The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 07, 1848, Image 1
' - 1 410 . * . l' 2lro al. - ..• •* - -,--- - 44 4 1•VT Nr•'-: ~ ' "4 " - - - - -"' Y ..'" •-• "--4.--) ~.- .., 1 2.iger"74 .. rl .4 !' ._ ..u...........,,...__L - . . • ......,.........,,,,,,, ~.-...-,...., . .tr.-- ,. - --" ... r . ..,'N'5..)-1 ,,- .)47 , t.^.. - . - t - )-) -. 4'.tt .- )' - tt -- ,7.4 -).., --rm'', • .... v .. ~ _ ..:„,..,,,,:.; . . ~,..4.- .. 7 ... :y,,,,.....,:, ....;:....,------ • .,4.1.:,3,1,: ;;;""'"""e"'"* :trz , T''''''''''' ' ''' 'ls ' 4. ' sss :" --= ' = """'"""ililw ---- ;" - - -A t. i o,' r L y , !L :4 v ' :.; 2 T:,7: '"''''t T; aTAilao. L li i . 4.1 I ~, .. • ~,,,, :: I x 1 ~: —i - A , d 0 0.), 4)) 1 - .7 v . ,I, ‘ I • • "..... ....... . ak ' --.‘ ' ' N i''' 4 •1 4 4 I 72 a-A - 1 fil 02'1 ift ..1. 11' AV. 1 ~' c ..= ir i —V,, c, , c." ccc. C i 7 . `.. ' , 1 _ i , V P , 4 , II VII ,t).4 VI , ... 1 2 .. 2 I I A tg '. - '' '.. _t ',, ,'-: ''' ' i ,. - , ' .1.1. 4. .Nr VI 1 .z... ^ • 1 1 . . i -} ...... rd.; it 4 , - 4 ,4 , ..] t-, .-, 0 . ' .' . ,: - 11...)a 1a. ,, t0 i , .•.'7 - t1 iL. i...., •2 , ,-.. i )• I l • .•''' -'• ' ; 4 ' .";.‘" " T ' 1 ' , , • • Ix t u. rat I.L.$ 2 T't:-.1 , 1 .A. L ' " R 1 , v:oz - . ..)12 4h• 1 , 1. , , ~ 1 , . .., ~t !. . . 7 , 11_t1 V,, 4- rn ' . ' - n'l.. ~ -- i ----"== - - _ . • 0 ~, .• - ' '... ." '' '. i 34, C , -'1,71 .LI a 4 .1.1 , I L., r.I ~ J 4817 nripp,. r., ...3,, - rtl .Ff al.~i~'". O 4 ~/Wa T .r S 5 s . ~ . BUSINW' .L is. 'maws. .4.4WR1ATZAC,51P14r...41,-rolemila Orocen, .Istitert;iM. 7,• 1 7"' 44$' • L r Y tral • HAkiNEWOCii & Co, Whoiesaler skid Eta Ri tall Diviiisti.tbirdrAVaoduadjeth etc j t -44 0 • 11'---'-teleiele Green, ig A,BteANUZ,TI" t + nM Forwirdini ,md Coat. jLt aidtl6l tftftlkoisPCidal Itg4 Busbargh Pa. x , imam,. , , A ' - inna isineua. ' MIWALP & o SWRT, NYkiliside Gtocerai deal, NJ era Latdillernd rionWilkkianntactares, cot ,nuitreof LikatTand /11104433,Yu1.bu5t1. Ps. Sebl7 ~ihitiiioifaYeV'l . ,_,_„....- •%A. ' '-'.' 211111 1.111:11111:32. lue "WIGLIBII k EIPMPTEPP, Own EViono , Gaither 4 m Aj aller h ., drat% 111 Produce and Pii itolorsailOnO: 37 Monist, betracaltd out L. nazerk_-=_ (11 . 111). *Hi!, X•13:11100 0 0. t.IFIL=AIW Grourrp and t4EritialClTarns,Nts.ST.Witegr. larpt6= WO, Pa. NrbattbaKina, lANO & MiLER,B6II and Brats 11,X.Felaidecal On r bun4,loD rmo, bevire66 Wedand tbaithitela mem, Pittabalab, Pa geplErpl).tice. ghea tar obl Copper "I!! Drat. rtEORGECOCIMAN , , s 6 I.X ,blenblair.Pbb 09 Wool I .P 1011 inc Red Us & Mul tr ti:. ianarit, /hold aba 01}blerebir"Vorbis , af 7100 a ' lOA7f VO• c = v,"41.1, riri DUNCAN,Vtrdm iitate UZI; No; 371. 1 rusoeq , rn7m l ° . warm , 11,111.1143 MCKIM ci abi,e CrodXOTS.COIIISO. +s ni anilla& ctin N.' l ati M oNy % and daslstsinPude, sibt.iusdlo7Fnat eT Aucana;vdoitinx, • "'.IOIIIPIVIANIaNi at •' mid Costualuinairlbribeftawaf rempylvalcia "'--)BilmiLiOlda , (Wog Vinsbunt ..wFh.L_-_ , . . " iitainkra_t nun. "Ws slunercarcamumi.... mann, John 16 Parke, Aettay. tbarg SOCITT.t-CaMtoeset timid,. Forward aysitt, Cattualssiasfer Matalloakilealen in Prx. Pilih MaidielZMl a, Commsrei si I!itsr, 4..ibertyanets, time tits C-lanal,; Pittsburgh, Pa.. . _ _ TAMES 8,2.1e61. 11 ite of the Gal of Alpo . alleOxiirtaltelehim MWm, St. Maxim Ittaimp, -. , 11011 artrameat Wood, Plusburgti. - A. HUTCHISON,' k to* , --sn'Atiwyri •Cantsoinion,lderehays, wrA AEtS4 r I ettvol , 66l3t. Latiniete.sar S, "* ger Refinery. r,it.V.7l-412"ntl:?P'sb 4.. „,:r -1 IL imita r tdcatlutzdTallor, gitannit. BIW- A_ Or Ak disr,,,.. Clair it.i nub:ug. julCnt roT_OUN .a. DILWORTII-r ' Grocer, Pi0..,:,v3*.t ..,: ,v 3*.t :awe au comalligottldersamhlociP Mai It, t it ;1 .07.1aospor,_ whotaile- 1 0. 1 .! ~„ vinzitissturou,, v ricom ,! . PD4 5tr5rt0.04300113 Of DIAMOIIII. eyiPius. ss_U. 121M2:3 Iltetionary ,No.llll4Woodirs,PinotalreLs • la " • . ht et taken in trade-: • W4= . ir; .So..l4Vleed , anse4 P" z OKiVrievra; Ataionter, inersak sae w.l ...itnEegyTittab;. h.• , er. . _ , { ToartErrem tr. sTor.EmN,_nOokietaril rairliOs 0 i andPapar ilaindaterrers, Me. 44 Masker in, Prne- TWIN tttitErliPticileinlia`Gritaer, dealer in Re - "V' eon; PinalintglaNarattairlares, Tin Men, &e. tn. litiel Libe Pi i 111.4P10. hose; rpt. oalanirti., I raise --,--- 1' &IL PLOYW'llat'e 4- :Ylor/* .C° 4 4 „,. aroenre,"No.l%lLil&M4lseeL, TOM' finII2.ELL, WOlieene Grocer Iderchaut,and , deoler in Predate and Pats litanafadurnin .tice 24 Winer sr., Pinrbargh.- ' . "jillil & JONES, Forwarding and Cenaiiinrikrn &fee ' ' ' allantei Denleall ill ProdtreirandPinstaralb allllll - arudea, Canal Basra, near Tina • itill ,• • SiTarkii' LEWIS" ..//6"4/ 4 " , MC, ninnafacturars of elk ter . Dollenirowand Nana*. nag .4 41 00% .3Yluntnntnni "mg 511 d? , Igth$ uut , l.; man . - P 13MIEHMANORrinlesalei GioitimAward• int andCannininal' gni Merstunt, Dealer in Pim. ,„„tuni%gilinf,nuires rud Er 4451.4 Winer and Cl Frown:- , , Aresze. •AA.A . , ,, ,,r -rzoitSan.&-.1 %.10)1ga . h_SMVON, WicridaleGioefens Foe and-Commis.= Blexcluints, dnaler4 fn 1.3 WAL6.II; Le= latatiothßV bley• —!kagfPfinalpr..lpkis, for the ,ir&ro'clplvdae.e gel !T; ..Libaraladirsacti made al! ,to*uelumppia.l E& Grocer, tioa Taercl'iw 1,4 'Liberty a., Piusinz.4ll. -„ immommr _ lirx. A., Ca, ecimumussiogiAiml,Finvils4i4 Ls, Wiar sa 'That sts--;" betvvtaa *chi and Martel - laris X C. •71117/ 1 =807 7 %%nese incaddoli Omer* and ~. onnnadorelarehania, ilia HOLMES er. SON; Ha. 66 itarkos sr, aedend e door from ma of in Foreign ' - Domuadin. Nillioalielorage,rtlfleatesof Dep n,Aank Notei and /Specie- -r- ' 3 ' Wr WOO = L scud an ill dm principal e tbrongiont dm Vaned States, , .. • dee 7 7.-1111NO1FX Allitiali k .Whaleand-Gerearreliteetifying lA;Vei:A:deo",* P , odYco. Pimb.r.6.memEcu tiugs; .. blonds of Foreign and,Don , : r and eageneicNci:l Wino street On.ean6 a ery - ' lege 'aenlib:LvasctrozidennengineNt V_ . ~. •' 7 g 1. 2 -1 A''.. I.X...tkar, Jr.; Impprocr and r i r - Ei Yo and'lloutestie .thiddlery elardwarecd '''''' ' 410/ ' 54.1174417nart50.423,3 not UMW,Serail Deal r Leather, illomeeo;. 51mill:takers' To.. wad 1144-• tripTaiutars , arL eculaskTools, au . 4 Tarmersqoili Piusbargh. • •-• NOS 4 4.0111 N ,BOSIft Co.,Wholeialethtoden4 Vr• • and Commo tion Menharai,and Molars inku. ran Bhunifaatpres, N 0.1117 Libing at, ?Hub • PACC,D6 I . 7 4 , t.le Co., Wltalesale Q • au, Cammirsioasull Famanling Alezalan., _ . Platiaestaad Eitts?nh filana*Uge!s 2,lb .. a r raf Fur.. A.-CUNNINGHAM, 'Violates 46 Dealer in Pladatle asurratibireglk:ldaanfaurs, srisottaq," ltmcdxsarafr.--rao. - Maaah,pl9,salf!untant. .1-uvrtio: =confer vedtroi. Q. bafirW . Aroct7o , ,..b.xnsitr4illitubr. sum, utugh- p 9 A: cum.. thaNSON, leNetadHefal tlieers .1„Z idillitery 'f.ootei lazes; *logien' =1 ;Plane, ~ A rdele,6l4lo:4l, Maker Atte; Id 404 . Tt i bt riusburgh. • • • znosAn • ' RACK IO " " I : l7 t . *bnicills re in WAYanASDCP"'Du 0 0c4NoJew al. is amnia mali ' in Flour and . Prpdnee grzentUy, vnd P. • . 4,..-412.1#.0....,.10-034fitlir • Alava. Ca 'l3l/4esals Orme 3 3 a 1 - KiklitipaLiitfcreet,berm eadift - Mtaiiider, .1 • • • ' rrnarmunu! lOnn XICH ; ll l ' Mgr rinlajOrodate ia na 'Ostocr. 4benT it. Flu 414 unseedAntlaPiag , ; • k , :Y.,IIION,BONNHOLUEff. & Co., Wheless* Om. .1 . .; , . ifiie Xl T%um aad = 4*{Vlde . sTn r a"' {V old Pro '''..-?..46. etinorr pftVlSst,intraarC4Pule. r, 7.1 , 11" FISt - ..• • • - "VlC4lXtir4 4. geaz ior ocdctotrir sod praeauflis iittliti *Me crWSIL E. A50,..10. ,..lo. Aukhut wild am IldistiPttlibtrp. d 7.: son ~.., tit thoonotal NW offoto at , Witolaltostout . soill gt t, .u,saytmomosolkOte, gouty& orpeate to appueanis. ~--*; .!.. . , is 417 ~v., i .--i- . rmC .MC0.164 4; '4. :M . 3 i I .A I VidArbeloil 4 lo-glen; Yo n,W 'eumutmotr ..111crettanis; degoti. in iroartiallhG l u ra p • ' ' : ':. : 1 , 0 - Zatto3 . ill i WX -I !ft. • So ,- 1"...'' ' pb= n r • - - ic r riZZWEN.-roxistlor gad Forwardl. In Sol Fro= at; bawl= yir AND. Ocrir th ue . . Iar.7It.,GABIVBD, Wale -% Nisej pzid ;Staple • - . • Cod‘b, N 9, 70 Nada mom; Pittiblirgti. . , ~ , •, mr_ . ..W4WILISON .Deste• tet.virmana aiwelm. ' ''.::•': 11 , ' Mira 14ve, ' ocaudieTjto. at Mar 0, ',iv , : ui-4U - 11..PH ' V ' i' . 7i5?twl . agaie tux. Irma d•ole•Ta '•' , FatellP Auld Vemelmi* TO' Ora!, tielh tan , - , ll.443is•Veldukat and Foanb ow; . jern i . r: ArAt- ito k , g0...4 1 04m in lautser tn. - ~, aris= A , r „„../fBods, MIL sad re Powder, a lid.t.lbe ft PAS Pa< .tolt atniil • sitsoai nano, AlACugunri 1};;Co., MutdesaidL Grooms end ' *4 l ing 64 o 3 dat 9 tdieriantag 7 el Didd• &mon kiLA d4alltdit *llBl4 Vedumnkludnatust 1:11141.uur ,s)4UX.Cidar MdT A •-• • '-• , cz,4, ;heiUT . EIELTSEak,I9IOI.I.4.,. mtg, -1114.11ar 1111 i alignlo*MA ..14poi. 101111113g4180. 00 4=0( Soda d'a:Vl , l)pf*. cr. illnekil~, trn" ,". ..a i r begat W al a CALUS. UOID44ITTOIVI6SEMX Druggist aid; ApoMewl, No. 46 Merkel es; three dam above Third st- Mew 'bash, will have atestsiatly Mimed aelleateeted Sertmenief 'bet lad Tatham bledielemundeb ha mill bell-in the west Tameable lama. PhYdel. l6 sending orders, will be promptly aussidedai Mid sup --plied-srlth:thlales ga p, j e srag Upon at gertsdoe. ICT l'hgeideas tur win be arearately and esulge pared attic( the male nab, g! : .Y h‘lmor . the -, 1,114. ; irbagarrtoek of treab ard goal Perth jani Ola Livery linable. W ROBFIRT, U. PiIIMON has opened largentable on Aral sr, rapidng ihrbuyh - Ina„Beeoca et,,betweep Wood arid hmithlteld ni;ALI the,rest or the Monongahela Home * W , arr enthelt new steak Of Ilona. arid Carriages of the boa . ; finality routlatekistylca: .POrset leapt at bee 'ry In the - Wit t:manta 172 ,1 19 arlitirww/itisca 1 tvoZ6 sr, P/1 4 .011sUitud. . 00ISTTLNW to msaufacture bleartments, Vaults, Tombs, Head-Strome, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre mad Pier Tops re rei gn end domestre marble, al • a, regular mut prim , 11.—.Dratriarp for monznienis, ynalts,le, famish ed, of any desedphoa lie solienaashareofxdiblic LW Manelletarer UV COMM and licolored Wien Fringes frirlketries,etc4 Semng ltilk dud colored Moh air, uner tor oft sod &sham • Pandas.' Limp , sod 811 k Maim Moe, •reade to (Racy= the eherudenotice. • , smokoopor of Maid" Lane and Willlanuentrance No 8$ Mao= street, third floori . or Abner & one, No CS Bidden Lim • New ••• ork 10 iiLritocw zwarazos, JORaloca, 111014ireasoimar '722.121101c• I.Luct, • • .-•• .. • • I.I7COHANICEPLASS • S TAIPSONO STANUER & maitunteto na's - . of Bottlesomd Mode* iGlau, keep eaustantly on hand It poem., assortment or the above articles., Also, ,make to antesa superior ankle of Mineral or Bode-Water Pontes, 'oreolored. glass. No. 'lB Wood st: Munn • Pa. ' a • t-rao RICHARD , T. LEECH, JR., iron T regery:llaitie s it ' Jind_6ath ' '''''':lllll3l4lll%./440.6.6. 16'44'1 ?I'Voti Vir.yrn....„ • 401 - pkarur MC:moult -Kit roux; •E:1 1, IL, neuvrtm—An tliziunittis or Green am. 111qck Tenn Om op in garter, icgt; and pomt swAinges t nuumkg Gum 110 cu per pound Iyl _A. /AIiTYM Agt. for Penn Te. Duquesne elsrDsg.4xle, Steel and Iron manafuturars of SpiinclantillostAteek.,VlMM=.2 l ll; WaterandFrontscreetiMitamh. Also* *Aden*l7lyaiiallill _ llZ4lanelLbie - °Call 17! - ':,..,. - . SU. 101 • i --i....;:i'', 'll:4't 00. EletlN FUME Or4Cir=s4o l MirtircXPte Safety yieWupepatimpf Phila. littelphis,Einfitiskattpliti • , Ikildino apd - nter&andise tavrja,,,y,y japt= t ryt hzils or nble • erViratehotteennivill-Holtnes & Bro., No. 37 Water nisu - lilaArataitiiiervflosbtuith N. of th e in come the este,- iliabatent of the Agency in this eny, with as prompt nese anstveralyarith, which nevi) , nhum °Poe tar. fir loss boo been • acitd, Toy' anursiat the agent in Writing the coal:Jenne and, patronage oldie tliends and ebb community, as large to the Delaware' EL Luso 'ranee CoMpany, while it has the itgalitionni advantages Unit trunitinton among the fEcntitsbing Pb t o baying no ample pan capital, vrhich by the :openttion 'll3 chatter to constantly =teasing sts •Itelding Welch WWII without ins due share of 'the 'greats of the company, without involving bim in any responsibility . whatever and therefore as posiessang the Plutstalynmelple gamed of every obnoxious fes, hatei and in hairs:nu attractive 63=1. novt :BUM A.ISO..IILAIIINZ .111.111Elasnisnc Compay af.Norgt America, taronsth j tts duty nuthorMed Agent, the sdbseriber, odors to nuke pertmmestind lidaitedtoms... property, m eity nn vieinity, and on shipments by the Ca .l end Rims. C:ba?letTtC: , r, eitnn a WHI‘, Mal 621M1 Jobb U. Niff t : Rlehard ood Wm Virehd o Franc. le.Franc.El Joliet Rrorre, Jahn Mite, Than= P. Coe, Samuel F. Spen.h, S. Austin Allibone, .ARTHUR O. COMM Pm& 'Mawr D. Bnm ma is the oldest Inewsnee Company Mine United States, lasing been chartered io Y lu chance is perpetual, aim from its high mending, long experience, emple me a avoiding ,alt 0.k.0r magas dliatatME, if may be himuilexedu eilenng am ple *multi Itiqz". • P...101.11M jkf the Counting mown o f Atwood, 'Jones it CO, V..-. lee alitt Frontstreets Tittsbnrgh. mays Lt.. ' FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO. TgAsine i nt 't P d limned yeKeyery deseripticki orpropeny, - Pinal4h md we atfroimilvg. escrrary, on favorable term. 1141 WM patui b. n perpetual canner. trukls ~ . . I11 1 :MS. in• Med eDtlisi iritlitariditieoW w itulargh. iqdßif , WARRICK MARTIN, Avan. - 11111Egmt=doiLatubminedtte i d=r , a continues to street inflames against logs as damage against Flu!, on buildings, uterettandine, fnitun and prOperthoot nattra,bazaatts, sod skis:ay. • .Pl 4. " Mid )CHUIt nu wood at . rum> Islll.lraLliildli has Lees apponnal Agent. pro .lent of ilte him: ate Compac t North Antenna, and will iliaa Polities and an to %hooded businni .00 0 the•Asetlay r althe warehoow of, Anneal, JaiLe r • a avid. . .Irhin P. JUVLLI water a FORWARDI - NGCOMM ISSION. ` - rtea.r.snu DANEsuck4=TX" TOBACCO C 01111111393 IIIUCHASTA, ' 60 Booth M ' urree, :1 .1.) ,1 Dialll2l 117 South Waxer st. PHILJII-0 . . r&EGS to inform the tow., and dealers generally, of .Pitotbsug#,dunthisylotre inadOsuchmtangcments antk the ,i/Isgerox manntaturreta and the .Growers of di:West, Wien holies, ma other places, aawill insure al largo 1.0i1000121301 apply of the following descrip tions of Tobacco,addsh mu he sold upon an =con. :modeling terms os any oilier houses to life city or else whore...and all gaols ordered from them will be Ishe rwood equal tomposseurauess Ifitana; . St.Dmalagx Conn.; Yam • - 'Porto llico; Pontabt.4sowl Leaf us. liktdOwlitans eedelimed demonic, Stag Caren dab, with a. hula assonant= of Meer an d brands, ed qualtilaeorpounde, es, Ets, 1.25, 10. and 225, Isom; in. - 6,•11a and 10a rim 1.44.1.& Tartan:Vitas. Tow, aloe sweet and guru, ip whole aM half bores, Wood end with livery radOtle of Article belong log to Ln trade- , Jeledly r, WOMEN 4lLa¢_ TO ET. NE$lll.l7, 6. 91.U.S.VMSON, .; FLOUR FACTORS, Frowner commission and Perokardlng lIisEEUANT_A, 170..62,Nc0tyieW4A41•0441 , 129 WATER 81, , , _ ~_ _, , PHILADELPHIA. ' llll . 2o—rlolum IL growiw i Co. Robed Mien & Co: Baccroft, Beaver k Co. . Pkil ' " ,, I P" 41:2244Lialtwky 4 Co. , • Allen b.,Paixtan, Ncw Vol*. Welters 4 Ilarven Dwain:tore. • i 11=geWilsou &De i,,„.,, !HOT Mown d - Cw. — "' 4 4h ' xLiberal rule advances on comDramenn 'to oar µ, maffißAly 4c. =UAW ' OWL= ItZT. ' start wJalts. • - E LLNIAKERrECK Y & CO" ,vz.cruitrAercivo3L AMR 'Lioness' Connatoidon Rgertsinu; 44'484t7111 "PrOle r toRLFIRA. REPERENCEReery Greg& C4Pinsborgh. • • , Rodgen d. • • B.Scgroleg &Soo ""'*""-- .A.-M. Januondlayintle. ' lisalounas,legandUe. . . Dutilli f illanghays& - Co. ) - ••• Menondko. &Co. • MINN Rood & Rude: eptdiy DusillikOotdjory, New rk. )4Ligon. Z. 3313110, ' tauct.ory. Aingesex. 4. A NDYASON_,__ • FORWARMNO & COMMISRIO.II,2dERIORgiton, • • COTTON YACFORS, AND AGENTS FOR i • • THRIMIX OFBARA &ND.9/CS , • ••nai.Z4r.gruenn, awry ggaurWoivmuit n, , Commission anti Forwarding/Rosa hang; sto. t 3 won sa, rrrrimen, ,rIISMICNITS[mato aparneral CoarmrsOinh ruissi especially Wilke purchase and sale of AMenr carrilleaufkaares wolf Produce, sod in reentning nod forwarding Goals ceaslyeed Y Ws tare.; pe Ageat for the fdaactscuires, be artil ho eaustan4y soppliederitO the PfitleiPal enlace of Pittsbargtadanufactont attbe fantod ashotesslaprices., Qrdefll 'cobsigtunenui are respeetfally. solicited: . nl7 QEORGE_A. BERRY, WDLCOLZRALIK GRocum, FORtilmas toolanin • I r • 'AND DEALER IN , ' Cotton True Pittstnarsh illaaviSAAtus Visiessnrj X.O *tar imitne, ftmer ,iuttt thin. Lt. CLAW — - F or mulmag DI erehAnt, Bray/16.11b, PA. panleaßatly b therlfonnutting of ,Produeo, ke. &a. For no losormation, to . F9Rsreit & cum , ces;watet st. ocut • _ISA - AO $ E • , MlMlniali CoitialsowN FOR TIMSALEOPPRODUCZkPROVISION23, , li9L 10.5 end neimudoßrom. Itinnziliferebants of Yiusburgb. Wi s etts,..ll.: , Crtbats es C 0...: t t tpftm.dG m ---'7-71110Tior. TO situlTatte. ; lys hurl! taken ec,poet n oig bumf werelmafoiertnepeeseritt *hem we Tie iiineues business *1 OS inun • new ten leereetedi&tengernesu laseinfraliendy ' toes m ad 6 Ifdt that purpose. Batumi!' slwayste fn readiness., ,Rus wbartUieeCeirtibtilti , • ' „OA soitva - 6. , c., Could Basin, Liberty at , RReedE .EC , B* CO., • ohicemou to Utak Ca. 3. C 0.,. CO2IIIIBIOIU Birk a9u awakes tom u:o Om e ga 01#09biln,P f.l.z.,4l.iaAvanees kid° on ona,p.M. Tobacco. v. t 4; .id do aa iCifi rime anijdie; do 4 4 ' VAA fD br •1E _ . "1 d'"'P'Pr .-O.I3LACKBIJIIN rAr—Via ito•ii and 4 Slut sege4 oat aceser,Arrowlins, l°-1 4nd far 'KW , Pousrug,# von • • = fj ISE= PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY 14010: A4,1100/B - Eit 7; 1848.•:,,- LAW -OFFICES. SCAL TL‘II3LII1 2 . ATTORNEY AT LAIN, Butler, Pa 1171.1.2.• alao attend to collectious and all other boal y °coo entrusted to him in Roller and Armstrong colatties, Pa. , Rotor to. 7. • & R. Floyd, Libeny . WAY-Wallace do lames Matahall do Pittsboraht . thy. Kay & Co., Wood ht. 10317 otJS SWEMZER,, 4llm at ney Loor office .1.., t ipoe litt: Mattes t . Motet, PittebtA 3d h; attand.presaptly to Oolleetlacts,in Wolhington, Fayette and Greencouottelt, RIL REFER TO sae. co., Chureh tr. carothers, Patabargh. J. • HENRY, A ttorney and Connoellor at tale, Cincinnati, Ohne. Collection tnSouthernOhio, and in 'lndite* and in Xmrtunky, promptly utears folly aitendedlo. Commiseioner for the State of Penn. tryleania r Mt : taking Depoeldons, acknowledgment., Razz ro—Hon. Wm. Bella Bon ' Curia, ertrreh Carotheriffm. Hayat Eerie Winona re Dan& mad AULLLIAMS Ja SHINN, • lancemsaora to Lowvioand VY Williams 4 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, A:qv! North aide of Founlr street, above Smithfield. febt7d.tvely • TAMES F. hTitR, Attorney it, Dokimea's Building,.Crant street, nearly opposite the Court .LIIIMI DUNLOP, • J. namasoa minas. TNUNLOP & SEWIII.,I =army at Law, Mee. am /../ Smithfield. between ad and 4th aut. Tq l . t ia have k re vertheir ‘ oface to thetouth:C n o tr Fourth et, betwee n Cherry Allay and Grant weer. • . O. kt. HOBINSONi Attorney at Leter;bas .101 T re . moved hie office to the Exchange Baildingeigt. Glatrat.,nextdoor to AldortnienJohns. 9.17 1 y_ QAMINI• W. ELAGS, Anorney.ez Laar. Office on .1.3. Fourth street, near Onset, Pitorbargt. BOOK TRADE. To Coventry iforeshanno A.L.teIIGEMCK of School Books, Paper, BMW:M ary, lie., =Wade for country axles; among which Writing Papera of f i n., tomlium and common melt , . Letter Paper do do do do do rore =tte Envelope • do Ido Slams, Pencils:SY eters, 411. and Steel Pens; Window Paper ((yard wide) plain mad printed; Emmet Boards, of different qualitirm Blank Book., In Fruit varier", • Fondly, School and , Pocketßiblea Clown. medium, mul doable mown wrapping paper, hteGalfteft , EeLectletSpellers and Readers: Rare Eclectic Arithmetic.; Cob too Printers, Spellers and Headers; Sanders' do do do Aridonedes, by Adams, Davis,Colburn,Solith, Stock ton, Emerson, and other.. . phies, by MitcheE,Olney, Smith, hlorse,l3ood ri Parley, told when. Grammars, .by Smith, Nirkhant, Hellions, Weld, and others For gale at lent prices by El MELLOR., wood .t, .5 doors above itti. The highesonarket price paid for good mired raga, in cash. eat L P AREUtirit STELCAD.WODLISS,:-I, - peon. & lax exposition of the great discoveries and theo sie. of modern astronomy; by 0 hl k, Di rector of thoCincionau Observatory. kleadley's Italy—Ups and Rbine.—Letuna from Italy the Alps and t ie Rhine; by .7 T Headley, author of N• pole on and his Marsh-ails, Wasiintirwu add his G"." •Is, dn. Nourisnd revised edition. Raterice of CoaL—The Geographical and Geologi cal dis . tinedous of Mineral Combustibles or Cased fuel; including also, minces and localities of the various mineral bituminioo substances employed in arcs and ,manufecturen illustrated by llnpa and Duigrantsc et ... Partied by nearly 400 stansucal tables...dills) an alyses of mmend combustibles, am prepared by Rich. and Crawling Taylor. Just received • few capita of each °fibs above work• -(or sale by . JOHNSTON IL sTocirroti, jyB Booksellers, eor market .6 8 , 1 sat. XT/EABLY_ELEADY ivartanaokifoN by J. A. h V. P. JAITIA Obtrineeii, the thl/e.rittie new and valuable Works— j ; • l. • rkratpttaWs Etafteddion—Comainiag • sketch of the lito of CoL A. IV. Donipham tha Commas% of Ness Maxtor Gen. Itetarmirn Overland Expedition to Cab- Rim* ilotrantaCtuspaiips sga , iaat ,... th u : :Saxons, and his impala! eled March upon Chi and Durango, sin t• H anta St dshe Opermloto of Gen. Price at Sa seat , • Map and Eortaringa bl n. lobo 'T ughes. it n t h. Ist Regiment of Mineeari Cavalry • Many of lienstekT—lts Antiquities and Natural Curioanies; Geographical btailaUClll 1111111. Geological deseriptiosts; with aseadotes of Pioneers Life, and more than one hundred Biographical actehu of &Mingo] sib ad Ptartecnyßoldierslititestnen, Jarbas Lawyers, ite4 glartrated -ith forty engranagsi by Lewis Comas, I voL octavo. The We're Month? Volunteer, or )ovnal of • in the Tennessee Regiment r Cavalry, in die o o description of the Cottony roused user, maxtrx7., tans, ex- of the peoola, hketebe• of Camn We; . counts of all the actions anther Volunteer Regteen., and • We llama the Mexican War; List ot Kil led and Wooruled, he; illustraued by • lame inane, of correct news. and plena by Geo. C. Fottper, 1 Va.. 001.00. deel New Paper and Book Hotabitolunont, 79 Worm Sr., amnion POeltH son Dubin= ALLST. PDHE subscribers have just opened, at the ;douse stand, a large stock ad/fere= outlines titled and plain while andblne Writing and Letter raper, cote martial and packet post Flat Cap, dewy add medium wrr'ring papers, for blank best kir, medium enamel co. toted Priming Papers; medium, dem, and tip Day Books and Ledgers, superior cLper and best hamern binding; Scheel Books of all u standard works ts. Theology and Sciences, Q uill,, gol d d and steel Sens, Wafers, Wax., SW Filen So. Mani Sochi or all sixes ruled to pattern, had bound in the most 'substantial manner. • Country Merchant. •opplied at lowest wholcsal• Mr cub, or rugs at rub prices. JOB PHlNTlNG.—Having.i, Job office Le connertion with oar establisinnent, we aft prepared o exceute en order. forplain and fancy Printing- book., pamphlets, weeders, business raids, bills of lading, be ., with des patch and rir low Intim. ELuarra. ENGLIH, mpg 70 wood at, between 4th and diamond Pair, a novel without a Hero: by Makepeacc Thacker}—with Mimi. by Me anther. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall: by Amon Bell, author of .Wetbering Height" The Vinmatichoolmistresa by Joseph Alden , Li D. Pan 0, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of dm Arabian Nights' Entenamments. New translation, arranged for family twilling, With eSpltmalbry 0010., by E. Loombl Logarithero—Tables of Logarithms broom ben and signs and Tenpins for every me seconds of theQuadnant,_wilk other usefut tables: try Elias Loomis, M.., P ro f. Markersiums and Nauss - 11 Pinloaophy the University NEW Pork, 11.111kol of • l'freause on ,Algabra,”&e. Le. T h er ol, ve work. received thisday and leisae by JOHNSTON k erroCKTON, analli • Bookseller., roe maker and ad Ida New Etsiblloatlania. HISTORY OF CONGHriazi, ihognwhic.l - deal, comprising memoir. or the wormers of the congress ofille - 11. By H Wheeler. Illustreum by numerate steel portraits, le. be. Vol. I, octavo. The Writings of C. M. Clay; Including ipeeehes and addresses, witb steel panrahat Edited by 11 Greedy. 1 Ibkalltintor in Conroy:11 • y Edwin Briani Ittusite Note. Vol. 10, % B iwa., Peter, John and Lake. Ohattuts and Catuder-Channs: By Idles Wlntorh, su thin of , To Ocern cod to be," - •Conquest,” an. As. MUT Groves, a DomaU. a Temperance Tale: By C. Iktrdeit. ; rings =Aqueous, or Life (n the Palace; eonsisting 'Of blob:deal akelebes of lute and reigning sovereigns: Dy J. 9. C. Abbott. A Ftru Book to Spanish, or a practical introduction to the study of the Spanish Languages fay J..balkeld Tho Dyinrßobto and other tales: By ACV. Dr. Alden Jost reed - hy B. HOPKINS, Apollo Building"; 4th ogoceentor to A L. Reid.) NEW WOKS—Life of - Cromsi , ell, - b.r.TT - HeadleY Powerof the Pulpit, by Gardiner epringiD. D. • Bestial nag, do Jaeoboa oa aospelgh..Matthow with Diumony; Lecture. on,Shakspeore, 2 Tain Path arLife; ollgketebee atilt* Way to Glory and Immortality; Room:Lep. offilessiabi, • . The Convent; by author of School Girl in Ranee; Naw and Then, by Warren. Sketches of Lamina, on' Parnblea end Illitagleo; Irelands Welcome to the Stranger, • • /leaven opon Korth; Gawhaton, a safe 011=1 for nu/1ml: i•vait. For sale by ELLIOTT & lolD • -70 wood and Cal worse' ate NEW BOOKB—Just received from the publisher, nut for sale at the Methodist Book Wore, -4th st, dear Wood. -LTapperts Proverbial Philosophf, in three tulles of binding; beautiful book for a present. Prepannlynfor the Pulpit. Sketches ofßermons on the Paialiles. ISM eltilraclee' of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclotiedla-4130 sketches ' &o. 'The FAuglish Pulpit' eColfeellen set twos by the moat connect living divinbe of Eiagl.d. hlostenten V0t.a......D0nm (food, Chnalan Loot, Lair. est thou me, Sacred kteditadons. royal rjrlß PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the JR;tory and, • Religion of.. Mankind from the Creatfon .to the eath of Isaac: Deduced from the toritini. of biases, ere; ether !dolled authors; and Illustrate 111 eopioo. refereaces tar the a-cleat record., trallitlous,rand my thology babe Heatheu World—by Goo Smith, P. S. A. .1 vol., POMO.. Charms and aunt... Charms, by Wl* Mlntosh. A fresh supply ortilis very . prigular little west. Orators of dor Americtut Rerolution, by E. L. Ma. gooni with Fortran.. 1001, 12 roo. Parley , . Cabinet Library, for families or schools, 20 yoirune.,l2 too, wlth engraving.. TI its tea new work. For sale try • WHOP/GINS,' , Apollo 1311Idinge, ant sr AECILIS BOTANY—Botany of the United Staten north of Virginia; carapthilng d arerindorn of the ming and ferskiko pleats hitherto lOUttii in those Buttes; arranged according to the :natural With a gynopste of the Oenem accotdi; to the Uri mean eystetar aketarof the ruitiMenbe binaty, and glomary of term - by Lewis C. Brick L D., Prof. Chemistry- tutd Notural Maury in I target's College, New JermYi 4c. Ba..Btarond edition,_ revised and en larged. For axle by I write JOHNSTON STOCKTON _ SNIAIMIT4 GIRONDIferB , -Bar id", the Oil : lil roualsts; or, rersomilesholls of . eist 6oo, of L A the french flevolutliut— from unpublisli d sources: by ralplumise de Lareartlae. Corupleu, Ju. three eelmasu itydOs translation.. A fresh supply 'Of ads popular work received this day and for sale by • . JOHNSTON & S TOCKTONt sepia ' Hooliasllers,. eor mar kat and ad sts , , O b ITEILINGS IN EUROPE m* , 4l4.lches lzyl Irela Ptaea nd an i gtireiat A ßritat• arlei serapPoad& contabima observation, on .Eunipean *maiden and medical matramlima by Joan W. Carembil M. Di ftweaples fo4ilee by i mply JOHNSTON le 6TOIIITON T OUR i3201E osiMuketatreeyNiiu¢. petveM, ..44;ta O UR AO t way all lisle! trataca NVE swelc of Theolowal nod I.43seallaneaus , Book 11- ; frOW : , botigaelfed:Au'eaed es pentaked,intrAge -Te pnalOstioas of the , Amniesn I EVV, fielmot-Unim4l44.4spuiebiatimilietanti ai bind. , !;t7. ELLIMT &E NO eittetig .8 ) 1 1 , COTARTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTNERS/MP. - • T OWN & KNINEDY . have this day associated L iviththem in the Ilaidware busines.,vra son and Edward Gregg. • The style of firm will bare. alter be Logan, Wilson 1r co. The arrangement lea den it desirable to close the old business as soon es poesible, All persons whose liabilities have maimed, are eepetially requested to mete immediate payment. Pittabargh, Jan t, 1818. LOGAN,' WILSON & mporters and Math. Dealers InForeign and Domestic. Rani 'mai Calla', Saddlery 159 Wood stmt, Pitts blies now tally prorated with a recently impor ted stock otHardware Ctlery, 6.e.,tct offer very great_ indneetnents w western' buyer% being determined to neomycin in priceranth turret the Allardte eities. Al so on band no extensivouttortmant of Pinaburvytt Hari wave, 'visa Shovels, Spades,. Forks, Hoes, Vs.., att.,. all or 'chi. will be .old at the lowest vannufactarets prices. gang co-PewrarkossuiP. A,: THE subserhers having recently entered Into partnership wider thenwne of Gal.agher, the!n, ..• hillier, for the purpolo of carnets on Boll acid Row rounding and Gas Ming business In all its breathe., have taken the Wand formerly Occu pied by H. Gallegher, No. 1.03 Front _street, between Wood arulgraithfield eta, where they are prepared to execute all orders for Halle, Brass Castings, of every description, end Gas }Swings with neonates and des patch. Steamboat jebbingpromptly G attended to. LLAGHER, , S. .11. A. LONG MILLIOL N. 13,—The attention of Machinists And Engineers IS invited to our anti.anractlon mewl, Int a/Cared price; *blob hoe been pratounted supertor to .Botthit's by anal:teas who bare used both. Elteumboot builders and thew:Write, generally, are aLo meowed to call Ind ex wows our auperior double °bonen Force Pampa f o r steamboat and domestic we. GALLAGHER, LONG, & MILLER. deorAny T i nstin e' ft f r4:l on the br ines. The business will be ehmsd lithe p p ld stand t ir either of ea,.nang the name of the fine or that purpose. Being desirous to have our businewf closed with as little delay 00 possible. we would re , speethilly request those indebted .to sell cod: settle thew accounts. JOHN D. WCOIU). ja.:9 H. D. BINH. Co-PArtstership. Twirl D. M , CORD having ametaled wale him hu brother James M'Oard, under the style of ?,1430ni & Co, will continuo the Hat, Cap and Fur businetts in nB to Tarim. branches, wholesale arid re IL, the old eland, corner of Wood and sth streets, when they solicit a conteaultion of the patronage. libendly be stowed on the old firm JOHN - D M'CORD JAJSIM B. Arcoßit. IN mtiri.g from the old and well known film or M'Cnnt dc King, I most regional, recommend to the patronage of the public my suer...son, Megan, Weard A. Co. jn H. D. MO. !II • • • TE copartnership heretofore existing between the übearibers, wider the style of hPflill, Bashi:Lehi k Roc, expired this dew by limitation. The Imsinees of Me firm will be welled by hPOill & Roe. Jl.l D. hPGILL., S. B. RPSIIFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh, July IS, 1E49. COPARTNERSHIP. The undentipted will eaCitill. the Wholesale Oro eel') And Corontiserno booing., wader the firmorEPOill nud Roe, al Weis old mad, No. um Liberty etreoL /ARIZ D. hPt/Htl, %PALM!. C. ROE. Ravin sold Lay Lateran m the firm of WWI, Grad* Geld & Roe to my former partnere StrGUlk Hoe. I ram pleasure La reeoutmeadmg tram to my friends and the pa Ly& S. B, BERIIFIELD. Cl--.-- erePtrtsse rit — algo — notlees s W. STEPlllagg ofWheelmg, E. P. Shamberger aim:natty and J. A. &sat= ofPinabargh„ have this day amend turas eepperntership &der style. and firm of Stephens, Recenberger & Co., at ths Mehra trar works, Wheetiag, Va., for the purom of masa- Lecturing area sad ea& of every &senora. aw. rezeom i e.saaturazusza. i.e.. troctron. STEPILUNIS, 61101i5NRE11013114 di CO. ANCHOR I&UN WOULKS. Whetting, Va. ltlanalactnm all kind of boiler, sheet, b. ova and nada, A. B. madnu, olio. eprinaa and axles. Being COP- Ileettli 1161 h 6110.1beriren1 old Juniata works, we can OE= an article of Junnua Iron (breaded Shocabergce) equal to any made In the country. All of which Intl be sold-at the Pntsbarah once. Warehouse of the work - soot= of and Water au. milLI. 801•17TIOS—The penmen:llu? 611.beito *UPI- D v f fi n under the styie and dna of Wtgbartan Ise - .11, Is that day dissolved by mutual C01120.1f, John - .11 turring disposed of eon= interest to H. t t am. The trustees. of she labs fine will be wilt by 11. Wtghunan, who Is unharmed to use ate name of tho late dna for that purpose. H. WIG IfTSLI.N. .prollm Indy .1 47] J. D• I "VI L. THE Elabsenber io now prepared to macorfaxture all kind, of Cotton and Wedien Machinery, at the .hottest notice. Order. tenet R. Wiglnman" k...tra Mop, ear. net Liberty and Warr ouloota, veal nowt oritl s p, attention. IL WWla t I:eaeok at, lieroot:en Federal and Sanatnaky all, 542'1117 : Allegheny ell CO—Wm. Young having this 1 s day associated with him, John IL lirCiese, the bo ther Imam.* will hereafter ha conducted under the firm of Wm Yomg & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, Jans JNO. R. hPCUNE. FP Nsglop, _ • Ivrasr, DDCINOR h OC4 - hare assomated with 1.1. them in theisTobaceo and Commisaion business, F4arantilesid. (late of Jacob Lleald & Co, lialtntiose,) David C. IlteCanmani-and Jahn A. Warner. mats MEDICAL. orstimS Ka pots torarat. Suarx, Columbionoco,O., Apr. 24, [MI. TEA D. J A Ytik.Z: Data Sni-1 feel bound to you Loy and ib. ,geo...d puddle, to avast myself of nos op portunity of giving publicity to the extracodtharT .beets of your khrpectormit on myself. Ha been inflicted tor several yea. with • severe eaag beetle fever and its concomitarn disease*, and may doomed to linger out a abort but miserable existence, until the fall of itiar, when, being more severely mucked. and haring resorted to all my MUM, remedies, mad Lae pre. eenpttaas of two of the most respectable physteunta la the neighborhood without deriving any bet:telt, or the coroolailon ofsursiving but a few days or weeks m farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to satuah, I bad recommended to me your Expectorant— nod blemed by that Being who does an things La the Ina of the toesum—endoomrary to the •xpectationa of my physicist:la and friends, I erne as • fess days raised from my bed, and was enabled by me use of • bottle, to attend to my basitiess„coraytag ranee better health than bad fat tea yeate previews. Itrapeettelly yoars, ice, - Jut. 'SF-EMU/- For sale in Pithiburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth Mott marOS BA. FAIIIVESTOCIi'd AINTI.HILIOVN Tins Cathartic compomed cambium smallness of tuft eritli etbeamey end eamMteuthe alliances of put• Wile action, and hoeing • peculiar tendency to the isty Organ., Is extremely valuable to this country , in which haloes revers and other complaints attended with corqremon of the Liver, somuch abound. They lume nose wood We tot of nO years, and expenene• has proved thinn in be a safe and valuable remedy w Intermittent, Dania= and Minim Fever, Jaandiee, Whom. colic, Imilgestiom Dropsy, Dysentery, this.. Vomitings, colds, and all complaints of an LllfilittUlanto• ry character. The complain and maremal Bawds , Lion which has been given by these pills to all who bay. owed therm render. the publishing of the nurner• ous certificates in their favor unueccasAry. 7b pr , - veal coumerfatting they are now pot op in • red sylo pap!. wrapper Prlor 23acnts fors boa containing 10 pills. Prepared and sold by - . . . B A FAFINESTOCK & corner la and wood; mania° corner oth and wood tCeLS. Kra B. A. Femotrors, } A. 11. Neu, It. Y City. It Feerierect, Nu/burgh G. W. Peal 1.1/11ohteXorug Store In the Clty of New York. rIE undersigned am extepalvely egaged M the Wholetate Drug hotness at No. John street, in 411 city of New York; and ire prepared to applY Druggists and country hlerchante with Drags, Paints, Oils, - Dye•suirs, Poragn and American Yediostery, Hadar,-Weaver a Madder's Chemicals, (of their own imOonanohl and all other snide. In their line of busi ness, of a superior guilty as tow as they can helmet chased In ibis or any natant city. New York, Peble U. A. FARM:STOCK t Ca Ilarcheros thrum. Cir.en., - - • O PAINTERS, BLIND MAKERS, tto—We, T undersmand, Painters and Blind Makers, of the city of New YeirkihaVe Wed Led tealed and are now name a new ardele of Chrome Green,;misnufactured by Geo.. K. Marcher, altos city, and find It to work Welt, pro ducing a fine brilliant Pula Green appearance., with • very superior body, and recommend it to our brethren in me trade u in every particular the best Chrome Green we bare eve. used. New York, June I, 47, Signed by et tit:ms of preencal maniere of the city el Neve York. • This unequalled Chrome Greed may be Udall. E. SELLPHS, - No 57 Wood street, who has Om exclusive agency for im sale in Pittsburgh. utert3 4:9ILLEILS , • VathilFUGE-. 0 No fatel/yeltioald be 1..1 mlllOlll a!" d Aug. di, Iff. E. Samara. gebeerfally certify facia have for some years past used your Vennifuge 1p IPY ff and univerolly with sateen decidedly prefer ir ta any other preparation have used—tmeongellbe'm may be morel the celebrated medicine called Deadanot, Fahnestoek's Vennifurre, and • prepantiort celled Worm Ten In a recent e.* • Biagio don brought from my little boy one hundred and slz large worm. NO family certainly ought to be without it. Yours &a JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by E. Seller., N 0.57 Wood et. and wad bYPtesg.tebtjMelally in both cities. septl. A Piles Net of Teettivfor23q3ent.. TA7 S IIITE TEETH, FOUL HHEATIf,', HEALTUT 01.1.8.—Yelloaand urthealary mettle idler be ing once or twice cleaned ortiltions& Amber-Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the mom beautiful and at the same time Oil 00 perfectly bmement and oh, tip/ditelyilne, that It. cabins* daily ustS La highly ad.' vantageoua even w tilol4 leer are In a good con, didou, giving them a beautiful Ash, add preeeallat Thas9 decayedll ereve" from becoaling ,worieHt oleo; fastertaimeh. tire be coming loose. and by paseveraime It aril! render the foulest teeth delicately whim, and make the breath de. hciously meet Hold by Wit- JACILSLINK , Liberty street. , n. A. 'PAIINESTOOWS PEW week. slime, am or my childranotged gamut •Iteeyeassowmi unwell fur several. deye, and the I nes. Increased so alarmingly that I (We'd - de". would be the result. Having heard of good effects of PahnestoeWs Vermlame When admirdrtered to the children of my nemhbors, end dunking my child might hare worms,frons aorneoftlie aymptonnt, gave it one Aunt a half.leaspoontala,of the Ventuilbgebertd.te my great astonishment it almom immediately ihsehaigen between tat and 280 large uremia Itshealth rim soon 'restored/laid it ia now remarkably wen. .'kutviotut to taking the Ventufuge the 'warmly would occalitniallY• 4 " in Its Wean, rtut l Ll Often feared It waald slit:tiro= Stransvalation. JAB. 0. DAWSON. . Tionesta, Venanme co, a, April 3, '4B. apl3 ITCH AND : TItT(ER LEW cELF ENT err" inotaci for dm tare of triter,itch, dry agd watery pimples Of the laco,ncer and body, doolf rniPtiml?", Ana au ottlecabeen. of the akil , q °I4 "PLI , Nrathintad from mercury , is - Prroadt= may be reed at all rote. and order all eke i. A frealraapply of dd. Yaltlablo , tedoroly Yesolved and Ztroi Ist — add wood ". ' Pt:, 0,1.1 cnigiflAnt Co, Vffi COPAL -4 essa reralvedsildWiaig. ... ...; t. HOTELS 'HOTE. FLIGIUP 814 LES FOIINTAITN BALTILMORE ove llllll3 eetnidisluneen long /uULaridoly heaven ae betty one Of the inpsycommodlotm in the city of Baltimore, Use recently Vinderguni t very Mtn. alterations and 'improvements.- Alt Mire new lute• kw been andedievnainiNt numerous and airy. VlCailltnmeene, and externem° Within/rooms. Ssentes. departmenthes afro btst.s en1.9 1 ." 1 7 etltnalned and Sled up in a moat onto° and O.OW I style.' in fact the whole arrangetitent Of the Rouse hoe beethreatmleled, with I single eye on the l"'" of the PrePrieurrs, beware.. the • comfort and, pleasure of their Orneete,pnd erhich they toofidentliessent will challenge : comparison with any Boner in e Unto°. , Theif whit! will'alwa_yi be stapplied al every sub. Mantel land luxury wined the market eget*, served rap to &superior style; wittlela the•way of Wines, &0, they willnee be ennsiesed. . ' ' , ~' A let COActsisloa the prieUtrsheglei ltaTtl.eutolhi' Will bele(' °Anne On eir part, and on the part Of lulaistatlts, to tender • Mtel trimiby the 'Continited patronage of their friends and the public generally. -The-prizes for board have also been refaced' to the Mown% mat Lobel' Ordlev, 11,75 per day. N?Mtl fta lggage Wagon of the:loose will el waye he Ihlred at.the Cal and Steamboat Landings, winch will convey baggage to and from the lintel, free ; MXOII.IIIIIGE HOTEL. c16.11/1113, , subscriber =Om assamcd. the menage at of this loag established and papaw ROW, AIL Tesreithillp announcer to Travellers end tho Public (emerally,.that be Mahe at all amen prepared' to =mailman. them in Wishing* desirable m a yell manned Hotel. The !Musa is now bctagthoroughl7 repassed throughout, =anew Fumanto added, and no pude Mit be spared to Make the I'g:scheme on. of the very best Hotels In the eonntry. The tanenigd regimentally solicits a trantianance of the viler liberal ne patronage to Harm has heretofore receme t , , THO4I4.OTVV . CgS 4 t t.. 31,1 • r sit mores, cuun, yciagru A:to" eilarr snits - tit, rttrncricm. At'THE 'BObteribet teipeetfollY annooneee that lanai now opetuld hla new and excellent Hotel • •L let the accommodation of travelers,..bruuders. •and lho, , Embhe generally. The boo furninno Fe entirely neer, and no pains or rano.. hare bees pared In render it one of the most comfortable and elment , Honda in the city.. The aubscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solloils,sahere odpablio pat JACOB 11= 4 .1. Proprietor. •TUACICISMORTOBPB GALT 13.0103 Z, 1.00 XT. 2 iinIrrITROCIOICIWON begs to acquaint his ftiOudi thitt.he' mile ?met of the GALT MUSK, Louisville, Ky. where be hope. manses dit•frieods, swain them and the public, that tto effort Shalt 1,.a gusted to make all .comforhable who favor taut with the tr . ratron tote. girAirts HOTEL, eereare Ry tarreteite meant atte Arta elm OP:OSITE . late Itank l l . tf the 0 POPE , lllted Stales, Phil. =IX ". : Pre • newt. hiISCELLANEOUS. lasountatb, Cocoa; o.e. W. Dakar. American and PremenChocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pane, Smears Cauca Shells, An 'PO scerchatuand tonneaus, who unsold purchase ,the but prodocts of Come, tree num adultsranon,. supra nutritious Omuta of copes, and in quality unser prutsed, (Up subscriber recommends the above articles, 1112anufantared by himself. and camped with his name. to 'Traits and Cocoa Pace, ea delicate, palatable, and estuary -drinks tor invalids, convalescents, and tashers up pronounced byte. most eminent phyucians oven. F,Any other preparation. fits manufactures art allege on sale, In any quantity, by the most re. epariable=ers in Na eutern clan, and by then c of Boston: James Ad Some ..117.711ar1 F rmi, ° =ifir..a . uyn. Munn. New York; grant "..Bne, Philude!pins; Tuomas V Brundige, Hat- Umie. '" ti f l& k fi l' E e rWE nC ie l gc r lrekt.. For ude by - suchBACIALEY is SMITH, Ars Neilr to - FICEI VACCTOFILIN ISP UTE' elfh tli pTets,l l / 4. l:V d , ft*P'' rocmd t n it i g. ln. Le.cank, between Pedmal and twodt . tsty streets.. I% ey '' Ittariem Malting and are prepared to receide orders for einZ.dedletiPlYn of vehicles, Coaches, Charim's, Be d, PAW% Phretorws ke, wtuch. front their kmf ettreadentln ko the trumnfactareof the above work, sad 1.b4 toly hare, they foeleonfulent they are enabled 10 dn trot hau the mast ioncatable tem. with those wanfincerdeles In their tine. paying proclaim attention to the selection of mete; Axle, aM hating none hat competent 'cabmen, they tame ea itaµ{B2loll •warranUng rhea world We thenclarn ask the attention of the paddle to this matted. N. Repairing date la the beat manner, and on the mast re term. 1.14 f THE sshaenbera hew leave to Intone the nubile that , therktve obm,t from the Fla all the fete and ' hionable designs for Imo Baiting, both for houses and earnamtiza Yersorw wishing to procure hand. same materna will ;dean mill and examine, and Judge for thernshgrei. Railing will be furnished et the Mon ett amine, Wed in the best manner. at the comer of 1 awls eng.lbthsseria greets, slug. Albriatml 07. liga44 A. AIO.NOL 'BO NT K O' Ace. - ukNefilan inform their customers and , fiaallita gtnetallg, that their first shipment for the ntl bit *mesa ttii above ;mete, has attired sa Philadelphia I.dtWt. slain", dame' •frola suanorneniren eipi r iur will be here m • few daya. They bate abipOlOnfa On the aray—two of arta*, via per • hlediltion sod Lydia. are nearly doss— they an therefore prepares/do lama. orders. Besides the Litre anantiliea they hoot corning to the easier. eWes Ito be forwarded here by canal) they will Mei : 144..1V the erica= na i T i rd ik e3 , l7.l4 , erlar i s i oaes Sep. Fancyrum., fresh from Europe. rplrr. sdhscribers have now in ware e very extensive easortranut of Fun (or ladies wear. which have been purchased u Furope by one of Um Cam at very lose purely during the nsonetary crises succeeding the Preach Ilavolaboul This advantage, winch they possess aver any other house in Me uadc.„torill enable them to sell a very ex cellent sancta much bekra , the market price. f p- Merchants amt others will advanee thmr own interests by examming hi. extensive C.B/01161.11121 SOLIS, UWFUEES, Imppmem, SO Anal (Slulherry) between VI and 3d streets, aug7KLlta Philadelphia. • Lesekidisisi s CAppins atidleedlows It NORMS (Rocco.. to IL Et. Delany No Oink meet, between Wood and. Bmlth chL received moothly--stiondanee oft holga .Reforenesi, tho pigskin. of Piuslaugh, Alio- Ebony and Irutoing 1 moat eherienily recover:end to the *skidoos, &m -ilks nod ail kg Ibrinet Riendsinsel porrimo, Mr. E. B. Nonis es being thortnigisly acquainted with the hod neon Nod koithe of paironago. • so 031.54t_ M. IL DELANY. 1162autosstured Q DX.B Gentry 6, Royeter's anywrior sweet I Ins `kV 23 do PI A Roder'. to IP hf do Ptiee t Hororevers 5 21 do do do 23 do do Pearl & Harwood 56 lb - 14 do J Robinson Ide 57 hr . & do 52 do do Wm Dawson 23 do T Weigh. 3? do 0 Anderson o do L T Dade's 5 do R o do Rotellif Just landing from meamar and [incline, and for sole by II FULD. BLCKNOBt Ca, 41 north Water it sad to north wharves, lade Philadelphia AA A.NUPACTURED TOIIAcCO-20 111 Et slants & San't *apart° r tweet lb lumps 71 half Las Wobstar Old superior sweet S. lamps 35 " Lawrence Lower - Gentry & RoVeet " 3.& 6. " '9 Dupont Ide la Eure) " Ale Lead Its" Lawrence tinnier a 56 des plug Jost landing from slam. amf for snlo by ISUCKNOR & Co, 4114 water si and lON wharves, my3l 44: UTE are mil •ngaged in the 61/OVO business, corner at Wood and 71m1 sweets, Pit/snares, whore we are PrePared.lo au any work 1p our Jose with des a/deb. We attend to our work personally, toed swir femme will be give. ut regard btu oration and du rability. • Wank Books ruled to any pattern- and Maud rub etau4ally. Book. tibrutotlicre or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names poi on book. In gilt lettere. Those that have work In oar flatten invited to call. Prices low, my' COVV-kirrnanfirir; WItL , B. WAIFS and: Capt. JAMES ATKINSON have entered tato partnerahip, ondor the firm of S • & ATKINSON. and will - eorry on the Tin, Oopper,and Sheet Iron Wage manottaototTi Also, Ill.kamithlog in all its branches, at the old stood or Win. B. Seolfe, Fire meet, near Wood. Particular auitt - 11.10a given to ateam . boat work. DOS ltio Coffee ,• 60 bag. Lviiiiii — Coitii, F3O 4 I',N) do St. Domingo do •, 40 bra 040 glass! DO do 10.12dor; ii 3 do 7.9 do; Ski do 10.14 do; 33 Midi N. O. Sugar i 206b14 No. 3 nmelarel ; 190 Las rosin soup No. 1 t 100 do dipped candles; 123 do Cincinnati mould do, received on consignment and for sale by septa_ S A. W KARDHUGH llirlterliECT:l VP..i.i--Tilareg ittirifilinditriiisinimen - i ... of Cloths, Commons, Vesimp, °meats, do., and for sale by L wuoulaus, /Imam Tailor, myd under kforiongahela Flotlic; resithfleld st Ibis---,-- L - TilattlYitiil . DßlUCiffrilditiiPA- - Thom Arm Draughliones for .solOr suit. Me (or driVing, &a. Dinning of • WALLINDFORD taC.o, IZ I7 SX,INS-30 iaz gen cunVi a re t qa t I' La U t b t Y lil i :, • V finvin e smile. f il m" o ;ic i la 2 4 .- Al w l a i tlet which . a attention of boot makers is Invited. Just received and for sale by ttt , YOUNO & Co, PI? -Ha liberty .i AT 51, k,P n CJCiirci - ZNici. 75 Fount, street, can he seen splendid ...limy of sup Royal Vol. vet arid TapouryCarpets, lam. aTior. Alt., Dm.' 'cis, 3 ply. and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of rep styles • and 4ualitimg and In commotion can Always be finurd Takao Linens, Cruhos, DisPowk. Damasks,,hl°. men., Oil Cloths, 3c, &c., to all of which wee m, the munition of the public, ,att/Y 22 NOTICE._ - E[AYING sold our entire stock to C 11. Chum, with a view to clotting our old buslneware beveby so u for him Ma patronage of all our friends sad mat tamer., nel. W. POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. Pinaburgh,Ang • iib , IE4B, ' • n 11. iIfLANT, armor, Comrnimiton •nd Porwardme Merchant, N 0.41 Wnter st. 4101 '.lO/thalailA r kTeTihp ISO 9 . 03 and D 4 Vrollt sweet, Dell Foooders aed moo. 1 1"blietteresi or MI tinale of; Fittliqm. for GILA Olsaso " 1'44 " , 11000 always oa hand Wroughs Irosi dad Pipe toi steam, yas mid dealer,' from Os 's* ISA. fn dtametar:' Braga rtajelags -made to order. Also, a. bowsll6•oBl3,lent ,olßallaitud flubbed BMA Work, us. welsh the attention or Phuabers lad nssitte 101 4 3 0r1t Is pastleatarly dooms& - . , tise ,Pisaoss pat op promptly sad on 'reasonable ' cartialniModlnimanans. ovu,v;;Fihtvii lee' Vrell.tat,Peobfbmfoetloassy.,Aad PbastabliMerareepd: .nred pat.; tun cipsulat tnpa as stsisal,;terlobliet boor . lercept swig 101 l P. AL—leasing the easeless-M 1.0 Pais AolorlbsdPlPPo,l4gebr- ' A roooallgb‘rlessf - ot 13ardea IfladessetbablOJA, MN N MI *Aga. nszettunem,__ ""*lnteux‘ auppicarkallU4 ,, • MANir9 lamJ FAQ= ANA ,scauti side, Ileennii Sunithfield Pittsbirqtr'f' rarrldr lea and the surivhotpaerae4 yo tidos meoelated himself with' Ka' real baccudamell mike Ote la* 4,14 /P r. ." col& Barr. nwor. ke_t,4 ed were present who teeing of one or IM Co's improtal Phordifilwmoofsafid:' wao placed In fOrnaca oaths pabllehrodirmathlStildeoud_, mires boon. heat of a mono Or ttrer there hoTtlo• /4 one hour aud the Antos , o. a bright red ,hear, the dam Wad , Wait than 'closed, which caused' en fttereateat hear for theebalanee of the time, until the calm therisherds woe partially melted oo;the formica wrath= thrown down and the safe cooled and. opened. rTrat snotreY, Pinot* and took■ which it conminisd Were as perfect t ar when placed there, the binding ehle Our Mote bake' la med by the water in mailini the safe. We Imam ao hesitation in tecommendikg It to Me pablla m AL safe =manor to any Wel. hi. VIM ecca teatedLlred barn , Wet it will sthaull any heat which chieht jutahlead, aceßt a heat 'Mitcham's/ melt it . weld mat ' Springer fr. Whitman, L We Emmett, Benj. Ulster, Pll 17 VII " ilt Si= 4 B ir &CO, &edam, Migrant &Cs, Ws Manee, We, the undersigned, itetbet the'sittiran k, of above, from a lot in the store of *Oa the ddooth 00 ElPallsl • / SELLOGa . Refer to Cook &Barris, Rroken4 Pitutkaro3,,, Hussey Hun. k. CO. do, do ilwo‘ s 7g ''' ,.,___„ 4." I 2 ;IIPPILTISINTIM Cid - a. 4? • 11UrathurrACTI111439 of Ifixtunered Mid thutritthel ).VI Shovers and Spades, Axes .04 litatehers,KM• Cut, Ciroular and Cm Saws, Mary sad Manure MOM, Manna; Pick., Ac., having cataplejed sorsugrthents in the construction of rum mae • and in waling the best work:Man from the Meirt vele. bruited establishments ofthe Pair moo* , thatiorlustilit lee and will keep comedy on Mad. mud for, tole all the abova articles, having availed thenurabres of the latest Improvements, and me determined that la work. manahlp arid material they will.not be iirceThey promise to produce ardereis equal, if not .midrlm • any that can be bid to the lthst. Therei_tento*man tion ofdaulereto toexaminethre e0.11.4t sur4 i pare6WlTer.seerhein,sottlisyll;;;Onelthaliiws No be abln,:o fill all orders n thelt line li? file antis. satisfaction of pparchaaers. Wiretimie, Weer street, 1 doors West Icionontithela Haase, nnabasifli, Pa. N.a—Ptliol2/1 hawing busifiets with Win. Wpm coo tc Son Noll please tall on Uppeneatt It Co. octlidly JAMES W. WOQITWELL. Pittsburgh Puraltams Wars BOOMS, E 5, rum snmas. ZriA lam and splendittusbrtment or Purist mre, mumble for Steamboats, Rotes and pi ' rata dwellings, contently on band and made to ceder. Mos prawn mock.= hand cannot ; be eaceed+44 by any manuactory in the western country. Panto= wishing to purchase woad, do well to eve me a tall, as 7am determined my prices dull please. Part of the mock consists In— SO aorta with Moak and BatVeloth oomr4 9 dos Mahogany Nurse chairs: 14 pair Divans; 12 dor fine mahogany Chalon 12 mahogany Work Stand 3 dos mahogany Itookingtharnq IS marble top Dressing Bunn., S P mar .4 hb C =fork Bum* 19 cherry Work Stands; • Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of Co desenpn=t, and a lame assortment of .COSIXOI3O Co and.chain., too nammous 10 111.11g1111. rural LADLES ARE CAUTIONED ACIAINIST USING • Ams are not aware how fr ight Ude is to TritEbeYskin—llow how issegh,how , yet.. low andeotheaiderthe appease eller mend prep.- par queell Wo ealethalkl..Dasehre Jib tendon; eontaining a lam td 13 Mad/ • . prepared a benediel. vegetable setae, which we ea lON' SPANISEILILY WHITE. It IS perfectly busmen; being iimilled of ell delelesioos qualities; and it hapans to the skin a neural, healthy, alabaster, deer, bring whitir, at des sante thannetmi ne a cosmetic on die making it eon and einem& Dr. James Anderson, Prised.* Chen:est of MS... alewife,says: analysing Jones` Spanish Lily White, I Sod it possesses the @OW beasolfel and nate eel, sod at the same eateinnoctuu whited ever saw. I certainly van cone"' • lions! recoatreandits use to all 110110 Atilt requires Price, WS cents a hoz. Sad by W'A. JACKSON. Litany it. marS9 Pitt Machine Works - and Pensidry. JOLIN WHIG in a co., ora pteparedb build Couon lout Woolen Masibinory armory description, .nob JhaanagnYtames~HailsndipMlr= 4 , triers, Dressing Fromm Looms, Card Grinders, ite. NG:night Iron nailing turned; al., of Cut Iron, Naas and Hanger. of tho latest patterns, Hide and band Lathes, and tools of ad Mods CmUnge of every description fun:imbed on abort amino. Pasterns made to order for Mill Gmanag, Iron Railing, he. Steam Pipe for heat ing Pommes Cut rroa Window Sub and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Wazetamaaa of J. Palmer k Co., LLbarty asect, will kayo prompt atten tion. Refer to Blackatoek,slell & Co, I. K. Morehead & Co., G. E. Warrior, John Irwin & Sons, Paranarirh 0. C. Itl. U. Warner, Steubenville: nenlp JOSEPH WIXWWELL. C0n142 or Wood and 01 an. Pinsbargh ^ tag arid:Mr - aura from the Am of V•I er • Voodwall, onlinlatpf January. 1947. I 'Ake PlitutfUltt kiimidticiinytd InY friends ln the city and country, that I have opened my new Mon at the above named place. Having porehmed my good. for east, and made arraugenanu with maunfactarers in this country and In Europe to be constantly anpplied, am fully prepared to furnish .Hardware of all kinds, on m good terms and as low as any house East or Weal. Merchants and others Ve rospeetfaliy invited to mill and examine my stock, before purchasing also. where. The followm comma. • part of his stock: fircambost and !midyear., (no triMial . nia, Naylaea steel, cutlery, wife tools, mvils, moos, lock., latches, scythes, bon lunges, screws, Union Fac tory planes, mars, mahogany boards and 1.4014 and all other amides munmeted with that hardware basi n.. nichlltf Ci D Watiarirriitic 0m llaij- _ .11..2, Fir on= SCIMMAG. • HOGE bags leave to inform Me citizens, of Pats an Rooms lately oars p led by . Pones. - Theub lie are suarsd Mat all um tam unprosamona are Zee red. and will be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has been a unman/. operator slue the art was arse discovered, 10tire satisfaction Ls guanatimed to all who may become hie pinnate: Mr. 11 - Will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter, La whose establieltaikat but operated 07 lb. Lam twelve months. Family Por traits, Engravings, Daguerreoypes, as, accurately copied Lakeneues taken /A and . matber, and est in lockets, breut pin, cases and Inatructions given In every Minch of the art, and ap permits furnished baktt Penn naebta• ahem. 'LT WlGHTMAN—fdroculionosorocallbuda of eel. .UP UM and areollen machineryokllealtentenn P. The above works hang now In fall eitiesesalal op. eradon, I am prepared to execute orders stint...Eapateb for all kw& of machinery in auk., such as •proaders, minks, gring machines, gainsay., draueiop maloes. speeders, Wawa; looms,. woolen cards, double or ..11e, for merchant or eitatacri work, mules,jacka slide and band lathes and tooluin gen oral. all kinds of shafting madam nester, a:phloem.. ea for rani* (sewn. or walla at rcasrmable ehargo Kam no—Kennedy, Childs b. Co., Blacksteek, Bell & Co., King, Pettnock & Co., Jac A. Gray. KNDIIIMIMI:II7NDHIt: ... _ ._.. , .. .. A VULTON, Hell %Milian. FOuntlenhlnta n. built and commenced boatmen at his old mand, where he will he pleased to am Ma old onstant era and friends. Choreb.Bteamboat, tuld Bella of every Woo, from 10 to Inuoo pounds, can from patterns of the most approv ed models, and warranted to he of the best mahatals. blisters! Wiser Nomps,Counters, Raring, de, tore. the: with every variety of Brut Castings, if maned, turned and !bodied in the neatest manner. A. F. I. the sole p roprietor of Bonn% Piarbarrat moo !lair, so Imlay eelebrated for the redudtion of motion in marbmery. The Ames sad Composition ,11.11 be had of him at all limos lily Ploughs, Plougli - C4stings, Wagon. ROBERT BALL, of the old firm of R. & & Liall,fs roprtufac nutty( large q •n ti *s of • Ploogb Ploug:CastiAgs, Wag on boa., ,ko., with the improvements of the Leaver. Peacock, Mauls, and other Ploughs, of the lalest and best patterns odor in use. • Warehouse, 106 Marty , street, Pittsbasigh, Oppmdto the BSI Bcatoi k'kctorY, m 6.lleghony city, neat the Cotton Factory of Mem& Mackstock, Bell Co, dettily eo,partnerahip berettnom menet locomen John Farrell and Samuel %Vliyhnnan, solder the name ofJohn Ferree k Co., talkie tiny &solved by ron teal consent. The business of the Late Ann will be voi ded by.Jolut Ferree at the warehouse of thealoatuteree Line. JOHN FARREN SAMUEL wionntAN The haziness of the Boannen'• Line will hereafter be conducted by Farr. & Lowly, at the some plaee— Thankful for past favors, we solicit • conlinuanu of the same. • JOHN FARUN septs L L Loway 111 IRE PROOF MINERAL PAlNT—Received, per steatner Michf, 5 Mile Mineral Paint! • The ar -6 to irm worthy of the consideration of allnalutem, for it is of a atone color, and can be added with any other co l o r without changing the shade materially. II is a great saving, and woes seabed to woad it will torn the paint toe perfect stone surface in the coarse of some 4as 21 'meets. Also, •coatplols, Hos proof—the at riot. he. been fully tested (or tun years by the proprie tors before they would offer it for All. AnY person purchesing will not be deco Odd In the article., A qulselity will be kept on hendat all times, at the Ln6a Rubber and On cloth Depot t -J A-111 PHILLIPS, 0et.1.4 Agts for the eotentol, No 3 ...Id Rtil L' BSiLS FINE and for sale, wholesale er mall Ammoniac Soap: tinsel cat Oil Soap; Philbcome; Aleiblade Oil, I saes; CompM Os Morrow; Wash Rails, (transparent) Almond Shaving Cream; Rean 0111 Bears Palm Omnibus Soap; Taylor's Ptslii.Me• Cologne, loxes; Jenny Lind Pom ade; Amaoduse. ocebt R E SEW RID. No S 7 wood ort. H. TT :KG ts — st r ti -- tt."l)., 411411ALMIO SURGEON will *newt to the maz y Diseases of the g. , ft. hes been engsged In hi , branch of Om medi cal professacus for lateen years, and has conducted an establiehment for the treatment of diseases of the eye stone for aerate seam Orrice and residence, corner of Sandusky st end Strawberry alley, Allegheny city; . coon Dr. McLane in Tenneaststs. 11 1 11 ii tO CM/ 1 Y . ihil I purchased .1)00 vie of D. g. McLane% Worm Specific, Watts two mood. lita sad gasekla a ion of mtr, some seven tutsum old, two teaspoons fall, and although the .most sosty : :tarps yes , 3 has no doubt, hot share was ours of pro •Thoouso Wows passed from: hrtn, measuring Owning* qualm of . as boll to two Inchal 10;4. , . • '' - CPW-UOLLIDNYt :" lattlf*Cresslf.lemst ers-Te . an, Dso V, tell.- AM rwr, .A.."...„,... , 6.. of Vat. great Spring and summer medicine, this tap teed gad for sate wholesales end.getad,UY .. , • ' ' N,11,-,.6.141. P., 9:li tiehiattkaff's agent Gs; 1,1 lWO'Uotn nigh o ; d th We egs&n titt Urtcle al wttle,scr, e-. . beOiiV., , , at 'r Wo llll4D'elWhd go ihit e a . , 'Mekel Wreei oumad e , 'buyes hsheitasetofFremetC tatactilhunambs• (WY Cwit.l=Tvntads. =ES Dltt iaitIESEVW Al 4 2l43llLl3l. l ,,erVerngrr of Roc' M:ll 4, ZMtlad.,- ii , witat etedtiecrian' - resdnettneWe i.. l•9l;9 7 lltsfsl2 9 41091 r , wooslbs ectos Au part,Vo id , t 8 do do velvet Wray - 5 do ...iftlitSanb" .. 4l4llll4otlll6lllo74l • 1 do locatentt r =i d i k ."' -.a ' db' thalltatt.:4lo , 511ttisitat I 4° ".'"°4 , " .1 do', As.o9ll4l44dnabatfdatids •,. 4a, ' '*'' 4 1 chi do • dseningenin, pang_ _ ' 4' dd OM Wad Winn - eenterlaol2. • '.. • IstriPM4o. 1., 4 5 0 a 9. '• pio NIA Minato! neer . ;: • -a: 40 .do t- Z=l44 , I • ice, n o ~,, ~,,... •• 1 , 1061 , dp,...,410010 d olo r 12 doslelin bftwlPartnea '' • 10 nests . • b 09144 askdosda strAra • T.... .: 19 do ghtee Werbeg. .. linler Mi eentr• i!l / 4 'do . " 'I • I . ''' . 30 do plant andadmalstlapooltww; 5 an assorted chino nanbll ontalbso o B I 2 do ivory *WI plireaskloap , Ido weal dt, do do .- . ' Ido wod :do dp do : . I . 2=''''''''""=4 12 do assorted sioralednett# ' - - " ' ' Ido alma inn, ..410 Ido • c , •I , ' 10 do assorted wooed caw 111 do do went% Ido ladln tin zephyr opt, .. 100 do woo?". normal Mini.. . 4 . 7 do boys do' '"galtirs;r" - S do add hos dr, cam ..., . OLOV} AND ' f • . 10 dos ladles fleecy tined Ida tlavew • • .-,_ • 2 . . da...rpoia do do do . •_, AO dp . way . um autumn do . , •Y' Wdeialltla do do do • Y . 291.40.5 ens do ,do do • 16 do do iletiln lined do ' .' \ Ida do Melt. .do .. do ~,, do chU sldareas etions, walutd; S I . ~. do dd 'glans nod otlttankeprorta± - 14 do - India bit esidostese hoes, - „dp 20 do do andgeom kid glovet do, chiag 25 do mans &owe yaw do ' Iv• 'do 19 do do de :miaow : , do 10 do boys do do do 14 do tailldreas Oileatsind Albedboout 3do fine zap Van:swatted do • 23 ineces blk embroidery gi. 15 do do ;Liaa do • 20 10 ' d do 6 ` l ain ` e do do mbredder Y • ' pl , • 18 do loltmohair o 15 do cord do doMtet 69 do bit cut slit- dcyall ninon., 4 nay runesive wartment of totami of all widths and prices. 40 sous emanated Way Monne On &IMO; ' 1110 do lino. do do ,4do WO gross axed ..r.A.k do ' de 10 dos ladies eloattaants, ass'd ear's and bit 19 do gnats do do do• 40 twos mown, gilt nwtma4 • . 50 do dna do . do, assorted; 1.9 riice.dlanvy cloth Whpas, da- ..,1 V.4.IUNTY GOODS. ' e 1 300 lb. cord and worsted stein wind 107 do girders paters threat 65 do common do • do 1,000.030 percanion caps, at all priss y , 150 pocks Annanan nos, ward No 4 100 dam "Tally Ho" won, Inurranalid; 12 gran asso rt ed lather brace • • dos hair 20 do tooth do, anfoll 30 do raver amp.; •-• . 30 do cotton gafteN 5 do Hoe claw alp . . 10 do do do kid; With a One worm:mut of wary thin to the 'MUM, thae. • • JEWErAIT. Ear rings, finger rinipc'bressx pins, !Simian:re cases, gold chums sod gold vouches in eserylrarido. setl9 %MILES VALI. 0001116. CHEAPEST YETI '. vermin; received and now opoolag DER A. DAYS, No 75 Market akteels comer of the Diatoms:l,a very large And s t qd Ftmtk *MB le end winter Dry Goals, which' - spoethdly invite the attention of the public: Jewell known to almost every one tuber the Oise/et_ .mou is one distmgnished for its low. prices of .DIT Ge and it affords us great pleasure in being .bra : ,het awing to one gash let that pirt• ( the fi rm residing to Philadelphia) we hails bled to purchase our present amobk arit ' le redimetion from the usual market rates,ehesp eoj they are and we are therefore molded to sellincroresnett dingty lower than the tentsJ prices. We would there fore Invite all cash buyers by . arlirdesabe or mail, to give us a call, and lay oat their mammy tetkibep v antage. L • The Ladies should Ball and examine our steak of Print., Gingham. de Lakin, Duhameres, Alpacas, Mennes, Bilks, Bomban.s, Plaids, and vancasoth styles of hubloosble Dress Goods, of widish we have ' very Hsu aasortmemt,inelnding every.description throe_ goods le the market CLOTHS AND CABSIBMG &ogee we would recommend our of tektirPrenett Clothe and French and Anterlean Caindennita. OUR gOP stgArirLS be vett= " th "`" meg annuli every variety crape end BATIINETB—Of wkdelt we have tui7 oblialent ar sermon, and of all quaßties. KANN white and yellow Fleartebt of all leeumd prines. of ANIMD=I:!F4e wortelevisseereasant of pellitnge of ill grades, sad Bluning.Dherega hi mil. . ‘" A&CtIED AND sing . almost every description of the shove gornia, in elutimg_Sheetings creel widths. ALSO A fine stock Bado Vestinga, Bilk eirditsin ton Velvets, both lain and figured, gin= Oman ebikll gesetritsifiny fignrad dr had 7, 400 b1 =f Loth Ilium and eoa. bleached and unbleaeliemiTehli lmhs, bleached and unbleaChed Canton Flenstels, ' cold de do, Bonneta and Bon= Ribtoper bManticePol Ilk cravats, Ladles Scarfa and mamas, Wimp and Ileum of all kind., gospenderm, Itisli Lawns, Linea Mkt* Bilk do, blk Lace Vellatove do,' and litikfm, Oil Chintzes, Boards andßentdlt Doper, crash, Linen, plain sniped end borred , Jectidess, brio and Barba Muslin., Vicente Lawns, Grow Bare--• V te k' rehants villain dm city Gm the rimpomodlayini . thelesupplies, s hould not fell t i :tyst they will Sod our goods end prices kir t fail to son their purpose ALMEANDERA.DA wuII) 75 muter mu; N Nt cm Desmond The Now GoAdes 8.. EltieAtta. • New Fed aid Wilito . Dry rST received andllour apex.; la 41k1T4 d al the Etto Eta firm on Market smog, and mirth' streets, one of , ths.i.geo, Warted stoats of Poll and Winter Of" Siegel ever of -fen:din Pittsburgh, to which the amentintl bf oar nu merous customers and the babliermatilly, Ls inspect tally invited, LB the sabscrer Is confldenctlau ha cp., oiler Mich burping in DerGtoode s e Cannot be stir= passed by any mbar incase in the airy, /Wilma goods have berm pnretudell arritiees far. below throe otany former sewn, - !sty iirißtiosold'az grimily minced mica • • • t• Alllong ibis large and eptetoritgasock mill be found many choice awl de si rablevash. at astmiltd7 pries. LiklitMV_ ;ISMS 431:1Q1* Vary rich and meat ftsblonable dress . sillea ;aid striped black sada; sniped and plindalliN 'oo:inset very glossy gro de Weir, plain blackriabOsua; toot trim silk for viratica marmites andcapes at ear, bier prig newest designs and West trytoe. eitslosisma plain and satin striped cashmere, vpireUezA French mean all cetera . de banes, plain nod Speed and rain striped, al mat reduction on fonneep . zte Cal. [W M& and eadnissun plaids; mohair matey plaids, all rialities; alpaca., all and colors, from In Te cents per yard. ' SHAWLS: 81,1AWTS!f Pine cashmere, tartaric and bream &Oils Black embroidered cashmere ands% bane shear* Menthes and de Wine do Mee black and colored cloth Fine quality lng, very cheap . do Plain black and p la id stlk, very cliaM , do A lugs lot plaid blanket shawls rem 73 cents '4 an-wool. DOMIRTIC GOODS, ?arca BELOW. FORMER PRICM Good dark calico from 2 toll ets yet Tait ik.trinallty dark calico from 6 to 10 mom purple do, orm 'Good yard wile bleac o6 hertmaslln 4 to 6t, • Bed tlekings and chocks, an Or:ex. , ,„,, Bleaker., hem coarse to bent gull [} ere yert Oinap; .A full assortment of red, White alutrielkeir fanny* Satlneus, w hich /emu, %MN* Inneeri, etc, etc, ate, all o - 66D be toed it Waved mei, al Nod" Market st. small Whlela„ -- - ! ! PALL6OODi--,,44 .- '' ---- .- ., Tr' ercurrrocxj, 00. canstaikilyneoiNo his VII . fall stock of CARPETING, in'''.eatoonsing one of the largest assortments eVerbrd*llto mat bet, rellith have beers purchased • dieted • did fin' porters and Mamilletureta, of dial= neuerei! styles, and lower In p co than aver this et% to Winch he ill•il011 a anamtou of those 'Mabry to nda steamboats bootee, before pseilrs Paeaelser i where. The stook nests in pargotthe !wing variety, aria Rich Al=telst Carpets; Oriental Tastry Grath do Velvet do Plain einbred .--- do Tapestry do ' 241het While' do Brussels do ta4,7=4,114, 441-8 4 oil cloth Extra super 3 ply do BWr Rods Burr do do IS-4,k4. and SKAlrogigun, ivid.hVin do Stair Linens . do Rosewbod 011 etailk . . Cornmon thir do crumb !tali ~ - . Mt 2-4 & $ Damask Embossed-Plino carers Vordtian do do ; , Tebbe, do 4-4, 3.4 a 6 mild do do Firm ey adTable Gil Moths , A. 4,2-1 a g plain do do Turk Bed To 44, f t }, I, A, 34 cot. do Adelatd Mats: llenott 164 pruned cotton Catpum Sheep ekln Mi. ,- Kura sap Chenille Rom Jute dihe do do Tufted ,do About do Fine do do Manilla Hemp -Wilton do do Snow drop Ihspleios Crimson Bed Plush; DiayarToarelling Plato do Drab PI Cloth e -4 .0 , 0 4 40.-„i • Blue do, for coach Mega Tramret W . cre! Shrelbou Curet Bindings Extra French Iss. do . Would cords Bich Sado de Ulnas for do Tassels ' whirlers' itlitahth -., -, Soule; blue, Gligl.o.o black ex& drelt , lbm.ektl figured ralirbol i toMrksi ...Mod uctex - T. 6 I: - covenn blue, e ; scarlet, green, - i Vgd btu Moreens cotton Plashes of ali Ores, Aer_ IL. AI., 04nobars6 Fed Dnllleore fbr Mdshrtataidpato, end all' other Wmmdp, amnia? Pokoratill% foe to oar Hoe, to which duresmar al_ . _stuentleecof rem= Is invited. W. WYCLOr_ alki,CarpOt Wanumme, i one door Awn Werod.on Fourth st, , -- CfaieriMin OM CZOTASE die% W. M'CLINTCC .6 CARPNIkryTO . , Najd oyes Stirre_ „, - OE of the' lonstalv sad durinost CeOloa lecalk-or . NE the market. ---- tromex6Mol 41.14114, aural qualities from thermos!. spl! ' , MVO- 4 4wil.F-4,. Mat hue bete Wed kw darmui+7 VA 1r... 0,4 .c.' Tape o Arl 7 4tel b n li6 e.; . , ". , , r 1,3 I ...'. ' 'd - Reuse o Bum Extarauneeine Mum utplrfo •IS 1' . 3 t il A ikr , kw . k . a w n .„ 4.. ,act,;.: H ru ., a. de - .. tr Tina '4 .?..., •0..1 , OirM4llo?' ". Zip? In 6 .. , FOCI* t. 4 Milltdittared to ogrestsivusumn 4114 -clambers. . ~ ~,. - - painters oil Cloths, for dining ~..i. bd., bbete..e" Stn flisniteremtr Rods,, W but a 8:4 . ' 6 4 . pettiii t ftittaift e lek6= l •61 - pirreiGuillmsararikistallitrecees• 'tar as w& -Trugarioas4VAmi V XVI • 711' ',' fr.otraras - - • --, PatenriCkiaitads`Cahanee Iktz r avii Peeta ~fitgakiWAWArArdicat and cr . filittßla Ur ei4. l patrafternt ottba Na sb I'TP' -Übe* pammedititlii* trOrtnnl Or Ebrblu. at taeoi ical purism*, -4:44 the warpne.r.t komrik to num. by which the galvanic gold .to be coneeyteto enan man ..1 1 4 , I.r, 'h a brat., or to ..s p• ,l °fa.° 'WI' eitte lozorrnonybr, in- or defirte . 42 1 - 111erch. to•-oritlt powteet `' ?fill - - I iglAittted is IM•P higtarlpftskaor tir A7 .oa , Can=, , t =lninert ,b, i =cl im ans othe o thili .„. c .n o.- it wireatiafsii Utt 14 neut.& Reaftmeir viu. sl.. b. Weal° a.MLYtalle cid...mike Wm, berati ce=4lU_ Mod ?enable ooparatos a k tha omit t idll TO . oixorpqlth ,... .. c h Ans 4 eall* bfilhupeod to teir'ably I%.4linict . 1• gir ' ths fonoretror d ee .iroarea, oiv libliebtbei War:aft filinues oht. en... tt thiNgiatitill aldisalutt Aosimmor o.‘ eenzgeetiar t learialad a gar Itt tredora WI iTiii(' - l'Ail maths sa abet orp.., to n,- .1•0106* taktertimmationstittp ii.taet body, for %team of SOOtlitaamobas, It=i, ,, negralipa, . do ada,...vpitatatorpour,- . pkut, chorea or 1:31. Vita ..=",..k.5.' .., !arrrilsoliWe4ho= dahriihdair easiislitilW;e4 Ea., .4 uttlr.theetntermacatowr be Pinabied, and age, . Ode diseilagrof dizepes,xl r....,1.,, c .e. ar ib, UYtinidlidSbr acl eirinas . am bi .w r+ l. ti.o tar. and tbi =tio.l.ll l o7.. l. l : .o be, tkplasial to thaparattsaerf tut &DRAM. pat Intalibt litaFrifr:ofeberetpnr7rolieare kumwall ibilypesparrld brake tenter, , Ekba.n..o ri 0ct13.114, _ El rum .T., Ehttenugh. itt iitak U MMAXIMMIPIT. IntrapPozoa jnaire for wall adopted for "Pbt salt ch =ll,lll3lc, Mgt •, comloqu!slitlyilEaddle goiodeon foro wow "I"lrlitz*are neband lkoiely *Mad el ' a PatiL'ene'ottreillt pooisartalittdierlaftittl Cl' . 2lM . L 1 ,4 is tothiohiamarrbeasdadlj_4loo*.rits,. .44 as tan sag of*. Pl4 l 4=Slut the the ZISSA• sithatl 4o M..° mu , tbe 0 4114 the kg. wisiralAri 4isa romp.ukt-,94.3P.. z..k.4 , ammierarlipamk A ug qtsq,,am *plate whoapuked q t, na4 tfpc¢4ll4,,,Tl vol mn t.= of too* isoqual .10.1 bit at am:WI and by pier . ug i tna stilltraliPo ffir e , d on ' cl ' Ju l t i rtrtteelar,o th z=z e.a.s.db3 ossa. , 7'0.5 Relr erarrhillranit•lfthir (NNSICO ' "..'•iiNnifIFIPP'kWATEr r hp bq • bae in :Wm OrrOon water N, York, ihd`parelothh Ito, yet pus= so hour through this k.AMOSSAII atoaktishm. large destt 11Aitt traikeih lab Ill na giakel7 m Ar .attgra r ita i lt7Ler a i ri ble t rLe r Ll F :=irrt7trini="Zaty , ohlard ' in Ay. this uyprooem the emu= o *mar ur lea/ alr 'atooanlatWes of off almost lostently, 'Vratt l =tiii the' It tladlloabeaaaa the ra l,l = b ll , o7l64t=ke r l,d , == poor bean blaothesklebere there is =l77o4:lmre !ugh or low al a cask, tank, tb, Ire. widen*. TO he had of thwaaladsook, - . . Vabsos, oetl7 comer o f rcia - rh ...ra Markel eta plimbr.l . pltillter. for Brit war tater. 7 1 12 e r IV: l ltr u g Co.r Ammar foriberettlad Zenning's Diapralham Filter, for the ci- UMW Ytittstax yli rand Allegheny. • . JO 0111 SON, 4yent, Gitiatto, 3391trottihnty, ALL • Oct. " ' • .'" Wirrare beerrigur_wor OA, laWre Lade ea et the office of theNoielty Worts Cor three nionthe,^en and &el perWery sainfar 05141..r.t"°°, and ore Lake pleastlia recommenumg them las u fel !ankle to allvetto lentayant melee AUrix will he thankfully receiveil and promptly execn • , LIMt' , WrrOi'MtOOOEIN 4 Co TsatraqUAFERIALX ; izaTIT FT Insthodon, ander, the care of Er: and alr, GOEHDII3, IROPPLIMLOCpapiIIt, I. the Mdildiuyr s 10. Ilbartp meet, on the Ist fie tri" iiihAtilWily"eittlitiilliky be able irr..frtntlain-yeem* o,,othm, opal to any I.ltha Weal, far pbtsgtiall x thorero English, Chum eal,and'Ornamstntarediteation. ri soccer( Kn. I,thopidteal war Chewier it" becalm !Oil, do_4vered rrflotAll4Wixter, igastrxwd by s t rains The de zattorVokalvidlis ..111tuk. - , , allodern OttrathOts,. O,tteklet ender Ilasqux /70161150 f. ClOteartenUon to &alto thiloietaklinfpntemae enkter, th piwioxeir pu erzinissh. br 10 larraWwWili of W rrpaurnage they PS 14wrillketo rnjayed. For lerida,aatehtthear `VpWto thaPtinciptJa. -TO TILOP.'n WhichCatirmt bi l mryassod,. for the ea - atabliaffitantailiigtigtentgrtialrOV9o44."/..1...ta Wasson nysither_bwintem reamiting coat t I. a d ` Joitung my ft tm .. HaHerai.onile Illketotatabels ow, Th.. ta ortettattoll.oo49Flar }mull .hlt'h ts erected a steass o r: o 1 inch cyl der, three boilstec., a saw' aisd a mall patrol' mi ll stones. 7 1 u , r&I.lerfrohirdrt IMlneymaes,wthin • few twat. 1 , ..u..pcm. , wishing tocAgfv e m moon " facturing„to viands.. p ie ce ' and tangos id...m em ir.iL 'writ d Law rimq at if soitsige,pormer. WUiribg•WtWlLll.Aho r i ,t I WIY t° Mock in some Joint =teem. c.olm th hr formation 1. &sues trirtMei imml lad hl.llPotYkod to my 7:04 1.4%,114144,414„Ci„.P,perum, axe , ttr self, Itlf large tirleX boildisto called Bcointi Wations• ton, Pa. , noeg wit, TH. IL tIaIRD I , Aliiil.A.ll.l l Mg; llll .o.6N MVP MAN DRIL IllosTionithbiracilms takeathm,methml o „talisman aiy Crisnelt,and, the public in gentrul that helms the LerMlVWcZartla ii ithtabd em otes of his own mandlacitsro V thiscity—Elyddle., Hot .. ..,Trunks an,4 Mips, all Mandell he win warrant rtAtVaitraWitgitigt7e l d to .e l ll his maraitactures =melting Fewer than bubo.] here tofore grid by ally, similar estahlisioneto, the coy, ha wottlf invite *MOM' in Deed of theibenre named articles to his starslasaso,tio,Vita Libenyret, oopo. um Seventh. 4lso, Immolts made to order or madame q. mi3o-ty 0. ICaRBY • •• qcatini aid Lever Vtatok... • ,‘ ' • •. • Junlecedred•land-Car. vale nt et.: ~greadyrlace4,pricas, five gen . Cooper, if dlthoila VnLy'squl4.34.4 J.andan," atW Ztitipisc=4=2::: ese are, ncror fititd initaPILAN4I. - Peting euPern- Mtn floiAkind accuracy to the M. J.Tolima, Joeeph make:- liasibrinat of • very taawatchalallarttat ealkaalt•exszabar tins lot bergaasanaana <dead' iatd Silvot W.e , ehrv. C trNae lk.i trat ' eti.kre:ltill ' t110.14 ner . lir. W. WILS ON, - itimateAta sad Ilitket 4NTIIOOPFION'S ME4I.O±I,WLIA. - . Is nalthoziklo mp o,Wlia of Yoonnns, with Eng. Junri,cfilic44., Pwir.... Oltchaer, VlAret'i to nfllk• 'ine:'.by 'hart. AnthonX.l...D., Pirotelinn , offlis Gra kind 'Win lan ranges In Cnbxmbia Cohen; Ms. Yon 4 andaeetor of nut Onuomar School. .I)4o.mced Inall tar wakilly ~•40_arlsTatf. acgrOMON, _teal , ' ,_, nblfsoblat,earld iuid Minket oft , Slent i lsobt, Am.. PIPACeI I , _ 4 3 1 .1 1; flA lil l Aplei * Ml, Setaxilbs bassasiatanavectrorolstthismth n rry its-, entrance on Faunnintboro‘l 4 nip ip Lzpan ingunetiants.amiirpor 4 0 ti Po An. culatle.,Book,FsslitTrs,Pltatettsu A &c: be . , .. 41aTEAlL131)AZGLOCI8.41^TwIii* u" ' LI A„ • od cro . r , eigiv,,azoet qt . Koe i 'i Narine opiece, ..4 tOMSTOT to rt !SOP Idlowdt pi*, thliiiitey can In Soma' In nn time bi Tiobbiann or .•allowhoro, L I. can of west, • Inn-naltna won bore fterninanifloek4 ire dm Ifunairand• low anon nntta 40. city. _co 444 roh,, • , , • FieFIPV.hri.VI B M4be andoisold• ••-.. 'T k VOO, Ma}kitlrirect, 00.Sar '--"eithranetrwilicertbildescifd DATENT squat LARD` '. .' ' - Ait itateow.o A- “19M110146( Omaha a Co'. celebrated mann theene,tiindea titirlattlY MIAS 111 10.1.0 N, echiptni to aUMW" twatotica, dwelllegN,ppblic and Weide ball lade). I other mes where a cheap, hate ItentbrlrWhet ' hdtedittirabto:. e I, ' t,`,, i..v. te a =htm,' Cans, rs, the. di., ; li l / 9 30 . . I.24l44gagnrAlbtePlP , GWbe.• VW re,tecreese tenetrull.L. , ~,actXll , - 1 I. - —,..,...W W Wg,,A.UN i atthritet et Taws, c•olassig Stamm . Gratas deer. ' ARstsursr AIIMuLIACE & Cl,:,' ;UMW Ch.rch, . Tenter Llberti ti rd Wood • 1.7 are tztz. h t f = altAPaerVie.RY Fz i r.4.„..,..,,,_ for woZ a ahtMet sl argte ' otiarldart altie; Parlor and Cefeaken.l3retet4l }Miler Weal ihat , kett . They alio, isiottifsemsellis Edell= isar 'skint, Itssygkveu sect, General wihrhetbtel.o,oo. RV 14*.hill, to all of welch therywoold respectful 'in le the attention of the eitiinturaneWcahlitileathaly 4 oct27..dtt •• ' 771FiiiililiiiijihrIgalioaier,, MR l O d Vitniqinsitliotn; onigs ."' .aamiteati m " 4 noct V O°44l.u geßvitte i Cigrel" lik thtiV ,: r t a b i rgfi t t. v .t ttteptog Abe n ti0n....4 m out i o, azou . . p#, e eusunn• an/Walla jammers • the +Zit, theta OWO WI call and ay WV - TorrawrOs .4.- IV I MW.h4OO/.llditlaw itaiWirfilasbs and winin avedicitte, jaun received, sa4 tott K BELLEB I 4 -Salk ritahrit;'dt ',slam the Gia , s l o B TiccLar - Tmkris4.2 Clop Elastic . eeeeet i ll Setelkti4 sbVidig Tinto; 6do ditrosesl-5Lett0065451 - stona Moor, 2 414 4e1e. fee *them *au-wowed by ___EzlE /sae ittipt - lig rat44"ikt the East. ... es, *Wit to 5A ,4. - tj uu oh h onor fair& fan *a.bs4•ssft t.tryil 1= Thfibbil nobs,' Not 5 lareottotrost,^l. , 0.4 WEE v. 1.0 . ta II ..r: .J 6,IIPIIILLIPB NIZZA -4 70 11211 M. agape' , ainileietly mVaien, h uj t n taorette a t spfivel gu m . leas= yrth-tbore :a o a of feeewly " "ii i agfira l t r i=e4jirtreq ebied yeti the beasen,ievtibe iffilastini a lu a szt Imn flArz;ll''2lll4l..:, rp: 7 1 1r ,..1 COM/Aitire7 4.4ilkilt# • . . dik lirMinete ibmilbaii-Yaro, as- MMOMMltbelT.l6o,biliti . ov ao ca ate Wier. A* 'mks Si isallit tow. - ' —'''' - - Mir 6 ckt ..,,,,, ~ . - ~. s : . ~,,,: ..,, • ,- IF.