, r ~ ..i; . .y :a~L~ ','"ESTAilttqfitto 0- 1786, .;: , .'.:iiifiiitBs::.:',...oAlMS . , AFT Woul.P.JUrial Commas/cm ad• —4lopresding.:Aterehente, barb returned to 'their old ..exenyettesereadißees Urea., PilUdrergb. met ---- MOM= 4 11,•17.4 _. 111110 Z Wilnlig. Ina% and Retail Drug. BA 4.4 11 / 11 s' r XVIM coil p. 6151tt or 1 4b 4 8- f nue?''' mi 0 . . . =metric, 1,_ .... ... -_ . i i tt , t , t ; : f = r,,, agrui ti =474 .ric , l, l4.s, Libel il l 64iusik—P.:. •.. . ,•: . • day. itcitiPDIVIV:K VT: k2lri 1. . and' DAGALKYAkgillintiONlielegfla.Qrocius, IS and L,4...)21.w000peei Phsabooe mcmuvry Ce.,,Por on* MAI Hula, Pittsburgh Pa. tach.9 • ante ole Diannfact c, r „ cil enin:Pmdncnwd ----, Nitabzegh.7l , 9 ." oar of Liberty and ag, .. 0# ...,...i.,, ,, ~,...#,.. asawerr. „, 'GUSH i. ~ U.•=,, ( l a .ai Eagllah, Gallagher ' CO INThatbisla (Mears, C=ri= and Far bnr hlerehatek and dealers 111 Ptodsea'and Pius. iu . g h M itgl i#4 ri[4.37!_ yrtst, balloted rd and A , ividisrlaty .. 0 - um. sun. .:.fie tvma., FRIENIOIII6Ir k Cow-Whaesile Grocers and . Coarausalon glevehanla,*ila Agents Ger Brighten Cogon'Yginti K0i1.67M11.1514 ant 061,Front sta,Plea (OA ' bliklo,ol24:=lX-R,Setl lad Brae t=d B =d id G erim r e t4 o4 o Fr . exit,i i r between mr. Thema pdes.strenfor Old coppet* de lttaw. in . • IRIRRROORIRtRiet4.. .'ett sad Fereininfr • llO Vi'ood streeL.PßlAnnal 7 MfielAßY .BRUNOWWIdia ant Red Lead Mann 'Vert Rddat and OR Rezeinun, Wear of vitencatm,rittatmo. ti,1045110111031/NC.4l_,Vonraiding end' 00inmis. - X edeatdereltapuylin 3711rn Sinn; ptnt.n!in• norturrinincr, 1 . 11A111.11 'MIDST Co, Whobreala Owens. Corn - Silig4OTl.MerchsAts, and dealers in Fracture, New 00 Ater, and 107 Front streets, Pinstnirsh. novs I'I77IIOII.2ANKIDI, ctuorney and Counsellat as lia v r andVotamiseirmes intim State of. Pennsylvania * Fri Lau* Mo, Sate sit Plusbarghy Itudirturseltn—Pirtsbargh: lion W Forrard t UMW . - ton It Weandlorris.liiCkare, John k. Parke, - ' 1140111,0 0070^103011 VAMP .ierls47. rlNSCOFF.S.Ca.WlMLisideChitears, .Forrierd. WY C 001,41 .an lithivb 7olo •Dealers Ice and Man71010,111077}: 7 Commercial Rya} o lfirErlhY t !" o 0 0 7 cunoi, !Pittsburgh, Pa. ' iy r A aat Thad atm; near WiNgliPttisburgh. inrrcinsoN;4„&—sicsegrm 04 Levi* Hutchison &Sq.; CasutOdna.lllerehlulA 4-g ,pit'•l2ecnts•of the St. LentiStaara Sugar Itelbmi. PAT.9 ll # l,o4 P*. na, " , /!it4bU r S IL -' T IL 7 •SILLCI4 , I42TaItuu Etthingt Mal t,. • • y StiClatriciitttenvew *IOU ,DILWOISTII—WiaIegaIe Grocer, Plo• ...' , o. , duce and COMMiIIiSIII ilLscr.tunv No. V, Wor m. / tr, 1.: tei 'grin Dy 6 E4cs4,Psintseolll,Veriaii,te, NO- 93 WOodiitropei, cue doot Bost DiarrWad Picb- 'DOM n&R, & Ca., &awn= t 040. 01,0 — 3, •II DtrlMlThip Mandl . Wata stress. oat . _ onri mELL.6ll,Avtßainide 'mitt 114%1i - demi. in - fdivetud Musical Instranients, &tool Boots, Paper,Pli.umoCards, , da4 tumionartgenirtary,Ci.W. Wood .t.i.pl4,bp.igit. 7 . , .:'SCRUONELULERAL Cr..NVb Drag la, Nail Wood streei,Pirisburgl. DEM Altedoiliseioorner Stkand Wood IP,' strews. Pi • • , 'O.lB . T4MINSTON IM:)MCl'OM,Bookselless,.RiintOrs atcd P r alaciatitausexi,PLo. 4111Liwtelst..Pituk- 101111_01111EPOIlhislesals Omar, &slur 'its PT. 0 dare, Pittsburgb Matiulicaires, ThiPlsurs,tr.u. kg -144., ha. an -Übe tty)W,Valititnyit. 1.0 . . t5 41 i,;( 1 . 10 YIDT III 6%) Orcte.nairt: Olereh . lusi, l. ;md ' c i te'lkler in • e. khureasuireir N 0. % Weer Prusbangtr- IC,JOltES,Formariing Dd Coaminion Mar ...ll.,,badgra le erodoce. and Pittsburgh amt. , ;u 10/ m% inrUcies, Canal Bodo near MI too ` • Areitritui lira& Warta.' • n r. 1161.21M1L. 10 - Ccr,scoutstactoovosof si oos- ;1111Op!, Boar ttore:and_Nollsat Ma boot ' qualtlyP-WofolionseiO4-watrorOnd Mtn= Mt p 4, 9I , I2ZATEitIII62V I IIII2IMaIe Otnetr, Forgrird- 1 / 1 1114111eicharn, Denier In Elva ---,---/Winira!q ric42o.; Nor. 71 Wats: It, tomPanc..&, iambi, Wholgwit or. Irnr ow} **mason in ..Predu r, mini MOW , idiumfactarefs, Nos. 12 nod 133 Woof Pitna, • . . k 13.13 LEL kac,./010THEILS Na-n, spurn dur4l. -o.laPta,A24l#ll26l' Yet Lit/00.411Y you. WLDluak oracerr..ailectotio. ,giast.2.4o l ,.!iluNzio../ 9 CLAbaI7 t, p+ 6k, Y. .Ar :wax. Loewy, 1. ateree. , , AWNIc Cotrusdniekliek. - VVenli Mersl, get Ala Front eo n cod end Nuke ese: - 1 6 W lLl j' ltt tammrsorfrwtta emu citolps_and Ir commias' iftderekizs,NoPS INNAIEN • lk ISON, No. .15S Market - an k kinkand rigor Neuf amt oC Fourth, &alma In ramisa Dmart.. NIIN ot Etehanp, Callikeama et Delp*. 14 Bank Nous and Basel.). ' UX:Calletaama mad an all lam prinelpal eidag IMERT•AtOUIIE, VY e - OareerrEnc • • Waller, dealer in Produce, Itudiugh dfdiuse tiuu ud kinds ofForeiga DOMSUC Wray end Liquors, No.o Liberty auxin. Oa brad a 'very large mock of starenor olil whialtwai aamd Wm. far anal apLkty „.Itedditt.D T. .4140:11, ir•Oxammraurtits* Arre4n JDomertle tfardwatet and n'o!PTitardinvy of,sll dettitptiamOto:' Ll 3 Woad Plubturaw, , .• • !I; '.11 25 _ _ IIIOOARD UAW, Wkwiesale . •Betw Dealer la Isatheradopero, ShoolcuOOßY•Toas . itzsa Plad llnmra',ayd Palms. To)ll,l2.l4lTilentral Oil, No.; 10) Waal st..ainaburet. • AULYO3III; "":21 020a *1 SON k, GailAtadasald aroma Produce NTE and Coaunisaam kranchaans, sad laidera in Pins; PtL :.Zdzimisetrnslio. log Luke, Ito .IA . `iw .11. . 4 mr-ri 03¢Uldnieto Fonincattrarnagliklicalers to rtedimmand'.ritt*U3k , MuMagetilnuls Lib= 1 1 it aket4 ' ki6OBT:, 'I3IIIIININGII,OI, 'lndents Grixer, Maier LaTiodnes and Piugargh Dlsaufaepares, 1114 Liberty L.: O. 113M101.1* . ' . . - ---':- : 4. - 1.'1119 . 114. 111VYNPLDS &VIEE raffrar4thrina 44 , 141 1 741na1;fra1t) 4.11.gbe1l 11=c1d en in Cintearlas,: produce; PitUdeugh and Chlotida of Ltate.: , . The bleutaaprices, tactua,, pad at /II lima fm dean tr y ova i. cArnower Pcao laud Intro sta. .1 , lati23 —.- — - a, fI:IIUSHFI . . . , 1114414.; greeedea,-bools, shoec•lnushars • , • ••• - • articles, kr-, Na kW, Lib n 1 adielaidebtdel. merit Cd !UM le dontisom, Wholesale and ItendlDesless •13 in Ininknerp Body lames, Bakery .sad Fancy Article:id/add Market streechd door ebers Tdhd 4 WI .2.4h d 't. Wigcak.Deak 2 e l2 o l n l a b aibbatie DrickoacNo.99l Tit: w. saltuvoit, - Wool Merettems, Deal Pftetaeo frymexrel 4 " Conogui" / 11 ",I n A W!We!-,r 131 .. t UNITA ILWALEY & Co, WifoleseleDroc.. wa ProdUClibili•LirN o 4 l3 / 11 ""M" 1 0".. 0 . 4 th lad 4N116 North side, , ',: , 2. A ictiLLMONLIMOIWIL ~ Jinn suntoz.%-llnifLonn. I • 'gj ELLEBS , 1 NOlCOLll3,ProdneiitedGenetill cm. I .B,,,nnaliDO Mei* linnlhila. 17 La b wny In; Pittemtgh. V• ~; no vps.,,DONNLIORSTYtnI Gm. i oe. - TOniteidind mi. tut don% nI ip ritabutet Nonnacturoo and \Voter* rm. : dote, hue tonsoled nitheit now war eboasodo/d weal ,7- .N 0.13, torn* of,Front r. iy4 . 0,11.14.6. • Y■ ,AdilliV'e.,lltgl'AV.koncsalo (Meets and Comas. own- Mer..nedno, And deeds In Pmdges. No. 35 `Wood at., INnolnnen. • 'kg- al. - FUelpliedu ton Mello/al terdlent anil , I Mewing who otsetrigAVM. ES-Anr , do, ~ Burrs [aiding', 411, rt,.l.illetrongli, - - My Non. • ', A a Ike-general lend often - es wsaingtori, will /mend In ,'. 'UT ftelnl dire the ammo, to-oepiiente. DAVID INVA.IO,2XIS -:''W)tafeSPl*Liktekikkirkl L.. k... 1 2 .1 ° Witalleglitares •14.0.•of.Weadiltd.ViiPnrYni.ft-Pittsbant Blittbat"99 Von; V. betweenAtrobd 14-44 ACA AllaMone . art4 /411/ . fie ion • e!s4llliskutera, N 0.114 Libor, st, ut . trtuSl W. UMW, Dealer in Plumy sad Staple .A Dry Goons, N 0.19 D.Wket sttcey Pitisb#rgh., N• WHAON,DeIIei lowelry, TT ik.TantAyanibiTitat, (36,514.40. No. 7 law. , WAPHY bola/alma actail i_Foraigif ,Drjr Goads, lamb sul tomer of Btartitand Fdastkvs: • omen .• . , . or: la leather hider, taw ta Ltbeztr p,•• WlLah4rtrocers, lILISIIIaM , yid • ofBoda=tE= Sir a, 31: A k. Powderr'. caw afro:aria • mama a- lank o 4 it s t o.r nallilEPY i Ak tabolitaale Gremlin:3C • OMNI" Altai Score, sad flustmrelk Man astittea have ea WO4 a; all • tall and '""Vnaegenrentri,=tDelF=-/-I,!!!""igire4,- . . . . :7 ; '" and .Wine•sad! Liquor. edam's.. 11.=4:ters a( Seds..tifrsatlalsach , " Plediollborty Mut, Itast4/4141%.., . . -- . ' •- • ' l '''' • '''''''''''''',"-:•';03'.:';;.-'iX-.'.`ir'• •.,. . , ......, ~.—...,.......—........----...—.....--......_ _ ._ , , . - .•• • , . , . . . .. , ... . . _ ~ ..--...—,...0.....,, G l 4.: n. ~. .-T : . , "'"• •• • •1 '!"'"'"":"""=" ,, 77Altivzi •• : ii ' ;' r . I D • - * i_7.oii fi .I i '- I :„ .. : : A.. :, ~ . ,_. . 04 , i , .''. ;i. . . 1 ,. .: ... ...--, .'- - . • i.,,. ..,., if 11 05 . ; : P i i I'lgi i ,; . __H ~,... v...., .!.--..: ......: 0 1 7 ,. 1 -.:--.: - i . .: ...,. .. . . ',. ... ii it t4p. L.. • . _ . CARIIB.", JOHN ht. TOWNSEND, Druggist atd 'Apothem" No. 4 Market sr., three doom alma Third st pins• burgltiSai/lbara constantly cm howl a•wettaeleeted ar Mailman albs ben ond , firsbrst . 31edicipm,mb* ho CM the moss remaosble.terms. Pbysiom. sendirm .order, vat be promptly st embolus, 41,1.2P 0w, with ,orticles Sum ' Mar tar Plosidarm:Prenmtums ros ba l eau , 4 7. l7 , 7yell i foms Sus boot material!, al 43 1 "."" R AJ t* ma . fmh Good moo,. nosionj*i_ells. 19i.bise . ROBERT ii. YAITESSONAms 'aliened the large stable oft First stilhh. ll 4 .l krough fa Rai to Second 51, between Wood and smithilmd sts,, in the tear of the Monongahela House, with an 'entlrelyweac swek htllones and Canines of theibeht quality ind hate styles, Hones kept it Iwo- Din the best =inner. • • . SYSdIY • NtitHIHXWOEICS, ON WOOH ST., INrit3BUittsti. E.1411:1030, • CCONTINUES to imindatture • Tlompnehts, Burial . Faults , Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel l'leces, Cen tre ma Piet TRW of foreign and domestic marble, at a molls: and falrpriem. N. 11,- Drawing! for monument!, eaultsjdt.M.furnish ea: of 'toy description. He solicits a share of public, patronage img9-Mf %WILLIAM Shlllll, hlontifactoret -of Cotton and ~ colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, ke.i Bearing lialkand colored Cotten Mo re for silk and Mum Parasols. nod Mohair, d •Dallion Mole to micron the shorten notice._ • ilzmearrier of Maiden Lane and William, Manes No-E3 William. street, Wind tans, arar,ebrier & Elyn , awes, No ea Maiden Lan. New York. °Li Ein3l3i MECHANICS/ GLASS WORKS. -011119 SON, LEAKE, STANNER.k Co, enannfaetn. ran of Vialk Bottle; aad Window Was; keep -coatotraly Goland a general assortment of the ahoy* -ardeles. Abe, maks to order superior ornate of Alittetalor Soda - Wa t er Bottles, of Waxed glue. No. 16 Wood at. Piushargh. Pa. ang3l.6as -,RicHAR.O 2 - zk E tv i, ladders' !ironmongery, Mania and Coach • Trimm - - uair, Varnlalty:ti. &o n , no. L3l WOOD S Yrrrsausau. PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. Muth : , E.:;'Fitir Wood—All gaunt:Wei or Green and 'Mock 'W.AIS done up in gunner, lion, and ch.et ppyni pnekages, ranfing from SO cts. per pound AzJAVISEA-Agt:.6lr Vain Tee Co. 4.0404,•./dPring, 4Lala,llo. alaell. Iran - r _ Works. . efIOLEMAN, RAILM&N & Co, minufnenzons of V Coach and k:liPlio SPTio/1% Maonnorod &Ito., .ktllOS' and Plough Steel , hon., &e. Warehouse on Wader and Fronistreeu, Pineburgn . . ..Mod. dealers be. Coach Trinuningi and Malleable Castings.,.. actin . INSURANCE. 'll LAWAR IntITUNT.I3IIS,I7IIII.IgE J Fl NMitiglt 4 1 1 :47p h ingir: . ada/phia. Fire Risks upon building. nue mltsbandi.74. "ea rival 'desezipting and hlurine'llisk. upon hulls or carp*a of rem* token upon the most favorable terms. • ' Itr - 011ice in the Warehouse of W. B. : Holmes it ZS" 37 Water, near Market etreet, Ilusbuigh. N. tl.The lateen of this Company since the Web.' liniment of the Agency in this esty, with the prompt ' neis and liberality with which every elated upon them forlitiel has been adjusted, fully wanton the agent in 'ineitheurthe confidence end patronage ends friends and the , mammary at large to the Delaware M. S. insu rance Company, wbileit has the additional advantages as an inetitution among the Mostlhaniehing m Plulanel phia—ae havingan ampleptid , rn capital, winch by the operation of tea charter is constantly Increasing, as yielding in each person =cared his due share' no the Ptw,hOt.of th.OteomPAOY*7. 4ll oAd-invoiVioll him to euy rwOusibutry whittever, aid therefore as penman 'the blutual pyinutple,divested, of every chowder.; tee. hare and in As most attractive form. nov4 PIKE AND ILIAILINEI ryg Insunnto Cotommy of North Amens., otrough tts duly authortred Agent, the subscriber, ogee make permanent imd limited Insurance on property, in this city cud Its vicinity, anti on shipments by the Cs- Arhas a Coen, 4 EtarATAY , Jones, Jacob hLThomas, John R. Neff, Richard,,. Wood, Wen Mash; Franks Hosanna S. Austin Milhous, ARTHUR O. COFFIN, Fleet. H. Bansian, beef. This Is the oldest insatanco Company In the [Tuned 13W-6, 4v l {ug been chartered in UN. • Its chatter is Hain its hies Standing, long experience, amplepoeins, and avoiding eh risks of an extra base anfonialtatacter, it may be contidered ai offering aut ple!sceatitir to the public. JONAS. Ai the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co , Wa. - ter %anvils sweets riUsburgh_• may 3 Join Jt.J3roorn, John Wins, Thdmas P. Cope, , Sthintet F. Smnbi -Mnate) Thanks, r.,41 PILAIRELEEN FIRE xisisl p..44cir. co. WFeankliti File Insuriuice CcOnpinf, of Piiisclel hin, u 01) make fold ronee, porton:Ant and tit:sued . . , T=KriP4or of Property, at nnoarya the thd ' . cowl:110,ml. favorable tenor r big com- ON , Mill perg,elnal charter. • r . P" O ., SE11,1:100 rail in. Coutiogent, Fund. , i • : elksigoo IFICe career of 'Mild sold Market streets, Pittsburgh, ai,lloll . . WARRICK Italal,%;4l.gent. . • =M! rrpfluidersi s niti.daly au th orised Agent GM. Amer eicktzMir 2,70 ,3 4 4 C.WPI93 , Pbilagetpta, oltaißS on on bßadins,rafrrheUdiZe t , fa m m . tur property, not Amu* hasatuoul,'l¢ this vity not vica.ty .a,pl4 , etiCH ISULLCIGIUnta has been appointed Anent prd •1I Lem. of Ore Insurance Company of North Am ca, am{prilljasuegalieica and attond.to }be other bnaineu br ilui4geb tr, 'if thtrirarehoeue of Mtroad, Jones k Co: spit „ WU. P'. JONCK, miner at FOIMARDING & COMM iSSION, C. IL DLlMllliensloi, J. laluaslLo SLUE. CMILIELLED 8. DANENHOWEIL & CO.. TOBICCO'CoNIIAABOA No. a Semis WierrA No. 117 South lVaier sc. PDll.Asa.rfan. BEGSIO WO= the awe: and dcilleri generally, of rittsbargh.that they int.., made with wrung, me ma with the Virginii manuracturers and the Gnawer. of thSWest, West Indies, aro other places, as will insure a buy and emus= supply of thi• fallowing descrip tions of flbbageo, which urn, be sold u po n asancom inadming terms.. any omen house in Chia CiWor else arbste, and all goals ordered tram thew will be war rented equal to representamm Havana; St. Domingo; Cons; Vac 'Puraßico; Fenn's; }Seed Leaf to. Cuba; ~ • Igoilit & Florida; • basso; 441.130- - Brancht'a celebrated MISMIIIIO Stag; Caren -10, 'Willi a large hiscirtratill of e th er papulaebtx.nds, and - nuallitas ofpounda, , ss, et, Ms; 1 0. ind 325, • sr,t, Bf inettOs Flog; Ladies , Twist; Virginia Twist, meet ladpims, in, wim.14 .4. 1t. , ;r ar t.:1 : , ,, r0d Uq, toga "e" ; jetergg .l m aaMultisost SIAIIIIE't, CASEETSOI4, L UR. FACTORS, Piodlute, Camwisfon an& VCrsirarbnig Li tt to 11 . 1 NTS , No. iiirjraant Waun73, azni . 29 %Tann lizraiv—Jo 11. Drown- tr. Co 1 : 111:44j" . I'lll A. 1 RobertSter-n & Co. „,,,.._,„," Buerotl, Scavar & Co. • 1""`"""r"" . 5 mati t ttagoiloy & Co. . Alien & l'azurn, New York: Walters & Harvey, EtaltimerSe. Elagilpy &.Bmith, 1 Barbridge,Wilson &Co ~,,,,,,,,..b .. .. Bailey !Stirlen it Co. Met eJones, A ll. Ligon] 'cull . advances on consignments to oat t. c. g"' • °lal- CUI/3:11 =in% Win. 11P1.1.11. _ — ELL:MAKER, ECKY & CO., vzotra VACTORC :Lad Gienerar Conscallsilon Ittereiniasta, Nis. *SennWean Enna etuutbastits. REpERENCES— Henry Graf &Co Panburgh. Rodftn & >.4 • • - S.Sclooley P ne - 4 " th M. Jamaimblayml4. Charier Mahan, Jr; :Liniaellic. - Duda, Humphrey. 1:C6.. • Pierces.; B.- & Co. 4 Philadta • - • Reed & Brother, Dad& & Cousixady, *sir Pant. wan sr. paexxx, enearatt a. Aniansors. LEMMER & ANDERSOI4, FOR%VAILDINE & COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, ocurroN FACTORS, AND AGENTS !FOR THE SALE OP N AI LS AND W.:WASS, mu/SAN rause It, Aeon tidAIAVAI daCushavosta. .7 - 7 -- dallp - GlL t— ooollB.liNs Criniaridl4olll and Racrifirsardlailgllneellant. CIFINIXIVES al natant a geturnaConnaission bud• een gespecially U. the purchase and sale u Amen. anufstetures and Produee,' hurl It tetelfarg and "ferscardlng Coeds cants sled up his care. Al Agent for Ala Maunactares, he _lntl be ontandly erippite.d with the principal ..ntou'of Pittsburgh Maculacuire al the IbeeM. inlestale pnces. Chats and egualgruneits ale reirpeetiully GEORGE A. B EaFiy, IPOLIESALE HROCIPII ...gosvajou 10112138i11311tIOEVIT, AND DEALER. IN LkozoO Natto:tottoo Yarns la Pittsburgh Dlentafasst area printecaup • • 1 ' x0...10 Prom trusr, nrrawispy PA. . VONA Um ..0 - . Paw soling BS erabont, Browns-wale, Psis Attends latraettlori, to the r9t'ontlitig or r.tha<.f ' ' Eaf pal LaOhalliON aPPI34 voTtArritl.k. CON -CAM West -ISAAC CRUSE ,CaraiIfinAIe.COnnIBSION'EURRCHANT ' • FDR7IIE9ALEOP PRODUCE h• imoviyioNs , 'llaalo3lloo 107 B.turivs %vv. DALTII6I(4., Burrilanrcia-rNerelisini of Pittsbnigh. Crianle #, Co 1 martnarart DIDT/Olfl DICIIIPIGILtir Nys, have. taken' Alin alike iiranednitely • appodu, CU, barbtlntd/1010,0, kr th e preweut, *hem w . ransactimainarsa our anctaforrall In near norrw can ba'ateetainarangernerns having alrnady beet made for that purpose, Beau win OaraDibp m mann... al ?'t r 14 ' P C4 ' We. ig CAS_AMILTV & Cq - • LYMAN, REED 46. CO. (Speedwell Sollood, SPA Ces;) • OMIESIL COMMISSION MORCOANTS, so Vailletdar asessloo paid to the sale ofWool Sher. al advances wade on consignments. MyttedermlY; . ,20 ; q 661, dal' 12 do 6s smiwyt r . cpys; 7 . 1 , 14 Z r iso s p . , i ntattle ;6 do ildo, sos • • ~ , • 0 011ailL 1 121 1 2 &-• Co 111/IsAfigo2 bit 640, 12-12 and 1044 wind -- . 3 ‘ , ..6 120 MN war swum RB .Ann awl for rate by • "VW . . FOMwllne,. a valour 133=11/1 TISIBLIDI A ATTONEY L AT U AW, Bulll7, Pa WILL - also attend to colleetiorm and all other Dual ', nesa entrusted to him in Bader and Arouruong amortises, Pa. Refer to, . J. & R. Floyd, Liberty st. . AV.7IV. Wallace do • James dianthali do Pittsburgh. di, R o y & Co., Wood at. - j • H. swErrzrz, Attorney at Law, office 11 oppoiim Bt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also . attend promptly to,Collectiona, in Washington, Fayette and Green countiea, Pa. TO. Blacksiock,Bell R EF = Church Is.Carothers, }Pittsburgh. . D T. Morgan, EJ. HENRY. Atto rn ey. and Counoellor at Law, . Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections in Bouthem•Ohin. and in Indiana, and in Kentueky, promptly =dome - folly 'mended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn. sylvan* foe taking Depoultiony aelmbarledgments, &c. . . . xotHolt, Wm. Hell &pet,LeCalirelk Etl=o n. w. ortuaAime at. WILLIAMS & .SlMa t .0=0.40 to .°4 W Attorney, and .Cou7selloo. atl.aor Off= North skin of Foordisueet,abooo.Smolitillad. febt:d&wl TAILFS a:mg; Atiorork at Law, 'ltaitetroll'a t J BaiWiaq Grata area; nearly oppoane the Court Hausa. aug9,lto DUNLOP•k BEN , VIII,L, attorney at Lim, Ofaces on Smithfield, between ad and 4th ata • ORIVAnD & SIVARTZWELDER, Attorneys 4 F taw, have removed their afire to the South aide o Fourth at., between Cherry Alley azul,Graur area aPi4 0. u. RADINSON, Attorney at Law, has te alf • =wands other to tho Erchantie &Wnk., St. Clots it., coat door to Aldendah Idiom aitinT . . SAMUEL littniner at Law- Mee on Fourth meat, new Grant, Pittsburgh octll34lm To country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, (Radon oT, do, soluble forcoautry salqs; amoagwblek Whiting Pipers, cdSzie, manna and eommon.qu'lVs Letter Paper de do do do Now Paper do do do do Now and Loner Envelopes; Stows, Pane gem, Qua end Steel Pen; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Mallet Boards, of different mutinies; • Bleak Books, In mat variety; • Family, School and Pocket Biblem Crown,,inediem, and double crown wrapping pryer; IdeOnSiel Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Bars Eclectic nnthmetim; Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers; • Sanders', do do do AritheWbes, by Adams, DavW,Colburn, Smith, Stock. non, Emerson, sod others. Tie?, MOlny, 'l4 Oronmiars, by Smith, Kirkham, Itolliona, Weld, and others. For ode at low prices, by J II MELLOR, SI wood st, I doors above lth. The highest market price paid for good mixed rsgs, In cash. 'sole - DLAN•grillt a sTET.LARVT:iIIIIS - K 1 lar exposition of the great discoveries and theo ries of modern astronomy, by 0 31 Mitchell, • is, Di rector of the Cincionan Obwrratory. Headley'. Italy, Alps and Rhine.—Lotter from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author oflaa polenn andhis Marshall*, %Washington and his Gener- Ca !kr. New and revised edition. Statistics of Coal—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinotious of Mineral Combustibles or fosail fuel, including also, notices and localities of the various mineral bitainituous substances employed to an. and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Donartaisi Re computed by nearty Opt statistical tables, and HOO tin gly,. of minoral combustibles, he; ;mewed by Kish. and Crawling Taylor. , Just received a few copies of each atlas .01/0 wor ks —for sate by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON, jyb Booksellers, cor market had et*. XrIMA2LLY EA FOR 1.013-LiCALT 1019 jA by J. A. I V. P. JAMES, ancnmala the sew and valuable Works—: Chula Taylor, Ambrose Dolliphllll'. Pape& uon—ContziinK a eketti.“f the life of Cot. A. W. Ltonipham Centinest 'of New (fences, Keamera a nd Expetimost Cale (orals.; Doutphan's Campaign agantal ihe Navtiov, onu his arrparalleted lantela upon Chlltushua asul Unsmtgo, and be Operations of Oen Pune at 'damn Fe with h Map and 11,gravings, by John T tlughes, A IS nt ttro tat Regiment of blirsonri Cavalry History of Kentucky—lts Antigenic. and Natural Consonant; tiencraphicol eiausocai aviLL Geol.:lomi descnpuonsi withemanates of Penmen Lab. sin/ More than am hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish es] Pioneers, Soldier., Purim:ilea, Janata, LAwYersi Vines, am; illustrated with forty engrage; by Lewis CollhuL I voL octavo. The Terence Moral. Volunteer, or yoarmo o f a Pri vate in Ma Tennessee Regiment of s evalry, us the campaign of blegieo, dunnglB,lo-47,erm einsocars on count el Ma ,I.2reh ...the Regiment to Veto Crum. deseription of the Country plused neer, enc. teams, he. of tbes people; ilk/Me.. of Camp !Jig ae comas of tali. Lotions cloth. Volunteer Rat Tient, . and a f d al • J v itsmenz i oLth i e n hletican Wan List at, r 'd arre .n et Mears and alum by' Gen astrated br c...l. l l= ' ,"fr aTtun r 0 6 1 , diet•• Near Paper &tad flook:Uati<ettinalat — ', • 78 WOOD Br, napalm FOLEIDI ADD Diann. Amen rimer, snbaerillers bane test opened, at the aho. I stand, a large clock of differrus qualities nil. and plaittnitim and aloe Writing ansi Loner hasser, co. merefil and pocket post Flat Cap, dewy mut medium 'piling paper., for blank books; medium and.royel en- Wed Frtntseg Papers; medium, damp and gap Day Docks and Ledgers, superior paper and beat 'hestent bindings ne.bool 800 k... all kinds; alandard corks in Theology and Semmes, quills,gold and steel Pens. %Vann W. Files, fr..e. be. Blank Books of all sixes rated to pattern, and bound to the loner substantial manna,. Country Alochants suppbed at lowesterholesals pli ers for cash, or rags at cash prices. JOB PRINTING.-Haviug a Job office In compection with our establisimannt, we are prepared to execute mi orders for plain and Caney Printing-books, pampliiely eacalnes, business cards, tall. of lading, Am., won der. patch and at low pisses. ELLIOTT& . ENBUsti, Ilf=reetween Stb. and diamond alley a - niiient - sinit Urea, by William klakepeace Thackery-with LlnstnJon% by the author. The Tenant of Wildfe/I HAIL by Acton Bell, antbor of .Woliering licight" The Young Schoolmistress: by Joseph Alden, D. D. Part 111. of Dupers' Illestrated edition of the Arabian Nights , Entertamunents. New trauslation, arranged for famaly reading, with explanatory notes t7 EW. Lane, Esq. Looms' Logaridato--Tables of Logarithms ' of num. berg and signs anti 'lf angelus for every ten seconds of tae Cirtadiunt,..th other modal utile. by Elias LOOMiI, A. IL, Prof. blattonnaucs and Neutral Philosophy in the University of Near York, =Blot of a - Treatise inn Al ' l " rtr k e wo 'ke ;k. received tbu day and for sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, _flog!! Bookseller., cot market 4/ad sts Sew Publications. - Dr 'STORY OF COP:MUSS, Biographical and Poll. .L.g. heal, comprising Memoirs of the members of the i;o4rou of the U. S.: Ily Ir O Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, /Lc. In. Vol. I, demon. The Wntsugs of C. M. Clay. including speeches and 'Adresse., with steel portraits: Fslitol by /I giredy. vol, d so What I Bow in Califon.: By Edwin Bryan/. Dante.' Noma, VoL ID, on /moms, Peter, lobo and Lake. Charits mid Counter-Charms: By MW M'lntoah, •or of 'To seem and m bk," - Cosmuest," Re. droo Mary time., a Domesue Temperance Tale: Bp C. ordeu. hinge and Queens, or Life in the Palace; containing of historical notch. of end reigning salamis/um By J. S. C. Abbou. A Firm Book In Brieniab, or u practical Introduction to the study of the kipanlidi Leap..7e: By J Balkold. TAe Dying Robin and other Wes: Hy Ree.Dt..elden Just reed try R. HOPKINS, A t ji , oLo . B 1 , 1 l i t , d.) anal N Groomed, by Tileadtey Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Opnrigi D. D. Bethel Plag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, klauhear, whit liannooy; Lectures on Shakveare, 2 vole; Path of Life, or Sketched, oldie Way to Glory end swsurt—m. • ; • Footsteps of Alessi* The Convent; by unbar of School Girl In Fiance; , Now and Then, by Martin Sketches of Lemont, on Parables and Miracles; Ireland s Welcome to the Stronger, Heaven upon Larth, Hawk ton, a tale of and for F7ortaud, 2 vol 4 For sale by ELLuyrr tr. ENGLISH, jell° 72 mood and to Marital OLII 'MEW BOUK6—Just recmved from the pnbliaber, Al and Or sale on the sietbodisi Uook Store • 7th tutu Wood. Tapper '. Proverbial Philosophy',ln three styles of bunting, • beautiful book for • present. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketches or Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Polpit Cyclopectm-400 sketches, la. The English Pulpit; collect.* of sera moos by the most eminent Living dames of England, altetssoas Von: loving Good, Mull. Lora, Lay est thou me, Sacred Nl...illationa. tny24 I.ll4llPgiAon AGE,fr I n ti c e t ges. } l.l.ff, ,od death of bream Deduced from Me writings of Moses, anti other inspired author:, andillustrated bg copious reference. to the eject records, tradition., and my thology of the Hautbois Warta—try flee IsSosith, F. S. A. I tat., octavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Miss al'lntosh. A flash supply of this very . pogular little moth Orators of die Amcnckn Revolution, by E. L. bra goon, with Portraits. I cot, itt filo Parleyts Cabinet Library, for families or sobads, ,21 volumes, 1.2 ma. with engravings. This is anew wary. F or sale by R HOPKINS, or' Apollo Buildinga, atbst IllYrANY—kkitany of the United States J 3 north of Virginia; comprising deseriptiomi of the - flowering and fern•like plants hitherto fani4 in those &Mies; arranged ...Ming to the natural , system, With. synopsis of hie Genera according to the Lir v . neon system a sketch of the rudiments of bouuy s a ad a glossary or terms: by Leads C. Beek, f11 , ...13., CheallStri and riatuml in Beige! Colb,ge, New Jersey, &e. hr. Second edition, revised anl , en larged. For We by septa , JOIINATO . N 8 STIMON y AMARTINKB GIRONDISTS-411story of the pi -1..s renders, or, Personal Memoirs of, the par note of Use French Itevolution—from unpublished soF:ese... by Alphonie de hatnartlne. tkonpleto In Wee volumes: Byde'a translation. A fresh soppy of - litee PePulAt Work vieeived Ibis day and for sale by JOIIPItsTON k STOCI ;TON, .0146 Booksellers, tor usarket.rsod;34l,,b, 1 oiTEruNos IN EUROPE; or okoto to. Of Inmol ..L.J in France, Salgtara, Austria, Syrilli.Hand, Italy, Prussia, Ireland and Gram Britairu. with anappondla. cantliilllng OltlerValions 011 E,d7CILIL charities add medical 'inatructions. by Job. W. CE -bon, M. D. • A few copies for:We by sepia JOHNSTON k STOCKTOW . A . T 3 1)112 .1 . STORE on Market striun, No dld Women May at times bo foo.W :a 'ono stock of Tbeolotnl and ell :Mlscellaneozni Hooks. - Neer books recaisad as soon published r and tald Iv I lam e* prim. The publications of the Asneritanlionday Sawa Union and Atinisachusen• flabbatA idea ;of 130. ilwaya on hand. Catalees &rafted on irp.• t. • ELLIOW &EMU, 1111$ '• • '. ll "Odirkandli **NA 1 1 4 N ad 4(1. PITTSBURGH; ': VIODAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1848, LAW. OFFICES, C=M3 BOOK TRADE, DrMUMMER& • • tv-'PARTNERSHIP. LGOAN tc,KENNE.DIT. have this day associated , with them bt the Hardware business, PhAn WU son"and Edward fireg;. The style of firm will here after be Logan, Wilson gr, Co,, This arrangement ren• dere it desirable to close the,old boainess as loon as pedalo. All *riots whose liabilities have nutrared, areospeciallyinsprested to mate immediate payment. Piusbur&h, lan 1, 4940. T o&Als t , Virliaoa & co—i m p o n m Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domeati° lie - Ware, Casiery, Saddlery,: de. 1.99, I.Voedstreet,ri OttoChl,arenow fatly prepared with • recently nap° - ted atoelrOflltudware,CoderY,tre,laotrer inducements: to: western buyers, being rleterrurlfd compete to prices with any of the Atlantic cities. • e 0 on band no °netlike assortmenteffittatratlgh Hard . ware yin Hhervele, Spades, Focks, Hoes, Yteey at, all of which will be sold at the lowed resurntiskturef s prices. jam] CI).PM=ZIEMRIP A. THEsobseriers having recently entered into partnership run et the name of Galturher, long, & IHDler,fot the purpose of carrying on Ma Bell and Prase ponadmg and Gas Fitting business. en its branched', have taken the eland %rawly oeclu. pied by H. Gallagher. No, 109 Front street, hetwoge Wood end Smithfield sm., where they are prepared Ito execute all orders TOT 8an0321. CaStiltilli or every description, nod. Gas Finings with neatness and des patch Sceemboat ;obtain promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, & A. LONG, P. H. hill LEH. N. B.—The attention of litaelunists end Eri,rineets Is invited to our nomartmetlon MAL, for *reduced price, which yes been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are al la requested m call and ex , =me our superior double betion Force Pumps for steamboat and dommtle o•e. 6/11;1,611ill, LONG, k ?CUM , 'friiiiaiiti - - - rpl!_s partniship so long existing under the area et -L hrCord King, was by manna eensentdissolesd on the lot in . The badness will be closed vibe old stand 1W either 'OT . tinotsing the cameo( the fin:tie. , that purpose. item; • desirous to have tout bodiless elbsed with as little _ delay as passible we would ro• =DT . re t u s west those d ingd al e e i ttl .. l ,, ml 541115 jaPS H. D. XING. Co-Partnership, TOIIN 1). hI`CORD having assocuated with hint fru eY brothel( James lid , Cord, under the style of Ill`Cord St Co, wilf cowl= the flat, Cap and Fur Isomers in WI its various branches, wholesale and retail, au the old stand, earner of Wood and 6th meets, where they solicit a eontinuation of the patronage to llherall be mowed on the 44.1 (trin. JOHN 1) brCOll6 JaaS MALES'S wcoaii. rid retiring from the. old nod well kooern firm of 'Cord h litig,l 111041 respectllly meommetuf le patronage of the public my stmeesson, Messrs. hroord , &C. JaIN EI D KIND . -- b — Gaabation. T". E 0=1,7.,`"„, h 1, b .V.`17.".7rgi1fi,= 1 1.1t }toe, expired trijs day by ' lireitattoo. The bastes*. of the arm kill beesettled. by hitaill & Roe. J AldEti D. &POLLS, S. B. BUSUPIF.CD, WALTER C. RUE Pittsburgh, July la, LN4& . . The unelershiltal seill<on¢uue the Wha... Orw U :721rIes d = "i o ' lrs bi l,7l . O. ' l7VAtn, °fr . D. AFOUL, WALTER C. ROE. Harieg sold my interest in the 6rm of ?!'Gill, Bash field b. Boa m my former pertness, M'Oill it Roe, I take picasnre in' recommending them to my Wends and the subtle. kIUSHFIELJ). 4..W[FisteriTet-Ulp-Brii—s.-- -- Et N. STEPHENS of Wit eenng, C. F. Shitenberger of t d J. A. aim...inn:l of e nder nurea , have aim day entered intro no-panne refill, u tityle and firm of Stepti, ins, dhoenbomer Co., at the Anchor try nt hmeedhlinatlaVi:letnery'lifes=" U. W. mustrem. S. V. ittloSrMElGra., ). A. .1 . 001T.7.. STSPEIBIfI9, puos.snicaosa a. co. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. IVkedin, so Va. Mitheneture 'all kind of trailer, sheet, bo o n and steel nada, A. B. eel Mimic springs and axle. Rein Mtn mooted with Stmeoberms , old Juniata works, we cap oder , i an n tl y ele of Juniata iron (breaded Shoenbergeri equal to made .0 toll country. All of which wit be sold the Pe .burgh price. Warehoow of the walk/len eror Nn me nod %Voter au. myli DTAISSIIiLIITI.W.V—The pormenhy hltheTrtoents, ing under the -t) to and Gem 01 Wmhutton lk Hot fell, IT this day ditholred ti% mound consent, John Hal lett hamos disposed of Ids entire Interest to 11. Wight man. The bruin.. of the tote firm will be settles! by H. Ncightroan, who w authorized to use the name. of the late firm for that purpose. If. Wl6 trIAIAsN. epOßlow Lialrt '47! J. DALZEIA.. Tim Eh:Meant., is now prepared to manoromore tdl bode of Carton and Wooleo Alitehmory, at the shortest nonce. Orders ten at H. Wirtathan's Fogme thlup, sets ner Liberty mid Water streets, old meet with prompt H. wtuffnqA.Nt uternaort. Lenient, a., between Federal sod nandoskr sta., SpdtOdly ddlognerry coy. sliti4jAix , rinenanzp-Wia. Ycmatt hsritis this clay associated watt has, Joan R. NPCuss, the lea ther blamesa will lieressler Lc conducted antler the nno o (%Y. y o ung & IVILUAM YOUNG, jas.s JNO. R NYCUNE. Co-•PartsbotsitipWistiois. iffD, 1WCID401( CU. lutvc associated aid; berta ua thcix Tobacco and Coatemasioo buaincaa4 tikiwtubincial‘ltalb..okiacoli Heald k. Co, Daltimorc,) David C. McCansuann. and lnhi‘ A Wxrner MEDICAL, SALII3f. Cotuineinisa a. Apr. 24, Dill. 1111. D. JAYNI. Unto norn—i fool bound to you 1,1 and Me 'ducted yobbo, to strati .aped( of thus op poruniity of giving publicity to the eirleaunliwiry effects of your kpectorsot oit myself limns% been articled for several years a sere re event., hectic. fever and rte concomitant th•ease, nod seemed only doomed rhea, Laving resorted toall my fernier remedies. and i/nr pre tortptions of two or the 010/04 re,pneteLle pliyetetatis 10 he 0,410,011104 , 1 . wit1i0. deny.; any benefit, or the =reknit. of surviving . but a few days or weeks at 3 ktlheig—litell, the loot gleam of hope %V. about to niutsh, lbw! reconhtendnl to me your Expectorutt a red blused by Otat Being who does all thinga in the o Ile of the uteans. —cod contrary to the eXprclallonll of ly physicians azu..friends, I tram in a few days raised f net ray bed, and cuabled br to tow of ir botde, trend to my enjoytog ounce Lauer health than 1 has foe lanyears p. rl/10110. Reapeetfulfy yours, be., JAS. W. Finn. Forsale its Pittabu 'Eh, at the Pekin Tea dwrai I outth most. : mar's A. Al2ll4faßkil,WATeria4Trieit:Cl'iLL.i. - A' • Thin Calbenie corny Ounierinnbutris Knatinest of b nit whit inherency and compa.`ative au:denat of Pa , " {Naive action, and having a peen Oar nude:tor m the I, tinny organs, is extremely valua.Sle in this Coontri'l oh which (alio. fevers and other co toPioloto eueadr white, Ingeatiotiof the Liver, so mac,..• •"^""' h e y have n ow stcood the ten of 20 years, o lona proved them to be • safe and vela* Lie remedy ice intermittent, }1003i0.110% and Bilious Fey, "t 1 Jamiono, Bilbaos colic, ' ledidestiOn Droner. Df root. ' r i . U"""" Vomiting's, colds, and all coloplainls ul on to ry chnreeter. The complete and tooversal os", 11032 which ha. bean peen by these pins to o° who have used theta, renders the pablwhing 0( the nue cendiestes its their favor unnecessary. To' Pre vent, counterfeiting they are now put up in a red . graphic wrapper. Prirattseemaler a boo containing 30 pals. Prepared and sold by . _ B A FA HNISTOCK & Co, Cornet lot and wood, nod al. corner 6th and wood otreata. woB3 - B. A. PAILTICITOOL, A. D. M Y. City . u., N. . 11. L.Ttioninoca,l 11 Plttiburith. C. W. Yana Whotenat,ritg Store in the City of "- • Now York. - - • - Fillaadersignedaro eatensively engaged In the Melanie Wag baldness of No. 4O John street, is a city or NoW York., and are prepared to vapory Druggists and ionntryhterchtmW wall Drage, Paints, OUa,TOgo-atairs, Pate go and Amerman foolery, blander, Wester do Madder's CIICMJC/LiN to( their own importation) "ad all other articles to their hoe of bold , . n i at: iht. laVe or ithr rl y thal . it w. e y r o c lo i r y. as they can hover. aboard New York, Pablld'Jt. A. PANNE:3I'OOC3 Co. r===M=l . . . . 11 , 0 PAINTiIIS, BLIND IBAKERS, ku—We the tuldeestgemd, Psdnusra and Blind nail .n. 0 ,1' th z; city of New York, bare used and tested, and are now using a new article OtehTOMO Green, Illaballeratati by Geo. K. Marcher, of this city, and bed it to work well, pro ducing a 'arm brilliant Paris Green appearance, with a very superior body, and recommend at to our brethren lu the v ads as to. every particular the hest Chiome Green we bane ever used. New York, JUDO 1,17. tfigtled by ist firms of practical panders of the city of New York. This unequalled Chrome Green may bp had of a. E SP,LLPIELS, No 07 Wood street, who bus the exelusive ency for its sale in Piusburgh. marl 3 BEEM=Vi2MI _ LO.MX, C. n, Va., Aag. Ink IL E. Saari.: I cheerfally certhy that I have for some yeah past need your Verrnifuge In my faintly, and univainkily with success I decidedly prefer it to any other preparaeien I have used— amongst these may be nati,d the eel, ibralcd medicine Eahnestockle Vet rolfoge, and a preparation Called %Vona let In 1. recent VIM • magic dote brought from my little b. , one lldndred and six large warms Ito family eertuli ty ought to Le WILL.. it Yours ire JAS. LA VVYOI • - Prepartnd and sold by It E.. Sellers, No. 67 Wood at. anti said b y Dm-pasts generally in both Noes sepll A Finaltlet, or Teeth for AM Cents. lATV.YrE FULL unzA'rit, ItEmAla H and unhealthy teeth, tiller W . 6 once or twins cleaned wok Jonee' dauber Tooth Pon to, have the appearance of the MOM benutunl Ivory, am': at the same time it is so perfectly Innocent and es, tly taitoly Gan, that au constant daily ale is highly ad ,' sutageoun, even to those teeth that are in a good eon , anon, giving them a beautiful polish, and piaVaalillg presnature decatt. "'hose already decayed it prevents teatslseeothing worse—it also fastens such es ore be et:awn louse. and by perseverance it will render the frailest teeth delicately estate, and make the breath de liciously sweet Sold by IVM. JACIMUN, 89 Libesty street. mar‘t 4. A. FAIESIT.MITOOK , E I VEW weeks Waco, one of my children, aged about Ague years, was unwell for several day.' and the illness increased so alarmingly that 1 feared death would be the result. Hawing - heard of the good erects of Fahitestook , s Vertalfuge when administered to the cithalArch of my ne.ghborts, aud dunking my mild ought have wonua, Irma joule of the symptdius I geOrei It 005 -and a half .teaspoonfals orthe Vermidge, and to my great astonisltraeut tt almost immediately discharged hetweett ;MU and Mk) large 'comfit Its health was soon restored, and it is now remarkably wall. Previous to' MAtilli Bus Nernaluim tam worms would occasiouldr gleam .lie 'throat, 'Nod rodeo /caked it would dlefram• tinAralstion , ." • JAB:A:DAMSON. . `4 4 0...a. Vim • • 00.21 L. APB' x,'43. .4.12 . . lr =MB CBLUBLIATEO ITCH AND TETTEk -Ls 011ITMWIT is tk MOO' effectual remedy before timpabLic for , the curd of tenor, aeh, dry•suil ,watery . pimples of the taco, beck "and body, scaly emotions, ruul all other diseases of the skin. 'lbis Ointmera• is warranted free from utercurr, Is Perfectly illtios and tun4used at all times and under all circumstances. sopply,olkhis linible remedy remised. owl .COr nby A P•AliNkierOCK lc Co, -,corner of lot and sped; rlso„corner of drit and wood , _. • _ _ COPAL-4 cobs received and tor sale by /31" ' scold MUM is 6E17111 • HOTELS UNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT F 13 O TREET BALTIMORE POOO 000 TIMVISTON, morn Wills establishment long and widely known as. being one of the most commodious In the city of Helpmate, lats recently undergone very exten sible alterations and imptovautents. An. entire new wing has been added, containing Deuterons end airy sleeping apartments, and extensive Waiting The Ladles , demi:men! had also been completely reargeniled and fined, op inpac unique and beano. tut style- in fact the whole arrangement 011 e House has been remddeled, with a single- eye on the part of the proprietors, towards .the conthwt pad Pieta." their (meats, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied. with every sub menial and laxity which the mnrket affonls,served up in a superior style; while lit the Way of Wines, dm, they will not be sarpassed. !o conclasion the pooprletors hop e say, that nothing will be kit undone an th eir part, Red on the pan of their assistettiW, to render this Howl worthy the continued patronage ortheir friends and the nubile generally. The prices for hoard have alms bean reduced to the following rates: . • , • . Ladle' Ordlupry, 81,75 per day. Geinleinten'a 1,60 • N. B.—The-Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be .foond at the Cu and Steamboat landings., which Will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free oft ma -2tf EXCHANGE HOTEL. 0011=11, Ma AND ST. PLATA •r•-, PITTPAPIATI, PA. 2 The subsedber having assumed the m ment Odds long eateblikhed and popelarcut respectfUlly anunee• Travellers an the Poblie generally, that b will be at all4imes prepared to accommodate theca in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The HMSO 'seam being thoroughly repaired throughout, and nevi frennture added, and Do pains wilt be spared to maim the Exchange one ad, deD• best Hotels in the country. Th wedunahreed respectfully solicits • .contbutanea, at dm eery liberal paironagethe /louse has heretofore I : O 2 ° J . S . i: • 11102,L1S OWSTON, r7117.174 - 3TITIITniTII74 COMIL 09 YOURITI AIM GIANT Irflaltra, rtenumran. AIiTHE subscriber respectfully annonnees that ha has now opened his new sml excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, bo en, and. the public generally. The house and faro tore are entirely new. and no pales or expense have aro !spared tit render ft one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels In the ally. The subscriber Is determined to deserre, and there for, solicits, a share of public patronage. octla.dly JACIILI HOUGH. Pronrietbr TunoctitraciaTtraps GAJ.T HOWIE, . 2,......,..v5-- .. ARISTHROCKMOR N beg, to acquaint his Mends • that he is again lesson o f the GALT HOUSI , Louisville, Ky., where he hopes to meet all his old Meads, asszarnag them and the pubhe, that no r.ffor4altell be spared to male .11 Comfortable who favor him wlth Metr atronrojanttdl US IT S .. k, Mirror IT.. Pr:argil rovimi ow worn rra. OPPOSITE We Bark of the Uoited Buttes, Philo- POPE ISITCHELI, Propnetor. tl ►~~ i Chos!olats, Cobea,. W. Bakeee Americus and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brown, Cason Shell*, &c. To merchants god consumers, who would purchase the bus products of Coma, free fpm adulteration, more nutrition* than tea or coder, and In quality unbar- Posse& the sttbacriber recommend* the above articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with Ws name. Die Bennie and Cocoa Puts, as delicate, palatable, and estuary drinks for 'strands, eorivalaceuts, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to toy other preparation*. lits manufactures are always on We, to any quantity, by the mow re spectable grocer* in the eastern cities, and by then Nouns Rawer, Gray & on, of Bostou,Junes M Bunco &,eo, Hartford, Conn; Homy A Murray, New York; *kiln le Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomas V Brusulige, Bal timore, and Kellov;tc Bennett. Cineinheti, Ohio. WAL It BAKER, Dorchester bleu. For sale by suall BADALF.V A SMITH. Agu. NEW COACH PAC/TORY, irul l Z . Z,Trattt'y 7,:tt=n l hl,'" Loon between Federal and Sandusky sweet.. Th e y n me nevi disking and are prepared to re:eel, orders for every description of vehicles, Coacher. Chuiors,tra roaches, thisaries, Pheatoon, ire, the., %which from era /one axperiesee In the manafneture of the shone work, wall. facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled t ocftiue , do work on the most reasonable terms with Mate wanting articles in thole line. %Lyrae particular rittenhou to the aelevuon of to ra cial., OW hAVIIIF WOO hot roinpeLent. workmen, t have no turret/on in warranting the,, work Ce therefore uk rau attention of the public to this loaner N Repai ri ng done In Ito bent Manner, and an the mos . ; reasonable rem. jai Wiialifilit . innd Cast Iron Itaillup aubseribers beg leave to inform the puha t they have obtained from the lAA ail the late (naltionaLtle detmgcm for Iron limiltog, both (or ho and cogeteriei Parma, wishing do procure h. mom gamma will plea. CI and comma nod j an' themselves. Ruling will ho formatted at the s• .at notice. and In the Lest wanner, at the comae 'Craig . 4 4flettece• layette, Allegheby env. autt27-41, A. LAMONT & Ktdo facupratirailjilis , patent Soda As THE subsonliery inform terlT puitomen and dea 41. generally, that th eir first aidpinent h o t the fall onto of the above article, has arrived al per .hip Juniata, direct from the tuanufamittur Litorpool, and will by here in a few days. lhey Foyers; oi4et e&ipmenta on the way—two of w aid; per alive Medallion and Lydia, ere nearly d they are therefore prepared to receive order. Beitidee Ore large qaanit4aa they have coating to ealMint erOes p 0 be forwarded iota by canal) they - Ironies during the winter and aprina. tftmlar sup. via Now Orleans. %V & M MITCLIELTIII w-P 4 Fancy Pars, fresh train' Europe. MllE:subscribers have now in store a vary xten astormasu pf Furs for ladies wear, which bean purchased 10 Eucup by one of the firm, el low pnees• dams the monetary crises svcceedin . Preach Revoushon! This advantage, which they posse. over any • .er house in the trade,:vrill enable them to .1/ a very ex cellent article much below the market price. 117. Merchants and others will adv.ee their own ...Ws by Clamming dus extensive axxOrtment. 14,1L,1tk, IiIIOTHEILY, importers, 66 As= ibrawerrTl between :,a and ad streeta, ang7.l3rn Pitladelplan I TT Lt o.olllFig. Cuppizag and }•o4lng: U. NORRiS , th4teer...or to st , EL Delany ) i . 16,: No 35 Firth street, between cod and &pub. cid Fresh teethes received monthly--mtenduce all boom Reference, the Ithysictua of l'usburgh, Abe -Fitesty and blroungham. I tabu cheerfully recommend to the playlnentas, fam ilies and all my former fnenda and patrons, Mr. K. 1.1. Norris u being 'thoroughly acquainted ' , nth the but nes. ialid worthy of patronage. 33.3344) M. ft DELANY ,laiandracturod Tobacco. A Q Bl.B(lcatryA Royster's superior sweet., Ips; 'i011.5 do MA Builec's • " lb " ID ht do Price & liarwooPc " 5 “ Si do do do• odo do Pearl b. Harwood " 0 In " 14 do J Robinson 67 Ode. do " " 2.3 do do Wm Dawson do T Wright's 77 do G Atiderson " " tl " 9 do 1. T Dude's 6 do ft Maeon's 0 do Rateltif " Jost landing from steamer and p ackets, and for sale by !WALD, BIiCKNOR & Co, 41 north water II and IC north wharves. joYJ Philadelphia toaAoco—at tis & Rona superior meet lb lumps. 73 half Lae Webster Old sapenor sweat 56 lumps 35 " Lnarisa.; Lather" 5s 50" bents, & }tower "3s & fis " Dupont (de la Buret " 611 10 McLeod " " " Lawrence Lomas " 15stsiss plug ju et landing from aieurter, and for sale by HEL AD, MICKNOR & Co, 111 N water st and la 14 Wharves, Philadelphia: mk3l & J. OLONNYBooli — Blindor... wE a , lath lingud in the above business, corner o f T aal al,ll rd streets, Pittsburgh, where eye preps' od to do any work in our line with de. our work perscinally, and sau. ?action will be ,'Sveu iti regard to its neatness and du- Blank Books r sled to any pattern and bound sub etanually. Books in numbers or old hcaks bound care f u lly repaired . Neone• put on books in tenni Thu,- that have work in our lane are invited Cu ca PricceLlow. my/thif IP. - VITIt. R. SS:I.IPB and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON have entered into partnentupunder the firm of SCAIPE A ATKINSON. and will ' carvy ou the Tin, Capper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also, lliacklinnthing in MI no launches, m the old stand of Wm B. Scene, street. hear Wood. Particular attention given to sienna/oat work. osei - 4 - fal'llogiliTiafree T*WlMii - LiTimatiCoffei ;10 Ill.) do tit. Domingo do; libt hes nln glom; 125 do ID- 19 do; 33 do 7-9 do; Dodo 14 do; 33 hede N. 0. Sowar • VALI@ No. 3 111101110 ; boo rosin soap No. 1; Cielelo dipped candle.; IND do Ctommtnn snook' do, race ived on conriguniont end for sale by opi/4 A. NV liefittils7A----lElitetilaree mud sOletultd uisortment I/ of Chun's, Carelmerrs lirwangb, Cremate, &r.., and for mien by WILLIA3IB, Marconi Tailor, tugs_ order Mottongalola Holm& smnefield at - 'l,llilE - Pirs P:1) lalrtilff fiIIIISM.- ALANThree fine Draught Honesnquire for of n sale, soa. ble for draying, &e. E ALLINUIR/11.0 to Co, aug/7 relict : Learnt, tilreny et I lALY gmin, to French Coif Skin, a Vcry fin O alljle. , C• A few dogrna rhilade r libm t 4 i.m , from the manufactory of 1 - 1 Al Cm trio to welch the attention of boot makers to invited. lust received and for sale by TOUNO to Co. jeDll3 Wow? in . _ • .. .A . r W. M. AI'CLINTOCKttS, No .5 board, street, can be seen a splendid variety Of sup Royal vrl and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also. Drug re..3 nip gold sup and fine Incr.. Gavots, or mop tyles and 41.1n...a and . ennoecdon ran always to Wend Table 1.1111,1114 Crashes, Diapers, Damask., Aw ry.... Oil Clothe, Re. Ac., to all of which we cull we uttuutiou of the public,. &urn AVINO sold our cadre stock to 0 H. Oaairr, with al a vlew to elong oat old husittess. we hereby so- Ltfor him the patronage of all our friends end cus tomers. • NO. W. POIN DEXTER, TllE. POINDI.IXTER. Pittabrugh, Aug. eth, ISAR C If. GRANT. Wholesale firmer, Comnituton and • Fod . wiltditist Merchant, No. 41 Water in. - JOIIN - NCTS.IgI anti Front street. Hell Founders and tone lidisoiater4 ot kind* of Fining • for Gies. Steam hueo alnays an hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe for steam, gas, and water from to IM. m dimatal. BrassCamo in made: morder. Also, • largo umtment of Bells aud Mashed Brass Work to saturh the attention of Phantasm arid Engine Builders is paniaahuiy thrected. tias Panne put up morally and an reasonable tenua. sep2o4llem `as>Se~9tlVatiS amine. 171131TERS TO THIS RETREAT eon be Cbrnis.hed V with a Lunch at all lonics of the day; into, Ice Creams, Pratt Confectionary . , er.e. The menet Green- Star rept, 14' leaving bet Put Meet holding at e 4 A. hi., and at halt past eac h hour p..p,11) 144it il 114 P. M.-4eaving the Gordon at 10 • N. for her last tnp to the city. A umnligh trio. of tho Garden Is Indexeribabla In beauty;gym MISCELLANEOUS. PENCOTT &Ming (Lat e J Striler & IUrANCFACrUItESS .of PhonLr foo Proof ..4. 1 1.4 South side, nested street. between Wood and Bteuthfir_ld Pittsburgh. J 8 Strickler hoeing deceased and the son tvina partner 2,11. Jos Lippencott, ltstriad associated hi.m.lf with Mr. C Barr, the business will hereafter be coadacted under the style of LiPPott' cones. Bait Trial of a Safe in Umeinnati. o.—We, the undersign ed werepresent at the main of one of J 9 Strickler It Co's improved Pharnia fire-proof safes. The sate wait placed an • furnace on the public landing, and subjected to the intense beat or a stone coal fire for more than three bonze; • In one hour end a *elf the safe earns to • bright red - hear, the door of the farm.. tons then closed, whicheatmed an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the cam iron wheels wens parthdly milled oft the furnace wee then thrown down and the *ate cooled and opened. The money, papers and beaks Which it contained were as perfect no when pied therm the binding only of the boots being hi-the-miter in cooling the safe. We hove no csimtion lu recommending it to the piddle as • sale superior te any we have ever Men tested, 'and helieve that heat 'width might be eiroduced, keept a heal *bosh would melt it to a solid suss. Springer Whitman, L , am & Reamtt, Ben). Urnet, P BreesWorthington K e, ?donut Smith, T Dungan & Co, Stedma W n, ALayard & Co, Wed Manse, Mead & Mann. Ea We, the under s igned, selected the safe rooken of abate, flout a lot in the store of Timber & &diary, the Agenu CO SPRING oW., 81 KELLOG. Refer to Cook & Han* Broken, fitutnna ltw i Hassey Hanna & Co, do do TS US. LUTX.OIT. Mall D. WIVE. LIPPENOOT T b CO. MANI.FAZ IVEERS of Hammered and Cast Siel Shovels and Spades, Ales sad Uatchets, Mill, oq Cot, Ciraular and Gin Saws, fray and Manure Parke, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, /cc., having completed allltbeir arrangement; in the consul:arm of new macktnegy, and In securing the best workmen from the most <etc:- brated establishmentsof We East are now manufactur ing and will kcep.constantlron baud sad 4 bt , We all the above articles, ,having ;mailed themselves of We latest improvdteente, and o ft determined that in work. manship and material they will not be excelled. They promise w produce artincs mow/ if not sopEriell, to any that can be had in the Ear. They invite the anima tion of dealers to an examination of their stock before putrhasing elsewhere, us they are convinced that they will be able to till all orders hi their hoe to the enure satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela loose, Pittsburgh, Ps. N. IL—Persons having tIl•i11.1 with Wm. LiPPen conk Son toll Meese call on lAppencon tr. Co. octSdly 3./01.E9- W. WOOD , .'ira.L Ptttabargh Furnltare Ware . .. .. A larm and aplendtd a . mormant of Furni ture, mutable for Steamboat., Hotels and ref- Cele dwellings, commtly on hand and made to order. The present stock on Mind cannot be exceeded by any menufamory in van tern country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well t pee me a 4214 tm lam deternuned my pnces shall pleas. furl of the stock consists in -55 sofas . with Plush mid Hair-cloth centric with dot Mahogany Nora., Chaim 14 pole Divans; 12 dos One mahogany Chairs; 12 ninhoony Work Bcandei_ 3 don mahogany Rocking ChairE 15 marfile top Dressing Buren.; pnir Ottornatuc S marble tap Work Stands; • In chewy Work Stands; 211.11ageni,/daple. Chem', and Poplar Bedsteads of all dewriptions, and a large ~ 0 11171.11 of common furniture omlehairs, too numerous to mention. marker ~llfKO..l•.b}•Y: y: rd y.~n:d ~~H:(.~ }1:~ THEY are not aware how frightfully injunnus it is tc Nesbitt—bow wane, how rough. how eallow, yel. low and atthealthy the okra appears an?, using proud. pared chalk! - 13esitlea His Inodlocui, eoritzioing n large quantity oflagiS %Ye have pea parod a beautiful vegetable article, which we nay JONES' SPANISH LILY NVICITP. to perfectly innocent, being purified of all delete now gualities; unlit imparts to the akin a natural. healthy. alabaster, clear, living white; at the tame time artiste as • coonetie on the makinti it WI and cmatint. Dr. James•Aniteraon, Practical Chemist of Kassa. husens, says: 4 Atter analy km; Jottee SynnitEt Liy Whim, t find it posscsaes the most beautiful and natu ral, and at the rune time innocent white I ever sow. 1 certainly can conscientiously reeommend Ito 1.111.0 all whose akin regimes beandfying." Prior, 'Xi cents a bor. Sold by WK. JACKS. N, I.2..erty et conatD Pitt DlssekLissa Works sad lihmandry. Y1TT6.11.011, PA. • TOHN WRIGHT di. Co., arcprepared to build Cotton r.l and Woolen Machtnery eleven , description, such as Carding filnehio.o. Spinning Fr-runes. Speeder,. Dreams; Rome,. itailooty Heads, Warpers, Spooler, Drinssing Frames, Loom., Card Grinders, Lc. Wrought Iron Shaft Le turned, all eiaes of Cost Aron, rulties end Hangers of tho latest patterns, slide and hand and wain dell tinds. Casting-a of every- dear riptein fornedied on alien notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Graring,'lmn Betlmg, &o. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Saab and fancy Cas tings generally. irrdory led at Mc Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co., Liberty street. will have prompt atten tion, Refer to Blackstoek. 801 l it Co.. J. K. Moorehead it Co.. H. E. Warner. John Invw it Sons, Pawburgh ; u. C. it J. 11. Warner, .Steulionvilte. iaitt9 Nese Ilardwarvo noose. • . JOSEPH WOK/DWELL, corner of Wood and 2ilsts , Pittsburgh ing witramit from the arm of al er Woodtvell on theist of January, 1147, I take pleasure. ainionceing to my (mends an the city IL‘KI country, um , I have opened no new sloe. at the above named place. Ilavutg purchased my goods for cult, and made arrangements mob manufacturers to this co ntry and in Europe lo be canal-may supplied, I not a L. ,11 . # . , r r eriared to nom Hardware of all kinds, on as C 4131. end iow as any house East or Wes erchnnts arm ti , tort arc respectful') invited to call and cannon. Of 1 before purchasing else setters. "I 'be following comprises a part of bus stock Steamboat and saddler) hardware, gun armaunga, ftlea.Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools anvils, mere, locks latches, amulet, butt hinges, screws, Union Far- To 'h nn7cTel b-oiTlVt.rir=v't:rar'L'aUd- i r y TILZDITZSZT, Rat Orrirt 1101.1,0. C , HOGE begs leave to inform the citizens of Pitt.. O s burgh and vienuty, Mat he has taken the Daguer. nran H9Olllll lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub lic are asaured that all the late improvements are secu red, and will be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has bee n• 111111 operator since the an was Best discoveretl. Entire satisfaction is guartateml to all who may become au. patrons. Mr hi. will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter. in whose establishment he has operated for Me fart twelve months. Faintly Por trait.. Engravings. Daguerreotypes, dre.., aedurately copied. Likenesses taken In any weather, mid set in lockets. breast puia eases and frames.. - . Instrucuons given in every branch of the art, and ap paratus furnished. feed( Penn DI iseitrow Shop- HWIGHTMAS— —Alanufneturer 01011.6 of cots ton and woollen machinery. All my, Pa The above works being now in full and successful 0p .%1 am.preparee to elemre orders with dispatch for ell lauds of niftshutery m my hie, inch as willow.. pinker% spreaders, cards, grunting mackunet, railways, drawing frames, speeders, throoda looms, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, mules,fack%&c.; elide and hand lathes and twin in gen eral. All binds of ettainne made to order, or plans giv en for gearing forsiones or mills at rewionablo charge. /Sou son-Kennedy, Childs & Co, Klackstock,(tell Co., King . Pennock &Co Jan. A (hay. - 13E41:4.:Frp lIR.ATiII - POLINDKr. -- a. A FULTON. Bell sod Brass Foooder, litts re both and commenced business at his old stand, where be tall! Ito pleased to see his old CUSIGIT. ere and inends. Choreh,Steamboat, and Belle of every size, from 10 to MOO pounds. east from patterns orate moat agprov. ed models, and warranted to ho of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Ratting. to.. toge ther with every vat sty of Brass Cal/311p, If required, turned and &twilled in the manner. A.F. In the solo proprietor of linnurr's As. Arr. TION NirrlLL, to io•tly eel...bruind for , the redo.on of friouon in tonehmery. The !loxes nod - Composition hod of tom rii till moos. PloUgh., Plough CostlogorlYigola lloxeta, 11013):RT HALL, of theold fan, of B. tc S. Haiti. =Laub.- turing large go amities of Ploughs, Plough Casngs. on boxes, to.. with th” tmprovements of u the Leaver. Peacock, Minot, and other Ploughs, of the latest and bast patients now /11 use. Warehouse Hid Liberty street, Pittsbur . gh, opposite the Hay Sonic; Factory, Allegheny etty, near the Cott.. Factory of Messrs. Illackstock, Bali gr. Co. delftly iHlirotannerstup nereualore riuUng between John blot en .d Sam.l Wightman, under the name of John Farr. & Co., is this day desolved uy mu tual consent. The ...less of the late firm will Iro se I. thal by John Farren at the womb.ee of the Boatmen's line. JOHN BARREN •. SAMUEL WIGHTNIAN The business of the Boatmen's Lane will hereafter be conducted by Farrell k Lowry, at the some place.— Thankful for past favors, we solicit a conutitianee of the same. JOHN FARAKN sepls L I. LOWRY FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAlNT—Received, per Hemmer Michigan. sb! I. sloieral Paint. The net bele Is worthy of the roneutornvon of .11 painters lor it uo( atm. color. ar d end bc added with any otheri color without rholiguig the shade ...smelly. It is a grit soviet, and em en appLed to wood it will turn the pmnt to a prrioct .10210 surtsce in the course of thane lor 5 wrcs• 111.0. not a complete tire proof—the ah title ho. hem, fully tested for au year, by the proprie tor. before they wooltt oder It for wale. Any person puse l ow mg will net be deceived ti the article. A lame quailuty Will be kepi hand at ell dines, at tho Iththa Rubber sad Oil cloth Depot. I& II PHILLIPS, A.,te for the company, No 5 wood et i ttlUt d tU:irl h t:: ,,, P . El a l i t , P o y m l r E n fl o Y—Just received Aniamlinv Soap: Hazel cut Oil Soap; Philliconth; Alettande Od, Y sues; Comp'd Os Marrow; Wash Balla, Itransparent) Almond Shaving Cream; Bears Oil Beare (Heave; Palm Omnibus Soap; Taylor's Perfume; Cologne, 3 sieevi Jenny Lind Pomade; Aasandine. acted R bRLLRRS, No 7 wood at. T.o.oberta, - rkETHALMIC , SEE:EON, milli attend to th e treat kit town of fasces , . oldie Eye. Dr. It ha. been engaged in this branch of the medi cal procession for sixtecis years, and has conducted an cittahli.inuant for the treatment 01 diseases of the eye alone tor several t can. firms and raildellco . Corner or Sandusky it and strauibu.,, Alleghtny city. ectl3 be. Nl°Lane In Tennessee I HIS is to certify that I porebased one Ant of Dr. Lauer, WOllll Specific, some two menthe Alp and g•Ye to a son of mine sonic seven years ol d, two teaspoons fa% and although The amount may ppear largve, yet I have no doubt but there was crpstrards of flre z ritICIASID WWI.= passed from him, rnetuuning Jim me quipr of no inch to two Inches long. W HOLLIDAY. _MUM! OmII, Carrel co. Tenn., Lnic u'l, IEII. Ix3l TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA-30 hts of Ojg peat spring and mummer medicine, this day reed Mid for sale- orhalesale and retail, by R E SM 1-V-21) N. B S. is Dr. Townsend's only agent for Plitstur_gh, the getionie article emy always be had at No 57 Wood street. rosin HS AND- CASSOLERE 4— Sioon k j o rdij'a, hilet. street, wool.] invite the attention of buyers to th ir stuck of rreimb Cloths and Cassimems, Om, tnintion's fancy Can...A, Sattinets, Tweeds, Satin SUM Vesungs, Tallots' Trimmings, Win DRY & VAR ILII GOODS. NEWI OODS AT ZEBULON K1N316V 1 9: 67 F tAR10E1' STREET lily A VINO inn Id ' . I "r of F'":1" 11. Trimmings and Variety Goods , e limits. 61 anemic., of costomom td hi o ezteadve 1000 2 , consisting in part of the following .o0ds: 19 don fine steel bead hits; o do do velvet do 'do ' 5 do do steel and gillbOad FlommL 1 do finest entbroidenittr do 4 do assorted rosewood workboxes; 1 do do finest do Pirollibed; Ido do writing data, kdi Ido do dressing vim.. pag do fine inlaid dolma sccordeons; 1 do plain do do 6 do common do IWO benches steel beads; 40 do assorted stool tassels; 12 do steel pone thaw, • 100 do gilt beads; - 100 do silver do 11 dot Jean Dario Parines Cologne; 10 nest* back pmroonlmards, assorted; 40 setts assorted dominos; 3 do:; t iord eases. lasorted 11 do fan cy boXell.. 10 groos ring cards, iiiortodi 12 dos m%ses, 20 30 do plain shaded Spool Wrisk 5 do . sore dins mantel ornaiminta, I do ivory screw pin ettiddomr i i Ido steel do do do Ido wood do do do do plain silk purses, aisbiled4 do Indies compimions,lernialed; 11 do assorted worsted costs • Ido extra fine do :do 10 do assorted worsted Caps; 111 do do comforts;' • do ladies fine zephyr clog :00 do assorted worsted mittsi 7do boys do gaiters; 2 do wit hays do .eap; GLOVES AND HOSIERY. 10 dot ladies fleecy lined:silk glover; II do gents do do •-• de l 11. do Amoy top cwhmera do. IS do plain do do do' 17 do gents do do , • do, 15 do do Berlin lined ' do: IP do do buck do do! 25 do chil.lrens smekiags. swotted; 30 do do glover sod mittens, assorted; 1.4 do ladies blk esstimeni bosei do 20 do do and gents kbl gloves do, cheap, 25 do mess coarse yam' do' do 11 do do do miners ! do in do boys do do .• do 54 do children. Oilcan and Albert boots; 3do fine zephyr open orked do TRIMMI w NGS. ' 25 pieces 1,10 embroidetrginv, 16 do do plain :do 10 do cool embroidery 410. . tAI do plain do Ado 18 do blk mohair fring-4 12 do solid do do 50 do bit cm stir do, all prices; A vary extensive wsortment of colors of all widths and prices. 40 setts trowlaateillaneY 1,a2m1 for dresses; IVO do plain do dd do grosi wed cops silk - do Lde 10 do: ladies cloak tassels, said calls sod blk le do gents do do , .do 40 grow commongilt battons; 50 do fine do do, assorted; 12 pieces beery cloth fringes, !do VAR' f:TY' 60016 300 lb. cold and worsted skeineottan; 1110 do Tinley's patent thread: 55 do coalition do do , 1,000000 permission cops, at all prides; 150 packs American pint, .sold No 180 dos vTally Hoo twins, warranted; la grow assorted lather brusher, 50 do: hair do 253 do tooth do, ,wsorted; 30 do razor strops; ' 30 do cotton garters; , • 5 do fine elwtsc silk;. 10 dokitb, With a fine anent akeiy tying in the variety live. I=llM3 JEWMIIY. Ear rings, finger rin,gs, nreent Mki at Ur. gold obelus arid gold wate4or inovery variety. sew) FREED FAIL, GOODS. . . . CII IT YET! - UST bents recaved flow opantag ALII4AN DE ZRs R DAYS , No Mitket street no west very comer of the Diamond , a lame and sp lendid stock of fall and winter Dry Goods, 'to ' , Etch they would re spectfully invite the allenttenj of-the public. It is well known to almost every one that the present season is one eta:town/Med for its loW pricesiof Dry Goods, and it affords us great pleasure in hemp able to mat that Merin, to our pent faciltdis for Suit furrows*, (ohs of the !trot residing in Philadelphia,) we have been ena- Wed to purchase our present stock at a Considerable reducnon tram the usual sistket nines, cheap so they ore. and we arc therefore inubled to sell at correspon dingly lower than the usual prices., We would there fore invite all cash buyeel fly wholesale or rend, to ett , u• evil. and lay nu; their Malley to the best ad.- vanage. Tim Ladies should ca.( and glimmer our stdek of rents,Gingham. de Leine's, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Merinos. Silks. HombasinAs, Tiede, and vancrue other styles of fashionable DresilGoods, of which we pave a very fine assortment, ins:lading aiery description of those goods In the market_t . . . CLOTHS AND CASSIMERaO-To the gentleman we would recommend our Moak of num French Moths and English, French and American Casaintemes OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is eery large, simbra cing almost every , ".riery PfittYle end flueRMI• SATTLNS7I"3--Of which vez have an egeellemt ea sonment, and of tar quudnes. FLA.NNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannels of duallites and prices. .• TIMINGS AND CHECKP-4 iluperiot t of Ticking* of grade., and Sliming Cheere l it gre at 'Lnesy B LEAC ITED AND BROVN MUSLlMS—Rtabra cing almost every deseripdion of the above goi, itse chng She of all within.. ALSO—A fine stork of Satin Veinoga, '4lk and Cot ton Velveta, both plain and fig ,n Kennlcky 'Jeans, pima Unsays, plaid nod lanky itred Malt and tong, Linings. bleached and anbleached Table apse, both linen and cotton. bleached and tintilmiche4 Table Omits. bieached mid unblettnhed ; Canard Flannels, col'd do do, Bonnets and Domini Itibbone,lo sad colM It cravats, Ladies Sonia Mid emirate, Gleans and Hosiery of nil kinds, Suspender., irish Like.' Linen Lawns. Linen liclkfe, is Lace Veils, Love do and Ildkfe, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scoich Diaper, crash, Linen. plant striped aud barged lactitactra Cam bne and that.. Muslin., Victoria Lharng, Rhea Date . ges, Merchants the dim , for the parr , * of laying in their snootiestshoald not , fail to give as• well, as they will find our proods and prices Such 7.annot fail to mot their purpose ALEXANDER & AY, scrolD 75 market 4,14 Vlf co Diamond The New Golden ace ftive43 . alw. New Fall sad Wiitur Pry JTUST recetved and now operant, at r the Dot Bin lime, on Market sneer, between Iltird and Fourth streets, one of the largest,: cheapest eud best assorted stocks or Fall and Winter Dry bleeds ever of- fered In Pittsburgh, to walek the ineolina of our no, microns customers and they/abbe ppsnerall*,..la respect fully loaned, IA the 11141.111.1697 la confident Mal to tam offer such hareems in Dry Goode as eanhot he sur passed by any other honwir tithe city. As these goods have been: puretuwed al prices far below those of any forme ...a, ithay alb he mold at greatly reduced rate, Among this large and sOle a dlO sioek vvlll be found many choice and desirable . gdodn at extremply low prices. LADID3' DRESS adoira Very rich and most fashionable dress sils; plaid and striped black mini striped and plaid silks ! lain blaCk very glossy gro de Sbineil plain Wick' rie lu•- tring, silk for •isenes, mahullas and event at very low prices; newest designs sild lams; stylmi cashmeres; plain and satin sulped esinunerey bo bony cheap; French 01E1100 all colors; de labia., plain kind liNared and satin striped, at grEiLl 104.11100011 00 (01111E5 pricea; ga ls, Cal dorm. and cashmere plaids, =Maur and Monterey plaids. UI qualities; Islamism, all 4ualide.l and colors, loom 125 to 75 cents per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Fme enottmero, terkerid and brobho ithairts Hisek embroidered coebmrrei arid do Intim show* Vine Tibbet and de louts • do MEtlM!!==l Fine quality tong, very:chimp do Nam black and pied a Ik, eery Cheap do A lance lot plaid blunket drawls from dd cent. to $3, all %tool. DOMESTIC GOODS, bIUCH DELOW FORMER -.•— Good dark calico from J to 6 Maier yatd; B eat quahty dark calco from 0 co tO ceriuq Yard wide purplo do, i 114 etw Wood yard wide blesaohed'mnaliti 4 toe}; Bed tiekinsr. and check., all pram; Blanket., trom coarse to beet quality, vory pheapi A full awonment of red, white and yellow flattnelg Satinet., Kentucky Joao*, Kerseys, Llowaya, etc, ew, etc, ail 01 winch will tip sold at reduced rotes, at No 61 AlarkM st. wpdo . Ls RUP4rf.T. FALL 60008. - I ;n'LLn`'''.,:"C. l 4.s"4lll7l"ll : l7gro' i m7g; one of the largest assorailehts betarb ' roaght to the mar ket. which have been paick.ed ;direct tfroM the Im porter. and IllsnufacturmsZof . Mb lading and newest styles, and Inner in price than ere, offerpl,ia this dm to which he invites the illOtion ' ; of. thoE wishiag to furnish steamboate or bongs, before pu huirg else where. The stock conkhda In hurter e folbwiag variety, viz: Rich Auminist Carpets; Oriental Tape try Oil Cloth • do Velvet do plain eolored do do Tapestry do 24feet wide do Btatasets do 9-4, 7-4,6-4, 4-4 & 4 oil cloth Platte Raper 3 ply do Weir gods B°T" • d ° d a: 1 4 4 2M.Z01 1.1 ""grm Inarain Wide do do . Itosewood 04 Cloth Common do do Prumb Moths t 4-4, J-4 & I Damask kholosOtted Poino posers Venitlen do 4lO, Tad ht do 4-4, 3-4 &4 t wild do do , Oil cloth. 3-I& phstn do do Turkel 'Rod Tolleuen 4.4,i&24 cot do Adelttid Mats: e-4 printed tenon Carpets: , lieets skin del Estra sup Chenille lisi4s; Jute do do do Tofted do sinennt Fine do de, ;Vie:Pita Hem NViliou do do. .1111113•Wdrop .poplin, Cncnson flg'd Plush; Maio do Drub M Cloth 1 { and 6-4 Tilde Llama lint. do, for coach trotsiTritalp'nl Wimlow Shades Carpet Bun Mum 'Extra: Frencli do do Woßd cord. Loh, Sotto de Leine. for do Tinsels wuulusr Minato. Scarlet, blue, crionsti - o,; black' and drab [Fantastic.; figured rainbow Damask.: wotoned mid linen Table covers; blue, crimson, erirlet, gismo, dials and black Idtweensi cotton Plug.% a all Odors, tr.O.tes, Sec. Also, (hachure. and Drillings for steamboat decd, end all other trummegs nices.ary for midn for boats in our line, to which th i : , 7llpecial attention of owners I. Invited. W M'CL. TOCK'S Carpos one door from Wood, ott Fourth twO CARPETI3I44; - 011.. CLOTHS, &.• W. Iti'CLlNTsteli'S CARPET STORE, N0.:5 FOURTH Stow. /l NE of the largest cud the 'mow ctiee stock of ) CARPETING in the market. ..b. CiM all the usual qualities from tho molt aOroved istanuatetories, Ulm have been tested for darabilny to . fabnc and co tom. • . Tapestry Velvet Carps , gottl : do Brussels da Erosions carpetlog; FAtro .1.42 e ni 114 Itnym Extro sop el ply do 'INLI do sup Ingram do - , :IV ton do ?toe do do .7 13 Is do' ~ common do do Manufactured to order in over panel.; adapted to parlor, basorocrits end: elllelebn.te , ... Patotod Oil Mobs, totl44ng warp ? etas." . „.4. boles, kitchens, ie. •. , • • Strove Mount& Stair Pods, r l i9b3sislis al pines vest Plante". Cotton and woollen BoeklagefrogLe third so.tbsom W,, v• tde. Muss lAs, 15e44., e1:x.44144 W,, apace/lasers at o)Osala nod ye y ..._......... folly Invited. WasessOs; eek 4,,,,, -, v ,... f =5„ 1.421 , 7 ! W LINTOCL VOL: COLD'S' Peanut Graduated Galasuie• Battey sad Pdteit Ittrukurri,„._ R o /PArribßilaitßui?aleir • Te.a is theaelysOutraMentatihe kind =vet been paseenteden this I:doom -or Dirope_fox mad : el netiwwes, and is the gply one aver known to man, by which a...galvanic Ai4can be conveyed to nut ho rnet, eye, hocar, the lindiker t 0 ally. Pen ertbe ' l l'. cithht L.eXtienr In a deSnlte gen et IllOhts 'or pain—with perfect sayslyi— and often • happiest effects. mt. h aponataapparauwis paw highly approved lef by stuusy_. of Le. sutta., eseleaat p_hysintans of this coun t/7 and 'tamps, la wham thei pph~ydetamofthiscoan ps, meted ind others whom a may =maraca* ha sekterui, Reference will also gituottu ittlibusspeesable. citiaosisontolutre hoes eared boa aa ccChltlernest`mthiable apparautel :ol a t/Toi l eg l Ate"""Wea. rd which by arty r known meant. c alVat e lZh a W a rlo o t t s been red to b e ea son: nervous nonstnebo suisl other dlseuelltle'brait. ase It Is with the n apparalas alone that the operator can wimp themataintedellnidwish one and safer to the egeotreetoreateter ere amenrosusi ,to th e ea, to natant Mader, to e tongue and other onme s , to,re shorespese-bs and Au^ratiusis puma the bodrifor th e cum ofchrode theat !wattle, eT tig &Mentos, panted* or pally, goat; chews oteSt. rasea dartoe,erawr,weateete mat sprain t. wow diar..°4 pope or to alpaca, contraction of the limbs, loctialnete.ede. • • • Big •, Vi lua ' 4 .'r d7itt 4t r u l: er tie °4s 7 g r", d i to tit= relPitarenni c " l'd= r • • • Da re ••. PallastroatwaswillAqgitrao,for the various attend cals to be used hot varietal Mame; and QM' best man. net Sor . operatingt forthe eausolthosediscaseet will al -4.3 way e•VPlsluod to Unsparcheser, and a pomp let put Into hie hands expressly R. these pirrperaes, y. pteoardE7the , pateatmuaceu Eugene of . oetl3-dly WILLIAA. I§, VthoLst, patsbanch. NEW M'anttanson. TORN 11.4111EMOReblo Oh Mood street, Is ant ale • agent for Carhan's Patent Melodeon, • mewand acid M' blinnustelni 'exceedln,gry • well adapted for shad! chamber.. family. seenlufs. • • Per Me here& of those el:siding at a distance, and etrhaeogenUT A nat__e infeelt. the * ol P4Pett before surceasing, me volnnaf ctosenpuon LILI1.!1): Tit:l . 6l4oY [UMW 41(1 . 0,CeVOlidi and are es hand stadely-Elnlalted a•Piancr Forte 'no keY them! is :holy els mew with. piano oral:lran, and - slie tone , `shish spry Insantifni s l o lx reseasWea that of the AV Of ett The stir can he dome diately made PO=Prlment detsehing wig pin, the beltdel 'heeding um the - body of" dm totmetent, and the - tage folding ander, laving the whetted's compact torn.. • reett. Mstrament, hss packing case, and the "'h01° ,..,yV e n d 49 ,12 1 Tx. Th. Coi 'ILL; vtthe 1:4= 9 1=1 1 b a y , pleasure,- tris safe cienthy lood Sersmall chombes, end Is ealenlateduar parlor lastrautent., .• • last received, a Ampler of the. abovet. price, with ease and lratmetion nets . • lisveasi bleSPaltesatas•Coolq• • 'Wha l • / 3 41PWIlfarCi WA YER, tendon 'turbid leant; pure by •• • eentaaintall aetanacceeet a n oroluble in • manna in N. Vort. -*. t kitk!...o . 66 !"e.d 1 0 aktreTe, Yet when It Pastlets ah hoot throng h thin \ terind k", - shows r lane de tit Is the e • mote n Trr ,AL all hamar marma 'tek Tholiasendhle EikeTer. N Pet{ linddzicabie, and is net Arminian, ernlt the Inconvenience Incident to other Ftheyers, as it Is efeanied - valthent being delsefed from the - water mi.; merely yarning the key . * handle frornangs Infirm. Mot otiaa• .14.tina easy prams., the coarse of arateviaottanged, and all anenmulations of Impure. sub e t aoegp, driven off almost , _ lartantly, acilboni ummrewing the • It also pot:sasses the advantage of - tieing a stay enck,load as each 'ln many easel *lll be'Very convenient and eeonotaleal. ft tan beatutehed wham than a any pressure high , or loaras cask, tank,.tah, ike..tyith ease, ,gyp be had - of the vote Agent, W. W. WILSON,, cell: • • corner Of Fourth and Market ids Diaphragm Inter, for Hydrant "Water. THIS Is to gratify num, I '• "•' • " have Ited l g t r' tB Ls AgentesdioNenni orat Co ing'. i!"- , Ti,Pizsr 'Pm t ies o an e y. • l• &JOHN GIBSON, Agent, tre Y. ‘Valle z tlit9iblipn,34V Amain-ay , , Oct. 10, IBIS. Vto hive gen =My one of the above articles at the °Mee of the Novelty Wed& tot three nionthir on trial. and feel perfectly sauglet =mit I. • =dui invenurtn. and we tote pleasure in radiomen:llm Manor a use ful article to all whohme pyrometer. Orders:will be •thuutfully reeelved and promptly executed °din LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN & Co PITTSBURG/II /FEMILLIII INSTIPOTH ryollS Insular:an, ander-the care of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gagmen, will re-open for the reeepneyof pupils, in the atone httildung No. LH LibertY street, bn the 1., Mondiry of September. Arrangements hove been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies Geddesequal to any in the West,far,ubtaraing thorough English, Class, cal. and Ornamental education. A Sill course of Phi. and'Etiemicel Leotards will be delivered denim the whiter "illeamted by epperenis . The de • mamma of Voed end lestrarpeutal Made, ,Viodern ages, Drawing and Puntuag, wi11...1t be under • taro datagram= Professor. By close attention to the mond and integral:Lel improvement of their pu pils, the Pridelpals Cu*, to meill &continuation of the liberal mum.= they bag Iltherni &Aiwal. For tea., merited= drapply =the Principals. . iTritiMAittrACTUREIRS. IHAVE orate whiatttannot be unpaved, for the el tublishment of marra i ßratonea of Wart omen, Iron, Wu', or any otiraZetuess rqi.nlring coal. is ad joining my bum raa," on the Monongahela over There to eireetedxrathe lot a large Be d ding, in which frltl ameof re b 7 t i e = e = ra =g ;tun7. 119 .r,frolaNr.-C.S.l_, .1•1.4• __ . . l o„ i • • (••• yards. / tante persons wooing to former in ream, fettering; to vied; drat:deco. and trarailitto its ad vente fraii .1 sell ro o nurser if sunable partners would oHee, wbold willtrat Ye put the praperly in as stock in some mint concern. If further In flontioion in desired by my orts,ltartay be had by applylng to my coo,Th. H. B ra id, e x Harlem, - to J. N. Patter., Mca errect,Pirtslongh, au to myself, in the large brink titilidin.l called 'Hie 139. d Washing tort; PW. wiritslltarts Tit H. BAIRD. Ethics:4 iivir.sTp.aar Cti ADDLE, ttARNFZ.S, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN. 0 UFACTOI4Y.—Thir subsoriber takes Bus method ofitfraraing IllirPriernra'allAthapUbtra to acneral that he has aholaig .344 ot thafratowang named ero des of hio rantiora n ntactore le this cloy—Seddles. liar. nest,' ad and;Whips. eli of which he 'All warrant to be matte otrao Inninnitalratal and by the best trach eate. in Allegheny ',today. Being determined to sell Wa marinfatostetranteraing lower than has been here infirm sold by, any_ {trailer establishment in the city, he would 111 Vite perraos Kneed of the above named articles to his warehonso,Jßo.o4 Library street, oppo site Seventh. Ais.O, hands made to order for macho,- tY• ' oraradity G. KERBY . OorisseVilasyslen axed Lever Watches. " ' JUST teestred'esd for sale at reduced,prices, Ave gent. rat 'T. F. Cooper, d Osilthorpe ate% °biro hot, Bored, London," Do , IbaPtlitiol....Liragt, Watches, ,ratsed in In km et pin, raid follleorelfed,'ertrh ChrtitiOntliter balances Thera an now the truest warattrut Orarraibeing rafter , or tp tiorarr itraliory to the H. J. Tobias, Joseph Johnson, or any o make. Those in omit of a very fins watch rals to call and examine this lot. lragetratiOrtmeatrif and Watches, Ch irPF s' ine all' atlit . ,. ' repaired in the best manner. _ . octBi W. W. WILSON, corner 4th and Market sot ANtIION'S XENOPHON'S . KIEMOELIBILIA. YlCaappkOaltetealollabl/440fSaysalsas,irltb &Is iah notes, entleal and xganitory, the proiegamen• of Kalmar, W i rt Life of Sweatt sy'etar Hi ‘ lil i h.l , " Jll3lltOn t ler /... Pxote.ormf dr , Gmlkofo° ° l ''' - gusga In po la Corlers, Ne*Yott, lad Rector at Lao tiniamat &Ada ..' Jan ree'd and for sale by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, oe l2o ßookseller.. cot ad and Ma'am ma ~...- . • in Li • DOOK KEEPING; PPLOAANtir _PHONOG RA -0 PHY, ngiumal opened a Melt School in hit lelioratMo corner o 4th md Perry sta, entrance on Fru* whore ha will he harpy impart instruction in the armor Reading penmanship, arith metic, Book Kelvins, Phoncorraplty3a.e. I . *mid= aotn ded S l' off a rd or bati k ; C ac rA rof - Kille.• bf r a ' n' e ' llinept ree, n we noir enter to sallliorm Cl lower prices than they con be &night , ttlinglibuse in Pittsburga or elsewhere, CAM orpagest. • „Pettis Um, only established agents here for these elocks,'ari tire the largest id& linear assort ment in the city. Call and. •, • Remember, lee are not to be undersold. BURS. tr.'CO.; Market street, oval entrance ore mirth hal l °Ciao pousond tIitTEW 'SOL/MILL/1) LAIIIPS.-11s extensive 1 aasortmeat of, Cornelia; co'a celekramd all4ior to all others is adapted to churches, s arist reentries, &ra il ings, imbue and tivuur halls, an to RRLi other WI. where a cheap, safe inn brilliald•lighlisdaturaldno. . • Also,Girundolch i nall Luntormy_CaudelgMrar.Globe., Shailea,Wias i ,LOula% Cluts;Trinatiters,&e. Also, Gas - CU•Adalfersitnian and to four Lights. Plat. W W WILSON 46 market st ••. 11741 - o 914 Do tg.Stoves Orates, to. ItiIrAVIIIIALLIVALLACE ifE&E,YEitnitd Church, AMIL corn, Libeny and Wocid,aircelawanfluf.... and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Counter Seal., or iiMilllGld-imPlelemdEpaiityl Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg paves ofvarlousuns, Pmlot and eetafaon'a s, s Hollow Ware, ko. kr. They also gtomatitOlFre lita,&llcltenßaitge i erklchime peen sack general safaris/4ton id thoite'llayntrit fn me, to all of which they would respectfully melt tbslutention of the citizen, anditmblic generally. iwt27-dtf Wofokhoo, Jewolny, to. roe...lids I liflintx *an Fonts mama, Pura:arum THtisutwertber.kaazmurmsd.fromstiir East, and to you. opening a large and carefully aefected stock ui Goodain his Into brawler fide' peat:Dern( patron bitikopes to mericw continuance thereof, by dili gence in- business. and- knepieg . dzsc ne at the most fetwonabliurico, „Fgenda, custom,. ars. and the public 4onerallX—yargeisnuli wijourners ting the city from 4 dUlkilCitiiintilinided to call and one my largerstock.of 005th • -W. W WILSON. 'Duper Tome Cmgh W:141 irtiftWAL—LDi, Zorn.lA Se. , ere ag: great rail end winterslll atclike; fear rtrelve4 411111Ifor.le by IL E 8.31.3 .Apat for Pittsburgh, of reonr.Se impure artinle.aanbelaltd. 0c... , , (lON' PIIASTIO 'CLOTHING. -iti doe Qum Ntl ese I_ll - Ovemomst -V do --tectketmt olopidrs Putt 6do do Ca LdiPo dtire.mot kludoe.lk do mina Row d py, :6 , 40 nod tautbout 4 , qtre.N.Ptts 'teemed by E:uprutas end 1.1.• et the Fast cid prsceit %VW *tut !rat be hitihatttood Met purehm.- 04 MTh Imying.froto first. band% OURS,/ m the 1.61° [lubber Depot, No 5 Wood trFruet ocual y dl IFKIILLIPS • A;SOOK FORPAREIt!iTS, YOulyo PO:MOWN AND INVALIDS.—‘ Dm. 131pain6l • , Coauman rotakPo¢ Heath, Piynaµsdna arHtnan rcos ..V.PO4 zathatitd..pay a new . 7 l oolaoltrloiboirrnlio Irabauma or hn toctaAwk, et, Oro, otoopoprOlools brorlDideli . "' d duo en), For calo - bv widurgiNo. Lettlib , 4rh APERSON, via, small capital, zed esquaintrd lent Ma thathelga, to take an inkiest w . Iron 1 ,1 )== 1 :1 ""1. ' Ver . = "'"'"i Ap. N, de —MAO iiiNCalton Yarn,.. ned .160 bake 1ia44111100 do Candle ertitll .4‘ welt. IOILSoki4IIOIIW4m. k Co 01413, ' V z FIJIAN :OR,
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