hiEDJCAL. ve.Lll.= DISCOVER:I'i coffsvlliPt S; BE 01V YOUR GIT4ELD , MIL t4WASNtS compOlIND SYRUP OF WILD cIII3IIRY. -- ....i.'ileinCEM Ilta • Comturription, Coughs, Colds, Arthmr,Branchips, wig Blood, Diffiettity of Breath crlo, I l ; nide land Eneant. Palpitation of the Heart, Influerma, Crony, Woken Con stitation. Sore Throat,Nervaus Debili ty, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast end Longs; the =Mei; -fectual and speedy cure ever lananfor soy of the above dimes es, la DR. SWAY NIP 8 spf=ine 8 P no lounret*fermanWarlis:sehOf doulhtful utility. It has passed anal from the thousands da il y Winched upon the tide of experiment, and mow stands higher in reputation, unit Is becoming more erien s ,,,.. b ritha d than any other preparation of medicine ever produced for the relief of suffering man hae been introduced very generally through the United States and Europe, arid there axe few' warns of importance but what contain same remarkable evi dence of its good effects. Far proof of the foregoing wargarantS, and of thevidue and efficacy of this medi cine, the proprierrir will insert er &weld= many 111011. sand LC5=061012 which have been presented to Men by men of the first respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility had testier, that to eer OW° facu, became it mill do another a favor, and themselves no injustice, Such testimony proves con. elusively, that its surprising excellence is esublithmi by its ititorime merits, and the anquestionable authori ty of public opinion. The trismnianecnis relief it al. ford*, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by iLS use, readers it • Most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. RF-\ (EMBER: "When men, acting (routenommen°. impulses voluntarily bear testimony to the troth of a thing, Of particular fact, such terimenyr, being contrary to their worldly latereins and purposes, coerces eolllllchort of its truth, end commends itself in a special manner to smiversul credence ”—Crllogan's Moral Maxima . READ TtIEIIO3I}IOERTIFICATI. STILL Alwriura Cu= or PeralOanti Cossesterinvi— There never weir a remedy dent has been as successful in desperate eliieri of Consumption, no Dr. Swamies Compound Syrup Cherry, It strengthens the system, Died appearatO Mud the ulcers on the lone creating new died rich blood; primer possessed by no other medicine. Cnmoa Co , Mich, Dr. Strome—l:War Sir I verily behave your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry hoe been eans oi saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which gente elly grew worse, attended with a soren cough. at resisted all ilityemethes which I had recourse tos sun inereaung mitifefy case exhibited all the symptoms of Palmonary t o y Consumptin. a n tvhing I tried seemed to harem , effect, and n comp increased sora ly that Inmate as Well as rayselc gave up all hopes of my recovery. Al this thee I was recommended to tr) your urvaluable medicine. I did so with the most hap py results. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the cough, causing-roe to expectorate freely; and try the time I had used six beules,l wns entirely well:and am now as hearty a man as I ever was in my life, mid siroald be hpy to give any information respecting m y Oise, sm ea r sufferes May derive the benefit for vrbich patrio t. For the tenth of the above sterament, I refer yea to Peter Rosh, Grocer Weal Chesser, Pa, of whom* pumhased • the medicine; Respectfully ) ours, J suss Mucous Maki Trinderful Cuie o f a liferhalist Mintrier. Dr. Swayno—Dear Sir: I feel a debt of gratitude dee to you—and s duty to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony in favor of your Compound By. tap of Wild Cherry. Some three pears trace I was 'Latently attacked - with cold Mai Iniltarostation of the 14:E which seas accoltanattled - iirfft 'distreasing , pain in the breast and bead, a very cernsideno ble barge of offensive toucan from the llama espe. Many upon change of weather, htnvever slight. At first I fen ea alarm about my condition, but wee pretty eoon convinced that I arm rapidly going into eonanmp. don. I grew daily weaker, and at length was eearce ly able to walk about, or Iciest wn above a 1.111.4Ptt ouch t a o ,aceedlng weakness of my langs. Damage:hi time Iliad tried various preparationaand preieriptions, but found no relief—growing all the time worse.. Jut here I amtt advised ard persuaded by a dear friend itt Wilmington to make trial error Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I must confess thou prerunuly I had been preM. , dosed against petal% medicines, and I am still against those coming out of the hands oleo:erks, but under• suuniing your claims to thaprofesman and make of =allelic, and having Implied. faith in the tayirm of my friends,l forthwith purchased of Dt.'Shavr, one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced its nu. My di.. ease was at that time of Mar omouths' standing, con sequently it was deeply seated- t found however, considerable relief fram the use of the first four or five bottles- But being a pubffe speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my i n creasing murctit, a nd thereby ; raptured thou vessels that had already begun to heal; in this way. doubtless, my mire woo greatly reburial- In mnsequeme am of Re thus imptMently, I had to case twelve or fifteen bottles beforel woe per fectly retsterelL have no quution, a much smaller n=hertpf bottles would have madame mond, but for the above ioduseretioa The Syrup allayed the 4ver !eh habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop to the discharge of matter from the large l mid gave *pa L i n t oh o entire aptem goal Maids I base deer red offering this 6..ue..t. until now, for themus of being perfectly maisfied with the permay of the cute, and now that I feel perfectly well offer st with plu Rm. I'. /omen. me. a Dablln eminty, N. C. • important Caution—Reital Read! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swars. - es, the firm ever offered to the priblic, which hue been sold largely throughout the United Sulu. and some parts of Europe and n 0 pre paratons celled by the name of Wild Cherry have been p at out since this, under corer of Mme deceptive circumstanes, lo order to give currency tothetr sales. By a *le observation, ho permit need mistake the genuine from the false. 'Each bottle of the genuine is. enveloped with a beautiful steel engenvirig, with the likeamor ofWilliam Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's sift:Mum and es further sceunty, then , pa rueit of Dr. Swarm will be added hereafter so as to distinguish Lie preparation from ell others. 1.70ve, Wit was not for the peal curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Swayers • Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavoring to give currenc to their ...mune by steeling the tom e of Wild Cherry. Reutember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Swinea end be not deceived. Principal O ffi ce, comer of Eighth and /Ince meets, Philadelphia For e ve ale wholesale and retell by OGD&N & SNOW DEN, 'MI and NVOW.I Isis; B A rAtINESTOOK Co, ear _lst and Wood, and MA and Wood Ft% W 5 'lllORN.s.l.Storket et; S JOINct, Ltbarty so .14.3 It:JONI3S' car Hand and Penn My JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in Dena MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who lied be. af- A Meted with the asthma ire or years, had taken almost every thing. Ills physicians eminently atten ded him. and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. Ile never believed In advertised medicines, hat considered them all humbugs. At las, he tried Dr. Taylor , . Talmo of Liverwort, from 73 Beek.. street, New York, and In six weeks was entirely earetLhay. log taken only three bottes.• This is only 011 e of many eases where imaginary oblections to a poem medicine hare prevented te,,r=feroarinarg ttda mede, who rilet=r3Tin the end ewe their re u' re etsve4lt ' l: lett: lible efficacy of las purely vegetable preparation There Is tio titistske,.that this medicine is mperior to " any remedy prescnbed by medical . advisers, This thedielne has taken tal years to nitiorre, end lathe so. rem remedy for discuses ever introduced to the imbu e. Bratirsartit Pm:mem - on, arm Steanews or Bacon Coaxn!—Saderbig (r &longtime with these complains. - Dud given . up MI hope of being cared. in lliad commit tal eke bona= and hamrepatine doctors vain. I had itsedautny ativeMeed, but Cooed no relief. In despair I had given up the use of all medicines. Ilea r. lu of dos great virtues of Di. Taylor's Balsam of Liver won, moithe great cafes It had performed, induced to me try it, and to my coma Pry end ammishment, I was better daily. I cannoned its see, also his Sugar. Coated Pills, until lam entirely cared. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Ltverisort is - the best medicine in the world ki those complaint., and will cure every one Maimed. • .• SETH LIWDEPICki, Cartel's of the - Nancy, of Here York. Arrow. Ceen.—l have Suffered, from the Asthma a very longtime, and have, pad every medicine I could obtain for Its cam „in omn, anti! L tried Dr—Taylor's ROAM of Liverwort. medieino.bniatforded me moM manifest benefitrato/ PIY Otni=r,serurn for Ws distressing disease; mare er L aga know of many eases meagre) , ,ftiet4s, whale it has been high to call ly moseetafaL Perm. trgerested . 'll2V • WIIJ teSidalßAlfOt furthet littera:witted' ; bIELS..S„ROTON, 4IB :Istari mi Bold ia Pittsburgh. by I.D 'Morgitso,ll4 - Wood ra; 'Download, 45 Markel X; Sam.r, Var.ka and 'lbw .; fled A Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced torel.ouper pezi B. A. itAtIIIeStAtASIII- AAtl43tl lo l l . Pills. Teas Cathartic tonipoitrat combines smallness of bulk with efbeiency and comparative mildness of purgative actioo, and having a peculiar tendency at tie biliary organs, Is enter:tali valuable in this co try, In watch Winna fevers and other complaints, at annied with congestiotrof.the aver. so mach abrmd.— Mailman nosy Maul Met toot of MI/ pours, and expert amebas proved thern re bb a earnand valuable remedy tuterniDtent, Remitenl and WHO= Fevers; Jaun t:atm- Dillow Colic' Indigestion; Dropsy ; Dys entery; Mous Voraltutgs t'Colds; and all cornpMlrua fau In: gazoniatory character: The complete and artiversal satisfaction which hos been given by these pills to all whit have once used them, rendsr the publishing of Ilhe numerens, certificates . in their favor unnecessary. To prevent" eneutnerfieniat" they are now put op In a led aylograirleUrrapPer. Price !IS emu (tire but Containing:lopin. Prepared endaidd br Ii A FAUNESPOCH at Co earner letatattrood,aa else corner athand anted septa t - OROWS COY-", It proved to be the great Panacea izt taring my eliild'*dieurmang -Prossibe Tamps-ranee Danner, Nov 319 D. Correa firrurs,Mlo ardent in ilie habit of puffing. visa leactaldel potent medicines, but we feel disposed to meommend Morgan , " ilgrup to those who are strict est srlth aoongb. Alter basing tried the timid reme dies to imam • conistard end distressing cough, that kid for seaward days nillicted one of our children, mud, ma switeess, tan were induced to try Motgart's cough rfram, and by it relief was dreamed in atew Mars It -Maria to be dm panneddin this qt-44) at loam Prepared JOIN retail WOW propretor, AMIN D MORGAN, Druggi, at, IM7 wood 0,1 door below dntmond alley, SVIOENCL test Dr JAYhys Ex- PrZTOBANT b aril& to all at roman* Gar llntaß4hits,Aoaand *dist Pal mo lrilththss a ft the sane istrum aU * m A *M i r alsSki ynin srt , sal Prthr w odor goostliesofths Mod; and where say b hum a:dosed fa try . 0014 *natation. thsy ban ‘ attetost invariably bent disayfastad fit nantistna thOr tnestfo , stbich tram reasonably istlittipslad front thi hi prinks bestowed by tha propsinthlns dyne riturited U. trot tool of hang. EMOTOILOrt, • nossedy that has nem failed larding thus, and which pribibly *nu iltsd utast arrastiog pstmonstY ettotases rthinared way Itt D. Aryan Philiattplaia, awl told on ALEX JAY NES :a Fourth a - DALLEVII PAIN EXCIIACTOFIIviII, la,ftve rnio. Mignon the time of its application, remove the ram from the severest burns, maids or blisters, .ad beal womids,clCers .4 sores of any rin d lotbabi man Thie-volcumble - Pain Extractor emt be had of JOIIN D MORGAN, Druggiat, Nr te,4 Wood arm?, • a.dr. Agent for WOlrterO Penn. TUST RECh2V4I ATV. SVCLINTOc K'S, 7 pieces ef Draggi; Tarr neh colors Slid good pettures, end imp cheap. .No 75 Fourth st. 001.5 SADDLE BAGS.4asii tee% I dozen radii, !lubber Saddle BapLfirctidiiar article, abbe India Rub boa Depot to wool .rt, oeti k.ll pIIILLIY y -.4OME YELLOW- 4 eases Chrome Yellow, a., 4 ..1 Jabs by_ °ea ' JOHN D ISIOTWor...: r"—i-5,--4-Si-7re-o-i7e stsrforetiiiirie Green, rupLi for rain b oet2 ' JOEIND 1110Rcii , ;:i_ CE-8 bbl . fresh Roll Butter, 40Wfs+otd,10 bbls.Packed do. ,17 sacks Harkey; 16 mks commoO eta, ist store and f or mile by J 4 R. FLO, D, oeseildinit W Rio,ll.sobzi to store Ind for sole Or *co FORSYTH & DUMAN, 37 First st --1-----' ‘. o , 9acost OirtisrWdettiva brand, to arrive; CO solo by 0000.. FORSLTH & DUNCAN ER -w WS Roo received; for 111/0 by - WOILL, & ROE - 4 ' 33 b " 81"ked Horibmhast roc'darui ' l'Or sabi br —____ VCI-:-R—'•AN &CS. „orr—li—iniblo(3°l4l6i No d 0,18 14 '2O to do No 4 do dor jun reed and for ing2B . MILLIat triRICIEETSON xstozi.-10D jpeit Rot ' ,- titElatAli i ., , ;t , a . .n._. 7 ‘....,., _ ..7.4.4:P,'-r,t:21W.5::+1.%.4,.4'.. "`" . 4+ '.. - ' 1 . 7 4. 1 ) . iI i li i i;jiitif , - '`, ii 4 1_ ;al.' : -..,.:.. - z,..- 1 , i'2 v• ...i.re:rt. -, ,114... '..4 2 i'..4 ' c.• ji, ±"..- 4.k.;1' :- , -- - ''',.:j;tl4 s- 1:t Aftf - , - -1- i 1-1 IT. , C4ll 7 ; .;,10 .....-6- r- , ,„,. 4 ...A..... . ; „, 7, 4, )- . ,--iii.ltril li p.l 1 41;11. , ;_ 4 1 5 .,..i....„:74 7 . -t-.-1-,.. •.*."1: - L, - ~,!"".",;. ..t. - Vti;:t • '''''''' '''''''''' f'4*.1 7 111.1Z114014 ; , courovro'sxmiCs OF, SARSAPARILLA. Wander as/ pimiV lb. Ira The most extraordinary idne In the World I TAM Estram is „pat up in Quart Battler: it is sir times cheaper, I pfeserater and tumuli& no. perier fay .Gl. : t coo Wilma . destine Pecticst ~The great beauty and simerlarlty or this Sarsaparilla m . At o th e r medlelnes In that while It aracUmbes the dlw emu tt /mitt:lrma the body. It b one ofthe eery best /WILING AND SIIMISEISu. MEDICINES Erer, known: It Doi only 'porifles the whole matem, sad strengthens the parson, hot It meat. ampere cad MA Wed: a power possarsedby mother reedietne. Motto 'dna Scathe grand secret of Itiwanderftd teems. It has performed within the last two years, more than IMMO ulapart time may be premed. Grebe Blessing to !Mother. anal Children. It is the taket and moat effectual stedkno for purify. Irr, the spawn cml veinier the eueenurs attendant upon c hildbirth ever Uncovered. k men: theca both the mother and child,' pravente pain and disease W ere-Abe and enriches the food. th ose who have hied it tbink ifirunlierennibte It is hieltlyttertui both before ItlIAl eater COUGnersent at it peer-eau doebea attendant epee:childbirth-1u Coensuissa. Pike. Cramps Seen be of the Fort. Derpooderrey. Ileuribure. Vainitior. P.lll in the Bach end Loins, Falb robe Ilcnbrehern eed in .ego brief the secretion, and equalizingthe cir einunon it be. to equal The geest beauty of this ecedklne in It b arrays see end the moat delicate use it loon seuebefitily. awry few erne regales any other bond= moot • fiat Castor OIL or Ilarniede tesefol. Fseee e. is the spun sir, t 4 light feed with We medicine will elwilye ensare e safe and toy ma. Gnentent. Baran mut BlMlth. evonetles. Chalk. and a eariany of pnrparthitem gave rally In the, when thrilled to the tam, very mosspoUli of it. beray. Tirol Hoc. the PTe of the WIN Bed cheek the cirmilMieit which. when nature la not the ed by ditha•ear powder, or the Wu Urethral ky the alkalies, mad In thole: beanie , . lta own liroduethee la the human !the Divine." ae well thin the yard. of rich and delicately tinted cad vonegeted Bowan A be., active and healthy eirculmitat of the ihaide, co the counting of the pore. Hole blood to the Clarartittan. that which Endow the commenence in the most theta• nu beauty. lob that /slash imparts the hedtherthehle chain and gashes of lerainen that all adcare. bat cone eon describe. This beatny laths odepring of se tree--tot erpeCier or seep. if there to not a foe. and hvltby eiretiliakm, there ta no burn. If the lady t. fair 11.11 driven thew. if the paha. and me 00.000110'end the blond 6d thick. ford impure, the is not bras tiff& If stele brawn or yellow. cod them la pure cod .41,11 blood. it gives a rich bloom to the chneka, and • bri Money to theireyee that ia Lamming. Tide 6 why the thathen..nd reipecully the Boor Ile! Indica me co mo th admixed. Leduc in the north who take hot lithe therelm, or. the conSoed to clue room, or have spelled. their =implosion by eke appil rati. of delentriees mixtures, if they wish to ea re d elasticity a stap, buoyant sphrke, tr e e eyes eod beautiful camplthiona.they thotdet the Dr. 1111.1. 'afar. Barramrilla Thoomeds who have triad to, an tenth than caviled. am delighted. Ladies of miry schtlett crowd our *Deli daily. Pledge Us the Ladle.. Thasatom imitate Dr, Towaseed'a Bersapergla, ham bn viably called their mut • greet Rsely far Fs mthat, az, &a, and here copied our hills esti eireetarr which rektuto the complaints of wrath. weal for won' —other mers who pet op medicine, hero Hoco the gran raven of Dr. Townmeire Bamothrilla is complaints Laitlent ter fevalse. retheudth that.. splf.KI.J”. niudy they did not. A mother of them Butanes, Yaks tie_ an Weslaco to females es they disease, ant taidermine the tionstiution. Dr. To teaturs EMa o: e• td beet remedy IM the nummone feamle root. yinUV—it rarely, if ever fails of affecting • pthstarthit r•tre. It can be tat. by tke mon delicate Asmara, I, nay case, or iry-tbose thpecting to become =ahem the panted admiteges. ea it prepuce the Bracco aof 'prerents pent or danger, std eertha - th am both tu.;tlier and chßiL Be careful to gee the rename. Scrofula Caned. This certi6sato conch:aloe) prows , that dna Sorsa. du Y.ralis has perfect OITT the obstioste r.... 0; or tha Mood. Thom parsons cored In tow boos. knpronadentel Three Childres. na Toruarrro--Derr Air: I hen the yloasnra to yon that three or my children have been cared , orthr Scrofula by the nse of poor a:m an na modielnao T,, or anlicteal ton seVerely . with had Sores; have L.:co only four bottles ; it took them sway, Co. which I Sal myself ender:mu oblitmla. Ya*". 11111M * 11r. SLU a. lOO Wea02144. Opinions. of PiToldass. Dr. Tooreverd la abeam daily recalling orders Dem Pito.lodes dlffereet pert. of Os Mkt. 'kills la to certify that we, the asdassigned. Physieksas sr the City of /Mossy, bare in sautoaratta moor& r 1 Dr. Tawnaenffe Ileaseparilla and he It to be ono of the 004 valuable prar i arationa to the market.. P. PULING IL D. J. wit..so_N S D. FL B. BRIGG, If. D. Albany, April 1,1817. P. E. ELME:NDORP, D CAUTION. timing to the veld emexces and Mawr. rate TO , TownarnJ'Museparillm a wadies a men Wm were forri.rli• m/r Anent*, lave m.maienceri making Berwyn. mil. Emmen Ma* Rimers. Entracte of Yellow Deck. Lc They preeraDy pet It op In the mme *Loped bet. ; and awe of them have stole mid copied otir Woe, derrornm—they am may ,wentilam LaiMiMW sbould be avoided. Principal Of!km me PULTON Street. Stm N. lc.; Redding & Co., 8 State ram; Roston; Dios k Sul, 132 North Second asset, Philadelphia; 8. S. H a mra Droggist, a.hitoons; P. Cohen, Charleston Virtaht & Co.. lea Chartre• Street. N. O.: to Booth Pc,rl Street, Albany ; and by ell the prinelpid Drug. mita and Sacasm , generally thrnaghont the United Wtgt Ihdlis and the Canada.. N.ll.—Parsons inquiring for this medicine, should not be induced to take any other. Druggists not up Stamnpuillus, and of course prefer Gelling their awn. Do not be deceived bynap '& and take no other. Remember the genu nquira for Dr. Town send 's. ..Townsend'a Sannparil told by the role agents. R. E. SELLERS, [lc-floral Wholesale & Retail Art, N o 17 Wood sir, et, and D. 81. CURRY, Alleg any city. jetlit PEACES PEACE II AM in MIMIC°, BET IN EVERY MOLIIEIES HOMMTI:AD. rr HE undersigned hos long been convinced of the 1 necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of Children and Wants to superecdu the ate of all those medicines which contain opium, and Min ,en oh suc ceeded in preparing and offering to the public a mem dee rally nanwering every purpose for ell diseases or me bowels, without the son of that deletenosedrug, or nny other calculated to injure it the mist 'The Infant I'l4 teen has been fully tested ana tried. the tent twelve months, by nonietoue renews, and found to pow,. all the egirtionithary swum, and tOproduce all the aston ishing effects we ionh on the Intl of directions. Dl anthn,a, Vomiting, Cholic,Oriping, Penis, Sickness and lAsenses wising tram Teething, acting immediately p without disuubmg any of the fintenous of the body, Lhe happiest and moat pleasant transon fro fVr m violent pain to • tranquil and joyous math of ad inn in the little =Cheer. 'To be had wholesale and retell, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOIN SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary, John Mitchell, an & Beckham, and most other Dr a Allegheny and pittsburgh. deel3 TAR TOWNSEND'S IS - Alai - ARILLA —6od -1-1 , Put received ef Dr. Townmud). Saret . perilla o th: most extraordinary 'medicine India world! This IS t eel Is pot up hr questbottles. 4114 eigtimeenhcaper, plecsanter, and warranted saptiibr in 'Orly sold. It eaten disease without vomithig, pinging, sickening or debilitating the police , Lt set. our ronbert/Sion.—UniqUMlPAMlpriee, have copied Oar labels, and put up ,mealne in the same shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written mg .:acorn of 14. P. Ttrarnsend., s_ E„ SELLERS, Dniggist; 57 Weed street, batsmen 'Third and Fourth, is Dr. ToamseniPs only wholconie and remit agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the • genathe l i article e= be hadi • .• D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegbang city, of *berm the genaine article can be bail. .pa t,rimrr- ,AN aIifIYWNS—W mdtata the agention °Mayers to a ogle =M e{ e woa. or wing stole sawn low: ANUFAOTOItIES. r 0FR1 , 1 14714 111 "IbretiNpEn aa.TAllMPA earner of 'Penn and Pt. Clan streets, ooposbatha Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn steer, respeethdly inform their ninon and the public, th at they nth Weltered ov tarnish and attend to everything in the hoe of Undertaken. Always on band a large as sortment of ready made Ceram, covered, hoed and fin toted in the very hen manner, all aorta and sizes ready made shro ad. of flannel, eamiattek and muslin, and all airier made in approved mitt. We keep a large az .nrinat ot of pliiire and blask,arrair, silk end kid Gloves, emir. hoe pall bearer. and mourner, crape, rap, tot et, and every thing neeevaintry for dreetong the dead. a. on rcafornlablo terms, as we percher. o.:1 Our goods in the Eastern ernes. Also, river plate. for engravorg ire name and age. We have azpiendad new hearse and hertz. and any number of the best carriages Panty thing attended to promptly and p.c.:unity. matt! BEIVNETT 4 BROTHER, ttFEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, Illroolughnus, Incur Pittsbur gh ' l Pa. Witrehoufg, , No. 137 ' . Wood sheet, ritisburgh. ipWILL constantly keep on hand • good assort meta of Warm of our wan manninenore, and mperiorqualny. Wholesale and country itlei• chants are respectfully invited to call and ez amine for thcmoelaes, as we are determined to sell chews-than !allover before bees offered to the pub- Chdem sent by mail, aocompented by the cuh or city reference, will be promptly attended to. feb2s P. Advi..veni. Jaraa 6. Lanus. FLINT GLASS ICSTABLISIIEUEN T. Mt LV ANY & LEDLI.F. manninctnte aqd keip eon. Itanuy on hand Cot, Moulded and Plant Flint -, ,e37 . Tre k In ell tt. ^anutieo, at their lyrilito6lll< Car. Market and Waterstreets, ritubergh. ar Works continue is fall operation, and we are a.tan'ly adding to ora stock, which etiablca na to fill rden with prentpuous. Purchasers are respectfully tile:tee to call and examine price. and tem, mylltdty __ COACH MAKING. FROM tire very Itherto entwerhga . meet the subscriber has received since he hes located himself in Allegheny, bas induced him to takes lease, for s term of years, oo Hop propcny he now oetelptes, in Deaver tensor, immcdtutely brittle the FrerbYterianChitreb. From the long experience in the above banness and a &Lire is please, be hopes to mer it and receive • share of public patronage. Now on bend and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug gLa r , , open and top Buggies, and every descripuon of ages made w order, from sevemy-five dollars to siglahanargL isepß•dtfl JOHN SOUTH VrANIJFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO.— HEALD, DUCKNOR t Co. 41 north water at, and 16 N. wharves, PhiPu, offer for sale on accommalaung terms, &al Mtge Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of pounds, half µpandits Ts, 6 , 6, ITit, 16's, (6's and 3Ts, lump.; .s's, 6's snd l's the and 13's Lailics"Pwist, in whole and half bore, ofthe following approved brands, James /I Grant, ()ahem& Itragg4 (.runt & Witham?, A Cahaniss, S /ones & Son, Itl'Donald. Webster Old, J Thomann, James Thomas, Jr. A H Arunstead, J 'lliornas & Pon, Landhorn & Armistead, J P Coates, J M Cobb,, Gentry & Hayster, / A Cloy, Id A Butter, C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood, 1 it Blackwood, Nom Page, Keystone, W II Vaughan, Edkulnd Henry, Porriauk Robinson, Russell k Robinson,: Beim, Robinson &Co Heth Halsey, It Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Lanier, J Robinson, Gray Jc Gray, D H Turner, RJaaueson, York White, D M Branch. —ALSO— . . ..... .. - - Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; ~ Yard do do do Cienfuegos do do do St Ingo de Cuba do do dol St Domingo do do aq lquria Zs Guided do, pall fill; dp Hays vilte do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virgtnin Leaf, suitable for taanufitetunng and export; Spontsh Seed Leaf, Peuria, Connreubut and Ohm, Vlrrutia Scraps, sweet, Verruan Pipes, Pipe heath; Scotch Snuff °pose and bladders;) Ittaceonba Meal; Tompta Beans, Havana bum Otto IL's, Dervarnou Calabria Llquerriee; Putout Oaseodish Salves. Sp unk, de do. PHILADELPHIA, nista _ on the GOBI approved Pastern plans— sad most fashoonsbla Eamesn patterns and rotors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or 808 riot BLIND. on band 97 Made Warder of all sizes. set st all paces_ Cbantry Merchants and others are invited to .11 and ezawim the above for themselves,. all will be told wholesale or retail, and liberal do made wholesale partners. weir A WVITV.IIVEI.T ROSEDALE GARDENS, cr LbTEL IIE Propnetor of lb. well known place ofresort bat the pleasure oPlatorttung the putne that lus estah lushrnent harms . been thoroughly refitted and repaired. tu.d the grounde elegantly I.aJ oat and doeotwwd. ts now open for tee. perommodarlaa. and tats tatters An:o ast( thnt those who may fawn hoe wtth the. pstron• nee artil hod all that they dews. pro. Wed in the hew st)le and on reastartattle lemma. Ito . detarmutett to •pare erre.. an ma or hes estahltaturtent worth) or puthe patronnretier has areotrnotteletwas tor oartling a few fatalism 10. Crean.. and Oil rettssh men. &listable to t h e season. mar:anti on baud )e.1:11 LF.VI 111/11CHFIELD. Monongahela Mouse T•lllolrifig ahn:tent.— ,SAAC WILLIASLII, Draper and Tailor, begs to In 2. form the eltimns Fralaor•h and miters, that he is nom opencog at but moms on enterstield steer, en der the aims. Hotel, • law and bemenfol assortment of Cloths, Cushman. nano., ICtika, and other Vemloss. member rah each other articles as are termed for gentlemen's rear. Kis goats ttltoe been e.-^e1411) . oh lamed, mod are of Itm newest awl mom (asknormble coperlor qrdny HAS evasusvar , ahe. each ruiner setnett camme Ina to gratify the teste 'p of the most fa an21:11 . . . TOBACCOI O bad Branch a Waituni 50. tdo do do extra pounds, sda do do 18, add Iro, 10 Sep Bo 1,5 lon. 130 do Ygh Crorcudnan 5 do do Plr.dr. 70 NI do SEISLIA 1I do half 11pantah do, S. ie hy D WILLIAMS -•-- • • CZNICIKE 1101!iT.-• ,- Javkng talen the largr and ra. 1,21 ozodwae Smote Hausa alai flacon lkoreltaa.• ad mesung oar Ware/mm..4m the Cutal !Lunn, are are p pared ID retake and SUM bacon an reaeonalee team glrit & /Wale. Canal heath- near 7th ai ------ • _ EI EMI FMB Crt CHEWING TOBACCH—H b/Cler'a and /no Anderson's, put reed and t mac by lIVCISHOR k Co, 41 nortl Inver and HI north arttarvra Plulatietpto ARA LEAP TOBACCO-- bzdes Yam Leaf To baceo,, orrappery, and sopenor Q uality—l. 9 and 3 .9149 lanthag from brig Antbraelle; for rile iq xsti iiKkLa urCKNOR a. co • k.B3LLN bls and 3 grows Gentian VAN median. bowls, fo.r landtog from ptt and for Ink by jell HEALD. HI:CHM/ft QCo Fl CND, Halurnore. ALL, will be glad ... Ftm.e order. from his (run. to Pinaburgla and elsewhere, for the parch.. of !had and Ifernng• du ring the was.. Orders eseented yr. cle.p.deh. and or fan.. raw. Charge. for purChalang light. mardl f lorros YARNS, &e--4O (*f !ha. amorted No.. C \.." Vara, Carpet Chant, Candle Wick. and Caton Twine: Mat La/ea blatitsti, for asJe at man ufamarerer Inwem pce*, FRIEND. /MEV & Co. t,n6,6n by agents far manufacture,. J CrfT r stewed at the northeast earner of