, ,a, Mg IC [C4L vALtrA intocovinarr CONSUMPTIVES, BH ON - I'Ol7R 01748.71 , DR. SWAYNIPS CONTOUR!) RUHR OF MIX CHERRY. Tfla Glatt asaMPT rem fn oaumption, Cough., Colds, Asthma, Dreochltis, Liv er Complaint, Smoot Blood. Difficulty Cof hsall" , Pala in the Stde Breast, Palpitate= of , the Rout, Intluena, Croup, Broken Con stitn.icu So:eost,NervemsDebili tip tt ~ra Dum.e s of the Thom reeet and bogs; the Most ef- Lomat and speedy awe ever knownfor any of the abOve duets- Wit la DR. SW *PREIS Conapousad Syrup Of Wild Cherry] , This medicine is nolonger among those of dootiffel Wilily. It has passed Moray from the thousands daily Wretched upon the tide of experiment, and now stand" highw'M reputation and is becoming more exte 'ye ll toed than any other preparation of medicine ever produced Om the relief of suffering man. ides be introduced Ten - geriarallP through the' UntStaand Europe i lod Uwe aro few towns ef, haperoutee but what contain some remarkable evi deeee ha good effeuts. For woof of the fon:rang statementkand of the vitae and efficacy of thismom. ewe, the ,proprietor tool a few of the moor thou. sand mailmen' Kis which bate been presented to hlm by men of the fine, respectability—Men wbo have higher views of mend tespentibility arid Justice, thereto ter. tify to farts, because Itwill do another a favor, end themselves no Wendel,. Such testimony prover eon entirely, that its outriding ere - ellen= Is esubhshed by its intrinsic merit., and the unquestionable =both ty of public opinion. The inationoneons relief it of fords, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by its use, venders it a most agreeable sc remedy for the afflicted. ' REMENREFU "When men, acting from conscientious impulses, voluntarily beat testimony to the truth of a thing, or partleuhti fact, such testimony, being contrary to Omit worldly interests end purposes coerces conviction of im . truth, and commends itself en a special manner to universal ere d egee ,o—CrHogsn's Moral Nalitne, READ THE ROYCE CERTIFICATES. STILT. Ancrrula Coo or Posionsottiornarerrnav - There never was a remedy thht has been u successful in desperate as of Connotation, o Dr. Browne , " Comp. d Syrup of Wald Cherry, It Etrengtneos the system, sad appearg to hest the Wears an the lungs, creating new and nett blood; power possessed by no other medicine- Cnstaxa Co., April lfith, IBIS. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir I verily behest, yoar Cow pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means ot saving my hfc. l a caught a oven eold,which gradu ally grew worse, ttended with a severe cough, that resisted mil the remedies which I had recommit to, aril increasing until my ease exhibited all the 'marabou of tPalma:wry osumptic. Every thing I coed seemed hays no effect, and my complaint Increased unapt& ty ty that foods as well as myself, gave op all hopes of my recovery. At this time I was recce: mended to try yo r invaluable medicine: I did worth themost ban. Wombs. The first bold e had the e ff ect hi loosen the cough causing me to arpentorate freely;' and by th e time I bad used so bottletyl was entirety well,and um now as hearty • man to 'l aver was in toy life, and wolid i l'; i h aP e ; t e lgre " rtiry d ntZel,C,enelgt my r :Aril lam s grateful " . Per 1.4 truth of the above k n n ser you to Peter Rosh, Grocer, West Chester, Pa s of whom I parchasnithe medicine. Respectfully yours, - Jinn hloatott, Tranderful CoretoiMratheceia Ifffroisfer. Dr. Swayue--Dear Sirt I feel a debt of radii& due yml--arid a duty to themeleted generally, to oar my humble testimony in favor of you" Compound op cup o f Wad chem. Some three years, shoe I was violently attacked with cold and infLotuoia,, of the whia was encamp - Oiled with a &strewth* LlStiftoluote,epre.reanda hentiLli,vll7, tseno dally upon change of weather, however slight. At first I feline alarm obontlny condition, but was pretty soon tortviaced that I was rapidly going h ous e don. I mew dells weaker, and at lengly able to walk abont, or speak above a whisper, such was the exceeding weakness of my lungs, wolog t h e , time I had toed vanoesprepwannus and prescriptions, but found no relief—growing all the time worse. Just here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup : of Wahl Cher ry. I mast confess that previously I had been prem teed against patent medionea, and I ma still amonst those nouns out of die hands of emperies, but under standing your claims to the profession and practice , er medicine, and having molten faith in the saying of ory friends, I forthwith parchment of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, • few bottles, and commenced its use. dily ease was at that time of Wier 23 months' voiding, con sequently it was deeply seated. I frond, however, eonstdenible relief from the we Of the fire four or five bottles. Sat ban a public apeaker, freque&l, at tempted to preach with ray Increasing strength, and thereby ruptured Dame vessels that had already begun to heal; in this way, doubtless, my cure was, greatly mudded. In consequeoce of acting doe imprudettily, I had to toe twelve QI can lonics before I was per fnectly restored. I hoe no qiestion, a much stits.ller umber of bottles would have made me mood, but for the above indiscroton The Syrup allayed the fever ish baba, took away the distresstng cough, put na v e to to the ri d of matter tom the hogs, and gae them and the entire system good health. I have defer red offertng this certificate anti' now, far the mopes' of being perfectly tumefied with the Permmonny of the care, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer with pleasure, Rev. J P. Jo it ino.n. Uffeblin county, N. C. rorportasts Cautims—'-Easd , Read! There it but one genuine prepanninn of Wild Cherry, and that to Dr. Bourns% the Armorer offered to ihe public, which hos been sold lamb' thro u ghout the United States and • some parts of Ehar9Pel and teliPre parations called by thndutme pi' Wild Cherry have bore put out since this:ander normal some deceptive circumstances, in order to give currency mail,' Wes. By a little observation, no person need mistake the genuine from the false. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with:the liketess of William Penn thereon; also, Dr . signature. and as further securtlY, the - portrait of Dr. Ramps., will be added hereafter so us to Limb:gash his preparation from alit:niters; Now, if it tru est far the great curative properties ndwn virtu of Dr. B.7alotes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, portent . nut be endeavoring to give currency to their "fictitious nostrums" by stealing the mune of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the same of Dr, Swayne,and be not deceived. Principal Office, corner of Eighth and Race motets, For sate wholesale and mesa by COD& a. MOW. C o, cot 51 and Wood stmß A FAUNESTOCK a. Co, ear Ist and Wood, and illh and - iWoOstaig Wht TIIORbt,I3 Be un JONES,l4l).Liberty sr, /MI A'ION, car nd and Pertn,steu .1081c1 111TCIft , Allegheny city, and by - all respectable d ea l er . i n oettll A v.? witli Th . F TlAlS fo b r r i FY, tatlhodbeatankeen ,ttorr"°= v. 4 - astb ttri: lielea raver believed to advertised Leffietnes, but emaide red them all humbugs. at hest he tried Dr. Taylorte Belem of Liver wort,from 73Beelmaaa w elt, New York, end In six weeks was entirely 'cured, hav ing taken only three bottle. Thiel, only one of marry cases wean edtatr objections mammon' medicine hove-exprevent persons from min this mediziney who have pended hundreds of dollarato their physicians in min—and In the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy of this purely vmetable.preperation. There is no mismke, that this meMeim sap.= to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. Thi. Medicine has taken 2Q peals to millare,sisd is'the se rest remedy for dimmers ever introduced the'prffilie. Dammtarta PAL-02, Cauca, arm Sumeraxsa 01 BELL= Caxgol—Suffering for &longtime with thesecomplains, I had given ay all hope of beam cured. I had catitinilt ed theoteals and boratepathic doctors in vain. I had used mmy artielm adveriat* but found no relief. In despair I had given up the mica allatedicines.. Mar in of the grest*rues of Dx Taylor's Daum orLiver. wort, andthe meat cures It load performed, induced me miry it' and ,to my great Joy and astordshumr; I was beuer doily . I continued to one, au. hiA &VT- Coaled Pills, uatillam entirely cored' Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort is the best reedit!' ma in the world for Mese eimplaltas, nod will cure every one _afiLictad. firE•TH LAI. ENCE, Captain Mika Naney,of New York. iterncira Galva—l have sufreted from the Asthma • very . long ume, cod here used every medicine I could obtain for Ito care In vain, mtil I triad Dr. 'Taylors Hamm of Livery:rob. This medicine has afforded me most manifest benefit, and is, in sty tiMutm, a ca..for this demeaning disease; more, pecia4, as Im of many cases among my friends, where it has beta "gh ly sameneful. Pena. Interested are invited to call as my residence for tuner Laformedoul MDS. S. 111.1 TON, 218 Lantana st, gold' in Pittsburgh by J D Morgan .92 Weed at; J Townsend, 45 Market st; D Sayler, err Market sad 3 d luderson a. Co, 5 Liberty st Prim reduced to MAO per bottle. 1 len B. B. Baluseatockha 410 ,1 43 111 irtta 888. iste Cathartic compound .combinei smallness ot !P tank with andeciamminine =Whoa. a. =gam action, and having .• pecallar tendency to tics filliary organs, 1$ extunnelYalluabk is this coma try in which bilious, favors and other tinnplaints, at tended with congestion of Rai lines, so much abound.— They have now stood the terst of Bi yeast, Ind experi ence has proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy in Intartument, Remittenl ind IDUoua Fevers; Jama digit; Bilious Cone lisiniptrtkm,• Dtopsy j Dyientuy Bilious Vomit:tugs; Cold.. and all complaints Of In la, a , character; Toe - complete and universal andafaction which bar been given by these pills to all who have onto used them, senders the publishing cf the numerous cestinsates be their laver unnecessary. To provost , conntorkeiring they wre now put up in • rod kliograiiin wrapper. Prine 03 cents kw a box containing 30 pills. Prepared and sold by B A FASOMTMCK lb Co corner island wood, and idea comer fief and wood COUGH BYRUP-11 promo be tin great Panacea In coring my child's dimming • She Temperance Banner, Nov 31547. Courtur,—O are not ht the habit ofPrating, mach igsgrajoing paten s ' msdiciaca,but vrefeel disposed to reeismnaind Morgan s Syropto Bose who sre afflict ed with cough. lifter having tried the mull soma dies to remove a cormutratand distressing cough, that had for errata! days afflicted one of oar chiklnsa, w ned we were induced to try Morga n's cough sgralpond py it relief was obtained us a few haws. It Proved to be the panacea. to this ease at least. prepared wholesale and null tirthrjwop„ ,........i., rtettir, JOHN St NOB° feb7 .wood .41 doer below rarliley, STRONG E VI DENCE that Dr JAYNIVII A PLCTOILANT is solortor WWI Misr remedies fm 004060.1gmaitp6=4 DroorbiastAsdaqa, a:WOK: Puha*. wid7a . .darta that tbs muss prism ado roatrarsesd 0. of it in *sir Amities tro pads .4;o,4llpr** it to all Abu roordirrof Lb. kbsi; sodstbsts =Ours boo bawd to try Ober prepandoosa they bars about larartettrhses dilMaiddra la molting dos Walt which was..ndumb l 7 isdisgstsdkota bizb praistabestowed try lbm proprictors, a s bow atoned to ibs ass 4f JT.VTXD T RATICITOZAT I , itratsdy that bailie...sr (admit* lepers tbsta, Sad ruel , mobster arm bsd atm mini to diressoc. nips:rd bi DT D. Jairtff=ad.rold as' lir=dtarik ALTM JAV DIES ?I Forittb d 11782/IIN EXTItALTOB. • In kentuid• , (rota. the time of hosppll4. 4,,,,, yreMOVd the • tron4ttie severest blues, welds or blister. end ertil.b wounds, ulcers mad ewes of any kind without waif; „This velnable -Pain Extramor eite be Hof JOHN DDIORGANi - t ,No 93EW=et-, . . 9elrt Aeon forWestete Penna. TUSTIOWAVEP ATM ArCLINTOCIM 7 *v. Dergyii, very net 'colon axd , .gcteyeyere., l very cheap.. No 75 FOUTiII • ' *ea CFADDLP.sAGS-440t seed, dO2Oll Inas 1144bal fSiddießas, avaperiar ini414,34 bar I>epatiNa 4 Weed at. ocr2 H PHILLIPS riIiRODLE YX,LI.4r —3 cues • ,me Yeiknir,for Ila sale by .:, , eett JOHN 7)5101434N HH btr,01 , 30-2/-1 cue saiwnitur.l3Eime Gree4 VArt We - -aot2 7,7...J0HN D 110E00 1 CE,-5 um ao ago )0 ' bbisTatked dol VI auks ps.rbryi 15 as- atessss s pot,ane Isad for oda H oun d -.1 tit FLOYD, , - : . --. ,v :. H Church Balldidit . • -.ro-adlD- O , W 01158-1 W • bz e la Eon e tnridn Wi- de by WetB - FORSYTH&DNCAN,C i a I.OoGVsmaimArhAifora'lerasirat & DUNCAN DU---XEM--kcpprt;eeeiv • for sale -DLIDUND tota Smoked lianinr-Jast reeks WICK ADM' far 'sitar:- & 1117-lin b6l.3lo3Atteekenl. UflAita bias 49,190 d° &Not dog; to c"t. ' 13)10 MON-100 tons Go als JL - out ARONSON* , Clo I T-T ~~ s T~ < .c.';'~; t s';. i ~ : ' s yf 7:^r.~.it%.~c , ~~ l r T ~`i^t:?'sil~_^<. ~7~.."~ -: ~ e.~t ~i~-v...-.-.r -3 ~_ ~_ 1. .:G'.STGw. ... .. .. ... _..'~3+.n.-'^: .."C-. ... ... MEDICAL. no mod 631.14b.nr rw Sadist it is me Exentaitpa . dims dupe., plumate.; .4nm:trio:eta ' " prim. ts VOIXI4.I • aefd It, COW , _s3= r alabthil • - - - - _ The peat beauty and - sotserlertirp of this Bars , ever ell other medicines le,disteWe Ikerielketu the dbe* cam tularisoralee the bedy TAB iirte of the very hest fIPRJXO OD NMMI. KEDICMM U tuu 6,21, per thtt. ll "Y= ITeriteer th e ' r re =yew oChei eit=. Lod fa this lies die mist seetet after Ireederrel mass. It has performed withlatliolistratt .yease,'sectrts thin .100,000 cum al — were sues of disease r et least ISM .ere coraddered incurable. , .11 !teemed tlus..llvas of more ems 10.000 alarm daring the two past seem. 10.000 caws or Otateral Debifitt and want at Neronan Energy. Dr. Townsend'. Sarsgarille.ltorigansto ' the whole system permanently, To those who. bare lon, Owl{ muscular energy.by the effectsof medicine.= indium coo committal fa youth. et the wwtsmilte, . 1 . 4 . 1 P1e1e the passions , end brought even Must poiT•tylgraitrit• coo orate nentwa mt.; ludie. want'orambition, Noting semations. prematuredec&at r ut tiet/ine, fiesta. Mg towards timtgatal disease. Ca h. at be en. tinily restercOy this pleasant rem This Aerie. ',calla le far eapctior ,to any . Lavittgiottlat Cordial, A. It mama end inalgor, ems the ortam, (Inns satvity i. thu Limbs. and.ortlng}h. to the musellar zymase. in • to.t.xtraorainag : dsme. Contenoptioti Ban*: Caw. wad StreeiglAms. Oinsuptpties 401 be card Breachltie. ClaususpW i forr Com9lsio. Odd. Catarrh, Creseu, Spit*, qf titans," Son:again ths Olaf; .41.7114 INV Soule, DiJkall or Prsjiuts reties; Phii tatiellete r ego., E = haw aulcan ha nava • OPITTIOCO BLOOD. Da lark Aril 28,1847. 01.111Wwwd verily belle. thatgoer H. do. hen bout theme.. through Plwhiststla.. iar topilfe. titan Dm sermalyeare had • had ongh. bed= t 0... cail . wc At lan I raised bole tie. al ihteL had Owen; tad nu pan ly dablli Wad 511 Waned, ant did tot impart to no.. I haw only us II rouranseparllM • than tom., aral thars but • awl: olel chanson= onvacht In an. I moan obis to Nall 111 war nava*. I raw m bload,..aul my , cough I u* lonate. 4 Tat an well lenaillh that I en thtakil l he thaw waft: Totrebedlan IL . WB 3 tU.ClClahitati. Female —Diesllehm. Dr. Titernemsdhlits . e — aorere . hp arl=2 tiro An LuVEosommptiao, llorresinem, Mari, a r of the Womb, Comilemissa. PH" Leo ecribtes, or tea,. obettseted or Will Ilintatruse Om luesetinetteo, of Urine, or hersdantur direimor• thereof. and ibir the general Inorration of Um systemi— ze matter whether *be remit of dtenott =Me OZ caws% prodoesd br hrephoity„ lanes or accident. Nails* - op bo moro mrprWm thee ha tat Isoretiog ofilbeta on th e tm*. au.. en.=.3l:waume and iamb tea. from taking it,at oweibownste Taut cid fall of miergy ander ha Weems. It Immediately econtoracte lb* isarmlossitem of this finato harm. which ft the great moss of Bernmarom It will ken be resorted of as, In tram of to delicate • nataro, to tothibit cortficatee at mum partlimmod but we ma mum the ahead, that b obdro do of cues have been miliaria mass "thtromado of came Whore Omahas hies bees oittoa etrildrso, slim using a few bottles of Ws Imiehoddis modielmi, hare beemblemed with him, healthy olihrten. To Diode. mad Blorried Ladles. • - This Extract of Samparilla kaa bean expownly pre. pored in rah:rodeo to fonoda entoplalina, -No few& who bat reamn to amps eke is • that critical period, • Me arra of . :V it r anion to . r take I; es it is a eeriela pre - aky of tke lobe and honed* anomaly:les ' Imola aro oubject.at this thee of We. Vele p6riod stel Ii de /eyed fin mod gams ly aria, sits mailiciat. Na is it bier.traluelalw to doe who an approechlag wn. .mosibtod. ea it to caleolated to mist nix" by qtdek. .eelas the blood acigiosaigarating the mum. Weed, aw medicine is theatohlide for xli the &llama disco .e, tai width woman are tobject It loom thombide gamma. renews perimaimuly Om total emoreiel, by rensonof, the impurities qf the Ibody, not at Or stiondatiog as to produce subseipsous Monti., width is dm case Glom , . loodiebots bk.* Co' feniale.wosimem and discs:is' rly= a fee Dottie* sit I this intelleitoi, rung acme and argical opera dorm now be prevented. Great ITlontittg to Mother. land Children. It is the eslastuad most effectual asedicton forte Tit the a = th ead rennin; the safferiop aver discovered. It streneas both tresother mud add. prevents pain and &seam. in. enrattm and middies the food, those who have turd It tilt is indispensable. It is highly awful both before mad titer confumolent, as ft prevents disuses armada:A arms childbirth—in Cottireness. PIM. Cramps. Swe4 bag of th. Feet Deepondenir ileasthore, Vomiting, Pairrin the BAkik and loins, False Pains, Flemorrlmpa tool in regulatisq the sectednue equatisisig the au adation it has em eq.! Tim yeas botany cd this toesikine is, it is always sant and the met delicate use it most rthoemetelly, %wry few ems require any other medicine, is . tiatese • little CUator Oil, or Maymnda, to metal Ezmw dm open sir, o tter ilea food wadi this medicine. win altsaye assn. • and easy cow ibiteMant - fleaLiar_ Iffesith. meg ovetterrwareerevesbesimat. twAY brow er applied bads tam, very um Iron it of its beauty. cleat the pores tit the .thri. beck the chaveleddos. whieh, when Ma. is not thwart ed by abeam or powder. or the skin lamed by the allodlee wed lo mpg, Mundt> to. own production in the v human bra DIViII6," at Ira ae Lit do garden of rich sadtislitsdelfelmed and variegated looms. A flee, active Land heatthy cimalatton of the dela. or the coming albs pm. rich blood to the ouremitim, is than which Mum the coamenanes in the moot ot dm beauty. It Is which bermes the hai le &ad. awl flaahns of lordinosa thm all admire, b est mo o rien &mirth. This beauty h the aff•prims of est pe t ofprorter or .cap. If than 6 nos • free and healthy detatatiou, there m moo harem. If the bdy fair as chime .now. if she mdse., and um commim, and Dubbed 6 Mick cold sad imporaehele not beau. tifiaL If ohs bet brown or yaßow,end there la pure and settee Mood. It atm a rich bloom to the cheeks, end • brilliancy to t h e ua b Thie is why seu .e fi etV=lY the lima. 'bib ham cm so mach Lake the north who lobo bat nub exereba, or are coaxed fa elm man, or- hami spelled their cosaplegion by the appli cation of delmmioue mixtures, if they ebb to fain re. eisstichy steP. ban.= .p .fat ad bowlful complexim. they should WO Dr.. Tow. wad'. ficempetralo Thmaede who hove hied it, are more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of every auntie, crowd.= office doily. Meilen to the Ladies. Those tent hnitate Dr. Tommod's Beresparilla, beer hivartehly =ad their .00. peel &waft.' F. mates,l“., to, sad hams copied our bids and Malan which relam to the complain of woma ..elhoeor o —other me who pat op medicine, bore, dace the no.. mem. of Dr. Townsamf• Bona I. cociplatuts Isacidezt to Lomb; mormussdad theirsaltboagb pre steady they did net Amebae tither plater'., Pith fie, are intarioss to froodeo tie they anmant arid ..lo b e s t the coastineritra Dr. Vonneesuf• is the op=best n...dy An the anaterom fasesle cert. rarely, if ism foil. of effechag • prentamen t 0... It can be takim by the mom delicate flaasi... itt any me, or by thaw miming to became mottime, with the greattn advantages, m it prepare. dm micro d proreaa . paio or Auger, 'lmd..rtroniftheso bah mother end MIA. Be earth to gel the genahat. Scrofula ems& This renfibiate emseinsivaly prom thas this Dam. patilla has palled control crew tb. mewl obatimos die mule, the Mood. Tbnie persons mod in one beam is atorneedannoL -Three Oklldirea. Da Tairremna—Daar Ea I I hays the' Inform on that three of voy child/on havetr " enr: of the by the ese of your amDeat median. They areve dieted vary avrxely vilth bad Screw ; bag taken oidy fear boubss t It took them away, for .bleb I feel sorielf tutder great obligation. Y- Aarwlti..... IX Woodman • ()pinions aFirbrdeizes. Dr. Tonnes! le almost daily receiving ordm 60 .Ph ydetatu In different parts of the Doiat. Tbls Is to certify that we, the cadenced. fbrvidiese of the City of Albany, have In minium mata pram& ed Dr. Tairmears Samparilla. and believe It to tas one of the Man valemble prerradoes 4. Ibe market P. PI/LUIG, IL D. J. WILSON IL D. IL a Barna. IL D. Albany, April I, ISO. P. E. ELSENDODY. D CAUTION. Owing to the grad meets. and Immense ole of Dr. e Townsend's Bansmisrfila. a untidier of menwho were formerly cur Agents, have commented making Damps. rills pivots; Elixirs, Bitters, Emmet, of Yellow Dock, kn. .They geneselly put it up in the seme shaped bob Jos, and some of them have mole and carded ear &dyer thwarosato—thay are oily .worthies. halunians, and .hould be avoided. principal Mace, UM FULTON Street, 800 BoOdina N. y, ; Redding A Co., 8 Eitsts street, Boston; Drat' L s c ree,,.l34, North Second wee, Philadelphia 8. Baltimore; P. M. Cohen Charleston: -Irrf l tin'tire4.lsl Ctrs :Ike Street N. O. ; 103 Booth -lead flereetT Albear; and by all the principal Drop. rie ,. t. end Merchants go d ne a rallLtluo ..4 N. .. sighost I the United s totes. West Indies an d a 11....Pers011e bap:tiring for thin medicine, should tint be Induced to lake any other. Druggists am op Barsaparillea, and of course prefer selling their own. llro not be deceived by Are 7 5 1notire for Dr. Town nd's, and take no other. Remember the genu ine uTownsend's Parsaparil a," sold by the sole exams. R. R SELLERS, General Wholesale & Renal! Agent, No. 57 Wood, street, and D. AL CURRY, Allegheny chy. Jove IfUT IN EVERY MOTHEws HOMESTEAD. 1-M.lmile:signed has long been convinced of the necesary for some medicine adapted to the nse of hildren and brims to supercede use of all dune autdiebses which contain opium, and has an length me. needed in preparing and offering to the public a medi cine fully antworing every purpose for all diseases of tee bowels, without the use of that &Mien°us drag, or any giber calculated to Poole in die aut. The Infant Pu4l tie,t las been fully tetrad rims toed. die last twelve months, by numerous persons, and tonna to possess all the extraordinary virtues, and to produce all the moon. liking effects as set torch on the bill or directions. Di. entrea t Vorniting,Cholie.thiping, Pains, &clines, and Diseases arising from' Teelltuig, acting Immediately without disturbing any of the funellons of the body, producing theliappiest " and most as transition Mom violent patn to a tranquil and joyous state of feel ingio the tittuy sufferer.. To be hid wholesale atul feta, isflia Proprietor, Dr. JOAN SABOANT,. Druggist and Apetheawm John Ilditchell,lialiona Beckham, and most other Dr a Allegheny and Piittburgh. deelll TOWNSEC:III BARSAPARILLA.-40 dotes, messed Tre awnws. Sarsaparilla, dill most dinar, medici in the world! This Er- v act is pm spin quart ixaties. ne It is sizsitnee cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted suisnior to any sold. h Caren disease without curtains. Prd'el‘g, .kkdrling or itebilluabir *bp patent. , Loot 012Tioahm.isums..—Unprtherkilerf persons have Coppedsat labels, and put iv medicine In the same 'shapedbordc., Soo ese4l bottle bathe written illg• Aware on& PArorturerld. 7 • we. sELEaßt,,Ds7.weareireet,tete,,,,,,• *re and Awe, Is Dr. TOwnarthPs,`oraylwhirlarrie ,fieills , rat ague for rlttibarglt,' of rrhom , lll6 :gratin," UV:Mop Itrur Urn 4341110ei1r the agent) for - ,ihogrofry . , city, of whmt the genainp_attieler-ciu) be; n•r. • •, v , y Invites the attention Of boyars to • new a•op4 of IPK4I , et ogle sail nay mei • %%416 mat •"7 . 7• 7 17 - 77, rionw mesgasvorpstkoslOVlT,DEß -4-# TAlLE22,casaek. or re* sespeelfallyjaasia tbsis rsusaiikal, .°14144/qh., an art P r tp!rero 6 / I +*9 l 44Ute4. tb. , or undonakors. always os .1,3 s as :nstmsat. resso mule Cqfflas t easeo4,, until and fin *led is the: waszbest.rnanner, i k asOriff and Si.tes yeidr 8 .40 nal Ot Minn./X=4l ,O C 0.4 sass scaate,sa sipsysed .Wst jgasp4 ss tortmept or sabre bla entibu, r iv e, "11' Wt P al / I, ..feri 4 - di.gorl rm, rive, cipa tars, and enry thing necisr,ry fez 4ressln4Vin. deati; sqr,saasorable terms, as we pi:VI:MAO OW good. EIWOrn GUM 440, Pl.cP for engraving .lbd damn and ago-. We,b,mte tamildd.parr4e . asse sad P.m s, sad any camber af the bea tatring gyery thing aterlded to-promptly and Nominally. oet..Vy NETT dt BRQ.7HER, • QPEENSWARE It&NUI7.IOPUBEft nittialgatasa,liaear-Plalaburapili4 P.. Stirrehdtssi, AV: 137, - WWI etre,* Pittsburgh.: Pi!.lLLcoaptatlp,k,oth ittilitt?ttgOß imam *tat of l% ate, a oat Oat tilitutlattlut,-ana' ••• superiorquality. Waolesalt and attar, Max' qamts Att traptctfolly totted to tall and er inane' for themselves,,ak Ira datermiactl sell a.tkr than hut* biro re baba bad tattr on. Onrers sent%y ninitiatiottrttaled by the tad or' OUT ra f erennr,.iltil jbp, ptpatinly autaldea to. febs tOULVAItT. Lome E. Linui. • FLINT GLASS , ESTABLISHMENT. ryIBLVANY & LEDLIE manatee= and keep con stantly on band - Cuti.kloalded , an& Plain nen G neronWri=k9Tt ie er=, 4 l l . e". Qua Works •Cniatintle , In full opelution,.nndwe are constamly adding to our susek: - Which enables en in fill onkrit wilt pzomptuyse, Pazebasets,wro respentfully solicited to call and exambie priceltukud . terms. • . nlylnd ly COACH M AK! N'e: FROM the very liberal encourage - •v- • neat the itubsetiber ha, received einem he has Ideated himself in Allegheny, %c.a.- has iodueed him to take a term, for a ~ term of years,. ion the property be now ileauiag,•fiilleavet street, immediately beside the - .Foo.hTlenauChurch. Flom the long experience in the above Inututese and edeilietti please, he hopes to men- Rand receive a shire or public patronage. Nowontand andLniaiting to,onder, Rockavrag Oka = v. :we and top Begmle*,,nna.ovoly deeerlpdon of made to order, from severity-Ave dollars to aighthouresta JOIIN SOUTH.' MISCELLANEOUS. NIANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO.— HEALD, DUCKNOR & Co, 41 ninth water r 4 and IS N. msdarms.,.PdtPs,olles [assails ottacopromodating terms, 6000 pkgstdanofactured Tobacco, consisting of pounds, .bait pounds, B's, LTs, ICs, san ad's, pounds, iTs and B's plug, and ITs Lmlies , Twist, in whole and half bozos, of the following approved brands, vim J amen E Grant, Osborn & Drama Grant & %Wien's, A Cabardss, Simms & Son, . Webstsr Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A /1 Armistead, J Thomas A Son, Leodbom & Armistead, J P Coates, J Al Cobbs, • 0.017 A Rayner, J A Gay, HI A Butler C A /lull, Omen. WV, Dawson, Pearl A. Norwood, J S Blackwood, • WthPige, Keisterse, Vaughan, Dewy . , Pornang Robinson, Russell & Robutsona Keim, Robinson & Co. Stub Halsey, P. Metcalf, JobAEnder, Law:came Lonier, ,/ Robinson, Gray A: Grab D BTumer, R Jamieson, York White, D hi Dranch. —ALSO-- Hamm Leaf To.bacco, wrar and Allen; Yarn 'do do Cienfuegos do do do Si Jago do Cuba do do do Ett Domingo do . , . do , du „ inurta a. (Addeo do, port fine, do 'Maysville do do do . Kentucky. oasione grades do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and export; Somali. Seed Leaf, Perm'a, Connecticut and Ohio; Virginia Scraps, sweet; Ciescian Pions; Pipe hauls; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders,' Alaccouba Meal; Tonna& 13eans, Havana boas; Ono Row;. Rok6ktnoti t)labtin Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Rome, Spank, tr.r... ice- piilf &nr.t.pluA, ,:py LS - - - - - " • T'HE city beforts—amde oaths most approved Eastern Plans— andmost faabioriable Eatnernstatnirs• and color. Alm THE CHEAP ROLL, or Eas ring BLIND, on hand or medal° order of sal Use*. and nt all prices. Cowan Merchants and others are invited to call and examine the ahove for themselves, ma all seal be sold Wholesale ar feat, and a hieral dadaeuon made io Wholesale parebasers. snit!, A WESTHRUELT PAPER WAREHOUSE so. 9 - einuaso 151.1 P, INF.W YORK. 'YRO W. FIELD offer for tale at the lowes , nanarattartnat ptievs, a very extensive assort. to,nt of PAPER. comprising every possible variety, adapted to the wants of coons:an to all seettons of 111 country. Paper of all kicda made' to onto? at oboe ttne,:e. . _ . • • 1 henna of PAINENO PAPEIto 000000ily largo a part of ertneh is of ae.. warrior 0814. PAPER BLA.TERIA-19 of every description, imported and kept =MOO) f Oh hOLUZ, Peltroga,Prere Roe, Poordriotor Wires Blenching Powder, Bros Ultnarnartee, Twine, tr.-. 2. BABB/ Canvass,Bale Itope,Gnres Papa, Bagging, et, o_, porehosed, for whleb the highest price io Cash will Ow paid rrzr New Vora, Jeta,11545. MBE undersigned offers far sale a wrior article lof brick for beadin, Made hia—n= front, improved mwtone, for Which be key obtained a patent, and agrees to give purchaters • Written gnettelee that trey arc stronger, and will resin frost-and wet weath er and imbibeless moisture or dampness than any oth er brick, poweating greater body And augers= wsinre and much snore detrabir ix:evert respect each bnek beinp *aborted to • pressure - of 'thratral We and pos sessing h1241132126 , 1112000‘. teasel and even edges, they make a Cabot ennui lo th e,bnt' front in. They biro given the creetest istiethetion wail who have purekased. A kiln east* seen Only minks, and specimen slew (TazetterOCee. , mole baying orpplied tkkanseivranertheir buildloga. and *thing thinns=e - frorit brielt,or superior hard and solid wring Iniekiean obtain the= . ISAAC GEGG. Cirmingluirt i lnne Il L ias. • ' ALLEGHENY ViAITTIAN ELMO FACTORY. -40431 BILIMPFN, • ....:2=visetAd utuirc itise .t oret hi. rw hitsitt fry ot ,Mr.rt=aonlitnh3ll2 vrasi side of 4114., Alle . gbegy, Irbera . eon. stsartsqplT, 0.14415,0 r ...rives colors oral ambllervareennsuantly kept on baud; &1., pl . Nob Wood at. PiuMergb, at / & H ?MUM? MI cloth vaseroom. enema flhattem made to enter in the best style. Blinds repaired at the Monett melee. N. It —llia Blinds will be pat op without any addi tional expense, so that tley can be removed in a mo ment In ease of fire or for eraeltins. aed without tbe aid of a servo driver_ 7, , LEGANT PERl•umr;gY,ltc--Ratter• Rau Divine 1.../ de Verans, for readenng the Orin *oft and beautiful. Hatiel's celebrated Nympth Soap. lianel's Wien Vegetable Hair Oil, for gradually darliontba hair, and promoting its growth. Rawl's Liquid 11th Dye, for changing red at gray boo w a beautiful brown, blae k or chestnut calor. panel's Eau Casual Rau Restorative, fbrprodeeong a luxuriant growth of hint. Ito/eel's Catlin Plaid. panel's Depilatory Powder, for removing superflu ous bait. Hanes Rose Tooth Peon. Ilanel's &thaw - of Petal Toilet Powder. ..... . IlanelL Unrivalled Sieving Cream. Hanel'. elegant Extracts of surtoua fragrant flowers, for the handkerchief; together with a huge assortment of ane Perfumery, Mat ret•d rind for ule LT D A FAIINESTUCH & Co, ,p 0 tor let & wood, also cor oth & wood sts THE ISTA.B. OP THE WHET VENITIAN BLJND3L&NEFACTORV East MLA of th e Diamond, where Verutian Blinds of all the different area and colors an. kept on hand or made To order afte the latest and mom approved Esilem rash ' ion*, at the thonest amino and on th e Ines mum le tent!. Also, th e cheap BOOM roll•or split Blind TranVo nose} and Paper mains Mall the diffateril lOOOs and patents, on hand and for sala low (mush. Old Vmn- UM Blinds painted aver and repaired, orsaken in part payment for new. ft M WESTERVELT, Pro , pl. N. o—All work done Wilk the best material and workmanship, and warranted treplease the most I.n tidtons. anglo-dly Allegheny city, doff 10,1148. WOOD TIP ras rib= auracenn IMOD xits moos?, it ?errs- SCllolW, g it u tlL RYAN, ISAAC M W II / LIAM MISiGh.II, JOHN IL MORRISON, having smutted themselves together ander the style and Ude of Eleboley, Ryan & Co., for the mannfuture of Wood Type, end as their type is altogether rude by machi nery, the Inception of Isaac Ml:linger, ou of ity , firm, they feel confident that they offer smote perfectalpele of type, and at notch Lower rates Mao any heron:dere offered In the Vetted Sures, and are now ready to fill orders for the name. Ali orders addreased to Schott?, Ryan fr. Co, at their oftlea in Disonond alley, between Wood and Smithfield smite% will be punctually attended to. b e e of ar m Tl.= on on tTie W ii i rape th r i :;fli be entitled to receive their pay In type, on purchasing three times the amount of their bill foe advertising. iciaMm 77 ACH -77 IWAIIMISMIls MANCHESTER. T HE Proprietor of ibis well known plate a,taunt bas the Meaner° of Informing the public that his estab lishment Using been thoroughly refittedrind repaired, end the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, is now open for teals accommodation, and he Betters luta telf that those who may favor him with their patron age will find all that they desire, provided In Hid heel style and on reasonable terms. He is determined to spare no expense in making his establishment Worthy of public patronage. He has accommodations for boaniing a few families. Ice Creams, and all:refresh. menu unable to the season, consuunly on hand • jam` LEVI BURCHFIELD. /IL ii;=;(SM;;ZMa ISAAC WILLIAMS, ini.e..r;and Tailor, begs to in' ( form the rinse. of Pittsburgh sad others, that he s now opening at Id. rooms an limhbfield street, On. dee the above Moral, a large and beautiful assortment °(Cloths, Cassinresu, Fauns, Pills, and other Yes together with such other uncles as are required or gentlemen's wear. His good!, have been ruefully se lected, and ate of the newest and most fashionable style, u well so of superior quality: customer, may depend upon Using their clothes made up in a manner which cannot fs/1 to gratify the taus of thc meal fastidious. ardllthy tr s B IthinW — aibuThrsli."" 2do do to extra pour,;:, bi sdo do do 12s and 14,,, 10 keg. No 1, 6 twist; 11,10 do PskCasendishi 3 do do Plum gold do Serval . 20 do half Spaniel' E l WIL saI LIAs tbr eby toril EMS - Q HOKE HOUSE—Wad taken Ha large , and com. madam Smoke Roue and Haden laorebanae on.l - Canallhata, ona are pre. Mad to =aka and store 'bacon on nrasonabla ten.. marlb. JOHES, Van& basisynaum ULOHY.OX JOHN 121 . ,aj Ma, Iflu Seboolllquaa tha path Walt:par& H. AL Bredkanxii_dge. STOIC& HTHON, su;d far sale by all Uaa . in the any. , Jra - - .84tp.,ft6Z7 2 -611rItti Womb; _TagRaTAIION ._,i . kWT s F' 7 :z°7 L rNs ~.,:.. ~, a4BB. ' '' . ..irerwEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVMAND. W. T. aquas, Putaburgh; Pitsa & Cu. Beaver p rim ' s. .., n Parimin.ts Onawaxtunt, ' Clevdand ,11 above LW is tuns prepared to transport freigid awl passenger., from Piusbargh road Clevebsral„. or nog point on the Canals and Lakce. One boat leavesTittsbrugh and Cleveland daily, run ning iti connection With the litramboate Lake En• and prichigart, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and • line alms eWs steamboats, - propellers, brigs and schoen en on lakes Ene • Huron awl Michigan Poverty (*minded to inD , ppm of the Union with dispatch, by . WM. T. ALATHF.II. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, .. . " ear Water andSmidifield sts, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Beaton; ' • R Gt. Parks & CO; - ifoungstown, 0; •T W Cotes & Co, Warren; D Bostwick & Co, Breadporr, . ' A& N Clark, Newton Falls, ', ' • F Levrie,Piersporfi I &.E hilinlmy, Campbellsport; .1 0 !?Bride, Ravenna; M & C H Kent, Franklyn Killer & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Fans; Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barmy, Gibbs &Co, Sandusky; • Watkins & Engle, Toledo; • • 0 Williams & Co, Dearoit, Mich; hlTlare & Willlarns..Milwrolkin, Wis; • ' H I 'Winslow, Chicago, ILL apl4 RELIANCE. PORTABLE BOAT LINE, Wad MA 1848,F . F. BEYos TRAMORTAITON or salmons-4m= TWEEN•PITIDBUIIGH AND PHILADELPHIA. rpH Promietdm of this old established. mad first Portable Boot Line, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much lamer Warehouse drillorket st., than they formerly occupied, and also in censed their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now prepared to offer much greeter facthties to their friends %ol ' dearrled by this line are not transhipped ho- tweet Pittsburgh and . Philadelphia, beingearried en ,drely In Portable 'Election Boats. To shippers °Maur and Other goods reqvirmg careful handling, this la of =race. NO charge made for receiving or shipping or advancing charges.. All goods forwarde d prontinly, and upon so reasonable terms., by any 0113. er line. • JOHN ItIe.PLDEN h Co, Canal Basin, Penn at., ft:W=o. ••• • • ,• • /Ahni..m. DAVIS a 4 feb2•l tt7 Market tr.. 64 Commerce sf,lllla. JOON MeFILDEN & Co., Forwarding and Commis ion Merchants, Canal Basin; Penn at, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS& Co, Flour Factors and Commit• lien! Merchants, 227 Market, and St C 0111112111,13 at, Philadelphia. fet&l v etd d liza d m: c d4 p tg . e.lth o mf=ext Floor i to diem. 1 TiTOTICE-:Phe substribers have disposed of their in ' .terestla the Pewit, and Ohio Line to CLARICE & RAW, of Pittsburgh,' and JOSEPH 8 LEWIS, of this !hi ,Toy will 6ontinne To inuisact business for the line, t Weir Warehouse on Maui street, as tositsl, end be speak Wit a 'ecintlannace , il then looollga of their friends. JAMESSTEEL & Co. Philtulolitin, March sth,l rms. Penn's. and Mao Wan ortaflan Co. Doseßif. Doily Ismi of FIRST CLAYS NEW BOATS AND WS, MIMI. To 71..arort 00001 ItIMPIMI tnzastraort CLARKE &THAW, Canal 814.3. Phu t I . h. LEWISa BUTLER,2I2 blarkok P JAS. STEEL & CO., Alu, Broad meet. COWDEN CLaLIIKE,A Co, 714 North 1., PORRICK,AgL, 12 Won duvet, Nov Yolk. marl! Co- partne rahtp. 'Tibet ses n eribe d rzhx: th . is u day r a; c r t el i tta j dtbem r selv t e h s purpose aeon : lcing the Iltilfess formerly erly 'n e72 ' irfokl en by Samocl3l: Met, arta solicit ceonuneince of the 111.. - oral patronage heretofore extended to the hone. $.l3lUn. M. 101111, 13. F. JONES. iluablugh, Much 1,1619. PORTABLE DOAT LINE • siz - rronao.m..o , au. VI .6...1.4.1•111A AND BALTIMORE. VLA CANALS* RAILROAD& VETE a s prepared to remise and fr.rwardfrei.ght to TV Dto above and interns...ll.w oat. with mi Aonch dsspateh, and at aa low rates, as any other responsible . . . . The attention of altipitera arishina to amid Pori tir Ba con to Baltimore is boat. ts portiedlorly requested, In. °mach as ant &mat:lst:tents enable ma to carry such atuclea through It beta order than shy other Roe. KIER Cr Propttra. CureallThatu, max 7Th at. Pittsburgh; Muth I, IC.T7. Wei. IL "Er' IER k JONlES—Cbmasission and forgrarduarater - chases, Ind Wholesale Dealers In lem, RI/seem Produce, &a. Liberal cash advances on corougurocats. mat( Sift oun, I. a DLTILM, Asa M.S. L15X71.111 , 1 Pittabmit. Plalladelpta. ONION LINE, To Plllladc p o ono more, 1ti...111.• At. 11....1=112111. ; LIENRY GRAFF & Caul hate, Pittslank. OUTIUL lIVALPIIRErS I Co. No, 147 Mattel st, Phil. C. IL Koos., eonisi Nottl, & Samoa sts /oh& F. Clarko, No 13, Old Shp, New sor.i, 5 NOTICE—Tho style of oat Laos will Do known hoz and alter this dale. al Pittsburgh., at Wary Graf It Co., andiat Ph lodelph,a. as Lama Ilamphrtys de Co lIENItI OKAFP. NUM& PlifirthiT: rag".lPW' tiI , LA FR, ithityugE. . PITTSBOLOR PORTABLE BOLT LINE 1 848 . MM. For IA. Valt".Unial. of Frrle,ktfo ud f, PHILADELPUM BALTLIWRE, N. BuktvrON. ae. . . Som.. It Caeu. Pallor/404.1a Totem A Ullonsou, Pittahomh. MISS old eatallished Lute boo now to taA open don. the proprietors have ma- extecelve amaze th]. to forward plods and plvdnet volt!. alespateh i :J , 2ll e most favorable scrum They conadeuily thye well known prompts." Lenvenns gooda—pe cotter safety to mode en carry illg--eapecour, warehou ser* at each pent, arOolluc area...le:lona t stoppen and ownernof produce—.together WllllO4ll long eApe-- fence and envemm nto itig evation basinsas, oCcUre to theta a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby frock/11y acknowledge. All colougulanum by and for Una lute recetved, chat sad, or.enled ug or d . i w re n, ction g, • free No Interest, directly or indirectly, to ateeintionta All confrAalneallOn• promptly attended man applies to the following agents: BOEIRIDGE CASH, :TN Merket at, Philadelphia TAAFFS A fYOONNOR, Camel Bashi. Pittsburgh. O'COMNORS A Co, North st, ihdo otos . s . WM. Lk WILSON. 93 Ceder st- New Tani. •11 . • • LAKE ED= AND HUICI4IOA3 LINE. ; • c• 1 8 4$ max T n ake W eie k =ti l ch r i;an7l= d ia PluTira 6'.t atp , 4. et Deaver, and fleigtit and passenger Canel Dias be tween Deaver and Die, and C M Reed'. Dee gi p g e e class steamboats, propeller, and vessels seillto Late*, tempered its carry freight and passengers V r enro on the Erie Canal, La lAkes 14' ie, end chi ls gan. flaying every facility for conveying fed& ey d p g „. sengen with prompters, sod dispatch, the p(opm., and eigentsriftilly . so .. licit Imo it friends a con tin.'" a t heir r. .0 Ad Proptiev r RIME I JOHN A. CAI: ARAD OIIEIf- te. Co, 'deav Agen t.vr' Agents. , apt/ cot Water and tirnittleid sta Mila 1848. ECLIPSE TIULSRPOILTATION PANE. To and 00.113 the rhstern nues, Tin Cumberland, proprietor, of tht• popular bee, have...Mee their j re.otgammtion largely increased their technics to meet the wishes of shippenn and tee POW DAY 1.0111 F., as also by additional regular wagons at low rates. • This line will run throughout the year, delivering rods thrmialt the agent. In Baltimore and Pitestergh to owner, end emisiguees et specified rates aml tium- Shipments from Philadelphia for (5 a line should be marked "etre, J II Robinson, Ltalthriore.” The only agents are 1 'a Dammam, cal 9 Charles sr, Bahiseora EDGERTON & Co, Cumberland. G W 'CASS, DroanuniEe. J C MDIVEEL. PirlstmAiFh. EOLIPN MlMafia . TILANSPOILTATION.LI2III4 Tb. Parpriators of this - Lin hare cheated the deyasey at Cumberland from the bons, of filegmg guar* to that of Edgerton Cc Ca. Pittsburgh end women merchants Ills no tilled Mall Day. ly Habiumn. No Pi Booth Charles et, Baltimore, Is lb. only aullorrisad agent of thia Luso in ate E,.toro oleo . The cody agents are J C BIDWELL, rittsbunb, O W CAYB. BrowasviEls, EDCMItTO3 ¢ 06CnastorButd, J B ROBINBON, BaMawr. Western Trams rtuttgan Ounapaisy. 71 .--,13=Z0 D. LICEOLI At Cosa c,jg 10' 014 Established iiol o *o6 1848_ TO TlLleta ' BALTIMOR E ft NEW YOftit VIA Itsterstmont AND onto tam =am A•RE mewed to tionsport goods nod produce to a: nd frau: IU Lbw's ,eitles on fay /noble isnot dress ar apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Dania Pittsburgh, HAMS & LELIA Nos. 13 & Seut6 Tbiul st, .hit. J. TAYLOR tc SON Agus No 14, IVat Howard N• B .„1, A. ABBOTT; .Agt,No 7 Wea street, New Yost. Pluabargb, March 10th. Ida , Wan askaportatlon Lan miyia cA'/U.L AND un. lumps FOR PHIDAVE.I,PHIA AND BALYORDRE, 001 1 8 cotudFsed w , our care will be, f orwardad I....T,without &In', al the lowest currant Mu. • C A fiIeANULT Y & Co., Culla Main, PM] et, Pit uhrh. , NIERSEILLEB &RR VI& 11,i g .172 and NIS Maria • t, g. ROSE, IIIERRM &Co, N. 451 ' wharf, ativisic TIIA3HPOIITATIO LIRE. MAR 1848. da sivir2mtd.et run hers tr tre e ! tta,t .i po i s daily. Prod:ice and merchanise tulten Y at I ` aw nice; Merchandine - from Baltimore broagla out at Canal rates Time, five day. J ' EiIDVTI2.I, Art, Water it„ 9 door mimeo Mons'. JHROBUDIONsc OE Roma B , Pittsbu HM, rgh. 951 &ell% Charks st. Dahlman. i. 102610 E 8 MANISPORTATIVA•LIISE, 1848. MAitli BETV BEEN BALTIMORE AND PirraftllßOLL 6:r Mile, 5 days. .CEI . !Jere) amte Lammpo Ctnalratet. • FOWMI I DUNCAN Atento, - r Water area ',~lgpparry,. , Lallagtaa. BOOKS, )llNCtii x ' Valinobilo wed Attitootlvio Now Books. • • L AX &2113.2 4 8 History of the Girondists, 3 vole, 12 Slits' Life if Che her Bayard; 12 rho. • G. Is: R. ;anidaireof Heart the Fourth, Of FilitlCC, 2 rots—limo, • Smith's Consider Cities of Matt; Illuto. Neanderte Lite ofJesus Chown 8 vo, =Win; MervePa Fresh Gleaningm or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europe. Capt. Ilmryle Sketches of the Mexican Wart 12 too. Glent's Story of the Bottle of Wmerrlco; 12 too. A Sommer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbots 12 too. Sismondi'. Literature of the SouthOrEmipe; 2 vole 12 mo. Huston's Adventures in Mexico and the Reeky Mountains; 12 too, muslin. Posthumous Works."( Rev. The. Chalmers, D. D., L. L. ro. The Practical Astronomer, by The. Dick, L. 1.. D. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D, Historian of New Hompshrre. Lather and the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A, 9 vols. I The Middle. Kingdom, with a now =pot she Empirm ljpS W. Williams,2 vole, 12 too. I The Poweinf the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sating, D. It„ 12 too. The BetheFFlsg, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 12 too. • Teaching Science, the Teacher an Ardsu by.fiev. B. FL Hull • The Czar, Ids Court and People; by John 8. MasorelL Lectures on Shakmeare, by H. N. Hudson- The Anita of Amerieo—llhatßtedlaith nine ems. vingson steel; avd containing sketches of the lives of Allmon, Inman, West. Stuart, Trumbull, Be , Veins, Rembrandt Peale and Thou Crawford; 1 vol,B vo. The Oraumt of Prance; containing Octal. of the. lives Of Lemarune, Thies, Napoleon, Dimon Mira. been,.Guitin end others, with portrait. of each. Headley , * Napoleon and hlershalm 2 vols. 12 too. Headley'. Washington and his Generals; 9 vole, 12m Headley's:inured Mounteirre. • • The above; together with • large colleetion of Stand ard Work. Classical and Scheel Books, for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON; Bookseller's, jeer comer market and 3d sts V AND ATTRACTIVE BOORS—.Chalmers' Bc I led work*, 4 vols. Chalmers' Doily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mr.. Fry, Sad vol: The Convex...by the author of ' , Schoolgirl it France.' Lady Mnry, or Not of the World, by Rev C B Tay or. M. A. Margaret, or the Nor! do , Mark Cli ft on, or the Merchant's. Clerk, do Life of Pollak, author of • "Cour. of Tuner The Listener. by Caroline Fry. Loewe, on Shakspostra by il ' l4 Hudson; Life °Mises Cromwell by J T Headley, Napoleon and ht. Maishals do Washington and hit Generals, do Power of etkel Flthe Pulptt, b) Gardmer Spring, D D ag, do Pylabgion Teackung by Example; Pulpit Orators of }maces Ttimbull, °COM Of Scotland, do Ufa of Howland Free Church Pulfut, 3 'rob' Orators of France, Now nod Then, Botha no's Margaret Mercer, Jacobus oo Matthew, adapted to Eaton Kitoo.uonli Arthur'. Popular falos—"Riehes In the World," .blilkiog Hosts to ho melt," "Flintes ht ye Wings," kiK .ror i .zry APP''M'e ll n ed b ry. " .,;. ' lA, " iota :8 wood and St• market at ADOLIAN ATTACFLIIBIIS T• . Ellirb.D runt tor sale a lot of chol ee Pianos, with stud without Coleman I /Bohan Attachment, by & Clark, N Y O. of :tunas& Claxkle pun., sloN the Anachment, was taken to Eltglsod by Mr Colemanorad among many other tes nuonals of ad min.:di for thin elegant specimen t If Amenean akhl and ingentnty, shooed the font/ ag remarks from S. Mothers, the greatest Planta W, My Dent Str—ln enclosing letter toJen-115,184.6 my !need, Mr Errand, Pans, I cannot retrain from Menlo e iprealeng to you bow mach I was pleased tab your ',Bohan Attachment loch I cousuler u q geem m issies" im• proved./ I eau emote ymu that on my pp,‘ I watt great pleasure do my Inmost tO make your raven. lion known. For sale by H KLEIN let At Woody/ell% furniture rooms, ndst NES{' 1500KS.—Lottermg• Earoper or Sao:Mims *Maisel Dune Belgium, Belgium, s.osatzerland, I taly Austria. Prussia, Great Britain and I reland, tin pplortia, enamour% observations on European ch.tn des sad medal tazutazioas. By .1133 N. W Carson, ll D. Angela, a no-rat By th e author .raf "Emilia Wynd ham." '.Tvro Old Mao's Tales," she ttrl(Xontrol, a navel. By Mary a m mo., author "13"roplins." Vol. UI , Daily Eta:it/land It /aiding. By the late Thomas Chalaters, D. D ' L. L. 'J. Part 4. The Thousandand O: to blights. Harpers' II- Worsted edsnot, NVithath the Cosapr, • book The children. By the author al Ithebeet." Tb" above works rkke. , al this day wed for wale by ;e4 .10'<iNSTONA. STOCKTON N u.9..9—mp—oo.a. of :the Introdueu&D of hmJt Ni ap a ll norl i e n e ' : of U, cu . S ea of it* hr./ churches, s and y m-maces Mita early sung mol *accuers, b Rev_ A ;3orvearr, A. AL. J publiohkeL n Memoir of Rev. David I L D., lateto China, by ars nephew. Row UI I Williamson. Mari* 01 mon. the 51erchsul's CI. sek: by Rev Chask I B ay:***, M author “Rem Jr& of a (Mod Mau '. 1 . 0, " 4 1-.o' ' - Margaret, • Mt the Peary' tr.c._ &a. The about with a largo mserrui icor of near boohid s hand sod Net *coercing. ELLIO IT &110, , JULISR, - 50 market st OF y T . ; , soLisn nootr.s—lino !ter .L_* Ma., and of arc a. earn* , =rag,. corner (ma AlKuzurair&of lime& i the 'reek, Vote—ro two vol tirmlcarldl et, F wlth nerve. *LS imp. aid eetirt. •,hre. Ltotterv' 010001.4.4 al the retip t of Ho alma ill, from inVo 4110 poniard, to V volt'. Ctr.opoo ton 1.0 the Mad, of the holy 4 1 / 4 , troves 11.017 NI o•ronvt, thming ro oaneo, `/'lth 50 oogr. tot r u the Holy Land, Free set Rain, and Sketches st t:-o+a►. Jost rre'd and at araa by blcOt tNALD a aresorir €0 PI art et meet AT C. by GP. E. J•nee V marl: Ftlif, • Hot el gaithenal o Hero: by Wtiliarri aJ ukeposte That:bevy, swab igloo :rattans. Felword Voruno. hly Co:lnure (ivory: br E V Childs. aor yC,f ;a Uge P....grgrjgiar,Wrg r by glen oral Charles ne, asoryggro og I .ondoodorry a 0. C. 11, G. Coanual certbo lad Rrp Late opard. w anon • any t'+- JO ;4N FO.k roCXTON REEK CO , k'Oar , A'CD-Unitt 1 Ulglistrosaa'a C.tteonihoer of the N. Tea unenh b in; tot ettl-mpt at a verhol eohneetiou Itetwee o the Grtelt Sint trth ErtkhAtt Testa —thetudirtx sconce...dance to the Prow. Barnes, er‘Sh !atlases, Greet-Dsl.h, and D - 11..6 Greek. ost received and tof We by JOHNSTON ic tiTt)CFCTON. PAKEzellen, tot Market and 3d ma_ =!=l .A SPLENDID asonnonent of Rose- MIN,od and Mahogany 'Fraud sewn Pl an oa iron finlobed son for sale. Alas, Iwo n icaid &maroon Pianoi. 'rah Cointnatfo n •lebnned hdllan attachment, Saiabed In the man mode( r slyte, and for sale at reln I , DLIT IIE'S. !IS wood in TILI,NSPORTATION. I MED, PAM-CV dr, Cot& PACKET LIRE. 1848. jEst . DEA if ER AZin t RI.F.VF2.ANI) LINK vie...STAMEN. Cr ,sal l'ar'cn—SWALLOVir, C. Fotd. OCEAN, Capt. Waters. I of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, / (sundry* excepted) and arrive next rooming at W. "re& whet. t fey connect with the Mail Stages for At ran and Cleveland, arriving al wick of these places be fore night. One of the Packets leave Warren daily, sit A P. Al. and arm. at Beaver in tame to take the if ornirm ateauthosit for Finsbury& COTES & L.EFFINCIWF.LL. Wane& Al U TAYLOR, BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE, Tams. n vo nn LAIL z rani noon Canal Pae/.et—r.IIIITVIMItt, Caps. Jeenes; • Teumasuu, " Pollock; LseeEsia. " Truby, " Parma., " Brown; Fatemon, " Sayer. The ahoy. new and splendid Paesenger Peckers bare eomteO,need Punning between BEAVER AND r ERIE, and will an n regularly during the season—one boat )raving Erie every morning u B O'clock, and one leav ing nearer every evenink,lmmediately after the arri val of the el ramboot Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will run th rough In forty Imam Passengers to any point on Mr • Lakes, or to Niagara will Ind this route the to not comfortable and a/T.11U.. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by applying to the prOpnetoto A.IONEIMPIPP S IWT7 ' JOHN cos Water Lau Bn:rad:fur h ots AGENTS:- -Jam C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y. cßend, grin, P. C C Wick, Greenville, Pa; trDParbend and King, Big Bend, Pa, H & a ay. Plumb, boatsborgb, Pa, W C Idatan,likaron, ai D C Idadiertn,Pulas R W Cunningham, NearCasite, P. al NEM IRA NTS , WAY PILEIGUIT , LINE. man 1848 . Miklia uctn 0/1110.1 /0 ITUITII.IOI7OIIAIIOX 0/WALYFI.O2IIT DKr tVklnli Plueburgh, HiaiVYiUe, Johnotourn, Hal. lJ lid sytburgh, Water turner, Cliuntingdon Could p r . terabit Nth. Li a . was , (rimed each:mire!) , (or the special ao oomm odation of theway brininess. The Proprietors, thank (al for the very liberal patron 4ro they have re eelvr d during the last two years, wOusdreapeetfully in term their (trends , sun I the poblib that they are now all brut r pnapared to de herrgoods at any point on. the Can. sl and Rail Matte, with prouiptrien and dispatch. F. ICRWORTII & WOODS, JAMES A LORE, O EORGE TEO LADLE, JOHN MILLER & Co. AOENT9. . Pickssorth & Woods, Johnstown. John hlllle. r, llollidisysbtrrgh. C A M'Aoo Ity A. Co, eanarbarin, Pittsburgh. Rgnormirestr—P lusborgh—Smith &' M ()mid; O&Jil Shoeoberger; R Robinson Er Co; C R B N odo/s. Smith; John Parker; Wm Lohmer a Co; Dr I' tilhoenbc Ivor. .109 Pannsylvanha &said & &all Road Ex. pre...Past Packet Line, 1848; FROM PITTBBUGH TO PIIIDADELPIIId k. BAL TIMORE, (Exclusively for Passengers.) THE public are respectfully informed that this Line will commence running on the *id Mari and con 111M0 throughout the Reason. The boats are now, and of • superior class, with eh larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The vary KM the talent eollSthiction. A boat will always be In port, and travelers are re quested to call and examine them before canning pus alma elsewhere. Wan, only nine dollars through) One of the boat s of this Lino will leave the landing (appetite U. 8. Hotel, en rner of Penn rtmet and Canal, every night at niseiw elt mit Time gg days. For 'information steely at the Od ice, Mcnumgahela House,nr D H&c. }eV:4 Canal Basin. PILIISOUVIT and RezaStamm, Odic's. d c continue thing pewees (rote Loy port o f England, fr.land. Scotland 01 Wale!, o. to the most liberal terms, with theb omit penr,tuallty and attention (Ode wants and corn fort of emmignata 'We do not allearearpamengers w be cobb-W by thasarledling mpg that infestile ssa , porta, la are take charge of Wein the moment they re port thouwelve., ,and see to their well bents, and de ryatoh r h om w iA o ot soy detebtlun`by the first shim. , We say this feirlesaly, as we defy one of our pueep tryterllZZl he w ore mon th s , entil they could be sent be soma old er r an d , at ~,,,,, which too frequently Nerved their cad.. w o tended to perform OW contracts honorably, coat -.g ot It may, and not wt ae was the Clll4l last seas on, with ether , olfwers,--who either performed not all, or when it suited their convenience, Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any tom from SI to „am payable at any of the provhictal Hanka Ia Ire. / sand, ,i/Wd, Scotland and Wales, .11:21SH 's= UA ROBINSON, _pup Ind Ottteril 4 TUN MIN S* dOttilaw-W Aan; o94 • 1: - Tj ~‘:,..-LINEINV44-1' F-- ; 9 AND FOR THE .S 7 A . 13 , 0 1 '1141 u 1 1.. 3 : M • 151.° SIA . Se ° - a UM SO .I %44‘1"- of fourteen years has tormains. • pornmity to only, in their various forme, the themSeefor Which it Is recommended, and to adapt it erectly to their relleCtrnd aura Pa tents who wish a assts.. 0000 Medicine are invited togtie. .fit, and WWl' themselves of its superiority, and the invaluable propertitkmestes,2t : ane din g,_ and coring dowse. The bottle has been enlarged to halctONS' QUART_ present Improved form may safely claim to be the sue and Cariagirftn..., the age.,, Its progress to the fame ft has attained 4u) be tracedby e Une f Leta . the cures, that stand so landroarka and beacons for the thelilld, inthltini the ...I' W • the haven of health. '' • • ' . • The tattooing is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of 41{11 star ' AIDS Fuledetai ve , _ acquaintance in the Southern states , and lately appotetedContmil to New Granadl4: ; . Messrs. A. B. & D. Stamm:— Groarimassi,—Having used, and witnessed the erects otynUr ev 'rot of Sarsapari la. on different persons in resume parts of the Southern country, yrs, Louisiana, Tema, and Mexico , I feel much pleasure. ll he high opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my owe CM •=.= Uho a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the 4oteb. sod ezehluti In the. moat agreeable manner, • tonic and Invigorating Influence.. • '' • Your Sanaparilla Is highly approved and extenwelkh:d• by Me 17. BMW merry in•Mealco, and my arum GEN. ZACHARY TAYLO hag ibr the pest by years been in the hobo of W i using t, end recommetatatte ember;_ ilia Myself woptai article at the same time, and it fa now =watered an eIMOM Indispensattle roc= in the army. In concludon I would say, M illy at the better il known the' =MP it will be prised, and I trust that its health- virtue I.make It generale known throughout the length and breadth of ow '' tonntry Yours very respedtdhily, :TAYLOR, • Q. LE' to New Granada. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA: 1, IBM Messrs. Asian :—Gentlemen—ilympsthy for the ousted indithee me to inform nu of the remarkable core ell/rote& by )our Sarsaparilla ift,tbst ease of my wife. The was 'merely afflicted with the Bereft& on diffetaoßmstr7Of the body I the glands of inlnkwem erdargail, salt= limbs moth swab= After on over ■ year, see 'lndies no relief from the remedies used. the limit attacked otio Iq, and the Otter eappurated. phykietun althea! It 1 4aki s mwbla • MUI done, but without imy benefit. In this attrition we el mid lam induced to um. gases' arias. The first Wile prodaoad a sad before able effect, relieving her more Map any pnese af 1 hid sear taken ; and before she I:agitated sth bottles , to the estonistincent delight Of len Meads, she _fOabd her health quite restored. is now cirer a year the wan. wee Wieed; and her health remains goad., showing the disease was t end eradicated from the system. Our neighbors am all knowing to these hes. mad lama /Wm.. Sinfill m a p ihnoat blessing to the age. Yours with tallpecti ; • . • Extract from a latter recthred from W. N. W. Elrinis,4 gentleman well tatrem Loma county. Y. ;•—•• 1 ha. .red a negro boy of .atbse with your SarsigaiEla, who woo snacked with Scrofula, and of a sanshilorm family. Yours train Fmkricks /14, hay i 7, 1548)' • N . W. ah 111114. ” • The tolloortna testimony from ROT. lobo Oran, late Mica= of the Chercit'of she Crucifixion m Mte city commends Itself to the atindlatt of the afflicted. litottlesous oerttecates of corm of various diseases erected by this, medic/de US shamed dolly Mean. Suns• member of my famdlY hal taken ' Samliskii. fsr savers scrohttruta --. —Mhattl.7ll.l....a..l4Htte to moo ed Inabduai.a. Loping that ° then may be God • ”d""N.:21=II give. me P Mal JOHN GHIG7. • gleam. A. D. St D. guns Nsmitlea, F. Y. Oct: 6, OllllTLilan — Feennt Of gratitude Induce me to I=W leknoldeftment m of th e benedt have derived from th e use of your IS I have for Beverel years been adlicted with scrofulous swellings In my head, which at tibias would gather and discharge at my throat,nose_, and mirk andel oftrs would heel* out In &ferret parts of my face and - head. These "Coalindlid tittill" My throat; fees, and heed were almost one complete wire, and (Or atilt:V[lll4lw= w hunt. that ft was with the utmost difflccdty that I could speak. above • whisper. Ihuthgthirthne l had aeyeral attacks of pleurisy and other aseit. I connived dative . , t physicians, sad tried tallow remedica but received no benefit Ina I oOmmenzedrilang JIM gam pardla lam cow well; the sores an all healed, and I attribute the result antiodY to the effects of your valuable median. l'otos, with respect end midi:mite, PREDIC CAHOON. Ileing personally actiimultod with the person above Mimed, believe heratatament to to correct. JAMES 'AL. D. CA.R.H, hunks of Ile Pelee. 0111 ill' PIETALED AND GOLD, YHOIXISALL MCI ILYS.::L, ST • eftA. B. dr. D. SANDS, DRUGGISTS AHD' DHILYIBTS, 1 100 FULTOIE.AT., coati. Or WILLIAY, *LW Ton. 1 1 111111 Sold .I. by Dualsglfillythroostoo Do a n dan GaUluan rc.Por ktzir.irg: 1 1 il 1 11 lil+l Og sale In Piosbo rgh, wholowalo and retail, by o, comer 91 . 1•Iislit and Wood its by L. Wil • (Mantel al and the tbamoost also, by FDW SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! o THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED T LUZIGS.—TIe oupreeetlentell strecns . which has itetided the use or the r r in .n the you-toos fora. orhish Irrosuon of the lunge at has Induced the propnetittAtitaan to call Wire tion to W ONDERFUL PREPARATION. . _ Th eloutrertWe weather or kook murk& our tall and artilter months, Is always a fruitful Oollfee of ==! . The question., then. bow shall we ny the destroyer m Me hod! how shall we get neat of oar coughs sod olds , is of vital importance to the public. TILE GREAT AND ONLY RE-SEEDY I tm ag i ltmata:=rett. to pros( of tok town of 'on best known eitiinseZm hole pipet • rimed us gamin powers. Thew, with man of to l n Milroy from oil pans of the evollsry.—trom hfEN OF THE FIRST S W TAN - WI, SI misters of the Gospel, together with eoptoos ihoh, on from the ' ..10ERNALS OF THF. DAY, ore have embodied In pamphlet form, and may be bed crena of any of our e'enta throughout the country. UUNDIII.I3B OF IiOTTL.I:I+ bare Oren wed in thin city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Unitadltiatea and ealuda, and Ire 4,ha lenge any taut to pant out a SINGLE INSTANCE whlttb, when taken accordulk to dweetion., ani bee the lotto had become fatally thsorpnuned, h he. .vcr tatted to =1:1M:==1 Why Men. need the of hesitate t by re:gui to mi•oraille nostrums, gotten up by on. oteuxintliyie't sale a ler the warned name o( rome m utrater plky • rician, and puffed Into nomriety by eerllfiente. e, per• tona equally mknaernr Whilst It medicine o/ UNPARALLELED t.FYICACV I. to be had, who. Toucher* are at home,--oar neigh bon,--man) of whom It hatt EIN-4,TCRED FROM THE OR AVE. - - In order slasted• involnablo niedietnersaay he placed within the reach of the poor as well the nch, ve.e have pat the price et ONLY FIFTY CENTS, last one half the usual cost of cough medicine. it to ter sale by our agents in nearly every too, and village . over the Ives. who are prepared to give full informs ion relative le it T. SALTK.R., Proprietor Etre ad way. Cincinnati. Ohio v., :4 1.1r4A VF - Enntlani IVITERN LINE. Mee et the Tzabnnsa a 'Saliba:tore. 'DEDUCED RATES.—The charges hare been mda. red on all Messages to or (root Baltimore, Pitts burgh or Wheeling, and a correamoncling redaction made on all telegraptoe despatches ti ovrarded from Bal. tilnom West of PittebingaDa. Rarer—The charge for a telerraph despatch to or from Baltimore, rtosburgh and Wtmehng, 45 rents for the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additional word. fij- No charge is made for the address and signs tom • Until the completion of the Bouth Western Live of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn, to New Orleans, des.• patches can be forwarded to Memphis by this route, and mailed for New Oriente. jeLl A Ohslllengillto ß tAl l 7 , olds T W erfto r' s• T Xl -1 ;1 1 2es a spot A oPp7ttni, a gr p e a ca d er 'a dry any on e cannot be attracted With llon's Improved Chentictl Soap. I have the sausfactton of saying to toe people or UM place, that this arbele, by my own improvement on it, DODO stands DOLODDIDOD in Out errantry for attracting (MOM, tar, push ott, paint, or any otter grcary sub stance, from all kinds of gentlemen's or ladies clothing, carpets, table cloths, merino elairerla, ladies' bonnets, de, nitet Unstring anything that pore wines wlfl not *ore. More than one tboneand newtons to afferent parts of the country have told me they would out be ernhout it; if Items one deltas per cake. In trying tits Soap as more than 30 mucks el Myra eilka.sancta 11. paces*, and calicoes, I have wily found se pieces or sok. two of alpacca, and War of Oal/CO, on which it changed the color; therefom heforo putting it on a hest dress rep a sample of the dress Ant l stale thin Deena se I 1.13 determined not to recommend it Imp stronger than ILDOOI CD be strictly true. N ii liner. ... .. . . . . Price, 151 ets per cake. bold, wholevale sad retail y dec2l R E SELLERS b , 57 wood st - • - ..__ . . . Tb•Cemetery,T Athe sonnet meeting of the Corporator, held on A the 6th lost, the following persons went unani mously re-elected Managers for tiroensuing year, THOMAS M. HOWE, President. JOHN BISSELL, ' JESSE CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL HOLMM WILSON brcANDLE....+B, JOHN H. SHOENBERGER, JAMES R. SPEER, J. Finery, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer The amount statement presented the laws of the Company in a very prosperous condition. Their office in the city In No. 37 Water street. jell CALIIIVEV LIDEA icy toriMtiorils Famtlies.—This work consisia of twenty volumes, andcrintains five hundred different subrec. illustrated with 500 covert:lgs. It nso entirelyor net senes, recently written and completed by G oodrich, au thor of Peter Parley. Tales, and is destgued to arid. Mt, in a popular term, Select Biographies, ancient and modern; the wonders and cur:males of History, Nu tare, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical duties of life. The price per Vol. is 73 cents, each containing *hoot 320 pages, Dime . or 1910 per at. For ante by nett R HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th at OtiAN, WILSON 6. CO, Importers and Wholesale 1..0 Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No Igo Weed street, above Fifth, have now in Dore a very cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported atone the decline of prices in Europe, arid attach May are determined towel! correspondingly law. Merchants Who knee been to the habit of going Ewa, are purlieu. laxly requested to call and 1000 through our stock, as we confidently better,' they trill save their ex - pence. oet4 --- ORIGINAL .BOLIVAB, BRICKS. , EPERIENOED judges, int a tool of one and a half mlllioayaluce 1.64 A pribtounce this article UMW paued for durability in the construction of all kinds of Furnaces. Price Strt,73 cash for loads 0110 al, guar. Ratted MAO 41101a1111 use. Orders for a second quality Bolivar Striaka will he czecated at 1r.20 per 11, if .o de without guarantee, A stock of the first quality is now fo r sale aithe warehouse, s Wharf,' Cu tel Das ,by J SHAW ItIACLAREN, avant Kensington Iron \ Vora. pita:MlX FIRE BRICKS—The aubscrtbers hewng been appouned sole Agents by the manufacturer., tor the axle of the celebrated "rhontig Bricks: , aro er , e , prepared to fill orders for any eitantity, at ell, cash, per I,we. Far the construable of furnaces et .11 bads, theme bricks have been pronounced by com petent judges .be.ing superror to all other fire brie). war la osa 1.1 At AV...NULTY e. Co, Canal Belau. ••XLETALIO GUM ELMS= uocyrs—l do pairs Goatlemma' Itoota,just reed and for sale at Ow • R•bbot Depot, No 6 Wood Attest. Oneif J & 11PHILL1P8 • t!' e. FAHNE..qTOCj. It CO., comer of Wood and Front X. Jr.. corporal' Butithfield uta Fourth had also D FENDEDICit, cow hloututgala Honse. D 073 ESTAB . LIIOIDIENT reamreervano., nonvainenillo. R- EDWARD ACKER, takes this . meini - ef thanks di turning hie to his friends end the public Pd. extensive patronage be has received. and of in fohMng them 'thefts. Mu lately creeMd alnrge sad wed constructed buildbrg, for the exclusive &apnoea of ins WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at his old Mention, at Phillipeb rgh,ll4t., on the Ohio now, oppo site the steamboat Wily* al Heave 7 . e. heat ready to receive patienterm warders, and at them on fty &opaline pnociples. ln addition W s long eXperi come, and the great suceets which bad heretofore at mnded his treatment of patients committed iv bin cnre, he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex ternire Pali:Una Metal expressly for t h e ptapose, con taming commodiomi and airy rooms, and fitted up with every Mummery apparatus for -bathing, and ddminie tertng the treatment to the utmost bene fi t and comfort of the patient. Pttillipaborgh is a mast delightful and barriq village, cagy of acceoo br wowet.towo, and e l, fords fine und wholesome water. Dr. Acker assure. ...eptell - peeeeppeekep.Wele .phice Outwit,. our der his care, thareellry summon .deli be mild to their <mead; end antaatirance,of 4atimattantial benefits to be derived, he point. with tonddem e Odd hun dred. who hive been permanently mod at his el ect. tohmeni The Water Cum leaves no in sh av e be e n as to too often the ca m with those who have been treated on the old aymem. It removes the &a eon, trieWorseee the eastern, protects from the danger. incident to cheat of the 'neither, creates •Wleral d e ran ative appetite, and imparts Viper, the digestiim powrs. . Teems of, treatment and boarding masonible, Per further partattlars ingutreetathe ulnablislonent, or address the propribtor at rtalipoth neg.-4kt LTR. JAY SE'S ALTEKATI YE. We have been informed by Mn Rose of a care per formed on her by V. Jayne'. Allertsahlfiv "add proves its stsperMrity over every , other remedy of the kind. She has been afflicted frir the left sixteen years with NEVROSESer WHITE SWF-LUNGS, attended art It alcerattonsand encollatinn of cinema bones, do ring which time many meem hove been disci:um/oral tram the tvontat bone of the eranistm from both her arms : run and hands, and from both lemitad from the loft fecoral bone, and from the right kneel beanies monad ulcers on other pails of-her pe (fen, which have baled the skill of a number of the oristernldent physiciant et oar Mt —donna most of the time bar ant/cringe have been exeralatmg and deplorable- AbOut three months since she was Induced to try Dr. Jaynes riheiauve which has bad as amoamhingly happreffect aponher, by removing all pun and swellings, pod causing the ulcers to heal, while at the Imb:retinas her general hestib has beconsecompletelyrestored,ao Mal now weighs id Ms more than she did before Or: commenced the one of this truly saleable prepauon..-.4:11/h-Eve. PM. i For farther infoornation, toe atm of Mrs. Rose, No, 1,25 Faber t st.,Yhiladelploa Foe safe In Plitrtarrgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, yY Foorth a. near Wood. JY3 CROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL 1.7 INGS.—Screitila is all its multiplied forms whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements n the glands or noses, Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism, Caesar, diseases of the Skin or Spite, or of Palroonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same moss, which is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in the human'system. There. fore, ante. this principle am be deitroyed, no rasii• cal core can be effected, bbt if the . principle neon which the Mum depends, is removed, a ears most of necessity follow, no matter under what torm the disease should Manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason why JALT/11 4 11 MarRATIVZ aso hoi rectally suceesclial in remoriag so many maligniun diseases. It destroys the virus Or 'principle from whicn those diseases have their origin, by enterfhl into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, miaowing every partir,lia of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 3 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Said at the Pekin 'l'ea Store, NO. 72 Fourth suer. Pittsburgh racial • LADZES Who Use Common Prepared Chalk, are often not aware how froghtfully injanotts is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, >allow, Lod aulnealthy the akin appears: alter Wang prepared chalk! Beanie., It m udartou., containinaalarke open thy of Iced. We have prepared a bewulful 'vegetable antelc, whirl w. Coll ..1101NMS• APANISU JAIN W DITE It m perfectly lanoront,heingporified•hf all deletenons qualities.; sod it imparts to the skin a *tom cat, healthy, alabiuncr, clear, hying_ while, alt n til tame tune acting as ocouneLn on the skin, maki it soft and antooth. Or. James Anacreon, Practical Chemist of Musa choceu.. pays: ...After analytaug Jones's Spanish WI. White, 1 hod it phonemes the most biamlftil add data ral, at the tame tuna innocent white 1 ever cat. I emataly can coneemnuotmly recommend Its IMO to all whose akin requires beanUfyiur." DrPrice On Cents • box. 80n1 by Wai. JACKSON, at his hoot and She< Store, Liberty trtreet, head of Wbod, , kt the man at tlm Dig Dam rm Ladle*, Ildies,Pra astonished,. When you know that you Unpractised A natant, Ufa-like, snowy white, That you will still tmeeommen chalk, And look • deathly yellowfrlght, The theme oflaughtm end of talk. If yea would pre a box. of .lONE'S I,llly-white, It *soil eve year akin an alabaster yet namml wham. and at the lame Moe dear and Inaprore it. Sold at JACKSON'S, be Liberty at. Price da eenta pay boo. mid JOSE D. DIOI6O.ANs 933 Wood ...ern., ono door south of Diamord . 1 1 5 Y1 Pitlain:ugh, Pk, offers rot usle 1.E . :, lot ot Drugs, Medicines, (Ms. Paints, Varnishes, estalfs and Perfumery,!Poreign and Domesne, h he calls the miention of druggists, physician s aud mer chants visiting ,tie city, as he ts itmarmined to sell at very lop Prin., stud give general satisfaction. Good. warranted and cheap. VaridshNo. I and 2, N. lark nuumfacturni alai, Japan and black Leather Varnish im,af auportor quality. Also, 'Whit* and Red Lead at once. lower titan heretofore offered: J. D. N. also manufactures Itlarganlo calefirated Cough tlyrop,orhich has given general aatisfaction to all m Me curing of coital* colds, hsiarsenessostloeum„ whoiapiag cough, OM price 23 cents per bottle. Also. Margate& inallsi Liner Polia, a certain cure for lint complaint. sick headache, and all Wdsa. camplaiuta. Price 25 cut per bog. seplai Dr. W. P. Lel sad , * Premium p Tlft. W. P. ilihAhilh of the 'Medical College bf lJ wtelphut, mw offer• to the public hi. lodise Veg. emote FIVIIIMPIr, the lool,hee of which i after no tong d tried exponeoce; hoe beer =Witter ly e•- tabitehed. all woolen who me) , be tiltlicted with ihelopeo• Uteri Cot Felten Womb, ho recommends his plalier,;guartutteenig IL CMS and speedy cure in Me lawn xpeee of flow two w thee weeks, if ,cure in with care and rest--diecardwg eh the' coin:WWI iirtrewenu, and expatiate. Muds:gesso lonia me. Tku he feels mos.:amens in eating, inasmueb mite has not foiled lit OU. case our, of three hundredhud Btry-thtee dents.P Also for Rbemitabsib and Weak Brinier er Beek, at ieuded with paibilbare is nothinionentiel this Plaster 11 utfuriing reliefor erceting • enni.' Porsale by L WLlcox, co pr of Diamond and Merkel in Brian & R4ltet," Liberty and Bt. . Char am Dr I filament r u Federal et and Diausand, irittih7 ci JEZ&& EtVQ,: " r&21 , : 4 2 1 4 14 .0 41M 0 1 A innaiar ka~lel i, J , - a A • GETAT GllllX,perkdstod . bytho oVtodond 0 "4. 1 Pf 1 iP1 i2 t. 2 ,7P. ', 4117 - ft 4 ° Q.4 Moms* irtzrzezrovanmeds. UM, K*,P.,..t Jay sad S tfr. N. Sofkro:•—aospoolligty Munn ihsaklishol Women* woad my humhti WhisitryWSW ilitirjadly ,eolokratod Lime Mb, I Itanirtatotrid 410. g KO for yr., adhuirse to Davy Cambia% maxim, "De, sirs yore ar . ..Zt 4 I . Sas go ahead.' d.' of theamity 'prestratkon at mad cselot,landed to the skrahlem soak info oblSioninmo your Lir. &le lam ban aut.o tho patio, ..d,b4v.a, 1 balers tit. , Neirri. all,” so they are Itoot lobs Cs:Ms Cooto my W yrath; ha " mfrs. mush; employed tow physiolono, to oh: pay rash imam fin. fool lunch btoo hem maims mott eiptieked almost. deshi Wormed 5 or o taws, ond ova sp.. inennklo. leaf-71w. School to tp year Liar,Plll,ud SOON GOT W ELL. Mobaa of ornieh uooe.oAcient to Sop v. Mons of pain in W. Ode, and aft the other rpasonas kor, at ism W moot. Tow Pills so Ss ohs bestestbstel alms* Sing *lll, ant friPil:T a di*ME Muth stamt. Of fi9 ets.. ed., sot giro roe much relief Ma. key Mon is S. for I or yaro; oolei homdroda of bonen sill S. sets hen. a Ong • complaint uttered by any oee who hos sod W®. They hare wpm.. Smoot serf**. OHIO this oeighborhood, and in a Mort Mar Net banish this ol . earnottly ronaromend thin-to paws Deeding physic, rrhethar for Lire Complain{ or Dillies Iffeetiono I Ima• them hr.... to Woad ord. Els Pill • itspeel. . • ti ts blo ITTION —An there are other nth ban do pot& Pilo perms *to Ins the I/T=llW imonW ark km and toke on other than than prepared sod sold by Il E SELLERS, No 51 Woodit betties Third and PoorlS Are.. , . Bold by D. Cum, kith Mist; D M Crirr, Camper? city. .C 3 • To the gledleal Profeasioot and Pint 10. EXKELIPti FARINA, now la use at the 11 Asylams, road other pahlle esontdishotecots, and recommended by some of the most distinguishedpop %irises and chemists, as so minis Of Cm for children and invalids, mash superwr to arrow mosten, o re ., far more strengthening, pleasant to Th e taste, east easy of digestion. Put by to 211 h. boxes of half Its. paws, ach accompanied with printed directions for coohng, fee. tobig, in his Agricultural Cheutiary,p. 48, Ph, led., bterves: "Ohildren fed upon maw-root, salep, or indeed en) tend of unytalaceous food, which does contain Lugo dieum fitted for thi Ibrl2l6olVof . Wll,ll and muscles, become fat, and acquire much LIONVIPOLTII their limbo uppera 1011, bat they do not acquire strcugh, nor are their organs property death:med.. In-the analysts of the Farinamatip kly Prof..Rebd of New York, among other coutiments, ha gives 13 'per • cent of glinten and albumen; and rentals that Mo. claims of the Farina upon the Medical Profeuion and the public will feat mum to containing la the gloom and albumen, vegetable fibrine Cod other la - troguitzed bodies not founder armor root oriunllar an:stances, and which modem chemistry has maimed outtilwin notenary to the formation of human fibre, and by means of which natant makes up for the mattant mute that, takes place In the human het For- sale wholesale or retail, by " K E i Ens, septet • 07 wood Great Jilngllalt.liesowely., _ - TlOll Coughs, Cold., Asthma and Consumption! 'Tile x GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY - flu the manottla above diuues, is the 11UNGABIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discoverealry the enleblitled An., Dachau, of London, England, end introduced into the United Stoles cinder the irtimeMoto superintendence orate inventory The etymon inert' success of ails .nnedicantialg, mile of Folumnary diseases, warrants the Amerfean _Agent in Edielitlir for treatment thearorst possible ea-. se* that can be found in the community—cases *Gawk relief m vain from any . of the common remedied of the dny, end have been wen cip by the most aillatlngoaked physicians.. confirmed soutinctirobla The Mongoli an Balsam hes clued, and will cure, the Moat de*enite of cases. It is no queer nourom, Ina a antatallog. lish medicine, of , known and established efficaryla Every famßyhrthe United Some should be 'supplied with &tenant Hungarian Balsam ofldhlt llatool7 to counteract the omutuniptiva tendencies of the olbouti, but to be lased no a preventive medicine in all-taps et colds, boogie, epitung Mood, pain In-the siila soil chest, irritation and soreness of to lungs, brochitia, difficulty of brewing, hectic Ante; nAht ream, mint anon and remind debility, attia, nroping cough end croup. dons Sold in Imp hardwood:l pea bottle, with foil dine far the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English •A'grati• O. cortiftenteu and other evidence, showing ia cottoned merits of this great Englbili Remedy, may be obtained of the Agenta, gruel:Doily. - •. For sale by 11 A FAMIE.G'FOCK A Co., roam of at and Wood and Wood and 6th sm. mots DIG,JAI DIE'S CARMINAVI YE BALSAM j? RON the 'Rev ASA SHINN, a well knoaru = star Clergyman of the .Proteruantittelhodiat The undersigned haurig been aftieted during thepatt winter with a disease Dime stomach, sometiMes pm. damns grent.pain In the stomach rummer twelve heath wttliotit a11e1911,61011, and titer having tried #azions retried.. grith lltd. effect, was farnishecl. With a bottle of Dr 1) Jayne Carminative Balsam. This he used an cantina to the dimetions and found mvarlably thatthls medicate ceased the pel ti to abate, in three or fisur rat aces; and in fifteen or twenty. minutesevery uneasy aensation area entirely quieted. lite media= was If. terwardeesed whenever indications of the enema of pant:vete perceived, arulthepnan wni thereby prevent ed lie eonunued to nie the medeine every evertiW and soomtunes In the morning, and in a fow health wea so tarrestened, that the aulferer was relies ed from a large amount of oppn.ssive pain. from CI patience, be can confidently seconnatnid / nyne , * Carminative lialemn, as a salaam"' medlein for diseases of theliomach end bowels. A SHIN ND Allegheny city.syll For sale iu Plushurett at the PEKIN TEA siva Fonnh street,near Wood, dad elm at the Drug Store of M tiCIIWARTZ Peden) went. Attr.gremy Tour Blood. De Si Wt NI wr a previons — tvh:r, rats sr-yenta= oltu • scrofulaus complaint in my legs,. Mid hod berm for mme months antler the core of phytur„ians. laid my caw was almostincarattle, end they COB% bur aisle far ale. / was nearly helpless, but with the aid of eruteheacould with diffidulty preheat- la May last. r purchased of yea, and commenced using Ohm. rat 4 Sairsarsarti.x fillet the use of Mu hpedm, the wren commenced healing,. and / laid aside my crutch• es, using only a cane. I dispensed with uty tunM and at the eat oldie dn* was so well as to amiss Willey in shearing cheep. In all, used five haubm. ,Tha scrofula and sores hate' nil healedop, and since Mat sunnier I have seen no appearance of the thseMa t bm have continued, and am now, in the moat perfrieshealtl4 l mete with confidence, Impute that others may bitten caned in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla eoldhy Les twee the means and due only means of effoosi to Me cure. • COILNELJUS J. ROSE. lossale wholesale and romil, . dfr-or 11..A:PittelESTOCK cor. front P wood oto, Bs. alsoarmer wood hgth.t.. Fore PEILIPUJOLZELY— Cream de. Amanda Sweet', for clavier Cream a la Reim, tor abasum; Aimmule Craton, do; eteperfina klatiga,on Porcelain stands, Elmi; t scent bags, perfumed with Lavender, ApOo en Yealniful powdor pude, of a/1 panernsi Embossed toilet boxes, consuming fiwaraat eztacts fax iha bandkarehlef ; a scent bag,and toilet soims4 tea able for prose... Persian, as, Clime= poder; In tem simretaele hair ml, Rears oil m fancy or common wrappers, (mu 11Ce111- edi . , . iii .. . .rones , Soap; Nymph Soap; Row Lip salve; .5.1.11 elm; Soda 604 pi toaetLar %nth a great Miity of nab perfamery; mat tecereedy for gala by Et A FAHNLVItiCK &CO tr+ll3 cor &r & 'rood ma Pulmonary .11stlassna. ki-Er m alas y al.e.csaLk.R.—eteamreti ~ & s e! it ute w a &t a t; mom respecting your . Vegetable Pulmonary Salaam. Slues I first used the Balsam, almt eleven years.ago, the happy effect of which I Men save 11.11 Recount' et, 1, have bed several severe complaints and attacks at my lungs, one a fear days shica, and In everrinstattoe I have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect success. It has erected relief and core in amy few days It is certainly a safe medicine. Ido not War that it will curs a fined consumption,but I believe it win be in many cam a preventive, nd proventir Is better Man cure; re do therefore, for the lava of m men, eamestly recommend the sae of thiaßalsera4 in all pulmonary complaints. I am confident that it has been the manna of preserving my life to this day. Ibutton June 16, a LIENIANIII , I PAESI:Myg Foe sale by II A Fahnestock, Co, corner fins end wood and also corner wood and ath. LIPP'S IMPEMAL COUGH SlaiLIP,-It bas to payout lotarel Prrnamtan, Feb. 14,1847. K. P.. Sarassm—hty wife hes for years been mthiect to a distressing cough, accompanied with ourduna, for the elm of which tic used did - meat rent remedies, and had the advice of the most eminent phyaLdada in England, bat all was unavailing. Hy chance I beard 0 1 your Imperial Cough Syrup, and tree inducedto bey a butte for vial, although I ode that imything could remove her complaint To my great serprisc, two doses gave her immediate relief/ Sliel bin:times wedded with a cough, but two teaspointafal of Ilyurp always stops It. lam satisfied, after a trial or, th4ee or touryears, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best medicine have ever tried either in the Old of -New World. Ww-Farasevirm, Seventh' Ward, city of Pitublirgh. The above certificate should Induce all who are ennobled with cough or asthma, to give ilm-Sytap r e tri al. It may be had for as re 1123 • bottle, at thedrug not,' of R E I , RR% OWOOII at Sold by Dr Castel, eth mud, and D 11 Carryi en. gbauty city. land Patent. 13Look. Spring Tress.l M EWLY IM VENTED—For the relirrand Peroisnett Coro of HERNIA or RV Frvas. (gaited to all oats.) Ybe superior eLsiensot this Truss consist in the eon. aeration dui With which a may bo worn "the pad of w,ard being neatly balanced on .prints. Yield. to Fr. - sum on any pen of tt, and coaroughly adepts. Itself to ati) movement made by the wearer. It can be worn weasel Mberndseion. aril a *ere Wedeeted. The mob res.here have made arranges... for dto atifiefserore al inure valuable f rinses, in a sopenorlo Praia, delplta r tutd.have them now for sale al their 17, emitheold at. oral . eirthirlusoomh. , Oh°. WATT e 10 D. W. KeurhuLti. SPnst VER.IIIII.:GE--"SupertOr to Itty I 'have over used." fituget t ut Tv., Payette moray, Pa., March 4, Mb. Mt. It. E. Sm.mcine-I hereby e.ruly tbaxi Inv), need your Vennifage In my family, and believes SI COW, If not superior to any I have over used. I gave moue of my children one does, which expelled about nu worms. Ebt Evcason. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 47 Wood at. Sold by Dr Camel, Mb Ward; I/ 111 carry, ALsigheny; W J Smith, Temparancemlle, and P Lem. renceville 074 SYELNGES—An assortment just reed 414 for tal sty men J JUDD t Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, Pt'lti.ldilED DAILY. III I-WEKlibir 2418iirKLY Is Os (3.421 Buitthiutu, 3d ditiltot 6tfko LLAT/SS OF C.D 1 f 1, 122.T1131510. One insertion of 12 lines, or ... '1 .40 60 Two insertions withoutalterations' J. 0 75 l'hrea ' • " " 100 Ono Went " , • 160 MO Wank. " ..j,. 2 60 Thr° " " 74444444.4 300 One Month, 4 CO Too • " ......... 600 Three ... : ... 7 60 Er Longer advertisementl in same propOrtios- Oneaquase,6 arathi, withciat alteration ~4• ¢ U .° 12 65 00 sso Each additinerisl square ' for 6 months .... . Ono scra ll:ra% 1 ; 2 6 month. , resosi. l3 il ald .. " t P; 0 ": 9 4 0/ '' ,DO ll5O °I3 iSorliaddittonaloquare for 12 10 00 Two upon:a, 6 months, ru'irable It;tleaenty, 30 00 Each additional square, 6 month, 8 00 alt TIII.WZNITI.I T 2/ b 111.4 Oaa etilllto'.3 insertions, .......... .41.44 0 each additional insettiols, 4 4 l, 44tr• 37 • atlauxas woos. IPtee linen or less, one year. 6 00 a a ail 500 " a one yeas, daily 6t !attly, 10 00 n sir. months " " 00 ADVESTI2I3REIT7O 4111.,Vdtiiire For 2U lines, ar Out Citzarin r e r l on s ,s, : , ev a ii o Two, " •..• 0 e 4 Thrett, .." ,L OS tt Thee exelthe L 356) • b OD la===ClMl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers