The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 06, 1848, Image 1

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140 1 1
- • .
_ _
••: - ESTAin-JSKEY.; - N .
2 Acs' trtits, JIJNe33 C0..4.N.. Communion and For
warding Merchants, have returned to their old
stand, Water and Front streets, Pittabargh. ocr3l
711:01CLICI 51.11371, inns again
DRAGN .& REITER, Wholesale and Email Drug
') guts, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pius.
burgh, Pa. mayl4
• cirtarvitscut , rt s. moons.
and Coaltalltliora Mord:wets, No. 113, Liberty at,
' Pittsburgh. Ps. y.
A. ity pToCla l yoale and Ile.
rgtceralgh jyl
' D MIAMI A. SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, IS end
.L 1 2e. Wood street Parshorgli
0 A. iIeANULTY It Co, Forwarding and Cons.
Vs mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
WALT A. GERHART, Wholesale Grocers, d e al.'
via in Produce and.Pittsborgh Marnifsetares, eon
nor of Liberty and Hand etc; Piusbugh, Pa. tebl7
WN. P. nurnamt. awns 1. .'sass,.
EEtiGLISII & BENNETT, ( late English, Gallagher
4.034 Wholesale Grocers, Cumunasion and Poi ,
• warden Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pitts
burgh 6i.nvLdnuea No. 37 Wood rot, between id and
3d streets. cod
r. a. =dodo, &TO. =LT__ , rum WOOD.
N iltiViry RIMY & Co, Wholesale Grocers and
Coumuszion Merehantrond Agents for Brigham
Win Yaps, Nos. 67 Water, and 103 Front
burgh, P.
Founders and Gas litters, 109 Front, between
rood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lUghest price giveu for old Copper sad Ems.
EORGEVOCHBAN, Commission End Fo" . n Merchant, No. 20 Wood street Piosburgh. idl a r A
_tiro Bsw BIIIINOT, White and Rea Lead of .1 Steamer; Paint and Oil Merchant, causer of
erty end OH= sta., Plusborgh jelS
11001111 . 011:51T1f; MON W. InnEWL
FORSYTH & DUNCAN Forwarding and Commis.
Non Meschants, No. 3 3 rust arreetc - Possbargh.
_ cell
tartim =sal, Mtn stem,
TBAIAR DIC EY A. Co.,4lesale Grace., Com
l. mission Merchants, Lad o rs Produce, 0.66
Water, sad 107 Front mew. Waugh. nort3
TORN H.,RANKIN, Attornoriand Counsellor at Lase
1.1 and Commirtioner kr the State of Pennsylvania
St. Lords, Mo., (late of Pitudstorgh4
Jlissurratisa—Pitisburgiu Hon W Forward,llimp
ton & 21Varadless & Welton', John L Parke,
Dissalls & Semple, idVor4 & King. jeltly
liN SCOTT & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Forward.
ef O
log and o:rtartiartou Merchants, Deaden in Pro-1
clumraad 'Pittsburgh Manafasturea No, 7 Commercial ,
Row, Liberty street,, near the .ftmd, Pittsburgh, Pa.
AMLB B McOUIRE, JlMte of the firm of Alger, and ,
McGuire,) Merchant Tailor , St. =ales Buildings,
Thud street, near Wood, Pittsburgh.
AME'S A. HUTCHISON, A. Co.—Saccertors to
J Lewis Hutchison _
&Co.,Connalasion Merchants,
- and Agents of the St. ‘
Steam Sugar Refinery.
Ns, 411 water and 93 front stmets, Pittsburgh.
R. BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange Bail.J. dings, SL Clair at, Pittrtrugh. NUN
TORN S. DlLWORTll—Wholesale Groeer, Pm
• duce. and Cmundaidori - Merchant, N 0.27, Wood
Pittsburgh. , 1004
TORN MORGAN, Wholesale ,, and deal
• er hi Dye Stuffs, Panus,Vils, Vain Wes, Re, N 0.13
Wood street, IMO door South of Diaztand'Allay,
• TORN IL MELLOR, INludesale and Rao desk,
4/ in Alum and 'Hamel Instruments, Sabel Beata
Paper, Slate, Steel Pens,, Quills, Primers. Cards, and
Stationary generNly,NO. 81 Wood Pittabargh.
117 Rags bought or taken is trade. nepts
T SCHOONMAKER A Co, : Wholesale Druggisu,
N 4 No. 34 Wood street. Pitlabragth
° et a :N o et, it DAVlS, abl l924e; me
" oe W t ° B °4
p. 1
WINSTON A. STOCRlON,Booksellers, Printers
✓ and raper Mentacatiers, Pio. 44 Market M., Pitts
burgh led Arthur G Comm,
Sim'l W. Jon OHNJ GRIER, Wholesale Grocer , dealer in Pre-
-duce, Pittsburgh Dianufacurtas, Tot Plates, &e. See- - -
• No. VI Liberty at, Putsburgh. jan3
/OEM 7LOT =la= MTV.
• & FLOYD,_fto J. Floyd A. Cu.,) Wholesale
u • Grocers, No. W 3 Liberty streeL sops
TAMES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Ccumassion
ebutal, and dealer Prod= and Pittsburgh
anatiacorrea N 0.114 IVoter at, Ihusburgli. janlo
K IER A. JONES, Forwarding end Commisaion Mex.
(... Va d art=e4=Prtalises . azd j. P u tt:ab L urgh mgt.
Vessivius Iron Works.
fARIL, DALZELL & Co., mem:Lemma:of all si
t LOS BLI) Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best --
'' quality. Wertheim, 34 water and 103 front at.
B 'WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Pennzoi-
l) to;Att=re= 2 ,af a irw ln ,
end Front
:Bra' is iIIiIPTON, Wholesale Grocers, For.
wart h og Co
og and noraissous Mmehmus, dealers in
IMO PiDsbolgh Moutufamorw, - N05.13 and 133
Woos rt, Pittsburgh.
F.ltQliK, BROTHEAti A. C 0 Ortmodsalau filer-
Clams, Philadelphia, for the sale of produce gee
nor t iL Liberal advaeces made on consignments.
o. MULL. wax.= c...wm.
eGILL A. BOE, Wholesale Grocer, and Coramia-
uion Merchants, No. 134 liberty at, Pittsburgh
n - 41
aIIALLM & Co Commusion and Forwarding
p Merchants, Vi .'teran d From sta, between
W7L and Market art. ADS
zunranio n.
RICEETSON, Wholesale Grocen and
Conutdashin Merchants, N 0.170, litorty,st., Pitt.
.ffil b a P. sal4
Ihj HOLMES & SON, No. 33 Market rt., second
ai l = from ot c ' h Fo%r , t.t . desal .. ers . m or F ik otegn
a, Bank Notes and Specie. _
Mr Collections mad on all the principal notes
throughout the United States. debt?
1,1 =EST MOORE; Wholesale (Overt Rectifying
• Dbrater, dealer 'Produce, Pittsburgh Mensafac
tams, and sull kinds Of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Lamm, No. 11 Liberty street. On hand • :run ,
lave rock of =mint old Monongahela whiskey,
which will be sold low for moth. up 1.217
men.&&)) T. LEECH, Jr,ie importer and Dealer in
Foreign and Domestic lrldkry , Hardware and
' sage Wmmings, of all descriptions, No. 133 Wood
• Piushough. a 925
• I.IICILAILD HARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
• Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers' Tools and FM&
salmi Tanners , and Coders' Tools, and Tannest/ Oil,
N 0.103 Woodot,Pittanergk. - ' Septa
witurfr LoBUDO.T, 5.003,. L. L0W.330a.
ureNE.Olllll%Ol4 & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Produce
and Conuoission Merchants, and Dealers 11 Ens
blanolistures, No. Ile.l Liberty at, Piusbargh.
Pa. janlu
gitOBERT DALZEZ.L A. Co., Wholesale Grocers,
HOCommission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
Produce and Pinsbargh Illacmfacturu, liberty
Pittsburgh, Pa. beld4
#OIIT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale 13/rocer,
Dealer ; Produce and Pimburgh blanufactares,
a 144 Libe At.
• EYNOLDS & MIRK Forwarding sad c•m4 s r.
• /dereltants, for the Allegheny River Trade, eat
ers in Omegans, Produce, Pittsburgh Moutufssmres
and Chloride of Lime.
The highestatiess,. in Cash, paid so all time! for,
try raga • Corner of Penn end Irwin sta. Ra=
Ii lIUSHFIELD—WhoIesaIe dealer in= goods, I.
•es'boots, Hess, Piusbursh mantlamared
ern street, iiitsborg
VIM &JOHNSON, Wholesale gad Retail Healers
In Millinery toed, Laces, Hosiery sad Fancy
Aittsburg h rtielea,N. 40 Markin sum; 3d door above Third st,
P. areN
_ :1110:1. IL Warr).
SIII.7,CKLEIT & WHITE, Who&ado Dealers In
Forojan and Domenic Dr) Goods, No: 09 Wood at
ihusbargh. febEhr
- 0 - 2 cw . HARBAUGH, Wool Merchant, Driams
0. - in Flour and Produce morally, and Forwarding
sod C Morebaros, ro. de Walor st, Pins.
•.4s&ma, ItaCiALEY k Co, Wholesale Omen sad
p rm fi e ee dealer's, N. =I Market Aateat,betesesesteth
sod eib. North aide,T,tdind.464. wve
v. must. rmsavvos. _JOU, isms, auxinAii).
repoLe, Pliktnee sad (ieneral Com
° adockel AttlVllllltiy,No. 47, abirrf .1, Plulburgit.
Spam Lfaseed«ndiAmPoi l
------ - - -
§•IK. VON BONNHORST, & Co., Wholesale Oro.
eers, Forw it tding_ and Conunatelan liderthants,
a .
era In Pittabnigh 611411(W:um and Weitein Pro
duce, have ronovedso their hew warehOosa i toldsuiadt
No. 35. comes of Front st. and Chancery Lane. i
acts 7 i
r,„,,,„ 4 IlWr, Wholesale Owners and COMmig.
. si ns
Neridiants, and dealers in Proditee. No. 35
ood sly Tittstninth. , paatt
ILhi la IFOnktit, Agenrfor •lexiette
procuring petialmahm the °thee of Wm. 'E. bas-
J 2, ER, Iturk's buildings, 4th st; Pittgbargh. by son
to the general land date at,Waattinglinuarill tamed to
my betimes them fete of expeuee to applle
emay imat
Darman, anca, inn 1M4101.11511.
ICK & tIYCANDLEM Dammam to L. it J. D.
Wbo*tele Grocer" Fonnudiate and
.annalasinn Merchant" dealers In Iron, Nall" Gin"
Lama% arn" anditerbarah Manufactures Nad e l,
.7"......(W0cat a nd Wet,
arke t meets. bteros;tvbie.txrFroni It between W00f...
VI CY, 41111 none Et 261111 runup.
"t,".1P6441 Na 441 Liberty - 4 4646 the
TAT GAIIIL&RD, polder to Fug ma atiVid
TT ~, Dry Goods, N 0.12 Alartst GreetaDDlFElb
TNT W WILSON, Denier in Watetreq -
Wam military. Goods, ern., No. 47 Alai ,
dal St .r 1097
ry . Ailla — WirOVEo - I — eiala and Segall dFalerln
vv FM*l and Dentertia Dry GOoda,cnotih east
eolnef Illarkni add Founn 6111,; 1,0
bather IeCIIMIL
u rn youNcla Co.—Dealer* in hides, itn.
irt la Liberty st.,
.4.14 y
Itectirriog Medtiers. and Win n „ nd Li 4
Ewe* e".• atoPMere 0 1. B all AA and Hips
Powder - Na 100 LWOW' st , r , u.bur6 ll , Welty,
- -
*Arno BIACIIIVI3h__ ..
/11:=12 Ili. MD
lII2BLACKBURN I Co, Wholesale Grocers alms
. dealer in Oas, Ball StMe ,.../ PWAMMSIOII.II.
taxa ast4es, tem ea hana t Al, W lll =3 •NB sod
om,*airsartmeat ofrlods In then Boa, Wilmer...,
- ear ossy Alley, Plashargh. ~ I ,i,-ai7
F , M. ISTCIiELTRIKE, Wbotesafe robein,
: - itebtLfying Disiillerp, and Wine anni, Liqm
• , areliante• ~ Also, Importers bf tioda',Abb and Pinch
''intrabelai,' No. NO Liberty meet, Pinstarirli, ?L
. , j
TORN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist sad Apothecary,
e.P No. 4s Market st, three deem above Third K. Pitts
burgh, will hare constantly on hand In Well selected 0.-
sortment of the best mad freshest Medicines, which he
will sell on the moat reasonable foams.
sending orders, will be promptly trended to, and sup
plied with artieles they may rely upon as germine.
netiPhysiciansFirescriptions will be accurately and
tiprepaTed from the best materials, at any hear of
y or night
the day
for a large meek of fresh and good Perfm
. .
• Zlonongahela Live!y_Stable.
RouERT H. PATTERSON has opened
the large stable on Vast at, running through
• pA to Second at, between Wood
Its, in the rear of the Monongahelaand Smithfield
with' n entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of
thei best quality sod latest styles. Horses kept In live
ry in the best manner. IY2MY
Mkita r ivcins ON WOOL) ST, PITTSBE RUH.
CONTINTIM3 to manufacture Mounments, Burial
Vaults, Tombs, fiend Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tope of foreign and domestic marble, at
a regular had fear price.
N. B.—Drawings (or monument., vaults, he. furnish
ed, of any deunption. Be solicits a share of public
patronage angid-dtf
WILLIAM awn', htentifectorer of Cotton and
colored Linen, Fringe. for Dresses, tr.c.; Sewmg
Stlk mad colored Cotton Pe nges for silk and Foghorn
Parasols. Gimp. Mohair, and Silk Mallon Frmges,
mode to order on the shortest notice.
Brom; corrierofMaiden Lansand William, entrance
No 15 WWI= strait, third floor,. over Abner & Elys'
store, No Lan, Nevi\ ark jYIO
QINPSON, LRATP, STANGER& Co., manoinetu..
• 1.7nd0 of Vial, Rattles, and Window Glue, keep
• coartaatly orrhaad a ganeralassonmett of the above
:ankles. 'AL°, make to order' a superior ankh! of
ATmeral or Soda-Water Rados, of colored. chug. No.
.16WaPd ataittebn • . ' a •
-1 ddreq .11a; ongery r 'llazneu and Coach
- i Trimmingk
abs.,e Ilkier, 11111dr, Varnish, to.
jyll No. 1.13 WOW) ST. Promo:room
_a, new Wood—All quantities of Green and
r - Black Tea., done up in quarter half, and
uepouni packages, ranging fro 50 eta. p et pound
EAU. ggl A. JAYNIK Agt. for Pekin Pea Co.
Duquesne Spring, Ante, Steel sad Iron
C Works.
.OLEILAN, HALLMAN tr. Co, manufacunore of
Coach and Elinne Springs, Hammered Axles,
• . ririg and Plough Steal, Iron, Re. Warehouse on
Water and Flora sultan, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers Jai Coach Trimmings and Malleable
Caning.. • Goal
TOHN FINNEY, h., Agent as Pittsburgh for the Del
l/ aware Mama! Saferylissurance Company of Phila.
*dolphin. Fire Risks upon buildings and merotiandsze
oCevery description, and Marine Risks opals hulls or
cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable
Mtn in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes d. Dm,
Nn 22 Water, near Market street, Paushurgh.
N. ll—The success of this Company since the cunt.
lishmern of the dmincy in this city, swath the-prompt
ness and liberality with which every clam upon them
for low has been adjusted, fully wanant the agent in
inviting the confidence and pauonage of hi. friends and
the eommunity at tame to the Delaware Insu
rance Company, while it has the additional advantage,.+
as an instiunion among the mcumflounshing in Philadel
phia—glassing ad ample pald-in capital, winch by the
operation .of its charter Is constantlyinerasing, as
yielding each person insured his dne
.hare Of the
profits of the company, without involving him hi any
reSponsibilitylwhatever, and therefore as la:incasing
the Mutual pnnmple divested of every obnoxious fea
ture; and in its most attractive form. nov4
' 1:7: : .\:i l: f: 1 t7.~: ~
frklLElnazirenee Company of North droenca, mrough
as duly andkoti=d Agent, the subscrtbar, offer. Ley
make permanent and limited Insurance on propeny,
We city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the 'Ca
nal and Myers.
wn, John Dro
Jacob BLNeff Thames, , A. John R.
John White, Richard D. Wbod,
'Thomas P. Cope, Wm. Welsh,
Samuel F. tenth, Fealties Hoskens,
dluntiel Depoks, S. Aussie Alhbone,
.._ 2: _ ARTHUR G. COFFIN, [test
llama li. Sagassan, /key.
This is the oldest luswance Company in the United
States, booing boon chartered in Mi. ha cheer is
perpetual, and Cram he high standing, long oxponosino,
ample means, end avoiding risks of an esua hag.
ludo. character, it may bc co
as offering am
ple sonority to the public. W. P. JONES. .
At the Counting Roam of Atwood, Jones it Ca r , W.-
teir and Front streets Pituilaugh. mays
%IHE Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Ptah:del
plan, will make Puri ranee, permanent and Waned
on every description of property, in Pinsmargh and the
.anrominding country, on favorable terms. cum
pony huo a perpouial dinner.
Capital, WY= paid in.
Contingent, Fund - &Ip,*
InTace corner of Mid and Market sweets, Pittsburgh.
HE undersigned, dilly autlionsed Agent of the Auto r
ie.. Are Insurance Comp.] of Philadelphia,
continues to effect insurance against loss or damage
against Fire, on buildings, mercluoubse, furniture and
property, not extra hazardous, w this oily and otci rd i y
stpla (1..31111,1 a - m. 4 .1
BIJISSOKLISEttItas been appotrueritpio
I, tem- of lbe lesurance Company of North Accencs,
and will issue Policies and attend to the other bosom.
oethe Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jones
Co. aptli WM. P JONES. 'ewer st
No. 60 South Marro,
EGg to inform the .riute and dealers generally. of
Pittsburghtthamhey moo rands such vrutogrments
with the Virginia mantirecnirers and the Growers of
the West, West indica, ono whet places, as will insure
a large and emotion sew) , of the following descrip
tion. of Tobacco, which witi be sold upon as accom
modating terms as any other house in Ibis city or else
.where, and all /nods ordered from them will be war
ranted mituil to represeetaUcau
Havana; St. Domingo; Conn.;
Yara; Porto Rico; Penn's.; }Seed Leaf to-
Cuba; !gain!; & Florida; bocce;
ALSO—Braneh's celebrated ArCuustie Sias Coven•
dish, with a large assortment of ether popular brands,
and qualities of pounds, 6s, Ca, 1.22, les and &en Lump;
es, 6, es sad 10. Plum Ladies Twist; Vitamin Twist,
&0.., sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood
and do, together with every variety of article belong
inglLO the trade.
Dairriet. a. Irlosat - r. a 0.6.201tr505,
Produce, Commission and Forwarding
No. 6 Noun Wamtv., • 1TD...1.2:9..WA.rza
P - fiLLADELPHists
Hamm vo—John 11. Broom & Co.
Robyn Steen & Co.
Bascrod, Beaver & Co.
smith, Bag&ley & Co.
Allen & Piston, Now York.
Walton & Harvey, Baltimore.
Bagalvy& porn,
Bnrbridge,W gum & Co I p itub . g ,
Batley, Brown & Co.
Kier & Jones,
Mt '' Liberal cosh advances on consignments to our
@Adn.. maathdly
r. C. 1111MAKIl. MALES =IT. loot. IVAT[I,I.
And General Commission lierchanta,
N. L 3 Souza Warn/eras=
EZRERMIiCES—Hoary Grist & Co, Plueburah.
koxlirers & Sherlock, c.elm .
S. Schooley & Son, mm
A. M. January, Maysville.
Charles Thulium, Jr, Louisville.
Humphnrys Co.) &
Mercer, Br. & Co. Philad'a
Reed & Brother,
aplAly Dusilh Cousinery, New "ork.
rsan D. 1.10E13113., C 0423.1.1. W. AllirEctox.
Poe. 7 & mom. R non asniaw,ar C 11113.1.11, onto.
Commluloo and d Yorsr.
C No. woon mammowitt,
ONTINM 3 to transac t a general Commission heel.
nets, especially in Mis purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, and in roceivm,g and
forwarding Goods coimfgned to his care. he Agent fur
the Slanufacutrea he wall be -constantly supplied with
the principal ankles of Phuborgh fitantificitire at the
Imam wholesale prices. Orders and ernisignments
are res• ctfull solicited. 197
PDBNfIDIhu Atill 1,1116181510 N
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh
Manufacture• generally,
to. .111.1 woos + - numb reresesettu,
WM. U. Ciati
transuding Mere leant, Drow motile, Pa.
Amu& particulexty to the Poroverding of Produce,
/to. ae.
,For any information, apply to FoRSYTI:I k CIJN
CAN, Water it. omia
Nos.los•nd WI BarreßALl W T IM eals, •
AMOBlXScko—Mcrchtmts of Pittsburgh. RE, MD.
Wheeling, Va.—R. Crungle Co. rostednea
--- 1510 if le Mr 0 - 111710itig at
yhave taken au office immediately to
our burnt warehoese, for the preaent, where we
transact business as usual, mail a cum house can
be erected, arrangements having already been mode
for that purpose. Boats will always be 111,1=414m5...
our wharf to receive freight
aryl Canals liberty at
. . -
Particular intention paid to this sale of Wool, and fiber
al advances made on consignment.
9 1 1 Bra Ca, prime. ortiolo ; 8 do 13, do ; N do As
sad. 4 , 4 0 :; ... 10 , 17 . 1 . 1i Imf d , , lque; odo do,
0 BLACK - W.IM A. Co
• CILA.B9-4103 bo a m mo, ar.l2 saciao-14 ! Fars
'Ur last - sOO , l yet ArroarB , And for :do by
aspla "URSA k DUNCAN
Quarles Taylor,
Ambrose White
o No. 117 South Water a
Bak, Pa
TLL also attend to collections and all other burn
nem summed to turn in Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Prier to
J. & K. Floyd, Liberty at
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall do Pittsburgh.
dly Kay & Co., Wood t.s
• •
T IL SWE3TZER, Attorney , Law, Wilesld at.,
opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsbuish; will also
attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Orson rollnliCS, Pa.
Blne . mom...
katock, BeI: REFER & Co., TO
Chards& Carothers, }-Putsburgh.
EV J. HENRY, Attorney and Councillor at Lay,
ILL, Cincinnati. Ohio. Collections to Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentoeky, promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn
sylyania., for taking Depoeitions, acknowledgments,
fen. kn.
acratt to—lion. Wm. Bell k Son, Curtis, Church Zr.
Carl:ahem, Wm. liar•, Irillock k Dario. arts
..... . • . .... .
VITILLIJOIF e SHINN. (successors to Lowrie and
W a Willismai Attorneys and Counsellors st Law.
Office North side of Founh street. above Sruidtheld.
JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Lear, BakewelPs
Building, Grain street, nearly opposite the Court
• angil,-Ren
JAY= OVNIAP. J. 11.11.1301‘ WWII,II.
DUNLOP & SE YELL. attorney et Law, Offices on
Smdthfield, between 3d and 4th sts.
Law, have removed their office to the South side o
Fourth et., between Cherry Alley and Grant street.
Virf O. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. has re-
Y moved hie office to the Exchange BuMinya, St-
Chu, at . next door to Ohlornotn John. .n
To Country Mem haztt.
A LARGE STOCK or Soho& Books, Paper, Station
ary, &c., suitable for country sales; among which
Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common gull's
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do do do do
Note and Letter Envelopes;
Slates, Pencils, W afers. Quills and Steel Pawl;
Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed;
Bonnet Boards, of chifereut qualities;
Blank Books, in great variety;
Family, School and Pocket Ellble
Crown, medmm, and double crown wrapping papal
ItleGuifie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers;
Ray's Eclectic Arniuneucs;
Cobb's Primers, Spellers and Readers;
Sanders' do do do
Arithmeues, by Adams, Da riaColbum, Smith, Stock
ton. Emerson. and others.
Geographies, by Miteholl, Olney. Smith. Itiorta,Good
rich, Parley, and others.
Grammar*, by Smith, Kirkham. Bunions, Weld, and
other. For sale at low prices, by
81 wood sr, 5 door above Ith.
The highest market wire paid for good mucd
in cub. a • In
tar exposiuon of the great dlecovenes mid theo
ries of modern astronomy; by 0 M binche/I, • sr. ; Di
rector of the Cincinnati Observatory.
Headley's Italy. Alps and Fthme.—Letters from Italy,
the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of N
poleon and his Marshall., Washington and kw Gener
als, Sr. New mud revved edition.
Slaustica of Cool.—The Geographteal and Ch-ologi
cal distinctions of Mineral Combusublea or fossil fuel;
/minding alto, notices and localttiesof the venous
mineral bimminmus substanee• employed in arts add
manufactures; illustrated by Maps end Dwurnmes, ac
companied by nearly VW s.nstleal tables, and Hon an
alyses of mineral combustibles., &c, prepared by Km h•
and Crowtbtg Taylor.
Just received a few copies of each of the above works
—for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCK ON,
Booksellers, ror market & 3d ow.
- -
1.1 by J. A. & ti P. JAMKS, Cuteinnatiohe following
new and valuable Works—.
Donsphanl Expechtion—Contatninf a sketch of the
life of Col. A. W. Donyttani the Gonsthest of New
htexisoi Den. Kearney's Overland &spa-chums to Cab
forma; Domphan's Campiugn Nartths, and
hue unparalleled March upon ChAvatota and Durango,
and the Operations of Get Pnee at Sao. Fe; wan
Mop and Engravmga, by John T fleshes. A the
Herman of hfirsourt Cavalry
Hictory of Kentucky-1u Anoqunfea and Nodural
Curiosilloo; Geogroptaral StaOsaical and lieolopolu
dearnpuons; with aneodotes of noneers Late, and mon
thou ooe hundred alogra,cducal Sketches of disongtoah
ed noueera. 11111 En, Jurists, Loaryrra.
Vines, &0., illuatratod w i t h forty ougra• tugs by Low.
Collins, I vol. octavo.
The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or Journal of • Pet-
Vote in the Tennessee Regiment co t ••alry, in the
Campaign of Wilco, durmg . tioth-47, eon atom . ; an ne•
de-count of the &lamb of the rt.q.vment to Vera Coca,
sem:Monof the Country passed over
L ; manners, rue
loam, he. of th e people, Munches Camp aC, cc.
founts of al/ th e a.m. ninth.; f
Volunteer Regi Lents,
Ind a fall Hrstory of the Reitman War, List of .e Kil
led and Wounded, he, tilt...rated by a large number of
correct nears and plans, by tiro. C. Yuri, r, I volume
octavo. . . deal
New Paper and Book Eseablisiiiiiiat,
le Woo, Sc, servara revere •ND
T llLLll . bsCritrer s s to h c a k v: ( mot e, ope ned , l at tan , Ill i tove d
plena white a s b fu ' lls , Lue ai r ttl '' Ll u t a er m E":pe ". r. e coal
cueretal and packet post Flat Cap. decoy and medium
wetting papers, for blank books, mediom and royal co
lored Pruning Papers; tnedlum, decoy and cop pay
Books and ledgers superior paper and bent hooter,,
broduigl School tIoLk o(.l!kinds. standard aorta in
Theology and Sesenees. I.jutbk, gold and steel Pens.
I% niers, Wax, Frill bile. , an he
Blank Books of all sues tnted to pattern, and bnond
to the moat 1.1:111.01.181 manner .
Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale. pi,.
cies for cll.. or rag• at cash pricey
JOH PRINTING —Having a Job &bee tu connection
with our establiehment, we are prepared to execute mi.
orders for plain and taiiey Pouting—liooka, nonionic,
circulars, business tiaras, bill. of lading, !sc., with de a
patch and at 10,0 prICCR. Ezibtaski,
in Y arpod st, between ilth and diamond alley.
11,* ct«' ' WlAlilii.—Vanity Fair, •novel without a
111 Hero: by William Atakepeace Thackery —with
Wastrel.. by the author.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. by Acton Filell, author
of .Wuthenng Height.'
The Young Schou...Wes, by Joseph Alden. D. D
Port 0, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of the Aroloan
Nights' Entertainment, New translauon,arranged
for manly reading, oath explanatory notes: try K ty.
Lane, Esq.
Loomis' Loganthms—Tables of Loganthms of num
bers and signs and•fangents (or every ten seconds of
the Quadront, yeah other useful tables: by Elias Loomis,
A. M., Prof Mathematics and Natural Philosophy to
the it/4.44444r of New ork, author of a ••Trounne on
Algebra," &c. he.
itte above wort"reeetaed this day and (or min by
_ltd Bookaellars, cor market and :Id •tA
(STORY OF C0NC1RE....33, khographleal and Polo
ocal. comprising memoirs of the nleinbers oldie
Congress of the U. S. By Wheeler. 111 ustruied
by numerous steel portraits, he he. Vol I, octavo.
the Woungs of C. Si. Clay; including speeches nod
addresses, with steel portraits- Edited toy Ii Oreely. I
vol 8 vo
What I Saw in Californian By Edwin Bryant_
Barnes' Notes, Vol. 10, on Jamas, Peter, John and
Charms and Counter-Charms: By Mae Wlntosh, au
thor of "To seem and to he." "Conquest," fer.
Mary Grover, a Domestic Temperance Tale: By C.
Kings and Queens, or Life an the Palace; cons Hung
of historical sketches of late and reigning ottoerrigem
By J. S. C. Abbott.
A Punt Book in Spanish, or a practical introduction
to the study of the Sousse Language, Hy J Saikold.
The Hying Robin and other talcs: lip Flay. he. Aldeu
Just roc'd by IL HOPKINS,
Apollo Building• 4th ot,
augl tSuccessor to J. L. Road.)
NEW HOOKS— late of Cromwell, by J T Headley .
Power of the Pulpit, by Unrchner Spook, D. D.
Bethel Fin, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony;
Lectures mrShakspeare, 9 vole;
Path of Llie ; or Sketches of the Way to Glory and
Fixitsthps of Messiab;
The Convent.; by author of School Girl In France;
Now and 'nen, by Warren;
Sketches of Lemons, on Parables mid Miracles;
Irelands Welcome to the Suanaer;
Heaven upon Earth.;
Ilawkston, a tale of and for England: 2 rola,
For sale by FILLIorr t ENGLISIL
70 wood and 51.1 utaenct PIO
N I; n1141 ' th et e to
near Wood. Tupper's Proverbtal Philosophy, in three
styles of binding', a bequulul book lor a present.
Preparation for the Pulpit_
Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles
of Mist, by the author at the Pulpit Cyclopedia—nuo
sketches, ice. The English Pulpit; collection of ser
mons by the most eminent living divines of England.
Munavvaallotsa—botint Good, Chrsuati Love, Lon.
ret thou me. Sacred kledimtions. my 24
NI PATRIARCHAL A6L or the linnory and
Religion o( (tlntaind front the Creauorr to the
oath of Isaac: Deduced from the writings of !Hoses,
and other inspired authors; and illustrated by copious
tisterenee. 10 the tr e.l I records, tradtuotia and toy
thology of the Heathen World—Ly Geo Month, F. B. A.
1 vol.. octavo.
. . _
Charms end Counter• Charms, by Miss Mlnlosh. A
fresh supply Of this very Dog tiler little work.
Orators of the American lievoiuuon, by El. L. Ma
goon, with Portriot. 1 vol, 12 MO.
Parley's sotenct Library, for !strobes or schools, Z.,
volumes, 12 mo, with engravings. 1118 is s new work.
For sale by H HOPKINS,
seep Apollo Buildings, gili st
DE. K'S HOTANV—Umany_ of the tinned States
north of Virginia; eonignsing dewriptioris of the
floseenng and fem-like plants hitherto foetid. in Wow
States; arranged according to the natural system.
With a synopsis of the Genera wren ding to the Lin
mewl systemi . as
• sketch of the rudiments of hobo. y, and
a glossary a 1... by Let. C. Beek, ill D., Prof.
Chemistry and Natural History in Ringer' s College,
New Jersey, tr.c. Le. Second edition, rented and en
larged. For sale by
• • _
LA romilsts,• or, Personal Memoirs of the Palmas of
the French Revolonon—from unpublished sources: by
Alphonse do 1..61/1.110. Complete in Wee volumes:
trandlation A ftesh supply of ibis popular
aqua received Om day and tor sale by
sepia Booksellers, roe to.erket and lid sic
LUITFRINGS IN Et; ROPE: or sketches of trove
in ' , ranee, Bolgtom, Awnna, Switterland, Italy,
Frowns, Ireland and Great ktrtuan with an appeudi z
conunrung obwreauons on Euro pean charities anal
medical Instructiour. by John W. Carson, M. D. A
few copies fOnsule by
AT OUR STORE on Markel tamer, No LO, between
ad and 411,1, may at all tunes be found a lame
stock of Theologmal and ItlnteeLlancona {looks. New
books received as soon an published, and Sold at
est prices. The pubhcauons of the American Swaday
School Union and Afassaehusesa Sabbath School So.
clam, always on hand. Catalownes furnished on ap
plication. ELLICY/T & ENGLISH,
firl market st, bete/wt. &I and 4113
GUM OPIUM (Torkey)— t case reekt and fur stile
• by 2 912 BRAUN & REITER
~K~'J J., L J:l+f :+Y t $ ~:~
witL()GAN ha.I , INEDY have ttus day ociated
h them at the Hardware. hosinesa, assWtl
eon and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here
after be retrinsliVijeson It Co. This nrrangement ren
ders le clearable tline dm old business •• mon as
possible. -Ail parsitins - Whost liabilities have matured,
are expecadly requeited tonegke Immediate payment.
Pittsburgh, Jan
. 1,4819.
Tooaßr, wn.go a. 00s—importers end
.1.4 Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard
ware. Cutlery. Saddlery, &c., II SID, Wood street, Firm.
burgilare now folly prepared with a recoutly impor
ted stock of Huniornre, Cutlery, tre.,to offer very great
inducements to Webtolll buyers, being determined to
compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities. Al
so on hand au extensive assortment of Pinsburgh Hard
ware, via Ethereal, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Vices hos
all of which wilt be sold at the lowest manulactraer •
prices awl
FV.C7.V%171:4 -. FTTriT2
THEAMbser7bant having record entered into
partnership under the name of Oat . ogher, long,
& Miller, for the purpose of carrying on t he Bell
and Brass Founding and Gas Fitting business in
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu
pied by 11. Gallagher, No. 1W Front street, between
Wood and Smithfield eta., where they are prepared to
execute all order. tor Bells, Brass Outings, of every
ileacnpoon, and GOA Fittings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to.
N. B.—The attention of Machinist. and Engineers is
invited to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced price,
which hoe been pronounced superior to Bobbin', by
numlicss who have used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, generally, are alio requested to call and ex
amine our moaner doable betion Force Pumps for
steamboat and domeauc oie.
T H i gzi , % i tne .k rsZl ir, so w l . out y d stlz ti o nder ihefirm i„. o , l l
on the tot inst. Thu business will be closed nsent
as the old
stand tgyeither of us, using the name of the firm fur
that purpose. Being desirous to have our Inaben
closed with as little delay as possible. vre would res
speetfullv request those indebted to call end setda
Char accounts. JOAN D. M'CORD,
Jos H. D. KING.
TOHN wcoat) having usociated with Ithilt
brother James 111`Cord, under the style of Mallard
k. Co., will eonutmv the Ulu, Cop and Fur business to
all its venous branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old stand, eonser of Wood and 6th streets, where they
solmit a conumsation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D fiI`CORD.
J0.111M5 8. 111'COSAV
I T N retiring from the old and viral! known Arm of
ArCord KING I mom respemilly retool:tam/A to
the patronage of the pub'ic my auceesaors, Mews.
aroma Co. p. 21 H. D. KING.
t e L e: , p w eli b tr . s e ty ed bl y r o to:. R T7e buamemrof
Pinaburgfi, July 19,1649.
The ntldersigned w II continue the Wholesale tiro
cent .4 Commission bounces, under the firm of WWII
sad Roa,est taeu old stand, No. IP4 Liberty sweet.
Having mid my interest in the firm of Bush.
held a Roe to my former partners. bruin& Roe, I rote
plesnare In recommending them to my friends and the
r,gbitc. tYS O B. 11. BUSHFIRLR
Co- - 1 1- art.• irstap Boileo.
'EIW. STEPIIKNia ofWhechng, E. F Sl:lsenberg=
.r.a s of Jun...a. and J Siockuni of litusdnarga, hoist
Una day entered mine co-partherahip order style sad
kern of Stephens, ittitictenberger & Co., at the Anchor
iron work& Wheeling, Va., tor the purpose of Maud
factoring iron and mai. of emery description.
STIPTIMICI,Lt. 88010fliZiond. r .1
hlanufacture all kind of boiler, sheet, bar trop and
nuts, A. IL steel ettpde dynes's and atlea tieing cons
11,:ed orth Shosuberres old Juniata smirks, we eaa
odor an article of Juniata .roll thranded Shoenberger)
equal to any made In the country. All of which tad)
Ise sold at the Pol.hureh pnees Warehouse of the
works comer of blot , on and Water an. ruyll
r t rasoLuTzox—Th<portnerstop hitherto exian
under the stile and 4n.m. of Wigton. k W
ren, is this day dissineed by mutual C 011.131, John Dab
telt having disposed of hts enure Interest to IL Ww6t.
man. The Lawless of the late firm will be seeded
11. Wlghtmatt, vets. is authorised to are the name of the
Into firm for that purpose. 11. WIGIITNIAN. •
spchaLlw Linty I 'LT] J. DALZELL. •
TILE :Subscriberts now prepared to toannfaelar• dl
IL Lode of Cotton and Nttoolen Meettinery, at the shortest
noun., Orders left at R. Wittanalon t..n.rttre Stoop, ebol
not I,llerty and Water street.,ollloloolollll pain
11100000. H. WlGlfthlk.ll, •
Leaealt et., between Federal and ttandbaki sh..j
spOUdly All ebony en].
/10ePARTSEILSIIIP—Wm. 1 dna; baring ti
tI de, wunodated antlo tarn. John R. Al'Cnne, the ler.
Ind buddy* /nil berrafter be conducted under the
/ion of Wm. Young tr. Co WILLIANI YOUNG,
jun 3 HUH. IL
— lbri—p
MICKNUEL ec CO. have with
I.lVd!otan their Tobacco and Commis ion bustned,
Yet nand Heald. Ode of Jacob Heald la Co, Hainan/raj
Daryl C hlreatnaton. and lobe A. tVen , er. mvIS
J ay oer• Expee bratst
SALMI, COOIMO1.11•1 CO.. Apr. 1141.
R I). JA YNES: Due fee/ bound to you
11 And the afflicted publfe. m 11•141 myself of this op.
porn ruiy of xlvtlig publicity to the extraordinary effects
Cli your klxperiorant on myself. Ilatrung been aftheted
for several years with a nevem cough. hectic fever
and concertina. disease.. and seemed may doomedifiger • short bot =seeable existence, until the
fall of 'KC!. out
when, befog more severely attackell. and
having resorted to all my former remedies. and the pfe•
C.CililUol. of two of we most respectaldu put meows in
the neighborhood without denying any benefit, or the
consolation of survtvnig but a few day• or weeks at
tarthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I bad recommended to roe your Expectorant—
snd blessed by that Lictog who does all things in the
use of the means,.and contrary to the expectations of
my physiciaos and (lends, I was in • few days raised
from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
amend to my business, enjoying since better health than
I bad for ten years previous,
Respectful' y yours. Ac , Jas. W. Emu..
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea More, 72
Fourth storm. mara
. _
. .1). This Cathartic compound combines smallness of
Milk with edit...icy shd comparative mildness of put
gail•e action, and havnig a peculiar tendency to the
binary organs, is extremely valuable In this country.
in which Whom ierers and other eomplaints attended
with congestion of the Liver, so much abound. They
have now stood the test of 20 years. and experience
has proved them to be a safe and 'valuable remedy in
Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fever; Jaundice.
Bilious colic, Indigestion, Dropsy, Dysentery, Hiltons
Vomitings, colds, and all complaints Men 1111111M1111.0•
ry Chef...! The complete and universe, sausfsc
nail which has been given by Mese pi Is to all who
have used them, renders the publishing of the numer•
nus certificates in their favor unnecessary. To pre
vent counterfeiting they are now pm up Ili a red xylo
graphie wrapper
Price ICI cents fora boo containing 30 pills.
Prepared and sold by
corner Ist and wood, and also comer oth and wood
streets. septa
B. A. FAuxexcrocs,A.B. HULL, N. Y. Cm - .
B. L. Vannwroca,} L
G. \V. Faux. ro;
Wholesale Drug Store in the Otty of
New York.
TICK undersigned ant extenstvely engaged in the
Wholesale Drug Winne. at No. 49 John onset, in
eny of Ne* I ork,sotAurepared to supply
Druggists and country M nth Drugs, Palms,
(hl., Dyetuffs, Foss's° "Amenc. Pohintery,
Slander, Weaver & Daimler's Chemicals, (of their own
unportauon) and all other ankles in then hoe of busi
ness, of a evertor gustily as low as they con bvpur
chased In this or any eastern city.
Nw& York, Febl6 B. A. IFAHNEATOCK k Co.
Marcher's Chrome Green.
undetgned, Pelmets and 13Itild Makers., of the city
To York, have used and tested, and ore now using
a new article of Chrome Green, nitistuitsctured by Geo.
K. Marcher, of dna city, and Ond it to work well, pro.
dactng a fine brdliant Parts Green appearance, with •
IcZe"tri'Ve'fist'udi'evanden.7:r'n'ticuTar'd it
o l7e u st r b'e ll ‘ ro hr' m n e
Deceit we have eves used. New Work, June 1, 47.
Stgned by 21 firms of praeneal painters of the City of
New York. This unegunlied Chrome Green may he
had of K. SELLFILS, No 57 Wood street, who has
the craft:sive agency for tubule an Pittsburgh. atarls
, k:Ft.hIIFUGE—" No family should be
LoosS, C. IL, V., Aug. 24, 49.
Ma. R. F. Saudtai, I cheerfully certify that I have
for some years pact used your Vernauge in my fimuly,
and Ulll verpally with miccess I decidedly prefer it to
any other preparation I have used —tumulus, mess maY
be tuirre , d the celebrated tnedteine called Deadshut,
FalintestoelOs Verimfuge, aud a preparation called
Norm Tea. In a receut case single dose brought
from my little boy one hundred and six large wenn,
Pia family eartaitily ought m be without It. Yvan dye
Prapnred and sold by II E. Seller.,lC;. 37 Wood .1.
and onnl by DrugKsob,,encrally in Leib eitlns. scroll
A Fine Set of Teeth for 55 Cwt..
GUMS..—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, atter be
ing Once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber moth
P.M, have the appearance of the most rmauttful ivory,
and at the same tune his so perfectly innocent and et,
quishely fine, that it, tadconsnt ly ese to
highly ad
vaitageous, even to those tethhat are in a good eon
drhon, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a
premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are he
coaang imam, and by perseverance it wiltrender the
fouLcal teeth delicately white, and make the breath de
liciously sweet-Bold by WM. JACK/Lei, ND Idberty
shred. mar-. 9
13. A. PAIINI3II3TDOWS VER/E1117'13013•
AFEW weeks same, one of my cluldren, aged about
Ave years, was unwell for several days, and the
illness tdcreased so alarmingly that I feared death
would he the result. Having heard of the good elects
of Pahnestock's Vermlfuge When adtrunislered to the
hhildren of my neltdoore, and in my child ought
ave vrofM.,froul•Oine attic , symptoms, I gave It one
aad a half teaspoonfuls of the Vert:adage, aml to my
fzw at m, =• ., l4lll d e , / , ili f l or a g h:to . : o l o. lrttra .. et i l w itt; , e o lLi t li , setarged .
restored, and it now rumarkahly Previous W
Wang the Verratfuge, the worms would. oecasionally
row la as throat, and I often feared it would die loom
strangulation. JAS. G. DAWSON.
Vasiongo co, Po., April 3, Is. spill
OINTMENT to the most effect.' remedy before
the public fee the care of letter, itch, dry and watery
pimple. of the Wee, ueek and body, scaly - eruptions,
end all other dist.. of the skin. Th. Ointment to
W./Cited free from mercury, to perfectly safe, and
may be used at all dotes and under all my...tenet..
A hest supply of this valuahPe remedy received and
for catchy B A EARN L'...I.TOCK et Co,
canter of Ist and woodi also, mane! of GM and wood
stereo. tel
G 1,. COPAL-4 our r7cetvtd and for •nle by
*coil BRAUN a REJTaI
1/000 1.119 zutozsrott, 111:07111.0121. THIS establishment long end andely known as
being one of the most commodious in the city of
Balninore, has recently undergone very exten
sive alterations and improvements. An enure new
wing Las been added, =mining numerous and airy
sle i v e inutha e rtna . and en e i rLnso . r i e . ba t tlt r i c r o oo th roi l z ep
reorganized and fined op In a CUM unique and beaun
fat style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently :mien will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
stunt. and fo r which the market M 1.., served
up to a superior style; while in the way of Wines, fie.,
they will not be surpassed.
In concliilinn the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will he letZtthelons on their put, and on the part of
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
board have also been reduced to the
Ladies' Ordinary, 61,75 per day.
GentletheTN " 1,50
N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will .1-
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to end from the Hotel. free
of charge. mss
k (.1:II•Eti:•:(.3ikrotli
COMP. OP PIMP, RID R. 05.4.13 P1TT•3137011,
The saliseriber havingassumed the manage
ment of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all dines prepmed
to accommodate them in all things desirable tn a well
regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout- and new Punuture added, and no
pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotel,, in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the HOll.l has heretofore
received. THOMAS OWBTON,
_ .
aTUE subscriber respectfully announces that
,„ has now opened his new and excellent Hotel
or the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, and no pains or expense have bet,
spared to render it one of the most comfortable and
*aunt lintels in the erty
The subscriber 01 distentuncti to desert, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronnee.
octl4-ttly JAColl 1101 A; Propneuir
THILOORM 011LTON '8 0 Att hilt/ Sid,—
1.0r134111. c' .
ARig THRACKAIORTON begs to acquaint ht.
(made that he t. arrant lessee of the GALT
}IOUS.% Louisville, Ry.. where he hopes to meet
all ht. old friends, attsurtng them' and the publto;that
fo effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who
avor him mob thew poLronsge psnlldly
Inent tr., arsetan FOURTH tan FIFTH Ott
(APPOIHTE lute Bank of the United Stales, Phil..
aljo hi a M. POPE MITCHELL,
Chocolate, Cocoa, to.
W Bator's Amencen and French Chocolate, Prepar
ed Cocoa,, Cocoa Paste, Brenta, Cocoa Shell, kr.
To merchants and consumers, who would purchase
the best poiducta of Coeo, free from adulteration,
MOM nutritious than Moor coffee, and in quality unsur•
pmed. the stiliscriber recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name.
His Broom and Cocoa Paste. as delicate, palatable,
end Wallop drinks lot cottraleseents, and
ethers, are pronounced by the most eminent ph ystmans
cayenne to any other preparations fits manufactures
are always on sale, In any quantity , by the most re
t. grocers to the ea stem mire. and h then
infaa, Hawes, Greyof Bowen; James Bunco
& co, nt
Hartford, Coma; (nice r ) in Murray. New
1, ark,
Grant k Stone, Plitladelpht, Tnomns V,
amore. sod Eelloga & Bennett, Cincinnati. Ohio.
WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Sin..
_Poe wale by buir3l BAOALEV k. SMITH, Av.
iIITHITE, BROOKS - Ai Pi: would respectfully tn.
TT form the public Mat they have erected u shop on
Iwcock, between Federal and Sandusky streets ney
ore now making and pre prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles. Coaches. Chariot's, Ito
roaches, Boggles, Flrian, he_ dc... which from thew
long experience In the matinhicture of the above work,
nod thefacilities they have. they feel confident they are
enabled to Jo work on the roost reasonable terms with
theme wanung oracles In their line.
Paying parueutLy attanoon to the aelecuon of mow
rude, and having none but competent wurtmeu, they
bane no bean:mon in warrahuuu their work We
therefore auk the attention of the public to tons matter
N U. Repatring done In the best Manner, and on the
moor reasonable terms.
Wrought and Cast Iron Railing.
rliEsubtrobvn hen Icarc to inform the poboe that
they have olaasiv-d from the Era all the lam mid
faskuonahla ducat., tor Iron harlot. Loth fur nousc•
end cemeteries Pereon. wishing In procure hand
lonia panerha will please call and czarina, and lodge
for themselves. Krultng will be (crashed at We short.
01 notice, and in the best manner. at the earner of
Craig and Rebecca Mreets, Allegheny cu).
auctls-ent A. LAMONT b. KNOX.
- Inuspriat 41i Bonin Patent Soda A•h.
THE inform their elastomers and dealers
generally, that diet, he. sluprarthr for the fan ho.
ng of the above amens hat arrived id Philadelphia
per ship Juniata, direst from the manatee...Eau as
I.iverpool, and will he here to • few days. They have
rarer.) other •hipmeins on the way—two of watch,
: per ship% Nledalhon and Lydia, are nearly due—
they are therefore prepared to receive orders.
Besnle• the large quantities they have coming to the
eastern cit/e• (th be hrwarded here by canal) they w il l
receive dung the winter and spring. ref viler satiric&
via New Vries... \V 3, 31 mat IiELTRI.E
raney Furs, fre•b trout Europe.
rimiE vubscnbers have how or store a •ery estetonve
1 sortment of Fors for ladies wear, which have
been pure.ucd 113 Europe by one of the Arm. at very
low ee during the monetary cruel; aucceetlutg tl
French Revolution!
Trim advantage,
.which they possess over any other
ho tme in the trade.,artil e nable themto sell • very ex
cellent ankle much below the market price
Ra — Merchants mid others will advance their own
interests by examining aim extenslve aniortment
:TOLL, BROTHERS, Importers,
al Aiwa (Mulberry) between al and hi streets,
ang7-dnn Philadelphta.
Leealaing Clapping and Bleeding.
v • 0 : NORR I S, ,Sucte..or to id, R. Delany
MI, No 53 Fifth street, between Wood and South
field! Fresh leeches received monthly—anendance nil
hours. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle
gheny and Birmingham.
I most cheerfuily recommend to the physicians. (sun
dial. and all my taner (vends and patrons, hlr K. It
Norns as being thoroughly acquanited with the Low
ness and worthy of patronage
Manufactured Tobacco.
IQ DTS Gentry tit ktoyster's superior 5 ips;
21 do M A Iturices " IL
HA to do Prme h. Harwood's .•
• • . - • •
14 do J Rohinum
57 hr do do
Z.l do do Wm Dawson 5
X 7 do T Wright's
37 do U Anderson
9 do 1. T Dades
5 do II hlatoith
9 do Rotelttr
JUSI landing from steamer and packets. and for sale
by HEALD, BUCK :Wit /a Co,
41 north water st and 16 north wharves,
1e64 Pluladelp btu
,t A STF Acr CRED Touncou--ou hf S sJottes
& Son • superior vvre.d lb lumps.
75 half his 4S'ettster Old supertor aweets. lumpa
36 Lawrence Lotner 5s
23 Lawrence Look, "6.& 6. plug
J u.l landing from .:owner. and for tale by
N orator at and lb N who've.,
AC - XtyLElllNTrgook Binder.
WE ere lull engaged in the above business , corner
of Wood and Th , rd streets, Pittsburgh, where
we ere prepared to do any work to our lute with des
patch. We attend to our work personally, end sans
faction will be given in regard to us neatness slid du.
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
etanually. lkoks 111 number. orold books bound care
fully or repaired Names pist on books in gilt letters
nos,. that have work us I.le Ivte are messed to call.
PTICeII lore. mr2oll
' cOaIkIiTIVIIIIP. --- a r - a - a
have entered Leto partnership, under the firm of
StAITE k ATKINSON. and emit carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Street Iron Wore manufactoryy,
Also, Illackenurthang tn all to branches, it the old
nand of Wm Senile , Ilrot street. near Wood.
kOl 4- iticTLVaree ; Illibitn — Lyquara Coffee; 50
do tit. Domingo do; 4501 boo 5OlO glass ,• 1.55 do
10-19 do , 75 do 7 - U do, do 10-1.1 do; 35 hbds N. O.
Sugar ; 20 bbls No. 3 mackerel ; ISO boa to
nesp No.
I ; 100 do dipped candles ; 133 do Cinclanau mould do,
received on conidgriment and for sale by
JJI:STfiECIR VRlJ—A . largi and splettlinins - orinteM
of Cloths, Cessimeres Vesting., Cravats,4kg., and
for rale by I. WILLIAMS, blercant 'Fedor,
rani ender Monongahela House, .mitbßeld sr
'iIIERETISE Bite ailfrilo
40 , Three fine Draught Bones for sale, mita
bit, for dr.ylog, Enquire of
ankl7 canal bade, liberty at_
IALF SKINS-30 dos genutne Franck Calf Sams, a
very fine arucie. A few dozens Pluladelphia
Skins, from the manufactory of H Crawford, to
which the of boot makers Is invited. Just
rcreived and (or inn by W YOUNG R CO,
)&17 . 143 liberty '.l
_ -
AT W. M. IR'CLINTOCKII, No. 7 Fourth street,
can be seen a splendid variety of aup Royal Vel
vet and l'apestry Carpet*, latest styles. Oleo, Ilms.
rola, 3 ply. and map and fine Ingram .Carpets, of sup
sLyles and qualities; and an conuection can always be
found Table ljnens, Crashes, Dinpers. Damasks, Ma
rco., Oil Cloths, Or. fro., to all of which we call the
eiteutiou of the pubbc. au 03
Ntrrum. .
HAVING sold•our entire stock to C IL Gaon, with
a view to doting our old bust:leas, we hereby so.
Iwo for bun the patronage of all our friend,and cus
i r 'I H. GRANT, Wholveale Gineer, Commission an
• rorwanlota Marohent. No 41 %Cater ft. autu
43 and 04 Front street, Bell Founders mod ISM,
rt (nein Teta o( all kinds or Fittings tor U... Steam
and Water, have .sways on hand Wrought Iron Web
dod Pipe for acorn, gas, and water, from gin. tot 111.
to diameter. Brew Casting. made to order.
l' wg:h " tire Ttle M ul * n r o i l ' illulit ' l d te fi ra d rat 'h d d ikm e
Bu o i r l k ier ' s
Is perderdarly directed.
Una Pirtmp put up promptly and oh reasonable
terms. aepuo.daa
altir.gswool) GIAILD — RAI
11TATTERS TO THIS RETREAT can be fumielied
V with a Lunch al all hour* of Ma day; Mee, Ice
Creums t rrust Confectionary, Ac. The steamer Itreen
wood tides her regular trim as Intel, leaving her Pot
meet landing at 05 A. Al., and at hdlg.' each hour
? . I ?7. P f l Or l teNtes el t I t e n j o Pin ht.
—iciet;." the
G"the" al
.A moonlight Mem of the Garden is indescribable to
h. beauty. byll
(late J S Strickler & Co)
ittrAISITFACTURERS of Pletenia fire proof safes,
second street, between Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 9 Strickler having deceased
and the surviving partner Mr. Jos Lippencotti having
associated himself wuh Mr. Wm C Barr, the humane.
will hereafter be conducted under the style of LiPi.n•
.0.8, Barr.
Trial of safe in Cincinnati, o.—bY the undersign
ed were present at the tenting of one or/ 9 Strickler tk,
Co's improved Plum.: fire-proof safes. The safe was
placed in a furnace on the nubile lending, nod subjected
to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more than
three hours in one hour and a half the safe came to
• bright red beak the door of the femora was then
closed. which canned an Increased and steady heat for
tha balance of the time, until the ram iron wheels were
partially melted olfi the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, pagera
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placed Mere, the binding only of the books being in
jured by the water in emoting the safe. We have no
hesitation in recommending ht to the public as a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tented. and believe
that it will stand any heat winch might be produced,
wept a heat which weald melt it to a solid mass.
Sponger & Whit:num, L Worthington, Kellogg &
Kenntt, Hem. Urner. W G P Breese, gluras Smith, T
S Dungan k Co. Stedman, Maytrd & Co, Wm Monte,
Mead & IN-Lampe.
We, the undersigned, selected the safe spelsen of
above, from a lot in the more of Trailer k Aubery, the
. _
Refer to Cook k Horns Brokers, Pittsitt
Hussey Hanna k Co, do do ( lys
s Lterrsorrer. ;min n L ,1
MANUFACf URERS of Hammered and Coot Steel
Shovels and Spades. Axes mad hatchets, Still, t
Cut s Circular and Gin Saws, Ilay and Manure Forks,
H.., Mattocks, Picks, So., having completed all their
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
and in seeunag the best workmen from the most calm
brated establishments of the Fast are now manufactur
ing mid will keep constantly on hand and for sale all
the above articles. having availed themselves of the
latest improvements. and are determined that in work
manship and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce awe en equal, if not supenor, to
any that coin be had in the EL, They invite the atten
tion of dealers to an examination of their stock before
purchasing elsewhere. as they are convmeed that they
will be able to all all onlers in their line to the emirs
satisfaction of purchasers Warehouse, Water street,
doors West „Monongahela 4101111 C, F . 1.1)131,0, PA
N. ll—Persons having business with Rat. Lippert
on & Sou nr;! plc., call on Lippencott Ps Co.
Pitt•bv_rgh Furniture Ware Rooms,
~ . .. .
TLF A largo and splendid assortment of Furni
ture, suitable for Paerunboats. Hotels and {vi
dwellings, constantly on hand and
made to order
The presort stork on band cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory in the westorn country Persons
anatting to purchase would do well to gyre ma a call,
as lam determined my prices shall please. Part of
the stork Consists lII
CO sofa. won Plush and Hair-cloth coven;
2 dor Manogony Name Choirs;
14 pair Divans;
11l dot fin , mahogany Chain;
1.1 mahogany Work Stands;
3 dot !mini/rally Hocking Chaim
15 marble am Dressing Bureanix
a pair intomanc
marble top Work Stand',
le cherry NVork Stands;
Mahogany. Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bctismads of
nll deicripuons. and n large imeorunent of common
furniture matteitatrit, too numerous to mention.
• -.. • ,
rrIIEY are not aware how fnetafully utprrious it is to
1 the skin—how course, how rough, how .allow. yel
low and unhealthy the skm appear. niter using prepar
parMl chalk! Besides Ills hessnotia.contmnittg a large
quantity of lead!
We have prepared a beautiful el-ramble ante!,
at perfectly tit. taunt punfied of all deleterious
vs:shuts; and it anparts to the •Ritt a natural, healthy.
alabaster. clear at the same time aeons
as • cosmetic. on th- •Kiss, making it eon and amnoth.
Dr James Anderson. Practical Chemist of Mamas.
chuactm. says: - After at
ai)earr Jones' Spanish Lily
White, I tied a po the roost beautiful and natu.
cal. and a , the anon time 111110relit whirr I ever saw I
eertainlyrun consmennoualy recommend its use to all
whose sale requires heautifyine" Prier, 23 rent., a
boa Sold by WNI J ACK....0 , 1. S 9 Ltherty st. tnaMV
Pitt Itlachine
J - . .
(KIN v. - RR:Kr & co. are prepared to hatid Cotton
and WoMen Nl, , hinerl at desertpuon,•rteh
Carding Macrame, Splntung Frames, Speeder".
Drawtm, Pmme, Ratkray. [leads. Warners, spaalyrs,
rheum; Frames. Looms. llanlfinnders. he. NVrought
In suan tog turned. tut axamt oiCast Iron. Poll:. and Hangers the latest pati,n...llse and hand Lathes.
and tax. of kaols l'asttars evrry description
ft] r•lt•'lrd on .11ort n Patterns mad. to order for
31.11,e rltt, Iron Itm.toe. hr earn I%pr for hear
tuG Cast Iron Window Saab and fancy Ca.-
bap generllly triflers left at the Warehouse of .1
l'iLlmct b. Co. Liberty street. wlll h•ve prompt amen
Refer to Rock•tork. Ilell .4. CO.. l X. M.rektead .k
Co . G E. Warner. John Irvin .47:40111. P.ustamth . li.
C. It .1 11. Warner. Strototavulo. )only
New Hardwasil „ logase. - -
w . . s .N., F. - . 1•11 W DWELL. corner of
,;.5.,,,4k....4.,..1 Wood and .dsts., PItiEbUTVI. liar.
..17..i 'e` . 4. , mg wlthdrown from the firm of
NI a er an Woodwell on th.,
Ist of In nan ny . 1..47. I
take yleawre to on romm,rtg to my bonds llnc etty
and country. tam I bat, opened "If nem story at the
above nranc.l place 11. ing putrlossed my goods for
cash, and inudearrongetur.its with tzumeturers to
Mt. ~ entry 01111 trt Kuroptt to be tousua aat ntly supplied,
I am folly preyered to fon,. llordwo, Oro!' kinds,
t ,
on us good terms and . :ow as any house Fast or
W t. Merchant. and others are rospectfuliy ted
to ail nud e 1.1“11111c lil , stock, itefure purthasutK else
. ere l'ho tollowlit, comp, ises a part of Ids stock.
Stestutumt told somber) . hard Ware. gun truntrougs,
Alm N aylor 's steel. cutlery. edge tools. o , olls, vmes,
loeks, lomat, se ymes. hutt hinges. sr resin, Union Fac
torlanes, haws, tuanogats) hourd• and vener es. and
other articles connected with the hardware buta
ne,. tn.-hitt(
D•gae;rlan f).llary
MW Frs.., YINT .1711,
. .
HOrIE begs levee to intorto the ettiger. of Pit.-
burgh and ',Wolin. that Ile tta• taken the Daguer.
nun Flooltut hies) occupied by Mr Porter. '[he pub
:le are assured diet ali lbrllnprovenwlin aro .OE,-
red, and wilt he brought into opernuori by Mr Hoge,
who bna beencon•lant yerator sillec the art was
flegt dtsrovered Entire guaranteed to
all who may berotne ht. patron.. Mr H will refer
with pleasure to Mr Porter, in who.< establishment he
hisa'ota-rnted for ih• ,not twe,ve rnalshs. Fauuly For.
trio.. Engraving, Daguerreotype.. /cc , accurately
eopied Liken taken In any weather, and set in
lockets, breast pins. en.r. and frame.
Penn Mnehine Eihoin. l
II .
‘ ‘ n l,: , l ,, G ,,, l j rl'‘ . I A on i ~ \ , *-- ,; N n tr i i , l: , i , e , t , u . m .
. ra i , al ,.
h, u ,
t s n o f f . cAt-
The above works bring mmn in toll and success/al op
forn.l am preparwl to execute orders with domatch
all kinds of machinery lii my lute. such as willows,
picker, spreaders, card, grinding Machines. railway,
drawlng Ironies. speeders, throstuLs, looms, woolen
rard,douhle o ample, for merchant or country work,
mules,jackchc. r . ,
slide and hand lathes and tool. to gen
eral. All kirsc , of •11/ifIUIR mule to order. or plans tic.
ell for gearing factories or nulls at reasonable charge.
Itavert ro—liefined>. l'lol.l. & do.. Blarkstock, Bell
A Co , King, Pennock ,k, Co . Ja, A Way
A FULTON. Bell and Brunt Founder, has
built and commenced bu•iness or his old stand,
where he will lie pleaaed to we his old custom
ers and friefids
Church, Steautboai. and liells or every from 10
10,0 1 / 1 0 110.111114. east from patterns of the most approv
ed models, and warranted to he of the best material•.
?timer., Water l'untros.Counters. Hailing, a<.,loge
ther 'viii every vurety of Itraut Camino, a requtred.
turned and ttillined in the neatest manner.
F. LA the sole proprietor of Bartarr's Atert-Arrat•
non Merste so nt.tly celebrated for the reduction of
frtonon to niartonery The Boxes and Composinon
can he bad of tom st all rimes . It La_
Ploughs, Plough Ceatings, Wi — gon
Boxes, an.
11011 RI lIALI., of the Id
to of K& S Hall.. manufac.
turtug huge qu•ntties of
Ploughs. Plough
on boxes, !cc . unth the Improvenients of th e Leaver
Peacock, Dhow, and other Ploughs, of the latest and
now in use
Warehouse. 108 Latterty alreet,lhrtsbargh, opposite
the lb :tcute; Factory. In Alleghenyetty, near the
Cotton Factory o( Meatus Illackatork, Del.& Co.
, . .
Tub: co-partnership heretolons eassung between
John Farren and Samuel Wightman, under the
name aloha Ferrets es C 0... tlms duy deceived by mu.
tool concent. The bus of the late firm he set-
tied by, John Farrell at the inecs
warehouse of the Boatmen's
The hustnes. of the Boatmen's lane will hereafter be
conducted by Farren 8 Lowry, at the same place.—
Thankful for past favors, we solien n continuance of
the same. JOHN FA RREN
sepls L L LOWRY
steamer Michigan. S bids Mineral Paint. The ar..
title is worthy of the consideration of all painters. for
it is or a stone color. and can be ridded with any other
color without changing the shade materially. It is a
great caving. and arson applied tJ wood 0 will turn the
paint to a perfect stone surface in the course of some
4or 3 access Also. it ti a complete lire proof—the or
title has born fully tested or Eta' year* by the proprie
tors before they would oiler 0 for sale. Any person
purchasing will not Le deceived in the article. A large
quantity will Lc kept on hand at all times, at the India
Robber and till cloth Depot. J & II PHILLIPS,
octl4 Ars tor the company. No 5 wood st
. _
end for sale, wholcaale or retail
Amanda." &soap; Hasid cut Oil Soap;
A lelblade 011.2 sizes;
Comp'd oa Nlerrow; %V a 4, Etall. , orasparent)
Almond Shaving Cream, Bears COO
Paint Ornnb. Pony;
Taylor., Perfume. I Cologne, a rues;
many Lind Pomade. I A malltne.
oct24 R E SELLERS, No 57 wood ot.
11. T. Roberts, • lll. D.,
Ornini.mic SL Iit.EON, mill attend to t h e treat
ment of of he Eye.
Dr. R h., b....gered in tilts branch of the meth
cal prof.. .ion for .1110,0 years, a. has conducted an
eatahhshment Mr the treatment of discosna of the eye
almte lOT sevaral t ears.
Onlca and rct.tticitt, corn, of Sandastry at and
Strawbetn itt:cy, Allegheny city .1,13
Dr. McLane In Venn .
Hlft la to errors that I purclourd 0110 ma] of Dv.
Slclansabr Woes, Sperthr, mole two mood. aro
and gam, to son ot rotor, some seven years old, two
leaspocas ud although tho amount may amour
large, act I hare no doubt Mit thrra was upssuds of
19 0 mums passed from M ai vacuums(
® a quarter of an Inch to two inches ong.
Roues Croak, Carrol co. Tenn, Dec al, 1047. ja.ibt
rgIOWNSEND'S SARSAPAHILLA--4.1 has of that
great sonng sod sololll, meshrinc, Ibis day reed
..d for sale wholesale and by .
N. B —A. R yis Dr Towttsend's onlygent for
Plusburgh, the genuine struck may always be a bad - Itt
No 07 Wood street. myt3
LOTHS AND C.A..3SIMEREn , -Satith la Johnston,
40 Market street. woul./ 11,141 the attention of
buyers to Weir stock of Fieueh Cloths and Cuastmerem
Yarnam's fanny Cassimere, detriment, Tweeds,
Satin and Stlk Vesungs, Taller.' Trusumnage, to.
HATING ;um received his Fallsupply of Fancy
Trimmings and Variety Gobds, he invites the
attention of customers to his very extensive stock,
consisting in part oft!. following Goods:
11 doz fine steel bead bags; .•
n do do velvet do do
do do steel and gilt bead parses;
do finest embroidered do
do assorted rosewood work-boxes;
do do finest do furnithed;
do do writing desks, inlaid. ite;
do do dressing . eases gerits;
do fine inlaid 0.118 accordeons;
do plain do do
do common do
1000 bunches steel beads;
40 do assorted steel tassels;
111 do steel purse rings;
100 do gilt beads;
100 do silver do
10 dog Jean Marie Formes Cologne;
IS nests back gammon boards, assorted;
40 eerie assorted dominos; •
3 dos fine card eases, assorted;
19 do glass fancy boxes;
10gross visiting cards, assorted;lit doz segar ease., do
30 do plain and shaded spool Vann;
5 do assorted china mantel ornaments,
I do ivory screw pin cushlonst.
1 do steel do do do
Ido wood do do do •
4 doplain silk purses, •ssortet6
g do ladies companions, (Unlinked;
111 do assorted wonted coats; •
1 do extra fine do do
10 do usoned worsted caps;
II do do comforts;
1 do Indies fine zephyr caps;
10Q do assorted worsted mitts;
7 do boys do gaiters;
Ido ass'd bays do caps;
10 dos ladies fleecy lined elk gloves;
Bdo gents do do do
50 do fancy top cashmere do
15 do plain do do do
10 do gents do do do
15do do Berhn lined do'
16 do do buck do do ,
do children,. stockings, assorted;
30 do do gloves and mittens, assorted,
14 do ladies blk cashmere home r do
20 do do and gents kid gloves do, cheap;
do melts emirse yarn do - do
11 do do do mittens do
IQ do boys do do do
111 do children+ Oilcan and Albert hoots;
3do fine zephyr open worked do
:a pieces bit embroidery gimp;
15 do do plain
10 do cold embroidery do
.20 do plain do do •
18 do bit mohair fringe;
15 do cord do do
50 do blk cut silt do, all (noes;
A very extensive assortment of colors of all widths
and prices.
40 wits graduated fancy buttons for dresses;
100 do plain do do do
RC gross assid cors silt do do
10 dog ladies cloak tassels, ased,colis sad blk
11 do gents do do do
40 gross common gilt buttons; u
50 do fine do do, sassed;
19 pieces heavy cloth fringes, do
Juolbs cord and worsted skein cotton;
100 do Tatley's patent thread;
55 do common do do -
1.000,000 per emu, at all meet;
150 pacts American
can pins, amid No o;
1011 doz He razors, warranted;
12 gross assorted lather !washes;
.93 dog hair J 9
.20 do tooth do, assorted;
30 do rmor strops;
Si do cotton garter;
5 do fine elastic .ilk;
lb do do do kid,
W 111; a fine assortment of every thing in the variety
Ear rlng*, finger rings. breast piney nuntature =sat,
gold ehrune and gold vralchel 111 eorry radar) .. .
C IiKAI'Es - r \"E-11
_ .
JUST hying received and ones opening at ALEX AN.
DER 2c DAY"S, No 75 Slarketatrect, northwest
ofof the lhamond. a very large and splentltd stock
of fall and winter Dry Goals, to which they would re.
speetfulty lova< the atte.toon of the Public. It is well
known to almost every one that the present semen I.
one disunguuthed for to low prthes of Dry Goody and
it affords to great pleasure to herna able to mate that
canna to our treat t rtitnes for that purist*, (One of
the firm residing in Phrlndelptuyl we have been ena
bled lo purchase our present stock at a considerable
reduction from the usual market rates, cheap as they
are. and we are therefore enabled mad' akcorrespon.
tingly o,wer than the usual prircs We Would there
fore l!riar rs,r. htoers by wholes.< or retail. to
pre u•n tau, and lay out their nicney to the beat ad-
The Ladice should call and czannne our stock of
Prods. Gincharna deCnahontrea. Alpaeu,
Merino, Wits. liomnamnes. Pled.. guid venous other
styles of foarnonanle Dees Goods. of Which ere Lave a
eery fine totaortment. including every deScripUOn of
those goods in the nearkrl
CLOTHS Mil) C.kSSIMERES--To thel gentlemen
we wouldrecommend uur stock Manger French Cloths
and Engl.ah, Frrneh nod American CI.IIIMG rt.
OCR STOCK OF SHAWLS is v'ery large, embra
cing simosirvery curiety of style and quality
SATrINI-7FF--tai which we have an excellent na.
aortesent, and of ell quaint°a.
FLANNELS—Red. white and yellow Flannels of all
qualtues and prices.
TIC KINGS AND CHECKS—A supenor nuortment
of Ticking. of .11 grade*. nod Shirting Cheeks in great
lILKACIIFJ3 AND mu, wr:v NIUSLI.NS—Fxribra.
ring almost eery description of the above goods, in
cluding Sbeetinga of all widths.
ALPO—A fin< *lock of Satin Vesungs, Silk and Cot
ton Velvets, both plain rand figured. Kentucky Jeans.
plant Lins.ys. plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and
cloak Linings, Idearhed nod unbleached Table Draper,
both horn and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table
cloths, bleached and unbleached C 1114311 Flannel,
cold do do. 130,111 e. and Bonnet Itiblions.blk and cord
elk Ladles Scarfs and cravats. Glove. and
Hosiery of all kind. Suspender.. Irish Lanett, Linen
Lae., Linen Mikis, Silk do, blk Lane Weil, Love do
anti Hdkfs. Oil Chintzes., Russia and Scotch Draper,
crash, Lmen, plain *taped and barred'Jaconeta,Cam
bric and SWI,4 1 . 1111511.1111, Victoria Lawns, Green Bare
gee, Arc
hlerchants visiting the city for the purpose of laying
111 the. ..polies, should not fad to gyre us a call, as
they will find our goods and prices such as cannot fall
to t their purpose ALF;XAN DER & DAY,
ipecnin inark el at, N L 4 car Diamond
The New Golden Bee Hive Again.
tiers Fall soul Winter Dry Goods.
JUST received and now opening, at the sign of the
Kt Ben thys.,on Market srteeL letween Third and
Fourth street, one of the largest, cheapest and beat
nwor.4lstock• of Fall and Winter Dry Goods ever of
ieresl to Pittsburgh, to which the attednon of our nu
merous customers and the public generally, respect
y invited, as the subsenber is confident that be can
offer such bargains to Dry Goods as :cannot be sur
passed by any other house in the city.
As these goods have been purettwed at peters far
below those of any former season, they will be sold at
greatly reduced rases.
Among this large and splendid stock will be found
ninny choice and desirable goods al extremely low
_ .
Very rich and most Mailionante drewsiika plaid and
striped black sena, striped and plaid sllksi plain black
very Motsy gro de Shine; plain black rich lustre, Ins
wing, silk for meatus, melanins and capes et very low
prices, newel. designs arid latest styles cashmeres;
plat. nod satin striped cashmere, very cheep; French
rnenno all eolors; de lames, pima and gored and satin
striped, at great reduction on former pricesi gala,
/forma and cashmere plaid, umlaut and Monterey
plaids, all qualities, alpaccim, all qualities mad colors,
(tom 121 to 75 cents per yard.
Fine esahrnere.terkeric and broth', shawls embroidered cashmere and der. lame sbawlu
Fine 'Monet and do lune do
Fine black and colored cloth
Fsne quells) , long, Tory cheap do
Hun black and plaid silk. very ehedp do
A large lot platd Nantes shawls (rota 75 ceuts to $3,
all wool.
Good dark calico from 3 to 6 cu ycr yard;
Best quality dark calico from 6 to Id tentic
Yard wide purple do, 1/e cm;
Gm! yard wide bleached ratal!n 4 to
Bed tie kings and checks, all prices;
Blankets, from coarse to best quality, very cheap;
A full assortment of red, white and-yellow flannels;
Satinet., Kentucky Jeans, Kersey., Lin.eys, etc,
etc, etc, all of which will be sold at reduced rates, at
No el Market st. septet WM:L. RUSSELL.
. ' l t uT L s i t N ocr ifierk.47;:=.7:Li"pnrf his
one of the largest assortments ever btought to the mar g .
bet. which have been purchased direct (rem the Im
porters and Manufacturers, of the liteet and newest
styles. and lower in price than ever offered in this city,
to which he Layne* the attention of those wishieg to
furnish steamboats or how., before purchnsing else
where. Tbe stock consists in part of the following
Varlet)) vls:
arch Ai:minim Carpets; Onental Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plain colored do
do Tapestry do 01 feet. wide
do Brussels do S-1. 4-1 A. oil cloth
Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rode-
Surrin do e do
do 12-4. Mid 2-4 Druggen
do Stair Lintxth
%Vole do do RonowoodOd Cloth
. . .
Common do docrumb cloths
4-4, 3-4 k. Dumodk Embosses( Pismo 000,1
Venivan do do ,Table do
4-4. 3-4 twl'd do do floured TAtble Oil cloths
4-4,3-4 1 1 plain do do Turkey Rid Toileded
1-4, 4,1, 11 94 cot. do Adeltud Arad
P-4 ponied cotton Carpets.; Sheep skin do
F..nro sup Chondlo Rugs, Jute do
do do Tuned do A tient :do
Fine do do ?dandle Ifemp
{Wilton do do Snow drop Napkin.
Cronaon llg•d Chub; lhaper Towelling
Nolo do Crash
Drab M Cloth P-1 dad d.-4 Table Linen*
Moe do. for conch tnelgo, Tranap`nt 'Window :Made.
Carpet Ilindlngs Extra French do do
Wont'd cord. Ettch bo4ur do Lainee for
do Tannin womb* condos
Scarlet. blue. crunson. black nA drab Damasks:
fi g ured rmabow Damaaks: worsted, and linen Table
covers; blue. comson, scarlet. RTOtll4 drab and black
31oreens: cotton Flushes of all color& he. dm. ire.
Onneburgs and Walton,. for steamboat dent.
and all other monologs nerewary 10.1 . outfits for boats
Inour line, to which the especial attention or owners
Is Invited. W Nrct.vcrorics Carpet Warcroom,
bite door from Wood, on Fourth sr_ nnolr,
No. 73 Foca - . STRSit.
(INE of We largest and bin moat /lance 'lock of
iIaRPETING in the lonrket. esnbracmg all the
Usual qualities frorn the meet approved nianOfactonsa,
that have been tooted for dorabdlty in fabric and cc.
Tapestry Velvet Corpedndt
do Brussels do
Brussets carpeunc Ent. Cannitte liq 4
Extra sup 3 ply ao • Toftea•• do
Boots* do
. F,co tro m. p . lnyt o, rat ,
th,d do o
Maoataetured to order to newpan o , L , 44 "api.a is
proton, btuetnents and ehaddm,...
Palmed OLI Cloths, for throng nx , Fu, entrielL, read;
dotes, knettensote.
Moloog,ptrum Stad Rods, Tolidloor A a d en and
anldolo .d Bot
Boar lfdl•, a. lrutg ..t. , r to three
Idol of purchaser. al
on and mail Is respect
inviud. Virauroom, one door 'from Wood st
VOL. XVI. NO, 78
The Bankers' Magazine.
TILE BANKERS MAGAZINE, and State Flonnctal
Rvatster, devoted to the disaemmotion of Rank
Stattruct, sound principle. of Bat:talon tunny and prtn
ciptes of Life Insurance and Somas Ronan Et' latish
and American law Demme= in refinance to the bmi
neon of Butts and Bankers, rec. &Inca by J. Smith
Porticolei attention will be given a. heretofore to the
eoOlpilatloo or recent decisions respecting Banks, Bro
ker, Bill. of Exchange, Pnwolmmy hate ., Usury,
Bonds, Notaries, Damage, An, in the Courts of Ma,
mohowtta, Conseconat, New York, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, Virginia. South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana,
Tennessee, and othpr States. This will be on, of Ike
most important features of the work, and will in itself
charm the attention of Prestdents. Cashiers, Teller.,
Notaries and others. Among other damn. of import
ance to banken and others, the work will momma eta
tmona of the Banks in every State of the Capon. bite
graphical .ketches or prominent Bankers of Europe
nod Amen.. Official Tables showing the deb.. haat
nous, expenditure., arid fmaneiol conduton of the ,eve
rat States of the Union.
Publmbed moot /1, 6 4 pages octavo, at [Tree Do'
lan per annum.
& ENGLISH, 7 , Wood si.
ang7 Agents for Henkel,' Mugs/.ie.
Baker & Scribner,. Publications.
THE subscriber. having been appointed nnonao int
I the sale of the publications of the obese wed
known publishing house, have a full supply of
hook. on hand, which they eon sea at the easieni
ces, anhOlnlale and retail. Among the works ' , stn.
have been recently Maned by them. which have been
highly reeommended ex eeedlegly interesting end
valuable, may be found—The Czar, his Coon and Pen
pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag,
by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Marshals; Washing
ton and his Generals; The Sacred hloontainic Orators
of France; Teaching • Science, the teacher an Arum,
Charlotte blisabeih's lJniform Works; T. S. Arthur's
Making Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wing-s, Keeping
up Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, &c. Ac.
Also, the work. from the press of Robert Carter. the
character Of whom •pthlicariont is well known. Tit
refine's Theology,in 4 vela; Haldane on R 00011.; Mc-
Cheyne's workig no Centrism, by author of Sr h.I Girl
in Fran., &a 44. New books received es ooOtt no
as published. ELLIOTT' & ENGUSH.,
inyO 75 wood and to market MA
Motives, by Geo lartme, author of Body and Mold,
and Rudy, etc. Price 30c.
Thankfulness, a narrad vni comprising passage* from
the Dairy of the Rev All. Templet by Rev Charles It
Tayler, M. A. 87e.
Chalmers' Posthictoous Worts, VOL 4. Sabbath
Scripture Reading. New Testament. Vol. I. ALP/
Hutotteel and Miscellaneous Questions; by 17. Mang
nail. Embrecuig the Moments of Mythology,
Lmy, Architecture, Heraldry, etc. etc From the -dth
ondon edition Adapted ler.hools in the U. State.
by Mn. Julia Lawrence: Repaving. 51,0 U.
Poem. by . Amelia-^ Ran edition, enlarged. Extra
gilt edge.
. .
Plato Contra Atheut.—Pinto against the Athetats; or
the tenth book of the dialogue on laws, accompanted
with cntical notes, and followed by extensive
tattoos, By Tayler Lcwts, L. L
110Aubigne's History of the Reformat.. New mit
t.. revised; 1 Vols. Complete in one elegant octavo.
The above, art. a variety of new and valuable
works, just iee'd by R HOPKINS:
septE Apollo Buildmg. l near_ Wood
NEW BOOKS—History of Congress—Blograplocal
and Political, ecomprming Memoirs of hlernbers of
the Congress of the United Stine, drawn from unben
te sources; embracing the prominent events of their
live. and their connection with the pololcal history of
the time. by Hang G. Wheeler. Illustrated by nu
ll:Ml.ons steel portruts and foe-mmile autographs.
Kings and gueensi or, Life to the Palace—co..4 l g
of kitstoncal Sketches of Josephine and Maria Lou..
Louis Philippe, Fegdinuld of Austria, Nichol.. Isabel.
la 11. Leopold, so iClOri. by John S C Abb..
Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude
NOW, explanatory and practical, on the general epis
tles of James, Peter, John and lade: by AljCll Barnes
Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wtfe—a Domestic
Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, a rbor of the
'Convict's Child,' tre.
Harold, the Lan of the Baron Kings: by Str Edward
Denver Lytton, Ban. Complete to two parts
Part V. Harper's Illustrated Edition or the Arab..
Nights' Entertainments.
The above works resmived this day, and (or saletty
J ylO Booksellers, nor Market and astsw
XTEW BOOKS—The Woman of the Amerman Err
oluuon: by Elizabeth F Ellot—in two volulnr.
Robert Bursts, as a Poet, and as a Man: L y Stonuel
Tyler, of the Maryland Bar.
The Gambler, or the Policemen's Story. by Cherie.
How to be aAI formation character tamms nee
MI tun. on theorby kincv e i
t too o b z e l . th l fWeti b. ro k o r reVomte d" te7 ntio
m hay
Anemia., for Boys—Entertakoznir narrative% and
uevalmea. ll:narrative of lu - tamales and character' tr y Harvey N<WCOIIID
Anecdotes for Oleic —Ent•rtattung harrahvee add
saecdoies. diustrattve of pnoctpiee and character
Just revolved and for sole by
New Sacred Music Book. t
I non of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Cason.
and set pieces. by Lovrell Mason and
a ce Jas. Mason.
Thu new co/Mclean, upon which mch (Ante Mai
boy has been besmwed, contains 'besides liturgy pro.,
portion of thone old
ti standard tunes which tome sort
unth long continued tivor,) a larrs variety of new and
original mune, furnished by distmgmahed foreign not
native composers, making Me work one of the
Complete collecnona of Ps
most ever published It
contains also many of the most papillae English chain..
and a rich variety of
s o d athems and choruses, adapted
wadi to choir practice a church service.
300 copies of the abovo,mulic book received and for
sale at publishers prices,by JOHN H AIELLOR
sit woe , .•
IILTEW BOOKS—The Wrmogs of C./.111.. Marceinis
11 Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edned,
with a preface and memoir, by Horace Ercely.
The /Nest Book in Spanish; or. a practical imrrdur
uon to the study of the Spanish Language: containing
full instruction. m pronunciation, a grammar, cr•re..-
es on the 011eadord method of constant munition ant
repetition, reading lessons, and a vocabulary rhe
whole tulapted for the use of private learners, or fur
classes under an instructor. By Joseph Salkehl. A.
M., author of "A Compendium of Clement Anthot.
1.1, - etc.
Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic life: by
Predcnka Bremer. Translated from the original mi.
poblmticd numnseript, by Mary Flown!.
The Dying Robin, end other tales. By Joseph Alden,
D. D. Just received and for wale by
mst received a supply of mese excellent
sopenormy consists:a Be Protector, and unport•
t improvemein winch gives th em th e iiMovnag ad
Ist. It customs the nib and prevents the crowing of
thetwo pans of which it is compored, by 1116111./1111g
perfect parallelism between theta
21. It imams a much larger quantity of ink than oili•
er gold pens. 3d. -It prevents all dropping or spattermg of the ink
It thus obvtatea every object.° which con be urged
againe ordinary gold Bens. la addition to ill. the
workmanship is superior to that of any pens of dome,.
tie manufacture_ They will nuke as fine a hair mark
. the finest steel pen'L/
while they have all the VlRAri
g). of the quilL They
have given amtsfaenon in every
.3151411 CC ta which they have been tried.
A. 0. Bayley's large, medium and small Penr; Levi
Bromide Preautun Penst The Coug - reas h La•
dm. Pen; The Richelieu Premium Pen; for saleat gnarl
ufacturers' priers, by
xyEW BOOKS—Locturesdn Sbakspearc, by li N
11 Hudson, in two
The Power of the Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed
to Chnstian nunmsers, end those woe bear them, on the
mduence of a preached Gospel, by the Bev. (iambus's
Sprung, D. D.
The Peasant and his landlord. by the Baroness
Kooning. Translated by Mary Hountt
Lamartinc's Gsrondlsts, Vol. HI. History or the Gl
mod's; or personal memoir of the patriots of the French
Revolution; from unpublished sources--by A. de La
A few copies of each of the above works recessed
this day and for sale by
JOHNSTON & sioctroN, Booksellers,
my3o cornet musket awl ad its
EfiIONESII. HISTORY: Being an account or th e
L first examination soffits Ohio Valley, and the °eel) ,
settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly friint
original manuscript.; containing the
of Me
Geerge filo igen. those of Judge Burk, the thane+ of in.
peph Hued and John Matthews; the records of the
Ohio Company, ke., &c, with numerous plates and
maps. By S. P. Hildreth.
Orators of The American Revolution. by E. I. Ala]
goon. WI h portraits of Saml. Adams Jai. Warren,
Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fuller Anne and John
Randolph. I vol. cloth.
Reanng from Business, or The Rich Man's Error,
by T. S. Arthur.
A few copies of each of the above works received
dux day and for sale by
Imekeellere, cor Market and Third
PTUS, for Common teool.,
Seminaries and Pool. Families, cousawanc of
Tellurian, Orrery., Globe., numeral dome, Geomen,
cal Pllll.l and Solid, Geological Specamono, Geomr
tracal Blocks, to. /cc. l set, including box walla luck
add key, Slag& For solo by
/I HOPKINS, 4U st,
successor to JI.F4.
by E. I. magoon, plates of Sad. Adams, Joseph
Warren, Putne lc Henry, AIEZ. ii=3llloo, flaber Am..
a.nd John Randolph, dedicated to students who are not
drones, Chrisimas who are not Lniots,and who sr not demagogues
Reunns from Business, or The Rich Man's Error, lry
T 5 Arthur. For .ale by
_ 7 ° . 004 4 aad 56 market a.
.0 • cooks I
1, Wendell's Blackmailers Commentaries,
Whet I mar In Califorma, by Bryant.,
The Cmr hi. court and people, inctadtac 2 tour
Norway mtd Sweden, By Malcom, in
El Arthur. iang (lOW Busmen., or the Rich Mane Error.
The Bartle of Baena Vista. By Caja. Carleten.
Spencer's Caesar. Tyler's Tar Lica &lim. • Rome,
A denoral .sortment of School and Cohere teat
book for sale by • HOPEINtti
smel Apollo Wel - ridings, Poo at. near o
I) late Rev le,-
JOOKS! BOOKS::—Litniuties cut Theitioyty, by inn
Ai late Etta John Dick,
D. D.; paid/Mimi under tht
mmernimmintice, aka. we.
and, a blorraptueal intro
duction by an American ednor--complete a. one mil-
tramltt's Theology. 4 vols.'
Edarmtl's Works, 4 vols.
Chalmers' Works, 1 vols.
Neander'•Clmrett History, Ist aml Stl vola
Zd'Etven on the Types of Christ, dust pattlathed.)
Also. • large and well selected stoat orThsolomeat
ma,...llpaeom, and School Books, for: aleflow by
Its wood smi SI market sts
CAMPHOR -. 1 bbl Gam Camphor; just Iced d
, r
sada by cep27 /11'04ADLEc.8
A IR CUSHIONS—d dos du Cubans, pm reed to y
0" . 6 WZIL ." ro;"'s I.7llfßatallYr
OULD CANDLFS-73 bre summer Mould Can
dles, in bac order, for sale b 1
SOAP—NXI b. Not Rosin rap for sale by
own BLUES if qv:*Ls