The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 04, 1848, Image 4

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    '.,,,:~~c` ;tit;:.:_,,;
CONSIIMPTS; 4 IVE 010201 : 0PS,101
llintraMtliiii •
ttra area*' Waft ma •• ' • •
ConsiumMeo, Cottahs,Coldsl•Anthme, flawite-hitis,Llm.
t, Spintrid Eloodi•DlNculmof Ltruatte k
1ag,02 Dosaylaul S ide at~d retio•reapstetton of
the n * •Cm*lttekenMeeti • •
Utt fThroatiNericos Dahill-
ty ell Discitsescf•the Itifoat, •
u me o en iturags;trie most
factual and' %real amyl:- •
ever known for SAY . •
the above dimes- • •• . •
DR. St A. TICE'S' • ••• •
a syyajt,oF Wild Cherry' -•
TEts= "l no'. is loner entangllinse•oyannbto
Ithatipassed fhltd thif ifibruismisi day,
h mein. osnehtel upon the tide ofelpenutottfl'azdarisr ;and
higher to reputation, abdis beconger utotritatemdcs.
IyAssed than any colter plipstatiOrt of tacitrAne ' eeer•
produced loathe relierofinriftrrioS Mew'
ft has been introluMiLiarrgenemillY through the
UrnitedStates finalEttropri;ortilbdifiLire - fa* tows& of
importance but what contain sothe'rentirkible evi
dence of its good *Meta' Par proof of thii•i3ttgiSi.itg - '
staterneors,and of tbeoralon, and effiltrust lff
Moe, the rimp ri cuir willibseNt Sate( the tintr.y thou
sand testimousalEwhiMihaVe bmiltremilledlo him by
Men of die brat MspecteblEtYc-Merrliele have higher
Maws of moral responsflaillif eadiastlef-; than to eel'
lifY m feats, because it will du another a Meer, and
thamselvm us, injustice. Such tesilmortyproves con
clusively, that its aturprishig ezdelfetme estab!ished
by its intrinsio menu, and the unquestionable &ottani
ty of public ,opinicia. The tostantitneottr relief hat ,
fates, and the soothing Illthleiree dlffrlcd• throustMe
whole frame by its rasa, renders irn joint agrecahle
remedy fettle aMicted.
ll'Whea men, acting from conscientima 'impulses,
voluntarily beet trauumuy to the troth of a' Sang, or
particalm fact, such tesatoontr,,being contrary to their
viscidly interests sod putpOrgeocrees. .fonTiotioll of
its truth, and eiretrocuds hie Wen. =ruler to
universal crodence.,—COMortna Moral Matins. •
Bras. Anommpa Dos& Os 11/43.11421AaT COsatratmlnic—
There Darer Vela • remedy that bat been aimecessfol
in desperate asses of CoutompthiyaltlM flwayriels
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, streeftrierie. - the
system, mid appear:OA hell Cotton the by
creating flew, end rich bloodi:Plw" ,. .Pr l C" ed'i l.
other medicine.: . Eifiattiti Co., AlitflEfth,
Dr. Swarm-4).er SIMI vet*: balm your Cam.
ptmod Syrup of Wild Cherry has 'beenthe means ot
saving, I caught a sever& cold,widch glade.
ally pest worse, encoded with a Aerate Cough, 'that
resisted ail the. remedies which I bad rettarse to, , mill
hofreming until my cow exhibited all the amptoms of
Pulmonary Consumption. Everylhltig 1 tried mimed
to have no effect, and my complaint inereased so apt&
ly thot friends as well es wasmgave up sit hot*. of
my recovery. this time•lfoldoz ooo dod ,•• try
year invalmble medicine: 1 did So !Mei the moathaP•
py results. The first bottle had the effectfreety; tri loosen the
math, cessions me to expectorate and by the
dose I had used six boules,l was entirely well mad
now es hearty a man sob err was in my life,' and
world be happy to Etent soy ml
cam, that other eaffet•r• may -vltnite the benefit • for
which lam so stratefOL For the truth of the
atemment. I refer you to Peter Rosh, Grocer, West
Chester Pa., of whom I purchased the oitcbie.
13cipee-tfoUy pants,, LAAM Bloasin.
• -AM
Tfronderfa/ Can of • Meshosfist Msfaulst
Dr. Sarayue-Alocar Sin 1 fend dal& of groans, do doe
to you—and a duty to the afflicted genetally, offer
say humblo testimony in favar of your CM:lpound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Elaum •three years slams. was
violently snacked with cold and hilianonalson pt the
Longs, which was accompanied with a distressing .
cough, pain in the breast and head, a very ceasidem.
Me discharge of otlenstve mucus from *PIM" 4.lps.
Melly upon change , of weather, however slight. At
first 1 felt r o alarm about my condidem, bid tirlis,PreUY
soon convinced that Laws' rapidly going into cintamop.
don. 1 grew daily weaker, and - al 1211gth'Igna
ly able to - wroik about, orspealt above a whispe&, me
leas the exceeding weakness attar lump', Pampa, this
time 111.4 d triedmenous preparimons awl prase-Naomi',
but found no relief—grownag ell, dom =Te n, • m eet
here I was advised end -Persuaded by • deer friend in
wilmingum us make trial of year syym, of Wild Cher
ry. 1 mum confess that ,provioualy
• 1 had been, preju
diced agninet potent anediemm, • andlalll-10111 against
those coming out atheism& of cumatics; bat j wider
standing your claims tri.the professitat and practice of
medicine, aralhaving implicit faith in the saying of my
friends, 1
few bottles,
purchased of DaShaw,cinsofyour
news, few Wiles, and commenced its use. big
cue was at that time of Weir its mouths' standing,con
wwwently: it was deeply, seated. L foroni, bewever,
considerable relief from the me ef the first four or five,
bottles. • But being a public !trate!, L jimpaentkr
umpird to preach with my increasing strength, and
thereby !avowed those vesselsthatlmd siroody began
to heal; this way, ;dpubtlassi trw cum was •greatty
Actorded.l lo couseducrite of aeons t h us _ imp-o=lly,
Ihad to stse twelve or lifteeithisnles beGnaLans pe
fixity restored. 1 have Apviestion, Alumlimusflee
windier ef•bottles would have made me Wand, butlor
the shove todtmretion. The Syrup allayed the fever
ish habit, mot - aiaraY the' diotheasing mash, - feat a stop
to the discharge cif metier frob - 11Albongs, and gave
them end the enure • srumn good health. have defer
red offering this certificate anti!' Mier, .firctrosipuroom
of being perfectly satisfied frith the penhancear
t i with
cure, and now that I feel perfectly-well I offer it with
pleamra Exc. J. P. Jonas.
e,Doblin enemy, N. C.
t Inparumt Cautiov—Bead: Earuk
There is bat one cennine preparation of Wild Merry,
and that is Dr. Swam.% the first•ever offered as die
public,: which has beau sold lately through= the
United States and some parts of blurarpei and !
tare metione called bythe nem or VVild Cherry
been Put oat einee thle,ander eons of soma deceptive
eiresismuees, in ordeturgiveturreney to their aide.
BY a little observation, no person • mad osisotke die
genuine from the lalse: ' Each bailee*" the gamble is
envelOped with a beentlful steel enerig,rwith the
likenestof William Perm therein:Whims, Do. giarsmwe
siguelarei and ns farther security, the entreat of Dr.
Swayze will be added bereafter,'_llo•ll.l: so distbreish
his prepsrution from An Now, if It wet vat for
the great curative properde• of lassern virtues of•Dr,
15wayes Compouad Syrup af Wed 'Clem. Tenon
would not be mideavoringto eve easel:key to their ,
vfimilicas nomads by slealmg the Imam of Wild
Chewy. Remember, alien.' bear la.'s:gad the name
of Dr. Sorlyne • and lw not deceived.- 'is -.. .
Ihineipal Cara, censer of POD; end Mire -
Pdelphia. '." - .‘
Fora sle teddlegale and:retail by OGDEN &SNOW.
DMV, ear gd sad IVood st - D A.-PARNESTOCE dr.
Co, one let sad Wood,' and' NW lad Wood dr, WM.
71101,53 Market* El JONIM NO Liberty an
AL,Nieig gad Pend • sta-10111 . 4 IVITCHr
B /Jlegtany thy, dad bfyill:tetpdetable Seaters i•
A wi hIrEILCHSIST. OF T thma HlS for Coos CiTY,Arbo
Ta ha ha te
deen M.
dieted th tbe asthma when -
"Malt every Mang. His . physicians -conostmly mien.
doable:, Snot be bad e elms wredurisand dol.
lan. He newer believed Madvedosai medicates, bat
-considered them at humbugs. AI last , In .ilien Dr.
Telles 13alsam of Liverwart,fees sweet,
Ile* York, and in six weeksensentirely coed, hoe.
ins %ken only three bottles. 'Miss only one edensay
eases where imaginary WM:salons to apstent diedielne
hoes mewed penons Damming Wassails/ass who
„ hams empeaded hundreds of di:Dante them physicians
- lb miin-end In the end owe timirreeosery loam iflial•
ale - efficacy of this purely eeentabler- preparation
Than is no mina's:, dam this snedisioo is ssAllor to
ear semedy prescribed by solidleal - wievens. l This
turnkey E 1 vests to tame, sad is the sn
reales:mil for &seams eves inandiseed Ut dm Tablie.
110117111•11 C ROW Conon, sami dnasnalanoy 855,,,,
Cos= tingles a loaglime With thesecomPladas,
1 bail s=l, all hopes:rebating cured, 1 bed cow.*
ed ilustale and hoescepsdno doctors-in seat.. I had
,siedelsm estereds found voyeFicr la
despall I had p in es
up Oa idinssdie-Mi*, ;Mess
ins of tbecreateloneser Dr-Taidoesniballl of Liss S
wart, endthe , geest Ames it had
not induced
me to try It, sad way, ivisaa:loy and sisomaddaent, I
was better daily te==" r ' itilnei 4 /. 0 110/Mt
costa rills, Ida lam calmly cum& -Dc '4744r.'
Italuttor LI, erica ti3lo/4 1 1 4 M.. , inVk.'nq .
linitfto compisintm vistYril cure eyes/ ist4 , lease
. ~ Drat •lia.liCE,
- Captsin'atsba Nancy,of Nesof.York.
Airman Casanc-t Um: angered , Crow_
_Die Amboas a.
wry load dam, add hale ased crag modicinP_ -1 Mir
obtain Lot Ds care in Taills adta A Died mr, 0 ..
Dab= of Liverwort Thm =Dam hen Mc
most ownifest benefit, pad izia.. a mmelor
ads dimming disessei more y,- es I kneel of
may - cases =beg oar friends, wham it hu Decal' iiidt ,
11' naCesesfaL . Penns interested, axe insioul Sp call
wary resift:cam farther ladmasdan- 1i -.-:: .;
• - - - , , ..hiIiS.B.DUTON, SlSlmareitiort.
Debi in littstob by I D. Mossous. - 13". WOBll 0; J
Tooftend, 45 geAct KR 13 Swims, cor Market and
ias a . . y betiiitr,_llesulerson& Co, s Liberty g!:"., P,- rea kw n ea d
____,-------- - - . .----------------
ig A: VaisnestOttea .Avrtlealltenut. Palls.
ZCalhastio compound combines .emallnea of
X DA with . efociancy 'and Comystative wildness of
to Action, And Wert a Isecolinutoodenty to
tlid , drons, la eitsetbefyvalasbloinalds cowl
s:l'y, At which ale= 'feting and , other complaints, to
congestion of-the litit some* abound.-
7W hoes'now stood Ille; text of 03 yeas, and aspen
ease bias prcreed thee to be& sae and venal*" tensedy
in jusetuatenr, Wanda . and Yams Fevers; hen.
dieei,BiliottsCotoOndigesooo.l=l.Dricrgul ;
Billows Vonsiongs; Coldand masa:ln.
tamnsatety ammeter. e-e.trrapiete- gad =itarsal
mdakcoo:l- which. his teen pen by these pills to all
misbehave opte ased *km; -team the publishing Of
the amorous caracoles in their faNar swo/seesoat•
To Peso= eaanwtfielting they-are no* pal op* a
"dPflelVela'rn N* containing 30 ill*.
Premed and sold b-B Y -
" • A Witillol33TOCK 4Co
=par Ist sad wood, told ales cornett* and wood
-4ilai COWAN ISYSUP—p the ,
creel ramie& in cluing all ellidbi distiming
" L' Arrrin ' t Tempersoce Renner, Noy 31E47.
Coves tituc:Fc.—We are not in the bait or=
sublet , talt omit medicines, bta I nfect
io reerimmend Woman's Woo to thosivolur ereniliet
eg with ii covet. • After Wins vied
the ,itsbal reme
dies lei remove * constion and drAreezug A. Mb, that
bad Cci senora! days adlioned ono or. oar andreni with.
eon seoee,•ni more induced .yirlitelDW 4 cough
syrup, Mt by it retie ITU awned ra o forrhoora ii,
pond to be the panacea in dda rue titling.
Prepared wholeale and midi b t hipV__.,..platli,
JOWL D'hlo
MT( ' , r : rood a . l &wire At=stei,
A ,-------stjtoNce zviozatz uvm, Ex
.l-26 PZCTIMANT sopenot: 1111Aer Mug° for
ddeastaamtioa, BroaclutpAabsio, other9lmo
-111 dim aums, Tiwaxezt the
mg stilts the, craw= um pas Jr..still POI ""
War mous of .t. makwhersarylaWs bee tattooed
Wryly/par araparthaaa they tan dowt.toritiebr, boas . the Walt.
I tom gm kszhprsimiutowed b i lhAl F oPnYwn,
nil bus Warm& to tin ns•-of Jane, gallons/Jim
• OW ta. atm oduust. , Miters dam: tad width
goluly mai had Lhasa is anediarwrimmu
,fteposa try Dr D. Apt P " 011.4.04 sold as
. ,711COarth
_ -
RACTOR In five We
" ties reotn the den of bon,,pliots remove the
froze -the mimeo ter .realds. or.
and !Olt& Trourali, eaters . Lull - urn* of En) , kind
wilheut mar- This valuable Me Extractor ean be
Malt .191 "Mle_kit i =t ,
tub,* cam Fee weetem Penn.
tl ikunlynny tieb eolon ,z 1: good pauemt, apd
rty,chea N 5 75 Fouret.a. =7. , -I ocibbb.
54.65 ,40 . 11 t .
3.4046 1 , 71 4,4N,fai W 0edi ftPHILLIPS
ClUitalEl(ELl4 fm
- "..t 0 — ease' 55 at Clactow Omen,
vacua 10
Ws' k 0 d 1 ,1.7 mat naglittrits o wmon
Oldl3B-150bzs in atom andfor
tku Window otilssiVTl
anivC“'"VaSiTll &DUNCAN
Ttr Mut% Rog
~°- t -- ~,
- 11 . (1{)
■ "
for We WI
ro. * oS ee
d d 0. e • pit reed Irral far
-3 . 8 p. ABU) pdci:da Ifol s o t. urconsm
tr'SX°74:4l3lll••• $
• 4
•-m-;~-~4-er ~.: 7<' ~ r-~..,..~" Y
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''''''.l.S1 -11- 14 -111. 1 1 1; 1 4 - L ,
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. =-,--......,-..--- , --•-•4"-,*-- 7 --,... - ...: 4..—': .
` -:.maL 4
, ilhdfig,
• ffealler. Blemitgy elm Yrs
The essaverarerotimn7 Medicine in ths Wend ?l I
ihrtreci• is pea up Qsort Betties, 111 Oar
thew Ara seerreated es.
rotor ter mg PAL h rein ridged
• r atx... its
The great beauty mud euperiority of this
over gleams medicines IA that while: aredicam
rate, trinehrondes the tedy. Ms one of the eery hat
Deer teem.; it mat =IT protifise the et ludo system and
ore:whew peon. but it imams OM. awl rice
hoed:. a poses pomemed by no other median. Andes
thistles the grind secret of he wonderful =corm It
performed within thelam ree yeers,. snore thus 100,000
roma of were rues of disease ; .1a law 15,00 D were
moeldered Mon*. It hen seed the hem of mere
Men 10.000 children dozing the me pest ammo=
" _ _
Ioiooo itateesotor General Debility Glad
Wont of Nenroste littoral's .
De. Toionsand's Berssparilla Invigorates the , whola
system paroancatly. thoss. , who have lost theft ;
ineseular enmity' by the Woos of etedichle or tedistmer ,
then committed youth, es du ancsadre indulgent* al
the passions, and brood ht physical paint.
tine often nervous system, I tide, Mlnt ormobliftes„
&Int museums, pramaturedocayansideclinkhnltato
f ly ows thst flui dissise,•Conomplion. ten be ce•
thre mowed by this pleasant renssity. This Bins
pains is far seportie to any
layipnradag Cordial,
A. It rime.. and touritiorst. the stem. glints .oUot
to Oa limbs, and atrerngth to the: sy lmmenD,r mum. la 'a
must entruordinary degree.
• lissunamPtiosi Pared.
04as** mid Straws/inc. Cresimirdis ein. Is arra
Briarittis Ciimisamitios, Liver Corplast Odds
(Wont, o vu, Jittines. Spiinv kr sum,
&meat. U. CAW, /be is Stitt •
beset; Diliciat er Priktiat &yids•
ratios,ais tii
is arra.
P Bids Ws
cut cam
sPrivino' ni.tkOtk.
York, April DOM.
Da.,Trftrancon-1 rarity hello. that yot. Suss4.
rilla has lawn the means: through rwwidenwta of s•
'T had • bed Cwlt.
hots= Turn .mi wants At hurt I soiled large van*
the abler& bad night alllPM:.4lowill7 ASO.
Wed tui4 teamed. and tilif magenta to ilia. hare
°air mad Tont Sarsaparillas shoot dab end there two
.ondul al.chaogeboax wraaea to tow tat new able
to wage sancta. the city.. I mhos no .blWdoad my
cough hat lift soth t Tod eat Weil haseolo that I am
thaskfttlik. th0P.11114131.
'font abedlomaisfrant.
WM somas.° Oathainowt
Fronde flawakalinw.
Dr. To newadli t Bmnpx4lla is • mxotP dmf
• eon Cur Incl*=Constuarptlnnt Sanconess, pool
Duct. PaWag date Wont; C.2IIIVEMI., FOAL
=check Las Whites, otetuutthd at /Moult iloastrawt
dun lacontinteas of ilotosf af btoatuattooir
thareof. and for ohs amoral powpradas al abs system—
coo:ratter whether the remit anthem:amiss in tams.
Pooda.ta by torfulaoloy, Shim oo wecitient. Mathias
. sac be tworesnoprWag *sot ;gm herigerettag effect.
on Mahatma Oath - Dm'ami all ireiluna sal lace-
Leda freataskinglt, era= broom= '.herd sag fall of
aannercederlabtusaes. It imatodlatety tarentencts
the narreleauswa of della:ash foam whfcli Der great
cause brilarnanneas •fr Will SO bit , latuddf.mtfe
awes at se WIWI, • mania to abrnwitaftlfhtlitta
••••••• performed but we can noon the atillitfaWut
b<tudreda ofcaserbmbeos mama to ma Thattakode
of cam where' familia* bays been witireal shilerwa
• after
beenew boats. of lAD laralsabla =Wane,
bent with Ana boilthy droving.
To Mother, andElmoled Lathes.
- Wren eftlersap—arMs. hes hem espramty
Pion fampre.*
pared to reSerettes to female oaroplahns. e
vita tea neaten to 'appose ahs Is eppreesidst that
erhieal tere 01414 e ehootd oiled to
take tt b • eared. prosethre era coy of lks
nordAfte -sad bora& dhmeses to shicidertedee are
subject 7i thug this of life. This period asp he 4-
layealibr estiersf Paps by lobos Ws tamtm. Nes
is tt has vehtebte tar those she are approeships
ittrAtOcolbtod tomato .una... 07 oda
. 70507 blood sad boeiresethei
tltil- the woe= Weed,
timited643llo4.ol7oll• fort - she &Otago:dist*
s 'To - which women are sobJeet.
ece the whole gate mom pereasieThatly the
emeriti enerOltil, by 're:3mi oz Mes Morel* et the
body, not st. tits athnotstlear sa to. pieasete indmooeme.
relazattomstdchte the use of most toedkioes table foe
(mode seeknesi end disease. By osios
few honks pi
thin tadediehea. =ay severe ani painful surgiestipeas
Wee. may be preretosi.
Pleat Meinlog to notbora wad Children.
trim the arta aoi ateok effects:Ad thetticinetbrporify .
In the epic= and weltering thew wafering. atteeden
opou child-blab serer discovered_ It etrenttheta both
the meth and child. prevent. pain and do th
ereon aid enriches the food, thew, onto Yoe mod
think it brlndirgennble. ii. biehly ortal both before
antli affernnin men, Ifflfilla• nue adorn
epos childbirth—in Coithances, Tao. etainpa an-D
-isg of ,the FeeL notrendethy, Martha.. W.Mh#4.
Pulnia the Beek and Loion. Fain rah., fleinerthqa.
and in regulating the ettertothes and equalising the nth
ndatkoa a bau an equl The gent beast,: of this
.Argue is. this altraya eldb, and the bath dentate age
ethos sattethafully. can for coo otqatra 'any other
ineogiehs. is nom a aide gamer Oil„ or Iffaiguerth.
erefsd, Exerclaa lathe opts atr. asal test thed with
dile medicine. toll Elmo noun a safe and easy am
Beaune alga Health.
c.easedee. Ctedh..nd • ••.. 1 • 1 7 of p..P.ra...
rally Iwo" when applied tam e face, very wen veil It
of the beauty.. They thee poresof the eld; and
check the cwordation which, when nature is hot thwart.
ed by dieraes or powder, or the skis Wanted by the
sikaliee wed lo sear, bateau:a ID owe preditia in
the abuses font Delete" Ise 1 . 11 eeha the telltlert
rich and ,deliestaly dated and vviegrons Soweto- A
ftee,wetire end healthy eiroolatton of the dues. or the
_otitis pore, rich blood to the eaten:dam is
that b ees peals the cotollunenxe in tie wet axons
eke beenty. Le that which batons the beissocribable
ettedes end Bathes of lowelinees that all admire, but
no. es, sbneribe. This beauty is the °Swing of se
tars—oat &peeweer arsesp. If there Le not • he. and
healthy dicsdation, there te no team. If the lady b
no driven =ow. if the paint, awl nes coasnetiet
end the blood is Chia, cold; sad bap., the I. eat been
ciftth If shale broom or yellow 7 end there Ls pare and
active titeA It ghee s doh bloom to this aftke, tad a
brilliancy no their qo thee is faschsatinn.
Thie Is why she setel especially the' Spa.
telt ladies, ens so amch Ladies In the north
who take hot -link tread"or are coatied in does
roans; or have retailed their consplanioe by the 'mita
cello. of deleterious 'esixtionts. If they:with to ret.
late elestleitt ef etre, boeyeat Write, eparklio& eyes
• end besetlfai eotoptaxtease, thsy should use Di. Tone
.raft flareeptoiTb.. Thomas& who bee* triad h. ere
nows then estielled, ere-delighted. Ladies 'of every
station, creed our office deity.
fermate es lbw Leslie..
'Time unti. lesitite Dr. Townsend's larreaparilla, her
m o
Inrditebtrearted their miff • east &sway ter Fe
ado ' k &O.'. mad ban mplid ow bilis sad omelets
t: iehieb estimate the compiedete of wereen wordier wore
.7.-stber =bid. pat op iirbikibb have, to the grey
Pease wf Dr. Tawnsesid'a fisawsparliht in complaints
hoidens telautales, resonsoneeded thalen eb
ough pr.
*herd" they dld not. • used= at thee ltizis= 6 ..
4 - sh Work.. so tass4" thiry
.: -. l4 4 enedettoine the constiention I).7=d'. is the
y hod bit remedy for the womerous tamale roe.
Pleingis4t rarely, if am fails des arlier e perreesetta
-'" erne: It eta be taken bT tooon &W.V. f•eselee,
"Ad ode, or by those expecting to beseles netters,
with the gnaw adman.; es it preperes the spibb
and presbbla pain or danger, and weetagthonto both
mother and &Old: Be enreftil to get the goonine.
•• Scrofula Cured.
" - This eartlficate condoled,. peewee thin this Oars.
peciltabas perfect cooling over the num. obstinate die
easel of ths.BlocaL nide pereone cured In one braes
unprecedented. T
. bree'Clindr6 l .
Dp. Tamititurn—Dcar BL, !have the planers to
tater= you that threinof toy children haveboes cured Ibo usit of yont excellent medicine.
They rare enlacd very toreerely with bed &WU ; Sr*
token only thur bottles; b took theme &wen for erbel
I foci myself Mitt 1T.Li.b14.U..
Toone reapectfully.
• " •—' , CEILACIV; nahM.lo6Woerterea
Opinions of Physician.
o...Tanana Is alms: daili sohn fres
fy abl i t we, paw g• nanataa.PlTath..
of the Cit We Ddau.
y of illbcoy, bare in mamas
ed Dr. Ten
ID be
re of the Mad raloable Peairrru6ANt EarOLD.
Alany. 1 ,1847.' P. E. ELM:ENDOW% IL D
Owing to the great magma and ithotenn me Of Dr.
Townaend} Sarsaparilla a number of Olen who wen
no Mean hare commenced making laarsaww
rillaDoracfg, Ethurs. Ex of Yellow Dona
Qc They.gentrally pot It op In Neu of shaped bot.
&lea and wrong them have stole and topleg our Meer.
daernan--they are only .worthlcsa imitations,
should be.areded.
p,t,,esoel oak" PM FULTON &rear, San Dadb4.
N. T. Madding &Co., 8 State are" Boston; Dion a.
Roar, 1.1'3 North Earned street. Philedelphre ; R.
Ranee, Druggist, Baltimore, p . It. Cohen, Cheriesson ;
w e ight & Co., 151 Chartres Street, N. 0.1 105 &MS
Pearl Street, Albany and by all tbe principa/ Drug.
giSbe and Merchants generally throughout to United
state. Wen ladies and the Canada..
N. R.—Persorm Inquiring for this medicine, should
net be induced to take any other. Druggists put up
85:88PstiZtuir and of course prefer selling them own.
Do pet be deceived by nn — inquire for Dr. Taw,
send's, and like no other. Remember the gees.
Ina “Towtmend's Sersoparil a." sold by the sole ll.gento.
It E. SELLEitS, General Wholetelo & Retell Agent,
No. -57 Wood street, and D. St CURRY..Allegheny
city. jeal
•- •
T i HE undersigned has long been convinced of the
, necessity for some metheina adapted to the use of
ldran and Infant. to sopercedo inn nee of an those.
medicines which contain opium, and ho as :worth socs.
ezweled"in - preigning and offartng to the ptitthe meet
'eine daily answenng every paipow for ail,thiteaws of um
beerels, without the ow of Linn deletermill &net or a tty'
Other enterdated to nettle m the omit: The Infant /hull'
48.* haiStreedi tally totted and trod, the Law twelve.
months,htnumensta ponws, and Wand to posross
the extroordinarystelites and tit - produce, elf the astcm.:
felting 'CAMS ta r sal forth on the hal of directions. Din
aroma, Vomiting, Cholle,, N
Oriplng, Pains, eknoss and
'Diseases" tubing from Teetillng, acting hronedinthbr,
without dtiarbing any of the functions of the. body;
producing t he happiest and maw plasma trunsition'
from violentlndu sow trancmiland Joyous orate ftsel4
ins Lo Meade enterer.
To be had wholesale end retail, of the Proprietor Dr:
JOHN SABDANT, Druggist and Apotheettryt John
Meted!, Ellicatle.Deckham, and most otherDroesista
a Allegheny and Pius -
burgh. dead
.-60 dozen
If lee received of Pn.:VmsrueittPtEmuttparills, the
mow extramilaasy Medicine In tree woriM The Ex.'
beset is Pat up to qua" bottles. It slx dines cheaper,
pletunter, my "strutted- tope nor to my sold. It .
ewes disease 'without vomiting, purging, siMoccill of
debilitanng the patient.'
LOCI 001 . foe 12117.5715M5.-11nringed p 015052 .35.5. •
copied ow labels, and pat up eine lathe tame ,
shaped brink. 15ea that each bottle bus the "sines "s
-tature of B.P. Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, benne' I
'Third and Fourth, is 1 1:" Mnsendie only WPolestdet
and retail agent' for Pittsburgh, of whom. the gems
Attie" tan be WA
• •D. IL Carry Ma beenappointsd tbesela agent fob '
Allegheny My, of whom. the genuine article pin be
. .
teNragr AND CAP 11.11001 M—W 11 ,.1,1 14
Attlioanhertutention of Myers to • men si
• • mode. of unrest ayta wati ma Ism. la •
ID 3 V ; ct i = l = l o
• 03 4 17y7: - 17- -
mug 77715. t.
'4V 3 l"Silxiingr rsivvlPA
*Er•eksasc ov o sootscula ! cm!poare
447,1* • .erga4PAPsk.lbs
..01 - 11±.bPrgar 41elieUeoti,toevoryithog
6 • IPA or.loD4cri A lggra, Alytmapt., lumui Lvin
• rpatrag.i* Z i CoSacii , 44
amPushow4Prita;o l , ze#W,
poe l ieliclieSUPl'es 'Nee
nigUict)pri;nreiteetlee , Wer k e e P' I L
ortriw,4 wAialicss,
coy., end ipty v.
.111tPx.fial 1.14.544 , 1*d AMATarg,!crilPN C4P.)
RlteZZrtgr7 41,4= 111 t A
t 46:telt
,Al , t; O. A .147, GC r ptun..4l:42gritY .
he nee* tad age. W. LOT jvhadidi444,pari6 ••:
•• • 1 , 1 4,2 . 1 tat .rmi!bc , lb. bed Pimaiitch
•". *4O to pr0z.00.41,14.0044*1Y.
---EI QFErN E " ATI ' ll1 -44 :eig l u Ct PLT IT IPREKs E.F1 .
strminghasevaalear Paton'. ts,lola.
Iter:Aimue, Ye?
L IP; 'WE)64 alf•ftlk . ifiregh..
i meat oe xV ) uelaT °pram% FR= *.M.rnt.f. 4
• atperktzttaiLay. WhoMsalemnd conzary LS cz.
thliati ire'respectfidlp mita to mail ex
amino, Tar Meicao4yea, as , we ant , deteroMacd la toll
Wiper Allan typpin: befog bets cfercitte the pal.
.. ,
' Irr Otdeta s e at bi mead, accompanied bithe Midi in
cay reference. Will be oromptty encoded to. (clad
P. hiehetair. ' "
Jewel E.
ULVA.Nr LEI/LIE meauSeetterO and keep eon ,
dtzpuy eh hand Out. fithutderttodPlelohe,ltet
delasswerre, lu-varieties id their Wake:tout ear
ner of !Market rued Water eireelaj'Pitisberge.
Our Work! bootlace in hell eperetion..•anh we rut
constantly addict to our Weekwhich tashies veto till
ordure With promptorts. Purehorere ere reep e etfully
tollehedlo tad ezerahle Otte end
FROM the very liberal enceserma .
vn • menttheankaoriberhaa reeeivedltnee
j 41_,,'" • 'he•has located hipraelf in Allegheny,
I • "iiairtaduced him to take a lenee,for
, Verkebt Tetra, meth property he now
occupies, %Int' iereit; goaledimely beside the
Presbytetianathich. nem the tong experience in the
above biumese and a desiretllkpleaft, he hopes to mer
it and tetelvekkireiretfpCanonage.
Now on hand and finial:Et 'le order, licr e ka ... B . triv .
tZePee and
re4lrtee ' even' dranr
age' made to order, finkl nem%
I.op 341i1 I N
1 widl3l,BUC3CNOadc C 0,41 north water .t, and
,6 • wbarveal Phil* offer far .ale on szeorezoodating
term 4 flina i kg= s ,: lo razd.jobr
tr a s o, r anLis d le r
CraPre Ws and .B's dug, and t's Laden' Twin,
wholeandbalf boxas,of due following approved brands,
• .
James H Grant, Osborn& Braggl
Grant & WiSimms A Cabaniss,
Simms it Son, WHosald,
Wobatos Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas, Jr. A li Armistead,
J Thomas & Son, Letodhorn & Anstistuad,
1 P Coates. J AI Cobbs,
Gentry & Royston J A Clay,
lli A Butler, C A Hall,
Green Hall, , • - • Wro Hanson,
Pearl & Harwood, J S Stook...sir
Nada Page, Keystone,
W H Vaughan, Edmond Henry
Pordanz..Robiniono, Russell & Roblin/raj
Ulla, Roblnioa & Co. PAM Halsey,
RMetealf, John Ender
Lrenet Lollies . , I Itobioson:
Gray &Dray, D HTurner
RdOodesoo, York White . ,
I:I id lintnek. —ALSO—
Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappars and fdloto;
'Yard . do do do
Cienfuegos ' do do do
St /ago de Cuba do a. do
ES Dr de, do
h o lorialWridea ' Po, pan Sne, do
ntayosille do do do
Kentucky various gads do do
Winilolo Leif, Btlitilble for mannfaenning utd export;
Spastiih Seed Lent Penn . ., Conneetteut r yi e l Ohio;
Viiginia Scraps, sweet; Gem= Pipes; Mods,
Scotch Snuff 000111 S mid bladdets;) Itlarmou • Meal;
Tatipas Beans, Havana bass; Otto Bose; Be t;
COlobna Liquorice; Pate_nt ... alsoC dish ltnives,Spunk,
1 .5. ,. &c. Eama, mitu
run'AF--.._ ... . ..
- odne-04 , p the main approved Llstern plans—
and pont falbiotalde t, Eastern pattern, sad
BLIND =tors. •A
CIIEAP aot 802.1t1N ,
ot la
mode to etder of all sizes, and at all prices. o a band
Oman? Slerettaats sad othehe isectovhed m call and
cumin[ the above for themselves, as all Inn bo sold
Wholesale eV retall, and a- lib
t, made to
stem& parebasers.
13.05BDA.Lif. GAILDSNS,,
IV Propriener of this kunsm plate of resort h.
3. dm *more of Incoming the pub. that bin metal.
nehment having been thoroughly refined en reps.ed.
nad the
fo grour weir
elegantly laid out and decoramd.
oir open accommodation and he tinders him
self Met those who may favor tun vrtth their pmron
see 'will find all that they desire, provided Co the beet
etyle end on mesonable gentle. He Is determined to
leer< no egyrente in making hie establudiseum lewdly
bf petite patronage. He has accommod.orm
....Multi. • fen fronittes. le. Creamy, and •11
Melds suitable to the 10113011, tamtantlTT on band
klonetogialtialst liduee
"gtirdisc rusper and Tailor, bola to le
1. form the calm. of Pittsburgh and others, that be
is now opening at his rooms an Stolthfield street, nos
der the above Hotel. a large and beautiful LeSertreent
nick:Mu, Casstmems, Sauna, :nits, arta otberifestags;
together with suet Other eruct. at trit regaired ter
gentlemen's teem. His good. have beret e.e.faily se
leeted, end are of the newest Lod stoat fashionable
'style, as well as of
to quality. His mummers
'may depend upon having th e
clothe. mule up in a
inenoet ertdeh =not fat to gratify the taste of the
Meet fastidious
TOBACCO—Ib hie Branch d. Welkin,' ss.
• do do do extra pounds;
S do do do Its and 16a;
10 kegs No 1.13 mire,
1,10 do Pelt eavelith;
M do
do Segri do Phigl
YO do hairdpuntah do for by
. _
Q HOKE HOUPE—Hortog taken tke large and cora
ntodsotte Smoke Homo and .line......ehoose
Mining our Warehouser,. the Canal Hawn, we ample ,
pared to smoke and store bacon on remitoible ter-
KlEll .10N3Z,
Canal Liesist.mas'ltket.
.11.: Miller's and Jan Anderson'', Just reed and for
nabs by BEAUX BUCK:VCR & Co,
41 north water and 16 north wharves,
je2.14 Philadelphia
VARA LEAP TOBACCO--2.26-b-Mesi Vara Leaf 'Po
bane°,remppery, and =penal qualay-1, 2 and
1 rata -ptst landing from brig &ado-acne; for .ale by
E . 1 . P21.11AN P1P123-264 bra and 3 grossße rman
Pipe., medium bowls, pod and
from B
pi and
fix sale by je2l !MALI& 1i1.2..KN0n& Co
I&11-Isaac Cruse, Baltimore, 111 d., will be irld
Fnave orders from Isis friends in Pittsbur;l3 and
elo , wttete, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings du d
floc Me ocuon. Orden executed with despatch. and
at lamest tales. Charges for purcharang light marda
ac.--40,003 assorted Kos. C
CVasil, Caret Chain, Candle Wick, and Cotton
Tynne '
• Ido ba le. Bolting, for sale
lowest prices, by PRIF24D, RILEY & Co.
a . agent. for manafactorem
UST recetred at the nortbarat corner of 4th an d
JMarkel street. Needle Worked Collar. Wrought
Noon. Ilibbont. very augll
fl , F.AS—ton plc. Yating Hylnt !apart& ,
de, Biack Tess,
13ROV: e r, t' CILBF,RTSON ,
145 IfbFity
DACON-10 clash. Shau!dare, landing Hoot stew.
13 Flouter sod for sate by _
Freuch Revolt:Moo—A Ilistorp by Thomas Car
lyle. Otero volumes—clods For sslo by _
rrOBACCO- 60 bas Ins Hust bs flossy Tobsecoi
eetylog Holocaust and for sale by
aurl JAMES DALZELL, stater at
A—CI4.IBITI;-741idThrtits-Thiahisidiensl, hnirSied
yrge,ln store and for sato by
Mita 1848. nags
To and from the F...10f1n cities. via Cumberland.
Tm propjet°. of dn. popular line. haesiastate their
re-organization largely increased their facilities to
mart the wishes of stitppem and are now prepamd
fitrward a greater smooth the FIVE DAV LINE,
alwr by additional regular wagons at low rates.
This Dna trot througiiout the year, drllvering
roods throuah the iseetits in Ilidumore nod Pittsburgh
la owners and compass at specified rates and time.
Ships:mu& from Philadalphia for dm lino should ba
mar Tb. ketr lIALZELL y 1 0. 11 .m itobInzon, Dahlman,"
IEATHEES-10 bap Peathors fAim for sale by
b RomNscri, _
• _
` 1 —c o C ba •
1)081N-30 labls for sale by
• lag I 4
Dap linen No, in store and for micro
lJ close cansigumera, by
Lis er.lo and 10x12 iadosaigs — ,
Just can't' per suer tants ArLane, and for sale by
fITE kiWid.-4,0 bbls small White Beans, for
Wsale by an gl
PEPPER -74 bags on hand, end for We very loos by
augla 0 110 RANT :
FIRE BRICK-11410 now iissbarf s , for min h ,
angl2l tbsaltal DICKEY is Co, front st
—_---- Co,
LABM 01L—Liarithardt's best, Jut reed .l and for C
Co sale
by _ !.414 KIDD
COFFEE—I illbags pilminitin, 40 do dh Isagnalrbi
10 do obISSoe. Jmral forme by
S 0 CiAfir.6-Thidiiliiiii(tii - 6 b ; D WILLIAMS
bli eleiitherY, ado
crashed and pulverised; 45 do assorted Lao for
lade by aag2l
bags Phae 7 D WILLIAJd.9
.-11 rrtm
5 doP S eppat 1 bld Cloves;
do pare Ginger, 6 outs Nastard, assorted sites
611 matm Ow* Llegthlsteesgrottnd Veil m Veil
variety; far sate by mot JD ILLIAMS ,
15littit , I ;:-. 7 -1376 Sail , in ino - reTibirfEiiibi hi.
.13 dug% TASSIEIf & UFFT
l irle . , l.
. A i ll:1—ao00 lb., tprime T e A rtZin t ataa r nd
--- • .
rrALLow-1 bbl reed and Cot sale by
Triliftv blEAT=do — biiloirrjrailei,
ki brand, reed per MIT Compimion and for sale by
artigib S G W Elk/WAUGH
ARTWPS GUITARS—Anon* ofillartin? , ea;
/XL brated.Spanish Guitars, Jag reed and (abate by
JOHN Hy hlfy:Hij_42r_r_r_
A LWS-a) bbl. Mum, juht ro&d soloby
othgth ' • . Oh•ntood st
s w3D-42 bop Timothy Seed; bblo Clover di; fO - r
b 7 magi. J&R marl)
BIDES-4 0 cask. clear
w et teied and
[cassia by ROBT A C NGHAAI,
.48 ”41ibtry_st
pcillulk• - lbylial. by
. •
1/17 HALE 011.--Crtde and.}3r flatd.‘or sato ay
T ARD-8 kaga 4..40 L c Lard, }tut rea'4laas for
4-1 =la by a ymlcK
FAIIIF.RI4--= Ms prima gantaalry Vauban, for
gala by .0 tllll3lCla m CANDLINS
Mloll' RENT—A -.- e - arsimodicans thrga ntopy Brick
.r - Mintehanse, on 4d avant. Posses don glvna home
(Wanly. Par tenna apply'W • '
C 11611A14T, 41 won't at
vemn,y FLOUR—KW eousisailz 011 bind and for
by nog% BROWN t uULBERTS9N
POlllhaiut vimaaaa sate_ yt 1, 1
-"Igal. WICK k
, . setriC 17111011r - tiltz'
•' t ,
-- - B4B- , ~,A., - ..:.
~,, ..:.,....teisi3tritolr AND camy N '. •to
-.'s ... 3, Pittsburgh;
Dian, 'aas.s . & Co, Deaver,
CLAWIIVID di CUA-Ma4= l , Cleatdand
THEabove Lino is now prepared to trwtsport freight
...4..,.....g.0... f,,,,,/ Pitisbrirsh end Cortland, or '
soy point on {he (..Isnals and Lakes.
On, bora leasers Pitybrugh and Clepoland daily . , ran ,
damouriOndon retth the strata:NM Lake Eno and
e borwaen Piusborgh and'Heaver , wed a lino
f lint class stoamboots, PrnPuilers, bngs sad schwa
toe taker Ens, Mntra Ithallgan. ~ . , i
Propart, forwa rd ed , to oaf pan of lite Itnion 'with
by WAS. 1. hIATLIER. or
• -JOHN A. CAUG HEY, Agent*
nor Water and Sentilacreld sta r Pntsbangb.
-Itooe4 Parks &Co, Beaver;
B CO Parks A. Co, Youngstown, Ca
E W Coma &Co, Wanda .
D Postorlak & Co, Dreadr:orr,
A ar. N Clark,Ntorton Falls;
P , Lewis, Newport;
3 , 1 k Ell Wbrulesoy, Campbellsporti
.1 0 ldllnde, Ravenna;
11 & C H Kent, Frank no; I
Unto &'fronle, Cuyahoga Falls;
Wheeler & Co, Akron;
Barney, Gibbs & Co. riand.ap,
Vir!dk!as & Eat4s, To Yed.o;
W; 67 ":' ; . - 43 ; . N,e hi
IcPairleTl.NlTliailTwZWW. Wu;
H J, Wiwilow, Chicago, IIL epll
rpIIE of this old established a nd fleet
Portable Dost Line, having removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, toa much larger Watehoose
on Alarket Cl., than they formerly occupied, and also in
creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared tool:far much grater facilities to diets friends
and patroru•
Goods carried by this line pee not transhipped be
tween Pittsbargh and Philadelphia. bolugeartled en
tirely In Portable, Section 13011 s. To shippers of goer
and other good. reepainng Careful handling, this is of
Importance. No chargomade for receiving . 1 411
goody or advancing charges.' All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon as reasonable terms no by any oth
er Rm.
Canal Basin. Penn at., Pittsburgh.
thb2l 227 Market & GI Commerce at, Phila.
JOHN ➢feFADEN /c Co, Psrwarding and Caroms
!dos blerchauts, Cum! ilasin; Penn tt., Pittsburgh.
JAMES. M. DAVIS & Co, F.oorraeton and Comado•
awn blerehave, 2V7 Market, and 84 Commerce st,
Philedelphi. fee%
.. Wr:Adyanees
. o.uoig? by cithT!_oftho=o: o n4;ri.
o u oi tm. o th er COW-NW° ha Of MAI'
to fetal
NOTICE—Thn subscribers have dispomd of their In
terest in the Penn's, and Ohio Lino to CLARKE tc
THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this
They will continuo to transact business for the line,
sti thsur Marabous* on !dryad street, as usual, and be
speak for it continuance of tho patronage of their
Philadelphia, Mara sth, 1b46.
Panora.. and Ohio Trans
- - - -
Lima. Daily Lute of
12.111,219 TO MOOT °. 00005 lICROTTA
AND C1T1124
CLARKE &THAW, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
LEWIS tr. HUTLF.12,2117 Markel. st, Philadelphia.
JAS. STEEL & CD, Aatn, Broad erect
CtIIVDF.N, CLARKE & Co., 7s North st, Dalt.
W. POILRICK, Agt, 12 West street, Neve York
TE wob.,ib. n have this d ny associated themselves
writhes tinder the style of Kier a !ones, for the
purpose of conutining :be lio.soc u fotiontly carried on
by Samuel M. Kier, and when a emaintionee of the lib
oral pnaotiage heretofore extended to the house.
.ball" 1. Id KIER,
Pittsburgh, March 1, IMP.
E we prepared to record, and forward freight to Vdie above and unermediate places lent. as mach
despatch, and at as low ratca, sou other raspousillte
. .
The attention oral:tippers a-tatting to send Pork nr Ba
con tO Baltimore in bulk. 1S particularly reqacitod, to-
UM:MD OUT arrangements enable as In earn' Maki
211164 illSOU,gh In better out
Tlt er Man any other line.
KI & JONES, Prop Yrs.
Canal Baena, near TM at.
Pittsburgh, March 1.11 , 47
twat. D.
Tr lER & JONEEtiC',aminiasain arid firm azding hist
XI,. hards. and IVluilesalia Deaden its Iron, Blooms.
Halt, Ptriduce. he
Liband rub advances an earisigrackents.
en nn, °rm., •uh. nth. trrxruts
a mud autinsouo.
To Pranodolyula moo Motu
ts.,t UaaY alma a...natoa...
HENRY GRAFF a Co, C1u5.11 , ..n. Plusbcogh:
DUTILH, HUMPHREYS &Co. No .147 ]1.41s st, Fort
C. It RooNS, eorneriCardt Mfoostora Halt[
JOll2 F. (Nate, No 13, Old Slip, Now 10,,,
1107 ICE—The crib, of our Enna a-ill be known Gems
and aftir dd. lime, et Piu.bergb. a. [leery Grad
k Co., efidial ridladelphie. ael.kulk. GenTbreys h. Co.
)111141g) a lITXTIL-U,
HENRY GRAFF. Pimbae mar 434
Easiol lB4B .
For Trararportatian of Frright w mad from
Bassani.. a. Casa, Philadelphia.
Turin & (PConsint Pitohurgit.
old eau:btu:bad Late being now in fall costa
ilan, the proprietter hare made extensive arrange
ments to forward pods and produce, with despatch. and
n the Minn hlefOrthfe term . They 00n fi0.„,,,,• hope
their well known prompsne” in delivering geoda—rtn.
CAW Wetly to mode Of cerrytng—enpanions wars:hon.
tea at Pact% port, &rattling accommodations to shipper,
and trosnees produce—together with their [nag expe
rience and unterrutung anclaton ,wonew, wfU rtw
to them a eontinnanee of that liberal patronage they
hereby gratetully netwowlwige.
Alt cam/arm:pants by and tar this line received, char
ges hard, and lorwartled in any required direenotui free
at charge; Sraosazdalon, &draws% or moraso.
No Worm directly orhidsrectly. to steamboats.
All cornanatleanonspromptly attended to on apphca
thlth to the Offiloletzta agents,
BURUMBE k CASH. MB Market at. Philadelphia.
TAAFVE k. CYCONAGS. Cana/ Basal, hurboret.
CPCONNOSS & Co, North ot, DalWatore_
tint. U. no Cedar at, New York. or 4
dageM 184 S.
11115 Well known Lore, composed steamboats
Lake En. anti lillehigan. between Pittsburgh awl
aver, and freight sad passeneer Canal Isms. be
tween Beaver and line, mid C JI Heed's hint of firss
class steamboats, propellers runt vessels on the Lakes,
Ls prepared to MIT) , freight and passengers to all man.
on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Krie, Huron and Abe.
daring ^ , erl . MIST rOr ronvei big freight .4 per
stagers with promptness end dispatch. the proprietor
anif agents respectfully solicit from thcar friends • con
tinuance of their patronage
C hl It Proprietor
REED, Co t Heaver, Agents.
JOHN A- CAbli HEN , Age
qll4 ear Water and Smithfield Ms, Pittsburgh
,E4 Tb Yraprietors of this papaw. Lam Run %hanged di.
afeita7 at Ousbartand from dam home of 111.K.ig & &s
-cums to that .f Edgartra & Co,
Pittsburgh sad weans eriersbarts ors atitified that JBA ,
yßamon. N,9l goon Charles rt. Baltimore, is d a i
aathorisad neat of, this Lim to Wales.= stow
!Tbs oily avat.. are
J 0 131DValloritt.b.114
•O W CAPS. Brow.niW,
EDGARTO.I* Co Cumburlsod,
dscElti J II nonmsolV, Baltimots:
~Waterm Tranayortetloa . coirrpssay.
abi .,ow.
M.M1634 .
18 4 148 old Etra g =ll:l C a= .1848 . ,
vu PUNSTI.V.I• Arn Mllo..ol. roAtn
REprapor.d to Immlipori goods nod produce to nod
a ck. (rctra Me abirra ; cities on Carornble 100010. Ad
m. or apply to
D. LEECHNos., Putsburxh.
Luaus ac. LEDA IA Is L 7 Bomb Third st,
J. TAYLOR/ BON, Agls, No 14, I.PO/7 Howard rt, Balt.
A. ABBOTT, At*, No 7 Wost street., New York.
Pittsburgh, March IPM. IS4s. mor2o
Yllairobauta t Tron
8 sportati tee;
MEM 1 8 4 8 vu as M-$a
11 ROADS -' •
GOOM eanatyned to our ea. will be &rwurded
without delay al the lowest current ratea
C A AIcANULTY, & cn,
Canal Basin. Penn st, Pittabl i 4h.
272 and =Market et, Pall a.
Je29 Smith's . 1 . 1, 4 Baltimore
MIA 1848. jai
HIPPER Aral -" - - .
RIPPERS tad ethers are Informed that thia liana
"ill madam/ le run throw: n /14mi the year, 'leaving
daily. Produce and raereh 're taken at low rate.
eterehandixe Rom Baltimore bropa r lit out at Canal
we.. lime, Ave day. 3 0 91PW12.4 Aft.
water at, 2 doors above Atmagla. Pittomritit.
J 9 9.oll2atiON t BOEHM,
03 fontbpletriesat, Bultimdre,_
PlONEElCizaratiz i OaTijrfai
1848. adia.
Ilorchaalse VLicaT al ta t.
• W_ Ateits
" FR/MAT& MA= • is,
if IBOOKKIKEN 6U' ; - i k i ' i
Veinible wad 111.11graietiwe New Boob.
Bator). orate :Girondists., 3 vole, 1.2
Shams' Life of Ourealies Bayard: 12mo.
i, G. P. R. James , Life of Henry the Pmsrtb, of Pkagice,
Sols—l 2 mo.
mith's Consular Cities of Ching IRmo.
INeander'• Weer/taw Omsk See: muslin;
BarvePs Fresh Gleaningst• or a new Sheafirem the
I,ld fields of Continental Europe.
Capt. Henry. Sketches of the Mexican War. Dmo.
Gleig•• Story of the Battle of Waterloo; I 2 mo.
A Summer in Scotland. by Jacob Abbot; 19 me.
Sin:wades Literature of the South of Europe: 2 role
112 o n,.
Raxton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Mountains; 12 mo, muslin.
Posthumous Works of Bev. The. Chalmers, D. D.,
• L.l. D. .
The Practical Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, L.
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D• 8., Moo.. of Nev.
. Hampshire.
Luther and the Reformation, by Joint Scott, M. A.,
9 vela
The Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the EIMPir.;
by S W th'illinnia,ll anis, 19 ma. a
The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
12 mo.
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 19 mo.
Teaching aSelence, the Teacher an Anima by Rev.
The C.... his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on ShaksPeare, by H. N. Hudson.
The Artiste of America—lllurrrated with nineengra
sings on steel, and eentaining Werthes of the haw of
Analog, human, West., etwan, Trumbull, , Do Vet as
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 01.8 so. '
The Orators of France! containing.sketches of the
li s penfii.Throns r -Napolionn,..Daston,...hlins.
bean, Gavot and others, with portraits of each.
Headley', Napoleon and Marshal,: 2 vols. IR mo.
Headley's Washington and Ma Generals; 9 vols, 12m
Ileadlers9. acted Mountain.. •
The above, together with h large coDection of Stand
, ens Works, Clawdenl and School Books, for war. by
: JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, licroksellers, , ,..
e 5 corner mar er mid 34 20
iii.TEW AND ATTRACTIVE 1306ES—CuYlmere' Sa
.01 leo work, 4 vole.
Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Pilm. Fry, 2nd Yoh
The Coirrent,by the anthor of 'Schoolgirl in Franca'
Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Nov C R Tay
lor, AL A.
Margaret, or the Pearl, do
ark CORD, or the Merchant's Clerk, do
Life of Pollak, author of "Course of Tiraci"
The Listener, by Caroline Fry;
Lemurs on Slinkspeary, by H N Hudson;
. Life of Olivet Cromwell, by J 'l' Headley;
Napoleon and his hlarshals do
Waeletrigton and his General, do
Foam, of the„Pulmt, by Gardiner Spring, D
Rothe! Flog, do do
Religion Teaching by Example;
Pulpit Oratorio( Franco, by Turnbull;
Gonna of Scotland, do
Life of Rowland /till; Free Church Palpit, 3 vole
Orators of Franca; Now and Thou: Dethane'. Poems:
Idargaret HorOori
Jacobuson Matthew, adapted to Union Qaestitins;
' Arthur's Popular Tale•--Riches to rho World,"
'Minting Haste to be 'Leh," "Riches have Wing,"
"Keeping up Appe,arance," "Debtor and Creditor. '
101 l wood and 36 market .1
1")CEI VIM> and for sale, a lot of choke Planar', with
anJ without Coleman's _Conan Attachment, by
N. 61. & Clark, PI V. tr. of Nouns A. Clark's ['terms,
letth the Attachment, was taken to tinglsnal 1,7 Mr
Coleman, and among may other torthoomals of ad
terranon for this ele,gaut spemmen of AIIMIIOI4I Mt 01
♦nd ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from
8. Tirelberg, the greatest Pianist
' • Lenntra,Jen.
• e., • •
My Dear Air—ln enclosing a letter to my (nand. Mr
brand, Paris. I tumor rerlvin from again capreanna
lo you how much I se phrased any
~yostr "Molina
Attachment." which I consider ...gram musical Im
provement. I can assure you that on my part I shell
Ih green pleasured° my usnsoat to make your mese.
Hon known. For rule by H KLEOkIEL.
At Woonamllls farroture rooms, 3dst
- - -
ihTEW BOOKS.—Lanarlima tu Europe; or Sketcher
j. otTravel in Prance, Belgiu Swim/Bland. Italy,
Austria. woad..woad.. Great Linain m,
and Iceland, with on
appendix. containing observations an European than
Bea and medical manituttons. By John W Canon. hl
Angela. a newel. By the author of Wynd
bat, -Two Old Alen'. Tales." me.
Self-Ccnitrol, a novel. By Mary B(11121011s &abhor of
Vol. 111. Dairy Scriptural Readings. By dm laic
Thom. Chalmers. U. D. L. L. U.
rt 4, ThnTlionasad and One Night.. II:lyric!" .
William the Canaria', a book for Ily the
author of -I•Xen !Grimm - to.
Tie above worto received this day and for .ie
NBOOKS--Memortals of the introduction of
1.1 htethislimn Into tho Extern Swim, compneing
btopuptlical notiem din early preneitenb stotehes of
It. Emit chulehee. And reminiscence. faits Aoriy smug
eie. and sae ; by RI,. A Steven., A. hl. Joel
Memoir of Rev. Dams! Atteel, D. D., late Mdmionary
to Chinas hi hts nephew. Rev D it Williamson.
:tiara Mt/ton. the Ilerrhaslt's Clerk It) Rev Charles
D Taylor. M A.. aathor of ••Iteratels of a tined Mn.a'
Late," "Iddy Mary .^ - Mamma, or t PearLd' de. tce
The above. with tt hares assortment bs
of new boots, oa
hand .01 )1.1.t reeeimtag ELLIOTT /a. ENGLISH,
ap2l ad Imam st
not ge.
oe mock of PRINTING P A PEA Is noneaelly lame
• porta( ertnett.• of eery roperMr quelity _
of every desenpuon, nopotted and kept emortenill
NGILItill BOOKS-414story of the ft.. I hon : Feinegs, %Vac Cloth. Boardrutler
i 7 tees
Lonion. and of tho Iran ond tantooLen. rtricog PooMer,l3Me Ultramanne,Ttedtc,o.o., fee
Rom tent moron of the Greek Patriots in Kraal:seq . /a. ! GS.I
one:tea coon' r) tre —apl^ndsl cop at the Yu r tzett Note— ,n :aro vol. 'top,
porctotsed, gen rotela the tozheet price ,n Case oral be
•01(.. req! I),PY 5,7/ York. Jell 1'4 4 .
I..ettr ri titurtratroo of the Teton of IV:la.eal 111. from
IRAN m 17-ke , --e-•tb her, p—mmir. Ph vo.
Cno pon on to tt,t . ativi, 4, the —l' y'ptores
tYrdine rcartonre . Yeah 60 cora-
Cbana Jest rev% abd H. 7
UUN sale by
F.l NVlns. and Its consuprenses.
IN by G. 1' IL Jamas. Esq.
Fanny Fur. • novel ...labour 11 Hero: by AVO , sro
(thatspessa '1 barker), sant, illustratiorsa.
/dward Veli1:211. My Cu...y . .1.1017: by 1: V child.
:Gory of the rrt.112.11. War . by General Charles
C Co:ooto of ate T r IMyl Into Guard..
'lle ;ghost , works Tref Iced duy and for sale by
JutiNsTo• & "T r ueliToM
. .
CI REEK CONCORD...NCI - I—Tb. , liteinthman'.
Greek l imeerclence of tit , New Trath.thent b ng
stlempt ;a verboi co.-met - T.oo ...otween the I:r,k
and the Ertglk.e efutrords.occ to the
Proper Names. with . r• -t. I. • E.ngh.,, and Fit; ,
Ithlv.Orrek. Jutt eveeoved and tor +ale by I
Bookaelle, cur Inerael and act oth
Natalie Frame Plano.
A SPLINDID wortment of !Lose-
OtHril wood and M./log.llygrand action e
to t
w, juo luelatted and for axle.
MOO,MO reeletaltd Roeelrood Planets,
onto Coleman's eelebrareal Aroloan attookraent. [unshod
to the most modern style, and tor sale at
te93 F BLU o 112 wood .0
Canal Parka—SW ALLOW. Cart. Ford.
Ot:KA Capt utters.
HE of t he above Packets Leave Reaves every day,
ttlondays estoeptedt and afrallroext asontang at
hyaena, where they mannom with tire Man Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. arvivutg at each of these planes
nefore wank One at the Panama home Warren timly,
at P. kl, and emote at Beaver to yme to take th e
Morning steamboat for Pittsburgh.
rop t
1111110.311 TO .6 lA. VORTT HOC..
CanalPon he
Tmsouro, - Pollock;
- Lot. Ema, TrabY,
. Parroma, . Brown,
Esteems, - Sayer.
The above nem , and splendid Pea/tenger Par ket. have
commenced runntog hemmer. IIEA TER AND FIRI
and von run regularly during the mason —one boat
leaving Erte every roorning at o'clock, and one lenv.
In Beaver every evening, unmerhately after the arri
val of the steamboat &nehmen frorn Pittsburgh.
The hoam am nest sod comfortably funomned, and
wit run throce in (DKr hour.Parsengem to any
point on the he
es, or to Ningara Polls, will find tho
!Mlle the mon comfortable and expeditious. Deketa
through to all ports on the Lake sari be procured by
applying to the proprietor*.
REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAST:HEY, Agi littsburgh,
ear: Water and Smithfield as.
Pa. Buffalo, N Y.
Reed, Fsol , ',
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa.
M'Parland and King, Big Deed, Pa;
Hays & Plumb, Sharpshargh, Pa;
W CSharon, Pa;
D C Mathews, Pedavki, Pik
R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. jyt
' lIERCIIANTS • WAY 1173.1d1011T LINE
i ma s j i 1848
S Charles at, Baldmons.
CDGF.RTON h Co, Cumberland.
0 NV CANS,. linuansuilla
J 1311D%VF.1... Pit Mlsdroh.
Ptltsburgb, Blairsville, Johnstown, 6el
- (linuongdon Co) and Pe
This Line was farmed exclusively for the special ac
commodation of the 'tray business. The Proprietor.,
thankful for the .or liberal patronage they have re
emsed during the lagt two years, would respoeUktlty in
form their friends amd the public that they are now still
better prepared to deliver goods at any point on the
Canal and Bail 1401. with promptness and dispatch.
Pinkaironl S Woods. Johnstown.
/Min Hollsdaysnorgh.
C A WA unity iCo, canal basin, Pittsbu mb.
RnsAmon.—Plnsbusgti-73mith & Sindassi J &
mammiuti& H Shoenbermst; R Robinson A Co; R
Hoare; 13.fraley fr. South; John Parkes; Wm Latimer A
Co; lh P Shoenbmger. mA)
Pennsylvania Canal & Road Ea
yvess.Pat Packet Line,
1848 . -;v4.=
(FAclativaly Co, Persengero
THE public are respect f ully tnrrtrmed that this Line
newtiltir*mghmo'ont7herusr.'4l.°" the ttdt
meat ,and do '
The boats are new, and of a superior clam, with or,-
target! eapins, which will give greater comfort. The
can A
are The latest eonstracoon.
tnuatwill always be
In port, and travelers are re
quested to call and examine them before engaging mu
-2 elsewhere.
are only nine dollars through.) One of the bouts of
Line will leave the Moth; toptsumne U, S. Hotel,
comersoer of Peon lancet and Can every night at note o'.
rtiock :11 days. For in ormauon, apply at Me
Orme, Alostongahela House, or to D LE'ECIS A. Co
Canal Damn.
Palsranger and liesaltitanee Office.
ARAPIRDEN it CO. eouunue to bring persona
from any pan of England, I,lmtd. Scotland 01
Wales., upon the most liberal terms, with their
usual rinetualny and attention to the wants and corn.
ton of emerigromo We do not allow our panongers to
be robbed by Oleo swindling scamps that infest the ma.
porgy uve cake charge of them the moment they re.
part thernseives, sold see to thew welt belt,. and de,
S!oath them mortars airy detennun by the first ships.—
asap Ibla . foartrasly, as we defy one of our passer,
KIM ilitOw that they were detained 49 hours by os in
Liverpool, whilst Motown& of others were detained
i non th„,, until they could be sent in acme old clad, at o
chgp rein which too fremmaily proved their eau..
We i t to perform oar contracts honor n bly, COM
146.1 it may, and not act as N 11.3 the cue lanseason.
with ether odners,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any corn from .0 to
Loon payable. lit any.ofshp provinend Bank. in Im•
l an d,sgiaa,,Becaltuid and Wales.
.11:0311IIA ROINSON,
Ramps= and Geneve
kVA% egiuseu_4o4.ll.lsr.W.'4rood.
ire moss sumitifici wi;eB ,D151W314P
unprecedented sactela Whicle Ina
minded the me of the
o all the variety forms which trritadou of the tuniptf►.
fume., has induced the propdetin *gain to call
lion to this
The charignlile weather which marks our Nil add
winter phonily, leidwaysaa fruitful.
These, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to
tho hod? how shall we get elem. of our coughs sad
olds! is of vital Imrsortance tbe ou
will be found in the Ginseng Phoneme In proof of thla
we have *Um motto we published the certificates
dozens of our hen known citizens, who have creed-
eneed its curative powers. These, with witittattor to
it... 7 from tall pans of the eotm v Rota
Ministers of the Gospel, Ac., rogetheir est* Capicala tutri
wee from the .
we have embodied in patuphlet form. nod may be hid
grate of any ititTrmintis avoncry.
hive been need in thistle,. • I
thnntghont the Caned States and Canada, nod we cha
Imp otty man to point out a
n which, when token according to directions, and be.
fore the lungs had beicamelatally disorgameed, It hap
seer failed to
Why,. then, heed the Will cited hesitate it by
the cn.,-ruble nostrum , . gotten op by on owe i n di e l.d.
aids a ter the assumed name of some ee heated pliy
sielan, and puffed mm motiOrimy by 44:1111eAte• c. par
s:l..ll;2llyunknown! Whilst a medicine of
I s to be bad, whom , vouchers are at hoenty..our
bore,--roany of whom it hue
In Order Bt.. dna Invaluable tooth
may be placed
within the reaeh of the poor as well the rich, we hive
pat the price at
toot one half the usual coin of cough medicines. it l e
for sale by out latent , in nearly every townand village
one the mat, rllO are prepared to five foil informs.
don relative to it T. SALTLR, Proprietor,
Broadway , Cincinnati, Ohl*.
JOHN A. , .
---_- Y„ TAKE this method to inform hts friend,
. Er end the public at large that his Factory Is
in lull operation. on the weld side or
. the Diamond. Allegheny, where a con
---- • slant elipply of Blinds, of various colors
:t and qualities. are constantly kept ou hand:.
-=.------ also at No 5 Wood at. Pittsburgh, of Ile
rt", -- 1 H Phillips' oil cloth waren:am.
Veoman:Shutters mode to order in the best aty In
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice.
N. 13 —lll. Minds will he put op without any addi
tional expense so that they rev be removed in e me , '
meta in case of fir< or for washing, and without thb old
of a screw driver. iylvirylksvitunlyS
LF-GANT PERFUMERY. Ac —fl Reel'. F,ait Divine
F de Venn.. for rendering the skin soft and beautiful.
Hanel'. celebrated Nyinpth hoop.
Dasteine Indian Vegetable Hatt Oil, for gradually
darkening the hot,r and promoting- its growth.
Bauer, Liquid Hair Dye. for eounging red or 'gray
hair to a beautiful brown, black or chestnut color.
Hanel'. Eau. Lustrel heir Restorative, for prodticlng
a lit sonata growth in lair
lictaers Curling Fluid,
ll•oel's Depilatory l'oveder, (or removlngsoperno.
one hair.
Dimes Rose Tooth Paste.
Heuer. Chinese or Persian Toilet Powder.
risueri Unrivalled *Wring Cream. .
Ileuel's elegant Fla. , . ot V01101.11(11.4Ilat ACIWGITS,
fur the handkerchief; together with a large assortonsot
of fine Perfumery, lust meld and for Ude by
tre Co, RA FA lINE.TOCK Co,
•erii e'er Ist k nortwal, also nor fhb in wood sta
Ens side of the Diamond, Where W.W.I
Blinn anti flue different sise• and colors
are keption hoed or made to order alien
the latest and moat approved Eminent flesh.
lomat the shortest nonce and on (he ads'
reavonabbt terms.
A iao. the cheap Beoton roll or split Blind Tranapro
rtney and Paper Curtains. all the dttlescsit ids. and
pewit., on hand mid for rale loin for euth. Old Vein.
non Blinds painted er and repaired, or taken in pa.
payment for rte.' M WkOtfiEßVELT,Yfa s pr.
N. 13 —All work done with the best inateitol and
workmanahip, and w arrenwd to please the MOW. fa.
tidtosa sutilamily
Allegheny city, Adg 10,
au.skauitt.iso sia.e. NEW 11(43114E-•
g IYR(IS F1L4.1) offers (or sale 1 ate letvein
blanufaciurees' prices, a very eiterisitie suori
in of PAN , * compronng every po
saltdii ivariety,
adopted 10 the wan. of consumers us •ll sections of As
esalitry. raper of ,1.1: gods made to order tit short
11 BRICK roti
midi-myna' oilers tor ante rt ouperiur la arttele
1. tiiiet be Wilding, made by his Sum Press,
tropmved neeetuno,!for welch he Ime °Owned • patent,
nied agrees in give purchnurs • tertuen gum-same Mat
hey. gar stronger. out recut frost Seta Yee , ....h
-er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any oth
er Mick. pouessing greater body and superior trainee
end mach more durable toevery respect, each beak
being subjected to s pressure of several tont and pee
, . .
Latit,Orric unarm r t re antl • ellredges,
they melte 1. (rant equal to the y (teat tront brick.
They hove peen the greatest uniefluttop to all veho
hare purchased. A kiln ran be *eon ,St my work., and
s chose having supplied themselves tor their buildings.,
and sel.htng hand.ume front brick, or superior hand
end .alai paying betel, can obtrun them.
Ilmninglialn. Time PI
TUE NOtill •3“.1,11., WINID vi nirrOLT, AT /MI ,
etaled thenaselves together ander the style sod tide
ulheboley, gyros & Co, for we manufacture of Wood
Type, and .111 their type rs Siterellier Made by mach,
nery. the Invention or !sane M. bower, cos of the firm,
they red confident that they offer a moroperfeet truck
of It 10, and at much lower rates than any heretofore
offered in the United States, and are now toady to fill
orders (or the same.
A 5 orders addressed to Senciley, Ryan & Co., at.
their otheo fa flianthind hinsreen Wood and
Slntshbeld strcets, vrtil ha punctually attended to.
Proprleto” of newspapers, on copying this ad
'erns... 1 months, and thadingas their paper, will
be entitled to resolve their pay la type, en porellthsing
thrice gores the amount of their bill far adratuaing.
esincom, rrroinnton am animals.
°Mee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
ji hLt eIiU It..a . ll.:i.—Tne Marge* neve been redo-
It cod mt all Bassein, to or from Baltimore, Pico
bunch or Wl,trl/Iq. and a corcespoodutg Tetthettou
mu, 4 e o tells elegielitkie devateees hew arded Max Bei
tanura West of Plitsbovxh. s
Byrn—The Charge tot • telegraph despatch to or
from Ltaltunore,PiltstpurgEl luta ts in cents
for the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additional
tEr rpnrge• u made for ibe address and sign
Cunt the completion dulls South Western Lite of
Telegraph Pe for
Tenn., to Neve Orleans, des
patches ran Pe forwarded to He tnphis tilla tante. Nit
muted for New Orleans. • •
_ an
_ea _ _ .
The Aaleigheski Comer"
AT the annual meentig of the Corp
the Sth inst.olto following petsot
mouldy Tea Would Managers fo en,
/Aid e . 4.A B. isrEER,
.1. Ethan, Jr, Secretary and Treasurer.
The anneal statement presented di the tiffany
ir °Mei
of thi
Company m a very prosperous contion. The
it: Ole et is No. 37 We er street- le El
I,)A lips}:, OtkiliiiKr LI.IIHAR nehoom and
J. FnMilles.—Tbis work consists of twenty volumell,
and contains five hundred 119h:rent subjects, illustrated
with 500 eitgraeug•. It is annrely original series,
recently wraten and completed en by S 0 Goodrich, au•
thor of Peter Parley'. Tales, and ts designed to erne
lA, in a popular form, Select thographses„ ancient and
modern; the wisnders and •corthisties of litatory. Na
ture, Art, Bcmuce, and Ptidesophy, with the practical
dune* of Un-
The price per Vol. H 73 cents, each containing about
3211 pages, Ithno: or BIU per at. For sale by
cent Apollo liatiding.gth st
Hardware—Cheaper than Evart
WILSON I CO., importers and Whole.le
Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No
tW Wood street, above Filth, have now in stores very
cheap and well sitlected stock of Hardware, imported
sine, dm decline of prices in Europe, sod whica they
are determined lint cerowitondingWow. Merchants
who ham beep to the habit of going East, arc portico
tar ly requested to call and look through out start, as
we confidently tette,e they will says their expences.
lIEChTI %ED ea W. No. 75 Fourth
ostreet, and tot sole cheap:
3 ps ex sup Zphy carpet, ores style ;
19 do do hue log. tio do, some Very elegant
3 do do do do do do
5 do cot. do do do o. love as 20 cents
5 do do Yen do rich style ;
I case of Thompthaville rugs, unsurpassed in style
Persons pr
chassog tot thinning. hotels and steam •
boats would do Well by calling and examining our
ere k before purctmsing elsewhere. ,cell
_ _
EX PERIENCEO Aiqges, on a toal of one and a hall
Mllkons, BITIOS tea. pronounce this militia tlO.ll ,
passed for durability to the a all kinds et
Pnee 61.0,73cath for loads of ill hi, guar.
wiwel aloe months mac. Order. for asseond quoin]
11011 , txr Bricks whilst egersited at 5.5) pet M, if se do
sired, without guarantee. A smelt: of the first quality
Is now (arsine nt the ivareibouse, `Sloane ,Wharf Ca
nal )Stain, by 1 SHAW MACLAILkhN,
teydlif 1(121111.01011 4011 I%prlce
1 IiOtINIA FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers having
been appended sole Agents by the atainsf.turers,
li,, the sale of the celebrated "Pawns; thick." an
now prepared to fill orders for any 41:manly, at MIL
cosh. par wain For the coestruction of furnace, tat
all ibids, thew becks nave been pronounced by com
petent pages as being superior to all other lim • bricks
ow in o tr. w. 0 A hiIANULTY Co, Canal Baum
May llth, 1949, at the Sellout Heim af the Suth
Ward, Pittsburgh: Hy H. M. On-ell
Published by JOHNSTON A. STOVT L ON, and for
sale by all the Booksellers in tltheity. iy3
SONIJ/11E13-590 hogs printaMio Caffeei
In° half chests Y 11 T
ydo P do
do Bieck do
cal hoc 3s,lks mei ib loath, James Elver Tobacco;
29 bags Pepper,
IS do AJlaprce,
ithls Tanners' Oil;
So do large Nod Mackerel, together with a gen
eral assoruneut. at Pittsburgh i.ruibictured article.
'tow and co: OM by BOUT HA LZELL lc Co,
Liberty w
- •
ABM MAGNESIA —9 eases bat recd and for cab
9,,,) by 0m.9 EEBF.LLEBS
fIAI)D bIAGNIbWA—tO ease* jusTreed and for sale
ki by °" 4.q4 1 -1 .
sat , / . 1 11.E.R.s
W -
dos /tat mewed and for sale by
0.9 J KIDD tr. Co
Alr.1.91111) IMMEDIATELY—do bushes Tos2oth,y
TV : 13 . 14 4 11' T LEECH, Wood w{'
107 1 4C 13 :41WM CG., T
This disease iieatfte4 era' whiner
ri of the air cells; It is ntibLibiA, , almost wt.
sulfocasion. DB. Acra whir
eta beembreil awed hy ft= asectlM
Elmeetaer's Punaemp.
Catarrh, or E 001161321 cola, which; if alerted, will
terminate in Cemmotiptiom ettfeeltvalr fettered and
dared by Dr. Sweetiterts Paftteca.
Bemehins, If anclieekak. will effectually lead to
Ipteuctaal Constauption, tuft... timely tae of pr. Street
ac Panacea wilt effeennily rare ft. '
latatanustian d the ';?otitis on lore Ittenate-athi
dimmer often testis to venous toruf4nettcu thomtter
tea, such as nteettitkm of the (Mean On thermal omp.
Pets; symeuvr. rzurse. aimad brisment sag
Med freely.
Coughs end colds .find f monanttra remedy fril'ilt;
fiftrecter t s Panama. •
Pnetionouti Nothet—k miry' fatal diaMse, Peralting
home sioltaft cough and..ooldon a &Ohne! or bro.
Imo down ...etude.: aged lemons are subject to it
Dr. Sweeter , . Pamteea shook! tie 'axed tie the. fast
sympsems, which rte a. water add.
Norbt Somme—This debilifutins complaint will meet
with n timely cheek, by mint Dr. Boreamerts Panacea.
Clonsounptuou—lion tbe fuligooftor6agap-
Ore rymputunit, mtutt aro a u F t r e t a= and breas i t ;
=y b :gar nTlas c fgerneed be sp . praended.
WI. the leaps, the Windpipe, or Bronchial 'Tube
bermes clogged up *Oh phlOgmetrum impede rasp:-
mum or breathing, /h. harder. panacea, !dish I.
a powerful 'Expectorant, should be oaten seconilag
the threctiona.
distresoing L epidemic, w werralem la
oar elionoc, opeedßy rantolty Dr. Sonserser's
Price it per borate or betties for 113.
Foy .ale by W6l. /AMON, 69 Liberty 0t,.g0
' 4
• .• WOW,
TO the Maillesall Profession .wdad
ECKEE'S FARINA, now to use at the Hospitals
Asylums, and other goblin atablishments, and
memarneuded by some of HMI; DMA distingatehdd PUY
sictana and. chemists, on article of diet for children
and iirralialcmoch superior tb arrow root, seg.:4 et,
fat Moro otrotagawattoibpietwant to the taste, and easy.
of digestion. Pot op to 14 11, lames of half lb. papa n,
each accompanied with printicrdireetious for cooking,
faring, in his Attic - cilium] Chemistry, p. Ad, PhiL ed.,
"Children fed upon arrow-root, salep, or indeed any
kind of atnylalaecous food, Which does corimin intro -
Menu fitted , forth. formation of bones and mambas,
become tat, and acquire much intawcroner, Men limbs
appear felt, but they do not amnia, nor ore
the organagormarly derebW.S
ht mialysis of the Farina made by Prof. Reid of New York, among other copimuents, he gives 13 per
emit of .glutten and albumin and remarks,Mat thp
- claims orthe Paritut Upttif tba lllce Prisfemirnilmd
the pablieweill rest upon imimataindsg-ho dal leftism
and albumen, vegetabll fibrins and other niteof,e4n4od
bodies not found in Mow root or similar substances,
old which modern ebeinistrY has pointed out as beteg
neeelwary. to the formation,of human Use, and by
means of which notate males up for th e constant
wute that takes place in the Wean body For lode
wholuale or retail, by, . SE RS,
se • id 67 woOd it
tarimxt tirt Pare*.
IT is • great satisfaction tous to Oa able Mu publicly
to announce, that the great demand for our superior
i lerldid prepuratlons",f am “PAMTLY MEDI
" far exceeds our moat saturnine expectations,:
parte arly our Indian Expectorant and Compound;
C`arnrlnatlve Balsam, Wlticlam beauty of appearanoc i i
daeperiority of ingrediamir:d the, compounding, o
diem, together with the . unMense disparity In the lite
of our bevies over any orony•—the • Mandrel =damn-,
mental engravings, and the, taste displayed in the poi-;
nog of them up, Is • furtheflnciternent to the yinrehita-!
er. And as many drily old friends who ikneror ten
B. Oa non Lountra,"lrtic.M. In th e employment of Do
D. Jayne, I now big Itava'respectfally m InGsito them
that [am one olde tam, t Lounui &CS: No..ia
„Arch street, below Thirdartasnm.sms, where I shalh
be happy to see them; What, aided by hia broemr; 114
regular graduate of the "Philadelphia CollxcalifiPbar-f
I many," make, put up, and compound, ish
r o y wn
hands, every &rich! ecusiprising out .Pandly Mari.
Indian Compo un d L‘P' rltre "ierrn Co riuTe7Ve= -
Biertivo pds,autA9l4 o o.a.iila':T.J*l4. k ii. •
1 a farmer nog leave ur.reed.
& confidence Maritime:it sattlrena that we bane dig.
coveled And made an improvement on our Oriental
Bair Tome, that far exceeds any thing ever offered td
the nubile. Oise us a call at No:AßCW•treed
Our termsalone are an lnducemerd, and we are sand
of the result. anglAn
erattnaseattijr, aurae co, PA. '
IEDWARD ADENR, takes this Focus of rat
aming bla thanks le his friends and the nubile
for the extensive patronage be has teasteed, andof inS
forming them that he tins lately emoted "kluge and
well constructed building, for the each:ode° purpose
location, at , Plutlipshered, Po., on the Ohio over, pp
site the sthamboat innelinr at Dalai*, where belt read
to receive-patients u bouderd, and nest them.= By
dropethic principles. lA eddittort to his long caper
enee, and the greet guiders which' has heretofore e
tended bt. treatment of ;mucus comminad to his
he has now the widisisnel fuilitiesefordesl by u ext.
tenons Wiens. Stemsdexponsetyfor tee perspose, cons
tuning commodious sod en) , rooms, and tined op with
every neeemary appal:an& for bathing, and ddriniiii
termg the treatment tosheutatost bw.l and scomfoit
of the patient. Phillipsburgh Is a . most delightful and
healthy village, easy °recces+ bySterithissiets, and alt,
fords fine and wholesome, w ear. XIT.*Ci. , gasaern
those afflicted persons who any place the:neeyn no
de, his mire, that aserfattitidon 'shalt be paid. to then
comfort;.and ..On emorence of she nutfatentiatc.nepu
ha derived, be poinD with confidence to the hurl--
deeds lobo haws heels peronthentht cured at tem satatt
balunent. The Wetoe.tera.lo}vaauo intoritois cifeett
behind, se is too often the cote with thou who have
been treated on the otd system. It removes eta dia.
ease, Invigorates tie sPswist. protects from the dangets
incident to chat:4es ofohe weattryr, creates a witotXl
and active appeute, and imparts vigor to the digestives
powers. Tenths atheism:tent and Ismadiug reasonable.
Foriurther ratioshusinquire atthe cstabllithumint, dr
addrem the proprletoeit
Phlllfpsttuegh. -
nested •
. - -
We have .
beeninfofteedbY Arft. Rose of • erne
efis=latiimelVrftjtMgrf,jottgO •
OM ' She Imo been anon Cm lags sliteeM: ears,
with NiXitaf.W or ty1ifTE5442.4.4:45.1..,.ed
with rdeersttons and ylvfabotAm varesnehooes, de.
rung vrh auto, pieces have beep dMetiarred front
the modal hens et the oral:awn. froaa:leSai het inns;
wrists and latado, ondfrom both legs, Lllll trona the left
femoral honeousitoses the light knee, beoldsliminOS
elem.. other porno ocher peruse, winch lase bodied'
the skill 4)1 a eamber or the mostemistemph,”lC/11111of
OW Ca . / --daring tut time her &ammo hose
been anemic:Ay and deploralde. About three months
since she Isms induced to try Dr. Joynols Aileron.,
which has had an estanielatotly happy egeot area her,
by removing all polomne swellings, and nutmeg the
steers to beetorynle lithe some data nerieneral beafth
has become eompletell a reatoredoe MN she
c a d wetraul
Le less more than she bailee she go
the the
of this wily solttablekst.Eve. Post.
For fumes iMonsuseethirolutre calks. lose, No. LIS
Filbert st,
For sale tn Putsonrib, at the PREEN TEA STORE,
72 Fen u: heir IStr. • ' I-. . ' • JYd
INGS.--Serofulb in all its multiplied binsa
whether in that of Meg'. ETil, enlargementt o the
glands or Mints, Goitre, White Swelline. Chrome
Rheumatism, Cane{, amino:A of the Skill br Spine,
or of Pulmonary Commuiptioti, emanate ftdm one
and the same tau.e,whieh I.* poisonom
more or less inherent in the hem. system. Theta.
fore, unless this ptiompie on be destroyedien radi
cal mire= be eller:tad, but if the pnacipltepon
wbieli Use Jthsease rilepande, ,, is removed, a care
mascot =enmity follqw, no Matter ender Whattorm
the dfseeteshould Manifest itself. This; therefore
is the reason wby Jllver's ALTeneTive et BO 001
Tereelly eneeenfel Ib remoTieg so many malignant
I disease. It destroy. the vircur or principle nom
white those diseases have their eFignx, by entering
into the circa gado npad with the blood ix wanveyed
to the euentest fibre, removing every particle of
disesse from the system. Prepared tail .old at No.
B South Third Street, Phdadeletua.
Sold at the Pekin - Tea Store, N 0.13 Fourth stfee.
PittiMugh Man,
ADIgS Who i.e Common Prepa!ed Chte,k, pat
14 often wit aware how friattfally aqueous le to
the skin: how coarse bow rough, bow.allow, j elitv,
and unhealthy the ikm appears Reza using prepared
chalk! flea ideas it reArearmite, mewling alargesq can
=yet 10ad... We bake, prepared • he-suet - al ruble
article, which we call JOISLIVe
d )IL'Y
W SITEI pr peel:der Innocent, being part fall
delmerasulqualedeaf,and it imparts to the skin aim
rat, healthy, alabaWer, moat, Wring walla, aultestme
time Rating as •a orweßel." on the skin, multiutitooft
and smooth.
Dr. James AodetkOle, :Prleeeent theiniel onalmw
chusetta. stye 'Alter analres",4 7ortees Spanish Lille
White ,1 find s it posseksee the mow' beautiful' hod natu
ral, at tke tame time lanocent while I OWE? saw. I
termini] can enneelenUonery reeommend its use io all
whew akin require) kesainitying..'
SPrice lb cents a box.
old by W N. JACKSON, at his Soot and Shoe
Store,S7 Liberty moot; bead of Wood, ru the alga pl
the Big 0001. ,
Ladles, Istalea,Tm astoltheieri,
When you know mat you arepromtaid
A mural, snowy white,
Thriller. will sell Ma enteamo
And loot deattitypellow fright,
The theme of laapter and emit.
If lt
mold yr, bo let r"N yr L" n iT ntitr
and in tie tame uwe clear sn eer
Ipv it. Sole at
JAC/WM.l'B,th Liberty el. rneetgi coat, per W.I.
, ra er w's, held
um ns ~,,,,
ct, e~J nL
NoN°. atom, one door south of Diamond
Pittsburgh, Po, opera (or wale o 11..01
Drums, Medicines, Ulla Puma, Varnishes, Mars
and Psorumery, Foreign and Domestic, 'oh he
calls the aueunon of druggisia, phystclam and mer
chants shatter the c co ho hid...mined to soli
vary low prices, ao4ll...mumral masf.ticme (hmods.
warranted and cheap. Varnish No.l and 9, N. Yprk
mantilaemre; al. )ip.i.and Meek lietribeg Varnish
es„ of I..snot qualltl. Also, White and , Reatteed at
prices lower than heretofora °Semi. AL. also
manufactures Ildorgsn'a octet:Tete:4 time, Drip ie b
has gtran general salisfaetion"to all' In th e editing of
coughs, eolda, hoarse/sees, milnetah, whoopingcough,
cre ep, et. price a cents pchnkM
ho. on, o rg a n
Indian Liver Pins, is certain cure for beer
sick headache, andnil hisious complaints. Pitee PS cis
per bog. "entl)
T A R. W. F. INLAND, oldie Medical College b( P tdl-
rulerphla,hoWdflers to the public. his Indian Veg
etable Premium Planer, the isminues of winch, Idler
ta tash " te "Tb Rouse, 1VA=7..7‘1;
FMitsamtil Uteria or Fallen Womb, ha nrcommende his
plaster, guaranteeint a sum and speedy rare the
abort spemsof:frozo. aro re. thee wvelm .pplied with
ease end pem--.diseardmg all the consulate
i n s
and es - pensive bandage. so long iu nun. Tins ho feels
eonsetaltdollf in stating, hiasreicteh as he has nee failed
one ease Out or three hundred and fifty-three pet
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bank, et
tended with pain there Is nothing to erne' this Fleeter
la affording relief or effeeting a earn For sale by
Wilcox, earner of Lhareond and Market st;
Bran. Reiter, Liberty end St. Clair ate
Dr J Sargent " Federal et and Diamonf, Alla
acitzo, a en and Diamond, Dram Binn4g.
ham. .ieJ
- -
Chiallarw_ that World..
rrWENTV-FIVENXILI.A ftS wean° paid Id arty oae
who well prodnee a goat of pasta, green est dry, thai
ceenot be extracted wilt Mit'. Improved Chemical
atop. I have the aspiefaction of sagit%o me people , at
tho tit s place, thatarticle, by ray Q.. Alen
now stands anrilalled tau country r e4tracitnig
grease, tar, pitch, MI, paint, or any Miler atolut tab
tuoee,fromalllcndaolteattemenNot tat:UV Cotton&
ewe moms, mann* ataeria, ladleVboorms,
:to, without Worm; Anything that pars,Warerorlllido
tajoro. More than nne thOcraild Peraelia grOditexem
parrs of the mood nave old am they wit& act lie
anthem lt; tt comeno dollar par COO. In wooer
more Mao Oldarticle, of lied IRAs, aldir4
poxes., and tithe.", I have only fatted three poses, of
tilk, two of al:oat*, and four of calltaitra which it
ehattaW the cofod {Warm" before pima* 1
< ttitoa lieu
drew try a manta attire drew first. I ittrtarlildpoicarme
t am deur:allied not to reetenttenti fs WI nroaaar than
know al be iftlellt tree..
ti Haug.
?nee, 121. par.oaks. Bald, a whalasite and mall
br at !SIVE!'
siz es suir s z..ed li4
GREAT E minus& by ar, ertalnalasi manna.
aadgrazdaillta fah itngmteall NI by 4,16 My,
: 14 , X01 ‘.maiiiipAidAWIMA660'",
MX, On.
$. R. sigiekt-4.l6.ostakir taro hid tua!key
tiderism E9Stakarlikplatarn7 l .4
,r 4 VIIS4I A
calearated Lncr P I ban dwell as
rg many CrsentVassasist. ' , be son ma an risks,
p ahead!" Mow *OM lasaY
mita% hated - rrakinAal, Mktg& oblivansim
port Liter hanatingdatof tho ea*, mt. ming,
nbar @ they will Nonlaf
los nyormat thisilacalObananlaigia , " Lfr.
m Y°. 6 l o, an , es.c , ,;r3litaii.harytapswhi napkin
masea4 i tly to Wham I paidassaa mm 7; km!
Fmuch napflast iti Lpaymallod 14bmitr.
reed 3sr mad gins as bean. la
Ifttl ir lat i rsat ritativ r t r at:••= a ll CAW; •
tg_V o traltlL`fra=%:ll:l;
m 3.14, *4 raping givWanscla sirloins 4! ilt• stom
ach, anawsindeb n
!al I blatant thess is my don
tor a sr 7 yors; add tuuslran or, aqua, ami ban sonar
bawd • aim • easpliM stirred billay on was Mr mai
lam. Tan anasoperensdansost may Warr pill is this
Owlea•WWAWheardealailni Walt-CaalgAlbesialL.
nnwaly rennewat tam is all pawns amain physic,
Whether tar Lin; Complatra PiiiilDCl SWIM. . cas-
OM . ttsn'finanna tbOabsabst taith*PllL Raoul-
J L Moaas•
•ta istaaPPOls ban tab 'walk
C•,LLSO Lim Marna= wan Insttha OEN MN E. should
ilk Ica id tan in distslane ptapmanal eddy El
E KELL8323,110 57 Frombid. nuns; 9bled aad hank
Baia by Dr. Cann., lift Wan, D M Geary, lllntrary
4 ‘7. .gf!
AllrOpeithy, or the Weiler Cure.
AIOLEt DEN/. V. MORRIS return. We=
rheniumdm citizens of Pitteliarghand All
city for the very liberal support and encouragement he
Tuts received anthin the : last sfd mornha That Me Wa
ter care should acquire such celebrity. is whim
carnage nor mysterionewhen it is consulered how peels
a number of cement-every variety of diseases, both
acute and chronie, have been cured by • ludiciousE
'art. In Germany, where It eliminated, six thou
ofilie Worst times; Marilee, givenup byes moat -
' foil physician of Europe so incurable, were cured by
the immortal Frieerutts, the founder of the Water Care.
'ln England, France tad America, thermands of bole.
burs cams have been cured by it, and the immerses
Elydroprithie estiblistmenti now In successful *Wa
ren in the lieutod Surma, speak Tlg2llllGaistfaver of the
Dr. Morrie having permanently eatablished himselfin the city of Ehmininfh,Ahree doom southwest air
: Wile. alter, On Pena street, I. now prepared to take •
number , of Warless end treat thenr . tt 'Ms Wiser * aruk
Moos who 'meter being treated radicle own dwilhogs a ,
will be punctually and faithhilly attended. lie bray be
ediaidtedet hilvatficostramilealocktlll3 P. ht.; std
from I to lain.the earning.
N. 11—Seery aunty of baths made Ma of fa le
%%torture, bosh forledtmand gentlemee can hr db,
rained ILI the Athemenin, oa Liberty µmay wham rho
have been recently erected for the courses UM ally .
&amnia* patience and where every entrain will be
given toy 1114,141114te quad SUGUIVe proprietont.
- .
Great English Remedy.
VOA Ceughs, Asthma and Consumption, The
£ GREAT AND ONLY' REhLEDY for the non of the
above diseases,. is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM' OP
T,IPE dlierriered by' tee celebrated. Ettr. Sachem, C
Loudon, England, and iotroduced into thet.Units4 Stater
ander the immediate supetinteudeoce of the intaintetit
The extraordhutrS mceessi of fail tosedielma. la
.con, of Pellet:mess &semen, ' , wpm)+ , th e Amoti.oi ,
Agent soliciting for treatment this worit 'poskible ea
ses don cab' be found to the cerdmaniry ...cues Aetna&
,relief *vain tramway of the common remedlea of rho
day, and bias Vein given up by the Most dint=l
phvaddans an confirmed and moaned. the
all Balsam has cured, and will sure, the most, desperate
of eases. It is no quack nostrum, Ord a madame Atg
liab of knownand established efilearal• -
Every family in the United States should be supplied
Wire Boehim‘s Hungarian Balsam of Lifis s itet only to
oattntenatlho .301116Wirare tha
but to be used as a oreecranve medicine in alf Gct i Lli n" t
colds, coughs; Seining of bleed, paia-in'the aide and
chest, irritation and soreness of the Irmo, brochitus,
di/bonny of beaming hr,satie fever, eight sweats, emaal
antes itifl anat.] dfbfllty, =.. , m.,.0Pthil
in la.Ttrotles, at >n per bottle, with full &mi.
lions forMaremoration of health.
ranuddets, contailung a mu. of English sag Atneri•
OM( cenßlektei, - ithd other evidence, allowing the te
r enamelled. Ineelm of this great English Beneedls may ne
obtained of, the Agaufs,ES„ust.L.PJl.
Vol sale "by .et• Fatinuerructt k Cro., !Omer of
at and Mod anti.Woodendetb eat, snitrd.
DI.A. JAYNES'S mamma wr min Ismaarst
t, , atm the a.... nsA, estunizio swell* mad=
I• a* Clemtmla of itiePtotestut , . vs.
The underifted• harms , been iniflintednasingtho paid
rim.; with a ailasaa at Om stomaeNsamethaer pro
ducing gown pain in the stomach for ten et Melva hours
win:int intermission; runt • after hastng tried moilwas
remedies arnhituic cffectortutfaxthabod witb a bogie
of Di 0 Jai - stet Carminative Bantam. This be Wad ac
cording to the dfruthass, and found toymiably *Asada
race tome caused the Rain to Shine in three or fonerain
mei, and in fifteen Of twenity lOunes every Uneasy
sennalon was entirely ounicmiL The medicinal was af
terwards used whenever indications of the approach of
pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby progrests
cd, Heconnaned toast the medicine every awaining
and romenines in the morning, and in a lbw Weeks
'health was so farremsWed, that the sufferer eras teller
ed from a largo atom= of oppressive path. Frossou
perience, therefore, he can confidently recommend D
D Isyne's Curnainstive Dalsatt,
.vissi Motor medic in
far diseases of thesaumac b and, ithwols , AMT
Alteghetff ally,
For sale in Pitttharsth at the PEKIN TEA 5
TA Voorth sweet, near Wood, and also at taalteps
Store of 11 I' SCHWARTZ. Valets! street. Alletthioy
• Parity — Vain) clod:
eritn :ge 8 UU
pre riola l s "— setraer; seSPEO lad 41:t
eritn'a serofolons comPlalut 'in my logZand lad been
foe wine months muter ISO ewe of physicians. That'
mid my case w. almost incurable, and they copld da
bet little far me. ' '1 •grum newty helpless; burerni the
of !trachea could with dilficalty.gM &bow., In
last, purchased of you and COCOlzten6ea
tats SsassYsatsia. ain't Mc nee of two = r ile
sorsa oomuclaced honfit u ert , iLlit i ntr;LTV,i
es, quay. omy CUM. pe
•, andoTtle fearth,wessonooll as to assust rtatlay
abed cog siccaP., S. all, I used five bonier!. Mu!
scrofida and tom hero' an healed up, andidtmalast
mane. , I her. amen no eboemalress °Me dlammo,bei
bare confirmed, and inunovr, in the mut perfect bealibi
I' am anal confidence, hap that others rat We ben
eland M the came belay, than ;ha
7.,,ivr0 —„ boe . COBNEL I UB jr,,,hemar.u,
Fbr wale wholesale and retail, by_
dlcw IL A. FAH & CO
car. trans P wood oz. 11110 corner wood &alas
der Amanda emcee', for sheen%
Co-ain • la Born, or shavw,g;
Ablidode Cream, do
Superfine noun, an Porcelain stands,
Octavo_ scent bags, perfumed with Lavender, Anil.
terve .Zef
peareibil powder pugs, of allyartortuti
Embossed toilet boxes, contaudng fragrant extracts
feed* ttondterehief ; • error bag, and totter +otos, mu•
abbe tor pretreat.
Persian, or Cfiunew onseden
Ina= wigetardeluneoLE - •
) Bears ed, an fumes or common wvappers, (rose maw
Jectererequ Nymph Soap; Rom Lip salves
pp, 13cri; soap; together wall a great varlet,
office petaMerr'itlSl teemed; for sap s
,• • - • B A FAISDLES b. CO
told or dth & wood so
• ultrionagy Balsas.
NIT£4II.S. R&M'S de'CUTI.ER-1 feel it a deli I
we to my fellow creatures, to state something
wornrespecti TO. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.
Educe I first a the lbalsasm about eleven year. ago,
the happy effect of which 1 thou rove an acemon. of, I
have bid several severer coMpledute and mucks at my
lungs, one IL OM days /Web, Md . in *wry 111114/14.1
j 4VC. used the 13olsam alone watt complete end perfect
rectett. "R . bar crated relief and care In a very few
lreutitnly smle medicluo. Ido ilens boom
that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I balbsee it
will La in numy cases a prevenuve, and proventlein is
better than mom I dotbensfons for the love of my fel
low men., earnestly recommaad the use of this Balsam.
kr all Val&onary coMplointa I am confident that It
woe the menus of prescreens my life to due day.
Ilmiloo Joule, '4ll. BEflt AMIN PABbSONB, I
For sale by 11 A Palmestock, es Co, cooler firm and
wood anti also comer wood and 6th. jal9
1,,7 pow., m mire! Prrrsiteruni, Feb. la, ISO.
S. Saillaw—My wife him for years boon subloot
to • Wgfessitysgough, aecoommied with asthma, for
the <tire of width Me used diffinerii tough reutedias,
rind both Eloadrice of. the mom eminent physietans
England, btu allures unavailing. By Ounce L heard
of yornir Emporia! COugh Syrup, Mid was babied to buy
:a houlo Or trial, although I had no belief. that anythmg
could ft 010,6 her complaint. To my groat aurprow,
two doses ova her immediate ortlef..Sho Esti times
troubled enth a cough, bob two maripooodul of Syrup
always stops It. lam satisfied, after • trial or three or
Mr years; that Seller's Cough eynp is the best cough
riaaliolao 13ormatur tried eithet_in the Old or Haw
World. W. Fartllo4•3l,
Seventh Want, city of Pinabaa
The above comfiest., should untato ct who are
tnnibled with cough or whom, to Mao tha Sytup • ad
d, It ortr tie. hod for 125 awns a bottle, in the drag
tam of R E SELLERS, 07 wool
Rai by Cassel, Se milted, and I) EI• Carry, dile.
Pratssma Block pri.og Trete*.
NEWLY INVENTED—For the rolinfmd Permanem
CUM lIEHNI/S• et RUPTUR E . (salted all
wera4 . .
me superior Maimed One Tress corselet in the cool
oarmve trio with which irowly be won, The pad of
wood : bete; parry balanced ofi spne/Iss raid. toP..'
sure on my pan of it, and thoronchly adapts itself
say Movement mode by Mo wearer. Is ean• be worn
anthem isrournassam„insul • cernmelrented- Theab
et r•beis ha made arnmements Mr the nufacture
the se vti ve cuMle Trustee, e n a I superior style ma , m.Pn Lai
aMptn that . e Mesa cow for sam as them Whet, No.
17, nosithfield near ninth, Pittabnah.
151FX.S. %NATI%
SELLERS' VERNClFlltiE—• ^ Sepertar to say I b u y.,
ever used..
Gelman Tr, Fayette county, Pa. ' March 4. lb.
M. R.ll u......-1 hereby certify that 1 have ured
your Vercrufisip In nly fanuly, sod believe .14.1. a, d
not supenor to any I bare ever used. 1 bave to ono of
ray etuldren one stem, vrtdcb expelled &boat eV worms.
Els Eta:aeon.
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, ST Wood at.
Bold by Dreassel,filb SI Cerny " Allegbell3l
W J Smdt, Tcosperencevillei Mayo Leer
renal:mine. rey4
--- • - -
YHINUE3—An assortment just toted for sal
nen J KIDD & Co
41.1 4L 06araus Buitefirip, 36 r_ our' al Pen a,.
Uneulsertbanof 131 me., or
.TwAmsertzons withoutalteratinß,........... 73
ihret " I 00
• • ..... •
One Week " • .. —• •
.... ...... 160
Two Wears 2 50
Three •, ,, •• ...........
'•Opo Month. ••••••••••
.„„,„„ 4 03
Two n •'
......... 600
Throe a , , q
..... .... ' „
1U Longer advertisements la same 2" 1 1.1 .14 1 41° '' en
07 1 5 8 6bare,6 mouth', without aliaral on,. .• 10 nn
01 lb 00
Each additional square for 6 months, ...... 5 07
10 00
Orin sittad,6 swaths renewable a planar*, lb 00
• .. tr iii .. ' Ce
' ;lliachadd it lo n al 'soave rot IS inananca•fra.• 10 00
Two ;quarts, 6 months, reaable at plascrer, 90 00
'Ca' addltlenal sganit, 6 months, .. .... .... 8 00
, 1.111112 LT CPU sauArnazzq is DAISY sous.
Bhro square. 3 insertion*, ••,.....4 1 5 0
each additional in5ert10n,......,.. 3.7
strairals okain.
Five lines err lea, anq year, ......«..... 6 00
nis nua1u...... ...... . . 600
one year, daily & wilily, 10 00
te • / CI ' ,ix months '• . . 00
*Dna:unwire Is vraawar mix.
For 201111111,ei 1tJ11.4.415 ibartina, ...•...,110 50
n " Two, ' " ..'...... 0 '73
„ ~ o gib:mai M «ea.*. 100
. n . 11 ",, , T/2 01 141 01415 /P4 , •••••••• 3 8 50
n ' Eli 11.— ...,... . sae