MIESIIMIIEI 3 -EStOTnIEED A a liilBlNEBB MD& co_ wading, Alemboots, hafo kautrood m their old. mut. Wear a:Afloat woes, Plrtoborgh. ocial muirL Virholauale and Real' Drnd. REITER. r I r I and B. Clair Emu, pat. ,13 - amyl{ , 14,2114 , WX. Di ROWN CULBERISMINbedesaIe Omen, DP and Commissitm Zelereldnts, Ne- 144 Liberty it., Pittsburgh. Pa., . : de3lly. DI A. VAIINEt3TOC.S. Co,W)kialsitabs Diaggiam, carnet Weatiiind Gat sta. l7l . _ • • WII.101.1•1° Omen, 19 van , ""` eE . •in A. MeANCILTY & Ca, Porannlins mil Gan. 'NJ* icdoo Mertinam, Canal Baum, Pattabaula Pa. ZWALS. pe • MIWALT & CtMaiWT,i AT&O , Cnia 15.0 e.at er, 2101tiee itit4 Ptlteburet giltutfgetor., °m oat of liberty and Hand eu, Pitbibstib, ' tebl7 WIC IXOLEII4 :MIS I. WM= . ler w ee b .' 111 =o=4;r. Dlttehnnts, end dealers in Produce and_Pinn• burial bliumnienixesi - No. 57 Mood su, bemoan inland 3d wenn. • nen .1k 11111120, Arta. lasi,. • low Worm. 4,11t11+14D, raWV./. Co, Mamie Wooers end L Commission Merchant., and Agent. for Brighton Cotton Yarn.,.Nos. 67 Water, and 100 Front au, itts . • 6, 1 , 11. • • .• _ DS Ci:Aiee 24 4 1 ":4 6 `."472 1 L 4 I Wbdettettri Wood and gdttlfiadd ouets,"rotsbnigki, Pa. " irr ili g host price given formidtmca sad Baum ddlff • iIEORGE COCHRAN. Commission and Fa 111X3derthant, Nos MI Wood Street. Pirtidddenir lisliiStiY-tiMR4CMTWIdtis maw egg= or, Paint smo Oil •Needham, corner of "etty Iliad O'Hara ma; rittsteth • • ;MO Lib 3-141ftfellIratiuxcAs ":11=1: ...:;.son Merchants, No. ni First sir d ee th i r , Pinemrgh. 7octi impn.inmrr, 13, & Co, Wholesale Grooms, Con. 1 mild= Iderchnnts, end dealers in Produce, nicsa&S Water, and 107 Front ax e% JOHN . II: RANKIN,Anornay amt Coonsallor at law and Commissioner - halite Scup of Pconsyleanin FiL oois,bla., Case at Pittshangh4 . Rnadayscsa-,Fitubardiss liemlN.Forscardt liantp torf & Afilter, /SVCandlese bratint, John.l , Flake, Rissalls & &mole, At'Cord& 1.14151 y ON SCOTT fr. CO, WhlgeStki OTOCOIS, YO Plrlid-; J4ng and Consuilasiun Marebanta.Dealera Pro-1 duce and Pittsburgh bianufacutrea, No, 7 Consistarcial: Bow, Labetty este!, near the sOmi, Pittsburgh, Pa- • agar, ,j.MG bIeGUIRE, (lateWthetria of Alpo and. bleGuitediderchant stria Thad street. near Wood, Pittsburgh. JASIEfd M HUTCHISQN, Ec, Co.—Elaectstors to Ulm Hateldron Co,. Coninittion Slefetutnts,; and Agents of the St Lai:m.24e= 13nw &finery.; flo. 45 Watt, and 02 front Erect., Piniburgh. !ant_ . - - T A. BLACK,' hi cravat Tallop Exchange Bail . dings, Si. Clair .t, Pitiabargh. JOHN S. DlLWORTH—Wholesale Oroces Pro, dace end Cmarniaaion Merchant, No. 87, Wc.od Piusbarah. land JOIIN D. 1510 ROAN, Wholesale Dradim,anddeal-! el in Dye Stuffs, Pahlts,.oll.l, Varchites,/he.,Mrallia liVood .tree; one door Ronda of Diernonit utoyt Pirts-1 _bar; h. 'jeat JJAMES HERB Jr, fr. Co, (snecuses to Joseph O. Davin) Ship Chandler, WdWoler ousel. ICON H. DIELLOR, Wholesale and Retail er 11, in Music and dinaical Liidnaments, ' n,. Papp., Staten ftel Peat, Qmilli,Trintoreknirdn and. Stationary genentlty,lfo. 8I Wood •s„ rituburgh. Orr Rana bon .111 or taken in [ruin. depl3 T BCIIOON3JAKER tc Co., liVtaktiaLbiat t,/ . No. 24 Wood areal. Pinabont. OH?: D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner dth 'and Wood; el cereals, Pittsburgh. ee TORNSTON DTOCETON,Boaasellara, Prin Fial IP and Paper Idanufaertorent, No. 44 Miatea burgh. . OPN WW4t, IST:3IO4s dnxe . s . , dialer 'Pro-- J' --- duce, Pittsburgh Manufactures, _the, No. 223 Libeny stb__Piushh- • sots non, 7.1=11.111t 12010. T R. FLOYD, (rte J. Plityd & C 0.,) Who . N. 192 Liberty met .CPS .abilbi DAT 'ZVI 1 Wholovile GtOancCeSo2..thic blsrc , unt, and dealer in Produceand•Pinsburga Innafetcnles. No.hd Water sr., Pinsbulgh : 4.1.6 LE" , .. NES, Forarardingand Couruussion hlcr ...oh sealers In Produce and Pittsburgh laartu Canal Basin, near7* 44 '441 11 17 13glts Iron Wilil r ekii -- """' I of alleil L ..L,l'neek l er Imo and I.ail, of the beet, qeality. Warehous, 54 ~.,s r . 6 4 lusi. m u ~, „lth) • P La.B WATTathili.N . ,{Vule.il. G ie g ,' r 0 c i,.. 1 4 i ins end COMIII=O, htimlynaDakt in righ N/untAlteU.P... , Itrottlice, rot, 41 Water: lend 10 Anal c. A: .•.... - .. ... r L n d3iHh'RT } & 411IPTON, Thotesee Grocer., For, ward" land Conuni.s.awaau.b.my &am iq roilotfo and Fitusborgh3tenufsonr9yAris.l3nail7S Woo( to., Piushurgh. . "Cat, tieorrithas & Coouribialon 7 1 - l/ eltaxua„Pluladelphia, for the velL n Liberal 110a:teen made 01,,ouktmccento. cGLLL it HOE, Wholcule Gmeits CaNtu..l JIM Ilion Me=lusnu, No. 194 Lit4Nrf..ti,-, nuns Ames, WIL *tam • ALL b. Co., Cannmesion and Fong:l,ll4 IMerchan, Water and P191:11 bear.t4 flood Merchants, and Marker its. Ant VI &L EA & RICKETEON, Whoinstiltgweensasi ,aL Commission Merchants, No. 170,Litrerty.st., - Pitna burg• Pa. lanl4 • BOWLES SON, No. 55 Market st., seem, 7 1~7 j a door tram COTIICf of Fourth, dealers to Forego and Porntsue Mils of Ezeheage, Cerdlidalesof Doped. a, Dull Notes and Specie. . • .• 11? - Collections mad on all Ulu!' brineiraFaled Lbrou bout the. Uulted States. • deal 7 ()BEM MOOR. OORE, holevale Grocer, ,Itectifyis4 JA, Distiller, dealer in Product, Piusbargh Moaoloo• tares, and all lauds of Racism and Domestic Lind Liquors, fro. it Liberty alreet. Oo hand ear* large stock supenor old OtoubligthcbsvdditcY, which will be sold low for **Ai ' 1771C71 , 1 , 1) T. 14.t.i:E1,1r., boomer awl Dealer Oa lA, forego and Ikarkozue lE.l.ldoll.:ry Hudson mil (Irotage Tram:l:mime( alkdoseriimons, Na LI3 Wool, el, Ptusburob. .1.p . .4 j • 11CUARD BAUD, sVboleule sad Itanl4lDeclasja Leauter, Morocco ShoomokeiVTdau ogs, Temueze nacl Cullers' Tool+, o+.o,;rmanats . Oil, No. Ito o Wood . seplx ; L'~si.'i:tL`yVT~ r wr :pfr. Co,WholeinTanTea — rs,Zi Pir' fl, ' In U Cornmission merchants, a l nd Dealers irt Pin*. Pa• nergh o.l.nficunes, tEO Lt brar ja,:Yjnanlvgh. —*hie U I ERT DM-ZEL' 1. & Co n Who ale .orotors, Cammistioa and ionmrding hforokauts,daleft ut PsodAce amyl, Pittalm . gh Ppufactavm,444erty Pa. kb:l4 it Oak Lrty . CUNNII . I.I‘III, r ro wlesals N 144 Libe a.. ir2 HFY, tmd R E rertrant:f 9 ot the I.l= d 7 i lPter Tilde; den,- VS.:. Omen:fen, Prodnix, Piusburgtf *Ottanimos and Chlostdd of Linie. Tlu highest grit., in cash,' psid'at all &deafoi awn y rags. Corn. of Penn opt& Irwin Ida Ino.M ki. derldr In dr, tooth, Paol,,groceric., fradkiihoor, Pittsburgh MIUMACUMIA &Melee, Libe rum, Pittsburgh. owlet Trii#loHh.itiONTVlddritithi hzidhrt_r4lpirid S In Minium l.4.tp ”" 2 A nick., No. 40,1 . 14a1ket !tzar, dope i • Third rt, a. k smatimirer, • - . wuccz. §LLACkLETT k WHITE, , Wholesale Dealers to paaagu and Domestic Dry, Goals. No. 40Wood sr. 'febritt HARBAUGH,' Wool glarchards, Deaden in Flo. and Produce generally, .d Foreranling uuJ Connabraine Afercharaa, No. 63 Water sr., Ma. urgk. man, u&cmczy & Ca. whoir.co .10 0 Produce dooisas,No.2l3 Market avee46etween dsh and nth. North side, . othr9 Er PlTTilittria And NICEOIN MAXTLAID. ELLERS NICOLS, WWl:errand Gen...l COM- O mbodon Merchants, No. 17 Liberty rt., PidsbuTilh. Sperm, Linseed =I Lard Oft' 0 F. VON aos . slionsr, & Co, Wholesale Otw pe eery, Fomenting_ and ,Commistinn Merehants, Dealers in Pinebiugh litanitlasmree and Weetem Pro tract, have removed to their new warehoose,(old mand) No. 35, corner of Front et. and.Chaneery Lane. no?, ..dev tiEer, Wholesale Orotenr and llama& sion bleretouns, an 4 dealers In Produee. No. no ood st, Tinsborah. 4 par POSTER, agent iOT Matfett= soldier. and w Prneblingpernsions, at the office of Win. E. ans. bn,Feq., Mires buildings, 4th st, Pittsburgh. bly eon Ul the general lend otEtee at Washington, mill attend to lay twiner there free of expeneoroapPlieanla, niarl4-dif Sons scrim t rum secrOilaam . NVICK ISIVAIVIII,I2 , B, (successors so L. &J. D. NV") Wholesale Grocers, FOrtnading and Coaunistom Matehmsts, dealers In 1r0a,1 , 41 1, 4 04 u , , Anum.l'ams, and Pittsburgh .fdannfacitu;e/ genr49, or Wood and Water -freers. riusbarlrla Manettaut,No. , oo Front at. bowman.= arkat canna • • . fetal W. WALLACE, ,alin inane and bill Famish anal asaallattaent, N 0.244 Libenrst, nem t he . • nuu lOU M. GARRARD, Neer in Fancy- and Staple Tl'; Goads, No. 79 Market x!xen, rist ! plalrb. no•11y W WILSON m. , Deni in Watchea, Jelreir'f, Silver Ware,Milinnry . Goodi,,enc-, No. 67 Mar ket EL ' nov7 'R. MURPHY, Wholeule and Retail 41eolorlo • ,Poreign sad Domortle Dr 7 Gooda,morth tam Opine, of Clutter old Fototb at.; • ongil_ • WX.lntlaj__ .NEL•11:401:171 11 . TETM. YO te UNG & Ca—Dealt rsitfleatfierlldde& &r. TY ICLirty acte. DL M ng lTCHELTßEE—Virbolesala Gibeen, aaatifyi Mullen, end Wine and mes, tanth Unnorters of Soda..Allll and Ineting Powder, No. 160 Liberty at. Plush Pa. janteity ILITES Gin.. 111.i/olna. - 111.4CKLURN k CooVbalesale Grocers lasi f• artdrut Gilt, possfitOre, and Pittsburgh Mtn utsd artistes, buys on hind, as tal tissp.:y. gull watt unstrol sircrit ofuoods in eels Ilust WM. , rms.; eat Che rl ay, Pittsburgh. =LP Ar& AL MITCHELTREE, Wholesale GI Staers . Rectifying Diutißen, and Whs.. and Liquo thesda Also, losponess of Soda Ash and Bleach leg Poo No. 180 Liberty meet, PluAborge, Pa_ M.' • - ... . • .• AO 1 . . . 11;... , ,........A...0art.--... 07... 1 ..... .._ . M' • ';.f . . , 11 i ,,.1. ....1 .. : ! ..t.t - LE..... 1- :. , ..'.1. ,, ,,,FAC,Tra.x, ...........-...--, t.. . - , .,..,,,,,,,....r....x..r..,... ~.. ..,-...... _... — ...,. -...--.......;., •..,-.,...,--, ~..,.., . 1 1. 1,,,,, ,,, -.1.,,,1.'r'g' .-7472714:.i1;177 1 . " .. 1'471 4' 0 1`.i. ,7 7 . :„ 1. n.,.--,1 ..,,,,,,,„_,,,,,,,.......,....__ • 1 4 k i k . .. t i• ' OH 0 , LA • _ ,I , • • , ,;A :i . •''. ' ' a I.iT • i .. ' :;-1 1 ,tq I' 1" -- `• • - '-' .* . 7., • I .' J :f • i , ~,k i , i' s . - 1 ;• / . J. . ,•. I; - " ir iii• AS if .1w.“.1 .4./ .4 A i i • Sada .11 1 '• ' ' '...2 • I '' ' i • ) Ali f,. i . 27,i. - r. I ~,, • e CAR DL. TOEIN111; 'lOWNERNTµDriaggiet gad • AgOihttarT, d NotdiTgrarkette,thohe doors aboire Third MU burgh, will hare ronotaitniroah l u r d a-wolloeleeted as- Rosman of the- berg mid Irma:est. Medloilieo, which ho will roll oo the -room .rosooootd. Ehlilnioor oriadint ordaroferilL he wooptly.avooded tq oori.T• plied swithoatioles thergoidi tely opoiros genuine, -4,34.1" ricions Pisisori 11 boricoororolY .prepareditom the , rissag hoar of A/ " I r ahrgootcok oirloolf and good Polls. site kr *tab"' . 'MOUNT' H:: PATM.MN ' opened Ifielirge ttobleon TWO it , X l 4 l l th r..AUV, to Second at, p apart my/ La ela ouz, att., in thcresti or, lbe . 749 11,re akge of with as , eutitelytoor'suidt orliorgeo f be ones kept trro. this ll'quilitrataill4at • • 'WWI) rTS:VOte Dom meernev • • haItIMOSIS ON WOOD ST, PITTSBUSsa . , oNTINT 4 Es to manuractitro Alonumeats, Dariai C Ombejlead Su a ncisMantaPicces, Cen tre and Pier Topa otkireign atid domnatic: marble, et ' Ver iraulta /cc. tarniab adj. or an deienptinn. retiree a Aare of public patronage ang9-ar 1,...,3, E.., Ahnutar tarot of Corm and eolotod Liam, Friars far Droostoy&c.t:Sevuag sod colorai Cottaa Fang,. for - silk • and .M o m , a patuolt. Gimp Mohair , and Silk Bullion ' nude tooldor oil the of:isnot: notice. , . ' Etroas, comer of Maiden Lave and Will Iwo, entrance No 25 Urrillam anrey.third tom, over &beer & Elye awe, No 63 Maiden Lau. Sew York jylo VAITICIVEML2I:II, • 70. C. Poen, THOILIfIILIK.III, fr. S/101,11 110[1131.,' ' MC= MTh, rum r. ups, . . • -- 211LCHAN1011 2 GLASS. WORKS. IMPt3ON, LEAKS , STANGER Is Co., tannufaatu -0 AM/ dl , Viala , Mottles, and Window Wats, keep constantly on-band a gnitelii ILUOMOGIit the show anielea. pm*, to qrder: superior article of Mineral or Soda-Wiferldottl2a;ottolorred aim. No. tO-WoOtEal" ' M'eati ' natal a4c,tiißo e t tp o p R Saddlers" IrOnntOnnt Batatal alld Coach Trimmingie b rl i oss, Dt t e t r i gir, 41c1. etc., :ERIN TEA STORE,:—No. 72 Fourth ItqUetir OusinidiVof Greco and Blank Tenn, done up in , quarter, half, and • aim pmmilantragas,. mon troenzo eta per pound .ilyk • JAYNES,. Agyfor Pakin Tee Co. baqueirie Eliiring,Axle, Intel lrox, lkork. 141°. " 51 " , / 1 /4/4 4 /S Pcs. +33=ufactstrera el V Coatla and Sprinp, ,livanired 't‘xles, Vine alid d- Flenitt e 5,4 1 2 % .b4.u, Ilealcrs.4v.„ C0...Ad:246 Weals Casting. lIVSURANGE. DELAWARE.IIIT 01IN Agent ar Plitabiuph RI! We Del. e,/ mom Mutual Safety Insurance Compass/ ofl , blllo adviAbi Mob, 40a inerehandue 01 every deleription, .and Monne Mike upon bulls ot ceutoes of vest/obi t ' takoul won th e : :moet favorable WT . Mice in the Warehouse of W. IL Ilithera 0..31. Water-war Harker sinsw,„Aainshurgh K. memo of this Company amen the eajab (iahmeat of the Agency in this city, with the prawn, miss sat libenality with whielsevery claim upon tient for loss has been adjusted, hilly .warcun the Wittig inviting,the confidence andputronageofhis friends and the community at LIMM-tia tie Delswan,hl. ranee. Company, while it bas the meanies:ad advainages as aniestinition snots the most thAirishing w Philaifet• phis --tea haying an ample paid-ist capical, which by the operation of no charter a, constantly increasing, as yieldingro each mem insured his doe share oh the profus of the company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Manua prinetpludivested -of every obnoxious Cr... tare, and in its most attractive fel= nov.t_ Pink AND TILABINIO lAISITRAILDICE. THE Intizrance Comply ofTionhAincienea, torougk tta duty imbforlzed Alegi; *fit rabscribrr, Mk. makerjermancal gad liiefutd Mini:act on property, in thii'eny pad otrAchtirommtt by the 11. nit tffd akelt. , , DoEcrorta Arthur G Coffin Cbules Tny it, •••• Snail W. Jonas, Ambrose White, Edward lituitli Jacob,M.Thomas, Jahn A..Brotri, John D. Nair, Joins 'Male, Richard D. Wolsi, T l:l 4i P. ns= P. gape, Wm. Wlt, en‘al Smith, Praniqs H.ens, 8.11.10 i limits, S. Austin Allibone, ARTHIJD G.,COFFra, Nat. Mus.D. filumuzrni, Seel , . This is the ablest LO.2IIUICO Crnipily, in the Canted Stately, baving been chartered in 1794 . . hi cheater is psi:simnel, and from: us high snoutingssend ealtasned, ample means; and avoiding alt, xis= of: an antra =s imians character, it may be considered= off stuig sm. ale annuity to the , publie. W. P. JON.E.. At die Coorninaoom of diarnott, Jones A, Co., W. _ ....__ . . magi r and Fnut t i atrial Pluentre4 181LM.114.1.11t VIBE 1:111 __IIERTRABCE CO. uansaace Craraeury, of.Ehltaillel lasureace, penaanant and /haired Ilißk.. . pbbi---jil,..k..'rsel ms arerrdeseirpodek of property., re .Putsbarah arid the sacrotrothag rantrary, an fravrable woo-- 'Me cord peat biz sferpeteat charter. paid hi 0416ee earlier of Third andlfarket streets, Pittaborgi apligtl WARRICK MARTIN, Ageat . I ....1.311=111.11=1111111,. : .1 raandersigned, datyathorisod Agrat.afthe Aran,- n. Insuranse— n Contpany 6f Philadelphia, manures to.efect insuranna against. Joss or damage against Elmo, on Landings, ramonandian, fulmars atri property, um -ems haxardonr. in tins any and vicular. =ll4 • u 1 , 41 pi/ kt 111. 10. sound at r tilt; SkaSSCIWW4Ib2. bett(o7Po”.. 4 Art. , PV° Item. ofittelatrarante Company of North America, aiel will Wane foileimigniVatienoklebtia, other busulet• of the Agency,. at the minimum of Atwood, Jove* It Co. rtpig F. JUNOSoenterit FORWARDING & comussioN. ToBAUCO • CollitilipSON 11811U111 . 11T8 1 to. W ra 9 uta No. 117 South Wider it Mei 'Worm . the .itpac. Lod dealito kenenilly, of 'Wish; thlac they' taco made ouch twang,. cures with be ir • inanusactnitta and the Wows's of the Wuc. aelladiei,aeoanNsrplaoieso as wel Imola Lairtiod ectesuedetopresi of the falowthg of , /*auto, whin ante be sold open ea aeeo - au:Waling %mau any.odzar house in this 007 arelsb where, and , dif.da oydatcd tront them will be vrEa renindelpahpreptdantanon: - Havaniq Domingo; . Coma; Yarn: .fats Ham Pean'a4.}Sedi Lae lb- Cuba; .iipnyi; & Florida; boom; AtailEeeStatiche asieltrated .Anhauttiabtag °wrap &lab, with •. tam assarhaeot.of, ether popular braada, atel qualities t. P. 144, A., Umpy b., fi r eweed lift Plot Ladies , Wise Ikriponte. Twist ao, sweat: and ptaby.a whale-and. half boxes, wood and boosoresber with very Tads, of artir.le belonik. big to the ,rode. Alpirsq t 70340, & assairAW FLOUR FACTORS ' , proAii, COUtnilagoll sksmi irerwardpig MISKOLArtg, No. 152 Norm W =Lam Aja, PHLLABEathiIIAI au= To-4one FL ihaPrAßCee• . . Bonen ate. & Co Bareroft, Be , I,nthutdod,„1 ,nthutdod , „ Beaver k. , 7 ‘ i . Allen & Pavan, New York. , W&lwn & 14 "”7. Baltimore. Byplay Smith, , . . . Burtnidge,Wilson te Col „ Bailey, Broom & Ca. ' 1&&3 " . & & " . ilier k.loaer, Liberal eun advances OD C.olllli6ltkent• mow .1 X. KRIM. issartiom =Data =U. 2012 warap. LLM AK ERi - ECK V & C 9,, • - pious MA:c H rons, And 0 1111DSTILI. Cominatsalon' • Morelplin, • • N 0.13 Bonen Win Sraserr.. PHILADELPHIA KeveßmicEs--lunry fluff eGVlNthannt. ! Rodgersrlo A. &lmlay A Son, AL,Tmorlan'iNaY - Charles Bambara, Jr., Louisville. Dwelt, Llunipbreys tr. Mercer,Bro. A. Co. Road & Brother, • - .• Thailh & Cowinerry . , Naar ark. WM D. LZIOLIID. . CDADLID LEH M & ANDERMO FORWARDING A. COMMISSION laßaoMts, COTTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR THE se LE OF NAILS AND W. GLASS, rms. 7 &Mauve re, allots annivarew,cloxa o *eal,olVo. • • ' .ozOTlOrecocuzikaa" -- Commilarellosa sued, Pornrianglng Moro tonne. no. M wool, d, riffiairson, riONTINUES to transact a general CODIMISS/0131,1- • , TM, especially insho para.. and solo ofrAm Idareolketares and Predate, and in recoivlng and , re, diltala=Che't care. ktuagib the attempt astlcles of Pittsburgh Manufacture it e .lowess wtagnale pricaa...Order. surd enamigerr are seepecifal. . GEORGE A BERRY, witoic.x.s4.ituaocsats, F ORW DOW COMMISSION MEIIMINT, AND DEALFIt IN Iron, Nail., Cotton Yo.rno & Pittstistrigh FLutusgitottstres sonata-11y, ' t ito.,,ttystit • arixtr,m7substaa, ' watt - W - :01.4%1in, -- vorwarai.mscurebantinrownimm., T..- 141.46 pattlesdurly the Postshiding or Piod ee, For any informations apply b koßsrrii k ctri- CAN. Wats/ I. • • iS AAC CRUSE GENERAL COMMISSION 111E13.CIIAT, FOB TIMBALE OF PRODUCE f PROOLSIUN —Nos.los and 107 bitura's Wow Itscrituttimm--Itistrehattts a( Pittsburgh atjogYik,--X , Cr.Elf_k Co. marattdoit_ have 'taken - Li officer inFeffiotety e Vit:Witilo w ==i l 7a r:7 e ' l t'e' be erected, arrauguments haw ng already been Krinde Gal 111•11”141010. Boats-MU always be La =mime one wlterl to receirofreigbL C A APANULTY apd, • .idusist Posta. Liberty WOOL. L Y(Ba N ots to Bred E:E.-0 &c 0., ) C O. eess, Hurd GENERAL COSIMISSIIHN. MERCHANTS; BbSTON... - Pavienhkr gyrators paid to the sale of wool, md fiber aksulvgaess malt ors reaasaiduroagu asylike&ofl • -0 £OOO. 20 ' 3 . 4 1 , 5 5.4 kPr i rvr: lid': do • 40 . .. vy—r .n'a l ot. o anu for 1.. by 0 0 BLACKBURN A. fo__ just y0r.4 2 0.. b 1 ste lp, nrrollitt 4 and fe sAfiet; la PoR.ByTH • DUNCAN PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY , M LAW OfWM., MMM ATTOiliiiii - CATId.W. /haler Pa I.e attend tocolleetions and other t...k- W : 11n s entrusted to biro In Bader and Armstrong eounties,•Pa. Reim to • J. & R. Floyd, Liberty .t. W. WAVallace, do Jame. bland:tali do Pittsburgh. dly Kay do Co., Wood st J inza 81iYEITZ -- Efi r at Lam, Mace 3,1 au, atte• aPrannta CharZimi, Pittsburgh, will also nd promptly to Collections, in Wasbington, Fayette and Green courdies,' P ESPFk .. TO Slankatock, 801 l d. Co., Church &Carothers, A T. Morgan. }Pluiburgh. E J. HENRY. Attorney and Counsellor -as Law, Ohio. 'Collections in SouthernOltio, and in Indiana, and in Kennteky;prompdy and caro lling attended to. Commissioner for the Boat. of Penns. sylrania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, fro. As. Rani 40- 1 -nan 1905.11.41 eanycnita Church a Carothers, Wm. flays, 4p., Wdloek & Davis. MIS B. W. Pm". al=l, - Cs k. BHINN, (sue' Aso?" tOl.cr;rlOCrit W William.,)Willis.) Attorneys and Coonsellars Lou. Mane North side. ofYourlb sultety . Oove Henttllfteld. ,iebk7tlkwly tr"lig,j?'. 10, ProrY • u Law, .Bakewelre Bui g, Grunt scree; nearly. optmeite the Court House. MOP & SEWELL. attorney al Law, °floes on Sinithfield, between &I and 4th eta gIiWARD k SW ARTZWELDER, Attorneys n, I: . Law, have removed their office to the South ode o . Fourth at; between Cherry Alter and Grant street. anStr. UT 0. 11. ROBINSON, /Wormy claw , hai re • moved keg office to ithe Exchange Buildingv, Clotr et...next don, to A bl.rmen lehy• •nrn• BOOK TRADE. To Country Illorehanth • ALARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Suntan , nahstAo roc country, *es; 11.010¢ff Which Writing Popen, offing . medium and common qutit's Letter Paper do do do do Nom Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes Slums, Pencils, wales, Quill. and Steel Ponta Window Paper (yard aside) plain and printed; ' Bonnet Board., actin - mem qualities; Wank Books, In great varlet)", Family, School and Pocket Bibletr, =3.t7Lr, di4ti1.b4".7,7a,17, 1 ,'"'" 1 " 4 " Boy'. Eelecdc Arithmetic.; sftbb's Primers, Spellers and Betide's; Sunder.' do do do Arid:mutes,' by Adams, Dasis,Calborri, Smith, Stock; ton Borman, and others. ridthaphin, by e r e. 1, hfone,Ooo d . i rle and others. Grommars, by—Smith.littithout, Etonian*, Weld, .4 ahem. For wile at low pores, by J R MELLOR, SI wood st, 5 doors above 4th. The Memel market price paid for good mixed roe, to rash. solo A then: £ lax exposition of the great dtseovertee and theo ries of modern astronomy; by 0 hi Mitchell, • it, Ds rector of the Cincinnati Obeerraton Headley's Italy, Alps and Rhitic.—Lescre from Italy, the Alps and the Rhine; by T Headley, suitor of Na. pole on and hia Marshal's, Washington and his flenen al*, ie. New and revised edidon. Statiades of Coal.—The Geographical and Geolasi. CIO dislinctions of Mineral Combustibles or fossil fuck including also, notices and lualides of the ranous mineral bituminous substances employed in al. and manufaitures, Illustrated by Maps and Disgraces; act compuned by nearly HQ statistical tablea, and lanais. alpine of mineral combustibles, he; prepared by Rich. and Crawling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of the above works —tor salt by JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON, ITS BookneJlers, cos market & 3d au. NIdAILLYtiEADT IPOR PUBLIC:A.IIIOX by J. A. it. U. P. JAMS, Cincinnati, she nsikrwing now and Valuable Works—: th.dpiwes Expedidon—Ccoveleios a 'ketch of the life of CoL A. W. Doolpbam the Conquest of New Mexico; Clea.. Flearney's Ore - Hand Fapeditiou To Cali. corn* Doniphan`. Campo gc: Realm+ the Nweitea and empandieled March upon Chihuahua and Darango and the Opera:dons of Geo. l‘pre ot Bata re; wob a Atop nod Engravings, by /atm T Hughes. A A••• the Lt Regiment of 21raottri Cavalry Ilimary of Kentucky-1m rimmunies and Natural Curiasinest Gault - wawa! Stausucal and Geological &annum:um; anti atunalotes of /henna., Life, and more Mau ono hundred Biographical Shuichi-sof dtsurtgoish ed Ytuneeht, &Adrian, Stateentan. Lawyer~lli utey ac 4 illustrated whet forty engravings; by LCW,II Colima,' rot. rtuaro. Tbet Tanilvo Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennease• Regment of Cavalry. in tae Campaign of Ataxic. during 1846-41, ems wrung an m mo:do( the Match of tbe Regiment to Vera Cm, • demnption Ma Country passal aver, manners, torn.. of de. of the people: Sketches of Cason Ls* ao man. of all_the ammo. of other Volmneer Rev uesill, and • full l ined ofliedllaglean War, Lim ot Kil led and Wounded, ase; illustrated by • hirge mouber ot cornet %ears and plionN by sioo. C. Farber, I Mame interro. - • . 'stn' • per .. • bta • 11.hment, IV Mon IST,rn aor A.21:12 DIAMOND dust . T. subscribers have Jun opened, at the above eland, a large stock of - different qualities ruled and Mani tektite and blue Wnung add L,euer Paper, yam merer. and packer pest Flat Cup, deswy and medium er meg mere, for Wank badge, medium andsna al co lored P.M. Pepenr, madmen, army anti cep Day ikvllha and Loadeos, supenor paper amt ben Modem bmtinor; Submit 13make Edell kurds,• atenderd auras In Theology and Selene., Quills, gold erld me. Pena Wafers, W., lttll Fries de de Mena Sao. eel siree ruled to pattern, and bob. in the moo suartanuel naltmer. Comity 61mshant• supplied is lowest wholesale pri• eel far cut, or rags at cash prices JOB PRINTING.—Haung a Job °thee in connection with our establishment, we are prepared to reroute nl ordeM for plain and fancy Pruning—hooks pamphlus. circulars, blame. cards, bill. °flukes, he. wi th dos patch wad at loss prices. ELLIOTT*. YAD ' LLS/11, toys 'in wood at, between 4th and diamond alley _ EW WORKS—Vainly Fair, •anovel without a ro: by P. Idaltepeacc Thackery—w4l illustrations by the author. The Tenant of Wllallfeli by Acton Dell, amble of - Wetherell; Height" The Young ticlicalrelatreui by Jimeph Alden, D. D. Part 6, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights' Entensuuseem. New transleinors, urange.l for lately mading, with explanatory uoter. by E. tY Lifi ' lnds Loixaritituss—Tables of Logarithms of aele• bets and signs and Tang.ou for ever./ tea accotohi al tae QiladtittaL, TellhathrZ table .:by Elms Isom. A. 14, Prnf. htlitatMaties nod Naturel Philosophy 11/ the University of New Yort, author of a — Premise on al l e tu b w :a firt..• received this day and for sale by JOHNtsTtei at STOCKTON, angl.6 BOCkilandlers, cur maraca and NI 11. HISTORY Uk CHNISIALMS, ihograptueal and pat,• deal, eamproung =moms of Me income. of tbe (Stull:rest of Ow U. H.. Hy Hli Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portrait., to ree Vol I , octavo. Ito Werings ore. N Clay; secluding speeches a.d addresses, with sosolportrome &Med by II tiredly. I •ol d vo What [Saar In California: By &ero Bryant. MMMUMEII=I Char= and Coonter.Cbaraua fry Miss 111 , 11onah, au door of -To seem and to b 0 ,,, ko. !La. Mall Grover, a Dooseauc Tamper.ea Tale: By C. Bortott. KIND, and letceens, or Life in the Palace; consisting of hiesorical sketches of hue and reigning sovereigns: By J. B. C. Abbots A Pint Book in Spanish, or a practical introduction to Rio ;truly of the Spanish Language: By J Saatchi,. The Dying Robin anti other taloa: by Rev. Dr. Alden Just rooM bY II HOPKINS, Apollo tkolinogs, 4th st. llSuccessor m J. L.. Head.) NEW BOONS—Lrce of Cromwell, by 1T &l dley Poore:Mae Pulpit, by (rardiew tipring, O. ID Umbel Flag, do do Satoh. ou Gospels, Matthew, onth Hammer, Loon:tees on Shakspeste, 9 rots; Psh of Llte, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immorality; Footseps of Messiah; The gyre.; by author of School Girl in France; Now aolThen, by Warren; Sketches tg Lessout, oa Parables and Miracles; leelmsda vhicoma to the Stranger, Heaven upoLEastb; Bawkston, • tie of and for England: 2 vol.. 'or sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, }cid 70 wood mid SO insinet NEW BLIGILS-4 - I . recetved from the publisher, and for wale at thcalsthodist Book Store4th to, near Wood. Toppers Protertnal Philosophy:ln three styles of Medina-, a beasellatbook for • present. PrepasstiOn Wr the Pulpit. Sketches of Sermons on the ouabim sod Miracles of Christ, by the author of the sketches, an. The Eugllsh Pulp, mohiby the most eminent living dt4li a of kilnehmtax Vota—Dutrig Good, Ehtmast Love, Loy. eat thou ma, Sacred Med.:marina m 724 r , NHE PATRIARCHAL ArtE; or lituo ry and Religion of hlsankatul from the Grwnon b she eath of hear: Deduced from the writing. a kip, and other inspired authors and illustrated ,y copious references to the s-elect records, My. thology orate He World—by Geo Smith, v, 9 . A. Ital., octavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Miss hrlutoah. A fresh supply of this very pogular little work. Ontiors of the American Revolution, by E L. 41. goon, with Portrans. I rot, I 2 ton. rulers Cabinet Library, for fanulies or schamis, 31 volumes, 11 mo, with engravings. This is a newavork. Yosaale by R HOPKINS, septdi Apollo Buildings 4th it 111.1-JOS BOTANY—Botany of the EnricoStites 16 with of, Virginia; computing descriptions Of the towering and forn-like plants hitherto found in thom Snuck arranged acconliug to the natural system. With a synopos of the lieners according to the Lim mean ',viten; a sketch of the rudiments of betai.y, and • &nary of terms: by Lewis C. Beek, M. D., Hof. Chemistry. and Natuml History in Rutgers College, New Jersey, &e.t.a. Second edition, revised and en largedsepl . For kale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON 6 LAmARTiNrs UlRONDlSTS—litstory of the 01- roadie.; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution—from unpublt•hed sources; by Alphonse de larnartnie. Complete in three volumes: Ryan's translauon. A (rest supply of this papalor wort received this day and for Role by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. I sepia , Booksellers, car market and 3d etc OITERINES IN EUROPE; or sketches of travel 11 at France, lielgturn, Atoorta, Switzerland, Judy, Prussia, lonised end Great Brawn; web au append.. containing observations n F:nropelin charities end minibus] untruewins: by John W. Carson, M. D. A lew cop.. for;sals by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON AT OUR STORE on Market street, No 511, b et ween 3d and 4th may at all times be fmuid • large stock of Thanagical and Alteeellantiou• Books. New book. recerred as 10011 as published, and soli low est prmes. '(ho publlcaum. of the American Sunday School Caine and Massachusetts Sabbath School So •ciaty, slaps no hand. Catalogues furnished on ap petition. ELLIOTT A ENCZUSH, __ 36 market st. between ad and 2 - 1 UM OPIUM (Torkeyy—l ease rec'd and for sale Ur by septa BRA UN a REIT/72 COTARTNEMM. CO. , PARTErintEMP. T WAN & EVlNfipli' .. hava this day associated with-them in the. Hardwarebusinesa Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. The It* of firm will hem after be Logs.% Wilson & Co. Mrs stun went ren ders it desirable to close the old business as noon as possible. All petSCIIIN Whose liabilities hove matured, are especially requuted to make Immediate paymmit. Pittsburgh, 7an.1,1818. ' LiDGAN, & CO.—lmporters and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, entlery, Saddlery, &c., 19111, Wood street, Plus. burgispire now fially-prepared with a recently tumor ted Make Illardwater,Pallety, itm, to oder very great inducemews to .sresteta buyer., being determined to swomete in miens wnhany of the Atlantic cities. Al m on Band au extensive assortment of Pittabergh Hind onion., viz: Shovels, Spades, Forts, 11004, Vices, &e.., all of which wiltbe sold at the lowest manntheturees - THE subscrittera hasiogrecently entered into pannership under th a name of (Danah r, e lag, - fr. Killer, the the ph Of carrying on the 801 l mad Bruce Priending and Ges Fitting bud.ss in all Its branches, have taken the simulfortneelY ...- pled by H. Gallagher, No. 109 Front WOOL, between I and SninUeld six., where they are prepared to alecuts all orders tor Bells, Brass Castings, of every description, and - Gas Pitting, with nearness and de. patch. steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. IL GALLAGILER, S. A. LONG, P. 11. MILLIat N. B.—The attention of Nachunsu and Fmgineers Is Invited to our anti-anractiota metal, for a reduced price, which has been pronounced superior to Babbith, by outshone who have used both. fluamin.t builders and the public, generally, ore al .o requested to call and ex amine our superior doable betion Fermi Pumps for steamboat and domestic nus. GALLAGHER, LONG, k 18111..E.R. • decEdly Odexolutitip rEr=rl7ll4,-.lnyom-mtniumler the drm of on the In tam. The business 10111 be closed et Um old stand yv either or as, using the name. of the firm Mt that putpdtr. Dating desireus to hare ear business elomd rah mt Little delay as posstble. would rei spectrally request those indebted to call and settle their actount. JOHN D. Wealth, plea IL D KING. Co-Partnership. J OHN D. ?MORD having associated with him brother James AVConi. ender the mylo of Al'Cord & Co., will cord:nue th.o.tiat t . Cap and Fur business in all r4various branches, wholesale nod retail, st the old stand, corner of Wood and ath streets, where they eolith a continuation of the patroimge so liberally be mowed on the old firm JOILNI D tilteuttld. jai? JAMES B. N follnog from the old and lull known firm of I ld'Cord & Klitg, I most respectflly recommend of the puronago of the public mT attecosson, Mews. Wroord & Co. H. D. KING. cgIHIC eoparmaratup honstotons emoting between the I. subscribers, ander the style of CUM, Iloobbeld Hoe & exptrect this day 14 r.mirum. Tim boMoess of the bom will be smiled by 2fi'Grfi A Soo. JAMES D. MOIL, R. IL BUIDIFIELD, W&L,TES C. atm Pmsbargh, July 19, Tbe uudenernei mll continue the Wltolesolo Gro cery and Cemonsmon busmen., under the Armor With fuel Roe, at thee sad nand, No. 1941 Isbony street. JAAIFIi D. WALTER C. ROE Flaring sold my interest in We firm of irGiu. Busts field t Roe m my former partners. IWIAIII3 Rea, 1 take pleasure m remosmending them to my friends sod the public. JyO) S. J. BUSILFIELD. t s i W. STE.PLLEINS of Wheeling, E. F. Sticeuberger a; • of Jim and J. A. Sweeten of Pittsburgh, hose day entered intoe co-partnership under style soil firm of Stephens, Sboenborper t Co. st the Anchor don works, Wbestatip, Va., tor the purpose of Mae taeutnag iron and nails of eery deseripuon. it.u. smarm 4a. moroclicm, 3. a. Prontros. STILPHENII• 11110131IEOPRIGIER a CO. ANCIMEt IRON WORKS • lEkdettnyy, vas ManorJacinto all kind of Doper shook bar von and owls, A. B. .reel ablym sponge and axle. Doing con nected nub Ithoenheorer's old Juniata works, we eat oder an artmle of !ammo iron Owanded fthoenhorfirrl equal ko any made in Ike country All of whiett be .1d at the Pitt.imegh prsees. Watebouse of the works canes offilutdor and Water me. no II 111:11110LIITION—The Flortnership hitherto eaisii- Llidg Under the style and firm of W Lohman A. Ika/. tell, is this day diuulved by mutual eobsent, John Dal mll baring disposed of tua mitre Interest to 11. Wight- Inatl The buslneas of We late firm will We settled lry 14 NVlghtutan. who I. antetortzed to to. the Immo attic, late firm or that porpow WitinTl/AINI jury 1 471 ./ DAL:ZELL TILE Bularenber n now prep and to man(aetare nll tints of Cotton and Woolen MacLellan, to the shorten nonce. Orden `anal R. Wrghtman s Eng.. eit.P,..r . 12.1' Cherry and Water streen will CM, with prompt attention It. WIIRITIMLAN, Leann eh, between Federal and Seadasky nth, rim/54y Allegheny atty. 10-VAIITNEII.IIIIIP—Wm Young tml - a. ki day associated vette ham. Jahn IL lt& 'Lunet.tintlell tuct busmen will hereafter he conducted tutdor the fins of Wot Young & Co WILLIAM TOUNR,' ht a 5 /NO. R. III'CUME. Co. : lll#,_24:tai.iirtp Node.— - . H r i A. k . 00 d„ .I==r:ea wi ., l3t Maraud Heald, ante of Jacob Heald it Co, Ilaltimo.l.l David C Streamtnon. amd Jahn A WArrner mvlS, AIEDICAL. -- Jayties' Napecterant. Cotvintil.m no ,1/, Ape. ht. IMI. DR- 110 JA 3: than `dtiv-e-1 feel leaned to yea land the ellitetrif public, to avail myaelt of duo op portaultgrelng publicity to Ae ealnionfinary effect. of your MOM. WI vs) aelf. Hanna been Wittman In, severe years with a severe cough, beetle fever and 114 roneomnant diadasee end seemed only doormat' to ienger out a abort but moserabie eitatenoe, until the tall of hilt, when, bung more aeverely anecked, min tranng resorted to all my former tented., r yn-• sormatoes of Iwo of the moat reepeemble ph, ant,alas In the neighborhood without derseing any benefit, or the et:m.lm.y of surrurlng bat • few days or weeks at fartheal—when the last gleam of hope watt shout to anvnish, 1 bad recommended to nee your atapeetroranc— d Dimmed by that tieing who does all dung. in the use of the mean.--end G 0010.17 to the oxpaciaboor of ray phyommn• and fnendr,l was to a few days tamed from my bed, and wan mud And by tae oto of a book. to attend to my busbanaa, enju) aitice better health Man I bad for Mil year. prealoon Roapecciallyyoura./ie , Jo. W. Farru.t. For solo m Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea More, C . 2 Fourth street marWr b A FA HP:FatIOCICS AVTI-Nllduli+ YLLLh - Trim eadiaruc compound con/brims armoire.. of wish ' with etheteuey and comparative rroldneas of par gadve action. arid hawing • pereuhos tendency to We bumpy orgasm, is extremely valuaole w au, countty. in which bilious fevers toil other comptairkra attended with congestion of the liver. w mow. swoon. Thep have !sow stood the lest of :at years, aim ca r renerire has proved them to be sale and It/ ..bin - remedy bt Intormattent. armament and Moons Fever. Jaursthdv. Dillow ladtgeshon, Dropsy. DI .enter), Biota. Vomtungo colds, and all compl•rms of an 11/11arnank.• ry Chartsc.r. Toe complete aod 11.11/1 , 41.11R/ mato sr. Morwhich has been given rry Orem pi to all who e used them, renders the pubbshing of she numer ous cerolicares to thus favor unnecesartry. To pre. COY.. .Musing they sae now , put up hi • re.l iryke graph. wrapper. Price of cents for 14 bur containing 30 psis. Proposed and cold by ' " it A FAUN /151'OCK di. Co, corner let and wood, and alee corner oth and wood SIMMS. septla Li is. Fsucerscs,A.. U. Bow., N. Y. esty. B. L Fusetwocs,lPittsbargth 0. W. Pssuerrar. Wholesale Drug Store In the City of Nive York. tTHE undersigned are extensively engaged in the Wholesale Drug trusirwas at No. 49 John sweet, sn e city of New ork and are prepared 1.0 supply grl u ar%lsUctif i s s e 7o " grt rn h d ." 2 . m ." en U e ' sMo P crt ' ly, Mender, Weaver & hluders Chemical., (of thew own importation) and all other tenet. on thou W. of buil new, of a sgperior qualm MI low as they can bespar• chased in Nu or any eastern city . New York. Febld U. A. FAIINESTOCK &13o; 1111areheee Chrome Groom. TG PAINTERS. BLIND MAKKILS, Jr.c—We, hie I. undersigned, Palmer. and Blind Makers, of the city of New Pork, have used end tested, and are now using a new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by Geo . K. hlareher, of this city, and end it no work well. pro ducing a hoc brilliani Pans Green appearance, wall • ael e •u tr pe rior ade as fan , on ,r d y p reeoenrof . i r d ato b r ethren 11te burr n m o i Caeca we here ever used. New lock, fore I, 47. Signed by 01 firms of pranced painter• of th e city of New York. This uneeptelled Chro me v. Breen coop be had of R. E. SEILLFRS, Na 67 Wood uteri, who hes the can colon agency ha hyalite in Pittsburgh. marl 3 ELLERS' VERAIIPUOF.---" No fondly should be 17 without it'" Loom, C. IL, Vu., Anil 24 , ' 42 - Ma. R. K. SELL., • I cheerfully enroll that I have for some years paw used your V ernufurre to ray flurilly, and universally with succeas 1 decidedly prefer it to any other preparation I have used—among , . these may ho named the celebrated medietehe called beadehot, lohneatoek's Vermifuge, and a preparation called Worm Ten In a recent rate n single dose [,.ought from Any little boy one hundred and wx large worries 'no family cenainly ought to be without it Yours Ac JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by It re Sellers, N 0.67 Wood at. and sold by Innonele generally in both eines sepgl A inne Bet of Teeth for 28 Ceuta. WHITE TEETH, RAIL BaKerei, li 1.; rilnw and unhealthy teeth, after be “tr otter or twice cleaned with /one.' AmberrOoth Plate, have the appearance of the most oeuuttnrli•Ory, .ld•tt the •anie nine am so perfectly innocent and re, hoe, that its constant daily use Is highly ad vt.diditotts, even to those Meth that are sit a goodcon• "rd., gaing diem • beautiful polish, and preventing a Those already decayed it prevents hdddt.hir wose—lt also fastens such as are be nnug by perseverance it will render the houleetweth dememly white, and make the breath de liciously sweet. ttold by VIII. JACKSON, ba harony street. matt/ B. A. FAIINEATOOK'S AyE ,, "tad\ one of my children, aged ,Pout .'fe Teen, woe nenel for several days, and the elnainogly that I feared death would be theresult. Ilev, i g heard of th e good Chet. of Fahnestoeles Verralltige when ado:mustered to the etuldren of my neighbors, and•hinkiiig my child might hove worms, from some of the symptoms, I gave it one and a haif tempoonfuls of Vet:rouge, and to my great mtoeshruant it almost inummately discharged between to sod 2110 large worms. its health was mode restored, and n isnow remarkably wel. Previous to taking the Vernufirge, the worms arm.' crocaalcowdly rise in its throat, and I often feared it would die Rom strangulauon. JAS. G. RAWSON. Tionesta. Venango co, Pa., April 3, '4 , _apl7_ IEWE'S CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTER 1...4 OINTMENT is the most elector,' remedy before the public for thecure of triter, itch, dry and watery ptmplm of the lace, neckand booty, scaly erupting., &Oa all other diseases of th e skin. Th. 011111E1CW lb warrantod free from mercury, is perfectly safe, and they lie used at all mom and under all circumstances A iresh .apply of this valuable remedy received and for sale by 11 A FAliNi-YrocK & go. corner of lat.and and *and streets. receiver:lmnd for 4.14 by G .UM COPAL-4 au. $ itAuw „mu Isepl2 RNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1848. HOTELS POIIIIITAIN HOTAL I . LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE . • ... . . EtTHIS establishman long and widely boron as being one of the moat cornmodlose in the city of Baltimore, Mu recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy Beeping 2 ts, and extensive bathing room. ns has also been completely reorganised and tiled rp In a mine( unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Hot= Les been remodeled, with a siegle eye on the pan of the proprietors, ureteras the comfort and pleasure or their Ouens, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sot. sumial and luxury which the market affords, Penrod up M a superior style, while in the way of Wines, he., they will not be stepassed. In emiehniou the proprietor, beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their 'assistants, to render this Hotel wonby the continued patronags of their diends mid the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rate. Ladies' Ordinary, 51,76 per day. Gentleman', 1.60 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Hoare will way. be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, winch will maovey baggage to and from the Hotel, five Of charge. mayTtf EXCHANGE HOTEL. Warm 011%. 4211, R. CLAM an, ennearratio, sThe subscriber having usomed the manage meat of this long established and popular Hotel, 'respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared anooturoodate them in all thine desirable In (Well .legtqated Hotel. The Hoene is ram. bales thorny,' spou ted throughout, and new F.ll.llltte added, an no pan. will he spared to make the Exchange one of the ,wea . best Hotel. in the emmtry. ..peattvily solicits a continuance Of the eery liberal plumage the Rime has heretofore Jeceived. THOlliitB OWSTON, Propr.etor. HOUSE. .9022111 an 1 . 00.11 AND mum mums, lITISIIIMSOIL ALTHE subteriber respectfully announces that pe has now opened bm new and eteellent Hotel t- or the accommodanon of travelers, boarders, end the publto generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have beau spared to render It one of the moat comfortable and pleasant lintels In the city. • The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there kn. solicits, a share of ',albite patronage octl4.lly JAL,YtH HOUHH. Proprietor. TIIB.OOR-14011.TONIS GA.L T LIOLIBBI, X.G1.711.1, IT. lAAHII3 THEQCEMEIHICIAI begs to acquaint Ms friend, that be to agate lessee of the HALT NOUS , Louisville, Ky., wham he hopes hi meet all his old friend., autumn them and the nubile, that no atom shall be syared to make all comfortable who Amor him with their atrat age. janlltilp '7 ---- trig - V - rtn 8 CIILIVICI rt, 11171VVICI soctrs CO turns R. riPPOSITE tote Bank of Oto United States, Nitta TaZ t tyhi. M. POPE MITCHELL, Pro tutor. MISCELLANEOUS CEHHEILtuIs, Coos. ylkos n W Baker's Amecpst and French Cboeplata, Prepar ed Cocoa, Coe. Paste, Brame, Cued. Sholls, Re. merchants and consumer., mho smalil rho best products of Cocoes free 4om sidorlitton, more nutritious than ton or cod., and m quality ans. , passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles, ut.ufactured by hitoself. and stamped with his name. Ells Broom .d Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescents. and Üben, an pronounced by the most eminent pip swum. opener to any other preparationa Eta manutiotoms an alivoys on sale, in any quantity, by the most re spectable crnscars ID the metes, clues, and by the•l arma , flennnaGraY k so., of Boson: Junes M Runee it co, Hartford. Coon, liumoor h hfumay, hew Volt; Grant t Stn. Philadelphia: Thomas V Ilruadme, niPorn. and belle. k Bennett, Ciumunati, Ohto. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Masa For sale by antra BAHALEY St SMITH, Arts -- NEW COACH FACTORY. Wiirre. BROOKS & CO., would respectfully hi farm the poidle That they lame erected • shop on LatOek, between Fellers! and Sabditsl{y street.. They are new making and are prepared to receive orders for every desenption of veknele, Collate, Chariot's, Bd. retches. Boggles, Muttons, Ike.. &e., witch from their itorfa zprzenee . lft th y t h rn ar sztic y tog l o c f o tt u tl a aliso „,. .rezo a r m k, rgabled to do work on the most reasonable ten= with ho., stantmg articles In their line. Paying particular artenuon to the selection of mete* tilde, and havmg none but coomeMni workmen, they M as hestmtlon in warranting their wort. We therefore ask the adentson of the public in dim matter N- liepasrmg done in the best manner, and on the Most reasonable lerma lad Winne:it and east iron It flta``. Tin: Inbar raw., beg leave In inform th e nubile that they have obtained from t h e gest art the ism snit fikkinonable denude* for Iron IWl,ag, both in, bonsai sad cennetertes Persons wishing to prdcure hand. .pre pauper. will please fall and egunine, and made lot thematic.. Railing will be furnished at the short tip uld to the hest manner, at the earner of Craig and Rebecca gunnels, Altegheny ear lcurbtdtf A LAbIUNT A KNOX. .711asprast di Bons , Pstont Soda Ask.. THE sobacribers inform their cualosne. and dealers penalty, that their first shipment for the fad bo racesa of the above erne., has arrived et Philadelpbta Iship Juniata, chrvet hoot the manafarturers in verpool, and Ind he here to • fete dare They have eel esker shrostresura sway—saeo. ad watch via ( per Came Medallion and Lydia, are nearly doe— they are shere , ore prepared to receive orders. Ltraider the large qrs.tices they have teem. to the eastern rms. (to he forwarded here by eassal ) they 1.11 TeCrlni demi the *inter and spread regular steppes eta dew Orleans. W d hi AUTIAILLTRLF. r ' '" rr4 • _ Fahey Pore, fresh from Europe. TUE subse niters v e no wIA store every e x nvi ve almortrornt of Fon for ladle. wear, which have been poretrased Or tarot's, toy Ms of the firm. at very low prwor &Mem We torrozaran crises succeed.; the French RAroll:loon! Th.. advantage. ertueh they Nese"ever any other novae an the lrnde,Avill enable them to arlla very ea ce lent arm, epoch below the market pnee (Er Meretthins and other. wdl sdv.rnee their own Intern. ny &gal:annul( ttits extensive liesortment. SOLIS, BIN ETHERS, Importer.. 43 "then LAN-n.. 11 between IN and 31 street.. aor7-ddn3 nuladv/pnla. Leeching, Capping and Bleeding. to 1.1 NON.RIS, tSuroeuer to Ad IL Dolatly n,.. No 33 rant street between Wood and Smith field Freeh trent,. vdd tuontb.y—ausudourtot ell tow* Itelerenea the pnyrlCll.lol of PittaLurgh. Alie- Knew). and I,llrnun6hant I moat cheerimly recommend co the phyaicluld ram dlr. and all ow font», Mends and patrons, 31. N. It. Norse as beuij thorourttly ecroraMicil with the huv sod worthy of patronage mart., 1 y M R DELAMT 1119.2m19.4332293*. 1(,) RXS Gentry & RoyetaT's aupersor meet 3 Ipa, 25 do MA 'Butler. 19 hi do ?met liorwood's " 3 " di do do 111 •C• du do Pearl ha finr.ood 3A. " 14 do J tif do do 2J do do WTA Dawson 31 do T Wflgha'• 37 do ti Andrraon doL r Dade • 5 do R Macon'. 6 do 11.folr Jun lauding from summer and paolre.a. end for sold BUCKNO4t & Co, 41 non-0 water .t and ld north whored., lrN Philadelphia lL - x TA - 14 trifai FrITIIII/ la es iJones tc Son sapenor sweet lb lusups. 75 half hos %V obszer Old supenor tweet 56 lump. 36 d Loweenee L.Muee " fts " 1.7 (marry k Itorwer d 3s k 66 d lZu " Dupont tde la Eurol us Lawrence Lanier "5. 66. plug Just landang from steamer. and for sale by 11KA1.114 BUCKNOR b. Co, 41 N water at and %O n? y3l 'NC - ACT. - 7.1L ii4Warfsinder.. E are mull engaged to the Gloom haziness, corner W of Wood and Th rd streets, l'huabargh, where we are prepared to do any work In our line with des patch We attend to our work personally, and San. (scums will be given to regard to us neatness and du rability. Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and bound coh mmally In numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired Name. pat on book. In gill letter.. Those that have work In our 1t,,. are Invited to call. Prices low. larlD:t( co-PA kTHgFi.H tP N.B. SCAIFE and Cap , JAMES ATK/NSON have entered into partnership, under the firm of fit: IFE & ATKINSON. end mill carry on the 'no, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Blaneksmithing in oil its braachea at the old eland of Wm B. licsufe, rust street, near Wood. === 40Dirn";1,17:65-bii•-tiiurr.',ToCii ;SO do 8t Domingo do ' j 451 brs h.lO glass ; IVA do 10-11 do; QS do 7-0 do; Q 6 do lota 33 Midi. N. O. Som.;bbls N 0.3 mackerel ; IW hos roam soap No. ; Ito do dipped candles , 1113 do CU/CLINIaII muuLl de, received on ummyinnuna and for sale by scol4 8 & W II A lIIIHUGH CST ItEc KI v 6U—n ic,xc tj of Cloths, Cashmeres VeSting*, Cravat*, &e., and for sale by L Willi& NIS, Marconi Tutor, mys taniler:l4l l o ß o noN t ati 4 t / j ela liro u se av alt i tra ,4 ldis -- rit t : lsmg T h ree7: 6, , 6 bnc y D n raurbt llo. racquues for mile, sults. . hn of &rib b iV kr ALLINOPORD & Co, an gl7 canal basin, ;M a ry •1 riTiLVE4 usrTs-40 dos genuine French Cal( Skins, • very fine .rude. A fear dolma Phtle.dolphta Skies, from the Manufactory of H M Crawford to which lbe attemaan of boot makers is !oohed. Just received and for sale by \V YOCNO & CO. .I,Z; 14.1 liberty st T W. M. M'CLINTOCK'S, No. 7 Fourth street. en be Roan • splendid variety of sup Royal Val. vet and Tapestry Carpets. latest fgt.. Also, MUM .Is. 3 plys and sup and fine !opium Cotpeia, of cup aLyle. and qualities; and Ili ciwneetion eon ...twig, be found Tswe Linens, Crashes, hhafiera,Painaaka, rm., thl Clothe, Re. de, to all of attach we cal the a ttention of the politic. aug2, NOTICIE. II • AVINU !told our eat.tre runt C H.Ourr, 'rah 1.1 a •leer to elOalng oar old bassoon, we herby so hea for him the patrouage of all oar friends wtd ear . tome ra RU. W. POINDEXTER, - .• • T 111:. POINDEXTF.II. Pittsburgh. Aug. 4th, IP4B. C.OR A NT.lVholosule (hoc,. Commission sod Forwarding Mcs•hani. No II Woo it. ulg Joni* idaßliciketo C(O., .N('‘!"%lcu3luTe'irs"of}l4.lrlt'inTs, Pa7drimteaam"- end Water, have always on band w rou o ght . lron et re& Pipe for steam, gas, and avatar, from tt to. to 1 tn. el diameter. Ursa. Castings made to order. Also, a Brife assortment of hells and finiahed Brass Work, to whtch the 111te0095 of Plumbers and Engine Builders is particularly directed. Gag }lmhof pot up promptly and on reasonable terms. tervAklfm oulauswooli GAIL.DIIII2iB. Ttl 'PHIS Rk:FIiLEAT can he furnished V with a lunch at all bouts of the day, also, Ice Creams, Fruit Confactionary, Az. The steamer Buren. wood males her regular sips as moat, leaving,her Pm strut lavidlng 14 A. M., and at half put etch hoar Iv.ueril let moil 104 P. M.—leaving the (Urdu at 10 P. M. for bar last-trip to the mty. A moonlight view of the Garden Is Indescribable m its beauty. OTIS DIIIREIDOIII4 . . LiPPEUIDOOTT s MUIR. (14te J 8 Strickler k Co.) Itirk.NUFACTURERS of Phenol' fire Pfoa "LC", Ak. south side, second street, between Wood and 'Reich&ld Pittsbenrh. 19 &tickler tuning deceased and the at i ring partner Mr. Jos Lappencou, tot .i n associated -"1f with Ms. Wm C Barr, Sat bnalnesa will hereafter be condemn) ander the kplo of LlPPoo qatt.& Barr. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of eve oil P Striekler & Ws improved Monte fire-proof safes. The as& WSII placed to e furnace oo the public leeks& Red selllocrd to the Muth. loan of • sumo coat fire (or Mora /or three hours. In one hour and a half she see cake' to a i4t . red leas th e door of the firrneee wiled= el whieh caused an Inereated and stew:trivets*, the co of the time, mail the east lean wheelie ate paiidly smelted d 4 the barna. was than thrown down d the safe waled and, prated. Too money, papers and books which It contataed wore ma perfect as when dated there, the binding only of the %eke being In red by the wares to ethollng the lath. We have art Yesitation io seeommendiag is to the pablie as • safe superior to say ere have ever seen ted, and believe that it will stand any heat which mig ht be produned, seep! .beat which would melt It to a solid lust a d' ett " Zienl. 11 Vbi rne t' s, O L P Ittw 'hi V n e;olg i ni7t, tro tn t ian w t Co c4. B . thdrean, hiarrsd & Co, Ws Manses We, the undersigned, selected the safestlizof above, from a lot in the store of Treiber & An the Agent. CO SPYING • - - - • J 1fr1.1.06. Refer to Cook Jr. Harris, Brokers, Pittebstria skyn Rawly Henna & C o do do Inn Lummox, tole D. WILL L S. 501931. LIPPENCOTT•Pa 134:). • •- • 1/ANUFACEUFIERS of Flanderred and Cut Steel • Ethove/amul Spades, Axes and Hatehnts,htill,g4 • Cirettlar and 01.0 Sawa, Hay wid Muslim Forks, • Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, So., having cootplotod all th6ir arrangements in the construction of new machinevl, • and in securing the best "workmen from the meat weld- • Mated establtshments of therEntt are now matrfacmr- • ing and will keep conansatly oahand anti for sale .111 the above ankles, hewing availed themselves of the I latest improvements, and are determined that in work manship and material they will not be excelled. They; promise to produce ennui. equal, if not superior, tot arty that can be bad m the Dui They Make the aaeb- I of dealer. to an examination of their week before purehuing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they. will be able to fill all orders in their line to the entire. antlafaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street,' 4 doors Wen Monongahela Haase, Pitteborgh, N. a—Persona having buaines• with Win Lippert ' coo & !too toll please call on Lippenool.l& CO. J4hIF2 W. WOODWELL. SS, ratan sneer. iIIEA large and splendid assortment of runt tore, suitable for Steamboats, Hotels and pti. vans darellonim, ...only on hand and made to order. The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufaclor7 to the mtlltares country. Prllo2ls wishing to purchase would do well to give as a. call, n 1 am determined my prices shall please. Part of the stock cannot. an— OC4/11 with Plash and klair.eloth omens, 2 don Mahogany Nurse Chaim, 1: SC . m ir r i ne v nkahn..T Mafia; 12 !mahogany Work stands, 3 dor mahogany Rocking Chasm 13 marble um Dressing Boma., pair 013.12131; • 9 marble top [Volt Mends 1B ,h... Wort Stands Mahogany, Maple, Chewy; and Poplar Bedsteads of all door ripuons, and a lags assortment of common furniture and Malta too numerous to mention. meat! LADIEZ ARE CA UTIONED AG AI 7YRT U-IN U 1;1E2E03 PREP ±• C TREV ere not aware now frightfollybkinrions It is to the skive—hew cewrie, how rough, now sallow, yel. low and unhealthy the skis appear paretiebulkl amides Ws ILIMUNS, emits:Ming Marge "'"X { of lead! ared Vat tab! artiel wh W ic e rt w e ri ft .k, , 'SP'ANISH II e L P Y WHITE. t la perfect]) i d puiified of all deletertoul qualities; and it imparts to the stun • natural, healthy, alabmter, e 0 the WM 1144.11$ as a cosmetic on the Mtn, making it sort and smooth. Dr. Junes Anderson, Practical Chemist of Masaa chosen. sayr udifteer analyzing hones' Spanish Lill Winne, I find 0 posses.. the Meat beanntal and oar* ral, and at the same time innocent witim lover saw. I certainly can eotuuenitousltrecommend its one to MI whose skin requires beenutylng." centl a boa Sold by ACXSON.Y• liberty ct. media - Pitt Machine Was and Foundry. rermscana, JOl IN MIUGITT & C. 0., ate prepared to btuld Cotton and Woolen Machinery of ever. description, web as Carding M.lnues, Spiumng Frames, Speeders. Drawing Framea, Railway Heads, Warpers,Spoolerl, Dressing Frames, Loon., Card Grinder., !Le.rought Iron Shafting turned, all sites of Lfttst Iron. Niftiest and Hangers of the latest panerna, slide and hand Lathes and to e of all litnits Cowing. of every l o t descripto furnished on Wain notice. Patterns made to order r Nlia Gearing. lion he Steam Iftpe for hew mg Factone.s, Caw lion Window Saab and fancy Cas tings genera). Orders left at the 'Warehouse of Painter k Co., Liberty .trees, null have prompt attea- Lien Refer to Blackstock, Bell & Co, I K. Moorehead & Co, G. E. Warner. John Irwin & Sons, Pawburge , G. & C. J H. Wuner, Steubenville. Ante Raw Itaidware llamado. JOS.:ell %VHS/DWELL. earner of , Wood and SI na. , Piustiurgh. Hay ' tnq withdrawn from the firm of Mil. 3 •t{ • - cods.% o* *rotas of Junsary, lee; I take preasern In announring to my friends in the city and country, that I have opened my new mars at the above owned place. 11a.tur purchased my good. for sash, sod made arrarigetunw with manufacturers in this re•ntry and In Europe M he constantly artOPllcd, I ern rally prepared to farm. Hardware 0111 kinds, on at good terms and as low w any bowie East or West !dievannts and others are respectfully invited whl. and examine my stock. before purchasing el.. ere.re The following comp..* a pan of Ids stock: • Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun trunonnirs, files, Naylor', steel, rolery, edge tools, senile, nine., leeks latch., myths*, bed hinges...rev.. Briton Fac tory planes, sows, mahogany beanie and winmera, and all other articles connected with the hardware bus. new mehtlif City Dar i n man Gallery. i oat , WI - 4114r. roar nines VITO-DINO. O , ze HOGE begs le•ve to Inform the wins of Pitts- burgh and erectly,Mat he tea. taken the Hague, lon Room. lately occupted by Mr. Porter. The pub c are oosured that all the hate totprosemenne ore secu red, and wtll be brought tune operauon by Mr Hoge, who has been o constant operator once the art vets Ent discovered. Elttl, satisfactuan Is guaranteed to all who may become has patrons Mr H will refer with pleasure to \lre Panel. of whose establishment be hal operated for the loot twelve months. Family Por. Engraving., Daguerreotypes, ace., atouratehr copied. Ltketteases taken in any weather, and set in locket., breast puts, Faszl sod (tames. - - • • . Instructlons given every branch otthe 11.12 and ap punt. tarnished. Jefhtf Peon - Sioo - h - lno Shoopp.. WICIITSIAIV-51anufactuar on all kinds of rot a and ...Ilea ruschnuery, Allegheny civ, Pa The above works benne now to and succesaind mu°o. I amp repared to execute orders with dispatch wenoer all knot. o mactunery to inn lin, such ae willows spreaders, cards, grindmg machines, runways, drawn., cr.*/ spestabre, thrum., looms, Woolen cards., double ur angle, for merchant or country work, mulcanark shde and hand ...and tools in ger. crud All kinds of •hafung made no order, or plans el - enMr gearing tenon. or mills at reasonable