The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 10, 1848, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE:: PUBLISHED BY VIHITB t, go ;6.... FRIDAY moungd:VMSEMEVll:Vistwf ituransumitikasouns ao- Adveniunnents rind Subsctiptionsto the Nonb Amer `'esn Idurtnitcd Stututteutenk and krnrarded frost Ws Mace. COHilifilt4Pr AND PECILADIEL I ma) PEILIA : PaIOMMULECIIT . .r Subscriptions thturnlnabls papa urn be received sad forwardyi Scut . , . • _ ' - • 7Inie.TOSIC MICPII2.III. w+ »m krranutt free at exputte,Ad nrtboarm Futrq:!sariptions ent this paper. • • • iiple:llllll4 , olDAOCLlterri ' U pllbUltba Vie W.ekhr.,_ l 42 .e j2r ne 1146 V en w pat lllltdrart... "igiseenheWisektrietere Wars jeciplaszoi alurtn ar" r W befare v.=: q"" l i ntredsit W icslll6' ‘inialetishlTter tifemcnss as =sd cti.,g .3Tl""‘ nun luaccagrox• .THE slant. Iliirethe iereitioceeiveil teitelesegai .o.oleritia4tree 131Mee—ouating 'andigatp in all &deo arlarosthe frail re. 4 ' 4 Itm"1 nmiept Pennsilsonia— promne ems readers base natter time nor itietuarioti to iiirpluir our uniiiiete4' &loge of a 110#11 , township thee% in thatanwhere enoughbaibiaraVecieltred to dechie tha met be. lug, any resabirablarpitibt. `As relater& *aroma Btore, cur re'sarn have a•ustactilcuAnsits to see the &raga; .iiliticuigh the ibuillesult Woven =Wei As the oil* recume coma & we alma lay, ekbvinin our riaArira • iSlNthtifittL" • _ 3500 1125 .. . ...... . 1200 i... 1075 . Ceigeritpat - 200 Beavve 300 100 PWCStY and °'unti ' 9131 n 300 £2,1 .L 376 Iteulfoet .... . . ........ ....... . .... rzs u o 3 580 Deboome .......... 632 '•=rt. 1857 ... 250 ' roa?o . airtmi iroa. cam. Ta3retti:,.l Bunko.— ..... . ... ....... Armstrong t .. . ... • Columbia.— .. . .. .. Northumberland...... _ 8erk0.... . ... ....... Clinton.— .... Lozerne... • • Parmaromnna, Nov:9, 1848. • . Bradford .9ounty, in 17 ,dialch:dsogives Taylor a Inainirt of 1.130. A letter Glitha Diaz' Couotyd_o_ this, paper, given the nthjority id 330. Well dorthirdiimi • _ l ioicaoxth.the, Nov 9, 3 e. ie. pith EsFek 1 Expreff 51 . Pot:byte Wog. the Wowing: , • ; Lozerne..... . end finth tooptithipsto hear from. 1,857 thsjority 6:17 Taylor-foe} town. ships to Ithatreops,,, '• SONEther, tiov. 0, 1137,13-:3 e. Editor' oj,qrs=rsrr.--Sir-- The retire= as far received, show an increase over Johnston's majo rity of 205. The townships to hear from may in crease their Vosjoritice ■ liar bat, leaving there at the former rtde,-TaylF's tnajority_wfil be 1857. It is the general ppituorof the however, that Taytat'i eirdarity not, be, less that 1875, • litri4xlsram. Nov. 10,1131 a • • Try loi : , Ow V. Boren Philadelphid t1ty10,455 5,955 509. di ) . 'Co.. MOO - 16,155 912 - • •••• 1202) 1421 ..j2W.C.' . . We consider it useless so she she voluminous delisls! have *cached us from this Siate The Pion EGANiiiigslsive gheu a to Cusurb7 vo ting Va . Vitamin. 'Aidla there can to co gin. don. Taykrei totality to this Stmo willitsigo (mm \ toismTva &mum& OunantlgAnek! , „vmstcom • • -Naar • Yam,,Nowik .Tayfor das mud Wig vuOrity. li;lgurMaa .6u rireeeived, dam a Tay larmajaray caer Cam and Vim tram.' coNxEcriatrr. Ncw N0v..9, 1868. • ".Taylcriijiistiority CcnnulOgrat, over Oise and 3,200. •• • NEW' YORK. Nsw Yozz, The:Beate hasgone Tnylpr n ano. Thy Congreanx.Maye been 'glared in nearly everidiatnet fa tbelilndei; ; The Temperate lbree:—Mle Pao'. Were than one--lioa. Plealon Mag. New Yost, Nem. 9, 7 P. M. Taylor. .Caaa, V. B New Yarn Coy 29,8122 Iwo 5,117 19,510 Mode *and, Coulee l'ievr,Teney,. Delman and Blexylaa, sit gone Tayk4... *one 101,New Ellunpahire hove gone (or Cu.u . • IlboAssjeritrbv !Taylor in hiarilaiui is above ttraigivensu qily, in µ • ' DiIiLISrASE. • Psrmoreculs, Nos. 9 , 1 P. Al• TilloslYs:thajority in Detaissze is AM. The midis beard from. Gallant lige ,Deaawsrti- , . • .t Non. 9, Noon. t . it ilkiekint. tuuattematgy nnOhe Stigni tsthnahtful. • [Wolotnis Orate ofseiend nottatini . , in'whole •ar lantiang, bot they mold etla Lathing po the &stoe tnehettona,andnante of them, swath*, hay,' emonottskr teltwaphed.] i largely, telt our Wait telegraphic ,Ttrk;t Stlitta ..,?3,BPoVtb°l"ttote4o fret Caw NEW .lltthEraNatE. i3ous bream, dacaigli by Jux*Ll:liitY'•xxe. The • „ 80TICAROLINA.. ;, :iiitgarigozOlov:2, 4 /-11. ' &ad(&Nail, lux Oven bawds W Cus : `:ll4vrixols, Nov. 9,4 r. • W 1 4111 04: carerm i -Atm) ...... ....... glosottin; . ...... Sithashifil P 4036 , neap NW= ihOWS iligt2 Wien EN Can, ana .vizutorTailm. ' • - en 318 I'aySra Mita/Mgr WU= beldam* ew the teeiceitt;ieseeleed ter Clay in Ma, when tie cab Tied thel3cise by- i 24; codeiitY pcw. : t h'iftrbo thaithreeld.#e* thamsgra. Flocs .the ratans iecaived.iha,followins malt ' Ww3f teackateeed with safer . re Om. in .Ohiii ' i New Yozis... ..... .36 1961.9!La. - 12. . Marybuld.. 5 ' Kew Jarary,.......1 Nie 3l =patthre - 6 vThstgante.:...-4.......-3, 'Maine.... ,.i... 9, .. ~:,;.12 6 -9=Wid 4 NU46mid......„,..:17: Kentucky 12 Vamont.,.. ........ 6 Taanussise.... ..... 13 N ay to as amtion, 14os . . - s }lox‘.4oo.Clinslndllerald.-c 'camiigits '2=474oeiliamithis' 310.1 • .-• • . 61 5 1 0entivwrrx'ruz, Plialkeiribitiaci*tentita A rum s Rozar--ilfaxiassios of Jar per rftr - 41 " sirgWreertkartZEdiTe. _ 11 may be thought early to talk of a second road from Cleveland to Columbus, but it may be well to I tao.likli6AtilltPetlerahlna to lug traorformed :Kapidll into oue vait'apot," We' Marg=o. l V-, lo # PrUnialOptrCa4 l 3 hem, where ao_Attlitotionipi ollimereed In groin* business, the superiolferulittggit,has great ad , annt• gee . overthrXest, The.:We l* Chip, in seeking tageti • Quill from - the Lake to the river, in 1824, abandoned wharves a Ant choice of mute on nos doted" a deficienelef Inter. A second route for similar reairins wee given up. Much expense was incurred,great herd:Mips endured in a sickly season, and death of engineers suffered before a fi nal route, the present location, was adopted. The great disideratum f3t the Canal, erns water for the summit--that Or the Beihuads is an easy grade. The territory lying between the Ohio Canal and the Sandusky and Mad River Railroad would have been divided about centrally, had the "Eastern Route," as it Was termed, been adopted. For the sake of distiaction,,,the mad now advOcated, we shall call the Eastern marl, and the one- now con situating, the Western. The latter is parallel with the Sandusky and Mad River Road, aria distance of 25 to 35 miles cant, and the Eastern road would be some 30 miles still further east. The Eastern road would have-a larger tributary territory and in other reasons a larger busineu than the West. em. On the unction of parallel roads,'we remark that from Burlington there are two rondo building through, Vermont, in the di:tuition of, Boston, 20 miles asunder and on that portion F.:lasing through New Hampshire, the dietetic° apart 'is 40 while the menu.disiauce asunder, the whole length of 240 milane'd?es dot exceed 20 to 25 miles. 13e • wean the Radon and Connecticut rivers there are five or air parallel toads, built mild building, in a breadth of 60 orbs.' So also betiveen Roch- car: and Syracu s e, a distance cf SO miles, ame oad road ie building 10 miles from the coat, and immediately on he line of the canal. . . The Eastern road now proposed, passesin a di rect line from Clerielandthrongh Berea to Black river, in the town' of ;Penfield, thence ascending that stream to Harriavllle totemic thence down the valley; of the Killbeek, through Wooster to the Walhonding river, some' 6 miles west of Roscoe, thence up that river to Mt. Vernon, thence wind ing op in &southerly. and Westerly direction, (key. ing Granville a little to the left) to Columbus. For more converdenoe we have giver a table of ' elevation, in feet, of several points, above Lake -Erie. The table is trade up from Canal suroeya Mad Railroad surveys in 18(6. Harrifiville Summit.... 339 Ridge fivesMfies easterly of Harrieville nut *93 , • Ridge five m il es westerly of Hirrisville sununit 723 Killbuck, at Wooster 260 do Oxford, 25 miles below Woos. ter 225 Ohio Canal at Roscoe-- 187 The Plains ittsmtion of Kilbuck and handing': .. .. . ........ ~..225 Mount Vernon 416 • Pond m Mnaltinguta, at Zanesville 118 Zanesville, Maio] Street, about 130 Licking Summit,' Ohio Canal 320 Ilacoon.Creek, at Glanville 330 Columbus. 142 ' Height of land between Mt. Vernon and Columbus • - 600 Galleon Summit of Western [toad 600 Owl Creek, near its source • 70S Head of Big Black Walnut Creek... •....606 Sleek Walnut 6 miles froM C01umbu5....230 Abate Creek 206 ML Tern= is above Licking Summit.... 96 'Licking Summit is above Columbus IEO Zanesville below Hanisvilbs Summit....2o9 There is est/ilia' , feature in the Harnsville Summit, not only as passing the great dividing ridge between the Lake and the Ohio River at the lowest point, but the pass itself is a deep ravine, the eastern bank within five miles, being nearly 200 feet, and the western, within same distance, nestly•4o6feetSibost the bottom of the ravine,— Some AuFthat nt warmer period the whole country,. the Alleghenies, extending northerly towardswitsm's - I:fay,.nrris teetered with water In the surstrling nE the Tamil when this dividing ridge became visible, a vessel -willingly= the lake baain to the Ohio basin at this point, the top of her coast being 100 *et:,bigh, - would have been on a a leveltsith the GialleonStuncnit.while abe yet had 150 feet depth of water.% The Galleon Summit of the western road isWOket above Rarriaville Sum mit.. Afsergaioiiig the top of the lake bank, some 120 feet in throe .miles from. Cleteland, we have. bating •el ghtdetireatio * at Rocky River, a rite to the Hdtristrille Sutrimitof 220 feet 40 miles, or It feet rise per mile._ Then parsing down the Killback, as far as.OXford : villege 42 miles is a descent of 115 feet; Mr 204 9 inches per 11114 C.••— FlOOl Oxhardi tef , the',,Walhouiuliria, 12 miles i, level. Thence dewier:ding the , Walbonding, 35 miles to Idt-TereeespitiBet.of:l93 feet, or 51 feet Per mile, Betweet(4lkLreftlim Mid the lake the route is tinnsnally, leAtfAti:Jo' grade- Erom Mt Vernon to Colratabint4l4 direct line,ie more did. Ault, as the retied *oat a« ft/awe the fanner, sand 450.fixt - 'sbovia . thit, hiimw. place, making Mai pelt 30 40 fiternee,ini7e:.=, Now; instead of going aver tbe propOsei4ipe tonna it, and rust pea ahig her elervauca' than Mt. Vernon. Thatthis'ean be donts'aria infer from the (tow ing reasons: The diuiding ride or backbone be tween the waters of the Muskingum and those of the Sirocco, has a high elevation at the nonh,lrt declines aS it runs south. About the head water of Owl and Black Walnut Creeki it is about WO h. above Lake Erik. On the line of Sumter , between Montt Vernon and Columbus, it is gloat 600 feet. while eagle Ohio Canal the crown of the ridge at 'that paint, is 350 furt above Lake Erie, showing a deri 'inn of 250 feet Crony } h e line of surveys— between Mount Vernon and Columbus--and the Ohio CAnaL Then, if we go from Columb is in an easterly direction toward. Granville, some twenty miles, we attain the height of the ridge at about 200 feet above Columbus, or 19 11l rise per mile.— Then turning north, towards Mt. Vernon, on the camera ride or face of the ridge, we have to gain a further rise of only some 60 ft. to reach Mt. Vei -1 non. Tito a continued descent from Mt. Ver 'non ausx 4e obtained, we remark that the Coital Goestmosimmers is cresting about to find we ftfibuiCti ply the Y..icking Summit, in their report , in 1821, Imie the following staiet — ftent To caniciet these waters into the Sum mit Pond, a feederofB or 9 miles, from Owl Creek to the North Fork of Licking, will be required— the waters of Owl Creek will then mingle with those of the north branch of Licking, and together proceed to Waggoner'. Mill Pond, from whence they would be taken. and by a feeder of '7 miles, conducted ipso the Summit Pond.' The point on Owl Creek, from Whence to take the waters of that stream, was in the vicinity of Mount Vernon, and the route CT conducting them would cross the Pacoon Creek at or near Granville. Other mean. were Cusepplying the Licking Summit without re. sorting to Owl Creek, but it was demonstrated that those waters weld he used, and the demonstration equally favors the feasibility for a rail road on eemtinued &emit from Mt. Vernon southerly. The distance between Mt. Vernon and Colum bus, on a direct line, being 40 mikes the route now proposed, is about 45 miles; bat es we save an as . cent of 200 ft., and twenty feet rise being equal to one mile distance, we save ten miles, making the running time between the two places but thirty five miles. We thus establish the proposition of a max• imam grade of 10 ft, per mile form Columbus to Cleveland, while seven eighths dthe route is much easier. Aaide from the depression at Alum, Wel not, end Racoon Creeks, the total ascent is 532 IL and the docent 359 IL, making a total of 921. The teital ascent and descent on the western road, is 1439 ft. On our proposed eastern road, we have sc'y'the allowing gradient., 20 Miles' at 10 feet. 77 ' 51 67 ' 21 ' 12 ' level. Oyer a road of each easy grade, the produce of the country beyond Columbus, including much of the valley of the Little Miami. would be brought to Ethisethod during tho period of lake navigation. Thiele manger; from the relative state of the mar kets at Cincinnati anti ,Cleavaland. The outward tonnage beyana Collunlani would be twenty per motor that coming this side of that poilit. Which is - the most important to Cleveland, overflowing' warehouses, or overiloiving hotels) With the I tern road, she would assuredly. have the former. The_branch to Zanesville would strike oWon to the lower pats( the Kilback, missing Rescue, cros sing the .skingum at Chostrocton, and continue down the left bank. The distance would be about BD 7711 hrs, and the remarkable easy grade of the Enntek mats* of 2i feet per mile. The dis , ince ftom Cleivlsad .0 Zanesville would be 135 miles. On thin milli socks the sour from the lot '..ter weld be brought over this road. li is now transported by canal 165 males, at po cents per liar.; rel, much of it being reshipped al Amami- The Albany and Boston road carries flour through at 30 cents per barrel, the distance being 200 miler; , land the flour from Zanesville ought to be brought for the same prices over the proposed road. But we have a further and most powerful tugs, meat for oar road as being a part or link of the y Pittsburgh and Cinannaft Railroad. That I conanotion between these large calm binianrit Will Is made, no one can doubt- A _route an the easfaia'ofthe - OiPo,th impracticable me sho rt ening the benzine Mitch . if guy by th; river. It is doubtful whether alrouth can be fioutid on 'axii west side of the river, except to go so far west as to 50 round the hills. A route has just been surveyed leading from Pittsburgh west then' Wooster 10 Mansfield. Viotti Pil4bergfi te Woos ter is 122 =kat—A ha maximum gentle 7.4Beavnr, ga ing west. is forty (eat, generally not over 15 tee per mile. The highest summit is 526 feet above the Ohio river at Beaver, or 653 fost - abore Lake Erie. At Wooster would be the interstate= finin geave, land to Columbus. From Cincinnati to Xenia, 65 miles, Is over the Little Miama railroad, thence to Colombus, 51 miles, • railroad is building. From Cincinnati to Columbus ........166 miles ^ Columbus to W005ter..........122 " Wooster to Pittsburgh.......... 122 2090 140 460 500 500 100 880 398 5'75 292 4700 147 187 794 .147 maj.6os Casa 187 do 794 do Taylor. CUL 100 From-Cincinnati to Pittsburgh by the river 455 A mad connecting Pittsburgh , with. Quell:man ;nay be considered, u to the oAio Kier, a parallel road; and a road from the laker to St. Louis may be matted in the same lift& We have then the entire length . of the Oldo river i pantile rail 'Dad. Are rondo, anAthialchog on the banks of tbe Iderrinilel4 . thetanneettent.from Hartford to the Canal line; the Hudson Wool New York to Whitehall. Stock Is being taken Ara road from =to the month of theOttio, which will be par the Nl:lazisaircd, and its continuance is pro moted Waugh the interior of Illinois to Galena.— That Ram& running parallel with rest ateem bout thorn:Ohm con be trastatiusd, is well nigh !- • - tlettionstreed int*case of the Hu.-- • OM road; - Thrs' road is cOrestriticting along the-east bank , ate'ever, Whertithire is the beta steamboat nevi- • gadon on LhOonfitinent, and where 1,500,000 pas. aengens are transported during the Beaton, ofberitut fifty cents from Albany to New York The engineer of Ms - Rail road, in his report of May 31, 1848, anticipates an objection that the boats may put down the fare to ope shilling to get the travel from the road. His answer is, "on this point t am of the opinion the Rail road will do handsome business even though the Steam boats run for nothing." Hence this road•isbeing plashed forward with the greatest energy, several thousand men being at work, notwithstanding its emu will a. bout S50000:a mile. The argument fare parallel road on the Hudson will generally apply onthe Lakes and rivers of the West. When the Ohio is low a steamboat in live or six days going from Cincinna. ti to Pittsburgh. With a road between these cities and from the latter to Phdadelphis, two persons leaving Cincinnati at the iamb time nee by Rail road the other by steamboat, the will be in Philadelphia as soon as the other will have are. vedirt Wheeling. What say Cincinnatian to this! A writer in a late Pala. paper, speaking of the mad building from Phan. to PittsbMgh and that it will be complete within 70 miles of the latter place, by the end of 1819, says, "still the imperative necessity of an immediate extension pars passe of the road westward, to intersect the rail made from Cincinnati to the Lakes, is most manifest." Another argnment far our eastern road is, that it opens into an extensive coal region on and near the Walhonding. This will give access to the ci ties of Columbus and Cincinnati, and all the inter. mediate country, at all seasons to this invaluable mineral. Coal at the present time, in Cincinnati, is worth from 14 to 15 cents a bushel on account of low water in the Ohio,—usually it is from 10 to 12 cents. This coal region iv nearer to Cincinnati than any other. , We remark that the water power on and near he ;maim road as many fold greater than on the extern road. In the construction of the eastern road we enlist a large interest, for we command directly the aid of the cities of Pirtsbumb and Cincinnati. The line of oar road would occupy nearly the same ground from Cleveland to Black river, as the lino oftbe westem road; and this company is more. over authorised to make a branch to Wooster. A. P. The American Colentsatttin Society In need of Sundt. Coxamsanois Rams, Wasunerrotr, November 1, 1848. The peculiar condition in which we find our. selves now placed induces us to make an earnest appeal to all our friends, and to a benevolent pub. tic generaly, for assistance. Our last annual report closed with the Viewing paragraph: "$12,500 is the lowest possible estimate of the means indispensable to meet our present engagements. To prosecute vigorously and with advantage our operations during the year upon which we now enter, and not incur a heavy debt, wilrtberefore require at least 550,000. ° The first of the above estimate wait based neon the het that we were then $9,500 in debt, and had engaged to send 310 emigrants to Liberia. The last, upon the probability that many others would want to go, and ought to be sent. Since that time we have actually seat 443 erne. grants to Liberia, and have received applications to send from Baltimore 95 more, and front New Orleans 4722 If we had the meal to dispatch these 567 now waiting for a passage, it would make the number sent within the year 1,010. It therefore appears that the estimate which we made at the beginning of the year was much too low. Allowing $5O to pay for the transportation and support six months in Liberia °leach emigrant, it would acquire '550,500 for this single item.— The estimate of $50,000, therefore, does not cover simply the transportation and support of emigrants, leaving oat of view entirely the other expenses of the Society in this country and in Merin Let as now look a moment at our receipts thus far. Ten months of the year are now past. The total amount of our receipts ti $30,601,98. This' 1 is much below the proportion of,the, estimate $50.- 1000. Unless,ttheretbre, our leceipts are greatly increased during the remaining two months, we shall at the those of the year' fall abort of that esti. mate, which itacllfeils immensely short of our real demands. [ The relative condition of ow treasury now . Is bet., l I ter than it was at the beginning of the year, that is to say, we then estimated that 542,500 would pay ' the liabilities of the Society then due, and the exsl penises of 300 emigrants. We have paid those debts, sent out 443 emigrants, and our liabilities are now $2,543,3% which is only a fraction above what they were at the beginning of the year while our receipts are $11,698,02 below the estimate 512;40! This, we think, is sufficient to show that the af. fairs of the Society have, during the year thus far. been carried on with some energy and great era], eau. Our trends, who have coaributed to our funds, may therefore feel assured that their gifts have not been wasted or squandered in vain ex. permeate. We now coma to the burden of this appeal.— I From various sources we had been assured that sooner would be raised sufficient to transport ;II the emigrants who should desire to go to Liberia. On this baste we encouraged the spirit of emigre- lion, and request.' all who are anxious on the subject to apply to as. The exatsequence Is, that. lifter haring sent thiy year 44; there are now 587 waiting for a passage. We ere tinder *Ape to famish them use. They am all anxious to he oll; many of them impatient They are needed to Liberia. They ought not to be detained in this country. Bre tor hem KO got the arecee to /11141 tkeva.— Unless, therefore, OUT friends came immediately to our help, whlr can we do? The present debts of 1 the Society must be met. Allow $5O to pay the expenses of each of the 567 emigrants, and it makes 52e,250. Where shall this amount In ob.. mined 1 Of these persons, 152 are free; of whom, 8 reside in Connecticut; 6ln New Yor k ; lin this city; le in Ytrgitua .4 ; ism South Carolina t 27 m Indiana; 39 in 'sksuis; 33 in Tennessee; 2 M Ohio; and Bin - Thiessen How easy it would be for a few Individuals to each of those States to assume the reapensibility or sending the emigrants from their own Skate' The remaining 415 are slaves, the freedom of most of whom depends upon their etnigration to Liberia. Here la a field for the exercise of benevoleoce anti philanthropy upon the largest scale. Great and important as Ibis work is. we cannot go forward in it without means. We therefore present this statement of the case to our friends and the public generally, praying them to come at once, in their greatest liberahty to our Gatl3- Lance. Whatever funds are contributed, or can be rats ed, should be sent to us immediately, in order to secure the desired result. In behalf of the society W. hicLALS, Secretary. P. S. Papers friendly to the cause will please copy. Arrival of the Steamship Washington The steamship Wathungton, Capt. Cnabtee, ant v. ed at New York on Sunday night. She lett South. tampion on the 21 at ultimo, before the arrival of I the London train, and consequently Wags no later advice. than the British steamer which toiled fern ! Liverpool on the same day. She brings one hundred and live passengers and a large amount of freight. AmOng the passengers are leo. Glenn, Jr., Mrs. H. L Glenn, and Miss Mary Glenn, of Baltimore. The rumor of a fresh insurrection in Berlin, ap.. pears to be contimied by an article in the Lon don atandard, of the evening of the 20th ulumo. All Germany, north and .oath is in the agonrof a terrible and bloody revelation, and Europe on the verge ofgeneral war, and awful convulsion of every element of society. On the evening of the 12th, a public dinner was given at Bremen, to Captain Paulding. of the U. S. frigate Si. Larvreorm, sad his officers in their honor, at which a large oompthy sat:down, composed of the officers of the St. Lawrenbe, the liinerican lea captains in port, the commander: of the steamer Washington, the Senators and officers of the Bee. men government, and the principal merchants of the city, nunabering,:in all, 300 persons. The dinner was worthy of those wbo gave it, and was magnificently served. The best of humor and good feeling prevailed on this occa sion. In Hahlbunt . , 2,500 enses:of cholera have been reponetl-I.obo bdbiog prokf.4 ate!, t9q4 mc" - erect, and the nett were ender !heaths.; treounctic Lams Parrarrs's Pacirszre—Rurrusx serwact mit f.n. Gutzon—Mr. Gaillardet, Into editor of the N. Y. Courtier des Etats Ems, in writing to that journal from Paris, than speaks of the late King of the French and his family: certain letters may be credited, the enwoyal leanly suffers under the pressure of a poverty which seizes IA be unquestionable, after the report of M. Berryer to the onmrnitteb 'of fidanne; on the prepo sition of M. Fevre relative to the ootiliscituon of the private property belonging to the house. of Or leans. The report is against the confiscation, and recommends that the domain be continued under sequestration, its revenues being applied to the pay. mean of the numerous creditors. It proposes that the personal effects of the Princes be restored to them, and that an annual allowance be provided for l b.. yntil the liquidation, to which they have all consented, be compete. It W.CD II that stung 4tth of February the entire revenue from the fatal. fy domain 4aa been only 1,900,0011 frqrips, Tha debts amminaolo,ooQ AO, and litheellectiovhiat cm estimated not to niceed 50,Qh0:000 id falnet, were sold, the proceeds would scarcely be alifilPient to pay the creditors. Boob is the nano! 'dilution of that colossal fortune which the ei•&ing wassaid to have amassed. "The pinching poverty of the ex. royal famliy is made more painful, it is said, by indulgence in per ;later.] recrimination., which have brought about a total rupture between the King and his former Mint inter, M. Guisot. The latter has suffered also the withdrawal of other attachments, the ingratitude of which bits effected him more deeply than the loss of his sovereign's favor. In ■ letter to one of his friends he says that since the 24th of February,' he ban not bad a single line, in taken of remembarance, from M. Genie, his quondam conflenual seen. tary." A leimmaxes Smiummv.—qt would be a cam. fortable thing ill knowed just where I was hound for. Up street's got mixed with down street, and them's no such thing as cram street at all., The moon'icnusid, andlieeps tarinldn' and b4tildn' as if she had her eyes full at Macaboy. Now, what am Itodo t 11l stand still there's a very pleasant chums of going to Bleep standmg. If I goes to stir, hang me if I know which way I am trava➢in." twatte.sfrigric Titmemint. LATER. Carnayoluipme a the PLisbuttti Uneus. st. Penanicustia, Nov. In New York the Whip have every Congress. man in the Stale, except one—Hon. Welded King, who is claimed by the Fieesoilera In gew Jersey, the Whigs have elected par Congressmen, tied the Democrat. one. From Georgia, we have returns tram 16 coon. ties—Taylor gains 600 over last Congress voter when the total Democrallo majority was 07. We have nothing definite from Virginia or North Carolina. no South Carolina Legislature stood, on the vote for Presidential Electors—Cass 129—Tay. for 25. =EEO Pananar.anus., Nov. 9, ll} v. at. New Orleans, 1091 mai kor Taylor. Tbe State of Maine has gone for Gass by pleray- Walden Hooker is cleated to Congress in the 21st District of New York. PUILADEIMELt, Nov. 9,10 r. a. Despatches from the Macon Journal, dated Bth, say Georgia is safe far Taylor. Ohio City The fallowing letter has been handed to no for publication. It is from a gentbeman of Baum, well acquainted with the location and advantages of Ohio city. It will doubtless interest luny of our readers: Borrov,Oct.-7th, Dun Sur.—When I last met you in the West, you desired me to eon:momenta my views and Im pressions of the Mississippi Valley to you, on my return home. And you particularly desired my views in regard to the importance of Ohio city--a town recently sprung Into existence at the junction of the two great rivers--the Mississippi and Ohio. In my presecd, communication, I propose to con. fine my remarks to the importance of the month of the Ohio; and id subitaquetit letters, I will give you In detail, my general impressions is regard to the other strihingfeatures Ot the great West. My first sensation on reaching the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi, was otter asmelshment to see the continence of the two mightiest riven in the world, bringing together navigable waters of 6,500 miles it extent,olipost wholly unimproved: It seems incredible that cities numbering hundreds of thousands should have been built up in this corrm try, whilst th e most central point in the very heart of the fertile valley of the M is sissippi, with a navi gation of over 6,500 miles cm:arcing at it—bringing the trade of eleven of, the richest states In the union together at this point; and carrying the com merce to supply directly more than 5,000,000 of inhabitants should have retained nearly In a state of nature. If there were any great physical causes to prevent the growth of a city, at the mouth of the Ohio, then it would be a different thing; but there is at least upon the Missouri side afihe present site of Ohio City, as gOod ground above the reach of the highest goods as,could be desired fora great town; and the country for more than a hundred miles back of it, is rich in agriculmal and mineral products, as the most favored part of the great valley of the West. Besides the great extent of navigation centering at this point. you are aware that plans are on foot for constructing railroads, from Chicago, Charles• ban, Mobile, and Independence, all to terminate at this point. From the favorable disposition, mania feet by the last Congress, there min be little or no doubt, but that at the ensuing session, large grants of public land will be made for the construction of most, if not all these roads. When completed, and they are certain to be In a very few yearn, Warta. road will open to this point 2.500 miles of trade in addition to the MOO miles of river trade now in unfit. lance. There are 1206 staamboatnd 4000, keel boats now employed in this unde, carrying an aggregate annual tonnage of 10.22,160. The value of this tonnage is .14.141.51,24 0, nearly double tke raloe of the whole foreign commerce of the United States. The character of tbo navigation changes near the continence of the Mississippi and Ohio, which ren der it impossible Mr the huger class of boats trading from below to run any oonsiderable portion of the year above the month of the Ohio. This will lead to the establiiMment of separate Imes to run at the lower Mississippi, the Ohio, and the upper Mimi. sippi, to intersect at the mouth of the Ohio. It on ly requires the nem:assist facilities in wiring and trans-shipping toceacantraro the immense tr ade of the great Valley &the Mississippi at the mouth of the Ohio. In view of these facts, I regard the junction of the Ohio and Ituumisippi as the retain important in. tend point Upon the Amencao contittem. That ■ great My Meet. by the force of carcounstances, alone aptly intg esimeace at this point, no ass coo doubt who has molted it. And that the present aite of Ohm City from veriou. considerations, Moat to , the poled, I think is equally certain. As this point is never otntrucied stab ice, and as the connectio with !the Gulf o open at all seasons, it minders It the moot proper and desirable bastion far the wee tern armory. The present ute selected kw the armory is abut up a part of the year inth lea and aw water, and tbneornattreta tag* narMetthatlt regale utmost totpcntmuSelti - 44 - fhltwalatotr4txpoint aceesaible at all masons of the year. In Cat; Ml* point is the proper one for a general depot Moll United States Mres to mpply.the interior. This should be made by the General Government the general head quartets horn which they could tabour! : at all times, without delay or hindrance, men,. and the munztimut of war, to and port of the Linton where they might ho required. Truly yours. &army Tummy Atransts.--1, litykt.dful affray took place in Yellville, Marion county. ikr% lions., on tbe I.Sab ultimo, in which three men were killed aud several wounded. The Bates ville Eagle of the UM furnisher the following a., count of a . The town of Yellville, in Marion county, was on last Monday week the scent, of one date most frightful and dtsgraceful remora,ea that we have ever known. We would premise that for Many year. there bas been waged between the Tutu and their friends, on the one part, and the Zeta:. and their friends on the other, a Rag deadly kud. The war between the Montague, atid Ciptaletsdul not begin to equal it. It seems that a emu named Mooney, who belongs to the Everett wing, was badly beaten some three or four meek,!duce, and that the Everitt' and Mammy got tip a Clad of a , greemeneutiong themselves by which May ittidllie adherents formed themselves inlo• regulating pee ty, and declared that the Kings,Shah., Whams, and Hampton Tau most leave the county, On hitieday they all met at Yellville. Hampton Tontine *store there, and was prudent enough to keep ant of the way. lie knew that a row would be raised, and that they would, if possible, kill him. S. Turner, Esq. spoke there that day, and after the speaking, the two parnes. armed to the teeth, had entne4words and drew up in battle array, MO the matter ura• quieted and no outbreak look place. Towards evening, and when the peoplebed prettygermrally left for tome, theta - tit commeneed it Man By the name of Wilkins, of tbe L'vererparty, Au, down Jack King. Qt the same time, Sim. Ferrell bred st Sewla ir and missed bon. Sinclair mooed the shot, mortally wounding Everett. Lees brother was shot at by Bartlett Everett, the /Wing he *boulder he, in turn, shot Bartlett Ever* dead in his tracks. After Sim. Everett watt stiot,thgatber. et, a rock and pursued Sinclair; but BIWA* King, who had been shot in the beginning of, ftht, be turned on him and mashed his skull in nitMcking trimmer, and expired while in the let. Skis lived until morning. Wilkie was badly beauya. He was taken into custody, but made his esespe th at night. It is to be hoped that the people ciliation will unite in putting down these deedsof blood. We fegr, bow,ever, that tbe mapes l ps AI an add. Avuomoux—The Coinwerrio dal klata*Moo• tevideo, gives the &flowing revolting ac§orint of the execution ofen Irish priest and a yuturit woman whom he had seduced: : ..., .04 "A priest named Gutierrez, ex. of the parishof Socorro', in Buenos . Ayres, ' aced a young girl of twenty-two, named Ca (Mors matr,tho deenlilej of fezP , OFlklF,kil.V.F4 6, .4 ci ed With he r in disgtese to the orttroazo 01. ilkeaaaa, where they remained engaged in lettaltall rolooo o l until discovered and denounced byruz Irbil,: pried f re 7 named Gannon. Outlines was Ita : 17 oon domed, together with the yawl , , ' 'Goya to Rosario, In a semi hound to end 01. re• mining theta Mr a few days, exposed ill the r i el a malice awl calumny and insult, were : ti ght be fore Roses, and both condemned to death, "Finding that Camilla was enciskand , will. Mg to stpona liar exectition aim eh r ott , tli, o vas offored that tie child aboard be hip 'aild themrder waroaecempathed•bylkittidel , 4 irit of mockbryi holy water ilochr lhao, tota,hers titteat: .4i Ocp Warn friao tako. Ng OW, ilisit daged, to the place ofesecation, i gi ugg who was walking at glean* 44 ag0..4 lied. 'lt Is I—my child has been chlistened, ' OI am now content to die. Do not orforO far to Bo great was the horror felt a tho impels ... trace, that oven the soldieno ac. castomed,aellocil.Welo-lo- coiled ae the order to tire upon the tab Was given. One of the executioners fidated,Unasuoth- T__ j et while aiming Comilla, turned aside hi bead. rey were adiged to fire three dlschargeS before tin; not wns.fu4 consihrtauded. itt - the t the °wawa wee unsogehed, tiS this: seciao ab a was only slightly wounded, and at the thud. ablate& "What moat have been the feelings of thi rather of the wretohed girl, and the Irish priest gannott, the former of whom had informed Rosa* of his daughter's light Immediately on its disebvegy, and had procured a search to be -instituted for `{fie &res. . _ "Camilla crGorman, who, had she lired,f would now have ;Accomplished her twenty:lbn year, was an excellent pianist end *utast Vbeizeon. lion wok place on Friday,Angtutlfitb, At 101' and the bodies of the lovers were placed a box made km Wie purpose. 7 " c r, Vna,ancous.,...The telegraptsposts thietode of Bedford, 63r the space of haLf a mile, Wire out down, on Wednesday night, and the *lre eleapped to piecea This is the third timein isinanypights. This is a malicious .villainy which otlghi to•bo ,verely punished. . , CERCI/CULTI AW Prtvasanton.--The artiele we give usday,Trom the Cleveland Herald, in Uneaten to a Balm] from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, is of much importance, and ought to be of great lames to oar citizens. IM=2=E sistmcca rar. nor iimsemitivi minx cultism COI:2r or 4 ::Lt4iTtli Bamoins. • Pio' Tee' terday, in the case of Cotnih. vs. Midi and Terry, acquitted Davis, end convicted The case next taken up waa that of Conith. vs' Andrew Rimini' and Gangs Robinson, charged with stealing a watch from Norton, now a prisoner in jail,rintiting sentence. The watch arm alleged to have been taken from Norton's cell by Shams, and by him given to Robinson.— All the material witnesses are now in jail, or out on bail, awaiting sentence for offences. The jury acquitted both the accused. John ionea„rVirm. Jones. Jas. Irwin and Jahn Ne son, & miserable, sickly looking set of mere boys charged with rape, were discharged by proclama , Lion—the jury havingignored indictment. The case of (~meth. vs. Michael O'Shea, an old offender, now indicted for stealing caps from Henry Pratt and Win. Illginbotham, Of Allegheny city, was next tried. O'Shea was acquitted on the charge of stealing a cap front Pratt--convietedofsterdirg two foam High:l6°6am. The next case wee that of Conetti. ms. Heap Gatemen and F. Kraus, Indicted for annuli and battery on Leonard Smith: The Matins were all Ditch, the witnesses of the same. class, and the witnesses seemed to be unable to understand the hard words used by the Attorneys. The case was not concluded when the Court adjourned. Pirtto:Hsta.—The performance of Knead Op. era Troupe at Philo Hall, last night, WWI a display of musical talent rarely to be met with. Mr. Kneen in an old favoziti here, and be brings with tum a strength of musical talent that must secure hint popular favor wherever he goes. They per. Gana at the Hall again this evening and to-morrow evening. See advertisement ASSAD= AND BAIIIIX CAMS wimpy too much of the time of our Criminal Court. They should be decided before a Mayor's Court, and the pities be compelled to pay all the costs, in all cases. lice would be as wall served—the people would save expense, and the number of suits would be diminished. A Gams, amouating almost to it riot, occurred yesterday, on Wood, near Second street, owing to an attempt on the part of some cronies of s drun ken fellow to prevent officer Wallace from taking him to the Mayor's cells. Mary Delimy mas informed against yesterday, 4.r keeping a disorderly house. Officer Hague brought her befits Alderman bteele. She proaur - ed bail Alleighesay Cemetery nib Edam of de Pittsburgh Gazatc • In reply to "Downright," allow me to say that his wishes relative ton receiving vault will, without delay, be attended mu. The Managers ,did contract for the erection of one within the limits Of the city, bat their wishes were frustrated by an apprehension, upon the port of the Trustees of Ithe Flint Presbytenan Church, that in periods of epidemic It might be deleterious to the health of those residing la the neighborhood I concur with your correspondent in his views of expensive Mama* and so fir as the managers can, they will earictivor to correct the evil. ALLAQUIPPA. Mr Cm rue Pura Musaa—!f you with to be ne er-meet la ony undertaking, yen mein always 'use the comer reran.' Therefore, If you have • covet, um Jerior• Ezriteronarr and be cured, in it Is the proper meatus. Have you Astrous or dim.ohy a breathing, then the only egiebeer !means to ease pre to to use Jayne'. Repectoranyiehleb will immediatelyovercome the which contracts the diameter of the tubes, Lod 10c0.,,. and Wimp op th e mucus wine-ti clogs them op, &lid than removes srvery obstruction 10 a tree reepi- Mum. while at the senor time all inianunation is sub dued, and . core nyectutin to be effected. Have you Bpi Bronchitis, Bpi of Blood, Pleartity, ar to fact any Pulmonary Adm. ei, th en us Jayus% Expectorant and relief is ce a. anti you will ,irili that you have used the proper m s„ For eAde Le :ugh u the Pelrip Toe Bum, 72 th street near Wood. 1= 77 1 I Comas two di:sum—The frequent changes In the weather at tits mama at the year, invariably brag along with Mem roughs and cold', which by timely attentson an easily eared b simple seassalies 8/11, LEAS' th1PE11.1.4.1. COUGH SYRUP hns bean in me for the last kg year., and ha gainssrl mann reputation for the ease of cough* leo. mammas active medical treatment) than any other preparation over offered to the Mumma of Allegheny commis The imperial cou g h Srup la very pleasant to the tames cud, as Mt. or. unt. is peat (+yenta with cluldran. doses are carefully gresioated, la the thrections, to sum alt ages. Tint the leas alit and hithltP.Vtlif cough comedy may be .rutati the math of out, it is sold at the leer pace of 25 scats per bold.. . . . Prepared sod sold try R. F. 37 Rood riusburgto D. M. Curry, !tinhorn', and MMisul P. luil7 b` 2o .' 40 4 .• °col /Arxrs Far=owrz—Virii weal! can mama ur We excellent rusted} tin Coughs, Ws* Cooneroptiiiii, awbnia, and all aSeetloci. of tlw Throat and Laura Raring several dons within a few year, put bed eerie elon m rule • medicine edible kind, we keive;by experi ence wend as excellent qualities, and ate prepared to recommend it to meets- Ministers or oilier piabile gaiety,* afflicted with brand:nal adectioas will find gm, benefit from Its arta It is prepared by a serienn. Lc pbyelcian, and all amuses will find it • note and eik. cation• medicine in the Mecums for winch It a re coormended.--{Colombas (Ohio) Crow and ]onrnag Fur sale al the Pekin Tea Buena No, TO Poona Wag. tom MP The oat., AngoLo expreurpn of some ferq..._ grateful to mew, while the reßlOva, coarse, Mir yellow feet* of ethers, cicitey diagest--Me {rube mi. mules. Cquld atoll persple=mtuend tO try cake of the true Joss' I tan M. Scrap, May would Ise enraptured with the change. They *road have a doh cam, clear, white skin, addle every. disfigureeneurvor orepison would be removed endeared. Faanceuvr Sinumr—Fermas who have bought sheep counterfert. and Mambo= of this, and have had no ef feet produced, must try this, the original.Nord, ask for Jo e.' 9oap. For sale at Wm. JamsoM, Ere Lrber ty StrGel. mare* Ile .IPLartai linnet Razor roe en. Lula Con sumes—The prop:hams of W. celebrated medmine ate in daily veceipt of the most eratlfying tecomoniath as to the excellence of this, a remedy Dr. IdtLenets Live: 1.111, in case. which had been 'von op as incu rable by the runt akilfel physicians, ve been eared Immediately, do .non Si these Pills wens adettnisterrd_ These eertilleatea bare been publisMW ‘ _and base been SO URIOCITOiII, that It Ls now an esteblished fact that fiFLanVe Liver Pills an the best medicine ever offered tot the ewe of Hepatic datRIVIMIGIII. lase RO time, therefore, ye that seder ondee that worst of motarigea, the UK, Complaint, bat hasten to parchase and use them Pill.. For lathe at the Deng blocs of nowt I JUDD k Co, 00 wood at [ll7 . DR1.71. S the bans of many a man's exist ence. No tongue can describe the seemly. ceased by this distressing disease. It nat ma (or his sts unit in life, whatever-it may be, and make him Rol 14.11 though be would rather not es:Lathan endure such minert'. Yet these sabrinp ars ptortneed in the first place by derangement of t h e stomach, ar.4 tf:1411 sees. met by siting li . Falinesteers Anti-BAlions PURI, the bowels wriald be shun:watt, aeustmlation o f bile carried ofr. and a speedy and mire rant obtained. Prepsted and sold by EL A. FAIINESTOCK & Co, cornet Ist and wood, also comer fhb and wood sts. intlB Woz, SPIMITC.-51'Lane's Vamlfogel— This Meal noble remedy for worms, is mildly supplanting all °thers in public estimation. Whom it Is used n has produced the ban effects, and driven out all tither rem edit► ult is the best they have ever men," is the re mark of oil who have ever used it in their families 'Teas Bramos, Einem Co. Than. / eb. Iflth, 184 d. 9. Kidd received a lot F of Itri f one's Vomit ing° from your agent lasts ring, whteh tepid. bill one wpeg., to INeo d /Aye wild one thousand bred. , by this llole• it . coal hate gos It, but not know. •I hate to gat it, I had lb wan until yens agent eat. amend. Every promo that has tried M.Manes Venia lness, tell rue it Ls the beat they ham ever seen. In font it is impossible for any one to oy ten much in flan of Hulse 'a Et Verimfoge. W. R. ROBB A genuine article of the above valuable me th ne can be had at the drag store of acid° I KIDD &Co, 60 wood It V . TIVIMONT an farm Of p.. hPLesn's liver t i lls. It would be may to 511 a 'solo:ll . 64Mb ueirusti, o f Ms ezeollesiee of this tatbdloifter: WhMeyetiOttis . SUM! iiiii+VmdAo ;Melt Popolur. WO Imo mom pus -4:. tetepa itultdritli otiaderslle titp nartmitni; YeSSl9;ussoli. N. ~ DCC. lik, 1647. Menus Bum Ico a lOW trl•Cl njlage at /Mt midi me s short liar sine*, a quandry llPLean.s Lluer Pills. The witote lot sold very rep 1 7 , Ilipd Save the highosistatientotlon. indeed his considsmed the best modicum of the kind over oferredfor MM. Please send me another supply as soon as possible. • . IV lI:AINSWORTH A genuine snick of thccabove valoabla rckclicino can be had ac the dreg more cf.! Kidd tato., No. 61 . Nvnla .12zet.' stPtl, • 13e esressrve lie - rtc t a...4 10b0. of btlq la venal:loam w cause vielet v l4birOpri tAto dleti• Live aso LIN 1 .4 l UMMU'inet ble Ocia, yilOch aim pot an an pi iv:, The stomach Will be Ckcansda of thole foul nacre and ibis can gold readily ba accomplished by rho use oar A Paha attack's Anllrliblioas P/la tableh aro • most valuable family cathartic. The au, be wen *lb peaty at all times, and afford retie in a very short Was. Prepared and sold by D A PAIIISIISPPOCK d. Co, corner Ist sod wood, and corner 4.lth and wood sts. DWI Witte yelloof task Can • mida petaly white. by one urns asinli ► box of Jones Amber 'roods Paste It horde.. the gun, raceme. the ercady Iso. • Bold at EIS [ahem n . earllklkorlya ' , That whiter alawathewb=47, Antl pqty giOniuritinal All (Imam have nkin Abaft W Axe Ames fly Lily AVAAA. two per* snowy, yea Amu ally whit. Hold al AA Liberty WAAL jyly W. Pi. Weight, N. D. Dentist, 0771C2 end residence on Fonts Ern; opposite the Pitlabod taw 9 o lgh Buck '. Mee b P. oors food 9 o'clock to 12 A At, a aclock to 5 M. see iy . BOOT AND ISBOB WAREBOIIIB. NO. 52 WOOD ST., BETWEEN; ai AND ct R. TANNER 00., yor r r co.pv ate:data and Viele se ao g orm gr Om; Welk W 144 is one of gie, Wog to found In aergablirborai the a:malty, and eoasiru or. vat? awl seasearible aped., ex praasiy omp,esi (as Is size sad okoolir to Weetere cake. ' :ices will compare fasanply Fiat. Terms liberal. porbow Dr 0. 0. Stemma. DougLrt, rand& at Dim lietick's, on Fourth enect, mais V doors dome Wood =met, 00111 the moping= or the bonze nearly opposite. Teeth he Moelts, mo p a w samsOular Ma gunner war tralrersally prel.r. red at thseast, omonfaetased to .0 =oh p • a.= Teeth, From a fall set down to. sins o = , sated= a notion pima thug avoiding In natural teeth.. Specimens of blocks of gamma plow may be tzsgesned at tbe r ogue. Au opegetleMg incident te. th. Preession paten.' loth can end thithetheees. aseYlNho . , . nOost — iraiirtki*.ditalt . - 1 1 1 ..wilicrg - Jr. adifilehttialpi lomat& A. Loos S. ROSE, diediseorarer and role pre. p n. Priates of he most meat awl beaeleiat med ia alio Abe inventos. of the eeleisided i n stre. meet or inflating the i.e..m in effeeting , ease of Chronic diseases, eras a mannt of that enanant phssi eisn. Doctor Phrie, ladle • gradersteof the thrusressi -17 of Perussylvanta, and for thirty sears gone has been enosed in the invesuration of dimise, and the appli cation of remedies- thereto. . . I hrou6the Me of hisMdating tube, in collnettiOrt with rdsPrWrylaette Syrup and °there( Ms tausedYres he has gained an anparalelhul eminence in curing show dreadful and fatal maltitlies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, lterofala, Ebeirmatism, Asthma, Parer and Ague , Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, end all thom obstinate diseases peculiar to kniales. Indeed every farm of disease vanishes under the use of his remedies, to which humanity I. heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is tneartutatsble with Physiological Lam, but by the use of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each pecaLiar loom of disease. Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pine, when used ve in. variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, litumuih as they Icave the bowels perfectly free from costiveness; as also his Golden Piths is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted to remitle diseases, but being aatisfled that • bare trial is andlcient to establish what has been said in the minds of the most skeptical. The afflicted are Invited to call upon the agent, and procure (penis) one of the Doctor's , :i4 &detailed aecaunt °teach remedy and its appucauma. Pm sale by the foltowing agents, as well as by most Druggints throughout the countqi J Bchoonmaker & Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh; 5.1 Townsend, druggist, 45 Market at " Lea A Beckham, near the P. O. Allegheny city; Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver minty, Ps... Jon Elliott, Ennon Valley, " T Adams, Beaver, " novlo4l ly DA IV OING SCHOOL. A BONNAFFON respectfully informs the citizens jok e of Pittsburgh and Allegheny sines, that he will open his school on Friday, the 17th lost, at the new room, Washington Hall, No. 135 Wood street, above Flab. This room will combine beauty, splendor, fort and convenience, being in the second story, and ' fated up with taste and style, the proprietor, Mr. Fur- 1 Simmons, having spared no to make it corpus all others In the city. The days and boors of iniuso will be as follows, every Friday and Saturday of each w, at a o'clock, P. AL for young Ladies; at 6 dell, P.M.. for Masters, and at B for Gentlemen. /inferences sill be required/tom applicants unknown to A. B. For terms and panic:tiers apply at A. B.'s residence, Market street, near Third, or at the Hall. on the above dais and hours. novlo-3 , —r--- LOST—A Letter, between nFtfth street and the Post Office, yesterday near ld o'clock, addressed "Ev erett A Engles, Philadelphia,. containing a Note drawn by I. Williams for S3OO, dated October Pay of same Ls stopped, and purchase» are eantioned from la= the same. ROBINSON, Full. at . SCAROB GOODS—Magazine Sloe Parmettos—W Ft Murphy, north cast corner 4th and Market as, has au assortment of these scarce and desirable goods. ClmaY Crape and Crape Use —Magasine blue, paper amblin, kyb dad Gemini», de. novlo FT:NCH CLOAKS— mob embroidered French Climbs, just imponed and for sale at the cheap one price more, No Go Minket street price A A MASON & Co NEW ORLEANS SUGAR-84 hhd. N 0 Bug.; vary supeio, ankle, for We by ocrylo4ll3l. DT AIORCiAN & Co WL' WOOL!!— The Wilmot market pia m h will be paid far iba different grades of NVool, S k tl7 IiARBAUOII, naviO 63 wager and 104 front it 11.°"'k713 CRLIAIid CHEESE—A few boxes very superior Cream Cheese, just received by SAWh a rp HARBAUOI I OAP-811 Wins Cincinnati Soap, fust Wading and 1..7 for able by novlo 8 k W ILAILBAUGH_ FOUND—A Pockat Book containing • sum of money, which the owner can have by calling at W. T. kPCLURCPB, :No l 0 Liberty strrct, provisot property and paying for Ws notice. watt-dal JUST RECEI V F.D, • large stock of Ulf. mod Cot tab Diaper. novit A A MASON Oo SUNDRIEL4=I cut Bacon; f bss do; 4 sacks Fea thers.; 4 bb. Flaxseed, mot rest/ and for sale by nosti C H GILM4T,4t water st C10 . 1"J . 0 , 1 4 -I .w lbelesinforior Cotton, (o m, m • ore end r nior9 arPr b dYii BOWEN, 90 front et ABU 01L-12 boob Winter Lard Oib just reed j4 (or role by BUR /MIDGE. Nll ON CO & 004 water 0 DRIED 11 ACHi 2bush just reed and for sale by novli BROWN A CULBLItTSON OUNDRV 110 METAL—I 2 tom superior Foundry F frees lon furnace, Ilanungdon county, Pa., for .ale OX, Dave KIER JON ES, Canal Burp 111 ME BACON SIDES-0 caul. Bacon Sider, bar P vale by ovtl WEB A NE LIDItiIE METAL-6 ton. Forge Metal, for sale by E twee BIER re JONES te l 7s y YRODUCE—bUD !web Oatsi IC/ kegs Bauer, 4 bbl. Roll Bauer, 20 bbl. Flour , loodukg from Like Rne owl LOko, .pd (or sale low to close ewowlro mew., by 000 d JAM E$ DILLZEI4._ pAR-21V bbl. North Carolina Tar, 4‘ large barrel j nod good order, for by noye TAAFFE & O'CONNOR GERMAN CLAY—aI bm German Clay mill be sold lor• m elosa a conmiromem, by nord TRAFFE tr. O'CONNOR PEARL ASH-1S east., pure article, in snare and tot aide by nal,. TA.YiNtiIY tr. ausT Ukttliatil•PlAilis AN 0 t'il,—allibutb Dneil Ll Peaches; Ina do do Apples; reed and for sale by non. TASSEY . it BEST LEAD-mw pig Galena Lead, from star Roscoe for ule by nov7 FRIkND EWEN & Co begs, pea . Yankee, for sale by FRIEND, RIMY & Co 1161ts4giimits Johl nov7 R ROBISON k Ca, Hnt amity vt. ROLL DLTTER—A fear bbl. fresh, just reed IQ by fnov7l R ROBISON a. Co. pAPEß—Foolavy and Loner, for sale by oent7 C ARBUTHNOT jnIA63. MAUNESIA—I c-000 )( 3 N atiN i c; sole ri by 0027 • --- - SALTS—I cue jun rec'd and for ante 1-.1 by _ _. _octr _JoHN D WNW AN Md. stnetly 1:41/90 N odour, for 011 - 16 oby Aro= EtAtiALpY 9241111 PE4trtili, hill, Rio Coffee; 110 do Black Pepper, 33 do Pimeutp, Cat. Ude by aC4• ILiGALEY & SMITH SODA - AAA-13 casks reed and for sale by «c 24 TASSKY ‘B7 A.tiTiO—A Cooper who een matte For!gar rets, to go down the river—steady work and good wage. Apply to oerthi J SCHOONMAIMIt & Co IRUS l) NAIL-o 5 tons Warted billion;SOO logs lined Nails, too lona Pig Iron, for solo by nob R ROBISON k Co lODFISH-2 caak■ prison Cod Ash, for slate by cri WICK & APCANDLESS BEED—I7 bbd last m'trand for We by WICK & ECCANDLESS T ARlr—t7 keg* No 1 Leal Lard, received by Rua Michirso and for .ate by oecs3 GIBBED HEARING-15 just nro'd and for h r megi WICK d. hirCANDLESS Pluto-'scat. ti. 11. 1 - - rceNl LI and for sale by • • - - - - - • - 9 F VON BONNHORST 1. Co TJNAVY CANTON FLANNEI-...--A supply )11 reCared at the Dry Goods House of' • 0c1.25 •W R MURPHY rrANNEFIik VIL-60 bids StraiVe Oil, landing and hr .ale by itori JASpazia.z. 11'0P&-2 bake pnine Ohio, growth NO, recd and for sale toy ellit C pai h rjl , /AL4P-2 curia just reed anti for anic by R E SELLERS, 67 wood or . _ DOW'D RHURARD —6 ea.• for sale by oov4 R E SELLERS DAD3AM COPAVIA-200 lb. for wale by B_ R E noY4 DOSE PINK-3 bbl. (3t by oY4 E SELLERS GUM 13114LAC-3 cues pa Lec'd and for able by ne•4 R H NELLPIRS TI ARLELY OIL--; gross for sale' by SELLERS M AX . ? , —2 tubs just sec% and i ftr is s i : . etry ERs LARD 011-10 bbli prune No I Lard Oil, Ju n and for Sale by nova SELLERS b. NICOL.a LINSEED OlL—ad bbl. Linseed Oil, jam ree'd and for sale by nov3 SELLERS & tiII3OLS B ICON -40,000 lb. BacW/CKon Sides, 4.3 in sliand lok sale y tvg . novil iaarrr Wand als T. A tiE.--% kWilon m011941°1 . mite by 8 y 3 WICK & kICANDLESS OkiiSTNUTS-31 bindiele reo'd and for sale by V nova WICK ik M'CANDLESB BuTrEli-2 kegs arrived and for We by nova WICK &bI'CANDLESS QALERATUP-18 casks for solo by g_nov3 TOOTASH—S cask! fq. ' I- nova WICK d hTCANDLEZS LIMLCHINGS-4 Ws for kite by , astf 3 _ • • •,• FMOLY moll 41111 al.spuip; remull flour, rcTs•lß.bt _ T.ka, Wielx ArCANDLESS Ibs !Cy Feathers, recd sod for •ale h mor3 /AS A HUTCHISON A Co NO. SUGAR-300 bbd. N 0 Sugar, tbr sale by . nor 3 JAS AHU TOISISON &Co Q H. 310LAESSOS—I00 bbla St Louis SUpll !Molasses, for sale by nos 3 JAS A NUTC.GON 4 Co AEFINED !WC! ..F . —.4;14 otai tiodll Loaf, No. 4, I, 0 and 1:i CMaSeit 110 do Clarified, for sale 4 i JAS A HUTCHISON & Co, Agents Si Louis Steam Helinery, nov3 ______4lvrater and IN front at CIOLDEN SYRUP—In bbl., b.lfbbl., and 40 gall. kegs, tootle by bovS 448 A Vrcjwy #. Co CIODK:M3II4 tasVa soda flt,oete'a I:banana. 447 turd Ity Ale, to aritlaa, Fourres DUNCAN IT first .t SOAP-4eobu Soap, tn.tore and for .ale by co m FORSYTII!. DUNCAN WrARIEOATED ki.lo-26 lb. I. box, jitarree'd and V foe sale by inet27 JOHN 1) hlO/I.OAN 0. SUO4R-60 htids Prime, to store and for tale . at the lowest market pnee, for cash or arrayed Ws, by W Id IifITCHELT)LbE, want 16U Ltbnin at A PPLIZ-60 bbl. OrseA l'iastAVl Just Sec\ 4 wiar_q t ....v, lox ! !6_4. - gru.A.4. l kA_poki . tiorm;vAtiNitm—to bblu Fttuattre 14434, %,/ ihelteoftetalftyr nou4 ICHOONMARER & Co 0 AND PAYED, ADVATED-1.00 mune Whceintg lilmtilre k and &WM ankle, recommended ..upc• libr 4) WI Won: , b/ the market tkove J SCHOONSLAKER et Co LAMP BLACK-4 esak. jut reedandfor - i•is trove JOHN D IdOROAN_ T AHD 011,—Wiszlin strained - , — tar sale ni — rYibil by jj amt. lOfIH D MODDeN GARDEN BETIA ebolce .opply of tomb Garden Seeds eine, Yei 1819, Just reeki and for sal* by . nov6 JOHN D HORGAN _ _ HSTAHLI-1. bbl gronadllintard, for nay by jli nov6 JOHN U MOlbuAra GLUE -3XO lbs J'""""4 *"4 "1 ; soy, AUCTION ; a ,Tone D. Davila, Am icti Idsrgs Stock of Staple andFO if d.. 1. On Monday morning, N0..11, jig Ifickel Commercial Palos Room. Corner of., Wag. mem', will be sold, withotn res . erre, for e tensile Issonnient of fall and lender mac Dry Goals, co nalstlog of soperfine Lando black cloths French sod run s =l:,,rl=ets, llPerlergally r and black satin, satin and magma ribands, sill hdkfs, shawls in gitzusszlosy, Hoc. 4 1 cloths, hosiery, cloves, cheeks, sicking', DI brown mnslins,7hc. At 9 de:ock. A quan G-rocer tity o a f 1r H r, chownsiv 111 r., Forniton, tea m chests and hese* w'sh other groceries, le b. Va comnifaentrmi pi a "Rhin and "Rapping paper, VlSCner eking and glassware, samatel cloaks, lewkint girs's*, lamps, window blinds, tablevas and forks, waiters, tinware, de A general assortment of new and me d hand home bald and kitchen fornitore, trona a removing from the city. AL 6 1,k Ready made etotklng. bdots an d Yana., gold and .11- ver watches, fine, cutlery, allot tuna, pistols, valley goods, Ate. =ale Last and aoririg 244 o f Brat On Saturday evening, Nov. 11, at 6 cealock, al the Commercial Sales Roma, comas of Wood and Fifth streets, mill be sold, a large collection of new Backs, embracing a general asaqrtmetlt in the 'various de departments ofliMrotam mad anien.. Splendid an nuals I. rich bindings, finsilf r .and pocket blblet in great variety, bias* booksi letter and cap 'uniting pa per of fine quality, Bard 16,112%46er4 gold pent. Sale posture, to close a conuticnt• J novlo J JIN DDA 18, Anct. Label-1y Stme Proprrigt at Amnon. On Thursday, November 10th, at 3 o'clock, I'. hl., will be sold on the premise., two very . Lou, ODIIIDO on the ninth aide of idoerty meet, at the corner of Hay st, having each a front 0(94 feet on Liberty stre et, and extending bank 300 feet, to an alley VD feet wide. This property alba most desirable for either private dwellings or bwilneas porpMes of any now to be had in that beautiful part of the may. Terms al oovlo . J(111. 5 4 D DAYLI, Awn As.rigneiJ Sala at 1U6.-704 On smuni•Y. N.. t owoce, P. At.: will be sold by ord. of Alex. WUht , Esg,Assigsea doe'd, at the point in dm borough of litliKeesport, in sight of the pmt/e., the klliounng desirable pro perty, which is considered worth 816,11,1) 10 113333 A consisting of 43 a.O of excellent Coal, with the pri vilege its a larger want adjoinixig, and oboist 49 acres of land on widen is erected Ibitor U dweiting two coat rail roads and other improvement. NT carry ing ea the coal business at she least expense and most profitable manner. • • .. ..... . The above property is wonky the attention of rapt llilsts wishing to make n Safe .and very profitable in vestment, as well se those wislong to engage in th coal beanie., as it must be sold to order to close th. tollennt. ~ . Term•, which are liberal, veill be made karma a 'ales. bor7 JOHN DUAVIB , Anat. GREAT COMBINATION OF TALIMPITI 1 It NEARS' kW H.L.L..."1141El IUPERA TROUPK: ' The Original Ilakr/ii Illeruschalatallt lA, ILL exhibit at Patio Hsu" on THURSDAY, VT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ath, 10th and 11th of November, on which ohcision WIR be :produced a series of Entensinments hitherto unsurpassed or equalled, for talent, refits meat, originality and excel lence—eonststmg of selehttone from the most celebra ted Operas of NORMA, FRA DIAVOLO, ERNANI, SONINAMBULA, ne.; and tut entire neWselection of Piecea, Songs, Duette Glens, phantasms, and beautiful Elkton!. Melodies—lntroducing the following emi nent performers: M. Fournier, the great FFAch Aetna:Geier And Barlione, (Manager.) ProfessorKneus, the ealebtated HOcupOier Sod Pi anist, (Musical Director.) ' • Herr Gaigano, the wooderßtl Tyrolean Warbler And Double Bak , W. Roark, the unrivalled performer on the Baser, P. IL Keenan, the extraordinary and , custualled Daniels!: Mr. Farrell, the accomplished god basinful Viollr t ist. Me. T. Waddee, renowned u antigens; and Bas.' Mr. J. Waddee, the beintihd Tenor and Contraelte; Mr. Campbell, celebrated a tropran&and Buffo. All of whom writ appear to the above Mall in • se ttee of unequalled performance.- Er Tickets of edmisalTatceote c,;y Doom open at 7 o.c , commence at pee- For particulars, see propuibmes of the day. norS AliD..-Nevainbiar Rah, 18419. W -- R bIITHPH_,V Oartkiast turner Ath and Mar y . bet arena rinaburgb, lam now Completed the opening of a second large supply of Dry Hoods for the 114.044, and can oder to buyers an assorMsent to select from, rarely to be found at Wain:Named pan of the mason. Pardendae ationdocriseakedin his largastoek of BROADCLOTH& • French. EegUsh and Antetica, of alLdesirable co lors, suitable for dress coats and cloaks; also, Coast mons. • lane. Mortreourat, including wool dye and French block; Doeskin; Fancy do, from the low pnee of eta (all wool) up to th e anon qualities alto. fiend., a large stook of Bannon; COVE.. and Under s hot. ti n e d Drawm, Eta. LADiEtil 1111h1i3 000DS, In ati their variety. Cowan' Merchants and Merchant Taira are illTi ted m osaamis his wink, in Wholesale Rooms, second r) ICH DRESS GOODS, pee I'cent:tempt Ear*. It, —A A. no. Co, No al kat steeet, vlll open Chi, In.rhiell, Slab Deep :60011s, dßoprisirli the followlpg styles, Os: Satin plaid WI Inca, a tense arti cle,and ;he richest goods imported thy; swat; ell wool Plaid., hig h eolosb and clinics styls, cll wool Caahmerqs and Mona dALdillold .11ne Coburg sod Lto. .taped Cloths, of any deeeritichle evade arid color. Sum stssped Cashmeres, in anxiety. posh ONO AND SQUANE SHAWIS4 A Mason : 14 Co, 613 Market ay have Just.rec'd pre Wert torpor , tenons, ED dos Long and Squire Shairls, inctudiog plaid Loris Shawls, of the rlehert colori and choicest patter.. Comfortable Wool M BbArrla of every decetip, lion .ad at uniformly to ir em. • bora • To raw.._ • A CONVENIENT two. Amy Mick Dwelling Ai: M..liettse, on Ross street , Eaqaire of: \% I. IL WILLIAMS, Wood load as ou fIREErAPPra t t 1-11 - 5 bbl. NI Pippin; 5 do hollow ;mid Pippin; 12 do Golden do 3dO Lancialuta Woo 4 dp Sytheaborgi 1 do Itlatcoopth Now 1 .3. 1 .3 a 132121,244 illwifornie by ooWI 1.11 WATERMAN falrpollyncile Viirittellang Goods: — Strrn Jammu" 45 - Market meat, have just received a largo stock of skins, ongspwcon stocks, fancy and black silk cravats, ?mark haste ry, llama bad gloat's,. lee, Gentlemen an urriten to call and examme Meta as they an supposed to be cheap. _ Bin, ger Primps & L •• Novemberl, gths. TPresident and Dliceicse 41 . 014 break have 'a 1. day &eland a dividend st pap', per cant. foe the Wt .to months, payable t Slgglatoldets,or their legal representalives . ity4,i4;b_ novldAvc NEIN SISTYDI Exmairos Baas or E . 1:1=1=11) : a November?, W4B. rrHIS Beek h. thi s day declared • divulcad of our 1 per card on m Capual Stocky out ofithe prod. of the last .Is MOBBee, payable on Of adarlhe 12th lost noredtd THOS., ht. HONE, V.= Nom 7 PmU l len 6 re_ rrIlE &Umbel:us' an 4 14.1afaelttrece Munk has L day declared a .I.trAenol or Mr pa! cent. on the Capital Slock,oul of tab *aster tne, Lest di ties aor.3 • W. R. r. TNRIE.I) FRUIT-42Q bush D r eA4 Pe4Ayam, IpU do LA Dried Apples, now aop, tulkng and Coe ash bv, novl .ra t of, 4111Trl,t DACON —A sm . Al,l . flo4o tholes, • ' WGTIJ . lc ROB LORI = RAISINS—WO buII: 04 .0 4. ; fS gr do do; )ml tocelved and for tale by novl BROWN & CULBERTSON kr rye by c - titiAVNL.ti*,zw T' d nov I ALUM—Io 1114T41W E r.3°. ‘ l 141k.isli /red Od fig unie noivt ORO%VN OILTERTSON TW4C°:—t!P receibed tt. bn .S.QinFd Omit. insists s. t To. butt:, 'rut wad RiN. • norl BROWN' • CULBERTSON 5 i t o a stt r rePtog Tobaseo I,jure r e antf,c,iovl _ _ _ LRowr a cuLinurraoN 5 - CASES Burrow's Ws TobacOo, just;rwe'd sad 63 , sole toy port BRQSVN tr, CULBERTSON I ALcORKS-Icl pose justiced ir:;aL I( IRON-100 wn~ NA t y: u n it ) had fill g y el ls,a um sec'sl s li ef Wa i l V' ir l' onds., los rted .- eipre!s .' ly for my Wail Wes. n or 4 W Nii WILSON G ONER PE d Ar-- or :.: I ne y ky:la.edag if i n'et , ea te r 0.. 074 1 ° " • I - *ell it NC. TAR-60 bbl. Tio4, 4.12.1 foe anle . In /4/.74,14• O COTCP VI/kX-1 Uorce OldieWe Plujadelnh, jest rCgoi‘tl: Thr tiy • • -- • - •wor, cm 4 '" /0111TD410 •t . SIJOAR AND MOLASSely+OO_ bble I.4af Sugars, owd Noe; 20e do S Melenee, Cot ale by oetao , BAOALS Y k MIRA_ tp; Au; - ter. tannt - - S UOAR-63 blois pfttia.l;l,BairaA 18bbsLaaf do, teed ond fnr ettott'S4o6 It ROBISON &Co Y k io b tit i S s ibto2lo sl4C h ' y lesel; qr bbls No mor6 k noulsori & cv "DOWDER—IOD kap gook Pointer, for silo 4Y JF wev6 ; intoia . A44, 4Cq LARD 01L-Bbbt, Coatahe. ; ? ...4 Aut receiv.d pne, , r 9 s,*,. td L • noirti __z ,11/11%.1.4R14 wow u4att—s3 hn*b(Q yr , .trueyprimamstore " 4. 4, 44 , 2 Vat qualm 344 tij ; WATRIIMAN, ACING :3l water and tri front Mbbla harp NO 3 Mackerel, Rortoo Inspection, in more and for We by nori 1. 8 WATERMAN TOBACCO -616 bra Marapatorad Tobacco, cialy some of the mar poPt.t bnatdS.4 l 4f , `A B .r on co . aurcromt and for slab : Ay/ . 351.66AN_ SUNDRIES-1113 1. bW n *0E9666 0 1 bb es iiitilTSol34ol:o2poVrter, • Irmo* and IRack Taos, r 13 bola reppor;B da AbFRICOI; 40 web Costa; bak No .1 C 1106141116. otora and for sale by nand . IVATERMAN lIKA.NS — SI bbl. Whits Beaus, for sale by no.a. WATERMAN L'NSF:ED OW-10 bbly 14bancil Oil, juxt tee' c." 73 A. sal, by .W/037 . 0.1 ; b101V:t,i, nova :00 from sa C , IGARS—WIX*H.r. LAW.. 'fltitona bruld h m w Btoro and for sea by novil ' VESTOABOWSN: 'TURPENTINE—SO bbls Sittersurandrie • trt B I der, just received and for We Dolt Bab r• • SISIL ato, UI4DRIES-6 bbls ebb boat*. eicadd Candles? 6 wk. prinul - F 6 6166TA 041 VW 4 and for We by bar/ C GRANT T AV) OIL—Of the beM pality-10 Obis jest r, and fin .ale by I SCROONILUCEO, k Co, novt 14 ' , Mod In YP;IIISTRAMBOATB , , . • •'• Wi le • it the 7PYlth '2; 1.. •: I 6 45 Am ] gbama , • silk, • • table &INCINNATI & PITTSBURGH A 4 r . L I ft E., knoinditie et ?Wenger Steam. ' ers nrivr'eessepoted‘of did largeint trt.ilbvtl, but and furnished, and most ?overfill Ul• ant., of hr' Wear.- lEiverseaosianandeoin. fon that money,can procare, has beenprotuled for pao. seiner. The Xine has bog. Oarintln thr five pears has carried anlillieto peophi valiant the least Wa ry to their perm. Tim boats till be at the Gan of Wood street the day ?visiono to starting, on int tint reeep. tion of freight and the entry of passestgovi the mita tar. ln elf cues the passage money mum be is advance. SUNDA:4 PACKET. • ISAAC NEWTON, Cot. A. 0. Ewer, "id • Pmabaugh every Sunday morning at 10 eValt.el; y lrff . Sunday evening at 10 P. *. - . i MONDAY PAVILET. '0 Nave Pttta- Tke 1110:VONGAHELA, caw- Saw., but evert Blonday ectortung at 10 o'clock, wa edivs AretzT MoUdti arezunt •[ toe. IL TUESDAY PACKET. The ETIBELLNIA Na 2, Ow_ J. Ichmenn _*ID leave Piaabarga every Yaerday zooming al 10 0 '0 1 03 1 5 lineeliair every Tuesday even./ allO r. at. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 0, Copt. S. Dna; still ease Pinsburth .errery Wednesday snotaleg it 10 wheatereary Wednesday Crit.llfitir u Mi. it. TELI7WIDAY PACK/LT - - The BRILLIANT, Cap, Omen; will leave Pia. burgh every Thursday moruiug 11 Wyk-lock; Wtwai ag every Thursday °reruns at 10 r. it. mines PAM:CIVIL The CLIPPER No. 8, Capt. Clams, .rill leave Pk* burgh every Friday month at 10 o'cleeki Whodlag every Friday evening . at 10 v. a. MnWM'CIn!VN . - The MSENGE.Ii, Capt.& Itcro, will knee Pen. burgh every Saturday morulag et le o'clock Vilma* every Suarday evealay u le r. a. NSW LISBON AND PIITSEUEOH -DAILY Urns cmrst. AND STEAM PACKETS, jai l 188 8. atigoll • Ara abassow,) • . , Lamm. Pittsburgh -datiy,ai 6 o'eloeh, A. MANI sr ri-she at Gins6nse, lenontitofthe BantkandSeirtf-Ca. nal,) asilo'ciack, and Now Lisbon at IL hiusithhilit. Loaves New Llshon at 6 o'eloet',- I..;Wilnisiklngthe trip canal to the rivet thhinte,the nickblaird Gnaw., at 9 o'cloeV, A. M. and amiss ahrlStrabergh at. P. M.--tins =slung a schthninsts foe eatrflna oar swanand [retain between New Liabou ani rns• burgh, in .shanor dine and at lass was Aare by.any other mesh • The Pronzistant adds Liao bads she plessore.e4 la forroirCwtubtsp,glie th the .st e tiz=d p ,woro ie n lirt= reight, to roe in women= with well khpwa steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER. slid eonasers. leg, , . at d O o tr i t i slelr it 7iitt . th . o f ti . usbtur tad awn 4.,incia and Mississippi risen,. The • proprietors pledge_ thew. sews to spare no expense or trouble to Gouda et= = few and dopsoeb, and ask of the piddles !ham WTHOBLZED AGENTS. &W. HARILtUalti Fewl " l * R. HAMA.. k, Ock. . J. aAasevast New yaw_ T4u,,-11w swami BEAV22I,C. FiClar44l,www let, will leave alter this mice, ftwVolll b ta. ally, pal/ delock in the warain I • 12 11114111.. 412311 prrnanntan& BROWRIIIIFEWAI Daily Packet FEBRUARY FEBRUARY • LEAVE DAILY ATI) A. Bt., AND elk BL • • The fallawhog new boats atuabless tao line fbr the bream .anode AT. LANTIC, Capt. James TIC, Capt. A. /ace* e i ran lir Capt. E. Bennett. The Dons are entirely now, sad an Rued op without regard to expense: Ev ery comfort thatreeney Glll panne has been provided. The Boats will leave the hisuungshola Wharf Bon 1113 the foot of Ross at pause:neer. will be penman wi board, as the boats will ennead) leave at the aMn deed boon, 8 A. M. and t P. BI PITTSBURGH tr. WHKEI.ING PACKET.; The swirl steamer CONSUL, Tinny P ffizatey, master, will tam ly Er Wheeling, au Illoaday, Werbinday and Friday, atlo eekelt 7 =l. Leave Wheeling emery Tuesday, and S. ontLay, at 7 o'clent, am, prensely. The Consul will land at aB the Intentonlate pen.— Every anemodation Qat can be proccued for the now fon and saferth=asseogers has been preened., The boat nab* with a sell-acting safety guard us co-n e tt! tone. For fre; 2 t ri o i r , telt:many on Rb 4 earner of Ist and SurithSeld as. • The new and substantial steamer HUDSON, Andrew to., limiter, will per,o r .'" er regular trips between INPA . ,gb and Bridgeport She wW lame Pittsburgh on ?don daya and Thursday, Fo , Reigln m pusNra vply on bc — kixt, o navlO D wu.KIN a, Aso FOR NEW ORLEANS. (no nsw ORLEANS COLEY:MA, momrscina.c• AND GEORGETOIVN, and tat intermedialo land tn. on Lt4our.iy,,cp_i rettr.tEtvers. and Altman- Jakina toaster, will leave aeabovo Thursday, the littl toot, at MA. For littigki or itame Mltly , t , :tt_bOard, or to. oovlo ' GEO D ALILW..r.MMGER., Apar. FOR Nsvrow.t.i & • '. . ~ . . Till Inatisvp&c.da_dgdisado..- 14 .a.k SuniirC Ma4OTI S aIR-Idwoo far dd. da .bdwe M. dm Imettinedlidiixab an. y all 10 o'igoot, A. For Hei g ht or pauses op;dy on baud. __dovlo FOR ST. LOUIS exiiiis.76iiiii , ea: The tut manird, owner PENNSYLVANIA; Gray, moster, will kayo follbs above Dt or d Intermedude ports this-day.- Far fireigusdise, apple o boad. '- POTIO ___ FOR ST. LOUIS. The sideddld pear striunsr. ROSCOE, Java n', mats; will leave ro t ; be, s intermediate ports this d„.y. For freight-or purism!: nptdy on boor& .nova .. . FOR . CINCTNNATI - - The splendid 5ad ta ....... kat rimming stea mer NEW ri,G A N i L 2i.' J ArElmei wefts, will Ore for nt.'se and intermediate pore on this day, Bth ftt.L, at 10 cOnidie.i., A. 111 For freight Of para!da W. 4 onboard. . , Anal FO: &The siolantbd,steaum ItLYGGOLD, Oppo mac. .111 Leave for mews szut Ineemitsue port. 11114 fi.q. 10cOckna4 noril - WU OaVINNAWITUnTrom-T-12---- = M I The Mae new bght •drutert aradoner FOR PITT, Capt. Millar, WILL leave fay the above 10 d'tdook, A. AL d all Intermediate pans this . day at F9i rcelisips apply On DoYtt4 ippy4 _ . The splendid light draught 'team.. GENEVA, •Wilkins, taster, will lease for the above sod intermediate port' this day at ,I 0 o'clock, A. M. For (night et mange a, REGVI4II LOUISVILLE PACKET 7 The splendid Dew gems, VERIIIONT, mallowdL3, glarded,assaar L arill lease for b and ranossediaaaposta to-day. Far freight as passage, applr oa board • arra ~ , FOR .p n i.vii . LO d U r a . . r. ---r- nim --- r matioth CLA/Ifital.,1 1 /.A C. S. Kendrick, suastae, siillkrave forte above and Wenzel:We porn Or. Tuesday, :he diet lust, at 10 o'clock,* I. , For oc fret tOD& or passage apply on boarAirt 6:.; TORsYnta co FOR ST. =MS. .e• The neat oad Ilast , ronatifit steamer BORTH/ RIVER, t • • Doto3, soßt.tosto, of aboott 10 o'clock • „ muiS • . • .. FOR BT. Louts. 7.. ,_,.- . Jai..fie elonglid and Lams/Lai u...."" tr..> .. ....! FARIS, • Bi_ _roils . master, sill limit- Or lis ._ . !mama slid tassiiiiiiiiirtikati Thus d lg t. att e l I_ ,, ~yd. : .' REG LI4cvccixNATI PACKET. . 111 4•11110.Ui iaght.willlehvehe the re hhd brisrebenliaraP4nl4Cdoltay Ord: Or apply. on'beard. -77 . 1 91: 1 .Yabb ' The new UK fiat steamer ~ ppd Earuesoraccr, will lembilat above , diltdeortandiabbliCadarnl Wadilth. eV/ and Sturadaya of.bach mock.- Par !tele& or pao, uge apply on board or' iiti tv MODPIIY kab carencd br'W drys • V • larte".rvor,4ot of supetior,Frandi Molina a, aamPriliag diCa.A 4 at Nba 4 cl Of brarpba, Darnel. Par.- be:7 , Elfae Zorn, • fa Alta, various qualities oftilack i, y gggklE of Lib lexttiareolona incladim it few= of Thy !igurilar black. UELT/NGS—blizarine AllbovareAra, Drawn, he. OASlBLE. o .lb•Alpxoaa,tirtauft, Brown,. Drab, Mac/tat. , • RAlBROl D K lDRAWlbli 2 FS—Plainamipnuu s a. Mo. de LAW. pawed Caskaacnes,Lionartarrairribarir •newmilt . ia for ladies drams, Saba suwe..l4lp,acir 1411.11L12,4k. COM IPAWSIXOTairi"-- , FOR CUMbE4tI.4OIII, BALT(' nun EASTERN. 5ME377" . / 311) T HE rpm Proprietors or this Linhlig ra I and are prepared to ilmorara pack* 4. New Btoei. „. wripUoner daily, at the "Bmw , r id Booth Gina , S R U m at. Baltimore. IItDBIEB 14 bap io • prbna•ruel• SO P IEO pkirY H. kap'l, Ac., k Tya,s as Totiliceo, os, 10 basil Pepper,. 6 0 4 _ Plop 160 bbl a New an 4. ? . .p.A ao do Gabbed /14 10 10 labla eh drum t 7 Co- 410,/ cmk 11.144,. ' 33 wk. od ; 1 carom; rialtgo; Sada Air ° r.a ~May and for sale by LUNI 4 /hcf .u H :Tcm A n hi y ,. pit.;?_,...Vo*_,l‘ll•-i °p a w., a n ay ,Eximem, • freak Mealy MEM, 01110., Yrra own .1111tre• and Ve r‘Sktr• CLOTH' wroRE, Post Bottemg 0, mama rink and Woad far - - nrrist4w 1 VIKA CO. 401 1 0 8 T.S AAI SOA RJrnr ENTS Oanc•a•or•ALl.4l t•k Co, No.dzyr.tor street. r SOU IaNISkAt - BREAW PPE'S—A few hadia 1 nubbin Einsal Piper, a 'splendid ► NCO, nut what .sand kerb IMO*/ been' nmeb e mared atm 11 the sniels tabu, we will tear • large!napply on band AatiortWood Jock:bk., 4.4e.TIPAIILLITS . _ LTALIC RUBBER OVE Mittgd—Just ree'd, al. ease', saatoles, of Pi Malls Om Mamie Over sim, which ere as to the I rade 4d irety krer mtre, ether by the dozen or ens e. We can famish any m= that Indy be wanted ; short I twice. cc= Jt JR PHILLIPS IPOR RRIDORPORT. NM=