BY tifirffltMlTZEMMl:* aspowrzii Eli Tilt' Iftebunviar *ll2llLPittalmsgh Gamin 1L1c94131 AitoUT TELE BOUECIDE CAME. 7slabs Ainn,iis constable charged with the mur der of luung , Coleetaniyalt brought behre Judge •Pirpons.thiim opium wit of //oleos mrpor, end littera ltearieg,:adzated to had. • .641,4 Meader, Iteener of an oyster and eating hixii i ,,,,A k retedsigtotO r iationnitratted IA Moyamen. slug• this exputag,*bharged; with others, math as.. Qapeheart, a returned volunteer, Tbo Vas - So tligid(ter - abused,. that he b not ex. pededip 'twelve. . Paciosuems, Nov. 7,194& The seoerabk Albert Gallatin Is lying alarming. ~‘... . .., ly iliOsNoCir tot*. . . rEtieceimta,Banmukone laden to England, bat :etroeted a settlement of the dildeulties exists ingAsitikeit this.county and England, in regard tatbol'ostsl reciprocity. - _ , VOnt Sorra Canoicts.-,Frout au' able editorial hathe.Chatheston Courier of the 31st written as we tindentand,hy - one of the beat inns. consult, of the South—the electoral vote of South Carolina Is 'greenly embarrassed for want of oomph. ance,with the act of Congres s , a directing • l uniform tlay of •elielion , Tneaday, 7th of Noveniber titonhout the Union. The governor has auctopt ed to overcome the difilcultY, by convening the Legislature on the 6th - instanq but it is contended that even tf that body bad timb—whieh it cannot have—three dna being required to pass will sot bare courtilutiooal tuthority to appoint electors, there being no existing law to that edict. If theta , ingestions are correct, South Carolina will stand as a nullity in the Electoral College, which Wal dohs he reduced nine votes, leaving 141 ro'rsaistitute a majority. In such an event Owe. 4111 Taylor could he elected without the vote of 441ther Pennsylvania or Ohlo, both of which he will certainly receive .— N ett. Amer, MutanzassrDrottraxn.—The Louoiville ;canal wsysl ,-- We understand that O'Rielly's time of tele. Irapb,;l)etietiOltis any and . Pittsburgh, divides .arc*per ;0046;4 the ctatikhntders for the last :Area months; notwithstanding thetset. that.during 4 12 pso,ooolam been expended in potting up wire' between Pittsburgh ant ariefeeall. 0 entpenses daring the year have been heavy, rta'aliata always be the case in the undertaking of new enterprises, the Ps49lPutuzia uP the mast. the ejaerl4ol2 of (kW wir scram the. Ohio liver end **ming the. lent al= ttrcgoi mugs • few unattlis - ago wu.very great, and yet the dividends fiarthe year inICRInt to 12 - percent. . The regular divide ik b wiener csapot be !mitten 15per cent. 7.par, annacaOutd we , presume they will be twins.. .CleasehMins Rat eon & Counsellors for Loess , mtng sad Wenag *teas, hulmla 1 es and e application of - .eneatethea cu ris, and =American and Foreign Laws or iihnentu IibbhICIF.NALTEE B. JOHNSON, late of Philadel arid.. Z . C. ROSBENS of IVaahingtan city, (to beaided by Bayard Knowles, Esq., late • Nit the United Stales. Patent 011icej .vit associated donaseires together for the pcosectalon or the. above ....bleaches cep:corned:mat Duiaass, either in their office, -at thie Patent ClEtce, or before the Courts; sad will de theitandividolettention forwarding the inter . uieLleflorectote and. others who may &milt them or place business in their Wanda Mr. Knowles has for Mie put twelve years held the pow. of Machinart in the United Stites Patent Cliftce.aud .zesigns that sittocion 4,4.0.. he put in the present undertaking. Ills talent. sad peculletliness fin the imponam °Mee &long 0- by.him, have been folly. recognised by. Inventors wherever the Mace itselfis knows. The orrice of Werra J. et R. is on P Mem; opposite the Patent Office, Washington, IL C., where commurii cashew, poet paid, will be promptly attended to; exam leethrisurtade, drawings, specificatinna and all main papetspreps. models procured when; desi rethron reasonable tams. letters of ealry, &pea beensWered after egandnations b.s4 mom be ae ;,compamedbits fee i t o h s dollars. the dlities of their *Nee which pertains to the Pa teptlatis,. ?Jessie J EL will be aseisted by *legal .gentlemen Melte highest professiceual 'character, and onlcec ......bilycorivaniant, with 2.1.0 - itee - ni and other iklantifte • -."" gMle not tie firm by whams the new are trtea, Nor get the last laythenbt aside." • EMPIRE GOOSINGRANGE 'possesses the T. , UE • Sollowing lubrointsger—Ttte aeon is eanmently ,alga:darn pore-hot ski -rindering the operation of *sting asperfeevas when done in aback assn. • 111113 1 Chamber exelurively far-Roasting meats sPlt;tln r adollig away with all the roaming at aaehtoeataln the stave of.= kitchens." • it has a lugs booking esplairy, with an unebutznet ',..wittetarritua orrUattop, all housekeepers can 'ctate Tian beset toithout mason work , in soicudine vglre,plater, or the room as a stoset , enabling those Wks mem kited houses to have the advantage of A maga at the east of a Stove. And bully, It barns lassettal than airathar eoolong notate -bg EmpontookingStave,w al= forselerett4st. - • GILBERT'S Empire Rove Deot,_ - • . 4111. Market onto, Girard R7r bi ....Estraetfrom reeoluoicadation from Fl Eth eury Hach quin,Esq.42lMarkerstreetv—Yrra can mute n terms • Dania eounneadation of it, whirl . will not endorse if veering • • • , samratiewi c festo - TM Plates. fli saattunbcrs bevel call the attention ofEhlliders, drshiteeta and owners of - Buildings, to the many ottranlspes whielt.these plates possess, our all- other , switallla atabstatieu halbert° used for Mang, to , as 'the ual OO bgtMOO Or 1=;!Iltal 1 oily to (114tzow tieea tax;Or sr= ~„ years in this particular, both in this country and anEct ,, rope.. They =Jars:Tubb to expatiation and untrue dui trout Wan ,Chalage Or dor sooooPhoro,thonM _I, 'moo tin pilau, (rou;aine, or any otherV now used for ;opium angconsogueolty faros re math better and rood requiring - far leu frequent repairs, whihrt Ent eat is Wes trills nire. ' A fail sapply, of all sires, . Qom .16 to 3tl W. O, eon study on hand and for sale by G V.S kIOIIIIIICN3D & CO, 14 and IS Hum street, New York. •ri.e patent right for this ankle haring been secured • . gar - the. Vatted HMCO, all- parties fanning thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prosw• • -- -• MAACK TREES PIM SALE. AT the Fairview Nurseries, Efoorestovm, Hor lmgtom maary, N- J. 40 varieties of the best maculated Fruit, of the hugest tam finest , vrtrieties,ripening's= Oa in of July ma the Ist of 'October, besides other fruit trees of the following Weide Apples, Pena, nuns, Apricots, Nectarines, Ch min, sffi • large quantity of Orssmerttal Meer of the usual variety. Aerosol wishing to older Imes for sitim,•,by sending their order accompanied •• with the e.Wior satisfactory reference, will be tamp. malty attended to Persons =bong trees who are unacensinteel 'with to verintleyeatt depend ou the bat ' ' lbf Mirk& or family. Trees will be carefully packed is mars and moss, (or which 60 cents per buncUo will ' —be charged. Orders sent direct by strait or otherwise to Our Nursery, mill be ittmetually attended to. De. ' ' seriptive eatalogoes, with prices attached, datithed :Irene arpostrid apothems, ',eq. JOHN DEMONS, Propriemr. • Sktorisditra, N. 3, 00 , 21,124 341 . 1 wAw 2 ref • • Oe.c. sst Arilitriellat i lAtrelsile Patents. IfAILES OREF.sIOIIOJii of the lam arm of Haler , ;-*A. Greenough, conduttes the badness of Consulting 'Mies= and PM& Attorney. at bin *Pee In the city WAHNINGTON. ...He may, be ;candled and eta • • adoyedln making eximinstions Is menhinery in the .t Ittelas Wire sad elsawbele, to fornishhts drawings • and gswAsvitious of machines, and eilpapers menus milefef.-e.illeild, re-issue or extend /wen patent to • United &Meow Home. Hevan also be conned. eed professantally on all question. of litheation airs • *tog wider Pat, nt.lAwv PA -will wires uons , befive the-Patent °Mee or lii appeal therefrom, tor utdek his long cannier= in the Pater °Dee and „(n his profeutiondiave peculiarly Stied him. The pro ' ' iesalazial business of the tale, T,,P. Jones having teenplazed in his Made, Mien Its relation thereto 'Wald be addressed to him tag Ptiti....oo3o4tWeltdl £.b.. Tgum now receiving th eir Fail welt aftheisthuve g ar4, ' three Vesselsivis: the Jutuata, itudsllieu mud Lydia, fuming arrived at ThiladelPtila end Italtiothre, sedum mare, Ma liitephea Baldwinaed Lilly shortly espededi they tae , dissetar. prepared to =Alva order.. They will receive daring the min ter and "Meg regales supplies sad New Oaten.. ' oteld - _ tP as M lIIITCELEVIREE ' • Ennui= ttnstr. osrnssmms, for , == = u lrdzi r lf. aie on Monday, N.:member 20th.:18113, between the hours off) 6.111. ea 3 P.M. oraldtd , THOMAS M. HOWE, Ciihier. • • -, • T =IMMO 1 4 .211 ,Ottthet 20,1_ ..845 eleaknifew thirteen I:bee - tors ands Ilank, l the • - aiisidng year, will be bald at the Bankin " g . Barns en bionday, ihekahay alloveaber tren93-dut W. kI.DENNY, Cagi er. BAT= 00 Parrsit , , • October 111, leold: Anti Meat" for %Nate= Direenirs of Ole Hank km J411...aa •••_:eadatilVfax, will be Judd at tie Banking House as danaay, the twennisifj•day of Noasinat, ". • awn. B L esabier. 1 - iTai.VHArla Dirscsnoerldr article always on band and for Wen smannatigirlar price, by W . • narrensurium -- --- T - Agzd2eArouzik 'l3CTlClUMEg izmithiod. with 4 4. 1 , th i ' d a° " 4 7.1 dons .with the imam :4 1 " 1 IV,. S 4.) ,Bitgairghare;a nd,L E T o e Lfgra . , DpNCAII 1 et61A14.116f010 N 0, jut omit 'la sad for isle. by bids moo stu — laders; ggiao nAdes,z `„. -do ilasts, AI of znixaoV4fiLtolffeft_nß.F ot oett7 - BELLY:fait fiti:44 Croderolla;l3. co mm ui sro! 4 a • Oda • . emu= 7"alla—°L`'7mA A tfro. 4 m ,Vl," 'i n wats tot fale 1/Y• I 4 • h. wurT , • ItakiQND WATER moot? piarr—to_e_b!9_ol3! : harin g from steamer -• om - ISAIAH DICKEY k'CM frown . SP L ES4A bbla Gromo Ap ros'd XL lAA trommopy rumr2 ti e.NBAHHAIIah ER—a iLisl3.ler, just H ng&i V7 nK *ad for Po b: nand 8 & ARRAU Ca° l teODA ASII-93 casks Soda Aik reed and for. 001818'natY W li4g.pAUGll, G 11114R-44Higal:ry " V:4 4 l o arzaa. - L itanz nanafA imr,t rievri,Le4ays.ala.,ma Cu _ • w , . • argurig Er.oug-o.bto Fate Flou r a good snide, t jug voFeived idt! Ivor/ ' • IIELLEge LICTICOLEI Am, ng3gtft.Urati' ._CIANDLES AND SQAP-4X blsOuld 'l7 V 4-015 " it, aW -" r IiaI IIERS k Niaol.S ape= and Wdale Warhol and ,y• O li tate4 la 4 0 " . ar " k zfiCOLS t;t ""W ' -1264 0 N—bi bbl No t Bakooni I,T , w Witt ruesMatlVirto7nutz, Hi 4 1 f AND as 1 tivlLtanno arsvassroz, murroall, J I • • Ilsbes.—Dory 20 pr. cent. Pots 4} -Pearls 400 4 04 Baleratos, ...... •• • Sod* #sh 40 1 4 A .. ... B=l.—Daty 5 pm cent. American. •• • • ..... 4 ,3 t tan g _pe, & mi 6oilmon;c mird Duokets—p doz. " - Patent Beaver - 2250 lee Stpr. Yellow ....... • • ••-• • • -20421 - Bloroscul•—•P ton. Blooms WOO— Bader Lumps ..... 4700, Balsoms-9 Merchantable lit2iol t Sh aker 1,7502,25 Barks-1/ cord. Chesnut Oak . Black Oak - 404,50 Hemlock " 3,5004,00 00•2—Duty 30 per et. At the over. • • 5 06f From *arm —O5 Orsiton—Doty free. Tent and AlabaMa• • • .5 Hai Choeolato-.4 m. Number 1 lOOll Cocoa,prepared . ..l....2 o oM Candles—Duty 20 Fr...L. City dipped Mould 10 27.-- Pittsburgh Star. ..... 21 00 Cincinnati do. .. .. 031 -Sperm, limit brands , • .30 032 Castings—, 1b',1.-723 Foundry boil . awe, as Furnace Wagonttle p 2.307 boxoll , 100 lb• •S 2 70 Counter meiglOs p sea- • - .40 Cotit U. .14- • • 4505 on Itaras—P 111 Short reel—. No. sus No.lo , 11 to 13 18. "14 • 17 Iperehring.l etper lb to No PO. Long leer, dos. No. NV 708 " 600. - 4107 ........ • • • • 48 " SOO, pO6, 186 600 Coverlet Yarn .p lb— • .200 Cava Chain 100 COMIII Twine 88 Candle Wick ,—eps Coffee—Duty 26-per . Java, Old white 12014 Bt. Domingo , • 0 /416" Tm• 8 0 Rio 1/ 9 Copper—Duiy2opr ct plg bat andolds pr et old hex. Brasiers 8015 Sheathing - —027 Old•-• • ......... • • • 18010 mortgagn--Dity RI pr. mt. Shunlla, —0 13 Whim rope:- •-- .... . —0 1 11 Tarred D Parl'g yarn, .fitie----0 9 " etmnan•--- --0 8 Iletnp Bed Cris per dim— Extralang•• ..... Camolon NaVa L l i 3ati 'ft egads--pe ' l dt ') r. 40 yd. thread —423A0 20 & 30 40 47 3 03,63 do Plough lime 0 EMI Domaatlo•—par yard. Brown COl dun --- .6 07 • -•- • 306 do eartShVga. A No.l-- 0 7. eg'yDPutMdl••••-0 70 Or D Union JAW• —o— 69 rautelsnamt—••---- 7 —4170 Bammts------ • • • • —072 Putohatan —4724 Lerman C•.•-------. —OO lierrizon-----—• • —698 34 brown eonoro 14Ettesabed cl . o. • •:4119_ do do— do do—" 4lon - Brawn drills. —• 9 •• • 8010 s c Tieldags --- • • • .69_61 Handiton—• Lancaster— • • •-81 e ats 6G • _•O4 No 1 superior —OlOl Colored Cambric& Fancy --• • itell Fall Weer --ID B Merrimac— --MP Fall B. Blue & Orange mot York Ticino _ 101 _Drage—per CI Aloes 14 0 17 Alma ..... 310 4 Asstouido.—...,..— • 11 0= Arrow Rool•• • ..... 0n Aousiortio—•—• • • • 10 0 11 COMMERCIAL. RECORD ALMANAC I the — — siii - Te 5lOOO NOVEMBER- rises. I sus. 1 715 ea. Wiiiingiiciirel -5 ' - 17 -- -- 5 - 4 5 . 5 Snaday, 651 5 8 7 0 3107:919, 653 5 7 834 7 'Tuesday, 056 6 6 841 8 Wednesday, 659 3 1 10 47 9 Thutsday, 667 5 3 11 90 10 Friday, 6 59 . 5 9 mom.. PITTBDIIIIGII Bosun OF TRADE COMLIIITE you Novrareit TL B. CRAW. W. J. TOTEM PITTSBURG/I MARKET, vas vas wen mom novertnim 7. The operations of the merket dating the pm' week have presented' nothing new. The near approach of the eleimien seems so far to have ab sorbed the attention of ell dines as to render bu siness a secondary matter. In the way of gen' mid sales however, a fair amount hat; been done, with no very important change in quotations. ' GLASS—The market for all sizes window glass T he river h na conf i rme d i n d na navigable order continues very firm, with an increased demand for the huger class of one steamers, nod business the the smaller size. We Alec a sorted lee of . all kinds in our miscellaneous table. The killos, on the wharf continues quite lively. ing is a correct list of the prices of flint glass ASEITS-The market has continued steady. but Pl a inTmblers 1 pt, from sto 10 oz each, p not active, and prices of all kind. Show little if d o., net, 31032 any variation from our hut quotations. Regular Pressed do 1 and i pint, from 6to 10 flute limited transactions have occurred at quotations do do 6201,25 APPLES-The receipts of green :apples by ri • Deca d r'' TO I L= 2' glace "'Per 177 vy do cork 3,70 vet have beel . unusually large, and notwithstand- do do do plain do 2.55 fag considerable quantities have gone east, the do do do pillar do 9 55' market generally is fully supplied. Bales at the W ine glass" , plain 54 Lel; 5 do do premed 1 'lO river have amounted to some Mils at prices . p itcher , lain qt, p 1,8701,70' 1 ranging seconding to quality from 82 to $1,37 ip I do do pillar and ribbed 755 bbl. Sales fenin Mere have bees to 's fair extent 1 do Or cream. 95 ' ai 75c(d51,50 ar bbl, as in quality. Molasses i Cans, Or rat ain 1,25 do do do ribbed 1871 ALE-We have nothing new to notice in the Plates, 8 i n. pressed and fig 75 market $7 'cult included, continues to be the Castor Bottles, fluted 63 ruling figure of the market, with small sales. Jar., 1 gal, Levered cover '2,50 gal BACON-The receipts of the week have been do do do 3,25 to alto, extent, and " no o k .. goite witf i etwet GROCERIES-We notice no marked change 1 to the demand. Sales kr the past few days have of the various articles under this head, even , shown a slight falling' off in prices from our bur thing remaining quite firm at the prices quoted in tettekv report , We note t w ee o f 10 casks wen . our last general review. Sales of N 0 sugar in em sides at 41011 c. Sales of sides and hams limited lots by the hhda at 59, 51 to 51c p lb, a. in have been to a fair amount. but in limited kits at quality- 1,00 mtgar may be *dr i ll quoted at • 41041, for Sides, and 81361 for ham. range of Bto Ile plt Sates of 0 molasses m 1 31e p gall. Rio coffee remains firm, with a rcgu . MlTTER ae it e q ua u tittel h av e arr ived hY lac ma of sales to the trade at an mare of 70 riper. being' mainly Intended , Wwever , for ship" plb Sales of rice by the tierce at 51.051 a p Di. meat east. id adende Wes of keg ar e effec t ed Vor other articles under this head, see general ta. from MOO al SOAR, and of roll in Mils at 90111 e Me. PM__ HEMP -Receipts have been light, and our • BESS' WAX-Moderate sales tram store at 21 plies are limited. We may quote 120(11101111y from 322 a p A. mare at the rates of $l2O p ton. BLOGMS'AND BOILER LUMPS-No sales HAY-From wagon we note regu lar eeiee to worthy of report; correct quotations tin table. prices ranging according to quality from 87 to 8,50 BUtltil. AND TUBS.-Nothing new in the p ton. market. Receipts have been to a fair extent, and HOPS -,gales by the bale at 7090 p lb. supplies are about equal to the demand, with rep. War sales of the former at 2,25, and of the latter at HONEY-Sales from store in boxes at 18020 c $309,50 es doz. . P lik BEANS-The market is dull, with regular sales IRON AND NAILS-We have no changes to in a small way . at 8837013 p bu. notice under this head, a fair baldness has been doing at the prices quoted In general table. CHEESE...Receipts hare been less abundant, bot . gooof i es getiortf ir e , see qu i te f o n t w i th om it. LEATHER AND HIDES-She market re. sales Of V 7 R at 3}, A} and 6, sir In a s In gn a t , mains very steady, with regular.sales at quotations Sales of cream cheese al 6137 c tp tb. • see quotations. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, lee-For prices LUMBER-The market continues quiet, with regular sales at quotations. During the low stage of cotton, and cotton products, ace general table. of water in the Allegheny, prices have been grad 'We have heard 0 no sales of cotton during the artily decreasing, with, bow ever, but little if any pastweek, very little is coming in at present, and supplies in porn Er n very Hoy venation in prices. I i CORDAGE-Por correct quotations of the va- LEAD-Some, additions have been made to -nous trtithea coder this bead, see general table. supplies, but prices remain without change. Sales eltxtrmatjuss _ wits limited appliesit, of bar at 41, and of pig et 41c p lb. mom we note small sales by the bbl at $1,50 to LEAD PIPE-Prices range according to size, $1,75 rp by. from 61 to 12te p bat. CORN MEAL-Very little is coming in at pre- MALT-Sales of barley at 80 C IP ho. sent. Supplies arn ig n i te d, with min i... o f...f ro m OILS-Sales of linseed if 61:032o, of No I lard lame at 45e p be. at 60c, and of No 2 at 55a p gull. CRACKERS-Regular sales as !allows: ROSIN-Salese of NCat 3 17(83,50 p bbl. i Water Cracker, . $4,00 p bbl. ILAGS--No change is p-., rices; see general ta -4,75 " hie. . Pilot Bread 3,50 " I SALT-Sales ore regularly effected from store Dyspeptic. 4,00 " at $1,30 re bbl. Sugar te Soda Crackers . 2, 9 Ts TARS-Sales of N 0 from OW/0 at 1101,25 per DRIED Elpurr--soppiies have increased roma' barrel. w h et , 4 0 4 thp nbundepee and cheapness of green fruit reader tho nisiket for dried, (MIL We note VI P IEG , i w ay e A s it-s we lj ain d t g rn s 'i bi ol i der vin"g" 41 lle lip:aerate sales of peaches at ,$1,2501,fiy, and of IP ffa " D 1 ' . If apples at 158 to 624 p ba, as in quality. WHISKEY-The market la quiet, with regular [ DRIP BEF,F,is e o., we s from more el se piles of rectified at 210'220 p gall, IP WOOL-The market Is without change. Reg pesiontit'7"".. T h e re bruh e e m"ke cli t ri k ers be ce e'' u i r eti lastZe a k n l d y ."63117"Pninregbratucess'ale rocking by our deulere et the exhibit. ceipts have surpassed in amou Co m mon Wee " • ' those irr the previous week, bat as the larger 1 b100d.... tion or the article was designed for the :eau, alit i do: .• • Plies show hilt We 'increase. We note 'ale. in. I do.. regular limited lots Nei first hands during the first Fall do. few days at 4,12104.L834,20, Mut from store 0 1 l -dityload lots at 4,260137.0 bbl. ' FISH-Tbe supplies of the market at present , op quite full e with.resuleu,sales 1p the trade in I tipped huts at the ' . fattening rates-Salmon 1110, Mackerel No 1.112; No 2 $lO, and No 35,50056 Rd rring 11,6 . fr hid, end ccidlish at 4,50 per ' 'PEATIMIS - "ltuuelpth have been hhere4, and ;Sapp Uea " 1 fa 'VP co te roles of 2000 hi at 33 Wite gra. PREIGEITS- , The rates (rout this point west, owing .to ' the abundance of water In the river; show a further derithe,.'end owing to the large number of boats engaged in the trade, prices be. Visrue'entiraly naming. .. , Tits BaldroureAmerican furnishes the following Rat of charges from that point west • The changes an the Baltimore and Ohio Bail ,lilosidfines this city to Cutotethind as, as Mawr. • on mild J C BWW Borax. relata;•,..• Mr. f/ts' . BalittoPera;; . —aro 37i ndolence.. -.... 4 0 4 CColamPoridcor'lLie- ... aleffeuk"46: . Cmlliat ' ll ' , ;'• - • ..OR 02,00 Creaz Tartar • ar ie sa Caimear Glue 11 50 10 / 3 Galls 5110 Gum Arable••• ' 55 070 ..... as 0 50 .‘s ritb-•••51 0 27i ftee;.. ..... 15 0 18 " Mastic —01,2 3 80 01,00 l• slap, poordered• • 85 01,00 ' • ,So sio 6 1 Utiitonee Root 7 0 L ae Dye iooriee Ball ...... 18 0 20 L '2B Maamesia Garb 25 0 35 Mader, Umbro• • • -13 0 14 Mader, Cornatort• Mylrrh, TVitrio urkey 20410 0 50 Dl 5 " Castor 01,75 Malt. barley Oluro—per 1b Common• •• • 11 0 13 1 Illoney—Dory 30 per cant Cuba per gall Wertern comb p. 81 18 0 20 Glesseng—Duty 53 pr. ct. 77 2B dinaen y g too of M lbs.— 'rustottly _7,50 08,50 111dea—Duty 5 per cent.— Missou .....•—• •• —0 Ft Spanish 0 Do. salted Do. kippliper skin• •1,00 o,el Green 0 4 Ft itectp—tkity 25 per cm:M.— 3714,mm & Ky' • • • • 11115013:1 Manilla IP tb 1010 Hops—Duty 03 per tent. First tpL 46. • • ..... B 0 10 B.Fla.g.Ol3o—Duty 1,60 cent. Spanish 1,10 01,..% Nanilla 06 01,00 foe--Duty 30 per cent Bar, Juniata 4 0 41 Common 3 0 31 Sheet MO 71 Boiler Plates 6 0 64 Node 310 6* Plough wings 410 6 Slabs• •••• • • • 4 0 41 Rinds, Sheet 0 is Lead—Doty 9.0 per cent Missouri Pig 0 41 Bar DIE sloes Pipe per 4 14 7 iL i t Sheet 6 0 Loaithar—Duty 03 pr. Cl. Sole, Baltimore. ••• 91 0 IN Nem York 14 0 17 17 0 14 SlanNt e e d r 16 0 110 Skirting. M 0 54 Hamlets, black L 9 0 0. Bridles, black, pr. doe sides 33,0 026 4 00 Rumen do 36,00 0494130 Upper finished• •27,00 026,00 Kips, ki n • •94,00 036,00 Calf Skin do• • • • 154 M 0:41,110 Lace Leather• • • 10,0 0 N. England Seating, No.l per dos• • • .400 0 N . o. per dos• • —35.00 0 N 0.3 p ains a• • 25,130 0 23 Sheeps 210 5 Lamber—doty p. ad not per M. 6;431 , 1 • •• • .3.00 03,03 c Lemon 2,23 03,50 Peplsh 3,00 04,00 OpturaTurkey• • • .4,50 05,00 ,ftrolue 3,00 0345 Rhubarb, root 38 0 30 Sal rituottao' 18 0 22 Sal Soda 44 0 5 Bewur • -18 0 20 Tartaric Acid 40 0 50 Vitriol, Blue 1140 12 Dye Wood—Dory' 3 p. et. tumwood 510 7 Punic 210 3 Logwood. chipped. • -210 24 Feathers-duty 23 per. et. ad vol. Kentucky al 0 3.1 Ohfo3Pennsylva• 0 Fruit--- Almonds shelPd••••3l 23 Soft 18 0 18 Hard 0121 Currants, Zante• • • • 140 11 Filberts 810 P Groundnuts 1,25 01,53 Figs, Turkey 1210 hiel . Raisins ogo , Mcciem•-• • 0 Bunch ...... • • • -.2,0U 0 Bloom, old Cranberries 7 S I -- Lemons, Bicily bo qOO DUO Oranges do 03,30 Peaches, dry, In, • 1,23 0— A A 3 PP le r l" l,:Z r rl i t;r: , , k bb_ ve l • 717 -- Bolivar 02410 Common —l3 0— Plgnizte••••Dury BP per rent . Extrabnuids, 4,370 04,8 Bye_ Thor . 3,370 0 Buckwheat, pr ti• • • • —Ol " hIC hbis. none. Pine, &Pr, In. yr M. — 04(1,00 Common " 1911,00 Clear, I " ..... .• 030,00 Coni'n 1+ ..... 015,50 Clear 9 " 040,00 Com'. ileM),oo I WM 61%1 In do. 019,00 ln. common 0 Oak do do 019,00 Pine skiers p 10002,75 0 3,00 Laths, sawed, 2,.,W 0 2,50 Live Sloe k..—pr 100Ibs nt Beeves 3,500 4,25 Bogs 3,00 0 3.25 Cows & Calves. • •6,00 016,00 Sheep 1.00 0 1,50 Bielaassa—Dory 30 pr. et Sugarhonse 40 0 45 Feed—Or bzuhra. 10 0 11 132 mus.— 14018 Pink•—anty on Core a.caul Seper cent Macteral,-.N. l 111,000 No.l, bit --0 6 No. 100 No. 51 01E64, ...• • 0 N.Orleans so 0 30 Na al Illeares—Dary soc Rosin per bbl- •• • SADO 3.45 . . Tar, talegberry • • 0 N. carob...-4,00 0 — Turpentine, Fall ••• 40 0 70 Varerab, Copal • •1,73 0 4,00 Mello—Duty 30 p. c.—per • No. 3, 03,0006,23 • Ng i kitta. —••— 0 He , No. I.• • 6,7506,00 Salmon, No. 1, old•.— 0 • New • • • • ....... • 12,1210 Shed— 7,500 8.00 Cob per dram 03,00 Ited Fox, No. 1 O 621 " I 0 371 Iduskret 10 0 12 leak Reseoon-••----- 0 = Deer Skia per 6• —•l4 0 U 100 11., leasing malls 1 cant adeareee per lb.] 10090 d Juniata • • 3300 3,73 80 9d " 4000 60 7d ". • • • • • 4500 So 4750 3d axon is•--• 0 " Pressed-- • • 00 Boiler Rivets.-- • 0 Oakum-per Plnsbargh 0 8 01119—per gal. or, 65069 bias ....... . 10, 0 1,30 Sperm bleached — 0 1;23 " Unbleached 0 1,20 " Fall— • • 0 75 0 106 Tanners per bbl' 17,00019,00 Plabsta—per lb. Prns, Blue 76 0 90 Sp Whning—•••l 0 Chrome Green 38 0 55 Wass— ,Blseir Horde. ign per gros•s• • - 09 07 ,00 do 0 Mad' 0rine,6,6941d asp ,o Claret per grass 09,00 Window Maas, per box— City braluis. 0/10 net,.----. I== Patent do 4 toxl4 to -.--11116061116 Country brands. 111011 Gunpowder—Duty RD pr. I:=2=Mi No. 9 22 Bronswir-k Green • 42- 20 White Lead• dry • • • 610 69 •' Oil. pore keg • • loso 0 13 3 1 Nix I 1 . 36 Red Lead 6121 B Yellow Ochre- -- • • .29 if 3 Yen. Red 410 6 Verdigris 30 0 38 4,75 05,50 Eagle, 63 Glib • • • 03,00 Do. doz I lb. enimbi— 07,00 .FFFQ do - 84,110 Eagle do. in paper. • 00. 0 3 Rock powder• • • • •3.,45 MAO Grab:it—Duty per nem.. Wheal 800- - Rye 50E1— Hats, Boots, Bonnet. and Medicines, 35c per 100 lbs Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenssrare, Tobacco 25c per 100 lbs. Coffee, Salt, and Fish, 20c per 100 Freights to Pittsburgh by the Susquebanna road and Pennzyttania Canal, are as follows, vir Thy Goods, Hats, Shoes end Bonnets, 85e- Bales Dornersies, 75e. Leather, Groceries and Hard. ware 70c each. Queensware, Coffee, 50e. Mackerel and Shad per bhl, .41,2.5, and Herrings, 61,121. By O'Connor's Line, Thy Goods, itc, 73c; Hard ware and Groceries, 624 q Queensware and Tobac. e 0,60; Tin Plate and Copper, 45; Coffee, Tar, Full. ike, 45. I Iffemeg ph•.e. Freights by Oiler, Gelston & Co's bur day line to Wheeling 810131,121 ♦ 100 the kir ordinary goods. Freights by Frailey & Harshall'a "Pioneer" five day Line w Pittsburgh, Wheeling and the West. (via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad) SO to 90e gi 100 Be for ordinary goods. GRAIN—The market is without any material change, and transactirms generally light, with mod• mate sales from wore at the following rater— Wheat 800, ,barley 550600 as in q..lay. eye 50 0 550, oats 25630 c, and corn at .97635 c Im. Sae general table (or all Building not mainland In this list. PIG METAL—:labs of 100 tone Vesuvius h at 00, and 100 tons same at 5200, d ma& Sale of 15 tons HRob at 830. 6 11102. BgEVES—The offerings at the yard on Mon day were very full, and the larger portion Were 0W0 , 44 1 of at mast p 100 ttle net, for ordinary - to good, Which is a decline from lest week's qoo• gegen& lEREEP—A. moderate number were offered, With sales at 81 ar2 each. HOGS—Saks to e moderate extent Id 3 4 50 100 St Pig netal—pt bijOntk. , - AJlerheny. o. 1. Poundry• • Forge • • No ll .lVeindry. k : Forge Tennessee • -- - 0 - -0 - Mercer County. Toondry Pig n a F M.niug County Ohio. Foundry pig Fe gllut d er Park--dory free Mater Parir• •• • 55 it' ICC Provision.- Bacon Hams-.... •• • 6i en Shoulders • • • • • -- —Ol H? ' groond, city runt —O4 country do• —0 Lard No. 1, !ri kgs —8 09 " 2 in kgs- •211 I, in bble • •-20 8 Batter" rkS: . 1 2S It Cheese, NI/. m il NO 51 Goshen —0 Creek's, Pitub. Wa bbL Do. Butter —0 4,00 —0 4,75 Potatoes—pot - . Neabannocksp. hu 51.0 Eistips—Dnry 5 per cent. Country mixed 30 3/ Do. good white 0 4/ WeeOper lb Rice 5 0 5} Seeds—duty Linseed 20p c. Clover 3,9704,00 Timothy 3,3702,50 Flaxseed 95 0 Mustard... .... . 2,50 gs 3,00 Spices—per b. Cloves si Cush. in hilts.•••-0 25 Ginger 9 0 10 Nutmegs 1,40 0 1.50 Pepper 7 0 9 Alamos 0 13/ Smateroot--per R. Virginia 0 14 Seneca • • • Soap—Duty 30 per rent. Pittsburgh No. 1. • —0 44 Cincinnati —0 4i ' Steel—per R. Foreign Cut & Shear...—. • •10 0 17 Do. single• • • • • • • 0 le Rest German • • • 0 13 " Eagle • 0 11 " /loop L• • • ..... 0 15 - Pittsburgh Manufacture. Germ. Steel. • • 0 9 English blister• • —• • • 0 13 American blister• • • • 0 4 Spring Ws/as—per gall . 5 1? 64 Etrandy,Pord'x• •1,50 0 2,50 Rochelle ..... • 4,50 0 3,50 Rum,Jam'a ,50 0 pf-1 0 2.25 N.,• 50 9O " N.,. 40 0 50 City HolLand 1,85 0 1,70 avagar—Daty 30 per yea. N., Ilhd • —6lO Al " fair, hhd. 0 Havana, white, 1b..0 0 91 Braul" lb. 90 91 Pulverised, Phoad• • • .0 121 Belt—Hwy ED per cent. No. I, afford...... • • • • 01,83 ffI!EMIM Shot—Dar), SI per cent Per keg.- owe Per bag— • • • • 0 1.37 i Salpetro—per Saltpetre. • - 9 0 lOg Tobacco—per 19—(10per og for cosh for mauled Tobacco.] Dory 40 pram. Clox Loaf-- . • • 4 0 6 Alnanfld do • • • ••• • 4 0 7 Logi& Twist-10W 18 Mg in kegs. •- ..... 80 9 Plug 03 boxes•-14 0 17 oTorist•—• • 60 7 Cavenol,l3• 0 6 , ' 14. Lamp 03. box • • 0 12i "•--•L11 0 17 Scotch mai.— —l4 0 10 ammo 0 13 I Cut fr. Dry f Ittpap•• • 0 63 Taw—Doty taper cora. Goopoarter• ••--• • 43 0 70 ;oong Hymen--• 3D 0 PC! cache? •• • --- 30 0 73 Tha ata—Dory 13 pr. et Baca ock o—l X 0 1003 Tallow—Arty 10 pr. eent Rendered •-- 7 0 Rough 0 lii Soap Grease 30 31 Vloan—par bog. SoliLboxe. - - Wines—Duty 40 pr. cent L P liladelra• • • • 2,03 0 3,00 L P Tenertffe• • • • LOO 0 1,30 Lisbon 75 0 1,50 Dry Mmaga• •• •• •0 0 70 Sweet 86 067 Oaring to the continued dullnims in trade, noth ing near has transpired in the local money mar het. The 6lloanng axe the rates of ezetriagew EXCHANGE. Selling rate. Baying rate. , Near York, t prn.lCineinnau, It du. Philadelphia, I " L.uierdle, " " Baltimore, I " St Loci., .1 41 . . .. _ Ohio, Indian; Hentock-y, VhSint, do Wheeling Tennessee, to Stocks there in not ranch doing, and the fan cies are heavy. There is a great want of hie.— There was a fair demand for Government stocks, and the loans of 1867 and 1868 *old at 5 per Cr., Treasury Notes were 21, which is a little lower. la Sterling the Mennen is limited, hut holders are firm, and leading names are firm at bi pra mime. Franca are 5 22105 20, BA Whin raw 75, Guilders 408401, Marks Banco 3581335/ . . There has been considerable activity in Freights to day. Some ship owners have endeavored to get rates up to day, but we beard of no eagate i meats at any advance,. Two or *limey...els were taken up for Liverpool, one kir Ireland at 91, and ocome for Live rp ool to load Cotton at 7-16 d at [Charleston. The engagemlints were at 5-32 d for Cotton,'2.lo2.s 3d for Flom, 78714 for Grain, 25s 030. for heavy freighx. The amount of the Mexican indemnity already paid oat of the SubTreasureda cake in this City is $715,000, leaving 585,000 yet to be paid. The amount of coin in the SubTreasory to day is SI, 250,000. The Bane packet to day took 1103,794 in coin. It consisted of 0,120 in French gold. 149 , 461 in stranc pieces, and 539,223 Mexican dollart—lTri bone. New York, Nov. 3. Treas. Notes 10 3 I I.'. S. Co '67, 1044' Ohio 6s 1560, 100 IIL food bonds, 91 1 Kentuelry , Ps '7l, —1 Penna. s's DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.. . • AOADlie, Parkinson, Brownsville. • Camden,. Hendrickson, Beaver. Caroline; Day, Beaver. Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Sholca,Beaver. Diligence, Worley, Cin. Ludlow,,— Zanesville. Ciuderilla, Calhoun, Wheeling. Wellsville. 882115, CM. Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport. Yankee, Cin. Arrowline,Morris, Brownsville. Arrow, G ordon, Brownsville. Hibernia No. 2, Klinefirlter, Cin. At dusk last evening, there were 6 feet 0 locates water in the channel, by pier mark, and rising. UT Massa norm PLatac—lf you wiab to be floc , paean' in any undenaking, lost most always 'utie the aroper means,' Therefore, if you have a cough, um 20505's Harseromm and be cared, for it ia the pproNppeee means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of brentang, then lite only efficient rooms to care, yea le to um loyeetsllipecutrant, which willimmediandla ,,, come the mann which contracts the diameter of the tube., end loosens and brings up the mucus *Platelets dem up, Wad thus namems every obitmetle9jOialieo ration, while at the same time ill InilanniM•ithltis Is sub dued, and a acre is certain to be effected.' Hive you bronchitis, dpittlng of Bledd, Pletarisy, or in feet any Pulmonary Affection, then me Juynch Expectorant and relief Is certain, and you will dud that you hove tied the proper mewls. Yoe sae In Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Blinn, 7 4th street near Wood. lall I 20 22 29 27 =ME= Auxowonr, Nov. U, ISIS. .. .. ... 7ci• ff Port 1 4: 0 0 2 4 2 ' Calabria.— ••• • • .......... 63 0 77 Word per Ih—Dury 30 per cent. Prime 0 35 Full blood 0 53 rood 0 27 blood 0 Srd nd Common 19 0 V Fob waahed 0 Whls 0 tey—per gallon. Rectified. —0 91./ Monongahela —0 20 Zleio—per lb Sheet 0 10 Slab 0 001 Frelibta—per 10 lb.. TO Cincinnati. Dry Goods 250 kleu7 150— To Louisville. Dry Goods ......... —• • •-• • 370 Heavy 0— FraniLouisville to Ili Dry Goods 0-- Heavy To St. Louis. 0 — Dry Goods —0 37 11 50 0 To and Erie. Dry Goods . 0 Heavy ........ ...... . ...... ...-0 To end from aroornsville. Dry Goods (down) 0 Produce, Yu. (up) 0 To Nuhville. Dry Gouts 0 Heavy To Wheeling. —0 Dry Goods 0 10 0 11' 4 .1 :1,. urine Dry Gras 0 15 Heavy 0 Descry. Dry v Goods —. 0 0 11 To. 0 Orleans. Henry Goods a Ohm, Us —O - 07 MEOW ON TEI P 1711171.011 CYTII AA° WIJULLIMIL Ashea, Pot and Pearl, 40 45 Butter and Baton, 45 50 Beef, salted, 45 50 Bale rope and Baning do 70 Beeman', do 52 Bones, do al Broome, do 1,50 Cheese, do 40 Corn, do 50 Coutin, do 50 Chilled Ronan do - • -• . • d••o Drags • and Mdicines, 1,151 Dry Chfinis, do 1,03 Dried Fruit do 73 Floor per bbl. GO 63 Fors iind Peltttes, per 100 lb. 1,00 Futhen, do Lt 0 Furniture, do 67 4 0h,....A, do 69 Glass, Window, per bz 60 0 Green and dry fruit per NO lbs 75 Oilmen, per 100 lbs. PO Grocenes, do 00 Hardware, do 75 - Hop., do Hemp, do 70 Ibid., Ines 73e; dry WO) do • Leather, Lead, do do 4 60 0 Lard and Lard on, do 60 Oil, Castor, do 75 Linseed Oil, do 73 Pork, per Dbl. do • 130 Raga per 110 lbs. 0.1 Ropes and cordage, do 00 Specie do CO Seeds, do 70 Skins,Dear and Itafalo, do 75 Tallow, do 45 Tobaceo, Leaf, do 30 do Marialamared, do 73 Wheat, do 00 Wool do • 67 Whiskey, per bbl HO ITO THS LIST VIA XONSOORANCL• MAXI Oa., No. I—Ashes, Bat. Pla N. Y. Baron, Muer, Lard, Cheese, Pork, Tame to, Tallow, W. Ma.., "'S N Whi VEf Clasae 9-I p, Flu In bales Cu No.3—Drkd Frolt Lauber ' Old Ram Skins, Beads, Waa4 laa. No 4—lfeenraz, Feadtera.Fats,Ginso'g, Hops, Woo, loess Flax Martina Insaraase. Rues of Inasaraneo on cargoes of lama and tad boats. . . Plm Plttaborgh to Whealletg, l 7B. 40 I . . to and from Cinelanati, 0 0 1 to Louisville, Ky. 4 0 1 " " lo En. Louis., Mo 111 G " “ to Boonenlado 1 0 a " " to independence 9 Mk '• "t Galena. 11l 140111 `• " mMentpliia.Ten 10 ( to N. Orleans 11011 Free N. Gee., to Pinstanerb• • 1 01 S, i Louis 14011 Chfc . buotai ... flat Boats i .. • • MONEY' MARKET. BANK NOTES. Buytag rate. Baying rates. I dislCo City order. 1 dis. “ • Relief Notei, Pennsylvania Co. a• • Nerkr York, Maryland, 5 • New Orleans, • Mon.'', Stooks and Badness. New York, Na,. '2, 180. PRICES Or rtocias Philadelphia, Nov U. S. 6 ai ct '67 105 do do do 712 1031 Pittsburgh 6a '5l 68 'Ch. 6. '5O 88 Tette 56 '7l 76 Parma. s's 731 PORT Ol' PITTSBURGH. e 1 t I I a ' ' I i : D , Louie.McLane, Bennett; Brownsville Ariantic, Parkinson, Brownsville., ;engine, I y, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Shales. Beaver. Beaver, Clark, We llavJle. Mary Ann, Ihscan, Madison. America, De Camp, Cin. Cashier„ Cin. irony Lind, -,Zanesville. - m•Tnes FIITILL - colLorr.—We would call allentlOn t o this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consampdon, Asthma, and all alreetions or the Throat and Lames. ILaving several times within a few yearspast had otos sine to use 'medicine of the kind, we have,by aspen rose tested lie excellent qualides, and are prepared to recommend it to others. Ministers or other public speakers adlieted with bronchial strewth:me will bud great benefit from as use. It is prepared by a scienti tile physician and all classes will find Co safe and effi cacious Met/J fi re In the diseases the which It is re. commeuded..—iCnltunbus (Ohio) Cross and Journal. Fot isle &fine Pekin Tea Blare, N 0.70 Fourth street 1070.0 irr Th. son, engohc expresnon of some am &luta grateful to view, while this repulsive, coarse, randdr yellow faces of ethers, excites 4P.M -0 M some mules. Could such people be induced to try a cake of the MAC Jew' hall. Chemical Soap, they would be e c u at " e r =tr 'd , wi wate th is e kfu h =le Th eve y ry=Un d t ' o ll ; erlition would be removed and cured. antamsiNcmen—Persons who hiva bought cheap couptetfeits itu4 imitations of this, and have had no ef f"rlibbelit mam try this, th e odsma. mitl4, ft A k 'CM Apes' Soap. For sale at Ww. facutin's, Oh Libor, ty street • • • . Pltaaf QT Donn have yellow dart Teetbey can be made pearly. while by one wee with s boa or Jones amber Tomb Paste It bantam thrlpl_reu,neWnne the breath. tea Bold IQ Libe rt y - Owl GROCEMWitei---- a 011 ANT otrans7. C o ro , aun bags 1110 coffee, 400 de blk Peppin; 70 skis /4, P sad ha pesial. Teas; 30 Mils ersabed sad pal .velisinl Sews; 97 do Noh 6,7 k B Lasts°. 2 casks Madder, 4 sale ase iteceeyeeleping 23 tin frunra S do Hahn& rlai 25 rearm .Tao Wrapping Papot, 150 do rms. 50 dos Hemp cords; 21 eoils manilla Rope; . 4000 Ib, cotton Yatue; 3,930 lb. No 1 & 2 Ratting; 53 b. Rosin Soap; 10 do rare do; 39 bbls Rosin; 93 ea.. Termants double 2 nelsons Indigo, In gto and Pepper 1 casks E Salts, 5 bags lace Ginger, d do Allspice, refined Soda Ash; 22 his 10211 Glum: 04 do SAN do; Ie do pint Flasks; IS do y do do; 14 dogmata Bottles, 130 bbls Lime, 115 kg, Beatty's Ride Pow der, 109 do do Roek do; 14 bdles No 24 Sheet Iron; 10 Peacock and Patent Lever Pl• Da se • ED awls .ciartaxacen, bss Is, 6t, Be and I2s Tobateo, various bits and qualities; 10 kap Carolito. and V. twist Tobneco 60 bbls No 3 Lane mack erel. 75 Mitts N 0 Bugs; 359 keg. (pure) whim Lead 1 cask Lamp Black; 2,231 IbsAß,k B 6 .3 east *Reel; MMM MHE subscribers are now j st losir ratescs folio 85 hf cheats Y 1 Impetiol, 0 P and bik mu • BO bra ' do do 400 bap Ilio mad Lasratra Coffee 15 ban Old Gov lava do 150 boa manufsentred To bacco, ss, 12s, Ills, 325. Ilb and lb lump; 16s • and 5. Span do 400 MOW Cassia ►hbl Nutmep 23 bap Pepper t moons Indigo 10 bags Pimento 2 bales Cloves; 15 bbls cbip'd Logwood 2 casks ?dodder IP biro No 1 Chocolate 2 easkrEpsom Solos 20 bbls Tanners' Oil 5 cask. Lamp Oil IS boa Sperm Carulles 43bso White Pipes O euks Bice 37 bags Dairy Solt 20 bbl. relined Sugar W bbl. No 3 Mackerel half bbla do. 75 bp white Brasil Sugar 150 bxs Herring, No 1 15 bls Bordeaux Almonds 35 E Walnuts 35 " Filberis 30 " Brazil Nuts 3O " Tann Ord Nuts IWO 6.. W It Raiticus . 00 eases Tomato Catsup 60 drams rigs 7 mats Data 19 cask. Zoete Comore 211 ban Shelled Almonds 5 case. Liquorice YD b. Rook Candy E==l 75 " Fire crackers 9 " spiced Chocolate I cues Primes YS bas Lemon Syrup 1 ease pramild Ginger 7 gross Wanking 10,000 Principe, Regalia, Cailolo, and Havana Cigars 'GUSH h BENNErk , opposite St Charles Howl /so., Lo. 37 Wood at,.. - - Groceries bads Rio and yngnl 130 100 grds N. 0. sumo 150 bbl. " mole 100 bar assortedtotu 300 sides N. Y. sole I kgs rock powder 300 0010111 wrapping 50 " foolscap ; 50 Dbl., Na 3 largo mackerel ; 50 " North Carolina tar ; 55 " snorted loaf sugar ; 50 " chID dogwood ; 25 " rustic 10 " ground to, ; bit& prime madder ; -r g caroms S. P. indigo bbls copperas; 15 " alum ; 10 " salami:a ; 75 dos bed cord.; with a general assortment of Pittsburgh manufactures receiving and (or sale on accommodating terms by J & R FLOYD, Round Charch I=3l To Western Morohanto TASSET k PIEST offer for tale at IA Wood street Fitlaborgb., on Recommodning terms 033 pok. Y. H, Imp'! and G. Powder Teas ; 30C1 bp Rio Coffee ; 10 " Pepper; 6 11 /ine. ; 100 be* I lb Lump, 0. and Bs Tobacco ; 20 kg. twist; 10 6hd. N. 0 Koirar ; 110 bbl. 73 " No. 2 and 3 Alackarel ; 20 6•Jr do do 60 bbl. N. C. Tar; 10 " TU ; basChaeoluk ; 00 " Henan. 22 • White Pippecs ; MO • • Ass'd Made." Glass from SS to 011.30; 20 mks Soda AM ; 30 bbl. S. Salts ; to mks Iv “ Salerams 30 • German Clay ; kga AssM nails, with a general u•onsnent of all usee of milt. sup Pitiaburgh mannfaetured articles al low prima, Groceries, Go• 36(1 DOS Green_BM 02ffee ; " O 100 t,6a. l..o l .ltltlLes; ImPen'd Te'" OD!Mils N. 0. Sugar ISO lois Manufactured Tobacco, 55., Ss, GS Ms and 1 pound lump 30 bp Pepper; 100 Mats Cassia ; 23 bbls L Sugar • 2 Caracas S. F. ; I !Mil Madder; 83 bbl. N.O Tar • 30 " No. 2 La rne Mackerel , 20 boo No. 2 Chocolate ; DM Seams Wrappthis Paper; 22 toe While Rues; enas I.lquortm With • general usorunent of Pittsburgh M.afecturest reed and for sale by GEO. A BETSY, sepl2 II wont at MISCELLANEOUS: OIioJOHN H. fiII:LLOH, No SI Wood street, has now received • fall assort ment of Piano Pones, selected from I the following manufwmories in Boston and New York, to which the mention of purchasers is respectfully invited. Thaw from Mr Chlekerms, (for the we of which he Is sole Agent in Western Penn pay Ivania,l have what is termed the New Circular Settle; übs au improvement weernlyintule, and giving thew • decided advantage to power and etinsfity of tone over say others. Th. following are the patterns and styles of Chickering's. No. L flaieweend, f caves, finished back It front, We t 66 richly carved " 64ke el " " " " " blue 4. "gy " carved mouldings, " 6/m " S. " " finished beck and front, &MD " 6. " " taw " tam a. o 6 " " 1:12Z " t - 6 protecting front, ISSM • 10. 7 nehly carved, uryle of Louts 14M. " 11. 6 hollow come. and hollow cor nered lege, second hand, cost onpuelly 15425, and will be HMI at a very reduced pnce. N 0.12. Rosewood. round corner, eery elegantly flu- Übe* 1275 No 1.1 Rosewood, mood corner, very el egantly anted., VIM The above are maoufecturod by H. Wortrater, N. V., well known as beteg connected fomterly ernh Meas. Sonard, Worcester fr. Denham, N. 1. Na 11 Rosewood, ttl, carved moulding, made by the Manhattan Company, N. T. MO& No 14, Rosewood carved, 0 omas., GM. do Co's, N. Vs2sa. No. 15 " Maul 6 " -1,5 n No Id, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Mont 8e.., Paris. Nol7, Mahogany 6 octaves, second hood, puce 675- Old Pram. 'Oaten in part payment for new ones. JOHN H MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chic kering's Grand nod Square Plano Fon., for Wemern Penn. team. 00117 - - SPLENDID LOT OP NEW PL&I1108. ovitMINNS & CLARK, New York; CLUCKERI77O, Butotc The imbscriber has now open and for isle, • lot of most superior ?moos, so• levied by himself at the manufactories. They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of of 5, 61. end 7 octave., of various miles andpricea and embrace all the latest improvemente._ Thoesof Mums & Club's, (for which celebrated OM he is seta AOSTIT) have an improved way of stringing possessed by no other; also, • snootier pits of leathering the hammers, preventing these Piano s f ro m growing harsh and imy alter Dome am. The Mahe of Chickering of which he bus ettgeri.. or lot, am pm • Med with the Circular Scale, and were elected for him with care by .1. Chickering, of Boston. The shove 101 l positively be sold at mumfactarers' prices, and in eccoromodating berms. The subscriber will invariably be foond atJ W WooderelPs, from II to to 12 A. hi and from Itos P. M. Mr. Woodwell will attend to tha business during the balance of ume. IL KLEBER, Octlo at J W WooderelPs. 63 Third to GREAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The sal:umber hat just received from Europe, and for sale an etuirely new invention of Sumo Fon; called the CWI3- INET PIANO FORTE, which pouesaing more power and mammas than the square Piano, occupies but one fourth au much room, and ts n much mute showy end Madonna piece:of funsitura It is paniculasly desira ble where the saving of space is en object, being ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than a small aide table. The subsenber ha. in hand a testimonial of ha superiority from the celebra ted pianist,ldoachelles, in his own hand wrltingegrhlch may be anspected. 8. KLEB6R, 00t27 At .1 \V Wood 'a Iffiivi A SPLENDID assortment of Moho pay end Rosewood Plan., last abed. These lnotnmeot. are made a( the later pattern and best materials andorill be sold low for cash by F. BLUME, 112 Wood street. . - - ad door above RAIL N.-ll—Those who are In want of a good tegument. are respectfully invited to examine these before pur. abasing elsrethere as they cannot hoeticelled by any la dta coattuii anlwlLL.bafold lower than say brought from titer East.. Alsojust rereiTed, tortiplartd. or Ham hush manatactera he - inriktior to any ever sold in this connU7. oed2 ROUST PROOW LRAM eTLIR andOlsigned have erected works in the city of New York, for the purpose of Galvaniumg all ard a of hen, which it is &unable to PROM= r FROM RUST, such a Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nada, Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be required. For Hoop. for Ceske, as a substitute for bale Ropet br Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of other appticatione, it will be found cheep.and durable. They would particularly call attention to the Oalvani.. hed WicClor fence.; h retinaeea no paltm and will not mt. Al* to Spikes aid-Bolt, the preservadoe of which is of sumach importande t : OW it will cobmend Itself %ash. mule° of all tilk4ls Interested. , --' .--'-- OEO.- a:CO., Patentees, oct334lfriarl T and la Reaves et,N Vint. GEO. w. lAZITB 6 CO, TNPORM melt friend, and the public that they have L uo looter any connection with their late eslublish• pent hi Penn streei, known as the Pittsburgh Brewery, lottani_rinnoireal their entire basilicas to the POINT VILEW Dela, In Pitt. lama ntylthd vi' RITCHIE & COCHRANE, FORWARDING I COCODISION INERCILiNTS, • so. 93 TcuourrrouLAß STREET, New Orleans. 11.98991) Ci.l9ll9.lCS—Vor Mang—for - eloaka, 4, of valioaa colon, lately ree , d at the dry goods '1 ousa of octi4 %V &MURPHY dreseaTC•iiiraipeiti and for .ale b FH LATON a. Co, oella Cl Fourth at, near Market INISS.VoII. bble jaat landing g from eamer ,J and for wile by W lIARBAL:t.7 11, ocLLI 53 water and 101 front w bozos sole byIStZkN4 Co,frowt NIOLA&BEfiI b d b a la ife . , 141r4 Fr o ; tune and for sate by Oet24 W & N POTCHHLTitEE WHITE GLUE-1 bbl No 1 extra, Jost ree'd and to We by ocoll BE SELLERS PClikBll-29 sacks Dried Pesehea landing and for aide by • J C BLDW ELL. ,Agt, _ 4 _9ttz water BI IIALK 7 Iton Jam reed and for fd-Oridd,...±. CORUB-1000 Bro. Jost reait-sad - fetitte Dy oell7 • 1 KIDD& Co • PlO IRON-1.00 tons Annihnuir ths. Ito on hand and fin Ws by octl7 I k ThOYD -HOUSES,.: OM, FARMS, to. Destnible Lptis i itabm • TEfE ruitscriber la. laid :out eleven Lots on the •Scrtith aide of the Fourth Street lined, and about two and one gagster mike from into - Coen Boom. These lots enntaineach from ma to two and a half acres of land, and will he sold on maaonable and ae counntidating term. It is deemedanneeespry to en ter into any expliumtion of the advamageb of these lota' nail-vicinity to this city, and to the line of the Central Rai} Road, ,eeommend them strongly as eery desirable coming residences. The mbseriber also offer. for sale about wren bun dled acres of land in Franklin sownehip, Allegheny enmity, about earetneen miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine building Lots In the boroudnf LLE ßinningham. oetf CRAIG. V ALDABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THAT property lately occupied by IL Nixon, willCr treet, near Robinson, Allegheny city, be sold on accommodating term. The lot is 33 feet 4 inches on Craig Omsk running through to the Canal 130 feet. There is a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot is wall improved, containing a variety of awl., hull trees, Krum, shrubbery, Ea. Thisproperty is consenl ently mutated for persons dung business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and Is a &-drable residence. lit/e indisputable. For terms apply to WEL BOYD, Attor ney at La -d w, odic° 00 Fourth street, abovel3mithßali aF4tf SITUATED on the Mononpthela river, about le milea from Pittsburgh and 3 mile, above third Lack, in the immediate neighborhood oLMessrs. Lyoo b. Sborb, and Mr. John Herron'. purchase. This fine body of Coal will be ,old at the law price of 633 per acre—one third in band, balance in eve equal mutual payments, without interest Tale Ledlsputabla Location very good—cannot besenesssed. Foe farther partienlars nquire or.s, BALEILE` . f, who tau • draft of said pro. perry. Residence st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams. Mow. N. 11. There is anotler seam of coal on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. 17.26:dtf 8. B. 7R ~1 - titaiti (-12-1 A TRACT of land, 90 acres, in northern, Portage A Co., on Me Cuyahoga riverboat 30 urea undef im provement Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbull Co, 60 feet by 90. Also, a lot of ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a fine dwelling holm and store—one of the but muds for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any. or all We property will be sold on very ascommodating arms. IBAIAH DICM , k. Co., feblo Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR SALE :IAR large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny city, by R. B. CUSALCI, Esq., is end for sale at a bargain, and on easy teems The lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 1% feet on Rebecca Sweet, and roes back 110 feet to Park street_ The main building is of brick, three stories high. and 60 feel long by 27 feet wide. The Engine Ronne is large and eoroluodions, with an engine, - boiler, atack, all in complete order. The property win be sold to and on advantageous tem. w, For arms, beyenquire at this office. FOR RENT e RTIIE subscriber Wren for rent for the term of one or more yeses, a large convenient well fin two story Dwelling Noose, containing 8 rooms and Kitchen. There is a lot of grocnd containing 14 acres of fine young fruit tree. of every klind, stable, rec., connected with the hottest. To any person wish ing a delightful residence within a few minors ride of the city, tins will be a rare chance. For terms, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr. Jno. Wflabt, near the premises, of John Watt, corner of Ilsnd and Liberty streets, or of .1.9-tf THEO. F. WRIGHT. rpm sabscnber will sob on accommodating Scrms, a valuable tract of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pitt.burgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 40 acre* and 20 peaches, strict measure The lend is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleaned, and well watered, and will be sold either In whole or in farms of convenient site, to salt purchasers. For further particulars enquire of WkL BOTA Any at Law. °dice on 4th at. above Sialthneld, Pinsbungh. targhdisurtf T Property Allogbook, City for 8010. xr:LE aubscribers otter for sale • number •of choice Lou, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on the mon ground, on easy watt Impure of W. 0 , 11. ROBINSON, Amy at Lam St Clair st or of JAS ROBINSON, on the pr , malaes. raylfalfrAnf T VALIi a ABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground sitaate on Penn greet, between Hay and Alarbury etreets, adioioing the house and lot maw occupied by Richard Edwards, banal a from 0t43 feet, and in depth IVO feel, Irdl be sold on favorable tea= Tido unexceptionable. En quire of C. 0. LOOMS, iB at, near Wood. ocoti-dif Valuable Basldeeseur V Anegheny City Car Hale. CONTEMPLATING a removal from Allegheny city, I odor my residence there for We. The premises are in delightful order, and every way worthy the at tention of any person wishinlsneh property br 26 W. POINDEICTER. iliraTllstate lifircer °meaty. ALCIr, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the kMe Ertenmen Caner, In the Milne of West Mid dlesex; a desirable location fora merehant Alm, a Lot and good Dwelling House well suited fora Tavern Stand, in the village of OrangevAle, on Stars lints of QM*. Terms easy. ISAIAII DICKEY & Co. febro Water and Front Ms. COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coal lend for sale, situate lit bend of the Monongahela River ' above Droonisville, Pa, having a 7 foot vent of coal which mill be sold to exchange for goods. For portico s apple to Ineidl S & MPH& RIIA MN Manual at IntWAS.EttitUSE FOR BALE. The subscribe, act, for sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. Turner & Co. apl7 WM. WILSON, Jr. 72‘0 subscribers will rota part of Ito . borne near occopled by them. Apply to LEWIS, DALZELL, Co., loan 84 "MOT garret • EXCHANGE BROKERS, &o. N. 1101.21M11 Banker*, Exchange Broker• ASI) .411111 - . NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, SILVER AND DANK NOT... COLLECTIONS.—Drafts. Notes and Aeeeptanees payable In any part of the Llama, collected on the most tavorable terra. . • EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANN NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks in the United States discounted at dm lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and ninencan Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office No. SS Market street, between 3d mtd 411 Pittsburgh, P. 0025 • OCCOLIi . ,ELIONA sCO., DAN/MRS, FACHANCE BROKERS, dealer. JD in Potence and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Depose., Dank Notes, and Specie; Fourth stn.; near ly opposite me Bank of Du/Munch. Current money received on demesne—Sight Meals for sale, and col lections made on nearly all the principal points In the United Slams EMEMMEM;;II Advannes , made on consignment. of Freda., ship ped Enc.. 00 Ilbend terms. inotab VD): 11, 41 , 1:11"4 01:VVItY1 Bon England, Ireland, and Scotland bought my amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Commies, Gout II to 11000, at the rate of SA to the i Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROHM SON, Eompean and General Agent, Wane 6th sa one door west of wood. oc.USO WIEWTErintIITTINDS Ohio, 111011.111, Kentucky, blowout, Bank Note purchased at the lowest rates, by N. 140LbtS3 /a BONS, sepl3 33 Market street. HILL & CITHICY, BANHRRB and change Broken, Deaden in Pa eige and Domestic Time and Bight Bills of Ex change, Certificates of Deposits', Bank Notes mid Coin . No i 3 Wood street, third door below Fourth, wes side. =Aid sums [trim K k Amen RAu rrsia Lutz DANKFXES AND EXCHANGE BECHIERB, dealers In Foreign and Domenic Bills of I . chan4re, Cer omes of Dep.ite, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of 11 and Wood streets, directly opposite 80. Charles Ho tel. may2Bdl S OF 11110011A90E--Bight Cheeks on New York, Philadelphia, uld Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMEZ & SONS. mpl3 35 Market st. NJ payable in the Western clues, eollecmd on th most favorable teems by mole N 1101.11F/3 & SONS 5: 7 4 NEWNOR for sale 1.3 "Intl N HOLMES d SONS HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. IPASHIONABLE HATS ALTHE subscriber, in addition to hi. own manufacturing of Hats, has made arrange ments with Henri. &bee tr. Co, (the most fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) fora reg ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and having just received a few cases,lentlemen can be rutted with a very rich and buutlinvbat by calling at his new Hat and Car. Store, SmittiLold street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found a peat variety of Hats and Cap. of his own manufacture, wholesale and re taiL Ham =de to order on abort notice. 4021 JeIiLES WILSON. WCOII.O &. CO (Sacee.sorm W &Mord & King) Fashionable • • • Corner of Wood and Fifth Strata. PARTICULAR attention paid to ow Retail X Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from oar establishment of the tsar sastrauls nod wentotwantr, of the Lam= muss, and at the 14Was Pa re=Merchants, purchasing by wholessJe, tire ly melted to sail and examine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regards Q and Use's., n will not suffer in a comparison with any hot= in Philadelphia feta? p.m r....ka0., gon• 1548. nocoao 4 co., ft.eri st'coar, & ago,) ILL introduce on Saturday, August 2 6 th, the EFall style of Hats,jcutt received from New 4 York. n in want of a neat and haunt:Old bat, are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. aterlt STRAW GOODS. toDEALERS are Invited to ekaralne R. R. PALMER'S stockof Straw Goods, of the spring style, composed in pan of BONNETS --Florence Braid; English Bun stable do; American do do China Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do; French Lame; Fancy Gimp, &e. &o. HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, An. Straw Bon net Warehouse, 05 market st, maritS TO WHOLESALE GROCERS. TE undersigned are prepared to fill order. for ally quantity of Cypress Notarise. Garrets, of a suocri or qurdlry, deliverable to order at any nu m, by giving us • few day. notice, at our Wharf Emu. W. thins we can make it the inmrest of those merchant. who boy largely on the coast, as they can order their boa rd. 'hipped to coy plantation they may desire, which .hall be attended to without tura charge , . WOTrIk, GIVEN ft Co Paducah, Ey., Oct. 23, 1648,310 _ PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPAIN° M=EIZ=I TWO 1011324 MM. 1. Q 9104 JONES ac quma, vrAMIPACTURERS of apring tuld blister anal, 111. plant marl ult , atrel . plough w . ttls, mi u d nrett arKi i l i n e abr is ' fur e d ng ' iflatapt. and coan 'a i l t er uiz a lings . Manny, tomer of Rosa and Front at., PittAtuntn, Pa- sep.4 liall4lAN a Co, harorentoseito to Warehouse, 3 doors west of the lionoosuhel House on Water and Front streets. FOR , RENT—m. Warehouse No. 43 Wood st. Yon dopy _ . MEDICAL. TEEM 01ILT ETARTS VEGEZUHE EXTRACT 1111.11 invest JIM ble Moody Rif Epileptic Fhts or Pallher Sickness Coovehions, /3paszes, ie. Ilia weal known, that from time immemorial, ploridzians have proaceneed tie ills 6u arable. It lass baffled alltheir skill, and the boasted power of ell medicine, end sionsetpumtly thou tends have snared through • miserable existence; and as last yielded cm their lives on MO after of insanity. With defeuentee however,. to the opinion. of tits great Feed, we wy_that ft bait been cured RT'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT, For sixteen year., has been ursteCby many persona who have suffered with this dreadful disease, and in every pus where it hat bed • ihir trial, hat enacted a pernument cam nu of Ey Teen and 6 months, owed . by the use et this traly avonderfal medicine Read the following remarkable -ease of the son in Wm_ &core Esq., of Philadelphisisilfimed with Ent. Jayne 27 yeam and 6 months, Alter travelin n. throngEn gland, Scculand,Germany and France, eon. taking the most eminent physicians, and expending tot medicine, medical treatment and advice , . dime thou. sand dollars, reunited with his me to this e.antry is 1 November last, without receiving any benefit what. er, and was cured by using HARTS vearrams Erersecr. Mr. William Secore's Letter be TAW Ivan and Ham I have spent over three theasatortdollars for mod.. clue and medical ettendance. I was advised to take s tour to Emope with him, art eh I did. I first Malted Englani. I consulted the most eminent phyMedarte them in respect to his ewer, they examined him and prescribed accordingly. I remained three months without perm:brunt any change for= the better, which cost me about two hundred and fillY dolls,, poeketisit, by theryvicians, and the most that I received wax their o pini on that my eon'. ease was hopeless and posi tively entitle. I accordingly left England, and tree ; oiled through &mhos& Germany and France, and reti tamed home In the month of November lam, with my son as far-loom being cured as wheel left. I saw Tout advertisement in one of the New :York papers, and concluded to try Han's Vegetable Extract, seems you, statements and certificates of so many cures, some al twenty and thirty , years' mending, and l can aurae yoa I am not scary I did so, as by the use of Ilatt's Verret:4 hie Extract alone, he was restored. to perfeet health Hui reason , which was so far goneas to unfit him (or business, I. entirely restored, with.the prospect now before him, of life, health and useNness. lie Is now IN years of age, and r years and 6 months of that time hat been .filleted with this moat dreadful of Its. eases, but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't believe In. To any that I chat' be ever grate Von is out as thing, and I here enclose you one h dollers,.l have no doubt but that you will think • I. a*ther and to a differentthing. The debt of gratiMda mill ewe you, but eam to accept the Dreamt UM= as interest on the debt in advance Yours very respacM um REBORE TO THE AP7LICTED. One of the proprion, rs of this invaluable medician was afflicted f r several ycan with Epileptic Pits. The disease had produced the srefrst eCom m ion ystem, vie Lo.. Of memory, irnh.rity n .„4 perfect prostration of the stemma: aystem. e had tried the skill of the best physicians for wven years, and grew worse under their treatment, end ho knew that this medicine was his only Ilene for health and tied was thersitre detorMood to gore lt • his truth and to persevere in its use, which het did, and the mai. was • perfect restoration to health, which was ` o 4` red mutter:opted for nearly sisidenyems. We world refer to the foil parsons who hens been oared by wing Ilse. Vegetable Emmet Col EDe Blow's daughter was Maimed Edna yam resides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, Moe yea., 171 onm tt 1 Ellsworth, emelt years, 19 Dover et.; k. Joseph Mee yeari, East Brooklyn, Y. W Smith, New York Casio House: Kel twenty years, Stns. bland. Masa K twenty years, Yorkville. Illam P. Cr.., twelve yearn, 112-Eisatuenly r. Wm II Parsed, terenipthree_years, 73 Nolk Jacob Perry, four years, 174 at Philo Jo hnso minty- eight years, Greatteaslle, Pe Judge Randall, 94 Eta Broadway, Na.. York, t Thames ft Jones, of the 17 8 Navy. • Cape Wm Leanings, Brats an Itridpport, Cb istmenee also made to Dr W L Monroe, Gailfrod, 0. • Rev Richard Taggett, Weil DIVIIVIPOZOI T 1 Ileref L Bushnell, Balanarre, am- - Ur Jcneeph Ilaskery US Oard et, N C H Houghton, 202 rch 44 N Y. Y. , - Kra looms Berrholl, Chesty, con 4 p, a.. m T. Jahn Faber, 178 lillimboth In, . do D A litlehton,11:1B Delaney 4 . 4 Jan= Smi th , 130 &dolt et, 4. Charles Brown, lad Water in, ._ do All of winch may be called apoo, or addresaut, pia paid NerwMr Prvrlvred by Dr B Heaa, Nee 144 • MIN York. O P i 11051.68 di Co, 148 M.l.a at, bemoan 3d and en, sad 150 Maio et, basemen 4th .ad sth meats, Cinctortati, Ohio, erholeeahe and faun wrote tor 44 L WILCOX, Jr, corner of kLCrket et and the Dia mond. only go Pittsb* JaZtlavels IV THE PROFESSORS AND MEMBERS OF TOE MEDICAL, SOCIETIES, Sioth•r, Wits aatt:Dang . ht•r N THE UNITED STATEE—The subscriber respect gait,, calls yourattention to Dr 13Amres GpAz- DIAN, expressly intended for the 'preservation of the health of both sarea—orliether it anon from Incipient Plithisia or early consumpuon, Debility of the Bronchial affecuona Asthma, Pleurisy, Dereinfeln Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen, or Irubseys.Mis.. eased debut, Cholie, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Hear, Loss of MUSCISM ofNervotts Power, fte. ke. DEL C. B. BARRETrB GIJARDULN comes to the immediate relief of Females suffering from Irscgalari ties, and all other Uterine difficultiei and diseases incl. dental to woman., whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any similar injudicious exposure, and al this without the use of medicine; no the most delicatogend sensitive lady can at any momenfapply it to hefself without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger, or any unpleasant results arising from It, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate Dr. Barren's Guardian is no eatehlienny, or one of the many humbugs of the day; but it is an instrument made upon strictly scientific pririciides, in aft_ordance with the laws of Electricity alvartirm4 fpr meanness. durability and efficacy, infinitely everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief ofdisense, and, in the 'assuage of one of , the mom enlightened steno( the day, is pmnotefted be be "the greatest discovery of the age." by A i r of n im less than fierLears ard has bees oceitpied state of perfeet=agg ' which time IT LI . rc:en ''' ili t the heads ail= of the moot emineatXy4Lans or the North and South, as well as in the d of nu merous families, who have used It for all of e \hove purposes, with the most perfect success, and who have thee:fairy riven their unqualified approbation of its esseacy andvalue, ft can be seen by referring to the Manual of Ifttructioris accompanying It. Dr. C. B. Barren's Guardian is secured hem homy. dons by • noted from the United Buttes Parent Office, and be had either with or without his Medico-after° Galvanomemr. .. . . The Me dico-Hieetro Galvanometer, in point if beau ty, vrorinnattship, durability and power, cannot be nu , or even equalled, and the aubscriber feels that he ‘ tlartla nothing in the assertion that It will a nd ' ss more power and efficacy in the ent and adieus:es, by Galvanism and }De %rid ty, than any other instrument, either in the United Butes or Europe. The Ifedieo-Electro Galvanometer - . . . is warranted in every . respect, and with common ordi nary cum ilat • .I.lld is by far the cheap est, because the beat, inntrament ever offered p the public. A manual accompanies them, giving advt.* ample instructions, of practical experience, so that it ts nubbly intelligible to the mind of every 011 e while the •w• dy of arrangement is such that a el4l may . ..—wausw with it. Any information gnatuitortaly given and all cotton.- nienuons cheartally answered per min, either in rela tion to the EJectro-Galvanonseter or Guardian. Medical teen an invited to c.d.! and examine Dr Bar ren's Gearthan, and test to efficacy. For sale by H. RICHAADSON, sole Agent, 7i Mar bet at, Pittsburgh. apfDidtt & SURGICAL GYM_ ' SIR Ni,. 05, DIAMOND AILS { AI few door, below Wood street, to marked. •. Dll. snowy, having been • . regularly educated to the medical • profession, and been Mr sole time ••' in general practice, now condo. .• his attention to the treatment 01 • • those prhrate and delicate cam! • • . •sak‘ plaints for which his oppormnitier and experience peculiarly alb • ' him. II years usidaunaly 4voted to study • treatment of those compleintsAdurnigerhlch time he has had more essence and hen crawl more pa. dents than ran ever fall to the lot of any private' pr.- titioner) amply vanes him to oder ass - ono:cell of speedy, permanent, end satisfactory mire to all afflicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising noire from. I)li. Brown would inform three diti ' eted with prints diseases which have become chronic by thee or as; Framed by the use of any of the common nostrum of the day, that their coml.:as can be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given hie careful attention to the treatment of such eases, and succeeded In hundreds of instances in eating persons of inflammation of the neat of the bladder, and kindred area.. which often result from those eases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly Invites such as have been long and unseeceuftilly treated by others to consult him, when every satisfaction will be given them, and their cues trained In n careful, thorough and intelligent manneropentred out by • lonsmenenee, and Investigation, which it Is Immo le•lor those engaged In general mantas of =theism to give my one He of disease irrlitemia or Repture.—Dr. Mean also Invites per. sons afflicted with Hernia to call, at he has paid pace. onentioll to this disease. diseaser, also Pi' s, Palsy, ate., speedily cowed Charges eery low. N. B. —Patients of eith sex Itviagat a dlasnee, Eating their disease in writing, yrwmg el the sympi tans, eta obtain medicines with directions tor ow, by addressing T. BROWN, IC D, post paid, and end.. OAco 1.. K a the. No. QS , Disinend alley , apposite be arm', Hoe.. Ituarstansta—Dr.Brownts newly discovered reale. dy for Rheumatism le a spedftand certain reknedy for that painful trouble. It Office and Private Consulting Reams, No. 65 Dia. mood alley, Pinsborgh, Pa The Doctor Is always al home. 135, - No cum no pay. deal, WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMFTLON.—AL though Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort has found hundreds of ..dvoentes, and has produced a large number of testimonials to its favor, I cannotwithhold my small raced of praise. Being predisposed to con sumption, both from peculiar formatio andl ry eredita transmission, I tried wetly mcana -to n, cheek this die. ease, and strengthen • naturally weak cementation, I spent two years at Pisa, one at ROI., Iwo hi Florence, and mother in the South of France, seeklng, mete time, the advice of the best phyisiman. Taro years saw. I returned to this country in about the same nation an when I left it. I had seen in the reading moms in Europe ranch said In limps of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, and as won MI I arrived In this city, I used it, and in three months I was en well I con cluded I could safely pass the winter here, and did so. I have used occwionally a bottle now and than during this time, but are now in us good health a. is possible My rough his wholly ceased, and my lungs have eve ry feeling of heahh. Dr. 0. Smith, and Dr. Poet, of this city, were MT physicians, and now say they M a bellaved me incurable. JAES ILL.. .• Western 14014 Connie:antat, Liverwort, even in the common eray of pruparaticr is universally known - as the best article for damnses o the Lung. ever discovered; and it is obvidus that Is highly concentrated preparation,sectirinf the whole virtue of this inestimable herb, must be inveleahle. Moreover, this medicine contains the mall* proper. ties of many roots and he hs. Seel has been the thr ees. of this Balsam, that it is warranted as being inca pable of producing, In any instance, Injurious effects. Within the last few yews the calls for Ibis eovereip remedy have been immense, beyond preeslent and na reputation sustained Irons Milne to Mobile; that, pro ving 'be confidence bestowed Opo d tvt simple w nsedtcal ason- Crog v ' tte ° :i its pub unut°' and the tram a conviction of its mildness, safety end MIMIC", employ it in their preen., recommend It to Weir patients, and deem ~..r d iarie safe and invalaabei.particidarty as it does not interfere with mil other medicine patients unty be taking at the same time, nor MOM to of dim, coninement a., gm en viceabling poisons to r ac ve the full be of this thedietne, and inflow at the same time, they wish, the their physleisa Bold to pasherth by .1 D Morgan, oinve,,xt 45 M arket st HI • Striper, edi Market and 3d .cwt enderson Ss Co, ' 5 Liberty aPrice reduced to SLSO P. , on, D. HUNT, "Whim v" • Demist Niter cr . = sad Die slPr id ira -- Marko{ sad Fury meets. k, VARIETY GOOD& - - - • spg e rSigggi STOCK OF PAIL GOOLMI, WimallassLe and BAWL A. A. MASON CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., 1101 r AVE received more than one thousand Cases and PaekigeaorEbreiguand Bareteetie Goods mat te( onto( the moil ezl6oolee tuatUnbatb In the COUll tty, embracing the latest,richem end mom eashionebte stylesof Impanel and American Goode, purchased in entire package* Gym the importers,matmfacturersand large Auction sales, by on. aline Ann residing in New York, Who is constantly sending no the newest and most desirable goods In the Eastern markets, which will be ollhred as low as 01 any establishment in the United steles, and lower than could possibly be offer ed by .7 Hon. in the West We enumerate the eases rich changeable, awned, plaid and brocade Gm de Affrie, Gee do Perlin; Oro de dwiee; Glro de Algiers, Glacier,black Oro dr Rhine. Talfaus fina Po in , Pkrrence of heelers. he. Se. Al eestlil4tAVseirsebof all color., every lance stock. Goo DS, vu: cases extra rich satin stripedCaahmeretdo do do printed dodo; do small figured Esighab de Leiner, do Clonence Plaids, striped Onmilebs, atc. s alsa, SO cases Alpaccasi St) ease , etch striped and phut Lyamse,. 24 Taman Plaid f. 1.1 Silk Tuslh M cashmeres and Grandilla Finds. . FRENCH MEIHNOSA fuU assortment of black, mode, ...Set, Moms; Naaarine, blue, purple and eth er colors, of the ben nuomfactura 7200 SHAWLS—Cotriprising the most extensive as. sonment over offered in this essy, embracing long end meant Cashmere and 'array plaid Shawls, Maude, Branswiek, Finland, Jenny land, Lamanine, and "oth er Shawls. EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, GLOVES., &e.— Lace cape, collars, cuffs, collars, chemirene" • Also, linen cambric end lawn H Laces and Edg bm, Ben Ribbons, Hosiery of all kindr, Glares do. GIMPS, FRINGEM, CORDS. BRAIDS, &c.—A full amortment of the HOUSE fashionable miles LINEN AND EKEEPING GOODS---Cao, of Irish Linen, best manufecture, Linen Sheeting. end = ease Linene, Table Damask and Diaper, tan Table cloths and Napkins, Heckel:nick. Ros si., and Bird's Eye Diaper. Flannels—ore, 100:1 ps of every •ariety. Bleached and Brown blu..—snore than 15,12*/ ps 011111 the well known makes RIBBONS—Atom than Hal Cartons entirely new fall and winter Ribbons, very choke styles. French Cloths, CBMilltiffe• and Doeskins, In pest variety; Vesting', Scarf., craven' and Hdkfs. Wiens Goode of every description, together with e - ' The . fiVlVarit t' ng f4 end an bt in vote of dry T7t mat received, with the mice annexed: 10 bales and arid wile Flannels, all wool, for lee 7 eases blue and orange Prints, 10 do Calicoes, 33 =for 100 12 do fast colored 17 do Bleached Marlins, (4 1 4 do Mimesis Lobo, 124 7 do real Scotch. Gingbana, 12i Also, 60 bales 4-4 Brown Muslin, 44 All of uthich, connection...rids those above men tioned, will be altered mime prizes than can be afford ed by art other catabUslonent In th is city. The ONE PRICE which lamas Justice and fatmem to all, will be strictly observed. Any article pch purchas ed at thie eetablishment found to be above the geal market price, elMmsertnenl rediletirmarlil most willing , . ly hammea epee tincireumarandes being made known to the Proorielis, it being their desire that all goods shell be end re.fAir and honorable terms. All persons are nmpeatfollY Stinted to 0.111.131i110 our assortment without feeling the least obligation to purchase. oat* New, Fathsonalle, and Para.-Wm* Cheap Goods jugs arrived at Wli. DIGDY'S mast cum moremo mots, no. 136 unary arum. rProprietor of the above estahllaMnent would r E espetfully inform his-rremennis friends and custo mers, that he has Ma received his firm ropply of fall rod winter goods which its usual comprises everything that is new, tuition... Die, handsome and good. adapted to gentlemen's wear ; and as ho has been particularly fortunate in making purchases, he is determined to of fee everything in hm brie of traumas much cheaper than was ever offered in Pittsburgh before • and as some are very hard to conduce, Mat Pittsbu rgh manufactures can go ahead of the Eastent chic?, he world Invite all euchre examine the following list of price rod then et:alba:id see ho stock, after dams which, be feels con fident they will have their doubts removed, as well no some of Moir money: Good cloth come, cations whirs, from 110 00 Good fashionable easaimere pants, from 500 Cloth and over coats 7 60 Vests in peal 2232217 75ma Grodeutene cloth cloaks, large Mu 60 Ladies' cloaks, coats patterns 3 00 Tweed sack coats 2 50 Plumbing over Coils 2 50 Blanket over coats 3 IM Avery large stook of shirts, under shirts and draw ers; silk handkerchiefs, cravat, , suspenders, ke. th em in the Tailoring line executed in the best manner and at the shortest notice scpl4-dMno NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. ALEXANDER & DAY have mat received a fine assortment of the Collaring description of seal oa ab‘lisEnals, the greats.; portion of which have been bo tat Anetton, and will be sold at great bargains. F NNELS—lied, white and yellow Flannels, a very lap_ soul complete assortment, and vary cheap. inATTOMTS—A very large lot of blue, black, ma; m trrctl— p er.nk s fpft,p'O r L4Tri= away plaid and striped do, cheaper than ever. 'ANCY SILKS—A spleedid assortment of nob changeable Silks, both plain and fled, of almost every shde. SHAWLS—A very stwrior assortment of toper Brache, Paris printed, Tallied, and Cashmere Shawls, at paces far below the ordmaLrates. Also, • large assortment-of gliah Merinos, Cash meres and Gala Plaids, blue, bib and grey Pilot Cloths, for overcoats; blk Casahneres, anon Damask, Lan do, Kentucky Jeans, At. 114; to all of which we invite the anenuon of the public, ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 market ea. N W roe of the diamond IL EATON er. Co, having removed from Market greet to their new Store, No Cl Fourth rued. be [mecca Wood and Market, are now opening their Fall stock of Trimeainga and Variety Goods, among which are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all !Orals, Embroidery Gimpsand Velvets; Embroidery and Needle Work; Zephyr and Tapestry wonted Chenille Flocs; - - • Bteel Dogs end Purses, Steel Trimmings; Lakes Memo and 811 k Valise, end Hoeiery; • .Ctiildnene. C0.,,t Gaiters, 31ists, Gloves end !Vie, Gears ehirn, Unilarshists, Drawers, Dreesing 'owto ice. Wool and Couon Year Chibirensi . Dresses, of later piumrins, mbieh they of for at low mum both wholesale and retniL octi P. H. W. P. Mamma... IJL&CI ALPA6AS—W . par• .1..) Ocular attention of borers to hoe summoner abase Goods., Wising' selected them with pent cue, oi reference to thew glossy finish and good body .r soh, ter ow. Also, MOHAIR LUSTRIBi, comma,,, medium mulattoes fine qualities, including a few pieces jet block, adapted for mournlng_purposea Also, FANCY ALPACAS AND LOSTRES, in great va riety of satin stripes, plaids, and brocades, soros et which are very superior. As these goods have been bought directly f ro m Important, they can be sold at the loosest possible prices. To be had also by the piece, In Wholesale Room up stair, at 11l very small advance on cost. oer.: 'VeIITH &JOHNSON, 40 Market street, would un... the attentiOn of Country Merehmitd to their nuses of New Fall good,, purchuell for cash. of the New York importing and auction houses, and will be .add • t eastern lobbing prices. The stock