3• ' ti , L•-• • , Amu COMUMPTITTEJiktaiI !$1470", • - • - SWAMIS twos!) sy,f t ot , OV. • -.; • toasehms, Comomitioas Gotillber "i'Ealie- brat Dreads • _Mt Onteflte.olo" • • - in the We lad Wee% Pi•••• Of •• • ta tle flemiguentee Croup; ken Goo ,' eduitirMSare Tlatarklierietts - • vy. sad all Disentiesei Throat, Santana Langsf'ddreastef. • : teemed, and. speedy core , . • ever,knolert Meal - , 40 1 tl i f eti * ,S• .AT rl4gignsaansed 151M0p 0 11 1 0114 . Margit ch ,..i.ortlonger Mang Mole of doubtfal atitity• :• It hammed away,fromdut 'Maenads daily bombed upon the lidle9f eipertinerd;and nemilinn hie ., and, iabeteMbig More tentative ly used thee any ediev.PrePentidn af 'Medicine over produced fano relief cif witiennil Men. aCe ii Oan II has ibeavirarodeeednry.gelierally through the United Suites Eunicei . , l 4 Mic are kw towns of dg nee bitterns Munn' Mane reMarkibla evb dente , qf . Its geed.effeets. _Ear proof at the (engine o togana tad alike ratt a n d e Matey of this medi.. th ei e= :O w l e t treW Of din any thou: npresentedui leen the wet , ressamiAllirf,g.a who have higher irlevretftnorat .respoosibiiity - and Ingle:4ooe to eel' wy ~cfg e ts...beanase, Donlido Mather a 'favor; and thauselvens liMisdee,, Sactitestlmtay warn Cond. eleavery,that its strnpriiingekcellence;ii estibligrord by Its townie- ments,and the .maitiestlonible fop .of Public °Plena.: Ate instantaneous - Mier it if. &Ms, end • the soothing ;ingnettce I t - through the whole frame by its . it e most agreeable remedy forth e eflicletiL ' , scWhen mod, acting from errnielintious' impulses, voluntarily bear teMiceolll to the tooth of • thane Or pandas_ faer f suchtestiMMl, Ming Coed:GT. l n their worldly interesisand mrpean, coerces emnriction of its tank, and eommenn itself in a special manner to universal caulence."-Oliersn's Moral Mariam DOME 003X/F/CATE*I STILL MMUS:it CameraPranann GOosmad Th.,„ never was e remedy that Ime been as successful in desperate eases of Consumption,br RS . Swayoe's compound Syrup el Wild CberrY, strengthens the Irf SUM, sad appears to heal die ale, ra on the lugs creating new and rich blood; power possessed by no abet Canna Co., April DM, 1918. _ Dr. Sentrie-Dear Sir I verily believe r e p, pound Syrup of wihtzborry . been'llip mot eans saying my Me. lemma a severe eold,which grab:v =w worse, atiended:wilh a seven Cough, that *1 . 2 all die.remedies which I had renerse to, increasing until enrcePilaalabited all the symptom,of poleumery Grasui• Every thing 'earned to-haven° efeet,and cpumbuntmereised.s 6 rapid ly that friends's myeelf., gave op. all hopes of my recovery. At Mistime I it reconumnied to try your invaluable medichml did so with the MOW hap , PY Modes The OM had, had the efect to loosen the cough, had dour caratorate and by the time I had teed •boWrai was nodally well, and am now as hearty .2111 . 111 4. Will Aft my,140,, and would be happy to gleamy informatioll respeybag my nee,. Mai others emen may derive the benefit for which lem so grateful. For she truth of the above statement, I refer you to Peon. Rash, Grocer, Weal Chaster Pa., of Mon Dm:shoed the medicine. • ResPeoffully yours, . Jaen Mona., wrniaafa Coors Dr. Swarm-Dear . I feel a debt of gratidde due 'to you-and a day to the afflicted generally, to over my humble matrons in favor efl, your Datepand Sy rup of Wild Cherrf.. Sows three years Wince I was violently attacked with cold. nal inflammaaenue the Lungs, which was accompanied with a clisaming noel, in the breast smiles& a very Moudders. • hie, pieerge offeradve meal Dom the 1111 .4 11 . trim daily upon 'change of weather, however might At firer! felt re alarm about condidirtir but mu pretty soon convinced that I wee rapidly going ra w to earisemp don. I grew daily weaker, and at langtb asseemly to to walk Matt, or speak above awhispa, such was the exceeding rtakeenoithY hangs. Ehuj,g uns ibed died vamps preparanens and prescriptions, this bur found no robe d all the time worse. Jaw here I was advised and permuted by a dear friend in Wilmington to make thud oi yens Syrup of - Wild Cher ry. I mast confess that proemial I had been preju diced cor i ng patent medians, and I am Will apinst those coring out of the non of eadtedess but eedos. merolleg your claims to the profession and preens of medicine, end having implied faith inthesaying of my frieldini I forkutth parchaseelo( Dr. Shaw, one etyma agents, slew battles, sad coromenedita use- My dis ease was at that time of Mot 23 months' weeding, cog sapiently it was deeply seated. I Mad, hovrever, considerable yeller from dief use aide fine Mr or five bottles. int being a pebtie sprite fig hammy tempted to preach 411.11 nre• mcreasieg attength, end thereby rimmed than vends that had Wendy beam heal; in this way,. doubtless, -my care Inn greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudently, I had to rue twelve Se fire® bottles before I was per- s feegy teetered. f hove tan questing-it meth smaller munber of bottles would have made me sound, bat for the above indnetane. The Salm allayed -the t o habit, took may the dimming cough, pm a stop' to the discharge of matter from the lunge, and rase them sad! he entire system good health. Irises defer red offering this certificate until now, for the purposs of being perfectly satiafied with the permanney of dm care, and raw that I feel perfectly well I '. ff it with • dn. J. iO3.IM.S. VDIOIIO. 11:C. .Thrlowffmr Caustrae-Berreo Res& There 'slim one eanne preparation or Wild Cheery, and that is Di. filvarste, the. lira ever offered mike pablie, which has bees • wig largely throughout the United Ste. and :ems peas of R._......r0p0Lan0 .11, parasions relied dry name, w Cherry have beau put oat since coder cover of some deceptive eircumiastices, in order to give tarreney totheir sales. B y a little w oo erentimi, no perms need mistake the genuine from the idea Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped with needful weer Mooring, with the likeness of William Penn thereon; ago, Dr. Swayee's signature: and as farther security, the portrait of Dr. Dwayne eel be added hereafter,ao :as to distinguish 'hl s pcmaratinfranallotbas- Novklf it mu not for the great 'curative propane and known virtues of Dr. Swayne,s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry; parson would not be endeavonng to gore nneney to their "fictitious U naliViDe by smack the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Swarm, andise not deceived Principal Office,,cosur-r Eighth and Race sweets, Philadelpia. For sal e wholesale and email biOCIDM X SNOW- Dpf,, riot D 1 mid 'Wood etc - B A PAHNILaTOCK fr. cor let and W . obd, 'and oth and Wood stir, Whl TDDLNY, 33 Market er, 13•JONED, IEO Liberty eg JAB A JONES, roe Mend end Penn gm JOHN MITCH ELI., Allegheny city, and by all maim:Mt. dealers in medlene. °Ma tom,..- - LISIESCHANT' OP , who had bets .1 flitted-with the asthma for Rear years, hnd tat. every thing. physisians constantly amen ded hies, end he taid nape_ over two thousand dot ter". tie never believed in advertised mediernes, but considered n th all humbugs. At last Ws tried Dr. Tielorts Balsam of Ilvegerort, from 73 Beekman sure; New York,and in six vreeks was entirely eared, hay ing Wpm only three boules. This Is only one of many eases where. imaginary &Mediae" to a patent medicine have prevented person.; from tow this newledne, who e expended hundreds of delbas to their phyucians hate in the end off their recovery to theinfal.., La efficacy of this purely vegetable prefasiatior, There is no mistakeoltat the m& virus' s =pewee to any remedy pr ep by medic& advisers. The medicine bee lakenl9 yeers to mature, and la Ow so re& remcdp.for Mamma ever introduced to the public. Harctrasne PADA COLGT4 AND SHMICLIS ors Dawn Cerouri7dinffring tor tong time with tbr-sa complains, kluid gem up hops pf being &wed. I had corset. ed Miebotanlc an& hommepallde dectors in vain. than seed many s ,triclee advertised, but found so relief. In despair I had giten up the use of elite:dicing. Iless , Ito.: of the Wu &tows a r erTaes Hen& of ife warvatha• great cre It bed performed, induced ens to my-lt, and lone mat joy attil astonishment, I sea better daily..ilconunacd its use, also his Sugar. Coated - Pills, tustll lam entirely cured. ` Dr. Taylor's Ilshiabeetflarrenriat lathe best reeditine in the world thesecomplabies, &Awn' cure metic &flitted for SEM 'LAWRENCE, • •• - • . Captain of the Haney, of. New York. yrarta Creico,-.1 have &dared from the Asthma a very long time, sad bane &amid' medicine I could: obtain for cage in ssin,.olltll I vied Dr. Taylor.. Balsam of Llserwort. Thie ustilleino hel afforded me most telnifear benefit, and la, in . =Own,. a care far ibis &ism:Wl* diseases more y, as I know of eaturtcesits stioageny friends, where is &slow succeeefuL Persons interested are invited to call !MPH residence tit forth& Information. ' ' - • 8. RBTCN2ISL:wrens st. • Sold •in Pittablh by J 13 Mozart 93 Wood st, TarawAts pas' et 1.4 H Scapa, car !dulcet and laktel Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty CO Price reduced &MA per nth' EU . Pahnertnekia Amnia lions Pills. gabs , . Cathartic emanated. combines unite era of beta with aqaiency nod comparatin mildness of pa/Latin actin, and having a Lend= =deny to the brr organ{ ts esuemely minable in dna coun try, in , =ietrtrilion Ants an other comptausta, at•• anded vilth - poniNnlon of the lien awn= abound.. 7 They hove Lund the tent of A:lyear4 ard arPen• et= bap paired Alen to bp *safe and valuable ninny la Interauttenr,'Nernident aid Adidas Fenn; Jaun.• aloof Ifilloca Coke; ItursOididd i repay; Dytentary ; BILOAS,VOCattAgiI Coldtiand aff ecanplants of an le- Istafaatorg ' Character. The nod , and naive:nal PalisfaetlcV vrtdch bat been saved in these pdit poto 'lune of= died them" rand= tha DlAUshbg • the =men= enuftenes in their favor =tenantry. To pan= counterfinping Any are mar pot up in a Aidigergrsiiin arapPer • Ad nand= teCccundoinil 30 pills. :Preps= and sold by & FARIM.TWM Co earner Ist and Viaid, and elan conterath and aced sepl2 Rl — Wli WCG tIVP-41•proven to be the S • Mar, Paiaees in et - ming duldVi disarming • • . . : inn theiTeroperance Sinner; Nov 3017. CinditNa'AndlVer an= ha the habit of pang, -JounitAtutaidpg patent, medicines, but we feel diapered leadanal.= NOTra Alrun thon =craze afflic ~pd ocragh.;,Wter having tried the nut now, tins for aatrvae.dontant Lod distreeng email, that • ink? sonar days afflicted one of dor chaldren, h oat sneen we pen indueed 'to• try Milan's coug ayragyinephatilef. anebtained In a few boom It lean& to to do putacesin this case at inn Aroma whammies:id =sil l ro l pnetpr, dOBN 1167.• •- • • anni st,l door bebiw dtalaCnlncy, A. 1---r--------------r-----1--------------:fr jr4V3I'ILONO E.VIDENLE that EX klll rlZTOttarrbitonries se all etita remedies Gsr 011egls _Opuessrptket,BrassititisiMtleaval other U 00 7 10.160,tsiltastlet saw prams leboustelammi the "Se elit their linatliestat yeses age. still prefer It to all ist treeressollesoftha Mgt seashare say haze beat iodated Wry stliteptseetaces they Stese►almost Isteasiehly beta LINPOWiIia Seeds* tlssiarM Vhuh eras tessettably aselopitittlesithe lies ptgatstesetsesedgte ...prprietary joilwrevietrolle the ttse of WIWI' 111:,BP I Omer flat les isnerfoiltel to ftlallf• (ball. Mil Wig" assilater amnia its &Lea la Seassea tempi milt #7 Dr El. ~,,,,rmi=sod We ea Viam ito . . 411,11 i. JAYNES .. nt__lroetth . 1 , , , ~ AIN EXTRACTOR evill,Flilf We 'ties trout the time of its applkater ima, the waist. bents, vale , Irk It ' iul,wilastaLtiostate, sleets, led' totes or any hi Lama jeja.,_,We valuable Pain Erintelet can be WO' % JOBllli - D MORGAN 6 -ate. , . . ,k , .. , Atele: acant tor Were Penn. • ,TUNLBECELVED AT CLINTOCKI3, 7 *am II Biaggi', very rich colors and.good patterns, end toy eberip. No 75 Fourth w •as Slibr--71X B t i ANB-4ust• ree dozen Issas Ror saddle thips,__. imp er ar d, ticle ed, 'at the India Rub. issit7N Tr" oca - - J2c.H PHILLIPS 'tH.gOhE' — ' ----- g. 7Q-W4:;Th-r---L-'.--------------o eases Chrome Yenow,for AU iiii#A-11,1001. SOUND 1510H;A : ii . IkllF -1 7• P g rO d ritl i D 6c 7FUF d Jo 6 71 4 :p1i Cr.-41 etod go;` Das el; 1541creptamon --"' Pit fo;efeni : =4 Or kulearr - ' l .l it It FLOYD. ~, , "act 2 --;• "' ' mound Cburch Balding rii.. ,i 4orw ~,ClLAOForovVOubentinin stockNresp,,tOntr.taf . u.wodo* Oim!,'ller Ustuni. ~ ,r_..,.. 1414 W" i :"' fsl. ' "lB o fr irsirrn . &. DVNO AN • re — te'iTed• for_ule by ; c , _.bLVELL t; 808 e , 4:tj e.:!4 • .ci9-13mok entojr,Natree,d pin biatAN ES43•. A 1.492740 ' e 9 do tiq ask* Oft% Ala No itila lostri fp; HILIZILt 1..916 ' lION-10 0 Wu for sab . tri a mums • Q . "111— • ' • 14',LIUAI.I.Pa!, - ..Y1 , ~ • . ivq..III )1T.M1.,,1,A , , ..... p... 1 ..,,..,,..,„..I:l_ , _ :':-..-..'.:,•:' I 41,tA1 ,. f 61 ,.: :: ....i .- .. : ._ : • I,iiist Tr : ig , Li . -,, ..L.... •.4 J. F IALLOI pp 'll* TOllll2Artn , s -SARSAPARILLA. Wards, ow! Mear4 of td. Tao most extraordinary /Win'. in dub World Ms Zonal o pot op an chant Rotttes: it Er ai Nara carver, ;Amanda,. amd werrentari o ?friar la orry tad. ft own milieu smitty t agot i otckosioe • . The stoat beauty and superiority of We tiarraparilla rnerell other modkinee ia.the white It eradicates ihe me, It invigorate. the bed y. It le one of the vary haw SPRING AND BUSIME* mremcuips Ever kmmen; It 0.17 purifies the whole eyelet., and euvegthetta the person, but it creams am pare ud Mee bleed: II pawat pwasowed by we other tomiloine. ia thistles the grated .tenet edits treadmill] some.. It has fowler:ma within tho lest two yews. woe. Mom 1 00 0 00 tome of seirein mama of disease; at least 15000 erre mosldered incurable. It haw saved the 1t.., of more than 10.000 children daring the two past seam. 10,000 capes of General Debility and avant of NerVelle Enemy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorate. the whole eystans. permanently. To those who hare Imo their mimed= enemy by du effects of medicine or Wiser. lioo ~.attedla youth, or the eseessite indultam. of the passbook and brought on • general physical proses. mum, laMtude, went or ambition &Mans sensations, premature decay and Amapa buten. ins towards that fatal disease, Comumption can he en. ,ttrely restored by this plemunt rema.y. Thie 8111. variants far avert. to eny Invigorating Cordial, Al it mew. and wigwams the syn.; give. utldry to the litaba, and strewth 00 the unmeular MOM, 10 • moat extraordinary degree. troasomption Cured. C 1... red Streartkan. - oenaramption ran Is ewe& . Droneltitia Oramieption, Liner Oeniplaint. Colds. OlUarrA, p.w).. sputiv &remain U. Mot, Hectie Nark, 11 - vrel Saseds, Khulks. J•setis. rain, Pais i.ll. Ma, /Ire., has .10.111 sad COI 21 SOUL • SPITTING BLOOD. Irat York /Frit M., 1847. Da,tirints madly boffin llitat job* &map. rah" Ern tun the somas, lludditli der HA. 1 kart dm meant yetem had • bud Cough. It bw.nmg wins and .tick Ai tut I raked tarp to on loot bid sigh threat; Ed To grimly debili tated MU eadostad, and sat expires to thy have only mild loot Sarsaparilla • skirt Shwa and there boo a won& rill ahsage ban armed In ma 1 tat etre able to Ina 11l war tits ally. 1 rake as blend, sod sough I left am You OM mall imqtaa tkat tI ma thanldl I 11l Sums restitta. Yea abeam WIL 17:12Aur‘ Ogadtrbss•t. Witivolo 111011,1100. Dr. Trnsoorro Otamporttio to a otratlyl and .p 4.1 tars fba tiltOsastaptiositroonoluth Poolono Melt oft F deo Womb, Cottlonom‘ MA tam, 6botrotelkt dttlloall Illoartro. ti an. lotectlnsaas attfrtio, troganory disebom tboonatind the venal pastrallot ths prodd ed mom whortha ea mon disbars= calm ay eitorm pnodaeott by tongslortty, Mom at oaretdottL Nothlog .44 64 erne airps the Its blelhulafit effoeu Um homes frame. Tarim woabzoortod lust. suds from taking It. at WWI beeouts ftflraft fed ftal of roma ander In kaillo/110. It tommettoty iminutor.cu 16 e nerrebennem of thiefltmale hems, hich laths pest mom ot Harms= It sot be eltpeolled.. , el ea, la .31111 of ea delicate a notarsa to =bait unilestes of corm performed bra vs can mark ere Onus& toot buoireds of earn beset.= reported to It. Ttiltuands et ciyas where Roane base been *llk=children. eller toms a few bottles of this tarahtahla medkine, Is,. been blessed wiib fee. healthy ofhprb34. • To Bloaters moil flurried Ladles. This Extract of Bumper*. has been ..pre ly pre pared TIT reference to complattna. No female who lase reason to COMM this la approaching that crttleal period, " The taro of Wk ; should lenient to Lake it, as it is . cersaln preventive for any of :be mmeeroos and horrible diseases to erhkt, female. are tubjtet at this thee of UAL TEL period easy be de. Isla* arerrel peas by orbit die arten Ni.. WO rabbis Ike thaw oho are approaching VO manhood, an it is calsolood ua assist worn by quich• main the blood , aid inoredwthe system- Indeed, thin medicine Is invelnabb for all th e delicata . discs toe to which M.. OTO • • It b r.r n olmie elotato, re_naire permanentlythe salami energim, by removing the bagmen. of the body, on se fu etitardatieg as to produce oubsequeo , relszetlen, which is the ease of meet medicines taken fo, female weakness and dimes. By minis a fro battle. at this tundichoe, maser moors .red WI .lergie.l opera don may be promoted. Groat 13toodag to Make. and Cidldrea. It is the .afro end most effectael medicine for purify. las tits mums sodlieviag the Rena estanimt spa rt childbirth eva discovered. su strearthem both the mother end chthi, pram. pateand disease In cressm and enriches Ms food. those oho have me=t it high Is it indispemashie. It Ls ittsbly metal ladit before tad after malthavisena as it prevents diseases aittudant poschildbirth—a Costae:a, Ml., M Cram w S.oIL s of dirt Fees,_Despondency, licastbuth, ronntoms Lath in the Reek False Pains. tiemsrtiorte ad is muu.tiar the merediam md ermslizing the nit [lllAtiall it has to equal Tto pe. beams of lb: esedkisteis, it Is aloars oath tad the most deikato ass •111 most soccooththlY, .my fir* mos regain say other codiaso is moo . Rate Castor Ofi, or itimpaista afful. Earths. ,the epee ai ..addt foal ebb this mediate, winssays moa • nd au" con lbstOsattt iltseaty wad tleaalth. Commtlea Chalk, .ad • misty of prep nation gees , rally hi use, when •pplied the Dna •Oai spoil -of ha beauty. They dose the pewee of the .kin, and climb the eircubmionoriolch. when Mare is not thwart. ad by disease or powder, or the *lrks lamed by the alkalies mad in map, beaatifies Iv owe ermined& I. the • human flew DMnb ^ m well es in do garden ot riot and delleately doted and migrated dowers. A tria mire and heallhy eircularlon .1 the tholda or the Multi& of the pare, rich blood to the extremitio, is that which palate the eaninenanne in the moat esqui. rife Murry. lib that which imparts the indeuribabl. shades and dukes of imam. that all wind.. but tione can This beauty is dm offspring of no. tae—nal °ryes* , ormap. If there is not • Dero end healthy circulation, there is no beauty. If the lady is bar as &ism anew. if she paint, and no cosmetic., and dm blend is thick, mold and impure, she b nat bath. 11(01. If alse be broom or yellow and th ere is pure and them blood, It gives • rich M Ab e cheeks, and to brilliancy ta their eyes that is m. lb 'This is why the eouthe and espeustly the Hems bb ladles, are w untch .404.04. Ladies in the north who take boo Ilnie samara, or confined in ciao. roomy 111 hem spoiled their complexion by hop skims' of deleterious mixtures, if they w t re gain ataulaty of step, &omit Mem, sparkling eyes sad beandfal ceanplasious. they amid no. Dr. To rend'. Sarsaparilla. Thailand. who hart triad it, are Broth then whiled, ram dalightoi Ladies of neer) , station. cored our office daily. Notice to the Ladies. Theo mat imitate Dr. Towaseedb Sarsaparilla too lireriahly called their mod • grew Assay for 1", odes, A...mid tome copied tom bilk end =real., srbkh relates to? the complabts of musto. om for .n., —other :nee who put up uneihdrob luau Ones the fir.' the ms of Dr. Towneendbs Samparldia In entrlplesnii amide& to &mks, ressommeaded thek•Labbeerh yro cionsly they did as Ameba of thaw &Wares. Pilla Ise, me injurious to fonales. an obey imm. d andermine the consthatlon. Dr. tonteend's la the onlyand beat remedy Orr the tunterom Dunk o..m' plaints—lt Maly, Worn talk of efihmdmi a mumment emu It can be takeo by the thothiSallenSe &nolo, in any MIA or by dose expecting liibecome mother., with the greases admitagen, w NI pisiparm the omen , end premiss pain or deader, Ind Menem I . o b "mother and child Be emeholto gee the gentdoe. icrofalin Oared. This meditate concladvely promo that ,!w ' , Orillarfect etietrol aver the moo obstinate do ve.e• ape Meld. Three Immo cared m holm. is unprucedcota. Three Children. Drt. Tcrunnttia—Desr Sir: I he. the pleunre io inform you that three of ray children Nora been cured (the '•• Wilk by tlie aye of your excellent madleine The l ma atekled very wee:m.ly with bad Bor. ; have vite only Con, booing ; tont than my, for which feel cryeelrunder rem iitdiptioa. Tot" t112,01/s ' M ' Al 10G Woomera. Oplnflow of Physicbout. Dr. Wm .& I. disco &lir reasiring, order from Physicians is ilifitrrest puts of tlis Dab= This USI certify Woos, t. under/4110d. PhlOdi. of the City of Albany, hays is suossous suss preselits .A Dr. Tailwinds Bantspasins, .ad baileys is is be ass of lb. mot minable prlrt.t• to mutat P. POLING IL D. L WILSON, li. D. • Z. IL BRIGGS. M. D. •D 7, Avail - 1,1817. P. F...•ELMENDORY. M. D CAUTION. Owing to the groat moms and biunenati wale of Dr. Torsteturtrlsreapseale, a number of men wba were Fwmcry OSIT Artenta, have commeneed making fierup, elle Entrant; [Nisi,., Bitten, Gorses of Yellow Does. :Le. -Tbeyienerally put ft up in the none but. den and some of themhare stale and copied oar wire, Lament-tr.-401 are on/y worthies. iodtatlatia, and tbaniti be is Principal Mee, IBS FULTON &met. Elan ?BOMine. N. Y. Redding & 8 Stimer erect, golden; Dyett t-ons, 132 North Second street, Philadelphia ; 8. 8. Wince. Druggist. Baltimore: P. 18. Cohost 011.1P110, IV debt & C0..151 Chartres Street N. 0.; 105 Sandi Pearl Street. Albany; and by the principal Dime. et.. nerehards eenandly tlarenehout the Ilnited are", Weal ladles and the Canada. N. - B.—Persons Me:tiring fox this medicine, should nOt be Induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas; end of course prefer selling their own. Do nos be deceived by so — inquire for Dr. Team. send 's, and take no other. Remember the genu ine `Tosmisentne Haseparil a," sold by the sole agent. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent, 'NO. 57 Wood street, and D. hi CURRY, Allegheny city. ism PEACE! PEACE!' - - BUT IN EVERY tiTaTIIPIPS HUMFSTEAD. HE undersigned has loop been convinced of the hecessity (or some medicine adapted to tic use of Miran and Infants to anercede ute ore of all those ciadietnes which contain ovum, and bat at welgth roc elided in preparing and offering to the pulthe s mnit eine folly answering every purpose for all Jounces of toe bborels, without the use at that dolmen.. drug. or any Ether calecdated to injure in the cast The Infant Pen: seas has been folly tested ar.o trtwd the last twelve Months, by lIIMMOIDI peter., End Tenon to power. all 'the ettraordinary wanes. and to produce all the awn, Jibing trent ea set forth on the - bill of directions Di arrhora, Vicalting, Cholic,Oriping, Pains, B,ohoer., Mitoses 'Erisino from Teething, acting ,loirucdiately without dialathing any of the functions of the body, =ging. the. happiest and mon •pleasua transition :violent pia to a tang - nil and Joyous mato of feel. in&Dlatalltila gamer: To be had wholesale and mud], of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHN . BANDANA Drafted and John Ellion & Beckham, and 0.11 other Druggists Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dect - . _ Dll. TOWNSENUS SARSAPARILLA.--f 0 dozen just received of Dr. Town.tid's Swimmable, the •mosS.etttraordinary otedielno In the world, This lit. tact lapin up in quart bottle.. It is cis times cheat's', pleasanter, and warranted superior to Any mid. It cures disease without vomiting, Purging, sickening Or debilitating the patient Loos on ram bern nows.—Unpnacipted persons have opted our labels, and put op medicine in the same ;lisped bode. Stortbat each bottle hos the wtitteu erg. nature of & P. Townsend. gELLERS,Druggiet, 57 Wood street, between Third and Webb,' II Dr. - Townsend , . only wholesale 'and retail agent forPittsbrugh, of whom the genuine artleJa eon kar D. U. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for ~,.11eghear ell, of site= bee' geutdrick erticks con be ttiFiNgT AND - 27AP BLUDOSS—Pif'D. Unita, UM ttlelltiM of hums w a new supply of node. of WINE Leis and Wen kr% as _-.... ._... „ir.;< , -..e:...r ~:`-r::'~_~;.._~~:asr..a,-.P , :c .~-,-rr _t,rc*4'~sc-:<,.. .... _ _ «.. _. ,t..., .~.....r..~-..r..., . . MAW - -4) ES: " COFFIN . — ETlkkafilitt o S olsB .. ICERBreelener Maw maitre:Claw ittrems, lifitglighbrillPthaNd3l l lNlS UNDER P . °jos the Exchangerlietelrebtranea an Feen.strect,. respectfully Abets Trlmen and peat. Mal. emTsre prepared ftmalsh and attend tr. everythingin the line of Undertaken. Always on band a Large ar aorta:eat of ready made Cann, covered, heed and fi ro Irked in The very boo mannerp &Runs and sixes ready made Shrouds of Baeoel,Cambrlekrud mashn) and all slues made sn approved styles. We keep a large a. sortmente wale and bleek.rmr.n. silk and kictibloena, cable for pall borers Lod L oon= as, crape, esps,W. less, and every thing necessary dressing the dead; and on reasonable reran, as we purchase all oar goods in te.Eamern g.aK.. • A/PootaTf ' o "CP . ..ill the'name and age. WehaVe aaplendidbew hearse and buses. and any number of the hest carriages. Every thing encoded to promptly and punctually. eetXY B EN NETT & BROTH ER, QFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, otomingissea. 'near Pittsburgh ' ) P. •Iterchouse, No. L 37, Wood sired, Pittsburgk. WILL c °tumult keep on band Stood worm mitt of Ware) of one own manufeetan, and superior guilty. Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectfully invited to call and ex aeon (or httemschrea,as are determined to cell cheaper tioutbsirverbefore we •bees offered to the put. Ile. IE7 (hdera sent by mall, accompanied by the easb r ar city reference. Yr,ll be promptly acended to. feteM P. far/beans. Janes E. yyzanau FLINT GLASS ESTABLISEIdIY MT. MBLVAN LEDLIE manufacture sad keep con- ' stamp on hood Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint Glassware, in all Its ottrieu., at their Warehouse cor ner of Ma rket and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue to fall operation. and we are coustar. , ly adding to our stunt, which enables us to fill orders with promptners. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage meat the subscriber has received sines ‘,. he hem located himself in Allegheny, •li,sa s wit.,,k has induced him to take a lease, for a term of years, on the property he nod occupies, in Denver Street, Immediately beside the Presbyter - tan Church. From the long caperiellCC in the above business and et deture is please, by hopes to mer it and receive I ahem of public patronage. Now on head and finishing to order, Rockaway Bas t= and top Buggies, and every deaeription 01 s made to order, from seventy-five dollars to aighthunsret (sena-dal JOHN SOUTH. MISCELLANEOUS. ANUFACTVRED AND LEAP TOBACCO.— ...lA. HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north waxer st, and 16 N. wharves, Phil'., offer for sale on accommodating tem., 6000 poligs Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of Faunas, hull pounds, s's, Ps, Bra, 16's, lb's and Ifs, lumps; s's, 6's and Cs plug, and LT, Ladies' Twist, in whole and half boxes, oldie following approved brands, James H Grant, Osborn & Bragg, Grant & Williams, A Cabaniss, 8 Jones & Son, 111'Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, James Thom., Jr. A H Armistead, J Thomas & Son, Landhoru & Armistead, I P Coates. J M Cobbs, Gentry & Royster, J A Clay. M A Butler, C A Hull, Green Hall, Wm Dawson. Pearl & Norwood, J 8 Blackwood, Nnth Pal, Keystone, W H Vaughan, Edmund Henn', Portia. Robinson. Russell & Robinson,' Kenn Robinson & Co. Seilt Halsey, R Metcalf, , John Roder, Lawrence Laufer, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D B 'Punter, II Jamieson, York Wk., D M Branch. —Al.BO— Leaf'fobanco, wrappers and Wien' Yam do do do Gionfuegos do do do 8t Java de Cute do do do St Domingo do do do lquria & Guides do, part fine, do hl aysealle do do do Kentucky various grade. do do \ urn. Leaf. suitable for niannuseturnig and export; Spiunsh Seed Leaf. Perm's, Connecticut and Ohio. V inrima Scnsps,sweet; German iltpes; Pips beads; Scotch Smut (loose mid bladdels;) Illsocouba Mein; Tang. Beaus lamina. bassi Otto Rose; fitergintol, Calabria Liquorice; Patent Lasendish Knives,t , pumk, fix 7k.a r . 1111.4DEL.....E,t4A, my IS _—__ . __ THE gmatestand best variety everoffered Intl& city Lefore--made on the most approved Eastern plans— al/ most fashionable Eutern patterns and cobra. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on hand or made to Order of all alma and at all prleea. Country Merchants and others are Invited to call and examme the above for alert:ocl,, a. all will be sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction mode to wholesale purchasers. madly INSIMIZSZM PAPER WAREHOUSE• MU. D.BUILLISO BLIP, NEW WORK IFRES W. FIELD oder. for /ale al the tow Manufacturer.' prtres, a very extensive wort ternit of PAPER. compr , ir.g every pesch , e var , el.l , adapted wants of cointuaters ail sec ann. of Las cusnuT Peke, of all lord, made le of•ler ."_e.'!levee. lac Work of PRINTING PAPER ta unitsuaßy largo ape ot *inch in of very lopenor quality. PAPER ALARMS'S SLATERIA_LS of retry description, imported and kept ennaantly er ban-, viz: Petunia. ire Cloth, ForualrAter Wires Bleaching Powder, Blue I . ltrawarte.e,Twille, se ;ha. ElaGt2l4 Caavara,llale Rope, Gras. Rdpet ll :lrPEC. purch.ed, for lib the blghela b New 1 cra. paid iraf kiaicit VOif B3i.e. undersigued offer* (or rah; 31 al:Tenor article of hitek for built/trig, made by his Steam Press improved machine, for which he b. obtained a patent and agree. to give purchaser. • unmet guarantee that toey lire nronger, and wilt remit frost and wet weath er and imbibe less m gr oisture or dampness than any oth er bnck.posecuang eaten body and superior texture and muck. more Mundt. in every and each brick being subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pos sessing a handsome smooth surface and even edges. thcy make a front equal to the hen trout brick. They have glean the greatest ram.faeuot TO all who hove punt:rased. A Stine. be seen at ray work., and specimen tithe Galena office. Thosenavins *oinked themselves .ocher building.. and id . handsome front hnck. or amen°, hard and irolld paving brick, can obtain them. ISAAC GRFBO. Birmingham., June IR let 4. tl -- • ALLFAMENY VENITIAN BUM) FACTORY JOHN A. BROWN. : TAU'S this method to inform his (muds and the public at large that hie Factory is now Mg operation, on the west aide of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a co. cunt supply of Minds ; of various colors and qua ktirs, are constantly kept Or hand; • also. at NoS Wood at. Pirmburgh, at 1 & • H Phillips' oil cloth wareroom. Vermiso Shatters made to order in the best stylei Blinds repaired at the shrines% notice. 1 —Ws Blinds will be put up without any addi tional expense. ro that they earl be removed in a ma ca.,t ase of hr. or for washing. and without the aid offt screw driver. tyl-dtpkwiantlyB - - - • EX//sIVT PER Vt*NIER Y. /Lc—Um:ter Pau Divine rr de Nett., for rendering the skin soft and beutuful celebrated lympth Soett. 1 lactePs Indian Vegetable Hair On. for gradually darkening the hair, and promoting its growth. ItaneVe linitud Hair Dye. for changing red or gray hair to a beauuful brown, black or chestnut color. Itarters Can. Lustral Hose Restorauve, for produong a luxuriant growth of hair. IlarteC. Curtiss Fluid. Ilauel's Depilatory Powder, for removing Imperils or, bath. IlaimYs Rose Tooth Paste. I lauel's Chinese or Persian Toilet Powder. Heuers Unrivalled Shaving Cream. IlacePs elegant Extracts of VariOan fragrant !lowers, for the handkerchref; together with a tarp, assortment of fine Perfumery, just reed and for sale by 1.1 A PAIINEIVCOCK k Co. ••Pi or Ist A. wood, also nor Gth wood eta TUE BT - 1711 OP TIIEWEIIT VFINITIAN DIAN D MANUFACTORY East ride of the Diamond, where Veltman Rhode of all the different'sizes and rotors are kept on hand or made to order sine the latent and most appmyed Eastern Dm ions, at the tinned nonce and on the mos reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or mitt Blind Transpa. rency and Paper Curtains of all the different saes and patterns, on hand and for .ale lOW for cash. Old Velll neg Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken In pan payment for new. R3l V . VESTERVELT, Pro'pr. N. D —All work donethe best inatertal and wnrkenanstup, and warranted to please the moo fa. thitons. .100-dly Allrgbeny crty, Aug. 10, 1548- , WOOD TYPE Tut SORT( £JILYIC•N WOOD rum I ACTOICT, AT MT. anion to. lATILLIAM SCHOLEY, /I. 11. RYAN . ISC Ist T SINGER, JOILN B. mortrusoN, having as sociated themselves together under the style and tale of Selsoley, Ryan le Cu., for the manufacture °, Wood Type, end on their type is altogether made by machi nery, the invention of lasso M. morn one of the firm, they feel confident tint they oiler u peffecl erticle of type, mid at much lower rates than any heretofore oft red in the United States, and arc now ready to till orders (or the same. All orders addressed to Seboley, Ryan re Co, at their office La Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield greets, will he panctually attended to. 1D Proprietors of newspapers, on copying Ibis ad vertisement 3 morals, and sending us their paper, will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on purchasing three times the amount of their bill (or advertising. ie7:d3m 11.614 g -D A C.U — Crihn,DElll2 l— s MANCHESTER. HE Proprietor of this well linownplace armor' has tba pleasure of Informing the public Warble ester- Inhume% having been thoroughly refitted and repaired, mid the groutids elegantly raid out and decorated, Is now open for teeir accommodation, and he flatten him self that those who may favor him with their patron age will find all that they desire, provided In the best style and on reasonable tents. He i• determined to apart. no expense in making hie establishment worthy of public patroness. He has acemumodatinus for boarding a few families. toe Creamy, and all retreat. Monis syllable LU rho season, constantly on hand Jefi.tf -- LEVI BURCHFIELD. 11 °.....tahalar oast. !rnicenrini Estabs 'Ashman.. IKAAJC WILLIAMS, Draper and TailarAalt. to lona th e moues of Plusburgh and others, Mat he tiow onetime at hi rooms an Eimithibilil street, un der th e above Motel, a large and beutifult assortment of Cloths, Canaimetes, Satins, Silks, sad rather Vesting.; together with sub other articles OA aye required for gentlemen's wear. Kis goal s have been Carefu lly se ated, and arc of the newest and most fuhionable style, as well as f superiet - 2MIII- His customer. may depend upon having their clothes made up in a manner winch cannot fall to patty the ass of the mess fauidinuaninthly _ . TOBACOO-10 boa Brandi & Watkins' ss. 2do do do oats* pounds; 5 do do de I* and Ids; 10 lop No 1, 6 twist; LIU do Pgb eayendish; . 5 do do Ping; vu II do Sugarot V' do ItoirSPookd. 4_ kw gala by toyer J D ILLIAMS - • SMOKE HOUSE,- laving taken de large and echo. too:bons Hawke House and Bacon Storehouse ad. loitung our Nlitarebouse,on the Csaalßasln 4 are ant pre. pared to smoke sad store bacon on reaeonable terms. KIER & lONb marl Csnal b..in.near 7th at., rMoGY ONJOHN QUINCTABA.I I II3:-Dellecred ay 11th, LB4B, at the School Home of tit...Stith Yard, Betsbargh: By H. M. Brcekeraidge.„ Published by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, and for sale by &Ban Booksellers in' he city. • jy2 - IL)ABLEY 111ALT-600 bash nese Iklak, for sale:by Di octn BROWN k. CULBERTSON inimiebrtiliskuiliEs. I BU*,MI TSID 0/11071Alt HEM 1848. BETWEEN PTITSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. IHavelEa, Piusburgh; Em, PAW & Co, Beaver IPropes. Cuss - roan CllaltaaraUlt, ' Cleveland TREabove Use is novsprepared to transport freight and poono „ gor a Comp netaborgh and Cleveland, or anv point on she Canalsand e on boo, moves pittalturgh and Cleveland daily, nno ningsn cm .am ort ili the slearnhoau Lake Ede and idichigars, botareen Vin burgh and Beaver, an .4 l i ne of first ciao sterintlionlayrePallers, taiga and school,. era on lakes Eno, Hawn ratnhlichigati. Property forwarded to any pan of die Union with dispatch, by WM. TatIATIMIL br JOHN A. CAGGHEY,Agents, non w ow said Smithfield ma, Pittsborgls AGENlHt—itecd, k% Par Co. aver; R G Parka ot. Co, Yo ße ungato se , OS W Cotes& Co, Warren; D Bosuaick & Co, Bresuiporh A & N Clark, Newton Pally Latvia NawPorh J & E M WhndeveY, Carapbellspon; J U hlllride, Ravenna; M & C II Kent, Pranklirn Tattle, 9irltu; - ga Fallq NV - heeler& Co, Akron: Barney, Gibbs & Co. Sandusky; Welkin's:l; Faiths, ToliSio; si willami & Ca Detroit. Mich; liVelure & %Whams, Milwaultie, Wiz; II J Winnlow, Chicago, 111. apl4 SICLIANCE PORTABLE IMAM LINE, 1 . 07 YLRNSPD7C7I.777% 07 X7RC1LA.177133 TIFIrwERN PITTIBBLIRDiI AND PHILADELPHIA. T " Proprietors of this old established and first Portable Boat Line, haringremoved their de pot in to Et muck larger Warehouse on Marken,. than they formerly occupied, and also hi created their room for attune nt Pittsburgh, aro now prepared to offer mach greater facilities to their friends and patrons. Ckiods carried by this line are Oct transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being arced en tirely In Portable Section Waits. To shippersof flour and Other goods fenuinng careful handling, Mrs ts of lamrtanee. No charge made for receiving or ahrpping good,, or advancing 'charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as renScalable terms as by any oth et line. JOYIrt hlr PADEN ot CO, Quid Haydn. Penn st., Pittsburgh. J &NIES M. DAVIS & Co. fatuM eV Market & M Conunarca st., JOHN McFADEN tr. Co., Forwardbug ani Co•• •n Merchant., Canal Basin; Penn •t, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS It Co, Floor Futon .od Comm 6011 Merchants, 227 Market, and 64 Commerce m, Philodelphid 64 , 24 JD - Advances marin by either of the above on Flour, 00l and other descriptions ofiderchandim consigned to them. 151,21 XTOTICE—The rubaertbets have thaposed vtthetr wrest In tic Peno'ft and Ohm Lute to CLAIIKEI THAW, of Pthabargh, nod JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this They Tsnll CO:ltlntrl to consort Internee. for the line t then Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be peak for it a contunnotee of the patronage of the, JA.MES STEEL ok Co. Philadelphia, March sth, IRS. Pennla. arid Ohio Tracer• ortation C Doable Daily Lae FIRST CLASSNEW WATS AND CARS, rnimAkks TO TIUNSTORT OORLAI ITTT•1101011 AND [...T cull. CLARKE &THAW. CkIIAI Rlllkb_my& LEWIS & Market sl,Philadletphis. JA,R. STEEL Jr CO . Apo. Broad strew. CONVDEN. CLARKE & Co.. TS North or., Balt. W PORRICK, Abu , 12 West street, New York. o=l3 Co-partnerships rTIHE subscribers base Moo day associated themselves I together midi. the style of Kier tr. Jones, for the purpose of continuum; the boneless formerly earned on by Samuel Al. Klee. and soloist acoitunuance of the hi.. alai patronage heretofore dummied to the house. SAMUEL .11. 61E14 IL F. JONES. Pttudnuigh, Mineh.l. 1,4 d. WEB'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, COMPOSED EXPIRILY OF Finsrr CLASS FOUR RECTION ISOAT'S, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS 4 RAILROADS. NIVE are prepared to receive and forward freight to the above and inter - methste platen with as mash despatch, and at as low rates, as any other tespontable The attention of stoppers wishing to send Pork or Ba con to Baltimore in bulk. is pareettlarly requested. in. untoeh as our rra,utement. enable aim earyy suck urucles through to better order than any other line. KIER & RIVES, Propqrs. Cagle nest 7th A. PM!;;= TT l l c E&t, J aN E W Sl hols m ae ss D to e n a l a er n s d h ( s o enk ag • • Produce. de tiSIOS ==l I=o , To Phil.. cl mud --- VIA 4..4+ HENRY GRAFF tr. Co, Canal H. Paulargh. DUTILII. IIUAIFIIIIEVS A Co. No 147 Martel bt, 1.13‘1 C IL Konme, corr": North 1. Saratoga Its 13.14 Jon. F Clarke, No 111. old Shp, Nea t nu, ' .'s Noricto—m• Flyl• •i" arm. ...Up on e... Clam and .filer th, 4., at Ptid,org& a. Henry Gm& & Co., and,lat Malady tyana. Humphrey, & Co HEN RI ORAVT liDurND. CHAS.114311 . 1.1111:1 - S, 11EN Rl.' GRA IT. I.l:l,l•utah. •- PITTSBPROR PORTABLE BOAT LIFE athlilB4B.lffitat. For Gto Tran4ontanian of Frng,ta to and fnma PITTSBURGH, PFTII.A.BRI.PIiiA. RALTIMORF, N YORK, lalsToN. Ac liaaw.c Cud. Philadelphia. OT•rlaria, Piitelmirgh rr Rai old establo , Lied Line ....elm( how to Nil opera. .( Hon. they roprietirr• lia•rt made r ear arrange. menu to foard goods tual pr,late deaperelt, and „ ra „,, lama They confidOntiv !repo th;:r known promptireat in delivering Bowl.—pr. at safety in ma.de in corn tog- eapa,rivi.ararredro. set at each poi uliord:ror scrununotlatrous shipp , rs and owner. of pf ..tue —urgetber ‘arth their long expe rince ao4 uriferotrUtur alleurratt to tutoittrour. rill ottrutll ta e them • continua:tee of Mat patronage Hey hereby grateinLy be bet now ie.lce. All emungnmerils b 1 nod lor rhi• hue recurred, ghat , gee paid, and turvearded any requ,red direcriorta free e barge for torritmumn. advancing ur utor•gr N o .nwe e aL thirsty or indirectly, in ateronnoang eu commtuticartoos promptly .vended to on entice • to the follow.; agent.. BORBIDGY: & 041. 173 hlarltrt et, Philadelphia. TAAFFE h O'CONNOR, Comai Ihtesn, Pinsbutro CKIONNORS •54 Co, North Baittmore. WV. O. WILSON, vie: Cala, tr. N. York .ps LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LI3IIL. IS - I S • ail. rrMS well known Lnin,omposed of steamboats Lake Erie and Alicaigan, c between Pittsburgh aud Heaver. and freight and passenger Canal Rows be tween Beaver and Erie, and C M Here. line o( first class steamboat., propellers and vessels an the Lake.. prepvcd to carry freight and passengers to all points on the Pyre Canal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and Michi gan every Sreinty for caner? ing fretglit and pu aenger• sena prosopmeas and disputeh. the proprietor and agents respectfully solicit from their friends a con. Unn.ice of their patronage C Al R RHEM, Proprietor. REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agent. BAIN A. CAUtillEl'. Agent, .pt co, Wawa and Smithfield at, Pittsburgh. Miiac 1848. mail I. ECLIPSE TILANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Easter. clues, via Cumberland. 1•IIE proprietor. of dda popular line, have..inoe their re-organ:scum largely increased Meg (aniline. to net the wish. of .hipper 4j and are now prepared to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY lANE, as alw by additional regular wagons at low rates. This line will run throughout the year. delivering goods through thp agents in Baltimore and Pinging/6 to owners and conggnee• at specified rates and lime. Shipments from Philadelphia for the line !Mould be marked "Cars, J It Robiosen, Baltimore." The only agents are, J B ROBINSON, thl 8 Charles 81, Baltimore. KDGERTON & Co, Cumberland. O W (31.88, Brownsville. (Ma J C Pinatturgb. efg4l NOMia VOLIPREI TRANISPOISTATIOBI LINE— X.. The Proprietors alt. popular Line hare denied the Ave" se Cumberland from the home of Mollalt k Mr We to dad of Edgerton a Ce. Pittsburgh and , woken merchank are Instilled that J Day ly Hokum. 10.91 South Cowles It, Baltimore,b the only authorized .gees Of this Lane to the Coulon dom. The only agents are J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, 0 W CASA Browomille, EDOA RTON CoCumbezlend, Akan( J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. . . n:Tran rtat , l on Company. • Mg/a 1848 wrileMr.htdcz.lll..lB4B, TO PROADEL.PIIIA, BALTIMORE NEW YORK rmISTLTUU ♦ND DIM RAIL ROADS . . RE propapid to tympana. goods .d praline to and from the above fa on vorable tehno. Ad a& or apply to It. LEECH I co, Cloud Basin, Paroborkh, HARRIS I LEWA.4I,Noo 13 th 13 South:Third at, Phil. J. TAYLOR HIEY, Airor, No 14, N'lh Ilohroni ht., Balt A. ABBOTT, Akft,No 7 West vtrect, Now York. Plusbaryrt, March Ilhh. Into. • found -- DriVeitanto 1848. . Mail FOR pirg,,AU'OCttIL'IIINAD RAIL ROADS GOODS consigned to our care Will be forwarded without delay lathe lowest current C A McANULTY S Co, Canal Main. Penn et, Pittsburgh. . MERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, 272 and 365 Market at, PhlPa, ROSE, MERRITT &Co, je27 smith , . wharf, Baltimore. ECLIPRE •TEAASPOILTILTIOA LINE. MIS 1848.. E at . s. dad y. Produce and merchandise taken Il a i r lOW :res. Merchandise from. Baltimore brought out at Canal rates. 'Time, live days. J C BIDWELL, Aso, W 0 ater ,1 floors above Mang 'a. Hoene. Plltebarga J D ROMISON A BOEHM, mp h./ 99 South Cherie. it, Dahlmere. pioNE,EIL TILANNPORTATION LINE, • agrvvEEN:EALTimorts AckrkPrninstritcat as po S n ir e T 4B d a V , C Y r f uN eltratn ;As " .., t • Watt. pitubmiL I St tflistiNss4 • sepias. , Rummy ofllm thrtindmia,3 yob, is 81salis' Life of Chevalier Beard; IS mo. G. I'. James' Life of Henry the Fourth, of France; voli-12 mo. Smith's couqklar dities Chiron; Il mo. Neemierl ofJesus Clans; e muslin; Marvers Frekh Gleanings; or a ems Shoot from the old fields of Cohtinental Europe. Cent.lftnry'S Sketches of the files - lean Nam 12 mo. °ldes Suary!of We Battle of Waterloo; 12 Mo. A Stordarr loScotland, by Jacob Abbot; 12 mo. Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe; 2 sots 12 mo. • Ruston'. Airreutures in klexteo and tha Rocky Moitouuna; u mo, muslin. Posthumous 'Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D., 1.. D. The Praeucal Amronomer„ by Thos. Dick, L. L. D. Life of Jeremy Belknap, Ta B. nimnfian of Now Rompakare. Luther and the Reformation, by John Seca, M. A. cols. The Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire; by S W. iVillhuns,2 vol; 12 mo. The llower of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D, 12 mo. l a Theßethel Mag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 12 mo. Tear. mg a Science, the Teacher an MILD' by Rev. UAL II 11. The • r, his Coon and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lect res on•Shakspeans, by H. N. Hudson. The r& rusts.of America—lllustrated with nine engrat vings'on steel, and eontaisting sketches of the lives of Allstnn, Inman, West, Stuart, Trumbull, De Vet= Rembrandt Pisle and 'rhos. Crawford; I v01,,t3 vo. 'The Orators. of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lamortine, Thers, Napoleon Dalton, Mire d-au, Golutt lcd other., with portrait:of each. Headley'. Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vols. 12 mo. Headley'v Washington smd his (legend; Stvols, Ita Beadle y 's Sac red Mountable. The above, together with • lane eollectlossof Stand ard Works, Claisical and School Books, for sale by J OLIN STON & STOCKTON, booksellers, led corner market and 3d al 'MEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOS--Chalmere 1,11 lect works, 4 vols. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading; Memoir °ldle Life of Sim Fry, 2nd veil; The Convent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl to France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C B Tay tor., M. A. filmgaret. or the Prari, do Mark Clldlon, or Me Merchant'. Clerk do Time;" Life of l'ollok, author of "Couraa of The Listener. by Caroline Fry; Lecture., do Shakspeam, by FIN Hudson; Life of Oliver Cromwell, by J T Headley; Napoleon and hi. Marshals do Washington nod his Generale, do Power ofthe Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Teaching by Example. Palpit Orators of Franca, by To mball; Genius of Scotland, do Life of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vole Orators of France; Now and Then; Bethune's Poems, hlargaret Mercer, Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Union Queetionsi Arthur's Popular Tales---Riehes in the World." "Slakutg Haste to he Rich,. "Riches have Wings," "Keeping up Appearances," "Debtor and Creditor.. For sale by ELLIOTT /e. ENGLISH, jelS 76 wood and SG market at .lEOLIAN ATTACILIIINNT. REAM V ED and for sale, a lot ef choice Pianos, with and without Coleman's -Cohan Anathuient, by Nunn. & (lark, IS V. One of Nunns & Clark's Pianos, with the Attachment, was taken to England by Mr Coleman, and among many other testimonials of ad miration for this elegant specimen of American skill nud ingenuity, elicited the following remark. from S. The!berg, the greatest Pianist living- Loknxik, Jag IS, 1n45. My Dear Str—l n enclosing • letter to my friend, Mr tirand, Puns. I comet refrain from again expressing to you how much I was pleased with your "Xolian Attnehment,'which I consider a • great musical im provement. I can assure you that on my part I shall with great pleasure do my Utmost to maks your hwy.- uon known. For sale by II Kitt:HER. lee , / At Woodmen's furniture moms, 3d at XVENV MAAS —Lonenngs to Eumpe; or Sketches 1 , 1 of Travel in France, ktelgiorn, Switzerland, Italy, Austria. Prussia, (tern Britain and Ireland, or ij.h an appertain, contanung observations on Europea n Shan yes mtd medical tosutunons. By John W ddarson,kl D. Angela, a navel. By the author of "Emilia Wynd ham," -Tian Old Men'. Toles" ere. Self-Control, a novel. By Mary Brunton. author of ..Diamplote." Vol 111, Daily Stumm; Beading.. Sy the into Thomas Chalmers, D. It, L. L. D. • • • •• , . -.•- - Part 4, The Thousand and One Nights. Harpers' Il lustrated edam's William de Cottager, a book for children. By de author of " Ellen [Hebert," lc. The above works received this day and for sale by jed4 JOHNSTON h STOCKTON 10 - EW BOOKS—Mcmonale of the Introduction of .1.11 Melhndiste into the Eastern Runes, comproong toograptueal nottces of it early preachers, sketches of fint churches. and reminiscence. of ii. car t )) ' strult• gies and successes; by Rev. A timments, A. M. Jun published Memoir of Rm. nand Alortel, a D iota 1111.Ionary to Chino by his nephew. Rey Ft Wilttantson. Mark Milton. me Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles B Tinter NI A author of "Records of • Good Man'. -tatty Mary." .tblargano, or Ma Pearl." km he. The ahoy, kmin a large 11•11.11Mern OtItel• books, on hand and Just ter cittng. ELLIOTT tr. ENGLIMI, _ ISO market._ ==l BIGLIOIII 120011a1S--klimor7 of We Wool Haw oltdoon. and of thr wars and ownpattna yawn' I corner tram the s.runta IR of the I/reek Patitots ib Krostbetpa• n,thcf ruttntr from tae lblitudt Yoke—tn two rot ator , b.lld Lop, nit bachenrati maps and