u..,.~~~: sue:: GROCERIES, r sale on acorennn L 2 9 bAs Hoar Anna 1 .do Holmes' dra .22 reams. Tow Wrapping P*Pert ntraw do dr, • SO dos Hemp catty, ; n etas roaallbt Rope; SO lbs canon Yanw [ll .43 b ib . , No 1442attinr. , ...1A do we do; 2/3 bbla Boshn S 1 casks Tannnorsdonbbs refined Soda Ash; 1 21 - hes Ithrl2 Mann . • 64 do 211.0 dre ... IC9 do pint Plasinn la do 4 do der, -14 dogcart Botil es, . MO bblo Lime, . 11S kamßrAtty's Me Pete rStlt do Reek do; 14 bdles No 141. Mow boa; Peacock and Patent Lever Ploneha sepl IL GRANT offers to C. bags Rio coffee, 400 dolslk Papper; pkgs Y 11, 1? pedal Tess; and s' 30 bbls crashod sod 1) 01- 'raised ft.gis do Nos 5,7 A BLosioa 2 casks Madder, • 2 ceroOnsLneier 12 bzsgrodadr.Wa I casks E Sel!f, 6 bags 0=43941pr, 5 do Motes, 60 awls eittrial:ooo, 70 bee Is, as, Es ". TaueoEVSZionS beds and qoaltd.si 10 to Cuolina and Va. mut Telmer , 62 bbl. No 7 tarp sack eta, - 76 kat N 0 /UM Lea 222km.12=!Is Buoi; 22111tys B, L • B and e.sl Steel nag subsenbers are now 1 at low rates, as follows n 5 Velum* Y 0 IP and blk Teas 5005. do do 40) bas Rio and Laguna Coffee 15 og. Old Gov Jaya do 160 ben mannfaeurred To. beer"*l* kfloi 325. 1 lb and /b lump; 106 and 66 Siw ll,lo MO mats Cassia 1 bbl Nutmegs 25 bags Pepper • 2 ecroons Indigo 10 bap Pimento bales Cloves; 15 bbla ebird la7gwood 2 casks Madder 51 boa No tChoeolate 1 casks Epsom Saps 20 6 bblaTautiers' emus-lamp Oil 4501 Sperm Cuudles 43 ixte While PG.* 6 cults Mee 27 bags Dairy Poll 20 bblarefined Sugar 50 Mils Nog Mackerel half bble do 75 bp while Brazil Saps 159 bra Hertiag, No 1 15s Bordeaux /Jzaoads 35 e " 11 NV:4mM 55 Filberts 58 " Scull Nate 30 ". Tenn Ord Nate 2121 lie W 11 Eakins 69 26 cues Tomato Camp d i Mila • nun Duca 19 casks ,Zarao Carreras 20 las Ilkelled-Alarands • 6 apes Li:posies 3/ bzs Cudy 70 las Sa ßock rdians 75 ." Mra eradiate 8 ." apiced chocolate 9 cam Prangs ZS tam LemonS= e prenl 12 1-eu3 Pr=lilegali Cutelo, sad eigm • 1.1 At: : & , 37 Wood opposite & Chula Ho tel • Groceries &e. k &e. 600 Z.S I P. _ R IE I gs ° Y. i and g t. 4 ,l3 6 7. " and ' therial teat ; .100 Muir N. a sugar . • bbla " molarlis; IEO has assorted tobacco; "300 sides N. Y. ads leather 100 kirs took powder; 300 reams wrapping paper; so . " foolscap • LO bbl. Ns73lizit:lnactexel ; 50 " .riorhCamlinstar; as assorted loaf sugar; 50 t chip loproodi ES a Como • • to " ground a&noou ohhdegnmemeddori 3 carom S. P. litEltol SO bids commis; • 111 " shun; 10 " Wastes; ' • 75 do: bed colds; stint a general assostount of Pittsburgh marurfactores row:4Am for sale on se c terms 7 • 3 t FLOWN nopll • Rourul Cdsreh To Wasters Norohiasta. 111 ASSES BMT offer Or eel,: at 35 Wood street I pipbmv., on searounodauos terms /00V 1.1 1 , 1 .4 0 / sad Goa Powder Teas; AloCcere ; Pepper: 6 " Alspica ; 100 bse I lb !amp, b and•da Tobeceo I 0 kis 6 twist; hhas N. 0 Sugar; bble /11oluesea • 75 " N 0.2 sad Mutual; 20 half do do 60 bbla N. C. Tai • 10 " Tanner's Oil; 15 bra Chocolate; 50 ; ffi " White Piney 1000 " deed Window Glass from 6.8 to 24.50; . 20 cake Soda Leh; 50 bbls S. Sala; 10 cake Pent 2 . 1 11 Saleratue; au " German Clay ; 500 kgs deed nails, with • general assartmera of all aims of iron, ea Pinalmtp manufkoessod entielos at low • rites. senl/4 Grocer &eh 360 808 Green Rio Coffee ; LSD age Y. K, G. P. and imperial Teas; 200bble N. G. blobtam; SD hbds N. O. Begat , •134 bee )a uras Tobacco, Es r ey L2ißis and L peAud lamp; 1 3 C0 b a= ; ' eßbble L.Sugar; 2 Cermet S.F. Indigo; 1 Nal Madder; eS bbl. N. C.Tar 30 • " N 0.3 Large Mackerel; Iff) bx. N 0.2 Chocolate; 100 Scams 'Wrapping Paper; 23 Las Inas Pipes; 2.a. Liquorice ; With a goosed ueorameatiat Pittsburgh Karafactarea, ree'd sad for sale by GM. A BERRY, se .13 IS world et GROOMRIE9-000 bur superior Rio Coffee 110 kJ chests Y 10, 6 P, and Imperial Teas; 50 caddies da do, do do 1M bbls N do 0 Molasses, hhds • MI bin Parana bbl{ bbls Loaf do 6,7 sad 0 110 tan Tobseur, 1 lb, 5,12 and 16 20 kegs 6 mist MO mats Cassia no blds_No 3 lugs !Muslims! 9 Maim Madder 3 sera°. SP Indigo 25 bags Pepper 100 bales Batting, No I, 2 nal -- 90 bap. Cotton Yen, sto 10 60 bra while and slope Pipes 10M1s Tar 100 46 du ke o gogs 9 od Wheat , s 94* &tsarist! bxs triltl and 1402 lass 30 dos Buckets • • 6 do Tubs . Also, Piiubargk manufaeinmd =isles of all kinds, for wile low by JOHN $ DH. WO RTH, sepl6 27 weekst WINES, IMANDII3II, 0121111, td. 1 0 121A1.F Cognac B ret e l l” "n p u s= & Ca 3 u 4 u u Pinet, Castillen &Co II inures Rochelle do 'A Seignelle 4 pipes Holland Gm; 59r eke nape pale Silly Woke, Doff Cardin& Co 6 - Beiglder . 10 " Madeira do 10 u ^ L F Teneriffe do Carpenter 40 Oporto Wme, various grades 30 u u Liho's do . 10 blids 10 hfbads }Haut Sauterne Wines 20 bbls 30 Wade Bordeaux Claret,litsufferand 15. do Marseilles do • IS baskets Champagne Wi n neir, aidardek • 16 do do • do P A Mona 10 do do Jaqueson & Sons cases do Claret of vas-lons grabs., implied in beads, 10 baskets Bordeaux Olive CO, crop NA Duran& •5 do Border= " Ulm& 10- do Alaraelles Just received and for sale by mama t MCI:MON QUM:WES-00 bag. °Ma Et ) corn"; 10 35 bap Amy . 10 do larrntairs 10 do old Gov Tsai • 30 loaf chests Greco Teas; 20 do Chaim and Oolong Tea r i 00 do caltylwaxca. rued. " 00 boars Tabasco, wowed; fa do Crompton & Cos Palm tali; 30 do etrillietahe • ti do Castlla • 10 do Palm and Ala tmd " 40 do DI Ilatim' a; 20 do • • arwacroy,. 1200 lb. Elude Cartasta; • 30 bbla cmall b Loaf D flo gatT . caws Werey 1 fdds embed sad palvelised de OCIwil.W .t • 6 ., ewes Extract of Lemon; raaoned =D„ case Julabei l was4 Lma.. 00 daz Patent Co Wwillosadx, 180 do swotted m 13warana TM ouperior Balrinatur. 30 bad Famine and Sue Candles; for sale far oet2o DWI • ' comer wood and 66 wr FLESH TEAK-438hallrely snintiforpados: Young Hyson, Hymn Saul, G Im napowdorn prOal, Wien and Black, Now lending and fir sale b 7 -"WICK &MVANDLE239, coiner wood and weer it rwptr23 A 5-150 paoka4Les, cornprisiog Young Lipson Tear, Macaws and catty biwia; I Gunpowder do ,do do do It:penal do do do do : , Sonehoirg sad Powek=a, io half cheats, of varioal ay ' , inlaid.% sod late importadona, in aIoeSAPAL and form, sale EY is saw woods! , - DEFINED 91.10AEL- 10 taloa those • 46 6 17 , Lb lOW ibis ao. 4,6, 6, 7 and 61 span 60 MO do crushed do 100 do • 0 6 ‘..acaaa a ° 60 do clot tied do la Note and for sato b gUTCRISON t Co, -. . 124. Louis IWbwo 1/I HELM N. V. Sugar to MOO' . earn. WO3 bb4 11l No, 3 mackerel, u 0 half bbla d0,161/a e bblembad, 16 tibia S. Home moluses.lso tin crindthe glass,aa l il Mr-o,lllbn. best Y. 1 .6 . 6 / 4 do kn i aI4 T IS I6 Clan Powder do. se • ' s. a • Alui—vosa • Irantet • • • "In • Id 9 do do;- do • OPOWR do '' bbls do Haebed While do • d' do brown Tonneia , do Sdo splriss Turpenzinw„AnWore end =M Cr BIACsUougN k, Co ISFINED suusau3-6 11,ze:D R tarp faa4 6 Work 6;6,7 uld 8 null 444 230d0 et Asa; 180 do pearier* in MTe and for sale by JAM} A 11UTCHISON18 jy9l uls of St. Louis lausam &Wu Rafoul GHOCEIIIII3-6361144 prizao'N 0 11, 40 bbis Lod Sugar, Nos 2, 6 sl a co Prime NO 11061464 111." flaw Muse " 100 Imp moo lalo Carel, ga 61.42404 Y &Tea 606346 2/121216106320P •12 u 3 1 / 6 1201Tobacee,14, 2. sad 10. • 00 661416126 063 706stmel 11646_1 - Tor ' MITOII2ELTREE, '. lll 1 ' 1 bbds N 0 Biz m; • • Uf 100 bbh 1. yrot aI , sii do 1220 bap plum glo Cits • ' • 6ilf`hrvi=.ll7`47 , - .120 tastis nil Litert?biee* ' ' , -•—• • lObitly Pepper•• _ ..keiT. — 4 , .. , 2 II 60 blaslarv,No. =samara ;antAiltiArie=grr—u" ' , ; _ : -'60..9' ' " JA2021..e' irM-3° dub Yon. Wine 24„ do , Swell's/4 1 dd ", . do Madeira tgoiHiottAz IDIEHMED WHISKEY of . rje i ri=lit= r. ,..llHeirvigisertmat of Yomt w '' l "7 ' . l".dd 1146" Vi. SIISITCHEL THEE . - A-uxmcw, inlltpki s cog us al. eepti ' COMMERUAC coin. Mr= OCTOBER. rise 23 13isaniii; 6at 016. s ts 29 Sunday,. 443 515 723 20 hlmxday, • 6:48 4114 951 31 Thesday, 647 Vl3 941 1 Wdnesday, 048 612 10 47 2 Thursday, 640 .611 . : •11 611 3 Friday, 660 610 mom PITTSIMIA 11 nomers . op TRADE CONIMMEE FOR NOVEMBER, - n. B. • CMG. W.J. TOTTIN. s. ILA 0571C11 Prrrazusou Gaze — rry„ Thursday blaming, November 2j84 &1 The weather yesterday was cold and windy, rendering out door business rather unpleasant.— The transactions of the market were generally light, and prices present little or no change. FLOUR—The receipts were large, fiat ales Gem fast bands were tight, ea for as we could learn, showing no clinics in prices. Sale's from store in regular limited lota at 4,62(iitt,68 Y bid. GRAIN—The market is without any Material change. Receipts continue light and salve limited at former rates. - =ll GROCERIES—Tim maritet is steady mid prices firm at previous rate. BACON—Regular sales are elected at 41, 4 41, and 9d ibr emildera sidee tied hems. !" GREEN APPLES—SaIes of 100 bbla in differ. ant lota at 5101,25 8 NIL— POTATOES—SaIes at the Tiler at 111,80 q bbl heat hinds. CHEESE—Sopplies are fall, with regular sales of w g, at gglifio, and of cream at 'He. cgIngHTS--Sales of 52 iP bn. BUTTER .For good keg, 9391 a are about the ruling figures of the market. FEATHERS—Receipts are increasing, and supplies are quite full. Sales at 33034 e, Cotton—There has been a fair demand for small lots, and the sales of the week add up 800 bales at oar quoted rates, whicluare reduce 3.3 p lb, to cor respond.. Late 'deices represent the English mar• ket as quite doll. Arrived time our lust— From New Orlearre, behm The total receipts of Cotton at the different ports of the coautry, kola Sept. 1; ISIS, to latest dates Same time lest year, The capons have been:— , 1848. issr To Gress Brilain, 81,216 53,748 France, - 18,954 28,878 Other Cortigo ports, 20,832 13,690 Taal, Stooks on band, Domeatice—For export there bave been farther sales to a fair extent Bigoted prim. Exported mince our last:— To foreign• ports, bales and cases 125 Since January 4, 31,840 hum= .ao Mictntamt CaNAL—Aikzomer 07 TOLLS. —The amount of mlii received at Chicago, on pro- dace transactions on the Illinois end Michigan pa nel, for each week from the 9th of May,to the 14th of October, inclusive, were as annexed: tat meek, 51,428 50 12th week 2,1 847 28 13th " 3d " 2,414 65 14th " 4th ° 1,217 52 15th 1,464 02 18th 2,284 84 1 Ith 2,028 62 ' 18th 1,807 23 19th 1,280 44 20th 1,858 88 21st 1,878 48 6111 • 7th " sth " 9th " 10th " 11th " Total The reCbipts at Let Salle, at the other end of the limo, have; been about the same ataount, which, ad ded to the etas collected at Chicago, makes the to. tal, up to the 14th of October, more than $Bl,OOO. There vas at that date about six weeks of nevi gation)eft for the season. The tolls foe the year may reach 5100,000.-OMM Adv. Tux Ceara Crrir—The steamer Dame, foam the Salite yesterday, reports that the steamship Coma City, in going oat over the bar of the Southwest. Pass- on Thursday night, ran fast a ground. Two boats were alongside on Friday 'morautg, but up to 3 o'clock P. M. that day she was sti aground. She was lying in 'riven or eight feet wster.--(Picayune. Commercially there is nothing more favorable in the advice+ by the Europa than those which came by the lag steamer. Consols tutderthe news tem the Continent had fallen off to Hill. Money continued plenty at easy rates, and still more ease wan expected. Trade in the manufacturing de. trice and in produce wu "Be radrauffe were in fair demand, excepting Floor, which alas dull and lower. /radian Cora was jelling at about the quotations by she last steamer. Coma, our great staple, was dull, and some descriptions s trifle cheaper. The weather bad been generally favor able for the crops, but it was admitted that they Were below an average. The importation of coin at London for the went bad been 360,000 from the United States,_XBo,oo42l from Constantinople, $2, mow from Valparaiso, and $lOO,OOO from "Rio Janeiro; The export of the precious metals in ibe mud e time was 48,740 entices elver coin, 224X0 ounces diver bars, and IAI.I ounces gold' coin.— [Bulletin. Bt. Louis, Oct. 24;.151,13. Courson—The steamers .Tobacco Plant and Planet, came anteater Sendai twomingod Liberty bland. • The latter boat ores soucknear the cook honor, on the larboard dde, and had a large portion ether lower rcoard, an well as cook booze, torn away. The'Tobacco Plant was ascending, the Planet dhscencling, and, es mend, every precau tion was used' by the officers of both boats, to pre. vent damage, which, in this instance, was not en. tisely anonmeftd, for, beSides a loss of guards and cook honse,some thirty or forty pigs of lead, a por tion of the cargo of the?. slowed ,on the injured side of the boat, went overboard and sunk to rise namore. Soon after tlkicaltaion. the P. made for shore in a crippled condition: Whether she went down, or Is mil among the things Bowleg, our in forniamsayeth not. , S.W. was bound for Cairo and Xenophile, aria laden principally with produce in. handed - for reshipment , to• New Orleans--(Repub irJW.Pentrets vehmerleads are bald, ftaw. who are trey, of nut= to, Tithe hair falls off, or has tenet, • Mee hair is dry, harsh m stiff, Than by wading the follow= certificate; you will we that you can for three Mellings remedy ito and have Yfine halt. • 11.r.Cleo. Becket, St Elm street, New York, unlit. that Mt head was quite bald on Suctotl . V 4.11 by curing two 3 tbillioybonles Jurel-P RE. iteserns, ha has fine dark sarong hair growing an the scalp. Mr W Jeckson, of 29 Liberty suen, Pittsburgh, war benefindi exactly the stow by two 31a bottles.- Mr Power, a peter, Of PO= sum, bark his hair completely =eked op with dandruff, andJouce•Coral HAW Restorative =tinily mut pennatently cured it. To =au wit= Haan Out, on Feu= Orr tea P7saa et. tea 110031,4 hereby coml' that my hair I= taming fray, wad falling off, and thuunce I have mad loots , Coral 1= Restorative,At has moistly ceased falling, is go= frus,_and. has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones , Coral Hair ReStOtili., 1 combed out hatulfalsof hair daily • • WM TOMPKIHA, INKing at, N. Y. Ku Matilda Beevet, of Myrtle Avenue, 'Brooklyn, certifies exactly the snow. I Do you want to dresw, buctify tndmtke your hair salmi fine Read—% ° • I, Henry E Cullen, late barber on board the Mc= bow Soma America, do ectufy that Jones" Omni Hail Bronorathe fe the best article lever awed for deasslng, ,terftenity,eleamOnv.and,keepinytbe hair a lug time 11E _"Cl,li n ' dart sedan 'cramp ell my •ertitottell preferete manythiltselte: • . A uPPose thirrvern satisfy any • matoruble person what but hated. I might give .the. acmes of RS ash**, 'For date by•l Val JAMISON. • ES LlEbeity st, signet the We Boot Wane; Suctsch—illAnieatitnituye— Thie Inval uable seneedy for weans, IA rapidly supplanting ail °theta. in public estimation. Whets ft I. steed ft bits produced the but effects and driven out all other rem. odic. ;#. have ever ileten t ,, is the re mit; ot am nave ever need it in their [ironies I-Tvatehraiqite Soma Co.11ots: "J. lo g M tectivei lot of M k Nm} faze fro your flirt histaPlintre stick sold mid ih one week, and! toink.l cameo have eoLl..ono thousand t bottles by this tiro:s e t( Icould have sot it, but not know. •tug w hea t , to get it e I bi_td , ffaii until your egeed'oeurte atoe !n d; Evesy.person th.l2 Sled Amens% blea tVenni fury, la OS it is ibs best thay have ever sem t ! h i hopos , aible for any one to say too ranch In (atm. or rdliones•Veradfrige. • W. 11.. !ROMA . gen ehes attain of the shot. valuable meld= DD &ea,. GP wood et had at the &re y; store! itit Qj•Tba soh, sharrPho espreaoson of wane romaas so prateftdro varor s vorbole ihe repulsive "Imes muddy faces. of etheras excite. Obajawi-ibe. Nam,* yellow males...Could such ho =laced to toy .coke s ps. the trosw.lehratltalioneal.Soap, 'bay enraptured with the aunts. They wouldhave a &h -ate, elder, white:akin, w tic every. disffearemens er math% would be renurred and cured. Pte „ iNcarria—Persanawhohave bought cheep counwefelwand bo &honauf ably,' and have bad no of (net proateedf lOW try this,. the vosigmal., Mi ' nd, nak for Jonas , Swap, for sale az Wat.rJaccurs's, bit Aber- Ther - ezeentre oT Clotted SecTelloneer tole Is w *molest. cause -violent disturhanceof the dlr.- dee amino, and hying - en malignant and .onmanages. &Ten, which often pas Camel t 6 Ilia. - .The Won= h Must be cleansed of these Goal iterations, and ate can ac rawirlylw accamovuehed by tbe are pf B A Faber attack's AntSMllleas nub, whir-harem. Wow, rateable family usherette.' They can be gwelswith aefery at all linleand afford relief In a very show thne. Prepared and:sold by , II kFAIILNESTOCK & 'contorted andwowli and' comer ath and wood eu: . Art, MO a' rot Dresth-rf you hswi, twa a 4aila puling boala of lOUS' 410.41 r Taub Parw:llis . will make/oat brach swpah wbpan yaw' leata,a..- Boid iban;rst• Itsamor, . . WA Bola'Y*fra, idvgLegial utiwi W .nradaziawu PORT 00 'PiTTSBEIRGH. ARRIVED, LotaisMeLime, Item:Lett:Brownsville. Atlanuc, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson,Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson; Beaver. Lake Erie, Shelea Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Euphrates, Calhoun, Cia. Vermont, Hazlett, Louisville. Island Packet, —, Wheeling. Wellsville. Barns. Cin. Arrowline, Morrie, Brownsville. Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville_ Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrick son, Beaver. _Caroline, Day, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Reeve; Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Shales, Beaver. C I Marshall, —i New Orleans. Rope No 2, Cochran, Wellsville. American Star, Hanna, Cin. At dusk last evening, there were 5 feet 0 inches scant water in the chann'el, and falling. Ria Bridgeport—Per Hudson-200 bbl dour, Geo A Berry; 362 do do, Clark & Thaw; 20 do do, H Graff & co; 64 do do, D Leech & co; 12 do do, 9 W Herbal:4h; 15 bge sacks, H Stork; 76 Ws whiskey. irslimille—Per Caleb Cope-2 bbls pickle:, W Rune; 18 aks drz peaches, Smith & Sinclair; 7 pea 1 bdl iron, S F 1 , on Bonnhorst & co; 86 aka rye, 7 kg* lard. Cummings 6: Sinitb; 12 bblis green ap ples, L S Waterman; 45 bbls flour, S dr. W Blu baugh; 1 lot scrap iron, Mr Cahoon; 4 irks 4 bbls 1 keg 9 bas mdse, Mr Brown. Beaver—Per Lake Erie-233 bas cheese, 7 bbls clay, 43 kgs butter, 3 A Caughey; 4 do do, Friend, Rho) , & co; 5 bbls scrap iron, 1 hi do, 1 box do, Church & Carothers; 32 his cheese, same; 9 his medicines, 97 bas chem., 72 aka b w flour, 32 bbls flour, I A Canghey; 88 bbls cider, owner aboard Per Michigan-1 box I table 1 trunk, English di Bennett; 11 bbls butter, L S Waterman; 2 kgs lard, Carson & McKnight; S bbls flour, S & W Har. Laugh. Sagan, Oct. 28,1848. Per cannlhaat Pittsburgh—WO bu barley, (ho W Smith. Per Beaver-200 bbh apples, 150 do flow. 19 aka dry peaches, Via:elbow in tow wilt' 68000 fire bricks. Lotsamo26—Per Vermont-28 aka feathers, R H Ring ; • 30 Las candles, Poindexter do co; 8 bga tenth era, 68 bbl dour, C H Grant; 11 bids tob, 3 A Mc- Guire; 48 bga feathers, I Grier, 34 bla cotton, 4 bge feather., I Forsyth & tax 1 trunk, 250 bbl, dour, D Leech do co; 1 box mdse, Toasty & Best; 67 pro bacon, Borbridge, Wilson & co, 56 bbl, dour, 1 ark bacon. Sellers 6: Nicol* 4 Ma bozo°, 2 Irks 2 sks feathers, Bagaley & Smith. 121,002 94,114 11E,1128 152849 5596 3'7 1,726 19 9,240 27 2,039 29 2,652 27 2,499 73 2,539 '7O 3,033 62 2,335 71 2,549 94 $40,521 21 New Orleans, Oct. 23, IS4& MONEY marursr. Philadelphia,'Occ. 28,1818 ;~~: Maynille—Per Airellsville-23 kgs buuer, Mil ler & Ricketsoo• 80 bbl flour, Orum & McGrew; 12 bble apples, J F Perry; 20 do do. Drum dr. Mc- Grew; 18 do do. C H Grant; 19 bbls floor, owner; 97 do apple*, Armstrong de Croser; 128 slot peach es, same; 400 bbls flour, Geo A Berry; 41 Ithds D Leech & co; 31 do do, R Balsa & co; 54 do do J A Roe. MISCELLANEOUS. CommolUng Eminiumeris & COW:manors for Patentees; Office for poetizing and defending Patents, imparting infornmuon on Mechanics and the application of Set mace to the Ana, and on American and Foreign Laws of Patenta. 'DROP. WALTER ft JOHNSON, We of Ptilledel- L phis, and Z. C. BOBBINS of Washington city, lto be aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq., late Machint of the United States Patent Mead have assmlaird themselves together for the prosecution of the above blanche. of professional bnsmess, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or be the Courts; and will de vote their undivi fore ded attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors amt others who may consult them or basinessin their Minds. Mr. Knowles has for the past twelve years held the post of Mactintest to the United Slams Patent Office, and ream. that summon to take part in the peseta undertaking. His talents and peculiar fitness for the important ogee so long fill ed by him, have been the eerier:used by Inventors wherever the °Dee naafis known. office The of Mean. J. & R. is on P street, oppwite the Patent Offiee, Washington, D. C., where comment- MIMI., post paid, will be promptly attended us; ination. made, drawings, specifications, and all resin.. Ite papers prepared—end models procured when desi red—on reasonable terms. Len .of enntury, expect ed to be answered ail. el.:anal:ton/had, must be or compuried by a fee of five dollars. In de duties of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J. &IL will be assisted by a legal gentlemen of the highest professionalcharacter, and hilly conversant with Mediums end other Semantic subjecte. mytheddr.wlyS -- PIANO FORTES. #lll4ll JOHN H. MILLAJR, No 61 Wood street, has now received • full assort ment of Piano Fortes, selected from the following thanufaetones to Boston and New York, to which the attention of purchasers to respectfully invited. Those from Mr. Cbmkerthe, (for the sale of which he is sole Agent in Western Fenn. sylvania,) have what Is termed the New Otrettlar Seale; being an =prove:nem recently made, and giving them • dmhled advantage la power and equality of tone over any others.. The following are the patterns and styles of Chickesing's No. 1. Ilimerod, • serves, Matted hack a from, SRN 1. M " richly carved " " uoo a " Oi " " " " SOO "4. " 1 " carved mouldtti g s, "NM 5. " " L. brushed beet and front, IMO " S3NO " 15L6 " Sals "g. " 6 Projecting front, 6300 " 16. " 7 nehly entre& style of Louts 14th. "IL " 6 bellow corners and hollow cot. ' acted legs, second hand. cost ongtrunly 6403, and will be sold at a veryreduced pnce. No. 11. Rosewood, mood comer, very elegantly fin ished 8 /75 No 11 Rosewood, round corner. very el. ely finished, 1/175. above are manufactured by H. Worceeter, N. Y., well known as being connected formerly with Messrs Stotard, Worcester tr. Dunham, N. Y. No. 13. Rosewood, 64, carved omuldmg, made by the Manhanan Company, N. Y. 8275. No 14, Rosewood carved, 6 octaves, Gala k. Co's, N. If, IRMO. No. 15 " plant 6 " ..- c;5O No le, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by 11, nn Hers,Paris. No 17, filshogany, 6 octaves. second hand. price 57.5 Old PM.* taken in part payment for new ones. JOHN H MELUJR, Sole Agent for Chickering's Grand and Square Piano Fortes, for Wesmnt Pennsv leant. mti7 • lIIPLEBIED LOT OW NEW PIA.NO/L NUNNS & CLAUS., New loth, CHICSERING, &Anon, The subscriber has now open and for sale, • lot of most supertor Pianos, se lected by himself at the matitnactonec They mount of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of ofd, Oi and 7 octaves, of venous styles and prices, and brace ell the latest improvements. Those of Nunns em & Clark's, Oar which celebrated firm he Is sots or have an improved way of summer possessed by no other; also, • superior plan of leathering die hammers, kr-eventing these Pianos from growing harsh and wirey lifter some use. TheChtekcong, of which he ba. a mpen. or lot 'are provided with dm Circular Scale, and were selected for him with care by J. Chtcksnog, at Upton. The above will positively he sold at manufacturers' prices, and on accoirthodaung terms. The subscaber will tavanably be found at J W WoodwelPs, from II in to Id A. 71, End from Ito P. 151. Mr. Wooderell will attend to the business during the bal.oe of time. H. KLEHER, man at J W WoodwelSs. bh Thad el GREAT MUSICAL. NOVELTY—The subscriber hits mist received from Europe, and for We so entirely new irmention of Piano Forte, called :be sole, Li- INET PIANO FORTE, which povieming more power and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but one fourth so much room, and ts • mach more showy and handsome plece.of furniture. It is panicalarly desire- Wei where the saving of space is an obieet, being ex emedinifty neat and compact, and occupying no mo re room an • small side table. The subthnber has In band-a-testimanial of its superiority from the celebra ted pianist, Moschelles, to hts own handovenuntschieh char be tweeted. KLEB °ME At J W Woods. Ps • A SPLEINDID assortment of Maho gany and Rosewood Pianos, met fin• abed. These instruments are made of the latest pattern and best materials and will he sold low for cashby Y. BLU 112 Wood street, door atwve Fifth. N. 11—Those who are in want or a good instmment, are retspeetfully invited to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere, as they emuot be excelled by any In thecontstry, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East. Also lust received, two pianos of Ham burgh tomnfacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold in this country. mat F. B. Cooper Duplex and Lever Watches. MIM I) gre JUatlyT S re received and at duced prices, five VO ale gene loe T. P. Cooper, a CralhOrpE , Gray's lon, Road L.ondon, Do pler/ 'and Patent Lover Watches, eased In 18 to at eld, and fall jewelled, with Chronometer balanee. These are now die EIRE. watches made being •upert. or Ritnish and accuracy to the M. J. 1 1 obtes, Joseph Johnson, or any other make. Those in want of • very Ewa atch are invited to cell e this lot Als9, lOllO assortment of Gold n and Silver Watches, ChElniteilltetgesk'cretpaired W . W the. W er. besl L.SO mannN, d pi corner 4th and Market eta PRAM Taints FOR DALE, . AT the Fairv:ew Nurseries, Moorestown, Har lington county ,N. J. About 40 varieties of the 4.416.1 inoculated Print, of the 1.'8.1 and finest isrietics,dipening from the Lt of July until the let of October, besides other fruit trees Of the following kinds: Apples, Petits, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Cherries, and a large quantity, ofOmmental Trees of the moral satiety. - persons wishing to order trees for Fall planting, by eroding their order accompanied with the cash, or satisfactory reference, will be punc tually attend ed: to., Persons ordering trees who are Unacquainted with the varieties, can depend on the best for market or family. Trees will be carefullypacked , in mate cud moss, for which g 0 cents per bundle well L T tar&e . d. Or m dfg u se b n: direct pe. % i nlet . u o:izth w erwisn seriptise cataloguer, with prices attached, furnished grads to port.patil applicants. JOHN PERKINS, Proprietor. Moorestown, N. 3. Oct. 24,1540-dawtr.wam•T EMIT PROOF IRON. etliß andersagned have erected worts in the city of New Yank, for the purpose of Galvanizang sll ard• of Iron, which It Is deswable to pacerscr FROM RUNT, .nob a. Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Neula, Wire for Veneer, and any other article whlch may be retleired. Far Hoops for Casks, GA e sobstiiuo for bale Rope; tor Clothes Lanes, Lighnung Rods, and a boat of other applications, at wdl be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention to atm Galvani zed Ware for fences; at requires no paint, and will not nut. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which is of so mach unpowance, that it will commend I itself to the notice of all those interested. _ . . 0E0..11. 6/01114WOOD & CO., Patentees, ocialld&wlyT 14 and 16 Beaver at, N Musgiratt & Sons , Saida Ask. 11144 E subscribers are now receiving their Fall stink of she above article, dam, vessels, vim the Juniata, Medallion and Lydia, having arrived so Philadelphia add Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leda, shortly expected; they are, therefore. prePdfed In receive orders. They mill receive during the amid.win ieg iding regular supplies ma New Orleans. W a M MITCIIELTREE „Election Lam. TIIVIOSE election districts that are not .applied with 08 , Esetion.Lawa of the Stun, coob Enntielted theiconth by annleinlon 'lathe Comcme4 office. oe94dtwttan ll3 JAMES ellEitlLY. Clerk. prirlttiavicsimvaßAgii altronmen & Tir,r.zaa&puiro iczeinaivay for the Pittsburgh Gazette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET November 1, 18.18. • Flour--Sales of Western at $5 25035 31 cts. per barrel—dalL Grain--Sales of prime white Wheat at 120 eta., and prime reds at 11301140 per bushel, and in ex tent to 2,500 bushels. Corn—Sales of prime yellow at 61068 eta per buehel• Groceries—There is no change in Groceries. Provisions are without change. NEW YORK MARKET. • NEw You., Nov. 1, 184& Flour—The market is firm, with good Eastern and Home demand, and some shipping inquiry.— To arrive there is considerable demand, bat deal. era cannot agree. • Grain—There is a good inquiry for good samples of Wheat, but poor lots are dull. Corn is lu steady demand.—Sales of prime white Wheat at 1201250 per bunk. Saks for as. port generally. There is less doing in Coin, and the market bss a downward tendency. Other grains as before. Provisions—There Is much demand for Beef,— Pork remains steady. Sales of Mess Beef et 52 25 per bbl; do of Beef Hams, 512 per barrel• Lard—Bales of Western in barrel at 71 els per lb—market heavy. Cotton—Sales of Upland at 6f and Louisiana at 6to per lb. Whiskey--Sales at 221 ets per gal Freights are active, and Sterling Bills plenty for Steamer to day. BALTIMORE MARKET. November 1, 160. Bread Stuffs dull and unchanged. In provisions I hear of no sales to day of any uncle worthy of report. The markets generally are without change in any particular. FOU TAU lATTPIMIOR GIAZATTE. Raracts frau. :Vont Ras. Polalcal roan. What the Whip Want and What they =l3 AIR-..Guy .IVOGIL We weot no Cuba, be it known, With war and Its turmoil, "Why should we ever quit OUT own, To stand on foreign" awl Then shout 6tr gallant ZROM, Then shout for gallant Zack, The ',unworn Vetran'a in Me field, And Cass mum clear the track. We want a Tariff to protect Home industry and The man most be, that we elect, In favor of Free Soil. Then shout br gallant Zack, &a. We want a man like Washington, Tom Jefferson, or Monroe We don't want Cass, alas! alas'l To swallow Mamma Then about for gallant Zack dr.c. With such a tom as honest Zack, Prcopenty restore, With good Old Zack Ins anti go back, To those bngbt days of yore. Theo shout kir gallant Zack, enc As Whigs end men. will not you thee Vote for the Food and breve, Come to the rescue, come, oh' come' Your country now and save. Then about 53r gallant Zack. ace Rouse' roux' Americans, arouse' And with our Taylor plan, We'll have prosperity on earth, Peace and good will to man. Then shout kW gallant Zack, Then shout for gallant Zack, The war-worn hero's in the field And Cass moat clear the track. Hcuicays to Crits.—A terrible Corm commons cod in Cuba, on the 3d oh, and continued four days The wind blew with peat violence, the rota fall to a deluge, and thick clouds obscured the light of the sun, suspending all business in the towns, and putting a stop to agricultural labor to the country. Bataan ur Panunta—A suit kir breach of mar nage promise was wed at Buffalo on Tuesday lute, between Mary Ann Campbell and Charles Jones, whsch resulted ta a verdsct far the plamuff of $:4O. The dekndant wv then toted lot sedu cing Mary Ann, and was mulcted to another verdict at 5400. Fainnom.—Whale Queen Victoria was in the Highlands, she one day fled the veil of her hat tro. der her chin, as a was rather chilly weather. Forth. with every lady,"the country round, - adopted the style, and in hottest days of the season loyally sweltered away in honor of the ruyi.l dame. 1/vent's Gomm.—The Ohio nu.> Jeronss4 Monday, states the a maa named Death attempt ed suicide en Saturday night haat, by cutting his throat! What next! GE, Ka-roma - T.—A telgraphc despatch meets ed in this city, confirms the announcement of th, death of this Mattagami:tea otfigxr. -- -Lie not the heat by whom the new are Nor yet the lust to Of the old *side " THE F-'dPIRM CAA/KING RANGE pos.liscs the 1 following advert...ma—The or w constantly supplied with pure hot alt, muderuag the operation of baktng 'Reflect as when done mound oven. It has • Chamber eseluuyely for Roasting meals tenth • spit. Mum doing away with all the roasting at mehreentaiti the shape of "no knehetis It has a large cooking caparity, with on utiobittruct• ea dat furnace on the top, which all housekeepe r . can appreciate. It can be set up without mason work, in any onhrts ry fire-place, tutu the room as • stove, enabling those who occupy hired booze. to have the advantage of s range at the coat of • stove. And lastly, It burns less coal than any other cooking app•rates, not eacepong the Empire Cooking Stove, which teals° for sale at wholesale of retail, at 0/I.M - JETS Empire Stone Depot. 410 !Basket west, Girard Row, Philadelphia. Extract from a recommendation from Henry Bach man, Eau- =I Market streeti—"Yowicat um no term. in reconamendanon of It. winch I sill not endorse If referred to." ocussrisodtDematiloaw - _ DOCTOR YOURSELF! FOR A 8 CENTId.-1.1) mecum e. tli- Pocket Esco lams, or evenone his own l'h)sie'en: larenneth ediuon. with upward. A a teethed engravings, show. mg private disease. In shape anti m,m, sad mal formation of the gemeradve . 5 stem, by 11. YOUNU , D The time has now aniitd t.ut per. as suffer ing from secret Mem, t aid ro mo e tweeter the VIC IIIIII of quackery, as by the Nearly inns ( . 0•41413 , 4 in that hook soy one may cure miusers, warm° hindrance businnw, or the knowiedge of at e =ids, intimate mend. and with one tenth the ususi ee edse lu ad f mon to the general rotate,. of prii re di .It Icily dxpiams the cause of inatibood's e•elt deenne, with elmenanons on marriare—miide• many other do. oangetnents whlth tt would not be pro,. W enumerate ni the public fronts. i Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a letter will receive no copy of this look, by tivol, or five co pies will be sent for one dollar. Address —DR W YOUNO, No 165 Spruce street, Phtladelphts," post paid WANTED—Proprietors of drug or book stores, ant pedlan, in every town in the Cloud mates, to act a, agents for the above wink. oetlideodlot ak a PITT/BERGH NURIARRY• poujh ORDERS for Fruit Trees, BhaeleTrees,= 4 -."Li 'llrape Vines, Privet for Hedges, Wean ' House Plants, Ake, sent through the Pittsburgh P. 0., orleft at Mr. Robert Daltell's, Liberty street, or at the Ntirsery, 34 miles east Otitis city, on the road leathog from the Fourth Street Rout, at Oakland, to the lion Walter Forward's, will be promptly Manned to. ocriftilatew3t 4 B JOHN 111URDOCR,... Excuse.. Roil cc Pro:crawl, t October glst, 1240. $ AN election for thirteen Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will be held st the Banking House on Monday, November 20th, 1848, between the boon of 2 A. M. and 3 P.M. 1.01 1 -dtd THOhl AB M. HOWE, Cashier. anat....re frEranavocrozinin f Erin, October 20 1848. $ AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, lot the ensuing year, will be held at the Dunkin! House on Monday, the 20th day of November nett W. IL DENNY, Cashier. Bang or PisYstiosall, j October lA, 1848. $ AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking Houma on Monday, the twentieth day of November next. ocl2lwltd JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. tittritArr 150NrY BLEACHANirPOWDER =. ,1311 A superior nrtlole always on hand mud for tale at au unusually low price, by °MA W &11,1 MITCHRLTREE ENO. VEN. RED-SO casks for sole by octl7 J SCHOONMAKER &Co . IHINESE VERMILLION-I case for sale by Intl? .1 SOHOONfiLkKER & Co JUJUB E PASTE-3 hos for sale by octl7 J SCIIOONM AKER & Co -- INDIA RUBBER MITTS—a do: Ind.., Rubber Mius, recelveb by Ru. and for .ale at the India Rub bet Repot, No W ood p street. .123 J k.ll PHILLIPS ENTLEMENS' 0L0V433=40g India -d Rubber G Gloves, far superior to Buckskin, just received and for sale at the India Robber Depot. oct23 J h. II PHILLIPS NBUCKUASTER, Ainspatart-Office, Fourth rt., .L 1 . third door above Smithfield, south ride. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examined. etc. ee 030.1 7._. iIOLD PENS-:6 - dos pi-;t-receiV;-i, of 1.3 the finest Gold Pens yet made. This lot I hod made exprersly to order, and thy_p.Yinf p=mi.N) hotter th o u r e- L.-et...fore sold. For sale by W W WILSON IpLANKETS AND FLANNLIvh—Aii lohltuoval my th ply of rupenor Blankets, red and brown Flannel.• just received from the manufacturers on cousin moant and for salt by GEO ociontA.N , oct3o tet wood .t ANlTll—lmmediaoaly, a Out to do tha cooking! e., for • mu (may. APP WI offi ‘.° Gazette ce. 11011 A ASH-10 eask• Tennant's Soda Aah, re 11 . 3 by oet3o FORSYTH & DUNCAN] 3.7 1 Ifferternq SODA ASH-20 woks for .4 by on= FORSYTH & DUNCAN HARDWARE PAPER—SO rm. of thbesl so eonailinmentt for tale . by QTILAW PAPER-711 row very large wed heavy, LI very -. cheap paper far common hardware, for el by °ebbe J SCHOONbIAJMAL b Co 'IAN—I oak (IW lbs)ltressaeas a GY NORSE FOR BALE—Pertly gentle; u•ed to the 11 city and will stead without hitching. _ Inquire of oet2B J SCHOONMAXER tr. Co QAL&D OLL-8 bukata Salad Oil, bell; (or sae by IJ anti S SCHOONXIARES &Cy • Nuns, LOTS, FAltif& It., DRY & VARIETY ROODS: I:l===s . . . . flint robscriber has laid oat eleven Lou on the J. South side of the Founh Street Raid, and about two and one quarter miles' from the Court BM. These lots contain each from one to two and a half acres of laud, rod will be sold on reasonable and se commodating terms. It is deemed onneeesrory to en ter into any eanlanation of the advantages of these lots Their eternity to this city, sad to the line of the Central Rail Rood, recommend them strongly sr eery desirable cannery residence. The subscriber also offers for sale about seven deed acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny comity, about seventeen miles from Pittsburgh. Ale., MI. building Lots in the borowlirmitiattam. ocadef ' iR. CRAIG._ VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR DALE. THAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon. Esq., on so l dtreet, near Robinson, eny oily, will bon accommodating t erms.Teo lot is all feet 4 inches on Craig street, running through to ;be Canal 130 feet. There is a good two story frame dwelling house on the precuts., lately built, and the lot is well Unproved, contenting a variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubbery, &o. This property is unseal ently snowed for persons donag business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and Is a desirable residence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WILL BOYD Attor ney at Law, office on Fonnb meet, above Bmithdeld. ap4-dtf Acre• Ow Land ifbr We, • ITUATED on the Monongahela river, about le miles 0 from Pittsburgh and 3 miles stene third back, in the immediate neighborhood °Mean. Lyon & &herb, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This fine body of Coal will be .Id u the low mice of =per acre—one third In hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. Title indisputable. Location very g o cannot be surpused. For further particulars etninim of EL DALSLEY, who itas adraft of said pro. perry Residence 2d si, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row. N. B. There in smother seam of coal on this tract, about en feet above the lower, of excellent guilty. JYRl:dti B. Silstnto in 161:ii. A . A TRAM of land, 0 0 germ, m Harnson, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga river—etmot 30 sera under Im provement Also, two unimproved lots in the village of Warren, Trumbnll Co., to feet by 00. Also, a lot at round in the cenlav 01 Hanford, Trumbull Co., with a Rae dwelling house and store—one of the best stands for a metehont on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold on very .commodating terms. 'SALMI DIC KE Y & Co, fable Watc9 and Front sta. UMME.:= . - . IRE large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec ca sweet, Allegheny city, by FL S. Cameo, Fag., is ere 4 an sale at a bergain, and on easy toms. The lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet on Rebecca street, and nazis back 110 foct to Park area. The main building is of brick, three stones high and 60 feet Long by 177 feet uncle. The Engine House ie large and commalious, with an engine, Finder, stack, ho.. all in complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advantageous terms. Foe prime, terms, he., enquire at this office. . . THE subscriber oilers for rent for the term of one or more years, a large convenient well fin two story Dwelling Honey, contanung I rooms and Kitchen. Thera is • lot of ground containing If sores of fine young fruit trees of every kind, stable, &c., conoected with the house. To any person wish ing • delightful residence within a few minutes nde of the city, this will be a rose chance. For terms, which will be low to • good tenant, moon" of hlr. Jae. Wright, east the premises, of John Watt, corner of Hand and Liberty wee., or of oce&Lif THEO. F. WRIGHT. Tract or Land for Bala. 'VHF. saliscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a j. valuable tract of mintaroved land, Mutate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pirt.bianch. /Ind about MO, mile from the town of Freedom so the Ohio river. The tract con tains SO serm and ad perri, Oriel measure. The land la of an excellent quality, about Pe ecru cleared, and wellwatered, and will be sold either in whole or In Cams of convenient aim, to suit purehasens For farther particulers enquire of WM. BOYD, Any at Lew, ore on Idt at, above Bouthneld, Pinaburgh. myelllalkartf T Property . In Allegheny City tor 50.0. Bobboribess oder (or sale number of ohm HS • Lou, Mom. to the Second Ward, fronting ng on Common slontoL on MI terms. illiare of W. O'H. ROBINSON, An] w, tI Clam . . . or of JAR ROBINSON, on the premium. scrll7,ltortf? VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ON PENN STRIU..T FOR BALE—A Lot of Ground uttuste on Penn omet, between Rey and Marbury army adfaioing tba boom and lot now occupied by Rieberd Edward*, havimf • trout of ZS feet, and to depth ISO feet, vete be .old on favorable terms Title anamepoonable En quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, st, near Wood. oetil•Mf \relivable Rent 000 r oo Allegheny MO te gale. fIONTEMELATING • removal from Allegheny nay, V 1 offer my residence there for ale. The premises are In Milighttill order, nod emery way worthy the at tention of uty person sustainsarch property. R. W. POINDEXTER. Steal Kartaggi r lia Hamer Commgys &LOY, Storehouseuur pleelling, salaam on the Erie Extension Canal, In *4 Trap of West Mid desirable location for a merchant Also, • 1,01 end good Derefting Hoa waned for • Tavern Stiord, in the village of Orringestilrewell e, on Stem boo of 001. TOMS easy ISAIAH DICKEY it Co. febtO Wuer andtroni rtOAL LAND FOR SALR—t3even arms cord Mod for MI, situate in bend of lb. Mommeehele Steer, above Brownsville, Pe. barmy a 7 Gat Tun of coal setoch will be sold m exchange for scads. For porno us snots m 1...KA • 1 by' /JAR LlAl:ral II wend et . _ - . W 1141:110LSE NiSALE.- - rue subscriber tke . g . far sateood .111 , e m tree p atop; bilet IVar r • 17 WILSON, Jr. The roborribers Intl! rent part of thn war, boas now 0ce i n , 6 1 1 4 , 1;? . ....% 61 •relit Weal. EXCIIAKE3ROKEM D.sk.rs, Zsalk•ag• 9rpkert. • •011 Duna 111 NOTES, DRAFTS, D ACCEPTANCE NOTSXS, GOLD, SILVER. AN BANK COLLECTIONS. —Draw- Notes and Acceptance. payable in any part of the Caton, collected on the most favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Phdadelplus alai Bal timore; also, Cincinnati. Louisan, Saint Lonia and New (Meas. constant'' , for can BANIOHYPES.—Noter on ell solvent bank. in the United Slate. discount.* at die lowent tte. •11 kind* of Foreign ond Manta Hold and Silver Com bought and sold Office No 03 Market street, between 3d and 40, Pittsburgh, Pa. callP II VS MY, liAllall• - 415 - 64 IDANXERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dcalen MS to Foreign sad Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposita Rank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, 1.11, ly opposite the Bank of Plusburgh. Current money received on deposuc--Bfght Checks for sole, and col lections made on nearly all lha pampa points in the United Stow. The highest madam paid for Portage and Amertea Gold. Advances made on eattaignmenu of Produce, ship ped FAO, on liberal terms. mchli 47ag fORI 0 li. )IILLS on Fwgiand, Ireland, and Scotian! benign& anJ amount at the Current RAM" of Exchange. , Drat. payable to any part of the Old Crnintrta, from LI to Liono, at the rate of SS to the A Nterhug, without deduction or discount., by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, FAropean and General Agent, office sth et one door west of wood. atintt Ohio Indlona, Kentucky, Missouri, Dank Nowa purchased at the ',meet rates, by N. 1.101.11 F-9 & SONS. se 13 33 Market street. MILL t i CVRltif BANKERS and E.:change Brokers, Dealers an For nigh and Doroesue runs and Sight DIU. o( Ex cOs+ogo, Cerntleates orDepostte, Dusk Now* and Com; No GI Wood street, third door below Foorth, wow stile. =raid • • Li.i....... cm...T..11 ER & ILAIII, DANICERit AND EXCHANOI BROKERS. dealers • ifecalt il / 4 orgpolte n'' , tia M ote " : an ( d K j:A h n ' T, cornet ' of l and Wood .area, directly oppoate Be Chit;t d i illyce •• BILLS OM IC SO HANGS-814M Checks on New York„ Madelabia, and Baltimore, Constantly for ~in by N. HOLISM% & SONS. septa 33 Musket at. OLLECTIONN—hotes, iWski - and Acceptances C payable In she Western clues, collected on the most favorable term by sept 9 N HOLitiFl9. & SONS SIOIIT CIiFICX.I ON NEW ORK for sate octl N NOLMF-9 &PON/3 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. WAIIIIIION &BMA HATS. TUE aliburibar, In addition to his own It mannfactinius of Hata ban made arrange ments with Musts. Benue & Co., (the most fashionable hatters of tha city or New Tork,) for uelf• Mar fupply of his extra line Silk Hats, and having Mat received • feW cases, gentlemen can be wilted with a vety rich and beantifitibm by calling at his new Hat and Cap Storeilinnitbleld street, wooed door south of Fourth, where: toy be found •great variety of Hata and Cap. of Ids own manufuture, wholesale and re tail. Mu made to order on abort notice. app WILSON. (Suricesurs to MiCord & Una) Pa•ll.lonable 11...ter• _ Corner of Wood and Fifa: Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. JL Gentlemen eu rely upon getting their Haw and Caps from ouneatabllahment of the isa awramula and wiraMasnamiri: of the um! urns", and at We towars MOS Conucry Merchants, purchasing bJ wholesale, are reaPvnliblir Maloof to stall and examine our SMniti we coo say with confidence that as regards anoint and voice, It will not miter in a comparison with tiny house In Philadelphia febl7 it Pill Poohlona for 19411. MoCORD & Co., (Lauce n Woolen t antoo ItLL Introd on Satardaj, Anpot 2Gth, the Fall stYle liatsoust reoetved from New York. in want of a neat and beautiful hat, ese invited lo call at then store, cornets of F5llll and %Vood streets. GOVGG _ - STRAW GOODS. DEALERS are invited to examine R. 11 PALMER'S stock of Straw- God* of Ih. spitall i s=_ocrALsed . rn parrot stable do; Amerman do dm China Pearl do; &burg d Rutland do; French Lacm. Fancy Gimp, dn. Itt- HATS—Leghorn, Palm Loot, Panama, Fancy Bow do Braid, Rati•nd Braid, Pedal do. Also, Artial Flowers, Ribbons, dn. Straw Do net Wvehouse,9s metal on mar2S. TO WHOLESALE GROCERS. TUE a...awned are prepared to fill orders for soy uaralli of Cypress bleier.. Barrels, of a wren = q u ality , efiverable to order at as Uwe, 'total as a low day• notice, at our Wharf - Boat. We les can make It br. intrreat of thewe =stalwart vim boy largely on the coast, as they ean — orster 'their bar rel. shipped to any plantation they may desire, w h ich be attended to without extra charge. WATTS, GIVEN & Co Paducah, Ry.. Oct. 23,1848-3te PrT - TRIPJROI I-13 TEEL AND AXLE FA WORKSC TORY. AND BPIUNO A OWL /010;11, TAKER & Go . . • ?I.S.NUFACTUIELERS of spatter and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough. wino, mash and clip. 91u4111%bizarRered kron axles, and &elms in mai -table essunp w ite estrum lamps, and coach =Min* orenetallyi corm of Rosa and Frew gm, Pittsburgh, *spell COLEhITIN, HAILISIVIT h Co., have removed to th Wan-house, 3 doors we et of the Idottootrahel Roow, oa Water sad Front wool. . Foss HENT•••Tho Wan:house No.' 43 Wood a 940 POSt tom _ - SPLICISDID STOOK - OP WALL G OODS ,O Wholesale asul A- A. MASON it CO., PITIMBURGB, PA., 1 11 AVE received more than one thousand Cases and !AA Packages of Foreign and leumestioGooda, mak ing one ennui most extensive assormse-nts in the coun try, embracing the latest, riches: and most fultionable style. of Imported mei American Good", purchmd to entire paokages from the importers, manufacturers and large Auction sal b y by one of the firm residing in New York, who is constantly sending us the newest and most desirable goods or the Eastern market', which 'will be offered es low sou my establishment in the United Sours, and lower than could possibly be offer ed by any House in the Weal. We enumerate the fol loes- r/.S ttnvgg rti aLKS-0 cases rich changeable, striped, plaid and broeade Gro de Affric, Gm do Berlin, Giro de BOriSs, Gro de Algiers, Glacier, black Gro do Rhine, Taggart, fine Satin, Florence over colors, An. la. Al so, Silk Velvet Mall colors, • very large stock. 35 CASES DRESS GOODS, air casu onto. rich satin smiqCtishmere; do do do printed dodo; do small limed lash de Leine; do Cleneme Plains, striped Coattail, . Also, 50 ease. Alpaecas; Si CMOS nob striped and plain Lynne.; 0-4 Tartan Plaid and Silk Twill; 5-4 cashmeres and Onendilla Plaids. FRENCH MERINOS—A full assortment of bleak, mode, scarlet, MOrooll, Naxarine, blue, purple and oth er motors of the best manufacture. SHAWLS—Comprizing the most extensive as. eortment ever offered in this city, embracing long and square Cashmere and Tartan plaid Shawl., Maude, Smriewtok, Finland, Jenny Lind, Lamartine, andoth er Shawls. EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, GLOVES, tee.— Lace caps, collar', cars, standing coital', chemixetts. Also, linen cambne and lawn Hdkfs, Laces and Edg inuimßellbon4,Ello,sigymof all DS, tilinalov.—dl full snort:nem of the most fuhiona le stylist LINEN AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS —Case of Irish Linen, best manufacture, Linen Sheeting" and pillow caw Linens, Table Dam and Duper, Satin Damuk Table cloths and Napkins, Huckabeck, sill, and Bird's Eye Diaper. Flannels—over 1000 ps of every variety. all and Brown Mulitts—inore than 15,000 ps °fall the well known makes. RISBONS—More than 100 ClllllOlll entirely new fall sod winter Ribbons, very choice styles. French Cloths, Cusimeres and Du dins, in great variety; Vesting., Scarfs, cravats and Shilifa White Goods of every descriptions, together with cc irsibartni'votcceirTifP6rU " qoods just received, with the price* annexed: 10 bales of red end white Flume* all wool, for ltle 7 cues blue and orange Prints, 8 10 do Calicoes, 33 yards 19 do tut colored Prints,f" 100 17 do Bleached Muslim, 4 do Almada Leine, IR 7 do real Scotch Gingham, lY Also, 50 bales 4-4 Broom Muslin, All ef which, In coulees:ion with those above men tinned, will be offered itt les. prices than cm be afford ' ed by any other establishment in this city. The ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which insures In and faimess to all, will be strictly obse rved. Any article mochasl ed et dos establishment found to be above the general market puce, & consequent reduction will most willing ly be made. upon the etremnstances being mule known to the Proprietors, being their desire that all goods shell e s mid on fur and honorable terms. All persons re rspectfully Semen to examine one essomnent ratio. feeling the least obligation to purchase. oct4 Nor, Fashuntable, and Partmelarly Ckarp Good. pest arrived est D 151413 1 ,111 M., Caen ciornlSlO 50052, so 134 LiSU S, stalls. THE Proprietor of the above establishment would respeifully Inform his numerous Wends and mato niers, that he has ant received his first supply of fall sod wrote, goods, winch as Usual comprise. avei that is now, finhionable, handsome and good. adapt ed to gentlemen's wear; and as he has been particularly fortunate in making purchase., he is determined to of fer everything to hi. line of business mach cheaper than was ever offered in Pittsburgh before; eel as some are very hard to convince. that Pittsburgh manufactures oan go ahead of the Eastern clues, he woold invite all ouch to ekarnine the following hat of price. and then Nll and see h. stock, alter doing which, he feels con fident they will have their doubts removed, all well as some of their moneY ; Good cloth coats, Canons colon, from $8 CO Good fashionable casatmere pants, from 6 60 Cloth and over coats 7 00 Vesta In great 'artery 75 cis Genilamein' cloth cloaks, large use 6 00 ladles cloak., splendid patterns 3 00 Tweed wet coats 160 Filar over coats 2 CO A' et over mats 3 uo A 1 7 hinge stock of shins, model shirts sod draw , era ; lk handiereatefs, enrols, snapenders. Ake. Ol den in the Tailoring line executed in the beat manner and at the shortest Wake ilepl442¢lo .11 1. 1 „N WAND SIIASODADLE GOODS. DER & DAY .have Not received a Am ..ik mem of the redlaering desenption or scared *um goals, the greeter porded of which have been f t boo hi at Auvoon. and will be •old at great bargain. F NNEl.W—lleti, white and yellow Flame's, • very •rge and complete meortment, and very cheap. CA NETS -A very large lot of bloc, black, Mk mu, grey and gold max Samna., at very Ms price. blk Alpacas. plaid and striped do, fancy piald and striped do, cheaper than ever. FANCY SILICS—A splendid enurement of nob changeable Silts, both plain and bg'd, of almost every Made sHAWL-4.-A very supenor assortment of super Pro/. Pans pnnted, Terken. and Cmtuncre Shawls at or as far below the ordinary y rates. Al a lame asmrtment M Manna., Cmh mere* and tram Platt, blot. blk and pc) . Pilot ClotAa for overcoats, Mk Casatmeres, cotton Damask, Irsnan do, Kentucky Jean, de !et to all of watch we Ina the ate s ntton of the public. ALEXANDER A DAY, 73 market et, coot N ear of the dtannond REMOVAL. L 1, -, Id F.ATUN k. Co. brume removed from Muket 1: . weer to thesr new Butre. No &I Fourth street. be twee Wood and Market are now opening then Fall stock of Tn.:mamas and Variety Goods, among which I un 'loa . Laud ry a r m ... n rrytee v o , f u ell kinds, • bander, and Si,die Work; ~,, 'Le hyr and Tapestry worsted C henille FlOes, 8‘ ta l lic . rn d • P l " jili S t ' .7c ' ts, T' ffod IrotTery; C td. .,.: <lee., teteuee. Mate, Gloves .o o Gosterczt ' is Blurts, to ndershills, Drawers, Dressing Gown, kr P. and Cotton Yarn. C Idrens' Dresses, of latest patterns , winch they di' for b y prices lull% wholesale and retail. oct4 -. if Earn; W. P Alsurtsr_c. ljt ACA AI.PACAS--71VIl Siuipliy Inv:iii:ll.g .. plii- I) tacutar attenuon of buyers to his usurtment o above Good., havolg steeled them With at cue, reference to then glo•ey Mush and good body for .I , m ter use. Also, . . MOHAIR LUSTRES. common, a - inhere and super fine qualtues, inc beams a few pieces let Inc,bk adapted lor mourning purynnes. Alto, FANCY ALPACAS AND LDITRES. in great va riety of 11.1.13 stripes, plaids, and broc•des. some of which are vary superior. Meae goods have been t.ouipindarelly from Importers. they can be sold at the veal po.l. it panes . To be h. aiao by Me puce, LP Wholesale Rooms up stairs, at a very small advance on [oar_ pen! , Country 111..hanta• 01111TH & JOHNSON. 41 /tract street would invite CI theattention of Country Nierchanis to their stark of New Fall Goods, purchased (or cash, of the New York imporung nod auctlo/1 huum• sod rant be .old at eastern robbing prince The stock compiles a great ••nely of Dress bonds, chameleon sad black .ilk and cottonp Alpacas, real Alpaca Lames, fancy chameleon a nd plaid do. satin • rthed (Mental., French and Unglish Aterinoca. &louse'. de Lain aid Cashmeres. square and long Shawls, (Hoses and Ho siery, Bonnet Harbor. Gum 75 cents • piece up; hornet Silks, Artificial Flower.. Linen cembne Halkf& 10 cartons Thread Laces and Edgings. 1.5 cartons COtton do, Combs. Dunono, Thread, Needles, Pths, Ac., to e v e ruanetr Wholes...le Rooms IA floor septs DR'l6l'h'7i7d: full .100 k ofreis Good& among which bd- Piaui black and &gyred Alpacas! Colored and fancy plaid do Oregon, Cahfornim queen. Oleans •ed Lombartlthe Maths, colored and figure r d Cmhmerest de Larne; Silk, Tartan anal plaid cashmeres; together w it h large assortment of other dress goods, rill of which will be bold low by the piece or package. SHACKLE - Ft A WHITE. 99 wood sr RRECEIVED AT W. AUCLINTOCK'S Carpet War, house 73 Fourthovert— ps e-1. rosewood cord Table Oil Clotho; 3 The above are of upenor quality, eittencity of ish, of most beautiful colors and shading, intended for furtuture, counter and table covering oct9 LA ROE SU P P Y :OF NEW GOODS.—W. W R MOZZEIT to now opening Ma SECOND SUPPLY of Winter Goode, including a variety of abodes o Drab French Alertnos; Sonnet, cherry, and otter high colored Mennoes; Magaaint b are do, brown do Also, PARMETTAS of some colors; Alpaca., he with many other desti•Ole goods that are miry scarce all of which will be sold very cheap, at north east;r nee of 4th and Market sta oc INEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS—Smith & Johnson, 46 Market street, would invite the atten tion of dealers and others to their choice stock of Linen Cansbne Hd kis, all horn, front cis spin=AA inch:l ane every variety of tape bordered, hemmed, stitched, clear lnwn, with deep corded borders, Rector, embroi dered and colored bordered. oci SATINETS AND JEANEL—W R hlurphy has now ! I open %large supply of Plain Black Satinets, satin ! stripe do, satin barred Jo, plain 01ue do, wiriattile green do, =dot mixed do, gold mixed do, Oxford mixed doi and cadet and gold mixed Jeans, as low pnces, by the piece or yard. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. omit TIREBS GOODS—Smith & Mhos., 44 Market st JJ have received • choice stock of Dress Goods, con sisting in part of oth Clutmelion wlka, bl.k do, satin striped Cashmeres and Oriental. Maui Chameleon .d plain Alpaca, satin striped do; silk Warp and real Al paca Lowe., Printed Muslin de Lune and Cashmeres, "rench and English Mormon, real Scotch Gingham. im WI eta up to the finest quality; Calico from 4 eta WE nob Fib. Mustni Robes dor evening dresses, he, to which they would particularly invite the auen• 104, I tion adytmhaiters. .13 SCOTCH PLAIDS AN D T AY LOR CASSIMEAM— W. IL Murphy has now open • supply of these goods, and invites especially the attendee of Coon tu Merchants, to the low pnces at which thes• and all other kinds of winter woollens are now offered. Isepl4 Gentlemen , . Piiinfshing CiwidTs7 SMITH b. JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have just received a large stock of shins, drawer., .Ilars, stocks, luny and black silk cravats, scarfs, hosie ry, bajou kidd gloves, ht. Gentlemen ore Invited to call and examine them, as they are supposed to be cheap.sepl6 - - New 1 7 1•11 . Ribbons: - r§6IITH & JOHNSON, 411; Market at., have Just re solved by express, a splendld assortment of fall bons, to w lett they would particularly invite the attention of purchasers. sepl D LACK AND FANCY SILKS—W R Murphy itas on hand an assortment of super Watered and Da mask figured block and blue black Drew, Silks, satin striped and pinid do; also, great and of changea ble, damask figured, and striped do—they will be sold low. oclaS KID GLOVES—Just meowed, • fUll as.rtmeni of gentlemen., and rorimes Sid Gloves, of fh jeol superior male. SMITH & JOHNSON, °stiff 46 mark, - TWF.NINU R Murphy has ately r ceseed embroidered Muslin. and other styles goods of lomat styles for Evening Drosses. oentS BENCH MERINO '4--Ratitti is Johnson, 46 hi F ket at, would tome the attention of buyers to th choice stoek of French Merinos, compnamg the b shades at drab, maroon, purple, brown, scarlet. mina blue ml blacks. ocel ULMER'S METALLIC FIRE PROOF' PAINT—Just MO reel. • large &apply of the above &runic, for Roof ing and other purpose*. Hie can recommend the above Fire Proof Paint, for we have been using it for near four years, and know it to be a good article. oetl3 - J h H PHILLIPS, No S wood at oaa 7. .4 72 triGeg . , . 534 C ritCr S ard j tr ar ld ri a gTo;a k alra ' t , tb ' e t ;ft Set price for mash or approved bills, by dN ItIITCHELTREE, 0r,t . 0 too Liberty st etAUTION TO THE PUBLIC—The public w it hou t l ,j honed to pay no money tot our ounount our MALMO authority, to soy ponsoa, except Ur. John P. Cola or Wm. H. llatkat ocd-tf COME -000 bap Rio CO,ae for gabs by VOILL 4 ROE Patent Graduated Gaharm Battery cud Rohr* Insulated Polea for - Medical and other illl3 is the only Mswo=m of the kind thatT Let ever beempresented m Mineumtry On Etllopo fatmd. ical parpaw, and is the only one ever known to. man; by w i=galvaille fluid can be conveyed to the man eye, the ear, the hunt, or to may pert of thehody, either eternally or internally, in • definite keetle arum, without aborts or pain—with perfect safety— and often with the happtest erects. This important apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the most moment physicians of Mancouw try and Ioropo, m whom the affitcmd and other Whom it may concern.= be referred. Reference will also he even to many highly been cored by means of thismost valuable eppisnans of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which mould not be removed byany other known means. Among rations others, it has been proved to be ad mirably adapted for the cure of the following disuses, nervous headache and other disease. of Mehrain. • • It is with thin apparatus slope that the operator can convey the magnetic fluid with as. and safety.to the aye, to restore tight, or cute amaarentas; to the ear to restore hearing; to the tongue and other organs; to re store speech; and to the various parts of t h e Lady, for the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neural/ha, or tic doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, 10U1., CILOreII,OF ViM's dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprains. some diseases peenbar to females, contraction of the limbs, lockjaw, etc. etc. Sights for surrounding counties of Western Fa, and prreSeges, with the Instrument, may be purchased, and also tested for the cure of diseases. Full instructions will be given for the various chemi cals to he used for various diseases, and the best mars. net for operating for the cure of those diseases Will al so be fully explained to the purchaser, arid • pamphlet put into his bands expressty for these purposes; care fully prepared by the patentee. &moire of • octi.l-dly S. WILLIAMS, Vine st, Putshdrgh. GRORGR BUTLER & BRO., Galveston; RAMS & GEORGE BUTLER, VeinitO; -iiriLL attend m the collection of Notes aad An- TV comas to the State of Teas, the tale of Ponds nn consignment, prtrelmse of Produce, reeeiving and forwarding of Slarettendire, and to that of a Liongdal Rnsamereas m Naw You.—Moses Taylor, Est Ed lend K & Paxson; Tanana Pot -3=lTRZbeen Ilaydoeq " , tl2ll ; er & B C%. D E,I L"` ,,rd Faile & Co; Winters & Gans Walter B Tosssse& Rvuurn is or anna—Hensh , Ward & Co; F..' tor & Butler Fuller. & Barm a n& Ransyseseja to Now Ouasas.--lirDwerell & Peck; J 0 Wealrulf Ss Co; Blake & Co. /127.MC1S to ClNCLT.n.—Butler & Brother; Jaa ••• " ' Communications may be addressed to L. M. Harris Hanel, Merchants Hotet, or to the ease of ?desks M Allen & Co, or to Muses Boon & Sargent, Bankers, Pittsburgh. oetAdlln NEW MUSICAL INIITRIIIILEB T: C.l.lll....4listraorku arztrioson. TORN H. MELLOR, No el Wood street, Ls the sole agent for Carhart's Patent Alelodhou, n new and beautiful i.trument, exceedingly well adapted (or small churches or faintly worship. For the benefit of those residing at a dise, and consequently ...Die to inspect the Melod eonbefore parchaeing, the followmg de.nptio The cases are made arosewood, dare so 'hand somely finished Oa a Piano Forte. The key-I,4MM is precisely the same as the piano or organ, and the lone, hich w very beautiful,' closely resembles thatiEthe liate slop of . organ. The inztrament can bolmnia chalety made portable without detaching any part, the bellows receding tote the body of the 1.11111.111, .d the legs folding under, leaving the whole in a cempaet form. Each Mstrument has a packing cast, and the whole when peeked weighs only 46 pounds. The vol ume of tone is equal to that of a small org - ., lad by means of the swell may inere.ed or diminished. at pleasure, it is sufficiently loud for small church., and ts well calcalsted lots parlor instsuntern. lust received, a supply of the above: price, with ease and Instruction H00k,650. • acid Reversible Filtering Gook, ' MR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid water pere by removing all suntan.. not soluble in .; Velar, The cretin water in N. York, f„ ‘ . though clear and pare to the eye,,yet ! when it passeshour through this filtortng cock, sho an ws a large depont impure substances, worms, tem This is the cue more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filterer i• neat and durable, lb! is not attended with the Inconvenience incident utrother Pilmren, as it is cleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handle from one side to the other Hy this easy process, tke mune of water is changed, and all accumulcions of impure substances are dnven off almut instantly. without unscrewing the Filter. It also pouusiti the advantage of being a stop cock, and as such ini.nuty cases will be very convenient arid emoromal, helm be attached where there is any Prestn.i,/l4k or low to a cask, tank, nib, tin with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, W. W. WILBOI4, octl7 COMET of Fourth and Merkeists Hlaphr sitm Filter, for Hydrant Water. THIS :s to certify that I !Mb kr. . Pot . Med l-mlug•••• 11 ; 3 111• 1 • bg _, 1 : .&'' BI et hee n lilli -- itlf - siitc D t ins. „_"_I• ••••,,_m ••• Um ~.."•," °` ~ , ,, --,c ir ~, IN THE ITNITF2SS I T I ATEk.—Thenubs'erutl!r ht 'etr ram. searmarl • -mllt •-• ••••• ••- fully ralle your attention to Dr BriB.H.EIT . I .". nen of Pittsburg and Allegheny. hth ,,, h. ,sl y intended e 4 JOHN "MN ' A n'''‘ health oft., th :. . waiter NI Gibson, 34k Broadway, • • Oct la. SI. or the preservation 01 the xes—whether it an.cr, from Incptcnt Phnutua or early cottenmpuon. Debility of the L,,,,c., Oronebtal Alreetiona, As th ma. Pleurisy, licrutned tool Disordered mate of the Liver, Spleen. or Kith". y-, Ots. We have beeomen one of the above articles kit the ~n,,n,, Sp,., C,,,,., 1.,,,,,p.., p a jp.,,,.. or ,00 came tithe Novelty Worra for three months ...LI iinii,,, In o f m i ,,,,1,,,,. or 5,,,,,,,„ Power. ,i,„, imd reel perfectly satisfied that nis a useful indention, DR. C. B. so.n.Frrs 011ARDi.kN coon , to the and we take pleasure m recommending limm•• • me- ' ternumliaie rebel of Females suffering from Dr' c" I' n ful eruct. to all who love pure wamr Orden will tot tie., and all other Uterme MI/wattles and thsenee ~. - thankfully esteemed. an promptly • •s • = •• , ' dental to woman. whether occaaioned by elrlit " :4( oetl) l-- LI VING:UON, ROOGEN aco foot, or any mintier , o , r ~,, o ti o l oor e .,,,, 0 , o „, 1 o fl rm . ., PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE.' renhout the use of medico.; um the mom deli.' ti tc end Tl 5 Irautunon, under the are of Mr. and Mrs. 1 lICIIIIIIN, lady can Si any moment apply ato her.stlf Grosuoan, telp re-open for the reception of peptic,' without the possibility of incurring any rt-lt or dan,r, „the some buildings. No. SS Liberty street , 90 the tat nr any anpkasatit results analog loom it. and with the Monday of September. certainty of obtaining nrintethate relief Arrangements hare been made by which tHly will Dr. Barrett's Guardian .no carob -penny, or tow of be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any the many humbugs of the day; but it Is an instruturnt in the head for ~,,,,n i n , ,,,, . thorough y. , , , ,,t ‘n h, Closet- made upon stnctly scientific principle s . in accordance cal, and Ornamental education. A fall eoone of Phi- with the raw. of Doeniclty and Galvanism; a n d f or Ilsopbtaal and Cnononol Leetures will be delivered neatness, durability and elYthiaey, infinitely eurparoes during the winter, illustrated bya arapptua This de- everything of the kind ever before offered to the public penmen. of ' , food and Instrumental Music; Modern for the relief of disease, and. in the language of one of Languages, Drawing and Painting, will eatth be under the most enlightened memo( the day, in proc ou n gg o 10 the raw of • competent Professor. By close attention be "the greatest discovery of the age." to the moral and intellectual improvement of War mo A_Parmld of •• I". than fo=r )ens. hes her, occupied oils, the Pnompals hope to merit a coututhatiott Of the by Dr. Barrett in bringing the Guardian to (le pre en lll literal patronage they have hitherto cnicryude For score or perfectiou—dunng which time it Id. {wen., „ 0 . , ...... eu i e , or apply to the Principe rater the kande arum., of the most emitue ,1 ph rani tut r or segh-dtf . the North and South, as well as nu the' datellm4 - of nu. —r-t-- , teems. families, who have used it fors or th st "en purpose, with the most perfect suet... and o tic hove cheerfulty amen their unqualified appro,anott ot o lseacy end value, as can be seen by rrlerritut to inn Manual of Instructions accompanytng it Dr. C. B. Barren's ILthardten u secured from is nova. Omen of Americo. & Pereira PaVints. JAMES RIIENOUG H, of the hue brut of Keller Ir. Greenelhezuueate hux . esoft rtlu:‘; ErLlo l uornyneoliceec, aVIZHItiGTON. ma; he oreilted en 4 CIII- ployed in 1..1 ciumnattom m fttenntenll in .. 004.14 a patent from the Uoned Staten Pate. tither, Patent Office end elsewhe re , m tannisnmg nnnwune• and Ito had either walt or anthout has Medico. kiimtru and apectfacauorm of mischance, and all papers neeesid, Galvanometer. ry, amend. reissue or extend lettme patent in , The Medico-F.l.lre Galvainomeber, in point of hr.- me United States of Furor Me can alto ho eons. , i ty, workmanship, durability and power. cannot be nut ell professionally on all questionsof 1. 4 „,6 0 4. arts- psed ore ven equalled. end the subunlier fermi dint mg der the Patent Law, and will argue q ua z- h r hazards nothing intim assertion that at 0111 Iv. Maul Dots before the Patent Office or an appeal Mei... to possess more power and efficacy to the Ireunliclit or a, which has long czimnenne in Inn Patent Office sod ; and rem m oval of diseases. by tialvalordu and lilsetram d his profensio have peculiarly toted him. The pi n .. ins , than any other strament, either to the Lasted essional bosoms, of the late Dr T. P. /ones having s ianen or Eorope. The m e d ioo .g . i„, n , ~ , ,,....,u r. .,,, , . men palmed in las hand.. all letters in relation thereto ~ onareiiii r e n in ever y ron,,nni, mid with , 0tu ,,, 4 ,,, unit dimald be addreued to him poet paid. angaUslEzvemln nary care will last a lafe-ume. and at lip tar the cheap e p sl i becair ... tha u t w w i st.. c uts o tral , raent th e: m er , i , i ‘ if , e n r g eti the au m a na ht. l . ample instructions, of prumeal expnesecc, en that it m readily intelligible to the mind of t every our, wham the njw• -• try of arrangement is such that a child may '--f.psiavi with IL Any Infos...anon gm.tonsly given, and all connuu nicadons cheerfelly answered per mail, ellber In rela tion to Ma Electro-Galvanometer or tioardian. Medical men ate t entedln to call rind ezanune Dr Bar rett's Guardtan, and en. efficacy. For sale by H. RICHARDSON, asile. Agent, 71 Mane ket at, Pittsburgh. apAa.iltf MEDICAL - & - SIIIIGIC - A.l. OPPle.11; ~..- . •., No. 68. DIAMOND ALLEY. a r. ~. '.. few doors below Wood sirecL to . " market. - , -i. :. DR. BROWN, anemic Gees "l . • ... : 116 ~,. regularly educated to the nazdlcal • , .. ....‘ ..,z.... - . , profession, and been for soma nave .. 1. • ,-.. ....7 ; •, m general practice, now cooknet ... I . " ...) .... Me attention to the treatment of . ...e. . .. * ts those private and delicate cows ,•.• • . ‘ plain for which his oppertumues ~ and .perienca peculiarly quality al. l . , •- •as . , him. 11 years amid:m.ly deemed to study a ...eat of those complunmadonng watch uma ha des had mere practice and has eared more pa tients than can aver fall to the lot of any private peat. Utioner) amply q.liftes him to oder nasuranees of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to pit pilly,mt . with delicate diseases, and all diastases arising there; Iron - ANTHON'S XENOPHON'S MEMORABILIA. Xenophon'. Memorabilia of Socrates, with Eng • lib note., enucal and explanatory, the prolegomena of Kuhser, Wkkger's Life of Socrates. etc: by libaries Anthon. 1.. L Profe.sor ore., Greek and Latin lan guage. in Columbia koln•ge, Now York, and Bccior of the untramar School. .1.4 reed and for sale b JOtCsSTON k STOCKTON, Darya Booksellers, coo 3d and Markel sts NIGHT 111C14110 7 1. BOOK KEEPING, PIiNhIANSHIP, PIiONGGRA. PUY, /re. -H Wltuana has opened 11. - -Night School to his school room, corner of 4th alekTY manner ott Fourth, where he w il l be Wm . to impart mstrucuon in the arts of Reading. Penm• p, , A nth metic, Book Keeping Phoongraphy, Ac. ordslcril STEAM BOAT GLOCKS—HavIng coucludcrlqo tell od our enure stock of Kirke's Monne Timepieces, we now oder to sell them at lower prices Man they can be bought at any house In Plusburgs or elsewhere, east or WC.. Being the only established agents here (or these clocks, we have tue largest and Most iusurt-, ent in the city Cali and sec Remember ; toenre not to be undersold. BLAKE k CO., Market street, oct3D entrance on north soda attic Thamond PATENT SOLAR LARD LAMPS—An eliensive assortment of Cornelius ec Co • celebrated:l:nano facture, and superior to all others In use; adopted to eburche.ateamtwista factories, dwellings, public and prlv.to halls, and to .11 other uses where a cheap, safe and brilliant light is desirable. Also,Glioncioles, Hall Luntrns,Candehtbras;Glohea Shades, Wicks, Chitunica Cans, Trimmers, lee: Chandeliers,Alta, Imes one to four lights. om3o W WWILSON, 41/market st Boole., Cooking Stoves, GI MARSHALL, WALt.ACE tr. CO., Round Church, corner Libert77 and Wood streets, manufacture and offer for sale Platform, Floor and Countefficales, of the most improved quality; Cooking Stores, (to wood and colsl4 Egg Stoves ofvarious sues, Parlor and common Orates, Hollow Ware, OS. he. They alto manufacture the Kitchen Range. which has given such general satisfaction to those hsemg ti io sae; to all of which they would respectfully trite the attention of the astoens and the publie generally. oitl7.4ltif Watches, Jewelry, to. CO.. or M•al.. AIM Fon am BOLEIRS, Tattbsenber has rammed from the Feat, and to now opening a large and carefully selected Cock of Goods in hi. Loos Grateful for past litteral.patioo •ge, he hopes to merit a continuance thereof; by dili gence to home., and keeping the beet assOrtment, and at the most reawmable price.. Friends,•eustom era and the pub generally—particularly solonmers mattes the coy from • distance, are Invited to call end examine my large stock of goods. twat!. W W. V vk 7 ONDERFUL ARRIVAL.—Da. Tourteivin's Sag- V earmuma —4,61:10 bottles of thia3nreat fall and winter medicine, just received and for sale Sy IL E. SELLERS, Solo Agent for Pittsburgh, of .vilvom the genuine article can be had. • mole GUM ELASTIC CLOTHING—I 2 dos Gip Elastic Overcoats; do Jackets, 6do pairs Pants; odo do Leggings, of 4 different kinds, to do .tons Hatsi 2 do Capes, unth and without .loaves; just roomed by Express and for tale .holeaste and rotiil, lathe East ern pricei. We anal) It to be onderatosid thttpusehas• ors ara Wring from km hands, that boy is.Mo bibs Robber Depot, No 5 Wood street. • j• 0c125• .1 H PHILLIPS ABOOK FOR PARENTS, YOUNG PERSONS AND INVALIDS.— Dr. Barmlnes',"Consuson Sense. on Health, Physical Eduleadoo, aad Homan Vote.", as based upon the mechatucel philosophy of man's physical constitution. being the substance of ha lectures on the above subjects recerttly delivered In this city. For aide be R 'HOPKINS, octl9 Apello Butidl g~ 4th st IOU" IRCIltf. 0, COCIIILL. RITCHIE & COCHRANE, FNM JIBBING It CHIMSION lIEHCIIINTS, No. 9a TCHOUPITOCLas sTREEt, anpl.dbrernmeti New Orleans. -- - GEO. W. 9111T11 a cO.. t I INFORM their friends and the public that they }viva no longer any connection with their lale establish. went In Penn street, known so the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their enure bunnies. to the POINT tiREWERV. to PM street ay Md tot E== MISCELLAIVEOIR Cash for Barlry. "UHF .highest market pnee ndll be paid in each tor good tuerehaulable Marley, deltvered at our mare. house - 1011 11 NI'VIA DEN & CO, sererfr-dtilkve3lT canal basin, Fans Meet DR, D. ,111P1V, Denti.:Co a rtter t'orth. WANTED, • A PERSON Ninth • small capital, aml, with the butane", to take an oattsiry, to oe loctood on the Portage Railroad Ap ply at de office of Fnend Rimy C : # ; seVJ GEO. RIIEY MOLASSF.4-1 8 1,1,111 Bu. on. Mclnnes, prime 30 do Pl.ntation do In core and for sale by oect4 W & M MITd COTTON YARN, A c —40,1k0 lbs Cot Yard, ao toned numbers; 140 bales U.ulug 100 do Caudle Witt. for salt, at lowest matt :lac. 9CIA auzy t co) MEDICAL THE ONLY ELN,YaraDYI HHART'SVEGNEABLE EXTRACT is tm rove ion tile remedy for Epileptic Fits or Falling s., g.....• C. , flasiona , Spasms, lko. It 12 well known. mm from time Immemorial. physicians kayo pronounced Epilep tic Fits incurable, It has baffled all their skill, and the boasted power of all medicine, and consequently thou sand, have suffered through a miserable existeu-e. and at last yielded up their lives on the altar of tosauity. With all deference, however,. to th e opinions of Me 'Meal and learned, we nay that it has been cured HART'S Vs.GETAM V' EXTRACT, Foe sixteen years, has been tested by many persons who have suffered with this divining disease, rino in every ease where it has had a fair trial, has cdected a pentium= CUM Fits of OS lean and 6 months, cooed by the nee or this truly wenderfal medicine. Read the following remarkable ease of the win of Wm. Bacon, E.q., of Philadelphia, Mfected with Epi leptic Fits 47 years and 6 month. After traveliting through Engiand,Sootland, Germany and France, cm:- tubing the Most eminent physicians, and expending !CT Medicine, medical treatment and advice, three thou- Land dollars, returned with his son to this c In November lam, without receiving any benefit wbate• er, and was cored by using HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. Mr. Witham Secones Letter to Drs. leans and Gam I have spent over duce thousand dollars for medi cine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a tour to Europe with him, we eh I did. I are vointd England. I consulted the Moat eminent lolly there in respect to his case; they examined hoe and prescribed accordingly. I remained three motitti• without perceiving any change for the better, which cost ma about two hundred end filly dollars pocketed by the physicians, and the most that I received was their opinion that my sores case was hopeless and povi [teal), Inearabin. I .cordingly left Ffilgland • and trav elled through Scotism:. Germany and France, and re turned home in the month of November last, with my son as far from being carat ea when I reit rase your advertisement in one of the New York paper, and concluded to try Hart'. Vegetable Extract. seeing your statements and certificates of so Many mires, some of twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can assure y on I mu not miry I did so ; as by the use of Hart's Vegeta; ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect heal. His reason, Which VV. so far gone as to unfit him for business, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before him, of life, health and usefulness. Ile is now 93 years of ago, and 47 years and 6 months of that time hen been Maimed with this most dreadful of dis eases; bat thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't believe in. To as that I chell be ever grateful to you 11 OUP Ming, and as / here enclom you one hundred dollars, have no doubt but that you will think this to mother and quite • different thing. The debt of mantude I still ewe you, but ease to accept the present amoun as Interest on the debt in advance. Yours very respectfally WILLIAM SECURE TO THE ACTED. One of the perpolethre of this invaluable medicine WY afflicted for several year. with ileptio Fno. The disease had produced the wont effect upon In. syrtem, via: Low of memory, imbecility of mind. and a perfect prat:anon of the nervous system. He had tried the .kill of the best physicians for seven years, and grew worm under their treatment, and he knew that tale medicine was his only hope for health nod if end was therefore determined to give it a fair malt and to persevere in its use, which he did, and me carol. was a perfect restoration to health, which was contr. tied uninterrupted for nearly e lateen years. We would refer to the follos persons who have been mind by using Hart's Ve getable Extra.: Col 13 Deadeye'', Col was of at : years; resides at Yonkers, New York. W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand It. J Ellsworth, seven years, 12 Dover et.: Joseph WEi, Mae your., Rust Brooklyn, 148 H W Smith, Ni.e York Custom House: 11 Kelly, twenty years, Staten Wend. Kiss E ld'Reef, twenty years, Yorkville; Hiss S Grano . twelve years, 112 Hemnicrely st. Wm H Parnel l , twenty-throe years, 43 Norfolk et IPAPetty, four years, 174 Delaney at. Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, GwAncasil., . Judge Randall, St East Broadway, New York, " Thomas B Jones, of the D 8 Nevy.r Capt Wm Jennings, Suite et. Bridgeport, Cr,, Reference also made to Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, Re. Richard Tar; Wen liavenpo rt ,Pl T!. Rev TL &mho Baltimore, hldt blr Joseph 011A15hre Me. James Ba rt hel', Lnewe ' r, Orv i ping John Faber, 175 flizaboth et, do D A Richton, 218 Delaney gt, do Jamea Smith, 130 Suffolk e t, Charles Brown, 100 Wrier at, do All of *itch may he talked upon, or addressed, pal paid il=r,„Treqtred by Dr 8 Ham, Gate Naas h Hart.) N 7FlNommi a 0,, 140 Main st, b tweet rte, and ISO Mein st, between 4ad Cineimmdi, Ohio, wholesale and retail agent, vf i fo t o tt% milt sad mei. L Vi'llAX)l, Jr, comer of Market in and the Dia mood, only net to Muhl Ps lealevarty ro THE PROFESSORS AND hIF.hIBF.ILS OF /IE MEDICAL SOCIETIES, Dr. Brown wroald Leone room afflicted with proms diseases which have become chronic by time or graveled by the um of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given his catcall attention to the treatment of mach cases, and succeeded in hundreds, of instances in coring persons of inflammation of thol neck of the bladder, and kindred discuses which often' revolt from those cues where others have connoted them to hopeless despair. He particularly Invll, ouch as have been long and unsucceasfully treated by others to consult him, when every srontfaction ernl Lc rtven them, and their ease* treated in • careful, therm:tr.', and intelligent manner, pointed out by • long eip,riene study, and Investigation, which tt is tmponnblit for ILO engaged in general practice of medicine In true ci one taus of Macron. . . . . IrriierlllA ar Ha tare.—De Brown ako irrytteo 60. LIMCled with Hernia to tall, at he has pool panic glair sttention to this disease. disesses; also Pi' s, PWy, eth., specat;y Charges very low. N. R.—Patients of nub sex Irving at a distance. 34 stating their disease in ...mhos, Irving eh the sempo. tome, min obtain medicines with directions tor use, sy addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, snit cum as m • g • fe fen. iNfice No. 63, Diatnand alley, opposite the emery . Rooso RIRILANIZILT Brown's newly discovered senses ( f" dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and erteln remedy Sari d thatTautful trobl. It newer fails. j Oaks and Private Consulting Rooms, No 65 Dm.. mood tinny, Pittsburgh, Pa The Pseuds is ninny. a% bout. deel9. •- WONDEBPUL CURE OP CONK:3II'I'ION —Al though Dr.naylorhi Balsam or L t r0,,,,,,r t .. ~ found hundreds of advocates, and has produced a taqa. nuatber er tereimonlala us its favor, I cannot wukdroidi on small meed of praise. Being predisposed to coo., gumption,,both from peculiar formation, and hercdttery• transmission, I tried every means to check this digit ea., and strengthen . . naturollv weak emtsuluitou 1 spent two years Si Poe, one at Rome, two in Flormyste, and another In the South of Prance, seeking. a.m., time, the advice of the best physimans. Two year. sines I returned to this country, in shout the nIII32E,PtI• nation llEtt, when I left it. I had seen in the readror, r00m,,,,, i x , rope much raid in savor of Dv -Tem.`, Balsam of Liverwort, and as soon as I arrived leo.. city, I used it, and in three months I ,co. so well I con cluded ! could safely pass the winter here, and did so. I have used occasionally a bottle now and then dolni this tune, Out am now in en good health AA is possrole my cough has wholly trued, and my tulip have crt ry feeling of health. Der!. Smith. and Dr. Poet, of dai. wy, were my physicians, and 110 W soy they believed, me tncurable. JAMES BILL. Western Hotel, Coordandi st. N V Liverwort, even in the common way of preparation, is urovertally known as the best article for mecum, M . the Longs ever discovered; and it is Moto. tnei Ott highly concentrated preparation, securing the who virtue of Oda hotstimable herb, must be Inveloado. Moreover, this medicine contains the medical props;? ties of mon roots and he hs. Basch has been the sae' ems of tin Balsam; that it Is warranted'. being ince pabie of producing, in any instance, injurious effects, Within the last few years the Gal/ for this sovereign' remedy have been immense, beyond precedent; andate reputation sosuuned from Mane to Slade; duo prat sing theconfidence bestowed nem: a temple medimii mp..ii.., p.... 17 vegetable, and th.....kr me ohms effect anenehng . toe. Physicians tno, robin conviction of . mildness, safety and success. cruglol it in their practice, recommend n to their panetto."and, deem this medicine safe and invaluable; ' , animation as it does not interfere with any other medians mulctt may be taking at the some time, nor restrict theig:) . any peculiarity of diet, confinement, ac.,,rous ertabla persons to receive the full benefit of this medicate, tellow at the stone time, if they wish, the 9 4, 9'14•• Weir piquet., 1.1.1 4 in Sold Pittsburgh 'hy J D Mon., SO IN Townsend, 43 ftMarket st ; H Smystr, ear ittiriat 1: i 3d Ms; Henderson k Co, 3 Liberty BL Pried taro -- ii per tante. esehlilAit MErAirc — ao ELASTIC : ecet - ; Gentlemen' Bouts, Just ree'd and for sale ► la H 123 übner Depot, blo 6 Woad strueL I 0‘ Jectir ~V ~i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers