The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 16, 1848, Image 2

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THURSDAY MO, N0V.16, 1846
Adventeeratens andßabeetiptiona totheNowhilmer
eau and United Suwerfiveretto, Phbulelphiazeentved
sad forwarded from this tam
00111:11.141WIAI; PIIILADIAL. t o
Betweriptions to ibis tralnablepaper aril! 6e received
andforwaried fronithia office. .
- --- szwycinicurrascas.
jVs, Tee Ore and forward free or expense,ad
sibseriptions Os this Ma.
- -
Fos Lan? Onamerde -figelligener - weirdo, Mar.
Lay Rim News, Impona, Money mime, Ice. see
-tied pee&
foe next page tar Telege*Wale IMO.
liftitaill and Wangs about London and ,
PlltUltugh. • ;
From the interesting Linden omMepondenmi of
the New York Commemitthwei have gleaned some
items of information sad instruction:.
Landscape gardening is earned to great perfec
tion about London, and a huge proportion of th e'
shrubbery consists of evergreen-such as holly,
laurels, latimatines, arbor vines, and that fine old
plant, the thy green.
Although the. arson Is far advanced, [October
27,) owing to the humidity of the climate, the dice
of nature presents the aspect of eternal 8p4387---
the fields and the Laws are sill rich in viva green,
sad were it not for the Autumnal tints which vas
negate the . park and the treat trees, you could
scarcely realize the approach of Winter.'
This is owing, partly, to the high nee of cuL
ovation of the grounds, and to lb* being kept
fue *am dead leaves and grass, and from every
- which prevents the circulation of air, light,
:,....1; ,,, 4441K0.„ Oar grounds about Bathe/0 might be
snineofgreat beauty until clubman, and
.05,100,4 through - the winter, were *Per pains
died .
• ' Around London, for miles, the • environs am
studded with villalmers, all distinct and of differ
ent styles of arch the material is brick,
covered with stone colored plaster, which contrasts
harmonically with the vivid green of the shrubbe
ry and the bright gravel walks, which ere kept in
order even in the depth of Winter.
The houses generally in these numerous and ex
tansies avenues or streets are not designated by
itumbere bat by names—such as Blenheim Lodge,
MattlexeMill House, Argyle Gottage, Bco.'
This matter of varying the style of archnectine,
of suburban cottages and villas, is one of no small
moment Nothing has detracted more from the
beauty of suburban scenery in the vicinity of Pitur
burgh, than the almost uniform sameness in the
architecture of the dwellings. Utility is not owes
eerily sacrificed by an attention to beauty and ve.
fiery, and frequently the expense, is very smell la
proportion to the benefit to di derived. To trend
a trifling expense, in the Mt instanco,thr a unique
or Metered design, oar citizens follow in one beaten
track, and frequently suffer their builders to out
rage all the laws of fitneas, harmony, and propor
Another item in the beauty of a landscape, as
suggested by the London writer, in the color of sub.
tuttawreirideneea. They should :team be white, or
brick color. Any neutral tint, or -the natural color
of any species of stone, will always harmonize
better with the surrounding vegetation.
And, while on this subject antis color of houses,,
we will suggest a thought which has open occur
' ed to us. If the houses and stores of cao whole
city were painted llnee appropriateray any
variety of done, a reddish drab, or cl:'Ocolate co
lon according to the fancy of the proprietor.—it
wand add amazingly to thebeintty of the plaCe.—
The everlasting staring red brick wall which meets
the eye in every direction, detracts much from the
red looks of this animated and improving city.
We are glad to see some little improvement taking
place, particularly on Penn dimes, and hope it may
• be the metrirear of better era in this respect.—
Painting one plain color Is not near so expensive
ao the wretched system which some 6:1110W, of ire
dating bricks, than which nothing can be in worse
lade. Bat we are forgetting our London wane,
end mast rearm
"There are about 30 suburban churnhesthe
process of erection amend the Metropolis, most of
them nearly completed. The dirle of architecture
is the Gothic. and Anglo Norman. The admixture
IVof bins granite and the-bright yellow Caen stone,
. imported from Normandy, produces a very harmo
nious effeet. For the most part they are situated
upon beautiful riles; with verdant limos and no
rounded by corargreenatunbbery.".
This speaks well, both for the piety and taste of
she poops of London. Although land is proper.
nomad, dear and scarce, to what It is here, yet
they do neeconfine their lettiple44lrmship to small
lota, withseamy room fo ilight : 4id air, and
situate them on dune rancor dreit or alley. We
may learn a valuable Unison here.
4 Although the Thames may ltyPeat-kluilltdfklmt
to the American reader, who AP= hie estimate of
rivers from the majestic Hodaan,Ohm, iPP . 4i
or Missouri, perhaps no river in the world presents
_ea& varied magnificence and Cultivated besety.—
Palaces, Colleges, Cathedrals Churches, a fortress
renowned kr canto:lean:lyd gardens, ducal man•
sions, castles, and villa residences (the grounds of
which are in the highest state of °nitration) adorn
its banks." .
. .
Why may not the banks of cow three bemetifel
rivers present a more cultivated aspect? They
-can, if every property holder, and al/ who may
purchase, and improve property, will make it an
object to respres and not earths harmony of the
scene; and the Romer can frequently be done with
-es little expense as the latter. It only requires
coltivated taste and izikomantin.
"The River Thames Anil in the vicinity of
arenoseter-prmounced Stutter-in Gloomier
shire, sod is navigable- fa Usages of SO or 90 tons
138 redesabirre London. Ships of thqlargest class
ascend the river as far as Deptford, and those of
1000 tol4oo tons to the London docks; vessels of
700 or. 800 tons come up to London bridge. The
whole tenth of the river,from its sour:eta the Note.
-is gout 21X1 miles. F lom Girard to Maidenhead
it hills 121 feet every Aye miles. and frtmm Maid•
enhead to Brantford, 10 feet every five miles, rd.
though the fall from the laner, place to the Nore,
a distance of 60 miles, is only seven feet. The
breadth of the river at-Lorukints a quarter of a
mile and at Gravesend - about • mile. The tide
!lows op to Richmond, whichAollowing the wind.
ing of the river, is 10 tnikralcom the sea. The
wan,' however, is not salt higher than Graves.
end, which by the river course is 30 miles be.
low Loudon. The :Nora is 100 miles from Lou.
ion. It is high - water at London bridgetwo hours
after it is high water at the' Nore.
..dnotherimixtense park avow laidoot extend.
ing from Battersea Bridge oti.the. Surrey side, to
Vauxhall, a distance of about bur miles, through.
out the whole extent of which there will be agreed
promenade on the banks of the river. The Mar.
Assess of Westminster has subscribed .00,000 war.
hog for theconseuctlion a en ortuunenhd- bridge
over the Thames leading Rom lie park to his
princely property of Belipavo Square and its viers
Batmen Bridge, which Mcoestmeted of wood,
was enacted itilll2=end doesnot appear to have
suffered from time. The celebrated Bolingbroke
VMS born and died in the village. Sitiamgh the
family mansion has undergone some modern
changes, the favorite room where he enjoyed the
company of his friend Post is still preserved. In
the adjacent church lea monument to his memory
executed by Roubiliar-n
Speaking of Perir—we. Scar, our goodly city Is
never destined to possess such a necessary tummy.
Just think of a Park fear eider us extent/ Talk
about a robllo Square epicene the Court House!
What a mockery for s^park for any useful ropey!
The sickly vegeaation of finch a spot would be ra.
tier disagreeable/and loathsome, than otherwise.
We need a iistk--sea ought to have one—but let
it be are redipectable aine—ianalaining from one
hundred to two hundred acres at least. A loos-
Son between Oakland and East Liberty will do—
lt would be easy of aoteis by omnibuses, and VD'
bay by rail road ears in time, and would not be
ac fu from the centre of the city; fitly year hence,
as some people may imagine. Although we may
not live to see it, yet we doubt not the city will, at
aome future day in its history, extend to East Lib..
Our neighbor Allegheny is more hippily. sane
. • Jtevi, and If bet fine pubilo grounds were properly
r •
moved; shewould afford park root o enough Or
kaith cilia:sin IMMO years to come.—There is a pro
, jam own on footto dispose ofa pmtkat at this ground
isr the more° of humoring the rest. This will
do, provided it is not too much cm op. For pity
sake, give as one huge staple breathing spot, ea&
° aciently etWetudve ;to support • thrifty vegettaion,
which will allure =native birds,arah their sweet
Some pawns think that a park,ot pukka Kam
mvtba the beak tel' the city. This is a ivory
adataken notion. In a clty no lawn than Vika.
WO, iho idea is preOstatona. Woircikarneed
ingly touched in reading, oat long agn, of a little
01 in Loamy who hal nem wen gram, or any
Enda living 1445e1;1ai.:4if Hacks:cis= had tier
bear bounded by Oa leans. Anal yatliondon
yoiii tithe Anik;ai,l 4 mClir °UM*" Parka in
the cam id—but they are n ot within a scads throw.
or frisky man's ddor. Fooltultilly miles ,mast be
- erevereed to .enjoy 414;bri.leCibe.
Bat W mug elms tbis jumble of soma and.
41 611410111, in wide' la London and Pitubargb are
( b t oneninto radar queerjculapcsition, by tbad.
*Aria mon* casoca, bona can London =bar
. .
1 ,4: Kt'. *Unit" sivirtliiesl l tkiimiai leciOiWiti
which he Will'endrameto:deniontalt* that tihik
, .....!e us gbFuons Mutter. Boma.' Pcannittat.
and etcera are onle'ituarldisarrer linage;
in fact, the jury never wohmlly exerted; sod top. '
tablishto,ilito eatisaction of his auditory that the
monks urenFtlier apoaym ou Dillow-his.
,olt ,CtA classical and dramatical compositions Cr.
roue:oily attributed to Wm. Bitakapem ,
. One of the amusing on dits of the day, is, a visit
orsiiiitrortbirtrogonaGaordo now in.lantion
to: the'Comte de Natal at Claremont; to offer their
.condolence with the royal exile on his ishered for
tune: Thetere /est gracionaly received, and
the Comte expuesseti burentetahirt he could not
p•ire.serit. them to irsAturtriotto coisol . t, in come.
.quence ofindisposition—bUt said, he -would take
'much plenum on a future occasion, if they would
favor him with a ealliafintroducing them to comp. ,
tease de Neuilly.
Claremont House is 17_ miles from London. It
was krmerly the residence ache Duke of New
castle, and was purchwed by the British govern
meet for the Prince and Princes of Saxe Cohounr.
The Prince subsequentty became the King of the
f Belgians , after the,decease of his drat wife, the
Princess Charlotte, daughter of George IV, be
married a daughter of Louis Phillippe, and this will
explain the reason why the ex-King of the French
is now residing at Claremont.
Corrospootteneo of the PittsbawitiLLCM
New You, Nov. 10, 1648.
Our city, with its usual facility in such things'
has relapsed into its old quiet, and tbe election of
Gen. Taylor, like all other thing's that temporarily
excite us, is not the leading topic of disensakm.—
People were very busy discussing chances, until
the telegraph made it certain that 160 votes were
safe, and then let the subject lest.; The efforts of
the Whigs of New York were not less suoccesSfel
so far as members of Congress were cancerned,l
than in the electoral cuirass, and much u the
thirtiosix electoral votes may benefit the country.
it is not to be denied that our-thirty4hree;•Whig
Congressmen are as essential to success, as the
President himself. It will be noticed that the ad.
ranee in Stocks has not been sustained, nor could
• different result be expected. Confidence is not
capital, and will not pay debts, though it often helps
small means to achieve the work of large capital.
Nov, the election is over, the late news from Eu.
rope attracts much attention, and causes a good
deal of misgiving for the future. Everything indi
cates a farther depredation of oar leading exports
in the British markets, warning us that another Mr
sines, season will renew the drain of coin that
has worked us so Dunk ruin for the past year.—
By the latest quotationsin Liverpool, fair New Or
leans Cotton sold at Wade- per lb. against 51t4a 5 1
co lest year, with a more marked reduction on the
lower and higher grades. When it is remembered
that these prices are attended by'a large stock, ups
on which the English share of a crop of 2,250,000
bales is •to be added, who can doubt that prices
must continue to fall to a point not only ammo.
unitive, but in the highest degree ruinous to the
growu and the shipmaster. The export of bread.
stuffs will do nothing towards restoring the nos
mense loss caused by the depreciation of Cotton,
and coin must go abroad, The Tariff, that fruit
ful cause of evil to us, remains unchanged, and
as we have now a prospect of its repeal, it will
do us more serious iejury than ever, from the
filet that foreign manufacturers will load us with
all the goods we can bear, and consumers here,
true to private interest, atlll buy all theyean before
the home produce is secured in the market, sod
prices improve. Next month, gold aid silver
alone ran be paid out of the United States Tress
ary, and notes once there, must be cancelled, thus
destroying what now furnishes desirable exchange
and currency. This reduction of the proper curs
reney,iVind the enforcement of the specie clause
of the Sub Treasury Act, added .to the decreased
value of our exports, and the continued increase
of imports, men continue to embarrass all com
mercial operations until the causes enumerated,
are removed by flatland legeiluion, which arena
be hid until the session of 1550.
Tonight, the famous band ofGerman Musicians
make their first attempt in New York. The'real
aGungle's" have °omelet last, and theaGermannous"
and "NnTannarkurches" most abandon t h e field to
these artiste, who come with c lemons reputation.
They are to make the gmal tour in pursuit of
American fame—and dollars and cents will not
overlook so fair • field for both these desirable
things, as the Iron Gay. A good deal of pleasure
may be expected from hearing the music of this
band, which fitr istopassee any orchestra that has
yet appeared jp America, in the opinion of those
competent tojudgn.
The greater part of the $BOO,OOO loaned by the '
Secretary of me Treasury, has been repaid, not by
coin, but treasury drafts, and the coin is thus to be'
kept in the banks. 8350,000 more is to be paid,
when the.whole business will be ended. All fan- I
• ey stocks are cheaper, with more sellers than buy.
era. United States Stocks maintain their price, in
consequence of the high rates abroad, which makes
them a good remittance.
Ashes have fallen to 88 121 for Pots, 88 25 for
Pearls, with are increasing stock. Cotton is down
In with sales of 2500 bales Flour TM firm at 55
25 for comm, 85 37i for good Weston and
55 50 for Genesee. Wheat arrives very freely,
and holders are anxious to sell at 3040 off--
Chace Illinois 071 e; Prime White Ohio 115 co;
Red 110 c; Genesee 125 - Corn—Western mixed
6761:03c; Round 7I 13l• new Maryland and the
first of the season, 62c. Rye 6641681. Buckwheat
8292.25 per 100 lie, Laid cheaper; kegs strictly
pri*Etqgood in bbls, 81c. Mess Pork $l2 871;
Prime 88 1443eref,bal =V Mess, 810 50. The
market cleared of Crude Whale Oil, 331, Sales or
4000 boxes raisins at 140 c. Large sales of
at 2310 for Ohio. c.
lb the Editors of the PitoloiriA Gouts
Gmerutoom :-4.10 the weekly edition tithe Lou
defile Journal, underthe date of let November, I
find an extract from an elaborate report read by
Professors Dickerson - and Brown, of Miss., on the
adieus af the Missiuippi firCr, before a Convert
him of scientific men, held recently in Philadelphia,
wherein is contained, what I conceive to beg some
very erroneous premises and. deductions ; which,
emanating from finch respectable authority, ad
deemed to a body of men esteemed eminent for
their scientific attainments and accumen, and be.
tog disseminated broadcast through community by
a paper' of such deservedly high estimation and re
pute, and extensive circulation, as the Louisville
Journal, would seem to justify some respectful and
deferential animadversions.
With the statements therein made in regard to
the superficial (macaw of the valley of the Mis
sissippi, which they make to be 1,400,000 square
riothe mean quantity of water which falls there
c, 2inches incually—smounting to 169,124,-
960,000,000 cubic feet as the quantity which falls
in the whole valley; and the estimate they make
of 1-12th of the water, being discharged by the river
into the Gulf of Mexico, and the other 1111th be
log exhaled by the atmosphere or evacuated I
have no fault to find. But with the theory adieu
ed respecting the clearing of the lands of their
primitive filtrate, being a cause for increasing the
evaporation, and diminishing the height of the
floods in our rivers, oft repeated observations and
recurrent facia compel me to disagree.
The flood* of our rivers arise either from the fall
of ilia at melted wow, separately, or rain and
melted snow, united, which always produce our
highest freshets. And in either case the height of
the flood produced by an equal quantity of water
on the same extent of surface wilt be in propor
tion to th th e4ity of its descent into the stream—
This is • d both by billy and rolling land,aad
• clear and notatracted surface. Then whether
does fixinat or cleated land present the moat oh
'tractions to theplanning oft' of the water? and which
abuts the greatest amount in proportion to the.
quantity which falls on the same extentof the ant-
au of amen I Certainly the d; which will
be admitted .by every candidmin d, that tuts had
the opportunity of knowing the innumerable
pediments presented by old leaves, roots, dead and
fallen trunks and limbs of trees, &c. And it is ev
ident that when the water is obstructed in its pas
sage, the surface of the earth, which in the forest le
;lamps ecil and open, will absorb the water until
the earth below will become saturated with a large
proportion of it. But this is not alk in the finest
there is the very extensive surface of the trunks
and branches of the trees—and if clothed with
leaves, still more extensive—which in the case of
rain becomes wetted and absorbs a great quantity
of it, which never reaches the esrthreod,preirmts
a surface for the process of evaporation 'cif more
than ten times the extent of the earth's surface bo
wed. _
Naar what are circumstances and fact. connect•
ed with the-cleared country ? On it there are no
obstructions to the whole amount of rain or snow
reaching the surface; the largnst portion of the smn
face is compact and hard, so that it resists the pea.
titration of the water to a great degree, particularly
in the winter and spring, the frost having penetra
to • much greater depth in it than to wooded
land; the ahem:thus to the free and rapid passage
of the water into the streams have all been remov.
ed; the surface for the action of evaporation has
been diminished at least tea fold; andthe stubborn
facts stare us in the face that the clearing of oar
forests has gone on very rapidly and extensively
for at leau filly years put, that to the rivers most
liable to be .
a; f.ed by the operation,much the
highest flood ever before known, by t hat important
personage "the oldest inhabitant" occurred in the
year 1810, and that in the winter of 1832 another
occurred, which was at least 21 feet higher than
in the former.
Bat I should be sorry to alarm the gentlemen
I without cause or deprive them of any portion of
that felicity'which they appear to derive from their
bypotheini in regard to the Muelpplppi river. Its
highest Hoods are.-tiniversally, I neneve--produc.
ed by the Union of rain and melted WWI and as
-1 believe it very probable—from causes which I
would assigarthat we will not ksr a half or whole
century to crane have as much snow each season
as we bad some years ago; I think with the gen.
demon, that it may be many years before as highs
freshet will occur in it as hat has been seen here.
Please excuse the intrusion of your sincere
friend. RONT. MIBIII.
Nrw Vora has cone kis Taylor by Del le"
than 10%001Ipluzality. The Albany Argue sea :
'illezonal T.'s ewe a vote outset be lest than
210,000 votes.we allow to Gen. Cep and Mr.
Van Bizent, each 124100. st wel besean that , Gen.
Taylor will lead eneh.l2o,ooo. If wn allow Gen.
Casail4o,ooo, it still leaves Gen. Taylor 10000 0
The Albany Atlas (V. B.) complains that the
Whigs gesstally wetted the Fees Sail, that is, the
Vas Baron deka.
Pilf *cal u lotonabfthoae strange talesailove,
mwdaandsubtide ineident to the life of a eitydeni•
I zen • it is rather a narrative of bold, unsempuJoin
villestizraed to a tonsurnmation of darker deeds •
by a love of the homble and mynterions, It ta a
history of only one among scores of like adventures
which formerly haunted our frontier line, but Which
• are now finfirarelling to Menem °utak= alba.
talons life. Thank GW,IeY e:periencein them
Is nearly at attend, my knowledge of their occur.
mime fast dwindling away. The thougbtsof blood,
shed by wholessile for month., nay, years pawing.
oto of one seemingly la:dm: Atu#el,ls terrible—
the prastrationofGod's imntonsbyarnbushed wretch.,
06 who stealthily creep iont of daylight to fatten.
their murderous apttaa, is horrible in the paler.
ble demonstration that "man's inhumanity to man,
makes oinntleastbotutands mourt."
In the the year 181 , —, - ortenY;as needy Env
Ulm younger than sow, I resided in the western
part of old Virginia, near the head waters of the
Great Kenhawn, so called in contradistinction to
the Litle Kenhawa. The whole region of Wert•
era Virginia- was Men ett almost unbroken fared,
with hens and there a log eabin and cleatinaaintly
denoting that civilisation (ifsbe rough hunter is a.
fit representative of civilizedlife)was making same
yropesi into the Imalingerrounds of the Indiana ,
There were perhaps some aixty families livingwitir
in twenty miles of me, and u a flve•mile oeighlicr
was considered near enough to be a sprat:ogee.
quaintance we were all on termsof close intimacy
and friendship, I lUD told that now a person can'
travel from Point Plearcnt, at the mouth of the,
Ednhaw•, to Charlestown (the head of steamboat
payhottion,) and find the '!Kenhawa -valley alive
with men; women and-children--that even the
country around it, barren and desolate as it let
boaatsits villages and farm.bouaes, and that Mil
track of the bunter is seldom seen on the very spots
I had once supposed incapable of raising other food
than wild game. But eo it is everywhere Akm
years more, and even the mountains of rock
which bound our western ?solitaries, will wed
as sentinels over the interests of a deruselrpop
ted country
Among the families in my immediate vicinity
were the Tracy', the Whites, the Powell", the
Hardier', the Vaughn; and the Masons. UI
these fiumlies contained numerous sans and dough
ten, of different ages, Most of them as good speci
men' of the back woods growth as could !general.
ly be found on the frontier. With some of the ju
veldts members of these families the grader Ind
of my tale will deal. ,
On a fine morning in September, ten or twelve
young men, of from eighteen to twenty years of
age, gathered by appointment on a fine Plain at the
base of a high mountain which overshadowed •
mall lake and seemed to go upward into the sky
like a dim aloud seen in the distance. We were
all what is technically called good shots, and armed
with rifles as true to the mark as any in the settle.
meats. We bad gathered that morning for a chase
of deer that abounded: in that region, and which
were then just out of the limits of a summer vaca
tion. At about 8 o'clock the whole complement had
arrived, and we cosily seated ourselves under a
a huge tree for a slight indulgence ere we darted
out. _ .
•I was at the Bane Lick no later than yesterday,'
said Andy Powell, "and trim me with • white oak
sapling, if I didn't start three does and as fine a
bock as ever lapped the water from the stream.—
Of course Sue was up and at Nior in a minute, but
blame my soul, if she didn't miss fire for the first
time in aix months."
"And you give 'em op?" acid Hiram Tracy, in
"Give 'em up, did you say?" retorted Andy "no,
I give 'em chase, and had got nigh upon 'em with
as beautiful a sight an I ever took in my his, when
all at once my foot went under a creeping vine
and I was floored."
"The more fool you," said Stephen. White, "to
chase a buck. Andy Powell and an antlered buck
running a nice—gartuipa you hare lately Lived in
the seulementsT"
"And if have," said Andy, 41 ha'at Lost much
of my insight into the natal.' of the beast. Perhaps,
Steve White, when I want to git acquainted with
the ways of rho mitten, I'll cane and ape if you're
at bonne."
"And if ye do," answered Steve, "you'll learn
mom than you ever heard before.. As old Ham.
pbrey Paige said, I am able and willing to teach
the young idea how to ahem'
. "Aa to sighting a deer, snuffing a candle, or bo
ring the boll's eye," said Andy, "I dote; give it to
any nhap that owns a rifle west of the aWements;
sad as for yaa, Steve White, I can whistle off a
blackbird's bead where yon can't rattle the tad
feathers. I don't often brag, but you know I can
do it."
lay you a silver dollar to a pistareen, if you
can borrow one," retorted Steve, with a flushed
(ace, "that I can drive a shine nail home the Gott
time trying, at sizty yards, where you can't do it in
half an ho.ur."
"Double tkul bat and:l'll change places with you."
"Done Done '" was echoed simultaneously from
both sides, and the whole party as with one aixord,
sprang to their feel. All was confusion for on in .
mant, but the voice of Simon Vaughn rang clenr
dove the din as he cried out in Imam tones—
Down the whole of ye. There shan't be any thing
here bat fair ploy and a clear field.'
In an instant we obeyed oar recognized leader.
The money was soon farthcomors lathe propor.
tions proposed by Steve White did - pieced Into the
bands of Simon Vaughn as referee. Another of
lc ,
the party then drew from the leo of his flee a mass
of odds and ends, arch as bits o string, old !addle',
pins, tape and ragged bailee, a d selected a com
mon shingle nail, witha rather alga sized head—
The he quietly drove Into
_lke trunk of a sapling
near by, and the wetting tba header thenaltoxrir
ered it with a small piece of whitey brown paper
from his jacket Thirty paces were than counted
off toward the sun, and a tine rock placed upon
the limas of the place allotted to the =Amman.—
In ten minutes from the time the quarrel had be-'
gun, Simon Vaughn annoonced the preparations es
"Them boys," sold he, "you have both got the
sun upon your beau, and a good glare upon the
stippling. Look out for chances, take a steady aim,
and poll with a clear conscience forthe bit of white.
I'll warrant you'll neither whip.'
The excitement was now intense. Both were
capital marksmen, and had brought down their
quantity of game earl season far exceeding any
others in the region. The men were in looks,
appearance and manners perfectly antagonistic:al,
and had long been pitted against each other in ea.,
cry manly sport, White was a very large, power.'
WI built fellow,!:with a breadth of ghoul:hers and
capacity of cheat unequalled by any among ma—
He was in strength a perfect Sampson, and valued
himself highly upon his superiority to any of his
Wlows in those arts which are invaluable to •
Border settler. Possessing physical strength suffi
cient to warrant him in seeking such adventures
which savored of violence end danger, he sou to
all Intents and purposes, a downright, thorough bred
bully, and yet unlike most civilized bullies, he
was no coward — no thought of fear, no hope of
escaping danger and trouble ever occupied his
mind. He coveted rather than avoided the perils
of personal rencontres, and was never so happy as
when he could invoke a quarrel and mix tip his
tremendous powers with the Where
Andy Powell was his very antipodes. Slight in
frame and small in stature he looked the very ire
personation of an effeminate Nimrod. His light cur.
ly hair and beatnifully expressive Grammes denoted
the more of famenine grace and beauty than man.
ly courage and strength; and yet no man among
the dozen assembled there could boast of being his
master In personal prowess. Incapable of excite.
merit to anger, and ever ready with a pleasant
smile and words for his friends, he was a universal
favorite. and, to use a common 'repression dour,
“was loved nearly as mach as Steve White was
hated" Our sympathies and hopes were all with
Andy oar fears with his opponent.
The toss up of a plisnueen gave Steve the first
shot at the Dad, and Mapping quickly forward to
hW stand, he with • quick movement, denoting
perfect confidence in his own powers, drew his
rifle to hi. shoulder,and seemingly without taking
aim, pulled the gger. The hall cut the loose
edge of the paper clone to the rim, and burled itself
in the tree!
"A aunt A miss'" cried half • dozen voices In
concert. .
"What can you expect when a man sprawls his
paper over the whole tree likg a sheet upon aline."
growled Steve. "But no matter, he can't more than
cover mine, and the next time I'll hide the nail fur
Andy Powell during this short conference had
spoken not a ward. But now his chest heaved, bin
eye dilated, and his face dueled with sudden ex
citement. We all saw that be would drive his bul
let as true as his rifle would allow, and watched his
fire with eagerness.
Stepping an slowly and coolly to his position as
though about to draw upon a squirrel, be lowered
his rifle slowly to ita place, stopped and a:ambled
kis priming carefully, again brought the piece to
bear upon the mark, arid eller aiming steadily foe
about a minute, fired. The paper on the mstant
disappeared, and the next moment a wild, terrific
shout rent the air like the war whoop of the Indian.
Andy Powell was declared the victor' Every
hand bur ens was extended to greet the victorious
youth, every face but one was lit up with a wile
of joy at his unexpected sac-mu—that one excepa
tion was Steve White.
And no one wondered at the terrible change in
his countenance. This was his first defeat—his first
loss eta complete triumph over an adversary. He
spoke not a word, he uttered no complaint, he
breathed no oath, but upon his face there gleamed
the demoniac fury that raged within, betokening
anything but good to his victorious adversary.
"Andy, my boy," said Simon Vaughn with a cor
dial green of the hand, as Steve While slowly wsdk•
ed away from the group, "You've good blood and I
am glad to see that you know enough to enjoy each
a kind of triumph as yours is without making such
a feu about it. Some of the youngsters here would
never let their neighbor" hear the bat of It, which,
depend upon it in, in the long run, the worst kind
of policy. I likelo see a fellow have a little mod
esty, but it's the nada of man alter all to boast and
bong, and you can't drive it out of Wm any more
than you can tree a rattle snake on a side bill"'
"I hoist any notion of bragging Simon," said
Andy, qor, to tell the truth, I don't know bow Itilt
that nail myself. 1 took good aim, and.trieddresd•
fel hard to hit straight, but Match= or other inr
terms were kinder onateady and I was afraid I
should miss the tree entirety; but lack was with
me though, and if I have beat Steve White, why, I
am going to let it go at that. But Simon,. I wilt
say—" •
likobicudy the ahereigni, et , rell*lfecelieCl o the
rife was beard from a thteact near on, slid p i ous.
rarimu ly with die crack Andy Powell dropped , to
the green:alike a dead Brats In an instant the
blood was Fishing frees the sleeve alias bandits"-,
shirt to the groundin a torrent, and ids cheek was
blanched to a perfect white. All present ; for
gle moment, seemed astounded by the dreatllhl
occurrence ; but, quick as thought time or bur
Mks were aimed at the
. spot from wheats I t s
thijKasitesth:?Settijrit'" k right
good t t e iiiiiiderauft Valhi OatiftsW
wdhle Noiound, , aliCifibody fallingto the earth.
F ogit e d thOgmAistenSirer ;'#)t all„ but the echo
'oftheic awtiplembh Was as Wiest is tbegrave.
sAdler hica;tltree ce Mar Of you," Waned, rather
thanspokoliiimm Vaughn; Matins biotin alive if
VMS"; for this old ate needs furniture ; but if he
ropiu N gaaWm bear. Offwith you,
and that:bin-iota laalesUr things him to, titian have
all the credit of this day's , bunting
Fora of col best nmners were instantly on the
track. Some half a mile off, on a alight slope in the
something was discerned Ince a fox at fall speed,
ao swill'did it skim along the earth. It was Ste.
phen White, the would be Murderer, in full flight
for the valley of the river.
Poor Andy was pickhd up from the ground cov
ered with and seemingly no better than a
dead man. An examination proved,however,that,
with the exception of a pretty severe wound in
the flashy pan of his hit arm; he was not serioualy,
'damaged. The bullet, which was a ragged one
and inteaded for a better Spot than a left - arm, had
spared the life of our favorite for a death at some
future time. The skilful hands of Simon Vaughn,
assisted by some lint from the never failng rifle
butt, mon restored him, to that he could with little
assianume manage to crawl home, there to medi
tate upon the consequences of being a good shot,
and thus securing the benefits airtime rival in the
Amity over lull and dale flew the enraged hun
ters like tigers in snatch of prey. Nerer tiring.
never dispatring of at least coming on the trail of
the wretch who would deliberately murder a bow=
friend itreold blood, they kept op, hoar after hour
the twayailing search. Straining their eyes on
avety aide, they were Warded by even the faxes
and rabbits which fled before theca. Though deer,
and dOe, and back crossed t h eir path at abort in.
tervala, it was ever with the most perfect impa.
Reckless of the loss of the choicest game which
tantaliiing stood, as it were, ready to be taken,
they sped furiously onward, seeking for the game
whose haul's blood should be shed upon the alter
of their own revengeful passions; whose veins
should be dried up and left to wither and Kaaren
in the sun. Their Imaginations conjured up some
new some diabolicallnethod of slow punishment,
whom pain, while chastening, should teach the
surety of lthimate ehastittement from offended hon
or, of dreadful retribution from the hands of those
who showed no Mercy." Happy Would have been
the fate of the murderous Indian upon Whose trail
they should alight, is comparison with the terrific
consequences of an ermounter with the wretch
whose very name they teethed; easier by far would
have been the escape of a feeble fawn when un
der the very sight of their unerring rifles than the
advancement one step from them of the outlaw
whom they hunted Like iffinkvild beast from hill top
to valley. Subwhen night - tante they had trail
of l him; , definiftvidenuf pursuit troika morrow.
And when they returned home, after the dew had
long fallen upon the leaves and left its imprint
:upon the lofty pines as wallas stunted alders, they
tElt to themselves the meagre consolation that
e lire had been sparred that would have otherwise
u sacrificed, and that Stephen White, the ren
egade hunter, once th e bosom friend of all, but
sow the base and detested outlaw, had escaped
theft vengeance.
Mi Othiarai.Tlds distinguished ion of Ohio,
although be failed In aeouring the vote of his state
for Taylor, yet for his groat self sacrifices, end
herculean jabot", deserves the heart-felt am.
lorowled*eras of the Whig puny throughout the
Union; arty we believe we express the universal
sentiment of the Whigs of the North, if not of the
South also, When we any, It would give general
pleases." to see blur e, member of General Taylor's
An ill:POrrele..A Mr. W. B. Bliss undertook, a
day or two ago, in Boman, to personate Major W.
B. Bliss, General Taylor's distinguished Private
Secretary. He carried the imposition so far as to
receive the calla of a great number of citizens, and
actually, received an invitation to visit the far famed
frigate Constitution. Before the visit was paid, the
Leapositicna was discovered, and the rascal treated
as he deserved. He turned out to be one of the
genus, 'nice young mai.'
woal 90a Th 1.117115DEG11 DAILY akrerm.
Bruns BOAT Ronsisa.—A very genteel and tisb.
ionably attired gentleman was brolight to the May.
er's oilier, yesterday morning, charged with enter
tog the state moms and robbing several passenv
gees on the .team . boat Zachary Taylor, on 'Rtes.
day night. The robberies were committed after
the boat paasod Beaver, on her way to this city.—
The porter, who slept on the door in the cabin,
testifted that he saw the person charged with the
robbery, pass along the .gentlemen's cabin, in his
stockings, without coat or Imo on—saw him de
liberately dim the light from the lamps, so as to
kave the cabin nearly dark, then enter two state
items—one on each side of his own. .The cham
ber maid testified to similar cool operations in the
ladle's cabin. One gentleman was robbed of all
his money—some fifty dollars in gold—and a lady ,
passenger'' purse, containing a considerable earn
In fall aslpins, was also taken._ Tl+9-Pwle 14.
sticinlithevollbeY gave him an oppotfunlry,ivent
to. awaken the barkeeper, but not succeeding, and
wishing to avoid giving warning to the,robber that
he had been detected, went down beloi, toes.ll up
11113618 of boat's crew. Mean while the chamber
maid had given the alarm, and the robber jumped
into tine of the state moms in the ladle's cabin,
locked the inner door, and plumed not through the
outer door, akingthe guar* to his own room. He
was immediately traced to his room, and found in
his berth, apparently sound asleep. Oa being er.
twined a pane ww Mond in his pocket, eontain
ing about the amount sum description of coin taken
from the lady who had been robbed. In his cloak,
between the lining and the cloth were bred con.
coaled two bank mars—one on each side of the
cloak. The parse taken front the lady was bond
on the cabin floor, itill containing a gold pin, which
had no doubt been intentionally left, as likely to be
easily identified. An instrument used by picklocks,
called an outsider, and a gimblet, were also Mend,
but none of them in the possesaion of the sup.
posed robber. Owing to the difficulty of identify
ing the money, it is not impossible that the encored
ma i escape conviction, although there GUI SCSIOD-
Iy Ge doubt of his guilt. He is a delicately form.
ed man, of very dashing ithpearance-4ong, sharp
now, very long, black hair, sod black ewes; and on
expression of great coolneoa and decision of rho.
nuithe He gives his name as Geo, P. Livingstoo.
The bar keeper of the St. Charles Hotel identified
him as the individual who auempted a robbery in
that house a short hens ago. Ha wu committed
for farther hearing on Saturday.
We omitted b ume that a let of Joie, Jimmie
hair dye 'fin turning red or gray hair to a glossy
Ice.,wu found amongst Mr. Livingwon's
focus, which may account for the gkesineu of hic
locks—and oalainly.atutuld make the fortune dike
ACTILWCZNOI m Draresv.—Nothing gives us
greater hope of the permanency of our republican
institutions, than the unhesitating acquiescence of
the political parties in the result of elections. Du.
ring the contest just closed, we saw both parties
struggling desperately f r victory--straining every
nerve, employing every instrumentality likely to
prove evadable—each hoping for sticeess, and per
feelly confident of its achilivetnent•-•tbe trial day
came—victory perched on the standard of "Old
Zack," and the Democrats looked a little blue,
saute even smiled, -albeit grimly," and then gaudy
gave it up—prepared to surrender offices, breed
and power, and "bide their time" fur happier for.
tune. No where else in the whole flee of the
earth, at no period in the whole history of the
world, haik"sneh a scene been witnessed, as that
presented to the over watching spirits of our doper
tad fathers on the 7th day of November. Three or
four millions of men, wetly ping to the balktbox,
depositing a little piece of paper, awaiting the re.
wilt, and peaceebly acquiescing, with rarely a dr
moultation of ill humor,—not an outbreak to 160.
tenets How cheering is such a retrospect-how
glorious the promise for the future.
Storm AJTIMIRIDED.—gdward Horbach, W.
Graham, jr., and John I. Gallagher, were limped
by the Independent police, yesterday, for rioting
on Sunday night last, In which Mr. John Dunn, of
the Theatre, end John B. White, were assaulted
end beaten. They were engaged In two riots on
that night—ooe at the Bank Exchange, Third St.,
the other neat aunty's, on Penn, near St. Clair.=
B. Alexander, of the Bank Radiant', prosy
acmes for thy riot at hit house -- rdeswa. Dunn and
White for assault and battery. We understand
the assaulting party received decidedly the world
of the engagentent--heing dreadfully heater', and
they will probably be made to suffer also In the
Tax Coun - rr Jan—We took a atop, yesterday,
thrarah what may be termed the subtemuman
portion of the County Jail—the heating room where
the jail is warmed—the cool vaultadec- This do.
partment b under the superintendence of
Criswell, a n d w e g iv e cr e dit to Pr. C. and Me
Poway Colpebteeionere, for the order and cones-
Memos of the arrangements. r,ye lt possible etroTt
o made go sec= eleaultheis lath comfort, while
the elesed ectenomy ie mateththeL:
lhatto Hug..—Tbe Concert of temp' hdrlessms
opera Troupe, at the Hall tut evening, was well
minded They perform spin to night, and pro.
miss something new in the lovers of the,
G74se * Cl n Aint 8 P 6 5 0 " 14,1 eiiiiied all
day 7 6 **7 ii ..
_tti , yial of toullitruiCettined ,
'with.. incendiananshywhich itithist an =IOU"
of F ffl Penr in ; .' gius oitirwits destrayed,in the lest of
April and • beginning of • May last. He was tried
before on the mum indictment on which he is now
arraigned; but the jury,did nut agree—elosen of
them being for acquituil, and one holding not three
days for conviction. Twenty Emote. bills of indict.
meat are 4mod against him foe ' offences
nay - ea—The Tragedy of •cieth w il l be
Played to.oight , as will be seen advertisement.
The cast is a strong one, and must draw a full
• house.
Mr. and Mm E S Canner wem received with
mach applause butt night in the play tithe Stranger;
and all the parts in that intestaiaing piece were wel
Co.nrOutur—olimmy," said a little friend of
our% .dee your puits are burning against that
stove." "Yes, I blow it," said Jimmy, "but moth
er mode 'em, and father byed 'em, and its none of
your basinese The young advice giver consids
Bred this satisfactory, and said no more.
We are requested tostate,o4;or old and res
pected citizen, Joan D. Davis, Esq., is an applieant
for the office of Pittsburgh Postroastr_r.
Corrorporatence of the Pittsb • ogh Gazette.
The Question, When has been done for the Educw
tion of the Coked Children of our Csty?
To the alutme'of our city, containing one ha
dyed Ministers of the Gospel, and nearly as ma .y
houses of public worship, the true answer must be
jour mellow at It is true the Presidents of the
several Boards of School Directors have acted as
a Board of School Directors for Colored Schools by
common consent, ranter than under "the power. of
any existing law." They have made several at.
tempts towards making a permanent location, and
for building a School Howel l but awing to the
comparative poverty of those Wards in which the
most of our colored population live, and the o*k
spirit manifested by those Wards in which but few
of our colored population reside, nothing hes as
yet been accomplished. It is probably known to
most of your readers that the 3d, 6th and 9th
Wards of the city each contain more colored in.
habitual, than all the other six Wards pat together.
As the School law now stands, each Ward must
Provide for all the scholars in said Wards. Now
is it not manifestly wrong to require those Wards
in which the greater part of our colored population
live, to bear the burden of keeping up the Schools
for the children, when the parents of these very
children are operating directly for the benefit of
those Wards in which they do not reside?
A special law should be passed for the support
Of colored Schools by a tax upon the assessed val.
nation of property in each Ward. and Sc the sp•
pointita zit or a legal Board of Director conaisting
of onahlember from each Ward, to be appointed
by the several Boards of School Directors.
A Senora. Duman=
&mama Taxon-ant No. 2,
Prrrammou, Nov. 15,1848.5
Tb tke Editor, of the Putabstrith. Gorects.
In this morning'. paper, I Soda statement under
the head of editorial, calculated to injure (uninten
tionally on your part, no doubt) the owners of the
steamer Telegraph No. 2, giving the steamer Nil.
'hint credit for having beaten her on the trip from
Cincinnati to Pittsbnilth fire hours sod twenty
minutes. My object is not to endeavor to correct
the time as above stated, brit to correct the impres-
Mon abroad of any racing. We run as a regular
packet to Louisville, and will maks It our business
to still continue doing as we did on i..ur up trip, in
atteudingito all the business offering. By a refer-
ence to our manifest, you will find we landed forty
four times between the two cities, and at each
landing did the regular business attending such
By giving the above an insertion, you will much
oblige S. MASON.
Lzertnut crx Factual' lisAvoiAa.—Tlie public
are respectfully invited to attend a meeting of the
Association of Pittsburgh and vicinity for promot
log the interests of Education, this (Thursday
evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Chapel of the Univer
Essay—Professor Stephen.
Lecture ow Englih Grammar—Mr. Cove!
The public is requested to suspend its opinion
for • few days, in respect to the occurrence in Judge
Patton's Court of yesterday, and I pledge my rep.
tattoo, to errhthit a ease of' the &roseate menage an the
rights of the fltizen ever perpetrated in a court tf
li Noe. la
UT Acough should never be neglected. It may
appear trifling and unworthy the attention at that, but
it will not remain stationary long; It may progress
slow at first, sad its atimisentanott may be scarcely
perceptible, yet wheal It once seises the Wage, all the
other parts of the body will be sympathetlardly affect
ed, and • confirmed Consamption and premature death
will be the Inevitable result. A little ears would save
anany • Ufa,. and We titardype_gi et.ProPer_.
'llltertiramitedestlar a mblitiditithoti. Mt many
perm. have an &mum:tibia relmgnante to UAW' any
medicine, and rather than are the means towards ar
<rn le a m d' an .' t age, won l it y lsure ' use r
and th lV:Z y f s y lo7;
time, before they world tenet to the aid of m edicine.
B. A. Pahcatock to Co.'s Cough Balsam has a great
adstmarre in this respect over many other Cough pre
parations, as its pleasant taste permits a to be used
withom Inconventence But ita value as a Balsam
consists in the speediness silts mire. We have known
some of he most desperate coughs, some of which bad
been rummy on for • considerable length of time,
yield almost immediately to us power.
Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail by
oev 16 cor Wood and lat, and Wood and llth sit
QT U.o T 123 Plumes hlssoa—lf you wtsh to be rue
peesffil la any undertaking, you must always `use the
croper means.' Therefore, If you have a cough, not
Jersx's lainscroaan and be eared_for It I. the proper
mean. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means to cure you I. to IMO
Jayne'd F.xpectorant, which ern! Immediately overcome
that spasm which C 011.3.13 the diameter of the tubes,
and Mown and bruurs op the moron which clogs them
up, alid thus removes every obstruction to • free mei
fatten, while at the same time all inflammation is sub
dued, and a con is certain to beeffected. Have yen
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Pulmonmy Affection, th en use Jayne'. Expectorant
and relief is certain. and you will had that you both
used the proper means.
Pm sale In Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea More 72_4fit
street near Wood. 1.1.7
W. M. Wright, 11. D., Delatlal.
Orrick and residence on Fourth street, opposite the
Pittaburgh Bank. Offiee hours from 9 o'clock to 19 A
ht. and from 11 o'clock rod P. M. sepl4ly
NO. 59 WOOD 5T., BETWEEN 3d AND Ith 8113.
Trans Comuy Merchants and others to an detai
-1 nation of their stock which I. ono of the lamest
to be found in any establishment in the coontm end
consistsof eery desirable and seasonable goods. d
onnish adapted Cas to sizeand quality) to Welterli
salon Mem will compare favorably with those of the
East- Terms llberaL notle-dtm
Dr 0. 0. Stemma, Dustist,
OPFICE at Kiss Stench's, on Fourth street, a few
doors above Wood mut, until the completion of
the house nearly oppOSite. Teeth in blocks, with arti
ficial gums, after the manner now universally prefer
red at the east, manufactured to nit eaeh particular
ease. Teeth, from a Nil set down to a eingle one, fa
wned on a notion plate, thu avoidini infury to the
natural teeth. Specimens of bleed. o fmeteea plate
may be examined at the office.
All operations Incident to the profusion performed
with care and faithtaluss. azignaam
H•lp Wasitat4
WANTED—A Girl to do homework. One who an-
VT &pretends her bminass, and can TO well re
commended, can hem ol" • pleasant sluesnan, et good
warm, by inquiring at this office..
ricen BoA.T pLioriorms,
MANIIFACTUREM to order Soli furnished at nor
notice, with the name of the Wet In each bin
MIL Also, Cotten and Mak Mettrene. made In 01.
ban meaner, fora very low Erne by 1. HEPSY,
00.10-dly Warehoote, RO Went at
/SILLINEBY GOODS—Jost received by Faeroe
• few ;decor of &may colored ellk illusion Net
erape. Al., a lot of 8013110 l Silks, Satins, V.
vote and Ribbon,. SMITH /a JOHNSON,
novlo 46 ranked a
CARPER! CARPETS:! —HavIngJum reed from th,
manufacturer direct, • splendid dixmlnister Qr
pet, of Infant beautiful colon and shading; and any on,
famishing parlors would do well by examining on
stock, as ere are selling eery law.
noele W IiVOLINTOCIE, 7S Foam st
i i iOLABBES--50 bbis now crop McilaaaaJais rec.
and for salo by
bovl6 LI RESOD° WILSON &Co water a
F,E , S2X—A mull lot for Bala
OACH VARNlSH—Warranted rood, sl inky.
hand and for sale by novirl R T LEECH, Jr
T SATHER VARNISH—AIuray. wbaAa for
tale by Doyle Jr '
1 - 141.tilASK—A large lo {, just ree'd end for sale by
neyl.l3 T LEECH, Jr
CIDER VINEGAR—Yo bb, Cuminnati, Oa reed
t./ andeste • uovle BROWN tr. CULBERTSON
EA NUTB-30 prim, Crash PoiiNuk.s,
and (or solo by
Rd B ic REMO.
gANILLA CORRAGF.-40 eons and la inch, C.
AL sale at thanafstatactrs lowest prices.
F'4IEND, 4141 y a Co
T EN! for .al EAD-1318b
by plo
oorlo aomi
1,4 LeadL2.
WISErEdo Dar
SO An --60 tshqs fall tidi day "ne
MVO' TeicrafWaßTlON.&-fRUPERT,
100 Second st
OPTS. TURPENTINE-2S bbl. Spts Turpentine, in
0 F kue order, just ree'd and for We by
n0.10.1w HENRY C•YELLP
AP7L-141:1 bit's landing front otnentrol t
and for sale low to ean! n
nc„t6 .1.131111 DAL ELL
rut EME-160 bi. Cream Chetah reperior uUeie
for male by noelo JAMES DALZ=LL
TAB AND 01L-60 bids Strait Oil; g 5 do North Car
of na Tari rewiring par canal sod tor sale b
novl6 JA141,13 '
- BANI.f.Y—bCO lbs.hut raced to for polo by
torus* lot ma wood no
MUCTILtar LOGWOOD-6Deuaniart trued and far
Miladnby- navto B • PABNMTME &Co
Aorzharima-40 mu No v. :444 1 r
vand tabula by null B • PAHN
ADDEII-11 cuts Jusi vsa'd sod for Va ns
ILLwn4 E
Mum , ' vittur.TAßlMErritAcT
IS TIM ONLY REMEDY that cox' be reliedAn for
the peniteeent core of
ruation or 'the Hare., Nervous or Slek Headac hes
Nemons Treaters, Neuralgic Affections, General De-
USW, Defirieody of Nievous and Physical Energy,
said all NervoiteDiwrders. ieeluding the mandreadful
of all diseases that ever affect the human. rase—
or Falling Sickness, Hysterical Alta CogrreelMmt
Spasms, dm. Hart mould impress it upon the minds at
the afflicted that the Vegetable EZtrltel Is the only roar
mly erer discovered that can be relicA on for the
maven: care of this most dreadful of all diseases.
tendency imo: 4 bisvidly, izidnees sualdf...sub, the mo
of Europe, as well as thou of our own country, luive
pronounced Epilepsy incurable. And it has been so
considered by many, umil this most important of all
discoveries was made by Dr. B. Hart, owl). 6=e.
you* since, during which time it has been performing
some of the most
- -
upon record, and hiii — ttru --- irertr a reputation which
time alone can efface. Physicians of undoubted skill
and experience ministers of various denominations,
03 1•111 00 030 of our eminent citizens, all units
in recommending the use of this truly valuable medi
eine to their patients, charge, and friends, who are af
aimed, at the only remedy
used by those who have been cured by this valuable
medicine: One my s, "I have suffered beyond my pow
er of description, but I now *Wu in being fully re
stored to health and dapple- " Another &aye, 4
thank God I feel that lam a anel M/11. I alee Mel it
my duty to proclaim it to the ends of the earth, that
those similarly afflicted may gind relict" Another
(who is an EMINENT LAWYER and well known In
this city) says, ...My son has been afflicted for years
wail Epilepsy, hut is now enjoying good health from
the Vegetable Extract. Its farm" says he, "eboold
and ought to be sounded to the ends of the earth." An
other says. "Language it entirely inadequate to ex - Oen
my grautude to Dr. Hart for having been the means,
under the bleming of God, of restoring me to tie enjoy.
loran !VII Its wont f::: ' Cl a e " igre b lbrin :rn ' t e y d irrt 'th e
ye s, and my morning and cv ng oblation of pre'.
an t hanksgiving shall condone to ascend to that God
w has alliteted but to make m whole."
rs. J. Bradley, 115 Orchard s met. N. V., state. that
ith has been setbject to Su for many yearn, and has
be n restored to perfect health hater every other means
h failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extract.
. Charles A. Broom, of Wee, Russell county, Al a .
w o is one of the best physicians in the Bate, says that
b has been much benefited by the nee of the Vegata
bl Extract, and that he unhesitatingly prescribes it lit
ry case of Epilepsy which comes under his knowl-
•rtis G. Mayberry, Esq. formerly Postmaster at
Lime Mills, Crawford.cousty, Po, now tieing in Eris
county, Pa., states that for poly years past he has
been sorely mibeted with fits, and he is now happy to
suds that a persevering use of D. lisn's Vegetable
Extract, has restored tom to sound health, being entire,
ly freed from that 'eerie of all disease.
Prom the Cincinnati Commercial.
..... _
The following certificate was given to Messrs. The.
ma. A Miles, D o ctor Han'. Agents for the sale of hi.
Vegetable Extract, for the cure of Epileptic Fits 07
Falling Sickness. We are induced to give it a place
in oar editorial columns from the fact that is the only
known medicine that will cure Epilepsy, at the same
time believing it to be one of the greatest discoveries
tn medical science. Physicians and men of science of
all ages have been trying to discover a remedy fot this
disease, but all has been to vain until the inteetit
covcry of Dr. Hart, and we would now say td thous
dieted with fits, despair no longer, for there te-loops!
MESSRS. THOMAS A. MILES, Ito Main street, Om.
mimed, Ohio, Agents for Doctor Hart's Vegetable
Extend far the core of Epileptic Fits:
Gentlentels—lt Le almost impossible (or language to
express with what heartfelt satisfaction I eddress these
few lines to yon, for the purpose of informingr . you of
the beneficed results that have beentillected by the
osa of Dr. Hart's Vegetable Extract.
. - . .
My l/111. aged twelve years, has been severely al ,
(Doted withleptic Flu, and with rum, severity that
the opinion was, he could not be eared.
In one Mho paroxysms he fell and broke h. amt.
I called in Dr. Mulford, u very excellent physician,
who re-set it He informed me that my son's Harem.
8751000 was very much deranged, and that it would be
impouible to care Lam of Epilepsy, as Epileptic fits
were almost incurable, and employing physicians in
his case would be only throwing money away.
I called upon Dr. Puttee; he informed me that the
disease had assumed a chronic form, and it would take
• long time to care bun if be could be cored at alt.
He became worse and worse, and I began to think
there was uo cure for him, until I saw the advertise-
. . -
tent of Dr. Hares Vegetable Extract in one of onr city
papers. with rertificate. from persons who had been
afflicted for ten, fifteen, twenty, shifty, and even forty
year., end restored to health by the use of the Extract.
I called at your store, and after conversing with Mr.
Thomas, I came to the conclusion to purchases three
dollar package It done little or no good I thought I
would try smother, from the use of which I perceived
some tine benefit.
I then came to the conclusion to ptirchue a ten dol
lar box. I found that it was of so much service to him
I WWI induced to purchase ■ wooed. And I am truly
thankful that I done so, as by the use of the ten packa
ges he has /wen restored no perfect health.
Should any pertain be desirous of seeing him, and as
certaining farther particular, I should be pleased to
greedy them by their calling on me at my residence,
south west earner of Fourth and Park streets. Cincin
nati, Ohio. ISAAC N. PERKINS.
Cincinnati, August :Nth. I
When thousacds who are now trembling ander the
hand of this dreadful disease, and fearing that every
snack may prove Patel, will find pernomem relief and
be restored to new life, by using this celebrated medi
eine. Over one thousand certificates have been re
ceived in testimony oldie beneficial results produced
by the use of Dr. Han's Vegetable Extruct.;
Prepared by B. HART, M. D . New York.
Price, one package SSP
do fore packages LOSM
do eight do • • ' Ilya;
THOMAS & MILES, led Main stench Cincinnati,
Ohio, General Agents tor Gutted States, Canada, and
\Vast lodine.
1. WILCOX, Jr., corner of Diamond and Market rd,
Agent for Pirtsbusgh,Pa.
Fay & Kthlboance, Columbus, Ohio; II & E Gaylord,
Cleveland: and for sale by most of the principal drug;
gists and merchants throughout the United States.
non lill-d&orS
FBENCH CLOAKS— Rich entbrotdered French
Cloaks, jam imparted and for sale at the cheap
one price store, No de Market street.
AILS-800 kegs Nails, nuM slses, Ibr sale lov by
HE ERIE BA - NE—The highest price paid for ail
paper °lda& Bank. by
W.ll. A. HILL &Co,
Exchange Brokers.
VEATHERJ3-4200 lb. prase Cy Feathers, jag rod d
pot steam/ars Nuar England and J J Crateodata for
le by odels J AS A HUTCHISON &co
PPS. TURPENTINE-30 bbla, of a largo silo, sad Sin pnroo ardor, for Bala by
CIOPAL VARNISH-3 bbl. recd and for tale by
CO.I.CH VARNISH—Of • superior quality, wheal,
on hand and for sale by
nay 15
'OATH BRICK-1 cum just reedmud for nabs by
pp AL SODA, English—l cask tor gala by
XT LOOWOOD-4 b. (Sanford's) jut rod .4
for ul• by novIS JOHN D MORGAN
VERMILLION—J reed and for rat
- -
BEESWAX—I dank, to arrive on stem Cumberland;
far sale by oovl6 ISAIAH DICKEY tCo
et ROUND NUTS-3I as to arrive on War Cantb'd
.T for We by novlb ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
LARD -4I bbl. No 1, to arrive on ~>a. Cumberland 4
for sale by rwvls 19AIAB DICKEY & Co
GREASE, -13 bbl. lo arrive on atm Clunberland; for
sale by novl 3 ISAIAH DICKEY I Co
eIffEESE---30 bu b .tore and for sale by
ao•IS 18A1All DICKEY k Co
J prbne P d i e o n. lrazn y land
n0 " 44 JAWS A HUTCHISON tr. Co
GREEN APPLES—I 4 bbla of best rarletles, in no •
and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY &
PEACHRS-517 saabs, best quality, for sale by
novl4 FRIEND, RIMY & Co
EIEATHF.RB-10 soots for sale by
,1` novll FRWIM„RHEY &Co
PlO M ET AL-60 to. No 1 Foundry; 60 do co
Blast, for ultt by novl4 FRIRN r RHEY &Co
L ARD OIL— 10 bbla extra wirmer Lard do Oil; •
13 do
10 do No 9 do
LINBRED bbls poro, In good ardor, for We
SOAP -100 bze Csic/Ssqu N. I &AP, for Italy by
BOCIIING9t BOOKINGS!!--30pcs 8-4 Cot Bockhas,
very cheap; 10 pee 6 4 end C-4 all wool do, carp
cheep; far ealc at 6TOLVITOCIIr,'S,
novll 76 FOOrIA et
RliSI RUGS!!—A eplatuYid aesortnient of Rugs pen
he seen, very elseeo,
noel/ W 73 fonnb at
SA,LATIsTHE7-11) bbd for sale by
frdNNERS' 01L-23 bbls for sale by
GERMAN English and American Black Lead and
British Lowe, for Bale by
A N D N oa rn- rt b e n II k OVNVAIS I 4 . ‘k§
O RANGE'WA) Tco'd and
. r . 7
HITE SQUILLS—I bbl reel and for sea by
GROUND TURMERIC—L bOI roed and for nolo b
tlovl4 Et E BELLEinS
ALEX =' , lblA-1 cask mysi awlAse E lly clis
ALEepu SOAMMONV—I drnm, superior quality
Resale by " tio•l4 R E sELL'ERB
IjUCKWHEAT FLOUR -20 sacks kußl:t. fvy sale
Ell by oorll S F VON HONN,RORS it Co
(111FXSE-100 W V t , • rile bT
T ARO bbl, No 2, for Wet by
noy , ll 8 F VON BCINNII,O4Igc 4 pc,
_ -
FhettFliD4 l , o *TV 0,3
OotrU. w00L.,-T4. tewitei psis. i n
cu Will be paid , (et 01
• • • 11 R W HARUADOIV,
63 water and 104frre sr
OWEI3 CILF.AII CHEF:WE—A few W.1.04\1:47
superior Cream Cheese, Ju "
st received by
Ilaslo W
OAP-100 born CiboinuakkairidOw undiu, aad
for redo by oor 1 lit R HABBAUUH
JUST sEogyrA., inns mock of Linen and Cot
-400 Pi.. 00 4 . . 0 . 9
_A 4. MASON p. Co
UNDRIEI3-1 tsar Ilacran 9 bas doi 4 uck• Fee,
0 titers; 4 bbh Maned, Jut rec'd and for .ale by
Lori C 11 COUNT, 41 vratee
COTTON -4 3 bole•inferior Cottp, , IA • ere wd for
wl• Very tow to olol l a,by
no• 9 WEZT(I9 BOWEN, 90 front .t
Lan 011r-12 blob Winter Card Oil, mars reo'd wd
ocori valor
FOUNDRY PIG AIETAL-42 Una awe= Foundry
!Jetal. (tom Union Carnage, lionnagdo. 00 , w 2 Y,
Es. forage, by nova KIER I JONES; Canal Basin
E= EiCON YODES—b euksßacan Bide tur
ode by Dora KIER & JONES
'DORM BIETAL-3 tons Port. Metal. fc..10 by
1 turd lIEE a JONES
By Jahn D. Davis.
21 Packisest Stes,4 acid Fa , # r.iihkaxag. '•
On Thumbs y eamung, Nov. 11, 111'10o'cleck, Ware
Commercial Sales Room, corner of .Wood and Fifth
enema will be sold, on a eredirof IDdisyn-on all rants
over $lOO, for approved endorsed Matas, an ertextelve
assortment of fresh and seasonable foredo and ',Do
maser Dry Goods. among which am jai meets elm
miperfoie weed dyed black cloths, ,20 pea English and
American criminteres, 47 pea uninistis t axiom colors,
31 Pee red, yellow, amen, baton and white flanntals,
16;mir 10-1 blankets. 47 pcs French and Dime/ester
gingha', fIH9 mper French linen cambrin hdkfy lOU
white, damask, scarier and Pit silk hilkfs, tel oil color
Turkey red and I . iladrass hdatM 16 - pes barred and
plain cambric mashes, damask linen able diaper, Dish
I linens, splendid silk poplins, dress bik MI Mir
silk and wool reating, geld plaidaalpocas, marine%
de tabu, cashmeres, black, drop d'enti superb s carlet
amino shawls, woolen and minim dm woollen Om
fors, hosiery, fres, shirting, sheeting, checks, fl
gingham and cambric umhirellas.
At 0 o'clock, .
Groceries, Qwererroore, Fainitora, ge. -
Vasiaty gnods, ready made clothing, gold and 4lver
watches, lee table aml pocket cediety, German fancy
Coeds, Le. noVI4
Family Baratta/4*dt Auction. •
On Wednesday afternoon, Not. IStb, at 3 ohnlott,in
front of the Commercial Sales moral
very good and substantial family baron* with tkltimr
top and iron axles.
Leberty Street Property de Astottoti.
On Thursday, November I6W, 41'3 o'clock, KM-,
will be wild on the premises, two very 7. 11 .. M. Build
ing Lou, situate on the north side of Liberty street, at
the corner of Ilay st, having each aifront of 24 feet on
Überry street, and extending bae k 100 fret, to P l l llO l
20 feet wide. This property is the most desirable for
either private dwellings or beldam purposes of any
now to be had in that beautiful puree( the city. 'prate
at We. novlO JOIES'D DAVIS, Mut
ARE ALL TEI 011012[1.11111141C.
hlaebeib .. .. . ..
-- Mr. KS. Conlin,
Maeda' Mr. Oxley.
Buono° Mr. Prior.
Lady Macbeth ........... • • • - •Mra. E. 8. Connor.
Comae Po do Troia—Mr. Goodwin and Maxine, W
and F. Wood. .
To eonelode with
Mona La Roehe Mr. K S. Condor.
Lord Henry gr. E. 9 Connor.
Lady Juba ....... . Mn. o. 8. Connor.
Mlle. La Twir Mrs. E. S. Conrior.
Friday—Benefit of Mr. sod Mrs. Connor:
The Orighsal Sable Barmossistallt
WILL eminent at Patio liatziEVERY EVENING
THIS WEEK, on which occasion will bit;da
eed a series of Enter ta inment. hitherto no or
equalled, to Went, refinement, urigniality a n d. eel
lence—conaisting of aclecuons from the moo es„letire-
ZTAll ' B o tiLrE 4 .• A an i d aj' an g i ttre " . e L l C :'selM A on !a l ?
Pieces, Songs, Buena, Glees, Chateaus, and humnuel
I.lhioMan Melodies—thin:4o.llg the following
neat performers,
M. Foamier, the great French Aceordeonist and
Baritone. (Manager.)
Professor Excites, the celebrated Composer Mid Pl
anta, (Melded Director.) •
Herr Calderon, the wonderfal tyroleen Warfßer end
Doable Baas;
W. Roark, the unrivalled performer on the }Riney
P. H. Rearms, the extraordinary and nnerpiallal
Mr. Farrell, the accomplished and beanilful.Violin-
T. Wadden, renowned as i Falsetto and Pass;
J. Waddee, the bearilurfenor and Ciiiltraalto;
ctimpnei4 cekontrd a n:Bopnno mn D it
of wliom will appear in the Love Hall in a u
ustequalled performances,
11:r liekets of admission, 60 tent..
Boon open at 7 o'clock; 'commences al , 7lpn
POT particulars, see programmes aline day. rovl4
XT EW BOOKS—Looms` Dements of Trigmitimetry.
IN —Elements of plain nod inperficisl Tripnomo
try, with their applications to Mensoration,Burveying
and Navigation: by Ella. Loomis, A_ M.
A Firm Book in Greek; contaltung a full sic* of the
form of woids, with vocabalasies and copibas exer
cises on the method of constant imitation and roped.
flour by /oho Ill'Clintock, D. Ds, Professor of Langna
gea and George Adjarict Professor
of Languages To Dtekbmon College
Upkam's Life of Madame Catharine Adartaiii 3d edi
A ticer novel—The Dircipline of Life.
Parts 9, ID and 11 of Haspeelk Brothers' splendid II-
lustrated edition orate Arabian Nights' h.3ltenelmetcrits.
The above works received aa. day by corr.. and I
for sale by JOHNSTON &STOCIMN,
;mina GOT 3d and market its
- --
V V maintop die In.t workmen to be found, together
with • largo and complete stock of Eno tJola and ma
chinery, adopted to complicated work. add making
with accuracy and faeiltty new pieces, eastemem may
depend on sansfatiton,and at about the same prices
they pay in many shops for imperfect work, and to ma.
uy cruet for powtive tunny done to their watches All
OW Walt is warranted perforni well.
N. 11.—Ilavii.g reduced my business to a cash sys
tem. I am determined to sell as low as the lowest regu
lar prier., east or WILL ant oestomers may be amazed
that they can make , that/purchases in tbla Tine so
abeap as In the eastern cities, thereby encouraging
home trade and industry. W W Wl/.SON
. ,
Bola Anuses 000 Nunn. di Ci.saa's Catasissrms Fusin*
IMililf THE subscriber has just renlenished
hit stock of Pianos, which for variety
of style and priests itm neverbeen VlZ
pined m tins oily. Just received and
opened, the follomng now Pianos.
Chnslminavo cabinet pond Puss, an entirely net
One lissevrood 6i, veil' elopm Mums in Clark.
One u 0,
One “ with Coleman's celebrated Xollan At
tachment. This is a very •u pcsl Piano.
One 0 mahogany, pibin, ?CA C. -
novin H. FUSES' at J PT WoodirelPs
EA/ 1 117 4
.ly announces to the eldaens of Pittsburgh and
nny, that be hat commenced giving Matt:ctnno on
the Plano. His method of,lnstruming ni,yery easy,
and adapted to I urn in a vary short time.. , :He hopes
by strict attention to his brudnem and by laminable
pnces, to merit • share ortho public. patronage. Those
wishing to bear him play, aro Invited to'btave their
earls, with the tune beet suited to them, althe Maxie
States of Ma Mellor or hlr. Blume.
_ . .
limazzczs—l. U. Mellor, Eq., Fledesiek Blume,
EN., Views &ribs, 11-dim•
TIM ISZCOND 14101 ♦ll
AT DIGHTI3,I3II Liberty street, comprising French
Cloths, CAMIXLICreI and Vaunts, of the nearest
and most fashionable stylesimported. -
Alm, • WY. cita•tity of Rough and Ready Blankets
sad Coatings, peculiarly .4splad to the times and the
01) hula, the largest, best manalkereg. and, most
lasluottable sleek of ready mod. Clo tu thing' thin city .
All orders In the Tailoring line executed in the moot
fashionable and durable mariner. noale
—Green, Idasterine lath, and Cherry Silk Velvets;
do do Cotton do
BELTING'S, all colon.
FRENCH MERlNOS—Scarlet, Merry, Strawberry
and other colors,
PARMETTOS—Marasinn blue, drab, Maroon, 6.1-
"4" „Lrea=l;lOßAißS—with silk IffiPe.
Black Velvet Ribbons, thy trimmings.
And . very large smelt of other new and desirable
good.. Buyers will please can and hear price,,N
E corner 4th and Idatket
Good. low at Wholesale, pp stein.
rairdin 011111TEIR8.
B Y R , ,, 7 ?_ E bC t A re , thw
famines ' wad y parties, ran' be greenlet the Beaten.
reins in this and Allegheny clue., at the store of FL
Enos, 4th aree4
t h e Jenkins' store, Alle.
eet 4 Y .4, nod m the Opner Depot, Bt. Chid. llowl,
Wood st. ouch-dlnt HOLT Zs MALTRY
Pittaburik, Nov. 8, 1848.
5 bbla Fall Pippin' 5 do hollow cO
It do Golden do 3do Lon&land -- do
4 do Spits.burg; Ido Momootl% *- 7 do
Now landing liomogg Now &gland olld for rola by
Genibessiten4 'Pura*slangGills.
SKITH & JOHNSON, 4,1 Mertes sUoliV • aye But
recerved • large sunk,' akin*, draw," collars,
mocha fumy and black Ida cravats, ilearte, hosie
ry, hajou kidd kn. Deathentea . lull Invited
to call and tliantlie Bina, as they are snOnesed to be
cheap. septa
O:NNW vstArrra AND SATINS—We have Jost
rcceleed q splendid lot of neszatien tine and
amulet Bonnet Velvets, and =manna blue, cherry and
drab Bonnet Selma. Alan, cherry colored and blue
Florence.. ALEXANDER it. DAY, 73 Market at
-- N W car of the diamond
- - -
Exutaxos Buta Ncr,em on&ums4 l
muis Bank has this day deelared,•divi and *flint
per mu on its Capital Etnar..k, ont of profits of
the hut six months, oe i yakkinan allay 19th
noyd-dtd SOPS. M. HOWM, Cashier.
‘• Pty .
. , Nov _ Ott o, ;
THE Merchants' and gitztufacturun' )4,1•1C thii
day declared a divide 44 Oi Feu gmeam. 6 the
Capital Stock, out of the p mfits On Op mit aiz m.atb..
.0.-tt . 4 lY• IL TOINNY Cashel,
AMILTIASTEW.A.W , , maffafatearat ea' Heavy
Staettpgi, Cheeks. at, !Lebec* Out, chi of
AdeakOhy nalrLidly•
446e* *31i . 41: " r111 "
.4 4, , WAR teed wadi lb. sale 1.7
AssEy & Burr
T EAIY-12uf plga - GaltAL.,ic; O , A star Rewoo
rot sale by n 7 RHOS' &Co
VEATRE4*—Alsapii.ot Venire , for sale by
A: Mfg__ FRIF:11 RIIEY k. Co
DietßEEr—ein bush Dried Peaches; DM do
Apples, new crop, landing sutd (r es'.e by
__N GILL k. RO liher,y sir
EXPRESS—A A Ificsack tc Co, 60 Market street,
- 5 3 - ive received, Jormy LIMI Fringes. riott Chain.
lion do, heavy Mack do: Jenny Lied Beßeas, Dairy
mid Gimp, tstAec Ishii many varieties Fancy Trim
minP not WLe found elseartmee — . novt4
- -
- FRENCH EMBROIDERY, Reeldeed pee Express—
A A Maw & Coed Market sir, have Embroider
ed Lace Capes, embroidered mnalia do; 30 dos weight
Collars; es do muslin do, 50 do emehet do, 5 do mourn,
Mg do. Also, embroidered Muslin CURS, new patterns.
-• • -
large lot et rich changeable Wean Plaids, •
splendid article, being • handsome tralion of sat,
irJang at verTkeee prices.
FAN SEULWLS—A splendid o r
fall and +Woe Statetr s flan received mud
selling al dot very 1 .1 , 10
co lot of bandumaa win wiped_ 41Aeh4, both bleak
and colored. Ito* 4 , A1...=..DE114h DAV
T,3BENCII hIFILINO8h•-•Ehniih & Johnsan,dd Markel
r etrect,lnive received wanner lat of •those cheap
French hierinee &leo, a Ica of pleda ,donble ,width
Ca. hmemeontaini • ..the most choke cobra.. mil
GIMPS AND PSI GES— Smith &Joker:444S M.
tell a' ketto metes& tholes lot - Gimp% ked
Mt= also, • lot of Velvet Bibby& sod Mlle Corti.
HOPB—S7 baba prhise Eastern B&B Hops, hot es
screed end for sale by
norte auDwri s CULBERTSON
Nil, . ,11
DA "ILY 'PACK•ET - 1.11 41 E.
Tins.rell.kru".n line Of Splendid passenger &ram•
erwls now. composed of the Imes; swiftest. Ma
ished and frunished, and most powerful boats on the
wawa of ihn, Well. .I.,ery.attoiCti and ems
fort that money can proms., bas been proVided for pas
senger. The Line Ma been us operauon for Ilse years
—Ms carried a mil/lon of people without the item Wa
ry to 'chairpersons. The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street the day previous to starling, tbr the recep
tion of freight and the esuy of passengers on the reve
ler. In all caw the pUsage Malley post be paid iII
The ISAAC NEWTON, cot: A.. 0. mum,
leave rittabargh every Sunday morning al 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at to r. y.
May OS, VW.
The DIONONCUIELL, Ceps. Srosa, milt leave Pito
burgh every hieuttlay =mums at 10 e' Mean
every ?deadly 10_ _ te.
Tbe 111BERN1A No. 0, DV , 1.1[1.0 0 0 10 1,11
leave Pittsburgh everg.Tuesday morning at 10 ohrosei
Wieseling swan , Timid* _ evrettletar 10 v.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Data, will
leave Pinsbumb every Wednesday muting al 10
Wheely every Wednesday evening at 11l P. 111,
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gases, will leave Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning at 10cVelocki Means
every Thursday evetung at II P. W.
The CLIFFEB. No. 2, Capt. Canoes, will leas'. PM ,-
burgh every Friday morning at 10 <Mock; Wheeling
every Friday greenish st 10 y. x. ,
P r AIDiaLT.
The MESSMOUI, Capt.. B. Rao, win leave Pita
bergh every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock WheelUM
eveTy Saturday ev • WAD P. IL.
NEW LISBON 7 prrrsnuaci DAILY Will
1 .
,' 184 a . in fi gaik
(VIA 111..80W.)
Leaves 'Pittsburgh daily, att. o'clock, A. M., and at-
&resat 012.140 W, (=a Orthe Sandy and Beaver Cd
nal,) at 3 o'clock and New Lisbon at 11, sameet*ht
Lames New Lisbon at 9 o'clock, P. his, (makuggthe
trip cartel to the river during the night.) and Glasgow ,
rip o'eloek, A. M., and arrive. at Pittsburgh 043 P.
M.—thas making a continuous hoe for car-rpm/I,as.
wager. and fresght between New Lisbon and Pin.
burgh, in shorter time and at less rates than by any
enter roam.
The proprietors of this lane • have the pleasure at in
forming the Fuddle that they have fined op rim:4M elan
Canal Boma, for the accommodation of pasacepre Ltd
freight, to ran in connection with the will bun.*
steamen CALEB COPE and BEAVBIL and connect
ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cinels
nen and other dolly IhSes of steamer dawn the Ude
and Mississippi rivers. The proprieunr pledge Ouz
selves to .per no ex;inao or trooblito Biwa eom
fort, Wet, end dlspat and flak of the public a shun
of thew patrona ;
G. N.
W. aaa.anuon, P4u ' b ' r ir h '
T u.( aanamtou a co. L'4"l
NOTICE—The mums. BEAVER, C. S. Clarke, ma
mw, nlll lesTa aller ibis notice, fin Welksville ynnoto.
ally, at 9 o'clock In the r.
Daily Packet Line.
FEBRUARY lq 1849 FEBRUARY Ist, 184
LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. hi., AND 4 P. 11.
The following eow boats complete
me line for the present mason: AT.
LANTIC, Capt. James Parkinson_•
ALTIC, Capt. A_ Jacoby, 41.1 LOOM.
hPLANB, Capt. E. Bennett The boats are entirely
new, and are fined op without regard to expense. Ew.
cry comfort that money. can procure has been providash.
The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat
the foot of Ross st. Passengers will be partemusl on
board, as the boats will certatnly le.e at the advaxo•
tised hours, 8 A. M. and 4 P. Itl jan3l
The twill steamer
.. .... Webber, master, will leave nrgulatly
or Wheeling, every Mond' y, Wed
nesday end Friday, at to o'clock precisely.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Si
b Vila 7 stil=d r lit P sTit l intermedlans porn...-
Every acconualanon that can be procured for the wow
fort end safety of paw:lgen has been prodded. The
, boats also provided with a satins:slag safety guard its
.. 7ven rd s t e e i sTion us. F orrtZt r ly ) B o uvrEa ply sot
feb4 earner of let and Smithfieldszas
The nom and .piondid fast puss
gar packet,
713...ECiRAPG No. 2,
Mason, tumor. Ist II leave for Catena
ol and LouLouvdla ou Tknradaty, the lath lost., at ID
o'clock, A. 11. For freight or passage apply on board,
Steamer Peyton& will.bmveLonivriart for Nave
Or lean., on arrival of Tetegreph No S. Paaaan.gark.
can go direct, and can havo bertha neared here tido
sired. novIS
The twor and - splartidd steamer
em ai ta ST. ANTHONY,
D ,w
Kirmayaster will run as r„ rag
a; packet...between Plush ,h and
Wheeling, leaving this 'city Every Tumidity, Tt urvdaar
and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and Whee' woc.
q Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at So'cri,,,AAy.
For fratald az passage, haviug aosetign.a , ,,emveanda..
non, apply on board or to
JAM:SH NAY, Agenti
Asabont is a neer haat,' and the - veal aid
aecommoduleas tannin be amposabil by saplings oh
the river. nactit •
tool mabstowtlal steamer
The lu
Innauw, will perform
a ri
n "d "er Poo,
trips betieeon Piwzbornik
. ShefTiir tr ade Pinat:ugh on ?don
daysnwo n'lburyday..
FonovlOr freight or passage, apply on . 1 7Th/A B. A
AND GEORGETOWN, and a/I intermediate' k
ings on the Mississippi and Pearl Rivera
The new light draught and sisbaran
tiel stammer FLORA,
Jenkins, ;nester, will leave aa shrive
n Theinday, the 16th ilia, at 10 A-81.
For .
° flea or %T i n
. F , -)R ST. lA/Ulti.
The Bee new light dranght steamer
Lucas, master, will Rave (o th e
above and Intennediate portAtia day
For height or passage, apply on board- • no,
The fine steamer
R. Irvin, master, will leave fee above
uttermedlate pone this day.
For (mistier passage, apply on board. day .
The splendid steamer
J I 011.1.TVENDEN,
master,arill..leare for Aso s.bive
ittiorotednue porta this day.
For freight or psasage, apply co board. .
The fight dake,ht etecmer
s ai wbo lihranann ruiner, will leaye for the a
re tuld, inter mediate ports regular
at 10 o'clock.
For freight or passugo apply
The bps now and subacutei al ntortm
. er. BM 'VERN ON
• a Kplinix,, ma st er, wilt .11samp i for
above and intern:toot atop Dna. on
this day, at 00 o'cloeb, A. AL
For insight or passage app ly on bead. 110, ,
_. -- __ • - •
FikreiglaMqJOff. --- , — TT
The splowlid .ano:faat =Wag stair.
our NSW. Wine AND,
• A !I'M', Cherec•?rtinar, vii) /can for
=..- sm.. sod , intaincedisub won. on
this dn. bth inat.,st 10 o'otoot, A.ll, -
For freight or Vl , Saige SPPLOiaboard. • noes
...', • FOS. 6 .S I .CIgbLATI ..
kfke lelandbrsteanter
• ' .FUNGGOLD, -
CoPea. master. will leans for &boas
sad'intermediate parrs W.' dar. at
lb o'clbek,A. M. . . nate
----41" .. 5 TreTgareW - AS. iAlin - IXR.TWRZE ---
m ir ita i re..
4 1 .. 114 a ixtertio• light drY • aght Clamor
Ca t. Millar, will la F. 17 1;
zy a Gar the above
la obt ek, A. M.
d all intorno:demo runs this day at
-11.11----- " -. 2..5V! amply no board.' nois
FOR GIN d1.g."474 . 1 . 1. - "- -
Ala The op/ended 1 Jobs draught steamer
. , ..:NVA,
Wilkens: Owner, will kb , . boo !bo
mbast and 'intersoutiant poitsthis any
" A i r ° fgrg ' & A 'r pats* , apply 01..b..rd- ''''"
Of'sri PAST. EZPREte
TRE Ppnitifftl. thl• ULM bare put on NsAirSfr
and are epared V/ forward packages of de
senplionS &alp, at the lowest rates.
J. O. BIDIVEVA Afge.nt,
.3l 92 South Cha es at. F4ahlecreie.
A:aim 1 848 a Melia
SHIPPERS roe others y. r i co rgr ,w at'ool that Oua . Litr .
recoiptod tor by FIVELAY LINE/ aad molar ' ,o a t ow, at 1"7--.1"Cd1311)1X6WELatti.b.
Express Paekerkollata Atil.PDlladetelao
The la at boat dds Lint. forLk. M
ihitist etp o'clock: For
Poo oage apply to 'l do SOTOtt, dorPga: Mast,
no• 15 or D LEECH & Co, COW Buff..
anburibor now: reoeiviaar nom the
pa of Now York. a choice assort:Mont
Cap. and Mute,. Isom fashions, in greditytasie
ty arul very . cheap, wholesale - nand Matt' • I A
ednabaold al, td door oiu r ith
CHEAP INOUGH—Fancy Caulractoda adniaDtab
Coatior—Oponinllls day . by "Erpt . tuot (ma
napfdy of entirety otyle+ auenti Dora theca,
Preach Clotho, C7ointaana; and Veoungt..:
loUrti,qoEFo Pool B uil d ii4AtottliHlSPl am!
• Smolt awns M.-ALMMtkEti,
rugpETS:, CAZlPETW—EonotintilY looniakalt at
1 1,./ W: Welintock* Ratite scree; ewary arety
of tat eons in pan: 01. of atom
bm=i - pattelam"fielrees, harm pattorn a In S n O i rrinitniibliaSiktonS• and Pion.,
• arblebartiorSl ,ell tow as laryteamilk
to thismasktre, ImporingaAdintrehaslarlowa
raa, taanagadarara; artablia compete sma 4 era 11.
mum market.
GELAY-30 boa Gamma Clay oral be sold
low to atom a eonsitrensent, by
nov9 TA. - I , E 4. O'CONNOR