I=l ,:~~;» BY MiGNESIG MEBRAPEL CO AEUIPUILTED & • '• • ' 11 . 1 , 1 " stray cor Plussisso crasset.i *ORE' N NEWS No, alizial*A'S• or Tail IT SA SUIP • \ •N s't • ). -• E RIC A. /DiaISDATM LATE:3IBIION ZIIELOPIL eCITEON -111RILET DECLINING THE CORN mama FIRM. Yl%YM~lifiY:~.+f~:~/]%klG)ii~;7ra:~a~~ ,tliyifll at. from tt.ie4thasit. AND Ins • ASSOaIATES TO BE TRANSPORTED. Chisrvandence of the PO:tabu:lp Gazette • Pacunicimu,Nov.9, 1848. The,Ocean Steam Ship America exited at New lsat night s 12 deka, bringing seven days ucOmt itindligaine.. She oiled on the 2Sth, tasking the* id ten days. MELAND Donoghue, Meagher, and McManus, hale been transported for life. Dale'. fatale' tioahinna nettled by the jury. The (pantry is in • moss deplorable condition, in Sontepience of the failure of the potato crops,and iherittenpmnes of the grain crops, and the want eisidoyment, FRANCE. ....Canadas*p new Cabinet has sustained • defeat nyokaa meta to the Constitution relative to tbe may, by a asejoritypl 623. need. • :Aliti : oonteit brtluPresideecy vrillbe 'MUM and ,i 1 ?5' end the ultra Democrats all, anal one for unity #unang themselves. Laznaniue and Ledre Itothkare their famiter—wtdeb WI be selected tamable to be teen. Mantiz presented a decree for electing a Prod. 4411Kwhich urea carried by a ratantyof 355. The ;earth has caused great surpriae. The decree pia **teeth= on the 10th of December. SPAIN. eHris tom paned, by the return of Nan• 'Mao in poser, md the establishment of a King and Caitieost it tie bract the household. • ' PRUSSIA. Ana - distelhooces wok place la Berlin, on the leporttichivere trammed on the 18th, with con• .sidaishis Ices of life. The people shamed them , :tiatytis behind banicades. The-came of this outbreak was occasioned by the attempt of some mechanics to break op the amehinery. The Bing positively refused the re. aivistion of his Ministry. theCamintutdant of theNationalGuardkiaa' ned a On*dontheetb, antuanticing that the Hungarian, undlar CZana and Muria had eroned . the Gyn. tient, and were in fall march against Jailachich.-- Milkmaid adds that there would be a sanguinary emdlint near Vienna, and that the comman dant, on that account, had pouted a strong duce asar the Belviderie. The advancing Hungarian army is set down a t 45,1000. ' Vienna is surrounded on all sides, ca w* the Ninadory line. The Russian dint:masa : doe left the city; but nearly all the population re- .soled to bold out to the last, come what would .OMe btutdeed thousand peraons have lett Vienna •sidle the Minit iallachich is now at his old post, and his troops are now united with those of General Amalie.— 'Olictutt was full of troops on the 21st. Vienna was pompletely surrounded, and it was mimed that the advancing Hungarian army had krested In consequence of the desertion of two *intents of Hungarian Human to Windisgram, who, it is rumored, has taken possession oldie Is• laid of Loban, and placed 29,000 men there. Pro vial= were scam. The citizens of Vienna con• view to atommthen Moir defences, and the country wimp flock into the city in great numbers. No wttgasponents had taken place between the bungs. Sins and Ocala LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET. Livicuoor., Oa 8, 1818. !'Liage arrivals of Wheat had a depressing effect erre Corn. Western Canal Flout white, 305.- - 71101delphia sidEliffintOre 33‘15d. Wheat 7it3d sties ea, being a decline of Is 6d per bill on Fkmr, and 3d per 70 lbs on Wheat Corn continues in demand at Ris to 35s 6d per quarter. Meal at 17s. Duty on Wheat has advanced to 5s per quartm, and on Flour Si per bbl. Corn—This sells i fid to 2s lower. Park has advanced Is to Si per Ala Lard tam declined 2, per cwt. Demand for lice limited. We ate without change in the mieeisf Comae regular but moderate demand' bas prevailed do. Aug the week, although exporters continue to ope. rate to a fair extent. Sales of the week do not ex 'coed 29,300 bales American Cotton, including all dmeriptions. Fair COMM hu again undergone a reduction of Is Bd. The market is firmer, and the times are impro. ring. The London Money Market was apparent. 4 1- ealliiYedair;ded 'today the favorable in. tars= from India contributes to Umpire coos. ; ileum London 'Cosuiobe for account of mean closed at 1133) to 851 a. Giervorassanit Jewels Stolen. Rsurizaza, Noy. D, Vise Jewels presented, to the . Gayeaument by oretip Potentates, and which were stolen some join absosovent, again stolen last Illitht• They were. Wen from their ease in the Patent Office, motteillnlandlng may precaution hai been taken arm since the Emmet theft, by some admit thief., who bas, op to this bow. not been bead of The markets are loadmit under the steamer's acre. Holden ere unwilling to yieht,coneequent , ty bat lisle doing.. Brown dc Shipley's Circular tmatee Flour 30s, Cron 24e to Ws 6d. Government ere mid today at 1011. ammo, Nov. 9, 1818. Ws hew delightful sleighing beta—encrw neun MOM to twenty Inches deep. The merry belle eseterielly MA to seethe the despondency of the Loadoeos. %)... .BLICINASTEII, eurenows—Clee, Fourth st., . thine door above Smithfield, tenth side. od yiu .... teg dell kinds done with the realest Afidestalal Dame mut:nine& he. . oet3o-1y 10 ODA ABU—lo auk, beds AM, suennfeetured at i o pirsaingfiam,Engianci, a very superior aniela, in oars and tor sale by FORM% & DUNCMI aatfil #. • bbt. mum ## •O" A WO • • No 3 gore . aad • I (or We by bad 9 & W,HERBAUCIII QOLULASLI--20citaks Sodslattapja m em end for .01 sak i" tictsl HARIMUad Olwwyy in ni1.183-4500 hp assorted wbsdar %I Oa*: sale by Apiril 13 tr. W 11611BAUGH" VWWAMP Cae-10 OM Linseed Oil, Nar. LEWlfile,jast teosical sad N CH e b. 00 li IitITEOUR-66 bats Flab Flea, 1 , 094 • Oa reedvad & Nicro ...011-3Deadu Saws Maw 30 do Mei, to Imre Ind for wiIb,I4'3ELLERS/A NICOLB BOAP ClTSoap,to awe LAW """5 ,a'%EG- --------r4'3S WLnsr Spezia sad Wn hca lUrioblestehed, sum, End for tale WOOLS -..oni—lb o cc, at. Mookootijor boar um. 14" aori 0 LILACKBOIMno water id Eqgg .too gpONGE-4 . esstaios p .413 E ISPONGE-1 bala pun ;red and far Gabs by, oeCe li Imus" TIMM LoSTRE.-2 cans ilia reel "" em ai l° /I t. 7 naslo RE , ,WEET - 01L—in gidlciii larreid • and rotiile a 1 ) woo a E mums c WAR AND RloE—ta ha. II 0 13.ri• 5 11 ° 1 " , 0 „Mee, for sale low. 0e129 1_ il____lL & ROB APPLES AND PEACKI. Ssibalo Phetter, lib dodo Apples, Awl ire .t MOO e-%. bit ocesi bales Redi feed ob edodmil: tot Sof dratIetqARBUTHNOT, 04 wood lit 1111118010 11, 001:013a thia •—• We are ram 1 0 3 la peseta of 'mai Wei Sot WBlBO Viremera ' w Yolk tad Kaaaaahaseaur M O HOPS, and All. - .gongs ireetirlig men eaapUea. Wamjapare o OA wit *Uplifts- SISISS.:4 PM mem teeny, btalkt 0 " WOILL b. ROE ILSODS ALPACAS—bus =a Ws lowa-DWI= Alla.aWa =used Allur.t.o.aW • wet* ' SHACZLEIrx arm, ar woo'a LI lbs Jot rtal•ad_lar aa bl UMHEIZAC . J raDD a Co Dort • • op. WHITING-113 bbis teceivad j adaiile c :i 0 gave LiAjaal 4 4110M1A-300 lbs last used_rpl Coblak save J MOD Ai CP 1848 re= OW' - iatardar, 6'IM. 15 6 EiondaY, , 6.53-. 'll 8 723 A-Monday, : - 6 53 6 7 - 6'31 7 TnerOny. , 6 , 6 5 ; 521 8 P7ednenday, 669 ,6 4.10_ , 47 9 Thlnday, 667. . 6, '3 i11'52 10 Friday, e 69 .5 .4' morn. PITTSBURGH' BOARD-0B TRADE cotainite rote NoNlanw.a. - N.J. CRAMO. W. 3: -1171111DL, Omni Yiraayson Gazirrrs, Friday Woradiqr,liavember 10, 181&J The market yesterday was generally very ( Pi et, though a fair amount was doge 'taus way of gee cral sales to the leade r ..The weather continues cold and raw. The river is receding slowly with six that water in channe — aild business along the wharf was quid - fah. FL° l - 1 11• = The market presents no important change from previous quotation' Receipts were to a fah amount, bat very. little was done in the way P.Pilirst hand sales. Sales to a small extent occurred on the wharf at sl4,l2l—tind from store at 4,2004, 31 . GRAIN—IIe market is quiet, and very hale is doing in any kinds. From stem we hear of moiler rate sales of wheat at 80c; of barley at Wane, of corn at 37, and of oats at 284r10c. in any thing: every thing confinees sia at former quottelons, *hick mesa fifilosse—N N sugar 5;0 ZI—N 0 molasses 31c, loaf sugar 8 to Ile, Rio coffee 7ps, which is about the ruling figure. Rice o. PROVISIONS-:-The market: is languid, with rerurar sales of bacon in limited lots at, for should ers 41, aides 442141, and of hauls at 61, to 7c, as in quality mtaket is quiet, with regular sales M the inlowiti,q,ndem-raalmon 519, No 1 mule. rel 512, No 2 510, and No 3 at 5,7551.6 as in goal. ity. !felling 56, end Cod - at 4.50 sr drim. FRUITS—SaIes of green apples from awe 31ca1,25 7 0f dried apples at 62, and of peaches at $1,31051,27 r bo. BEANS—The market Is dull, with regular saki in a small way et 6803r700 es bo. TAB.-- . ales of N C from store at $1044 25 per barrel. FEATHERS—Receipts hairs been liberal, and euppliee an full. We cote epic% of 2000 Tbe at 33 6i040 p tb. CRACKEBB—BegoIar sales as follows: Water Crackers 54,00 bbl. Butter do 4,75 " Pilot Bread,,, 3,50 " DYlPePtiml.,i • • ----- •- • • 4 , 00 " Sugar &Soda Cracker,— Ta t B Tax Ivarimos--Capt.Mark Sterling's fine new steamer under the above name, is now lying at the wharf, loading in for her first trip to New Or lama We think she may be well set down as one of the best jobs ever mussed from the hands of our Pittsburgh mechanics. Her hull, which is from the yard of Mr. Walker, at Brownsville, is 153 feet on deck, with 7 fixt hold, 551 feet beam and 30 feet Saw. Her cabin is by laillinger, the painting by McLaughlin. In viewing the cabin, we were struck wolh;the splendor of her famishing, particu. larly the carpeting, which Is from the well known establishment of McClintock, on 4th sliiieet, and is truly a sublime affair. Her lamps andtqueetimeare are from Geo. Massie, Market street. Her engine, and Doctor are splendid affairs, bulltiit Snowden; her cylinders are 20 inches in diameter, with a feet smoke. She has 3 boilers 26 feet in length, and 42 inches in diameter. AUSTRIA Fora boat of her Use, the Ivanhoe o said to be the Wrung draught boat on the we stern waters, being only 26 inches forward, and 30 inches all.— She is deigned to tun the trade from this coy to Nair Orleans. Stra—The steamer 9;atk. :11 - !ter' downward trip, a few days since, sunk in 1 feet muter, a ihots distance above Marietta, Dim Your, Nov. 9,1839 t Eu ra t td as, and a tartal e ; s b y bb — iiit reed sad for welie IMOCIV 1 , 00, "7 ••• J KIDD t. Co. - • 1;=Z1=::=CIM!elM! MERCIAL RECORD .42117/6 , 31 7 -C22149 - 02 - - pilases. We have no changes to notice Lass Surzsion Ns - vto stirce--The Lake Supers or News of Oct. 28th, announces that the propeller Independence would leave on the 30th kir the On tonagon, her last trip for the season. The News saps, sou her return, the navigation on Late Su perior may be coutiliezed-as closed." Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1618 The amount of duties collected in the District of Philadelphia, during the month of October, com pared with 1317, is as follows, viz -1517. 184E1 Duties for October, 8141,590 50 5139,114 42 Previous Months, 2,462,473 71 2,350,052 70 $2,601,064 21 52,499,221 12 209,227 12 Decrease in IE4B, $1 01 , 63 / 09 — 1. 10 9. ....... Boston , Nov. 4, 1848. Gown—Daring the week our Cotton market has been more active, bat prices we tally supported-- The sales comprise 1,400 bales at the reduction previously noticed. The stock on band cantina.; very reduced and the sale. would have been lar ger if there wan a better supply. At victim. 7 balsa poor Motile at 41c lb, cash. Arrived rise our lim— n= New Orleans, bales 90 Prom Savannah, Wet 2/32 Exported some time:— To Marseilles, bales 172 The total receipts of Coupe at the different pens of the country, from Sept. 1,1648, to latest dates are, bales 235,401 Same time bat year, 138,359 The exports hare been:— To Great Patiolo, Franco, Other foreign aorta. 131,577 1111 ,36 192,ER7 1690044 Total, Stocks on hand, Dornestkat—Prices continue without change, u sales lirr export and to the trade ue making quoted rate. Exported since our Jut.— To foreign porta bales and ease■ Slue January 1, Total, --1/3hipping Lizt Baal' Smsz—We understand that • boat loaded with flour, from Ore believe) Higg.insport 45 wiles above this place, sunk on Monday night in the Ohio rivet below this place. No lives were were lost, although the Woking wu madden, by the wringing of a plank, while the boat wets lying op to sbcae. We could lure no further particulars Isla RouteMomm Cousav • —H H McCullough, Agent T he location of this Company is situated at Todd's Harbor, on the north aide of Isle Royale. The shaft sunk is bout 20 feet deep, with a sheet of native copper rutting lengthwise entering acmes the shalt measuring from two to three inches in thickness, and enlarging as it gun down. The force cow employed consists of 8 or 10 bands who will, we learn, be continued during the winter. Mr. McCullough came down on the Algonquin, bringing with him four masses of copper weighing wane 2,000 liks—(Lake Super. News. - - - Stamm oe Corsm—The propeller Manhattan Capt. McVsyden:lefl yesieatlay with the following cargo of copper, shipped by CoL McKnight, for the COQ_ lBo Mlne Cbmpan:-. copper, 261,87 9 lb. 103 L I reels st saßa nati ve ore, 56,506 " 117 " mineral, 63,308 u tmdring 381,693 lba—bashies some 4 musee of on. Ore copper weighing. 2,000 lbe belonging to the Pittatangh and bile Royals Compsuiy.—f Lake h , S per. News. ---- —....,..... Waccit av nut STUXI3I. ST. (.43471.8 — A graph despatch Ceara Detroit last evening to the • Plato Dealer, asps:— "The 'Learner Bella to just in from above, and reports that on Thursday she took the Si. Louis in row, with her machinery broke, at Mackinaw, and o d gasp ntgbt at ten o'clock, when in eight of Point au Barque 44, that the St. Louis broke Icose in a severe gate, and tuts not been heard of since. The passengers arid put of the crew got on board of the Baltic. and aim some of 1.4 P freight. There were about eight persons still on board ego gt.' LOIAL The Baltic cruised around two d a mwutd:fied nothing of her. She probably west on iii i iC am gg gore. The Niagara is re- Totted to be no* in search of bor. Capt. cones thinia he Wail about 28 miles from tho' Highlands when h h Fa d e d Om the at. Louts.--(Cleveland Herald. Cattle Markets. BaWmofl, Way.' B.—Cattle—Then were 2100 bud Clbellyperni6l at the scales to day , of whieti wize hke..§ by packers and buses en, 370 reward P 1 41 .09 W.vr drive. to Philadelphia. 'the hoof, from 1131i3d2; .per !b. 'the hoof, to OW net, and avenging 2,56 swipm:Wit quote Hoe hogs at 889 5 , 33 . Blied" kitutrtat market, 1000 58 be cows ef cattle, aud 1200 dorm 21 pa awitalal . oxen, 0alves;400 0 sheen and lambi, MO rain& Beef Cattle--Pita[ quality 5;t5,. 2d do do oo , 3d do 4,70. Btatete4 year old $l2 to 815, 3 year old $l6 to 843. Wai—ades at $B5, $OO, 500, and Cows and Calve—S2o,3W, $37, ■nd $4 Sheepand lsunbs--$1,3 7 , $l,OO, $3, $2,50, and wina—Rra quota 3030, retail 500. 62 klqi.l Wl' OF PIT'I'SBUIIGH. .; ARRIVED, Dane, Bennett, Brownsville Atlantic,"Parlilnaosi; Brownsville. Pay, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson; Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Bboles Beaver. Beaver, Clare',Wellaonlle. Clipper Na 2, Cnaalay Cin. - Gordon, McLane, Cin. Diligence, Worley, Cia • 'Genesee, ----, Cie • DEPARTED. • Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson,Brownsville. Camden, Hendricks on, Beaver. Garonne, Day, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, .Wellavflle. Lake Erie,Sbolcs, Beaver. Brilliant, Grace, Cia. American, -, Louisville. Cashier„ Cio. Ramie, Inv.., St Louis. New England, No. 2 MaClare, CM. Arrowliae, Morris, Brownsville. Gordon,Arrow, Brownsville. At dusk last evening, tdere were 6 feet 3 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and falling. "REPORTS RV 111VR11, H'ultra—Per Caleb Cope-72 bbls apples, 5 do potatoes, 1 bbl flaxseed, 3 do peaches, 3 do are pies, 3 sirs feathers, 1 do wool, S F Voa Bounhorst; 60 bbls whiskey, 1 box starch, 38 bgs feathers, 4 bdls sheep skins, 1 box axes, H Boyles; 16 bbls ap ples, Arbuckle; '7 ski turnips, '7 do apples, 13 do barley, 13 pkgs queensware. • • //eseer—Per Michigan—l boiler head, Irwin; 15 bin cheese, I cab do, Carson & McKnight; 93 sks b w flour, 1 box butter, B A Sampson; 90 Mils flour, steamboat Ludlow; 35 tons metal, owner, 29,000 hoops, D Leech M. co; 4 cobs potash, Wick Sc McCandless, Per Lake Erie-1 bbl, cranberries, Church & Carothers, 72 bgs b w sour, 9 F Von Bonnhorts; 14 asks pearlash, J & It Floyd. Per Beaver-200 biz cheese, D Leech & cc; 40 do do, Begaley k Biota; 37 do do, W:ck Sr McCandless; 7 csks pearlash, 3 bbl. lime, I bbl limestone, W McCully; 100 bse cheese, McCuti. chain; 18, eke wool, Mtupby do Lee. Ermensicalti—Per MeLene-27 bxs oysters, 47 bbls Sour, 6 bbls males. Per Baltic--hlf bbl butter, 6 crow bars, hil dos broom,. Per Atlantic-0 pkgs maim, 9 kgs butter, 3 do chesnms, 11 bbls flour, 600 feet lumber, SO boom glass, IS bbls charcoaL Per Arrow-111 bbls flour, 6 bbls apples, 200 bn bran, 800 boards, 60 be oats. Per Anowlme-2 deck pumps, 53 kgs runts, 6 tons pig iron, 505 MI has glass. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 184 For Ytaladelphia every everting et P o'clock, by Leech's Packets Office opposite the United Sure. boat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cinema 10 a.. at. Passenger nickel via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a. Y. and 6 r. ?dal! Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, and 194 r. a. Western arid Southern Mall Coach Line, a a. st. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. a_ Erie and Western New York, daily, 9 a. ra. North-Eastern todadelphia, daily, except Send ays 4, n. ARRIVALS AND DKPARTURE OP AWLS. Eastern Mail ens Pladelphia, due 3a. closes 12 We're hi & Louisv. due P. 21 . , closes s South. siaßalnnilore &Wu/antrum, due a r. >L el's 3 s. North Western via Cleveland, doe 10 a. a., closes Y a N. Erie and Western New 'fork. doe n r. ta.. closes E , s. Fall Dry Good. Shacklett & White. No. 911 Wool, Slim, IT WIMPS the simonise of W estern Merchants to their ' large and fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, winch they are now receiving direct from the Eastern hlanufactureta and Importers, and which they will set at EaABM ;lobbing prices. Haying every facility for the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and the lowest passable prices, they notiftilently tn.tm filerehanw to examme the qualities and prices of their gooda,feehog gawked they can eon, pete favorably with soy market either East or rtes. l fTheit stock will comprise • full auortment of all goods usually kept in Dry (Woods Houses, sod will be constantly tecei•tug additions 01.11 the new and desi rable style* of goods of doniestoe or foreign matador lare, lore, and will only require an examination to be ap t emoted.sepll _ __ - City Lots at Auction. ALI. that 'Mumble propene e.t.a:, ou th e corner of goo and 'Mud streets, In the etty of Pittsbortth• latety belonging to John W Johnson, deceatted, ,auless sooner disposed of at pnvate sale.) will bee posed to putthe sale on the premises, at o'c.ock. P M. on Sat urday, the Lob met TOMS o ne. tteash. one loath In one ear. one sixth in t yt. and the !annum , tone thirdt on the death of the nodule. to be secured by bonds and mon- g = tots artll be sold acconlmg to • phut filed to the Orphare• Coon. In certanta ploceetfottpt ut Varna... No 01. Mooch Term, P.M and recorded In Docket F. page PM, a eopy of vrhach okay be seen at tha othee of WILLIAMS L SHINN, Auornere at Lave, 4thrrvt. above Snuthfield. enorldtd --• 012 lo• of Amwricas. a Foreign Patents. JTAMES (Mk:ENOUGH, of the Lase tom of Seiler X. Greenonsti, enntiones Use ln,iness or Conwslung Elapn r and Patent Attorney, at tits other to the etry of WASHLNGTON. He way tro, coustate4 and eto ployoel notklng eiottlertalloss to nianbinery in axe Patent (Mice &oil elsewhere, In fornwhlng drawings and speetheaueins of machines, and ell papery neeewa , ry, transfer, mend, miscue or extend letter, patent to the United States or Fhirope. He ran also he consoli ed profeasiabuslly or all qtleettons of 'mystic:l sno w ander the Patent Law, and will Rove que ~ ton, before the Patent (Mee or an appeal there:tom. for which has long eXperteuee to toe Patent (Mice and in his prole:sawn, ha peouharle fined has The pro fissional bonnets o f v the late IA I' ' Jones having been ;dared in N, hands. all letters in retsuon therein should be addressed to tuns pad paid sox - Aida niXonS • PATIRISIP SODA ASU, IMPORTED IN ItKOT FIIOII TIthhinNI:VACIT RER.S.—S. suborn... bring the e ott• portent of James bluspratt k ;one' Etoda Ash in, this market. an- nate and 'snit contlnce to be lertely tup• pi,;d esnit Lhie eelebrated brand, which they get,: •••:• at the lowest marital pnee for reth or approv , u 11111 They rekr to the glees and soap roaratuaettuert of this coy generally rtsperung the quality W a hl MITCHE.I.TILVF. larthhertt rt • - - - Blanchisas Poserd•r, (Chloride of Lime.. I etruitm. Mak RNC Cr !OM Tile. At A Fat 1 1 1. • ittats.—The olantcn.r. hire and .Vl , l eonstatoly he supplied with Jas. filasprett & re , ‘. re.- cbratect Illeasting Powder, which they .r.ll ororrant CQUAIi drum superior to any imported in me I . Stmt.., and which they are prepared to sell at the low,. 611, het price for cuh or approved bill.. noel W & AC MI ITIIELTREV, 160 hbertl Si POR BEST. A TLIRE. story Brack Dwelling House, on Water, ILLK , Ve Octal street Postr•bion ..:Ten on the first of January, 1a49, or anotter reqtared Far tutu, inquire of nov7 0 BLACKBURN & Co, water st 1848. 1947. 943,554 60.912 19257 31.962 21,776 18,162 - - - . • Exnusos Reim or Pen-serail t October flst, le4e. $ A N election for thirteen 1/ rectors to serve for the ensuing 7ear. will ne beid at the Hankie, House on Monday, Noverutier NHL le-9., between the hours o(9 A 31 and 3P. NI tree/A-did THOMAS N. 110Wg• C 141147 r • Alsacuairro4 MarcreCT.C.7.o t Oetober 99. $ N election for thirteen Dtheetgrs of Ora Banging o ./A„ the •441.1L11g year, will be held at tbe House on Monday, the 20th tey o(November pent txt-Xl.sltd W. DENNY. Cashier Rreii Trrthicsan, - October 19, LIMe. N election for thirteen Director. of this Rank for Athe raining year, will be bald at the Ranking House on Monday, the twentieth day of Novembef an occ4l.dtd JOHN SNYDER, patine, (It BEAT REDUCTION IN NUM.:VI-Bm= &Jona _ sox, 45 Market street, offer for /ale at Ti per rent below regular prices, rice Chameleon Silks, Mantilla do, black and fancy Alpacas , Mohair Lustre.. Pale at to Cloths' French Merinos of the most choice Colaca French Cloths and Cassia/eras_ noel TO MERCHANTS, HOY 7, 1545—W. R. blracia invitee caercheate to ka , IF in ;11 bit large stock 0001)5 rust °penal, In Wholesale Ropthi, 0 story north east corner of Fourth and Market sts eg“edingly low. nos INFORMATION WANTED.—{Vas taken by ;ma take from the landing, Rot of Wood street, oa last Thgraday, 21lth seek WOOL, marked & Sinclair, " Pub. Any persim by returning Al, or lino s byhich may be received, will be liberally reward by 12 W ILARRAHOLL 12010.1 5) water and 104 front etc roan T. 6C01.0.. T. mazer moan. GEORGE & JENKINS; COMMISSION PROVISION 311411C11ANTS, No. 3 Conine. srabar, IJA LTIMO RE. Rave...cgs—Church, Carothers & Co., A lekarider Laughlin, John Wins. nor 4.413112 1 lyealgyabie Country Itooldelsoo m. Bode. WISHING to return to the city next Spring, I will sell or exchange ior city property. my present residence In LawtetteeTille. Thu property is beauti fully located on the Oreensborg arapike, about 10 miootes drive from the eel:an:lot the city. nov4-d2w HORT. D. THOMPSON, 110 Market et _ . FOIL SALE. NEW SUCTION FIRE ENGINE, with all the Alate rmprovement. Ludt by William l±impson of ,more. Can bo seen or the Allegheny Engine How., on Filth sired, arid will be eold on modeiate term.. All orders for Engine., Hose Carriages, Hoye, , will be received at the Allegheny Engine Rouse rot ten da • WILLIASI SIMPSON, GROCERIES -200 bop Green Rio Cofer, 7 half chests Young Ily SOD Tee; 10 5 do Impl, oln and 14Ik do BO bole. Lump and Plug Tobacco, YO do Nectar Leaf do 7.5 do Salentine; I 5 bag. Pepper, sdo Alspiee; 60 bales Cotton Batting; 25 do Candlewick; With a gopend assortment of Groceries, recei•ed and for sale by R ROBISON t Co, novills3 Liberty st SONIVirCE-XeIIrNitRYWDEE,.... AL A =parlor article Owe)s on hand and formal° et an low price, by Wt M MITCHELTREE ocUl4 &IIpRESBF.D CA3IIIIIICB—For fo.r a, qf rurSowteulorsi lately reit , d at tat t y , Y r t i • boo. of 1 1 WAN , s for t r itazilliirreisst, vii [b ?iTi? ? and cuffs of We game, for l fi ebL ATON 0014 69 Fourth st, twat htarita... LINSEED 01L--13LLIs Just landing - front inenot. Michigan, and for sale by 8 A W IIARBAUGH, 69 water antllo4 front et L.L....f____ EIIEW3E-1) boxes of superior quality, for saie by Cmill ISAIAH DICIMV 1 Co : fraT .1 . MOLABEIE3-18 dol. Sugar pouse Molasses s pritne 3U riantallon do do In store and for sale try 0e44 W fr. m AI ITCH HLTREE i -g b G y I , UP.-1 bb ,v ll2 1 extra i erZaza: p rah! tacks Dtlep e rab l emr . :izand for bib by ;,,. r9l Wain' AVTlfb`,', 12.6.1 A-1 too just reed .2 for sd• try • oct27 JOHN II moitOor pBESS BONE- From trim net and for sale by -• 'kW f.I.ARBUTHNOT MiSC : VMS. " • as Ka .the Ina now receiSt r "d full'aintern. meat of Piano Fortes, selected (mar tonsuring manufactories in Boston and New York, to which the attention of purchasers is respectfully montd. Those from Mr. Chickerine. VD , the sale of which he Is sole Agent in Western Penn ay's-min.} have what Is termed the New Circular Scale: being an improvement recently made, and giving them decided advantage in power and equality of tone over any others. The following am the patterns and sty les at Chicketlng's: No. 1. Rosewood,/ ott'sys, finished bank afront, 6400 " ' " 6 S " richly carved $4OO 3.. " 6i " " " $4OO "4. "" carved mouldings " 0i [unshed back and front , 13* "7. " 0 u " "6" " " u "5. " 6 projecting front, " to. " 7 nobly corved, style of Louis 1401 " 11. " 6 hollow corners and hollow cor nered legs, second hand, cost originally 8420, and will be sold at a very reduced price. No. 12. Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin ho 13. I l s tosewood; round corner, very el esntly iri finis h ed, The mannfactured by H. Worcester, N. V., well known as being connected formerly enth Meson &Mord, Worcester I Dunham, N. Y. i No. la Rosewood, ilk, carved moulding, made by! the Manhattan Company, N. Y. 8275. No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves, Dale re Cola V 8230, No. 15 plain 0 " No 10, Rosewood Grand Plano, mode by 1r,7, Hera, Paris. No 17, !Mahogany 6 octaves , second hand. once 5175. Old Photos token In port payment for new ones. .1011 N II MELLOR, Hole Agent for Chickering's (Hand and Square Plano Ponca. Inc %Yemeni Pennsylvania. ocil7 SPLENDID LOT OF NSLAWNE PIA Ne NOS. lINNS , New York; eIIICKERING, Homo; The subscriber hos now °pont audio lot of most superior Plituos, so , lamed by himself m the matinfactories , They consist of Boxwood and Mahogany Pianos, of of 11, (3/ and 7 octaves, of various styles end priers, and embrace all the latest intprovementa. Those of Naar.. & Clank's, (lor which celebrated firm he le nice Amer* have an unproved way oC !cringing possemed by no other; also, a superior plan of leathenng the hammers, preventing these Pianos from growing harsh and wire). after some nee. The Pianos ofMetering, of which he has a superi or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and were selected for him with care by J. Chlckering, of Boston- The above call posttively be sold at manufacturers' prieett, and on accommodating term.. The subscribe will Invariably be found at 3 W Woodwell's, from II to to lit A. If. and from I to 5 P. ht. lie. Woodwell well attend to the business donor the balance of tune. H. KLAIBER, octlo at 1 VP Woodwell'...3 Third at `it BEATMUSICAL NOVELTY—The subsenber l 3 has Host received from Europe, and for sale, an eiturely our istrenUon of Piano Forte, rolled the CAB INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but one ' fourth as much room, and is a much more showy and handsome picce;of furniture. It is puucularly desten ble where the raving of space to an object, bung ex ceedingly neat and compact. and occupy tog no more room than o small side table. The subtenber has to hand a testimonial of us supenority from the celebra ted pluist,Moschellea, lit bat own band went hick may be totpected. H. KLELIER, ourl At J W Woodarellls PIANOS. fvfinA SPLENDID Assortment of Moho gany and Rosewood Pianos, lust fin. shed. These instruments are made of the latest pattern and best materials and von he sold love for ouh by F. 1.11..151E, ILI Wood street. WI door above Firth . N. 11.—Those who are in want of • good instrument aro respectfully muted to eratrune these before par chatting ellewbere ' as they cannot be exce•led by toy tit the worry, and will be told tower than any brought from the Emu Alsojost received, two pianos of Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to lie superior to any •mor told ut Woo country. ocogl - PEACH TREES WOK SALE, itA 1' the Famriese Nursenes, Moorestown, Bur • lington county, N J. About 40 v aneues of the best Inoculated Fruit, of the largest and finest rartetieu iipentog from the Ist of /My until the 111 of October. besides other feint trees of the following kinds: Apples, Pear, Plume, Apnea., Nest-armee. and a large quatinty 01 Ornamental Tree. of the usual variety Persons wtshing to order trees tor plimg, by sendtng their order will with hie cob, or satisfactory reference, will he pune• mailY attended to Persons °Mena; trees who are unacquainted with the •tirmues, can depend on the best for omtket or family. Trees wttl fie carefally packed di OULU and mom for which 50 cents per bundle will be charged Orders sent direct by man or otherwtse to Lae Nursery, will be punctually attended to Ik. scmphre catalogues. with prices attached, furnished grans to post-paid applies°. JOAN PERKINS, Proprietor . /dooreolown, N J Oct. VI, Itiati-d3artm.bu s T Illoottlng.fgalwasslaed PUtatens. suba T tf6miletrs beg to call Tan the ...bon W Bolden. Architects and mane. al Iltaltdloga to the Marty advantages wawa them plate. posse. over all other nsetallte substances hitherto wed l'or roofing, ate as Mei pease. at once the lightness of iron. fors liability to rust, boring now horn tested for several years in this pan both in this country a ad in E., repo They are es, nab.. to r spansion and contrac tion from midden change 01 Me atmosphere, than Cod, Mon tui plates. iron rine. or r tdellli row used fdt roofing, and consequently form • much honor and i °gab, mot requiring for le. frequent repairs, whilst the 4.1 cost isout nide more A. full supply or' al.ires nom IS to 00 11' II . con stant;) niind and for t., 01,11 II MtiREWOOD 0 1 . 11 II and lo Bearer .+o- e t. N ow port The patent right for this mucte baying been *retired for lee United State, aii parties imitating Mimeo°, nittier by impornibon or Where.' Mc. 10111 proiseed utet3o-dker yT • ILVIET PROOF IRON. r 1 ,111.: undrtaygned hove en -eyed wora• 01 the eoy •f I Now Volt. for the purrem 01 (.al vantung all arn cle• of Imo, v birla 0 t• de-I.lolloth PR. rex r VROII RUST, auch u Te 11.1 ., Ppthoc NoJ lA.-, (or Fence, and any other •rucle .rturt. may b• mtorod. Far Ilcaepotht Cask,. ma a nthatstate to, bail , hope, tor Clothe. 1.40 ca, 1-6ahlrons BlPla mud • toot ta other app4cataooa, It la wand cbeap 0.01E143000e roool parucelarl) c• 11 *newton to be (1510001• tedl% Ire for tencta. n requ‘m• :03 Paoo. not 1001. Al.° toSiatueb and 1,1. th e N e.et,,ton 01 watch II of so marl. .nwo.tance. that It w,O 0004=004 itoelfto the no , ~ of alltho•e tnterevred 01.:11 11 Mt,4•AN'ta , D a , Pstrotee i orla3allaarlyT 1. +rot tO Ite•rer !, I Ott. 111•NINADTC DM AND P.AILAIN •4. A IND• tw TOBAcco, AND ClGitiS, T h.. 014 Stand, corner of Smithfield .met and /1. Diatom , ' alley. rittaborgb. Pa. would reapartfal ly call the attention of Country .Mercbutta, Hotel and Steamboat Barkeeper., to a large sod septetter assort. meat of INIPORTP.D CiftARS, among which' snit be found the following brand. rm. Eagle. Regalia, cos. mike, Prumoye, U :imam, Star Oran& Minerva and Dollar Regattas. all of whkh 3111 be sold as lota m can Ue hod at any other nous. the city Also, constantly on hand and for on:c. • largo and urey:l ..leered met of Vagmta. Melon. and Floe Cut Cbewsug Tobacco. Alm. Havana Cuba and Common Leal Tobseen, constantly on hand and for ...Jr no Consulting Engin...Xs , Counsellors for Patatute•ro Office for proeurtng cid defending Patent. Imparting information so hlechante• awl the application of Neu ence to the Arts, and on Amerman mil Fomiten lenwe of Patents. PROP. WALTER IL JOHNSON. late of Planed. phi*, and Z C. ROBIIiNN of Weotaington coy, (to be aidedby Hazard Knowles, Esq , rote filsehinest of th e United States Patent OMee,i hove associated themselves togetbee for the prosecution of the also./ branches of professional business, either in their office, at the Patent Mice, or before the Courts, and ill de vow then undivided attention to 10rwrarthug the inter est of Inventors and others who may rintsult them or place business in their hued.. her Knowles has for the past twelve ye•rs held the poet of Mactunen in the United States Patent (ghee, and resin's that ...on to take pan an the relent undertaking talents and peculiar fitness fir the itoponnut rates so long fill ed by him. Kaye been fully recognised by ittIMILOTB whereVer tbs. of 'mins nosiiin. The oil. of ilenrs J. kit ton F Wert. oppowle the Patton Mee, Washuotton, en C , where cob cations, post paid, will he promptly attended in' exam. mations route, drawlngs, specrocattoto4 trod all tie papers prepared—and models procured when 4.1- led.—on reasonable terms Letters of enquiry. expect ed tope answered after examinations had, own be se. conipadded by a for of by{{ dolling In the duties of their °fine which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Mean J. k R. will be assisted by a legal gentleman of the highest professional charsetar, and hilly corners.' with Mechanic. and other Neuronic 'oh eel, trirJOASivrtyfil • OYSTERS! OTSTEItI II FRESH FROM THE SHELL-4 1 y Rorke R Co's Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To accommo date ell lovers of this delicious luxury, BURKE le Co. ha•e resolved to supply the peoplo needlerly through out the season, with the .ameest Fresh Oyster* in caul, half cans and shell, itt each reduced priers es will enable every family to enboy this delieary at their An Express load trill he received daily at the ware house of ! sod C. BIDWELL, Water street, between Smithfield and Grant, sod for sale their. and at the fel• lowing depots,' Robs & Berger, corner Satitlifield and ill ate; E Heaeleion, Dianaond,• A lloti•ler, Fruit at, Sth Ward; p Hatighey, foot of Liberty Bt; 1 Cohan, Jr , Fenthe penue. Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city. NEW AISULLANCASRIUN T, nOCTOR B. W. MORRIS having recently numbs. ed the Drag Store formerly owned 1Y Ray a liroilrway, No g Commercial Jig's, Liken • street, Pituburgh, lakes this method or informing his friends and We public in general, that Ins OWO will at all time. be supplied with an extenstre and general assoriment of Drugs, Dye Stuilfs l Pas. Oda, Vamtshes, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed toi every an . title called ler in a drug store, witch will always be wad as low as at any other house to the city. wtaile• sale or retail. Hoping to merit a share of the public patronage, nothing shall be wanting to give entire sat. lam:lion to his cuotomers. - . •_ Ilydropsthy or limo Wator Core, ROtrPUR DE NJA iIIN W. MORRIS, still continues to practice the safe and popular remedy railed • itopathy or the Water Cure.and if desired Lill treat Ramage. Allopathically, Obstitrieal rears will be at tended to firomptly. 14 .1 1-1 8 , Merri. may be consulted si his Drug altire:No. g Commercial Roar, Liberty SITGOI, during buness hour., or at his relidence, morning end .eve leg, Penn street, doors below Irwin's alley. sod-tapl4 —-•- • nurpratt & loos' Sods Lab. Fr HE subscriber. are now receiving their Fall meth of the above article.,Ureeve.ssels, vim the hustala, Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and 1411 a, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared yeileive orders. They will receive.during thei ter and spring regular supplies vie New Orleans. actg. W b. M MITCIIELTREE OEO. W 7. & CO., 1.1 NFORM their (lieu& and the public that they hive no longer any connection .th their Into ectubligh• maul to Peon strew, known as the Pittsbureithaorgry. haying_ removal their entire bus i ne s s to the MINI.. EIIIEWERY. In Kg vit Rumu HI E & COCHFLkNE: Joss 111413,1r 1 4 1 yosnno CORMIR6IOI4 SERCILIATB, NO. 93 TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, —.931314AW33,°9 , , 13919.0/994p C It. ORiitrr,otrer2. • 3. Rio coffee, 49"' Ik Ir P A P E e P and Im "Vlikeft2l T 42: 30 obi. crushed and pal verired Sugars; 9 do Nos 5,7 & Loofas.. 2 task. Modde2, Ifd 6z. Hunt's Axes; 3 do Holmes' del, 33 ream. Tow Wrapplnb Paper, 150 do straw cools, 50 du Hemp co 01 coils manilla Rope; 40X , lb* notion Puns, 3,600 lb. No I A r, 2 Battin 106 as Boon Soap, 10 do rare do; 31/ bbl. Roo* 33 nuke Tennant's double refined Soda Ash; 36 boo 10212 Glass. CA do 8110 do; 102 dint Flubs, 16 d odo do, 14 do quart Bottles, 130 bbl. lime, 113 Itmi fleatty's RUM Pow der; 100 do do Rook do, 14 bdles No 24 Sheet Iron; 20 Peacock and Patent Lever Plou hs. se .1 2 eeroons Indlgo, 12 las mend Pepper 1 ca•k• Salt,, • • 5 bags Race Ginger, 5 do Allspice, 50 marts cinnamon. 70 bra Is, ss, Ps and Its Tobacco s various brds and qualities; 10 kegs Carolina and Va.. twit Tobacco 60 bbts i No 3 large mack erel, 76 hhds N 0 Bag., 350 kegs (pure) white Lead I cask Lamp Black; 2.211 lb. AO. E B and east, receiving and offer for me , 60 bbls No 3 Mackerel ball' bbl• do THE subscribers aro now al low rawa ij aa follows d 5 hf chests Y I Imperial, r G P and blk eas flO bad do do 100 bats Rio slid Latium I ' 75 bge white Br.II Sugar L 517 Wm Herring, No I 15 bill Bordeaux Almonds 37 " P. Walnute 37 " Filberts Coffee 16 bp; Old Gov Java do 150 ha, munafacnared To bocco, Sc. Ma Ida Us. 1 lb and f lb lump; Ns and 5s Span do 100 mat. Caul& M== 30 " Tenn Ord Nsu W R Raisins SI coast Tomato Catsup 50 dm= Flip e bbl Nutmeg. trzxma Q 3 bogs Pepper eesoons indigo to 2 ' ll ' : g i ro;e " 0 bbls chlpA Logwood 2 casks Madder 20 bra No 1 Chocolate auks Epsom Salts 21: bbl. Tanoers' 0:1 5 °mks Loup 011 19 ea.k. Zante Currants b. Shelled Almouds 9 cues Liquorice 20 13.1 - .. s Ftwk Candy bas Sardines 73 " Fire crackers " spiced Chocolate 2 cases Prunes las Limon Syrup 1 cue prese'd Ginger T gross Blacking 10,000 Principe, Regalia, C 11.114310, and Havana Cigars GLISH 1 BERNETI , opposite St Civvies lintel 16 b. Speem Candi. 43 b. White Pipel auk. 111ce Z'o bbl. m2ned Bauer an i[3o 37 Weed el„ Groceries 6400 IT F , F T,.° 5V.,1 1 ;T., 100 hhd . N. O. sugS 150 bbl. molt 1501 his assorted tot 300 odes N. Y. sole 100 kg. rock permits 300 reams wrappuii 50 foolscap 50 bbl. No. S Ivir 50 " North Cat. 25" assorted 50 " chip logyroou , " " Mate ; 10 " ground camerood ; S hhtispnme madder ; 3 commis S. P. Indigo 20 Dbl. copperas; 15 " alum; 10 " sakrausit 75 dos bed cords , with a general assortment of Pittsburgh utauctfartures receiving and tor sale on accommodating terms by J k Et FLOYD, Round Charch ta" ace. 'ra coffee ; P. and Impenal wan To Western Merchants. AHHEY k Pk...121T offer (or We at 33 Wood street T Pintsbutgh, on accomatodaung terms 100 poky Y. H, Impel and tAlll Tea• ; 200 bp Ftto Coffee ; 10 Pepper; 5 " Alrptee KG bn l lb lamp, fo and d• Tobacco ; YO kn a me; VO heel N. 0 Sugar; IW bbl. 75 " No Y and 3 M.ltarnl , imlf do do 50 bbls N C Tar ; 10 " Tanner+ 011; 13 bus Chocolate , 30" RAM. ; White Pipes, Au'd Wtadow ()lass from 0-0 to also; SA yaks Vocla Ash , 30 bbl. V_ Sales. 10 c•ks Pcnri Ash, 12 " Saleratua JO " Gersaau Clay; WO kg+ Ailed nails, with • general assortment of all sizes of iron, and PlUabuillb manufactured Pucles at to pneens 1003_ Groceries, Le. 3 , 3i1 PG§ Green _km Coffee , 1% ) b% N . %d;lmported To ” ' 30 bhda N. 0. Mitgar 120 brs Illanuraelbrea Totracco, buds, ote 32s and 1 poond lump Pepper /o_9 3' 30 bbli L Sngar • Canki. S. P. indigo , bbd Madder; bbl. Id C Tar; JO " No 3 Large Mattenel ; 10 be. Nu I Chocolate , 100 Scarp Wrapping Paper, 25 t ns White Pipe., 2 case.. Liquonee . len• • teneral mo.ritnent of rtittburigh Manufactures. red and let sabl to) GEO. A BLIRRY, at sopo3 IS gracal ROCFMII . ..'I , -3. ) h.. sup-tier Rio Codes k„T 110 hI cheat. Y P, and Impend Tema, 15D cadllita do do do do 150 6411 N 0 Alola•aras 15 Ida. do Sugar 20 bia HaVall• ZS bbla boal do, 0,7 .4 116 112 a Tobacco, I lb. 5, It and Id 11 kegs 6 twist SO mats 40 OW* No 3 largo Marten' 1 hada !Raider 6 tarpons n P Indrigo 63 bags Pepper led lrales tlaidug, No I. 2 and 3 00 bags Conan Yarn, a m to ISO hi. artHto and inane Pipes 10 061. Tar lIL tee Stsenbergera Nails, Imm:ivied 40 dal good 1116.61 Rae. y 1 610 6110 and 10013 toiasa 30 dot Wet.. 6 do Tub. Alan, Putsboosti manufactured aroclea of all ' lot rode low by JOHN 6 DILWORTH. "I'l' 17 wood at WISER, ErttA INDIES, GINS, to. 1(I HALF idpe. I 'ocular Itranc7. /ma Ilenneaay 1 2 " 1,11. I hard. Depot' Co - • - Casollen k Co IY or TT. Roehella do A Soiro ,, . pipe. Hothrod 5 qr elt• 6upr pole 66 ry Wine. Dud, Gordon & Co Dela Ida r lo " lu " " 1. P Taney ide do Ca „ diter 40 ilpnrin earioda grri 313 ” Liabon do lihd• tif lOUHam Same me Wines nbl. ) 10 bed. Bordeaux Claim, Montferand 13 do Marseille. do Barrow 15 bukem iliampagne Wine, Neiduick 15 do do do P A Noma ♦Po IU do do do Jeooeson h. Sou 50 rases Claret of various grade, impled to Vales 10 baskets Bordeista Olive Oil, crop 1049, Durand: 5 do Bordeaux •• Lotus, SD do Muselles •• Jut received and her sale by 3111 1 OR di RICRETSON Sl3:final Elfi—lSO bog. Breen Rio Coffee: 33 bags fancy IS do Lognocia to do old 1:0 . 0 Java Mi half cheats Green Teas, ril do Chulan sod Oolong Too.; Mi do catty bates aged •• 50 boxes Tobacco, owned; fin do Crunpion t Co'. Palm 8.. p; Ai do Chillicothe 5 do Castile 10 do Palm are] Almond " 40 do M R Itnistris; q o • RCM coop, Ib. Zane Currants, fire Mils small Loaf Sugar, 1 cues Wolwy D 10001. eroolsed and polverthoil Sago, S do S It Clarified 3 cows Kura. of Lemon. I do Row, I do - I/ dos fine 000 e Ott; 10 cans SVOTiOt Mustard, I nosorted Jeanie; 1 eau /MOW Pun, 1 Liquorice; 511 dos Patent ZlhO Wash Cloards; 15U do usoned Corn Blooms, SUDO lb. oupenor Elaleratus; 30 ha s Btelklill4 and Star Cuidle, for sale by 90331 J D WILLIANIS I corner wood and 5111 sea . L. TF.AI3-4M half cheota,very •fperior grades Venni( Ilya., Hylton tlk Ounpowder, Itoperaal, Ilyse, and iliac*, Now landing and for .ale Lk WICh k AITANDLESS, mpZlcorner wood and water it _ TEA piciiiCornpruilr — ig --- -—. . - - Young Hyaon Tea., half chests land natty boxes; Gunpowder do do do do Imperial do do do do Souchong and Poweltomr, in half chests, of various qualities and late imponauons, in non and (or sale by HAJJALEY It SMITH, augSS Id and CO wood at ..__. . . . RIG'LNITID SUGAR.-tu bm D. R. large loriga --- r 1000 bbls no. 4, 6 6, 7 and r d small do SW do crushed de WO do powdered do 50 do clarified do in store and for tale by sto re and A 1111TCHISON & Co, Agt. SL LOW. fuse..ry. 10 PT,....t.%,,TiTVg7: ooze Nt`:',l,t.: bbl. a 1.5 bbla . o. house mo awes, 150 bit w ndow slam, aal'a sixes, SO boa. belt Y. li. Tea, 6do moods! do i 5 do lion Powder do. won . S. 11 DUBHPILLD.. 01 • 150.1 gas Winter I;lniched VinareOil, 100 56 do do perm do 15 Ulla do Donned dale do sdo brown Tonne • do odo Spinw Tor dam In more and Aldo by 00(31 011 CAII4IIOI &Co I EFINia) 13110ARS—O — Tie D line Loaf; 600 11.. j o bbl. 4, 6,6, 7 and 6 man de; • do embed; 165 powdered; to store and for .a reb JAMIS A 11 HISON as Co, iota of Si. Lodi Bloom Sugar Refinery GROCOLIJ - 45 bhds prlmo N 0 Sugar 40 bbl. Loaf SCr, Nos*, 6 Lod 7 63 " Primo 0 Alolassui Su.r 1 din 100 laid Coger) hf chests Y N Tea 643 lam 6.d 121 b do sod P 19 " ylrgiala Tobacco, to, 9. sad ISs 9/0 bbls large No 3 Mackerel 11648) For gala tr; W d Mt narCliELTitt*', tOD OMISX:II.7O — bWg - iiissA 1.3 SOO bbia Molasses, 69 " 8 do MO bags prime Il1ol3oTee; 69 Of ehesus Y H►od 0 P Teas 18 " " Poarehons do 1193 barifis and I l Tooaoeo 10 bags Pepper 50 bbli large No 3 Mackerel; A fgenmal ornament of Pittsburgh mannfactutal ankles, all of Which will be sold low by oet4 JAMES 0n.14E1,4 gi nfninT WINES-30 ;ask" Port Wino 2 do threat Mined* 10 do Idadoin• aal do MI~COrEI6'[.? solo by • - W TIOCTIPTELI WIIISICER Of superior los assosupent pf Forstgo and Domestic Liquors, ilium II ttar4 and for sale - W by sopa k 211 MITCHMTREE A LOOKOLalways on band and far We by anl44 ' W 6.14 urrotin,TßEs • Desirable Lot. ter sale. • . • THE subscriber kits laid oat eleven Lina on the South nee of the Fourth Street Rand, sae about Iwo and one quarter miles from the Coon Hqpse. The. lots contain each fromolll6 to two and aMalf acne of land, and will bo sold on reasonable and ac commodating term. It Is doomed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this el q, and to the Ime of the Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very desirable country residence. The subscriber also offers for sole about seven hun dred aeon of land to Franklin township, Allegheny county, about seventeen miles from Pinaburgh. A 1.., nine building Lots in the borough of Birmingham. octil-dtf tIEVLLLE IL CRAIG. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALM. THAT property lately occupied by K Nixon, Esq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, Will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is Si feat 4 inches on Craig street, running through to the Canal 150 feet. There a a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot is well improved, containing • variety of choice Iron trees, grape, shrubbery, &c. This properly is convent.: ently situated for persons domg business in either Pins burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, _Mint nay at Law, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. a4-dtf - 4WD aiirissi - Citia - Latnd for Bala, SITUATED on the Monongahela river. about 16 miles from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, to the immediate neighborhood of !dew.. Lyon & Shorb, and Mr. John Barton', purchase. Tins fine body of Coal will be sold al the low price of 153,1 per acre—one third in hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest Title indisputable. Location very good- eannot be surpassed. For further particulars nquire of S. BALBLEY, who has a draft of said pro perty. Residence gri at, below Ferry, Mr. Adams , Row. N. B. There is another seam of coal on this tract, about GO feet above the lower, of excellent quality. Jrffindtfg. B. . _ - Eleafgatate . 111 Ohio. ATRACT of land, 90 acres, ic Harmon, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga river—about 39 acres under im provement. Also, two unimproved lots In the village of Warren, Trumbrill Co, 00 feet by 90. Also, a lot or ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a Roe dwelling house and store—one of the best stands fora merrelmot on tbe Western Reserve. Any or ell this property will be sold on very accommodating ISMS. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., feblo Water and From sta. HE large and well built Factory, e S. re u cted on Rebec fe no street, Allegheny city, by R. C.., Est. is r ored for 'We at a bargain, and on easy terms. The lot on which the Factory is erected. fronts ILO feet on Rebecca street, and runs back 110 feat to Park street. The main building is of brick, three stories high and 60 feet long by V feet wide. The Engtne Hourre is large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, meek, kn.. all to complete order. The property will be acid low, and on advantageous terms. For price, terms, &e, enquire at this office. arOF94-dtf THE subscriber offers for rent foe the term of ju Itode or more years, a large convenient well fin ished two story Dwelling Mouse, containing e rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of groundcontaining Ii acre. of fine young fruit trees of every icutd, stable, he, connected with the house. To any person wish in a delightful residence within • few minutes ride o the g city, this will bee rare chance. For terms, which will be low ton goal tenant, inquire of Me Jno. Wrlght, or the premises. of John Watt, comer of Hand and Liberty streets, or of ocritretf THEO. F WRIGHT. FOIE subscnber will sell on accommodaung term.. valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles (mm Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio near. The tract con tains WI acres and dr/ perches, atnet measure The land is of m excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared, and well watered. and will be sold either to whole or in farms of convenient sine, to mit purchucra. For further particulars enuireAny at Law, office on 4th M. abov q e timatineld, Pu o uburgh.. myT6ll&-urtf T Property in Allegheny City for Sale. THE aubsentners oder or arde • number of choie. I,ota, &dome tn the Second Ward, homing on Lommon ground, on easy team Inquire of W o'll ROSINSON, Atty at Law, St Chair at or of JA S ROBINSON. on the prem... T A,rALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON F2iN on V FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground P mania on Penn erect, between Hoy and Martino. streets. *doming the bowie and lot now ixrupled by Richard Edwards. loorins a front of 25 tem, and in depth 12il ieet, will be nold on favorable terms. Tale unexceptionable En quire of 0. LOOMIS, Ca at, ncar Wood. =====il C • .• ONTEMPLATING a removal from Allegheny city. ler. my revidenee there for sale. The premises are indellghtrial order, and every way worthy the ar m:Sob of any person wishing such property. /116 D. W. FOINDSIXTEIL Meal rsatiats , ha Mercer Coumay• LOT, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on th - Este E.I.LILOG Canal, in the 'inside of West Mid riser,a desirable location for • merchant Also, Lot and good Dwelling House well railed Coe • Tare • Stand, In the village of Ontsgevrlls, on State line o Dub Terms easy. 1/SAIAJI DICT A Co. fehle Waxer and Front no, • • - • ag:kl. I—iND FOR SAI.F.--Seven acres coal land for sale. sttuate In bend addle Monongahela Myer. e Ilroorarrt.tlr. PR , having a 7 loot 'rein 0( t aid .etch will be sold in exchange for good., For rime.. ors anolr to 10.,31 '.a & la , IlatillAl4:11 rood at ~ .. • ,rolik:1101-ol, FURSA I.E.—Vac oohs, - rao:r oder. lot sale the three story back Warehouse on Wood cm,. oreupted by R. Tanner k. Co WNI WILSON, Jr The tubsorlber4 will rent part of the ware- Laq now oectipteal by them. Apply to DALZELL. 5. Co.. 54 waier wren- EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c, 9. 1101.2111024 & BONS, Banker•, Erebange Itrok•r•, scrrrs. DRAFT. ACC . I.I•T - A - S7 GOLD, SILVER MEM . . . . COLLECTIONS.—Ornita Note• land Anonym:mons payable in any part of the U mon. collected on the mt. ravorable terror . EXCHANUE on Nets York . Philadelphia and Bat- unmet, ali.o. Omen:nab. I.ounivilie. saint Louts and Neer antenna entnitaiii.y for sale I DANK NOTE.P7 - • Nines on all snit ent bank. ni me United Melee disruan ad at the low,. rates All kinds of Foreign and Amerwan livid end :Storer Coot bought and sold Ocoee No 1.. Market street. beta - tan - DI snit Ith.' Plttaburga Paocr2s _ . _ ._ CO _ .. 111:18OEV, UANN& & CO., BBA:SIKER& kIXCIiAIki.F. BROKERS, and dealer. In Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Ceruficales of Deposal, liana Noma and Exchange. Fourth street. near. ly oppoatre toe Dank of Pntsburgla Current money reemsed on depoune—S , e,h l Checks for saie and col. Lennon,. made on nearly all ilia prancipal points in the United Static. The high.: premium paid for Foreign and Amer.l ' owe. Advances made on consagnments of Produce. ship rdEaro. an liberal terms nack.l3 r troftkion w.xetimitiat: - - DILLS on England. Ireland. and Scotland bought .10111 any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange Mao, Drafts payable to any part of the Old Cimattylea from Al to /DM, at the ram of Ai to the .£ Preteltne. ardhout deduction or dtscount. by )(Mill 1 & ROBIN. BON. European and liencnlt Agent. °Men tat w i ne door Well of mood. ar WESTfailr PUNT:OB .. - Ohio, Indiana, Kettmek y, lil..urt, Bank Nord; parchaaed as the taarest rates, 11by OLMF.tk a RONK K, 13 33 Market street 'OS.It LL UM, HILL IL CUSHY, DANKERS and Nrrettange Brokers, Dealers in Fur l.) clip and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Va. himp, Certificate. of Dnpostte. Bank Notes and Can! No is Wood street, third door below Fourat, west mantle kaaatria.:ll II .an HFLAIINGTI & "110 1-iIANIKFiRti AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer. in Foreign and Domestic 81ff. of Far hang, Cer eates of Deposita, Bank Notre and Coin. cornet of 3d and Wood streets, Brandy embattle dl Charles Ito- Inayth:dly BliatB OF . 01ibuitivolc.—. , ht ChTcas on Nom York, Plaladolploa. and IlaSlntore, Constantly for sale by N 110L31133 I SONE s!pl3 33 Market •t. riIIfiLLECTIONS—Notes. Draft. tatia — Aceeptancis Aj payable In the Western one.. oolleined on the atom favorable terms by .cold N HOLMES & SONS Vitaltr CO.CKS ON NEW NURk lon sale N HOLS k. SONS HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONAIIL* HATS. - . TIIE submrtber, to addition to his own 44 mmufacturing of Hats; has made arrange vAoments with Messrs Bebe., ft Co., (the most fashionable batten , of the eny of New York,' for reg ale.' supply of his extra fine Silk Hata, and baring pin received a few cases., nentlemen can be suited with vary nob and bettutifu %b at by calling at hi. new Hat and Cap Store, Smitliteld street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found n great variety of Hats and Caps of KM own manufacture, wholesale and re tail, lints made to order on short nonce. .922 A M ES Mrl I.SON. Idietino a; co:, (Succeamm to NECoril it Eing) lieft•hlonable Ha Corner of Wood and Flfth Strevo. PARTICULAR nommen paid to out Retail Trade, lieutlemen can rely upon getting thee. Hata and Cap. from our estahltaitment of the Ilan Y.Taitta. mid vfol . qawmrcr, of the laafarT tam., and at the tows= Mors Country Merchants, purchanng I ts wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and commne our Stork; as we can say with confidence that us regard. noshrry and rates, it will not suffer in a compariaon with tiny house in Pluladelphia. febl7 ... . . 11.11 lenahlosa• for 1848.. BIoCORD & Co., 11./.. ACM. re cino,) 111 4 Al ALL introduce On Nallirdly, August 261 h, toe style of Nets, mat received from New York. II in want of • neat and treautatal hat, are invited to 0111 at Lbw ;tore, corner of Path and Wood st STRAW GOODS DEALERS are in cued . examine R. II ..t ,„ PALAU:WS stork of Narita, Door's-, of tfr " 1101 , 776;4 —lll'ore"l‘ltri.: pert En . 51.6 Dan nahle doi American do do; China Pearl do; co ' harg do kilidand doi French Lace; Fancy (Amp, &c. dc. RATS—Legborn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw do Wald, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Also, AtUficial Flowers, Ribbons, Az. Binuar 800 net Vi'lrehouta, 95 market it. TO WIIOLESALE GROCERS. T. Undersigned are prepared to hit orders for siiV qunntity Of CT press Mol Barrels,of s superi or quality, deliverable to order al any time, giving us slew days notice. at our Wharf Boat We thins we eau make It the 11114125 t of More merehavis who bay largely on the C 0611.1.. an they eon order their ha, refs shipped to any plantation they may desire, which shall be attended to without extra charge WATN, YEN & Co Paducah, Ky.. Oct V, iSlt , ..3sno PITTSBUROII STEEL AXLE WON.KSCTORY. AND SPRING AND FA - - ISAAC 10X113, JOH3 qtrto. J 014131 di. diEllO, IiANUFACTURERS of &pang mud blister steel, plough wet, steel plough snug., edeett and clip pnuspit, hammered Irou sales, att.! dealers m mal leable casual's, fire engine lumps, and coach trinenuturs generally, corner of Ruse and Front eta, Patelnlegh, Pa. r‘oLE„SfrAll..lll.43: Co., hare removed t; th; U Warehouse, 3 dears wart of the Moriondeho ill House, on Water and Fount Iftiallt. FOR RENT—The Wavehouse No. 43 Wood St. oath. Foal COP]. TUX =MITI ONLY HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRAkT is an Invades He remedy for Epilitpke F is ot Falling Sickness Convulsions, 13Peatma IAS emit karma, Mat ham time Monetootapsiciarts have Istommeed &Rem: tie Flu inearabLe. It has balled ell West skill, Mid de boasted paver of allttedieine, arid ertaiMiMerAlY MOO ds have raffered through a miserable eXiatanelhaini Wi th t yielded up their lives on then altar of irionnity- Wi all deferenrei holmtver,, to the op the great and learned, we say Rut rt hellbent cured HART'S vtaErAms EXTACT, For sixteen years, hie been, tested. by loony irmoor who have warmed With this, dmadfal dams and I e every ease where II has had fair tiftelv has eftet“. permanent cam. .• Rte of 26 years and 6 idontis, eared by the me or this truly worbsrfalliredielea• Read the ffillowing neetarkable ?case of the son ot Vm. Secors, Fie,., o 7 Philadelphia; afflicted with A.A.. lepne Fag St years and - 11 months. Alter tray:Ming through England, Scanned; Germany and France, con tutting the most ambient physielansi and eklbersin= medicine, medical treatment and advice, three - sand dollars, returned with bin act to thin e , untri November last, without receiving any benefit wham. er, and was cored by using HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. Mr. William Scooter Letter to Pre Ivens and Han I have spent over three thousand dollars for medi cine and medical mu:Mende. I was advised to take a WS. m Earope with him, net eh I did. I first visited England. I consulted the Most eminent phygiclane there in respect to his Ch..; they examined him and prescribed accordingly. I remained three months without perceiving any change for the better, which cost me about two hundred and dfty dollars pocketed by the physicians, end the most:that I received was their opinion that toy scuffs ease was hopeless and emo tively incurable. I accordingly lift Ergituid 4 and MT oiled through Scotland. Germany'. and Yratee, and re turned home in the month of November last, with my son as far from being mated as when I let. I saw your advertisement in one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Hares Vegetable Extract, seeing poor statements and certificate' of so many ...ea, some GO twenty and thirty pears' stending,l.and I can assure yea did so, *Shy the use of Hart's Vegeta: , ble Extract alone; he was restored to perfect health His reason, which, was so far gone es to unfit him for business, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before him, of life, health and usefulness. He is now 4 6 rem or age and 27. years and 6 months of this time has been afflicted with this mom dreadful of the eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without Works I don't believe in. To say that I chall 'be ever grateful to you Is one thing, and as I here mielme you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt bet that you will think this is another id quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude 1 ill awe yen, but please to accept the present amens inter.% on Illedebt in a/lOW:Md. Yowls very respectfully Wlf TOM SECORE TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of min invaluable medicine woe afflicted for several years' with Epileptic Flts. The disease had prodiseed the ,NOTSI effect upon hissystem, system, viz, Lots of memory, imbecility of mlnd_, and e perfect prostration of the ocr - nun system. He had tried the skill of the bearphrtieiarts for .avers years, and grew worse under their treatount, and heitiknow that this medicine woo his only hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to give it a fair trait and to persevere in its We, which he did, and the resole Was a perfect restonition to health, which was coati red arnmerrepted tor nearly sixteen years. We woald refer to me tolloWing persons who hew been eared by using Hart's Vegetable Emmet - • Col E Denslowbt daughter was aillictrn Edna years resides at Yonkers, New York. : . W Bennet nine years,l7l Grind at 1 Mlsornrih, seven years, 12 Dover st. Joseph td`Dongal, nine years, East Brooklyn, 1.. 0 II W Smith, Near Yolk Cost= Ileum 0 Kelly twenty years, StatenTalmtd. bliss E }direr!, twenty yeara,'Yorkville E Crane., twelve years, 11.2 Harnmersly i Wm H Parsell, twenty-three year., 73 Norrnlk : Jacob Pou7, to. yelps, 174 Delaney at Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, Greanesatle, hl Jadge Randall, al East Broadway, New York, Thomas R Jones, of the 17 S Davy. Copt Wm Jennings, Blaze gt. #lldprnt, Ch. Retireece also made to Dr W L Monroe, Quilronl, 0. Rev Richard Taggern, Walt Davenport) 7l Rev T L Balthoote, Mr Joscphl3redley lbl, o6 l . orehard IN re T. C H Donskton, hteentit NY. Mrs Jame.x. : Bertholb Orange se. N V, John Flaw, 170 Elttabeth , de A Eichum,ll9 Delmey at, do I.me, Smith, 179 Suffolk Brown, 100 Water 0, Aliof which Cia 7 7 be called Ilion, or add.ntssia,lo44 paid 12_7 - Pr - trotted by Dr 5 ILA; Otl• Lana h Har p . New York. F 7110 MAS Cb, lee Mein at, between ad end 4th Ina, end ife MAin st. between 4th end sth streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale end retail emus for 1124 south end west. L WILCOX Jr., corner of Market st and the DAt mond. or-ty si f t to Pillsb's Pa ja.22dawlY ft, THE PROFFSSORS ANA MEMBERS OF TIIM MEDIC Al. SOCIETI.R.B, je• 'tether, Wile abed Daughter IN TIM UNITED ST ATESts—The sabseriber respect. fully calls your anent:toe to Dr Reexeres Gnat true, expressly intended forthhe pnwervanon of the health °flank eases—whether it arises from Incipient Phtffisla or early consumpuths, Debility of the Lungs, Bronchial Affection., Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged .11 Dithrdered state of the Laver, Spleen, or IGtheya, ss cd Spine, etasitc, Dy•pepsta, Palpitation of the Heurt. Lose of al macular or Nervous Power, Am. 1311.. C. B. BARRETT'S GUARDIAN comes Itie menwliate relief of Females suffering Rom trregnlath• be., and all other Uterine ditacultie• and diseases inet dental to woman, whether occasioned bycold, wet fret, or •ny injudicious exposure, and all this without the use of medicine; as the moot delicate and ...mum lady can at any moment apply it to herkell without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger, or any unpleamnt results arising from it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate rebel Dr Barletta Guardian in no catch-peony, or one of the many humbugs of the day; bat it I. an mural:neat made upon sinctly scithufic prinetples, in accordance with the lawn of tßectricity and Galvanism: and for nee a, durabllity and efficacy, infinitely surpasses for of the kind ever before offered to the public for the reliefoldiseem and,in the language of one of the mom enlightened men of the day, is pronounced in be "the greatest discovery of the age." A per of no Ira than four) ears bees occupied by Dr Barren to bringing the Guardian to its present tinge of perfection—darn , which time it Las been in the hands of some of the atelst eminent phcias the North and Smith, as well as in the dual of no meth. families. who have Used it Inc all of 'Above purpones, with the most perfect success, and who have cheerfuity given their unqualified approbation of its efficacy and value, as enn be seen b.y rethrring to We Manuel of Instruction. accompanying it Dr. C B Darrell's Guardian is secured from intiova• done by a patent Imo, the finned Status Patent Office, and lie had either with or Walton in, Medico-Peetho Galvanometer. The ISedieo-FJeetro Galvanometer, to point of beau• workmanship, durability end power, cannot be sur passed or even equalled. and the subscriber feels that he hazards uorhmg In the assertion that it will be found to .n r e se mo s %tin l o or a effitcya.c.y, ate th .. e d treatment ty, t han any other instrument. either in the United States or Europe. The Aleffico•Klectro Galvanometer i• warranted in every nthoect. and *oh common ordi e we will laid a bfe-ume, and is by far the cheap es, becauth the best, tastniment ever offered to um politic. A manual accompanies them. giving She most ample instructions, of practical erperionee, st that it is readily ilitelltgible to the mind of every one, while ,- • - • '• try rif arrangement is such that a child may with tL Any infewthtion gratthonsly gthen. and all commis • nicannns clieerfulfy •nswered per mall, either to rela thn to the Fleetro.Galvanomethr or Guanliar. Nledical risen are Waned to call and exam. Its Rae retell Guarthan, and test no efficacy. For male by 11. RICHARDSON, solo Agent, 71 Mar ket at, Pittsburgh. apzNitf SIDDIC AL IL SURGICAL OITIPICIDs '' . i'. -..... No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a .1 , ...: . few door. below Wood anted, to ' • -,-..,. ' market. "-", DR: DROWR, having Loam 1,,, , ., .., , regularly educated to bite Modica/ ... 2 ... .. , -/ ',e • P. 6 .asiort, and tMca ka• some time ..-'.. . . to general practice, now confutes • ids *ikonon to lb. treatment of • " those private and delicate cool ;,"••• . • . .dilk plaints for which his opportunities . • • ~.. , and eiperienco 'Recalled) qualify ~ 1:•• ..:," ow '‘ mot 11 years .midwanshr devw.o to study . 6. treatment of those complainta(duriAr whit; time he hes had more prartme and has ettrod more pm uents than can ever fall to the lot of any private pram. Illtatke7) amply sraliffea bits MY Ogre, IMITLIWIE!. 0 . 1 217 4 1 Li F llTlT ' ar• "4 :ol lU = ll . 37l' t itlVlgt:rn i Morn. Dr Drown would inform those afflicted veitti , priv•vidl diseases which have bemoans chronic by time er 44: graveled by the use of any of the coo n nostrams ot the day, that their coomlaiats eau be radically and More ought) cured; behaving given tits creedal attention to the tresottern of such coats, and succeeded in hundeeds of instances in canna persists of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred disc.. which otters revolt froth Mow eases *here others have etimsigned them to hopeless despair: He particularly invites such as have been long and utsuce ss:AVly treated by ethers , s , ~,,,,,nit torn when every caul/action will be Elven them, and them eases treated to a careful, Moron, and intelligent manner, potnted out by ,a long ex - penance, study, and investigation, which it tainipoetuble for them engaged in general practice of medicine to gists any One Ciaall Of Mae.. _ _ Bj-Hentio or Reptere.—Dr. Drown aleo invites pee. titsafflicted with Hernia to call, . he has paid pvtie• Wm attention to tids disease, 'Ain diseases; also Pt' 1, Palsy, etc, smitly oared Charges very low. N. D —Pamela of eith Beg Laing al a distance, by sumac there disease dk writing, giving all the tympi toms, eon obtain tnielicines with directions for ewe, by addressiug T. BROWN, AL D., post paid, and endow ing a tee. Office No. e 3, Diamond alley, opposite the avert, lionse. linutenivniss—Dr. Brown% needy discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and Certele,ie.eey fee that painful unable. It never folio. Office and Private Consulting Rooms., No. 65 Dia -1 mond alley, Ilitsburgh, Pa. The Doctor ta always at home. fj:r No core no pay, .. deoL9 WWCINDF.DFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION.--M. though Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort has found hundreds of advocates, and has produced • largs number of teatiminne is in Its favor, j cannot withhold my smell mend of pinta. Being predisposed to con sumption, both front peculiar formation, and hereditary transmission, I tried every means to cheek this die case, and strengthen a naturally weak constitution, I spent two years et Pisa, one at Mane, two in Florence, and another in the `tooth of France, saling, mean time, the advice of the best physimans... Two years since I returned to this couutey, in about the same lin eation as when I left it I had seen in the reading room to Europa much said in favor of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverworu2and as soon as I arrived In this city, I used it. end in three months I was an well Icon eluded 'I could safely pass the winter horn, and did so. I have used occasionally a kale now and then derma this dote, but 619 1101 V In ILI gO.l health es Is postale My cough has wholly ceasen, and my lungs hare eve ry feeling of heenh. In D. Smith. and Dr. Doet, an this city, were mly Ithystemns, win now shy they behaved me incurable. JAMES FULL. Western hotel, Cased unit et Y Liverwort, even la Lae common way of properatire is universally known as the best :Wrote diseases the Lungs over dtscovered; and it 18 onfoone that is highly concentrated Treparatiop, securfug . the vrhote val. of this incalineble herb. must be invaluable. Moreover, this medicine Conlalus the medical proper ties of many roots and he ts. Bitch has been the nie ceas of this It team, that it is warranted as being Inca pable of in any instance, uZiana effects. ithtn the last few) won die toile for sovereign . bag , beyond precedent and its reputeuon aneoune :from Maine to Mobile; thtmpro. nog the confidence bestowed upon a simple streal reparation, purely vegetable, and the urninual iratos. whiny ellect encoding its YhyslelAllOo, trom • C 011,116 1 1 09 of its milirness, safety ' t ea s,„,„tes., cap it th eir [lncline. recommend nto thei t r i erite, deem chit median. WA and invelualt particularly e it does not interfere with any other medicine&ire ybe ta kin g ma at the wino time, one restrict soyrsons of dun, confinement, Re., thus pa to warm the fall benefit of thin medicine, follow at the tame time, if they wish, the adrion.of then physiman. Sold In Pittaborgli by J D Morgan, 93 Wood o(;' 3' Tooreseed,.49 Market set II Eituyeer, tor Market and ad et.; Deadereou 4' Co, QLiberty at. 'Poles reduced to IDA Pet bottle. cell DB. D. IFIDNIN v., Dentist. Comer of Fourth end Dseiinu, between Put" ttait FeD7 streets. k. Pep 24.44 _, _._._..,,..~ ..- _- - v~,F praIiNDED sTOCWOV, 'ALL GOODS, wauisi• aid Wiwi A. A. gIAgiGiNA cIIi s 2TrYI9BURGFI, PA_, linFAVErceetwedtdeizetren osietboesatuLathes and Pktkagerier FdreigdandDenarstic Goods, awak ing one of the alesi atentfultallorlastrits In the citrat e/7, embracing thelsbust— , *heel sad most terltionable styles of Imported apff Autancsn'Goods; - porithaled In entire packages from the ithportets:lttinutacturers and large Auction salei i ky Ono of the dintresidtthyin Neer York, who Cs constantly sending us the tomes& and most desirable goods in the Eastern markets, which Inn be offered as low as at eny ennabtistratent in the United States, and lower thin could possibly be offer ed by any Meuse in the West. We enumerate the he allErG-11 cases rich changeable striped, plaid and brocade Oro de Artie, Gro do Berlin; Ore de lies. Goo de Algiers, Glacier. blank Geo de Rhine .,es. tine s=on, Floreede end] colors, do in. Al B-ith Valves or ell Color', seen lam stock. CABES DEM - GOMM A= base extra. eh sat. striped Cube:tare; do do do printed dodo, do quell ffforedbogitsh de Lathe; do clemen..Pl.l4 .uOKI one= Also, to tuxes Alpaccao, Incases rich moped and plata Lyon etse; 64 Thum Plaid and 811 k Titilt 11-e thuthreeres and Grandillo FRENCH AIEIIIIIM—A fdcassortracui of black. mode, scarlet, Alarcon, Namnine, blue, purple and oth er colors, of the best anumfactere. 2.700 BRAWLS—Comptielng the most extenaive so:meth over offered in tins city, embracing long and amuse Cashmere and Tartan plaid Shawls, Almada Bream:ink, Finland, Jenny Lind, Lamanixte, and oth er Shawl. ESIBROMERIES, LA= GOODS, GLOVES, he-- Luc caps, collars, cuffs sandals collate, chemmens. Also, linen cambric and lawn lidlds, Luca and Edg ings, Belt Ribbon*, Hosietyof all kinds, Gloves do. GIMPS, IPRINOML OORDS, IMAMS, ac.—A roll runent of the most faahlonable !trite. LINEN AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS—CRS . ," of Irish Linen, best manufaettim, Linen Sheeting:. and pillow case Limns, Table Duossk and Duper. Gann Damask Table clothe mid Nutkins, blueltabstk, Ru m, and Bird's Lye Diaper. Flannels—over NOD ps of every variety. leached and Brown fdatenus—roore than 15,1:00 ps oral! the well known makes. RIBBONS—More than 100 canons entirely new full and wittier Ribbons, very choice style. French Cloths, Cassimeres and Doeskins, LSI great variety; Yeatinge, Scarfs, ersrate and Hinds. White Goods of every 4esenytionsoogether with ev ery article usually found in • dry goals store. 'no following is an invoke of 67 tens goods job received, with the prices annexed: 10 bales of red and white Flannels, all wool, for lee 7 eases blm and orange Prints, 8 10 do Calicoes, ye:di:for IW IS do fast colored Ponds, 17 do (Reached Muslims, Ij 4 do %feuds Laine, 7 do real Scotch Gingham, 1 4 Also, 59 bales 4-4 Brown Masten 1 All of which, in connection with those above men tioned, will be offered at teas mites than can be afford ed bp y y other establishment an We city. The ONE YRICS SYSTEM, which insures Mance and fairness lo all, will be enietly observed. Any article purchas ed at this establiehroent found to he above the general market price, a consections reduction will most willing ly be merle, upon the circumstances being made known to the Proprieton, it being their desire that all goods shall be sold on fair and honorable terms. All persons are respectfully knitted to examine our assortment withcint feeling the least obligation to purchase. oet4 New, FarhsonaM and Pe!r•swiir Cheap G just on-Ma od DIGH lf , cuss, mot mornmo cross, co. 136 brazen Raga. THE Proprietor of thribove establiihment would respetfully Inform his 121220ti0. Mends and custo mers, that be has just received his first supply of fall and winter goods, which so usau comprises evewhing that is new, fashionable, handsome and good. 94.4.11 d to gentlemen's wear i and as he his been perticolarly fortunate in making purchases, he is determines' 10.1 . .. fen everything in his 'Me of business much cheaper than was ever offered In Pittsburgh before; and is boma are very hard to convince. that Pittsburgh manufactures Coll go ahead of the Eastern elites, he would invite all such to examine the following list of prices. and then call end see his stock, eller doing which, be feels con fident they will here their doubts removed, as well as some of their money: Good cloth cos., various colors, from Good thshionable centime:lt pants, from Cloth and over coats Vests in great variety Gentlemen.' cloth cloaks, large also Ladies' cloaks, splendid patterns Tweed sack coats I PI Flushing over coats Y 60 Blanket aver moats 3 PI A very lam stock of shirts, under ehlrts and dow ers; silk haMkerchlefs, cravats, suspenders, &o. Or ders in the Tailoring line exectrted in the best manner and at the shortest notice sepl442mo NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. ALEXANDER tr. DAY have just received a fine assortment of the following dmc nption of sear on able goods, the greater portion of which have been bought at Aureola, and will be wild at great bargains. FLANNELS—Bed, whim and yellow Flannelly vary large and complete assonmern, and very cheap. RAITINETS—A vary large lot of bloc, blank, )31k grey and gold mix Satinets, at very low prices. ALPACA —Flair bib Alpaca., plaid and stripettdo, fancy plaid and striped do, cheaper Man ever. FANCY SILKS—A splendid assortment of rich changeable Silks, both plain and del, of almost every shade. SHAWLS—A. very superior assortment of super Woe" Paris printed, Terken, and Cashmere Skos as prices fat below the ordinary rates. ' arse assoronent of elish Merinos, villaith• Also, i and Plaids, blue, bib and grey Pilot Ctoths, for overcoats; blk Cassinteres, oonon Damask, Linea do, Kentucky Jeans, Ac. ac to all of which we invite the ausarten of the yonblic. ALEXANDER t DAT, 75 market la, • oett2s N NV eor of the Mammal Ht EATON G Co, having removed from Market street to their new Stare, No 62 Fourth street, be tween Wood and Market, are now opening their Fall stork of Trimmings and Variety Goods, among which are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kinds; Embroidery Gimps and Velvecr, Embroidery and Needle Work; Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes; Steel Saga and Panes, Stool Trimmings; Ladies Merino and Silk Vests,and Hosiery; Midterm' Coats, Gaiters, ittins, Gloves and Hoopery; Gents Mans, Undershirts, Drawers, Messing Gowns, iYool and Cotton Yarn; Children.' arkneh they of ter at loaf ptie l 1=01:1 1 11=1 retail. °era F. H. Ere.. W. P. Moesiitu.. rtLACIE ALPACA/3 - W R Murphy incites the par- BR Ocular anent/co of buyers to his uscntraent of above Goods, having selected theta with pen clue, to reference to their glossy finish and good body for win ter as.. Also, MOHAIR LUSTP.II3, common, medium and wiper. fine qualities, including • few pieces Jet black, adapted for mountingporposes. Also, FANCY ALPACAS ANDUSTRE% in. great vs• riety of satin stripes, plaids, alai brocades. setae of wtach are very superior. As these reads have been bought directly Ram Importers, they can be whist the lowest possible prices. To be had also by the &et, in Wholesale Roans up stairs, at a very small advance on cost per/ _..... - .. Te Oenntry Merchants. S6IITH h JOHNSON, 40 Mart et street, weold incur the attention of Country Merchants to their stock of New Fall Goods, purelmsed for cash, of the Now York importing and ariction houses, and will be sold . easiest Jobbing mica. Tim stock complies a great •ariety of Dress Goods, chameleon tuai black Silks, silk and COW. warp Alpacas, mid Alpaca Lbstre, fancy ammtiman and plaid do; satin ariped Oriental, Freimb and English Merino., Monselin de Lain and Cadmus., square and long Shawls, Gloves and 110- • ay, Bonnet Ribbons from 73 cents • piece up; bonnet - Artificial Flowers, Linen eambrb H aiku to cartons Thread Lazes and Edgings; II canons cotton do; Combs, Rotor, Thread, Needles, Pius, du, m escalation. Wholesale Rooms Signor. sea% -,. Dl - 1141MS GOODS—Yre base teedved a full stack . of Dress Hoods, among which may be foand— Plain black and firmed Alpacas, Colored and fancy plaid do Oregon, California, Qneen, Orleans and Lombardine Plaids; plies colored and (gored Cashmaran ~ de (.sine; Silk, tut= and plaid cashmere.; togeiber nwith a 1 .4 e d lr . jtp , . xl_ef o th er dm. gas* all of which will t' col a r"s`TinfAAP-PPAIITE. so ws:od a RECEIVED AT W. 31 , CLINTOC11 7 5 Cu1:40%-am hums, 73 Fourth Meet.— ps rosewood eol'ATabla 011 Cloth.ti " rich dark " u 3 3 -4 il The above woof superior quality, elasonity of fin ish, of room boastful colon and th ailthg, Amended for celot" counter and table cove . _ T AIME SUPPLY 'AN" NE GOODS. , - , IV, R L Mauer is now opening SECOND 'SUPPLY of Winter Goods, thelading • variety( OW. or Drab Preneb Manner, Scarlet, eherry, and other high colored Wanner, Mine b Rs do; brown an AIso,ARhIESTAS of same colon; !agleam, &r., with many other desirable grads that ore vary waren, all of 'winch will be wild very cheep, at northeast tor tier of 4th and Market ma. INEN CAMBRIC EI.APIDEERCHIEPIP—Satith j_s Johnsen, 40 Market street, vroald istritethe atten tion of dealers and others to their choice wank of linen Cambric RUC, all lAnan,flom 15) cis up to litqts Inelo ding every WIW of tape bordered, bannited,aritatted, okay learn, wytt deep corded borders, Iterine,itobtro dorod and eoWred bordered. oet2s_ SATINETS AND JEANS—W R Murphy has no+ supply of Plain Reek Senoras, min trip o re>,:a l uln barred do, plain blue 413,Xerrillble green do, cadet mixed do, gold mixed do, Oxford. mixed do; thd iederend gold .I . ed Jeans, m low priers, bl We piece or yard. Wholesale Rooms op main.• oed4_ VsECIIS COODS—amith t /Wanton, N Blo,am 4.A have received a choice stook of Dretai Gabe., ece swing to part of rich Chamehon ellks, blatik4o, no striped Cashmeres and Orientals, plain Chidnelean and plans Alpaca, Satin striped du milz Warp and real Al paca Lamm, Printed hl slip de Lana and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, real Scotch 'Gingham. Irons lit kou up to the finest guilty; 'Canto item 4 eta to 121; rich Fxob, Muslin Robes . fq evindlit resses, /tr.., to which they would particulang Melte the Men um) ofpurchasers. oct6 QCOTCH PLAIDS ANDTAYLOHCASSI -7 W. It. Hamby Ims now open a sapply,of them and junta especially the &mattock( Contury r ii4 ehanta to the lowe prices whinh them and all other kinds of winter woo ll ens are now °eared. _lmp! Novi Iran Ull&baaaller Tl] & JOHNSON, a& blaam, colored by exproaa, a splecolld amionium of fall re colored to or Os h they would partlealaaly look, ilia attention of purchasers. , DLACIS AND FANCY SLUM—WS Wry ku “D CM and as 8.0111110111 claws. Widoce sad figural black and blue black Drell e., m i n wiped and plaid do, also, n great isziatir' n or ebangen bic, damask bunted, and pulped dei—theybAr ke . b la. km. . obrzy V , ID OLOVES—Jum receivU., • fill imanment of A. Isulica gentlemens, anti mists KUOreof Ba p:K=4or mak*. slan t JO et , • - U si EVENINGPBE9BE3—WKE phy . ulaely re celved eiabroidered Muslin 'tad other •Nryin. 0. goods oflated • les for •• • . Drowse. • 6.195 FBENCH hIFSTSOES— Smith it JohiliViit,'46 Mar kat M, would fomite the ancralantars to their choke, mock of Frepcb illerisoa, w . , r the beet shade. of drab; tearoom, purple, bee fit, our rive bhte., sad bliekg.' -' ' • ~. =l, - C1 it' Octal - BWS ArgrALLIO FEREPitookrAggr—J „, 01 ,0 00 - ns pply dem apo6 l / 6 116660r Root ing and othowpores, WepninteneV shove Pare P ro of rnikiirt we. hcns.:beeli' ifor near four yearsiatictpiewitiOWAva aril I octa . 46,61 - PHIPI; No 661r00d n . p.,i.i.,,,eAkidi Atl, ~ i 634 er:llll".`ni"i= ter:ft' ItZ , --, kat price kor cash of sppro IV & Pd Setlbfg r y ta iri zmumr" oet'a IteLlbeny st • riABRI•nE CLolll,4tut reeeived, • p ea India Itribber Can** 4Hoth, f" 3 .2 4 146 q • n perfectly' water proof, =I a very_daribie 4r&le. tan 112 1110 India /Lubber DePot, dWO °era J teIiTIMAJPS opirm—xo bap RIO Carte, fat smiti-7,;- cioNMIUNGF NEW=h4liirttabbir • • COP. liat rec.ell tirbidlaitabberltiabir cn. Veivl3*' "bn"..9.4hraltruM° IZEINITI SO 03 6 $O 7 00 73 au 8 DO 3 00 , • v 4.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers