The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 13, 1848, Image 4

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Ttia OZZAT 11931311 T baba
Cousurriptierr. Coughs. Colds, Asthma, ronchitia, Lir.
• er Coroplaint, Spiumg Blood, thflculty of Broodb
Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of
the Bean, Inilactall., Croup, Broken Con
siltation. sore Throat. Nervous Debill
ty,and all Diseases of the Throat,
• Breart and brunts,• the mond.
factual nods prody. cure
ever known for any or
• the above diseas.
• Is
0.11. SW es,
°straggly:id Sprotpof WIM 'Mastery!
Thbaniefflidne if no longer among those of doubtful
t utility. It has paced away Dettathe
Irtreehtsl upon the tide of experiment, amine.. aroma
Wien m reporstion,and is becoming more extensive ,
ty used dam nay other preparation of meilielne ever
produOdfot the rolivfof taffertog mans
It has been inuodueed very generally through Me
United Stoles and a:rope:and there ate fear lowa. of
imporlanee but what ,conudn some remarkable ed.
d e ,* or its good , effeets. For proof of the foregoing
statements, and orate value and efficacy of, Minims-4-
de*, theproprieter will insert a few of the mar .y Mod.
sand tesamnniulaubieh have been presented to lamb) ,
men or theillat ~,q .e.bilitY— m en Who hare higher
views °Predrill rertumaibility and justice, than to ant
titlY to, facts. beeausa it will do another-a favor,. and
themselves no initlatice. Such testimony proves eon
closliely, that as surprising excellence. is established 4
by itaintrinsie merits, and the unquestionable authori
ty of public °Minot,. The instantaneoai relief it if
fordsTand the soothing influence &Cased ,through the
whole frame by its use, readers it a roost agreeable
remedy for the afflicted.
"When men, acting (rota conscientioustetpulaea
voluntarily boar tesumony to the truth of .a thing, or
parucular feet, such teanatortY, bents oontrar y . to their
worldly interests end purposes, coerces conviction of
its truth, and commends Itself to a special. manner to
universal errtlence.”—ollogna's Moral Maxima
Stir. Asomas Cone or Formosans Commarnom—
There never woo a remedy that has been as success/id
in desperate cases of Consumption, es/Ir. dwaynei •
Compmfad r3yrup of \Viet Cherry, It 5 t.m00, c ,,,, the
system, mid uppenrs to heal the ulcers on the lungs,
creating new and rich blood; power possemcd by no
other medicine.
Cuss". Co., April:l3th, 1849.
Swaync—Beer I , verily believe your Com:
pound - Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means of
string My life. I e.g.& seven cold, which grad,.
ally grew war.; emended with a severe cough, that,
restated all the reel:ladies which I had recourse to, sdli
Mereasinguntil Mycelia exhibited an the symptoms of
Pulmonary Coneumpdon. Everything I tried seemed
to hive no effect, and my complaint increase:l .rapid
ly that friendsas well as. myself, gave up au h o p e . of
my recovery. At thio time Ivrea re.tommended to 47
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the meat hap
py results. The tiret bottle had the effect to loosen the
cough, h a d
me to expectorate freely, and by the
tit.' had Mied six bonlos,lwas entirely u
wellfld eat
brolly men es I ever was In my life, putri
would be happy to give uny informanourvmeettng my
case, that r *titterers may denve the bannfit Cm.
Which lam so grateful. For the troth of the above
stmement.J refer you to Pet. Rush, Grocer, West
Chtiter, Fn.. of whom I parch.ed the medicine.
Respectfully years, Jsxxa Mouse.
Wonderini Cure 472 1, feritedia Minster,
Di; Svrayne—Dear Sir: .I feel-adebt °Puerile& due
to you—and a duty to the alicted generally, to offer
myliumble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy
rnp wild chem. Smne three yearaslaca. I ,vas
violently attncked with cold mid utflaunnation of, the
14 which Was accompanied with a disUrsabig
,-paln in the breast and head, a very conaidera-.
hie Midge of °fermi. mucus from the In espe
cially upon change of weather, however • ht. dt
fast ; felt ro alarm about my .adidon, but urax pretty
mon convinced 11,10.19ra, rapidly goin g into consump
tion. 1 grew dailv weaker, and at g th
yeas scaroe
ly ableio walk about, or speak altos e whisper, each
weekommof iny lunge During this
time I had tried various prepared°. and prescriptions,
but found no relief—growing all the rime worse. Jost
here I yens advised rod persuaded by a dear friend in.
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ,
ry. I m st confess that previously I had been preju
diced against patent medmines, and I marital against
those GUMMI:, Our of the hands of emperica lad under
standing your claims to the profession andpractice of
and having implicit. faith in the saying of my
friends, Iforthwith purohosod of Dr. Sharr,one of your
agents, a few bottles, and Commenced its use. Afydii
ease was at that time Or 9of mOrnlye standing, con
sequently it *as deeply seated. I found, 'however,
catashierable relief fro en the am of the first four or five
bottle.* Sat being a public apeaker, I frequently at
tempted to precchrwith my increasing taloned, and
V thereby ruptured those Unrolls that had already bog.
so heal; in ails way, dueNdelts, my cure tons greatly
retarded. In consequent!. of acting th us imprudently,
I had to use lOolVe or fifteen bottles before Iwas pen
featly restored. I have no question, amuch moaner
number of bottles would have made rue coned, but for
rho starve indiscretiou. The Syrup allayed , the fever
latilianis rook away the dietressing-rough,' pat a stop
to the di ,
scharge: of Mutter from the Image, nod " go
them and the maim syrtnn good health. I have defer,
red offering this certificate until now. the Mill pumao
of being perfectly satisfied withal° permanency of the
mire, and now that I feel perfectly- I offer it with
Ita, - J. P. Joann.hablt e ri county, N. C.
Important Custiore—Readl Read!
The, is but o ne neutrino preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that /4 Dr. SwArges, the &never o tr ege g to the
p_ublie, which has been sold largely thosughom the
UnitettStates and south parts of Brrope; and ail pre
paratinns by the name of Wild Cherry have
been pot out since this, muter cover of some deceptive
--- circumstances, to order weirs, currency to their wiles.
By a Hide observation, no person need mistake the
genuine from the false. gash tot le of the genuine in
enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of Witham Penn thereon; also, Di. Swayoe's
signature: end es farther semarity, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish
his preparation from all others. Now, if it was not for
the great carat. properties and lumens viruses of Di.
Swaynkst Componnd Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not he cruleuvonng „ to give currency to their
• `' . 4ctitions nostrums 7; by st s !he nonce of Nid
Chem, Iterneuther,uktrays bear in mind the name.
of Dr. Swayer , . and be not deceived.
Principal Dace, currier of Eighth and Race *teems,
For Wale wholesale and retail by OGDEN Jr SNOW.
DEN, Cot id and Wood sts, 13 A PAIINESTOCK
C,..3( Ist and Wood, mid . GM and Wood sts; WM
THORN,S3 Market ac S JONW 180 Liberty et; JJLS
A joNa-s. nor Heist rod Penn can JOHN MITCH ,
Allegheny city, end by all respectable dealers
medieir.e. , egad
A MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, Who bed been of-
Skied with the .thor• for four yeus, had talus
almostevery thins His phyricianeconstaritly &nen
ded him. one he Lad expended over two thousand dol-.
last. lie never believed n advertised medicines, but
considered them nil humbugs. At lam he tried Dr.
Taylor's 13.11%.2 of Li verwort, from TJ Beekman street,
Now Y.:, and in six weeks was eruirely Mired hav
ing taken ouly three banks. This Is only one of many
cases where imaginary objections to aliment medicine
have prevented persons from using this medicine, who
have expended hundreds of dollars to their phyacians
In rain—and in the end owe their recovery to the infal
lible efficacy of thin , purely vegetable preparation.
771er0 is ito efficacy, meth.. is Superior to
tiny remedy pm-scribal by reediest! adviser. This
medieinakas takonieil years lo mature, and is the so
rest remedy for ever introduced to the public.
BESCIIII.IIO Pam, Conon, to rimers.. or 131,.111
Crnan!—suffeshis for a longtime with these complains,
I buil given oriel! . hope of being cared. 1 had consult
ed the botanic and bomapathic doctors in rain. I hod
nsedmany articles advertised, hot found no relief. In
despair I had given op the use of all medicines. Hear
lug of thoLgreet VlTtllell of Dr. Taylor's Balsam ofLive r
wort, midthe great cures it had performed, induced
me to try (l i ana to my use. Joy anti .toisishment, I
was betterdaily. I conormal its use, also his Sager-
Cooled Pil l, until lem entirely coed- Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine ha' he world
for these complaints, and will core everyone aMicted.
Captain of the Naney s of New York.
Arenas Craxn.-1 have suffered from the Asthma •
very long time, and have used every medicine I could
obtain fur its cum in vain, mitil I vied Dr. Taylor'.
Italsam of Liverwort This medicine has afforded me
most manifest benefit, and is. in ray opinion, a emu for
this distressing disc.m more especially, .1 know of
many easel among my friends, 'where It bat been high
ly successful. Par.. interested are invited to call
at my residence for further Information.
MRS. S. RHTON, AS Laurens a.
Sold in Pittsburgh by J D Mom. 33 Wood at, 1
Townsend, 45 Market at; LI Stay.; roe Market and
3d 'La Henderson S Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced
to IltLein per bottle. vitt
R. A.Pahnestoek , • A1it3.13/Ilotu Pills.
Th.o Cathartic eompoand combines smallness of
balk with effteieney and comparative canto.. of
Or " t ul e h'vi"fly.oinTleunt teodeocy `o_
try, In srhich bilious firers one other complaints, at " -
tended with congestion of the liver,. flinch abound.—
They ha. inns stood the test of years, and experi
ence boo proved Mesa to be .onto and valuable remedy
In Internment, Remittent and Billow Fevers; Jaun
dice; Bilious Celle ; Indigestion • Dropsy ; Dyseemry ;
Bilious Vomiting, ; Colds. Mid all coMpbsits of an In
flammatory character. The complete azi swivel.]
.tisfaction which has ban gm. by these pill. to ell
who have ones used them, renders the publishing of
the numerous certificates in their favor ummeessery.
To prevent eoenterfieiting they ate now pat op in a
red xylograpic wrapper.
Price ta cents for n boo .utaleing BI pill..
Prepared and sold by
corner let and wood, and ant comeilth and wood
laiffiCiAN'SCiiiiCili SYRUP—It proved to be 00
aI. great Panuea curing my child's distressing
From the Temperance Bomar, Nov a 1347.
Oman blreer,--We are not io the habit of prng,
mock less udriog patent medwinealmtwofeeftlisposed
re e e mmend blorganto*By rep to those' who ate afflict
ed with a cough. After having tried the usual reme
dies to remove a coosumt and diaressing cough, that
had for several days afflicted one of our children, with
out rectum, We were induced to try blotuan's cough
syrup, and by it relief was obtained m a few bow. It
proved to be the panacea in this cue at lout.
Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor,
JOHN D MORGAN. Druggist,
feb7 wood at, 1 door below diroctood alley.
PE' ,TOR.A NT iv myelin/ to all other remedies for
Conchs Cousamption, BrottebßihAstbrea =dab./ Pulmo-
Dmefreelotts, te that the maw perwassrbe comma...A the
of it in their frentlin tea yeere igo WA prefer it to all
otherremedlirs M. kind; and where nal ha" keen
to UT Other preparations they ba
ils aimiably been
{moo meeteing the benefit irbich wss reasonably
elfraa the Ingli praMetbestowed byes propmetors,
and hwrorsita read to the u.. of /sense' EirltOrranier,
• rwaedy Mathes Dern Milano Mien them and which
peahably Dever 1.4 megu.ff
Prupw4 culy by Dr D. Jayne Philidatphisond add on
• - A Y .NEB
detaktLwtf ALPS.
711 Fe:oath et
"S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five map
tYi l t jLEY es fronithe time of its application, remove the
pains from thew verest bunts, scalds or Witte.,
and will heal wounds, ulcers and sores at any kind 1
without mar. This valuable Pain Extractor can he
bad of JOHN D MORGAN, Draggle',
No MI Wood - street,
.1 . 0. A gent Mr Western Penn.
el Druggllorcay nth colon end good patterns, and
very chump• No 73 Fourth .1. oc
ADDLE BAGS—Jost rec'd, 1 dozen India Robber
&Adlo Bap, a .perior ardela, at the India Bob
ber Depot, No Woad s. oct2 PHILLIPS
EVEILOW-3 eases Chrome Yellow, for
7.3Tieiiiperior Chrome Omen,
forsale by oet2 JOHN D MORGAN
_ . • ..
bbls fresh Roll Butter; dO kep — a — n - 11710
liblaPnekEd do; 17 tacks Halley; 17 sts common
oat, is
toed for sale by
ounJC &R c h o a V di D n
gOt:. 6
WINDOW_GLASS- 150 hie to more and for aale
00.0 FORSYTII /k. DIINCAN, 37 Meet at
eILASS-600 b2a, .14/6 , 1 - avr diem, faiibeneva
broad; to naive; for tale Ire
ow, Foi lsyr &D
15 - 0 - TrER 33 keg just ri! "" -- "uxaved; 4 - 67121r.12
RINCI-4:n bra* Smoked lierring,jUlt reed and
▪ rot mac by 1525 WICK & JWCANOLESS
P —fin bids No 3 blacken& (18K3) 30 hod& No
IT do, lAt 23 dodo 'No 2 do dariast nudd sad far
- -
"DoJG_IitoN—ICO tone for sae by
A .octi it ROBISON ICo
. ,
~ ere
L_ , : _t,4 4 .1----41
-; - 5 1 1;i:b 1 - 1± ;ill' 1 - 11
--- ..,.........- 1 7........,: I,rt
may= zsrailti or --
Motor oPia Otashap of tko .I!ga.
The Most axtraerditutry Kodiak!. talks' World !
This Extract I. pat op Qaart Bottler: uit oa
that. cloaper, yisasaater, oxi warroodsd fa.
t. Ng tat It CMS
or atirtiot riakaokap
attv tks
Tho peat beauty andsaperioring of this Bareaparilki
or..t. another medicine-obi, thenwhibe k eradicates the dim
we, it in the body. It le one of the very best
Ever known ; it not only. porinee the whole system. and
strengthens the person, but it Peat. as., system.
end rid
el.nd • Karam gemmed ley no other modkion And iv
t. lire the grand secret of its wonderful eornees. It boo
perrormed vrithlo the lest twp years, more Wit. IMMO
cum of .were eases of disarms; at least =OD were
considered ineatrable. It has saved the lives of MO.
Wan MOOG dais= during the t.O pin mission
10,000 ease. of General Debility and
want of Nervous Energy.
Dr Townsend's Damps:Ma invigorates thetriole
sy.<ll2 orsonantly. To those who Iwo hot their
maseuinr sow by the affects of oteditine or Indio»
toolussi la youth, or the ezzessio indulgence of
Ili passion.. and brought one venni phpiral post,.
tio.i of Die nervous system, bOtada, Want of =bide;
&polio seneations, premature dew ea a.eitia bast.-
n; towards that fate/ disease, Constoaption, coo be en
tirely restored by this plasma named . This 800
rule is far sappier to any
Invigorating Cordial,
At A renew. antevigoranis the ono; gives activity
o. the limbs, and streepti to the pools* mho, in a
.1,4 extraordinary degree.
(Joann:option Cored.
and Strength.. Oinonenyttow co ho cool.
arencidtts, COntostioa. Lour Coy/Oat (MO
/Work Cevihs, deals; jetteeet Bh.ed.
3orearata the Mast, Matte Pie* drigAt
Sweets, Dzificalt or NO. Doired..
ratios, Palate DU Side.
bus oil m be ore/
Raw T. April 28, 1847.
• tit Peennzirm—l vorfly believe dm your Bonap.;
&that helm tbanteme, through Paoridenee, of.
dyllll. 1 hare ibr men/ years had a bed Cough. It
bon.. ens* and worm At last I mind huge gond
the all I nail, had Arta llnvate, mui ens manly &that.
tan! all reduced, and did tun expect Co ho.. I
only me i 1 1 our Barraparifin • short time, and Mae hoe
a wand OM angel:non wrought ham.. lam atm able
to wall 111 over the My. I nin no blood, and my
cough I WA roe. Ton on Iran trusgine that lam
thaukfl toe then remalia.
Yosr obsdlent SIRITILIn.
wn aussau. es Cat/mils.%
Female aledleLtte
PT. tteead'e Basexperilla te•saveralipi ard speedy
1 far loelphmt Consamptior I=eittese, Pro
lA , or Palling elides Watob. Film Lee.
tat rhea, or Whites, abretreeted et &Scull Itlinstraa
ltu.t. I emendated of Orbs, cc Lenient.) , dliehery.
th• and
et the mere lea of the worm—
to matter whether the malt of Labmtiet =WM Of mem,
preaneed by trregelniM ahem or welt/mit Nothiag
ma be mem awned" . than its Loefgoretlas effeete
ea the human Emma arm= •111 meatless end tent.
tai r. ham Waxy it, at oscs beware reboot gad gall of
oar rty ender he indecent. It lemesdhataly artatterams
th eleremeas of the feemte home, which htth• great
"tree or ratemotesa. It will me be meted e( es, le
emes of we deflate • natter; to exhibit arrdhcatea of
rates portoremal bet we can maw, the aimed. that
h emirate eaves harsher= reported to em. Tbdttmede
of ease. where Camille. Um base without children,
La.".melzg • Cr.. bottle. of Ohio troralaable wedielee,
here berm Ilemed with foe. healthy odepring.
Te Illotheza nail Married Liu
This Extract a Saraqoaritla boo been exprettay pr.
p.ural in reference to fatale complaint.. Notam&
.f. ha roan to appose oho is approaching that
--attire! period. " The cora of bf.. dead sexiest to
rake it, aeit t. a certain preventive the any of the
comma and horrible diseases to which retain ant
subject at this time of life. This period may ls
tried/kr snare! year. ay stew 111141kiii. Nor
L , It bra mashie fa that. who us approach*. ma.
rankcal, en it I. eitimdated to azint saw% by quick.
ruled the blood sad invigorating the trauma Indeed.
Via median. is - Tivelable Carr all the delicate dicta
S.; to which women ere =Neck
It bracer the whole rata.. mums permanently the
....ire mercies by rimiest. the buperities of the
Ludy, net a fa stimulating to to produce stat.ourani
reLanstott which is the ea anno.t atedicira. taken roc
I ,, Enal• wealineee and damns. By Wag • fee bottles or
ea. eradicate, easy severe and pat aturgical opera
dens May be prevented.
Brent Blessing to Bothers and Children.
It bth e Wert and moat effectual eine for perifY.
lac the rem and vetieriety the • map attendant
upon child-bi rt h ever dieroverrit aresurtiteas both
the mother and child, prevent, pai n and dia.., in
creases and earkbes the font those olio have used it
think it it Indiepecemble. 11 is highly mobil both before
old inner confosement as It portent. die...a anemianal
upon thiliftiirtb—in Cortirersem. Piles Comm. S well
itiv of the Feet Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting.
Pain in the Zack and Lei.. Fel. Puns. Llemberliare.
end in refunding the secretions nail equalizirciethe Or
ciliation it has no eqemi The great benav of this
v.-aliens ix it is sanity* W. and the mon delicate no
h most sucessefirtly. very fen require any other
trtalieina la seem • Role Cas tor Oil. or Have.. hi
useful gsereirts Is the epee @bond light food etch
cab nedielas. nal always syne s estenel any cos
rally fe nee. when .ppLled ace very soon il It
- Dili beueey. They ehete the pores of the thin and
checillidon which. when aware is oot thwart
ed by dithese or powder. or the thin inflamed by the
elkalien used in emir, besotifiet its owe production in
the human race Onion" as wen 7in the rodeo of
• rich and delkaudy tinted one renegued flowers. A
• free, active mil he relation of the Buidt, or the
rintrsine onto porn. rich blood to the intromities,
Oita which psinith the countenance hi the mow ciettl•
rite beauty. Ilia diet which impart. the indescribable
shade. and Bathes of loveliness that all admit, but
cone con describe. Tide beauty Is the offspring or asn
tirs —MA of roadie or soar. if there Is not • fret and
Letelthy circulation, there more beauty. If the Ludy is
fib u drbren mowLf abe paten, cu
she 0011:03.10.
I nod s h e blood Is thick, cold end impure, the Is not bean
tifot Wm be brown or yellow, and there is p.n. and
shin blood, tt &et • rich boom. the cheeks, and •
brilliancy to Ebel/in'''. di. , "
This in why the Newham, and seyenbily the epee
ladj, ore Co ma th ethanol:l Lading in the north
who e ke but Utile exercise, or ere coolosed Chats
reruns, or have !Toiled their complexion by the oppli.
ration of deleterious outworn, if they with to en.
vein elasticity of step, bocrytht spirits, sparkling eyes
wit liestrtirbl complexions. they should use Dr. Town.
..ed'. Sartain:AlL, Thousands who have tried It, are
.re than twinned, are de/bitted. Ladim of .very
• :•:sock. crowd .2.r office daily
:Notice to the Ludlam..
'Ma?. roar imitate Dr. Towttseach . El - anaparas, bar
e loch rehae. to the cemplainu of some.. we, Ufa, sore
—other men aim put ap maltase, henna dace the eras
• .11,TP/I• of Dr. Townsend'. Smeaperdla In amplatau
wrote= to remelts recommended than, although pre
.in they did tot • number of these Mixture. Pills.
It c, are Lajurloss m females, a. they aggravate ditease,
sod undermine the constitution Dr. Toennerd's is the
o ay and bet remetly (or the nuniereas female COl3l.
phien."—ittayoly, If ever fails af affectint:Lertnansat
mire. -/t can be taken by the most d e glinaq
in eny case. cis by thaw expecting to become teethe,
nigh the greaten admit: gee as it prepense the yam
vul eremite pare or dang e r. and amoeba= both
moth er and child. Be earefal ta get the genuine.'
'This certificate conelorively prove. the! tide Sena.
t trine loot perfect control over the soma °badmen dl.
of the Blood. Three persons mad in one boat.
Three Children.
urn. Ta>.lnttwtr-Deu 131, I bare the pkaanre to
I. form ye that three of my chianti; have been cored
..'the Scrofula by the used your excellent medicine.
Ley were afilirted eery severely with badSlaree ; have
b.kne only Gm boulm; it took them away, for which
I fiat expel: undergrent obligation.
You' ilisLT e r. 100 Wooster..
• Opinions of Pbyaktano.
Taermieud b alesat daily receiving orders from
Pile44.s in different parts of th. Union.
This is to comfy that see, tbe undersigned. Physician:La
the ch 7 of Albany. hare In numerous cana princri.b.
eil Dr. Tentunners fl.sepuilla, and helms It re be
war of mon valuable preparations In the mart.
11. P. PULING D.
Albany, iptil I, 1847. P. E. ELNENDORP, M. D
Owing b the great tumult. and Immense gale a De
owrstend'e Barapurille. a comber of moo wbo were
(-mmHg' our Agent; bare commenced making Ramps ,
rile Extract; Elmira Bitter; Extreme of Yellow Do ca
te. TINT generally pm ll up io tbe same shaped boo
CiPP, end comae them ban mole and copied our edger
tiwincote--they are only worthiest Imitation; and
onuuld be avowed.
Principal 011 lee. FULTON Street, Ban Badding.
N Y., Bedding & Ca., IS State meet, Bonen Dyott &
IZI North leo*cowl meet, Philadelphia; S. S.
I: men, Drurxist„ Baltimore ; P. N. Cohen, Charlene.:
Weirbi & Co., 151 Cluartreos Buret, N. 0.; LOS South
Pearl ettreet, Albany; and by all the principal Dreg.
and Merchanta generally throughout the United
t tem.. Wee, Indies and the Canada.
N. B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine. should
not be induced to take any other. Druggists put op
Sarsaparillas, and of canna prefer gelling their own.
Do not be deceived by nn i nquire for Dr. Town
eendis. and take no other. Remember the genu
ine “Townsend's Sursnparil a." sold by the sole agents.
R. FL SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent,
No. 57 Wood street. and D. N. CURRY, Allegheny
IntllF. Proprietor of this well known place of resort has
ths pleasure of Informing the public that his mud.
ent having been thoroughly refitted and repaired,
and the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated. .
now open for leeir accommodation, and he flatters him-
PEACE! PEACE I I sell that those who may favor him with their patron
-1157 511211.0,
age will find all that they desire, provided In the best
V/ .
RUT IN EVERY MOTHF.WS 11051 - Es r.AD style and on reasonable thrum He is determined to
HE undendoned has long been convinced of the
spare no expense in makin. his esteblishment worthy
of neelie ne ,„ meee He has rp,uxj,jop, for
1 necessity (or
medic"' adapted to the sae e r s r - fe - v - 'lce a"'
and all refresh-
Children and Infants to supereede the use of all those boarding - - fannies. Creams,
medicines which contain opium, and has at /curb sue nun. unable to the season, constant% on hand
' febitt LEVI 11 RCHPIELD.
needed in preparing and offering to the public a medi
cine fially answering every purpose for all discuses or tee nonangahilliriinue Tailoring Estab
bowela, without the use of that deletenom drug, or any 115tunent.
other calculated to timer° in the elut. The Infant Pan:TSAAC WILLIASIS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in
wA. an has been fully tested ano mod. the last twelve form the musem of Pittsburgh and others, that he
~,,,, by ... ere .. per s, and w ee , i e p eearne a ll ll now opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un
the emeer di ee , ~,,„ so d to produce all t h e k nso , der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful aosortment
Ulu. effects
set forth 0, the ball of threctione Di. of Cloths, Cush:mere., sauna, Silk., and other Vesting.,
1 .thecit, Vomiting. Cholin.Oripmg, Pains, 'Sickness and together with sorb other articles a. are ,equard for
Diseases arising from Teething, acting inimedianily gentlemen's wear. His goods have been carefudy se.
without disturbing any of the funations of the body,
producing the happiest and most pleasant transition meted, and are of the newest and room fashionable
style, . well . of IttPeriot quality. Nis minim. ,
from violent pain to a tranquil and joyous state of feel- may depend elmn having their clothes made up in a
Mg inthe little sufferer. monitor which cannot fail to gratify the taste the
To he had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr. most fastidious. W ally
JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and Apotbecag4iolus rilidCCO--10 kis Branch & Watkins , fro
Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other
dn gum
gdo do do extra pounds,
5 Allegheny and Pittsburgh. sdo do de 13. and Ills;
l ' a I
Dal TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA---50 damn In kegs No I. 0 terisb
just received ef Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, the DO do PO Cavendish;
most 'extraordinary medicine In the world! This Es-
5 de de Plagf
r net is put up in quarthoules. It Is six thus cheaper. ' gu Id do Segarsi
pleasanter, end warranted superior to any sold. I i 99 do half Spani6 do; for sale by
coos cliseue without vomiting, purging, sickening or - "'L e _
debilitating the the patient Q MOICE HOUSE-_laving taken the large and cam.
Leta OCT /OA teturnoart-Unprincipled panto. have_ 1.3 modious Smoke House and Dunn storehouse ad
.P473_0. labels, and put up medicine in the acme tabling oar Warehouse, on the Canal Buie, we are aft
ahaPod bottle. See thal cull horde bus ae written mg- pared to smoke and store bacon on reasonable term..
nature of S. P. Townsend .KIER & JONES,
IL E. SELLERS, Druggist, 87 Wend streets between i mars Canal basin, near 7th st.
Third and Feurth.' Ls Dr. Townsend% only orlieleula i - Hum:Thy olltr JOHN Qutf,m,, - Thic..Es e i rrere d
and mt. agent for Pittsburgh , of wham the genuine ; E m th
article c. be bad.
' .D. IIL Curry bus been appointed the sole agent for j i ' V"d ' aiinalibth'rn i lB43. " 3"Y Hth ' ellfac ' Bh"Welkijaa°rdg:.i. the
Published by JOHNSTON & *STOCKTON, and for
A lk tb e el ' de l' , o r ' e h°. the P aelag . e ntele e'en be ' gale key all the Booksellers in the City. iT 3
ti:NNET AND CAP 'GABON W y TIpARLEY MALT-600 bush new Mal for de by
invite. the intention of bayeni to • new turA s of I API octal BROWN & N
• *good. of MIRO IMO Celli 1117 WI. •
- -
WE. — ggiktrit/801519,
V TAXERS, mazer of Penn ars& St. Clair steer*,
mnsrmitetheEmehange Voter, ealranotion. Penn street,
rtspeethilly inform their friends tmd• the public, that
they are premed to furnish sad annul to everythass in
the Ittleof -Undertakers., Aivrays an hand a barge as.
aMtment of leady made Coffins, covered, lined and Em
tshed in the very herrmannerr all mete and area emnlY •
made Shrouds of Celina, Cambnehard mamba, bed rut
alma made m approved styles. We keep a large as
,orimbot of erbi.e and black, notion, silk and kid Gloves,
sabre for pall beaten and mourners, tame, taps, 001-
tars, and every thing nesuanry for dressing rho dead,
and on reaaonable teems, as we purchase all oar goods
le the h:ostern mum. Aim, =leer plates far ingmalng
the name andeae. We have asp/maid new beans gad
horses, and any pozabar of the but earriagca. Every
thing attended to prow_ 11_3, and panettially. oeAly
zurm.becktam, [ma ar Plttabutgl4) P.
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood stratPiltiburg h.
gi?WILL eminently keep on hand n'esod assort
ment of WarN of MIT own manttfeetnre, and
auperommtaltry. Wholesale and boonerY Mer
chants are respecttallt Invited to call and ez.
amine for themselves, as ore are determined to dell
cheaper than has ever before been ettered to the pal
117. Orders sun by mall, accompanied by the cash or
cup reference. will be promptly attended tn. feb•Ls
Y. Al 01.1,111 T. --- .1{ . • P. Latt.ti.
os "21 1 ;2 VI E T, Wirt:Van' nod
drig keep
In all its varieties, al their 'Warehouse cor
ner of Market and Water/ arms, Pittsburgh.
Oar NVorks utrainue in fall operation. ami we are
corona. ly adding to our stock, which enables us to MI
orders with prompanees. Purchaser* are respeeifillly
solicited call and examine prices and teems.
FROM the very Liberal encourage
. • es/.;,, meta the subscribes has received since
—• he has located himself In Allegheny,
has induced him to take a least, for •
term of 'years; on the property he now
ocemnes, in . Beaver meet, tuunediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. From the !egg experience ea the
above batmen and a desire taplease, he hopes to me,
It and receive a sham of public patronage.
Now on band and fittish3og to order, Rockaway Bog.
tea, open and top Buggies, and every description of
.Mtmages made to order, from aeventy-five dollars to
sighthunann. (sep3oltfl JOON sown;
• . - • __-
.18.1 HEALD, DUCKNOR it Co, 41 north water it, and
16 N. wharves, Phll'a, sires for sale on accommodating
ten:l%6Boo pkgs Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of
pounds, hall. pounds, 54, 9's, 12s, UN 15's and Ml's,
lumps; I's, (Ps and. B's plug, and 13' 1 Lildies' Twist, in
whole and half bakes, of the following approved brand.,
James II Grant, Osborn it Bragg,'
Grant & Williams, A Cabaruss,
S louse A Son, M'Donald,
Welnwr Old, .1 Thomson.
James Thom., Jr. A 11 Artnisterid,
.1 Thomas A Sun, Landhorn & Armistead,
I I' Coates, J Id Cobbs,
Gentry it Royster, J A Clay,
H A Butler, C A Hall,
Green Hall, Wm Dawson,
Pearl & Norwood, J 9 Blackwood,
Nadi Page, Keystone,
W II Va u g h an, Edmund Henry,
Portia. Robinson, Russell & Itobinsond
Kelm, Robinson &Co Seth Halsey,
R Metcalf, John Fader,
Lowrence Loftier, J Robinson,
Gray & Gray, 1) B Turner,
II Jamieson, York White,
1) PI Branch. —Al.9O—
Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers;
Yarn do iio do
Cienfuegos do do do
Si Jag° do Cuba do do do
St Domingo do do do
lqaa in 14 Garden do, part fine. do
Ploysville do do do
K.:blocky va ri ous g,radmi do do
VI/Kll.lla. Leaf. suitable for manufacturing and export;
Spsialsii Seed Leaf; Penn's, Connecticat and Ohio.
V apaia Scraps, sweet, German Piper, Pipe heads,
Scotch Snuff (loose mail bladders,) Marconi,. Med;
Tonqua Won, Havana hews; Otto Rose; Bergamot;
Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives, Spook,
An. &e. PHILADELPHIA, myls
T" -
0..0—.0. 0. tLe most &platoon! Eastern put as
•nd most fashionable lusters pataros and rotors. Alen
or mule to order of &name& and at all pnces.
Country Alotalsanu and others are invited to tab, and
eatontoe the above for themselves, as all o ill be sold
wholesale er retail, and a liberal desleehon matte to
wholesale Database..
aridly A D'RSTE RV ELT
3YRUS W. FIELD °Sera 'or tale R 1 the lesr-st
Mull/feelofts's' places. s wen eztens•ve. wsseri
ret, of PAPER. comorwine every ,zossi'tir hAdiety
0404ned la the wants of /menu:acts ,•IZ ...tooter the
waontry. Psi., of all /Ales n , to W . ,' al shot
zzot ea.
lac cock of PRINTING PAPER is tout-co-2y I &zit
• pm rl or which ic of very cope rot quality
of every duet-Lytton, imported and kept ennatantt. or
hank., var Penang*, %Vara Pont, Futtriz..tuar Powder, Bine entail:tar:no, ?Ode, nc . Zee
Canvass. Bale Rope, Gram, Rope,, e.. e..,
purchased, far which the tugheut pare Cash h r
paid MDT New York. ht.
- .
H urtieie
o ' f .. r d lT;sfr r t iFdt . t7, 11:1:7t r'''
Improved maratne, far whteh he ha, obtained a patent.
and acmes to give purchasers a written guarantee that
they are stronger. and will must frost sad wet weath
er and tmlnhe less MIIIPIELTII or dampness than any oth
er click. 110,,,Ailig greater body and superior terms"
and ram. =OR durable an every respect, each brick
being subjected to a pressure of to coral can,, and pas
sessnlg a handsome &m.otb surface and even edges,
thee make • (root equal the best front brick.
'ftry have given the greatest .Ustacuon to all who
nave pstrehawd. A kiln can be seen at my works, and
specimen at the Gazette office.
'area lavag applied themalece for their bondage,
net amain; bandana front bark, or superior bard
al alai paving brag, eta Dana rhea
flirmingbrouti. June 12. 1b49
4 TAKE - 3th. method to inform hla friends
and the public at lure that hi. Factory is
now In full operation. on the west side of
the Dtamond, Allegheny, where a roa.
: stem supply of Blinds, of •anous colon
and quid:ties are cortnantly kept on hand,
also, at No 3 Wood st. Pittsburgh at .1
H Phillthearl cloth orareroorn
Venn :tan Shutters made to order in the heat style .
Winds riposted as the shortest pouch.
N 13 —Hu Blinds will be put op without any adde
banal expense no that they can be removed in • ma
owns to case of fire or for wathung, and wi th out the aid
of a screw driver .
I:LELA yr PERFL - fill-RY Ac—llauel'a Eau Divine
zLz de Ve for rendering the thin soft and Le anti fu,
l..uelieel retrd Ny meth Soap .
Hanel Indian Vegetable Hair Oil, for gradually
darkening the lour, and promoung ita growth
Liquid Hair e lot changing red or gray
hat, to a beautlful brown, black or chestnut color
Hauer. Eau. Lustral Hair Restorative, for producing
a luxuriant growth of hair .
Ranee'. Curlier!. Fluid .
Hanel's Depilatory Powder, for removing superfhe
ou holy .
Muer. Ftrwe Tooth Poste
tuel`s Choicer or Persian Toilet Powder
Hanel'. I unveiled Shaving Cream
finned • elegant Extracts of •asious fragrant flowers,
for the handkerchief. together with a largo assortment
of bar Eoffmnot7 , lust reed and for sale by
sen 3 rot Ist A mood 0/%OOOT & woOd sts
East stde orate Inamond, where Wavle
Blinds of all the du:Threw sire• and refer
aro kept on hand or made to order afte
the latest and mop approved Eastern fuh
=Let the shortest nonce and on the coos
reasonable terms.
Al., tite cheap DOM. roll or split Blind Tronspa
y and Paper Canaan. of ell the different sues and
pailitrus, on ham., and for sale low rereads Old Vaul
t.° Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken In pan
phi term for new. B hl WEL4TERVELT, Pro`pr.
N. B —All work done with the best material and
morkeiansktp, and warranted to please the most fan
tidlties anglOolly
Allegheny etty, Aug. 10,184 d.
'ilocietted themselves together under the style and tithe
Scholer, Ryan & Co, for the manufacture of Wood
Type, and as their type is altogether merle by Mach,
5,1 9, the invention of Isaac SI. Singer, one of the firm,
they feel confident that they offer it more perfect crude
of type, and at much lower rates then any heretofore
offered in the Untied States, and aro now ready to fill
orders (or the same.
All orders addressed to Schafer, Ryan & Co, at
their office in Diamond alley, between Wood and
Bthithfield streets, will be puncmaSY attended to.
jp - Proprietor. of newspnpers, on copying this ad
vertisement 3 months, and sending us thou paper, will
be untitled to receive their pay In type, on purohastrig
three times the amqpnt of their bill (or adverusiog.
Eligfai I.B4B....EA
W. T.../Mannza,Pinsburgh;
Emm, Pew A. Co, Beaver }Prolix's.
' Cleveland
Turatn e Line 4. C '
is ow to tr ansport freight
a n d passepgen from Pittsburgh an Cleveland, or
any point on the Canals nod Likes.
One bout.leavesPittabargE and Cleveland daityonn
ning in COMlGOlillil with the steamboats Lake Ykle and
Michigan, between Pittsburgh and /leaver, and a line
of first claw steamboats, propellors, help and selMon
op on lobes Erie, Huron and Michigan.
Property forwarded to any part of the u n io n with
dispatch, by . WM. T. MATHER. or
col Water and Smithfield Cr., Pittsburgh.
AGL - NTS.:—RiTed. Parks 8_ Co. Beaver;
R G pow A CO, Y0A11a1110,441,
E W Cotipp& Co, Warren;
D Bostwick & Co, Drcadport;
A & N Clark, Newton Falls;
Florins, Newport;
od & 11M. Whintesey, Carapbellsporn
M`Britle. Ravenna; •
fit •SaC H Kent, Franklin;
Miller & Tattle, Cul ahoga
Wheeler &Co, Altion
• Barney, Gibbs A Co, Sandusky;
Watkins &Eagle, Tolvdo
Williams Co, Detroit. Mich;
M'Clusi A Wilhelm, Mihniunue, Wis;
J Winslow, Chicago, 111. apl4
1848. ft. 4461
Val Ils.axspottratron or acacxaanrs
littE Proprimors of the. old established and first
Portable Budd Line, hoeing removed their de
pot in Philadelphia. to a noel larger Warehouse
on Market it. thou they formerly occupied, and also in
ereased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to oder much prate, facilities to their friend.
and patrods.
.g u mgd this line arl not transhipped be
tween Pnwlntrghnod PlitlidleipMu being carried en
tirely to Portable Section Boats. To \ hippers (dupla
and other goods requiring careful bundling, doo is of
importance. No charge made for receiving or stopping
good., or advpireing charges. All goods forwarded
protin mptly, and upon OA reallolllMC tcrind as by any oth-
er e.
RAHN 111aPADE.1 , 4 & Co.,
card Ilene J'enn et. PirreLure
Alorket & 54 Commerce at., Phila.
JOHN ?!cPAOEN & Co., Forortusbng and Comm.
lion Merchants, Cann] Dosini Porn st., Pittsburgh.
M. DAVIS dc Co, Flour Factors and Comm.
Mon Merchants, MD Market, and r 4 Commeree •L t
Philadelphia. feb24
trrAdvance• mode by either of the above on Flour.
%00l and other descriptions of Merchandise consigned
to Mem. feb2l
NO' IC The miiscriberit haveist-totted arnica
terest In the Penit'a and Ohio Laic to OLA EKE fr.
THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of Wu
They kmll continue to transact business for the line,
at than Warclinure on Broad street. anusual, nod bo.
ealt for it a Coll{loll.oo OMr peacetime of then
JAMES erKt.d.& Co.
Philade/pniti, March Oh.
DastA'gt. and Ohio Trans ortatlon Co.
. =Mt . •
Dorale Doily Lane of
coots arrnts.r. nnvntranst
CLARKE &THAW. Canal Haws. Pittaborgh.
LEWIS A RUTLEFL 71J Market nt., PlSlnt.tetphiat.
JAS. STFDIL A CH. An., Broad ntftel.
COWDF2.I. CLARKE A Co.. ib North at- Bak
W. PORRICK, Agt., 17 Weil wets, Now York.
vIIE subscribers have nns nay nsseseinted themselves
I together under tbe style of IC er fr. /cones, for the
purpose of ennuntung the i'USIIICIN formerly earned no
y ttnntoelM. Kier, and when a continonnee of the bb
neat patronage heretofore euten.led to the booze
Pittsburgh, Much 1, IA:,
compost:l) ENIIIWI.I - 01 , cLAsS
W E are prepared rece.vo anwara frelgta
above mad
place. will wi mare
deapatel, and at as low talk, as any otnet tewpoi..l,le
The attention of shippers siiiiihinc to send Fink or Ba
con to Baltimore m bud, a particularly Trimmed. In
asmuch as •ur arrmiccruenni enable us to such
articles through on [vat,. order than any other COTT)
JONES, Prop':rit
Canal Basin, near 7th
Pmsbnrih, March 1, 1: , -47
ease, X 1 JON..
IT lEft k JONFS—Comsruss:on and forererdrus .11er
chants.. and Wholesale 'Dealers in Iron. Illourns•
Salt, Produce, tr.c
Liberal cash advances on COLISIVITOCIIII merit!
Rnn CILM, L c la - Vta r
; 1 • , C=l4:
at 1.10 liancur•,
To Phllorie
VIA r • N. 0.111 •SO rulLto.os
EiF,NRY GRAFF a Co. ea... 1 Ilan.. Pirthburzrh_
TIVTII.II. HUMPHREYS , ' tr. C.O. No. 111 Mnrket rt. Flu'
C LL KOON,c orns North R Saruthga ens pall
Jolt, F 11, Old cpl, , New aco
VOTICE—Thr style. el not firma will La known from
11 and alter du. dinnal Graff
& Co., add:la Pin:adnipnla. aa Ulna. Iliarnphawia Co
Dalai 12ND la 1A711./1,
CHAS Phradniphlw
ILIkE.i. ratanavea
IS-18. Sala_
Far dui 7V .o. f F.,44111 to ~th f,0..
YvitK. luxiTON, dr.c.
Itontanne A C. Philadelphia.
TA,,,set A o .o o,ava.
Utt Puttabatr
rfitS old estabhahad e I.anne Ito,. in 14a: opera
oon. the proprtmora have made extenstae argent
..not t o forward goad. ant: produas with deepate h . and
on the most favortabis mrms. They eottfideotly homy
tbp well known peon:min.,. in deltYering goards-7e.
coda aafety in mode of corn tug —expaennte warettat
se• at each port, otrordtrte accucamtataaioaa In atuppers
and owners of produce—together watt tlted long mop e.
rtence and Laureano.% anent.. to bustneas...adiaeeure
to them a Collti/1144111• a( that liberal patronage they
hereby gramtinly acknowledge.
All eonamtattenta by sodfor Mt, :1110 re,aireat. char.
Re a paid. and forwarded in an, fey tatted thermions fret
of for commission, advancmg sir aluaaae.
Nostereodtrectly or nu/meetly, 111 ateamblats
All eorrommtcatiotw promptly attended to on vatic.
don to the following agents.
T ISO A R A D fI ID k: G A
e M m a mrkie t IL PlaPdaahloprhA
CPCONNOiI.9 at Co. North st, Italttmore,
WM. O. WIII..SON. e 4 Cedar st, New York. aps
f IEaEM 1848.
e well, e kLa7Llxte, hozpzzdn swarrigftal.:l
Beaver, and freight and pruserwer Cana! Bows be
tween Beaver and Brie, and C M Reed. hue of first
class steamboats, propellers and vessels so the _Laker.
Is prepared to earn freight and pawengere to all post.
on the Ens Canal, and Lahes Erie, Moron and hliehr
Harm/ every facility (or conveying freight and pas
, Wolfer* with promptness and dispatch. the proprietor
Ind agents respectfully solicit from their friends • con
tinuance of their patronage.
C 11111 REEL, Propnetor.
BLED, PARKS oh Co, Beaver, Agents.
apl4 nor Water and Smolifield no Pittsburgh_
!It/a 1848.
To and from the tauten cities via Cumberland.
ri , llE proprietor, of this popular line, havesisce their
Ire-organiustoon largely Increased their Neill°. to
morn the lamb. of shippers, and are now . prepared to
forward a greater amours by the FIVE DAY LINE,
as also by additional regular wagons at low r•tes.
hue will run throughout the year, delivering
goods throoeh the agent&o Raluinore and Pittsburgh
to owners and mnognee• at specified rates tad time.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be
marked - Care, 1 R Robinson, Baltimore."
The only avow arc,.
WS Charles at, Bald:mare.
EDGERTON k Co, Cumberland.
W CARS, Braavaaaillat
C RUMP:EI. Pittsbarith.
_ .
E - - -
The Proprietors of this popular Lau hare changed the
Aguieyat Cumberland from the house of filettair h Ma
rone to that of Edgerton et Co
Piltsbeughand western merchants are notified that J Bay
hflobineon. No leg Sou th Balhalore is the only
authortud agent of this Co.. B. Eastern elneg
The tes agents.,.
J C BIM% ELL, rittebur T h,,
Li IV CA'qi 8r0wn.,16,
F.DLIAIITO, I I ¢ Co Cumb ' erl.d,
dec23tfJ B ROBINSON, Baltimore.
11V —kliTirasesportestlon Company.
1848 cur m i .Y.l . ll".ktiGi`.l':.. 184 S,
AREprepared to transport goods and produce to and
from the lettere cities on favorable terms. Ad.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH is Co. Canal Basta, Putsburgh.
HARMS & LEEE/I, Nos. 13 k 11 South Third et, Phil.
LTA Ra. SON. Ages No 14, N'th Howard st,
A. Agt, No 7 West enact, New York.
tebargh, March 111th. IP4S. mar2o
Merchant& Transportation
1 0 '10. Mittli
VII CIfIL A. till. LOAD!
. .
GOODS to our earl will toe forwarded
without delay at the local CUlTetil rates.
Canal Been, Penn et, Pittahurgh.
Mend 365 Market at, Phi Pa.
Je27 Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
!UPPERS and atioera are informed that this Line
0 will continue to ran throughout the year, leaving
dad y. Produce and merehandite token at low rates.
Merenandme from Baltimore brought out .at Canal
rate. Time, five Ore. I C BIDWELL, Agt,
Water rt. door, above Mong'o. Boum, intteb. g h,
I nyt7 09 South Chart. on„ ilaktimore.
: - irr Tlme, day.. .41
Meraltudise transporteat at C.lll rsuec •
ida 17 Lieht 44m..;
aftable and &Straw:4lv* Noiw Book.
L BIIIARTINES History of the Gime 'whom, 8 .81s, 18
Strohm , Life of Chevalier Rayard; 12 Enc.}
ct. P. R. James , Life of Henry the F=rWJ . of France,
2 vol.-12mo.
Smith'. Control. Cities of China; 1200.
Nrander's [Ate of Jesus Chrom 9 Co. muslin;
11faMers Fresh Olenningr or a new Sheaf from the
oLI field/. of Continental Erfrope. •-•
rapt. Henry's Sketehe• of the Slexictm War: limo.
illeig's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 too.
A Summer to Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 19 rat,.
Souumuti'• Later:mi re of the South of Europe; 2 vois
Rukton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
31outains; 12mo, muslin.
Roeaturnous IVorks of Rev. Tboa. Charmers, D. D.,
.The Praeucal Astronomer by The. Dick, L. L. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap , b. D., Histories of New klampshlte. 4.
(.whet and the Relbraintion, by John Soon, Id. A,
vols. • •
The ISLiddle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire;
by S W. Williams, 2 vig!g, 11 mo.
The Power ofebe Pulps, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
The Reale! Flag, by Gardiner Spring. D. D.; t 2 nio.
Teaching a Science, the Teacher as Deg.
H. B. HalL
The Czar, his Coon and Peopl by John S. Maxwell.
Lecture. on Shakspeare. by HN. Hudson.
Tire Anne of Arnecira-Illustrated with nine engra
vings on steel, and contarning sketches of the lives of
Allston, Inman, Weal Stuart. Tnambull, the Vet us
Reinlimuth Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol, I no.
The Orators of France; containing sketches of the
lives of Lamartine, TWers, Napoleon, Damon, Mira
bean. Guam and artier., wtth portraits of each.
Headley'. Nalrolerin and Marshalg R vole. 12 ma.
I leadley's IVaslitrigton and his Generals; 9 vials, 1.2 m
I learlicy's Sacresltilountains.
The above, torrether with a large collection of Stand
ard Works. Classical and 'School Books, for sale by
JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, Booksellers,
jes corner market and ad sts
VI lee! warlth 4 vole.
Chalmers' Do ily Scripture Reading;
;Memoir of the Life or Mrs. Frk, Sod vol;
The Convent,by th e author of •Schethlgirl in Francs.'
Lady Mary, or Nor orate World, by Rev C H Toy
lor, M. A.
Margaret. or the Pearl. do
Mork clan., or :he Merchant's Clerk, do
Life of Polluk, •othor of "Course of Tune"
The Linens., by Caroline Fry;
Lectaree m, Shak spear'', by H N Hudson;
Rife of Oliver Cromwell, by I T He
Napoleon and hie klathhals do
Washington and Ins lienerals, do
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, I) r,
Bethel Flair, do do
Religion Teaching by Lgample;
Pulpy Orators of France, by Tomball;
Genius of Seothmd, do
Life of Howland 11111; Free Church Polpst, 3 ref.
Orators of f Now and Then; Bothone's Poems:
Morgaret Mercer,
Jacobus on :Hanlon', adoplad to Union Questions;
Arthur'. Popular Talue- - Riohes in the World,"
"Ma mg Haste to be Rich" gs "Riches have Win,"
"Keeping up Appeurances." "Debtor and Creditor."
For sale by ELLIOTT sr. ENGLISH,
1,15 wood and SO market et
. _
diohan Attachment, by
Nos.& Clark. NY. One of Nunna Cr Clark's PIMICW,
with the Attarinnent, was taken to England by Ml
Coleman, and Innong muny other testlmounOs of ad
miration for this elcgnnt specimen of American rkm
and inummoy, eli,•nrl the following remazka from
S. Thalberg, gr.•meat Pianist
. Hi, IRS.
Lohnots, /an
My Mar Sir—ln encloring a letter to my friend, Mr
Erand, Pan.. I rannoi refrain from agam expreAsing
to you how Crlll,h Wog pleased with your '"JEAilian
Attachmen," which I consider as a great =stealm
otormen, I ran usbure you that on my part I shall
with great pleasure do my utmost to make your morn-
Iron known. For snfe by H ELMER,
otrt At Wood well's furniture rooms, 3d to
N't ENV BOOKS.—Loitenntra In ErtroTrai
11 of Traver In France., Belgium, Bwritterland. Italy.
Austria, Prussia, flat Britain and Ireland, with an
append.., containing observation... European char,
ties rin.l meths.. tnxtoutions. By John W Canon,lll D
Alai..., a novel. fry the author of "Baratta ‘Vynd
hatn, "Two edit Ben. Tales," rte.
:WV-Control, a morel. By 3lary Brunton. author of
Vol. 111. Daily Seriptoral Reading.. fly the late
horn. Cbalmers, 11 11., L L. D.
. • .
Port 4. The Thougand•nd One Nights. Ilarixre'
lu.tratrd edloon.
tke Vottoger, took (r children. Hy the
author of Herbert," dn.
Ile above works received this day and (or sale by
KW HOOKS—Memorials of the Introduction of
Method.. !btu the Eastern States, coroproung
rethlcal native. tts early preachers, sketches of
It. ftlr i churehe. and remniscences of us early strap.
p tibab ed esd suelsesseg by Rev. A tilevero, A. M. Just
Memoir of Rev Damd Abel, D. D. late Mimanent
to Ctn.. by 4. nephew. Roy G It Williamson.
Alert Althon. the Alerehant's Clerk. by Res Chyle,
B Tyler. AI A., author ot t•Reametts of • Good Men's
L<;' - Lady Man' ' - Margate-t, or Me Pearl," ke.kc
Th• abatewith • large amortmeut of .or books, on
heed and mu ream ring. F.J.A.Jorr a. ENGLISH,
SG market st
--- - -
BOOKS--limory of the Greek Rev.
0.0 1 / 1 34, and of the wave and empeiians among
Ira,. inn ~,,7,•.0f the Greek Patrons io rarmneips.
It Mrs r twohlr) troth the Turku! Yoke-ln two ace
toreo—my.maM.d cop. wr.h homeroom maps and engra, A- •.2, tt.- trot, of Wiliam from
IS' 6 tat 1:14, hoe itt,cra.:•, tt: sole.
t'outLte,..ttn io thr atudy of he ttoly tt.eno t ttfee
Moovro7,, romsr.ce, 'nth SO VW'S-
Ila.y French Stage, gad Sletebeg
J rea'g gad Int rote by
‘7EW NoVEI.S—h Whnn, and us consequences
P l Jan - m..6aq.
`fancy Pon, a novel without • Hem by Wilhelm
31sk erre,. 'Fb•elvery, elrnh Illustrations.
E ilward Vernon. My Coosa/es Story, by }: V Childs.
t.lry of the Peninsular War by General Charles
W.ntsnt Nlsrutkt• of Londonderry. G C 17. , Is
C If . the VI fleet J. Guards.
'fr. .!acre works lee.n.e4 tine day and for sale by
•4.2, JOIINSVTON & erocicru
UUPEEK CONC(SKDANCE—The thglishm n's
Greek Coneordance of the Neve Testament b tux
.to attempt si s ree,• conneroun 1 , C1.0e,, the et
an.l the Texts.--toetuding • the
Pr,per Nmes, end, ludeXes,Unakt-Enhah, and it.
.i..-(meet. Just meeker.' and (or Sale by
/011:CSTOrti k e. CKTON,
Booksellers, eor mutat and 3d Its
- - -
Ustalto Pram.• ptaaa
• A .BPLENDTD uuoDrixam of Rose
11119naroust Wit lilaboysa,d wood P
just dela/tied far sale.
Also, two Wei Easeituod Piano
aids Coleman's celebratd Jr.alian attactacterit, Mastic
lexsla the mast modern style, e and 6:ir sula
F. MX .4 tti 1.12 wood at
rump, PARK! .&. Cora. PACKET
1848, oak.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OPEAN, Capt. Waners.
C'VE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day,
(Sundays excepted) and arrive next monung at
31, army, where they connect with the Mail
Air. and Cleveland, enticing at each ofplace.
before tught. One of the Packets leave Warren daily,
at 3 r M, and arrive at Beaver In time to take the.
3111 TA & YLOR,
mauves To vansXlX PORT note.
Canal Park et—PMMITINOCIA, Capt. Jeffries;
•• • Tuamotu, Pollock;
" L.ra a Elm, Trabr,
" Parrot, . Brown;
The above new and splendill Passenger Packets hare
commented running lartween BEAVER AND ERIE.
and will my regularly donna the season—one boat
lent mg Ede every morning at 9 o'clock, and one leav
ing Beaver every evening, immediately after the arri
val of the steamboat Michigan from PM/burgh.
The boats are rime and comfortably ilerrushed, and
we,) run through In forty boon, Pamengere to any
point on the Lake., or to Niagara Falls, will find this
route the moat fotrtfortable and expeditlom. Tickets
thmagh to all ports on the Lake can be proemed by
applying to the 'proprietors.
BRED, PARKS& Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agtand Pluaborgh
cur. Water
ArlhlNlTSf—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Smithfield e
C AI Heed. fine, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pm
WParland and King, Big Bend, Pa,
Hays & Plumb, Sharpsbargh,
W C Malan, Sharon Pa
C Mathews, Pulaikl, Pm
R W Now Castle, Pa. )71
Poll . 111 1 1 16117061.21031 OF WAY REMIT
F7FWEEN Pittsburgh, Blairsville. Johnstown,
ihluyaburgh. Water street, (Huntingdon Coi and Pe
This Line was formed exclueively for the lonia' ac
cornneschttion of die way business. The Propnetors
thankfial for the very liberal patronage they have re
corned during the last two years, woe M respectfully in
form their (moth and the public thIII they ere now g,jl
betterprepared to deliver goods et any point on th.
Canal and Rail Roads, with promputen and dispatch.
Pickernrth & Roods, Johnstown.
John Miller. itollidaysburgh.
C A M'Anulty & Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
Mannalcsa—Pittsburgh—Smith tr. Sinelnn; J & J
Slclinvitna & 1 R Sboanbe nrer; R Robinson & Co; R
Moore; Baguio) . & Smith; John Pinker; Wm Khmer &
Co; Dr P Shimithorger. jest)
Penneyloanla Canal its 1t 11 Road riz.x
press.Fost. Packet lane )
„5 22Z1 1848. MA&
(Exclusively for Ranongers.)
TUE:public are respectfully informed that this Line
wilt commence running on the ibbil lust, and con
unue throughout the Season.
The boats are new, and of a superior clue, with en
larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
car, aro the latest constructme
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are le
quested to call and examine them before engaging mu
m". elsewhere.
(tare only nine dollar. through.) One °idle boars of
this Llee will leave the loading loppoeite U.H. Hotel,
earner of Penn street aod Canal, every night at sine
Time al days. For information, • apply at the
Office, Moooogahela Home, or to D LEECH kCo
lei Canal Basin.
Passenger and Rainittanotr e ..
1112kIIAP:RDEN ft co. continue to per sons
from any part of Englund, Ir land. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most Oberst with Men
amid punctuality and intention to the wants and cont•
fon of - en:migrants We do not allow cruirmuse neer. in
be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea.
port., u we lobe charge of them the moment theyre.
port themselves, and see to their well being, and de
spatch diem Witholll any detention by the first ships.—
We say this fearlessly, as wo defy one of our puma
gem to Ahowwatt, th they.mred.doetfaiot.4B by wore c u . s it,
niantroLil they could be soot in some old oral, at
eh p rote, which too frequent/y proved their calms
We Intend to perform nor contracts honorably, eon
i t may, and ROI act WI mu the CUM lain 5..;
with ether offleers,—who either performed not all, or
when It suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sem tram £1
Li payable at any of the ration Banks in Lee•
land, tr./land, Beothmd and Wales.
European anciGtoserd/Agent,
fob' PI% stria, ono door bedew Wood,
117 - For
sl.. alw. cont.
corner of !lark
GINSENG PANACEA! rims.w, anion, :learn co, ea.
D a
EDWARD ,ACKFA, takes this means of r 5.-.
rpo THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED taming thanks to hitt friends and, the pubbe
I.UNGS.—The nupreretlontod •uceess tetuch he. for o.o..nage he nu received, mid of M
u...led the use of the
, forming Mona that kiiekas lately erected & large and
GINSF-Nit: I'ANACLA Il conatructed bit•lditig, for the agcluidve parpose.
a.: the fan.* (craw winch It/of the lungs... of fats WATER E.'ITALILISMI.EPM, in his old
surnes. has induced the mulct.
ctin to call au.- location,. Etillipidr argh, Pa:, on the Ohio over, oppo•
non to dus
site the etbient , oll.ll4.l Kiley bi lielreer,brbere bets ready
WONDERFtL PREPARATION. to receive patients Mb warden, end treat them on Hy.
The changable weather istucis marks our fall and drop at l ue p en , mplea J. additio tt told. long expert.
wittier moults. is always a fr uitful scarce of enee, and the g tent Mere. which has heretofore ati
COLIkt 'AND 041:4401, tended his tree Unent (patients combltted t. his care,
These, If neglected, are hut the precersors of that fall' be 112. now the additional facilities agonied by an ex.
destroyer, . teraire builc tor erected asp:molt forAho pupas; coo ,
thllUng cmamod ions and airy romittid fitted tip with
- orcry bobeesit r mammas (or 6 , 'and ddrainio
tenon the tream eat .tta the utmost bebe t and comfort
hf the patient. Ptillipnbargh lee mostdelightfal and
ealthy; village,. iasy of liners. by steamboats, end-af
fords rile and a Jerom e water. Dr. Acker assures
those am -tad p. nemaskto may place thenwelves un
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their
tfort; mid as a Is assoisate tithe milistandal benefits
he derived, be pedant with confidence ee the hun
dreds who have b eon permanently ebted an hts
lishment. The ti 'vier Came lemma asi iniafrous erects
behind, as is lab eden %ha ease Willi: them! whet have
been treated on ho old wine= It teamsei the dia.
ea.e, invigorates t Mvow-, plefretrtrotathedangen
Incident to change k d the atiefultee, beams • DOWela
Anil active appetite and imparts ingot. to the digestive
pOOITR. Terms of lbeebtri . ltell andboarding reasonable.
Per (anklet persica la re Inquire alike establishment, or
address the proprim to, at Phillipshurgh.
The question, then. bow shah we nip theplearoyona
the beer how.grail we got ale.. ol_ohz_gotight.egd
te of vital importance to the public.
will be found to the Commis Panacea. In proof of Si.
we have from time to bow published the certificat es of
dozens of our twat known citizens, who have expert
rimed Its curative powers. These, with • eta.. or tee
Swoop from all parts of the country,—Trom
Mintster. of the Gospel, km, together with coin..
MC. from Mr
ere base embodied in pamphlet form• and may be had
gratis of any of our agents throughout the country.
hare been used In this elty
throughout the Unaul Stales and Canada, and we cha
lenge any men to point out a
s watch when taken acconlau to threenons. and be- •• DR. iAl'itTs AvreeAllvE.
(Ire the lungs had become fatally & ; n , have been in ( arm ill by Rose of learea l t
seer felled to ; formed on her by Dies Jainet's Altsiesth.twer w
EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. , proven its superion Iy over every other remedy of the
Way then need the atbeted hesitate si by eeaon to hind She has bean . aftliebtalfor the but Silltea years
Inc nass.ndite ...Ot t o., gotte n up by b it with NECROSES o r WHITE SWELIANtIit, attended
ge t.. k g th e a ssu m e d name of .erne e . " m i e n wi , h ulcerate.. ci cnfol/aalon of wationsbones, and dam
swum, d puffed Mtn notoriety by centieue. r . ring which nine in ' 17 .i neen bun been dlieln "g "
Sons equally unknown! Whilst • medicine tat , the min.! bone or• elcuitrangrom both bet arms,
PARALLELED EFFICACY wrists and Winds, r and from both logs, and from the Left
en and front knee, biesideS painful
ho ts tors, be
had ;
w of t'"' who y m ou i c t h h e u " " fed oral bone,
ulcers on other pal to of her pergola, wheel have baffled
SNATCHED PROM THE GRAY& the still or • mind me of the molt etninetarphysteions or
In order that in,. in•aluehle medicine may he placed n or —"nut!pestof the tim e h er aol f er i trgshave
within the reach of the poor ea well the nen, we have been nnPingnalia• • -klntgL,thrak =Min
put the prtec at I since. she wt. tr dined to.u7Dr.Jayerill AlteTatere
ONLY FIFTY CENTS, butch hits had an antionishingly bflppy effect 14100 her,
Mai one half the usual emit of cough modicums. it u , byy remoemg all lam an. swellings, an emotion the
for sale by our agents al nearly every town and village , unen ' , " then "' bee g innernibenbb
over the west, who are prebend to eve full informs, bat become comp leta'y restored,wrthat Memos" weight
don relative to it. T. sAmega, Props tor t e3 Inv more than atte a id benare she commenced the ewe
poly ilepauon.—friat Eve, Post.
all n, inquire of Kra. Rose, No. tat
AISEDLIOADI TEL/CCID.ApIi 00.111PANY. 1 , Filbert at, Philadelphia
satallsoath rtrrsouaolt salt orateebteo. For sale in Phlitittrgb the PERIN TEA STORE,
WESTERN LINE 73 Fourth et. near Wood 03
Dale. at the Exchange, Daillmore.
R EDUCED RAl — E.Y.—The chuges have been redo- ; 4 - ,2ICIIOFU LA AND SCROFULOUS' SWELL
eed on all Measages to or front Bidunsore, Pitts- 1 INUS. , —Scaoltda 'fa ill its Multiged forms
burgh or Wheettng, and • corresponding reduction , whether In that of King'S EVil, einialentenb rt the
made on all telegutpluc despatches forwardiu from Bat- .
Limon, West of Pittsburgh, Pa. lands or hones, voitze i , n otto
Rare.—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or ftheumatism, Limner, duati,i, otthe Etta or Spine,
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wheehnit, us ee.. or Of PriirOOOrtrY Coturnmptli on, iiiiittaffate. diem one
forthe first ten words, aud 3 cents for each addatonal and the same Caere, which it pot:WM:nu; -principle
morn or less inherent thff nytthel.tThefest
fljt- Nn charge is made for the address and soiree- I fore, unless this principle caw, bideitioteo' radi.
ir the' pridt,p • upon
Until the Completion of the South Western Line of el l eni ,„ en eon be eih ' UNl, kiln, I !'
worse the disease depeods„,s,i• a gore
Telegraph from Mernplas, Tenn . to New Oricatio, des- ;
patches con ee forwarded to Niemanis by this t h em, br m , moat 01 eece.eltyfollow , not ell tee tioder,What torm
marled for New Orleans jell the disease should mandeat i Watt Tit* Manama
A Challenge to see World. is the reason why JAYNE'S AXTERATITgia 60 001
TWENTY-FIVE DuLL AEn will be paid to *toy one 'r e s", mccnselul in
1 -
who will produce a spot.' Paint, Stet • of dry, that diseases. It destroy. the mum or principle Qom cannot be satramed with HOW. Improved Caen:m.4d Whte.t those diseases have tire-tranvia, by entenng
Onop. I at , . the the Peoltie el into the circulation, acid with the blood isoonveyed
this place, that this ante., by my own daprotemelet on to the nt thee, ng every particle of
a, now
sands unrivalled tit 1111 e country air extracting ihacage from the system. Porytaresi and sold at No.
grease, tar, pitch, ell, plum, or any other greasy sub- I e street,
tut nee, from all kinds et gentlemen's or ladies' cloth tog, Third
carpets, table cloths, merino shawls, ladies' brume., Sold at the Pekin Tea Stool., No. '34 Fotitth tame,
artlet injuring anything that pure water wilt not 1 Pitt burgh moh.TI
00 We. More dean one thousand persons in different
pans of the country have told me they would not be
without ill if a cost nor dollar per cake. In try mg this
Soap en more than Obb arueles of light auks, satins, al
pace., and cal.coes, I have only found three ratices of
,ilk. two of a1p..., and kiln of calico. on which it
changed the rotor; thereioni before putting it iin a light
dregs try a sample of the dreas brat. I state au a because
I eat determined not to recommend tinny stranger than
I know to be cried Y tr. N II lion.
Price, 11l els per asks. Soid, whoiexale aa ‘ i ntul
deal rff wood at
The . Allesheny Cemetery. -
„t T the annual meeting of the CorpOrWewa held on
.11. the 6th Inst., the foflowmg persons were moue
tnoualy re-elected Manageer. for the ensuiitg year
THOMAS M. HOWE, President
J. Fmalv, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer.
The annual statement presented the affairs of the
Company in a very prosperous condition. Their odic.
ut the city is No. 17 Water street. re It
VARLET T'S LltittAit r for mho.. wol
Familles.—This work consists of tyre ray volume.,
and contains five hundred flnferen t sitbreci., illustrated
with WO engravings. It Jean entirely origtnal senes.
recently tr .- Mien and completed by S 6 tioodneh, ao-
Mor of Peter Parley's 'Fates, and a designed to extra
int, in a popular form, Select Biographies, ancient and
modern, the wonders and rerlo4llle. of History, Na
ture, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical
dunes of life ,
The price per Vol. Is 75 cents, each coots/lung about
WO pages, 12mo; or 810 per at For wale by
octd it HOPKINS, Apollo litulatings.4th st
groan Evert
OUAN, ILSUN sc CU, Importers and Wholesale
1.4 Dealers iqq Ilartlware, cutlery and Saddlery, No
1W Wood .uef 4 above Fifth, have now in more a very
cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported
sins the decline of prices in Europe, andvoloch they
deurommed to sell correspondingly low. Alerchaors
who have been tit the hatot of going East, are partite
larly requested 10 call and look through our stock, as
we confidently behave they will sere their expellee.
art 4
EX PERIENCIID Judges, On a trial of one and a half
m ink. % since I p(0110.Ce this article M1.,-
Duetted for durability ni the construction of all lambi of
linae spa,73 cash lor loads 0(10 M, Fins,
auteed nine months use. Orders fora second quality
Bolivar Bricks argil bs ezoomed at $:B per M, If so de
sired, without 000000100. A stock of the first quality
is now for sale at the Warehouse, •Sloants 'Wharf; Ca
nal Basub by J SHAW 31,nci-ARES, ,
st Oka Keusinglon Lrou 'Works '
lit-NNiX FIRE BRICKS—The eubsenbere berme
been appointed sole Agent, by them leettlfarturbei
or sale of the beeebrated "Yticnix 'Bricks," are
now prepared to fill orders for any 9oaptjty , at &IL
cash, pee I,OUU. For the eattettlicttott of &ravers of
all kuuls, those bricks have been pronounced by com
petent Ridges as befog sopenor to all other fire bracts
now In use. C A M'ANULTY fa Co, Cabal Balm.
11l GenUesstens' Hoots, lust reed and for sale at the
Mans Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood •uset
ootZ6 J 11, pansies
se i " l
aI `,9e.:1;
Tax Proprietors have spent much time
m brown tha preparation of 15tasselatsts
to its present state of perfection; arultherelOsettstme
of fourteen years has furnished them the mart ample op- •
partunity to study, in their canons forms, the diserasee for whiellit
to recommended, and to adapt it exactly to their teller Intl cote Par
(lent, who wale scanty GOOD Medicine are Invited Login it • erleligall rothdP
themselves of its supenonty, and the invaluable property it pruntalaral,of
and canna disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QOA.ET, and in its
present unronved form may safely claim to be the scar and . cateisii:Medleitte of
the age. Its progress to the fame it has attained may bet:feed by a Wei lien of facts
and cures, that stand as lamintarks and beacons for the invalid, point:tag the way to
the haven of health.
The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, • gentleman of high standing fed
acquaintance to the Southern notes, and lately appointed Consul In „Nay.' Granada:
Messrs. A. B & D. Satire.:— No Yank Amain , ;1 845 .
Geeet.earte.—Having need, and withened the effects of ye. excellent Prelestell"
of Same: ulna on different persons In parts of the Southern Country, Viz,
trireme Louisiana, Texas, and Menco, I feel much pleasure in hating the high
opinion entertain.] of its great medicinal raltic la my own case it
hke a charm. removing speedily the enervated state of the Sync; end &keine& In
the moot agreeable manner, a tonic and idelgorallng intittenee. •
Your Sarsupanila is highly eproved and extensively Used by the tr,. Swett army
in Mexico, and my cousin, DEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the Visi fie* year,
been on the hobo of tiring tt, and recommends the same; lot and nayaeU *loved the
article at the same Mum, and o. la now considered an almost indispensablis regaled , '
to the army. In conclusion I would say, that the better Lti• imam the mom highly wilt be pined, arid 1 Ulla th at its health-restoring 'blues will make it generally
known throughout the length and breadth of mu widely-extended onate7.
Yours very respectfully, : S. O. TAYLOR,
D. Cannot to Now Granada
Sew/Sport, Cow, Jrve I, 1648.
Messrs. SANDE :—Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted:lnduces me to Inform you
of the remarkable cure effected hy your Surseparilla In the caae of My wife. She
was severely afflicted with the derohda on different parts of pia body the glands of
the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. Alter suffesing over a
year. and Muting no relief front the remedies used, the disease atnitidmidon• leg. and
below the knee suppurated. Her phyalciart advised It ahotdd beLtld s tixzerbiA war
done, but without any permanent benefit this ailauttion we he o and were
induced to use tisane I .. rmparillik The first bottle produced a ded and favor=.
ahte effect, relieving her more than any presenpUon had ever taken and before
me had used or bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her hlendt lhe found her
health quite restored. It is now over a year does the mire ants Meted, and her
health remains good , showing the disease wan thoroughly eradicated train the syMeni..
Our ad knowing to these teen, and Mink Bunts areanerilla p lamt
Weems to the age. Yours with mspect, JULIUS
Extract from a letter receoved from Hr. N. W. Harr* agentlemen Imo's° in
LOulsa county, Y.:_. , I have cured a repro boy of mine loath yourollarsaparilla.,
who mem attacked moth Scrofula, end of • scrofulocta 4mUy. Year
Fradowks Hall, Va., July 17, 1E148."
The following testimony from Rev. John Grin., late Rector of the Matruh of the
Cromfaion m thla city, commends Rant( to the allaW.loll. of the sdflumed. Numerous
cent/Wales of ewes of various diseases after:tad by this medicine erodlluuset da ll yd
%Messrs. Sae os o—A member of my family has taken valuable Bainparllla lot
• severe scrotUlous affection, Ac.'with the mad einscot re sordtlar ham It.
use It gores me very peat pleasure to record my testimony In behalf:of lba whine
and efficacy, hoping that others may be Induced to make a trial of it.
Yss York, May 11, ISIS. JOHN ORIOG.
Messrs. A. B. ft D. &lath : Nartria., N. Y., &X 4 1 .
Feelings of gratitude Induce me to make a ppablc acknowledgment
of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Barapuflla. I heft for several
years been afflicted with scnafulous swellings In :my bead, which atlimes would
rater and discharge at my throat, Wne. and ears, nod M others wcitthithreat out in
dtherent parts of my face and head. T hese cantinued until my throat; fie., and
head were Melon one complete sore, find fora long time I Was so heath that-it was
with the utmost difficulty that I could spelt] , r. above-a whisper. During OM lime I had
several attacks of difficulty
wy adother Macaw. I consulted different PhYsletufs, and
tried various remedies. but ceived uo benefit until cornmepeed uniptyruir Wu
mum. am too well the sore. are all healed, sad attributesthe restilt entirely
to the effects of your valuable mediane.
Sours, with respect and gratitude, PMEBE CAHOON.
fatly acquainted wlth the person above earned, I bellefie 61DM:dement
JAMES M. D. e arned,
Justice of the Peace.
A. 13. d D. SANDS, DllllllOlErB .471) 082:141#13,
100 F0LT0,22., c 0..) or WILLIAM, BIM YORK.
gol,l .00, by Drbiggl.ts generally throughon t the Vetted Btatem end Canada,.
Price $1 per Bottle our Bottles for BB
Pio&burgh. wholesale and tenni, by R. A. FAHTIMODCE, & CO., cosier tit Wood and Front
of Sixth and Wood sts. by L. WILCOX. Jr . cosweror Smitlibald- nod Foorda nu, and also
st and the Diamond; also. by EDWARD ERNDEIRICH, Cat Monotirala Rouse_ nol'Ain
LADIES Who Ike Common Prepared lAtalk, are
often ant aware how frlghttally tnpartela 1 Is to
the shin! how coarse, how rough, how aalleto,yelaw,
and unhealthy the aka appear...her WIIIS prepared
' Besides, It is injury:too, yonaming,a large anon
uty of load. We have prepared abeastufhl Ow-table
amens, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILY
WHITE'. It is perfectly innocent, heihspahilledar all
deletynon•qashues; and it Imparts to the akin anon.
ral, healthy, alabuter, cast, hying whits, althesame
WPC acting as • cosmety on the akin, making haft
and smooth.
Or. Jame. Atrersoa, Pnurica Chemist affhlama.
chofett.. my.: After analy2ll,l Jan.'s Spanish Lilly
White, I find it pomemes the Mott beautiful Ind nate.
ral, et the mime time lanocent.sthlte 1 elugy s a w. 1
certainly can conmientiously recommend its. row to all
whose tam require. besaufying.”
g Price 23 cent. a boi.
by W hi.JACIWON, at his Dom And Shoe
Store,E2 Liberty Butch head or. Wood, att the sign or
1 the Big Boot. 223
Ladies, ladlea,l'm aatrmisdled, -
When you know that yon aro promised
A natural, life-like, snowy white, •
That yea sill Intll use common chalk,
And look a deathly yellbw fright,
The theme dt laughter and
If you would use a box of JONWS Lilly-white, it
small give your .kin en alabaster yet blabarilll aahire,
and al the same limo ctnar and improve it, Sold at
JACKSON'S, ra Liberty et. Pore :buena par hog.
JOHN D. atonoaar,
IrJ 0.3{ 70.1 street, one doot math of „Diamond
.1.1 alley, Pittsburgh, P. offers foetal@ a large lot of
Drugs, Medicines, Oda. Paints, Van:ashes, Dyestuffs
and Perfumery, Foreign and Demestie, to which he calls the nueouou of druggist., physicians and mar
chains visiting the city, to he is determined to tell
very low price., and glee general satisfaction.. Goods
geminated and cheap. Varnish No. I and tt, N. York
manufacture; also Japan and Black Leather Varnish
es, of superior quality. also, Mats sad Red Lead at
prices lower Mari heretofore offered J. A .g. also
manufactures Morgan' s celebrated CdpghSyrnp,wedeh
has given general satisfneuon to all Li the crunng of
coughs, colds, bonnet:tots, tullueuxa, whooping cough,
croup, etc; price 13 cents per bottle.. Also, biorgan's
Indian Liver Pats, a certain ears to:liver <Ow/Maar
sick headache; and all Indiana eomplaluts. Pr*a to ces
per box. tppm
Dr. W. P. Inland's Pew: Morn Piaster.
IA R. w. P. INLAND, silts, Medical Cothege bf
micipina, now offers to tha publie his Mellen Veg
etable Pretntom Pletater, Ne Valitma of whieh, after
ions mid tried exportence, has been gatisfaelbttly
laui.thed 'Po all 'women who maybe afflicted with .
r - rolimair• Liana or Fence Womb,,bw recce:When& his
guerantemng a sore a n d Speedy
0000 in the
I molt space of from two to thee iFeekiof 041 with
ran and rest—d.conluag 41 the. cittutuen Instruments
utd expensave bandages stsiong They he Pestle
conscientious in swung, Witawnieh an he Pas'. hot failed
in outs ease out of three haidreit wail o) , th/ea pa.
Also for Rheumatism and Week Sreosi oiklack,
tended with palm there Is uol&Mq t 9 meal Oda Plaster
N affording Micro, armies • spre, 7pr'side by,
L. ‘Vilcox, corner or Diamoicer and Market lit
Brum & Ranch t` Liberty and Se a4 J &nem • Federal it mid Diammud.Allo
irtieuy cii,
Jacques & Co, • DittualtD sad teammal,,Birealag,
Cs 171,1,1.
2!..2 _
1 * 'I r EaLFIX , IVAI4i•rcIYIp.,
7 'oaraTvonza.emwd byths °oh tnell
A Mup?* P th-1,1 4 174 4- 40d:1W V / 1.12 / 1 " .
In „ . • . 3 crt
1d01.133i Facuoar, Wionaarehnd Ga., Pa., tt
• , .
a 6. il,E...s.ilerap—lkermea_ohluty,toyontand thaaSictaC.
induces on to add ray lteuribts lintla;my in Elmira tahridal*"
celebrated Lied birlr dea l rad elaillean.2• , plarn,
adhering Intim Crockett' tea !qu. Awl on then go ahesd." Most af many preparation. of
landed to thi dies, bore tank into ohlirina cinceo
,r t l4 him beep orkrukte arr rthi IN 8 .4
1 bthwra dm rill t•earrire
lA.. they art Pat '
poa meat th eta to be I hare be.a agficted - weth
Campiaat:froux any . yontlii bar. surrared twee* wife= ,
kabala alaysbnans, urhora I paid anickesonly;
16„, - .ph Wood; beea eop t itaa cad phyakkad theinalre 46*
initeettrd sor e Low., .ad,fnallygiren alias incurable. la
lene-7 I eq. iodoced totayour Lirer Pillaind SOON GOV
%V ELL. Ora boawfuniickiennernifennuolr.Plnwelee,
of pain in theinda tha other symptom for at Nut "
ID month. Poeir flip (*IWO the begiallarde I inre.4l-a;
, ‘ ,14,,,,,,e0pi ng we era= smith O. 0.1,11M1L,
not, t pica an mach relief I bar. brig than in aaj Owe
for or 7 -
ea r * hundreds orbourana teen won
dad a near* conipleint =area by sago. whe bra and •
Ikon: They hays superoadoialmon army oatati pin' is Ibis
atiglibewhood,mi iv • akthair Val b mem •
woody recoannead tho IS all
_mime naedin 14144
tether for Urn Complaint Or Mildew dfrectio. 1 eon
.ieterthinti, Cor sairtriir toCkkirt34orthealmerilL Emma.
J L Mama
fa cW i tl--As then en - ater PM. harrow dor pnbae
MUM. ria.penatairttowzollKOANlllVll4oll.ll.
ask far and take wordier than those prlpared .nd sold 11
BELLEAS, No 57 Wont-a beiween Third tealrickb'
&bld by Dr. CubbL, nne9.14;1 to Crazy, Allitgbany
To um /Medical PIVIOSMW4I4I2'iPabIIO.
ISF-CKER's FARINA, now in ate et the Itoipitelt
Atylnas, and other- pablie sislitdithluenlaralid
encomium* by some of dm moia.distingni.seed
ski.. and chemists, as an artiele'ef 4,1 forehtlaree
and invalids, much uipariiir Waren* r 0014.41
far More alzeremog, pleasant to th e taste,.. easy
of dlgestloti. ot op in tt
each acetimpatiind with primed Ornetiotu for coo,
[sad& in his Agrletdown! Chemistry, ra 4.3, est+
"Children fed noon tirmw- 'out, stilef , or indeed Vrt
kmd of ansylabieemis food, which does ehaltelvel..
thetas fitted tot the formation of bones and motel%
become fat, anti acquire much ItasadlePOLlTT Men. !hobs'
sprat full, but the do not acquire areingth,, Vinare .
their organs properly developed."
In the one)** of the Punta male by PeoltAlefd of
Nw 1E94, among other eatuunbents s he gives IS per
of of glunen and albruitin;' afa Mmarts bus the
e 11.00.0 of the farina upon the Medical Pnifesibottlog •
the public will rest upon its containing ht lIIe gbatten
and albumen, vegetable Maine and other ullvdgencited.•
bodies not found in arrow root or sinulassaosementa s
and which.modarn chemistry by panned out sa being
necessary •to the fermatton of human fibre, and by
means of r hich notate makes op for the constant
waste that takes place 111 the human-body. ' , Fur .ate
wholesale or retail, by It b.' SNLIEBS,
wed& it
great English itosiseedi: ' f"
OR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and ConstnummaLm..,
tiREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the
above dineaSes, Ls Sus lISUNEARIAN BALSAM OP
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Duchan,of
Loudon, Englainl, and lintedneed hoe the l.lnitedßunel
coder the immiate superniteudeuce of thatnenaMt t t.
The extraordinary succus of this medicine, In
core of Pulmonary - 'diseases; warrants the Arfiettlaa
Agent in soliciting for treatment the
,worst possible der
sea that can be found in the community —cases that
relief in vela ft= any . of the 6001101,13 remedies. esgthe
day, and hams tmen ravlificap . bythn most disuagambed
physicians so confirmed and menrable. The' Hangurt.
an Balsam has cured, and will core, the most Jevons& • •
Of cases., It is no quack nostrum, bat • standard &m
-ash medleiuM of known'abd eambllshed efficacy.
Every Dually in dm United Suttee should ho
with Buolumfs Hongarfan Balsam bf Life, net Millie
erninicitterthe consumptive underneisa of thea
bat no be used as • preventlie medicine in all at il t
colds, coughs, spitting oi blood, pain in the side mar
elms; irruatiort and ,soreness of the longs, Machias,
difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, oight mad.
atiostand general debility, asthma, intluenaa, whooping
cough and croup.
Sold In large bodies, at it per bottle, wiffrthll deed.
dons bur the rommation of health.
pamphlets, containing n mass of English
cite 'Leertilleidds, and other evidence itiowing.thwart,
equalled merit, of Mitt ganat,Engfiali Pernedy s &T,lnf
obtained. of the Agents, gratonously.
• • FM sibs laY-13 VAILNIZTOCE & Co., taractrOli
Stood {Wend and Wood and 130.sts. mug!
DR. JAlrnihrS-CARDITISATIVin ff,841414.112.
DflOhl the gee ASA 4111NN, a well lawn andiron
ular Cleurrnum atilt ProtesturrtfilethotiLlehi
The undersigned ensure been athiOnatelofin&itelritil
wintir oriMs.disense oldie 6tomnct., eomeilmes pro
depnit greet nein la the stimuli for tenor terehrohorers
Indian mier laden, and after basin/ Isiah 7 Sarintal
remedies with linleeffect,wrartfarnithed With at Was,
of Dr hr Jayne's Carminative Valenta. Thu bossed se , "
coeditor to the directiensomd found wear/ably ittatthiri
medic"ao caused the pain to abate In threenst fourtnin
area and in Eileen or twentytrtann-,
sensation was entirely quimmtl..ahemedieirse.rensaf
tamer& axed whenever indications of the al.pfembhif
pain were pereeived,andahanam was theteh.Y.PriStlit.
ed. tie continued m usa the medleine every awning
and wimetimes in the Mahling, and lii tr. few roots
health worse farrestored, that.the anitererwan,rediersl
ed from a large amount of crppteisire pals. ~reom.oX,
perienue, therefore, he eartminftdeinly -.recohtmd.4lY
Jayne Catorinmise ltalmm,ns a aalmaryniedie
for theewes ofthemuntaelt and bowels. ' • t - tHLIiND
legtien/ eitY.ffOl
For sale In Pitteburgivat the PEltlig T.PA. STWI
75 Fourth gooey near Wood, and taw it the. Drill'
Stir., of It V st;li W• RTZ. Federal ;veer. mlegaie y
Purifyict - iit 11.1(01:4-
U R. O. Fs SIBLEY—Dear Sir: Last Sating, and do•
litrtog the previous winter, I was erely aftleted
with a scrofulous complaint mmy leand
forsome months under the care. el ph) 'They
scud toy case was almost incarallie, they could do
but little for me. I WIL• Warr! but with the
aid of crutches could with difficulty getabous;Li - [WRIT
~i tt4 f =lut.sad of you, aniLconstocae ....f
twn =l:sj..
sines corird- healing
. r aud,l oxide my orlitele
es, acing akeaaa. a Ninth arcane; and
at the end ani.Antrtb, orn so well HU, luta altilay
in shearinesheep. all, I floe .T 49,
scrofula end have tar haul SlapetllaN
summer -Been AA appactfaliC dinasedial
have con and, and ant now, In the roost perfeet MAIM
stave with conidettes,_hopon_thm others may b.e"
tri yr,
rOO, rail lie' en the means and the may .awartaot KO*
the cum • CORNELIUS J.
For sale wholenle and !swill, by L...
d.k.or B. A. F ANNIRMOCR. Co
eor. front P Wood sts. alsoesionew wood Mh.ts
Cream der Amanda Ltrasie, for !phasing;
Cream a la Rose, tor .having;
Ahcome Cream, do; ,
Bn,lerfate Rome,ort Porcelain st a nds
Ekpus el semi Wigs., perfumed with Lavender, Myths
m. Wl
Cenuitat poster pink, of all,psiterns;
Embossed halm taxes, imatoming rivicma etrient ,
for the touriluswebief I • scent bog, and Wit solpi, ay*
abk for presoak.
Pert4l.o. or Runes, powder;
Indian vegetable halt
Start od, m fumy or common wrappers, (rose Tenor.
iva& Soap; Nymph porga Rai. UP nive's -
Slug aoaN Soda acap;•toircibor wee • great variety
orfinC pomr_ry. mat reectredi !ALM by
B AFALVE.Wt..)CI( & ILI) •
call) car GW & wood ats
Pulmonary' BaLl2llllla.
ik4 MR& REEJJ & CUTLER—I feel it a duty
iIL owe to my kilaw et/anima, to nate onnedldag
more respeoung your Vegetable Prdnumary Mama
&nee first used the Unlearn, abort eleven years ago.
the happy edema whin! I then gave an aceottat ofi I
aura had several wavers ttompfiums and attacks al my
ittanr, ,
• few day. dam and in every iastanee
a o e e d the ilylamni WOne earn complete and perfect
memo. It has effected relief . and mare in a (ow
days. Iris manandy a ode medicine. I . do not Wino
that it arid core a ftted oonsumptient, but I belkera it
will he in many canes apreventrre, and prevention Is
Moor than mum Ido therefore, for tho loge of
1011, antll, eatnealry reecanhanad Ihelibel of this
in all pulmonary 00 .,. ail I not confident .dou it
hat be. the mans of preuryntg my life wilds day.
Bost. Jane 16, '4O. BEIN.LCMIN PARSONS,
For sale by 11 A Fahnestoeh, a Co, eerneifita4 am(
wood stub also corner wood and Gth.
poweeto cure Prnmomou,. Feb. toM.
S.S.`opus—My wife hes for year; beeri subject
to a distressing cough, accompanied with asthma„-for
the cure of which she used Mire-lentcon,y l ll rent.., es,
and bad the advice of the most mammal p yucipe
-Engle.4 but all was unavailing. By ebance, I 4ard
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was indtinortd bay
• bottle for trial, although I bud no belief thus euphOg
could remove het complaint. To my gran iurpriae,
two dews gave her immediate rat.c. *Lets at time.
troubled with a cough, bat two leisikaniettlefilgrup
always 'tomtit. lam satisfied:oer a trial of W e Or
tour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup m the' beet cough
medicine I have ever tried either mu the Old et;Retir
SeveraltWanLcity of fMrarg ik i,.
The above certificate abettld induce wpo
doubled with cough or astilittn,togive the Syrup mud.
at. It may be had 16, hi cents a bottle, at the drug
slate of R E SLL.L.LIM , 67 wood 0.
Sold by Dr Caw!, tali ward, mid Di I( Cony, Alla
ibrinY [VA
,Pout, Bloc
Patent Block SprLog Tess,
EWLYINvedwED—Far tho relit...rand Permanent
al Cure of HERNIA or RUPTURE. ilfaited4
rbe; Claims of thm Tram eons 1l Om
oarative cash with which it maybe carom. The pdd of
taand,beitgamuly balanced on springs, yields to press.
lam cm port of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to
AM movement made by um wean, It can be wore
witbodi Intermismon, until a cure iseacted, The lab
scr.bers bare Wade arrangements Oar the manufactara
at (bete valuable Trusees, in a capenor arylmin Pods(
taloa in, and have them now forams" al their aka, No.
17, rolub.field st. near ISLE Lb, Patsburgh.
64;11. W ATT; •
S ELLERS: L y , ERMIFUGH—"Supenor %any I bur.
u.e Gu.u.l.r.s Tr, Yayroo couuey, Fa., Mara
Mr. IL E. Efuntuo-2 hereby certify that I have u...t
your Vorualugo to my touuly, tout bulorro airoura, if
out ggirro'll'otonn'grie.h,a;hr..V:er
Pia drams..
Prepared and sold by E SAy Wood st.
Sokl by Dr Ousel, dal Word: Duty ' rry,
W .1 bomb, Teruporancevdle; and P DrllWorLaw•
cane /We. aura
- - -
SYR.L'iCiES—An anaoill2l.l just nfal and air as/
by iny3 J KLDErIt Co
Al ail (Auras &tailors:, 3d a, orms Oa Pert (Om
Ono i gnomon of ll:lines, or .... 50 50
Two insertions w ahnswaltcrationt,....... 0 76
Three ...I
One 10eark•:: ::
............... 7r .:......
; 1
0060 50
Two Wee ks
Three "
One /Month, " 4 Inl
, awe. . . ... 600
'Three •• P• . • • ... 760
Er Longer ad rertieements an name! proettion.
One equare,6 months, without nateretton e - to 00
• -•'•
Eked additionnal 'guar° for 6 montha,.
• ft 10 00
Ono strlnre, 6 month.", renewable at pleuere, 15 00
" :51 Oe
'esentdditinnniequa.mfer 1: m0nth........ 10 00
Twol4laste,6 moutes,re'e,lbieet pleas 4. 3 0 00
•Eath iNuare, n mooting,oe.•
lirEnfit ! i. QR.. Int-WiilLI,T 111 D 413.1 PAPITIL
One square, 3 insaninns, ..• • "
"•• emelt additional 'aeration,' 37
• 117 , 1111.6.1 ceeer,
lira lines or leas t ono year .._ ..... 6 00
• months ...... 6 00
t' ono year, dad, ~ f6,- y eeltly, 10 00
. month ! ' 00
ADTXRTMII-121r111.117 wissam,
va, 10 lines, er leas, One intertmei ow, ...... $0 W " T wo, 0.. •• 4 . 0 76
„ zoso
a, a. 14136-: • i",.44 ::.••••••• 6 IX'
4 '