BY UMW TEINGRAPII. ampowrztrik. vrifiiia r aArnzn V.:elusively far Lls Pittsburgh Garstte AlObMita. PIII,Z,LPF.M.I2 N0v.15, 9 P. . . We have mama Co= 46 nineties. which give Taylor 544 Blonnt,Del‘"Foyette, Jeffer son, and Walker counties...remain to be hegnl from The reai i liCf these Comities may Mumma the above dgarea;bur certainly the contest is a very close The gtibetnia ailed at noon to day from &mon, with mg, 19 pametnints far Emope,and noipeein. Disadihat Accident in New Toil( NEW Ycrss, Nov. 15. C.ept:Pkies, of the steamer Cept Young, wen intently killed , this "ettaniieg,, bpheing struck with e Gender belonging to the lacuna News B'op. ISUBSACIItrSETTS. Barron, Nov. 15. The resell . of theime 'kr Members of the Leg litiatura h 109 Whigs, 22 Free 6Ml;stui. 31Demit. craw, gild 23 itseancies, which means that there are 23catalidatumeho have um a plurality. DEL&WABE Paudommenu, Nov. 11 La this Stam...yesseiday, the fault has been fa •onhie US the Whigi. The Hon. Mr. Houston bas been elk - Wm Congress by a majority of 148. MLSSISSIPPL Nov. 15 The large Whig gain in this State has made the reach donbtfoLtim remaining portions of the State unheard Loin gives so extensive &no the majorny inagibe in favor of Taylor, instead of Cass, as brP",/Y. reported. . FLORIDA. Paaanzunuc, Nov. 15. Therretunts of this State ate nod nearly .11 in, and we any pet Taylor's =tinnily , down at 1000 certainly. ,LOUISLiNA. Pluznzumu, Nov. 15, 1". M. We have returns from the greater portion of this State, whirl, compared with the Ink Preitidential electloncahovrs a attar gain goillcient to give Tay lor at least 20011 majority. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. psyr...oiaarA, N0v.15,11548. Fcan , --Moderate Wes, aryrevwus t rates. Grain—The Grain niarketia without change.— Larkiiprlvate sareabf red Wheat have been made it 110 c, sad far 'White.file was offered. Com— Sales of Prime- Yellovi at 69 t0770e per bu. PrOW!conr•There l no activity in any article; quoiaticianare steady. No change in Groceries. NEW .YORK MARKET. Nrar Yonr 4 bliv. 15. Plcor---The market,with moderate baldness, is in favor of* buyer. Sales of 8500 btds Genesee at $3.374653 per tal Grab' is dell: • Poortsions—Thera is more movemenr in Pork, but no Thamarkem generally inactive. ~u.; ~ ..: rt•r*ixoes, N0v.15, ISOL The miuketaunchanged, and breadatatra, if any thing, duller. Sales generally to the trade. The new St:Georgee Church, now near com.. pletion in the city of New York, is said by the Commercial Advertiser to be the largat and most substantial house for Protestant worship in the United . States, having an exterior length clone hundred nod seveny two feet, widat in front is niaty.four feet. The order of architect* is the Brantine, the earlieskwyle of the tfinistitin ere.— The material used is red freestone. Mr The 'clear length of the 'body of the. building, within the square,is one hundred and thirteen feet. Tothia are added a recess ofterenty,eiyht feetfinthe t tarentyfiaur 'kat for the organ, gallery, making the 'afire interior length one bond. red andel:sr-floe feet. The anrchecattainsthree hundred pews & a farther provision offree benches, and : will withirat difficulty accommodate congre. gallon of twenty five hundred. Theniales are flag ged with diagonal blocks .of marble and. the chancel with variegated tile. •The Witt is very elebordleand beautifuL The woodwork is cloak and pia volatile imitation of iak; The Rev. Stephen 11. Trim is the Itecitir, of this clacal. 41ecos .Sr. JOICII6, N. 8....-Theiliklit4Colonist, °M"' 7111104, says: *tiro . Alm credibly_ informed that a cotitnanyhas been mired Boston iu insu imdggggfieg Teasers inimporting rum to Nova Spotia,andthatao much is made by the truffle that if the aningglens succeed in, lending one half their cargoes, they consider themselves as doing a rod burdnecar ,, -.. • The St. John's News says: , • ...This day (Nov. 74 the Presidential retention of the 13044 States is to be decided. We tenant our -renders in anticipation, that the President win be Gen. Taylor." " Extract of a letter, - dated Wallace, N. S., Oct. 27: Potatoes are rotting hese vinYfast.—;otlier pro ducta are nearly a total WM*. atontica--Jaroes Bouck, son of ex4Overuor Bosch, the Post Muter It Schenectsda in his es &mess to vote the Straight Honker ticket, and fearful of being deceived; (a correspondent infmmr, us) actually presented to the Twat a half sheet of the Amps including the prophecies of Cass's elec. theta bank ranic nod Walt was Ank. sequesttly thrown out by. the- cenviasPurielf more current than a-Canal-Bank mat:We.— - st Atka; . • , . • • - -Tint Conasn STici pundu—Tbe new; indoor Co rny:filar adveltined toleiyoLtreqpool:fr Now York on die dikliooeurhoi% In the winter =disown& diO line_son proopioeithe old - taredr-the Colo-* iilO4kArintin4 Brim nix, and Elberi dean: 1a Deeember the i.iioi•iluall*sr tontage-i Aumteontienees,withthe departure ache Nisgmal far Boetononthe 3d December, .aftei which day, 'Ceased will nail' feem-Leverpool ince/ second; , Signehryolliemstelp fcrr New York Mul Boston._ • :-• • -"How beantifolly.falls• .. . . From Miumalms that Weaned mind .Forgim; ' Paiginsatio—tietlie auttlyoututcod—' ' The mend 'which oneth hetkee; renews, again Oltearth kaDien's pe faded bloom, izid , flinP floYets halcyon halo e'er the waste of , life.: i ;TIMM happy he admit! heart hoe been no schooled • la the meet lemone rd tounatoty t „' • Tbarkiciagbre tt. utterance; it =parte Coleinial ;madam to the human =I, • Itid malouls Man as angel.* - • • . .. The carpet ft= oftdr.CIILIZZISIVAILT, in South - , - Seeolid street, INlOdpbin vas alunist totally can. sumed,vith fts contents, onWednesdny night &jagku . so of 114000; one half oritiett is cov ered by instnanon . contiMu.. Vara la 115:032. Cairus.—Taylaz 29n Cap 3095; Van' Ewen 1080. Cue ma. juicy over Taylor 117. Tux WIIZZGING Tutu' ptiblis* Deilt , Tn. Weekly, and Weekly,is offenxt ter;sale. It le the -eaty 'Whig paper in that _Whig - - Q.ceitcs 000DS—Maxarine Mai; Peslmetio• VV IV a Murphy, north .ean corner Ch :and Markst eta, has as ISSOIIIIMIT of dose some anddsalnble Cbfai - Crape and Crape Lise—gazvine blue, paper m • ced thuobric ac. hom ILEUESPEATT I SONS' BLEACHING POWDER.- , A'ericir Article always vs habd and for sale la anA=Wy tow ;Fite, by • noeLl .W kII NITcHELTREE bbls lair No 3,1t819) ined and W & &t MIWHELTELF,E, 180 Liberty et W#57—. 160 bbls Wbinkeyi far sale by & bf bUTCHFAXILEB Pon, Madeira and cr .v eisk, a or in vanti Al to i ---- ' - 't,p_are f ilare ""l T: W M MITCIIELTREE -.."COGPITAC-1311A.NDY-40tard;•Dupor Co(and J .411 J.-Dopey & 09,) ter efandt pipe., or opurnale to solf Drachma by 19 &PI DIrIeaMTREE orm2 Pri DOIN N. E. am, end && 'assortment 'otDonteette. Liquors, far sale immunities to milt .plaatonta, by' nova W& B 1 rkCHELTREE I~AH 70U Mai North Carolina Tar large barrels anairppd order, foi sale T coed A try LFTE ktYCONNOR 130TATOES-fie boxes Sweet Potitoes; , . Ga. ne tl y bbla Potatoes; I gt. ieg ai mainte f and • OcialLlit• comer Smithfield and &good's's 1757-100 bblireo - Coeiale Tr, dda'l3 lIIIIiBRIDOIL WILSON it Co, wow It - - ' -- navE colb-on gels Jut tied and for sale by Wwbovl3- . KIDD /4 Co . --r- 4 4.4 a rp ~v,ADD-75 obi. mane% Lod for rale . by. 7 F1.T13 s J KIDD to Co • 4-100zavelitill.-30gllajosisari 0103, aT LOGWOOD,.(flantanrsHvo lbs. int Te ed salt: sale by .. nor]: XMO.k. Co ' , 11^'.. 1 1 31 11:10= 171 1 Ittli-33-highprise.valinArattrazt ' ' "" :".1 . OAP SUGL&&•-34 L& L,llllllll Lone y Es Is L 3 ,• • uov W & &WU - 0 , SAL .,b 7PETHS-43 bap zradeSaliptOne. .tor. amt b Y . • niMI ,I 4DI=EY & ' DAU%3 lAn Ter,OO4CIS CPS " ssoil3 WICK - ACCANDLICIS C'4; Ji T U ... " l =airs 1 SClimmalasom & Co E=IMM=S COMMERCIAL RECORD. AL. Ai 374 t i ki - I ,y 0 T. .14 .1 NOSEMBS:II- IR Sunday, 13 Monday, 14 Tuesday. 15 Wednesday, 1.6 Thursday, 17 Friday,. - _ ,aprivilig • Ina F4lk; OP TRADE NOVEMBER. N. B. CILLIO. 3. N • OPFICS prrrssumartGraerrr., Thursday Morning, November 16, 164.9.1 The weather yesterday was cold and raw, sot• withstanding, a fair amount of business wan done in a general way. The river continues in floe stage Air the larger class steamers, but owing to the scarcity of freight busiaes along theyfiraf was rather inactive, FLOUR—Openitions yesterday were light, and prices were ydlerably firm as last quoted. Sales of 200 bbls on'the wharf at 4,05,0 f 70 bbls at $4, and of 50 bblsiat 3,50; this was a lot of ordinary fine, and was evidently below the market price. Sales of 200 bbls from store in dray load lots at 4,25 barrel. ; .GBOCEBIES--The market is quiet, bat prices remain firm. Sales of .15 hhds N 0 sugar m three lots at 5051 c . in quality. Sales of 10 bbls N 0 cool:wee at 30c coffee continues in fair demand, with regular sales at 716171 n p 10.— Sales of rice at 51c... BACON—Sales of 15,000 Ms in seperate lots at for shoulders 44., sides 41041, and h ums at 6 1 ® 7c. LARD—Sates m a small way at 707-le per BITITER—SitIes 30 kegs at alas, ....di, to quality. GREEN APPLES--Large quantities continue to arrive by river, and prices show a slight de elute.. 'Various lots of en excellent gustily were sold at the river r at prices ranging froth 62 to 870 p CHEESE--Sales of 100 boxes, and 60 boxes W R. at 5/c, and of cream in regular limited lots at Wain 6 SOAP--Sales of city manufactured rosin at 4/c 14. CANDLES—SaIes of city manufactured at 9c lot dipped, and 10101 to for mould. Sales of Star at 21822 e p Z. • TELEGRAPII, No. 2—This spacious and el.. egeum creamer, of the Louisville packet line, ar rived here Mght berate last, being Ler first trip through from Louisville. Her hell is one of fine model, and her exterior appearance presents a de. gram of tai and beauty which does much credit to her builders. The interior of her cabin is fitted up with great neatness and elegance, and in her geneml arrangement nothing is neglected which can give ease and comfort to the traveller. She leaves for Louisville this day at 10 o'cloct. Tns 112munwr:- - The splendid hug running packet steamer Brilliant, Capt. Grace, moll leave the wharf to day at 10 o'clock, for Cincinnati, of -teeing a fine opportunity to the travelling comma .pity who may be going :u that direction. Tax Sr. Anewour—Our friend, Capt. Dorsey P Kenny, has purchased an interest in the steamer St. Anthony. .She wiWbe run hereafter as a regu lar packet between this port and Wheeling. Suc. cam to Capt. K. STEAK= HatotiwlCs Sona—A telegraphic de. snatch was roceived yesterday, by Messrs. J W Finney, contesn' Log intelligence of the lope of the steamboat Brunswick, somewhere below Mem. phis. No particulars are given. Her officers are on board the Grand Turk, which arrived pester day.,{St. Louis Reveille. STEMI - C apt. &ids, formerly of the Eliza Stewart, purchased the steamer Oregon, yes. terday, far 83000. Sue Will coutinne in the Cape Girardeau packet trade. The, Eliza-Stewart was also purchased for the Missouri trade,by Capt. McKee, fonoerly of the Plough Boy. She brought $11.000.--iSt Louis Bev. IMPORTS BY RIVER: , Bearer--Per lake Erie-3 trks 1 sack 2 beds, J A Caugisey; 3 Irks mdse, name; 13 csks pcorlasb, 134i -racy & Smith- 1 box goods, H P Cbilds; 6 bbls ecoreloUgs, English & Persson; 3 tails trees, S & W ilssbaogh; 54 Ms 3 mks cheese, 1 Dickey & co; 93 bbls corn meal, Wick dc McCandless; 101 hxs'ebeese, 2 ski rap, 5 kg' Lard; 5 mks cheese, B C Bidwell; 4 blils.parnalt, 1 box nuts, 1 bbl cider, Wick & McCandless; 1 keg\ butter, some; 1 bin, 'Hampton At Smith; 12 grata Gars, of boob Cudis• lieu 22 bbls scorchings, SPI • 510 gulls CODE B ha - cruel:awl:A way,- 1 eirest2xto I:des, 4 chairs, 1 box ?Ono do jars, M Fagot; 4 itsts butter, 25 kp do, - 3 - C Bidwell,• 3 bbls batter, same; 3 kgs lard,l Mil butter. B. Bruce & cgs 39 !bp patois yarn, Friend, Itney & or. Per.Micbigan-2 pkgs.. Murphy, Wilson & eel i24aks b or floor, lienzelton; 4 bile butter, V 7 & Ii MeOutetmon; 19 ski b floor, owner. „ ...14...Louirrr.Per Zachary Taylor-24 cook stoves 144.pcs -hollow ware,Sharp; 10 bbls molasses, Martin; 25 bbls oberoal, I & I McDevitt; 1 keg scotch' whiskey, Forsyth & cog 30 aka peanuts. Brown dc Chlbertson; 1 Mid scraps, W Young & err, 4 bbls dry peaches, 6do clover aced. sdo a apples, 3do beans, J& B Floyd; 31 Mds 32 aka wheat, D Leech & c 1 box mdse, J H Crawford, 202 bbls dour, 3 bbls dexseed, 1 sack wool, Bags , . Smith. Sunfish—Per Hudson-100 bbls Boor, (3.0 Deny; 52 dcicideP, 15 sky potatoes, 4 bbls apples, G A Hera- 36 hbds tob, D Leech & co; 14 dodo, IS Dilworth; 45 bbls _dour, 29 sks barley, Geo A: Berry; 8 bads tob,J A Roe; 1 Ixrx. mdse. D Leechd & co; 9' sks Wool, Bingham; 13m do do, Wm Sing-_ bah; Ebitle mdse, Murphy & Lee; 43 bbla dour; Wick dr, McCandlerog 2 do lard, siunes:ll6 bbls dour, H Goff Woo. Meeling.--Per - Consul-21 has tartan Salt W Hartrang% 98 Ibls dour, 1073 bbls apply,Orrir dc PdeGrxew; 1 bag sacks; Burbridan,Wasiurd: co 4 Wila paper, 8 C Hhl 22 bbls apple, =Der a* board; 12 bgs barley,. owner; 133 bbls apples, El Irpdegraff; 13 bbbr derv, McCully; 29 do do, °loner. CO7Olll AM, Comm.-The frequent elmages • to the weather at this lesson of the year, invariably bring along with them . conghs and colds, which by timely attention a re mud', eared by simple remedies.. SEL. LEAS' IMPERIAL CORGILSYRUP has been.' one for'the last LP yews, and has gained more reptnaticm for. the 'ewe - of coughs (not requiring active • medical . treatateutithan.any other preparation ever offered to . thee:hi:ens of Allegheny county-, The imperial Cough Syystp Livery pleasant to the taste, and, on this !Re count. is a greatfavorl le with children. The doses are can:Malty sprednated, in the threetiona• to suit aU ages. That this long tried and highly popular cough remedy may be wttlun the mesh of is wild at the low . price of - 1 centsper.boule. Prepared and sold by ILE SELLERS. LI Wood st, e P r s llbhg h D t . c A iLti C . uy, akegieny, end duggimgen- 17' The soft, Angelic, azirresnon cisme Sandra re grateful to view, while - the repulsive, coarse, muddy yellow faces of ethera excites disgast—the au= will males. Could such people be induced to try a cake of thou= loan' Italißt - Mended Soap, they would be enraptured with the change. They would have $ dell. eats, clearovhitaskin,,while every disiliarernent or eruption would be removed and eared. Yeznairaallorma—Sersons whohave bought eheap counterfeits and imitations of this, and bare had no ef fect produced, must try dds, the original. Mind,. oak for /ones , Soap. Portrait at Wm. Jacratra's, 92 Liber ty Meet taar24 El7* Noma by their. Intuition, augment the were• don of mums or slime in the stomach, in which, al+ so, they involve themselves; and it is said they ked and if deprived of it they die. The Celebrated lige prepared by I. A. FA#NESTOC3C, Pittsburgh, Pa, is admirably adapted in ii operatm; brat, to remove the protecting mucus; and secondly to expel the worms rendered helpless abd lender by be. thus denuded. It is a remedy in which every con =ence Can be placed; and that it has answered the pupa" is manifest from the hundreds of certlbcstes given in its favor led Jaycee Eznicrawry—We would: cell antennae to this arcade= remedy for Coughs, Cobb, Consamptiod, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Longo flaying several times within a few years past had occa sion to use • medicine of Mu kind, we have„by experi ence tested its excellent qualities, and are prepared to recommend it to other.. Blausten or other actinic speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will find great benefit from its ase. It is prepared by safe minas- BC phyalcian, and all classes will find it a safe and aft moons medicine to the disc.. for which It is re cortunended.—(Columboa (Ohio) Cross and lonmsl. • For isle at the Pekin Tea store, N 0.70 Fourth Wen. tura ItT* Tscrutoxy in favor of Dr.3ll..eim's Liver Pills. —lt world be easy to fill a volume with certificates of the excellence of this medicine. Wherever it Mu had a Willis has mule itself popular. We hese ht oar pu. tiessitm hundreds of orders like the following: Yeaveanon, N. Y. Dee. 1 i47. • Mlmao . KIDD & CO: VOW travelling agent: lel with me • short time since, a qua.ity of M'Leent's jiver Pala. The whole for sold very rapidly, and gave the highest satisfaction. Indeed it is considered the best medicine of the kind ever awed for sale: Please send ma another supply as soon as pos i ll AINFiWORTII A genuine .nicl or the above valuable medicine can be had at the drug mote o(J. Raid & Co., No. GO Wood MOW. seal i “Itocute, Ron Co. thee, Feb. yd, rata. "Messrs. J. Kidd & Co, We wish to Inform yam abet we haee widen of Tour WOrM OPecifiC49. mt vim us. We wish lola to mod us some more as , moo as .Co 4b e "aill's'forrilinsfraceueeVar"e.oTtiaLreak ore. We It has sueletded other preparatio. La this core c at; . , and tor this mason we wish to keep* supply on hand. R- &M. rAvreasoN.” • Tbaabetre is one of the hundreds of similar econmo tdeallonsforhieh the propyl6lo/0 of WA mediate° are dally receiving- Whom at has been introduced at has become the moot popular remedy in use.. For sale et the &atone of /KIDD fr. Co, 60 Wood aorta big Waal. by J RIGID & . "The whiter skin of hers, than snow, And pore as monumental alabaster?' Aillemalea have skin like the above, who use lone Spanish Lily White. It maketh pore snowy, yet oat allp Whim: Bold at 69 Liberty street 191. Or Appl itr , flonstAtitre Itreath—lf you haws, ultra o shilling bottle of Jones' Amber Tooth Pau.. Thai will make your breath mast, whiten Yob , tml , b. 0 4 . 4- BOld at Liberq PORT'OF PITTSBURGH. LouisMclene, beattetti . Bm. 7 "vd l .. • . Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Shnies Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Arrewline, Morris, Brownsville. Arrow, Gordon. Browniville. Clipper. No, 2 Crooks, Cincinnati. . Zachary Taylor, lincas, Cin. Camden, -, McKeesport. Ariadne, Grabill, Geneva. Euphrates, Calhoun, Cht. Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport. Consul, Webber, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No, 2, GiLson, Beaver.' Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Shoks, Beaver. New England, No. 2 bliClare, Cis. Pioneer Forsyth, Si Louis. Colombian, Cia. Gondolier, Lyon, St. Lou,.. Consul," Webber, Wheeling. At dusk last evening, there were 7 fret 6 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling. ms s _ phases. 41 fY 10 17 55 morn Cincinnati PRCICeII, 10 . A. M. Brownsville Packets, IA. M, and 4 P. M. Louisvilli Packets, 10 A. M. Cincinnati—Mt. Vernon. American Star. St. Louts Zachary Taylor New Orleans Robert Morris. Zanesville-- Jenny Lind. Brownsville Camden. Atiadne. Wheeling Si. Anthony Casbier. Bridgeport Hudson. Consulting Engineers& Comtismnose for Patentees' °thee for preinring and defending Patents, imparting infortnnuot. on Mechanic. and the application of Set enee to the Am, ander' Ameriean and Foreign Lams of Palmas. 'DROY. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philadel- I_ phis, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington city, (to be aided by liesanl Knowles, Fa)., late ..I..cliinest of the United States Patent Office,) hare emaciated themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professional trumness, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de vote their mdivided attention to forwardlng the Inter. est of Inventors and others who may consult them or place business in their hands. Mr. Knowles hat for the p.m twelve years held the post of Machinest in the United Suites Patent °Mee, and resigns that situation to take part in the ',resent undertakiag. His talents and peculiar fitness lye the important office no long fill ed by hint, have been hilly recognised by Inventors wherever the office itself is known. The office of Messrs. 3. & R. is on F street, opposite the Patent Cntee, Wultington, D. C., where communi cations, post paid, will be proampti) attended to; exam inations made, drawings, specificadons, and all rey ire papers prepared—and models procural what drat red,-on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered miter examinations had, most be ae companied by a fee of five dollars. In the dudes of their dace which pertains to the Pa tent Law., Messrs. I. & R. will be assisted by a legal gentleman of thehrest professional character, and tally conversant wi Mechanics and other Scientific subjects. mr2Oni&wl pit Ia4CLL that valuable property situate on the corner of 'Roes and Third streets, in the city of Pittsburgh, iy belonging to John W. Johnson, deceased, (tulle. sooner disposed of at private sale,) will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Sat urday, the loth inst. Teaxs—Ohm third cash, one sixth to one year, one sixth in Pao years, and the balance tone third,) on the death of the widow, to be secured by bonds and mow- The lots will be sold aceording to a plan filed to the Orp6an's Court, In certain proceedings in Partition, No 6s, Muth Term, 1046, and recorded in Docket F, page 163, • copy of which may be seen at the office of WiLLIAMS. h SULNN, Attorneys at Law, 4th street, above Smithfield novßdtd Kimonos Balm OF Prersetraint, October 91st, 1E46. f AN election for thirteen ['mecum to serve for the er ruing year, will be held at the Booking House on Monday, November Bob, lel9, between the hours of o A. Al. and 3 P. hl. . . _0cc.4.41..d THOMAS M. HOWE, Cuhier. AissertAirrs'lCllTroarsirt — riiro. October 201, lE4S. AN election for th irteen Directors of thin Drink, tor the ensuing year, will be held at the thialn, Haase on Monday, the rDiki day of November nest oct-T3-cltd R. H. DENNY, Cashier. - • P117111,1.01:1., October IS. 1545. N election tor thirteen Directors of LI. Bank for I the eosuing year. will be held at the Ranking Douse on Monday. the twentieth day of November next ocr2l-titd JOHN SN DES, CAsbmr. 1N FORMATION WANTED.—Was taken by mis take from the landing, foot of Wood street, on 'Thursday, %is ult., 1 sack WOOL, marked . ..Smith Sinclair ' Pah. Amy perm= by Teton:ling at. or mfor mauon which it may be received, will be liberally rewardd by S k W HARHADGII. nova • 53 wilier and 101 front CIA •• OEOROE t JENKINS, COMMISSION PROVISION .IERCRANTS, John - Orinr. nod-413nr• 6-ittn-tc 10 do Inspb 0 P any sok do SO boxes Lmop and Plug Tobacco; CO do Nectar Leo! 73 d 0 Salerates; 15 bags Pepper, Stla 50 bales Cation Batting; 23 do Candleick; With a general assortment 01 (traceries, reeeared and for tale by It ROll/( 1 011 a Co, nor!' 192 Ltherty st GREAT IXEDUCTION II PHICEEC—Ssurn &Joan. sox, 46 Market street, offer for sale at 93 per ceta below retreat pr.., nee Chameleon OWL., Mantilla do, black and (an) Alpaeu., Mohair LeSties, Pals et to French Menne* o( the most chalet, colors French Cloths and Custom:tea nov7 rhO MERCHANTS, NOV. 7, lIS—W. Ft. Mrarav merchanu to lank in at hia large monk or GOODS Jun opened, n Whole.le Rooms, 2d story, north east corner of Fourth and Market its. Pricer exceedingly Into. nov7 MAP OF P&NNSYLVANIA—Coosnrocted from the County Surveys unhonacd by the Siam, and ent er original document. Revised and improved mule, the supervitdon of Wm. E. ?docile, Civil Krurnteer.uPon data procured in each enemy, under authority of the Legislatunz./ A few copies of this large and splendid Mop received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Booksellers eor market and ad sts TIMIS PAST AND PRLSIATIT—Caru.m and Besarras, by Tboa. Carlyle: complete tn ons v 01... Jost received and for sae by noyll JOHNSTON A STOCKTON RICE -8 tierces Rsee reed, and for sale by noy7 it ROBISON Co, 1141 libeay st Ti/ONAND NAILS—SS tons assorted bar hula: LOB kegs ass• 4 HO co. Pig Iron, for sale by bort R ROBISON A Co_ ItAr ick%-gEL—Lso bbl. Nos I, 2 awl a blsolerel for LU. We by novl3 WICK & bI'CANDLE2O3 ERRING-140 D,l Item g, }rut ;net and for H sale by noal3 WICK k. M'CANDLESS 'OIIIIA CREAM CHED3E-12 Du jag reed sad Xj: (or isle by no•I3 WICK MVAN °LESS rrtABLE SALT—In bra inn reed and far sale or 1 narrlZ WICK k. M'CANDLKS _ . _ raIOCOLATE-3 0 bza (mall Chocolate. ion .th•dd i and for sale by novo3 WICK & Id'CANDLESS T, , LOUR-4 0 bbl. extra Family Moor, Jort tee a and r — for sale by wen WICK & 113 , CANDLEBS 8 L.C10318-15D tans Jmtdata Blooms, km lab. by— Down FORSYTH & DUNCAN .... ---- FLOUR--.Dbbls extra Family Flow, landing from Kammer Coosa! and for nate by (Orli JAMES DALZELL .. . ... • Q S. MOLASSES—SO Milt H in sto 10. sad for sale owl to close cottsignment, by t Iron JAMES DALZELL CIMAIICKEESE—terI brs in store and for able by JAM DAL7.EI.I._ FFLOUR-100 bbl. ezus Family, foe no• F NON BONNHORST Co )OWDEII-100 kegs Rock Powder for subs by I nov<l H EbBISON re Co I ' OIL-9 bids Conkling's pure No 1 Lard OS a Sistraesived for sale 11 , nova SELLERS it NICOLS UO/...11.-50 !Aids N 0 Sugar,strictly prima ' cm consignment and for sale L b B y • WATERMAN, • nov6 31 armor and 02 front st bbls.satall White It L era . ff r ease by rINSEEO - 1311itiblas Linseed Oil, just r••a — iia 14 (or sale by wrsrox BOWEN, nova 00 front et ,DEFINED SUGARS-42 0 bid ott, IVO. , 11, 0 and 7; bObbls Crashed; 110 do itr Clarified, for sale by JAB A HUTCHISON & Co, Agents St Loom, Steam Refinery, nova 45 seater and Mom at GLDEN o SYRUP-Inbls, b /rabbis, and.lo gallon nhonsin' for isle by JAB A HUTCHISON & Co th, Sieele's marntfao- dada , &al noel FOT9V4 by y & DUNCAN, 37 first at APLES-4 0 tads Green Apples, "Oates,. jest reed and for sale by noint S& kV HARBAUOII nOPJLI,VARNISH- 10 bbl , Forelorre Varnish, of VI the best quality, for sale by nova J SCIIOONMAKER kCo SPAPER, ASSORTED-1 00 reams Wheeling, Elellgen, and a new article, recommended as supe. nor to any before in the market. nova SCiIOONIII&HES & Co nll)+2E—Ea bbl. Odor, last landing and for gale by bori 8 & W RARBAUGH V) - 1.i. 11110 bbis no 3 ftlainier;iriatora for ludo by novi BdiW HA RHAUGH 5.,101.A 6.811—W caa ale COLD GI JrBS-500 bits serorted Window Giros, in wore and for sale by nova 9 'W iIAIIpAUGH . LI. !SEED 011,-10 bble Linseed Oil, New Castle L stanufneture, just received and lar sale by lova Sic W 11aR13,01011 FnNE FlOpli-60 bbl . Flan Floor, a good ankle, 1: iron marred and for sale by B E"E lt ft ACON-40ea4• Baron Elam . 30 do fildea,in note arni for we by noel BEIILERS &NICOLS _ et&ND LEB AND SOAP-60 bra mould Candle.; HO 1.1 do Soapy In sum and for mile 0 A irwori-45 We No L Baboon; a few bolf do No 1 I docketed, (or family use jot landingand for sale, nov2 0 ICLAC / KBOBN Co,C 'man rt QU GAR-473 We prince NO 8 1s bbl. Loaf do, r god sod for sale by nova • 6 ROUISC/N re Co til OLTHER.9..-78 uT;t r iive on creamer Cum berland; for Isla by ISAIAH DICKEY &Co, itovl6 . . : xpnl st 0101A38-91/ Clerees, 11 •,./ tete an d ile by *O • WE9TO OWII2I BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY City Lots at Aaction. No. 3 Goamcmr. - - - BALTI.11011F • larch, Carothero k Co., Alesan4er Laughlin, Soda Aih, Jut rea'd and for & W HAE43AU9}f_ GNCERIESi itck, tH. e GRANT "otretio C f• nts , .1 • bop Rio cofee, 100 doldk Pepper; • 72pkgoVH,GPLuilm. penal Teas; 30 bidscrushed Lod pal verixed D 7 do NU 4, B ;rlLafoce 2 enake Madder, 2:4 his Ront's Ames; 3 do Holmes' da; 35 teams Tow Wrappias Paper, 150 do Straw do do; 50 dos Hemp conic coils manilla Rope; .4000 lbs cotton Vann; 13,500 lbs No 1 & 9 Batting; /2.1 bin Rosin Soap; 10 do rani do; _39 bblsltnain; 20 casks Tennant's double refined Sod. dab; 30 boo Glass: 04 do axle do• 102 do pint Mesita; 15 do do do; 14 do quart Bottles., 130 bblit Lime, 115 kgaßentlyis Rile Pow der; 100 do do Bock do; 14 belles No 24 Sheet Inc; 20 Peacock and Patent Lever Pl. 6s. •1 2 eeroons teCigo, lu las ground Pepper I ceake E Slate, bags Race Ginger, 5 do Allspice, 50 roam cinnamon, 70 bza ss, Bs and 1.4 a Tobacco, various beds nod qualnlen; 10 amp Carolina ma Va. twin Tobacco 60 bbl. No 3 Largo mock -75 bbd . N 0 Sugar, 756 kclß(MO)7idito Load I cook Lamp Block; 241 rho A 11, B mot cast Stook THE subscribers are hoer at lose rates, as follows tfd hf chests Y F Imperial 0 I. and blk Teas SO Ds. do do ' receiving and oder for we 5, viz: 50 bids No 3 Mackerel half bbls do 75 lars white Brazil Sugar 150 b. Herring, No 1 15 lots Bordeaux Almonds 35 " E Walnuts 35 " Filberts 30 " Brazil Nuts " Tenn Grd Nuts OXI bzs W E Raisins 21 cases Tomato Catsup 50 drums Figs 7 mats Data 12 casks Zarite Currants 30 boo Shelled Almonds CaSe. Liquorice DI boa Rock Candy 70 b. Sardines 75 " Fire °rankers 8 " spiced Chocolate cases Prunes 15 b. Lemon Syrup 1 ease armed Glow 7 VMS Blacking 10,000 Principe, Regalia, Cattalo, and Havana Cigars GUSH & RENNEFI , aug3o 37 Wood st, opposite. St Charles Hotel °rocas+. Aso, 500 - bags hi, ' it P. ra '' sn a dtpe rial teas ; 100 ithds N. 0. sugar • 150 bbls ° maim:Las; BM b. assorted tobacco ; 300 sides N. Y. sole leather ; 100 kirs rock powder; 300 reams wrapping paper; 50 " foolscap ; 50 bbls No. 3 large mackerel; 50 " North Carolina tar, 25 " assorted loaf sugar ; 15 50 " " chip Inw Antic • ood; • " 10 " ground ceirrwood ; btu:lap:me madder; 3 co roans S. F. indigo ; 00 bbls copperas; 15 " alum; 10 ° saleratua ; 75 do: bed cords ; rues a general assortment of Pittsburgh manufacmres math ing and far sale on accommodating terms by J & H FLOYD, sepll Round Choral, tOO bags Zia and La. CMice 16 bp Old Gov jay* do 150 bm manufactured To bacco, 6a, 12a, lea, 32a, Ilb and lb lump; lea and 5. Span do 300 aorta Calm bbl Nutmegs 25 bags Pepper ceroons Indigo I L6l " e 'P eor ' I s s hill3 bbl cpd Lo g wood casks Madder Pp b. No Chocolate 9 cuts Epsom Salts 2 bbls Tanners' Oil 5 casks Lamp Oil IS I I: o zs o8 147if: C Pipes 5 casks Rice 37 bap Dairy Salt 20 bbls refined Sugar I=l egIASSEY & MST oder tor sale al 35 Wood street Pittsburgh, on accommodating terms Pieper. V. H., Impq Gun Powder Teas ; 80066. Rio Coro.; 10 • ` Pepper; 5 !aspic.; 100 bus 1 lb lamp, 5. and 80 Tobacco ; 20 bgn 6 twin; 90 bbd. N. 0 Hagar; Iro bbl. Molasses; 75 " No. 2 and 3 blackarel ; 20 half do do 60 bbl. N. C. Tar; 10 u Tanner's Ott ; 25 bd. Chocolat.; 50 u Raisins ; YS " White Pipes .;. ,tt.ort OW. from 6-0 to 3440 M oaks Soda A.b ; Ott bW. S. 9.41t.0; to cats Pearl Mb ; 10 " B.lersots • 30 " German clay; SOO kg, Med nails, with amend usortment of aLI niaes of iron, and Pittabarga manufactured articles at lom septa Oilmenlea, &so. 350 RCS Green Rio Coffee ISO tip Y. H. O. P. and linpenal Teas Rabbi. N. 0. Molasses; 50 Mute N. 0. Sugar 120 tros Manufactaied Tobacco, Doh,* 12.21 a and 1 pound bg,a lum I p ; . 11 i 21 1, Caaayo ; libls L. Sugar 2 C2(00. S. F. Indigo ; 1 ISA bladder N C. Tar; 30 No. 3 large Mackerel; 50 bx. No. 2 Chocolate ; 100 Reams Wrapping paper; 251 as White Pipe.; 2 eases Ligoonce . • With a photo; assortment of Pinaliurgb Manufacture., reed and (or cite t,y OEO A BERRY. tepls la wood al . _ ROCERIES-3110 bags upenor Rio Cods' 11.0 hi edema la P, and Impenul Teu, 50 caddies do do do do 160 Una N O Molasses 25 hbds do Sugar 20 tan Havana do 15 bbla Loaf do, 6, 7 and 116 bu Tobacco, 1 lb, 6,16 and Id t.l/ kegs 6 nun Wu mats Cassia 50 Lbls No 3 large Mackerel hods Madder 3 ceroou 8 F 25 bags Pepper Indigo KO bas• Batting, No I, 2 and 3 90 bags Cotton Yarn, 61010 Who. ',OMR:, and stone Piped 10 WA. Tao 1m kegs Shomberger's Nada, usoned 40 dos good Wheat Basa 50 bin exill and 10111C:bus 30 doz Dockets 0 do Tubs Also, Pittsburgh manufactured ache!. of all kinds, for sale low by JOHN 9 DILWORTH. aertlO 27 wood so WINER• MUARDIES, 011 RC &o. 10 14A . 1 : ,,F pipe. Corste Blar i t o caJe o e o ll , ettne l ls:" , Co 1 . Pmet. Caaullen &Co 11 oetavei Rochelle do A Seigel:Ur 4 ptpee llollud S or eta supr pale Wry Wine, Dud Hanlon a. Co 11.21der 10 " Itlalen• do 10F Teneriffe do Carpenter 40 Oponn Vole, ranmas !modes 20 lAsbon do 10 !Ada CO hi Ids& }Haat Wmeroe Mau r 0 btu 10 bbda Horde./ Claret, Moutferand 16 do hiarmille• do He IS bullet. Champagne Wine, Heidsetick 15 do do do P A Murata L Co 10 do do do Jaquelron /1. Bons 50 cue. Claret of vartoaserades, hapted to bunts 10 baskets Bordeaux Olive Oil, crop tete, Durand; 5 do Bordeaux " " Lamm, 20 do Marlene+ " " Jul received and for sale by IWO MILLER t RICKETBON SUNDRIEB-150 bag. Green Roo Code., 35 bag. fancy " " 15 do Laguayra 10 do old Gov Java 30 half ohms Omen Tea.; 20 do Medan and Oolong Teas, 50 do cony boxes ass'd " ED bouts Tobacco, assoned; 50 do Crompton b. Co'. Palm Soap, 30 do Chillicothe S do Costal* 11., do Palm and Ahmed - to do hi 11 Ratans; 00 do " aur crop, 15170.11 s Zonis Currants, 30 bbis small Loaf Sugar, 3 eases Wolsey D R " 10 bbls crushed and pulverised Stgar, 6 do N 0 Clarified 2 cuss Rams of Lemon; • 1 do Rose; 1 do " Vanilla, 5 dos floe 011ve Oil; 10 " cans an rim Mrmtud, i cue 3aluori Paw; Liquorice, 50 do. Patent Zhao Wub Bout* 150 do assorted Corn Brooms, WM lb. ouperior 15aleralusi 30 bag Stearbte ond Ow Candles; foe sal. by 00110 1 D WILLLOIIS, corner wood ud sth MA .FREEM TEAS-9Mhalfehesu,rery.uperiorgrades Voting }lrma Hypos, Man, • Goapeserder, • • Hymn, • and Black, Now landing and for VI by WCK t IId•CANDLIMB, sett corner wood and water et TEAS --100 package., compneng Your Hyson Teas, balf cheus and carry bole.; Uniapowder do do do do imPilrlal do do do do Sonchong and Yowchong, In half abuts, of various guildoo and law and importation., In story for sale by HAOALEY & SfiLITH, sorail IS and 40 'rood st . REFINED Sul:Ult.-10 bu D. ii. large IrsTagar, INV bbls nos 4, 6,6, 7 and small do Zan do unshed do kik do powdered do Cid do clarified do in store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON & Co, Napa AWL. 81. Lool. flalry:__ 1A 1111D21. N. O. Sugar to claw constonment, 35 bbl. 1.1.1 No, 3 mackerel, w half bb1. d0,16 - halt bbls shad, 15 bbl. 8. Hoene esolassea. 160 boo window glass, awed slses, 20 bal. best Y. IL Tea, sdo Imports] do 41_ do Om Powder do. sops 8. B. FIUSHFIELM. 4:101 - iiiiii - eiblersatedWttalit 100 Bps= do do do dO bbls do Rached*W hale do sdo brown Tonne's do 6do Spirits Torwitlne; In store and or sole by aug3l 0 MACBIIII.BN &Co DEFINED BUOAB.B-5 Gas DR large Loaf; 600 R bb's 4,5, 6, 7 and 8 small de; 03 do crashed; 180 do powdered; In .tore and for sale by JAMES A HIMIUSON & Co, lye/ &ferns or St. Loam Steam Bogor Refinery . . IROCERII-63 hhds prime N 0 Sogar 40 bbl. Loaf Sager, Nos 2, 8 and 7 03 " Primo N 0 Molasses 18 " Sugar Howe 1 23 bagspnmo Ilio Coffee hf chest. Y H Tea 00 his a and 13 lb do and GP 19 Virginia Tobeeco, Is, 3. and IN JI bble large No 3 Mackerel (1848 l For sale tr.; W tr. Al MITCHELTREE, sera 16:1 liberty at GROCkRII9S-160 - 10. - N - 0 Sogar; HO bbls biases; : 69 " 11 o 6.11 bags prime Rio d Coffee ; • 65 hf chests Y 11 and 0 P Teas Poarchong do 120 bas au and 12. Tobacco 10 bags Pepper 150 bbls large No 3 Mackerel; A general assniunent of Pittsburgh manufactured articles, all of which Will be told low by octlB JAMES DALZELL, tYl water st IMMOKI VISES—JD casks Port Wine YS do . *p.m uti to 63 10 de aledewilmMl&Tbilez: lima nfililF/ED WHISK:6Y of. ilVetiOf quality, wi th 'notm:cot et : • • pad Duzatalla /49 ,10, .• ways on hand and finsalm • • • P 'V • ••• • r: ~ s lIISCELLANEOIJS PIANO PORT.SO. JOHN H. MELLOR, No. iC Woad street, heareow received a Ail assort. ment of Pisan. Forme, seleetea tram the &Retiring manufactoriti Hosnen end New York., to which the attention of purchasers is respectfully invited. Those Gore hlr. Clue-kering. Hor the sale of whic4 he is sow Agent In Western Penn. aylvainaj have what is termed the Near Circular Scala: being an improvement .7ecently made, and giving them a decided advantage in power and equality of tone over any OtheTl. The following are the patterns and styles of Chickering's: No. 1. Rosamond, 7 oeVves, finished back fr. front,SlCO " 5 i " richly carved " 8400 "" " " " goo " 41460 -" 5. " 6i " finished back and front, 8350 . 6. 64 IWO 7. 6 11325 8. " " . 6325 D. " 6 projecting front, 11300 /O. " 7 Tidily carved, style of Louis 14th. " 11. 6 hollow comers and hollow cor neredts, aecond hand, cost originally 15464 and will be sol at a very reduced price. No.. 1t22 Rot:mood, round comer, very elegantly fin ished,' 8:175. No 19. Rosewood, round corner, very el egantly finiated, $175. The above are manufaemred by H. Worcester, N. Y., well known as being connected formerly with Mesita Simard, Worcester & Denham, N. T. No. 13. Rosewood, 64, carved moaldlng, made by the 61anhattan Company, N. Y. 1P276. No 14, Rosewood calved, 6 octaves, Gins 3 Co'a N. Y 6150. No. IS " plain 6 " " " 16230 No 16, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Hon Hera, Pans. No 17, Mahogany 6 octaves, second hand, price 373. Old Pianos taken in pan payment for new ones. JOHN li MELLON, Sole Agent for Chickering's Grand and Square Piano Pones, for Western Pennsylvania. sea? SPLENDID LOT OP NEW PIANOS. NUNNS & CLARK, New York; CHICKERINO, Boston: The subscriber has now open and for sale, a lot of most superior Pianos, se lected by himself of the manufactories. ....... They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of of 6, 6* and 7 octaves, of various styles and prices, and embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Noon. Clark' s (for which celebrated firm he is sots Amen) have an Improved way of stringing possessed by no other, also, a superior plan of leathenng the hammers, presenting them Pianos from growing harsh and wire) alter some use. The Pianos of Chmkering, of which he has • superi or lot, are provided with the Circular Beale, and were selected for him with care by J. Chickering, of Boston. The above will positively be sold at manufacturers' prices, and on accommodating terms. The subscriber will invariably be found at J W Woodwell's, from 11 to to 12 A. M., and from 1 to 6 P. M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business during the balance of tone. 11. KLEBEEI„ ocild at J Woodwell's. RI Third st GBEAT MUBIC.AL NOVELTY—Tbe subscriber has Jam received from Europe, and for pale an entirely new invention of Puma Forte, called the CAB INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power and sweemess than the square Plan occuptes but ono fourth as much room, and is a much o, more showy and haudsome piece:of furniture. It is particularly desira ble where the saving of space is an object, being ex ceedingly neat and comput, and occupying no more room than a small side table. The subsenber has in hand a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra ted planist,ldtmehelles, in his own hand wriung,which may be inspected. KLEBEIB, occi7 • At I W Woodwell's C1111:=1 A SPLENDID assonment of Plano fiffin gang and Rosewood Pianos, Jul fin tatted. Theme instruments aro made of Me latest pattern and best materials and will be sold low for cub b y F. BLU PIE, 119 Wood street 2d above Filth. N.o.—Those who are in want of a good instrument, are respectfully invficd to amain° then before pur chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be excelled by any in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East Alsojnat received, two pianos of Ham. burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold in ibis country. °urn F. B. CAlLD—Movember Bth, 1848. -uir It MURPHY, northenst corner 4th and Mar- TT . ket streets, Pittsburgh, has now completed the opening of a second large supply of Dry Goods for the venison, and can offer to buyers an assortment to select from, rarely to be found at this advanced part of the se aeon. Particular attention is atkod us his large stock of BROADCLOTHS. French, Engliah and American, of all desirable co lors, suitable tot dress coats and cloaks; also, Cass, mitres, a Iwgel assortment, including wool dye and French bleak( Doeskin, dark mut; Fancy do, from the low prim of 6.2 k cis (all wool) up to the finest qualities and neweat styles amides, a large Yank of Salmons, common and acre, lifedszahnta and Drawera,Gloyes, LADIESDRYVIS GOODS, m all their variety. Country Merchants and Merchant Tailors are in vi tedto examine Us stock, in Wholesale Rooms, second stor). noon TOBACCO, ANCIfFII, AND CIGARS, AT hie Old Soind, comer of Smithfield meet and Ifiaisiord alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, world reapectful ly call the emotion of Conn.). Merchants, lintel and Steamboat Barkerpersoo • largo and superior &won t:wart of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will be found the following brand. vie: Eagle, fibegidia, Cas t:altos, Prineipe, La Nona., Star [trawl. allnarra and Ddtar Regafiarl, all of whleb will be sold as low as can be bad at any other boo. I. the city. Also, constantly oo hand and for sale, • large and well *elected stock of Virginia, Missouri, andllea Cot Cheering Tobaero, Alassilassna, Wes and Common Leaf Tobacco, coortandy oo hand and for sale. nor3llfint Itootlag.—..oalawalsod Tan Plates. rrniig subscrabets beg to call lb. animation of libilders, dthhiteets and Guinean of Balld.rogs, to the many advanthgeo which the. plat. ))OPICIII o'er lin other metallic substances hitherto used (or roofing to , they posses. m on. the Lightness of Iron, w ithout 11A nobility to mot, having now been motto/ for several year. m this particular, both no tins worm sad in Eu rope_ They are less liable to expansion sad Colllllc lieu from sudden annum of the atmospheres than com mon tin plot., iron. one, or any other metal now used for roofing, and conoequently form a much better and tighter roof, runnings far less frequent repaint, whilst the first cam is but a utile 19011, A fall supply, of all uses, from 10 or 30 W. 0, c00 ...1i1y ...lily han d and for vale by OEO. B. MOREWOOD & CO, 14 and 14 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been .eeared for use United flutes, all panics infringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prowoo. led oetalkdar.wlyT SOOT PROOF IRON. rINHE understimed have erected work. in the city of 1 New York, for the purpose of Galvanising all arti cles of In, which it i. desuatile to PROTECT PROM RUST, each as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be nrcrtuned. For Hoop. for Cask.,.. a.ab.umu for bale Rope; lot Clothe. 1-11.6, Lightning Rods, mad a hort of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to Me Galvani zed Wrtv for fences; it requires no pains, and will not rest. Alto to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is of to mach tmportance, that it will Commend moolf to the notice of all those 1111.0MIC-4. OFD B. hIORFAVOOD k CO, Puente.., «t7O-dk_wt)T 14 and 16 nearer at, N. York OYSTER/11 OYSTERAII ERESH FROM THE SHELL—Hy Rorke & Co'. Fast Express, at reduced uric..—Tit accommo s all lovers of this delicious fustiry, RORKE & Co. have resolved to supply the people inejttlarly through out the s with he t choicest Fresh Oysters to nails, half cans eason, and shell, at such reduced once,. as will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at thew tables. An &resit load wall be received delay at the were. house of JNO C BIDWELL, Water areal, between Smithfield end Grant. sad for We them, and at the fol lowing depots: Rai. At Barger, comet Seattleld and Oda m; E Heu Damond; A Newel., Penney Sth ant; D Haughey, foot of Libetty at; J Cohan, Jr , , Penn's Avenue; Mercer & &damson, Allegheny coy. ottal 012 Ice et American & Vomit en Patent., TAXES UREENOUOH, of the late firm of Keller & Glieerumgh, continues the badness of Cansultirm Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his office In the city of WASHINGTON. He may he consulted and em ployed In making examinations In ramlttnery In the Patent Office and elsewhere, la fundable/ drawings and specifications of machines, and all papets ty, transfer, amend, re-mason of extend letters patent in the United Buttes or Europe. He can also he contralt o! professionally on all questions of litigation arm ing under the Patent Lase, and ilrg ones. lions before the Patent Office or an a ppeala therefrom, for which his long experience in the Patent Office and in his profession, have peculiarly fitted not. The pro fessional hennas/ of theistic be. T, P. Jones haring balm placed In his bandt m all lawn, in Telcitlon thereto should be addresse d to you paid angttlj.iikwelmS - NEW MiLRANCIERIENT. D OCTOR R. W. MORRIS having recently porches. od the Drug Sarre formerly owned by Flays ktrockway, No.l Commercialß ow, Liberts street, Pittsburgh, takes this menial inkorming his friends and the public in general, that his more will at all times be supplied with an extensive and general assortment of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Cologne., and indeed every ar dela called tor Ina drug store, which will alwa w ys be sold as low as at any other house in the city, hole sale so retail. Hoping to merit a Mato of the public patronage, nothing shall bo warning to give entire sat isfaction to his customers. nor'/Atoka 117dropothy, or the Wet•r Care. ROCTOR pLIVJAMIN W. MORRIS, still continues to practice the safe and popular remedy called hopathy or the Water Cure, and if desired will treat diseases Allapathieally. Onstitrical cases will be at tended to promptly. N. R—Dr. Morris may be consulted at his Drug No. 9 Corehnercial Row, Liberty street, during business boars, or al his residence, morning and 0001, log, Penn street, ii doors below Irwin's alley. nov7-tilt ITTSDUROIL OCTOBER Ri, Init.—We are now Pin receipt of several bales rate Iti49 Western es first Now York and Massachusetts Prime HOPS, and are always receiving regular supplies. %Ve are prepared to sell ai lowest rates. Office, Prit street. Allegheny river. Gown 0 PD. W SMITH k Co. ONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS—A A Mason 6. L co, 60 Market at, have just reek' per latest impor tations, 60 dot Long and Square Shawls, including plaid Loos Shawls, of the richest color• and eholor•t patterns. Comforuble Wool Shawl• of every dm em tun and at uniformly low prides ov9 - OEO. W. & CO., INFORM their Mende and the palate that they have no longer any connection with their late establieh rnant in Vann strew, known as the Plttsburgh Brewery, having removed their entire banana., to the POINT BRRt Pin insert._ FkITCHIE & COOPtRANE I FOBWIBBINB CORRIBSION 111311 CHANTS, NO. SR TCHOUPTTOULAS STREET, anlll-4,l&rvenroS New Orleans. pHAILMAN & Co., have removed w the Warehouse, 3 doors wear of th e Monongahela o v r o tul i or it i E V'eter_Arld . I F v rom stme o 4 l ./ Wood 0. omit Pon ww. DR. D. 110 AT, Dantla. Gamer oitaant4 and DeCEU; IntßeCn . lin MM=Z= bbl /mod lefusuir 55_Ale , _tl J ' OLIN IDURDAN }Mr! 1;3 . '1;11111ot ptb Wes. R9E !HOUSE% t FARitti, &G. VALUABLE ,PRAPZIMr. ?PR sam. THATloroyertylitiay pcsupsd by IL Nunn, OU Critir areet,,neu Robinson, Allegheny cny, will be sold nenv , vvredathtlf tem.. The •let it 351 feet 1 inches on Craig stueL.running through to the Canal 150 feet Them us a good two sway frame dwelling house on the premium, lately Malt, and the lot is well improved, contenting a variety of choice fruit tmee grape, lunhbery, Ac. Tids property is conveni ently muted for persons dmng business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is • dedrabla residence. Titla indisputable. For terma apply to WIC BOYD, AM. - .). .t Law, office on Fourth sweet, above 4 " ,,,,,04 . 41 api-dtf 3 8E flares Coal Land for Baba SITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 miles from Pineburgh and 3 maks above third 'Lack, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyelt & fiborbt and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 1533 per acre—one third in hand, balance in five enroll annual payments, without mterest. Title indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particAlars enquire of S. BA.L.SLEY, who has a draft of said pony. Residence 2d ache's...Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row. N. B. There is another seam of coal on this tract, about 80 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. iffi&drj S. EL El7siarrlstate In Whips A TRACT of land, 90 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co., /I. on the Cuyahoga rover--about 9) acres ander im provement. _Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Tmmbell Co., 60 feel by 90. Also, a lot of ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling house and store--one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western /Users. Any or sil this property will be wad On very accommodating terms. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., feblo Water and Front sts. FACTORY FOR SALE --•••- • .- THE large and well brdltFaetory, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny city, by R. S. Cuatt, Elm- is ered for sale at a bargain, and on easy terms. The lot on which the Factory is erected, (mats 100 feet on Rebecca street, and num back 110 feet to Park street. The main building 11 of brick, three stories high and 60 feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine House Is large and commodious, with an engine, - boiler, stack, Rn., all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advantageous terms. For price, terms, Ac., enquire at this office. auret.shf _ caTHE subscriber offers for rent for the term of one or more years, a largeconvenient well fin two story Dwelling House, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of ground containing IS acres of fine young fruit trees of every Mud, stable, he., connected wild the house. To any potion wish ing a delightful residence within a few minutes ride of the city, this will be a rare chance. For terms, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. inn. Wright, near the premises, of John Watt, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, or of THEO. F. WRIGHT. MILE nbscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen WI. from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 40".2 Imre. mad 20 perches, strict measure The land Is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared, and well watered, and will be sold either In whole or in farms of convenient size, to snit purchasers. For further particulars enquire of Whf. BOYD, Arey at Law, office on Ith at. above Smatineld, Pittsburgh. — Proiterty In AllegViny TIRE subscribe. oder for sale a number of choice j„ Lot., situate in the Second Ward, fronting on the Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of W. O'H. ROBINSON, Ally at Law, St Clair st or (JAB ROBINSON, on the premix. tail 731Avrtf T VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FUR SALE—A Lot of Ground sltliale on Penn street, between flay and Muburysweets, adjoining the house and lot now occupied by Richard Eduravds, having a front of SI feet, and in depth 120 feat, will be soltkon favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4th or, near Wood. °unit-tiff I=! 2 A THREE story Biwa DweUsrg House, on Water, *trove Grant west Possesnon given on thegistTT°. Ibl9, or sooner if required. For terms, impure of nov7 . U BLACKBURN & Co, water st Desirable Comstry .13.emblesie• [or Bale. rfAWISHING to return to the city next Sprtnit, I will sell or exchange for city property, my present u ence in Lawrenceadle. Thu propeny r. beam,- fully located on the Greensburg 'I myna., about IM minutes drive from the centre of city. nor 1-.12a: 10,11 T. D. THONIPSON, 110 Market st Vidnable Residence In Alhighest,' City for dal'. COriTE...II',ATINti a removal from Allegheny city, I offer my residence Orre for ale. The premises are in delightful order, end every way worthy the al m:data Of any person wishing sada 16 prope. • _ /11 . IL W. POIND rty E:XTEIL - - - ALC.T, Storehouse and Dwelling, alumni on the Erie Extension Canal, in the silage o( West Mid dlesex; a desirable loeation fora merchant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling Honer troth suited fora Tavern Stand, In the •alias, of Orange rate, on /Date line of Ohio. Terms cur• ISAIAH DICKEY Ss Co. feblO Water and From as. 1333133 A CON Vl:till:NT into story Brick DereWats, House. on Ross street. Enquire of IVNI. IL WILLIAMS, cbr Wood nod 3d ins 10AL LAND FOR SALF;--Sev , n acres coal land ( ki for sale, sato. in bend of the Monongahela River. above BMW., illy , I'a.. having • 7 foot veto of coal Which wdl b- sold to arc bulge for good. For pullou , apply In In , IM $ A to 110 RHO /OD =wood ma WAREHOUtIk. tOItIALE.—The subserther ffe ors for sale the three tory trick Warehouse on Wood street, oceurn by R. Tanner .7. Co. apl7 WM. WILSON, Jr. To Let. The seines-Men setll rem pan of the ware house now cmeopted by them. Apply to LEIVI9, DALZELI, 3 Co., )wl9 67 water street- EXCHANGE BROKERS, &... B. ifOLIIICS 4.. BONS, 1Basall•r•,, Brehmage B • • 150 va5 , ... 1 us OTES, DRAFTS. ACC EPTA.NCEZ, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTEIV. COLLEXTIONS.—Dratta Notes and Acceptances Table In rap part of the Union, col tented on thecnost t storable terms. .XCIIANCIF. on Nae York, Philadelphia and Balt ore; also, Ctrictnuatt. Louisville, kamt Louis and flew Orleans, constantly resale. BANK NOMl.—Notes on all solvent banks is the United Slaws discounted at ths lowest rates. All kinds of Porelsn and Amerman Gold and Sliver Cain bOnght and told. Office No. S 5 Market street, between 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh, P. oce. MInaNKERS, FACIIANGE UROKERS, end dealers Foreign end Dome.. Exchange. Certificates of te, Bank Note. and Rome; Fourth lance near ly oppoWo me Rank of ?nutmeg. Cermet money received on deposite—Sight Cheek. for 'el. and col leo:ions made on nearly all the prtnelpel points in the United State. Oda higtest read= raid (or Foreign and Anscritan Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship tett East, 1311 liberal terms. mehls Y'diiLlO!V IEXCEIAIiNGIEL PILLS on Olgtand, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. m, Drafts payable in any pan of the Old Countries, Soso /1 to LIMO, at the rate of 113 to the L Stetting, wtthont deduction or dtooount. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, aloe 6th at one door own of wood. octlat WEISTIZIMPUNDB— °KkIndIana, • liesauety, bllssonti, Bank Now porebs.sed at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES & IN sepl3 IS Market 112TCOL /031.11 u CIL, WIL C. COMII HILL & CURRY, MDANKERS and Exchange Brokers, Dna.. in For cum and 130111.3•Ue 'Num and Sight Bills of Ex change, Cerullo... of Deposita, Bank No.. and Coin; No ES Wood street, third door below Four., ran slde. =silt! AUX, 111.101014,1_ IPM/LLD rums ILELAREEH. HAHN, itANKERS AND EXCHANGE: BROKERS, dealer. in Porelgn and Donatolie Rills of Exchange, Coe ates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood greets, directly opposite S. Charles Ho tel. r iat — B s tig l lisTlolll--Sight cor on Philadelphia b r i d Constantly fm Sala by N. HOLALZ it SONS. sept 3 33 Nukes at .y .--- (TEL - - r l'iONS--N - olis, - IYrifli smi Acceptances ;wails in the Western cities, collected on the at favorable terms by .eplg N HOLMF & SONS STOHlcililep oYNI:Nt , V okic for .1. oct4 N HOLMES do SONS HATS, CAPS ANO BONNETS. AL TIM subsoriber, In addition to his own 4 manufacturing of Hats, has made arrang e . moots with Messrs_ Hebee & Co(the mos t a hatter, of the city of New tork,) Corn reg ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and havingpat received a few caeca, gentlemen can be suited with a mm. rich and beautifla \ hat by calling at hi. now Hat and Cap Stare, SmithLeld straw, second door south of Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hat. and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re taiL Hats made to order on short nonce. spit. JAMES WILSON. w & King) ilkH Fa•hlion•ble Hatter:B * i Conti" of Wax! and Fifth Serra. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely opon getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the Rear annntaoa and W011134.{11., of the YT= ern" and at the worm mom Countr7 Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectrully invited to sail and examine 0911 . Stour, is we can say with confidence that as regards po irtn and rams, It will not suffer iu it comparison with any house in Philadelphia. febl7, AFollPashloos for 1848. rm . MeCOLLD & Co., IL.. u'coax ik. uuroo 41111111 LL introduce Saturday, Aoraat Seth, the Fall style of Hata, 1 rust received from New York. II In want or a neat and beautiful hat, are invited to call at their atom, cornet of Fifth and Wood turee, .414 GOODii . . ao,DEALERS are Maned to examine EL H. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the B apriO NNETng style, S—F t com rim p h red i h n Nino! ißlvd, Eng is h Han stable do; Amesiean do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French Lane; Pansy Gimp, &. An. FlATS—Leghorn, Palm Lea, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Mowers, Ribbons, Ac. Straw Bon. net Want:m.o,lM !market at. mart, TO WHOLESALE GROCERS. VIM'S undersigned are prepared to 611 orders for soy or olaantity o(Cypreas Molasses Darrel., of a superi lity, deliverable to order at soy Uwe, by elms no a few days notice, at our Wharf Boat. We thins we eon male it the interest of thew merehmw who buy largely on the coast, as they can . order their bar rel. stopped to any plantation they may desire, which shall be attended to without extra charge. WATTS, GIVEN & Co Psdaeah, Ry Oat 23, PITTSBURGH t3TEEI. WORKS AND SPRINO AND AXLE FACTORY. =AC MOM, MB, *. (10100. JONES a. cmoo, IgANUFACTWIERS of spring and b li ster steel, plough steel, &teal plough wings, c o ac h ~„i .11, sponge, hammered iron axles, and dealers In mul led.% matey, fire !note lareps and toad itinuni P.mlly, tomer of Enna atfl Prom sea, pnishu OLUE-3000 lb. Just reed sad for Lallsq;y_ J KIDD 4 Co gii, , , , !,,,,,,,.,,,..,,i,,,, J -...-i!;,, ,, ,,,7 , 7:7'.. , ,7-':f.7 . :T-,,... , ,. , 5i , .; - •: , , - iji.1. , :i;;T, ,, ,..'5f.,,., DRY & VARIETY GOODS. SPLZMDID itTOC2SC Oy FALL GOODS, Wholesale. andatetati. A A. =SOMA CO., FEFTSBURDI4 . , E.AVE received Mere thanane thouiand Ca s Packages of Foreign astrEDomestin Goods, antk tog one of the most =Masi= essortments in the wen, try, embracing the latest; ricbest adman fulderiable styles of !exported atui American Goods, purchased in enure packages from Iles importers, manufacmiere Sag largo Aution sales, by one of the firm residing in New York, who is weaselly sending on the newest end most desirable goods in the Eastern markets, which will be offered as hew as at any; establishment In the .. United Stales, and lower than wild possibly be oder-: ed by pop Ruse in the West. ' .We enumerate the Rd ., lowing =Mies— BUSS SILKS-6 eases rick ettangiable, Maeda, plaid and brocade Grade Alfrie,Gro de Berth:4ore.= Swiss, Gm de Algiers, Gluier,: black Gm de Rhine, Tallinn. fine Satin, Florence of all colors, Ac. he. Ai so, silk Velvet of all colors, a very large stook. .76 CASES DRESS GOODS, na: eases extra rich tin striped Cashmere; do do do panted dodo; do small figured English de Leine; do Clenenee Plaids, witted Orientals, he. Also, to eases Alpaccast_2o cases rich striped and plain Lyenese; 6-4 Tnnna. Clid and $4 l . Twill; 6-4 cashmeres and Grandilla Plaids. FRENCH MERINOS—A follessortment of black, mode, scarlet, Moroon, Narartria blue, purple and ollt er cams of the best mu:tauter°. -- MOCI SHAWLS—Comprislng the most extensive is sorunent ever offered to this city, embracing long and square Cashmere and Tartan Plaid Shawls, Maude, Brunswick, Finland, Jenny Lint Lamartine, and oth er Shawls. • - • EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS., GLOVES, noi— Lice caps, collars, cuffs, .tanding collant, chemiretto Also, lima cambric and lawn fidkfl, Laces and Edg ings, Belt Ribbons, Hosiery ofall kinds Gloires WAIFS, FFILIIGM CORDS,.I3RAIDS, tro.—A Sill usortment of the most faabianable styles. LINEN AND HOUSE KEEP/NG GOODS—Carteol In. Linen, best manufactures Linen Sheeting,. and pillow env Linens, Table Punnet and Diaper, Satin Damask Table cloths and Napkins, liockaback, Ras. sia, and Bird'. Eye Diaper. Flattnele--oker 1000 p o ol every civility. Bleached and Stowe Muslim—mare than 15,000 ps of ail the well known makes. RLBEIONS-51ore than WO mittens entirely new fall and winter Ribbons, very choice styles. French Cloths, Cassuncres and Doeskins, in groat variety; Vesting., Scarfs, cravats said Ifilkfs. White Goods of every de r oe, together with ev ery article usually found M a dry good. stOir. • The following is an invoice arc cases goods Jim received, with the prices annexed: 10 bales of red and white Flaturiels, all wool, for MO 7 cams blue and orange Fon% S 10 do Calicoes, 03 yards for 100- 12 do fast colored Prints, 4 17 do Bleathed 4 do Mous de Leine, - 12 7 do real Scotch Gingham,' Also, 60 bales 4.4 Brown 61.1., 4 All of which, in connection with those above Min netted, will be offered at less prince than can be affind ed by any other establishment in this city. The ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which insures histice and fairness to all, will be strictly observed. Any article purchas ed at tins establishment found to be above the general market price, a consequent realudtion will most willing. ly be made. upon the cucumstanges being made known to the Proprietor., It being their denies that ell go.ds shah oe sold on fair and honorable terms. All persons .e respectfully Owned to emoinne nor assortment without feeling the least obligatiOn to parchase. noel Nero, F.hsenable t ami P. , mtaulariy Cheap GoOde MEM CHIA/ CASH curstuso noes, so, 136 LAMEST Mitt: THE Proprietor of the above establishment would respetfully inform his numinous. friend. and cans/- mess, that he has AA received his first supply of fall and winter goods, which as usual comprises eve Iting that is now, fashionable, hands/Are and good. a dap ted. to gentlemen , . wear ; and as he btu been pennon:ay . fortunate in making parches., he Is de tRISRIIted U:1 o fey everything in hut fine of business touch cheaper then was ever offered In Pittsburgh before; and as some ere' vary hard to convince. that Pittsburgh menufacone, elm go ahead of the Eastern cities, he would Invite: all such to examine the following list of prices. and them call and no ho snook, alter dung which, he ken eon.' fident they will have their doubts removed, as well as. some of their money: Ladd cloth coats, urnus colon, from Good fiuluovable cessions, pans, from Cloth and over coats Vests in gre at variety Gentlemen. cloth cloaks, large sue Ladles' cloaks, splendid panerns Tweed sack coat Flushing over coats Ulanket over coats A very large stock of alum, under shins and kiss , era ; talk handkerchiefs, cravat; suspenders, /se. Dr-. der. in the Tailoring fine executed in the ben master and at the shortest notice sepl442llSo_ NEW AND SEASONABLE. GOODfA. ALEXANDER it DAY have Just received a, See assortment of the following dcacnption of se dt On 4 able goods, the greater portico tif whieh have been bought at deeded, and will be sold at great bargains. FLANNELS—Red, white and Inflow Flaunts, a very large and comp lete assortment, and very lishpapl SAITINEDS—A very large lot of blue, black ' ' adz. grey and gold mut Sandets, at very low prices. ALPACAS--Plain blk Alpacas, plaid and striped do, fancy plaid and striped do, cheaper than ever. ' FANCY SILKS—A splendul assortment of Dar changeable Saks, both plain and Bed, of almost etiery shade SHAWLS—A very superior pnorartent of super Rrochei Pans printed, Terkeri, and Cashmere SittiOHS, at pries. far below the ordinary rites. Al., a large assortment of Usglish Merinos ' Clark, roams and Hula Plaids , blue, blk add grey PilotClirthis, for overcoats; bib Dassinieres, cotton Damask, Wad do, Kentucky Jeans, &e. be; to all of which ere Inaitt the attention of the public. ALEXANDER & DA'}', 75 market at,' N W ear of the diamond • REMOVAL. - 1,1 H. F.ATON k Co. /wring removed from AfDiked street to their new Store, No thiFoorde tween Wood and Market, are now opening their Frill stock of Therm/Dim and Variety Goods, among which are-Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kindg Fabbroldery Gimps end Vetvetc Embroidery and Needle ,Work- Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes; Steel Bogs d Pones, Steel Triers:ramps Ladies Mer ino Old Silk VestNand Hosiery; . , • Childrens' Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery; Gents Starts, Underehlria, Drawers, Drees/Ds Helens, Sr. Wool and Conon Tarn; ChiWrens' Dresses of lawn patterns, which thar a for at low prices both wholesale and tatad. 0014 P. R. EATON. W.; P. Idszansf.L. BLACK M.PACAB—W R hlctruhyinvitea therpos titular armationof buyers to his assorunent of above Goods, having selected them With great ear!, in reference to tlleu glossy finish and good body for wiz ter use. Altoa MOHAIR LUSTRF-s,' common, medium mad super • fine qualities, including a few pleceijet black, aslitptetl for mourning purpose. FANCY ALPACAS AND USTIIIM, in great ca. riety of urea stripes, plaids, and brocades, sortie of which are very superunr. as these; goods have be bought directly from Importers, they can be sold it the lowest possible prices. To be had also by the piece, inWholesale ItOoto.ip min, at • very man advance on cost. °ea To Country Itorohanta. 311TH & JOHNSON, 46 Market street, wooklinvite S tbe attention of Ccruntry Pderehants to their dock of New Fall Goads, purchased for each, of ille;MW York imporung and merlon boozes, and will be sold at assault Jobbing prices. The dock pries • great variety of Dress Goods, abundant-and black Salta silk no cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpaca Lomas, fancy chameleon and plaid do; satin driped Orientals; French and lt&nrllsh Merinos, &lanolin dolainaud Cashmeres, square and long Shawls, Gloves and'llo story, Bonnet R10...fr0m:3 cents' piece up; net Silks, Armload Flowers, Lino cainbne HUN 10 carom Thread Laces and Edging.; 16 downs damn do; Combs, Boons, Thread, Nuallost Fins, &CA I. " , every varier. Wholesale Booms *l3.cor. sa DREss GOODS—we have 'received a fall atock of Dress Goods among millet( may bo Plant black andlignred Alpaears Colored and fades, plaid do Oregon, Calafornia, Queen, (Meanie and Lontbapithe Plaids; plain, colored and figecd Ciahmerea; dkLainm B,lk, Tartan and plaid castaneres toge th er With a. large assortment ofother dams good i, alto( isrldnk will be sold low by die porn or package. oet9 BIinCKLETP to WiIITE,DO mood st R' F=EIVED AT W. bI'CLINTOCKTS Carpet Ware boos; 73 Fourth street— • 2 ps 6-i rosewood eol'd Table Od Cloths; 7"6-trich dark " " ' " 3 o It The above are of tuperior gambit, elasticity of 6n. ish, almost beautiful eel.", and shadmg, int..ded for furniture, counter and tablet coverifik . oct9 LARGE SUPPLY OF NEW GOODS. IL Monen ts now opening du SECOND SUPPLY of Winter tioods, including a variety of .bode. of Drab Preach blerinos,• Scarlet cherry, uld other high colored Itierinpes; Magmata b der, brown -do . ... . Also, PARSIETTAS of um° <dorsi Alpacca.e, he., with many other desirable goods that are very 'tame, all of which will be sold very cheap, at north can eor oar of Ith and Market eta 02127 LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS—Smith 4 Johnson, 46 Market street, vronld invite the ratan -0013 of dealers andinbers to their chsime stook of Moen Cambria Mkt's ; all then, from emnp to 112,6k4ne ding every vanety amps, bordered; hemmed, to le..lord, cLear lawn, yeah deep corded berddrs, Revier,elbrol dered and colored bordemd. 0et.29 SATINETS AND JEANS—W It Murphy has noir open a large supply of Plain Slick Sottheta,thatut stripe do, satin barred do, plain blue do, mthethletreen do, cadet mixed do, gold mused do, Oxford . mi.XO and cadet and gold mixed Jeans, at loss pnces,fiy the piece or yard. Wholesale Rosati hp stairs. peal sPRESS le JobjlYoo, 46 Metiget is have received wholes stocker DresitOora*cori ng in part of rich ChamelionEllka, black al, satin striped Cashmere, and arienta),olsln Chameleon and plain Mean., Will sniped do; ailkWarp and itell4l. Lustres, Printed Muslin de Inane and Cashnients, Flench and English Merinos, real Scotch Ginghfithth troth 1114 thane to thfifinest quality; Colicqa f• • 4 ate to the; nch Emb. Muslin Robe. for evening • Ac, to which they would partiealeily 414E0'14 • non of porches.. SCOTCH PLAIDSANHTCaIitH C. 113.5124 W. IL Murphy has now oPen,'s .apply th. Foods, sod invitee eepecially the enertuon of .-odo ryry terehante, to the lOW prices at which these !And on other ki.d. of winter wooden. are now otretwLi' J!70.4 • — Wow Fall LcIHITH & JOHNSON, le; Market at., have , net re eived by coitus, a aplentild aaaottmen4,;of ila, to v. lob they would pattieul/crly LoYitt the attention of purchasers. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS.—W R Murphy h.. LI on band an assortment of euPer Watered laird t ta mask figured black nod blue blalk Dress Silki, satin stnped and plaid do; also, a great'variety of &Lug, a ble, damask figured, and striped d6 --they anll b..1.1d low. 0645 KID GLOVES-. —Just received,' a fall auorttfient of ladies. geralemems, and mimes Kid filovc66.flia• jou'. euperior make. SMITH JOHNSON, °cued 46 inatkpit I_ VEND% DRESSI—NY R Murphy has 1. 1 6 1 1 ra* E ceived embroidered Moiling and other itre4 of goods of latest styles Tor Evenbieraszev__ RENCH MERINUED—Smith tr. Johnson, 46 bet at, would invite the atteulloo of boyerato Heir choice mock of French Merinos, comprising Om best shades in drab, maroon., oarlike, brown, scarlet, man anne blue, ant blacks. 4 l BLAKE'S METALLIC Ft REPROOF NAJN'Pv4ust tee 6, a large supply of the ab.... 101., farAbot• tog and otionpu,pose.. We can recommend tko *Wye Fire Proof Paint, for ere have 40. .s.g it,6r dear four years, nod know is lobe aI . oell 3 J H PRIMPS, No 6 ,wood at • Patent Soda &att. 534 CASKS a J ~ ~ Alusprars& Boas' SedeAah, ~ r ea and to arrive, Ow nile stabs loareat Ira tat price for caah or .pprave4 bills, W & ItiMrltadmlDE.l oat .° • IGOLLbvvv - at •••., GARRIA curni— lot' relioived, ple4o &its . GE Rubb ., c..i.g. Cloth, ftout.4 to U t0u40 44 1' r o g; i .:l l ::t d ille7M P ßuae " r J k H 111114,1rS : :,, b ii. l . l3 , 3 ,o ' .. Pitubfth by J D blorgon, 91 1 Nood J T gsm.ybototi It egnysor,•nor flogger and fIOPFEIE-300 bogs Rto Codoei . forsale bo•t• Dtintr'linsderroon k, Co, Lawny Procoabdoced at 29 bllai ;Los slid pa bulk- • • • , f WM - THING NSW—lndio *abbot Waking cup EvivorrsollTAßliiiik:ki4hkEtg 77 0 Jan received,s dow ns grabber Dan SnO O - rtgil KkOkttkkikairtubSkroof. t ie ve s sew . t i fo o r bot e RI the lar s .t x tu - , MEDICAL. fo Tilt PROFESSORS ANDS/lI:NITERS OF THE • msolvall 1 1 0enwrilES. !rather, Wire and Danglat•r IN THE UNITED STATES.—The subscriber respect • 1 fully calls your attentton to Dr Ilsaarrr . • Opts. DI" Orr resaly intended for the preservation of Ifo• health of both sexes—whether it anses from Incipient Minibus, or early consumption, Debility of the Lungs, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered stare of the Liver, Spleen, or Edney', Die eased Spine. Cholie, Drpopma, Palpitation of the Dean, Lou OrAilltrill. Or Nervous Power, SM. he. - prt. C. Ili BARRETT'S GUARDIAN comes to the immediate relief of Females suffering from Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases inci dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any similar iniudthions exposure, and this without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and sensitive lady can at any moment apply It to herself without the possibility of umpiring any risk or danger, ' Sr any nripleammemuiles arming tram it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate relief Dr. Barrett's (Mardi. is no estek..penny 4 er One of the many beanbags of the day; but a is en msnamene made noon strictly scientifte prineadea, in accordance with the laws of Electricity and alveoli/to: sod for neatness, durability and efficacy, infinitely surpasses everythingof the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief of disease. and, In the language of one of the most enlightened men the day, is pronoamted to ho "the greatest discovery of the Lea , ' by Agthalenta loss than fr h. I- occupied state of perfe " ct " o=g * which time rt L ' as ' gees n i t it s the bonds of some of the moat eminent physicians or die North and South, as well as in the dwellings of nu merate families, who have used it tar all of the above purposes, wish the most perfect meets., and who hare cheerfithy given their unqualified approbation of its oseaey and rake, so can be seen by referring to the Manual of Instructions accompanying LL Dr. C. D. klarren's Guardian is secured from inner* tions by a patent from the United States Patent Office, s od bahad caber with or without his Mettle. torn tro Galvanometer. The Medico-Electro Galvanometer, In point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and Fencer, cannot be stn. posed or even equalled, and the subscriber feels that he bastards nothing in the assertion that it will be found to possessmore . power and effseacy in the treatment and removal of &seams, by Galvanism and Eleeillei sy, than any other Instrument, either in th e- Vetted States or Drape. The Medico-Electro Galvanometer is warranted in every respect, and with common ordl nary care will last • life-time and fairy far the cheap est, because the beat, instr ument ever offered to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving the meet ample ittaltialo9ll, of practical expenenCe, o en that It readily . lntelligiblela the mind of every nc, while the • w•• ny of arrangement is such thefts child may with it. Any information gratuitously given, and alt commu nications cheerfully answered per mall, either In rel.- don to the fiectro-Galmmonteter or Guardian. Medical MCA are invited to call and examine Dr BlT FOr.ale by t.l=aff, Y ;olB Agent, 71 Mar ket at, Pittsburgh. upVttlif DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN BITRACTOB: TILE followin g from Geor g e E. Pomeroy, Es q ., Mil well koewmpt o prietor Diem Express, speaks for Itself of the importance of the Pain Extractor to every parent.. Rasura Omer, Albany, Sept. t. Ma Darmts: My Dear Sir—With frehngs of no or dinary pleasure I addiess you in relation to the benefit I have received from your invaluable Pain Extractor. Lately, my little daughter, G years old. had a pitcher of boiling water turned Into her bosom; her screams were dreadful, m that a crowd instantly gathered be fore the hoover° learn the cause orthe terrible screen°. I tore her clothes asunder, and won spread on your salve, and she was carried and laid upon a bed. She was soon relieved T i ber pains,.and says “Itte, I feel on lit could laugh;" was soon in sweet sleet;l t. She was scalded to a bl er Item the tap of her eh MG over mon - than half her chest, and rend untie the arms. On the shmlder and breast it was very .cp, yet from the firer hour, Ms complained only when a woo dressed. The were healed rapidly, and there is co contraction of the =Melee. With many wishes, my dear sir, for your success in the snle of this mighty article, em proore, with respect, GEO. E. POMEROY. THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the same le sumlancous relief, and soothing, cooling effect, in the severest eases of Burns, Scalds, Piles, tee. The Counterfeits—no nanusr under what names they may appear—always irritate, and increase the penal • TO THE PUBLIC. I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., have been eillicred with rheth: mecum in my breast, feet, and all over my body, for six years. so that I could not stood, and was eared by three appbcatlons of Dailey , . Magical Pain Ertracior. EDWARD P. HOLMES. Mr. Dailey: Sir—l cat my finger with a copper nail, the poisOnom nature orolush earthed my sem to swell considerably, with constant shooting pains up to the shoalder. A large swelling taking place at the arm pit, with increasing pain, I became fearful orrthe Lock jaw. In this extremity year Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon u, try. The c0...ree1.. Wits that it aforded me almost instant relief, and in three days I was completely cu. red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New 'fork, corner Broome and Sullivan ate, Sept P. ISIS. NOTICE-11. Dm,. Is the (mentor ofis Invalu able remedy : mad never has end ntver Will this COMMLIIII- Gale to any living m the secret of as comSinnuoM All Extractor*, therefore, not made and put up by him, are base counterfeits. Patteaterves Dunne-415 13rootheny, New York, 235Chtstaut street, Phil. JOHN D. MON.GAN, Gettend Depot; Dr Wlll. THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh rohltlei s Animal Galvarste CrarnAll, Cures humor., 'par n, quitter. greare, poh-evd, sores, galls, and brut., Pamphlets, containmg net. tificatee of respectable parties, may be hod on applica. tion to JOHN D !HORGAN, Agent, Putsburgh. novls.dlyu I]IPORTART TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. liose'S Celebrated Remedies. TIEL JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and role w iry primer of these most popular and beneficial med icine*, and also the inventor of the celebrated insten meat for inflating the Longa in effecting a veto of Chronic diseases, was a cadent of that eminent physi cian, Doetor Physic, and is &graduate of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirt eya y years since has hero ngaged In the investigation of die no, and the appb • carton of remedies thereto. Through the use of his inflating tube, in connection with his Prophylactic Sy andother of Ms remedies, he has gained an elled eaditenee to curing those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever nod Agoe, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to females Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of his miandies,to which humanity is heir—not by the use of sue compound only, for that as Incompatible with Physiological Law, but by the use of his mole diem, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Roses Tonic Altman. Pills, when used sure in. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave the bowel perfectly free from emniveness; as also his Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being catithed that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what has bean sold in the minds of the most skeptical. The atiLieted are Invited to call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's tiampldet, giving a detailed account °leach remedy and its application. For sale by the foPooring agents, as well se by most Druggists throughout the conic I tichoomnaker A Co, 94 Wood street, Pituburgb; MTnnoctld;dr9ightt, 45 Market st A Beckham, v near the P.O. Allegheny city, Jos Barkley, flarlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jno Illllion,Eldion Valley, u - T aflame. Barter, . IikEDIOA.L. & SURGIOAL OPFIOZ, : ..- -,. No. Oa r DIAMOND ALLEY, a few do at ors below Wood error.!, LCD mi l . 14.,. ,..... . ' - p i t t .f.dtm, ful_ rnena ll 4l7 l3llCl ed ind a p :a lir eb,.... ed:to' fon " , ::lm e edi b"a v esl r: • his attention to the treatment -of • thew private and delicate cant : , • . dilik\ plaints for which his opportenides ..- •, 1 1 ~. -- ', NI ii years yearmaisu l dtionsi l y l d g evoted to study . treatment of thou complairimbineng which time he h,,,,, had more practice and hes cared more pa -1.1.112 then can ever fall to the lot of any prime pow titionerl amply qualifies him to offer eseerwra of en; and satiefactory ewe to all afflicted wit 'Pe nl= aan , Mammon, and all dlsaases wising there/ from. Dr. Brown weed inform those aflicted 4 with pitram disewes sehlakhave become chronic by time or ar. graveled by the me of any of the commennestrums of the day, Mu their compliunts can ba radically end Mor oughly cured; he having given his careful dumb& to the treatmentesach cases, and succeeded In hundreds of instances le curing persons of In en of neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often remit from those cases whore others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly Leven such It. have been long and =are Many treated by itro to consult. him, when every satisfaction will be ven and their cases mated In • mead, shown and bite s manner, pleated oat by tli long experience Weedy, and investigimen, whichlt is impeasible Mr Mo., r ig= In se ... etral .. practice o f methelros to Wean., 17Herni or Reptare.—Dr. Brown also Invitee per:. was afflicted with Hernia to call, WI he has paid partic ular attention to this disease. Egan diseases; also Pi! a, PsbrY, eta, sPee4o7 cared Chas eery low. N. R.-Patients of etth sex living at a distance, by miming their disease in writing, aiatng all thexyrePl touts, can obtain medicines with directions for not, by addxess i ng T. DROWN, M. D., post paidoind ana l by iTi r'' No. 63, Diamond alloy, opposite the,stisi " srly Douse. --Dr. Brown , * newly discovered reme dy it ...' f,. —" for urrustlem is a speedy and certain remedy for tim o t i gnful trouble. It never rails. mad Primo Consulting Roma, Ne.63Die. mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The IMetor Ls always at llama. Al]P" No mire no pay. deciP. -WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUAIFTION.— though Dr.Taylarts Helmet of Liverwort has found besidesdm of advocates, and has produced n Mtge number of tessimentals to Its favor, I cannot Withhold ray small rued amino, Being predisposed to con sumption both from peculiar fo rm ation, and h ers idi try transmission, I tried every means to check this :dis ease, and strengthen a naturally weak constitution, l spent t wo year at Pisa, one MI Rome, two iu Florence, and another In the South of Fem., seeking,. menn - time, the advice of the beet phystetans. TWO years dace I returned to this century, to about the wan s it uatiaa as when 1 len it. I had seen in therimding moms In Europe much said in favor of Dr. Taylor's flaunt of Liverwort, and to soma es I arrived. is this c ity, I used It, end in three month. I was so wet{(con cluded reould safely pass the winter bete, aeddid so. I have and otearionally a bottle on and Mandating this time. bat am now in as good health as is possible myeensh hem wholly ceased, end my Inn. t* eve ry feeling of health. Dr. G. Smith, and Dr. Post, V this rate, 'sure.. Physicians, grid now say they believed me incurable. ittlt BILL. Western Betel, Ceeetlandt it, NA Li. 111.011, OM in the common way of surgeries universGly known as the hest article for duets. u Melange ever discovemd; and It Is obvious that u highly concentrated preparation, securing the whole virtue of this inestimable herb, must beinvaMaule. Matti:rear, ride medicine minutes Me reedit:al OpPer deaorynany roots and he be. Such h. bete the. rim ceased this Balsam, that It in warranted as being inc e pable of. producing, in say instance, Inlaid. ..eec u. Wain the last few years the calls for thus mieteign remedy have been immense beyond Precedent; and its reputation saatained from Mime to Iterate:. thus pro ving Me confidence bestowed upon a simple medical rzyilt . l4p=veir t ltable, i tigi wiestrid aps too, ribm a etWetion ofiteriabinese, Way irad sucessa,..riPlee it In their practice, recomMe. it to their palettes, snd 'deem thin medicines:4s and inestimable; pitrurisiurip soft doesnatinterfere with any other medicine - pelmet. may he taking al the same tams, our restrict them to any peculiarity *ldle; catfinentem, act , med i a Mille personal° real. the full benefit of this ~ and follow at tbe same MOM, tf they wish, the .eideteb of .thels physician. 1 • • 4 • 4..4,, 1/2,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers