.~~ -.~ .. , i) ,•Z 11112511 a ~, -- ~>~` ijirglitISS.:.:iCARDS. • .: Athisichtuirs, liste 12;1r :Id sumut,Wintr and Ftetu =sets, Pttsburgh. .. 0021 immix= szares_,_ env= tarn. -13465N.1C REITES, 'Wham& arld Retail ;'PittsAn guds;comer ofLlbeity slut St , OW 1 1 .77 1 .- Ps. , mar 4 Rs , trrtlliantaTSON, Groc e rs, Itaikanoilision Milrchants,Na. 144 Libertylm., ittAttritik.: ' • • ••• de3lly. A. FAHNESTOCE & Whole:saki and Re " 0 Drage.% comet Wood and Rh eta j -111AGAUX.A 88111 . 18, %c 0 teazle prone" 18 and 1/42,.."9.14L02d dada Pitattoret. A. tdaANllLTY.A.Formatting and Cwt. kr. mission Idea-lard% Cana Haan, Pittsburgh Pa. • ''''''' awal. '"- ' . iIAtT - Witt foist's' °cocci , d eal 'Cl b. GYM i . .... r , Ea era in:Pr:duo and Pittsuogot otopto_ re5,.7 47 tier of Libtifty sod ittotdowiri ns . Elzlim im• '' ' - ' l3.°Uth '' ' i' w r 'A_.. IC . , pate •En I, t tr„ . l.l B , l kA/7 5 7 r i .. r ., citoulston , tutd• r : T - -gni', and dealers itt. Rroduce ond Pitts mad ojS 1, ....r. • w 5.37 Wood stiliestreFn d and bo h Dlott=etanit • - ~ • • - vett rd , ''irstroott• • - v. IL. nix* ^ 02 0 . INETI . Jag!" Wooe. MIEY .4. Co., Melanie Grocers arid ound.km,,Ziltretunts, add:rteata for Might. 0fb.66,3 , ,,e4N . 0).. , 67 Water, an6.l9r Erten star Pim- t LONE; 11 =Mt, ttelt sad onsii x T Founder& and On Finals, PA Front, between troostuud StahkEeldotteets, Pittiltargb, Ifigheet Fries 'web fir old Cropper odid Bram . - if:l7.. EORGECOC Calandasten and Eoewar.dida tn Alerquint, !Med street licanz:OL Mr th4RY BRUNOTTViIas and Red bead Mem fralidee,Wnt and Oil ?ambien t ' earner, 0f.1.1e. duid:Ontrasta.. rinsburah. .. -:::-;_ Ael3 roam eourrn..n. - 2 CaLl W-/ 4 SC". !TALI ITP e i r eZi t e rt rUte l i7 glt= $ 131,13 i/ - =Lire ticis •, , ISAI L AH DICIM'Y it. 00, Wh01e33.13 OrOcils; • 301301111dereliants, and dealers Produ °37 . 56 Pieter, and 107 nont greets. Pittsburgh: no,tr3 H. RANKIN, Amnn . and Conn eltot at Law and Commissioner for the Owto of P.. 13 .3 4 .. 1,11, IA Leid% B 10; OM 01 _ 'Flonfamites.--Plasbutato 800 W Forward, Hamp ton & Miler; Weamiless It urr, Jan H Parke, )14161.4 WPfrd it 14.8. joHtly TOIIN SCOTT b Ceti !Wholesale Gowns* Forward -1) sag and Contraluion Merchants, Donlan in Pro utute ang•Pinsburgh Manufactures, No, 7 Counnarrisl Bain, Littertgauvel, near the Cud, Pittsburgh, Pdnyielp OsOAMOI DIcOLTIREv Om of the film 0 Aleo and McGuire ' ) Zderdssint Tailor, St. at,. Buildings. aree wear W• • • Pittstm .16 e t % i tarc on r4, , t4 = B ,, arce.sors to inn ovate of the St. LoontSteato Sugar Refinery. .tio.4llrerando3 front atreeto,PilisbiarJa. M;iM2EGG;;U Ming 'B. MILATORTU—V7hoIeado Grocer, Pro tti data 114 Cenuoiasitto Merchant, No. V, Wo od St, Pittiburab. - -- • - lan4 TODD A DORGAN, WhoieealeDreftiet, and deal. ' in Dye Sta., PainievOsis, Valeilahes,&c., N 0.93 Wood "tree; one door, Death of Dile:need Ditu. bet .li. • TAISLIM IMRE, .Tr., h Ca, (neeeager to Joseph O. Thons,l6lo Clotedlees,_3B Waxes street "Dal , Wholesale and Rmaiideeler nrll 4 ln3ta'9haa n excel Pens, QOlll6, Femurs' Coeds„ see Sonionary tenetally,No. 81 Wood E., Pixubargh.: . itNn. bought °utak= facade. - sepls 1" SCHOONALARER a Co, Wholesale Drogru, O . No. 11 Woad Woe; Pittsburgh. - lONR,D A. dictioseer, coriet4thuft Wood .t IttretA L Pilubsgh. .-70kINSTOZZ-te STOCKTON, libasellen, PrlnteTa ULod Yam lassadenarets, N 0.44 Dilute tf-, UN . 01 .LIFAT Vrk 0651441 . 6,336,1 4 6,2 4 1 . in . P "" ,;. due e, Pittgrugh ale Plates, Ake. icci. Piastinb. jaa wawa rum)._ 113112 t ILDTD . eCo,) T 4k. R. FltbirD, (lath Floy Wtolcsa.le. U • Grocers, No. 19 . 4 Ltherty meet. -zepS lAA= psr 7T ',Wholesale Grocer. Connoluioa htcrchuz ,sod doorar fh INoduce and Pittsburgh Illutiocons,- N0:94 Water li, toulbarigh.s jaILIO tOJONI,Z, roma/1914 and r iCazudiodxgr &rat - Ohatos t - Deolers in Yroloci and Pinsbutgh =nu- Lowed armlet, Cmal Bonin, nem 749 at. $ 499 t*etrarl»rlron Works: I EWIS, DSLZE.La Co., manufasterers ar o. 'Li zoo .kar, Mom : Boiler Iran rad Nene of th e beet Quality. Wartheasei aterater exul . los frost Ll 3 WATERBLA.tii Whalns}le Grocer, Farrun. s lug andComatissibn tilinvhant, Dealer in fin* buds Prodneq,4l4.4l Wnt, es-a, I , o=l in. • . , ninny ainatisr, zoas innerna bre,...:l6l,lDlDlPTON„Wlaolaude Groan; For. wanting asul Ccoundsnen Almalunas, &aka In and Pinsbarsallaunfaeusresilinal2assall. 3 4 Wpm' uastPituhusati... : . ' - fab 23 1 ' • A 7 4. 11.141.MiLEILI Coglgotallflliolk: AL chants, Pluladelptai,farAin p todaee 64 trogiy Liberalidmiceszudeactmlswmil. 'elm. , ILL 0. K Grg.IwWALTER C. "L e 6 /IXA HOE tnbcae - wa tspars and CoMilli* AU. Cioa ALCM/141M,110..1$ labon1:0i, PO, ,I)Fgt:t. ALLEN & Co, Gonunisinen and Forman-mil „Blerebanu %ales awl • Front sin., between eon end 31ndiet ' irtn ; jantl te-. i . h m b itTal SW 4dit e grCitOalt 1111if40.1711 etlin. 1,1 • Pa. busl4 1 10-law 4 SON, No. SS Mathis a., section 43 • .docir from corner of Folut.b; denies, in Foreign and lioncesno otracitattge, ...rdleendorDepos tc, Isink'Notes and lestecin U." Collections' mad on di dui ritielitil eine. deteD , l_pubtAtT ta(Anse, Wholesale Grocer Keening IL deiderin Prodone,Ettsborlyta Manage, toru,and err lauds of Foreign and Voinessin Wines end i itisiorn,b.o.ll Liberty street. _Griduirtil n':l large m f superior et of old bizintntgldrtri - rx bake which 'minim mad low for cash. 'OMIT., , -I.ls a'netar T. 1..t.1X35, Jr . , Importer and tesstss u -', . iorsign', Snd ISomutle kisd*Ty Hudwars sod Csnatge Tri11:011106 014 dssecipams, No. =I roo d , lo It plidttlf DANA Wtualesale sad Retail Dealer IS stbstddoroccor Shoemakers' Toois end Mad olts, Thane& and ettileTe Too/s, sad Tmunm' Oa, No. Ws Wood scPittsbusgh. ssold 106030 X, Wl= Z. 103/1003. R. ROBINSON & Co., Wholesale Groteor,` net, 'and Coaorassioti Merchant:si o.odpoisletairto burgti• Prantifactuni, No. 1.60 L*.rty • of-~_Yit bo b- )0 • • MI L 7 1 ,1,1 . 3 Ca, Wholesale Grocers, Comm and' Vororardiar blerebants, deatera In peutuags and Paubtrtgb Manufaetares, I t lbetry 44 Ni taihruh, Vol re ilr. — A- - CUNNINGITAII., Wholesale , Omer, Della fa date and FingairshM oires aragso, .144 Liberty st. ' ' , )EYNOLDS SHE:E, Forwardisg,ssld Iflenbarttf, for the. Allegheny nivel C 'TlTa,l u = yrs Groeenes, Produes, Piusbarsk. itigairsettars MIMMa;M If. deel h er m iLty M FP } ft= %L. .3 . 010130 M, WM:dente Dealers _in Millinery bonds, laces, ainjerread: • Finer datieles, No. id Markel eiresa,nd door. arm Third a, Pinsk.. h. ep27 11. C. ta.paamr, imar. IL warm ILACKLETT WHITE, Nirkudatala Malmo In FOITIgn and Domestic Du Gorda N. wood trbarkh t*. UABBAUWI , Wool Menthol* peon., Flaw and Prodnee gunannkitY, odd Ptalynndinn OFlCr##fm Vero4 3 / 1 4 tio.p illTllol/I.I3ALEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers sad .0-Produce dealumNigo.V.Z3Mstketrtreet,betorterath rrad.Citi. Nardi Aida; •' ii. mama rartursan. an= arenatadastrasan Q,ELLERS it. SICOL.9 ) Produce and A:lowa' Coo. 1., cantina Aliarchains, N0..17 Liberty st,•Pitsitarta. r Linseed &I'd Lard Oils. ',: , Wl,47=OsniTaWn_tatival7 Otis, n linfehinn, n in Pltulair-lidtifaettires and ,W,estam Pro - daiv l 7 o7 m 77 9 Tvd v 7 ego owlia7Vbaruirdiild stand) '7l.iiia" isanissoMan l lit sad 011Sac7 1 •11 4 anai '' "" • -- - ' - . . . '. ilogialill a. Aii=, Vilials•si- ^ • re 3-lUl', Grocers , sod Commie. u'm Ateiettastul, and butler, U, Produce. - No. 33 eodat.Titiabargb. . _ AL U. FOSTER, Agent lot We • toldars ••• produringForor; as the'oilly,f , of EL E. Au* gq, UAW* gpfb (0111, IlfOliftrtt• sap 1' elk &atilt( WI Duo as WishwilaNyhti Attend 4 or bulnags then , free af expellee *PPnexatik tate a,arm. . Dana ardelmaamo WlCli le WCANDinS, (ineasiant to•L:71. J. 11 , 11' IlTlek,Vykrolesale Proem, Yenserdia4 arid • COZUDIOSIDA . cream% dealers la hoe, Mats, Glam4 aeal.YansuousdPitniblugh Ildaaafaatarell general/7, re•Ntta.Virima end "%Viva Amu...PIM/4*d • __ . RN--conagusico, _ 4 ' 4 4 1 .91.FADTr!"..V-F" .aba MaliZiMN °amain, Dello! In Fuel ind - Strale it *en . Goals, No. TB Market sttee No v o. on t~p S ~'~Vl ~ ~ N"'l ) ealet in FE'S t~, Jeweiq~. 1 4"i°! SlniO ' i ~L7ititr woc ., se; xa m star- vR. RIU R-Pli 'iVibliesale . Rota dealer fa . ylilign and Doateatie Ar 7 Geo.}l, limb east' ranter of Market Ind flartns47, • • Indll_ rim vi* !in in=. ... era r r*Gllf. :. 7i f ,„. . , NITCHMTREE—WhoIuite tlmoars, , . San tifyg Disiliera, and Wino a rd.„Laquot 'al Int IS nr 2 11 , Ali IResalind ::-... t e r iP,-. . g 1., q.t. ti-auvi, :., . 7g. nA --•'•• tr"D.IIC% & Co., Whaloo=oelis dad deli} In Octlifillifilud muslin% _war , ,I, Flared at :m u have on band, IS OR 410‘5 s nan sad -tplilial logo:mut onyx& is thole Ihnh lawns:um, .4st iNartn:Ailoy; Ihhernocts• ~ ~ , . mar , -yy: ipi-cralre, ..., t , ,-, . ~, sag dilato r andAtlfidif.sta&Llgnor ' ' orphan Mon, Im't• of BOOS MA and Monad ,} }WrOw 4 sT} 1 .' 44 / 11° " 111 UTC 4 27Aft 46 :10 , r. =EIMM . . • .. „,,,, ,, ,, , r-z:7-',;:'M - T.ei7. - M 1 7:::"•i-. ~..., , S.•- r ,"., : zz7m. ~ :-.:,,,,„. . . . .. ...._ .. • .. , ......_...,..,,.,.._ • .0 • . • I - .• . . . . .. _ ' .• ... 1 •-' ;.; --# ••! . .%.-;;, ; • 1 it, •.,, 0,: ' ; '..l'i - 1•• ,' :•-; " 2 41 , 11' .. .... - 1 - .-. : . . ,„... u..,.. ._. 4„. . ......_ .., ......, T _ „ :..„, ~,,•„0 , , V OE XVI. ' - .01 1 114 , • °l a. 7 7 ?.. i : r ta ' el 6,41t..1),Vik ~.14- 4 ., • , 71 .1 3 e. 4,1.. V,.. . • • . . . ~ . . • I . ' . . PITTSBURGH, -SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1848. . Imiai`l_.l ;.•;.-_. ;...• .. . CARDS. TWIN M. Townswin,muggwi owl ki. 41 .".. 7 ' UNo. 45 Market et, three dew. shoed rdrd. st. Duet, sedt have eonstand r y on hunt a well .elected ea iortment of the .best eful.freshext hledieinebYknO ka arid eon on that, most reasonable terms. ...Ming order., will be prompt. at ceded to, and rope plied with eniclesthey soap rely npon e. gmdna ; Preset:as will be accurately and neaup PrePerea bum the t material., Id any bear of the Gay or night. Also for We, tarp nook of Crab and good Peen . . ant. Rloratimaabela Livery Stable. ROIIERT H. PATTERSON boo opened the !Wye stable on Pint at ' s:inning (Mouth ft PA to Second . at, between Wood and Smithfield am, in the rear of the Monongahela: House, with an entirely new meek of Horses and Carriages of the best Quality and lamed styles. Hama kept at bre ihe best manner. irttlY MARBLE wopdis ON WOOD ST., Vrrrstsuittal. - • E. CCONTINUESto manufacture Modurnanut Burial Vaults, Tombs, Heed Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen 'be and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at regular end fur mire. • N. ft— Dravimm for monument., vaults, ire. furnish ed. of any demnption. Ile solicits a share of public patronage sage-dtf • ILLIAM BM - aid, Manufacturer of Conon and -y r oalored Linen, Fringes for Dressesok.c.; Sewing Silk and colored Cotton Fnnues for silk and emoliam Pnissolt Gimp, Mohair, .and Silk Million Proles, made to order on the shortest notice. Smarr earner of Maiden Lane and William. entrance Noes William fluent, third floor, over Abner & Mys' store No 65 Maiden Lan New York , litiallpinia 131117•31._, Km C. tom, TUmn atA2Witia, a. /ACOS fanina, in= Erns, /alas la-Lulu; Vim rani. 617 0N 1 ER12, 8 ,57.4tt1t Zxe2.,Rmica.;. ....- §.l.eze at vials, Bottles, and IViodovir Glass, keep e nitandy on hand a general assortmeut of the above alleles. AIN), snake to order a superior article of Mineral or Bodo-Water Bottles, of colored glass. No. 'lO wood at, Pittsburgh, Pa. au 31-11 m RICHARD T. LEECH, JR. ; Saddlorf homnongcry, Harness and Coach - • binnniogs, Bless, Deer Dale, Varnish, &a. to., ITII No. 133 Noon St. Yrresarunt. PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. 711 Forme at, near Wood—al/ quantities' of Green and Black Teas, done tip in quarter, half, and char pound packages, ranging from GI eo. per pound 11,511 jya A. JAYNPA Ant for Nicol 'Ns Co. 08queane Spring. Azle Sleet wad Iron Werke: . COMML&N, lIAILMAN r. Co, manufacturers of N./ Coach and Eliptic Springs, Hammered Aries, Spring and Plough Steel. Iron, .4c. Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Fittaburga. Also, dealer* In. Coach Trimtuinge and Malleable o,•thl lIMII I II7TA DELAWARE BUTT VAX ESSUZL&NCE CO. 1 OILY. Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for dm Dol s) natant Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phila. adelphia. Vac asks Upon buildi and merchandise of - every description, and Marine WA/ upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the Dian favorable 107121.11. tr:Y . Office fa the Warehouse of W. EL Holmes S Bro., No. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. .N. IL—The iterns' of this Company since the estab liihment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness' and Liberality with which every claim epee them for lose bas been adjusted, fuhy, warrant_the agem,in Wafting the ehnitilificelind patrenage Oftilit - friand• and the community at large. to the Delaware Yd. 8. him wince Companyr, whileishaa the additional advan s u en instils:Moo among the smrst Houruhing in - phis—u having en emplepaid4ocaphsJ which by the operation of its charter Ls courinindr increasing, the yielding to each . person manned his due share of the pram of the company, without invobring ham M any responsibility whatever, and therefore .as popes:sum the Mutual p rinciple divested of every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive farm. . nova FIRE man MARINE INSURANCE. PlPHElnsuanee Colayyaaaay of North Milano, talaugh tta duly atilt° 'Am; tho saburiber:offen !make perataaent , and hgalied Imaraaca on property, (II tbia city and iurvidiutty,'..l: an aldraems by the Ca nal andßivem DIRECTORS. &rimy D 93ffut,' E2MI John A. Blom, John R. Neff, John White, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope Wm. Welsh, 814=1 F. 804, Rranica,oooolo, Samuel narks, S. nosed, Adam. , AR -b. s isn j,i, o ,ARTWI R . G. l/9FF/N, /teals, Ttdale the oldeet Insurance Company • In the United idtates, having bean chartered in Mt. • lis charter is pe,petruil, andfrtan im highrnanding, Lana experience, ample Incurs, and avoiding al, rieksal oextra km:- arnone character, It may be causidered on *Hamm sm olt 11,:ettrityto the Yana. W. P. Jt.W.M. . ' Arthe Conntlnyßoont of Arwood, Jones tr. Co, Wa ter and Front meets PnzWoaati. snap ' Ifl FIRE 11C8IOULACE CO. rfiON Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of ?titlark!. Mill route insursnee,permucient and lierio,l on every description of property ,In Pittsburgh and the aummuuling samory,an favora ble term. 'Phis cutm piny has a perpetaai charter. Cpital, sao,coo pakl Co a ntingent, Fund &iab,Ouo ra Came comer of Thi. #l. sod ?luta Arms., Pittsburgh. apL4if• Insuran , nalatigthtddulysiahorisadegentorthe Amer Fire lnsuraaee Company o(., PhiladelptuN etartiaties meireet instilVlCe *pint ton ei damage *dm Fre, oti buildings; nicrensadtre; Aunitarecad pirepeny, not extra latrirdeas, la this OW aast ricalay. apl4 • • GM) CI ICHHA N, 9. arnvi Irirlk; tSt.4l:3ol[l.otattas West APP.:Kowa Agent; Pro le m. of the Lasursacc Complus, of North AnICI7C/A., and will issue Policies act social oi the other basirtoss of the Agency, at the. Isirschouso of Atwood, Jones a r.. spill WM P. itiNErs. graLer FORWARDING COM9IIBSION, LUX I .7.1341.1%) , CLl&Strelnie DANSCHHOWEIR & CO. • RulilllCD - UulitilißßOti 31118CILIili8, South tVharte .4 No. 117 Son& Water It. • P 1.111./.. v LPN/A. • • DEG% to Ina= Me -.retie and dealers generally, of Pitkibingh, OM they a a va ma& such smug...menu with'the Virginia manowenrent end the Growersof the West,i.l.Vest Belles, oiher places,. will Mame large arkt constant &piny of In:following &snip- Bins of Takao,..), which win bo acid aeon as aeenni. Ocodating m any other have Mu& city or else • where, and 1a.11. 7 47 &dared from them will be war. - Penonteicaialm represemautes , . •• L sLtic.iting) - • COon:j .; ; ...Ports Wow. ; TendM4 Leaf to. paw;Ai-Florida; liana& 41.10-11nutek's celebrated, Aram& Btag ' ,lhgli with a large ustorunent of stket.populas brassie, and qualities of peen:ids, be, 11de a, e, milt les ring; Ladies bast Visgtrea Twist, wholeand half On wood itt . tln, Cet a: l' 7X in t:vary variety ot'artietr es ' 1 .5 10 We i wide.• t 1 1 7 6 4 7 7 i. tillsl. A. nun: • ' • S.•4114U0111103. 11.1.1171E.Te & OAIIII.ILTBOBIs FLOUR' FAOTO RS,. Produce, Commetleaf tus3l4 Teur u r : sizalsig ARS gOiDilatit: No. Cd Nog& I.VlSalnnehann p lg 7 Ware 9r r iff A. Beam- , John H. Brown & Co. }Liken Steem &Oa Bimetal, Beaver & Co. Smith, I:lnsley .t.Co.• Allen & Paz= • Neer York. Walters & ho ney, Baltimore. Dagakey &Smith, Barliti4e,Wileon & Co l Will es Bailey. Brown co. `. Pitubttgh. • Kier =Jones, Liberal eaah =Wallet!! Innemmipmunts one matatedly 1g 4 . 1 4.4* tBAM" XCKT. , 10:11. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR PAGTOIELS, And General Coutnalsatosi Nero hangs, Ku 13 Sours Nam Brun Panaimuuttx. lIEFLISENCIII—IIearg Graf &Co, Pittsburg& B. 2 =l:Y E r ""k ' ifiw " "" A. N. Jabutgy, 3 ll474e e. styr,ezt 2 ;giii- Mercer, Bro. & Co.• .Ell.llsdbi Reed &Prodigy. ittastig a'Criastuety,&fou Usk. AZOIII, • - caw= ar. Amman 1 tammect-ii, ANDERSON Foa.weszuro a - c ommi 4 4i0N.A1PW COTTON FACTORS AIM AtitaTB FOR TimsAt,r,9llm.l,4oArip w, GLASS, ~ 21aliMtaim ur normal, epuniciash orne. comintAN. Ciocramisaiern and 'forwarding Slorehants an. WOOD a.,,neTumm, (SONTINUES to trauma a genaraleocuntision Wol k/ nom, erpeelallyin the purchaser and ode of Amen. eau Maanfactates and Produce, and in rewiring LA forarmiTtefr Goods consigned to ewe. As Agent for trio Nanafaemrey h 4 anil he eonstantlY the principal articles of liushogli fdannikeinrei rho TO eriwitatahl prieps. Onion and cenzignmeno 010 rearelfeny 'agog tor fit BERRY chaocicus i i'011WSDIM1.41M11)10111131ShION 11.1411111, boas NalL s Cattan - Yarns & Pletalrergb • Illanntaoteares generally, no. le woo nom," rtnrareent, Parargir ' Annuls pa:UN to 40e Fdiorianliior et /Produce, lar li tny .OtTerniallaiti %TNT al FORSYTH la CON CAN, Water st. 00110 • isel ozarsam.: co xsii HILIMANT, FORTIIESALU OR KODUGE. PROVISIONs, tics, 10 and laillant'sVnams IlmuloCoszas of Plosbuto,- , Whee,bor. C T & Co. msr29-46m 'haveSVAIVXI. bilork as ealee'imassiboely ems.. t o r to oar DOM orireboese, Or the mosso, were wa assesbbsluess as sunislizislitlEss, bens es. be erected, Snlogosents -.bum ailviady been suds for ass parse. IleateesUlalstaysbs us readiness at our wbssf to receive fought I.IWANOLTIT & Co, s$ =• ,• Lawns o LYMAN, REEID t t , OO sitigirTit; BOSTO ' Pardo aSgaton paid to the N. sals of Wad, and liner al advantes made cm consignments. taltekdawty • 'OA txfoh',, ndiatie.i dal Lis, do i-111.do aI.aNJ pejtss 10 o II; lump, oolgoo do ii dg do 20 do iipov, gots and for gado by se.o. ULACRBITILN CO GS a by o4o, 1048 ac. 4 10-14 Inadm_glass Just met ear steamer knowltne: and fa, by, Jerk • - IFORESIFIU t DUNCAN , , .; lIMM!3= WM. TIMULIN, _ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa W-taalso auand to colleen. ° mtd all other hi:LA rLess entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. & R Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly _Say & Co., Wood at. jan7 JD. EMEITZER, Attorney at Law, °face ad st., a opposite St. Charles Hurt, Pittsburgh, will also emend promptly to ColloCliorla, in Washington, Payette and Green counties, P. REFER TO . Blackstock, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, IPlusburgh. D T. Morrow. fact3dly EJ. HENRY, Anorney and Councellor at 4aw. s Cintinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly minors. MIT attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, far taking Depositions, acknowledgments, /cc. kn. Rama to—Hon. Wm. Bell es Ban, Curtis, Church & Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq.. W.Hock & Davm. oca w. WILLIA,II4 Wllt. to SHINN. WILLIAMS & 81111 , 1 N, (successors to Loarriesind Williams.) Attome,s and Counsellors at Law. Office "'oath side of Fourth street, above Satithfirld. fel,l7d&orl TAMFB . F. WF.RR, Attorney at Lao, Batmen's 0 Building, Grant street, nearly oppasite the Mart House. angOarri J. DUNLOP 1. UNLOP SMVELL, n'"""" " nnet 4lEl " sta. l-", "3". on FORWARD k SWARTZWELDER, Atusmeys Gast, Gave removed their office to the Soath side o Reath at., between Chem Alloy awl Grant street. 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney arLaw, has re. moved his Office to the Stchange Ihtildina St tr .t., cost door to Alderman Johas. WHY SAMUEL W. BLACK, Attomey at Low . Office oo Fourth loran, near Grant, ?inshore, octißdlm . BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchants. .101_ A LARGESTOCK of School Books, Papoir, Station ary, /cc., nimble Tor coontry mi.; among which Wrung Pnpers, of fine., mahout and cougsson qtrlt's Letter Paper de do do do Note Pope, do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes. Slates, Pencils, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plant and prinistd, Bonnet Boards, of dideran! qualines; Blank Books, in great vane ty; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, mediam, and double crown wrapping. paper; AleGuirues Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Bay's Eclectic Arttlunetics; Cobb's 'Pitmen, Spellers and Readers; Sanders; do do do Arithnestics, by Adams, Davis,Colbum,Rnsith, Stiwk ton, Ensentod, and others, eo b' grip' rx Mitebell,Olney, Smah, Mo,Goa riell,-Parley, and otbm. grammars, by Smich,'Hir . kbam, Bunions, Weld, an d olltere. For de of p ricey by - • MELLOK, 81 weed W., 5 doors above itb. The lushest market price paid for good mueil rags, cash- sole IDLANETAIfira lat exposition of the grew discoveries and thew ries of modem astronomy; by 0 M Mitchell, A IA Di rector of the Chub:mini Observatory. Headley's Italy, Alps and Rhine.—La users from Italy, toe dips and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and his Alarshalls, Washington an d his Crone als.,&c. New and revieed edition. • Statistics of Cual.—Tbe Geographical and Geologi cal distinctions of Mineral Combustible, or fossil tech, including also, notices and localities of the ration mineral bin:minions aubsume employ ell in arts and manufactures; illoorated by Map. anal Magma; an• companied by nearly 400 inatisuisal tab Ica, and Henan olyees of mineral wanbitatibles, Isei meowed by Rich end Crawling Taylor. Just received • few copies of each acute above works —for soH by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, fyS Booksellers, env n tortes & 3d nu. _ - 'RJR/LILLY READY FOR PITBLIOATTOR AT by .1. A. &U. P. JAM B ,al Actaeon, the following new and wettable Work•—.• Doniphan`s Expeditlan—Cowal4aketeh of th e ate of Cali A. W. Ocusiphsn; the uest of New Maginot Goa. eszney's Overland tine ro Navajos, aml as al' ur=ll l l L e s tr Atire C T= r= rn tiske: and and the Opellaione of Gen. Pi•lce at Santa Fe; with a Map and Engravings, by lohn T Hushes_ A s • the In Regiment of Alitsoun Cavalry • His of Kentucky-1n Aollqindes end Canonise; Geographical. Sudistical end oeologicat description; with austoduties of Pioneers 1 tilh,mui l . loo v than ono hundred Biographic ILI ntnows••• o f disuognsh ed Pioneers, Statesmen, Jmists, 1 rawyentl, Bt vines, b.e_; &nitrated with Cony engratru, to, by low , . Collias,l voL octavo. • ct , 2!i-nr! MEM • The Twelve Minas' Pottiness, or Arumr tl of u. PPI.- Vlm illtht tenauteco Reipment of ant try, th. Campaign of Mexico, dmmg 1,16-47,C , Xl ant ing an in tic• coons of dm /damn of die Regiment to Yee a Ora. a' description al the CGmtuy passed over, mem ens, k COM W.ll, &c. of the people; Sketches of beam I.Mm. at counts of all die actions of odic, Volunteer EL ket panto, and a fall History of the Mexican Wari List o.• .e 101. led and Wooadisd, tem illmucated by large to mane; al ascrect Mama and pls..; ty Geo. C. FuloLer, volume octavo. — New Paper mad: Book Establisher:tang, To WWII Be., samara Fume too Maumee elLat " ? "4" :14/ 4 t V :f =tern .711 . 11 ' L,1 ‘ Prt i' d plain Milos ended. Writing and Leo. Paper, com mercial and packet pou Flat Cep, dam; and medium wri oapots. for blank book& modtunt and royal co- lored Papers; medium, denty and cap Day Booksand Ledgers, evertor paper end best gam ns bindiog; School Books of all hinslg standard vs mita at Theology and Belences, Quills, gold and me/ Peas, Wafers, Wax, Bill n k.e. toe. Blank Books of all sm. ruled to panels& and bound in the mist substantial manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholaala pn e for easts„or rags at ear n prues. JOB PRIPMLNG.—IIaving • Job office in comectire. with OUT tIII.IOSTSINCIIt, to ate prepared to eleaute orders for plata and fancy Pruning—hooka outsold... circular., buinew card., tally of lading, &e, snot tick patch and a. low rpm.. EJ..IJUIT a MULISH, irk 78 wood at, between Ito and dounond Utey &W WOLW...:=Vittity Pai,iintiver• — olik - Onit Berm by %%galena Metope... Thaskory—ernh illostrations by the swam. The Tenant of WOdten Hall: by Acton Bell, author of “Wuthering ldeightn The Young Bclumlntlstreast by Joseph Alden, D. D. Pan 0, of Uarpers' Illumated edition of the Aratom Nighta . Entertathntems. New translation, ',ringed for featly q. muting, won explanatory nom. by F. W. Lane Es Loomis. Loguithme—Tables of Logarithm Of rno o beth end - sight and Tangents for every ten second. of tut quadrant, vont other useful table& by Ella. Lamm, 6. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy u. • tie University of New York, author of • ••Treatise. Algebra" &a de. 'The above works neethed this day 6124 for salt try JOEINISTON d trrOCirrp:r. krell u me . o t r ie marjc : eLe•,4 11iSTORY-ON CONGBE&S,' LtiogrsolO.ow and Poe deakcersprialn_g memoirs of the sr .en Meth of th e tattagress of the U. Mt By kr 0 Wheetes. Blwtnted by numerous steel port/tuts, Or. Or. vet, 1, octavo. The Writings of C. M. Clay; including speeches and addressee, with stool portraits: Edited by fi ° ree l ) , yoke uct Mat I Saveln Catiforms: By Edwu . Banns' Notes, Vol. 10, oo James,. Peter , John. and Luke. Charms and Counter-Charms uy Mi hphd o .t, an- Wor of "To seem and to he,"."per' nest," te. Ma rd ry Wove', • WM.6O T tap , Jrettoe Tale. By C. Buett. .If, unit egneens, or .as in t.) st Palace; consisting a! •W:micalrJunciles of Inas and reigning at:tremolos: By &C. Abbott. A Finn Book In Spattish, or a praefiell introduction. to Ma study of the a paut.L L sj2gmage• By J. Bclkeld The Dying Kohut and other ' A im • Bee.Ds. Alden Just reeollry ' R. HOPKINS, Buildings, 4th St, suagl ' id aocoseor to J. L. Road.) E o(1 :Mining', iry J T'lteadlejr rawer Of Ma Puipti, by Gardiner Smog, D. D. I Fl, o do Jaeobun on ag Gospels, Ala: thew, d with Hammon Lactates on Ethakepeare 2 volc Path of Lilo, or Stench.; of the Way to Glory and I Feet Messiah; The Convent; by author of School Girl In Fraticei Now end Then, by Warren. Sketches of Lemons, CM Pa;abars and Mititeles; DeLsnds Welcome to the Soy neer, Heaven upon Earth; llawkston, a tale of and for IF hteand: 4 rob. Ft , ' sate by ' ELL lam tr. ENGLISH. 7it w and and be enametant NEW BUOKS—.lconrace, veil from the publisher, and for sato at the Potato dist Book Store, Os it, near Wood. Topper. Prove Taal Philoaophy, three style& of blotting; a beautiful book fora present. • Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches of 80191005 on d le Parable!. and Miracles of Christ, by We author of ti to Pulpit Gyelopedut-4W thatches Be. The E.:411.11 Pulp.i4colleoen of 'pr otons by 'the most eminent li ring , 141rsurcas Voss—Doing Good , r est thou me, Sacred Mediu. dons. ilO5 PA'fftlikitCHAL AGE;I fteliglOn of Mankind from death of leaflet Deduced from the ad other inspired authors; tintrLLl references to the n-ciont records, tradßlons:allsi My thology of the Heathen Wortd— by 8 00 aniii b, s. A. 1 voL, octavo. , Clowns mid Counter-Channs, WI Alias Matral. A fresh supply of this very pot/alas li We work. Orators of the Americrut }Urn, kuloo, by Kt., Pl. goon, with Portraits. I vol„ ;m.o. Yarley , s Lablnet Library, for Orodlies or schools, 20 volumes, le mo. with engraving S. This is a new west. usesale by If HOPKINS, gA . polio Buildings, 40 et ',FILM'S BOTANY— Botany , of the United States 1) Do.* of Virginia; compn zing descriptions of the Cowering and fern-111r.e plots hilhorto_found pi those States; arranged according to the natural system. With - a synopsis of the Genet o &coo. ding to the Lln mean spacial; a W alai of the i 7odimeilts bonahy,Ond • Ilkosary of by Levi oC. Beek, Do Prof. Cherahury and Natural Him ry In Rover's College, )I,.."Jensy, &c. ac. Second, edition, melted and en torgs'O. For wile by sepia JOINEITON. & BTOCICTON LIiMARTY.NI7B 61110NEMST8—History of tbo Cii roof ists ; or, Personal Blerahlrs of the Pstricis of • Wm Preach fibivedutio froth ungmbllalted soureem Mpbooob do Lamartitio. Compit to in three volumes: Ryder fcauslation. A fresh supply of this popular work nr esive4 this day and for as le - w JOHNPTOPI tr. aTOCICTOri, `•• • Lplil Booksellers, ear market and 8d cis OITERING9 — IN EIIROPP4 ' or aketg ooa ofsmel J In Emma, &doom, Austria , Switzerland, !MIT, Yra.oa, Inlataana Groat oritsg•ii; with c lo ontaining observatkum Es:ropes:3 chares and iinstrarnhcir. by Jotat W. Carson, la. D., A w copies. faros Ala • by _ AT OUR STORE on Alarkes =say So 4N between ad and 1 lh, way at all times be Ai Large cock ofThesW wAleal and Illatellaneen Saabs. New beeklrreeetet ah loon to ptubtisWi•Amelil2d Nola at knws est pimp. 'beithiblieatlen aat thwrleasi Sander Setnet 'Ade h tad blaeuelsusetu Sabbath- Schad So.' clay Idenid,fa an band. ELLlOTT Cataloves AssnisbeA en an.' •• •• • • ls NOPOII, luvicgt bet!kitSgt:N LAW OFFICES, : A iii‘C.F4, CRAM ERSH IPS. 00.PARTNERSIIIP. TOOll4 to giztount- have this day stssocated /..J with them in the hardware husiness, Philip il son and Tdtvird Gregg.' The style of firm hire.. after be Logan, Wilson & Co. This arrangement taw ders It desirable to close the old business es soo es possible. Alf persons whom liabilities have ma are especially requested to =Ye immediate pay L Pittsburgh, Jan I, 1849. T OOAIII, WILSON. & CO.—imporiars nd Li Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic U rd. ware; Cotlery. Saddlery, be ltht, Wood street. P burghjara now fully prepare'd with 11 recently im tot ted stock ofliardware,Cntlery, /cc . to offer very gwat inducements :to western buyen, being determined to compete In prices w,th any of the Atlantic eines. ,A). so on hand au extensive mmornent of Pinshorgh Wad wPm. vis: Shovels, Sondes, Forks, lloc•, Vicesoke., all-of wiaa bill be Shovels,, it the lowest mmufarturer's prices is 00erdin1,RESISHIP. 9 Tn. goblins ben having recently enteredidto pannerahip tanks the name of Gal ashes, & Miller, fin the purpose of canTmg on the 11WI and Iliusi Founding and G Fitting busin 'in all its branches, have taken the stand formerly oeett pled by H. Gallagher, No. ICH Front .treat, between Vinod and Strsithlield sts., where they ore prepared , to execute all orders tor Bells, Brass Castings, of eVorf dear npuon, and Gni Fttings with neatness and des patch. &eta:Moat tobtang promptly wended to. ' H. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG, P. H. MI, LViL N. B.—The attentiod of Machinists and Engineers Is (twit. to our antl-annsetion metal, for ereduced pries, •hich has been announced supenor to 'habit's by =lmhef. who have need both. itteambont builders and the neldte, genethlty, are al,e requested to call and ex amine our manor double hedon Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic tee GALLAGHER, LONG, is MILLER dect7dly I =2l=! on the Ist inst. hamlets will be closed at the old stand • either of using the name of the firm for ohm purpose. Ileing desirous to bare nor business closed with as hula delay as posstble we would ro. spcetfully request those indebted to call and smile that accounts. • JOHN 11. SVCORD, Pea It. u ;Wirt Cs.riartstarahlpi TWIN D. hi'CORD having associated with him Ins h, brother James ADConl, coder the style of hl'Cord Co., will COIIMILIr the Hat, Cop and Fur busuiesein all its various branches, wholesale and retail, ft the old stand, corner of flood and hah streets, where they much a continuation of the patronage so liberally be .towed eu the old fillaL JOHN D M'CORD. jeZ JAMES B. AITOIUI N retiring from the old and well known Arm pi I Ill`Cord S. king, I most respeedlly recommend to the patronage of the public my sueceesore, Meseta. Id'cord & Co. pa'S H. D. KCVO. Dlimolut r[lllk2 oopartnerstop heretofore existing between the . bseribeny nodes the style or WWl,Hu.hEeld & Roe, expired um day by limitation. The bosinesti of the hina will be tooted by AMU & Roe. JA1111 , 23 D. ArGILL, S. H. BUS/ WIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittabargh,Jelyl.9,lo4l. The undersigned rrlll tont nue the Wholoaale Gm. eery and Cordmisiuors business, under the Immo( Wain and Roe, of their old stand, No. Ind Llbert7 street. JAM IdI.IILL, WALTER C. BOR. Having .old my tamest m the firm of 11'641, Bash field A Roc to my former partner.. M dill A Roe, 1 take pleasure in recommending them in my friends and the goblin. /TO S. B. IllinliFlELll. Gio-Partale irshipWciee. 'EN W. STEPHENS of Wheeling, E. P. Shcenberger EL. of !amain, and J. A. Sam kum of Ihnshurgh, ham, dile day entered inure co-partnership under style and Son of Stephen., Stiocalrerger & Co., at Um Anchor iota work. Wheeling, Va_, for the purpose of man.- factur ing iron and male of every description. . W. 11.1/111. IL V. M0W!..." I. •. rrocarco. 'STEPHENS, 81101ZNEIEROER a 00. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. Medina., Va. 3dattu6cture all kmd of boiler, Mem, bar iron and mule, A. Wetzel eitpue sprtngs and mime Lienta con nected with 9110m:therm% old Juniata works, are cut otter an enacts of Jamul& mon (branded Shaeoberger) equal In any wade in the country All of which mill be sold et the rtmatrorgh prices. Warchemse attic works corner of Monroe awl Water am. tayll rhISOLVT/03—Tbe rgartnerstup hitherto exist- - X.lm/, node, the style and bras of trmhuout A Dal. to lb.d y &mutual by mutual consent, Jtatkalhtl cell baying disposed ants entire armrest to IL W mem The bustraes- of the late boo will be settl edby tl Wigbwaln, who Is unharmed la use me name of the lase fina Cow that purpose. 11. WitilllTALe.N. apotattl3w tidy 1471 J 1111.ZELL. THE Subscriber la now prepared to maIIIACIVID ail kinds of Conon and Woolen Mariwry. at the ,bane, notion. Orders leftat R. %Vietnam's Engine Shop, cor ner. Liberty and Weiler streets, will mein withpionapt IiIUIEWaOII H. Wit/NV.1.01, Lemma st., between Federal and Sandi:airy sia., spindly Allegheny city. ry T3 Z Ii I i =A t ' ''I C wit h tmV Mrigi. they basinesit will hereafter Pc conducted under Inn o( Wm, Young & Co. Wit r 11 . 11 YOUW • 41.3 /NO. H. 3TCYNE. ~7 — P~ttuenhlp'llotic a. TriViliD 6 OßtlliNOß CO. Ines n.. thoirTonacco and Coitunwelon buslnawk ppp rg pi ilant of - Jacob Heald H Co, lialtimord4 ... y i d Myranninn and lobe a lV••••••• bIETTGA li: Japjit,To * Nmpootorant. C 0 1..,...nuta en., o , wpt.4, 1.11 DD"O. jAirsk., feel bound to you and the settotod public, t.' n , ailmyself of mt. op. Immunity of giving publteity to in ' on" , tmultnarY effeets in your i..pectorant oa to) sett. l's / been ndltmeti (Jr coverti years with a wee.. e:tcitni hectic fete and its coneonutant an/ am, sed only dmmted to linger out a short but suleerabie el.. urea, the of MD, when, being more seaerelt o Welted, and having rosorted to all my (ono., comedies, dod the Pee seriph°na of tam of most respectable pi)%mama in tile oeigkibwalweei without deriving any benefit. 0 , dto consolation or surviving but • tee days or nor at farthest— imhen the last glean; of lentn . wa. •••••.' anush, I had recommended wine yimr midi/tr...it d blessed by that lining who doe. ail things in the use or the . trienna—arrd coutrary to the WXlllo,lllona of my pbraktlatut and friend s,l wait to a few days retard from my Ittedand as enabled by the 'lll4. of a bottle. to attend to soy l wage w ., enjoying wore better health than / had for ten years prenou. Respectfully yours, B.c • JAs W E.rro_L. For ante in Ptastiorgn. at the Pekin Tea hintre, 72 Fourth street tiara FAIiNESTOCK SA NT • I LIO n - ffa The Cathartic compound combines smanneat ci bulk with el-looney and comparative mildness of p.- gative nodal, and barring • peculiar tendency to the biliary orb Oa, is extroutely valuable an Ole country, In winch hi) min fevers and other complunts amended vssth eon/pollee of the-Liver, sn much atnund. They have now-ottind teat of 20 years, and 04 has Messed them to be a safe sad trainable remedy m letormines it, Domineer and Motu Fever, lannettee, Stlionsm nate, indigestion, Dropsy, Dysentery, Hilton Vomittega, eoldstat . l all complaints of an intlammato• ry chorea ter. complete and univerml osfae. tern attach Om trivenity these pots to an mho hare nod them, tenders the pubittinng of the numer• out en - title/nes in their favor unneeetsery To pre vent ecnouncifemeg boy me now put up ot a red sylo graphic vet apper. Prido D.Sneeta for • box eitntatning 3D pill.. Props..el And sold by B A FAB:a-STOCK A. Co, cornet Wand woad, and also corner eta and wood streets. - . B. A- Faint Kerma A. D. lieu., N.Y. C. X. L. Fairosiroxl4Pittsburgh. a. W. FA Wilsolea W a7enrog Stare In the Clay of Hoar York. rimim undersigned ere extensively engaged In dm Wholesale Drug business at N. 411 John stece4 the city ofZew ork t exid .b are prcpar r ed wu ;mph 1-I[Mt•MlN e l l o ' re.gn ' and " Zu w ert ab cen iFe L anut m e ' r7 ' Mande:, Weaver & Minder's Chemicals, la thetr owl; importation] and all odic s articles in their hoe of busi ness, of a superior 4aaht y u tov u they c.n he•Ydr chased in this or any cut too ray. New York. roble B.A. YAIINF*TOCK & Co. Diturettees O tirome Greens. tr: PAINTERS, BUN)) MAKERS, Ae— We, th e undersivted, Painters and Blind Makers, of the my of New Yuri, ' have used LO d tested, and am now using • hew ardele ofthroMe ten, natunifuntared by Geo. IC Marcher; of this city, and find it to work well, pro ducing a fine brilliant Paris Green appearance, with a 'lnTelrfdleiClubTin y ery " p e a ' rirdiT: ; t he w b ' e u s r l b r.r. Green we hate ever used. New York, Jane I, 47. Signed by I.4firm of preen. old painters of the city of New York. This unequalled Chrome Green may be had of R. E. SELLM No 67 Wood sweet, who has the exclusive agency for its sa to In Pittsburgh. maol3 VERMIPUOE- -"No faintly should be 1..7 without it!" ,four, C. 11., VA , Aug. 21, '4B. R. - stuati: I cheerfully certify that i have for some years yam used your Vermifage m my dm+ty, and unlYortudly with seeress I decidedly prefer it to any oduir preparation I bare used.-amongst thew may be nartrd the celebrated an d e railed Dataiabast Pelt Vermifoge, and a preparation calico Worm Tea, In a recent case aat og le dose brought from My 1.10.1* boy one hundred moil sir large worm No Walt Certainly ought to be 'animist it. Yours he JAS. LAWSON Prepared and told by It E. Sacra, No 67 Wood s t. and sold by Drumrlsta generally in NO cities. . . A Woo Sot of Teet h for SSCoots. WHIT); PTA, ,FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY . and unhealthy ttelh, after be- Ism once or twice cleaned with Jones` Amber ['oath Paste, have the oppearance of the Most bemniful ivory, itnd el the ilanreAgne Ms so perfectly innocent and es qollitell gee, that lu constant daily ore Is highly ad.. v.dalladiii, even to those teeth that are Ina good con. dillon, giving them &beautiful polish, and preYenbing a premature decay. Those already decayed it pthreau from becerinng worte...tt also fastens such ail are be coming loose, and by petheverance it will ccOdur th e foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de liciously sWeilt. , L idold by Wht J ACKSuN,t9 Liberty street. outr26 D. A. PAIIIIIEBTOOKriI vgasurvoir.. FEW. weeks since, mut of my children, aged about vertex% was tureen for seem* days, and the • indnmsed so alarmingly the I feared death would be the result Baying - beard of the good effects of Pahueillocklilfendiuge when administered to the ehildren of my neighbors, .4 thinking my childought from some of the symptom., I gave n one and a hull tettipoonittla of the Varmint.), and at ety m. tuttolibtkutent It ultimo immediately discharged between On and kW large arorm., im health was soon reatorml,and hie now rematkably well d . Previous a to miring tho Yenning., the won. wonl oncadoelly deem Its threat, and I often feared it would die from . strangulation. . LOS. U. DAVVI4ON.. Tian.* Yettango co, April 4, 'to nalS • LEADVII.CELEBRATED ITCH AND TEITER 011N'TMENT la the mo.l &factual remedtbefore the publie for the cure of letter, itch, dry arid watery pimples of the taco, neck and body, ec•lY,emPlimm, e. 44 all - tither diseases of the skin. This Ointment la wennabid Roe horn mercury, Is perfectly safe, and may bongedet all times and ander all circumstances: A freak supply of this valuable remedy received and for saleby LI A FAIINkbTOCIfi IL Co, - , coner of la and woad; dart, crafter all" dud el ',dad caws , Teed a ve zA d and us icz ta, _ HOTELS voUNTIIII HOVEL. LIGHT STiIt3MT OALiTIPSORE . . snoe ARP rinturots, morasses. aTHIS establishment long and widely known as , b„ keit one of more commodious in the city of Will recently undergone very eaten. et's, thermion. and IMProventerna. An entire new wing ha. been added, containing numerous and airy aiheping apartments, and ,Sztertalve bathing. room. Thq_ 141.1110.. department has oleo been completely reorganlted and kited up In a Most tminne and benzin- MI atyle. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a angle eye on eke part of the Proprietors, towards-the matfett and pleasure of their Gueata, and which' they confidently sneers will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied. with every sub menial and luxury rebirth the market affords, served op in naturedoe style; while In the way of Wine., An., they will not be surpused. In conelusion the proprietor. beg to say, that nothing will be lad undone on their pan, linden the put of their awatanta, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their Mart& and the public generally. The pole., for board beve alsb been rettneed to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 41,76 per day. Gentlemen's •• 1,150 N. li—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car nod Steamboat Landinge, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free wwrer ExcIIASOIE 110-WAL. mom or mall AND /T. CLA of M sit, TITT/S016.11.?/... 2 The subscriber having assumed the manage ment this long established and p9pul. Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that ha will be at ill times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable In a well regulated loin'. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added, and no penis will he soured to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned reopeetfully solicits a continuance of the vary liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, feb9dtf Pmpretor. LAMARTINE HOOSE. OF ronern •fle O.= Ratan, rirIaBOIOH. THIS subscriber respectfully announcosihat he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel (or the accommodation of traveler. boarders, and the public. generally. The house and fundture are eullerit new, and tropains or expense have bong spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the shy eabecriber to determined to &scarve s and there (ore milieus. a share of public patronage. ocite-dly • JACOB HOUGH, PMOtifftol.. THILOCUALOILTOWS GALT HOUSE, LOC. A RIS TIIROCK:110N begs to xegutant his friends that he is again lessee of the UALT HOUSV, Louisville, Ky., where he hopes to meet elf hot old fnernis. Immuring them and the public, that no effOrt shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him with their patronage. elrAVEtiritiOTELT — CiliNOT or. •cvvrasit WWl= ACID TIM! sra. O --• - • PPosrrE lute Hank of the United &met, I'htla de , letia. M. POPE MTPCMELL, L r Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Ohoooldte, Coeds, *as W. Baker's American .d French Chocolate, Prow od Cocoa, Comm P. Broma, Cocoa She/IA de. To merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best product. of Coma, free from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or rode., and in quality unsur passed. the subscriber recommends the above articles, nannufactored by himself. and stamped with his name. His Broma sad Cocoa Paine, as delicate, palatable, enJ salutary drink. for invalids, convalescents, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. His manufaetures are always on sale. nu any qualluty. by the ghost re. spectatile- grocers to the cities, and by then agent., Hawes, Dray &co.. of Boston, James hI Dunce co, Hartford Conn; Hussey & Siunay, New York; ()Mat& Stone. Philadelphik4 INtomini Brundige, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER BAKER . . Dorchester Mau. For sale by aug3l BAGALEY & SSIITII, Arts HEW COACH FACTORY; WIT.ITFr..,thEIeRpTu public , C 0.,. would respe d artl l l . 7 in lancet, between Federal a th dP3an l eru l l r y l :Zect l s.. The o ; are ow making and are prepared to receive orders for every demnpuono ea, Combes, Chartors. Bs muckes, Dowel, Phaeton. he., be, which Irma their long eaperience la the manufaende of the above work, and - the Mcilities they have. they Melconfident they are thabled us do work on the mom reasonable terms with eme twannnk artioles in their line. Paying partuctilat summon to the meteoric, of mate rials,. and having none bat competent workmen, they Cave no hesitation in warranting their work. lye therefore ask the •rtendon of the public In this matter. N.B. Repairing. done in the best Manner, and on th e main maannable mell6l. ethtf W and Cast Iron [latltng. THE snbacrthers beg leave to inform the pubhe that they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable deigns for Iron Melbas, both for bona... and sentateries Para. arivhing to proeure hand• porn, pattern. vett] please eall and etamthe, and Judge for theathebres. ertll br furetshed at the short. notice, and Osthe heat manner, av the earner of Craig...l Rebecca areetv,Allegueo) city. at(2.9-41vf - A LAMONT d KNOX C - Bori✓ - Pateni Soda Aah.' THE eobeeriber. Inform their eanatatners and dralen n generally. that t h eir flat ohlpmeat for the fall bara unease( the above aruele, ha. arrived at Philadelphia per ship and dared! from ale manaracturent an Liverpool, and will be here an . few day. They have 10ertal other abiptnena. on the way—two of whack, visa per shape filedalhon and Lyda, are nearly doe_ they are thereforee prepared to receive orders. Besides diti large qu.unee they bare corning to 01.• C.left] erne* lw 4 harivarded hem 4y canal) they will reeeira durig the winter and apring. aappliaa *.klikor Orleans k MITCHELTREF. Watikiy Rur tty.° been purchamed to Europe tiy our o, dm nem, at very lom prmer dunning the monetary ens.. succeeding the rreneit Revolunon. Thia advuimge, which they p.n.,. over any other boots in the trade, sell! enable Mein to sell a very es. eellenl ante , e much below the market price. 1:V" Merchants end others wail .Ivanee their own intere We by eiamoung thi• cll.llllV,oassortmcuL St BROTIDIRS. lcuportere, .3 Mimi (Mulberry between lid end streets, Philadelphia- Locishing, Cupping wog Blooding. 13 NORRIrt, trlueeemor to M. EL Delany 3 • No 55 311th street, between Waal arid anima ad. Fresh leeches recaved mouttny--utiendomee ail hour*. Reference, the phyismans of Patsburgh, Alle gheny and Ihrtrungham 1 Most eboerfoily recommend to the physician, fain. dim and all my harmer friends 11.1141 hatpins. 111 r. K. H. ?torah u toeing thoroughly aequatoted woh Me buss mut midororthy of patronage =ME crotealy ~janohetnred Tobacco. Q UXS Gentry A. Ropuer's superior sweet 3 los, `!045 do AI A Butler's " " 10 kf do Pose a. Harwood'. S " 21 do do do SD do do Pearl k Harwood 14 do J Robinson 61 hi do do SU do do Wm Dawson TJ do T Wrighthl 3 do U Anderson 9 do L T Dode's S do R Macon's 9 do Romliff Just landing from summer and packs., and for sale by HEALD. BUCKNIJR &Co, 41 north vater.i and 16 nor. wharves, je2l Thiladelphm AlcepAct.vc Emu TOBACCO-60 hf 'Junes is Son, sopertor sweet It lumps 7,6 half bis Webster Old superior sweet 5a lumps 36 " Lawrenee Looser " (Sentry I Roemer •• 3s I Dup.. ole iu Ewe) Sa 1U " 3lc I.eod " L.owrenee Louie, 6. plug .12.1 boullng from ...tamer sad for sale by IIF:A LO, BUCKNOR is Co, 41 N waters and 16N wharves, 62y31 Pluladelphia: -- Vll 7 / 6 JT(411.1C11 2117 - 13osoiZ 9lia to rm. UTE are sull engaged in the above busmen, corner TT or Wood and Th.rd streets, Pittsburgh, when we are prepared to do any work in our fine with des patch NVe onend to our work personally, end sous notion will bo given in regard to Its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books In notation or old books bound care. fully or repaired. Name. put on books In gilt tonere. Those that have work in our buy we hinted to call. loht. toirZlett co-P - MlLTlndiatiralP. , AI. B. SCAIFF. and Capt.-lA-IMS ATIONSON FE entered into e artnership, under the firm of EVE k ATKINSON. and will carry on tire Tin t Coilmr, and Sheet Iron muor lan tory. Also, ~heu, at the old stand of Wm B Beane, First Street, neon Wood. 112E=122= 41juk - Fialqilio - Wee . ; CU lmii'Dpiiinii Ciree - ; 30 4-nl do 84 Domingo do ; LW boa &lb glass ; 123 do W-12 do; ii 3 do 3-0 do; 4,3 du 10-44 do; 33 hints N. O. !lager - POblils No. 3 mackerel ; 10U bas rosin yap No. 1 ( 100 do dipped candles; 125 do Cincinnati mould do, received on consignment and for Isle by .04 8 tcW 11 A RMIUGH ustritawv ED--A i, -- . 1 1; anal iiiWiiditi assorunent ofelmbs, Cwonmeres, Yew:trigs, Craven, iho., And or we by L WILLIAMS, Moment Tatlor, my under Monongahela Manse, smithfield at AK -THYlTlETlNETHrilialtrairar.:. Three hue Draught Dories for sale, yin, ble for drayiug, &e. Enquire of WALLINGFORD & Co, augl7 canal bas 42 liberty at (ALP 8 81N 8— A t doe genurieTWencit Calf Am*, a Yvery Ano article. A four dotens Yiniadelphio ii 4 i from the orwmfactory of H 34 Crawford, to which the attention of boot makers I. invited. Just received and for sale by W YOUNG to Co, i!24 143 liberty at AT W. M. M'oLiFiTOCK'S. No. V 5 Fourth street, eon ba seen o splendid veriery of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Corpeo. hatesl styles. Also, Ilros -6.1.'5 ply. and sup tied fine (ligroin Carpets, of .op sty/as and aoes; and in connection can always be blues; flood Table Linens, Cruller., %alters, Molests, Mo reel., Oil Clotho, fce. fie., to all of which we cell the attention of the poblia. -firOTIM aural • HAVINO sold our sown Hoch to C H.Oasoe, with a view to clo nog our oldintanteas, we hereby so licit for him the pawounge of all. our friends and ens (smuts. Ito. W. POIN DEXTER, THE. POINDF.XTER. Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, ISIS. CC 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and • Forwarding diembuit, No. 411Vater st aut. — JOIIITIFIiginII4 O & I\j' OS. 14 and ro Front street, Be ll Founders and am „LI agnomen of all kiwis of Fiturig• lor Boa Stearn and Water, have alway on haml Women Iron Wel .Slistaipe or mom, gas„ and -water, from l in. to ~ 1 0 illencler., Brae Cmiting• made to order. A 1.., • , 1 0%3 mulatto:tent oi Bell* lkoa finiihed brow Work Wklehtliti attention a Plumber. and Engine Builders 1. particularly 'directed. : ties Fittings pat up promptly and en reasonable imms. sep4o.lll,m . 6A.RDIC44 B. • TO THIS Rk.TILEAT can be famished t r l w i lnr Leach at ell hoer. of th e day; also, Ice Phtit Confectionary, &o. The mantes Omen. wobd make. het regular trips ae usual, lessiag he , Nu ~.o.s.l..taading at ell A. Id, and.at half pest. each lour ' (=WM lin until 14 P. INL--leatelng the Garden at 10 P. d. tot hat lot trlp to the A MOonllght slew of the Garden Ls Indesenbable §ylll 14444 Y. MECELLANEOUS. 10111211 Ci• C tan In regiONCIOTT & BARRI) -• • S - - (Late Strickler & ANUPACTURLIt9 of Mania fire proof safes. /3.1.. south tide, second street. between Wood and Southfield PiUsburgh. 13 Strickler having deceased and the wirviving parmer Mr. Joe Lipperteetr,hu , Snlf associated himself with Mr. Wm C Bern the eum eu will hereefter be conducted under theatyle • of LiPPcd• con & Barr. Trial of a safe In Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign. a were present at the testing of one of / 9 Strickler & Co's improved Phoenix fire-proof ate. The see VMS placed to a fornaee en the patella landing, and subieuted to the interim heat of a atone coal fire for more than three.houra. In one hoot end a half the safe came to a height rod beau the door of the furnace vine then closed, which caused an Increased and steady heat for the Wane° of the time, until the east iron wheels were partially melted off; the furnace was then theowa down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, pupate and hooks which it contained were as perfect ea when tlaced there, the Melding only of the books being In ared by an teeter in cooling the safe. We have no eshation to recommending It to the public as a safe anproior.ur any we have over !teen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced. ..gpept a beat which would melt it -to a solid mass. Springer & Whitman, I, Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett. Benj. tinter, W 0 P Breese, Manes Sznith, T Magna M Co, Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Manse, Mead& Witten". We, the undersigned, steeted the safe spoken of tbove. from a lot In the store of Trober & Anbery,the Agents C O SPRINGER, S 7 BRIJOO. Refer to Cook tr..l.lorrts, Broken, Pinsbnoth; Mousey noon& tr. Co, do do ifoUtr.7.9ly_S 1.1.1411-4COTI. 1000 IL WICK. L r KOR,Irr •. - . LIPPENCOTT IL CO. - • MANUPAC FUREFL9 of Hammered and Can steel Shove Is and Spades, Ave. sad Hatchet* taw, SS Cat, Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Manure Forks, Cat, itlaUock* Picks, &c., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of 110er machinery, and It securing the best workmen from the most eel.- herded establishments of the East venirwirranufacter ing and will keep constantly on band and for sale all the above- article* having availed themselves of the latest Improvemeem, and are determined that in work manship and Malarial they will not be excelled. They promise to produce articles equal, if not superior, to any that elm be had in th e Has . They invite the atten tion of dealers to an ersiodnation oftheir mock before: purchasing elsewhere, as they are convince&tharther' will be able to fill ell orders in their line to the entire satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Slonongahels House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Persons haring business with Wm. Lipp. eau & Sea wll pleue rail On idppeneott k Co. ==ti=M . - • - - Pittsburgh Furniture Wore Room, fits, SUMO snuar. !u and tar usonmrnt ofFurni. tv A re, Imitable tar Steunboate, Howls attd pri. • rate dwellings, constantly on hand nod mode to order. The peasant stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase mould do well to give me a call; ma am determined my prices shall please. Pan ol the stock consists in— do sofas with Plash and Hair-sloth covers; dos Mahogany Nano Chairs; 14 pair DiT61111; 12 dos fine malrogany Ching 12 mahogany Work Standt 3 dos mahogany Booking Chum 15 marble top Dreuing Elarearr• 8 parr Ottomans; 8 marble lop Work Stands; 18 cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Staple, Cherry, and Poplar Sodden& of de.nptums, and • hulks assortment of common farrootre ona chum too 1111:131.01:12 to I.lllioll =KM LAMM, ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING CON DON PREPARED CELILLEms TIIEY a. not aware hoar fHghttally notions it is to the skin—lto* roar., Mar einigh, how sallow, yeti low and mbetalthy the .km appriusafter axing Ferran pared chalk: Beside* it is injurious, contiMing •WO quantity of lead! 'We hare prepared • beautiful I( rabic articlay which we I LILY WHITE is perfectly .c• pi. lir.. • purified or all *deleteriou• quaint.; a t maw.: in the .it. • riatural. hamithyl. alabm.i. :he ame urrie imetint c".m '•."• •••'• :.•• • •, J sort and smooth. Dr. Jetnes r••,•• • •..1 Chenaist of Manna tin/setts. says: “A ,••.• Janes' Spanish lil White. I find ro .. .. cs in. lc.. beautiful and nor cal. and at the same um, innommt swathe I eV!, saw. oananaly Gan conameutiously recommend 11.• 6.1 to all whete skin lequires beautifying.' Price, YS ening k box. Sold by WM JACKSON. , •••Il Übe ny st. marS. - k..rra , rwrr• zrry - - JTORN WRIGHT& Co, one prepared to build Cotton and Wool. Machinery of even dateripttnn,.. Can.. Machines, SpWrung Frame., Speederl Droviin,g Frames, Railway Heady Warpers, Sportier*. Dressing Frames, Loosu, Cord Grunters, ho. Wrought Iron Shafting caned; all sires of Cart Iron, Pulltes and Hangersof the latest pan... glide and hand Lath., .d toots of kinds. Cascara of every desermum furnished on short notice. Patterns mute to order for Geonng, Iron Railing, Ate. Steam Pipe for herd ing Factories, Coat Iron Window Sash end fancy Cal tine. reliantly. Orden left at the Warehouse ofd Palmer k. Co.. Liberty Street, writ hone prompt anca• non. War to !mattock, Bell & Co., I. S. Moorehead & Co, 0 E. Warner. John lrwio & Paisburgh , G. C. b. 1 H Warner, Steubenville. janl9 Wood and ::•-•1 IYCODNF.i,I„ recent of 4 .i . ‘?!: • mg withdrawn from the Ann of ll al r,at. Wowisre/I. oe the tat of Jumary, lenFlt I take pleluntre In announcing to my friends to the city and conntry. that I hare opened my new nowt at the above named plaeo. Having purebased my grads for cash, and made arrangements with manumeturers In ills ...wry anal 14 Nampa.o ha ransom - Ay capptle4, I am fully prepared to (um. Hardware of all trade, on as good terms and as low as resany house East or West, lilerchants and o th er. are pectful!): invited to call and examine my .reek, before purehatung el.- where. The following comprise. a part el it. stock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun ironin g., files, steel, cutlery, edge tools, anills, eices, locks, latches, scythes butt bin t ,- - es, screw, Eaton Fac tory planes. SAWS, nenhere Illy boards and rumen. and ell o th er erode* connected with the herdsmen L0a ..., meant( City 111 ague rrian .. , 0 HOGE begs leave to inform Me mule. of Pius °. burgh ind vicinity, that he has taken Me Daguer nan Reams lately or pied by Mr Porter. The pub lic are visored th at al l thelate improvements are secu red, and will be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has been a onstant operator since the on was brat discovered. Enure saunaction is guaranteed. to all who may become his patrons. Mr H. will refer with pleasure to Mr Porter. in whose establishment be nu operated for Ms hut twelve months. Penalty P0t ..., Eurrnlymgs• pluntcnTodYPeat &c,accurately copied. Likenesses taken in any weather, and act in lockets, breut pint, eases and frames. Instructions given in every branch of the an, and ap parent. furnished. je9.tf - Pann Biaciiine Shop. tNiti II rhims:—Manufacturer of all kinds of dot. Ja. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny cuy Pa The above works benig now mil and succesnal Op eration, I ant prepared to execute orders wok dispatch for all kinds' of machinery in my line, ouch as picker", spreaders. cards, granting machines, railways, drawing trunes, speeders, dinasails, looms, woolen cards, double or stogie, for otorchut ar country work, enuleadacks„.kc., stale and hand lathes and tools m gtm eral All kinds of shafting made to order, orplans ov en for gearing factories or mill, at reasonable charge. Barn to—Kennedy, Child. tr. Co, Blackstock, hell & Una, Pennock & Co., Jas. A. (dray. BELL AND BRASS VOUNDEIi r . - 416 A FULTON, Bell and Bross Founder, has rt. bbuilt and commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleased to me his old custom ers nnd friends. Chureh,Steambosit,and Bells of every size, from 10 to man pounds, cast from patterns ails most approv ed models, and warranted I. be of the best mammal. Mineral %Vale:. Pumps, Counters, Railing, ke., toge ther with every variety of Brass Castings, if required, turned and finished to the nemein manner. A. 1. IA the sob, proprietor of Ramirez Atemianter rum Martrete so justly celebrated for the redocuoni of (otion in machinery. The itaxes utd Compostaori can be hail of him at ell times al•ly - Plough., Plough - Castings,, Wagon' Iloxes, Ro rtral. A. ga the u gl4 toting large quonl 11.10 Si 0( Ploug, Plough Casings, Wors en hotel, eke with the improvements of the Leaser. Peacock, Illinols, and other Ploughs, of the latest Uncl best patterns now in use. NV...choose, 106 Liberty street, Pittsbucgit, oppewite the Hay Scalei Factory, In Allegheny city, sea, the Cotton Factory of Manes. Blackzusek, Bell & Co. &Idly Trig cirparimenthip heretotore ousting bet en -John Porten and Samuel Wigiumum ander the name of John Forma S Co., is this day demised by mu tual consent The business of the late firm will be set tled byJOhn Fallen at the warehouse of the Boatmesta Line. JOHN FARREN SAMUEL WIG IMLIAM The bumnest of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter be conducted by Ferran is Lowry, at the same place.— Thankfulfor prat favors., we soling a coriunuance of the same. JOHN FA RR EN' septd L L LOWRY FIEF PROOF MINERAL PAlNT—Received, per steamer Michigan, 5 bbl. Mineral Paint. The nr tick, Is worthy of the consideration of all painters, for it le tide atone color, and can ha added with soy other color without changing the abode matertally. It is a great oaring, and wi en appl ed to wood it will tura the paint too perfect .tone aortae° in the course of some 4or 3 week. Also, it is a complete Are proof—the ar ticle has been fully tested for .1w years by the proprie tor. before they world offer it for tale. Any person purchailos will not be decervisil in the article. A largo uanuty will ho kept 011 hood at all untee, at the India Rubber aml, Oil cloth Depot. JA H PRILLIPR, oellt Arts for the company, No 3 wood DOUSSEILLea FINE PERPI.I3IKRY—Just received It and for sale, wbolesale or retail : Antandine Soap; Hazel cut Oil Soap; Phtlbeomel A Imbiade Ott, v mom; Comp'd Or Marrow; Wool' Rails, Itriumpurent) Almond Shaving Cream; Beare Otl; Beata Oreue; Palm Omnibus Soap; Taylor's Perforce; Cologne, 3 elms; Jenny Lind Pomade . . Amaudine. mule ' _R E SELLERS, No 57 wood et. _ _ - 117T711.iilic rt., ' 11. D., rTHALNI IC SURGEON trill attend to the treat. O weal of Diseues of the Ey e. Dr. R. has been engaged in to bnouth of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, and has conducted an establishment for the treatment of diseases of the ape alms tor several years. Ormuz and residents, corner of Sandusky st and Strawberry alley,'Alleghttny city. .0113 I=M=M= 'llllB Is to certif . } that purchased one rial of Dr. g Jdol.anek Worm Specific, some two months ago suit gate OI a awn of Mine aorne antes rums old, two teamwork WI, and although the amain may appeu large, yea I have no doubt but there was upwar of rum TO , 0110 XI IN MO pusod from MIM I Me 01101.4, 1 . 041 ems quarter of an loch to two Inches ong, O w atoLLIDAy. Roes a "rook, Carrel co. Tenn, Ike fi7; L 47. 1.24 TIFERglaP I'; ;11 1 , 4; 1 1 i t„?11:114"."'':1 R EISNLLESS N. B —As IL E. S. is Dr. Toontsend's only nun for Pittsburgh, the genuine article may aliture 6a bad at No 67 Wood street. mYI3 C1...“7114A.ND CASEMEIMS — SmiIIz Johison, JI4I Maiket street, orotild invite 'the attention ori loyerf stock or French Ctottle and Cass 4essa; also, Fareata's fancy Cludwa..J I . 3attknets, Buda cod Bilk VestiamTlaloss , .TrAmmags, oettli DRY & VARIETY GOODS, giv ootios ' AT ZEBTILON.KINSIfirS, 67'81AREET STREET. AWING just recelked bin Fail supply of Fans H y y Trikamings and Variety Goods, be invites the stlantton of ddstomers; to 121 s Vert extensive stock, cool sung In part 0116610110/wing . Goode: I 9 dos fine Intel bead beim tl do do velvet dO do 5 do do steel and gilt Wad purser: I do finest embroidered do 4 do assorted rosindood work boxes; do do finest do furnished: Ido do wriungdmks, ial.id. ftO; Ido do dressing cases. gentic 1 do fine inlaid &dine actors/eon% I do plain do dh 6 do common du 1000 benches steel Seals; 40 do as met tinsels; 12 do steel parse nom 100 do gilt bead.; ' 100 do silver do 12 dos lemi Mane Fartne• Cologne; 10 nests back gammon board*, assorted: 40 num swotted dociinou 3 dos fine card eases, assorted; ' 12 do glass fancy Ingels 10 gram visiting cards, assorted; Li dos semis much ~‘• 70 do plain and shaded spool tnuat; 5 do snorted chins mantel ornamedlx, I do idory screw pin cashlotis; 1 do steel do do do' Ido wood do do do cn 6 do plain silk parsesonsoneui do ladies companions, fonished; 19 do assorted wonted coats; 1 do extra doe db do 10 do samwed wonted cop.:. 1.6 do • do comforts; 1 de ladies fine zephyr dispel 100 do smarted worsted Mitts; • 7do boy. do gallon; 2 do alis'd bays do 13LOYE ANDTINSIERY: 10 dos ladies fleecy lined sift gloves; • 8 do gents do .do do 50 do fancy top emlintere do 15 do plain do do do 12 do gents do do do IS do do Rorke liar. do • E Ate.: .4ttrtad; 30 do do glove. and minims, mooned; 24 do ladies blkcashmere haw, do • NI do do and gents kid glares ' do, - eheop; 05 do sums coarse yarn do do I 9 do do do mittens Id do boys do - do 10 0 24 do children Orla and Albert bpirts; 3do an; molls a pen worked do TRI. !MINOS. ' 23 pleads blk embroidery gimp; I/ do do plain ' do 10 do col'd embroidery do 20 do Main do do 19 do bib mohair fringe; IS do col'd do do 50 do bib eta silt do, all prices; A very extensive assortment of colon of all wont. and prices. 40 its graduated fancy bonne, for mane.; 100 do plain do do- 110 SOO gross seed col's Silk do do 10 dos ladies cloak tassels, ess'd col'n and bit 13 do gems dodo . do • 40 gross mamma buttonA 50 do fine do, usortedi 12 pieces hm V A v y clo fringes: do RIETY Goons. 300 lb. col'd and worsted skein cotton; Ital do Tmley's patent throadt fat do common do, do 1,00 percussion caps, at all prices; 150 packs American puts, and No 8; 100 dos "Tally Ho" resors, warranted; 12 gross assorted lather brustio 50 dm bail do 20 do tooth do, assorted; N/ do ream strops; 30 do cotton gamete, 5 do fine classic elk; 10 do do do kid; With a fuse assortment of every dung In the variety Imo. JEWELRY. Ear ring., huger rings, breast' pins, miniature easeo, gold chains and gold inothogineverg variety. ocrl9 FRESH FALL GOODS re- • TUST being remetred and now opening no ALF-KAN- O DER & DAY'S, No 75.2rlarlost meet,northwest corner of the Diamond. a very large and splendid stoat of fall and wooer Dry Goods, to which they would re spectfully invite the attention of the paddle. It is well known to almost every orm that the present season Is none distingembed for its low, pricus of 145. Goods, and affords us great pleasure in being able to stays that owing to our great facilities for that purpose. (one of the hum residmg to Philsidelphiar) we have been ena bled to purchase our present stock at a. considerable redaction ham the useal market rates, cheap as they are, and we are therefore enabled to cell at correspon dtngly lower than-the usual prices. We 'would there fore invite al/ Vital buyers by wholemsle or retail, to give us a call, end lay opt their money lo the best ad ventage. The Ladies should call and dammed our stock of Prints, Gingham. de Lanus, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Merinos. Saks. liornbasines, Plaids_ and bassoon other styles of fashionable Dress Goods, of which we have• very fine assonmens Including every description of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND •CASSITTERZEM—To the gentlemen we would recommend oar mock of super French Cloths arnd English, French and American Cush/mere. 011R5/TOOK OF SHAWLS is very large, embht eing almost every variety of Style and pinhty. SATTINETS-01 which we have en Isuellent MITL6I.II. and of an qualities- FLANNELS—Red. white and yellow Flannels of all qualities and price. T/C KINGS AN 0 CHECKS—A superlOr assortment of Ticking. of all grades, end Shirting Cheeks in peat "TN .ACKED AND unows 5111SLLNS—Embra eirrecatermereverystiteicrotthe abokre goods, lading Sher align of all ALSO—A fuze stock tif Satin Vestina.TU" Rand CM ton Velvets, both plain and figured, kenteick - y Jeans, plaid Linseys , plaid and (Racy figured .Ctoalelng and cloak Lining., bleachedand unbleached:Table Draper, both linen and counts bleachal and unbleached Table cloths, bleached tad imbleached Canton Flaw:tea cold dodo, Bonnets and Counerßibbonir, blk and cad silk CYAN..., Ladies Scarfs and' cravats, Gloves and Homely of or kinds, Suspender's. Irish Linens, :Lowe Lawns. Linen lidkft, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Love do and Mirk, Oil Chintzes, R.., and Scotch Dump, crash, Lor- plain striped tind barred Jaeonels; Cam bric and Sams Victoria Lawns; Green Base ge le ants visiting the dry for the purpose oflaying in their it should not fail to pre usa call, as they will fiud our goods and prices such is cannot fail to ant their purpose ALEXANDER/r. DAV, septa 75 market et N W ho Diamond The New Golden Bea Ilkyst New Pall and. Winter Dry 'Goods. JI.:ST received and now opeotng, vibes &igd of the Use Bea thy., on Market sneet, bet o.llThird and Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapen and best ayserted shticks of Fell and Winter Dry Goods ever of fered in Pntsburgh, to which the attention of our nu merous customers and the politic generally, is reapect• fully minted, as the suldenber is confidant that he can otter inch bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be sur passed by any other halm le trio city. As these goods have been purchased at prices far below those of any former season, diefieill be sold at greatly reduced rates. Among this large and splendid stock krill be found many choice and desirable grinds at extremely low prices. LADIES' DREMS GOODS. Very rich am/ moat fashionable dress gilks; plaid and striped blank satin; striped and plaid wiLks; plain black very glossy gro do Stno; plain black rich lustre; Ins wing. silk Int steencs, mantillas:end capes at very low prices; newest designs and latest style.. cashmeres; plain and satin striped Cashmere, very.cheap; French merino all colors; de taints, plain and figured and shun sinped, at g-reat reduction on former prices; gala, Cal ifon.a and cashmere plaids, mohair arid Monterey plaids, all qualities; alproccas, all qualities and colors, from ta 15 cents per yard. SHAWLS! SHANVLS!!, Fine cashmere, terinina and Wrenn siiewle . . . Black embroidered coMmacre and de Anne ehawts.; floe Maim and de Mine do Flux blOnlc and colotcd cloth Fine quality tong, very cheap do Plain blank and plaid silk vary cheap do A large log plaid blanket ahanita tr00k7.9 rents to 33, all wool. DOAIESTIC GOODS, MUCFT @MOW FORMER PRI Good dark calico film irt eta yer Tani; Ben quality dark calico from d to 10 con% Yard uncle putplo do, L 2 Good yard undo bleached muslin 4 to (ti; Bed tiekings and cheeks, all price.; Blankets, from coarse to bcituetality,ivery cheap; A full assortment of ton white and yellow flannels; Saunems, Kenmcky,Jetins,Eenmyth Unsays, em, etc, etc, all of which will be weld at reduced rule., id Nona Market et. serk) WM. L. RUSSELL. FALLGRM - L - 7 • . . WIiTCLINTOCR, is now ponstahily receiving his 1.11 stock of CARPETING, dre , conquiring one of the largest assorimems a ref bronght lathe mar ker. which have beemparchased dircal. from Me Im porters and Manufacturers, of the Gull and nearest styles, and lower in price thanover offbred in this city, to which he invites thCanentiou of Rona wishitarto furnish steamboats or houses. before parehasing else where. The stock casuists in part Of the &Rowing variety, viz: Rtoh Ai:minim Carpets; Oriental Tapestry 4C Cloth do Velvet Mit Plain colored do do Tapestry do 24 feet Wide do Brussels do 14-4,44,A4,4-4 & Foil cloth F...stra raper 3 ply do Stair Rods SUX:r wrian do 11 do .4.7, R 4 Droggint Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do matial cloths 4-C 3-4 & Damask - Embossed Piano covers Vettinan do • aoTttle do 4-I, 3-4 & twl'd do do Figured Tabl le Oil cloths 44,14 &4, plain do do Turkey Red Tolleuen 4-4, 4,4, lc 2-4 cot. do Adelind Kris- tl-4 printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skinto Kum sop Chenille Raga; dam do do do Tonsil do Ahcrtnt ~do • - Fine do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do •do flotAv drag Napkins Cnoneon fled Flush; Dtoper TOsellang Plan, do Crash • Drab M Clod, S 4 and able Linens Blue do, for coach dregs Trensp'nt Window Shades Carpet Bindlngs tztra Fretich do do ',You'd cord. Bibb godo de Latinos for do '[L *edam curtains Scarlet, Moo, crimson, blatk sad drab Dan:make; figured rainbow Damasks: 'related . and linen Tale covers blue, crimson, seamed, green; drab and black Moreens cotton Plashes of all colors - , /ce.tre. Sm. Aim Oetteborge and Drillings -for -steamboat dews, and ell other mornings, ncecstasy for amide for boats In our line, to which the eapenfal attention of owner. is matted. W. bI'CkII , UOCK'S Miriam Waieroorn, Wood, on Fourth et • sep23 one door from CARPRITIN6. 141*, CLOTElboto. " W. 111 . CLINTOCK'S' CARPET STOLE, No. TS Poorrit SeeW. • ONE of the largest end the mostoelsoiro, gook or CARPETING in the !Aram, embracing all the usual qualities Rom dm most approver, meaufitetaries • that have beta tested for dorehtlity fabric mod 40, 100 Tapesu7 Velvet carpelmet • do Broesets do Rroesals eargetleg; Wreathe Rneai Extra sup 3 ply do Tufted . Sup Ingrain do Muni Ftne do do •Broasola . • COMMOo do do - hlumfaktured to Order in Dew paßetruyedigasei p e siora, basements and chatabera., .0, , ['aimed Oil Cloths, for dhiless . boles; kitchens, he. „, • ..., Straw Martine, Stolz Rada r , Wiadellt owl e . 00 4 Fixture. Cotton ISA Woollte Beeld4,frouivil. thlld th 7"" wllu-11° ° , 204,1 4 4434 wAkh the o• uon of p„,m4..s wholosida and• retell' pea, d,bittaliittidoor-fnmsWood . t t .L 1 i " PitliSort'iritti a email aital ._,Cid-edaittainted la.!,nrithlOte,-treslitest,:to toke,ein inenoectialen Iron 0/4'Foundry, to be 'mated on the Poner,ft,gititon• ke ine office of Planed Riley k. Co. , • - GEO. RHEY. lar c zt . ,.: l 7 ; k yier .r4 t llelietfliiike p ar 3 7 k WI ,4e, • ‘--• 1 ••.t R !1.4 1.0 ?2;;' MISCELLANEOUS..- , co PPatentGuitotte„ fi=njbiad,Promt lthariaZtawitap.wpftm . • T WS is Me only instrument of the kind that has ever been creamed Inthlk eitiontryMeEttralm for med .., eurPores, and is thesselyorie ows known so Man, by which the galvanic fluid ean.he amtveyedtothiskse man eye, the ear, the bra soon to any part of the body. anther externa ll y or internally, to • :definite , ea.Olite stream, wimp 'bock, Pan—with Poem otMr” auLellen VIM Ore helpmeet cream. • • me` eftlateants W. highly of by many of Me most eminent phystensits o fth iT sd reottk , try nod r•moPet to w hatelhallMicied and others crimes it cloy snow)) can Po remand. &annum, Rill also be givedto Melly reiptioulddelitisthis, been cured by means of thlemom valuable epparetus of some of Monson Irannarato oestrous dlscodeerwhicts could be rellmeetl by ..Ay airy Loewe roosol' &thong vermeil others, It Mu been=d f to be ifir may Waxed:fon thr.aurc of , the fo disease* ail: nervous headache sad. other diseases 0 the basin. It le Withiltris imparents abaci that Merl:Mener convey the. opprac. tbald.** male and "army tillhe eye, to restore sight., or mire amarirosasi . to the eat to restore hearing, to Me tongue and octet- Meeiat , atom speech; and to thewarions parts of the body, thr tndTnmattegitente rtigneardeaf. Mehont.ineentli s or t o dolouraugatamlysts, cot palsy, lout, charms oe dt. VituNrdanert,' epilepsy, weaknesi farm apraine,vbme diseases peculiar to femmlosiTeetarlactide of tin lied* oe r se, etc. MAL t p. R.3 n e hts for suhr.riohr i di.rigra . ll .. ei . of: o Ves: r, er n Pa., toil also to oted for the oust oftLiseLe a P pm' instroctionterill he gareo for the vstiona chimp cal. to he used or 'axiom, disease, and the. best maw nes for Operathtg Mfthe ayrb oiled.e arwutiwi ur ti sl be folly explubted to the{ purchaser, - and a ponmilet pm. into Ins heeds etpresaly for these irpott,nages. fully premt , mi by tins patentee.. ZatinlYil at pct. 4I Y , . • .§. Wl 4 r .#4§' Y l 9 ' 4 . P 9"91Y , ..., • NEW zsaccaunurs T - -• • be of calip tTizrsc a. :gEtOf, 1;' St v evt, lY/tme/i., ent vokr 'l'A rbadal !in ekccodirgly wel P ee toe smolt church.. .or family worship: Fos the benefit of Nose, nodding so a .distarteniond couse.oumUlY m 1144010 In{Peet .the purchasing, the following atiSOfiPtiott to give. .The cases are made of rosewood, and are as hand somely finished as o Piano Tbroi. The key-board to patched deastaine tulles pioneer orgeo; end the tone, (which it very beautifel,) closely resembles that of the lime stop of ao organ. The Instrument tanbialahat- Matey sos4c portable witgmet.detulting any pap the bellows receding intolle body of the instrument, and the feet fotatinentideriletaving the whole to • ...emote, form. Each instrument has a packing case, .and,the whole when packed weighs only 43 pounds' - TIM Mil t:me of trine /seems' tithat.ofa mall organ, add by pleasure; thy lova may ba =creased oh dhauataitaTt.at It is MillielerntlY loud for small chnrches; end is meU ciamtlalertfisra bailor istaturcerm • Just received, a supply of the shop:: price, with ease and InstMetion Moot, 11.50. oet3 Saveiriillll . s irlltiilsior • ' • • - £o6 - puluevato rim; . Which renders tortid ,wates pare,.PY retholiince o rah:tert . ea. tte l eottable ,altholigh alear and p7tre to th .i ty . o r•!; .hotti thidiqis Altering serek, ithowitalarge• it the "ino;e 4 o7lesi:r s t all aw 9 rit. •The itevendblafiltoserr • le noes and danible,And. not attended with the ineonsenierteejecident to other Filterers, u h led without being detathed /tom the water ram hy inendy tinnotatt the key •oe /stadia Groin one ode to the other. By dm easy process, lie course of Water le chinated, and all atenafttlattsturof =pore substances, are drtren ad almost, Inetagtly, orithoto unserearing,the Filter. It also possesses the adrantige of being it stop cock, and worth , In-twiny eases will be Ter y.tmoreruent and It can be attached where there is any pfeestire: high or Iher * daisk;-tenk; tah, - ad. with ease. 'To 'herbed of tho sole Agent, W. W., WILSON, octl; corner of Fourth and Mar k et Dlaphroipao Filter. for Hyxsot,.Watr. ." TITIB ii m certify that I hat...ap pointed- Livingston, .Iboggen & Co Sole Agents for the sole of lending.. Patent Diap i rahtm Pill, ferthe el • • ties of Pinabn and Allegheny.. JO GIBBON, Agent, on - Walter !Gibson, 349 Broadway, • N.Y. • , , ~..,. uck. 1.0, 1848. We'have been nalttgone of the above artieleadi , the oat. °tine Novelty West. Inc three IMMO ths,, Ofy.irlai . and feel perfectly sattedwi that it is a useful Invention, and we take *amity in recommending themes lin, fedcrock to all who lova pore water. Orders will be ttnivOindy,reosivniV and ip nrovtly exec tat.d, . .alotill LIWINGSTOY 'ROGGEN & Co PITTEIBUNaII PENALE INSTITUTE. ripulS Lewin:Mon, ender ' thiti'eare of Mr.and Mee. , L, 6,appoplg, will Fe-oxen for thereeepuporg pupils, t the sane building., No. Id Liberty street, on the Let Monday of September. - . Arranremerea tneve been made , by which , tley will be able lams. young.lndies facilities morello ray in the West, for et/Wiring. lbevolleb. cal, and Ornamental education. A 'talismans:of Phi lisophical end Climical Lecture. will be delivered during - Me winter. • trieritrated by opythaiitO. no de partment. of .Ikanl.and Jostruinontal bludisi. Modern Dtht . thttr.thatrFoothatT r will each be,uuder theeon of VS.Pflonl Prige.9r, . Fix clone agemia e to the moral and intellectual improvement, of Pa pule, the Principals hope me a t a tehtinuatiOn of the liberal patronage .they hove hi th erto enjo y ed: For tenth, t M riven., an apply to the Principal.' • .• TO 31 ANTLITACTIJILEBA• • HAVE a inte which cannot be somassed, for the es- I mblishment of mannfactones of lVool , Gatos, Iron, Hines, or any otheibusibeld teleMfring 00. 11, is ad mintur my farm - Harlem," on the Mocrtignlteln'river. tThere is erected on the lot• &foga Heading, lm Bich• erected m steam engine of 15 inch cylinder. three ollco, fro, a saw pain, and a small pair* millstones. The rwlsray from my coil mine passes within a few Yards I invite parsons withldg In engage in mmin lecturing. to visit the place and examine, 415 mFonnt•- ges. T sell it at l tote rate; or if suitable partners would offer, would be willing to pm the preberig in so stock in some feint ommern, If. .funbeeinkrtbasion . dessed by anyone, it may he had by applying to wn m son Th. 11. Holed, Jr. at Harlem, to J. A. patter, Wood street, Pittsburgh, nr to myself; In the, large bring buildilor, Caned The Hodnd Corner," Washing ton, Pa- norP.Mltrortt TFI. TIAIRD. on.r.Jur wrosTEtts' §A DDLK 11 A 'MESS, TRVNE AND WIIiP'9IAN -111FA0'1'ORY.-Ihe sebseriber lakes Ude method mformiare his friends and the piblie to general that he has the largest wink of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture in this pit y -Saddle. Her 0r... Trunks and Whites, all of which he will warrant to be made nf the best material and by the best mei-h -aloes In Allegheny coonry. Being determined to sell his In something lower than has bean here tofore cold by soy mailer estalltsbumal,la the ci, he would invite persons in nee of the above nam ed articles to kis warehouse, N 0.244 Liberty street, onPrt site &math. Also, bands made to order fornmichine q• txt.7./.ly LL Kaiak% Cooper Ihaplex owl Lever WAII.O4BIf. JUST received and for sale at greatly redueed prices, fireisent, f ee F. Cooper, 6 Calthorpe str•t, plea ' end ßr~ Wa t i ed inVI; fl o e; odd, and Roll kosreneit with Chninormster balances. These are now the finest watches mode, being superi or in'finislawid ac to the hr. J. T obias, Jiizeph Johnson, or any other make. Those in want aria very fine watch arc ininted to all and examine this lot_ Also. a largaaseortment of Gold and Silver Watelles. Chalets, Scala Keys, &e. ',U . ' Fine Watches repaired in the heat indanner. W. W. WILSON, Goal . corner 4th and Market ies ANTISON"S XENOPHON'S MEVIORABILIA Xenophon's alernorabnaa of *aerates, with Eatg• IA note., critical and explanatory, the prolegomena of guhaer, Wiggara 1/fer of Socrates, neon by.Charle. ..annson,L. L. a, Professor, of the Greek and Lino:Oen- Images m ColumbiliCollem New 'Ant, and Ramor of the Grammar School. Jim reed and foe sale by BoJOtHINMNr W S aTOM KT rI U rn N it ta *Warr scHom. --, 7•---- - BOOKKEEPING, ye..^ISIANSHIP, PHONOGRA PHY, /co. —H. Wru.u. has opened a Night School in his seltool room, corner of 4th sad Ferry sta., entrance on Fourth, where be will be AbsuPEJAMaPart instruction in the arm of Reading, Penmanship, Arith mcue,llook Keeping, Phonography, ere. STEAM BOAT CLOCICS— Ha ng Concluded to sell off our enure stock of li.lrkebt Marine Timegicce e , we now offer to sell them tu lower price. tharitheY can he bought at no house in Pittsburgh or elaewberr, east or west. Being the only estaltlialted nom, here for thole clock; we here the largest end . finest aeton - meat the city. eltil aid lea. Remember we are not to be undersold. BLAKE & Martinoroot, entrance Cu north Bi de of the Diamond PATENT SOLAR LARD LAMPS..,-ho susortmenl of Cornelia, k Cots celebrated sna na foams., arid swedes to all othersio ase; adspled churches. stearaboatc factonas, Po /to nod Orlirste balls, ma ne. all other uses *here a ehe ri, safe ausLatilltant heals donsable. Also, Gl s oodules,HallLanteros,CandeLsbras,Dlob es , Shades, Wicks, Chishales, Cana, Triaratdra, &o. Also, Gas Chandelier., harness I. fourAlgati, W W, WILSON iflroariet .r Scales, Cooking Stoves " ARSIIALL, %VALLACE/ettiO., Rood Glinrch, 111 corner Asberty Lod . Wood streets, manufacture and offer for Wee Platform; floor and Counter tta e l e , of shalom. improved quality; Cooking Surrea, roph. oo ,l and coal; Egg Stoves of ranotm.sizes ; kiLti, also Of and common Grates ' Hollow Ware, tte. , Teel the,Filtchen gauge, which!taagitren each genertil PalieleUolll to those having it in use , to all of which they semnd respectinlty hsints. rha:eneekt o . the 911 eII and the 1 . 3 11 . L . e 1 Cli p, rsrJt f Wintahoo, Jovrollige rooming 'or hlcassisictiPbatrasranw.,'Pticdjtanon. tullseriberlan returned floossna now opening • large rindcarefully selected mock of Goods at his tine • Gratefef fort past aheriarpitrou 'M b.P 4 I n'" o • "nniguEm." - iTA. , e94htly genee in ooziness ; awl keeping the Hat u•ortment, and si Sse othet rettionablo prices. ,FriendaiLegatorn• srs, st.nd Ike gepetattr7-paracalvti,spionniers visaing thy city (min • diatance are Invited' 16 Call and estortind uty•largeratoek of goods. • oat= •• • - • , NV:W WU.SON. A7O3IDMEWIIARRIVAL,,Da. Tow:rasp,. sA,rusa,ta...,4,ECO bottles of this great fall and reinter mdicine; 'just received rtnilforinde VV. E. nt SELLERS, Sole Age for Pitubrugh, 04,4 5 m the genuine article can be had. °emit U2d..4l4errlC CL , OeTNING-111iipaG t ion Flame G Oiefeoau; IMO Jackets; &rodeo Pants; Cdo dogdo leigingai of dnrotint Janda 10 etoreilittlai Capeo,arlin and arilboutaleavesi , jou ereneeed by Exttraill 'and %raid. ornoleeale aod mall, setae &m -oment:ea... Wo oriel It tone adekt5140441,24 igsabas era ail. baying, from non bands god. na, al India Depot, No 5 Wood insect , .11c II PHILLIPS A. DooK von. PAllll47iki YOUNCionfI.I3ONB AND . DIV.A.LIDI4.--1 DT: livultn..oVonsunon - H Sense" on ealth', 'PhfrAtirgiscotton, ' - 'W Haman y a k, .4 .buetetrzymild inotbso#OLPltitsiOPO.Y a In.so4phyttiool,coostitutio . ,o keing thoontoooneA ot Isit locums 611- thaS'abdwif.autdeett - math. dififtod. In th.r. i For4.64.ORUNS, A'•, • ' ' ,'. ts A th " ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers