The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 09, 1848, Image 1

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    I ix a :4' Si
1 786 .
T wou V, ' 1,01:11011$111 1 :1 1 :1 lost
%wantipr AlocoltattuOsto 'returned to theilbld
statut, Won and Front streets, Rt• h. =la
"OMR, iiVhblenle sai<itetali is sip
„RowtN, MtgeSaie 02IIMS,
lig r ePlidnigs lo, MOCID 145,11bsarist,
, 124 A. Z aL li.irkToc CO 4 Whole/alb ana Ho-
taii Druggsts. mitt Wood and 6th stn Jyl
shaTlWWlinksile Greet* te, and
BAIGALEY: rinot . sh. ,
A. BIed.NULTY Vorwardijx:, ugn aud..C.a.p.
mission 1der5b19 31 . 1 ,:9 1 . 51 , r,l.""bT
EWerrs r ib t a6 n G f roels ' d'U' e !3 ?:
tar of Libertr.!_sw.6l,l,uri • isC ITusturgh,la. ctuies '. teat,
'VOUS! BlNNEXTeGateEnxiish, Gallagher
till 1. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Comnusaion and -For
warding blerehantsinndtletlers in Produce and Pitts
burgh hbrattfaentris, licarAyead et,betereen rd 'and
tld '
r. LArirrro, arr. Km, Jain WIDOD.
1 MW , RHEY. Ao., Wholesale Graters and
r Courousalon 'lll3 =4=4 and. !gents Pa Wight.
Conon;yaeugbos•H Wiz; and GM Front say Pillth
ALLAGura,LoNalt WILL= Bell itid
11,T.alderti sad 47diajiners,,an Front, t!oloioall,
Wood b
and kindthien. sueonot Mamma, pi.,
QT HiShoot Price 'Oen fot old Cope* and Dram
ndikatare•tOCWWli:Cosrontudon and Folgaidiiit
A./1 Zdareitans, N 0.20 wood stmt. Pinsborgb.- eatl
HMARF-BURNOT,Widur sal Red Leadldemb ,
"firidiret; Podat•lnd Idereheet,•oesiser•ef , Litn
euy arldtFliertiets,Titesburyit:, • , • }eIS
-Dogarra otnietrr,rantiraig Ira 'wertat
X 'aft *erOpthAiit37 First meet, Pittiboteit.:
ICtika • sincurs, l l, ,
.11 1 A14 11 MICKY s 00, Molest!. GmeoTsoCant•
IlAiliteMerthsues;l4 deem n Prodsoo,Notoin
Wintellng.-- -- !" ' 'Pron
TOMB. RANKIII,Anamoy sod Consuls Ulu tioi.
1 17 ondrozonnoskolatlor the Stow U. Pennsylvania.
LeniOlo.4 (lout
itioron.otnoe.einabunrln. Bon IV Foronuk untoit.
ton 110diltariAll.i.;31.CtuterJohn k„ puke,
BlioettsUßasede, EPC.oni Xing.
MN SCOTT &Ch Villains% Grocers, Porkard.,
lag Ind Cosondslkos :AirdhaldltDealars-
es and rittiburskPluUdaques) PidaCdredse
ilow,Libatrardelinedr*MsVuu, Pirtsblugh,Pd.
alo •
rMatES 13•McOULICE,itlidnafthellnnot and
• eGstrai)tderetant intlar,BLZbadea Buildings,
lortx'A: innemlicek ca.—suceems'*
u-Lewslituteld..-as4, vagu=ll..- metchignii
serAVAtads-. ottbe 81.,Peali8icain Saw &loy.
No. WiterlduSlVittnintjvi: • • 'll
tn " Tan '
lOWA DlLWOratt-Mbokrode Grim Pro
docuad.Cowasil ittrekluti,Pio,W;Wcl,4"*
Ictattlx.btoßaooo:Aenia retuwsOuviatai
u tit Fla SUZITA"MeOIIs, Vuntskii, ag,N0. 93
W°94 rt " 4 k,, U4 1100,-!olk.. nalw
ar 3:""gd Alle7x
It.,:td!Zak.; (utecessoiliaoo . o l i l
- Daiisa Ctuuldla 31 M'atet attegu. oat:
Jo= Mus ithErmolt, Naniirg. nAstaadeiai
ic and Idusitid-Itnatranimar School Bag%
Pvar, Stent-Pead,'QuElls, Cards,;ana
Staddarry swatallyWitt.Wood an, Finycnitn.
is Itit amanita - Wan la trade,
`Cir.%43l • t, .1, .L
orcundllescal Wood
f r 1 9 1 1 4
e4' L C alt" et 9
- •
70.$ k-STOCETONk iket .
TOMEGlllterniaoiale'Gibeiu ,
dnee, Pittsbnigta Altai Watts, Tralinwes,bx-
Ncn 2112L1M ~ x ' - kitlat. • . •• laza,
T TA raira t ,
u. On:v.0;11*a
Tram ne - rivm-weausturtacteerio;=aiiord
ep Alcycltap6*l4,4erlix riu,buxg
Blanufacnii..-14-21119Lteigt, rmOvne: S.alo
gsod. ••• 7 • — •
!rata • •
L tobsoncDsalan
factatral anicles. CA 11
EVM DALZELVCC.O.;OiOnitsatarors of all .1-
jj se. Hai, ShoetMailzarou. tooncollsar Oro beg
volity. WatOr*O4O4oli.ocr aadgdapro.da
AmelsotelOvioLoodo amoriForward.
la#ar aul4:kooA
M i"r warding l ard Gon
li Buelle on Me cheats; dealmre
asolyinaberg SOL . 2 i 135
Noola., Pitnefirghl - 1i,, , .; , l •-; ? Car
- Ws, suartWa4-4 , Coy_ClosinthWon. •
chnotraloo24-12,0* et° 4 . 160 4 , 1,..ef1iqgl
„ v x., xioubrupercasslea.44.4
:+1•• , . - •r, •
ROE' Vipkniae-OnnesksztedCommik•
AU, 'lon Mer.14111i1,24,044' pbertrai,f,tiAnbunk
s. =al lya=
Ilti'merchazia;:"Watir: and - ,F.roar beinweee
6°4 andldizket ,
mairru,. w. ssurstios.
esale Grocers isd
AIL CommisubUt neseig,uts, is 17U;, Pitts
burg PA!' • !
tio. as sassissals-,. -
vOl'i" a f'eiholsolere Yondirn
NLtd Y•MWSIII7I Ude of Ereluingo,
it, Wok Notes aseiSpette:
4:l7 , Tdloeliona .sead,doe ell — the prlnetpal cities
thrododded the United Stele. , deal
Timansirc taiDOISE. Arbedemo (ineeeWiteetifyitts
.1% Mater, dealer to Pecoduee,Pinsborzh ldatuday.
ter., and all kinds of Foreign ..t,4 saamsaa "Maas
eaddNeon, Liberty streed• - ak, hood very 1
harp stock of aupenoresei MOROZIOI. I . lorbnkey,
alkyd, orabe sold lira fdr
tut:' tow,
1 . - 4.8111) LIZA:4I, Jr Importer Ltd thale7l.
and o+ , ry.Hlnhno• sod
Cer if 21
onsimiop, of ell desensdided, tzimecut
mum/0 BABA, Wei:Oak and
-ra frotall Dealer to
,Ll 5 Leidlerfdomeco, ,Shoentakere
sup, Taueers. and 04tWe , Toole, and TIMM' Oil,
Yireetoo 'Wood st,Pidablugle. -
&ammo , •j • 14.111717.1. scamelow
E,.,sounisolatoco,wNgeFalara o = l6 l "*Mt
lianaacture., •Libotrl atuirlh
Cosommirdati szA •F. .omrding ~ ' *ehantr, dam
Etrafticoabiltiuggigt Alaa PN
MT. A. CONNINOHAW Wholesale , firtmer,
s . Proitnee . llo.PutsbuttadulCaparts:
an. r‘tr• • .3.• •I ha
c , i'rf . escass, . arra.
UM:OLDS& 131iElroti Carun.inion
linetams,. thiiAllegbarf litteLlivip, dna.
cola Groecciesi.Trodlialh
Tho. l 4hestaieetin Ciskaid it in *Pie" tot agin•
u 7 Mrs. Caramr o Form+. Janl3
Q B. BUSIWIELD•Wihni , dal l ff= l "Z
147 1 4 WOCittrieNtoasAhalisi Malik
citiclesit,cyrio.t" tarrystraecititubase.sept -
Oltall is /01INSOP; Wholesiami Se D~leis
ArilridsTNP l ,4 42 l,lsl ) , .P.lOl
rtgpt and Domains Iny Onedn N0.99 , W00d st.
' l,l "" tr *ld m av prodnea
ant', : W O let A
931044n' 7. • -
BAOALEY•a, Co., Whalenl6.l3weers and
tlg•lttogacadetsistarlitr iercet,babtreen,Stl,
.0011:110,1atth side: lthasdelphii .
r..lM3l.rnsetrass. .10131 MeIIatLXLWILAND:
S 14416AirekAtOr`47:kiMinlii-iriOnah.
L F. VOrrICINZWIRWS•siessie ore.
• ests,
is its tWerairWillara
to assrsilisbansispld sioult
corner of FM".artdst*F el7 " 1 " . 'i •
ffiga.Mudrsure,eud &Ohre Jo Produce. N0.:5
r hiesican adders and
.W:ll..MsPrans4lrw"l office of W. WAtu.
- Mewing' " the t yb k. -zdy 4104- -
gL 74 k.
ds, ilkorkl a ulldingsr j A gta t urinitva4b ,
ate 01.-W
reriaprexpetee tom)
ii."%t lne gxi sioniv Lac,
Mt. C 7— laWg7 B ;
it' GU"
con..k_Tarasomictpitiaxgwar.Fi. , •airn 4l Y ,
' W IL L
4.l6iteldute,No.nn Front n. between Wixtd4
- - -- •
=al! . I
, . .
1.-NVALLActkVdillilnatstV. ,
l'isinelliabatig,,No. 414 Libezrg,st, nen. ihe
''"W'`.XEMARRAII.I); Dealer • fa •Pireef • It
_ Ty_a'DiyAloods,N4-111 Market street. P ., . • •
rt 4- . - • •••
• vir_-31 , -, NI. Velar, la "Wazelas.
R., - MUllPWroycoutals and WWI declaim
•viv foteigli dWomenle Dry - p9o4Pita cal
ectner4flibulretati Peva '
hu i za„ ,
.. Rei d/ A v e DfrAdden, ' sad 19140- and' LW=
sliailogrriont °Molt Ask andlilo..hing
anddimi ando Lanni, IL FlakMIN Ps- isaal
1:t ~-.1,1 ~inaliva.,zoti.
1. - C7 Ugit•
elal ' kAr.b.i Vadleterr: Citittert aski
N , a. itatiltli ixails;Boaatiore,cedniZranairtt Msa•
r. luthilimluirecinhlad,ittillitime_Naidll tint
Vokseral tnoieueut dl ,I..:Witerstreet,
:.tiraketkPrAligr , Pla• ---''''' ''.', - - -. mal"
lvae,m4trrotiva.lkEk; WLoteiW 46i147,
. • llftallying DigUlers, . and Wine sad 'l4g
embalm, Mar4.lrisportazotatodialikb 10031
Otitatilet,irito:l6o4berry area, PmeniVii ra•
.4 ~.1
m ir ~t. .A.?, :401 -_ . ....._ _ .
. . • 4 , H -- - T, „..- tt••4' l - 4 '. ::,' ' 4 ;•,'`,:i-,..
. .., -.4 0... ,
•4, f• . .. - 11,,?... , ,: i ;t; !- .• . .
..;:- .
..., :::: :.. 4: .,,,„ : „ .7 ,._. 7 ,„ 74 . 7 -_,.,-„,:.:::::.7%•••74,174.17.1••-r--.77•7:.. 17 n:•=F : . s .•;.:_:;• , ; . : -..,,,, , ." , .._ , 4 . .. „,„ . ,,„2„.„ . „ 4..4 ,,,, ......__
1, 1
:;....Ai ;.: ,- -1-41 . " 7,44.4•• , - ;.;Lii ti i 44 . J.. %.. 4, , - :L. •!. 4 i 4 - 4 - 7 , 4 ;1 44 , ••;. v.
~,;! ., t i , :••,. ,:c n i, :,
,14i4 . H ; 4., • • ~F.,„ .--, •, 4 : ; 4,, .., . , ••
1• 6 -.:i zi , ',•-.,.••• • 4 , i.. • '7 - •- : . ...--: )
F. '•,:::' 4 ' . •
74 . 1 -.,' '.. 2 , •RiF 1 '''''' ;3 - '.- . - ' .,Yl ' ''-• • . . '•.• • ' ..
• ' ' ''''• ' . ' ..
. ' - .• '
. -.-. .
• VAIN AL-14;01.051 Druggiti aid dpo i theettry t
te, f 10.43 Market thtee doers theme Third Sedritts
burthrwill heive censuultly oh bend • well relented esh
sererhent of the best and freshen , Medic:meth which he
1 sell ' we the -trend 'Team:table 'hermit- •• Phydeltesi
-- esdecsorill.beernotoptlystuettded to glad kl+ . ; ,
lied with melts they nalit tely-oa a* genuine:
" Ptrysiehorellstsoli nit ',ID bediehritletYlna,
neatpseperesl from the arch:Weals, exalt °'
it' Also Y for m . = L s lam steekettresh end do!' Put°.
Efiissonipla Is! alit Lls!siry_ . Stable.
ROBERT 11. PATTEIWUN has opene d
1.11,.. the large stable on Mat at,
..,1101.1_9-1 . ... A
aPA . . pti See con d v i.;:b b exec A ;WO an.. ir u l=
Os, iri thierearof the hl.opoaltaso ,
•sslth ah'enfireljness sleek of Besse. and,Cassliq u ie
thetas Quality and latest styles ! : llelrs. kelq_,,,,lt y
IT hi plehest tamer. " " ir""
rtoNntitta to_monufetum,
••-, Ihtultel.Tambs, tired. Burnes, Ato
Mufti rieca Aurl ,
tre and 'Pier Tops of forrierk. and dreasstlemoble, at
• a regular and fatePrie.
N. 11,—Dmviags for maim' amnia, vaults, tta. Poryi ah.
ed, I of oy deseruntou. , Be solicits o diary of public
iIyILLIAM SMITH, • Pdantuntetwer of , Cotton and
adored Linen,Tringes for Dretses, &mug.
ft and colored. Cotton Prows for elite and tine:ism
Paosols.—Girop, Mohair, end fink 1111111ot, ..ttgen,
conde•to ardor owthe shortest notice,
ftron,temerefMniden Lome end Minim, entrance
Need William street, third ttoor,z over AltneeecElys ,
-store, Nord Maiden taw: New York •
I 111 . . ..
Grosse: EVEIAN/CS , GLASS • •
at BIPSON,LEAKE, STANNER & k0., - rnanolnens.
F , la relf of lliale, North., and window - Ghat; keep
~, ti stahtly en hand a general tesortmerd of - the above
I a efei.'''Alao: . make to order .a-roperiot gentle of
,hbleeral or Soda, Water Bonk., of colored glaze. No:
.16 Wooef . et - Pinebit'. h Pa. ' - ••• • to 3I;Gro - •
mo o s ; . .
itatr;:Noirntib. &O. 404:
gic. PZICerly.lZl,:An quantlges,Of Crete e nd'
t ' 4*. - Black — Tees, .dope:ep, in'Areaner, Erg aM
•pewit puciages, turves frorrudA etc per polled
151A , A' -.Art A. JAY EA. • ••'forPekii fen Co.
Deigszassiet-Spring. Axle,. -.Steel 'and boa
COLEMAN, HAILISIAN la Co, stunntitentrata of
Coasts and Elipne Springs,tientunentst asks.,
Spling and Plough Steel.-Icon, de. .Warebtmse oa
Witter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. : .
Alio, dealers Coneh•Fruntausgs dna. Moller Castings. , desist
j . i . alig i =%l4=n r =P r y.brpt i et i : l
OA phig, ,Fire Huts upon braidings _ ,inerthandirk
o/ rely description, and Marian Riskssmon halls or
=enigmas of vat SON, taken upon the, moss. favorable
WailFce in the Nt"Vallortieof It ' Pi. Hu g h . Bro.,
Na 37:1,Vater, near Aultet au al e Xiirettergh...
N.- B. armee - is attar, Company mace the'estaltv
, lisigrent of.tbb Apro*yein this tetlyOritivilepiratepr-
Me and Invvtality miter +which overytahilmaponi theft'
&rile= bin been
rin d,advrat lidly , matratmetv' nen* id
inviting thaeoafidence dpaironagoeit hiir fritretvand
f m erearnenirrarlarga 10. th e , DelsraramilL Lbws
co Congranyorhile it has the additional advommares
'as in institution ancengsha mows dostrishingin Medal.-
li ra
-r . till having an am:appall:l4n' capita; winch by the
Al rattan-re sts obararra eon/shady =resale& as ,
yt ding to each person Insured -Ms Mar sham of she
p fits of,the company, without involving hint in nay
trisibilny.whatever,! ami *maltose 412 woman ,
th Manua principle divested of meaty obnoxious tea.
• AIM 211.AIUMW 1111WIWItOlt7 —
IIE Ins . nnuice C . ompany of Mania lacornr,a i wro,4h
as, dralltothorualreat, pritaqriberogrerslo
pernmatia'and lizalla.lnsaratian 011 praperty,
1 : 12 ticadditaity, Ina' an ' ittipniehla ihe
~.11, •
',lttmluntel Qat,. LI ''.:l: .- anah•lTa .
Amber ri . • s
Bam' W . Jones ,
.13stitlx. ;.- . ..• . Jacob Id-Thomas,
Jc a ,E.! . . l .ltemons, , , John It Neff.,
Jo White, ~, . - - Rithant D. - Wid,
Thme P. CeOei ' ' ..' - ''"'• Vika. Welsfie • 1
,Sainnel P. Smstb, •-• '',"-- '-' " • 'Fitutieitlfeitetis; ,'
,SabsnelEttakt, " - ' ^ " .' '• S. Anglin AlllMone,, , •
, - r - IRTII.OB. C . COFPINi pres t.
rani, Stepldett;latminseircnemany iii en Untied ,
Smitten, - fitiMntAmen dimmed in 1794. Its charier' Is
Pet•Pe4m l ,•mtiNm , iti.MSll a...PT: I 9Ni enAnlnume.
I = o 1 0 . 01 M, 04.nyoithmt fa Emit. el =t o talsa, has,
phi se ui esitno• ehae V " ' " 7 ". ""4"" " uth %-
the pnb.lsc. - .. , W.. E... JOsNi
- At the etnalliet BLVD Ot Ae.rOPti, /Pi= #'p., Wi•
We ella Fee4te4Xee , e Pi'tibt.llh• . .. . 1 • MILO,:
witAlealitar maxi merirernalsor. - co.
p*OrilllmiJce Insurance, tlrmtatol:l4l.4.llmited
deiectipe orpr_operty, m Pituburch od d the
m otraryi in
terms. flux con,
UTZ.. las : I wo*
Fititd " • WOW= •
Piffee ocraiiir.t"Thitd Usiket igtreMs,Sittibltith.
41.19tf WARI
RCK 11.5.RT1N; Atent.
:, 113#e" ... 7 mii ro t etrieri dlni" ildi = 4 : 4. 7: : C :v piraltf le l d ::if y sit; P ai.a.i. e . f : 4 or a the f a,,, %?;
ptt , , ) ~% , 4 , 04:0{ .. 00H1CAN. r..yralt.l_, , V=
rth, bUribakUlitlibbils bona sppoirued Unit pro
Se= of Alib /McMinn, Company of North /Menus,
ailliastu3Toliticaiutd attend lathe/ad= buiness'
or dos 44cuey, stat sarehoose of :Alirood, Jones 'tr.
• . aput ,ICaL P-JCPPitZ, rater sa
C 9n nta&ritesgatovr
UO7lllllllOll 11311C11.1118,
icso. PltSomit horns 7,4 No. 117 South Water rt.
We twos WM dealers geetethatY, of
JUP - Pittsboigh,thst.they haromaile web arraogistents
th the' Ttraima manufneterets and the °rumen of
the West, WoUndies; 'inn whir plaees, - as will insure
2a large ttuf Mini= supply of the follawmg.demerip;
tiOlk cf, Tohaeso, which' mut he sold mat ete imam-
Vterms as any Alms boom in city oi else-
OA . 01 goods . ordered from them 'Mil be map
equel W mpesssntatiose
Hintratat, •St. Dommgo; .'Corm.[ - ; •
ti Wes Pond Ricer, Penn n., Peed Leaf to.
Co,ha Jrabd; fe Florida; bums •
ALSO—Brandi% eelebrawl Aro:matte Stag C.nven
lish, Frith a hagell3llli Mier% ether ninety
outlitioifofpctatids;_kjiiil2§, fits ited.Ths; Latspf
14 fn std pht. VacLIM.wX, Tate ; Irggata' Tenth,
RPeth4 PIMA ea Mamie and half boxeit, mood
4 , 1 40 10 Tee hMth, emelpms7M77 of a n kle belong.
4i it FACT ORS,
.. 6.4 yl ravon f ii ' i • i '
1 - ' l /anTNT
e, •
; . NO, 61 Nash iTtionO4 an IS> Miro Sh:', - '
1 •,, :/c, - vkiILADELPHEA:
RIPIEBIO4OII ' II ill Brown fr. Co. • :,
! '" ; R 014.11 Mee* fr. CO. - ~,,,'., . .
I r ' - .... 71tartroft, Deaver & Co. • "'"?.
1 L
1„, . ,1 Allem & ton„ , It evr Ydrk.
Walieni Hiivey, Baltimore_
... l arralay ird3raith t
-' • r.. Dub tifte,Wlhout &Co I mx 6„, r ib . ,
i ' ' ' llal, eitcm&& Co.
- , Kier Jones, •
IMttbetil each advances on nonakanrerna to Cul
rap SLULIMIIf. - ' =muss woe. LOOT. WATAIII.
__= 4 itLaturserons._ •' , ?
And - teinisral - Commisilon nerchwatir,
2 4 .-1 3 SImm Wa7 l, Aftgabl
isfintENCT.S. , -Tie ry Graff"& Co, Pntsburgb.
Wagon , 11.44nartork, , V : i inn, , , ,
P Behoolay a Son, • .
A. M. January, Maya, . ~
Chatles Ilishara, Jr., Loalseille.
Dalin, Hatapbsay. &
r, B Co.l
Mercero. & Co. • - Shiludht
Heal & Brother,
- Dutilh &Comitsury, New oTt.
....__, __.
MAIO% W. Arenzum
roawmumwo • , th tokrarssioN 'aigitcluivrs,
tooTiaNO367.O',OVNMUS ANA W„tS, _.
:7 labia= irr owns ezooparou cusamgoty,.
oT. , slkank and.VoritrariUngliellOsilt:,
-NO: P woos, Sr., rrnsontax, • •
(10=M= to transact tkrettecol COMMIFIIMI tllni.,
atailieeeisUrin Us purehate unttualepflatteek
I anlitpurn=eiterr and Producer, and in mealy - lug and
arranging Good* cooshitied t de ewe. A. Apar for,
the idannfaantrrar; be: +add be e gunantlyoapplied arithi
the principal astleles'ar Stuabu ith Tranollteufre laths
lowest :wholesale
_prier la . OrrlarriLairrl cpinrignarants.
eye realwernatp eoucitart.! • - ,`,.,' ' • •, •, wrt
- 4* ' , , W110,E intoosue '
1ra34 1 ? 5‘1 91 th igjnic t e 1r =1 . 1 .1 7," ,!1
. t 10.,-11) wax. suscr,,revissaan, 3 , 1 4 ."
. _
• ). • •••
ip ar p r pirding Illespluoußarotooloolrs HOIPan
Aucanktcrlicuor tkaut FomosOlog of Wodooo, ,
tc , _
Fos gay infopagolon;••spplrtc ,l7ol tsTrit la CUNT,
bANOArater •- • ocria
1. ,
gtfirjlial, 00=NI $ SION 11EUCIBIANTi
's FORTHESALE9i ritaupov.4 PROVISIONS, .
end) 1 741munt's Wneke,
• uminuoizg,'?tri.
nalliniiicss•Zhlereh ants' aC PlitebargW,'. • L!.
...Wlteeliae.Var4bOlangra le Co. ,marZadnm
lyE have taken coarse 4minaliuely
oypoute to;
•mit wars warehouse. , fareZt. 6 6t , Whato W 6
traltimethuttizonittds anal, atm/I h =w eak
be ereated,..areggleldente ,harng, already Waal muff
rot that parody. -Ikens ea-always ha „In reeahncee at
our what'll° receive [might.
o.lo.llAralarle Co, •
apt Casollteana labemrat
. ,
L`Y'MA Ri t "E 1,4341:: ;
GEIMUL 0111 cawn 6810114 MERCIAN%
Partiqulst Ewa= vat to the NOY of Wool, sad fiber
16 la advances 7' 4 l7 coPirnmgrata...
to) . 111 g 64 if Id AO A
V. " Tlt t ,i l io a M" q6°4"lll° '
p 4 r
nagertiv. ro
. !•a tll9Ma 640,i041and latrirodow &Is
ItaittW4 otr steamer Arun/Able and 00 Nia. by
• •
erronsrEar AT LAZY,
/hater, Pa
• •
•11171 LL, also auend to collections and all other heal
. 11 nesseutrusted to *ado Butler and Armstrong
'counties, Pa. Refer to
J. &R. Floyd, Liberty at.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall do Pittsburgh.
My Kay & Co, Wood at , pm 7
Tb. SWGITZUI, Annum, at Lew, office 3d et.,
opposite St. Charles Dolel t Pittsburgh, will also
andnd promptly* to Collections, In lYnshington, Payette
and Green counties, Pa.
Dhickatock; POD & Co., "
Church R Carothers, • "'"
D. T.lllotjtfin,
Y .IE -
HENRY, Attorney. and Coancellor at Law.
.4. Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections to &anther° Ohio,
..did in Indiana, and in Remiiety,ntbsapfly and care
fully offended to. • Commissioner forth* gutte Of Pisan
sykronia, We toiling , Depositions, .oetnoarleslya*.nu,
Risme in—Haa.Mm..ll4sll San; Canis. Oharch
Carothers,.Wm...ilays.ll4., Willock./crDavis.
lATILLIAMS . 6 SBINN, (madman to Lowrie and
VV R9lliami.j' Attomeve and Counaellom at
Office North aidabt.Foanhatreet, above Smithfield.
JTAMES , F. .K£0214 Ammo. at .I..aar, Daktrarelre
Building, Grant atreah nearly oppowto this .Coart
a"lig•llfi , •
1317211.0 r,
lyzr,or g^tri. 8111111011ERWLLL.
SMithfialdirn7aw. -- _ --- an
-1; tato, tare removed their office to the Smuts stde o
Fourth st.,between Chem Alley nod Grant street
, •
O.:: it, itOBIIO,ON, Auorney at Lasr,hats re
. moved hiitifEkee to the Exehatige itullottngs, St
` Citi - ir st„ next door ut AldernainAohns. , spiny
S A 'renn E ! ' st ". e l3l lll n e r g a ATh, •
•., or4l64tto n 4 . -: . • r ,
To Country Mora • onto.
ALORGESTOCK of School Hooks,Paper, Sudan
soy, /Lc, soluble for canary Wen anntg which
Writing Papers, of erne, medium and common milt'
Letter Pape: de do do do
Note Paper do do do do
Note and.Latler Enveloper,
Slates, Pencil., Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens;
of (yard wade) plainand Dratted;
• Hoanet Boards, of dillerentoulines;
,Blank Books, to crealeldieti!
Family, School end Pocket Jabber,
. g a m lu trlt c uf:, and
due e dou e bl . e crown wrappingpaper,
Buy's Eolectiu Aritheor.tice;
Cobb's Primers, Spellen and Residers;
• Sanders' do . do do
Arabi:tenth try Adams, Havis,Colburn, Smith, Stock
ton, Ernernott, and Oren.
Cow:gibe., by I,litcheß, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good
riPh, Parley, and others.
Onscantars, by Smith, Kirkham, Stilllonaltield, and .
°them . For sale at low prices, by
. el wood at, 3,cloors above 4th.
The Detest market price paid for good mired rocs,
to euh, aple
fiSLANDI r AKY - li. STELLA - .AV?).—A pape
r lay
expolition of this great &move:ie. ad thee
lies of modem by 0 hl thlitehell, • ra, Di
rector of the Cincinnati OUtratitary.
• ,Headley'alotly. Alps and Rhine.--Leuars from tiny,
tbe Alps and the Illana• by.lT Hadley. author of Na
, polecat and bis hiarshalls, Wuhington and his Gener
als, Sr. New and revised edition.
Stadmies of Coal. —The Gemaphistil and Geologi
cal distinctions of Mineral C ombu stibles or fused fuel;
Including also, notices cad blealines of the venues
albinol tritamtnions substance. employed to arm and
alaufacoutta illustrated by ?laps andso.
' eompanjed steady 400 sunimical tables, sad an
alyses of mineral comburtibles, at; prepared by Bleb.
aid Crowling Taylor
iilageethrOli a few copies of eachorthe above works
-..for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
.Bookseller., ear market & 3,lsta
ort. A. /ell. P. JA-MW,Vuzeiltztall, the following
new and valnable Works—:
Doniphan's Erpedition—Containlng sketch of dm
life of Col. A- .W. Dotalphan "theCormnett of New
Megiew,Oea. Kearney , . Overland F,xpedidon to Cab.
fora* DohipharraCampaign agatnit the Navin. and
Ws hdParialleltd Essen spoil Chilmaina and Doane,
*Ad the Opermoona of Oen. Price at Santa Fe; with
Uid Encravincs, by John 'l' Poems. A It e , I s.
la to ment of hiluonti Cavell*
Ist Kentacky—lt. Antiquities and Rama!
erg 0 -uptuesil Statisucal and Geologic./
, deseriptiormaiM anecdote. &hooters Li and more
:Mari one hendred'lllographieal Sketcher of dirtium.h.
`eil Masters: Soldiers, h. - relearned, Jurist., Leery m,
rlaeh At; inaan with forty ensuing.; by Lewis
voL octavo.
- 'Mt Twelve Menthe Volunteer, or Yountal of . Pri
v-Maio eta -Tendessee Revue= b; I,Utfairy, lir de
Clempolatiorlfelaeo, dmin.l_l464l7,eUill
count of Ite Marta artire - OtibieatA Vera erste, •
deerriptionor the Country jlasted over; ampere, ear
lama, de. of the people; baetehes of Cat 111,411`e; tie
evanta all thereationo °father Voltuueer Lona.,
aod • fall Itutory of the Mexican War, Lin t,e Kil
led and Wounded ; ke;llluartated bp a large CMIIII
coo , Vieler and piant - br tied: C. - Fur *lame
MVO. duet
New papar and Nook Establietiiiini,
713 %VP Sg, Musa FoCYrII A.llO DlA.motirD AILYI.,
1' wzai
plain orkite a n nn
d rru ~b e i n e
e t o
W ek r 'o itin
g and' sieuCr rii;e 4 r, d corn .'
Mccelsalirldpstzketp , ost flu! Cap, depcy thedium
writingpiipets, Int book medium Ina royal
bred Printing Papera; oiediam, 'deal wad cap Dag
Bookinnd Ledge, sapeilor piper and brat Lastern
thading;l3elool Ikaks 01411 kinds; nandard viorks to
Theology and Seieneeic Quills, gold and steel P.N.
Waren, %Vat, trill - Files, dc. de.
Blank gaits of all siserrsded to proem, and bound
In the most aubsuinnial mann..
:C0111119 . 1r Merchaina supplica en lowest erholewik- pt.
es for case, Or 91143 al cook once.
JOD P/UNTlNts.—llaving a Job office in tonne,nfon
w4,4,lj.hmroi we am erepased to ozecul 9 an
orders for plain and fancy Prinung—books, paropli /eta,
Leircalara, boainesa cards, bills ofAding, .les•
patch and atlow poices. Euacrrr mitasm,
my td wood at,beroreen
trod diamond alb, r.
JS'I IO,,KW WOll.l6,—Yanity Fair, a novelinthoot
i d
by William Makepeace kery—eelth
blast:ado. by the anther.
The Thant of Rath by Acton Dell, author
of 'Mothering hicight.”
The - Young Schoolunstrese: by Joseph Alden, D. D.
Part 6, of ampere' Illoatrated edition of the Arabian
'Nights , Ebtertaunnents. Now translation, arranged
fortanoly eroding, moth explanatory notes: by F. W.
Looms Logarithrow-Tables of Logarithms or nun
bees and signs and T 91249.121.11 for every ten seconds of
the (Nathan], wlthedwr enteral tables: by Eli. Lacuna
A. M.,.ProL Mathematic. and Natural Philosophy in
- the Usturcnilar of Now York, sunhat of • 'Trouble on
Ai rm b %se, 7'estrks :received tios . thy =elfin solo by
11410 Booksellcra, ear market and lihl
Hew Publications.
11111 STORY OF . colcuttr.v3, Biographical and P 011.1.1.
.1.1. nee, comprising curators of We members °elite
Congress °Me 1.3. b-: By II t 3 Wheeler. illeistrated
by notneranasteetportralts, &c. ac. Vol. 1, 001000.
The Writlngl of C. U. Clay; including opeedtres and
iaddresses, with steel portraits: Edited by H Greely. 1
v vo
What' Bow in California: By Talmo Bryant
thunee Ndtea, VoL 10, on James, Perm, John sun
Chalets and Counter-Llama By Um hrloursh,la.
ncor of *To teem and' to be," .Couquest," /re. ,
Mom' Clover, alkneeMe Temperance Tale: C.
..King. as bacon*, or Life she Palace; conslotirar
of historterd sketabes of late and reigning sovere,gus,
By J. S. C. Abbart. ;
A Pim Book in 9pnni.b, ai a practical intradriction
the *lady of the iipontob Language: tly J. Bothell!.
The Dying Robin and admiralties: up 6te...Dr:Olden
Jinn recd by . B. HOPKINS •
ge l I fs Zo l t d Rood.)
VT,Ttg .KS-14fa ortiorti;eff;by T'liendio;
PI • PourerOf tha Pulpit, by Gardiner fignog, D. D.
Bethel Flog, do do
Jacobus an °rope's; hiattherrq w ith Harmony;
Lecture* on Bhokspeord L l vet
Path of Ufa,
at Sksieheo of the ay . la Gam and
i Footsteps' ofVeralthi . ;
The.Coarenq .by out of School Girl in Ranee;
Noir muiThery. try Wynn;
Sketches of Lamina,. on Porobleirond Miracles;
Woofs Welcome to thi Stringer; •
Heaton apodt.Ostli;
I •Lisivliston, a tale of and far England: I polo.
For tut* bY ELLIOTT&
• ietifwiKot *o d lid Mantel .
, .
ISTEAV, BOOKS—Jest 'teemed from the' publisher,
.and , fbr sale at the methodist Book Store, - Cif et,
sear:Woo& Tuplierle Proverbial Philosophy, in thien
styles of binding; a beautiful book for a present.
. Preperation forths
Sketches of Serpa. on the. Parables and Miracles
Of Christ' by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-400
sketches, &a. The English Pulpit; eolleetioe of ser
mons by the mom eminent lining divines of England.
.51Drissons Vous..Doing Good, Chrsuau Levee Lev
en thou me, Sacred Meditations. 10r4I
THE, rATUIAULIAL AGE; or the ihmory dI
Religion of Mankind from tbe Creation to the.
(teeth of lieu: Deduced from the writings Of hitues,l
pulatothor Inspired audio* nod illustrated by copious'
refiliences to the 'velem records, traditions, .01 m
idrib:cc of the llamben World—try-Geo smith, F. R. A.
Charms and Counter-Cheraw, by Miss =Mash A
hest, supply of Rea very pentane Mlle work. • .
Orators of tbe - lunerienn Revelation, by E. L. Ma
g Paroon, with Portraits, ,1 v 01,12 me. ,
ley's Cabinet Litman, iho or schools, 71
Volumes, le me, with engrwrings.
, Thia a , new work.
For sale by •
.ft 110 . 1
sefele • Apollo Ileilihnt L e 4th et , •
'DECK'S SOTAPayr—ltoteny 'of the ltinitral — ", Statea
AP north of Virginia; comparing description. of the
Powering and fern-like plant; iti.rto forted in thou
later ;unpaged according lo the natural system.
With it 'synopsis of the Geoere according to the Lie
bman system , ef sketch tithe radiments albeit/ay, end
s sinewy of tenors • by Lewis C. Deck, AI. D., Prot
Chemistry_ and Natural lUstory In Stages College,
New lersey, , ,Ac:dn. Second edition, revised and euv•
largest' Tor sale by
IJ4 3l o6ni r ni E Tt . Pe f3IRCI IPP: " . en - f'
the FMIC611.1:011161) 1 1••• 4 1 11' Ill e a m eput , ds ' hed *Mem by•
Alphreste do Lareanine. Complete in three volemeM •
ilydets medalled A (tech supply of WS popoler
work received this day and for sale by
JOHNSTON , 1 / 4 STOCKTON, . • .
Lcrin • •• Booksellers t aor market
140ITEHINGS IN EI3ROIM or amebae of travel:
in Prance; -Delgistos, Amine/ Switzerland, litaly,l
matiALeland and Great SAWN with an appendLa
emu - obsenrations EIVOWILII ChaildCll Arid
medical' trUCtlariS: by Joke W. Carson, AL D. 'A
few eoplelett,sale by
tepid " • • Joitbisrthy
T OUR BTORM:o`u Market street, No 60,1terier2a.
Oh, mat-at all timed be totted a. riatlmt
Oita orrAs9ioo; 4 4 l2 tr bliseollancous Boas. . blikyt
bivsks received as seon aspublished, and mild ad low
est Oct* , _The Vaidiettauns orthe.limerican Burnley
School Vaion and Massachusetts Sabha* School
sisty r always on hard. 0411000eil furnish ott tetra
oliestkro. ELLIOTT . * MULISH ed ,
GA =skew, betwaen3d 11194.414
OGAN & KENNEDY. hay* this day associated
with them in the • Hardware business, Philip Wil
son end Edward Gregg. The style of firm win here
after be Loqtat,'Wfirieh This arrangement ron
dent it •dearrablo to Clew the old bosoms. m soon as
possile. .A.Il perws.hoec dare motorede
es b ptmially requested w to mite mitate payment. ,
Pittsbutsh, Jhu - 1819:
. .
Afti....1r'n1WD!!.1.e.t,°1X5y01e..,11,1117.1-&p onen'
H n'dd
vall'ehy,'Ettiddrory;cce., awls, Wood n' s=rins•
burghjare oboe:drily prepared with recently impor
ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, A.r....t0 oder very treat
inducements to western buyers, being determined to
competein prioesysinth any, efihe Atlantic clues. Al
so on hmid extensweisslortnientot - Pittsboth Had
wares via: Stworels, Spades, Fmk*, Noe., %hoes, Ao,
all of which will be sold at the lowest manafacturees
Prices. Joni •
TLlENttheerhers bovitts recently entered into
pawnershlpunder the name of Gut ugher, long,
Iler,Of the purpose ote arming on the Hell
mid Hrs. Potmding and G.-Fining b.iness In
all its bNnehe., here taken. dm stand fouottly 0“.2 .
pod by H. Gellaghhr, wo rr qq t stree . t, between
Wood and Smithfield so., where they ire prepared Co
execute ell'ordefs Golfe; Mass' Castings, of every
dere option; and Gas' Fittings-wolf neatness and dew
patch. Steumberatlebbing promptlyouended to.
Y.' H.
N. L—The attentiort of Haehmtsts amt Onwinems Is
invited to our mniftureetieneafteljor o mimed price,
which has been pmftioneed superiorto Babbitts by
anrabars who have usabeth. Steamboat builders and
the publie, generallyoutolft requested to cell awl ere
mane our superior double lotion Porto Pumps WC
steamheat and donientien.d. ' ' • • •
dectidly _ _
TlAMVlnEPuirrwlLutsTerbitini ;ender the dtaart 1'
o* the tat loot. 'The business be closed stthe old
stifled hip either of 00, using the Rowe of the fitelbe
thus purpose. Betel desirous to line nor business
elosi.W with as little delay as possible. we mould n
theirre4ddifr Mate Indebtrol . veil lind sOCU
their neeonhvt. JOHN D. NrCOH.D,
tib i ro l2l tb! ) i J am e. nre th e . "
ed g
;i d /Za h n/
.tICo., will caution- the flat, Oup aad For business in
all its venous branches, wholesale sod Moe. .1.1110
old stand, corner of Wood and 51/7 streets, w ere they
solicit. continuation of the plittontka sallhdrally be
stowed en the old fir= JOHN /7 AIVORD
J 023 JAMES 8. ItlY:,18113.
IN raying from the old and mall knoven firm of
VCorci Mug I tram respeetftly mommaand to
the patronage of the public my successors., Merits.
Wooed te Co. pmte IL D. KING.
THE eopartnerdop heretofore Gluons between the
ntitetibont,tader the etylo bliAll,.llnehe•ltt &
Roe, t.ptted Ibis Joy b Ittututoon. The bellow's of
the fi rm will be settled jy MKlill & Roe
J'Artte D. &MILL,
Pittsburgh, Ju1y,19,1843.
12.4 undersigned caudal. the Wholhole Ortt
ebry said Coratutsaien betelnes., ender the lin* of WWII
o& Roe, their dd mad, Di0. , 194 Lawny meet.
!laving sold my interest m the firm of VOW, Mak.
field a. Roe us my fanner partners, APHIS & Roe, I take
plasma., in ronimusterutingsheek tt.KY frt.." and
mintie r FM! S. 1.1. 11USIIPIEL.S.
— lt7r - s• — •Pir7rituo estap
Ll W. STEPHENS orWheeltag, E. V. Et.rnbvgra,
0 1 JuWAts, and I.A. Suscium of Pulaburgn, have
Una day entered Intim ea.pastaenidp ander arts sad
firm of Szeshetui, Shoentiorgar & Co. u Ltus Artebar
on work., Wheeling, Va., for the parpose af awls
facturiat Iran Sad rouliof every description.
sncrnwes, osneNsszoca, 2., croarros.
snoranEactica & co.
ANCHOR' IRON won F. 3.
Hinufheihre an Hail abeam', alleet;b ir 'k i d
oath, A. IL mad eli,ptie *priors and axle., Deirisposi
neared with Shoenberrer's old Jerhimaltiarrkailler int
oder an =tete& Juniata woo (Waisted &Whirl/m.IOH
NUM to any nude in air canonry. AU of which wilt
be sold at the Pirtsborgh prier* Wareham* aria
workaeorom o(/Ur uw aid Ityrsior M myll
ISSOL UT 14,..11--The pushier - slap hitherto
Ming Mader thestyle mid firm of Wight:Mut
t Vol.
shay dismiss:ALT ammul commas, John Hal
lett having ithiposeil of W r enure interest to H. Mato.
man_ The bashes. of the law firm will be sealed by
11,Wiyhtmuihwho ra austromed to swathe nutioraf We
NMI firm for that purpose_ 11. witarrmaN.
ipZIOLLIOr Duly 147) J. DAL:a:fits
THE liniment.. is now pts,,ii.wsl io monursettins 4.1.1
kitits of Cotton tad Wattles SiWitchery, at the shade=
swum. Orders Wain B. Wiaittusitestaviiisi•Stiop, ;or
eer Liberty and Wwws sweets, will owe with prompt
stWittioa. U. iNIGHTULN,
Liwook en, between talent.' nod Sandusky km,
rPrIP4IY Allegheny city.
nOwPAILTEIIEitSIIIP—Wrn Young having airs
gay sasoarawd writ, him, John AL Arcane. the Wa
cs, business tern hereafter be ert.ducted ."4" the
firm of %Vo Young & Co WLLI.I.Lif
*OS .1::02 IL ttI`CCNIEL
Cu. haws aweressied gra,
Jllll ;Satan tleitTebareo and Cornmisiton•bangiarks,
Edarakrd Deakyllaus of Jacoli &Wad to Co, Dultiraors t /
David C. Neenanuen and
A Wntoet mtls
d•jratestr ilagreetorant.
rwl-asi, Colorobuma Apr. ti, 1:41.
rot. D. JAYNE,* Dtaa Snew-1 fo o t Lunt to y ou
jJ Pod too arlselod public ' to avail myself of this op
portunny of giving publicity. tha ertraordmacy erre.
co your I....Vectorant onanyeelf. Hearing Leen alrloted
for toreria yens with • Revere cough . , been Weer
and ito concomitant diwases. sod wetned only doomed
Unger oat a short but miserable essatence, until the
roll of lop, when, bang more severely anodic& and
booing resound to all my former rented., nod the pre
sr nut.. of two of she most mu:we-L.1 ,1 e 1 , 7 41111 “ 4 ,11
thy neighborhood without denting any bettol4l. or the
consoloUon of swarm; but a Lew day. or weeks at
furthest—when the last gleam of hope was about td
mush. I bad recommended to me your Expectorant—
it bLessod by Om iletng who !does all ow,g, In We
e orate racoon—and contrary to the orpcoadon. of
, y ..thyateians andOrianslat I was In • few days named
am my bed, and was enabled by the me of a bottle, to
tteitd to my badness, enjoying Ones boner health don
bad foe ten Years memos.
Beape: your., &e... .10. ri11.14
oda Pluithorgb, at the Pekin Toe StOte,
'iamb are ri alarm)
"• • •
ATF - A.IIVE - At . tickS -I.o4Td•lfiLitift - D
TM. Ca Manic compound combines smallness of
butt vrim efliett'eney and nompatittive tundne. of pur
gative tenon, at id having a pavanar teudeney to the
unitary organs, extremely valuable In this country,
la wlttett halloo.. fevers ead other complaints attended
with conettion of Ihe 12mq, to mach abound. They
harems mood lan •tent of 0 0 Tema end etPertealee
has proved them to be a sale and valuable remedy In
litterrchtern, Remittent and Bilious Fever: Jaundice,
Dino. colic, I adage. on, Dvopay, Dysentery, DM ens
Vocultings• colds, nil comp anus of an Inflammato
ry there...T. The complete and ardvertal
taut winch hat beengtve. , by DM. PM. M all 101.0
have used them, renders the' publishing of the num..
rum eertificatevi in their feenw onnecessary. To • pm ,
vent counterfetung they are now put up us t red Icy lo
graphm wraer.
Prtce 23 c ents fora boo conmining 30 pills.
Prepared and .Id by
corner tat and wood, and also roiner 6th and wood
Drama. tem9ol
aA.,l - A. B. 11.4., N. Y. City
• Whostesals Drug Store ha the 17117 of
Neer York.
tmdentived are ertemilvely engaged. In the
.trVholente linithallnese at No. 49 John target,.
e city of New York., anti ace prepared to supply
Dregants "tfiviel lklOrettint• with Drugs, Paw*
Oils, jryq-suiffs, .Forego and American PmfurraMt,
lilender, Weaver A. Mmderis Chemical., (of their owo
imgonattrie)and other ankles in thew line of bast
ions, of a .4pertor quality as low an they eau bolow
to lbw or any eastern city.
New York; Peble H. A. FAINESTOCUr (70.
natgbartlehrenteue Groan.
vi; s 9 PAINTERS, BLIND hIAKEIDA, &o—We, t?s ,
vhdercgtmd, Painters and Blind hlake, or the edy
or 'erw Yeah, have, used and towed, .d are twwvsinif
110 i• article olChrome Open, manweettured by (Seo.
K.i.ashcher, of this city, and find It to work well, pose
ducingstßun Istilltant Pane Divan appearance, walla
very - superler body, and recounnend to our brethren
o trade-as in every paruottlat the best Chem*
in th
(deep we have over used. New York, June 1, 4 7 .
Signed by 24 firms of praciteal painters of the city of
New York. This autrqualied Chrome Ureen q.l. be
bed of IL E. SELLFRS, No di Wood street, sr.. Du
the aichadveasieney tar Its sale in Pittsburgh. marin
VERIJIPOGP.— . No Wally aliould be
/.7 witlioat it
Looaa, C. II VA., Aug. 21, 49.
lila R. E. SM.Lems: I cheerfully certify Oat I haver
for sonm.yeare past used your Yermlfuga in my family,
and universally with succm. 1 decidedly preterit to
any other preparation I have used—straortgat these may
be nern , d the celebrated modleine called Deadshot,
rahneatock'a Vermiform, and a preparation called
Worm Tea' In a recent case a amgle date brought
from my little boy one hundred and Ids large worms
No family certainly ought to bo without It. Yours Ire
VmParcd aran sold by IL IL !teller., No. Al. Wood at.
and odd by Omega generally In both eidea.
A Flue Bet of Teeth for Sl6 Cent*.
VT GlVAs.—Yellowvind ultheallbY anelboltle:
log onto or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tema
Paste" have theappearance bribe Moot beautiful ivory,
ana'et rho-same time ito to perfecUp intKicent and ea,
quisitely line, that Its constant daily rise Is highly' ad
vatnarpseiwi, even to teeth that aro in agoW con
dition, going them, a beautiful polish, andiproventing •
premature decay. 'nose already decayed It prevent*
from becoming , worsovvif also fattens nob as are he.
coming loose. and by perseverance It will render the
foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de
liciously sweet. gold by WISI. JACKSUN, eg Liberty
tercel. • •• •'• " • .• • . • 'hOlifithl
AFtW weeks since, carrel : thy ekildtenOged about
five years, was unwell for, several days, and the
ss increased so L olonstingly that I loafed death
would bellso:niatit. 'Having beanie( the good effects
offithaestock's Vert:Wage when whaltwuered, to the
children oftstykangithor*,, end thinking my Yalkb ,
hove worm. trofu some of the Sliptoras, I gsve It one
and s half tessooonfitlll htthe Verudfuge,end to my
Rtdnt astonishtnennit alnmit Immediately disehassed
between *Wend thlldlarge *Wow: 'ItS health was Norm
restore and it in none reselitkobty well. Previous to
taking this Verintlinfe; the *wins would ocesslonsilly
;Isola its throat, suid.f Often feared it would die from
strongulthion. JAB. O. DAWSON..
Tionestsaesango easiPswietPf44 •P/3
ES OINTNICITiiiItib intact erectin, remedy betbre
tits public for . the cum of taw, Itch, dry and oratory
Piin,Ple* of the laee, neck and - body, seedy eruptions,
4113 kil 'enter dijcise*, of me skin. This Olnuneot is
,warrilided 'free Dorn Mereury,lo perfectly safe, and
,niny be ,uscitut air tlmealind uhder an cirearustances.
I . Aficsli - supply - ofkblisueltalile - remedy received and
(Pr ulalq, It X PAIINEIsTOCIL Ces
defiler iit and wadi also, earner of 6tit and wood
NM COPM,4 eascirrewsivedand for=3
• "•ePIS B eaux I
e 4 5 1:1061 in unnerron, 11%0M11170 , 1011.
laT 8 establishment long and widely known as
bout of the most commodious in the city of
Baltimore, hos recently undergone very eaten
sift, eltehtione and improvements. An - entire neve
wing has been added,sontaining numerous and airy
aloe br=rtents, end extensive bathing rooms
', department has also been comgetely
reorg e nniami and fined up In a most unique and mu
ral style. 'ln Net the whole arrangement of Hoare
by been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
thole °
~ , . .d which they confidently assert will
chillen comparison with say Hotel in the Union. Their able will always he supplied with, every sub
mantel d inhary 'which the market afferde, served
up In s eerier stylm while in the way of Wines, &e.,
they wi not be, eurpaued.
In co union the propnotori bag to Up, that tattlttatt
will be d undone on their part, and on the part of then
astdstan 'to render this Hotel crortht the continued
patron of their friends and the publ generally.
Thep ' ell for board have also been reduced to the
follow rates: ,
Lad ea' Ordinary, 161,75 per day.
Gen omen's " . LAO
N. Et. The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
wxya bel found at the Car and Steamboat Lending.,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
act:tam may2tf
COLNII 01/ F.ll AND R. CLAM RS, Pr1T141.4111, Pl.
The aubscriber having antumed the manage
mentor this lengestabhshed and poplar Hotel,
reePeetfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally. that be will be at all times prepared
to accommodate them In all thlnp desirable In a well
regulated Hotel. The Hone Is ram being thoroughly
r p e ag i e r s cd vill b b - e u . g vtr - c. ' d t o tr. V2rezzAd,trohlo.
very beat Hotel, In the country.
The andernped respectfully...elicit. a eontinuance
of the very libend patronage the House boo
recv . Irl f . ,
. Proprietor.
POOCH AIM 01•Ift 1111MIMIN nrrnerson.
- TIIP. ntbsenher relpeetfully announce. that
be hes now opened his new and excellent Hotel
~. ttte accommodation of travelers. boarders,
ininhe public generally. The house and furniture
are yndrely new, add no pains or expense have been
systlad to render it one of the moat condonable and
p ealant Hotels in the city.
The anbacriber I. determined to deserve, and there
forefollelta a char of public patronage.
nctl+dlV J AO* HOUGH, Pronnem ,
' inutoctinionToNts GALT HOUSES,
, t • Lomsvain, sv.
itARM TIMOCEMORTON bcgs to eminent his
friends that be Is again lessee of the OAt.T
HOUSP, tott t,llb, Ky, where he hopes to meet
all tat old friend., assuring them and the pubbc, Mat
uo effort shall he spued to make all comfortable who
faVochini with Omar Earionage. laoUdly
— 77". Tfrilfgir nwrira HOTgL,
Gutrun r., ernviurs roux= MD IOIT rm
/APPOSITE law 11. k of the United awes, Phil.,
Chocolat., C0,.C0 40.
IV. Dater . American and French Chocolate , Prepar
ed Cocoa Coosa Paste, Broom, Coco Shells, &a.
oaierehota and eintartmem, who would purchase
the boutprodents of oftena free from adulteration.
more notritious Mossier coffee, and Mortality osnr
passed, the subscriber Ye commends the above articles,
tonafactured by himself qod stamped with his note.
Ills Brows arid Cocoa Paste. o delicate, Pal.t.ele.
and mitutary drink. flu invalids, couvaleoents, and
of era are pronounced by the most eminent physicians
souk,: to any other preparations. Ills manufacutres
are 111 Wars any quotity, by the 61011 t re
goettsble groom the eastern doles, and by theft
sorts. ll•wes,Stray are., athlete,. /ones It Bence
& no,. lianford:Omm Nosey & Murray, New Ycok;
Grant .4 Stone, Philadelphia Tumor, V llrandjge, Bal
timore; and Kell A ItlestuythCincinuati, Chin.
it'AL~ FR BAlfEß ,~ Dore4esir~efe...
Far sale by 50k3 . 1 LIAGIALIS & F3lllll, Ara
lATUTTE., BROOKS a CO„ woald respectraliy In
g g •forom the alibi'. that they have erected a .hop on
Laconic, betwyett Federal and Sandusky meets. *PM•y
are note making and are prepared to receive artier. for
every description of vituctia Coaehea, 01.1i01 . 1,
roaches, Ltaggies,, Pluetane, de, de., which from theta
Jon; apenence in the manufacture of the above work,
and tba facilities they hare, they foci confrdent they are
, raJM:imit. do Pork on • the most reasonable term. with
thaw Wand.* articles In their line.
Paying particular anemias to the select= of mate
rials, andbartog none but competent irotkmeo, they
have DO tussitadon in vrarranting th eir work. We
tkerveavo ask the attention of the pane to thie nodose
N. 11 ftepatting dose us the hest manner, and on the
moot tvaironalile teima Jellf
fihreuibt itad Coat Iron Hailing.
ristitierthers tied lease to Inform the palate that
T they have obtained Worn the Last all the late and
faithionable Gamow ior iron Itailtteg, hoth for houses
maul cemeteries Verson* wwtang is pcoetwe hand
some patterns will ideue'eall and examine, mid lodge
for themselves. Reuhrig will he funnelled at the short
est notice, aid to the best manner, at the comer of
Craig luid ' aebeeca streets, Allegheny city .
nrtß , lt ae - garaiirratont Soda Lob.
ran sabienlsere inform their ...niers and dealers
gityterallyi thus their brit shirmient far the fall ho
miness ad the above &ruck, hu arrived at Philadelphia
per ship Juniata, direct from the tatinufaettirers in
lissertaSol. and eerie b. here La a few days. They have
shipments oa the ay—twow
viz pet Outgo McMillian and I.Trttia; sar - tiesilr doe—
'they me therefore prepared to reveler tittles.
[resider the large guanuties they have coming to the
mature eittespo be bertrarded ben. by cattail they will
teem, daring the ariater4ort a antiol i aL=e•
era NO. Orleans.
. • _ .
Policy' Puri, tresh - trom Europa.
THE crib have now to wore a very extens iv e
au° nmem of Fan tor ladle areas, winch have
been purchased in Europe by roe of the km., ar earl
lot palter' daring the monetary arta.; auteeediag the
Fryuch Revolution!
This advemage. which they peewees over any other
hooee m the traele, , ,witi enable Otero uo wit a wiry ex
ec:lent eructs much below the market price.
itr Metebuna and others will advance their own
tatetech by examining this antennae sworn:bent
LOO 4, BROTHERS, Importers,
NS Ascii 4Malberryl between ltd and 3d ema
Leech Lew. Cupping end Mead.lag.
E.LLNORNIS, InnecoUor to M. IL Delany I
, No 53 Fin street, between Wood mld Smut.
t Fresh teethe. facetted monthly—allendance all
boon. Refereflee, the phyvielans of Pittebtagh, Alle
gheny and Wroamituate.
I most elmatfully recommend to the phyaietans, Atm-
Ales and all my former (needs and patron*, Alr. N. a
Noma cm helm; thorooghly acquamted WWI the bon
m and wonky of pstrofutge.
®fly N R. DFLANY.
AO BXS Gentry & Royiner. sapenot sweet 2 Ine
'SU 23 do MA puttees
IL hf do Pricy ft Ilanroars -
111tG ta Paul
d : Ha rwood
do 1 Robiaso
do do
do do Wm••Doom],
23 do T Wngb's - " 8 "
V de 0 AndB , 6oB " " 8 "
9 ,b, L T pude.. " " 8 "
6 do R alatea's “ " 9 "
9 do Hatelaf " " lb ..
Jour landang from Gleamer and eacketa wad for sale
41 .rtb water .1 .04 16 torth wharres,
—__—..,— Pbtladelphla
.. _
kANTIVicr - DitVnitincix)=iuti. tit 9 ;Jorms
Sonl superior sweet lb lumps.
73 half bss Webster Old superior serum 5. lumps
36 Lemmabet Lamer
t.l " Cieutry Roarer "
" Dapant (de la Fun') "
fu " alel<od
Just landing from steamer, and for sale by
41 N water st and 16N wharves,
iny3l Phllsdeleths:
& J. OLTANlCHooVilindiii.
UTE are stdlenaavd in dm above bushman, corner
of Wood atierbad crows, Pittsburgh, where
we are Prepared to do any work in our lino with den
ptuch. We atonal to our work personally, and wain
[action will be given -in regard to IL neatness and dit.
Monk Boots ruled to any pattern and bound sub.
stautially. Books In numbers ovoid books bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on twoka In gilt letters.
Those that have work in our Una are invited to call.
Prices low, otr2lha
haseuuteted into partneraldp, under the firm of
ATIONSON, and wllcarry on the Tin,
Capper and Sheet Iron Ware tosutufactory.
Also, Illecksrolthing in all its branches,at tho old
'rend of Wm. Benife,Virst street, neer Wood.
Prrticules idniatiou given ID Sroximboat work.
. .
4ili I JAI. Ilia Coffee;Obliaii - Liquor& Zolfo* ; 60
tit/ •
do lat. Domingo dot 4,11 bz• 0-10 gni.; LOS do
10-Li do; let do 7-0 do ;VS do 1044 do ; 3.3 lihdo N. O.
tintrar t• ...11bbli No. S'mackattl ; 100 ball tooth tool, No.
1 t 100 do 'dipped candles; 105 do Cincinnati mould do,
received.' eonsimunant and for lila LI
sept 4 dl h. W lIIARIIHUGH
, r ia
TbgT 'taiga YED—it inqo and rplandid sortmant
J of Cloths, Cansitnarea, Ndatinga, Cravat , do., and
for datnity ~ v. LiWILLIAIIIIS, Mamma lot,
torn tinier Mononnalsola Una', rrni hitalet .t
A t 2
- - - TiltinTlNEFUNKlltlittlioltisPs...
Three foe Drough‘ Donee for eole, Italie.
ble Cor dreynat, &e. Enquire of
.• canal basin, I Omni at
1,„/ very fine article. A fp. dozens. rlglade r Thia
Skin., from the manufactory of II IV Crowns to
which the anemic of boot molten, is Limited. J
mccivad and for sale by IV YOUNG & Co,
Imo H 3 Mem et
A - T IV. III. 111'CEINTOCK'S, N 0.15 Fourth areeT,
eon he seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. •Abab Ord. -
sets, 3 plys end sup end fuse Ingrain Carpets, of sup
styles and qualities} and in connection eat+ always he
found Table No
Critehes, Diapers ‘ Dataseks, o
mons, Oil Clinks', &theta, to all of which we cell the
attention of the public. eugt3
EIAVING sold our cadre stock to C Maus; with
a view to eloaing our old business we hereby so
for hint the parsonage of all our friends snd eus
Psttsburgh, Aug. 1th,1949.
GRANT, Wholesale CrOeer, Contntission end
Forwarding Merellant, No. 4i tVater el. Ruts
Ntif,u°,:d.°ol:F.g'vf.T , Al. s "l - .17.:7 4 m --
... Water, have drove on baud )vroalthrrot:
PIP° fur mutat goo, and 'raw, from 9 1
6x. to tn.
to diameter, Brass CNistlags made to order. Also, a
large Imo:Men% of ilelliatnt finished Bran Work, to
which the attention of Malmo and Engl.. Wilde.
la partionlasiy dtroated. 1,4
°" puL up promptly and an reasonable
Male •nel
attschatliWiotia 3•• • Nam.
, InsrrEits TO THIS RETREAT cm biininda.d
V with a Lunch at all hoary of the den also, Ice
Creme, Fruit Confectionary, &a The steamer Green
wood makes harregular trips. uslas/, !vivid/lb" Pi"
street landing la be. A. M., and at each bear
(except lft untll 101, P. M.--leaving the Pardee at 10
P. M. for her last trip to the city.
A moonlight flew of the Garden Laindeseribable in
it. beauty. ills
(Late/ 8 Suittlor Os Cot
APITIVAOTUREILB of neat Are proof.
south side, second, stingy .b•rwurn Weed sna
It m
hficl4-Pitiabyrgb. - 1 ,£l. litrinkterhasidg deel",,,,t
and the surviving Dancer elf; tel lopeneoitalls , ”•
associated himielf withlfdr, Win 004'6 the „..„,,,,... 41 ""
will hereafter be einulatried ander Gur APB ln"..y , '""
sett& Bear.
Trial ofa safe la ciaciaaaa, o --VV., Oto at tlm
ed were present cilia testing of one 611*Mit Elk LI
co'. Improved Pluttlirtre-preoftudirt Ilteres Wl
.placed to furnace bathe puldlelindltiff, tad
to the intense heat of a stone - coal. CA r ot 01;f7raill'
three boa.. 14 shabour and a half,tha elde r 50
a bright red heat; the door of tint .fa 111443,ifiiiffer i ,
clamed, which eausAd art Incrusted stehrlyAdfd
the balance of the tune, ant} the eut ott whetQ WV"
partially melted off, the furnace was l thttrnlikrWO
and the sate cooled. and opened. Th trtrptir PAPAft
1 0,
and books which it contrdaed,were setfort tee Whet*
[laced there, the bindhla Pali' .or 1 0 l.lititir ifk
tired, by ,the *ratty in edo li ntthe si te. W e tre tie
esinuirm In tee...ending It to the publl at A eale
superior to my we have ever seen tested, tad-heileve
that it will stand any heat which mien ,4e produired,
leer a heat which would melt it to a soUL i at tu. .
Kennett, , Vl "nle .m ljO L PF i lre l e l ie"ronia X grti e g,'T
t i =i vr t...Co, , Btelnan, hlayrusitubt, - Warldante,
We, the undersigned, Led the gaib spoken of
above, from& let in the store of Trotter & Anliery, the
8 S - KELWO.
Refer to Cook & Han* Brokers, Pimbo.lo4
Iludy_ lianas & Co t do do (fe3d&vrlyB
• - - • .
Lirimicioiv & Co.
itirANUFACIIIRERS 'of Hammered and Caat Steel
0.1. Shovels and Sondes, Area sad Hatchets, snu r i4
.4 .,,,
Cut, Circular and Gin Sa Hay land Manure For
Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &e., ~ .g COMP/Med XII the
arrangemenn in the cons Mica of new meibinery,
and In securing the best ur rkmeafrom the most cele
brated eatablislunents ofthe East am now manufluttir%
log and will keep conaumtly on bend end for wale all.
the above arneks, having availed tbansolvort of Slut
latest improvements, and. are determined Malin work'.
manship and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to predate articles equal, If not superior, to
any that can be had in the Lest. They Invite the atten
dee of dealers to an examination of their stock before
purehasing eleewhere, no they . are convinced that May
will he able to fill all orders ut their lino to the entire
defection of purchasers. Warehouid, Water Matt,
4 doors West Monongahela Mouse, Pittsburgh, Ps.
N. Et—Persons having business with Wm. Uppen
eon & Son arll please call on Lappeacott & Co.
P ttsbargh Posnitoss WWII Booms,
e 6, mien mast.
XA law and aplendid assortment of Farm
mre, unable for Steamboats, Hotel. and pri
vate dwelling., constantly an hand and
mute to order.
The present stack on hand cannot be exceeded by
any irlisnidaCtilry in the, western country. Persons
'fist/ to purchase ovoid do well to glee mo a eel,
as lam dete rm ined my prices shall please. Put OS
the k tonsiSlD ire
6i) sofas with P 1
68 andHair.eloth °marg.
V do: Mahogany Nam Chairm
14pais Diveinn
ig do:line malognity
In mahogany Wort Su e =
3 do. mahogany Reeking Chloral
16 marble top Musing Bureau;
8 pair Otioniana;
8 marble top Work Stand.;
1, 128 cherry Work Stiolds;
oguy, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of
all duets:mos, and a lame assortment of common
fumiurm and.chairs, too mum. to mention
TIIET ate not aware hoer frightfully injurious it Is to
the skinterer coarse, boor rough, how sallow, yet
lo.taind unhealthy the skin appears after urns. prepar
e ehelld Benides hiainntrans, containing alone
quantity of.leadi
We havegre.mir.W •hteentilhl vegetable article,
',ditch ton call JONES' SPANISH LILY WILITE. It
is perfectly lam:cent, being puttied of all deleterious
qualities; and a Imparts to tbe skin n natant, healthli
alabastm, .tear, lininglshtar, to the was time acting
as %cosmetic math. akin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr. James indentott, rt"t r l i tr Chettuat of Mom'
cnkers, term - 'Alter anal Jones' Spenieh
Withal find. It prostates the meenbeentifel and neut
ral. and m the same time innocent *hue I ever saw. I
certainly can conscientioreateamene its use to all
whose stun mounts but ing." Price, SS cents
box. Sold by Whl. JAC KSON. ge Liberty at. mart
— Pitt ItiotAiluo Works and Poutattry.
inenriczon, en.
Joicv WRIGHT & Oa, ate prepared to Muhl Cotton
M Woolen Mitehinery of evert description,..
as Casting Madan., Spinni4 Frames. Speeders.
Oreanng Frames, Railway if Watpers, Speeders,
Dresstng Frames. Looms, Card ()modem, &c Wrought
Iron Shafting tamed, all sites of Gast Iron, Panics and
Mother. of the reel latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes,
and tools of all kind. Castings of every desenption
furuatied on short nonce Patterns made to order for
Mill Gearing, Don Railing, the. Stearn Pipe An heat
ing Factories. Cast Iran Window Sash and fancy Coa
ting. generally. Ordera left at the Warehouse
Palmer & Co. Liberty street, will have prompt Anco
Refer to Blacken..., Hell & Co., J, K. bloorehead &
Co , G. E. Werner, John'lrwin & Son. Pittsburgh ; G.
C. kJ. IL Warner, Strubentolle. Man
Navy Ilaiiiiirars liiiil”fe.
. T . .... JOSEPH WOODWRI.L., corner of
.. , tiVtf..l..-1r.,,.-''.., Waal and rid ma., Pittsburgh. Ha,
f- ,,. .` ..,. ',` •"" tog withdrawn horn the fir I
Di a re and Vomlwell„ , oft the let of Jarmary,lB47, o l
take pleasant. lISITILMIttaVeI my friend. ID the city
and country, that I have opened my new store at the
above named place. Having purchased my goods for
cosh, and made arrangements with manatheturers in
this ra^ntrY mid to Europe to be constantly aopplied,
I tam fully prepared to &rat. Hardware of all Ends,
on as good terms and as low as any house Etta or
West Merchants and others ore nthpectfally invited
to eall and earunini, my stock, before purchmtng el.-
where, The following compnaes a pan of his mock:
Ste boat and saddlery hardware, gun trimmiugs,
ties, aylora steel, eutlery, edge tools, analla, Me...
1.1 l atches. &Fare., boa hinges, screws, Caton tat
too. env. saws, mahogany boards and veneers, and
all other amides connected with the hardware bust
, O&M _ mettle
ijr:Tl ' aga a relais Gall. ry.
MID 11111 SILT, leer &Melt ILILDVAO.
HOGE begs leave to inform the cuthens of Pitta
, burgh and •toinny, that he hat taken the Dever
rt. Rooms lately occupled by Mr. Porter. The pub
lic are assured that all the late improvements ate secu
red, and will be brought rota operation by Mr. Hoge,
who has been a constant operator sines the art was
Mat dithovered. Entire saustacnon a guaranteed to
all who may become hit patron. Mr IL will refer
th pleasure to Me. Potter, in whoe catablishment he
has operated for the last twelve months. Fatally Por
trait., I.Yigratrlnga, Daguerreotypes, &G., accurately
comrd. Likeness. taken m any weather, and MEI 133
loeketh, bream pins, casts and frames.
Instructions airea to every branch of the art, and sm.
mind. furnished. ;spat
PiaThinokilme Shop.
An' WlGHTMAN—Manufactnrct ofall kinds of cot-
Ja e ton and woollen mactunery. Allegheny city Pa
I The above works betugnew or full and succemfal op
eration, I am prepared to remote order with dispatch
fee all kinds of machinery in my hue, mach as willows,
packers, spreaders, cards, grinding machthes, railways,
drawing themes, speeders, throasills, looms, wool.
card. Ilmble or sblifle, &M merchant
mitles,imks,&c.; and, .ad hand lathes and toolsin gen
eral. All knots of shallot.g made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories or .11a at reasonable charge.
Rev. ro—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Inackstock, dell
&. Co., King, Penstock &Co., Jas. A. Gray.
'.. 10
3k. lb
4 lag
411. A FULTON, IbII and Braes Founder, has re
built and commenced business at his obi stand,
where he will be pleased to see his old custom
ers and friends.
Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every site, from 10
to tO,OOO pounds, cast horn patterns of the Most approv
ed models, and warranted is be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Ac, toge
ther with every eatery of Brass Castings, if required,
turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F Is the role proprietor of Basstrk Alin-Ann
row Merst, so justly celebrated for the reduction of
(notion in machinery. The Boxes and Composition
can be bad of tom at all tames.l:l7_
Ploughi, Plouth Cootiorgron
Bo es, to.
s f
on the a td .
rdring large qu•ntitles of
Ploughs, Plough
of Wet.
on boles, est with Me improvements of the Loaves.
Peacock, Illinois, and other Ploughs, of the latest and
best patterns now in use.
Watchouse, 100 Liberty , street, Plusher" oppcwite
the Hay Scale; Factory, In Allegheny city, neat the
Cotton Factory of Messrs Blackstook, Bell fr. Co.
dclfily .___ _.___._
5.&G, plug
i~llti7o-Ratiletarkip — tterelolora aleling between
Hihn Farrell atW Samuel Wightman, under the
nerve of John Farrell &Co, is this day desolved by mu
tual cement. The business of the late Arm will be set
tled by..lohn Purest as the warehouse of the Beaune.%
The business of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter be
condoctediri Lawry, at the tame place.—
Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continuance of
the same. JOHN FAUREN
sepia L L LOWRY
summer Michigan, 5 bbl. Mineral Pauli. The ar
ticle Is worthy al the cousidemtion of all painter., for
color without Caine,
loathen be added with any other
changg shade materially. It is is
great saying, and weskit applied to wood it will turn the
paint to • perfect stone surface in the course of some
4or 5 weeks. Also, it in a complete fire proof—the ar
ticle hos ben fully temed for sit years hv proprie
tors before e they widitil near IL Any person
purchasing...dn.. or deceived 11l the article. A lame
quantity will be kept on hood at all times, at We India
Rubber and 011 cloth Depot. J & PHILLIPS,
Ards for the company, No 5 woo it
. -- ---- - - -
g )01.1Stet11.1.,'S FINF. PERFUMER I'—J ust received
11 and for sale, wholesale or retail :
Amandine Soap: Hazel out Oil tioap;
Philllaomet A lel/Ando/Oil, g sixes;
Comp'd Us Marrow; Wash lialls,ltrausparani)
Almond Sharing Cream; Bears Oil;
Beats Grasse' Palm Omnibus &tap;
Taylor's Perhnnei Cologne, 3 sixes;
-- • - • - ' P - -"
Jenny Lind Yamada;
ut 4
.• .
• 14 T. Itobeits . , -
7, At sum; EOM, will attend to the treat
ment of Diseaees of the Eye.
. has been engaged to this branch of the medi
cal profession for sixteen years, and has conducted an
esmbliehment for the treatment of diseases of the eye
alone lor several Tears.
• • • -
(Ones and residenc., corner of Sanduagy at and
Strawberry alldy, Allegheny city. actlS
Dr. McLane to Tennessee.
• HIS is to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
Mahe:tea Worm Speeific, some two months ago
cod gave LEI lion of mine, nom& aeven yenta old, two
stspatme foil, and. although the 'amount may appear
nage, yet I have to doubt. but there woe upensr of
ore wetness weans paned from Jobs, measurtug
nett ma guano, of to Inch to two inotteslong.
RallelCTOOk Darrel co. Tenn; Dec 47, 1917. WO
great span* and swum medicine, dd. day rac'd
tad ferule wholesale and retail by
N. Ft —Az It P. 8. it Dr. Toanzend's only agent for
Pittsburgh, the genuine article tasty alarm b had at
No a 7 Wood meet. ntv43 •
118 AND 10A13131111ERES7-Bmith at Johnston,
C 46 Market amen, would invite the muumuu of
buyer" to thedfottoak at French Cloths sad Castrineates,
aINN liarttam a away Cassloteres* !Unit:gals, Tweed.,:
8413 alt Vatting', Tailors , Trimaltlp,
AT ZRBULON metre, er: Water snuer
trAVING Jost nweived kis Fall . ply . ;of Finley .
-11 Trimmings and Variety Goods, vitas the
someone of eanitionl to hio sell llgrre MO,
someone; Itt pan oftlis folltiwint i
L i l d
d ee One
steel bead
a o o
d d o s e vo n d
l: M w d
*. :
I do *nest inabroWsdi do ~.,
4do monad rosewood work bililka i
Ido do finest do thrakilteek ' •
Ido do writing desks, Wild. 441
lki do doming eases, pear, i
# do few inlaid anima arecinisonta.
pisin do do
A do 0011:111100 do ,
MP Pinches Abe 6411114 , I.
VS do .road "Tool Itionolx• .• : # t
lil do Mil b o w
sigr, _
lan do alit ink* . i •
lOU 66 Minn' 44
if detC.lo4 /NUM FarlistsCologroa. . .
lft Maws posse hardy stoned;
Osage 1/1/004144/OfilioC%
Skil dos cord sawn, asstintsk
ill do Own Away holm
d luau vi ta, 011gilant cards assorted;
111 Aso inillMO do
In di. plain end abi ded spool nelar, li
5 do ainantsd china camel ornssisenia, i
I do AVM', .Grew pin coshkow;
Ido .of do do do
Ido wood do de
0 do plain WS pursed, ismorledl
do ladles companions, hiflit •
Id do assorisd erorstal dooy
do extra line do 40
10 do assorted erorMed dtijbf
7 1
&dad° do
em 2
, las:egihyv 4"l inatsm oispo
100 do '
mantled wooded mitt*
do seed bus do e
2 CIL de
er AND
10 doil lediet Seery Hood idllrglovem
Sdo gems do do do
60 do &nee lop cashmere do
15 do plain do do do I
Id do gents do do do
15 do do Berlin lined do -
10 do do troek do do
15 do children,mocking*, aseoriedi
30 do do gloves and minans, isornied:
91 do ladies blk mrshmere hose, do
20 do do and gents kid gloves do,' cheap;
0 do men. coarse Tam do do
15do do do miter, do
do boys do do do
V do ehildresu Orlem and Albert boots;
3do fine rephyr open worked de t.
25 pieces blk embroidery gimm •
15 do do plain do
10 do cold embroidery do
00 do plain do da
19 do bac mohair fringe;
15 do cold do do
50 do !elk cut silt do, all prices; •.; ,
A very extensive usortment of color* of all'eridras
and price.
40 setts graduated fancy buttons tor dresimm
100 do plain do do do
500 grim ems'd cone .00 do do 1 , ,
10 dos ladles cloak tassels, ass'd core and all
19 do sects do do do
40 gross common gill battonr,
50 do fine do do, assosteel;
1.4 pieces heavy cloth fringes, do •
lbs cold and 'worsted edusineouoo9
UM do Tinley*. patent thread; _
55 do Common do do
1,000.000 percusaion caps, at all ptieng
150 packs American puts, assbl No ay
den "Tally lio" marts, warranted;
11 gross assorted lather brasher,.
50 dos hair do •
21 do moth do, audited;
no do razor strop
30 do cotton genera;
5 do fine elame silk;
to ac. do do kid;
With a fine mono:tent of every thharixi
. .
Ear rings., anger ring* brown pin; Iniailitalre Gm*
gold attain. ..4 gold watches in every •adety.
.119 . .
irszsit PALL GOOD*.
UST being received and near opening . at ALETA*-
DER d. DAY'S, No 75 parker street, Vernal
oftke Dimond, amy large and soled 'Mock
of au and winter Dry Goods, to which they would re
spectfully invite the attention of the poblle. It Owen
known to abeam every one that the preaut tecuorria
one diatinguished for its low prin. of Dry Goals, mad
h affords us great plessure in being Mile to :Mate On
corms to ear great fatilitiu for that prartsti, We of
the firm residing Co Philadelphha.,) we him bead gni.
bled to purchase our peseta stock at eethsidereble
reduction trete the usual market ratu,eheatt te they
dre, and we an theredire enabled in sail atecaTespon
ingly lower than the usual prices, We would theft
fine invite all cash buyers by wholesale or 'retail, to
give u a call, and lay out their =emelt* the best Ad
The Ladies should call and eranufie out Mock of I
Prints, Gingham. de Leine', C11511.1126=1, 412a6u,
Merin., Silks, BbaMne..s, Plaids, and verthniptlmr
style" of fashionable Drees Goods, of which *elm. a
very fine usorunent, inelriding emit description of '
tit=in the market.
S AND CASSFMERES—To , the gentlemen
we would recommend our mock of a f,Freoch Cloths I
end English, French and American c.ptma ma
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very:large, embra
cing ilthost every variety of style and finality_ •
SATTINETS—Of which we h.. min ernelilign air
sonmeand clan qualities.
FLANNELS --Red, whim and yeoowPlo4oela of all
I quantize and petrel.
TIMINGS AND CHECKS-=A eliptifterr inicontlesh
of Ticking' of all guides, and 13hutingeheelkeln great
eing almost every descripuon of the above !sodas, Id
cluding_Sheethigs of all widths.
ALSO—A tine stock of Satin Vesting., Bilk and Coto
to Velvets, both plain and figured, Komtnekr Jeans,
pled Linsey., plaid wed fancy (gored Coating and
cloak Lininge bleached and unbleached Table Deeper,
both linen and cotton, bleached and rmatleatilied Table
cloths, bleuhed and unbleuhed Canton Flannel&
'l'd do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk andeoPd
silk creams, Ladles Scarfs and emirate, Mans and
Hominy of all kind; Supeeders„ Ida Linna- Wien
Lill. HUD, Silk do, hitLandlreirit, tine do'
and Hdkfa. Oil Chintzes, Rusts and Seine& DM**
mash, Listen, plain striped and barollftectelesePCma:
brie and Swiss hlstslins, Victorlatrus, Gthen Bans
. •
re lrchant. viaiting the city for the parposh Wining
in their auppliss, sho e not fail to give us a eal4 es
they will find our goods and tide. such as cannot fail
to snit their purpose ALEXANDER& DAY,
scrp773 73 market st„ N Weor Diamond
The New Golden Bee H 11,4 *intik.
Neu. Pa nod Brintar Div . :Gonda
TUST received and now opening, at the th e
II 800 8u Nov; on Itl.ket anent, between Third and
Fourth streets, one of the lancet, chear v and best
assorted stoe-ke of Fall and Win= Dry ever of
fered in Pmsburgh, to which the attention gar ste
mmas customers mid the public generally, is telogletes
fully invited, In the subscrtler n confident that b. can
otter nob bargains in Dry Coeds as emnoal DO gar.
Passed by any other house m the city.
As these goods have been purchased at prick' Ca
below those of any former season, the* will her told at
greatly reduced rates.
Among this large andsplendid Mock: will ha , &Mud
many choice and dmerable goods atnairMarßy law
Very rich and most fashionable dm:refits:l platiland
striped black satire striped and plaid villor, plata/du*
very glossy gro de Shine; plain black:rich Mani PM .
trine, vilEttr..ll, mama. and capes al sexy lOW
prim.; newest designs and latest styles. eastealtete
plain and satin striped cashmere, very cheire neiith
merino all rotors; de Skims, Plain cod krona •Thli satin
striped, at peat reduction cm former prlcsai l=d „ ;
tforata and euhmere plaids; mohair ts,
plaids, ell qualities; alpaccaa all qualities and,tolon,
from 12e to 73 cents Dec yard. ' •
Fine cashmere, terkerie and broche shawls
Slack embroidered cashmere and dolaine alum*
Flee 'libber and de laindo
Pine black and colored sloth . do
Fine quality long, very ebeap do
Plain lolack and plaid silk, very acts, , do
leaf 10l p blanket shawls bola 73 aentcui ID,
• -
Good dark calico from 3 to 0 cts yet yank,
Bev Quality dark calico from 0 to 10 cams;
Yard wide purple d0,151k mg .
Good yard wide bleached lamina 4 tO 6
Bed mp .'
d check. all prices,:
Blacj i rta . nomCOGrael.o DCA qualm very ebOaln
A full anortmeatof red, while arolldll=m4
Bottoms, tieroucky Jeans, Nerve" eta,
etc, etc. all of which win he sold at redttebd - 1111
No 33 Market st. wp23 RIMEIMa.
. .
PALL 0601,14:' •
UT 61`CLINTOCC, is now constantly remeitring his
V. fall stock of CARPETIN(kikoi CompriWitlf
one of the largest assortments ever broughtto the mar
ket, which have been purchued direct Crom gm im
porters and Manufacturers, of the latest or: slowest
styles, and lower In price than everofered *add).
to which he tombs the AttIIMICIO of 'those ; artsbhg to
furnish steamboats or houses, beano:nordista=
where. The stook consists partof the M •
Filch vm:
Filch Airmlnim Carpets; Oriental Tipeatil
do Velvet do Plain sedated . do
do Tapestry do 24 ketwitio,
do Brussels do 8-4, 7-4,6.4, 44 t 100 cloth
Extra super 3 piy do Stair Rode
Super do do 18.4, 8-4 md Drown
do Ingrain do Stair Lineins
Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth •
Common do do crumb sloths •
4-4, 3-4 & 4Danteak 13103cmaed.Plarolocriterre
Venician do do ::Table,
4-4,3-4 & torl'd do do Figured Table Oa elothi
& plain do do Turkey Red Toileast;
44, 44, I & 2.4 cot. do Adelaid Mata
8-4 printed cotton Carpet. Sheep ails do
Ems imp Manilla Rolm Jute do • 1 .
do do Tufted do Alitant do
Floe do do Manilla Hemp •
Wilton do do Snow drop 141,Okins
Crimson fied Plush; Diaper Towelling
Plain Cnish i• t '
Drub M Cloth do
e-4 and 6.4 Table Livens
Blue do, foe ooarb tliltli Transp`na Window #hades
Carpet Bindings Extra Ftench do, do
Wost'd colds Web Balla de' Loll= Gar
do Tassels strbilloweustalos
~ L.L.E.R.2.,N0 67 wood .t.
• •
Scarlet, blue, crimson, black and drab Dements;
figured rainbow Dormant.; worsted andilinan Tibia
covers; blue, crimson, scarlet, green, drab and IdaCh
Sloreensi cotton rhadtes of all eolota, to. fra.
Also, Osnobutis and Dolling. for nteamboat dean,
and all other trimmings necessary tbr outfits for boars
in our tine to whicb the esciaL anantion of owners
invited. W. I'CLIIC.N.V! Carpet, Warurnom,
one door from , Wood, on Fourth st.. 1 . w
. .
No. 75 Forint ffrogsr. •
NE of the largest and this most ehoism stook of
fIARPETING in the marke‘iusthracing all Lhe
usual qualities from the most approsed mrs s lcw . ,
that have hocu wood for durabilit7A s mod° en u
. .
Tapestry Velem Carpeting; , • -
do Brussels do
DroneLs carpeting Fairs imatai UP;
Platra map ply do Toded - do
Sup Ingrain do Wile* do "-
Fine do do Brumes ' ' del
Coalman do do
Manwtseterod up order la newpir,tnisi; a d..6,ei.
Pm Mmsients and ehmalnws. . — l ,—, r•
Painted OD Cloths, for doting reMins, .ftwelp,mr.f.
baled, kitchens, fro.
Pantos Matting, Stair Rah, Whoirrwl ado& .11d
1..... i.... ...
Conan and Wooilm Bookbot, Onotoolkairdy, egi,
yards wide. Door Birds, td. ae..., P) which diatom:
non of purchasers at wholesale and mall is *PI&
fey I,i te d. WarerOam, 000dooir I
wag= tiw...: .-.
`vol. rift. No 4 ' si.
~IWrJJ~IftII IyQ~~
kidant G tome Bogen and riftott
yuurdix - Pitei for,Arapareut.atAbs Pi"PasP•
THbeeplS ITO et t ituzisent Mee thaf *unser
Mal perm..., 6 the onri known l4 tr-tt
by which thexalvanie Nahl dab Mlifeyed to lb. be
the cir:theNtrain, or toMer Panatt4l.4p.
either externally or internally, hi a deinhe= ,
"rtialrecka al Pam...with perfees
grommet op=. lr =eldiMat apposed of
can= utea
_Leatintat hyufelarti or &Macao..
tri Wand tants when
lt Marenuc enti feettee also
be grnmanstainhledytamenn Wt.*
been cured try mean of omen valuable apparatus
of some of the most inn Denton disorder-X.:
00,. 4*h
could not be IllittoVrabtectutbSkn
t rebly vane. otherk,it ne been prarel ' as be ad
adrably adapted fort* erne erne /allowing "diseaes,
I Mx nervous headube end other diereses erne bran-
Jl is with nus apparel. alone that the operator e
convey the romrnetic fluid with ease and safety to toe
oic, to molar tiorAtv rate otoatinoon N to the ear to
.riartoni heanny: to tongue and other organs, to re
mom sweat and to Tkiimiotto pasta - of the body, Me
the a elunnin thenadactun, asthma, neuraig:, E
dotoirreui, oersteds, et palsy, gem, chorea or t
Vito'. dance ' eadepsy, weakness from sprains,
&senses peeobar to females, conhnsetton of the Raba
Lookner, etc. em.
Stitf sonotemling catattice of Menem Pre, a4oi
priOtiogoo, with the instramenecuoy be purrnesed,
also tested for the eore or diseases.
toetructions will be given foe dm venous chemi
cals to he need Ontario= disease., and the best mon
o= (of iniertitinir Cho MOO rifthose diseneawill si
nbe Mit" explained to Os trltsser, used • pamphlet
pot into his handle y fmthese pampas, care
folly mewed by thnlipiddetelt: Frnionire 'eV '
LLlAtdBnYles • 4 Pumburgh.
Corrallref =nom aounnos.
TORN H. MELLOR, Net Nil Weed street ; is the en,
d sent for Cartten's Patent anew and
beitunful instrumanu, emt=dy fog
wall charts, b.. family
For the bachl of Mon recidtitri dislariei, and
roaselecodriumble to inspect•tits Melon= before
enrcluislog, thifollowng description is Knew •
The caseaeen amide of enersenn. an 4 am, hand.
seumly 11/*luttlas a PinurAntet The key-board is
174. 6 . 1 Y th 4 um. tbe,PMe mime and the tone,
which is verytteandfaljely resemblea dm of the
atop Gran.. - The imam= can be rune.
dimly nude . le without datactdsa my part, no
bellows tbertdaty orthauuniumani, sad
the legs folding wider, Mating iltede in compact
form. Erich tompment has a packing can, and the
wholewtletritacktrel weighed* TAS potted. - The vel
our. of tone Nortnall toOnto" a asuallprgen, and by
moans of the swell may be incnased or duninished at
Isit is solleiently load lormull churches, and
Is well rano/mod VerMatrunnert.
Jut receleed, I er oberM win
ease andlinstraellos • C.CIS
savweiNn4.nois 1 : 4 / 1 7 n letialt e d :t ,
PIIIINWIci wasp"
satommui OM Salable la
i t —T . 1 , water. The croon 'raw mN. York.
thoegh clear snd pore to the eyelt
.ime sat hoar
filtering cock , howy st Ilirn n tostt
im axe sabemu wbrtoS,
is the cue more or bootarills writer.
The Boverdhle Pliancy Is =at god durable, Lad. is
sot attended with the ideenvialebeeiheldtmt to other
Frltevers, elenceted srlittoati being detached trots
the, water pipe, by merely IMAM; the key or handle
fiio6l 011 E die to then other.' BY Wit earl process, dm
coarse of waterchanged, and all acenmuladoye f
ignav substancee aro &wen off almoet monntly,
thont onserowirefehn Filler/ It kW possessee the
ratans of being a stop cocky as such In many
cases will be very stmdroolent eeettormeal.
It ems lbs'autettedwhem them is say prevattry high
of low to a oast, fatly cab, he. with muss To be had
of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON;
oval comma Fame* APO Market as
itapktragen Bitter, foe Hydravia liVatirr. ,
4tiski THIR:Ie vir;ti c f , 1 Luu , I hay; &,-
."C ‘ I ' ;'AVL 'Agibteale l iff7ettelare
Pateotgar Met, for the et
. tit& of n ' , and Allegheny.
JO GlLElSOlliagenc.
ref Walter 6lGition, 3.19 Broadway,
. Ont:JO,P4& •
Wei I:mint:leen netneette of the ilatrie article. at the
office of We ;CoveltyWodraiss tbraismenths, on Wel,
end feel petiectly satisfied that it is &areal Invention,
and we take pleasure he musuathating them es a use
ful article to all who-4 w• pannerater. Orders will be
thankfallyletetred Anal _ ltetecontel. •
actin L ORTON, ROGGEN & Co
RlEFlnsuloticto,'the ceriofdt. and Mrs.
Gosatteni will for the inception of pupils,
in the NF l 7 Lihertyalreet, on the lat
blonder of Se r.
drrongemente ha e,beeqmiiiie toY . Which they will
be able toluntiih young builm 'W.ilittee equal to any
in the WeetiforabWomnsi a thorough Higifsh, Clam.
cid, end Ornsinental education— , A. thil coarse of Phi
lieophical and Chemical L.ectexen.will be delivered
daring the winter, illurtranni by: apparent. The de
partmenttof Vocal andlorthimenul Mimic, Modem
'Lnectufges, DrzwiniferePaurtfor, will each be and
the care ore competent Professor. Byy - elms attendett
to the mere; muluttelloomdimptowszonot of thole po ,
pile, the ftnelpide hobs to merit a condonation of the
liberalt -have hbletto , eitiowed. Foe'
terms, s e e sire or a pply y. Oply to the Principals.. .
HAVE olden addetimoilmons4 . be '
Mr tildes. •
or any. other baslOnessodulring ,coal. It lead
joining my firm `laarient,'",a4Onldoonnenhela rims.
There la !Meted lidthe lot silage Wlding,'lo which
is erected a steam engbiet of Ninth iylmderi Oren
Millers, &Squats , millosad • WWI per of mill stones:
The radwap from =pantl milts yams within:a few.
Pita, I kind. P.Tildikl . 11 44dat to • Praia is MUM.
visit. the awns
ges. 1 oral mu Ir4t.'a in", Mt*, or irstiltable Entailers
world efferordiald lie sagas Mind• the propeny in L. ,
semis in some joint cones= If faitharingsrmation Is
desund by ear oswltt may behalf by sying to my •
Th. . tiaird,2n , ar,i4adern, ?Kamm.,
Wood street, lst4tinTglu, or m spl in Me large
called .1711' &mind - *AO," Washing
, • Pa. • • • simeg-dgantrit - BAIRD.
ElVAMOlCR.;—Thermilitetiber takes thi. method
et t his [deeds stadthe public in genera! that
he has the somisof tho Mowing named am
elm of hie this, city—eaddlcs, Har
eem, Tentab and Whips, Of °rigida he an - warrant
to be =de 'alba beetistmeriar tad be the 'beet mesh
miles in Allegheny c•ltidy. - 'Being determined to sell
his manufactares Dasatihing layer than km been here.
sidide told by any, aloha eatablishment in the city,
he weld Melte Penn in meted of the above named
anieles to hisSearehout,idit...244 Marty street, oppo
site Seventh- Alms binds nilidn to order for machine
ry- ota39hly 0. KERBY.
Cowper Distplexiss4 Laver Wats:Sea.
JUST:retelred and for sale at
greatly. rednead prices, ere pan
e IT-F. Cooperflt anthotlw
- Oral's fain, Bend London,” Ds
tiV , o r : 7 d'," rirO i rrencnne aWd re tn ; tillan a ter.
wean now the estinaeleil trusda, bah%superi
or Li finish and'adetitintir to the Tit.
Jetsam, °nary_ other snak Tharels want of my
Pts wuchiss.,lsrrited to call and eisannice this lot.
also, a law anorhnenh of Gold andSilect Winches.
rdealOritte, - fre, ter-ifinsi Watches repaired in the best wanner.
octal corner Ith and Market sea
ANTilco,,, mlintorwitue.
Xenophon's hienekabitia of Socrates, with Eng
notes, ethical' and eiptansosity, the pnelevaseaa
of Xubsier, Wares Lilb 80t111144, Oita by Zhartes
Andwei t L ProfectoraftheGreekand Latin tan-
Columbia. Colleffly Now Yositotatt Rector of
NlTrs ts
aoulat School. Jut nte'd and be sale by
oentS Bookselleteloar Ad and , hlattet ate
PHY, taw-41, Viraggaaa a Nigh
Soho°lin hi. saboal coop, toms tif Ath,and Farsgai.
antrum ea Palm, Wham A 4 AS _I:IV:ail
Inetruation Ma aNsof P Peamaas!
sank, Book Keeping, Pho '
STEAM Soar CLOCIS—Vai* et:ter-tided' to
011 one staetteirets'e TbSterilee...
we nos oar to Jell there at lower prices than they can
he bought 'etherflueett/ Pimp At elbewhere,
7:An=ti.,"*"l2.' n
the city. eel led tie& •
Remember, we are no 4 a ba misread.
(10., Mb ke% atm;
oei3l) • • entetzwerota mink aide albs ' •
pATEN'r 80tAlii LAM) 'LAMPS—An extensive
anortnotatt etgamoluos &C'steelabrated
*tare, and I Paperio; to all other. In ussx to
chttrehasitlatorica, , disUllith" pub i *d
pit/footballs, yid mail otter area where a ada •
and brilliant It 6 Bearable
Also,Clirandole. Hall Lantern. C.andalabras,G
Shades, Winks, etriuuthiyoHoos,Trtmater. '
.Goa Cbaudallont, *owe= tokfoito kbtok
oeCIO NT/NV I,W. isr 48 mirk tst
Seales, CooloSiglitovel, Grilses, &e.
al. comer Liberty and Wood stream, manufacture
and edit forsale,nitlonW,Roorand Comer/34We.
date MOM improved gustily; Cooking Sow, forwrood
and coal; Eing., purees of TariCHIS skis, Parlor and
common Ohms, ifoLlciur Wan, he, ke. They tho
inanufictutch the Aachen flaiicr ( hen web
generalimisfaiiirWie diem it id to all of.
which they would raspeoznely us the anaraion of
4ta aitilass and Ms pabllo • . octlf-def
• - •Aliradmiliss...ll , Tatrn dkah rumni.
Coma on, Me{[R, Fins=
rPIII3 intickhas renasee•=fast, axe L.
I up* ape • Perge eikeerql ieheleCetiiek
of Goods to Cieitefar forged liberarpithin.
age, balopes se merit • entaimaalee thansc,4 bygm
aseeels. amber. and keeping theL•en ineesaiere.
awl at the eeeiteemaaad. Pim , • em* enema.
en, Led t•e•ablie . arma — laniellultscimaere
allate% th e eltr from a die ee, ate a:Mkt t• Wiled
examine aky lap Weir efloW,e_ .
WNDEJLPUL ARRIV4L—DI4 , Towvaimr. Oys:
arrirl;.;•4o3oo borne* of Mix great - NE and
furl revolted' and fm solo by IL E.
arWtrr Illolo.Agobt. for Pittsburgh, of mho o the
gonalaa ardelo en be tali • • mar
G um, swittric - *dot -dez chum Eiw
= 840.4114mq , 6dolisfra Pant , . l o4 - io
do Le=l4dilfesent kinds; 10'dousorra I
do Capes, with and witbota glacier, just received y
Express and for talelotafailitand retail, at OA Ew
e= prices. I,y. Isiah it to be undamped that purchas
e's art tufting fbini fast hands,titatbar at the India
• Rdthlracivetio 6 Wood mist. •
kral INVALIDS.— De. Battates .Common
• on 'llildth,' Phytreal 'UMW". ma Ililiki
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