The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 13, 1848, Image 2
THE 111113BURCE GAZETTE: PUBLISHED BY WHITE & COt MONDAY MORNLNO, NOV. 13; 164&. PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAS. Advenlaemeatsruid Pribseriptioes tothe North can and United States Gazetui, Philadelphia; received ponnznow. LIST AND PITILADEL. . PHIL PBIC Subscriptions Solids 'atonal° paper will - ba received and forwarded frontrids aro. NEW Torts 10XP81619/1. • We will receive and forward free of expense, ad • verateetnenis and eabseriptions for We paper. Prrissintea Dana IT-, Maly, erut Weekli GA V, b PPLished Deem per sank* the Tri-Weeil; Is Nye Lrui - ii'.." usucesh the Weekly' Cs Two polka per sehm, ania; Gm/Imm Erralemertalsa ut earnestly requested la band in dtUr burs before 6 r. St., and u early in the day as praetielible. Adreitirements not inserted fora speei• lied aste will Invariably be charged until ordered out Foe Lain Commercial Intelligtare,Domewe, Bier tireWO, Blear , Nears, Imports, Money Mahar, ho. . BZ pat,gee zt page Car Telegraphic News. ifirL rather Bitable takes It. We opened the Washington Union of Saturday mooing midi no link curiosity, and found the ye. teen editor whistling mast furiously to keep he mirage up. Alhoughhe evidently regards Camas a gone cue, yet be professes to madder the election doubtful, in order to let his renders down as easy as he can. At the mime time he prepares them kr the final catastiophe, by inch remarks as the U kraine: - 'lf compelled to yield to the superior power of numbers, and General Taylor Is actually the Pre. sident of the Milted States, our defeat will neither threw us into e fit of the blue devils, nor lessen our reimhztion and - seal 'still to_prr.aa on the good old democratic bark until she eights again, and is trim. mad and fitted for another voyage.' "The democracy maybe beaten, bat they can. not stay beaten. We made the name remark in ISM we prepared at once toretrfine our fortunes. We predicted a reverse to 1844, end the prediction which we expressed was made good by the event.' We harbor no X7l borebodings; have no depres. aion of spirits; tint teal, and Maly, u buoyant and resolute as we did when the meta waxed warm. eat around as. • The Union instill safe, and the flag of our Union yet waves triumphant in defiance of every Ex— Cheer up, friends, never despair. Ifvictorious, ter us be , coot; if beaten, let us bear up manfully 'lndertheoverthrow. 'Other days. are coming. Other conflicts are in embryo. The ark of the constitution .sell stand. • firm amid the storm, nor can the dashing floods thatbeat harmless around it, loosen a single plank flora tts deep Exudation. Cheer up, we say. Let thivictors mak in their glary, if they have it. It vtllbebuta short. lived success; while we can stied' hi. and make merry over the delusion Mat haaproducid our temporary prosintiort. We await - .with all.beoarning patience those further returns which will settle the contest' ' The Moon is MA sate,' 'the ark of the coon ration snll stands trot,' says father Ritchie. H. mould hardly have admitted thus much before th, ehertoo, in the event of General Taylor's succe.. We are glad he is coming to his senses. I=l Thisquestion may be more curious than practi• cal. Yet every question, the dimmed= of which tends to throw light upon spiritual existences, mtmt be of more oLleas impottance. Wan animal is to be judged by the same standard as man, we con see no reason Why the possession of mind should be denied to ix It certainly haii a' will—it has memory—it has reason, and it has judgment. It exercises these facaltienjest as human beings do. We know that it is often said that animals are governed by instinct, but we can see no difference between instinct in them and mind in man. They operate in the same way, and lead to the mane re• sorts, Man combines means for an end. Me gathers the materials and builds a house. This ae call operation of an intelligent mind. The bird gathers materials and builds a nest, and this we call instinct. What is the difference between them? :There thoughts have been suggested by the incident narrated below: Camba• Pidellty From the Hem Mon (Canada West] Spectator. On Saturday night a man residing in East Mar, ket str eet , band in that part of the dry called Moue , Survey, a child of six or eight years of age, sitting on the road side crying bitterly. The ' child was attended by a Newfoundland dog, which attempted to pacify its companion by lying beside him and licking his fate. The man took the child in his arms and brought him to the engine house, thinking that the parents would be more likely to hear of their child than any other place. The dog &Sowed quietly, and upon Me Rylmaan, whose ho- comity and care am well known, making a bed for the chdd, the dog Wolfed its delight by jump. tag about the room and licking the hog and child alternately. The ley being comfortably becklei, kw t h e night, the dog took his past betide him, and could not be coaxed from the spot. Daring the night, Mr. Eykmiut had occasion to go into the room, but me moment he crossed the threshhold, the dog, which was so duels when he became furiously enraged, and actually drove bins out of the room. Neither coaxing nor scold tag had the slightest effect upon the faithful ani. mash he bad taken the child under his protection, and appeared determined to perform his duty.— Esaiy in the molding, another of the family, who was not aware that they had visitors, went lam the room, but had hardly placed a ism inside, when he was furiously attacked by the dog, and compelled to decamp. Before doing to, however, he seised a chair to defend himself, and broke . it to pieces over the dog, without producing any ooh er effect than rendering it more savage and de termined than before. Finding ii impossible either to get into his room _or coax the dog out of it, or awaken the child, Mr. Eykrean-procured assistance, end ea entry was abated sunultineouly by the door and window. the'dog remained resolute • he would permit no one to approach the child, and it was actually necesury to beat him serverly with elate ere he could be driven out of the house. This being at last effected 'the dog started off as rapidly as it could, and in the course oft couple °rho= neturn. ed, aommpanied by the child's rusher, jumped into the room and began licking and fondling its little =worded! Even then it was with difficuky that the woman could prevent the dog from Hying at those who hoc been compelled, in self-defence, to beat and drive him from the house. The wo. man meld she had been in search of the child all night without access, and Malin crossing the corn 0 . 3011 neatrlandartiothe saw the dog Gglowing her at the top of its speed. Upon reaching its mistress the faithful animal immediately caught her by her dress and began pulling her in the direction of the town. The we. man, aware of the intelligence of the animal, and knowing that it had accompanied the boy when he strayed from home, followed, in thb certainty that abe would be taken to bee Mind, whether dead °relive. Nor wusbedisappouned. The woman lives on a point beyond the mush, at least two mffealroutsbe.lown, and she thinks that the dog, on leaving the 'mine boom, went straight borne, and finding* mistress absent, got upon her track and kficareditiunil he brand her.—Not the lean interim:mg ism that we have to narrate, in thin -rambling sketeti is, dad the moment the woman arid child lea the honse,the dog became perfectly quiet, and even made advances toward a reconciliation with: these he had so savagely assailed • few hours before. , • Tax Taws Quiernrat..—Wet copy a judicious article from the North American, in relation to tie repealer the Millet 1E46. Pennsylvania has, to the late election, decided most emphatically against the 'Tariff Ant of 1846, and the political swindles and the swindles that caused her to throw her vote fist Poll - , in 1e44. This cannot be disputed. neediest° the cardinal principle that the will of the ;peditle, when clearly *wined, shall be the rale 'of action rp all legislators, the Tariff ot 1816 ought to be repealed at once, and a system of revenue, from . importations' inuoded otl vecijk dunes, be sulanitituted Ex it. We are no sticklers for the precise details of the Tariff 1.84.2; it is probable some of Ahem might be changed to advantage; but Los , the peat principle of that Act, sjosetto dutier; . we do and shall ever contend while car domestic marinfietem need any protection. Orrus—Now thm the Whig victory is assurvd, there will doataleasbe many applicants far the va• rims cakes in the gill of the Government in this amain and our citizens, it is possible, will be ear- ly solicited for their respective taxmen. On this edged we would num that pester justice will peobably be done by remaining muirely quanta. mined, far some time to come—perhaps till the announcement of General Taylor's Cabinet Let . as wait until we can survey the whole geld, and shitin act an our prefinences and judgment may dictate. A Non.= Itsrairtum—Struve, who makesch a Ague la German anus, as detailed in tea ;a t i g. Lilt papers, ithmkaf muse, will my the nrors of him, üby birth e Buil= fie is opposed to the Anti of animal. 64, and monad a woioll2l of the Mem kw the puree of reelaimint her. For snail. yearn be wan the - editor of a paper at • Mannheim. Suave - wan lately made a prwooer '"at a small village' ad the name of Baden. but was bloated bya patty' beaded by a• priest named Soe be Erm.wild accompanied hko mMa exciu, aionj . 4 Wp r :: 61 4 monied min. looking br his • ear tibia wain bed,nbave • lace for all Skop, and yozi; tdkacns IV' "-Tea,* gays she,. "1 Tat* to know . be you imp:your late • ' • ; - • ' , Iklds'" Dollar! liragssise, fm rinransber, is a vary 6ne number et that remarkably cheap puWi mania It contain; tee a Dander of enparinp, end recall any escuaringr end pataresting mailer. )) rr 4' ~ ~ tom:' 9tiglati '1:7; irrr:Told, NoiAlB4B. 1 :!.'9401, 141.111 up* Maainaing vergAilli,aritine4.gliasaste rrinre cafe sl.4*.n 410 probabilities of the election of Gan. Taidor, Man in making Wes of - goods, and wean expect no change until the result is Lawn. The eomnierctel pipinitfetiictureng show a date • of earn that explain the cable of the wealth of New. York, and the reason of its pre.eminence as a- commereial'elty; The arrivals reported are one hundred and seven Ma. One Ocein steam' ships, twenty twoaips, twenty two barks, eighteen brigs and kitty three schooners. The record of their arrival oompies a whole column of the "Ga. zeite" and the passengers and importations, a apace no lea comprehensive. To discriminate among the Het of imports is the readiest way to show the amount of the whole, and I select from the moan• min of goods kneeing their cargoes the article of iron and find Railway bars 2,725 1 000 pounds. Pig iron 795 tons. Merchant iron bars 1 7,21 5 tons 216 Hoop and bundle iron 2 ,4 89 paclmgea The friends of free trade may not acknowledge that this immense maw of goods denotes our ten ding, bat such is the hint. and a few months will bring us to the point when this conclusion will be irresistible, if exports of coin and ruined merchants can learn us anything. Commercial affairs are much less buoyant since the arrival of the steamer, and lower praxes have been accepted for cotton and provisions, with a greater readiness to sell flour and grain on easier terms. 'The spinners of Greet Britain have made up their minds that they can name their own price for cotton, a position our large crop fully sustains. The continental troubles have disarranged all their calculations and so far from buying large mocks of cotton, we shall see them buying •from hand to mouth," the price all the while ailing from the et jects of an accumulating stock and a decreased consumption. Under the operation of the present swindling tariff, the United States market offers the best returns to British manufacturers, And we shall have the pleasure of seeing British goods sweep our own manufactures from existence, re ducing us to a vassaloge we resisted even by a revolution. The number ospassengers that have arrived in the last two days ,six thousand and over, chiefly from the "fairest gem of the sea." No reason ex. ists why we should not give a warm welcome to these strangers who in their muscular limbs and stalwart forms, bring the only element of ma• tional wealth—labor. Centuries must pass before the fertile soil of our country refuses to yield an abundant return to all, who seek on our shores, a refuge from political oppression, and famine. It is a wise policy for us to import the people of Europe, but it is oar imperative duty, at the lame time to exclude the products of foreign labor. .t „, In monetary affairs th ere i s not much activity.— The price of mond atceks does not -vary and Treasury notes may be quoted 102{0103 and Uni. ted States 6a of 1665„ at 10513105 h Ohio 6's of 1850 100, and Penn's. s's 73103731; with a very moderate business doing. Some desire is shown to buy stock, =rime, but nether, are not found.— ,Should Gen. Taylor be elected, confidence will at once revive, and higher prices be harked for in all kinds of securities. On the other hand a fall of stocks and a farther dimunitlon of confidence is as ewe to follow the election of Gen. Casa as the stun is to rise after its setting to night. In a few weeks-eve shall have the annual report of the Treasury Department, to dampen the spina of commercial men by the announcement that an. caber loan is wanted. The friends of the Admrn istrauon are clamorous in saying the Treasury is full, but it is the misfortune of the Secretary of the Treasury not tcrfind some one to put the receipts and expenses together, in such a way as to make loans necessary to balance them. The Venerable Albert Gallatin is tying at the point of death, and can hardly survive the night. He needs no eulogy. His life has been devoted to his adopted country, in the cabinet and as a dip lomatist, rendering in both capacitiesgervices that should and wills ensure him a name among pa trims. In markets, the business is not large. Ashes $13,25,t,60r both meta. Cotton bas fallen 1 cent with more sellers than buyers Flour ts cheaper with sales of good slipping Wands at 55,31. Many or ders have been withdrawn by the last ship. Gen. twee Wheat 125 but hard to get, and 1090110 for Ohio, which is two cents cheaper. Corn 1 cent cheaper, western mixed 66057 and 72 for choice round yellow. Eye 65037. Barley no sale.— Whiskey; Ohio, 231 and sales! 200 bbls, crude whale oil 33; Plumel and bleached sperm 51,21101,- 25. Sperm candles 33e; Otl Cake us* per ton, and 120 c a bus for flaxseed- Pork is stiff at $g Pork and Beef 59.11-1310 fin meth and $5,25 for prime. Lard, bbls, 7071; Cheese large asks at 6071; ter dull and drooping. Freights to laverpcsn lid in grain, Id far r-. ton and 2s 3d for dam 8167P113A.L• OP THIL Teary, OP 1840. Immediately after the passage of the Tariff of 1818, this piper was the very fort to raise the cry I of 'Repeal Experience bad convinced as that tail ad rtiwi principle adapted by that till, must be fraught with Leal injury to the welfare of Penn.' Sylvania and all the States interested in the gees. this of protection. Two years have passed since then and the results have been even mote injure. ons than we at that time anticipated. Our predie. Liana have not only been fulfilled, bat, the failure of many of the largest factories, rolling mills and Canaries, bear witness to the desolating effects of a system which was thrust upon the country, to secure the political favor of the South. The act of 1142 was erieken from the statue book, not because it tolled to realize any of the expectations of its friends or to produce abundance of revenue —for in both these respects, n far exceeded ail es. timatcs—but, beau:: it protected free Tabor and - because it was supposed, that a system of low duties would appreciate the Mine of Southern etsples. It was assailed on political and sectional round., and there were men in the North Loot, sng this purpose, base enough to betray the inter ests of the people by whom they were elected, and one of them sufficiently treacherous, to give a casting vote, in the Lace of praessiona of his whole life, against the State of his nativity and the pokey which ha knew to be that beat calculated to ad vance the great interests of the whole country.— The experiment, besides prostrating Feminism., has been equally disastrous in its effect. upon the South, for cotton is now lower by 50 per cent, than it was under the act of 181 thereby demonism.. Wig the truth and force of the Whig theory, that no market is so good, because none is seaure and steady, as the home market. This. Bill of 1846 having, therefore, disappointed all the ends for which it was foamed has no longer any claim upon public toleration. Owing to the immense rush of foreign manufactures under the attraction of a low scale of duties and the chance of falso invoice., end to the vita Increase in the foreign importations, which have been dricen into our markets by the foreign revolutions, to be sold against gin domestic manufactures al whatever price they would bring; the revenue 6r the aut. rent year will exceed, by several millions, the fair averagesit the Bill. The inducement to purchase foreign fabrics, which was occasioned by the high prices and large demand for our produce during lb e famine, has already disappeared, and the specie which we then obtained is rapidly going back, to pay for luxuries not needed, and for manufactures which, by this competition, have mined Masan& aC our most enterprising artisans and maim:Tart Within the last year as much as twenty millions of specie have been shipped to Europe. The causes for excessive importations having abated, the rave- nue, as a natural consequence, mast fall, and even if it could maintain its present maximum—which , every practical man knows it cannot—it would no be sufficient to cover the orthavy expenditures of the government, including the Interest on the public debt already funded, to any nothing of the proroectire loans which are demanded by the ne cassias or the Treasury. The appropriations for the present fiscal year at the last session, amounted to forty gegen and a half rniffirrra, and we venture to predict, that even this eaormotis sum, will not liquidate the actual de. mends upon the government during this period.— If there. is not an application from the Secretary of the Treasury, at the meeting of Congress, for seat. end milboos of deficiency, we shell confess our selves greatly surprised, and certainly Inch an omission would be in opposition to the practice of Mr. Walker, for at the last session, his eftp - eit amounted to more than fifteen millions! ' , allege various and obvious reasons, we feel it our duty to renew the cry of "Repeal of the Tarif f of 1816." Our opposition to thisexperiment, ,was not founded on considerations of party, but, because'we knew it must be attended with the man ruinous renege cps to our labor. At the time of this writing, the result of the Presidential election Is out known; bat whatever may be that result, we shall not cease in our efforts to strike from the statute book, a measure which has spread desalstian and ruin over thy land, The Tariff quest act, is no political apeculaidla, and wo shall urge the repeal of the gritig Bill Which now oppresses every interest of Pennargyanie. with as much zeal and determination under one President u another.. Let our friends therefore prepare for " repent" at the meeting of Congress. We have the power in the Rouse to pass a Bill recognizing specific dunes and just protection, and more than this, we ben the power to prevent appropriations until the bemdisixr 'majority in the Senate shall listen to the voice ofjOstlea end the wrongs of oP petered labor. Ma ch aat deppagyag 'na b a re sort under ordinary 'clrentaStalt" j eArds a remedy, and if air influence can prevail, 4 shall be exercised... North AeleTieet4 Romulus Weizman re fir. Lopta—Two horrid murders were committed at 91. Lards during the week ending the 29th alt. On the latter, infat , minion was given that a man named Hilburn had just killed his wife. An el= went and found him sat* in a chair, 'swiping bitterly, and the =tree of his wife lying on the door., her back broken ha two places, one of her temples broken in, bee *sly black and blue from bruises, and her .id ea; presenting the appearance of baring been bested with the handle of an axe. Hilburn ,tiociated bad no knowledge of bow his wife came to Lei death. In another case, • man inn quarreldress a bide .and cut his antagonist In the abdomen, initiMing barrible t gish, from which his bowels &II to the 'km, and Itbe roan Instasuly esnired. ff=l=l=NlM Prom 1110 naltheirritAtlerksa. s.. Iferpesol. ied itpiiagraph from the London Giobd taut 04*w . ..she appearance of a: huge! Bed serpent tn,jaersons on board the British legate ...tesialud.' The isllossing oAcinl annanneenteat th Hi e factbernia: is copied from a late paper brought by the Hex Moan's Sow Dseasuni, Hamoaxe, Oct. 11. Sic In reply to your letter of this day's date, re.. quiring reformation as to the truth of • inatenmet published In the Globe newspaper ,of a lea serpent of extraordinary dimensions having been seen from her Majesty's ship Deaths, under my com mend, as her pssage from the East Indies, I have the honor to acquailt you, for the information of my lords commisioners of the admiralty, that at 5 o'clock, p. in., on the Bth of August last, in latitude 24 deg. 44 mitt. 9, and longtitude 9 deg. 22 min. E, the weather dark and cloudy, wind fresh from the NW, with a long ocean swell from the SW, the ship on the port tack heading NE by N, some. thing very unusual wag seen by Mr. 9antoria, mid. ahipman rapidly approaching the ship from before the beam. The circumstance was immediately reported by him to the officer of the watch, Lieu. tenant Edgar Drummond, with whom, and Mr. Wm. Barrett, the master, I was at the time walk ing the:quarter deck. The ship', company were at supper. On our attention being called to the object, it was discovered to be en enormous serpent, with head and shoulders kept about four feet constantly above the surface of the sea, and as nearly as we could approximate, by comparing it with the length of what our maintopsail putt would show in the water, there was at the very least 80 feet of the animal altar dam, no portion of which was, to oar perception, used in propelling it through the water, either by vertical or horizontal undula tion. It passed tepidly, but so non under oar lee ginner, that had it been a man of my acquaintance, I should have easily recognised his *scares with the naked eye, and it did not, either in approach ing the ship or after it had pained our wake, devi ate in the slightest degree from its course to the SW., which It held on at the pace of from 12 to 15 miles an hour, apparently on some determined paqpour. The diameter dale serpent was, about 15 or 16 inches behind the head, which was, without any doubt, that of • snake, and never, during the twee. ty minutes that it continued in sight of our glasses, was below the water; its color a dark brown, with yellowiah white about the throat It had no fins, but something like the mane of • horse, or rather a bunch of sea weed washed shoot its back. It was seen by the quartermaster, the boatswam's mate, and the man at the wheel, in addition to myself and officers above mentioned. I KM having a drawing of the serpent made from • sketch taken immediately after it was seen which I hope to have ready for transmission to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty by to mor n:lw'. poet. I have &c., PETER Id'QUHAE, Captain. GEL TAYLOR'S HAT, HABITS, AND COMIANIONS.— The New Orleans Delta gives the following sc. count of an amorphous 'title' under which Gene. ral Taylor shades his knowledge box: Germaxt. T•rwa.—The distinguished candidate of the Whigs takes matters quite easily, at his pies , sant residence in the barracks of Baton Rouge.— We saw him walking about town, chatting very familiarly with the citizens, and wearing that same old immense boat shaped hat sent him by some friends in Tennessee. By the by, we are puzzled to divine what motives could have prompted the Tennessecans to bestow such a gift upon the old General, who certainly, however people may dif fer upon his political qualifications. has deserved better treatment than to be condemned to wear this misshapen, heavy, uncomfortable, and un grateful chapeau. Had this hat been sent to Gen. Taylor after the battle of the Salt and 9th of May, be would never have bad any reason to complain of the absence of a pontoon train—for he might hive converted this wonderful production of Ten nessee skill into a boat of sufficient dimensions to transport a whole regiment at once across the Rio Grande. We were amused at the dry response of a citizen of Baton Rouge, of whom we made le query where the General was to be Sound. You lee that big white thing looming out down there on the levee," Yes." Well, that's old Zechariah's hat, and you'll find the old chap some where in the neighborhood.' The general takes a deep interest in all political movements, and is quite free and unreserved in the expression of his opinions. He is particularly con ciliatory to his opponents, and with great good sense never fails to curb those of his friends who to his presence indulge in strong manifestations of party seal There never &myn a steamboat at Baton Rouge tbatthe general is not among the first on the wharf to get a newspaper, awl he may be seen at almost every hour of the day -waddling,' (by leave of the Washlngtoo Unions with • package of dace meats under boa arm, up the steep banks towards the barracks. The general's military family embraces three of the most stodioua and {in:musing officers in our ar. my CoL Blinn , his inseparable associate in all his battles, in the same renting, medicos, thought ful investigative gentleman as when, a few years ago, ha filled with no lea efficiency, and perh ap s no less glory, the post of instructor of the youthful mind. Major Eaton, the chief of Gen. Taylor's tors graphical st.ff is a keen, vagarious, active, ener. gene man, of well trained mind, and greet dein don to the comprehensive science of earneeeng. Major Gernert is an accomplished, elegant man of the world, and en excellent officer. His literary attainments ate eg•al if not superior, to those of the other °Moen of Gen. Taylor's Oad while to the ways of the world, and in pm-weal address, he is certainly the most unprem. eve of the three. Ma. jor Garnett is snapected of being a axing Demo. cent, CoL Bliss is a Whig, and.. Major Eaton is • voldier. By the by, speaking of politics and sol dier reminds no of the result Moor inquiries into the political tendencies of the soldiers of the gani. ran. We found that they were nearlyall demo crats, bat, as, under a very objectionable restric tion of oar new consittuthan, privates in our army are not permitted to vote, their opinions see of bat little importance in the present rate of the content Athol* the Mize. of Baton Rouge tha party Goer are drawn as closely as in any part of our country. It is • striking proof of the curdy polo. Ural indepentleticeof our potpie, that they can rise superior to personal kelings and intimate eocial re lation; to the eternise of that duty which aborikl be directed by the commence and judgment, to thcr than by the feelings and affections. A New RIDIZZIT ton DiseAset.—The Pena correspondent of the Courtier des Dab has the bikrwing account of a new School of Medicine. If the art of healing has made little progress since Hippocrates, who lived twenty three centu ries since. It must be attributed to the obstinacy of nature, but it is not all the fault of the doctors, who is all times have accomplished prodigies of imagination in opening new paths by which to reach the end of knowledge. Our epoch, more than any other has been Genital in original syn• tents in the medical domain. Germany has seat us a new one which is called Isopathy. Isopathy 001,1111111 in applying to the diseased organ the same borrowed from an animal in full health. Examples well reader the definition more clear. II the die. ease bon the leap, the lungs of a sheep am pieced on the breast of the patient, if it is the liver or heart which suffers, they place on the diseased part a heart or liver of an oa; if the hearing Is affect ed, Isopathy makes you • night cap trimmed with the ears of a calf' This may at first seem angular, and yet nothing ie more real than this system! it has teen mouth talked about, me has selsed upon it, the learned discuss it, the academies examine it, numerous experiments of it have made in Germany, and an there is always (mind in Paris, in professions, a crowd of ambitious met who hold themselves up. oo the watch filr discoveries, with the hope of making, by the aid of new systems, a fortune which they have not been able to realise by the old methods, we number already several Parts doctors, who have hastened to proclaim themselves Irepattusta From the New York herald. Member. of Congrame In New York. We believe, from present appeanumes, that the following have been elected: Ist District—John A King, Whig gain. 2d " David A Bokee, Whig gain. 3d " J Philips Plum:, Whig gain. 4th " Walter Underhill, Whig gain. lib " George Nips, Whig. 13th " -.James Blocks, Whig " - Home Qreeley, Whig pin, to all vacancy. 7th " - William Nelson, Whlg. 6th " R Halkrway, Whig. 9th " Thomas 1611cRessoch, Whig, proba bly. 10th " Herman D Gould, Whig. 11th C R Sylvester, Whig. 12th " Gideon 0 Reynolds, Whig. 13th " - John L 8cloolcral; Whig. 14th " George R Andrews, Whig. 15th " JR Thurman, Wbig gain. 181 h " Hugh White, Whig. 17th B P Alazander Whig pin, prob'ly. 1683 " -Preston King, Free SolL 49th " Charles E Clark, Whig. 20th " El Mattison, Whig pith 21st iii Tbo im s Rtnith, Whig gain. 224 " Henry Btimdtt, Whig, gain. 234 " • William Duer, Whig. 24th " Daniel Gob, Whig. 25th " Herman S. Conger, Whig. 281 h " W. T. Jackson, Wbig, probably. 27th " W. A. Sackett, Whig. 28th " A. M. Sishermerhorne, Whig. 29th " Robert L Rase, Whig. 30th " David Ramsey, Whig. 31st " LatitleYi 324 " 41.4tdiq. 334 " n 4 ej PYows, T V a l" 34th " a WhiB gain, 10. Laconia Oarrourpondiukos WAsunorrox, Nov. 7, 184 S. Sta—On behalf of the Demooyaery, I have the honor to raped your pomace at the White Hattie on the Oho/ Mateh. With high oonaderation, K. POLK. Sta—l thank you rot your polite letter inviting no to visit the White House on the 41th of March nem, and regret to say that aIIantISTANCIES will prevent my being present cat that occanhan. Ra"c l=tAl323. —aoudad Herald. otite. WE 'it ixauwakaficia tberYben_ ke °ember, yelanenthe muumnanaittote tket late Mr. Wirt. ou..faTAlung la 'tart °femme., . • . 4 .thippl e n t weld AWNiviakbata win &midi* m men et to Mr. Rity,Mithe other side. Ida' titbit wily - Oa:der had fihirget his gentles man on the bornacif &Aerates, saidassephnding with him in his 9iri_Wahar i,irixV great eniesimumt all present and 1111 Warden, ( an old Scotch lawyer Me lhaourn at the who was aviciernli ear Abetment with gum; when, observing that wight's expressive countenance be, wrote the following lines on a small Up of paper and handed them to him. Wickham trait Hey l& Open court, On a dilemma's bores for sport Jock, full of earth end humor td t, 'Criew, %abet Amon come: !Upon which, we are told, that the maid Sick could contain himself no longer, but bunt out into a loud. laugh that made the room ring. This rata wed the COUlt., who seemed disposed to complain of the Meech of order; but Mr. Wardeo rising to a p 3logize, gravely presents d the billet to the judges, I who reading it rertatess, readily comprehended the case, end very good humoredly accepted Ibexes case.' HAIM= to rmt hiramutie firers.--This (says Alston) can only be obtained foam the most coins plate congeniality of disposition, and =Mt almilari• ty of habits and pursuits. No two penions can be entirely of the same mind and disposition, habits and pursuits, unless after the moat Intimate and early association. It is in youth only that the mind receiVes the complexion we would give it. It is then only that our habits are moulded or our pnr. suits directed as we please. As — we advance in life our habits and pursuits govern us. Is it not, therefore, better to marry young? Trunk knit with trunk, and branch with branch en. twined, Advancing still, more closely they are joined; At length, full grown, no dillercnce we see, But, stead of two, behold I a single tree. • It it in youth we are best fitted to enjoy that ex• ouisite happiness which the married state Is caps. hie of affording, and the remembrance fines a pleasing link in theehain of friendship, that binds together any number of years. The man who does not love till thirty will never love. He will be too selfish—fges Any* dlstne• leasers to .Theadatin Burr. A SINGULAR STORT.—Tba last Glasgow News tellr us a !grange tale of one of the erwlf settlers of Sabine county, Mo. He WU a Frenchman, who, about twenty years ego, became dissaftsiled with the prospects before him, left his wife and daughter, to seek other means of mending his for tune: — For several years, the wife and daughter await his return, even affection compelled them to believe him dead. They struggled along in pov erty, nail tha daughter grew to womanhood, and married, as did also the mother—both of them re mnining in straitened circumstances Lest week, however, an old gray headed man went to the bumble dwelling of the daughter, and alter survey ing ber with deep emotion for a Gm moments, said: .Do you know the name of your falser I" To which she replied by giving IL *Then? said he. am your father." Lifter their mutual greet ings,:he brought in two hags of gold, containing $40,000, and gave them to his daughter, and offer ed her husband the best farm he could find 1p the neighborhood. He knew his daughter by id scar on her forehead, from a wound received when a Tux Ticumaarn Lung between Reacting, Phila delphia end Pottsville, has been doing. very suc cemful busmen. On Wednesday evening, the Ist instant, the Managers declared a dividend of 6 per cola, out of the profits for the tut gig months, which Is at the rate of twelve per cent. per 110=103. The establishment of a Telegraph Line between Read ing and Harrisbargh Is contemplated by the mem. hers of the Philadelphia, Reading and Pottsville Company. The charter to be applied for near win. ter.—Pfut. Lae, Local natters 1.12031113 roll Tilt IOTTSIMIIa II DOLT 0/t2TrIT. Cotner °etiquette:a Sonets, &c.-00 Bunn day morning, the jury in the ease ofCommonarealth vs. David Lane and James Hooter, amused of melding a quantity of fresh fish, acquitted Hunter —he having merely Rotated In telling the fish, and knowing nothing of Mew harms been stobser—and con ratted Lane on both indictment*. He was mnteuced on one indictment to IS montha—on the other, to one year's imprtsonment in the Wes. tern Penitentiary. Henry Robtrinon, John Taylor, and James Onikr, (all colored meal mere teed 031 nesting a clink from Letitia Morgiontem, Ckuhier, Water Street, Robinson and Bailer were acquitted—Taylor cons Tinted, and sentenced to 111 months' imprisonment in the Penitentiary. The following sentence* were pronounced:— John Chapman, ahem Jahn Hunter, convicted dui : tag tall term, of sealing elothingoess sentenced to 18 months' unprionnamm m the ?enact:Mary. IShohari O'Shea, convicted of stealing two es pe— sentenced to tut months to the County Jail John Ferry, coortmetl of wealout a 520 note Dorn Jae. Rytte—wittenced to eighteen months In the Penuenuary. John Dunlap, convicted of fleabag an overcoat bat recommended to [nervy by the turf--semen ced to stx months :a the County haL James Borne convicted of conspartng to deffend Benjamin Baer—sentenced to t I manta. imprmon moat in the Penitentiary. James Rot:wean, convicted of roslicions mis chief, in setting tire to Folbssabee k Hayward . . atom was mote:lced to pay a floe of 000 to tie commonwealth. and to be imprisoned :a the coun ty pal (or three yearn. The Coon expressed Aare. , gret, that the law did not allow of his being lent to the Penitentiary. Sarah Perry we. newel:wed to pay the now u the tells of indictment Instigated by her wpm Llespla and ELS. Flower—both the bill having been ing - nored by the Grand Jury. The Court then adjourned, to 10 o'clock On 340 day morning I's AGAIN. — Our friend Kerby, of 224 Libo;rty Street, whose saddle, harness, and trunk maau(ac. tory, was so senously damaged by the Ire on the electson night, has •gain put thing, to rights, and is in full epertuion. Such a man will won repair los lama. Mr. K. thinks like the true (need of the mad Duke of Surgundy,that 'the best knight may be unhorsed, but be is but a laggard who lies roll ing in the sazdsof the bets' A meeting in behalf of Sunday Schools, will be held this evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Lutheran Church, Seventh street, (Itev. W. A. Paasarant's All the trends of the Sunday School cause are in vited to attend. The Rev. B. W. Chidlaw, Miss aionary of the American Sunday School Union, and others, will address the meeting. ft to hoped a large atteadahee will be secured, and a new ima pulse given to the Sunday .School enterprise in our city. Tusssits.—The benefit of Mr. D. Marble comes otT to-might. Den personates the diameter o Josh Sims, in the prise Comedy of "Family Ties," of Canis Chunk, in "Our hided's*" and Philip, in "Luke the Lehman" The bill is a rich one, nod will draw a fall hoe.. BRIGHTLY THE TAYLOR lITAIL Ala—Gaily ad Troubadour. Brightly the Tsruna STAR Beams der Oui land, Shedding its radiance On every hand; Kind are itsbountertus rays, Chasing our fears— Taylor Star! Taylor Star Give it three cheer. Richly it brings us, too, Promise of peace— Giving, from Pottery, Joyful release. Tidings of triumph it Brings to our ears— Taylor Star I Taylor Star I Give it three chews. They whom the Loco tole Turned oat of door, Wino. will, in firlysnine, Shelter once more, The White 1-I.ouse, in proopeet, Brightly appears, For old "Rough and Ready"— Give him three ebbe?... They who "the atom's spoil" Claimed as their own, Shall this year, their power see Full o'er thrown, Ruttrr shall prevail over telisrule orpare -0.0 g h o, ugh and *eady,' ctims gm Ten cheery. Mechanics and FIMIOTII, all, Welcome the day A Whig Tariff gives them (hod price. =1 may. Brightly the Taylor Star O'er us appears— OLD Zack "Rough and Ready,' Give 1* three cheers. AA dell nano Lend!! the ghoulne in, The Peoria win Able, When The Loan are out. When Con to defunct, nor Yap mappens— For " OLD Zees," as Prendent. Tam 'rim THUII CIEWs I awl* Vb:ll3, we . Kidd *Mak. Virekurfstres blank o% nnu Sr mid ill °I . YOR VA* iiipeeilin lon tett sib at,7. e *wish. Foe us send udsotne ntore mai 4dble,est it husiven item staifsetion hare. We btremany conifer It since we Int eat of the ankle. Was succeeded et otker preparatams io this scanty, and for ads reason we mW to keep a supliine_ hood . k The above bi one 'brats ß hoodteds of similar eonstna• deadens which the proprietors of this meditate are daily moivion. Where alas been introduced a has become ate elm popular remedy in ese. • For sale at the drug store aff KIDD & Co, GO Wood rt. nort3 [Or Usa TO. Peoria hismes-1f you wish to he sue posed in any undertaking, you noun always use the =per means. , Theremw pro have a eough, use Jane's Eirscroasarr and be cured, for it in No Pro Per MEW. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing, then the only efficient means to Mire you is to use Jaynes Expectorant, which will inunediately overeisme the spasm which contracts the diameter of the tubes, and loweas and brings up the mucus which clop them up, aid tans removes every obstrucdon to a free respi ration, while at the same nme all inflammation is sub- Mind, and a care is certain to be effected Have you Brunchitisd3ffining of. Blood, Plenritry, Or in fact any Pffimonery Affection, then use Jayne'. Expectorant arri relief is Ce 1121.114 and you will find have used the proper means. For sale in Pinsburgh at the Pekin WA Stuns, 72 4th Moot near JAVrea Rxrxerneasuo—We would call summon to this extellemxemedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and all affeetions o the Thom and Lunge. Having several times within a few years past had occa sion to use a medicine of kind, we capers cane tested its excellent qualities, and are prepared to recommend it to others. Ministers or other public speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will find great bencfit from ifs use. It la prepared by a scienti fic physician and all classes will find It a safe and effi cacious medicine in the d i seases for which it is re commedaded.--{Columbas (Ohio) Cross and Journal. For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7b Fourth street. myT5 Cottons au Ceuta—The frequent changes in the weather at this season of the year, invariably bring along with them coughs and colds, which by timely attention are easily cored by simple remediets. SRL LESS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP has been in use for the last 15 years, and has gained more reputation (or the cure of coughs (nos requiring ac tive medical treatment) theta any other preparatian ever odered to the also. of Allegheny county. The imperial Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and, on' this count. is is great favorite with children. The doses are carefally graduated, in the directions, to salt all ages. That this long tried and highly popular cough remedy may be within the reach of all, it is sold at the low mice of 23 cent. per bottle. Prepared and gold by R. E SELLERS, 57 Wood st, Piusturgh, D. M. Curry, Al egheny, and druggists gen erally In both cities. oer2 V . Tarr:mon, in favor of Dr. llPLeates Liver Pills. wonld be easy In a yokune with certilleates of the eracelleuce of this medicine. Wherever it has had a trial it has made itself popular. We have in our post session hundreds of orders like the following : Tsar/acme, N. V., Deo. 10, 1847. Mamas. KIDD kCo t Tour travelling agent left with ate a short time Mice, a quantity of 10PLem's Liver Pill. The whole lot sold very rapidly, and gave the highest satisfaction. Indeed it is considered the best medicine of the kind ever offered for sale. Please send me mother supply as soon so possible. _ NV H AINSWORTH A genuine snicle of the above valuable medicine ban be had al the drug snore oil. Kuhl & Co, No. OU Wood stmt. • • Rhien never attempt to counlerten . worthless e, hence valuable medtemea are impend)! inma te& Tha knave who counterfeits • medicine commit. as gram it mime air it were • bunk note or the coin of the United Mame. U st. Fahnesiock's Verminage, which i• the only safe and certain cure for worme, has OP. Counterfeited in many sections ethos country, mid persons should be on their guard when purchasing to get the genuine article, prepared el Pittsburgh, Pa. apdi "That wbner skin of ben, than mow, And pure as monumental alabaster .^ All females have akin like the above, who sae Jones Vlrw i tte Li . ly trlldiWat.R7"Lirrekrt'yd'srt'reureet.sno.", pet nerd Ex Don't have yellow dark Teeth—they can ha toasts pearly White by one oleo wing a boa of Jones Amber Tends Paste tit hardens the Gams, meeteoa the breath, &a. gold as Liberty at. sloe Iliktaerl7lll Don't have ■ Find Breath-1( you have, use tedi shilling brads of Jones' Tooth Nate, The vont mate goer breath meet, wham your teeth, Bold at aLI [Ahem st ilhidavelLy W. 1ne.19, right. D. D.. Dam Oat. Onrice and residonca on Fourth amok oppoono the Piusborwh Bank. Wee hours from 9 o'clock to Of A M., sod Mak f o'clock and P. Porno Mn? Luaus.—An adstomed meeung the members *lll be held no Tneeday eye mug, Ni 14th, le4l, at 7 o'clock norld-ln R FINNEY, Lt. r DIED, Oe Seastd•y. the Ilth tttsb, atm Maim, conger, o Aleg. Itatrerty, 111 the Wm testa her age. Ilerfastenal will lake place title warning at lgo'elreek Com the rash:knee of her Lather, Joeeph Porter, above the Ilaedtltteet Linage, Alleghtuy. 8001 AID 3110 E WAREHOINIE . . NO. BB WOODS, BETWEEN as AND Oh MB R. TANNER & CO., INVITE Country Merchants end o th er. to an • zar nation of than stook, Which Is one of the largest to be faunal in any establuthaunt in thecountry. and coasters of sery desirable sod Lewin:table goods, a nd prosely adapted la. In we and quality) to Waster s sales. r noes will rampant faronthly with those of the Mast Terms tannin no•S-da. Orr 0. 0. Stennhh, o.llllllont a OFFICE 41 Mw Houck% =Fourth Meet. a &rar doers above hit'leact mea. twill thet othoSeuoo of boom awl? eaSpeeite, Teeth balgooko, with aru alai alter the manner woe tourantlly potter red mate emi t Intoofteutred to an .deb parueloot eue. Teeth; into,. htll set doyen to a aingie one, to senoolou seoettoa Lbw soohlint Ovary to the natural lee*. SpeeChena of btboka ol nabwa pLate may be exam*.a Al dm once. All operations tneldeart to the prohmaioa pereonsed with care and fatattattens alta=-2.n "Be not the boo by venom the new are men, Nor yet Us lust to lay dm old as EMPIRE COOKI NG RANGE possesses the following. advanavies—The oven la eonstantly =lv Peri wuk l :et as wb hot a cti f, d7swe la =k ove n. f‘fk°° It has • Chamber tuclostroly fur Roaming meals wok a spit, ItOw doing away with all the rosisung at urfman. in be shape of vun kitchens." II has a large <oolong capacity, wok an unobstrstri. ed dot autfisce oo tu01.09, writelt all bouskeepars can appreciate Itwset up wohroat 1121"4111 work, in say manna . ry ere-place, or in the room as • stove; enabling. those who occupy Istrod house* to have the advalitage of • range at the two of • sloe.. And lastly, It 4WDt Ins coal than artyothcr cooking apparatus, not excepting. the Employ Coo k ing. Mose, which ts also for sale at woolcsale or retail, at (lILBERTS Empire Mast Depot, Ile Market unrest, Guard Row, Pild Extract front • ntsteronendatiou from u n ityfe B elphiaach man, Esq..= Market street --..You can see no terms m recommendation of it. which I will not endorse If refernxt " uovLSoleodtDeelhenfoas -• • -• ikvEW BOORE—Loom a' Moments or Totnoettetry —Mennen. of plain and auparadal Thgenome. try, with their applleations Menstuition, Sarreylng and Navigation: by MIAs Loomis, A. UL A Pint Rook in Greek; containing • fill view of the form of words, wall vocabalarLes and ectpioas axe, ewes an the method of constant itanadon and repeti. non byslottn APCllntock, D. Pr:prewar of Langua ges, and George R. Croovia A. k , Ad : intim Professor of Langoages In Diektnson College Uphantht Life of Madame Catkartne Adorns, 3d ch. uon. A new novel—The Diannal. of Life. Darla 2, to and 11 of Harper k. Brother.' apiendid a leatreled salmon of the Arabian Nights' &tettainmeia The above works received ibl. day by expanse and for .ale by JOIINDIVN & STODICTON. neyl3 oor 3d and market or. W - . • ATCH AND CLOCK REPAIIIJNO.—IIartog employ the best workmen to be found, together Tenn a large and complete stack of hos teals and ms• elonery, adapted to complicated work. and making with aectiracy and facility new pieces, Customers may depend on setisfactton, and at thorn the sacme prices they pay to many shops fdr Impegeet work; add to m• ny cases for peewee &wary done to their watches All our work ;a warmoted to perform * well. N. B.—flaying induced my bob... to a Cash sr.. tem.! am depirooned to sell as low? as the lowest rega le, prices, cast or west, and customer. may be assured that they can make their purchases to this line as cheap as 1.11 the eastern cities, thee/ aoep aryr ," home trade and wanetry. IV WILSON NEW PIANOS, -- Sate Aosstry roe linens •'s Conamoym THE subscriber has ,icur replenished his stock of Pianos, which for variety f style and prices has never been sm. passed rn this city. Just received and opened, e following now Pianos, Ono 1 Deter., cabinet grand Piano, an entirely new m ention. OOne d ne Rosewood OS, very elegant Noon . k Oct with Coleman's celebrated ..Vodkas At. tachmein. Tkis is a very superior Plana One • matuogany plain, 11. & C novl3 H. RUCHE J W WoodwvlP. 4IIATS, CAPS AND MUFFS—The - 4k enbectlber is now receiving Mon the city of New York, • choice enactment or Hats, Cape and Muffs, latent %Alone, In peal varie ty and very cheep, wholesale and retail. 4AMES WILSOP.L .11.ffidAfleld ttf dok acuth.of Ith OCARCF, GOODS—M.earlne Blue rianettes— W ie Plutphy, dorth east eranes SIB and Market ate, his an assortment of these scar e and deatrable 'goods. Chevy Crap! and Crape 11.111tatarlue %lan, paper muslin, cola Canine., _ IVVEN/LE CONCR4bo haventla ip tat. al Pittsburgh Musical t‘esidciai, give their eau- MIT concert e ibe Apollo, on Tueets, eranigg nimt, at 7 o'clock. Admission t cents. no• 13,111 it, 4 BING4I/04. II3IE—IOO bbl. Louisville Wh novl3 DUAHHIDGE, WI 'DIME'S COUGH CANDY—A ceived and for allia b no TV2EII.I - L" OLIVE OIL-2.50 galls just roc'd sod for We by 00ir13 J KIDD Jr Co CMP'D LOOWOOD-75 obls just reed sod for sale b sovl3 J ICIDD.& Co COD LIVER OIL -30 gall, just nso'd and ll:maths by nowla J KIDD:it Co JCT. Lociwoop, alanford'sfr.-820 lbs jail - ma i d arid for We by , 116•12 '_ J ,llDDits Co .. ~. ODLD CANDLES-30 lailo store and for Bale by nosta • . SELLERS -t MOMS _ _... . .. _--. "Itiff AMS AND 51DK5....33 hods Batson &lost 23 do US . do Hoots, plisse Ciocinasti,in Bloft sod for set. b sterl3 SELLERS Alr. NICOLS UOAR—.7lhhds prime N Othrr l ( mule ja• naot3 a pv LOAP SUGAR-11 bblb, mall loaveb x lge ialerbY novl3 • W 8 8.1 bl.l7__ .......___ . . ....... -,.- 0 ALTPSTRK-71 bag. email Sallpetle, la store wd /..7 lot sale by ISAIAH rticzpv t Co, bovl3 REtlll APPLIII-88 b?lb ,1118! 9 ! ”. Oles, buGt recelvati and Ibr!q.e j. F, , 183 13 Afl • tb l C..4bl l l:' 8 vA , 3 9 , lit ste c kE zer - F6IIINCI-140 bag Dry Flerdag, Joel lewd and nu II sale by n0e1.2 WICK & DAVANDLESK CREAM .CLIKEZIE-19 bi. last reoi tn. E X (in. t .ale by boyl3 .IVIMIC 6 bI'CANDLESS MAMAmI3SA LT-10 • W bss jut rbo'ICK d Cu br m $ (111000LATZ-90 b;. fresh Cbqgb lyy billitived ki and for bath • 7 bovl3 %ICI artiaNDLESB MILOVIt—bO bbbinub yhabity_Fknu., jtun red — b - 2 . 211 byr sale by bong WICK • breaywyggs or**.attaikaidaikl& .I„.thtriA mania tasahaenbere are DP.* nYt "•,,i tt the halo" : - .of the above artlete,thren ideptaa bleddliC4l.nd Lydia, Laving anieed and habanotaiandtarn mareObe 5h9 1 . 4 ".! the: chore.: P shanty etpetted; they the— ar i a to receive orders. They will :ave.° ' tar and erring regniato :applies wa Now r _Lc:7ld VY a. naIITCRELTHEZ_ A/rIJSPVLATT A SONS' BLEACHING POWDER— JALans , alperior tinkle always on band and kabala in nnericelly low price, by no 113 W t AI MITCHELTREE kIACKERF bbis large No 3, (1915) recd and al. for raie by W ACM 3311VIIEL:THEE, rorl3 160 Liberty at WHISK.F:Y—agio bbEs Whblkey, for sala b I V no•LI W AI MITC W IN.--Port., Madeira and Sweet Malaga, for WV We east, or in quanutie• to iait paths/UM .vI3 W R M MITCHELTREZ CGNIAC BELANDY—{Chard, Dupoy & Co, and J. J. Drolly & Co,) for sale in !tailpipes, or quantitien to snit purchasers by W & bIITCHELTHEE novl3 UrOLLAND IJN. N. L. VLSI, and an assortment Domesue Liquors, for sale in nonntides to nun purobatern by novl7 W& N MITCHELTREE POTATOF—Zia boxes Sweet Potatoes; -- ad bbls Potatoes; just reed in prime order and for sale by WM KHAIdEIt, nortletn. comer Smithfield and Second . 0 13 LOOMS—ILO tons lasuara Blaomasale by— nortt FORSYTH Y DUNCAN FLOUR -33 bbl. extra Family Floor. landing from steamer Consul and (or sale by norll JAMES DALZELL Q MOLASSES-4d bbl. H Mc!uses, In store 1...)• and for sale low to close consignment, by novll JAMES DALZELL CREAM CHEESE—ROO bas in store and for wile by nowt' JAMES DALZELL bbls extra Family, for sale by no•It S F YON HONNHORST & Co BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-20 sacks hulled, for tals by Do. It 9I" VON BONNIIOI39IT &Co IHEJSEI-400 bls tV R, for role by noell S F VON IiONNHORST & Co L A R . ? , nll,- 11 M "Llfia,`,°l,;',4°.bilo... FIRE BRICK-10,000 for sale by oovO 8 P VON 130NNHORST & Co FRENCH CLOAKS—Rich embroidered Freeeh CloMta, met Imported and for mile at the cheap one price more, No ou Market mem. nova/ A A MASON &Co NEW ORLEANS SUGAR-60 hbilv N O Sugar, a very superior •rtiele, for sale by ovi&itlia D T bIOIWAN & Co WOOL' WOOD:—The highest market price in cash will be paid Mr he different grades of Wool, by o & W RBA COM nevi!, 63 water and IW front st HOWE'S CREAM CHEESE—A few boxes very ertperior Cream Cheese, feat received by burin v A W EARBAUGH S - OAP-100 boxes Colennsati Soap, past landing and for sale by oval S tiARJUIIGH JUST RECEI V k:D, a large stock of Cot- Duper. nOO9 A A MASON & Co SUNDRIES—I cask Bacon; 2 Las do; 4 sacks Fea thers, 4 bbl. Flaxseed, lust recd and (or sale by now/ C B GRANT, 4t water st . _ eIOTTON—IM bales inferior Cotton, in s ore and for sal• very low In clog& by dove t WEOTON BOWEN, 00 front •I_. LA RD Of L—l 2 bash Winter Lard Oil, NW lucid mad far sale by EIIMBRIDOE, WILSON & Co, 0009 water st TA HIED PF.AC/1.1.--2.50 buil/int reed and for sale j_./ by now BROWN a. CULBERTSON' IX/I:NI/RV PIO METAL-12 loos superior Foundry .1` Metal. from Union furnace, Huntingdon county, ra.,lor sale by oars KIER &JONES, Canal Basin DORIaIE lIACON SIDES-6 cask. Bacon Sides, (or sale by 0000 KIER & JONES F OILLIE. O ; METAL-3 loos Forge Ldea,ifielosisiatisby _ AIL—cOU kegs Nails, ased use., for male low by LA nave JAMES DaLZt:LL, roarer st YiiiiiitiCe—eso boil - 3 Oats; Y., kegs Butte r, 4 Dbl. Roil &suer, 4U bbl. Flour, lancing from Lake Erse and Maisano Line, and Mr sale low to close consign ment, by nowt /A +3M DALZELL 11~AA mu ibls Non!, Carolina La large ban and good order, for .ale by TAAFFIE t O'CONNOR GERMAN CLAY--341 b. Gelman Clay will be mid low to close • conalgument, by no. TAAFPE & OCONNOR EARL cask& pnrenru 10 store and P inr We OV3 TASSEY &#E2sr ,nice ArEi.Enn AND PEACHES-3001mb Dried jJ Peithe, IVO do do Apple; need and for nate by nerd I kAD-11b1X. pig" lialena Lead, flow *tear Roscoe k i far. sale by 1.0 FII.IKNII, RIMY CO U ta EAT/lESIS—ZI bags, pec Yankee, for We by aa7 FRIEND, HIRE' Co I) IC E-1 uere'ne — Rtee reed, and for tale by ji.l o novl U 1101.1180 N & Co, MI liberty it. OLL RUTIER— A fele bbl. treat, Ann reed and jR, tor We by littoell R ROBISON k. Co. DAYER—Foolecep tout Letter, for wale W C ARBUTHNOT AAA MAGNENIA—I cbee reed add for sale by oceo 411AIkil SALT S--1 caber hal reed an reed te le by 1.117 JOHN D MORGAN IJ6A.R-4 tattle smarty prime N Saw, km sale ►by ed 3) DADALEY (IUFFSH. PEPPER., ter.-1190 b3Y. j/lot Cater4,llo ‘..) do Black Pepper; Itltlo'lltdeuto, Lot jilt. by octal DAUALEY t &Vali -- - -- (ZOLIA . .11111—tb oigko reo'd .4 for itsk - by - 0 .1.74 TASSEY ft BEFIT W . ANTO. O. Coop er ortisi o. Mi. - Kirk Itor• rola, to . doom llta ricer—stady gong god good onljf.s. apply to J SCHOONMAKER It Co illto,iiii — NlFLO—til tons snorted b. haw WO ...ell Notts; WO too, CI loon, for talc bi nova It ROBISON k. Co COD:rb—lt maks pd""41(1111::17C:VT:Dly.t.8.4 NEED-1: bbls just reed and for Kale by kJ °ern WICK A WCANDLEIAS I.II D b WK. for .ale IT k:rd by Leal Lard, rtenred by sub, ___obi %ICY af 11CCANDLLISS GIBBEID ILES/ONG-13 Lads pm men .4 fpr .le by bwidd WICK 4 Pa'CANDLE.2. , .6 LbLA-IClbtaEn r FLA...CH—SU .k. ballad, lust reed Kg, and for sale by eand d b' VON BONN IiORIST A Co JEAVY CARTON FLA:tiNELS—A supply test xeetvee et the DU be." Hot. a W B MURPHY _ - rra.NNERS' 011.--61;kbbls 8 - tildes land . tag asal st let sale by sera J0L1111.1. - Ll.l, 0113-2 bales prove Ohm, growth 104, Jam reed asal me sale Dy ime4 C H ORAN D°w'D JA LAP -2 eyes BAH reed and for rale by Lov4 R E SELLER!, 57 wood at POVPD RHUBARB-0 cases for sale by n 0, 4 H E da../..ERS BALSAMCOPAVIA-WO lba for sole by or , 4 R E VIRLLERS 05E4.1:2K-2 bbis for sale by R E SELLERS LICH SHELLAC-2 bares past ree l / s i: og i brr we by nor4l IT ARLEN OIL-7 gross for sale by JLI. 00,1 R E SELLERS VI ADDER-9 casks loa reed and for sate by 111. noo4 R E SELLERS - • • LARD OIL-10 bbl. mom No 1 Lard Chi. y,. reed nod (or gals by nova SELLERS & NICULS LINSEED UIL-25 sbbls Linseed 0,1, j.. 1 reedand for sale by 00.3 SELLERS lb NICOLS -20,000 the Buda Sides inn:Wandfora; t rl y WICK b:III'CANDLEM, doei korner wood and water eta 1 .A AR ,.. t0 kegs just reedeaJor , by c.A, &AI ND — LESS eitiEzTrwrs-4 . 3 bushels jostroe'd and for sale by nova WWI.. rcANT,Lhbs B UTTER--Y kegs azoved .d for sole by . 10,3 WICK k Al,cA'NoLess QALERATUFS—Ie eases (or sale by 1.3 nov3 WICK & M`CANDLMS PTASH-3 eaeks for sale by nov3 WICK & IiFCAND_LESS • SCORCIIINOS-4 bole for sale,by nova WICK & ILVCANDLESS FLOUR-16 bbl. importer Funny Floor, r (or al. by bov3 WICK & arcANDLEZS UKATIIERS-3leal lb. Ky Feathers, rood and for mic by nova /AS A HUTCIIIBON & Co 'ky 0. SUOAR-304 MM. N 0 Sugar, for sale by nov3 !AS A HU NHISON & Co 11. 010LASSM —I NI !Mho St Louts Sugar Boom O. Molasses, Mr sale by nerd JAS 4 11k1rNISON & Co D WINED SWAM-4110 We small Loaf, Nos 1,1, 11, Band 7; nOlubls Cenalied; 110 do Clarified, for rate by , JAS AHU CCHISON C.o, Ageuts St Lotus Meant Raiment, nova 40 Water and lattront at (11 OLDEN SYRUP—In bbl., half tans, and 10 gallon 14 - tap, tor 'Me by - noyll ' .l4§ A lIUTC:IRSON S. Co („„IIIUA Anlll—du casks Soda Ash, Steele's manufae. 13 tare, tar sale, to arrive by 001 FO' ' I • C N, 37 first st tr0 W. 0 4 , 1 , 7 3 u tgs spap. f4r...a1. try t:lu tuns Ttri DUNCAN VAFLIMIATED SOAP --ol lb. In box, plat mold tnd for sale by oct97 JOHN D AIOHDd.II INO. COAR—do Wads pains, in store and for sale .at the lowest market pr al TC ice, for cash or ILk.E, approved Inns, by W MIHELT rooted 160 Liberty at APPL}..9-60 bbl. Green Apple., "Oates," just reed and for male by nova & iIARB&UUH - -•- VAR.NIBII-10 bbl. Fulettere Vurdeh, s t f ki the best quality, for min by nova OLICIIALIONILtICER & po 0 SnAde., andla new simi le, reooottueuded as sopa nar to limy beton the m otet. I!!9IIOONMAKER a. Co I bbls Cast, just landing' and for sake by ,/ novB 8 fr. L iimuumk. rro 3 alaciaslVlTtiliaind ,11, for sale by no A ITANBAU(111 SOl4 L9O swag &dd. Ash, Juts nod for ' hCSVII I Blt BAUGH --• - _ LASS- &e boo' assorted Window Glau tut, atul for lisle by nov:I 8& W Jag& L INMED OIL-10 lib's LvdpseVi a l la lV i rr Castle • 'oprd Mat donzmiov, ttosd .:t l 8 A NCOI.B . - - nA,3044-110 casks llason Hams; 14.1 do Slides, In .tore ~13 and for sale b bon 81,/..1,4tts er.NICOLIS C ANDLIOALND BOAP-60 tiro mould Candice; led do Boap, in Mono and for We b y nov9 8 tr. NICOL§ 1 STILTe N n —I6 l oa d tno . lin i a‘ t a 1t i*. 0 . 9. .-. no , y9 Ait water .t• , 0.0 Dried land RIO do, Doffaillpt, I Z' x - V3 cwt., lamling and tots sole by nerd &MILL d ROK, liberty as A•• —A mall lot piiitises. 00,1 !MILL k ROE AucTioN - aliFf Ey Jabs, D. Davis, AllOttolalmisi. • Caiaiogus of Clalarig jjl AstitiOL. TR.da, morning, Nov. I.lfdelcmg, will be *old O without reserve, on a *redo MOO days on all au= C o ls a 11100 , • those invoice of h ktohionab and as ammo, thing, by catalogue, consisting of 40 dozen fine abina, ham boom.* collars, dc; a doz Mut shins with fancy bosoms; 13 do blue stripe Menthol° shirts; 7 do assorted fancy do; MI do heavy hickory do; do ma. led gannallto; 4 do do anOed, dniertrr,;e do,,catzten flannel do, pn super fancy eassimbropants; 49 do gold mitt aminett do; 104 do fancy satinet; do. Also, dream and frock coats, heavy over roan, veva, Ad, wind; can be azatruned Ott morning of md• • arran . . D Auer Baas, 'Alsocs,..Ru.s6cra and 13 • • ut Auction. - Tottedas allernoon, 14th taw, at S. oteJoek, will be old withoat mane, all easel boots,: ',moms and ,ob ses , via: 94 pee awns prime Napoloon kip boots 48 do dodo kip boom; le do do Anti alerted call dm 30 do do coarse Ineadot 60 do do kip breittnai (Odom!. sea leather See; Te do woman' , prime nether over shoes; 44 do children. , leather anew 411 do lIMIXICII.IO patent tom; .30 do Whim.' do; 31 dolgured soma, assorted. onall JOHN DDia Vl9, /met Larg...Staiif ,Staplo and Fancy Rey Goode On Monday morning, Nor. 12, at /oenlock, at. the Commercial. Bales Enemy corner of Wearrand . Fifth streets, will bossild, without reserire, ifOrgash,Mri in tensive usortmeni of fall and winter stare and fancy Dry Goods, consisting of superfine Landau l•roal dyed black cloths English, French and Arrierterm cant meres, •AtiAOUA, 'Oates red, yellow, and green flan nels, 104 blankets, miler rich atylr, gualliams, block satin, satin and mantas rib ands, sewing silk, silk hdkls, shawls in great Variely„Liona damask, table cloths, hosiery, glom, cheeks, nelinp, bleactad and brown =mhos, ac. At 1 o'clock. Groan's., chnnnnnara, Amin' in., it. A amAlilY of /I tea hf chests and bozos, with other irnmerias,4ll his VA manufainined Tabu.", regalia segant, welfirig and wrapping.papur, ut . eig Arare. Cbias and. .glassarare, =Mal CIOCKA, g asses, Iliape, window blinds, Labia Wire. and (irks, ..UM.,tinware, he. • A MUM! LLSOillnAllt of aew modhouse hold and kitchen furniture, from • &Amur removing from the city. At 6 i o'clock . Roady made clothing, boots and shoot. gold and •d. goowatches, Aso cutlery, shot to plsugs, trartstY d.. 3e. . • aOll.O Ltberty Etreet Property at Auitiaa. Oo Tho”dty, hOVember 16th, al .2 &Mock, P,111., will be .old on the premises, two very valuable Hand ing Lots, situate on the north side of Liberty street, at the corner of Hay it, baying each a front or 24 feel Liberty street, gad extending back 100 Net, to an alley xo fa-t wide. Tbls prepeny Is the Mott desirable for either envale dwellings or heathen putooses or toy tow toe , hid la that ocatulful pin of this city.' Terms at .ale. novlo JOHN D DAVIS, skeet AMUSEMM THEATRE • MR. D. Benefit Beefit shd Monica Last Appesonco. Novssmas la, will be prerrente&•ll pn Comedy called FAMILY TIES. • Josh Sims - 1 , 1, Marble. Comic Boma—AL. Walters sod My. Goodwin. o be followed with a new Farce called OUR JEDIDAH, OR bilif.AT ATTRACTION. Cetus Chunk My Marble. Sailor's Hornpipe Master Woorl s IT° cone lade with LUKE THE LalloitF.R. Alr. Marble. ' E r a Xwt . fil ' p b pro n i fa a3 dt li . V..‘211 ' a"-"g' DAMING SCHOOL. ABONNAFEON M respectfully Worths the citizens . of Pittsburgh and Allegheny etticit, that he colt open his school on Friday, the 1 7 th 1:4, at tho new room, Washingum,Hall, t 341 W street, alone This room 'ill combine beauty, splendor, com fort and caaveniegee, being in the eecatui story, and fitted up with taselkand sty/e, th e proprietor, Mr. Fitz simmons, having .spared no expenso to Make it surpass all others In the etty. The days and. honors of hutiop will be so fixitowst every Friday and Baltuday of each week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. for youngLadic.r, at 6 P. M. for Masters,' and et 8 for Chatham,. References will be required from applicants tuthnosso to A- B. For term. and panicalars. apply at A. R's reMdenee, Market street, near Thud, or at the Hall, on dm above days and hours. n0v10.31 Aas Ordinance duarririsin,fy the Connate" CM Streffs, Grading Paeisrg,aad to Confront with hitri 3 Orraiurypierisf GrantsOurgh Tampa, RomiCompesp. . SEC. I. Be it ordained and enacted by th e citizen. of Pinabargh In Select and Capiftua Councils m rambled, That the . Committee on Strains, Grading and Paving be, and they are hereby anthOnsed, to conclude and execute for the city of •Pitisinrarai usand Wi th the Pre mien; Mecum* and Ccanpany of the Pinshargh and Cheembergb Turnpike Road the Wowing agree ment, vim "Articles of Agreement between the Mayor, Alder men, and citizens of Pittsburgh, tthrolrah the Corn mmea oa Streets, Gradingand Paving,rand the Pres ident, Memory and Company of Pittsburgh and Greensburgh Terapthe Road. The said Mayor, Aldermen arid earns of Pima burgh tome ao grade cud pave, or Meiptiansite that part of Penn street in the ninth Ward which, presto. to the admiasion of said Ward into the city, fotmed a pan of the seat Tampa., Road, bet which is now • street of the city of Pluaburgin Provided,' the said COM. patsy remove the present Ton Owe _beyond the city Mime. And the raid city flanker agrees and contracts to keep that part of the said road witichby them mil d. Is mimed cod gyro ep intim city to so goodor der and condition so the said to•ipally now bound to do by the provisions of the Atter the Oemral As mutiny of the Commonwealth et Pennsylvania, incor porating said Company: And the saidady further stip Mares and enc./nits to and with the said Company, to make entrant, instead ofgutters, on drat part of the said wad or street hereby raUgned to mid ctry.: Sm. 11.—Se it further ordained, in, that an much teeny Ordinance pa, conflicts with.thialmnialods of ,this Ordinance be,and the MUM le hereby repealed. Ordathed and enacted toto • lair to Councala, this Min day of October, A. A 2848 MORGAN ROBERTSON, Preget C. C. R_ Biome Roses" Clk C. C. JOHN SHIFTON, Pres't S.C. Aura Manua, Clk S. C. IXPOIITANT TO WHIZ Avskr.roirsn. Dr. loses Celebrated kemedles. R. JACOB EL ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro- JJ primer of these most popular andbeneiletal teed. thinee, and aim the inventor of the celebrated inure ment for infLating the Lunge In effecting • rare of Chronic diseases, was • student of that mettle:it physi- Mats, Doctor Physic, and itia grade/deo( the Unrrarsi. ty of Pennsihrutia, and for tturry yea/stance has been engaged te the invesugatron of disease, and the appb call. of remedies thereto_ Through the use a( his inflating tube. in comedian with Ins Prophylmbe Syropp and other onus resandles, he has gimbal an gape ulellad . entimmee m coons those dreadful sod fatal . ;itla.dtes; Tubercular Cou somption, Caned., Serof klbeturearitsm,. Asthma. Fever and Ague, Fevers of kutda, (thrum° Erysipe las, and ail obstinate diseases ria - cultax io females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes wader the liar of his remedies, to which humanity Is heir—not by the me of arm ceathound only, far tact is Incompatible with Physiological Law, bathy the sole of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each paeans; form of disease, Tomo Alterative Pills,. Alma mod are in 'tenably ackrrowletiled to be superior to all eater, as a purgm/ve or lire; Full inasmuch - as they Mare the bovrefs perfeotly free from costiveness; as also his Golden Palls is admitted by the faculty to posses/sped, It., properties adapted to female diseases, but being mugged that a bare trial is sullielent to establish that has been said In the minds of the most skeptical. The alilieted are Issued to call upon the agent, and procure (grans; one of the Doctor's pamphlets. giving • deisuled amount attach remedy and its application. For sale by the falnowing agents, is well as by Karst Drumsts throuhout the moot Sehoontosie g r I Co, 14 W ood street, kaufliissrPhi J al Townsend, druggist, di Ma set al Lea ABeckham , nett Ms A.D. Allegheny city, Jo. Barkley, Ethillon,kkaver county', P. Joo Elliott., Cowie alley, '• T Adams, Beaver, •• novlo-dly Li ELIA:RS VERIIII4/0E FREFERREA) 1 , 45" - ALI 17 OTII Ears,— lacatas, Cqt. LY, 164 i. Mr. IL E. Sellers : —Chiii Of our physician, whose practice is very extenalve. told me this motaing of • case m which one vial or your yermlibge brought gvray sdpVe wonnsi alai gentleman in the neigh borhood said that leas than half a vial of the ow charge of near 60 large worms burg nue of dm chil dren. Very many et snob inatzneag mlgal re staled. Is is well known abbot here, and, alutost prefer it to any other. dead Ole 19 diMen owur. AL WILSON. Parents who do trot wi ih to tride witys thus children, should %WE-alleys' Vegra4laga. Prepared and sold by A E dELLIF2L9,67 Wood n., sold by Dr Cassel, 40i Ward; // hi Curry, Allegheny. 11091 lIDfZO AL ADVERTISEIIIIENT. rg HOPI-80R CHRISTIAN NOTH most respectltib ty announce+ to the chino. of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has commenced giving instrocuon pn the Piano. His method of instructing as vt. cosy, sod adapted to arti In vary shock 11.111.1 N. hope. by strict attention to his bounces, and by reasonable prices, to merit a share of the KLIMA Pairwtage. Those wishing to hear him ;iay,"ii, invited to leave their ands, with the %oaten kilted to them, at the Mimic Stores of Me: Mellor or Mr. Shane. Pmressoces—J. H. Mellor, Rog , Pm/erica 131111ne, Eat., Victor Scribe., Rocikeeller. • OYSTEVIS, Bypor, HopEbCyt,.ofbscus..2ri„;::cmprite:,, families and .. tytt z lao . V.7 i p.toct! e r ! h a: the ,,, Re c lu i I p lll street, Pitt=rgii.,`htlenklus.sickte,, 4,110- o e` oLi!t b r i ' " vi I°, GREEriA=4:4`l6lt.arn-itr ,I 8". 4 Ws Flll PI pydn; 6 do beam. tored,Pippin; Id do Golden do 3do Lontribland cf d c, 4 do flidumnbuvr, I do Mammoth' Now landing Run KM! NOW ftA.,,d imd (0, eale by nov6 VS WATERMAN Atte t v l EW -IL VAUt — COunineteg traaThe °MOO dosm.";,syrtMbildito RA* a n d o th. LW= c F. arl,chtntrrd hi.r,....4.,,LOnrchicyogoi7,cedlbrge°l4rpretullf L' 4l ° IOHNSTO% & erTOCtTfra, MOksell 1 1 11.._ 30 WW l ': and ad .t. • • 3 ' ' I ;.abb.l , 4T—tfary-at ova Sailor ma y 'rho.. Carlyle; MTV."' ono volume. Just reved and for ev; hy___ is novit 1911#1•911# tvb- tormareamer Euro4 clPea aria Let: lerDress 6 tooda k e . orn " ptr4 the W styles, era: Sarin plaid Merinos, knew , are ate and the richest goods imparted dui sestronl mtl wool Plaids, high colors aryl choice styles; all wool Cashmeres and Mons de Wires; end Coburg and Lir. nese Cloths, of arty dewribehla shade aad color. mei • • Cashmeres, I mat urea, earl CIAPISV I IV I NTrarri:, hay; lust 113, maimd a large stock of Ads:, LAMM 5t. 11 4% stocks, fancy and battik esi t raii t LW*, hosts , 'l t kftth ?Cc : cleagethea at. Limited to call nod coattail. th.tit VI they =I sappastd to ba . . _ - - _IPP.IIS - - Ram as Mamma, November 7, tali. Praideoi mug gareotors of this /Mak have LA Orky docketed • divideod of Four per corm for the St llz gloom.. parable to Stockholders or their legal vq:lenttives borteorith. r JOHN SNYDER, pashora, lizaluoux Bono al loatOrt,ij No 2: MS Bank has this day derjan.= o o of on . per cent. on Its Coptial Stock, onto( thiPpnylini - a test siz moogyi. ptysfirgpliOr Oar the ANki lon, nov9-414 Ti'• Ak• UOWA Csoier. _ ____ Z 44- 71t a' MAJN L aetansal,l Dank has 31. 45,ialaidsadaf Pear react It. BpQ 013 Wa sit taaaah.s. nava w H. DENNY, Dasher. OIL—WO . ien Spann and Wluda Od, bleached and unbleached, in non and for sahib? 444.440,5 t NaQUIA IN= I'f . fJTEAMBOATS. CINOINNAI'I t PiTTgDUfI 0 A - Mv .- Frit'olC - E'T - L - UN crs or th E--..- IT6HIS bas .„ sin,j enfendid qr &nue lairebieri ~..,.-e,f.lsnegart, passe swiftest, ben n bed mad f ead - mag powirtlal boats an the wa ter}Wen.h s wery seceassusrodation and eons fan tha sway prociare,leabeenprovidesf IWO*. &engem The hes tLizeens ns °man= far five years —ass earned scnaillisn ar xscise vritbor4th , I ° l3 ' JAN' ry shen persona -The bona will be at gee tot Weed nreet the day inwrioas In starting, far the clan of fan& and the erdryf passe:men en she ter. In all C 124 th e passage stomp mast be in advance. • The Ingo NEWTONilhipt A. G. * Mem% allsl leave Pittsburgh every Sund!iy morning 1110 otlool4 Wheeling every Sunday eventhg r atlO P. IL Mar 2V0847. . RICHIDATPACILET. The MONONOARI24, ego. Rum, wi ll lasieirdor• broth every Monday searnagryingt wetoelk3 Wheeling every Rowley CIitIIIIIIr4t7O . P. PC TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No, S J. J.X.terererty%rrill. leave Pinsharer every Toesrlay IMO . 11ff at 10 OC Vi r beellng every Toed* eventerr at 10 ir et. - - - WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Mot, S. Di A N . n u leave Pittsburgh every Wedeeedey me ndas at o'clock; every Weeloce4T e►eda/ / el Ult. ie. THITILLIDAT PAC T. The EIRMLIANT, C-apt. Guar, swill • tears Ms bust ever) ThezedaT moraine alp o'clock; Witeeitig etery Thereday evening et 10 v. te... FRIDAY. PACKET. TMAILIPPEII. No.)l,Capt. Camas. will 44as Pk . burgh 000, 7 Friday Awe...o at 10 attack; Wheeling aw 16.1 l 7 F. avcalnir all!) r. w. as Se id.IMENGEB., C. 8. Etazaa, mil leans Pima e trg Cja . SrdaY m_...3 . 4aig at in o'clock Wheeling .aa_au NEW LISBON AND PITISBTMOR DAILY LENZ or CANAL ANDSTEAIdrACIDZID, maim .1 48. , eagin • • . (ma Lein.% finabartitdailliatig °Flatly A:AL, rivas4 as al allilaspous imbutliorearßandp ant Banste.Ca. nal,) as Zo'alock, and Nair Milan aa same nigha 'Loam Naar Lisbon at aVelasl is; P. u. k i t , trip bawd so th e rim. dating sins:nighl,) and .Otasgbir al Ai °Week, A. AL, and arms& rt Tittslitirgh 103 P. M.,-this making • conbeeves line Gar earmers as . 'engross and freight between New Liabosi apt.Pina. burgh, ID .honor time and at lass vatimthan by any other route. The praprietors of this lore have the pleasant otin ronttotha.spstil:lettia.,teste=aveaanan tati vi taro Ann atm afa sea freight, to 11211 in connection with' the = Anima steamers - CATES COPE and WAVER, and minim, ing, at Glasgow with the Pittsburgh and ands. nail arid other daily Goes of witness -down shatatdo and Iffisslssippi rivers. The Apgeptietorapieolgd Chem. selves to spare 00 ezpame er , frosibtato.ioaartignaa fon, safety and dispatch, and ask oclhopphllos Care of them patronage. AUTHORLZEqAOMS. 0. BL IiARTLIST, r• ^ E & W. ILSRRA.I7OH, B. HANNA & Co. myltal J. HARlthltoll &Co. NOTICE—The steamier IIEAVM,,, E.Chltki My ter, will leave agcy this Douce, thy Wellsville ally, at 9 o'clock In Wemotoind,' • . ISGB. , 1614 PlTTSBUlll3lllt.iniowar Daily Paaket Li ra& FEBRUARY, IE, 048 PEBEUMIT 184 LEAVE DAILY ATV A. &L, Abaig P. Ds. The following new, boats nenOtta tee line for • the present • seailen.,AT. LAISTIC, .Capt. • /Meg Fulham: ALTPC, Capt. A. Jaeobq and LOUIS hPLAISE, Capt.. E. -Berman„ The, boats ara Entirety new, and see P-• op vidsml regard to enema, err easafarlthas pawcarspnsenre has beets provided Toßo teassYthe ftletnestgabela Wharf Boat al the feat ofitass sz. Passenger. will be paneled M board, as the boats will eestandi leave al !heather. deed boutatfi'A, NI and 4 P. Pl . inatiadau YlTTBlatiaki & sw W ia ll=e.hagazti , posy P Kbu=er, loth law ly, Coe ea Monday, Wedneada= l day, at le delpekpreelsely.- Leave every Tuesday, .sdiiy slut lia. turday, at 7 o'eloe , am, yreetsely. Th.Consid hued at all the, uderatedlate Elan' acecumdatiou that eau be procured forbps— fort and safety of paaireaers has barn provuted. TM boat ts also providedritr, seitTacthzy safety gosyd to bnatd or to F"r MID Ma Pi i. r " feht corner of Lt acid SedUedaiasts. FOR BRIDGEPORT. The nett and sabaandalatelurter a kE HUDSON Andrea. Poe, maser, 4411 perform r regular nips berated PlUrbtggh and Bridgman She anal leave Fulabiugh <of Han, days and Taya.. - - ', - - regkeight (Taman, apply oa • • • am ,- ,_ , FO NEW DRLFANS: INLDIIIIIII,IICINTI e • t Mit D CDORGMDVN, and elf in lend lags on die stissestppi rind Pearl Rivets . , ,Thasiemrhghsiloseght Lod *ahem nal Bremer nOttA,, , Jenkins, mastery siDl leave si 41MS a This:ale , the lath mai, ar. AA, M. For freight or passage •• • 021 Board, or to -. 'FOIL NF._Vtr ORLEA.N' 8, • r ' The tee neer and saVsttiatiatihsat - et IVANkIOI4" ?Jerk Stetlittg, .rai legve,4 3 r a shore 4 11, ittpe,d1411. Porte an this ay, at 10 11004 A. • F'or height/3r pisa=. atqlo FOR ST. LOUIS AND Tutitiota RIVER- The fan rew i s o a r saener Gray, muter, will to for threithose beenoediate ports this day. apply oit board. novlo FOR BT. Louill — The spleuidakm e sse o ler staassit Jeoreos, master, still leave an above d isearmediate poets tlds . . day.' FOT freight or passages apply on board. prist, ... FOR CINCINNATT7.-' .-- . The splendid and fast remain stea wer NEW ENGLAND, A J DrChoe„ messes, will leave We shove and intrimediate ports se. this day, Sib inn, at 10 o'clock, A. bl For freight or passage eppty on board ova FOR CrrielliNll 1. — 7" ---- catime,The olendid:.e..., 13.1110G0L11, Cano n waster. will leave /be above ID o'clock A. M. and to ermednue pans Ws day, at nove -----FOiral— marizz„ Tlo fine app Relitamass 81. Was, ad/Ileac for the Waiver 10 o'clock, 4• an intermediate ports this dew as ZE.AOIx. Ca se Pl 7 0. bdidds neve_ FOR ON cINSCAT _t - -- A witai The zplentar Wit v irsight steentnen tin , waster, will kayo lbg the abort, awl inter ate pasts this d7at 10 o'clock, A. Itl. For freight a, passa g e vpiy onboard. nerve REGULAR La _ _JUISVILLE‘ PACICET. — --- The splendor new steamer • VERMONT, jakVat asslett, master, will leave Rot the bore and intermediate parts 10-daY- For freighter peonage, apply nn hoard. Dern FOR ST. LOUIS. --------- ..,... The splendid tau Tannins ammo IAMB,, .: , l S. Fendrielt,mm ßlA ter, Willleate for the shove•and intermediate poria on. Tuesday, the Me inn., at 10oleleek, A 11.- • For freight or passage apply °aboard, arta tos3o FOISVTII k , Co it FOR ST. LOTI;i9. - • - . - : - mil ~00 The new and lemma 'amour . - MORTH'If Captain. Mers , orill leave- r anew. =A ;Owen!" 5 dime ports this day al 10 o'clock A. M FOB. ST. LOUIS.' Matt The splendid s p ud tut tanliulus..." . . " _ Mm , Puler win leave Car . dm. Ae , . mu eedime minim Thum day, 40thtast., at to 0 , 01001, A. M. For Irs.. breudt ItEUHLAH CINCINNATI PACKET •• • The Mae steamer GANDER - Parkinson HI, mama HL ; will re , eve 40 Ire yid lotithirdilth, ports RlNdsor • For (Might or plaan o , apply'. board. Oenit fit riaLiklgr,/, • run CINcINNATI. • tom and fanystaasner WELLISVMS. • • Bames,ananter, wHI Inure . 10r above all inusrandisto portabn Wednso dare and Saunnlay. of *AO week. For traded or pan, sap apply on baud ar m _ ____ _ Butts la 430.8 FAST FAXPILIMI min FOR CUM.BBKLAAmt BALTIMORE eaCD. Tim EASTERN CITIES. THE Proprietors adds Ilse hare put ostllfit4 Stock, and me prepared to forward path of all de enptions dally, at the lawns nun. . J. C. BIDTSELL, Watp lV s street, Pitta h. litaal a BCIEII Er 2 &WA LtAt/i. N n.L.Saldtam. „pr..” Atortims: lA, R. MURPHY hiss opined within • Gar days a hap assortment or superior French Merino% ~m3l,olslna dilremnt Abases otalteroort.,Garemilderaw. berry, Scarlet, Chcmy.-Drah, Light Bine. Brown, awl kfararine Blasi also, Various qualities ondae. PARAIVITOS AND LI'QNMECJATTBS,.. oral! the ledinaeolora,lochtdin d a Mir pieces, superior black. BELTlNGl—Mararino Blue,,,Green, PLAIN O ASIIMERFS—.II.Iaronn, Oar' "'"' -net, Brown. Drab. Mack. ise. EMBROIDERED CASHMERE:I.'Ig • rioted Moos de Lens, primed Cashmeres a new article for ladies are ' LnmarCvd Stripes. oorl .6' A 7 IW i i - 3:111! a Cob., a M alta.lo so P and Black Teas; IYbllc PaPPor , 6/0 8 rail P iW .b 4 P bbla No* S " fl ier 3 u n .i e ", ,0 do .ed Herring; ID d ' sat.. - IIQ druy, cool* euk madder. n. • 111 d t e 'l • 1 eeroon 1.41g0i .• casks a., web: .4 for .21. by oel3l ROBT A ctINNEVOII4OI, 141 !Atm la tr E WR:CCOUGH—Farkey Casabbetem ,u2ERG 04.4, 41.—0 p en nina Wu day by lave., a frenb WO of. etirely Davy style, in Yo. , 0 .1,0 71 0.4 /mach C aabaares Vasdaya . ...CLOTH IMRE, Past I:Wading* camat Pleb anell ~ 0 4 us. ocill•hr • PETTIGREW ,46, CO.. - BTKAM 1104. T AUE/NITEI 01.usarai ALUM* CS, ocdt N 0.42 Waun street - -"' • INDIA RUBBER BREAST PIPES -A . Te* Indi a 1. Rubber Breast Pipet, a splendid ardelni.' 1 what a to wanted bete, and hat beau =eh enq afte r . I f the article takes, we watt keep a lane s upply...oll_ _hand at Nee Weed Ft. • oetZ 1& II Iita.LIPS .. • AsTALIC TAIMLIWIL OVEhL HOES.ejheu 4 IVA eases, o s asteples, or Moodie 0 Onn Shoes, sr aka an, offer to the trade at vary t arie ts elutes by the dexen In ease. We east Nay maim dui my be warded at arm mire. oat= 1 &