The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 16, 1848, Image 4

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rna 01111111:41DT TOZ •
009symrlipp, CoilXhl., Colds, dalluna, Btonebitia, Liv
er Complaint, Spitting Blood' Onkel:rid Dreatit
ing, Pain in the Side and Breash Pupil-mon of
the Wart, Indurate Droop, Broken Con.
winer. Sore Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and all Diseases ef the" Throat,
Breast and Inngst.the most ef
fectual and speedy cure
ere, known lot any of
' the above them
es, fa
Coosppoonsd a r rup of Wild Cherry*
This medicineds no longer *mond those of ,fi m b i r u i
c ushy. It has passed away from the thcnatuids daily
Istruched upon the tide of expertmont, end now stands
higher nt reputation, and Is beeoming more extensive
used yule any other preparetion of medicine over
pioduced for the relief of =Bering loan.
It has been introduced ns' generally through the
United States and Europe, raMhete are few lawns of
importance but whet 'contain; some remarkable evi
dence of its good effects. For proof of the fortieth=
statements, and of the value and edleacy - Of We meth
nine, the proprietor will MAMA firwofthemany thole
sand =Admonish' whichhave beuthresented whim by
man of the Pro regmetabilityl , -men who him higher
Mews of moral responsibility and Justice, than to cer,
—lffyw taco, because it will do another a favor, and
thanselves no =indica. Such testimony proms con
clusively,that its imeniaidgekcellence is establiabed
by its =inns= ineriteind the-unquestionable authori
ty of public opinion. The instantanoccurrelief it af
loat% and the soothing influence dithtsed through the
whole frame by its use, renders it a mon agreeable
remedy for the afflicted. •
"When men, acting from oonseicinious impulses,
voluntarily bear testimony w the truth of a thmg,. or
particular fact, inch tenimont, being contrary to Man
worldly interests and purposes, coerces Conviction of
Its truth, and commends itself in • special manner to
universal credence."—CPHogan's Mond hlarims.
Part.t. Mom= Can or PeratossarContmrstom—
There never ems a remedy that heibeen as successful
in desperate eases of *lnattention, es Dr. Serapes's
Compound Syntp of Wild Cherry, II strengthens the
system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the tangs,
es:eating new and rich blood; "power possessed by --
other medicine:
dial= Co, April 24h, 1840.
Dr. Bwayne—Dear Sir: I verily believe your Com
_pound Syron of Wild Cherry hes been the MUM ot
saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which Freda
- grew worse, attended with a severe cough, that
resist.' all the remedies which I had recourse to, still
increasing until my case exhted all the symptoms of
?almoner/ Consumption. Every thing I Ut.W seamcd
to have rio effect,
my e lf
inreased sorapid
ly that friends as well as mysel4 gave c ttp all hopes of
my recovery. At this time lents recommended to try
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hap
py restate. The firm bottle bag at effect to loosen the
coagt%Ting me to papectorate &ably; and hy • t h e
t i me so rt six bottles, I was entirely welkand am
now so hearty a man V / ever woe id. my life, and
would he happy w Kive.any Information respoetin
caw, that other 110fitrerS may derive the benefit CO T
which I am-so grateful. Foe the truth of the above
-saatament, I refer you to Peter Rash, Grocer, Wel
Chester, Pa., of whom I purchased the medicine.
Respectfully yours, Jana tdoxsan.
Worsderfs;/ Ours oi lia lfetkoda Mt . Arsander. -
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: I foil a debt of gratitude due
to you—end • duty to the afilleted generally, to offer
my humble antimony in favor of yard Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three pan since I was
violently snacked with cold and billanunadon of the
which was aceompsided with a distressing
c i f:Mg pain in the breast end head, a very considem.
bin discharge of offensive mucus hum Ibe r ians+, cape
= (oldie C altu ' a ge agnrm 'ath y co ." atra, rut ligh p L ret;
soon convinced that I was rapidly pang into consump
tion. I grew dnilv-weaker, and al length me scarce
ly able to walk shout, or speak above a whisper, smelt
was the exceeding we
Of my lunp. Dating thi s
Mae tried various preparation, and pre. rip none,
hut found no reiref--rounngall the time o thr . e . Jrrt
here I wasadvixd and persuaded by a dear friend M
Wiludogton to make trial ofyourbrup of PAW Cher
ry. I mast confess that previously I had been preju
diced against patent meMetnes, and I am still against
those eomi og out of the handsel eumerics, but under
ro dyou claims to the profusion and prattler of
medieme d having implicalsith in the saying of my
I forthwithparchased:of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, • few bottles, and commenced its use. Illy dis
ease was at that time of Mot 515 months' standing, eon
semomtly it was deeply seated. I found, however,
considerable relief from the use of the first four or five
bottlers BM being a . pOldie Speaker, I frequently at
tempted Jr- preach w it h my inerearang strength. and
thereby ruptured thoisbeseel• that had already begun
to heal; in this way, doubtle* ray cure yroa pearly
retarded. In consequence of acting thus impradently,
I had to use twelve co fteen bou.te, before Iwm per
fectly restored. I have no mlestion, a much smaller
theof bottles would
he made me sound, but for
the above rad...cape. The Syrup allaymi the firmer
ish habit. took away the distrening cough, pate stop
to the di sc -burp, or numer (trod the lungs. and gave
theto and the entire system prod health. l have defer
ted offering this
until now, for Me purpmm
of being of duly satis fi ed nit the permanency of the
can, and now tam I feel perfectly well I offer it with
pleasure. Rl9. J. P. Jeans.,
HDablb, county, M. C.
Important Olution,-Read! Read!
There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. Swaver's, the first ever offered to the
public, which has been sold Imply th the
United Stoma arid some parts of legarope=ltpre
parations called by the name: of Wild Cherry have
been put out since this, under Cover of some deceptive
in order to girls, currency to their sale.
By a little observation, no person need mistake the
genuine from the Jai.. Foch bottle of the genuine in
enveloped with a beautiful meet engraving, with the
arm. in - William Pero Overton, also, Dr. g wa yp. , ,,
signature: atul as farther security, the portrait of Dr.
Samna will be added hereafter,. as to distinguish
his preparation from another.; Now, if it was me for
the great curative properties and known Pin., of Dr.
Sway.% Compound- Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavoring to give currency to their
"fictitious nostrums" by osmium toe name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, Mayfly. bear in mind the name
of Dr. flarayn. and be not deceived.
Principal °Mee, corner of Eighth and Race steeets,
For aide wholesale and retail by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN, eorand Wood mg D FAHNESTOCK
Co. nor lot end Wood, and Nth andd
Woodsts, WM
THORN, 53 Market S JONES, 1S:o Liberty JAS
A JONES, con Hand and Penn sw, JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in
inedicute. oetO
APIER.CHANT OF T H IS CITY, who had been al;
timed with the asthma for four years, had taken
almost every think. His Oradcia. constantly auen•
&wild= end be had expended ...two thousand dol.
laza He never believed in advertised medicines, but
causidennt them all bembugs dr last he tried Dr.
Taylor'. Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Sextet. mein,
New York, and 4 six weeks was entirely cured, hav
ing taken only three bottles. This is only one of many
tole. lettereimaginary obiectio ns to a patent medicine
have prevented pets.* from using this medicine, who
rexpended bandteda of dollms to their physicians
valn—aad in the end owe their recovery to the infra.
ble efficacy of this purely Vegetable preparation.
There is no mistake„titax this medicine ls superior to
any remedy preeenbed by medical ...die. This
has taken 20 years to Mature, and is the an.
WO/remedy for diseases ever lain :teed to the public.
ilihnoraratutParos, COMM, itosSitogrirms of Marini
'. , Vturso!—Snifeling fora king** with these complains,
•I had gg it vten up all hope of being. entail. 1 had ernualt
ed thehotnie and bounepathie doctors In rain. I had
ased many articles advertised, but found no relief. In
despair I had given up the nse of all Enedielnea Hear
ing of the great virtues of Dr•Tnylor's CaLani dikter
wort, tad the great emus it had performed, induced
me to cry h., and to my great joy-,and amonlehment, I
was better daily. I coutiimed Its me, also kid Boger.
Coated Pity until I am entirely eared. .•Dr.Tayr , .
Balsam of Liverwort is Mohan medicine In the world:
for these complaints, and wal mire Mr.gorkraldieteeL
Captain of Ilialinney,Of New York.
&Emu Colico.--1 lave arcuated from the - Asthnuix
vary long time, and have used artery Medicinal antid
obtain for Its core in vain, until I tried Da.Taytora
Halsam or Liverwort. This metric-ins baaaQwdrd me
moo manifest benefu,and is, In my opwo ' a care for
thin dbareming disease; mom ea st; as humor
many cases amorigmy Wands, when has been high
ly aneemsfa Parma lmeresteri are invited In tail
at my reit:Lancer= fortherinktmadon. •
MRS. B. ILUTON, 219 Laurens at
gold In illtsbm2h by I D Horgan 93 Wood at; J
Townisemi,43ldarket sc, anyser, ear Market and
3cl ins; Henderson
k Co, 2 Liberty at Priee reduced
to Der Imede. • Pisa
ITahtiestoek". tat t.l3lllensa Pills.
ITlbisn Claude unwor n d combines mulloess of
J. bulk with eillelenel nian d eel:wait: mildness of
ge= action ,
is extletnfly=Le in tl::Zun t° -
try, in weigh - bilious . fevers add, otber womb...tuts, al,
tended with tongestinn of the firm, so tuna abound.—
They bare now stood the test ot2:1 yeas, and expo*
ease has rimed them to bo slate sM saleable remedy
in bummitteini Itemlaent andllakma -Posers: AVM
d 1..; Bilious Colic V 1 odbm saw Dysentery - 5
Balou Vcaniunts; Colds. sad all eamuSif an In
hisontatory :character. The couplets awl universal
satistudon which hasbetsgireti by those Mlle to all
who have one.. and them, nmders the pablislarm of
.the ntinsesoas emilliesurs in theft fever soineeessaly.
To present manse racking they me now pat ap to a
led. Prla l Tr on e 's lora box containing Bi pill,.
Prepsisd and sotd by
eon= Ist sad wood, sad also corner dth sad wood
O - 1117iliN* - COUGH SYRUP,-11proved to be the
great Panacea in caring my child's dim:resting
001 She
_Prom the Temperance limier, Now 81M7.
Cones Surer.—We are net in the habit or=
smelt len patent medicine., but we Oel
to tacreamend Syrup ultimo who ate afiliab
ad with a cough. luring Mied
odng the mai ream.
dlon to unnove a told dlne
_cough, that
had los wren! day etauttarn s
afflicted one o st f
roar thildrea, with
ritm success, we were bidneed to try Idorgaa , 2 cough
map, end by it relief was obtained in a few bean It
proved to be the panacea in this case ye team
Prepared wbolotale and mail by Ozpropmetor,
DIO wood st,J door below idnohlatey.,
A siltuthe last ;Dr JAYNE , * Yi
d. PLCTORANT metier to all other reaiwthw
Brenthitheebstbtenbted other Pam.
wary is that the sam e . peaces w ecemmaxed the
ow of lti. dear familia tea years- ego.etill learn. b .D
other manna of the kbedi ead velure say tarn beenladowd
la try othor preptrati?o, thy! bares almost larartsbly teen
=recotuog tititbmat Which was reasonably
Dosed. kith palm* botowedby lb . proprietor%
Ed Dave retorted to the eas at Jorace.WiroTomirr, u
a rowdy that baa mew !KM to relispn theta: wthreiDeb
Itl=d n ealusr had De evil is another wthwewarY &seam
y by Dr D. hr. Dblfsdelphts, 11114 lam
Illit=ortf ALEZ:JANES
MI fourth II
s nix EXTRUTTORmiII, In five mie.
area froth the time of It. spolicoden, roam the
from the macron barns, , make or Misters,
sad wilt hail *mods, *cars acid sons of al, ki nd
withcalt scat; This Saleable-Pain Eat:meter can be
had of , JOIDID/110116/IN r _Dmeohn,
• ; No OflLWaini iitrent,
sbitc. it gent for Wawa:Penna.
t•i • AI. pieces
Drool; very-rids' colors cad good possinub sad
von. ohm. , No 75 Foca • • ; ortS
BUDLEBAGS—Jost• et... 4 d, &men Pulls Rubloer
!bale 3W, article, ie tharladla itub
bet Depm.NoB Wood tt *ea 7 & HPHILI2PB
eibUtOME vELLow—a caw Chic='Yellsrw,_fra
lJ de ocri . -- JOILND ROWAN
ME GREEN-4. cm mak? Closiii.diien;
266 : • T Bunn 60 4 • 666.19
bblsPuke4 466 17 mkt Razien,l4 abo mom=
601, 1n . swol, iOlO f0r6616 , 1Li
j i:.l b. R FLOYD:
1 1, s W.GLAfiS,LObzs to store .for
ye* - FORSYTH & DUHCAN 3l Mit
C43.A813-8(0 WindaW: Gum
lUr brsztd, to entre; for do • •
, ju,simetiredi rule
:71 , 11 6.423.$
for Jab •
50: . • sr, .7 t773^.1 t 7711" 'p
• • • sad .10
Tblo LKON—latassibr aft by
11014801 g
freettor . ned Mosotaz of the Arc -
The ert estnardin sty llsolleine to tie Watid
This Estrum ti pst tip Is Quert Bettie., it to* ,
Ours cheaper, pleatader, sad warrialed ti
petitor to setoesiti. II curia without
vomit' teearrier, slanting
or /Matto:mg tla
The great bract, .3.1 superiority of this Soraparills
oreraD other medlcinea is, that while It eradicates the dlr.
cue, it lasigerame the body. It is ono of the very but
Ere, Immo; it net oxlip polities the whole system. and
etroontUns the person, bat It moms am parr sod rich
blood: • power resumed by no other medicine. And in
this lies the mood secret of its woodarfid mum. It has
perfbrmed wittdo the lag two years, more than 100,000
corm of wen, 01.462 of disuse tease MOO wore
considered Incurable. It has oared the lives of more
W. 10.000 children dosing the two past mamma.
10,000 comae of General Debility and
smut of Nervous Energy.
Dr. Townsend' s Baruporilla Lavigerstes thn whole
quern summoned's. To those who have lom theft
modular energy by the effect. of medicine or Maker.
~,,,,,u ssp upd- S u youth, or cheat:CM:lTh indulgieu,
the partied, and brought oa a4..** , a Pitralca provtra•
Mon of the warred sydem, uagatada, RIM of naltdtion,
raiding promataratlacaty and decline, butes,
twistvard. dui thud disarm Camottpaion, can b. cu.
tirdy restored by this as remedy: 'This gnaw
patina to nit SapOriar to UT
lovigoratiag Cordial,
A. it renew. and invigorate, the eystem, filtal activity
to the limbs, and strength to the muscular anted to a
emu edroordinary degree.
Coustumption Cured.
CLftesse slut StrgAreut. Omemptirs. ems it awe/.
Brelutiri., Coasszeptioa, Liam OtTrplaist. Oeltia
Omni. Ormr4o, Anita. Syittlow .f mum,
Uranus in as Ohms. Hark aid,, Sawa, Wadi or Prelim .• , ets•
rear; Pei:aim thd &L. Mr,
Mss sad usi I. cunt
. . . .
Roe leek elittril 28, 1847.
Da Ivimarazioe—l vedly behave that yohe Sm.p.
rills, hat as muck thteaett P^Ttidaztr" of 4 .".3t
my 8111. flan ter severrayeara had • bad Cough. li
Demme hem aid WM. Allan I astute lure email
her Oct eel, had Wee Bantam end wae greatly debit!.
taloa reduced. asti lid eel expect to Ilya !hae
only u. il r y oar Elareaparilla • ehart time, and there hat
• pond. , 11,1 thugs beuanoagte in tea lam .o. able
to wall ;II over the etly: I , rate on bland, .4 my
ocaul, left ma Tan tan null laingin• that lan
,ankfl: hr [km rondo.
W/L ratiLL % 63 Cathuizold.
rowdy —llledlclne.
.. . .. ..
Do. teeneend'a eareaparilinb a erneralga me n z l eady
ci4 ht
rare he In nt Censemptian,Barvennoss, the
Ikea ar F arum Wen* Coalmine., Fie; ett.
corrhock of obstreated as diftlanit Idenstrith
tic.. limantlneacs Vap or lavelcratuy dlicharge
thereof, and lb, theguard psoaratios of the einem—
co cutter whether tbe renal af lakerent cam or theme
inedneed by isreplasity, Chaos or =ideal. Notldag
... be mare murprizlng than Its laviroratiqg afeeta
or the heath frame. Parana sfl 'admen and leadf
tad., Pram taking It, at aste beams ebbed and Nit of
energy older Its iA=ace. It imatediately
tea earveleathese of th e thumb, tram, whirl fl the grata
cease of Barremea It will ma be aciA el on in
cues of so delicate a =are, to sehnit mrttheante of
cares peritamed bat we ma amine the afdlate4 that
I timbals of cases have bees reported to u. Tiastmeade
of came where faa. bare boat without children
saes ming a few bottles of this Imaginable mediae*.
bath bean hinted with Inn healthy WS prin.
To Mothers moll illowried Ladle..
Tbl. Egtract of limagarilla has bee expressly m
owed in mthrence to female complaints No female
who aute mason to tuppeete she is approaching that
critical period, " TM Von ofehotdd &glom to
take It, as It 0. • certain preventive for any of Me
ti11151217011S and horrible diseases to Math remake are
subject at Oda time of life. TMs period lacy he do.
layafbr wend yeas by sang amitotak Nor
h low minable thr thaws who are approach:lns wo
manhood,' aa it la pletdated to mho waive, by mirk.
ening Om blood and invigorating the system Indeed.
dna medicine la larelohle Oa all the delicate dime.
sea to which women an subject
It braces the whole mom moon percimently
sours! enemies, by reormins the imperities et the
body. not so ter stomata]; as to produce eubscgrieto
relauthm, which is the on.. demo medicines takes fa
Cemale .mhos .od Barn.. By min; aOw Maim co
this medichs marry t 0.... and painful surgical opem
nom may be prevented
Gwent Diming to Mothers d Children.
It the safest reed effectad medicine for purify ,
fp the ~to, endrelieving the sitgainge vi cadent
upon childhirdi per discovered_ ft strengthens both
the mother and child. premium pain arid incase. in.
rose. end sericite* the food. these who lap wed it
think it is indispensable. his hnitily inehd both before
and after andinement. II it provents disease attendant
upon childbirth—in Cuenrettesa, Pike, Crump, Beeli
ke of the Pa. threptredestey. lleasibern.
Pain in the Back and Fake Paw, Hemorrhate,
and in repletion the swiredan and equalizing the do
manikin it ha. no egad The pest been, of Ws
medicine k always edit end die mein iP.
I most meesedidly, very few min require say other
medicine, Ist Pine • ilrde Censor 011. at Napes* in
peel. Faserdor to the op. az sad light food with
this istedeket, will 'Nuys anent a ale and any con
Heaoty awl Ilealth
Cormatima Chalk and a moiety of prtgaratiens
tthly 1. am, oboe applied to the dem eery thou tpedl It
of its beam. They close the pare of the skin, aed
cßeek the circulation width, ohm exam la mot thwart.
ad by disease or powder, or the side blamed by the
alkalies used Itsmaps, beast:ides im own produenest
the "both. bee Divine," weU as In the earden
rich and doh- sely hated thud ....Anatol flowers. A
free. std. and healthy eirealthion of the faith, or tbs
th amith of the pure, rich blood to the extremities. es
that which palate the econsloathe in ohs moss then..
sib beauty. his that which istqsarta the indevalN-thia
shade and &she of liveliness the, bas
oath cam desalts. This !nuty b the ottsprith of pa.
tore—aol of pennio el bell. Vilma is not • for. and
healthy circulanen, there b us. beauty. If the lady is
fair as driven .now If she pan, end use cothersica
sod the bleed is thick cold zed Impure, she boor but.
obi If amble thaw. or yellow, and there Is purr and
salve blood, it gives a rh.l bloom to the chinks, and •
brau th ey to their etha Di" h '=" nik ,
Thh why the .oath.,. . and the Open
lob ladles, are No mob adm3Kd. Ladles la the north
who take bes Ogle thansise, or ere congaed I. cloth
reenna or have googol their complasiao by the 11,0.
cation of deleterious misuse; if they wish to re.
phi elastic[) of sup, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes
and bemdfal complethers, they should ewe Do. Towo
m. Sarseparillt Thmstah wth have tried it cm
morn than catidion am delighted. Ladies of every
wagon crowd ear 1,0011 daily .
Notice ast the Ladle.
Those tren Intinde Dr. Tont:sear. liempartlta, herr
le ruttishly their staff • van Ruud" far Fa
nada, Ike., 114, 4.1 have earthed ear ea. end circular.
which .data to the empbtien emu., me I Dr Imo
—other en, Who put up mikine, have, WOOS the even
rumse of Dr. Tasrusand . • B arn tocomplehtu
Milked to female, rtuut.ed Minh although pre
toady they did not. A number af thaw If Mum Pilo k m, ars notions to fesoake, u they mamma diem,
and eudeinuine the connitatime. Dr. Townsend.. ts roe
only and but vereafy for the memo. female cem
hut•—n randy if ever hils of edhedag • pentium
ue. It an be taken by the met delicate Amnia
in any eau, or by these ..p• 101 to tentecte mama
mini the rem.: &drum., am tt prepares the annum
end prevents pain or dearer, and streartheas both
mother child Be metal to get the genuine
This emanate conehmtvely proven that this Basu
puilla Ys. patteet control over lbs nut obstinate do
oases of the Blood There person. eared in one home.
Time Obildree.
Da. Tawacan--Dtw.r BEl'7l ban dm pleamot to
inforai yob that throe of rt,y chlldran haw. bean cored
fth. Scrofula by dm ors of your asordleas
They ware alrfleted moyseraraly with bad Sorg; have
token only lbw battles; It took them away. for which
I foal myaelf ondergyeal obllption.
Yount, rapeetfolly,
ISLAC W. CRAM 106 Wooster*.
Opinhau of Physicians.
Dr. Townsend is ehnost daily receiving order. Dom
Physicians in different pots of the Dolan
Tha. b w certify that se, the andenigned, Physician.
of the City of Albany, have tn numerous cans prows&
off D. Townsend's Sanaparills, end believe it to be
.we *fibs soon valuable prepare:Deo lo the mu at
lbany, April LINT. P. E. =MEADOR?, N. D
Donn to the great amass =I toinsease We of Dr.
Towasend's Barmpssilia, a number of men lobo am
r 011.113: 0/3r Arent hare comnamend makiLellanape.
tins Extracts, Blasts, Extracts of Dock
be. Tbay /enmity pot It op in the same shaped boss
Jai, anti soma of them ham stole and aspicd oar aiirso•
tiscnisms—tbey me only erorthiess imitations, and
should be avoided.
Principal Mike, ISO FULTON Stria.,. Ran BM/kat
R. Y. Redding & Co. 8 Bute strecd,Bostoa; Dyou k
Foos, 171 North Ream! mach Philadelphia; B. la
Mace, Draggist Baltimore; P. M. Cabe& Charleston ;
Wriohl & Co., 151 Chartres Street, N. 0.; 105 Sootb
Pmil Street, Albany; and by aR lb. principal Drug.
Fly. aml Merchants generally throughom she United
tames. Wasi ladies and rho Canada..
N. EL—Parsons inquiring for this medicine, should
not he induced to take any other. Druggists put up
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own.
Do not be deceived by enpinquire for Dr. Town
nd's, and take no other. Remember the pett
ing "Townoend's &Imperil g„," sold by the vale agents.
R. E. EfFiLLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent,
No. 67 Wood street, end D. AI. CURRY, Allegheny
city. re&
not th IIILCOt
IRE ,undersigned has long been convinced or the
necessity (or some medicine adapted to the use of
lldren and Infants to aupereede the use of all those
medicines which contain emum, and bus at length sue.
• • In preparing and offering to the punnet a med.-
einefully answering every purpose for all &casco of tee
bowels, without the use of that detetenous drug, or any
other calculated to injure to the coat. The Infant Pan)
aces has been hilly tested ants toed, the lam twelve
months, by numerous persons, and found to possess all
thoertraesellnau miles.. and to produce all the Itsmn.
letting effects as set lank on the bill et duccueds. Di
arrheas, Vomiting, Pains. Sickness and
Diseases "thin e hum Teething swung immediately
without disturbing any of the foricliens of the body,
producing the happiest end most pleasant transition
from violent pale toe tranquil and Joyous state of (cel
la. in the Utile sufferer.
o be bed wholesale and retail, Maio Proprietor Dr.
101 IN DARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary;
hilteliell,lallottitliteekharn, cod own other Dragghito
a Allegheny and Pittiburgh. ded3
. Jags received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
mat artreardbrary medicine in the world! This
to Septa op in atom bottles. It is sts times cheape,
plessanter,•and warranted superior to any sold. It
does &seam without vomiting, purging, sickening or
detiliisiting die patient
14.4 - crr.venthauroft—Unpriteipini persons have
eoPieir and pet up medicine in the same
,theredbraddi: Bee this esti' bottle has the written sig.
pannier& P.Vawnsend •
Aits E.VELLE.BB,ThaWst,d7 Wood street, between .
Third indienti,b,Sl Dr, Wawnsend's Doty wholesale
, in d =yemen! for-Pittabicret, of erbium the senuitie
oracle agn be kat
rr.brvary Aye beet - yrooLouxl the bate spat for
4 11 4! , OPtelVilt; ra?!!!•Iit rarrabre *nide mu be
* V ,
tibi ' ' 1
',. C. "lii • . - • Beimbr
ladies tby anisatkoi of byre= to •WM =NO of a wads. of =wag RAS =I vary tow yam
. . .. _ . .
0 OFFIN VayitfeffS'ANDFOlNlffelllNO CINDER-
V .TAKIEMAUntmer 'Off FenifabdiglVltt} streets,
lanandtatht EZtnanjdMate4enitrite'ernPeten- stree,
respecifellf infinnt their fritertilkid this 'public, that
lin.ark.Pre.pared to harnialrientittertd to evrything la
the hue of Unde rt akers. Always on hand • large as
sortment of ready made pans, covered, Heal and tn.
tithed in the very best manner, all sorts and sizesresdy
made Sh roads' of tenet, Cambric k and meshe, and all
alert made In approved area We - keep • la=
ion m rat of wh i.e. and 1, lee . mein,* I k andkid
sable (or pail bearers sad warners, crape, naps, ava
tars, and every Ulu* .eesscry for dremng the dead,
and on reasonehLUtentaus.rve iiittetage_alnalit goods
in the Eallern e 11... Alm, snverplates for engraving
the wine and age. We have &splendid nelehearee and
hmsed, and emy•rano Der •C the best Canine. Every
thing attended to promptly and punctually. oetkly
Diesaymiyhaas, [near Pittsburgh ' ) Pas
Warehouse, N 0.137 , Wood i,gr e4_,. pi,„4., g h.
ilf?W s,
ild.reonstardly• keep on band wort.
meet or: Waied of oar awn m amaze,- and
superior quality. Wholesale and country Met
: chant. me respectfully Invited to call and en
amine for themselves, as we are determined - to sell
cheaper then has ewer below, been offered to the pub.
Err Orders sent by moil, aocompauled by the cash o
they referee:me. nll be promptly anomithi to. folai
P. OWLosst. barns E Lanus
M DINANY & LESLIE manufacture and keep Cllll-
nanny on hand Cat, Moulded and Pleat Mal
Glassware, in all its ourienea, at their Warehouse cor
ner of Market and Wales Weeny Plttibergh.
Oar Works continue to fail °potation. and we are
constantly adding to our stook, which enables as to fill
orders with promptneas. Purchasers are respectfully
solicited to call and examine prices and towns.
PROM the very liberal enoourage
cr. mein the subscriber ass received mince
he has located huluelf In Alleglicuy,
•isi•amor.& has induced him to take a /Cafe, for a
term o( years, on the propeny ho now
occupies, m Deaver street, Immediately betide the
PreseytenanChurch. Float the bong eXperlence in the
above human and a desire to please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockavray Bog.
tAz.en and top Buggies, and every description of
s made to order, from seventy-Ave dollars us
eichttuoisret facP3-dtil JOAN SOUTH.
= HEA.LD, BUCKNOR d C 0,41 nonh water st, and
16 N. wharves, Phil's., offer for sale on accommodathm
terms, OW kg. p Blimufacuired Tobacco, consisting of
pounds. half pounds, s's, k's, lgs, 15's, and ,Vs,
lumps; s`s, 6's and plug, and I3's Ladles' Twill, m
whole a.ndhalf bores, oftho following approved brands,
• la:
James H Grant, Osborn & Braggj
07.{11 rk Williams, A Cabaniss,
S Jones tr. Son, bl'Donald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas, Jr. A 11 Armistead,
.1 Thomas & Soo, Landbom & Armistead,
J M Cobbs,
ji iill7,le ll' r, "t"'
t I. 11:k,
Green 11.11, Wm Dawson,
Pearl & Norwodd, J 8 Blackwood,
Niltil Page, Keystone,
W H Vaughan, F.dratind Henry,
Portia. Robinson, Russell & Robinson,
Reim, Robinson & sigo. Sark Halsey,
R Metcalf, John Kt' vier,
Lawrence Lauer, J Robinson,
Gray & Gray, D B Tamer,
R Jamieson, York Wk.,
D Ili Branca —ALSO—
Yarn do
Havana Leaf Tobao co, wrappers and fillers;
do do
Cienfuegos do do do
St J ago de Cuba do de do
St Domingo do do
Nana ri Guides do, part be, do
Ma ysrille do do do
Kennicky ranom grades do do
Virginia Leaf. suitable far marinfactoriox and export;
Spanish Seed Leaf, Pentea, Connecticut and Ohm,
Virginia Scraps, sweet; Herman Pipes; Bipe heaSs;
dooteb Send throw .nil bladderN) blue.. Mein;
Tonqua Beans, Ilsorsma bass; Otto Rose; Bergamot;
Calabria Limionce, Patentearendiala Knives,dip.k,
lie &c. PIIILADELPMA, my l 3
" before—made anitte MOO approved Eastern plow,
and mom forationable Eastern patterns mutton'''. also
or mode to order of all Moos, and at all prtem.
Country Merchants and others are toward to call and
examine the
for thermelvm, nil win be mid
wholesale or and a liberal dedmuon mode to
wholesale parrhmers.
ma. 9 131:31.1L1190 BLIP, SMW TO/M.
/iYittlA W. FIELD offer. fa: sole at the loves.
gt.r hlanufartaten' mores, a very eller...ore avvon
meth of PAYED. coommethe eve
advisted to the wants of consumers a all motto's,/ of thor
country. Pape, of al! kinds made to order at shun
cm or
7 ...stocked' PRINTING PAPER le manually law
" Wirta;4l7.' or v latt r l; '1 01 1 1a1 . ALS
of catty detertption, derailed and kept etaastonAT
hao_, Peluois, Foordrinier Wawa
Bleaching Powder, Blue IThearnanne,TarAe. no as
, At
Comma, Rale Rope, Grass B.l
Rope, BaAvng, e: e.,
porebuedobr arttieh the lushest pnea to Cult led' be
paid ipitly Neve York, Jely,ll64e.
13 - OICII FOIL 8-11.1.2,
11 underugned offers for sale a superior erotic
I . of buck for budding. made Cry Ls &tam Press,
Improved marline, for winch be has obtained a pateut,
and agrees to give purchasers a armee guarantee that
they are stronger. and wit resist frost and wet Ireadt
e r and imbibe lot outstare or dampness than any mit
er botch. posseasing realer body end superior texture
and much more durable In every re•pect, each buck
being sordected to • pressure of wverat tons, and pow
searing • handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they make a front equal to the best front knelt
They have given the greatest satisfacoon town who
have porehascd. A kiln can be seen at my storks, and
specimen at the Gazette °are.
Thom having supplied themselves for their building-a,
nun wishing handsome front brick, or supeired hard
mid solid paving brick, can obtain them
Nrsrullgtiaa, Jun, ..127
g...... ,
TAK} fiats method to inform his friends
and the pabllc /I lane that hi. Factory .
Slow m full operation. so the west .Ida of
the Diamond, Allegheny, where a cot.
loam supply of Banda of •astous color.
and guittes, an constantly kept on hand;
aI.O , at No 3 Wood st. Pinstrorgh, at J k
II Phillips' oil cloth lel 1.3190111.
ictuttan Shown made to order In the best style.
Blinds repotted at the shortest none.
N. 13.-11. Blind. will be put op without any adds
notial estwow, so that they eon be removed in • mo
ment In caw or fire or for washing, and 'without the aid
of a.m.. driver iyleilykwlatelyta
11, , LEGANT PEart:hl EBY, F.Po Arm
Venn,. for rendering the atm roft alpd beeoutu
ealebmmrtl Nympth Sadly.
Honeys Indian Vegetable flair Oil, for gradually
darkening the hair, and prootoung erowilt.
lieuere Liquid Hair Dye, for changing red or gray
hair to a beautiful brown, black or ebeetout color
ilaaers lEnaLastral Ifur Restonuve, for produclng
luxurs.l growth of hur
1/.tier. Corimg
iluael's Depilatory Powder, for removing eupertlu
u. ban.
Haael's Row Tooth Pax..
lIIJ:flIT-1 ir
_ .
Bauer. I.7onvalled Shaving Cream.
If meet's elegant Ilstraeut of various fragrant Snore
r the Ilandketelatel, together with • /WV. 115•0110.
tne Perfumery, Just reed and for sale by
tryw ear let A wood, also eor oth & wood sts
E.t oda alibi, Diamond, where Vent.
Blinds of NM the different sizes .d cob
am kept on hand oe made to order etc
the Istessiand most approved Eastern rash
ions, su the Bluntest notice and . the mos
easonabla tart.
Alan the cheap Boston or split Blind Tramps
renry iind Paper Curial. of all We &Relent sties and
pnnerns, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Vern.
than Blinds punted over and repaired, or taken In part
pat m B
— eat for new. Rld WESTERVELT Noll,.
All work done with the best malarial end
workmanship, and warranted to please the most
Allegheny eny, Aug. 10, in 43.
mated themselves themselves together under the style andff tie
of Seholey, Rysm & Co, for the manufacture of Wood
Type, and as their typo la altogether merle by machi
nery, the invention of Iwo. M. Singer, one of the firm,
they (eel contdent that they offer amore perfect article
of type, and at moth lower rates than any heretofore
offered in the United States, end are now ready to fill
orders for the same.
MI orders addressed to &holey, Ryan t Co., at
their office In Diamond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield struts, will bo punctually attended to.
[l7 - Proprietemi of newspapers, on copying tid.
rerueement 3 months, and sending us then,. papOr,will
be entitled to revive their pay In type, on purchasing
three Mass the amount of their bill for advenittingp
_ _
a rift Preened.. of th is well known place of resort has
the plea.... of Informing the paha that his exthb-
I meet having been tborooghly refitted and repaired,
and the ground. elegantly laid out and decorated, is
now open for teeir accommodation, and ha flatters mm.
self that those who may favor him with theirpatron
age will find that the deaire, provided In the best
style and on .t
reasonable y
terms. is determined to
.pore no expense in making his establishment worthy
of public patronage. Ile has eccommodatione for
bourding a few families. Ice Creams, and all refrash.
menu suitable to the season, constantly on hand
Monongahela !louse Tailoring Ealab.
- ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to In
J, form the calm. of Pittsburgh and others, that he
is now opening as his rooms on Badlltfield street, un
der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful usortrunn
of Cloths, CessiMeres, Sohn), Silks, and other Vesting.;
together with men other articles a. are required (or
gentlemen , . wear. His goods have been carefully se
lected, and are of the newest and most fashionable
style, as well no of superior quality. HI. customers
may depend upon having their clothes made up In a
manner which cannot hut to gratify the taste of the
TOBACCO --10 Dn Dnoich t Watkine 6a.
9do -do do nava pounds;
6do do do 12. and Ids;
10 keg. No 1, 6 too*
LlO do Pah Cavendidn
6 do do Ping.;
WI Al do 19egars2
VD do baltSpania do; for aala
mg ,
• •
Q. /HOKE 110118E-3aving taken tie lards and corn
-7 tondinna Smoke House and Baton Ituwebonee .4-
bn:dug oar Wareheaue,on Avenel Basin, wwe are pre
pared to awoke and non bacon on reawmanle ten..
marl Canal basin, near 70. it.
roY e7o~s :Deg
uthe School lbws .the Ellza
ard.rJukbuks JO in kL
Pob i uened try STON & eo
mid for
Isle by 11l the Booksellen in the city. Jl3
BROWN& w ft;EJ-14441by,
IV. T. Manta, Pittsburgh;
. Eau, Ptak. & Co, Re r, Pm 1.
Caswitolat& Cas.gmatirs. Cleveland
MEE above Line lo h prepmed to tranaport freight
I. and passengers from Potsburgh and Cleveland, or
my point on the Canals and Lakes.
One boat norm Piniburgt and Cleveland daily, MI,
nickip comeetioluvrith th e steamboat,. Lab e
Michigart, between Pittaborga and Beaver. and a lute
of first clam stem:Monti, propeller., brigs and schoon
ers on lakes Erne , Herm and blielugnn.
Property' forwarded to my par of the Union onth
dispatch, by Will. T. MATHER., or
eor Water and Smithfield eta, Pittsburgh.
AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Beaver;
R G Parks & Co, loungatcom,
DEWarwick & Co. Ilresuir: o n,
A 2c N . Cll:t3;kNovrton Fa 4
i" Lewis, Neseporu
J & E DI Whiulesey, Compbelleposs;
J G Ravenna;
Ml 7 k C A Kern, Franklin;
Miller TottLe. 9 , nyallogn Falls;
Wheeler & Cu, Atc in
1 3 +9 - n . .55. & Co, Sandusky;
R'n[k,ne k En*l , Toledo;
G William. ✓t Co, Detroit, Mich;
lirClurc & William. , Milrvaukit, %Via;
H J Winslow, Chicago, lU, 14.14
18 48 Sla.
• ' ton 113.n.3.0111,11. a 9 X-32ellelfDITIC
THE Proprietors of this old establialted swot dna
Portable Boat Line, having removed their de,
pot in Pailadelpliia, to a much larger W*4:lo=6
on Market n. , than they formerly occupied, and J. in:
creased their room (or wurage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends
Goods carried by this lino are not transhipped be.
careen Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being corrT en
tirely In Portable Section Boata To shippers o flour
and other goods requiring careful handling, thi is of
impart ruico . No charge made for receiving or shipping
goods, ur advancing charges. All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon as reasonable terms its by any oth•
er line.
Crmal.Basin, Peon .t.,
Pittsburgh.Jll:B DAVIS & Co.,
feb.Sl 217 Marke A3 t & 5.1 Commerce et., Ma.
_ _
JOIIN BIeFADEN tt. Co., Forwarding and COVIIITU*-
don Merchants, Cadal Basal; Penn at., Pinsbarga
JAM ES M. DAVIS /t. Co, Flour Factors and Commis.
sion Merchants, 2i7 Market, sold 54 Conneince
Philadelphia_ febiit
.Advmers made by either of tbe above on Flou t
Wool and other descriptions of Merehandise consigned
to them febll4
NOTICE—The subsenhers have disposed of their In
terest in the Penult end Ohio Lino to CLARKE
TRAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this
They will continue to transact hotlines. for the lino,
at their Van/louse on Broad street, at usual, and be
speak for It • conUnuance of the patronage of their
friends. JAMES STEEL tr. Co.
Philaulelpaia March nt.h,1542L
P• 1111 1 ,111. Mikd able Trans ostation Go.
Dreutle Daily Lem of
PIinJLID to TIANTTOILT 000120 esrwne 1T1T1132.11
. .
CLARKE & THAW. Canal Blain, PRobumb.
LEWIS & BUTLER, T.. 19 Market rr., Pkiladetphlo.
STEEL & CO, Aft., Broad street.
COWDEN CLARKE & Co.. 78 North rt., Balt.
PORRICK. Aft, V! Wool strew, New York.
THE subscribers have this day associated themselves
I. together under the style of Icier & Jcuttn, for the
purso of contnming the bovines, formerly earned on
bT name! M. filer, and when a continuance of the lib
eral patronage heretofore extended to the house.
Pittsburgh, March 1, IE4B.
MEI: are prepued receree end forward freight to
Ty Me above one intermediate plce+. with as mach
devatelt, and at as low noes, as any other responsdee
The enema. of skippers wishing aiiieod Pork or D.•
con lo Balumpre to bulk, L pextioolVi regaretmt.
asmad. mew arreatemeate - eutabbres Weeny each
vuelee Wooer fit bet= order dukeleery other lime
IELF—RIk 301 , 7118, Prnetn.
Cand asset 6 at.
rituarugh. blatett 16:17.
sari. IL MIL
IL T. Jon%
gas tioxis-~am~m~ and torarardht u., chants, and Whofatale &alai lzott,
Salt. Pfodace, /O.
Liberal cash utelinersaa conalinMentll. Multi
Ara 1:11.17, iO. DVTILEi Mal CALS. SIMMS PI
To Phlladle pli a ra.l,-• amore,
lEF—^4II.V CRAFT & Co- Cabal liaaw . Plafbint6
Dtmul, HUMPHREYS &Co N 0.147 Market n, C. EL .goosa comer North & Saratoga eta Halt
Join V. Clarke, No 13, o_l4 Slip, ?km Vorg, Alta'
NOTICE—The exyle of ow firma will be knows, from
sad after ,h. date, et rotabargh, LS Henry that
& Co. , ao.diat Pladadelphia,le Datil. Humphreys &Co.
111"-NR1 CRAM
CHAS. lICNEPHHEY'II, /4441146.
MARY GRAFT, Mud. . enarglif
- -
For do 211-413 f Fregritto and /M.
Iloaarhoa & Cam, huladelpdia
Turn & WU' now& Pittsburg&
rrillB old establtshed Una being now ut fun opera
/. 1/011. th e proprietors bave mad. egunnure arrestor
merits to forigard goods any produce c oy despatch-toad
on the most favorable terms. Theyonfidently hope
ti.vr well known promptness In delivering guods—pa.
collar Gaiety ot made of earrytng--eripacious warerunt
oes at teach port. odors:hog u - econroodanons to stupor,.
gn d ost,gerg or produce—to-censer with Men long expo-
Ilene., Grano nre among &mutton to beeline.. wilt aocor g
to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
All mataignments by and for Our line received, char
ge. paid, and forwarded to any truants! Mrectromi free
of charge for coromusion, advatteing or storage.
No Interest &reedy or indtreelly. In steamboara.
All communicanons promptly attended boo nark&
Imo to the toll/yarns sees..
BORIII [nit: A CASH, .e Market at, Philade/ploa.
TAAFFE 4k O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Plusbargh.
O'CONNORS A Co, North q, Ilaltimore.
\rid. H. WILSON, 93 Cedar .t, New York. apli
1848 . . att i ,
Sms well known !Ann, composed of steamboats
Lake Erie and Michigan, between Piusburgh and
aver, and freight and passenger Cana/ Boats be
tween Bearer end Finn, and C ki Reed'. Inm of liral
elms ateamboats, propellers and reseals on the Lakes,
id prepared to eery freight and paascomirs to all pews
on the Mu Canal, and Lakes Ens, Hum. and Michi
Having every facility for eonve7 tog freight and pal,
son is with promptnete and Jispatct, the proprietor
and ageWs respectfully solicit front their friend% e epos
tinuanea of theirpatronage.
C M REED Proprietor.
REED, PAR.II.B 6 Co, fikaver, Agents.
JOHN &CACI:11E1, Agent,
apll ear Water sod Stnithreltiste Pirtatintgh.
alia. 1818. Illati.
To and from the Eastern alien, via Cumberland.
TIIR proprietors of popular ILrr , hare , nnee their
re-organisation largely tuereased their (actinic. to
meet shessisheo of ehippers; and are now prepared to
forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY MB,
as KIWI by additional regular wagon. at low rites.
This line will run throughout the year, delivering
goals through the aircilt• In Baltimore and Fineturgh
to owners and consignees at specified rate. and time.
Shipman hum Philadelphia for the line should be
morkoel 4.2 are, J B Robimen, Balturore."
The only olltmld..._
S Charles s l ßaltlmore.
FSIGERTON & Co, Cumberland.
O W CASS,. Broarnswillk.
fob 4 J C BIDWEEL,
.1 Cumber&ad from the * o f 117eZN '
prin. lhar of Edgerms & Co. Als-
Pittsburgh sod mown merchants or. notified that .1 B.
ly Robotism. No OS Smith Cowles .t Baltimore. I. Do
autlanlard agent of this Lim is, lb. Eastern Mies.
Thscally agents aro
J 0 BlDWELL,Plustiorgh,
0 W CAPS. Brownsville,
EDDA RTON Co Cumberland,
tat= J ROBINSON, Baltimora.
Wwagrems Tr.n. rtation Comp ---,
1848. Out Elaraflila
ald cit.. is 4s,
wts:PligankirairM arm oirto talL Snag.
ARE prepared to transport goods mud produce to and
from Ms Mem e/rles on favorable term. Ad
dress or apply to •
D. rgh.
LEECH &Co, l Hula, Pittsbu
HARRIS A LEMI CanaH, Nm. 13 & IS South Third ot,
J. TAYLOR & SON Agi., No 14, Nab Howard m, Ball
A. ABBOTT', Art, No 7 West street, Now York.
Pittsburgh, Marah Is4a.
Aterahantil.—TTailaportaktion Lln
001)5 consigned to one care will be forwarded
iawithout delay at the lowest cement rates.
Canal Basin, Penn at,, Plusbßb.
and =Market st,
Jeri Sznith's wharf, Baltimore,
ME 1848.
m ai
B ", :f=g a .4 'th roTth an :uoro lar gat a lt ths as . " l, 14°.
daily. Produce and =reassume taken tou:aratnl
Merchimalse from Baltimore brought out at Car7.l
rates 7Thie, five days C BILIVIrELL, As;
Water st, g doom above Maw'. Wage, Pittsburgh.
myl7.. O9 South CharleSALLlattimbre.
Er Time. dazjal r
Aerchipliaairaaapartea ; ram.
, uo•. :;,;,voiterntieDllNClANA.tiox,
; TIMM itt
_ Ligkt
ValuabLi sad. Attractive Anr Hooka.
V iIARTLVE'S Elistory at the Girondias, 3 vola, 1.9
. ,
.Shams' Life of Cher slier Bayard; 12 mo.
'O. P. R. James. irifeofßottry llos Foos* of France,
2 vole-12 mo.
Smith's Consular Cities of ChM.; Wkm.
Nounder's Late ofJesonChnon 8 vo. muslin.
?Senors Fresh Gleanings; or a now Shea/front tEe
old fields of Continental Europe.
Copt. Uenryi Sketches of We Mexican Was: 12 ma.
Gleig!s Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 nm.
A Summer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott, 19 mo.
Slomundi`s Literuntre of the South of Europe.; $ robs
Buxton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Mounter.; 12 ma muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rev. That. Chalmers, D. b.,
L L.D.
The Practical Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, L. L.. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Distort. of New
Luthm•and the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A.,
1 vol..
The Middle Amgdoni, with a new =pot the Empire;
by S W. Williams,2 vols., 12 mo.
The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
12 mo.
The Bethel Flog, by Gardiner Spring, D. D' 12 ma.
Teaching a fieienee, the Teacher an Ani2U by Rev.
The Cow, his Court and FeopleLby John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Shakspeure, by 11. N• Hadwa
The Artists of A men ea—lllastrated with nine mitre
s-logs nit steel, and =nettling sketches of the Lives of
Allston, bonen, West, Stuart, Trumbull, De Vetna
Rembrandt Peald Thos. Crawford; I vol, vo.
The Orators 0 1rance; containing sketches of the
lives of Lamartine,Thiers, Napoleon ' Dayton., Mira
beau, Outset and others, with pottraitsof each.
Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vols. 12 mo.
Headier. {Washington and hi. General; 9 cob, 12t*
Headley's Sacred hfoomalna.
The above, together with • huge colleetionof Stand
ard Works, Classical and School Books, for sale by
1.11 leet works, 4 vols.
Cho.liners' Daily Scripture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry gad gel;
The Conrenyby the author of thoolgirl in Franco.'
Lady Mary, or Not of Word, by Rey C Tay
lor, M. A.
ihtargUret, or th e Pearl,
rk CliMon, or the Merchant's Clerk, do do
Life of Pollok, author of "Course of Tiang"
The Latency, by Caroline Fry
Lectures on Shakspcare, by Ff N 'Judson;
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by J THeadley;
Napoleon nod Ira Marshals do
Washington and his Generally do
Power of the Pulpit, by - Gardiner Spring, D D
Bethel Fag do do
Religion eacing b Examle;
Polpo Ora T tors h of Fia y
nea, by p Turnbull;
Genies of Semiand,
Life of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpy 3 rola
Orators of Franc", Now and Thou; BeLhane's Poems:
3 1 •Y r riUTY1: 1 11rt.Thevr, adapted to Union Questions;
Arthur's Popular Talori--"Riches in the World,"
"glakna Haste to be Rich," "Riches have Wings"
"Seeping up Appearance," "Debtor and Creditor."
For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
jell 78 wood and OG market st
R .
an I d
oe A
f male, a A
lot c-hoice Pianos, with
CEIVED sod without Coleman's Atucchmerit. by
Nunus A Clark, NY. Otte of t Nana &Clark'. Pumas,
web the Attachment, was taken to England ho Mr
C0L...1011 $ and amongmany Other testituontals of ad
miration for tht• elegant specimen of American
and ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from
H. Tbalberg, !help-creed liamat
Losmos, 1843.
:My Dear Ste—ln enclosing • letter 10/an. my (need, Mr
Erand, Paris. 1 entmot refrain from again expressing
to you how much I was pleased with your "Xolian
Attachment," which I Conuder as a great musical im
provement. 1 can assure you that on toy part I shall
with great pleasure do my atroost to make your herrn
bon known. For sale by H KLEBEH,
At Woodurell'a frunnum rooms, 3d at
. . _
NEW BOOKS—Latenotrs in Ell= pa; 07 Sketches
of Travel in France, Belgium, Sortuarland, Italy,
Ausina. Prussia, (;rear BrilllA and Ireland, swath an
appendtt, contasnotg ohserestions on European chan
ges and medical turntuttorsa. By John W Carson, hl D
Anceln, a navel By the author of "Emil, Wynd
ham.' ••Two Old Men', Tales,'. et,.
Self-Control, a novel By Mary Branton, author 01
. Dtsetaltne "
, . •.
Poo 4, The Thou.-and and O, Nigh.. Harpers' II
lustrated ramon
IV th
Oltem e Cons's, a book for childeen. By the
author of - F-lett Herbert," de.
The •toore works =sensed this May and forsale by
ATER' BOOKS--ltlemonale of the Introduction of
hlmlodeson likto the Eastern State, compssang
boographoel notices of it. early preachers, sketches of
Its first churches, end meniniseences of its curly stem:-
des •ed successes; by Re,. A Stever., A. hi. Just
Memoir of Re• David Abeel, D. D 7 limo Misstonary
to China: by his nephew. Re• ( Wllliamaon.
Mark MI/1011. the by R. Charles
Ill's) tor. M A .•uthor "Reeorda o(a Gisod Man'.
^Lad) Mar)." - !slargaret, or the ?cell," ,!" ae
ILe above. wtth n large assortment of new boots., on
nand and mat 'ere: yam ELLIOTT k ENGLISH.
• mn— .58 market at
- E4 NOLIIIII IBUOMS--Ilutory of Um Work Rey.
01111.031. and of Na ware and eampattna atum(
Iron tte alninl(.l of the Groot Maunakokanetpa.
bog thett country from Torktsk Vote—m two 'Dl
ntes—sp;endol Copy with numerous map. and engrk
r nits
Leiter , , :iestrot n( ,•, e yew% of W,lheot 111, from
ICA to sne portroat, .1 vol.
l'empoh.on the .chlv of the Moir heriptores
lictzfy Movhtsy, UtrOng tominee, .nth 50 corm-
font dt tna Ilnly Land French Stage, and Shetehea
in Ctatata Just re< and tdr sale by
mdt, 01 matte t ctn.
- -
LW NO and us conacqueares,
111br G Y H. Jame, Fog
Vaaio FS, a novel wither. a Hero: by Wdliarn
Niatepeare Thacker, wort ohms - ano.
Edoratn.l Vero..., Coartrie rhory: n
by E V ett,ld•
../.17 of we Yen,ronoor War by General Charles
WtOlara Vane. Nl•rquos of Iroodanderry, G. C
C Colonel of ...4e tar fleet LH. Guard&
The above Wort. OW day and for eby
6reek Coueur , lance of the New re 113111.13
an ancrapt at a v.... 1 connr , tion bemeaa the
a„d Te•ata--01.4-11.10tvi • coneordsuse
Proper Name, arab lade set, Oreck•nngloilt, •
hsn.Greet. Jan reretvcal and for sale by
tar& Booksellers, ear market and 3d ats
Merolla Prams Plane. _
MRA SPL/iiNDID assortment of Rowe
wood and Alsasogatiy grand sou. Pi
anos, pot finished and GM sale.
Also, iwo *Venda! Rosewood Pianos,
with Col.esnates celebrated ...tali. attachment, finished
in the most minium style. and far sale at
ie23 P DLO I r ll3, 119 wood st
: 11 m.s.r.'ll=2=l3 1848 -
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Caps. Ford.
OCEAN, Caps, Worley.
0 pl ‘ Lo n ( d. tn y e . a e berr c. e r Fxt zs d leava ve ße n az i r evert day,
t l 'arren. eer< they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveiand. ammtng at each of thew plitees
before, mita. One of the P.a.:lBlm. Warren
s p m., and arrive ml Beaver to ulna to take the
t.rF I TTN I t74I.7, h iT
M T—AVIA/R, P'P6'.""
Canal Packet— yo. . va.L , CT- 'leaflike;
~LAZ. Tatbrouen, Pollock;
" Troby;
" Perron., " Drown;
^ Foancon, Bayer.
The above near and splendid Pasatinve Packets have
running between BEATER AND,EfUE
and will run regularly donng the season—one boar
leering Mc every morrung at o'clock, and one
ing Heaver every evening,lmmedlatety alter the soh
•al of the steamboat Michigan from Pitisborgh.
The boats, are near and romfortably famished, and
will run through: n forty boon. Passenger. to any
point on the Lak or to Nlagan Fall., sill And this
route the most comfortable and espeditiong Tickets
through to all pone on the Lake nut be procured by
applying to the propnetnrs.
PEED. PARIABik Go, Beaver.
JOHN A CAUGHEY, Ark Pluiburgh,
cor Water and sts.
AG EN - M-4as C Harmon N Y.
C II Reed, Faie, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville, Ps;
Wrarland arid Xing, Bligllend, Pa;
Hays & Plumb, Ph b arge, Pa;
W C bon , Pharos •
D C :Unthaws, Pulaall,
R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. GI
atit=l 1848 . ftilak
laft.halYlLL, rot iiii.2l.6=Porra2lo.l WAYll.llam
BTWEhII Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Ho.
Lidaysburgh,Water street, (Huntingdon Co)and Pe
Tine Line was formed exclusively for the special ac
commodation of the way bushiest!. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re.
calved during the last two years, would respectfully in
ferno their friends and the public that they are now still
betterprepared to deliver goods at any point on to
Canal and Rail Ru•ds, with promptness and dostuft
. _
. .
Pickororth & Wood., Johnaioara.
John Miller. Holltdepthargti.
C A fit`Anully k Co, canal - basin, Piimbargh.
Ruicactraa—Pittgairlh—Smith & Sinclair, J 1c J
hlclJaviti; O & J H She:ambers'', R Robinson & Co; Et
Moore; ,l, r i t m ey .t & m Sau e‘ th . Joho Parker; Wai Lehroef &
Panuaylvaxila Canal az Mal Road Ma..
pressyast Packet Line,
1848, MAIM
(Exclusively for Passenes.)
tiff:lnd:fie are respectfully informed that
sa d Line
will commence running on the Irld ittst, d can- throughout the Beason.
Tha boats are new, and of a superior dass, with a,
rged cabins., which will give greater comfort. Th,
re are the lomat COlll.l/11.1011.
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are Pb.
guested to call and examine them before engaging pas
•Waerel"ownlhyu n dollars e lne dolla through.) One of the berms of
this Line will leave the feeding (opposite U. & Hotel,
corner of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine at.
clock Time 3f days. For lnformati_ ,on apply at th e
()Mee, Monongahela House, or to 1) LDFI.:CH &Co
mg 3 Canal Basin.
Paglienaralr and Remittance Office.
ihNRDEN it CO. continue to bring persons
from my pan of Englimd, Ir.llend. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most Ilberal Senna, With their
amid panetnahry and attention to Mclean. and cons.
fon of entiOlgiltatl We do not allow our,masener s to
be robbed by the swiedling mums that infectt& sea.
ports, as we take charge of them the nument they
al re.
pon thorruelvos, add see 1.0 their 'bein g . oo d
palish them without my &minim by ,the fi, o , ad o ,
We say ;this feulesaly, es we defy one or our
sere to show Mai they were detained 1e hours by as in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others Ware detained
mouths, until they could be sent in some old craft, at .
eh 4 p rate, which too frequently proved their
w o woad to perform our contra= honorably, aosi
what ill SRO andnot act as eras the mule last season,
„rf„,„„,„.omcwsr ho either performed not all, or
when It salted their convenience..
Drafts draorn 'at Pittstmstt for karma' fmm to
o k o lid e altar of ilutireminefid Ruth /a Ira
seothendand Wales: •
.11X1111A ROMISON,
tirkStal, C rtg WOE+.
_ cs
l o t
• -
Tux Proprietors hare spent conch tout
in Mitigate Iles preparation of Ssassexatita ;
to its present state of perfection ; and the exPerlande
of fourteen years has furnished them dui most.ample op
portrmity to study, in their various forms, thodismitteg for Which it
is recommended, and to adapt 0 exthtly to their relief and cure. Ea-
Vents who wish a aastt v Goon Medicine am Invited to give it a trial, and satisfy
themselves of its superiority, and the invalnable property it portant= of arthedrill
and curing disease. The bottle hes been enlarged to hold ONE QGART, and in ite
present improved form may safely claim to be the sour and cmgays.rr Michelin of
the age. Its progress to the fame a has attained maybe traced by a long hub of fart'
and rums, that stand as landmarks and bearers for she invalid. *rains the way to
the be of health.
The To Iltrormg to from Col. S. G. Taylor, • gentleman of high standing thdPvt"'”tian
acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appaittled Consul to New Granada:
Messrs. A, R. & D. Saves:— Nes York, Amway 9, 1848.
0 mrrtawsa,—Having used, and witnessed the effects of}roar excellent preparation
of Sersaparilla on different persons to various parta.of Southern coulfty9l„,_,a 7 -•
Virginia, Lantana:la, Tessa, and Mexico, I feel much pleathre in stating the men
opt.. entertained of fts great medicinal value. In my own case it acted almost
like • charm. removing theedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in
the most agreeable manner, a tonic and Invigotatin influence.
Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved mod rely used by the IL States army
to Mexico, and my COllll3O, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the paat five
th e
Deco in the habit of using it, and recommends the same he and myself adopted the
article at the same time, and is now considered ...hunt indispemsable tue=
In the army. In conclusion I would say, that the better it is known the more
It will be prized , and I trust th at Os health-restoring
.virtnes will make It generally
known throughout the length and breadth of our whinly-extentled connhy.
Yours very respectfully, S. 43. TAYLOII,
U.S. Consul to New Granada.
~..Sore. re , Com., .fwenc,
Messrs. 8.1101 -- Gentlemen—ltympathy for the m ad induces me to tomrm you
of the remarkable cure effected by our Persapartlla in the case of my Wife. She
was severely affllmal with the on different tarna of the body ; the glands of
the neck were greatly enlarged, mid heramba much torollen. After suffering Ms/
year, arid ending no relief from th e nettled/. used, the disease attacked treareg, and.
below the knee suppurated. Her phyalsan advised 11 should be laid which was
done, but without my permanent beriodit. In ads tine:lon h o and were
induced to me Sarmpanlla. The 11,st bolts twootaisi a a and favor
able effect, relieving her more than any p -...reentrition Me had - ever taken and before
she had used sa bottles • to the astonishment and dedlight of bar friends, she found her
health mote restored. Its now over a year since cure mu efferaed, and her
health remains good, showing the di:commis rho hi Gszazawt from the Grew.
Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and Mak Lome
it arslzsala , a n ot
blessing to the age. Your,withrupee',
Extract from a latter received from Yr. .N. W. 8.114(1, a gemilomati well kturirn In
Louisa county, V. :—.• I hare cured a nave boy of mine With yoUr Sarsaparilla,
who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours Duly,
" haisrickr• V., !sly 17, 11148." r • N. W. Brat- • IS •
The follmaing testimony from Rev. John Olio, late Rector of the Church of the
Oneidalou in this city, commends itself to the altenthm of the afflicted. Numerous certificates of cures of venous diseases effected. by WI. medicine Me Mood dip
Mews. Samos —A member of coy family has taken saleable Sarsaparilla for
a severe scrotal°. affection, An. with the most benegoW effect re:tilting from U.
use. It wires me rug great pleasure to record my teat l mes. in behalf of its strum
and efficacy, hoping as others may be induced to mate • trial of It.
Nes York, May 10, 1848. JOHN ORIOG.
Ileum. A B. Br. D. Saabs Plarwiek, Oct. 8, 1847.
G uneaten— Feellnp of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment
of the truant I have dermed from the use of yqur Sentapardta. I have for remand
year, been afflicted with scrofulous swellinge Eh my bread. which at tinap wield
gather and discharge at my throat, nose, and can, aml al others would beech 4701 in
different parte of my face and head. Th continued until my threat, ace, and
head were almost one complete gore, and f or a long lime I was so hoarse that It wee
with the inmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper,
_During this Was 1 had
several attacks of pleurtsy and other dmeases. 1 consnlted different plays:Want, and
tiled rations reinies. but reared no benefit until I commenced yOiff Sang
parat. I 119 now well ; the sore. are all healed, and 1 =Ulnae the mull entirely
to the effects of your valuable medicine.
Soma, with respect and grataudn, PRIBE CAIIOON.
Hems pemona ll y acquainted with the person shore named, I believe her statement
to b y e
CofteCL. JAhIEB M. D. CADS, Itmlini of the PesnA
PlirtklLlED AND MU), W111:11.131•LI AND ILETAII, IT
A. B. & D. SANDS, Dacoulsra. AND Canners,
ioo FCLTOS vT., coas. or WILL-Lary Now You.
Sold also by Drugotsta generally tttrougbont els [failed Eltstas and Canada.
Pme II per Bottle • wo Bottles for $3
Q 3" For sale
sts . also, eoru.
corner orblaek
in Pinabnrgb. wholesale and retail, by LL A. FALINESTOCR, A. CO., earner of Wood and Fro
rof Sixth and Woad sua by WII.COX. Jr.. comer of linsitlidield and Fourth sta. and al
et sr and tne Drarnond. also. by EDWARD FENDERICI-I,cor Alononsrala House. no:
—The a oprecredente,l Scirces4 arhxh has
tiva of me
"rso TIM
tended the
rt ail the r
stmt., hl
lon to [hog
. .
forms which Irnsnuon of the lungs az
laduend the onspsnetor again to tall anon-
The ehanrrable .audios anuq marks our fall and
rioter months, is alsvay• • frortfal source of
d Them, lf neglected, are bat the precursors or that tell
the eneetinn, awn, how shall we of the destroyer in
ooe hod! how naafi we get clew of oar coughs sad
de.. of alai Importance to the public
will be (000 d m the Gmeeng Panacea. In proof of ale
we have from tune to ume poi:Salmd the certificiaws of
downs of our best known citizens, who have roped
uwed it. corolla, powers These, with a ma. of tee
snotty from all pane of the conotry,—from
thenon of OillaPeL he., together wok curia. noi
tea from the
Ise ham embodied to pamphlet fora, and may he had
g nu. of any at ant a g e.o throughout the mmHg.
Imre been used In thle city.
throughout the Caned Suttee and Canada, and we chi
en any man to point out a
ewhich, when taken amoral o, to direettona and be
the Imp had become ruaite diampumed, is hal
ever raged to
Why, then. need — the maimed hesitate! VP by resort to
lie unsembLe now.ruens, gotten up by .tax own to Urid•
axle • ter the assumed name of some m •Inastri phy.
Semis and puffed Tote flOKlrlety by eenificato• r. par.
emu cqsally unknown? Whilst • medicine of
a to be had, whose Touchers •• re at homm—our has te
tion v —eimity of whom o has
In order that dds invaluahla medicine may be planed
enitin the mach of the pr or u well the neh, Iwo has.
put the pricezt
ten one half the usual east of rough medicine. it 111
for sale by oar kr, r tnh in nearly every town and village
Over the west, who ate prepared to gore fell informs
don relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway. Cincinnati. Oh io
lort:011Ot A. trirollatoll ova P r OILICLINO.
Ogie• at the Exchange, Baltimore.
EDUCED FLATI-M.—The charges have been redo. on all Messages to or (rote Bohm:tore, %is
:ZieoralM:gan7/14'at'd=rtnIdt'4"rom Lt:r.
theme West of rittsbtaigh, P.
RATl3.—The charge for a telegraph despatch to Or
ham fililtnnore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling. is 15 cents
for the first won words, and 3 cents (or each additional
11:7- No ebarge is made for the address and aigua-
Until the completion !Ishii South Western Lins ofd
Telegraph from hie pin. Tr.., to New Orleans, des
patch.. can balers...Trion to &tempts by this rout. , , and
maibid for New 0n... a ell
A Challenge to the World.
TWENTV•FIVE IY A...LARS will he paid to .7one
who will Pniduera spot of paint, great,. or dry, that
camel he eXtractei, with Hoit's Improved 1 - Aestalcal
Soap. I have the witisfaction of saying us UM people et
this place, daat Ibia amble, by my own improvement on
it, now meads unrivalled to due country for eaanrcurtg
Veto' tlax, paten, ed, paint, or nay other greasy aut.
stance, tram all lunds accede:nee' or ladies' cloth ing rnrgr la, ,
table cloths, merino .bawl:,, ladies' bonnets,
, widieat &Gering anything that pore water will rut
tr,ere. Morn than one thousand pennon in different
parts of tho country have told lac they would not be
without It; if It coat one dollar per cake. In trytitins
Soap on more than 300 articles of light rills, satins, id
pumas, end calicoes, I have wily found three pieces at
snit, two of alpmca, and four of calico, on Nil tett it'
changed the colon therefore before potting it on t'. light':
dress try a sample of the dress fint, 1 state dila on mum
1 am determined not to recommend it any stronger than
I know to he strictly true N H 114 rr.
Price, 10k cis per c.o. :old, 'who E
lesale t
dec24 57 wood st
The Allegheny Cemetery.
AT A. mannal meeting of the Corporator., held on
the 6th MIN the following permma were um ut
stousl y re-elected Managers for the enacting year:
THOMAS tit. HOWE, Preodent.
f l
.1.1511 Z R. SPEER,
J. PINEY., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer.
The tunmal ointment presented the affairs of the
Company in a very prosperous condition. Them office
to the city is No. 37 Water surer Mtn
CARINILT LI HttAit 1, tor — nchoot.iou
Punitilles—This work consists of twenty volume*,
and contains five hundred cliff erent aobtects, illeurated
with fat engraving.. It is an entirelyoriginal acne,.
amenity canton and completed lay S CI Goodrich, au
thor of liner Parley's Take, and Is designed to exhi
bit, In a popular form, Seder t Ilteenaphica, ancient and
modern; the wonders and curiosiues of History, Na-
tuns, Art, Science, and Phi loutphy, with die practical 1
duties of lif.
'the price per Vol. to 76 mas, each containing about
320 pagan, L• or 810 per st. For aide by
oct2 R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th st
Eriliware•-•ol4e.per then Eve..
LWAN, WILON a CO., Importers and Whol es ale
Dealers in lianiware, Cutlery and Sat!ditty, No
Ige Wood sweet, shove Fifth, have now in store a very
cheap and well selected stook of Hardwana , Imported
since the decline prices in Europe, and ',Weft they
are determined to all correspondingly low. Merchant,
who have been n the habit of going Fast, are parkca
larty requested to call and look through ma stock, as
we confidently believe they will save their expencsa.
MIXPE/LIENCEID Judges, on a mal of one and a half
1 - 24 Malian, does 1044, pronounce this Miele Qatar-
PS/BV/ fm durability to the construetiou of all kinds of
Price *A73 cnb for loads of 14 to, guar
month. use. Orders for • IleCend qll2llllty
Bolivar Bricks will be executed at LW per At, if set de
sired, without goaranwe A stock of the first quklity
is now for sale at the warehouse , 'Nome, Wharf , Ca
rtel Ruin, by .1 sti4-hucLAREN
ptktf Kensington Iron Wprke
iptiCEWILFIRE BRICKS—The subscribers hoeing
bee. appointed sale Agency ; the manufacturers,
or the sale of the celebrated Phottdz Bricks,. are
now prepared to All orders for any queenly, et. 001,
cash, per I,ootl. Poe the constructlan of furnaces of
all kiwis, three brush have been pronounced by erns.-
petentjudgesaebe ing supertor to all other fire bricks
now in rise. Ci t N'ANULTY d Co, Canal Rode.
ir.TALIC 011111 ELASTIC BOOTS—I do pairs
Oentlentens. Soots, just rec'd and for sale at As
Rubber Dept a, No &Wood sum.
9023 J a FULLUPO
llnt.iltsariall. Bier. CO, Pa.
TAW F.DWARII ACKER, takes Hos means of re
-I_l turnms hut thetas to his (muds and the public
for the eatenalve patronage he has received, and of in
tanning them that he has lately erected a large and
ra ell constructed Witting, for the eiclUsiVe purposes
of his WATER CURE keTAIII,ISH3IENT, at Los old
lomolon. u Phallipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio neer, oppo
ore the steamboat landurg at Bearer, where he is ready
to ovelye patients. Weeders. and Ural them on Hp.
. . .
dmpathie pnnciples. in addition to hi, long eaperi
rime, and the great forces, which bas heretofore at
ended hi. treatment of patient, committed to his cans,
he has now the addinominellities armled by an ca
tmint* building erected sigprenly for Ma purpose, 0011-
muting cooditrom and any rooms, atallsrtell up with
etery eessar7 apparatus for bathing, and ddenhils
tering the treatment to theintmon benefit and comfort
of the patient. Philtipsbargh nu moat delightful and
healilly coop Glances. by steamboat., and af
fords fine and wholesome. venter. Dt. defier mamas
those afflicted penom who may place themselves un
der hit, care, that etery ant-titian nail be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance of the substantial benefits
to be dented, he points with confidettert to the 000-
drecis who have been permanently rated at his estate
;ailment The Want Care 1040.110 tulutiosts effects
behind, as is 100 often the cam with thole who have
been treated on the old system. hrpmoves the di. ,
ease. invigorates dm system, pmtens from the dangers
incident to changed of the weather, creates soonest
and active appeute, andimpans vigot to the digersttve
polvers. Terms of treatment and 11.10111 remanable
For farther particular* inquire at theesta liahment, or
address, the proprietor at ThiGicisburgh.
We have been Informed by Alta. Rose of a eons per.
loomed on her by Dles Jaymera Alaarative s which
proves its superiority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been arlbeted he the Last sixteen years
with AFCIIMES at WHITE SWhI.LINGS, attended
lents ulcerations and enfobation of verities bones, du
rang which Limemariy plecci have beeritiisharged nom
the neural bode of the cranium, frohbeth her arms,
lariats and hands, and foot both lege, indirect the len
femoral hone, and from the right lumen besides painfal
atom on other pans of her person, whichhave batlhat
the still or a aambeir of the most manse et physiciannoi
our Mb—during mess of the the herauternig• beer
been attenuating and deplorable. Atha three months
since she was induced to try Dr.JaYim's Alterative
whieh4tas had an uhnshingly happy elleet upon her,
by ring all pain he swelllags, and , eausing the
o leers to heal, while the same LIZ. 'fief general health
has become completely restored, so that she now weighs
lb. more than she did before she CoMecneed the nas
of due traly valtuctaprepaµori.--(1 Eva. POst.
For Lather informatlon, Inquire of Alta Rose, No.
Filbert st, Philadelphia
For Weis T".b 3, 1.4 u the TEMPI TEA STORE.,
32 To:alb ta. iltAr Wood. .3
INGS.—Scrotch in all its mUltiplied forms
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements . . th e
g h a e o u d• or tum bones, Goitre,
WhitaZ o t tir 0 1. ,
elllngs, n s ro pine nir ,
lor of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
nod the same most which is a poomeons principle
more or less inherent in the human system. There.
fore. unless OM princlifie can be destroyed, no mill.
cal cum can be effected, but the Principle upon
which the disease depends, is gemoverl, a core
must of necessity follow, no matter under what lona
the disease should Manifest itsell. Thin, therefore
is tie reason why JAYNE'S ALTlalifirt is so em
vernally succeaftil in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from
wince those diseases have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
the minutest fibre, remotion elegy -parlide of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
I South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. TS:Fourth .tree.
Pittsburgh '• inchfil
LADIES Who Dee Common Prepared Chalk, are
often not aware how frightfially injOrlorta 't la
the Man! how wane, how rough, how callow, )ellow,
and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepared
chalk: Besides, it minium., containinkalarge gams
dry of lead. We hate prepared • beautiful vegetable
article, which we tall JONEg'S SPANISH LILY
WHITE: It is perfeetly Innocent, beingparldedwf all
deletorto.qualtues, and if impa rt s to Me 40Mo natu
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living while, atthe same
tune acting as a ecuirectio on the akin,making 11.0(1
and smooth.
Dr. James hnaerion, Practical Chemist of MY.-
hasetta mys; "After utalya.r.g Jonestaftwinish
White, I find It po.easea the most beatitilal and Alta
rat, at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I
certainly can .nseienuously recommend Its use to a//
whom skin raptures beautifying."
0-Price is cents a box.
laW - Sold by JACKSON, at Ida Dem and Shoe
Store, 69 Liberty welt,. head of Waal, a t the sign of
the Bug Boot.
Ladles. ladles, Pmastonlabed,
When Too kneaMhat yen arepreentad
A nataral, snowy white,
That you will still use common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright, •
The theme or laaghter end ortalk.
. 0 /fdr d e g u iv wou e
r ld r. ri k aa .
in bez . o bu f b e , S ,
and at the mama tint and i ter Zprove It. Sold ai
.lACKSON'S, OP Liberty at. Pace rieent• per box.
o. u3k Want strain, one door south of Diamond
LI alley, Pinsburch t Pa r , offers for .flea Ile lot 01
Urns,OdiCtitCa, 0011, Pairdlrmithes, .estudi
and Perfumery, Poor and vatic. to w he
calla the auentino of remits, physicians and mar.
chards mailing the city, as be is dournaltied. to sell at
very loin plums, and give genteel satisMetion Goods
want:mum and cheap; Yamish No. I cad 2,.N. York
matititactnro; also Japan and Black Leith. Varnish
es, of =parlor quality, Also, Whimand, Bed Lead at
Prtoos lower man henrustore offered. a M. also
manufactures Alorgan's celebrated Cough Byrop,which
has Iflyort prearal satisfaction to all m the eurang of
toughs, colds, boarsedem, ladaeaca, whiiapih
Croup, eIL; pnCO :CS cents per bottle. nolo, mort's
Indian Liver Pills, a kerma mare for hoer comp aim,
sick headache, and fabulous complaints. Price 23 cts
per box. sorb)
Dr.W. P. lasletittPe Premium Pltsater.
UK. %V. P. INLAND, of the Median! Collegb bf Phil
adelphas, now Wary to the public hi, Indian Vet
enable Peetuntat Planter, the qualaie of-which after
long and tried experiebeo, bus been satitraebartli es.
tabbabed. To all *omen who snap txt iullitted 'fhb
Prolapsua Uteri& or Palled Wong., be reel:m=lWe hie
plaster, resrauneeing •ure and speedi , eure in the
abort apace of Prow bee to-thee week., it %died with
and reat—lllseartitiv all the mutant& lehxnenta
and expension bandages an long In WM Thin he feels
conscientious lu stating, Inasmuch is be has not felled
te one ease out of three hundred and illtr-thite pa.
Also for Rh wahhtuttti twit Weak Breast-or Back, In
tended with paw, them Is nothing to one! this Plasm
to sfordlus relief= euchre • cure. Pashto by
L Wikar corner of Dismood and Martel of
ltrsun k Reiter," Libenruul Bt. Clair sit
Dr J Federal st and Wawa; All.;
'bear ctry
Jacque* &Co, 0 Deillals BfrOZiAg
haes. • 4 ; 4113
A OII - ' , 4 ;1% , Ft.::: ~ : :, . ., .. ., .. ;, ,... .zn^f., - --- --f r'' ' ..,- D...,- - ~ ....-,---......_......L.. - '
. .
o OSEAT CURL, Pt. 9,6 6 . 1 .1 .1 6 1 = 1 Intrite -
A aa d sem= /sin7,-17141‘,9,4.1.,.!1P4 ,114 P71 14 .t . I A *
• Mum , Tagroitilingtoordand 4 ll i
Mr. R. E. Sslow—A =met dity hi loymiand
induce.= toadd tol l. t mmt. testimony= 6trareryourjestly
calehrated Liver PIM. 1 hoe deterred &bats° ire years,
tether*, Davy ereekett's maidas, elm ono
you an rigid,
th st , so ahead! , blow or the stony preparattoos of
mar eod Lltiestolsei
!bar...M g srW ',arrive Um CI,. IP llq = en lust
you reptant them to b. 1 haw been afilieted untie Lire,
Compabt Gm my youth; have nalfened much; etopk7ed
ism =Mem physicians, to whom I paid much money; hava
lost mach Wadi been vomited and physieked alma to death;
obviated 5 ore tas% end goallypren up arineurehle. jet
1,6-71 was Wooed to tamer Lime Ms, and SOON
WELL. Owe toed waiettimersedrient tokspni clear
of pa= in the side,and all the other rims.= 4:ot at Ins t
moths- Your Pilismahnthebenteathonle liets.tts. •
being oaf s notsriping or giviashrteeht skin= et th e stow
ach,but sive toe much rebel - 16am kept them in my non
for 6 er ?yearn sodd bruidreda or boss; mod halo greet
heard a sive oomph= by
by my me who hes mat
alum. They ham saperceded Mum every otherin tbis
usighborhendond In atomism mat banish thesna/L
madly moonnamd Meat to ell pent= mediog physic,
whether COr Lim Comphlntor I ma
eider them dsr superior to Csdnesel or the Blue PitL Deepest-
J L hloaats
fh t l / 1 1516-1.6 thou are other PEN beim the WI&
eau,. Liverralh, palm who went thiGENUlNEtheald
sek Aar surdtame other than thon proposed awl old by a
gWadi spr .
1 . 00 ‘,N0 Weed-et bet proposed
Third sad /hares
Baldby Dr. Cagan, Pink D&I Conn, Alkshely
! ,15
To the Medical Profeados
irIKEIVn FARINA, now in arc . IMOlosle:
sylo ens, arid other public establiehmence and
reemsontuded by some or the mostllminguiehed phy
sicians and chemists, as an article of dint for children
and Melilla, touch superior to arrow root, saga, etc.
o ar more strengthening, pleasant to the Mate, and be y
f digestion. Pot op in 21 lb. boxes of half lb. oven,
each accompanied with printed directions for rooting,
bebig, In his Agricaltural Chemistry. p. 19, Phil. ad,
- Children fed upon arrow -root, salcp, or indeed any
kand of amylidaceous food, which does tontine Inger.
diem. Eased for the formation of booa and muscles,
become fat, and acquire much unsorremar; {heir limbs
appear fall, bin they . do not acquire strongth, 'nor Mr
their organs properly developed^
In the analysis oldie Parini made by Piot Heidi&
Now York, among other coustinaems, he gives Id per
cent of glatten and Whet:nem 'and'remarts that the
claim of the Farina upon the /lenient Profossioo and
the public will rest upon its contalintur, the glutton
and albumen, vegetable abrine mtd other hitrottriined
bodies wt forms; in arrow, root or similar annitlancas,
and which modem chemistry has pointed Out u being
necessary to the. formation of human faro, and
means of which aware makes up for the constant
wunt that takes place In the liaman body. Pm sale
wholesale or retail, by R E
se FELLEES,ptd ar wood st
Great English Remedy.
VOA Coughs, Wile, Asthma and Cause:modem The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the
above disease., is the IWNGARLiN BALSAM OP
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated:ON •Ltanhaa r of
London, England ; and introduced into the United States
under the immcdtateauperintendencenftheittvantorhs
The extraonlinary saccess of this medicine, in tiZ
mire of Pulmonary diseases, asthenia the American
Anent in solictung fot treatment th e want potable ca.
that can be foundin the community—cases that seat
relief in ..It. from any Of th e common remedies-of ths
day, and have been given apbyphe moat disdngatthed
physicians as confirmed and incurable. The - Hangstri•
an Ileum has cured, and trill eon:ions, toast
of eases. It is no quael nostrum, but a standard
lisp medicine, of human and established etfloseye
Every - famlly lathe United State. should be .supAled
with Buchan'. Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only In
counteract the cottsompuve tendencies of dm - elheaer
but to be used as a preventive medicine In ell gaspj
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in tlidshle
chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, brochttis,
dilhculry of breathy, hectic fever, nightsarems, entaal.
s ton h azd u ireneral debility, asahnut, induensa, whooping
slid laZ e tttlea, at SI per bottle , with . &II dime. •
lions (hr the restmation of health. •
- - ••• • • ••-••
Pamphlets, containing a masa of English •cdAldeti
ean certificates, and other evidence, showing thousx
equedled ments of this gnat English Remedy, foal bp
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously.
For mile by H A PAHNElfirl'fff & Co.,' camera.
st end Wood and 'Wood and dill sta awe
RO.ll the Rev ASA SHIN N, n well known and pop
S' el. Cleiesintaldf Metteteetaniblethadlet Chord
The undetVgned having been afflicted during Mantel
winter with a disease of We stomach, sometimes pro
ducing great pain intim stomach for tenor sweivehouts
tiwithou ntermiser km, end After having sled mina*
remedies with Hide effect, was fonasted with a Setae.
of Dr U Jaynes Canamatare Erdman Thisbe used sr
en Wawa. the directions, and found invariably Matilda
medicine caused the pain to abate in three or MeV min
lime, and in.-Aileen or twenty ininutesevery uneasy
emmation woe entirely quieted, Tee medicate was Id
terwaramtud Whenever (edit:mien of the approach of
pmowere perceived, mid the pain was thereby prevent
ed He continued m use the medicine every 0 ..0 1 4
' and immediate to the moraine, and fa • few weeks
health INS SO far reamed, that the sufferer was DINS
ed from a Imps totem of oppressive, pain. Front ex
perieuee, therefore, he ear eonfidently reCOMI,Nrid D
ID Jaynes Carminative Hallaco , N • salutary medlcin
for diseases tithe stomach and bowels. A SHINND
Allegheny. eity.,o3l
For sale inflateinargh at the PERIN TEA , UWE
13 Fourth street, near Wood, and also CIND111(
Store ofH P SCHWARTZ, Federal street. Allogrway
lurn_ 0. F.. 51171312 P— /3101..
Dear Sir. Last Spring, and dm
151. nag the melon. winter, 1 was severely allihned
%with • wrofalous complaint in my legs, and had been
for some months wider the care of physicians. Thoy
said miresse was almost incurable, and they could do
but tittle for me. I was nearly helpless, bat with the
ant of enttches could with dlffettlty me about In Map
... fed
last, 1 of you, and commencedne.w Bart
rm.'s 11112.1. Alter the use of two boWea, the
sores aced healing, and I laid aside my stretch.
erne• only a cane. /dispensed with my !sane, and •
e d of the fourth, mu go well as to asset all day
In shearing eheep. In all, I used five bottles. The
scrofula and sores have all healed up, and since last
summer I have seed
no appearance of the disease, but
have continued. and ma now, in Met:nom perfect WON
I stnte with confidence, hoping that others may bebc a,
efluod in the one.. way, Mai the Sarsaparilla sold by
you, has been the means and= awe j ene of eked,.
rag the cum. CO 8095
For sale wholesale and retail,' by
&kw B...LES/IN - /Qintex i Co
. _ . . . . . _.
FINE Pgiurunuenar—
Cream de , Amanda Antere, shaving;
Cream • la Rose, for shaving;
• Almonde Cream, do
ettPerfstM Stooge, ou Porcelain stands;
Ea cp.... e .
.1 cuat,bap, pe4uuned nth Lavender, Auer
terre su ,•
Ilea:W(41 powder putts, of all patterns;
I , 7nbotaed toilet boxy*, containing fragrant extract,
for the handkerchief( a oast hag, and toilet soaps, smh
able for errant..
Pnictm, or Chinese powder;
/alma vegetable hair oil,
Rear% m holy or common wrappers, (row went
'drßbnLLone& &rapt Nymph *Gap; Soso Lip solve;
aoag, Soda amp; der with a great va r i e ty
ofluA petilunerf: pa s t receivedi for sale by
nvl6 me fhh tr, wood au
Pulmonary Salaam.
RIMY ft CUTLER—I feel It a duty I
ay owe to my fellow creatures, to state something
more respectirg your Vegetable Pulmonary /30sron.
Since I first a the Behan., eboto eleven Yen/
o re
the happy effect of which then gave an acebm 4 I
have bad several severe eomplaints and attacks at my
longs, one a few days Wont, and in every Insnotee 1
Mee used the Balsam Mono woh complete and perfect
success. It hes elected relief and core in a very few
My. It iseenskly a safe medicine. 1...d0 not know
that ti will cam a hoed ectitsumption, but I believe it
will be in moiety cases a preventrve and prevention Is
bettor than core; do therefore, for ' the love of my fel
low men, earnestly recommend the um of this bloom, all pulmonary complaints. I am confident that it
has been the mean. of preserving my /ifs in due day.
Boston June 16, 4.6. BENJAMIN PARSONS,I
For sale by B A Falmosteek, Co, corner fi rst nod
wood and alto corner wood. and Oth. dada
C'Euglps imppvtAL COUtill SVRUl'.—lt has
power to mere! Prmastrmu, Feb. 14, 1147.
R. R sameen—.ldy wife has thr year. beet. subject
the cu rt di flr Oritie r h o'g sb used itcree d t w e i torredl 6 4
end r ild the advice of the moat eminent L' pkyal e clatur In
England, bat all woe unavailing. By chance I hoard
at Tom Imberial Crawls Syrup, and was named Minty
bottle 611 trial, although I had no belief that oupthing
could removeher complaint. To my great sutpme,
two doses gave her immediate relief. She is tot times
troubled with a cough, but two teaspoonsfld of Syrup
aivrays sum. it. lam satisfied, after a trial of Ma ssa or
tour years, that Saner.. Cough Syrup is the beet cough
wednune I have ever tried, either to the Old or New
World. Fatolibtreno,
Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above eertificate should induce all who are
troubled with much or asthma, to give the Syrup a tn
si. It may be had for 2.1 recta a horde, at the drug
awe of ". R E MILLI:a:, 67 wood 0.
bold by Be Ceased, 11th ward, and Dll Curry, Ade •
gbany city. And
Patent Block Spriag Vests*,
EWLY DIVENTED--For the relief and Permanent
I. Cure Of HERNIA 'or RUPTURE. Malted m all
the superior ela/ma of this Trues consist In the aOl3l
- eats with which a may be worn. Tao port of
woad being neatly bolaneul on springs, yields to pro.
lute 0 6 any pan of it, and strosonahly infants Itself to
gal movement made by the wearer. !Cum he worn
without intermlasion, swirla care teelfeete4. Trio sub
ser.bera hare mane otrangesuents for the rolnuramain
al these Sob:table 'Prams, lea aupenor style,in•Plotof
lelpma,and ii hove them now torso!. as their afte,No.
ft, b aitth.Pel at. cum Ciall, Pnwborgh.
1.30 D. Me. KAUFFMAN.
QELLERSS VEILMIFUGE—J•Suponor to any r have
eve/ FF
Graßa Tr., Payettooonnty, Po., fd. t ord,
Mr. R. E. ru.scsa—l bareby comfy Max lbw. wW
your Vermi in my family, and bobcats itegotd, It
MIL superior to an hart evor used. I ewe to out my oluldrou ouo dam, 'which expelled abotrt SO.ortub.
Prepared add told by R nELLERS, 67 Wood at.
Sold by lhCassel, :Mt Ward; it oarry .. , Allogkeny;
W J Smith, Tempornocevdlo; and e Drava' gal.
renaerille. nays
SYRINOkZ—:An men
to u:tern ininnreed landfill sal
by ra J KIDD& Co
AI Ao Oarsue Bolkanca, ad a., weir tha Peaittpra.
O. A TES OF . en ITEGML'l`jttil#o.
One "martian or It Lulea, or 1eta,.... ~,,,,,i,, $0 60
Two amnion* without alterations iii 75
Three "
.... 4 1 OD
One Week . " 4 1 60
Two Week. •a ~
.... 1. 60
Three "" " ..... ... .... 3 00
...... ...7 4 00
One Month. "
Two "
Three " II
ga• Longer aclvertuiementa to lorm:Pnip : O : rii : en! ")
One aquare,6 mouths, without ateration,... ' lO 00
. ....111 CO
Each schtitioniml quate far 6 month., .....• 7 6 03
11 ~ ••10 00
One conate,6 munths, renewable at iileaseri. l6 00
" .
. -.......
.. It .• ' .. .. .. f ,„1/100
Each additional sqv.aft for 11. mouth ...... ... 516 0 0
.. c . M.O altthlt., 6 Months, reernblo at 00 00
Laclmadslit4onal squarr, 6 thuothx, 4. 8 UP
WEllitlilt Iltr tat-wasszu is cutlet . .
One egad/a. a insertionli, ' 'l5l 60
" " each additional leutertion,....i4 v , SI
annum CAILDII. . id:
Five linea or less, one year, . , ' •
,ii 5 IX)
0 " 0 aix months ' ' '45 00
. . “ OLIO year daily Zr. vnicklyi 10 00
te .. . six mocha" '. O .. I 00
avonattssaurra ma smialMilei Villa,.
Foe 'AI Ones, de lett, One inaertion,.....a.t4o 11.0
0 0 Two .. ..i.rai...”. 016
. .. . . /14141:, ‘," , ' ' :::40.4 - .} /00
"" , Thhhavitoathil,.44..4.,l I, l*
. . .
:',.... 6 Oil
' 0, ' '`` • " '°•":', TOINFOO4 ON t
1 ,. , — 6.
. 11 nitairj10 Oil
, ..• .ii ,:....r.....,,,i ..1.