MEDIOA ix oasinalriscovsrays canisraipx.rvxwo*frop ovAiro • COMPOUND NVILDPLOW WILIKCUMT. mg oath agent* roe , • , • , Ontsumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi tis, . lir- Itt a t 51Pet-.k7e Baninresun,Cefatt,:ih7 is the Heart, Inenenrs, Droopi DrokeniCon etitution, tßireirh.t4 RO ty, and ell Dim, of doe Throat, Breast andLmigt; =mon cur e(- ! err? end speed, cum ever know: for an the shove Micas- DR. S ,ATNE t S Compound 'Braid! of Wild Cherry! . This medicine . is no loer among those.of S a n d i lt has passed for a y •froro the- thousandidaily Ilnaebed e pnr, the tide of experiment, and nearetands higher m reputatuni, sod is beibteing.more extensive ly used than any otter prevention , of •medicinet• ever produced fin the relief of suffering teem It has been inttoducaverygenerally through • the United Suites end Europe, minder, Ire, few mimeo( hoportanco hot what 'eforttsiti• some remittable evi deuce of its good' effects.' Porproof of the foregoing p e terecnta, slid UT ftle nine arid efficacy of this medi a., the propnetorstlil inserts foror of th e many thou sand testimonials which hire been presented Ohba by man of the Ant rispectabiliiy—Men who here higher r. views of moral responsibility andlcunka, then to cer ',! tify to facts, because ,it will do soother a favor, and themselves no injustice. Such testimony proves con clusively, dint its surprising excellence te estabhshed by its intrinsic merits, and the angueetloneble authori ty of public opinion- The instantaneous relief it af• Innis, and the soothing induence diffused through the whole frame by its CM, renders its most agreeable remedy for this afflicted. • EVATEMBEaI °When men, acting from conscientious impulses. voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a dung. or parucolar fait, suolnestimony, beingeontrary to their • worldly intercets c u d purposes, coerces eonvictien of its troth, and one Itself inn seeds' manner to unispreal credence."—Crllogan's Moral Maxims. -- READ Tan HOME CEETTFICATM Dam AACITREI Prieto:tsar Commenter:— There =vet was • remedy that bee been assuccessful in_dosperate .cisses of Consumption, 'as Dr. Stsaynefs Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the syStem, =1 appears to_hcal the ulccoson the lungs, creating new and heti Wood; power poseessed by no other medicine, Ciniin Co., April Wth, 1849. Dr. Swayne--Drar Slot I verily believe your Com pound Byrom of Wild Cherry has been the-means of Com pound my life. I eatight a severe cold, which grade allygrear worse, attended with a severe cough, that resisted all the remedies winch I had recourse - to, Mil increasing until my case eiltibiled all the symptoms of Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing I tried seemed to have no elect, and my complaint Increased so rapid 1y that friends as well as myself, gave up all hope. of my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try your invaluable medicine: I did wraith Mb most hap py ~e ao lt,,. The firm boulehad the effect to loosen the cough, causing me to expectorate freely; and by the time I had rued sic battles,' woe entirely well, and am now on hearty • man as I ever was in my life, and aronhd be happy to give any informationmapecting my ease, Met other sufferers may derive the benefit for which , ' am an crateful. For th e truth of the above statement, I refer you to Peter Rosh, Grocer, West of whout.l parchmed the medffeine. Reveal - tiny youra JAIO3 Maoris: Winuleiful•Core of a Methalizt Mistrzar. ' Dr. Svrayne—Tiear Sin. I feel a debt of gratitude doe to you—and a duty to. the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years Mace I was violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the LumF, which was accompanied with a distressing rovpain in the .breast and head, • vary considera ble seharge of offensive mamas from the loop, esp.. Malty upon change of weather, however alight At Lent I fetes, alarm &bent my condition, but was pretty soon convinced thud was rapidly going into conatunp tion. I grew dada weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above &whisper, such was the exceeding weakness of my longs. During this time I had tried varietal preparatimuand prescription.,, but foilnd no relief—growing all the time worse. Jail here I Will advised and persuaded by &dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I most confess that previously I had been preju diced against patent 'medicines, and I am still against those coming out Mille hands of emperics, but under standing your claims to t h e profession and practice of medicine, and having implicit folds in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of year agents, a few bottles, mid commenced its use. AV di.- ease W. at that time °I'M or sequently it was deeply mined. 1 found, however, considerable relief from the use of this first four or five, bottles. Ent being a public speaker, f frequently at: tempted i 0 preach with my increming merry thereby ruptured those vessels that had alrea y begun to heal; in this way, doubtless, my corn was greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudently . , I bad to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per fectly restored. I have no question, a much smaller number of tattles would. hove made moadttat4 Sot for the above indiscretion The Syrup alloyed the feier lah. habit, took away the distressing cough, pot a stop to the discharge of moms, •Iromiko tangs, and' gave them and the entire !system giaXlhedilik,' I have defer red offering this certificate until now, for the purposa of being ramfeetly satisiedorith the permaneneyof the core, and now this I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. liar. I. P. Jamas c Dablin cotmry, N. C. Important Ca:aims—Roark Brad' There Is but one cannaae preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Switrun's, the first ever offered to the public, hich hot been told largely throughout the United Sl w ates and scam p.m of Europe; and a ll prn parallaxu called by the name of Wild Cherry have been put out since this, under cover of some deceptive circummances, in order to give currency to their sales. By a lisle obserritian, no person need mistake the genuine from the false. Each bottle of the gennine is enveloped with st beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness of Wdliant Penn thereon; also, Dr.SweytieS signature: and m farther sorority, the pomait of Ur. 11.. T ee trill be added hereafter, so as to distinguish "hisprepprethart frostadlothers:' * Nowiif it arm MCMki, the meal camera pmperlihe and known times of DI, SVayne s Compound Symp of Wlld - Cherry, - perrous would-not be endeavoring to give currency to their "defines. reaserrais" by menials the nsme Wild Cherry. ReMttlther, alaraym bear In mind the name of Dr. Sweyne, and be nor deceived. • Principal Oftce, canter of Eighth and Race mews, Philadelphia For sale wholesale and rend] by OGDEN dc SNOW DEN, roe di and Wood sty B A PAHNESTOCR do Co, car Ist and Wood, and 6th and Wood sts; Whl THORN, 63 Market at; S JONE9IBO Libertysu JA.9 A JONES, ear Hand and Penn sty, JOHN wren- ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in medieine. oche A MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been al- XL Rimed with the asthma for Mar years, had taken Oalimn every thing. His phyaiciana constantly atten ded him, and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. He never believed in advertised medicates, hot conridered them all humbugs. At last he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street, New York, and In six weeks was entirely cured, hay ing taken only three bottles. Tlris is only ono of mmy uses where imaginary objections to epaulet medicine have prevent.' persons from using this medicine, who base expended hundreds of dollars to their Outcast. In .I.l6—end in the end owe their recovery to the infal• .efficacy of this purely vegetable • preparation. There In no mistake, that this mamma in mPorm r arty remedy prescribed by medical adorers. Thh, Modleine has taken 20 years to mature, and is tim no rm remedy fordinetwes evorhutroduced to thopuldiu RatoximasPram, Cowan, an SHWITiESS os Haman arasok—Sulleringlora longtime trots.widrtissalus, I had omen up Mt hope, of being mood. d consult. botanic and honumpothin doctor. in vain. I find many articles advertised, but found no relief. In I bad giyen rep the ascot all medicines- lieu lave the great virtues of Dr.Taylorho Balsam °Clive, wort, and the'reat cures• it bad performed, induced mg. w iry B , and to my great In and astonishment, I bona deity. I canna:.llm me, also his Sugar Pills, astir 1 am_gattrely cased._ Dr. Taykir; Daimon of Liverwort ii - the best medicine in thaworld for passe complaints, and wi ll eon aveg_onc. a ‘ d. SETH tIiWRENCP.,• Captain et the Nancy, °Mew York. Asrmta Covirt—l have suffered from the Artlmut a vary, hirer erne. and have need every medicine Mudd obtain for Its cure in vain, anal tried Dr. Tarot's Daimun or Liverwort. This medicine Nis utronled son amossaanifem benefit's.' in, in .PLldons.„="' Mb Damming dismawn more especially,' sag of. many mum amormsny Mettle, where it hos been high.: ly enceenefoL Pepe= intexested artrinoileCto cull =wry reakienee far Gather information. ILUTON, Soblan Plusbargb. by.) D. Morgan .93 Wood - I#l , Townseind,46.Marlist sr, IL &Ryser, ear' Mutes and *I t a kianderscas t.Cor r i Liberty at :Price reduced Xi - "Amami stock's Ants-lIIIIIons. Whits Wank eompotuid -cmithirms_smallneaa at . balk with elideacy .and comparative mildness of Paigkt i ve actkor, -- . and hiving` a pecaliartrYency tbbtaary organs, s okisetnety llamado is this casts try, is Which.loallans •faVers and other eamplaitcs,lll. loaded with catidaittObotdor livatbe =eh shotryd.—, Iktr'sShirakawatob4lhalSat`tiTlO yearkarai expert• axes brut privreidtheittut b o ss tee vaduattle•zetactly Lltitaituttesit,"'Ecailtunt and-Wises 'Femora; Juan. lket ,. .TAlkitii Coke; ladldeltiont Dropsy.; Dysessorr Ifillatta Vosedtustat Colds: sod'eUeompiatnn of an In - Ilanabitorit etude-ter. The eamplete and- .aniversal satleaction which has beastevan bythese pin. to all who bare once. wed them, renders the publishing of lie unniamis car:acmes in their tkvor unnecessaary. i ll TO prevent catinterkeiting they are .1117 W pat op to a sed_sylogrqdr.vorrapper. • • - • Wes C 5 - cents far a box containing 313 . - .Fis➢ued and gold b 96 A FAIINEEMOCK & Co . , M,==M== = COUGH SYRUP—It proven to be the gnat Panacea in coring-my child's dHoeosing -0 . Froatihe Temperance DiumerOtor 31.847. • -Coma itnom..--Vis are not in Iho habit of piling,. .. Wa oh lois tidlibl f ! = iatent ineirieines, bkit lire feel dispose is nal owesend 'a Byn p ad those ' , b. 1 " cane d with cough- r having tried the • usdal rem& deem mama soccantneand,dlwmwdl.s.94 ll ; they lad liereenrwastadmaldlimed.pue of. mai cboaren,will& sea measly WO WWII LOCIIMOO' le! mperavaid. a s n o d .b bey Jonx D his Ms OteMw-H% 'cou gh sawohmed%ltleast.our. At int a eat hewed whoeale and rotMOVoottetor .• 11417 - anooo id,l.4ers below driai:lllo. A STRONG VilDlitrieS kror AWOL'S EX AIL PICTOBANT bosportar w ill odor • reauslias:ko Aubsaril:..aud ober Palma; Rob oosross is Olio the moo moss robbasobtard rto or ebb Obit frodlio kolas+ bos stfit "Watt kkolt Rom sardirs afar , 1 . 11:4 - ad mbar losyliars Iscsaladasod WOW. posplasuoto tby Aar, boob lartribly bar =froststaissebs bbstso whirls Ina reascobly mob Isarbbsises bestakodlrptb . psopiletorr, Mg Ws Massa to ofsa Etas at Jarobtffbßoreastot, as • tardy GK he. ones NW!. satins sad Marti prabldi sob bad Hs boat bOat'T-L. Moroni igaly Dttls Jim Pbt *km l . llo ' l = arrriegpiir ALEX. XAV ' ' . .711 Routh sr RACTOId 1;114 In - five sato-. A the Urns iglu application, remove Alto from >be - Emma Was, scalds or blisters, Aim"' in b1e.:7=54.1% and =set "L kin bfs l Rao of • JOHN 'D IldO r rANOrilts, , 4. SO. 4 itant fondresioni Penna. ,WAVOLENTOCVS,7 ;ogees Thant; very rieb eolors and good pattern., and ♦elf cheep. No 73 Fourth is „ oeig • BAGS--,ldag reaVilloaaa India Rnbbar gnaws Bage„li, rapator *stifle, at Ma ladialtab Depot,Na3 . l9oad st. ciet3 *stifle, PHILLIPS rtIIII.OhiSSELLOW-4 cases Cbloo,lo Yellow, let 11.1 sale. oe& , ~ • 'JOHN lIMORGAN : .:, Icm •• • • r...,••• • d-, , *wade • oee - OLIN DidOELOAN.. • r* • 1 cy...-e .. • fre ,: • • twq eo egoaadjo bbls Peeked &r, 17 'nett Bader 1 5 . kt www oo o r'ookill store wad torsi& •• ' It RYLOYD, • . • y e p ,. ' - • ••• d Cbutob Ballet • : • • • bra W dew (31. ass, New Geneva brILDI4 eminbre; for salabr - .aerte Fottsaidjk, Ptriveizi juslreteivenk foe s. by • . •=1".075: dimd WICK T 6-13) far sale by bbls No 3 Woken'. (13483 6 3 kaa 4o ,ri* S d 0,1911, in do do No 2 do dcs Post reedond toi ,107 Analle , Immo. It RICESTSOK: Mae UtON:—LOOlonsfainsals by , . • • ItOBISObIk,Ca SARSAPARILLA Inut most itzuliardliwor Worl4 Tkie Extraci is P. l RP 1 " 444 6 " 1 Plrombin oad,rooprouril porior to smi ,0444- -atm *ant Innotiola44%.k.k.tlir , rkiilsrAtodth. - The Vest !Wooly awl sopselort r ti;4eassarlio peer other medicines is, that whl b e nd( aaris din eL4 ii hilt:orators the body Itinoaa of the vary beat seam ANq soak= gemitEa Ever known; it by IVA .494 Kr. and otrewittiews the perm; bet it CeSOtor ow% Wars. sirsl bloodt power.possosseti mother mortielsu. Wishes dos grandiatrat nflta woridarialsyruent kb. performed nithintlia bud tun piano:we than 103,000 curia. of nacre cu. of disows: at, lout 15,000 own ineutablit It nu fined FLe lima.of more Woo 10.000 children awing the hro put aeaaooa 10,000 cases of Clessieral ;Debility and paw, of,fteream to ..llnersi. De Tea - tetra. Sartatilbt rijoestee trztit timer. petutneatly..t theme Mho ittemet ntoecalas anew by tho effect. oh rnedleinstor,todiscrt• - , onannitrnilo yowls, or the easentre Inddgenns of the pardons end ,bronght rm avowal physical proetn. oon ahthe own= treltmel.ledit e what .oflittlgthtm o preamMure dem end declbse.hessis, in: torrents Wu WA disease, Coonnsopelne,,cp ,i r o y by this , plessent restudy. Deb ears. enritla le far tooperlOf to Amy. ... Invigorating ,Cardlal... L. it mono, and tenganaes,tbe , systens. ism setintr , to the limbo, nod strength to the mooed. el/Veto, ho Dotteamptlea 'Dared. • - • Clessus mad Strimgrafetir.- Cauwatyttatuis at werai. , Bronchitis, Consenption, Lipar Oanesist,o•24.- , Cletorrk, Caligka,4n4.4l,6ettiv el BUN, Somas. is M. Mut, Mast Fhak. Met Sweatt, Di.gestitor Profess Erpecte - ration, Pete blahs Sid., Ire.; hare • boss owl can hs con& IP4TTFi 6 el• o opp • • Toti, • lpta 1841: . • Da. To B ey verily lit Moro Mat yatur Sarni rills hat !Pea the EMI. U4/IP"./40,0.gir. mil& I bar, (ba• asveralyaars had • bed 4' h. • bee:mesas° add aroma. Al but I salmi lima qaaatl• Cies ablctah bad algid Sweat!, and nor (may didalli• mad and Waco& and did on hipaat to tits. I hare Daly and rear Bariaparillia short U. and than Um •Irofularibi Mauve twat woo& la ma. Icm Err MU m walk' or. cam the ctii. I rata aa Woad, and cay, tough his laft You coo well loistioa that I as thankltd lbr Mow roman Tour oballeatt mum. . WEE BOIMUILL, CaMarbwoL. Pe!sale IMNlk:hre. ToirtnesureSemaperffle ht a sovereign tty . ruro !In Incipient Consumption., Barrauses, Uteri. or railing Sti Womb, Costiveness, illeso, Uteri. or Wis abstracted or dttlieststru.. tom. Ittconthienoq Urine. or howdootur &duns thcreoC mid !Cr the Dural prostredea of- th e rpletm-- commons whether therm:lt el inherent mass or aura product! by Irregularity, Wawa m accident. Amide& ma be soore rorprliting then he inviter-sties effect. on the humantemr. oPmeeil ellezett land. from tabor ircet nuts bacons -robust and AO) of menciAusclarits intleAnca- 11 hormatistely roamer/et. the Iterrelesstmstof Um funds liaane, which is the casco of 11 will ant be rrperted el"= roes of so delicate a nature, to erhtalt certificates a( eum performed het we on ...rare the etlikted, , that.• undreds ef 01.11 r, hare been reported m.< Thro*de or ems where &milk: hare Wee withered ddidretli Orr alien • few bottles of this lavelealLe teedlaw, Save been biassed with dna, healthy offspring: To Kolbe:* and !Minima Lioness This Enractaf B—rosparilla has been expresely pre. Fared to rtdm® to 4.1 a complaiata. , No haul. ho has retain to suppose ohs la appreaublay Aka critical period, " Tie to.. of sald mesa. As Lake la as it i• a multi preventive for any, of the, otosaosta and !tenth's dimeausso to ahlalit forodas are subject at aid s don of life; This parted my be dr Undjhr strenal, yarn ay sang thin altatiltiall. Nor It it Isas valuabl• far Co.. who are approachlay sna manhood, u itta calculated to min Lettna by golkk. of the blood sad ittentrhistbe Mt.= bidasal; this asedicite is landa for all the delloals disco se> ba Mltiely ennaho • are taken- . It besets. the thole erne= MAW permaingsli ttw eonrat mergers, by renvnring body, ntit ea far vtirtinlatiag as to produce mho:goer reiasatitnr,urfilth h the canal...tit medielgeatikos Dal female weakness and disease. By =beg a few bettila . this otodinion, Fumy serene and painful surgical vanr dons maybe, prevented Great Bfrostiog, to Moaners sod Ciiildrclis it I. the warm and Men effeetted medicinne for purify ing the system and relieving rho nitres-togs *tirade. maim child-birth ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother and child. pone.. Peet and discos.. to manaes awl enrichestherfood.,..thern who hare used it think it Is indispensable. It hi highly useful both before and after confrosalant as it prevents &revers attendant upon childbirth—in Coaiiveataa, Nett Cramps, Sari/. ter of illis'FceC Despondency Deartburs Vomiting; Pole in the Dank and Loins, Fn'lse Pen; tioneortofe and In ink-ittolt4 . the secretion and squa ll s:los the on rvlation d lots no 'equal The mat beauty of this antalicina tt la almoitontl% and the pool dale:tome It on astofteeljt..reet too_ tonal loqttiromay other rat.dl ,,, • to some • Mlle Canoe 011. or Matrastain. aterfuL Exerelin in the open air. and tlikt toad mask 014. eneirtehaet aria ahoy* norm* 'oh toil lot/ en. Garment. Beauty and Health. Coseseda, Chalk. ad • variety of prepare:barns rally In use s when applied to itie Ittee, tory KM eptal It of in beauty. They dose the poles of the skia and cheek taaarrallation. which. Wheu tonere is not awa d by dbanne or powder, or the skin teased by , the alkalis+ vied in soaps. baratinee its sae profanes Is the " beam Laco-Diriee." axial_ 0 in the man of rietr aud_ delastely faxed andrarnspad— dower. A fr.w. ails* and healthy circulation of ore nada, or coortia of the pure. rich blood to . the extremities, a. that which pant. the easintelailte. In the 0.11 eiql3l - bonny. Las that which imparts the indaernable shades ad twine of lovelieso that ail attire, Lot ooneeau deeralbei This be.o is the odiptis: of law are—ootefpmaderasap. Li th ely is not • ha ad braithy eioelatlota there is no beauty. If , tha lady I. (or a Mira raw if she pain; and tin ennutka sod the !doodle Wei. cold and impure, she is not boos. uful, If she be Lawn or yellow and there tapas and the blood. it gine • rich 61a:10r:he chain, sad • brilliancy to their ayes that L farciatfug. This Le whythe iouthern, arid espeeklly the Spu ta ladies. are et mock edurad. Ladies in the 1101111 who take ten Little axereia, or ale'eadiuni in else row., or bans spoiled Chair ample:La by the apple, mien of deleterious mature:, they witlitO, re. g . gla elowierty of .u,p, botwasteptritk Jr.rid .qt dbrootifid eouiplexicate they eboadd osen Dg..T.www. o-nti". Saisaparilla, • Thom:Rade who hen tried it, ,eric wore than twigged are delighted liediie of eves, wader/ • ere... 4 our ram daily. . , • , • -Notice to the• Ladles. • • . . Thoth tact imitate Dr: Toinisimilb Busapthillia bath Invariably called their nuff p...ap Jar Ps csle s, &th:co4 haws cotiiiiid seer bills and circulant which mkt. _ trai --wther with Who paatip niadictne. itsla,thoiothwgrolo cocoa. of D. Towasitthre Buthstardth cototolailida; innidtha togthialos, occonstaindat theire, thisonglkyro rioosiyabley did aid. &mailer of theta Mixt PO; n...cirit iylmiaw tit feoulta. •• they cod andonathe oothititntion. ro=air• Lek. only atatbtht rowdy for the micro.. Amu& thin plainth-4I rarely, if eVer fear of efilictiag • pornamint tam It coo b. tokens by the mon delicate Amick in thy othe, or by Mho tayantag to bath:am itiothwth, with the Vastest sitthatthe, wit h torpsteathethy.con =l.l 'promo. pat 'danger, sad thressahmto both norther and ehifd, Be cared to get the pad.. Scrofula Cured. Ttaisernessie easelasively pram that Ohl Baru. banterteet sword area , th• roost obatimot Ol• aa..c.a at the nla4).tb pee coral le oee hoe.. utipniciduitsd, .. Three OhJM*e e. 14, To:tesijetre,-pear Mr: 1 ham the plaisar• yos &St thttda or tai chllaisn'brs - bots amid of tl4 nc , raftili by lbd vw oryour sitallent temtlibis. Th,y'reliirfetrynclEkate; boos talc a • Nor bettleA ;.trusek Awn inr . vv lb,. +Wel r 6SI apsvL 11011.. ' - mac W. cruet, 1011.Woortaros. Ogiinfeeem , of Pleyetlehtsra. • Or, Throned te ammo deity receirkag order, Ariel differwayerta of doe palm this la to rarefy thou:, the oralenrigeed. Phyelebeoe ertee Oily of Mleury,hes• Iseetwerova cam prow*. •rd Dr. Twee:eras Basapterilfa. sad believe Ii to be oar of b. to rabrable prapiatioa kaAbomestro.: • - Heft PULING, JIL D. WILSON, I L. D. , • IL. D. BRIGGS..II. D. .4.lDay, Apr# 1.r47,E,A1,.1!Ept) ?pa", D C.i.Vlllol l f. ' Owing to the stext ettecres sad bretheree 'ole of De Towasood's,HareeparalLs.4 Locmher of rose rho wore formerly ourßecou. have cotatorared making &rope rilla Extract, Elabe, Bitter, Edtrarft of TOW. perk tee- They gerteralltput It up 11% 6. vale shaped ba de, and,rome iltheo Leo wale tad - ropbsd tivrdyer. riscroroti—they are , only "rorthlres todteliost, 'end should be avoided. Principal MS FULTON Strut, Ban Nam* N . Y . ; krecatematft,A.o"; Pon, I= North , Pleeond weep liNelladelphlaj ,a. Mice; Drionrieto Bahia:ma ; P. IL,Cohes. o s}. Wrlyearta Chau= fisrea. N.,0. • tes NM& Pearl eltree=y ; and by all tlea priuip.l. Drag.. la awl Merchant.. r nemdly throughout the Unlied Wnt India end the Canadas. • • N. tr.....Pexione *airing for this f tnedleine. *brined not be, trainced,to take any . °they.. Drugw(ste ,pot. op Barsapaidllne, and otcnaree prefCr that, ort. Do not be' deceived by anpnyetre; fp. Dr., Terarn • send?. and tako no,ollter. „Remember Um genii- Inc . 1'0%4 - Oland's Sareamil a. 7 Ovid by R. E. SELLERS, Gencial Wholesale & Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood...levee; and D. M. CURRY, Allegheny - - PEACE! PEACE II • norm ram* Brr IN EVERY NOI7IER'S RONESVEA.D. fg'ICE undersigned hes long been convinced of the netesaitt for mime medicine adapted to the use of Children an Infants to superceile Me use of all {hose medielfies Loh contain opium and has es length we. traded. in preparing and offering to the publics medi cine futlynnsweriogevorryparposerforalltlisessmot me bowels, add:radiiuse el ihntdeleterrousdram or an Other enlerdnled Ware cc the'resst. 'The Inf ant_ taro has been tally tested' eon ined.ltler huh twelve montltsfbrpntunsmas persints, and tonna to polities/ all the extraordinpu Ifl rums. and to produce ail the aston ishing seeds; SY set lnnfi do qta %ID Of Mrecuons., Di arrpree, Vomiting, Cholla. r . eirming;,,rains Biekarrife aud Diseases. citing front, Teeming, Wing ./mmeduttely without .dlstarbing Roy of ibellioetiOns body, prikliteing - the baggiest and most_ tdeuant • tfaasillett , Irma vialeVain tors uarapiil iu!",dic r y owi akid or g r' be 2 g L a i d Wh ' ers=l;nr " Pail,Of the prop rieda t ;OLlN fIARGANT, .Druggist, and.-Apr-p; hi m f d itchell,,nionar Beckham, and mon other Druggists a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. D, TOWNSE 4 ' , WS SARAADARWLX:44I:fdatan hoe reeeleafr`of Dr. Tateeptatto Darsitpatate„ then R'" ""a'al'u7 'W.ll4 = '-'n'ill. I.- DALr OIL-Crude and Reftnedttorsate ay nun le pat op in genre h0n 10 1, , 361 -. el . . beittie , , 'TV . 40 , 9 . I 1501100SWASER h. Co Plettolutter, and warranted-animator to'apyt oed& , t v ....-,,_-,-- - cures disease without voiMlF,f,tergior. miming erj T. ARD,3k. g .. No I lA.I LA:rd. just treat and for debilitating the palm. ' anattS -, ~ WICK /z4DCANDLESS 1 .4 ego by" Lodi act POI barA270:91.--17131 , 1i11ee P.A.014. hizt ,!_ ---,- • ea our abela, Intl put' bp bre eine 'bribe . MikATHEltid.-moiter prime Kentucky Teatiers, for shaped bottle. See that melt liottlO.llaathporitteof els- z , tate' by". , one:9 WICIC &ID LANDLESS , nauare opi. P. Toiraseit&-* • i kali imper_A comma,. dares story Briek. FL E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood streetitetiken „.• ,_ . .i, ir .,„ . p 0 . ‘ ..i.,, g i, 4,, Third and ircenh 'la Di. Torrusendie only, wholesale 1 ,', 4 1. 444 " 4 2, . and retell agent ?or Pinsbn4b, et, whom the•gerFpne 1 ~ ~.4 , 2 37 . or tonna apply C II GRANT , 41 eater 0., arable eturbe had ." - D..5L Curry him been appointed the sole agent for. - &NOM . eilY, of whom t pentdrot anklet' tin be 'I r i tAliD - CAP. liftrffiAiii:49-11-167Y invitee the =anion orbayests ma w. m inipply 'of, . - Aftwoilet ayes end MY I. `Vita ' .....rf . "ft ,Vl l ...I.OITAIDIAB, . 0 1i, . j, . • .. . • ''W. ‘s : za,,,ZO • • s. al:. it ft- C•tiß. ; ,V 9311, • . - , UP44. : ., , rvittlitoo",lFqiw . , 4 ,,177_8C - te,t um 1711deruaexi. PAY) , .4% ° ,4 0.1M. 1 4 - Antmeht of relay ottilo . co)red, A ltupl,and ,firt / Ash mom zo.d.beqat T o i l risue4. tual .. enteno o r 4*. . ,4 aporl.aLAV ..? St i4 o d pit l rMoLM, lbainlie . fQi" 1 40 04 :#4 - 44, 0AA 4 3 fFNArOc,,cosr.0 1 1 111 =Itio-Af . v ,. ...V,....twuzi11e.1M4 , 4 2thrgigiiltiitiaLf. Alio, erieFAit rrar "cAvoiwt "l " - ' — ' 4bens A e. v a iwr„ wolp.Ar4iLas.4.oo4 arxoyslobv 7- eft i 6Frievir, l YA6l 'hiteitky.4, .SomPfil If , /Lk. RallY• ..95.1,4 f • E , otPREINSIVOLIta ALABIEIRACTIntERk" noriodowbatosiDattoco Pltisbutrilh)Pola • k Fri ° Wbbli TafgArkgb• tiMtagoroottlaiblV t vitooic • a• „=gStll.* l b .deliab!qa „tOOII4I • ti'tot - thOrtist In ;to Noll a qv t t i 4 3 1 .4 5 .57A4 Milo% Feifilik*Dl,lo4t4Ofiagor eq O l blb. l ;PVbb , bl/ 061Si T ; outs,/ EsTrAnrAtt&it i . • ..14.1.11..VgiltoaDvLIE irtattatertrand kteogn loosorore, lomat lutoaritgliatoolv.WottolailtoO% e* llobbhtrktmlna"Nlitor ottootie,;-rittgtotti*, • • ur Works confab:l2e to falbopeholefaillod Ore lad '61:1 mat If adetiattto oaritaohl olvott etilMes-ise to 211 onlerssoiih promputesol Porllttineroitie - reipeetbilly tab elteerlotailazd oroutkoolYritestuff • Lena.. • . _ CO.A4 +4 •MAKIN *MOM the very Mani 'encourage • • mamba sabscribeeMor reocrecd One, holtdOlocatetilrlessellia‘thlletheny, insert dated bibs to" tun a leatei fora' of yeast of the property he now Ce OriPtirDelt.e? Itinset,• tionloaterely betide Me P4t_ b yterilmararchr-Frai the hudrexperlence dic =mem and a desire to please,idi hopelijo met , It pad receive. d stutre=lirptitrotmte. • Ntrirookhadotid* tirorder; Itocimemry Bog- . Met, open end top Runlet ; ind every description of moose made to' ortbm, rittirebseredr-lbee dollars to urns (seed-Mil JOHN SOtJ!. , FACTORED ( „11 . :r : D, BUalfoiltra .D- Ctttel;:no .E Sta water ßAC lnlatrld DI. • • •traproe, Paipa,,olgeefor arde.on accommodating I r th Ai P tii ki gn la nd " :::?. TeXa b ll F*. lriTsu ni firk o s, ‘angs: 1'4, 5 4 and irs Pug, end Mild' ics , Porter, in whole audAttlf bola*, of tho following :mod brands, v 4: iJaines 1.1 Goias, Osborn& Bragg,' Otani a. Williams, A Cabanme, . . S Joann tr. Sorb APDouuld, . Wahitar Old, J rilolllloo, , Jams,. Thom., Jr. • A Ii Artossinasi,. ~1 Tlsommitr. don, Landlioni fr...Ansaincad i ' J P Coates, .1 M Cobb., Ge A ntry & Royater, J A Clay, . trif lluiler, CA, M. Green 11111, wan Daw H., son, Pearl & Norwood, ... A g alaelemood, NAM,Cags, . Kagainn lc . , . NV' 11 Vaughan, Edmund airy, Portldnx Robinson, Anise - 11 k. obinsoni Kenn, Rbbinson a : Co. Back' Halsey, R Idetialf, Jobn'Endet, Lawrence Lottlni," ,IREibhumit, . Orgy le tiny; ''D Bl'orner , R. Jam inatieli nahmK ''t.,' '" ' ?A.130._ ink Vali: , D , s Hardee Learr o r b o icici, wruppeA And fillenc 'Yore , - 'do do Cienfuegos ' do ' do do . St Ingo do ' Cuba do do do St lannargo . do do do larfria &"Guidea do, fart fine, do NinYeville ' ' do ' do do tient...ex Tartans grades do • do r. Leaf, suitable for namofemniing sod export; ._ numb Seed Lear, Penn.., Connecticut and Ohio; . irgutia Scrape, sweet, German Pipes Pipe Irendc Serilea Suod (loose and bladders,' aleteoube Mei': ' 'Pongee Ikons, Hairline' btu; - Ono Rosoi Itorgomou cal ab di , Liquonc.; IN,tentEnvetzd IA Wass, Spunk, to to:, PHILADELPHIA, my.s T- , befare•—onade on the moat approval Eudora plans— and moat fashionable Easton pa:mamma/ cobra Ales THE CHEAPMa, OT BOniftnti BLIND i ao hand Or outdo warder of all .z all Woes. ebttraty Merchants and albeit ate morlord to call and examine the atoms for thmambres yes all anti be irbobraale or rabbi, sad a liberal dedacnou made wholecale pairchasora timidly • _ A WaiTA:IIVFLT ROSEDALE GA.liiillAtf!, ALANCLIESTEIL THE Propne tor oft.lOs areliknown plane orrefon hu the pleasure of Informing the pub. that Ids eslaLs. hshment harms been thoroughly refitted and repaired. and the grown). elepually O. oat .d decorated. Is nom/ Open for teei/ accommodation, and ha saner. hem . wit that these who may favor Sum aroh M. patron. age will foul all that ahoy dears, peer.ed to the hem style and on reasonable toms. He a date..ed to spare no expense in matt,g his eatahltaloneto 'sonny of ptedm patronage.: Go ho ...madams. tun baantrag • fewfisalthes to 4easa, and all refroale ments sunablo to ae season, constantly oohs. jet. LPIVI BURCHFIELD. HEM4ii;lai TS/LAC WII C T • tag, Draper and Tailor, begs to in' 4. form the eidgens 9 r Pittsburgh and others, Mat be L. now opestini i m WS TOOL. 00 5.1-TILIIrtd ...- der the above tei, a large and beautiful assortment of cloths. Casaimeres. Satins, tiilks, and other Vemings; together with such other article. as are repotted for gentlemen's wear. His goods have been eanentity se lected, and are of the newest and most fastuocalite oryte, as Weil at of superior quality. His customers map dependupon haring their clothes mode up in a nommerwhich carmen fa to gratify the tuft of dol awn fastidious. 7, Tol3XCe ,g Jo do do extra pottodM 5 do do do and lea; 70 kegrNo 1, 0 Isis-, 1.4.0 do Pshearendisirt _ O do . do Plug; • • 20 N no Perini 20 do Intiflipattiits do. for sate by myP '3 D'WILLIAbIP MOHO HOUSE—Navin mime tke tame and cone motheas Smoke Helm and Satan Sterehoako att. een oar Wanbareekort.the.Cakiaikkeetea'a kreP.`" red Hi make amt note Daunt on keasonahle Hama KIER ICIONES. mare Caaathasisk nearphis. _ RESH IFINT CrT CIIEWI74O TOBACCO-1 !Hied, And . /no indnrintrer. Yogi ' reed end • by • HEALD, mcsavore 41nptil witnr and 16 north whamet, Pinladelpel r ABA - LEAP TOBACCO-9:19 balsa Vara-Loaf To. bacoo,-arrappory, and iniperior qualm—l, 9 and abl-.1991 laming from brig Asabowl. 101 min by ir94 • HEALD. BUCKNOR p Co - - - ERMAN PlPigi lits and 3 gross Dertnan Pipes, =odium bowls, jost landing from pkt end seats by - ' Jena HEALD. RULE? OR is Co FlSii-Lissac Cruse, Baltimore, Dl4 - 431! be glad 1 , 0 have orders from ids friends in rls i burg,h , in , :i elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and r d nue the season. Orders executed with despatch,rod at lowest rates: Charges for purchasing Ugh.. urartSl (I.CiTTON YMINS, &&--4&000 lb& extorted Net, C lj Yarn. Carpet Chain, Candle Wick, and Coma Tw/eo; :Mal bales Darting, far tale at manneeetorers , knee., price& by FRIEND, 1111EY & tiug23 . ageetta (or taanataetaren T UST motored at the northeael corner of 4th anti J Market streets, Needle Worked Conant, Wrought Bonnet Ribbons; very cheap. augiN rV E.A.S-00 pt, Young Eir.l hoperml, Gonp.. J. der and Mat Teta, far wile by • BROWN it CVLBERTPION, , B A cON—to caski eilocildere, landing how stoma: Pioneer and for gale by angI_RTIRRTSON k AETPERT i IW sea.jaaa ARLYI,R'S FRENCH REVOLUTION—The Frenehiliteaohniett—A Rimer .by 'Maw Car e. In two volnalee—cloth: For saiii_W nne93• ' • JOHNSTON & swacTON. TORACCO—da az, Ira Hunt de 116sisy INdinceo, ta. rah-tag from mud and kb saleby . • , auva • daIIYEEI DALZEL4,IIIWILIAT ACTCUrEU-likiblTai•Prlflatirei;lttadlid Au..2 42 ei,1n morn and (*Yule try ' • JAINEI3.DALSELL • VEATItEII.9-10 bugs Fancily" (or sale Iff .. MAIM+ DzEEL C — WiIiVILLD LlAlD—Comanntly on b. n rale by' turs l4 C %GRANT ROSIN -4, bbl. for yala by onnlg C II GRANT i'llitoPEkt—lncmgo (hen Rio, in more andlbt sate to la close consignment, by atiglg & N HARBAUCiIi LASS—ddl bx. eurld and 10z12 Window braii. ki put reed per .0 Leads ArLane, .4 for. axle by • aorrid S k W lIAIZBAUGH LITE IIEANES-40 bbla mall Whits nasals, 1. 11 sale by awl 'WICK& 11PCANDLESS EPPFX-74 bags on hand, and for staffer cr7by algid IBS DRICK—INICO now seer On itale b wogl4 - r IBALIII DICKEY in Co, frontal TT AnDOIL••••Barklillal..1111C10,A11111101/ end Ibisle ,L 4y acgll 7 KIDD & Co rIOPPEZZ.4 Waif galilikioV2oloao 4,1 10 do old Gov. Java; tor solo by anot _ . JD WILLIAM SCOAKf-B , htdil - 41 ei - aati - auVra Edo crushed and. p nuked; 25 do mooned Lion RD sale by , saga J D IMLLTAIddI S PlCe— mi. 6 Gi ba n g f il n iie e c o n .... tig s m doaprri . .l b n.4 b Ckr .i. res; 60 mime Cries* keg glace . `round Spices in great variety; far sale try , isupi -ID WILLIAMS TykooN=l:46o SitiesTiii — sbrr and ee'saie bi - .; IS aerl TASSEY ib BEST PSL ASE-6000 lb., Is prime arectedn gore and for sale by auglt TASSEL' &.BEST ----___ T. . . • lALLOW—VbbI reaq and (or We by . .ogal Te.BB:Y & Ml* 0011.14 MEAL-60 tibia Com Meal, efg .--- .e.i: - V brandvreeM per elm Companion_ and. for sale by augt9 8 & W HARBAUGH MGUITAIIS—A supply or Alartio's co • IVA brand Spanish Guitars, AM reed apd /or su4rbY lubtig • JOHN LI bIELJAT, 81-wood 11 A LITIV-3) bbl. Alum, Mat reo'd and for alibi by J €OfICKWAtAKER & Co, 91 uroodat _Se.e .. l t il . bags .140 .b i lp a C ß over dvmj!:foo , 01,EADEB-4.0 anti clear Sidap last idail and. Vida. for sby Roar A CON 'NOWA IN Üborty_al_ 0/I.—Warrantal cuts for sale YY .S ungta I SCHOONMAKVA tc. - - Y FLOUR —Relpri conszatily O andr PL 1 no BROWN &CU/AMMON U 1 PF—Jos4 word tad fb: oct.l.l.4m7vricti. ... 1848. tai • Asz.c4rlEWD „ , rastpro; • A. A . ; e t. 9 9 , Heaver, propjet. CsAVrantiOALr yore rfOlgahore Linp . ts now prepared, to uansport freight A, and plisse:igen Trom liltsburgh and Cleveland, or o pr i trokLakes. • argh and Clevelrind dolly, run 44,,loiiii&Irctivpli die steamboats Lake Erie arid Aliatgaii,'tusburgh,and Beaver, and a line Of brat edam, at. 'asAbOata, propellers, brigs and schoon ers on lakes Pale., Baron as d Michigan. . • frcillati•forhirarded say•part of. the Urtkal pith .WIL ALATFIEH, or aor and•S imAlt Cmitlid ,• esokltver; ars, Pintaburgh. AGENTS.^--ReM, Par , • PO Parks sh Co, Vsaungstortm, 0; E, W.Clotas tr.. Go, Warren; • Dltcoseriek sC„Drerly,m ; Newton PCP; Lewis, filmopm•n .1 A , E•fil Whiulesey, Campbellsport; . JG Arlitrider,Ravennm Md. 0 If Audi 'Franklin; Miler &Tuttle, Cuyahoga Palls; ..,WheeloZACO,S.Alerge4 Banaoy, , Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; Niigata. lcagle, Toledo; tO Williams E co, Detroit, Mai sycl u re Willuons, Milumokie, VP; , .B J W inalow, Chicago, BL apt{ :LagTEAPIlie PORTABLE BOAT LINE, _ sss , 1848 . ... ftthi t i , ...lroillyaraurrolalroX or 111.10..11M151t frvniata FrrrtlßUFUill AND PHILADELPH lA. HE Propneters of this old established arid loot • Portable Deal Ltne, having removed their de pot,'&o, pothrtOmpftior, to a much larger Warehoi on Marketsi.,than they formerly occupied, and also in creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are ne ,prlpared weer mall greater facilities to their trio. ix , " 6 1 ,:r e r trried by this line are not transhipped b e•• larml Pitialmrgh and Philadelphia, being earned m drely Portable Section Boats. To ahippers office r and other goods reunions careful handling, this f importance. No charge made for recelyiog or shipyr4 goods, or advancing charges. All goods forozarled promptly, and Op= 1.11 reasonable tenon &S by idly oth er One. JOHN AIeFADF24I ft Co., Castel Betel, Penn et., Plltsbutitt JAMES AL DAVIS tc Co.,' 227 Market ft 64 Commerce JOHN NeFILDEN & Co., Forwarding and Comm.- slog Merthania, Canal &aim Penn et, Pinsburgb. • JAMES M. DAVIS lc Co Floor Factors and Commis too Merchant., 227 Meant, end 54 Commerce el, Shiladern dihc fetcl Ft m VT byr t t = enM o deernuo de ceorg 17 tO them. (t 2( NOTICE—The mbecriben hove dupooed of their tn unrest In the Pantie end Oleo Line to CLARKE a s THAW, of Pittsburgh, and AMBER S LEWIS, of thi. 'Loy' win earaino to z• ante. for the al their Warehouse On ansod ..troc u t, as usual, and epock for a otnalnaolice of the pavonmse there Idends. JAMES' STEEL 6: Co. Philadatimlo, Mateo 6th, 1541. Pure*'.. Asa Obto Tram. .Ration Co. aid= DA& Dwain Daily lone pf' FIRST CLASS NEW WOW AND CARS, RCM= TO TATETINOTT 00010 "TOM. /11-1111131106 Ana warm." cfroa. CLARKE h. 'MAW, Canal Damn, Pitt. bariA LEWIS & BUTLER, MY Market at., Ph illaotphla .LAS. STEJiL & CO, Alma Broad StSteL COWDEN, CLARK}. &Co . North U.-. R&Mt. W. PORRICK, IV West eve., Nel York. marls Cs.partnerahtp. - rirMIE sehsenifers have th.lisy associated nerselrei 1. together ureter the style of Kier & J.n for the purpose oreonUnuing the beam,. formerly e lined on ay Samuel M. Kier, rund when a ronuntarel or the feral patronage heretofore encoded m the house. m. Facit, IL. F. Pittabargh, lUmel 1,1[1& KLEMM TOUT AHEM BOA T WEE, Maga 51AM.461 EMEM ":I6 FIA .TMa 1 7 A ' ANT/ 11. • EdisT/ADIR. VIA CANALS+ RAIL ROM* WE Y. prepared to lOCILI'Ve &Ad I n OTWILIII hat=er to am above and Woormedtaw arab as much despatch, and wt as low rows, as say other responsible Roe. The attention oisluppers washtng to fowl Pork or Us, eou to Baltimore In bulk, is parucularty requested, so aseauch as sur arrangements tutahte us to carry such ankles through In bettor order than any , athcr hoc. PaEll & JUN} 1, Prorint. Canal Bawl, neat lilt to. PlculAuth, Earth 1, ler. maul. aim. IPIS, EFRIT.I-101% - fla-Comousaton aad forwannng aler thaws. and Wholesale Dealers in lola Illoonom l.PriaLsee, ha. labeeal cash advances on COIIMIFITCI,II.I. roar! if - - Mutatamass, t brittn, no cuss it surfs Piusburgb. Plutruielplus. UNION LINE, altigi MON: Ne To Philadc_ pia us o C.MIA/1 /11AO 412.1.041/1. 111-17[V 011411 , 7 i Co., Canal gum Pao.bargt. DeT4L.H,HVILPIIHEYI4 &Cu, N 0.147 Market .4 /W. C. a Roo" cower Nunn s Saratoo a. Bah IaIM P. Chute, 12, Sim, Now NOTICE,The exile Kan finst. will kn0..11 rem =f a116r1.4n• . tl D .• C. a Co., 214 at Pllelpba. achn.tortr). a co MALI 611-01 NDMUND 1311111.11, CHAR. HMSPIMI.:II4, P". 4 ./Ab. HENRY GRAFF. Pin . PITTSBURGH 7 PORTARLP;I3OAT LIMB atralllB4B.lNM For 414 Thsnaponatiors of Freight to and ftota PIITSBERGH,ERILADELPIIIA : BALTIMORE. N. C 4311. 1 . 4A11 1 1041.11- 7sassaft. O'Cosson rah FRS S old established Late I,ein . T g now 10 fall c mum [wthe, p rioters have made eaten, arrant,. meats to good. and produce witbdespricii, and on th e Mori favorable,' fermis They colifldentl• liege tk..-k well known promptness 111 delivering goods—pe eakar seers in mode of earrlrma — eaPsetons nnrenoo ass at each pori, .fording aecourniodadons to .hip p er. and minters of pricluce—together with their long nap.- dente and garrenririrts iriteritionto business, will secure to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they betehyrranefitili acknowledge. All courignnuints by and for rine line received. Oar geapaikomd forwarded in any , reoptomi direction* free of 'than, for comnitsriott, adetouring or mirage. N. tntem"..anne*entodtmengns steamboats. All eouriatuteationapromptly amended 10 04 applies thin to the toll enarial agents: HORS/DOH & CASH, -LO Market at., Phitadelphra TAAFIgg& O'CONNOR, Canal Basso, Pittsburgh. crcoNsoas k. Co, North at. Haluraore. WM. IL WILSON, EE Cedar of New York. .pd LAKE ERIE AND E/CIKGAS LIKE. IS4B. HIS wall known Lino, c ot pos ed Pt l tts ' n ' orga b° ll . 3l ' 6l 4 ar Lake Erie and )Lehtdoa, ara , or, ,and Dried and passenger Canal Boats he Mc= Zefortr and Erie, and C hl Reed's line of first clam steamboats , propellers and vessels on the fakes. itprepared to carry freight win passengers to all point, 00 ate McCann!, and Lake. Erie, Huron and hitch, Raring every facility for conveying freight and pa, senior. -witb prainprueae and dispatch, the propnen and agents rempectfully solicit from th eir friends *co ILIUM= of Mau patrona. 0 R REE D, Proprietor, REED, PARKS & ecy Beaver. Agents. JOHN A. C.A.I.:(tHEI, Agent, Milit not Warn and Sunddletil au, - ft/il k 1848. nail. ECLIPSE TILAP/SPORT•TION LISS. To and from the Eastern eines, cm Cumberland. TIDE proprbtarr• or this popular line, have.rince their re-organisegion largely aneressed their fectlidee to meet the swishes of .hipper.; and ore now _prepared to forward • •grester amount by the FIVE DAY lAN - B. as also try sub . :Wain& regular wagon. al low nuns. • This line will run throughout, the year. delivering goaded:own/14W agents in Llahunore and Pittsburgh own ra and consignees at specified nups and time. Shlyrseent. from Philadelphia for the line should be marked "Care. J The only menu are IR ROBINSON, Charles st, Baltimore FaXIBRTON es Co, Cumberland. • 0 DPCASES, Btownseille. *6l I 0 BIM :__,•PW.L. Pinoloolh.• Stag. lagatiat ' ECLIPSES WHIN. 111 P abu o,o.ll.Teta Ins t aa Isla .b. t— guVrtausamirkend foot ill i rnuas of rtegaiir let alro dud of Edgertisi O. Co. • il'itiabuiret tad western enershob era notified t hat it - It Robinson. No Itu Bona Clialio et, klattienon, ia the iota authorised arra of titer Lina in the Easteris clam The oily gents us J C HID WrI.A., rittabargb a VA2B m iweetaitta.: ZOGitfITOX atUnintierlattl, I ROUEN Baltimore. desTitti inkidaa LEECH& Oars ' 011‘&01 1848 Old Established Lines lAt) • PHILADELPHLt, BALTIMORE& NEW YORK SSA FILDIVRTLVAMA 'Rem 01130 Ism loom REprepared to transport goods and prod°. to and hoot lhaehace cities cm favorable term. Ad. resa or apply*, Z.IXT.EIMH k Co., Canal B a sin,ai Pittsburgh. HARRIS &LEEA' IR, N 05.13 L 6 South Third st,Phll. J.TAYLOILLSON, Agts, No 14, PPM Howard sqlitilt A. eawarr, Agt,rio 7 West street, New York. Pittsbargh,ilanth 1inh.„1648. mar2o - Acir,Fpranaportation , MEM 1848. nitil k VOL CANAL AND RA/1 ROADS "' FOR PHILADELPHIA AND RALTIMORIV. G001:6 conaigned to oar earn win he Concluded „stithout delay at the lowan currant., 0 A McAINULTY & Co., Canal Basin, Penn in, Pittsb u T. MERREILLER& REYNO 27 , 2 and ES Market BORE , hIERRITT %PhiI a. Co JeD mere , EGLIP&IM TILABISPORTATIONI M i tAfflB4B. s aleit.igteunrs an i mln h form , ed that this , iind adly. Ado u erand merchinUe u takeu ake "sren.witi.. Morelia 'Wire from Baltimore brought out at Canal rates. Time It. days. J 0 BIDWELL. Agi Water at, doom abr . ; R hlo_ogb. Musa Pltublogb. cuRNSON it BOEHM, out, PI !South Charles shlialtimons. PIO NEIraCTIAXIgiAMPL . ,._TIOB, LINE, Miami 1848; BETWEEN BALTIMORE ANAPOLTBI3I/RUH. [l:7 - Time, 5 daya. jR hierchandisc transported at Cana/ raus. PORBYT11& DUNCAN, Agents, 'Water s i tZpl 3 natborgh. , PgAllanr 44sti gents, triAgett eitimats. 4: . BOOKAr 444-Atjr. A. rthre EMT Olttnnhatu, 7 u tr,l! Simms' Life of Chevalier EaTard; X 13 mo. G. F. it JanneirLife of Betio rho Fourth, of Franco, mo. Smith 's Consular Cities of Chine,: 12mo. Noonan/la latoßEJesus Chran; 8 AM, moslrn; Marvel's Fresh Gleanings; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Contineural Europe. Copy. Sketr_ttekof gro Maxie. Wan 12 ma. Glog's Stoll . of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo. A Sumnsef In SMlllantl. be 71reob Abbott; 12 ma. Stsmondi's Laoratnre of the South'or Europe; g vole 12 mo,/ • ' - Burton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rooky Alma n Ward 12 uto, • Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D., L D. Thei'raenenl Astronomfr, by Molt. Diet, L L. D. Lao of Jeremy Belknap,. D. D., Historian of New Hamp;tnee. Luther and the Reformation, by John Seat*, M. A., 2 vole, The ]fiddle Kingdom, with a new map of the EniPirei by tl W. Williama2 vola 12 mo. The Power okras Pa!pit, by Gardiner Senn, D. D, 19m. The Ilethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; Mete. Teee twig • Science, the Teacher an Amer by Rev. R. R. Rill. The Czar, his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lecture* on Slink speare, by H. N. Hodson. The Artists of Ameries—lllostrated with nine etrgra sings on steel. and containing sketches of the lives of Allston, Inman, West, Stuart, Trumbull, lie Vetits. I Reinbrandt Peale OM Thos. Crawford; 1 vol,kvo. Tim Orators of Frasc containing sketches of the lives of Lantartine, fliers, Napoleon. Dorton, Min bean. Ootoot and others, with portraits of each. HaedleYliNapote. said Marshals; vols. 12 um. NVa - shington and his Cinders.lN 2 vale, I.2ca fieddli•y'n aaernd ounniins The above, together:a:lib . . large collection br9(."- ard NVorks, Classical and School Books, r Tale JOHNSTON it STOCKTON, Booksellers, by jes corner market and ad am NEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS--Chnlmers' Re lect works, 4 e ol Chalmera. Daily Scripture Reeding; Memoir of the Lice of Mrs. Fry, tad vOlr The Con vent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Ilea C II Tay lor, AL A. Margaret, or the Pearl, do Mark Clifflon,ar the Merchant's Clerk, do lnle ofrollok, million of "Course of Time;" The Listener. by Caroline Fr; Lecture. on Shakspeare, by II N llndsom Life of lnivee Cromwell, by J T Headley; Napoleon and his Marshal. do Witahuiren end hi. General., do Power ofthe Pulpit, by lierstiner Spring, 11 D Bethel king, do do . Religion Teecting hi. Example; Pulpit Orator. of Prunes', by Turnbull; • Henitut in &Tolland do Life of Rowland Hill: Free Church Pulpit. 3 vole otelom of France; Now and Then; !bitumen Poem.: Alargarvi Mercer; inGObt.l4 on Mlttli;CW, adapted to Union Question. Arthur's Popular l'eles- - flrche. in the World.' uSl.king /la". to 1, Rich" "Riches ht... Wino., "Keeputs up Appearance.," "Rebus.. rind Creditor " For sale bp ELLIOTT & &NG LISIL tels 70 "rood and 50 mark., at AEOLIAN A TTAC RATA NT. REL'EI VE a D ,d to tale, a lot al Cbole. Plonns. with and v. - I,lmm Coleman's 1N611.1 Artaeanteni. by Nunn. & Ciark, N V. One of Nana.. & wit the Attachment, watt taken to England by hir Coleman. and among man); other tealimontala of ad nuration for Mil elegant apeeimen of Amertean and ingenuity, theited .the fallowing remark. from Thalbetg. the greateat 'nodal being Lonna., Jan. Id. 1915 My Deer Sir—ln enclosing a letter to iny friend. Mr Erat!. Pun.. e•ntriOl refrain (rota again expressing le you knot ;lunch I was pleased with your .. .Ebben Atooihnieni.• which I ronaider toll a greet musical 11.1 prOvernent. I eon =Mee )0)1 Mat On my psis I .hial wish gre•i plen.are do my utmost to mate tour inven tion tuna, Fur role by ❑ KL4 . 1.11:8. At Wooirtsvell'a larniturr rooms, 3d ot - - • EN% —l.trrings su Europe. or 6/tetrhr. 11 01 Trove; in Frauee.llelicnon, Switserland, Italy. Austria. I•ruswa, treat I.lrltasu and Ireland. with 011 urpeunf a. enntainnig dbservattoni on. European (110,1• tics nod mordo-si Insttfutfons It) John W f .011. NI D Angela.lllllPi By the oalor of •'l-Im:lia Wynd ham." - Two • hd lieu's Tales." ace. .Diselpline a nose: By Mary Brunton, author of " Vol. ID, Dimly Sr riptond Readinr. DT th• l•tr 'nom. Chnitnet, D. D,LL D BEM=6=l 'Vita~, rrtr Co , tam, r book fur child,. By the author Iv ••I:: , <Dlicrl.ti.° Ar . • abo‘e svvrlcs received this day and for sate by J011:a %MN a I+7VocKII,N . . EIV H00K.,--.klostonats of the lottodyetton of Alvq.bog.fisto Into the ilsaterti States, ent0p,1.....g btogruphiettl nottee• of Its early prelieb,s, ..ketehr. of It • Cirri rhorobes, sod rrotintseenres ..fots ear LI4 • p0i:44.1 .Iro tuol surees...., by Ras. A Nteve,., A. M. Ju. !litho.. of Dee Davul Muse:, D D :ate Nri.oonarY to China' by hi. Orphew. Kee NVltiteutwots Mark MsDOW the hlret-Wancollerk byeßev l'harLea UDap,. U. A., author or - Reeorsh. oi a Uraul Man's Lin. ...hod, Mart." - Margaret or the Peaty Se ac. The ab0ar...411 a large ...MO,. 07 new Looks baud leoljUtt reerleing ELLitrrr 1 F.ait:LISII. 56 market ot - . 1.; NUL ISII BOOK 8— I I tsnoty e 7 the Creek Rev oltatut. ut the w ate •nd raropalno arlseg from the etrame• of the Greek Pam.. an Kerianetpa. mot (het: minor, loom the Val Illeb 1 oke--ut to rot. arace--ajurn44 Cop) with aueueroos mapo rind ' Lrea- Letter , .I!uqtrat , •e of th• reign of W from la. to Ih L trots fine porlrat.•,,n Comosto ..... w Lbr .sutts at aw. 1.0. c Ner,toros Ilatry thntiolf Sal cogra• rme, I , IIY uutersigkied Miler. !Or sale a .¢perlor thine nrk for building, made by hia sream Press, improved maehtne, ( or tabieh he hue obtlihed • pat.*, and agrees to give purchasers • written guarantee Mat they are granger, and seal resist frost and arm tae ale. er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any nth - --• • er brick, pcniaessing greater body and superior texture ' • , Niiikk,LA__,‘ wt,,,,attg lis and murk more durable in every ,•peet, earn tinek b P FL J•nira, Fey befog iIII/fttiqed to a premium ativilinteilk anna,l•lld Vartity Pair, a novelantitout • Item Wiiii•itt "`"" b. " 4.•.° *urf*" sod evenodgea, Pdakcpedlrw itsett,y , area ll lu...emu,. m•• make I,'rum equal ha the best front brick. F.4r at , kit . I • V 'rimy tare given the /maw. mnsfaenon who atom thr War ` ray i , b,„l" hate purchased A kiln ran he wan at my works, and Wtivam bane. Menlo,. of Lomloaderry, 0. , tiv•eutm" at me other C . .:1• Id 1290 idlr l.uard• name pplied themselves for their building, 'I tt .little urud, • lea, I red Ern. day and Id{ ant by and veiiilling handsome frbm book. or superior hard utrh JUdiNdIDIN a STtaliTtrti and w,b, paring brtvk• .". • R 11 F • ISAAC (.:REGO. tf Ibiriningham. June 12, le4A. loan la tar Holy Lana. Fronen Poor, ana r nkkolobta .110, trr 'll .4 (orate by Mr DONALD S ITEM. ON - IC CONDI )11DANCN—Thr. Rogliehman's larrolt Contordanco of the h W attempt •1 a rertott connrctoot hetween the re,h Pd tie Elts :tot Testa--Ineitutina n conoordauer to the rover with loJeae.. Laroek•Eahlaah, and Lag huh Greek /tut roroteod and Int aale ht JOFLYSTON d hTtrCKTfth. Dooke , llera, tor market anal 3.1 Natalie Fram• Plana: A itPLENDID aottortment of Rose-1 wood and Yila.horany F r tomcat N. lmo, tort fins•hed and for sale AI., row reetalldßentawood Nano, watt Coleman. celebrated A.Allan attachment. firamord In Mt most modern style, and An sale at jetet - • V BLUME:K. Ira wood TRANSPORTATION. REED, PARRS £ 04Ps. P&OKE4 , [MEM I S -18 . siElit6 BEAVER ANDCLEVELAND LINE. eta WARREN Canal Peek et— S WALLOW. Copt Ford. OCEAN. Capt. Wetter. ONE or the above Packet.. leave Beaver every day, Ititendays exceptedl and arrive next morning at amen, where they connect ornh the Man Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arrival{ at uoob of th ooo pla te . betore night. tine oldie Packets leave Warren daily, at 3 P. M . and ammo •t Beaver 111 time 10 take the morning steamboat for Putabanch. COTM a LRIFLNLi WELL, Warren, M LI 'PAVIA /Fl, Prorrntlts. DEAVER AND F:R/F. PACKET LINK TIISOUGO TO Te• 1-•." rum 1.10 e... Canal Packet—ffLlSST LOMIS., Copt Jeffries, • Tra.aarn, " Pollock; •• " Lou. Eton, " Twiny, •• Parront, . Drown, Eskomon, " Sayer . Tire above new and splendid Passenger Packets have commenced running tosorcen HEAVER AND .EitlE, cad run regularly during the mason—one boat leaving FOTO every morning at cdeloCkteml one Inne rg .Deaver every evening, immediate/7 aflor the ern va/ of the steamboat Minharian from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will eon through in forty hours Passengers to ny pant cm, Me UM., or to Niagaraalit find this to .the most comfortable and expeditious. Tickets through to CI Imo. en the Lake can be pnwured by applying to the propnotors. • REED ; PARKS & Co, Seaver. JOHN A CA eo UGHT:I', Aft Pittsburgh, r Water and Smithfield its. AGENTS.---Jos C Ilarnewn, Duffel°, N V. C M Rued, Erie, Pa. Orrenytlleiya; as, Pausburgh hPParlsnli and Kinebig bend, Pe; Bays k Plennb, gbiarpßbargh, Pa, \V C Malan, Sharon, Pal D C Mathews, Polack,, Pa; R NS' Cunningham, New Ceetle, Pa DI PLIBUCIIANTS , WAY PPLEICIIIT atitgal I S 4B . M_Ala c axCLVMVXLT InaIIIIITRabIyfoRIATIOX (tracks /MGM }=WEEN Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown. Bob B lithitysburgh,Water crest, Montan/rd.:to Oil end Pe tetsburgh- This Line wa fanned exclusively for the epeeist! ae• comma:tenon 0( theway basin,... The Proprietors, thankful for th e very liberal patronage they have re. eeived doting the last two years, would respectfully tn. form theft !}tends mad the public that they are Itow cull better PrEpared to I.lclllrer goods RI any point on the Canal and Rail Rbads, with promptness and dispatch, . . PICR WORTH & WOODS, JAMES A LORE, GEORGE TRLNDLE, JOHN MILLER k Co. AGENTS. Elcitworth & Woods, Johnottson. John Millen. Hallidayslatrgh C A M'Assulty it Co, canal louia, Plitsburgh. Rtocanstncso—Ritisburgh—Scatth & Rinclotr, & J McDevitt; 0 tc I II Rhoonliergor; R Robinson & CO; R Moore.; Ungaley & Sauth; John Parker; Wat Lehotes & Ca; Dr P Shoenbarger. teIN Pennsylvania Canal A. Ralf Roadl/yr. prams:Past Packet Ulna, 1848. PROM PITTMBP(OI TO PHILADELPHIA & BAL TIMORE, (Rgehrsively for Passengers.) fl HlE pulibe are wrpect&llp informed that this Line I will eminence runatug on the *id inn, and con unite throughout the Beason. The boats aro new, and of a superior elan, with en larged cabins, which will give greater comfort: Ile cars are ant latest construction. -•• . • . A boat will always be in pan, and travelers are 36. gowned to call and examine diem before engaging pia seet, claw:where, are only nine dollen throne].) One of the beau of a Line will leave the landing lopposhe U. S. Hotel, corner of Pawl greet and Canal, miry night at nine o'. clock Time 3,1 days. For information, apply at the Office, Mosiongsdiela Mom, or to 1) LERCH k, Co imrSi Canal bloain. lARIVDEN & Co. • Pniaoteffer and Rex:donnas OfSee. IsHANRDEN & CO. continue to bring pen s ,. from any part of England, Irvland. Scotland or Wales, upon the men liberal term., with their usual punctutdity and attendee to the wants and tom hnit of earnigranta We do not allow ourneimemors to be robbed by the syvictliint scomys that West the sea port., ta l e charge of them the / 11 001eitt they re• part themselves, and see to lbw well being, and de. snatch them without Amy detention by the fin: Alpo— CC. k.d e "ty, as we defy one of our passim. LO show that they were detainedhours b a• Ln iverpool, whilst thousands el others were de tained months end) they eould be sent in some old craft, at • eh a p whiob too frequently proved dair eollina unandlo perform our contracts honorably, ear what it may, and not sat woe the ease last seas on, with ether oMeers,—who either porfonned ant all, or when it suited.their eontroolonee. p ro n. drawn at Pittsbmgh for any earn from At to ltianr4linti,'SearlAnoydoanf the ilraTor. ""hd Bank ' itsl " - JOSHUA ROBINSON, Eirropoan and GeneralllL, fabl Finikienwou door bupw4ievopo, .11.11)1 k lIALTZIAIS GINSENG PANACEAS MO THOSE SUFFERING WTTA DISEASED 1 LUNGS.—The unpieemitiikOd mseets which /ros mended the oso of too GINSENG PANACEA n all vortous forms which irritation of limp &a mo., hos induced Me prapriMar a 44.r • lion to this ••• • •• WONDERFUL PREPARAVON. The ehangable weather which Mirka out fan and winter months, is always a fruitful gastree of COLDS AND GHS. These, if neglected, ars Isar thet CO U Axectsmors of that fell destroyer, The question, then, 'how shall we nip the destroyer ni the bud , how shall we get eleer of one coughs sad olds? is of vital importances to the pablie. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found to the Ginseng Panacea. In proof cif this we have from tune to mine published the certificates of dozens of our best fitment citizens, who have experi enced its curative powers. Those, with a mass of ter newsy from all pens of the crumu-y,_—from MI,DICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, brinisters of the Gospel, Ac., together vita copious mi. ices from the JOURNALS OF THE. DAY, am have embodied m pamphlet form, and mar be hail gratis of any of our agents Raohag out M4i s eatintry. HUNDREDS OF have been wed hi thin city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we chi. lenge any man to S LY paha out a GLE INSTANCE • n *filet, when ;kin - anconitng w threettena, and fore the Long. had became finally 411*qm:used, it b ya aver failed to . . EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why. then. need the *Mimed hesitatet• *by resort to the mt.•rsble nostrums, gotten up by ant own individ uals+ ler the assumed naose of some ois shrewd Ay. sietan, and puffed into notoriety by certificate. e. pal sons equally unknown? Whilst n medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY - Is to be had, whose vouchers am at honte,—ou naigh• bora—many of whom it hu SNATCHED FROM THE GB AVE. In order that dm invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor at well the rich, we have pot the price at • ONLY NIFTY CENTR A ion one half the usual coot of cough MOOICIIML /I IS for sale by our agents in nearly every town and village Over the went, who are prepared to 0110 (WI inform. Sort relative to It. T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, COMo. ALLEGHENY VEN(TIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN. 'FAKE:3We method to inform linter as a n s o rd w th . eE l i l h o lic er et lasrr that bts Facto:: is the . Dlamorisc. ofon We tout .id. oTti ' qult. o rt f re S e ti o e n d skt o tl v kept on hand; "°'. color. \rename Shorten made to order in the um. style.' Blinds sapatred at the shortest notice. N. Blinds will be put art withootany addi tional expense, so that they can be removed in a ma. oent case of fire so for washing, and without th e aid f .raw ddvor. tyl-dly&wtainlyB VLECA NT FlXFUMERY.Zeh—linatel'a Eau Th eme _E A af,t erm,, for rendering the Am soft .ml Hanel% celebrated Nyininh Soap. Indian Vegetable Hair Oil, for gradually darkening the hair, and promoting Its growth. 'Auld Hour Dye. for eaangnur red or gray hair to a beauttfal nova., black or chestnut color. Eati Luslial Dais Reatorative, for prodring • luxanani growth or hair. Hauer. Curinag Fluid. lintel's Depilatory Powder, for removing wiped.. oti• haw. Row Tooth Paste. Dauer. Chinese or Pendan Toilet Powder. - - Havels l'nri•alled Shaving Cream /lavers elegant Extract. of. fragrant !Manna, h uleof fine' Perfumery, mat term atni for tilde y U A FAEINEITOCK a Co, •erAi ear lst & auod. Into eor Clat tc wood eta TOR STAR OF THE WEST *VENITLANIILLNONANIIPACTORY . I.2si std., of die Lhanionri, where Venruan Blinds oral! the different sizes nal colors . air kapton hand or wade is order alto the laical and moat approved ESSIG% Elliti. ' • ions, SI the ahorteal 00000 sod on the moo , rroaonahlo lerins . Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Mind Transpa ronry and Paper Curtains of all the different uses sad patterns. on hand sod Mt sale low for sash. Old Venn a an Blinds punted over and repaired. or taken in part payment for new fiM W EYLER VELT, Progr. N. !I—All work dose with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to pleam the moat fa.- wham. aaglo.lly Allegheny eny, Aug. IP, IS4II. PAPER WAREHOUSE. aru.sp EIVIILIIIIO SLIP. NEW WORN. IVY(I.I{ , I W •FIELD odes for de at tile loeval ManeactoreoC pnecs, a very eitesoOve won. ovortof PAPIIA. tomposing ovary pomble variety, adapted lathe Santa of cueaco rr. ioali aetUon. °AM rountry. Paper o 4 all load* male to order at abort noree k of PRINTING PAPER Is rarnally large • le b 4o7 e ort"ch i• at yen/ cup a rgal c k IA.La PAPER RAKR' of every doser,puon. imported and kept conewnily on hon., viz: Felting., Wire Cloth, Foordriater V. fres llnuchtng Powder, Blue I.lltrantanne, Tlnne, ae., ita RAGBhI Ca era's, Bale Rope, Grua Rope, Bagging, , a, purrhued for which the high... prier in Cub will be 11 - SIY Neer York, Jelyjts4l. CEI=3 ===l rya JAY.N6II et Tkaertva We have been Informed b Mrs. Rose of a cue per. breed - ember bylllrs Jakrien , Altirlatiwo, which. proem to superiority oterreweopwrimarsedymf kind. atie has been adltieted reethiejestamma /Oa. with NerßOSkar WEUTF.:I3W m attended with ulcerations and estioliatlon of venom bones, do. ring which time many *curb** obeen dimehaezed from the intend bone et the onetime, trona both her arms, writaill and banet t edd from both kg., oad Irmo the left femoral bona, and from the right 'knee, betide' pilau! alcera on othaT Mute of her perean, Which have bellied the adds of a annsher of theinewiternanapitysleleasoll oar ell .1301rt+OL the lbw ton en4doeta More, berm ere and tiegalinabk,,, ortroot. Wen m inor,l amee th e was induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alter which hes had an astonishingly hat• effect open her, by removing all pate and Itverlitag and miasma the has m heal, while-smile mime time general health has tiecontecomylmelyzemored,nd that att. MVO weighs t 3 Ina Mote LIMA the dad before she commented the ace. of ilia malty valuable preputam.--tliat, Zee, Pont. For lathe . / Inforittitin;lnblre game, Na. !27 Fdbert st, Philo:denten. •-• '• ' , • For sere In Pltiabargb, the PiErWil TEA STORE, /V Fourth at. neat Wend.! All orders addressed to &holey, Ryan dr. Co., kt --- their office la Diamond allay, helviriNeu Wood twit Sr ennthbeld streets, will be punctually attended tn. • • • - ' - WOOD TYPE rnl XOIITXIIII.I,I WOOD iTrI IPACTOrT, ♦r 10.16. pl. WILLIAM SCHOLEY, Lb 11. RYAN, ISAAC M. SINGER. AMIN a MORRISON. bantag tot and themselves together under the style and title of Sch.", y. Hy an , for the manufactory of Wood Type. and as them type altogether made by maeld ner7. umentlno at Isaac Al. Stager, one of the firm, wry feel confident that they oder a more perfect amnia atm., and at mach lower rates than any heretofore °Scree' le the Untied State, a., an a.w ready to AR omen for the Sane, I.IJ - Premien:Kra of newspapers, ocoeying Mis ad vertisement 3 months, and sending a. their paper, will be entailed to reoeme their pay in type, tot purchasing three rums the anampt of thalf MU for /141Vel1411:11. Je7,dan AGEV.ICAN TELEGRAPH .COALPAIST rmlzuzati s onzrzuxe. WESTEEN LINE Ocoee at the Exchange. Baltimore. XDUCED RATI•2I.--The eharicea rum. rodi lA, &oil on all Measures from Burgh or Wheeling. and a eorrespeenhog redactio n mode on all tolograpluede patches forwarded &o Bale amore West of Ptitaturgh, Reisa—The charge for • tolopaph declutch to qr hoot Baltimore, Ihmemytt and W heeling, . C011t• for the first ten amnia, and 3 eenta for o.h calditiopal word. No charge ts made for the address and sight lure. Until the completion of the Smith Western Lino of Telegraph from SteamMs, Tenn, to New Orleans, des patches can be forwarded to Hematite by thra mute and mailed Mr New °risen. Jr 4-1 _ The Allegheny Cemetery. AA T annual meeung of the Corporators, held on the eth inn., the following persica were anald mouldy re-elected Managers for the ensuing. year: THOMAS H. HOWE, President JOHN BISSELL, JSZSE CAROTHERS., NATHANIEL HOLMES, WILSON M'CANDLESS, JOHN H. SHOENSEHGES, JAMES Q. *PEES, J. Finn, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual statement preeented the again of the Company to a very prosperous condition Their ogles in the city is N0.:17 Want street_ )elg ARLEN 44 CALIIbIET LH:lir-ARS, tor nob.. and P Fanulten---Tha work connate of twenty volumes, sod eontaina five hundred different subjects, illustrated with 500eurnavings. It is an entirely onginal wrist rreetitly written and comptened by S G Goodrich. as. tbor of Peter Parley's Talc., and I s destined to exits bit to a popular form, Select thograplues, diadem akaul modern; the wonder, andcorionties of Hiaory, No- Arh Science, and Ph il osophy, with the tgracti ctn.! dune. to life The pneo per Val. is .utta, each containing about 320 pages, 111 too, or I , loper at. For sate by oeta HOYKINtt, Apollo Iltuldultya 4th .t Elardwars.-.Chosspor Shea R•orl y (14./AN. WILSON re CO, Importers and Wholesale ..IJ Dealers to Hardwans, Cutlery and Saddlery, No 129 Wood street, above Fifth, Edw. Pow to store a very Icheap and well selected Hoek of Hardware, unposed !once the decline of prices in thirope, and w itch they are deternoned to sell correspondingly low. Merchants who have been In the habit of Ong - rapt, ate pathless larly requested to call and look through our stock, as we eoufidently believe they will save thew expect... .14 'lr I:ST HECHIV ED at . W. 511.1liniork's, No. 75 Fourtit ai street, god (or wale cheap: . 3 ps ea sup Zphy carpet., new style ; In do do fine Lng. do do, some very elegant 6 do do do do do do 5 do cot do do do as low as 30 earns; 5 do do 'Ven, do rich style, I Cl3o orrhoropsohydlo mg's, unsurpassed in style Persons purchaiang for dwellings, hotels and steno boats would do well by calling and eratniconr our meek before purchastug elsewhere s _epll . . .. ... ORIGINAL 1 110LIVA.R lIIIICRIS.. - VX7l.lll.l2NCIlDllalges, on Is Inalof one and a half _EA millions, since 1545, pronounce this article unsur passed tot durability in the construction of all Endo of Furnaces. Price 553,75 cash tor loads of 10 01, Oat , auneat nine months use. Orders for a second quality Bolivar Bricks will be cremated at 030 per AI, if so de sired, without guarantee. A stock of the first qUelly is now for sale at the warehouse ' •Slordt's Wharf' Ca nal Basin, by .1 SII.AW MACLAREII _, arpfiar Keosinirton Iron Works . . . .. — IHCENIX FIRE BRICK4--Tbe salwerthers hams ' -- .. ,,, ntuted soieAeents by the m......- - -- P • en eppo;;;d - eti - le - itienfil by Um manufacturevi, for the sale of the celebrated uPhinni..tlividubt an now prepares! to fill orders for any quantity, at W.. 4, castt, per I,utal. For the been of furnacels, oi all Studs, these bricks have been pronounced by com petent puttee as being =manor to all other fire bris, now m use. CA III'ANULTY C0,t..1.nal Basle. oty3o VOLOGY ON JOIIN - QIIINCt EA May nth. ILlfet, at the School gotten of the Sixth Ward, l'ataborgh: Hy 11. SLl3reckenridge. Pub Itched by JOIINSTONSTOCUON, and for sale by loathe Boohoo Acta in the city. /Y 3 S u it'o n n. - =!"'d . T74m° Ib ° e.'l"; A OlatWean Se the Weald. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS mill be paid to tny one who mall produce am. of pain yamen or dry. Nat motet be attracted with floit's haproved Chemical Soap. I hove the =Miamion of earttnoo Sc people at this place, that dos orueic,OV my own MAIIMIttIs on a, now stands onmralled in thu cv.qtry $O4 tqfpieurig pease. tar, pooh, oil. paint. ot nay :Othorjlesety sob mune, Sore all lundeofientloreen'P,.9r44A*o,44w4, carpet..,, table cloths, oxen. remelt, noteC kora ea, ..hoot Imam( =Oe( ampere nate, oill het more. Mon than oho thoomutd Intnessa_ inditratent porn of th e omen have told MetAkT nr9n l d.Rot be ...Neat ...them u.; tf ileac one dollar pet enhaP . l4( P.n. Beep on mons Man XS a rt icle. of lig i i p a. bemoaned calicoes, I have Oral (null ]acre. . w r , of olk, tore of al ales, and four of eallenonlr ab it changed Me colon thermion Mimeprune( light I dress u 7 a amble a of thetecommend dens fint. I.talate O d da on be a itnee lust &aft red uto it ti, pire thin I know be Ellett) , trail. - li ifilart Price, 1111 ex per Ws. Sold, whileashrsest null by R TS litiliUsse, ded4 : a wood at. AIrANTED IMMEDLATELIi--60 boshels Tulbothi ''ua - TT ;.81ted, by ....—_,...____ R 7 . LEEm Aim wood ~ lOD bble limy' Itsailtnertsjim iwat ui d ._ . - Rig.lials bI agli!, /0M11.10141,01E211. . . l 5 do 0 P do 29 do Black do bas 5o lits and lb lump, James Blocs Tobacco, 30 bags Pepper. IS do Allaptee; • au bbis l'anners' UIII ihn do large No 3 Mackerel; tOkittrer with a gen eral 4ruartlcul Of Pittsburgh Mumthletyred anleles, wort and tot tale by Roirr DALZELL a Co, ocl 3 Liberty st __. • 14R8. MAtiNf ot A-2 ests...tast ;13V s and for . t 9 Ct.; D MAGN use* o.lll } t i eV rood Rad leti t gle OPIUM -100 Just reed ancreiii ; t ali; by . oet9 sE L EERS W!STAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY-12 dos just racelved and for sale by oela .1 KIDD & Co . .. ASTHMA, OBADERBMIUM - 0=3,1===.,:. mi. disease is catugektriaal cif the air cella tyamtggLicosmatancabOOM hatia hillbeetion. D. SYW :',.. .4. 'ft.PADIADDoVBI,/ta Certlitt MA . Panacea be entirely.corsdbya tree maniac. giwaesseesa ' . . Catarrh, Or common cold, which,,,if neglected, will nominate in Consumption, to iffectoarrelievod,and mime by Dr. BareeteceaP Bronchitis, if risiebeak= etreentally lead. se: Bronchial Conanniption v bat • timely am of Dr. Sweat sees Plume. will ereinatun 1t..- . Inlimasepatioa. of the, ~ .elTkate. — , .114 disease otter leads to imWooconiNnerice. from neg tact, nab as itineration of tikholiat. On the Om 1-p -torm,..•Drly Sweamer's Panacea alionid be proem= aad mod ot. cemh h s and UM And a sovereign eamody iiin Panacea ' Partamonia Nostia,—e, ,orr.l.tirl gift...l, refilling Dam 8 yi BlBB ' 008 11 8 ajoi ea.V at a debilitated or,bro , ken down mnatiiation, aged be sire on to it— Dr. Damaisin °B „ , t.BBaerm id be , Sised on the int aymptrattl, WRICII oarr.b c u a a4; - melt Samara—This debilitating complaint will'ineet with ~ timely mica, by ming Dr. thertotsera Panacea' Cop omption.l.l;on tho ligratice of coms dye symptatos, which are a Ida 'ittid side ahattreseK epoch arayilatitalhod, Soreamer'sPainioncia be need PPrehendmi. . 1 hri fre fa=r,,e ol pt, the' Wind M Dronehlid Tribes become clogged aP I.l*-Tbkimo. , a' toliAped. I. ninon or breathing, De. nweetser's Panacea, yrjach I. g powerf4l Eglootorant, thoold botakerriccomi e t u, ludoense.—This distreSaing epideidle, Saprerraleat oar climate, is speedily curd. by Dr. Swemserra Pane: sea Priceti per bottle, or his bodies Gat For sale by WM. JACKSON; 131 i Literty st 4 4n or De big boot. novdisly To the Medical ProfelielMM rand Porbile. TTECKER'S PARMA; ndrebi ni6 at 'the Hospitals )I Asylums, ma other poblio-esishllsiadents; sad recommended by some of the most distinguished ply• miens and chemists, se m article of diet tee children fad ismards, mush extpcaor ictigrrcow loat,.sago„. ete, more smertenlAr, pleasant to Me toste,ann easy of digestion. np rn 24 lb. boxes of half lb. papers, esehAceenwatiredyerrh printe4Aitqcgozoi.&a=o,Mg. Ae. Litig, in higAgriettleral. Ckie,l.l:llstry, P. obserres:, ' "Children fed upon avow-ruin, salep,.or indeed any ktne of innylalmeous foal, *Filch doss contain ingre dients dune for the formation of bones and rett.cleSs become fat, and acquire math tl ka ttiterronfri (heir limbs appear foll,but they do not air to invength, riot are their organ. pr o perly deceit" .” In the anemia of the Teri a' roade'by - Pier Reid Of New York, among other conatiluenti, he gives 15 per cent of glutton and tilwation( and remarks that the elan= of the Fatinst upon the Medical Srofession mid the public will rest upon Its cahtaining in the glutton end oltamen, segments! fibrlue am tuber oltrogetured bodies not found in arrow mot or eimilarsueettelmea and which modem chemistry his pobited tiding necetssary to the flirmatioq•et harem Mod, &lobby means of which nature make. up for the constant, wum that takes place in the human baly. Poe sale' wholesale or retul, by D-t SELLERS, septa 57 wood st AlOcum ir"gnat atnefaction to nano be able Mae publicly to announce, that the great demand for our superior andi si tdid 'preparation a of nor 7 PAMILY MM. CI far exceeds our most Bangs:one expectation., pastiest lit our Indian Expectorant and Compound Carminative Balsam, which (or beauty of appearance, superiority of ingredients r and; tlitmeompounding them, together with the immense disparity In the size of our bottles over any others—We beautiful and one. mental sugnuings4 and the taste di.played in the pot nag of them up, is a further incitement to the purehao er. And a many army old friends who knew one (“B Glum LotrolAn what 'elite employment oflir. D. Jayne, I mallet Tease remectfully to inform them this 1 on one of thi- Arm of LOUDEN & Co., No. SI Arch street, bolos Third, SznlnD when (Mall be happy to sec them; who aided by • is brother, a regular gradtune of the 'Philadelphia CellegeeirPha many," make, pot op auk oorepound, with our. earn ham.. every article compri.lng our “Parnily Medi cines," viz: Indian Expectorant, ComponmlCatorta. nee JWsam , Compound Tonic Vennifoge, Weatiudian Sanative Pills, and OrientiTliair - Tomes. We Amber beg leave to moult, (and we do it with a confidenee that cannot be shaken,) that we base dis covered and made an improvement on our Oriental Ham Tonic, that far execods any thing ever odered to the public. One a s a call ar....N0.h4 'MICE strut. Oar terms *Jou are an Inducement and we are of the result meant HYDRO] IPArfIC $T rastrAseeramt, REAM CO., Ire TAR. EDWARD ACKER takes th is means of re _LJ turning his thanks to his (deeds and the nubile faille enc..° pekronage behharty.eised, and of - termini theca that be Fat latelierected a large and well conetructed building, t h efortlclusive purposes of hts WATER CCRE Ebr PABZISRMENT at his old location, et Pbtliipsborg* Pa, oh tbe Ohio river, onto lam the steamboat landing ßeay.,where boo ready to renew, pane., teanten}Mairransf them oe Hy dropathio principles_ In addition to his long experi ence, and the peat scieetsh aide h - has heretofore al. tended his treatment of p dents' totamined to his cue, he hmt UMW the adthtional heathen afforded by an ex te.rve banding ereeted,r4pr.sly(of Me parpose, con tattung commodious and lug rooms,And fitted up with every nece.ary apparelae for bathing, and ddramis tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the portent. rattlipsbargh ill a Itrostdeliarathd and healthy Wage emir of access by steamboats, and af fords ..d ;rbolesaate water. Dr. Acker MUM'. tease Idllieted per* curs WS> ati!),l2l.l.qe themselves un der his tare, that eSery attention shall be paid to their comfort co b an .suranceof the sitheminial benefits to be denved, hepoints with eriahtlattee b.. the ht. - deed, who have been permanently cured at his estaic light:neat_ The Water Cure leases. to Mimics. effects behind.. as too often the eamerana those who have been treated on the old system. II removes the dis ease, lovigormea Me system, protects from the dengue tlicidelit to ehunges or the weather, ereatee a natural soe amens, sod reports 'nor to the digestive povrota. Terms of treatmem and Loairdwg, reasonable. For timber partnadars tagairs Cl the estsbashiaent, or address the proprietor Phillipahrtrgh. ' ..rzaa tcRoFuLA AND sctior.oi .ops INGS.--Scrolela in ap; roirma slumber in that of If log's 0 iher glands or'hones, Goitre, l l froteniellidai,Lthronhr Rheumatford, Center, betters i fthe 'Side' or 'Spine, or of Pulmonary Consumption,. , emanate flees See and the same elute, er*ft• Is a pOironous pimple more or leas iahmest le shale:mad system. There. fort, unlace- thin priumple emstludestroyed,•oradl. cal cure ere be effected, tat if ibiprincipla upon wideh the disease depends, 01,7 PC a car d mortal erratum renew, he mat*/ 1 : 74 bat form the dooms should, mutter 0011. ' theidere the mme4 ph, /AVIV. d LTZLITIY.f y sa °° l versa/4 lIICOCMINI in remprint 41.u.V834P•0l destroy+ tl!ei, seat prmeiple Rom whice those diseases liaviLhele.iovu,by into the elre,ulatiod Infrwithyldi 01W ft tobeejed to the rdisadald. erverr partiele of disease from the'll tem. Prepared we l d sold at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. • • Sold at the Pekin l'enStme, No. '7B Fourth stmt.. Pitnibursh mch3l LAMES Who Use Co,,me Pupar-als e °flea not amass how ihghtfdlY mi.Froai the WM how cam% bow rphgth,lore ullt ifm and unhealthy the skte appeats after nin 'p yr chalk! Besides, ais InJortous, containing • ergo ems tay o( lead. We have mpg:wed a beautiful vegetable arucle, which Ire call: SIONEV3 , IS O.4.ItHSVI LILY WWHITE It is peehscap inaoe.sot:,betagparificthOf aU deletenoos tismantemwed a impansto the skip *maul ral, healthy, alabaster,cloacchoies.white. saMseame tun= as a manna an thaseln s madam titan and D. James Anderson Prastiealle6llllt elf /JUNI. ChIZIKUS. _says, .Aftex al; londatefipnanish Lilly White, IGM it possesses she mom beasittlltl and aata su 'same 13.011 !mimess ladle 1 cent sr.. I oeriamly can causetenuously mouton= d Am. Imo mall whose akin requires beautify inc.' , • M d `riee IS termtsa tom. d by W hiiJACYSON, ikt his Boot ad Shoe Biera,Bo Liberty me m. head of Wood, ai themen of the Lb; Bow. as Ledice, tadlise,Pui When you ketww,thatioa aro punished A marmal, lifeAkeoranary white, That yea will sun use ccaunon chalk, And limbs deathiT Yelowtiltb4 Tbe them* of laughter and Ma. •M i la y d7l•ls Tool skin ' ari b Via: " Lin uierttle: and at 'the same time- elnim and improve it. Sold al ,JACirdOPPS, IA Liberty at. &meth -Shoe MAL • Myfi • _ JOHN D. Wood atneet, nee door:Aouitt of Dittreood IN ellen Pittebtuth, otere.foX sale ter x rot of td Drugs, edleattes,. ova, Patnte , 19;9914e, Waifs and Yettooteery e Pare, a. and DoMesta 4o w h ich Galls the etteattott otAtuntst4, .9ue, and me, chug. visittog the city, aid* ,te to ewe=rseee, Lad give Wel t flood Lm Ow? Vagaeh 1,31. cork manniactore; aim Japan and Black yeat,haii,r,,,,,i t h. ea,of superior Quality, Mao, White uld Rod Lead al once. lower then heretofore olferelL I. a "Itt. al so loan elector. hforipn'e calehnded tomb pyrep,which O. has r genera! tolsraCtlcni 'to at' In, the eating of octoglia, eoltlS, hOttleonees itlfhttift*' whoop' ough t e.up, e tc ; pnce ecoreftr bOtthr. Alms 'e Indian Liver Ills,' a - henna tonrihr IPtir . comp ahn. sick headache, and all tab= eentAdote. Price cu per box. -- - Dr. W. P. 1n.1.n4P. Premium Plaster. A. W. P. INLANZI, auto htedleal Calks" bf Phil. D adelphta, atm Dare to die public his Indian. Veg. enable Premium Platte; the qualifies of ~ f rhiCk after Lot t Und ed. trie i t Prdlepens Uteihr. as Palen Womb, be recommends his Platter, guaratneei n a sure and speody,enre in the Won spouse& from two it) thee armies., If vplica with earl and rest—discardlng all the canna.. =tram" end enspernalse bandages so long in Use. ribs be feels conscientious in staung, Inasmuch aahn has not faded In One else oat of three hundred .d fiftpatroe Pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Retail or Bark, at. tended with plan, Mon M nothing. m excel Mit - Placer in affording relief or Mitering a curl For saki by LiWtleor, corms alnamond andidarketst Brum*. Ran, Liberty am/ 81 Claik au Dki Bargain • Federal s and Diamond, Alle gheny oily Jaequeo /a CO, • Denman and Diamond, Birming ham. ~ y. n, - - A° R.IL&T CUB; mewl bye* and m y .0141Paariiiir W, permed and midß M011..' Irec-matr, Wewmorelaad Co, Pa, • Jelly 1960847. .• Mr. B. E. Sams r—.l maw of antra you seed theethieted I wow, am maid lay load. testiomayia Etre er ythsjostly 'Warmed /Ann' Pdls. d lath deterred demi 1 , 0 y rattly adhering to DaryCnalatithuirwaisa, 0009 yew are new, that go ahead.. Rotor themthey preparation of amyl. lad towel; hutted to the thies,tem watt into oblisica time .yetur Laver Pith hats boas altred to the Figgie, and, indeed, 1 belays they saltuetrethe them 111," as they are just what you represoth.tham b tw. /taws hems afflicted with Lim Complaint kat air yesdic 'With suffered axes* ..0.1.4 61.17 ciatocatphy ..wemomoo whoa I paid moth mann bare lost atoth - blm beet vomited and Rhysielied .loon to drath, &thread See 6 tams, cad tasty p.ea spas isteurabla la 106-7 I sm. isdosiel lota yoarLimahtills, and SOON GOT 151.. L. 17the hose valet is low talkiest tot wp ate Wear of pain in Ilea* sad all dm other for at laws 19 11101362. Your Polo a ..bothehedath.rtiel eser used; beiwg mild, a go r or relast artsth smiths. at the sum ach, bat gis lamb ether 14r. kept them .my sta. fir 6 er 7 yearn mkt lamina, of boxes and haw Dmf heard • tingle outophiat uttered by wry tee who has ®d thew. Th eyderre sapismeded elowst every other pill ia lb. withhothad, cod to a Most time roll banish th ese all. ormally.theomearad dm to all pen., need.' pbyeie, whether:War LiwurrOstaptiat or &thous dEretions I co-s -eder them . tie superior toCakettel or the Blue Pilo Revue , tai ran, J L MOll3O LttrPl9.ii—Js there are other Pill. be Me Futile Mutsu. Liver PPM punts who .tot the Got I.7Lei .6.60u1d ask for aid take math. than throw prepared Led sold by it SICLLYS49, No 57 Wood-w. between Thinl and Fount field by bi. Cosa. Filth Ward, D hi Ceara, Allegheny soft'. •g 5 M _ 11ydrsiv is k_ y, or the Water Cure. OCTO J. W. ORRIS m. t. his sow n, D R. thanks to the oititem of Pau/infra and Allegieny for tan very liberal support and encouragement he has received witlon the last six months. That the We ter cure should acquire such celebrity, la neither i strange ntir mysterious,when it is considered how great %number of imam of every variety of diseases, both (( tie and dimmer, have been cured by a judicioas use In Germany, where it outlasted. six thousand afire Worst eases, that were Firer. up by the most idn, fnl physicians of Europe as incurable, were cooed by the inuriortil.Priem= the founder of the Water Cure. In England, France America, thousands of hopes 'ku easel live been eared bye, it, mid the numerous Hydroputite establishments sow in successful open :mn in the United States, speak volumes in favor of the prr7tice. „ Merck hammy pernianendy established himself 113 the city of Piusbargh, three doors southwest of Ir. wit'. alley, as Penn area, ispow prepared to take it number of hoarders and Molt them at hie house and moue Who Prefer being treated at their own dere/It , np, will be punctually.and Cninthiati attended. He may be consulted at his odd. from IL Welock till 3 P. 3.1., end from 7 to 10 in the evening. N. 131.—Every variety of bath, made use of u Water cure, both for ladies and ye/Mei:nen, non be oh tained at the Atbenumn, no Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for the expre,a use of Hy • itropathic patients, and where every nuemlop will be given by the polite and attnotlTO prOpiletors. aplrdm Great Elactish Rentways _ - OR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The X GREAT AND ONLY ItkIliEDY for the ewe of the above diseases, is the lIUNGAIUAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introduced into the United States under the latmeanste saPcOnlendence oldie inventor 'the lll extraordinary success of Ibis medicine, in dr., ePre of Pulmonary doiewes, warrants the Amen.. Agent in whetting for treatment the Mann possible ea ses that can be found in the cortummiry—eases that seek relief ta vain Dom any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given op by the meat distinguished physicians asscoafincesl and incurable. The Hungers art Balsam has cared, and will cure, the most desperate of eases. It ia no quack nosimm, bat a standard Eng lish medicine,' of homer and established elf:lefty. ESN" Godly lathe United States Would be supplied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the corisampti, tendencies of the climate, hot to be wed as a preventive medicine in all oases o * colds, coughs, gating of blood, pun in the side and chest, irritation and soreness of the limp, brochure, difficulty of brewing, hecriclever, nig ht sweats, mow, anon and general debility, asthma. Lnduerrra, whooping cough and croup. Sold in large bottles. at SI per bottle, with foil dime dons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, contaanlng a mass of English and Ameri can certificate., and other evidence, allowing the un equalled menu of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For sale by B A PAILNESTOCK k Co. , earner of at nod Wood and Wood and Ott, eta. , Hoe g `ILJAYNR.'S Cate oaa— A YNlt'li CARMINATIVE HAIABARI FL , ROA" Cle r gyma n SA SHINN, a well known and pop aloe of the Protestant Methodist Church The undersigned having been aillioted during the past winter with a disease of the stomath,somefinies pro ducing VIM pain In the inomaish for ten or twelve home walout intenaleaton,and after having tried various remedies with bide effect, was furnished with a battle of Dr /3 Jayne'. Carrainative Llnlsaim This he ascii ac cordiug to the directions, and found invariably that this medic., ceased the...pain to abate in three or (alumni ates, and in fifteen or twenty minces every uneasy eenmtion was entirely quiema he medicine was af terwards used tednimeer indiestioasof the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby pIISTe.M. ed. lie continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the =minx, m • few .••••• brink was to far restored, that the sufferer was reties ed from a large amount of apprembre pate. From ex perienee, therefore, he can confidently reecomme , td D Jayne s Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medic in for ittseases of thestamath and bowels. A SHINN • For sale in Siusbingh at the l ' ' . /ila k frl T E/. 4 t14 1 011 75 Fourth street,near Wood, and al. at dielhug Store of II I' SCHW•RTZ, Federal street. &Saviour Pml l7 1 1 .1 e "; ! 'io4"l 4p and do- MR - nn°FirnepS'reMtes — win'terr, l ' ivaaseverel; afflicted f o r' sue complaint us my legs, had been for moue moults tinder the care of physicima They said to ease , 4•61 almost incurable, end they could do but little for Inc. I was nearly helpiesa, but with the aid of crutches cotild with dulcetly get shoot lit Alec last. I purchmed of you, and commenced using thew Tot, Ssamessura_s. Alter No me of two bottle& the sores commenced healing, and I laid aside roty crutch. ea. using only a cane. I dispensed wish my one and as she teed oldie Nu* was so well as to asa st day in shearing sheep. In all, I used•-five bolts.. The mrofula and seers hare apt healed up, and.rice last summer I ham seen no appearance of the dihease, have continued. and tun now, init. most perfect health,' I suite with confidence, hoping that others may he hen dined in the stuns Way, that the Sarsaparilla sold bl you, has been the means and the only moans of effect ing the care. C0RN11.11.19 J. ROSE. For sale wholesale and retail, by d&es ft A. FA/Of fMTOcK & Co cor. front Ft wood s., & also corner wood &Ohs. VINE. Al Cream at Amanda Amere', for shaving-, Cream • la Rose, for shaving; AluMade Germ, do; Superfine Rouge , on Porcelain stands; t ,P rc TutrV4 11 14.1DqtyAe-d 'row Lavender, Angle povirdet rag, of all pattern.; talbaitsed toilet boxes, containing fragrant extrial for the fignilkerehief ; a scent bag, and toast sosps, sot l• able (or presentil. Seisms, Gt Chinese powder, /boToln'Vt.pitinla hair oil, Lk ar's oft, of C. 1316.1 wrappers, (Mee Mart sd s,"- L .Nytaph calve; Shell .ap; biollavoap. together wall a great variety Other perfumery: Just recetved, for sale by B A FAUN kYrue 4t. CO torl6 cot tin A woad sts Pulmonary Balsam. ESSRS. REED 6 CUTLER—I feel it a duty I .111 owe to my follow creatures, to state .mmedung moo. ZfielieClMl your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam. Masai finlosed about eleven years ago, happy CUM arkai=aen gave an account oa, I knee several severe complaints sod attacks at my a few days twee, and in every instance I have used the Balsam alone wadi complete and perfect Srlrtes. it bee effected relief and cure in a very Ms. day. It l•reminly • sale enedmine. I do not know that it will cure a fixed C 017.911.1011, but I believe it will be in many tete, a preventive, and prevention is boner thmi care; I do therefore for the love of my fel low men, earnestly recomsnend the use of this laulmm, in eall pulmonary complonuo. I um confident that tt box been the mount of presemlng cry life to this day. Boston June 16,,V5. BENJAMIN PARNONd., For sale by B A Patmestock ft Co, comer first and wood and also comer wood and edh. al SELLER'S IMPERIAL CUUuki SYRUP.—/t h. power to ewe! PrrrsB.l9ll, Feb. e,4. t 0.4.. F- Srntrtsw—MY Iranhas tor year. been sulnect to a distressing cough, accompanied with asthma, Mr the cure of which she used dare rent rough remedies, and had the advice - of the moat eminent phyucouts in England, bat all vnts unavailing. Hy chance I heard at your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy a bottle for um{ Although I had no belief that anything could remove her complaint. To my great surpnse, two doses gave her torausdiate filet. Sue is at umes troubled with a cough, but two teaspeonsful of Syrup always stops it. 1 am satisfied, alley a trial of three or Mar years, that Seller's Cough Syrup In the beet cough mmileine I have ever triad. water in the Old or New World. Wat. FAIR/OMR.. Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. The above certificate should induce alt 0110 are troubled with cough cs asthma, to give the Syrup a mi d. It may he Lad Par 25 crude a bottle, at the drug store of /1- E SFJ,LERS, 57 wood at Sold by Dr (lissoloPth ward, and 1) 11 Carry, Alle - gheny gay, jas • • . L'4141. 5 44.9.541a5k Spriag Trams, N-wur ve , rrElL_Fo, tho rearland Yermumnt Care of HERNIA or RUPTURE. 18°.r° m all uses.) ['be superior clalma of this Trots consst in the com parative tads with which ii may be worn. Tice pad of wood bal.g aiatly balanced nn springs, yinOis prcos tare nn any part of it, sad tholougais adapts wlrratrytaaertt made, by UK. ', . corer can r.c worn 01 these coluable'hwaea,l upenor styes, in 1•v iol dulpbid•md hart thrm nom. 2 calrnl their nib, , N.,. Tri Smithfield st. near Sloth, l'itbdturgh. GE U. WATT, Par.. D. W. KAUFFI4A N. SELLERS' YERMIOFGE--Stipentor to arty I . have ever used." Umtata, Tr Payette county, Pa ' March Vs. Mr. Reg . Slassal itemby rrrulythar I have tared your Venuilluge ui lame!), and believe a rtionl, ! i not superior to any I la•ve ever utast. I gave no one of my children one doer, winch a aprllrd about M, vrornn. Fu Evce..oa. Prepared .d rold by R F. tiELLI:RN, 57 Waal Md J y Dr CTeeu 6th Wardll ruuC ur, yD, ra A v ll a ep L m a y rencoia. peraicvrie my 4 6,IYRINGEES—.IIn U.:lL:Dent just reed sc4for sal 1.7 by vort J KIDD id Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, puBLISSET/ DAILY, TRI-W EEELY A WEEKLY AS lAA (70.41* Suudika, litt it. near td. Poo OA.. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One ingertion of It line., or less SO 50 Two iasertioos withoui al terat10nt,.......... 0 75 Three '1 .t • I ...• ...... 1 00 Oce %Veit "' " I 50 " " Two Weeks Three .•00 One Month, " ~ ~. 3 0 ..'••.•.••...„ ..... ... 4 00 ..Two Two " 600 .. " Three " 750 Er Longer advertisement. Is same proportion. One .citotre,6 Mouths, without alteration.... 10 ® a. .t, 411:1 It 0 .... 15 00 Each additionasl square for 6 month., 5 00 12 .. 10 00 One square 6 month., renewable at pinasare, In 110 •• X OO Each additional antlers for L 2 0100 al• •••• • • • • I U 00 Two aquare., 6 months, re'vrable, at pleasure, 30 00 Each additional eounre, 6 menthe, 8 00 wsznur dL ver-urtizzu nr DAILY 1•211141. One suture. S insertions, 81 50 " " each additional insertion 37 vuorise CARDS. Fire fines or lees, ono year, ..... 6 00 " " " sir months 600 one year, daily & weekly 10 00- --- " monitor " ' soviraTtintieltiln jj WEIVIT For SO him, en lais, Ono iiwertion, ....... go 50 Two, " 075 " ." Tkoo • ."I 00 " " Three ..months, • * so .512 t' •••••••• 6 04 " •'! Twelve ••••••••10
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