The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 15, 1848, Image 3

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    • =
• : Lzanaras,n
• -
Itzeinstvaly tow the Ptttsbwzitta °tsetse.
10:1Wrodu visanratELA:
WepgtLtvitas*" the - 21st el, which say Pads
is avralticir,teldiessigienti. to. Amick :Metistieh
siliiitili:**-qichading ; the of Mari.
ciao. iaida:l,l s daily. a:petted, awl the
Mena; a .G oifeitiaeht
,•Aintietpated a &Haus
victory:: • -
.4 , • , •:-.llaitssehtilietts.-
, .
The Hues Elections, ss fa as returns lave been
recetyio6*Vitrittnazittir reattlt that Whig
pried yieg we again in tha aactendaiacy. The this
eitii is "
tornnt, Nai..l4, 8 P. IF
Mroitra:Aabtaan, Winthrop * and Rockwell bare
been ttitleetad to drown= Bras is probably
elated enireinae by dui :
Baru, N 4.14-10 r. at:
Lithe. mmao,gainif apd 404 &tries, there this
Demi ootitcdee by the people. The other distriers
have Viiii4 . s l 7titss t pooping.. Briggs Is air
airily e t ed Ginner by the *Of .
4 PEMILDninli 'NOV./ 4, /0
In ads Bate the elattion was leld for State bill-.
cern, 'bourns*, apd Legialativ' Members. The
result will not be !mown, as the votes will not be
counted untd to marrow.
Hatmsoss Ncrw. 14, MA.
&ki s ses returns hair. been received from ficw
ii";:laTlC6,l7l# Balm ' Ms'. meet election am re.
porteOrhMheirtaioli thriika" the Susi liar Tay-
"' ' coNNEarmur.
Ttis official Tim& conaecumi gins 3381 ins
jority for 'raptor. .
N*w You:Rm. 14 . 163,!1:
Tha:einstable Meet Gallia is East recovdriag
from his, late atacla, tad Ida ‘iliends are =gape
4)1'161411m agaikin beg* indlatidaeas.
• kburAnumilu, .Nor.' 14,1848:
VirtnrThire - is good:Cistern and home ae...
maOd; Walla Erin Market. Sales of Weiteto at
per bbl• -• ' • -
Oraiii.-Chtim is a good inqtriry -kir good Sam.
Plitiliininkiiror lots are irat. Corn is heavy.
Sales Orprime white Vitheniatl2soi2r7c, and red
Witsterti,' - iiii Now orles . ns,at two per rm. Tom,
ixi bid;eaktsed 67iiififie, and primeyellow at 73054
cl4.i i kOielli above views dippers.
PiinrisiOns--Therte is leas-movement in Pork,
andpriteS Ale. hoar. M-“slsl2 75@512 trre per
bbl. .2.Th/iv:deka in Beet is improving. Sales
Mess k 9 12125 9 ' 3 %i Prime Salt 112 . 7. There
is wspetrultoOr' movement in Lard, and the ma::
kat hasAp upward tendency. Sales at
Corm 'l"The market active and firm. Sales Up
land at,6lr, sales ko exyor23lot. .. -
at per gall.
Lai ea pigs to 31a per lb. .
• '
Nswv :You, Ifar. 14,1848.
'A7stii—;77here - is no =ohm:tentage in floor hem'
Tastiabir bat the market is if any thing more ac
tive:, _'Sates' et $5.25f/45 50 far Genesee, and
Wane= in. 45 MGM perbbl.
C*n Meg—Sales at 83, per bbl.
Ryolloar-8316 1 at 53:87i per bbL
tBrehr—Wheat—Selee of prime red at 103 to 113
cis ,vey twehel.
Wirttr 4 . Mks of prime white et 68 eta, and prime
pelloW et 10 cts per bubck—new yellow es , 51(8
atur 10CW per bah&
bleu toogeibent in reek—
market'; steady. Sales of priori at 89 26=8 311
i iiichferis $l2 5063E12 16-6h6h Baeonsurady
at fbrtier, rites: Lori; drcoPiOg„
No chin ge in 6r es •
- ' Barrowit,NoY , l4'/ 5 4 8 .
5:822111 as leiser4y, ana
si7eiiunckt* is thout WOO. I;b1s. Howard riiedt,
65-121, • ena • city. Milli at, 8512/233 113 k per
• Al White Wheat Iw/120115e,
end Peirce Reds al 1080 tea' bo. .Ccen—,Sales et
59ii-dvOilThite,Atod yellow; 59 to 000 bn.
Piisrtiicda ' and•tlnceallons goody.
" • -:- „, • s' . 2fa per gallon.
DOCTOR Vorninuan
wow.. CENTSt.-13y 12esinlief the Potion
JL" , -Ititidasi , or every .Mrellsowstl'hyatclani Ltsrenta
edifere,'with upwards oft boridmd emoting', show—
ibryptiVrits diseases In'OrMY sbaim andlo and nal
ltreMided-WfdisSipelitrAlillOClVOtt W. OUNO,I
kli. a Thorium km noire iirrima.
top from secret dississe,Enedricitort
become maHa.
dm of drachm:sr by Ma ,prpseriPtions -irontaincit Uri
th ln rs book on rine =TM= banW l 4 without hiticirinco
tr businen, or the - knowledge of the mar- intimate
trims; and with one tenth the mud ' , rum -111. ad-
Sion to the more
mating of private amuse, it tally
diplains trio calm of manhood's early declureoritti
observations on ntarrii. =my . Alter de.
oansaments lel:oath not be puma to enamor=
m thepablic prints..
i Any person sanding 95 teat mimed Mi leder,
w yi ill receive one copy ofrida Mod, bye:Mil, or five co•
will be sent for one clam. Address v1:18.. W.
OIING; No - UM Simnel!, street, Philadelpidie pow,
WANTED—Proprieten of dreg or book mires, and
ipedlan. in every town in the United States, to am as
agents for the above vrork. ocrY-dirod3or
_nes= I:mope.
%lUI, —A DlAsas & Co, No 00 IdarLet URA' wilt
erg:adds awning, Rids Dram Goods, comprising , be
_following styles,sco Bann plaid Merinos; a new ant.
elk and the riclreot goods imported this season; ell
— orta4 Plaide; hip colors and choice styles; all wool
Cashmeres =dolma do Lainan fin. Caeca. and Lyo
' nese, Okettaaf any eleoerinalde , dumb, and oOloy. - Bann
Marotasa—otadeh Fourth .t.4'
door shore Smithfield, south
erancing.of all Stalls done the wrested
Tlites ta Estate examined he. - oot2o-1
;/J 4 a non jag
gg '
' g ra & ar.
Err2LOOVIOOD, alanfordo- 800 lbs' lend reed
andlbr ode IT norl3 I KIDD &Co
OUtale store or p
nova - • • SELLERS & NICOLS
,SIDETAR---4301—Tasinime N err Arr sale
I: hst "(1411-4$ ra UlielELTßEEgale b
1 0:11Z . 11193111E ,4 9 bagii ciadatdaltpelm. , ._ % WM aid
IV 'for Iwo try ISAIAH DICKEY & CO,
ILLSYYLki ' jlront • t
• APPLES -2s bbts prime Groan Apple
SUlt iCero l 4 Ana for We
'1417113 WICb7
K &31.C.iumn.r.9
ACSEREL-1 30 'WA Nos 1, 2 and 3 blacken* for.
by ner.l3 WICK a. "MINDLESS
Dia D
MIVOUUN-.440 IT Herriugatuitric'd mid Col
,MMKArCIIKPI'CHEESE.42 bus- just we'd sni
tot We b y nand WICK h. WCANDLEBB
lILLT-10bislestree'd .ua for sileA3
niocowors—lo las fresh Chocolate, -jut artrlC4
'l6 , ar sale biitovl3 'WICK & MCANDLIZS
• r—,---
1 `
-40 tdde extra Faenly Ecru, jut reed a
' ' fer gale • earn WICK: h ad,CANDLESS
BLOOMS -160 tonsJosbus Blooms, tousle by
VILO, UR-33 b6l* sus Family Floor, tiottfoll f
Ammer Denial and for Ws
. • D o
ri a 'IRCILARM-150 bbl 49 Li Molasses, in ion
0 . m d :Cot We low to close eot=
.;:. ci.I.RMS-200 biz ya store mid for We by
--- , toi ii -.. . : • J&IIIMt DALZELI:
biNiltltllt Fond] for sea
M 46C' • B,F VON 16Nriumgra. co
. po 'vidig
poi6ig-‘4ce ke el' : Bock Powdo_r r ibi Ws by ,
reuse Nu 1 iani C i
instatZbuidles ii!ss NICOLE
in Wt.
------- 17 - aa—so las r; o.Sasn*. •
OVO , a d far sale t y
' fa on nenagtanent
sad 62 &num
iNe----v--—"n"EEDoll.-iobbigLiaseedOd,,)oiz re
tor sad by VirIOrCON,DOWEri,
lurvo Cron
GlsAlVattlavbaas Cigars, rasiottsbro!al,
irugy.affers—tobbh , BOP GAO or
dm, Vut moire end far it co
- )m6
bbls .fints itt=
• c l.) =mid Candles; 8 Mks PMe Y eaW°
: And sea by 11013 "RANT
, TTELVET .COTIDS—Tara bales new Myth dark
, broad card*, Just opened and Gar Bale % v i z '
• Deal • sitecia.orrk
- 17EISTHIGS—An augment of beauttrai duk saki
V 111114 alaun, Cullman, Valenti' and co Vest
napalm; reseiving by CHACKLETT & WHITS
NUMMI VENETIAN RED—ISOI , lbs 1 031 real
/indict mda ocINI ~_ 1 WD - &Co ,
LL,BROISTONE—ICO) Wi put rec'd and fa
r &de by oet3B I XIDD & Co
JR staxnua—ato lb, /art reed sad for .al
/ ODD &Co
F'~'~,---~ -"G",
Nr,P ULA 4-4 tubs ia.t real and fat sale by
J Dom '
retail by
1 , -- IthirOU ,- 1 451 4 67 ! 1 Y 10 -! 4 ;j 61 goßeudi
'4'4lVattEN9 justWinad ifr rorsole sni by,
' " JOHN D Kowa;
3 jewkorei, Bosio
-----"IICEMZ-40 o
, b
.I.‘Ltglectiotlito slam for s ,sTrierEnj
j • : '" 11.41 1 - 6.‘ "C ibzu ortbs bx mast s Men u gral uf ar braor . oftir4 bnl ß!;
tu ' a
. .
eIINDRIES—dalmvg„Nlo Cotreal
ffi4ckauLad e• . 1 YOIIIII firm, thaspo; der, ,
-.. Imperial andfilarir.Te,s; • •
,as bar rermAA ° A V' S() 12418 b
• SOL= No hocolaut, sum for sad y
1. 8 WA9'S/1118N
• rig. eisiieu 91 ets ow. ....:t •- -
Balsam Pem-1. - f.:4,lasyms
c o rm •• . .
•-• -do Commis ...30 0 Der ' '
Briminone•••• _ •
- - , ,1 0 2 6
Malt bailer ••,„:'
Cdomphor.,rehoed , ,•4o 044 • 010¢6-per m •
.. 11,.
Chlori - deirAtne r nksk' 60 7 pittsb. Comrpon•-•• 11 0 1.1
C4C/4111 ••
, a' - -•••, - • 188 02,00 Honey-Doty 30 per cent.
C O- 9 91 0 Tartar, ~ .. 0 29 Cabo per gall- •-.- 0 -:
•• • ras '• .ris22 _ 2.• Wean's, comb p. lb 18 - 0 .20
Glee s ilia 13 - GbalseaMT,Daty 20
. 2r• Cl.
Galll- 4 ..,....:....... 600 50 Ginseng • 25 er 00
Gum =ip 'DI 0-70 - - Illay-per toe of 3:00 lba
-38 0 6:0 Tbnotky• • • 7,60 08,50
.. inth• - .31 0 374 • Bildas-Doty 6 per cent.-
' '''
/E= •• • ..... 15 0 18 Missont -0 et
, k•gt,,,,,i, .. L.--$l,O, %sattisb - - 0 -
tie 01,00 Do. molted
' Y 'e allrp •- piitsderrd• • 85 0 1 , 110 Bo lcippsperskin• •1,10 01,02
Lltbarge .., 140 114 Green -42 4
t, i„,,,,, 0nce yr„.„,,..... •7 0 0 Hemp-Doty 25 pereerne-
Limn:mice Ball ...... 18 0 20 Missouri& By •• • • 611.160111)
Lae Dye 23 0 28 Manilla fr lb 1010 c -
Magnesia Carb ..... 25 035 Hops-Doty HI per cent.
Madder, Umbro• • • •13 0 14 That spl. MS • • ••-• •8 0 10
1 5 ,1 1 add l e 4 r,=on•
33 0
a:Vie-Duty 1,50 weer3l,oo
OirV . iniol•H,"•-• •-• • - 4 4 63 5 Spamah ..... .• .. . 1,10 01,9
I . Castor . • 1,65 01,75 Manilis 95 01,00
o Cassin••• • -•• .3, 00 03,50 Iron-Doty 30 per rent
e chyjes 2,5 D 03,110 Bar, /whoa ' 4 0 44
n Lemon•-•••••-3,23 03,50 4 Common 3 0 31 .
o Sep , m't 3,1%) 04,(2/ Sheet sto 7
Ophon,Turkey•• • .4,50 05,00 Boiler Plates 6 0 6
- P ails. .1 ate
rara:b, root 38 O6O p lough wings 4 61 10 6
Sal Amoaac 16 090 . Slabs 4 0 44
'Sal SC•da • 48 0 6 RnasiaSheet- - 0 15
Sauna •• • ••- ...... 48 0 953 Lead-Doty, 20 per tent
Tamale Acid 40 0 50 Missotui,rig --0 44
Vitriol, Blue 1140 12 Bar,
_- 41 . 0 -
Dye Weed-DatE i sp. et. Dif..i... Pipe putt WU it
Camsrood 0 7 Sheet 6 0
Plastic 310 3 Leather-Doty 20 pr. et
11=hchipped. • •210 SI Sole, Baltimore. ••• 21 0 23
ers-doty 25 per. et. New Yorlt 14 017
ad ye.
Kentnelry ...... •• • .34 036 =ter 18 010
Chin &Peormyha.• - 0 - Skirting 91 024
Fruit- Harness, black 19 0 21
Almonds ahelVd• • • •33 0 M Bridle., black, pr. do._
Soft ........ -•• •• •• • 10 0 18 aides 50,00053,00
Hard_ 0128 Rouen do 21,00 042,00
A. • u.—Doty 13.1m-eent.
, ,' — :—. 46 g
godrikb.. r- :' 464h
Alis—pcpbbl• • • •• • 4 0 Sr
BrIlstl!ls-rDuty Gper tent:
Ame4can. • - .... ~. 0 —I.
• Itattlxt.s4er Sb .'.
Ecg , _ Batt
Boil 0.112 k
. s wa
vai s—p te r bushel. ••
Co on fr. mied
• II Ousts-lir doz "410750243pv
Co e
t Deavir 9„,zet......-:'
' B erarax—Duty PO pr. ct..
Yell • 1.9020'
Blooms—f ion.
moot= 1571:00—:
8011/ Lamps
ooms—P dos.
Me turntable 1,1210145
Sh er 1,7501,55
Darks-4. cont.
Cneenat OsJc• —A • • .550000
Haut Otan i / 404,50
Hemlock. • • 3,5004,03
0021— ry 30 per et.
At the rivet. .... .5 054
Ceittem—Thaty free. -
Tema. and Alabama.-••6edit
clsoeoldite—P m•
300 H I. 10011
Coco.,preperid WOO
• Canolleol—Dafr T A , Pr C T-
Mo Id ....... : .....• 10.027:
Pi burgh Suir ......
chmimuu, . do. • .. art
Bpdrm, brat brandsi t ; 01 07
Foundry tool: 1 ; 7 0 . ,1--03
Furnace ........
Ten ketllti IP dos •••• •• 400 ,
wg i row Doses p 100 0-40 70
Conner weight. 4. net--.
sLa Iran* IP lb tot!
Sh cot Al a
No. n 6 to No 10.
to la 18
Inereasing I etpor lb to No 00.
Long reel don,
o. sob ...... —•- 08
T. GOO.— 407
VW. • • •• . . •;410
eI:SA 000, 10/41 814)
win Yarn ti 111.• —2OO
Cirpeo Chain 0/0'•
COnon Twine2oo'
Candle Win 01.5'
oftlei—Do47 20 Per 01-
Jaya, Old,wldon 12014
St. Domingo
14 .4 14 7m* •—• . 41 0
1403.--. , 7 3 0 1
,Copper—Daly 20pr en pig
' boo laudable. poen old free.
lirssien ... • . ''•••• .• 0 "
Sliesoblog,•• i• • •••••4327
Oosolls4BB—Butl lD pr. tent
Whim rope. —• • • .... It
TurreA 10
NAV yam, fine. 2
common- •—0 8
Hemp Bed ellisPon . 104 —
Entrnlng —1,a003,00
Ploogh Limb" ,a)
Nana. Bed Coods--per doz.
40 yd. CI thread.— —03, 0
20 & 30 . d0 . .. .
P 5 0 2 43
do Plough lines 0 en
Dom atte s=per put..
I — Tr 306
" .--4 07
j Penn *Mtgs.& —0 7
Allegheny D e li —0
Alleg'y D Pin A 1.21. • • — 4 O 7
Oregon Union 20.11..-0
Benstock Pennhiill• • •-0
Pitishingh do
Currants, butte. • • • 1010 11
Filberts 010 9
Groontimus 1,0 alp
Pls.., Terkel 1210
Al . Wags
R . " i " , Mul° l4 • - • •
ikmth . ... 0
Bloom, old ' 0
Cranberries 0
Lemons, Slay bk 0 1 00 , 495.20
Oranges —0220
'Pinker, dry, bn• • 1.0 01,27
Apples, dry .50 0 0
pples, Green, bbl• —o—
Dire Brlek—per SL
13olIktrr• •••••• • 0 2 2 00
Vlour—Drity 10 per cant
Fairabnutde, 4.370
Superfine.— • • • - - 0 442
Fine 4,18
!tyro Flour 2370
hlf. bble- 0
Bnclatus, pr lb— • • —Ol
" blot& none .
Peed—per bushel.
Brun...--•-•.r 10 0 11
Shorts.— 14018
Wilth—thity on forelk ean2
- per cent
Mackerel, No. 12;00
hlf. bbls.• • • —0
.No. =lOO
Na Irlf.bble, • • -•— 0
No. I,kitts • 0
Reck& No.l. 5,43 moo
No. 2"•-• • —•- 0
Sabnon, Na. k old- 0
Neer 19.000
shed._ ..... 7 , 500 0 • 00
0 3 , 00 ++ per dram
DedTa2,No. 1
2 0 0
s B2 7+
13Iaakrat • 10 CP IS
RUIOOOII--- - • 0 22
Mink 0 82
Deer Skin per m•••• 14 010
Black - Azle.
Snort per yoke.-- 02,00
Pink 07,00
Mad's mine, ,rl to gal— 00,00
Claret per gross. • • • 09,0
Window Gu,, per box—
City brands. •
100.2--• ..... 04,20
1018.— 07,00
Parent 04004 to
18124 ---..
• . _1060015
011/1107 branda
1019 357 5
Clunpowder , —DirsMPr.
FTFO 4,0 0250
Eagle, lbs 03,0
lb. dos-1 lb. must's—
-04 07,0
FFFQ do ,00
ties do. In papers - 0200
Rocks powder- - • ••20 03, 20
Grain—Duty 0 per cent.
Wheat 800—
15-4hrawn comm. 9077
Menehodde•-•--- 443,
/-4 do
Broom drib. • • 7 .9
'Mooched-- 8010
hieIhIIOXIS .......
~1 sopedbi
Wooed Cambric. 410 8 .
• Fumy Prints. —• • 310 77
. Fan Moan Iktoo-- 0 8
Fall . Blue it Orapsa 94044
York. licks ......... •• • yak
14 0 1T
S l ° 4
Atarcetlas 14 023
Arrow Eaai. .... •. • —.. 11 42
---_,.............----=-...._ - _•._ __ ___
:COMIVIiIRCIAL RECORD. IT WA, a. i- -- - -"-etr6cl"
'7 777 1640 , • • 1714n0T5:11013447 re ?dam , .
NOTT3/11Ear. I rises. Crts. 1 ri•an 1 ph a•a a.
11-rdaturday,- ', • 660 6 1 615
1.2 Sunday, , • 7 0 •6 0 7 41
13 Mandan 1 7. 1 .4 59 634
13Torsday, - 7 9 449 941
15 Wednesday, • 7 3 , 457 10 47
1G Thursday,: 7 '4446 11 59
17 Friday, 7 4 455 moo.
-14 NOVF*TRs9.
itsvrew OPTHE
' • TOIL mew= soma= nova= 13.
The week just ended has been one fraught ,
With deepintetest. An important event has trans*
pbed,•andin a single day a victory won, which
Ilie true friends of Pennoylvania'a interests must
remember with joy and gladness. A political
revolution hes swept over the length and breadth
of the Union, which has resulted in the elevation
of Zama: Timms to the highest ogre in the
VA of the people. The general excitement wm
.sequent Upon this great achievement, has bad its
ifillnenceupon the business community, and trade
to a considerable extent has been at a low ebb;
and reviewing the operations of the week just
ended, we find nothing Dew or interesting to pre -
.sent.. Thu markets generally have continued
steady, With no material change in quotations.
Tlm yinrattier, during the greater past of the
week has been' so inclement as to lessen to a con
siderable extent the activity in-trade. The shun.
dent rains of the past few days have canoed an.
bthee fine rise:in the fifer, and business in that di.
notion baa assumed a renewed activity, and the
large number of coal boats which have, daring the
low water, been lauding in for the western market
are beginning to cut catdeond may be seen hoes
Tying their way from the coalregions, to supply
the Pressing deMands of the lower markets.
It is expected that the fide in the Allegheny wfil
bring to, our market large supplies of pig metal'
aniraili s t a long season of extreme dullness in the
iron market, during which time supplies have
aearlyrein out, the coming week will bring about
conlid4ablos activityin the article.
ASSES—The market has been steady but not
aciftro,tutd nothing has occurred to change our
ululation' of last Week.. In the way of general
sales to the trade . we may gale as 631lowc—
piarLs 5108;salerattis. 51051, rots 4 1, scorchinP
40, and soda ash-it.414342e p 2.
APPLEII-Thei receipts by river have been
heavy,,and notwithstanding the large quantities
shlppeil east, the present supply of the market far
=Cosa the demand. Sales from first hands have
been to a fair extent, and have ranged according
es...quality, Ertim MO to $1,121 q bbl. Bales from
more al $101,25 lv 614
ALE-The Market returns steady, with regular
sales or Pittsburgh brewed ai $7 to $9, cask in-
BACON—The market is without change. The
reaeipta haVe been to a fili extent, and supplies
are about equal to the demand. Regular sales of
western cued by the had in limited lots at, for ,
shoulders 41. aides 41,My, and hams at 6107 c, as
in quality. Sala of 10,000 IDs prime city cured
aides, by small lots at lb p m.
BUTTER—Considemble quantities continue to
arrive, bin as large amounts have been shipped
east,the supplies, left in the' market are compare.
tively light. We note regular sales of good keg at
Sigae, and of good pall in bbla at 10iGille per
; pound.
BEESWAX—The lurked is dull, and not much
'is daiegin the article; limited sales from store at
102r20 0 Ili•
erorthy.of report; correct quotations in table.
BUCKETS AND TUBS—Nothing new in the
market. Receipts have been to a fair extent, and
supplies are about equal to the demand, with rep
ularrales of the former at 2„25, and of the latter at
5W..50 1,1 10 z•
pisIDSr.No change has occurred la the market
Foe =Feet quotations of all articles under this
head, see general table.
CEMESE—•The market abundantly supplied
with a good article,' svitb sales to a fair extent of
W R at 51051;nd:of Beam at 44070
CRACKERS:-.Nochangein priels;regular saki
• are efreded at the following usual rates:
• 'Water Crackent......• . • .. 4 4 , 00 11'
Butter do 475
Pikit....... 3,50.
Dyspeptic..:'........ .... 4,00 a
Sugar di Soda Crackers . • •:jo y m
CRANBERRIES—With small supgli_ei!la Wore
-twe'eart note limited sales only at SIM 2 p but
shearding to quality. , , •
DRIED FILUTT—By the great,mbmadance of
Mau fruit the market for dried' irrreadered quite
dull. We tote sales of peschee at '84.1.501,31,
and of apples at 50 82a I , be. ,
p BEEF-Sates to a fair extent at 8o per
ou nd.
• movEle—since our law general review 'the
Market has been dull, with a further partial
Aline lo prices. Large quantities titre arrived by
slier; but as duometas east have' been furl; the
supplies left on sale in the market arecummtwao,
rusty light. During the put three daysiegolu
Upper i.bed•.9,00 095;30
Fa finished. • .91,00 03590
ac( n
ther— • 150
e O, -
! Le Lea. • • up -
N. England Seating,
No.l pertas.• • 45,00 0
No. 2 porde:. • • 45,03 0
No. 3 per doz. -- • 25,00 0 30
Sheepskins no 5
Lumber--duty 90 p. c. ad
i • • vid. per ,
pine, err, ln, pr M. 020,00
ressmon l/ ". •,•-• • •
en -01190 '
" coo
co.v. u 045,60
Clear 2 " ..... 040,03
Corn`u 9 4 . •
Wrial blg lin do. --. 013,00
in. common
pine Ones pp •
10009,75 0 3,00
Latbsonwed, 2,35 0 8,93
LAT. Btacke—RXl O [bent!!
Beeves— • 4,25
H- 3,25
Cowl ogs Calves•• .690 018,00
Sheep. ...... • • .190 0 1,60
'llolaasse—Duty 30 pr. ea.
Sepal:en:we.. ...... 40 0 13
N. Orleans 0 0 30
Iteres—Doxy 202
Bode per bbl. • • • 30003,45
Pitch•—•• • 3,50 0 "
Tar, Allegheny. • 0 490
N. Carolina-4,00 0
TarBentina, gall. • • 19 0 70
Vandth, Copal• .1 75 0 LIM
eg, 11211ba• nnlis
1 cent Oaxaca per bl
10093 d Juniata • • 'J,75
80 9d a 4039
60 78 a 4500
soa 4750
01 0,000
Splkegej . ll—__-...
0 .0 61
Boller Blasts- --• • 0 7
Chstussue—per 16—
Pinsburgh 0 8
Lard, City— • • • •
0 650
Olive. • 1,30
Bparm — bieached• • • •• 0 1,43
Unbleached 0 1,90
" Fall--• • 0
el toll
Tammy par bbl• 17,00010,00
PaSzlts—per lb.
Prna, Banc • ..... 70 0 80
eb . lark 590 7
Whiting-__ 4/0 2
e Green. • • • •38 0 IS
"No. 133 0 35
" No. 9 25 0 VI
Brunswick Green• • 19 0 CO
White Laid, 2 dry • • • 6/0 ;51
" 011.3nre , 4' 4 0M 0 /PI
, • " No. I. 0 133
Bed Lead o 8
[ Yellow Ochre 19 3
Vela Red 4 0 6
Verdigris 30 0 MI
sales have been effected on the ,wharf at 81434,061
p bbl, as in quality. Sales from store In drab load
1 lots at prices ranging from 425 to 4,31 p bbl
RYE FLOUR—Receipts have been light, and
supplies are limited. Sales to a small eiteit are •
reported to us at 3,37 yr Dbl. - ,",..1
BUCRWitikAT FLOUR—Supplies in Idare are
light, with regular sales at $1.,121 per atink of 50
CORN MEAL—With small supplies in irtarket
we may quote the artfile nominal at 450.70 c: per
[bushel. e
FISH—We find no change in prici4 tire mar.
ket is amply supplied. and sales am regularly ef- ,
tented in li mited lots at quotations; see table a.
, FEATHERS—SaIes regularly in lota 6. ' 4500 to
1000 Ms at 33(pt35c p 16 ~.!.,
FEED—Sales of bran from store at 9(liioc, and
of short. at 12318 e is bra, according to quality. I
, .
FREIGHTS—The rates from thus point west by Every thing has remained quiet in the local no.
river, and east by canal, may be frond fairly quo. ! ~,,,, m0.,,‘.,. considerable dullness prevails, and
tad in the above table.
GROCEP.TES—We find no important change , ~__
_:drams_. ban _
__ _ , .
in any of the various articles under this head— '""
The market has been generally quiet, but a fair fine stage of water in the river. we may anticipate
amount has been done in the way of general sales a more lively business in future.
to the trade. N 0 anger in in fair demand, with Th e throwing are the rates of exchange:
regular sales In small lots by the hhd at 51.95; as
in quality, and in beds at s}. Sales of N 0 moles, • ~..,' . EXCHANGE.
sea at 3043310 p gall. Sales of loaf sugew at a ' ?F1...8 ntie.- Bit ring rata.
range of 8} to Ilc p lb. Rice is in fair :demand, Nev Y 97 k. i pro.'rincinaiii n i i die.
with sales by the tierce at s},e gr Ib. Foriother az- PkuledoP hia, i " L'Atisvilit', . -
doles under thhi head see general table. Bahia:tare, 1 " St Louis, .
GRAIN—The market has been quiet,. and very e..en,
pitying rates. Boyi rag rates
little hu been done in the way of sales. We may (R i k , . •
I 'lts. Co dr C' orders 1 dis
quote nominally as follows—Wheat 80c, rye 50, ii .a ni i; ~ ~ Relief g 0..., .4.
barley 55057, corn 37, and oats at 28}330c p bu. Ket,„4„,.. . P Pennsylvania Co.
Receipts have been light, and supplies are lim. vogii,7„.'' 0 " New York.,
bed. . do Wheeling ..' " Maryland,
Gl.4 4 4—We notice no changes in die market Terinelnee, 5 " New Orleans,
prices continue very firm, with an increased de- ,
mend ezir the smaller sizes, and reviler sales st! •
quotations. Of the prices of Flint glass, the Ail-
lowing lea condensed list—.
rain 'rumblers i Pt, Crow 5 to 10 cz each, iP
dos, net.,. 314932
Premed do } and } pint, from 6 to 10 flute
•do do ' 62611,25
Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, glass stopper 1 17
do do heavy 2do cork 3,70'
do do do plain do ' 2,55
do do do pillar do 955
Wine glasses, Wised 170 do do pressed
Fite-hers, qt, plain 1,87491,70
do do pillar and ribbed 05
do Iqt or creams 95
Molasses Cans, pt plain 1,25
'do do aoralbed 1,87
Metes, 6 in. pressed and fig 75
Castor Bottles, fluted 63
Jlll3, 4 gal, Laquerad rover 2,50
do gal do d 0... •.... .......... 325
HOPS—Sales in a regular sir,y by the bale, of
83100 gr II as in quality.
HONEY—Sales by the box fisLm store at leo
20c v. Iti.
HAY—There Is a fair demand In the market,
with sales from wagon at 7,5008,50 p ton.
IRON AND NAILS—See quotations in table.
LUMBER—Darling the long season of low wa.
ter, supplies have been gradindly falling off; but
prices show little or no change. The market con.
tittles steady, with regular sales at quotations.
Leather and Hides may be bond correctly quo.
ted in table.
LEAD—Sales of pig at 4}4943, and of bar at di
0 1 1 0 V it
LEAD PlPE—Sales of the various sizes at pl.
en ringing from 6} to 121. p OM.
METAL--Sales of pig metal during the week
are reported as follow.-40 tons mixed lot from
Ilfenango at 524, 6 mos; .70 tons H FL at 830, 6
. 'roc 100 tons Etna cold at 830, 6 mos, and of SOO
tons Redlßank to arrive at 26,50, 6 mos.
MALT—Regular Miles of barley at 80, and or
1 rye at 70c p bu.
OILS—The market is quiet, with regular sales
of linseed at 60c., and of lard at 554960 c f gall.—
Sales of Tanners' oil at 8173319 p bbL
SEEDS—The market Or timothy and clover ip
' doll, with light sales of the former at 81,754962,
and of the latter at 61,75062 p
bu. Sales of flax.
Illemi at 906995 c, and of mustard at 82,75083 per
. .
of Pittsburgh sin at 110 s. lb.
end of variegated at ifilaillc pDi
SALT—Sales from store at 51,30 r bbL
TAlL—Regular sales of N C at $4Q4,22 per
VINEGAR—Good cider vinegar is selling at SI
eflc f gall, in bbhi.
WHISKEY—Regular sales of rectified at Ole
r PI
WOOL—No change In prices. The following
prices are about the rates paid by our houses:
Common Wool
i blood 22
id 0....
I do
Full do ' 20
~ . 2 230 3 7
For all articles not contained in this list, see
general table above.
Money. Stooks and Etta Mass.
New York, Nov. 2, 1818.
Stocks ore without much change. GOVBEICOVIt
securities are firm, and in some demand on foreign
aeconet. The tendency of the fancies was down
ward, partly occasioned bp . the doubtful nature
some Of the dispatches this morning.
' 'The market is very quiet for Sterling, but 62m
al SIMI. Francs S 221.
In Freights there is not ohne business doing.
but rates are without change. A. shlp was taken
fof Cork sad a market at fid Wawa. I3ome 3,030
or 4,00 Q .bbla Flour, for Liverpool at. 2420 Od for
littlish And . American; Cotton Te , Antwerp . ]
Coffee go, Ashes lc, and Ithee 30s.' •'A bur aWp.
Pig illetal—pi um, ilmm
Nt i Mileity •
NIZITZadry • •
Calabria I,eo •
05 • 71
Wool per 11:- De 0
y 30 per emit
Prime • O3
0 - -
i blood 0 V
loo l d—,
lou Common a 23
30 0 V
b washed 0 20
Whlakay—.-per pllon.
Recalled —4O A
Raw.Moacragabola —o 20
Zliao—por b
Mercer County.
Foundry Pig n b 0
Forge .......
ihraboning County, Ohio.
Pouudry Pig•
Plaster Parts—dury free
Fleeter Pori.-- t 5 f 100
Treloloa—per DE lbs.
Cine innini.
Dry Goods .... ••
FromLonirrille to Ib
Dry oods
Heavy G
To eit.
ry Goods --0 31
Fl eu
To Cleveland and Erie. 60 0
Dry Goods O
newly .. --a
,To and from ßrownsvi ll e.
Dry 600411 (down). • • •• • • •
Prodwm, an : - •
Go Nods ashville.
Heavy •
• To Whaellni.
H T T L;;;;ilie
Dry * Goods
11? 1%73eaver. —
117 1UTiew Orleans.
Bacon Ibu.••• ..... 04 01
" Shoulders —O4
" Sides -.04
IrlnFrou c nd z,n ei4 o
core 04
Lard No. 1, kgs • • -809
" "2, in kgs• •0
" " I,in bbis•.-0 8
Butter " 1, in kg ..610 88
1, in soll•1010 11
Cheese, W. It foie)
Goshen —0
Cult Pitrab.
pr. bbt..• • • ..... —0 4,10
DO. Batter •
-0 4,75
P•tattles—per but
Netharumeksp. be 560
11444s—Dwy 6 per cant.
Ceraniry reize3 30 34
DrN goodaddre —0 4*
._FilepeOper b
Seeds—Mak Linseed 2D p o
Clover 3,2303,17
Timothy 1,7502,93
Flaxseed 93 0
Mustard 9,50 0 3,00
Spices—per th.
Clove. ....... 29 0 31
Cassia In Mau. ••• 0 23
'Woo. ....... • 9 0 10
Nutmeg. 1,40 0 1,93
Pepper•---•--..... 7 0 9
Alspice- 0 19
Ihnikoroot—per Th.
Tbgh t li. ...... 0 'l4
knee.% ...... -•• •
. 0—
• —4lll--
17111 Cf/ TEMPI= 07 Si! riznern.w,
Heavy Goods-.
Glass, Soo-
Asbes, Pot and Pearl, 40 45
Boner raid Baco 45 60
Beef„ salted, n,
45 dO.
Bal. rope and Baggiag do 70
Beeswax, do
Bones, do 65
BChroomeese, 40 do s, dool 1
Corn, do 60
Cotton, do 60
Chilled Rollers do
Drogo eityl Medicines, do ipo
Wed (ik Al ' .1: tr . '
Plots, per bid CO Cl
Pars cad Moles, per 100 His 103
Posthorn, •
' 'Farnha do t, 1 6 1 . 1 ,
Glass, Wirukiar, per lax 60 0
.Green and dry frith per 100 lbs 75
Chown, ' per 100 lbs. 60
G ,
rocedm, do CO
Raniware, • • do 75
Bops, tie
Hemp, do 70
Hideo, (raw 75a; dry 000 6
Leader, do BO
Leed„ do 40
Lard and Lodi OCI, do 101 .
Castor, do 75
seed l, do 75
Oil, Lin Oi
Pork, per bbl. do 0 160
Rodk per
Boma and contests, 10C1 3to.
do 0 0 3
Specie do CO -
Seeds, do 70
Skina,Dcerand Badge, do 75
Tacna, do 45
Tobacco, Loaf, -do 50
do itlanufaenued, do 76
Wham, do CO
Virgo do 0 67
l ey, per bbl IV3
Soap—That 30 per MIL
nuburgh No. 1. •• • —0 41
aneinnan• • .... —0 4i
ilteol—per tb. Foreign
Cast & Shear-- •• • 113 0 13
Do. Cagle- --- • 0 16
Beet Gorman •• • 0 13
Eagle 0 1.1
u Hoop 0 13
Pitistmrgh L
Gent= Steel
English blister. —• 0 12
American blister. -• • 0 4
Spring —•
3Piril = "
Nrmidy, ••
AM 0,60
Rochelle.— • • lig 0 AM
itrtarrea4tit pf-1 ,10,0 O p 0
-• • 40 • GO
O I,•W 173
Su*Duzy 30 pe r ce nt
N.“o. l plint%lrd —Ol
Havarm4wb . .ite: , •41 0 91
Ei nu ji lb. 90 01
Pulverised, Philad. 120
Bailt—=Dap 20 per cent
• No. 1, atom- O 1.9 d
1, la MOM •• - ---- 0 140
Title, dot bra • • • 0 — sbst.4—Dary 20 per cent
Per keg, 016,60
Pee bag , — •
—per— • 0 1,374
'daltpeire• • - 9 0 104
Tolomm — e—per SO—Paper
et od for earnfor matorni
Tohaeco.l Dar 40 1.. 01
(Nor Leaf-- • • 4 0 6
hianatlddo 4 0 7
es' Twila
nLadl og in Imp --10je
80 6
Plaginboxes- -.14 0 17
121,69 " lamp 10 box • •
LI 17 0 121,
. --
16 ° "•--17 0 14
Scotch szruf-- -••64 0 16
Rapper • 0 13
k Dryf lb pap. • • 0 65
Tsii-Dety 30 per cans.
Daparial-- 65 0 60
Garipmr696•—• 45 0 70
Wang Ibsen.- 50 0 INC
pottel it._D - 60 0 75
Tin aly l 5 pr. el.
Danes eek ..... • • • 0 —
i X 0 10 75
Tallow-Daly 10 tent. .
Readered- 7 • -
Soap Greue 30 Si
Wogs-per boa.
Solid Dozes 0 16
Wines-Dory 40 pr. real.
Pll9.4eira• • • 2,1 D 0 34x 1
LPTeaeriffe• • • - 1,00 0 1,60
Lisbon -- • 75 0 1,60
Dry new. • • • 65 0 70
Sweet- • • • • ...... 64 • •
Ciao, se. t—= l " - ma 110. N. P.
Bacon, Bole', Lard,
Oh - r eams Pork, Takeo.
co, Tallow, W. Glass,
and Wl'altypr LOOM,
in bales
Close Ne.. 3 —Dried Prldt
Leather, Oldl
Skins, Seeds, Ti n = —"
Clan No I—Beerwas,
E=Vre,Glasn , g,
l me, loose Flu ....
Marino nunarsase.
Rum of Insurance Ott sower of
stem and teed boats.
The Platt nook In Wheeling ,To. HP
1 " "
to and frontOnelonsn, 0 111
• " u, Louisville. Hy.
• " to Bt. Louis, klo din
• - ualoonville,do I 011
" " to Indeoendanee• • • ..... e
• Galena,lll 11
" "to atene.Ns, Ten tee.
• to N. Orleans Ifol
Flem N. Orleans to Pinsborge• •I 01
to. Louis leel
Manes he good Phu Boats I .•
to New Orleans ..
(British) was taken kw Literpool at 2a and Aid kit
Flour and Grain.
The foreign news has produced no marked efo
(en in the street Admces from abroad come ao
frequently that the excitement in regard to them is
much diminished. The anxiety about the Presto
donna! question elm Fomented much interest ato
tubing to the steanuent new. The commercial
advice* am not very marked, and show but little
variation from the tenor of previous &claire*. Fiam
the depredation of business money moth:nusery
plenty In Tondos at low rates. Conseil% were a%
bout as beer. Our staple, Cotton, continues tp
decline, and_ Breadstuf% -under ..thet-pressuris of
large - arriiils, were lower. Go meta doCkl '
In teindtax were rather easier. Sales Sixes had
'node Rt_. Ilarines Moods. moron ocr
bet;'Of Pinusylvania, Ohio and New York Stocks,
from priyete sources, hes made the market easier
for buyera.--ITribune.
BEEF CATTLE-1100 howl were offered at
the yardi and sortie MO sold at `3 4,.50 y 100 Ds
for ordinary to good, .
81-10 P—A limited number were offered, and
ealeapeffected at prices noting according to qua&
ity trato 81i to $1,50 each.
Llit;l9s—Salsa of a hauled number were effect ,
ed a 113,50 rg 100 Ma.
IjoilisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville
Atludic, Parkinson, Brownsville .,
06.=z4e, Heodrfekoon . Beaver.
Mahon? No Warm, Beaver_
Lake Erie , Stoles Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsvllle.
Brilliant, Grace, Cin.
New England,,No. 2 MaClare, Cio.
Telegraph, No 2, Mason, Louisville.
Jenny Lind, Zanesville.
Washington, (new) shipyard.
' Linda McLane Bennett, Brovnirrille4
Atiatile,-Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
.Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Michigan N0.,2 Gilson Braver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, 13 holes, Beaver.
Hibernia No. 2, Slinefeher, CM.
Arrowline,Morris, Brournsville.
Arrow, G ordon, Brownsville.
Conant, Duchene, Brownaville.
Skipper, Stoop, Cin.
Pilot No 2, Kama, Cin.
At dusk last evening, there were 8 SSW 0 inches
water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling.
Cincinnati Packets, l 0 A. Al
Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. AIL
Cincinnati—ML Vernon.
" ' Colombian.
American Star.
St. Louis Pioneer.
New Orleans Robert Morris.
Zanesville— Jenny Lind.
/AVIV. Exixernastrit—We would call attention to
les excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumptiml,
Asthma, and all affection of the Throat and Ltinga
Having several time. within Law years past bed 00 00 -
sion to use a medicine of dus kind, we kseeblexPeri•
once lestedlts excellent qualities, and are ;menaced to
,recommend It to ahem Minivan or Mier paddle
' opeakere afflicted with bronchial affections will find
greet benefit (remits use. It In prepared by • schneti
, fin physician and all classes will find it • safe sod ea-
Amnions medicine in dm diseases for which it is re
c ommended.—{Colnuebus fOldoi Crass and /distrait.
For palest the Pekin Tea Store, N a ta Fourth c a
0611 - Tumors in favor of Dr. brLeiues Liver
—it would be easy to fill a volume with cerdlelgoo of
the excellence of this medicine. Wherever It has bad
. st nisi It bas made itself popular. We have Incur pow
session hundreds of olden like the following :
'Oman:moth N. Tv Dee. 10 1 1947 '
, Mans. & Co: Your traveillotagent efrosith
ma • short time since, a validly of APLeants lAver
The whole lot sold very mpldly,end gave the
Idaho/. satisfaction. letiend It is considered the best
niediMne of the kind ever offered for sale. Pleasesend
ma anOther supply no soon as possible.
:A genuine snick of the above valuable medicine can
be had at the drug more of.l. Kidd & CO, N 0.60 Weed
weer; veldt
"Thai wester skip others, Om mow,
And pure es Incummontal atabastarY
itg k errat 0 , 41=19 , 1 1 , Vlt!s o e above, who sue , .free
tkagA 1 4 4 F 11 ' Met -
MAX= Ur 33334 • 3 4r4T-a./BILEVATAPIA 9
uoLassms dk 1103111,
Exchange Brokers, No. Market alms, sear ita at
Pennstlvanli. . Indiana.
'Mirka( Pittsburgh --Aar Slate Dit &13cauelics••
Exchange Bank Path•ineticrio• •••
Mach. t Man. Bank •parl
Bkruif rtilladelplua• • • •PariErebange Hk iet V.:"
Girard Bank Par,Mennera Ilk. of va• —•
Cri c r : if . Gertnati mem .parißk. *fake Valley, "
" Del r aware Co t ! •••
:par ! par a r id. L in l7Viii;; ll ;ll t
al"l9 0 " 1 " , Yeo•••P do Morgantown—
" Northumbetland..pas N. W. Bank Yr..--
Cevabia Bridge Co... par do Walla:nay. —• • 1
Daylecown Bant.••••••par do Partenbary—
Pumas' at. Boadlar.pac Tannesatio.
Famerell3Lßsoki Co. par Bk. of Tennessee. •• • 3
Fanners B't Lajneaslr•par Far. &Merch'p Bk
1,13 r 3,3 rr Cr. Bk •par Planters' •• "
Laneamer Bk. par Union Bk. ..... -••—• "
U. &atm Bank.—.-30 m yogurt .
Bortrosedie Bk. par State Bk of Miwonri• 1
Washing= Bk.• ••—• • •1 North
Getryaborgh •• • Bk. of Cape Fear •••• • I
Chamberoburg. • • • w Merck's Bk.,Nowbern• 9
Baignehuma Co. lik.• 3 State Bank-...
Lehigh Co Bank, - South Carolina.
. Li:mammon- ••r• ••-• - Camden Bk•
• 1 Bk. of Charleston 3
frodor 'n • —•
•• • d ICanmancial ..... -• *
Coe BL •-• SS Bk. of Goorreumn•••••••
Farmers' and 'roan' .of Hamburg-- • •
Bank, Wayn arg.. 1 Moreton% 8k... •• I
flannabura•.- •••• Flamers aldeches Bk•
llediadMa•-• —• 1 of Boa% Carolina •• I
Beta= •a• par Ma ry land.
L. •• Balumore Bk.••••••••pse
Wyoming - ••••••• •• •• 1 Baluahs&OßßEkezip •19
York Elk: 1 Cumberland Bk. of Alin.
Genii:Bench lit 1 Gamy ...... ••• • • • 1
Raked Notes Fab. Bk. of Maryland. • "
NI& M Bk. Pitts-do. o Friondo. & Mechanic. "
•City &Canty " Bk. Frederick
Ohio. Frederick Co. Bk.• • • "
Stale Bk. and Branches 1 Hagerstown Bk
Mount ineanant.•••• •• timers! Bk• •--- 1
Bk• B
Maniala Bk.of e t to
mminuer • • • •
,NecoListion• ..... -• • Ellahlgan.
Crielarrail Banta. •••• •"" Bk. of Si. Clair
Colombo. do. " Bk. of River Baleen.- --
Cootertlle•-•-• • • • " Michiganlaa. Co••• •• IS
YaneseilleFat inkleob's Bk
• • " ,33flaccusalid..Tm•try.,
230 -
-.•-•• • IMP
_. _.. ~- _
- O' s
;81adistY 5
, Zonis••••-••••
• Dslion ...... "
-Western Baena— "
Colo:labia "
,Lake Erie— • ..... •
'Bekaa— •
~L ausostor •
—l 3
-IBronrills so
• Farnero 0.111t011....-6 0
-••• • 61)
_Et of Kentucky
611.0 f tedsville
Narhern Bk. ICounek7• "
Now York—CUT • •
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Bemedia.
RB. JACOB B. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro-
Fleur: of them most popular and beneficial med
ea, and also the inventor of the celebrated Mara
ment Mating the Loop. in effecting a care of
Chronic diseases, wai a sudeut of that eminent phyid•
elan, Meter Physic, and Is agendum of the Unmoral
ly of Peausylvania, and for thirty yens since tots been
engaged in the inusugation of dumme, amt the appli
cation of remedies. thereon
Through the use able Inflating tube, in commotion
with his - Prophylacue Syrup and other of his reutednue,
he has gained an unparatelled eminence in eating
those dreadful end fatal maladies, Itsbercular COD
rturtPtiont Cane
, o, Porothla, Itheumathun, Achllts,
Fever and Ape Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Eresipoo.
las, and all those obstinate diseases occulter tofemales.
Indeed every form of diuus vanishes under the use
of his remedies, no which humanity Is heir—cot by the
use of one compeand only, for thee is incompatible
with Physiological Law, but by the use of his ream
dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form
el - disuse
Dr. ROW...Tonic Alterative Pills, when used are In.
numbly acknowledged to be superior to all other, ae
• paean. or lover pill, inasmuch as they leave the
bowelo perfectly free from costiveness; u also his
Golden Pins Is admitted by the faculty m posseupecu
liar properties adapted to female diatoms, but being
satisfied Muir a bare Vial is sufficient to establish what
!mercers sold In the minds of the mast skepdeaL
The afilleted are United to call upon the agenAd
paean (gratis) one of the Doctor`.pamphleu,
a detailed Amami *reach remedy end Its *pollution.
For sale by the Mitt:ming newts, as well ashy oust
Druggica throughout the country:
I elottoormaker es Co, 94 Wood street, Putsburgh;
J M Townsend, drawl, st, Market et "
Lea A Beckham, " near the P.O. Allegheny Mey;
Joe Barkley,Darlington, Beaver marry, Pa.
Joe Elliott, Dusan Valley, " "
T Adams. Beaver,
City Mite at. AlLaotian.
LL that valnatde property niusate on tbe earner of
Ross and Third streeu, in the airy of Pituborgh,
bolo ngdoly to John W. Johnson, &oi, (=les*
sooner disposed of at private sale,) eve exposed to
public sale on the prwaieen, at 3 o'ehxt, P. ht.ouSw•
arday, theioth inst.
Taro—One third cult, one sixth in one year, one
exhin two years, and the Unitise* lone thin),) on the
death of the endow, to be secured by bonds and mon-
'halos will be sold according to a pla fibcd lb*
Orphan's dm; In certain proceedings In Paron,
Muth Two, te46, 1111 a neardpi In Docket P.
wicatt it tioiryt=lyn u ay be sr , Lat ., thcolfice of h
above finitibSeld.
- -
tummies Bus or Prrrescers, t 1
Cletoberlate, Da S
4 N ciestkre for thirteen Maim:lieu> um far the
Jall. easily will be held et the Deakin klaum
cm /11cakey, 'ember 200,1545, betweem, th e bum
Of 9A. BL 3 PAL
oetellaiel . - THOMAS M. HOPE, Cashier.
luaca&sis , & Alaerimenneasa , Kim, ;
1.47.i.m lat Un
ar man. Directors of tt Chu ßeek, lee
the ensateg ye will be held the Deakins
ea Monday, the 1I at
3th de" of November nett
oet43.dut W. H. D&NNY
_ . _Gabler.
October 19, 18,93. S
A N election for thirteen Mame a this Bank for
Jo&„ the caning year, will be had M the Banking
Haze on Monday, the twentieth day of November
nat. octet-Ind JOHN SNYDER, Casks.,
INFORMATION W AIVE — Wu taken by mt.
take from the landing, foot of Wood area; on !Mt
TUIIIIIhry,III2IIIIII., 1 sack WOOL marked -Benith
Stalall," Pet. Any p e rm. by retorting IL or o f
by which it may be mcmsed, mill Co. liberally
rewarded by 8 & W HARBAUGH,
uov2 53 sinter and 101 from sts
TIELLIT T. ocnson T. =TM illalotTs.
- •• - -
No. 3 C 0301.1.1 gram,
RarzaPtcas—Chorch, Carothers Ic
Alexander I...anghlin,
John Grier. nova-dams
GROCERIES- 205 bap ()leen Rio Coffee,
75 hall chests Young Upon Teal
10 do Impl, O P and lilk do
80 boxes Lump and Ping Tobacco;
TV do Nectar Leaf do
75 do &demos; 15 bap Pepper, sdo Altaic*,
50 bales Cotton Batting, gib do - Candlewick;
With a general assortment of Groceries, received
and r sale by Ft ROBISON & Co,
accr/1 BM et
Ausoiregy, Nov. 13, 113551.
fIiIFATIMOtiCIION IN PHlCEP4—earnlttioms
la eon, ed Market street, oder for .1. al 95 per eon
bekno molar prices, me Chameleon Bilks, Mantill
do, blisch and ancy Alpacas, Mohair Lustros, Pelmet
to Clot : s• French Merinos of the most choice colors
French Olothe and CMlDlerel. 110,7
rro MERCHANTS, NOV. 7, MS—W. R. War.
I invites merchants to look to at hts large stock a
UOODS inkt opened, in Wholesale Rooms, Si story
north east comet of Fourth and Market as. ee
exemlittgly low. 130,7 Pn
MAP OP PENNSYLVANLA—Coustructed from the
County Sarney* authorised by the State, and oth
er original doeutuenu. Homed and unproved under
the supervision of Wm.& Morris, Civil Engineer, upon
data procured in each county, under authority of the
Legislature., A (eve copies of this large and splendid
Map received thou day and for sale by
Bookseller* COT market and dd
`CARLYLE'S PAST AND T c omplete sa
VSaner Resarms, by Thos. Car PßEsE lyle: complete in d
one volume. Just received and (or sae by
10111CF.-8 tierce. Rice reed, and for sale by
Ear 7
RON AND NAILS -0 3 tons r is e to
Iron ; lhey me'd Nails tom Pig Iron, for sale
no bROBIt3ON s rCo
TANNERS' bbl 4 Strait's CM, landing_ scud
nodMI5 DAIIiZEI.2.I.
OPS-2 halos prinieOldo, gro. - rtt7l - lest ro
84P, lue
lJ and for Dabs by nov4 C H GRANT
DOAPI) iLLAP-2 cue. Jost rec.,' sod for mi. •
b0v41 3 E SELLERS, 57 wood id
00%V1) RMILLIELB-6 cases for l i al i q uauts
Dov 4
5 - 1 - 2;74 1 / 1 0TECO ao. - 2511Ve1l
MI solventllanks 6
Bank of England Note.
......--$4 70 fl sir.
Solid 4 Spools Vallui.
Napoleons •••••••• 3 BO
Dooms 2 150 990
&Le le o, now , old •
--•• 1• •
• 10
00 0 60'
Eag .
Doubloons, Bpanuth. 16 00
Do•Paniat • 16 60r
troikas 4 13
Guineas 100
Ftederiebearl•—••ll 7 60
en Thaler, • •• •• 780
on Bb:len • ••• • 300
Lonll o sPors. , • •• .. 460
Now Yotk . • .... ...• loin
Philadelphia ••• . Dm
Etaltlasore • —••• • 3 , *•0 3
Ig, par. Intent IPti.— 1
ALUM COP4NIA-203 ibs for wee IL:wow
ROSE 1 4 SISK-3 bbl, for sale by
(71 Ind SHELLAC.-2 Ctl/1. Jag retell .nd Tor =la by
HARLEM OW-7 gross for sale by
11,1' ADDER-61 casksjust RW4I and for nala by
SMOLASSES. -1 00 bbli St Louis Saga House
• Ale Woes, for isle by
004 ' r JAS A HUTCHISON lc Co
A rYINED 8010,6118-490 bbls susulll.4i4J4oi
6 tad 71 CIO bbls Crushed; 110 do 1:1' atiBol- , for s
Agenu 81 Lou. Steam Refinery,
luve3 43 water and 32 from 6t
s k :fr I"
sale b y
le s stannlic.
QUM Anti—no cults Soda Ash,
kJ true, Mr eale, to attire, by
nowt FORSYTH & DUNCAN, 27 ant at
A PPLEB-40 bids Green Apples, "Or tes," hen reed
and rot sale by__ nova et W HARDAUOII
(41CICAL VARNISH—Ia bbls Furniture Varnish,
the bat quoliti, for sale by
novd 1 501100NMAKER & Co
SA.ND PAPER, ASSORTED—NO reagms Wheeling.
0 Malden, and a new article, recommended as gape.
riar le lay babe. in the market:.
nova .1 801100NMAKER k. Co
Ws Mier, Just landing and for
nova 8 & W HARBAUGH
jIj ACKSILEL—ino bbls NO 5 lmaa - 41;1i store end
for an b nova 8A W lIMISAVOtI .
ODA ASH—zu wk. 2300 AO, just recd and fog
std. sort 8 k W HARBAUUIt
QlsABB-500 bxs assorted4rindo; Clings, in stove
cad for sale by novill re 1E %V HARBASIOH
mi x Lin plll.l
° bbetels=lo?i4saloNtly. Carle
VINE FLOUlt—rdt bbl. Fine Floor, good article,
.1! Jut nrcelred arid for Isla bT
ISCIVa . EILL.LERS t rapoui
DACON-3Deasks nabob Hams; 'Aldo Bides,in more
MCI axidSot We by bort SibLLERSk NICOLE.
CaNDLES AND 13 re 0AP-60 bit auMbi Candles{ HO
VAD Soap, In sto and far b
WAS k moms
SQUALM -15 bbll No 1 Batman; • fois half do No
Mackerel. km tautly_ use, loot Walls!. and for ale
' 0 BLACKBURN & * a
QIJOAR.-414 Ws& " & nom,
bble t tri4o,
6.11160'd ted On sale by . agyo
~~k ~-
JOHN 11.11BLIJOk No. al ViTood
stmet, bat now me S. &it asson
f =a nt of Piano Fortes, Wetted , from
the &flowing manufactories in Boston
arid New York, to which the attention of pureltasers is
'retpectfully invited. Those from Mr. Chtekerimr, (for
the sale of which he is sole Agent In Western Penn
sylvarnal have what is termed the New Circular Beale;
,being un Improvement recently made, and saving them
• decided advantage in power and Nwani of ante
Over any others. The following ate the patterns and
styles of Chickening'st
No. 1.
Rosewood, 7 oeftes, finished back & front,
t " nehly carved " 4100
"3. " o o . " " 1400
" carved mouldings, " 6400,
" 3 . " 6 6 finished back and front, 8350
. a .. 4 u u u a 62.21
"7. " 6 o 6 o o 5353
"B. " a o o o " 5323
"P. " 6 projecting front, 530 0
o W." 7 etch!, carved, style of Louis 14th.
" 11. " 6 hollow comers and hollow cor
bered legs, second hand, cost originally 6425, and will
e sold at a very reduced price.
No. 12. Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin
tatted, $275. No 12. Rosewood, round earner, very el
egantly finlahed, WM.
The above are manufactured by H. Worcester, N.
Y., well known as being connected formerly with
Mesa Stotard, Worcester & Dunham, N. Y.
No. 13. Rosewood, 14, carved moulding, made by the
Manhattan Company, N. Y. 6273.
No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves, Gale fr. Co's, N.
Y, 6.S^ 6. No. 15 " plain o ~..o
'No 16, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Henri
Hers, Paris.
Nol7, Mahogany, 6 octaves, second hand, prier 575.
Old Panes taken us part payment for new ones.
Bole Agent for Chickering's Grand and Square Piano
Fortes, for Western Pennevlvania. octl7
"NUNN'S & CLARK, New York;
The subscriber has now open and for
sale, a lot of most superior Pianos, se
lected by himself at the manufactories.
They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of
of tl, di end 7 octaves, of styles and prices, and
embrace all the latest improvements. Those of Norms
& Clark's, 'for which celebrated firm he le sour Aaron)
have en improved way of wringing possessed by no
other; also, a superior plan of leathering the hammers,
preveuting these Pianos from growing harsh end wircy
after some use.
The Pianos ofChickering, of which he hes a superi
or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and were
selected for him with cam by J. Chickening, of Boston.
The above will positively be sold at manufactmerer
pries., and en accommodeting term.
The subscriber will ustranab l ll i be found at J W
Woodwell's, from 11. to . to A. and from Itos P.
31. Mr. 'Wardwell will attend e business during
the balance of nine. H. &LEBER,
wan at J W Woodsvell's, iClThird
tijf has just received from Europe, and for sale, an
entirely new invention of Pomo Forte, called the CAB
INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweetness than the square Piano, scruples hot one
fourth as much room, and is a mud, more showy end
handsome piece of furniture. It is particularly desira
ble where the saving of space is en object, being ex
mdingly neat and compact, and occupying no more
room than a small side table. The subscnber ha. in
hand a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra
ted puuust.bloschelles, in las own band writing which
may be inspected. KLEBgR,
0m517 At JW WoodareWs
-• • .
A SPLENDID assortment of Idaho
gusty end Rosewood Pianos, jest fin..
tatted. These instruments are made of
the latest pattern and best material.
; and will be sold low for mutt by
F. BLUBIE,II.O Wood meet,
fid door above Fifth.
N. B.—Those who've In want of a good instrument,
are respectfully invited to examine these before pur
chasing elsewhere;as they cannot be excelled by any
in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought
from the East. Alsojast received, two pianos of Ham
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever sold in this country. °cal F. B
04.1111.--Pievember 8114 1848.
PitY, northeast comer 4th and Mor
n' ket streetstsburgh, has nem, completed the
opening of • second Ivire supply of Dry Goods for the
season, and can offer to buyers an assortment to select
than, rarely to be found at this advanced part of the
season. Particular 11/1011111OR i•111.11kilod ID his WI, stock
•• - -
French, English and American, of all desirable
lore suitable for dress coats and cloaks: also, Dust.
moms, a large usortmenk includteg wool dye and
French black, Doeskto. dark mint ; Fancy do, from the
low price of 6 - .! etc tall wool{ up to the finest moat..
and nearest ,y tee. llesles, a large stock of flattnetts,
c MEW] and Ewe, Drulertlurts and Drawers, Glee.,
LADIES DIRIEZ/i3 GOMA. lo till their Taxing,
Country bitrobanto mid Merl...boa Tailors am kiwi
ted bit stock, in Wholesale, 17.aanni., onecind
to .
• - van se.. • tee.
HE subscribers beg to call the attention of Builder.,
Architects and owner of UnUdings. to the many
advantages which these plates posse. over all other
metallic aubstances hitherto used for roofing, Alt ,
they poems, at once the lightness of iron, without its
liability to rust, having now been fbr several
years in this pirtteular, both In this &entry and in Co
rope. They are less liable to exploration and contrac
tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon tin plates, iron, sine, or any other metal now used
for roofing, and consequently form a lunch better and
tighter roof; requiring for less frequent repaint, whilst
the fint coots is
but a trifle more.
A full supply, of all
from Id to 30 W. 0., cert.
suraly on band and for sale by
14 and 16 Beaver street, New York.
The patent right for this article having been secured
for the United States, all pantes infringing thereon,
either by importation or otherwiee, will be prorate-
I ta d_ ocnind&wlyT
• - •
FrHE undersigned halm erected works in the city of
1. New York, for t h e purpose of Galvattiseig all un
ties alms which It is desirable to PROT EC T FROM
RUST, mteh as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be
required. For Hoop. for Casks, as a substitute for bale
a tor Clothes Lut
will bees, Light found cheening Rods, and stunt of
m ppllc aeons, Itp and durable
nos would pvticelarly coil attention to the
rust. Alm to Spites and Rohs, the preservation 0
which is of so mach importance, that It will commend
itself to the notice of all those Interested.
OED B. MOREWOOD & CO., Patentees,
ocOrsiittsrlyT 14 and 16 Roarer st, N. York._
AT his Old Stand , comer of Smithfield street and
Diamond alley, Pittsbargh, P., 'would respectful.
call the attention ofppantry hlerchaius, Hotel and
Steamboat Barkeeped*to • large and mil/erica •••ort
meat of (RIPOSTED CIGARS, among which will tn,
found the following brands, al. Eagle, Regalia, Cas
tello. Principe, La Norma. Star Brand. Minerva and
Dollar Regaliaf, all of which will be sold ow low as can
he had at any other house in the city.
Also, constantly on band and for sale, a lam and
well selected swot of Virginia; Musouti, tied rum Cut,
Chewing Tobacco.
Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco,
constantly on hand and for sale. nonfi.ddm
Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To sitcom..
date all lovers of this delicious ham, BURKE & Co.
have resolved to supply the people regularly through
out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysten its
cans, half cans end shell, at such reduced prices as
will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy rhitheit
An Express load will be received daily at the wo ro
bot= of /NO C. BIDELL, Water street, betweeo
Smithfield and Grant, r od for We thole, and at the fol
lowing depots: Reis & Borger, corner Smithfield and
21 six; E Reasleton, Diamond; A Hoosier, Fenn st ,
Ward; D limghey, foot of Liberty st; J Cohan , Jr.,
Penn's Avenue; Mercer la Robinson, Allegheny city.
Office of Amaxteam & Foreign Pats mu.
JAXES GREENOUGH, of the ism Arm of Koller Yr.
Greenough, continue, the baldness of Coo salting
Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his office in , ilte city
of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and em
ployed in making examinations in machinery in the
Patent Office and elsewhere, in famishing drawings
and specifications of machines, and a papers necessa
th, transfer, amend,.roissne or extend levers patent In
eth United States or khiropn He can also be consult-
qd professionally on all questions of litigation aris
ing under the Patent Law, and will argue quo,-
11=1 before the Patent Office or an appeal theretroo
Orr which his long experience in
) the Patent Office ae.d
in his profession, have
fitted him. The poi
feuLonal Wetness of late. Dr. T, P.lones komfOlqr
been placed in Ida hands, all letters in relation thereto
should_ be addressed to him post paid. miakilmattil!
. .
DOCTOR B. W. MORRIS having recently rumba s
edd the Dreg Store formerly owned by Hays , 3
Brockway, Commercial Ross, Libery sing 4
Pittsburgh, takes this method or informing pie
friends and the public In general, that his stone
will at all times be supplied with an extensive sled
general amortment of Drugs, Dye Suds, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every ar
ticle called tor Inn drug stare, which will always be
sold as low es at any other house in the city, woole
ule or retail. Hoping to merit a share of the public
patronage, nothing shall he wanting to give entire sat
{erection to his enstotners. ncrit7•lspill
liyarepathr, or the Water Ours.
l)OCTOR BENJAMIN W. MORRIS, mill eoutielaa
to practice the vale and popular remedy called
ydropathy or the Water Cure, and if deemed will treat
diseases Allopathically. Obstitrical cases will be at
tended to promptly.
N. B.—Dr Morris rimy be contented at his Drug
Store, No. 2 COMMEIViIIi Row, Liberty street, don rig
brininess haws, or at his residence, morning and evitn
log, Penn street, 3 doinm below Irorints alley.
rtor7-ts • 14
ITTEIBUROII, OCTOBER bril, .—We are now
in receipt of severs. bales first raw 180 rn
vr York and Massnebuseus Prime HOPS, and are
always receiving regular supplies. We are preps:cod
to sell at lowest rates. Office, Pill street, Allegbi oy
river. octS4 0 KO. W tIMITti & CO .
Co, GO Market at, have just we'd per latest Imp
to ns, 60 dos Long and hare.Sq Shawls, Including
plaid Long Shawls, of the richest colors and choicest
panoras. Comfortable Wool Shawls of every deurip
tlon and at uniformly low prlces. nos 9
INFORM their Mod and the !Anne thetthey have
no longer any cannectien with their hue CStabliall-
Mall In rem atom, known am the Pitteliargb Brewery,
having_ removed their entire haziness to the POINT
BREWERY in Pei Meet.
roam envies. n. e. creNtae.o.
acortt-d&wIlso*8 New Orleans
pousia ON, HARMAN & Co , have removed to the
Warehouse, 3 doors west of the Nooortgahela
* FM o ltar ai" Tre d Wareltousello. O 3 Wood at
0.02' Pont copy.
Comer of Feud
and Decatur, t.twodub
Market and Ferry streets.
MthrAED-4 bbl gro!lnd blui c tsaftr iti sto or
TICM 7 -11 - C - 3 - Mel lot puma Sian.
vemvenzar.. PUOPERTY won lowa.
THAT Property lately .oeenpie4 by R. Nixon,
F,sq., on Craft - street, near Rohlnion, ANeigheny
erty, wal be *carton siesets. Mee
lot is 93 feet 4 Whims on Call sarWAing ihrrtaih
to the Canal ISO feet. There ts a two story frame
dwell house on the proud.* built, uid the' lot
Is well improved, emulsns . • variety of choice fruit
trees, grape, shrubbery, & e. This property is cumuli:
ently snuated for personsdmng brisineasin either Nos
burgh or Allegheny, and is • drablri realdene. Title
indisputable. For MT= apply to IVhl.44lllYp,
ney office on Fourth oLtdeti.bcre .
26• itilosillssuldi ihine sau,
SabouITUATED on the Monongahela civet
t ltidles
from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lott, in
the immediste neighborhood of kteilllS.l.4o ll & MANN
and Ur. John Herron , ' mew. This fine body .br
Coal will be sold the law price of 8:13 per aerv , -one
third in band, balance in Eve equal annual payments,
without interest. Title inditiputable. : Loearlon very
geod—eannot. be surpassed For further prlV i citlars
enquire ofd. HAM who hr - of AP ,
perry. liceiclence 2,1 it, below Feu
N. B. There In another seam o
about SO feet shore the lower, of
TRACT of land, 90 tares, in Ham
Aon tbo Cuyahoge river—about X.
proVernenL=rem unimproved Win •
of Warren, .11 Co., 00 feet by 90,
mound in the centre Hartfrd, TruMboll Co., with .
Eno dwelling house and store—one of the best 4tands
for • merchant on the Woburn Reser*, Any or all
this property will be sold on very ateernmodating
na.l6 Watetand Front sta.
—_ FLOTOSY FOR 861. E.
HE large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec
ca street, Allegheny city, by IL. &Casette, Esq., is
for sale at a batirriO, and on easy terms. Th.
lot on which the Factory Is erected, (toots 11:* feet on
Rebecca street, and eons back 110 Co,; to Park street
The male building is of brick - , three atones hie sod
60 feet long by 27 feet wide. The }...nt Ottee is
large and commodious, with so engine, boiler r stack,
idl in complete order. The property will he sold
and cm adaantavotur terms.
For prie a terms, eta., enquire at thia
an4 l-44 ff .
IatTHE subscriber offers for rent for the term of
one or more years, • large Colo7ollioll/ WWI fill .
two story Dwelllog House, containing drowns
end Kitchen. There ts • lot: of mind containing le
seem of funs young fruit trees of every kiwi, Male.
Sce., connected with the house. To any person wish
ing a delightful residence within aNW in
ures ride of
the city, this be a rare chance. For terms, which
will be low to • good tenant, inquire of hit.
Wright, near the premises, of John Wan, corner of
. Hand and Liberty streets, or of
-•-• -
MBE subscriber will sell on accommodating iermo, a
aluable tract of unimproved bind, situate on the
road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteeo
miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the
town of Freedom ort the Ohio river. The met am
tains Uri acres and Mt perches, wilt =emote The
land Is of ut excellent quality, aboot PO acren Moored,
end well watered, sod will he sold either in whole or
in Sums pf convenient sine, to Sail purchasers:
For farther particulars enquire of Whi- BOYD, Attl
at Yaw, office on 4th at, nbove Sundineld, Pittsburgh
• nryiliktbtwif T
property - lnAlisseo
THE subscribers oiler for sa fe a-number of choice
Lots, ointate In the Second Witztefling on the
Common ground, on em. lug
W. CON. ROBIN SON,S' O Arty at Law, St Clair at
or of JAS ROBINSON, on the premims.
myl7rAtearrf T
FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Perm
street, between Hay and htubury, autos, wilothing
the house and lot cow occupied by. Richardle,
hawing e front of 23 feet, and in depth 1.40 feet, will be
sold on favorable berms. Title suinteeptionable. En
quire of C. 0. LOObIIS, 4Q st,
2 A
2 A THREE. story Stick Dwelling House, on
Water, above Grant street. Possess= given on
the first of January, then, or sooner if crquired.
Nor terms, inquire of
norl 0 BLACKBURN & Co, vraisst_
Ti l ialrabisTErTinsiiii - liiriliffirirt — oo illsle.
WISHING to return to the city nextlipring, I
anll sell or exchange for city property, trty present
residence in Lawrencesdlo This property 'is beauti
fully l.sted on the Greensburg itiropite, about Mi
minutes drive from Ma centre of Me city.
novtl-Miw RUST. D. THOS/PSON, 110 Market at
VilairibliiissildeitererlinMogheiny Cif*
fOr Bale.
CIONTEIIPLUiremovaI from Allegheny city,
V I offer my share for sale. The premises
are in delihtful o , 'suety way worthy . the al.
tendon of nay persott arishing sea PrePerT
Re—aritilaii. liniiiiiiiiiiil747
LOT, Storehouse and Durel, situate on the
Erie Extencion Canal, in the .sen of West ,k LOT,
•• desirable location for a merehant Also, a
Lot and good Dwelling Sense well suited for a Tavern
Stand, in the village of Oningeetile, on State Poe df
Ohio. Terns easy. mita( caccir a c..
feign W pi
ater sod Front BILL
Ail s CONVFICIENT /WO 'dory Brink Dwelling
jalLion., on Rosa wont. Emir;lre o{
ri c k
Car Wood and 3d au
COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven sera coal lan•
for sale, sitnate in bend of the filoriongaliela Hirer'
sbove Brownsville, Pa., having a 7 foot item of coal
whirls will be sold in exchange for goods. For portico
are apply to 5.251 $ A Wttl RRAIIIOI4 23 wood sr'
Fli. EATON & Co, havin g relieved from Market
. street to their new Store, No 62 Fourth street, be
tween Wood and Illarket,are now opening their Poll
'took of Trimming. and Variety Goods, among which
aro—Cloak and Drees, Fringes of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimps and Velvets;
Embroidery and Needle Work; •
Zephyr and Tapestry wonted Chenille Floes;
Stele Bags and Purses, Steel Trimmings;
Ladies ?aerials and SIR Vests,and Hosiery;
Children.' Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery;
Gents Shirt; Dodonhirts, Drawer; Dressing Gowns,
E.XCMGE -- 1111 - 010M, &c.
Aotrers for the, Saree dory briekWareitonse
on Wood &tree; °coupled' by R. Tinallar it Co.
apl7 WU. WILSON, Jr.
- - .
To Lea.'
Ile subscribe. mill nrut part of the WM
. a su
ire now occupied by thera.4.pply to .
LEWIS, DA.12_4., & Co.,
• 64 Water street.
N. MMUS& & So i&
L112,....a...”.. P.a. h ....go illt• •-likswa - v .
/k.19,0/• , ....k IN
D mon( N
AN "..-
COLLECTIONS.—Ostia, Notes and 'Acceptances •
payable in any pan of the Caton, collected on the most
worable terms.
EXCHANGE on New Vork,,Philadelphla nod, Hal-
unmet; also. Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and
New Orleans. caesura)) , for Bain , . .
BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent. beaks io the
United States discounted at dm lowest rat.. All kinds
of Foreign and Amerteen Gold und Silver Coin bought
and sold .
GlEce No. 3.5 Market m
net.% eet, between 3d 00 , 4*
Tinsbargh, Pa.
- Upr,ANRERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, ming dealers
LID in Foreign and Domestic Exchangc,Certilleatei of
Doposite, Bunk Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near
ly opposite toe Beak of Pittsburgh. Current money
received on &pollee—Sight Cheeks for sale, and eal•
} Lecntio.nshimadegt.ponm:,,i.nearlypal.ildthnno prin por o . i g. palLoinist Cte .
United States.
Advances made on consignments of PrstesZe•
' pad Rasl, on liberal terms.
ILLS on Fbtgland,lreland, and Seollatui levaett
any haul el the Celina 'Well or Ruhaege.
Draft payable In any put of the Old Countrloa,
from El to LIM, at the rate of Ss to £ Sterling,
without deduction or demount, by JOSHUA. ROBIN
SON, Rl:trope= and General 'Agent, <ate et h .t one
door watt of wood. . teedEltt
Bank Nout
purchased at We lowert rat ty HVI te„; SONS,
• atm. & CITAULY;
BANNERS and Exchange:Brokers, , Dealcdi In For.
corn d Domeano Time sod Sikht BIRs of Ex
chanae, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin;
No on Wood meet, third door bear Fourth, annt
• •
LUZ, ULLNIII- K l um •
RAu rft.l.l) LIEN
Foreign and Domestic! Dille of "etelaage, Cott
ales of Deptudto, Bank N.A. And Coln, comer of
3d and Wood amid!, directli °went. St. Charles Ho
. • ty
OF OC. • OE—Sight Cheeks on
Near York
Constantly for sale by N. HOLM SS & SONS.
snala : WS Market st.
CUE - La... flOrlet—Notel, lttratts and" Acceptances
payable lat-,Me Western eines; collected on the
most favorable terms by •
griji ITTEIUKS 0 NG lel/ for silo „_-
octi y N HOLMFS t SONS
. -
THE subscriber, In addittot told, swan
AmannacturiNg of Hata boo made mans**
meats with bloom Bebee & Co" (the Most
fasbionable orate city of New "York ) fat strip
nlar sapply of his caws fin* Silk Hata anthavint lasi
received a raw cams, gentlemen can be seltad with a
'*7 nob
b 9:l li tt f reb b r by
"d : b erott o.o aO r ttiPtrf
WI Cap Sleit,
Fourth, where my be =tad a mat satiny of Hats
and Cap. of his own =marinate, Wholosalo and re-
tail. {LOA Made to order on short wain,
JAbIES *wpm.
11100ORD & CO:TT )
ilitiecessors to APCord a'lthag);
OIL F....blamable liatteesi
_ lll ll l.lll b
Corner of Wand and Fifth &Mts.
AICIICULAR. emotion paid to our Recall Tilde.
Gentlemen can rely. opop getting their flats msd
Caps from our establishment of the Misr iILSZIIIIII and
nrommustiour, of the I.s.nsr .1211.33, and so tho totrtat
Country MenliPsts, porchaslng by rilioletala em
respectfully invitrd to mill and
th a t our Stock Ls
we can sup with eai:ore that as regards guitars'
t o od u. r:lmm . l ip ttsulfer to a comparison any
444 Foil Fashions tor 111413.
BioOORD tr. ,06.,•,
tlalll ircoss & sno) : 4111
WILL introduce on gatordar, August MIA_ the
Fall style of Hats, jitst recetyed flora Netpl'ork.
Those in want of a neat and beautiful hat, std Invited
to cell at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood streets.
LrooDEALERS are invited to examine IL !I.
PALMER'S stock of Storer Goods, OI tha
epr o s i sklitil s sei n l inaigg
stable do; American do do; China Pearl do; &bog do
Rutland dm Preach Laem Olnitp,Re.A.c.'
HATS—Legloro, Palm Leaf, Piciama, Farinf Straw,
do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do.
Also, Artificial Flowers, fribecins, fec. Straw Bon
net Warehouse, O.S mask4t : • mariS
ritim undersigned are prepared to fill order.for any
.1 oorolly ofCriereo.laeser Barr Apr, qa eoperi.
or quality deliverable to order at any nMajbygivrog
a few Jays notice, at our-Whatf Bout. We Mina
vre can make It the Interests/I' thom tneraistita who
boy largely on the CORM'. sithey can order , their bar
tell shipped to any plantatiOn they may desire, which
shell he attended to without extra
Paducah, 1ty.,,_0ct.'28.•18484m•
Frrrasußciu STEEL maths.
/CMS, : lal/PIN; 0 3 . 14
Joarze MP
O, of opting and blister steel,
plough smel, steel plough vring‘ 1/11.011 and eliP•
he spryly, hammered qua axle. and dealers to mat.
!cable comma", fire come lamps: arid coaoh4SU
g enerally, corner of Roo nod rivet am, I.lrsattr,
nov. UE-30e0 jun ree'd and for nabs DP •
=ea . .
—. ;3* •
, 5L.100./CsnOt jrAffsis - ta GOODS,
received more than one thorthand Cases and
me rtt ., Zo orb o mati f k . th7e gr. racol; ...i Fb i e i xte: ll : it asiv iiT,..i :e bli as eo f: i . G rtm l 4 e d len : ta r i . E. r.c t L e . m t
maim packages ham the unporters,manut
:lenge Umbra sales, by one of the f rending in New
York, Who is consuoodt amain us the-newest and
!meat ,desimble goods in the .Ihullem market., wide! ,
will be offered as law as d any establishment 40 the
14 piled States, and lower than could pouthly be oder
by any Hone in the Wein. We ustmerate the Ml
DELHI . ; SILIS-6 eases rich chalogenble, g ri ped.
plaid sad brocade Coo brie, Gro Dern°, C oo
SWlu, Gm de Algiers, Gluier, black Om dr nom° ,
Talfata, One Satin, Florence of all =lira, de. de. Al.
soßlllt Velvet dall Caine,, every large stock.
•33 CASES DRESS GOODS, vizi cases Una rich
strr i :os ll tunermdo do do printed doo; dolmen
figured bade Leine; do Clenence otriP .2
hound., Alms Hi cases A.leces; 10 eases etch
ettiped and plain Lytionem; 0-4 Th.tan Plaid and Silk
Tull; 6-4 eutimeres and Grandilla Plaids.
• FRENCH MERINOS—A fall assortment of black,
mode scarlet, Moroon, Nasalize, blue, purple and oth
er col'ors„of the best muothemin.
P2OO SHAWLS—Compri/dnatee most ektensive as
sonment ever offered in this ens, embracing long and
Cashmere and Tartan plaid Shawls, Maude,
Bmronvick, Finland, Jermy Lind, Lamont., and oth
er Shawls.
Lace caps, collars, cuffs, mending collars, chemise..
Also, linen cambric and lawn Hdkfs, Laces and Edg
ings, Belt Ribbons,Hosieryof all kinds,. Gboves do.
assortment of the most fashionable styles,
Irish Linen, hest munfacture Linen Sheeting. and
ii=sl c tTag ne lo " ath T" .2frli.=, ' "d e l :LI:011T
Ma, did Bird's Eye Diaper. emlMollt —h o ' wer 1 00 d nf
every variety. Bleeched arid Brown Mulins—mono
than 15,000 ps dell the wall known makes.
RIBBONS—More than cartons entirely new fall
and winter Ribbons, ' , era choice styjes.
French Cloths, CerriMerell and Doeskins, In great
varlets; Vestinge, Beal ORVAL maul
11 4
Whlte Goods of every escriptiorth.thevlito , with o'r
ery_article usually round in a dry goods more.
The Mauna ts an invoice - 0f67 cues goods lust
received, with the prices ennexed:
10 bales of red and whim Flannels, all wool, for itle
7 eases blue and orange Prints,
10 •do Calicoes, 53 yards for WO
12 .do fast colored Prints,
• 17 do Bleached undies, a
4 do Mous de Labor, 124
7 • do real Scotch Gingham, 12}
Also, 50 bale. 4-4 Brown Alualin,
All of which. in connection with those above mu
llioned, will be offered at less prices than can be drool
ed byother establishment in this city. The ONE
PRICE SYSTEM, which insurea =dee mod &hum
to all, will be strictly observed. Any article purchas
ed at this establishment found to be above the general
market price, • conseount reduction will most willing
ly be made, opoo the =commences being made known
to the Proprietors, it being their duke that all good.
shall be sodden fair and honorable terms. All pertains
are respecthilly limed to examine our. uanunent
Without fmlieg the least obligation to porches.
New, Faduonabla, and Panteniarly Cheap Goads
inns arrived ire
essir mann. aro., go, 135 urmarr 11111X[r.
rpm Proprietor of the above establiahment would
reopetfully inform his mammon, Wends and clam.
men, that he has Jus'oneceived his first aupply of fall
and winter goods, which n usual comprises era
that is new, faahlonable, handsome and good ad
to gentlemen's wear ; and as he has been particelarly.
fortunate in making purchases, Into determined to of.
fee everything in Ma LIDO of business much cheaper than
was everoffered In Pittsburgh before; end ass.. are
very hard to convince. that Pittabergh mannfaemres•
en go ahead of the Eanern cities, he would invite all
each to examine the following list of prices. end then
call and fOO his stook, after doing which, be feels con
fident they will have then doubts removed, as well ma
some of their money:
Good cloth coats, various colors, from 55 00
Good fssidostable cassimere pants, from 5 50
Cloth and over coma 7 la)]
Vests In prat variety 71 CIS
Gentlemen* , cloth cloaks, large Mae 8 CO
Laulies' cloaks, eplemtid patte rn s 3 00
Tweed sack ettats 2 60
Flushing over coats 1 50
Illanket over coats 3 00 -
A very large stock of shirty under shirt:: and draw
ers; *ilk handkerchief, crave., ottoPeodere, ho. Or
ders in the Tailoring line narrated in the beet manner
and at the shortest notice sepia-Mb.
ALK/ANDER & DAY have just received a fine
assortment of the following description of season
able goods, the greater portion of which have been
boa tat Auenon, and will be sold at great bargains..
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Filmnela, •
very large and complete assortment, and wry cheap.
SATTINEIS--A very large lot of blue, black, bib
mix, grey and gold mix Satinets, at very low prices.
ALPACAS—PIain bib Alpwas, plaid and striped do,
fancy plaid and striped do, cheaper than ever.
FANCY SILKS—A splendid assortment of rich
changeable Silks, both plain and Bed, of almost every
SHAWLS—A very superior assortment of super
Bache, Paris printed, Terkeri, and Cashmere Shawls,
at prices far below the ordinary noes.
Also, a large msortment of English Merinos, Cash
meres and Gala Plaids, blue, blk and grey Pilot Clout,
for overcoats; bib Cossimeres, mums Dammk, Linen
do, genmelry Jams, ice. to; to all of which we invite
the attention of the public.
Al•Y'‘ A NDER 3 DAY, 75 market st,
0e123 N W eqr of the diamond
{Vaal and Cotton Yarn;
Chiidrens' . Dresses, lateat patterns, which they of
-Yet. at low knees both wholesale and retail. .t 4
P. IL Karol. ' W.P. 51/1.11:
ssLACIC ALPACAS -W B. Murphy invites the pa
ticatas Mutation of buyers to his assorunent of
above Goods,havingseleeta them with great cam in
reference to their glossy finish and good body for win
teruse. Also.
- •- - -
• • •. •- •
MOHAIR LUSTRE.% common, medium and super
fine qualities, including a few pieces jet black, edepted
for mourning purposes. Also
riety of satin stripes, plaids, and brocades, some of
wbsek are very superior. A. these goods have been
iteughtdirrunly from importers, they con be sold at tae
lowest possible prices,
To be bad also by 140 piece, in Wholesale R.00(04 up
stairs, 41 • very small . advance oncost. Deed
To Coventry Illerehoota.
S3IITII & JOHNSON, 48 Market area, would invite
the attention of Country hlerchants to their stock
of New Fall Goods, purchased for cosh, of the New
York Importing and auction houses, and'will be cold at
=nem Jobbing price. The stock compries a great
variety of Dress Goods, chameleon and black Silks,
silk and notion wasp Alpacas, reel Moans Lnstres,
fancy chameleon sod plaid do; smut . ripod Orientals:
French and English Marinoes, hlooselin de Loin and
Cubmerea square nod long Shawls, Gloves and Ho
siery, Bonnet Ribbons from 73 cents a place up;bonnet
Silks, Arlilltlll Flower., Linen cambric Hilkfs; 10
cartons Thread Lace. and. Edgings; 15 canons cotton
do; Combs, llations, Thread, 'Needles, Pins, &c., in
every variety. Wholeade Rooms fd floor. serrt3
DRE... 9 GOO DS—We have received a fall stock
of Dress Goods, among which may be !band—
Plain black and figared Alpacas;
Colored and Lao) do
Oregon, Catlfo Queen, Orleans and Lambardine
Plaids - A:Wu, tots and figured Cashmeres;
" de Laine;
flak, Tama and plaid eashiberez; together with a
large assortmeat of other dress goods, all of which will
be sold low by the piece_ or package.
oet9 BHACYLLTT & VVRITE, 99 wood st
ECErAffil AT w. M'CLINTOCICS Comet ware
house, 75 Fourth street—
pa 64 rosewoo k eolii Table 011 Cloths;
3 " 6-4 rich
3" 5 " -4 " " " "
The above are of superior qaality, elasticity of fin
ish, of mast beautiful colors and shading, intended for
furniture, counter and table covering. octg
blown Miaow opening Ina SECOND SUPPLY
of Winter Goods, including a variety of shades of
Drib French hie
Scarlet ) cherry, e nder high colored hforinoeig
Magazine b ne deg brown da
Auo, PA/MEMOS of same colors; Llgesecam,Rx.,
with many other desizableigooda that aro very scene,
all of which will be weld eery cheap, as mush east car
oar of 4h and laarket ua °eel/
Johnson. VI hlarimr street, would invite the luna
tion of dealers and Winn tether choice stock of Linen
Cambric /Ida* el linen, from di eta op to 1.1,NY,
ding every variety of tape bordered, hennaed, stitched,
clear lawn, with deep corded borders, RETief, embroi
dered and colored bordered. oat..
ATINETS AND SEANS—W R hiraphy has now
1.7 open a large thapply of Plain Black Satinets, won
stripe do, satinbarred do, plain bloc do, (mislay peen
do, codex mixed do, gold =red do, Oxford nixed do;
and cadet and gold oozed Jeans, at low price., by the
piece or yard. Whdlessla Rooms up walla ante
T RSol—Tti&oson, 40iet
dare ived t
sienoico stock of Dons Ots^ewt
sia in part of rich Cbamelion Silks; black do, oar
aid Cashmeres and Orientals, plain Chameleon mot
plain Alpaca , wain striped do; silk %Vim and real Al
paca Lustros, Printed Muslin de Lune andCastoacros,
French and blerioos, real Scotch ams
trout eta op to the fittest quality; Calico f ount cts
to Ihet rich Emb. Muslin Robes for evening
to, to whielt
ofpnrehase the yrs. would particolluly invite the anten•
IC EL Murphy hss new open • supply of these
Pods, and invites especially the sr/cation of country
Merchants, to the low prices at winch these end all
other kinds of winter woollens me now offered. •
jaspli_ _ _
flew Pitt Ilibbosur. .
r§hUTH & JOHNSON, A Markin st., have Jonre
ceived by expose, a splendid essostment of fall
hons, to w Irk they would particularly inch, the
attention of porchmen • eept
Di on band an assonment of super Watered anal).
sossk figured bhsek and blue black Dress aka r - Sada
striped and Odd do; also, a gtest.srariety of changea
ble, damask figured, cad striped do—they will
am 'be sold
iD GWVEILTo." received, a fell amortmem of
ladies gendemeas, and mines Hid Gloves, of fla•
ou'e superior make. • SMITH& JOHNSON,
omatl • 421 market st
VENINCS.DIMAES—W It hhirphy Ass lusty re.
sehredetobroidered Dinslhts and other styles ot
goods of latest styles for Eye. • Dresses. amid..
& Johnson, 40 Mar
l' ket It, mould 111Titel ale attention of buyers o their
choke - Mock of French Merino% comprunog t Imst
abodes or drab, =moue, purple, broom, morley. mos
mine bine t ruid blocks. oerit
17 rec'd, a Line allpply Orilla above ankle, forfloot
ing and other earnest. We can recommend the above
Pm Proof Palm, for the have beet:l9/in h for near
tour yearA and know it to be a good article.
oett3 J & H PHILLIPS No o mood et
P.tent Soda Ada.
59 CASKS of las Ittosprou& Soso? & b,do As
rivrog and tostrlyro, for sale alike lowest mar
tot price for cub or opprosed bills, by
t•O IGO Liberty at
CIARRULGE CLOTH—hut received 5 picots ladle
I-1 Robb y er Carriage Clotb, Ro
ry 4to egtoirteta We,
perfectl water , aod ave dotable steale r For
eta at th e Indiaproof Rubber Depot, No 5 WOod et:
0.1:3/ I & H PHILLIPS
COFFEE = bap Rio Coffee, for salsby
:rimy -104e Rubber WWl* Cups
gessp ivalordailnOtt,ftper Drinking cup s
lar:4oe, Rre guan'avthe India HAti=o
sWood at. 'obta l J k'll
~...,.J t ~it~.Yy