The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 04, 1848, Image 3

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-41turoairzer Tszsaaavitaa
s zsPOPIOTP_YAME.II I !atur. 111!viessitit•
Beat N:.•NEW.S.
iBBrvAte - 41, mu*
7.4 " • • •
1,13 - E,RNI A.
- 4 - y . ZOni!PiL
oiiKsiP PU 7 : CP ! bt•.
' il inAtEg - iiot7/WP/MI,„:,
- I,gyourpallill VAR 16 1111411111:1
iiiilizosUr ISTAM ov,nzziaufs
L z- Barron, Nov. 3,181&
notrisOlenNO*io , o 4itevtaitto , 4
„ar , iti;daicadcwiair sailed twin Lino+.
prlool;,4W2loi.pi„isosiths triii in Thirteen
read with
audatibe •w'eek. was very awe
deottwouch_rdn, bet - the 4 eed'elelegieg.
becilighi,braciag cietriareather. •
,ist,.* 2l ! % Or * irOisTed, sod dlnr4
tbgo •io , n,W,...lawam rmn vowing will be cam.
This Beatlsh redo elope are good, bet the Irish
dboi4.,3lWhiSfitielindY Wit.. We MP 'PA
Belmar tiattaba of the woe
At . a:41:41i WV& pieilansly preielled la> Soggy
114, ppecelstion hoa ceseed, and the bilge IsP"
Asada:Os than. /fable and: other peter, errehlelli
j1 11 : 4 -r s '
ti lit e
vent alarat , wbben has been =sated by the
appearaneeeitthitilielerOurseanbly **ea, orr
ly thirty additional ems !uviosbeen reported, and
ant penthi: ot:theeleeirir le beat/ this
123111W4strsoars:, Loodoo, there were 090
iiiettei UM &MOP or
aironootlia4l4 l oliestor,o o ro has beeri no .
N* l *.
ottheCboie+it.,._ln Eainbat g b i lbb fraPes
tweeeteetiisiora.ealiiiive duet' chher
iiti es 031 . appearance atthe little
yulagn'orNenr Haven - established. iti .trodlipnest
that .141,itert
Goietiteete has dote may with the qtutretitinte
qopsfasit4 the:situp:4=mq, teen
leheledeethe firms the Cholera hive occulted hi
• ammo.
~ ,O 'Brieniskiaotbeni exec - Wed. The Lora Lieo•
tor,opt'O, Mal to, the .49otto4cut of intuadtants of
Dublin, refuses direct Swireas.UStherztemarial bey
Ibur, full irefeir win be given
sorbs reetamisendatiess ofilsedury thstriied
AIL the fOrmalitles tithglog in a Writ of error
have been complied with by the berg advisees; but
PrivilAbv etrefiwing the (*FUSCO) with
141114 t the Aturm• Gepetel is rotated, vii not
ilei:eseridierivotlit.baLcalirer returns to
yElj:#001 Lasbeerk rand • panty, but b31:001%
uoesderl ereroy;la econoquesice of kaothit with.
-1 41****r. from bkompflates FOices lathe
otot.'atml ofihe.lnangenta
fig_ ga - 14 — laellther's tlialif=lenced on Medal.
4iisd , tits interest ‘ll3cli had *stabled -at bound
, Prr.liaiewar Dublin ha* come out
.arlititirtsitsvesointiatti highly ItSiottutas ott ettraa
;.Hatt from them ass collective body
4.Tati" imPkth dOttenithnnt to emplOy'all tim,b
Cspoind,mt; itairitittence, to the imme-
Aliattl i nthefaf theloor-theifect an equitable ad-
Atfithient hirelaticutabartvmenthelandktrd usi
teniticandth stWt;* an cnttliti of capital thrilSr
Parcishitnr. ofemPloyment to all able bodied men,
vicw inctease,thsprodocupOthe
TLepntialchtmae o'4a/icieocdthillistru*d'
Ictirernent, or more yho-
Am* - oubm. to Wtose,eoninlion AnoMithl. thew
- 141,Vciaratinent cf . :pcblications py-Dtthrvilb . No-istul
,Inty whts - weens reingtheims I ebte '
, - ',. - atirrn; and lo L vittOstraiiiiia 451" this
Peteeff 4 Itsjcertu she
Agael#l7- is comp ar:LoYdiggi' Legitimist*
41•Meaerig*itiole ttepubli4ntiftirthe
Fcbrnarpltistut*Uon; and possess willciew pow.
et r ixiiicatia binirnithaillw, having beat nimut
to Power by them,* bat: MciAlumuttive bat con.
The result is; that Dacca:, Prefect of Paril, has
!' a oo !fib*, P 1 2, 0 19 of Ca.
yelps?. policy, in the Preset= of the dans
irms thenace Mehl:carol Ihwthe,, labia
Mimi* in.. Ccentiny; He-shall. restutus his
place among the opponents . _ of royalty, which he
will combat under *lt Align:isms, and concludes
'itiiitrieeSigY,' that an dterrof the' Derncicmesi
beattaunt their was-- iidinnhas ceawl•to be
Path* sitaiiglincootier-iedie
'Another mthienees of Caraignao's crithat poet.
• • 4b. zugonid.: TLe b
gator/co or
Knifir WILS - -
are uID anlinned. One
1 `ou b
,hate been !widen Siannbry
• • •Craistas Piritstatel i ttiag,DhaticsiAlbert,will
.•, • ,
~..'Stapearkfus events are pun= in the Austrian
EnSPE4c• which ku kept Enrcrpr'ulamed with
atauetnerq during the week.- . .
' Oa the Ettlf-nli.;the Tait of Crone Wu adva n n
toireraiateati; la 'lreland of a numerous an .
any; trap the view of suppreashqy the Hungiriati
canWricilini, When Intelligeninee the mutinies
'SS Vanier asehed hica—heanceedistely tuned Irla
Cowan rerea►ds'Etat,cityrand.adMP'
nets saistseco of the Emperor's General, who
hail„altin sibeeneithe Care.
rid, forkkept
,the pepubukor lowly Canned.' Da
ring-the niShi4theillili wad 12th of October, the
' population of Veen were under situ—the Loops
of the Emperor momently expected to commence
sisitof with the two enblea
-.Reports Mate that Ulan had retired towerds
New, Ste& Prince *stiiilishegruts, who Imlay
rustingtrished himself at Prove, has advancal to
wardiVenice, to take command of the combined
Antics of Austria Jalliebei. Be will bot probably
bombard the clty, but cut or supplier, and starve
the itihihitaote ittto.sabuittiion. •
- The Diet hu ofie hundred thousand men to de
the Capital and thearovisional Ekivernmeta.
Some, beiever, vie patneble to the Emperor,—
About hallo( thissame =mar are now encirclics
undwrammuttents are pouting in ficen all
quarters: -
Tbei Emperor lies retired to Glints, in Morava.,
with =efficient fora, where:be min collea , pountv
less thousand&
• - The &evading are already engaged ;in a war ,
their fellow Gendin edged&
Rearm holdsaloof et= all quarrels.
Pats= stands ready with 200,000 men epos the
, conduce of Poland, to throw their whole weight
ht flavor of ilnEaperor, and In support of ihra
- 7. l !liavonlie Guards..
• Akin, regular Communicationi are 'cur off be.
' — "tleteeplieditrand-Vienta,wnd - the rail road ma
off. Weer exams are producing venous mimes
. • ,
Oa Ithe.,iktb - or , octilber, that Diet of Venice
• re •seet -an ultimatum to the invading anon'rea,
sierra 'dal= - the National 'Guards'uulii. Ban
r off Cricelt,and the Hungarian army left the
aieity of Venice. If this is dorm, it may even .
fog, dinutron, and inevitable war.
. was quiet and orderly, mud the pub' ,
lie.baiktings were protected by the people.
The Courier which was readmits Hambuny,
On the - *Orly* (hat iellichis Au separated his
army into Ave division. .
Thefient, Capjer, ,of the 14th, says that the
Venice Mien sewd like a tboadelbolt upon Ra•
detskyi and his am% not knowidg to Notutt power
.tlef.tte)*ia,Mtitt an Orkwgieragition.
• pup anote-pipur-mates that this news increases
tbe , ttueugch•of lb° in& prey at Turin, Niel host&
itii will d.dusifeia!:4;.'te.o4.4id:
. .
• .-Piteimootese's mope have received orders to he
, 13 ~,;1 1 0: 1 4ylbr the - Gehl by the 166, and Gen. Durando
, Alinits - n4istely assume the command.
"Iliejleogat3an whiten at Milan demand their
:idytfOtf their alive ecarnutund the position of
•.$ t 7 appears perilous.
• Ap4prt sea' thin faverstale coo
• s WOO ale Tiihe, be may drive the
ante the istoreof
setopeo • '
m 'Aiuled. • •
Portagal,sl. latsecetnats, inug quiet.
Landes, C9naols !AI to 12 4i—marka,Uivir. •
Invmaroor., Oct. 20318.
Colicin dull, with a farther decline of 'id in all
deseripleau fair-to good selling at 30 to
4i4odoinle3i to 41a; - ard GeOrgia the iamet.—
Wet lof illy- week 24,8601.alea—Exportera took
Omit 4000 bake American. .The market closed
quiet,, with a declining tendency. Ia Giugcw . '
Leedom and Maachemer, trade was inituen"
cad by the decline at Liverpool.
The arrival of breadatoffa both at London and
Liverln4 lire Very limited, owing la the prevalent
winds, mtictrhas caused a firm suarket.
Buyer thick prices.have reached tba lowest mark.
Put!,quantities of mace-are known to be an
the wayiSirni mien as Unelpected demand springs
111 *Ti it no chance of an advance worthy of
notice in soma time. •
Wetst , -Sahes at 7s 4d to e And Paper buobeL
Boles of Flour at 31 to 32e, and dull at that Com.
kkaa improved—export tagniey Tar Iretanif:has re
covered from itslate reduction. The present Lir.-
supple' qmstsricats sue 25t0 30e km , Weite, .15to
for Yellow. Meal, 15s 6d to 181 per bbl At
Mark Lane yewerday, (Oct 2Oth4rzeile wits grist
and prices fully maintained. Clued Provisiona
were quiet Beef 85s 6,1 to 95s per tieroe, for
prime bless; sapPiV limited, at 80 to 83i. far ordi•
nary, Pork 30 to 50; as per quality; salmi of the
weelis6oo barrels. Cheese 34 to 40s, ordinary to
Middling; 48e for fine.
In the manufacturing districts trade wasdull and
,Ihseroriniring. At Mambeiter, sales of gOode and
yams were limited, and holders even expecting
lo'wet prices.
Lelia Adelina ham ltauterldeo.-Barth
•.- quakeee.eliamente Gales •at Bermuda,
PauroarmA, Noe. $,1819.
' •By late arrivals from Montevideo, we have the
iotelligenee that a successiou of Earthquakes had
takert:place atom the Bth of August, correspond.
leg with the .thsie,;wheut *Locks were fell in this
walleye York cities.
llamado. has experienced very SOVOII3
. which eecnrred about the 14th nitinto, doing great
damage to the crepe and provisions on die Island,
'and ;cMgying: away'the break waters, ttnr e ceng
bodes, and literally destroying every thigg with.
'Mita Mute.: Inuridetts has been materially aribet.
ed by the dianarer.
'T, Fishier,*.srell known infante of the Marine
Mospiud;waseamddrownedin the Schoyaoll river
this Mien person who ever visited this
recePtrinte for theindigent and crippled sailor.,
whetger from War or. from incident, will remember
VlvsuntrlCF Statgis lenatar..Fatal Etatt
Head. &wildcat:
• New You, Nov. 3, ISIS.
The Whigs of Vermont have, on thiid
chows the The. WIIZIAM UMW( United States'
‘ so ?°"t , . •„. .
LeaVeeeniiiii:Wro'Uminsntesis'clithe iec;3lli'sion
upon the Lynn and Boston Rail Road. Six pen
sons were killed and several grounded. _
Oer reporter—east down to Lynn to tepee
Daniel Websies Speech was, Ulgenanate/Y. upon
gine ferihn teens, and isms prevented by the and.
Amu tom reaching Lynn in time to take notes—
eguniepsently,We we unable to send you a copy to
night Republic:glom
Another Speech from Mr. Webster.
N=or Yon; Nov. 3, Noon
Braid-Stttffs in active demand; but operations
werbObook:ed by the announcement of the Ewa.
pout Steamers Bolton.
lionahudelVeleies an eloquent appeal to
the Whip of Lynn,•Massecbneetta, last evening.
The Meeting was very hip, and. greeted each
sentence as S &II Ppm his Um with enthusiastic
A frientl in Wethbtugh, Virginia, .ends us
capital Whig Song, but it is tan lath In the cam
*re far that at of ammunition. What we was
new is ballots.
obrtheri--sz a tittporto u Bonds en jitter of
, Taw
L 'Be irordaltred and rotarted• by the elemes
ogprodorogb in & lees and Common Corineits as
notobled, That the Mayor be and he
o boe * reby author-
Ottitalorrie EfOreislotbe name -.lame Mattered
forfilleatillemdred and Fifty Dollars; be
ed tone tale adz per ecnt per maram, and payable
sendsiromelly at - the Treasure& °dice in the city of
Pittsbh, - and redeemable in ten
aleze fer grading. and paring rebli=Righ
OreethDenator street and Dromend alley.
Sted IL—Be it further enacted, the., Thar the faith.
credit„ - revenue and corporate property of the
n cty is
hereby pledged for the payment of the interest ad re
dempuon ofrold bonds.
Ordained said meted into a law in Comm* chic
- *Malty of October, A. D. IS
SsarcllATlDeorgr, Cik C. C. pro tem.
/OLD, &UPTON, Prert S. C.
. --Jona iHatna, Clk S.C. nor 2 3r
ORDERS km Emit Trans, shade Trees,.=
Grape Vines, Print for Radek*, Green
Howe Planta,ke., sent Omagh the Pituborgh P. 0.,
or Ipft as Me. RobenlialladPs,fiaterty sums, or as the
Norsery,Q miles Put
can on the road leading
from the Pottrth Street 'Road, a: Oakland, to the Hort.
:Walter Forward's, will he promptly glimpsed to.
wet96AMlkar3PS JOHN MURDOCK. Jr.
Hum or Prrrizczaa,
Oesobera, lata. $ '
N eleeitim for = INfeetr z : to verve foe the
on 61 =velabeTH 16 , 1549a ,- between the boats
of /4, sad .3
oet£4<ful THOISAHIL HOWE, Cosider._
--likaccassn' kdluturfactatta,
October 201844.
A. N election for thineth Directors of this Dank, tor
the catalog rear, 'Win be held's.: the Itaeklas
Haase on Maur, the eon doof November neat
W EL DENNY, Cashier._
oiTtii;a:lio - 21 -
---'--7-------7----1------ 111 . lalit
A N election Gzr th irteen Dizecton of u& , s, Bs . ok k a c r
.61 L. al s - e u , thj. lur' Willl
"Dam oa
Ya We t wentiethNYZEft,Subier.
nen 0c121.1
M U81.1441:1: t.
"Y 4
awl Lod for de at
A &rade always cm b
" .oet24 T la .
. Pri" ' LI P & 71 &LITCHELTEME
LING. VEN. RED-10 ask. tor sale by
fIAINESEVERII.IfiI I ON:-1 iasefor fide tri
417JUBE PdfyrE-3 bxs for We by .
INDIA /1171111E8 mirre-a do x hulls Bobber Mos,
J. reeetrob by Expraat audio:sale at tba India Rub
ber Depot, No 6 Wood meat
maid J
Gloves, far superior. to Buckskin, lasi received
and for gale at the India Rubber Deitch
NHVGIBLASTErt, Aunnutstb-0111se, Poanh
. third door above Smith/kid, south side.
CongqtancingorsU kinds done with the greatest
cane =a legal accuracy.
Tides le ReglEgrude excminedAge. cset3:9
SUPEWORGOLD Pk 2.48.4 dos pn - ' ---. SeieJsed, of
the fined Gold Penayet made.. Thla lot Dud made
expressly to order, and (by paying a. yteraince,) better
than any hannoteressold. For sale by
oel2o W WILSON
IDLANKEYS AND FILANNC.I.B—An additional pup-
LP ply of eopettor Dlankels, red end broom Flannels,
Rut received from marnifactoter. •on coneleurocei
and for Dile by • • GE() COCHRAN,
oci3o IS Wood it
WANTED—lntotedlately, • Girl I. do the cooking,
office,. oc log,•c., for mall Gamily. App l3o- ly tf
et the
ODA ASH—IO casks Tenntattet Ash,i... - je i • 0.00 FORSYTH & DUNCAN, 37 1.1.1
AluseasTrCeotie. A.SI3-20 cache f or este by
HARDWkiterkPER—LO nos or the best quality
on eotteivietent.; for ,ale co= SCHOONMAKER k Co
THAW PAPER -70 nag very large and beery, aS
V 1 ,7 than , Mew for common hardware, for .ale
by • bead J ACHOONMAKICR &Co
. • '
RED QEMILAN—L oleo Dl* lba) for rile by
OIL-e halm. 1 1 .141344 Oil,,besh for bade by
0.0 7 ;3
g tA n I d SCS . — . ' lo ...7 y bss fresh Bawl Raisins,
F RE-8
BUTTER -11. bbla Hadar, in good order, landing and
for sale by oct3U HAGALEY & SMITH
COLOGNE—Gonairbe Farrina,.!.Jor Anion," for .al
br ; ocal J SCHOONMAK ER & co
CHWRWE Ll2l.lti.—Alluspratt Sr. fion's best quality,
Re' sale by °sal J SCHOONMAKER SuCo
PRIESTO VER!dlLLlON—Expressly for seams
kers, fermis by .1 SCHOCINMAKER &Co
I CANARY HERD — a bib c ar aa j a
• 0c12 3 J KHOONIIAI= h Co
PHIKEEIE- 1 38 lac em. Cream Cheese, fer sale by
ki *023 FRIEND RIMY A. Cu,.
ZODA ASH-10 . cults Soda Ash, alapuHeturid at
1.3 Rinolaghaso, England, a very .upelmr ant+, In
Here had far sale by FORBYI air. DUNCAN
tret3o .
IJOAR-4 bbds N 0, last received on consignmse
0 cod for tide by , octal • C MOW LILL
rdoliSLTrEh-olinra-c-a d.nlgde.; Su
t H.; all of. prime quagry,ln store and for
LINSEED 01L-10 bbl., per Cinderella 18 mouths
old oell? SELLERS de ' NICOLS
ELANNELB-10 bal. common, modiani ant 8.1
plain and twi ll ed, rod, glom and white Fl nola,
t °vaned sad for ludo by
mll3 1311ACKLETT dr, wurre
DgAPERI3-11unia, laboteb, ,Damask Ind figura
.Table, kc; s good assortment teed by
VIAL CODAS-103 grastiust rend sod for soloCy
ottl7 .1 KIDD 4 Co
Ageghtny Pas hore i lVan . d
ijudimudoby 1D .1
0e4.11 D
sett. I rise,.
6 , 51 7
6r5 5
6 55 4
57 . 5
Bu 3
Nov Exam
5 Sunday,
8 Wednesday,
9 Thursday;
6 16
7 23
E 134
0 41
10 47
3. a...y
Overca Prrraamusa Gam= 1
Saturday Morning , November 4, 1848.1
Business throughout the city yesterdaywas quite
retie° in the way of general sales, with no mate
rial change in quotations.
The river continues to recede slowly, but there
isstill • suriciency,cf,water far all the purposes
of trade, and busincss along the wharf was quite
FLOOR—The market was quiet, with no
change in quotations. Operations were hooted,
and May be quotetriroin firm bands at 4,30, and
from store at 4,5001,62. There is little probability
of any further decline in the article, on the contra
ry., should the river continue to recede, a partial
advance maybe the conseque lice, this however
depends in a groat measure upon the eastern de
' RYE FLOUR—Receipts are lied, with modes
crate sales from store at 3,31640 as in quality.
• CORN MEAL—Sales in a regular limited way
from wore at bu.
'POTATOES—SaIes flom wore at $1,3744450
GRACERIES—The market continues quite
steady m last quotations. N 0 molasses is, If any
thing, stiffer, and may be quoted Irm at 31c per
BACON--Some addition have beet/ made to
the supplies of tVeitern eared, with regular sales
is limited lots at 41, 44a14, and ld it; lAARabould
eta, sides and hams.
BUTTER—Considerable lots cantle:air to nr,
rive by river, and sales in keg are regularly erects
ell at 81090 Lti.,
HOPS—We note sales at *3oloe r
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR - .Sales, from atom at
$1,6251,75 p 100 Fla.
BRAN AND SHORTS—SaIes from store in •
regular vay at 100110, and of shorts at 14 160 •
ha, as in quality.
'FISH—The market continues steady at the fol.
loving rate&—Salmon $l9: maikerel, No 1 512 i
No 2, 5101 No 3 116; herring at 5,75QU, and nod
at S 3 p drum.
• DRIED FRUIT—SmaII sales of new crop pea.
(rhea at $1,31, and of apples, new crop, at s6c ip
MESS PORk—Moderate wiles at $ll ♦ bbl,
VLSI EGAR--Sales of good elder vinegar at Si
LEAD—eldee of bar at 41, and of pkg et 11c qr
Cleveland, Nov. 1,181&
The book. of the Canal Collector show that the
following, among other articles, amved at Cleve
land, by way of the catial,Cioring the past month'
Bushels Wheat, 234,524
'do Can, 73,210
Bushels Mineral Coal, 236,426
Barrels Flour, 91,97'2
do Pork, 253
, do Vi'hishey„ 5,l aS
Pounds Iron and Nails, 2,2601140
do Giese and Glass ware, 335,535
do Bacon, 6,688
v do Lard 543,221
do Boner, • 456,440
do Wool, 34,422
do Pig Iron, I ,524,673
Among the articles cleared during the month, were
the fallowing, via,
Barrels Salt, 12,72
do Lake fish, 327
Pons& Coffee, 387,867 i
do Sugar, 103.557
do Molasses, 15,4b9
do Tobacco, 32,845
do Crockery in Crates, 60,497
do Other Merchandise, 9,511.1178
do Rim:ins:a, 113,713
do Gypsum, 262,090
do Castings, 78 7
Feet Lambe:, 679.081
Stimgles, 110
--f Holm.
no IMOD 07 Cl7B4l—The talloving is a mate.
meat of the principal articles exported from this
Island from the I d las to the 30th September,
Stier, boxes
MOtasses, bhda
Coffee, Ito
Tobacco, ttit
New York, Oct. 29.
The market:routine firm, with sales of Treasu
ry Notes at tol it; Farmers Loans rose i, Morris
gal I; Canton ?Ma R e nding I; Erse, New ii
Long Island fell I; and Harlem rose t.
There has been a further improvement to Fite
Rail Road Stock, caused mainly by the fart that
considerable amount, have been taken st the low
prime for investment_
The pr4ress of the road is such, that no delay
can take place on the opening to Einghampton,
upon the let January. The only thing which
could have canoed delay wt, a want of iron—a
yam abundantly supplied by the arrivals of yes.
terday. A largo number of contracts on the road
terminate this week, and contractors are already
ill town to ekw up and receive tber stock. It sr
not probable any of It will come upon the market,
an orders are in the hands of broken beyond the
amount to be received oa cradracis.
The amount cdatock of the kern of 184 e, issued
at 'Washington last week on foreign wreclunt, has
hero over half a million:
England, $:4,000 Germany, ui,'.ooo
Prance, b 7,000 Brand, 10,000
Belgium, 3,000 Spain, 30,000
Canada, 0,000
Tot id,
Of this amount about 130,000 trim transferred
by Mew. Corcoran &film% being the first stock
tuned Qtr them on fiusign account, atom Mr. Cor
come', recent sale In London.
SpLett of the Domestic Market.
Clovekkod, Oct. 3t, 1545.
Canal fisceipts--Flocir 1,392 Ws, Whiakey, 99
do, wheat 5,923 bu, corn 3,343 do, coal 9,328 do,
glue 14,440 Its, inn 8,009 do, pig Iron 112,000 do,
nails 2,332 do, butter 121X9 do, bud 4,205 do,
dried fruit 1,190 do.
Market still inactive. Sales era 1100 bu wheat
Ste, 2000 ho Me, 2700 be 95c.
Righwines, 70 bbla 200.
Salt, 200 bble floe 81,25.
No change in freights or team prices
Beewer—Per Beaver-150 bbl. apples, 144 sks
burley, 53 do b w flour, 40 bbla dour, 30 sks pore.
toes, 5 MIS qeeensware, 140 aka dried fruit, 10
kg. butter, 5 bbla do, 69 bra cheese, 10 aka suo
dries,lB bga rye.
Per Lake Erie-12 cols pea:lash, 1 keg do,
Bagel.) , Sr. Smith; 20 bis cheese, English A: Ben.
nett, 1 box cheese, I do honey, owner; 1 hbl cran
berries, Taney Sr. Best; 50 bag cheese, Wick dt
McCandless; 1 bbl 1 keg butter, E Hessehon, S
bbls apples, 5 kga butter, 1 box 1 sock rndre, W sr„
McCutcbcon; 1 pipe en, 1 do brandy, J A Can
Cincinnati—Per Dover-100 bbls flour, J Grier,
12 cake bacon, same; 20 bbl. whiskey, 8 MeOur
ban & co; 31 do do, Knox & Duncan; 33 esks ba
con, Sellers & Nicol,: 51 sits wool, W Barker, 6
Ws blacking, 5 bxs do, C Ihmsom 300 bbis flour,
W Bingham.
Per Port Pitt-50 bbts whiskey, L Cockbite; 10
Mils lard oil, Sellers do Nicol .; 52 bbls whiskey,
Millar & Ricketson; 42 aka feathers., 85 bbl, whio
key, R Watson; 12 bbl . alcohol, B A Fsbnewock
& co; 2 hhds sugar. 3 bbls pork, 1 do lord oil, 2 do
sugar, chest ten, Reynolds &Simi; 2 ire chests, J
Bidwell; 6 bra mdse, 3 mks do, 1 keg lard,
bbl butter, 16 WWI tob, Henry Graff; 64 kg. lard,
Geo W Jackson; 45 sits wool, Clark & Thaw, 3
bbds lob, 1) Leech & co; 7 bbls pearlash, Robertson
& Happen; 10 kgs 2 Uh f, butter, Bsgsley & Smith;
3 Mole oats. 7 do dry apples, 3 do green do, ado dry
peaches, English & Bennett. 50 bbls lard, 6 do
Wl2lllll}ll.l.l , lC.—PPLaste's Vercusfugel — nils invhl
- remedy for warms, Is pidly supplauntw 11
others to nubile esumarion. NVhere it to used it bus
produced the best elfeets, sod driven out all other rem
edits. "It is the best they have eer seen," mMe re
mark or all who have en, used it t o their families.
. . .
"Teas Branum, Pustusa Co. Tants
Feb. WM, Let ,
"J. 141.0.--I received lot of MiLatte's
loge f or agent Ins* epring, which I sold Out in
orte wee and I think I could hare sold one thousand
ironies by this tone, ill could have got it, but not know
ing where to gall, I hod to wait until your agent came
riroots Every person the has tried &Lane's Vern.,
loge, tell um it t the best they have ever seem In him
tz impossible for any one to say too mach in favor
of Nl'Lane's Veronfege. W. R. RORK"
A genuine mole of the above mailable medicine
an be had at the drag store of
stelKt J KIDD & Co, 60 woad st
Carom AND Coyne.--Tlnt frequent changes ni the
occulter at this mama of the year, invariably bring
along with them concha and colds, which by timely
attention are easilyred by simple remedies. SEL
PEHLAL COUGH SYRUP has been tn use
• for the hint 19 years, and haa gained more reputation
for the cure of eoughs (not requiring active medical
yeaunent) than my other preparation 131/01 . offered LO
the eitizono of Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough
Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and, on this ao
count la a great favorite with children, The doses are
carafhlly graduated, in the directions, to scat all age..
That thisloreS tried and highly popular rough remedy
may be within the reach of all; It is sold at the low
Ohm, of 25 own* per hottlo.
Poopond.eud..u# by B. EILI.LEant 67 Wood at,
Pitlukan ho both cities. AlniShenY, and 4rogiletagen
raspy In aft .
LardsMcLane, Bennett,'Brorsarville.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville..
t Day, Beaver.
Camden. Aleudticksoa, Beaver.
Michigan N 0,2, Gilson, Beaver.
Lake Erie; Bholes. Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati.
Oswego, Grace, Gino inanti.
Fart Pin, Miller, Gin.
Dover, Reno, Gin.
Geneva, Dean, Cia.
Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville.
Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsvillo.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Caroline, Day, Beaver. •
Michigan N 0,2, Gilson, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Stoles, Beaver.
Clipper, No. 2, Crooks, Cincinnati.
Island Packet, -, Wheeling.
Vermdrit, Hazlett, Loairville.
Euphrates, Calhoun, Cia
Consul, Oushane, Brownsville.
At dusk last evening, there were 4 feet o
inches water in the channel-
rMoon , .
. _. . . .
JOHN H. 544 - 134311.,,. No. 61 Wood
street, has now received a full assort.
meat of Piano Fortes, selected from
the following manufactories in Hostile
mid New York, to which the attention of purchasers h
respectfully invited. Those from Mr. Chickerimr, (lit
the sale of which be is solo Agent it, Western Penn.
sy I vania,) have what ts termed the New Circular Sonic
Wag on improvement recently mane, and spiv them
a decided advantage in power and equalityl tone
over any other.. 'lb. following are the patient@ and
sLyles of Chicketing's:
Nail—Rosewood, 7 oct'ves, finished hack k. front, WOO
"it " 0 " richly carted " " Hub"
3. " 0 " $4OO
"4. " " finned mouldings, " eitt
" 5. " " finished backend front, 53541
~ 6. " " 0 " " PM
"7. " 6 " " 0 " 41:33
"a. °a a ST.H
"e. 6 projecting front, &MS
" 10. " 7 nobly carved, style of Lads 14th.
" 11. " 6 hollow comers and hollow ear
nand legs, second hand, cost originally 6423, and will
be sold m • very reduced price.
No. 12. Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin
ished, 6272. No 12. Rosewood, round comer, very el
egantly finished, arta
The above are manufactured by H. Worcester, N.
Y., well known as being Connected formerly WM
Messrs Ettotard, Worcester & Dunham, N. Y.
No. 13. Rosewood, %carvd moulding, made by the
Bismhattan Company, N. Y. $172.
No 14, Rosewood carved, 0 octaves, Gale & N.
I', 6230. No. 15 " plain 6 " " 6430
No Id Rosewood Grand Plano, made by Henri
Rem Paris.
Nol7, blahogany, d .taves, !wand band, price SIR
Old PM,. Laken in pan payment for new ones.
Sole Alone to , Raleaering's Grand and Square Piano
F or , ro.• Western Pem.vlwNi Mtn
NU NAT* dr CLAELK. No York;
fffillf CHICKERING, Bost.,
The subscriber hu mar open amigo;
We, a at of most sopertor Kenos, se.
leered by hlmeali tu the manufamones.
They consist of Rosewood and Mahogany Flaws, of
of 6,.63 and 7 octaves, of various styles and prices, and
cambium all the latest improvement. Those of Mom
h. Clark's, tior ...Inch celebrated firm he is sots hamar)
have an =proved tatty of stringing possemed by no
other; also, • soperiorplan of leathenng the hammer,
preventing these Plano* fan growing harsh and minty
alter some use.
The Pianos of Clockering, of which ea Mos s superi
or lot, am provided vritli the Circular SeisM; sad were
*elected for him with care by J. Lluckering, of Bo
above will positively be mold at nasonlacturers'
prices, and on aecommodannir terms.
The &abounds. will invariably be found at J W
Woodarelra from 11 to ID 12 A. M, and from I to 5 P.
.54. Mr. Woods/cell toedl attend to the busancio during
the balance of woeFL KLEBER.
Y 4 W Wopd•rell'a, fO Tlurd tl
Re not the hr. bT Ort.:o tpAeW
Nor gm the Is. to lay the old
followtng ulvontogra--The oven IS eionotonily
opentlm of
= bed s'th Ze ' i " ito k Th ' eu r, dl ud e ,vartk
II kar Chun./ exclusirely for Roasting Meals
with n apn i tlaut doing wear anal all the routing at.
in the dap of -tin kitchen."
It hos a large uoilug esparity, "rah on unobstruct
ed dot surface on the Up, which !touchup., can
It can be set up wahoot faucet work, jib
en -place, or In the MOM as et MOW; en ag
who occupy hire.! be.. lo bore the advantage
range al the cut t • sieve And Lastly,
k barns less 4-1 , .L1 01011 ersT other rooting !spoor...
not eseepung the Empire Cooking Store, which Is also
for sale at wholesale or rural, at
GILBERT'S Empire grove Depot,
IlLorket street, Illiard Roar?
Fstract frenn a recoomen4l..u. (icoi binary Badt-
Man, Leq 3,:4 M art c — . You c. 4, ,larq.
In reconmends.o of it, va, ev I will not nn so LI
,ofornsd to." • ocl:o4oAXlLDs<=aols•
has liar rescued from Europe, and for tale, ea
cannery new Mummy of Plano Fore, ealed Me CAB
-INET PIANO MUT.TE, posinnandi mar roarer
and romemeda than Le apare Piano, occupies but one
fourth u moeh room, and a a each room abovy and
dandwrom pmce;of fakonarv. Li t. panacularq &sink
ble where the raring of ware re ao npreFs, being ad
onetime?. neat and campus, and ndeapp.rg ea nenw
Wan n aide table. The tribseriter red 111
/nand a tealinfenial or w sa?ertorety from the neliibta
md puma; kloschelles;ba his men hand orrinng,arlagh
may he dupemag
ff i llii ,ri. SPLEN DID areonmerd or Mahe
gee y •nal liwellro-ad Plane, pial da
tsbai. th e marumeem are made re
Ow law.. Pod.. and best mar...rule
sad will Im Maid :aw tor rash ,y
F 111.11.14 E. I M *oat areet,
dd doer &Loire Ptah.
N It —Those who are in taunt of a good instrument.
axe respectfully melted to exacta. tbe. •before por•
casung elsewhere...l they mance be excelled by any
ths country, and wtll tat cold lower than any brouyht
from the fact. Alsoluct renewed, two piano/sof 14am
lturgb tnanuraeture, warranted to he superior to any
ever .1d in thts country ocrel
Cooper Maple, and 'Lever Watches.
sa JUST tereprets a.azt for silt at
Iml.-11 Iteoced PM., Lao genu
ine •T Y. Cooper, a Calthorpe ace:.
finale tall, ROll4 Uwe
pies and ?maul Luau Wate rood " kou
gold. and full tearelle.d., thi , •-•
wilt Carotkameter balanec.
The. ase war th e fine. srucelce crude, ..erne superi
or finish stull eeahnaey cks 11. J. Toth., Joseph
Jolsosou. or .y other matte Tt..e rat rapt of • eery
Ins •re loaned to call and eau.. stth. lot.
Also, a !arse assortment of Gold sod &Ives Watches,
Clutha, Saab, Keys, fie.
IV' Foe repo red In the beet manner
oat% corner Ira and lark...
larnsdag..-43•1 . animal Tin Plat.*
HE subKrabere beg to call the auerkkon of Date:lsm
Archtmels and owners of Ikuldrnigs, W u.s. Lowly
advantage. stanch these plat. pose,. over al/ other
meant-Ile sobs.nces hitherto used for roofing, he, as
they pos... at once the llghtaps of without Its
Untidily to Mal. having now been wined iron,
for several
years to this particular. both In this country and to Eu
rope They •re Lew habie to expansion and contrac•
"en from sodden *diens:sot the ainao•phere, than com
n tin plates. iron. aim. canny other metal n used
for mo roofing. and conseqiuntly fend . gluon bet o te w r
tighter roof; requinng far less fretiaciu repairs, whilst
toe first cost is but
• mils more
A full supply, of all wee*, from 16 to .70 W CA , Soo
oli hand and for sal. by
II and 10 Ikaver green, New York.
The patent right for Ulu article having been encored
ter tne Untied States, •11 games infringing thereon.
tuner by IMportaUrna or otherwise, will be proeten
led. oet3o.altr.vrl yT
DOCTOR Toraszi,vl
FOR AD CENTBI—I3y means of the Pocket nice-
Leona, or every one Ins own Plum.a .. tuntotteth
eiltuon, with upwards of a hundred engraTinge, show.
tog final. disease. in every shape and loon, and teal
foesuanon of the generals.° Cs stem, by W YOUNG,
AI. L The time hit flow arrived, that persons miler
tag from .caret &seam, need no more bectin. the •ie
um of quer.lery, as by the presenpidoos contfuetwl .
WI. Loch any one may core himself, without hindrance
to boaincee, •r the knowledge of the most tolintate
triend, and with one tenth the usualexpense. In ad
fawn to the general routine of prorate disease, it fully
deptatits the Boum: of manhood's early decline, with
eluierrations on Marrittcr—besido• many other
nangefneudri which u woeld not be proper to enumerate
ro the public- prints.
I Any persoo sendlog 23 rents enclosed to a letter,
will receive one Copy of thde book, by "oil , or 0 " ""
puts will be sent for oar dollar Address "DR IV
YOUNG, No Ifer Marilee street, Philadelphia," post.
WANTED—Proprietor. of thug or lentk sutra., and
pedlar., in every town in the United Slates. to set as
agent. (Or the above work oct7-ihrod3iri
AT the Purview Nurvertea, Aloorestown, Bur
12lington roomy ,N. J. About 40 varieties of Me
best inoculated Fruit, of the largest and finest
varieties, yip... Mug (rote the Ist of July unt:l the Ist of
October, beside. other frail trees of the following
kinda: Apple*, Pears, Apricots, Nectsinnes,
Cherries, and a large quantity of Ornamental Trees of
the usual moiety. Parsons wislung to order trees for
Pall planiong, by sending their order accompanied
with the rash, or aatlaactory reference, will be punc
tually attended to Persons ordering trees who a
unacquainted with the vanenes, ran depend on the b est
for market or family Trees w i ll be carefully packed
to mats and mom* for which 60 cenut per bundle will
be charged. Orders sent dire, by mail or otherwise
to the Nursery, will be punctually attended e. Do
acnpove catalogue.. with prices attached, furnished
g re us to pust-paM applic•nta.
JOIIN PERKIN& Proprietor.
Mooregnown, N. J. Oet. 94, 1040,11w/sw3nOT
undersigned have erected worts in the city of
New lock, tor the purpose of . ..Alva:using Ell aro.
elnit of Iron, which itdemruhle to paormT FROM
HetT, each . felegruph Wire, Holm, Spike., Nail.,
Wire for Fence., and any other article which may be
required. For Hoops for Casts,u a substitute for lisle
Rope; for Clothe. Lice., Lithuung Rm., and • hem of
other application 0, it wall be found cheap and durable.
Theywould particularly call attention to the Cialyani..
zed W 3,11 for (rune.; it req.... no paint., and will 00i
rust. Al. to Spike. and Bolts, the preserseilon of
which is of mach Importance, that it will commend
lawlf to the nonce of all those mamma.
6EO B. BIOREWOOD & CO., Patentees,
octUettawly'r 14 and 10 Beaver al, N. Vat
: :L
• • • -
1.7 BEACTORY.- 4, t subectihcr take/ this method
of infornung his Inland. and the public in general that
he ha. the largest stook of the following conned ern.
Ole. of innown atautfacture In this city—Suddirs, /W
-orse, Trunks nod Whip.. all of which be will watrant
to be made Mike best notional and by tine best mech•
awns un Allegheny county. Rettig detenatietd to sell
hi. manufactures something lower than has been beret
lofute wild by soy establothment in SteCily,
be woeld invite persons in need of the above named
articles to hi. warehouee, No. Pit Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine
ry. 0 KERBY.
Alu•pratt & Sons , Soda Asb.
TE subscribers UV now receiving dieir Fall stock
oldie above article, three veesels, vie: the /mate,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leila, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive during the win
ter and spring regular supphes eta New Grimm.
EHOSE election distrieta that we not supplied with
the Elactirm Laws of the State, ..n b. fendshed
olith by application at the Conanisalonts" °Mel&
04134-4tw0101 1 3 OHHAILYs.cIea,
Desirable Lots ft./ Hide. ,
HIE sabacribei his laid out eleven 'Loin on the
South aide of the Fourth &met Hoed, and about
too and one • water miles from the Coon Hose.
These lots contain eaeb from cum to two and a ball
acres of Bad, and will be saki maeortable mei ae
remmodatipg terms. it is deemed n nneeestiary to en-
ter into On - explanivion of the advantages of these
lots. Mil( vitinity to Ms city, alai to the line of the
Ptah!ll Raul, recommend them strongly as very
country residences.
The subscriber also offers for sale about seven hum
dned acre. of Mod in Franklin township, Allegheny
county, about seventeen miles from Pittshargh. Alas,
nine building Lots in the borough of Birmingham.
jaTHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon,
Esq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny
city, .rill be acid on accommodating terms. The
lot 1.170 feet 1 inches on Craig street, running through
to th• Canal 110 feet There Is • good two story Bum.
dwelling !women the Rremises, lately built, and the lot
is wall improved, contenting a variety of choice fruit
trees, grape, shrubbery, ho. This property is conveni
ently situated for Vernon. doing burineuin either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and is • desirable residence. Title
indisputable. For terms apply to Wlif. BOYD, Attor
ney at Lear, office on Fourth stromothove Smithfield.
ii3s Acres Coal mad for Bala,
. . . . .
0 FM/An:Don the Monongahela river, about 16 miles
0 from Pittsburxh..and 3 miles above third Lock, in
the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon k Sherri,
and Mr. John FlerrouNi.porehase. This fine body of
etial will be sold at the low price of 1533 per acre—one
third In hand, balance in five equal annual payments,
shoot interest- Title indisputable. Location very
g not besummed. For further particular.
aim aft BALBLEY, who hu n draft of said pro
. Residence Pd st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row.
. li Thdre is another seam of coal on this tract,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
— Hiesingatate
A TRACT of land, 90 acres, in Harrison, Portage co.,
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 pros under im
provement. Alp, two unimproved lots in the village
of Warren, Trumbull Co., 60 feet by 00. Also, a lot In
ground in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a
One dwelling house and store--pue of the best stands
for a merripitU an the Western Itaaerve. Any or all
this property will be sold on very rienommalating
torn. ISAIAH MC A Co,
feblo Water and Prom sts.
LHE large =I well bunt Faa tary; erectedon
ca Duvet, Allegheny city, by R. S. Cos.; Esq.; Is
d for sale at a bargain, and oneasy terms. The
lot on which the Factory Is erected, fronts 100 feet on
Rebecca atreetsd nuts back HO :cot to Park street.
The main build is of bri. to
, throe anes high. .d
60 her long by feet wide. The Engine House is
large and coonnodions, with an engine, boiler, stack,
tr. all in complete order. The property will be wild
low, and on advantage*. terms.
AITHE subscriber offers for rent for the term of
one or mere years, • large convenient well fin
two story Dwelling House, containing B rooms
and linehen. There to a lot of ground containing IS
acres of fine young fruit trees of every land, stable,
On., tonnected with the house. To any penult. wish
ing • delightful rest,lezen ®Rhin a few minutes ride of
the city, this will be a rare chonpe. For terms, which
will be low to • prod tenant, .11.14111tD of hlr. Jno
Wright, war the premises, of John Wan, corner of
Ha and Liberty streets. or of
otuld-tf THEO, F. WIIIUHT.
BE mbecriber swill sell on accommodating tenna a
URA DrUniMprOlftli land, NW., on the
mad leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen
mile* from !' t u.hvtgh, and about eight miles from the
town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract eon
tiains and acre* and go perches, strict measure The
la;ii is 01 amiellent qualltY, about 90 nem. °leered,
and wets savored, and Win he sold clam In whole or
in !anus of convenient din, wegly nominee!,
For thither pa rt iculars enquire of Am: Any
et Law edge. on T
Ith M. above Smillineld, Pittsburgh
_ _ .
Property In Allegheny City ter Ante.
1111 E sribiwnitiers oder for role a number of choice
Lote, inmate in the Second Ward, fronting on We
'gala nary term s
try . a l rra"l7, of
t Clair at
or of JAN ROBINSON. on the premises,
FUR SALE—A 1.01 of Droobl Motto on Pool
street, berretta Hay and /Barbary Breed, oulionomy
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edvrards,
having a front of YS feet, and m depth 1101 feet wdl ue
sold on favorable tarots Tide unexceptionab ‘ le. En•
quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, Lb at, .14 Wood.
Vffspablfs Ilealdenee Llll•gliionj City
for Male.
TIONTFDIP , WFINPriI lhhiwt& ffPll. l 7ncinr
offer my madame, Mato rdr sato. Tlte 0 MUM
to delmhtful order, and every way worthy the ab
motion of any person swishing such property.
Nistitilsi Mercer Canal,.
A LCM, Storehouse and Dwelllag, situate on the
Eitermicm Canal, in the •ffiage of Wear MM.
mei; • deatrablo location for • merchant h.last, •
Land good Darellthif Rouse well salted foe Ta• 6111
r, she village of Orangeville,on State hoe of
. Whits ekny. DICK E Y k en.
fahlo Wktdt amePleTt too
COAL LAND FOR SALE-Seven sore coal Mod
Mr sale, shame tn head of the Monongahela River,
above Brownsville, , Analog • 7 foot yew of coal
stitch wit be sold to emehanwe for goods. For panseu
,loodvwmAtins-inlitt I ie W; ( I ) 4 R A ,4 R Ilk 1 , 011
1 7od at b
41 . 0„,2, , rcak17b . e three ist A ory . b — nTr %tlarkfrt:
o,t occupied us It 3 +tuner ten
app • WM. NV L. 9011. Jr.
n saluteribers will real part of dui ware
house now otseapta 44 therm Apply to
Lk:Wltts Da-CAUL, it.
junta 54 wales street
s: uoss & 11011111,
fi•Pfapep, PI a.: has g• &wok ars e
RN 0.1....11
m 772 x1 1 4 1 ...."=1*0 - 44, 1 1fita.n , AIL V tat
ooLLFx - TlONK—pr.,nc
parthif m any par of the Lo o, cone.. .0. CUM
favorable treats.
EXCHANGE. New Yorl. ntadelph. awl litaG
Imo. also, Cinebman. Lowarille, Saint Isola and
New Orleao, erstamly for sale.
• • • • -
BANK NOTE.S.—Notes on all wheat hanks tn w. 1.4tue...1 Yive. ellstouuted al tha lowest Wu Al! binds
oe o'huin Att'd Geld und ether Corn bought
wed mud
Office No &I Menet street- tketWl,ll v sea Out.
Pilmiieriti, Po_ eent3
_ a-r
- nualiart irestarA —- o - 4 ---
BROKERS, and dealers
m Forelgn and Doottutoc Kretmate, Gerd/mates of
Dank Nom., and Specie; Fourtl street, near
17 appetite the Daneof Nastier{ll. Cara money
renewed on deposite—Sight Cheeks for nal!, and col-
Megan. made onneatly .11 the plinupal polar+ In the
Onkel ittanto.
The elde s t Maid= ptoid far Fcraln tad tomedean
Advances made on oondmmenu of Produrne. ship-
Fut, em liberal Leman tnehll
BILLS Fblgtand, Ireland, and Scotland bought
to amount is the Current Rama of Iliebange
Also, rents puysible In tory part of the Old Countries,
from LI to ilten, ol tee iblef cif SS to the I 1310111.66,
without deduction or Mammas. by JOSiftld FIlOBjN•
SON. Fatropean and (general Agent, oglce Mb at 6ne
door meat of wood. rmtics
fienurck - y,
Ronk Note;
parchened at the loweo mug, by
N 110LAITS a tuOtitt,
opt] 33 Market Orem.
T For
ehanae,CernSentes of Deposita Bane Notes and Co o.
Nob Wood street, thud door below Fourth, .an
itf anti tf
£UZO Itafl liortir - szn
m Foreign and Ikarmstm 13111 a of Errhange, Fer
ever of 1 rpo.lte, 111.1 k Nave and Com, earn{ of
NI and Wool arrow directly opposite St. Charles
tat ourew
13 1 " 1 1 0 fill4 o l l APltire — Riat Chula d
oe r
No. V 0,.•
l'hibulelpal& and
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES & SONS.
sepl3 1t Market st
rIOLLYOtIiONS—Notes, brads ...a Acceitancee
poyable in the Western eines, collected on the
meet favoreble tonne by
Imlay N 11111,i1724 k BONN
(„214iit ClifitKi3 UY N - Etk I'Uiil(for.Ble
- .
jiTHE subsenber, in madmen to his own ,*
manufaeturing of Hats, has made IITIMIKO
MGM/ with hies.. lichee Co, (the most
fashionable hatters of of New York,' for a reg
ular oepply ends extra Ike Silk Hats, and having )ust
received a few cases, gentlemen ran be rutted with a
very nob and beautife that by calling at his new Hat
and Cap Store, Smlthtedd street, acetone door south of
Fourth, when, may be found a great variety of Hata
anA Cape of Ms own manufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Hats made to order on abort mtme.
- Mccoxib - *Co.,
(Sunray°. to I King)
P•ahllonable Hatter's,
Corner of Wood end Ft/I). Streets.
DARTICULAR attention paid to one Retail Trade.
Gentlemen ean rely upon ketone their a and
ps lino from our establishment of the one I.IIZRIAL4 and
WOIMILMIM., of the maim mw, and at the &Ann.
re=Merchants, porchnaltair by wholesale, are
ly horned to call and uatruna our tine[{ ai
we can any with confidence that a. regards gcsus ,
and rates, It will not infer in • companion with any
house in Philadelphia. febl7
PitiiVaahlotas ter 18411.
o IY O fleconn c•.,
lust IeCORD h Elsa.)
JILL introduce on Saturday, August Path, the
Fall ityla of Ilatihiust received from New York.
Photo in want of • neat and beautiful hat, me Invited
to call at their store, corner of Milli and Wood streets.
....Aw--.....- - - -
DEALERS are invited to examine FL H.
PALM KR'S stock of Straw Goods, of the
Wing style composed In pert of
LIONNETS—t lorenee Braid; English Iran
stable do; American do do; China Pearl do Coburg do,
Ragland do; Month Lace; Fancy Gimp, &o. de.
HATA—Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Ntraw,
do Braid, Rutlend Hreid, Pedal do.
A 1.,,, A.fiellal Flowers, Ribbons, do Straw Bon
net Werabouse.9s merk et st. nose&
THE norleraigned arc prepared to fill orders lot win
%tummy of Cypreas Molataes Berrylike( a super,
In quality deliverable to order at any time, by pent{
It. • few day a none, tit oar Wharf Boat. We thins
we eau mate it the Interest of those merchant. who
buy largely out the cout, as they pan order How bar.
any planution they may desire, which
shall be attended to without extra charge.
Paducah, Ky., Oct. Z. 1e484m•
mane Jannis, Joan I. Vin.
JONES & quick°,
MANUYACT Rt.:RS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, eoeeb .nd sho
ne Spnuga hammered Imo anles, and dealers I...mal
leable castings, fire engine lamp. and coach 'Awnings
omen/Iy, earner of Rum and Prom sts., Pittsburgh,
gOLLithN. /1.4 - IL - ALAN tCo , hays removed to the
Warehouse. 3 der4: 3 l west of the hlonongahels
ass, on Waiar nod nt streets.
FOR RENT—Tha Waw/sousaßo. 43 Wood at,
Ns{ dopyl
Wholesale and tl.etall.
la - AVE received more than one Moaned CUM and
Packages of Foreign and Domestic Goode, mak
ing one of the most extenaive alsoitteenta in the coon
try embracing the West, richest and most fashionable
styles of Imported and American Goods, parchaaed in
entire packages from Uttelinsperterantanufammters and
large Auction sales, by coo of the ton residing in New
York, who is constantly seats us the newest and
most desirable goods in the Eastern markets, which
will be offered u low as al any establishment in the
United Stalin, and barer than could possibly be offer
ed by any House in the West We - comments the fel
cue rich ch elideriPodi
plaid and brocade Gre de ;dile, Gro7Berlin Oro de
Swim, Gro de Algiers, Glacier, Mack Gro de Rhine,
Ta/fata. brie Satin, Florence of all colors, kn. &c. Al
so, Silk Velvet of all colors, every large mock.
35 :CASES DRESS GOODS, eat cases extra rich
satin striped Cashmere; do do do minted do do do small
figured Faighsh de Leine; do Queue Plaids, striped
Orientals, Ac. Also, 50 cues Alp/Meal; Si cases rich
striped and plain Lyonese; 6-4 Tartan Plaid and Silk
Twill; 5-4 euhmeres and Creedal& Plaids.
FRENCH MERINOS—A full assortment of black
mode scarlet, Morton, Nazarine, blue, purple and oar.
ec co lor., of best manufacture.
?NO BHA WLEl—Comprning the owlet extensive as
sortment ever offered In this city, embracing long and
square Cashmere and Tartan plaid Shawls, Maude,
Brunswick, Finland, Jenny Lind, Lansamine, and oth
er Shawls.
Lace ups, collars" cuffs, standing COW., Chntlizetts.
Also, linen cambnc and lawn Hdkfi, Laces and Ed,g
inge, Bclt Ribbon*, Hosiery of all kind., Obeyed,.
wwonment of the most fuhionabla style..
Irish Linen, best manufacture, linen 811w:tinge and
pillow case Linens, Table Damask and Diaper, Satin
Damask Table cloths and Napkins, Huckabaek, Rus
sia, and Bind's Eye Diaper. Flannels—over 1000 ps of
every variety. Bleached and Brown Mulins—more
than 15,t00 ps of ail the well known males.
RIBBONS—More than 100 cartons entirely new fall
and winter Ribbons, very choice style.
French Cloths, Cusimeres and Doeskins, in great
variety; Vesting., Scarfs, cravats and Eldkfa
Witte Goods of every descriptions, ingather with on-
I re fo an un l i v n joi d s7,l7 4 e "a 7oods just
received, with the prices smocked:
10 bales of red and white Marmots, all wool, for 16c
7 cases blue and orange Mims, 8
10 do Calicoes, 33yards for 100
12 do fast colored pla, -
17 do Bleached Muslms, 4
4 do Mo. . de Law, 1 Y
7 do real Scoich Gingham, 12
A 1.., 50 bales 4-4 Brown Muslin, 4
All of winch, in connection with thaw above men
tioned, will be offered at less prices than can be afford
ed by any other establishment In this airy. Tba ONE
PRICE SYPTESI, which insures *tick" and fairness
to all, will be otrictly observed. Any article purchas
ed at thio musbli slattern found to Ito above the general
musket price, • consequent reduction will most willing
ly be made, upon the circumstances being mode known
to the Proprietors. it being thew demure that all goods
shall or sold on fair and honorable terms. All persons
are respectfully melted to examine our amortment
sinthout realms the least oblmauou to purchase.
New, Fathumable, and Frmseldarly Cita? Got*
just arritvd
Wll. 11:11.011V.5
CUL? Cola mamma moss, so. 13$ unman' .tsar.
roiE Proprietor of the above establishment would
reapetfully inform his nunterou friends and mum.
me s, that he has mat received his nun supply of fall
aud winter goods, which u usual comprises everything
that is new, fashionable, handsome and good. adapted
to grplietnell's wear; and as he hoe been particularly
fortunate In making purchases, he is determined to of
fer everythlng hi hie line of btriine. much cheaper than
w. ever offered in Pittsburgh Opfore and u some are
very hard to convinee. that Pittsburgh manufactures
can go ahead of the Eastern clues, be would invite all
sh to examine the following hot of prices. and Men
kland ace h a stock, after doingwhich, he feels eon.
Silent they will have their OW.p mimed, So well as
MN. of their matey
hood cloth coats, various colors, from Id OD
(Mod fashionable cassimere pants, from 6 50
Cloth and over coats 7 00
Vests in great variety 75 eta
Gentlemena' cloth cloaks, lame size 13 CO
Ladies' cloaks, splendid patter. 3 00
Tweed sack costa 1 60
Flushing over coats g 0
1111111kal riVer ORMa
4 Yr= WO of. stuns, under ahlris and draw
ers a emends, cravat., suspenders, to Or
ders In the Tailoring 14110 niecyteli in the best Manner
ALEICANDERA.DAY.hore -just received a fine
assortment alba following. duonption of reason
abler the greaterr panina .of eratn,ll hays Woo
boo Litt 4 , 444111, sa4" tartakt al'gtsat bargains.
NELS—Rd, into and yellow Flannel,
very large and complete assortment, and very cheap.
SATTINKPS—A very large lot of bloc, black, blk
wil L fr a y e and Illnix t br i sanetslzry pnees.
fancy plaid and sniped do, chbapet than ever.
FANCY SILICEI—A splendid assortment of rich
changeable bilks, both plain and fled, of almost every
SBA WLS--A very anpenor a.wortment sdpet
Sr he. Perm printed, Terkert, an t i cashmere' Shawls,
of pHopii D i e below the ordinary rates.
Also, a large assortment of Engliekt Mertnos, Cask
endmere (lain Plaids, Mae, bile and grey Pilot Cloths,
for overcoats. bit Cassurteres, canon Damask, Linen
do, Kentucky Jeans, Sc. ite, to all of which we invite
the attention of tbeytubltc.
ALL,. ANDER A DAY, 73 market at,
°era N %V nor of tbe diamor.'
N k."X " Yt ° e l 41 ; y from Ma r k et
1 1 4 . 11,T IL : ' 4) .° 11k r elf Item Store, No ftl ;otte streZbe.
tureen Wood and Alarket„are now opening Weir Fall
stock of Trmimings and .
artery Goods, among which
are--Cloak and Dress Frinees of all kinds;
Embroidery (Mapsand Velyer,-,
Embroniery and Noedle Wort
Zephyr and Tapestry wormed Chenille Floes;
Steel Bags and Ponies, Steel Trimmings;
Lathes Merino and Nib Veirm, and Hammy;
Children.' Coalk (miters, Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery.
Gents Shuts, K cdenlnns , Drawer., Dressing Gowns,
Wool and Conon Torn,
ChiLimns` Down. or Well paneriSkertoch they of
fer at low o . rices both whelenea and rend, ootS
L A T - l A tt _
ACAS—W - I - Murphy tuviies the par
bo nesular astention of bo yen to hts assortment of
above tropes, having .elected them with great care, In
reference to their glossy finish and good body for sem
;I:AnI2S - Tft COM., medium and super
., qualmes. Incluetng a few Mere. jet black . adaptpe
to mOurung piirp , sr• Also
FANCY 41.1'4CAS Ayu LVerTitliti, In groat cla
mmy of eaten stripes, plaid, and brocadea. some of
Loch are very supenor As these goods have lean
bought dareetly from Importers, they can be sold at the
lowest possible prwes
To be has also by the peace. ur Wholesale Rooms op
slaws, at a very snub ad•anee on cost ocu
To Country Merehaute.
c§(ITN aPt lINSON. 46 Market street-would costa
the artenuon of Country Merchants to tint pack
ikeeir Goods. purchased fgt. .r the New
Imptiri u ng and !Pr .L.l houses, and will be sold at
eastern robtang price. The stock eomprlea a great
sanely of Dieu ltoods, chameleon and black Bilks.
au ! and eaten warp Alpaca., real Alpaca Linares,
fancy chameleon and Mud do,mum s ripest Oriernala
French and kuglish „Memoir, Mouse' dy Lain and
Cashmeres. square and lotti . Sliatels, (novas and lio
atery. Bonnet knilmits from /Steam a place uppj bonnet
Anidrial Flowers, Linen cambnc Ledkik, In
canon. Thread Laces sad EArtnge, 13 canon. Conan
do. Combs. Banana Thread, 'Seedies t Fmk, fans, to
every variety Vr:holesale Roollla pd door serif
T1RT24.4 GOOD ti--We have received a MIL Omit
11 of Deem Good., =tong which may be found—
Plum black and figured Alp.",
Colored and fancy plaid do
Oregon, California, Ctueen,lusns and Loothardine
Plaid., piaLt, colored and figured Cashmere.;
de Leine,
Sins. Tuna, and plaid rastirontec tOgether with •
large awormient of other drew goals, all of which will
De wild low by the piece or package.
ID ECU VED AT W. 31 . 0 LINTOCKS Carpet Ware
al. boos, 75 Fourth Octet
-2 p. 6-4 rtmewood col'd Tel., Oil Cloth.;
3 •• 6-4 nee dark - t•
The above are of mpertor qualoy, elanucity of fin
ish, of moat bc•utiful colors and ohading, onended for
furniture, roomer and table covenng oet9
Meant, a now opening ht. SECOND tql.pLy
of Winter Goal., Inoludittg it vapory of shade. of
Drab French Sienna.,
Scarlet, cherry, and other high colored Mennoes;
Mag.nne h tie do; brown do
Alm. PARAIIITT.4I4 or some colors, Alpaccas,
with many other desirable goods that are very scarce.
all of which will be sold very cheap, at uorth east cor
ner of 41h and MarketocorJ
Johnson. 411 Marley street, would invite the atten
tion of dealers and others to their choice stock of been
Cambric Hdkli. all lineu, from Of cm up to 112,30, ioclo
ding every •anety of tape bordered, hell:med. stitched,
clear lawn, with deep corded borders, Reflex embroi
dered and colored bordered. oenk.
. .
B AND IRANS—W R Murphy he. now
open a appl p l a in oin Block Satinets, soon
mope do, satin lmrreil do, blue do, invisible green
du, cadet mixed do, gold named do, Oxford mixed do,
and cadet and gold mixed Jeans, .1 low pnees, by the
piece or yard. Wholesale Rooms up !tame .111
Tviess & Johnson, RlMarket .1
.g_./ have received a choice stock or Orem Goode, eon.
strung in part of rich Chameleon Silks , black do, mon
striped Cashmere. and Orientals. plant Chameleon and
plain Alpaca, sours striped do; silk Wasp end real Al.
pact Lustre., Prioted Muslin de Larne nod Cashmere.,
French end Ertgllah Merino', reel Scotch Unighannt
11010 111 ots op to the finest quality; Calico front 4 cm
to 11,11; nch hint, Muslin Robes (or eing dresses,
Ac. to which they would particularly inv ite the *urn.
don of purchasers- cot)
-0 NY R. Murphy ties now open a *apply of these
ods, and natter, especially the attention of Country
Merehants, to the low prices et which these and all
other kinds of winter woollens ere now odkred.
Isetil4 . .
bissitlemsoos Possibibtlist Gonda. -
& JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have Just
4,1 reretved a large stock of Owls, Somers, collets,
tocks, fancy end black silk CIILVAIS. hosse•
ry, bassi kidd gloves, kr. lientlemett are invited
to call and co /1411111 e them, as they are supposed to be
cheap sepia
R•w Pall Ribbons.
SMITI! k JOHNSON, 16; Market st., have Just re-
VOIVed by express, a splendid amonment of WI
ribbons, to w they would parneMarly invite the
attfinuon ofpychissers, _ serif
tolfgam : p . e . r 6 ) - I!iatc li teu:l - Panhyd
sneak figured black •nd blu• block Drew Silk., coon
griped and plaid do, also. great variety of changea
ble, damask figured, and striped do—they will be sold
raw ec td
_ -
GLOVP-s—J na received, a ILK assortment of
ladies. g01111.3C1111. and Dosses Kid Gloves, of Ha
oa's superior make. SMITH it JOHNSON,
oetrel 16 market at
Ti YEN Ifirti UHF:SSE:I -W It MniThY has IsteTy
celved embroidered Musans and other styles of
goads of latent sty Ira for Evernog Dresses. ried2s
12 RENCH Pd ERILNOLS--Smtth 1. Johnson, 16 lilacs
ket at, would onto the attention of buyers to their
choice stock of French Merinos, comiinstinf the best
shades of drab, tomomie, purple, brown, scarlet, Inas
artne bloc, and blacks ocui
reed, • large supply of the above tinkle, lee Roof
ing and other purpose.. We can recommend the above
Fire Proof Punt, for we have been using it for near
four years, and know it to be a good article.
00113 J Zs H PHILLIPS, No 5 wood st
Patent BAdas
CAOKS of ,u Miivan& Sons. Sala Ash, as
riving and to arrive, for sale at the lowest Mar
ket price for cash or approved hills, by
oct . o ' 100 Liberty a
ARRIAGE CLOTH—tort received. 3 piece. India
Robber Carriege . Cloth. from to a quart e r.
perfectly 'rater prow. and s very durable emote Por
sale at the India Robber Depot, No 6 Wood st.
octal J k H PHILLIPS
C OPVEry—OOD bap Rau Caen, to aale by
iroul k F
roue: Graduated Ga&wu Batterand Patna
Misdated Pala for Maim/motet/4
ya pia.
THIS la the only insensineat the ha.'
poen he
in thim countryarEittioae air med.
feel peepamekand lm the only One re/ laiewn am,
by which the gahanle fluid can be eozonlyed auk*
etanoye, the air, the brain, or to any mug ,hz
either arternally or interna ll y, is dewy.
mean, enema shocks or paw—with pera,,,t
and often with the happiest afeeta _ .
_ .
This important apparatus is 111(11• highly, pee or
by many of Out most estinent physimanake this roan
try and &rope, to whom the aMicted and Others Wit=
it May concern can be utfonott Ete&wente will also
be given to marry highly respectable citizens, who haro
been oared by means of thi•most valuable apparatus
of some of the moat Mamma nervous disioderawhich
could not be removed by any other known means.,
Among ration. others, it has been proved to be ad
mirably adapted for the con of the following diseases,
viz, nervous headache and other diseasesof the brain.
It is with this apparelus atone that the Operator tan
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the
eye to restore night, or Cure smastresarc to the ear to
realms hearing; to e tongue and other organs, to re.
store speech; and to the venous parts of the body, for
the care of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgra, or
tic doloureur, paralysis, or palsy, gent, chorea or St.
Vito's dunce, epilepsy. weakness from sprains, Kane
diseases peculiar to Mouths, contraction Of Ns limbs,
lockjaw, etc etc.
Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa., and
rwilvlrtmt wlth the ine‘rainent, May be p urchased, and
d lso tested for the cure of mimeses.
Pull instructions will be given for the various chemi
cals to be used for venous diseases, and the best man
ner for operating for the cure of those discuses will ai
m, be fully expleitmd to the purchaser, nod a pamphlet
put into his hands expressly for these purposes, care
fully prepared by the patentee. F.quire of
eeda.rlty R. WILLIAMS, Vine In, Pittsburgh.
E 13313
GEORGE BUTLER 11 BRO., Galveston;
1111IRL3 & GEORGE BUTIiER, Velaseo;
Tartu. attend to the collection of Nolte and ha
il COUMAD to the Siam of Texas, the aelii of Goods
on consignment, purchase of Produce, receiving and
forwarding of Merchandise, and to Mat of • General
Commisaion Boatmen.
azzazzarcza rtt Nzw Yoza—Mows Taylor, Earl; Ed
ard R &&Penni3
rebt ; ey ß ;r. Co . HayroeT, Cordes & Co; Edward G
Palle & Co; Wisner* & Gale; Walter B Towneend &
Cel i t=t ik.h.,,,,w.rd .
tor & Butler; Fullerton & Raymond.
Rarszzacto la New 0 3.1.1416 Do well & Peek; J
0 Woodruff & Co; Sickles & Co.
Rxrworcss is Cummurt.—Buder & Brother; Jot
Johnston &. Ca
Cominnioatio. may be addireued to I. hi_ Harris
Butte', Merchants Hotel, or to the care of Hews &I
Allen & Co, or to Messrs Haan A Sargent,. Banker,
Pittsburgh oettl.dlna
TORN R. MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, is the sole
t y agent for Carbon's Patent Melodeon, • nearand
beanuful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for
small churches or family' worship.
For the benefit of those Melding et a distance, and
consequently unable to Inspect the Melodeon before
purchasim, the fulrowleg deseription is given:
The eases are made of rosewood, and are as iamb
somely finished as a Plano Forte. The key-board is
precisely the same se the piano or organ, and the tone,
(which is very bemniful,) closely resembles that of the
flute stop Man organ. The instrument centre imme
diately made portable without detaching any part, the
bellows receding into Monody of the instrument, and
the legs foldrng under, leaving the whole in a or:imt
form. Foch instrument has a packing case, And the p
whole when peaked weighs only 43 pounds. The vol
ume of tone is equal to that of a small orm, and by
means of the swell
be increased or dniiihed at
pleasure, it is sulßeitl load for small churches, and
well calerdated for a parlor instrument.
f t received, a supply of the Mclver price, with
c and illttrOCOOrl Book, Sin. . octs
lble Fllterine Cock s
Which renders turbid smar pare by
, removing all substances notnahatile in
water. The creme wet. iteN. York,
1. though clear and pare ;a the eye, y.
when u P.L.K. an hour through this
, filtering tack, show... large deposit
impure substance*, worms, Ao. This
11 the oise more or less withal] hydrant water.
The Reversible Filter.. is neat and durable, and Is
not attended with the inconvinnence incident to other
Titterers, as it is cleansed without being detached from
the water pipe, by merely wrong the key ar•bandic
from one stile to the other. Hy thin easy process, the
course atwitter r changed, and 141 accumdlatious of
impure substance. aro divan o f almost ittstanfiY
without oneerawang Cm. I mp. I also poseesses the of betng stop cock, and es such In many
oases will be very “invenlent and economical..
h ean be attached where there is any pinnate high
or low to a Itsk, tank, tab, is. with eats. To be had
.. . .
yf the .de Agent, W. W. WILSON,LN
oen7 corner of Fourth and Iderkok Ni
_ _
Diaphragm Filter, for nyekr t t t a i t i lilr a a vo ler,
THIS le to cerrioV
porn Luihiston, R O SPiI /XT
* ow
Sole Agents for the sale of untying's
Pewit Diaprehgm filler, for the ci
ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
lor Walter Al Gibson, 349 Stongsesy,
Oct 10, 1049.
_ - -
We have been usioq , oue of arsielts t tun
°thee of the NoveltY V.-Atka - for three rerootha;, on trial,
and reel VC! that it Is a useful invenuon,
and we take pleasure in recommending themes a use
frel smote to all who lova pure water. °Meia will be
thankfully received nodpromptly executed.
1118 Inautution, undor the eons of Mr. and lieu.
CS.l4s. , st w . 4 . 1„ co-Ap..11 for the reeepuogoof
td/W bllltldrnys , No. h 2 streecOn the tat
Monday of September.
Arrangements have been made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies faedities egual to any
in the West, for obtaining o thorough Enghsh, Classi
cal, and Ornamental education. A fall coarse of Phi
lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the winter. Illustrated by approval.. ?to de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental MasiclOtlodent
Language*, Brawthdr rd F4Lumng, ...Abe ...a.,
- Profer. By closiranention
td the mond and Intel2ecfhU unprovemerti or their pu
pil., the principals hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they Para hitherto enjoyed. For
thrum. see circhlar or apirly to the Priaclpal4.aug2s-411
Office of &&etrierigi & Wesel/Fa Phatariti•
AMIA (tit KMSOIATH, of the 'we firm or Keller /T.
/.1! !irenktofitb c cananues th e business of conintlung
Llictpleit and Patent MK - Teel, at us °face in the city
of WASHINGTON. Ha may be co:malted and ern-
V:yed In making examinations in taacharraty m the
tent Office and elseviber, at furnishing drawings
and spedficattons of machinery and all papersnecessa
ry, transfer, amend, mutate or extend letter patent
the Crated States or Palm.. He can also he consult
ed profeasionally on all unectiuna of litigation aris
ing under the Parent and will argue ques
tions IrePrrt Ise Patent °dice or an &peal therefrom,
for eridtrAfs long erperience In the Patailt Office .4.1
In hie profession. ha pecalt&ty fitted hi& 1 TAO pro.
feseini.l business of the late Dr. T, having
been plated in hat bends, all leneas to relation thereto
should be addressed to hu e p e ar paid. ~,gc4_,1k,..6„,„,g
Xenophon`, fdernorebilta of Secrete, * Wah Eng
lish note, cnocalend explanatory, Op ;redeems..
of )(ohne, Wteger's Lrie of Socrates., etc: ky Letules
Amnon, L L. Lt., Prelfeeenr carte Greek ert4tLerto
ru •Ann fn Cniontla Eollexa, Now York, and Rector of
the omen:tor Se 001. Just recd and for We by
toe= Booksellers, cor 3d and Market we
PHY, Wrkunwe has °penal • Night
School In hie echoed roam, comas of 46em :Ferry stn,
entrance ou Fourth, when he wall b. hap to impart
Instruction to the artsof Rentltug, Pe Anth
metic,lkak Keeping, Phonography, &o. nct:Selvan
STEAM BOAT conoMind to .11
of our enure stock of kirke's MarAu Tlincparctua,
we now odor to then] .1 1 04: wires thin they ran
be bought al any house :la Panel:much ug Olsewhere,
east ur west. 1.16.1r5 the only estatallahed *genie tacto
for thesaulante, we have the largeet and finest woman
anent to the city. Call and see.
Remember, we ore not to be undersold:
GLAM.: fr. CU, Slarkeestreek
oct3o entrance on noch sula of tbe'lhatztond
I)ATEltil' scik,Ajt LARD LASIPS-- An extensive
aasoeuitent of Cornett. S. Co.' celebrated manu
facture, and tape-nor in all otbers in use; 'adapted to
cburchea, steamboats: (ketone., dwellings, public and
private hallo, and to all other ages where a chean, aaie
and brilliant hoght to desirable.
Also,Girondoles, Hall Lantern., Camiatatiras,Gioats,
Shade, Wicks, Chininies, Catty 44. Alto,
Gas Chandeliers, from one to four,
0,10 W W W11.84./N, Itlenarket
tamales, Cooking Stoves 0 s die.
MA c RS orn ILALL ..., ,, ). - ALLA , E &
ood ,12:unt.Cittgch,
and offer for sale Platform and ,
Floor and Denser, Scales,
of the most improved quality; Cookmg Stoves, foe wood
and coal; Egg Stoves of canons sues, Parlor and
common Orate., Mallow Ware, he. !sc. , . They aloe
manufacture Me Ruch. Range. which baggiveusuch
general satisfaction to those having it in thte, to all of
which Owl , wouldieopectinDy invite the Attention of
the einemn, and the public generally. 0.17-dtf
Watches, Jeweler s &e s
rottemt or Msaarr ova Potant sense., Ptrissetwit.
'lF:subscriber has returned from the Pant, and
o n
a largeStnil carefully itelieted snort '
of Geod e
in his Ire (hateful for past liberal patron-'
age, he boots to mcnt a continuance thereof, b
genet in intones, and keeping the hest assortment,
and at the most reasonable pnce, pricrtne, comma
era, and the nubile gentrally—pardcularly sojourners
wonting the city from a dutance. are invited to call and
my large stock of goods.
(woe W. W. WILSON.
Vk7 ONDEFIFUL ARRIVAL.—Da- Touchasebbi
iti.A.--t,eUU bottles of dam great fall and
winter medicine, just received and for sale by R
SELLERS, Sole Agent ior Pittsbusgb, of whom the
genuine article can ho bad. ocnv
GUM ELASTIC CLOTHIN(S-1.11 dos Dom Elastic
Overcoats; ti do Jackets; 6 do pair. Pants; 6do
da loggulgs o( I different kinds, 10 do storm Hats; II
do Capes, with and without sleeves; just . reeersed by
Papeete and for Isle wholesale mid setail r al the East
ern Niece. We wish it to be do mood that purchas
ers are buying from first banal, sn t buy' al the India
Rubber Depot. No S Wood street'
oet23 J h. if PHILLIPS
AND INVALIDS —Dr Banning's "Comm.
Sense ou Health, Physical Educatton. And Hum.
Voice, a. based upon the mechatileal philosophy of
roan's phy.ic at cont.... tieing the ItUbilltOC, Or hit
lecture's on the strove subject, reeently delivered to
this city. For .ale by ilOrrmw
0019 polloßoic4lnE,st
JOHN atrcuro. Lt. T. COCII34•KM
-•-• -
nulOl.llZ , wthn•S New Orleans.
Weir friend• and the public that they have
no longer any connection tenth their late establish
ment le Penn street, known es the Pluabuigh Brewery,
hav,ng removed their enure business to the POINT
t.IIIPWERT, ie Pin street =VISA VS
Cosh for Barley.
rung A lg besi marker price will be pail in rash tor
goad ntereho Wahl. Liarley. delivered la our oottre
-110L11.1• J011:1 APPADM & Co,
setal-dtacv4lT renal Onion, Penn rureet
DR, 7.1; : RUNT,
Ronda} Cotner ofFourni
- and Dewar, between
Market and Ferry lawn. I naerdt-dlyin
WARPrallra , •
k PERSON nntb tondi Caput, {Ma acquainted
11 %Tab the butoneas, m tun anlatordst in nn iron
y.,,adry, to be located on Pottage Railroad. Ap
ply at the office or Friend Baer & Cp.
G4O. RH}%
OLASSFJ3—IB bbl. Savo Holm 61Olaasea, prune
dd Plantation do do
lo store and for sea by
COTTON YARN, ao.-40,000 lb. Cotton Yarn, as
sorted ambers; 160 bales Halting; 100 do Camila
WWI. for sale at lowest tankalpricea. -
Gaya FE. D, FUMY Rco
Hine A L
trAHTI3 vkzetuux nTACT t..n invenia
bee remedy IMERilePtic nu or Pall.; S., knes,
Coundations, Spasms, Ike.. It is well known, root from
than: imoemnrlal , pkylgia r akliave Pronounced
sir Flutineurahle. It has e.d all their skill, and the
boasted power of all medicine, and consequently thou-
Seeds have liUdirrad through a miserable eximenCe, sod
at last yielded up their lives on the altar of in..),
With all deference, however, to the opinions of the
great and learned, we as that it has ben cured
HART'S 172,agrAsuc EXTRACT,
Foe airteen bean. has been tested by many ?ennui:
who have suffered with this dreadtal disease, and m
every caw when, it bas had a fair trial, ttas elected •
Pita of .11 years end d months, trued by the use of
this tmly worideggd
Read medicine
the Collerwing tentaricable case of the eon of
Wm. Snore Eo7 Philadelphia, eraleted with Epi
leptic Mt. V years
sad 8 months. After trove Meg
through England, Scotland, Germany and Prance, con
tuning the meet eminent physiebans a. expending mediaius medical hemmer:l aml advice, thew (n
-and Mont dollen, rettimed with his son to this c..entry
November last, without toceiving any benefit whitlow
er, sal was emit
tußT's /MAME EXTR-tCT.
Mr. William Snore's loner to Ths. Ivan and Hort
I have spent over duce thousand dollar s for medi
cine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a
tour to Europe with him, tel eh I did. I Gm vt.ited
England. I consulted the most eminent ?hp:kJ..
diem in respect to his me; they examined hue and
prescribed accordingly. I remained three mention
without perceiving .y change for the better, which
cost me about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed
by the physicians ' and the most that I received urns
their opi nion that toy son's ease MRS hopeless and posi
tively curable. I accordingly kit England and unv
eiled through Scotland. Germany and Pranc e , and re
turned home in the month of November law, wth toy
son as far from tieing cored as when I left saw your
advertisement in one of the New York plumes, took
concluded to try Han's Vegetable Emm e t, bein g year
snitements and CelLlfieaten of en Many Cates, son. of
twenty and thirty years' standing, and I con aware you
I am not sorry f did so, as by the on of Hazy. Vegeta:
his Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health
His reason, which was an far gone as to until boa tor
beefiness, I. entirety restored, with the prospect now
before Wm, of life, health and tuefolimes. He is now
IS years of age, and 47 years and a months of thts
time has beau :Mimed - with thin moat drench - al of dm.
eases, but thank God he is now mooring good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I doe% beim,*
in. To say that I chall be ever grateful to you is ono
thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dation.,
have no doubt but that you will think this is another
and paha a different thing. The debt of crautude
still awe you, hut please to accept the present *moon
as Interest on the debt in adv..,
Tours very respectfully,
One or the proprietors of thLs Inwluabie medwitte
was afflicted for several ly an with Epilep ti c Ests.
Ilte disease had produethe worst effect upon his
viz: Lew of ...uteri , ' imbecility of ound, and a
perfect prostration of the nervous system. Ire had
tried the skill of the best physicians ler seven years,
and grew worse under their treatment, and he knew
that this medicine. was his only hope for health and
hie, and was therefore determined to give n a Our twat.
and so persevere in its nee, which he did, and tire nwtri—
was a perfect restoration to health, which was Mad;
wed uninterrupted foe teatly sixteen years.
We would refer to the followingpersons who have
been eased by using Herds Vegetable Emmet.
Col g Densloves daughter was agheted mw yearei
resides at Yonkers, New Yoals.
W Same due year; GI Grand st.
olvonhl2 Dover BC
j c . aoh IgniF=stars, East Brooklyn, Lai
W ew York Comma /loose,
e Belly, twenty years, Staten blunt
Mb 0, wx.w. twenty yaws, Yorkvills;
ttUas Cr.Oo ,_sekre years, 112 lianumently et.
Wm If Parnell, twoung , threo_yrara, 73 Norfolk at
1.11006 Petty] four ram, 174 Delaney st
Philo Johnson, twenty-eight yews, Grennaarfo, ra
Judge Randall,., East Broadway, Now York.
Thconas 11. Jones, of Ma U 13 Navy.
Cam Wm Jamlloge, Stara st. Bradman, c
Raterenee also made to
Dr W Lidottnae, Guilford, 0,
R., Richard Tanen, West Davenport" ID
Rev T L Buatmell Thaltisane, Mdl
Mr ey, 113 Orchardst, N Y.
C Il j Dona b ltton, SDI r.leneenti, st N Y.
Maa James Derthelf, aftmte. .r, Onowe ',a M If ,
RBzabeth at, do
1 1 g=feet, "7 913 Delaney et, do
James Smith, 130 Einfolk at, do
Marley Brown, 100 Wader at do
p al of which Mai bal called ,pen, or uldraw pp a pp
New Y HT P
er ... 4 I '7 Dr TLawr, Bata Ivan a Herta
O F TtiONAR d Co, 1(6 Main at, between 3d and
4th ate, an 4 tap nun bet - amen 4th and 6th meets,
ClaTetaai, Ohio, wholesale end retail agents for RR
1 1.W.1..00X., .1 rim of Market st and the DO'
only n't larPtgb'g comer
MID To Mir
tdeth•r, Virtr• and Daughter
IN THE UNITRDSTATFS.—The sulmertlxr rupec I
fully calla your attention to Dr Busman's Gran
ntsa, expresidy onensiml for thepreservatio n of the
health of troth sexes—whether it antes
phthisis, or early cons peon. Debility of th e Longa,
Bronchial Affeettona, Asthma, Pleurisy, Derentml end
Disordered sone of the Liver, Spice. or liithiey a. lb
Bpi., Chalk, DyairCpell. Polpitittni t of me
Hear, Law et Masco/az or Nerve. Power, &a. kn.
DR. C. B. BA.R.RETPS GUARDIAN coon, to the
tramechate relief of Female... Senna from Irregolari
tiea, stud all other Uterine difficulties and diseases inci
dental to woman, whether cmcasiotted by cold wet
f ee ,, or any similar brill...Jobs expoaure, end all this
without the use of medicine; . the most delicate and
sensitive lady can at any moment apply it to herself
without the posaibility of incurring any riek or danger,
or .7 mpleasam reanha wising trom it, and with the
certantry of °blabbing immediate
Dr. Barrett's Griardi. Is no catch-petmy, or one of
the many bomb of the day; . but it is an instrument
made upon strictly scientific pruicirlea, in accordance
with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for
1101.0bal. durability and efficacy, infinitely iturpeus e f
evetytkini of the kind ever before offered to the public
for the relief of disarm, and la the language of one ot
the [OM celleacroubtoonof the day, is pronounced to
I be Wlte greareat direovery of the aim..
Atoned clan tem than roar years has beta occupied
by Dr. Damn subringtog the Gaardiau to it, prefent
state perfecnion which time it has Leon n.
the lands of 40010 of the most etakent phytriciangt ot
the North and 8.34 h, as well as in the dwellings
merous families, who have used it for oil of the above
purposes, with the most perfect who brave
cheerfully given their unqualified approbation of
efficacy and Vaibb.. C. be seen by referrrog inc.
Manual of Inatmothana accomputying it.
Dr. C. B. Basrsn's Guardi. is scoured from knOora
lye. from the United States Patent .esTice,
rg.. either unth or MI.. bra Medico c o
The Medico-Enrico Galvanometer, lit point of beau
ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be our
pssed or even equalled, and the imbieriber kels thee
he Maude affllung bathe assertion Mat it will be fom,d
Santi " r " vu ' l n o ' l 'le d Pc"'"'s,”griGll7canr in i
thean treatment
than any 000ro inatrament, either in the tinned
:flat. of Lamp. The Aledico-Dectro Galva:tme', r
n .
. re to every respect, and auk common oritt
eery 0050 mill last a life-ume, and is by far the cheap
eat, beeram the beat. instrument over catered to lb"
publi. A manual aecomptudes kern givtng the inn,
ample Distractions, of practical expenenee, so t hat
la readdrintelligible to the mind of every one, tftsde
the • va ' • tty of arrangavient is such dam a cud mu y
•-.....quitato with tt.
Any Infornatitioa gratuitously given, .td all cam. u_
nications Mwertally answered pm stall, either 111 [elu
tion to the Weetio-13alvanomeser or GLUMILIZI.
*4.1 men aro invited to call and =amine Dr Bar
rett's Claarthan, and ann taa efficacy.
For salt by R. IIIaIiARDSON, sole Agent, I 1 Mar
ket at, Pittsburgh. a pan kW'
11:EDICA-L-e-itriiiiitaL Oll'Eitik,7
- I
. few doors below Wood street, to
c • i Ni-, market
• • .-,.... DR. DROWN, having been
. i 1‘ . ..-'' ; . ,
,' regularly educated to the medical
• • ~. '; _,....;,--, profesaion, and been for same wee
••, '. , ~• ; - iti general practice, new mance
Ins attention to the treatment of
. .
those private and delicate rem!
' , ' ‘ plaints for which hi. opoommutics
~, .
,_ t ‘ and him e - penance peeuliarly muddy
It yams asaiduonsiy devoted
to Cady . treatment of Mose munplanusidurtng which
time he bus hod mere pro des and has cured more pa
tients lbtn can ever fall to the lot of any private peon_
thinner) amply qualifies him to offer auuranors of
snarly, persamient, and satisfactory core to all afflicted
~,i t th ao.. se drynanta, and all 11111t.ell timing there,
Dr. Brown would Inform those &filleted with privets
diseases which have become chronic by time err lc
graveled by the useof any of the common hemmer:l. 'of
the day, that their oomplamts can be radically and Moe
*uglily cured; he having given his cared attention to
the tmannent of mob Casa, and succeeded in hundreds
of insminees in miring pane. of infiammationof the
neck of the bladder, and Limbed diseases wtueh ellen
result from those eases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He partictelerly inviter such
as have been king and unsaccessgilly treated by °them
to consult him., when every
. satisfunon will be given
them, arid th eir eases treated m • careful, thorough and
intelltgent manner, pointed oat by • long expenepee,
study, and inswing - won, which it is impossible for them
e . apt c u nn l i o n ( = practice of medicine
v i gi t d t
iotTarli e eV 14 ° u ffl7cf r e i r..l.e
alas attention to this disease.
akin diseetwa also Pi' 9, Palsy, ate., speedily cared
Char very low.
N. D.—Penents of nth vex !Mao at • distance, by
mating their diwase in writing, giving all the itympl
toms, can obtain medicines with directions for one, ny
addresaing T. BROWN, hi. D., pest paid, and enci....•
in g a fee.
1019hce No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the H ••enly
allinflinial.—Dl. Brown's newly discovered nerne•
dy for Rheumatism a a speedy and certain onnealy for
that painful trouble. It never fade
Office and Private Conrad.' Rooms, No. ab
mond alley, Pittsburgh, P. The Doctor Ls airways o t
jrr No core no pay.
ii7(AYDERFUL CORE 0L . C1...11S Sort. lu11,1',11:1,6:—",A,1.
fond hundreds of advocates, end has produced a large
number OeteSUMental• to It. (seer, I canoe witilttottl
my small rued
pee.nßeing predisposed to
. i imptlon, troth from culiar formattort, and hued./
tr•n•Mtsztell, I tried every means to check tio• tit•
cue, and strengthen • naturally weak cow/Matron
ape tw o year. at Pwa, one at Rome, two to Hove., ,
and another rn the South of Brame- smitten, ...HSI
nine, the .deice of the heel phylumane Fero yn"
lama I Merited to duo country, in about the mine .it
Yellen as when I len it. I bad seen in the math,
„nom. in Europe much said in tarot or Dr. Terror
Balsam of Liverwort, and as won as I arrived in tios
C ity, I used it, and in three months I we. so Arun
eluded I could safely pus the winter here, nod did .0
I have used oectlftentally • bottle now and then darin g
dos same, but am now in as good health to pmeilio
My emelt has wholly ceased, and In) lung,
' l t (earwig of health. Dr. South, mud Dr. Post, or ro.
etty, were my physicians, and now say they Miller,
ma incurable. JAMES /11/.4
estern llotei Coorilsmit st 1
Liverwort, even t'n the common way of prepar•111111
is universally known rut the best article ter tli.ease•
the Lutire ever ducovered, and it la obi. nous mat
highly eoncentrated preparanon, scenting the Betio e
rtnue of this Imminent. herb, roust be tuvallnih.e
Moreover, this medicine eOrtlalna the medical propel
ties of many room and he bs. Such has been tad suc
eers of
th ie Esis. s m, that it is warranted as being int•n
pable of producing, in any instance, imurimis elleets
Widen the last few years t h e calls for thts einvet,
remedy have been immense, beyond precedent; dimsits
'apeman nustatned from Maine to /debar, thug pro
ring the confidence bestowed upon a ample meth, si
preparation, purely vegetable, and the nonsp e i
Ming effect attending its use Physicians ton; fro m •
eanteleeen of its truldness, safety and sneers., empioy
in theta pracute, necommend it to their patient k and
deem this medicine safe and invaluable, porticnlurly
as It &tea net Interfere with any other yindlido,e pgt revers
may be taking at the same time, net ellfhlet them to
nor wallet - try of diet, confinement, dte..llhtteelblitigi
persons to receive th e full benefit of this Me.dimoi
follow se th e same tram, if they wish,the advice a n o
their pleystclan.
Sold In Putsburgh by I G Morgan, 03 WOINI It , 1
Townsend,,/3 Market in, 11 Inenyner, car Nub', ~,,,,
3,1 .to; Ilenderson & Co, 5 Liberty id. Prinatred U
!o 11.60 per bottle
No at tee'd and for naloßeU
p tat
n Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood meat.
i 1