MMLIMEOIJS. ahreatableact Enstaweaurellatftwasellare Our Office tar iiromina and &wind PatenM, ' impart infomembon on Moehlmiestuldthe applies:boo o erme the Arts, ond eu ogee= and Foreign Lame wevrEst IL JOIiNSON. late of Meal -IL Diaz, and Z. C. 11.0138/NES M Washington city, (t. he Mimi by Ilasiud Huaerlety MR-slate Mechilleat of the United States Patent „Mce,) have associated themselves together the the promention of the above broaches ofproresslonal business, either in their ogee, at the Pasant pine, or Ware the Conns; and Will de vote their undivided artentioe ,to Comeardang the inter. ht en of mbutore and others mne May con..ft lb= or place timbales in thee: beads. Mr. Knowles has for the pug man, years held this Nat of in the United States Patent Hams, and resi,yris that situation to take pars fa the present andertakutr. His talents anand pesuliar ELMS lef the kezportaeceme.,,,,l.„ by Mut, have leen ihilt4 r.. cognieed by lavmtore wherever the °Mee Wolf The Ogee of Memo J. & H. Ls on P street, opposite the P• 101. OfikorliVaalocton, D. C., where cosimuira .tatiar., Poll Pala , Lit be promptly attended to; error leaden* Asa, diairiairh cPenanidinnr, end . 1 1 Mut. more preptu =dole procured when dest -au reasonable lama. Leturna of. qea uiry, expect. jc, Lenswered aftet e•smiemicaut had, mast be ex ...poled try &fee oil. &Man. y y , rbadce ether office which per;ahn to the Pa m, u,„.s, geom. J. & Basin be misted by a legal .4,1)10 /althea prOicalieual character, sod with Mechanic* and other Monate gmbleett. • • lIIMAtOrt yl3 “Gecot th..:` , 'int by when. the new am oleo, • Nor ym the , ilia to DT_ the old wide.” rgutE •EGgptaiK COOKING RANGE possesses the J. following st. , vantagn. , -The oven la conmantly introlied siletturet. hot am, Misdating the operaticn of baking em perfect wheadene in attick oven. it has.. t,, exclatively for Roasting rnesta with a spit,thas dobi amity with all the loastut4m. tachnienta hi the shatM g “Int bhnhA n It bee a largecookiv.ig ed Aar surface an. thstrth wnien Intatelpere can appreciate.'• • . . • • • It can be asap witbou *mime work, in any re, &e-place, orin the room 'As a move; enabling the., who occupy Idled houses `-to have the advantage of a mite at the cost of a suive.l' And lastly, It Mints lima coal than sztY other cooling not excepriag the .Einputi CiVithig Steve, w=4) . for Ws atwWeale or moi.m, at . 4211.1.131ERDS Enpim Darya Depot, • • • 412 Market strew, Girard Raw, • . Philadelphia. Mute from Ira Ittelld.tiOn. fraci Bertry.Dieb• man, E5.,91 Market straisir—"ltott can smarm terms in recommandasiotr. of it,vwhieb I will not endona if learn:4l ta!' nart4deodtDeeZthfikaw . Oates aat , Aziaseiain Pogolca Patents. TAMES Cia4ENO l lO ll , agate kla EXIII Or Nate& -Greeneonttnneedis bulimia Of unting Ms'insorort.':°ll:7l7'l*. °T2 Co .11fg &led in making exandassions in deadlier, In the runt Oates and alsewheiro, in famishing drawings and ineeddoulima of muslin., aid all papers necessa ry, transfer, amend, rwissue Or extend knees die United Boom or Boma Ste can also heconsul t . ed swokolionally on all Omni= of litigation ark iing nadir. atai .Pasant Liar, awl will irm:ri dons . 1 1seitill tits Patent OdLea wan appeal dor siddell his expettanno la the Patent CoTriea7ln hla Ottithatkeyhavo peenkarty fitted him. The pm gesalatial badness: or the t o lens P...kmes having Owen placed to his hands,ltalenate in relation therein ahonid he addzeued to hi. post paid:. attakikedeaS Muspratt44:llou , lkodaJULli. rillMenboorwece . nem receiving their Fall COOK at the above solid; three muds, rim the inmate, Medallion sod Lidia, honing arrived ar Philadelphia and Baluntore, and two mere, the Stephen Baldwin end Lelia, shortly expeetedy are, therefore, prepared to receive polars. The y'll. melee daring the Wln ter and wing regular supplies ma ein OrWina. omit 14711 • HECTREE Ex nine Hinz akrinkintriati, A ii.decaen for tlate‘Etneursio n s t e' lB4 loj ' the zo.- ido li , a_kh y trbri Will bit held. at the ' Banking Hoene aa member BAN ISIS between the hoists 119 A: AL and 3 S. ititt244tit THOMAS M. HO " Cashier. OetoberA 1848. lG ti6edint Lai thirteen DireeteestiMs A: `be ensuing xesz t will be held et the enhtlandny, the 211thd , afNayember next:' oet.t. *4O . W.IL UMW Caablei. • °ember A N ',;N„ ion for Minoan Dbam h or" t at o[ il—as °Jhy ar% =alb da of November rya q a *DaTb .;1011N BNYZEII,Caa6ien u a E.ONIS BLEACHING POWDEB -111 `anefole alwaya on band and Ornate at Ar b „ as annsaaltj War ßirratjauraisE oer24 N: third .1. 1 1 third dent ,hare Bitd. ll,l d, iota. ki*de :opt wish ills greaten commas legal setarrallyt , : Titleaut Baat anon QODA ASH-10 I cuts7Socia lnanotactared 1.7 Birminghia,Ettgland; a very m exiar arilehsL anti tailor kale by FOArpfLi . 4b DUNCAN Q COTOH ENUFF-1, tic= Gurreu's kNiaddelP ll * Jost received end La vale by beta . JOHN D MORON, I. \unlit etOFFEZ-3CO.bsisOtten Rio Codes, }wt Nulin ‘,/ Ltd far sale by octigi JOHN 8 DIIMOVni • D—eo k0g0,17 bblz, in good altir, on . - Jdd lure by , , braaz ROV. 0911.99: AND MOLASSES-970 Ws Loutargius, la aged 9XI do 9t • Abdasses t for ilk!, °clap • BAOALEY & 9MTIII 411.4-111bbls Lama! 2/ • •.Tanners , do; •reed and for alb b*: niiv6 RROALSON •Q lIf7AR -- 4(LLd~ Ptlmd N:OSD I 16 bbL Lodde, tnd for ,ale bf2lobr6 . ` R~BOWSON 300 Mil:511-20 bbinlargo- NO.itduterel; &Or bbla Igot do; reetbred sad for tale by save' R ROBISON & Co MOWSIER,—.I.OO kegilitoe& ?moiler, for We by - X -&DA • . . H ROBISON &Co lr ARO OIL-8 bblo Coa . limes pose No 1. loud No sod fatosts s 2 iiim ; f i •• • • • nod NICOIIB N 8024 , , 4614 4 Vir.i.• ia Ow. SUGAR— 50 hlidu =draw. by " "naliP3=l L BATERL4N,! 31 Inter and 42 fron port t 41 MACKERSL-10 bblolarais No 3 Mackerel, Beaton M c don, in .tore and for aala by: ! nova 8 WATMEM&N 1108ACCO-518 bin Munsfaetnred !rebated, =dos- I, deg some oldie mots popular Winds of IDs, 51,8 x, •-• on constgament and for isle by ' I noviiL 8 werkamer — l —.-. 0. ,ITNIMIES-445 base Rio t 0 66* chests and saddles =um, Gruspoirster, Imperial and .dilsek Tux 15 begs Pepper, ; 6 dp Alspiee; 40 Uwe Ceasit4 SO tors No 1 Choeolow, In store and for a s i de by =riff ' L 8 WATEMAN rifl e 8-93 b N bls ama , N M El ita Elaa Wna,_for WeMAN 14_ _ L ATER _ LINSEEDOIL.-19 Ole Linseed Oil, last nett and Sac sab by. ,:. - , WESTON BOWE O N, IRA D front at - - °, Harlin& Clgars, endear brands, mrid =ale by • • whdruN BOWES', Elpta,Torpentiai, in dote on T i rr,l tut received hid dir side by 1M.16 J. fie tiooNnwrza &Co groloALA IaINDRI-30 bbtf Fornitinaltunieb, of Lyttio bon, catily,for sal I eby SCHOONMAKER CoW sAmy PAP! ABSORTED-Itroccants Whee li ng, _snide., ono 'di neer artiele, recentroemdediascupe. nom the market. , tont iIiCHOONMAKEM re co AMP Bygpg,-W s estskrOcuis reed and for_eliby r,AILD iIL-Winser Strained, Int sale at retail by J,./ mor el J 0.11117 D MORGAN ARDEN amps —A disk° supply offreshOarden G'Seeds of /84+:1, for Ina jusr roed and for sale by JOHN ONO/LOAN _ . . . M U . O tl3-1 "I ' IM I' VirC lS tidAN JIM rFe'd and toru!cajDD; 4 .11.1[11"D LO9WOODLIZObba Ost rec.* and Air ulo " 4 -'4" , Dint- .1 KIDD 4Co WIC PKELLAC-30D (bijou roo'd and for orilo. . is Co J KIDD • QP. WHITING-0 Was just received and far sale by la no" .•' sum aco "USA ilildidONlA—.l6,ll3l jaw riled and kirsale ticng " .1 KIDD it Co • 1( if AEONS CHALUINGE BLACICING-150, 1 dobet ays 'Olt teed sad brute by note J KIDD .SILVEILVORKB—A. ftedi apply, just teed tir yea mayr.. Erptesa j : of 'MU • and Dessau, statably jot ay, aset,stid foe sale at Now Votk Nice*, by -, goir4 W W WILSO earAtlt and titattk ' WND POINTED CIOLDPIt ed, I* irappZ; ft=szn a t W. l,AcTeWrai!red'W icr WILSON 44Q1313611,-4 P, 011 received ca eArAiroueien =Afar isle by oetal ICBIDeau, -16-Atiog--42tad. gnaw /00aldigg 20 do dideg 4,14. 8 - au or One .04,inin state land QM =lei by emir • VELL.4I II 3 brICOLS TOLSEEP Cd 4-114011, „pea Crinderelia, =nibs' giELLEalkfe MCOLS *ructags-io. btu. , Car= l3 . Alcao ll end 11 451 `tist mad Mined. red, peen sad vrtatealexpels, , visa Week 4 2 4 Si .0 4113 R" " 1111 ''ilncTaenDOF %pow 13'--47ett siamarkwamilalifeazTajtva her “tildes.” Sat reek 2PLES-dG N' ititord &1 1 7 I ARBILSOS and for stao _ y blds Cider, -__ &_ W 4ASS OIVZ I P! esale ASKEStObbio tOr try dovit ' QOM'. AISI-40 coadts Sods 411 . .tore • dart • • citass—soobn 41065 d 4 ""'",""" 4113dfor. tale by S& "v . Sudo T Paw 011,-41:(bbl. Linseed . 4 - 'AA ' 1444 " 121 Jost'reternsd and tot salo_lt.. ” G h. SS W HARS4 PgPLOCUL-421 Vian floor, a good received end'for a".l* &Imo a roams BACON -00 casks Balton Yams; 30 do Sides,ila cut tett sals try 'nerl SELLERS & NICOLS nmadC AN4l5 d"01s o Icn wvi rE &NIEOLB • le—Wialsr Sperm and Whale Oil, blenched and. lablesabaSonsLoni and las sale by • nor/ -SELLERS & NIL:OLS giLMON-1 5 bbloljo 1 Salmon . fear ball do No 1 11`• 1111C1113URIII • wow 111 1 SO • • `a - cues justyat • aztd for • • Y crosZe BESELLEEB, 117 wbod st , ABBEBPONGF.-4 balm #st reed and bir sale by oe4lo • n. gpt.tinan an LUSTRE* - , mei lan i r t swEET gancitrs 51.113 A D, AND RlCke-15 bids N Rita, fat sale law. oci2Ei .rly1" APPLNA AND PEACIDDI—INI bushels !Med Poselusr, SO do do Apples,just =delved Eby • ...... -- • BONE4Abitals Ind reed br uler by Getrel : co AILBUTONOt COMMERCIAL RECORD. I=E =! . - 'I Stui I BunlMoon. i lgoace* ..1 Ain. I seta. I rises'.4 991.1!9 . :, /1451 1 1 7 : -7- 413 r -., • , ' . 659 5, 7 e 4 1 4 155 5 0 9.4 15 5 4 10 47. 5 3. 11 59 , . • 5 9 • =OM Imo - , NOVEMBER. • 4 - Batarday, --- 649 5 Sunday, "6 57 6 Monday, . 632 7 Tuesday, ' LS 8 WedoesdaY, 656 Thursday, 667 0 Friday, 636 PITTSRVIDni BOARD Op TRADE COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER. 11. a. CIAIO. W.l. TOTTER. Oaincs Prrastmicre °sierra, Thursday Morning,' November 9, 1848.5 The weather yesterday was cold ancl,unpleas. ant for out door business; which together with the warm interest taken by alYparties in the election, rendered business dull nod bathing occurred to change our report of yesterday, FLOU R — Considerable—siiintities continue to arrive by river. vriiti small sales quotations rang• ed from first *midi from $4 to 4,121, and from store at 4 , 25 01,31, in dray load lota. RYE FLOUR—Supplies are ligkt, and former prices are pretty well sustained. 53,37 is about the ruling figure. CORN MEAL—Sales from store in small quan tities at 45048 c f be. GROCERIES—The market continues quiet with no change in quotation. • BACON—Regular sales of western cured at 41, 4011. and 6101 c p Et for shoulders, sides and hams. LARD—Lard may be quoted nominally at Ha 7l—orith light aides. CHEESE—SaIes at Nark p lb, for good W IL, and 6liit7o (sr cream. SOAP--Salei of main at Sic V ID—auttof vo• riagated at 104011 e. GREEN APPLES—SaIes from atom at 754) p bbL RECEIPTS FLOM, GRAIN, to AT TIDE- WATER. This quantity of Floor, Viltest,rant and Barley, left at tide•watee awing the ith 'Week in October' in the years 1847 and 1818, is as tolloww— Flour, Wheal, Corn, Barley, bbl& bu. bu. bu. 847, 149,460 153,347 125,230 165,284 848, 228,129 226,794 148,013 234,919 Increase 76,649 75,447 22,733 69,635 The aggregate quantity of the rune articles left at tiduwaler from the commencement of naviga. lion to the 3112 of October, inclusive, is as fah lowr Flour, Wheat, Coro, Barley, bbla bu. bu. bu 1818,180 3373,215 3,225366 5,694,362 959,469 2,227,539 2,225,622 - 2,504,743 977,525 Decrease 016,179 999,403 3,189,614 Inc 19,057 By reducing the Wheat to Flour, the quantity of the latter left at tide-water this year, compared with the corresponding period of last year, shows • decrease equal to 1,148056 Ude of Fkrur.---f hany Journal. lumens Micurosu Carisx-dsraintr or Tout The amount of tolls received at Chicago, on pro duce transported on the Illinois and Michigan Ca nal, for each week from the 9th or May, to the 14th of October, inclusive, were as annexed: Ist week, $1,426 50 12th week, $596 31 2d 647 28 13th " 2,414 65 14th " 1,217 65 15th " 1.444 02 16th 4 2,264 64 17th " 2,028 62 18th " 1,807 23 19th " 1,260 44 20th 1,856 ES 21st " 1,618 46 3d 4th " sth 6th " ith " fah 9th " • 10th 11th " Total, The receipts at L Salle, at the other end of the line, have been about the WPC amount, which, added to the tolls collected at Chicago, makes the total, up to the 14th of October, MOM than &SUM. Them was at that date about six: weeks of navigation left the the 02111011. The tolls for the year may reach sloo,ooo.—(Detroit Adv. IMPORTH BY ILIVI4II. Cincinstari—Per Cashier-1 bald 1 box 1 bag coffee, 1 keg 1 bbls whiskey, F Schlaman; 1 bbl sugar, 1 bag coffee, J P Thomas; 3 bbl, ale, 5 has 1 bbl brandy, 3 do crackers, 5 has Cheese, M E Holliday; I bbl sugar 1 hhd do, J E Hall dr. son; 4 hhh.s,molame,s, 22 do whiskey, 24 bymath, 1 bbl , eig ,i`*s, 15 kith lead, 8 bxs cheese, 4 kgs b g wooffee, S Mils sugar, 4 kith lead, 3 tolls lea. 'then, I &we, 4 grates, 4 rem, 4 pm pipe, 1 boiler, 2 dos buckets, 3 do broom., 3 reams paper, 1 keg lob; E Wl.sthison; 1 pork cleaver. IL 6ungle & mg 29 Ws blither, 1 box mdse, W Bingham; 1 be books, H Glair & cm 2 eke feathers, D Leech & c0;.86 kgs bird, 30 bbls beef, 25 hlf bhls de 26 tree beef, W Bi sg ba lt ); 40 bbla whiskey, James Gor don; 800 bbl, flour; Hat McGregor. Per Dolphin-24:31re hardware, J Id Coop. er, 8 ski wool, W Barker, 25 Mils bacon, 1 box, 11 Graff & co; 1..d0 hard:irare, W Bingham; 10 bads bacon, Clark & Thaw; 2do hominy, W I Gardner, 160 bbls potatoes, W Cramer; 9 bhde ba con, 2 bbl, butter, 2 aka' feathers, Wm Holmes & ecr, 1 had bacon, 2 hes do. 4 bus flaxseed, 4 sits feathers, 32 mlls leather, 2 bas do, C H Grant; 375 bbls flour, 1) Leech & co. Per Ueda:do-233 bbls flour, S McClarkan; 1 cob hominy, Geo 11 Massey; 3 bee blk trident are- neers, Wm Bingham; 1 box oil cloths, Forsyth do co; 40 bhde sides, W Greer, 107 bbl. w balmy, W &M Mitcliekree; 90 do do, Hob, Bell; e 6 bge fee. theirs. D Leech dr, co; 0 do wool, William Barker; '9B Mils whiskey,l box mdse, H Watson. Per America-28 Ws whiskey, Wm Mitchel. there 18 sks feathers, WM Watson; .50 bhls flour, Church & Carothers 338 bbl, flour, S Mcßlarkan; 42 eke peaches, Bagaley & Smith; 5Ws lard, S McClurkin ez co. Zancsvalo—Per Jenny Lind-770 bbla! flour, I nibs bacon, $ bbla butter, 2 kp do, 10 kgn lard, D Leach do ccc 0 bay masc. • Whisting—Per Come}-1 box mdse, A Foltool 50 Mils paper, Hodkinson; 2 Las Badge, J C B. weil;.T3 bbla dm, owner aboard; 7 aka peaches, 4 do apples, I It Roe; 21 sks wool, D Leech dr co; 110 bbls apples, I Jordan; 15 ski rags, I B Mellor; 1 sk 4 bbla batter, Wick & McCandless; 6, aka wool; Bingluure - 2, bb mdse, Murphy & Lee; 15 Uhl paper, D N Whited 5 do do, 8 C Hill; 15 do do, lohaston lc Blacktop. 204 bbls flotir, J W White, 56 do do, J MoCalk i 149 aka barley, 1 bbl 1 box 1 keg mdse, W arbangb; 64 Ibis flour owner. St Louis--Per Lemartine-600 pigs lead, J H Nevin; 1 8 S bdla green bides; W Bryant; 25 bbls molassas, J 4: B. Floyd; 12 bbl linseed oil, 25 mks bacon, Sellers &Nicok 12 bbls hominy, W Dyer; 50 bbls lard oil, 0 Blackburn; 5 Nils paper, C Mc- Kibben; 5 bbls oil, J Icidd & co; 10 kgs bird, 2 bbls lard al, J Kerr, jr & co. a—Per Mary Ann-664 bbls 250 bags wheat, 81 , Page; 5 bbls allnm, D A Grier; 2 has, 1 mink, C H Grant s 11 ski wool, Ornin & Me• Grew; 5 bbls apples, Marpby & Wilson;B labels. 29bblis tallow, 12 do gourd' N Jones. . Woad iSralemsn—kilLsae l s Vapid:gel— ildslnYai• noble remedy Or worms, rapidly supplaudng sli others in publie ristjeminott. ' Where it tehsed it has produced the beet effects, and driven out seen ft 1,12- *Ea. I t is the best they have ever seen,d is she re mark of all who have ever used& In their families. "'Fria Snares,BekkkkCo4 os l Feb. likh, "J. Kidd & reecived.a lot of 11Flarte Inp hmaryour -agent lest spring, which I.ltold out in one week, and [Adak [nogg have sold one thousand • bruins by this sime,,(llcould tufo got it;but not lama :mg where to get*, lhadto Plagnig your *PO com e astound. F.very•penondhat,his.trieo. p.Pkgine's Venni fuse, tell me ill, she best Maylt.Taf.altelL in fort It isimposailde for any one to say fop iii‘ch In favor f Wiems's Vennifuge. W. IL , ROBIt'” o A genuine article of tbeabove valuably medicine , tan be had at the drag 'tore of I se= J KIDD & Co, Clif woad st Camas Ann 'briaa—ros :frequent n haws to the weather eat* season of the '.year, invariably bring along mint them coughs or . 93 . 1d7 yirhit u bj , timely lejiMrihJlTS urrn e r& c (II.IGITFIYIWP ills been In me for the lean yams, end has gained Mori rilputation foe the cure of coughs (not requiring Wive' teedldsl. Weralle ol ) thin any other prepatation ever offered to the eitizensaf Allegheny courtly. The !sr = ie very pleasant to th tas, lea great layette 'with e child te ren. Thi dos. Me ClVllfay gratualed, In the direction,, to oils all ages. That this /aux toad end highly popular cough remedy may be within the Vetch pf all, it I. sold; at the low price of 23 CUM, perbonlo! by IL F. lipastk a Wood st, er7Vpr, v. Cuny, Ai egbeity, gpsOrgi ia644 eitim oollt ' . Drama is the bane of4tay a eon!, mite. No tempts can desaribedta ong,rjogeeeed by thin dialyeseing ammo. h rinks mew l& b in et - lion in life, stater= it may be, .and makes Was al u th ough be aroald-rather not eztat then iendure tech misery. Yet these sufferings axe Drodnedd in Ma'am pkmoby derangement of tba z rutad : were t.„. et by . suil3f Fabrics:lmM, • pil), -- ...boerale mould be cleansed, the , .a • . eff, end a speedy and mire relief °Waimea. pa pal by Li PAIINEEfrOOK Co, ?Caner. , " " ,eOO,l clan comer Mb and Wood eta s tanterlit 1011 Pcila • ino Th e ere ...yd.. or morbid secrentina bde in .rir known to GIVISO riot.= dinuthi= o, of the Caen. titnorgans, and bring on Wei/Vont and, n t on. ee i fee „ ble kVA wlnchtiften pat an and to life. lbe stomach nt be olyansedPf desea foal ascretionsoend ltd. cee mot trolley be acComplatted by an too of 8 A. F ...h„. stock's Pllll, teblttli ant a &foss esti:table family cathaltin. Tbey can be glean with minty, at ail times, lout efourrellef in a very short WO- , . Prepared and 'gold by B gettNE.YTOCY ge co, noineg tat and ingot. and come 6th and wood au. Mr ...Does your burha if,does your iur turn pay Lit rsh, te lt ,or dirkr,/ raiy! nis thus,You dry ears make it an say mind fine, Dart and he y althy, sad besmears as Dill, hair of towel And to have this, yhn have bill:thseashalaw to grin For a bottle of Jones , Hair Restorative, • Header, if you have bad hair you would really he x 4 brushed sr th e lovely effect a th ree shilling bolds or Jonef Coral Hair Restorative has on it arab but our triat Sold is 89 Many at. ooviOd&u'ly ulut *tem: sale of tiers, than Mew, And .99=1+9.149,7994ental alabaster." 411 tweaks have a= MO }he above, who ow )01.11' ' Lily White. It makethon. wary, 'yet nand sally white. Sole at 69 Libeny evee,t. 1110 I PORTA), PITTSBURGH ARRIVED, LaoisMcLane, Bennett,'Brownsville. Atlantis, Parkintsm, Drow..vine ;meline, I .sy, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan . No 2, Gilson. Beaver. Lake Erie, Oholea Beaver. Beaver, Brilliant, Grace, Cin. Caledonia, Cincinnati. Consul, Dushanc, Brownsville. American, . Louisville. Lamtutine; (new) shipyard. Peru Calhoun, Cin. Dolptin, Hazlett, Cin. Arrow Line, Morris, Brownsville. Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Headrickeon, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Beaver. - Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Shales, Beaver. New England, No. 2 Dean, Cin. Tuscarora, —, Ctn. Consul, Kinney, Wheeling. Jenny Lind, —, Zanesville. Pacific, Campbell, Louisville. Ringgold, Cope, Cin. At dank last evening, there were 6 feet 8 inches water in the channel, by pier mark, and Ming. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR lEida. For Philadelphia every everting at p o'clock, by Leech's Packet. Mee opperate the United States Hotel. fkciunboat Packet Lbs., leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10,x. Passenger Packet via Brown.'lle to Baltimore and Philadelphia, a a. r. imd 6 r. r. Mall Coach Lino direct to Philadelphia, 9 a la and 121 r. r. Western and Southern Mall Coach Line, 0 a. r. North-I,Vestam via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. r. Eric and Western New York, daily, 9 a K. North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Elandaya 4, • la. ARRIVALS AND DErARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern NCI via Philadelphia, due 3 closes 19 st.' West'n Mall, Ciente. /a Louisa., due 8 r. N . , closes 6 a. R. South. viaßshintore &Washington, duo 8 r. W el's6 A. a. North Western via Cleveland, dean:la. ss., closes 9 a. Erie end Western New York. due 8 r. at., closes 8 a. a, RATES OF DISCoUNT. HATES Or lilx3COU H. nO , Exchange Broken, No. Pnan Bank of Pins - burgh •- —Pat, Exchange Bank Par' March. & Kan. Bank • Par' Bka.of rhihnielphia, • •Parl Gtrard Bank P. Bank °Merman:oat •par " Chester County • • •par " Delaware Co. • •par " Montgomery Co. • •par " Northumberland • •par Columbia Bridge Co.• • par I)oylestrwrs Dank par Farmers' Bk. Readipg. par Flutters' Bk. Ducks Co. ow Farmers D'k Larmaer•par Lancaster Co. Bk.• • • •Par U. Stater Bank • • --30 Brovnwollle Bk. par Washington Bk.• • • —• • •i Gettysburg', • 1 Clambersburg-• •—• • " Susquehanna Cks Bk.- 3 Lehigh Co Bank, //CST CORM • •• • • Middletown Carlotta true Bk. Farmer' and Drovers , I !tank, Waynesburg.. Barrubtua ! Honesdale.—••— • 1 Lebanon Potuville. ..... • • •• Wyoming York Bk. 1 West Brandt Keller Noun l Ma M Bk. Pam do• — City &Comity Senp•— " Ohio. State Bk.uld Branches I Mount Pleasant • • " Saeubenville• Bt. Clainville. Mamma •----•••••-- Nevi Lisboa. ..... "+, Cmcionat, Banks Columbus do • ••• • • • " Zanesville • • Wooster • --- --• 1,726 10 2,240 27 2,039 29 2,682 27 2,496 93 2,539 70 3,033 62 2,335 71 2,549 91 $10,521 21 51assillon • --- Sandusky • • • • 10:all solvent Banks. L N le n auga ............... ........ I ., l : Bao .. k . flatn larlVolm ... Cleveland.-- —•.l 'Gold //Specie Value. Xenia " )Napoleork. ..... • • 3SO Durum 2 16 0 220 Western Reserve •• " :Eagle, old • •• • .10 Cl Franklial3l Columbus " ;Eagle, new •• •• • 10 00 Chillicothe •—•—...... " ;Doubloons, Swoosh. 16 00 Lake Erte• • • ..... .• • " • Do. Patriot•—•— • 1-6 SO Sellal• • • 0 Sovereigns 100 Lancaster • •—.-----10 ;Guineass 00 —......--16Hantilton• lFraiericksd'ora•—•ll7 83 Granville 50 ,Tets Thalers• • • •• 7 00 F.,,,,,,er. Fn. emoz,..-150 ;Ten Goddess ••• • • 340 Urbana —.60 fLocusd'ors. • • •• • • 660 A entnclays ; Ezellasage. We of Kentacky •• •• • I ;New York one Slot Louisville :rbiladelphla •• • •—• Ipm Norhern 11k. Kennet,' - " Etilltimare •.. • on: New York--Cur Banks. par. Intoner Ina , --- 1 Fat Dry Goods. Ilbaekleitt fr. White No. Vi Woon &ram INVTTES the attention of Western Merchants to the' large and fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which they are now receiving direct from the taste Manufacturers and Importers, and which they will se at Eutern jobbing prices_ Having every facility (or the purchase of goods to the bed advantagnand the lowest pouible prieentbey confidently 'onus Merchants to examine the qualities and prices of their goods,feeling satisfied they C. um pete favorably with any market either East or We. - 11Thu stock will compnce a fall usortment of all goods usualty kept in Dry Goods Houses, and will be constantly leenving additions of all the new and desi rable styles of goods of domestic or foreign mn nta'. lure, and will uuly legate.' an examination to be up recanted. .ept4 ALL that valuable property inmate on the corner of Ross and Third streets, In the city of Pittsburgh. lately belonging to John W. Johnson, deceased, touters sooner disposed of at private saleJ will be exposed to public sale on the premiums, at I o'clock. P. SI , on Pate =day. the lath taw. Txxxas—Om third cash, one sloth in one year, ono •• • • • - - sixth in two years. and the balance tone third.) on the death of the endow, to be secured by bonds and mon. gases. The lots will be sold according to a plan filed to the Orphan , . Court, tocertain proceedings m Parunon. No ea March Term, 1645, and recorded in Docket F. page ILO, a copy of which may be seen at the office of WILLIAMS h SHINN, Attorney. at_lomr, 4th street, above lituithfletd. nov3Altd PATENT SODA Aim, MPORTED DIRECT FROM THE MANVFACTI7- REELS.—Thee subscribers, being the exclottee mt. penury of /amen Muspran It Sons' Soda Ash for this market, see now and will continua to be largely sup plied with this celebrated brand, which they will sell at the lowest market prier for cash or approved bills. They refer to the glass and soap marnsfactuners of _this city generally respecting the quality W fr. M MITCHELTHF.E, noel IGO liberty tt Bleawhing Powder, teldorilde of Lhor•l ThIPORTIiii DIRECT FROM TRH MARCEAU ru• RERS.—The subscribers have on hand .d wW constantly be supplied with Jas. Muspratt te Sons' cel ebrated Bleaching Prmier, _which they era! warrant equal if not upon. to any imported in the U. Slot., .d which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar ket psicy for each or approved bills. nod • WA "g ADTCRELTREE, 160 liberty st POR RECINT. 2 A THREE story Brick 'Dwelling Honor, on Water, above Grua weer. Pooseaswn riven on the first °liana-airy, 187 D, or toouer if required• For Wren, teener , : of nov7 0 BLACKBURN & Co, water et_ tB.4 — T REDUCTION IN PRICEP!--Sura &Jo . 602, .46 Market curet, oder for sale at 25 per c below regular prices, rico Cherneleon Silks, Man do, black and fancy Alpseas,llotair Lewes, Pal to Cloths . French Merinos of the most choice col. French Cloths and Cush:erten no O MERCHANTS, NOV. 7, 1848.—W. B. Mostar T trylips merchants to loot In Si hi. Lugs mock of GOODS just opened, in Wholesale Rooms, 2d story, north east earner of Go7/ 7 0 . 24 Market s t. . Puce. exceedingly low. nov7 TNFORMATLON WANTED.—Was taken by P2l. yyhnpdairTa the to tding, foot of Wood .treed on teat Ally person by rewrites it, or infor mati ardon Lif w by hich it may be recei & W H ASH AUG wul be liberally H, rew novil 63 water and 104 front ate run — at T. OtOROII. /MI GEORGE & JENALINS, COMMISSION PROVISION MERCHANTS, No. 3 Comm.& atm, BALTIMORE Rxrcssains—Church, Carothers & Co., Alexandcr Lavg&llA, /oho Grier. n094.-(l3m. Desirable Country' ileoldoskoo for 8010. WISHING to return . to the city tidy Spring, 1 will sell Or ta exchanger for city property, my p rtocp 10 Lawrenceville. This property is beauti fully locaitiii ou ate Oreensbove Turnpike, about 20 athletes drive from the idatro ur the city. nov442w ROUT. D. THOMPSON, llO Market st, FOR SALE. NEW SUCTION FIRE ENGINE, with ell the iou A p e fer tAru a lt , by Wltt:mBlm . pogo, of Mow, on Fifth street, iod I ' 9 told i mode g rfte ° terms. All otters (or Engine.. Pow CerrieLes, Hose, ke glzritzt:,.4ulriaßl46lMlW- GAOCERItiO?- 4 40 bags Greert Rio Coffer 76 hidretieidaltdoog klystin Yea; 40 do kopti Cr? and flit do go pulp Lump and Pltig'ffobneeo; qa kepaLLear o do Edo Al Pepeer .plc., bide. cattn itth:S m u % engt#l assdrilneiit off° rhea received and for We by R IRO ' Co; novil 107 Liberty IMPRESSED CARIBRICS—For Ruing fix, IC, arsenous color., lately recta at the dry • geltrls house al octll W R MURPHY _ . QWriirriti DOWN for tnowanw &ewes, with tippet 1.7 tad cuffs of the same, (or role by PH EATON oral 62 Fourth ot, near Market bbl;7astTao' (tom limner kilningan, and tar Bale by 8& W LIARBAUGH, twin 53 water and p 4 front et C ll 2llmze• of sopelloyquallty, for We by °ern NA16.11 DICIFgY # Cps trpt m ohaSsEn—gb d b o irr n J. /Lotma n Idogsm.,Pr In store and for role by Deal W & N MITCHHLTRII? IrrguwpfipuE-I bill No 1 "extra,Jost reed and r IV iiiip) , ;( mutt 8 E SELLERS pEttr b s y -6 olyid.. g .m i tdi A n g t.a mist • ' et trt.j last rec'd and fezIT N % tymthiGlAN Ifni, • J 9.101 41, M.F14.44, n0..81 Wood street, has now reediest a full assort ment of Piss. Fortes, selected from the following manufacguice in Boston and New Voris, to which the attention, of purchasers is respectfully invited. Those fmm Mr. Chtelterin,e (for the sale of which he is sose.Agent In Western Penn sylvania) have what Ls termed the New Circular Reale; being on smprovement retently Inside, and giving them a decided advantage in power and equality or tone over any others. The following are the patterns and styles of Chickering's: No. 1. Rosewood, 7 °eves, finished beck & front, 6480 '• 2. " 01 " nobly carved " " $4BO "3. " 6 " . " " " " $4OO -4. 0 64 " carved mouldings, " $4OO " A. 0 of " finished bock and front, 8:1S) " U. " 64 " " .' " 83.50 "7. 0 6 " " " " a= "8. " 6 " " " " E__s "9. " 8 projecting front, CCM " less " 7 nchly carved, style of Lords 14th. " 11. ° 0 hollow corners and hollow cos- nered legs, second hand, cost originally SEA and will Le sold at a very reduced price. No. 12 Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin ished, &275, No 13. Rosewood, mood corner, very el egantly finished, =75. The above are nt =tractors:a by H. Worcester, N. Y, well known an being connected formerly with Mean Sword, Worcester & Dunham, N. Y. No. 13. Rosewood, 6e carved moulding, orals by the Manhattan Company, N. Y. 6275. No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves., Gala &. Co's 4 Y, 6250. No. 15 plain 6 No 10, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Henri Hera, Paris. No 17, hitaltortany, 0 .tavea, second hand, p 3 Old Planos taken in part payment for new o n ea. " JOHN 3171..L 3 34, Sole latent for Chinkerinea Wand and Square P ' onca, for Western Ponnalthonia. octl7 SPLENDID LOT OP NEW PIANOS. OppNUNNS & CLARK, New York; CHICILERING, Boston; The subscriber hum. open sod for sole, a lot amass superour Pianos, se lected by himself ot the ounufroutories. . . . They consist of fromwood and Mahogany Pianos, of of 6, et and 7 octaves, of varietas styles and pricey, and embrace oil the latest improvements. Those of Nunn. & Clark'e, (far which celebrated firm be Is wets Await) have an improved way of winging poeseued by no other, alio, a superior plan of leathering the hammers, preveatiug Mew Pianos from growing harsh and whey aftet mute um. The Pianos of Chickering, of which he has a superi or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and erero selected for him with care by L Chicknrlog , of Boston. The above will positively be mold at manufacture& prices, and on .Commodatinir Limns The subscriber will Invartably be Goland at J W Woodwell'., from II to to 12 A. id-, and from 1 to 6 F. N. Mr. Woodwell will attend to the business during the balance of nine. LL ELERER, octlO at J W Wood welPa. lßThird st GREAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The subscriber I has Just received from Irharope, and for we, an entirely new invention of hani. Forte, called the CAE. INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power and aweetneas than the square Piano, occupies but one fourth as moth room, and is a much more showy and handsome plece:of furniture. It is particularly denim. ble whets the saving of coca is an object, being ex " ' roorl d Mn r 'eaastrraldl com pact, and Tre ' s ' e P arrL ' r o hat to hand a testimonial of its superiority (corn the celebra ted manist,Moschelles, in hts own hind vnitmg,which may be-inspected. H. KLEI/ER, °erg? At J IV WoodwelPs 4T—talillltikr.3%l.lllll GS et BOSS, S Mark et attack, Year Ca at Indiana. Ota.te /Pk Ileanebes•• I IS•atetterip • • •• • ". I V argil:ass. lEzehange Bk of Va:• • I _ iFarnkertrilk•eflia• -• • Bk. of the Valley, " Bk. of •• -• • kl.k. M. Bk., Wheeling do Morguatoorn•• • • I N. W. Bak Va— do Wollsbers• •-• • - 1 do Parkersburg-- Tininess**. Bk. of •• • - Fat. & Idereleta Ilk.— " (Planterat Bk..— ••• - Union 13k —• a dlissoarl . fte Ilk of Missouri Lika Borth Carolina. l Bk. of Cape Feu 9 Memrs Bk.,Neerbena• State Bank • Sontit Carolina. Grades Bk -••••• •• • • 2 13k. of Chulemon•• • • • 9 Come:rental Bk ..... -• 9 1 Bk. of Geornerovro•-•• ißk.of Hamburg. •-• • • I :Merchants 8k..... 9 !Planters & Med:tate Bk- I :Bk. of South Carolina • • 9 r' idaryland. Balumore Ilka••••• • • •par Bal.'e &.0 R R Scrip •IO Cumberland Bk. of Abe : han) , ........ ••• -• • ;Far. Bk. of blasylarel• • " Farmera' & blechantea a Bk. Frederick ..... • • " :Frederick Co. Ilk.• —• • • :Hagerstown Elk 'Mt tai Bk• I Pulp.° Bk • , W.lungtottßk•-• 113k.orlk cum eater • • • • ‘• Ilk. of St. Clarr• • • Bk. of River Baleen.-- : Michigan lone Co••• • • Far. & Meek'. Bk S 'Wisconsin Canada*. A SPLENDID assortment of /Raba gany mid Rosewoodml RA abed. Thew lastramente am ( made of the latest pattern and best materials and will be sold lour for cosh by F. BLUALF., U 2 Wood street, 2d dear above FiAh. N. ll.—Those who are in want of good imumment, are respeetfully invited to examine these before par. singc elsewhere as they cannot be excelled by any m ntry, amistAll be sold lower Wan any brought from the Ellin. Alsojum received, two pia of Hat. burgh manufacture. warranted to be SUpeflOr to any ever mid in this country. «MI F. U. PRACR 'FREES FOR /ALB, 2 AT the Fairview Nurseries, Moorestown, Bur lington county, N. J. About 40 varieties of the best inoculated Fruit, of the largest too finest varieties, Opening from the let of July tutul the In of October, besides other fruit trees of the following html.. Apples, Pears, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, 2en les, and a large quantity of Ornamental Trees of usaiOvanety. Persons wishing to onler urea for Fall pho ning, by wading their tinier accompanied with the cash, or satisfactory reference, will be punc tually attended to Penon• ordering trees who •re unacquainted with the eaneues, can depend on the best for market or family. Trees will be carefullyparked in mat e and moss. for whteh 60 cenu per handle will be charged_ Urdun sent threat by mail or otherwise to the Nursery, will be punctually attended to. Da- empties catalogues, nth pncee Amschel!, furnished Acme to post-paid appltrome. JOUNTERKINS, Proprietor Moorestown. N.! Oct. SA, t6lti3erlker3rOT Beonsg....6lalvalalsrad TIE. Plates. THE subscribers beg to call the aueratou of Hoodars, Architects and owners of noddings, to the many advantages which these plates posse over nil other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, le , as they posse. at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, I. riving now been tatted for several years to this pato, ular, both to lbw country and in Ets• rope. They are less liable ta.expansion and contrac tion from sodden change of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plums, trot, zinc, or any other metal now used for twang, and consequently form a mach better and tighter root; requiring far leas frequent repairs, whilst Ma first cost is but a trifle more. A full supply, of all sizes, from 10 to NI NV , chit stantly on hand Jl.lll for ask. by OEt). D. MOREWHOD & Ca. ti and 10 Braver street, New York. The patent nett for this aruele halung tramiaccured for the United States, all parties infringing thereon, miller by in:Tomo:inn or otherwise, will be ilroseco taL 0ct.30-dkarlyT RUST PROOF IRON. rpHE onderagned have erected works in the city of 1. New York, (or the purpose of Gulraninu 11 arti cles of Iron, which it is desirable to PROTEC r FROM RUST, sneh as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wtre for Fences, and any other &rode which may be required. For Hoops for Casks, u • substitute for bale Rope; ior Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and • host of other applications, w will be found ehpap and durable. They would particularly cull ane:arms to the Cialvard. 'zed NVlre for fences; it requires no paint, and will not Also to Spikes and Milts, the preservation of which so of so mach importance, that it wtil commend itulf to the notice of all those Iniere.ted. GEO 11. kIOgEWOUD & CU., Patentees, oet3o-d/cattyT 11 and id !leaser al, N York A T his Old stood, comer of Smithfield street and A Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, P., would respectful. ly eall the attention of Country Merchants, Hotel sod L'ambaat Barkeeper*, to a largo and superior assort. at of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will be foetid the following brands, viz: Eagle, Regalia, Co.. tellos, Principe, Lo Norma., Star Btond. Minerva and Dollar Regulias, all of which will be sold as low as can be had at any other house in the city. Also, constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected snick of Virginia.; Minoan, and Fine Cot Chewing Tobacco. Also, Havana, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. novfivillen . - DOCTOR YOURSELF! OR A 6 CENTS:—By means of the Pocket Esc n.. or every one ht. own Physician! twentieth edition, with unwise. of a hundred engravings, show ing private diseases In every shape and form, and con formation of the generative system, by W. YOUNG, D. D. The time has vow strived, that persons suffer ing from secret discuru need no more become the •ic um of quackery, sa by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may CCM himself, without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate triend, and with one tenth the sward expense. In ad (Mon to the general tontine of private disease, it fully denialva the cause of manhood!. early decline, with observations on marriage—besides many other de oangements which It would not be proper to enumerate rat the pnblic i Any person sending 96rents enclosed Ina letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five co pies will be sent for one dollar. Address ..DR. W. YOUNG, No Ea Spruce street, Philadelphia," post paid. WANTED—Proprietors of drug or book stores, and pedlars, in every town in the United States, to act as agents free the abo.vork. oct7.deodlci SELLERS VEREIFUGE PREFERRED TO ALL OTHERS:— Larturrod, Va., OcC ltl, VAS. Alr. EL E. Sellers:—One of our physicians, whose practice ts very easensive told me this morning Of a eau In which one vial of your Vermifuge brought away above an wormic and a gentleman In the neigh borhood sell that less than hal? a vial caused the dim charge of near Mr large worms from one of his ehtl• then. Very many of such instances might be stated. It Is well known about herd, and 'almost all prefer it to any other. Send me la dozen and oblige Y ours, J. AL WILSON. Parents who do tiot wi•lt to trifle with their children, should use Sellers' Verritifuge. Prepared and sold by ft E SELLERS, 67 Wood at., sold by Dr Cusel, 6W \Verdi D N Curry, Allegheny. noel - - OYSTERS: °VITERBO FRESH FROM VIE 'SHELL-41y Burke & Col Past Express. at reduced prices—To accommo date all lovers of this delicious imnary, BURKE & Co. have resolved to amply the people regularlythrough out the tenon, with the choicest Fresh Oysters to cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced prices as will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy lathe& tables. An Expires land will be received daily at the ware house of JNO. R. BIDWELL, Water street, between Smithfield and Chant; sad for sale there, and at the fol lowing depots: Reis it Berger, corner Smithfield and 24 its; liermleton, Diamond; A Roesler, Penn synth Ward; y, 'foot of Liberty stir J Cohan. 'CI Penn's Avenue; Mercer & Rohn:mon, Allegheny city.