, d..putar. ge.nor -
. _ _ •
W. t.h..1...411.ry,5v0.
1 r o m 2 or m a e entre.. klarternerftnetits, irrreatnion.
1i4":,",n,,,,.%;-:,h11,"4"...4„15ca1:r711112:i4ed*fuf...d ''''
oi Goods in ha it as teettleX,ll: liberal b y
age, be hopes, to me 'ff,:"., -thereof,. by do.-
genee in busmen, aa. ...pff.tro Itfet unortment,
and nt the most reneren'tobto pri a ,z,.."
..., curtain
ern, and the pubLte IMO ejtabf—Antelleipittly Apjapn.i , ,
..,....,„„ ,j, cup from. . onetime., are firefted to .01 and
ermine my barge eta •ek of good., '
_ a
o ..., ieD ,, , , : m l tPULVl o ,ll b , o . A a k . — O p f t,Zi.tur r et. rva ri t lo r : in e .ns t
winter enedittne. iust re edV. 4 4, e , for ..le Fe R L
Nt:LLERB, 90l< for Pittsburgh, of whose lho
violin° article ran lie bto 000,t,
( . 11 . 1a1 ELd‘STIC CLOT. gib " G-12 ac.
ovTrcoau; Sdo Jacks, 'e; 6do pairs l'amni I du
.do Legglogri of 4 ddferern b ode. 10.sto alarm 1101,
do Capes, with and arathonr•L mces, just moelyed 10,
Repress and (or solo svitolooalo.Fosi
am prices. We alai atobe m
en; am buy* from ant Sind ß ‘.. ,16 0y uIS India
Dubber Depot, No S Wood at • "
0et2.1 J kzll PHILLIPS
ANO 1tar61.10.5.-1„. ph . , ors "Common
*rose? ortlloaltb;PhyMealrojne,ol", and, ilmon
Voice, based upon - 1119 Inuelfiltdeja °a.. .9 1, Y of
muter phruteal coustimllou. bens ilteredi t ". 01 bt.
feemresthi , above robjessa.mtp, de 'leered to
dedsVirp 'Fos sale . RWOP
oetlD •
_ _
keftmyio'be-lacri4 an.glePOrtatstitallrowi. ap
sdy at* . Wife 9fFr '97/14: CoSr
YARN, ikr-40tteferitattork Van., a.
- Clotted pumbaza; =We. Umtata 100 do Candla
Wie 4 i'im . P al l s i t ;5" . " 1 .f !!', T es•
ootiO stagy it CO
~~ i~.: M 1 : .Y.... .T