hiEDJCAL. ve.Lll.= DISCOVER:I'i coffsvlliPt S; BE 01V YOUR GIT4ELD , MIL t4WASNtS compOlIND SYRUP OF WILD cIII3IIRY. -- ....i.'ileinCEM Ilta • Comturription, Coughs, Colds, Arthmr,Branchips, wig Blood, Diffiettity of Breath crlo, I l ; nide land Eneant. Palpitation of the Heart, Influerma, Crony, Woken Con stitation. Sore Throat,Nervaus Debili ty, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast end Longs; the =Mei; -fectual and speedy cure ever lananfor soy of the above dimes es, la DR. SWAY NIP 8 spf=ine 8 P no lounret*fermanWarlis:sehOf doulhtful utility. It has passed anal from the thousands da il y Winched upon the tide of experiment, and mow stands higher in reputation, unit Is becoming more erien s ,,,.. b ritha d than any other preparation of medicine ever produced for the relief of suffering man hae been introduced very generally through the United States and Europe, arid there axe few' warns of importance but what contain same remarkable evi dence of its good effects. Far proof of the foregoing wargarantS, and of thevidue and efficacy of this medi cine, the proprierrir will insert er &weld= many 111011. sand LC5=061012 which have been presented to Men by men of the first respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility had testier, that to eer OW° facu, became it mill do another a favor, and themselves no injustice, Such testimony proves con. elusively, that its surprising excellence is esublithmi by its ititorime merits, and the anquestionable authori ty of public opinion. The trismnianecnis relief it al. ford*, and the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by iLS use, readers it • Most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. RF-\ (EMBER: "When men, acting (routenommen°. impulses voluntarily bear testimony to the troth of a thing, Of particular fact, such terimenyr, being contrary to their worldly latereins and purposes, coerces eolllllchort of its truth, end commends itself in a special manner to smiversul credence ”—Crllogan's Moral Maxima . READ TtIEIIO3I}IOERTIFICATI. STILL Alwriura Cu= or PeralOanti Cossesterinvi— There never weir a remedy dent has been as successful in desperate eliieri of Consumption, no Dr. Swamies Compound Syrup Cherry, It strengthens the system, Died appearatO Mud the ulcers on the lone creating new died rich blood; primer possessed by no other medicine. Cnmoa Co , Mich, Dr. Strome—l:War Sir I verily behave your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry hoe been eans oi saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which gente elly grew worse, attended with a soren cough. at resisted all ilityemethes which I had recourse tos sun inereaung mitifefy case exhibited all the symptoms of Palmonary t o y Consumptin. a n tvhing I tried seemed to harem , effect, and n comp increased sora ly that Inmate as Well as rayselc gave up all hopes of my recovery. Al this thee I was recommended to tr) your urvaluable medicine. I did so with the most hap py results. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the cough, causing-roe to expectorate freely; and try the time I had used six beules,l wns entirely well:and am now as hearty a man as I ever was in my life, mid siroald be hpy to give any information respecting m y Oise, sm ea r sufferes May derive the benefit for vrbich patrio t. For the tenth of the above sterament, I refer yea to Peter Rosh, Grocer Weal Chesser, Pa, of whom* pumhased • the medicine; Respectfully ) ours, J suss Mucous Maki Trinderful Cuie o f a liferhalist Mintrier. Dr. Swayno—Dear Sir: I feel a debt of gratitude dee to you—and s duty to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony in favor of your Compound By. tap of Wild Cherry. Some three pears trace I was 'Latently attacked - with cold Mai Iniltarostation of the 14:E which seas accoltanattled - iirfft 'distreasing , pain in the breast and bead, a very cernsideno ble barge of offensive toucan from the llama espe. Many upon change of weather, htnvever slight. At first I fen ea alarm about my condition, but wee pretty eoon convinced that I arm rapidly going into eonanmp. don. I grew daily weaker, and at length was eearce ly able to walk about, or Iciest wn above a 1.111.4Ptt ouch t a o ,aceedlng weakness of my langs. Damage:hi time Iliad tried various preparationaand preieriptions, but found no relief—growing all the time worse.. Jut here I amtt advised ard persuaded by a dear friend itt Wilmington to make trial error Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I must confess thou prerunuly I had been preM. , dosed against petal% medicines, and I am still against those coming out of the hands oleo:erks, but under• suuniing your claims to thaprofesman and make of =allelic, and having Implied. faith in the tayirm of my friends,l forthwith purchased of Dt.'Shavr, one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced its nu. My di.. ease was at that time of Mar omouths' standing, con sequently it was deeply seated- t found however, considerable relief fram the use of the first four or five bottles- But being a pubffe speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my i n creasing murctit, a nd thereby ; raptured thou vessels that had already begun to heal; in this way. doubtless, my mire woo greatly reburial- In mnsequeme am of Re thus imptMently, I had to case twelve or fifteen bottles beforel woe per fectly retsterelL have no quution, a much smaller n=hertpf bottles would have madame mond, but for the above ioduseretioa The Syrup allayed the 4ver !eh habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop to the discharge of matter from the large l mid gave *pa L i n t oh o entire aptem goal Maids I base deer red offering this 6..ue..t. until now, for themus of being perfectly maisfied with the permay of the cute, and now that I feel perfectly well offer st with plu Rm. I'. /omen. me. a Dablln eminty, N. C. • important Caution—Reital Read! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swars. - es, the firm ever offered to the priblic, which hue been sold largely throughout the United Sulu. and some parts of Europe and n 0 pre paratons celled by the name of Wild Cherry have been p at out since this, under corer of Mme deceptive circumstanes, lo order to give currency tothetr sales. By a *le observation, ho permit need mistake the genuine from the false. 'Each bottle of the genuine is. enveloped with a beautiful steel engenvirig, with the likeamor ofWilliam Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's sift:Mum and es further sceunty, then , pa rueit of Dr. Swarm will be added hereafter so as to distinguish Lie preparation from ell others. 1.70ve, Wit was not for the peal curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Swayers • Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavoring to give currenc to their ...mune by steeling the tom e of Wild Cherry. Reutember, always bear in mind the name of Dr. Swinea end be not deceived. Principal O ffi ce, comer of Eighth and /Ince meets, Philadelphia For e ve ale wholesale and retell by OGD&N & SNOW DEN, 'MI and NVOW.I Isis; B A rAtINESTOOK Co, ear _lst and Wood, and MA and Wood Ft% W 5 'lllORN.s.l.Storket et; S JOINct, Ltbarty so .14.3 It:JONI3S' car Hand and Penn My JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in Dena MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who lied be. af- A Meted with the asthma ire or years, had taken almost every thing. Ills physicians eminently atten ded him. and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. Ile never believed In advertised medicines, hat considered them all humbugs. At las, he tried Dr. Taylor , . Talmo of Liverwort, from 73 Beek.. street, New York, and In six weeks was entirely earetLhay. log taken only three bottes.• This is only 011 e of many eases where imaginary oblections to a poem medicine hare prevented te,,r=feroarinarg ttda mede, who rilet=r3Tin the end ewe their re u' re etsve4lt ' l: lett: lible efficacy of las purely vegetable preparation There Is tio titistske,.that this medicine is mperior to " any remedy prescnbed by medical . advisers, This thedielne has taken tal years to nitiorre, end lathe so. rem remedy for discuses ever introduced to the imbu e. Bratirsartit Pm:mem - on, arm Steanews or Bacon Coaxn!—Saderbig (r &longtime with these complains. - Dud given . up MI hope of being cared. in lliad commit tal eke bona= and hamrepatine doctors vain. I had itsedautny ativeMeed, but Cooed no relief. In despair I had given up the use of all medicines. Ilea r. lu of dos great virtues of Di. Taylor's Balsam of Liver won, moithe great cafes It had performed, induced to me try it, and to my coma Pry end ammishment, I was better daily. I cannoned its see, also his Sugar. Coated Pills, until lam entirely cared. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Ltverisort is - the best medicine in the world ki those complaint., and will cure every one Maimed. • .• SETH LIWDEPICki, Cartel's of the - Nancy, of Here York. Arrow. Ceen.—l have Suffered, from the Asthma a very longtime, and have, pad every medicine I could obtain for Its cam „in omn, anti! L tried Dr—Taylor's ROAM of Liverwort. medieino.bniatforded me moM manifest benefitrato/ PIY Otni=r,serurn for Ws distressing disease; mare er L aga know of many eases meagre) , ,ftiet4s, whale it has been high to call ly moseetafaL Perm. trgerested . 'll2V • WIIJ teSidalßAlfOt furthet littera:witted' ; bIELS..S„ROTON, 4IB :Istari mi Bold ia Pittsburgh. by I.D 'Morgitso,ll4 - Wood ra; 'Download, 45 Markel X; Sam.r, Var.ka and 'lbw .; fled A Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced torel.ouper pezi B. A. itAtIIIeStAtASIII- AAtl43tl lo l l . Pills. Teas Cathartic tonipoitrat combines smallness of bulk with efbeiency and comparative mildness of purgative actioo, and having a peculiar tendency at tie biliary organs, Is enter:tali valuable in this co try, In watch Winna fevers and other complaints, at annied with congestiotrof.the aver. so mach abrmd.— Mailman nosy Maul Met toot of MI/ pours, and expert amebas proved thern re bb a earnand valuable remedy tuterniDtent, Remitenl and WHO= Fevers; Jaun t:atm- Dillow Colic' Indigestion; Dropsy ; Dys entery; Mous Voraltutgs t'Colds; and all cornpMlrua fau In: gazoniatory character: The complete and artiversal satisfaction which hos been given by these pills to all whit have once used them, rendsr the publishing of Ilhe numerens, certificates . in their favor unnecessary. To prevent" eneutnerfieniat" they are now put op In a led aylograirleUrrapPer. Price !IS emu (tire but Containing:lopin. Prepared endaidd br Ii A FAUNESPOCH at Co earner letatattrood,aa else corner athand anted septa t - OROWS COY-", It proved to be the great Panacea izt taring my eliild'*dieurmang -Prossibe Tamps-ranee Danner, Nov 319 D. Correa firrurs,Mlo ardent in ilie habit of puffing. visa leactaldel potent medicines, but we feel disposed to meommend Morgan , " ilgrup to those who are strict est srlth aoongb. Alter basing tried the timid reme dies to imam • conistard end distressing cough, that kid for seaward days nillicted one of our children, mud, ma switeess, tan were induced to try Motgart's cough rfram, and by it relief was dreamed in atew Mars It -Maria to be dm panneddin this qt-44) at loam Prepared JOIN retail WOW propretor, AMIN D MORGAN, Druggi, at, IM7 wood 0,1 door below dntmond alley, SVIOENCL test Dr JAYhys Ex- PrZTOBANT b aril& to all at roman* Gar llntaß4hits,Aoaand *dist Pal mo lrilththss a ft the sane istrum aU * m A *M i r alsSki ynin srt , sal Prthr w odor goostliesofths Mod; and where say b hum a:dosed fa try . 0014 *natation. thsy ban ‘ attetost invariably bent disayfastad fit nantistna thOr tnestfo , stbich tram reasonably istlittipslad front thi hi prinks bestowed by tha propsinthlns dyne riturited U. trot tool of hang. EMOTOILOrt, • nossedy that has nem failed larding thus, and which pribibly *nu iltsd utast arrastiog pstmonstY ettotases rthinared way Itt D. Aryan Philiattplaia, awl told on ALEX JAY NES :a Fourth a - DALLEVII PAIN EXCIIACTOFIIviII, la,ftve rnio. Mignon the time of its application, remove the ram from the severest burns, maids or blisters, .ad beal womids,clCers .4 sores of any rin d lotbabi man Thie-volcumble - Pain Extractor emt be had of JOIIN D MORGAN, Druggiat, Nr te,4 Wood arm?, • a.dr. Agent for WOlrterO Penn. TUST RECh2V4I ATV. SVCLINTOc K'S, 7 pieces ef Draggi; Tarr neh colors Slid good pettures, end imp cheap. .No 75 Fourth st. 001.5 SADDLE BAGS.4asii tee% I dozen radii, !lubber Saddle BapLfirctidiiar article, abbe India Rub boa Depot to wool .rt, oeti k.ll pIIILLIY y -.4OME YELLOW- 4 eases Chrome Yellow, a., 4 ..1 Jabs by_ °ea ' JOHN D ISIOTWor...: r"—i-5,--4-Si-7re-o-i7e stsrforetiiiirie Green, rupLi for rain b oet2 ' JOEIND 1110Rcii , ;:i_ CE-8 bbl . fresh Roll Butter, 40Wfs+otd,10 bbls.Packed do. ,17 sacks Harkey; 16 mks commoO eta, ist store and f or mile by J 4 R. FLO, D, oeseildinit W Rio,ll.sobzi to store Ind for sole Or *co FORSYTH & DUMAN, 37 First st --1-----' ‘. o , 9acost OirtisrWdettiva brand, to arrive; CO solo by 0000.. FORSLTH & DUNCAN ER -w WS Roo received; for 111/0 by - WOILL, & ROE - 4 ' 33 b " 81"ked Horibmhast roc'darui ' l'Or sabi br —____ VCI-:-R—'•AN &CS. „orr—li—iniblo(3°l4l6i No d 0,18 14 '2O to do No 4 do dor jun reed and for ing2B . MILLIat triRICIEETSON xstozi.-10D jpeit Rot ' ,- titElatAli i ., , ;t , a . .n._. 7 ‘....,., _ ..7.4.4:P,'-r,t:21W.5::+1.%.4,.4'.. "`" . 4+ '.. - ' 1 . 7 4. 1 ) . iI i li i i;jiitif , - '`, ii 4 1_ ;al.' : -..,.:.. - z,..- 1 , i'2 v• ...i.re:rt. -, ,114... '..4 2 i'..4 ' c.• ji, ±"..- 4.k.;1' :- , -- - ''',.:j;tl4 s- 1:t Aftf - , - -1- i 1-1 IT. , C4ll 7 ; .;,10 .....-6- r- , ,„,. 4 ...A..... . ; „, 7, 4, )- . ,--iii.ltril li p.l 1 41;11. , ;_ 4 1 5 .,..i....„:74 7 . -t-.-1-,.. •.*."1: - L, - ~,!"".",;. ..t. - Vti;:t • '''''''' '''''''''' f'4*.1 7 111.1Z114014 ; , courovro'sxmiCs OF, SARSAPARILLA. Wander as/ pimiV lb. Ira The most extraordinary idne In the World I TAM Estram is „pat up in Quart Battler: it is sir times cheaper, I pfeserater and tumuli& no. perier fay .Gl. : t coo Wilma . destine Pecticst ~The great beauty and simerlarlty or this Sarsaparilla m . At o th e r medlelnes In that while It aracUmbes the dlw emu tt /mitt:lrma the body. It b one ofthe eery best /WILING AND SIIMISEISu. MEDICINES Erer, known: It Doi only 'porifles the whole matem, sad strengthens the parson, hot It meat. ampere cad MA Wed: a power possarsedby mother reedietne. Motto 'dna Scathe grand secret of Itiwanderftd teems. It has performed within the last two years, more than IMMO <mos of were w. of diseme; at least 15.000 were euesidered incarsbk. It his saved Ilia tires of more thaa 10.000 children dub* lb. too part seam. 10,000 caeca of Descant Debility and lirOwt. of Mervyn* Energy. syDsterm T apruarerf a bSi. r Tort s wh g o o lrest et h o e s t hheir muscular rum u my n by the areas of maiiisine or indisrave Lica committal in youth, as the eseesaive indulgerate r of bmaght 00 • emend pkylicalproori thm of the narrow moo. laadtoda, mat dombltioa, (attune sensations. premature decay and dedine, basis. to toward. that fatal disease, Coesl y tion, b. ex laxly restored by this pisaunt n oThie Sarsa parilla is bir superior to ..y Invigorating Cordial, A. A renewsn end brayer-at. the gam, gives activity b e d, and areneth to the miacubir synods, la ulna extraordinary. dewed, consamption Cared. Oka., god Streavies. Caosomptio. us es cowl. Ceminimptiasi, Lime Oein,plaias. Col& Catarrh, Covets, 4nl Settlag of limos, Samurais di Chat, Herm Thal, .111ellt Sweats, Difesh Prafara Zspeas. rein, raisin thie Ms .!em mut ces Mccra. OPETTDIrO BLOOD. 21is York, tpril 79, 1841. Da. ?wawa:ma—l veiny Were that your Swum. mile has been the meth* through hornlance, of savjug mylllb. I bare for en th ral yearn bad' a bad Cones. It became trump und,rorth. , At but I nand largo Omnti• ties ofblood, bad night Swett*. end tr. Emil/ dahltl• teed and reduacd, end din not expect to lire. I hare only used your Harsuperill• • sleuth time, and there km • • sebrlbl chant been wrought In cm I thanes, able to ~sit all Over the ajr, I raise no blood, end toy cough boo lett roe: Yon eon well Imagine Ma I ma IMAM Dm atmq regatta- Tom obedleet WILBUISELL, cumrir.o. Female Madam Pr. .igot ad r too for loc ' it Cotautptoa. Hormones, or F m th. Was4o74in" NW. o corthrs. or Ike, cdotnoted orldlac t Vanes. 11410. Incoatlasace of Una.. oslarolrtan Marlon. tbrt sot and for themes.] proaratioa of tbo olds.— . matter oltaties the remit of token:rat mum or mane prodoced by Irregularity. Men or socking. Nothing see be more eurpridaLtL . rms Its fa=irm affects Lai tbe .Imm. frame, ill mad Ws& Vida, brae takiag it, .t tome become robot msd fall of roomy under its htlittanoo It istatuallataly Otterdererta tbe bervelseacrem thofeamla trues. witieltitthe greet co", ot Barrooneca it will act be of ea, it co", of ea &lbws a itatara to cartilage. of coos performed bat He gam mare afielad, that too Ertel. of cases have bon reported to et . .Tboteads 'of masa obese families hat, boo witleost- shads.. aR.,r being a few bottles of this invaluable medial... leo a bean blamed with Alm Maltby ofrapriot. Te nether. and , Illnrwleal Ladles. Trs, Extract of essaparilla has beau asps.* pte pared In referees, to Conde complaints. No feel. Isle has seem to osppows she Ii apperstehing that toed Tke taro ef Wk.", amid any to as It is a certain perreetdra.tee any of des tonotrous - ood horedde demos to which (males ars sub,ject to this time of Info This coded slurp de do layedflo Donal psaa byway tkis maticim. It it len walkable far *hos who are approachled • 'nunhood as is is calculated to mist ostaro, by quick. emire the blood *ad invienstind the mace. Indeed, ibis boodle:111, - e lanlu6bllee far all the &diode glinggi ...ell, Which +protean are =ldea !. It braw the whole system room posonneol nri oral entrees, by rweottel the *position do ftly, ant m fkr stiondadail to to produa wilasequeo relaxation, which is the cue oteost mediaet token fo Neil* traduce. Wad ditto.. By mess • (gm bode es this medic*, may toter boa psi smp>ulapart time may be premed. Grebe Blessing to !Mother. anal Children. It is the taket and moat effectual stedkno for purify. Irr, the spawn cml veinier the eueenurs attendant upon c hildbirth ever Uncovered. k men: theca both the mother and child,' pravente pain and disease W ere-Abe and enriches the food. th ose who have hied it tbink ifirunlierennibte It is hieltlyttertui both before ItlIAl eater COUGnersent at it peer-eau doebea attendant epee:childbirth-1u Coensuissa. Pike. Cramps Seen be of the Fort. Derpooderrey. Ileuribure. Vainitior. P.lll in the Bach end Loins, Falb robe Ilcnbrehern eed in .ego brief the secretion, and equalizingthe cir einunon it be. to equal The geest beauty of this ecedklne in It b arrays see end the moat delicate use it loon seuebefitily. awry few erne regales any other bond= moot • fiat Castor OIL or Ilarniede tesefol. Fseee e. is the spun sir, t 4 light feed with We medicine will elwilye ensare e safe and toy ma. Gnentent. Baran mut BlMlth. evonetles. Chalk. and a eariany of pnrparthitem gave rally In the, when thrilled to the tam, very mosspoUli of it. beray. Tirol Hoc. the PTe of the WIN Bed cheek the cirmilMieit which. when nature la not the ed by ditha•ear powder, or the Wu Urethral ky the alkalies, mad In thole: beanie , . lta own liroduethee la the human !the Divine." ae well thin the yard. of rich and delicately tinted cad vonegeted Bowan A be., active and healthy eirculmitat of the ihaide, co the counting of the pore. Hole blood to the Clarartittan. that which Endow the commenence in the most theta• nu beauty. lob that /slash imparts the hedtherthehle chain and gashes of lerainen that all adcare. bat cone eon describe. This beatny laths odepring of se tree--tot erpeCier or seep. if there to not a foe. and hvltby eiretiliakm, there ta no burn. If the lady t. fair 11.11 driven thew. if the paha. and me 00.000110'end the blond 6d thick. ford impure, the is not bras tiff& If stele brawn or yellow. cod them la pure cod .41,11 blood. it gives a rich bloom to the chneka, and • bri Money to theireyee that ia Lamming. Tide 6 why the thathen..nd reipecully the Boor Ile! Indica me co mo th admixed. Leduc in the north who take hot lithe therelm, or. the conSoed to clue room, or have spelled. their =implosion by eke appil rati. of delentriees mixtures, if they wish to ea re d elasticity a stap, buoyant sphrke, tr e e eyes eod beautiful camplthiona.they thotdet the Dr. 1111.1. 'afar. Barramrilla Thoomeds who have triad to, an tenth than caviled. am delighted. Ladies of miry schtlett crowd our *Deli daily. Pledge Us the Ladle.. Thasatom imitate Dr, Towaseed'a Bersapergla, ham bn viably called their mut • greet Rsely far Fs mthat, az, &a, and here copied our hills esti eireetarr which rektuto the complaints of wrath. weal for won' —other mers who pet op medicine, hero Hoco the gran raven of Dr. Townmeire Bamothrilla is complaints Laitlent ter fevalse. retheudth that.. splf.KI.J”. niudy they did not. A mother of them Butanes, Yaks tie_ an Weslaco to females es they disease, ant taidermine the tionstiution. Dr. To teaturs EMa o: e• td beet remedy IM the nummone feamle root. yinUV—it rarely, if ever fails of affecting • pthstarthit r•tre. It can be tat. by tke mon delicate Asmara, I, nay case, or iry-tbose thpecting to become =ahem the panted admiteges. ea it prepuce the Bracco aof 'prerents pent or danger, std eertha - th am both tu.;tlier and chßiL Be careful to gee the rename. Scrofula Caned. This certi6sato conch:aloe) prows , that dna Sorsa. du Y.ralis has perfect OITT the obstioste r.... 0; or tha Mood. Thom parsons cored In tow boos. knpronadentel Three Childres. na Toruarrro--Derr Air: I hen the yloasnra to yon that three or my children have been cared , orthr Scrofula by the nse of poor a:m an na modielnao T,, or anlicteal ton seVerely . with had Sores; have L.:co only four bottles ; it took them sway, Co. which I Sal myself ender:mu oblitmla. Ya*". 11111M * 11r. SLU a. lOO Wea02144. Opinions. of PiToldass. Dr. Tooreverd la abeam daily recalling orders Dem Pito.lodes dlffereet pert. of Os Mkt. 'kills la to certify that we, the asdassigned. Physieksas sr the City of /Mossy, bare in sautoaratta moor& r 1 Dr. Tawnaenffe Ileaseparilla and he It to be ono of the 004 valuable prar i arationa to the market.. P. PULING IL D. J. wit..so_N S D. FL B. BRIGG, If. D. Albany, April 1,1817. P. E. ELME:NDORP, D CAUTION. timing to the veld emexces and Mawr. rate TO , TownarnJ'Museparillm a wadies a men Wm were forri.rli• m/r Anent*, lave m.maienceri making Berwyn. mil. Emmen Ma* Rimers. Entracte of Yellow Deck. Lc They preeraDy pet It op In the mme *Loped bet. ; and awe of them have stole mid copied otir Woe, derrornm—they am may ,wentilam LaiMiMW sbould be avoided. Principal Of!km me PULTON Street. Stm N. lc.; Redding & Co., 8 State ram; Roston; Dios k Sul, 132 North Second asset, Philadelphia; 8. S. H a mra Droggist, a.hitoons; P. Cohen, Charleston Virtaht & Co.. lea Chartre• Street. N. O.: to Booth Pc,rl Street, Albany ; and by ell the prinelpid Drug. mita and Sacasm , generally thrnaghont the United Wtgt Ihdlis and the Canada.. N.ll.—Parsons inquiring for this medicine, should not be induced to take any other. Druggists not up Stamnpuillus, and of course prefer Gelling their awn. Do not be deceived bynap '& and take no other. Remember the genu nquira for Dr. Town send 's. ..Townsend'a Sannparil told by the role agents. R. E. SELLERS, [lc-floral Wholesale & Retail Art, N o 17 Wood sir, et, and D. 81. CURRY, Alleg any city. jetlit PEACES PEACE II AM in MIMIC°, BET IN EVERY MOLIIEIES HOMMTI:AD. rr HE undersigned hos long been convinced of the 1 necessity for some medicine adapted to the use of Children and Wants to superecdu the ate of all those medicines which contain opium, and Min ,en oh suc ceeded in preparing and offering to the public a mem dee rally nanwering every purpose for ell diseases or me bowels, without the son of that deletenosedrug, or nny other calculated to injure it the mist 'The Infant I'l4 teen has been fully tested ana tried. the tent twelve months, by nonietoue renews, and found to pow,. all the egirtionithary swum, and tOproduce all the aston ishing effects we ionh on the Intl of directions. Dl anthn,a, Vomiting, Cholic,Oriping, Penis, Sickness and lAsenses wising tram Teething, acting immediately p without disuubmg any of the fintenous of the body, Lhe happiest and moat pleasant transon fro fVr m violent pain to • tranquil and joyous math of ad inn in the little =Cheer. 'To be had wholesale and retell, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOIN SARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary, John Mitchell, an & Beckham, and most other Dr a Allegheny and pittsburgh. deel3 TAR TOWNSEND'S IS - Alai - ARILLA —6od -1-1 , Put received ef Dr. Townmud). Saret . perilla o th: most extraordinary 'medicine India world! This IS t eel Is pot up hr questbottles. 4114 eigtimeenhcaper, plecsanter, and warranted saptiibr in 'Orly sold. It eaten disease without vomithig, pinging, sickening or debilitating the police , Lt set. our ronbert/Sion.—UniqUMlPAMlpriee, have copied Oar labels, and put up ,mealne in the same shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written mg .:acorn of 14. P. Ttrarnsend., s_ E„ SELLERS, Dniggist; 57 Weed street, batsmen 'Third and Fourth, is Dr. ToamseniPs only wholconie and remit agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the • genathe l i article e= be hadi • .• D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegbang city, of *berm the genaine article can be bail. .pa t,rimrr- ,AN aIifIYWNS—W mdtata the agention °Mayers to a ogle =M e{ e woa. or wing stole sawn low: ANUFAOTOItIES. r 0FR1 , 1 14714 111 "IbretiNpEn aa.TAllMPA earner of 'Penn and Pt. Clan streets, ooposbatha Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn steer, respeethdly inform their ninon and the public, th at they nth Weltered ov tarnish and attend to everything in the hoe of Undertaken. Always on band a large as sortment of ready made Ceram, covered, hoed and fin toted in the very hen manner, all aorta and sizes ready made shro ad. of flannel, eamiattek and muslin, and all airier made in approved mitt. We keep a large az .nrinat ot of pliiire and blask,arrair, silk end kid Gloves, emir. hoe pall bearer. and mourner, crape, rap, tot et, and every thing neeevaintry for dreetong the dead. a. on rcafornlablo terms, as we percher. o.:1 Our goods in the Eastern ernes. Also, river plate. for engravorg ire name and age. We have azpiendad new hearse and hertz. and any number of the best carriages Panty thing attended to promptly and p.c.:unity. matt! BEIVNETT 4 BROTHER, ttFEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, Illroolughnus, Incur Pittsbur gh ' l Pa. Witrehoufg, , No. 137 ' . Wood sheet, ritisburgh. ipWILL constantly keep on hand • good assort meta of Warm of our wan manninenore, and mperiorqualny. Wholesale and country itlei• chants are respectfully invited to call and ez amine for thcmoelaes, as we are determined to sell chews-than !allover before bees offered to the pub- Chdem sent by mail, aocompented by the cuh or city reference, will be promptly attended to. feb2s P. Advi..veni. Jaraa 6. Lanus. FLINT GLASS ICSTABLISIIEUEN T. Mt LV ANY & LEDLI.F. manninctnte aqd keip eon. Itanuy on hand Cot, Moulded and Plant Flint -, ,e37 . Tre k In ell tt. ^anutieo, at their lyrilito6lll< Car. Market and Waterstreets, ritubergh. ar Works continue is fall operation, and we are a.tan'ly adding to ora stock, which etiablca na to fill rden with prentpuous. Purchasers are respectfully tile:tee to call and examine price. and tem, mylltdty __ COACH MAKING. FROM tire very Itherto entwerhga . meet the subscriber has received since he hes located himself in Allegheny, bas induced him to takes lease, for s term of years, oo Hop propcny he now oetelptes, in Deaver tensor, immcdtutely brittle the FrerbYterianChitreb. From the long experience in the above banness and a &Lire is please, be hopes to mer it and receive • share of public patronage. Now on bend and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug gLa r , , open and top Buggies, and every descripuon of ages made w order, from sevemy-five dollars to siglahanargL isepß•dtfl JOHN SOUTH VrANIJFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO.— HEALD, DUCKNOR t Co. 41 north water at, and 16 N. wharves, PhiPu, offer for sale on accommalaung terms, &al Mtge Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of pounds, half µpandits Ts, 6 , 6, ITit, 16's, (6's and 3Ts, lump.; .s's, 6's snd l's the and 13's Lailics"Pwist, in whole and half bore, ofthe following approved brands, James /I Grant, ()ahem& Itragg4 (.runt & Witham?, A Cahaniss, S /ones & Son, Itl'Donald. Webster Old, J Thomann, James Thomas, Jr. A H Arunstead, J 'lliornas & Pon, Landhorn & Armistead, J P Coates, J M Cobb,, Gentry & Hayster, / A Cloy, Id A Butter, C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood, 1 it Blackwood, Nom Page, Keystone, W II Vaughan, Edkulnd Henry, Porriauk Robinson, Russell k Robinson,: Beim, Robinson &Co Heth Halsey, It Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Lanier, J Robinson, Gray Jc Gray, D H Turner, RJaaueson, York White, D M Branch. —ALSO— . . ..... .. - - Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; ~ Yard do do do Cienfuegos do do do St Ingo de Cuba do do dol St Domingo do do aq lquria Zs Guided do, pall fill; dp Hays vilte do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virgtnin Leaf, suitable for taanufitetunng and export; Spontsh Seed Leaf, Peuria, Connreubut and Ohm, Vlrrutia Scraps, sweet, Verruan Pipes, Pipe heath; Scotch Snuff °pose and bladders;) Ittaceonba Meal; Tompta Beans, Havana bum Otto IL's, Dervarnou Calabria Llquerriee; Putout Oaseodish Salves. Sp unk, de do. PHILADELPHIA, nista _ on the GOBI approved Pastern plans— sad most fashoonsbla Eamesn patterns and rotors. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or 808 riot BLIND. on band 97 Made Warder of all sizes. set st all paces_ Cbantry Merchants and others are invited to .11 and ezawim the above for themselves,. all will be told wholesale or retail, and liberal do made wholesale partners. weir A WVITV.IIVEI.T ROSEDALE GARDENS, cr LbTEL IIE Propnetor of lb. well known place ofresort bat the pleasure oPlatorttung the putne that lus estah lushrnent harms . been thoroughly refitted and repaired. tu.d the grounde elegantly I.aJ oat and doeotwwd. ts now open for tee. perommodarlaa. and tats tatters An:o ast( thnt those who may fawn hoe wtth the. pstron• nee artil hod all that they dews. pro. Wed in the hew st)le and on reastartattle lemma. Ito . detarmutett to •pare erre.. an ma or hes estahltaturtent worth) or puthe patronnretier has areotrnotteletwas tor oartling a few fatalism 10. Crean.. and Oil rettssh men. &listable to t h e season. mar:anti on baud )e.1:11 LF.VI 111/11CHFIELD. Monongahela Mouse T•lllolrifig ahn:tent.— ,SAAC WILLIASLII, Draper and Tailor, begs to In 2. form the eltimns Fralaor•h and miters, that he is nom opencog at but moms on enterstield steer, en der the aims. Hotel, • law and bemenfol assortment of Cloths, Cushman. nano., ICtika, and other Vemloss. member rah each other articles as are termed for gentlemen's rear. Kis goats ttltoe been e.-^e1411) . oh lamed, mod are of Itm newest awl mom (asknormble coperlor qrdny HAS evasusvar , ahe. each ruiner setnett camme Ina to gratify the teste 'p of the most fa an21:11 . . . TOBACCOI O bad Branch a Waituni 50. tdo do do extra pounds, sda do do 18, add Iro, 10 Sep Bo 1,5 lon. 130 do Ygh Crorcudnan 5 do do Plr.dr. 70 NI do SEISLIA 1I do half 11pantah do, S. ie hy D WILLIAMS -•-- • • CZNICIKE 1101!iT.-• ,- Javkng talen the largr and ra. 1,21 ozodwae Smote Hausa alai flacon lkoreltaa.• ad mesung oar Ware/mm..4m the Cutal !Lunn, are are p pared ID retake and SUM bacon an reaeonalee team glrit & /Wale. Canal heath- near 7th ai ------ • _ EI EMI FMB Crt CHEWING TOBACCH—H b/Cler'a and /no Anderson's, put reed and t mac by lIVCISHOR k Co, 41 nortl Inver and HI north arttarvra Plulatietpto ARA LEAP TOBACCO-- bzdes Yam Leaf To baceo,, orrappery, and sopenor Q uality—l. 9 and 3 .9149 lanthag from brig Antbraelle; for rile iq xsti iiKkLa urCKNOR a. co • k.B3LLN bls and 3 grows Gentian VAN median. bowls, fo.r landtog from ptt and for Ink by jell HEALD. HI:CHM/ft QCo Fl CND, Halurnore. ALL, will be glad ... Ftm.e order. from his (run. to Pinaburgla and elsewhere, for the parch.. of !had and Ifernng• du ring the was.. Orders eseented yr. cle.p.deh. and or fan.. raw. Charge. for purChalang light. mardl f lorros YARNS, &e--4O (*f !ha. amorted No.. C \.." Vara, Carpet Chant, Candle Wick. and Caton Twine: Mat La/ea blatitsti, for asJe at man ufamarerer Inwem pce*, FRIEND. /MEV & Co. t,n6,6n by agents far manufacture,. J CrfT r stewed at the northeast earner of <llr. cool Market *treats, Needle Worked Collar+, Wrentre Bonnet alL•ttos, very cheap. attar I d a Black Teas. • Young for sa IfysleonCy Impenal er BROWN 8 CULBERTSON, 14d lawny • DACON-1 0 crirks Shoulders, landing from creamer JOIll Pioneer and for rale by _line ROBERTSON d RF.PFIIRT, Inn second or CA it I. YL E. NFRENCH RFNOLCTION—The French Revolubon—A History: by Thomas Car lyle. In two volumes—sloth. For tale by aaNZEI JOHNSTON k STOCWTON rrOBACCO-60 bis Ira Horn aa Honey Tobacco, re 1, nerving from canal and for ogle by Baca 1.1141a5 DALZELL, rarer sr nclkilicio b1.1,144. - T Mackerel, branded bllarge, In more and for .ale JAMES DALZELL ang2 EATHERB-10 bags Fearlinrs, fer sale by FEAR JAMES DALZELL LOUISVILLE LIME--C on han sale by angla C II GRANT I 3 0 9 LY-39 bbis for sale by 1, Kuala lO e Y iose eon 0 grobebt FEK-1 nags O , by men liso. 111 store nel t auglb & W HARBAUOII allO laud 10212 Window alais . , just reed per ntsar I.oat• fe' La ne. and for side by & W FFARRAIIOH TI% BEANS--40 bbl. amdl White Beaus, 11 Ws by lane WICK & liCCANDLMS PEPPER -74 bags on band, and for sale very low by zoirl4 C H DII,ANT FIRE 11111-CIK the * -18,000 now o who, for sale b_ ausl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, from st ---_—_____ . _.. .. . .... TAARD 01L-Hurkbartlrs beim, just reed and for eels by anl4 _ 1 KLDD &Co eIHIFEEE-HO boos prime 12 - to: 20 do do Loguayear, V 10 do old Hoy. Java; for sale by ainp2l JD WILLIAMS 0, - I.HirtlB-lb bledi Prime N tr, 8 bbls eleatified; odo 0 crushed and pulverized; 23 do usorted LaaP, for .oleo Y .°Ol J D WILLIAMS gDICES- -- 5 - biii - s - menio; I do Peppe r; 1 bbl Cloves; 2 do pure Ginger, Pi 0 eases Musta4 assorted sues GO matts Cassia; I key Mace; groond Spices in reat variety; for sale by intoll J D WILLIAAIS . 13AC 0 0:2-00i1 Sides, to store - said ,r for .ale DEAR], ASH-- ar 6080 lbs. a prime ticle, G note end 1. for sale by antra YASSEY & HEST rrAl . ..l. „ ( e r j bV—l bbl 'IV Od and for 64415a Ey a LIM. T 1016 tritlAlr—do bbl. Corn ?deal, C il Adahum. 5..., brand, reed per aut. Companion and for sale by augl9 a fr. W IIARBAUGII knAILTIN'S OUIT/11144—A supply of Molij , " 7 ' l "" IV/. bossed Spantsb Oultnnjust rec'd and for ode by __ swag JOHN h MELLOR. St wood st __. ALUM-SN bbls Mum, just re cd and for sale by __ .- 3 SCHONMAKER I Co, 44 wood st Q_IKED-63 • sale by • Tlmothy Seed; 20 bbl. Clover aa. angt J & R FLOIi) CLEAR SIDES-10 casks Ciet{} Bides, hut ree'll mg! for .de by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, IN liberty st cppapd 011,-17arracited pare-4 casks for sale by au6lEl J SCHOONMAKER & Co WALE IL—Crude and Refined. Coy sale auglS J SCHOONMAKER & Co LARD -8 key No I Leaf Lard, joet'xe'd Rai f. sale by aarlS WICK & M'CANDLESS FEATHKRS-300 lbs puma Kentucky Fea th ers , fur .sic by .01 WICK & M CANDLDVS VON KENT—A commodious tares story Krick Warchoose, on Rd .crest. Posscsuon given Mane distely. Vor terms apply to .4123 0 11 GRANT, 41 water st - - - -- ahllLY FLOUR—Kept canstanay on hand and fa E Yarn by ang24 BROWN a CULBERTSCIN 'REIMS YollX—.lsoi m*4 M fat sale • JXA, soiplo , WICK & ' , 11191EPORTATION LIMES To* UNION.LINID E&Mi 1848. BETWEEN PETESBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. NAmU, Pittsburgh; HIED, Pease & Co, Beaver; }Proves. . CW7019 PC Cuemancaus, Cleveland If SHEntave Line is nowyirepared to transport freight' and passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or arty on the Canal. and Lakes. One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan, between Puteticirgh and Beaver, and a hue of fi n ,. propeller, brigs and iwhoon ors on lakes Erie,Huron .d Michigan. Pnaperty forivdeil ly part of the Union with dispatch, by WM. aI T. !LATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent., nor Water nod Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. AGEN7S:—Reed, Parks & Beaver; R Peaks & Co, 1 ounotown, 0; E W Cotes & Co, Warree; D Bostwick & Co, Breadpfin; A & N Clark, Newton las, F Lewis, Newport; J & E M Whittlesey. CampbelLeport.; J G M'Bride., Ravenna; Bt & C H Kent, Franklin; Miller & Tonle, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler I Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs & Co Sandusky. Witii.int it Eagle, l'oledoi Williams & Co, Detroit, Nimbi hCCIo re 1-Wlllinms, Milynankic, Wi.; J Winslow, Chicago, DI. .pit RELIANCE PORTABLIC BOAT LINE, IS-18. hug I . I.44•FOnaIATION or Ntrittlihhel.r. BEN P.ITTS.I3UR6II AND PIIILAIJP:LPIIIA. Propnetors of this old eoulifixlied and first 'unable Boat Line, having removed their de- Philadelphia, to itmut h larger %Varehoutie wk. ht., than they formerly °erupted. and alt in et their room for Yoreig, CT Plittplovrgh, are now prepared to offer much renter theilinch to their friend. and patrons. Good. carried by thy , line are not tran.hipped be tween PlitsbUrgli veld Plillnd•lidrie, being carried en tvely In Portable !kelvin 130 ells. To .hippers of Boor and other goods reollinng careful handling, this th of importance. No charge mode for receevlng or shippg goods, or advanetng clinrget. All goods forwarde m d promptly, and upon as roahonable terms rw by any oth er line. JOHN Mr FAWN b. Co.. Canal Hearn. Penn FL, Plusburgb... JAMI M. DAVIS & Co, febYA Nlark et .4.54 Coulun , ree pt„ Phil. JOHN McFADEN & Co., Forum',lin awl Com. .11 Merchants, Canal nano, Peon st., Pittsburgh. JANE/ M. DAVIS A Co, Flour Factors and Commo n Morchants, 217 Market, and SI Commerce to., Philadelphta. 6+24 JD - Advances made by either of the sliest on Flour, IS 00l and other descriptions of Nltirehandise consigned to them- &WM °TICE—Tine subeenbetsUnve Utsposie Moir in larrst in the Pearl. and tn., Line to CLARKS & of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH & LEWIS, of this city. Thep sent continue to transact business for the line, at lieu {Vetch.... 00 Broad street, as usual, and be speak for it a co:ll%oounce of the liMlollogt of their (sends. JAME-S STREL & Co. Pitiladcdpnte. Mare h Sth, I Penn's. and Ohio Tron• ortaUon Co. NOW= Dont,le Data Lana o f FIRST CLASS NEW lIDATS AND CARS, to Tu. rar. , lrr 00005 orrorz. rorruon /OM CLARKE ,t THAW, Cent Ilacin, Pittsburgh. LEWIS k BUTLER.IIIO Markel st., littiaderpht JAS. STEEL A i 1., Aut., Brost! street. N CLARKE A Co . 7. , North m. Halt. W PORRICK. Ags, 12 We.t street. Hess Vot mans C c.partnieralalp. ottbserthers havn th✓ any rusortated themselves togethet uuddir the 10 Tie Oi Kter b. Joan. lot the pcupo•s of eouttitumg the I•ustay.n funnel - I) carr‘e.l by Samuel hl Kier, uod rlirtt • , onnttuanre of the nW end patronage heretofore r.V,er.de..l to the house tiA\llll. M KIKR, Plastrargt, !Such I, late ILIICIVEI PORTABLE BOAT LINE CO3IPOSED 1-2iTIRFILT 4 FIRST 4 - LApp FOUR SECCION BOATS. F 1 )11 VDD—ADV/../ . IIIA AND DALTIMORE VIACANALS. ICAlLlttiAlae IsrE prepared to, meet', sod Onward ireorht the above and oortutcdtate places wtth u contra despatch, and sr as low rates, at say other respoesittle Roo. ••• - The anemias of shtmet• wtshmk to •end Pori or B. lan to Baltimore :n balk... pat-ocular!) o4toeeteal rnneharrangements etta , le u• to carry •ue • articles throngh to better order than any other .00 IkIF.II ft .111%) , 1 , Prop,. Cana, Eta., near .W at. PMabaratt. March 1.1,17 1611 & JUSKS---Comouswon .d forwarding NI, eteards, and Iro-. likoorou Salt. Pro&r.ca, e< y of Me Urerk Her ... 4 of Lot vrar. afol comp• Kn. ,rot Imo. tomr, mOl :he fell rt• t. Emonr•po mon rl , rotn Tatir•fl rote ror •IkAlt, C. Vi Taa1..,11 crmr Omar. •Mf rfOrm i„ „ • , , nr 41 ,1:111% 111 from Pauttargb. l'h, a., q 71..• UNION LINE, 11111:101:i;t1, To P ok .2 -0atL..........., UMW.' ORAFF A. Co. sou nowt PolsLocoll. nu - rtui, 111:111•11akn o A Cs %0 1,47 Mari.r .4 Mil C fl Kcoso. corner Nos& st. Hatt Joss F CLazko, 1.3.. (tl Onp. New or., Nl:lllCA—The st,le of oot firms ..111 be knew from and Idler Ms dale, u r,,lormroa oso Iteary firs/ &Co, ors4at flute...V:plus, as Douih. liarnybre” t Co ORAFT tiDI4I.7NI) G DL - 1 . 11.11, CIiAS 11l 'LI R 617 111—\R1 GRAVY. I'i:lst:art, PITTROVIIOR PORTABLE BOAT LITE REIM 1848.kialigh For th• Tnsarpenuerpon of 1411,04 t and frpot PITTEMUUCat. LiALTIMuRI. N Wrin=el nottr.trua ft l'•••• Mt:att.:pin. T• •ra • a tat ors.. Iltualturva nol eittattitattotl loor. to.tr.s no, to not op.', I atm, the prop( traora us., made r a ootov• tont., 61,11.1nfortorar , 1 gorml• •oal pr0d..,..0n •tt to a nor: on the most favor-rte. , otent• troth..." tot, ttrQf nil kno n pro naptnetts to taro,. otott garnal•--to. euttat totfery Ot w norrie oaral I%te- calotraott. MY Id met! ;get stroialtit, seerontatatal•frotat l totottpor• and attener• of prottnee—toeetttr watt) tate% f 14-1 F • Sttr ntlll2 I. troutte•ta moil; r to them • contootaere tnat p•trourtte they hereto, Kransfulla att•nmeledire All rottecantnettts y •tot katt mitt ra.er:•cal. ch•r gra resd. mot torornoleol .tt sit r tro t tatt, o .... • Irre oi rharle In comsat...on. •, ...e.t.a or toor•gr toterrot. tlsrstat, or .alort t . tt. •trattOoott All comnaunicsot, oon to the toltotottoc ENtIiBIDGE 17.• Mart,: to Phtioal•tiohts TAAFFT. (t . c. c.„.; 11 , CVNNORN k ••• •I, LAKE ERIE AND DIIICIIMAN LIME. ardoa 1848 . mfailat, HIM well known lane, romorted of lacuna...l. tok• RRe and 111,elmrao. between 11at•Ourel4 AM/ and Iselin owl po•orneer Canal Roat• torero Denver ttnd Fite, and C 4 Reed • nue of fin , ottearoborto, propel/.r• iand ve•oe,. an the Is prepare.l to curry fretcht and nommeer. to .11 . 1.0 n ,• on the Env Coon;, nod la•ke. Huron atni Mtrt,,• filvetng rifery facility for eonve..l:te fretzbt knd pn, *colter, with prompt:les , and :kap... 6. me proprietor and agents respeeduPs wile. titian rhea triencls curt. =none, of their patronage C RF3 , O, Proprsetor RKED, YANK'S d Co, Rrovrr. Agents. JOHN A. CA l' f. Are nr. I=l Is is. ECLIPSE TUA NtiPOIITA TIEN LINE. To and from the Kamera rat 11 Cumberland THE proprietors of this popular se, line. have's:nee their ± iz no n lamely Increased their teatimes to meet the wishes of shippers and are now prepared to forward a greater amount by the 11 VP DAY UNE. as also try addrunnal regular wagon. at low rates This bier writ tan throughout the year. delivenng groods through the swam m Ilalumore and Pittsburgh to owners and consignees .t .perched rates and urge Shipments from Philadelphia for the line Mould be atuked "Care,./ II Kobinron, Baltimore." The only wants ere, .1 ' LI ROBINBON, fel tt Charles •t, Baltimore . EDGERTON & Co, Cumberland. 6 W CASK. Brownestlls. J C Pitur&urea.. MIEMEI OLII I II2. TRANBPOILLTATION LINE— Thaa ?Mgrs.t sr. of thm popular Late have ehamred the Agency at Cumberland from Me house of Maxis h 114 got re or that of Edgerton h Co. Sinabargh and merchants are trahflad that J may 17 No! union. No Ila Staab Charles st. hrmor. lb. onl7 aothonned gent of thm Coo ID the Ea.Oern nines. Thounly agents aro J C BIDW ELL, P.M.burgh, O W CASS Dromnamlle, EDO A TO !I 4. Co Cumberland, J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. - 1017 — Transportation Compass M—M 1848 o, l l . EttllP..t, eLI.. 1848 . , TO PAIL DKLPiO A. LIAL'fiItIORE & NEW YORa vu vs:lngrown. An/ 01110 Lan. ean. A RE prepared tot ransport goods and produce to anti from law re cities on favorable tams. Ad dress or apply to D. IsE:ECH & Co, Canal Damn, Pittsburgh. HARRIS ea LEMII, Nos. 13 k 13 South Third st, J. TAYLOR &SON, Ago', No 10, Nlll Howard st, A. ADROIT, MO, No 7 73, est street, New York. Pittsburgh, hlareli linh. mar2o li•an.portation 1, 1548 , ntiga FOR FIIICADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. GOODS consigned to our cure will be forwarded .withortt delay at the lowest current rates. C A MeANULTV I Co., Canal Basin. Penn at, Pituthurals hIERSEILLES & RETNOLDH, 271 and 30.5 Market st, ROSE, MERRITT' & Co, 029 Smith'. wharf, Baltimore. ECLIPSE. TRANSPORTATION LINE. C. Mjle 1848. PER daily. Produce and merch./ire taken y a u t l ' oarrirte n !. 11 1 1 . r„ con wit'Tedt'o th ruTtitlrTujitio°un't that 'l 7 L " Alerchandite from Baltimore brought out at Canal rates. Time, five day . J C BIDWELL, Agt, Water at, 2 door, above Mang. House. Pittsburgh. .1 ROB 'SON h lntl:lt\l. myl7 _ 01 South Charlem at. Italuntore PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE, 1848. .M. 4 BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. Err Time, 6 days. .41 Merchaadiaa traairted at Calla! men. POR:IY'PH & DUNCAN, Apulia, %Valor tea Pjaabazgh. MILEY & ILA. Pie 471.4ight imam, Wows. 800 MUSIC, ,&a. Valuable and 4ttraative Neer Books. T AMARTINE's Nartm orthe. Girondists, 3 vo/s., 12 mo. Sborne'Lith of Cbeialier Bayard; lemo. G. F'. R. Jeuses'Life of Henry the Fourth, of France, 2 vola—.l2nio. Smith's Consular Cities of China; 12 mo. Nmadee. [lie of Roma Chile.; a vo, mastm; Marvel's Freih Gleanings; or a new Shen! from the old fields of Continental Europe. Copt. Henry's Sketelies piths &lexicon War: 12 mo. Bleurs Story of the Hauls of IVaterloo; 12 mo . A Summer in Scotland. by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo. Sismoodi's Locrauste of the South of Europe; 2 vol. 19 mo. Ruston's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains, 12 mo, Po.humous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D., LLD. The Practical Astronomer; by Thos. Dick, L. L D. Lki. of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Motorola of New Hanapalure. Luther and the Reformauon, by John Scott, M. A„ vole. The Middl e Wangdoin, with a new map of the Empire' by W nhanw,tvoit, 12 am. The Power of tite Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D D. 12 mo. Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Artist: by Rev. B. It Ball. The Czar, bin Coarl and People; by John S. Mtl.'" ll . Lectures on Shakspeare. by it. N Hudson. The Artists of Amenca—lllustrated 'magi nine engra vings on steel, and clantaming sketches ar the lives of Albano Inman, Wekt. Stuart. Trumbull. De Vet ra Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vol. e vo. The orators of Fiance; containing sketches of the Lees of Lamarnne. Tkners, Napoleon, Daman, Illira• beau, Guizot and othbrs., with portraits of each. Ileadley's Napoleon and Marshal, 1 , kln- Ileadley's 'Washington and hi. Generals; vole, P.his Headley' , Sacred Mountains The above. tosetherwrith a large collection of Stand aril Work, Clivetrak e ond School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON IC STOCKTON, Booksellers, jrs corner market and 3d sir NT EW AND ATrtiAcriVEßOOlLS—.Chalmers' Sc 11 feet works, 4 vols. Chalmers' Daily Serrature Rending; Memoir of the Lob or Mr, Fry, Sud vol, The Cttovent.by the author of 'Schoolgirl fit France.' Lady Mary, or NOt of the World, by key C B Tay lor, kl A. Margaret. or the Pearl, do Mork ClitTion, or the Merchant's Clerk, do Luc Pollok, author of - Course of 'nine" The Listener. by Caroline Fry, Lectures on Shakapeare, by II hI Hudson; Life of (Dryer CrOmorell, by J T Headley; Napoleon and hot Marshals do W.ihington and Ins General, do Power of the PulPit, by Gardiner Sprfng, D D Bethel Flag, do do Flatiron 'reaching by Illomple; Pulptt Orators of Franco, by Turnbull, ()emus of Scotland. Ao lat. of Rowland Free Church Pulpit, Ifvols Orators of Franco, Now and Then. Itelilllllf Martpret Mercer; Jacobuson Matthew, adopted to UlllOll *mallow.; r' Arthus Popular Tolcs--Birlfes of the Work!: 'Making Haste to Riot, - -Rolle, hove Wings,' "Keeping up Appearances," f•Delitur and Creditor " For sale by la.uorr ENGLISH, jels wood and .56 market st R llVY:nand tor .ale, a lot 0,1101 C .• Piano, wnh and ertthout C.olcsuatis Nunn. & Clark. N of NI3IIIIX & Vino°, with the Attachment, wa• taken in Fnetanti by Mr Colem and among many other testunoitutla or att. Ottrauon an, tor tits* eicKaut spotting", u( Alnerleall sodrousiy. elkeitud the tollowmg ittotark+ from S. Th•. urf berg, the ertatest hviog Iroxtrorr.brat 1 , 45, My Dear ?.r—ln rook - win, letter tn toy (nen& Mr Erand. Funs. I etrourot retrato Irom warp Taproot...! to you how much I was pleuocil with your Attachment, whteh I rowlid, a• grrat musical so, proyeruent 1 Two )ou on etiv p•rt 1.m.! with groat pleo•oro do n 1) umtoot mit i r love r,. Pon k now. For .le K I.Eli ou ER. l eri At Woalwoll'• forlllll4re mount, 3d .1 frW DOOKS slekocrler. In Europe, or Sketehe. of Tr•vet al France. Reie s son, Syr...eland Ita.y. Au•lrta. Drus..). Greet }Damon and Itelah.l Isola Ile appetelLt. tontalnapg °her rvauoueoa Eurepeao r.• tkee a/uJ medial). loktouPoha R) John kl ea 1 , 011, NI D Aogroa a hove . II) Ile author •IF.lro.:a W) ham '' -Two 01,1 Men, et, Se , heonool, a novel. hy Mary Brunton. •nthor o. Vol 111. Day Sesioural R,41:.:1(.1 Dv th• .ete Thomas Chalmers. D D I. I. D Altam 'D Comm.,. • 14.4 for eladdren ur is .m.„ '11:1!eu Ltenbn. .t.t7 MMEElliliMill lluttiChl—hletaonsla of the lutrahtettetli rot Mett...thath Into the I.l.wetent Mtettee.ruyr I.K.sraphical /Wt... ni .1• f...) wencher., sietche• Ito 61.1 rburrtte• (ttti I..rxt,nisvettres •,tte erg [urea' Ile. A t+tevesto. )..1 pubitshe.t. . IMMiEMMNA Nl•ti &Wk... the • e.orl , harire BF, for ‘l .1 u.hur to Itovord• of • •••••1 NII.n • lo•• Ar o r • amar, or the re.or "a. a.. The atm.., yr oh •larre ss•orrnae.o ol oel• •o•ras. and 'woo rorri•Ln. 1.J...1.11 & • r lON I •Pll nmar•rt si 1 , 1 ...1r•5r, , ,.1 .•1! , • •Ur.}..., &Mei. IlL••} ••i. L. .; g r..ts 30 OK t•. „ „,,,, e., mare;ne 1., curt. , ;.•obinmeti a pc.... Tr.,: • the flog Llad. I •IL., M1...Lc.... • „,„. no ,„ ~;;;„ that I.•t ...;;1 I.; at. by a;rouger .nd rrLt., (root sad wet weal.- hicIAL!...L,D FLEEI 4 4IN „„ f m n . D. , a , than any oth- . •- r.•water mat• nod aupertorlcilvte I V. Nr,•• o w , r .„ • Ana much Plol`. durable •P rvery neopea-t, each Ortrk t. I - rl Jane-. F.., ;ow, m a prewure at weer': uuta. sod poo -1 .auy 1 . .., a 11, ~, ag • haz..1....me ....ea airfare r and earn cOara, 1.'... sruh ,W.wrat,••••• ow , •naar a trout ...ow, the twat Wool hoot , ha.. given w create. saualaetton M• who .„ ar , ~„,.,„, • •.• ourrh•wo A l ki.•• ran weca at my worts, and -• a a... el •• • I, •,- • •t 1•••••• no [Are I•••••• ,• • leg suopla./ thenwei•es for then bulabuza. hood.wor PLP• I brwt. or 0111WW0f hard • • •••-- 'i I latokai pt • C•a” wt,lt :e o r.l dA. •rul Co( us.r by • MKT t KTOC/a.TON - ' ,1$1.4 • 411{IIASI - I p,..•ttraa,. on. Oriane.- re•ans,. , 1,,g WOOD TY PE. „d,r, Igo [TN •,1 1[1,2C,1 ,• Arrolrf , ll Rr.kN, ISA AC M. V SINI•P.R JOHN II }WHIM:4IN ha-nag as- , ._ ._ _ ouv74 • tom, term ...t•t• tottrtiors w ader thr style and " title 1 ., .. ..th , ...1 , ft. .r A Co . tor menann...lure of Wood PI•tallo Reasaa• P 111.1.0. 1 ., It and at torts type to aimasethet made by m•ettl fli4,l A 511.1..\ In It astottetrnt n• how. nely 0, 111,1,0.0,4 01 10•0, hi :tante,. one pi th. tarm, mood arid 'tlenotant fro rot e. e... 1•. i ll., tr., eettimlent that Om, oder a tante perfect %Mete ertom utt Rafter.: a t to t ••, l l iiii mmt at morn .ovres rate. titan •Ity bereto(ose Amu , two st.-ottml 11t...-..m. I`testo.. 0.1. ita mt moo United Stamm, and ate num wetly to 611 atm:, erstentart . • eelehratrol hmttomt sttnehrtmtnt 6n..tord um,. mr the unto. In ler mom nuateern sty Ir, and for state m • A , . orders midst...ea to Seholey. Ryan k Co. •t .^Z , •r till ..I.:'m 112 mood m 'hem other tat than:mld Miry. ortwoen %roma and . ..... — mm SomhOrla ammo. tortli mot puncloWly attended It. r ,-- l'tmosiesoso 01 neurspepers , on copying this na• vmtmement 3 month, and mentlong u• them paper, mot , ...lolled ht stret•e /be, pay tit typo, On porehamng thr.. ttoto• the amount of them bat for ad•rmonng. srl.l3to _ REED, PALMS As Co•.. PACKET LINK. ;,,..t.,giga; IS-18. ifEgew 11= lir-AVER AV EI.A YD I.IN F. vla WARW. `i eano4 I•or Ford. l'apt NS !were 1()Nr. of the shore Par act. ;ear.. 14 .Sundo, horep4.l. ornl armee neat morning W•rren. Where hoe. • ...we. Anth the 1 .11.” Stage• tor Akron tol.ll - 4,1,11.) lort..ng at each II there paters 14fore rught Oar .11 toe Parket. 'move Warren . ot N 1' NI end 17110 r II 14nver In time to tone the morn..., Meant.... lor 't itc...% A 1.1.:111:M. ELI.. W a rhrn, ) M T. 111,01)., r".Pr" .. BEAVER AND t.llll. VA t'KET lAN F. ~tai11, 1 1.1,0,a1l 111,1 ,11 , 1. Phelan- Pasta% Lt.., I, l'apt. c • Tit .0: / etc. • Pointe L. I.car. Vet, • Tratty, .• Brawn, - Fed-cutor Sayrt The .bore.te re and •plentltd l'aaaen,er Park eta have eototneer d rod/ling between II F,A KR AN D IF.. and .o t l run regularly Jurtng for•eaaott- one boat iray.og Kt, every mon - tote at , •o'cloCk.•o4 One le• tete Ile•ver every eventna. Immedtatetpotter the am vat of the otestaboat Mtchtgnn from 1 7 111•Iturgh The Itch. gr./ new and eontfortant, furnotbnl. •011 ec,II run through to forty boort Paceettarr• anV pornon the Lake*. or to Ntaa•ra Folic at And t hie rattle themost cottaturtable and expedtoona shelters through to ad porta on the Lake eau he procured by applying to the proprsolor• HEED, PARK:c A Co, Beaver /MIN A CA t 7 1:111W. Aar Potehorah, ear W•fer and Smoh6rl4l n. AGENTS --). C Il.rnwn, nodal°. N C AI Hated, Krie, Ph 17 C Wirt, lirern•ole. Ptv krrarland moil King. Mallen& Pa; & Plumb, Sharpetturgh, Pa, W C Malan.Sharon. Pa, D C klatkrara,Pulaakt, Pa; WConnottrham, No Chalk., P.. ,yl NIERCIIASTIP WAY FILEIGIIT L iI INE. .a:=33 1848 inuar .1,17•1r1LL7 MR nrt Tak.,16141.AT11171 NVAT nnoMv B ETWE EN Putsburgh. k Johnstown, If lidayslourgh,Water street, Olunungtion Col and Pe territnirgh. This lane was !armed exelustvely for the special ar moalerioti of the way husmess. 'rho Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal platrohiLge they have re eel ved dunn, the last wutdd reaper y in form thou ft-tends and the publie that they are now still Letter prepared to deliver h oods shy point on the Canal and Red Rt.ada, with promptness and dispatch. ranrartuns. PICK WORTH & WOODS, .1 AM A LORE UFA/ROE °nu N DLE. JOHN MILLER I Co AGENTS. Pickwonh k Wod*, John.tow•n. John NI/Iler. llolltthtymburgh. C A M'AnubyA Co, nano! bon; n. Pnotbu nth RJ‘Fen.cno—Puo , burgh—Mgnith A Sine ill, 1 k / Mr (: to 1 II Shoe:ll4 , r, r Rulnn.on k Co, 12 Moon; Nepnlug k. Hrtnan John Parker, Waal...lon, A Co; Dr I' Shoonborger. Pennglvanla Canal t Rail !toad Ea pressymet Packet Line, 184 S. ft.in. FROM PITT:0311011 TO VIIIIMMI.I'IIIA & BILL, THE public are respectfully informed that this Line will commence running on the 'mil lust, and eon untie throughdut the Emu°. The Imam are new, and of e inperior r lass. with et., larged cabins, whirl, will give greater rotator,. 'Ehe e ars are the latest construetion. A Licat will always La in port, and travelers are quested to call and collator them before engaging pas sage elsewhere. Ware only nine dollars through ) One of the boats m this Line will leave the lending iopposne U. v Hotel, corner of Penn street and Canal. every night at [tinsel'. c l oc k Time 81 days. For infonnution, apply at Ma Office, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH & Co Jetta Canal Basin. P..110I111•If and Remittance Oalce. jatHAN RDEN A CO. conunue to bring persons f rom any part of Blislund, Ir-land. Scotland en Wale', upon the most liberal tonne, with then usual nanemaitly and 11110110011 to the 106012 and eons for , e f erore ,o roo , We do not allow our passengers is b e ro bb e d by the scamps that infest the SAM ports, as we bike charge of them the moment they re. port themselves, rind roe 10 their writ bring, surd d e . splitch diem ontliout any detention by the first ship,- We say dos fearlessly, ccrr dell ewe of our picot. ger, no show dint they wine detained to hours hy us u Liverpool, whilst thousands of other. were detainee mouths, until they could be sent in some old craft, m o eh 2 p tote, iritleh too frequently proved their coffins. Pave ro onol to perform our COll/1/001 honorably, cost what itm•y,And not act as was the Case last season, with ether officers,—whe either performed not all, or when it suiteibtheir convenience. Draft. dravin at PlUshorgh for any am from 11 to Liu% payable na any of the provincial Banks in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wales. .113911UA ROBINSON, European and General Am; Ohl Witt am% one door Wen Wood, J‘,ll‘4l‘,. A.T11.11,1N, it.llll, %rt.: TRANBVORTATION. ificlusivoly for l'n..nne,• =EMEDI3 MSCELLANEOUS. SAIMIEI3.II GINSENG PANACEA! 9 , 0 THOSE SITFEELIIO WITH DISEASED LUNGS- - Tbe .nmeedente4 mean which hu ctentled the We of the GINSEIG PANAMA n all the various forms which imitation of the limp .- ..mu , lins induced the proprietor agate to r" """ lion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The rhanguhle weather art:itch marks our fall and wart, months, m always • fruitful source of COLD... , AND COUGHS. Them. If neglected, arc bet the precursors of that fell destroyer, GOSUMPTION. The question, then. how shall we nip the destroyer m the loud , how shall we get clear of out soughs and olds' to of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REATFITY ledi be found to the Ginseng Panacea- In proof of ilia we have from time to tune published the certificates of dozens of oar beat known cairn., who have enpen nced tie curative powers. Tone, with a mass a tea timouy from all parts of the country,.—from MEDICAL NIE.N OF TIIE FIRST STAN DING, Ministers of the Gospel, rec., together with copious no: thee from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied to pamphlet form, and may be bad grans of any of our agents throughout the country. 11UNDRED OF BOTTLES have """""'"d in Wuril THOUSANDS ANT)SNP OF THOUSANDS throughout the Dotted States and Canada, and we chi cage any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE -.- n which. wits, taken according to directions, and be fore tit.. lan, had heroine rnintly disorgmtred, it has aver fatted to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the skirted hews , ' aa by resort to the missrattle nostrums, gotten up by ct• own tntlirld oats ler the amtumcal name ni wt., no phy stem, notl pulled into notoriety by eeruftente• C. par sons equally unknown' NVltilst n meMetne al t:NPARWLIAII.F.O EFFICACY I. to he had, whose vouchers •re at home,—our neigh hom,—Musty of whom It has 6NATCHEII FROM THE GR AVE. • In order that this Invaluable medicine may be placed wtthhi the reach of the poor as well the rich, we ease put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, telt one half the ueual root of cough medicine,. it is Inc tale by out awful. in newly every wino and 'village nver wt.', who are prepared to give fall tam., ion relative to it SA.l.Ttta, ProPrieWT , Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio _ . A I.I.FX,IFIENY VENITIAN RI.IND FACTORY JOHN A. BROWN. TA KIN this method to inform his friends and the public at large that h. Factory is nom m full operation. on the west side of the Diamond. Allegheny, where maid intiply of Blinds, of various colors 741 1' 07 o '' s .. N r ' c oo r irs ' t. '" P ' i l tralt=. " a h t o r d /r! Ii Phillips' oil cloth wareroorn. V c ;titian Shot'," mode to order to the best style. Blinds repaired et the shorte.t nonce. N. II Il 1001. seta be put up without any addi• toexpense. au that Mei Call be removed m ae of tire or for aching. and without the atil l or a n screw delver iyl.lly&wilunlyS ANT PERFt. ICHI •Ae F.OO Divine 1, de Vern., for rendering the .tin son and beautiful Hrtuel's celebrated Nymptii Soap. Hauer. Indian Vegetable (lair thl. for gradually ilnehellalllg the hole, and proitionlig to Frovrth, 11. tie r a Liquid Hair Dye. forchanging red or gray ho r to e lieminful brown, black or , chestnut color. Ilauel a Eao. Lunt. Ith•eofllleff, tar oratorios a luxuriant growth of hair. Curling Fui ld . Depilatory Powder. tor removing superflu ou. httlf Itsuel acme Tooth Paste. Hoed s Chinese or Perusals Toilet Powder Hauer. I nrivalleil Shaving Cream. elegsiit Extracts a sart°. fragrult dowers, fur the ii•ndkerehici, together with• large assortment to row Pernuto•ry. met recd mod for ale Ity II A FAIINENTOCK & Co, ror I at A wood. also cur fah & wood spi THE STAR OF THE WERT *.VENITIANIIIJN MA:II:FACTORY Ilsoa ,1e of the At or where Vends • Itllnds Id a:I the dtderent sire. and sato are reel on hand or erode to order ele the late. and most no tice aroved Eastern (set tan, at the shortrat and on the ovos rc n.noaltic ten. , A:ott the cheap itocon roi: or Wit Tramp, 0.,1 Paper CortaAn• of aft the dafereut 'flea and pato ro.. on hood and for •alc tow for cash. Old Veno fool floods poofted ore, nod repaired, or taken in part ~,,• ~t for 11••••. o it M 'm EKrEIivELT, Pro . pr. 7•I 11 o rk door 'mod the host matenel and onsrltsuantdots. ado' war notedto p:case the mort tt.Outs. auglO-dly A..eghelti edy. Aug 10,1,13. PAPER WAREHOUSE. SIO. V EIVRLI PIG BLIP. NEW YORK. I !CU.? , W FIELD oder• for .aid at the love Manefac , orers prlrea. a very eiteitsied won rte ..to( PAYER eempr,ne every pecablo Tavel) ad, red to th• want. ol rot... mere In all adrenals o( th roe, Ya;er of ar t•ada made to order It, oho gtork of PRI PAPER unusually lanr• • p rt rh •of •rs earn°, quallty PA PER MA KYR S MATERIALS of of ery In 00..n.r00 to.] anal rpt ennsiatitly 00 ar, • n,•., rre, Cloua. l'oerdonaer Mc... r. trianam Inc, Torun.. to , to 1 , 4, Hope ..roes Rope, Bac' pa- turd. :or vk ch tbe toy,. or r uh [Pei ee Nrye \ oe ri 1.4.•t0g bruit. ran ulflaio Men. ISAAC GREGO AMERICAN TMLEGRAPII COMPANY .1 rt... niTSS, 1,11 A.ND wticzusci. %%1 ,. ..,71-1(.`: LINK. - . Ocoee •t the Exchange. Baltimore. 1.1/1, HATY2+ charges hays Leen .41, 11 •e•I on 911 or trout Hatornore, or 441kee“ng. moll • correspondpq do. nnn on ••J de•petehe• forwarded trona 11.1- ult. e•I of 4.taburge. r• It•ro -The cher42 for s ...graph despatch to or fia.more, Pinetninge and Vteehnig, Is 43 rent* fore hrot ten •rorda, end 3 cents for each edhueeal Tharp. a nut& for Inc address 2.1 urn. tu l nui the enozpiet.on nt the South Nemo rn Lino of Tr...vraph outo hletternt• rentt . to New thieso, de, pm. ne • emu I, tom...pled to Ilemptkok by Wuroute, mod tua..ed for New I triann, jet I The Allegheny Cemetery. 1T the A Incellng Of the C0rp..... held o .1 n. the Stn mat . the foilowtne persons were imam. nto“..) re•e,c tett Manuirrs tor , be THomAs NI. lit/WE, rfifsidrlll. .101 IN JPASE CA ROTH KiL*, NATHANIEL HOLM IS. NIVAN JOHN H SHOENLIERI.iER, JAMES II Srr:ER. J hlavay, Jr . Secretary and Treasurer. 1 he annual statement presented the agates a the Company t i a very prosperous conditton. Their office .0 the city ts No 37 W••er street. tel 2 1)A CA RI h I.IIIKA ft Y, s ischoo and Fains.ie• --Th. work comas. air:verity volumes. and contains firs hundred different subjects. illustrated with SOO engravings. It 111 1.11 entirely ortfinal series, recent:y written and completed by S (stralrieh, au thor of Peter Parley, T. le, and is designed to exhi bit in popular form, Select Ifiographies ancient and modern; the wonders and rurtosnse• o( History. Na• tom Art. Science. and l'hilo.ophy, with the practical duties of lite • . Thy price per Vol. ta tenth each sontalning about 34” pngto. 12 mo; or 91. per .1 Foe sale by acU R HOPKINS. Apollo Buildings, 4th st Hardware—Cheaper than lt - verl T 04 i AN, WILSON tc CU, Importers and Wholesale j Dealers in Hardware. Cutlery and Saddlery, No WV Wood street. shove PIM. have now in store a very cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, Imported since the decline of priers in EllrOpei end which they nee deter Mined ll{ I I correspondingly low. Merchants who have been in the habit of going East, are rmelt- I s os requested to call and look through mu stock.. we confidently Leh.° they will save their aspens.. oet.7 JusT Rlte El VKU at W. Welintoek's, No. 75 Fourilt street, end Mr wale cheep 3 p. ex sap Zphy carpet, new style t In do do fine log. do do, some very elegant 5 do do do do do do 5 do cot. do do tin MS low uhl cents; 5 do do Von. do rob mple , I c.c. of Thompsonv ilia ugs. unourp.sed in style rean. purchasing for dwelhogs, hotels and steam hosts would do well by culling and examining our .Trek before pure h.ing elsewhere sepl ORIGINAL 'BOLIVAR BRICKS.' V.X P Milk:NOW judges, on Mall thisone and half nullonia, antra It4S. pronounce article motor pa...ad for durability to the conatruction of all kinds of Furnaces Place 871.7.5 cash for loads of lu Al, guar noteed lu nth, use. Orden for a iiecond quality Itobvar Brick. will lie executed 81 BA , a hl, if so &- sued. Without guarantee. A stuck of the first quality Is now fur sale at the warehouse, •riloan'u Wharf,' Ca. nal Basin. by I x4IIAW NIACLAREN, •Ipit:tf Ke too noon Iron Works. DII(ENIX FIRE BRICEF--The subscribers hostas 1. been appottued sole Agents by the inunufaccurers, fur the sale of the celebrated 'Thema: Bricks." are now prepared to h,l orders not ally quantuy, at CR, east, per I.UOU For the constructlon of furnaces of all binds. these brinks have been pronounced by corn. octet, Judges as being supcnor to all other bee bricks nuts in use. C A AEANULTY lc Co, Canal Boon. myitu EIiIIARJY ON JOBN QUINCY ADANlB—Dolivered May 11th. Iwle, at the :School !louse of the Sixth and Itutaistrgh By IL Al Breckenridge. Pubitabed by JoliNsrofi le sorocicroN, and for sale by all the Booksellers/II the city, SUN 1311.11 , - , 1. . g. Prlmo R C-.16.ei lOU half eltestsl H Tea, 1.1 do 6 l' do 'V do Black do WO boo 3s,lea nud ab lump, James Haver Tobacco. bag. Prop,. 13 do Allapacc: :10 blab. r , 011; 'CO do large Sn 3 Mackerel, together with a gen oral cusornnent of l'itort.turgli trinnoluetured to atore and or +tile Ly tuarr D.U.ZELL Sr. Co, !Abe., an VAHD. Al Ali N ES' A —il ca.,. Just reed and for rale b! ..eth. — R E SELLERS IA L'IJ NI AGN ESI A —II/ cnso• just reed anal for sale . \-I by oeti, R. E SELLERS i ,H o u c tl , —)ui lb. or( recd and ior ; t ot , 1 . y..._.,,.., V.._ E" ..."' W VITA R'S kIALSAM OF WILD CHERRY-1 9 VT dot 'LIM received end ior sale by oet9 1 KIDD h Co ANTRU IMMEDIATRLY-60 hosbels Trotorßy TV ...soed, by R T LEECH, Jr, 133 Wood .t iI!JUf i AMIMI, OR DIFFICERZINMOULATRCO This disease atom& It y a pan:limn! canstota• . is of tho air. cello; A Is rny databtabag, atmott cans. ivalbeatiat. DR. bVi isisTablb'S PtaCral. is its o certain cam oaroeueos eon to =bet/ meal by a bee as of Or. Bareasaer*. Panacea. Catarrh, or common cold. h whielsa if neglected. RID m Cons...ex effectually re WO cured by R. garnets.% Panacea. Bronchitis, If unchecked, will effectoally lead to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely Om of Dr. Sweat. scr's Pommes, will effectually cure at. Inflaminancin of the Tonsils or Rota Throat.-;-Thls disease often leads to serious consequences from neg• feet, such as oleeration of the throat On the Ent 1)=1. ton., R. Sweertser's Panacea should be proem , . and used freely. Coughs .d Colds find a sovereign remedy inter; Bemeter's Fonseca. Pneumonia Naha.—A very fatal disease, malting from a violent cough and .1d on a debilitated or Oro ten down constitution: seed p.p... R. SvrecterN P... should e toted on the BM symptoms, wrath area cough or cold Night Sweata.—This debilitating complaint grill Meet emit a timely chest , by using R . Sweets. s Pantos& Consumption.—lfon the fin{ appearance of consul* doe symptorVich are a poin m the aide .d breast, cough or milt of blpod, Sureetser's Pongees Is freely used, no ger need be upped:tended When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tube become e lilted up with phlegm so as to torpedo Watyd. nowt or brelaiung, Dr. Sw.Werl Panseea, which • y ou Expectorunt, should be taken .cording to the direetiono, distressingepidemic, so prevalent In our climate, ii speedily cored by R . Sometimes Pung- Pc SI eg , boule, or six troul. tu ber . • For side by WM. 'AMMON, Bill ty st,sigh of he tug boot. novaisiy To the Ideate.' Proteesiola and Pubfic• FAKER'S FARINA, now In use at the tiospiials Asylums, and other public establishments, kind an by some of the most distinguished #hy sums. and chemists, as an article of diet for children and invalids, much supenor to arrow root, Nagai bit., far more stningthenmx, plemant to the tulle. no 484 Y of thgesuon. Put up to :81 lb. boxes of half lb. parrs, each accompanied noth pruned directions for codling, rec. Liebtr, m tag Agriculturist Chemistry, p. 48, PhD. ed, observe.. "Children fed upon arrow -root, salep, or indeOtkaOY kind of antylalaccou. food, winch does contain lOgre. Meets fitted for the formation of bones and atusitles, become fat, nod acquire mash ka5.0577'.71 their l,mbs appear full, but they do not acquire strength, aor are their organs properly develop." to the analysts of the Forum mad• by Prof. Rend of New York, among other cormunuents. he gives k 5 per centof lotion and albumen: and remarks that the clams of the Farina upon the Medical Professictir and the public will rest upon it. containing in the Outten end albumen, vegetable filinne and other nitrogeotked bodies not found to arrow root or similar sunsUarkees, and which modern chemistry has ponder:l our as:being neceseamy to the formanon of human fibre, amt by of which natant make.. up for the constant mean. wet.. that lakes place art the human body. Fur rale wholesale or ertul, Ly K E SELLEFtE, sepia 57 wood at Ml=Xff= IT is a groat sausfactiou to us to be able Was publicly to announce. that the great demand for our superior and splendid preparations of oar .FAMILY MEDI CINES." far exceeds our 1311.1..sangume expeetarlons, particularly our Indian Expectorant and Compoond carminative Balsam, which for bewor of appearince, superiority of ing,redierim, and the compounding of them, together with the Immeodo disparity in the rise prom. bottles over any others—the beautiful and orna mental engravings, arol the taste displayed in this put ting of them op, is a further incitement to the porches . And as many of my old friends who lrneri me (-13. Cill•VE3 Lornim,") when in the employment of Dr. D Jayne, l nom beg leave respectfully to' inform them Mat I am one of the firm of LOCDM It Co., ...No. &I Arch street, below Thinl,Buthsnwrms., where I shall be happy to see them; who, aided by his brother, a regulur graduate of the .Plulailelpkla College of Phiv macy." make, pot up, and compound, with oor4rism hands. every article composing our .Family air fifedi neies," Indian Expectorant. Compowd Cumin e Balsam, Compound Tonle Vermiform, West Indian Sanwva DMA and Oriental Hair Tonics. . . We farther beg leave to remark, tand me do, inteith • confidence that cannot be shaken,) that we beaidie covered and made an improvement on oar Oriental Hair Tonic, that fir exceeds any thing ever adored to the public. Give o. a rail at No. 64 ARCH diem. Our term, alone are an inducement, and we are net of the renal!. augt3rh HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISIIMUNT, ni11.L.11,3171011, Ms,. co, TA. ELWARO ACKF.R., lakes this mean' Of ra j/ turiong his thanks to his friends and Mei subtle for the extensive patronage he has received, and at in forming thorn that he tom latelyerected • large and well constructed budding, for the exclusive pat sea of his WATER CL'RE F-ITABLISILNIENT al has old location, at ffhillmsburgly Pu n on the Ohio river, appo site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where hale ready to receive patients as boarders, and treat them on Hy dropathic principles. In addition to kis long expon endand the great saceesa which has heretofore at ed his treatment of patients committed is hoseare, h. has now the additional facilities afforded by ex teive betiding erected expressly for the parpbst,COlP tam ns ing eons:nations and airy room., and Slued- up web every neceesery apparstus for bathing, and ddlsdnts- lean; Me treatment to the utmost benefit and. comfort of the pauero. Plullmsburgh Is • most delbshtful and healthy village, rosy of access by atearriboata and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acket amerce thouafftieted persons who may place themselves un der his rare, that every autannou shall be paid Lp their comfort, and as •ItiasSurane• attic subsuoitial benefits to be denvbd.point. with confidence to the' hun dred. who have heen rermaneelly cased at his Petah hahtneol. The Water Cure leave. no columns effects 'veto& as to too often Use cut with those Who hare bran treated on the old system. It removes thii /as, Inyt•Orates the system. protects from the dangers I.arlderil to 'changes 01 the weather, creates.% natural and acute appetite, and Imparts ',got to theidigestive powers. Terms of treatment and lioardmg ream:amble. For further' particulars kaquitv at the estahludiment, or ouldrese the proprietor at Mtllipsburgh. Ml9==lM=l . _ We have been informed by blrs Rome-of neon per &caned on lee by Din Jnranaha Alatorattrey which proves its ,ammrsority over every other c0...4d', of the Mod. StreAss been allitemil for the lasi emteen;yeara with NErRtiMiIES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended ulterimmol Mid entoliation of variants bones, do. norwhieteuroe many pieces bare been discharged bow thei rental boa of 0113:1111111, he both heir arms, wrists•amPhands, and ham both legs,aad from the left ferocal Woe, and from ,the right knee,. besidam painful Meer, on other parts of bee person, urtimh have baffled the skill of a number of the mostentiocot physicians of oar ern—daring most of the Moe her meenrigh have been ego-Mating and deplorable. About three months .10ee Inc 'was induced to try Dr. Jay.'s Anetatrica, Kb ice bat bad an astonishurtgly happy effeetupota her, by remneitig all pain ma melting*, and causing the a4cer• to heal. 'Mole at die mune time tier generathealth ban mane CoMpictely retuned, se that abe war Metro t 3 Ito more man Me did before abe commented the use ofMi. truly ematatik timpatton—lMat Eve. Post For tarter intormatme, Inquire of Mts. Rote, No. PM Filbert Philadelphia. For .nee in Pittsburg* at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 71 Fourth at. near WOOL 7 It, C ROFU LA AND SCROFULOUS 'SWELL INUS.—Scrolula in all its multiplied forma whetter in that of King's Evil, enlargements n the glands °Oboe., Lioitre, White Swollinge, Ctirosuc Itheumatiam,Unnser, diseases of the Skin or Spins, or of Pahnoaary Consumpthan, emanate frtw one and the same caste, which is a poisonous principle more or less inherent in the ham. system. 'There. fore, unless this pnacfple caw be destroyed, do radi• cal care can be effected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, A cure most of Itectusity follow, no matter nuderatilMt lam the uiseue should manliest itself. therefore is the realm. relay Jager.% ALTILILATITIR so so net versally successful in removing go many malignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from "hien those diseases have their erigua, by entering unto the lirculation, and with the blood it cObveyed to the minuteat fibre, removing every particle of discise from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 13 South Third Street, Philadelphoi. Sold at the Pekin Tea Stare, No. '7l Fourth three. Fatah...ugh nich3l LADIDZS Who Use Common Prep...C.lk, are °ilea not ...rare how fuel:airily immune; t is to the skin:: how coarse, how rough, how sallaw, ) and unheialthy the skin appears after lasing prepared chalk: Besides, it iv tajorloos, containing Marge eaaa tip of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call innocent, BPANIKII LILY It is perfectly tunocent, being pumftedief all deletenou utaltues; and it imparts to the skin a natu ral. heal My, alabaster, clear, living white, ,at Me same time acting a eoslact. on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa charm., any's: "After misty...a Jones's :Vanish Lill, White, I find it possesses the most beauttfal and natu ral, at the RAMC time innocent white l Mies saw. I certainly . e. conscienumisly recommend its One to all whose skin reveres beanufying.” tor ?lice 23 cents a trot. by SYN. JACKLSDN, at hla Soo! and Shoe Store, 851 Liberty seem, head of Wood, at. thk sign of the lig Do. r:e Ladles, ladies, Per astonished, When yea knew that you are promised A. natural, life-lake, snowy white, That yen will still use common chalk, And look. deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. If you would use a boa of JONES Ltllywhite, it would give year slue an alabaster yet natural whim, and at the same time clear and improve:lt, Sold at JACKSON'S, mi Liberty al. Price 23 eents, per hex. .776 _ JOHN D. RIORDAN, A 'ki(). oh Wood Crest, .111 door south of -.Diamond 1.1 alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, offers for sale [tai lot of lamas, Medicines, Oda, Paints, Varnishea, estufli and Pmfuniery, F'oreign and Domestic, to sr ,an h e calla the attention of drugmats, physicians and me.. vialung the city, as he is determined to sell at very low peter., and give general satidactioq. Goods warranted and cheap. Varnish N. I and 2 N. York mauttiacture; also Japan and Black Lead:tea - Varnish, es, of superior quality. Also, Whit. and-Rea Lead at pnces lower than heretofore offered. 7; D. hl. also manufacturea celebrated Conghßytilp,whib hoe given general saisafaction to all in the ,Miring of coughs, cold.. hoarseness, influenza, whooping cough, aaoup, etc, once ZS cents per bottle. Ali. Alorgan's Indian Liver Pill., • certain CMS. for livet <manhunt. melt headache, and all Marius complaints. ' Puce .4 cis per hapiN Dr. W. P. Inland's Premiums ?Mater. R.. W. P. LNLAND, GM, Medical Cotter. b( Phil adeilphie,, now offers to tbe public hiainnian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of Which, after long and mod experience, has been satilfatinnly es tabfiehed. To all women who may be afflicted wait Noisome Ulnae or ilstlen Womb, he recommends has placer, guaranteeing a sure and speedy :Mr.: in the short space of from two to thee week., tf applied with ear, and reatl—diseardiug all the countless matruments and expensive bandages en long In use. Titi be (eat. couch:nu°ua Itt stating, inasmuch ae he has-not failed in one ease out of three hundred and fillydbree pa tients. • • . Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast er 'flack, at tended .nth pun, there is notion's to coed this Plaster in antsling relief or *fecund • cant. For lode by 1. Wilcox, corner of DUILINOLLIi and Market Braun di Menet Lcbcrty and St. Clair sla Dr J Sargent Federal st and Dignitond, Alle gheny city Jacques k. Co, 0 Denman and Ditunoid,Dirremg ham. Challonglie ao ti. World. TWENTY.FIVE DOLLARS will be paid to any ono who will produce egret of panne yeah at dry, that cannot be axtratned with lloit's Improved Chemical Soap. I have the taus:Lewinalaying. to toe people of this place, that this article, by my own entyrovement on It, nave mends unrivalled to this country Or eltractlng groom tar. poteh. oil, paint. or any other, greasy sab reton, from all kinds ei 'mum/minds or Indite. c clothing, s carpet*, teblo moths, mentor sheiwts, Indira' bonnets, ho.anthem injuring anything .hut pore Intel will not /mum. blare than one tboovnint persona It different paru of the month have told me they iroldd not be without It / if It Cost one dollar per cake. In trying that :Map on more than 300 ante.; of light ankh Sabo( al. paccsa and calicoce, II have only found Ihietti,ptecca of till, two of alpacas, and loan of calico, eta which it changed the color; therefore before patting toe • light dress try a ample of the drew first I ststedhitt because I sin determined lot to recommend It any Waive, than I trove to be strictly tme. 41 H liars. pncB, rtt et" per ale: Sold, wholetaleiutd retail by E _SE := EIM deal • FL" R—ICO bbl,atm FundFloor zi etse'd and tot sale by pub JO HN 6 'O6OIITH Il A GREATAGREegetritrithad otsliPoilnisdadytnes iad maths Lau Pall.pre p a red •od sold by E itiLy LER& Months' Ilaccrethr, WvisibnoWthlthd Co, P. 4 Jd7l9tb, ISV. B...EoPoiLaw—A lam edttaty Wyatt sad the abets& hoidensoa bald l_iyhtuable testimony ht kr= elyettramtly celebrated User Pith. 1 ham dela Gad doing so icy years, adthriag Marcy Cduckatt's maths, "be mow for are right, !heap athed." Made the ma ay gorpthathois avow : nes Lod qthath, lauded to the Airs, have sunk into &lime ones youirLfrwr. Piib hen beenoirared to th• petiole s and, indeed, 7 Wives they vnll 'sunrise than all? as they are just what you represent, than to ha. I ham been afilicted with Liver Complaint from thy youth; ham seared tow* employed lathy eminent physicians, to whom I paid much Emmen htha lost math hie* been vomited and physicked almost to death; salivated Sor 6 imam, aad finally peen np aa thetstable. la 156.7 I wen induced totuyour Liver Pifis, end SOON GOT W ELL. one boa of which Li stow manna tokeepm.clear of NM in the lids, atrial the other symptom% Sr at lent 19 months. Year Eau am Gm the beet eathamils I ever sued; bean void, not griping ar giving slush sickath. at the stow Nab, Otis give me moth nth! ham kepi them ta my store for 6 sr 7 years; mild hundreds of hones, anti hima tam heard a store comphdat tattered by thy am who has need them. They ham aspereeded almad angry ea*, Fall thus weihborttocd, and is • short dna will boyish them all. earnestly recomosetaid them to all persuos ovedusg physic, whether Sir Liver Complitht or Sidi.. d Pathan. cam , tier them too superior to Calomel or the Blue Pill. Respect- L I AM6III ibis are other Pith befi j sav i e ' ir " publer coils. User PEbtpersoaa who ertht the GEISIGNEthooId o.k for and tabs ith other than them prepared sad KU by E SELLERS, No SI Wood-et between Third sod north Oreetß. 'eta by Dr.Camem.,Lb Wird, DM Craze, Allegheny city, .1 5 r the Water Craws TI=FrrENJY. ` o r the Ins stamens 1.1 thanks to the Mum. of Pnwburgh and Allegheny city for the very liberal wppon and encouragement he has received venhot the 101 l air months. That LIM Wa ter core should ampule * such celebrity, is neither strange nor mystenow,when it is considered War great a number of eases of every variety of diseases, both scale and chrome, have been cared by . ladieioas use of it. In Germany, where it ortgniated, six thoumand of the worst wan, that were given up by the mom skil ful physicians of Europe as inearable, were eared by the unrcional Priesumm, the founder of the Water Core. In England, France and America, thousands of hope less eases have been cured by it,-and the numerous Hydroparhic establiahmems now to spec/meta opera non in the United States, speak volume. to favor of the practice. Dr. klonis baring permanently established himself in the city of Pittsburgh, three doors scull:Me. of Ir win's alley, on Penn street, ts now prepared to take number of boarder' and treat Mein at km bowie, and those who prefer beingtreated at Meir own dvrelltngs, w ill be punctually and ffilthfully Wended. Ile may he consulted at his office from 1 o'clock WI 2 P. M., and from 7 to 10 in the evening. • • N. H.—Every vanety of baths made use of to .he Water cure, both for ladles and gentlemen, pan be ob.• tamed at the Athena:um, on Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for the aromas one of Hy dropaduc panclos, eta where every attention amll be givoe by the polite and attentive proprietors. apltam Great Englloth Remedy. above diseases, io the HUNGARIAN BALSA:II OF LIFP„ discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, et London, Lnigl6id, and introduced into the United Suites ander the immediate superintendence of the niventorir The exuaordmary success of thin medicine, to IX cure of Pulmonary thecae., warrants the American Agent in solthiung for treatment the worst possible ea ses that can be found m the community—cases that seek lief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished physicitheas confirmed and incurable. The Ilungari- an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the most desperate of eases. It ro no quack nostrozn bat a enteulard Eng lab medicine, of known and entabllabed efficacy. Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buoban's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to counteraw the couzumpture tendeneier of the elimeie but to be wed no a preventive medicine in all eases o colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain to the side and cheat. levitation and soreness of the Wage bezektitia, difficulty of breattog. hectic fever, night sweat., emaci ation sod general debility, asthma, iniluenza, whooping cough and croup. °old to Large bottle., at $1 per bottle, with fall dirce- Bons for the restoration of health. • Pasephleta, containing a mass of F.glish and Amyl, eon certificates, and other ondeace, showing the an- equalled merits of all. great English Remedy, may be °blamed of the Agenta, grittnitoasly. For sale by B A FAHNFATOCK t Co., comer of st and Wend and Wood and 6th sta. mart) DK. JAY NEC'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM LP RUM the Rev ANA SHINN, a well known and pop r nom Cierrman of the Protextuntidethodirt Church The undersigned buying been aillieted during the past winter with a disease oldie stomach, sometimes pro ducing post pain in the seciumth for tenor twelve hours without intermission, and alter having tried various remedies with hale effect, was furnished with ■ bottle of Dr I) Jayne's Carminative Balsam. This he suscriac cording to the directions, and boned invariabiy that this medicine caused the pain to abate in three or (oar min vies, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wus al terwurds used whenever indicationsof the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. He minimised to use the medicine every evening and nomenmes In the Punning, and in a few weeks beaks was so far restored, that the sufferer was relies ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. From en pericnce, therefore, he can confidently recommend D D Jayne's Carminative llalsem, as a mititml etdinin for diseases of thestomach and bowels. A SHIN N D - For sale in Pittsburgh at the ei l : l iffnc.rt 7 u-' 7 -1 79 Fourth street, rienr Wood, and also •i the Ding &ore of H F SCHWARTZ. Yedera/ street. Alleietssol Posit, Your Wood. M lll rn o g . t f . .. ,. .S p l ns ß , L , l2 . — v, L r te n a te r r St l rt Las s % , ":2l, and dz want scrofulous complaint In my legs,. and had Teen for some months under the race of phyoclacts. They said nay cue was almost ineugable, and they could do but bale for me. I was nearly helpless, but with the aid of en:itches could with difficelty get about In May last, I purchased of you, and commenced using Flaw 1 . 011 S./...4.1..1. Afire the use of two bottle., the sort. c A2l ommenced healing , and I laid aside my crutch es, using only a cane. I dopensed with my cane, and at the end of the fourth, was se well as to assist al l day in sneartngstheep. to all, 1 used g , . bottles. The scrofulaand sores have all healed up, and since last summer I have seen no appearance or the disease, bin have connnued and eat now, In the moo perfect bealtlifi I state 'nth confidence, hopingthat others may be ben cdtted in the sluts way, that the Sassaparilla sold by you. has been the meson and the only means of Nine, mg the cure. CORNELIUS I. RUSE. Poe sale wholesale and retail, by ddw B. A. FAllNt.ortit,ll & Co. ===l INE PEFLYVAIILILY— Cream de. Amanda Amen:, for thanes; Cream a la Bow, tot shaving; Almoode Cream, do; Superfine Stooge, en Porcelatn stand% Megan' aces R ag a,• perfeteed with Lavender, Angle. tern Niel; Ileanufel powder peff., of all pattern; Embossed toilet boxes, eontatning fragrant extracts for Mr andectehief ; a scent bag, and toilet soaps, sal able lot presents. Parma, or Chmese powder; • lnJian Innetable hair oil, arN ad, to fancy or orltomoo wrapper., Moe locat ed); Jones , %beg Nymph Soaps Boos Lip salve; Shell soap; Soda soap; together, vote a great variety of bee perfumery: test received; for sale by B A FANNWTUCK lc CO Auld cor eth k wood sr. Placciothm Bakal. Vt ESSER. ILIiED & C ' —I feel It • duty I ALL owe to mf fellow creatures, to MID something more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Bahasa. Sines I first asd the jr.l.ftm, about eleven years r , L'vtaracued of :hied[ lon g ., noe a few days since, and In every instance i have used the Balsam atone with complete and rfeet success. It has effected relief and cure in a very few days. It Is certainty a safe medicine. Ido not now that it will cu „ re afixed consumpnon, bra I believe it will be in many eases a provenuve, and prevention is better than cure; I do thenstors, for the love of my fel low men, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam, in all pulmonary complain. I am confident that it hu been the meant of presenring my life to this day. Boston lune 10, '4B. BEN./AIMIN PARSONS 4 Far sale by B A. Falmestock, & Co, corner first and wood and also comer wood and fit& aISI F.LLEK'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRCP.-11 has power to cure! Prrrsarmon, Feb. 14, 1547. R. E. Scturs&—My wife boo for years been subject to a thstreuing cough, ithcompenied with asthma, for the cure of which she used different tough remedies, and had the advice of the most eminent physicians in England, but all was unavailing. By chance I heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy a bottle for tnal, although I had no belief that anything could remove her complaint. To my great surprise, two doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times troubled with a rough, but two teaspoonsful of Syrup always stops IL lam satisfied, atter a trial of three or lour year. diet Seller's Cough Syrup is the bent cough medicine I have ever tried either in the Old or New World. Wu. Fan:Doom, Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. The above certificate should induce all who are troubled with cough or oat ens, to give the Syrup a tn al. It may be had for *5 cents a bottle, at the drug store of R E stma.ests,. 57 wood st Sold by Dr Cal.', Ili vrasd, and D fl Curry, Alle [bony city. pad Patent Block Syria, Trass, EWLY INVENTED—For the toliefloid Permaacm 01 Cure of IIEiLNIA or RUPTURE. (awed to •ll The superior claims of this Truss consist in the emu- Derelict, ens with which it may be wore. The pad of wood belpg heady balanced on spriouv yields to phew tare on any pan of it, and thoroughly adapts [MI( to 'ay movement made by mewester. It can be worn Without ilatewtoseion, until a cure a eifected. Thu sat° settlien have made arrangements for the manatactura al these Valuable Tresses, in • superior Idle, in delputa, and have them now for sate at their Mime, No. 17, hmtth.field or. near ninth. Pntsburga. ((FY). WATT,_ D. W. KAUFFMAN. Q ELLER.W VKR.IIiI.II:6K- - Supenor to any I have A.J ever used." limmusi Tr., Fayette county, Pa, Hatch 4, lb. Mr. KK bathims-1 hereby certify that girl, used your Vermtiuge in toy family. and believe it equal, if superior to any I have ever used. I gave to one of my chtldrcii one dose, which expelled about 00 worm.. Evmhsoa. • Prepared uld sold by R K SELLERS, 67 Wood Bt. Sold by Ur Cassel, 6th Ward; lt 61 Curry Allegheny; W .1 &rush, Teutperaneerille; and P Dray°, Las, yltniGE,3__An aa.enment In.t reed and far sal by crly3 J KIDD & CO PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, PUBLISHED DAILY, TM-WEEKLY R WEEKLY Al dironsausßudidisiss, 34 st, mar As Peat RATES OP ADVERTISING. Wks. One insertion of IS lines or Lela, $0 80 Two insertions without a1terati0n.,.......... 0 75 Three ' 4 ..... ..... 100 One Week to " •••••. ..... 150 Two Weeks " " 2 50 Three '' " " 300 One Month, " 4 OU Two " ii ...• ...... 600 Three " " 760 Er Longer advertismaterits In Mae proportion. One squana,6 months, without alteration,... 10 00 '•" 12 " " .... 15 00 Each additional square for 6 months, ....• • 500 12 " 10 00 One square,6 months, renewable ai pleasure, 15 00 ~ 12 " " " 20 00 Each additional square for l 2 m0nth5.... 4 .,.•. AO 00 Two aquarea, 6 month., rewahle at pleasant, 30 90 Each additional square, 6 months, ..........11 00 WILILLT on TILP•WSRS.LT II DAISY • 0110 square. 3 insertions, 81 50 " " each additional insertion,........ 37 3IIIIIIIIn DRILL'S. Five lines or lea., cue year, ...... 600 " six months 600 " one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 " Biz months " ' 4 00 envnwriatuourrn Inman"' iuts. For 60 lines, er lea, One insertion, go 4 , Two, 4. 076 44 Three, '" 100 " " Three moth., ........ also 4. " 600 Tweiv, o rlo wpoio as
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