The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 01, 1848, Image 4

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CHILSUToptioo, Caught, Colds. Asthma, Bronchia., Liv
or Con lust. Sprung Mo.!, Difficulty of Breath
, Yidn in the Side and Breast, Palpiution of
the Heart, Indurate, Croup, Broken Con
.itutitot, Sore Mr... Nerve. Debib.
ty. and all [hey-goes of the Throat.
Breast and Lungs; tor most ef.
formal and speedy cure
ever known for any of
the above diseas
e, LS
R swAvriE S
Compound Syrup of Wlld Cherry:
Tht medicate no longer =ring those of doulHru
utility It ha. 'weed away from the thouthrtus
/11211Cf1Cti upon the Ode of experiment, and now stand
higher to reputation. nod is 4a:corning more evens, e
/y need tibia soy other preparation of ro.booor ,s,
predated for the Tel,: of eulrertntr nano.
It has boon littrodueoll very generally through 10
United States and Europe, and there are few towns o
importartre but what contain some remarkable en,
deuces or ns good carets. For proof of the forego.,
stateutelos, .id of the value and efficacy nr th • meat
eine. the proprietor will insert a few of the many rho.
SILOCI le,I1610,1114(11 which have been presented to .rim by
men ni the first respectability—tarn who have highr.
views of moral re .ponsibioty and justice. than ;o1 err
nip to forts. because it vet!' do soother a Laver.
themselves no injustice. Such testonony proves co.,
elustvely, that tie surproong excel/ernr is estahh•he,
by ii. intrittsir mints, and the unqueetionahle authorn
ty npth on. The instantaneous trial ;i al"
fords.nod the soo.othe drauseil through to
whole Haute by eer. ...radon It ir mom agree:loo.
remedy tpr the atil.rl,l,
'When men acting iroin coti•riretiou. onttullte
voluntarily tear tetoltriohy the *nth of a thin,,
particular (net. %Itch te.touony. Lem. t the.
wor intereats and, coerces cony
truth,tU and commend. Itaelf in • •periai Immo, l
uriceeraar credener ''—O'lloiran's Moral Maxon..
STILL Ano - romt ( l ean or l'eutonette ttneet merlon.
There novel' was • retto - dy that has keen succe.ttni
dcaphrate rape. of Connurni.tuoi no Dr ettve,
Compound nyrop of Wi..f rtlerrt , ttrenttlnon.
system. end appears to lirol thr ulcera an tbr lung
.;TOllling nea and nett blood. pow, by
other mediettle.
Cuarrea Co.. April tigth. lets.
Swaync—Dear Sir 1 verity believe your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cnerry him been the manna of
easing my life. I caught %evert. cold. which gradu
ally gfear worse, attended with a severe roux,. that
restated all the remedies which I had recourse to, .lil
increasing until my ruse exhibtted all the s,ntinotn.
Pulmonary Consumption. Every thing lined seemed
to have no effect, and my complaint increased so rapcl
ly that friends as well as inymlf, ggve up endede. ot
my recoecry. At this Urne I was recommto tr)
your invaluable wartime: I did so with the most hap
py results. The first bane had the effect to
,loosen th e
cough, causing , me to expectorate freely; and by the
near I hag used eix bottles. I was entirely well. and am
now is hearty Man I ever was in my life, avid
h gi ppy to Kivu any information respecting y
CS., that other aUtlerers may henc e the benefit tor
which I aro go grateful. For the truth of the above
statement, I refer you to Peter Rnsh. Grocer. Weft
Chester. Pa., of whom I purchased the medmine.
Wemderful Cure of a iffetkodUs Minute,
Dr. Swarm—Dear Sir I feel a debt of gratitude due
to you--and a duty to the afflicted generally. to off e r
my humble msumony in favor of your Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three year. meta I was
violently attacked with cold and Inflarorneamn of me
e L otTg ilt which 7 " hre ' ais " t ' a n' od a l ' fa d d. " n ith verv a d c ' o ' n " s7tre ' r ' S ':
ble discharge of effensive mucus from the Mums, espy
feltu :1 .. cla r tif
e oL t w m ea y ,h ,, e o r ,idi h , •;:st , ,cjienrbest eltghl. At
wag prrnv
loon convinced that I was rapidly going Into consump
tion. I grew dada- weaker, and at length was scarce
ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, such
was the erceeding weakness of toy lung, Dunn( Una
b ut I had tried various prepamuons and presc npuons.
but found no relief—gemmed all the nine wors e
here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wdminglon to mike trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I most confess that previously I had hero prem.
timed against patent medicines. and I am still a.,aunst
those coming out of Me hands of empe rtes. but under
standing Mar claims to the profession and practice of
mediente, and having molter faith to the toying of my
friends. I forthwith purchmed of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents. a few bottles, and commenced to nee. My do,
ease wall at dint tune of iM or itt month, standing. con
sequently tt woe deeply seated. I found. Lowest,
considerable relief from the use of the ftmt four or live;
-battles. But being n !white ape:Mei, I frequsul.) ni.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength. anti
thereby ruptured those vessuls that had already begun
to heal; in Una sett), doubtless. my cure was grenny
retarded. In consequence of Kenna thus imprudently,
I had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per
reedy restored. I have no qUesnon, a much smaller
number of bottles would have made me sound, but for
th abovetridiserenon. The Syrup allayed the fever
lah hatitt.gbok away the dirmessing cough. put a stop
to the discharge of matter from the lungs. end gave
them and the enure system good health. I hove defer
red offermg this gerafic ate until now. for the purposa
of beteg perfectly slushed with the Iserlnsne,y 01 the
arid now that I feel perfectly ..ell I oder it withplre.
g .Dllllll.ll county. N. C.
keportont Caution—Hesuf! Rind'
There Is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry.
and that is Dr. SSTATNIt'I, the first ever offered to the
public, which has been sold largely throughout Mr
United States nod soros pans of Europe; and all per.
pentium, called by the name of Wild Cherry hive
bean put out mice this under rover of some deceptive
Bc=nacos, in order : ogler currency 10th... m i le,.
e observation, no person need =stoke the
genuine from the faire. Ewa bottle of the genntne
enveloped with a beautiful steel eniwaymg, with :he
likeness of - William Dol., thereon, also, DT. Steatitic •
signature:eand to further security. the ypet.,,j, c r(
Elwayne will be added here-after, so as to dratingult
his preparation from all other. Now, if it was not for
the great curative properties end knownvirtues of Dr.
Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavortng to givecurrency to their
n or ucantsv by satellite the name of Wild
Cherry. 'Remember, always bear in mind the name
of Dr. iilwayros, and by not deceived.
Principal Office. corner of Eighth end Race streets.
For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN SNOW
DEN, cor ti and Wood firs; 13 A FAIINESTOCK
Co,cor Ist and Wood. and 6th d Wood stn; Wfil
THORN. 52 Market sit S JONFA ISO I.iberty-tut JAS
A JONES, car Hand and Penn its; JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegheny city, rind by all respectable derders ,n
medicine. octll
A bIERCH ANT OF THIS CITY, who hod been of.
JUL dieted with the asthma far four yeas, had taken
almost every thing. lits physicians constantly anon.
dsd h te ' n ' e d v ' e ' r e o lie ' vt l .rittl i v o e v r e n r se t r ee, but
lan. considered them all humbugs. At last he tried Dr.
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street.
New York. and in six weeks was entirely eared. hav
ing taken only three banks. This is only one of many
0 where imaginary objections to a patent medicine
have prevented persons from using Ibis medicine, who
iv expended hundreds of dollars to their physicians
vale--and in the end owe their recovery to the tribal
hble effmacy of this purely vegetable preparation.
There Is no mistake, that this medicine is snootier to
say-reedy prescribed by medical advisers. This
Medicine has taken at years to mature, and is the so
rest remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public.
Ratemassic Pants,' COMM, sic 800=9. c:11 BELTS
Cesam!—SulTering for a longtime with these complains.
I had given up all bOpeof being cored. I had consult
ed the botanic and hatarepathie doctors in vain. I had
ased many articles advertised, bat found no relief. In
despair I had given op the use of all medicines. Hear
ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylors Balsam of Liver
wort, end - the great cures it haaperformed, imlneed
ma to try it, and to my meat jay aml asionistument, I
was better daily. leonurined Its use, mho his Sugar.
Coaled Pills, until lam entirely cared. Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort lb the best medicine in the world
bedtime complaints, and will mire u LAWRENCE, every one,attlicted.
Captain of the Nancy, of Now York.
Ammo OCITIA-1 have suffered from the Amiens a
very ken time, and have used every medicine I could
obtain for Its cum in vein, until I tried Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of liverwort. This medicine has ndhrdcd pte
MOW =tires{ benefit, and is, in my opinion, a enre for
Shia distressing disease; more especially .1 knowof
cases frucmg my friends, where to , ms been high,
ty sumasofaL Permns interested am invited to call
at my redden., for farther Infonoation.
MRS. S. RUTON, 21.S.Laurens
Bold in Plttsbargh,by J II Morgan 03 Wood et; S.
Townsend, 45 Mar k el sr, H /tray.; cot Market owl
ad soc Hendemon re Co, 5 Liberty it Price reduced
killlJ6o oar bottle leat
B. A. Itabsiestockhs Ant:1.81110W Pills.
rCathartic compcomd catublies =lllness of.
bolt with efficiency sad comparative mildness of
Paris Five amino, and having a peculiar tendency to
the biliaryorgims, is exttemely valuable in thia coun
try, in which bilious Severe and ether complaints, at
tended with competition of the Rem, so much abound,—
They bass now stooddhe tett of DO years, and experi
ence has proved them to be &safe and 'valuable remedy
is hlterMlZlent, Remittent and Mons Fevers; Jaun
dice; Wilms Cote; indigcuitin; Dropsy Dysentery
Moos Vomitusgs ; Colds. and all complaints edit, bi-
Ilaammtog character. The complete end univer
astisraetiton which has been given by those pills t oll
Who have sass aseddlunn, runlets the pablishing of
the nmaarous certificates in their favor unnocesury.
To prisms counterficiting they are now pot up in a
rad xylem* wrapper.
Price IS Cents for a box containing 3D pills.
Prepared add sold by
M - 0 ---. 188 - COUGH SYRUP-It proves to be the
gnat Panacea In curing my child's distressing
Prom the Temperance Banner, Nov 3 1847.
Comae IPrimr.-A Ve are oat in the habit of rang,
meek laut liking paseat medicines, but we foal disposed
to recommend Totors Syrup to them who are afflict
ed wishescontr. w' bwriag tried the. snail »mo
ttles to swam a corartard sad dram...lea eottgb, that
lad for roweral days afflicted one of o ur Orldrenorith
ea menu, we wenehtdiscad to ray Morgan , . cough
=sad by it
to be therelief war, obtained m a few
panacea in this caw at least boars It .
Porpared vrbolesalt , and retail hytho. propoptor,
kb7 . wood it, I door below • •ad alley,
A sorrier to an other menthes for
Comomptiori, Riesichitia, *abbe, sad odur Mao
off sibalkonea LI that the mum mum mho cannumed
of he Olt& Emilio!. mus ago. still prekr in all
Mbar comillesaftha kind; ma whammy ban becniaducei
to try Ohm prrundiorn they lam almost isnaritbly hem
=Lb neeirica Muth which ins nuatably
a the Iduli praisesbednered by Mt proprietor.,
MI Wm Minted to be we of lsrisan'Exturztikart, u
• turd? tkad lus liven Oiled So nibs...them sad winch
plidmilly sum lisd Ito equal le ambits sioldasstect
rispind only by Dr Di Jayne phisdeipkia, and milldam
Fourth at
FAIN EXTELSCTOR will, in Ave ann.
B frosit tha thoe of ha application, remove the
from the severeu- burn, Maids blistersi
snd will heal woulds;uleeit end' sores of any kind
without scar. This valuable Pole Eniaaor be
bad of JOIRd'D MOTIGANLIDrugest,
No %wood ureet,
eeta pm kn. mem Panne.
Drivel, very rich colors and good pattern.; sod ,
very cheap. No 7r, Fonetb ocls
.ree'd, 'dozen India Rubber
Idle Begs,* sapenarAutieltqat die India &lb.
box , • •t,Pod Nnedot, oft:7 .J 4. 11 PHILUPs
/"(ROME YELLOW-4 eases Chrome Yellow, for
eale by Oat JOHN D HOROAN
hLE - I,THELIY:4e - aii sTireiiiiiithromo Orme . ,
forte° by ' • ball • - JOHN D MOROON
40HODUCE—N We fresh . Roil Holten 60 kep saki°
bbli Puked do; Insects ' Darle7; 15 its common
804 fehtere And for see by J& R FLOYD,
ON= . : . , . . Honed Ctrareb Building
lITINDOW fit +ASS-150 bxs in Moro awl for sib by
VII oetb . FORSYTH k DUNCAN, 37 First st
LAFM-4360' bn W — lndmr
branktpanile; for We
• iSY e~tln►t~recetved~ for Dyy ..
A ..ssErpoked Berms,' b steed sal
I kraals M. 0;0 .ivacx /t,JWCANDLEBB
LI; 3 IlitslAtral. (14.41 (slbstf do No
A 0,150,90 do. do No 2 do dcs just ?tali sad forl
by up! MILLER RICRETSON - flusi
itoRRY2OII7-100 'min sale by
eIL .
~h ~_ :5 t ~ 7 ~ ?';
y eti"= 3 Y w T..
. , .
,Yere Fork, Alpra
Dn. Tow:calm - n-1 verily Lieber. that Yo n, Sm.Pr
rills bus Irmo the means, through Provide., of oaring
my life. I bore for several years had a bed Cough. 11
became worse and worse. At laat I raised large quail.
nof blond, had night Bwcata rind was trendy &lull.
tvd and reduced, and did not empties to Itort. I have
telly used your B.saporrila abort ume. and there has
• auculerrlitl change been wrott,ght In ma. I ant noir able
walk aP er the thy. I raise no blood, and my
-nogit has left ma Too cu wall imagine that I am
thmtklhl ftw the. remit.
Your obedient serv.t,
WM. It tlig/lIIELL, 65 Oaltulowet,
Female 1111tedleigter
Dr. Townsend's Plarsaparilla la a perreraign andt7Y
cure for Inelplaut Consumption, Burannesa, Pro us
i'tert. sr Frillingawe vvemb, Coettramma, Pilau
-arbors or Whit., obstructed or &Monk Ifoustroa
',..l. Incontinence of Urine, or tarehtntsgp dlrcharge
ereof. and for the general proemial:lon of an system—
no matter whether the malt of inlierent elan or tn.;
; rod ticed by irregularity, mace or theidatn. Nothing
.-ne he more raryrising than lot in raj affects
• Me bonne frame. Persons an multi... and Wad
, Jr:. from Lakin; It at once baron. robust and Coll of
•Perry under im influence. It immediately Wiliztarael•
he nerrelmanose of the female frame, which it the great
tatter et Barrennert. It will pot ba eiretsd of on, is
caner of en delicate nature, to esigh t certificates of
To 'Mother. and Married Ladle.. Extras: of Nusaparilla hu heed expreatly pro
imred in reference to female comp's.. No fensade
natalhas reason to suppose .b. is approaching tlass
rucal pericd °Tk. tymb of !irk" should Isere. .o
:.ka it, as it is • certain prevention for any of the
umer°. and horrible dimoscs to which female. M.
•object m this time of if, This penod may k. do
L.3td ter 'corral years by r this lositimes. Nor
I. It In.. valuable for throe who are approaching Iwo
nunhood, as st Ls calenlated to assla nature, by quick.
•line the blood and invigdratlng the system. lodeed,
tow medicine iumduable for the delicate di...
In which women are subject
4 hr.,. the wild, system, renew. peroaanaritly lb
.1 ~ ...r mea lov ',mot Ins the Impuritle• of the
4, xly.•not so feu roMolattwg aa to produce subaequea•
relazadow which to the cae arcnoat medtemea taken fen
female wrolnesa and dowawe. D 7 tau. a re• twatla of
late rntwitrine, mmy severe and painful .wheal opera
.tons may be preventoct.
rent Blessing so Mothers and Childress.
It a the safest ana most effectual ine‘ltside for purify-
Inn the and fel...sin', the aufferincs attendan
upon chg.] birth ever dtses.ered H strettrthen• bath
he mother and s had fre•rnts pant and auras, oss
erywes and enriches the (huff those 'rho barn weda
thtnL rtindtai.ensahle h !Itch's wefol hush hero. and uller esehnornent. its ut nrerret• dukeesser attendant
mule rhshlidnth--tn (Issurens.a Mies Cramps S. ea
ths Vcet he,putsleurr. asurthnra. V0t1311.2.
Pant to the Rack aud Fates. Patna. Henturrhara
und crgulatinis the secarttora and equaltrlng the at,
relation it bw no eqnnt The rreat beauty of this
medicine la it Is alway. sag, and the moot delicate ass
a mtn eareeasstally, vary to. runs r•shaire any other
medicine, ha ammo a 11¢lo Castor Oil, or Mammas. ts
useful. Exerci. ha du open oh, sad lldbt food with
(hie madiclne, will always wawa • safe and easy este
Commies. Chalk. and a rarinir of preparations pew
rally in use, when applied to the face, very ...spoil It
of na beauty. They close the pores of the skin. sad
heck the circulation, wrath, when nature:. not tbwart
he disease or powder, or the thin lammed by the
dialled used in soaps beautifies tu own producer In
the hum. race Divine," as well as In the nerd. of
nob and delicately tinted and wiliegated flowers. A
free. active and beahhy oreutatimi of the fluid, or the
coursins of the p en re. rich blood to the ertreatturs.
th a t which palms the counteuttace in the most 01101.
sae twenty. It is that which traparta the tudeteribehle
woolen and fluhee of levelinem that di admire. but
none can drecnbe. Tray beauty mum ollatrang of era
traw—not pryer/der or ro.p If there isnot • fret mod
itralthy circulation them uno beauty. If the lady b
Far as driven .now, If the paint, and use cosmetlea
Ind the blood is thick, cold and imports. she is not bean.
oral If she be brown or yellow, and there ls per* end
seam blood, It give. • rich bloom to the cheek., mid •
brilliancy to their eyes that is fimcfnating.
This is why the southern, and eaperasily the Span
ish ladies, are so mach admired Ladle. in the north
who take but tittle exercise, or am emu/tied In eke
mot. or have spoiled their complexion by the Imp&
cation of deleterants mixture. If they wish to re
gain elasticity of step, buoyant !militia, eparkliny eyes
rod beautiful complemerut they should are Dr. Town.
send's Sarsaparilla. Tboumade who karate'. It, WM
rnOTC th.satisfied. are delighted Ladies of every
.tame. crowd our ode@ daily.
Nodes I. the Ladles.
Them tact linitam Dr. Towasend's IlialwaparMa, ken
Invariably called their staff a (ISM Itre44for Fe
crates, ire..., k.c.. and bate copied OUT bell. and dreamt
which relates to the complaint. °frames, weir I Ibr wore
--other men who pat up medkiae, hate, Mace the grad
sure.. of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla La complaints
incident to female; retwoonanded theirs., although pre
vt.,raly they did not A numb. of these Maim. RIM
inilsrioo to females, aa th ey mthra.te. dueme ,
sod undermine the ottemitution. Dr. Towasend'a Is the
only and ben remedy for the numerom female sou.
plaints—it rareit: If ever fails of effect*: • peen/at:rail
turn It can , be taken by the nom deed... females,
in atm case, or by those expecting to become mother;
mith the sweatert advances., as It prep.. this system
and prevents pafn or danger, and sutzu;then. both
010th., tad child. Be careful to get the seaman
This ea:nieces conclusively pares that this By •
phrilla hes perfect control ever the man obetitiun d
traps of the Maori Three perserio cored In see h0.. i3 itspieasdearted,
lit TowwwaronsL—Daar / hale the plawatunt to
Lao. you thin three of nay child:on bar. balm cored
of eta Scrofula by the toga of your erwellemt winclichw.
They were &Meta wary rentaroly with bud Sot.; hay*
take° only-lour ; it took them away, for which
I feel wool( ander groat obligati._
o fa,
T * ISAAC W. CiAM,lollWccostarit
Opinion* of 7 PiTallidataas
Dr. Townsend 15 . ..10am. daily revairisti order. from
Physioans in different parts of t h e tram
This is to certify that we, tbs onderdfned.Pbyrkausa
alba City of Albany. bare to ouscroas cases plaza&
e I Dr. Townstsod's Sarsaparilla. and belies. It to be
eau arab@ mut valuable prepayable:ma to We =ram:
Albany, April 1,11147. P. B. ELMENDORF, R. D
Owing to the great macaw and Immense do of D.
Towurcedhi garvapartils, • number of on who were
fievuvrty oar Areas, here commenced reakfoirleaseape.
Founds glirirs. Munn, Extracts of Tallow Dona,
Thcy ;messily pot it op In the same shaped bea
d, end simian( them have •tole end copied our adve,
tivesocuts—they era only worthiesa Imitation•, and
•houtd be avoided.
Principal Mica, 1 0 04 FULTON Street, 8m Beadle&
N. Y.; Redding & Co. B State street, 5011 t. Dieu k
Eons, IX? North Seeped street, Philadelph ia; 3. 8.
Orheeist. Baltimore; P. N. Cobem Charlestaa ;
Wright olLer Co., 151 Chartres Street. N. 0.; 105 llouti
Part Street Albany: and by nil te e p e u m ip.i
nod Itlerehlusto Nenendly lb/1311(6°1st tbo United
stt,tes. Weot Indies and the Caned..
N. B.—Pentium Inquiring for this medicine, should
not be induced to take any other Druggists
. put op
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their own.
Do not be tleceiged byanpoguire for Dr. Town
send's, and take no other. Remember the genu
ine "Townsend's Saran panl a." sold by the solo agent.
R. R SELLERS, fhtnend Wholesale I Retail Agent,
No. 57 Wood street, and D. 5.1. CURRY ,, Allegheny
7hiHE undersigned bus lone been convinced of the
necessity for route medicine adapted to the use of
ldren and thrums to supereede llin eve or all those
medicines which contain opium, and has at length soc..
Celled in preparing and offering maim public a medi
cine fallyanywcring every purpose for all dim:arose' I.
bawd*, without the use at that deleterious drug, or env
other calenlated LO fIIJIII.III the aIIML The Infant Patii
acca has been fully tasted man toed. the lasi twelve
months, by numerous persons, and Mann toyossess all
the extraordinary virtues. and to produce all the mon•
faking effect. no set forth on the bill of rbrecumts. Di-
Mana, Vomiting, Cholla, Groping, Pains, Sickness and
Diseases arising from Teethe% an ,immediately
without disturbing any' of the functions of the body,
producing the happiest and most pleasant transition
from violent pain to a truth:mil and joyous state of feel.
lag in the little sufferer.
To he bad 'wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. -
• JOEIN SARGANT, .Druggiat and ApotheEsta rt LEAR SIDEZ4-10 -nuke clear Ride s,,iust reed and
lditchell,•Ellfort de Beckham, and moat other 1„,/ f or rile by ROBT A CUNNINGHAM,
a Allegheny and , Finsburith. . ,7113trr sup 144 liberty yet
.._-„,...,.__.-..... - -
11/t . TOWNDENIFI SARSAFSRDL deem ,0, PERM OIL-Warranted pure-6 cask. (or Bahl by
.A_, toot received of or. Townsend's . Sarsaparilla , the r kJ angle J SCHOONMAKER is Co
emu extraordinary medicine In the vverldl '9s Es. ,
Pact k pat up in mien bottles . It is six times eaper, ,ur HALE OIL-Crode and Refined, for sale sy
plc./ston a
er, nd, warranted superior to any intro. It .T I angle J
--- -
•cures disease without vomiting, purging. Bickering; or '
hi'CANDLESS y 1141 reed and for
debilitating the patient.
ADD-8 kegs No I Leaf lard, 1
'ls aide by aw n WICK*.
Lon MT roe bEnAtoxy..- Unpnn cipled persona have .
copied our labels, tad put up medicine in the room I, l BATuEns-3co lb. prime ReetuelY Feather., for
.shaped bottle. See thet each bottle has the written SW.' r Prlic by .01 %VICE Aht CANDLES'S
eatery US. P. Townsend. . .--
R. E. SID..LERS, Drugmst, /57 Wood street, between F°R REND-A commothous three wary Brick
Third and north. Is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale , N Vertlentee, on Vd Meet- Foeweeion eye. suttee and retail agent for riusburch, of whom the Beauina " ~._
"''',Y1.....`" ter apply W o H GRANT, 41 Water at
article tai be had. angzu
D. AL Carry has been llPDolnled the sole agent Air
Allegirouy city a( w 1,,,,, 11, 0 ~,,,,., n i e , , .... . MILIMILY FLOUR-Rept constantly on hand and for
1,1,4, , •• L ~,,, •• • . F" .
. p .r...1...1: rile by angSl • BROWN & CULBERTSON
TNINVI'4WIY -11 frigo - liiMrirlifiiipli ! RIESS PORA-.1.4 irse , 4 and for sale by
invites the attention of buyer. 10 1 new supply of 1 in. nois WICK A APCANDLERS
. a wait. of swan style tad vary low. lin7=
. r:':Z~: ~`..`.~. '~..7~:
•:::!- - brif 1 - 114.70 - 44
V- .1 . - ; 4„J
V- 1 1- " -t i . it-. -
tfo Tlc • . .' ;
, - ..,_k&
. j ---,$.(11:14
-..k . itti .
_ ........„.
Woad, and Meerut Arc
Ti. Hour extrwordlnory Medici°. le the World I
Ti.. Enron i. put n. Quart BMW, it 4.y
wars elector, irtraosrde, cad tooresrvisel car
yen, to say told. It terns wit.ll.ll
eolotthxt. urriv, ert
de p biistetss, tic
Toe ,rear beauty awl superiorityof this Sarsaparilla
v-r other seedless,. is. timi while tt eradientastlysi
It insicoreles the hotly. It is ace of the very bast
f. vor o it not only pantos the whole system. end
.1..,0e5s the person. hut it creates seta pars mug rasa
e pour, po.svessed by co drther medicine. And in
tue imam' of its wonderful nieces.. It has
..ettorntml otthln the last t year; mom limn 100.00.1
v-e• ..,ere mutes of Me
e., at least 15,0011 were
rmi..ainred meurahle. It has Bared the lima of More
tholl Id um chiltirett during ttot two part seasons.
10,000 case of Georges! Debility and
of Nervous Itiovrcy.
fir Tor...trod', Sarcaperille invite...tee the whole
~„,,„„ p rrms ,ciiy . To those who hay. lost their
....vol., energy by the effects of medicineor ludiecro
youth, or the excesstve indolitenee of
the 1. brought . ons. and bught on a generalsitlyeleid prostra.
non oft e nervous syaiam. teuhod., went of ambition,
emotionsfvnnnA premature decay and decline. hasten.
log towards that fetal disease, Consomption, eau be en
"rely restoreei by this pleannt remedy. This Same
far superior any
gavial:mating Cordial,
Sir it I cod invigorate. the system, gives activity
innh., and strength to the namsculer system In •
..straordioart degree.
Con•cmptioti Cure&
Cleanse end Ntrencrilien. Cosootoopttooo ems Is mired.
Coestisephore Liver Coeiyisiet Cold.
Citmern. Coves. Aetna.. Syteeiv of onoool,
Soosnooo to the Ceeet. Rect. nook Nigki
Difieuit or Pretese Arrpotto
ratio, Pate he the Side. qc, have
Sierra cad cow he owed.
. . . . .
performed but we can •1511911 the aillietad, that
sod rode greaser hose been reported to ea. llchmands
rwhere families hare been wttbout children,
:ler um, • few bottles of this ll:minable medicine,
sac hcen ' bleased with fine, healthy offspring.
W. stialt - MAJCD ------- iiir s . SONlis -
TALKERS, earner of Penn and Pa Mass meets,
dolptHils the Exettanhe Hotel, entesesets as Penn street,
mfonn Our (hood. and the public. that
tiny are prepared to farnaatt and +stead m everrtnni.
thahne of I ndertakent. Anaraya on hand • }arse a..
garment of ready made - ea, I, nva and
tshod lathe very best manner, CI aorta and sues ready
made Shroud.. do anel,Carnbrick and muslin, and a..
rune Made in approved style. We keep • lorry on
torment of wove and black...non, et lk .d kid Gloves.
sabie foe pall bearer.; told mourner.. reap., raps, 0.131-
11erl, and every throe nereeet ry for dress.tte itte dead.
nod on reasonable terms. as ewe purenaao ad oar goods
a the Eastern r.t Alto, elver I , loloa for tIQUAV:IIe
lilt name o,la err. We have It splendul new neer) , sh,l
borer, and any !lumber et the hest earnages Esely
attended h, promptly sod punctually nosily
rikraarag harm. (near PI ttsburgh t l Vlll.
0 GlTGAtruse, No. 1 37, Wood street, Pittsburgh. i? W ILL conmant!y k cep on hand a gaml 4,1++0,1.-
Oaent of Were, Of Out own Olontlfilet1:1e. and
Impenorqualay. Wboleaaie and country bier
axame for th
chants are reectfullym
Inted to call and ea
emselve rp s. as wt. ale deterrruneft to sell
cheaper Man haa ever before bees offered to the pub
f 37 Orders sent by makhaoccimp.ied by or
city reverence, will be promptly attended to. (0°25
N.P. 111171..V.1
fitasy E LEN.,
ULVAN Lk:DLIE manulacture and keep con-
IV/ molly on band Cut, Moulded and Plain Pl.nt
ritaaserare, in all its Vernon;,i at their Warehouse cor
ner of Market and Water eareets., Pittsburgh.
Our IVorks continue 111 full operation. and wr-
cormumOy ndding to nor stock, which finch!, us to are
order. with promptness Purcha.--ers are reTeetfull)
sol.c.led to cal: and cmaonnt prices and 1,06.
FROM the very liberal encourage
. mew the subscrther has tem ved spurt
he has located himself in Aliegheny.
veremsgir.. has induced him to take lease. !or •
term or year., on the property he now
occuptes, to Beaver street, tmtnediately braid.. the
Presbyteruutt.'harek. From hr long alp , rte her In the
above bumness and a desire Is please., he hopes to =er
n and meets< a share 01 public patronage..
Now o n band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug
fief, open and top Boggles. and every descv anon of
Portages made to order, from eeveaty-fise 41ollart
eightbunsret 1.0.401 JOAN smyru
111 HEALD. BUCKNOR & Co. 41 north water st. and
10 N. wharves, Phil'. oder for male on areornmods of
terms, 6000 pkg. klanufnetured Toltheco, constoling
Pounds, ball poixed. 16is, 18's and ?fa.
.ups; 5'., 6'. and B'. plug. and IT. Lathes' TWO,. in
whole and half bogea, of the following approved brands,
James II Grant. ()shorn & Bragg,!
Grant & Williams. A Cabisniss,
dinars & Son, ADDonald,
‘Vettstar Old, J Thomson.
Jame. Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead.
J 'Thomas A. Son, Landhorn &. Armistead,
J P Coates, 1 NI Cobbs,
Gentry & Royeter, J A Clay,
AI A, C A Hall,
Green 11a.!, %Vat Dawson,
Pearl & Norwood, J S Blackwood,
both Page, Keystone.
W It Vaughan. Edmund Henry.
I'onll./ Roton.on. Russell /a Robin n,)
Kelm. Robinson &Co Seth Hats, ,
R fitment.. John Ender,
Lawrence Lettiv., .1 Robots°,
linty & Gray. D B Toner,
it Jamieson, York White,
I) NI Branch —ALSO--
Havana Leaf Tobacco. wrappers and fillers;
Yara do do do
Cienfuegos do do do
S I J ago de Cuba do do do
St !bongo do do do
!qui, A CAndea do. part fine, do
Maysville do do do
Kentucky various gyades do do
Virginia Isar, suitable for manufacoarrng and export,
Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn's. Canneclicut and Ohio.
Virmnia Bcraps, sweet; German npest PIN. beads,
Scotch Snuff °acme and blculders,j Slaccouba Ideal,
Inmost Deans, Ht a bass, Otio Aosa, Hera
. . . ..
T" oreutestand but varlet) ever offered m this c.ty
before--made on the most approved Eastern plans—
and most fashionebte Eastern protern• and color.. A .so
Or made to order of 11l ares. and ist all process
Country Merchants and other. arc noted to ca.. nod
ellisnule the above for themselves,. all sr, be said
WhOtesale or retail, and a I therm.. deduct:on mad .
Wholesale purehasers.
THE l'toprietat of ahem well known place or reeorl
the pleasure of Informing the pu bite Oast ht. e•,
Ishment haven, been thoroughly refitted and repllre
and the grounds eleaantly Itud out and decorated.
vow open (or lee,, aceonamodaunu and ho Ilanor• ur
,c;ltuat those who may tavor luta wan the, pstrol
t 0,., find all that they desire, pm/v.:led ot tie •
Tlc and on rensonahie terms. Hr Is dereruoned
.pnre no expense in roaktog hi• estat•ltalunern wort,
puboe patronage Ile has arconantousuoint
housing Lew taiothes. lee Cream..and al. Frau:
• •nts sautab le to Um tenon, con•tantly on hand LEYI 131:111:11.1,1E11.0.
lAAA, - WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor. begs to I
intro the Or Ihnoliargh and othen, that h
dow openang at his rooms on Smithfield street. u
er the above lintel, a large and benottful miasmas,.
oiClotha, Cuasunermi, Salina, Silk a and other Vesting
together with such other arnelsa al are resporeal in
gentlemen'. wear. Has goods liner been carefully •
lerthd. and are of the newest and most testnennin
style. na well El.l of superior quality His ruatorner
dory depend upon having their clothes made up in
manner which caumnot tail to 'Tardy the Mirth at to
meat thatiolloaa ap:24 . .1
TOBACCO -10 bre Branch & Watkins' ha.
0 do do de extra pound
6 de do do 12a and Iris,
to kegs No 1, B tlnst:
LIO do Yoh Carel:Ando
5 do do Plum
Vu Si do (korai
vO do half Spenull 41 , :v for vele by
HOCSE—klavtng taken the large and
1.71 ntodsoue Smoke Hone< and Bacon teectreho
, 00nsng oar Warehoose,ou the Canal Baatn, we are p
pared to =take and aurre bacon on reasonable te
roam Canal bast, neural.
31111ert and /no Anderwm'a. Nat reed at:4 for
norti water and 16 north wearrea,
_tell Phtladelphaa
YAFLA LEAF TOBACCO ballet Vora Leaf To
bacon, wrappery, and nsperior ortalsty-1, 2 and
3 case—ast lanthng from bng Aatbraciw; for rale by
__ . HEALD. BEC/LNOR /a Co
/11 EMMA'S PIPFP-054 bre and 3 gross German
l_ll Pipes, medium bowls, rinn landusg from pet and
fee sale hy Je33 HEALD, LIUCKNOR kCo
VlSH—lsaae Crone, Lialusuore, Md., will he glad to
have orders from Ids f ri ends in Pittsburgh end
elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings do.
nog the season. Orders executed with deeprir h. and
at lowest rates. Charge. for purchasing light. mar 4
(SUTTON YARNS, te.-40.003 Iha, summed Nos, C
kJ Taxa, Carpet Chain, Candle Rick, and Cotton
Twine; gdo Gams Rauing, for ude at manufacturene
tow.o price*, by FRIEND, RIIEY & Co,
ancrA agenu for manufacturers
I CST received at the northeast comer of 4111 and
t y Market street., Needle Worked Collars, Wrought
Bonnet Ribbons, very ebeltp.
I , KAS-13e) pas Young Hymn Impennh Gcmpow..
der and Black Teas, Mr talc by
BROWN & CUI-13F.RT14014,
ang24 143 liberty sr
D AcoN—lO casks Shoulders, landing from steamer
11 Pioneer and for vale by
one ROSY:111140N 11EPPERT, aecorul at •
French {WWII:WOO—A Niamey: by Thomas Car
lyle. In mro volumes—cloth. For silo by
7 , 011...CW-40 bxs it Nmu Os llonay Tobacco, re
-1 ceirmg from canal sod for sale by
Wore 'AMPS DA e
LZraLL ! , srtles .
E/ .4 3 b Mackerel, branded
FIIITHERB-10 byre Featherr= A l z
1 4 011 . 11V h 1 I LLE LaldE—C a. anstantly
t h i a ; n
( NT
WIN -39 bbls for ule by
110FIFEli—le Dogs Green Rso, in most sod
kj close consignment, by
I .1,/i.Sri—tbl Lae , zlO and Inns U
jua reed par sum Lou. Ild'Lane, and for gala by
WHITE BEANK-40 all White Beim., 1.
little by ault7 WICK b. hPCANDLEBB
111i4 PE an
EP bags on band, d for sale very low b
X augl4 C H GRANT y
plitE Blikli.-1&000 now on 4 —. 6.rharti for sale b,
aogl4 ISAIAH DICKEY k Co (must
LARD OlL—Buthhardrs best, nut reed and for sale
by aeorl4 J KIDD & Co
COVPLb...--110 Lego primeiflo; 20 do do Lagoayra;
10 do old Gov. Java; for sale by
Ql.(.Liti 6K - di - prime N pi 6 bbl. almuifted; 6do
0 crushed and pulverised; IN do assented Loaf for
sale by uig2l- I V WILLIAIIIB
SPICES -5 Lags Pimento; 5 do - fiPper; ITAiTdbires;
2 do pore Ginger; 6 cases Mristardassorted sizes
Oo mats Cassia; 1 keg Mace; ground 'Spices in groat
vatietyi for We by noel. J D WILLIAMS
1 )AGGN—:.—MD Sides, in store iliaKr Salo - Li .--
.1J aug2l TASSEY k REST
. 11) &AIM ASII--.5(00 lbe, a prune article, Is mire and
tor amle b aug2l TASSEY & BEST
4..._ y
T A1,1,0 4 W-1 bbl nett! and for sli . ;: t r gy a
irtig);ii.lia.-so - i,t;W - aric Meal, C P Anshom
brand, reed par stmr Companion and for sale by
atorto 8 A W HAKIM U(.711
GlTlTriau — piljr — of Martin's ME
brated spanisli Ouhars i Mat reed and for sale by
ablate JOHN I al MAAR, 81 woad .l _
A LUIII-4.4) bbl. Alain,
riga 2 =s e t 2 ',
auglB 24 wood st
gREII-83Ittap Ti
Sale by
• • y See. , 10 trldr Clover doi f•
one J & R FLOYD
..,. S ~ , ._y,. _~.
ram u
agEMI 1848 .
W. T. StAntx. PM...burgh,
PARty Co. Deaver.
CRAWTO. 1:11-0.X.N.Lix. Co:ye:and f P'Pr
E above Line .1 now prepared La Iran/port frniPh,
I and peunn,e.ra trot. Pl:EnnsaCr t tyn.l Cs,vrtand.
toy polol on the CauAo. 041 , 1 Latta
erne non; leu•rabond r ., :a1.t1 Ala ily, , gun
ninz 7011,0::or 01,11 j,k,.
hemern a n , Rea e.r , nrte I,A
of Etr. propf. rn t.
era Go g Eon od (loin-n
forw,-led rtrr pnr •.f •! , .1 . .n 00, with
11 , poloh. 1 . 11:1 TIIEH. nr
Jt/11N A 0 ".11 , 1111: \ A ,tll,
cor Wan, ar 9rt11.14..1,1 i',•••,urgN
AttEN I,3—Re , d. I'n. EnliV•l
- I'lrk• A. - o. Ynu , ~ • own. k
C IV Cole, h lit
I) (ion w,rk h Co I' -. a.1p0r,,
A h C!nrk. N , A - 1.10 Falk.
J heset, Newport.
J & 31 11 n, ..• y C.Lnipt.r.,pnrt,
AI /1 Ise,
, 'n, , thoy l Polls;
Ic Bon, A I, ~11;,y;
nlx3llv A Eng ••• ToOoir
f. 11ttlinn. A ro. : ...Met,
Wd.tuni. NI., ankle, \V1,:11 J 1:10/01.V.
.` LINE.
184 S. pa.
4 , 111. 74-, 1 01 1 01:1,1 - 11, 04 11/411,1.1.,,G
l l ortithie Ilmit Ir e. trA their de
pt." II !Nisi, Itireer \Vitreqso44e,
no Market tha t :hey torine,y arml in.
er-itri . d their oohi or aoraz- it• are iiinw
pfrplired 10 cid, .it err icri — ukiliti ,. • to their Irtembi
o pulrothis
rioods , !sis liar are not
Pr, In Dr.r.1.0. Seetior, Boa, To soLpps•rt 01 door
atol nth , r gooes requp,og 1, g. hi. Is or
mporlanur chart, mark g or ..nippiog
roos, or advan,,,,n, thar, , . A. goo.h, 2orwarded
promptly, and upon as reason:lbl, lerlEt as by ally oth.
er Joie.
311 UN NirrAOLN .1 Co . Forwnnlrrtg nod Commit
%ion C4lllO lino; t. Penn .
JAMES M UA VI, A rr., Floor Fite WT. and Comm,
n Merchant., Murk, and 54 Comorrre
h 147
I E ' :1 - 1 1 1 ' ut d :11.7::: d r : n ' e ' r l ip l at7n ' o ‘ t e
to them. •
ViiTlCE—The ro! ,`,er% have .1..p0 ,se of their
1 ter,. in the P•••••.'s and Ihto lAne I•1,n !IKE&
THAW, of Plitelkurvt. and It 'SEM I en 1.KW1:4. of thin
They ern: rommor to transact , vainrso for the Imo.
at :De, Wart,rintr, nruuti . taulth. ;and kr
-3•1•••.k (or a cow/armor, et trie patronage of thetr
frtrertr JA\ILS Zr. Co.
Ythrcn sth, 1,1. th
Plinzen. and Ohio Trans ortaUon Co.
Daub,. Ilcesiv L.,
gs: , •7 PIFTW2EN
. .
. .
CLARKE t' 11 I•....shurgh,
& NI a rift ~, Plitiadetphm.
JAS. STKE.I. k L. , Az , . 11-1.&1! strre•
COWDEN. CI .ARKL & o 7. . Rrt:t
NV PURRICK. Agt lareL Los
o. partnerahlp.C
Miff; rub/amber. ha .rrerateJ tbna.elv,
I together under • w i., K.., Jon , . .nr
porporie at conuntung tnr trit,nsean lamer() earned t o
by Samar! M. Kra., and ..anntt nonnnuanee or inelltr.
end patronage heretofore can :sant la the house
Psttsbu rglareh I, ti,
- • KIN,R 0 111 PORT A 11/.lf, A T 41.11 ,
COMP“SI'D 1 yr] of I' I.ltt R
SECTIIIN la i,l 7'' tl qt 1 . 1111. x1 , 1.1.1'111.* A \
HA LTOlultE Vi. 4 CA:N.4l.z+ 4 RA I I.RItA
E ars t.rsparea to errs.v. 4,1 ILlrWatil tte,ght to
the shoes that: h -hts hate p s• h ta 114 1 /10I'll
despatch, and at as .otv Matt as a..t o..err rt , po..t,c
The Ctenhoh or giorper. 'A Inlt.l . Cl'.•erel Pert hr He
firtannore .u!h. .• r e,
1 , 11,Ci . .
Prtsburgh. !Sarre 1 I-I' X LIM • 11 ,
Contm".lon ,orw.rd”. K
n_chn,o. ~ u l l , , givr• ii.c.,,rnas
Solt Produce r
I.4!.cra. rat.h - m4rmnrr. nn 411•
Ilgat Atte=
To l'hilaArlphlo moo al. tolore,
11F-NR, CHAFF A ~ I .
In - Fll.ll. lit NII')IHF.,, A
Jots F elarae No 11 1,1 New w ot
r . • : 7
&0. • 4=“11. , ). k.,„,,"., . A Csi
NDYVNI, I: 1 , 4 , 11
CHAS 111'111'11R1. 1M
111.-NRI I'.'••
IS-18 1ge=n
For Ake Trd1 1 101.1 , 1,14,1 tri /., inenA
I'I7TJIIU NI; u. Pllll-AltEl.l . ll/.3. 14.11.11AIIAftL, :tt
VA tills In t•Tt e
fitment° Al Can. l'h•••dednna.
TA "1,1 01 - e•nota.. I . lltAbnry . lt
THIS old estaldtAdted
uon. the 11(01(1e10, hot e tnede ex te ...J.., arrange
ntridA krrward gcfods ofol prof)... r th olr•pa,, ff Pc!
Oft the Moor firvorillor frrfat ~:, bone
•e ll known rrnmpttient. t In dr/leen, :nod. te.•
mafet, mode o( earn cttprtr , t.t • • arr An,
foof al each port. •dnnlti.d acenet ..... •Ittt.n•A •uttp t uer.
and owners of prod.lre. -tneether ventt the, I. ...Erre
rienee and nntrnu tun, •nettnt., to •••AnteA. • „
to noel. • et:twiny nee e ot that ;them; itntetn.nde
lAntetty peratefult, ackoroof
All roootOlonoill. Iry end to dd. rrro,red. r ear
tre• put aid forwarded Os On, dwer , tons tree
of ettnr,rr lor teolfllloo.loo. &Orel/roof of storm,.
No interest. dirreirt Of I.llllrPollv oAll 1 to
commantestuon.prompl:, stirodrd to on appltr
hen 10 the followitet arrettr
HI WHIM:Ft 1 CASH tr , Mettler •i. Prdindrlphia.
TAA NI Ilt. C0.,0 noon. Pm:nitrite.
CECONNORS A Co, North •t. lialtooo,o
14 - 11 B WILSON. 0 , 14 r •••• ore no
21,,,E4 well known Line, commis, of strand:oa..
Lake Erie and Michigan, ucturcrin Pumbareh and
1,01 . , and freight end paarienuer Crum' Boat. he.
tweet, Beaver andFite and C M Reed's !roi. of fir..
class ideamboate, propellers and mem,. OD the I.Oke•
prepared to carry freight and pwacnrers I. mum
on the Ene Canal, and Lakes Erie, Baron and Abet..
liamag every facility for con•cyrae freight and par,
senora with prionprnem and drips:eh thc proprietor
and agent. respectfully solicit from then (nem!. a con.
Intaance of their patronage
CUR RuEr., Proprtemr.
REED, PAREM & Co, Beaver, Agent..
JUAN A. CA UrrtlEl. Amu,
apl4 nor Water and Smithfield sm. pui r rh ucg h .
18 - 18. Mat
To and from the Eastern cams, ire Cumberland.
TIIE propnetom of du. popular Inc. have.tinte their
regirramsaunit largely meremed then laerhom to
meet the wishes 01 shipper, and arc noire prepared to
forward • greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE,
a. also by adding:mai regular wagons at low rates.
This line will nut throughout Me yen, debarring
goods through the errata in Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to ownera and construe*. at apecified rate* and time,
Shim:nein. fromPhdadelphaa for Um lion sheutil be
marked Viva, J R Boldtmort, Baltimore.°
The only agents are
J t ß Rosemont,
Ott S Chit Goa st L ßaltlnthro.
FIXERTON it Co, Carabeeand.
G W CARS ; firovrentlio.
!AM p BUMF.P.L. Pirtaburgh.
E c.......TIOd[OUSE L
Agency at Covet:K.l.l.d f ro m% M
beam. of cKee'
yore to that of Kdrertoo de Co.
ly Pittsburgh aod merchant. an nottfted thel 1 Ray
Hobtosoo• No IN South Coarke st. Baltonore, lbw coty
aothansad two* of doe Low us the Etheares does.
Tba osdy neat. an,
J C BIDWELL,PimIntigh,
131 W CAPS Brownsville,
EDGIARTON C Cumberland,
driaStf I S ROBINSON, + o
Comparti - :
18,48 D. LEECH'
V 1.14 P.NonvIALA. ono 0010
ARE prepared to transport goods and produce to and
from Ma above ,elties on favorable ten.. Ad.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH a Co Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
I HARRIS & LEF I JII, Nos. 13 Al 6 Smith Third at, Phil.
J. TAYLOR a SON, Agin, No 14. NMI Howard ri, Balt.
A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 West Weal, New York.
Pittsburgh, Match 10th. 114$.
ereanter Tionaportallon-LMV
M kt -
1848 .
oODS consigned to our care will be rwarded
kjwithout delay at the lowest current rates.
C A Mc ANULTY & Co.,
Canal Basin, Penit st, Pittahorgh.
173 and 303 Market at, Phll'a.
Je29 Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
Wilia 1848.
m ai
sin,PuPE.R£Lan..dwotit.e7x: informed that thi n Lino
daily. Produce " and merehanlire takten"a7l'oCarill{.
Merehandue from Baltimore brought out at Canal
mica Time, lee days. J C BIDWEL,Is AM,
Water al, 2 doors above Moog Roam, Pittsburgh.
otyl7 92 South Charles at . Baltimore.
1848, MAR&
[l7 - Tune, 6 days. .al
Merchandise usnsported at Canal rates.
Water .tree Pittsburgh.
kair 17 Light onset, la.
.11111 N FADEN & Co.,
JAM!, NI DA er. Co,
Nltillcot O. 51 , e ?lola
uNGLIS li BOOK S-11.oun y tire IrTerl.
.1..4 °
the • rut •••..1 tor mr. , r. trr.l r•(r.•
i•o ,, l tt e T• r.
t,t t y• ti t e rr t I ht\ r.
ri . • , t. V. TT./
. r T.' F.
`...” 117 \l3/,,
• • .
A FFLI.:\ DID a•wratarnt ol kn. , 1
flifflallp 1 . 00,1 . 1 .1 N , .lw arA•••1 aetign • •..
110, ju•t t•••/11,1 and lor sa•t•
t A 1 a•a, , •••••v , ....14411.4......,4,o,
wilb Colesna.•• • eelet•ra•ed .f ..nay at.< t•akta. l•••,•••••1
1•1 r.. , rt.. It.o•kru •1)k, tont to •a.c• a:
F Md ., . E - 1 4 . 112 wood .1
1848 . jai.
Canal Par Iicit—SWALLOW Cain Ford
• till-lAN. Capt
yo: of the above Parket,. leair ilea•er every dale.
fa...dile. egreptedi and tarn,. neat morning ht
Warm, where the, ronitert with the Mail •
Stair'. for
AY ron and l'ievetand, arriving at each of thew piseea
Neter, night tine of Paeltetaleave Warren daily,
ashP Al, and arrive as Hearer in limn to take the
'''' lTlVlrrl7b: ' 4l;iil ' iTat
TAYLOR. Proprit•ra.
T111.M.G.11 TOIIOIII, nom.
Canal Parket—Pusu t.r•st•, C•pt. Je r t:file,
."rethiciasru, Pollock,
" " Truhy.
" " BTON,II,
re.lcina, " Sayer
The above new and splendid Passenger Ir,a have
sadmenced running between BEA VP.I , L A ND,ERIE,
aro! 71111 regularly during the ...on —one boat
iea•ing Erie every morning at d
ti s o'clock. and one lea,
ing Beaver every evening immediately .tier the •rn
vat of the carnlsmi Michigan from Pntaburgh
The boats arenew and eoinfortably furnished, and
trill run through in forty boom Pusertger to any
pant on the Lakes. or to Niagara 1 , 0115, will ' find thls
route the most comfortable I expeilinotio. Tlekets
through to .11 pons on the Lake ran be procured by
applying to the proprietor..
REED. PARKS A. Co, Beav e r,
JOHN A CAUGHEY, Agt Pittsburgh,
cor Water andSmi
AGENTS:—.I. C Puritan. Buffalo, N V. thfield as.
C M Reed, Erin, Pa.
CC With, Greenville. Pa;
MUM 1848 . nAlla
airttlatilkl.l run 'nat.:rata/K.4110a or w•T rano Et
rrWEEN Pittsburgh, fßairsville, Johnstown, Hi
hdayaburgh. \Tater street, (/ionlingclon Co) and /'
This Line was formed exclusively for the special at
romoloslallon of theway bounces. The Proprietor
thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re
reeved during thy lasi two years, would 1 . /woe° tfull)
form their friends and the public that they are now sill
better prepared to deliver goods at any point On the
Canal and Rail Minds, with promptness and dispatch.
A GENrsk
l'leltwonh k Vocals, Johnstown.
John Millar, Hrillidaysliurgit.
A M' &puny & Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh .
Rgranggeen—Pittsbutgh—Smith & N oclat, J
hfc Ikvot, f; k.l 11 Shoehberger, R Rola/won h. R
!Door, Ihignlcy & Smith; John Porker, \\'m l.chnier A
Co, P Shoeht.erger.
Peinoa7l,anla Cadal & Rail Road RI.
presa.Past Packet Line,
natal 1848. M_Mil
(Fixeluxtvely for Peasant,'
I , IIE public ore reaperifully informed Ulm this Line
will continence running on the tt...M lust. and con
tinue throughout the Reason.
The Lomita are new, and of • superior class, with e
!anted rabble. which will give greater manikin. The
eats are the lawn ronotrueuon
A boat will always be in port, and traveler, are tr.
queated to all and examine them before engagi ng pas
sage rloewhere.
(Fare only nine dollars through ) One altar bows of
bss Line will leave the landing (opposite II tt Hot e l,
unser of rtllll street nod Canal. every night at nine. ,
lock Thar 31 days. For Infortnanois, apply at the
)thee, Monongahela Mouse, or to U I.KECiI Pc Co
)ems Canal liasin.
Paamentier and Remittance Ottiont.
jat.a&NRDEN & CO. emitutue to bring persons
from any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or
Witles s upon the most liberal terms, with M e i,
W punclunlity Paid attennon to the wawa and corn.
fort of emmityrams %Ve do not allow oar passehgem to
be robbed by rho earicellithr mumps that infest the ten.
recu r Oa we take charge of there the moment they re
port themselves, and we to their well being, nail de.
Ilparch Uleell.without my detention by the Got ship.—
We any this fearlessly, ov we defy one of our pitmen.
nom to show that they wore deemed 48 hours by tie in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
months, until they could be sent w some old crud, at a
rata, which too frequently proved their eoErtna.
We Wendt° perform our contracts hononthly, eoet
What it may., and riot act as woo ease lost season,
why ether oMcera,—whoeither ptiforreed not all
when It suited their convenience. , or
'haft,. drawn at Pittsburgh for . 7 sum from LI to
itliZzy.a.bol,eikao Wed and t any of Rui
Wales.ovt'etal Banks In Ire-
European and General Amen;
fob! itnist, one door talon iVeocii
Valuable arid Attractive New soot..
AAIA RTINE'S o(the throndietr, 1 vole, 14
ti4mmtc I.lfet of ettp vaiter Bayard: 12 cno
U. Y R /mutate U . ,. of Henry thr Fourth. or France.
votyl mo
gm:RS • Co::••Car C. of Cluaat, 12 ow
Nrat ti , •C• 1., of Jr•tt• rhrt•t; vo
Nla••vt'• Frrall Litranto, or a 11.-••• Sara: Tram 01r
fiv •t• ot t t....t.ta
C• , ' ll"t`rf• Meoli l .ol %N . M . to ran
Itivto St., 1 th. 11.100 at Wut•trtoct. 12 MO
A tigtoo.' . , frol.l Ja. ttl. A 1 , 011 1,,
12 i
O 11•0 1111 11. • cra ur , ' he SA11)0 ":
•.• 1.,111. 104,1
tor p , ./. ltn.
11, n, .C;rx.rnr•r,n f)
eh. Pra,:leal 10:romocurr iI Ihrk. I. 1..
I) oi Nrw
a, -, . , :u::.,,:.
ki.actloin. with a iitiw :nap o( j, Filiniiirr
2 MI/
"rbe l'otts rir iit Spring. D
11 ow
1 . 15. H4 . 515r1 ray. l4y 1,4511.15 yr Sim,. II H. 12 rn
TC:I , hint a se 55-515, 5154 Ty. 554514, Its Ar 4,441, I.V Rr
B. H ii".
rh, .'ear.1.145 Cour. nod 1,40,54.1, John S Alitz,ve
15 , 555, , on Stly aprary 544 H 7 , 5 11554145045
'115.4 A r 555,5 551 A. 55, 4 , -1551441rate51445:54n nine 5452ra
VIPTA .14 r55:5 . a..555, .14545.•515,55( thy
4:I,• • 15.5n0rt. IVr••54 ' , two', Trumbull. 1. Vel n 1
RY5Y45r555511 Pe 55.5•51.51 Tho. rtwinrtl: I ryi vo
l'br. Ilratory 5.: 1'r554,454. 55555:45515.555: •Yrif !kr. 14
.ivrt 5 . 54. 1...0155, Thsyr. 11.51455C015. Ihir16•11. A/it
t 9 C411.1,11aD1 5 4 / 5 51 Lytle, 4,111 p-orrysla 05 5•555•55
H 54-551.44, • N55;40 444551 415551 v• 5445. /.,4
445155, • l% 5 5 , 55,51555 155551 •4555155.451vra a, .2 vol. 121
1t5,4 , 444 '5 Sy 4,51 1154u55.55,5.•
1154 555 4..45. 5 44,01er .v. 555 51 lorry 50155545455 ni Stand
.5,11V55• 1 a• 4455 ti untl Synsws 14.5k5• 4 lof vale 1.
15 5 11,N A , r ,, cp;Tt. 11555115,i1er•
,Y 3 54454yrer usark, .5451 .:.
N 1: 3 3 \lf A ITRA/ - 113,1; 11/ n 'AA - 1 ')0‘.010er.0 :••••
l'haonera• Du,/ Scrpture 101,1•1000,.
[IV ul 31r• Fry, 20.1
Th.' I'Ol4lA, 110.3 nutllor •1 4, ' /r 0
1,A303 1010 - . • .or .Nnt of tur NVor J, 1.3 C 'l'OJ3
or. NI A
1111;g:tr.-I or lb. P ent/.
NlArk t'ddtuo. ur Iho 101r - rrlnuu Clerk, do
I.i lc ol Pokok. nu /bur ol of
The 1.0., ru.r. Curt/lAA. Fry. •
s.!,k4p,ure, 1.3 II N litid•or
1.1(o. rd /0 00 __ Croot33•• L. by J .
Napo/eon udd o Ilnnha,. do
I Vlolll4l4jlu. 111111 me I •••Arrubt, 110
Y033 - 00r o• the Pu.pit. by I•sr/I•ner 00 0 .)111g, 1) I)
1103, du
Rol•grot0 !env Aug by r
1'..1n0•p1•./ ou
POlpit Avor• I'rone, try 'I'or:01,0:),
(it/mum of S•00300ncl. do
1.10). Iluwfail 3l d I), /01 1'0.p./.100.-
1/rwor% /,' Fr.oooo e.),00.v 11,d T 1 1 ,41. 11v1100100•0 • Povmo
111nr,urrt Nlrr••er.
it/C.1 , 11k un 1141,11rW Mdnpleti 1.0 1 . :00,3 gurat:oo•,.
l'opulur / .0 /0 / e 33.'0r
o link•l/y /100/./e zo ur Itelte• /AI,/ IN 00/g.,"
"Kecp,./.0 up Apprantnrc, " - 1/,•lor 03101Crrddor •
For .n.r, y )).I,llrrr h 4: . 301,1, 0 11.
00•15 7 , wood and 01, /nark,/ •t
.L . , : ... 0 . L .. Ln m 0 e 5.. , ,L . •t . 1 , 1
Nun. A. art. N IL. or Num.& L: ara ' • hano,
tAlth A 11 ,0,111, 3, wt• Lai. IL to l ' oldLund ILy Mr
IrrnaLL aLLLI 12 Ir , 1111”, JO% co
Intrunon .r,,•1/11,-11 AmorLoan
and in,L.IL .L ; ,Ir.! !Pk .Ik, I, ,11.1irk4 :non
ThaL ...rt. to, LL N0..1 Pluz.:
Krr r N u no y
r u l
IkPau•r a r—l.,
aOcunzr/FL I -p
n 11)
ra• •
oAltoow m ,1t I.a ~•.ro
o o
o o
ulruot• ,
loot korra For •rr.r. II
AI luau.rutr• roam, Id •I
or Sk elrar•
„ T., el or Fra negutort. aavor.
Atr•ttor. Pru".n. t.reral Ire.and. won nu
1 3 1.1,11)/13. ro.uarrong nasaurrairou•ou I:ur,estrt rraul.•
ar• ruaoullo/16 l'rwrort.Mll
Ara:.-.A. uvra lto• au:rror •E0u...411,,.!
Vol 111 Ilanly Ily
Part I Thr 1'1,,.u..,id .:11 , 1,e N,,;`, • II aria.r• I
It, ,rated
t . r.on,rr for ono4lo, liy on,
nu -or
r wurls tree. erd IL. er!il .air
prlt4 J‘ , llN,ll).\ ,Tht•K IWi
%lens" rn. 8., irn Ai. .11 11
%Irv. 11..... Si_.Ni-i•
F N 1.11 . 411
,„. !...r.f Ire- , n +.44, ••mi Sitettl.e.
L JU•4 r• by
M , D.:NALL/ 3. 111:1 - SON
-11+ ninrtet •krret
N:1 t 1 } A %%
J.. 11 \
RF I CI \ El, F. 4
. New - oarto.
noioo , coo•ord•rtco to tor.
Proi-q Natl• o Ito In, Gr. i.topt, tool lik e
its, tare, Jos, reeriveal otol ;or %At rl,
cor Mane, •n.l w ,6,*
M'Forionil and Kong, Iltot Bend, Po 4
Plarnb, S 6 bomb, Po,
W C Nolan, Sharon, T'o,
C Iflotheont.Poloolto
R W Cartninghun, Now Cootie., Po. tyl
I 1 I.UNIiS —The un,rer
ed "'"'"
d which h..
uended toe use or the'
ii the various forms .stitett irrosuon or the ionise ..
soots, has induced the proprietor spun to call toes
two ID till.
The QUP.iIO . I, 2 , , IIOW .114 yht . lup dertroyer In
hew sha.. we get clear ot ou, roue. and
,ta. InipoTtunne tne
t.1(1-'.AT AND I /NLN"
evd; I , ei"und tn the GinseuK PuLnern. In proof of thle
we ha, ,row nth. to %nue pul , tv.hed the rerUficates or
I~trtntr ! , eot known elusen, .no experi
red it. curative power, 'Mir,. wfth sus.. of les
titnnuv tram nd part. of the country --crenn
111,4,, of the 3.e toeelhor wort eoptous
'rex from W.
e. Dare embodied rainpedei form. mid may hr had
gem, m o i our meal,. thecivahom the country.
lii 11REDe 4 OF' nurri.a.s
have het, wird 111 1111. rity
throuchoun the Stm, end , :anads, end w<, ha
ieng, any innt; In point out
h. who.: Ink..n annording ra dsrennonu. and Ise-
fare t h n ,unnu bud In,olllo. (Many dsnorpuuted. IL hes
Why th., nee, the .11,k,, hes,Late , 11 by rr.rt ta
Pic „..z ram . gotten up hV own tothrid.
teal. u ler .he n...arned ualoy ol•ome ca •iorptelJ phy
o,r npd pulled 11110 notonety ecruhrste. f. per.
1.14 etunit, unlknovvo , Wh.n.l a modlettly of
I. to he had. woo., voucher. are at home,—bar n .4h.
borp.—conny of whom it has
In order that thu Lovuludide noolletne may he planed
wah.o the reach of the pour n, well the nett, we bay,
pat the NI, at
- - .
lust one halt ihe usuai cost of rough medicines. It Lt
for sale ky our agents In nearly every town and village
over thews who are prepared to tine full inform.
unn relauve 50 It. T. SAI.Te.H. Proprietor.
Broadway. l'inetiume, Otuo
no method to Inform Ms (rtertda
and the pttl , tif 61 Mtge that hts Factor) is
now tn Itt.i pperation. oh the west side of
thr Lhamond, Allegheny. where a roc.
tot...apply of Ilhnda. of various colors
and yottlttn, are e ntteturtly kept on hood;
tt,o. nt ho 5 Wood at. Pittsburgh. at J a
1 1 . 01,11 p, nit e loth vrareroom.
Venntan ' , nutters made to order tn the best style.'
Hun d.repatrttd at the ttlturte.t 1101166.
11 Ili. 11.110/ 11 Wll/ be put up without soy add,
tantal expen.... so that :het ran heremoved
o fire or for tvasidng and wabout the atd
111-dl yt4. w I aml yttt
oT a AO TVA ilrlver
121. I:, AN Eau Divine
reinlerinq the skin soil and beautiful.
Ilann''• ce.e!,rattl dyniplli Soap.
Ilan , • Indian egemble Hair Ind. for gradually
t.. ,
too promoting 11, growth
Ilan, • Liquid Hair Ihn. or maging red or gray
.tir tu n auural !prow, black or rhentnut color
/Unite. Eau. 1.1.0 a. Hair Restorative. for producing
n,11.111 of hair
Ilnue • rui;iag
. Depilatory Powder. ior removing Auperda
-01.1. lOU r
/Ism. .1 Ro•e Too. Poole.
/11.,, • or Per...,,0 Toilet Powder
• I Slen,o; Cream
II•ue. • e ',sot Flamer,* of vsnon•irngrant dowers,
I,,,e.rehtet. 1.,,,,1ter with s lama usonrneut
Periolnery rec. for sale ley
or l.t & w,wd. ul.n coy tits k wood ma
Ea•t•lcle of the lhamond, where Vegan.
11,:m1 , * or 4.1 the dtferent smes snd color.
are arm on hand or madeto order ate
the :am ~ and most approved Eastern NM.
mns, at the shortest nonce and on the mos
Alsoheap Boston roll or split Mod Trans,.
Paper Mak. of ail the ditletent sires and
psnern. on c0,.1 a u mlior oats. low for cash. Old Wens.
paroled over and reparrerl, or taken in pare
pis/or r,eve ht F-STER V ELT. Pro pr
\ H —All IA Ola dour with the low motet - tat and
viorknisostop lutd worr•nted to p',isse the most fat
odlou• auglU-dly
NO. 1).131311.LI NO BLIP. NEW YORK.
PIF:1-1) otters for We at the lowest
• Martutaeththr, pr.cea, a very titer,/ ve
n , PAPF.H emoprz•thg every pomole wartety,
pled to tor Wlttl% al cost/Lamers to all aect-otth Oa
ththry Paper o: thods mute to order at abon
.e vCork of PRI\TINii PAPER la unosoolly largo
+'h , •4,. Ili ve, gaperor quality
ol rvor, ,ropo , te.l and Kept conntantly on
Felon's, Wire Cloth. Foordrwer Wires
I•owt,t I L r ‘ne, Twnte, cc— Cc
Bale Rope. lino. Rope. Hawn; e
p .orw, ch h:Kheat pr,re Co.h .111 be
1,,w Norte. in ,41.141.
' ll h . ,- • 0
'1'111: n nt•re d0..1 offer, for ropenor article
o , tot Itudittoe made hy hot ettearn
don, ott Inuch.e, tor la Inert he hue untamed a panel.,
aeon.. puroh.teere ta one. euaranten that
i.e. tie ....ger a , . tel., re, d In. and tart rath
., .1 set e lees moisture or dant/antes than ant ant,
• pet.s.caenta grrater tffelt •rld suerntar ur
A.,: morn more 1:t1", iit r‘rrl respect, ach y e Itetrk awn/netted to a preseore a: aeveral to and pos
tse.oea to,durn., omooth %vv., and •rell cdKett,
to.. n., front too.: Inihe 11 Iron: brick
the, hat e. cern the Frestesd satisfaction to al: 'rho
~ e t
hood 1.111 r an lot menu at nip work., and
ot eo. tar t.steette uQrre
4Tl' : " r P' ;:l . 1 n r::::1 " b "" r171 ' 1 . „ ‘ h :117,( ' ; " 10 '
.mt 110“, ,rtrir .1,11 Olbla.ltl them
11111. 401 W -11 • •Wrilf,l WOO. VIPS r•c - n.v, •T
II7II.LIAM SC/101.}.1', H. H. RYAN, ISAAC4I.
y JOHN Il IUORRISON. harts 4
...coted ,nent.e ve• together under the style and title
Ryan & . for the manufacture of Wood
p, end as their type is altogether made by eursetn
nery the /ilyrnucto of Isaac Al. Singer, one n( the firm.
the wei confident that they odor a more perfect article
type. and at touch lower rule , than any heretofore
oderra I Ti n ted States and are non ready to fill
or.ler. for the came
Al. orders addressed to &holey, Ryan ik Co., at
died ideee ut learoarad allay, between Wood and
~..tniihtle,d street, wilt t.. punctually attended ta.
11. r Proprietors 01 newspapers, on copying this ad
vertisement 3 months, and sending us their paper, swill
Leeiddled in receive their pay in type, on purehastrig
dire. tunes amount or their Ind tot adverustrig.
Om ee at the ExOlianie. Baltimore.
RE. CM., RATE-t.—The charge s hay* been redu
ced on all Messages to or from Bohn - nor, Pitts
lru rs hor %I heelms. and correcrponding redurnon
een, on .4 te:egrapho. despatches forwarded from Bal.
Muore Nest 01 Pctsbursh.
list. —Thecharge Mr • telegraph despatch to or
Iron! Ita , tnorr. I . tusborh and tVleeltng, Is 43 cents
for :he first ten words, and 3 cents for each addMonal
tareLar charge a made for We address and tarn
foul the rompletton of the South Western Una of
• telegraph Iron Memphis. Tenn., to New (hleana, des
pa Le neb can be lorwanlett m blexopkw by thts :tomb, and
marled for New 11riestos el
The Allegheny Cemetery.
A T ths annual mceno of the Corporators, held t
the Sill the foliosing pesons were attar
Inonsl) re-circled Managers for the n enstung year
THOMAS H. HOWE, President
J Fitt ism Jr Secretary .td Treasurer.
Themanual statement presented the affairs of tin
Comps° y in • ve prosperous condition. Their offte,
in the etty is No ry
37 Warer Spero
I) A Kt. E It CA HI NET Li SRA , tor ie hoots atral
Families —Tht. work consists of twenty volumes,
and umlaut* bye hundred different subjects, illustrated
0-114 Starengravings us to courtly t envois! series,
recently written and completed by O Ooodrlch,au
thor 01 Peter Parley's Tales, and la designed to exhi
bit In a popular term. Select thokraphtes, ancient and
modern; the wanders and enrlcones of History, Na
ture. Art. Science, and Philosophy, with the pracucal
duties of late
The pnee per Vol. a 73 cents., each ccostrualng lb°
IN pogo., IY mo, or SW per st For sale by
ocal R HOPKINS, Apollo BolkLiamlth
Ilardware—Cheaper than Evert
LOGAN. Wll-`4074 & CO, Luttporters and Wholesale
Dealers to llardwuc t Cutlery and !Saddlery, No
Wood sweet, above Fifth, hav• now to more • • very
cheep and well selected mock of Hardware, imparted
uo, the decline of prices In Europe, end which they
are detertetned to sell correspondingly low. Merchants
who have been to the habit of going Est.. ue particu
larly requested to call and look through our
stock, no we couthdently belte•e they will save their expences.
. . .
I LIST MEC 441 VED at W. hrelintock's., No 75 Founh
eJ street, and for sale cheap
3 ps on .up Zphy carpet, new style ;
In do do hue lug. do do, some very elegant
5 du do do do do do
5 do cox do do do as low as 20 cents;
5 do do Von do rich style;
I case or Thompson.ll6 rug., unsurpassed In sty!.
Tenon. pnrchanng for dareihngs. hotels and sle
boot. would du well by calling and examining on
ir. k before purchamag elsewhere.
EX PERIENCKD judge., on a trial of ono and a hal
insilLons, since HAS, pronounce thus article unser
pa.ed for durability In the ...ruction of all kinds of
Fnrinaree. Prsee V.A.VS crook fur loads o(10 Al, guar.
mitred tune mom. an. Order. fur a second qualityßolivar lineka will he eXmlated at (Alper Al, if so de
sired, without guars... A mode of the brat quality
gs now for sale at the werehouae, sAllosn'a Wharf' Ca
stel Dustin, by J SHAW AIACLAREN,
onsperif Kentington Iron Works
lIHENI X FIRE HILICKS—The subecribers navlng
hoer appointed sole Age t. by the manufariurers,
101. the Pale of the celebrated Bricks," are
!sow prepared to till orders for easy giunonly, at *SI,
rush, per Luna. For the construction of funs/gees of
all kinds, these bricks have been pronounced by root.
Coleus ;edges as iseeng supenor to all other fire bricks
now in use. C A bl'A NULTY A. Co, Causal Basin.
U Loci ON JOON tILIINCV ADAISII—DeItr - e r i e 'd
Es May lOW, le4s, at the School [louse of the Sixth
Ward, Pittsburgh: Hy IL M.ltreekenri4e.
Published by .101IN7PON k STOCK TON, and for
sale by all the Booksellers 1/1 the coy. ,yd
UNDFLIES--500 Imo. prime RlO Coffee;
0 lOU half ebeHa H Tea;
Po do Black do
:MO ho. 55 1 120 mid lb lump, Jamem litvor Tobacco,
40 bbl. Tanners' Oil;
al do large No 3 Mackerel; toge ac ther with a gen.
al assortment OP Pittsburgh manuftured *melee
store and for sale by Roirr LZELI, Co.
oci6 Liberty st
AUNESI o A c. -2 curs just 2V l ot d fowle
CALT MAGNESIA—IO eases rust anal ro , y sale
by iD oc R SELI.E.RS
lbsjust roe'd arid for sale 6y
R E 8141.1.PRR
dor mitt peeved end for sato by
Deo) J KIDD tr. Co
wANTED IMMEDIATELY—aI bushels Toroth
lekwd, by R T I.l‘E' CU, Jr, L 9 Wood N
TM* disease is casuied bra parorymtml catunsnst
tton of Ma au eel* It is Tory Oab).lgatiog, almost
tosuffonmfon. DEL SWIXTSEIFS PANACEA is the
only consist cure.
Hoarteness can ha entlnily aired by a fine or. of Dr.
Smeemar's Panacea
Catarrh. or common cold. Ifnerleeted, srtil
oared by
Curannuption. ic•tereccodlly relmyeti and
cured by Dr .sf:secular's Panacea.
Bronchus., tI mut-hacked. etifectually lead to
Bronehm.l Consumption. but a timely use of Ur Sssest.
sera Panacea wall effectually Gard it
Indanustation of the Tonsils oy So. Throat—Thu.
disease often leads to sennus 0/011sequeures !rout nee
lees. ouch 1141 ulceratten of Inc ltrolll. I lit the firut
toms. Dr. Smemustes Panacea should or procurml and
used freely.
Pneumonia Notha—A sorptatal disc*, resulung
from a violent cough and void an a debilitated or bro
ken down consunmon; aged pinto. are matter,. to it.—
Dr. Panacea should be need on the first
symptoms, which are a COugh or cold.
Night Sweats.—Thu detahlati•g will meet
With a omely check, by tieing Are '•
Consualption.-1(.011 the firrtiXppearaner at c
houghypms, blood. i a pots In the lade and lamb,
cou or spOtlng ot t( Di. Panacea i r
free, uved. no danger need be apprehended.
When the Lane, the Windpipe, or Broarhla: Tobes
heroine clogged op with phlegm as to impede reept
ration or breattung, Dr.
beat Panacea which is
• powrrlyi Expeetorant, ahould aken according to
the d.recuons.
Induenia.—Thisdiaresung epidemic, so prevalent in
our climax. uspeedily eared lip Di. evreemers
PrICV $1 per bottle, or six beiges for S.
For sale by WM. JACKPOON, LN LdremY sto etlrt no
he tog boot. novamly
To the Medical ProfeaUlon and Public.
HECKER'S FARINA. now tis use at the Hospitals
Asylums, arid other public establishments, and
recominended by same of the most distinguished phy
ans and chemists, as en article of diet for children
Haa inveltds. much superior tO . arrow root. sago, eta.,
tar loose strengthening, pleasant to the taste, and soap
0( disroion Put up in 24 Lokes heir lhpapers
escli accompained with prlnted" directions for cooking.
ot,,elmc m hi. Amlgmitural Chemistry. p. 45, Phil. ml
••rliddren fed upon arrovireW anlep, or indeed any
Lad of stnylalaceous rood' ',chick does ttontant nitre
thews fitted for the forthanon of bones and mosaics.
become nst, and acquire much natoonpotrer, iliair limbs
appear full, but they do not acqtrire strength, nor are
their organs properly de velopett'
In the •ntlyma of.the Farinemade by Prof. grid 0
New York. among other consul:mon k be gives 15 per
/tent of glutteti and albumen,. and remarks that the
claim. or the Farina upon the 31ediral Prolnuton and
the polshe will rest upon its cmnalning in the gluten
•nd albumen. vegetable fibrin and other ottrogentaed
bodies not found in arrow root or similar ...tutees.
and winch modern chemistry has pointed put as bea(
neresa e
a of whicry to
her formation of human fibre, and by
meansature ma kek ur cnstant
watat that takes place
to the bhmap fon
body the
Fo o r sale
wholesale or retell. by R E SELLER:4,
sepld 57 wood st
Birders= Ina sii - tr - at.
TT IA a great satisfaction to unto be able thus publicly
1, to 2.110411 C, that the great demand for our superior
and splendid preparatio. of oar •- FAbIII.Y MEDI
CINS," far exceeds our most unguine expectations,
perucularly our Indian Expectorant and Compound
C•rmtnative Balsam, which for-beauty of appearance,
superiority of ingredients, and,•the compounding of
them, together with the numente dispanty in the size
of our bottles over any others—ate beautiful and orna
ital tad the tuba displayed in the pot
ting of them up. is a further inctiement to the purchas
Lo And as many of my old friends w D
ho knew
rrie r.
Guuvmunge.") when in the employment of
D Jayne, I now beg leave respectfully to inform then,
that I am one of the arm of L9CIDE.N & Co, Na. p 4
Arch street, below Third, Pan-ahrtentri, where I shall
be happy to see thetn, who, ended by his brother, a
reenter graduate of the - Philukilphia College of Nutt
macy,'• make, put up, and compound, with our own
heeds, every article cpruung our *Family Medi
cine,- via . Indian Expectorant Compound Carmina
tive Balsam- Compound Tonie ‘..iarmiftige, West Indian
Sa W native Ha.,Ha.,and Oneotal Hair Tenure.
e !nether beg leave to remark, land we do it with
a confidence that cannot be shaken ' ) that we have dis
cov•red and made an unproven - tent on our Oriental
Hair Tonic, that far exceeds an( thing ever sacred to
the public. Give as a rail at No. hi ARCH street,
Our terms alone are an inducement, anxl we are sum
of the result. auglam
eastat.traaraw. suds cm, vas
R. EDWARD ACKER. takes this means of re
turning his thanks to his friends and the public
for the extensive patronage he hite received, and of 1.11-
forming thorn that he has lately erected a large and
well constructed but/ding for the exclusive purposes
location, at Phillipshurgiu Pa, op the Ohio river. oppo
se the steamboat landing at Beaver, where helix ready
to receive patients as hoarder, and treat them on Hy
dropathie principles. In addition to his long experi
ence. and the great streets which has heretofore at
tended lus treument of patienta committed to his care,
he hes now die additional facilities afforded by an ex
tensive Mulcting erected expressly for the purpose, ton
.lllllg CMIUDO4IO. and airy rooms, and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for and dditunts
tertng the treatment to the utmrat benefit sod comfort
of the patient. Phillipsburg!, is. a most delightful and
healthy •dlage, easy of acres/ by steamboats, and
fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures
those afflicted persons who may, place themselves un
der Ins care, that every annunobbabaL be paid to their
comfort. and as an assurance ofilite substantial benefit.
to he dented. he points with confidence to he hun
dreds who lave been permanenity cured at hie estab
lumient The Water Core leans qu Wors....Esr.
behind, a. I. toe often the eascsanth tho,e who have
hers treated on the old systerk It removes the dia.
invignrates the system. pnxlecui from the dangers
aseidlnt is chattois ot the weliber, create. natural
mod erns,. sbretile. and impart% vigor to the dsgesb se
power. l'erni•ot tre.olcut anti hoarding rearonah.e.
For farther particulars insp., at the establishment, or
address the ;4.oprostor at Plullipiborgh.
We have been informed by Mks; Rose or • core per
formed on her by Do. Jwyries Alterrottre, which
proves its superiority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been afflicted forkhe last al. men yeses
tomb Wrens°. and enfoliation or various bones, do.
ring which time many pieces have been dme barge d from
the mom. bone or the cranial, from both her arms,
arrwts and hands, and from bothaegsi and from the left
fr.roral bone, and from the right hove, amide, palatal
ulces on other part. of her pen., which have baffled
the skill of a number of the mOstenament physicians of
beeeat, --danng mow of the tithe her sufferings have
n exermating deplorable; dilator th ree smarts ae she was .adored to try Da Jaytto's Alterative.
w ich bat bad an monishinglyikappy effect upon bee,
y removing all pant ono sivellnla, and e.t.a toe
tiler, to hut, while at the same her.m./m.lh
has Leconte completely restored, OD that 'benow weighs
451ns more than she did before she commenced the use
of this truly valuable prepanon.÷(S., Eve. Poet
For further information, squirt of Mrs. Rate, No. 1M
Filbert 61, Ptilladeipaa
For sale in Pitubargh, at the RESIN TEA STORE,
71 Fourth et. near Wood. iTff
IMIS--Smoirthi i• all Its 'multiplied forms
whether to that of lime. Bvtlocolurgementa , o the
i d t 7; ', 4 °L c; r s tans' o (. riZn 'ec,
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the muse canoe, which to g poutonous principle
more or lea. inherent to the batten trystem. There.
fore. milem this principle can be destroyed, no rani.
cal core can be elected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depend., n removed, e cure
must of necessity follow, no millet under what form
the disease should mundem ttault. TM., therefore
is the reason why J•rok's Aiyapartvz tai so not
vernally successful in removing se many malignant
disease... It deatrop the man or principle from
"quell those diseases have their eiigm , by,pptering
into the cireoLatitm, sad with the blood is benveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every particle of
disease from the aystem. Prepared and sold at No.
8 booth Third Street, Pluladelphan
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,'No. 72. Fourthatree.
LA DIESI Who Use CommoOPrepared Chalk, are
often net aware how Inghthllly marinas 1 is to
the skin: how coarse, how mush; how sabow,lellove,
and arilteanhy the skin appears after being prep/trod
chalk: Besides It it inlorioos, eentalninga large quart
arty of lead. We have prepared:, btimolfal vegetable
article, which we call JON NS SPANISH LILY
WHITS' It is per; innocent, being porifiodsof all
delete...qualities; and it imparts to hit atm a natu
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, liv4ig white, at these..
and mown acting .
ma comem.n on the .1,1,4 making Haag
, • •
Dr. Jame. Abeerma, Plastics] Chemin of Massa.
chasmicsays ."Allifer anal y singlonesii Spanish Lille
White, I find possesses the most beautiful and nate
' rat, at the same tune innocent•hrlthe I ever saw I
certainly can conscientiously reepaunend one to all
whose atin revolve ticataify,ng.e
000.• Price IS rents a. boz..
.."&ld by W JACKSON* his Boot and &tot
Blore,So Liberty street, head of Wood, it the sign of
the Big Boot.
Ladles. ladles, Pm esionithed;
When you knew that you arepmmlsed
A neutral, life-like, anowy white,
That you will mill use comma chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fht,
The theme of laughter and of - talk.
If you would me a bog of JONEWSLitIy-white, it
*veld grail your akin an alabastnt yet natural hite
and m the 1/821/0 time clear and:improve it. B old at
JACICSON'S, Liberty at. Prise 25 cents per boa.
I\lo. 921 Wood seem, one door. 'south of Diamond
.1.1 alley, Pittsburgh * Pa.. offer. be sale a lait: et
loop, Medicines, tele, Pathos, Rarniabes, stale
and Perfumery, Foreign and Domestm i to w
y c
calls theattention of dmggious, Zy . siclans and UM
chants ng the city, as he la resibed m tmLI
very low prices, and give general eadafaCtioe. Goods
warrunted and
also Ja pan
No.( and 2, N. York
seuisulaerare; also Japan and Bleak Leather Vandal.
es, of superior quality. Also, Whit and Red Lead at
prices busier than heretofore oigifti Ai. D. M. also
manufactures Morgan`. eithebnitetteoughByrep,whlch
has given gestenti satisfaction to WI In the main of
coughs, colds hoarseness, influenta, whoopiug cough,
spiry, etc; price ZS cents per bottle, Also, Morgan's
Indian Liver Pitts, a certain cure 'for liver complain.
mak headache, and all bilious
per boo. complaint.. Prue :15 eP
Dr. W..
alr• •• •P. Inland , ' Prerni UM Plaster.
TAR W. P. INLAND, orate Med:feed College hi PhD.
tiosr offers to the public hit Indian Veg
etable Premiam Planar, the qualities of which, after
loug soil tried experienee, has bea eautfoorrd9 t".
shed. To all women who ts A y be 11111010 d
Prolapse Uuma or Palleo Woohjie recommends ht*
platter, gliarammeing l sure end speedy cure In the
Short apace of from two to the. watts if applied with
o ne and rest—discarding all the ecnindett Instrument*
rid expensive bandages to long alarm. This he role
consesennout In staling, inioneueh as he bias not ono,
in one case out of three Outdo/4mnd filly-three pe
- •
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Rieast or Bark, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to-eiriel this Plaster
to affording relief or electing a rare; Foe sale by
'Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market in
Braun & flAncr, " Liberty and St elide sts
Dr J Sargent a Federal at Ltd Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques & to` , Derunan and Diamond, Birming
ham • us 3
Challenge to the • or .
WENTY-FIVIt DuLLA RS will .be paid m any .ma
who vat produce a spot of painieareco Of dry, Lb.
cannot be alueem4 with lion's hamoved Chemical
dom. t hare the sainfamion afuyiltx to Inc people or
dio place, that Lb. muscle, by ray own IftplaWm f ah et,
it, now stand. unrivalled ur Lbw country ,(or. arcs - acting
crone, car, pitch,oil, pans. or ascr ether greasy 'nab
stance, hen all Icon. of gonciamen , e or la.ltee'dietthlem
carpets, table cloth,, shaWl4 tidies' boaZteca.
ha, *nicest Miunng utyttung Mai yOle Waker g i4i
11}0. MO! e 000 ibton2.lld wee.. •
pans or the emmay have mid eitchey Weald hot
anthem Is; if Cs eau one a tilla per
Soap . ox more than SO ea eyllghtarltd, Saha; 'llll
- and eaheoes, I have only (oared Shine pions et
oda, two of alpacsa, and foes of Dace ; en 'Mich It
Cbmg , td aWcalaritiblftedlac •tfeftWSkelatgalr P4l
dress 1 1 01
try a sample culla dress fins.
ao y t to reeduntiarells any %
tans - on a ger moo
b ?flies /Ai cut weak. Sold, H wy.
ralttl.. #
-dear ' • ' ' • e , 4O
- 01..0U1t-100 bbls extra Family 16 iir_dast na'd nod
kl! WO by sail 10/01 INLIVOII4I
'7 -
, ROM the He• ASA. 6111.‘ N, WZI: known an.t p.
nice Clergt man of th e Protestant Alethodtst Cour p ,
The undersigned having meet, afflicted during the pas
winter with a disease ot the Monallen. sometime. pro
deicing great pain in the stornaett for Inn or iv...lye umir
without inthzmi , thion, and aster hsorms r, e,. 41113 u
remedies with Ellie elect, wMIS faro/Muni anti, non..
of Dr D 1111411 ell Corr...aye nn nand ar
Cording la the directions, and toned Inv a rtat.: ••11,
medicine canoed thc pan 4.1 mime iu tar., or tour m.n
ales, and in fifteen or t wept) minutes ever, un-su
se/that/on was entirely quieted The medicine w.t
tervrardaused whenever indicahonso. the .1r p.m, it o
puny Were perceived, and the pain wa. t /throb> mescal
ed Inc Genuflect! ton
se the memeine every evcinne
and sometimes In the morning and ina tew week
heath was au far reabarcd, Use sude ter w
ed from a large amount of neuter my, e
patience, therefore, he CY, cl.nlinarffly rr comma. d
D Jayne', Carminative It.tlsain. an a seltintry
for dl.eue. of thence:tech and bowels. Aet tIN N
Allegheny city ~y
For tale in Pituthorgh au an. an t ir o
N Fi g
72 Poona street, "ear Wood, and t meue
Store at It SCH AR I' Federal are...
` Purify Yonr Blood.
I If. SfillF.Y—Denr ,r. Spring end
131 twig the
r ts - thirr, I tvu• seyarr.)
will •crofulone romp., ut) IrKet. and cad 6q.c:
for -on.< mural, under ttn• purr et 'rimy
said my ruse Was ahonat tan, utabk• and In, could
Inn. tittle tor me I was nearly heipless with the
ant of eruirlies eouth with Jitficulty en about • 1,, May
IN.. I purebaaed or you. and emernenced tang Ilais.
5•MU1114.2./...i After th e i.e of Ilan iunLes.
waren commen ire
ced healing. and I laid 1,11, 110 crotea.
ma dung only a vaar. thspenscd unth y a y
a /111
at the end of the fourth. was so well 41 to assist ell day
in sheantig sheep. In all, I used hoe Lamle, The
scrofula end sores hare all healed up.:11 , / sthee
moron, I have seen no appearenri. or um .1 sense as
. tm,
have continued. and ant now, lathe most pertert health'
1 •tutc with confidence. hoping that others may
edited in thesway, that the barsaperi,o, sold th
you, has been th e
e ince.. and 11, only ince., ot rdrrt t .
ing the cure Cf./FINE:LIDS J. Hull.
For sale wholeaale and retail, by
dAw a A. FA fINFSTOCK tr. Co
rot. front P wood es, & also corner wood k nth",
K Cream dc' an:mule AMC.' for sha•ma,
Cream a la Ro+e, tor shavitts.
Almonds Cream. do;
Soperfinc Rouge, on Portelan stands;
RleCont Kent bags, perfumed wild Lavender, Amel
,errs Niel;
ile.rtsful powder pod's, of al; patterns,
Embossed toilet boxes, coma:mug interne: e [tract
for the handterthiel; seen, bag. and mom Kap], amt
able for presents.
Penton, or Chinese powder;
Johan Vegetable hair oil,
licat's oil, In fancy or common wrappers, (rose scent
limes' Soap; Nymph Soap; Rose Lip salvo;
Shell soap; Soda soap; together wan a great varlet
of fine perfAmery: yost received; for sale by
<or tbh S woos os
mMISES. REES' Ij LER—I feel it a dory
owe to my fellow creatures, to state something
more respecting your Vegetable Puhnonary Balsam.
Sums I first used the Balsam, eleven years ago,
t of whim I . .rem a in
ta v ve ha alth e ir e e c ral sayer% complaints and attacksatothY
hangs, one a few day. since, and in every instance I
have used th e Balsam alone with complete and perms
success. It has effected relief and cure to a eery trw
days will certainly • sale medicine.
but not know
that i t cure ea fix e d conamption, I believe it
will be in many cases a preventive,and prevenuou is
better than cure; Ido therefore, for the love of my fel
low men, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,
In all pulmonary complaints. lam confident th at it
has been th e means of preservin g my life to this day.
Boston J.e 16, 'l6. LIE:11.1A-MIN rAR.,oNs,
For sale by B A Fahnest.g, & Co, corner first and
wdod and also earner wood and 6th. 1016
1,..7 power to cure: Pirrsau.u, Feb. 1e47.
IL E. Salaam—My wife has for years been subject
to a distressmg cough, accompanied with whim, for
the rare of which she aimed di ff erent cough remedies,
and bad the advice of the most eminent physicians in
Englmd, bet all was .availmg. By' chance I heard
I at your Juvenal Cough Syrup, and was induced to bay
• bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anything'
muld remove her complaint. Trebel, y great surprise,
two doses gave her immediate She is at mem
troubled with a cough, but two thaspoonsful of Synth
always stops it. lam .usfied, oiler a Mal of three or
lour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough
medicine I have ever tried either In the Old or Now
World. WY. Falalotwer.,
venth Ward, cn oi
The above certi fic ate ahou/d add uce all Pumburgh.
who are
troubled with cough or gamma, to give Um Syrup a m
alt may be bad for 26 is a bottle, at the drug
store of R P. SELLERS, 61 wood la
Sold by Dr Cassel, 6th ward Li , and 11 Curry, Alla
&say. city. jams
Pa . aatint 8173.31 r, Spring Tram. -
IV EWLY VENTb:D--par the rahafand Permanem
LI Can" of (MANIA or RUPTURE. (gaited ta all
Ile olaimiat this Trusts meant in the com
parative we
with which n may be worn. The pad of
srocal being neatly balanced on *pangs, yields to pees
rrC on any part of ii, and thnreaghly adapts ,nscl. to
wy J Movement made by the weeder It car nr worn
.11 LOGO ea/ ttabhs n a
611pC: . 17 ,b ely l e e, kg1 . 1 , : , & 0 1
kr , o l =ll h s7:e th ae e" .4il " 7, gl e t!b s ...„
I°3o AA UFI3I nn
SELLERS'VERMIFCCVE—“Supertor to any I have
ever used..
lima., , Fayette county, Ca., March 4. la-
Mr IL E. titaLtus-1 hereby comfy that I earvp used
your Venotinge 01 my famtly. and believe it ',tar, it
uot Imparter to any I have ever .4'4. I gar, to one of
my etuldren one dose, which expelled about so worm,
kart atour..
Pre pared and sold by R E SELLER., n; L
Wood at,
Sold by Dr Cassel, Sell Ward, NI Curry, Allegtreny;
IV J Smith, Temperancertile, and I' Drava Laser
• -
Q TRIM:ES—An assortment rce'd and for sal
0 by my 3 1 KIDD de. Co
Al du 0.41i1 Building s , ald MA POW QPIL
it AT/C.ll OH' ADVlbil.TlB,lnict.
One Insertion of P.:linen, or
Two Inserts°. with om t a Item la ....... SO SO
... 0 75
Three • •
I 00
One Week ......
Two 'Week.
Three :50 "
Ooe Month, 4 00
Two 6
Three " 4.
ltJ Longer advertteetnents to ninepropon/...
One equare,6 mouths, without alterauon,..• /0 00
12 "
„. 15 00
Each additional square for 6 month., ...„.. 500
12 o 10 CO
One aquare,6 Inenaths renewable at pleasant, 15 00
o sr 12 :... oo
heath additional - square for 12 months...• • 1000
'Two aquores, 6 months, re'vrablent pleurae, 30 00
Each additional square, 6 months, 8 00
Onti square. 3 insertiotut, ..... ........ ..... $1 50
each additional
illicrits, CAJUNS.
Ties lines or lee*, one year. 6 00
months 600
one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
" viz menthe " 00
TOT 60 ape*, et lees, One ineertion, 60
" Two, " 076
Three, " .100
Three3ls66 ,
• " Sin " 6 oa
Twelve • Yi
p rated l:l i tt:Tra 4y a rt : u.
F&ClulT, Walimoreland I:0,, p
Icily 19th, 1,17.
Mr. R. E. Soasek:—A sense of duty Wye. and the
induct. me to add my hombre testimony in Cower of your
celebrated Leer Pills I bare detetned doug we Su
adhering to Dae , y rrixbett . . manem, she ewe you are
than gee ahead.' blow of the many prewar, thou uf •nt
tad quack., lauded.o the have sunk two uultm
your L ack.,
PI le twee been odareel to the pathtr nd.
1 behest. they sr.ll..eurerre then, all," se they In pat
present them to he I hose boom adheeehl
Ro o 4 ' luent from mf r outh. hese ..feral uheh, mut
maw eminent pl.mataus, ta !tom I youul .I.Ch
lust much blood twee led uhl I.ltpoked ehauet u
m a,eut e d 5 or d t mes, and AttAlh green up . ,tih.,Ahl
1,796 :Ira. endue, ,1 u. t o y y our L..r 1%14, si u,
lb ELL. t Stu WA of w loch le bo• sufficient b. keep me
of pain m the ,de. and all the other symptoms tor t
12 months Your Pitts are slew the bessentlearsee Ire . r
bung mdd, not gnpmg or ite mg much eeekn. si
act, but glee me much miter I me. kept Mem “
for 6 .r 7 years; sold bewared,. of tones cad h•••
beard a stare comphout totem.; ty any Ane .1,0
hem. The ham supereeded alniun eke.) ,rr r
touglaborhotOl, and to short tune tktm.t. AA
earnestly recontutend them .0 penes..
whether Au Liver Complaint or dredheu 1
eider alum far ettprnor tu Calomel or the Blue Art flee
fully your.,
heCAUTION—As Mere are other Pill. before the p
CALLED 'Aver Pills. permns who smni me tit:NI:ISL eh
ask for end take no other than theme prelkered And .11 •
K SELLERS, No 57 frood-st between Thu .1 aod
Bold by Dr C 0...,,, 1 1 ;111, framt, D y ( * Ca", All
thank. to the citizens of Poit.ilita., la trot: A .eg
cur the verT iit,ral support and earearaerrner
ha.received within he fait 11 1 1, ..114 Tk. Ibe
ler cure nhould such acq celebrity nei
m e
nor rucaseyaterrouuirecoehett eeelred
number of of every Carroll
acute and chronic. s
have Neer, .ired by a roU
In Germany. where it orirtuaird. .12 tuna
of the WOl,ll rases, that were iztven up I.l' ten mane
lul ph ysic;ana of Y.urope as invurat were our,
the irtmortai Priesnittr.. the wander ti
In F:nrland, France and Ainer , .a. ..11,11%.1'1.4,1 h
have I.een cured :ind osase
Hydropathie estc.hatiment. how in Cf . Ili 0,
bon in the United States. Weak TOIIIIIIO.I laver
Dr. Nlorrt, bavln permanrinly v
01 the city of Pittsbu g
rga. three Mx),ous t.:i.hrd him
win's alley, on Pe un Is now prepared to tat
number of boarder - sand trtitst them at lit.
thoae who porter being treated el melt own
will be punctuaily arid laithlult, Ile ma,
consuiteid Si hr. °thee front I ii vine]. t.. , 3 I' .11,
from 7 to ID in the creams.
N. 11—Every vanety ol Intuit matte uaii, of in
lVater cure. both for lachea and itenbe ttttt • , ...nn
med at the Attienteuirt i on 1,1, r, .treet.
have been recently erected for x pre..
drupathre paueran. and wherecvery attentiot a w
ictvon by the polar arid attentrre proprietors
Great RagGalt Remedy.
} "OR Coughs. Colds. Asthma and Consumption'
J: UR.}..AT AND 1./Nl.l - 17.1 - LNIEDY tor the cure of
aoo•c diseases, ae the HUNGARIAN
im - E, discovered by the i•elelaratml lir Buchan
Loudon,England. and introduced into te Ui.ated
under the immediate auperuttetadmic ni t the in•eitto
rrhe extriwrdwary recces* of this Medirllle.
rare of Pulmonary discases. warrants ths Amen
Agent in solo./ ung (or treatment the wor o posAible
sea that can be cOund /II the community that •
relief 11/ Vll/1 front way of lb+ VOllllllOll remedies of
day, end have been given up by the too. di %wit,.
ysicia. as confirmed and :neural/lc. The Hung
an H a / 2 am 11. cured, and ill cure. the most dears
of Cll/01, It IS no quack nostrum. but a stanalArd
halt medicine, of known and este ' , lashed etficncy.
Every (\l:tally In the United Anat. should be supp
with Buehan's Ila,srim or not mil
counteract the conumptive tendencies or the elm/
but to be fled as a s preventive methr. in all
colds. coughs. Annum, at , i 11.41, prim the side
chest. irrimtion and safetes.. of the luna, brach/
difficulty of breating. hectic lever. night sweets, am
cien and general debility, asthma, mill/env, whoop
ough and croup
Sold in large Ironies, at 81, per bottle, with full dtr.
Uons for the restoration of health.
Pamphlet., contauung • Sof English and Am
can certificates, and ther m s.oidence. •howut the
equalled menu 'f this great Enclish limited) may
obtained of te Agents, gratuttoustz.
For Pale by B A FAILNEKI•OtAi k Co.. come
st and Wood and Wood. and !Rh sta.